Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 23, 1877, Image 1

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TO Unreal ClrenlatkB f any l-twai-aper
Terms of Subscription,
If paid 1b idruM, or within I MI
II patd tiur a im naiora booim
U paid aflar tha aipiration of nonlbi
Rates ot Advertising.
Tranilant advartlMinenU, par iqaaraof 10 Una or
8 tttnti orltti tl
For iftcb tobteq unfit InMrtlon
A ItntnUtratnn di! Kiaeutora' notioa..,..,. t 60
Auditors' notirci 1
Oftutionifcnd Kitraya I 60
HitiolalUin notloei t 0
Profcutonftl Card, Uom or Uu,l w..... I 00
ootid, ptr Hn to
I luftra in 00 I f ol uo- 1
3 ini.H M..I5 00 I ft oUmnH TO Ml
3 aitwrM.H ... I tjoiwran..
I tlflB HMtlT OaOCUted t thll Affln
Offiei In Court Hooao.
ap tVT7-ly
WH. M. MecULLovaa, rnio. o L. buck.
Clearfield, Pa.
All legal bn.ioeoe promptly attended to. Onto
on Second atroat, in ln Meeoaio Building.
e5 ( Clearfield County, Pcna 'a. . 7Sy
rnof. a. kcbbat.
omul aoBooB.
JEoV-Ofoc In PI' Open Unoee, second floor.
Clearfield, Pi.
Will attend to ill bueineal entrusted to him
piouptly and faithfully. novl2'78
(Suwoi.or to Wallace a Fielding,)
II U'7J Clearfield, Pn.
A TTO It N E Y 3- A T-L A W ,
learflel.l. P.
fifLegH bnaineai attended to promptly tritbj
fidelity. Omen ob Second street, abore lot riret
National Dank. Jaa:l;7
Attornbt and Coiwkelor at Law,
clearfield. pa.
Hiring resigned hit Jurigeriiip, hu regutned
the proti of tb Uw Id bia old office at Clear
field, Pa. Will altand theeourtiof JelTenon and
Blkoountiei wbn apeqiallr totaiocd in connection
vita reitlrnt oounael.
Real E.l.U and CoIIkIIob Afrnt,
Will promptly attend to nil legal builneii a
trotted to hie oare.
ej-OHoe In Pie'l Opera Hoo-e. janl'7.
11:1711 riearflnld. Pa.
Clearfield. Pa.
sfrOffic In Old Weetern Hotel biitldinf,
eoro.r of Seoond nnd Market 8te. aoell,0t.
Clearfield, Pa.
ar-ODoe la Ihs Caurt Hoaea. JjllT
Klrarneld, Pa.
p&- Offlee oa Matket itreet, opp. Court Hunae,
Jan. I, 1874.
" John l. cuttle,
nd Real Eetate Afreut, Clearfield, Pa.
Office oa Third etreet. bet. Cherry A Walnut,
avbTRe.pectfully offeri hie eerTieeela eelllng
ind bujtlnf lande la Clearleld and Bdjoialui
Hjnatlea aad wltb an eiporlenoe ot over twenty
reero aa a anreeyor, flatter, himielf that he eaa
fender (atl.raetioa. iron. n;r,vn,
Sww Ijoj;h and Ijiiiiibor,
Offioa In Qrabam'i Row.
1:11 Beeola, Clearfield Co., Pa. y pd
llellefonte. Pa.
Will practice in Clearleld and all of the Court of
tae aotn Juulolal ailtrioi. neai eaiaie ou.ioee.
and eolleetlon of fllalm made paoiallle. nl'7l
Will attend profasllonal all promptly. auglO'70
Offlo on Market 8trt, Clearfield, Pa.
tr-OOoa hoar lit II a. m , anil I lo I p. m.
Office la reaidene aa Market rt.
April 14, lira. ClearBcld. Pa .
Lata Bo r ton of tha 83d ReglmaBt.Pannayltaula
Vslnntaartt kaTlnf raurnad from tha Army,
tfftra bia profaaalonal Mrrleo to tbtoltfiana
arPrnraiilonalaalla nromptly atUoded to,
Offlo on 8 aeon d atraat, formorlyooenpiad by
Dr.Woodi. aprVM U
pf OBoa hour-From IS to t P. M.
, M'r2
orra Pbace ami ScaiTaaaa, LUMUKH
CITY. Colleationa made aad eaoaey promptly
paid over. Article of agroomoBt and deed al
vaeeyanoa aeatly oiaouled aad warranted oct
ree! or ao ebarge. tt)y'TI
la Kralier'a Balldlnf, Clearlelol, Pa.
Dealer la Oroeetlaa, Prorlalooa, Vagetablaa,
Praite, Floor, Food, etc., etc.
Shop oa Market 81. OoBrt lloate.
A eleaa towal for vry tutomer.
Ala aaaaafaetarBr of
All kinds of Arllrlea la lluaaaa Hair.
cle.rH.H. Pa. m.y It, '71.
Shop a room formerly eonplod by Kaagle
Markat Mraat.
iaitlee ef Om Peaea aad Seriroaer,
Carweanllla, Pa.
Colleelleal Bade aad aoaey aramptly
GEO, B..QOODLAKDEE, Proprietor,
. IHtatur Totrnnhtp,
Oieeola Mill, P. 0.
II ofllelel bu.ltier. to htm will bo
promptlj attended to. mh2v, 7f
Preuchvllla, Uetrfleld Couut), Pi
Ktwpi ooniunlly on bAnd a full awrtmtnt of
lJrv UtHxli. Harawart. urumnn, mu tjarTi.ainK
anally kept in a roiati iwra, wnwa win nm aviu,
for oath, aa ehaap aa tltawbara In tba Bounty.
rrtccaniie, ro 11, lant.ij.
Alee, extentlre manufaetarer and dealer In Soare
Timber and sawed Lumber of all klnue.
JraT-Ordorl aollolud and all bill! prompt!
tiled. "jyia-71
House and Sign Painter and Paper
CiearOeld, Pcuii'a.
VfuWill execute Johe In bit lino prompt! and
In a workmanlike manner. arr4,tl7
-Pumpe alwayi on hand and made to order
en abort notice. Pipe, bored on reasonable terme.
All work warranted to render aatiifaotion, and
delirered if deeired. mjia: I jpa
end manutaoturere uf
AM. KIMIXOKHAVt El) I.l MIll;!!.
dealer in ,
Real Estate, Square Timber, Board 8,
:I0'7J ClrarHekl, Pa,
Market f.. ClearHeld, Pa.
In the llip l.'oly occupied hy Frank Short,
one door we.t of Alleghany Uou.e.
Plane and FpeeincatioBR furniihcd for .11 kind,
of building.. All work BrU-oia... Htair build
log a ipeoialty.
P. O. addreM, Clearleld, Pa. jaa.l7-77tf.
Rumbarger, Clearfield Co., Pa.
