! I ! It I. Shc&cpuMiciitt. tiinrtnt B. GoonUNUKR, Editor. aDi.r.nlJC.1 hiuliK.Ma, aiai aj, la, I. Render. If job went to know what la oln on l..:. THE EASTERN WAR A BLOODY ABTILI.rRY lt'KL AT KARS AT . CLOSI QUARTERS. Tho war ii. Asia is raging hot ween tho bclligorents, but-in Knrope, alfaire arc more quiet, both sides evidently preparing for a conflict of no mean pro portions. Tho London Telegraph's spociul from E.croum on Saturday, describing tho first attacks on Arduhan, says : "The efforts of the Russians commenced with a heavy artillery firo, which was as hotly returned. This was followed by impetuous infantry attacks, which wero ropulued every tiino with great slaugh ter. " Under orders, apparently, to obtain succoaii somewhere or other, nt any cost, tho troops wero led back to the assault after each failure until night stopped tho carriage. " From Kurs wo havo intelligence that on Saturday tho Hussion attack ed Ibo oulur lines with a furious deter mination, having preceded their at tempt by a heavy but ill-directed can nonade from tho siege artillery. Tho powerful guns in tho Turkish batteries replied with better effect. "The duel was vigoiously maintain ed till tho Russians brought up columns of inlantry as close at they daroj to the fortifienlioiis,apparently purposing, ii possible, to toko tho place by storm. "Tho Ottoman commander observ ing this, drew together a largo body of troops behind tho ramparts and launched A tremendous sortie upon the Russian flank and rear, under the shock of which tho enemy wero obliged to retreat into a disadvantageous position. "A bloody engagement followed at i closo quartern, and at its termination tho liussians wero obliged to retreat, beaten, leaving upon tho field 300 corpses and a largo number of wound ed. Thero was a slight enconntor mcantimo between the cavalrj- with-1 out any special result." A telegram from Constantinople stales tbattho Russians are committing frightful massacres in tho Caucasus. Vienna, May 21. It is rumored that negotiations are pending for a tripplc alliance between Germany, Aus tria and Knglund. liONDON, May 21. Renter's Vienna dispatch says: "A Bucharest telegram announces that Rou mania yesterday proclaimed independence and declured war against Turkey, but will remain on the defensive." A telegram from Athens says it is staled that tho Porto has sent A harsh reply to Grcece'g strong representa tions relative to tho recent release ol Turkish brigands from prison at Jani na and their entry into Greece. Bucharest, May 21. Tho Russians arc making a decided movement below the river Alula. Tho Roumanian Offi cial Gazette to day promulgates a cir cular interdicting navigation on tho Ianuho. Fourth Paok. "Packard on Louis iana," found on our fourth page, and "One of tho Infamous Eight," and tho "Excursion to tho Clearfield Coal Ko gion," is all excellent reading matter. Packard's fucts and figures aro vory entertaining, especially to enthusiastic Hayes men, who still try to bclievo that their idol was elected President last November, Now, it they will not bclievo Packard, somebody should be raised from the dead. Probably such a ono might convince them of tho error they havo fallen into. A ygt AREOrFsr.T. Hrigham Young rclused ltob Ingorsoll tho Mormon Tcmplo to deliver his lccluro in, on tho ground of the hitter's infidelity. ThoJtow York 7crtiW says: "All tho men "who talked to Joo llradloy tho great commission, aro getting of fices , ho know it all beforehand." Tho Poylestown Drmocrat is author ised to stato that Senator Ycrkes is not a candidate for Auditor General, and will not accept tho nomination if ten dered. Jho Commissioners of the Stato Sinking Fund havo ntithoriod tho Financial Agent ol tho Commonwealth to call in $8,324,000 ol tho fivo and six per cent, loans falling duo August 1 1877, to bo paid on presentation at tho tanners' and Mechanics' National Bank, Philadelphia. A Marked Difference. Grant and Hayes woro both in Philadelphia on the 10th at the grand opening of tho Permanent Exhibition. Tbo former wan blanketed and exhibited all ovor tho cily in regular elephant style. The latter was not. Now, why this mark ed diflorenco tow.ird tho man out of offiir, and tho man in office t Oris it becauso Philadelpbianswant no office T AtTheii. An exchange says: "Tho seasons of lasting and prayer for tho citorminalion of the grasshoppers in Rome portions of the West, have borne Iruit apparently; for Prof. Itilcy'i re port Ii highly encouraging, so far as Kansas is concerned. He thinks the battle there baa boon lought and won, and perhaps Kansaa waa as wicked State as any that bae been threatened. II the prayer guago la working so well, why not try It on the lufemal potato fcoge. Thus far tho quantity of liitnbor oliiijieil from Willittinsport tloos not: como up to tho anticipations ot tlio manufacturors. During tho mouth ol April 23,209,028 foot wore iorwarded by rail and canal, showing an Incrouso ol 9.173,023 feet over tho business of March. Compared with April, 1S70, we And a decreaso of 3,533,85!) feet, tho total shiimcnU of that month reach ing 2G,812,S82. At that time tho Irado TtS arlivrtar-fl 1,1 r,f ae .liiva 't. t' y enw r m I carried 7,4G5,2u. foot to market. For tho pa! month tho canal shipments' rM ptis ,. .wii.,. of 2.007.2S9 feet. In 177 the fli-t boat load was cleared on the 0th of April. Lat year the canal opened about tho sumo timo. For tho four' months of tho current year tho ship-1 mcnls of lumber from W illiamsport; show a total of 49,793,273 feet. Com. pared with the same period in 1K70, tboro is a railing ofTof 18,133,721 feet, the total shipments' of that timo reach ing 08.2:11,997 feet These compari sons serve to show tho depressed con dition of tho lumber trado. And what is moro discouraging still, there is no prospect of a revival at present, which shall bring the trafllo up to tho stand ard of the past year. This depression is not confined to this district ; It ex tonds all over tho country the Fast as well as tho West. U tho great lum ber manntaoturing districts of Michi gan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, wo find tho same depression, with little indica tions of a revival. As one-third ol tho year has already passed, and tho quan tity of lumber sent to market from Williumsport hills below tho business ol 1870, for the same time, it is not likely that there will bo a sufficient in crease during tho bnliinco of tho year to bring tho trudo up to tho standard of last year. Last year tho total amount sent to market reached 179, 298,791 feet. In 1875 it was 185,131, 421 foot. Tho previous year, 1874, showed a traffic which lootod up 230, 830,289 tcet. In 1873 the shipments reached 213,402,189 feet, an oxcess of 44,955,787 feet over tho trnfllc of 1872, and only 23,400,903 fret less tbun in 1871, tho heaviest year in our history, when the shipments ran tip to nearly two hundred and seventy millions. It is not likely that Williumsport will ever seo such a trade again, as tho amount manufactured gradually de creases as tho demand fulls off. Prices, too, have (alien below what they wero in tlio ycara ol our greatest prosperity, and tboro is but little indication that a revival of trado will briiur them un In the figures of those years. Anotberi drawback at this timo is the (inline of tho manufacturers to cot. all tiR,r stock in tho boom, on account ot tho beml l,ko 1,18 ls'',t Klir"Pl'l,n rise in tho river not continuing longj""9 U not ,,My ,0 RrM,i m,,ch f,ln enough tocnablotho "drivers" lo reach on "ie "ccan.'l t li.'irdfwtiimtinii Prmiiirli lir.u-oi'i.1- La ! . ,, ,". ' . ' , i been received to run tho nulls nearly all the season, and it b expected that : they will continue in operation till the, rtnaa ui iuv iiiuieuui in va uuusieii WiUi(tm.'ort Bulletin. "The RriiEL Key." Postmaster General Key, in A letter expressing re grets at bis inability to Attend the Dec oration Day ceremonies at Spring Grnvo, Tennessee, says: "I rejoico to bear you say that tho soldiers that are buried in your beautiful city of tho : ., , , , I.AI tlir.tr U'nrn flta Kino rto dead, whether they woro the blue or tho gray, will be respected alike. He who dies for a cause which ho believes is just may have dono wrong in en gaging in the Btrifo, but ho committed no sin. Ho may havo died a Chris tian and an honest man. Tho fact that the southern soldier staked bis lilo on his cause manifested his sinceri ty. Say, if you please, that ho was mistaken, and ho did a great wrong, but say at tho same time that ho was , , . J such a ono, tears may fall from kindly I eyes, and (lowers bo strewn by lovely hands without reproach." If Tilden bad received the plnco to which he was cloctcd, and