Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 02, 1877, Image 2

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ItwiRni B. UHm.ANirH, Eiliior.
C!.P.RP1KI.I). Pa. . . I
Rwdtr. If yoa nnl to know at It mninm on
la iht bnelneee verld, Jnat rend oar ndverttain
anluiane, to ivpeetnr eolarnB IB nerileiiiar.
The conflict, between Ruasia and
Turkey in no more in doubt. The first
battle occurred on Wednesday lout,
w hen tbo Ruaaians attucked the Turku
and wero repulsed with a Iom of eight
hundred men. Tbo Ctar has given
noticu to tbo world, that tbo river
Danube would be effectually blockaded
on and alter tbo 7lb of May .thus giving
notice to all to "gut out," or lake the
The very latest advlcci .we have
irom Europe is to the effect that a
battle was tougbt before Kan, tbv
Uuwfians attacking tbo Turks at duy
light on Sunday morning. The result ol
the engagement is not known as we
go to press.
Tbe Queen of England bas issued a
a Proclumalion of Neutrality'. .
With tbe Danube closed, and Run
sian war vessels cruising in tbo Mudi
turraucan Sea, lively times may be
expected in the wheat and flour mur
Notwithstanding England's neutral
ity, ber wur vessels are flitting around
quite smartly and the engineers have
been ordered to inspect the boilers ol
every vessel.
A Heuter telegram from Constanti
nople makes tbe following announce
merit; "During tbe night, entry iutu
or departure from the Dosphorus and
Dardanelles, is absolutely prohibited.
All lights will be extinguished, except
two at tbo entrance ol the Bospboru
and two in the Dardanelles, and those
may also bo put out." Swiiuing in
Uullespont will be no ordinary sport
except by moonlight.
.Kx-Plouipuleiiliary Adams' letter to
Mr. Tilden, on the 5lh of March, will
be found on our fourth pago. It should
be read by everybody. Mr. Adums
belongs to that old revolutionary lumi
ly which bas held the highest position
at home and abroad that could be held
by mortals, tells the public something
to its advantage liead bis letter and
Acts of Assembly. (jov. Ilai trunlt
bas our thanks for a copy of Laws ol
1877. Tbo pamphlet consists of ninety-five
pages, containing seveiit) -six
Acts, eight llesolutions and an Index
to match. This copy of tbe Laws for
1877, is a strange contrast, in size, with
the copy of 1871, which contained
1,671 pages and 1,415 Acts.
Tm Tanners Two Conventions
of tanners assembled in Ilarrisburg
last week. We alludo to tbe meeting
of tbo County Superintendents, and a
Convention of Tannors. It is reported
tbat the two bodios, became mixed.
l)ut as tanning is the business of both,
the former soon found their places,
when the Kent was given.
"Tbo gospel in politics," is tbo way
the New York OOsmer, (Presbyterian)
puts It, found on our fourth page.
"Adams on Hayes," is equal to it, and
Pillsbury's proyoragainst grasshoppers
is just as good, as well as Col. Freeze's
"Collection of Taxes." Do not fail to
study our first and fourth pages this
Stats Committee. Tbe monibera
of tho Democratic State Committee,
met at Ilarrisburg, yoslerduy, for tho
purpose of fixing a time and place for!
the meeting of our State Convention.
Being In session as we go to press wo
aro unahlo to givo tbo result.
Our first pago this week is filled
' with miscellaneous reatling mailer
which should not be passed over slight
ly. Read and study it carefully. The
wisest may learn something to their
SuspENrxu.-A bank at Uothlehcm,
Ta., closed Its doors on Saturday, with
1285,000 of the pcoples,caHh somewhere
else than in its vaults. Tho depositors
arc not happy. Two hundred and filly
omploycs wero turned out of tho cur
rency and engraving department at
Washington, on Monday last
Flour, 110 ami ill,whcat, 12.20 and
12.30 in Philadelphia and the Bume in
Baltimore. In Chicago tbo market Is
A Good Law. Oregon not only re
quires lis liquor sellers but its liquor
drinkers to have a lioenso, and the
former must not sell to the latter with
out seeing bia authority to drink.
Tat Wheat Gamblers. An ex
change saya : "A single firm in Chicago
made settlements on Tuesday of 2,000,
000 bushels of wheat and tbe nut day
of 700,000, netting a profit of about a
quarter of a million. The margins put
op on Wednesday amounted to a mil
lion dollar.
