THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARFIELD, PA. eVKhNKHPAV MOBNlNd. MAY M, 1877. I oald after throw u II paiil kfir tht tipirktioa of sit monthi,. at.. aa-dnr- U ..... B U t.a..eit i. A Cn-- NalWl. p-jier AdvertUInf AgeoU, IT Park Hir, UliBn Mrrt. are uur duly aothoriied A(nu j In N- York Utty Hi:l.l it. .- Mi-ihodUt Kplacupal Church Raf. J. 8. blaiaelf aa pitted. a)la( that ka m'.:m& to ra M Mraiur, 1'ertor. errlera every Sabhith i cover. Wo bopo aoon to aea blia ralara, restored a in A M., ana 7i r. m. PraytT Mealing ovary Tbunday, at T P. M. Como union riarvlet. firit Sabbath of ovary tunth, Al llift A. M. Went ( Irartlcld M. kV:. hurt h. KeTi. William 11. Dill and W. H. Wilbow, Pastora. prcai'bing avcry alum at a Kundat, at 8 o'clock, p. ,M. tunlity tcbuol at 2i, P. M. All are in i ilrd to attend. lreMb)terlau ChurchKaT. H. 8. Butlkb. Sabbath ifrvtcca morning and orening Sab bath Hoboul at I P. M. Pray or Meatlng Wednoa ,Ut ovoning. M. KraiicU' Miurrti t'alhollc Rov. P. I. SHKninAK. Preavliinir at I Hi o'olimk, A. M., on lhf tirit, third and tuurib Suodayaof aab month; Vtipfraand Bertodtriiun of thr hlrMd Haeramant , ftt 7 o'clock. P. W. frundny Hrhool tvory banday afternoon at S o'clock. OI'ICIAL niMIXTOKY. tih a or luLDiaa quahtib aaauoni cor it. Krr nd Monday of January. : Tbtrd Monday of March. ! Kuft Monday of Juno. Fourth Monday of Boptambitr. I Tina op aoLnixo commoh rLBaa. Pint Monday of Juno. Seound Monday of Novatubor. pvBLto orricana. Prfidmt Udy Hon. Cbarlaa A. Mayar or Lock II a van. fi'iroNt Lw Judfllfn. John II. Orrli, of Di'llpfoota. Atoeiat JudyetAbfrn Ogdan, Claarflaldj Vinoont B Holt. Woodland. ProtkunotarvItU Hlootn. Htgittrr ana Kteorfltrh. J. Morgan. frittritt Aflnra.y Win. M. McCollougb. rr.a.MMr David McOangbey. Shwiff Andrew Pcnti, Jr. Cnunip iSurrcyor 8atnuel F. McCloakay, Cur wpnavilla. Cowa'y (7oaaiwower Clark Brown, Claar flrld i Ihonan A. McUce, Chait P. 0.i Hairii lloovar. Clvarnold. County jiBrfiJora Chrlit. J. KeakgT, OUn l!uio ; hamuol A. Caldwoll, Wilhanagrvft i Jba 11 I dinner. Ilurnaido. Aiaafy Vorotr J. B. Naff, Now Waablngton. J nr VtmmiiioerbT. Jhmea P Burcb field, rionrrtfil. Joifiih Alexander. Woodward. SpriUnttnt a I'ubti AVAooa John A. Orc(ory, Curwenavilla. A'-ir. PtUie John W. Wrltic. 'n. Ra debauab, Cyrua Gordon, Clrarfleld ; Jorph H. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwenavilla J. J. Lmgle, i OfeMila MHIa. Onr .Wirt column i dactdcdly interaating in a local point of view, and proniabla reading to outtidera who want to aava uont-y. Divine W. 11. KIIU, of Cnrwcnivilt, will preach In the B.ptiat Cbarnh In thta place next Sunday arming, June XJ. V)f ntoouiil oi mo w imivy m in Ihe railroad fhopa at Allonoa, a Urge number of workmen have been suspended for the present. Tho Citizen-, of Huntingdon httVO balance Ly reason of leaning forward, ht waa tub'ciibtJ ovar l,0it0,000 to tbt Plate l.lasa "'"y drawn into the embrace or death. The da Wnti,. and lhn are coali lrnt that Iba worke ' eeaatd was a lad r good character, and bl- tragic wilt he eitaMiihed there. Communion bit vice will ho hultj in the Clearfield Preabyf rlan Church aext Sabhith I morning, t which time Ih. quarterly oolton ' for tba support nf iba church till ba takta up. , J mitre Ot viH rusliLMl tlm Court lumi nni right along lalt week. Night leiiionl were held arery evening, exeept Hnturday, aben tbe Court room W4i nied fur lha Murphy teinpetanee mi'etlirg. a liYTllESgfAn. Kive prinoners mudo their eicapa Irom lilair eounty'i ona hundred Ibouiand dollar prlion ona ai,bt lalt week. That'a rutbar a l ad go for that aew building and the new Pherin". linn. U. Iirnco lVlriken.ono ol lliin tinadun. beat lawyer,, wai in ailendanea at Court in thl. place laat week. II. wai eouoael for tba Difendanti In tha or tba Kitteaning Coal Company va. lha Franklin Coal Company. During tho cijlt ycurri of Ifuv. H. S. Ilmlar'a uioiitry ortbe Firit Preibylerian Church of t'leirfeld, be h.i prearhid 888 lermoni, mar ried 40 couple,, and attended 106 funrrale Tba prelent active meuilierihtp of the Chureb li 240. j Woolmervo thul tliu IWntllfO l)e partmant I, Inviilng propuril, through Pnitma.ter llaulm, for carrying lha mail from Ihe poitoffic. in ClrarSald lo tba depot and relarn. Propo.aU ill ba raeelred by Mr ll.ullo uatll lha 8lh day of June. liVv. AV. Stott Wilitun will preach in lha Want tle.rB.ld M. K. Church naal Sunday evening, at a'oloek. Sul jaet I "Tba Moral Tendanclea of Ibe Nineteenth Cenlury," being tbo third irrmon or hi. aerlei en Kerlpture and Fki-ptlciim John A. Slot k i anxious to-b'ave tho devmeea of "Ibe wred" call and try bl. brag nr.. eant cigar, which ha la now manufacturing at bla eitabliihment an Be ootid ilreet, ona door north of Pint Nat. Baak. Cigarl al all price,, and all manufactured of pur. tobacco. BjO-lf - m M kbci'RIAI. Fbkako. The theimomo ter at 06 drg., on tho lflb loll , and Iben down to 34 on Iba 24tn, il a alide la tauparatura that yoang vegetalian can aeareely endure. Vat tha froit or Munday alght, abea lha mercury Hood at 44, roam, to bar. been far more aevere than oa any night prevloua. " . Lint of letters rumaiiilnt; onoluiiiiutl in the PoitncJee at Ulaaraaia, loe ta. uiog May 28, 187? I lllewer, Andrew Couat, icaaia Croaler, Robert Itrchina, Brama lcwia, Mary Jan. Larlrin, Am. Ha P. Magraw, Miabaal Pirk.r, Tbomaa K. Roger., Rllil P. A. QatiLls, P. M. The powcof Ilavitl Jlicbaels, Jr., who ba! boa ia our aounty Jail lor eeraral wrakl pail, charged wllb having eaaaad tha daalb or John Wllberow, ai New Waibiagtaai, oa the tli of May, bai bean continued aatU Ihe September term, and lait week lb. prllonar waa ralaaaed oa giving bond! lo lha amount of 6,00a. A Irae bill waa returned by tba llrand Jury. On Tim. Judifo Mayer is holding Coart ihia week, the levond week of Ike terna. Ha l.n Lack Haven oa Friday and reached tbia place Saturday noon, and took bli eel oa tbe Work wllb Judge. Orvia, Holt and Ogden. aad li.tened In lbs argument sf tb. cotiBeel la Ibe ' Turner oaae, s tbe nueotius af a aew trial. Tba argument began at noon an Saturday and la. tad .mill sometime during Tueaday foava'Kie. i I r Moult Fires. The fine rwidence ol F. K. Lolaugb, in Wait Llberly (Jefferena Line P. 0.1, Bred, tuwa.hlp, wai burned lo Ibe groand la.t Thandey. Tha Ira broke oat la Ibe el lie. aad cauld a bs eallagslibed. Mr. L. eaeeeeded ia removing nearly all hie haueeh.ld goodi bat bli k,l I,, arvertbeleH, ovar 13,00. Tbe adjaialng dwelling af Mr. Ileberliag look Ire and wai alts laid la