would hure appoint ed the "Confedorato" General Key, Postniastor General, and he would have tittered the abovo words, would not "Romo howl" ovor it? Packabd to ISlaine. Tbeso two dead roosters aro crowing to ono nn other. They see that their sun has set. Tho days ol political frccbootinir is ended. The banishment of tho sol diem from tho Capitals of Louisiana and Mouth Carolina annoys such things as P. & B. Tho note ol tho former pa triot to his brother hero in Maine, is dated New Orleans, May 10th, and reads as follows : Tba srartbraw af lha lawful Dlata Oorrrnro.nl waa apimipriatalr arlabratad ta-Uv. Datacb meata af Iba arm aad aarj of tha t'Bltad Slala. particinatiHl with Iba Wbite Laaxua or Alabama and Loaillaaa la tbil aalabratiaa of Uamotratie uoaaii. Did poatie Ju.tiaa raqaira that tba boa onofthii arhiavrtaant aheuli ba that iquallv dirldad IB the abrrBaa at commliilon, Tha grav wai aoeorded tba poat of honor oaar Iba bloa and aabad tto apoloKT. Tha Cuatoa. tlouaa aad foltofiira were etoeed Ib admiration of Iba erent. Il la prnhabla that lha Unilrd Ktalai inlerler efloe will Bot ba raqnirad brraaftar. lird .) B.B. PariABK. We havo not soon Blaine's answer, but be no doubt ay mpathir.es with his bereft and disconsolalo brother, who j cannot feol any worso ovor tbo death j of his mother. Poor fellows, do pity them I how ' Tn Irish Reformer. Tho "life" of Murphy, tbo great apostlo of tern poranco, has boon boiled down into the following paragraph; "liornm Ireland: emigrated to America at the ago of seventoen ; working as a day laborer ; keeper of a dram shop, where ho soon became his own best customor, and soon sold out by the Sheriff, then a bar keeper, bat unablo to keep oven that position on account of drunken ness, he soon descended from bad to worso until he wound up In jail. Hero be became "converted ;" saw tbo error of his waye, and after bis roloaso, not satisfied with reforming himself, he determined on the rescue of others." How is It T Tho editor of tho Phil adelphia TYiiiM baa various ways ol expressing himself whon alluding to publio characters. When Grant left this country for Kumpo a few daya ago he went off this way : "Tho wbolo country loins in Philadelphia's "God spoed" to General Grant," Now, whotbor ho expeotsUranttobe drown ed, or that ho will remain in Knrope for the balance of bis natural life, we know not But this fact ia clear : The man be upbraided and Condemned vig orously wbilo In power, he now puffs and p raises. Whon waa be riihtf Demagogue then, or now f Wo rinJ A Rood cloul in lirpiiblitnn papers ttbotit Mr. Jluyos lmving "gona buik on llio iirinciiiluit of liis own ur ly." Well, wbut")rin(!iilt)it"dij bo n back on? W bo tun toll ? Womnnot soo what principles ho bin dcserti'd, exempting one, mi'! iliut, it in hoped for slmme's mite, no tlecent HqiulilUaii will admit as a principle! of their party although in luct it in, namely, that tho Southern States should fur-iver bojjov- :r .i.-.'...iiu IT.i) i .pfcoiuan punt in j power nil infinitum. This is iU wholo head and front of Hayes' od'ending, u,.,i ,, m,s,,,. ,,., i,iVh but an internal scoundrel would favor in a free country in timo of peaeo. Gentlemen, this is the whole question in a nut shell. Theso politicians are against Hayct, not because hocommit- ted a wrong, but because bo ilid a no- bio and patriotic deed. Whether this deed was done from an honest and con scientious motive, ho ulono knows ; but no mutter what tho motive was, it is nevertheless tho samo in effect, und ever- honest, honorable and patriotic citizen should sustuin tho l'resident in this single act of righteousness nt least. When these Republican politicians tulk about "principles," you must bo sure to understand them to mean tho polit ical 'doaves nnd fishes." It's the loaves and fishes they havo lost, and these were tho only principles ihev had to Iobo; benco their Hank of Principles is completely bankrupt! Seliunffrovr Timet. On The Sea in War Tim ks. Many confused notions prevail as to Ibo effect of a state ol war on maritime righte. The Springfield llrjiublkan undertakes to clarify tho muddle in this manner: 'As to commerce, the settled law of modern times is, that free ships make free goods that is, tluit tho vessel of a neutral nation bus tho utmost five (loin in transporting mojcbulidiso to either oi tho belligerents, whether it is wheat or Smith & Wesson rovolvers, provided tho neutral vessel does not attempt to enter a port which has been duly proclaimed, and is, in fact, block aded. If a vessel ol either of tho bel ligerent navies were to enter our ports and take on military supplies or re cruit men, such uction would bo a cleur infraction of our neutrality, if permit ted by us. Naval vessels ol nations at war are also not permuted unlimit ed stay in neutral ports. This princi ple is of course intended to prevent men-of-war fram taking refuge for long seasons in neutral waters. Tho Rus sian fleet can bardlv bo said to bo tak- in8 '-"' r -lr at the present time, as thero is no Turkish man-of- " in mo neig.inornoou. no appro- Wo nNounERV. It makes no Uilferonco i,. ,i..; n.. ,i. ,i... , for 0 of conccnlin h, true ohir,ctW- They are like those ot tho leopard, and cannot bo changed to suit tho whims of any one. Tho deifying of Grant and tho adulation of Zach Chandler recently, by the Phila delphia Time, is one of those peculiar aphorisms that covers the jackass with a lion's skin. The idea of an honest man, who pretends to bo a reformer, praising Grant, who elected himself , '., ,. . ., ""a Hayes President by iho uso 0! tho ... United States Army, in violation of tho Constitution and ovory precept embraced in tho code of a Hepublic, is an assumption that no ono except a fool nr a knave can swallaw. Two greater "dead beats," as stfUesmcn, or as types ol moral character, than Grant and Chandler wero never placed upon the boards on this Continent. They may bo wiso men, and honest in thcr , it.f.. n.iona f..n AVn.n..lA ll.... . ... , '. ,. . havo set, boys, as well as others ol moro mature years, had better avoid their company. Si'tAKi.Na to the Point. Tbo great majority of tho Ilads grin and bear over Hayes' policy, but General John llcatty, a member of the Radical Stute Committee, blubbers out iu this way : "Do I liko tho President's Southern policy T No, sir. I did not liko it last fall, when it was Mr. Tildcn's policy, and I havo no moro fuith in it now. Wo must cither assumo that tho Presi dent has mado a cruel blunder, or that iho Republican purty is a fraud. Those holding ofUce and those expecting of fice, do their best to sustain tho Presi dent; hulf tho others aro ashamed to confess that they havo been disappoint ed, deceived and betrayed, whilo tho other half cannot talk on tho subject without swearing, and thcrcforo pre fer not to talk at all. Ohio will not in dorse the President's Southern policy." Tut Improved ."SF.inio. l-' red Doug- luss, though Mushul of tho District of Columbia, still turns en honest penny as a lecturer, and in tho courso of a re cent lecttiro bo remarked : "To bo lion ost in Washington is to bo considered a fool." And all Washington is in a ferment, and tho old darkey Marshal is being asked to resign. Fred Is a Ii tlio rough on his god-father. Tho party to which bo belongs has been educating Washington society, and regulating publio affairs for seventeen years. And now ho proclaims that tho pcoplo aro all knaves and fools. Well, as "the gentleman from Africa" bus a way of his own, ami delights to libol and tulk about bis neighbors, il will not be long before he will toll all ho knows about thoso who have fondled bim. Sunsit's Views. Tho Cincinnati Enquirer has been interviewing Hon. 8. 8. Cox, who has just returned from tbo South, and in response to tho ques tion "will thero bo an exciting session of Congress in October," he says "there novor will bo peace, never, till de facto (Uaycs) is ended. Some ono will raise inquiry perhaps Packard and his con spirators will let out their damnablo sccroU" and then tho question will be opened. Uneasy lies tho bead that wears a Iraudulent titlo. Like Banqito's ghost, tho ugly record will not down I A Pin. The editor of the Common vealth, overhauls bis "butty" of tho Time in a short hand style as fob lows "Tha (allan! ehlrf of Iba rVaue baa bars la. apaaling Iba 'oa.llrra.ala. af tba aid WhltpB'it, aad tboh III rtiloB waa aeaewBet Hfi, ha eaeee to bare oand ooal r proof that there la Ba alarial La that Bsalest BvBaaard bb Bf wbirb la seaetraet a lifeboat aa iter, la la laat "lha roa.aaL.at lam aaat toaeed aaerlser af tha White Huate." Tola U ead. A "erlsar wiihoat a iblp, sad (raiBaat-loaaad si thai. Butt be la tha . InaiB t ago; sad lalortaoa." 