SUiMfltanrous. (J W. base printed a large nnmner of tbe oak all. I- and will aa 14 af twenty If.e.. CUKAP GROCERIES! LUMBER CITY, PA. The aadorslgaed eooooBeee te his old friends end patrone that he b.e opened Hood line ol OKOCERIBS A PROVISIONS al the aid stand of Kirk A Speocer, for which be oolieit. a liberal palro..,.- H. W. SPENCER. Lester t. r, Pa- March l-tt I 'tuil.t tl. ,t jr,m..i- a cj HANGING VASES, Stnve Lining and Fire Brick kept eokrUBUy aa a and. STOVE AD EARTHED -WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! pots: l KUt 1 1 FUker'a Patent Alrtlelit tVlf - Healing BUTTKR CROCKS, with Mdi, CREAM CROCKH, MILK CROCKS, ArrLK 1U lTEIt UKUtHS, PICKLB OKOCKt. FLOWER POTH, flQ DISHES. STEW POTS, And a (raat many other thins! too Bamerowj to aieni.oB, to a baa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Contr ol Cherry and Tbtr St recti, CLEAHPIKLD, PA. nSl m. t. aiTLica. b. h'corklk. d. bcilbbc. GILICII. McCOR&LE & CO.'S (SieceMon t Ji'ha Oattrb), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Htreet. Clearflcld. W Buurutnn all knd f For;tr fur Chaahen. Diuieg Rwomi, Librariet sod HalU, If yea wtnt Furniture of anj kind, doa't ba; HBVII JVM WVW VUX fllX'aV. -.m " I li:itTAKIC4 la all it braDebea. We kr-o lo ttoek all the latest and moet improretl UoBine anil (Jkett. and bava every frHityfr triperl euo doctiBg tbia braoeb of our baiiacse. . H' bave a put'nt 0rftM J" re- aervar, io wbicb bodiiea aan ! bfl pmeartredl fr a oon. idrrabla ten fib of time. A of tbe firm baa bU aIarittDt apart meat at our wan -rata, where he can bef-mcd bt mnf perioa bo eon at night for tba parpote ot procuring comae. Gt'I,rCII, McCOKKLB A CO. Clearflel-i. Pa., Mv 10, '7A ly. NEW- FfdOvit, f j:i:i, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Room So. 4, Plc'a Opera Houar, Clearfleld, Pa. Keep oontUDtly oa band BUOAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRl'P, SALT,' . auv immpuieti vuna SPICES, SOAP, Caniad aad Drlal Pralu, TotaMd, Clfarl, Caa diaa, CI Jar Vloagar, Daltar, Bgia, Ar, ALSO, EXTRA OME.MADI Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o,," All of wblab wld ba told ebaap for eaah or ia axebanga for ouantrr prodooa. A. Q. KRAMER A CO. Claartl.ld, Not. II GLENN'S SULPIIUIl SOAP. A Stfrlino Runny ro Disp.asis and fctjumtj op tiix Skixi A Healthful BtACTinea or Tin Complexion; A Reliable Meai op Teeventino and Relietino Kheumatisji and Gout, and ax Uneqcaled Uisintectant, Deodo. izex and Cocntee Uhtant. Clmn'f Sill tit u r Soan, betide, eradl. catinj local diea.ta of tho akin, bamahea de fecla of the completion, and imparts to it gratifying clearness and smoothness. Sulphur Ballis are celibralerl for curing eruptions and oilier diseases of the skin, as well a. Rheumatism and (.out. (itrnn'9 Sill)th)ir Simp produces the sama effects at a most trirting espense. This admirable specific also speeilily heals mi. rii, uaUt, inrni, ifnum and mil. Il removes dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used in the aick room is disinfected, and diseases communicable by contact with the person, prevented by it. The Medical Fraternity sanction ill use. Prices-55 and 50 Cents per Cakt; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c and $120. M. B. buy UN tare caVta and thereby economise. Bold by all Uruaaiau. " hill's hair asd wbikker dye," Blaek or Bravra, ao Ceala. C. I. CIllTTEvTO.!, Prop'r. 7 Sixth tv.,!.I. Guarded the llirhrnl JltdU at llraafi. E. L H.T. ANTHONY 4. CO,, SOI IsroBdway, New Tort, (Opp. Metropolitan Holal), crcTtia, taroariaa in Uluu CIIROHOS & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES ds VIEWS Albania, nraphoaropM. PboVi(, and kindred foods Calabnllaa, AetraaaM, Ao., PHOTOCRAnnT MATERIALS, We are beadqaarterifor everyihiaf wtj StoroopticoM and Hao La&tom. Being mannraeiarari of tbe MICFO JnBXTIPI(! T.AN'TBRH. BTKRKOPNOPTICON. UNIVEHSITT STKKOPTtrOJ. A1VKHT!SKR'H 8TKR0PT1C0N, ARTOPTICON, 8CD00L LANTKRh, KMILT LANTERN, rnVl-LIO LAAIIrtais, Sack nyle bclnf tbe kaet of IU dlei la tbe aarket. Cetelngnti of Lalrai and Slidei, wltb dlreo lloae for ailng, eeat m applleatloa. Any oatwprtetnf aiaa oaa aaka ajoavy with a Mafte Lentra. ey-Vt.iiortt tbe Cfatraaial It-ptwltloa will do wiefly te defer prhettnf gmdi la ar Una aiil iby eeate la aar etora t New Ynrk, where Ibrt will led graatar varicti and aiora eaudoreta pHeee, aad aB ideet tbeej at tbir leteura. But we have a eoooetiioB to erlt ! n? ite ttt ear godi .a tao betiding of U Drrtaiai af Pabli Coafart. aad tlvee aot aaing to Jlw York are lo eall aa sar rjsreaeatotiaa thro. ey-A rati eiaek af Vtawa af the KspoeittoB and (belr aaeiaata, , r V-Cai tat iht edarilaaaiea4 tar rafereem.'a ; sIbbb ?, irt i, I Hisrrtlanrous. JJOOT ANDSHOK OOTANDSI10E MAKING. t JOSEPH II. DKCRINO, oa Market street, li Shaw's Row, Clearfield. Po., haeju.t received a iaa lul of r react Call Hlu Boa Kipe, la a boat la tka market, aad la now prepare, to mae afeetnro erery thing la kit lino, tla will war- ! raat kla work la ba aa repaaented. I Alan, all Had, of Leather and Sboo Fikdinge I for aala The eltlsene of Clearfield aad vie bit art respectally Invited la give him a aall. Work done at abort a. .ilea. MfHy Peaa towaakip, Clearfield Co., Pa. RUIIEII OUTI kVV BOV BURNED UP! Tbeiubaaribert hava, ar great upf ata, rfbailt a I Detgnnoroooa Bcoe.fliy, to tne erection of a flni- . ;o)mi Wuolen MftBafftclorv, with all the aiodfra tmpruTemaBteattMbed.aodareDreitared tottifalieii' ti . . ftii kindi uf cioih. t:im,: K:ti-,.