i ' : i r j 'j 1 hi 1 : p' I,. Hi i ' 1 I ! " i i i i i. . ShegepttHiran. 1 , ! fltli.r.JFwv .' ! 'P CLEARFIELD, Pa. ; j j', WEDNBSDAT MORNING, Jl'LT 11, 1977. Reader, if 7oi went to know what li going b It the businttt world, Juit read our advertising adumnt, the Sptciml column In particular. MAXIM! FOR THE DAY. No mitfl worthy the office of President should be willing to bold U If counted In, or placed thoro by h; fraud. V. 8. Ukamt. I eoold otror bar been reconciled to tbo ele vation by the tmalleil aid of mine of a person, however respectable In private life, who mutt forever carry upon bis bruw the itauip of fraud tnt triumphant ia Amtrlean history. No sub tequtot actloD, howtvnr meritorious, od weth away tba letters of that record. CuA.ai.ER FtAwrif Adam. Trtdar th formi of law, Rutherford B. Hayes ban been declared President of tba United Stataa. Ills title reitt upon disfranchisement of lawful voters, tha falae certificates of the returning offl. eeri noting corruptly, and tba decision of a oom miiilon which baa refuted to beer evidence of al leged fraud. Fur the flrtt tint are tba American people confronted with tba fact of a fraudulently elected President. Let It not ba understood that tba fraud will ba silently acquiesced in by tba country. Lot bo hour pawlo which tba uturpa tion ia forgotten. A Dimtiis or DlMOCRATIC M. O.'o. One hundred years of human depravity accu mulated and ounoentrated Into a climax of crime. Merer agftio In fire hundred yaara iball they bare an opportunity ta repeat ine wrong. Dani a VY. Yoobdbei. I would rather have the endorsement of a quar ter of a million of the American people than that of tba Louisiana Returntnc Board, or of the Com mission which exclnded tha facta and decided the question on a technicality. TBOl. A. HRHDRICKt, Tho Domocrutio primary election cornea this year on the 15th of Sep tember. Tho Democratio State Convention meota at llarrinburg on Wednesday, the 8th day ol August. RjirRIMKIiTATlVC DlLKOATE. Rob't Mebafley, Esq., of Boll township, was elected liepresontative Delegate by tho lastCounty Convention. His postoffico addross is Bower. , A Vacancv, The death of Mr. Kul- ford causes a vacancy in the office of United States Commissioner for this District Whether tho honors and emoluments will bo conferred on i Camoron or a Hayes man, we aro un able to say, but thoro is an opening for somebody. HtNATOiiiAL Dkleuate. As the Stato Convention comes off on tho 8th of August, it would bo well enough for our friends to cast about for a Sena torial Delegate. Lot tbo Chairmon in tho .throe counticsof tho District move in this matter. Which county is en tilled to that honor T THE EASTERX WAR. The conflict now going on between tho Turks and tho Russians, is at its height. The Danube has been crossed by 1L'S,UUU itussians, who aro now laying waste one of the fairost por tions of the Globo. , So far, in Europo, the Russians seem to have the lead, although they aro tbo invaders; but wo shall be greatly mistaken if tho half of thoir numbor will ever rccross tho Danube, if thoir commander per sists in marching thorn into the inter ior of the Turkish Empire, It is pretty ovidont that the Rus sians bavo met with ft disastrous de feat in Asia. The Turks so completely circumvonted tho Russian forces that they were compelled to abandon the scigo ot Kara, and in their retrograde movements thoy wore attacked by the Turks at ovory point, leaving thous ands of their dead and wounded in the hands ot the Turks, who carried every position tbey attacked. . ' Tbo Charter Oak Lite Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., which has stood high heretofore, sooms to be short only lico million dollar). The Altoona Mirror man remarks : "Not one in a thousand of the readers of Frank Leslie's publications knows that Frank Leslio is a rum de plume, and the proprietor's real name is Hon ry Cartor.". A Queer "Govirnment." Ex-Gov ernor Chamberlain says that Hayes is nothing bnt "a maze of subterfuges, contradictions, falsehoods, fallacies and inanities." Why, what an awful long name this bloody shirt champion gives our "government." A Mabkeo Change. We notice that some persons who waved the bloodiest kind of a bloody shirt last full, don't proposo to wear that gar ment any longor. They bavo discov ered that ft rcl'ugo of lies amounts to nothing w hen substituted lor the truth. A Bid Man. Tho Philadelphia TVmen says: "Hayes is a bigger man than Blaine and Gail Hamilton together, even in -New England, and had bo re mained ft few days longor he would havo bad Mr. Blulno completely cnt out," whilo Gail would bavo boon sent adrift. She may anyhow. . w uat A Hill, Senator Ben Hill, of Georgia, in alluding to "the gentle man from Maine," says: "I think 1 know the man. Ho has a tongue that never tires j an ambition that never sloops; ft lac that nover blusbos, and ft conscience that never hesitate.' Bon pictures lllaine pretty well foi i stranger. f ameren will not be ohlo to tied a lioile mem her of tbo Letlilatore IB llradford or 6uono- honna eoontnt Hit foil. Arwdora AepoMicHa, inaaitai.j The licllolonto Watchman doubles up on his Bradford cotomporary In this way: "He may not elect them, but, if thoy aro th usual kind of mom- ben the iiadioaJs from that section of the Slate generally send, we'll bot our last copper that ho'll buy them." - -. . i Beheaded. Judgo Walt, of Car- lislo, who lias prosided over the Agri cultural Department, at Washington, lor many yean, has bad bi boad llayr A off, and ft "badger" named IVoDuck, iVnra Wisconsin, has been appointed in bis stead. Th anti-Cam-oron pruning knil li evidently being utilized in this Stat by th "civil ser vice" reformers I II A XE& XE W DEPA R TV RE "Tho government," which hi o bountifully kentowed gill on "the loyal million!" for the put BfVwn yeura, teema to think it Decennary to call ft. halt and bike now departure. The line Mr. Ilayea propose to adopt ia very plainly laid down In the Allow ing card which bus been issued from the White House: KiioTTtm MiRiion, o, o. tun .---a' f tha Secretory or the Treasury on tfa. eoaduet to b observed by pBwn of lot Uenernl Uovera moot io relettoa to tbo elections: "No officer should be rtqulrt J or permitted la toko port la tb. nioo.ff.oi.il t of political organisations, oea ousee, conventions, or election eempeigns. Tboir r.gtii to vol. and I. aipresa tbeir views oo pen ile quo.tioa., eitbor orally or through th. press, It Bot dented, provided It doot oot lotorf.r. witb tho dltrbtrgt of tholr ofloiol datlm. No oitttt- meat IvT polillokl purpoMt od oBotrt tbould bo olltwed." Tbit role ft opplieoblt to over, de portment of tbo 0l.ll trrioe. It iboald be 00 drstoi.d bv overj offlcer of tbo U.ot.rol Uorero airnt Ibit ho it expected to ooDform bit oondoet to Its rcqalreBeott. itrj riiuilyt u. o. . lUr.i. That document baa produced a "loyal yell" that has drowned out every "rebol yell" botween tho Poto- mao and tho Rio Grande. Soma of the Radical leaders go so far aa to say that this ukass will break up every Radical organization In tho Southern Sluton, because but few except office holders compose such organizations. This is certainly stabbing ono in the bouse ot his frionds. But then it is not our funeral, and It U on t par with the movement to rid tho country of Mollio Maguiroism. When our boo- tion is rid of this organization