WltttVnmt. JVtsTICE1 CORSTABLEW KIU W. tan prlaled large Buasber af the M FEB BILL, and will aa the reoelpt ef tweatT. ra Mala, nil ml la aa; adareee. w HEAP GR0CEBIKS1 y LUMBER CITY, PA. The aaderelgned aaaoaaoea ta hla old frleada aed patrooe thai ba hae opened a goad Una at GROCERIES A PROVISIONS al the old ataad ot Kirk A Bpeaeor, for whloh ha eolleiu a llbaral patronage, n. w. vrifliaa. Lumbar Clip, Pa., Marat M il aTaaaiBji HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, - kapt eonaUntlv on baod. STOSE AD EAET1IEX -WARE Or KVERT DESCRIPTION t CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! flatter'. Patent Airtight Self Hcallug Krall taual BUTTER CU0CK8, wllb lidl, OREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE ' BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, 8TRW POTS, And a groat man. atbar things toa aamaroaj ta mentioB, to ba had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S . STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner ot Cherry and Third Streets, VLKAKrItkljv, YA augl a r. ulic. a. h'corkli. i. iilbidi. (ilLICH, McCOB&LE & CO. S (Successors te John Qnllch). POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Wrwt, Clearfield, Pa. Wa manufactare al) kinds of Furniture for Chambers, Dining Roomi, Libraries and Halls. If yon want Furniture of any kind, don't boy until 70a Mt oar stock. UXDERTAKIXG la all Its branches Wa keep In itook all tht latest and moot improved coutus and Caskets, and bavt orory facility for properly eon ducting this branob of our business. Wt have a patent Corpse Pre error, in which bodies ean be preserved for a con siderable leogth of Umo. A member of the Una has fail sleeping apart meat at oar wait -rooni, wnere be ean be round by any perso who come at night for tht parpott al procuring eoffini. Gtarcn, Mocorkliaco. aearfltld, Pa., May 10, T8-ly. I I.OIIR, FEED, GROCEIIY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Room So, 4 1 Pie'e Opera House, Clearfield. Pa. Ktepaomtantlf m bend SUGAR, COFFEI, TEAS. 60DA, COAL OIL. SYRUP, SALT. SPICES, SOAP, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, Caa dies, Chi or Vinegar, Batter, Eggs, Aa. ALSO, EXTRA HOME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &c, All of wbloh will be sold cheap for eash or ta exchange for country produce. A. G. KRAMER A CO. Clearfield, Nov. II 1874.-1 GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. A Sterling lUsiiiiy rub Discasu and Imjuhh of tiik Skin A HtALTiirvL IilAUTinta OF Tilt COMFIBXIOS A IOL1AB1.E MtANS OF PllEVENTINO AND Kelievino Rheumatism and Gout, and an Un equaled Disinfectant, Deodo tlitl and Countei Irritant. fllenn't Sulphur Soap, bnidei (radi cating local dUeasca of the akin, baimhea de fect! of the complexion, and imparts to it gratifying clearness and smoothness. Sulphur liaths are celebrated for curing eruptions and other diseases of the sVin, as well as Rheumatism and Coat, (itmn't Sulphur Simp produces the same effects at a most trirlitig expense. This admirabla speciAc also speedily heals imt bruiut, xaldt, tmrm tpraim and CHti. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used in the sick room is disinfected, and diseasea communicable, by contact with the person, prevented by it The Medical Fraternity sanction its se. Prices-S5 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (i Cakes), 60c. andtl.20. N. B- Buy aha Urfe cakes and thereby SoU by all IJrunuts. " BILL'S HAIB AND WHISKER DTE, Black ar Brawa, M t'eata. 1 1. cwmrro!, tnt't, i Mi guarded Iht tlighttt Jltdal at Ftttrsa, E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO,, (SI Broadway, Maw Vork, (Opp. Uetropolltaa Bolol), aiarjricntaaai, laroarsaa aid oaiLisa i CHBOnOS FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES k VIEWS Albaasa, arapkaaaoaw, Paotograpke, aad kladrad goodo-CalabrtUaa, Astreseea, ao, ) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, Wa ara aaadejaartora foravwytklag la Ike way of 8Uriytiooui asi llayic lttrna, Balag aiaaaraataran af tba MICRO.e.rjlENTIPIC LANTERN, 8TKRKO-PANOPT1CON, uninsnniTT "THROr-TICON, . AIIVERTI0IRR8TEROPTICON, inivriM;un, school lantern, ra milt lantern, people's Lantern. Each style being the beat of IU elasa la tba aarkat. Catalogmaa of Laa tares aad Slides, wltk Jlrae Uoaa for aala., aaat aa aaalioatlaa. Aay oatarprtslag aiaa eaa aseae Boaay wltk t Mart. Laatara. av-Vksitars to laa Caataaalal ErposlUoa will do wlaaly la defer parahaalBg goods la ear llaa Belli tbay aasae to ar sura la New Tack, wkara saoy win aaa graasat venety aa Mea aMtWrate artaaa, aad aaa aaUat laeai at tkstr lalsara. Bat wa have a eoaoeaeioa to aall mm atylai if as foatta la tba kaUdtag af la. Doaartseaat af Paalla Cotafert, aad tbaaa B4 aaasiag la New Tark ara lavltad la aall aa oaf laarassatalloa tkaro. ar-A faU Mook af Viawa at la. Iiaaatlrsw aae taeir two tea at. M-Oat awt this adrwtlaaoleal he refereaee.'Tam JM t, mi l, . OOT AMU BHOK MAKING. JOSEPH H. DRERINII. OB Markal ttraat. la Shaw's Row, Cleerleld, Pa., baa Jail raaalTad t laa lot of Proaeh Call isles aad Etps, tba boat la tba aaarkat, aad te bow praparad ta bmb afaalare araiatbtaf ia bla llaa. II a alU war raat bla warb ta ba aa rapraaaatad. Alee, all kladaaf Leather aad Shoe Fladtage (or aala. Tba altlaaaa of Claartald aad vlelnllv an reepeelfoll; lerlled to f Ira bin call. Warb doaa al aban eollae. MA'TSp Peon lo.'titaib). Clwatucm i., fa. . v H IT n pJ E I IIUTI not BURNED UPI The subscribers hart, at groat eiptnse, rebuilt a ntlahbarbood necessity, In tht orootioa of a irst- I tines Weolea Manufactory, with all tbo modem Improvements attached, and art prepared o make all kindi of C lo( hi, Cassimerei, Batinctta, Blan kets, Flanneli, Ac Plenty of goodi on hand to supply all our old and a thousand new customers, whom wo aik to 00 me and examine oar ttook. Tbe buiioeit of CARDING AND FULLING will receive oar especial attfatloa. Propar arrangements will bo mado to receive and deliver Wool, to iait customers. All work warranted and doaa apon tba shortest notioo, and by itrist etten. tloa to business wo hop to realise a liboral ihara af public patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wt will pay tbo highest market prloa for Woo and wit oar manufactured goods aa low as similar goodi can ba boogbt la tbo ooaaty, and wbtnorar wo fall to render raaionablo latiafaetion wa eaa always ba found at bona roady to mako propar explanation, oithar la parson or by