"ittlSrtHaiifous. Tt'MTIC'KM1 'OSTABI.Iil. MB We have printed large nnmbtr af Ibe aew PBB BILL, and will on the receipt of Iweuty. ,ee s-eia. mail "on, uy eddeeet. mvl CHEAP GROCERIES! L1MIIKR CITV, PA. Tbe vuilerilffiirtl anaouaeeo to fan eld frlenda A a . tl-nl he has opsned a good lineal Uoaber City, Pa., March Jfl-tf pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, Hanging vases, Stove Lining tiJ Firo Briek, kept constantly on hand. ST0E AM) EIRTIIE - WARE Of EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Pleltcr'a Patau! Airtight Htlf . Healliif Fruit t'ausl BUTTER CROCKS, with lldi, CREAM CROCKS, MII.K CHOCKS, APPLB - RUTTER CROCKS, PICRLK CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS, And a great man other things too numerous to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, netronaro. - Corner ot Cherrr and Third Street!, CLKA11KIK1.I1, I'A. augS a. r. oTucn. a. m'cobiuc. n. asiLiRrit. GILICII, MctORKLE & CO.'S (8noGCHaUtrt to Jnha (JuUuti), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Htrret. Clearfleld. Pa. We maDufa:ura all kioda or FursUnre for ChiniMflr, Itiuing Itooniii. Librarlai and llalla. If yon want Furnitar of anj kind, doa't bay until Jou i our ttock. UNEEISTAKIift In all III brnnrliM. W krpp in ilock all tba lateat and molt tin pro red OuOlna and Caikrll, and have ?rr tapilityror pnipftrly eon duptinff thia branch of our bun. neat. We bave ft patent Corpte Pre erver, In wbich hotiitt can be prfxerved fur a non iderable length of time. A member of the firm hai bii aUeitinir apart ment at our wan-room, where be can be found by any pcrton who eotne at night for the purpoie ol procuring eoQiua. (U LICH, MoCORKLK 4 CO. Clearfleld. Pa., Ma; 10, '70-ly. N EW FL.OITK, FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. C. KRAMER & CO., Iloom Nu f , Ple'a Opera lluuae, Clrartield, Pa. Kim(i 0 'nitintl. on hand sua vk, COI'l'KE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Canned and Driol Fruit, To'jaeoi, Clgarl, Can diei, Ui'ler Vioetr, Uatt.r, Egjs, Ae. ALSO, KXTRl HOME-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Cora Meal, Chop, Feed, &c, Ail of whieb will be eold oheap for ea.b or In exobange for eoontry nrmluoe. A. a. KRAMKR CO. ClearftVId, Not. II HM.-tf GLEXX'S SUTAIIUn SOAP. A i-ti:ku .o Rkuedy rot DisiAin amd lNjiM: or i he Skisj A Healthful V.-. rinr.a or the Complexion; A I.I.UABI.E Means of Phevi.ntino and I'.LLlEVINa UllEUMATISH AND GOUT, AND r.t UNr.qtiAi.KD Disinfectant, Peodo- l:UER AND COUSTF.R-lRSITANT. !lmn' Sulphur Sonn, tmidri trH- tnlini; Incal licacH of Uie akin, banithee de f cli nf t!ie complexion, and impart! to it i r-nifjiiij- clearness and amoothnces. Sulphur Jlallul are ecltbratrd for curing tr.:;,lK.iis nnd other tliscanct of the xkin, aa v"!! n Khriimntim and (hmil Vlenn'i Sulphur Simp prmlucM the name effecu .it a most (rillinc rrinc. Thif admirabn specific also ajwlily lieala lorn, trmutl, xaUl, wiis, ipiaias end tuli. It rrmovea dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out anoi Liming gray. Clothing and linrn uwd In the sirk room u (lisinrcctvtl, anil diseases communicable by c intact with the person, prevented by it. Tin Meilical Fraternity sanction its use. Prices-25 and 50 Cmts per Cake: pgr omii) tiiw, ouc. ana ii.it u. N. 8.- Buy the tire enkr. and thereby ecoaoeaee. " IIILLN II AIR KM) M HISKKR DYE, Dlark or llrnwa, HO Onta. C. S. CUITTEVrOJ, Prop'r. 7 Sixth lv., l.T. .tnartttd Ihr lllfhttt ,1iedal al I'lrmia. E. &. H.T. ANTHONY 4. COi, AOI nroadfrtyt New York. (Opp. Metropolitan flutel), n AscrACToataa, utroartM a to BiaLiaa m tllROllOS & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS Albumi, nmphonertpM, Photofrapha, and kindred goodt Colebrittfe, Aetroiaea, A.( rnoTocRAriuT materials. Wt are headquarters for arerything la the way af Sttreopticous a&lUao Luttr&s, Doing mannfaelarere af the MICRO ftriRNTIPIC I.ANTRRM, BTKRKO. PANOPTICON, I NIVKRSITT STKROPTICOrt, ADVKRTISKR S 8TEROI'tIC05, ARTOPTICON, RCIIOOL LANTKRh, KAMILTLANTERlf, PKOPLKg LANTERN. Kara etyle being the beet af lu eleM la the aarket. Catalogaea of Laaterae and SllJei, with llrto tloae for u.ing, eeat aa applieatloa. Any eaterpri.ing at. a eaa Bake Djoa.y trite s If agio Lantern. jHF-Vi.Uor. U tbe Cratenalal Rtpullloa will do wisely to defer parehealng good- ia ear Ilea atil they eoen to tar atore la New Tork, where they will And greater variety and more moderota prtooe, aad tea teleet Ibea at their lei.are. Bat wt hare atoneoeeioa lo sell eoeae Hyloe of aar good, in the building of the Department af Petite Coaler!, aad those not aoBiag la New Tork are la. lend lo eell oa aar repreeontelfea Ihera, tr-A fall etoek of Views tt the liaoolilea aad laolr eoauala. ty Oat eat tkio adrtrtltaaeoa far refereae.-Set JVM I ISl-ly, WiSffUaneouJ. JJOOT AND SHOE JIAKLNG. JOSEPH II. DEKH1NI1, oa Market street, la Shew', Row, Cleero.ld. Pa., kit Jast received a lot M of French Ctlf Khlne and Kips, the belt ta the markat, and ll aow prepared lorn. a faetare teerylblng la hit lino, lit nil) war. real hie work to he el represented. Alee, all kladl of Leather and tlboo rinding! " aav . ... .l4it Work done it abort tot let. The Dell's Bun Woolen Factory Penn township, Clearfleld Co., Pa. n v n obti BURNED UPI The aubaerlUora have, at great olpenae, rebuilt a neighborhood aeeo.slty, in the erection of a Bret elate Woolen Manufactory, with all the modern i 1npT2me?l?Jt!!b??1, rd ,?PPI I all kinds of Clotha, Caisimeroi, Katinetla, Blan- 1 keta, Flannela, Ao. Plenty of goods on hand lo upply all our old and a tuonaand new etutomtra, whom we aak to coma and examine our atoek. The buineaa of CARDINO AND FI LLING will receive oar especial attention. Proper arrangement! will be mad to receive and deliver Wool, to auit ouitnmere. All work warranted and done upon the ahorteat notice, and by atriot atten tion to buiineia wt hope to reallte a liberal .here if public patronage. MM MM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay the higbeat market price for Woo and tell our manufactured goode aa low aa aimilar flood i can be bought in the oounty, and whenever we fail to render reasonable aatlifartion we can alwaya be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either in peraen