Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 30, 1877, Image 2

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    Sbe jftrpublican.
(jgoBo B. Goo i lander, Editor.
Ruilar. If r ,n' DW h" 11 "
U th. buiin.M world, Jait mil our .dv.rtuiDg
olamoi. lb. .V"' "lomD la p.rlloulr.
May 24lh waa (Jnecn Victoria's 58th
The Lioutonaiit-Uovcrnor of Toxaa,
who ia CC, will shortly lead to tho altar
a young lady of 17.
Tho Grant family has landed safely
in Kuropc, and wo presume all the
members arc happy now.
That nightongalo Jenny l.ind is
fifly-ono years old and her youngosl
child is three months of use. llow ia
that for music 1
Mayor Rtolt, of Lowell, Mass., pro
diets tho loss ot 20,000 votes to tho
Kepullican party next full, because of
Governor iiieo'a veto of the local-option
Tho newsboys on tho Pennsylvania
Jtailroad have, been informed that they iiiiifoniUhemfelves with clothing
similar to that worn by conductors ot
Pullman cars, priortotho 15th of next
llv AirnoRiTV. Tbo Tyrone lhr
uhl issued tho following document:
grnntor i. Von. C.ln.roD will h. OOBl.lltd M
to lot Ptri.rl appniBUnnU ia tbit Stat, a f.w
wotilil-btj Irwiler tu lb. aoatr.ry ootwilbfludiag.
There I That settles somcbofly's
P. T. Barnurn and the fulbcruf Char
lio Boss Issiio n card offering 110,000
for the return of tho child, and pledg
ing not tho attempt to discover the
identity ol the persons so returning
Two older aistors of Miss t'artor
Thompson, of Staunton, Va., who has
just been married at Baltimore to Gov.
Carroll, of Maryland, marriod brothers
of Gov. Carroll. Tbey have all bcon
celebrated for their beauty.
The trottlDg brM, Jauel O. Blilot, dropped
il.iid nt M)tie Puri WdQertnr. Hunilroke
This is tho second Blaine that has
been cleaned out by that malady. One
from Maine pegged out of Congress in
that way, when charged with high
Tho Deudwood postofllco contains
six hundred pigeon holes in tho gen
cral delivery case, and a now postoftlce
is in process of erection twenty-two by
forty ieet, and will contain five hun
dred boxes to be rented, and the Post
master thinks they will have to be en
Ji st So. Tho Buffalo Courier says:
"With a Republican President adopt
ing a Dcmocratio policy, and ono halt
of the Cabinet composed of men who
loan toward Democratio principles.and
in the past have acted with the Democ
racy, we might have a now era of good
fueling were it not that the frauds of
tho Presidential oloction make political
harmony impossible"
SNOUHI8H Pboorkss. Adjutant Gen
eral Townsend has issued a special or
der giving his clerks directions about
the mutter of signing official letters.
To members of Congress thoy aro to
sign "your obedient servant," to army
officers " Very respectfully, your obedi
ent servant;" to humblo citizens, simp
ly "Very respectfully," and Townsend
will go up front as a first class snob.
Ex-Senator Logan has been offered
and has declined tho mission to Brazil.
Ilo had an interview with the Presi
dent on the subject and positively re
timed to accept tho offer. This piece
of news will naturally surprise the
general public, as this is the first timo
tho giltod Logan has been known U
dec-lino anything in tho appointment
line; but lot nobody mistako; tho Lo
gan's voico is fur war, and there is a
vacancy at St. Petersburg.
A New Fast Exi'Rcsb Txain. On
Monday, May 21st, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company commenced run
ning a fast express train from Chicago
for the east, leaving that city at five
P. M., and arriving at Baltimore at
7:20 in tho evening of tho following
day ; Washington at nino o'clock P.
M.; Philadelphia at seven o'clock P.
M., and New York at ten o'clock in
(he evening. This, it is stalod, will
ho tho fastest timo made by any train
running cast from Chicago. on Tin Situation. On the
occasion of his recent visit to tho cap
itul, Mr, Blaine is reported to have
confided to his friends tho saddening
intelligence that the Republican party
was as good as dead. "That man," ho
said, nodding toward tho Whito House,
"has ruined us." Something to the
same purpose has been said before, it
wo mistukc not, by Chamberlain and
Packard, and it will bo an interesting
question for the future historian wbicb
was ruined first, tho party or its disre-
putahlo leaders.
Tin Modkrn Patriot. Chamber-
lain refuses to bo comforted. Ho is
not reconciled to the chsngo in public
sentiment which swept him out of
South Carolina. He writes to a New
York paper that he is "not a supporter
of the President's Southern policy
and that his views concerning that
olicy have not been changed sinoe he
"relinquished tho office of Governor of
South Carolina." Chamberlain, Ben
Wado, Z. Chandler and J. Blaine will
have to set up a little party on their
own account. They might draw Pack
ard into it.
A lla-Ayr Discount. In Washing
ton last woek the contest over the lot
ting of the postal card contract lor tho
next four years drew large number
of paper tnakor and printer to see
the oponlng of the bids. There were
ninetoon bidders, and one did not got
in until an houraltor tho lotting was
over. The present prion paid Is 11.391
per thousand, and when it waa let k
was supposed the contractors would
not be able to fill it, bat they bare fill,
cd It, aad the lowest bid at the last let
ting way C9t cents per thousand, at
which figure tba contract was closed.
The ilsltimuro (iaztltc says : 'Kt-na-
Inr IUi'er.1 ia t.nn III' thfl fliW mCfl Whfi
press tuoir viuws wimuui iuitoil) witll .)0,l8 ft rii,n(,p l,0.
joimiil.T wlwlhor thoy will bo popular
or not. Such lms been his position
Mum tin. Pt.Mtlfirul ( Vilnniiejtinn 11IHM4..
' . i
Hon. In April hcn.'.lor Jisyuru wrote
. HlfllVHl ...
maintuina that tho electoral bill w "id- Tho Turka are already lortity
the best way out of the difficulty, fori E'nKn in anticipation of boinj?
it prevented "tcrriblo moral and!fTl'lT8.,I'roUm- ...
nKvainnl eonflatrrat on. wh uh. if mi
suffered to get under way, would bavej
awent ont of cxiatenco our form of
a - .
irovornment, the public credit, and!
what remains of property for it to
protect." lie says further ot tho bill,
its object and results : "No justor and
fairer plan of dealing with a difficult
and important public question was
ever enacted into law to my knowledge.
Had the Republican leaders who as
sisted in framing the bill continued as
true to its objects as did tho Demo
crats, a very different result would
have been reached ; not merely that
Mr. Tildon would have been placed in
tho offico to which ho had been elect
ed, but the more important vulue and
permanent victory would have boon
gained in the overthrow of fraud
and lawlessness, and these tnblishment
in the hearts and minds of the Ameri
can people oi a belief that their gov
ernment was founded upon truth,
justice and right ; and that tho man
or the party who trusted in these
would be secure. What this country
needs is peace and rest. We bavo
tried force, and found that its victories
wore delusive and insecure. Let us
now prove the superiority of the con
quests of calmnoss and reason."
Tut Tiiiivihg Baooaok Mastxr.
A low weeks ago wo noticed that
Richard S. Phillips, an old baggago-
master on the Pennsylvania Railroad,
whose run was between Philadelphia
and Pittsburgh, bad been arrested tor
the commission of depredations on
mailed matter to wbicb bo had access
while on duty. On Monday an in
dictment was laid beloro the grand
jury at Philadelphia, and a true bill
was found against him. His pecula
tions extended through at least two
years, and some two hundred persons
whose mailmattcr failed to reach them
reside in California alone. It is believed
that Phillips confiscated to his own
uso all the articles that were forward
ed to these parties through the mail.
In the room occupied by him in Phila
delphia there was a miscellaneous col
lection of ladies apparel, gents' wear,
furnishing goods, lace, jewelry, linen
and silk handkerchiefs, books, dress
patterns, and so on, so that ho must
have gone into the business on a whole
sale. It is understood that he will
make no defence, but proposes throw
ing himself on tbo morcy of tho Court.
Morton Tills it. The gentleman
from Indiana lets tho cat out of the
bag, and thereby pays a left banded
compliment to Mr, llayos. In his let
ter Mr. Morton speaks ot the House
refusing to vote appropriations for the
army unless conditions were incorpor
ated that the army should not be used
in the Southern States, and then sums
up all of his argument in the pithy
sentence : "The question was, should
the Prosident yield to tho inevitable
or proceed only to inevitable doteat?"
Thus it appears from this confession
that, after all, the much abused action
of the Democratio Honso was the sal
vation of the country and tho efficient
means of securing constitutional gov
ernments lor sovereign States. Mr.
Morton having exposed the faot that
Hayes only accepted the inevitable, of
course his pious admirers will give him
credit for no higher motive than that
of the average political "trimmer."
Grant and Tubksv. A silly story,
credited to the Philadelphia Hem, has
it that it has been positively assorted
in Washington that Ex-President
Grant, while ostensibly visiting Europe
for pleasure, Is really to takocommand
of the whole Turkish army against
Russia. Tho story is that England
was instrumental in making thiscboice
of a new commander for the Sultan, in
the hope that Grant's success would
render her interference unnecessary.
It is added that tbo offer was brought
to this country by the Ex-President's
son-in-law, Mr. Sartoris, who with
Fred Grant is to be on tho General's
staff. Finally, the letter's commission,
it is said, dates from May 1, and his
pay three months of which ho is to
rccoive in advance upon taking com
mand will be largoly increased should
ho succeed.