Isttor. j ah &o aiunnoun m ouno, aprilMtf Bowor P. 0. H ARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLE1 I am aware that there art some persons a little hard to please, and I am alto aw ere that tht eomplalot of "bard timts" Is well nigh untrtrsal. Bat I am so situated now that I eaa satisfy the formtr and prove eoneloelvtly thai "hard times wtu not ooeet inoee a no out taeir room irom me. and all my patrons shall be tail ia ted lata tht se cret or HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t here roods enough to sauiilr all the Inhsbt tants ia the lower tod of the touaty which I sell at exceeding low rates from my mammoth store la aUiLHONBl KU, where I eaa always ba foaad ready to wait upon sellers aad supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sttoh as Cloths, Satlnttts, Casslmerei, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, u rulings, leiteoes, Trimmings. Ribbons, Laos, Readf -made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats aad Cepi all of tba best material and made to order- nose, books, uioTes, muieai, iiaeee, niDoom, mo. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Ouffee, Tea, Sagar, Rice, Molasses, Fieh, Bait Pork, Linseed UH, rtsa Uil, uaroon uu, Hardware, Queensware, Tlaware, Caitlngs, Plows and Plow Castings, Natis, spikes, torn Laltlra- tors, Cider tresses, and an nods 01 Aits, Perfumery, Paints, Varolii), Glass, and a general assortment 01 stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, always on hand, and will be sold at the fewest possible igures. J. II. MoC Iain's Medtoines, Jayne's Modi dines II oi tetter s and HooSand s Mi Here. 5001 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Clorerieed on band and for sale at the lowest market prise. Also. Agent for St ration rllle aad Curwentville Threshing Machines. afemuCall and see for yourselves. Toa will Sod everything up nelly kept Id a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frtnchrtlte P. 0., August 12, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Successors to Uoyntoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer, of fOBTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Ooraar of Fourth aad Pioa Stroota, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged In the aiaiufaetere of Irst alau MACHINERY, w. raapaalfally laforai ha aahli. that wa are aow praparad to III al) orders aa cheaply and as promptly as ean bo done la any of th. oitWa. Wa ssaaafaotaro and daal Its Malay and Circular Saw-Milli Bead Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pallaya, Qiflard's Iajeetor, Btaaas Oaagaa, Btoaaa Whlatlaa, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Caps, Oauga Coeks, Air Ooeka, Oloba ValvM, Check Valvaa, wrought Iraa Plpaa, Stoaas Pamps, Boiler Feed Pasaps, Aati- Frictloa Hatraa, Soap Stoaa Paeklag, Qoai Paok. ag. aad all kinds of MILL WORK I lopthar with Plows, 8lad Boloa, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kiada. JraT-Ordera aolldtad and Iliad at ey prloa. All tat tars of loqalry wltk rafaraaoa to asaehlaary of oar aaaafaatara proaiplly aaawerod, by addraa- iag as at Claartald, Pa. JaalT4-tf BIQLER, TOE NO A REED. QROCERIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, (Siiroasior to LTTLE A MITCHELL) WnOLESALR AND RETAIL DEALER I.N CHOICE LINK OP TEAS. 00L0N09, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, TOUNQ BT80N, ENGLISH BREAKFAST P.reel la Market. BUTTER AND IUOR. Will ba kmt aad aold at trat eoau Cask bald for Caaatry Prodaea, GERMAN CHERRIES, Tt'RKET PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. FIRM. ' Mackerel, Lake Herrlag, Cod, As. IMCKXKB. Bamt Pleklaa aad BagHak PMraa. FLOUR ABO FBBDe tlaar, Can Meat, Oat MeaL Ao. i- Tf . JAB. I. LTTLB. B THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1I7T. AK EXCURSION TO TUE CLEAR HELD COAL REGIONS. On the first of May wo list! pleas- tint excursion trip to tbo Ooul ruinoim ! --'-'ii y-aaiiii aMiim iii inumbcr ul our uiizuna uavuXccu iu toroHtcd. The following wore in tlto yiarty trom Iluntindon: William Dor ril, Esq., David lilair, Esq., Dr. It. A. Millor, John 'Ybitohoad, 11 of whom bare intorost in the Cloarfluld coal ; S. E, Iloiiiy, Jumea Port, lion. Alox. Port, Joseph WaUon, Krntik Ilofright, Ex Senator It. B. Potrikin, Samuel T. Brown, Esq., Brother Lindsay, of the Loral Nan, Brother Durborrow, of the Journal, tho editor of the GluU, and Monsienra fiobort and Brasscur, tho Belgian Plato Class gentlemen, for whose benefit the expedition was or ganiisod. At Tyrone we wero augmonled by R. A. MeCoy, Banker, W. F.Stoinor, Lumber Morchant, Thomas McCauley, Lumber Merchant, and Al. Tyhurst, editor of the Tyrone IferalJ, and a uarpet-baggor, formerly from this coun ty. Then thore was S. S. Blair, Supor intendentof tbo Tyrone Branch Roads, to whoso cottrtosy and guidance we owed our ride in a special car, and W. V. lrvin. Conductor. 1). D. Wood. Trainmaster, " Yank " Lathon, Engi I noer, John Bolger, Kireman. I Thus made up at 9 o'clock we took to the mountains. I'p we wont and still higher and higher. For thir teen miles an averao of one hundred and six feet toa milo, and at one time the ascent is even one hundred and forty -soven leet to a mile. Soon wo began to "look down with contempt" on small towns like Tyrone. At length, at Vanscoyoc Station, four intrepid ed itors mounted the pilot cow-catcher to view tho luudscape o'er. Thoview was grand, glorious and peculiar mountains, ruvinos, cuts, curves, haw logs, houses, fields, Ac., especially the and so-forths. Lindsay was just crack ing a joke about any cow that might be on tho track, when thore appeared a veritable lean, lunk, dilapidated spec imen of tho bovine tribo. She stood fuir on the track before us. Then she retreated a few steps and again faced us. Wo had visions of spattorod blood, and scattered ends, with hoofs, horns and all tho incidentals of a butcher shop. The engineer shut off the steam, put on tho brakes. Still sho didn't scare. At length she got one good look at tho editor of the Journal, when sho took fright and leaped over tho bank. We were saved, and horo the episode ends. Moral. Those who own cows and those who run engines should always keep the Journal man on the cow-catcher as a precaution. At Sandy Itidge, which is a little beyond tbo summit on the road, we exchanged the dangers of tho front position lor a more comlortable seat in our car. At Osceola wo wore trans ferred to the Moshannon