or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A BON 8, a prill A if Bower P. 0. II ARD TIMES HAVE K0 EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLE! t am aware that there art wine perooni a little hard to pleaie, and 1 am .1.0 aware that tbt, But I an so situated now that I oan satisfy tbe rormer and prore ooncln.ively tbal "hard tunes will not effect those who buy tbeir goods from ate, and all my patrons shell be loltieled Into tbe se cret of UOW TO AVOID JIAI.D TIMES I have gooda enough to nupply all the InbaM. tanu in the lower tod of the oounty which I cell at exceeding low rate from my mem mo lb itora In Ml'LSONUUKU, where 1 eao alwaya be found ready to wait upon eallert and lupply them with Dry Goods or all Kinds, Suck ai Clotha, flatinetti, Can liner!, Muallnt, Detainee. Linen, Drilling!, Calicoaa. Trimming!, Hi boon i, Lace, Reedy-made Clothing, Boota and Shoe!, Ilata and Capa all uf the best material and made to order -Hoie, Socki, Uloree, Mittena, Laoaa, Kibbons, Ac. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molanea, Fir-h, Salt Pork, Linaeed Oil, Fih Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen ware, Tinware, Caatlngi, Plowa and Plow Caatinga, Naili, 8pikea, Corn Cultlra tora, Cider Preaaea, and all klndi of Aaei, Perfumery, Paint, VarnUh, Qlaai, and a gnaarat aanortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, alwaya on hand, and will be old at the leweat poiiiuie Rgurea, J, II. MiClain'i Medicines, Jayne'a Meilclnea i Hoatetter a and Uoofland a uiltert. 6000 ponnda of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Cloverfeed on band and for sale at tho lowest market price. Also, Agco for Strattnnvillr and Curwensville Threshing Machines. .Call and see for yourselvaa. You wilt Hnd everything oiuatly kept in a retail it ore. L. M. COtTDRIKT. FranohrlUe P. 0., August 13, 1S74. B1GLER, YOUNG & REED, Buoeesaora to Boy a ton A Young,t FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE A STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Plna Streets-, CLEARFIELD, PA. TTAV1N0 engaged In the manufacture of flrsi II elaea MACHINKRT, wererpectfulljlnron. ht public thai wa art now prepared to HI) all orders as cheaply and aa promptly as can be done In any of the eitlae. We manufacture and dealla Muky and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheals, Shafting Pulleys, Oiford'l Injector, Steam Gauges, Sleaal Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valree, Cheek Valtel, wrought Iroa Pipea, S'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Antt Frictloa Metre., Soap Stone Packing, Oom Pack- ng, and all kinds of MILL W0RK logether with Plowa, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES and ether CAST IN IIS of all kinds. .-Orders solicited and tiled al city price. All letters af Inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrse. ing as at Clearlold, Pa. Janl7. If BIULER, YOUNG A RKKtl G ROCKRIES. J AS. II. LYTLE, (SuoMoot la LYTLE A MITCIIRLL) WUOLK3ALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE LINK OF TUA3. )0L0NUS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, T0D50 BTSON. KNGLI8U BREAKFAST Pereet ia Market. BUTTER AND EGOS. Will be kept and sold al Irtl enet. Cash U for Country Produce. GERMAN CHERRIES, Tl'KEET PRINES, PRESERVED PEAKS, PHILADELPniA RAMS. PIHH. Mackeral, Lake Berring, Cod, Ac PICkLEa. Barral PlokUe and EagU.k Plcklee. PLOim AMD FEED, rvtar, Caca Meal, Oat Meat, A. Jaa, a, . JAB. H. LTTLE. I THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA rYKDNEBDAY MORN1KO, MAY 30. IT7. OEX SHERMAN ivii 77v ,1.W ' '( an. i.W-ja. Ui.ll. MlONlluil la II liruieaoiuiia, A' dier, I lie actual commander of the army, with pay and cmtiluinctilii nj gradating eighteen thousand tlullum a year. Tlio Now York Hun, saya, ho in ulso a good deal or a Jiolitician, and baa no tasto fur hiding his light under a bushel. II o la troubled with agriov unco, and never limes a chuneo to von lilato it, as ho did the other duy at the anniversary dinner ot tho Chamber ol Commerce, in very bad tusiound wilb , ' , u giurin uiaruguru ui iu.'ih. llo undeiluuk lu criliciso and to MiiutTHt tliu economy wliicb wuncurriud llirough by tho DcniuTutie IIouho ot Hepreountutivc'S in tho hint Congruhti, ulU-r a biltor op(fition by llio Scnulu und tho Adinihistrution, by wuy ol (showing tliut tho army hud been badly treated. It in the habit of a certain clatwof otTicein to muko light of u very etrortof retrenebmont, Oripeciulty when it applien to their own pay and gran deur. They look upon themselves and the ofTlcera of the navy as belonging to mi aristocracy which tho Govern ment ts bound to iiiuintain without re gard to expexe. More than thi.4, nineo tho era of ex- truvoganeo and corruption began, they have contended for a big urtny and a big navy, as nocessnry to their conse nuence and rank, Thcne ideas did not exist before tho civil war. The gal hint and dlNtii.gUlkcd men w ho hud , won t10ir httireU Ulld Wore them mod- eutly wore content wilb whut the country couM ulTurd. They noverim )orliined Congress to rovivo ohsululo rank or to erctito olTlt-crj, unknown to our aervico. All this bus boon cunnged and nlill (Jen. Shermun ia not huppy. "tt hat," said ho, "i tho army of the United Stutou? Twenty thouiMind ofilistcd men and twenty fivo hundred oflicein."' Vet it is only a low day ago I lutt an oniciul order was iwued by tho War IVpartmont rodueing the army to twenty thousund five hundred which had been voted lust year lor the Sioux war, then supposed to bo immi nent. Gen. Sherman could not possi bly bo ignorant of the fact, and fhcro foro when ho cut off 5,000 soldiers by a liyure of speech, bo did not increase bis credit with tboso who may look upon him as an authority for the fon e and efficiency of tho army. Tbo condition of tho country do mauds tbo strictest economy in the administration of all its afl'uirs. The civil sorvico was largely reduced in the last Congress, and will be still iurtber cut down iu tho present one. .More than seven million wore stricken from tho navy, again.il an organised clamor, without in the least degree impuring efficiency. The army alone eseupud the axe, and that was owing to a com bination of circuinntuneus which can not