Mail Roiibih Kicbard Phillips, a
bKggjmtr on tbe Pennsylvania
railroad, was before United Slates Com
misaiooer Smith, of Philadelphia, on tbe
28th ulL, charged' with robbing the
mail. A large quantity of stolen
property, consisting of wearing ap
parel, jewelry, books, eta, was found
at bis house, some oi which ha ben
identified. Phillips was bold In $5,000
litis Col. Forney really turned 1'1.
or la nomvlmrly elm) writing llio edi
toriuls of hiB joiinml ? If lie neuron nt
bin own editorial, hu m nut Imvo rodu u
nij;lit maroiii tbeliiieoftl)elioveii)or
ol Sou ill Citrolin tlio night iruvioim
to llio 17th. In tlmt lantio ho kivoh Inn
readera ft culuinn ol ouch muff us tliia:
Willi Hamilton doee mil eeem to adhere In bie
pruiiiiaee In lli I'ree.ainl .a faithfully aa waa ei.
peeled. Mr. Hamilton eaerel.e
ant miner nalrn li n..t li-Ki.liae.1 bv ihe leolei..a
I Ilia TnaetnlerieteaeruaJil
..: obitl! li tuiuuto...; W VuimII. Kitner
h Intende lo nberve till word or not ; b le
man f a-nr or nnaoitliv of irual. II b I lb
former h oiuai im and nbiile ih daemon nt
lb Huprvmv Court before b. oaa baa tb right
l aa.t tfivti.,are ta the Hia'a forem
bent of ib offloe lo whiuta b elailue to have lan
Wade llatn.ton haa himrelf dial tli
oi'jfru .hall b protected to all hie nettle, tbat b
aliall enjoy tlie aatu pulilioal prlvilegae aa tbe
anil mail, mm loat no ona aliall 0 alluariM to
maltreat bin. It ba do, not do all thia b ta ant
lit to rula over a population of dtftereul racer.
but lb raw in p.iliit.,.1 traaonia. Juatio
avenge ita own nrouga. Tber la inevitable rat.
nbuliun Icr every wrong oouuiittrd iu puulle
or private lif.
We susjieit that a bit of experience
has slipped out here, when allusion is
made lo "public lile." Ed. Hep.
Tbe President will not allow any eitisen.
black or while, to be dvpiltod ol hi rigbte aa an
American eitiai'n, and rt an til eiujiloy llio military
power in bia delenea when Iber ia ao olbur al
ternative. It la bie deeire, buwavor, to avoid
oolliaion with tbo Slate authorilie. and interior
oc wilh '.be action of li-gel tribunate. For Ibia
naaon b baa witlidrawa Hi tropa from Coiutn
ela. lo tbo hope Ihut it will load to a fttlemeul
it pending d.ffl.nitiee ihrouga th forma ot law.
Ur. Ilauipli.o baa proiuiaod t'i earry bia eaa !,
tor tbe enoru and abide by th reaull. Thia
dim, too law will ngrfin rcauioe ita away, f.aea
will be rc.tored, disputed laauas will be aetlleo.
and all former olialaclea lo annul and pulilioal
aecurity will b rvuinvad. Will Mr. ilaiuplon
oo-upraiw with tb frraident ia tbe promotion
ol tbe iuiereata ol rioulh Carolina t W hope and
truat b will, fur bia owo eak and that of bia
native State t "
There I reader! tcatle through that,
coming Irom "one of my two papers
both daily," and ask your Radical
neighbor what be thinks of such stuff.
Again : "No othor alternative," is good.
Hayes & Co. wero compelled to undo
what Grant & Co. bud been doing
illegally while in office. More: "Ilis
withdrawal of the troops from Coltim
hiu," is a confession that drives the lust
screw into tbo Hudicul coffin. j
But Forney continues:
Had Tilden bean eleeted, Wude Hampton eoold
o.'t bat e bren put under bmila of good behavior
lowarda the frt'Oiiioi'0 : b would not have been
oi-ligvd to pl.lg bie wo.d th wurld l"r
prraarvali.m ot order aol the ubaervanoo of the
rUhtaul bia lellow eiliieuaol holh oolnra and par-
Ilea, tio lenna euul.l or w.mld bare tie-n uia.l
batweea the Huuthern ultralata and Ihe t'reaiilent.
The eaaa ia widrlv dilleri-nt now. Ueneral Haye
uiakee nu aurrodar of uruioiple
Well, if Hayes, Forney unit his read
ers can bo sattied with such stuff, wo
shull not complain. Hut we would
like to see more sciihu und less noii-
i-ense retuiled through the columns ol
ihe 1'rcsi.
Die facto Haves. If the '.fader
does discount the averments made by
the scallawugs mid carpet-baggers in
Florida und Louisiana seventy-five per
cent., hu is bound lo believe ul ibis
day tlmt Hayes was never elected
President. Tbo editor of the G reeiis
burg Ciwocraf, in alluding to this ques
tion, says: "Although cheated out ot
ihe Presidency, the Democratic policy
us set forth during the campaign, is
adopted by Hayes lo thu infinite cha
grin of his backers, because it is right,
and was demanded by every consider
ation of justice. 11 lives has done well
in thus adopting ihe polit y of the De
mocracy in regard lo llio Southern
Slates, and yet for this he deserves but
little credit, fiir it was his duty to do
right. Ho baa, however, laid a found
ation which would enable him In riso
above mediocrity of men. Ho should,
after the work is complete which he
has begun, do that which is the only act
worthy of tbo name of greatness, and
that is, acknowledge that he assumed
the office of President under a misap
prehension, and having since satisfied
himself that it of right belonged to
Samuel J. Tilden, that therefore bo
tenders his resignation to Congress.