1'li nk tyisM An act of flunkoyisra
has roccntly been perpetrated by Mr.
Pierre poo t, tho American Minister to
England, that cannot fail to make him
appear contemptiblo in the sight of I
Americans, who detest all worship ot
aristocracy, and fool disgust for any
who engage in aping it, particularly
when he happens to be a representa
tive character. Mr. P. petitioned Earl
Man vers, head of the Fierroponts of
Kngland, for the privilege of putting
"the family crest" on bis carriage. H
was granted, and the American Minis
tor no doubt proudly rides aronnd with
this little sign of aristocracy on his
carnage door, and in doing so ho low
ers himself bolow the proud estate of a
true citizen ol this Republic, and con
stitutes himself a bastard represent
live of a monarchical aristocracy.
Clinton Democrat.
Morton's Death Stevoulb. The
Senator from Indiana has issued a
long manifesto reviewing Hayes' poli
cy. Ho still waives the bloody shirt
as vehemently as ever, supposing that
the great majority of bis party are
still as ignorant and bigoted as before
the withdrawal of the army from tho
Southern Slates. Morton dies hard,
but there Is no use in him, cripple as
be is, kicking against the pricks. He
belongs to that class of bigoted, selfish
men termed statesmen, who are bound
to be exiled just as fast as the people
can get whack at them.
Tub Deitnct Bokir. The Pbila
delpbia Rvlletin somewhat cautiously,
the Tusmw with facetious irony, and the
Ltrltfr with a most unusual emphasis
follow the example of tbeiVorfA inwr
ioj In criticising the act of the ad
ministration to dropping Into the saw
dust the offloial head of Mr. George
H. Bokar, Minister to Russia.
A dixpuU'h ihjinCoruturitiniii.osuyg
-1 uu rersisn niinistor bun reunited
titling tbe iwogrwtt Mobaininpilun nit-ja
llol" '
IjONDok, May 'SI. All sicus imli-L...1
fnlll llillt tllA Pllaaiei.a il...,,l l. alln..b
,.c ' i..
view of tho precautions adopted and
the advance of tho Huaaian army, whifh
aT.nrc 'v.'ujj ui uvuv Blliii-i nmv 111
cty h"0" y another army of
civil functionaries, so that by the lime
tho Russian commanders got to f.rzo
roum all that part of Pashalck oast of
tbo river Cboruk will be a Russian
province. Tho distriots ot Sturagel,
Bayazid and Dyadin aro already un
der Russian administration. 1'hat Kr
zerouin will be permanently occupied
is the conviction openly expressed in
authoritative circles in fiflis.
On tho Danubo a now element must
bo taken into account in defining tho
present situation or discussing the prob
abilities of the tutu re, namely, tho Ser
vians, who it is conndonlly assorted
bare occupied tho chief positions on
and near the Timok with 20,000 men
and forty flvo guns under General llor
ratoritcb. HuciuHisT, May 27. The Turks
aro stationing pickets ot thirty mon at
intervals ot two ana a halt miles along
the whole Turkish bank of tho Dan
ube, communicating with each other
by signals. The waters of the Dan
ube, Seroth and Alius aro considerably
out ot their banks.
Tbo ministerial bill tor issue of pa
per money meets with greut opposition
in the chamber. In the Sonato yes
terday Senator Ghiko objected to M.
Bratiana, tho premier, addressing
Prince Charles as Kingon a recent oc
casion. Tho Scnato approved Ghiko's
Lonixin, May 27. Reutor's telegrum
from Berlin announces that the Rus
sian Ambassador there has gone to St.
Vienna, May 27. There is no found
ation in the statement contained in
some Austrian and foreign journal that
the Emperor, Francis Joseph, would
have a conference with tho Czar on
the fronlior on tho occasion of tbo
Czar's journey to Ploiesta.
St. Pktershlro, May 27. It is not
yet decided whore the Czar will stay
during bis visit to tho army of the
Danube nor how long he will remain
there, though it Is expected his stay
will be of considerable duration. A
dispatch from the army of tho Cauca
sus says General WalikofT with eight
battalions and some artillery, and Gen.
Dewcll with seven battalions, have
left Ardahan to join tho forces near
Kara. The Turks landed 3.000 moun
taineers in the neighborhood of Adler,
on the 22d inst. Troops bavo been
dispatched from the Kauban district
to occupy the mountain passes. There
has been a number of trilling encoun
ters in Abibasia. The Uayazid column
had mado a roconnoissance towards
Van. Kurdish irregulars, who bad been
threatening their rear, fled before the
Russian advance. The boaltb of the
troops everywhere is satisfactory.
Tranquility is restored in the Turk
territory in Circassia. Dagbostan is
Constantinople, May27.The Cir
cassians in Trans Caucasus have sur
rendered their arms to the Russians.
The Daily Xewt' telegram from Erzo
roum, May -5th, states that tho Rus
sians ceased bombarding Kara on the
2Kb. An onirairument between the
Turks and the Russian right wing ia
believed imminent. The Turkish forco
of 10,000 from Van, wbicb had been
concentrated at Bargniri, is advancing
towards uayazid.
A Router Constantinople dispatch
says tbo Lavant Herald has been sun-
pressed for a month tor disparaging
ttie Minister oi vt ar,
Mukhtar Pasha telegraphs that tho
Russians are makiag a forward move
ment from various sides. Ho also re
ports several small engagements, es
pecially io tho neighborhood ot Kara,
all resulting favorably for the Turks
and claims that the Russians in taking
Aruanan lost o.uuu mon.
It is very evident from what is now
transpiring in Europe and Asia, that
enormous armies are being massed by
both powers which must soon narlici
pate in bloody work.
Advices ol a semi-official character
state that Russia, Germany and Austria
nave arrived at an understanding, and
that the war will be localized.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg says
that the Russians claim to havo de
feated the Turks at Akapa heights, in
tne Caucasus.
London, May 28. A spocial dispatch
from Bucharest to tho Sncs says it is
now certain that the Roumanian army
will not cross the Danubo with tho in
vading forces, but will remain on the
Roumanian side to guard the right
The Seat' Vienna dispatch says :
"Abdul Korim Pasha, the Turkish
Commandcr-in-chiet.yesterday inform
the inhabitants of Jlusicliuk, Varna.
Schumla and Silistria that all persons
who have not provisions for at least
six months must quit within twelve
The Siindnrd's Koine correspondent
says: Altbouub tbe assertion that Rus
sia had arrived at any understanding
or exercised prossure on tne Italliun
government is untrue, Germany has
exercised a certain degree of pressure.
Germany dreads tbo possibility that
tbe sympathies of the Itallian court
n. m i .... I ... n . ! I."
mit iiiviiiib ivnsiua r ruiH'e.
London, May 28. A fleet of ten
iron-clads is assomblod at Plymouth
The iron-clad turret ship Thunderer
has returned lo Portsmouth with ma
chinery disabled.
Four thousand homos talis, for trans
port vessels, aro being delivered at
Woolwich by a contractor.
A telegram from Tiflis says the Turks
hold the roads through the Trans-Caucasia
from the Black Sea to Tiflis.
Bucharest, May 28. A dispatch
says that tho Russians will cross tho
Danube on the 10th of June.
A Rcutortelegram, dated Krzoroum,
May 27, says: "In a rcoont eavalrr
fight, tun miles from Kara, the Russians
lost 150 killed. The Turks' loss is not
reported. No news has boon received
from the direction of Van or Olll."
In a Bad Box The Radical stump
ers and scribes, who waved tbe "bloody
sbirt' so vigorously during the cam
paign last fall, find it op hill work to
uneducate thoir party friends who are
aiarmod at tbe withdrawal of the army
from the South, and of course assail
Hayes' "Southern policy." The lies
retailed by Hayes' friends, are Just
now tormenting tbe Inventors vory
much, and we have no doubt tbe Rad
ical party will go to place on this
rock of lies.
Pbobablb. Tbe editor of tbe Phila
delphia Timet, in alluding to the post
ponement of the extra session ef Con
gress, say i
''ProWblr la. rao B.raw waetMoed th. .z.
Ira eteelos f Oeegrwee fro at J... to lb. lath f
October, waa freea a weaaldmlioa a tbo foot ef
luvMllt be ewaitroke S.rl.g lb. bet
Sxttlep The wickedest man in
Philadelphia, Hugh Mara, who shot
Detective Brooks, and afterward at
tempted to kill AWormaq M'Jfallln,
A ('oniniitleo of tlm J.cKi-luluruon
..1 i., u
'i mini imuoi, v.'llBietlll,E. in lltv tjt llll
Inrs anil three atVpriweiitutivia, in now
in nWion In rhiludelplia. It propone
thorough Inviwliutition into tho nya-
toms now maolioed In tlm Enslurn
Prisons unil Hoiimm ol lidii.'o
nnd 1
means whereby llio labor of these j
several institutions can bo mudu more
effectually serviceable, and tliev there-!
by become ne,v,ly self mrtaiiiing, but1
also a source of profit to the Stuto. Itmako this stateim-ut, based upon the
will bo a part of their duties to exam
ino and report on the coutiuct convict
labor of thoso Stutes whero it is farm
ed out, and the effects of such con
tracts on tho general industries ot such
States, upon free labor, ami upon con
victs themselves. It is very slrnngo
that our Penitentiaries should annual
ly cost tho Stato $100,000 and tho tax
payers of the respective counties at
least three times that amount, while
Penitentiaries in other Stales yield a
handsome revenue lo tlio State. It
looks to us, at this distance from tho
Eastern and Western Penitentiaries, as
though thoru was some fino picking
about thoso establishments for some
body, notwithstanding tho high toned
nhilnntfironv titttulmeil tie llm mnnn.
tho mana-l1'10
gers. vt o are glad Hint a Legislative
Committee is looking after tho matter.
