n THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WKDNK8DAT MOhMINO, JUNK 3T, 1MT. Terms of Subscription. paid In idranof.or within throe months ...J ajs afcLor"" '""' ' - " - A ft t.tr AdVOItUltg A glu Of VmTW nw, lite k man Ktrvd, aro our duly author tu la Nw York City. DKHtni, Hi:iTIHV. riMi or mut.ma uartib ibmiom (wuht. frooDd Mooda; of January. Third Monday of March. Pint Monday of J "HO, . ynurtb Monday of HopUoiber. Tim or aoLDma com no Mut. First Monday of Juno. Hooood Monday of Norombor. ruiuo orncant. Pritidtnt Jtdgt Hon. Cbarloi A. Mayor, of Look Haven. Aitant Low Judg Hun. John H. Or? It, of Bel I font. jtasectnfs Jutigtt Abram Ogden, Clearfield Vincent b. Holt, Clearfield. Protkonotary Kit llloora. Ktgitfr ana RioordtirL. J. Morgan. Vittrici Attorney Win. M. MoCullough. yrnwrr Itavid MoQaiighey. Sfitriff Andrew 1'enti, Jr. Count Sureeyor tiamael F. MeCloikoy, Car snsrillt. County Oommifionr$ Clark Drown, Clear field t Thotnaa A. WoUee, Cheat P. 0. Huria Hoover, Clearfield. County ituiitloft ChHit. J. KMty, Glen Hop Hamuel A. Caldwell, Willlaiuagrovo John C. Conner, Bnrniido. County Coroner J. B. Keff, New Washington. Jury CoiffoMr l)r. J a met F. Hurcli field, Clearlled, Joseph Alexander, Woodward. Suptrinttndint of Public School-John A. OrrKory, CurwensvilU. Alton's 'nffe John W. Wrigley, Wm, Ra dobanffh. Cyrus Gordon, Clearfield; Joseph K. Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Curwenivillei J. J. Lingl, Orceola Mills i J. A. Livingstone, Duliols City. Oar Social column Ii decidedly Intoreeling In a loeal point of view, and profitable reading to outsider! who want to lava money. $2 only for a largo full sac k of Suit, at Jobo McUaugbey'i grooerjr. mm e-- ' Prof, U. C. YoungmunB soluct school eloeed IU teation laat Friday. Ivcv. H. E. Flivkingor will preach in the C let r field I'reihyterlan Church noit Sabbath. iiov. W. H. Pill will preach at tho c jionigomery dcoooi uumi u c r at 4 o'clouk r. w- t Tl. Tfriii'iii ipam will nr Montgomery School House next Puoaay, juiy i, The Republican will not bo issued next week. Our next lnue will therefore be dated July 11th, 1877. mm mm Tho Sherifl ot Indiana wunts some body to return him an eloped prisoner, and be will agree to pay eauh down $25. Wo notice by our exchanges that Toole Sam'i deteotivel are itill gobbling up aotne counterfeiteri over In Cambria and Indiana. Jack Fro.tt made bis murk on boards, log and fences In this eeetlon on last Saturday morning. It was a pretty cool joke, but nothing was injured. The Reynold Herald and huBois City Star" is what tbfy eU it now. Geewhili kioi ! what a Ivng name for inch a horl paper I mm e Ono week from to-day Wednenday will bo the Fourth of July, and already the sprend-engte oritur are strutting about In bruad day light, none "d-irinrf to uilt or mikn them afraid." mm en Jt looks as though wo wore to have a gtorral break out of tbe -lib il' July oil over tlit et-unlv. Ibis vear. 'ibiit la rirflit. Thae lotiai MlnbrKllnn vit'U fur mr.re rood that two or thrt'c ! great big hITiIm. The ttn mi a I HtnU tnrnt of tho finun elal standing of the ClearBeld ltorough School District will be found In our advertising columns to-day. The report Is a dear exposition of tbe assets and Habilitici of the dlitriot, and sbowa our school affair to be in a 0ourirhing oonditloa. -- mm - Tho committee having tho matter in charge. Is making an effort to have a good time at tbe park, on Wednesday next, July 4tb. Audi menu will be provided for loth old and young, and rf ifceeUiMno generally will aid iib ar rangements, a delightful d y will be Insured. Let very body attend Murphy or not, -. m mm - Thad. Shaw, son of Mr, Jos.haw, of this borough, while chopping on his father's farm la Lawrence township, on Wednesday of last week, received a blow from tbo axe on the Instep of his right foot, making an ugly and pain ful wound. He was brought homo and placed under the caro of Ir. K. M. Hcheurer. George C. and Thomas W. Mooro have bought the hat and shoo store of Mr. Josrph Showers, In the Opera House, where tbey will hereafter uontinne the. business. Tbey are both enterprising young snea and will deal fairly with their patrons. We oxpeet that the new Arm will advertise at leant they ought to, if tbfy want to drtTO a flourishing business. mm i Tho accommodation train on the Tyrone efld Clearfield Kail road, bow runs through to Tyrone, leaving Clearfield at tf:3 A. arriv ing at Tyrone at 1:01 r. w ; leave Tyrone at Mi p. ., arriving at Clearfield at 7:40 r. at. At Tyrone, connection ti made with a train on the Bald Kagle road, by means of which Bellefonte ean be reached at 8:30 m. on the same day. The roof of a small building at the Clearfield Fire Clay Worke caved la last Thurs day tfentng, which delayed work for a day or two, Tbe uiiing machine was In Ibe building which fell. A scli ate from the eoal mine rested npoa tbo roof, snd becoming clogged with the eoat daring tbe rain on that afternoon, tbe weight was more tbaa It eonld bear, and down It went. Mr. John i!nnkin,of Karlhatis town- Iblp, has received Ibe eontrJOt for carrying tbe mails betwetn Cleai field and Round Itland, la Clinton oounty, and will eater upon his duties on Monday, Jut; Id. Tho only difficulty we see about tbe matter Is, that Joba lives at tbe wrong end of tho route for convenience. Huwever, wo know that he will faithfully fulfill bis part of tho bargila. We learn that tho tempertinco meet ings beld at the various places announced In this paper last week, wer well alUodf J, and that large numbers of persons signed the pledge. Keep tbe ball rolling. The meet log at Pino Grove school bouse, on Friday evening, was addressed by Rev, J. 8. McMorray, and tbe one at Centre, on Saturday evening, by Wm. M. McCnltougb. We bave failed to learn thenamrs of tbe speakers at tbe other meetings. Tbo cornor-stono of tho Fruit Hill Presbyterian Church, near Ausoavllle, this eoitn ty, will be laid with appropriate ceremonies oa Wsdaesday, July lib. Bert Ices will commence at 10 o'ejockt A. There will be a subscription taken ap at tbt time, tn raise money to aid In building tbi Cbureb, and all who feci able to met a eoatrkbuiioa for this purpose art estly requested to do ao. Tbe public generally Is invited to bo present mm - - W. II. SwarlK, Kni., the irood look ' leg " local " of tbe Holli Jayaburg Sundurd, spent a couple of days la ClearStld laat week, attend Ing tbo Sunday School Coovenllon. He called at our saaetam oa Wed need aaoralng, abd we feiiad bin lo bo a very pleasant gentleman Jast the kind of a chap good newspaper men are made of. He Is a thorough Democrat, aotwtihrtan ling the feet that he taught tbo young colored idea of llollidet sburg bow to shout, last winter. mmt e - The extraction of loeth without pain has been one of tho greatest points desirable In the t raetlee of deatiotrr without tbo are of Chloroform, Kther, or Uae, and reoent disooverieo bow Ibal certain mixture of sedatlree applied to tbe tooth Bad sarroandiag parts to ben urn the ttetb that it aa bo ttkra out with but eery little tia. tr. llille is bow asing this application in utiaeting teeth with tbo most marked lueeeat for the ben. fit of M palliate without any extra harge. Those who bare tried It speak