THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAR FIELD, PA IVRItNRPDAY MOMNINO. JI'NR 6, 1177. Terms of Subscription ' "Mi II ill aPir tha expiration of lit months... I IT Mr Mr. ft. M. riTTffrOttL A Co., Nw p;,.er AdvvrtUlhf Agent, 17 Prb Rw, tamer Itsc'intn Ftrrft, are our duly authorised Agent in N.w York City. - ..) I 1 wotim-:i. ttfrfliodlal KpUcupal C'hurrb R. .1.8. Mr Mi rhat, l'tor. Hervleis Tiry 8abblb U l4 A M., and 74 P.M. Kabbeth Hnhool at 9 A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at 71 P. M. Comn union Herricc, first Sabbath of every nintb, al 10 A. M. Went CUnrflelU M. E. Church. Rcra. William U. Dill and W. S. Wilsoi, Pastors. Prrarbing every alternate Burnley, at 8 o'clock, p. Al. Minrtay School at 21, P. M. All are in vited to attend. prcubicrlau Churr 1i-Rct. II. 8. Bui-lib, Habbatb service morning and evening Hab batb rlobool at S P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes day evening. t. Kraiicla Church t'nthollc Rev. P. J. fen r.imuB- Preaching at 104 o'clock, A. M., on the orat, third and tourtb Sundnjaof each month; Vespers and Itenedlotion ol the Uli-iied Decrement at 7 u'clook, P. M. r-unduy School ararv Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock. OKK1C1AL DIRECTORY. TIM OF BOLPIIO Q PARTEM tBMIOIta OOCBT. Hond Monday of January. ' a Third Monday of March. ! Flist Monday ef June. Fourth Monday of September, T1UI Or 10LD1KO COM MOW tUKA. Plrat Monday of June. hreond Monday of November. I' orricina. i PmuUtt fje H"n. Charles A. Majer, of Look Ilavea.. Aitittant Lw JuJjtMnn, John II. Onri, of Rellefonte. Atociait Judytt A brum Ogtlen, Clearfield j Vincent 11. Holt. Woodland. protkimntarv Eli Bloom. Heijttirr ana Kteoriter L. J. Morgan. IHttrict Attorney Wm. M. MrCullongh. yrflMr Davtd Mrflatigbey. SKmritf Anlrw Pents.Jr. County Siiwyar Samocl F. McCloakry, Cur wensville. County Comtai'f ion w-s Clark Brown, Clear field Thomas A. Medee, Cheat P. 0.f Hairls Hoover, Clearfield. County Auditor Christ. J. Kingy, Glen Hop. ; bamuel A. Caldwell, W illiamagrov Jubn C. Conner, Ilurnsid. County VoroMrJ. D. Naff, New W'eabinirton. Jury Vvmmiioner Dr. Jainea P Hurcbfield, Clear Bid, Joseph Alfiander, Ww-dward. Snprinttufttnt of Public .SVoo John A. Gregory, Cnrwonavilla. JVoamt Public John W. Wri((l-y, Win. Ra debaugb, Cyrua Gordon, ClearBld ) Jotepb R. Irwin, X. K. Arnold, Curwcnille J. J. l.ingle, Oaceola Mill. ' Our Special column ia decide-illy interfiling la local point of view, and profitable reading to uutaidera who want to rave uiunry. W o MiL;f;i't grand ti'mpenince nio ll la lor th vininK National holiday. m K.xprisn wauiiH und cruquul Ub nt Ri-td A IlKg'Tty' hardwi.rt) itore. Linen suits! Linen RiiitB ! Hef-oivcd from New York to day, June th. Wm Ki:eb. . mm m It in nmv Ich.h limn onu month until the l otirlh or July. Aie we going to eelehrate J - m nm - - The Ladii'M Tcmporanoo Prayor- Uitetins will te htd In the Ire tore room or the Prcfhyterian I'buruh ncKt Haturdny afiernoon, at .1 o'ulouk. . nmt San Amtomo, Texah. DroutiTul (In CcrmmtV Yoota, truly, A. n. L- N i nu don't t We icad the wb le atRct ovtr. They lavo over (inir thoiihnnd Mur phjitra at l.wk llaion. Wall, that rity neednl a rovolutlon, and it haa coma in the very beat m , a Frod. Packott'a tin nbop and stove Store will hereafter be found in (he Opera llouar, in the rtore room for marly occepttd by F. O. M.ilcr. A dog tfnt under iho wheels of ft moving tiiKine at the dpot In thla place, Inal Fatarday, and vrai ro badly hurt that to end hia imiaery be was at at dead. . aw - Tlio' Alt'otina Ohtbfi culU Conductor W. C. Irwin tun heavy weight of the Tyrone and C1eHVed branch. Yes, and be la aa big hearted a he ie big bellied. Tunmt litrald. Tho village of Morrinduto wa oncir 1cd with a flr la the woods tor aeveral days Uat week, but it waa floallj extinguished wi'b oot doing much damage, except to am all limber. Wo learn iiom tho Tyrone Ikmocrat that the dwelling houre or Wm, Conrad, of Oulicb towntbip, thla oooo ty, togctlier with all Ita eon tenta, was destroyed by lire on Wednesday of laat werk. No toanrawer. Tho "Stur Miimlreln," an iimatcur troupe of Clearfield boya, wiil give an entertain- j meat in Pie's Opera House neat Tburaday evening, June itb. Adnmelon, lb and 25 eents. Reserv ed rent ticket fur sale at tae Poatuffiae. Tho Huntingdon pcoplo will no doubt rejoice when they discover we aonouoced last week that oa million d"llars bad been raiatd la erect Plato Olnaa Works in ibat borough. Tho Moll" did It, by adding tereral " 0 " Ino many to the mui. ' ' f i - - Torrewo V. Cowdriek, n nix-ycur old son of Mr. Morris Cuwdrick, of Rellernnte, fell from Ibe roof of a house In course of conitruo ticn to the ground, n dialance of forty three foot, on Aaturday a week, and matalned injuries from arbiob bat (Jid the net day- " mm mm TliK CMltBTHHiP 'Tho ' liellefonto n'ftfeaaaoift-.fnjf tnal HamI B. Belford, son of Dr. Belford, ibe Drntlat and Judge, of Lewisiown, has reeelred the appoint' ot to the Naval Acade my at Annapolis, Md., from this dlitrlot. The young man in question was the suoceafful apfdi o.nt out of lweie al lha reorat eiamiaatlon held in Havrn. Anotiiku Miw. Hi rnkii. Tho steam MV will ( No. 1 ) of Hea.ri. Ileover, Harris 4 Co , 1 Matadon be railroad, aboat midway between PbilipaiMirg anJ the Bine Ball, was burned laat Tbnraday night. It H loppoaea Co Dre uroppt o from the fnrnaee and Ignited saw doit, and when discovered by the watchman, waa too far goae to aave tha mill. No Irnnber was dtffUoyeJ. Tha laill was ait i m a led at 120, Out, wilb an Insurance of about U,wOO. Me. Heed & Jiagcrty, at their hardware store, on Beoond street, bave Just re ived anew anal large atoek of gooda in their line, whtab tbey will sell at low prices fr eaab. Tbay bave added largely to their atock of shelf hardware, cutlery, nails, blacksmith' supplies, harvesting tools, agricultural iaipUments, and everything ) In tbe hardware bualncas, and now have aa fine a stock as waa aver exhibited in this place. Farmers and ethers would do well to call and examine their atoek before purchasing, at uasrly everything In their store la frh from the manufactories, and the;- are prepared to offer rare inducement to pntrhartt. Call and exam ine their stock. 