and the South of carpot-bagism we will bavo pcaco and prosperity in both sections. They aro tho children of tho samo paront, and wore raised m ignorance, and grow up to be bigots and tree-boot- ers. The rottenness in our our social and governmental system was not in fused into the body politio by Domo crutio teachers, but by tho "moral idea" advocates, who have oontrollod everything, and now moral and finan cial bankruptcy stares us all in the faco. Tbo harvert is hero. It is good thing for tho country that Hayes has taken this step. U will be tho last of him and his party. Itwasonly a question of time which should go un der tho country or the Radical party. Mr. Hayes, having struck a blow for tbo former, has saved all. Brimstone in the air. A Times interviewer called upon Christian Eneass, Chairman of the Radical city Committee of Philadelphia, a fow days oftor Hayes' "civil sorvice" card ap peared, and he expressed himself in this way to the reporter ; "If it hadn't been for the offlM-boldert Doyto wooliln't be Pretident to-dey. Thing, bare eome to a pretty part when tbo people who elected him bore vitiier to get oat of politlst or oot of fileoe. My opinion of Her-oa ! that ho It play ing the oml-acrviee doJge, which it popolar Norlh, for th. pnrpo.. of withdrawing attention from hit Houthera polioy. Ue know, the politt olana in bit party ara again.! him. I propose, at the titBlo Convention to be held in Auguit, to offer rcolutioni deoooncing the policy of Ruth erford fi, Heytv, and from the Information 1 have from reliable persona all over the State, I have no doubt of tbeir aloptien. I have no doubt but that Mr. Ilaye.' object la to surrender the Kepoblicon party iato the handa of a few torehfailt and laibeeilet, who have boea training with lLo lieiooereue party. But in tbit bo will oot be tucce.sful. The Hepublioen party tar vived tLt treason of Andrew Jobnaoo, aod I have not the slightest doubt that it will ootliva the imbecility of Kntherford B. Uaysa." "Addition, division and silence" Kemble, and ft number of othor party loaders, expressed thomsolvos equally as emphatic as Mr. Kncass, and if we aro not mistaken that the men who elected Hayos, or at loast carried this State for him last fall, will denounce him openly in thoir approaching State convention, and it will thorelore be come the duty of the Democrats, as on former occasions, ,to take caro of "the government" when assailed by open encmios. Our party friends sav ed the country in the days ot Tyler, r ill more and Johnston, and we have no doubt but that thoy will support Hayes also, provided be adopts the Constitution and his oath of offlco as his guide. Bull-Dozino. Blaine and his but ties bad sent over the wires from Wash ington, on the 3d inst., tbo following: Frlendl of Mr. Blaine In tbit tltr nay that hit areh at Wood.toek, Coao., to-morrow will be an emphatic arraignment ar tbe adminiatratioa for lit abaadonmeot, ma it ia termed, of tbe party which placed it in power. In view of the nn eoeincs prevalent in the party very generally inrougQou! ine oonncry, 1 1 it not Improbable that this speech, If carried oat to the eiteot intimated by Mr. lilaina'i friende, will at anoe eryeulliio the dissatisfied element! into organised opposi tion. Such an "arraignment" as It turned out to bo 1 If a criticism, and a very cheap ono at that, of President Polk's administration was an "arraignment" of Hayos, then all right. But if Blaine's speocb is to be taken for an exhibition of statesmanship, then we say, "from all such, good Lord, deliver us," and as for being the next President, that is about as likoly as for the wator in the Susquehanna tj run up hill. i 1 Drt Up. The Philadelphia Mm, in alluding to Hayes' order, want no doubting Thomases about. Tbe editor in question remarks: "Those persons who express the opinion that the Re publican party' cannot be conducted successfully without the assistance of tbo Federal o6Rco holdors ought to ask thomsclvcs bow tho Democratic party contrives to win with considera ble frcquoncy without such help." To which the DoylcsUmn Democrat ro- marks: "Oh, yes I but then wo know thoro is a wido difference between the parties. Tho Republicans aro held to gether by the 'cohosiveness of public plunder,' whilo tbo Domocratio is party of principles. Of course it holds togothor without the aid of offico holders." Political Aoont. Hayes' recent card torment some loyal mon exoeed ingly. To illustrate: The Postmaston at Lock Havon and Bollofonte are Chairmen of their respective Radical county Committees, and according to Hayes "civil sorvice" order, thoy must rorign either the latter or tb lormor ofllc. The Watchman tickle tb P. M. at Bollufonto in this way s II It not oiactly knows yet whether Mr. John i.unonon, ot inn place, will resiga bis politico aa Mr. llayea' Postmaster, or tho other "posish" that ha occopiea that of Chairmen of Mr. Cam eron's county CommitUe. Th. aeonl. m il- log aoiiouily ta ceo, and la the meantime tba geaeral Impreitlon ia that Is oSee ho will bo witb llayea, is spirit and sympathy with Can- Hbo Knows? What will become of those gontlomen who remain in tin country this season, who have boon gadding around with Grant for the past eight years T Th aforesaid I off snobbing with tb "blooded stock" of England, while Childa, Drexol and Bon ar dill in Yankee land. We wonder whether they tr bappy, or whether th ex-Government write to them In relation to th fun b ha abroad Instead of at Long Branch. "CIVIL SERVICE I" A XI) PO LITICAL BILLS MIXED. We elsewhere give Hayes' new oivil service order, and to oompleto the picture we present the reader with another document bearing upon tbo mime question, issued by the Radical Executive Committee, of Philadelphia, and which made its first appearance in the Sunday World, the proprietor of which, being a member of the Com- "6 "" UI.IIUU . If S.OI1U ARTBM RSOUBLICAS Cltf Gboto.l Coobittob. Wo oddrooe tbit. the letre! Botlee. ia record to tho ftoo-pwyoml of year atttemtei for the Feb nor. eeoapeigo. e"e toero hen or tbo Committee Bra Ihreatea ed witb toita ea eoeouat of tba Cveioiiriet. a'.ert. hieh eoa oil be oalitfted If the aaeottmeau levied ore Boa- paid. H it oaroottlv hoped the! 70a will remit tbo aaoont b. or before the ISth of July tr the mooev it oof paid 07 toot citae, the Beomtarv It authorrtod to poblith a lltt of all delioqoentt. and alto pott them ia promtBent placet of retort for ftepublieaa partltaot. wa trait that oa will aot allow year Bane ta appear OB tbo blook lltt at a delloquoBl. V ary retpociieiiv year., Haaav DiBonia, ' Tbomao J.gBlTfl, Wo. K. Liana, Hbbbt 0. Dl'BLar, W. M. Tiri.nt, Fioaaeo Committee. By toadlng amoont la eaeloied aavalope, Toe will receive receipt by retora mail. neipeeiiBiij it. u. vublap, - Secretary Vlnaaoa Oommittea. No. 411 Library Street. AetoMneat II. What conclusion the reader will ar rive at after perusing the two sage Stato documents In question, we aro not prepared to even conjecture. But to our mind it is perfectly clear that the "Great Fraud of 1876," aa Jndge Black entitles it, is working out its true mission more fraud and tho men at tho bead of publio affairs in Washington and Philadelphiaare about as well fitted far the dutioe assigned them as Satan would be to manage a monastery or ft camp-mooting. And tho sin lios at the door of those Bishops