- keti. Flanaele, Ao. Pl.n,y of oa bead to apply aJi ouroid aad a tnooiand saw euttomert, wbiia wo aik to eome and eiemine ur etuok, Tbe baiineta of CARDING AND Fl'LLINU will racoira oar eepecial attentiua. Proper errangumentt will ba made to receive and drlivet Wool, to euit eoetomeri. All work warraotad and done upon the aborteet notice, nd by atrial at ten. tion to bntineu wa hope to rvalite a liberal ibare of pablia patronaK. I (MM Ml POINDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay tbe highlit market price for Woo aad eell oar manofactared guodi ai luw Mfliailar goodi oao ba buoght in tbe oouoty. and wheneTer wa fail to render raajonabl eaiiffaetiun wa eao alwayi be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either in perion or by letter. JAMKS JOHNSON A fiONS, (lower P. 0 a iniaiKnij bow eutiomert, II ARD TIMES IIAVK X0 KFFBCT IN FRENCHYILLE! t am awara thai there are fntne penone a llttlr hard to pleate, and I am alto awara that the oioplaint of "hard timee" Ia well aigb univerral. Hut I an eo ei totted now that I oao aatiify the former sod prove eoncluaWel thai "bard timee" will not elfeet tboac who buy their god from me, .nd all my patroaa ahatl be tuiUated lata tka aa siret of -j HOW TO AID HARD TIMES. bavo a;ooda enonb to aup,-ly alt tbe Inbahl-) ants ia tho lor and of tbo eoanty aabieb I rail at eieeodinc low rates from say snwmsnotb store In stllLSONIIl'KO. h-r I can alarms bo found I ready to srait upon nailers and supply tbera sella, Dry Goods of all Kinds. Sack as ciotba, Ratiactta r.,.iroarM, Muslins,, Delainea, Linen, Ilnlline., Calicoes, i Trimin,a, Itibbon,, Laca, , Ready-made Clothln, Boots and shoes, Data and Oat. all uf the boat material and made to order - tloaa, Boca a, Uloroe, Mitten a, Lavaa, Ribbont,Ae. 0K0CKKIE8 OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Bafrar, Rica, Molaaaea, Fiih, tait Fork, Llnaeed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qoeenaware, Tinware, Caatinga, Plowa nd Plow Caatinga, Naila, Hpikea. Corn Caltira- tora, Cider Preaaea, and all kinda of Aiei. Porfamerj, Palota, Varnish, Glaaa, and a general araortment of btationery. GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alwaya on hand, and will ba I told at tbo loweat poaaible flrarea. J. II. McClain'i Medieinea, Jayna'i Media in, j uoatetler and llootland a Uitteri. ; tliere bUall 1)0 tl'D duyg public nutil'tt ul 6009 ttounda of Wool wanted for wbick tht'u,.,.u l l.. ...:.. , higheat price will bo paid. Clorereeed on band j uid for aale at the low eat market pnoa. Alao, Agt-nt for StraltoBTillr and CurwenaTilla - inreaning naenmea. fcA-Call and aeefor yoaratlrea. Ton will And ; frerjtblng ainally kept In a retail itore. L. M. COUDRIET. Franchrilla P. O., Aaguat 12, 1871. 3IGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Sneotraora to Boynton k Yoang,) TOUNiO'EfiS It MACHINISTS MaBufactoreri of fOETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Coraer of Poorth aad Piaa StraeU. CLEARFIELD, PA. fTAVINO engaged In the anaoofaeturo of first Il elan MACHINERY, we raapeetfolly Inform as publis tbat we are bow prepared so III all rders as cheaply and as promptly aa caa be done in any of tbe ettiea. Wa manufacture and daalia Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Itaad block I, Water Wheels, Bhafline Pnlleya, Hirford'a Injector, Sloans Oaofra. Slaaas Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cops, Oil Cnps, Osage Cocks, Air Cocks, Oloba Valves, Cheek Valves, wronght troa Pipes, 8. east Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti friction llstfee, Soap Stona Packing. Ones Paea- ng, and all kinds of MILL WOHKl Kigetbar with Plows, Bled Soles. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES and other CASTINGS of all klnda. -0rders solicited and filled at etty price. All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery of oar tnoouractora promptly answered, by addras- Ing as at Clearfield, I'a. jaunt. If DIULKK, YOHNII 1 RKKP G ROCKKIKS. JAS. II. LYTLK, (f dcesssor to I.TTL8 4 MITCHELL; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, DEALER IN , CHOICE ItSR OF TfitS. 00L0N .S. JAPANS, IMPriHI II., , T0UN0 UY30N, KSOLtill OltilAKfAST ( Pnrset la Market. BCTTER AND KtiOH. Will be kant and aala .a a... . .. for,, Prodnea. s-ssapre. 0KRMAN C1IRRRIBS, TURKEY PRirNRS, PRESERVED PEARS, PIIILADELPIIU HAMS. PIH. Mackerel, Lake Usrring, Cod, Ae. ' run LRU. Barrel Pickles and Eagllsb Pick Ira. FLOUR AND riCICIs. Flaar, far Meal, Oat Meat, A a. i-. JAS. II. LTTlI. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARPIELU. I' A iVKPNKSPAY MOHNINQ. MAY J, IS77. COLLECTION OV TAXES. i . r. TT . . i John O. freeze, h-so., counsel to tool Commissioners of Cil'tmbi: """"J - BSBBskjmmjk, fi.ja kucia u.e i,il,um. -'.".....I L.el :..-s.. uuuuui wuii-ii uro ui tuu most common . I occurrence in the collection of taxes. ... . , . , , , XT, ', T, 7 f knellt of tb. collector, and tax pajen,; of ourcouMy: " 1st. i.aiiiln, seated and annealed, art ; soon an tbe Commonwealth bad parted with her title, became and were made .tn..l... -.I.!..!. C.l . iittoio io laxttiutn nnu hhIu lr iho mm- l.ttVmeilt of tho laittML Tho ii-L art I i , . , nuking them BtiljfCt to fttlefor county lux in thttt of April 1J, 1730, nee. 25 3 .Smith I.uws 401. Then canio the netH of April 6. 1804 April 4. 1809 Murth 13, 1815-Slurth 20, 1841. & Bv the act of Anril B. 1R..2. .,. 7 d SmilliU'.5l5,lboycremndelial.lej"f l" 'l''r?cd with tbe to aale liir non payment ol road luxe.;l"1"''" ,ux' U ll'l'' by the Con., and if the taxed were not paid to Ibej""" , ",0 '"ll'l'U-, BuiKirvinon., the lands ao arwaae.1 as W l,h w'"rruMl l" l,"llw,t l,,u """" uiiBeate.) were to be returned lo iho l"1"1"' flom County TrcaHurerlorcollecl'i.inhy aule. ",l'01'''- A"'1 "IU lw'" charyid in Tbo return of the unpaid taxea muat ",0 d"l'l'" prw.nall liable fr bo made before ihe firel day of Febru- ary in each year, and the .ale ia to bo on tho aecond Monday of June of every eecond year. i j lly an act of March 9, 1771, the clear! yearly vulueof allealatcs (which aecms to exclude unseated lands, as bavins; , no clearly yearly value) were aascHsi-1 bio for tho Biipnort and maintenance ofi tbo poor, but by tbe act of April 15, 18J4, und perhaps earlier, they were included in the lint ol taxable proper, ty, and by act of January 80, lSu'2, P. L. page 8, they were made subject to sale, in Columbia Coiinlv. tor the tioor tuxes. And the returns of tbe unpuid, ti,v..a Ql.n..l.l nln k.. l 1. . . .". 1 ... r ebriiary first ill eilcb year, i . n- ,l . , a. fi a, t i 617, for the regulation and COIltillunce of a sj stem of education by common schools, unsealed lands were subjected to taxation and sale lor non payment nc . i . , . . .. 01 11,8 tvboul ,llIt,;, lue' '" county taxes. Thus, seated and unsealed lands are tuxuuie, anu are suojecleu lo a sale by tbe County Treasurer for non payment of assessment lor county, road, poor, and school taxes. 9.1 a II I a,.