tar UKPU13L1CAN. rl.KARKIRI.I). PA 'fV'NH MAY , let,. Terms of Subscription. ff paid wI'MM.Nr iUn hro hurUi .. $1 a H j1 rSr-" Kr,r' BwafBa.,,,. 1 ...i-iv Adveittih, A -, 17 pMtfc H"i twfhwtM Mre-el, are uur Muly oath'tnted AT ,., Ttrt cite. Rl- I H.ll.l W M'lK M. h l.dui l'.iiUcupol C tiwrr hli. B t. Tie nun Htiir. I'uMic hervtee evr) Pahbah .1 )" A M . ati-l V. M. --tl.l .ih Srhuitt at A. M Cray Me-ttatf m Thursday, at 71 P. M. Onion nin Service Aril Sabbath of every tll A. M. Went rirrlleU M. K. I'hurrh.l.-v. Wv. II. Dili, and J. K. AnnanNoa, Pastor. I'M-m-hiitic ery alurnaie HumtnT, at Hoelorh, I'. M. fun-Iny hotioul al Jt, p. hJ All ara tB ttiid t" aitend. Preabyieriaw t'liurrli Km. fl. 8 Bptlbb. rtabha'b wrTtci to urn nip aad eeeuinf Sab batb School at I P. M Prayer Mooting Wed nee da evening. t fraiicla' Church CathollcRoT, P. I.Hhkhih"- ProachinK! (Of u'elutik, A. U., or the Drat, ibird and toonh Sund)aof aaeb nonth; Veicrand lie odleilun ol ih Hltrard taramoB( ti 7 i.'oluok, P. M. t'UBdii; Hebuul ovory Hub Jay afrfrtttxin at I o'elook. OfKKIAL DlltfctTOMY. TIVI OF KiLDIVa qtTARTRB IBM! OKI O00BT. . Cm nd Monday of Jaooarj. Ihtrd Mooita; or Mnrcb. Fun MuniT r Juna, Fourth Monday of 6(UBihr. iimb or auLDisc cc&mcb rteia. First Monday of J not. Soeood Munday of Novaaabor. roai.10 orricoRB. prfiHtnt l-idf lloa. Cbarloi A Mayor, of i,wk Hvno . A-ittami I " Arf Hon. Joba B. Orli, of (trllrfonui. Ant Jdg Ahram Ofdoo, Claarftaldi Vnr-M H lh.it. HondlanA. - pmth"mttnrm Kll BliHtm. Hwirr Ktcortlr 3. Morgan. Ihtiriei Aitwf W. M. MoCaltiob. Trortr David Mflliaugbay. ndrew Penti. Jr. 0m' 1urtyor--BHi'tl F. MoCloikoy, Car a-pitpvilla. t,mtg Cnmmitinnr$ Clwrh Browa, Claar- ft. trt ; Tbna A. Mtiio, Chant P. 0.; HairU II.Hivrr. (li-arnld fiNfy jtmftfwr OhHrt. J. KrKtTi Hot ; (uml A raldwtll, Wllliamruo ; Jobs l t'onner Burnrido. fVawfy CboMr J B Kff. Kaw Washington. Jurj Ctmmifim'trt Dr. Jxtnat P Burcbflald, Clt-itrhi-d. Jurh Al-iaider, Wo-dward. Stptriutendtm 'ifce SrkouU John A. Or' K'irT, Curocoavilla. A'mWo PuW- d.bn W. Wrliclry, W. Ra dfUujch. Cyrun (lordon, Clearfield; Jorb R. Irwin, N R. Arnold, Corwrnivilta J. J. LUil, Onorola M ilia. - (tor )' onlunn In dacldedly Intortailng In a ! point of viaw, and prt.fltabla rroding to outid- ia b wndi intavo fa-y. Tlio hitits aru cuut ru'relri-unuH nnd traaijia. i - Tliu iww tuiiu'l j;iim iit at midnight and ( an I tt" houi DM itmriitnic." Qnilu a huiiilicr ul t-bildrcii ill ibis tieioliy ar nlflu tfd wiiR acarlwl ln-r. Di.n't tiiil to sco Kluck & l'o.' grcal advtMii uii'ttt. The (.rl.f will aal 'Rltb yua. , CtMirl tOinilU'tiftB till tll 3d Mon day (2li) of tbta muntti and auBiluaaa for two wot'ka. KxSlni.ft- Mfl'ltfl-Mtli .uiming nu il iwift inir Lla iiridtBoo ou Louui at aa. Am'y ilttrwirk ami U. B. Morrill hate ob bad aw ai(n plaetd oer th. Ir ro Bj-eutive i laeoa biinea. Crnqiifl uiclun l.uvo buen planted, an.l th k mo ia vt-ry tarely IsJulged in by thr who have no hmic i-le in do Third Hiruut- will mhui be the benl pavid alioct n. town. Mr. Ih-Mtai M ilia ha rr cenlly UU a new .aviiiitnt along Ibo entire Tb'id airrai front of bia property. Tbu lurgu ttliow-wittdowa at liool' at ore era quite Bt'rclie,epWlly to ho ladiei. Tbe dlf lay uf ) Hog Mylo ot hat ia large and ban'lfome. Ah tbo warm evening draw neur. th rattle brauliea loan oter ibe front galea and w.m ler wbo 1 gntiig to pay their ice cream bill thr o'ltntng aumouer. We art retpiexied tt announce thai Rev W. 8. Wiloua will prraeh in Iba Weet Clear fltl.i M. K. Church next 8athalh avanlng, at 8 v'eluok. Everybody la ordialiy iBvltedtn attend. I Wi Miiior Flunk U. Bull bug been ap- poloteil p..tniMfiir ai Tyrono. la tbo plaoo of Jnutea S PluuimtT, whoa eommiaaioa baa l plrad. Mr. Brll louh obarge of the ottao yealor day, Mny let. ' i "Tim Liceime U'let-liun" was elab- orntefy irealo l In tbo MlenHite WoieiaMa laat wa-k. No l eer in the Wei Ward aad, therefore. Qotbiog lo dr.Bl, and all iravelirs wbo atop at the deuot moat lry." There ih ttull no change in tbe lum ber uiarkft. The river ia low, urobaaera are Katee letow, an: fry litlw tiwber baa jot run. Wbta a flood tioe aom. It ii to be hoped that ibe market will m quite lively. By order ot ibu PueiiiiaBiur (ieneral, U.0 Punoiertere thruughont tbo oouotry ara now writhing nil mail welter revolted at and tor w.trdd nom their renpevtiva ofieii dally. Thiv la o I t kr.i ap hr thuty data, tbo Idea being to fil tbo alrira tbo Rooto Atwota. -.' Tlie liuplihl iMniixsb al Curwenville wa ttro k by llgbinlug aunog too viotib flt u d t Bvemng ai, end but ti r j flight dun age waa d i I - iba i uitlm. Tbia Church hm-bj to bo doomed io do raalou, a only lat tommer It wai a.PhidrMy d)naed by llro. I Tbe Coiiniv CoininitMiiuneiiB are now aad wtil i io aoler lr law day. Ul th"ie wbo reii'lo io iba viamity ol the Court H-o have the r bulaoa (' thoy bio anj ) adjusted b ( re C ar-, aiol b a give h wide berth B their eouotry iilonda oa Court weh, who naid Irui ten t thir'y milo dttnt. From prernnl RppfarHiitea )otaUi buv are lo lo Ike ianth agNia oe en. tner. One of onr einnnr Murm$ oa hat when be I lat-led bia woiaiova the other day. tbe tiibera al-rg ia the la.r-w and aot aa to be n ea ; I oi b a be Bent hark along Iba row lo B'ttor "be i.otal ra, lb bog had joiaed iho Buii heya " ib auwtbeit tow aooteroB to Two younx gtmlkniHii ot Ibia place wml out lo jB'Bidom-ry rew, work, tully dttirwlord on oaihing a large me of imui. lb. tiau pd aU-ni iu ihahruab.mnd and a ar ad day aal oawe borne ro the evening With' it llrb, B -t 'B hMiBI f.(ttV.d f Biueh a a nibble Irum tb "atoekled beaotle" uuriog tbe ntire day. Fiehormoo'i lak," eia , know. No .oul oarda. A couple ol' gentlemen, who live a a'.u.t J iianot a-iiib of town, were preoeowing to their lorn i qtlw- In an night last week, when a c.u Ir at kilgbi of tho road tpped I hem, a h..rt .liatat.ro baluW lb troiahl depot. Uho ol tbe loot aad gut out a rolor, hut wllbool aoy lu.ib.r d- mt.nriraila la the wowla, moving ih gmtlemra lo parauo thaii ouarae homeward am..ried. B-a.eho.ly will gel hart if tbta thing ountmoea, Tbe following new advertisement apwar lo thit Imw for ta iw i AudKot' Noiioe Oaear M.tteheH, Auditor. Auditor' Nolle laraol Tool, Audit". Intolveni Ntiee If rool Toot, lief.'t Attorney Caoiion Frodehok K-blr. Purgeon Donllrl Dr. J. M- Stewart. A.iunaiMrainr'i Notioo Joba H Rooo, Adm'r OM.han Owwri Bale Mra. C. BtBttaBborgef, AnioinUirairli ot -( -f J- A Blotiowhorgwr. P.eeUI Urate John A. aWh. Dry Good, aev T A. Fleoh A Oo. From tbe Hv noliUville I In aid, ol 1atw.k, we mora lhat tbo