Wo hopo tho Conimitleo will not al
low itself to bo handled by tho philan
thropists that lonngo around these
high toned Jmr, reform institutions.
Wo must havo somo cluoi.r plan of
punishment than the present system
entails on tho taxpayers.
Trie Reconciliation. The Phila
delphia Timrs says: Mr. G. R. Mes
scramith, who was a bunk cashier at
Chambershiirg at tho timo General Job
Stuart raided upon tho place, has writ
ten a letter to Senator M. C. Butler,
of South Carolina, who was ono of the
raiding party, which letter is full of tho
spirit of good-will which the President's
policy has inspired. Mr. Mossersmith
Bays thnt long ago ho decided thut as
soon as all irritating traces of tho war
were obliterated ho would write to Gen
eral Butler and thank him lot his kind
and gentle treatment of his family, at
tho trying timo when Chambrrsbnrg
was in tho hands of tho Confederates.
"Now," says Mr. Messersmilh, "that
President Hayes has released tho last
ot tho States from military rule, 1 deem
it a filling occasion lo do so and to as-1
sure you of my pleasant recollection
and o-noil i.l.. ,l
nr.., h.i 1 ,r.'u ..h., "L.
wo mot,' that I would bo glad to see j
you at my home, whero a warm and
Cordial greeting will alwaysawuit you." '
m,. . i i- i c i- ..
auioio u goou ainu oi reeoiiL-iiiutiun,
and Mr. Mesaoismith's letter will doubt
less give Senator Butler a somewhat
different character than he has hud in
the eyes ol most Northern people
A Radical Flarkip. Tho leaven
is working in the Radical party in this
Slate as well as in tho West. Hayes
& Co. were condemned in that Radical
stronghold, Allegheny county, where
Hayes bad a majority of 9,500 lust
November, the other day by a sipiuro
vote in tho Radical County Convention
in that county. Tho Pittsburgh Post,
in alluding to tho affair, says: "A sig
nificant incident followed tho introduc
tion of a set of resolutions by Mayor
-McCarthy, indorsing Hayes Southern
policy, ana especially llio removal ol j
troops from South Carolina and Louis-
iani. Rut the Convention would have
nothing to do with any indorsement ol
Hayes. Tho resolutions were greeted
with yells, hissing, cat calls, abuso of
Hayes, blackguardism, and blasphemy.
In fact, they raisod old Cuin generally,
and tbo mob could hardly be pacified
by being given a chance to voto them
down, which they did with a hurrah."
Won't Bite. Hayes offered Generitl
John A. Logan a second class mission
in South America tho other duy, but
he refused it. Logan still has his oyo
fixed on that scat in tho Senate, and
ho declines a mission to hob nob with
Dom Pedro, in order that ho may
flgbt I)ick Oglosby for the succession
next year. When Logan and Oglesby
take tho stump, tho whole country
will be aroused. Gentlemen may cry
peaco, peace, but there will bo no
peace. Tho Philadelphia 77m, , in al
luding to the offer, says : "Gen. Logan
novor served his country so well as
whon ho declined the mission to
tendered to him by tho President a
few days ago. But the President
couldn't havo been in earnest when he
proposed tho thing lo John or did lie
know that John would decline? Wo
hope he will attempt no more such
dangerous practical jokes."
How to Revivitiii! Ikon Bi sinlks,
Mr, Kncass, of tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, recently visited
Washington, lo offset arrangements
with the Postofllco Department for tho
continuance of tho transmission ot the
mails by tho prcsont system. Refer
ring to tho goneral business depression
in this State, he is reported to havo
said that "if Congress assists in the
building of tho Texas Pacific Railroad,
that it will revive the iron business ol
Pennsylvania, and this, with the start
in the grain trade, will strike the heat
ed iron that has been wailing lor tho
hammer. Tbo rails, the bolts, tho
tools, tho cars, will be mado of Penn
sylvania iron, and wbon the road starts
all others will follow." Exchange.
Reburkkctionists. A strong dele
gation of North Carolina Republicans
and carpet-baggers, headed by Judge
Settle, Tom Keboe, Chairman of the
Republican Slate Committee and tbe
ex Stato Treasurer, are in Washing.
Ion in consultation with Hayes about
the best malhoils of reviving the old
Whig party in North Carolina. Tbe
dolegation think the apolntmont of
thoir candidates to tho fat offices will
do their work. Tbe thing has boon
doad too long for revival purposes.
aarejeaaawaaaiui jaj
Vxar Independent. Tbo editor ol
the Philadelphia Tiswi is highly pleased
that the meeting ot Congress was post
poned until October, ao that tho bad
feeling which has broken out "in tho
great Republican Stato, (Iowa) beyond
tbe Mississippi," can bo healed and
Uayes' policy fairly tested. How
wonderfully kind and independent (?)
tbe Colonel is becoming. Where is that
other paper,Coloncl Forney, McClurc
is Vne link ahead, Just now.
For a 11 iruli vi.luul In uukimiip U b
...1.... 1... i t ... i.
M UU. l(v ll ll.l, IB HJ III lTU IO I l" eniUMO
and 1ii.1ioii. but no Kviilk-iimii should!
il.K.niJu .muscir in that ay. Thoao
wlioixfuiiv the wulkHol livil lil'r, and 1
IcclKOod ' wbilu NlnittiiiKaboiit in roK-1
1, : 1 1
would tho fowl jhilimtcd. Hut;
our I'lonio. ilnrl. i r.1 ... 1
porlmunt when Ihey go abroad,
similar runity is attribute!
who remain at home, and that ia w hut
we object to. We have boon led to
following, which wo clip from tin
Philadelphia Prm of tho 22d :
It ll Hid lit fricndl nnianrrel iit It li
bli purpni., during hta aiay in Kuropt, tit wesr.
upuD .11 tioi-.ioD. of errtinu.y, bit uolfurtn m
Uvnnr.1 of tbt Artor, whioh ll . vrry rl.lior.le
and bndomr- drara. The two uaKnlnratit pwordi
beltinging to Uen.r.l (Irani, ..d wbicb hewilu.
draw roin Iba Tiranurr IrpHrtmont to laka lo
Kuropa w Itb bim, will alto bo liruOKhl into aart ioa
on errrmonial iwi-aiion. Aa Ornrral Uratil will
rnitf ivw . gn-at daal olofflrlal .Meat Ion In Kurnpa.
wbara ao luuob atrati la laid upoo form In draa,
hlaaalrvlioo ol bia .no) dn-ai oviliaquila proper.
Ui-u. tSi-bannk, wblla lunmler lo KiiKland, alwaya
wore lila MnJ r deneiele uniform on Slate oo
ca.iona, but aa Mlni.ltr ri.rrt-pont baa lb to:
of ibat Itiod lo lall bat k upon, lie haa to go llio
lobulation rourt dreai
Why should (Jen. Grunt assume to
be u Major Gunerul while in Europe,
when Gun. Sherman draws the pay?
We protest aguinst this exhibition un
less Mr. Grunt umiounces himself as
gr;at American gift tukor, or as
sumes the role of the clown, instead of;
palming himself off at aii ex-President. I
As Gen Schenck bus returned to
private life, nnd behaves himself pretty
w ell since he has rid himself of "Emma
Mine,'' and has gotten through with
his draw poker code, wo will ullow him
to drop out of sight und go und sin no
The Shokt Cit Roite. I lis becom
ing very lasltiouablu, in this country,
for convicted murderers to luke the
scaffold route to Heaven. To illustrate:
A negro named Tommy wuh hanged at
Atluitta, on Friday, for first outraging
and then murdering awomuu. On the
scaffold ho said : '1 ilreud not death,
Jesus is willi me. Jesus has made my
yoke easy to bear. 1 will soon be at
rest lorever. I hnvo
say;" - Tho Cleveland
nervously remarks, ' that if these pco
plo turn nut as well us they think they
will, decent people, by and by, will ho
afraid to die!"
This modern n ay of expiring on the
gallows, may seem all right for the
,.,i ,..,;. i,, ,i. ., !
!lriy no chance, whatever, to K,
ndy to leave. Morally, there is some- j
H"g very wrong in this country hlj
' i.reparimr criminals for execution. in
our iiid,mcnt. the scaffold conversions'
aro Irauii, in nine cases out of ton.
At eomcihmK like Juttioe ia lo be doae to
' mamory of Ktephm A. Hooglaa by the Slate
of lllinola. The bill appropriating i'.o0 lo
flniah tbe Douglaa Monument ba paired boib
lloufcaef the Legialatare ef that State, and ao
doubt baa become a law by tb. .pprorel of the
Uorrtnur. 11 be hal lired to llnaday bo would
sow b la Ibe atxty-flfth year of hia ago, bia
birthday being April 2J, ISI. Well doea the
St. Louia AVjiofVieaN, a Democratic paper, toy of
him : "ilia heart waa aa large aa hta brain. II.
