Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 20, 1877, Image 2

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    She gU-pMican.
'i- - L; l.--
Ukobob B. Goodlandfr, Kilitor.
Header. If you WAnt !o know what It join on
In the buiinen world, Juat rind our advertiilng
eolumna, the .Viieciiif oolumn Id particular.
No man worthy lh offie of President ahnuld
be willing to hold it if counted in, or placed thero
by any fraud. I'. OniT.
I ooutd never have been reconciled to the elo
vntii'B by tit emallrat aid of mine of person,
however' veepeclable in private life, who tnuet
forever carry upon his brow tho atnwp of fraud
llrit triumphant In American hlitury. No eub
Brquent action, howovtr merltorioua, can waah
awoy tb tellers of that record.
Charlks FkIIH'IS Aiiaub.
1'nder tho formi of law, ltuthcrford D. Ilayn
baa been declared President of the United 8itei.
Ilia title reiia upon diifranehiirment of lawlul
votere, the falio ecrtifU-ates of the returning olfi
cera acting oorruptlr, aud the doolaiun of ft coin
minion which hue refilled to bear evidence of al
leged fraud. For the flrat tin are tba Atnerioan
people confronted with the fact of ft fraudulontly
eleeled I'reai'ient. Let It not be undrntood that
the fraud will bo ailently acquieaeeil in tj tbe
eountry. Let no bour paae in which Ibe uaurpa
tion ia forgotten
Aupio:as or Dbuociutic M. C.'s.
One hundred yonra of human depravity aoeu
mulated and coneentrnled Into a climax of erime.
Never again In Ave hundred year, aliall they bave
an opportunity to repeat the wrong
Iumikl W. Vooaiitrs.
A liadical exchango says: "Cuptain
V. B. Hart, Cashier ol tho Treasury,
will havo a walk over for tho Republi
can nomination for Stale Treasurer.
There is not a candidate in tho field
against him, and it is hardly probable
that there will be." Well, wo will bo
very much mistaken if tho Captain
does not hear soma yyei that will
astonish him by tho time the election
is over, so that his Hart will leap
within for j rago!
(ion. Wm. Tccumseh Shorman, Sen
ator Cameron and dignntarics, spent a
few days in tho early part of last week
at James Duffy's Marietta.
"lie rervea hia party beat who aerrea till coun
try hplt." Phitatitljtiiet Veil.
Well, how is it with tho fellow w ho
has always served bis party, but his
country, iuver ?
M'iks Xeilon bus a diamond weigh
ing tliirty-ono carats, tho largest ever
worn by an actress on tho stage. It
is set in lrosted gold leaves, and is val
ued at $10,000.
Mr. Benjamin Whitman, of the Krie
Observer, announces in his pnper that f
ho Is not a cundidnto for tho Demo
cratic nomination for Auditor General,
nor for any other political position.
Jefferson Davis now lives near Mis
sissippi City, on tho border of Pont-,
charlrain' between Jscw Orleans and
Mobile. 11c is writing his memoirs, is
in excellent health and looks younger
than ho did B few years ago.
'Jly dear Pitkin," as Ben Butler
would say, lias been hit right between
(hooves by "I ho government." Hav
ing held tbo fut oftlco of Marshal of
Louisiana, and helped to count Hayes
in, ho has, nevertheless, been removed
turned out to pasture. But ho
swears vengeance.
Tho Crawford Journal, tho licpubli
can organ of tho county, opposes Judge
Pettis for Judgo, and ho predicts his
defeat if nominated because "of his nn
fitness for tho position." Pettis now
holds tho ofllco by appointment of Gov
ernor Hartranlt, to fill tho vacancy
caused by tho death ot Judgo r,owric.
T ho Selinsgrovo ZVmcjsays: "Wm.
II. (iibbony, who has been doing tho
tapiiing business for John M. Ilino, at
MoKcos, Half Tails, Snydor county,
tlisappearcd several days ago, leaving
Mr. Bine minus about 82,500. On Tues
day morning Airs. Gibbons followed
lier defaulting husband but no one
knows whilhor."
A Potent Petition. Fourteen
thousand tax payers of Washington
city have signed a potition asking Mr.
Hayes to removo tho negro, I'rcd
Douglas, from tho oflico of Marshal of
tho District of Columbia. This is far
ahead of tho famous petition signod by
tlireo thousnnd clergymen, in 1857,
praying Congress to prohibit slavery
in Kansas.
'lt S.MEU.KD a Mice." An ex
change says : "When Governor Tom
Young returned to Columbus from his
rocont trip to Washington ho appear
ed considerably cast down. Ho stnted
to a friend in Columbus that his throat
had been cut by tho administration;
that ho would not attempt to socuro
tho nomination for Governor, because
ho km satisfied that neither himself
nor any other Republican could bo
Another Tune "Tho horrible El
lenlon assassinations," about which
wo licnrd so much through Radical
channels, beforo Chief Justice Waito
and tho liadienl Judge Bond went to
South Carolina to try tho offenders,
don't amount to so much sinco the
trial is over and nobody convicted.
Theio two Judges spoiled a scoro of
bloody shirt stories which had been
cooked up by Radical stumpers lor tho
next campaign.
. "M ben tho naligi ehoi ft lawful tribunal to
rmd'ra Inwful judgment botwrtn air. Tildrn
and Mr. llayea. Ita ileeialon ait mad tbe law ful
drerte of the nation, from whieh there eonld be
no apptAj."--'AiuaVjiAtw Tim.
To this special pleading tho Now
York .Sun puts its objections in this
way :
"lltr at threa diitlnot jiropoaltlona, ani
every one of then if untrue i
I. It waa sot a lawful tribunal, beeauit Itwae
ftnrd contrary to tho Conititulion.
S- It did not render ft lawful derliloa. The
deeiiion It nndered waa eontrary both to th
law and facte.
A. There la ftn appeal froaa It. Th Eleetoral
CnmmlMion act dieiinrtly provided that no right
of the nartlea to appeal to the eourte ahould b
ftAerted by the proceeding."
Railroading. Thoro nro different
methods ol railroad competition. Tho
Now York Central reduces tho faro
and tho Hudson River employs young
Indies as ticket agents, whilo tho Penn
sylvania Central gobblos up tho through
travel lor Now York, West, and vice
ivwrt, by running faster lines than any
other road. From Chicago to Now
York tho distance is 012 miles, which
is mido by tho Pennsylvania Central
in twenty -four hours ; being about
thirly cight miles per hour. That
bents our "limited mail'' line all hollow.
Tho war doml In tlio oat in still o
coming darkor. Wo have rv'iorls thul
tho two armies had un fiigugoiiiont
boforo Kara, in Atis, lasting lor throe
iluyt, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
- -J-!.,U;,.r..i U;li. F.
BlUHO Ullk-K.U fa .1. .... I.
Then on tho oilier band wo havo tho
report that away oft in Kuropo the
Montuhegriiis and Turku had a hattlo
on tho !Hh resulting disastrously to tlio
Turks. .l iHitoncgro is shall indepen
dent Province ot Turkey, lying on tho
Southeastern Khoro of tho Adriatic
Sea near tho gulf of Cattero, in lati
tude forty three and longitude ninety-
nix, witn a population ol izimiuu and
contains 1,500 trtuaro miles, about ono
third nioro territory than wo havo
in Clearlleld. Oticfillli of tho popula
tion aro soldiers.
London, Juno 17. ltoulor's Con
stantinople dixputvh reports that tho
court martial trial ot tho ollleora of the
gunboat 'Sail, which was deHtroyod by
torpedoes In mo lianuoo, lias conclud
ed its labors. It is behoved that pris
oners will bo sentenced to bo shot.
Haoisa, June 17. Intelligence has
been received from Sclavonic sources
that there was a sanguinary ongago
mcnt, hutting throughout Saturday,
between 10,000 Turks and 3,000 Mon
tenegrins, at Rasnogluvi. The Turks
wore defeated and puinuod to Sous,
leaving 2,000 dead on tho field. This
reads liko Yankee dispatch. Kuitor
It is reported that Prineo (iorlscha
kolf, in his reply to England disavow
ing any wish on tho part ot Jiussia to
tako possesion ot Constantinople, de
clares that city ought to belong to
nono of tho Kuropean powers.