and Priests who have so frequently repaired to Washington during the past fifteen years, and there in tholr clerical way helped the dirtiost noli ticians of any age to wash the filthiost linon that ever straddled a government clothes lino. A Neoeo Graduate. The "loyal millions" will no doubt rejoice whon they learu that after ten years' effort, on tbo part of the government officials, philanthropists, negroes and abolition ists ono "colored brother" has been milled through West Point, and com missioned a Lioutonant. Ilia name is Flipper, and be bails from Georgia, and is the only "gentleman from Africa," out of twenty-two whoontor- ed that made the landing. The class numbered seventy-six, at the head of which stood Wm. M. Black (white) ol Pennsylvania, while Flipper stood No. 60, Ben. Butler's son 54, Ex-Mlnistor Bigclow' son 46 and Frank Blair' 16. It will be observed that Flipper and Butler's merits are about the same a strange family resemblance in this particular. An exchange says : "When if came to giving out the diplomas, as the colored youth stopped forward and received tho diploma with ft dignified bow, Gen. Sherman clapped bis bands approvingly, and bis example was at once followed by nearly all tbe visitors and offlcors present, until there was almost ft universal round of applause. Flipper, it is needless to say, was not even seen to blush, but be acknowl edged tho compliment by modestly in clining his head. He was tbe only cadet applauded." Well, why should "white trash"be applauded in a country ruiod by knaves and demagogue. We move that Flipper bo re-baptized and called Flipper Sherman hereafter, in honor of the General. Electriftino. The Radical party in Maryland I divided into two con tending factions. Cresswell, Ex-Postmaster General leads one of the wings, and Fulton of the mrTt'mit, the other. A perfect war was carried on in the Cuslom House, in Baltimore for over two woeka, when Fulton finally pre vailed on Hayos to kick Crosswell's man, Wilkins, out and put his man, Thomas, in. Wilkins was appointed by Grant less than year ago, and is therefore turned out of pasture when at it full growth and is of course good and mad. Fulton put a clause in his lettor to Hayes which roads aa fol low : "If tha President will promntlv make tha appointment of Maryland that have been suggested to bim by Mr. Thomasand myself, it will electrily the whole State, and 1 promise him in return the election of a reform candidate for Mayor next fall." It ia no wonder Hayes and his Cabinet are keeping np constant bub-bub over the appoint ment of tbeir subordinates if tbey rely upon such thin promise a that made by Fulton. But fow of th present generation will be around when the Radical tickot I elected In "My Mary, land." TriE Great Fraud. Judge Black' review of th act of th Louisiana Returning Board and the Commission is out, and will be read by million. The compound truths ha altera will furnish tbe future historians of our oountry with the brightost pages on Record. We proposo to publish tho document so that our readers may bo ablo to realize jut how tbe great fraud wa oonsumated. It will take two issuos ol tbe Republican to con tain the whole of it, but the truth be ultors are so orthodox, that every- body shonld be in possession of the review so as to learn bow wickodmen assail the Tory temple of liberty when thoy obtain power. That wo escaped a revolution is a miricle, and that we are to-day ft government I wholly at tributable to tbe action of Domocratio statesmen who preferred to be choated rather than have the government over thrown by the human devil who had crawled into power everywhere, and oquipped for plunder. TJnhappt Bonn. Tb handwriting on th wall ba on iormor occasion alarmed Radical, bene the wait sot up by that class ot editors who are ex pressing well-feigned alarm lest the South tak tha Speakership of tbe next house. This Is miserable cry ot sectionalism that finds nosympatby In th National Democratic party. Tha Democrat of tb next Congress will solect for Spoakor the man whom thoy regard ft In all respect boat qualified for th position without re spect to geographical degree of latl lode and longitude. There ar no sections in th Democratic part. Th South wa mad "solid" by th oppre. ion aod folly ot Republican adminis tration, and It will remain solid to pre vent ft repetition of Republican Iniquity. FtisiniNTlAL Visits. The Phila delphia Timet, in alluding to the recent visit of "thogovernment" to "Boating" says : "Of tha elthtoea PrettJeBIl before Ueyei Bine of tbem vitlovd New bjogleod wbile to oBioe. Throe of them tbo two AJamooo aad IMarM were retldoli of New Keflaad, and aeme aod wentwltbwateeremoay, tare on ipeelal oooBtiooti Ibo other alt pold omoleJ vleitt. Watbioftoa woat iwiee ta Kit aad Ibe yeor Bflrr bin 0OTOBipeDid by Jtff.rteo. Secretary of State, oo hie OMund vi.il freeident Meoroa, ia 1117, made the lonfett tear of New Kogland over made by a Prttidest. aad woe received ia Kkode Jobatoa and Uraot. Jeokaoa woat jaei after tbe overthrow of oalliAaatioa, at tba begloalog of his secoad adiaiaistratiea, and wat areompaoiW by Vie. PrMideol Von Murea and every member ar tbe CoblneL (looeral Cbm. then eWetary of War, did most of tha speaklog, Uraot woat rftenar than aay oaa else, bet sner the anfortu nala publication af his wlna bilil by oaa of the f opera, aod the aubsequent comment, Vice resident Wilson aadly remarked : "Yea will never fet the ,fiiltl u tome to ,Bou-e agata." The jok I now on Ilaye. Al though ft pronounced Murphy, bis wine bill, when taking into account the tact that everything is nearly at half ratoj, wot bighor than Grant' ; notwithstanding the fact that loss than three thousand malo woman and cler gymen petitioned the Mayor of Boston to exolude wino from the government feast. For assumed candor and prac tical thinness in morals, New England always comes out ahead. A Tidal Indicatob. Tbe "trus In wardness" (as Boecbor term revolu tionary sentiment) was Indicated by tbo people of Charleston, South Caro lina, on the 27tb of June last. An In vestigation by tbe Legislature of that State established the fact that the seventeen Radical memben of tbo lower House, have all boon liko Hayes, "oounted in." The scats of those mem ben wore declared vacant and ft new oloction ordered, which was held on the day above indicated. The Demo crats nominated fourteen white men and three negroes, ail heavy taxpay ers, and tho result was their triumph ant election. Tbe Radical icaliwag mado a proposition to the Democrats, previous to the election, to put joint ticket in th field, embellished with twelve Democrats and five Radicals, but the former declined. The result was the latter could notmustor decent men enough to form a ticket and when eloction day came, whito and black voted for tho Democratio nomincos. It was the quietest election that has occured in that city since tbe close of tbe war. Hates' "Fiddle Sticks". The Har- risburg Telegraph, Senator Cameron's home organ, the editor of which is also Postmaster, in alluding to the re moval of Judge Watts, dispose of "the Government" in this way: If there cu ono mts Is tba denartaoat de voted ta bit official dnllea one mao stteative ta all applieaate oaa man wha book at part la party political If Oram had aa aprirht, diligent, eniiem.n in nil wnoit service, odae Watte. We