tfwelliog-hooeo wf Mr. M. R. Rea.ta, fa tbat toat.wai atrttoh by Hgktaiat a 1 harrd-y ttenlng, April lfth.f dar- tn ib retire ibi ader ttoim ihoi prooaltod oi Ibetimo. TbeWemaft.yai Tbo oleoirl Sold tlrurk the eom ol thn rif, oepareled lalo Ibroo rtour rtroam and tea tbroagh every rom lb huildlng. e.p4ne,htallng ibo ato aad eationag lb "( aad AM la every giroell. Ti largr and elegant plaao ooeaped BOinJot Preidaill), Mr. R.yaoldaaod h family ware tala.a at th rtaidrBoo of Mra. aUCIoUaad, oo Oraol atraaL aa tho woaaraai af tho atorm. Wo abaddor la thiak af hat maot have laovHahly TUB toaa their fata had thai boej at boeao wham Ifoa BuitenntunduiU Grvirory tM owned th iHBMtr ! af tb Tmlufi Varseal Behest, at Carweaerllle, I cvatlaaa for period of twelve wevk. i- ii Mr. J. M.Gitt.trd, diUrof ihe Eilen berg ffarWA U tba Clartea Maty oil refl-a. aeed tb Biblleatkia of wail ppr at that 110 at. Monday asmtic Uet, Up! ItpM The irrviit advance in a beat nod flowr U lrwttif u lit mdiim, hat it acliiaii tb frr. This wadekaew, WK Dr. It. V. Wilmm, ol litis Uimuh, wbt baa bvvo Mf'nng fortnaMilaio aHib typbotd frvor, la yri ajolto III, althoegh bpoa ara oeler lainod of bit ultimata rronvory. Contribiitionh in thevarinuHchinvhuai of tbit bIo hava fiathly daraad iba paat tw SuBdaya, Tha aprlng otylaa of Udioa' bait and boanU aro bo tog Intarvtrwrd, and tbla la b oauaoa tbo do11no eburvb ooilaetlaoa. Sburifl Pallia bitHMwtpoiied bia rt'u- tar rah a ui.lil tbo brrt Munday in Juna. Aoovrd tac tu tbo bow tay Law, aa loqulrltloa moat br brld on all property upoa wbiob oaaoailoni nro Uauad, and iba Indmg o ib tnquialtina ma at bo iproTed by Iba Court Owing to ibia laot, bo aaiaa will bo ma da bbiII aflar May Court. Hiking Kahtwakd. Mr. J. K. Soy- Ur, of iba nrm at JuKpR oWytor A Bona, Lulbvra burg, pnaaed tbrougb Ibia plaoa laat M-mday, oo bia way to tbo ally, to lay in tbalr aprtng wpply of gooda. Wo ioarn ibat tbo Ira Intooda atartiBg a atura at Kooktoa, in t'aiua lownablp. Uood luek. Anothkr Larur Kuq, A corren pun dan t bi Ky known tb forma i that Mra. Jarry ll'iofar, Br., of Morrla t?waahiat abowrd bi a bra'a cgf , vblob aba thoogbi would boat Ibat al Mr. Loavy. It airaaorod i Isoboa laBgthwtaa and looboa aronnd, and atlghad four aaneoa, rtroag. 6o far u beard from, Morrla townahip If a bead. A Youthful Weddino. We loarn from tbo Altoona Sum, tbat aa Tuaaday, Iba S4ib wit., Rav. II. Bakor, of that ally, nnitod In tbo boa da of holy wad lock Mr. Owaa Wagaor and Mlm Ilattia Eliaa. Tha ooromoBy took plaoo at tha honao of iba brida partnti, an Twtlfib atroai. Tba brlda't age la flfWaa yean, and that of tbr groom rrvtBiron. No aar da. The Newnort'jn ara calclnntr btin- drcda of ahad to tbt Junlota. Tbat'a tbo p laoo. Tbo few tbat ma'to tb atoant of tbo Colombia dam, ap tbo 8araabauna, find that airaam bwek- add at GrctVa dam and natarally mako their way np tbo Jauiaia anttl tbay eneouatar tbo MtlltratnWB dam, after whieb they ore eaelly en Bred by tba Newportere. i A New Tumk. It baa happened oc- eaali'B4lly beretutoro, la the trial ol caaaoa before Joatiaoa of tbo Poaoo, that the Juatleo, after hear ing tbo evidence, would aovor oloro tbo oaao by eoteriag judgmaai, holding ll oror. By aa aot jiaitod laat winter. It U meda tbo doty of the Joaiioe to ontr Judjtment within tea day a after hearing thweaee, aad falling to do Ibia reader him iiablo lo Indictment for midea.eanor. pKFEATrD. Ctiiitru county took a -ito "B tbo Poor llouao qeeait-n, a few weeka KO. Tha rolo aloud For Por Uoaao," J.AlO ; 'Mgainat Pour liuuao," S.PU3 aluioat two to oar. Souie towoahipa voted aolid a gain it It. Uroag towofbip eat 311 voter M Against" and none For" It. and Ha) on townahip ' ot waa lit 'For" and 1 "Again!" In loealllioa where ibvy pay so Poor tai tbe rotcra oppoaod tbo oroctioa of a Poor H-iuM, Onr Less. John B. RatTurty.a well- known and btgh'y reapevted eltiixB of Pobb Iwb- bip, died on Friday, April Mtb, aged yeara. Hut b few yea re ag b war apparently a halo nd hearty man, and being overtaken with on- aompiion ha waa ooon laid low by tbat enemy of man. Hi funeral waa largely attended, lla waa Iwaya a at riot CathoMe. and died ia tht faith. He leave a widow, thro obildroa, and many t her relative and frieftd to moara hi prema ture death. Tbo Preeidunl td lhuCleurfiidd Coun ty Agricultural Society, in Turin ua that an effort ill bo made ta bold, o fair time thi fail. AgrlcBltural fair, aa a general thing, war fail art laat year, ao dwabt owlog to tbo oxoltomoul uf tbo great Centennial eibihition at Philadel. ohia, but tbero ia an god rooeoa why Clearfield county eboold not have an aihihitloB af bar pro ud ihiafall. that will if properly managed pay be Society for Iti troBble and at tbo tamo lim bo of a growl doai of heoafit lo f-ir.oer aa I elti - en In general. Clearfield la decidedly one of tbe bandaumeei town dorlng lb aammar moaiba to ao foand aaywhaM within tbe border of the tftato, and If tbo propwr f rta warn made aoald ranifirmdiate a aoanaer roMrt thai would draw hundiod of poop I from aiilei ta It quiet hadoa to pond tbo heated toaaoa. ubbm aad Itab aro plenty la tba moaaUta and rtream oh lob aarroBad tho towa, war hotel aoeommode- tioao aro equal. If aot aunoriof, to thoaa of maey of tho foahloaabla roaorta, aad wo thiak umothing should ho done by tatretod partio Ib placing tbo ndvantago of oar Iowa before 'ho eenoral publlo. Who will bo the firatnoaaokoa novo ia thai dirootloa f Dob I aH aaoah Startling Uevklopments! In ref- eroBoo to ib lot aommutiua lo onr towa, abort ff Peata aay tbat 8quir liuw tohi him, Ibat ho hoard Copt McQeughey ky, that Prothoootary Bloom told bim. that Diatrial Aimraty MoCul- lough or r board Chief Burg Leavy aUliog to tbo Tcwb Cuoooil, Ibat tbero waa ao doubt la hi mtad but that Putniatr Oaulin said tbat many utroa tlmwghi, and tbat A W., Walter, K.q uultlvlf roakoa and htliar tbat ft. U.ebaw bad daolared openly lo a large aruwd la hi to- baeeo toro, ibat tbo ProaldvBt or the Agricultural Sofllety bad, la plain term. Bald lhat ba beard Coat table MoClellaa aay, aad It wa generally believed, lhat el-Hberin McPberaoa had latlma tod to bia triend thai many of our bait oil i tea bad told bim that tt woo well-known all over Cloatfield euuBty that Fleck A Co. have tbo beet elected atoek of gooda ovar brought to Clearfield. WberoBB' B, Judge Holt poiilWely declared that any one eaught reading tbl, aboald go aad eg omIoo lb Ib lot af good at T. A. Pleoh A Co.' tore, Market ilreot, Clearfield, Pa. CALOWELL't ILLUtTBATtO ATLA,. bb? ii.LttaT.To .TLAf or cuaariitu eorjatr Tba M.r. etudy ibia pablleailoa lb. batter w. lib. It. We .ailed lb. altrnlioa of .ar Madera ta iif werila la.t week, aad lor rear aoma aay har . B.erlooked "r raraarka, or treated Ibe Mat ter tightly, ar repnelue. abet ae then laid Mr. J. A l aldaell, eltil t B.i.ecr and Mp pob- ll.brr, b.a .boaa at aaMpki m kli ae veibiKl of adwai In, Iba ai. a i. Im.1 ro,r.ihy. Be for. aa are eopiM of bia ailae af Rearer and UrMBa ooautlra, whiab for workauaabip aad ea. (liiMrtn, akill eaanot ao dlMooat. Mr. Ualdarll, far B mall .era, proper. 