All along tho lower part of tho
Danubo a violcntstormburston Thurs
day night, and it was feared by tho
Tu rks that tho iinssiuns would attempt
a surprise during tho intenso darkness.
Nothing of the kind was attempted,
however, and tho iiiiBsians seem to
havo been fully as unprepared to take
advantage of tho woathoras tho Turks
wero to have oppoocd tho crossing,
had it been attempted. Tbo weather
in tho valley oi tho Dnnube is gener
ally hot.
In Asia tho principal featuro this
week uas been tlio partial withdrawal
of tho Itussian right wing and tho
closer investment ol Kara anil liatoum,
Tho total ltussian force available for
active operations in Asia Minor is
about 140,000. Of theso .10,000 aro
around Kara, 30,000 between Kara and
Ualoiim, and 30,000 between Kara and
tho lino of liayazid and Toprolt Kale,
thus leaving about 40,000 for ihocentro
against Mukhtar Pasha's 40,000 In
strong positions.
Theso figures show that tho Itus
siuns havo no mcu to sparo if they in
tend to keen tho country thev havo so
far occupied, though if the'ir object
wero simply to effect a rapid advanco
and defeat tho Turks ns a preliminary
to peace, thero is nothing to prevent
their doing so.
Tho Russian telegraphic agency in
Piiris publishes tho following: "Couilt
SchouvalorTis to assuro Kngland that
tho route to India by way of Sues! canal
and tho Persian gulf is free ; that trea
ties will bo observed, mid that tho ques
tion of tho Bosphorus and Dardanelles
will bo settled at the end of tho war
by a Kuropean congress. Beyond
tlicso points no engagement has been
undertaken. Tbo assertion that Rus
sia will confine herself at tho conclu
sion of pcaeo to applying tho rsolutiqns
adopted by tho late conlerenco is there
fore, incorrect."
Great anxiety is felt in tbo host in
formed diplomatic circles in Berlin
concerning tho relations between Kng
land and Kussia. Iliobeliel is gam
ine; L'round that Russia is determined
to tako such action as will force Eng
land to doclaro herself definitely. At
present she is neither at open war with
Russia nor a strict neutral, but it is
not thought probablo that she ran
much longer koop out ot wur,
Princo Bismarck, it is known, is
strongly in favor of tho Gortschakoff
noto, and ontiroly disapproves ot tlio
vogtio and uncertain attitude of Kng
land. This may be taken as a suro
indication of tho sido Germany will
tako in tho ovent, which is regarded as
very probablo, of tho war oxtending.
Butler's "Mr Dear Pitkin." Tho
Philadelphia Times, in alluding to this
Louisiana "bloody shirt" agent says:
"Tbo President deserves thanks for
kicking 'My dear Pitkin' out of tho
ofllco of United Slates Marshal for
Louisiana. Pitkin is a great fraud,
Gcnoral Butler says ho 'wore the bluo;'
but ho did not disgrace that cloth un
til he had disgraced the gray by cow
ardice at Shiloh and was treated to
tho cold shoulder by his comrades in
tho Southern army. Ho was Kollogg's
and Packard's most pliant tool, and
was detailed by them last fall to turn
tho crank of tho outrago mill. Ho in
vented Eliia Pinkston and palmed her
off upon confiding Kclloy and tho near
sighted Sherman. Ho scoured tho
Louisiana cancbrakes for witnesses ol
political intimidation, armed and equip
ped them with affidavits and paid
thorn with the money of tho govern
ment. Ho devised tho plan ot pressing
Union soldiers intoservico as copyists
for United States Commissioners in
order to gel tho Sherman report and
accompanying junk-shop material bo
foro tho Senate and tho country as a
backing for Returning Board villainy.
It is gratifying to find (hat Mr. Hayes
is disposed to cast audi deadweight
adrift. Ho might havo easily found,
however, a better man than Jack
Wharton to tako his place. Wharton
is a gentleman of convival habits and
considerable popularity In conBcrpicnco
of his ability to tell a good story; but
ho hasn't much of tho stuff that cntors
into tho composition of good civil scr
vico officers.
A Sad View. A Pittsburg paper
bowails tho futo of that excessively
loyal city, In theso words: "Tho City
Fathers giro it up. Thoy have mired
Pittsburg's financial standing, impair
ed its credit, dishonored its obligations,
and brought it down to the lovel of tho
bankrupt carpet-bag govornmonta of
tho South. And thero thoy leavo It.
Tho Financo Committee of Councils,
with nearly two hundred thousand
dollars of ovcrdtio interest pressing on
it, resolved nothing could be done, and
things must tako thoir conrso, what
ever that may bo. Wo judgo it will
bo a levy by tho United Stalos Marshal
on city funds or property to satisfy tho
ciedilors. Our wonderful Clly Attor
ney exhausted his law books In dis
covering the city could not levy a spo
ciul tax to meet its interest. It Is in
deed a serious question : Whoro aro
wo now, and whilhor aro wo drifting?
There's no joke about It I" That's
sad wall to come from the Capital city
of tho West, which has been rulod ex
clusively for many years by "loyal
men" inflated with "grand moral ideas."
.SOll E HEAD."
Under this caption, the Huston 1'ost
alludes to tho conduct ol (ioorgo S.
Uoutwoll, onto Governor, Congress
man and United States Senator from
V q;aeb out tts, jiiidat onojurio Syrre -;
involved in , notwithstanding tho
raro opportunity offered by the reemit
unpleasantness. Ha should, like Den
llutler, have embraced that occasion
to render his naino equally as notori
ous, il not us inliimous. However,
Decoration Day was tho time fixed to
derelopo the true meanness of tho crea
tine who has successfully imposed him
self upon tho people In tho shapo of a
statesman (?) for many years. But his
timo is up. This last effort confiscates
tho Groton man. Tho l'ost disposes ol
him in this way :
Boutwell had another bilious attack
at Barnstablo on tbo 3fllh ult. Ho
must havo fought bo hard and received
so many wounds in tbo late war that
ho refuses alike to forgot and to heal.
As ho looked at the fresh flowers
strewn on tho graves of Union soldiers,
ho declared that tho two last amend
ments to tho Constitution wero in
poril, and that ho (eared luo peril is
every year increasing. No one has
touched them yot, however, but a Re
publican Supremo Court, and Bout
well doubtless wants a seat on that
bench lor his "judicial mind," to show
thorn how to interpret. Three States,
ho said, instancing Mississippi, South
Carolina and Louisiana, "liavo been
seined by armed minorities," and he
says it is "a precedent full of poril."
As a peril diver, so to speak, Boutwell
is far from a success ; ho doos better
as a diver for sponge His melancholy
wail is that humble citiiens aro de
prived of their right of suffrage; but
if a dozen years of reconstruction ex
periments havo secured nothing, what
would be tho sense, according to any
but tho lloutwollian logic, in thoir con
tinuance. Tho Groton sago lays down
one broad proposition, namely, that
the minority must submit to tho ma
jority, or clso thoro is an end ot con
stitutional government. Docs be real
ly mean all that? If so, ho would
have employed bis timo woll, sinco ho
must indulge in a political harangue,
in denouncing tho fraud that put Hayes
in tho plaeo to which a largo majority
ol tho Stato and tho ponplo elected Til
den. But no bilious man ovor sees his
conclusion from his premises. Bout
well is simply a sorehead, and ho has
no belter taste and no more soul than
to advertiso himself as such on an oc
casion that warranted nothing of the
kind. Ho was in the land ot whale
men, and ho naturally thought of blub
ber. Having provod himself such a
startling financier, ho thinks ho will
now attend to tho Constitution, llo
shows himself an good a Judge as he
was General, and ho imagines himself
to bo Turgot and Turenno rolled to
gether. The Last HmiitL'n. An excellent
opportunity is afforded for those who
lack tho requisite capital for a colossal
smash liko that of Daniel Drew and
A. B. Stockwcll, in a circular from
Bradley & Co., bankers and commis
sion slock and gold brokers, of Now
York city. Thoy kindly offer to en
gineer a pool which they call "a combi
nation ol capital," in which shares are
placed at tho very small limit of one
dollar each. This firm has seen for
somo timo that tho poor wero kept out
of tho maelstrom ol Wall street solely
for tho lock of capital with which to
embark, and they, thoreforo, proposo
a combination of tho poor so that they
shall have all tho chances of a Jay
Gould, a Tracy or a Travers. Sond
your dollar to Bradley & Co., and they
will buy stocks for you. Y'ou pay
them six cents and a quarter lor every
sharo of stock they buy and tho same
lor every sharo they sell. 1 f y ou lose
you pay and if you win you pay them
five per cent. more. You turn your
cash over to them to spcculuto with.