- - 1.1 to a sale fur nnn.nivm.nt nf t.,v..u. and tho taxpayer is not entitled loany , claim for three hundred dullura fr tn . i ... i'V " ui yi i mgu n utn nio p sporty it (Wired fur taxt-, vxcejd that . u v V pnilteu WW vr- tiHcmontH. 3d. The tax Willwlnr miiHt mln mnnd lor ihe amount due for tax, and if the same is not paid within thirty days from tbe timo ol such demand, and goods and chatluls sufficient to satisfy tho same cannot be found, such collector shall bo authorized to lake tbe body of such delinquent and con vey him to tho jail ol the proper count)-, such tax, together with the costs, shall be paid or caused to be paid, or until ho shall bo otherwise discharged by due course of law. And the collector needs no other authority than his war rant, non payment aller demand, and failure to find sufficient goods and chat tels. 4rb. The tax collector is to demand and receive from tbe person named in bis duplicate the sum wherewith such person stands charged ; but the goods and chattels ol any person occupying any real estate shall bo liable to dis tress and sitle for tho non-payment of any taxes assessed upon such rcul es tatoduring his possession or occupancy, and remaining unpaid, in like uiuiiner as if they were the goods and chattels of the owner of such reul estute. The tenancy must be for the current year, otherwise tho goods are not liable. The taxes must be assessed during the tenancy. As our taxes are always as sessed during the month of April, and when the tenancy lor tho yeur is fixed, there is usually no difficulty in determ ining whose goods are liubletodislress. On this point collectors should be prompt and vigilant. If the tenant h. lo pay tlio taxes, there is no hardship in making him do to in goisl tini j ; if bo is not so liable by the terms ol his lease, ho can deduct the amount from tho rent due the landlord, und thus no wrong is done. 6th. Property of the tenunt or of tho landlord can be seized by the col lector anywhere in bis township or district. It need not be on the prem ises. So, in default of goods, tho body ul tho owner may bo tuken, but the body of tlio tenant cannot be taken for tax on rcul estate, becanso he is not the person in such duplicate named. Neither can the goods of tho wile ol tho owner of real oslalo bo distrained lor taxes. II you tako tbe body, bow. over,lt is possible tbe wife may redeem it with her goods. A' or can the goods of tbe wife of a tenant be distrained lor his own taxes on tho'luml. Hut while, tho body ol a tenant cannot be tuken for tho real estute taxes, it can bo for bis own, and may be redeemed by tho goods of bis wife, if she has any. Glh. If the Sheriff or Constable have a lion or levy upon tho goods tho col lector is postponed to their prior right ; and if the tux-payer die, tbe collector it placed in the list of unsecured cred itors, and takes his chances with them. His warrant it dead at to tho dead man ; and la not a lien on tho property of tho living before actual seiauro. j 7lh. In the absence of goods of tbe 'owner or tenant within tho township, 'out of which tho tax can bo made ' lor if thore is such proporty tbo tax I must be mado out of il then the col- lector may take tbo body of tbe owner, or be may return tho lands so assessed to tho Commissioners ol the respective county; and the said land shall be sold as unseated lands are now sold in satisfaction of tho taxea duo by tho said owner or owners. Thia term should bo made before tho first tlay of February in each yoar, Ihoith for seated lands there it no express pro vision. If there was personal property on the premises which tbe collector might have seized, tbo sule confers no title. Hut be cannot twite the prppcr IV ol a stranger. 8tb. There should bsi nodifBoulty .... a. l""l-,c".c.:m,Hl.ttU.,1 ,ttIld9,,,,, itself taxable or not, ts subject ,.,, , , ..... ... whatover about tho collection of taxed fin lands, when seated ; but it is Just hurt) that the negligence of collectors mukes tlio niin-l. Tuxes assessed aro mil liin timn real estate any inure than llio wurraiit of tliu collector ia a lien niion personality. Nor doca a ru- jlurii lo tlio ( niiily L'onimiwsiiiiiLm t ro- ale a lion for the tuxes upon the lands . . i . i , assessed, nor van tlio lands lie followed 1 into tho hand of u suhsi in n! ownur I -. .... , ,uviiiniii- . n in- w wurrant. Parsons vs. Allison, 5 utta . . n i . v . i2; Hakinv. KiHinlx, ibid 76: Mooro vd.MailOSinUIHB; I.urd vh. Uun,. & , w.tu 412. , M"ru fill' ymr u". 111 ' '"80 ,,f Sl'w ll'"un J""1" I TillniiHn miA 'I'Iktm iy,.r i " ' ',r UX 1UWl aulliDriZU UI. UjijxM'lMMt mil t tif tla j'riir'fl tax Itviwwii diflcp out purnoiift ulio ntihi hupjtun tube ou ntTs in tho I'tiui-Hu uf ft yinr, nml u p)ftlcm t! that kiml would hi product ive of givut inrtnivetiicTii o mid ton- i " ""I"" ""-, Willi t:ie UllU'D "k luv:r " ee iten '" e!,;,in if 1,0 B"' w cbattel. are l" 1,e found' lu abort tbe collector can look to no other peraon."" Tbal was the caic of a nale by the 0WIll'r "'I'' ll'0 ai.aem.meni, and before l'ie appeal, aud the court decided that 'I'0 purchaser was not liable for tbe '""cs of thut jeur. Nor of course could tbe tenant be, becaime the tiixen were not uoKcimed duiiiij; the occupun cy. Tbe reraetly ol tho tulleclor is against the former owner, the person who ia named in the duplicate; and Ins liinperiy or person anywhere in ' l'i township is subject to the warrant ..i i ..I 'i'i i... i w, ..iv vmii.iwi, . uu unr ner n uo uas been VBBesserl syilh trrfi irnperty does nt uiH-ttpu ihu puynu-iit of thu tux bv a oulo of tho property, uitlit-r by bint sell or tbo Sheriff. , Oil,. And tho nrinciole that a suhse. nuent purchaser is not liublu for taxes . awesHed against the land in tbe hands 0f a ..