10 larB'ah Ibe oililoaa nf our taooiy who a .or. tb.l eaa not bo aarputod for beauty aad aklll ..d. It ...died. II .III Make tb. atadral laMiliar lib otrry rlrwai, ro.J, aeatloa. bill, aad rainy j ia Ibr aoofcly. Tbla pub'Malioa la aot aa ordi aary vail Bap, bat a book af oior IS pager, ooatprialng Ibe awl lBt.ii.tlnj bi'ioric.l inol d,ot. of tbo ooBBlyi blojrapblo. al proai.aoat .14 Mlll.ra ralaable euilitunl labkM or popolo tloB, olMtloai, ot.. Map of every ,lae la tba ty ibat baa a BaaM. a Ilk a apeetBi autury ot Mid p IBM. Tbo lo.a.kip. an aaaaaoMeiy Bap- neJ. eboalog ro.da, balldiBga, laraa, wit. ib. oaarr ' anae aad tbo aeerber of aaroo plaiely oriaied aana tb.a, aa ll m iba narM f nery etraaa of aalor ia tbo aeaaly Iroa It. bead lo ll. aootb. A fall baaiaoM dlroalory of Iba aalln ooBBiy, ,lia, .'try a.a'a aaa., po.UBM, aad MMp.li.. Ua, aa .atlla. aap of Ib. Slat, af PeaaeyKeala, aajl Bup et lee uaiiee ...it. ' Tirrtleriea. Mr. CoMwoll aad but a..iUat. propee, M MB bm tbu Maaty let lb. parpMS of aeoettalala a,, aa.y of ear oillaoal will aobMrleo lar Ibo .,k. At leaM MK-lklrd of aar f.ao, eaten .ku Mia tbla taealaobla atlaa.; Tea aubM aaa dMlno t bar. bit MB at d.ahlM tally ,mim) la lb. fooiropby af tbelr Belle. M.aty, .,.1 o.rer bae. a bevMr epaorlaall, la laroal ia oa allaa, Iba Irulu of ableb iU be aalaared aaay day, keaea. It la M aaeb Ibe dot, af Ibe pereat tu edaee'.e bia ablnl OMreeily, a. U tote ,arek M ai ak.lkla and ,raUlea ad M d. tbla area. If . brala aad eye feed ara aa oa llal M a l,.eee body ot bread aad aw an M Iba atoaaeb. Tb..M,lborefaro, aaa aaa oaere t. aban lh.pblMHM..b..ld aa eooltaioa aeMoal loMearl.,11 WapooMH tbe realty teoleu tbat ae otalM e bo eaa af tbe pebllo odaeaaer, of tbto MMloa. aad. laorofero, aaMOM la eee: a le- .... hal amrManeat Bar !. UwH ' Tbit allot a ea. af Iboa. Tba awrgyaB Iba deewe, Iba taey. ba mtmm, tba aaaaaia. a4 tba toborar. all Bead a 'It Menrybad, beaao H aba aau a baa aaytbla, aaeoa tba r-fra- pby af bit oeMtty aad M Mara jo banal. Land Plahtkr I KU baa ju)t rv- ied a aar Wad af Mora 8otU Laa4 Piastar. WuiaT VFawtkd I BOO buriliala ol wheat, tor wbteh tbeCASH ur.U ba m4 d ltrr , at tb tore of A. 0. Krtn.ee A Ca , Clear, eld," He. (majlTT-tr. i i- A womau in Curhulu I ill over a oal and urwhe e of bor leg '-AwW, .do.-if li. Wo hardly know which lo Pit; --ibo woiuaw or the eat. S4i.tI Salt!!-You Riwthlarii eWein'v-.r ov ,rt ff aaKdai 43 & aad H A chaiiK ii' l,tw PtMtimMHivi-Hbip at Tyrone ha prodooed a fenaattoa. J 8. Flu turner out aad Frank Bell la, 1 Ib way It ring under Vt lUv AdoilniBiralton.. . . ; Advertitte in tbe t'LKAKFlaXD Utl'tB biCAR. Tbo advert iaiiig rate aro rwaaooabl, and tb circulation I Ibo larg ot any paper la ibi ooiioB af tba fltat. if. Wanted! 1,000 wirda of Humbx k and Rook Oak Bark, for which w will pay tb bi cheat mark! prloo. jylttf. A. 0. Kbarrb A Oo. At the Republican office i tbe place togetyowr j.b work dona. We ara fuTlly prepared to dn any ih tog la tbo printing lino, will do it well, and at tb right kind of price. tl. The Inrjreet, beat and cheapest lot of ladle' dree good, mtllinry good, muillo, oottooadei, shining, to., ola., ato., ever offered tor tale la Clearfield, ean be oea at Fleck A Co.' tor. For particular and frto, ae aoxt week. Tbe Central State Normal School will open ai Lock liavea, for a aummor tea-m of twelve week, beginniog May 14th, with a foil oorpi af Profr. fit u Jen u doelring to nitand eboold apply at oaeo to tho 1Mb i pa', Prol. A.M. Raub, Look llavoa, Pa. ' may t It LiHt of lutieru reniainln nncbtimed ia tbe Pottofloo at Claarbold, for tbo week audmg April 19, 1877 t Co van, Blleha May, Julia ' 1 White, Jacob ; ( -' Waller, A mo ' . P. A. Gauux, P. M. MoHoary, Llttlo McQuarrle, J. F. A Rrtitrnkd MrnHioRART. An ex- ohaogo aay that Rev, J D. Brown, late Miuioa ary to India, bai bean appointed 8unday-8oheol aad Treat Agaat, within tho boon da af tho Central Pa. M E. Confereooe, at a aalary of tl.MO, In otodiBg houao root. , The Bum of $1,960 wa pledged by Ibo miaiater. - - Clearfield, aa weil aa its neighboring town, eaa boat of now building going dp and otbor mhtaotial lmpruveojnta being perfeetad. During th oomlag umttr, lion. Aaron C- Tato and Dr. B. M. Hobeurer will each build 3ua rail donoe on their vtrpoomv lot oa firt atreei. In Doctor' properly adjoin tbat of Mr. Tale', and waa recently purobaaed by fclm ftam Mr.' Joiopb 6bw. W bell it I hi Intention to pot up a brick building. Mr. Tato'f huuao will be a Iramo ob, tbe otoavaiWa lor whloh be already boon oommeaoed Mr. Qorgo Tbora,ol tbia ploeo, bat tb eon tract for ibo art-etioa of both th building. i t m i ; , Fast Loo Dhivmu. Tbe ileuovo irorf, of April loth, B that Ardell'l log dtlvo of S(loa,fivg, greaUy to tb atottibmout or lum boTmea gonorally, am e(ely landed at the mouth ol Yoongwoman' creek on Tneaday lal. Tbo diiv waa Hnrtod i'urtn oiiup tboreb un der tbo oval rot of Mr. Darld Purely, aulilcd by thirty men, wbo seuuwpllibed tb work, from ib day tboy brko the laaiiag, to aiaetly twenty day. Thi ia tb quick tat time ever mad by aay drive on thai aiream iba lima uaually eon umod being iiy day. Mr. Purooljr deaerv great arcdit. A a kiillul .drivor ho ba ao uporiora, .. i urn a e i Adam-Like. When Adam was diev oovrrod with ibo ppl in hi ntoutft, and wa re proached lor bia tranagraaeiOB, be replied : " The wowao whom tbo gavoat mo, aba gava mo of tho troo. and I did oat." Tbo editor of tb Aliouaa iftrror trie tu got out oj U ia Ibi way Reevietlnlly retorroil to Ibo Holhdayaborg Stumdnrd lor it honed eoonderanon i 'Clear fit id eouoiy men aro not all trnihtul and iba H- PNOfewn wut bara ibo lio iw tb iotelilgvut Cleameia ourrerpoi.leat ol a riltkOurgn morotltg paper, 'ibo rVrjiebiieoo aa) a I be re ia ho truth ia Ibo report thai a woutaa war Led ibai town ul ouontarieiura and ttwl ball tbe ppai wa up IB arm io guanl tba iuii. rvm umr tea a ApHt IV Ceo lb 8Uidmr4 editor afford iw do Ua juetMO f " Wall, it ia a pteUy god idea to blame lb Jpooafnrd now J but that i "too tbia" for Ibia locality. ' " ' ' Barn