Mold bol Btoop to do a dirboaoratd. deed, nor
could be toterel. diihonor la otbera. No
man ever bad bitterer enemiea, but ao enemy
eier charged lloug'ae wlib a renal erimo. Ilia
handa we e clean. N-.l aa ill gotten dollar erer
found ita way to bia pocket. Corruptiu. wae
foreign to bia nature. t'kilmdelpkim Put.
True, every word. He would not have
been transforniud inioa subsidy editor,
nor a Credit Mobilior, or Sulury Grab
Congressman. Mr. Douglas never was
clusscd us a "Christian Statesman;"
neither was ho guilty of perpetrating
tho crimes indulged by modern liudi
cal Congressmen. Hence it is highly
proper, at ibis corrupt period, to call
tUe attention of the rising generation
lUut in times past we did havo some
honest men in hiifh position.
The Apoloiiist. Tho editor of the
New York Sun, last week published a
portrait ot Huyes with the word
"fraud," a kind of Cain murk, on his
brow. Tho editor of tho Philadelphia
Prrs in alluding to the affair says
Th. reeeni plciori.1 Inioll to Praaldeni flatee I
ganp, Ihe llarllerd (Coon ) fiaiM. which laya :
"Tbia la n unkiad aelooioe lo New YorS. Mr
Hare, la trying to do bia duty, and, boneatly In
oOioe or not, wbon bed -ea want la right be aheuld
b. approved forao doing malaloed ha tbe right,
condemned lor uytbing Ibkt la wrong."
It would bo a mighty thin apology
for tho friend of a horso thief to say,
let him alone he "is trying to do Ins
duty" lo his family and is now doing
"what is right." If tho individual who
has stolen a horso valued at f 100 can
not be "left off"' if ho behaves himself
afterwards, why should he who bus
stolen a IA0,000 Presidency get awuy ?
How can a party controlled by grund
"moral ideas" defend such a huge lar
ccrity ?
A PokT Boker, a fancy
Philadelphia poet, has been travelling
over Europe attbcexpciiseol the Gov
ernment, ostensibly as Minister to
Russia for over threo years. The I. an
caster Intelligencer in alluding to his
removal, says :
"Ueo. II. Boker haa been lifted out of the
Raraian miaaio. la a ityl. tb.l he dcrnlaea .a
quite Inconaiatrnt with tbia adminiplrnlion'B
profeaaioa of vlewe apon tbe elvil oetvlee. lie
be) aeerorly eecupled hia poat lour yeara, nod ba
recently bad a ooaveraatioa witb Mr. blrarta,
which be neirelj aave tended to abow that 1
waa willlag to reauin. tho doliee ef the
oflto. ahouid it b. agreoebl. to th. adutinia
traltun. 1 racived no ogloiol nolle. Irom Wueh
tngton nbout tb. Baaller anlil aery raeutly,
when a l.tter front Heorei.ry Kraru informed tua
that my aueoeaaor bad been onoeen " Tbt. la
eurrly a llttt. roua-b oa Ibe bard of Pniladeiphia'a
Union Loegue aad that orgaoiaatioa ought tu
aead . commute, to Htfhingtoa to demand aa
eaplaoatlo i. foilhwitb."
Kelly is IIimski p Ahain. A Wash
ington telegrum announces the fuel
thut Congressman Kelly Wm. I).,
or "Pig Iron" Kelly, as somo call him
is in full accord witlt Hayes' policy.
Well, it makes no difference lo Kelly
who occupies the Presidential chair,
he will always be in accord with per
sonage no difference how ollen he
would be snubbed off at the White
llouso door. A greater demagogue
than Wm..I). Kelly, of Philadelphia,
cannot be found within the borders of
Pennsylvania, or any other territory
of the same slso.
IlANqiNu Day. Gov. Hartranft has
changed "hangman's day" from Fri
day to Thursday. Ilo has ordered tho
elocution of five Mollie Maguiree at
Pottsvillo, Schuylkill county.on Thurs
day, the tlsl duy of June next; four
aro to be executed on tho same day at
Mauch Chunk, Carbon county and
three others meet a similar late at
Blnomsburg, Columbia county. Just
ono dor-on ol human beings pay tho
penalty of a violated law in one day,
in the anthracite coal region. . .
On and after the first of June the
mails between Sellnsgrove and Lewis
town will be carried again by tbe Snn
bury A Lewlslowo railroad. j
Map C'iianoich. Tho !.imIii ta.
'" ""'"''"K ,0 '' "" "w '"""'K
nliivrtl 011 llio nolitii ul tlii'itM board in
v 1
'''"'"I"', riinniks: "'I'lio nciiiiition of:
r",,tt ''' '' I'nilwl Stuto liusi.iij
"'""J " i-Muri .y u tim-aim.. m
t,mv ,m,rn ,,r W d,Klu"1 ''!,' a
uvi - nla huvo inurthcd t'uot or sluwlv :
am 11 ' ln "" "" llittlllio;
pros-pctt ol hniflum. a iMiibroil nvnt in
; hie leeling ot jealousy ul the grasping I
""n) K"'u wuuwi r.inpiro wjn-
"oascu ny mo acquisition oi territory
in almost every quarter of llio gloho
from year t) year; and to this is ad
ded tho influence of tho popular con
viction that tho United Stutes needs
Canada to complete its own domain.
Commerce and tho growth of mutual
interests wero drawing these two
neighbors iroro closely together when
tho treuly of reciprocity was termina
ted ; and under lite influence of recip
rocal trade the futuru union might
havo been considerably hastened. Now,
with Kngland in all probability about
to bo culled upon to delend her posses
sions from tho attacks of Russiu, und
pel Imps a Iiusso-Gcrmaii alliance, it
does not seem improbable that the ne
cessity of ridding herself ol responsi
bility fur the New Dominion may pro
duce, in a pcaceablu way, the result
,llltl basso long boon lorseen. General
Sherman suys the mup of Europe Is to
ro-cor.slriielod. It is not impossi-
hie that the chungo may involve some
of the lines in the western hemisphere."
Hayes Sold. A Hasliinton tele
gram of tho 2Cth says: ' Several days
ago a letter was received by tho Pres
itlent, purporting to bo from J. R.
Lewis, Chiut Justico ol Washington
Territory, resigning that position, and
concluding with the remark that on
retiring to private lilo ho was in full
accord with tho reconciliation policy
of tho President. Not suspecting the
genuineness ol tho letter, the Presi
dent yesterday appointed Associate
Justice Green, of tho samo couit, to
I to thoneiuv ,m,m' i ueru ia noi an unrensona-
nothing more to! 611 lbu vatnnty supposed to be occa
d Plain 7Vu'(r '1"11'1' by tbc alleged resignation. This
morning information was received irom
Judge Lewis anil others by telegraph
pronouncing the letter a forgery, and
Senator Mitchell represented these
facts to tho President, who thereupon
reversed ins action oi yesterday, tuna
continuing Judire Lewis in office. A
similar fraud was pruetteed six or seven
y " J udp. I.e is was
thief Justice of Idaho, a forged letter
of res.gnalion having liecn received by
1,10 President, a successor was appoint-
'ed ami confirmed by tho Seuute before
he had time to defeat the fraud,,
I here fore, ho had no remedy ul thai
Ci steb's Tomb. Tho A mericans are
a monument-building people; but they
are sometimes strangely insensihle to
the beauty of monuments built by nat
ural events. We pile up Bunker Hill
obelisks and Washington columns, and
yet, perhaiH, take little note of the
ssits made sacred by the heroic dust
ot I ho great departed. This bus been
brought to mind by ihe proposition to
dig up tho bodies of Custer and his
men, and hring them home for burial.
This is tho most revolting suggestion
of vandalism. There is something sa
cred in the gravo of a soldier buried
whero he fulls. But wheru that spot,
as in this instance, has become histori
cal, to be remembered forever like
Bunker Hill, Gettysburg or Fredericks
burg, then Ihe spot itself becomes
a monument imperishable, eloquent,
touching, hallowed. Where these brave
men feli, fighting hopelessly ' to the
last, is now holy ground, and should
not be desecrated. Uurcuflor some
sculptor may chisol out of the cliff' that
overlooks the gorge a great slono do
vice or memorial of somo sort like
Thorn uldscn's lion ; butno tombstones,
nor paltry inscriptions, nor shaft nor
any commonplaco thing to mar the
poetic simplicity of tho sanctity of the
scene. Whore tho durk cliff frowns,
and ihe bright river runs and tho sweet
kss springs, it a.
as they fell, together. No monument
could add to the glory ot their graves.
lialtimorc Uaztite.
A Conoressman Hayes-d. Now as
M rs. Hayes is in tho business she has
ovorcome a member. Tho Lancaster
Intelligencer man relutos the story ib)
this way :
"This is peculiarly a civil service ro
torm administration, and consequently
it has given dire offense lo Isaac New
ton Evans, the new Republican Con
gressman from Bucks and Montgomery
counties. Ilo went down to Washing
ton to prevent s Postmistress Irom be
ing reappointed. She could not vote.
Shu did nothing for the machine, and
her temperance friends regularly in
jured tho purty and the Congressman
by a bolt. F.vans succeeded. He
went back to his district happy ; but
on his way back a temperance lecturer,
a woman who had worked with Mrs.
Hayes in tho crusading days, went
through his district. Sho found how
her tomcrance colleague had suffered,
telegraphed lo Mrs. Hayes, and the
end of it was a reappointment thnt
got to tho district about as quick as
Kvans did. And now he ia unhappy
and is going to Washington to show
Selling and Key that there is a hack
stairs to the White llouso by whioh
Congressmen are not admitted."