1 - Temperance. Our report of the Murphy trsnperanoe Mealing laat week rinsed with the meeting held oa Monday night. The meetings ware continued until Friday eveoiog of Uit werk, al which lime about twelve hoodrod and ftfly names bad been planed on tbe " Gulden K.ii:.' tin Thursday twalng an organisation for a permanent Temperance t alon was sfT-cled, and ibe following named gentlemen were aelactcd as 'he officer : President Israel Test, K. View President-Henry W. Paik. s-e-ietary-R. M. McKnally. Trtaiurer -Harry B. Powell. iiiecaiive Committee A. W. Urabam, A. M. Few, 8. I. ?r.jjer, C. H Halford, W. M. Phaw, W. I. Blgler. Mr. Jlulley, who has bad obargo of tha meet lug tiom tbvir start, 1 Me of tbe bardrft and nt tffieient not here in tbe eanae na ever knew. -Nuthitg afemed batter i- bint than la be em ployH ia ihli trrvlca. Ills Manner of putting "1'infi was se convincing that It was almost aa mttiity fur any one in refusa eigning tbe Hedge He bas tccn tbe Instrument of doing a rood aoik It oar town, and It If m be sincerely MM 'hat thore pf .b in whoee batda be baa l-kJ.i murtment will nut allow thn intereal lo :'ios; but will "keep Inching along," and be 'h uie!f of sating Msnf persona from an un ilmeiy (tuuVand a drunkard'e grave. A anion teiferanoe prayer meeting will be v'd in tha lacLor mom vf the Pnshytrrlsn Choreb nrxt Friday afternoon, ftotn 4 n'eleek, ' i'b lima and plaoa oybodf Is re'pret '"Hj and cordially Invited to attend. A (ublie mrsilng of the Tempera noe t'aian U btld In (be Couit llnase, en Friday area .'I Beat. alRo'elofk. Go to Rood k llaorty't, and ex smioe ttelr stock of tails and puck it outltrjr, tbi finest assortment bronght to Clr6ld for years, A cow belonging to Mr. Hubert Thompson, t Keedrille, in the southern part of this boron gb, ws run over aad killed, on day last ink, by th freight trail. lUuukBinitha will rind it to their ad vaafsg to buy tbeir borM shoes, bora aboa b H, rrs, tod hammer. A iltirt imi in tn f'trinirin Prm-u. LiCAi. I be ad ert iui g raUa arfirfaioabl,and tbt elrrutation la the largt-al of any Baper in tbta cation of the citato.- tf. Accident to Kx Sheriff Hai.l. Tha Uellaroale lt'nf-a.a 'd "JftAJ ' day laat while return log from BellcfoDte to 3d ilea- burg wilb Mr. Win. Marka, who waa driving a eomuwhat reatlcn Bberiff Hall, or Milea. burg, waa thrown from the buggy at or near the toll-gate and very aererely hurt, lie waa picked up and oarrlcd into the toll hoaae in an uoooo oiooa sondltton, but toon revived. We under aland that be li now doing very well." mm a - -- -- Lint of luttora remaining unclaimed In the Poitnfflce at Clearfield, fur the week ending June 4, 1877 t Borelng, Vincent Crntb, James h. flonpllle, (Inaebim Billion, William lligb, Hanle1 Kune, Reuben Mourae, J. W. Milligan, James Merrell, J. C.-l Thorn pioo,Mtaa Minnie Wilder, James B. Watkina, Thomas P. A. Gaulim, P. M. A ruut many of our citizens woro aruuevd from their slumbers on Friday night, about II o'clock, by a blast, both loud and long, from tha tcrriflo a ten to whistle at tbe Fire Clay Works. For several night these works have been running all night, and the wblatle 1 blown for changing bands, at 1 o'clock A. at. Many of thoae who heard it for tho Drat time thought It waa an alarm of fire, and there waa a hurrying tA and Iro" for a few minutes to learn the local ion. When the true inwardness of the affair was ex plained, the nli lit to was voted a humbug and the slef py inoitals immediately returned to their beds. mm 1 - A GOLDEN WEDDING. The home vf our quiet and pleasant old neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Uearhart, in Brad ford township, was thrown into considerable eom motion early on Tuesday morning of last week, May 2tflb. when the house wa beseiged by about seventy-five of their friend and neigtibora, who came armed for the oecaaion with well-Mled bas. beta and wearing happy, amiling faoea, deter ' mined on having a gala day. Tbo aged coup It were not long 1b aeoing through the joke which, waa being perpetrated upon tbcm, as it was tbe' Hftietb anniversary of their wcddiog-dy, and tbt'V were tbe subject of the ovation. j After the usual formal tie were over and some lime bad been spent in pleasant ebal, n number of the viaitors repaired to the large barn, where swings had been prepared for tbe enjoyment of tbe children, and where a table sixty feet long was Improvised, and which was soon ladened with one of the most bountiful repasts Ibat eyes ever beheld or gormand aver feasted upon, and to which the company present did ample justice. ! Mr Gearbart is in bis 7&th year ; but, in spile , of ajj. be la etiil rigorous and active. He re moved from Centra county, the place of hi na tivity, to the home be now oeeupiea, near Ligler station, In ltradford townsbip, tbia omnty, in the year 1832, and ia, therefore, one el tbe pioneer aH Here of thin part of our county, where b cleared nod has now under cultivation n. large and productive (arm, and where he baaercoted and beautifli-d one of the moat pleasant borne in tbi neighborhood. He i actively otigaged in agri culture, overseeing and directing the entire werk of the farm. Mrs. Uearhart is in hr 7 1 at year, and is one of tbe most plniifunt and agreeable old ladies yon i con inevt who, knowing Just bow to make home pleasant and njoahle to all ; aud everybody woo virits her ii made lo feel at borne in her bouse, Tba Uearhart family consists of tbe two old folks, eight children, and twenty-nine grand children. The children are mostly mnrried, and all seltlod in tbi county. Onn a' the noticmble feature of this reunion was that every me tuber of the family was pnrent. When I fay th-tt this day was one of the tuft pltasanlly spent day of my life, I but reiterate Ibe eentimeiii of all wbo wi-ru present on Ibu occasion. It acemcd lo be tbe desire of each one to contribute lu tbe happiness of all the rest, and In so doing It made the (he time more pleasant , for themseirra, verifying ibe t'aot that mors such 1 aociable gathering would snake u a happier, better and more grnerou people. The parly separated late in the evening, wish ing thai the olfl enple might live to see and en joy many wore auth happy wedding-daj. R. Wooklanii, May Ht'lb, 1877. ILLUSTRATED ATLAS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY. rnoaparTt's op tut I'RoroaKo HtsTontuai, oro j IIRAi'HK AL ARD r H VBli'AL ILt t BTRATan AXIM I of ( LBAfFttt.n coi'jur. vr.xx'A aMa or itb l'B0Ma;ilT rrATl'Bfc. 1 ' " ' ' I. Ab indi i wilb eaplanntory referen.a. ; 1 A double-page Map of the I'uited Plates. i 8. Statistic of theHtateof Pennsylvania, show-1 (ng the history of the formation of each county ; i the tola) nu niter of acre of land in each county ; and the population, by count ies, from the census i ol 1870. 4. Statistics of the electoral and popular vole for President of ibe I niied Stales, down to the preaent dte. b. A dout'le-page Railroad Map of Pennsylva nia, showing all the railroads and station up to , the present time. A. A Map of Clearfield County, cdored, by townships, showing tba location of towns and villages, poatuffioes, at ream, wagon roads, rail road, cburchea, sehool bouse, Ao. 7. A geographical and physloal description of Clearfield county, with din gram of tbe sortioos of coal and other mineral. 