knew him well. aad knew hit department welt, aad, ia aor opin ion, it wat better managed, and mora for the tlllera of load In tba United Butet, from the orange arahardt af Florida la tba nine forest! of Maine, than it will aver b. aador Mr. Hayet' civil atrvioa Sddlo-tllokt. Thit it a ilear eate of removing las most competent man to sun a political frioad. ll.yee and hit policy aad bit reform bah I That editorial Postmaster bad better take care how he "fiddle-sticks," or he might have ft "Key" sent him from Washington, which will close the Post- office and allow him to go on ft farm ing expedition with Judge Watta. - Decatino Patriotism. We notice that ft large number of tha young men who have graduated at West Point, nd ftt tbo i,'vl Academy, at Annapolis' lately, resign soon after graduating. This may be all right. But it seem hardly fair that the gov ernment should educate, at the ex pense of the taxpayers, ft lot of select young men, while the groat majority must educate themselves. Is It a cheap dodge only to get a son educated at the publio exponse ; or an acoident that thoy do not remain in tbeir regi mentals f It looks like dirty work, but the partios may be moved by pa triotic motive still. Feasted Too. Tbo information com- ing to this country, that Grant was being dined and wined by tbe English aristocrats, Uayo wa bound not to bo behind. So "the government" en gineera blocked out a trip fur him through Xew England, and so made a run to tha hub (Boston) of the Uni verse, where tbe aforesaid were foasted equal to Grant, Somotbing loss than three thousand clorgymon and temper ance women, petitioned tha Mayor of Boston, not to give the Hayes party any intoxicating drinks, but his honor informed them that tbey wore entitled to all tbey could drink, or word to that effocL RxTnEE Annotino. It seems that some of tbe loyal Postmasten are greatly annoyed about the department of the "Confederate Brigadier," who holds the Key to th PostoSlce Depart mcnt, and who is just now engaged in (ending out Hayes oivil service card, to the aforsaid. Well, It was ft little rough on the "loyal millions" when Hayes sent for ft Gonfodorat to help him to inaugurate a "reform within the party," "controlled by grand moral ideas." But there is no remedy now, only to grin and bear, or resign, and thorcby fre one' self f,om th grasp of an rebel. - The Exchange Bank of Titusville olosod it doors on Friday last to go into liquidation. Tbe bank was badly crippled in 1873, but has been ondeav- oring to pay off it old liabilities and to establish itsolf upon ft solid basis The task was too heavy, and it has yiolded to fate. The liabilities are ea- timated at 1150,000; asset immedi. ately available, 1100,000; assets avail able in th future, not known, bntoon iderable. R, W. Mackey and W. H Kemble, both ex-State Treasurers, are stockholders and may be of consider ble comfort to depositors, nnder th individual liability clause. Likely. It is announced from Washington that Haye will be given th cold shoulder at tha approaching Kadical Convention in tht Blat. Pennsylvania not having a member In th Cabinet, tb InUrest of "tbe gov ernment" may be overlooked on that occasion. A Cabinet Minister, even oould not aav low from falling Into tb band of the enemies ol th admin, istratlon. "Tb Big Injun," ia what they sail th 3,500 barrel oil'wall at Bullion Run, Clarion county. Afterthe 3,000 drops off, what will ah be call then. Re member tbat th "Big Medicine" well which emptied oot 8,000 barreUayear ago, now produce lea than 800. Ho Mori Fish bt Mill.. The Pott master General has decided that no more fish, either fresh or smoked, can be sent by mail. It appears that some dealers in the Atlantic Slates forward cd to their customers in Ariaona sev eral packages of smoked flub, but wtothor cod, halibut, salmon or good red herring, the report does not aay. Tha content of these packages offend ed the olfactories ol the mall contractor, Washington that th Postmastor Gen eral might smell thsro himself. The contractor said that ho did not object 1 to carrying pistols, clothing, knivoa, tmki, spoon., shoes or other fancy goods, but h did object to oil, molaa a, and especially fish. A Coincidence. Th Philadelphia Times, in alluding to practical affair, remark : "The man who ba just been appointod Postmaster at Columbus, Ohio, ft the successor of that distin guished patriot, General Comly, is named Iiodgor. The similarity of namos will probably indue people to beliov that the Postmastor at Colum bus and tbe President's Private Secre tary are in some way related which is the truth. These mon are brothors and tbey ara ft living notice to tbe country that nepotism Is played out." A copy ha been made of the pay certificates fortbe Forty-fiffh Congress, as furnished by Clerk Adam to Ser- goant-at-Arms Thompson, and consti tuting bis voucben in acoount witb tbe United State Treasury, and given to some Republican papers as tbe roll of tbe next bouse made out by Adams, Tbe list shows ft Domocratio majority of sixteen, witb seven members to boar from. No further change have been made, and none will bo until the tirao comos for making up th roll. . Radical Crowing. All our itadi cal exchange have been milling ont this squib for a month past: "Benater Dawct, af Masiuhoietts, aaya that wa have reached tha bottom plank io ear bard timee, aad he predlota a wendtrfal revival af the batineat Internal! tbit fail. Wc have now for tha Brat lima in twelve or Bp.eon years solid val uat to optrate OB, Bad aur pregraat from thit CB will Be inbilanllei aa well ai rapid. That sams Radical rooster has boon giving us tbe samo crow sinco Janu ary, 1874, and we presume the aame crow will continue wbile tbo times are still becoming tighter. A Failure. Nearly ovory Federal office-bolder in Iowa, we road, wa on hand at the Republican Slate Conven tion on Wednesday, and ovory blessed one of tbom laboring to stivo tbe ad- ministration from a slap In the fao. Tbey did not have iafluonce enough to make their point, however, and will now be permitted to 0 borne and re flect upon the Presidont' little ordor. It may aav them unnecessary trouble in tho future. Philadelphia Times. Tb following is a list of the new monoy order office created in this State: Rath, Northampton county; Berwick, Columbia county ; California, Washington county ; Cardville, Wash ington county; Centralia, Columbia county ; Driftwood, Cameron county ; East 8mithfield, Bradford county; Lnndy Lane, F.rln county; Mill VII lage, Erieoonnty; Mifflinsburg, Union county ; Spnngdalo, Allegheny county, West Springfield, Erie county. A Little crook iD. The spirit of Hayes' card 1 somewhat blurred from tha fact tbat hi Secretary ot War, Geo. W. McCrary, made pilgrimage to Iowa and attempted to control the action of th Radical Htato Conven tion. Tbat step is a discount on oivil sorvice reform. Because, if the mem ber of the Cabinet do not keep their fingen out of the political pie, the boy ill not. Hence the "government" order will fall to the ground. , Dirtt Fellow. Those two cele brated political tramps, tbe carpet-bag Ex Governor C hamberlain, of South Carolina, and tho sunstruck Senator Blaine gave llayea Hail Columbia oo tho 4th, at Woodstock Connecticut. Chamberlain waded into "tha govern ment" waist-band deep, bnt Blaine dotlgod and abused Hayes indirectly