Whon the Omaha Herald heard of
what Shormnn said at the New York
Chamber ot Commcrco banquet, it
mado haste to class him among "the
political rascals who degraded the army
lo their service in thu South." The
Herald evidently isn't phased with tho
General of tho army.
FAnrwELL. Kx -Governor Chamber
lain, of South Carolina, sold his fine
residence at Columbia tho other day
lo a brother ol Wade Hampton, and
packed his traps, and Is now a citir.en
of New York. The Palmetto Stuto is
well rid of him and his crew of tree
bootors. Referring lo Judge Kelly's liiur
oolumn silver letters in the Toledo
Blade, tho Now York 7'ri'l!tine says
that no one will read them. This is
unfair. The proofreader is paid to
read them, and ho must struggle
"Secretary Sherman. policy" is npw
a Handing bead lino in the daily news.
papers. Wholhor it ia a piece of
Hayes is not so plain, bocauso the
aforesaid has not yet announced a
policy. Hence no one knows what it
is like.
Since llarnum has offered 110,000
and no questions asked, for tho return
ol Charlie Rosa, evory small boy found
orawling under Barnum's canvaa will
now be closely scrutinized to see If he
isn't Charlie Ross.
Wo live in a country irovurncil not
by nun, but by laws. Tho Iiiws rriutti
llio nltliiul powers of tho rulers, ami
limits Ilium in preeiso und ilutinilu
ys; and thai tounlrv, alum or city
in fiovrrui'd btal wberu Wit dirR-ri'lion
ia lull lo I Im i uIitk and K'aU"it atrii t
iiiM ia dvinandtiil in tlm impartial ad
iniiiiHtrution of luvv. For lliia rvunon
it ia tho duty of all K"od vitiicona to
Tan !
it must bo obeyed, ln thut alone re- -
aides public monthly ami public auto-
i ueru is no suteguuni uguinsi uu'i
and curel.'ss lugislution so good aa the j
rigorous enlorceiiieiiC "til" aui'a luw. t
I Ins creates a putilic indignation thut
leads lo relietll. no ulso lucre is notu
ii ov uuiimii u lining no lunn nuitu bid
openly violated. Any law which can
bo violated without exposing tho t
breukur to punishment weaken, the
morul obligation ol all other laws, for
example: A large portion of the polit -
itul corruption ami rascultiv ot the
punt eight j eurs was due to colllumiil
' ,. , , t t .. I i . j
ol luw engendered by bud tur II and
bad illteritul revenue llirlslutlon. 1 here
are many persons of tree trade lean -
ina wlin think tlint ciislonihoMso tin.
ings w liu IhlllK lliui tusiomiiouso uu
.tea uio uujuno tit,,,,,.....-- ,, ,
tltesu tlllllk that they UPC jllstltied in
MVmliuir thosu duLles if tltl-v can. In
lioillt ol tact, thu llllhlio looks with
comparative leniency on these things
.- . i .. ... .1 .1 ;.
aim hull immune alravelor lhalsitiiig-
gles his trunk through tho Custom
it I... a.:i.: ..Ml ..... I 'ri.:
lliiuac vy uiiimifr, an uiiicini. i ma
helps to breed contempt tor the
whole Custom house and its laws,
and thus leaves thu way lo all
the demoralization ami corruption of
that uuparlinuitl. no also v itb the
whiskey tux.
1 hero uro hundreds Of
men, otherwise honest, who will
1 .i.i -i.i
Whiskey thut has never paid the gov-
eminent tax. ln this feelilivf the
crooked -Whiskey rings lOUIld a sailctU-
ary, and even the officers of the gov-J
i-iumcne I.MUUX.M ai inu at anion ui
uriiiiicni, iTiiiiuivL'u ill llio evasion Ul
lliiiluw. T h ii in ttrn irn ut il.tiiurt.
the lUW. J bllS III tWO Ifreat ituiiart-
meitt of the public revenue the law
a .. 1 , , . .. ,, ., .
was flugranlly und habitually Violated
ami thrown into contempt. What
wonder then that all other depart -
, , ,, , ..'
litems ol the government followed
suit, and eetublished rings, contract
divvies, lobby Uliclealincsses subsidies
(,10. In rl U"l,o r.'t ,li. .... .
I . J , ,
thut constitutional law ulso fell under
contempt, ami brute force and swind
ling reignetl supremo! 1 ho lesson
taught us by this current of events is
that there is morality and sutety only
in strict and impartial execution ol
lutf. No good citisen should shut his
eyes lo any 0en violation ot law, how-
vcr tolerated by slipshod usage, or
however sanctioned by thu customs or
lushions of tho time. This is a mutter
.... .
of fur graver import than mere expo
.. , . 1 1
.n-ii.y. nuuru m . cioco .
inatorial advantage. It is a matter ot
public safety und public morality,
which is at lust the busisofall haptii -
ne,s .nd true prosperity-ios m.
- -
TllUltirb hllll'Utwoi witb ()lO WuiirlitV
nlTuiniof the tmliun and borne down
by tho reH.oi.flih.Jity of providing for
1 1 1 f, 1 ti a
hia Invnila omt nslmiven, (.eiivrul But-
ler nevurt hc ewH remt'inboni to nut a
uxnu umifjuvi, in inn uu iiwii-uuic v . ci y
Utiriiifr the past lour years twenty
ehim hes and two parsonages havo
been creeled Within tho bounds or the
AlloonaDistriot, Central Pennsylvania
' J
Conference, eighteen of which aro free
. . , .
irom (lent.
It IS said that (rOV. Hampton IS go-
in to marry thu widow of lite lute
Gov. Pitkons. We always thought
the Ciovomor could take tho Pickens
anions the ladies of tho State.
Hfir 3di,crttsrtti(t.ts.
All ownrra of unaeated landa will p'eaae
Like nolle, that Priday. Jan llllh. I1T.
willeloee the appeala, and that after tSat dee ao
appeal will be beard or ahateoaeot node on talee.
Atteal: THOS. A. MellHRR,
Jolt. W. Iloaa. BAHKIS 1IOOVKII,
t-'lerh. Cotnta'ra
C'.nmin'ra offiee, I
Clearfield, p.., Ma; U 17-41. (
l. i. sr. x. J. tuoearr.
Suooetion to
Second St., t itarflrtd, Pa
The undrritgnei woaM annnanaa to tba oltiieai
of Clrarnrlil and vicinity, that they bare par
oh urd ib Hardware Mora of J. (J. Hihryrer. and
will eonitantly keep oa hand a full ataoitmeot af
Hardware la a l ita braaohea, lucb aa
Detioh fitnpt. Hand Hawa, flrrat AmerlfiB Croat
cut Raw, D. B and Peeling Axra, Hitfhctf,
.'lance and Plana Iron, all kind af
Natlf, Horaa 8boea and II Shea
.Naila. Pieka. Hoea, Kakei.H
Fork a, Sbi.Tolt aad Hpa le,
Hcytbnat bee. Plow,
Uraia t'rmdiaa,
Culttvatore, Duo hit
and SinirlxKhovol Hlowi,
t'aitivaur Teeth, EtevrU
Trj qlla. rh..el BMti, Mill
Faw atd lafer ftt$, ( hietli, Bilti.
An fen, A die, Marn Uior tlan(ri, Hatt,
T and Apap Ilit'gM, B.moy'a Hollow Avgura,
all hiDdiof looka, borawa.Haah Corel anU Pulley a,
Pool t'd Chain Bulli, Carriaca, Tir and Barrel
Bolta, atffd C.rd, Hal Irona, Hra Bruafeea and
Cm ry-Comha, Urind atuna ftxtaroa, Urna, li mp
and Hoap-attma Packing, Cable Chain, ato.
Tbey will aleo hatp ua baad a Tall aimrtiaent
of Tiare,and aufnaral att)k of 11 aae Purnifb
ing Utl, wbtoh ttiaj will nail at priooi v iMit
be timaa.
Peraoaa wlihiof aaythln la their Unt are In.
Tttd u oall and exain their htuok betort
puroh.-mn KKKD A II .UUflTY.
ClearMd May 10, M77 ly.
SheriiTs Sale
BT tlrlaeofwriu of Vtrntilioni Krpomnt, Utnied
oat of tbo Oowrt of Com mon Pleai of Clear,
tele) floantf, and la na el i reeled, ib era will
ba ttpotad lo public aalt, at the Court Hoaaa.
ta the borough af Clearteld, oa Monday, th
41b day ef Jane. 1(177, al I a'aloek, p. a.,
tbo folio log deaerfbed real aetata, aa. wit t
A eat tain pi tee f laad tiiaata la tba boronxb
of ''Ifarftald, bolaf the aadtvidod one half in tar.
tit ia that eertaka lot of gr.and r tba wrat aid
i.f Rfcvnd trect, apd brih the nortbrra part of
lot Mo. 6i, being im front oa bee-sad at reel Is
fret and running hack lot fret to alley, having
thereon trout rd a tm atory frame building "ted
aa a More htwta, witb aaaeeaary aatbaiTltngi
l hereon. 8oite.i, takita in aieaaliaa aad to be
old aa tba prpny of W. V. Wright, tor firing
partuerof Wright A Bro.