Branch. Wo were glad to so that the town has been resurrected from its ashes and stands forth anew and beautiful. Here Ex-Sheriff Pie joined us, and being a Frenchman, kept company with our French speaking Brasscur. Tbo logs in tho dam at Osceola are a surprise to those of us not familiar with the lumber regions. We passed up to UouUdalo and then to the end of the road at Ramcy & McCauloy'ssaw mill. This saw mill is a mammoth affair. It uses up saw logs faster than Amos Martin's dog took down buckwheat cakes, which he described as being "a flop, flop, and it was gone." Wo saw one log go in and emorge in eighteen boards. Thoy have 400,000,000 leet on band ready for market A portion of tbo saw dust is carried to the lur naco and supplies steam sufficient to run the wbolo maekinory. The lum ber mill was carefully examined and our Belgian friends wore much de lighted. Ilnutzdale in spite ot the depression in the coal and lumber trade seems to be a thrifty village, and improvements seem to be going on briskly. This place was laid out by tho late Dr. lloutx, ot Alexandria, and his heirs still run the Eureka, Franklin, l'cnn and Webster mines. We did not get time to call on novora friends in tho village. Returning below the town we again took the Goss Run Branch road north about two miles. This road was built by John Whitehead 4 Co., FiBhcr Bros. & Miller, Pa id Blair, all of Hunt ingdon, and Keatle A Co., of Pottsville, to reach their respective coal lands. In lour months after the commencement of tho road coal was shipped on it from Whitehead's opening, and during the first year 77,000 tons wore shipped from this mine. The mine of Fisher Bros. & Millor was opened In the spring of 1875, and since then shipped about 110,000 tons. It ho! a capacity of four hundred and fifty tons per day, and is now running at about throe hundred tons por day. The coal is of the very best quality. This was the coal that was tested by the Cambridge city (Mass.) water works in May 1870, with the best Cumberland coal, and the result show ed that it would produce more revolu tions, pnmp more water and loft less ash than any other coal. The vein is from five foot four inches, to five feet ten inches, and has no impurity, and has benoath it five foot oi fire clay, and a fine rock roof. The coal bore is bat littlo disturbed, lays nearly flat, and there ia bat little trouble with rolls or waves. This coal is, hence, easily minod and were the coal market in a normal condition would afford our townsmen a handsome revenue. The Whitehead opening la owned" by Harncd, Ogle, Jacobs 4 Wbilohead. It has capacity of five hundred tuna per day. Blair'i opening now run by Bcrwind, White) 4 Co. has a capacity of about two bond red tons per day. All these three above named are on the same seam. Returning, we pass Osceola, Philips- burg and took np tho Brunch to Mor risdale where we tarried two hoars. Those mines an owned and run by R. H. Wigton, of Philadelphia, and Col. Win, Do iris, of Ibis place. The first thing was to wash and get ready' for dinner. Tbedioner was set op through Col. Dorria at Wigton 'a headquarters. It was a handsome repast, and as we wore all hungry, we did araplo Justice to tho groaning tables. Wo felt a lit tlo ashamed ol tbo three other editors, as tbey did cat as if they seldom got a chance to sit down to a square meal, and had it not been for the reputation ot the craft we should have examined tho contents of their pockets aftvrdin nor. After a smoke, wo took a trip into tho minus. Three cars wero rigged up, each preceded by a mule entwine. Soon lunt on tbo nead ol lliu en.uevr. Even tho luster of the carboniferous ago shed nothing but darkness on the scene. Gee, whoa! Mow wo turn to the right nuw to lliu left. At length wo reach a solitary miner at work, ex tracting tho consolidated debris of an ancient luxuriunt forest from its bod of ages. We saw how he did it, and then began to retruco our steps. Tho mule in front of Brother Ty liurst manifested so much repugnance to him or a lawyer in bis car that it had given several demonstrations which caused fears that it might kick tho roof off tho mine. Hence, it was deemed advisable to have some gen tleman behind it whose presence would command respect und good behavior. So wo took that rurand secured safety to its pussengers. We were much en tertained to see tho vegetable fossil iu tho roof of tho mine, and on returning to the main shaft, tho driver kindly took us up a quarter of a milo to sco a stump of an old tree-in tho roof of the . u .o i,,,, nun Biiuit niiu , 1 . a r l. i .... i. ... i in... vuv .iii'uwi ui iiiu mine ioukcu iihv u lone star in a dark sky. Alter we emerged again into tho upper world wo heard several of our party express au opinion thut tho life of a miner is a hard one. I Somo of our put ty did not go into l tho initio they said they would go out and bunt flowers. From what wo learned wo suspect they found some hop blossoms. Our Belgian friends were much pleased. Mons. lirutweur found a couple of genuine Frenchmen at tho Smith Shop and they rattled off French with great test. Tho Morrisdalo property once be longed to an Englishman. Ho had trusted a man in Now York to a large amount, and when tho Now York man fuiled, ho camo to this country a ruined mar, and found a pieco of wilderness in Clearfield county as tho only avail able assot. To this he moved, and on this hclivod for many years, an invalid, and not awaro of its value. His now owned six-tenths by Mr. Wigton and four-tenths by Mr. Dorris. Tho miners have a capacity of six hundred ton per duy. Tho seam is four feet four inches and tho coal of excellent quality. Wo were all much pleased with the mino, but the mino wo struck at tho dinner tsblo delighted us much mote as wo wore bodily constituted when wo first arrived. The coal on analysis yields 1,689 of fixed carbon, 24.09 of vola- tilo matter, 0.55 of water, 0.571 of sul phur and 3.10 of ash. At Morrisdalo we met oureiiliscriber O. S. Fleming, son of Capt. Geo. 11. Fleming of Alexandria. He has the honor of being tho only man who put two dollars at us for the Cllol during our trip. Arriving at l hiiipsliurg, we all sul lied forth to inspect the town. We had scarcely reached tho burnt district before wo wero called to full into tho "editoral column" and visit tho Journal office in a body. So it fell to our lot to introduco the brclhern to brother Murphy not he of the temperance fume, but the