by attacking President Polk' Moxican War Policy of thirty yean ago. Good Time. Notwithstanding tbe stay law, an exchange say: "The Sheriff's salo on Monday waa tha big gest evor held in Philadelphia, carrying out the predictions ot Judge Kelloy that "the rod flag would yet hang out from every other doorpost" Over six hundred properties fell under the ham mer and it wa not until half past ton o'clock at night tbat th auctioneer cried tho last tloing, going, gone I' " "Bot'Plat." A oouploot ten year old boy residing near Lancaster, wbile playing with a pistol tb other day had th instrument to go off, the ball entering tbe right ey of on of them. Th parents had tbeir only son transformed into a corpse within an hour afterwards. Tb parents are more at fault in case of this kind than th children, i -. "Ed." Overboard Hon. Edward HcPherson, Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing of the Treas ury Department ba rasignod bi posi tion as member of tbe Republican Stat Committee for Adams county. Ho Is thorofora lint to fall nnder Hayos' "civil" card. It is ft wondor bo did not resign bi Bureau offloe, A cotomporary say : Tb Ropnbli cans of Trumbull county, Ohio, roost dangerously high. At a convention tb other day thoy emphatically and evidently without fear declared that it ia Inexpedient at this tim to ftdopt a platform. Tbi party is so intclloctu ally heavy tbat it will probably break tb fonos down. Wm. Lloyd Garrison, tba notorious Knglisb Abolitionist who ba been dis tracting this country for forty yoan, with British gold and hi Abolition harangue, I now In England bolng toasted by bis loreign confederate, who care about a much for tha negro now a they do for ft sucked orange. A Bad Fit. Tbi thing ot lauding Hayes to tb sky in New England, and repudiating bim in Iowa and other Western Stales look lik"reggod edge" work to a. Probably It I all right and ia only new way of expressing tb true inwardness of tbeir party feel lag toward their beloved eh let. THE 0 HEAT STORM. Tho tornado which passed across tho Conlinunt from the west to tho east on Saturday, the 30th of Juno, and on Sunday the 1st of July was ono of tbo most lerrifllc in its elloets on lifo and property Known to the present gener ation. In the west It was portiiulary severe. In a number of instances bouses wore torn to pieces, and whole families of six and eight ponton, killed. Churches and school houses suffered the moot. Ts storm seems to have f ritlay lit. et:u ulv., and putwo through bora about midnight on Sat urday, and (xbausted'its lores in aew Hampshire, on Sunday afternoon, where it seemed to havo boea a se vere aa in Kansas and Indiana. Tho damage in its routo across this Slate waa not very great except in the Chester Valley, where eyo witnesses, who were just outsitlo ol the track ol the tornado doscribo it asa dark cloud of smoko in the shape of a funnel, boroing like an augur; drawing into its vortex troca, timber, houses, bams, cattle, f;rain, and whatever else was found in ts path. An eye witness residing nonr l arks- burg, on tho Pennsylvania rail rood, Id miles below Lancaster, lays : 1 be Ural building struck ana destroy ed waa that of Wayne Woodland ; the barn and outbuildings were utterly de molished and tho bouse unroofed. A fine field ol wheat, noarly ripe, the pro perty of Frank Paxton, was torn up by the root and not a stalk lelL The field bad tho appearancoofbaving been lately plowed. His apple orchard was also destroyed. In it course tho hur ricane struck a piece of woods, through wbteb It plowed a clean passage, car rying off all tbo tree it destroyed, A large burn on the property of J. Mur phy was totally destroyed, as was also that ol Z. It. i oung, near Parksburg. W'ben tho storm approached that vil lage it seemed to train renowod strength. Just before entering the town it cross ed the Delaware Utty and romoroy Railroad, tearing from tho track the rails for a distance of nearly one hun dred yards, which it twisted a if they wore straws. It caught the railroad bridge which spans Buck crook (it was 100 feet long) and throw it into an ad joining fiold. In the town it blow down several bouses, among which were the tine new residence of uooriro Paxton. of Delaware City, and the building of namuoi jaexson. A numbor ot bouses were unroofed and several persons in jured. A stranger was caught upon its angry surface and carried two miles, lie bad his jaw fractured and was badly hurt, both externally and internally, and it is feared be cannot recover. In East Fallorfiold township it de stroyed bouse occupied by a colored woman namod Mary Ann Hopkins, killing ber almost instantly by forcing one of her ribs through her heart. She had in the bouse her three Chil dren, all of whom are missing, and it is feared that they wore carried off by th whirlwind. In the neighborhood ofStotlsvillo it destroyed a large amount oi property, among wbicu was a very fine apple orchard on the estate of Doc tor Murphy. The trees were literally torn up by the root. Not one appears to have escaped. At Ercildoun it truck the young ladies' seminary, the property of Mr. Richard Darlington, and the roof ot the building wa torn off and tba east wall thrown down. A lew and mora commodious building which was in course of erection was utterly destroyed. Stock suffered very much. A number of .horses and oows wore killod and ft still largor quantity seriously injured. At Marehaltown it demolished several barns and tore the root from tbe residence of Joseph Mar shall, Esq. When crossing the Bran dywin creek it lucked np its waters, leaving the bed of tbe stream dry for a fow minutes. . After it struck the eastern bills of the creek it weakened, having spent its lorce in tbe distance (in this county) of about sixteen miles in length and two hundred fewt in width. Scarcely any of its effects wore felt in West Chester, although oak and chestnut boughs were seen flying over the town. In the limit of the tornado it appears there was hardly any rain, mil on me outer edges it was escorted by a fearful rain and hailstorm. Some of the hailstone that fell in the neigh borhood oi otottsvillo mearturod six inches in circumference, and a lance quantity was picked np about the size of shelled walnut. In West Chester they were about tho size of hickory nuts. The storm has done considera ble damage to tbo wheat, oats and corn, and those fiolds that wore elruck by it aro ft total loss. Rondout, N. Y., July 2. A dispatch from Marlborough, Ulstor county, says that place was visited yostorday after noon by terrific storm of tbundor and lightning, wind and rain, by which groat damage was dono. Fences, barns and outbuildings wore blown down and shoep and cattle killed. A house own ed by Patrick O'Brien was dostroyed. Much damage wa done to tbe fruit trees. Tbe amount of tha losses is as yet unknown. Keeni, N. H., July 2. Late Sunday aftornoon a tornado struck the woods in Surry, passed through the south part ot Gilsum and spent itsolf in Sul livan. Twenty barns and sheds were blown down in Gilsum, and chimneys, timber and fruit tree were prostrated. Tbe school bouse was taken np and turned round. In Sullivan, bouses and barns were unroofed and othor damage was dono. The fore of the tornado is easily imaginod whon we take into account tbe fact of the treatment of the rail road track at Packsburg. Tb toar ing