8. Large Mapa of all the principal boroughs of tba county, giving nsmra of streets, numbers of lots or blocks, owners' names, Ac.) alao, similar reliable Mapa of all tbe smaller village of tba eounl7. All these Mapa will be plotted from rec ords, verified by actual surveys, and colored by additions tt. A oarefully compiled and brief history of tbe county and each townsbip, giving something of tbe paal, its early settlers, so, - I. AstuaJ portraits and biographies of some of tbe pioneers and representative men of Clear field county. II. A Map of earh township in the county, separate and distinct en n large aeala (the Map of Lawrence township alone being 42 inches in length', giving the original land surveys, the loca tion of bouses, stream', wagon roads, railroada, charskea, school houses, mills, manufactories, springs, orchards, cemeteries, blacksmith shop, coal banks, and olbar Important detail. 13, Finely lithographed viewa of private resi dences, farm buildings, pubiio buildings, and oth er improvement illustrative of the preaent wealth, progress, and enterprise of tbe county. 13 Borough, village, and townsbip directories, giving names of oar patrons, tbeir business or oc cupation, residence, nativity, dale of settlement, poitulfife ad.hess, A. It, The Atlas is to bo bound lo muslin, with lea i be: bak and embossed eofer, and to include about fifty separate, distinct and complete Mps, highly colored, engraved and primed. I shall h lo issue to Ibe cititens of thi county, in Ihe course of 8 1 teen months, n work which shall be highly creditable to them, an orna ment in tbe parlor or reading room, accurate and reliable, and of practical h to all claasrs of ckti icds. J- A. Cai.iiwai.l, PuMisher, OuBOlS CITV. 4 Tfti TO fiUnoiB ASM Rt'MH.lMuKU. Nn. Kmtob After a lapse of over forty yesr, I thought I noold lake a trip to lit land ol pioes In the northwestern section of this county, and upon arriving tbt re I lound things so wonder fully changed that I scarcely knew where I was, and would bave btea compelled to ask, bad I not left borne for tbe purpose ol seeing Ibe new springing-op towna ol Dulloia and Uumbarger. I uey are bow, in effect, one town, divided only by n small stream, which empties into handy Lick creek, ten miles above Heynoldaville. In Dullui I found my old friend John, the proprietor of Ihe place, wbo owns some thirty or toriy thousand acres of tbe best timber Isnd in tbe State, ibe to en is situated on Ibe waters of Sandy Lick creek, on the Low Orade It. B., about ail miles west of tba Summit tunnel, I was told ibat two years ago there was tut pne bouse in ibe village of Duliuls and now, there are oer one hundred, and a larg number just begun. At Ihe elose of tbi ar lory expect to number on thousand inhabitants. Jt has a raw mill, the largest in tbe United States, and, perhaps, the largt-st In tbe world. 1 willgiveth site and -specify, as repotted by nit of lha employ ea : Length, 20 feet I w idle, 80 (eel. There are seven gangs, of from fourteen to thirty two saw each) one Mule saw, culling from 8,ii0 to IK.tltIO fet per day ) the gang cut from 100,000 lo 130. 000 fret per day ; two ebtngl Mills, salting 35,toQ per duy I one laib mill, cutting 30,800 per day I one small mill, culling Iruin laf,0"0 to l..,cno par day. Over ill" logs are ueed up daily. The em ployes Bomber neany one hundred mca. Mr. Du bois is now enawgaw ia clearing out a Hat ol land adjaiaing tbo mill, wbiou, when done, will be about one hundred acre of rich bottom soil,: ii feel deep, sod will be the finest field In Ihe county. II ia employes are all geatlemen of gl'd, or ill noaJilias. Mr. Baker, tba foremen or Ine mill, showed me all through tbe esiabllsbmasit, while Messrs. McMinn, Black lord, Fowler, and i Vosburg, also doo tbeir share to make my He it pleasant. Tbe eoal buslneae I Juai beginning to make a atir, aad al present la confined to tba Hombarger end ! tbe tillage, on land once owned by Mr. George Shaffer, Sr., but n w owned Mr. Kam bar er fbe tract cootalna over three hundred acres, iad if operated b? Judge Bell, ol Ihe State ol New l oik, and Mr. Jones, now ol lUmbarger. Tba now opened are from sti to seven Ibat ibieb, and tb best quality lb operators ara new building bonl thirty houses if all shapes and lses for lb '" ' A word for Huiubarger. tbey ar bild. a large M. K. Cburab, whiih la now under rif. The hard limes bas slopped work for the preemit. On lbs DuBoia side there is a vrj nice Presby terian Church almost finished, of gnoi siee, ad neatly finished so far as done. Both Charrbes, wbea finished, will be a credit lo tbe plcc. There are two licensed hotel one on tbe Rem larger de, kept by Mr. Bryan the niher, the Cty Hotel, kept by Meears. sly A Nicholson, oti the Daliol end or town. Both ara well lur iahed nad have good lendlorda. ' I pon the whole, taking lb bard times intn oniideratlon, DuBois City Is n greet enterprise, and well wertb Ti'it lo tak t n iooa i. osjrs, Wanted I 1,000 corda of Hemlock and Book Oak Bark, for which wa will pay tha big heat Market price, JjlJtf. A. 0. K RAM in A Co. ..I. a ii i I'armors. po to Heed & llagerty'a, to buy yonr seytnes, rakes, hay forks, snathes, ma nnra forks, shovels, oultlvatora, shovel plows, grain eradlas, cultivator teeth, abovel plow plates, Ae. mm a a Wheat Wanted I 500 buHhols ol wheat, for which the t A rill will be paid on de- riaur. Salt! Salt!! You can get the larjro twilled sack of Bne salt al Lytle'a fur 82, the aama aim that ha heretofore been selling at $150 and X . j ', rt the RcU'UUMrAN ntlieo is tho place to get your Jolt work dono. -Wr t-j - vM to do anything In the printing line, will do It well, and at tba right kind of prioea. tl. Lytic hatt received a lure stock ol Mackerel, White Flab, Lake Herring, Ac, which he intends to sell very low. Coma and price be fore buying. If. An alarm of tiro lata Thursdny fore noon was caused by sparks alighting on tbe roof of John L. Cuttle's residence, stttiog it on fire. The blata was speedily extinguished, and but very little damage wa dona. mm t m John A. Stock iw anxioua to hav tho devotees of "the weed" call and try bis brag five cent cigar, wbiob be is now manufacturing at bis establishment on Second street, one door north of First Nat. Bank. Cigars at all price, and all manufactured of pur tobacco. my9-tf. mmm SipREMB Court. This is Suproino Court week for Clearfield county nt Harm burg. Senator Wallace, Judge Barrett, Judge McKnal ly, Mr. Krebs, and others of the profession, are down there looking after their clients' Interests, and arc striving to get the Judges of the Supreme Court lo see the caeca as tbey them ie! vet aee them. mm 1 ScioiiiK. Mr. H. King, brother ot M. Edgar King, Esq., of tbe Altuona Hadical, committed suicide