Having done th s, tho peoplo would
believe him to bo honest, and hereaf
ter consider him worthy of any trust
that could be placed in his bands. As
the mutter stands now, be sits on the
seat of another, and is merely a de facto
President, subject to removal when the
opportune time shull bavo arrived."
Plainly Expkesskd. Gov. Wade
Humplon, of South Carolina, in his
speech at Charleston tho other day, in
alluding to Stato affairs, said: "1 call
every man a Carolinian, whether be is
whito or black, whether ho is born
hero, at tbo North or in Europo, who
is a good citizen, and bus the interest
of the Stato at heart, and bo is entitled
to all the protection that the laws of
tho Slate and ot the United States can
give him. I am pledged to fulfill every
promise made in tbo last canvass. 1
can only do that if the people oi South
Curolina will help mo. I can do noth
ing of myself. I may indicalo to the
Legislature what 1 consider a proper
course lo pursue, but it ia for ilium lo
muko tho laws,' My duty is to exe
cute them and your duty is to send
tbo best men to the Legislature, irre
spective of race or party. Select no
man for public offlco who is not fit to
fill the position, I care not what mav
be his politics or race. Make it your
rule that you will plat o no man in office
unluss he is competent. If you elect
gtssl men to muko the luws, I pledge
to you my honor that those laws shall
ho framed so as to place every man
and woman of both races and parties
upon an equul failing before tbo law."
A Govern M EN r Loss! A n exchange
says that L. Cass Carpenter, Internul
Revenue Collector nt Charleslon, S. C,
bas sent his resignation to llio Presi
dent, stating that "ho would not bo
able lo live in tho Stato under a Dem
ocratic Government and perform the
duties of his office." Tho President,
alter urging Carpenter to reconsider
his determination, but in vain, accept
ed his resignation. Whut an awful
entailed ujion the government. How
ever, his account had better be exam
insd beforo somebody kills him, or be
gels away.
LnoAMsM. All who have seen Sen
ator Logan' photograph will appreci
ate the story told by the lloslon Pott,
that onco In a gsmo of poker, Logan
held three jacks, jack of hearts, jack of
diamonds and jack of clubs, Alter
running the beta up to tho limit and
calling down the bands, Logan found
tbat bis opponent held four tens, when
with true military fertility of resource,
Iogan furtively took out of his pocket
one of bis own photographs and play
ed it npon bis uniupecling opponent
for the jack of spade, thereby holding
four jack and (weeping tb board.
Wt) remember llio n&mea of few
celebrated guiiitiura : Hill Penile, John
Sing, Tom llyer, Low linker mid
Juik Nilea. all of whom were murder
ed, committed murder, or died liorii
blu deaths. The only mirvivor. of thin
bevy of Aml-vliiaa guinblem who re
alive, and no oieur to our mind, are
John Jlorriney, of Now York and
Hubert Hellenic, of Ohio, lute Minister
lo Kngland, who while ubroud, pre
irud und publinbud a diijiijy' ,!j1ii.
lout wooiia ju. A aHUtcb ot bis lile
und character will bo found on our
first page. Juck was ibo embodiment
of two good qualities notwithstanding
his bad habits. Ilia word was as good
us his note und his pocket book was
open to all, in distress, while ho bad a
cent to givo. The extraordinary tal
enta of ul! those we have named are
conceded on all bands, but they have
boon misdirected. Had thu energy ol
these men been wielded for the inter
est of humanity and for the inculca
tion of good morula their ending
would buvu been fur belter, und would
have caused their friends no acute
puius at the close of their earthly
Tin New Senator. Judge SpolTnrd
was on Tuesday a week elected Dem
ocratic Senator for Louisiana, receiv
ing 140 out of 153 rotes. Ho is a man
of spotless reputation, brilliant ability,
and honest purpose, whose election re
flects credit upon those who supported
him. Indeed it is a matter of history
thut nearly all the Democratic nomi
nees, from the humblest to the high
est, have been men of onlurged views
and incorruptablo honesty, and this it
was which caused such a rally during
tho lute campaign, when void's were
indifferent, comparatively speaking, as
to principles, being mainly interested
in men. Wo have been loaded down
wilh professions and deceived thereby.
Whut we wanted, und what such men
as Spolford will supply, was acts,
works, deeds, clear as tbo sunlight and
npon to the most rigid criticism. With
sucb, tho nulion must prosper.
It will bo observed Unit tho Packard
Kellogg and brolbor-in-law Casey,
influence only commanded thirteen
out of thu one hundred und fifty three
voles. Carpet-bug rule and rognosure
at a heavy discount in New Orleans,
just now.
Hank Taxation. The World, in an
article on bank laxulion in New York
city, gives some instances ot the luxa
tion of leading banks there, which
muko interesting reading. The Ameri
can Exchungoa National Hunk made
last year $529,384 for its proprietors;
Federal taxes took 835,020' out of this
and Stato and municipal taxes, which
aro assessed together, took $1612,7
more. Forty lhreo per cent, of ihe
income disappeared in tuxes. The
Leulber Manufacturers' Hank showed
net earnings of gliC.TGl ; Federal luxes
absorbed $1C300 and 820,254 went lo
the local tux-gatberer, leaving for the
iinforlunato stockholders a little over
one-thin1 of llio profits of their busi
ness. The Pheiiix Bank, which ettrn
ed $118 906 net profits, paid $21,503
Federal und $47,398 Slate tuxuiiiui;
the $118,000 was reduced to $50,HII0
before it could reach its owners. Hanks
which could not earn a dividend at all
paid 4, 5 or 6 per cent, upon their cap
ital, the taxes coming bodily out of
their capital.