Just as long as there Is six and a quar
ter cents left out of your dollar they
lake it, but it they should happen to
make anything they pay you the
profits less five per cent. It is the
heaviest percentage known in any
schomo of gambling, and' if you can
not loso enough in any other way this
soems to bo tho schemo to try. The
circular shows that the supply ot Hies
is running low, but it also indicates a
thinness in the quality ot tho molasses
which may perhaps bo traced to tho
warm weather. Times.
Garfield Lies. If what tho news
papers say bo truo, tho lion, and Rev.
James A. Garfield Is givon to lying.
Ho denies that Mr. Hayes ovor wroto
him a letter asking him not to bo a
candidato for United States Senator
against Stanley Matthows. Several
witnossos say positively that such a
letter was written, and somo of them
saw and read it. Tho reverend and
honorable gentleman's word would go
farther now if ho had not slrotchcd
tho truth on a former occasion. Ho
denied having owned any Crodit Mo
biiier stock, and said in his sworn
denial :
"I borer owned, received, or agreed tu receive
any atoek of th Credit Moblller or of th I'nlon
Cicifle railroad, nor any dlvidenda or profita
arltlng from cither of then."
Nevertheless, whc.i Mr. Poland's
committee investigated tho matter, It
roportcd among other things :
' Ho, (larlleld, ageeed with Mr. Amca to take
tea aharc of Credit Mtbilier atocIA butdld not
pay for tho una. Mr. Ante received Ilia SO per
oenL divided In bonda, and cold lhm for 07
pr cent., and alao received the SO per ecnt. eaab
dividend, whiob, together, paid the price of the
elook aod Intereat, and Ult ft batano of S.:XV.
Tbla auia waa paid over to Mr. OarfleM by a
check on the Sergeant at-Aral, and Mr. Uarfield
fAea undfrtlawt lAit auM woe laa onoNca of ifiel
nVae'e ftftvr paying forth atook."
Garfield is hardly a creditable wit
ness In his own case.
Still an Unsettled Fhohleu.
When tho votes of Louisiana for elec
tors went into tho hands ol tho Re
turning Board tho majority for Tilden
was 7,876. When tho votes wont
through the manipulations of tho Re
turning Board acting under tho advico
ol Sherman-, Garfield and Kclley and
under the protoction of Federal bayo
nets, tho fraudulent majority for Hayes
was made 3,931 a chango ot 11,807
votes. When tho votes lor Govornor
went into tho Radical returning mill
tho majority for Nicholls was 8,040.
When tlicso votes cams out of tho
fraud machine, tho majority for Pack
ard was 3,510 a chango of 12,550. If
Ltayos wan legally entitled to tho elec
tors of Louisiana on these figures, Mad
ison Wells and his Radical backers
cannot understand why Packard is not
tho legal Governor. It is a hard
problem to solve but Huyes has done
it." Well, It is a pumlcr, and many
aro unable to solve it, but wo bay no
doubt but that tho Kx's, Packard, "My
dear Pitkin," or Kellogg, will yet arise
and explain how the thins; was dons.
117 ' HE hlD IT.
Tho Doyleslown puts tho
removal of the troops from tho South,
in this way :
"A good .many reasons havo been
given for the President's withdrawal
of tho troops' from the SlaUi Houses of
iiTa a-i'i Louisiana,, rni,
i. cm i lue Aj ! I mu.i
that in doing this (ho President viola
ted tho known principles ot Ins party.
Un waa iml only not pledged to do
what Mr. Tilden would havo dono had
ho gut tho seat ho was elected to till,
but ho was bound in honor to do tho
other thing. Now why ho went coun
ter to tho well Buttled principles of tho
party that nominated him has passed
comprehension with a great many peo
ple of both parties. Wo bvhuvu wo
can give tho reason in a few words:
It teas because the next Congress trill
have a Democratic majority. Here lies
tlio milk in tho political cocoa-nut.
The "Southern policy," so called, was
tbo direst necessity to tho administra
tion. The credit it. is entitled to, for
rouioving tho screws from South Car
olina and Louisiana, can bo put into a
cat's horn and not half fill it. A few
days attor the adjournment of tho last
Congress, General Shorman mot a dis
tinguished northern member of Con
gress to whom ho criticised pretty
freely the refusal of tho llouso to pass
tho army bill. After somo conversa
tion, tho member said to tho General,
if tho troops aro not removed from the
Stale Houses at Columbia and New
Orleans before Congress meets in May,
you may expect to see the straps taken
from your shoulders, tor Congress will
voto lor no money for tho army. The
General asked (ho momber if ho was
in earnest; yes, ho replied, in solid,
sobor earnest. Thoy parted and tho
troops wore removed. Is any mani
gtimp enough to beliovo that tho troops
would havo been removed it the now
Congress would havo a Republican
majority? Wo hopo there aro nono
of ibis shado of greenness."
Judue Black's Review. A Wash
ington telegram annnnncos that Hon.
Joremiah S. Black is not through yet
with tho eight by seven Commission,
but is now engaged in tho preparation
ot a severe review of tho Klectoral
Commission and ol tho Supremo Court
Judges who decided in favor of Mr.
Hayes tho cases for tho Commission.
The article, which is designed forono
of tho mngar.ines, is said to havo been
revised byjustico Field ono day last
week at Judgo Black's residenco at
York, Pa. Another dispatch informs
us that a Mrs. I'us-ott is engaged in
painting full length life-like portraits
of tho Klectoral Commission, as an his
torical memento. This may be so, and
necessary, so far as the seven aro con
cerned; but tho infamous eight aro
already so fully impressed in tho minds
ol all honest men, that renders this
latter job wholly superfluous. Wo
hopo tiro arlist w ill put tho two groups
on separate canvas, so that a division
can bo made of this "historical" pic
(tire. Colfax Eajorira RoriAt. Lira. Cottceruing
bla privftt aflaira ei-Viee Prciident Schuyler
Coltax aaya that, on the while, ba w.ti ncrer ao
agreeably ailuatcd in hia life. Aa Mr. Lincoln
uacd to enjoy bla rrecptionc better than bla office
work, becaui then "nobody aaked him for what
bo eonldn't giv him," ao Mr. Colfax njuy lr.
turfng nnd tbe hnlf lltercry life b la now lead
ing tar bolter than bla official oareer. There ar
no tcaaing for olfio now; no hard work in Con
greaa on email pay i no new calumniea t no im
portunity by awarming lohyiata nothing but
eaay work and g'tod pay, and, aa h aaya, "no
body to obey but my wife." "My life ia now a
aortal one," be ftdda, "and I prefer It to any
other. Moreover, my time and travail aro ptid
for eomewhiu larger than mileage and por-diem
rate. 1 have made SSO.I'OO in lhr year Iran
winter lectnrea alone." Kaiiieal Ksrkagt.