A'ao, ana towa lot flOiJOt fat tltaala la Oulloh
towaihtp, Cirarneld o-aqty, Pa., with a w
a bait atory bnaaa, aaiall atabia aad other e to a tid
ing., bawadfd, aa (ullow; i Ua lb a by Wai.
alra.on tba wait Ly Mr. Moraot,oatba eoutb
by an alley, and oa tba aorth by Mia attai,
(Haiied, Uhta taaiewutioa aad ta ba told aa tba
property af Mugb Carrier,
A lea, a eortaia Irattof land eltaaU ta Bradford
InwMbip, Ugtaaiag t a beailk e-a haa of Ja
lira ham, Hra tbartao 71 rode to line of Aloiandtr
Letingatoa aad aheaiaat ooraer ; tbenea by hit
line 111 rda ta itoaee, ibraoo by lane atraight
Una to bamfuah 14 rode, botng tba plate af ae
giaalag, aoalaiaiag abwat It aorat. Balaod,
uke la eierattaa and to bo aold aa lb property
af slaoob Orabaai.
AIo, a aartala traot of land illaaU la laorarla
toweahip, tantatalng abowi luwatv aiorawrlara.
being a par I af tba Joba Fordaoy traot, baaaw4
aa tba eart by aa vb wt bt Joba
laBoli, aw tba aorth by other part of aaid Jeha
Pordaty traot, aad tba eoath bv Noel 4
Beans, Baltad, takrw la eieeaUew, aaita ba to4
ai tba rwewrty af Biatoa Metfar laad,.
Uruf adt'frtlsrmfnts.
Smithfleld Street.Trom
Tba Bolt oentrallv located firal-rlaaa Ilnuae
aaiauiea iv en ini grprna am ail pirie oi emu aula, icratl. ae tail 'Jr ir j)
The R.n .urav. of Clearfield, rer-elted weekly
gUu fromtbia eection, Ao.
1 -
Alao, a certain tract of land altjtte in Hocfte
bounded oo the aoolb hj the llellefoate
arte turnpike, weat br datura Tnompaon, aorta
bj u)d. J.Ml ,nd . .
I talnine three acrra, witb a two-atore frame bouae
! ""l atat.ieand other nthuiidinraibereu. erected.
I D ""otioo and to l aold at Ibe
I ,,,,, o( u w. Walk ... U.rid Kirgal.
Ala... a Mrteln pl-e-of land altuate la Eocoaria I
i O. heiac one lot iadlea Hope, with email I
i ue and a-balf aiora bona, witb kitchen attached, ,
7: " . TT, ; ., -
"uue'i boimiiuwbi va low eaai enu
weat i w.h lutket'oroi
. relate, north bf allay, a. ,g
friard, taken i. Ireiition
properly at Tho. 8. U'aab-
laoutn njr aiam etrrei.
! J"'' u Kli "
I Alao, . cirtain tract of lend alluate la Iluatna
luonfiiip, reieg eo irei irom ana 2.0 tret deep,
boundrd end iletcrifced bo followa i Hounded on
Ibe nortb bj prprite of fliran Woodward, ea't
by W. Thoo ae, eooh be Woo-tward Btrcet. wcat
by II. B. 1'iarroli baring tbereoa a two atory
Irame bouar, a good barn and Ibe areceaary out
I "' cctaco. i.aca in execution a,,,l to oe
pr-ppwny oi eamee . rearaoi.
ib"i o BTfieio inui vi iani ai-WTe in irei-eiur
0a,Uip. Clearfield ooun y. Fa. bonoded on
tbe eoath by Ibe Rrllrfont. and Curwmerille
i r"I"k- ' b' lownahip road, north by land
bL.Th7r.'.d ZaTIZ
o-aa , aaaieg a targe ireme aiue. ireme Darn,
, h-m ; urf lnm huti-. lraine burn,
' L""i -nd other outbuilillnff- tbrMiH
outuuildlnga tn.rcn
I Murt."t.r,b"I.7erV.?'. uJI-'miTi
Sew Mill, one-rourtb inlrrrat of aeul Saw Mill
j belonging In Iieliad.nt, capable of rutting ( J. -
j "."'"') I. million, feet jearly, a Shingle Mill
1 I!,1r!',"i,e rntrirt Da'.'id'iTo'ilnr!''4 '" U
aol.l aa Ihe properly ol Uarid r. Lopebn.
, AllBi rtli , of o4 ,. w, f Mr.
! Srld, I'leorBeld county, P.. Uoondcdan l de-
aeril-cd aa followa, via : On. lot bounded oo th.
ot'Uth l.y K irboili aliwet, ob the wet by W eater
alreet, on tbe north by an alley, and on the caat '
br W V. Iligler, and known in plan of Wcat!
'loriebl, lot No. iul, fronting in feet oa
('.",': '" ,1 ," Vi. i
tXnry frawe bii 1 I y '24 lrt, with kitchen at
ttvckaxj, wt11 An. -bed blttekiuiith shp, lb!e J
other onll-uild.rifi ihereos rrpetrd. Alio, ct
other kit uf froumi in Lnwrroof loBtili.p, bound -J
hy thn tornitk rotvd n tb trth, by Umi of
Mrtrlin Nicliollt ua tho nt, bj I an d uf Kyltord
A Shaw oa tho iwoth aoi ttett, by lot of DaUook
on I he went, and buret nfura known ai Ihe proper
ty i.f ftaharl tlrcea. and eoBlaltain; aloul on
aoio or grouD-l. Bi'ir or wwj. witb a two itury
frawa t.oua Im by 2f fe witb kitcbtn attarbri,
...11. ...1 -,k . .1. .a ,k 1
'""f '" ""imt" ihrreon .r,ted.
: Selae.1, tekea in eaecntion and to be cold ee Ibe
properly of tl. B. Merrellet. al.
! Um , lr, of UnJ iB ,,.
! dale boroncb, Cloarlield county, I'a , boundrd aa
j "' " "7 Vr alley, on the
;hre;.:'C:,.nV.:ri; Vy7:;,rr.:.h'.n";
j know d ,0 Plot of miI Botouffh tw lot No W ;
i hTinf rrt. tboroon Ur(r frame hoa with
tnj l0 u tl. ropriy of guinn.
! AUn. trt invt nf io1 ru,-in the
1 Bofttfh of HoatH'Mf. CUarlclJ P
Ul.nJH b, hu. rtn( mih hT
ii'y. mi tirMinU iiK mi ut ht T.w.i
j nl tfgrnpxh, and having a ianM fraiui tiwdl
j -r Jm- Smhh
, . - .7. ' f -t r
I A,0 , wlll ,., , , .
horoogh, ciearieu eountr. P. lieiog one
I towa lot. heing on the Mraor of (load atreet ;
there being no imaeore.aeata taereoa. aaol lot
I'-"' " '". N"' '; " '' .a.d
j Horough alao on. other lot eituate in aaid Hor.
ough, and haeing thereon .rented a two atorr
I hour., aad known aa lot N'a. Tin In the plan al
nii Brounrh. and fronting aa Stat, .tre-t
Setaed. tahea in eioeattoa and to b. .old .a th.
property of Lerl Stroop.
Alao, a certain tract of land ritaate in Weti-
ward township, Clearfield enunty, I'a. Bounded
and daoribel aa follow, via: Frosting iO feet
on fit. Jamoa atreet and running north 160 fear
to ik alley, and tbenea along Oak allay Mat .SO
feel t lo. No 7 : thence tooth along lot No. 7n
160 frn to Ht. Jametrtreat; th-na along aaid
p treat 60 fet to plaea of hegioning, and being
kt.owa a lot No. 61 ia general plan of aaid town,
bat ing erected theremn a good two etort boao
and neceuary outbuilding. Heiiad, taken to 9
ci tion a&d to be aold aa tha property of Dtfid
Alan, a cartaln tract of land imt in Hou'i
dtle borough. houndtKl and deacribed aa followa :
Being known ia plaa of aaid bonagb a lot Ni.
112, bounded oaet by Chariot atreet, weat by Oak
alley, Brth by M Ni 1 2D uf L. F Kiley, eoutb
by lot No 131 uf J. Ueott, having erected thtrmn
a two at try frame houaa and other outbuiiillnc.
Seiaad, takoB ia etreuUoa and to ba aold aa tbo
property of b. C. liowtand ua-irga WillaU.
Taaaa or 8i-a. Tht priea or tan at which
tba property aball ba truck off aauat ba paid at
tba tin of aale, oraucb o her arrangement
aadeaa will be approved, otherwiaa the property
will ba immediately pat Bp and aold agaia at
iba aipenae and riak of tha peraa to whom tt
waa atraek off, and who, ia aaaa af deleieaey at
lueh re talc, thill make good tbt aatao, and la
ao inaUBoa will tha laod ba p retooled la Court
for euoflrmatioa anlett tba mraey i actually
paid to iba Sheriff.
Siiauirr i Ort-n a, i ttboril
Clrartkfld, Pa.. May 10, 1877. f
SherifTs Sale.
HT tlrtwa of wrtta of L
oat of tbe Court of Common Plaa of Clear
held county, and to ma di ret ted, thara will ha
eipoaad to PI IILIC 8AI.K, at tba Court lloaa,
ia the boroagh of Clearflald, oa Mon lay, tha
ath day of June. 1 S77, at 1 o'clock, p. .,
tbe following described real eUt, to wit:
All that certain lot or meauaroof land fitutte
in tha borough of Oaeoola, Clearflald o-.uoty. Pa ,
beginning at a poat along tide of road leading to
the farm bouae on tha old Darid K-phart farm ;
tbenoa north 41) degree weat I'd) feet ta poat;
thence aoutb degrcoa weat laO faat; thence
noma 41, degree B2 Ieet j tbeeoa aorth SB
degree eal llHi fct to place of beginning, ooa
laining ia amount equal to two lot i-UI.-O feet
Seiae l, taken la execution and to ba old at tbt
property of Andrew Filltaa.