in n hotel at Bauville, on Wedneaday night or last weak, by shooting him self. Ho was found In bis room tn Thursday morning, Insensible, with a pistol in bis right band and a bullet-hole in bis bead. The net seems to bave bee premeditated, as two sealed letters were found upon the table, as also a not, which read as follows : "My lire Is a failure and I am tirrd of It Please deliver the lettera to my friends" Mr. King had a good position, being traveling agent for the Duncatinon Iron Company for a number of years, nod It is, therefore, Impoaaible to assigu n eaua for this rash aot. Clearfield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail, road, for tbe week ending May 25, J877, and the same time last year CO At, For the week Same time last year Decrease Prevloualy during year.. 8 a too time laat year 0 Increase Total In 1877 TOHS. 31,886 28,681 4,838 ii0H,480 443,161 65,300 530,305 Hatne time last ytar - 49,1111 Increase "0,(153 OTRin FRWUMTS. Lumber lil or. Miscellaneoua freight a - 88 " Hpectal NEW UOODS AT PLKCK A CO.'S. Calico, Muslin, Ginghams, Parasols, Pan, Neck Ilea, Neck Hue ling, Collara and Cuffs. Ladles Lawn and lira Cloth ?uits. HATS AND BONNETS JVBT RECEIVED. Black Cashmere and Alpacas. WHITE U00D8-CHEAP. . CARPET and CARPET CHAIN. ALL GOODS AT THE LOWEST PUlCKi AT THIS 8TOKB T. A. FLECK A CO. ChaiAelJ, Pa., June A, 177. . H hlte won will pay M SO per Ion fur II cm lock Hark, delivered at t'urn-rua-Till, and A at areola, mid IT fur Mork Oak liark ddltered at either place, majtt Wantro ! 100,000 28-incb shaved shingle to average from 8 to i inch for which we will pay the higbaat market price. A. O. RRAMfR A Co., fcb.18 tf. Clearfield, Pa. IO.OOO tons of llrmlnrk and H. rk Oak Hark wanted by W H. hlte A Won. deliv ered at t 'areola and I'urwetiavliie, f-A mid T will be paid nt the former plare, and M M) and T at Hie latter. tua. While, smooth and softandy lady's bands, arms or neck may become who usee Olenn'a Sulphur Soap. Pi nip lei or other dlffigunmint f a eora nlional nature, are auraly obliterated by tbia healthful promoter of beauty Depot, Crlttcn- tou a, no. 7 onin a venue, ii. i . um iisit auu Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60 ota. June 8 4w. Bt'aoiR Fon Sai.b. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of FredoBia Buggies and Platlorm Wagons for sal. To be seen at tha Hbaw House yard. Call on or address bim at Clearfield Penn sylvania. my 13-tf. TbARK WAMTFD.We will pay II AO J iertoti for llcmlnrk Hark, and 97 (Mi for Hoc a i ia it iiarK. aeiiverenat i urweiia Tllle. ITe will pay A for hemlock mid ft fur rock oak bark, delivered nt Oaceola Mill. may tt, 'TT. H August mf'iotrrr. Tht most miserable beings In the world ara those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint. More than seventy-flve per cont. of the rieoolc In the l olled Slates are anhcted wttb these two diseases and their effects such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cosiivcness, Palpitation ef tb Heart, Heart-burn, Water ; brash, gnaw log and burning pains nt tb pit of the Hteuiach. Yrllow Skin, Coated Tongue and dlsazreeable taste In the mouth, coming up of lha food after eating, low spirits, Ac. Uo lo your DnisKUt. V. V. nation, and get a 7 cent nmue of Ai-ui'iiT Flowkb, or a sample bdtle for 10 cents. Try It. Two do sol will relieve you May 33, 1877 eow-Iy. 3 " It ffiA Stood the TtttU If yon doubt the wonderful success ol Siiiloh a CnnrurTioi Cran, give It a trial then if yon ara not aatisncd, rrturn the bottle and we w Ml re hind the price paid. It has established the fact that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, and all Long or Throat trouble, there Is nothing like It f ir a quirk and positive core, and It seldom fail. Ten cents, Ml snts, and $1.00 per bottle. If your Lfcrgs are sore, or Chest or Hack lame, use Sait.on'a Poaoi a Plastr, Price 36 oente. Hold by V, D Watson, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. Dn. SlIILOH'S SYSTEM VITALIZE", la no doubt thr most successful cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint we have ever known, othorwiae we eoold not guarantee if. In oases of Consump tion, where Oencrai Debility, Loss of Appetite aad Constipation exist, it will restore and rcgu late the syatem wbil SHILOH'S CUKE allay tbe inflamallon and heal the lungs. Price 75 cents, Bold by C, D. Watson, Druggist, Clear field, PS. BACKMKTACK.s righ ar.d fragrant perfume. Sold by C. D. WaUog, liruggist, Ulearneid, 1'a. pr. 18, 'jf aow ly. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen, VANTi:i-by Curwciiavllle, 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 bushelfl wheat. 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels oats. 1,000 bunlielH shcllci com. 1,000 bushels potatoes. KMMHNI atUlnch shaved stiliiftlea. KHI.IMN Sl-lnrli awed alilfujlf. KMMHHI fret pine tHiarda. A.otto railroad tie. 5,000 cord oak and brnlurk bark. Tor which one-third cash will be paid. oct.25. iUarrlfd. On Wednaal a;, Ma; .10th, 1S77, h; T.f. A. R. Fulton, Mr. (Irorga Thomp.on ami MiM Caaiie llargar, all of Uradiord town.liip. In drabam township, on Saturday, April 3"tb, 87T, Mary Anne, daoahter of Wm. P. and Mary B. Htasal, aged II teera, 9 months and IA days. In Lawrenre township, nn Wedntsday, May :id, 1877, Edmund NVUen, son of J. 1. and Mary J- Wright, aged 3 years and 9 saontb. Railroads. lc n n h y I v a ii I u It n i 1 r on d TYUOSE aV CI.BARKIKLI) tvRAKCH OX and afler Honda,, MAY II, 1877, the I'aaeenger Traina will run dell; (eieept 8ua- d;a) between I jroneanu vuarnaia, a. ioiiowb CLKAllFIIII.I) MAIL. ' W. C. lawn. Coadnclor. UAV. SOt'TII. LKAVB NOHTII. rn...r.rllla..l:IO. r.n.: T;rono t 10,.. Claarield .. " Oareola !," Phlllpibar, 4.31, " I Pbdlpaborf ...l !, " oLl,... ...... " OIrold.....ll.4, CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATION. W. 8. PlI'Ium, Conductor. LBAVB 801'Tll. LKAVR NOKTH. (.40 1. . Phlli,b.t,....IS P.H. Cle.rfleld 10:10 " Clernl.l,r...7.0 " l'bilip.lir,..ll.4J i Curmvlll.....l " BALD BAULK VALLKY BRANCH. Mill. A.I, S.43 ..X, A..; 10, OS 10.(0 11.18 He.iefnntO Milesburg Howard arrive L. Haven, 4.15 4.U3 8 15 leave TYRONK STATION. RABTWARU. w kwtw a n II- 8-1 V 8:60 Plttshurgb Exp'sa, 3.60 I ll.ppfaLt.r. Anm'm t'acino hxpre, Mall Train, 8:38 Way Passenger, 1 Atlantic Express, 6:50 Mail Train, ' 1'hiln. hipreaa, iu;.tjirai i-tne, i PHILIPSllURQ A MOSIIANNON BRANCHES ,V aorTll. LhAVR NoHTII. A. N. A. H, RTlTIORa. A. M. F. M. P. N. Morrlidal., 1210 7:85 fhilipaliurn, ,!3;' 7:;i Siainar'a 12 11 lit llojntun, 12:14 1(1 SO 7 6t OnoMla, 1:41 12:04 4:15 10:45 B:"0 Mu.hanlion, 11:52 4 00 10:53 8:11 Kl.illnn, W 2 11:45 8:52 111:58 8:17 Unut.d.l., ,:20 11:40 1:47 11:02 8:22 WtC.ulcJ, . V I6 11:35 3:44 11:07 8:28 Katldriok'a, 1:19 1110 1:40 HIS 8:95 Kama;. 