Parson Newman. Tbe chief cleri
cal buffoon, and who bas attracted the
most attention on this Continent since
the advent of Grant, after Becchor, is
tho Rev. John P. Newman, of Wash
ington. A late special to the Philadel
phia Times, indicates that the spiritual
sponsor for Grant's crookedness still
keeps pressing to tbo front, although
ignored by "llio government," a now
constituted. The dispatch alluded to
says: "Ex-President Grant and wife
held a reception at tho residence of
Parson Newman this evening. It wus
not a very grand affair, but sufficed to
show tho fushionttbles at Washington
that the conscience keeper of tbe lute
administration is not to sink into insig
nificance, although not recognized as
court preacher by Mr. Hayes."
More Railroad. Tho Clarion Dem
ocrat says: "Messrs. Bennett and Mack.
ey wero in Clarion last week, and made
arrangements with tho First National
Hank of Clarion toscll $150,000 of ihe
first mortgage bonds of tbo Emlenton,
Shippcnville and Clarion narrow guugo
mi road company. These are tbo only
bonds on tbe whole lino and properly
of tho mail, and being a perlcctly sale
investment, will soon bo sold. Several
hundred laborers will bo put to work
at once on the extension Irom Edeii
bnrg to Clarion, and we expect to see
the Iron borso hero again the first of.
next September.
"A solid South," and pcaco, harmony
and Union onco more, So much for a
Democratic Congress, Had the usuul
appropriation for the army been made
as per request of the War Department,
tho army would still bo "holding the
torts" in Louisiana and South Curolina.
Democratic Senators and Congressmen
having demanded tbe lomnval of tho
army or starvation, have made their
demand law, and bavo bad the army
assigned to its legitimate: duty under
the Constitution.
Ten persona convicted at tbe Dau
phin county court, which adjourned
yesterduy, wore sentenced to the East
ern Penitentiary, three for lorgory and
woven for larceny. Among them is A.
N. Donaldson, for eight or ten years
department clerk, who was convicted
of lorging tho name of Ex-Senator
Simon Cameron to a $300 note. He
bad committed a number of similar
crime previously, but escaped prose
cution. Fires. Tho Montreal Novelty
Work, at Montreal, Canada, took fire
on the morning of the 29th ult., and
burned to tb ground. Nine firemen
were killed by a falling wall. Tho fire
is supposed lo have been the work ot
an incendiary. Loss, $25,000.
Half the village of Camijohario, New
York, was burned on tbe same night.
The fire originated in a alublo, and
humcd over eight acres ol ground, en
tailing a loss of $200,0110.
General W. T. Sherman is lo be in
viu d to deliver tb oration and Bay
ard Taylor tb poem at the coming rv
nnion of tb Army of tba Potomac at
Providence, Rhode Island.
Union Music United Slates Dis
trict Attorney Furrow has hern through
Smith Cumlina, and rays thu people
are in the happiest buinoriind anxious
to redeem the Statu from poor credit,
poverty and the stugtiutiou ul her
most profitable industries. Tbot'oliir
ed people are holding meetings und re
solving to accept ihu slluatiou in good
fuilh und support llaiiiptiin in every
effort and measure designed fur the
good of the whole people of thu Slate.
That is a different shriek from ibui
tf wirrTr5t.'SV.rff-a'-. w '
oarrucka where it belongs in liinu ol
peace and the people left free to regu
late their own own domestic ut1'tiii.
That's Democratic roconiriiflniii. Tin
liudiculs huvo hud ibis job on bund for
ttrdce yam, und in Iwelvo MON l" IIS,
l Liu Democrats disbuud Ihu urtiiy, unit
peace and prosperity reigns supreme
Irom the Potomac to thu Rio Grande.
An exchange says: Another new
swindle has been developed, the moJue
ojitrtiixli of which ia as follows : A
puck peddler culls ul a bouso with a
tine lot of urtieles which ho oilers ul
ruinous sacrifices. He makes u sale
uud goes on his wuy. Thu next du)
two men drive up lo the bouso wilh a
printed bill giving un account of the
robbery of a ceriuin store, describing
tho peddler, etc. They clutm the
goods, and usually bull-doze, the pur
uhuoel' into giving Ihem up. It would
be well fur nuwspupors throughout tbe
Stutu to givo thesu swindlers the bene
fit ot a gratuitous advertisement, so as
lo guard their renders against such
impostures. People who do not read
the papers would then be the only
sufferers and this class, it may be
udded, are generally the ones who are
luken in by pluusihle rascals.