Burned. A large bank-barn beloagiug W Mr. Praokita Brdlay, Bitoatad in Kai Budato lownohip. Union eonoty, waa horned ta tho groaod on Sunday morning, April JJd Tbo Lewiahorg Vwamof Bay i "The fira wj direovored ahoot o'clevh, wh.a Ibo roof wa alroady la ftamo. Within h wera fourteea hod of eattle, fwttr bone, ooeyearllag-aoll, two ock". ing eolU, and two bw p, all of which war burned to death. There wa alo a Urge quantity of wheat aad oora destroyed. It I oot hnowa bow tba bai Wing took I re. Nona of tho family war aoar It tor at leart aa boor provtoo to th dltoov ory af the flamrt. Il la aald tbat two ireup eroto aooa oomlag fro a tb barn a abort timt bo fbfw tha fie broke oat. Mr. Brdley aad wife wwro away mwm homo, having tft oa Saturday ovealnr and returning on Sunday. Tb Ion will probably amoBOt 10 $3.0v.w , , . Clkahpikld Coal Trade. State meat of Goal and other freight aont ovor tb Tyrono A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rait road, for tbo week ending April 11, 1877, and Iho soma tim but year coil. 1 ' For ibe week ftaiu time laat yar.....t....o.. la.Tin ... I7.4M DroMBM Pra.lou.ty durtn, year H. m. tiui. lul year IneraaM Total la l'7 Baa. tin. lut jar IoeraaM..........,. orakk raaioHTB. I. bui bar MiMellaneout Ireigbta. 71,714 .12o eara. . .. 7 - We ara inltirimU thut Gonra I. TboMp.uo, of Laareaoe town.blp, paieb.wid altty-Aro bead of ealtlo lo tbia o-aoly and drove tbvM Is HunlingJoo, where bo told Ibea al food priaea. A eeBtlvawa who alaiaa lo bo well pMted ia tbo aalte, aay, that Clearfield eoonty baa wktbia ber bordera a large numb? o' good boraM aad Mtllo wblob eoald be reodny di.poMd of el fair prlooa in lb. Kmi. and llial ll would pay well to drive tbia to aa eaalerB aarhel. We do hot profet. to baow anything about the atoot buat bom but If tbia It Ibo naaa, woulj aot Huok miaiug bo aiore proluble tbau liwbvrlng f Let laruera and elbera eoa.id.r Ibia aatter. Our Bounty abuuld r.purt b larger yield ul atoek tad grata tbaa it hat atae doing barototon. Let tbe lamnarlBd boaioera net for awhile, and raiM uiore oellle. korMi, .heip, abval, potatova, eta. There it ae tie., of aea tbat will gel a belter ratara for tbalr laker Iboa Ibe tlll.r. of tbe tell for Ibe, alwa.l knd a great dtaaaod aad go.d priaea lor .v.rylhtBd tb. lara rodueea. You will gener ally Ind tbet a d.ftyeet laruair I. alwayt IB iDda peudeul oircota.t.uuea. aoiwiibaiendisg aiaey people Mea le Ibmh that laroitbg lo L'leardeid Meaty la aot a proliaola buaiaeaa. It ia Bot tbo faall al Iba lead io mm of failure. Bpectal: 1. A. rtlt K A 0. UdlM' Liaoa eo a, at Paok A Co 'a. St .re ... . e o. - I toelbehM. IreoMit d.r. goto liteak V. Tkoy an awdo M la. ooal hm totaooa, ead Mauot bo tiMlwd. " F Ab( I r AKI I oboe, a Fleok Co-'t. Uaoa bb4 Oran Cbdbt al Fleet A Oo. a. Udlat llaea tall., at Fleok A CWl Slora. Hew atMk ef Spring UeaeV J Ml oaoaed at S A. Itta Mra. - . apr 1 1. R. Iprtog at; lea at FUek A Co 'a. Thi beat Ire ooal elgar la CUarMd toaaly ai Slooaja oiger twra. ranaela, Caraeta .a. oapM, .eeerl.e antlnej war,, aeap. alt., at H. A. brataw.. apt . . MrntV Mlae Sana F. Mulw4 I. prepared m eve. lee, ia a Mia, both -omI .ad i.alre. Mul, at ber boaa aa Seeoaw to eel, Clearaeld, Pa. , . .apriiltti. Fee btdtea' Beta aa4 eaaate. "Haaed ep la atyea, i.MaaJI at Fleak A uet tlera, a, i. Meb Kabrnderua joat roMlved at Flee Ca'atten. . apn. . K.Waed keadoeaa .( nWaM Ai KratMr-a. f OmM a bttvo-II aaeeeaa aa My .be a. aM aatiMd aa by las aih ef tba P- .. I,7.1 .. 32,1II i- sin.u.i .. T1.470 ,n 411,111 ,- lll.lit I aa.b, tall (III ba kfaagbt b mob a ( . r ' A. W. witrMafc OataaalaV fa, Aprla, IITf -K w ; i All kind of FANS, at fib Co.'. Oa to Flook A Co.' foryour FANS. Liaoa and Una Cloth ai FUak A Co.'. Llaea and Oraa Cloth at Fleck A Co.1. Ladloa' Llaea Butt, al Piook A Co. 'a 8 lor. Flannvt. mutlina, girgbam, ablrtlngi oainiar at Fleck A C , TO TUB pliBLia ' lcr A co. havb bmployid 'im m t VCI1- yfMWtf LAD1BM WIHHISO A MCI HAT OU UONKkT WOULD DO WELL TO CALL AT FLECK A C08 HTORR. CUarficld, Pa,, Afrit 4, IST7. Nw Kmbrolivrta ait ree(vd af FleoV april 4 Co.' Aturo. Conn aa Bbttlb I want H dlatiaHl.v nnder- tuod thai I want my bo-ka otttlwl . Thor know lu ti hove onaeiiM ai-eount with , ara here by duly notified to eouto forward and nettle at heir earliest o-nvetiienoa, and if they m-gleot to do ro. they mny oapeet lo bo notilird t.y lb Conatabla after 1 1 Irt of May. J. L. Latvr, Clearfield, Mar. T, TT lio. N'W Millinery Uuod rooivd daily at FIok Co'sitoro. Pr 11 New Millinery Good Juat received al Klerk A Co.' Store. aprll 4 Drr Oond -n-w, neat at.d faibinble at T. A. Fleok A '. Waxtan ! 100,110ft Sfi.lneh ahared ablngl to average from to rt inch for which w will pay tb kigbeel mernet prion. ' n x.-... - A r- I fabJA-tf. . ClearflelJ, Ta. ' Oo and tb bow good at Fleck's Jtor. Bvary day bring aomttblnr nw at Fleck A Co.' at or. If you don't believe It go end ae. Aa un-town man ta dlagnrtad with hard money. II carried a allver half dollar ia bia pookt for ail ntuhtha. only to diaet.v r wlirn he tried to pa It that It wa eonntortoll. Nu bogus food at T. A. Fleok A Oo.'i store. Ladle am reqnestrtl In caH and l amine tbe new good al T. A. Fleoh A Co.'. Spot upon Ih Run do not visibly dtmlnlah It hrilllB but spats, pimple or blotohos BpB lb tnoe. neck or arma aeriourly detract from fo nial b ablv. Tbet an, however, be eonii l l ly removed bi tb dally use of Ulonn' hulpbur Soatt. Deti" t. Crittein', N. 7 bulb Avenue, N. V. II ill Hair A a blaker Dye, blaok or brown bOeia. Lway J w. ilenlloaien wll find moh i.leanr in eiamln- ing tba nw aiylo al t'Uck'a at or. RnoAtR For ai.r.J-R. Newton Shaw kaept a foil aunr.lv of Produma Hueeiea and Hlatton wasuna for sal. i no aeon ai me cow uun yard- Call on or addraM htm at Clear. eW fenn- aylvaala. J Tnnn men and vnona women, tha old and tho mldiUo aged, overytMMiy oi an ago, sio ani relor, will find sonietning to pieano incut ai a. A. Pkeh A Co.'s. All kind of table linens at Fleok A Oo.'i. White goods of every deifrlp'loO at Flrck'r. Ladiaa' bat, oil he new ipriog styl, at T. A Fleck A Co.'s cheap cm-h alore If yon want b gotd shawl, no mailer wb kind, gu to Meek Lo . 