Well, that's pretty good. But wo
recollect tho lime and so does the Ex-
V. P., when Ncsbit, tho govomincnt
cnvolopo and stamp manufacturer, usod
to send him a $1,000 "greenback" bo-
foro-brcakfast, and Oukes Ames gavo
him a f 1,200 check monthly, for tho
interest on his Credit Mobilicr stock,
which ho acquired whilo presiding in
the Senate. These things aro all good
Sunday School lessons, and it will be
well onough lor our boys not to imitate
Schuyler's crooked ways
Insurance. Wo clsowhoro allude
to the insurance business in a general
way. Hero wo only wish to call tho
readers' attention to tho report of the
Lycoming Mutual, which does consid
able business in this county. This
company last year collected ofT the
pcoplo tC85,082.93, and paid out (or
losses 503,507.02, leaving a bulanco of
nearly forty pir cent, for commissions,
expenses, etc. Besides, tho company
has J93.4 13.33 on deposit In tho First
National Bank, of Muncy, probably all
tho bank's capital, and yot the ofllctrs
have made ono of' the largest assess
ments this year that they over made.
Now, who is willing to go Into
business and havo his capital found
and realize out of that capital forty
per cent ? That is just about what
mutual insui unoo costs tlicso days,
when men who loan their own capital
cannot earn half that sum.
Patriotism WinkinoOut. A Wash
ington dispatch 13 tho Philadelphia
Times, says : "Under this administra
tion fivo and probably six foreign mis
sions havo been declined by dis
tinguished citiiens. Goorgo Wil
liam Curtis was offered and declin
ed tho mission to England, James Rus
sell Lowell refused the mission to Aus
tria, Schneider, of Chicago, sought but
aflorwards declined to go (o 8wi(
land, Woyno MacVcngh was offered a
European mission, probably (hat at St.
Petersburg, but positively refused tho
honor, and il General Gcorgo Logan
declined tho Bratilliun mission, about
which thero is a conflict of pretty good
authorities, ha makes tho sixth states
man who bus rejected diplomatic hon
ors during Mr. Hayes' brief reign."
"The government's" Southern policy
seems to bo tho lion in tho way.
A New Tune. Tho Radical leaders
who havo Bhoutod "rebel," "traitor,"
"Confcderato loader," etc., fbr fifteen
ycara, now very sagely como to the
conclusion that a "Southern man"
should bo elected Speaker of tho next
Congress. Tho impudence of these
leaders is equal to that of Satan, and
ho offered to sell (ho wholo world whon
ho did not havo a titlo to a foot of soil,
excopt in tho "infernal region." "A
Southern man!" What a loyal howl
that would produce. No "rcbol yell"
could exceed It.
Peru, in South Amorlca, has again,
lor the hundredth timo, been annoyed
by an earthquake Tbirtoon towns
havo bocn turned npsido down, ovor
six hnilred lives lost, and twenty mill
Ion dollars worth of property destroyed
at ono good shako. And yet, whilo wo
write, somebody is engaged in erecting
a mud but on somo ruin ready for an
other shako. That's tho wny the
world moves.
Thoro were torty-ninu tlvuths In
Pittsburgh last week.
A portion of California was shaken
up by an earthquako a low days since.
Tbo Pennsylvania railroad company
employs 1,010 engineer, and 1,800 firemen.
cation ul
-Vasi.ngton lor . foreign
Mr. Murphy is about to ond his
anti ruin campaign and go into sum
mer quarters.
John O'Kooli), member ol tho
British House of Commons for Dun
guroon, is dead.
An Alloonu party recently stoloa
spring wugnn load of hay li om a tarmer
in broad daylight.
Tho inventory of tho estate ol the
late Augustus Hemonway, of Boston,
footed up 18,8111,178.05.
Twelvo convicts from Lycoming
county wero lodged in tho Eastern
Penitentiary lust week.
Ex Gov. Curlln has been oloctud
President ot the King Mountain mining
company, North Carolina.
A New York lawyer has sued tho
Albany Evening Journal for libol, lay
ing tho damages it (1,000,000.
Acoording to the Gazette and Bulle
tin lumbor shipments from Williams,
port wore increased last week.
Great damage has been done to
Western and Southern railroad and
crops by the recent heavy rains.
Thoro are' 6.1.12 Sunday Schools
in Pennsylvania, with 6211,548 scholars,
and 81,385 officers and teachers.
An Allegheny county grocer run a
milo tho other day in four minutes and
thirty-five seconds, on a dollar bet.
Tho population of Altoona, ao
cording to a rocont consus, is 16,954.
This is an increaso of 1,025 since 1875.
Nino rolls of silk, valued at 11,400,
were stolon from a store on Market
street, Philadelphia on Thursday lust.
Tho oxportsof produce from New
York, last week, wero $0,024,957,
against $0,513,296 in sume week last
Tho Titusville Courier predicts that
nearly a million and a ball barrels ot
oil will bo shipped from tbo Pennsyl
vania regions in June.
Tho seventeen-year locusts swarm
in tbo Delaware valley. The fish epi
demic prevails just us it did whon lo
custs appeared in 1800.
Mrs. Apploton, of Boston, has
tho flag that floated ovor Fort M ( Hen
ry, and inspireuV Koy, tho author of
the "Slur Spangled Banner."
Tbo membership of tho Good Tem
plars in tho Stale has increased 1,500
tho past year. There are now 12,000
Good Templars in tho State.
The largo door lock factory of
Jacobus, Nimick & Co., at Pittsburgh,
was destroyed by firo on Saturday
morning last. The lossii about $125,-
Tho James Dover farm in Tus
curora township, Perry county, con
sisting ot 800 to 900 acres, hits been1
sold to a nephew of the deceased lor
On Tim rs lay of last week a bridgo
over tho Connecticut river between
Northampton and Dudley, Massachu
setts, was blown away and a woman
Tweed will not be released from
his cell in the New York prison. Ho
has taken steps to confess judgment
all the suits brought against him by
tbe city.
The mayor of Now London Conn.,
is a victim of thoughtlessness. Ho
ordered all unmuzzled dogs to bo shot
by tho police, and his own pot animal
was tbo first ono brought in.
Not a single ono or two dollar bill
bas been printed at the Bureau ot En
graving aud Printing sinco tbe first of
April last. Tho government will soon
run out of small chango at this rate.
Tho borough authorities ol Cham
bcrsburg havo issued an edict that no
firo crackers, or discharge of firo arms
will bo permitted within tbo precincts
of that borough on the Fourth of July.
A large island in the Susquehanna
river at tho point whore the north and
west branches unilo, containing about
three hundred acres, has been purchas
ed by Hon. John B. Packer for $20,000.
A now cattle discaso is carrying
consternation among the larmors ol
Montgomery county. Tho oxen and
cows attacked swell up and oxhibit
many of tbo symptoms of distemper
in horses.
Tho Supremo Court ol Arkansas
bas decided that the act under which
about sixteen million ot bonds were
issued in 1869 In aid of railroads was
unconstitutional, and that tho bonds
are illegal.
The judicial history of Blair
county bus been prepared by Hon.
John Dean, and will bo read at tbo
dedicatory sorvices of tho new court
bouso at Holliduysburg on the 2d of
next month.
Twonty-nlne omployes were re
cently dismissed from tbe Now Or
leans Custom House. Gradually the
public departments are boing rid of the
superfluous clorks a good result of
J'emocralic economy.