Gooo Tides. Thu Juniata Sentinel,
a rabid Radical organ, speuking of the
burd times, says: "The generation ol
men now iu businc in this country
will bo old uud out of bunilieaa before
tbo limes will reach aa prosperous a
degree aa when they first entered the
business circle." This sume paper and
all others ul tbu name stamp used to
claim thut if only the Republican urlj
once wero in power thai the "glorious
limes" Would soon bo here. Well, they
buvu been in power now sixteen years,
and the result is well known lo every
body. And in addition lo the bitro
limes this orguu now predicts that the
"men lion iu business iu tins country
will be old and out of b'.!!!itioi" beloiv
llio limes will gut as they once
wore when the Democrats wero iu pow
er, l'his is only too true. tkliiimjiooe
7 IMIf.
Diiownlow Dead. Hon. William U.
Urownhiw, of Tennessee, died on the
29th ult. ' He was one of the most vio
lent religious .political agitator thai
the pul generuliou produced. Ho wui
ihu most enthusiastic slavery propa
gandist in tbu south, and ullorwarils
turned out to ho tho most virulent
Abolitionist, lie preached, prayed a. id
cursed by turns, uud was mudu United
Slates Senator while Tennessee wus in
llio bands of carpet-bag li aternity. Ho
wus a man of rare luluiils, bill hu never
succeeded ill utilizing them in the right
diroi lion.
Mrs. Harriet Palton, wilu of James
Pattoti, and sister of Thomas A. Scott,
President ot tho Pennsylvania Rail
road Compuny, died of pneumonia, on
Tuesday evening, at Dixon, III., in the
fifty sixth year of her ago. Her
remains aro to bo forwarded to
tho former homo of Mrs. Putlon, at
Louden, Franklin county, Pu., where
they will be interred. The deccu-tud
liirnieily resided at Puttorsonvillo, Bed
ford county.
A Blunt Statemunt. U race Green
wood suys noiiie of the most incompe
tent und uiifuithful oung employes ol
the government are the privileged sons,
brothers und nephews ol Senators and
members of Congress black sheep of
tbo families idle, worthless, dissipulod
fellows, haunters ot billiurd saloons and
variety tbeaties, loungers in front of
hotels and restuurants. Oh I Graco,
what a fibber you aro I You must be
mad at somebody.
The Pluckt PACKAtin. It is re
ported that Mr. Packard will not leave
Now Orleans until bo has secured docu
mentary proofs that Ihu Hayes electors
wero counted in by fraud. These
proof's, it is siipposod, hu will pluco in
Mr. Hluine'a possession beforo the ex
tra session ol Congress. Unless lluyos
4 Co. como down with a million of
clean cash, Packurd will go behind the
returns, Returning Board Commissions
and ull.
An Excellent Ticket. Thu Phila
delphia Timet of Monday last, says:
"A well posted Democrat Irom the in
terior predicts that tho Democratic
ticket this full will be: Supreme Judge,
Judge John Trunkey, Venango coun
ty j Treasurer, Col. A. C. N'nyes, Clin
ton county ; Auditor General, Senator
Harmon Yerks, Bucks county."
Tho Iowa State Register is so mad
that the President has been so com
pletely successful that it is Involun
lurily sarcastic. It proposes to ask
the South to "forgive ua lor cleaning il
out," and invito Jeff Davis lo deliver
tho Decoration Duy address lit the
Capital of Iowa.
Ohio Statesmen. Ilis reported that
ex-Governor Noyes, of Ohio, will gut
the Mission to Franco. Well, aa tbo
Buckeye statesman bavo not received
much under Hayes, wo tlo not know
but that il would be right to givo ihem
a little nibble, by way ol vanity.
Modest Ohio I
As all the Republican nowspapers
now primed In Maine appear to belong
to Mr. Bluino, a new one is to be es.
tablished, which will not be given over
to mo -lire in tlio rear" policy. Ex
Congressman Burleigh and ox-Collector
Washburne are the leaders in Ihe
A plan of building now in vogue
wilb Philadelphia capitalist is to sell
a lot ol ground and to advanco part of.
tno money lo erect a building and take
aground rent mortgage. No money
at all passes fur the ground.
It seems to us that the jiolioy ol con
ciliation and concossion is all on on
side the Johnny Relw don't recipro
cal worth cent. Florida, South
Carolina and Louisiana Lhre State
gone, and no "recip." yt. ,
Dr. Tiiiuiagu suiil, aa Im began yes
terday's sermon, tlmt the reason lie
hud preuched ten sermons lo men uud
none to women was that tho woino.i
uru holler than men. II u did not say
this out of complimenl or gallantry ;
although when Winiieii aro had, they're
dreadful. Laughter. Sluti'tlca prove
this. They have luw lumplatioiis, are
naturally more ruverenliai and loving,
and il is easier lor them lo become
I'liriiliaiK. ''They are in the nnijoi ity
in Ihu Church, mi earth, and I siiiiie
teul in H '-Nov, a widow u b it to
lake charge Vf Ihe premises. The pel
I the bouse whn M.try, a ounger sis
ter. Ui iv'...Arli under hi r arm.'
has no appeitruuce ol aiixicly or per
turbation. Christ and several friends
arrive at the house. They did not
keep him wailing nil they U'ljnMcd
their dress, and, ul'ter two or three
kuockings, hitxleii in thu ihsir. and'
uy. "Why is thai yon?" No. Tliey
wero ladies, and always presentahle,
though they inilii not have mi their
liesl. Il w ulwuya had on our bent,
our hoi would mil be worth buving
on. Laughter They threw open
Ihe door und greeled Christ with,
"Good morning. Unhealed." Martha
went off lo Ihu kitchen; while Mary,
helieviiig in divi.ion ot luhor, said,
"Marlbu, yon go ami cook, and 1 will!
sit down nod iio ond." Laughter.!