Keep, on band all kind, of Harne,, Saddle,
Bridle., and Hone Furninbiag tiood. Repairing
promptly alteaded to.
Hamburger, Jan. It, 1177-tf.
BAKER, Market St.,, Pa.
Freeh Bread, Ruck, Roll, Piea aad Cakoe
oa band or made la order. A general BMortmeot
of Confeotionariea, Fruit, aad Nut. in lluek.
Ic Cream and Oyrter in .eaaoa. Salotia acarly the Poati'ffie. Priee moderate.
March 10-'7a.
Square Timber k Timber Lnnds,
UAYiag ongaged In tha Marble bu.ln..., d.airaa
to Inform her friend and the publio that ah be
now ind will keep oonatantlyon band a largo and
well eeleeted nock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT
M A K HLK. and i nrenarod to furniah to order
fcAuYard ob Rood etreet, near the R, R. Depot,
Clearleld, Fa. Jel4,70
'IIIE nnderslgned beg. leave to Intorm thepob
1. lie that he 1. now fully prepare' to accommo
date all la the way of furniabing ll..ea, Ruggiel,
Saddle and Harne, on the aborteat nutioe and
n reaaonahl terme. Reeldenoe on Loonat atreet,
botweoa Third and Fourth.
(IEO. W. ORARHART., Feb. 4, ID74
At tba end of th new bridge,
The proprietor of Ibil eatabllahment will buy
bie liquore direct from dletiller. P.rtiaa buying
from Ibi bouea will b aura to get a pur article
at a email margin ahoe a ooet. Hotel keepere oaa
be furni.hcd witb liquora oa reaonabia terme.
Pure wince and brandiee direet from Seeley'a
Vinery, at Hath, New ion.
Clearleld, June III, I87i If.
LWatchep, CliK'ka and Jewelry,
OreAooi'o Rom, tlnrktt Strut,
All kind, of repairing la my line promptly at
ended to. April U, lU.
Clearfield Nursery.
THE er.der.icn.d- b.ilr f eeiabli.bed a Nur
ery oa the 'Piko, alHiut half way betweea
Cleaifleld .nd CurwrneTill.. I. or.i.ared to far-
aieh all kiada of FRUIT TREKS, (atandard aad
dwarf, Bvergreene, Shrubbery, Orapa Vina,
Oooeeberrv. l,awtoa Blackberry, Strawberry.
and Kaepborry Vine. Aeo, Siberian CrabTreea,
CJolnoe, aad early erarlet Rhubarb, Ac. Order
nromptly attended to. Addreae,
' r ' J. D. WRKIHT,
aapl Carwaneville, Pa.
Market atreet, Clearfield, Pa.,
, tad all kind, of -
A full Block of Saddler' Hardware,,
Comb, Blank. t, Robe, ata., alwaya oa head
aad for Bale at th. Iawe.1 eaab prloea. All hiad.
of rrpalrlag promptly atunded to.
Ail klad. of bleoe token ib eirbange for bar.
Bee and repairing. All kind of barueaa leathr
kept ob hand, and for ate at a email proflt.
Clearleld, Jaa. 1, IHI-
Clearfield, Peaa'a,
RepreeeBl all Ike leedlrg Fire laa.raoo
Cempaalaaaf tbaaewalryi ....,
Royal Oaadlaa..... a,oe,e
Uoaaa. New Y.rk. t,7M,4
Lyaomlog, Maaoy, Pa...... I.l-te.43l
Pn-klla, Phllad'a.-...... I,0.o
PkmBla, Harlfced l,a!.MI
HaMTor, hew Yorh... .. I,47.l
lloaaa, Cel , 0..-....... . IM'
Alia, Hartford. ft MI
P roe idea, Waahlaglea. Il,e
Pereewa akoat 4Tettlag aa rararaae aa prop,
arty f aay biad, abould eedl al aiy , ea
Marbet mwet, appewlta tba Ooart Rwwa, aad e0
any Hat af sompaaiiM wd rate bwrbra loeurlag.
Olereld,Pa,0c,l fk-ly
A furtaer Supplement to the Act regulating
Elections lo till Commonwealth.
Suction 1. Bo it enacted, So., That
it shall ho the duly or each of tlio Aa
Hc8nor who aro required to itu'i'orin
liny tliiticri incident to the holding ot
ulet'tiona and the ri'ixtrution ol' voters
in thodifl'erunl counties or cities ol this
Commonwealth, on tho first Monday
ot June of each year, to tnko up the
tiunseriiilol tho next proccdinir asm'BS-
ment as transmitted lo them by tho
City or County Comniitwiuiioiei, and
proceed to tho rcviHiou of the sumo, und
fortius purpose lie snail visit evert'
dwelling limine in his dmtrict, and make
cureitil inquiry it' any permit) wliiiso
name ia on Ins list bnstlieu or removed
Irani tho district, and if so, to erase tho
sanio therefrom ; or whether any quali
fied voter reaides therein whose name
is not on the list, nnd if so, to add the
same thereto, and in all cases where a
name is added to tho list the person
shnll forthwith ho asseitsed, nnd the
Assessor shall in all cases ascertain by
inquiry n jkjii what ground tho person
so assessed claims to be a voter. I'non
tho completion of this work it shall be
the duty ot catu Assessor as aloresaiu
to proceed to make out a list, in alpha
betical order, of tho male citiauns
twenty-one years of ul'o and upwards
claiming to bo qualified voters in the
election district ot winch ho is tlio
Assessor, nnd opposite each of said
names state whether said eitizen in or
is not a housekeeper, nntl if he is, the
number ol hiB residence in towns where
the sumo are numbered, with thestreot,
alley or court in which situated, and
if iu a town where there are no num
bers, tho nume of tho street, alley or
court on which said hoitso fronts, nlno
the occupation ol tho person ; and
where he ib not a housekeeper, the occu
pation, place of boarding, and with
whom ; anil, if working lor anothor, the
name of tho employer, and write oppo
site each of said names tho word
"voter." Whero any penult claims
to vote by reuson of nnturali.ation ho
xhall exhibit hiB certificate thereof to
tho Assessor, unless bo has been for
two consecutive years next preceding
a voter in said district ; and in all chuck
hero the person has been naturalized
the name shall be marked "N." Where
tho person has merely declared his in
tentions to become a citizen and designs
to be nuturaliccd beforo tho next elec
tion ho shall exhibit the ccrtilicato ot
his declaration of intention nnd tho
name shnll bo marked "1)1;" and
whero tho person shall he entitled by
existing laws to be naturalized, with
out making a declaration of his intcn
tiou to be naturalized, and intends to
be naturalized at least ono month before
tho next general election, tho name of
such person shall ho added to the
list, and the name of such person
shall be marked "I N." Whore tho
the claim is to voto by reason of being
of tho ago of twenty-one and under
twenty-two as provided by law, the
word "age" shall be entered; anil if
the person has moved into tho election
district to resido since the hint general
election, the letter " R " shall bo placed
opposite tho name. It shall bo tho
In r i her duty of tho Assessor, as afuro
Baid, upon tho completion of tho duties
herein imposed, to make out a separate
liat of nil new assessments made by
him. On tho lists being completed nnd
the asscBumcnts mado as aforesaid the
same shnll forthwith be returned to tho
County Commissioners.
