; jjlte gjlfpublirmi. Usoaai B. Goodlandkr, Editor. CLEARFIELD, P. Rttdtr, If jcm kaow what ) going oa Ik tb batincM vtr.4, jait rd our aiirrtiiog ). lb imisI oolani im ptrtleular- THE EASTERX WAR. A Disastrous Defeat of the Turks at Kara. THE WAR, FULLY OPENED Aa stated by us last week, the sec ond battle in tho Turco-Russian war was fought at Kara, in Asia, on the 29th of April. Kara is located In Tur key, in Asia, noar the border of Cau casia, and about midway between the Black Sea and Mt. Ararat, in Worth latitudo 41, (same oa Clearfield) and longitude about 43 East from Green wich. The Paris correspondent of tho Lon don Aetro, ot May 3d, in giving some of the details of the battle, aaya a ruos- sago from Vienna gives the following account of tbo battle at Kara : The centre of tho Russian army, 40, 000 strong, under MolikolT, atlackod Muckhtar, fivo milea from Ran, April 29. Tho Turks fought desperately. ' The Russians, supported by powerful artillery, aucceeded in dislodging tbem from their positions. Muckhtar called out all hit reserves, and attempted, on the 30th, to recover tbo lost ground with 60,000 men, but was defeated and driven back under tho gnns of Kara. Tbo Russian losses woro considerable and those of the Turka woro enormous. Bucharest, May 7. Bocketwasshell cd by the Turksycsterday evening. The Basbi Baxouka plundorcd the neigh boring villages at the same tlmo and letnrned with their spoils across the Danube. London, May 7. A Perth dispatch to tbo Standard states that in order net to afford an occasion to Austria to depart trora noutralitv tlio Russian Command ers have rcceivod orders not to cross tbo Danube near Kalafat nor join any whore with tho Sorvian army. For tho aamo reason the Czar baa notified Montenegro that she must remain on the delensivo in llerxgovina. Servia intends to revoke the order lor mobil izing her militia, because such a step would be likely to provoke Austria. Paris, May 7. The Bier .PuMtc states that ft genoral rising of tho Moham medan population of Tunis, Tripoli and Morocco is imminont, Tbo French government Is about to dispatch strong reinforcomonta ot troops as well as a Hoot to Algoria. Paris, May 7. Tho Vacc publish es a telegram from St. Petersburg, dated Sunday, which says: "Tho bom bardment of Kars oommencod yester day. An assault will take place to. day." Manchester, May 7. The Guar dian't Peru dispatch, dated Sunday, says there is a report current there of a groat Russian victory near Kars. Fifteen thousand prisonora are said to have been taken. Kara is invested by 60,000 Russians, and a second Russian oorpa is in full march upon Ereorourn A dispatch to the Dailg TrUgraph from Isakia announces that two Turk ish gunboat attacked the Russian bat teries at Tomrava, below Galatx, on Saturday, destroyed a portion of a bat tery, dismounted a gun and drove back the Russians. The Turks woro greatly elated. Thoir gunboats wore uninjured. The Russian camp was ignited by a shell. Tbo rott't Reuter dispatch saya: "It ia reported that Russia has made a di root proposal to Rou mania for an of fenaive alliance" State Convention. Tho Demo cratic State Committee, which mot in Harrisburg on tho 1st, fixed upon Wednesday, August 8lh, as the time, and tho Hall of the House or Repre sentatives as tho place for holding the approaching Slato Convention. A Su preme Judgo, Auditor General and Bute Treasurer will be nominated on that occasion. The lollowing resolu tion was adopted : Rnolvrd, That ft eubcommittce of five, A. D. Boilcau, Gonoral Knie, B. M. Nead, B. F. Meyers and Major El bridge M'Conkcy, be appointed to at tend to the preliminary arrangements of the next State Convention at Har risburg. Our friends throughout the Slate seem to feel better than on any former Occasion lor many years. They seem to think that Mr. Hayes will give us ft good lift this fall, and that our ticket will go through without much difficulty. He devote considerable spaoe this week to warfare. On our first page Will be found a synopsis of the Crimean War, which we bare prepared lrom official sources for the purpose of re freshing the memory of our readers who at that time paid attention to pub lio affairs. On our lourth page will be found "the war In Caucasus," and an aeoount ofRoomanift and other nora ioally Turkish Slates," besides an ex cellent article on "the South s remain ing foe." . ,MVpwritUe. History," "The Crimean War," and a rariety of other excellent reading matter will be fatrf oa oar first pajethia week. TJIE CROSS AXD CRESCEXT. A c-otompornry suys: "Tlio present war ! somotliing mnro llian a corttust boiwcon two governments. It in struggle between raoes and creeils; a war that must iiiiiko consiiji'rauie changca in tho map of Kiirotte Lcfora poucc can return All the liiclli iitliuis now point to a ilt'spni-ato grapple, and the point ol chief Interest in: How will the other nations be aftVotetl what will bo the filial result? It may ro aull in ulronjjor Teutonic, Btronifcr ituMiiiiiuiipuua. t ' 'e,i on turkey a part, is purely defensive. Nho ia notic'b'"v ""t"n wanted was token at of the caters; alio wanta to keen from being oaten. Mio simply wishes to hold what alio has, and rule it her own way. Russia's objective point is quilo clear. Nominally it is tbo protection of tho Christian subjects of Turkey. Really it is tbo acquisition of Constan tinople. To obtain this Russia can well afford to muko groat sacrifices. Now the other great powors will not permit this enormous strengthening ol Russia unless they gain some compen sating advantages. What may these bo? Austria, who is nearest to tbo scono of strife, will bo most aflueted by it. What is to bo her price for keep. ing quiet? Already this ia niado evi dent. Sho ia to occupy Bosnia, and Servia and Herzegovina, and establish a protectorate, and mumtain it with armies ot observation. This armed neutrality really means tho annexation of those Scluvic provinces of tho Aus trian empire. These will fit on to Dulmatia,and givo Austria great power along the Adriatic There is a cordial understanding between Austria and Russia. Along tbo southern boundary ot Turkey ia (jrooco. But the present kingdom of Greece occupies but a small portion of tbo Greek-peopled country. Southern Albania, Maecdoniaand Thes. salia aro still undor Turkish rule. Moreovor tbo Turks aro making con scripts of these Greeks. Embassies have been sent to these provinces, and they are ripe for revolt. Should Tur koy get worsted in the first bultlo they will doubtless riso and throw off thu Moslem yoko. This will lead ultimate ly to tho union of those Greek provin ces with Greoeo proper, and tbo now petty kingdom of Greece will take rank among tho notions. What is Germany to have? Von Moltko'a speech in the Parliament the other day looks liko a threat and a warning to Franco to keep quiet. It was so accepted and understood in Franco. Hut there may bavo boon a deeper object in view. There was certainly a sensation in the Germnn Cubinet at tho signing of the protocol, for it was then that Bismarck resigned in disgust, or perhaps pro tonded disgimt. If Germany wunts a better seaport on tlio Holland or Fries land coast, now ia her time to tuke it. Russia and Austria aro busy; France terrified, and F.nglund painfully anx ious abont Kgypt and tho canal route to India. England is already absorb in8 EgJ'P' J t'18 irrosistiblo process of colonization. If sho wcro guaran teed that, each of tho big beasts, the Lion, tho Bear