1 fr, tihiloh'B SytUm f'UUUer, W ara aoihorosed to guaranieo Ibia rero-iy for th cure of D.atepaia, Inactiv Hear. Pour Ktotnaoh. Con in pi ion, Lomf Aitpetite, Oomlrtg up of Fond, Yellow Kkin.and general Languor and 3ehiHty. Yon mut acknowledge that ihia would bo wlnona uo'ea we bad piiieoeTiAonea that It will rare. You who are euffinrg from tbero eemplaini th1 won't re Bddra d and will you uoolinoe to onbTr hee vou oao I eurod on anvil trruiaT It 1 for yon to determine. t mole bottle. Ifl oonta t regular alt 7 eont Sold by 0. D. Wattwn lruKi Clearfield, Pa. 6fi.fi. 0 dio annually by aeg'erting a Cough, tho grave, w ny will you neglect eo important a latiMr vli.o you Ban ,.l at .ur atur. miiloh a CaaiiMprliia Craa, itb th. ai.uranca ol a iMwd. r.lif. for .nrnFM MroM Ih. CbMt or Langa. or . ant. bank or aina, ohiloh a roaoua I'LAMTka gi.M prompt reliaf Huld by C. D. .(.n, tl-.rfi.l l, Pa. II Ai'kM BT at'k. a popular and frflKraol pi-rfuin.. Sold bt tl. D Wat. ChMtrA.ld, P apr li, '77-wiw-ly. Tha hrat bid ,to.. .vary pair warrantod, at A. Pl.ok a Co. 'a. Collar, eaffa, a.kit.a, au.pand.ra, hoM aad underwear al T. a. VlHk Co. 'a. T. A. Flwk ia now la K York buying a Urgo alnck .r Snmm.r ,ndi for nib, and wind. Mliiu, fur tb. MM. Ureal bargaina will or olrrrd la all blnda f Dry Uu.ni, Nollooa, Mil Unary and F.ary Uonli. boa t fill to ..II If yoa with ta Mra money. apr. II. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. Mr 4MTKO by Ara.l4.al I'arwnne.llle, 10.000 pounds pork. 1.000 bushels wheat 1,000 biiHhels rye. 1.00(1 bushels oats. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. ItMMHNI -liirn ahared .hlnrfWa. IIH.IMNt 4.llirh aawed ahluglaa. IIHI IMMI Iral pine bvarda. .) railroad ilea. 6..MH coma aak and brailork bark. For which one-third cash will be paid. oct.25. ICBarrlffl. Oa 8.B.I.T, April 23d, 177, by D. Drrnlrr, B.q . Mr. K U. Jordan and HiuSliMbelb Welly, both ol t'oion toan.bip. , At ih. r.i.li.nii. of Jom-nh Mn.re. in Friautoo i town.hlp, OB rtunrtay, April l, n '."J"" P. B. hb.rk, Mr. rorr.ier biooim bbu mi., .mo oea K. Ua.tr, bolh of i:l.arb.ld eooniy. PoiiiiMjiYiuiin Railroad rVRONS 4 CLEAliFIELD BIIANCH OH and after Monday, NOV. 27, l76, Ib. HuMmw Tralna will run daily (oieept Sun day.) between Tyrone and Cle.ruold, M follow. : rl.KAKKIKl.I) MAIL. W. 0. Inwtn, Ci.ndoetor. I.KAVS HlllTII. LKAVK NOKTII. Corw.n.Tllle...S:ltl, P Tvrone 10,.. a. (leol... in 10, Pbilipaturg.,.IIU, " ClMrb.ld 11.40," Cureenville..l2iUI,' Ole.rll.ld. I.3II. " Phtllpabarg 4.O. Mrwoia. ..d.47, fyroti. . ...... 110, CLKAimiai) FXPHKMS. W. H. Pn oeoBrondni-lor. I.KAVF rlnl TH l.k'AVF VtlHTII ilurwenaetlle. b.nft a. ,. Tyro Ml r. a I Veil l it " I OaMola - ..H " Philipanurg...t..1l " I ClMrkeld.ar...H.4l " , Carwent.ille l 00 " :iearltld A 2& " Pbilipaburg... .J7 " flaneola. . 4 " Vnil T.4I " rjn.u..- T.44 " BALI) HAIII.r VALLEY BRANCH. R.p Mail. i. M. A. HO reave Trrone 17 Held K.gla 311 Jollao . , lib Mili'll'urg Itt.nS lielli.fonte It li Milrtlmrg 10 10 Howard 11.10 arrive L. Ilataa Mall p. a. arrive 0.10 .bl tie 4 40 4 7 tit 4 03 leave I 3b Kip. A. a. I. tin 12 41 ii.a; 11.30 II lv II 04 III 41 Ott r a. I'd 7.1a 67 III 4 II it 11 u.u 1.46 TV RUM STATION. a m waHtwanB. 8;0lplUhwrf Kap'M, a a :H 180 laeilo Up we, llarrt'burg Aoe'm PaeiB K i press, r a S:Z6 F 1:15 29 Xat.II TralB. 4ll an tie Hiprou, Vfat Faaengr, Mail Traia, Feat Li, Pblla'd KxprB, l U PIIILIPfbUhl. A MUKIIAKMOh BRANCH rt Oa and after Moaday, MtV. I7ib, A iimmirdatlo) Tralwe will rwa wear tha Phlltpe l.urg aad Moehanaoa Braneho, a foth.w i LKAVK (RllTII. LKAVK SuKTIi. a a. i. . a. But. a. a. r.n r.a Morriedala, 1149 t-ll . T U Fhllipetwjrg, I J ti Igtlt TUi fuiner', ll:tl tti IH Beyaton, 11:14 140 I0:M T:a8 UeMala, Ur 4iH 1:44 l:4b l:V Mi-akanaoB, ll:hS :4H t at I"- I II Bioriiof, 11:4 kilt1 t f li.hi Bill UoB'adaW, 11:40 J;4J 11 II BI B 21 Mel aaley, lia:44 HtUf IhW t:ll k-Bdrlcka, 1IJ I" llrll W:at Ramoyj j Close ananeetloB mad b; all trala at Tyroa d lv-kH.ee.. UI( aytr-tf. SoperlnleBdeat, PARE KUOM CLEAKFIKLD, TO .llefeata, Pa....W 0MMdbMaw... 00 Uoh Haeea..... I 7tl bjartetla. , M u,im... u, g 00 Laneaatar a 00 HaalMara I 00BltDELFBIA M Uvrteuwa... tOOiAIMsaai ,.. 10 MtOUVe 4 0 J-baeea.... 100 CewMWetaM........... rFalHaaaraj..r-. 11 Oeeeela....... JITyraae till MiHUSBUIia... 7lll'ITTBn0... Hi Allegheny Yalley fiailroud. LOW ORAU DIVI8IUN. ON .nil n.r Mn.dajr. Janrj Uih, I ITT, tb. (t..MD(.r tratn. will ra. d.ilj .srapi Hu.d..?) !!.. Hank and briflauwd, a. folluwi t TH A HI). Paj Mallka.u Plllahar, :l'0 a. a. Hl Bank ll.'Ol Wi,ii -lunrlluB 11 11: N.w U.tbli'hrm lino p. mi M.T..HI. Mil Tni. 1:41 Br.Kk.ll I Pull.r. I ll II at.ld.vlll. t:la Uullot. k:V0 1 Kuntuil Tunnrl :rMamwi U-l p, m.tBineree 11 Weodvltlo Ii4b; rwntteld l;M; Huu.mil Tunnel l:U DoBote tMt: Keyooliiavtlle:l)l: ruller'S:U. Ilrookville ; Troy 4:iiftj Maeill oi4 f New Bethlehem 4i rthpt" J u notion 6: 3 J Hod Bauk4:40 arrive at Pittahurg at V 10 p. m. ar Tbe rityaotdii'o MrfiaotaroaAw Rouoldarille amly l 7:4 a. ai , and arrive al H.d Hank at ll:ah a m., I'iltalurgh at I p. iu. IBvea Pl!lturga al X:4l p. Kert Hi ok at 7i;hi p. m.i arriving at IWynvldfvtileal l:AU p. m Cloee eob'.Miton mail with trains on P. A E LHeilM'ad ai rillao)d, and with train oo tbi Alligl.eny Valley Railroad at Hid BHt.lt. UA iu mvn nti", uen i nup (. A A. jACaaue, up l . U. Div. gem rtrfftlsfnunts. 1 1H PRIMTINfi OF EVERY JiKHCKIF tl lion mIIV oae-utad al thia urnna IMiH Hr.HT The store room lately oooupied by Jatnee Dunn, In lb bidbang llotl building, ai Houtt'iale. Tbia Is one ot ih beet buainve ataudi in the borough of llonltdal. For tortna, a( ply lo pATHll'K DUNN, Mar. XI, 1877 81 Houltdale. T. I1ROCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. PI4(7T-ly OAoo la Court Houee. 1)l,AiwTF.Ra We are lelllng Ibe Irbraied CAYllU LAND PLA8TKK, finely ground, in ear lomii at reduced p'W. Ad lr-a, (illORTLUMJK A CO, April 11, 1877 At, Bflllefoote, Pa. ClAlTTION.HA1 nereon are hereby caution- axaliiai noreaaing or ia any way med dling wlib the following ptoperiy. now Id the ptHaemifon ol Constaatina bflhtckllng. of Bog: townahip, to wit : All the grain ia iba groua'l,all tb oatiie and hnreD now In hit poaaraaion, aix huge and all hi (arming imp lament Haf-I prop. ertr we purchased by to en the llh day of April, 1877, and i lell with him -n loan ubjt to my ord-r. JnllN BUTLKR. Lawrence, (p., April ti.'77-oi pOH SALE TtiO underrlgnod will ') at private sal all tbat tract or parcel of land tltaate In Dee tar townebtp, Clearfield nnty, Pa., within n short diMaue of tha Tvrone A ChMrfiell R. R, and arfjiiming lands uf Robert Hudson and otnere, and knowo aa the Jaonh B. Ot-arbart lut. The aid tract containing AO aorea more or lo, with twu vwio of valuable ooal thereon, baa abwut SO acre cleared, anl is tbo hey to a largo body of ooal about being developed. Will bo sold low and upon oaay term. For particular, apply to DAVID L. KIIKB6. Clearfield, Pa.. July 11. IM7fi