1'rom tho Oil City Derrick nnd ntliur source wo gather tho following oil statistics for April : Iuiiiif tho month the production was slightly increaaod by the Inrlhor ilerebipiiiotit of tho old territory, and tho widening of the obi belts though no new territory wait found. Tho fol lowing table shows tho wells completed in inch district in April, mid the result: Muriels. Coujpl'd. Prodg. Dir. Holler and Araitrung . ., uturion r I t"1' r,t J.Jii wuV ,f!tM l Marci... SE2 J.JII ,i.lloiu,lrinllsFlraiii 4I I,Ji II Tfl Slit II Avtrnga Il'3T ft Ir wrll Kilt HI . ,i . .v... Unrrti,. on tho charge ol murder and oilier After making deduction lor beimino 1' friinun. Tuo United Htulw do used, water und hIii.-Ii in tanks, accord- l,""JlJ feleuso, and, lulling to su ing to tho Ihrrirk, tho production in- l'ul (iieeu, u Conledeiulo ereused during tho month about I.UOU' "J1 ,Sl"'i "' contineiueiit in ivluliutioi.. harn-s mukiiiir the (t.lv i,r,lM, n,,i.i average for April about 29 000 barrels. The daily average shipments from the whole oil region, lor iho past five months were us follows: IlnrraU. i.ms.tsi JI4.JS4 4ij.:' vvi.ao i Hj.JIJ Iiparmber J.liuarj, Kftlirttarf March Api il The cYily averages for Ibo entire oil country, were as follows: Oaeilnber IS,!5 ZZ.......... ia',m January rabruarjr H lVl'fl Mar h 2VI:9 A,rll ZS.ITD 1'lie following tulilu shows the rate i"1" development, and tho production "a' l"0 """'"'K lo year : Drilling Hig. Drilling HI Clarion 1 34 Duller ami Arui.trung l.1!l Vcnang"Varrrn tVeat 81 McKcao A Cataraiijfua b!t li 111 s III) V,i tl ISV 146 March. ... Kcljruar til January lit Prvducltuu, January " r'eb'uarjr " March.... " A,nl lis is 51,111" Sj.omi 17,100 ,: At tho present rate of increase in production tho region will shortly be ..,l... - .1 1 . i .i i , bo necessary to supply tho demand. J 1 ' J Thero is one tuvoruhlo feature how ever: consumption during the oast 'year lias been largely on the increase. The grout empire ol China alone, if it continues to increase its demund for the article during the present ns it bus ,;. , :. . ,i i f v'MiiHiin-n m iiicirn us uei oil u n r ,i. i.. .1...:.. . .1 . i I...I I... ...... ....... ...;n uir. J.i" '.. ' : ,. i, ' in I hit u nrlil I I in 1 11 ti n.itiiinr nmr ii i .i ... uiu.vn in immiiu ui uiu ri'inuiuMi jnri oi the Kinilom. Increuso in consump tion is tho only hopo left, for the re sources seem almost, if not entirely, inexhaustible. New fields continue to o,,en, aim no uouui .mi iiiai mere ore many more awuilin the touch of the driller's iniiilement. ri. 11..11;.,.. 0 1: : 4 uv . it. ...... luii. uriiin la U'llurt- inmrr,...! flll....l.,m n..,l ll,, n,,,Ui io nu,rS cffwlcd 'tho ffuhlivin thoro .i.. r ...i .... .r t. than from any oiher source About forty new wells uro drilling, During! the month of April about seventeen I , u , , 1 f -1 1 - . . "t'1'' wells were completed, resulting in an!01,0' loW,;r S1? " lllm' 1 du' increase in the daily production , '"J to aci-ept. 1 murh. have speeu- about 700 barrels, leovinir the total I yield May Ut about 2,:S00 per day. I V. ..1 ... 1 . . . 1 lie anioiiiit lias uiiieri;oiie further increase sin-o thut date. j Tho Warren excitement bus subsided : Iho wells rapidly running down. I l.liirtvn Jirnwrat. Diplomatic I.oa vino. An exchange says: "U lien the war brolto out bo tween Russia and Turkey not less, than four American ambassadors to foreign governments wero absent from their posts: BokerfiomSl. Petersburg, Wnahburno from Puris, lit.nlu from Vienna, and dishing from Spain 1 heso tour uro among tbo most importuut foreign missions, if any of them uro important. It is not pro tended Ibut tho presence of theso diplo matists was at all necessary since tho real duties ol representative) abroad are performed by tbo consuls. Their ubsenco only serves to show that the expensive diplomatic establishment can be abolished without the slightest harm to tho public service." As there wero no soldiers among thoso ministers they may have scented the battle from afur, and got up and dusted in time. There is nothing like Inking "time by the forelock" under such circumstances. A Toor Foundation. Tho Harris burg Patrwt, in alluding lo the angling propensities of the Hayes gTig, perti nently remarks : "In politics the sen timent of gratitude is a rather weuk reliance. Mr. Hayes and bis adminis tration appeal to the gratitude of Lou isiana and South Carolina to help lliem lo a majority in the next House for withdrawing tho troops when it could be no longer avoided. Tho troops wero removod imr Georgia and Ar kansas but the Rarl. Js never expected anything from their grulitude. If they did they woro disappointed. In these States tho Democratic majorities bavo been rising over sinco the end ol the carpct-bag domination. Uemembrnnco of wrong and distrust of its perpetra tors aro much moro lively sentiments in politics than grulitude. HtlloLD TUB CllANOE Wo clip the following item from that rabbit! "bloody shirt'' organ, tho Philadelphia Preta, of tho lllh. Nobody couldsay it better: "As Indication af tba iplrlt af Iba tliaei la furnirhrd bv tha italem.Bt ih it a Jetaobmeot ai l;nita.l Hlatri tronpa participated yeite.day al ChaMaBunffa la exaroi.n aooBrrlril wHh the errollon of a moeamrnt dedicated to Iba Cooled eraiadead. The bitter ilruiigle briweea aeatioaa ii pneaiitg ibIi. bi.tory a. ou. el lha aventi ol thr pait to each ao extent ibetBotbiog Bow prrreot ae portloa of tba Amertoan p.pla Irooj b a ortng iba trarer ai,d al..aonuo. o tba erm.d reptairnutivn ol aov oilier Stale or part of a ra tioned Union " Why did not tlio editor of tlio Phil adelphia l'ms, during tho luat cam paign utter similar views? Was he playing tho rule of tbo demagogue and buffoon then or is ho at it now ? Wo hopo his conversion is genuine. No Difference. A cotcmporury says: "Tho religious freniy ol the Turks is called "fanaticism," but the same fully in tho Muscovite is gently relerrod to as "religious ical" or "Chris tian lervor." Ono is just as long as tlio other is short. The Christian calls tbo Turk an Infidel, and Turk culls tbo Christian an Infidel. 8o, accord ing to their respective opinion! of each other they aro all a set of Infidels, and bettor lay down their arms, join hands, and livo togilhcr in pcaco as brethren ought to live." A Fortune Smnt. Tbo failure of Robinson & Co., of New York, la the Intest sensation In tho world ol finance, and illustrates tho risks or Wall street life. Robinson's brother waa Daniel Drow'i partner thirty years ago, tbo firm being Drew, Robinson & Co. Ho died aftor a run of good luck, and thus loft liii children rich. Had he livod much longer he probably would have lost everything as Prow did. This, howorer, baa been done by hie sons, who Lave rapidly reached the bottom ol the pllo, HIE VII A MA TIC Will TK. Judge Ould, tho Confcleratu Con..'r ""'. lg missioner for tho oxchi.ngo ol prison- '""' K"ilK " ors during tho war, in his artielo con-l l'il'l,""u 10 M'-- l)rk". ut tnbuled to tho I'hilttdelj.bia 'JUm, ro-j U' '" l't county, and lor n Ii IhIcm ihn .i ......! I'eoiiso cbed by saying: ,.,.. ....... ..,..., Hurry White," from prison during bis', l'l01.' "Tu r.r,""l"u ,Mttl wul '"'. 'I n r,u i u.. .r Ai....,i.r . .... " . have rrjrtinl other licenses we tjnint l.'m.ii. and oliiiui nmit iho r hii capiuro, as loimwa: ,lnl w liih js that it being vwo.tr. I ih--- r ' tiihi " I hero was one incident in the course wu llttV0 i obedience to the luwJi;::.! of ilelivenea which was quite druniatie, I ,rl tin- m.ithr ii petition, evidence, mkm In nrraikia a"a i, l,0 lit llit pr-'perly iuuuuij ti'iv iiuiniUl 1(1 "IIU UI llIU "T-r- '-" ' ili-ol'iiioUiBllie, una I not suhect to detention on either .idu. m A d.llleul.y, however, urcso between "" m'vei ninelllK auout Olio IT. (i lnr . vim u I I, 1... ' " lu io ueieiiiion oi uil sur I K" I vigorous , i,.,i, i . i i i .. was uuu tor the Uellvery ol uil sur geons of both sides ut City l'oinl, uud all the Federal surgeons were direelod to bo sent liom T.iliby uud put on board tbu Hug of truce steamer. 1 uc coinpiinied lUo parly. When we were neuring Him steamer Xow York 1 per ceived that a signal wus flying lor mo to como to the shore with mv bouL. I "i and lound there a coinmunieu- lion Blaling that Colonel Hurry While, commanding una of the Pennsylvania regiments, bad disguised himself as a surgeon and wus then on board my bout. I immediately directed the pris onerti to be drai n up in lino on the shoro and maiWHucin an address, in which 1 rocoanteU the ell'orls 1 hud made to secure tho immunity of their class, and ststed that an ollieer ol the line not entitled loexcbungeor releuse was ainvug them disguised us u sur geon. 1 then raised my voice and shouted: "Colonel Hurry While, come lorth." Ho stopped in front at once, und in a few words claimed that be had tho right lo resort to any strutegein to etrect Ins release. 