of it wy favorably, m e oi I'ioXic. We have been banded tbo following programme for tbo exereltes at the park a Wcdaedey next, the 4th or July i T. Benton I'ltty will deliver a brief address. Coaeert or el and instrumental me lie. la the tmusemeat liae, there will b bate ball, roquet, sack races, foot raoer, ate. Lemonade ma cuff will be for tale at varloas plaesi la tbe rk, ibe proeeodc to be aeod for payment of ex and the eommitteo reejuoiti thosa la at (ndaaee t purchase toffee or them. This depart nt i bo ia charge of ixperieaead arson ,aod l"td eofee guaranteed. Kury family it aipeetoi to takt a basket It Ike eoaiMittro r 90ntmi oa the lei where Ibt has Ms are la be tailed for, the; will be takea to tbt Cambria county people now boant of two Uflof ii OtDrMainu lUrhsr tnd iiorrsll. All right 1 But n.lthtr votas tht) right tkkst. " A Camivul " is what thoy aro tulk Id tbout it KsynuliUvllU. la eld fugjr tIcioI 11m, Ilki oars. It Ii Urutd Foirlh at July by moit folk. mm a- . The frepwnt fwliodulo clianes Ih rirjr Annoying f ion of (lit tmplayei of lbs railroad. I'midant 8a4l had bvlttr look out, or - rlJ!; 1ili-lf turoad oat sows amrnitif. al l'enfli'ld, Curwcnavillr, UrvnuliUvnle. Lrova. ville, and. In fot, all around u I but we Live not been blemd with any fun ot that kiud iu tbla vicinity tbl year. School Tax. liorough TrrtiHurer Wbllebill la dl.tribuling bia School Ui "nu" amoog ua, and the notice InJicatre that ibeiewi) be no diioount on the LIU unlrae it la paid on or befure tha 80th day of Juiy. The amount lerlod Ii Ii milli fur the current year. mm List of lotlors reiiiuinlng unclaimed in the Pottnfflce at Clearfield, for the week ending June 24, 1877 l John IIMerick, Mn. Kliiabelb Op.7, Mira Harab I)Uun, Hob't. Vigron-l, Ururge lltuhtinr, Mill Ada Wall. P. A. Gaulix, P. M. lUll.nOAD WltECKS. Our railroad! was bletied with two wrecks on Wednesday last. Out at Vail, where eighteen ooa I cars were thrown off the track, and eight went over tbe embank ment at the " Big Fill." There wac nobody hurt, bnt It held the mall train for three hours, and thereby riled the feelings of tome of tbe passen gers. --- at mmmm An Auuhavatkd IIlholaky ! One day last work, In the absence or tbe part or, a parly or parties, entered the M. B. parsonage, In New Washington, and filled tbe house with good and useful things, much to the surprise of Mr. Norcross and his lady on their return bouie. Tbo movement was a success, and there is an opening in other fields, wbera such pleasant visitations might occur without damage to any one. The Alloona Mirror is responsible. lor tots story t i,an week unar Alarlmiours;, oa on the branch road, a train of oars ran over a sheep, A little lutnb was with tbo sheep, Its mother, at tha time, and after tbe train hands bad pitched tho dead mother off the track, tbe little one reuulned by its side and oould mt be driven away. Some repair hands who wesu work ing near by burled tbe sheep, but tbe orphan stay ed by tbe grave for four days, and under no cii eumitances, not even for food or drink, would it leave the spot. Osceola Eirem. We learn from the HrvtilU, that two incendiary Arcs occurred in tbe borough of Osoeule last week. The first was on Sunday night (17lh), when the dwelliog house of Y. C. Liogle was set on fire and burned. Only a portion or furniture was saved, while most of the household goods were saved. Mr. Llnglc and hie family were alsent on a visit to their friend at Philipsburg at the tinuo of tbe fire. On Mon day night following, a dwelling home, recently purchased at Sheriff's sale by Nathan Kupburt, situated in tho " French" itetlon of tho borough, was Ignited by the torch of the incendlury and burned. Tho hoU!o was unucaupl-d. In the afternoon a Are broke out in tbo stable on tbe same lot, hut It wns extinguished before it done any damage. Mr. Lin ale hud an insurance of $1,21)0 on the buusc and 8U0 on goods and fur niture. Mr. Kcphart had 2H0 on his house. Temperance. Tho meeting ot tbe Temperance Union at the Court House, on Fridny ercning last, we largely attended and very in thasiaitlo throughout. The executive committee reported in fnvur of holding a b.iBc! picnic In the park lu Wt Clem fl ll, and the r port wm unanimously ad pte l. It is proper lo ray here I hut Ibe pU'itiu i Hot to l cundiu'd entirely to the ni-mbi-ri ol t-e B'X'iuU, out i free to all our citiien, and it i r.irn.et!y hoped by h manBj-fl. mont (hit tcryhlv wi I pnitL-ipR' in the fcr ties of the i!jV. W, C. l'.$t , of Curen villa, uiado a brief nnl leitincnt addreer, wbicb was attentively liatened to by the audiuuoe. Win M. MeCuliuugb, was thtn called upoo, and respotided In owe of tho best and most, earnest addresses that has yet been made before tbo society. Mr. Test and Mr. Rbceui each made a few rr marks, when tho meeting adjourned to meet again In the Court House on Friday evening next. mm I mmi Pretty Well Put On. Tho Klk Dtmocntt says: Our readers will remember that m nut letue uf ibe Tth lost., we gave aa account of tbo arrest In Putter county of a man named Duane, for stealing a borst and buggy and break ing into the Coudersport Bank. The following from tbe last Issue uf the Enttrprit shows wbjt dlspesftioQ was made of tbe rascal i luane, the bank robber, was Called into court this (Wednes day) mo ruing. There were four Indictments against him : Larceny of a horse, larceny of a buggy, assault with Intent to kill, and breaking into a store. SoL Pnt. as to assault, plead guilty as to tbo other Indictments. Sentenced to the peniten liary for four years for breaking iut store four years for larceny of horse, lo bo computed fr-iin expiration of sentence fur breaking into store, and three years for larceny of buggy, computed from expiration of sentence for lareeny of bone, mak ing a total sentence of eleven years. A MlRACL'LOCS KsCAPK. Oil Tiles day uf lait week, Mrs. J. F. McKenrick, of this place, and her four children left for a rUit to Mr. rJjtnuel McClarrcn', In Dvoitur township. Mr. MoClsrrcn met tbo pnrty at the Blue Ball station with a spring wagon, and when, on bis w.y home, orosiiog the bridge which spans Sweal's saw mill dam, tbe borse became unmanageable and baited the wngun oft the bridge, throwing the mother and Iter four children Into the water. The mother, with hor babe In bcr arms, attempted to re tout two of the other children, aod in doing io loot hor babe, but luckily two genttetnr-n named Hopkins, came to tbe scene and rtrcutd tha party, who otberwiie Would all have been drowned. Mr, McCUrreu succeedod in keeping the buri-e and tbe front part of tbe wagon on the bridge. Had tbe horse and wagon gone over too, must likely all would bave been killud or drowned, as the horse lo a wagon would have made sud havoc among I hem. Tbe injuries suitutued Wore very slight, except io soiled olutbing. mm mm "Untier a late law or decliln, the flot-s Imposed fur a violation ol the license law ito lo loo eouiiiy, and not to the school diet r lot in which tbe oflenoe was committed, aa beretotcre. We fnil to see tbe wiidom ia tbo change." Jiekang, Tbe point was here; It was notorious that some svbuol districts ma le up a largo portion o! tht-irrchojl fund lo tbla way, white others did aot realise one cent. Rut on the