4:00 11:25 3Si p. m. 2 "0 2:15 1:IU 2:24 2:11) 2:44 2:52 2:57 3:02 S07 8:12 Cloa. eonnentlona mad. bj .11 train, at T7ron. and Look JUr... B. 8. BLAIR, m17'tf. Buparlntendonl. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW OR AUK DIVISION. ON and rt.r Honda-, Maj 13th, 1877, tba najiflnger traina will run dail; (axcapt Sun da;) between Ked Dank and Driftwood, aa followa : KAHTM AHI. ll.t Malllravia Filiate, 8:20 a. m.l Had Uatik 11:55; Bligo Junction 12:14; New Bethlehem 1:20 p. n. M.Tivilla 1:57; Tro, 1:05 Urookellie 2:25 I fuller'a 2:50 Re;, noldavlll. 1:00 DuRnla 1:5.1; Kinimit Tunnel 1:48 j l'.n8eld 4:00 I Wc.4lllle 4:17 lleneaetta 4:65 arrive, mt Driftwood at 5:45. W I JITH A H O-II.J Mall learai Driftwood 12:15 p. an.) Brneiette 12:57 ; Weedrlll, 1:40 r.nleld 1:30; Summit Tonnel 1:50 ; Dulloi2:ll; HeTnold.Tillel:4; Fuller'a 1:50; Brookvilla 3:12 ; Trojt 8:20; MajeTllle S:5i; New Bethlehem 4:05 ; gligo Junetion 4:47 ; Hed Bank 5:03 ; arrirei tt Pitteburg eA 7:50 p. at. ptr- Tbe Re;noMaTille Aocommodatlon leavea Rejrnoldaville dail; at 7:50 a. m. and arrirea at Hed Bank at 11:00 a. m Pittaburgh at 2:35 p.m. Learw Pittsburgh at 3:20 p. m ; Ked Bank at 5:55 p. m.; arriving at He;nulditille at 8:50 p. m. Clean connection, made with traina on P. A K. Bailroad at Driltaood, and with traina on the Allrilien; Valle; llailmad at Ked Bank. DAVID MrCAKoO, Uen'l Sup't. A A. JacaauN, tiup't L. 0. Die. A" t'DITOM'R KOTICE J. J. W ighton vs. James Haley. In tbe rt of Common Pli of Cleattield county. Vend. Ei., 1 It), Mareh Term, 1170. Th undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court to dl-trlbute the money arising from ihe Sheriff 'a aale of Delendant'a real estate, hereby a-ives notice tbat be will attend to the duties of his appointment, at hia office In Clearfield, on jrrlday, the liij uay 01 June, inu, at a ooiocb p. m., when and where all partiee interetrd may attend. A. tl. KRAMER, Clearfield, Pd., June A, 177 3t. Auditor. CAUTION. All persons are berohy cautioned ngainat purchasing or in any way meddling with tbe following property now in the possession of Cyrua Lydick. of Lawrence township, to wit : 1 cook stove, with cooking utensil and pipe, cor ner cupboard, parlor stove, I clock, set of chairs, rooking cbair, parlor carpet, 1 table, 1 map, bar rel of vinegar, 2 beds and bidding, 2 looking glassca, lot of Menken, spreads, tingle trees, chains, grabs, ranthook and axe, 7 bsgs, 1 hoes, trailing rope, 1 pair log sleds, I pair twin sled, 8 twign, 9 etiickuns, t plow, 1 cbovel plow, I bar row, about 1 acre ryo in ground, about 4) acres wheat in ground, about J acre pot at or in grout.), about It acre growing grave, j of a acres of rn, all of seven acres of corn, two hordes and harness, one wngon, one cutting boi, two buckets, peck and half bushel measures, I buggy, 1 set ham e, 1 fanning mill, lot of bay aud straw In mow and 6 window ah. Said property was purchased by m at Sheriff's sale on the 4th day of June, 1877, and is left with said Ljdick on loan subject to my ordor at any time. UIIAS. tt AI'U II. Clearfield, Pa., June 0,"77..1tp. rpBIMKI M' MALI?. I The uudrrsigned Trustee of lha estate of F. O. Miller, will sell at public sale, at the Court House In Clearfield, on Haturday, Juiie Otli, I Mil, At 1 o'clock, p. m , all tb 1 merest of said F. 0. Miller In a certain tract or piree of land situate In Bell township, Clearfield county, Pa .bounded and described a follow : Beginning at a maple, tbence by land of Henry Drinker, north 60 de gree east lla perches to a beech, thence by part of Andrew Oreo IT south 40 degrees east 320 per ches to stones, tbenc by land of Jacob Oreo IT S4.utb 60 degree west 116 perches to a hemlock, thence by land of Abraham Winner north 40 d grew west H'Ht perches to tbe place of beginning, containing 217 acres, being part of a larger tract of land warranted to Andrew Oreo IT. W. D. BMLER, C. W. SMITH, J. F. IKWIN, Clearfield, Pa., m3.1 tt. Trustees. CARPETS I CARPETS II CARPETS!!! The people of this vicinity have lung felt tbe necessity ol having a larger and belter assortment of Carpcta to srltol from than baa ever been kept in the plae before. That want la now fully sup plied. W bare at cured tbe exclusive use of RUliardson'sCurpct Evhibltor, A WONDEltFI L INVENTION for .bowing Carpotf, a brief description of lha me or whlcn w. gtve below. With lh os of th CanrrT Exhibitor, w show from a sample jual h iw Ihe Carpet look on a vary large room, multiplying Ibe Sample a Ihoueand times, matched aud shown as perfect as when the Carpet la made op and nailed upon tho Door. In this way w nr now prepared to show you a NEW YOEK WHOLESALE STOCK. W bare msde special arraogemants with one of the lurgrst bouses In New York, to fill all our orders for Carpel, and will thuW yon n larger t w.Wl fmm Ihnr, 1 ever bern b4-nt out-ldc of a wholesale house. NEW & DESIRABLE PATTERNS. . , . , ., . . ... ,, which are not kept In atork outside nf large eliiui. .u.. w7 . .... uw aimm Eopuiar, anu we iiiutc wni ju wnum ouierwiie a. 8 to go to New Yrk to II nd We can -ll as cheap for cash aa you oan buy fur cnah in New York, and there being no remnant to takeoff the profita, wo are eoalilnd to aril on a very small commission, and most rm.ectlully Invite the public to sva line our styk, and satisfy them selves. IF YOU WANT A CARPET of any dimensions, bring n correct measure of Tour room and we tiierantee to suit ion I'lease call and seu os, whether you wi-b to buy or nnl, aa it la no trouble to show goods. Hespectlully, T. A. FLECK & CO., MAHKBT STKpET,, IM. Ma; 80, 1177 If. NOTICE TO 'TAX-PAYERS. Tn accordance with an Ant of lha General A- ! aembly of tbia Commonwealth, approved tho S'.'d day ol March, A. D. 1870, aud the supplement, approved the 3d day of April, A. D. IB..1, "relet- i tag to tt. collection of tni in the county of Clearfield," natle Is therefore hereby glren t ! I the t as payers residing in the dtslriet below nnmr-d, mat (lie vounty ireasurer, in aoroniance with the second section of said Art, will attend at tbe place of holding tbe borough and town hip eleetions on the following named djya, fur the purpose ol receiving the County and Btate tales assessed for Ihe year 1177 t For Union township, Monday, June 4th. For Dufloie, Brady townbin,Tueday,Jne 6lh For Troutville, Uradj Iwp., Wedoeaday, Juneflth. For Luthersuurg, llrady Iwp., Thursday, June 7th. For Bloom township, Friday, Jnne tflh. For Fenn township, Haturday, June iflb. For Oulleh townelitp, Monday, June 11th. For fjoccarta township, I uesrlay, Jnne JZtn. For Jordan township, Wednesday, June Uih. For Chest townsbip. Thuraday, Jun I .th. For Nawbnrgbor., Friday, Jun 1 6th, from I lo 13 o'clock. For New Washington Lor, Friday, June 15 th, from I