1 ruplietl that I wus not there to dispute or ulllrm w ha lie suid, but ibut he must return to Itieh- ' i ntond under arrest. It wus a heuvv , ., , . . i . ""'"'"-"V olow If) lum alriiclr nt n m,um.i,i ti- ho wus sanguine of his liberty. Two minutes more would have placed him on mo iow lorK, w nere lie would I....... ...I'. :i 1 i: I , iitv vvu duic ticn 11 mi, uiiriir.t- hhij , i . I . . i 11 i i , , 1 I been delected. Ho had been a loin I tin... ;.. ,...t:..i i . i- '" tB .... in vrf.ii m , uuu eauaorumury been-made to secure lor I ititn a hikhiu cxiliuniML I . ' Ho bad been t'lWUrd I as a lu'.iiblienn lo tho 1'enli sylvuniu Senate, which, without him, I WUS Clllally divided between tl.O wuri HIlll Hill I. It'll I li.irli..d I 1 .j wail nt't I I t -iT t .i 1 ion i and work in,,' ninjoriiv in thut body. 1 1 y . . . '., ", , . i ....' . , . ," ru 1 lun ' I . , l. r "u noi uisp isej lOajuiBu.g 217 .orM. Uiu, pan of a la 'issibi in iiiwinir aia nnu conilort to the . ... 1 "m I'"11.'' umit!rni , nun uii.ier IIO Ullty lO 1 VL , bito unthoox hno ol ollleers hail ceased. 80 ob'liniitn wus 1, unit when tlio 1-e.lerul airent ..-.....I . . ""oi i" a trreiii auvutituL'u on nun 11 I ' , 1 , ,b,l'n r'1 Ill I elinsvlvui isnose.l, anil the siluulion Ivuuia would huve wurraniud il. It' every ollieer and inn 11 bud have boon a Hurry White, there nevir would liuvo been any diltieuliy about j exchanges Indeed, it tlio anxiety 1 iiuuiiL-nivu UUU.ll mill hUH lu'l'll till,- ::....... ... . : . 1 been ilis-! inotllCll, Ulhlaid Ot IllUUiri (Hill Ihc roHCt Voir U a t Wi.nl, I I, i.v., i belter I r a owl iiikiiv people, "(mat j ' l'iunn of the Kphcsiuns." Iho day when the "government" offered to trade, a .Major General and several other ufilcein for Surgeon nhiia, w. inil.-eJ a gala duy for "liurry. i he liko will never occur ttguiit. Si'KKrii uv Hatu. At tho imiiiiul banquet of the Cliamborot Commerce in Now York luat week, in response lo the regular toast, "Tho President of tho United Stutcs," Hayes said: Mr. President: It is a gratification to bavo Ibis opportunity to meet such an assemblage of the business men ot iho city of Now York. I wish to make my acknowledgments to them lor their invitulion to enjoy with them llie an nuul social meeting. 1 assure tbem that this hearty greeting is very wel come to me. Cheer. At peace with uli the iiutiona of tho world, with an honest purpose on the part of our peopleand tho part of the government loud cheers lo strive for tho restora tion ol the ancient concord within our limits great applause, 1 bclievo thut, notwithstanding the uiifortiinalo ar ray of figures which has been disen tombed, wo muy confidently look for early and decidedly encouraging signs of tho reviving business prospects throughout our country." "United. States" sounds right well since tho army bus been assigned to its proper duty mid South Curolina and Louisiana havo again been declar ed Ireo States, under tho direction of tbo "Confederate Congress. A MLXMTEli SUSVEXDEO. TanNTON, N. J., May 4. Tho Trcs by lory to-day unanimously sustuined tho charges of heresy against tho Rev. John Miller nnd ho was suspended from Iho Presbyterian Church until bo shall make manifest, to the satisfaction ot the Presbytery his renunciation of tho errors bo holds, and bis solemn purHmo no longer to promulgate them. Mr. Miller said it was a moiul end in telleeluul impossibility for bim lo ro nounco bis views and gavo notice ol appeal to tho Synod. Tho charges against the doctor are that in his book entitled "Questions Awakened by tho' liible," ho denies three cardinal doctrines in tho Presby. toriitn Confession ot Faith, vie: Tbu immortality ot the, soul, tho Trinity, anil tho sinlessiiess of Christ, lie holds that tlio soul has no existence apart from iho bod v. will dio with il rise with it at the resurrection ; that Christ was a sinner inheriting sin from Adam, but lie holds that (fbrist wus divine and God incarnate, sin being transmitted lohim through bis mother. Tho Trinity, ho flatly 'repudiates us i uoctriue iiigrultetl on the Christian religion from Pluto's philosophy and jiHiuism incomprelieiisiDlu and a stumbling block. The New York r.tlr, a i. allra a lminlitra Hob paprr, call! Uen. II. Ilutlrr. who waa recal. It epiilotrtl apetl.l M Atrnt bo 1-aaln.ait.r urnrrai ney, -laa drankea roffiaa wha waa dil Biliaad a. Oaaal Uinaral Is Kgrpt lor ib.ia.ful eond not. " AVc4-.aye. Well, it's all true, lint it is tho first timo for a year thut tbo Trilmne has printed two full lines of truth in sue cession when relating lo tho fact in politics, or a member of its household. Tho lato cartHil-bag Governor of South Carolina Chamberlain has opened a law offlco in the cily of New York. It is too warm for him in the Palmetto Commonwealth, linco Gov. Hampton has assumed tho control ot publio affairs. The Cleveland I'lain Dealer publish os as ft matter of news that "the post mastorol Chicago visited tho postofilco in that place tbo other day," for tho purpose of making out bia quarterly bill against the government, The Reno Post ol the "Grand Army ol tbo Republic" has not been suspend ed, although the Major bam There's noioing in name anyhow. I.iiiai.i.v Hisfostn.-Jiidgo I'ettis, mi iviiiiiIikI fnii .t mill i-nuns.. ! kihI lint- n.r : and Ii u ii urn not linili itiul lull,,, j mUl!r it u i our luiill. 'i'be license J j tl)ht ,ll9U I . Nod'o. Tin? remit MihifHijii Irug cily tloii'i luuiil well tor llio i u.i In uk TllU lK'llKM'I'tltrt I'fill' in Ulltlllll it)-, Imvo liu'l tliu 'SMilruii" iriirrly in. v l l i pitied, und lliti K'Hiili h iIihI tliu bottom Iiuh I'ullcii out ut lliin Ht hJ-ultiihul ,Vrl , mllkl) (.lli(ll, lbr ,u ,,(,., i party even III erinont Hol.DIMI 1 il K four. What uu a In I timo Radical editors have these times ill holding (not the fort,) but their tongues, lliijes bus done so uiiiiiy crooked things, but they must let him ulono. Dntvo nu n they nre uiiybow. The iiiiMiiiuss of tho Pliibiilelphiu Vid.1, on "tho Southern policy," for the past weuk, is puinful. Not a word since Col. McCliiru crossed his los iimler the Presidential tuhlo. Col. Iloyt, Chuirmun ot the Rudicul State Commilto bus issued a t all for a meeting on Tuesday, the 2flth, to fix a time and place for the holding of a Stute Convention. 11 civ AtUcitiscmciits. A' riM'.Ai.M-i.AHr NiTiri:. All uwmr of iina.ata.l lana will iiVa. null, a II,. I ITlday, June I Mil. IMlt. will r!" tha apjiaali, arid tliat afy-r tSat day no rt'al ,il b beard or ab.tpmot mailt-on lata. I'l.AliK HltoWV. A'tcr : TIpiS. A. .M.-UIIKK, J..IM W. II..--. IIAHKIS llooVHII. li'-rli. Cuwia'rl C'Diniii'ta onlc, I tlorfirli, fa , May 21 77-11. j !rr , I HL'.TKKM1 HAI.I.'. a 1 ht un l rtififl Truiei of ll. tt-tmc ,.r V n 'V K- " Miller, will nil it puMic n1c, nt the court H uu. in OUMffietd, uu ffaeurday. June Ii. 1n?T It I ..VI....L n n .ii.i..,..,, r v ,1 VI. irk, p. n , all thu tn'c rent uf itij ..... ( . .. Hi ear In a .rrl...a Ir.ct or pirca of Uod altuat. and dt'.vilM'd ai f ,llow. : lleirionina at a innilr. ''""'-o l.y 1 of ll.nry'll.lnkar, north 10 a,lrt r""n "in it ;iu r- "i-iti-e' wm Ui rSfi n, ,i,re. by land of Ai.rah.oi u ii,., n. ' "' p"h to tb. pi... .1 k -ih ill .If. aV'tfiniltB' ir..i .iri.i.d to A-,drr iirn, .01. utLvt, 10 tii.Tii J. F IKH IV, CLarfl 1,1. I'a., n.21 31. Tru.tcei. A lltllMITKATOIK' KII.K... tba lain reileno of Jlm U ItufJ. nr, ti e'J, Id j t'orough alvo use other lot ituate in aaid liwr lh Till ;t jo uf rnav,l.t Vaun twiiiliij, on onh. and having Ihereun erect sl a to t"fT Slon.lay, June II, ls.11, lha fultualrg prnr,Bal (.rparly, I., wit: Oaa (trnj ntara, S )aar. eM, uoa Ihraa.re.r uM a It. nn. two-Tsar i.lj a,'ll, ..aa now at.! twj J.arlinit ralraa.'Srra ahnat. 8, '.nil I s lati hit nl.r, S,llll ?A-I.M'h rl'injitra, uoa rrriajr wjhhb. iwa l-.wa, .Ir, and ilriKh. AlMrntrl.....rUvnirh.wh0UjtKHl Puoi"tit of b'dind btsd.J.tijr;. chuim, cut itutrJ, D,,,, " f'""" P'. rpvl, trct, There wih a'1,1 be l 1 nt tba la,ui tiina tba a. .re gooilr, wlii, Ii eoBint "f a (ritarnl ara.tlui,'nt of crijlhiri: to tun tli. lin.rr. ru, h ae hard ware, wood aod w.llow-w.rr, tin. glare and qtteeoiwara, drttita, boot, aod rboer, ooe eotl ul It lorb rope, ilsu pound, of drl.