O KPIIAKM CODHT 8 A I.E. Ia pursuance of aa order of 'be Orphaa' Court ol Clearfield Ouunt.r, ibo underii(ni Ad tnini'iralare. C. T. A., of the aetata of Thouaa W. rk-ioioy, lata of Ibe borough of Curweuavllle, deo'd, will aell at public sal on (be premie, In t'orwenavill. on vVrdticaday, May 30, IH77, , at 1 o'clock p. m., tbe following real estate, tat of ait id dee'd, vii t o. I being all that ertnln lot nf gronnd ailuale In aaid borough, on Ibo n-oih aid ul Main itreet, Ikekinnlng at corner of lo' of A. -I. Drau kor; i hence a-'Utbward along ioeof rid lot I Kll feet to Birch alley ( Ihenee oaetward along aaid alley 48 fret to lot of Daniel Panel; Ibenoe northward along laid lot led foel to Maiu a'reotj ibenea westward along aaid atreei 40 feet tt place of be ginning The improvement i"ott of a large two atory fraiu building ur bu'lne atand, the main building 41 fett tr-nt by SI let in depth, with an L altaihed 2z'i7 Kit, two dtiimblt etorc iom on firvt floor, with aweral room ; " i'tw " " P.lloa' Hal., l.rgo fr.in. Il.lil. In rr-r of lot. ocvutded a a liver aiahle iNo x being an mat eeruin lut or grontm aim te in aaid burough, begtonin at lb turnpike ur State atrwet, at Hie cmer uf hit of N . K A mo d; ilici.ee mrtt.wr. Ii) aaid lotlHitlet loan all.y; thentro eaaiWairil by aaid alley 6U f-l In M of 11. H. Tliutiipran l tbi'titia eutbotard be af aaid Th'mpauit IMJ leei lo Htata etrvet; thence weat ward ty faid it reel bit iel to tbe pUve ul begin iiittg. The lw)pruanioa eniiit or a twu story Imme dwelling ttou-, ibe min tioildin being SI fett tfuDt by Itu lea ib dertb. with an L attttobed Itfkt feat. Atavo. a haMitiertt alure umleruotath u itta le twr atwre ruom, liaiwavaiaviile and utber out iiuil.iioga un tba pruperty. j be prupertiee are well lueated In tba Bart i-ueiot a put tiun id Cur wane t ilia, and reul naduy tor bulaee inrp ao, d. 'JERMS OF SALE: One ihird of Ihe puirb.a. B' n.y caab on eon flimetioB of fair, una tliird io one tear, and the bai.BM IB two year. Iron sale of Mle, Iho letter two payment, with Int. re.' Irotn dele of vale, tu be awored hyjudgine t nooj .n.l wo rgajoon the preutMB. ZACIIArtlAII MrNAUL, JiwKI'll h IB WIN. 1 Arlioiiiialr.lori. Cor.ro.v.lle. Pa., April Ji, 1877-01. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. In aeror.lr.non with aa Act of th 0 en era I A, aemhl nf thia rommnnwerilih. apprnfftd the lid day of Marfb, A D. IC70, aid the anpplemnl approve the Xd day uf Ai.ril. A D- I.,''"'! log lo the collection of taie In the eon my nf Ciearflihl," natioo I therefor berehy gireo t tho taiayera realding in Ihe dialrioi below named, ibnt the I'onniy Treasurer. In acoordanee with tha aeeond aeotino nf said Act, will attend at the ptaaof holding the bunmgh and twnrhiu elei'tioTi h fllwing named d',, f r the purpura ol receiving Ihe County and tjiate tale afaad lor Ibo year 1H77 t Fur Clear Bid borosb and I awrenoe township, Thnredey and Friday, .Way Hd and 4th. For ilohaa twp , liaiorday, May b, from 19 to 4 o'eluoh. Furnirerd twp, Monday. Hay 7, from 10 to 4 , o'chrt-h ' Fur Karthaus twp , Tneaday, Ma- 8, from t to 4 o'elnrk. Fur Co? ing ton twp., Wrdnead y. May 9, from 9 tu 4 0'clirck. For (I rah am twp , Tboraday, My 10, from 9 to 4 look. For Morris Iwp , Fill ay, May tl, from 9 to 4 o clock. For Bradford twp., Satordaj, May 11, from It i 4 n'eliiok. For Wtwdward twp Monday, May 14, from It lo 4 o'clock. For llnaitdnlo borough, Ta'dy, May II, from 9 in 4 o'elook. Fur Decatur twp., V'-ilaotd-y, May 16, from 9 to 4 .''' Ml . For O-re-la b imugb, Thurtday. M.iy 17, from 9 A 4 0iiKlk. Fvr WaiUeeiota borough, Friday, May IS, from J 10 1 1 a m. For Baga twp , Saturday, M iy 19, from 10 to 8 o'elook. Tpua all tales ( aid th Treurr there will bo a rrlurtinn nf dee p- eenl . while- flea p-r cent . will lie erfaiW otfer- r-)' d"y J'g atu-r. In all unpnid tax., imking a .iiUjit'tittu ui i hri ptr cent tu prauipt taipHvera. rani- can. trm let ot Mav, par tht-lr taiei at Ih' Treeiurar ' i rate Tbe halano of tbvdttlrict will be viaiu -I alter May Court. NxTii-a To aMa rHAnra. A rat ippuriuaii) will he gib en to uii-rchnnil lo noma lurwarj at the linia and i la. aet forth, and Hit their Llrenaef-r IK77 IMVlp MoUAlUIIKY, Clearfleld, April II, 1177, Treasurer. CASH HARDWARE STORE. J. G. SCIIRYVEB, BBALBB IV SHELF HARDWARE, Sccoud Btreet, Clearfield, Pa. CnrotTi and reo who oatmilat balloV lag ibonid oiam Be my ilueh and prtoea of Ilnlldlng Ilnrdw wrc, Before aarcbarlng elsewhera. RAILS, DOOR LOCKS AND LATCHES, IIIKflKB AMU (TREWS, AXLE PHI I KV. ASH CORD AND IRONS, IMltiR Rlll.TK OF ALL KINUS, BRASS KNOBS, HAT AND COAT HtiuKAAe. CARPENTERS TOOLS, and oad Pannel Sewa, T aad ll.rel Snu.rea Firmer Bad alenl,l I kle.lt. Hraeea, U.lta. Flaoaba aad L.eolt, Holabrla Uematoiai Oil Mini, Aa. Oardea Spadaa, RakM aad fto-, Lib, and D llandl. Sl.li. Orl Sim. Fiatarea, B-ra Deer U.Bien, Klran aad T llia.-a. , Pewdar, Wiel and Caae.rithla, Tatbls. (all Hae af Tieeara sa kaad, af Wet male real end at turn BrhM. Pan teal at eueettea taaederia, eeeJd set aa Bead, al a aea ell ear Beiiaa .ear eoar,.e. there al ,etreaafa la telrtH d. CketatM, Pa, Aaetl 3. tin..,. Drir dwtismruti Ib not easily -rned In lb time, but il oan ba made la throe moot hi by an on of either aoa. la any part of tha onantry who la wlllini to work ateadlly at the employment that wo foratab. $04 par week in your own towa. Yoa need not bo away from homo oror Bight. Yoa eaa give your whole time lo the work, nr only yurpar momenta, IleoMa nothing lo try the bualn Tetma aad $1 Oaitlt free. Adlra at one. M. Uallrtt A Co.. Ayrll m, IBT7 ! Portland, Maine. CHARLE8 C. PRATT, IIUTTER, CIIKKSR,' EllUS, i)0i'f, WOOL, (IHANUK9, dried fiiuiw, Potatoes, ONKINB, APP1.S3, TOBACCO. peanuts' 405 Greenwich St., New York City, Marab 14. 1177-Hin. A NEW DEPARTURE LUTimiSBURG. HarcafUr, goodt will bo Mid for CASH only, or In eirbaoito for prod oca. No books will be kept Ib tho future. All old aoeouais muat no aettlad. Tbua wbo oaooot cath np, will plaa hand ovar tbalr aotoa aad CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined to ll my goods at cash priftes, nnd at a dt Mount far below that over ufiered io tbia vicinity. Th discount I allow m customer, will maketbom rich In twenty year 11 they follow my advice and buy their good from m. I will pay eaeh for whet, oat ami clover teed. DAN1KU OOODLANDBH. Lulberahurg, January 17, IK77. FURNITURE, Curtain Goods, Cornices & Mirrors, BEDDING. The Largest and Finest Stock in the City to Select from. SMALL PROFITS, OIR MOTTII, jrW-Cootracti takea lo Fnrnlxh Hooms Com ploto E EDMUNDSON b SONS, 13f Iilberty St., i PITTSBURGH, PA. . Harrb 14, l7T f.m. tlHOUdll HrATtNENT. 