t T c'olook. For Burn side twp., flaturday, Jun Iflib. For Earnside bor , Monday, Jon If in. For Hi ll township, Tuesday, June tttta. For tlrrenwoed township, Wedneaday, Jnn 30. For Fergnaoa townabip, Ihnraday, Jun 31, frusn T tP 12. For Lumber City borough, Thursday, June 31, from I lo 6. For Knoi towa'hin, Friday, Jons 32. Kcr Huston township, Haturday, Jane 2.1. For I'ika township, Monday, June 36, For Curwenaiille, Tuesday, Jun 26, to So'ctock 1'pr.n all aid to Ihe Treasurer there will be a reduction of a) pesceat., wbil Ave per oent. will be mtiird mflir li firtt day of July aerf, to all anpaid tales, making a difference ol TEN pre cent, to prompt taipuyers. Fartiea enn, from tha 1st of May, pay Ibtlr tages at tb Treasurer's offttC. NoTifi to JMBRrmaT. A rare opportunity will be given to awrebeot to eem (crward al th time and iilaoe tt fcrlh, and lilt tbeir Mtn 'cr 1BTT' vaw mohai tuiKi, Clearnild, Mnv la, 177. Tr'nrer. MIMftTRATOHH NAM?. There will be einosed to nubile sals, at lata residence of John B. Raffertr. dee'd. In the village of PennvlUe, Pen a township, on Monday, June , ImTT, Tha fellow lr g personal property, to wit : One gray mare, 8 years old, one three-year old colt, one two-year old oolt, one cow and two yearling ealvea.three sboats, 8,(100 18-laob sbiBKlc't 6,U0O 38-lnrb shingles, one spring wagon, two plow, sled auu eiaign book case, clothes press, earpui, staves, etc. There will also be sold at tha same tiiu the store goods, which consist of a general assortment of avcrvlhini to auu ma uuiea. suvn a naro ware, ood and willow-wara, tin, glass and (jueensware, drugs, boots anu ihoes, one coil ol 11 Inch rope, 3i0 puuudi of dried apples, and A' tba la J.ltltbH. V".Jel t0" niiUrotl1 to mention. Condi .lobs maue anowa - CHAS. HELPER, Uramp'nn Hills, May 33 St. Adm'r. PLANTS & FLOWERS. Th undersigned horeLy gives notice to the cltiiens of Clearfield county, that be bnl, at bis Urren House in Clearfield, a large quantity of all kinds ot Vegetable & Flower rianls, which he will furnish to all wbo may favor bim with their patronage, at reasonable rates. Tbe following is a partial list of plants and Bower : VEGETABLE PLANTS i Wintered Cobbago Plants, Lit to Cnblmgo i'luntfl, Dwarf Celery Plants, Winlorcd Cauliflower Plants, Swoet Potato Planta, Egg Plants, Tomato Plants, Popper Plants. FLOWEE PLANTS for BEDDING i HELIOTROPES Aaaorted. PKT1NI A" Single anil double UKKANI1IM8 Zunale. OKItANIlI M f Double. OKRAN ll:MS Variegated. SAUK Scarlet and while. FUCHSIA Single and double. PANSIKS-Urge Bowara. A1KRAT1M Miird. COLElrf Aurorted. DAHLIAH Douljle. VRrtni'NAS Beat aaleeted Tatieliei. OrlMIHA. CKNTAl'KEA and CI.-JERAKIA. CANSA9 Aaaorted. HTUCK Largo flowering, dnudle. BAIHINIAH Amortad. BKOVA1.IA Klala mngor. MKINONKTTK Urge dowerln, PINKS Hard;. PHLOX Druiomantlil. A largo araorttuent of 1'lunla fur Hanging Ba.kete or Vaaea. ERNEST BOCK. Clearfield, Pa., May 33, 1877-tl. Ot'ltnni, TATi;IKT Annual finan lO eial statement of Uoibrn School District fur the year ending June 4th, 1877. To hal. on Duplicate of 74...$ 20 01 172 08 404 30 to bal. oo Duplicate oi (Irofs am't of Dup. for '7n.. Total amount of Duplicates Deduot abatement fi Bcduct oiout. ration 7 75 20 40 577 38 805 48 28 i; Receipts : Total tal reei-ipta t'eih in treaaur; aa per laat report From State appropriation.... From Co. Treaa. lor unaaaled landa 972 SS 411 70 1,151 83 Total reeeipta for year and. Ing June 4, '74 Expenditure of Building Fund For lot No. 8 and Deed for aame $ J.OM T.7 1.', Oil 2ro oo 375 00 105 05 II i'J 10 0J Pcci.nd payment to K. 8. Stowart, on Eden 8. II..... La: p.vtnrnt to K. S. rittw art, un Kdi n 8 II lick, fur S. 11 No. 3 Freight on value Clearing lot No. 3 Cleaning hour. No. 3 after built Krpairlnn arlio.,1 proper!;... Total expenditure, ol build ing fund Expenditure of School Fund For taobera' wagea .$ For Fuel and conlingeaciaa. For Colleitor'e fcea For Trra.urer'a fee. For Hcerrtarj'a eaiar; For School Joornala For Itl.triot Kegl.ter For Arrlntrot'a f.'e. For other expenaoa Total for vupport of acboole... Balanae In Treaaur; 4 50 23 00 71.. OS 018 Oil 52 35 13 51 50 III 15 00 7 Oil t 25 10 00 i 43 ,tl.07fl 70 277 84 Wa, the undersigned Auditor, of Uo.lien Di. trlct, baring earefull; examined the aocounta of tha Trra.urer. And them cot reel to the bt-at of out knowledge and belief. H. 11. TAYLOR, J. A. L. FLKOAL, Secretary. President JAMES E. flRAHAM, K. O. SHAW, Lick Dun, May 23, 1377-41. Auditor,. 'J'RUSTEE'S SAL OF VALUABLE Conl and Timber Lands! By virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, Pfcn'a, under proceedings In partition, there will be exposed to public bmIc, at uuction or outcry, at the Court Home, lo Clear field, on Haturday, June 3th, IH7J, nt 1 o'clock p. m., all that valuable property, la'e the eatate of Samuel llegarty, the alder, of Wood ward township, consisting of IIH) arrra of land in tbe heart of tbe operations in the Clear field Ciial baaln, having the larn vvlu of fuel upon much of tba land, and large portion thereof being heavily timbt-red with a Vlrglli forcat of white pine timber. The land Is divided Into lota, at.d they are bounded and described as follows t Pen ran No. 1 Heainning at a post t thence i aonih 4 degrees west 221 perches to a post t tbence ioutb ttHt diirrcoi east 171 nercliea ton post : I ibmoe north 2J degrees cast 2f0 8 10 perches to a : post; thence north 87 i, degrees west 2 '18 percbea j t to a post ; thence south A degrees wcat 60 perches I I to a poet j thence south 07 degrees cast 12 6-10 , p(.rchca to a post ; thence south b7 degrees eaat 8A 4-6 perches lo a post and plare ol lej inning, ! oontatutng uirve nunnrcuuiiu i vtciii)ef rcn : acrea and allowaiire. PrnpAMT No. t. Beglnrlng at a poat ; thence j o.inh 2 degrees east 66 7' 10 perches to a white ' pine atunip i thence south 871 degrees east 14 6-10 I pereboB to B TOSt t thence Utrth 2. dfgrcCI east perchci to a white pins thsnce north 0O dsfrreos west 33.1 &ln pfrchr to a post ; thence a mp phe. to pon! , j thence by purpart No. 1. south 87 A degrees east I 3M hr ; .lUp, nf fir)(intlnft, ronUlning i irf2B hiihdrc d and nine t) arrevaiid thirty lour and rJ vr-tci.tti perrhea and alionanre. Ft'neAHT No 3.-lteginmng at a white pine ; Ihenco by purpart No. 3, north M 7 4 degrees neat 13 iv per mm to a post t inenoe mum tie ; grer wet 3 A-IU perehea lo awhile birch ; thence si uth Ho degrees west 64 6-1 It perohes to a post ; i thrncc nnrlb '2 degrees cast 2,3 perrhea to a ' post f ihrnre north T dritreea cal I5S perches I to a post l thence l"Ulli 21 decrees wcat I II 15 i perches to a post ; thenoe south 8(1 degrees east . It:. 