Sec. 2. Tho County Commissioners
shall immediately add the names on
the list of new assessments to tho tax
dnplicato of tho ward, borough, town
ship or district in which they have
been assessed, und cause duplicate
copies of the other list, with tho obser
vations and explanations required to
be noted as aforesaid to bo mado out
as soon as practicable, and placed in
the hands of tho Assessor, who shall,
prior to tho first Monday of August in
each year, put one copy thereof on the
door of or on tho houso where the
election of the rL-spectivo district is
required to be held, and retain tho
other in his possession for the inspec
tion, tree of charge, of any person resi
dent in tho saidelectiondintri('twhonhall
desire to seo tho same ; and it Bhall he
tho duty of the said Assessor to add
from timo to time, on the personal ap
plication of any one claiming tho right
to voto, the nanio of such claimant,
and mark opposite tho name "C V,"
and immediately assess him, noting as
in all othor cases, Ins occupation, resi
dence, whether a boarder or house
keeper ; if a boarder with whom ho
boards, and whether naturalized or
designing to bo, marking in all cases
opposite tho name the letters "X,"
" D 1," or "I N," as tho case may be.
If the person claiming to bo assessed
bo naturalized, ho shall exhibit to the
Assessor his certificate of naturaliza
tion, and if he claims that bo designs
to be naturalized before tho next ensu
ing election he shall exhibit the certifi
cate of his declaration of intention, it
such previous declaration is required
by the laws of tho United States. It
shall bo the duty of tho said Assessor
to ho present at tho election houso of
said election district, (Hiring the two
secular days noxt preceding tho day
fixed by the thin) section of this act
for returning tho lists to tho County
Commissioners, from ten A. M. to three
p. M., nnd from six P. M. to nine p. M.,
of each of said days, for the purposo of
hearing and acting upon applications
to bo made under the provisions of this
section, or relating to names upon said
list, or that aro sought to bo placed
thereon or struck therefrom ; and it
shall he bis duty to correct said lists
by adding thereto the names of persons
entitled to rote not already thereon,
and by striking theretrom fictitious
names or names of persons who may
have died or removed from said dis
trict ; arrd tho said lists shall bo open
for inspection by any qualified elector
ol tho county or wan) In which the
eleetion district ia situated, aa well as
by the person claiming to he registered;
and the Court of Common Picas of the
proper county, or any Law Judge
thereof at chambers, on tho application
of any qualified elector of the ward or
county undor oath, setting forth a
breach ol any ol llie uutios unposoil on
said Assessor by this act, which oath
mnv be maun at any timo Dcioro mo
day of election, shall call the Assessor
and the complainant before it or him
bv citation or rule, to snow cause, ana
shall hear tha parties and dispose of
thesuhiect in a summary manner as
to whom law and justice shall belong,
and shall, if need be, order the As
sessor to correct the registry accord
ingly, and tho said Court or J udge may
enforce auch order by attachment as in
proceedings for contempt.
8 to. 3. After the assessments have
been conipletod, on tho sixty-flrst day
beforo tho Tuesday next following the
first Monday of Novombcr in each
year, tho Assessor shall on the follow
ing day muko a return to the County
Commissioners of tho names of all per
sons assessed by him sinco tho return
required to bo mado by him by tho
first auction of this act, noting opposite
each namo tho observations and ex
planations required to be noted as
aluresaid, and the County Commission
ers shall thereupon causo the same lo
bo added to the return required by the
first section of this act, und a full and
correct copy thereof to bo made con
taining tho names of all persons so re
turned as resident tuxubles in said
election district, and furnish the same,
together with tho necessary election
blanks, to the ollicers of the eleetion
in such election district on or beforo
seven o'clock on the morning of tho
election ; nnd no man shall ho permit
ted to voto at the election on that day
whoso name is not on said list, unless
ho shall muko prool of his right to
voto as hereinafter required.
Sec 4. On the petition of five or
more citizens of any election district
setting forth that tho appointment of
Overseers is a rcasonnblo precaution lo
securo the purity and fuirness of tho
election in said district, it shall he the
duty of the Court of Common Pleas ol
tho proper county, all tho Law Judges
of tho said Court able to act at the time
concurring, two appoint two judicious,
sober and intelligent citizens of tho said
district, belonging to different political
parties, Overseers of Election, to super
vise tho proceedings of election ollicers
thereof, and to mako report of tho sanio
as they may bo required by such Court.
Said Overseers shall be persons quali
fied to servo upon election boards, nnd
shall have tho right to ho present with
the oflicers of such election during tho
whole lime the same is held, tho voles
counted, and tho returns made out and
signed by tho election ollicers, to keep
a list of voters it they see proper, to
chnllcngo any person ottering to voto,
and interroL'ato him nnd his witnesses,
under onth, in regard lo his right ol
BUticrairo at said election, and lo ex
amino his papers produced ; nnd the
oflicers of said election are required to
ad'ord to said Overseers so selected
and appointed every convenience and
facility tor tho discharge oi uicir tunics,
and if said election ollicers shall refuse
to permit suid Overseers lo bo present
and perform their duties, as uloresaid,
such officer or oflicers shall ho guilty
of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof shall he fined not exceeding one
thousand dollars or imprisoned not ex
ceeding ono year, or both, in tho dis
cretion of the Court, or if tho Overseers
shall bo driven away from the polls ley
violcnco or intimidation, all the voles
polled in such election district may bo
rcieclca dv tlio proper uiiiuiiiu irviug
a contest under said election, or a part
or portion of such votes aluresaid may
be counted as such tribunal may deem
necessary to a just and proper disposi
tion of the case.
Sec. 8. At all elections hereafter
held under the laws of tins Common
wealth, tho polls shall bo opened at
seven o'clock, A. M., and closed at
seven o'clock, P. u.
Sec. 6. lu nil eleetion districts where
a vacancy exists by reason of the dis
qualification of thoollicers or otherwise!
in an election board boretoforo up
pointed, or where any new district
shall be formed, tho Judgo or Judges
of tho Court of Common 1'lcas of tho
propor county Bhall, ten days beforo
any general or special election, appoint
competont persons to All suid vacancies,
and to conduct tho election in said
now districts, and in tho appointment
of Inspectors in any eleetion district
both shall not bo of the samo political
party, and tho Judgo of Elections shall
in all cases bo of tho political party
having the majority of votes iu said
district as nearly as tho said Judgo or
.ludirescan uncertain tho fact, and in
case of tho disagreement of tho J udges
ns to tho selection fit Inspectors the
political majority of tho Judges shall
select ono of such Inspectors, and the
minority Judgo or Judges shnll select
tho other.