(,. owner was applied hv the present Cbiel Justice lo Inn, I . hsmr. ing ownership by means of a Sheriffs sale in Sineich vs. the County of York, 18 Smith 430; and il should now be considered settled that "luxes due fur 1 J 1 e. against the owner or occupant. liurd vs. Humsey, 9 S. 4 K. Mil 10th. It is often inquired, "what shoiiM tne collector do In the case of a prior seizure by the Sheriff or consta blu of the personal properly ?" If the debtor bus returned three hundred dol lars worth, the collector run seize tbat; if be has not retained anything, the collector should seize all tbe personali ty there is, and hold il subject to the existing levy, by which he may make bis tax. For by the seizure he gets a lien on the goods, aud anything over, either in money or goods belongs to him. ..In llin. ca" trf-rim! rij,tr..i,i i,v tho Sheriff there seems to be no reme dy, as against tbo money raised, or against the land in tho bands or the purchaser; but tho former owner is personally liable, and must answer, in g.sads or hotly, his share of the public burdens. John (i. Kuzm. March 27, 1877. I'll A VINO ACAIXST GRASS HOPPERS. PIloClAMATIoN ON tHl SI IUtCT TIT TIIK oovkrnor of minnesota. Stateof Minnesota, Executive Ps- ) fartm knt. St. 1'aul. April 7, "77. j A general desiro having been ex pressed by various religious bodies in this State for an oflieiul designation i.f a duy ot fasting, humiliation, and prayer, in view ol the threatened cnMin iialliili of tbo grasshopper scourge, I do hereby, in recognition of our de pendence upon the power and wisdom of Almighty God, apHiint Thursday, Ihe 2Gih day of April, instant, to be observed for such purpose throughout the Stule; aud I invite the people, on tho duy thus set upurt, to withdraw from their onlmiirv pursuits, and in their homes and places ot public wor ship, with contrite hearts, beseech the mercy of trod lor the sins of the past mid His blessing upon hu worthier aims of the future, lu thu shallow ol the bs'iist plague, wlnase impending renewal threatens desolation of the land, let us hum My invoke for the efforts we innke in our defence the guidance ot that baud w hich ulonu is adequate to stay "the pestilence that wastelh at noonday." Let us pray for deliverance from an affliction which robs the en rlh ol her bounties, und in behalf uf the sufferers therefrom let us plead lor comlort to the sorrowful. healing tor thu sick, smtor for the perishing, und larger faith and love for all who are heavily laden. Let us moreover endeavor lo de serve a new prosperity by a new real isation ol the opportunities vouchsafed us, and a new consecration to those things which make fur the well-beingol men and the glory of (iod. J. H. PiLLsiit ar, Governor. Hr.svr Failure at Milton. The MilUminn of last week says ' our town has been very much excited Ibis week over ihe financial liiiluru ol Col. '1 bos Swcnk, a merchant in this place lor forty years, ami who bad thu entire confidence of the community. Dealing in grain at a loss is tlio assigned cause of the failure, which is said to be a dis astrous ono. Many parties suffer through the failure, having endorsed for and loaned money to Col. Swenk. Among them aro sumo poor people, who can ill afford to lose even the small amounts Ibpy had invested. Geo. Ilaker, Esq., wo believe, is the heaviest ' loser. Tbe lailuro has producod a pro found sensation here aa Col. Swenk had always been considered ono of our, shrewdest aa well as soundest business men. Ten years ago ho waa supposed lo be worth at least fitly thousand dol lars. We aro aorry for Col. Swenk, still mnro sorry for tho poor people who lose through him, and aorry for every business nian in the community, all of whose financial atanding is In jures, by tbe downfall of man sup posed to bay so stable as Col. Swenk." IS HE A REPUBLICAN UAHK Oil A WUHi. That able aeamaii, Dick Thompson, who ba been iranalurred from navi- Kutiiif a lair ufllcti ttl Terre Haiito U the management ol the United Staled I Navy, seckd relief fnna tbe cured ofl Ui Mwiiinii an Ancient Mariner In the (vmeniul occiiiatinii ol'iipiiiiiiiii( apun yarna about the Whig party. Thin i 'natural, Hi' wan lnho-uin ut Waali-I .il lite toft murmur ol tbe rippling Wsbush, thesigh ol the tall sycamores that droop above it in tbe west wind and tbo memories of rambled among tbe paw-pa' hushes of the Indiana woodlunds. The thought of the battle ground of Tippucauoe, thut fatal delta with a river on either side and a gor geous government fencu for a sale giiurd, was ever in his mind us he sal on the parapet ol the High liridgeaiiif distilled the briny teur into the li'lu-waters ol thu I'otoinuc. Ami thinking ol Tippecanoe and Tyler loo be was re minded of Ihu Itepublican party and President II axes, and his lamenlulioiis were redoubled, lint suddenly the idea struck him of executing u piece ofjuglery between the old and Ihe new. Tbespirit uf tbe Whig parly hud entered into Republicanism when the Whig organization perished. Why oould nut tbe soul of liepublicauism, now that iu body, lotteti and diseased, is marked loi span-dy dissolution, trans migrate into the venerable niuniiny ol Wbiggery? Tliutnslho Whig party escued the responsibility for all its iniquities by becoming metamorphosed into the Ijcpnblican parly thu tulter might avoid answering for its crimes by a retransfurmatitin, like an Irish getitlcuiau dodgings bit creditors by a mock funeral. "Go to," said Jiick Thompson, able teaman ; "the way out of our difficulties is for us all to turn old-lino "Whigs." Kor the bene fit of the present generation of Amer cans bo has kindly condescended lo explain through tho columns ol the Wuehingtou Notion what it means to be a Whig; anil tbe Secretary of the Navy is curlaiuly qualified to speak upon such a theme, lor in smoothness of lace, dignity of bearing, sonorous ness ol Voice and tenuity of coat-tails uo resembles the statesmen of the timo ol Webster, Calhoun and Clay when neither the scalawag, Ihe scholar" nor tbe "Christian" was al lowed into politics. In the opinion of this able exponent the (animal princi ples of Wbiggery are these : "Ut A national currency founded on a bimetallic standard, aiidautticienl lor the wants ol healthy trade. "2d A system ol internal improve ments, such as private capital is pow urlese lo construct, hut which is essen tial to tho development of the coun try's resources. "3d A tariff sufficient to keep em ployed such tnaiililaeturiug establish ment as are already iu operation, aud ! put in operation sucn new industries as will lend to develop tbe natural woullh of ibo country and create a balance of trade in our favor." In this formulation ol political pre cepts there ia set lurth the financial and commercial policy on which ihe Itepublican party has acted, aud through the influence ol which tbe country has