other hand, tbe taxpnycrs In those lnMrr districts were compelled to pay their taxes oonsnuied la the trial oi whisky use, and did not realise one cent of profits ob tained ia Ibis way. Now, when ar.y fines arveol looted, the lU'jnny very properly goes into the oounty treasury, and jurors, wilneMus and other expenses Incurred lo tho trill of sucb eases, are paid oat of It. The eld law waa a complete grab game, and II I well that a change was mad a fjr the btlUr, If a hotel keeper violates tbe law, try and convict an J fine him on tbt merits of tho cue, and not for tbo purpose of raising some school f'uuds for a single Incullty, Wohk of Jascals. A daring at tempt to create an incendiary are in our mi iti, was made by some daring raaeaU, at about tl o'clook on Saturday aight lat, aod whio,but fur a timely discovery, would bave laid Ibe business poriion of our town ia ashes. These rascals took a email box, Ailod It full ol shavings, and piaaed it ander an old barn oa tha roar of tbe lot occu pied by Wm. Powell's hardware store, where It was Iben set on fire, and burned a short time be fore it wat disonvcrtd. A lady living la tbe vicinity saw Ibe fire from her bed -room window, and immediately awakeBed her husband, who went dowa aod axtingulibed the flamee before any damage was done. This lady taye lhat nheo she called her husband two men ran away from tbe barn, dowa tho alley toward Market street. Tbo location chosen on this occasion was a good one for tbe devilish wjri, as the vicinity la built ap entirely af woodeo baildiags, tome of which art very old and would burn like tindsr hot es, and lo the abseaoo of any arratgemeot for tbe suocoful fighiiog of fire, a terrible eoaflagratloB would hare beea tho remit. Residua this, there wen &ur kegs of powder ia the Mt of tbe barn, and had an eiploiloa taen place, we might bare tblc week to rpeord a loss of life at the result of tbe work of ibese miscreant. I Unless It Is for purposes of plunder, we taunt I tea wkat Idea these humtB devils bave la flew In , aattln Art to any man's baildiags. And tvea If it wat for plunder, such work would he of bo use, at aur business men have learned to keep a look out fur Hicks of this hind. If Ibe fiends wbo undertake tueb work In our town are oeugni in their tricks, we fancy they would rootlft pretty severs treatment at tbe hands of our ellliene. Aa attempt wai also made tomt time darlog Saturday Bight, to get iate tbe flare of Richard Moetnp, ia tbit borough, by bo hog through the back door. Two holes were bored la the door, whea tbe perpitrator seems to bare loft, possibly being fiightroed at theory of Ire. leavlBg behlad blm a two-looh auger, which wat found oa Bus day morning by tbt elstk of tbe store. Botloess atei, look onl for thett fellows. $2 only for a large full sack of Suit, t John XoUtAuaMr'a. Richard Jones, living in Kant Clear Bald, dud oa Hundaj oaolo lail, of Oonsamp. tloa. Ha bad bcw oonflood to his bona for aa arat moolba. H Imvm a wifa and oni child. WantkdI 1,000 oords of Ilomlock and Rook Oak Hark, fur which wo will pay tha highest markot prioo. Jylltf. A. 0. Kraheb A Co. The Ht. Charlca Uolul, t Altoons, I !" $33,100, ' ' ' "u l K11 U1U mrKu twilled eark of fine lalt at I.jtle'e for $2, the tame site that baa her (of ore been selling at $I.i0 and U ool i'uiiidigiitino to tiriciurtTT'ciii A Ogdun s saw mill. Wool left at II- A Kratsrr's dry goads store, will be taken and delivered at 8 and lo route. A. L. Ocjiikn. ( june7llp, V iik at Wanted I 500 bushels oh wheat, for which tho CASH will be paid on de liver;, at tbe store of A. G. Kramer A Co., Clear flM, Pa. may2'77-ir. An oxclmngo, engaged in a cooking department, a)s ; " Strawberries between two ueM ot ld-pound oak make rbbiatkindo ' short take.' " It looks so. Lytlo has received a largo stock ol Alacaerei, vt title run, Lake Herring, to., which be Intende to tell very low. Come and price be. fort buying. tf. i e a' I beg leave to nnnounco to thono in need of dental work, that I do not advertise any obsolete patent, which has been thrown aside years ago as worthless, recommending It as a new, valuable, and cheap method for tho constritollun of dental plates. I do not employ cheap labor. I do my own work, and am satisfied to let It ad vertise Itself, both lo quality and price. Give me a call and bo convinced J. M. Stbwabt. jc20 It p. (learfirld Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over the Tyronu A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for the wek ending June It), 177, and tbe same time laat year i CIO A L. TOMS. For the week Same time last year 24,076 Iucrtare... 1,321 Previously during year 670,410 Natue time last year e2u,lo Iiirrenre H oV,2;fl Tolal In 1H77 - fiiUJOT Same time laat yt-ar 644,2;0 Increase C0.4T? OT11KB rHXIUHTB. Lumber .181 oars. Miscellaneous freights 71 " Spec tu In New goods of every dosoeiption received dtity at Wm. Reed'e. Jel7. $1 diilv. for a larire lull ark of Nail, a t JctJ-tl, J nil ll McGaugli)'o The celebrated Cork Corset at Wm. Reed'. Call and see them. jtJJ, Q Ff Roys' Suits fur one dollar and vl vU, fifty eenls, at A. Uciiudi'iuj's, West ern Hulel Coiner, Clearfield, Pa. June Kutb 1877 tf. NEW GOODS AT FLKCK A CO.'S. Calico, Murlin, Ginghams, Parasrds, Fans, Neck ties, Neck Ruehlng, Collars and Cuff. Ladies Lawn and Orais Cloth fruits. HATS AND BONNET. JUST RECRlVKI). Black Cashmero and Alpacas. WHITE GOODS-CHEAP. CARPET and CARPET CHAIN. Al.L GOODS AT THE LOWEST TUIOES AT THIS STORE T. A. FLECK A CO. CVcaifivid, Pa., June fl, 1S77. H.S Whltn A. Mnn win pay H AO per ton for II cm lor k Hark, delivered at lurnrna vl lr. mid t& at Owrola, and $1 lor Iturk Ook Hark delivered at elllier place. tual Wantkd t 100,000 21-inch shaved shins;let lo average from A to 6 inches for which we will pay tbe highest market price. A. U. Kramer k Co., fob.JS tf. Clearfield, Pa. lO.OOO (one of Hemlock and R -rk Ook Hark wanted by H .N. title A Nihi, deliv ered at ttereoia and C.'urwriiavitie, f A and frT will be paid at thcloimer plare, and, H 64 an4 T at the IcMeir. niajt. White, smooth and soft andy lady's hands, arms or neck mny become who uses Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Pimples or other dl'figurrmsnts of a com plex ional nature, aro surely obliterated by this healthful promoter of beauty. Depot, Critten ton's, No. 7 Sixth Avenue.N. Y. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cte. june 6 -Iw. 19 only, fr a large full aark of Salt, at JclJ-tl'. John IHc(;au(;lieyt, IX) VOU l ARMANlTIIIXtiAHOlJTITf Fbi,t'i Mills, N. V., Oct., IK, I87i. Tb Is Is to certify that I bave used Davis' Home Relief In a severe case of rheumatism. It Rave me relief when nothing elae would. I recommend it to all in eases of ibis kind. Ji:xiuom C. Cnuaa. Davis' Home Relief bat become a staple with us as a general family medicine. None sells so well. None gives sue'j general satisfaction. It Is used Internully and externally, fur headache, neuralgia, Ao. Bavibl Chohs A oa. All buwel derangements Immediately relieved without repulliagineonitipalion. 