and tho Split Crow, might gnbblo up a latch. A Useless Alarm. Soino people take on wonderfully because of the high prico of flour. Well, $10.50 is a little steep aftor buying it for many years for scvon dollars per barrel. "Justtwenty yearsago," wopaid H6.00 for flour, and wo could bavo hired reg iments of men to work for fifty and sixty-two and one-half cents a day, and they would work twelve and fourteen hours for a day'a work. Thcro was nobody starvod, and the Shoriff and Constables did not do one-fourth the business that is dono now, when cighi and nine hours aro put off for a day's work, and wages tl.00 to (1.50 per day. Tho man who porsistontly cheats himself or his employer for twenty years out of one third of the time allot ted for work, will dio a poor man. That ia tbo fato of at least eight out ot every ten ; whilo eight out of every ten will die rich wbu put in full time, and give a little, heed to the rules of economy. One or Grant's Men It is under stood that Secretary Evans has decid ed to advise the removal of T. B. Van Buren, Consul General at Kanagaua, Japan. Van Buren was sent as Com missioner from tho United Status to tlio Vienna Exposition, and being ac cused of prostituting his position to make money by selling space to exhib itors, an investigation lollowed, which resulted in the recall of Minister Jay and tho promotion of Van Buren to the Consul Generalship ot Japan. Van Buren ia now charged with unjust and cruel conduct toward Americans in Jupan. He is ono of tho corruptest men every found outside of tlio negro bureau. Poor Fellow. Tho editor of tho Radical Stato orgun is very unhappy because of the crookedness of Huyes' ways. Uo supposed be would be made Poslmaster. Having been raised on that kind of milk bo cannot bo weaned off. Tho whole country will cxpurienco feelings of genuine regret when it loarna that the Harrisburg Telegraph "looks with distrust upon tho Presi dents pacification policy." Well, we hopo brother Bergner will mako him self aa happy aa tho circumsianco will permit. If we were in bis shoes, we would bull doze llayos just a little, to see how much ol that stuff ho would pocket. Adams' Test. Governor Hendricks, who was legally elected Vice President, says that llayos is endeavoring to con ciliate the Democracy by adopting a policy which Govornor Tilden might consistently lave followed in rcspoct to tho Souihorn Slates. The efforts of the fraudulent President to got into the good graces or the Democracy will be unavailing, for as tho Hon. Charles Francis Adams very truthfully says: No subsequent action, however meri torious, can wash away from Hayes' brow the stamp of fraud first triumph ant in American history. Toe Debt. According to the official Treasury circular, our National debt was two thousand one hundred and ninety-one millions five hundred and sixty-five thousand and eight hundred and eighty -seven dollars and twenty eight cents (12,191,565,887.28). That load I what burU as all. Were we not ft young and vigorous; people we old not bear It THE XEr STATE LOAX. Occasionally a bright fommtircial freak rises to the surface tboae bonight od timoa. Kiglit milliona of our Stata Bonils full duo on tho lat of July next. Tbero waa no money In tbo Treasury 1 10 t,lktf ,l""n. "' uol,c 1,10 Lcgl.latiirc PB"M " "'v 'itHoriing tho Ntato uutkoritica to neotiato a new loan and tnko up the Honda. Tho author, itics Indicated Invited bida which woro opened on tho Hint day ol May; and when opened tho bida nearly amount- uuuit cu. hiiiuuii' ncuueu. Tne ! P""n 1,1 111 ot J l,cr ct'n--i Bll1 0,i- bears five wr cent. Interest. Tho lend ers will therefore only get 1 percent, interest for tho first year. This trans octio.i, and tlio fact that tlio Peniisyl vania Ruilroad Company will only do claro a six por cent, dividend this year, instead of eight, or ten, establishes tho fact that money is only worth legal in terestsix por cent. or loss. These two facts will go far towards restoring commercial confidence. Besides: Ilia duo notice to tho money lender tbut his commodity will not yield him ten or twelve por cent, for somotiino to come. Tho time is at hand when stocks of all kinds will pay loss than six por cent., and just as soon as that point is reached, thoso engagod in industrial intorest can go to work, because they can borrow money at reasonable rates if they must borrow at all. Tho enor mous dividend paid by tho stock deal ers for tho past twolvo years, has ab sorbed all the money in the country, and literally dried up legitimate and durublo onturprizes ot alt kinds. But monoy, like wator, will find its level, no matter who handles it. Monoy was worth ten and twelve por cent, up to tho timo Jay Cooko, & Co. (1873) quit business, but it hue declined wonder fully since, until now it is only worth five or six per cent, when classed with other coinmoditios and the price of labor. Exactly Riuiit. The Philadelphia Timet ol tho 1st says: "In obedience to an order from Secretary Sherman iho Commission investigating the a! fuira of the New York Custom House yoslerday sat with open doors. Tli will hereafter bo tbo rulo, and it is very well so, for tho public really has an inquiring mind about these things, and would liko to see bow the inside of a custom bouse looks in tho gluro of the calcium light of investigation.' This thing of withholding information of this kind from the public should be broken up, and as Mr. Huyes is pick ing up some Democratic reform ideas lot him adopt tbo whole catuloguo and g through with ii, just as Mr. Tilden would havo dono had ho not boon counted out, by Boards and Commis sions. A Revolution. Tho peaceful rovo lution in South Carolina is complete. The several Chamborlaiu Stale otlicers who reluscd to retire with their chief bavo finally decided to avoid being evicted by tho courts by giving up the placca to which thoir Hampton com pel i tors woro elected lust full. Thii ends all official conflict in tho State, and tbo sovoral departments of tbo government will henceforth bo har monious. Chamberlain's family bavo taken a final farewell of tbo Palmetto State and journeyed to Washington, and tho ex-Govornor is closing up bis business affairs as speedily as possiblo to go in search of a more congenial homo. Peaco 1 Philadelphia Timet. The True Inspection. The Phila dclphia Times in alluding to tho fre quent bank failures, says : "While in flation ruled, thoso institutions pros pered, when the returning standard ol just values brought with it just stand ards or business, they floundered from embarrassment to failure, and few ol them are now io existonco. Tho bank er who pays three or four per cent, in terest on deposits subject to check at pleasure, must break when pressure comes, for such risks must bu taken to obtain high interest on loans aa make it impossible to roalize promptly on them. It ia thorny path to solid bottom, but there Is no way around it. More Testimony. It ia aaid that Hon. Wayne McVeagh, who was a Re publican member of tbo Louisiana Commission, expresses the candid opin ion that Tilden and Hendricks receiv ed a decided majority of the legal votes cast in Louisiana. Can it be possible that Mr. McVeagh did not know this fata, until he visitod tbo Slule whoso electoral vote was doctored by Return ing Board Wells? Mr. McVeagh is Simon Cameron's son-in-law, and should have known something about this huge fraud long ago. Sunday Calls. The Judgos of the Supreme Court aro said to be unani