1PAA0 J"1IN0N, Em., Diilrlet Tr.ur.r nf th brituich of CI.arA.ld, in aecHint with Ih. Poor and Road land. .1 .aid borough lor tha yaar A. I. IfVS . POOR FUND DR. I To halanf. du at lam wttl.ro.nl I'd III IU Ot To ebMk known aa Mrt. Loydd abeuk.H f 2l l CR. By amnunt paid io ordere I In.! 91 Hy Traaa per Nn Inge oo aBl.lo at i per rent Ry Auditur'a levt,... , He atatinn.ry Uy balaoeeaua Poorluod t KO 2 In in io , .ii it ROAD FlISD-DB. Ts baleace doe at laat aetllement.........! B At To amount f iluplionl. fr 187 1,4211 32 To eanunt due hy TollHlor MaClailoo on d.plloatoof l7i ?4 19 Ry b.leooo due Treat. Johoaoo K 2V 3a CR. Br amount paid on order $ 927 OS By Interoat on tirior No. H lor ft 17 It II By ainnont uf coupon audited 11 Ur hal. in hand f Collector Mot'ielan, dn.licateuf 107.) .46 81 By balance In han te of Collector Fuwoll, dupMeateof 1: 17f 09 By a pale meat of 4 per ooot. on -:l7.ifl. 41 7 By Treaa. per eonuge on I,I2V St at 8 per etnt 48 87 B aiationery, cbaok bouk,t 9 0" By Auditor a fee 00 1,823 81 Wa. Ihe undersigned Auditors of tb borough of C'earOeld, do eeriwy ibat we baeo ei ami tied the acmmota of laaao Ji.bnn, Uitriol Traaaurer of aid borough, and flnd them a abr stated. tl. e PAlI I ll, A.W.UKAI1AM. Clearfield, April 1 1, 77-9t. Auditor. rpOeVNttlllP gT-ITKMKNf Annual aiNMmeai "I nuiiun mwniitip numt luud lor tb year ending April 9, 1977. i. kiLAiiAit a . bnown, jb., tr roa 70, DR. To mt aeaied taa nnaettUd April 0, is; a 9 7ttA iz To Mitteft tai levied tor 170 8IR 10 To Auditor' ordtTo-iwiued during yr. I.IVt 04 $ 3,1 TT XI CR. Uy Kalba'a hills of mad wnrk dune.t 1,091 9ft llvd. Brown Jr. mi ZV r-o K 67 167 78 IH 4 Paid lor two watering trongba Paid lor planh. Paid sundry person lor road work...,, Emnrrate.l bv Auditor m Seated tax eollocled hy lie. Trww.,,. Worked out by tenable Auditors fur srrv.cf Cirb fer ssrrioc...., - Prinlinc 99 HA 420 41 tn ii ir 4 9 tin Heated road tea uaeoHected 89 711 9,177 31 e. R.-BArit aa, star, tbkab , nn. Tu an'l raoM of Cn. Tie..$ll,MI to U.i am t au.ll'ed A,r. ,'7 46 HI ll,t .13 fJ.ll.oled reeled rv.d Ml 3, 3S l 1.(175 71 Rv ainounl doe hltn April H, '7n llideemed Auditor onler (rand lleil) 10,71 M lit piM Intel eet on aame II) part of salary a Treasurer aid S3 til I IS SI Ral. ia h.nda ol Treat.... IS II 1,4117 Uulaten.llnjt nrder. H.e mill, tai Ir.l.d far IS7T. J. H. IIRWITT, Atteal: J.O.TVLKR. L. Rtan. A. II. hOsKSKHANS. Clrrk. Audilart. P.nfl.ld, AirlUS, 1877 31 TimNHlllP aTATfCMI'.NT. Am. O.I .talemeiil uf llii.l.m ti.wn.hip Poor fuodt fur ib. rear ondin,. Aurtl V. 107). CH.ni.ra koBiCkbh, litaT. Taaaa.,OB. Tu am i ree'd f out I'll Trvl l,3 4 Tu raate.1 laxa. uf '73-'73 un- amleeled A.nl . I" " ToMBted 1. 1. a doe f run. II. W. Bjobb Aurll S. IS7S 37 tl Te Uearawre' order To bai. du. Irum H W. Uruwn, Aprils, 137, 1 I m it Ler .nin.r.tlnni.... ....... Il t . H W . Uruwu'a mile 7 31 " due fnn l. liureln, ... I SU M bald Cul Hum, Cura ... I S3 f duo flora lle.l S (3 , lit lit III l fo ameoat roo'd freta C.raoae- ? ille her. aouee eaueoaee Ol Bullet.iM.......M 1SS tl t,l tl CR. Paid Or.reeere' rd.ra (eaneellrd). Paid iel.reat M a.m. ...... U.l. la k.adt af Treat ....tl.ltl 31 It 311 ... 77 73 12. ln ti Ta erj.rt draaa oa Dtak Treu 37 IJ P.ld f. Klltaar, ,aorer.....- J) T fnr k.-.l ill !'., a far laeea f.reer. uaB.er lit en M tu Halkmn. ahild. nanTMr 33 m f... Jk. Tudue. n.Bt,er (b-atperatT) Idl II hr MrUoeat.1 ...liMHeBuarerl. 3173 m w J. kin.. Ku.erel.er - It til e. U. P. Tuer... e.iiervtt'.r It til M bar I al talary el Dial- Tteea, ......... tt Mil II P.eaert aaa ea the taaeehl,, I. T.t loeled f... ,1.1.103, ..,.,, AUMli i.O. TVLBIt, WBiaa, A H aoBIHIIIRAN. CWk. Aadltara. rtfcrld,Pa,i,rlle,H1T. r BiaTLTia fr-mw-T W-i WtEJCftfw J. iBuinxburgoots, ,borl( STILL ANOTHER BED BOOT & SIX I h jut rcturnfd from Nf Yoik A straw bat for Ira eaat. A paper collar for two oral. A bo i of papr collar for t ot. A pair of cotton socks, plain, 11 eenli. A lead pencil for one cent, " A blaok silk aeck tl for Iva eeats. A aotloa baodbercbiof for sit eeuii. Baby sboet, laoed from ta osata upward. " " laei d and heeled 75 ooal and up. " ' buttoned M " " la ell color and t tea. Cbildron'a ahoea fr 75 cent upward. Misses shoei from tl upward. In li I log, kalber or kid. Mra' plough 8hoi at - Mea' In tier drcat ho at 3-50 A maa'aeelf boot from ti upward. Than are but a few article, to gtre yo Wo keep aU a full line of Men's Furol'bUic ibl t AT,L KINDS OF TRADE TAKE -!- S. GUINZBURG, Saoond 6lmt, oppo.it. Ib. Coan HuaM, CLEAUFIELD, PA. ' Bo"B formrrl. Meupi.il bj Lcrar Pl.f.K Claareald. P... Ja. 14, II7T. 3;. gi. lftk & Co.'a Column. TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS IS T. A. FLECK & CO.'S. Wo have lots of brcnili hii1 nimipy 07 We Imvo Dress Goods at 7 cents per ynrd nnd upwards. Bhick Cashniere, nil wool, nt GO cents nnd upwards. Colored Alpaca at 18 cents per ya.td nnd upward. BliicVAlpiKfi. double width, fit 21 contw rind upwnrciH. Calicoes 5 cents nnd upwards. Ginghams 5 cents and upwards. Shirtings 8 cents nnd upwards. Muslins 3 cents and upwards. Men's and Boys' Cottonadcs at 15 cents per yard nnd upwards. Tickings 8 cents and upwards. White Goods 9 cents and upwards. Shawls 50 cents and upwards. Best Percales 121 cents. Tnhle Linen 221 cents and upwards. Ladies' Skirts 40 cents up. Good Black Silk 90 cents nnd upwards. Embroideries 3 cents up. COLLORED SILKS ALL PRICES. Littliue' Suits tl iintl uiiwttrdd. While Bed Rprcaild 65 crnilo and upwards. J.nilici.' mid Children's Ilosn 6A cents nnd upwnrds. Ladies' and Gents' Uandkercliicfs 5 cent and upwards. Coracle 25 cents and upwards. Ladies' Ties 10 cents and upwards. Gloves 8 rents nnd upwards. All-silk Handkerchiefs at 26 cents. Kid Gloves 60 cents and upwards. Suspenders 15 cents and upwards. All linen sliiit fronts 12 cents and upwards. Fans 21 conts and upwards. Gents' Shirts 40 cents nnd upwards. Tins 21 and 8 cent per paper. Parasols 18 cents and upwards. Umbrellas 87 cents and upwards. A first class Milliner to trim IIiils an'l lion not" just as you want them, and at Prices that will defy competition. GOODS LOWER THAN EVER. DON'T FAIL fleck & in STOHB Two doors cast o( Sltuw House and opposite Mosaoit, Market St. Clearfiold, Ta., May 2, 1877. V11AT SI 00 WILL DO'!! AT A. GUIlNZBURG'S I e Ono Prico CI YOU CAN BUY A FINK CASSIMKliK HAT for one dollar. A FtJiF. VEST for ono dollar. A PAIR OK COTTONADB PANTS for ons dollar, 6 botes pnpnr Collar. A 1 nocktia for one