-d aftploa, and o:her arliciei too Duinertta to mention. Cji It tioai made knowc on d7 ofaale. ell AS. HELPER, Oramplon Ililla, Mar S3 St. A.inj'r. PLANTS & FLOWERS. Th nndfi'i,(ttt harebjr gltat fltHir to the pflitrpi f Clear (.eld ouuniy, I bat be baa, at ai Uretn Home in ClrarfmliJ. a larrc quantity of all h.diuf Vegetable & Flower Plants, which he will fa mi Kb to all who may faor him with iheif piitronairr, al rcaxonkbU ratM. Ib follow in jr. ia a part u I lift of pltat and Iliwri : VEQETAELE PLANTS i Wintered Cuhbngu Plums, l.oto Culibtigo 1'lunla, Dwarf Celery Plums, Wintered Cauliflower Plunts, Sweet Polnlo Plunts, Kgg Plants, Toinuto Plants, Popper PlutiM. FLOWER PLANTS for BEDDING : IIKl.tOTKOI'KS-AuorlF.I. l'KTIrMA- Single .t.,1 doable. nKHAMI'MH-Z.imale. Q KHAN ll. MS-lola. U K H A M I ' .M S Varirnala il. SAOK Scarlet and white. HICIIHIA-Slnle an I ,lo ihla. Pa.NSIKsl.arf Soe-i. AllRKA TTM-Miied. rol.KlMAaanrted. IlAHI.iAS ll.iul.le. VfllllKNAS-nral .alerted vaiieltea. C'l'HRA. CKNTAl'RKA and CINKRAKIA. CANVAS Aaa'.rt.d. ST1K K Ur- Snw.-lnj, doudle. IIAHONIAS t.iorted I1KOVAI.IA Klata BJif.r. MIUNONKTTB Laraa lowerl'if flNKS-llardj. I'lll.OX llrummaB.111. A large ariurtateut of I'lmti for llanning i.aaaeta or a ilea. ERNEST BOCK. Claarflald, Pa., Mb J.I, 1 877 tt. CC'IIOOL UTATKMICNT innntl finn lO eitl trmrni of lohen School Uinltiet fur th yrar ending Juna 4th. 1877. To bal. on lnpll-t of T4...$ to 01 Tobal. oa lQil'ct of '76... 173 OS Uniaa an't of Unp lor '70.... 4fi4 80 Total a m 1.0 nt of Duplitatea m $ (105 4S JJrtlntM atiKirmrnt $ T 1U Deduct flianvration SO 40 $28 b Ureal plf t Total tal mopipu 577 .111 Cura la Iremury a ytr la it report R?I fij Prom Hate apprnprinhon.... 4V 7ft From Co, Tivai. Ir unabated landi At Toial re ipti fur year nd - log Jon 4. '74 J7 Ripi'n'iiiarea ol Building Fund: For Int No. 8 and Oti-d for ante f 15 00 fO'-n-l p4aieiil to R t. Stewnrt. on K irn H II 3 0 nQ Laat payment to K H. 8ttW- art, oft H irm H II H M;A 00 Oeaka lur H. II Nn 3 I0,S 05 Freight tin aaina , 1 1 79 Clearing lot IS a. X t 04 Cleaning houia No. 3 after Uilt.. 4 50 21 J Krpairtnn frtio-il pnipertr... Tu'al rippnilitarea ol build ing fund. , , Enprtiditum of Pohnol Fund Fur taaeher wago For Fuel and enniingi-nat.. For CollMtor'i- ft For Trraurer'i fee For rWrelarVi a4lary For Kohnnl Joarnala For IMilrtnt Rettinlar For AntbitrtH'a fret For ather eipnaea Total fir anpnurt of aoboola Balane In Treatarj ....I 745 CI 9' 00 53 S5 II 51 60 18 l OA T 0(1 it n 10 ou I 41 ..ll 0; T" I.S77 84 V'e.tb anderpifrnrd Auditor nt Oo-hen Dil trlct, hat-in g earelnlly einininrd lha aeenunta nf iha Treat-are. Und I beta ratreot t th boat of owi knowledtr and belief. 8. B. TAYLOR, J, A. L. Fl.KOAL, Seeietary. Preildent J AMRS K ORAUAM, R (I. MIAW. LUtk Rao, Mat U, 1877 4t. Audlior. SherilTs Sale HY tirtaeof wrlu r tmditiom Krpomm; 1 tawed ant of th Conrt af Common Plraa uf Clear field (Boantr, and ta oi directed, tber wilt b ipoted to pabhf aU, at th Conrt Howa. In ib boroagh of ClearOald, on Monday, tha (lb day af Jut.-, I AT 7, al I 'lokl p. aW the following deacrlbod real ettaU, to wit 1 A oartain plea Jt btnd titnat la th borough I 4? Cleatlald, being iha aadivldad baK iaUr al In tbat rwrtain lot of griwnd na tb wret aid j i.f reond Mreet, and being abe nurtbrra part ofj lot No. 65, beti.g in frvnt oa eo"d at r ret 12 fewt and ranning hack Jot frt to alley, having1 tnarron eroeiew a lw- atory irama Imllaiag Ikrreoa. Srtaei, tahan ia ainration and to ba .aid aa th. ..-n, a, W. V. ,i,l, pa'inwT wi n riKnt; m nre. 'aa, aae laaa let WiJM feat iltaata la Oalleli lawaahlp, Clearleld eoBata, Pa., with a waa sad . half liar, ...a i-a.1 it.hr. .i. 1 liKi, bimii'M ai f.tllnwi i On tli by Wm, M-fiit, tin tli til ly Mra. Mrjre' nn Hit lonth liv tit alley, nl i n ib o'inh by Mai Ptret. Hciiifl, Inkan la txruuiiun and tu b tolj m lb )r.rly .f lltb I'grrier. A ln, etrtt.n rot nf laud ilm-ate In llrtilforil Ptitinhlji, iH-jtiiimnf t beial mK en Hue r J ti wn umtium. ib.a.il bi . na Ilia al li J n mi mi bj i TV' ''' ';,.h" '""L" J','''!! Tr-JuJt I a. ih, p,o,-n at Sna .n MrKrUnd Aim, nrtMli. impl or Und tu i to In BoftJt l')tib i Ihh.ikI'! uij ihi Mtuih lijr lh llrllrln' M t-.r v lufi.i.lke, wet t-y Jwr$ I'imnup, O'Mth y liiil, i. n Hiuanl, nml tn tr J. II l'(r,oun taining tUttm trrep, nli m iwti-ilory frninn Uitmc anil iule nul ulli-r uuiliml-lttiiti thnrmm ern'ri-il, fiiu"l, ukfii ti citTuiion aid tu olJ ni thf (ruHrtt of il. W Wm m l lUtid Alt, n orf him m 0. uf IkikI l(ut in Ben nana ! r-M:., 'i"Zt " "Zl'Zl hii -I ftuN.ll Irani l,hlr Mint othi-r uttmililint W-H Uiekvy't iai, iiorlli ly iU..... Koutb Ii.t k;n Hint. Pt-irtJ, lukrn ibUDfution j lktn in tiroution od ki bIJfM ril m Ii foltl ni tlit pr iiflrtjr n 1 ho H Vih. " pruitrtjr f Jt.bo Kuttltf. ' uf A A tn n IrMt f lnd iltuttt in Uwrene. Al.s a i-.ruin tract uf land illimU In .iRt It.wn.h.n. r,rfl mjuoly, f.t buan'Ua an4 dt-to-Ofliiu, lulnx in fvti If.mt .DtUon f(fJt .rriUd n f.i . HrKnir.K .1 .ion., eorotr ii bp'j iirrv'(i.ri mm I'.nuwi : lioua'iaii i,m Ihn n, rth by ,r,..rrly af Iliram Wmidaard, aa.t ha W Tims a., arach l y W. o .ward Hrrrt. writ ly II. b r.ar,olt barlOK tharaus a tno alary I'r.ln.- bnmr, a oud bars and tba BPfMary out buiMlnff friird, taltsu la airaiiilr.ii and to ha a,'ld aa ll,a ir.-prrly of Jaoira A. Paartol. - Ala, a o. Main iraut of land aiinala In l.aaatur towu.lii. Ck-arflrld CfluB'y, I'a. bitundad oa iha a, ulh by lha UrlMmta and Curwruirllla turcpiha, wait bv townabip road, north by land r M.Ow.nr, and oo lha aaat by Wallaaa Ura haui and utb.ri, ronlaininx 40 aaraa. nra or l-r. I b.riax a llrfa fr.ua houia, frama barn, w.t"B ahrd and olhrr autliailillaira th.rana raalad, and al.u Ih.rrun arrcb-d a laraa Staai Saw Mill, ..n..f..ur.b lulo..t of .d haw Mill Z".' ' . a a Tl i . . Bl'arbrd rclt.d. takrn in .M .ilan In k. i , . . g r. ,j . .old a . th. prop., , of Da.ld r. fiopah.. Al.o ,..,. I or land .,to. a i. W. ri,.r. Md. I I...J.M auB.y. Ha. Il..undedd da ..rlhrd folk.... . .. : On. lot bo.ndod . th. .outh l.y ,rh.,l I. . ..... OB th. wWl b, .., .kcSi. !!;,:. ;rd ft. fr!. Nioholl. ..rart and !.. Lai drp. with . Iw. ..orr frnoir b...r IS I, 24 I, at. ,b b.tch.B at. l.rb.,1. wall Bnl.h-d l.l.rk.mltl. .bop, itabl. aad aihar outholldinn. Ibaraoa arralrd. Ali, b o.har lotof around in l..wr, naalo.B.hip, hound- ad by .ha turnpl.a ro.d oa Iba n ,rlh. hy Und of M.oin N'.nh. r. ih. .... I,. I-..H ,'t L-.,r..i A Show na Ihn Rooib an I wra'. by lot of tl.bV-tk I. of Kol.,,1 U,n. ad roBla.oin. .l.,u. on. acra of trouo I, mora or Irra. with B two .lory fr.ma bou.a IS br 2H IVI with hllrhrn nttai-br-d. .1.1,1a and o.b.r outbuildlna. lhrr. .,,.H .labia nnd o.brr autbuildinit' tbrraoa eraoiad -ritad. I. lira in rtrauliun and lo ba aald a. Ibo p.oi'frly of tl. II. Merrallrt. al. Also, a rrrt.ia Iran of land .iinia In lloiei d.la borotich, Cla.rfl.ld aonntr. I'a , honndad aa t followi: lo I Ii BTlh or Iia.r all.T. an tha . 1. I.l. r : j .. .l I " " '" ' " " ' '" i ' hoowo In I'lot of aald liotoiih a. Utt No sy -a;nrro!ad thrraoo a larif Ir.inr b.si.a wilb I. it Mien fttianbeci. BeiieJ. Ukon la su'i-ii , ami lo be io!.i u tlie prupcrtj of Patrick tjuitio. Ain, mm. lret or Uni Htut la the Rnr-utih of HnotnUlu, Cloirl oanty. ! Houndi-.! muth by Kun trt, north hy M'r lli-y, went br Mt.le allrr, tn l at hy T. Wt tunr. rH kootfa a lot No. S.l In rnertl plan at i.d B.'rtiU)fh, anrl barinf a atnall fram dwall ing huft outtmilt.iDjr thari'on 8imJ( Uk'-o in feuti..D titltii be noltl a the projitrtj of Jamn Smith. Aluo, a ecrtaifi Irat f Ian 1 tiroila in H ion lade bnrujh, Cloarfau.U eountjr, Binj uq town li.l. loin( oo i be earner of (Jul itrcet ; there t-eiii no Impr iTPiaenti therein, eakd lot knowa lut No. ia the cnr4 tn ftai.l o"it-o, nn i inoxa a' mi no. jjn m the pun or (oiil B Toaith. ard fmntine; on Hut Hnrt Hni'-d. tnken in eicutiua atti to be mid ai iht prprty i.f Lt i iroaj. Ato, a ft Main tnct of laid fil-jttn Wtn,. rl lown.liip. Cleirfield o iumjr, Pa. Dun lfd and denrritt-i d f.m , vii : Froatinf 50 Teal on rt. June! Mren ut runtaiDK nurib loll fi at in Onk alkr, ail ibenca alon 0k alley cit &0 ! frat lo In No 7rt i ttiani a mlb al'tt lol No. 7 l.iO fin to Jaa)?a ntrH; thniiNalonK naiii j trit jf) f,d to pUoe of 'H-xianaO.. ami Wiii( : h own aa Un Nn. 61 q (jural lai of iaIiI town. 1 bminfj rr-flel Ibsrenn fn.Ml two tnry tinti-a anil ntnary outbull liiixi. KcitaJ, Ukea in n- rn linn aQj tu ba lulj iho antp ny uf i .i- id n t iuiier. Alrt, a rrrtaln tract of laml iltuit la Hoa't 'I la borough. hoiiniM and dwilJ aa foll.wa : He 1114 hooa ia plan itf naiU burough a lot Ht. I1J, oouu Jet l.r Char In nrwl, wm by Oak mUry, nnb by lr Un. 120 of L. F. Hilwv. aotith ty U-t Na lit (if J.Oibti. ha ib at arwttxl tharwnn a two atory frmm hoaw ami oihar ouUitiil-Jtnfft, Sfitu.l, lal rti in rttv ulion anti to b m14 aa Ida liioperiv of K. C, UoWf and Ua-ire Will it. Ttnaa op 8Aia-Th prie or auta at abieh tUt pMpart iball ba -track uf aauat ba paid at Hmi lime at aale, or aufh other anr.QrB.anU mmdt as will ba appnifvii. olbrrwua tb propert will ba .tnmpittl put up and anld aia at tha . paoia aad rt of tbe paraua to wboni It waa atrack otf, aod wbi, in eauia of dot.e.ana at icb ra-tala, ihail ai.ika (uud tht Mini, and ia a iniuiir will tba D?d b prajanted ta Court fur oatruatin uolfM tba money ia tatl pai4 ! tbt btieriir. ANUllbW tK. TZ. Jr., eHrtnrr'a Orru-a. I 6btnff. Clearfield. Pa,. Mar 16. 