3-6 pirchea to a post; thenoosouth 2i degrees nerehca to white nioe and pmre nf he- ginninceitttMainlng three hundred nnd tlilrty Uve ncrca, uue liuiidrtd pcrrliea and allow a itre 1't ttPAnr No. 4 Matihla Uarton aurver. Ilrgtnning at a post , Ihcnu south 87) degree east .ll'V perekes to a maple ; thence north 2 de grees aat 217 pcrchea lea white oak, thence north 86 degree wcat 812 pcrrliea to stonsij tbence south 3 degrees west J'ii perches to post and place nt beginning, containing tour hundred nrrcB, fitly perrhea and alluwatire. The above four purpart a being situate in Woodward township, Clearfield county, I'a,. I'i ri aht No 6. llejtnnlng a, a p t thence north 88 degrees west 357 perches ton fallen white pine; thence north Iftl pamhoa to stonei ) thence north (t7i degrees esit 461 pi-rehes tn a hemlock ; thence south 2h degrees west b'i perch es to n poat t thence north 87) degrees west IKS perches to a eneatnuti tncnoe soutn aj degrees Wist B.l a 10 nerdc tn place ni oeginntns:, con taining three hundred and HDy-flve nrrra1 nnd allowaiire, aad being situate in Decatur' township, Clearfield county, I'a. MODE OF SALE i The tracts or purpart will each be put np separately and bida obtained on each of them, anl then they will b put op to aale aa a whole bafore sulking any oi them down, and the property will he atruck down to Ihe bid for th whole If tbe same is more than the BRgrcgnte of the separate bids, bat if not, then to tha separate bidder. Each bidder must make his bid with ibis special understanding. TERMS OF SALE: ilieBith of the whole purvhaee money In rsah when the property Is ttiurk dnnn.uiic elath thereof at Ihe oonllrmation of the sale by Ihe Court, nnn-tlllrd of Ibe whole, fir deduct ing one-fuuith of ihe whole, shall 4e secured up on lh, premises by recognisance In bi Orplnns' Court of lleatfteld county, with two suQioient surttlis to be approved by the said Court, con ditioned to vay to l.ydla llegarty, the widow, Iho interest on the mid one third sml-annully, com taencing at the date of tbe aale, d-iritg her nat nral lile, an I al her death to pay to (be parlies If It ally entitled thereto, Ihe principal sum of lb said one-third. The rtmntntler of Ihe pnrebase mono to ha nnrnble, with Interest from confirm nlion of sale, In lour rqual annual payment, be ginning one year alter said onlirriation, the same to be secured upon the premlaitB by bnnd and mo? trace with A'et'rs Putin elamw, and wlib n covenant that no timber ahall be ot from lh aame until all of the payments secured thereby shall he paid, unless by leave of th Orphan' Crwrt of Clearfield county, after noticu to th Trustee and npon aecortly given inerefor, n th said l oart mar decree, iscn i no aitli to thr nur chaser or purebasora by tbe Trustee, npoa eom , pliant nitb tb term of aale tamlnb fore atatfd, land poaararlun lu be giren when the Herd is ile- ttvrMi. iuun a, auani. 1 rieaiflrlil, Ta , Mar M, l(T7 t. Trtitn. $w flvrrtlsnnfuts. APPI'.AI d-I.AHT NOTII'K. All owner, of untcftl.d l.nrti will rilMi. uk. Botla. lhal luridly, June Iftlh. IHIt. will eloM tht ,lpU, .lid tbitl n.r tS.t da, no npa.l will b Imard or abatsnant mad. on taxaa. CI.AHK BROWN. Altc.l: TIKlK. A. Mi.ll II KR, .'oua W. Hon,, 1IAHKIS HOOVEII, Clurk. Comw'ra Cofflmm'ra ollloa. 1 ClMrlold, fa. Ma, as, 77-11. J A tr. tur and CHvnp O,.troyr of th. Ctl r nu an nrrt. Bfi,,t., tnM U J rli 1 1 -4 lb. Ut ) S-riJ feW CeRwiW nh li'iMlr-l. U.11N..lla HH.,iia u lha lrd. lUUENKi cita-HicAt. u unkK, r o ., tin M Cvl4l 81., Mm trh Liif. Fir aale by Blaltenbsrger A Co., Woodland; J(MB v,J-v C'raifield, and 0. H. Corbel. to., rouocia. pon SALE.- Th undersigned will set) at p rival sale nil tbat traol or paroel of land ailnato In Decatur townsbip, tlearttclil county, Th., within a short di stan os of th Tyrone A Clear Gel-i K. R., and adjoining lands of Robert Hudson nnd otners, and known as tna Jacob is. Uearbart lot. Tb said tract oontaiuing AO acres mora or less, with two veins of valuable coal thereon, has about AO acres e Ies red, and is the key to n large body of coal about being developed. Will bo sold low and upon easy Urina. JPor particular, npply to DAVID L. KKKBS, Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1H75. TIN &SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Ha openrd, In a building on Market street, on tbe old Western Hotel lot, oppoaite the Court House in Clearfield, a Tin and Mieet-Iron Menu factory and Store, where will be fopjd at all times a full line of house FuninsiiiKa aoous, Stovco, Ilar&waro, Etc House Spouting and all kinds of Job work, repair Ing, Ac, dona on short notioo and at reasonable rates, Also, agent for tha Singer Sewing Machine. A supply of Machines, with Needles, Ac, al ways on band. Terms, strictly cash or country produce. A share of patronage solloited. O, B.MERKKI.L, tiuperlntendeut. Clearfield, April 26, 1877-if. THE TIN SHOn ltnI; MV0V MAl'lUXE! FRED. SACKETT, KO0M NO. 3, PIE'S 0PEI1A 1I01SK, Clearfield, Pi. Ke.pectfull; inform, hia euitomara, and the pub- lie in general, tbat be continue, to manufacture all ainda of j Tln.Coppri'&Slicet-Iron Uaro.j Of first-class material only, and In a workman like manner. ROOFINC. mid SPOUTING done on short n-dra and very reasonable terms. COOK STOVES, IIEATINtl RTOVE3 AND FURNACES always kept In stuck, and for stle low. Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specially. Oa Fixtures always on hand. All woik guaran teed to give satisfaction. A share of public patronage oordlally solicited. FRED, PACKETT. Clearfield, IV, Mny 0, t77. WM. REED IS Ol'EMNO THIS DAY a LARUE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER CSOODS, IN ALL TLB BRANCHES APPERTAINING TOTIIK DRYUOOH3 TRADE. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, CASSI MURES, LINEN SUITS, &c, &c, &c. NOTIONS ANt) THI M MINGS, !' UNGEH, ' I.ACES, (iLOVKS, IIOSIEItY, TIES, CORSETS, I'.UTTONS, fi, tic.lin. WII1TK GOODS, TA1ILK LINENS, ('OIU)KD AND l'l.AIN l'H'ES, SWISS LAWNS, WHITE TIIIMM1NGS. I'.M HliOlDEItlES, l!t'CIIIN(i, CI'IITAIN NETS, Ac, Ac. .MIM.ISKKV, TU I M M ED H ATS AN D DON N ETS, FI.OWKIIS, II1IIIIONS, THI MM I S(! SII.KS, Hr , He, Ac 1 Carpelings, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, &c, &c. 1111.1. STOIK OK KVGKYTIIINd, IIOT'CIIIT FOR CASH, ANU WILL IIK SOLD FOR CASH. WM. REED, , Hima No. I, Pla'a Opera Il'iaa BailJlng. ri.artl.ld, Pa., April J.'7T ia Z iaWTwlBwl'nnn 'rnrr Now York ftM or CT2.viilfit D n I v n M l " w -' " mm uun rcoif vrjvi" W8wn. n.iik. r-.aiaiiRKKy aF a a mi. .nd I. .M'nklHl. a... MXk J. 03uinburg oot, ho, STILL ANOTHER BED CrUINZ BOOT & SH A straw bat for flv cant. A psper collar for two cents, A box of paper oo liars for 9 cunt. A pair of cotton socks, plain, 11 cents. A kail pencil for one cent. A black nffe neck lie for flv eents. A cotton handkerchief for six cents. Baby shoes, raoed from 36 cents upwards. u m