Editor. By the time we puid our respects to tho printing office, which is slowly recovering from tho fire, most of our excursionists had passed to tho upper end of tho town. We followed in an editorial quadrangle It was the editor of the Olobt that re marked : "How strange to think, that on this spot, then a bowling wilder noss, some eiguly years ago, one Philips, after whom the town took its name, came bore and established a fur nace. Brother Durborrow, howovor, who is more practically acquainted with that industry, promptly corrected us, then and tboro on the Bide walk, by stating that it was a Screw factory that Philips bad put into operation. To so high an authority on that sub ject, ot course, we promptly yielded. After an hour's stay in Pbilipsburg, seeing tho sights, calling on Mr. Zeig- ler, the hardware man, and Gon. Lane who Is in the "Murphy Movement," we wont aboard our car and returned to Sandy Ilidgo, where we stopped to see the procoss of making (Ire brick and ascertained what 300,000 brick would cost for our glass works. Then we sped on our way to Ty roneand thence to Huntingdon. Huntingdon Globe. BROTHER SCOTT ARISEN. Ill BL'RPASSRS LAZARUS IN IMS RESI'R RECTION. When Lautrus aroso from tho dead he did so just long enough to satisfy his friends that tho thing could be dono, and then ho lay down and went to sleep again; but hero is Brother Scott, who was brutally Bhot, and ho knew not for what, as the Now Eng land Mothodist preachers doclarcd, not only refuses to lay down again and re sumo his slumbers, but he reully goes about preaching and interviewing Re bel editors. Wo copy the following from tho Harrisburg Patrint : "Meddlesomo people ollon mako themselves ridiculous. Tho New Eng land Methodists at their recent confer once mado hasto to pat their fingors into Mr. Hayes' Southern pic and loud ly imagined that they bad pulled out a fine plum in tho shape of the corpse of the Rev. W. II. Scott, a colored ministor, who was reportod by some unscrupulous carpot-baggor to havo been brutally murdered by the bloody "white-liners." But the assassinated Rev. W. II. Scott insists upon revisit ing those glimpses of tho moon, and tho other day bad an Interesting inter view with a reporter of the Charleston AVtfA and Courier, to whom be boasted about bis ploasant relations with tho white people and expressed his delight over the triumph ot Hampton. For a "brutally murdored" man the Rov. W. It. Scott mado rather a livoly corpse. It will be in order tor the Now Eng land Methodists at their next confer ence to rescind the resolutions ot con dolence passed upon the announcement of the death of Brother Scott, and per haps the lesson that atorioa of assassi nation and murder coming from tho South should be taken can gram talis has been impressed not entirely in vain upon the minds of those who were so eager to believe this tale of the ear-pelhaggers. ONE OF THE INf'A MO US El (III T TUB EARLY LII'B AND RISE OF ONE OF TOE ELECTORAL COMMISSION. .Samuel F. Miller was born In the Dutch part ol Pennsylvania, from im ported parents, who spelled their name Mnhler, hut Anglicized it to Miller. Sanievillo strayed off down tho Ohio and lodged in Kentucky, whoro he soon mado himself useful in various ways. Ho fii.t was employed by a n'Kt ku ' 4VU HlHl IU oitluoi Ho there came across a Cumpbcllite preacher, who also was a steam doctor on tho Thonipsonian sysfom. This man had a most wonderful influence over Sam, and within ten months S. F.Miller was traveling over Green Brier and Aduir counties, Kentucky, on an old brown mare, with a large saddle-hag, with one pocket filled with lobelia and rattlesnake's master, and tho other filled with (.'amplwllilo tracts and pamphlets, preaching at night among tho good people of Kentucky, and healing diseases by the way. Sum earned quite a reputation as a preacher as well as a doctor, and put his money in his purse. Sam was not proud then, and turned his hand to anything that would make an honest penny. In the bluckberry season ho gathered a grout many bushels and sold at fuir prices, but in this employ ment he hud many huir-hrcnth escapes, on account of tho many black snakes, as well as rattlesnakes, and thoserach es he received on his legs and bunds from the briers. Sum found out In his blackberry hunts thut black snakes curried no poison in their fangs, und this ho learned from a negro's wife, to whom he applied for assistance uftcr being bitten by one of these rep tiles. Ho was also taught by Jemniie Hallinger's nigger, Iiubo, that a weed called rattlesnake's master was a sure cure for the bite of that deadly reptile. All this knowledge, was added to his former store, and thus it was that Sam flourished and grew to lame, and filled his purso and b iarded with the schol ars. Sum grew ambitious and gather ed his means together and followed his noso and landed in Iowain 1850. There Sam thought that tho Republican parly was the strong side in polities, and began to shout for tho nigger, which gave him a littlo local reputa tion, ami finally Sam wanted to go to Congress, and run James Wilson out of the way, and as a compromise Wil son promised to recommend Sum lor United Slates Judge, which he did, and in 18(12 t'nelo Abo then uppointed Sam Miller to tho United States Bench. Without otio scholarly attainment, without one elevated idea, without any history, philosophy, or science, or law, this petty partisan, with hit shins all Bcarred with Kentucky green briers, and a soul, (if ho has any) made of dollars and cents, ruminating in his habits, low in his instincts, unseemly in his person, and a stranger to the refinements of social life, was called to decido tho very luto of tho Xatlon, j u,nt u' njneium ol votes in Louts sndtoiinss im,,n vc,.il,t,. ,m,n.r. iana was not solely in tho interest ol State. Cluc-aijo Time. ATTITUDE OF THE UNITED STATUS TOWAhn THE HELLING EREXTS. TERMS OP EXISTINO TltF.ATIF.S. Tbe duties of the United States as a neutral (iovernment are summed tip in tho three rules of article six, of the Treaty of Washington, which rules are as follows : First To use diligenco to prevent tho fitting out, arming ar equipping, within its jurisdiction, of any vessels which it bus reasonable ground to be lie vo is intended to cruise or to tarry on war against a Power Willi which It is at pcuce ; and ulso to uso liko dilli gence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessol intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having