'ibeurecfa ten oetit bottle bought of C. D. Walion, will convince of iti value, I io it for indiiniation, Itatt h'a I'nlversal Cough Syrup. No euro, no pay. Ten omt sample buttles, June Ul, l877-4w. )AKK WANTftn. Wenlll pay 1 AO J perton lor Hemloek Hark, and s)l H r Hock Oak Hark, delivered at re ai i urwent- vllle. IVewlll pny $5 for ticmlork anil tf for rtirk oak bnik, delivered at Orrola Mills. nitty 1, '71. 4 Murder Mil Out A few years as;o, "August Flower" was dincov ered to be a certain cure for Dyepepla and Liver complaint, a few thin Dyspeptics made known to their friend bow easily and quickly tby had lern nurei by Its uso. Tho great merits of Gitr.BN'R ArnrsT Flowkb hecams herald ihronith the country by one sufferer to another, until.with out advertising, Ua sale has become immense. Druggists in EVERY TOWN In thn tinted Slates aro selling ft. No person suffering with Sour Hlomarh, Siuk Headaelie, Codiveneaa, pal pitation of tho Heart, Indigestion, low spirits, etc., ran take three doaes without relief. Oo to your Drus-sT"t C. D. Wntaon, and got a brittle for S'o rents and try it. Sample bottles 10 cents. May 2-1, lH77-cow.)y. 1 Or. Hhitoh'n Sytem Vtllitxrr. We are ttithoroied tn guarantee this remedy for tbe cure of Dyspepsia, Inactive liver, Sour Stomach, Cooaumplion, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of Food, Yeltow Hkin.and general Languor and Debility, You must acknowledge lhat thle would be ruinous unlet we bad positive evidence that It will ewe. You who are suffering from these oomptainls, these wordt are nddretsed and will you oontlnue to tuflVr whnn you can be cured nn such trrins? It it for yon to determine. Sample bottle, 10 cents; regular site 75 cents. Hld by C. D. Watson, DruggiH, Cltarfield, Pa, AA.OiiO die annually by neglecting a Cough, Co'd or Croup, often leading to Consumption and tbo grave. Why will yon neglect to Important a mailer when you ean get at our store biiu.oH'a UoMacurTifiK Ui'tH, witn ins axiuran!0 oi a tpeedi relief. For soreness across Iht Chest or Lungs, or I aine bank or Side, Siiii.oh'b Ponore I'l.AfUKft gives prompt relief Sold hy C. D. Watson, Clearfleld, Pa. Ha kmxtacr, a popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by C. D. Walon, Clearfield, Pa. apr 18, 77-tow-ly. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. 'ANTIby Artiuld.at t ur wcnevUIr , 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 bushels wheat. 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels uatfl. 1,000 bushels nhelled corn. 1,000 buslieU pototocB. KHI.tHHl WUlnrli ehavod thliiKlra. KMMHHI 'i l-itii h aawrd tlilnlra. 1(H.IHH fret pine board a. A.OOO railroad lira. A,4MHieordtoafc and hemlork bark For which one-third cnsli will be paid. oct.25. Starriftl. On Funday, June 17lb, 177, by Oeorge W. flleever, .., Mr. Juliaa Marlel, of Ulrard town abip, and Miaa Aiiftuata llronorl, of Covington township, botn oi iiearneiti oounty, i a. On Tuesday, June lPlti. I17T, al the residence of P. Corley, Ki by Kev. J Foster Hell, Mr. D. M. lioae, 01 Woodland, and snua marj o. vuriej, of P if tar fftali'ia, Clearfield county, Pa. 'At Ibe residence of the bride's faiber, Hoa. John D. Thompson, oa Wednesday evening, June lUth, IH77, by Rev. (lenrite lidy, Mr. H, H. Hrainard and Miss TUHe Thtimpson, bolb or Curweaav ille, Clearfield oounty, Pa. gird. Oo PaturJnf, June 12, l?7, fieaale Amanda, daoghter of H. B. and K. R. now, of Clearilald, aged 3 Jtars, II moolLi and 26 days. Oa Monday, June 18th, 1 NTT, Dos r I.othersbnrg, Pa., Mn. Harah Ana Porter, eg-1 J4 ;aaii,7 months and S daye. Peeeatel leertt a husband tnd teven rklldren to moora their lota. She eluag to Ufa aoet tana otoutly, hardly willing that the tender tie, which o Armly bound her dear Httle onai to her heart, ahould be ao looa aevered. May their Ioh be bar eternal gala. Oa Wedneaday, Jane loth, IH77, near Lotheri bur (t, l'a., Daniel horn, aged 60 yeare, 10 moot be and 17 dye. Deoeaeed wai born In Chatter eounty, Pa., July J3d, 1610. Ho had nine brother! and four riviere, three of whom survive him, via i tleo. W, Horn, Lovlna Lloei, and Mn, Hannah N older. He came to Clearfield county In the year 1854, wai .MKteLtT. 'APCt ..Mlhell rt lf, wan the tetter dying la imuu. . ff! B rk,...l. . il r.c in j j - r-t.L W u,u.bt .Dill 10U1. .... ,ioe. wbl.b tima ho b. f.H.d to on. ait.at to xjo7 ttie privilrei of th. oliuroh, Lot b. D.r.r furgnt bil oqI'i iklv.tioo. II. died lo tbo hon. of o bill.- j.Turiiitv. triv g-di'rrtijsrmruu. CHEAP GROCERIKS! LUMBER CITY. PA Tho underilned announce to bis old friends and patrons that ho hns opened a good line ol GROCERIES A PROVISIONS at the old stand of Kirk A Bpenoer, for which he solicit a liberal patronage. il. vr. Dl'KAlnu Lumber City, Pa., March SMf, A HIUTOIt'H NOTICE,- Weed, Taylor A Co., vs. J. C. Brenner, and Brenner, Truiti A Co. In the Court of Common Pleat of Clearfield oounty, Pa. Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed to distrib ute the proceeds of the sale uf the real estate of J. U. llrenner, and ot Urenner, Trucks h Co.,will attend to the duties of bis appointment and hear me partiet inieroeiea, at uie ouioo oi Alonnally McCurdy, in Cloarlield, on Friday, July 0, 177, at V o'clock a. m. J. B. MoENAI.LY, Clearfield, June SO, 177-2;. Auditor. Al DITOH'N NOTICR J. J. Wigbtcn es. James Haley. Iu tho 'uurt of Common Plena of Clearfield county. Vend. Li., 1 IV, Maieb Term, 1870. Tbt undersigned, Auditor, appointed by tbe Court to distribute the moneys arising from the Sheriff 'a sale of Dtletiilanl's real ettate, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appoint meet, at bis ofiieo In Clearfield, on Friday, the 2l!J day or June, 1877, at 2 o'clock p. m., when and where all parties interested may attend. A. G. KRAMER, Clearfield, Pa., June 0, 1.-77-&J. Auditor. IXIXUTOHN' NOTICi:. Utters Testa j me Diary on the estate of MARTIN NU li lt 1.8, Sr., Ute of Lawrence twp., Clearfield Co., Pa,deo'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persuna knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requited to make immediate payment, and tboae having claims against the same will present thetn properly authunticated for settlo uent without delay. MRS. OLIVE NirilOLS, JOHN G. SCHRYVER, Clearfield, Pa., June 13, 77-6t. Executors. ADMINIHTRATOR'H NOTICC Ni.tloe it borebv given that Letters of Admluijir. tion on the estate ol FRANCIS R. RAFFKRTY. late of Peon township, Clearfield oountv, Pa., deceased, having been duly granted to the underfliffuud, all persons indebted to said estate will pleaie make immediate payment, and those naving ciaims or aemanas win present ttiem properly authenticated for settlement without delay. JAMES McKKoWN, idininidtrator, i. u, n , v. l. A. Grampian Hills, Pa., June i:t, lh'7-fit. OHPIIWN' COritT HAI.K ny virtue of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Oiear field county, Pa., theundemiirned, Administratrix of the oatato of Abraham Lits, dee'd, will offer at publio sale on Thursday, June 'it, I NTT, on the premises al Lits' fording In Lawrence twp , said county, tbe following described real estate, to wit: A tract of land In Lawrence township, containing; about thirty-two acres, bounded touib by Cletrlisld creek, west by land of Mrs. Lippett north by laud of John Drown, and eat by town ship road leading to Lit' fording. About eiyb- teen acres of Ibe land it eleared, and having a log dwellioe; houie and barn the rem erected. Terne CASH MAHUARET LIT., Clearfield, June 13, 1877 St. Adm'f. . 