mous in the opinion that tho vacancy on their bench should bo filled by a Southorn man, and Chief Justice Wailo is reported to have intimated to tho. President that Hristow Is that South ern man. Perhaps this explains that liltlo call f Schurz and Waite on Mr. llayos last Sunday evening. "Tbt Rcpnt.ltcmi of South Csrnlios in mnr HIM, bill not urprind, si llauiloo'i bib hftniM Mini In ouatlng th rrgulsrlj tboMS 8lto vffievrt." Jrn.ii. H by neighbor, it was llayos did that I Hampton wns only the Instru ment. Bo careful how you assail "tho government!" That was treason a short timo ago. Bo careful lhat you do not becomo more 'hlgb-bnndod' than Hamp ton. Speakino Out. The Lancaster In qmrer refuses to be reconciled. It says thoso Republican papers that havo suddenly becomo admirers of Nicholli and Hampton are "either lying to thoir readers now or thoy lied most villain ously during the Presidential cam paign." Exactly so, Mr. Inquirer. Hit tho fibbers again, plump between the eyes. Casey Overboard. So tho carpet. baggers interpret the removal of Casey and tbe appointment of King as an in dication lhat tbe President will in fu ture discriminate in favor of old clti ions in selecting Federal office-holders. Come to think, it does look lhat way. But, then, bow will Louisiana got along without brother In-law Casey ? Tni Teui Spirit. United State Senator Hill, of Georgia, and Chris- Unoy, ol Michigan have shook bands over the bloody chasm of the past, and promised tbut they will never allude to what happened slnoa April 1861. i A Startling .Declaration. The huge election frauds that are practiced in l'hiladcljihia every your, are known to all men. The Ledger, which usiiully kocpa quiet, a few day ago, in speak uf tho Tenth writI contented election for member of aeluet council in tluil city says, that in tliu return of Me C'ulloughuvery iburliiuiitli votocounled for him was Iraudulciit, and t hut in Lippincoll'a return one vote in every thirteen and a hull' counted for him was iilo fraudulent. In the face of auch .ji'-Ji-,",'.-,t.miiri,m;km. -war t.-.o,o .... . tlio JsJijrr thinks it will not ait lor, easy-going citir.ens und their party party spokeoiueu lu try to ignore aa uu 'oluc-j tion cry,' tho flagiuncy of Ibis nion-i siroua political crime. J'lio proportion which held good in this Tenth wurd case, it carried through the city, would muko a fraudulent vote (on ono aide only) of niiiu thousand, or enough lo turn tho scalo in most ol the local elec tions held in Philadelphia during the last ten years. The Ledarr also con eludes tbut fmuduleiil voting in the city has been reduced lo a perfect system which has its basis in the out rageously fulso registrations, curried througli"periiulions"aiid 'repealing" to false counting und thu breuking up of ballot-boxes. It is uu uuspiciotis sign when so careful and influential a journal hikes up tho cudgels against the rojjues, who huvo so lourf delVuud ed thu honest voters of Philudulphia with impunity. His KiiAUiitiLKNcv Proclaims. The objections to postponing the extra ses. sion have all been waived, and the lol lowing was issued this ulluruooii : A PROCLAMATION. lhj the President of the United Stiitet of A nterwa : Whereas, the final adjournment ol tho Forty luurlli Congioss, without making tho usual appropriations for the aupport of the ennv lor the fiscul year ending June 30, 1877, presents uu extraordinary occasion requiring the l'resident to exercise the power vested in him by tlio Constitution to convene the House of Congress in anticipation of the day fixed by law for their next, meeting: Now, therefore, I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United Stutea. do by virtue of the power lo this end in mo vested by tho Constitution, con vene both Houses of Congress to as semble at their respective chambers at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, tho 15th day of October next, then and thereto consider and determine such measures as in their wisdom, their duly und the well'uro of the poojile may seejn to de mand. in witness whereol I have bereuntoi set my bund and caused tho seal of the imiuu oiuius io oe uiuxeo Done at the city of Washington this filh day ol .May, iu the year of our l.oril li , anil Hi the independence ol the United States of America the 101st. Hy tho President-Wm. M. Fa-arts. Secretary ol State. It. H. Hayes. Wasimnuton, May 5. 1877. Won't Celebrate. -In 1S70, Ger many captured the two military strong holds, Strusburg and Mutz, on the lower Rhino, with tho provinces in which they aro located, and at the close of tho war, compelled Franco to cede thoso provinces to Germany. Tho people therein bavo conducted them solves about as South Carolina and Louisiuna bus since lHlii. Their sub stunco, too, is eaten up by German carpet baggers Bismarck's men. An attempt was recently made on tbo part of the Emperor of Germuny, to tnfuso some loyuliy into the Alsaceians and Loraiueitea, by holding an imperial reception at Metz and Strasburg. Tbo King put in his appearanco, but bud it not been lor tho army and I ho loyal Germans who aro in those oiliea plun dering the French property-holders, the reception would huvo been a fail uro. And il thu appuurauce ol things did not put a Ilea in ilm Emperor's oar. wo are greatly mistaken. The "rebel French" displayed no love for Bis murcklsm on tho occasion indicutcd. You caunol turn a Frenchman into Gorman in Alsace or Loruine, no more than you can make an honest man out of a number ono curpol-haggor down South. France will yet possess her self of thoso two rich Rhino provinces. A Great River. The river Danube has figured largely in history lor 2 0(10 years, and il again becomes tbo object to which the eyes of tho world ure turned. It furnished u highway for the Turks in tbo sixteenth ami seven teonth centuries to ponetrute Europe as tar as Vienna, and In tho days ot the Crusades il beranio an outlet bli the religious enthusiasm ol Ku i ope to flow to the Holy Laud. The Danube, from its source in Hnden to the Black Sea, is 1,820 miles in length, and it drains with its tributaries, an urea ol over 300,000 squaro miles. It passes through Bavaria, Austria, Hungary forms the boundary between Hungary and Servia to tlio Curpalheun nioun tains,wliero it separates Roumnniu and Bulgaria, and passes into tlio Black Sea through sovorul mouths, tho prin cipal ono being that of Sulina. ' Tbo Danubo is navigable lor steamers as far as t'lm in Havana. At Nicopolis, in tho fourteenth century, 10(1,000 Christians wcro driven by tho Turks into tho Danube, and in tho fifteenth century 40,000 Turks were slum on its shores at tho sicgo ol Belgrade. Democratic Rkmum. Tho char 'e mado by iho Democrats lrom timo to lime of the cxlravaganeo in tho depart ments at Washington, is now in process of verification. Five hundred and fifty clerks and employes have lately been discharged from the bureau of engrav ing and printing in the treasury depar mont, and more dismissals aro to come. The discharged clerks and employee nave neon euieriiunieruriea for a long lime, but have been kepi in their sine cures by the influence ol Republican Congressmen. The Democratic Con gross last your reduced thu appropria tions for tbo bureau, and the result is a cleansing of this Auigean stablo. 