Joseph Gruonborough, a Scotch
man, aged eighty-ono, and worth a
million and a quarter of dollars, died
recently in jail in Edinburgh, whero
he had boon sentenced lor one year for
riotous and disorderly behaviour,
J. G. Payne, son of Bishop Payno,
of the Bouthorn Methodist Church, is
announced as a candidato for Sergeant-ut-arma
ol tho National llouso. Deis
a brother-in-law of Senator Gordon and
a classmalo of Senator Lamar and
Reprosentativo Chalmers, of Missis
sippi. Oil mokes everybody und every
thing get out ol its way at North
Warren. A few days ago a small
building w as moved to make room for
an oil rig, and last week the new
school house was being removed furthor
away from tho main rond into the
Tho Supremo Court hits decided
to hear tho argument ot tho Pittsburgh
torm on tho writ of orror token out in
the case ol Patrick Hester, Hugh
Tully aud Patrick Mcllngh, the Co
lumbia county Molly Magulrea, who
wore to bave boon hsngod on August
The Attorney Gonoralhaaordored
an Investigation of tho accounts of
Hrigbam Young, filed in the Treasury
twenty-years ago whon Ilrigham was
Indian sgont, appointed by the gov
ernment. If tho papers pan out woll,
Young will bo prosecuted for various
illegal acts said to have boon commit
tod by him whilo acting as Indian
Fanny Wallace, tho Amorican
giantess, died at ber residence in Ver
non county, Wisconsin, last week. She
was fifty -four years old, seven foot lour
inches in height, and weighed five hun
dred and sighty-fire pounds. Her
coflln was (oven feet eight inches in
length, throe loot six Inches in defilb,
four leet wido ot the centre, twenty
four inches at tho hoad and twenty
throe inches at tho loot. It required
eight men with block and tackle to
lower (he remains Into th ervt.
the QVACKiya patriot.
The "dead duck" ol tho Philadelphia
Press, goes off In this way :
"And now Jeremiah S. Black Is pro
preparing a characteristic aasuull upon
tho Electoral Tribunal, created chiefly
by Democrats, becauso it decided in
fui-nr if lliitlini-fnril It ItnVKft urn I'rfM.
AnnfW-r J )S1 sr.
rebellion by advising President'
an, in 1860, that the Government bad
no pofcer to protect itsell lrom dissolu
tion. Not content with tho fatal
tragedy that lolluwcd this dangerous
counsels, ho is now engaged wllb
Messrs. Tilden, Hendriuks, and Robin
son, In the characteristic work of try
ing to incite now troubles, at tho very
moment that tho people are relying on
President Huyes as a statesman who is
bravely laboring to lead them away
from tho dark clouds of political and
commercial disaster."
After Ben. Butler, thoro is no greater
fian J than Forney. The former, in
deed, when properly assigned, did
show somo pluck when war came, but
tho latter did all his fighting by
substitute. Hence, ho should be el
bowed aside by his party like Duller,
unluss he is purposely ongugod to
break up tho Radical party. If that
is his duty, ho is doing the country
somo service after all. Politically, bo
is a dead beat, and his fulsome praise
of Hayes at this timo is all "put ou" for
tho purpose of plunder, and if not
allowed to do this, then bo will botray
Decoration Poison. A few parti
san bigots, who bad been accidently
selected to deliver memorial addresses
on Decoration Day, violated (he (rust
confided to them, and waved "tho
bloody shirt" as valiantly as thoy did
on the stump last fall. Gon. Jesse
Morrill, of Lock Haven, was among
the number who decorated the ground
upon which he stood, if his closing re
marks are correctly reported in tho
Democrat. Ho threw a wet blanket
ovor the graves of tho dead, when be
stepped aside and gave utterance to
the following Radical stump text :
"But all has not been done that should
have been done Tbo armed Rebellion
was conquered, crushed, but its seal is
still grouing and bringing forth fruit.
1 lie. heavy band did not striko the
root of the treo, and to day theriqhts of
a portion of our citizens are not protected
as the law guarantees they Should be. The
loyal people ol tbe south, those icho
stood by the Union during the war War,
and Live supported the. Government since,
are, tot this reason, ostracised and
merciful hand of the Government extond-
ed to those who mudo tlio vain attempt
to uosiroy u, luo pardon ot their crime.
and thoir rehabilitation as citizens, has
brought to the front as leaders, Tilt vtsr
lion, and aro even arrogantly demand
ing the control of affairs. THE MEN
Mad Literary Results. Just pre
vious to tho adjournment of tho Legis
lature, last Winter, a committee was
appointed to interview or examine our
penitentiaries. The Wardens of tbo
Eastern establishment bavo furnished
tbo committee some damaging facts
relating to our education. It appears
that nine out of every ten of the con
victs are what wo term educated, and
"smart," but thoy never learned a
trade. Tbe Woi dens say that something
must be done to make trade education as
dignified as Intellectual labor, and in
this way decreaso tho number of con
victs. This phase of tbo case is a
terrible satire on our "free school
system," and shows clearly that a
moiilul education without muscular
effort is a failure and void of moral in
tegrity. Hence, the filling up of our
prisons and penitentiaries. There are
some screws loose somewhere, and
they should bo tightened up.
Radical PlloTonRAPHERH. The Rad
icalism of Ben Butlor and Wayne
-MacVeaghcannot bediscounted. Thoy
are orthodox in all thoir sayings so far
as their party or themsolvos are con
cerned. Butler represents MacVeagh
as an ass, an idiot, a fabricator of false
hoods, marrying for money and despis
ed by his wife's relations while wait
ing lor dead men's shoes. MacVeagh
portrays Butler as tho leier of our
politics, who has disregarded tbe eighth
and ninth commandments until no one
who knows him will believe anything
he says against anybody. Two strik
ing portraits, truo to tbo life. Wbo
aits lor tho next picture? Now, II
some "coppoibead" had painted this
picture, what a hugo likenoss it would
do considered cy loyal men. i)ut as
those Radical elders tell what they
know, it must bo true.
IIatisisvi. This is the way the
Boston Traveler, a number ono Radical
organ weeps over the fate of its party :
"What moal both oonlampt which Hamptoa
and llutler rl fur Hya and tbatrucnlent Cab
inet 1 "Will tbay luv the iraaeos, they dee
pie th traitor," and 11 1 common to bsar them
already altering pleaeaal ritielam upon llye
and bla policy. Not a Scolbtrn Htau will ra
ipond l tbe mil of I he Republican parly ia
I S80, and the mild Sonth will caat her vol for
tb Democrat! ftomiooo, whoever ho may b.
Thai it will b n bow tb South kaa gained
thirty-Ivt Congroeamen, and the eama number
il tb Electoral College by tb Mifranekiemenl
of th negro, wht now falli nadr Dianerli
From tho tono ol this squib, It is
pretty evident that thore is some "con
tempt lodged In Boston as woll as in
South Carolina, and what is bettor
still (ho ediUir in question, in alluding
to tho ultimato result, tells the truth
fur once and thereby exposes the
blunder his party has made in the re
construction business.
An "Example." Tho advocates of
capital punishment base (boir chief
argument on example, with a view of
terrifying those who are disposed to
commit murder. A Phila. "rough"
and prominom local politician, named
Flotchor, was bung last week for kill
ing a fellow-man. Ono ol hia "cronies"
who was present and witnessed the
"eye for an eye," etc., murdered one of
his asssociatos the next day. Tho
Times in alluding to the crimo says :
"Tho strangled body had not been con
signed to Ibe grave before our city
was tho ftcono of another mutdor, (ho
victim being, as in the Fletcher case,
a fireman. Tbe wboleicmo influence
of hanging a man Is not very appar
ent under thoso circumstance." Reader,
Criel. The editor of the Philadel
phia Times, in alluding to tb post
ponement of the extra session of Coo
gross, says: "Probably the reason
Hayes postponed tbe extra session ol
Congress from June to the 15th of Oc
tober, wsj from a consideration of th
fact ot Mr. Blaine's liability to sun
stroke during the hot season,"
Mr. Pierrcpoiit is sotting an exam
ple of ostentatious oxtravaganoo
which ill becomes tho reprosentativo
of a republic. Ho is lavishing bis mon
ey so iiborally on dinners und balls
(but Londonors don't know what to
make of it. Now this may bo very
nice by way of introducing Grant Into
"society" but no American wants his
I MJL9kJUkllt9-
I nro vui un
a. J kl-v
third term project on English toil.
Bloodv Simht Morton. Tbo In
dianaolis Sentinel ays : "Evidently
Morion is dying, llo looks pale, bas
a waxy complexion. Ho is on bis last
legs. His mind scums to be weaken
ing, llo lacks vigor. If he can raise
the devil in the South again ho muy
revive and exhibit bis old time vin-
dietiveness. But tho indications are
that he will be called upon at no dis
tant day to wrap the folds of his
bloody shirt around him and pass in
bis chocks.