up of the track and twisting of the iron rails as so many straws brings to the mind lorce tbat ia past conception leverage never accomplished by the acta ot man. Sueoical Operation. On th lath of June, at the Hot Springs, Arkansas, an operation was porformed on the ion log oi John n. Duncan. Mr. Dun can, when he went to the Springs ft montn ago, nau no nao or his imt lee, as it waa drawn np so that the calf almost touched tbe thigh. In Order to avoid permanent lameness, and straighten tbe log, tb doctor decided to break the leg in as many places as waa necessary, and on the day mon tioned chloroform was administered, and th operation performed. The leg was broken entirely off in three places and straightened, and at last acconnt Mr. Duncan was doing well. Th only danger waa from mortification, but by groat oara, it wa hoped at last accounts tnat tbe danger was past, and mat no further trouble would b ox periencod. iS'Adrca 7Ymri. ' ' Mrs. Josephine A., widow ol tbo late D. C. Byerly, formerly editor of th N. O. Bulletin, died at Now Orlean on th 11 lb of June, aged forty -six yoan. Sine th (hooting of ber husband by it armoum, she nevor recovered tram th shock of that terrible oalamity and gradually sank a total wreck In health until death released ber from th bar den of ber lile, while the murderer ol ber husband recently was married to a wealthy lady in New Jersey, in all the splendor of what I falsely so-called high lifo. Tim and death will make all thing even and then the judgment At Carlisle, several day aeo. Mr. Samuel Wert noticed a hawk attack young turkey and commono devour ing it 11 at onoo got hi musket, loaded it and fired at tbe hawk. Whil in lb aot of doing ao, however, th firearm exploded, th stock linking bim in th face, breaking bis jaw In tb oentar, dotaehing a portion ot tb bone witb four of th front lower teeth, breaking off thre or four of lb upper teeth, and stunning kits. A New Candidate. Wa learn trom tbo Euston Sentinel thut General Da vis, of the Doylestown Democrat, has placed biuiseli Id tho bauds of the Amor lean Lecture Bureau and will lecture next season. He has spent several month in the preparation of ft lecture on "Tbe Halls of the Montezumas," consisting of Moxican pictures, em bracing tb career of Cortez from his landing to the capture of the Azleo e-w'vrf, 'fW ) 4 a.'.' ' General Davis. He ia a gentleman of culture and decided oratorical talent. A Queer Compliment. The New York, Herald correspondent at Berlin telegraphs tbat Emperor William of Germany, hearing a report that Mr. Washburn bad resigned as United States Minister to France, has ordorod tb painting of a lifo aized portrait of himsolf for tb purpose of presenting it to tba Minister in recognition of tho distinguished serviooa ho rendorad to Germany during tbe Franco-German war. How will thoFronchmon relish this compliment paid to a Plenipotentiary for furnishing somucb gratitude to the enemy T e a Tui Ox Froo Fable. Tha Bute of Rhodo Island felt a large as Penn sylvania, or any othor Stato, on tho 28th nit. Thore was room enough on tbe territory of tbat Commonwealth on that day to dino and wino the Hayos troupe, all on one day. Tbo Empire Stato could do no more. Provi dence favored the company, and Hayes and hia suite gobbled np tho wine as though New England contained no Murphys. t an ' The Atlanta(Ga.) Constitution wants Ohio to put in motion "that long-expected tidal wave, which will surely come and bless the whole country in 1880." This is a timely request; but it should not bo forgotten that tho tidal wave came last fall, and that which is most wanted now ia a method to prevent tbe Republican stealing its blossings. A BUK-AWAr.-Ik.r.bf Motion til por J.V. iODi avgltirt duliBg with or training B. Frank Ctnngtor of Bogjt twp., en mj neeuant. lit hM dot (ltd my foot without my Jmt etutt, tnd I ta dtttrmintd to ptj tuj debt of bit eontrtet.ng after tbit dtt-t, ond thote wht trait or harbor him. mty bt at! ltd upon for n tttU. mrmt with m at ttno fatr tint. VALBNTINK (iEARHART. Wtit tooatnr, July 11, 1I7T It A.OMINIMTItATOR'8 1KOTICE. Notloo it bortltjr gifto tbat Lttra of AdminiitTf lua on tht MUU of JOHN HiUH, Uto of Knot towDibip, Cltarfltld county , Pa., dte'd, having boea duly grantod to tht undr ifntd.all ptrttni indtbttd to taid tiUto, will iitato ntbo ..wod.att paymtnt, nod thoie ha. at tit. ow or detvaadi a-lil prttttt Ibrm uroparl tbtntienttd for Mttltatni witboot deity. JUIlal W. I1.IJU, Now Millport Jtly 11, 77-6t. Ada'r. A NEW DEPARTURE LI THEIISBI RC. DtrtafUr, gooli will ho Mid for CASH only, In tirhaoct for pradtwa. No boofcl will bo kopt la tho fatart. All U nocoanU mati bo wttltd. ThoM who taanol oath op, will ploato band oror tbeir nott and CLOSE TEE RECORD. t am. detavmlBCQ ta aett my aeons at cut prleee, aad at a dioeoont far Blow tbal aver offered ia Utts viotoitv. The dioeoont I allow my eastomera, will makelham rich In twrntv yenrsU Utty follow my ndrie. and Boy their roods from mo. I will pay aaah for whaat, oeta nod elovar- . Vaft 1Kb OUUUoAAUfiK. . Lntneraborf, Janaary 17, 1 BT7. RF.POHT of tbo condition of Ibe COUNTY NATIONAL BANK af Clearleld. at Clear field, is tba State of Ponasylvnnia, at tfaw close of bealneaa oa JaM 23, 1877: BBIOCBCBB. 1oani and diseonntl. H ...!!, .. , ... 7J ,704 41 :- 41 ,000 00 ! tl 940 04 .ill 11 ,S70 J7 ,408 .11 Overdraft! U. B. bonda to eeeore eirenlatloB Other Btoeks, boads, aad mortgaKOB... i. . t Doe from approvod reserve ee;flate... Doe from other National Batiks Doe from State Banks and Bankers.. Real aetata, fnrnitnra aad litnna . 4 1 I Correct expenses aad laiao paid Cheeks and ether eash items... ,444 li ,415 80 .171 00 87 ,148 00 Bills of other Becks... FraetiOBal oarroBey.iaolading niokela, Lcfal-tendar aotea- RedemptloB fund witb V. 8. T rest orer to per ceai. of eirtoleUon) ,874 00 Doe from V. i. Troasarar, olbor lhaa a per eeac rcdemptiofl faad...,...M TOO 00 Total IllS.atl ts BtaBlLITlBB. Capital stock paid la. tlot.SOS Ot Sorplat fond lO.aol OS Other aadiviJe. profits.... t ill H natlooat vanB aotea ootsuadlng.M,H B7,otl ou ndtridual deposits sabieat to choekM 13,941 10 Time certiteaus af d.posit lo,7l li Doa lo other Netionnl Honks.. 84 it Una la Itala Bank! and Bankers...... 1 .130 41 Total (749.811 4) Ante or Poaasviewaia. CVearrVId Ceoor. SS : I. W. H. Shew, t'.ibier ot tbe Conntr Notional Bank af Clearfield, de aolemnly twear thet the above etotcmeat ia tree to tho best of mv know), odae aad belief. W. If. SUAW, Cashier. baoeoribed and twara to before me this 7th day oi woiy, a. ir, lor. rlAlllIrlAUtin, N. p. Correal Atteetr JAMK9 T. LEONARD, T. H. FORCKY, R. 811AW, JR., Joly II, 1177. Director!. SCHOOL STATFJIRNT. Aaanal atata Bnt al the receipt., upeBdttaroa, aseete aad liabilillae of Hnelea School District, Clearleld eoanty, re., for the year cading Jane I, I HTT t SBCBIPVB. Tale! paid dlreatU Treat. (Basealed).tl8,12i tS M received from Plat 1,801 17 Received from Btatc approprlalloB.... " aa Daplieale ef 1"73. ..... " . " " 1874...... " 1178 ... " " 1S7S . BalBaaa daa Treacarar M(l 181 84 88 84 17 10 44 11 84 OS 48 78 170.898 14 BirBBBITVBM. Roads lamed prior loJaaa t, 1871 1 1,8110 08 Interest 0. eatne... SA.1 18 Ordon Itaaad prlar ta Jaaa t, 1870., Tateroat aa aarae....... Ilelanee don Treaearer Treaaarer'e ealary Intaraaea Taaehera' aalarlw... Iaterott eo sej&e... Knrnaca..... ., Peel .,.. Secretary'! aolery. Miscellanocn!.. Colleelor'l fee ea tit. 84, doplleaU of 1878, 8 par aeal , Oolleeetr'e ha on 117.10, doplieala it 1874, 8 percent. Collator's fee oa H4.lt, daplieale ar 1878,8 per aaat Oolleet.r'1 fee aa tM.88, daplleel ef 8,844 II 891 81 120 II 80 IK IS 81 1,431 00 8 34 SOO 00 11 II tt to 71 01 i T7 I 10 IB7B, B par eea!...,...,..,.. i to ' sM.ats li 170,898 II Daa sa doplleaU af 1ST.... Dn. aa duplicate af 1874.... Daa oa daplieetc or 1878...., Daa aa daplioaW of 1871... Sohool proporty.iaMt.eeea $ II II 77 90 III 88 184 71 11,00. tt 118,888 98 UABILItlBB. rVheol ardent ealalaadlBf.lStT...