go J " " laoed and heeled 75 cents and up. " " buttoned " 90 " " In all colors and style. Children's shoes from 76 eont upwards. Misses shoes from $1 upwards. In lasting, leather or kid. Mm's plough Shoes at $1-26 Men's better Areas aboes at 150 A man' calf boot from 14 upward. These are but a few articles, to gtva yo We keep Iso a full Una of Men' Furnishing sibl ft ALL KINDS OF THA HE TAKE J S. GUINZBU11G, Second Street, opposite tb Court Home, CLKARFIKI.D, PA. Roroa formerl; aeoupiad b; Lever Flegal. ClearBeld, Pa, Jan. J4, HIT. J. a. efjert & f o.'s (fohimtt. Alt'.! ,n a i ... . . . ... TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS IS AT FLECK S CO S STQBE We have lots of brcnlh and money AwaWa We have Dress Goods nt 7 cents per yard and upwards. Ttluck Cashmere, all wool, at 00 cents nnd upwards. Colored Alpncrt at 18 cents per and upward, lilrtck Alpaca, double width, at 21 cents and upwards. Calicoes 5 cents and upwards. Ginghams 5 cents and upward., Shirtings 8 cents and upwards. Muslins 3 cents and upwards. Men's and Iioys' Cottonades nt 15 cents per ynrd and upwards. Tickings 8 cents and upwards. Shawls 50 cenls and upwards. Rest Percales 12 cents. Table Linen 221 cents and upwards. Ladies' Skirts 40 cents up. Good Rlaek Silk 90 cents nnd upwards. Embroideries 3 cents up. COLLOREI) SILKS ALL PRICES. ' l.idicn' Suits Iti und ntiwuriU. Whito Bed Spread, H5 ccnl and upwards, l.nilic' find C'liildtcn'ri Hoso ft cents and upwards. I, adieu' and Gents' Handkerchiefs 5 cenls and upwards. Comets 25 cenls and npwnrds. Ladies' Tics 10 cents and upwards, (ilores 8 cents and upwards. All silk Hnndkcrfltiofs at 25 cents. Kid Gloves 50 cents and upwards. Suspenders 15 cents and upwards. All linen sliiil fronts 12! cents and upwards. Fan, 2) cents and npwards, (tents' Shirts 40 cents and upwards. Pint 2) and i cents per paper, l'ninsols 18 cents and upwards. Umbrellas 37i cenls and upwards. A first cliiia Milliner lo trim ITats mi l Donncts just as you want tltcm, and nt Prices that will defy competition. I GOODS LOWER DON'T FAIL T. A. FL.ECK & CO.'S. Two doors east of Shnw House ontl opposito Mossops, Market Si. ClearBeld, Vti., Mny 2, W7. Co C 2 g ; . . S5 S' . -a r If a i r 3 I r R H B Lj t ST tt U i M " -1? & Lj 2. on LJ f 5 br3 W f l B- " s P li 9 i! 1 0 and Cruts' furnishing (Rooit. UGTION IN FRIGES AT BlTttG'ft OE STORE. wilb tbo cheapest lot of gooda over nf n ripen A linen handkerchief for II rents, A shawl strap for U cent. A red eotton handkerchief for 15 rants. A hone comb for 14 cents, Ajloien shoe laces for roar neat. Men's w one lanniad shirts for II. . f Men's colored shirts, I collars, 90 eta. Women' hoea Plain lasting laoed, 11.10. Plain lasting eongreaa, $1.10. Women's Morocco ihoe, $1.5, l.7i, t, 2Jj, Woman's kid shoes, $8.7 S. Women' real French kid show, $A.00. Men's, Women's and Boy slippers, from 61 cents upwards. Alan's good drew Bboe at 3 0 and upwards to $6.69 for shoe nad to order. Children's shoes from $1.50 upwards a rarlety. aa idea of how cheap we ara Balling. floods, Trunks, flalehel, ie., at th lowest poe- gure. N JN EXCHANGE FlR O00DS, S. GUINZBUR0, 8ooad Street, opposite tb Court House, CLEARFIELD, PA., Room forjt.rl; occupied b; Laror Flegal. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 24, 1877. a. Jflrrb k (To.'s Column. to,sparc to tell you what we have. White Goods 9 cents and upwards. THAN EVER. TO CALL AT H H It 3 B ft 9 1 e ' "l o c p 2 3 I a s n d grtisttllansous. A I'CTIOMI AirCTIOH!l-Beia,aa.i. A aviMkoe la ClMrlald aad a4b.r aoualia. of flflaea ;eara, la arming aalaa, aad aariag returned t. Claarfleld, I woald afler an; aarrlewa lo aall aa)M la Clwrlald or aa; part of taa aoaot,. Charge, rMeoaablo, aad tkoaa too poor la paj, to eberga. JOS. ll. JONgtj, Claariald, Pa, Ma. I, TT-Sm. AaaUoaaar. FURNITURE, Curtain Goods, BEDDING. The Larjest and Finest Stock in tht CitytoSeleot from. SMALL fSOFITS, 01 E MOTTO. -Coatraati takaa to Faralak llogia. Com plete. Ei EDMUNDSON A 80N8, 130 Liberty St., i PITTSBURGH, FA. Warib U, 1877.m. HIGHEST AWARDS! K",i;T,V.'J! J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTUWKST CORNER THIRTEEN! H aV FILBERT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTIRERS OF PATKNTEO Wrought-Iron Alr-Tight HEATERS, WITH SHAKIKl) ANU CLINKKR ORINUINQ URATES FOR BI RNINd ANTHRA. CITE OR UlTl'klNOl'9 COAL. f CENTENNIAL VR01GIIT IR0X HEATERS, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE UK0lCnT-IR0 HEATERS, COOKINll RANOKS, LOW-DOWN GRATIS. Daferlptlra Clrcalara MDt free ta aa, aJJreaa. IXAMIM IlEFORB SRLKCTINO. April 4, Tr-ly. JEMOVAM JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectful) t notify tb nubile nacrallv that be haa remorml bis Grocery Store from 8 hw's How, to tba build iag formerly oceapteej by J. Mi lea K raiser, a iHaooad street, next door to Blgler'a banlnara store, wher be Intends keeping a full Una of (J HO ( EllIE H. HAMS, DRIED LARD. Rl'OARS and SI RITR, of all (radea. ! TEAS, Oreen and Black. COFFER, Roaited aad tinea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, tiri:D fJirrra, All kindi ia Ihe aaarkat. PICKLES, ia Jera aad barrel.. Sl'ICES, la aver, fura aad ratleljr. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIND OF CRAC KERS, SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACRIS, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil sad le&mp CUaary. Aad a ffeod aaaartaeat ef thoea tklaga aaaallf kept ia a froeerj atora, wkiek ka wiil asekanfa for aarkating at tha aarket prieca. Will aall for oaak aa ahaapl, aj aa, etaar oa. Plaaaa aall aad lea hia atoek aad tadaa far roaroolf. JHHS McQArOHEY. Claariald, Jan. 1, 1977. j. r. viatiiH v. w. aarra WEAVER A BTT CLEARFIELD, PA., Ara offerlni, al tha aid ataaa tl . L Read 4 Cm their itook of foedi, eaaaiMlag t DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, ... BOOTS A SHOES, HATS k CAPS, HARDWARE, QFEKNEWARI, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, fto., 4o., At tha aott reatenabla rata, far CASH ar la lehaaa for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR C(T MR Y PRODUCE. Ht-Adraaeea shade aa Iheee aaiaafed la fft i ting oat aaaare ItaUar oa tk Boat adeantafMaa 1 teraa. pdtlJaaTS HARTSWICK riRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN i'UHK DRUGS! CH K M I C A L S I PAINTS, OILS, DYE STDFF VARNISH k, BRUSHES, PERIUMERT, FA5CT flOODS, TOILET .AKTICLES, Or ALL RlilDS, FURR WIKSS AAD LIQUORS far Badtelaal paraoaaa. Traaaaa, Bapportaia, Snkaol Boaka aad Slatlaa atj, aad all ataar artlelaa aeaallt foaad la a Drag gtors. ' PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FI LLY COMPOUMDKD. Haata, ft kuta ai- Crteaaa la taa kaataan Ike, oaa gin eatlra aai. aettaa. I 9. aARTSWTCX. JOHN I. lawiat. CVarteld. Deeeatkar l, tS74. . .