well recur. liuyond tbo imperative necessity lor curtailing tbo public expenditures, lliu army is numerically lur beyond uny real or supposed need ol the country. Wo have seen during the last eight years lo what degrading partisun uses tho army was put, until States wore converted into satrapies, and the bayo net substitulod Ibr the bullot box. And it is no secrot, whatever may bo professed now, that lien. Sherman did as much as any other living man lo luvor that policy, and especially Lo collect a force at tbe capital to over awe tho House of Jiepresenttitivos and inaugurate a fraudulent President. There bas been altogether too much army in our recent politics and tbe time has come when tho standing menace must bo set aside, and tho force reduced lo the lowest point con sistent with protection to tho frontiers and with taking care of tho tbris. When Gen. Shermun tolls tho public lhatcoinmerco depends upon tho army, and that "pirates would bo free to an cbor at our wharves and take posses sion of our cities" but for this proteo. tion, ho insults tho public intelligence and depreciates bis own character i,r candor. Ten thousand men aro abundunl for our standing army in lime of peace The fathers warned the people uguiusl tbo dangers of military authority. They had Been tho la to ol other re publics, and regarded the army as among tho chief perils to which tree government would bo subjected. This warning ought to bo heeded ul'lcr tho recent experience Certainly, when a great policy is to be carried out, tbo army should bear Us portion of the retrenchment. Tho people insist upon a reduction that will save tilled! mil lions a year to the taxpayers, and Con gress dura not refuse it. At least wo look lo tbe House ol liepreseiiltitives to stand firm. V AO ARIES OF 1MPERSOXAL JOURNALISM. "The political morals of Mr. Tilden havo always been o! a low order. Ho was for years a leading member of the ring ot plunderers of which Tweed was tho head. While Tweed was rob bing the Treasury of Now York, de frauding the legal voters of their rights, and carrying on tho system ol spoliation that bas made his name synonymous with the worst typo of political infamy, Samuel J. Tilden as his confidential Iriond and advisur. It was only when tho villainy of Tweed was exposed, ami concealment was im possible, that ho turned upon bis form er Iriond and denounced him. Under the providence of God, the Nation has been saved from the great calamity that would have lallen upon It in tho election of such a contracted, mean spirited man to the Presidency. A graduate of Tammany Hall, he would havo transported to Washington tho vicioui system of politics that is blighting tbe prosperity ol New York, and wbicJi has made it odiously con spicuous for the want of honor, con science and integrity In its municipal administration." Philadelphia Prcu. The Timet cannot too strongly con demn tr 3 offensive personal journalism that ebbs and flows in its season through the columns ot Col. Forney's Prcu. True, the Prcsi rusho in to -il personal journalism Itself wbon aplundororisbrougbtlobay by calling' child was about nine yearn of ago. Il thing bj something like thoir proper lis aupposed tho firo caught Irorn the names, ni then it tbanki Heaven I tl nit it Ii4ii't na other men, und (hut it never ullows "ussiiulis upon nit re indi viduals, high tir low, li iliefigurti our (its) columns." Next it (inns tun ilivuto iitir.cn of n tiviMmriii SiuU'. who guvo tliu first suhnluiitiul virltiry ol tliu ao to iiolititul rilorin by tliu . ..' ovorllirow ol tliu inii iiiriuniiiiiiu eoin- overthrow el tliu imt liiriuiihihlu eoni- liitinl inn i,l itluiiili.l'i.rH t lui I'liuiil I'e l,iii IllUllilet Uv Ui,i.,aLu,ka ui t.,i v of all journals and til'iEtns suvu those who trembled whi n jnnlicu was about to assert her niujcnty. That mull Samuel J. Tilden. Tho owty erinio of which ho has been guilty is that ol submission to a fraud that defied tho plain expression of tho Nation uud guvo tho Presidency to bis dtlvaled competitor, and tho J'ri-.is butea him for tho wrong It bus helped lo inflict upon him. Ho bowed in dignilied si lence rather than convulse tbo country, und tho bousled impersoiiul jotiruul do noitneo bint us "u leudiug member ol the ring of plunderers of which Tweed was llio beud ;" us the "eolill dentiul friend uud udviser" of "tho worst typo of political iiilutny," und us ono who "would have transported lo Washington llio vicious system ol pol ilics" ihut is "odiously conspicuous lor tho want (it honor, conscience und in tegrity." We present tho new Icsmoii of tho I'rm simply usouo of the uiuny confirmatory evidences tbo average Philadelphia newspaper presents to lorbid lorgotllilnoHS of tho contempt that Philadelphia jminialistn hustuiigbl liir itself. PhiUulttihia Timet. THE PEACH PROSPECT. A special excursion lias been made through tho fruit growing regions ol Delaware, Maryland und Virginia, ly ing between tho Poluwuro river and Chesnpeuko Day, for the purpose til inspecting nnd cstimutiii tho crops und workii)gumtni;emetils for shipping tho products to market. Tho liuit neverpromised belter, the germs being ull in a forward stutu of development and giving assurance that I lie yield will bo very heavy and tho best quul ity. Tho young pouch trees aro very strong and loaded with the funning fruit, much iu advance of tbo rather backward season. A larger acreage is planted than cvor. The crop of 1X76 was a litilure, owing mainly lo tbo bite frosts, wet weather and exhaustion of largo number of trees, being only about 1,058,500. Tho shipment of fruit will begin about tbo 20th of July. Tho heaviest crop of peaches ever raised in this region was that of 1875, when the total shipment amounted to 9,072 car loads; aggregating, 4,330,000 baskets, but tbo onliro yield aggregated (1,000,. 000 baskets, nearly a third having spoiled en routo to market. Tho uvorugo price in 1875 was about thirty cents a basket of those shipped, but it is expected that a better average price will bo made this year. Theabipmoiits for 1S75 woro as follows: From ICirk- wood (sixteen miles below Wilming ton), 41,495 baskets ; Mount Pleasant. 311,496; Armstrong's, 186,701; Mid dlcton, the banner station, C.'iJ, t J7 ; Ginn's Station, 105,010 ; Townscnd. 