Sec. 7. Whoncvcr there shull bo a
vacancy in an election bonrd on tho
morning ol an election, saia vacancy
shall ho filled in conformity with
existing laws.
Sec. 8. At tho oneninit of tho polls
at all elections it shall he the duty of
the JtitlL'esof hleclion for their respect
ive districts lo designate ono of the
Inspectors, whoso duly it shall ho to
have in custody the registry oi voters,
and lo mako the entries therein re
auircd bv law, and it shall be tho duty
of tho other of tho said Inspectors to
rcccivo and number tho bullots pre
sen ted at said election,
Sr.c. !). All elections by the citizens
shall ho by ballot ; every hallot voted
shall bo numbered in tlio order in
which it shall bo received, and tho
number rooorded by tho Clerks on the
list of voters opposite the name of tho
elector from whom received. And any
votor voting two or more tickets, the
soverul tickets so voted shall each be
numbered with tho number correspond
ing with the number to tho name ot
the voter. Any elector may writo his
namo upon his ticket or causo the samo
to bo written thereon antl attested by
a citizen of tho district. In addition
lo the onth now prescribed by law to
bo taken and subscribed by election
officers, they shall severally bo sworn
or affirmed not to discloso how any
elector shnll have voted, unless requir
ed to do so as witnesses in a judicial
proceeding. All Judges, Inspectors,
Clerks and Overseers of any election
held undor this act shnll, beforo enter
ing upon their duties, bo duly sworn
or alllrmed in tho presenco ol each
olhcr. Tho Judgo shall bo sworn by
the minority Inspector, if there shall
be such minority Inspector, and in
case there bo no minority Inspector
thon by a Justice of the 1'eaeo or Al
derman, and the Inspectors, Ovorsecrs
and Clerks shall bo sworn by tho J udge.
Certificates of such swearing or affirm
ing shall bo duly made out and signed
by the oflicers ao aworn, and attested
bv the officer who administered the
oath. If any Judgo or minority In
spector refuses or tails to awesr the
officers of cloction in tho manner re
quired by this act, or if any officer of
election shall act without being first
duly aworn, or if any officer of election
shall sign tho form of oath without be
ing duly sworn, or If any Judgo or
minority Inspector shall certify that
any officer was sworn when ho was
not, it shall bo dfVmcd a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction tho officer or offl
cere so offending shall bo fined not ex
coedingnno thousand dollar or impris
onment not exceeding ono year or both
in the discretion ol tho Court.
Sec. 10. On the day of election any
PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1877.
person whose namo shr.ll not appear
on tho registry of voters, and who
claims the right to vote at said election,
shall produce at least one qualified
voter of the district aa a witness to tho
residence of tho claimant in tho dis
trict in which lie claims to ho a voter
for tlio period of at least two months
immediately preceding suid election,
which witness shall be sworn or affirm
ed, and subscribe a written, or partly
written and partly printed affidavit to
the tacts stated by hltn, which affida
vit shall define clearly where tho resi
denco is of tho person socluiming to bo
a voter, and the penrnn so claiming
tho right to voto shall also tako and
suhseriho a written, or partly written
and partly printwl affidavit, stating to
tho best of his knowledgo and beliel
when and where ho was horn ; that ho
has been a citizen of tlio United States
for one month, and cr' the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania ; that he has
resided in the Commonwealth ono year,
or if formerly a qualified elector or
native-born eitizen thcreof,and has re
moved therefrom and returned, that ho
has resitted therein six months next
preceding suid election ; that ho has
resided iu the 'district in which he
claims to be a voter for tho period of nt
least two months immediately preced
ing said eleetion ; that he has not moved
into tho district for the purpose of vo
ting therein ; thnt he has, il twenty
two years of ago or upwards, paid a
Stalo or county tux within two years,
which was assessed at least two months
and paid nt least one month before tho
election. Tho said affidavit shttll also
state when and where llio tax claimed
lo bo paid by llio affiant was assessed,
and when and w here and to whom
mid, and the tax receipt therefor shall
lie produced for examination unless
the afllant shall state in his affidavit
that it has been lost or destroyed, or
that he never received any, and, if a
naturalized citizen, shall also state
when, where and by what Court he
was nulurulizcd, and shall also produce
his certihcuto ol naturalization tor ex
amination ; hut if the person so claim
ing the right to vote shall tako and
subscribe an affidavit that ho is a native
horn citizen ol the United Slates, or il
horn elsowhuro shall state tho fact in
his affidavit, and shall produce evidence
that he has been naturalized, or is enti
tled to citizenship by reason of his
lather's naturalization, nnd shnll furth
er state in his affidavit that he is at llio
timo of making tho affidavit of the ago
of twenty-one and under twenty-two
years ; that he bus been a citizen of the
United Stales one month, and has re
sided in tlio State ono year ; or, if a
native-born citizen of the Stute, and
removed therefrom and returned, that
ho has resided therein six months next
preceding said election, nnd in the
election district two months immedi
ately preceding such election, he shull
bo entitled to vote although ho shall
not have paid taxes. The said affida
vits of all persons making such claims
und tho affidavits ot the witnesses to
their residenco shall bo preserved by
tho election liourd, evnd at the clnao ot
tho election they shnli be enclosed with
tho list of voters, tally list, and othor
papers required by law to be filed by
the Return Judgo with tho Prothono
tary, nnd shall remain on file therewith
in tho Prolhonolnry's office, subject to
examination as other election pupcrs
aro. II tho election officers shnll find
that the applicant possesses all the
legal qualifications of a voter ho shall
bo permitted to vote, and his name
shall bo added to the list of taxablcs
by tho election ollicers, tho word " tax "
being added where the claimant claims
to voto on tax, nnd the word "ngo"
whero ho cltrims to voto on ago, the
samo words being added by tho Clerks
in each case respectively on the lists
of pontons voting at such election.
Sr.r. II. It shall bo lawful for any
qualified citizen of the district, notwith
standing the name of tho proposed
voter is contained on the list of resident
taxablcs, to challenge tho vote of such
person, whereupon tho same proof of
tho right of suffrage as now required
law shull ho publicly made, and acted
on by the election board, and tho vote
admitted or rejected according to tho
evidenco. Every person claiming to
bo a nnturtilized citizen shnll bo re
quired to produco his naturalization
certitlcnto nt tho eleetion before voting
except where ho has been for five
years consecutively a voter In the dis
trict in which he offers his vote, und on
llio voto of such person being received
it shall be tho duty of the election offi
cers to Writo or stamp on such certifi
cate tho word "voted," with tho day,
month and year, and if any election
officer or officers shull receive n second
voto on the samo day hy virluo of the
samo certificate, except where sons aro
entitled to voto heonusc of tho naturali
zation of their fathers, they and tho
person who shnll oiler such second
voto shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
anil on conviction thereof ho fined or
imprisoned, or ho'.h, at tho disrretson
ol the Court ; but tha fine shull not
exceed fivo hundred dollars in each
case, nor tlio imprisonment one your.