1 1 any one imagines thai these rumovals would have been made if tbo moneys necessary for the payment of the lull force ol clerks and employes, bad been appropriated by Congress, he must be a verdant individual Indued. Thu ro troncbmonl is due solely to the pruning- Knile wielded by tlio Dcinocratio Con gress. Tbs StttB f Niitb I aruhiia Huiili lull. bill l tl4,UM latk, UMml Ostwaa.nl fur Iba n mt lb barrtrha i Kaltigb bi tbt .Jir llara ISSi.-Woanu. That's right) the United Statu army bad no more business in North Carolina sinoe 1865, than la It bad in Pennsylvania or in Europe. I A Tilikn Idka. A Wanhingion special in alluding to the reduction of; Pension Ageiila, aaya : 'Tliu decision to reducelheniinilierof pension agen cieafruin fifty eight to twenty will leud to a coiiMilidation of tho two olllcea in I'lilludelphia. H wiia observed al the Interior Department that tlio pension business ut Philadelphia could So as elfecluully trariMiclctl by on ngei.t, with a slight iiicicii-o ol vlericul liuve, us by two, thul the present ayntuiu ol paying pensions by check gn-tly fncil-j ... .. .... ..... , iu U the Itneo every wlu Th iu Iv-crvlurv of lli Interior and Commissioner ot Pension will dciuruiiou..how u,u eoiisolidulionsshul Ibv made, und which officers shall bo reluined." How reniuikublu it is, tbut Grant & Co., although eight yearn In position, never discovered this huge leak in the Treasury. And there is Harper's, KwA(y,i'ivil service Iteloriuer Gey. W.j Curtis, who sal at tho lout ol all tho Reformers ull thai timo too ; und yet his eye never looked upon the apecta clo I Tho reductions niudo by u Dem ocratic Cuiigress, in tlio appropriation bills is what is working tlie.-o reforms. Tho cash bus run out. I fence thu mollis aro being discharged. Plvmoutu's Scandal. The Phila uoipuia Junes, in ulluiling lo Ueecbei B funny eHintdihmeiit, remarks : "Ply mouth Church is rising again. Heucbei is muking money uliuoal us fusl us the trial consumed it. Lcginluiui'ca invite him lo pruy loi lliem and ministers wel come him lo llicirpulpits. The I'hrittiilii Lnion is again recovering and the church is receiving its spring acccssioiiB. Thu first Sunday iu M.iy is a fashiona ble timu lo become a member of the Plymouth oongreguiion, und it is ex peeled tbut mxl .Sunday will see the largest additions ever known, 131 coin ing in from other churches und 60 by profession of luilli. Of thu former u uiiiiiher come lioiii the liuv.Dr. Klorrs' undlhcRuv. Dr. Budiiiglon's churuhos At this rulo thu ''I. lie of Clirisl" mu) bo taken up u;;uiu and J. 11. Ford A Co. rescued from bankruptcy. Why not f Moving at Last. Three months after Iho occurrence the Stale Depart ment bus received iuliirnialion of the outrage upon thu United Slates Consul ut Acupulco, Mexico, und Secretary Evurls lias demanded apology and re paration therefor lio.n the Mexican Government. Of course these will be extended, after which the Muxicai blllltam wi, mouht ,,, )liaivo hculli and crow louder than ever. Tbo Amer ican euglu bus become so ucciislomud to having his feathers rallied by cock sparrows thai he will actually surprise himself some of these days when he gives uilerunco lo nil old liishioned shriek of defiance. How Ciianukd. A correspondent ol tho Washington iS'tVtr, writing from Charleston ol the revival of business thuro In consequence of thu success ol Hampton, says: "The city looks very busy, much moro so tbau it did ayoar ago, and I am told operations in real estate which bavo been in contempla tion for a lung limo, but which have been delayed until now, aro about to be consummated. Stalo securities have taken a sudden and wonderful rise, und altogether there is evidence of tbe near approach of an era of grout pros perity. Death Warrants. Governor Hart runtl has signed tho death wurrants ol the following named purties convicted ol murder: Edward Kelly, Mehaol J. Doy lo and John Donahue, Mollies, con victed in Carbon county. To bo bang ed J mio 21, 1877; Thomus Munlcy, a Jlolhe, convicted III Schuylkill county und lo bo banged June 21, 1877 ; An drew Lunaban, not a Mollie, convicted In Luzerne county lor tho murder of John Reilly, lo be hanged on the same day. A Material Difference. The first Commission was gotten up lor the purpose of counting Huyes IN ; the second ono lo count Packard OUT I Tho job must startle every citizen who has any respect for bis country, or hiuisell A compound fraud perpetra ted at bigli noon, in this christian na tion ia truly startling I But it has been done, and in tbe language of Kx- i rosiueni urant, wo exclaim; per telegram, "let noguilly man escape!" Chilly, Very. An oxehango says : "Tbe worst snow storm over known in Dakota Territory" begun on tbo 6lh ol April and lasted six days with una bated fury. During the provaloneo of the storm the thermomuler stood ut tbirly-six degrees below zero. Much suffering wus entailed by the sniidon change. Many persons wcro out at work somo distance from their homos, and uf these a number were frozen to death. Unhappy. Tho "meanness of Dem ocrat ie economy," is annoying Radicul editors. The action of tlio Democratic Congress in appropriating ust enough lo run the Government, und not voing millions lor cumpnign purposes makes the aforesaid Radicals feel awkward Hut it's so. Lively Louisiana. An exchange says : "As twn us ono Louisiana dulu gallon leaves Washington another Louisiana delegation tukes ils place. Tho Federal Capital would bo a pretty torpid place without a Louisianu dele gation constantly on hand. More Peace. All tho Radical Stato officers In South Carolina who have been holding over awaiting the con test bufore the Supreme Court, havo voluntarily vacated their places, and tho Hampton nfllcers have He). pod In Marchinii Ohiieiis. Constantinoplo, April 30 Tho Porto Intends to Issue a notice that Ilussian residents in Tur key who aro unwilling to submit to Oitomun law must leave Constantino ple within eluven days. Mr. Hayes' policy is slill tormenting some loyal souls exceedingly. They can't sco through it, and worse slill they are not consulted, and therefore they loci Insulted, w hilo we aro "gay and happy'still." An Opening. The ludianatHilis Jmtrnal thinks tho Kaslorn war will be a relief lo thoso editors who have been siltingon the fence walohingMr. Hayes' policy to so upon which aide they should gat down. XEWS ITEMS. Parson llrotvnlow leaves a good properly. Cbuinliersburg is to have a sol diers' iiionuniclit. ' j The beautiful blue Ditnuba may presently become red. ; ( ; I'enns) Ivania Is growing more and more tuluicco every year. The Hpeciul session of Congress will not be held until the 15ih of October.' 'I'ccuo county people irrnwl he. ...... ..--.-. -c ' ' l LT.,i..uu .....i.. . ...i tl.ui tl... blackbirds aro destrovinil tho irruss- hoppers greedily. Two physiciuns of Des Moines, losa, aro said to have applied lor po siiioiis us surgeons in the Kiissiuu army. A correspondent of tbo Philadel phia jimej estimate lliut iUurylund will produce twenty million buSkels of pcuches. Nicholas Hill was instantly killed at Furrnndsville, Clinton county, the otliordny, ny lulling into a culvert a (lis tniico of twenty leet Hon. Wayne McVeagh denies that be is an applicant lor tho Russian mis sion or any oilier appointment in the .National Ooveriimenl. A Nebraska paper any that tree plaining bus becomo a mania among I be people of that State. There is a method in that madness, A brolher. of tho late Vice-Presi dent Wilson, who bus for several years lieenadoorkeepcrat Iho Seuutu Cham her, has been discharged. The Government claims $.