-....t 118 18 Bolnnee doe Treaaarer 48 78 Boad, par aeaU lalaroct, to Ore If Blaeshard 400 tl I 71 17 8 A seels evtr llabilltiM. ..... Wa, tha aadertl.eod Aadlton af Hasina Iowa chip, hereby certify that wa have eaemlaed and tattled lha eeeeamti af Uaeloo eraael dirirlat.aod that tha roregoiaf ta, ae wa holiera, B tree etete meat of tba receipt! aad aipenditnree of the eaid dlitrlet for tbe school yeor ending Joes I, 1177, and af tba BJeell Bad liabilities at the close of Iks year. j. it. iiswn r, Allertt A. II. ROHRNKRAIfR, 11. r.Tewnt, M. Ill WITT, Clark, Aadltora. reaSerd, hf Una, 187. ilflv JdWtlSfttUufJ. CENTRAL" HOTEL, PITTSBURG II, ; -Jul-? Smithfleld Street, from 2nd to 3rd, Avenues. Tba most centrally located trtt elaaa llontc la Ibe city. Street can pes! the door ovary li. liautee lo all the dp.,t! and all perls of both cillee. Terma, d ao per fray. WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors. Tho Ra-i iLioi-, of flttrfield, roooirod vwkly imU from tbit I to lion, Ao. CAPTION All portoni art h-rtby oanlion od ajrafntt purehaiitf or In anyway utd- dliag with Iho follow. og proptrty, now In tho poiMttlon of Camacl and John Uppor, of Oalloh towiubip, rlit Two hortti ani faarntti, I faioglo mochloOp lint halt and pulley drags, mi haft and fliturot, jack whsol and rope, pump aod tlaok, packing boioo, At., at tho taint be longs to nit and it left with laid Samel aod Jno. lioppcr on lotn, lubjtet to toy order at any time, jAM&n (Linn, Bmlth'o Mllli, Jane V, 187ML IN GO GOD H E TRrtT.-All othort Bart DtT for their work bofora it InatM (It ihoi.. And nt all firth It at tht craaj of tbe field. aod Iho pram. mi of men are like the flowers thereof th sy art giren one day aod forgotten the Btit the. t fort it it bott mm to troet anybody. All kind of work will bo dono io thit tbop for tun or ready pay. Boou and ibon or all iitet aod ityltt ibt bott nod ohetpeit In town. i nartrtmorea my mop to tut lower end or town, In Tarlor't row. on Rtod ttrttt. ear tho depot where 1 will bt foood at nil timet, waiting fur eottomtrt. All work warranted good and cheap. Alio, nil Hodf of Leather and Shoo finding for tale. Tho eitlieni of Clenrfiold arid vlcinltr are reipootruii lnritod to giro me n call. 11. ifcHKl.'.U. Clearfield, Pa., July II, U71. Ot'HOOL 8TATEMKIST, Addq1 ffoan l7j oial itaicncot of Tnion trhool diitfiet, for ut year ending Just Ha, ibii : roti amount of tax duplicate, (need ing am't nnrtllteud oo duo. of '75...$ 101 H Deduct abattmoi.il $386' 01 btduet rxont rttioDsT, dtOeltaolet and errors . 71 41 Dedatouls(andiDgUx. lit It 401 it $ Uo IS icairra. Total receipt from Collector $ 140 1 Caib on band at last M..-iaM. ......... ITS 6S State appropriation 1 10 N ttum (.o. ircatiirer for Us on imitated lindt , 1,780 18 $1,202 IT IXPB-DlTtKtl. Paid leacbtrt'Mlariti.w..rttt M... Paid dcbti tnd inUreit Paid salary of Keerettry Paid salary of Trees, and Collector... Paid for foH Paid orders for redan led tax... .$ 42 60 26 24 15 00 . SI 81 46 00 . I4fr tS .. 1,211 (II DtlfcDOO In Treat ary $2,202 67 I? Alir U. Bili-ct, ' Preiidat. Attest. 11. F. Sroffim Bcoretary. Wa, tht nndtrxixDed Auditors af Union, school dittriet, befit) ff et ft felly extmiofd th tbove ae- oounu of tbe Treasurer, find them eorrect to the best of oar knowledge and btlitf. I a. K, Dn FPSI.ER, J. K OHWAI.T. C. D. LA BO HP K, Anditert. Roekton, July 11. 1177 .It. , Save Your Cash G. C. & T. W. MOORE, , (Raeeosior (w J. S. Skowon,) BOOTS SHOES, II ATS AND C A P S, f , f , AXOtXITt' laSTS" , , , FURNISHING GOODS, ' K00M Ko-1, PIB'S BUILDING. TbtyorviHW retiring aha.ee lot of tho latest styles of Ltditt and Gratt' Dreta Shoot and Boots, together with ft large lot of PLOW SHOES, Ac, Ac, tollable for workmen on tht hrm and In the wooda. Tbey La rite tpoeial attention to their stack of Gents' Furnishing Goods, AM of whieh will ho told nt rate as fkvorablo at they can be bought e tie where lo, the oonntj. A share of tho patronage of tho publio to re spectfully solicited. ;i:o. c. moor & TOM. W. MOOHB. Clearfield, Pa , July 11, IN77-lm. Administrators salE r TAtrAOLB- TIMBER LANDS t By virtue of aa order of Iho Orphant Court ef Jioiroei. oounty, raM ana to me directed, there will be told at tho Court House, in the horcngh of Clearfield, on SATURDAY, JULY 4H, 18TT. " nt t o'elook p. m , tbo following deserlhed pVp ertitt, lo witi Mo. 1. Fuette In tbe Urongh of Clrarfltld, bounded wtit by street, south by street, east by alley, and north by lot of O. L. Reed, and having a email twe-ttury hoast aod stable thereon. No. t. 8ituato In Bloom lowntblp, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a slone nt tho lino of land ooOTeyed io uratgi M llianthnrd thence by land oonveyed to 41. W. flora, wee 60 pjrehM more or lest to pott) thtne loath 106 porehet more or lets tt Itnd oonveyed t HarUook and Neeper j thenee by stmt east 60 perches more or loss to land oonreyed to Craig A Blanehard; thenee by tame north t6 perehot more or loot lo tht plooo of beginning, containing 00 nerve mere or lost, being nn improved, timbered nnd well ad anted to cultivation, - No. I. Hitnate In Beoearln lowntblp, Claarfitld eounty. Pa., toataiaing 0 orne more or teas of unimproved land, with valuable Umber thereon,. nnder.laid with Ooal. and described ia Deed Book "IV'pege 64S, Ac, and Book "U," p4. 64S, At. No. 4. Sittato la (iilich towp.bip, nnd being the east end of n oertaio oimproved piece land boandtd notth hi t mui by , south hj tnd wett by eon tatning one kef or 106 acres mora or lent, and being part of the Btn. Wilson turvev. with valu able timber, aod nnderlaid with a good vein of eoai, ana near ine railroad. No. 6. Pi matt in Chert lowntblp, adjoining lands of Wm. HoUarrey, Free oat, Philip Dotts, aad others, containing 1ST eerei, with about 10 aerto cleared, frame hnaeo aod oUblo thereon, nnd a portion well timbered. No. fi. Situate In Chest township, containing tl acres, beginning at a hickory on Chest creek f thenee east 01 perches to a encumber ( thence north IS degrees east 60 perehei tt a hickory, (down): thtnoe norlh 47 df greet wtil 10 perctiei tonoati theant wtt 9aMs.rr.hutAwtt.il n.k . emk theone np the treeh to place of beginning, i uiai( principally vouom inna, nna Baving an exnellent banking ground thereon. No, T. Bitaate In Cneot town-hip, boglonlng nt a pnplari thtnoo by Htephtn Free turrey tonth SN0 l it? pert-bet to a post) theaoo by Oeorge Noble snrrey west 156 perehee to post thenee by Chat. Ruttell snrrey west lOt perehei to a white oak thenee north 20 degrees weet 10 perches to pott thenee north 79 degree! taut 1 1-0 porehet 10 pott) thence north m degrees east 41 perches to while oak i thenee north U degrees oatt I7 perehot to hickory ; thtnoo north SI perehot to a blaek eak thenee 107 perehot to plaoe ef begin. Blag, aaataining 1&6 aerot mora or leas, being nnlmprored land, having a large ameuat of tim ber tbereoai and being well w tiered. Nt. wtU bo told ia lots to sail pare haters. TERMS OF SALE : Oat. third al analrmalloB of sole, and the eel. aaee la two tqael aaanal permeate, wltk latent!, to ba awarcs Bv Jadmanta oa the aremlm. AARON 6. TATI, AJm'r ntete of S. rawdl, 4m'4, daarlaM, fa., J.lv II, ItJT 81. Dcit wtisfnunts. W"' -. . . . 