Tho like punishment shnll ho inflicted
on conviction of tho office of election
w ho shnll neglect or refuse to muko or
causo to bo mado tho endorsement re
quired ns aforesaid on said naturaliza
tion cerlificnle.'T or DUTY OF ELECrlnN OFFICEhS.
Sec. 12. If nny election officer shnll
refuse or neglect to require such proof
of tho right of suflrago ns is prescribed
by this luw, or tho Inws lo which this
is a supplement, from nny person offer
ing to voto whoso namo is not on tho
list of assessed voters, or whoso right
to vote is challenged by any qualified
votor present, and shall admit such
person to voto without requiring such
proof, every person so offending shall
upon conviction bo guilty of a misde
meanor, and shall bo sentenced for
every such offence to pay a tine not
exceeding fivo hundred dollars, or to
undergo an imprisonment not more
than one year, or both, nt tho discro
tion of tho Court.
Sec. Ul. As soon as tho polls shall
closo tho officers of election shall pro
ceed to count all tho voles cast for
cnch candidal" votod for, and mako
out a full return ol the same in tripli
cate, with a return sheet in addition,
in all ol which the votes received hy
each candidute shnll bo given after his
or her namo, first in words and again
in figures, and shall be signed hy all
of said officers, and certified by'Over
eora if any, or if not so eortiticd the
Overseers and any officer refusing to
sign or certify or either of them, shall
write upon each of the returns his or
their reasons for not signing orcortily
ing thorn. The vole as soon aseonnled
shall also be publicly and fully declared
from the window to the citizens present,
and a brief statement showing tho votes
received hy each randiduto shull bo
mado and signed by the eleetion oflicors
as soon as tho vole ia counted, and the
same shall be immediately ponied np
on the door of tho election house fur
information of the public. Tho tripli
cate returns shall bo enclosed in en
velopes and be seuled in tho presence
of the officers, and ouo onvclopo with
tho unsealed return sheet given to the
Judge, which shull conlain ono list of
voters, tal ly-paper, and oat lis of ofli cers,
and another of said envelopes shull be
given to tho minority Inspector. All
Judges living within twelve miles of
tho Prolhonotary's office, or within
twenty-four miles, if their residence ho
in a town, village or city upon the lino
of n railroad leading to tha county
stiit, shull before two o'clock, post
meridian, of tho day after tha election,
and all olhcr J udges shall before twelve
o'clock meridian of the second day af
ter tho election, deliver said return,
together with return sheet, lo tho Pro
thonotury of tho Court of Common
Picas of tho county, which said return
sheet shall bo filed, and tho day and
hour of filing marked thereon, and
shull bo preserved by tho Prolhono
tary for public inspection. At twolvo
o'clock on tho-second day following
any election, tho Prothonotary of tho
Court of Common 1'lcaa shall present
the suid returns to the said Court ; in
counties where there is no resident
President Judgo, the Associate Judges
shall perform the duties imposed upon
tho Court ol Common Pleas, which
shall convene for suid purpose; tho re
turns iircscntod by the Prothonotary
shall bo opened by said Court, and
computed by such of its ofliceis, nnd
such sworn assistants as tho Court
shall appoint, in tho presenco of the
Judgo or J udges of said Couit, and the
returns certified and certificates of
election issued under tho seal of the
Court, as is now required to he done
by the Return Judges, nnd tho vote ns
so computed nnd certified shall be
made a matter ol record in said Court.
Tho sessions of suid court shall be open
to tho public, und in case tlio return
ot any election district shall be missing
when tho returns aro presented, or in
caso of complaint of a qualified elector
under oath charging palpable lraud or
mistuko, and particularly specifying
tho alleged fraud or mistuko, or where
fraud or mistuko is apparent on the re
turn, the court shull examine the re
turn, and if in tho judgment of the
court it shall be necessary to a just re
turn suid court shull issuo summary
process against tho election oflicers,
and overseers, if any, of the election
district complained of, to bring them
forthwith into court, w ith nil election
papers in their possession, nnd if pal
pable mistuko or fraud siiu'l bo discov
ered, it shall, upon such hearing as
may bo deemed necessary to enlighten
too court, ho corrected by tho court,
and so certified; but all allegations of
palpable fraud or mistake shull bo de
cided by tho suid court within three
days alter tho day the returns aro
brought into court for computation,
and tho suid inquiry shull be directed
only to palpable fraud or mistake, and
shull not be deemed a judicial adjudi
cation to conclude any contest now or
hereafter to he provided by law, and
tho other of suid triplicate returns
shall be placed in tho box and seuled
up with the ballots. Nothing in this
act shull require the returns of election
uf borough or townnhip officers lo bo
msde to tho court as directed in this
section, but all tho returns of tho elec
tion of township and borough officers
shull bo enclosed in a seuled cover, di
rected to tho Prothonotary of tho
court of common pleas of the proper
county, and shull by some one oi' them
be delivorod into his office within three
days alter every such election and
filed therein, lu counties whero there
aro three or more judges oi suid court,
learned in tho law, nt least two judges
shull sit to compute and certily re
turns, unless unavoidably prevented.
II any of tho said judges shull himself
bo a cundiduto for any ollico nt any
election ho shall not sit with the court
or act in counting tho returns of such
election, nnd in such cuso tho other
judges, if any, shnll act, and if in any
county ther.' shall bo no judgo quulili
ed to bold tho said court under the
provisions of this net present nnd able
to act, then nnd in every such case,
tho register of wills, tho Sheriff1 and
County Commissioners of tho proper
county shall bound constitute a liourd,
who, or a majority of whom shull have
and exercise all tho powers, and per
form all tho duties vested in or requir
ed to bo performed by the court ol
common pleas of such county, hy and
under the provisions of this section ;
but none of the suid officers shull act
as a member of such Hoard when him
self a candidnlo lor any office at the
election, tho returns of which tho said
Hoard is required to count under tho
provisions of this section. The re
turns required by this act to bo pre
sented by the-Prothonotary of tho
court of common picas of tho counties
of Philadelphia and Allegheny respec
tively shall be presented lo such threo
or mora judges of tho several courts of
common pleas ol snul counties respec
tively, os tho judges ot suid courts or
a majority of them mny dcBignnto to
porform tho duly of receiving, comput
ing nnd certifying snid returns. When
two or more counties nre connected
for tho election ol nny officers, llio
courts of such counties shall each ap
point a return judgo to meet at such
lime and place as required by law to
compute and certify tho voto of such
districts. All oflicers provided for by
this act shall bo compensated as like
officers aro paid by existing laws.