been brought to tbe verge of ruin. Tbe sassvutial difference be tween Ibo Whig party which is to be organized and the Itepublican pally which it ia designed to succeed lies, however, in tho sentiment which it to be fostered towards the South. Re publicanism was sectional, and thrived on injustice to the Southern Slates and prospered in proportion as it dissemi nated hatred of the Southern eople. Wbiggery is designed to be national, aims not merely al justice lo the South but at securing fuvors for thai section, and hopes to succeed by winning tbe friendship ol the Southet n people. Tbo men engaged in the new movement even go so fur as to promise a vast sys-.em of exclusively Southern public works iu utotiemeiil for the loss that the South bus suffered through the wur. Only m proportion as Republi cans uru capable of lorgelung their sectional feeling and laying aside thu bitter memories of the rebellion is the prospect of a new puny feasible, and it is the fact that the record of Repub licanism is so distinctively the record ol reconstruction that it makes thoovei throw ol the old organization seem tie cessury lo the pioneers in the construc tion of the new ouu, Tne sucritice is essential lo preserve uu uppearuueu ol Consistency, ifoimnibonng that Dick luoiiiisou has long btxu under Sena tor Morton, ike Chiul mall uf thu Re publican party in Indiana, and bas written Its various and vur ing plat Ibi ins for years, his manifesto is otie of tbe moat significant signs of the limes. If the new parly bo organized, how ever, il is pretty certain that its creed will contain, in addition lo those arti cles given above, a declaration in favor of restricting the suffrage. iVcio Yurk IIVM. THE GOSPEL IN POLITICS. We thought lust seek that Wendell Phillips hud jollied thu Methodist New England Conference, or the Confer ence bad joined Wendell Phillisi. A series of resolutions, denouncing the policy of conciliation, was introduced into the Conlurenoe, and received with great applause. Kefleclion led tolheir modification, and Hie resolutions final ly adopted were precisely opposite in spirit and purpose to those introduced. They breathe tbe spirit tl the gospel into politics, aud pledge the prayers of the Church "that our loo long disturb ed country may again enjoy an era of good leeling, peace and prosperity." The lime lias come when good men ought to encourage every bonest effort lo restore good feeling between all sec tions of this lately distracted country. We expect Wendell Phillips to scold and fret as lonit as the breath it in hnn. Indeed, be would not breathe long If he could not hrealbuout threat- umtigs and slaughter. And, as air. Lincoln said of another, "il pleases bun and hints no one else." We are not aware that any community, or measure, or party, was ever Influenced by tbo brilliant aud bitter oratory of this unhappy gentleman. Hut we ex pect other things from ministers of the goiol of peace. Benjuiniii Franklin aaid "there waa never a good war nor a bad peace." This it not aa nirfect a maxim aa inanyolheraayliigtot "poor Richard." Hut It hat in it a great truth which Christians may lay lo heart, and act upon safely. It it always wise to ttndy tbs thiii gt that make lor ptwotv It it' never wrong to pour oil on the waves of ttrile. Bat it Is not the part of wlsn and good mon to alir up conten tion and to denounce the worka of those who are seeking to conciliate bisuile factions and establish order and peace. It is to this end that we have so earnestly and frequently urged the most intimate and friendly relations between the Northern and Southern ternal correspondence, which will be promoted hy such resolution!, aa were adopted by the New England Confer ence last week, We have greatly re joiced in the resolutions adopted by both the Northern and Southern Pres byterian Assemblies last spring. It is in tho power of tho religion denomi nations to contribute largely lo the pacification of tho whole country, and it is obligatory upon them lo expend ull tbe energy ot Christian principle and holy love in this blessed work. Nor must we be discouraged by insane ravings of such men as Wendell Phil lips. They bave their exact counter part in Presbyterian ministers iu the South, who insist upon "preserving separation." The Church of God must march over these men to ibo triumph ol Christian oneness In the fellowship and service of their Head. If Franklin was not accurate in say ing there was never a good war or a bad peace, il is certain tbat Christians are never wrong when they stand up boldly for tbe peace and harmony of the Church, of the country and the world. In the existing condition of human nature, there will bo war enough without help from the Church. There is no cull lor tho people ol God to fan tho flumes of civil strit'o or to "preserve the separation" of tbe Church. Such measures and such de sires come forth Irani the sinful lusts and ambitions of the ansanctified heart. The fruits of the Spirit are love, eace, fellowship, oneness. Alienations, con tentions, and divisions are of tbe devil, Let tta work steadily on toward that glorioua consummation wbicb faith layt bold of in the promises of the future. A. T. Oturtvrr. AN A DAMfT ON HA YES. . There has just been published a let ter to Mr. Tilden from Charles Francis Adams the eminent statesman of Mass achusetts, formerly minister to Eng land, once tbe Free Soil candidate for Vice President, and universally recng ulna! as one of tho foremost men of thu country in literary ability, politi cal knowledge, breadth of slatcnian ship and integrity of personal charac ter. Hit opinion thou Id carry great weight witb it among the rank and file of tbe party of which be was once a leader, aud its words are a stinging rebuke to Evans and Schiira and l)e- veut and Key and their associates, who, pretending to have at heart the purity ol national politics and the pub lic good, bave given their adherence lo a fraudulent administration and have accepted placet in tbe council of a man, who, at Mr. Adams trenchant ly says, "must forever carry upon his brow the atamp of fraud first triumph ant in American history." This tbe letter which Mr. Adams wrolo on tbe day that Mr. Tilden should bave been inaugurated : Boston, March 5, 1877 