Old Sitting Bull Morton is not tho
"big Injun" bo used to bo. Wbon ho
lectured at Indianapolis, on tho 9th
mat., there wero less than ono bun
died people to listen to bim. This,
notwithstanding he was among his
own pcoplo and tho lecture was for a
charily. Think of as big a man as
Morton lecturing on as large a topic as
the doctoral college before as small an
audience as one hundred, w rite leiia
bod upon his door.
am m
The Real Criminals. Tbe New
York llVld commenting on Senator
Boutwoll s speech Bays : " 1 he criminals
with whom the people have just now
to settle a tremendous account are not
tho authors of secession in South Car
olina. They are the aiders and abet
tors of Mr. Boutwell, who have made
ten years ol peace more terrible and
more disastrous to this country than
five years of civil war.
Severe iRosr. An exchango soys:
"Tho Governor of Rhode Island has
written a letter to Mayor Stokloy ol
Philadelphia, tendering to that city
iho Rhode Island Centennial Building.
A careful measurement of tho struc
ture showed that it could not be put
up in Rhode Island withdut infringing
upon the soil of Connecticut. Hence
a resolution by tbe R. I. Legislature
to give it to Philadelphia.
Tho current paragraph to tho effect
that General Wade Hampton carried
the dead body of his son Preston from
the field while the hattlo of Petersburg
was still raging is incorrect. Wade
Hampton, Jr., now living in Mississip
pi, was riding with his brother when
tbe latter was killed, and carried tbo
body to the rear. General Hampton
did not know ol his bereavement until
the batllo was ovor.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bj virtu of uundry wrlti of Fieri fmetnt it
ium1 out of th Court of OctnmoD Pleu of Clmr
fleld ooonty, fnd to bo dlmatesJ, ihero wilt b
ipoted to paMto Ht. ot th Court Hon, in b
borough of ClcartUlrj, HaturiUT, tbo 7th day
of Juiy, 1877, at I u 'elook p. tb follow. og
deMribed rtl ttv, to witt
All tb unJitlrlod one third part of tb folio-ring
doribd trtvt or ie of land itunf. to
Jl u.t on tow p lit p, Hoar field oounty, Pa., bound H
nd denenbed aa ft lliwi : Brtginain at a pitch
pin comer of tract i N-.. HIM, , and iJIO j
thane north by tract No. &77, 120 perch! to
rock oak ; tbaiie wait by tract No. 424 1, StU pur
chti to hemlock ; tbenr loath by traot No.
4341. Kin poruhe to a whit pine: thrno it by
warrant No. 44 UK, (14 prchM to th plar of be
ginning, eoatalbtog 9V acroi and sllowanA.
baing mrrcyad in purauaneof a warrant No. 421 S,
and tb tan praniM which Cheater Mumon and
Let ilia, fail wif. John K. Nororoai and otben, bj
deed datd tb 1Mb October, A. 11. 1873. nnd re
ourdtd In thaoffic of th Recorder of ledi for
aid county of Clearfield, in leed Book
pag , etc., granted nnd eonreyed unto Luther
Uook, Jam Mitra.l! aad Frederick (J. Miller,
aeb being reeled with on equal nod I Tided third
part thereof. Th aim boing timber land, on
improved aod yielding no teoti, ,ae or prnflla.
Belied, inkrn im exec a tion and to n told ai tba
property of Jam HitobU.
Tia mi or Bali. Th prle or ma nt which
tba property iball b it rook off nuit be paid at tb
tin of ul, or inch other arrangement made aa
will bo approrod,othrwLa tb property will be)
immediately pot up and aold again at tbo a i pent
and rlik of th peraon to whom U wai atruok off,
and who, In eea of deficiency nt auo re tale,
ahall owk good th aa, and in no laatawoo
will tb Deed b p relented in Court for confirm
tion nnlaaa tk money ti actually paid to IB
Sheriff. ANDKBVT PKNTZ, Jr.,
Bmnirr'a Omen. 1 Sharif.
Clearfield, Pa,, Juaa 20, 1677.
School District of Osoeola Borough.
Wbol MiiW of aehoola..... S
Nuatbor yot required t
Averag at mber of naontha taught m a
Nun bar f aaal teaebera employed I
' of femar teaebera employed... S
Averrge salari. of aaal per month. aM. $S0 SO
H "of temalaa per moatb... SO OS
Namber of male aebol are ......... MM 1S5
" of female aabolara HI
Avrag daily attendaao IS
M percentage of nttaodano S7
Namber of mille oa the dollar levied for
echool purpoM- S
Amount lvid fur ftabool purpoe -.91,1711 M
Am't nolvd frm Statt Appropriation $399 SO
Ualanoa on band from laet year a report IS AI
From Collector, law of ftU kioda...:
701 at
rrota liquor Bnoa
Total rooalpl
0. 1. UcFadle, for printing......
IS 00
...ti,oa it
...- t oo
iniarancft on acnool property
Eaoeleior ataanfaetariog Co., for Seek.
Clotolng aahooi room...,,
Thomaa Metaraw, aoal ...M ...
Wm. Brown, Coal .
Prcebytorlaa ebureb, for rent .,
Eriabln bra., for book tor duplies..,
11. Kibling, fur pnifttiag .,
Ilartman Price, rode ,
Teaebera' aalariaa
Beerelary'e aalary
Pan for Collector .
1M 00
4 00
14 Jl
S3 tu
107 00
II 00
19 55
9U0 00
it 00
St so
Total $1,111 10
Amount duo Treaiurer .... $ 1&0 IS
" dua dialrlot from all aouree....l!45t 7
Amount du Treaiurer
" due on unaatlled billa..
..$ I5 a
.. i,i.ii
41,3I It
Reaourcea In eX30M ol llaMlitiee $ At ti
a. u. sworn, k j.walkkr,
Hooretary. Preidnt
Jan 10, 1877 It.
Annua) financial alatemant of Baooarla t own.
abip Hcbool, Hoad ai
bin Hcbool, Hoad and Poor funda, for tb year
Juaa 4, 1177.
To bat. oa Dapllcata of 1174-t
To bal. aa Dupliaat af II7M
To balane. dua Juu 20tb, 1I7S
Amount from County Treaauror
Stale Appropriation
Uroea ana l Dnplioata of 1ST T
..$ T l
.. 1,497 97
.. II 71
Sift 14
.. 193 00
... 1,(11 44
$4,454 M
- Ill 17
Balaae dua Treaaurar..
$4,7t It
By eundry eidvrt paid, 1170. T...
By I per cant on 11,104.39
Hy balaaca anoollaclad, 1174.!..
By 1171 I.,
By U7I-7..
,i..$l,lt4 It
.. It 01
.... 4117 SI
.... 1,141 10
.... i,ia
I4.7SI It
Toaaah received from O. Traaa, 1175...$ lot II
To 87 let Of
To - U77. tit tO
To nalsac Sua Tr.ea, 0. W. Cilwell... ill l
t "7 91
By eundry arJ.ra rdemed. ... 3t tt
Tobalasea of Dapllcata oll47l......$ lit SI
To DaplUata of Kit g.
10 Often noMvea from c. Treaaurar..... Ul It
$ 771 04
y order redWojed M ,
By balance af Dael.ea.te aaoolbwtad..
By I par eeat. oa $771.11 .,.
By balane dua towaeeip
. $ 171 SI
,. II II
I ill !
Witt, uaterelgucd Auditor nf Baoanrbi laws
abip, bavlag aaamlaed tbe aeaonata af the TrM
rar, lad Ueaa Mrreot to tbe kt af our t,aow.
edge nnd baitof. PHILIP DOTTS,
"' John lav,
I. J. Ooo, Clerk. A.dllor..
(lien Hope, Joa. tt, 17Mt.
Sfw ladvcrtlSfrafnti..
'"' i r5arTvf
T i m,m iiufti f ft, "i h ' .?'M,smM wt i in. I, i i -i tlT
Smithfleld Street, from 2nd to 3rd, Avenues.