Whenever a placo has been or shull bo
provided by tho authorities of any
city, county, township or borough tor
the safe keeping of the ballot boxes, tho
judgo und minority shall utter the elec
tion shull ho finished, and tlio ballot
box or boxes containing tickets, lists
of voters and other papers havo boon
securely bound with tape nnd scnletl,
and tho signatures of tho Judgo and
Inspector affixed thereto, forthwith
deliver the sumo, together with tho re
maining boxes, to tho Mayor and Re
corder of such city, or in counties,
townships or boroughs to such person
or persons as the court of common
pleas of the proper county may desig
nate, at the place provided as ulore
said, who shall then deposit tho said
boxes and koep the samo to answer
tho rail ol any court or trjhunal au
thorised to try the merits ol such elee.
tion. Whonever the election officers
of any election district shall require
the election lioxea ot such district to
bold any election, which by law they
aro, or shall bo required to hold, they
shall keep tho samo securely in their
possession without opening until the
morning of such election, and until
they shall severally be sworn or affirm
ed not to discloso how any elector
shall have votod, and after being so
sworn or affirmed, they shull open the
said boxes antl burn and totally des
troy all bailout and other papers which
they shall Ind therein beforo proceed
ing to bold such election.
Sec. U. That from and Immediately
after tho pussago of this act tho Court
of Common Pious in the proper county
in election districts wherein Assessors
havo not heretofore boon elected shull
appoint ono rcputahlo person in each
election district to he tho Assossor there
of, who shull perform all tho duties re
lating to elections now required to be
porformed by Assessors under the pro -
vision ol this act. Such Assessors shall
bo appointed as nearly ns can bo as-
cerlnined from the party having a ma -
jority of the votes ill their respective
Sec. IA. That tho election to be held
on tho third Tuesday of February next,
und at tho election annually thereafter,
there shull bo elected in euch election
district in the State, as well in those
wherein tho registration of voters has
heretofore been made by officers ap
pointed and nut chosen by the pooplo
to perform tho duty, as in all others,
one person as Judge and two inspec
tors in conformity with the general
luws of tho Commonwealth, to conduct
the elections fpr ono year, and also an
Assessor who shall porform tho duties
incident to elections as required hy tho
provisions of this act.
Sec. 16. Thattho Assessors appoint
ed under tho fourteenth section of this
act shall, within five days alter their
appoiiitmont, proceed to mako out
lists of qualified electors in their re
spective election districts, and deliver
tlio samo to tho Commissioners, who
shall transmit a certified copy of the
samo lo tho Judgo of each election dis
trict al least forty-eight hours before
tho election, lo bo held on tho third
Tuesday of February next; suid As
sessors shull also post ten copies there
of in conspicuous places in each elec
tion district at least ten (lays before
said election. And tho lists so made
hy the Assessors during tho two secu
lar days preceding tho day of tho de
livery thereof to tho Commissioners
(of which days public nntico shull be
given by hand-bill throughout suid dis
trict) shall ho open fur inspection and
correction, in tho custody ol suid As
sessor, from 10 a. M., to 3 P. M., and
from 0 P. M-, to 0 P. M., ot each ol said
days, in the manner provided in sec
tion second ol this act, and all ot tho
remedies, privileges and powers secur
ed and provided thereby are hereby
mado applicable to the lists herein
Sec. 17. Tho respoclivo Assessors,
Inspectors and Judges of tho elections
shall each have tho power to adminis
ter oaths to any person claiming the
right to bo assessed, or the right of
suff rage, or in regard to any other mat
ter or thing required to be done or in
quired into by uny ol suid officers un
der this act, and any willful lulse
swearing hy any person in relution to
any mailer or thing concerning which
tltey shall be lawfully interrogated by
nny of said officers or overseers, shull
bo perjury.
Sec. IS. Tho Assessors shall each
receive the same compensation for tho
lime necessarily spent in performing
the duties hereby enjoined as is pro
vided by law to Assessors for making
valuations to be paid by the County
Commissioners as in other cases, and
it shall not be lawful for any Assessor
to assess n tax against any person
whatever within sixty-one days next
preceding the annual election in No
vember. Any violation of this pro
vision shall bo a misdemeanor and sub
ject tlio officer so offending to a fine,
on conviction, not exceeding one hun
dred dollars, or to imprisonment not
exceeding three months, or both, at
the discretion of the court.
Sec. 19. Any Assessor, election offi
cer or person appointed as an ovor
sccr who shall neglect or refuse to per
form any duty enjoined hy this act,
without reasonable or legal cause, shall
bo subject to n penalty of one hundred
dollars, and if any Assessor shall know
ingly assess any person as a votor who
is not qualified, or shall willully refuse
to assess any ono who is quulitied, ho
shall bo truiltv of a misdemeanor in
ollico. M,d on conviction be mitiishod
hy a lino uut exceeding ono thousand
. . i -
dollars, or imprisonment not exceed
ing two years, or both, at the discre
tion of the court, and also bo subject
to an action tur damages hy the party
aggrieved ; and il any person shall
fraudulently ulter, add to, deface or
destroy any list of voters made out as
directed hy this net, or tenr down or
romovo the sumo from the plnco where
it has been fixed, with fraudulent or
mischievous intent, or for nny improper
purpose, tho person so offending shnll
bo guilty of n misdemennor, nnd on
conviction shull bo punished by a fino
not exceeding five hundred dollars or
imprisonment not exceeding two years,
or both, at the discretion of tlio court.
And if nny person shull hy violence or
intimidation, drivo, oT attempt to drive,
from the polls, any person or persons
appointed by tho court to net ns ovcr
teers ofun election, or in nny way will
fully prevent snid overseers from por
forming tho duties enjoined upon them
by this act, such person shall be guilty
of a misdemennor, and upon conviction
thereof shall bo punished hy a fino not
exceeding ono thousand dollars, or by
imprisonment not exceeding two years,
or both, nt tho discretion of tlio court.
Any person who shall on the day of
uny election visit a pulling place in
any election district nt which no is not
entitled to voto, and shall n no any in
timidation or violcnco for tho purpose
of preventing any officer of election
from portorming llio duties required ol
him hy Inw, or lor tho purpose of pre
venting any qualified voter ot such
district exercising his right to vol, oi
from exercising his right to challenge
any porson offering to voto, such per
son shall he deomed guilty of n misde
meanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fino not exceed
ing ono thousand dollars, or by impris
onment not exceeding two years, or
both, al tho discretion of tho Court.
Any clerk, overseer or cloction officer
who shall discloso how any elector
shall have votod, unless required to do
so as a witness lu a judicial proceed
ing, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof shall be
punished hy a fino not exceeding one
thousund dollurs, or by imprisonment
not exceeding two years, or both, at
the discretion of the Court.