177. SherilT's Sale. lly virtu of an n dry wrlU af FitH fnein it. foed oat of tb Court of Common I'loat of i'lnar. flvld ooonty, and to na dtrcitod, ihar will b p4iard to put lie aal, at lb Court Hunt, in b borouirh of Clearfield, on M un lay, th 4tb day of June, IS 77, at 1 o'clock p. n., tb folio wing draeribed real Utc, to wit : All that certain plan at Un I tltual In Cbeit low n hi p. Clirfipld oouaty, Pj bounded and d'-acribed ai fnllowf : be inn is at a ttoaa tt for a eoinioon forner in piblie road, thnc by Wm. MoMHitcra aoutb 141 draree. wn li IV-10 pemhn to a tt'ine t theno by I. Karriw north 5liiftgrea wet I2pereliei to atone; tbanaa by f Kerrin north ent 13 &-I0 toraha nn th ! ra-l : thence by public mnJ aouth 2 eait I? perehe to plan of beginning, aunt aia mg on acre, a. or nr leat. Hoited, Uhn in erutiua, aud lo b told tb property of Jatatt St'irm. Alto, n certain tract of land altaatt In Puey tlle, Wnodwkrd towaihip, ClearSrld ounty,P . bn ing a Urge two tory but! wttb bar-na. and tture-room, and other out buildingi aaid lot be ing a triangular aha.e, onUiniog about ona fourth of an aer. mora or )?, bounded aa folio-a, via : Km by lot of O. W. Caldwell, weat hy lot of Mr K inner, north by Mata it reel, and aouth by allay. Poised, taken in eieoution, and to ba aold aa tb property of Ii. W. Lao bora Alto, a erttn traet of land altnatc la Farga aon t-.wnt.bip, Clearfield oountf. Pa, oontaining about 100 aerea, with aliout 20 acre. olaard, and having a amall nrohard, amtll log boe and log barn tbcroon, bounded tt by lu ll of Willi na Hunter, we.t by land of John Ball, north by lantiol Matt hi u Hollin, aouth br l.nilao'r John BaU. Alio, ona otbar p;e of bind aituat In tha lowuihip, eoualT and Hi ate at rem id, aontaiatog about lilt) arret, with It aeret olaarwd. and har. mg rrectrd thi-reon a ttnall two-atory plonk lratnhm and o titer out bull ling, bounded in at l.r landa or Mr. Ilrttn, wet by landa of H tn. Ilarreti, north by land of Joaepb Straw, and ttaiib by landi or Chriat lhin. Keiaed, tub en in execution, and to be aald a the proper ty of Paul Wait. Alio, all that artaia meaiuajw, or Uatdtnt, inn l if 01 jf niuu I iuot in the Tillof Wutt liioeola, L'eamurl.iwnphip, Olearfleldo iui.tr, Pa.. tMrUodrd and d. trnbed a follow, t-i wit t Uma nine bum poit oa lha towoihip ruad adjotaiag iandnuf 11. II. Kfphart, thaucv north 21 degrrei, i" aii-og aau (owuinip road to a poi, thence aouth i tlegrrvi and X0 mla., wel 22.1 Ict to poet -a tin ol land of Ri hrJ Burn, 'livnea aioug Unit of Riobarl llvraa aouth 12 dgri-ea 45uiin,eat IM tt I a p t, theno alnitg Ian. I of ll. II Kephart north o& dgr, ona., ea-l l-l feet tu tb plan of beginning, Hiniaining 1)0 urrahoa, wnb u welling hiuaa Ih 211 u0t, two ftorivt high with kiiohen at tabbed, and ocbrr nut liuildingi tbrroon rooted. aSelted, ukon a eieoutton, and W b aold a lha property uf I'at Fittgerald. AUe, lot No. 38, annate ia the baroagb of N'.-w WathirgioB, and having erei'led iherjon a largt one and on balf tury tram dwiditng houa foi. tnerly uied ai a ttor h iote. aiaall fraaa atabla and otbar out builtlmgii, bounded fait by U. W, Uailaji.er, wet by Ah U. llennelt, Nt.rtb by it reft, and louth b allay. 8eited. taken In - cution, and in b aold ai tha pMprtjr of Katrna n, i, n aia. Alan, the following detjrihod real at tale, tha properly of th lMendanl. titnat la Urad lownahip, ClearBrld onniy, Pa., bounded aa M Inwa t lleginBing at a pom, corner or land or We Pratt, Alexander Hha, and Daniel odlaadr; Ihenou along lin of Daniel Uodl.nder 1.15 i ll perohei to txerh, onrner of land of R. f . Moor ; ibi-nr aoatb 174 pert bee to a hickory, writer af and formerly of Frederick Kekglar, now Anraad 1 theof wtit 1 1 8 ntrcbea lo init. twrn r at Uui tit odlandr t theno amk ii perehe to a poat f theno mirth 61 wt I and lh perch a to a pott on lb tnrapika road ; tkeao anath 41 woal t per r bet ta a pott, at what war for marly tb abop-porob or Dantol itoodlawler theno 05 weei i pereoee I a poat B U Itua Of U'rge 1'a. tt t throe along aaid In aorth 70 Mrahoa m plao of beginning, aootaining I2T jortiand5 pervhaa, mora or leu. being tba earn tract af land onvTd by Andrew Wua d mif u. Jam. Milea by Dawd bearing dat lib af Febra- arv, A. V. IB.O at.d rwKirded ia UeaJ Hook FF," pig 85. Bounded br landa of t).atl Udiai.Qr, Oeog I'.uti, A a rand, R. II Moore, and othr. Ttwi 1 ahoat 75 aer elearod oa it aad ta a go-. at a ot aaltivatlon, with a fod I fame boa, 16x20 Iwat. o hara. ai)aA6 tt tnJ other .uibulidinga I hereon eroeted Heltad, uhn a oxrouiioa aad to b aeld at tba re party of J. F. Ri.bl, Jam M.I, and J. A. Klahal. Ala. All Iboea throe aertala lata or alteti af ground iiia4ia Bart ClerllJ, Cm ir Aaid oB ty, Pa., bounded and deterlbed at rollawa t Be ginning at a port on the twutheati eoraer nf Hilla ai.,i. -ij,. if.,.. TLr TaiV.. Jl ' "'"V.l'r.f i'i? ".T .'alM! 1??' " weetera Ilea of lal Na. II theaae la a aoatkaele d.reentoa aloe, aaid Haa of let Na. It tBB Seal bbh aa Vlrola allar laeaae la waaaarlr dtraa- ZWZ TJZZ, ,CENTitAL"IIOTKL,PITTSIJUnGII, X.. ... sn&trZ SmithHeld Street, from 2nd to ,3rd, Avenues. Tha noil aantrallj Iwa'aJ Irat-rliM llnata In lbs elti. H'trat aara pau lb. door ...nt mala. io all ibi d.-p.K aol all p.n, f 6j a ,,0,,. Terna, l All par lay. ' ' Tha Han i,,c, of riaarllrlj, reealw J (ur.t. Iruulbl. Hcliua.-Aa. ,'iraallnn aloajr Rprlnn allay I HI feat la placa ot l(Kiniiiait. t.D"n ( I kit blot Not 111. 20 mm i til mini itl ll ith iim ni mh.M ..I...I1.. Daft 2u f. ron.f to unt, ibrniw muth HO pwreliti lo a p.l. tb. nra wait lllfl ,araba. to a poat.iboaea north St parataaa lo a poat. thaaoa al..aa land af llub Orr, and aihara, aaat SO parabaa lo lha alona ournar and plana af bafinnlnf, aonuiaioi IS a-ra. and II parabaa, aaat naaaara, and baalaf .boat SO aaraa elaa-ad. aad bavins: anall twa-alory Irama bouaa larga fraaia b.ro, and otbar oal buildiBg. IbarauB araalad. Hi-iiad, tabra laata rnoon and lo ba aald aa tba proparty of II. T. Para.B'urtb. atto, A aarl.la Iraat af laad Mwala Ib Boaaa wn.hip. CKartaM onual.. P... ui.a..i.. .sJIt 100 aar.l, with ab .at JO acra. cl.a.ad, and ti.ni land .mall o.abard Ibaraoa, and bo.a.l.d ... tl,. by land! ol Tbo.. IV.1.,. oo lha Wart b. '"I' Tl""" "h by laoda of . w ... ... . ' " o..mon, aoa ob lite nortn By land, of Albort n,lb. M,d, uk, J , t u , ., ,r ., Alaa, A oartain traalof lau alluala ia Braearia ,..llio, cl. .rHa tu, j b , ,...rt,i ,,.. , i -; -"" "''"''" "J B-b.ll alary ib.7 . iT ' t '""'""""" ' l h P'opart, , .. , ... "" "" '" J"'"' " I ta-n-bip, CloarilaM aoon.r. Ha . b -wnd- ! ' nd draor.bod aa followi I ll-r'nnm. at a rait Ino narrha. to b ornar of II. Bora', 'and, ""h pffraaa hy land, of John Fta.art to I a port, thrnoa wart ISO parrha by land, of J,ha """y '" ' poat-thenoa norlb lis parrbai to wh.ta P'aoa OI ta.Bnili. aoBU.D.aa: lOHoorr. nd 1-19 tmrkrt. Kaiaad. lakca laaivoatioa ind tuba ald a tba prnpBtrtf f lfre4 Urahaia. AIivm, afrrtia traoi of Un l aiitiate tm Hutu i da trabtp,ootainiaa; about 173 aorra, ttitb alvt If arrca elrarxd, bai inr a mall li boa and Inc ' noi Olo, i Malile. and olhar ouiball linirf. hoandc l aaat bjr i J'''" c onar. Borlb hy liiohoaar.waH by Jaa JbJ tJonaar.aortbh HiMithowwr.watt by Jaa RI'MUat'ata, anutb br A. VV. Palrhin. binr udi land aold a tl. f rnpcrtr of J. We Jar Smith to 1 Ho ram Pa'chin If Htaariff Mel'baraoae Hciand, tahrn inairftitiua and lo be at. Id ai tb firoprnjr ofW. ll.Smiih. Alwi, til tbat rartala pif-sa af 1anl aitaala Id Wnodward lrwnbip, aagittainif tt the eornar of Via Haiaa'a lot and ruaninf aat 10 fet to aorwT uf Thi'tua Racd'a lot : tboa moaiait aurtb 160 frat alopft lU Ima vf Tbunaa H-wl'i lot to a poat itiiaiBK landa f Jamb Krphartj tbcaoa ranninf WMt ill fptt to enrner of Vim. Reioa'i lot along tba land of Jacob Kcpbart ; than aoatb a loaf Una of Wm, Ri(i'fi lot HW fct to pla of braninir, brinf a part uf Jarob Ktpbart trant now looatad ta llie town of Spmtwrtllt-. 