139,203; Blackbird, 18,258; Green Springs, 70,000 ; Clayton, a junction station fed from the Kent county, (Mil.) and other branch railroads, S60.743 ; lironford, 162,751 ; Mooreton, 129,095; Dover, 153,201 ; Wyoming, 227,182 ; Woodsido, 32,395 ; Cantorberry, 40,- 456; Fulton, 88,183; Harrington, 49. 427 ; Furmington, 30,209 ; Greenwood, 65,855; Bridguvillu,131,G70; Itoss Sta tion, 12,553; Seaford, 35,298; llroad Creek, 0,500; Laurel, 64,307 ; Del- mar, 28,384. This year tho yield is expected to aggregulo 7,000,000 buskets. THE .SECRET OF FT. Don Piatt professes to havo unravel ed tbo exact and reliublo true inward nesB ot the postponement of tho exira session of Congress. The t urpt l bag gers of tjio Senate, holding the luilunce of power iu tbul body, bud been iu nu gotiution with tho Democrats (o do what tho Electoral Coin mission refused go buck of tho returns and unseat Hayes by showing that Tilden was elected. Wo rpiote : "The liadiciil rusculsof South C'tirn linn and Louisiana, maddened by the unexpected desertion ol llujes, bad reatly for publication all the rolteuness ul Floriduuud Louisiana through which 1 1 ayes secured his inauguration, and tbo production uf tbul would havo forced an investigation uud the Prcsi dent would have tounil liimsell 'depen dent 11 pun fivo desperate fellows in tbo Scliulu. They would then liu nmsiers ul tho situation, liisleud of llio Admin istrution. Tbo Democracy, ul bust no leading Democrat, would enter into u conspir ucy for uny such purpose, especially with carpel-buggers und convicted rogues who turn Sluto's evidence, Hut suppose somosturlliiigdiscoveries were made by Mad. Wells und Packard, who now, by and with tbo consent ol Hayes, aro being kicked out of the South, tliu Democrats would have to order an investigation, and the re sult of that would depend on the hand fill of desperate and rebellious Repub licans in tbo .Senate. And so to avoid all this the extra session was culled for October. Yes, and that is not all. If they find they cun run tbo machine smooth, ly until then, tho President will revoke his proclamation and wo shall have no extra session at all." Five Ciiiluiikn Burned. Early on Tuesday morning, May 15th, a horri- blo cutustrophooectirred al Little York, a station on tho Syracuse and Hing hamplon railroad, (Illy miles north of Uinghamplon. Tbe place isu flag station and the station house was occupied by Prank Danigan, section foreman. About fivo o'clock he started tho kitch en fire, and accompanied by his wife wont across the track lo tho barn, leaving their fivo small children asleep in the bouse. Tho mother returned from milking shortly afterwards and found the bouso in flames Culling her busUand, they both wont into tho build ing, but could nol reach tbo second story on account of the fire. The mother attempted to rush into Ihe flames, but was restrained by hor hus band. Both wore severely burned. Tbe children were all burned lodoath. Tho bodies woro recovered In about two bourn afterwards. The oldest kitchen ttovt. A COLORADO OUTFIT. Tho editor tit' the Colnruilo riringti Gi:clle, I'uini-lics tho liillovving pro- gruniiuu lur mi outtlt fur tliosu ho wunt In Went." lie wi s : .I ..i i i - ...."i.. .... , , . . , . , ' ' .. line, Hit uveiMliuij til III ft untililv. ,, , , I bero I tin ie, mi' lit tnliii,.. llili'i-lol- J n whore -S-. repairs. Persons going into llio Sun Jiiuu country to immpti i rcipiiro linin (300 lo .il K) tush, besides the lolluwing IMltlV, . .-....., . . ,,, . . llelf-galluu tuff. Vr lug pan pot. Ht I OH I Oil ; in to lu 211 i i t atnp emit, , Hake uvi-u lln-ed pat, , litiee no p at,-..,.. knlieeui loth , Cue" uiill (iron)., Tin ouu Two tl-U.,UUU. Tu tabivijiuun. ., Total nit: nt.iuiiNti, consisting uf three double blankets and one poncho, would cost about $12. cloth I Nil. Ono substantial suit ot clothes, ono puir of heavy boots, the soles lilled with hobnails, with perhaps a puirul shoes to wcur uboul camp, a soil but und overalls and blouse, und you have ull that is necessary for comfort and convenience. root). A man will cut ubuut one pound ol flour per day, one bull' pound ot heel or one fourth pound of bacon. Dried fruits, such us upples, currents und prunes, shutiid be used Ireely with lieuvy diet, to insure perfect health. Mn.ts ami li u mins uro u great tissistunco to tbe prospector tiller be arrives iu a mining country, us well as in going ill. A good mule will cost in Sun J nun I rum ?100 to 815D; u pony uboul $75, und a burro uboul i '"""I could contemplate such a thing 830. lint u person who does not j w ithout tho horrible dread ol u con ciiiiosu to be lo Ibis expense muy lind ; fpu-sl of Turkish territory by tho fins- I'ucililes lor gelling in wnb freighters, w ho uro duily starting into the coun try. bile a lent is a very goo 1 tiling, it should only be taken vvheii tiutis pollution is uinple; very few luko Uietii, us sleeping in the open uir is ul tended wilb no suffering or inconven ience in thai chiuulu. ' SI I. M Ml tools. Tbo best steel lor gads is English steel. This cun be seldom found ex cept in ihu lurger cities iu the Mules, but ull tbo nulling tow ns in Colorado keepall vaiielies. ll costs troai thirty live cents lo lorty ceiils per pound. Dulls lor prospecting work shuohl be tnude out nfocvcii-cighths or ono inch sleel und three lu number lour itru oulliflillivo lUliJ-No. 1. titzhUcu ilH tl- i ' S i es long ; No. 2, 26 inches long, und No. 3, 36 inches long. You also wunt one sinking hummer a six pound, cosl 64.50. Abo, olio hrcukmg bum mer, eight pun hub, cost ubuul$5.L.O; ono tracing pick, cost 2.00 ; une pros pecting polo pick, cost $2 WO ; one long bundled shovel, cost 150; four gads mudeol'sqiiaieoiieund one Iburth inch siuel, eight inches long; ulso powder und fuse. This gives a general idea of Itn outfit us used iu San Juan, und il is about ull thai is necessary for a scusou of prospecting in the Hoeky Moitntuitis. RETIIEXCll THE ARMY. So jealous wero tho fathers of tbo Republic in regard lu tho possible abuses of tho military arm of tbo Gov ernment, that they even restricted Congress within narrow limits when reciting its grant of powers, in section eight of the Conslitnlion, ns follows: "To rail sad support anoint t but