since, hi! Icae sannol ba leu than 60O. Xgw Firm. Al. B. Rterl and Jat k lligerty bars psrebaaed lha kardwars itars J. O. Sekryvar, is Ihie Borough, aad will kavs ia few d.ya, la addliioa Is thair nreeeat Hock, a U'ta and full saierlmesl of averytblsg la their liaa. Al. aad Jack are both yoaag men sfsaesl. leat bullaeea ajualltealiona, aad the, both kavs hid ooBiideroble espsrieaes la lbs hardwire buiiii'i, as that pereoai dealing nilb Ikea will be rare la drive a gsod hargala aad gat lbs keat (dl is lbs market. Alleatioa II directed ta the edrertimaeBl sf Ikii Ira ia ear salamss lo dav. ThekuainaeacoatiBSeatsbssBrrtadsaBtlka Id ilaad of lbs lata Ira af Meears. Saekell A kryver,i.a Peaaod ureal. Call aad ass Ikea, 'a If yea dos'l wsal is bay nayihiag. I'at HoMmiiNO. Men wbo are in tbr rretipt sf small wagal, aad ars aatorlaaala eaouoh Is be la debt, ibould asks II s pels! of bi'Bor. ai II strlslBly ta good pelley, Is pay a III He of ibe Indebledsee, sf every week sr mosih, a. tb.y mi; happra Is receive Ihetr wagaa. Far ! of Ibla timpls pl.a Ibsseasdl are forever Is debt. A falie theme delere Ikea froa leader il a dollar lawatda lea Ikey resolve Is pal It by aalll ihe, asa diabargs Iks wksls,sasas Iri g l.i.ry irapta Ibea, before which, sot ssly ihrlr rr.clts, tat their auae, wseles swsy, sad h.y la time bseeas babllaalsd ts Iks ayetaa sf debt eoatractlsg nitkoat as, tksagkl sr care ss is bos (key tra i, dbiasu tasaeelves. This Is radically wrong sad dl.koaeet, sad sU good el It 'si isssld It; is reform II by rsadsrle, a fair Oitiilea. Court BcbINEiui. Judjre OrvisRRve about sight dsyi of Court Int week, soameoo Ins al 10 o'clock A. a. or Monday and runniag U through, aalll I n. on Saturday, noldlog Ouurl tftrjr light udi il 9 B.d 10 o'clock. Tha rault waa that tha doalial wai alt aaad al ComuisnwBBllh aaaaa, escebl tha New Waiblaglon honlold. cats, which guea sier ualtt aait tarm. Sad. Tho Lock Haven Democrat v. . " Bl Hherll Mallhaa waa takal to Daa- ! - : Ht bra .miie...... ir pome I Bit from mviiifti - rf t, prt of U-t wk fc brtiM relbfr rigl-nt. During bit trip ha appaaiW to ba prally aoond in mini, but waa: out war wbtrt ba waa gilof. Wbea bo diaaov- rtJ tmU Bs WM toguiotbeAiyluoi heeipreateti tu right raaaoa.' A 11 air-I'm Explosion. Wo lro- ueatly obatrva paraooa handling piatul oart rldgea, and many carry then looao ia their poek ata aa though there waa no danger. Tho Lawla burg Journal, of la it week, raoorda tba raault of ona of theae cartridge exf.loiiooa la thli way i "Oa Friday lait Mr. Joaepb A. McClellaa, or ritunargn, (wao Daa been rmpioyea on wverai or tba bridge contracts a the L. C. A 8. 0. Rail road) an handling iba mtp poitlon of a cartridge for a revulrer. Ha bad carried tbia in hi pocket for mouth and thought there wa nuibiag asplu alve about it. On Friday ba waa ".citing at Mr. John Vandine'a la tbil place, and in coune of conversation with aereral ladiea be drew thia cap from faia pocket. Tbo tad lee bad it In their baada and tried to break It. Mr. UcClallaa then took It and with a hair-pin atruok It a number of tinea, when it itiddenly txploded, taking off a portion of tha thumb and But linger of hit left band, injuring tha iroond finger of tbo a ma band and tba Brat finger of Iba right band. It also Injured hi face eomewhat and damaged tha ceil ing. Tha wounda were promptly attended to. Thia la aaotber warning tobooaraful of anything pertaining to fire-arms.'' mm - a A Boy 8awki in Twain. Tbo Elk Vtmoerat, tf Thursday, May Htb. says: ' A horriblo accident occurred In tha latb mill of An drew Haul, about five miles east of St. Mary's, on Thursday laat, which resulted ia tho death of Elbrldge J. Trrwilliger, eoa of J. M. Terwilliger a lad about IS tears of agw. Tba circumstance or tha aad affair, as wt learned them, are aubatan tielly aa follows: Heotased waa feeding the aawi, which are three ia number and Jnt far enough apart lo admit of the aaga or a lath. Ills rtbor waa cegsged near by In tying up tin latb into bundles. He had Jurt flniabed tying up a bundle, and started to carry it to the lalb pile, with bis back lo tha saws, whan be heard bli son exclaim lb a quick, energetle manner, "jlop It!" Turning Instantly, ht raw that his son bad tern drawn upon the raws. Huattly dropping lib bun dle of latb, ba threw lB tbt belt aad stopped the saw a. Then, baateaing to tbt fide of bis Injured boy, be took him lo bli arms and carried him about tea llepe, when, after looking up is bla fatber'a face aad smiling pleasantlj, he calmly expired. An examination or hit injuries revealed tbt fact that hit right arm bad bun tawed off near the rhouTder, aad thai the saws, crossing bia body diagonally from right to left, had penetra ted nearly, If not quilt, to tbt spinal column. Droeased bnd oa a heavy woolen abirt, and tha iUp,l0(ui(U U that in reaching orer to take from . . , . r ... . . ... bctwtrn ibe laws a piece t.f lalb, his sltevt waa , caught by the treacherous sue., and, being off bit death la a terrible blow lo bit parents.' ALTOONA DIST. M. C. t. . CONVENTION. m(rjB (w Le Am( Di(lr,cl M K. Convention, to ht hel l In tbe Me,bodif, K,,MU1El chur(,h( Clearfield, Pa., June lOib and 2mb, l77, li ai follow! : Piaiidenl Bee. . tl. Hw.lL.w, Prr.iding Kl- i . ,,. n, ... 1 derofiheDLlriel. Kiecuiive Comiuitiee Hovi. B. C. Swallow, J. 8. MVMurr.y, Win. 11. Dill, II. C P.rdoa, (lao. i Leidy, J. Roller Ball, W. tieott Wlllon, Bon. John Patlon, Ilea. W. Rliceoi, E.q: Bach aobool il onti:led to two delegate,, who,e namei abould ba reported, aa ,oon ai poiiibla, to Rev. J. 8. McMurray, ClearOeld, Pa. Dlitrlct 6teward'l annual meeting, on Wtdoei day, June 101b, at I 30 p. a. TL'l.anar APTEnaooa aaaalon. Two o'eloak, Djrolional eerriooi, eooduotad by Rev. John A. Diion t 2:90, Addraa, of Weloome, by D. W. McCurdy, K.q.; Reiponx, by Rer.8. C. Swallow : 3:60, Three minute report! from lb. Mbiwll of tbe diltrict by Ibe delegate! 9.90, Dia ounion i II tbe arerage Sunday School Conven tion a lucoeu? Rev. J. DeUoyer and J. K Lore, K.q. I 4, E.iay : Foot. fill, of Childhood, by Rev. II. C. Pavdo. ; 4:30, Opening Ihe Uueation Draw er ; 8, AdJour.ra.ot. Trr.naT aiunr anaaloa. 