8lid, taken in ax utito aod iq ba aold tba proptrtj af P. lr O'-rman. Taaiti or Slb. Tba prica or lum at which tha property aball ba ttnek oT nuil ba paid at tba tia' of aala(or aaeh otbar arrmtiKPtnanu to a da aa will ba apprnvad.atbarwiiatba propor ty will ba imiaadiataly pat up and auld axain at tba aipaaa and rlk of tha partoa to whota II waa atruek off, and who, ia eaa rf daBoiaaoy at neb rw-aala. aball aiaba good .batata, and I no lofUDM will tb Ud b protd la tioart for ouabraiatiuD aalwaa th nvmty ia aotually paid to th Snanff. ANOKKW I'tNT., Jr. fewanirr'a Orrira, I . . bariff. Clarfiald, Pa.. May 1. I77 I SherilTs Sale. 1Y Virtu ot writ af famrim faet'mm, ltrad I) owl of th Conrt of Common Pit cf Clear. Aeld eouatr. and in m dire ted, tbr will K xpoed to PUBLIC RAI.R. at tb Court Hoaao, tn the boroagh of Clearfield, on MonJar, tb 4th day of June, 177, at I a'eloek. p. m., the following deaenbed rwal ettata, t wilt - All that ferial a lot or metunage of land titnat In th borough f Oanol. Clearfield oounly. Pa , her; Inn ing at a poet along aid of road leading to tbe farm boa on tba old Darid Kfphart farm ; thane aonb 41 deffraw wet 170, fet to pott; thenea aouth 4Sf degroe weat 150 fet; thenew aouth 411 desreet eaii 02) leet j thane north 88 deitreea eatt t feet to p'ace of beginning, eon laming in amnnnl equal to tw loU 5)xl50 feet .Selted, taken In e.ocntioa and to b rold at th property of Andrew Filliaa. Alio, a oertaia Iran building, on and ft half atoriea high, hone aad chop t-mb4Md, in Brad ford towotbip, oa turnpike lea ling lo Albort 'a upper taw mill, baring a IV. B I of I M foot on aaid turapik and a depth of 206 feet, bounded aa all ide by Albert' land- Koiaed, taken W Baa tion and to b told at the property cf Tbomtt L. Wapl. Airo. ft eartaln two-ttory houia 11 fact front and 28 feet in dptb,a two ttory kitnbea attached I2tl feet, ilmata ia Bradford townahip, oa th oath by land of Wm. Albert A Itro'i, on lb eatt by land of Char leu W, Burger, on the north by land of J. AO W Bargir, and on tba weat by public road, oontaining 10 aoroa. itd. taken in exeeution and to b ald ai tha property of I. U flargrr. Alto, a osrtala two-ttorv frame hone eitaata iw Bradford townahip. Clear field, oounty, Pa .being- xn leei in ironi ana in iet deep, with n kilebew attached 12x14 feet, aod bing on a traet of Und oontaining about MO acne, bounded fay Uada of I. 14. Harger on th north and wtt, and by land or Alberta on tb et and aonlh, aod alto hy tb public road leading tw Shawiville, Sailed, takP in exeention anl to b aold aa tbe property of 0. W. Harger Alio, a certain taw mill building on lt nf grouol lit eat ia Morria towDibip. known at th Henry Drtm-ker traet, aaw mill being a frama building 3Ufet wide by 120 leet long, two atoriea high, with hoard roof. Raid traet ti bounded aa fotlowi: Brginning at ft poat corner of Mi let l'ell"B, Kamuel F legal, Thorn M Dunkeraoo. Jaa. B. Urabam and Naao Rot brock, fiti perebot to atooi'tt then aaat by land of John Huaton 160 perebea to pott; theno by laad of B. U. Kchnon ovrr 04 perghrt to ttontt ( tbeno wett 84) pr tn tone; tbeno aouth by laad of David W. lit-It 2V0 p-rcbei to itwnea; then oatt 17 perch to port) theno by land of Matilda AHport, )r., aoaih 2 18 perohei to pott t then by land of Darid Flegal 144 erattet to tb plao ol" beginning, eontfttuing 545 ftoora aad 9ti perobat . Sn id, learn ia exeeutioa aad to b tola at tbe property of J. R. MeKmaoy. Alto, a certain tweatory frata bona 16x24 feet iltaat ia the Iowa of Diggiaavilla, Clear I eld ooanty. Pa. , oa lot of ground bounded oa IU wait by Uett Run Railroad, aouth by-- allay, aaat by . alley. wt b Dr. lU.eea. Kaiaed. token in xeution and to b Bold aatb property of Thorn aa Atkey, awncr, and J. M. tihaaelelitr. oontractur. Alao, a twr atory frame dwling ton IfitSO feet un lot No. 2it in lb Tillage of HouU lal. hegtaning at a pot on tb north aide of Reed treat; lhene aouth 37 degree weat IM feet to Weaiel alley, outh 51 degrera at 50 fret along Mid alley to a poat ; throe north 87 d-graoe eotl 150 tu t.ott on tomb ltd of Reed atrt ( tbewe along aaid atreat north 3.1 degree, wat 158 feet to place of tx-ginuing. tkdaed, Ukon la oxeea tloo and lo baitolil at tb property of lieorge M Tittfuni. Alia,aerUlB twn ttorr fram dwelling bouaa 24 feet wideand X8 loHlong, with kite be. attaebed 1626 ft-at, with lt aad eurtiiaru annurtenaut thereto, tituaia in North lloudiaio, oa lot front ing oa tiwoportreot 40 foot and running b.ek 150 frtt lo Otter alloy, aad kftown la th pi ma af North riouittiai aa lot iio. lift, being boandad nN by 'ot of A tikaeon aad wott by hit f Harrv lloooer. Helxed, Ukn In vxatrmlun aod too told at tba pmperiy oHirg K Tt. ownr aod A. D Tn yer, contractor. Ttam or 8(.u. Tha prio or aum at wkiok th property tball bft atruek off mutt b paid at th time of tal. or aae b o bar arrangameau mad at will be approred, oibarwiaw th property will b Immediately pat up and told agia at th apna and nah of th per eon to whom It waa atrqek aff. ftftd who, la eat of deleianoy at tuck ra aal. aball mak good tb a.a, ad ift bb IftiUao will tb Deed ha presented in Court for ronfiruiaiioB uolait th money it actually paid i tba obarif. ANDRKW FENTZ, Jr., Snnnirr'i Ornca, I rbrtf Clearfield, Pa., May 18, 1877. J SherilT's Sale. BY tlrtaa of laodrr wrlll af Fi. a., leeaed BBt af lha Coart of Coaaraoa Plaaa af Clear. haldCa , aad la eaedlreeted. there will haaaaoaed ta aahlla aala, Bl tha Coart Hooae.lB the aoroaeh or Cleartl.ld. aa Mad need ay, th, 31Mb lay of -j, .r..,, m , .am, p. bi IBS rallowlBB daaerlBre) real aetata, ta wit i All thoee arrtala Iraete of laad attsata Ib tlaetoa towaahia. Clearlelat aoaate. Pa . LaJ ad Bad deaenbed ai followi, all : Oae lot Baarta. nln, at tha aortbeaal eorner af lot No. II to lha alaa at reeB.I I, b aald lawaehlw, etaaeM u L. Uird. Ma; I, IKTI ; theaea anath il dr(rraa weat 12 feat U s Boat. a. BIB IS daaraaa ea.l 10a feel la a Boat, aoalh SI dr.reee weat .. l-lt faat to aaraar of laad deeded ta O A Worth I thenee north U derreal weat Ui feet H a Bet, Bank II dritreee rail lit feat ta a poet. Berth It d .freer wert T parebei u a poet. Berth hi at-areee aaat IS l-l, Berehaa ta a poet, eeath IS aVfraaa aaat "l Barehea ta a Boat i theajaa saalk hi aVuraaa weet 41 feat, eoath ' degrees aaat 10 leet i, aorth Ilea af Waadward atraat thaaaa aaatk II deireaa weal ,1 bet ta aaraar af law, deeded la L Bird. Del., I Itl i theaee aenh M denreee weat SI feat la Berth aaraar af tha Brae i thaaaa aaalh ladraraaiaaatll feetuliaearWaedward atraat, thaaoa aoalh II d.ireee Berth 41 faat. aad Berth II danraea weat 14 (Bat ta Ike plaaa af befteele,, aeataiBlal II aerae taore ar laaa, aata tola Nai II. II aad 14 aa lha alaa af PawlaU. ewve. .auk are erereod Ihrea fraaaa IwalliBae, three fraaaa barai, oae log dwaUIn, sad aalhoaaaa. aiaa, aae aaoai aaat. laad kail laharaat la tha ilnv aditrtisrmfnts. , "T '. ..mto -a WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietor.. ..klj at tha llulal tni nlaaad as ila for tk. k.i. . Ill for tha bn.ii . AnMIM 1.1, , Arll 11, l.Ji , f,.l.owln lot ; boaadad aouth by Woodaard UraH. waal by land deadad lo epaakiaaa and SebwrW north aad aaat by otbar laoda of aaid Wlmj, ,' bavlnj a froat of lull fr.l ua Wooda.rd HrJ and a dapth af 100 faat, aonlalaln balf aa art. mora or laaa. bring lot lo It oa tha plaa uf P. fiald, us.o which la aractad oaa tae-ilory traa. bolal aod nut.,uildln(. Al.o, on a,ul nnlirldad half inlaraH in n, follnaiBit lot! Boundad aa tho north l.y W4. ward airral, aaat by (and dsad! u C. II. C'-.rra:i aoatb aad wait by o.har landa of .aid Woidaara' haaini a front of 140 faat on Wa-slaard itrnt and a daptb of IVI frat, ooataiula( aa. Ibirl at aa asra n ra n laai, aad ha.nf tha wait part ot lot Ha 17 oa thr plan of Ponlold, oi.ou ab.rh it araatad a fraaia barn. Alao, ona albar lot boandad aad daarribad ai followi, to wit t llraloalna- at a paat Ua curaar ' 7. nnd - laartiald nru t tbanaa aon ! . " "" Woodward atraat II laat u '" UJ"" i lh"a Math al degree, aaat III feet ta acroer of ether laad af ea.u nooawar, t thaaaa aouth Bl derreai weat 4) fret ta line ol 'Claarlol,! atraat i theoaa aorth II degnea we.t aloo, .aid itreet I'll feet to the place of begiooiog, aofitaiainK efle-oiehth af aa aera mora or laaa, wpoa wbioh ara araeted a twa. tore frana atere bu.ldlnj sad a warahoiia, and brio, part of l..t No SI oo tlio plao of Prafirld. AUo. ona other lot hoande.l and dneribed ai rallowa : ll'iaadod analharle ti. Woodward alreet we.terle by land af aaid tt oodwa-d and Char e. Ilr..wn, oo.fhrrlr aod raiterle ather laoaa a aa d tt'.wdward, haein( a fr.al of 109 fret an Woodward ureal and a depth at loo fcetomtaig log one-halt of as aara aiora or le.., and beitia loc No. 17 on the plaa of I'enlteld. Alao, II the tflt, title and Int.rert of nil Wotnlaa-d. ia ana ..I her tract af land h'.uU.d BB.I dear l4 I aa followi: U-,inainr at s a,.i un thaeiiuth tide of Woolweri auaot II Irel rarle.1, from lha corner jf H'otMleari aod Clear.' Brld alreetai thea north II degreaa aaat alnir Woodward al. art lit, 4-10 fact ta earner af lail of aald Woodward and Carta Brawn t lhrn-t aouth 31 d. jrrea mil aloij aa.4 laal IJ1 frel t. a pat; th.