no appro priation ot money i tl.at use ab.ll Ih- lor a lu ,-r teim th in two yuan." Wo have seen how this Constitution bus been trampled under foot and mocked at to curry out partisan meus- urisjuni now. alter twelve years of so-eulletl peace a r ruuduleut President not only dull js its letter an I its spirit , but openly uud audaciously sets aside the luws intended to protect the Treas ury, by assuming to support tbo army in tliu beginning ul a new fiscal year on croilit, ami willioiil a dollar ol up- prupniiliou by Congress. II the Kxeculivo be allowed to tuku upon himself legislative functions, und to usurp thegiiurdiunsbiptii tbo public purse liir three or four months, why nol for u year? Where is tbo line to bo drawn, when a Fraudulent Presi dent cluitus tbe discretion to decide for himself, und is upheld by un obsequious Cubinel? By posi poning the cull ol Congress until after the Ohio election, ho has tbuurted u needed reform and imposed ti Inirileii of many millions on the people-. W lieu tbo fYiMips were gathered at Washington by his advice to threaten the representatives of ihe people, Gen. Sherman repeatedly staled thai they were iu ly tiuii-lers iu the regtilut course of service and llieir presence at 'be i uphill bud no signilicuiicu what ever. Tboso Hoops were kept in slate of preparation lor flugranl war, the butteries woe kept loaded, and it re quired only a touch or tho new tele graph wire constructed lor the purpose lo open firo on tbo llotiso of Repre sentatives, and for soldiers to rush into tho hull, Cromwell Cushion, to disperse the people's nccnts. Tho secret history uf that startling episode bus yet to be written, but when il is published, n conspiracy to steal tbo Presidency and tbo public liberties will lie revealed that will astound tho world. If tho army did not then come to tho front it was not hecauso tho troops wero unprepared to strike quick nnd hard, but hecauso another method was contrived to make the fraud sue ccsslul without bloodshed. Tho lesson must not ho forgotten. Independent of it lliero is no need for an army exceeding ten thousand men. Associated with it, there is overy reason for a reduction down to the last man needed for duty. Tho county demands economy. Tho army is tho greatest leak, and it must ho stopped. Nearly six thousand officers, of tho largo and smnn tiegrco, aro drawing pay, or about ono ofileer to every threo or four men. A', Y. Snn. Peter Herdic, President and princi pal stockholder in tho Willinm.pnrt boom monopoly, has a legal quarrel on hand with llio Lock Haven liooin Company. Hcrdic's complaint Is, that the hitler, by an Illegal process, catches and delaines floating logs which the owners Intended for tho boom at Wil. liamsport, and he baa asked the Su preme Court to restrain tbo Lock Haven people by an injunction from doing so any more. A CHANCE FOR A HOWL. Tho Piili iul in alluding to Union feel, ing down South, unya : "Hero Ik Ulinllicr clmnco fur Hen. ... , , , . , I'1 I I'll" H'l'lel" ' "l''i R l exilclivc or bo will lint he u'llo lO clo' jn-llce tn the subjei l A Now Orleuns ili-nilcli alutea (hut (ioe. Nu Ii.iIIk and hIuIT t ieiteil tho I'nited Htuli" xhip ill in- i-liieiii displayed mid tbe tntuul ceremonies by a Iniill of-wur puid to tbo visitors. Gov ernor Nicbolls expressed to Captain ll.i net t tin- lope that tliu Plymouth would remain hero until after Thurs day next, tho time nppointed for a grand bull und reception tendered by tho cilicelis totlieollicersol tbo United States army und navy stationed ill this p irl. Tho dispatch continues : 'Itmuy bo stated that there are mutual regrets on tho part of the citizens and the ollleors of the Plymouth that tbo do pui turo on Saturday morning of that vessel from this port will prevent a participation by the ship's oflleers in tho reunion on llio 21th. This promises to bo the most brilliant event of the social season here, as it will ho a grace ful and hospitable evidence of the fra ternal feeling between tho people Ol this section und tliu representatives of tbo federal government." If this is not flat burglary in the opinion of Wuile, Philips, Itl.tino and company, wo should like to know what is. Moi kkkv. Tbo modesty of Eng land is refreshing. The English heart bleeds for tbo oppressed Christians ol the liulkun Peninsula, und tho rule of tbo Turk is hu'.eful lo the English con science. r.vcn liussian vengeance would bo sweet, il visled on (ho Olio man oppressor, provided tho British siuu unities. Hut while England warns linssiuugninst t Lo l i refill consequence, ol such an international outrage, a cable despatch inliirms us that the Trunsiiuitl, a defenceless little Dutch licpuhlic in South Allien, at peace with ull llio governments nf tho world, has been subjugate I by English arms uud proclaimed a part nf tbo British Empire. Il would seem that tho royal right ol conquest belongs exclusively to John Hull. The ('nmmonveiillh. Hn on oi lit l.'mii or riiAVi.u The Allegheny Democrat : Hon. Sumner lialdwlu, who was an interested spec tutor ut llio Cincinnati Convention wbich tioiuinuted Hutcs, suid to us, when lie returned : "I Ull you, Nichols, tliat (,V- Il"'t'!' ' ,tiTt'0,,tl Abruhaiil , . ,,,,. . . i . Lincoln." His opinion amused us, but not more so than the remark ho made on his return from tbo Assembly two weeks ago. Said an earnest Republi can lo Is i id : ' What do you think of lluves ?" "O," be replied, with a mourn fill look, "1 uiu uf'ruid ho is a traitor that tbo Democrat have captured him, but let us wuicb and pray I" 'Pray and bo d d," said the irascible ruilieul, ' I've triilYifff him long enough lo become convinced (bat he is beyond the reuch of prayer." Some administration journals an iiounce with much apparent grutifica lion thai IhcdiUcroncc betwoen Hayes and Hlaino ou tho President's policy aro in process of adjustment, and we don't doubt it. lluyes is a Radical und will soon fraternize with his old ei'iilicrcs. All he bus done in tho way of conservatism was merely in lulflll incnt of tho contract made by his friend, Stanley Mathews, and which secured him tho Presidential office. A carefully prepared statement from the Agricultural Department showi tbul tbo wheal product of tho United Stutes last yeur was nearly ihrco bun died million bushels, and, taking tho uverugo of tho past fivo yeuts as a basis, it is shown that the amount re quired tor homo consumption will ho ubout two hundred million bushels. leaving a surplus uf ono hundred mil buns tor export. The Rochester VmoTiif imagines Field Marshal Uulsteud crying excited ly luGuIl Hamilton: "Hi there I don't sliisil. 