bcon spociully adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction, to warlike use. Second Not to permit or sufTer eithor belligerent to mako uso of its ports or waters as the base of naval operations against tho other, or for the purposo of the renewal or augmenta tion ol military supplies or arms, or the recruitment of men. Third To exorcise duo dilligonco in its own ports and waters, and, as all persons within its jurisdic tion, to prevent any Infringement of tho forgoing obligations and duties. By a proviso at the closo of Iho ar ticle England and the United States havo not only bound themselves to the above definition ot the duties of a neu tral, but agreed to bring tho rules to tho knowledge of othor maritime na tions, and to invite them to acecdo to them. By the treaty of 1851 between Rus sia and tho UnitcdStutositwasagreed by article 1 : First That freo ships mako free goods that is to say : that tho effects or goods belonging to subjects or citi tens of a Power or Stato at war are freo from capture and confiscation when found on board of neutral ves sels, with tho exception of articles con traband of war. Second That the property of neu trals on board an enemies vessel is not subject to confiscation unless the same ho contraband of war. They (the two contracting Powers) ongago to apply theso principles to tho commerco and navagatinn of all such Powers and States as shall consent to adopt them on their part as permanent and immutable. This treaty was also signed at Washington, tho signatories being Messrs, William L. .Marcy and the Baron Stoekol. Block Am no. Russia has entered into tho blockading business pretty freely. About a fortnight ago, she ordered the river Danube closed and last week she declared the Black Sea closed after tbe 21st. Two dauglitora of the Into John I). Leo.of Mountain Meadow notoriety, havo been living near Mill Run, Fayette county, until quite recently, when thoy removed to Somerset county. To suppose that tho Southern Dem ocrat will vote for a Republican 8 peak or In tho next Congress out of gratitude for the Uayes policy seems to the ( -olumbia Dailg Rfgirter prepos terous. Boys are paid fifty cents a day In Pittsburg for pulling dandelions In the parks. PACKARD ON LOUISIANA. The worm will turn to sting the fool that treads upon t, and Packard has boon goaded to break silonco about tho Louisiana election returns by the declaration of the New Yuik Tribune thut the Return Hoard of that .State "cured more for the State administra tion than it did for tho Presidency," and that it decided to "push the rejec tion of votes beyond all reasonable tails." The Inbune waa most unlor lunate iu thus provoking Packurd to a jiuMlMta- Nation, for he puidishra a reply In that journal of yesterday that cannot be answered. Mr. Packard shows thai, had tbo Return Board slopped with throwing out the bull dozed parishes of Eust Buton Rougo, Eust und West Feliciana, Morehouse, Ouachita, Grant, Do Soto, Lafayette and Webster, tho result would have been as follows: eovsBNoe. Nl.-holle, Ilea... 75.H1. Rating; ,vi llcinuerat, ai.ee Tims. Hrpulillean. Mch'nry 71,8V J Kellogg.. 7,u Wlcklllfe TS.UJ.l Huron 7S,B"S 8t. Marlio J4.SI5 Joseph... ,. 79,421 Poena ta.O.lil Kheldoa.. 7.1,41s Da Blaao . 74,7117 Mark 73,741 Key 74,7' I.e. lea. 7S,I Cobb 74.7IT Breoeter 7J,UU Cross 74.708 JoOrloo 71,117 Mr. Packard thus shows thut it was necessary to "push tho rejection of voles" beyond tho bull dozed punshes not only to save the Packard Statu ticket, hut also to suvo Huyes, and hn piingently reminds tho Tribune that its claim thut additional work wus dono "for the suko of fastening Mr. Packard to Mi. Hayes' coat-tails" is "curiously at variance with the lacts." Ho then shows that the Board could huve re jected tho additional parishes of Cald well, Nochitoehcs and Richland, and accepted the fuco ot tho returns in tho other parishes, with tho lollowing re sult : Packard over Nieholls, 401, and Wicklifte, St. Murtin, Do Bluno and Seuy, Democratic electors, majorities ranging from fire to sixty-seven over their Republican competitors, which would have given the Republicans the Stale administration and both branches of tho Legislature, and given to Tilden four electoral votes when one would have elected him. But Mr. Packard reminds tho Tribune, that Instead of thus resting, they "push ed the rejection of votes" beyond theBe limits. Additional polls were rejected in tho parishes of Bossier, Catahoula, Claiborno, Franklin, Ibcria.Livingston, St. Landry, Tangipuhop, and in three wards of tho city of Now Orleans, which did not affect the election ot Governor or the members of tho Gen eral Assembly, and from such action resulted the majority of tho Hayes electors. 1 adopt tho words of the Tribune and join in your suggestion thai "uneasy Republicans who are worrying over tho bearings of tho Lou isiana settlement upou tho President's title will do well to keep these figures in mind." Mr. Packard clearly demonstrates himself and tho Slate ticket, but that the work had to be pushed "beyond all reasonablolimita" togivo the Hayes electors majorities. Tho best thing that tho Tribune can do is to dismiss tho arithmetical feature of tho Louis iana return, and not goad those who did tho figure-work to tell anything about it, for it cannot bo stirred with out making a pestilential stench in the nostrils of the Nation. There is force in its assumption that tbe selection of. electors is a duty imposed upon tbo States, and that tho rovision of the lawful tribunals of tho States is a question of tho greatest delicacy and fraught with the gravest of possible wrongs i but no journal with just claims to fairness, can defend tho original re turn of Louisiana for Hayes and Wheeler without violonco to every dictate of public integrity. Philailel phia Times. aa am i aa Maj. C'bos. II. Shrincr who lived some time at Frocport, Illinois, and afterwards at Atehinson, Kansas, has returned to Mifflinburg where ho ex peels to remain. The Milwaukee AVirj is confident that "a bluBt as loud as Ihut ol Ga briel'.) final trumpet would not rally enough Whigs in Wisconsin to form a corporal's guard." ADIHINIHTH ATIIH'M NIITICB.