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts for tbe Parmer Facts for tbe Merchant Facts for the Uoravmnn Facts fr the Stock-1 rl("ir Facts for the Poultry-keeper Facte for the He. keeper Facts for tho Lawyer Facte for the Laborer FivU for the Doctor Facts lor tbe Dairyman Facts for the Fruit-raiier Facte frr i tbe Gardener Facts for tho Household Facts for overy family who wants lo save money. j FACTS FOE AGENTS. That this Is tbe most Important advertisement for you yet published, being tbe beat ohanoe to , make money over offered. The preas en dorms it, your own paper endorses lt,every one eadoraes It. The Book of tho X 9 tk Century. Male and female agents opining money on It. Seed to u: at and get circulars free. INGRAM, SMITH A BLACK, 731 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. apr. 11, '77-Jm. Sheriff's Sale. Ry virtue of sundry writs of Fitri Facia le aned out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear field county, and to me dirested, there will be exposed to publio sale, at the Court House, In tho borough of Clearfield, on Saturday, tbe 7th day of Juy, 1377, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, to wit: All the undivided one-third part of the follow ing described tract or piece of land situate In Huston township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and desoribed as follows : lleginning at a pitch pine cornor of tracts Not. 4 19U, 5.107, and &.1I0; thenoe north by tract No. 6707, 10 perchoa to a rouk oak ; thenoe west by tract No. 4211, b'2l pur ches to a hemlock ; ' thence soalb by tract No. 4201,b20 perches to a white pine; thence east by warrant No. 44HD, &24 pert-bus to the place of be ginning, eontaiblng VD0 acres and allowance, be ing survoyed in pursuance of a warrant No. 426'A, and the same premises which Chester Munsun and Leiitta, bis wife, John F. Norcross and others, by deed dated tbt l!Hh October, A. D. 1N72, and re corded in theollioe of the Recorder of Deods for said C'-iunty of Clearfield, ia Dwd Rook ," pafro , etc., granted and eonveyrd unto Luther Dock, James Mitchell and Frederick G. Miller, c",h hin",l4 on llidlvided ll third j .. - - ......... . improved and yielding no rents, Ivsues orprlits. Soiled, takrn tn execution and to be sold at the property of James Mitchell. Tkrux or Salb. The price or turn at which the property shall Iw struck off mint be paid at the time of sale, or such other arrangements made as will be approved, otherwise the property will be iro medial el y put up and sold again athe expense and riak of the person to whum it waa struck o!T, and who, In case of dsticioncy at such re sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will tbo Deed be prerenttid In Court for confirma tion unless the uioncv I actually paid to the Sheriff. ANDREW PENT, Jr., Snrntrr's Omen, I Sheriff. Clearfield, l'a., June 20, 177. f ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of VAI.L'AULK TIMBER LANDS! Uy virtue of an order of Ibt Orphan' Court of Clearfield oountv, Pa., and to me directed, there will be sold at tbe Court House, In the borough of Cloarlield, on tbATIIHDAY, JI I.V T, IHTT, at 2 o'clock p. m , the following deserihcJ prop erties, to wit i No. 1. Siloato in the borough of Clearfield, bounded weat by .. meet, south by street, test ny at'ey, an ft north by lot or and baring a small two-atory house aad stable thereon. No. 2. Hituate In Plonro township, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a stone al tba line of land eon v red lo Craisi A Itlanehard i thence by land cooveyod to U. W. Horn, west HO parches more or irsstoposi; inenne south too pcrcaes more or less to land conveyed to II art sock and Nee per ; thenoe hy same eal 80 perches more or kaa to land eontejfil ;o iraig iiiancliaro: ; thence by same north n6 perches more or ltaa to the place of beginning, containing !t0 acres more or loss, being unimproved, timbered and well adapted to cultivation. No. I. Kituateia Ueocarla towosblp, Clearfield oounty, Pa., containing tfj acres more or less of unimproved land, with valuable timber thereon, underlaid with ton), and descrthed in Deed Hook "U,"page .143, Ac. and Rook "tJ," page 353, Ac. No. 4. Situate la Uullcb township, and being the eait end of a certain uaimprorcd piece uf land bounded north by , east by , oath by t and weat by oob- taioing one-balf of 1U6 acres more or less, and being part of the Bon. Wilson survey, with valu able timber, and underlaid with a good vein of eoal, and near Ibe railroad. No. . Hiluate in Cheat township, adj oining land of Wm. Mc() army, Freeuan, Philip Dotls, and others, containing I.'I7 acres, with about I acres cleared, frame hu and stable thereon, and a portion well timbered. No. I. 61 to ate in Chest township, containing 21 acres, beginning at a hickory on Chest creek ( thence east f1 perches lo a encumber I thence north II degrees eaat M perches to a hickory, (down); thenoe north 47 degrees weat IO perches to post theane west 2H perches lo white oak at orerk tbenee ap the ereek to plane of beginning, eing principally bottom land, aod having an excellent naaing groan u iimr"ti. No. T. Situate In Chest township, beginning at a poplar thence by Htephen Free survey south Ifrt 1-10 perches to a post thenoe by tleo. Noble survey west 168 perches to post ; tbenee by Uhas. Huasell surrey west 1D2 perobes lo a white oak i thence north 2V degreee west 10 perches le pott thence noitb 7V degree eaat T 1-e perches to post i ther.ee north 3:tJ degrees onst 42 perohes to white oak thenoe north 7tf degree eatt 17 Eereheete hickory I thence north XI pert bet to a lack oak) thenoe east 107 perohes tt place of begibning, containing 2.'6 Beget more or leas, be ing unimproved land, having a large amount of timber t hereon, and being wall watered. No, 7. will be told ia lots to suit purohasere. TERMS OF SALE: One-third at confirmation of tale, and the bal ance In two tonal annual paymentt wilb Interest, to bt secured by judgments on tbe premises. A All ON iV TiTK Ailm'r estate or B. PoWrll, dee d. Clear6elrf, Pa., Junt IS, 177 -M. and O eipendlturee of Lawrence tow neb ip Babool Diitrlot for tha year oodlng June lit, 1MT, via : aaciiPW. To total Tai reeelpu To Stat appropriation . 441 frl .1,030 47 XPKXMTliaKg. By Teacher' latarlee 3,126 00 Uy Fuel - Uy liuildiug'repalra, furniture, Ao By HreraUry'e aalary By Trcainrer'i per ceataee lly bal. due Treae. laat lettltuicut H by a'aounl taid Audilun IM ill 1H 0! ltd 00 41 m 4 (III M 11 T. N. FI'EION, Hl'Fl S THOMPSON, SeeittarV. I'rcetdrnt. We, tbe undonlgned AudiUrcof Lawrence town-1 l rxr: r; :rz knowledge and belief. WM. T. IRWIN, A. 11. SHAW, Clearfield, June 13, 1877-Jl. Auditor. TOWNSHIP HTATKMKNT.. D. K.ltltl UAhKR, District Treasurer of I nion township, In account with the Road and Poor funds ol said township, for 1876. ROAD FUND DR. To am'tof seated road tax assessed fur lfc7fl, vis amount of Schofield's Duplicate $ K-'O 03 amount of Daborde's Duplicate M 11:11 VU Sunervitort' services 211 4i each of Peoples, Sherwood, Laborde. 3 UH untested road funds 2,7 8i SO (H.0J7 2:, CM. Hy road tax worked out under Scbofield.