AIo, a oertaia frame build in, ona and a half
aturlta high, hout and ahp aumblncd. in llrad
ford towahip, on turnpike leading to Albert'
upper iaw mill, having a fr nt .if li0 Teat oa l I
turnpike and a d"pth of ZOO feet, houndfil on all
i iet by Albert' land. S.iiel. tahen i .tovo
tion and to h. aold aa the properlv ef Tbotnaa L.
Alao. a oerleia two-alory houae IS feet front
.nd In feet in depth, a two etorjr kitohen attached
12a IS feet. Btiaete in Bradford townahin. on the
aoath hjlaadaof Win Albert A Bro'a, aa Ihe
eaal b, land of Charloa W. B.trjrar, oa the north
he land of J a 0 W. Ilter, andoa Ihe weet by
publle road, oontalnlne: ISo aerea. Heiaed. tahen
in rieeution and to b. ..Id at th. arooerte af I.
ll llarjer.
Alao, ee.r1.ln two.atotv frame hontt aitaate in
Bradford townahin. ClearAeld. on.alr. Pa . halo
38 feet ia front and 18 feet deep, with a aitehea
aiieoneu tza ia reel, aaq Beta, oa a traot of land
onataiaing about AO aarae, bounded h, Undl ol I.
t. lt.rrer ea the aorth and weal, aad b, iaad of
Alberta oa tbe ea-t aad eauth. and alao by th.
pabli. road leadiaf ta Sbawa? ilia. Beiaed, taken
ia eieeulioa aad to b. aold a. lb. aroaertv af C.
W. Uar,er
Alan, a aertala aaw still building oa let of
groaud aituaie ia Morria lownahip, known aa tha
Hear, Orineker erael, eaw eaill bring a fraai.
baildlag 80 feat wtd. bj 1 20 Ieet tnag, tw. .toriea
high, with hoard roof. Said traot la boaoded a,
followa: Beginning at a poal eora.r af Mile,
faluia, Paaoei flegal, Thoiaaa baakerwon. Jaa.
B. tirahaia and laaaa Hothroeh, niu peer boa t
atoaeet tbeaee .eat b, laad af J.iha llaaton ISO
ieroh ta poeti tbeaoe b land of H. D. Sehoow
orer 04 perehra la atanaa : thane, weet IS par In
etoneef thean. aoalh b, laad af bavtd W
Holt IM peraaaa u atoaeet thenee east IT
perohea ta peat; thene. br lead af Matilda
AIIKitt, Jr., aoalh IIS parohea la poet t Iheoee b
land or llarid Plogal Ul .erehr, la the plana af
beginning, aoalaiuiug atb anera aa I Oil iierehea.
Hetaed, taken in earnutioa aad la a. aold aa tha
proporte of J. H. Mekiaaaj.
Alao, a eartals two-atore fraiae aoaea ia4
feel, altuat. ia lb. towa of biggiaaetlle, Clearbeld
aoeolr, Pa , oa lot af ground aoanded oa Ihe
awl he ilea. Bun Bnllroaa, eoath hy alley,
eaat by alley, weet by Dr. Maine.. United,
taken la eieeatiea aad to ha aold at tha praerly
of Thotaa. Aakey, awaar. and 4. M Hbaaefaitar.
Alao, a I wr atory frame dwalling ten', Utftt
fert oa lot No. 17a, la tba eiieage of Hoatidale.
brgiaaina) al a aval aa lha tone, aide af Heed
atreelt laeana Booth If oVgreee ajeel lit feat la
Weaael all.,, aouth al dewreee eaat &S ha elnn.
aaid alley to a poat taenae north IT def reea eaal
IhS la aaal aa eauth aide al Head etraet i Iheaea
alo.g wtd atreet aorta id Segree. weat lit reel
a ptaoa ar aeglnalng. Setaed. Ukaa a aaeea-
tloa aad to he aold aa Ih. property ol Ueorge at.
Alao,aeertala Iwo atar, fraeaa dw.llieg koaat
24 IM wtd. aod SI reel loag, with aitehea aUaebed
ISila feat, with lot aad eartilage appartenaal
tharata, eitvate ia North Houlailaie.aa let troel
tag aa Swap, atreet to feel aad raaatag keek leS
feet la Otter alley, aad kaowa la the plaa af North
Healaaale aa lal No. IM, ael.g b.iaadeel eaat hi
al ef A. U lee aoe aad weal hy lot af Harry Uoatpa..
Melted, tokea ia .leeulloa, Mt ha aold aa the
properly ef Ueorge B T,i. ,UII and A. U. TaS
Tgaa, ar Bats - The aria, or na at whioh
eh. property rii.ll ha etraob at at eat ho paid at eele, ar nea other arraageaaaaia made
a. will aa aepreeed. Mhrrwtaa ta piaparty will
ho laaatedleull pat p aad aold agaia at lha eg.
poaao aad rt.h of the pwaoa ta whoei II waa
traek ot, a.d who, la twee of delel.ney at evk
HdP drrrtisfmrnts.
" '- iwAAi mm r
aw- nvTwisiai-iiinr i, .wh
2nd to 3rd, Avenues.
in thi- ellv. Strrt eaia naaa tba d.u.a ,,..
WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors.
.1 tb Hotel and plnord on fll. for the tM-nrt of
A.nl7, In; 3a
re-feL, aball make good lb. aarae, and 1. .a
Inauooo will Ibe Deed be preeontod ia Court for
eonlrtaalion unlrra the ntoner ia actn.llj paid to
tharthcrilT. ANbKKW PKNT7., jr.,
SMRRtpr'i Orrtt-K. I tihrrin
CleerBeld. Pa., Mat 14. ITJ.
Sheriff's Sale. '
by virtu, of aaadr.r write ef Fitri i'erio, j.
aurd out of the Court of Ccmuin. Plena el Oar.
ueta eountr, eon ui me aireitea, mer. will I
i etooeea to putilie eele, at tbe Court lluuee. in ib.
, &,,,,, rh f ,'certl,l. oa Mon Ur, tbe 4th d.r
; .r June, IM7, at I o'olork p. at., tba following
. deeeribed real eatate, to wilt
Sll that certain piece of laat ailuete in Ckret
townebip. CIarHcM eonntr. Pa., bounded and
di-ecrihcd na followa : Ileginoing at a .tone et
for a common corner in imblie road, thence br
M m. MrMietera aouth Li eVgreea, wee: la -la
! nrt... t . . ik-.
! degrcee wet 11 perchee to etoae t thenoe by
I Kerne north ij raat 11 t 10 perehct up the
by I. Kerria north
j r,, . throve by poblie road ouh ran I:
; parebea to .la-a of bcgluoing, .. .tain-
""a rr. oi",o --r iri.. nnirg, IM, IB CI-
I ecution, at,d to he aold th. property of Jam.,
, Aleo, All tbore three certain
; XX'
io Iota ar piece of
not I, tie irrteii onuii.
ginning at a poat oo the eo.lbol corner of 11,11. ( pmt oa the toolbei
: ,t, .n, Spring alley I Ib.nca io ea eaetrrlv
! '',".''""n, ''"f ".T 'J1" "' " "
. wralrra lloe of b,t No. il ; thence ia a aoutbarlr
1 direct,., along .aid line of let No 11 Site Ieet t.,
, po.i . i,,,n alley ; ibcoo to . wceterly
I V'!" '"' iM w "
of i,g, au.l soring a leu ; theooe lo aortnrrlr
! ,... ,., Sprln, .j,., , fM, ,, 'f
j begmoiog, kuwo in Ihe plot ai No. Ill, 3UBod
I 21. s.ii -J, taken in elocution and to be aold aa
j the property of John Kottler.
Alt'), a eertbtin tr4ft of land vltaat in Pu?t-
tille, Wfodwird Uiwotbtp, Clarfl-. touatr.l'a ,
binjf a Urprt two nary bolel witb bar-ru aod
ftore room, and other oqt baMdmg: , tot tu
inn triaacular ba.e, eonuioiog ab'iai unt.
fuurtb of aa acre, mora or lt. bouadvl ti M
luwi, fit : Kft.t by lot of U. W. CaldNrll. weit
by lot of MrKinney. north by Mai a atreel, and
Miuth by alley. Srited, Ukeo fn executioa, mi
ta ba aold aa tbe property of ii. W. Laniioro
Al, a certain trart of land lituale in Frrftu
on townfbip. Clearfleld enanty. Pa.. nta.niii)
abnt IlH ianra, witb about 0 aerai;
having a amaJI nrehard, Ul tog buadt and Inj
nam tnereon, a-onded eeat by enda or 1 litrn
H '
) . , u ,, ,, ,L . , ,
! Ian t ol Matlbia lialli4,
oath by lao-li of
ettttlU tUll.
Alio, one other pia-a of land aitaata ta the
1 township, aoMBlT and riat ntareMid. eoatitnioi
1 ileut 100 new, with 11 aree fti-arti. and luv.
J iu ciecud thereon a anall two-aturr plmk
frauaha- and other ol baildmgt, bounds
i mat by Unla of Mrp. (JrtMO. weat by landf 4
i H in. Uarretr. nortb by lattda of Jaoph 8lrao,
an I aia b liy Uu la .( Cnriit Shod, hetiatl,
Uki-n in eXTiiti-m, and to b aa th proper'
ty of l'ni .Vtitt.