-Notlee Is hereby given that Letters ef Admlulatra tloa on the estate of JONATHAN WISIIK, Sr., late of Bradford township, ClearSald eoqnty, Pa., dee'd, having beca duly granted ta the under aigned, all persona indebted to said aetote, will rileeee make immediate pnvesent, and those bsv ng elslms or drmaads will preeeat them properly autbentioated for eetll.a.nt without drier. A1IRAM PKAKCH, Wllllamegrova, May 9, '77 ol. Adm'r. DMI NINTH ATOH4 N OTIC tie Nrtitt Is hert; glrea thst letters of Ait mlniptreilon oa the lute of JOHN B RAFK KKTV, leta tf I'enn tnwoiblp, Clearfield eounf;, Pa., dee'd, having beea duly (treated ta tht enderfiRned, all persons ladebted te said tetatt wtll pleene make immedlett paytneat, aad tanee hsTing eleiras or demands will prrrit them properly authenticated ffr Mttlrtnmt with out df I j- CIIARI.KS HKI.PKR. Mas. B HAFKKRTV. tirttDploa Hills, May I. 1877-dt. Adm'rs. AI1MI NINTH ATOH'H NOTICK.-Nt.tlce Is hereby Rivtft that Let ten of AdtnlnlMra tloa an tht aetata of BALTIIA.KK OKNNM., lata tf Cuflnetoa town .hip, Olearleld eounty, Pa., demand, having bees dely granted to the uaderelgned, all periont Indebted to said aetata will pleeee make immediate peyraent, and those having tlaims or demands will present them properly entfaenticnted for settlement without delay. JOHN B. KKNO, - Admiotitrator. Frearhvllle, Pa., fcUy I, 7J-l A' DMINlMTRATOK'ft NOTICK. Notioo Is hereby aire (hut Letters of Al- mialitrailoa an Iht tstelt of WM. T. THOHP, lete of Urssnwood towoiib.p, Clearfield county, I'e., deleaved, having been duly granted ta the anderrtgned, all persoas indebted to said OPtale wilt plea at mske Immediate payment, and thoe having elaims tr demands agaiait tbe same will present then properly authenticated fnr settle ment without delay. Cll ARI.Kfl TIlOR P, llwsr, Aprill 2.7T St. Administrator. AIMINIHTRATORN NOTITK. Netiee Is hereby given thst Letters of A J minintretlDB nn tht estate of WILLIAM BKI.L, late of Oreenwwid towaeblp, Ctearfleld Co., Ft., dee'd, hsvlng bean duly greeted In the ander signed, all pereons Indebted to raid sit ate will filiate meke immediate paymsat, aad those kav tig slslmt or demand! will prevent them properly authenticated fur settlement without delay. FRAMPTON HULL. t. h. HOOVKH, Bower, April I", ISTT-At Admlalitrstors. ClAUTION.-oAll ivommt ere hereby eawtien. ei against pureeealag ar ia aay way med dling with the follow teg property, aow la tht postcfliioa of Kdward Davie, ef Beooariatawaihip, v Is t Ota bay buret, f black boree, t seta barneas. I wlad mill, 1 plow, I harrow, 4 begs, I twe-borvt wegna, ana a acres ot waeai ia tat troeea, m tbe same belongs ta me and Is left with htm subject to my order at any time. JOPHUA K. DAV18. Glen Hope, May IS, IBT7.lt iHAlJTlON.e-awAII parsons are hereby oautloa- j ee against purcbaieag ar la aay way Bed dlmg with the lollowing prefer ty, now In the poeeeasfna af Mrs. Mar caret u Ames, la the bar- ouch of Newburg, and late the property ef J. R. Ames, to will One hUvk mare, 4 aews, I year lings, t ralves. 1 aow. 1 stemn saaehino. 1 eel blerknaltb tools, t plows, t harrows, I bads aad bedding, I took stove, I room start, I let theirs, I bureau, 1 ft and, I tables, 1 huggy, 1 set harness, 4 aeree of wheat, i of an aero ot oats, 4 eeres rye, I toag oled, 1 wegea, 1 lira kettle, I topper let tte, I stock, I book ease, 1 pair spreads, I soap bees, eeyibes, forks, Ae. Bald property was par abased by ate at Sharif 't sale, and Is only left with Mre. Amos' oa losa, enbject to ay order at any lime. MM. In A B HULA W. OLVVMa Vlea Hope. May t, II7T-H Stir S&vtrUittamt. ATTENTION! FARMERS &GARDENERS. Do yoa asat to Ineroaaa the prodeetloa ofyoar Farms and Mardeoe as a saaall t..llay aad ae trouble f If so, saoJ for a package of Waugoman'a Vitative Compound, or Seed and FUiit Invigorator This Is a wonderful cheoslea! discovery, eon -tatnlng all the Ingredients la a eoBdeneed form fur the Immediate BBd eerUt. gornlnalluo of lb. seed, and Ike vigor. as and tanld growth of tho ' .ae. .- , . . - V- - ,- -4 . Miemy, a. arateets tat ateds aae plants iror. tbe attack ef laeevla art, worts, Pet aa ta peflt.ees el $1 aaa t'J.aa 9tak i thesmall is SMltieWni for aalf a busbel. aad the larger fr one VtkWwVi -v. , tWiii b? snail ao receipt of prist, etd If touts additional for pusiafe, I7 BCOIilR, RKKD HMIT1I, Agbuta, lit Lil'trtr fit., Pittsburgh, i'a. Or sdtlress WAUGAMAN & CO., Care of (leo. Blogham, Adams Kinross Co., PITTriUURHII, PA. Or.WAUOAlLAJN&CO. IILAIItSVlLLK, PA. April IS, ISTT-Sl, rilHIAI. I.IMT Llalef eaasel eat dote, for X trial at aaooad waek (Ifih day) of May term, l77i W. ft. A L. Aeeocla'n va. Jansea Haley. W. W. Wilaoa.to use va i. O. Wright A Co. (leo. H. Logan va. The T. A t'. R. H. Co. B. A C. Uartibora vs. The T. A 0. R. R. Co. II . 0. Pasrnoro v.. Joaa. Ilart.bora. Andrew Penis, Sr. va. Was. Corley ot, al. Saial llarerty's heirs ra. W.V.Wrlglit et.al ,Ad's. I. U. Darll va. Richard Mom.,,. decree 0. Hill vs. Hill A Clark Janes L. BB 111 vs. Hill A Clerk W 8. Dirkry va. J. W. Paris. F. R. hooker vs. Jtibn DuBols. J. W. Luoore va. John PuReis. Lasarul Moyor va. Woj. W. Irwia. (leo. M. Hrlebla vs. The Penn'a H. R. Co. Ira II. Kllllaiaa vs. Hlooos A Krhard. Samuel Wldeinlre va. Jere. Co Lor. t'rieeutao A Hons va. Iiaao Unloee. W.S. Head A Vro'a va. He mud Murpbey. i. A. Huf, llaarslaa va. J. K. A J. C. k reiser. ELI BLOOM, Prothonotary. Ilr "IP AI HOI1H. J List of Jorore draaa for May term, A II. IS77, oosaaienoiag oa tbe 4(b Moaday-tba ztiia lay: TRAva.aa atiaaaa la waaa tleo. Dillon, Becnarla Jere Cooper, " Hoc. Uriel, Boris 8. B, Taylor, Ooehen Jaa. K. Uraham. " '(leo. W. Stiles, Itolirh Kdward Pale, Hra'lford Ice. (lillitan, Jordae Knoch Krhard, Kooi Wm. Valuer, " Was. 8. Wright, Brady Andrew Wall, " Win. Huttou, Burnaldo Was Read. Clearleld F. K. Smith, " E O. Read, " Jno. Ilulllhaa " Jaa. MrK.ro, Chrat J.W.Weitover, IMilea Hoars, Lawraeee J. B. I.rlle, 1(1. (1 Irwio, " J. A. Mcllride, " O. P. Howlea, ' Peter Meyer, Morris IJoba Hoover, I Isaac Markle, Kewburg 'H. P. Blandy, Oeooola Jae. Claary, jr , Praa A. Biglemao.CovlBgtoa Jacob aiuca, Ueoatur J. L. Tbompeoo, John Leigay, Uirard Jaiaee t'aldaall, Pike II.H.Baughman.Wood'd John W. Ralferty, I'enn 0 RPHANM COUNT MALE. la parsusnoo of art order af the Orphan Court ef Clearfield eonnty, tbo underpinned Ad mini (retort, 0. T. A., of lbs sits 'a of Thomas W. Fleming, late of tba borough of Curwentville, dee'd, will sell at public sale oa the preml-ss. In Curweniviite, on Wszdueaday, May 30, 1 8 IT, at 1 o'clock p. m., tbe following real estate, late of said dee'd, vis : No. I being all that eertale kit ef ground aituate In said borough, on the soalh side