7:80 o'clock, Devoltunal eervieei, conducted by Hov. J. W. Uaugbawaut I 7:46, Annual Sabbath Soboel Sirmon, by Rev. U. U. Yocua ; 8:30, Die ouaaion : Tba aiaiaplaa of Cbrlil aa a taaober, aad bow Ha ibould ba Initialed by Sahbalb School teacher!, by Ree. M. R. Puller aod Hugh Pit cairn, Keo, J 9:30, Adjournment. wbummpat aonaiaa aiaeioi. Nine o'clock, Devotional aervicei,eunducted by Rev. W. Scott Wilioa I 0:10, Tha Sabbath School claai In In aeveral releiloni : Pirn, Tba true miailon of tbe teaoher. by J. W. Mattern ; Second, How lo win and bold attention, by tleorge W. Rbeem Third, Huw I. prepare and teach a Bi ble leiion, by Rev. I. B. Akera : Riaay I BeaeOti teaobera may derive from employment, by Mrl. J. II. Flaming I Fourth, Explanation of term, in a leuoa and Ita value, by Revj W. W. Dun. mire Fifth, Illuilrallon Ita IH and abuie, by Rev. R. P. Campbell Sink, Application or lha laiiun, by Her. William Uajon; II, Que.lioB Dtawtr; 11:30, AtjournmenL winnaanar arraRanon aBaataa. Two f'eloek, Devolioaal fervlee,, oonduatud by Rev. tleorge Uuyar I 3:10, Children'! meeting, to be aditra,.ed by Ren. W. W. Kraal aad J. II. Shaver l S:90, A fra. anateriatioa on ' What I . ,. lboul fl,bb.tb Roboul work ; " 4;ao, o.uea n Dr.. , J, Adjoarnmeul wsnaaanaT Blnnt asaaioM. 7-30, Devotional eervieei, eonduoted by Hev. W. H. Nureroia 7:40, : Ars church mem here ecBiurable for neglect of Sabbalb School work I Rev tleorge Leidy aod Monroe Colder wood : 8:10, Kiiay I Bible Training, Mill Mary A. Irwin ; 8:30, Diicsialoa : What il Ibe teachen reward t Rave. tl. W. Miller aad J. W. Leckle 0, Adjoarnmcni final ; benediction. m -a- ee - -THE MURPHY TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT. Tbe Murphy temperance meeting! Is thl, plana atlU sontinns with ansbated seal, t'ndar lbs leadsrtbip sr Mr. T. llentun Dnlley an inlereit In lbs aovimeat baa bean swsksned smoag tbs paonta wf ibis town and vicinity that will, irsoa dneted la B props, aanaer, aeeompli.b a laillng good Is lbs ssmmunlty st large. Meatlngl wars betd la Iba Frcibitciiea Cburck oa Muaday, Tueady sad Wsdaeedsy cveaing., of lalt weak. la tbe M. E. Cburck on Thursday and Friday sveainge, and la tbs Csurl llsuce oa Salnrdsy eveBlng. At esch meellsgs Urge sudience waa preient, tbs Churchel snd Court room belog lllerslly pscked. The ipeaken on Salurday evening were Mr. Dulley, Judge lrvi, Mr. Jkn E lleicbbold, sf Brook, ill., snd lirael Trit, F..q. Koch ona sf the .a gentlemen mada csraeit pleading! for tba ssnis, and ths raiult wee one hundred snd fifty tws name! wars added Is lbs lilt, msny sr wboa have brrstsfors iadalgvd rslbsr Iraely ia tha sup tbst M intsaisstea hut doae not ebesr." Up to tbs tlms of our going to presi thli (Tuea day) sflerBooa, tbe Barnes of over alne huadred peraoaa wers .smiled is this pises oa lbs tstsl sbiliseaes pledge. A gresl many sf, si sourss, srs ysiatini who bars aover need llqnor but they srs aiing their Infiseaee for ihe p.rpoee of upholding sad helping thees whs did in II te keep their pledge. This is tight. There esn bs as goad aecoa.pll.ked sole.l msa and women wbs claim Is bs Christian! will psl tbelr ebouldere Is Ike wkeel aad soailslcatl, nld aad uilil tba eases. Lsl Ihe good work go sa, and let Ikons wks ligs Iks pteJge remember that Ibey srs to forego the ass sf all lalallssllag drink! ai a bar. srsgs forever ; that it la set a mailer ts bs treated lightly kal Ihel Ihelr word sf ksnor Is pledged, aad If ikey kresk If they srs guilty sf s merel perjury, (veryeaa rkoald ds Ibsir atmsel ts ksep the pledge lavialsls, sad Billet slhsn whose bardsnl ara heavy ts beer. A falsa leapsrsaes meellag, which was ad dressed by Revs. Bstlsr, McMsrray sad Dill, waa held ia Ike PrerbyterlaB Charcb oa Snsda, svea isg last. Tbs Clearfield 0 reheat rs a..l.lsd ia faralihing icelkal aails st Iks Msrpky Isapersaos aeel. ingi aa Seteid.y aad Moaday stealage. Dally prayer meeilagi still ssallane ts bs held frsa 10 la II s'slosk A. ., sad a Mlsf prsysr meeting at I e'rlssh I Iks sftsrassa, st wbish large aaaksrs sf psrssas Tea ladiss Uks gree Islaesil ia tkii temparssae U is right aad proper Ike, ikould, for la a great asasars they ars Indirectly Iks sass wks ars aost stTssled hy tks ass sf alrsaf, dHak-nst he ssass Ike, drlak Ikeatelree, aat bsssass asa was drink select their wives aad faallies sad Isava Ikea ts as Bee. Wanted! 1,000 cords of Ilumlock tad Rook Oak Bark, for which wt will pay tho iffhert market prioo. Jyltif, ' A. O. Rrahhi A Oo. Advortixu in the C'leahkikld ftr:iu:B biCAR. The Kilvtrililng ratea are reeaooabte, end the olreuUlloo U Iba largrat or any paper In Ibla eeilua or the Bute, if. Whkat Wantkd I A00 buhho.H ol wb.-t, for wbloh the CAH1I will be paij oa da- Halt I Halt!! You ean gut the Inrce twilled aark of fine lalt at Lytle'a fur $1, Iba ilmt ,iIB that bat baralcfora baa atllint al j jo and M. At tho Republican ollteo ia tho placo to grt yoar Job work dona. We art fully prepared to do anything In the printing line, will dolt wall, and at tho right kind of prleea. tl. Jytlo Iiqh roceivud a luro Btutk ol Mackerel, W bite Fioh, Lake JUrring, Ac, which b intend to aell very low. Coma and price bo. fore buying. tf. The Motions Pobtponkd. Tho nr. -UQlt(ltl fwr nm u iala la the Turner and McFar- land oaaer, cloaadat 10 o'clock on Tuoaday mora- tng. After a abort eoniultalioa between tha Judge, the Court announced a postponement of thont two catra until Tuedft),the ldtb day of July Beit, wbtia a Boa) deelilun will ba made In bulb taaee. Tho Court, when II ad Jo arm thlf week, will adjourn to eon fen a at that time. m Cleari'iklu Coal Tbai. Wtuto- meat of Coal and otbar rrcigbta aaot over tba Tyrone k Clearfield Dlvlalon, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tho week ondlog May IV, 1877, and tba same time laat year i COAL. For the week ...... ..... 8h ma I lute laat year , Iicreaee..aH........w.. 4 Prevloutty during year Bame tiuia laat year I Keren e Tout lo 177 Ha ma liuio laat ytar In create , QTHKR PBKIttHTB. Lumber , Miscellaneous freights ......lilJoers. b5 FlKtv AT lloi 1ZDALK. Wc U'Ul tl flOUl tb Osceola Hntifo thai oa Thursday looming laat, May 24th, about 1 o'clock, tha dwelling bouse (if Patrick fnnney.iD Houlidale, tbia oenn ly, wai diaoovcrrd lo be on Ore. Tt flames wa:t beyond control when Ortt discovered, and tht boute,wilb nearly all its eontoots.wai very rapidly , consumed, Tbt Inttnat heat from tbt burning building aet Art to tha Clearfield lloute, owned by ! Cbarlaa MuKinaey, ia whioh was the store of Gib boaa Brol. Building and 6etitenta wert totally oomuuied. Next above Tanney'a bouse, waa tbt residence aod millinery store of Mra. Bprout. Tbe 11 sines ootumunieated with this building, and wept along up tb street to the dwelling or A. B. Ash ton, oouautuiog It, and setting Bra to tbt bakery and store rooms on Iba opporllo aide of the afreet. At thia point tbe flames were