Something went wrung in th" kitchen.
Pel haps the fire would not burn, or the
oivail would not hake, or Murtha scald
ed ber hand. At ant rtttii, she lo-t.
patience ; and with huawuatod brow,
und Hisaihly wilh pitcher in one hand
and tho tongs in the oilier, rushed into
tlio presence of Christ, saying, ' Lord,
ilosl thou not care that my sister bath
lelt mo to serve alone."
But Christ scolded not a word, lie
seemed to say, "My dear woman, don't
worry. Let tbo dinner go. Sil down
on this ottoman bei-ide Muryyotirlium
bio sister." When a man conies home
from biiainesa and aeca bis wifu worn
out, he thinks she ought to have been
in Wall street, and then she would
have something to worry bur. Ho does
not know that she conducts a nuivursi.
ty, a clothing establishment, a reslau
runt, a luiimlry, and alihmry; while
ho is ulso health officer, police, und
president of her residence. Great
They have to content with severe
economy. Ninety nine out of a hun
dred are subjected to it. If a man
smokes very expcnivo cigars and cats!
eoslly dinners in New York, ho Is
very desirous of making live dollars do
ibo work of seven at homo. Thu wile
is hanker in the household. She is
president, cashier, teller, and discount
clerk ; and there is a panic every lew
weeks. l.aiiLilitrr. This severe dis
ipliue will mukti heaven attrui'live to
vim. I'bere will bu no rents in pay .
I'iWry man will live in his own houc.
which will bo a mansion at Unit. Il
Stewart's Fil'h avenue inumdoii were
lilted into tho celestial city, glorious,
glorified LiiEttrus, who sat in rug on
earth, would ho u-diumcd to enter il.
New York Sun.
Wo tuku tbo following pointed ex
tracts Irom tho Washington corres.
piMideiicu of tho New York Times, the
leading Hudieul orguu ol thut city.
I'liey need no comment :
"1 have no spociul coiumissuraliou
for carpel baggers, though I cannot
see why they uro not us good lellows
now us they wore four or eight year
itiio, when Ihu parly made much ol
them. They, loo, are tho creatines
ol' KepublicuniMii, and its present on
xluughi upon then Its, as a little like
the holy rugu of a convened idol man
ufacturer, of ifuhiotis couvietiona wtio
goes to work, smashing up his own
graven images those particular wares
having gonu out ot fashion.
"To my poor, dull appruhonsioii
there seems to bo something in what
the Radicals say that -it' these Gov
ernments of Louisiuna and South Car
olina were good enough lo help launch
an Administration, they were good
enough It) sail in the same flout, and
should not he abandoned to pirates and
wrecKcrs. I bey say, too butot course
il ia a bit of Bluiuish bad logic thai
lor our I'resiUeiil to go back on the
present Louisiana Suite Government
were like ibuactof a man whose login
mui y being questioned, should set him
self lo destroy bis mother's marriage
certificate. When tho bayonet prosi
are luken away from the chair ol Mr.
t'ackard, and it goes down, as they
sny it must, will tbe chair of Stale in
tho While House sutler a strantre
sympathetic shock? Wbenono of tbo
huropiun thrones rock some to their
lull but tbo Presidential fuuleuil
seems to bu a Yankee ris king chair
it can till and till and not gn over, it
is well, however, that the ureal jv 0
decision in this cose can be put oil
Tbo name of llio silly young girl
who married the colored waitur at
Tilusvillu, Sunday night, is Emma J.
Heed. Tho happy groom's name is
Jumes E. 'A'ulers, and bo is cook at
tho l'urslnil! House. The girl is seven
teen yearn of ngu und handsome, ami
Ihu cook is middle unl and coal bluck.
The girl wus uuhuppily married at
Conneaiitvillu, when only fourteen
years of agu, lo Bell Fruiilx. The
marriage relation was tinhuppy and she
bft him. While in Tnu-villo tbu girl
Hindu her home wilh her fli p lather,
Mr. John Merrimun, who is spoken ol
us an exemplary citizen Ilis wile,
the girl's mother, is icriiMy cunt down
by ihu diHgrucu which her laughter
has brought down upon them. Emma
bus lulely been keeping Company with
a prominent oil men hunt, whom she
expected to marry, and lo whom the
family aupponed her engaged. lb
cusl her aside, howet'er, when she raid
she "would bumble him," and became
despurnlu ill her dUuppnitilniciil. She
made Ihe acquaintance of Ihe colored
niiin Waters, and Ihelr marriage- Siin
dtty art-mug was llio result. On bear
ingot the insane freak of her daughter,
Mrs. Morrimaii went into convulsiona
and baa been suffering untold agonius
of mind and body unco Ihe event.