Th moit centrally located flrct-elaM 11 one in lb lty. Ptr4t ear a pan th door vtrf
mtnnt to all the depota nnd all parU of boU flitlee, Term ti Ad per Da).
WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietor..
Tba RerreLlc.a, ot rieertelj, received weeklr at tb llol.l aal placed on HI for Ihe bear.! ef
(ileal Iraaa tbla aaetioD, c. April 17, HTM.
Wa bar printed ft tars mbr f tb aew
ml IHt.L, and will oa U raoelpl of Iweale.
4v aunt, aatl a enftv aey addraea. erS
Facta for tb Fartnnr- Facta fur tb Merchant
.Vaote for th UorMman facta fur tb Stock
ralaer Faata for th Poultry-keeper Facta for
the lie-keeper Facta for tho Lawjer Facta for
th Laborer Vaeti for th Dootor Fncta lor tb
Dairyman Fnota for tb rVnit-raiaer Facta fur
tb Oardenr Facte fur th HouMuold Fart
for rery family wbo wanla to anre money.
That Ihl la th moat Important ndrrtaemnt
fur you yet publuhd, being tb beathaoa to
mnk money rr offered. The preu eoduriea it,
your own paper endoreea It.erery on endoroa it.
Till Book of &a 19th Century.
Mai and fern a I agent opining money on It.
Send to ua at oooe and got circular! free,
TM Walnat it re', Philadelphia, Fa.
pr. 11,'77-lm.
SCHOOL tTATKME?(T.-K.ripti ud
ripenditurta of Lawreac townabip Rhwul
Dutriot fur tb year ending Jooe t, 1S77, tIi ;
To total Tax receipt i 4-2,487 9i
To Stat appropriation ,... 412 12
W.Mf 47
By Taachari aalarlea ....$2,t5
By Ful It4 0
By Building repair?, furnltnr. Ac IRA Ul
By feretory a aalary JW t)0
By Treamrer'a per ecntnge ft) fi2
By bal due Trrai. laet acUlemeot - 47 (tft
By amount paid Auditora 4 00
By Miftvoeiuaeoaa epnaa M V3
By balnn. in Treaiury 1(19 43
Seer tar. Preeidcnt.
Wa, tb undersigned AudiUriof Lawrenc town
abip Hcbool lt trier. In Clearfield oounty. baring
carefully examined tb a ho account a of tbo
Treasurer, find ihtm correct t th bit of oar
k ouw leige and be) ief. WM. T- IKH'IN,
A. 11. KUAW,
Clear 4tJ, Juno IS, IS77-3t. Auditor.
L II T 11 1 It 8 B H It ii .
Hereafter, gooda will be eoM fur CA3II "n'v,
in exchange for produce. So buoka will U
kepi in Iho future. All old necooati muit ba
aettletl. Thoeo wbo eaooot earb up, will plaaaa
baad over their note aad
I am dele rained to aall nay tooda tu each
prloce, and at dieooont far below that avar
otercd ia tbla vletalty. Tba diaoouat I allow my
cactoaaer, will make them rieb In twenty ycara U
they follow my advice aad buy their gooda from
a. i will pay earn ror wheat, oele and elorer
Lutbaraburg, January 17, 1S77.
D. K. BRt'BAKER, Diatrlct Treaauror f
I nion townihip, In account with tbe Kod and
Poorfnnd of aaid towuebip, for Hit.
To am't of aaated road tax aaae.aed for 1171, via :
amount of Bchutold 'a Dnplioata...... $ Sit OS
amount of Daborde 'a Dupiioate. ....... 1.11 99
Saparvleore' rrioe si I 41
aih of People, Sherwood, Lnbord. I 98
unraatod rond fund HH S,7!9 10
$3,157 13
CR. -By
road Ul worked out under 8oboleld.$ 317 tl
By Bcboteld'a lima, 44 daya, at IJ II to
By Scbuteld'a iKrceutaga, aaking bauda. 10 tt)
By Schofield'. percentage oft overwork- 10 00
By exoneration oa Bcbolald'a Dup... 71
By road ui worked oat under Labordo 01
By Uborde'a Urn, 41 daya, at $1 90 tt
By Labord' par Btag,aktog kaada. It ill
By Labordo' per oeutage en overwore.. t Ot
by powder and team ge
By exoneration oa Laborde'a Dnp tt
By amouat dua Diet, arena, from l7t.. I9f 41
By road order redeemed (LV 17
By Diet. Trtaa. per oottage nt t per OL- St ti
By naUao duo townahip...H.... H..H...H til II
$3,157 11
Tu bat doe Iwp. from lajlillinnt.. 4 71 II
to uoaeaisu uraw ' Hot 99
Ta Dnnlieata of 1175 aa r.0
To Duplicate of 187t 17111
$1,153 44
By poor order rodewaed
By baUns dn townebip
.. $ lit tl
......... 137 It
To am't of mad fund In Treaa. baniti.....l!.'i 15
To am't af poor fnada ia Traaa. handa.. 137 It
VY. tb undoralgnd Auditora of Union town
abip, do otrtify that w bave oxamlaed the above
aeoouftle, and find tbeoa eorroot and tru to tb
beet of our knowledge and beliof.
Attcati L. R. DRESriLKH,
M. A. Riaua, , C. D. LAIIOKUK,
Clerk. J. K. OSWALD,
Roebloa, June 10, 1H77 ll Auditora.
JOHN O. CONNOR, KaHn Dial. Trana.
urer or the borough of Burnaide, in account with
tb Borough nnd Poor fundi of atd borough, fur
tb year ending April 9, 1377, vU:
sonoi-on roana ns.
To amount of Boroogb Duplioatt...
To Road fund ,
$1M 71
. Ill 13
To Piaol..
1 73
To am't received of Collector
I Vt
$ II
To order oa Treaiurer
$.13 tl
By I per mux. on IH1 79
By abaumant oa $25. 51
Ily Dup. to J. Stanfl.r, Street Com'r
By Duplicate to J. Kelea, Collector
By amouat of ordcra paid ,
17 11
U It
171 IS
.. tt 49
.. 333 71
1133 0
noon rvo n sn.
To Poor Overewr' Duplicate
Ta two note, on C. ann R. Connor..
To nmount ree'd of Collector
To ardor on Treaaurar
,...$:to si
.... US It
... I 71
... II tl
$151 tt
By & per cent, on $100.11 15 14
ily abatement on $
By per eat. tn $31.11 l g
By am't or Duplicate ta J. Helm, Ooll'r-. M t4
Hy receipt of Poor Overwore .. .14 15
By amount of order paid lot t"
By tan Connor not HI 13
$451 Vt
moot. rrsn.
JOHN 0. CONNOR. Kaq , Dletrlet Treaeuror.
la noooaat with tba School Fuad nf Barnalda
borough, for lb year endiag June!, 1177, vlai a.
To bal. la Treaa kaada hat oatt leant...$ It 91
To amouat of Hcbenl Duplicate Ml ot
Ta School Homo real. Nov. I, ft t to
To approprlMioa, I art ..,..., tl 41
T ah Trom Colloetor.M(HM 14 St
$411 15
By ratara af Dup. not collected.!S ot
By amount of nrderep tld ,. ty g
By per cent, ea IHO (14 at I par eeat..... 14 tt
By aa.Ua.ot B Hit 41 iu
By nor Mat. an IM.4I, appropriation..,. I 17
By balaaon in Traaaurcr'a ftand........ 91 14
$IM 11
Wo, Ike underlined Auditor af tba boraugk
of Duroalde, do eerllty thai we aava eleraiaed
Ike ftneouate af Joba C. Connor, Tronenrar eloaid
bwough, and lad term a. ah,,., n.tcd
llorf..l, Pa , Jnna 13, l:T St, Andltm.
5cw S&vtxtlitmtHtt.