of J Msta street, beginning el corner of lot ef A. J. Draucker; thence southward along Hat of raid lot intl teei to birch alky ; thenoe eastward along said alley 4fi feet to lot of Daniel jVeust; thunoe northward along said lot UU feat to Mate street) thenoe westward along said street 4A feel tt plitoe of be ginning The improvements eoailst of a large two-story frame do tiding or bufinesi stand, the main building 41 feet front by M feet in depth, with aa L attached 2JStT feet, two denrable store rooms oa Aril floor, with several rtouiR oa second flour, ana of which Is oeoupied aa aa Odd Fellows' Halt, large frame stable in rear of lot, occupied as a liver stable No. being all that certain lot of ground sita-i ate In said borough, hegin&lng at tbe turnpike or State itreet, at the corner of lot of N . B. Arnold: , theace northward by said lot 10 feet toaa alley; thence esitward by said alley M fttt to lot of if. B. Tboueeen ; thenoe eouthwnrd by lot of said Tboaipeoa ISO feet to (State street; theaoa west-: ward by laid street oV leet to the plaoe of becm-1 ning. The improvements tomtit of a two-etory i frame dwelling bouet, tbe mala boildiag being 31 feet front by 20 lee I in depth, with aa 1 attached IflxSd lest. Alety, a basement story underneath i suita Is for store room, frame stable and other out huildiogs an tba property. Tbees proartiee are well totaled ia the tmtt i bnaineai portion ef Curwensville, and rent readily for bualoeee purpoeev, Ac. TERMS OF SALE: One third of the purchase money cash oa eon. grmation of sale, one-third fa one vaar. and the balaaee ia twa years from data of sale, tbe latter two payments with iot erect rrem date of sale, to be .ecured by judgment bond aad mortgage en tba premises. a&ALHAKlAH JnciN A t u. JO&KI'H R. IRWIN, Administrators. Curweaivillo, Pa., April 2J, 1(177-61. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. in accordance with aa Act of the General As sembly of this Commonwealth, approved the S'.'d day tf March. A. U. I70, and the supplement upproved tho Id day of April, A. U. Il 3, "relat ing to the eol lection of taxes ia tbe county of Lieerntiu, aeuot is in ere lore nereoy given te tbe taipayere residing la the dint riot, below named, that tba Co amy Treasorer, la accord an ee with the eeoond eection of said Act, will attend at the places of holding the borough and township elections on the following named days, fur the purpnst tf receiving the County and state taxes aaeesasd for tho year H7T t For Uaioa township, Monday, June 4th. For Dubois, Brady township, Tuesday, June Alfa. For Trout-tile, Brad twp., VVedaesday, JoaaAU. for Lutbersburg, Brady twpThuradav, June 7th. For nioom townabtp, Friday, June 9th. For Peon town -hip, Saturday, June Vtb. For Unite h township, Monday, June I lib. For Bectaria townabip, Taeeday, Jnat 12th. For Jerdaa township, Wednesday, Juae llth. For Chest township, Thursday, June ltlk. For Newburg bor , Friday, Juae latin, from Ite 13 a'eloek. For New Washington bur., Friday, Juae 1Mb, from 1 to T o'clock. For ilurostde twp., Fatarday, June 18th. For Bernsidthort Monday, June tflth. For Bell township, Tuesday, June 18th. Fr Mrecn wood township, Wedneaday, June SO. For Ferguson township, Thursday, Jane 21, from T to II. For Lumber City borough, Thursday, June II, from I tt a. For Kai township, Friday, Juae tS. 1 For Huston township, Saturday, Jane 13. For 1'ike township, Monday, June 3a. For CarweasfHIe, Tuesday, June 20, to t o'clock. Upon all taxes raid to tht Treasurer there will he a reduction of fim per cent., while Are per cent, wtll be mddwd mttr tht Jtnt tfay e July rf, to all. unpaid taiee, meklng a dkflereaee of TKN per con.. ie prom pi mipayera. . ramee caa, irarn tnt lstaf May, pay their taxes at tht Treasurer's uflsjC. Novire to hfenriiMTt. A rare opportunity will be given ta merchants ta come forward at the tine and plaoet set forth, and lift their License for l77. DAVID MeOAlMtltKY, ClearAeld, May 111, 1877. Treasurer. AMERICAN' CYCLOrEDIi, (APPLETOM'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete In 16 Yolumos. Bnllrsly re-writtea. Krervlkler. hrourM dowa ta tke preaent tleae. Illustrated tkruit wilk Over 3,000 Illustrations AND liAP.4 .f avarp eountry ea the (lobe. Sold oalv by eubsorlptlua. It la aot ebli(alorp to take all the volume, at aaea a volease assy be delivered oaoa.a ajaaalb, ereaee la two Baaathe. Tea ee.la a dav, the prlee of a eiffer, will pay for a set of CirtlLOI'KDIA ON A Ul MONTHLY HIIBSCKIPTIUNiaaaaalkaalkra.ya.ra. Thee there wtll be aoaaathlag aakstaaUal saved aad a evarsheaee of knewhsUe Indeed a aaivereal library la It self eeeefed, wltk kat little effort ar aaeMaea. PRICK AND RTVLR Of D1ND1NO t Pot Ultra Clotk. par voL.................. IIM For Library Lealker, per vol . I For half Tarkay Horaewa, per vol 0 Per kalf Raaala Cltra eilt, par vol M For Fall Mereeee Aallaa, par vol II For Fall aaeia.fer vrt ISM Par further lafonaatlaa addreai l.H. WILLIAMION, P.hllekar'i afaat, lt Bulk atreat, Je.etl,ll7A-ly PHaeberek, Pa. t9ur (9irn IvriiUrmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Published ererr Wedaoaday by GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEAR PI KLD, P A.. Hat th Larg-eat rirculaUen of any paper The large and constantly Increasing circulation of the , Rkpublican, rondors it valuable to business men as A medium thro' which to reaeh the public Terms or Subscription. : If puid in advanco, . . . 12 00 If paid after three months, .- 2 60 If puid after six month, . . 8 00 When papors are sent outside of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING Ten lines, or less, 3 times, . ft 50 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 50 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 SO Cautions and Eslrsys, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 BO Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One Miuar.-, 10 lines, . . . $S 00 To aitiaroa 15 00 , i Three nqiiaren, . . . . . 20 00 1 One fuurtli column, . . , . 