Tho girl ia not of ago, and not having
the consent of her parents, the mar
riage is, therefore, void. Waters was
arrested by Oltlcer Kane, on Monday
evening on a churgeof knowingly and
wilfu'ly marrying the wife of another
person, contrary to th act of Assom
idy of March 31, 18.MI, Wo have not
yet learned thu iv-ault of llio trial.
New Collector. Judgo John E.
King, appointed collector of tho port
of Now Orleans, ia represented to have
boeh a Union man throughout tholato
war. He resides in Opelousas county,
and was formerly of the Louisiana Su
premo Court. General Sherman want
ed to appoint him Military Governor
of Louisiana to aticcotxl Well at tho
close of the lato war, but ho declined
the office
A Chicago pupur, alter some plain
talk to Mr. Evaru for continuing bia
legal practice while Secretary of Stato,
aska : "How would II took to o Pres
ident Haye conducting a cose before
th United Stale Supreme Court T
We don't know how it would look, but
it would be Hay es' Ural appearand in
tbat quarter, and it would Redoubled
ly astonish tb Ooait aad everybody
England has sunt a fleet to tbo
Sues Cunul lo protuct her iliturosta,
Tho prospects of the wheat crop
aro good nil over eastern Pennsylva
nia. Tbe crown Prince and Princeaaof
Denmurk intend visiting Kngluml in
III. Hided borsessolil as low as $175
at Ilerkncss, Philadelphia Butanr, lust
A negni murderer in Texas has
.'.H'as".)'.i.t-f li"Tli.r"'Vi'".-M.Cj
Stanley wus lu-t beam in
jzi.jjH,jjH mi Ihu Soil I her ly shore ol
. n n it ly ly I.
Tiny moved a achisd house In
Warren Ihu other day, to make room
lor an oil well.
Ex-Guv. Noytm, of Ohio, baa ac
cepted thu French mission, tlo will
sail lor Puris in June.
A bill b been introduced in the
New York Legislature to compel the
sulo of egga by weight.
A pipe lino ia now projootad Irom
Bulfuhi lo Now York city for llio pur
posu of U'alisimrlilig oil.
A Kenluckiun la beforo tho court
on a churgo ot assaulting a colored
man one hundred and ten year old.
Ann Elixa can get no alimony.
So tbu court sayotb. It is well tbe
court ia beyond Ann Eliza's tongti.
Snow full in portions of Nebraska.
last weuk. It extended over the en
tire line of the Union Pacific railroad.
Business in tbe cotton mills at
liockdale, Delaware county, is very
lively and they aro running on full
New Humpshiro claims to have
more names on tlio temperance pledge
than any other Slate in proportion lo
Hon. Caleb Ciiahiitg ha arrived
in this country having finished his
mission in Spain. Ho will resume bis
law practice.
A York county man has found a
lot of silver which, Il is supposed, wus
buried during the war. Tbo amount
is not staled.
-Mr. Sarah J. Hale, editor of Godey's
Lady's Hook, is eighty-two years old,
but still has entire charge of the liter
ary department.
A fire at Eustnn on Thursday
morning last, partially destroyed Mo
Keitn k Raphael's cotton mill. Loss,
about $30,000.
Our Government has nol vut been
Officially informed of the European
war. but our grain speculators are not
wuiting for thuL
Henry Marshall, cashier ot the
First National Rank, at Olnuv. Illinois,
has disappeared, and $10,1100, funds of
the hank, wunt witli him.
A powder mill company at Port
land, Me., have completed a contract
fur a quarter of a million dollars'
worth ot powder for Ilussia.
The city of Paris owns seventy,
six odilb-os consecrated to religious
services. Notre Dunie and the Pat boon
are the property of the Stale.
The lllisimshtirg Stale Normal
ScIiihiI bus tow the largest number of
boarding students that have ever been
in attendance at any "lie lime.
During tbe month ot March one
hundred and filly shitst passed through
the Sucx Canal. Tbe receipts ol thu
cotiiiauy amounted to IG 18,000.
Rx-Preaident TJ. S. Grant and
Ex Sueretanes Boriuand Chandler re
cently visited Ex-Senalor Cameron,
who enterlainod them in ex cellent
Some of tlio most astonishing
offers imaginable have been made lo
tho crouch ttovernment Tor concess
ions to open regular licensed gambling
The hotels at Washington are in
a bail way. Three of them are in the
hands of receivers or agents of credi
tor, and a fourth is said to be toppling
to its fall.
Tho war will boar down hard on
opium caters and smokers. That en
trancing drug has already advanced
over one dollar per pound, gold, and
promises to go higher.
The Justices of the Supreme Court
are unanimous in the opinion that the
vacancy on tho bench should be filled
bv a Southern man, and Chief Justice
Waits favor ex-Secretary Bristow.
According to Mr. Bokor, who bas
had opportunities of observation both
at CoiiBtuntinonlo and St. Petersburg,
thu Turksand Ituasiuns have both been
preparing for war lor two years past.