1 never suid anything. It was Deacon Richard Smith." Ono of tho w armest political con tests uf I lie day is liir the Murshulship iu Kentucky. Messrs. Fry and Hums uro tho candidates. Their names are sufficiently suggestive. Tbo Des Moines Remitter would like to have it understood lhalex-GuVcrtitir Carpenter resigned his position in lb Treasury becuuso ho couldn't indorse ihu President's policy. The Democritliu Statu Committee ol Ohio w ill meet on Muy 31st, in desig- iiute tbo time Ibr holding tho next Slate Convention. Packard no longer wastes his vulu ublo timo writing letters to tho Presi dent, llo now presents bis grievances to llluino. tpl ih'fi'tisciuttit. AIIMIralHI'HAKIH'a SKITIC K.-Notioe I. hereby ,iven tbal Lrltereof Ad'nlni.tra :i.,a on the e.lale of JONATHAN W IrlllK, tir., leie et llradford !we-bip, Clearnold county, Pa., Iro'd, hat ln( Sera dnly fentod la Ihe under .itned. all peraen. indebted la eaid e.tato, will please make immistiata psTBeat. and lhae bav ins claim, or d,-maa,la will presoi.t them properly reinrniicNiva lur .Vllieute'.l wirnnui ttel.v. A II It AM PKAKi'R, Willi. ra.emve, Ma, 9, 'ltd. A'lm'i lIIMTHATIIRS' NOTIl'K. NViire I. hereby jlvea that tetters of Ad mini. Ir. lion oa Ihe dale of JollN B RAKP KRTV. I.te of Penn township, ClearlMd county, Pa., dee'd, havinf been dulv greeted to the ondpntyned, all peraona Indebted to eaid estate will piece make immsdtate peymeal. aad those having claim, or dsraaads w'ill present ,r,n proprriy aiioienooai.il rr wtilorasnt wttn out delay. CIM H I.KS II K U'K R. Mm. B. RAfKKRTV, (Iretnoinn II II 'w. Mae 1. 177 1 uHnVrs. A nailKliaTHATOII'm MOTH' ei-Nolloe I V ! nrrehv ,iven that Letters nf Arimlni.ira Hon an the eetaie of UAl.Til A7.Krl UKNNII. late af CoviaRltia township, ClearSeld eoanty, Pa, deeeaead. havleff brew duly granted lo tbe ander.ined. all petenna Indebted ui eaid e.tat will ph-eeo mehe Immeilieto psymewl, and those having claims or demande will proeest Ibem properly autbenlieetrd fee eelllrmtnl witboal dewy, JOHN B. RRNO, Administrator. Pnachvlllo. Pa., May I. 77 0 A lIIMH'K ATOM'S NliriCK. Notice is berrby give ibat Utter, of A I uiiai.trellot on Ihe estate of WM. T. TIIOHP. lele of Ureenwond lown.hiu. Clearfleld annate. Pa., deeea-ed, tariag beea duly granted to Ihe eneereignea, ail pereons la.lebted lo eaid dale -ill plessa make immediate paymcat, and Iboee having eleiiuB or demande egaiart the soma will preerul them properly autbrolleeted linr eatUe lariilwilbeol deley, CHAKi.KS TlioHl', . I'ooer, April St. Admiulslrster ClAI'Tlltll.AII sierscasara hereby eaellea a.ag.iaetparcaaelagariaaaf wa, mod dliag wilb Ihe wUowlsg pronerly, avw la the poeeeaaiea of Idward O.vie, "I Heeearia etwaebip, 1st Ot.a be, beee. I blaea aaree. t ecu hemea. I wled mill, I plow, I barrow, I hue. I two bona wage, aad I acres of wheel la Ihe aresaad. aa aba same belong, la ma aad It ten with blm tubhr Is my ardor al aay time. JOSHUA K. OAVU. men nopa, May IS, IS77. Hie DUsretlauroM. Fine Farm at Private Sale ! Pliuate la lliintinidon onanlr, Pa., one mile J north ol the vlllatf,. r hurat OaUine, I'ult.in C e..Dl.'oli..hr-r bundnd and lemif rlil'tt ar a,,ro I"". liniretiMie. graeel end alale land un.irr g.Ki'l etaie of e-ilnieilna. roe improve' Ufnla ooiiaUt of trout drolling hnuae, bank barn 4iti , l Irtl, wag a -bed, orn enh b"g peal. af- eral., tan truant ha.o.. ew unit, two yooo afple orchard. Issarins trait, one Ibouiand pan el. an,t rail react Illy acrea ntead- w, una bna- r no. ear. a irram 01 uevr laMt av naur rua through thii property, making H panieularly w II adui ifii in iHitti Mik tad grain raiting. If ueiirthi, will b divided l auil purchasers Thia properly is wa r nar projected rout of two railroads, otic of which IH be built this Coming Hummer. '1ttrm ot mi, kyplf to ' H V. WILSON, Lor-k Boa l"0. Cloarneld, Pa. Cl.arfleld. Man b II, 1877 flu 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Fads for the Farmer Facta for the Merchant Pauls for tbe Ilirwro,iD Faeii f..r the Hiojk ralsrr Faoia fur the I'ouliry-kerper Faeta for ilia Be-. kft-pfT Facts for the l.aw er Facta for tba Laborer FaoU lor the Doctor Facts lor the Dairyman Facia tor tbe Fruit -raiser Facts for tho QaniHierPacle tor the Household Fonts fur overy family who wanli lo save money. FACTS FOB A0E1TT3. That this is the must Important advertisement fur you yet .uhhad, being lha b.ei chance to make money ever ottered. The press endures it, your own pepur endorses lt,ovcry one eador-es it. Tho Book of tho 19t2x Coatxtry. Malo and female agents coining money ou It. Send to aa at onoe and got eirculara free. JNUrUM.rJMiril A ULACK, 71 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Fa. epr. It, 77'Xia. ATTENTION! FARMERS & GARDENERS. I)o you went to Increeeo tbe production of your Farms and Hardens at a small i-utlay and ao trouble I If eo, send for a package of Waugaman'B Vitative Compound, or Seed and Phut Iuvigorator, This la a wonderful chemical discovert, eon laming all the ingredient la eondrnned form fur lha Immediate and crtxln germination of the acd, and the vigorous and rapid growth of the pient. its vain oan hardly be estiinaied, as it nut only increee Die production and hastens maturity, bul protects tbe eeii end planta from the aiiaoK of tnset'ta and worms. Put Bp in pa'-keges at $1 0U and $2 CO each f the small Is aufliuifnt for half a bushel, an I tbe Urr f r one Dunn i' j or Bred Brut by mail on reeij-t or price, aLd 10 oral! additional for postag, by SCO II IK, HEED A NMITI1, AaiaT, UT Liberty tit., I'ittihurgb, Fa. Or adiireis WAUGAMAN & CO., Chrc of lleo. Biogh.ui, Adam. Einre.. Co., PITTSBURilll, PA. Or, wAug A TiT ATT & CO., ULAIIISVILLK, PA April IS, IS7T.Hi. the PHILADELPHIl TIMES. "THE TIMES" 18 A FIRST CLASS INDEPENDENT MORNING NEWSPAPER, And Ins closed Iti tint year with an established bona Ada aireulatiou larger that that of any other