$ 317 23 Uy Seholltld'a time, 44 days, at $2 BS Ot) lly Schofield's percentage, asking hands. Il) OU lly Buhofi eld's percentage on overwork.. 10 Ot) lly exonerations on Schotleld's Dup f 0 lly road tax worked out under Laborde 329 00 Uy Laborde'a time, to days, at $2. 00 00 Uy Laborde's par oentage.asklnr hands. 10 00 by LaborwVo per oentag on overwork.. 0 00 Uy powder aim team 0 Ho lly exoneration ou Lnburde's Dnp -'6 Uy amount duo Dial. Tret, from 1876... 6tl7 43 by road orders mrfmmrad....: 1,027 07 liy Dist. Trcas. nor seolace at 2 per ot M tl by bulduoe duo turnfbip.. 2 li :i,6i7 23 .$ 79 fit . VOA VU . 171 2ti POOR Fl'ND DR. To bal. due twp. from bxst settleuient.. to unaoaled draw To Duplicate of U7i lo Duplicate ol ti By poor order redeemed $ 61 by balance due townsbi 7IT 10 $1,2.3 44 RECAPITULATION. ) am't of road funds In Trees, hands (228 10 d am't ol pour funds in Treat, band...- 77 10 We, the undersigned Addltert of Union town ship, do certify that we have examined the above account i, and And them correct and true to tbe beet of our knowledge and bell of. Attest: L. R. MIESLEK, M. A. Rbahn, C. V. LAHOKDE, Clerk. J. K. OSWALD, Roekton, June 20, 1877-31. Auditors. 1)ORotrr;ii tati mi;n t J JulIN C. CONNOR, Esq., Dist. Treas urer of the borough of Uurnsido, in account with the Ilorougb and Poor fund& uf said borough, for the year euding April 9, 177, vis: anaoton ru.vna db. To amount of Borough Duplicate,, To Road fund To Fines To am't received of Collector To orders on Treasurer f.'tflS 7tf 172 2'j I 7; 3 W 8U lb cnaniroK. By ft per oent. on $12.7 27 13 liy abatement on $2&.o2 14 27 lly Dup. to J. fetaufTer, Street Coui'r 172 2.'i lly Duplicate to J. Rcim, Collector 4V Uy amount of order paid Z'.i'A 70 $r,:;.s "ii poort its ii dr. To Poor Overseer' Duplicate To two notes on C. aiid 11. Connor.. To amount rrn'U ol Collector To order on 'lreuaurer ...:!;n hi .. if) ij .. 1 77 CHKD1TOB. by & per cent, on fcnio.flfl t li "4 lly abatement on J23.60 11 Iti By per oent. on 1.1S 1 by am't of Duplicate to J, Keim, Coll'r... P0 tit lly receipt of Poor Overseers 'M 15 lly amount of orders paid 2H) S Hy the Connor note , 110 li $4ib en B'-nont. Ft'ao. JOHN O.CONNOR. Kat., Dialriet Treasurer, la account with tbt Annuo I fund of Hurnalde borough, for tht year ending Junt 7, 1S77, via : DXITOR, To bal. In Treat, banns iasi aell!(biiit...$ I 91 To amount of School Duplicate 2H0 08 iv ocnoui noun rem, nor, o, i o. ........ m vv To appropriation, 170 6.1 48 To earh from Collector C4 l)D $120 M CRBDITOR. By return of Dup. not collected liy amount of order p lid lly per oent. ob $2l.0fl at & percent.. uy abatement on rioa.jj,. ter cent, on (TIH.4H, appropriation.. lalanct in Treasurer's hands Cil'tf S5 We, tc underslgnid 'Auditors of the borough of P. urn side, do certify tbat we have examined the accounts of John C. Connor, Treaaurer of said borough, and find them as above stated. Jons H. ki:ki, JAH. McMl'HRAY, JNO. I.- ALLISON, Ilurnaide, Pa , Junt 13, 18"7-3L Auditors. A NEW DEPARTURE l i t ii k n s n i u g . Hereafter, goods will bo sold for CASH only, pir in exchange for produce. No books will be kept In the future. All old accounts must bo settled. Thnae who cannot each op, will please hand over their notes ard CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to sell my goods al cash prices, and at a discount far bulow that over offered In this vicinity. The diacnunt F allow my customers, will make them ri-o In twenty years If they follow my advice and buy their good from me. I will pay cash for wheat, Onti and clver seed. DAN1KL UOODLANDKR. Lutbersbutg, January 17, 1(7. A. a. BKitn. A. 1. IIAUKRTV. REED & HAGERTY, Succoifot to J. G. SCHRYVER, IlKALKUS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, Serond St.9i trarfltitl, ta The undersigned would announce (o tho uitiscn of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have pur ehaord Iho Hardware S tore of J. II. richryvnr, and wil constantly kuep on hnnd a full anaoitinettt of Hardware In all its branch e, such as IALLK & POCKET Cl'TLERY. Benok Stops, Hand Saws, Ori el A merle m Cross tut Raws, D. H and feeling Axes, Hatchets, Planet tnd Plane Irons, all hind of Nails, Horse tfhtosand i.re Hhot Nails, Picks, Hoes, Rakes, Hay Forks, H hovel and 8pa.lor, MnytheS.Snsthea, I'lowa, tlrain Cradirs, Cultivators, Double and (tingle Hhove flows, Cultivator Teetb, llevrls and Try hrnusi, Hhnvtl Blades, Mill l?aw and Taper Filet, Chisels, llltts, 4iUgers, Adsea, Darn Door Hangers, llult, T and Htran lliatrs, llonoy's Hollow Ausurs. all kind of Locks, ricrewi, 8aib Cord and Pulleys, CLASS and PUTTY, Fool and Chela Bulls, Carriage, Tire and Barrel Bolts, 7M Cord, Pad Irons, llurse II makes and Curry-Combe, (Irind-stone fl Mures, (lusa, Hfaip and Koap stone Parking, Cable Chains, ete, Jhey will alto Reap oa nanu a mil aoriment of Tinwarc.and a general stock of House Furnish ing Uool a, wkieb tbey will sell at prices to suit the timet. Peraoaa wishing anything la th lr lint are In vited to eall and e tain in lheir stock before porchaalng. RliKD A HAUKRTV. ClearOrl.1, May ft?, 1877-ly. OCHOOL alTATKMBNT.-HeeliU gnu flcfrtistmtuts. 171717 not .Ml! ! not eaaily earned In Ibeee tlraei, bnt made m three naoatus by any thrr aex. In any part of ttie oountrv who la wlllioc to work steadily at the empluyuuot that we furnl'b. $i0 per week in your own town. Yhq need not bo awuy from home over Biftlit. Yon ean ajive ynur whole time to tho work.ur only y.uripro moment. It ounta nothing to try ttie buniimni. Termi and i Out (It free, Addrva at once, 11. Hai-lktt Co., April 18, 1577 1) Portlaod, Maine. A Snfei, Bure and Cnoap Daatroyar of the POTATO .vV, -BUQiCiEBiGt ?ff?5kv - klaaU. u hi b.n. (. ..!. v mr, hi., w , . IMUM i r j.ni,ii . i- wr-i - - fat CWMliM w"1' h-ii-lf..t nf u.i ai.i4l. ihubI m 0 l" KUUAbl C1UI'AI. W ORtiS, 1 O. B.i Slit If buttlu.di hi., Nw tuikLiiy. . ror,ai- iH...rnwrg.r co: Woodland; hn McGaiikbey, Clearlield, aud C. II. Corjell A Co., a tijil '." - , CARPETS I CARPETS!! CARPETS!!! Tho people of Ihis viciolty have long felt the necesily ol having a larger and better assortment uf Cnrneta to icltct frrm than has ever tieen kept in the pice be lore. Thiit want Is now fully sup piled. o on to accuruu ine exciuaivo use oi RlchardsoirsCarirtl Exhibitor, A WONDERFI'L INVENTION fur febowlng Cari't. a brief description of the use of which we give below. With the use of tbe Cartrt Exhibitor, we show from a sample junt how the Carpet looks on a very luriro room, tnultlphins the Sample a thousand limes, matched and shown as perfect as wben tbe Carpet Is made up and nailed upon the floor, in this way wt arc uow prepared to snow you a NEW YORK WHOLESALE STOCK. We hnve made special arrangement with one of the Jura at buures In New York, to fill all our orders for Carpets, and will show you a larger BJS'irimi'ui 1 1 priet i rr..m tnu una ever on itpt uutfido uf a wholesult house, NEW & DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which are not kepi in stock oufflde of largo cities. Ibis way of buying Carpets has now become popular, and we show what you would otherwise hate to go to Now York to liud. Wo can sill as cheap for cDf-h as yoa can buy for cah in New York, and there buiig no remnants