stayed, or tbt autire towa would have been reduoed to ashes. Six buildings in all, tome of them being doable, were deatroyed by this unexpected confla gration. The principal aufletee ara Patrick Tan ney, Charles MuKinoay. Uibboaa Brotbara, Mrs. g(irou( j0UB , Fman, Ooorge llagerty, A. B. Albion, John M. Jordon, Seolt, Iba barbar, and oliieri who had ttoral or rhopi In the buildluga, among tbau being Croyla Hcllugh, Leonard, Qnarbart, Te,l, and Tbumao A lieu. The amount of tba loM we have not learrad. N'ine or Ih. burned property wai Iniured, or at molt, but a my few of tbe owner! hud any part of their property iniured. - Spe-(. . at W lille Kob pay 14 l per lutt fur 11 tin lurk Hark delliered al t iirnena. .d A al tlM-roia. and T lor tlua-k oaI ara delivered al either piaea. najtt . W.ltu ! lon.oou zn-men mavea ininSiea will nav tbe binbe.l market price. A. U. Knauaa A Co., feb.SS tf. Clearfield, Pa, Ill.tHIO tons of Hemlock and Rurk Oak nark wanted by V . H. lille Hon. delle prcd al larrolaanel 4 nrwenavllio, Oft and T trill b paid nt the liirmcr plare, and 84.SU and 87 at Ilia latter. naayU. P-pote npon the Sun do not viitbly dimlnt.h ill brilliancy; but .pota, plmplea or blotchee upon Ihe faea, neck or arm! detract from fe male beauty. They may, however, be coro.rtly removed by Ihe daily oae of tllenn'e Sulphur Soap. Depot, Crlltenlun'i, No. 7 rliitb Avenue, N. V. DIM'! Hair W bilker Dye, buck .r brawn, 60 eta. (may 3 4w. Bt'Solsa Fon Fai.b. R. Newlon Bnaw keep! a full supply of Predonm Buggiai and Platform Wagoni fur aals. To ha seeB st ths Hbsw llouee yard. Call on er address him al Clearfield Penn sylvania. . . . may 18-tf. RANK WAMKII- Vtiwlll pay l go ' tier tun for Hemlock Hark, and 7 IMI t..r Hock tluk Hark, delivered nt t'nrwene. villa. tVcwill pay OS for hemlock audit for rock oak aark, delivered at tree cola Mills may 0, 3t. 4 .Tf urafrr Will Owl. A few rears sgo, MAuguat Flower" was dlisov ered to he a certain sure for pyipepals and Live, oompleint, a few thin D.vipepllee mads known to Ikeir friend, kow easily and qotokly Ikey bad been cured by Its m. The grent merits of tlnraa's Ai-siiht Flowkr beesme herald through tha country by cue lulfirertc another, until, with out adverllling. II. aale hei beoume immense. Droggtite ia EVRHV TOWN ia lha Uinted Slatei ars aelling it. Ns psreoa lugerlng with Sour Stomaoh, 8ii:k Headache, Coetiveiieae, psl. pltatiiia of tbe Heart, indigoitiun, low eplrlli, etc., can Uka three doiel without relief. 4io ts your Drnggiit, U. D. Wntaon, and get a b ttlsfor 76 cent! snd try it. Sampls houlee 10 cents. May 3.1, 1877 sow ly. I nr. Shiloh't Synlem fltillxer. Wenrn uulborosed to gusrantee tbil remedy for the enrs of D,icpiia, Insctivs livsr, Sout Stomach. Coaenmption, Louf Appetite, Coming up or Pood, Velluw Skin, and general Languor and Debility. Yuu mult scknuwlsdgs tbst Ibli would be ruinous unleee we bad pnlitiveevidenes thai it will cure. Yun who srs suffering from Ihe.s complaints, tbeie worrfi are addraeaed aad will you continue to auffer when yon ean ho cured oa eueb term! t It is ror yoa to determine. Sample bottle, 10 eenlif regulsr site 76 cents. Bold by C. I). Watson, Druggiit, Clearfield, Pa. 60,0,i0 dls annually by neglecting a Cough, Co d or Croup, often leading to Coniuinptlon and Ihe grave. Why will yoa neglect eo important n matter when yun ean gel at cur store cinaoii's CouatiNr-tloR Ct:ns, with ths Bliurance or n ppeed. relief. For lorsnen scroll lbs Cheat or Lunge, or i sms beck or Side, KniLON's Poaot'S Plabtbb gitee prompt relief Sold by C. D. Wai. on, Clearfield, Pa. IlArKuBrarg, a popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by O. D. Wation, Clearfield, I'a. apr 18, T7-eow.y. Attention, Farmers- and Lumbermen. W A NTt:l)-by Arnold, nt t urn en.Tllle, 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 buHlieU wheat. 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels outs. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. KMI.IHKI 'iO-lnch shaved eh Ingles. IIMl.tHNI 1i4ltirb sawed shlUKlea. IIKI.04HI feet pine Boards. S.IXMI railroad lies. S.IHMI cords oak Bud hemlock bark. For which one-third cash will be paid. oct.26. BUrrM. Oa Tbandav, Harck 10, 1877, by Rev, 11. S. ItBller, Mr. Burma I). Uulleb snd Hue Sarab Weeirall, botb el Lswrsnos townioip, vtenrneia eonnly, Ta. Oa Tbunday, May I4tb, 1877, at Ibe H. I. Parsonoge, ClearOeld Cir.elt, by Rev. W. Seotl Wilion, Mr. Arcbis 8. Sbaw and Mill Heckle Sbirry, all sf Uosbea townibln, Ibis county. Al lbs reaidenas sf Mr. Joba Caldwell, Ba Tbnridiy, May 14ik, 1077, ky He.. W. H Kllia, Mr. Tbeddeae Croee sad Mips ku.ll, II. Ulsea, all of Pibs lowashl,. IkerSeld county. Oa Tharadsy, May Ink, 1877, by Oaorge C. Kirk, E.o... Mr. Cbarlei Pararr, st lbs Slate nf Malna, and Ml.l Mary A. Kirk, sf Urady Iowa, abip, Cbarlcld Ce , Pa. gailroadf. 1'enunylvaula Railroad TYRONE k CLEARFIELD BRANCH ".If aad after afoaday, MAT 14, 1877, Ike VSPeeeeBgevTrsiaewlll rwa sally (eiecpi nan days) bstWBsa Tyrsas aad Cleargeld, as follows CLIABriKLO MAIL. W. C. Iswia, CoadasUr. LIAVI SOUTH. I LBAVB HORTH. Carwsnsvllls-J IO, r.a Ctssrfisld 80, Pblllp.asirg....4.J, " OaoeoU......4 07, " tyrsas ., ' Tyrsaa I lO.s.a. Oieeola. 1 10, " PklllDekar...l0 80," Creartald H Curwewavllle,.ll)l, " to a a. ... !Mo 21,345 " IT ... 4Hn,fl00 41). SOI im 64,Ti ... 61)0,440 .... 44:i,lM CLBAHFIKLD ACCOMMODATION, W. B. I'LnaMaa, Conductor. LK A VB BOl'TH. " I Jj. KAVK NORTH. (Turwaaarlllt.. M a.m., f.a. Clearfield '0 Ifl " Clearfield, ar...T.4 " Pbillpalrit...12.4S 11 1 Curwenevllle ...U BALD BAULR VALLEY BRANCH. MaiL ' Mall". A. u. p. a. .SO (wart T Trim a art It a 4. It .U, , . Bald l.wle 10.01 II II 10.40 11.10 llollafoota M iloaharg Howard nrrlra L. llaran a- 4 l 4 01 lit laava TYHON K STATION. Raartaaao. PaatBa txpraaa llarrl.hurg Aaa'B Diarwaau. a. H. Pltl.burgh Itap'M, S 40 1'aoiAo Kxpraaa. 0:20 , 1:411 P. M. 1:211 Bill P. a. 1:10 :26 0:i Mall Train, Atlaatla Kxpraafl, fhila. KiiiraM. Way Panaugar, Mall Train, 10 .18 Kill Lino, PIIILII'Slil KIl MUHHAMNON BHANCIIK8 Lnavn aoi:TH. lkavr aonrn. A, M. P. H. P. It. 12:10 12:1 12:11 12:14 araTioaa. Morrtadala, Philip.burg, titainar'a 1M 2:16 2:111 224 1:311 2:44 2:12 2:57 .1:02 .1:07 9:11 T:5 7:38 7:41 t:Sl :II0 111 0:17 :22 8:20 8:3a lloynton, OmooI., 10:90 10:4a 111:41 0::.0 1 1 :U 1 1 117 ll:l 0:1.1 12:04 4:11 11:41 4.00 11:14 8:52 11:40 1:47 Mo.ham on, 0:90 Hlaillng, 020 lloutidala, 0:20 MoUaulay, WIS Krndrlok'i, 0:10 Itauoy. 