4 i 'r4;Tf, v4
ot aa order of th Orjibaoe' Cuart of Clear
field Meaty, Pa., tbe UDderei;nd, Admlaiatratrii
of the ilat cf Abrtbata Lils, dee'd, will oStr a
publie aale on
Thuradaj, June 3M, IM1T,
oo tbe iiretoiee at Lita fording ia Lawrefte, two ,
aald oouftlr, tba following deaeribed real eatat,
to wit: A traot of Und in Lawreno towaiaip,
containing aboot thirty -twe ftcraa. hounded evata
by L'karbald oreelt, weat by land of Mra. Liggett,
nurtb by land of Jobn Brown, and aaet by towa.
abip road leading to Lita' lording. Abueleiga
Iciaaere.of tb Und ia olcard,ftnd having a
lug dwelliag biaa and barn thereon erarted.
Clearneld, Jon IS, 1l7;-iu . Ada'i.
la ma pair, or
Dr. A. M. Hilli would Inform bi. frleadi and
fatrnna tbat.heia now putting op ArtiaVUI Teetb
By ft aew aad greatly Improved prooite of polltb.
ing Uabber I'lal, b oaa give a moob airooger'
plat witb leaa tbiekneee ih plat biag an
over tbe palate of an equal Ihiekaeaa, reodera It
much more pleaaant to tbe patient tban the old
alyle plate. Aa I have tb nxeluiir right to
ui tbia proooaa la tbia ooaotyna other Deoliil
ean put up aa good p la tea by any other aaode.
.?Allwork gur.iajeed allafaetory.f
Cle.rH.14, Jan U. ISTMf. A M MILLS.
TH un tier i bed wonld announoe to the eUitm
nf Clearfield and rii lol'y, tbat be baa eoaanienced
Manuracture or Cigars
In Clearfield, and will lorp ns hand a lar; atoek
of flrat-claei cittara wbieh hewillaell at wkolaaale
and lytail. 11 il elfrara art made from the treat
leaf tobac, and warranted to fir enti tart lot.
He alau keep n band a full line ef th btrt
Chewing & Smoking Tobaccos,
PITES, fiNlFf, ETC.,
In winch be Inrllra the attention ot amuktra and
chewera. dealer! anpplied with tba beat
brand of Cifnre.fttnnk'.ngaud Cbewlng Tobaeeep
at tba loweat wboletale phee.
A ihare or putlie patronap wilfully aolielted
l.oon next d or to lit National Bank,
March II, 177 .Im. ClearGud, Pa.
A. a. EKI1. i, j. H ACtl.atT
Fucceeaon to
Second St., CtemrlUid, Pa.
Tba anderalrnej would annonnea to the ettiietti
of Clearneld nnd vieinitr, tbat thev bare pr
Dux-u oe ns.rurar nioruoi j . i. BcnrvTar.ana
will eonatantl beep on band n full aaortment
Hardware in all ita bmuchea, auch na
Ben.'h Stop, Hand Sawa.Oront Amorloaa Oroaa
eul Sawa, O. li and Peeling Axea, Hatcbeta,
I'lanea and Plan Iron, ail kind, of
Nails, liora Shoee and Horaa Sboa
Neila. Plcke, Boca, K.kci.Hay
Fork, Shovel aad ftpadat,
Urnin Cradiaa,
Cultlratora, Ooubae
aod Single Shove) Plow,
Unltivator Teeth. Iterela audi
Try Cojuaroa, Miovel Blade, Mill
Saw and Taper file, Ckicela, Ditto.
Auger, Adaea, Bam boor llaagera. Bum,
T nnd Strap Hiagea, Boaay'a Hollow Angara,
nil kind! of Locks, rrewa,Siib Cord and Palleys,
Voat nd Chftla Dolls, Carrier;, Tire aad Barrel
Bella, fled Cord, Sad I roan, Horeo Braahea nnd
Cuiry-Comh, Qrind atuna Ixturee, Quae, llcmp
and Soap alono Packing, Cable Cbaina, ate.
They will elao hoop oa band a tall ao)lmoat
ofTinware,aad ft gcnanl etoek or Uoeee Pirnlik
ing Gooda, wbieb thoy will o!t at priea to nit
I'eraona wlablag anything in Ibeir Ha are ia
vltod to aall and examine Ibeir atoek color
purchnaiag. Ha,Kt HAUblUV.
tle.ra.IJ, May 10, 1377-ly.
Administrators salE
By vlrlne or an ardor or lha Orphans' Court of
Clearteld eounlv, Pa. and to me directed, thorn
will bo aold at tb Court llouaa, la lb borourb
of Clearlleld, on
kAI UUDAV. Jt'l.V t xanu
at t o'oktck p. m , th follonlng deaorlaod prop-
No. I. Milnata In tba borough at flaajSald.
hounded weat bv tract, eoutb by
atroct, rait by alley, and aortb by kit af
; , and having a email tart alory bona aad
atahla thereon.
No. 1. Situate in Bloom towaahip. Cl.arB.ld
eouaty, Pa., brginnrug at etona tt tba Ha ot
lend eoftveyed to Craig t Bouchard I thonoe by
land cn.eyed to II. V. Horn, weat St percbe
mora or Icaatopoat; tkenca aontb 1M perches
more or lea. to land conveyed to HarUock aad
Nerpor t thonoe by a.m. caat 19 parcbe mora or
leaa lo land conveyed to Craig A Blaachard t
Ihenoa by tana north lot perehoa mora or leaa to.
tbe plan of beginning, containing tt acrae mora
or leaa, being unimproviL timbrod and weU
adapted ta cultivation. ,
No. I. Hitnata In Beoearlu Uwnabip, Clearteld
eoualy, Pa., ooalalulng II neroa mora ar ton of
unimproved laod, with valuable timber Ihcreoa,
underlaid with anal, aad decertbed In Drr Book
"II," page 4, do., and Book "II," page Sit. Ao.
No. 4. Illlaau la Ualioh towaahip. and Wiag
lb anal aad af ft eertaia nalmprovod piooa .f
land boanded aortb by , coil by ,
aowlh by , and wool by , eoa-
lalning ono-kalfof lot acre mora or leaa, and
-. r v, neon earvuy, whb tuiw.
able timber, and nuderlald witb food ve.n ot
- , ... nr m raiinwi.
No. t. gitaata ia Cheat townihip, adlaiag
laada af Wm. MeOorvey, rrcnan, Hbilip
Delta, aad olhara, oouulalog Ml aorea, will
about II acres olearod, fram boueo .ad stnhla
thereon, nnd a portion well limbered.
Na. t. Nitunto I. Cboel townebip, oonlnlnlng II
una, beginning at hickory ea Ckoet crock I
tbeara eaat tl pcrehc t eacamker I Iboaee
aortb II degrees aaal II pore be a to n hickory,, ... . v
. n -. .m ueuTuoe w.a le mimw
47 degrees Weil It perebee
u poat tbeno weit II pe re Ilea to while oak at
ar. . ,lu.u .... . .
eroek i thence up tba Brock lo place of hogHaBlag,
bciag principally bottom land, aad baviog aa
eleolleat banking ground Iboruon.
No. 7. Btluftto in Cbeet townabip, beginning
at ft poplar tbonoa by gtopbea Frea aarvoy
Ninth sat l it porebo lo a poet i tbeno by Ooo.
Nobl aurrey wool III pcrehc to poet I thence by
Cue. aurvoy weat 191 porebo at n while
ook thence north It degree weel II perebee to.
post Ibeac north It degree oaet I I t parabo,
to poet then north all degree, eiet 41 psroboe
I while oak tbonoa north 79 degrooe earn III
Borohaat. blakor i umi 1 1 ham.m a. .
blank oak thence enal 107 parch t .lac eg
ing nn Improved hand, bavlag n largo aaaoaol si
llrnbor thereon, nnd being well watered.
Na. 7. will be sold la lots tn salt pureiaeere.
One-third at ooalrmalloa nf sale, sod Mas bal
ane. ia lw c,ul aannal pnymenu wllb Inter !
tn b eecurod hy fudfoaoai en tbe nromlae
Admr oMal ed B. Pawell, dee d.
CIcarD.M, To., Juno II, l; lt.