daily ia Pennsylvania, with a single ex- eeptiun. It has now the must perfect machinery No l apjiBnc'fl for printing its lartre ed'tina. hiv ing too new Hoe Prrlecfiog Prrsset, earli espuhle ot printing .t0,oo0 complete aopiea nf Tua Tiuaa Mwi.nd m.ko llR- earlieat dliiery to its rradna. I, Mt.nl. ia in an nour, eo mat u ran give tua very la'est It contains ALL THE LATEST NEWS, including the AHSOCf ATKO PR BAA TRIiR HKAMS Ht'KOI AL TKLKURAMS o I OH hK.il'ONIlKNOK from all p dnts "f interest, Fall end Areurete Local Reports, and Farlsa R litor ial Ilieeoastona or ail Current T'.piei, making It the mo-t complete and oheapeet newspaper In Pfsnsylvanfa. "THE TIMES" is Thoroughly Indo pendant. in everything, and will. In all political struggles, be fan hi al to truth end Its ow i eonvietioa. It makes no hllow pretence of aeutrality oa tho leading question of the day, or in political coo tests a lliey pess, hot will ever discard the blind pert Wen ship that would aubonJinato lha right to party sucerss, ao n. alter tor whatorcanisalioi. or ta whoto Interoet aurh olaim ia. made, aad will fearlessly criticise pollttoalcrrors and the want of public integrity whenever fwand. It demand et.a..mr and ndehty ta every dptrtment of auibority, city, Bute and National, and bulJlv arraigns those ot overy party wnoatute pualic trosu ft discusses pub tut Issues, public even la and public men. With that measure of freedom tnai la aiclaieel by troth, but with that iiaaitr aud eourtesy which should ever abaraairis tho press ot too moat enlightened natioa of tbe world I'riae two eenta per couy ; mail subscriber, oott. age pre-paid, sit dollars a year, or fllty ernU a monio. AO'ircM TUB TIM KS, 7 IS Chestnut St., Pbilad a. April li, 'TT St. NOTICE TO " TAX-PAYERS. In acror lnnoe wha an Act of the Oenenl As- sembly of this Commrnwnllb, approved the 2'.'d day of Msrrb, A- I. 1871, and ihe supplement approve i the ltd day of April, A. D. llt, "relat ing to the collection of tales in tbe county ol vict.rt.riti, prHiot ii loereioro aereny given to tbe tail. ay era residing in tbo districts below named, tbet the County Treaaurer, ia aeoordanee ono me second secltua or satd Act, will attend at tbe place of holding the borouahaod twnahiu electioua on the following named djys, f.r too purpose ol rrocivieg the Uouoty and tiiale Uiee asao4 lor too year if 77 : For l atoa towBibip, Moa lay, lune Itb. Por lulitift, brady township. Tuesdty,Juoe th Por Truutville, brad) twp., Welnesday, June Atb For Luthersborg, tlraiy twp.JhunJ.y, Jtint Tih Kor Hioom tuwn-faip, Friday, Jane ta. Por Pt-nn towauhip, riatardny, Jane 1Mb. Per Uo'tcb tuwaship, Monday, June 1 Itb. Por Ht-eceria township, Tuesdey, June Uth. Por Jordan township, Wednesday, Jane Uth. Por therl township. Thursday, Jane I Itb. Pur Ne-eburg uor, Friday, Jmbo loth, from I to 1 3 o'clock. For Nt-w Washington bor , Friday, Juno 1Mb, from 1 to f o'clock. Pr Huruside twp .Patturdey, Jane Kth. Fr Hurncid thr, Hmtny, Juno lih. For U.li luanshlp.TuosdJay, June 19th. For .Jrteno.MHl township vVclneejNy, Junt Id. For Ft-rusun tuwnhip, rhuraday. June II. from f tr II. Fur Luwbrr Oity borough, Thursday, Jane 31, from I tos. For Kiot ttiwubip, Friday, Juoe tl. For lluattin township, Saturday, June 1.1. For l ike township, UunU. Juiie lift. Fur t amt-osvilio, Tut sday, Juno 3a, to 3 o'clock. Upon all taiea aid to the Treaarer there will j ie a letluetion nt ies p sent., whilf Ave ut r cent. til 10 m4,Ud snr tatr Jirtt of July Hxf, tu all unpaid taiea, making a diffuruiMO ut ftM pr ueet to prompt laipttyers. Parti-a ean, from the ! istol Mat, pay ihitr I lea at tba Treasurer fflr. NoTtri to WacaaaTa. A mo opponaaitt otll be give to merchauts lu oume loroard al the lime and iUea art firth, and Ittt their Ltrensf.r 177. DAVID McUAlKlllKV, t'ltarlleld. May 16, 1877. Treasarer. AMERICA? CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLRTON'S) NEW REVISED EDITION. Complete in 16 Volumes. Entirely re-wrltt.a. Rverythlng brought down lllu.lrated Ihroaghoal with la Ihe preeenl time. Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of oerry aountrf oa Ibe elohe Sold "ly by eubeorlpuetl. It It Sol obligatory to lake all lha eolumtt at ouee a rolama may be ueii.ereu onoe a muain, ar oaea ta Iwa mowtha. fen tents a dae, tbt .rice of a eie.r. will nae for a eel of 1'iVLoPKUIA 0.1 A UI-MnNrULY .StUlrtl-RlI'l loN ia less Ibaa three yenrs Thea there will be eomothing sab.Untial laved end a Morenoaae of knowledge, Indeed a aalvereal library in Itself tecured. wilb bul little elfort ar eaerinet. PRICI AND 8TVLS OP BINDING i Por Ultra Cloth, per ol........... M tor Library Leather, por sol ( 00 Por half Terk.y Morocco, per vol T N Per half Raaeia Eitra Out, pec sol I M Por Pall M-rwsaa Antlat, per vol , H Por rail Ras.la, asl...,M , a, Far fartaar lafumatlea address J. R. WILLIAMSON. PaUudW't egsast, to4 mtlk ttreet, aats,tlr.ty. PtHebarwk, P.. ur Own aaitrtlinufut. THE REPUBLICAN Publl.bed every Wedneaday by GOODLANDER & LEE, lu Hor III Steele Pelilieylranla. Tbo lurgo und constantly increasing circulation of the Ripuiilican, renders il valuable tobusinoss men us a medium thro' wbich to rouoh (bo public. TPKMn OP SunMCRIPTIO.K : If pufti in advance, . . . 00 If paid ufler tlireo mnnthn, , 2 5U If puid a (lor six montha, . , 8 00 Whon papors aro font ouUido of the county p:ij-inotit mutu bo in mlvant f. ADVERTISING: T-n linea, tu It-M, 3 timr, . $1 6( Kacli BubMcqueitl innTtiuri, 5o Ailminiilialor' Nolict1, , 2 -V' Kxccutora' Nolicc, . 1! Mt Auditors' Koiici'n, .... 250: Cutitiunn and Ktroyn, ... 1 50 f)iHolutiin NoliccB, . , 2 50 Pnifvaaionul Curds. 5 lines, year, h OH m .Special notices, per line, ... 2 e YEARLY A DVERTISEMENTS : Duo square, 10 lines, Tero squares, . . . Throe squares, . . One fourth column, , One-hulf column, . 15 on '-0 Oil 50 on 70 00 One column 120 On Wo havo nlwayi on hand a laro stock ol blanks ol all uVscrliitions. SUMMONS, SCBPfEXAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES ROXD3, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, Ac , Ac JOB PRINTING. Ye are prepared to Jo all kinds of PRINTING POSTERS, I'ROls RAM. VIES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, An., Ao., IN TUB BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEUS 1!Y M ML FOR A I.L KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE rilOMl'T ATTENTION. Goodlandcr A le-oo, Clcarflrld, Crearfleld Connly, Pa. THE MANSION HOUSE Coruerol Second end Market Stn,,, ' Cl.l:Altfll-:l.l, ''Uf aid aad aoniuudluas llui.l , . 