dollar. Our entire stock of Winter Clot duccd A good Million Clolh Overcoat It "0 A "od Caslnel Suit 8 Otl And all olhrr articles p Call and see for jonnelf. A. GUINZBURG. Ihd w aslant Hotel Career. CLaeAMeiia.l, eA. ahiak. It. am. and 6rnts' t urniilung fgob. UCTION IN PRICES AT nVRG'N OE STORE. will) th, I'liinneat lot of a nod a ev.r I ulv.t.by the r.'llovritig li.t of prices: A abawl strap i It oeats. A red cotton b sad kerchief for 15 real. A bouae comb for (Oeeata. A down ibo laoo for four cent. Men white laundried shirt fortl Men'roloro.l sblrte, 1 oollara, Ww u. Womea ' tbo Plaia lasting Uoed, tl.lfi. Plain laiting oongreM, $1.10. Women' Moroeeo boa, fil.40, 1 75, 2, I S. Women'a kid ahoea. $3.75. Women 'a real French kid ikooa, (4.00. Men's, Women' ami Boy' Upper, from 60 cent a upward. Man' good dram Shoe at 00 and upward la tfl 40 for thoos mad to order. ChllJren'i shoe from tl 40 upwards a varlaty. a an Idea of how cheap we are telling. Uueda, Trunks, Salcbcls, Ae., ai lb lowest poa gurvs. V IN EXCI1ANQB FOR 000DS. S. GUINZBURG, 6.ou.d EirMt, .j,p..flu tb. Ctiorl Hooar, CLEARFIELD, PA, Ruo runu.rlv oeupj.d hy LaT.f Flc,al. Claarllald, P. , J.. 24, IS77. Z- gi. Irrt ti Co.'s Column. AT lo fmto to lell yi u wlint wc have. TO CALL AT othing Store YOU CAN BUY A SUIT OF DNDRRC'LOTniNG for one dollar. SIX PAIR COTTON HALF-IIOPK lor one dollar. BIX LINEN' HANDKERCHIEFS for one dollar. A set of sleeve brtlons. atnds and collar button for one dollar. liing will be sold at greatly re prices. Aa all trmil Caaslmrr 8ult A Dlack Dress Ctwl 115 00 600 roptirtionatcly cheap. !o trouble to show goods. A GUINZBURG, I Ih, V aot era Hotel Career OaJUatrlMLO, eA. A lioen i" WUHlUnroui. STEAM SAW KILL. KWINR AhD B'llLtKS 0 f ALE. Th. ndmf,n.d eff.r. for Ml. oa ra.an.ahl. tarai, Ibrir auaa " ailll, kUd M WallM lo, Claarl.ld C. Pa. Tb. .n,ia. and bollart ar. aa guod aa .aw. Tb. alaa t l. mkIb. la I4HI, aad la la (wnl nulu Hd. Tb', .ill alu Mil balr .blafl. a. I l.ih Bill, aad aJI lb. vnrkia, aul u,) la tb. Mill. Panwa wlahlaf U ,urabaf MB ..II o. of miiim OHAHAM. WALLA0I A 00. ClMrt.bl, P . Jbm M, lilt. QIIUBT PHIICLAMATION. ,.v-V U.s M AT 0, troa Ideal tb BBtl of Clear. la. tea.r aoa cue. aad Hub AaaM Uenaa aod Hob. Vtocnat B. Holt, Aesoeiata Jodgaa af CUarfleld eoaaty have Issued their preept, lo me direeud. for th balding wf a Court ef Commoa Pica, Orphan' Court, Court of Quarter Beaalene, Court nf Oyer and Terminer, aad Court ol lienor,! Jell llt ery, at tbe Court Houee at cUarneia, ia ana fr 10 county of Clearfleld. commencing oa tho third Muuday. tha HI at day af May. lall. and t continue twu weehs. NOTlCK Its, therefore, hereby glrea, tetfaa Coroner, Juatiee ot th Peace, ana Cooaubi, IB and for said coaoty of Clearfleld, to appear ia their proper persona, with tbir Record, Roll. Inuiaitiuna, KBamioatluB, and ether Remem branco, to do tboee thinga wbicb to lhair oBe aod In lhair behalf, pertain to be dune. By aa Aot of Aaaombly, paaed tb Oth day of May, A. 1. IK&4, ll ic mad tb doty of tb Ja lice of tbe 1'eaoe of the veral coin tie of tbia Commonwealth, te return Mi lb Clerk ef tho Court of Quarter Seeeiooa of tha roapectie nun tie, all the reeogaiaaneee n tared Into before tbem by any pereua or pereuns charged with tha eoHimiaaioe of aay rimo, eieept uch ae aa may bo ended before a Juatloe ef the Peace, aa dcr exiating law, at lewat tea day before tha oommeaoemcnt of tha aoatloa of tbo Court ta wbicb tbey are mad relnrnabiereapooUeelynd In all obo where any rooguisancc are eoUred to to I a tbaa Ua day before theoommeoeameot of the aeasloB to which tby ara mad retorna bl, tb aaid Juatic ar tit return tb earn ia the aaa. manner a If aaid aot bad aot boea. pasaed. ml mm -m-wx ha&4 at Ctt?rH wu day of April, in tb year ef oar Lord, aaa tbo oaao d igbt hundred and aeeenty-aeren. apr. 4 t AMliKKW I'kNIZ.jr, Sharif. PATENTS obtained fot moebanical daeices, medical, or other eoen pounds, onB mental de sign, trade marks, and labels. Cataata, A m. gu inea t, Intcrlereaoe, UM promptly attemdod ta In root ion tbat have bwew REJECTHISr-;;? II tb Patent Ofloo, wc eaa make closer eercbe, and et-suro Pateaia more promptly aad with brooder elaima tbaa thoaa wbo ar remote from Wtiabinotun. INVINTORSSV Biooei ar your devioe i lamination rea mf ihmrma. and adrles a to patent anility. PATbNr 18 HKCUHtP. Wo refer to omelale ia the PaUnt Offloe. aad t inrentor ia every htaie ta the Union. Add re, C. A. fNOW A CO., Oppoalt Patent O0.ee, Waatdagtoa, 0. C. Hot, 21, 1870-tf. "REMOVAL I JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reeBoetrull7 aotlfy the public generally tbat b has removed hi Grocery 6lero from haw'e Row, to tbe building formerly occupied ny J. Mile li ratter, on bocoad street, a it door to 8iglr'a hardware store, where he Intends keeping a full lino of G It O C E It 1 12 ft. HAMS, DRIED BKKFeod LARD. SUGARS aod S RUPS, of all jr.de.. TEAS, Green and Blaok. COFFEE, Routed aad Oreea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, All klndt la tbe market. PICKLES, Id jan aad karrell. SPICES, Ib arar, font aad rariMj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OF CRACKERS. SOAPS, MATCHES, timr.n appi.ir. DRIED PEACHES, DRIKD CliKRBIKS, Coal Oil avnd Zaunp CHiEncyi. And a good assortment of thoaa things asually tepi ia a grocery store, which ho will exchange fur marketing at tbe market prtoea. Will tell for oath as bply a any other aaa. Please nil and see bis stock aad Jadg for yoorMlf. JUUH MCUAUUHKY, Clearfteld, Jan. S, 1R77. J. P. WBATIB... ...W. W. BITTt WEAVER V IIETTH CLEARFIELD, PA., An efferlnf, at tha .14 tt.nd af Q. I. Reed A Co tkelr tleak if fed., toatietia, of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEINSWARI, ' FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., to., At tb. Moat reaionabk) ratal for CASH ar ta oBQasDfo far Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR 00UKTRT PRODC0I. tt-Adeaaoet Bade to thoaa wpted la gou fdng oal oqaare titlbor ea tbo atott adraBU,eeaf a. ,dtlJaaTt HARTSW1CK 4 IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS III PURE DRUGS! OHBMICAL8I PAINTS, OIIJS, DYE STUFF VARNISnES, BRUSHES, fERfrjllERT, FANCY eooM TOILET ARTICLES, OF ALL IINM, PURE WIXBS ASP LJQV0S8 far BMdleiael far,. If. rraaata, Saaaortere, S.be.1 Beekt sal Baefloa orj, aad all ether atilelaa ..e.M, MBd aa e Dra, Smto. PHYSICIANS' PRRacRIfTIOIIS CARB KIILLT OoMPorjNbl. Haelaa a kenfe ea. Mneaee la the eeel.eea ekee eaa (Tea tatlee tea- a.aei.la, Daeoaikar la, I St 4. I . ' ... i i. .:.; ! I ! ' 4 l,u; V aV. .re pea. ,. ... , . , ' I ' i(i ij I