lion. S. J. 7if(ffi, AesJ J'or. Mr DzaaSib: On this dry when you ought to be 1'rusi dent of the United States, 1 seize the opfiortuiiity to bear my testimony to the calm and dignified manner in wbicb you bave paused through the great trial. It is many yeans since J ceased lu bo a parly man, hence 1 have endeavored lu judge of public affairs ami men, rattier by tnetr merit than the name luey take. It Is a source ol gratification lo me to tbluk that 1 made the right choice iu the late election. tiwul nnvr Anus tWa recon ciliated to the elevation y (Ac tmnllrsi aid of mine of a perton AomwcT resjwctabU in private life it ho must amy upon nu oroa tne vamp or trawl Am tnumvn ant in Americanhtatvr). NnsUBsiQttNT ACTION, HoW li VIB MERITORIOUS, CAN WABII AWAY LETTERS Of THAT RKCoaU. Very ltcs(ocllully Yours, C'UAS. FuANCIS AVAMS. These are pregnant words and worth) lo sink deep in the hearts ol the writer's countrymen. They come Irom tbe lineal uesceiidant of two PrcsidauL aud thu lather of sons wbo have done no disci edit tu their honor ed family name. With no affiliations with Mr. Tilden and no sympathy tor thu party of w hich be was a candi date, Mr. Adams marks the inaugura tion ot Ihe liaudulint admiiiistratii n with Ins declaration that be made no mistake in supporting Mr. Tilden, that the administration ol II a et must tor ever bear the stump of fraud and be a standing reproach to the national hon or, and that uo subsequent act, how ever meritorious, can wash away the letters of its base record. At Ibis liniu, when patriotic men are likely lo be misled by the acta of the adiumistra lion lo a false estimate of its motives and lorgctluliicss ol lit intrinsically fraudulent character, the publication ol Ibis letter comet liko a truiniet blast to fix their attention upon the ig noble spectacle of "Iraud triumphant" perrHinitied in Hayes, and upon the "letters of that record" blazoned Umii all the deeds ol his administration. Lancaeter lntrlhgencrr. Tbo San Francisco Mail uaea plain English. It says the Attii and other papers that speak ol the magnificent opportunity which California presents to the new comer, lie in a very gratu itously criminal way. "Tbe unvarn ished truth is," it sayt, "that our labor market is slocked to overflowing, and every fresh arriving train but adda to tbe miserable multitude tbat waits, suffers, starves and finally flghta iu desperate way east again. Mon of braim and culture, good clerkt, excel lent aocountanls, businessmen of undo niablo energy, mochanics ol ability, walk the streets In dumb despair." ' Westward hoi" it the national tune in California at well as New York, and workmen had better keep atop to the music wherever they are. To tbo young man wbo ia about to pat bit college education and trunk on a Cali fornia train, the Mail cries "Stop." Ves, let bim ttay where he ia, and if bo can find the chance be wants, let bira take tbe chtnee tbat offers. PaoORiss. The modern " Radical process ot conntiiiar one man In. and another out, by a Commission, will no doubt result in a nsw plank being placed In tba next Radical platform, lt'a so bandy I It Its at Washington, and adopts Itself o lb warm latTlacU ot Nsw OrUans, as irtll as at tbe Capital. APMINIslTllATOtt KOTTCR. Matte ts hereby finathet LeUerseTAd miaietrettoc aa lbs aat.te or Wat. T. THORP, Isle of sarameroed lowaakls, CUalald soenty, Pa., deeeaved, bavlag bows duly f rested w the ana.raifed, all pereoae ladebled te said aetata win ,! mahe Immediate seymoat, boo loose baaing elaiws ar demands agaisat lbs Basse will praertl them properly sutb.etleatod I" eotUe mvnl wllbonl doles. CHARLES THORP. - ow.rApr.l It. TT tt. AdmiidMraSor AOWINUTM AT1IHB" NOTICE. N.tiee Is berobv uvea tbl Lei tare af Ad on ibe estate f WILLIAM SELL, l.l. of sireeawead lowseklp, Clearlest Ca., Pa., de-'d, baa iaa ba d-df stabled fa tbe aadaf' egad, all tjeraons lLdebts4 so raid aetsfe will MllMltUM SUV M4b - AM PTO.N USLL, -v. L. UOoVkst, Bower. April Is, HIT t A Jmlomraiws. I Vltl:A-.VTlCM. . j doe K. Hnt-BsKss vs. Cara'tsB Bbcb.kbb. Is tne Conn of Common Ph-es of Claaru.ld Co., J... 71, Marell T., 17. Al. oob. Bar. inverse. Ta I'eth.rise ll.ub.kor : Yua are hereby re luind so appear oa the first Muad.y of Jbbb, 1117, la. sbuw eaeea wby a drao vf divorce abuald Bui be made agaiart os la the aaaea si.l.s raae ws si.mlslBl al Joe. K BrBUekor. AM.Hk. I-KKTZ, Jr, Mimf. April li. 1177.41. ivoklk moticu. -MUtlLaJ NtUsBB ti Uri M.LLIB. Ia the Ceart af Cowm" Plea of Clearfteld aa. N'. dels, Marb T IU77. b-b. tier. Divoraa To Lavi MUler: Ton are hereby rea, aired to appear an tbe tral dey af tbe Mat lerin af Ibe Ctsurt mt Commou Plea af Clearfield aoaaiy, lo aba eauie why a deena af dirurra abuald Bat bo Bde ageinet yoa In lb abuvo atated aaa aa eutpptatot of MaMMe Millar. ANtiRlfW rlfNT.t, Jr., ikeriff. April ti, 1677-41. HK;lTi:f NOTICE. Notaoe ia bareby gives tbat tba following ae- oohbii have bwea aaaaiiaadaad paaead by ee.ead rraiaiB lied of reword la tbia oho for tba ia- apcetioa of be in, legate, orodilora, and all atbera IntirraK'd, and will ba protested to tb Beit Or phaaa' Ciwt al Ctearflald aonaty, to bo bald at tka L'oert Honaa, ta Ibe koroagb of Clearfeld, aeea n.ttiog oa tbe Sd Hmmdmj tba I let day) ui M, .. ti. I Bf ? i Partial Aceouat of George II Woodia. Adoaiaie Uatvrof ihooJtdUaaf D. C. Uaret, la't f the borough of lloaiadal, Clearfield Co., Pa., dee d. rental Aeooant KU w, OeUitbet-. AdMiaUtra. tor af ibe tUa Hag tialleber.lauef Cbat lowaahlp, ClMrfleld oanty, Fa., dee'd. Partial Aeeuant af Jaaiaa J. I MfKea, Adais i sir i era of tao aetat ot lest Met., Uu of Kaui low oab ia, CIarAld aowBtr, Pa.. dee'J. Parhai Aeeoant of Mile PeUuB and tie. Wi, Adanniatraior ot tb aetai ot Jaaob Wiae. Iat r Mrr.e two . Ltearfield Co.. Pa. dee d. Final Aeoau4 vf M B. Kpaobaiaw, Adtaialatrator ot ik eat f &aja.B fpae4aaa, lata af wicarat-id ataa'y, ra , dte l Fiaal Aceoaat af Wa Mider. AdniaiatFtir D H N. 0. T. A. of tb taiof Juaa Ktdr, lata af t'oeiiigtuB twp Claarflvid Ou., Pa-, dee'd. Uaardtaa Aobi al Znekorlab MeNaal.gwardiaa af Kama Peata, itWrwrtr Iibbm Mstaual aa l iba baire al Wa A. Momm, tat al Carwaa- vlll borvagh, Clearfield Cu . P , t'd. L.J MOKOAX, Apr. tJ ta Hoffiatar A IUerdr. 