-u2,OU0 of Flunk Leslie, and be says he owes only S500. The lawyers iiku the p-peiiriUH-uof tho controversy. Henry Keel, un absconding clerk from tbe Wilkesburre, IV, Poslolliee. has been taken lrom mi almshouse iu London into the Uriti-b army. Tho Philadelphia and Reading Itolliug Mill, at Reading, Pa., cloned lost week, throwing two hundred and eighty-men out of employment. Il tho United Slates is represented it Iho French Exposition it will be through private enterprise, as Congress ill not meet in timo to mako any provision. Tho Pei miinciit Exhibition opens lo morrow, the lllth inst.. on the Cen tennial grounds at Philadelphia. Mr. uuyes win uu present lo conduct the ceremonies. Some exceedingly intorestinir o-icntilic explorations in tbe Rocky Mountain regions will he made under Government supervision during tbo coming summer. General Jubal Early's war-borso George'' died roeentlv in Virginia, at I ho age of twenty fivo years, and was buried with honors. Ho was severely wounded in threo different battles. Tho Governor has appointed . Xewlin Fell, Esq., Common Pleas Judgo in place of the lato Judgo Pratt. Ilo is the youngest Judgo Philadelphia has over had, except perhaps Judgo) Allison. Tho exports from New York lu-t I week wcro II .591,867, exclusive of specie, being a million in excess of tbe amoweck last year. Tho total since .lanunry lt is 803,321,015, against S2,fiO0,975 last year. From one millinery sloro In Bos ton within seven years tboro have been married fifty suvon young ludy clerks. Whore is the man that says marriago in Boston creates nearly us much sorrow as a funeral ? Mrs. Margaret Harris died at the residence of her son, W. 8. Harris. P.q., in Jersey Shore, on tho PJth of April. Hho waa born on tho island In tho river opposite Jersey Shoro, De cember 19th, 1783, nearly ninety-five years ago. Vessels loaded wilb arms and am munition of American make, intended for Turkey, arc sailed under tho British flag, are manned by British seamen, are run hy English engineers, and are cleared for some British port, such us (iibrulter. Massachusetts has 4.342 paupers, -me-half of whom have bail no indus irial preparation to gain a livelihood. : forty -six per cent, are single, and ibrly-nlno per rent, aro or have been married. Twenty-six per cent, are ehildren under fifteen years ol ige. The now Postofflco at Harrisburg is io no Dinii upon tlio silo ol tho old Slate Capital Hotel. The lots noces--ary liir tho building bavo been bought tiir 8120.0110, leaving 110,000 of the appropriation over. This will bo used iu beginning the erection of tho build Mr. Hayes has declined an invila lion of the Boston Hoard of Trade to visit that city durinir the prosent month, on the ground lhat owing to Hie condition ol public business he can not protract the time which will be spent by bun in rinladolphia and Now lorn. Robert G. lilaino, brothor of Son ator lilaino, received the appointment from Serireant at-Arms French ol tho Senate, of Assistant Superintendent of I no nonaio Document Koom. Mr. illume was lormerty clerk In tho office ol tho Secretary of the Senate, but was relieved last December by Secre tary uarnam. The Huntingdon Zaul Xctet is confident that glass works will bo erected in that county, August II (.iohcrl, a Commissioner at the Cen tennial, raised $200,000 in Belgium, lor tho purpose ami tho citir.ens ol Hunt ingdon have subscribed 125.000. Single works will cost about twiO.OOU und double 11,100,000. Tbo Mennmtitca of South Russia have sent ten of their representative men into llie interior nf Itrar.il to"vtovr the landscape o'er," and to mnlce pro positions to Iho Government of that country rotative to the purchase of certain districts thereof. It is alleged thai abouUSn.OOO German Monnnnilcn purpose settling in that country. There is a family now residing in Freehold, I'a., who havo packed up every earthly article they possessed and moved them forty two limes, and nil sineo the "melancholy daya" ol tbe autumn of 18li8. They have lived in this State, been West sovoral times, vet ll'cy aro not contented, and proba lily will nevor bo happy until they havo astonished tbo last tenement house in tho country. Accounts from various points In .Minnesota, Inwa, Illinois, Kansas, No branlta and Missouri are encouraging with respect to tho prospects for Wheat anil corn. A vast amount of ecvdinj( has been dono within tbo past two or Ihroo weeks, the farmers being moved lo extra i-fTnrta In order lo offset, as far as possible, tho ravaxesof tho)raa hoppers, so that the acreage will large ly sin-pass that ol previous years, --A Chicago gentlemen, whn talked with Kg-President Grant a few davs since, Bays tho latter laughed heartily wiien iniormet! mat mere was a rumor that ho had been off. red command ol the Turkish army. He aaid that il he should go abroad, as he baa intended lo do, be will not Ventura near either the Itiissiun or Turkish army. He didn't prOKMe to go fooling amend where he had fio business or mixing in nVbu that didn't oonoora bim or ble uountrymen j in abort, be would Mt gwontof bit way to witness or partio ipatd) In an lanra Kghtina;. - ' (i Postponiu. We were promised an extra sessiou of Congress in Juno, by thu Wudiington authorities, but after mature reflection, Mr. Hayes baa post poned the hieetiiig of that body until ufter the elections In Ohio and Indiana. Ho did not want to give Democratic Congressmen a chance to discuss pub lio affair until after these Stoles have beun heurd Iroin. How cunning I Hut it is no use. Ilolli those Stales will go ireniocrulic this fall. leo, formerly", ale Treasurer, who as sisted Gen. O. Evans in swindling the Stale out ' Svf erW &ruuVM thousand dollars, addrussod tho following crisp missive to Mr. McVeagh, one of the Louisiana Commission ; Psn.Anai.rNU, April 10, 1877, WiaYa IcVbao, Ki., N. Orleaoi, La i Ttit ComtnUilon daparra x"t oradii for Ibelr uflo to brllilng anouffb of I'ankanl'i nao lo fiva Mch.ll siajorilj-. Had Twnxl bnn oo .vtuir rununlMlus ho ulil bava aoooni)IUbad tt io m day. list wa null bava Heruria. W II. KKSII.S. "Addition, division and silence" seems to havo liccn dropped by Mr. Komblo on Ibis occasion. That is not a squaro offset for the Coffee-Evans upislle. It is Kemblo mad all over. . Urir di'fr1lsmt'nt. Sheriffs Sale. BY virtue of mtidrj wrlta of Ft Fa., wwl of ibi Court ui Tommon !" el tallied fii'tri To , an', to mcdirrotott, thr will h to ituhlia mil, t the r.itirt Una. In lh lv.fo.ih r cicnrA-iri. on WcdtitMUy, the 31 tb day of! tj, mu. i i ooiook. p m following ucpcnot-t rwl ntiuj, IO mil I All lbiia eartato traoti of las-1 altuato la HitMim lowmbiD. Clf-arfl -Id eootitv P . k-..,...l rd and daehbwi aa Mtowa, all- On tot Keain. Dili at lha Aoi-thaat oornor of lot No IS lo lha I.Ian or I'aaAeld, In laid toaoibip, doaded to L. Mod. Ma; , 11,71; tbnaoa toolb ll da(rra nrrt US hot to ioK, a- utb S dnitroFI aaal till frat to a poai. aooth OT dfartoi writ 49S S ID islrn-t ,.f load ddd lo O A. Wortb i Ihmoa di-a-rrra ram 120 loat to a im.l. a .rlb 31 dmm nur,o an ar.frFe wait ZOO tnot 10 a no. nnr.li &f " iierrnrr w m poll, 'no 93 d-g"ara rmil l P''"""" w P. souib as diirati aact w.l 42 f.at, innlb fa drgrara aaat SHO frat lo .