50 00 ! One-lialf column 70 00, One eolnmn 1211 00 ItLiA.XKN. Wa bave alsraya on band a large ttock ol blank" ot all deaoription. SUMMONS, RCnPlENAS, EXECUTION'S, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, - BONDS, FEE BILLS. CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, kc, Ac , ic. JOB PRINTING, Wo are prepared to do all kinds or PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, 4o., Ilc, IS THE HKST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Ooodlander & Ie, Clearfield, Clrarflrld Cosnly, Pa. THE MANSION HOUsf Ooraar af Soooad aad Markal Streets CLE AM KIEL!, PA. TMIsald aad ooeaeaodloae Hotel kss 4 a Ike pael year, ba.a ..largad to sWu!! foresee eapaolly for tbo eaurtelemeal ef etl gera aad guests. Tbe whole belldl.. refurnished, aad tka proprietor an" ttuT polos to render kll gussla aomlsrtsblV.kli' staylag wltk him. jatr-Tbe 'Maasloa House" Omslkes r... .. aad from lha D.nal oa Ike ar!.l ..j . ' a) of a ace Lralo. w. n r.ZV" W.C.CAkM,. July II-1 If rieprlata, .c'-aret Market Street, Clearfield, P,, o. B. Mrs B. Bradley, formorly roi,rleiorrf lk. ionara lloaae, Baring leased tba All.,k, J llotcl, allra a share of public patroaeie, K "iioueV, tfS yo'tfTwraognly repaired eil'ai. Leonard lloaae, baring la.d tba AILrtJI famished, and lueale I aill lod it a pleaeaet eke. ping plac. The table will he suDblieri .,,kT beat of everything ia Ilia market. Al It, J! will be found the beet wlnea and linear,. iil!l stabliag attached. WM. 8. BHAIlUY lay 17, ,. I'ropnetef, SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front street. I CLKARPIXLD, PA. The undersigned having takra eharge of Ibu Hotel, would respectfully aoliclt public tialrunee. Jean. D. It. k'LLittTosir 17"ASIliNGTON HOUSE, H- NKW WaSIIINilTl.N, p4 Tbia aew aad Well furalsbed hoaie bee' etea - ' .., ooanueot at being able to reodar aatiafactlca to tboae oho Mays, 1,71. ' O. W. DAVIS, fropr. IOYD HOUSE, -J Mala Street, PIIILIPrlllURU, I'K.NVA. Table always supplied with the beat the mark efforde. Tbe travoiiog public is invited toeall ian I7S. ROHKHT 1.0VI) garths. r. a. aaaoLB. a. w. ahbolb. i. b. aas.,ta F. K. ARNOLD 1 CO., Ranker, mid Ilrokcm, Reynoldavllle, ArfTerana Co., p,, if nn.v mhI.1 ... J .i T. ; . - - w .. .,-.: uu t, B,. derate rates. Kaatera and Poreica Kiebat,(ea. eaa. mu eonertiona prompfjy Biaoe Krjnol.lerllle, bra, IS, IS74.-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM la Maaoafe Building, oaa door aartb el C. U. WataoB'a Dru( Store. Poessrw Tiekets to aBd faom Liverpool, Queee, toaa, (ilaairow, Loadon, Parte and Cp.ntitfnl Alao, Drafts for sale oa tba Royal Baas, of IreisaS and Imperial Bank of London. JAM Kg T. LEONARD, Prei'L W. M. BHAW, Caakiar. DREXEL 4 CO., Ka. II aouth Third atreet, PtiUatelpbla And Dealers in Government Securities. Appllealioa by Bail will reeeire prompt atlea tloa, and all Information ekeerfutly famiehel Orders solieled. April I ML jprntistrjj. Kali t of Arllrlrlal Teeth. . Kliijrle Met af Artlllrlal Teclli, tn.lHI klt.lHl Drs. HILLS & IIEICI1II0LD, UNTISTS. t'I.EAKFIELD PKNX'A. Dr. A llilla wnld t.f.na bis frienji in! patiaats tbat he has ae.ociated aitb him, ia tit practice of denlielry, Dr. i. L R. llci.-hWi. a gentleman whom be ean reeomnieod vitb ll eaenrene. of airing eatiatactl jn, should he chsnee u be out of the otllee. All work guarsnteej te gir. sntlsfaetlon. A M. IIILI.i. Oet 18, '78-tf. J. I.. B. HKlCMIInLD. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OEe. ia Beak Baildiog,) CursreaavillF, riearUeld Co., Pa. aaek 11 tt-tt J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARPIKLD, Pt. a (Offiee ia afaeuoie Baildiog ClearBald, Pa, May t. 1877.y. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CA1D0N & BRO,, On Market St., ana door weal of Maasloa Hoase, CLBAKFIKLD, PA. Our arrangements ara ff tba most oomplt character lor furnishing the public with Fresh Meats of all hind, and of tbe very best quel it T. Wt also deal in all kinds of Agricultural Imple ments, which we keep on exhibition for the ben efit of tbe public. Call around when In tows, and take a look at thinga, or address r. U. CAKDON A BRO. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1874 tf. FRESH MEAT--XEW SHOP. Th. uadereignW hereby inform, tba eublie ia general tbat they keep oa band, reru arty, at their ahop. adjoining JO l!!l QIILICH 6 fare ura rooms, oppostl. lb. Coart Hons., tb. SAWl" MSSH Krgr, TEAL, MCTT0X HUB, POBK, KTC, A T REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. Market tamralare Taeedev. Thersdav. and Saturdays, Meat dolrvevwel at reeidenet whet desired. A share af patronage Is respectfully solicited. March 1, 187A-ly. fiTAGK A NO KRIS. EW CABINET MAKING SHOP. M. B. SPACKMAN Dulree to annouoee to th. pabllo that ha has opeoed a CABINET MAKINU SHOP IN CLEARFIELD When he will KEEP ON HAND FTTEITITTJEE, And da all klnda of CABINET WORK and RE PAIR FURNITURE af all kinds, oa short aotiee ead In (be best possibls manner. h.p oa Fourth etreet, eppoeita Parh A Urrill't Carriage Shop. Aug I, '7 ly. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, nATTiti:ssi:s, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET BTRBRT, NSAR P. 0. The undersigned begs tears to Inform the eltl teas of Clearflehl, and the public generally, that he has oa hand a flae asottinent of Kuril (tare, each aa Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Cbsmhff Suites, Parlor Hoi tea. Reclining and Kitemict Chairs, Ladies' ar.d Meats' Kesy Chairs, tbe rVr forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane fleet aa4 Windsor Chairs, Clothes Bars, fllep and Ktlea loa Ladders, Hat Racks, crabbing Brushes, 4 MOULDI.NO AND PICTUR1 PRAMKS. Looking Olasaea, Ckromes, Ac, which woe ld suitable for Holiday nrasrnts. decl0'7 JOHN TROtTTMAN. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS & STATIONERY Market uu, Clearfield, (at lha Port OhVr.) TUB anderslgned a.g leare la annnunee ta the eltiaeaa af Ctwit.ld aad vleiallv. Hal ba haa (tied ap a room aad haa jael retirees' from tbe eilr with a large amoanl ef reading matter, eonsistlag la part ef Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Bleak, Aeoennl aad Pass Books of ererr ea aeriplioa Pap-e aad Eavelepee, Preaeh preiaed aad plata Pane aad Peaellei Blank Lrfel Papara, lleada, MorlgmgM Judgment, Eieiep Uaa aad Promlaarv aotaei White and I'er'i meat Brief, Legal Cap, RaeordOep.aad R(l 'ap. Hhaal Haste, for either Plea. Plate or Vinlie, eoaelaatlp aa hand. An; beoke or atatinnarl desired that I ma; aot bave oa baBd.will be rierd b; Irst .sprees, aad aold at waulssarr or nasi In mtlt f . 1 1 - , L . nri-fl-ieal Hlaratara, aaeb aa If agastaee, Newapaxiers. Ae. P. A. UAl kin. Clearteld, Ma; 7, IHSi-tr IL A. OIATZKK, (ttCCBBBOa to) ' K ATZKR A LYTLE, aaaLsa DRV O00D8, MOTIONS, BOOTS, SB0ES, IEATBER, CARPETS OIL CLOTBS, WALL PAPER, WIKDOW SHADES, Haa ttrwert, t laarfcld, Pa. Jaa. I, IITT-tf