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Fact fur lb Farmar Put for tb Merehaat Facta Tor th Hreaaa FaeU rr the Htotb rttikwt Kaet for tbo Powltry-Borpor Faeta for lb B-berptrFaaU for th lsawyr Fat for tb Laborer FaeU for tka Doeur Faatatar tbe I-etryman Facta for th Frait-raisor Facte fur tb UardfBr Fad for tbo IIoaabold Facte for over? faally wbo want ta aava aoaay. FACTS FOB AGEUTS. That ibi U tb aoit lnprtaat adror' iaeaeat J tva-liseam. sviag uf atm enuw W nak aenay aver offarad. Tb prwaa nd r.-a it, yor awn paper ftd'r lt,crery on doraa it. Tfci Book of tin 19ti Cfi&tmy. Male and female agrnte aoining money an 11. Send to ss at ease sod gel elrralars free. INIIHAM. SMITH A BLACK. 711 Wala.l atn, Pbiladalpbia, Pa. aprll.'77lm TBI A I, I.IHT Llat.f eea-os sol doa for trial at eecoad weak U'lk day) al May terns, is,l i W. p. A L. Aasoeia'a re. iBoses Natey. W. W. Wilaoa,taaeva 1 e. Wrigbt A Co, tleo. B Logos va Tbe T. A C. B- R Ca. S. A C. Hartebora ts. Tbe T A C. K. R.Ce. C. Poaimora a dona. Ilariabora. Aadraw Paain, Sr. ea Wm. Coriey at. al. Semi llag'rty'a beira ve. W. V. Wright atl d'a. J. 0. Ilavia ve. Kiebard Ximsob. Ooorgr tl. Hill vs. Hill A Clark. Jamas L. Hill ve. Hill A Clark W 8. Ulekey ve. J. W. Devia. t. B-Kooker v. Jba DaBoia. J. W. Lseora vs. JohB DaBosa. Lasarwl Mayer as Wm. W. IrwiB. Uao. M. BnebiB ve. Tbe Pewa'a B. B. Co. Ira B. Sullma aa Bloom A Erk.rd. Samsal Wideaslra ve. Jeca. I'e sar. Cnasmsa A Snwe ea. Iaaae Oalaos. W. 8. Head A Bra's VS. Samel Merokey. 1. A. Ilaf, Uaardiaa vs. J. E A J. 0. Kratser. ELI BLOOM. ProlkowoUry. Liar op dl'RoiiH. List of J.rort draws for May tersa, A U. H77. oommeaeiBg os tbe Id iih oay ao aeatloke lor two weeae t OKtSk jeuoBB. Jok.lWltk. Bloom ia, He. Emartek, M. H. Ulker, Brady tablay Tbora. Uwreaiea Joe. Keaieger, " I'I. W. 8ayde, " W A- Barr. Ulearl.ld I Uro. Ardery, MerrU Moo. Yoaag. M A. Paiaur, Oeeenls I. it. Lous. M. 0. MefeUv. " Altred Vlrard, C.. gl..,K.W. Mo.NW, sr., Pike ise. ailer, uuakeo wa. T IrwiB. " IHo'l Cariey, UrUam i t. McKradriek. 0 McCraekek, trsvkw'dlNatbaa Lraee, Vaios Oao siaaley UoHek !reMiaaodsk.ylor.lBaav. Uee W. McColly.Ue.ieb J.W. .lesaadar.Waoel d TBareasK it aoas 1st waaa. H L. MeQbea. Bell I A. Baaghmak, Deoalar a7m. Newcomer, Ball b kai ubart. sam I Lemberl, Buggs Jobs Boca. Br.4i.rd Uav.d U. Lias Brad Joe. HrberliBg. J f. Mclbollud 11 H ary knew, " J. A. doboMoa, " Pa. I.I a.aaas, - A. Meflarvey, Tkeet Wm. Kabea, Covlaaiet jtlaa Slraw, Porgaak Jos Brsaaikger, Utrarl H. U. M -rrow. Uo.bea U"ka A. ratios. " jOII'er ll.blar. Or.h.m lEIU. W. Erase. " I Edward Coarad, tlaliok IT. VauDaaM. Uoaiadola Uaa'l Oooduader, Joe. S-yler, er, " F.N Hoekeunerry,Bark- Jao B, ll.wilt, llnatoa .id. tenaablp Wm Cos knot Jno.PleraiB,enarfield Ales. Heed, ar, Uw'ee Jobs Porter. " IJobo 0. Seliryver, " D. . Waoaer, " IJosaOglea. " 0.11 WatavB. w jlUrvoy PMamose, N s. aabippia. uarwess lliJ. s. sates. Uea. V. Naaaer, It. K. Morris ililnorl Tuaor.Jr.Neab'g A. C. Mooro, Prna Jobs StMewr, t'aioa U. d. Elmo, Woedw.rd E M. Tbompaon " lie... Ketileberger, " a. 8. Halt, Pecatar E Us Walk, Hocid P.lrieb, " Va.VBBSK JCSott Js WirB. Geo Ulltoa. Bieeeria IS. B. Taylor, fleabea Jere Cooper. " jJaa. E. Urabaua, " on. Fk.l Boggs ! Oao W spies, tlalieb gdw.rd Palo, BralLird'J . Oilligan, Jordaa Vainer. Boock Rrbard. Eaos ta 8. Wrignt, Brady Andrew Wall, Wm Helta, Bernsido Wm Eaad, Chkrtcld F K. -mlih, E C. Bead, " Jno. Ilnlihak M Jaa. McE.k, Obeet J.W.Scenwar, 14 a Biglemaa. Covington Jacob M.ieb, Peeatar J L. Thompaeo, " Jeha Leigey, alirard Silos Beer.. Law rasa a J. B. I.vtle, " 11 li Irwte, . " I. A MeSrsda, II. P. SoWiM, M l.tor Mover, Morris Jobs Hoover, " Iaaae M.rtla, Newtmg H. P. SUady, Oeoeolt Jaa Cloary. jr , Pvsa James Caldwell, Plks II II Baagbm.a.Woad'd J..ha W. KaSrny, Paws AHERICU CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLE tors) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete In 18 Volumes. ' Inllrely re-wHltea-10 ik preaaat tia. Rftrytkleg kroagbt down llleat rated throng Hoot witb Over 3,000 Illustrations Bold iraly ay eabaenptiak. II te kol obligalary take all tbe eolamae at okoe k volame may be dellvores aoea k moatk, ar eaoo la two moalai f Ok teals a day, tbo pries as a eifsr. will Base fee a eel af CfcXOPEUIA ON A BI-MoETHLV SUIISCBIPTIOK ta Uea lba tkroe fears. Taoo rbeea will ba saosolblag swbrtaatlal earad Bad k eeeraeeaee af baawsxige, tadeed k OBlveraal library la Itealf seektad, wltb Sot little start ar aaaritea. PRICE AND STYLE OF BINDIria I ror Iftrk Cklk, pec e!.J. ..,., .,.... I M For Library Loslbsr, per owl . S St For half Turkey Moreen, pair vet t St For baaT Isasia Eitra sua, srat tel... I tt Fat Fall Merooee Aatlako, fat vel... It M Foe FaU Basela, for vol .... . , tt for fankar atlsrsasask addaasa . : t.u. vaujiktoa, ttUUkneH stasi, IS) Milk Mrssi, " attastSsUPMr. PHtsAkisA p:J Oar ttoa &&ttxtitmttt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllsbod sv.ry Wadaoeday ky GOOOLAN DER & LEE, CLBARPIBLD, r.. The large and conatantly increasing circulation of the Bepublicak, renders il valuable to butinest men as A medium thro' . which to reach the public. Tk'RMS of Slbsckiption : If paid in advance, . . . 1 0 If paid after three months, , 3 50 If paid after six monthl," . . 3 00 When papors are sent outside of the county payment mast be in advance. ADVERTISING i Ten lines, or less, 8 times, . fl 5u Each subsequent insertion, 5o Adminittralor' Koticea, . . 2 tVn Executors' Notices, .... 2 An Auditors' Notices, . . . . . 2 50 Cautions and Estrayt, ... I 50 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 SO Professional Cards, 6 linet, year, n Uo Special notices, per lint, . . . 2- YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One squsre, 10 lines, To squares, . Three sqnares, . . One fourth column, , One-hall column, . One column, . . IS 00 15 On 20 Of 50 1H. 70 OP 1''0 Ol HL,AKV We have always on hand a large itnck of blanka ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPIENAS, EXECCTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, " LEASES. BOND, FER BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, 4c, c. JOB PRINTING, Ws are prepared lo do all kinda of PRINTING . rl'CU AS POSTEIW, PROGRAMMES, . CARDS, LKTTKH HEADS, ENVKUlPES. ( BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, ' CIHCULARS, 4c, io., IN THE BUST 8TYLK, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEPvS BYMXIL ' FOR ALL. KINDS 'of'wdRK ... . . ' d WILL RECEIVE ' ' PROM PT' AT TEN riON. Goedlauder A Isre, - CktrlHi, l- ' f 1 - e - V - ' a" . t Oearfiii Ceuty, Pa. " ' 5otftji1 THE MANSIONlTousr Oernarol saaoondaodMa.katstrwu t LKAttKIM l. rA 'puis els aad eoanmodioaa Hoi.i bM 1 Ibe nasi year Sees ...,.. w ,,, '' former eanaalty for Ik. .asartaitaa.,, u " re aad The b- j, , r.feraisb.d, aod tbe prosrsoto, anu paiaa to reader bia gaoete tomlarUbUaa? steyleg witb hiss. " jatr-rbs -Massles Bonse" Onisika, and from tbs oa 'be arrival aal 1.. oaob sraia i a i . .,!"'"" ESnmaMSdn W ; HA Jr" Market atrcet. ( loaraeid, P., Wm. 8 Bradley, r..urly i,r....i., rf . Leonard II. uas, bartng WoaW tlio f.tS Hotel, aoUstiy a ikaesif labile palr,,, ' , ' U'leaa- ttl la Ibo.'.ugnl. tvptoH . , ,.. fomtanod, and gBMt. w,ll find it a p...,,, plot plaee. Thetoolo will be .op,,Mi e.isU, beet ol e.erytblog la the m.rk.i. ai il. i will ba rosed Ike beal wloae aod Itinera, u, suMing atualmL VI M. o. HbsOLtl SUAW HOUSE, (Cor. ot Markal A s.i, CLEAKrltl.O. r Tka aoderaigned Saving l.keo eb.rg. , ,j Uutel, would reapoetlnlla aolieil .ui.ltr i.airu,. . JI7 . !. i I'LLE stu WASHINGTON llor.-E. NEW H'AJ.MI.iiii,.i n Tba, sew aad well foratsbed koae lu',MI taken by tbe aojeraignod. He leel. eoi.i,j, being able te roadee aaiielaetM.k u. itm .a.. . favor bim witb a eall. May I, 1ST J. II. W. DA V IS. !,,,, LonTuousEr Mate Street, PHILIPoHUHH, PEN.N A Table alwaye .applied witb Ibe beat th. ejirk. afords. Tbe tr.reliag public ia leaped f., rail Job I.-7S. NOHKKT l.dvii Bants. r. . asauts. 0. w. saaoLB. i. ,. sa.t, F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Ha ii ken nnd ItrokrrM, Reyuold'Vllle. JeSenoa Co., Pa. M'loey received on drpttslt. Dienant st u..r derate ratrt. Beaters aod Poreiga al ss ae haod ead onlleetlons promptlv made Hoykoldavills. D.e IS, H74.-ly County National Bank,"' OF CLEAHPIEI.D. PA KOOM In Mamnie Building, one d' or s,ii . C. D. Waiaon'e Umg Siora. e. ..... r:L ... . . ..v.. ,n.B, a.i.erp,.. LjHn,,, Al"'n L""'",, pr" end C., . . . . wr J"i u.t. l r,lto and Imperial b.ok ..f L.doa JA1IF.S T LEONAKP. P,..', W. M. SUAW, Cashier. .',,.,.;, DREXEL & CO., Jia. t stouih Third street. Pliiiaieipkl. u.i.rn Kits. And Dealers in Government Securities. Appheanok by will eoerivv pr.onpi .n.a Moa. and all infMrmation ebearlelly lo.;.h,d Orders oolioled ,,, rntistr). fail ( taf srtlnrlal leeth. - SIA.IH) aaliigle se-l of ArtlUcial leeiU. . tl'. is) Dks. HILLS & HEICIIIIOLD, DENTISTS. rLSSHPIVi ra prvvi Pr. S. M II ilia w.told iDf.tru bi. frii-o I- aid nolirnia (bit a. k.. ....... .t-A .... ki.. .- .l. pra-tiee of d-nli.lry. Dr. J L H. He ri.hi.ld. a "oa bo raa ri-romwest with fun .oraaaaai(iviogatiataort,B it .uil beehanee I " "' "' ae otic Ail aork aroaraalevd u j goa elnlMsa. AM UI.LS ' L "tlCHIIOLD. STEW1ET & BLACKBDEN, DENTISTS, Curweuasllle. t learrlcld t osuty,'a. (Oslsa tn O.tre' New llaililng.) Csiwaoaville, Jaa U. IVTt ly DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OCro is Bank Baildit,,,) CarwenssUle. ClearHrld Co. Ha. aek IJ "t if. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDOS k BEO., Oa Market ft, an sto.,r ( oi MbpU. Ifoas, CLBAKFIKLD. FA. Oar arraagfDB'a are ' f the not iatMlete bs.Fit tor furatabtng tba patli with Frrah wrsuof all hied, and wf rb vary boot qualitT. WaaleodeaJ ia all kiadf A gtieuttaraj lapte avnta, which wa keen we ibii.iitan twr it ba--titsjf th pwblw. Cell aruand wbB IB lawa. aad take a luoa ml tkmga, ot odda ai F. w. CAKUuN A BRO. Clearfeld. P. , Jsjly 14, l7i tf. tRESH MEATSEW SIIDP. The andrlned hen by Informs lbs poolie in geswel thai tbay brep no haod. regu .ria, at ibrirabup. adjoining JOHN tllM.ll'll Siaraitere rooeaa. oppo.iu Ike Cmsts aWasa, aba VS.1T fKKsIt BKgr, rttl. HVTTOS lMB. PUKK. KTV, T REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. Market m-rsiaga Tuesday, Tkarsdiy, and Solorda.s. M -at do Pared al wh.a seaired. A aba .f is re.peefolly k.liciled. Mercb t. Isrt -y. STAUK S NOKBIS. JkEW CABIN ET MAKING IIOP. M. B. SPXCKMAN Dealree to annoanoe to tbe paiilie ibal be kae epeked k CABINET M VEIN. I SHOP IN CLE tltt IKI.D, Where ha will KEEP ON HlND P TJ S JT x x TJ S B , Ard da all bind. , I'lUll'VT rasa i t,v PMK UllMTI RE of ail kis da, ..n abort Bailee ond in Ike k.-rt ..h aisnner. sb .p ok r-.or n aireri, c.rb A H rrall - C.msg. A.ig ,. TS ly JOHN TROUTMAN, DIALER III FURNITURE, MATTRIXSIX A.P Improved Spring Beds, MAKEET STItEEr, NKR p. 0. The nadersigned hega leave I.. Info ihe sens nfClearnald, and the peMie generally, thai be baa on band a Sao eneorimen. ,. t'ornlinra, o"h aa Wslnnt. i'heeisnt snd Pninted CbMnbrr Oaitrt. Parlor Suilea. Serlising an4 E.trn.n.B tlualra. Udtes' ard ll.nls' E.a. Cb.ira, the Per forated Pining and Parlor Cone Seele and . inaair t-naira. f loibe. S.ra. Sl.p aod htlea af.,a Ladder., Hot Rarfco. Sershsing Broebi a, Ae Mot'LPIXll AND PICTI'RK PHAMKt. Looking Ulnaaea. Chromne, Ac. abieb would. .kilehle for Ip.l.d.y pre.-nie. eori7 Jtin5 THOI TMAN READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS STATIONERY Market U. I learlield. tat Iho foal nBre.l rpitg aoderaigned bege Imvo to aan enre la A the eiUseae af ClovSoM and eteiaisy, ibst be baa lltrd ap mb and baa jart rammed rrem Ihe eity with a large secant el reading, ,w pan ol Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blae. aa. Pans Boka ol evorv do senpiion; P.n-r and Envel.M. I'resuh sroand and plan, i l .na nnd I'.nriie: II last Legal Papers. Deeds M..rlgsgrsi Jodgressl. Kaemp Hon and I'r m.a.r, a. nr.: Mbito aud P.rrb. ' -g.i a .p. nrasiro o.p. aad mil tap, Shoot tl .u a... ...I... a ... . L aawetnnlly on bead. Any hewaa ar elanooary dorirMlik.t 1 ........ k. - , j - j - ... vm ......iiia.wuri. by Srat sspreaa. end e..ld ai h..eaahi or relall ' - . .in ... ep periiHSK-ei HterslBra, eaafc aa Magattaea, Newauai.ore, Aa. uaIlim. viaara.ia, aaay 1, 1 -S S-U II. A. KRATZEK, (avccasasi vol , hRATZERtl LYTLE, SBAtBB IB DRY 00OPS, NOTIONS, BOOTS. shoes, LEA1HEK, ' ' CARPETS OILCLOTBS,' WALL PAPER, WWDOW BRADBS, ' mc I ', Maaiet Sxrwet, CWaVrU, IhI v a, aori'sv I