0:00 11:36 3:44 11.10 3:40 1 136 3:36 Cloat eonntetioaa mada by all trains at Tyroaa and Lock Haven. P. S. BLAIR, mylT-tf. Bnparintendtnt Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADK DIVISION. ON and attar Munday, January 29 1 h, 1877, tha pa.wngar traina will run daily (aieapt Munday) balweta Hod Itank and Driftwood, aa follow! t KAKTM ARI). Day Mall lear.l Plttihurg 8.00 a. a. Had Ban, 11:44; Hhgo Junotlna 12:112: Naw Brthlshrm 1:00 p. m Mayarllla 1:10 1 Tn.y 1:41 Hrookrll a 1:00 Fuller'. 1:27 I Ray. aoldirllla 2:10 DuUol.9:20! Bummlt Tunool 8:41 Pantald 4:04 Waadailla 4:17 1 llanaiolta 4:64 arrlraa at Driftwood at 6:44. 11 W AKI. Day W.lllrav.. Driftwood 12:16 p. n.l Binaiitta 1:03; Vleadvllla 1:40; PanOald 15.1l rumuill Tunnal 1:1 DuBol2:.12 HaynoldiTillaS:l2; Kullor'i 1:12; BriHikvilla 8:40 Troy 4:116; ala)lTill, :.10 1 Nrw Bathl.bam 4:46 1 8ligo Junolion 4:32; Had Bauk 6:60) arriraa at Pitl.burg at 0:10 p. m.' lOr The BiynnldaTllla Arrommodallun leavaa Ki jiit.ld.iill. daily al 7:60 a. lo , and arrlrai al Hid Bank at 10:6a a ia., I'ltliliurgh al 2 66 p. ni. I.ra.a. Puuhurgb at :40 p. m Had Bank at 7:00 p. m.; arriving alHvynold.villaat I0:0 p. a. Claaa connection, mada with train, on P. B Bailroad al Drittaood, and with traina on tha Alleghany Yallay Kallriad at Had Bank. DAVID McCAKllO, Uen'l Bup't. A A Jai-aaon, fup't L. 11. Dir. Jjeu; fli'trtisnntnts. CARPETS I CARPETS!! CARPETS!!! The ponple of tbl vlainlly haet long felt tht neceeaity ol having a larger and better ataortment of Carpeta to aeieot from than hae aver boen kept tn tht ptaet before. That want It now fully aup plled. We have aecared the taolutlTt utt of Richardson's Carpet Exhibitor. A WONDEKFI'L INVENTION rF nhowlng Carpeta, a brief daterlption of tho ate of which wt give below. With tht nioof tht Cinrr.r ExttiaiToR, wo bow from a lamplt Jnat how Iht Carpet looka oa a rary large room, multiplying ibe Sample a thousand limea, malchtil and Known aa perfect aa when tbe Carpet it made up ami nailed upon the Boor, la tbia way wt art now prepared to tbow yoa a NEW Y0EK WHOLESALE STOCK. Wo have made epeelal arran foment with ona of tht largrat faoutte la New York , to fill all our ordera for Carpetr, and will i-how you a larger eaeortnent t aelaet from thnn baa aver been kept oatalde of a wboleaalt houte. NEW & DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which are not kept ia etock outride of large alike Thia way of buying Carpeta baa bow become popular, and we tbow what you would otberwiae have to go to Naw York to find. Wo ean aell aa cheap lor cath aa yoa tan buy for eaah in Naw Yore:, aad there being no rctnnnota to takeoff the profit, wa ara tnablnd lo aall on a very tin 1 1 million, and moat respectfully Invite the pa lie to exntnioe our atockpanfl aatiafy Ihem atlvet. IF Y0D WANT A CARPET of any dimenrlonr, bring atmrreet meMurt of your room and wa guarantee to autt oa l'leaaa vail and tea ua. whether you with to buy or not, ta it It ao trouble to tbow gooda. Heipectfully. T. A. FLECK & CO., MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. May M, U7T-tf. TRUSTEE'S SAL OF VALUABLE Coal and Timber Lands! By virtue of a decree of tbt Orphana' Court of Clearfield count. Pcnn'a, under procetdinga la partition, there will bt expoted to public awla, al auction or OUry, t tat uuun uoate. in viear field, OB (Saturday, June 30lh. 1H1T, at 1 o'clock p. all that v.luabla pMperty, la, tht tttate of riatauel Her arty, tht elder, of Winid ward townahlp, enniattng of IMl acret of land la tht heart of tbe operation a In tha (Jlear Held coal baaln. bating the large vein of coal aponmaoa of the lana, ana tarkje p"rtiom thereif being baaaily timbered with a Virgin loreat ol while pine timber. Tht land la divided Into lot, and they art bounded and dotorlbed aa followe : Piibpaht No. I -Beginning at a pott t thence tooth 4 degreea weat 221 perchei to a pott ; thence touth RM4 decree teat 171 perchea to a pott t thence n rth 2i degree tatt JsO S-10 percbeato a pott; thence north 87 ) degreea watt 2-) perchea to a poet thenea aoutb 3j dr greea watt 60 perchea loapoatf thence aoaih 07 degreea aaat 12 a 10 perohea to a poat tbenot loutb 87 degreea eaat A 4-0 percnet to a poti ann piece di oaiinninir,, containing three hundred aud tweuty-aoreu arrea aud allowance. PvaraMT No, I. Beginning at a poat, tbenot north 21 degreea taal oa 7 ll percnet to a wniie piat ttuiup ; tbenot touih 67 degree! aaat U 5-10 perebaa to a poat) theooo ntrtb il degreta east 1HI nerehea to a white pine t thence north 804 degreea wett 28S IY-10 percbta to a poat, thenoo aoutb 3i degreea wrtt 7-11 pert bee tt a poat; thence by purpart Nw. I. touth 874 degrtet eaat 2nB pernnet lo place oi neginning, eoniaining three huudretJ and nlitely arret and thlrty- lour aud five-tenth perchea and aliowaitce. Pubpart No llcKianiag at a whfu pine ; tbenot by purart No. 3, aorth 8?i degreta weat 1k3 a 10 narchae to a poat ; thence tooth li de greea wett I I-10 perch en to a while birch ; thence touth 10 degreea weat 84 4V1Q perchea to a poat tbenot north 24 degreea eaat tht pcrcha to i pott thence aorth 87 degrtet eat bA perchea lo a poet ( tbenoa a-alh 24 degreea weat 1318-5 perchea to a poat j thence tooth 884 d greet eaat 183 1-6 perohea to a poat ; tbenoe toutb '21 degreta Wtttaaapeinbta to wbitt pint and p'eea of bt ginnlng.euatalning three hundred aad 111 I rty Eve acrea, one hundred perrhea and allow ance I'u-faiit No. 4 Mtihiat Barton lunay Beginning at a pott ) theooo aoutb 87 1 degreea eaat SOS perchea to a maple theaoo aortb 21 de greta 217 perohea Ua white ak j thence north 88 degreta wett III perchea lo lionet,- tbenoe aoutb 24 degreea weat til perobea to poat and nlaceof bektioniot-a cental nine four hundred aervt. Ulty perrhea aud allow t nee. Tbt above four purparta being tit unit la Woodward toaaehiD. Clearfield OHraate, Pa. Puaraav No a. Beginning at a pot tht ace Bortb 88 degreea weat 157 perobea te a fallen wbtto aiatt toenot Btrtb 181 perobea to atone tbenot north 874 degreta tttt 481 perobea to a hemlock, thenea eoa it 24 degrtat well 82 ptrth ea to a poaii tbtnot aorth 874 degreta weat 1 81 perebaa to a cheat a at taontt touih 14 dtgrvta wen 13 a 10 pareAte to tlaoe or begitmiog, a oa la in I ng three hundred and flfly-flre acrea aud allowaure, aad being tltaait la Dtoaiar tuwaabip, Clear Beld touaiy, fa. MODE OF SALE: Tht Inula or purparU trill aaoh bt put op aeuarattlr and bida abtaiaad on aaoh of them, anl tbaa the will bt pat an to aalt at a wbe:a bnfurt atilklag any ef them dowa. aad tbt nrunertv will bt atruok down to tht Nd for tht wnuit II