1 Jt, at tho Hoto) nnd placed on fit for th Wfl, ApHI IT, 1877 -Ira . JfHTlrr.r.' COajsTABI.FJW KUtjt Wa have printed a tare. BBmbor af toe new FRB BILL, boot will aa tb. notipt af taealv. 8re ceata. mail a oopr . Bey arldrees. . CAUTU)r..--All pereeec ara kcrcb. aaallea. ad coins! pnrebasiaf or IB any way m.4 dllns witb the followiof property, now la the posseesioa of Ilenry Kitohen, of Cbiot toweihip ... . -" . .. . ewir., a sr.se,, aerot corn, I, aeret wheat, 1 hedi aad bldi,. w-. wru.w, V Mar. fn-i .ITO., BOBtrS, lot 0 sewed lambrr, etc., at the awn. was parobo. h. mo at Phehff. sale on the 11th of Jaoo, 1877, . aud Is Uft witb said Kitcoea 00 loaa, aobjeet to my order at any time. ANTFONT tfeOARVr, Mcrberson, Jnne Jt, I877 8t. SflltMII, RTATRMEIIT. A. I. CKKfSWBI.L, , , Oiitrid Troas nrer, in asooonl with the School fand af Jord.t township, for lb. year eodl., Jaaa 1st, 1877, PR. , .- , . ToMDOantofunoolleotdtax-.HMHHm4 88,14 To Ht.t. opproprietioa 2,7 j3 To amount due from ia.t settlement 4 To nmooot of soho.,1 tea for 1878 H 44, a To amount of boildinf rax for 1878 ,J ,1 To order ef J. W. Jubnsun 10 H To am't reo'd for store, cold to Larimer. ' 10 00 To belanoedne Trrasorar..w,..w.M..M- 11 88 H.1M 8T CR. By ord-l paid $1,014 f. By Trees, aod Coll. per enter. 83 04 oy erooont unooileclcdon Doplictee of 1878 4.4 8 ......... 1,1 i.j oroer 1.9 toveriooaco, By assompiil by Treasarcr of 111 $2,1 M 87 Wc, the anderstirned Aoditon of Jorden town ship, bavlnf eiatoiaed the anvoonts of A K. rraw.ll lli.tr,n( T. - nr ...J . .... . .,..rHIV. w. ..I,n!B, ta eooneotton with tbe Bobool fand, d. orrli - .no ioch. se aoo.e stated. Allelt: P. PTRAV7, Jno. rWw, TUO.MAS HMTTH, Clerk. - R. II. JOHNSON, Ansonriile, June 17, 1877 31. Aoditore. ANNUAL REPORT or tho School District of Osceola Borough. FUR THE YEAR EKOISG JUSB l, 187T. Whole Bomber of to h (join Number jetrequired, I Arersge ntmbor of months taught t Kurater of male tearbore employed 1 " of female teachers tmnloved.- 1 Arerrge tilsriei of mete per month.... $60 09 of female per month... 60 00 Number of mtlt sehnltm m u vt fern It .-httlari I'll Arertge daily altemlaflfe ., 190 percentage ol atttndtooe 17 Nam ler ol mills on the duller isried for ' School pUiP')Rf ' g Amouut levied fortehiol porpdtet...,.. $I,ST6 63 RECEIPTS. Am't received fri-m Bute Appropriation $iS9 00 Dilanoe on band from lattyear't report 36 M From Colleelor, texej of all kinds f Oi 06 Prom liquor 1mi..... .m...m ,m,...m li $9 Totl reoei ls....... , EXPENDITURES. . II ,088 07 . 8 00 8 00 . 180 00 4 80 14 18 . 83 8, , .101 00 80 li 00 10 t . . (H 00 0 SJ 00 O. K. McFeddun, for print ing. intnraneo on srDosi property Kxeelnior Mtnufatttariritr Co.. fur- rlMki Cleaning trhool rooms....,..,, . inumas Mciiraw, ooal .. . .,, y m. Brown. Coal - PtahlariBiH ethupwk fmr Mt.t llriibin llrot., for book for dnpllcato. a, niuiiujr, ior .,.,..,, HartBBB A VtiL snrlu Teachers' taUriM . . Secretary 'i sal ary M , i"eet lor Uolleetor ,.., Total.... ... tljlt 80 Amoaot dna Treaanm.......M..M.M....4 V&0 88 " dua dietrHt from all ooarcel... 1.440 87 LIABILITIES. Amount due Treasorer .$ 14, 8S " do. oa aaMttkd bUll.... l,UI 8, Total..- tl,88l 21 Hoeoorecs In eiocel oi liabtlUio! $ 88 75 0. U.8WOPI, R.J.WALKER, Herniary. , Froaideet. Jane 10, 1877 8t-' . . SCIIOKI. HTATKMEHfAnnaal itat ment of tho receipts, orponditorea, as.t! aad llebilitiei of Clearleld horonfh School Dis trict, for the year ending June 1, 1877 1 II.A0 JOH.VIOB, TBBM!UBBB BB. To amennt of 1P77 DupHeate To aroonnt ree'd from Col. IdeClellaa aa 175 let To amount raoeivad fram Col. Fowell, en 187 tai To amount revived from Cel. Pow.U,oa 1877 tea : To am't received from graded seaelarc To am't ree'd from bob reoideat scholar! Tc am't ree'd rrom (-l.tr appreprtaoa- T. am't ree'd from aoademy rent M Tc am't from OrMnwrod Diet,, dMk.... To am't from Milk jodfmeat...,H. To am't from tt. L. heed'e Bote- To om't from J.Wri,l.y, Traai. uetia; To baU doe at aeltUmoat M ,134 Ot 121 80 Sl 80 Til 7t 11 01 OS 00 dot 08 a 00 1 00 108 80 81, VI 111 0 II ot 1.8tJ 98 CR. era By amount daa Tnat. at 18tk Aafatt ntll.ro eot . .$l,Jlt It By em'iunt order! pnid since settlc't.... 1,844 78 By nmoant ae error la aattiemeat...t. I 00 By amount of coupons paid ,00t 04. By It pr oont. aom'atoa allowed Treaa arer by Auditor., oa $1,888.71 ' 8$ 74 By amoant of '77 taa traaeferredtoCol. I'owell 1,411 41 By 8 per oont. rebate all'adea $1,710.78 88 81 By 8 per eeot-commucioa allowed Pow ell on $1,048 7 8184 By etetioeeryaflditampe allowed Treea. 18 $8.8 1 38 Rervlp U aad aipeadituree forlehool derlaf year ' DR. 1877 To am To am 't ree'd from 17 tai ....$l,7ll 71 't rr i from MoClell.n, '78 tel.. Ill 00 't ree'd from Pow.ll, 78 taa 118 00 Tea Too To. To ei t ree'd from Powell, 77 tax 711 78 i t ree'd from , reded scholars 11 t To am t roc 0 irom aea rceidoat aahalara 08 00 t ol btata appropriation 401 ,8 $S.St 44 CR. By amoBBt paid taaeberi.., By amonnt paid janitor ...... $1,100 .- 134 y .leaning nooee M By amoaot paid for coal aad wood By aaMuat paid for library .. .. By planting aad eaade trwta By U.v.. ...... . ... By repair! to farnaoa, A. ..-.... By er.yor, tak, pea.Ha, A..., ,, la, sho.eling .now...... ...... .,... By rvoorditig deed.... -r,, ,. , , By atetbi brooms , ......... By in'l paid tsovdlander A Lee..-....M, By foereury By II. f Bi,lar A C, kill la 1870-1.- By J. I.. Lea.y, aeal la l?8 .. By per centego allowed Treasarcr alae. esltlemeal Ry rebate to taa payer! an $1,7171.... By eommissloa to Powell oa $1,040. 7A By em't peid fur porehmont and mak ing diplomas w By eioaeratlona allewod By am't paid Aadltora for settling aoa't. By racclpti over cxpeadtlBrel,..--.-. 10 107 88 I 10 80 CI , I I I 18 18 . 11 t $8,181 44 AlfeU aad liahllltlca, Jan. In, 1177 1 ' ASSETS. Balanea da! fram 178 tai 484 41 11.1. no. doa from '78 and '77 Ua 1,118 08 Balanoc doe from Bon resident pnplla. 178 87 llalaaoa due from fre.led aekolara..... 781 8 BoIbbm du. from M ilia ).dgm.at...-. 140 00 Balanea doe from M. Irwin morlgag... I,C00 00 llelaaee Interest from loth Mny, '84 tolslJune.77 ..,. 781 M Balaaoa J. W. Tkamac mortgage.-" ' latereat daa June 1st, 1877......-. 08 80 Etnaa af ami! 7,81148 $! 1.018 84 LIABILITIES. AmoBBt nf eut.taadiag erdera ...$ 1,171 04 Ponds due 1st April, 1891...-. . 1,108 00 Interact daa oa hoada let Jaaa, 177- 1 ,441 00 $11,111 01 We, Ik. aadenigaed Aadllara ar CtaaHeld boroogh. herehy CMtlfy tbnl we keve aaamiaad aad settled the aceoaatar I see. Jokeeaa, Be. ., late Traasarer, and af the rVkael M.triet, aad thai tha foregolag l!, al wa kalleva, a tr.. state meat af tbe Treesorrart oN.nl af la. m.lpla and eipMdllera., and of th. easete aad flablltltea of eoid eckoel dinrtot, al Ik. .teaa eT lac year, eadiBg May II, allTH, A. W.SRAUAM. Claar.rl, fa., Jaa. , 1177-0). Aadllara.