--i i-v -- iu a pri : lornoa 0OQIB OZ drarara nono anooi waMtrard u-oat I baa -a aoolh 12 dejerrat wral 01 foot li tnroar of land daadad lo I. Bird Oct., 1873 i tboro nortb it -lairaaa am SA fart lo north eoniar of tbo lama ; thanoo aoutb - darraaa oaai SI fi-at to Una or Wo'ida-ard trait, ihi-aoa m.iiib H d,(raaa north 4 faot. aad north duKrara ami 20U frai lo tbr plaoa of l(lnnin(. ei.nlainiRf, 21 aoroa mora or laar, haing Into No i II, 12 and Una tba plan of Panlold, opon obiob ara otaolad Ibraa frama dwrllinjl, Ihroo frama uarni, oi.a log daellina and oulbnojara. Aim, una anoal andividnd Imlf lma, u ,l fol li,lo( lot : boondnd tomb l. Woo.l.ard ilraal, rat by lai.d .loaded Is Spaobiaan and gtbwan, n -rib and oaal bj othor landa of laid Woodw.rd, o. viiia a iro.it ot ion fool on W,wdward atrrot and a dr,tb af 2011 faat. eoniatotni balf so ura moro or Ian. bring lot No IS oa tbo plaa of Pan Said, upua obkb it oroctad no lifo-alora Irataa bolal and oolliotldinga. AI.O, OSS OQOat UOdtrtdad hmlr Intan-.t In ,k. folloojiof lot, Bonadad on tbo north hr Wood ajard tirrol, oaal br land daadnd lo C. H.Corjoll, uulb and Writ bj oibor landa of aaid Woodward, baaing a front of 140 foot on Woodward alroel and n dapth of 1114 frat, containing ono I bird af an nnra m ro r loot, nnd baing Iba weal part ol lot ! 37 us tbr ,Un of Pann.'d, npon anion il araotad a frama barn. Alio, ona otbrr lot boonitod and drarrthul a. lollowi, lo wit i Beginning at a poat Ike oomer of tt ondward and Cleardeld ureal, i Ibanoo noilb ij di-gieei ea.t along W.iodward Itraet II leal u otber land nf aid Woodward I Ihrnoo tomb IM drgreoa anal lit feat to .rn.rof el bar land of aaid Woodward j tbenoa eon lb 2 degree weat li-et to noa of Clearteld alreal ; Ibrooe north IS degrrei wen along aaid Ureal ,ig fMt to ba el beginning, eootaioing one.aicblb of an auie more or leap, nitoa watch ara arerlad a two. lore Irama iioro building and n wnrebooa, and bring part of lot No 3? oo Iho plan of PenSeld. A l.i,. one otber lot boanded and dearrlhed aa foll.iwa : Hnuedrd soother!; bj Woodward treat, wenterlr hj laod of raid Woodward and Cbarta brown, nortbrrlj and eailerlr so otber landi of aid Woodward, baring n fnnt of lilt reel on W oodward alreoi nod a depth ml 21S rent eootain Ing one ball of an acre moro or lo, and being Alto, all tba right, tale and Intrrert of aalit Woodward, ia one other tract of band boonded nnd deaoribod at Mlowa , Beginning at a pout on theaoulb aide of WoolwwJ nnl 31 feel, eaeterlj from the eoroer jf Weodwar I nnd Clear- eld atneta ; thenoe north tl degrooa saat along Woodward Ureal lull 4-10 reel to oornor of Und of aaid Woodward nod Cunrlra Brown t tbenoo aoutb it degreea eaat along aid land ll feet to a poetj tbenoa eoata il lenrrel north it 4 10 leet lo oornor -f ether land of aaid Wood ,ard : thenoe north it degreea aw lot foot lo the ploee of beginning, a -olataing one beli ef an aara mora or I, aa, bon,g part of lot No. 37 wo the plan ot Pan0e.d, npon whirh la oreeied n two-atarr Irmne building and oulhoneo. AlfO, all the riaht. lilla and Internal nf ..In Woodward is one other treat of land boonded nnd dracribed aa follewa i Beginning at n pnat la the earl euruer ol Uloarlleld treet, lot fool aoolh trots Woodward iireet ibrooe north il degree! a pool lueooo noma at degrooe eat 00 leet to n poat I tbenoa aoath it degrooa weal 00 feet to tbe a ild linn of L'loartlald atn.nl ineorenvno degrooa a -at So fret to the plai of hegmninr, eoniaioiog ono-aigbth of an nor lace tog nnw-ticbth of an ncro. uoro or lee, an in wfatuh la araeled a kl..,..it and wagon ab..p, and being pan of lot Mo. il to Aieo. all tbe rieht. title an I Intern. n niu.. e-nn r.lia.' . W.adward In noother tract ol Intd in II tatea two. ""-" boo ueorrioeu na lollewa I Heglnnlng at a wbiu pine the eoulhoael oornor ol Werrant Na eto i taetioeeouih 01 degree weet IS t 10 pentbea to In' d ol Frederic Uitt.l 1 1 theooe nnetn 11 degrait weal nloni lino of aaid land Iti poroboe to too pobltc highway ihanco north degreea weet 70 pcrcba; tbenoa north 12 degree wt 113 I lo perohee to Iba north Hon of W errant No. I7i Iheooanotih 70 dVgreoe anet It t Idperoboe u n pine: thenoe north 30 degree woat it porch e to a hemlock ; tbenoo north rt degree eaat by lino al Wnrraut No. 7, Ml I It nnrebt In a poet in line of lend at t. H. Ilewltt ; then by letd llneeonth III degreea oaat Hal narcbea to po.l In uth Ii.. of Warrant (lo. 7 I Inance ...o.e oe urgreo we.t i perebn. la I Nan tbeuoo along land of John UuBolt aoolh I0 degree eaat il I i petthe, tbaroto along naae outn 21 drgteo ,art 121 perchei ta n poll In n..rlb lino of Warrant No t.too I thanoo along eil warrant llaa weal tl perobu ta a won : thence north 1T degron woil II a-10 parehe. In a bemloek tbenoa north II d gree weal Ui t It pe-onee to m piMg of beginning. eateit ing 411 norea anje nr tan. oicooliti nnd reeere ing ih.relroea t let. Ona let oa aoolh aid of " ooow.ro atrtat adjoining Und of P. B. Hewitt, heretofore deeded u tire Peonleld M B. Church, baring front on Woodward itraet of l"J foot nnd n di-plh of It! fuel, being lot No. lha plan nf Pen told. Id. Beginning in Iho weat linear Clear. Held .treet nl Ibe louthoaet eoroer or lot doodad lo B. O. Freeland I Ibraoa eoalb II degro-i waal lit fact lo lot deeded lo Ooorge C. Rlabert Ibanoo tooth 88 degree ooet 7t feet! tbooae oulh 71 drgraea weat 77 foot, north U degrees weed lot to oornor of Pre.byrien paroouage lot I tbenoa anntb il degreea weal 130 teat north 31 degree weet I7 feet te tho eonth lint nr Wood ward .treel. thanoo outb il d-reee aa along Woodward itraet I to I to font u ceitem corner of lot deeded lo Wa. hi. Rar, Jane 10, l:4 . ibanoo aauth 3S degrooa anil 104 feat lo a poet i thoaee aoutb 61 degree, north 101 410 foot ea Ibe we.t line of Cloariield alroel t tbenoo couth 31 degree, oaal 10 font to Iba plane of beginning : h ing loll No. II, 13, 34, Ii, It, II, It, 41, 4 J. id, 47 and it on the plan of Panlleld. Id. He ginning al the i mtbeait corner of lot No 13 oa Ibe plan nf Penteld, deeded lo L. Bird I thewee oulh 63 degrooa woat 711 110 feel U the analh- wet comer ol land of U, A. Worth tbenoo north H degree! norlb 200 feet north it degree! oa. 140 feel nortb It degreea weal 201 eeimh.. ..k north 61 degree! 41 t It porobot aoath U degreea 7l dcrcba notlb il degreea oaat lit 4-It teat anuib tt degreea en. I lot root to tbo anrth line of Woodward atrret , Ihenoa aoath M degree weal 627 feel It tho plane or beginning, being lot No. 10. II, II, 1.1. H, u. it d 17 an the plan of Penteld. 4th. One acre laid off and need aa a cemetery, lib One ln north of Woodward treel adinlnlnp land nf Frederick Lllteld. bur. Ing n fr.nl of mifeet na Woodward a I reel and n depth nf Its lent, being lot No I on tho plan of rmirio. .., n. vno -ui izo ny ii.u feet near the reiirnan nee leo to w. a. Worth. Said Hon onntalnieg 11 acre aoro ae lee. alio, nil tne right, title nnd Inlrrealnf thenld W.iodward In ont other Iraol of land knnodnrf nd deecrihed aa fnlk-wa. North br Woodward Iraol, eaat by hnd af B O. Rowans, eonth tr an nller and are br land mt of R. Mnoeop, b.r Ing a Iron! oa Woodward ttreol of lit I II foot nt t. troth nr 101 root, examining half no non moro or lean, being lot Na. 41 on the olen nf e- eld npon which are erected n twt alary freeae n.n. ... o w.rr Noon A la-., all lb richt. rillo nnd tntoenet nt tkn aid Woodward In own other IM of land bounded nnd deeerlbed na follewa. tt wit I On tba north ny rrnoowem alreal anal hy land nf Oeorgt Kebahert anntb brother lend of e.li Wl.. aad north by land of O. H. Correll , containing nna tonrth af tn torn, mere nr lee, being lot No. II nn tho bleu ef Peoleld, upon which it erect ed ie eooe .nop Aleo. ad the right, title Bad Interact of tkn nt Wnndwntd In nne other lot nf land bonded ..4 deeorlhed nt follew. la lt t Oa Iba moth br Woodward atreat t eeet nnd tenth by o'her lend. m e.to noow.ro i weat by land ar Ueargn Rehaokett eoatalalag one ronrth nf na aara. aort nr lee, being lot .No. II on the plaa af Pen. Held. npon which I treated not two ttory freaa karnea th.a and dwelling. siecino right, tni. ,nd Internet mt ttlrea Wo,dward In nne otber lot of Lead d-oortood a M.w., t. wit i , the north by W.rodward trea-. oaal bt land deeded la Wa a. any eowth and wool hy Mhet land nf tnld W,wdwnrd onotal.lag nna Ibatnh nf aa mart ar leal, being lot No. II on Iht Plan af leld. npon which are erected own two Pee- frnat dwelling aad awl heuoao. twa-atory Aha, ta eooe I n.dlrtdad half relrrect tn at other Iraol af 'aed la Hweton lownabip. aforesaid, bounded north br hud ed D. R. Taylor la wag. MM 4MI, Met by land nf J, . rf-wltl, Mh by wnrrnwl He. Ill, and weet by hvnda af . . Brawn, Wa. B. Hewitt aad eVeodlng, rtahwr Co., tnaiaUIti IM tare, mora a baa, and being Fait af trerroa V a- ttMT JWw 3Uvrrtiriufntf. CENTRAL" HOTEL, PITTSBURGH Smithfleld S.rt, from 2nd to 3rd, Avenue' Tba mo.l oanlraltt ImataJ Sfft-rlaia lloon Is Iba ally. 8lral aara tu ika door ioaloatoall I ha duao'ji mm I all frf .rf b.,-0 o .11 w. Trma.J SO par Day. 1"1 ...... ... WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietor., Tba Rsrni.ie. of ClaartlalJ, rartliad ..kl; mi tbo llol.l and plaoad oo lis f iha bnrf, j gu..l.lroiaibl.aa.tloo.o. Aillt. IMTlJ A leo, ona aq oat aodltldad half It area! in one otber Iraol of load Is lluatoa towniliiti, afora ald, bounded norlb br laudi of John Ii. Bred- Ing nnd Orarlon Wandle, aat hy warranti No. lli and 160. aunlb bj warrmt No Sit and John tloUoit, weat by warrant No. insl, oonlalalng lit aoraa, Born or but, and being pari of warrant even, Alan, one other treat nf land fa Huelon town blp afore-eld, bounded eauth lit load of Handing. Pieber a Co , nnrtaol No. etlbS, teal br laod of Uenr; nnd frederioh Llaleid nnd 0. R Kerljr, aoutb my land o( Jatoiton and Fieher. nnd weal br laud of K. 1). Pattereoa nnd Wrn b W..od ward.eoulainiug Itdaoreo, uura nr hwa, npon whieb ara ereelo.l two fraine daellinga, a io fiaeae barn nod othor Mitbuildioaa. cteiaed. Ubnn in xteenilon nod in bo told te the proptrl; of Hiram nwuaira. Team or lata. Tha arleo or aunt m wblnh the prnpsrtv atuil bo tnsk off aiuat be poid ol ibe nine ot anie, or auea other arrangeojenta aaada aa will Ins apirrovad otberwiae tbe pruportr will bo llatnedinielr put np nnd euld again nttbeoxpeoea and tie of Iho poreon lo whoa tt waa atrwaa oif, and whn, In ataa of deltolenor nt auob re eala, t.all make good lha aauta, and In no tnatenee will toe lletd be prearnlod to Court for ootiNrma tion nnieae tho nto-n-r la nrtnallr paid -to tbo Sherif . . ANUKKW 1'K.StZ, Jr.. -. SnnKirr'a Orrira, I Sberif. Clearlel l, Pa., Mar t. I77. ( SherilT's Sale. Br elrtua or aundrr wrtu of titti fti, la ued out of tbo t'ourl of Comann Plana nf Clear field eountr, nnd It eto direeted, there will bo oapiwed 10 pulilte sale, nt Ibe Court H-ioao. in ho borough of Clearteld, oa Mosdajr, ttta Hit d.y nl U.y, I nr., ml I o'elocb p. n., iba following deaoribod root eelate, la wit: Tba following ml eetetr, aitaaiela Brmrtwp., Olearleld ooonlr, Pn , hounded nnd deeenhtd aa loilowa t Vonaniag nt s poat Ilea nf daeeb Hlleburn'a lot : thenoe north it degrooa out t perebee to n poat : thenoe h7 hit of Jaoob llilebnrs north tt degreea wool 12 perobea to n port nt r,vd; Ibrnno by land ol Jaonh Yiova aetata aoath 32 drgraea weal 41 S it prri-hea to n poat I tbenoo by eald land aoath 5Sdof.ree.eaal II i. Ill pe-chae to t pull I the. oe bj raid land norlb It degree. eael 17 peri-boa lo a peal; tkrnet br public road north IS drgrrea east t porohea to a poet ; theooe br J.rrob Utlelinrn land north i degiaaa sraal I perohee to a poet and plane of bogianiog, ooatoln ing I acree aad I loDereheo. hal loa mernon orenr- od n large leant taw mill, with .Mogul nnd lath null aiiajbed, the boinll.ii heme-nboat ditto feat, with aa addition thereto need aa a packing room of nnoot ISa IT feet, nnd n largo two-aturr frame dwelling hoaae nlmnt 3li3t, food Iraeae table nnd other outbuilding. Alto, nil of Defondaat'l InUre.t In Iba white! pine timber alandmg and Ijlng on n plena of land la Brad; tonnabip aforuinid. eontaining about 10 anrea more or lee, being the weal lide of a piaoe of land owned bj K-eeaa Latbar, boaiodod on tne north b; land, ol M. II. W -ore, wool b; land I af lha aetata of Jamb Ynae, and an the eoalb nod eaat br landa el Krn-tui Lelher. baited, taken in elocution nnd lo be euld aa th pmpnrir ut J C. Whlppln, W. II Brain and W. W. Moot. Ttsaa or Su a - Tbe price or urn at ohiob tho pmpertr ahall be rtruuk off moot be paid nt tbo time of eala, or auch ofnor arraogemotiu made no will bo approred. otherwtae tba property will bo tmmodiataly pot up nnd aold nanin nt Iho ai. paaaa nnd ri.k of tne poreon to whom II wea truck off, and wbo, in earn of deflcieoer nl auch re-ee)e, ahall make good tba an too, aud ia oo inetaaoe will the band ha praeenlad in Court for eonlrmulion onlaaa tbe mono; ia actually paid lo taeBbena. . . A. OHK W PUN f i, Jr. hnnnirr'a Orricn. I ciheriaT. 5'''l"Lf,i tisfijtTrJ UMIili4TIIATURS3 It OTIC li. Netict It hereby glrea thai Letten nr Ad mtnlatratlon ot tho aauta of JOHN B KAKP. bKrY. lau of Pooo townehip, Chareld oouaty, rn.. dee d, haeinf been duly granted to tbo nndrraigned, nil persona indebted to aaid acuta will pleaao make inainedleto payment, nnd tboen baring elalma or demanda will p reran t not delay. "en properly authenticated fur aattlrmnat with- il.y. CIIARLKS HKI.I'KK. Man. B. RAPfEaTY. Oraapion llllla, May t. 1877-lt. Ad-a'ra, A DMINIHTRATIIH'S) MlTICK -Notice J bboroi.ygirenthat Lttera of Adiainiatrn :toa on tbe eeuieor JONATHAN WIS0K, Sr , lata of Bradford lownabip. Cloartold oonnty, Pn., dea'd, baring neon daly g. natal ta the nnder aignad. nil poreaue indebted u aaid aalata, will p:aaa aehe taaedlau parnaent, nnd ih.M bar lag elatme ur di meaid will proa. I Ihca proporir utbrnttuatod fur oalUaaeui witboal del.;. AIIKAM PKtKCH, Williaaegrora, Hay I, 77-tt. Ada'r. CtUTION. All paraont ara hereby caution td againa purebaisog or in nny way aed dltag with lha lollowing property, now ia lha poaaoMl.a nf Mr. Margaretta Aroea, ia Ibn low ough of Newburg, nnd lain the property of J. R. Amea, to wilt Ono black inert. 