lot aaatt ia mure idud nm mutK' " ibt aeparate bida, awl if not, tbaa te ibe eeparatt biddtr. Katb biddtr auit aiake bla bid with thia tpttial aadtrataadiaj. TERMS OF SALE . OtieMlth af tbo whole pwmhatt aioaay la eaek whoa tat prepeny it itrock doaa,iie alith thertwf al the eoatrmalion of tht aata ky the Ooort, eae-third tf tat whole, after deduct aTMo-loartb af the wbo to, aball at ttoartd up e tho arotaiaat by retognlaaaot tht Orfshtaa Court ef tlearleld tounty, wllb two aamcieat aarttioa to bt approved hy tba aaid Court, toa- dilVoatd to -ay it byaia negany, lae wiaow, inn latanatoaibataid oat tatrdaomt annuaiiy.aoai encinc at tbt data of the aale, dirtng bar nat ural hie, an I a her death tt pay to tbe part lee legally entitled thereto, tna pnaeinai tuat et tat aaid oat third. Tbe remainder of Ibe parehaee aoney tt be payable, with latortet from eoalraj ailea ef aalt, la roar mnal en anal pay men te, b- ginalng tu year altar taid tone r mat loa, tbt Mi tt be aecared epoa Ibt pram I tea by bond aad KOTtiaiie with tftirt fmeimt olaata, andwlih a etraaaat that at timber aball bt tat from tbe eatae entil all or the pay weat t eeearad thereby aball bt paid, aalaai hi ttarttftht Orpbaat' Ooarl af Cia8eU poaaly, afltr nolle- tt the Trottet and a pop eweartty givea intra i or. at wt eon Coari may aeereo, iJtet te at mae ia tat par obaaae tr aarcbaaore by tht Trwatea, Bpoa avm pliatwot with tht tame af aalt tsaeetabetero atatod, and poaataaloa tt bt glrta whta tht led it de Uvatwd. JOHN M.ADAM0. Cteertali P r 7 fli l'"-4t. Twit. Jjw durrtisfttrnt. $777: la not aaaila aaruad In ihna tlnaa. hut It oan ba mada In thraa ntunihi It, am ona of alihor aax. In any part of tha eaunlra alio la arl lit DC to awk .tudll, at lb. rmdoviaant that a furni.h. Ia par waek Id Jour awn tows. Yuu naad nut ha awnr from ona ovar aigttt. Yoa ean giva r.ur whola ttma to tba only ynur.iara moment.. Itrontr nothing lo try tha bu.lna.l Tafni and (6 Outflt fraa. Adilreaa at onea, U. UaLLRrr A Co., Ajrll H, U771 I'orllaud, Malna. 70B RAT-TC. that tract or parml of tr, . ' aiiaaa. u 4M-aiTT towu.hip, ClaarOald aouaty, dt.taiioa of tba Trron. adlolain land, of Kubart and knoan aa Iba Jaottb B. Urarhart lot. Tho aald traol eonlaioing 00 aona mora or leal, with two valoa of valuatila aoal tbarMa, baa about 80 aoraa al.arad, and la tha kay to a largn bWy vf ooal .boat balng devolopad..Wlll ha auld low and upon aaiy hrrin. For particular., apply to UAV1D L. kHKB8. Claarlold, Pa., July 12, 1870. CAUTION. Ail persons are hereby caution ed sgainat purchasing or In any way med dling with the following property, now In tha posstislon of R. F-O. liuoter, oi Knox townahlp, via : One wagon, S acts barnesi, timber wheels, I log tied, 1 plow, 1 ehuvel plow, 1 table chain, I grabs, I grain cradle, 1 aoytbe, 1 pick, bind 'pike, forks and rakes, 4 shoatt, i aorea rye in the ground, of aix aorea or wheat in tbt ground, ol six sores of oala In the ground, of six aorea of ooru in Ihe ground, 1 lock cbaiu, 1 pair spreads and eiaglt-trees, 1 double tree and tingle-trees, at tba tame waa raa n iircl. Bred rty me at pitralt aal on tba nd di oa loan only, oa tba 3d dey of Mny, ann it lelt wttbhn uMeot to my order at anv time. IIKMlY lK NTkK. New Millport, May 30, 1H77-.I.' TO BHIDCiB IIMI IM HM Notion ft bejeby gieta Ibat propntalt for repairing the bridge aeroaa tbt rlrar at Karthaut, will be received by tha county Com mitt-Ion ere of Centra and Cleartitld count leu, until IS o'oloek M., on tbt Sd day of Junt neit. H peel Anal lona oan be teen at their rtepective nffloea In fiellefonte or Clearfield. Tbe eonlraot will he awarded to tha ktweai roapontibla biddtr, Tht Doarda re aerra ibt right lo re j aet all btrlt. J.N. HALL, ANDKKW (1HKUQ, 11. A. MINdLU, Connniaaioqera ol Contra county. Aunt: CLARK BROWN. Joiti W. Mown, THOK. A. MrOIIKR, Clera. 11 A K HIS llDOVKH. Commiaafnnera of Clearfield tounty, Commltiionen' OfBce, 1 Clearfield, I'a., May 9, '77 41. ) TftUf-TKEH AI. The undi-raigned Trupfeea of Iht titale ol P. 0. Miller, will aell it public aala, at tbe Court lloute In Clearfield, oo Saturday, June Otli. Al I o'clock, p. to , all the Int i reel of taid P. 0. Millar In a certain tract or piece of land ailuate in Ut-ll townahip, Clearfield county, I'a , bounded and deeeribed at ftdlowi : Heicinning at a maple, ibenct by land of Henry Drinker, north 60 de greet eant 114 pcrcbea to a heet-h, thence by part of Andrew Urrufl' touth 41) def reel eatl )t20 per ch ct to atone, thence by lurid of Jaeob Ureoflf aoutb frtl di-graea weat 116 perch et lot hemlock, thence by land of Abraham H It mar north-It da greea wett H'2it perchea to tht place of br ginning, oontalning SI7 aerea, balng part of a larger tract of land warranted to Andrew tireoff. W. I). ftl'ILKR, C. W. 8MITII, J. F. IltWIN, Clearfield, Pa., m23 Su Truttaet. AUMINIHTRATORH HAI.Il. There will be eipoted lo public tale, al tha latt retidenee. of John B. Rafferty, dr-a'd, ia the Tillage of Ptaanl.e, Peun townxliip, oa Mniiday, -luiic II, IN U, Tha follow log peraonal property, to wit : Ont gray mart, ytare old, ont three-year old eidt, one two-year old oolt, ooa obw and two yearling calvei, three ihoata, 8,000 IB-Inch ahliiglea, ,(100 .It-inch ahinglea, one tpriog wagon, two plow, tied and aleiab. Alto, a generjl ai-aortment of hontahold gooda, eenaitting or bed aod bedding, cbatra, eur-liuard, book eaaa, clot net prett, carpet, ttrei, etc, T hero will alto be told at the tame lime tho itorv good, which oonxiit nf a general artortment averyining to tuit the timet, tucn aa oarfl- aara, wood and willow-ware, tin. glan and ueentware, drug, boot and thue, one coil of 1 inch rope, 9(1 poondt of dried applet, and otbtr article tow numerout to mnuon. Condi tiobt mada known on diy of tale. CH An. llKLI'bK, Uratnpioo llilla. May 23 -3t, Adm'r. A NEW DEPARTURE IV L II Til 11 SRI! KG. Here after, gooda will bt aold for CASH only, or la exchange for produce. No booh will be xept in tut lumre. ah oia account! nun oe aettled. Tbott who tannol oath up, will pleaie hand over their notea acd CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined to tell my good at eaab prinet, and al a ditooitnt far below that tar offered in tbia vicinity. The di Mount I allow my euatomera, will make them rich in twenty year II they follow my advice and buy their gooda from t. t will pay earn for wheat, oan anil clover ed. DANIEL UOOULANDKK. Luthenburg, January 17, 1 HT". PLANTS & FLOWERS. Tho nndertlgned hereby giet nolict to Iht citltene ol Clearfield county, that