to lakeofl the profits, wo are enabled to sell on a very small commission, an t most n.pectlully Invite Ibe public to examine our sluek, an i satisfy them selves. IF YOU WANT A CARPET of any dimensions, brirg a correct measure yf your ronui end we guarantee to suit oii. Please call and sou u. whether you whh to buy or not, as It Is no trnuble tn chow goods. Itcxprctlully, T. A. FLECK &. CO., MAHKET KTKKKT, (XKAIll'IKI.l), l'A. Mn; JO, I877 tr. PLANTS & FLOWERS. The uinlfr.'lffnt'd hen-by glvri notl'-o to tbe citiien ol Clcnrticld county, that bo has. at hi Un-en 11'nno In tkarliuia, a large iiuantity ol all sinls of Vegetable & Flower Flnnts, wl.iili he will furnish to all who may fnvor bim with their patronage, at reasonable rates. The following Is a partial liit of plants and flowers : VEGETABLE PLANTS : Wintered Cnbbno Plants, . I, nt C'libbnuo 1'lunU, wnrf t'ek-ry flnnts, Wintered Cuulillowcr I'lnnts, Sweet I'olnto rinnts, I'iSjt 1'lniit", Toinnto 1'liiiitn, I'epper rhiiili. FLOWER PLANTS for BEDDING : i lin.InTHrii'K:l-Aiiilr.l. I I I'KTI XIA Slnnl. an l 4i-M.. i (JKIiANirMS-llMiliI.. II KK AM I V.iiritalc.l. SAIIi: Fenrlot nti-l whit,. KtMMIHl Slnjlo anil Juubl.. rANSIB-UrK. Il.iwtr.. AliKKATt'M Mixtd. COI,l:i S -Ai-.orte.J. DAHLIAS lloul.k. VFRDI'NASVmt lelectcii v.riftiei. crrii i:a. CKVTAI HKA iin.l CINCllAniA: ' CASNAS Anrt..l. ( I OC'K L.rRi. fluwi-ilrir. dimilla, ItAUnNIAS A..f.rl.d. IIIHIV ALIA Kl.t. miif.r. MIIINONKTTK LnrBe llowerlng I'INKH ll.rdjr. PHLOX Uriiiiiiunnilil. A arirtiL-t nf I'lunti for Hanging ' ukt, or Vases. ERNEST BOCK. flf.rfi.IJ, !.., M.y 1.1, 187711. 'J'RUSTEE'S SALJ2 OFVALl ABLE Coal mid Tir.iber fan (Is! By virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county. Pinn a, under prorcedintrs in partition, there will be epond to publio Sule, at auction or on lory, at the Court House, In Clear field, on Saturday. June .lOtlt, IH77, at 1 o'clock p.m., attthat valuable property, lae i tho estate of Samuel Hegarty, lhecMr( of Wood -! ward townuMp, ronisl ing of I.HIH) arrea of land in the heart of the operations inthe l'lrar-i tie Id roal bad ii, having the large vein of con. I upon much or the lani, and mrgc pnrttona thereof being lice v liy timbered with a vlrj;lu (iirrat ot utilte pine timber. Tho land is divided into lots, and they aro bounded and di-ecrihcd as follows; Pi a taut No. 1. Beginning at a post i llienoe south 4 degrees wrst -21 pcrcbesto a post J thence south fli degrees eat 171 pm-hes to a post; theniM north 21 degrerp e:it 20 - percbeto a post; thence north K7j degrees west 2 perches to a post Ihcnco south ? i degrees west 60 perches to a jiost ; tlienre s uib 7 degn'u ereit 12 6 1(1 perches to a post ! thence soulh 7 degrees West 7 -10 per to ptiat ( thenoe south n7 degrees east 8.1 4-6 perches to a psl and place of beg inning. contniiinig ttirre iiuiiiireuuiia turiitj-ecreii arrra and allou aure. PrRi'AHT No. 2. Beginning at a post; thmce north 2i degrees eaat bb 7-10 perches to a white pine stump ; ihcnce aonth 87 1 degrees east 14 10 perches to a post ; thence nrrlh 2J dcgreei rnt lil pcrciie-t a wr-.ito pine thenoe north K7 degrees wen 2J i-10 p- rches to a post llienoe south iij (irsrres wrst i - if pernors tn a pnM: tbenee by purpart No. I, south Mi decrees east 2(!H prrches to place or heginnintr, containing three liiiiidrcil and ninety arrea and ttilrly- loiir and uie1euin perrliee and allowanre. I'rncAHT No Iteginning at a white pine lliei.'ce by purpart No. 2, norih 87 degrees west a JU prr'ne io a poM j tnence soutn ;ij de grcrft went 2 3-10 pen hi to a white birch ; thence uth ft) dt-prcr n'ft bi 6-10 prrrh to a p'st : lliMice north 21dK"',f" ''""t perches to a post thence north r-7 degrees eat lfr.t perches to a post ; thence S"Uth 21 degrers west Ml g-j perches to a post 1 thencs anutb Pnj degrees taat S 5 prn-hes to a p"t ; thence south 'Ji degree wrst peiches to .while pine anil p are ol lo- ginning.eoniaitiing three liiimlred anil thirty five acrea, one liumlrtd pert he and uIIuh- tanre. Prnpnr No. 4 Mntibiaa Il.irton survey. Brglnning at a pout : ilienoo sutb S7j degrees eaat 'M'V perehna tn a maple ; thenoe north 24 de grees ttat 217 prrcbvs ton white oak thence n'trlh eft degreea wctt XI 2 erches to stones; thence south 24 degrees weat 22 perches to post and place'dheginning1, containing lour hundred acres, till) perrliee and allowance. The above four furpnr'a being iioale in Woodward townahtp, Clfarllnld noitnty, P. Pi BfAMT No 6. Beginning at a post theaoe Boitb 88 drgrf wt-t 1H7 ptrchoa to a fallen white pint : thence north 102 perchm to stones j thence north U7f degree rant 461 prrcbes to a hemlork; thence south 24 degreea weat h2 perch es lo a post i thence north Ti degrees weH lh3 perches to a chestnut ; thence routh Si degrees weat 8;i 6 Ifl perch ea to pluce of beginning, oon tnining three li unci red and flfty-tive acres and allowance, and being tituate in Decatur towtxhip, Clearfield oounty, Pa. MODE OF SALE : The tracts or puipaiU will rrtrb be pot up separately and lids obtained on each of them, anl then they will bt put up to sale aa a who'e before striking any of them down, and the property Will bo struck down to the bid for the I wool u ine atne is more man me sk'gregite ai ' ll k.,.,.... t,i.l. t.nt If onl llian tn 1 1.. ....r.l. bidder. Lnoh Hid. lor muat tnake his bid with lb is tpccitl uuilerelanding. TERMS OK SALE: Otir-aulli of tho whole pun-hue mor.cy In raih when tho property Is iliuck dean, niir aixlll thvreor nt the e nnrmation of the sale by tbe Court, one third of the whole, after deduct ing oiie-fc'urtb of the whole, thai be secured up I on tha premises by reogniiaiice In Ibe Orphans' ! Court of llrnrfleld county, wilh (wo luQVirnl I aorUiea Ifl be annrnved bv the aaid Court, eon- diilened tn pay lo Lydia llegnrty, tho widow, the interest en the said one third semi annually, oom mcnclng at the ditto of the sale, d'irir.g htr nat ural life, an I at h rr death to pay to the parties Ii gaily entitled tbartlo, ihe pritcipil sum of Ihe snid one-third. I he remainder of Ihe purrhate j money to be payable, with in ten at rrow eotillim- ntion of sale, in four tqtial annual paymanta, be- ginning one year after t.iid confirmation, the a me lo Be secured upon ine prcmiset by lor..I and mortgage with tS'ei're A'annt olause, and with a covsnanl that no timber ihnll be cut from Ihe same until all of tbe paymentt tenured theruby shall be paid, units hy leave oitbeUrr hna' Ourt of Clearlield eounty, after noUcu to ihe Trustee and UpcB tecrpy given tbtrofor, as the Said Court Q7 dcre. I'oed to be made lo Ihe pur obaaer or pnrchasera by Ihe Truatee, npoo mm plianee with Ibe term of sale berHn tm fore stated, and possession to l-e given whrn the Deed is de livered. JOHN M. ADA MM. Clearfield, Pa., My 20, H7f-H. Trpsttp. vBjaLBwewejBaeaBBk. v-- ..i. w at h.l WlNklr4. bur. iMlk. R 111 HI t JJfur drntisfntftits. F OK SALE.