4 now. I year ling. I oalrna, I fw, I etump machine, I cat blackaalth tool., I plowa, I k.rr .wa, i bed tod beddiog, I cool etoro, I room store, I eat ebetre, I bureau, I aland, I table., I boggy. I tat haraoee. a aaree wf wheat, I nf aa acre ol oata, 4 acree ryu, I bang elod, 1 wage, I iraw letlle, I noppnr hat lit. I aleak. I booh oaaa, I pair epreada, I aaen baoa, an; toe, farka, Ae. Said property wa pwr ekaaed by aa al Sharif a Bale, nnd ia only tali with hire Aaa oa loan, aotjat b, ay order nt nny nan. Una. ISABKLLA F. BLOOM. TO It HI lit: BUII.IEHS . Noiioa la hejab; giraa that propo t. pairiag Iba bridge acroa tba rlrar nt karthaui. will ha raodeod by tha coonty Coaaasdonara af i outre ana i-iearnem oountlo, nntil II o'clock M , nn lha Id day of Jane toil. Specitcationa oaa bo aeon nl their rocpeciire oaooa hi Bellofonte ar Clonrtald. the coutrncl will be awarded to uo leweai repnntbM bidder. Tha Boarda re aerrt Iht right la reject all bida. . J.N HALL, . ANDREW URRUU, . N. A. MINOtK, Comaiaaioaar of Oaotrn eoeknty. CLARK BHOWN. JtatW. Down,, TII0S. A, MoOHKg, . Clara. UARKM UOOTKK, ' OaaalMloner of Clearteld tonoly. Ooaaiuioner' Otloa, 1 Cleartfld, Pa., May t, '77 dt.) PIE'S OPERA HOUSE. TllURSDAT. f RIDA Y and 8AT0R - DAY KVKNINUS, oWny 17th, IWA tiMtf lfM, Mil. PROF. J. DeLANTIE, THE 0RRATOIFT WIIARD. ' MAN1CIAN AND VKNTRILOQUIRT, ltM Prttnlt ftcen ateny, Free of aharge, arary craning. Remarabar th'nl Iheao proeaolc art all hnngbt fram tha ed,n.e. ol yoor tews A GRAND FA MILT MATINRE 0a tJaturday Afteraooo, For ledlee and abtldran. Erery child will reeeleo a pre cent, uoora onen at I o'elunh l.,r..... al 1 o'clock. , . ,1..., , ; rort-Laa acAki tr rhfett t b Reamed Sent, liaent. aeoera A.ll..ln. Ii oonta, Children I Maliaea. Ii earn i Adulla, Ii tent. , Doora open nl t. Perform ,aoo be gina at I. HEO. H. DRTC HK, AgenL Rearrrad Heat liekell for nK nt Ibe Port Oaten. . ...... . THE TIN SHOP! RtSIG MYOWS MAtlUXE! FRED.SACKETT, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., Raapaalfnlly Infera hit tnawaara, and tbe pub. lie In feeerei, thal-ka toaltnua In wHetnlaavan all hlnda tf . . . . TIn.Coppcr A Sheet-Iron Ware, Of iralalaat attrlal naly, and ta a wort aaa. liha annnnr. ROOFING and SPOUTING dono ta thori an line aad rery raaaonabla itrat. COOK STOVES, RCATtaO STOVER AND FVRNACn tlvayt tapl la atoeh, and fw lain taw. ' Gas-Filling and Plumbing specially.;; On r Itlnrnt alw.y. M Wang. AO exrk gutna ttad In girt mtutfatimg. . t' K. , 1 thnrt af postal patrnaga aarduny MlMtwl. J,. ' " FRB0, RA0KITT. (Tien rt eld. IV. Umf I, Mr?. Urn &mttmMi. AUCTIOW I IICTIIillH.tlttB nerianon is t'learteld nnd other a..aaloer II I tern yean. In crying !-., and harlnjral.ru to I'lenrli-td, I wi.ald offer my errrieea n etll ealae in Cleerfleld or nny pari of Iba eie.t. Cbarga fearonalila, and tbnee tin, poor lo pa. L kn. . . JOS. JOSH, Clrnrfiald, Pn., May I, 11 Im. A unions S777S' eaaily earned in haee tie,, i, i i . . ona of either iei, In nne nan ef ,k. onnntry who ta willing to warh ateadily at Un employment that we furul.h. $114 per wnh a your own town. Yon need not be aw.y fma t onto orer Bight. Yoa enn g ira your while im 'o tbe wnrk.nr only yourepero aomeal. Ite nothing to try the buaineaa Toraa !fl Is ott free. Addreee at ones. tl. IftLLarr m Co., Ayril If). 1177 ty . Ptrlland, M.iie. ?0 K 8ALE- Tbo nnderalgaad will ae'l at nrirau ..I. .n lhat tract or pareel af Und altnate In beaiv lownabip, ClnerAeld a-mnty, Pn., witbla a ilnirl di.tanee of Iho Tirono A t'lsortell H. R . tat adjoining landa of Robert Hudaon and elern nnd known aa the Jacob B. taeorhan lot. Tea aaid tract oootnining tt ncrea aura or hr.., oitb twa refoa of ralnahie ooal thnrann, baa annul it aerer cleered, and ia lha key ta n Urge b-d. f nai al.oet being derrlopod. Will bo eold loaut apot aaay Urma. P. particular!, apply lo . , . IMVIU I. kKBHJ. Clrnrfiald, Pa.. July 13, Il7t 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Pacta for lha Fanner Facta for the u. . ...... -Facia for lha lloreeaan-Feeti I-, ike Suet. rntaer rneli for the Ponliry.oepor-F.eu let tbe bee-keeper Port! for tbe Uo,er Pacta l Iba Laborer FarU for tie Doctor Facia let the Dairyman Facta for Iba Frnil-raiaar-Faeu Ii tbt blardenat Factt for tbt Unueebold-fuu for ovary family who wtnU U Bore aeoey. FACTS FOB AGEITTS. Thai tbii Ii the tenet Important adrertieennt for you y ne'diakrd. being the b..et ehaaoe la make money orer offered. The preaa eadoreH it, your own paper oodnraet lt,erery oae eadonet II, ' Tlii Book of tid I Oth, Century. Mala and fean'e agenta coining money aa it Send tt na al once and get circular free. INOHtM. SMITH A BLU'I. ' Til nlanl -ttoot, Philadelphia, Pa. npr. Il,l7-3a. JUST OPENED UP I THE NEW CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CLEAEFIELD, PA. The Bitfifriignwl wnattj annonaotro tkaeliiim of CloarSrld fid vtrlai'j, that ba Hm 0uamrDf4i Manufacture or Cigars is rienrSeld, and will keep oa bend a large Herb of Int-rlaa cigar ahirb ha will cell al nhnlcnle nnd retail, lit cigara aro mode from tbe heat leer tohaeea, end warranted to giro atireci!o. Ha alto keep on hand a full line of tbt beat Chew Ins A Smoking: Tobaccos ' PIPES, 8NCFF, ETC., lo which ho Indies tba attentive of .rauk-re and ebewero. Retail dralora ouptdied with the beat brand of Cigar, Sank'.ng aad Chewing Tobaooot, at tba lowaat wbolaeaea prion. r-TEHJIS P08ITIVELVCA.SII -, A abate nfpnhllt patronage rupeotfnlly aolielied. JOHN A. STOCK, Kooa nail door In I at National Bank, March II, 1171 la. Clearlcd. Pa, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hat opened. In a boHJing oa Market at rent, ea the old W'etrn Hotel lot, opposite th. Curt Hon in Cloartcld.t Tin nnd Shaw (ran Waaa fnelory nnd chore, where will on fonnd nt all lima a full line af eotjse rTOOTssnra oooss, Sterts, Haxdwwo, fits. Uoun gpunling nnd nil kmda nf job work, repair, lag, Aa., dona an abort notion and nl reaaonahlt rale. Aleo, ngeel for tbt SingerSewing Machine. A npply of at .chine, with Needle, Ac, at. wari on head Tana, etriolly oaah nr tnanlry predaM, A hart ol patronage aoliolttd. O. B MBRRELL, Suparinlondent. Clearteld, April 14. 1177-lf. Hl6HKSTAMARDS!'1V,:",., J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEKHIH 4. riLBERT STREET. 'PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITH SIIAKINO AND CLINKER ORINDIN. URATKS FOR HDKNINO ANTHRA CITE UK BITUMINOUS COAL CENTHNMAL R0lGnriRO HEATERS, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL , KEYSTONE WR01G..T-.1.0V HEATERS, CO0KINH RaNUEA, L0W-D0WH ORATES. Daecrtptire I Irtalan teat fret in aa; .ddrme. EXAMINE BEFORE BELECTINO. prll , 7r ly. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. ."THE TIMES" 18 A FIRST CLASS INDEPENDENT MORNING NEWSPAPER, And he cloaed It lrt year with an ectabllabad sown Id ttraalalian larwae iK.n tknt nf ... nthor dally it Pranirlrnnnv, with n alr.,1 t ocpttnn. It ha now Iba anal perfect aacbinary and .ppl lance for printing It largo edition, b.r ing Iwn naw He. Farfeatiag Proaaoa. each eenehhl ol printing tl.lKIt toaplott eopiea of Tat Ttnat rn nn boar, ea lhat H aaa glen lha rery a' eat now- and anh. the oar neat deHeery ta It raadera. Il awnulta ALL THE LATEST NEWS, loelndieg the ASSOCIATED PRCSeV TELE, UHAM-t, SPHRIAL TKLKtlRAMS aad CUR. HESPUNDENCE front eS p dnlc of takroot, FS and Aoaarela Uaal Report, nnd Fanrloa Edilaa. ml Diaanaetnat af nil Oarroat Tontaa. aahiag M Ibn aaal onapleu tad eh ee peel Mwtpapat ll FeaniylrnnU. "THE TIMES" ii TuorongWj jrouutuil. Is ereryiblng, aed wiS, la tR poNllonl atragglet. bo falthlnl la trath nnd lat na t aewclcttet. ll aahet na hollow praanan af OMrnMly oe Iht Iwadlag aeeOUoa of lha day, nr in potltteal ton loot n taey pan, bet will orer dieeard lha bliad partlaeklp that would twUrdlaalt tbo right la party aeeei a., ae a alter fur wbalargaalaattet, ar in wheat Interact rank clala It Bade, nnd Wit feerleeal; erltteta prHtiaalar-nrt gad lha want it poblle Intat-rlty whoaaew fewnd. Il deannda aoon.-ar nnd Idellty hi owwry nVnartaanl of nuihorlty, CHy, Seala nod N.a.a.l. and boldly nrratgni tboee tf orery party wan nhna pea IK tmat. i dlaeuree petlnj laanaa. pohll acawtt aad pehlia Boa, with thai anaoawrt af Iraadoa that la dlelatcd hi ITS la. hot with that dignity j uww ewartoey wtwa aO ,C near ohnnetarl in 1 peon of the aeeteaWlfhlened oouen of the world. 1 Freat twt eon I per one; , anil tktrtbnt, paat. ) aft art-paid, all aMlnn a rear, tr lay aeau t ( aoatV Addreee TUB TIMEh, j fit thaatantato PhUnd'a i April la. TT-le. 1