he baa, al hia Urete llonit in CletrOeld, a large quantity of all klnde or Yrgctablc & Flower Plants, which ba will fnrniih lo all aho may favor him with Iheir patronage, at reaonabl ratea. Tba following la a partial lit or pUat and dowdra : VEGETABLE PLANTS i Wintered Ciilibuno i'lunts, Luto l.ubbnjro I'liinls, Dwnrf I'olury J'litnls, Winlorod Cuuliflower I'lnitta, Kwcot I'oliitii rinnla, Kits Plume, Tomato 1'liuila, Pcppor I'Uiila. FLOWER PLANTS for BEDDING i II Kl.lnTROl'ES-Assorted. FKTI'SIA- fllngle snd duuble. liKKANIIIMH-7.onale. tlKKANII'M-Ilouble. U RR A Mi'MS Variegated. HAUK Scarlet and while. FtlCIISM-Rlngle and double. FANKIF.4-.Urga 0'iwen. AOKRATDM Miied. Cnl.Ki;d Annrted. DA H 1,1 Aft lioulile. VKRRKNA8 Beit leleeled vsrietics. Orl'HKt. OKNTAt'ltBA snd CINERARIA. CANNAS Aelcrled. HTOCK-I.arr- Ocwe'lng, doudls. HAOciNl Art a.aorled. IIKOVAI.IA Klata mag ir. W In NONKTTK Large fluwrring PINKrt Hardy. PIILOX-Uruinmendii. A largs s.iortmsnt st Plant, for Hanging Usiketa or aae,. ERNEST BOCK. riearflald. Pa., Heyl, I877 U. . OCIIfml. WTATl'MIKT Annual tnsn O Bis! statemrfll of Oo.ben Hchonl Di.tricl for tba year ending Jans 4lb, 177 Tn rial, on Duplicate of '74. ..I 20 01 lit 00 404 80 I t 76 30 40 177 33 871 88 40 78 to wai. on uoincaie oi i.-i... tlroee aa't of Dun. tor '70. Total anownt of Dupllcalea Olli 18 Deduct abatements...., Deduct exonerations .,.. tit 1 Receipt, i Totsl tag receipt! t'aia la treslary si par iaii report From Hlats snpmprisllnn.... Froa Cs. Tress, lor aaassted Isndl M 1,1it 1 Tslsl rsoelpt, for year and. lag Juus 4, 74. H a.. ,000 lit Bipaadllarea or Bslldlng Fund Fn, 1st No. I snd Dssd for li 00 JCft 00 878 00 108 08 II 70 10 00 4 10 13 08 8eeed payment In K. B. ... Htewart, oa Bilen n n... Laat payment ts R. B. Itlew- nrl, oa Eden S. II Deeke for 8. it Ms I Freight ua asms Cleeriag 1st Ns. 8 Cleaning bsuss Ns. 8 aflsr aunt H - Ken.trlna school aronerly... Totsl espenditarasof build isg fund . Kxneadltsrea ef Bcbssl Faad For Mashers' wsgee -4 Fee Fuel sad snnllngeBSiss. ..I 74i 8.1 II 00 01 Si IS 81 M 18 lb 00 I 00 0 lb 10 oa 8 41 ro, Collector a fee. Fsr Trearsrer's Ore, Fer Beerrtsr,'! ealary Fa, Sobool Joaraal, Fsr Dlelriet Regliter For Arshiteere fssa.... For stber eapsneea Total for suppvrl at eeasets. Bslsass Ifl Trsalary ......,.4I 078 t 1,177 84 Ws, lbs aadsrilsaed Aadilara nf Ooshea Oil- trkt, hsvisg ssrsfally sxsaiaed ths sseonnls sf lbs Tresisrer, Bns inea SMrsst ia ins Beet nt sail knowledge and asller. B. B. TAVLOR, t, A. L. PLROAL, Ssrrslsrr, Prseldeal JAMBS R. OR A II AM, R. O. 8IIAW, Lick Rss, May IS, 1877 41. Auditors. Ufm di'trtistrafuts. A (ara. Our and CHano Daairorar ol tho POTATO .vV. .BUIJ,ciBBiGi OVBMANT WKBMa H OUR PEST; UtliivPARiaflRKC ami M Hinkt4. Bwra , aM otlMt IMaVM at .POISON. H ahoialMi la tf, auuu-ki auitiCAi. woaaa. r o. n'1 M tsrilaaJi ai Hr kvrb Ciif. JUST OPENED UP I t- nollaal f mmamwtnikm4uitam CLEARFIILD, PA. Tha nndrrtigned would announce In the oltitent of Clearfield aud riclnity, that be baa oomueoced tbt Manufacture or Cigars fa Clearfield, and will keep oa band a large ttf jk of firit -claaa cigara which ba will aell at wboloaale and retail. Ilia cigara are made from tha beat leaf tobacco, and warranted to give Hatiilaction. He alto keep on band a full line of the beat Chew Ins & Smoking Tobaccos, iMi'Ks, Bit err, btc, to wbicb be lovites the atteutioo of emohera sod cheweri. Helall di-aleri luiiplied with tbo belt brsndi of Cigari, Kmok'.ng and Chewing Tuliacci,., Bl tits lows.t wholerale price. rS-TKRMS-POSlTIYEI.TCAHil -ftf, A ihars of public fstrnnngsreirjcctfully solicited JOHN A. STOCK, Room ncit door to lit Nstionsl Bank, Marsb II, 1877 8m. Clearfield, I'a TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MER11ELL Hat opened, In a building on Market tt root, on tho old Wei-em Hotel lot, nppotitt tht Citurt lloute in Cleartleld.a Tia and Sheet Iron Maou factory and Store, where will be found at all timet a full lino of house rxniinsniiTa goods, Stovos, Hardware, Etc lioute Sptiuting and all kindt of job work, repair ing, Ac, done on abort notice and at roaaonablt raUt, Alto, agent ror the Singer Sewing Machine. A atipply or Machine, with Needle", Ac, al way t on band. ttrmt, ttrletly cath or country produce. A there or patronage aollcited. O. B MERRELL, (Superintendent. Clearfield, April 25, 1 877-1 f. THE TIN SHOP! 1U.XIG MYOWX MAtlllXE! FRED. SACKETT, SECOND STREET, CLEAItFIELI, PA , Retpeotfolly Inform bla euttaineri, and tha pub lie In general, that he eootinuet lo manufacture all kindt of Tln.loppcr & Sliccl-Iron M ro, or Orat-olata material only, and In a workman like manner. ROOKING mid SPOUTING dune on abort notice and very re ton able termt. COOK STOVES, HKATINU STOVKS AND FIRN'ACKf alwart kept In atock, and for ile low. Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specialty. Oa Fixture alwaye on hand. All woik gtiaran-twx-d to give tetUfactinn. A lhart of public patronage cordially tollulted. FI.KD. SACKETT. Clearfield, Pa., May 9, 177. Jsj IlEaEjeO ISOI'EMNU THIS DAY s I.ARHKBTOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER CalOODM, IN ALL TLB DHANCIIES APPKHTAIMNO TO THE DRY O00DS TRADK. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, C A S S I M li 11 ES, LINEN SUITS, ic, kc, &e. NOTIONS AND TUIM.tlN(iS, F UNGES, LACKS, I.OVKS, HOSIERY, TIES, COR.SET3, HU'nONS,.'., Ac, Ac. WHITE (itJODS, TA II 1. E UXUXS, COIIDKI) AXDl'I.AIN l'll KS, SWISS J.AWNS, WHITE TRIM MINUS, KM IIHOmKIUKS, IttCIlINti, CL'RTAIN NETS, Ac, Ac MII.MNEIIY, TRIMMED II ATS AND HON NETS, FLOWERS, ItiniiONS, TRIMMINd SILKS, Ac, Ac, Ac. Carpelings, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, &Ce, &C. ri'LL STOCK OF EVERYTHING, nocniiT for cash, AND WILL IIR SOLD FOR CASH. WM. REED, Rosa Ns. I, Pis'! Opsra Hobbs Baildisg. Claartleld, Fa., April 6,'Tt 4a. JJ. Culnzburj gootj, Jfrliorj, STILL ANOTHER FED CJUINZ BOOT St SH I i rjrr! Itint rjttirnsd Irom New York sr mra-j Mraw bat for flat tenia. A paper collar fur two tentt. A box of paper eollart fur 9 cent a. A pair of cotton toeba, plain, 1 1 tenia. A lead pencil for ont tout. A black tllk nook tit for 11 va tenia. A tot Ion handkerchief for tlx centi. Baby ahoea, laced freta 25 oaota upward!. m u go " " laced and healed 74 centi and up. " " buttoned n ' In all colore and tlylea. Children' ihoet from 75 cent upward. Miitei thoet from 1 upward. In tailing, Uatfarr or kid. Mia' ptoBajh Shoes at Mtn't Utter dreta aLoet tt $1.25 ' 2.jc I A mnn'ca!f boot from 4 upwards. Thett are but a