- Tbt anderslcnod will tall at or I vat salt all that tract or parcel of land sittatt la Deoatar township, flea rile id tounty, l'a., within a enori dtstanoe of tbo Tyrone A Clearfiel t R. R., and adjoiniug lands of Robert Hudson and otners, and known at tba Jacob B. Gearhart lot. The said tract containing 00 aeree more ot lost, with two vclnt of valuable coal thereon, bat about 10 acres eleared, and la Ibt key lo a large body of coal about being developed. Will bo sold low and upa easy terms. For particulars, apply to DAVID L. Kit KllS. Clearfield, Ta., July 12, lt7l. .;r::.;;;;v Situate ia Huntingdon oountv, Pa., one mile north ol tbe village or Burnt Uafclos, ruiloa lo., con la in In a three hundred and twenty-eight no res. more or lest, limestoue, gravel and slate land, under good slate of oulttvatloa. The Improve ments consul ol irame ov.;??f. louse, bana Darn 46x72 feet, wagon shed, core crib, hog pent, hay- taalcs, two teuant bouses, taw mill, two young apple orchards btaring fruit, one thousand pan els post ana rail lence, any acres meaauw, one pus drod and flftv acre plow land. Tbe balance ooo litts of 128 aorta of white pine, oak and hlek ory limber. A tread ol never-failing water runs tbrouirb this d roper t v. makinir, it particularly well adapted to both stock and grain raising-. If desired, will bt divided to suit purchasera. Tbla property it on or near projected routes of two railroads, one of which will be bnilt this turning bummer. For terms of sale, apply to 8. V. WILSON, Lock Doi 1H0, Cltarfield, Va. Clearfield, March 14, l77flin TIN &SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDISMERRELL lias opened, In a building on Market afreet, on the old Western Hotel lot, opnoiite tbt Court House In Clearfield, a Tin and t-heet Iron alaou factory and Store, where will bo found at all limes a full line or house FTOiTisnnra goods, Stoves. Hardwaro, Etc. House S routine: and all kinds of job work, repair- ins;, Ac, done on short notice and at reasonable rates. Also, agunt for the SingerSewing Machine. A supply of Machine?, with Needles, Ac, al ways on band. Terms, strictly eth or country produce. A share of patronage solicited. 0. 8. MEIIRHLL, Superintendent. Clearfield, April 25, 1 877-1 f. , THE TIN SHOP! Rl.lG SHOWS MACHINE! FRED. SACKETT, noOM NO. S, P1L-8 OPKRA H0VPE, Clearfield, Fa. Respectfully informs bis CDRtomers, and tbe pub lic In general, thai he continues to manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper & Sheet-Iron AVnrc, Of first-class material only, and In a workman - liko manner. ROOFING nml SPOUTING done on short n d'ro and very ref.tihl tt-r'. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES AND FL'IINACKS always kept iu stock, nud fur a tie low. Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specially. Oas Piitures always on hand. All work guaran teed to girt satisfaction. A share of public patronage cordially solicited. " FRKD.8ACKKTT. Clearfield, Pa., May 9, 1877. WM. REED ISOl'ENINO THIS DAY LAROB STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, IN ALL ThK BRANCHES APPERTAINING TO THR DRY O00PS TRADE. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, CASSIMERES, LINEN SUITS, &e., &c, &c. NOTIONS AN Dt TRIM M INGS, , F UNG EH, IACES, CLOVES, IIOSIKKV, TIES, CORSETS, UUTTONS, Ac, Ac.,c.. WHITE GOODS, T A III. E LINE N S, COliniH) AND TLAIN I'lQL'ES, SWISS LAWNS, WHITE TRIMMINCJS, KMHIiOIDKKIES, ni'oiiiNi;, CI' If TAIN NETS, &c, Sc. MILLINEItV, TlilMMED IIATSAND UONNETS, FLOW KIIS, ItlllllONS, TI!IMMIN( SILKS, Ap., Ac, Ap. Carpelings, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, &c, &c. rri.i. stock or kvkrytiiino, IH.I'IIIIT FOR CAH1I, AND WtLl Il WI.D FOR CARI1. wm. re;ed, ' Rnnn No. t, PnOr. Huum Il.Hdin,. CkiitiM, P.., Arrll 11,'71 4a. Jf. uinzbura Soots, &bttl, STILL ANOTHER BED BOOT & SH l bnvojuntroturneil from New Yoik shown in this town. Julgo for your A paper toiiar A box of paper collars for 9 otoU. A pair of cotton socks, plain, 11 cents. A lead pencil for one cunt. A black silk nock tie for five cents. A tot ton kudkercYit'rtor sit eeoti. Baby shoes, laced frem 2i eenta upwards. (i (o " " laeed and bee led 73 cents and up. " " buttoned 0 " " In all colors and sty lea. . Children's shoes from 75 oent upwards. Misses shoot from $1 upwards. In lasting, leather or kid. Ilea's plough Shots at t-tS Hen'! better dreta shoes at 1&0 A man's oalf boot from $i upwards. These are but a few articles, to give yo Wo keep also a full Hoe of Men's Furnishing libit 0 ALL KINDS OF TRADE TAKE S. GUINZBURG, Be eon d Street, opposite the Court Huie, CLKAliFIELD, PA. Ito. m fnrm.rljr oeoupi.il lj L.r.r Flej;.l. Clcarneld, I'.., J.n. il, 1677. Z. ;k A Co.'s Column. atTrllafaiiifcs.pamj -" ' " ' ' t', -... . J . ' TO BUY YOUR DRY CrOODS IS FLECK & Wo liivo lots of breath and money We have Dress Goods at 7 cents per yard and upwards. ISIitek Cashmere, all wool, at CO cents and upwards. Colored Alpaca at 18 cents per ya.id and upward. Black Alpaca, double width, at 21 cents and upwards. Calicoes 5 cents and upwards. Ginghams 5 cents and upwards. Shirtings 8 cents and upwards. Muslins 3 cents and upwards. Men's and Hoys' Cottonades at 15 cents per yard and upwards. Tickings 8 cents and upwards. White Goods 9 cents and upwards. Shawls 50 cents and upwards. Best Percales 12 cents. Table Linen 22i cents and upwards. Ladies' Skirts 40 cents up. Good Black Silk 90 cents and upwards. Embroideries 3 cents up. UOLLORED SILKS ALL PRICES. Ltdioa' Suits (2 anil upwards. Whilo Bod Snroada OS cent! and upwards. Lndics' and Children's IIoso li cents and upwards. Ladies' and Gents' Handkerchiefs 5 cents and upwards. Corsets 25 cents and upwards. Ladies' Tics 10 cents and upwards. Gloves 8 cents and- upwards. All'silk ILiniHiercliicfii at 23 cents. f Kid Gloves SO con Is and upwards. Suspenders 15 cents and upwards. All linen shiit fronts 12) cents and upwards. Fans 2 cents and upwards. Gents' Shirts 40 ccntsand upwards. Pins 2and 3 cents per paper. Parasols 18 cents and upwards. Umbrellas 37 cents and upwards. A first class Milliner to trim Hals ond JSonncts just as you want Ihcm, and at Trices Unit will defy competition. GOODS LOWER DON'T FAIL T. A. FLECK Two doors east o( Shaw House and opposilo Mossops, Markot St. Clearfield, Pa., Mny 2, 1877. if ClM 2 re o sr a a w p "3 a ft p re S 5 re SB a e. fi S'M Q o H III Q o o M OS 3 3. B -i a S o o o a Ob - 3 n " Oi T re y re re d 2o A tr 3 a re , k S a td Q C 3 o- c 5'. re if 3! er re 3 and 5mts' urnisbing 6od5. UCTION IN PRICES AT OB STORE. with the chcnpoHi lot of gootli ever aelC8,by tho following lint of prices : A 1.4 cw;. . .m A ban, aomb for lOMntf, A qVico ibu. luu for fuar Mtl. M.o . wblu UudrM .blrll (or tl. lOot colurad .blrtl, t olUr., M tit. Yfomtn't ibo.i , Pl.il luliog Uotd, fl.lt. ruin lutiD, kiiim, tl.lt. WoB.n'i MoroM. ikoM, tl.lt, I.TI, t, Ii. Wob.ii kid ibM, tt.rt. . Wodi.d'. ml VroDoh bid ibou. tt.tt. M.n'i, Wooj.l'i ud Boj'l ili.p.ri, fro tt eontf pwrdi. M.n'. ood dre.i Shoi At t.Ot ind npwirili to U iO for iboii mad. to ordw. CbiMr.n'i iboufrooi $1.61 ipwudt tuMj. n u Idea of bow cbonp wt or Mlllng. 0i; Troi.kl, 8olcb.ll, At., ti tbo low.lt poi gurco, K IN EXCHANGE FOR dOODS. -I- S. GUINZBURG, Second Street, opposite tht Court House, CLEAR FIKLD, VA t Room formerly occupied by Lever Flegal, Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 24, 1&77. I. t(W & (tt.'i Muin. AT CO STORE tojspnro to tell you what we have. THAN EVER. TO CALL AT & CO.'S. a o . re Q 9 , ... B ' 3 O sr p 3 2. P 3 05 or eft CI w a SST p " ipetrlcide !? 1 .8 'a