-oca eoata il teareaa aorlh it I 19 feet to eoruer of otbar laad of i.id W....1 rarl ; theBce aorth il) vlegreee weat 1 ij leet u H,' place or herinBa(, oal.laing ona hall ofa. acre ore ar l.aa, ban,, part af let ha. 17 wo thr utaa ol I', nli.'.d. upoa whi .h la arec el a lo frama bail ling and oath'.uora. Alao, all tha right, title anl In'ercrt f WtoMlward Ib one olb.tr treat of Ian! Itoandrt a-id d.-.cribed aa follewi : BrginaiBj at a p,,al ia the aalt aorner of Clearfield itreet, loa fet .oath Iron Woodward atraat; Ibenee aorth il 4-f.m aaa 1-1 feet to a Boat: Ibenoa eoath hit derraa. emit on feet to a poat: Ibenee Booth il drrrea we.t IW Teat to tbe e.l.l line of '.'learSald atre.1 : tbrnca aorth degree, weat Sfl feat to Iba nlaee of wrgiDnlnr, eoBta.aiiig one-aigbth of an acre, mora ar laaa. ap a which te aracled a blaekitnith and waj.-n ib,.p. aod beiag part of hit Xo. 37 u tbe plaa ol realrld. Alao. all lha right, title aad lotereat of Uirata Wieadwerd ie anoth-r treat of laad ia llaataa tap. bounded aod dearribed ae followi: BVfinaia. at a white pine tbe oouthreai aorner of War.-ant No. 471 : thenreaoa'h S3 degree, wart 11-111 per.-br. lo lard of Frederiok LeifieM : throca Birth It degrera writ along line of laid land loi perebea lo the p iblie bighwav ; iheaca north 1 1 drgreei we.t 70 pereh-at ttieoea aonb 12 -tegreaa wait 143 I-10 perohei to tba north Una of Warrant No. 471; thence Bortb .0 .Ircreee aalt 314 lop-rohea ta a piua ; ihcuce aor-h lit degraee wen .8 perch ea lo a hemlock ; thenea Borth 70 dejraea eait be line of Warrant No. 79, l l 1 1(1 p.rchai to a port ia Una af land af t. K. Iliwltt ; thenoa hj aaid line aouth ,l degree, aaat list perdhel to p-.rt le eonth liae of Warrant No. 7D ; theaea aoalh 11 degree! weat .tl perehee to a putt : thrnea al,mg UbIi of Joho tao,.ia eeutb I0 degraei rait il . perehea; theno. aloog nni aouth SI degree, .-art 121 perebea ta a poit ib a,o-lh liaaof Warrant Na S.OvO; thaaaa along all warrant line weat It parallel ta a p-.it ; laeaee aorth I.l degreee weat II l-IB perebea to a hemlock; ibrBoe aorth IMd-greeiwoat l.tj I-10 parchea to tha place of begianiag. eoetaiB ing 4SI aom Bioie ar lata, eicepliag and ra.ere ing tbeeelrnea : lat. Oaa lot an aouth aide af Woodward atraat adjoieiog laad of P. N. Ilrwitt, heretofore deaUa.t to tha Peaaleld hi B. CaercB, ' baring froat on Woodward atraat of 1H3 rerland B depth of IV feet, being lot Na tbe plan of Penfield. Id. Beginaing In tba woet liae of Clear field elraet at Iba aowtheaat aaraar af hrt 4aaded to R. C. Fraeland ; thenee aoatk II degree! wart 154 reel ta lot deeded to Ueorge C. Hicler; thenea eoalb SI degree, aaat 174 feet: thence aouth 71 degrees wan 17 feet, aonb IS degree, weat S06 to eorner af Praabrteriaa pareOBBg. lot : Iheooe aouth hi degree, we.t 1.1a faat aonb 11 degree, writ 171 feet aa tha aouth liae of Wood ward atraat , theaoe aouth 11 oVereaa awet aloflg Woodward itreet Mis 14 feet to eaetero caM-aer of lot deeded to Wm. MoKay. June Id, l:4; theaea eeath IS drgraea eart IVI faat ta a poet ; thaaea aoatb il degreee Bank IM 4-11 feat to the weat liae or Clearfiald atraat i theaee aoalh 44 degraei aaat 141 fort ta tha pbus of begiaamg ; being Iota No. II. 1.1, 14, Si, .14, 14, H, 41, 42, is, 47 aad il aa tha plaa of Panheld. SJ, Be ginBiag at tha e,iBtbeaet aoraer at lot No. II oa tbe plaa af Penfield, deeded to L. Bird Ibenee aouth i2 degree! writ 741 1.10 feat to tha aouth. weat eoroer af land of t). A. Worth : thenea Borth AS degraei aorth 1M feat a.rtk il degree! aael Uo feet BortblS degrera weat TO) percbei Borth aortb iS drgraee 42 II perebea aoutb It degree. 70) derchea aorth iS degrera aaat 124 4-la fret aouth 14 degreea aaat M faat to the aorth line of Woodward atreel; thaaaa aoalh il degraei well i27 feet ta tha place of beginning, being lot! Noa. 10. II. 1, I.l, 1 1, i, ii ,,d 17 on the plan of I'anfialJ. 4th. Oaa aara laid off aa I uaed aa a at-melery. lib. Oaa lot aortb of Woodward itreet aloiuinf laod of Kredoriek Liifield, baa ing a fr.nl of lit feet as Woalward atraat aad a drplkof illl feat, beiag kit No. I ea the plan of Heaheld. 4th. Ooe tat IM br 11 1 feet near Iba railroad, deelel ta tl. A. W,.rlb. Said raaarra tioa eaalaiatug S3 aoree mere or laaa. Alao, all the right, title ami iatereitof tkeiaid Woodward la eae other traet at Ian I kjaad,-d and dearribed aa followi; North be Woodward atreet, aaat hy land! of B 0. Bowman, aoatb bf bb allay and w.-ai be laod of af H. M teaop, b.f .og a front oa Wood .ard llreet of 120 S II feet and a depth af 1V4 teat, amlaloing half an acre mora or kit, being lot No. 41 aa tbe plan af . field upon whiah ara areata a two liarj frama atero aod a est. bouaa Alee, all tba rignr, title anl Intarjat of the aaid Wood war .1 ia ana eiber let of land boaale4 ana) deaenbed aa fallow., te wit : Oa the aorth by Woodward itreet I aalt by lead af lioorga B. Kobaher: loath byalberlandof laid Woodward, aad aertk by laad af 0. H. Coryell aoataioiag oaa fourth of aa acre, mora ar laaa, beiag lot No. M aa tba plaa af Penteld. anoa whiah a ereoted oaa aboe ebop ana, an tba right, title anl Internet if than, I Woodward la ana ather lal af land kneaded ,,J drear toed aa followi. ta wi. Oa Iba aortb by Weodwar.1 atraat t Bail aad eeath by sikar land! of laid Woodward ; weet by laad of Ueorge K. Rehaaaari eaatalaiag ana fourth ef aa aara, more or leei, beiag lot Na SI an the plaa af Pia field, apoa which ta ereetet oaa twa atrry Traai barneaa ebp and dwnlliag. Ala tha right, title and latereet of lllraa Wimdward ia aae other lot of lead hoaawed and deecribed a. lollowa, to wit: On tba aorth by Windward atrcel i aaat by land deeded to Win. McKav t anath aad weat by etbar laada ef aaid Woodward eeatalning ane fowrtb ef an a1. re, mora or laat, beiag lot No. II ea tba Plaa nf Pen leM. upon which are ereoted oaa two-attr frataa dwelling aad eat koaeel. Alia, ene eonal an lleldad half lateral! la oaa other traet af laad la llartoa ta-aahip. afoeeatit, bnaaded Berth hy la.id of D. B. Taylor la war rant 4102. real ha land or J. B. Hewitt, aoulk hy warrant Na. Hi, aad weal hy laadl of V. II. lln.wo, Wue B. Hewitt a. I Heeding, Pl-h.r k Co., cuB'alniai 2S0 aarai, to:i at laat. Bad being part or warna! No. litis. Alio, aaa eonal andlrl.lrd half In ami In ee Bihar traet at land ia Holloa townahip, afbra aald, bottPdrtl aorth a? laa ll of Jobs 0. Head ing and Cravlna W'andia, aaat hy warran'i No. Hi and 111, loath hy warrant No. Ill and Joba tin lloii, weat by warrant No. nflS, eentalelag 1 1 " a area, mora ar leu, aad haiag part ef warren Alao. an. ather traet nf land ia lloltoa towa ihip aforeiiid, honadod math hy lead of Reeding, Ptiher A Ce , aa.raat No. toll, aaat hy lead of Ileary aad frederiok Litleld aad a K Ka.Ij, aeuih by laad of Jataieoa aad fieher. aad weal by land of tt. D. I'.ttereoa aad Wm D Wuod ward, aoataiaiag IM aoraa, mora ar leal, apoa whleh ara crecto-l two rrama dwalhnga, ana frame hare an, ether ratbaitdiogi. gaiaed, ukea a riee.tea aad to be raid aa tke property ef II tram ti'aedwarel. Alaa. by rlrtee af a writ ef Pi. Fa.,oa Wediee day, Jaaa I, 1177, Ike follewiag paopKIf I A let allaate la the korsagh ef New Waahlng too, Clearfield aenaty. Pa , beanlrd on Iba aorth by tha publm road, ae the aaat kr froat atreet, aoatb be aa alley, aad wen by laad af Jamie Uallaker, Boatalaln, aaa a-ra mote ar km. gelaed, tahea la aieraiioe and ta he aald a. tha property of H laai Walk. Alao. by elrt.iof a writ ef Venditioni Iipoaia, oa Wedaeeday, Juau I, 'f 7, lha folleeleg proa, erty, to win A ear tal a traet af laad iliaete la ttoalidale karoagh, Clearaeld eeaaty. Pa , kownead a. fel lowai Oa the aartb by llaaaah atraat, aaatk by rat I read, aaat hy betel, aad weet by depot, beiag II feet froat aad II feat hang, har leg ararled a goad Maahimilb a hep aad wagea abop. Heiaed, telle la aieewllea aad te be aold aa tha property ef J. I. Ham.llea. Taaaa ar Iilb. The price ar earn at whleh theprepenrahellbeetraak off mart ba paid at iha time af aale, ar lack other arraagemeati made aa will ba apprarad. atkarwiea Ike properly w.U ka Immediately pat ap aad aald ageia at Ibeeipeaae aad rlik af tha pereoe ta wkom II waa etraaa af, BBd wha, la aaaa ef diloleaey at Beak re eale. aball meks good Ike -waa. a, aad la aa laat aaaa will tea Deed ha praaaated la Ooart far aeBBrma tlo aalaM the money le aetaally paid to the . kerif. AND1IW PHNtl, Jl, Sanaier 'a OrrKB, I aaaraT. .CVaufiwId, Pa, May I, lett. C u