few art kit?, to give yo Wt keen alto a full lint of Men'a Furnihing tibia fl ALL KINDS OF TIIAIlE TAKE -t- S. GUINZBURG, Ftcond Street, oppoaitt tht Conn IIua, CLKAIEF1KLD, PA. Rora formerly occupied by Lever Flegil. Clearaeld, Pa Jan. It, 1877. J. a. fUtk & (To.'t Columu. TO I5UY YOUR DRY GOODS IS T. A. FLECK & CO.'S. Wc Imvc lo!s of brcaih ond money We have Dress Gooda nt 7 cents per vnnl anJ uptvanlri. niuck Cnsltmero, nil wool, nt GO cents nnd upwnrils. Colored Alpnca nt 18 cents per nnd upward. Illack Alpaca, double width, at 21 cents nut upwards. Calicoes 5 centH nnd upwards. Ginghams 5 cents nnd upward. I '''rt'nrT 8 cents ami iipwnnlH. Men's nnd Joys' Cottonndes at Tickings 8 cents nnd upwards Shawls 50 cents nnd upwnrds. Uest Percales 12' rents'. Tahle Linen 221 cents and upwnrds. Ladies' Skirts 40 cents up. Good Black Silk 90 rents and upwnrds. Embroideries 3 cents up. COLLOREI) SILKS ALL PRICES. LntlitV Suits l and upward. White Hfd Spreads l!3 cents nnd upwards. Lmlios' nnd Children's Hone fi conls nnd upwards. 4 - .allies' nnd (ii'lits' llmidketcliit In A conlK and upmtnU. CoikcIb 2.1 eciiU ond upwnrds. I.udien' Ties H' conls niid upwnrds. C; loves 8 cents nnd iipwurdn. All silk Jliinilkcn liiofs ut 2') cents. Kid (ilovoo SO cents and iipwnt'dK. Siispi'ntlt'rs 15 cenln and npwnrd All linen tliiit Iron Is 1J! cents and upward. Enns 2! cents mill upwnids. tieiiln' Shii ls -It) cents and upwards Pins nnd 'S tenia per paper, l'uinsols 18 ef i its and upwards. L'mlii'cllns l!7j ecu Is and upwnrds. A 6rt cluss Milliner to trim Hats and llnnneto jusl as you want llitm, and nt Prices Ihnt will defy competition. GOODS LOWER HOS T KAIL FLICK & Two doors cast of Slinw Hoiie nnd opposite Mosanps, Market St Cleai Beltl, Pa., May 2, 177. Ci r 5 s w p I ? r Cj ft CJ5 sVs n jr. " o 1 1; y N sr g- S H fi' P if 9 ia 8, S 1 en CO -I l and ftfttts' uriilshlug fioods. UCTION IN PRICES AT BVJIG'M OE STORE. with the chrneHt lot of fioodft over a, .it can k.. oi.- r..ti,.u:-i:.t -i f ftgji V. "ofo. ui yi ivvn A Imvu haniinwicbiri lur t A abawl atrap for 3ft aeata. A red cotton handkerchief for 15 cent. A bouit comb for lOeentt. A do tea thot lacet for four eeatt. Men 'a white laundrled third for II. Men'a colored ahlrti, 2 collar, 90 tit. Women 'i iboci Plain latilug laced, 81.10. Plain letting eon grata, 11.10. Woman 'a Morocco ihooa, $.&0, 1 IS, 2, 2 25. Women'a kid thoti, (4.75. Womcn'a real French kid ikoet, HM. Mrn'a, WtJtaea'a and Boy'a tllppen, from 60 pent upward. Man' good dreu bhoct at tY.OO od nj wtrdt to to $0 for ahes made to order. CMldrtfTt tbocafrota $1.50 tjf.wtTdi i variety. u an Idea ol how cheap wt art telling. Goedt, Trunkt, Palrhila, Ac, af tht lowrtt pot gurei, N IN EXCIUN'UE FUR OOObS, S. GUINZBURG, Second Street, oppoilte lha Court lion'', CMCABFIKLD, J'A., Ruom forrnerly sccuied by Lever t'lel. ClearOeld, Pa., Jan. 21, IK77. Z. a. Irrli k T o.'s Coluinu. AT to epiiro to tell you w hut we have. Muplins 3 rents and upwards. 15 cents per yard nnd upwards. White Goods 9 cents nnd upwards. THAN EVER. TO CALL AT CO STQRB P. s r. -l 3 5 rj'lW - . a v '' 3 r-l 3 B 2 n l S. e 3 if 3 2. n 5" P ti cT c Hi! 75' 3 I f -.2 a r wnawnaBBBBBBBaBnaasr e . I w s 6XJ r r UtJ 2d 9 ' Si !X k 1UTION1 Ai:CTM!:t-llalagaati. J pcrlence In t'iearlrld and other tounhea tf fTllten yeani. i crying aaltn, aod having returned to llraiDtld, I wuuld efft r uiy eeraioea lo oall nip i In Clearfield or any part of tba eounry, Charget rcatonalila, and iboae too poor lo pay, BO cb.rK.. JOH. li. JUNKS. C.ar6eld, Pa., Mrty 9, '11-&U. Auctioneer. FUUN'ITUIIE, Curlain Goods, BEDDING The Largest and Finest Stock in the City to Select from. SMALL PROFITS, 01 R MOTTO. ff-d Contract takf-a to Fumlth Ik oats Com plete. E EDMUNDSON & SONS, 1S lalberfy St., PITTfiniRilll, PA. March 14, lS77 3m. II1G1ILST AWARDS! "',.",". J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER TIIIRTEBK1II A PltllKRT KTHEKTM, PHILADELPHIA, JIANITACTI KllltR OF PATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight II EATERS, WITH SUA KIND AND CI.INKKR-flRINltlN'il tlllATKS FOR lll'RNINU ANTHKA CITE OR HITl MI.NOIS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IR0X HEATERS, FOR BITl'MINOl dCOAL. KEYSTONE WROlGHT-IROJi HEATEliS, cnoKINU RANOFS, LOW-DOWN ORATRS. DeMrriiitlve ( IrcularB scut tree ts an; EXAMINE BEFORE SKI.KCTINII. April J.i, '77 lr. REMOVAL 1 JOHN McGAUGHEY Would rcfpeotfullj uotifj the public gtoertlly that bo bu retnoveJ hi Or'eoojry Slortj Irvtn haw't Huw, to the bull'liDs; forincrl; oeuid j J. Mile Kmtier, on Hcnd troswt, atxt door to Bifler'l bnnlwars ttorv, trhfr intCDtla k tciitn full line of an mi: iiien. HAMS, tlltlF.b BKF.Fand LAUD. SUGARS snd SlHL'l'S, of all trader. TEAS, Green and Black. COFFEE, Roa.lcd and llrecn. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, ai.r.r ko rnrira, All kind. In the market. PICKLES, in jari and barrel!. SriCES, In every furtn snd Tsrietr, FAMILY FLOUR, AM. KINDS OK CRACKERS. SOAPS, MATCHES, PRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, I j Ccal Oil uxi Lamp Chimneys. And s fosd Bieortment of Ihois things ainalls ' kept in a grocery store, which he will eichange j for marketing at the market prices. 1 Will aril for caeh ai oheaplj aa say other one. j Please ontl sod see hii stock sad Judge for j younelf. JlillS MCMAIUHM. ClestHeM, Jan. .1, 1877. j. p. w rates,. w. w. sitm WKsiVXlB A t.ETTM i OLKARFIKI.D, PA., i j Arc offering, at Ihe old itanil of Q, L. Itecd A Ct, their atock of goedr, conriiting or I DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, I t BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, I I fJTEENBWARE, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4c, At the mutt reontilt rati for CAHU or 1 i?hfii.(e for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COFNTRY PR0I)l!CE. tfdltlrtariori nxle to IbftM njrnjt-l' la get tinff out aqunrf timhr oo the noit dvnUfwtol HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PUKE DUUtiS! C II K M I C A L 8 I PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, DRI SUES, PERri'MERY, MNCV GOODS 101 LET Ain itT.KS, Or ALL KINDS, PURE VLES AKD LIQUORS for aedlcUal bBrposss. Trsaass, Sspnortsrs, School Rooks and Station, sry, and all sthsr srtielss Bssslljr found la a Drug Stors. PHTS1CIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAR, fUl.LY COMPOt'NllKll. Ile.isi a fergs ss psrteass la lbs husiaese they saa lira entire sav lafactien. t. O. HARTSrtCK, JOHN f. 1RWIS. . PlearOeld, Deesaher 10, 1074. i - Cornices Mirrors.