Sec. 20. If any Prothonotary, clerk,
or the deputy of either, or any olhcr
person shall affix the seal of any court
to any naturalization paper, or permit
tho samrr to he affixed, or give out, or
cause or perrrit such naturalization
pnpor to bo given out in blank, whore
liy it may bo fraudulently used, or
furnish a naturalization certificate to
any person who shall not have been
duly examined and sworn in open court
in the presence ol some of the Judges
thereof, according lo the act ol Con
gress, or shall aid In, connivs at, or in
TEEMS $2 per annua in Advance
any way permit tho issue of any fraud
ulent naturalization certificate, be shall
he guilty of a misdemeanor, or if any
ono shall fraudulently use any such
cortificata ot naturalization, knowing
that it wus fraudulently issued, er shall
voto or attempt to voto thereon, or if
any ono shall vote or attempt to voto
1 on any certificate of naturalization not
i issued to him he sJiull bo guilty of a
misdemeanor, and either or any of the
: persons, their aiders or nhcltors, lound
I guilty of cither of tho misdemeanor
aluresaid shall bo fined in a sum not
exceeding ono thousund dollars, and
imprisoned in the nrnncr nenitontiurv
for a period not exceeding threo years.
Sic. 21. Any porson who, on oath
or affirmation, in or beforo any court
in tuo Mtato or officer authorized to
administer osths, shall, lu procure a
certificate of naturalization for himself
or any other perrson, willfully depose,
declare or nnirm any matter to be luct,
knowing tho same to bo fulse, or shall
in liko manner deny any mutter to be
luct, Knowing the same to De true, snail
be docmed guilty of perjury, and any
certificate of naturalization issued in
pursuance of any such deposition, de
claration or affirmation shall be null
und void, and it shall be tho duty ol
tho court issuing tho same, upon proof
being made bctore It that it was fraud
ulently obtained, to take immediate
measures for recalling the same for
cancellation, and any person who shall
voto or attempt to voto on any paper
so obtained, or who shall in any way
aid in, connive at, or bavo any agency
whatever in the issue, circulation or
tiso of any fraudulent naturalization
certificate shall bo deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
there if shall undergo an imprisonment
in the penitentiary for not more than
two years, and pay a fine of not more
than ono thousund dollars fur every
such offense, for either, or both, at the
discretion of the court.
Sec. 22. It shull bo tho duty of the
Secretary of tho Commonwcnlth to
prepare forms fur the blanks made
necessary by this act, and furnish
copies of tho samo to the County Com
missioners ot tho scvoral counties ot
tho Commonwealth; and the County
Commissioners of each county shall as
soon as may be nocossary after receipt
of tho same, at the proper oxpense of
the country, procure and furnish lo all
the election officers of the election dis
tricts of their rospectivo counties cop
ics of such blanks in such quantities as
mny bo rendored necessary for tho
discharge of their duties undor this act,
and shall pay all necessary expenses
fur lights, rent, fuel and stationery on
bills certified by tho election oflicors.
Sec. 23. Special elections for city,
ward, borough and township officers
for regular terms of aervice, shall be
regulated and conducted in like man
ner aa general elections, and by tho
same officers, who shall perforin the
samo duties and be subject to the samo
penalties as are provided lor general
elections, unless otherwise provided
fur in this act.
Sec. 24. All tho duties imposed by
this act upon County Commissioners
shall be performed in the city ot Phila
delphia by the City Commissioners.
Seo. 25. All funds arising from fines
imposed and collectod in pursuance ot
the foregoing sections shnll bo applied
to tho common schools of tho county
in which said fines may have been col
lected, and to bo apportioned among
tho several school districts according
to tho population thereof.
Sec- 2G. All acts or parts of acts in
consistent with this act bo and the
samo are hereby repealed.
ArrnovED. The 3ilth day of Janu
ary, A. D. 1874. J. F. Hartranft.
Dvftaratnrt f and amending tht act, eolitl-xj i
"A furtbar aupplement lo tha art rtRolatinar '
tltM'tiotii In ibn Commonwealth," aiiprorrd
the thirtieth da.r of January, Anno iomini, j
on thimoanil eight bund red! and ")!. ty-f our.
SfcrriMN 1. Bo it enacted. &c, That
. "Sctw uiiycieu tu uu uppuinteu
it., k .i: ...! j i- - i
"a c uclw. "J ,n. mrlcc,'lB ttnd ".
toenth sections of tho act, approved
tho thirtieth day of January, Anno1
Domini ono' thousand eight hundred I
and sovonty-four, are horeby declared j
to be Assessors only to porform such I
duties as are now required by law of
Assessors incident to tho holding of
elections and registration of voters, j
and that tho office of Assessor for pur- i
poses ot valuation witn an the duties
incident thorcto shall continue and re
main as now provided for by law :
I'rovidtd, That in townships, boroughs
and wards composing but ono election
district, tho Assessors for purposes of
valuation shall bo Assessors lor the
holding of elections and tho registra
tion ol voters.
Sec. 2. That so much of the thir
teenth section of the act to which this
is a supplement as provides "that noth
ing in this act shall require the returns
of election of township or borough
officers to be made to the court, as di
rected by this section, hut all returns
of tho cloction of township and bor
ough officers shall bo enclosed in a
sealod cover, directed to the Prothono
tury of tho court of common pleas of
tho proper county, and shall by eomo
ono ol them bo delivered into his office
within three days alter evory such
election and tiled therein," be and the
sumo is hereby so altered and amend-1
ed as to require tho returns of tho
election of township and borough ofli
cors to bo directed to tho clerk of the
court of qnartor sessions of tho proper
county, instoad of tho Prothonotary of
the court of common plena as provided
in said net.
Sec. 8. In all elections hereafter
tho certificate of naturalization, if gen
uine, shall bo conclusive evidenco of
tho tacts mentioned therein, and whero
the person offering to vole claims tho
right on the payment ol tax, tho re
ceipt for such tux, if signed by the
proper officer, shall ho tho evidence
thereof; if such person docs not pro
duco such receipt, then tho payment
of the tax may bo proved by the oatb
of such person, or other evidence,
staling when, whero and to whom such
tax was paid.
Approved Tho 13lh day of Febru
ary, A. L. 1K7-I.
J. F. Hartranft.
In the remarkable scarcity of wheat
developed hy tha European war panic,
wo have a new illustration of tho fact
that we cannot dovote too much ot the
area of our country lo those food pro
ducts which afford human auslenance
all over the civilized world. Accord
ing lo the United State Agricultural
bureau, the outbreak of the European
war finds ua with a slock of wheat not
half equal to that of the corresponding
period in the last calendar year. Much
ol Itna ol course, must be attributed
to natural Cause, among which may
bo moutioDod the grasshopper devasta
tions in the wheat-growing Stato of
tho northwest But it ia beyond denial
that llio culturuof wheat in tho Uuitod
Suites baa uut by any mouna mado
such progroaa aa lbs capacity of tha
country and the adaptivenese of.the
mil, climate and papulation abould
have warranted.