1 Ihe pa.t year, been tslera-.d i.'1' o.raier capeelty tor tb- entorialameai ,.i " ' gers ani (ue.u. Tbe ah... b.,i.,, irefural.hed, and Ihe uri.prl.io. .,11 .. " ,7.'," ".n"'lb """: I met-The 'Menaiita ll,...o A A I.LKGIIKSY H(TK!, Slarkrt Hiraei, ( Irarfli id, I", Wm. S Bradley, foruiorly pioprj.,., ., lonard llou, having p.ed tt,. Al,i Hotel, s,.lli-li. a share of public pair.,,,,.! , ' llouee hee l.ecn tlmruulllv rp,ir.d st.-i's, furnl.lied, and gu. sl. will Siol it a i,l, . ''' ping plaee. Tlie I..Me will be .u,,n. heel of everttfalns: In tlie ui.rkot. ai it. !!! will be found Hie beat elnri and liounri e Z .Isbllng atlachxl M. s. lillAiv " '.'. i- i-i.,;'.. OHAW HUL'hH, " O tCor. ol Markel A I'ronl .tr,-,t, CLKAHKIKI.Il, PA. VL.,,..l...l..lL..l . Ilolel, would risj,,.cttully .olit-il .... U.,,o, ,..10 Clur.r ol l. I'Ui.lir ,otri.,(, Jeni . u. II UASIilNliToN IlulK T -NKW WAslllXtiins This new and well rnrnl.tird boo . k.p'i lakrn by the undersigned, lie ferl, .s.,,,,. bfing able lo rrndi-r .ai Islaslioo r II,..,. , J faeor him with a call. ' May S. 1SI,. il. w. Is, r,,., , I OYD HOUSE, 1 i alum Htrerl, PIIILIPMlHRU, 1'KN.S s Tal.ls always si, ,ll,sl Willi the he.i tl,. n,.,k, afforde. 1 be traveling public is Invii.d ',.r, J ''? ROIIKHT l.mi, Bunks. 9. a. auaui.li. a. w. AKsut.n. F. K. ARNOLD L CO., ElankcrM niul Itrol.irs, Hcjllold.rlllB. Jcn'eraull I'u., s. Money received t,n d.poslt. fjoeouia. .i di'tate ral,-a. Ka.lern and Foreign Kii-h.i,. , wa.a on band and collcrtii-n. promptl, i,lB,f KrynoM.vllle, Die II), l7..y County National Bank, OP CLL'AHKtKLD, PA. KOOM In Maeume Duililing, one do,., i...,. . C. 1'. Wetson's Ilnig Store. Passage Ticket. Ii, anil from Liverpool, eun,,, tnwn, OIb..w, lndon, Pari, and t'.-i-.r..., Alan, Drall.for aaleun Ihe Royal U.mk ..I i, and Imperial Hank nf London JAMKS T I.KONAK0, p,, W. M. R1IAW, Ca.hier. .,,"!, DREXEL & CO., " No. 31 Mouth Tlilrrl mroel, PUil, i,,, And Dealers in Government Sccur,t;, lion, and all information rtn r.rr. .,-.,.. niii win ri-eoirr pr..i,t 4ilMl rluliy tLffii.li.rj II. ti. Onlers tmlirlfd Crutistrii. full rl of Inlllrlel Terlh. . Uliiijla of tnlrlrlal Teeth. ;..( SI Sl'ilsi Drs. HILLS & IIEICIIHOU), DESTIST3. rLk A K sl Kl.n ps-vv-i I Vr. A M Mill, would Inform in. Inn,!. ,,, j palirnts tint be lis. as.,K'l,l.-d with hi,a, ia It, iprwlict of drn'.ry, llr. J L H. Ileirlih. I a R.ntleuian wbotn lie can rrsuinmciid o;tb Ul eMurance of gi Ing .sli.tanil ,n. si , si I he ch.i.e lo bsoul l lbs oOice. All work gunrnstmt 1. giva Mill. fa. -lion. A M ll.l.l.S. - 0;l is, 7S If. JiL.lt. llh'll lill il.D DR. E. M. THOMPSON, toffist lo Bank Building.) Curweuailllc. Clearfield Co.. Pal met 22 tr. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLKAHPIELD, PI. (Office In Maauiiic UoiUing j Cteartrld, Pa.. May t. ISrr-ly. MEAT MARKET. F. M. OAEDOS & BE0 Co Market St , one door oeat ol Mansion Ilnia, CLBAHFIKI.D, PA. Oar arrangement! aro rf the most et-tni-IrK -baracter tor furnishing tho put.lio with Frk M rota of all hind, and of l ho very best quality. Waalao deal in all kinds of A grieoltural luile raenta, which we k.-ep n eifaiMiion lur the b-a- Hit of the public. Cell aruand obea In tin, and luke a looa at lh:ng, vr e IJrA ns r. I'AKDuN A URO. Clearfleld, Pa , July It, IHT& tf. FRESH 11EAT-EM' SllOPi" The nndi-r.lgneil her by inform, the upl,',. ia teoeral that they k,p un band, rrgu .rit, at Iheir chop, adjoin ing J 0 II Mi l ! 1,1 1) ll rl luruilere rooms, ppo-lte the Court lloo.s, Hi. UEST l-HKSH HKKF, VKAl, MITTO LAMB, POKK, ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. KOR CASH. Market morning. Tueedar. Tharnlav. end Saturdays. Meal dstivered at reside,,.,, ah.a dcMrcd. A abase ef palroange is re.peetfuIlT solicited. March I, Is;, ly. bTAUKA X'JIlKlS. JTEVCABIETMAK1NU1I0P. M. B. SPXCKMAN Desires to announeo to tbe public that bs hss Opened a CABINET MAKINOttllOP IX CI.K IRFIPLD Where he will KEEP ON IIANU P TJ a N I T TJ R E , Ard do al kinds of rARINKT WORK ai d flE PAIR HtKNITllllS of all kiids.on abort notice end in the best pc.ihle manner, shop ul Pour's street, ei,p..tlts I'.rk A M rrill'. Osmaj. sll"P. Aug 2, ly JOHN TROUTMAN, DK.M.KK IN FURNITURE, aHATTREHNI'M. AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 8TIIKET, 8KAK P.O. The undersigncl begs tear, to Inform ihe riti acne uf CiearHeld, and the public generally, Ikal he ha. cn band a line aseortntrni uf Fumiiare, .ocb a. Walnut, rhe.lnnt and I'alntcd Ctiambrt Auilrs, Parlor Suites, Reclining and Kitrnii"! Obaira, Ladiea' and tlcote' Kasy Chairs, Iht Prr foraled Dining and Parlor Chair., Cane Sral.aod Windsor t'haira, Clothe. Bar., Step and bora .lutt Ladder., Hat ftachs, Rcrubbing llrush-e, tt MOULDINU AND PICTt KB FltAMKS. Looking Hlaes, Cbrouoe, Ao wkich would, aullal.le tur llulidey preeenta. deelliy. JOHN TltlHTMAS R E A DI N GFO RALL 1 1 ROOKS J- STATIONERY Market Nt.. I'lturfiald. (at the Pott nglfii ffHK undereigncd bege leav, la annooose te X the eitiaen. al Cl,.,rlleld and rtoinitr. lh.t he has Sited up a room and has ju.t returnee from the eily with a large amount of rralin. malter, aonsistlng in part uf BiMea and Misoellaneoui Books, Blaak. Aoeoanl aad Past Book, of ererv d. esnplloiii Psper aad Vneelupss, Prenh preeeed and plain Pen. and P.aciiei lilank L''.' Paper., Deed.. Mortgage. , Judgment. Ko-uy llun and I'Mmiaarv auieei White and P.rrh meal Brief, Legal Cap, Hecrd 0p. end Sill l'F, Sbeel Mueia, lur eititer Ptaao, Plate er Vi'-iia, con.iantly on head. Any boka er ataiionar, de.lrrd that I o,a) not have on h.nd.willkeor ler'd by tret esprc.., aad told at nbole.ahr or reeiil to euit customers. I will alee keep periodical literature, suob at Mag.tiats, Nswpai..r.. Ac r. A. oaIlin. rirarteld. May T, l,lf (at'ccaaaoB to, . MATZER4 LYTLE, PtALta is DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTH. SIIOKS, LEATHER, CARIKTM OIL CLOTHS, WALL PtPKR, rijtfrfiw untliKS, frrt Mantel Klie.-t, ( lcaraM, Pa. J.a I, IITT-lf