1 Ala i, all that ertaa mifjj-., or trot ii-nt,
j nnd pitva ufrriianil mo ite in th vilUof UVt
Oiw-la. Ue4turtwiibiii, CiaarfleUi o tgntr. IV.
bi aoded end d. errihed ea letlowa, t.i wit : Ut i
i Ke,,h
neat ina teea eloeg said t
oafain road to a Boat.
thenee eoath Sa degreea and iln eutn., weat 22.1
teei to a pott ,n tine ot lao l or Ht.'hari Uuro,
thenee eioog Ian la of Rieb.trl Ueraa aioth is
degrtce ib mm , eaat 101 loot to a poet, thene.
along landeer II. II Kepkart north Oidefre.t,
00 niia., ea.l IM to. I to Ihe plate cf beginning,
eonlaming HI) perehra, wnb dwelling bouae
Ifl a 211 Ieet, two atorira high with kitchen at
taehed, and other out auildloge thereon ereeted.
.Setaed. uken in eleention, nnd lo he aold aa the
property of I'et Fltagnald.
Alao, lot No. 8S. eituate in Ihe borough af New
Waahingioa, and taing ereeted tbereoa n large
one end Mory frame dwelling faoute foi.
ojerly ned at a etoro-bjue, aeaall fraiae eiahle
aod other oat hoildinge, h.ianded eaal hr 11. W.
tlallagher, weat by Ath U. Bennett, North hy
atreet, and a iath hy alley, lieiie.l, lahea la e
eeution, end to be eold aa ihe property uf Kant
A K. II. Walk.
Alao. the f..Uuwing drecribed real eatate, the
property of the Defeodenle, aitaata la llrady
towiiabip, Cleaekeld MntT, I'a., bounded aa '!.
Iowa t Beginning at a poat, aorner of land or Ilea.
Pe.ta, Alexander hea, and Ueaiel Itoodlaader: alon line of Daniel tto.dl.nder Mi 4 !
perohea lo beeeh. rairner of land of B. H. Mwore t
then.w eoath 174 prrvhea ta a hiekory, e.rncr of
lead lortaerl). of Fn drrick fceigler, now Anraad ;
thenee weat I III io p...t, eorn.r or llaoial
iieodlandrr thenoa aorth oh perohea to a poat t
tbenea aorth SI weit 8 and S llllh perehea te
a poet oa tha t.rapik. road; thenoa eoolh 4k
weet 2 penbea to a poll, al what waa formerly
tho efaop poroh of Daniel .loodlan lor thenoe H
weat lu perohea to a poat oa Ih. Mao af Ueirge
Pent. : along aaid liea north 70 perehea lo
place or beginning, containing 127 aor a aad oo
perohea, more or lets, beiDg tbo eeiae traot oT
land eonr.yed by Andrew Wlleoa aBd wife to
Jam,a Milea hy Dead bearing dale ath of Frbra
are, A. 1). I8;0. and renirded la Deed Book
IF," pg. i. Boanded by lead a af Denial
Uoodlaoder, UeO'ga Pent., A .rend, R. II Moore,
and oltiera. Theta ia about Ih earae cleared oa
it aud ia a good tie e al oulttratiua, with a good
frame bouse, IS.30 feet, log hero, SOinO feet, and
other outhalldioga I hereon ereeted Keiaod, uken
la eaeootioa aad to ho Kid .a Ih. property ef
J. P. Hlahel, J.tnra Milea and J. A. Bithel.
Alan, A ertan traot af laad rituate ia Lawrenee
lownahip, clearSo d eonaly, Pa. bounded aad de.
aeribed aa follow. . Beginning nl a atoae, aoraer
of lend ol Hugh Orr and olhera, thoneo encoding
eiat 20 p.renra la a poat, tbeaee a.. nth 80 perehea
lo a poat. thenoa weat 100 perchee lo a pool.tkeoee
north 80 perehe, ta t pott, Iheaoe al .ng land or
Hugh Urr, and othera, eaal 8(1 perohea to Ihe atoo.
corner aad plae. ol heginaing. coalaintng 49 aeree
and 12 perehea, neat nteaeure, aad baring eboat
III aerca cleared, and baring email I. o atory
Irame bouae lerge fraai. barn, aad alher oat
bo lldinga tbereoa ereeted. Heiaed, lekea ia eie
cntlon and to he Mid a, th, property or H. T.
Alao, A eertaia tract ar land innate la B .gga
lownahip. OleatSeld eoar.ty, Pa., containing
100 .area, a itb ah ml 20 .cree eleored, and baring
a email aa. aad a-balf atory log houaa, log ttabie,
and email orchard therena, and boaoled o.t the
oatt hy landa ol Thomea Poeklea, oa the writ hy
lendaof Thomea Brora, na Ihe aoalh hy landa of
. Woolalon. an I on Ibe north by landt or Albert
Brother., Snied. lekea ia atooatloa and lo ba
aold aa the property ol Jeate e'tonc.
Alto, A eortein traot -d land altuate in Beeearie
towathip. lie rneld ooanly. Pa, baaaded oa the
weelbyue .rge Pattereoa, a ia h hy Itaao ,
wcat hy Wtlaon Winalow aod aorth by Thomea
Fleck, containing about Ml aeret, witb about S
erei cleared, and heriag a ..oe and a hair atory
bouae and a alahl. tbereoa ereorod. eVIaed, U.
kea ia exeeullun and lo bo add aa th. prop.rt,
01 John Hhay.
Alto, All that oeetala pieee of land altaalo ia
BradMrd towo-hin, Clrarneld ooante. Pa . hatl.
a.1 and deeoribed is follow, t Beginning al a
white oak aorner, thenne by V B. Holt, mad
eaal Ino aerobe, ta a arirner of II. Beoh'o 'en I,
north HA perohea by haada of Joha Senear! ao
a poet, thenee weat ISO perehea by landa of Joha
fhlrey to a poelthenoe north IIS aerehea lo white
oak and place of neianing, containing I OS aerer
-n.. a .e perrnea re.aea, late, in rieoolioo aod
la ho aold at lb. pni.arly of Alfred Uraaaia.
Aleo, a oert.ln tract af laad allaaha it Barnild.
lowfhia, ooulaiatag aboaet 17h aorea, with ahoal
If naree olrared. having aaiaall log kxiaeeaad log
table, .ad other ontbuil liege, huwaded aaal hy
JohnC Conner, aorth h, Klaaahoerer.weM b, Jaa
Hlddle aetata, alh hy A. W. Palehia, being aaa
laad aold aa lha prapeny ol J. Wet ley Smith la
Horace Pa'chio by Sharif MoPkareoa. Hetaed,
taken liui-eotloa aad to ba aaid a. tba property
otW. II Bmlih.
Alto, all that eartaia plea, of laad aioaalala
Woodward townahtp, begiaaing al th. eoracr .f
Wm'a let .nd running eaat AS feet ta oeroef
of Thnmae keed'e lot t thenoa running Berth 18
feel along the line ar Thoeaaa Kee-I'a lot lo a poet
roioiag taadt of Jacob Keph.rtt tkeac. raaning
wral 80 lent to coen ar of Wm. Hciee't let aloag lha
landolJaook Kepharti tbeaee eoath aloag Hoa
of Wea. Ktiooe rot ISO feet la ptaoa of bagianing,
being a part of J.aab K.phart traot aaa Vacated
IB Ihe Iowa ar haraoerill.. Delano), lahea la t-
ecalioa aad la ba told a. lha property uf P. I -
Alao br rirloeofa wHt of Fl. Pa .ot Wedtea
day, June a, 1177, tbc following property l
A lot (llaela ia Ike borough of New Weehieg
ton, Clear I. II Monty, Pa., bounded on th. north
hy Ihe poblie road, aa tba eaat k. Prowl atreet,
aouth he an alley, aad weat by laad af Jame.
Uallaher, containing eao a re naore or leaa.
Belied, lekea In aiecatlaa and ta be Mid aa lha
property of H. H A Bmma Walk.
A lao, by elrluo al a writ af Vaaditlaal I lean ae
on Wedaeeday, Jaa. S, "77, Iba toll.olaa; troa
arly, la nil; -a e- -r
A eerula trad af laad aitaata It Moaaadal,
korongh, Clear... Id, Pa, kuawded at fel
lowt i Oa Ihe aorth by Haaaak are.t. Math br
railroad, oaal by hotel, aad weal br depot, hoiog
in feet rroal aad root tang, bar lag erected a
goad blnokemilh .hop aad wear .hup. Hetaed
take, ia eieeatiea aod la he aold aa lha property
of J. B. Haaalltaa,
Taeue or Sat.. Ta prteo ar earn tl wkleb.
Ike pro pert, aball ha atntoh of meat ba Bald al Iba
time of aale, r each ottar nrraageeaaat. eaade aa
will he a aerated. olharwiM the Nropeety will he.
iramedialely pat at Ibeeapeaea.
aad riak af tba pereoa ta ahoea II wm atraek at.
aad who, la aaaa ef denoteaoy al aaek re-eeje.
thaJI make good tha aetae, aad it to laat aaaa
wtll lha Peed ha preeeated It Ooarl for aoaSn..
Ilea aoieea the Money U ardaalr, paid ta lac
Saerlt. ANDHKW PMNTI, Jr.,
Bt.airr'i Orrioa, I Bharlff.
naitld, Pa., May f, 1TT.
died la Philadelphia on Saturday.
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