In fact, although our country baa
been nnd mill ia immensely devoted to
gn'n culturo ia given to wheat, an
re. rTt uf'.I"r t"iian
If maize tcJstitutud the, lood ol
Kuropo wo could supply any qnantity
of it. But it duos not, and the uni
versal demand ot civilized man ia for
wheat- bread, whilo, strongs to say, the
more denso and highly developed a
nution becomes the less tendency has
it to cultivate wheat By some strange
process of rcasouintr this department
of agriculture, which should bo a
standurd ono everywhere, is put off
and discouraged, as though it were fit
only for tho new regions just reclaimed
irom tho wilderness, and settled by .
rudo pioneers. In this way the whoot
culture has been discouraged in New
Knillundiitid tho middle Slates ; so that
these regions, which undoubtedly stand
at the head of civilization, are depen
dent upon the very frontiers ol Chris
tendom for tho actual stuff of lifo.
Pennsylvania, il is true, has been
less given to this spirit of discourage
ment than tho rest of the Atlanlio
States, and would very likely have to
this day remained as she so long was,
tho leading wheat-growing State, but
for the ravages of the Hessian fly, the
weevil and other destructive insects,
under which the wheat larmers ot this
Commonwealth suffered ao much loea
aa lo havo turned desperately to other
crops. Still tho Stato continues to
raise almost enough wheat to supply
the wants of her own population, and
would raiso more than enough had cot
so much of her capital and labor been
devoted to othor pursuits. There is,
in fact, no soil or climate anywhere
hotter adapted to tho permanent cul
ture of wheut on a colossal scale, than
can bo found in Pennsylvania. And
if tho agriculture of the Common
wealth could again be directed to that
crop, as it was lor ao many years, un
der tho auspices of the early settlers,
I , .l L I ft
ner example wuuiu oe npeeuiiy iuhuw
cd in Virginia, New Jorsoy and Now
York, and tho wheat culture instead
of receding steadily westward, toward
tho great plains of the vast wildorness,
would centralize bore upon tnoAtlanlio
seaboard ; and under this leadership
the Kcpublic would tako and Beep the
command of the wheat markets of
the world, as effectually as sho has so
long done with the world's cotton
We do not ask whether il is desira
ble that the countiy should go thus
largely into the production of a crop
which is the staff of lifo to civilized
man ; evory great European war, every
short crop in any other country, and
all '.ho ravages hy tempest, blight, lo
custs and other natural causes, compel
tho merchants of tho world to turn
their gazo to this western hemisphere
ns the hope of suffering man and the
land ot promise to advancing progress.
It is ruther. a reflection upon the in.
telligcnce of tho country that, while
wo havo been able to lift up tho cotton
culture from what seemed to be hope
less ruin, we have allowed the cultiva
tion of wheat to be neglected and lan
guish in tho most civilized, populous
and well-developed States in the Union ;
and that a laud like ours, capable ot
raising every article of necessity, com
pels tho Now England States to seek
Canadian reciprocity in order to obtain
food for their own pooplo by the im
portation ot Canadian wheat.
Unless some change shall occur in
the agriculture of the country the
prospect now seems to bo that the
South, which, before the war, was de
pendent upon the north for its ne
cessary articlea of food, will become
the main reliance of the Northern At
lantio Statca for vegetnblo products.
It already commands our provision
markets to an amazing extent, and
yields at tho present time a steadily
increasing surplus of grain. Should
that section be able to obtain the en
lire command of two such immense
crops as cotton and wheat, it would in
less than ton years regain all the losses
ol emancipation and civil war.
"Probably there is no inetanco in
which any two lovers have made love
exactly in the samo way as any two
othor lovers sinco tho world began."
Sir Arthur Helps.
Hark is insinuated.
Vivian charmed Merlin.
Alexander mado a bonfire for Thais.
llldcgardctook tho bull by tho horns.
T ho M orchant ot Venice soft-soldered
Portia with a lead casket.
The garrulous female in the "Arabi
an Nights" told her husband stories.
Victoria sent lor Prince Albert and
told him Bho wanted him. Sho was
In the Polynesian Islands thoy win
their hearts by beating their heads
with a ahillelah.
Harry the Eighth and Dluebeard were
off with the head ot thoir old lovo bo
tore they wore on with tho new.
Dr. Johnson poked tho tobacco in
his pipe down with his eweetheart'a
finger a warm token of affection.
Tristram did it mostly with a harp
and was also a good liar. Ilia two
Isoldes were too many for him.
lloutwell was inclined to Murie and
locked her up in hia castle. It worked
as well as Peter's pumpkin shell.
Dobbott'a wife caught him by tho
grace with which she used bor wash
tub. Sho never was known to use it
after tho wedding
Sam liumily, tho tamoua lawyer,
killed himself bocauso his wife died,
while a good many others kill them
selves because they won't dio.
Nicholas, of Russia wanted to pop
at a dinnor tuhlo, but didn't liko lo te
caught at it, so he imbeddod a ring in
a lump of bread and handed it to her.
Cbarmague's sec rotary was caught
by a snow-storm sparking the Em
peror's daughter, at midnight, and she
carried him borne on her back, so that
his footsteps couldn't bo traced. The
Emperor heard of it and saddled him on
her for tho rest ot hor lifo. irorcrsftT
Not Fob Love After All. A few
days ago, says the Virginia City i
Ihrnmcle, Miss Pannie Waters was 1 1
united in the bonds ot matrimony to
Ah Wah, a Chinaman. AhWahiapro- ,
prietoi of a laundry, and ia possessed !
of that clement that awaya the judg- ;
mont and dispels prejudices against : .
casto, otherwise known as gold. Jdiia ,
Waters followed the vocation of gov
erness and teachor. The high con
tracting partio mot by chance In a
Green Street church, whore Chinese
healhon are being convortod to Chris
tianity. Hut in thia Instance the ta
bles were turned, and the Chinaman
converted hor to heathendom. At th ;'t '
wedding, In answer to queation by ' j
the Rev. Mr. Gibson, why sbo married ;
the Chinaman, she said sb did so ij
"because sho loved him, and not for 1
his money." It now transpires that '
bctore she would consent to be led to
the nu ptial conch she demanded 13,000
aa the price of bor virgin heart Thia . t
money she placed In a bank. She
ahowed her account to th lady in
whoso bouse she had been employed i
as a govorneaa. The lady begged and
Implored her not to marry the China. if ;
man, but all appeals to th young !
woman's reason failed, andshslmmo-
latod horself on the altar of Mammon.
Ah Wah thinks of buy ing another wifo,
but cannot afford another 13,000 in-
vestment in the flic of the impending ' '
hard times, - L
paid ot tr.