Very many of tbo leading Re
publicans now in Washington city,
havo ceased to call at lb While
lloiiso, since Mrs. Huyoa refuses to
furnish tbom wilb the regular drink of
It don't speak very much for tbo
credit of Cumberland county that that
district has now moro criminals in tbo
penitentiary, in proportion to tho pop
illation, than any other couuty in tbe
Attorney General Lear bas decliU
ed tbat the Statu Treasurer must pay
out ol tho Treasury the pension of $70
per annum .'rallied by the Legislature
ul tbe lust aetjsioii lo soldiers ot the
war of 1812.
A third rail is to be laid immedi
alely on tho Erie railway between
Binghainton and Waverly. New York,
which will complete a narrow gauge
connection between the Pennsylvania
anthracite coal regions and Boston by
way ol Albany and the Uismac tunnel.
Jim. li. Coy, a soldier of tho war
ol IH12. died at Drusdun, Ohio, on the
23d insl., in Ihu ninetr-tourlh year ol
Ins age. He was a'shiH-muker by
trade, and worked at tho bench tor
seventy -five years.
Tho North American slates that
the earnings of the Pennsylvania road
for tho quarter ending April 1st, were
$100,000 in excess of lust year. There
was, consequently, no reason for the
silly panic in its stock.
The employes of tho ilarrisburg
cur inunufuulory, foundry and machine
company work cloven hours at pres
ent, in order to facilitate tho comple
tion of tho present contract for tubular
iron oil tanks in a specified time.
The Massachusetts Legislature has
passed a law establishing a commission
of women to Inspect the prisons and
hospitals in that Stale. The commis
sion will consist of three ladies, who
will be appoinlod by tho Governor.
Medad T. Moras, merchant lum
berman and largo estate owner in Sul
livan county, New York, baa failed
and Died a petition for voluntary bank
ruptcy. Ill liabilities are $120,000
and the reported asset nearly $100,000.
Lieutenant Colonel Fred. Grant,
who inspected Rurop wilh tjenrral
Sborman, in 1872, aay that lb Rus
sian ar tho better organised, tb
Turk tb bettor armed. He thinks
th British army is th heat In lb
Among tbe bills signed by Gov.
Hartranfi, waaon authorising the ap
pointment or a committee of Bv Sen
ator and (even Representatives to ex
amine into tb working of th Fishery
UtmtntsMoner and to report tb remit
of thoir investigation at tb Mat -
raa, tb xpaM tvot to aim two
tbonwa dollar, at4 to W paid out of
iu a.k .
wr aiemwi J nypropriattowl .
Still Another on Hand. Boss
Tweed has lulely inadu two confessions,
one uppeiiring In llnrjier'$ Weekly and
another In tbo World, a week later,
uud II la announced that third will
bo out anon, wilb Ex Gov. Tilden left
out as usuul. What a misloiiune it is
lor the lluds. that Tweed diss notitn
plicutu Presiileiit-elucl-Tilden.
A Jimi.lE. Governor Nicbolls, of
Louisiuna, has appointed Muy 10 as a
duy of thanksgiving ami ;ira;. or. It
s,5m i,v.t '.:r.'!rr..-f?r'Af,
Tbe permanent exlubijti t ibo
Cvlileiimal grounds in Philadelphia,
will be opened in the main building on
thu loth ol Muy
2)(U' Umtl9flllCUt.
(Oatee ia MaaoriU BeilJiaj )
CleerlWIii, Pa., Mae t, IKlT lj.
(MUriON .Mail ueraoaa are Bares aaallon
J art aaalaat nurrnaalna or In aar eta ejed
4lin- with on eo and oalf. Milur of eat-n ninf
re and shit nual. now In rh n.eeaaalnn at
Alien New Millpori, Knm
me aaata belonga to are and I ten won Mr
Maya n loan, aubjeet to Biv nr-ler nt anv tlw.
h.i Millport. April IS. lTT-3t
flAUTION All pereoneorw hrl saalloned
VV eg-aioel aaroaaaio nr In nny meddling;
wun in lollumitg proper! aow la ta pnaeeaeins
of J. Mbi-otlcn, of Truntvile, Brady bmnaalp, Tit .
Tare elovre, I bd and baildiaa. heira. table.
douabtray. and all tbe remainder l bia unda ta
tbe elerebuee, aa tba eanta aa purchased by me
at Cna.-eble'a aale on tba Uth day vf April, '71,
ana le llt wita btm on lonn, ensjeot in my order
at aay lima. fHKOkktCK KUULKH.
T root, ule, May I, IJ7J-JU
Il " ) lo tba Conrt of
1 IteMinae of C'learA
1. J Peaa'a
... 1
of I'leaa Aald Cu..
aaata heria,
Motle la bereh aieea that anpliftatfon will be
mane ia una eaae. as tna a rat Moaday of Hay
Tria, faith dlrebarse nf tb Defendant ander
Ibo ioeolvent law, of nbleh all perenae intralad
hnaautiea. ISKAKL TEST,
UlenmeM, Hay I, l7Mt. Uaf't'a Att'y
CAUTIOI All nersnni era hereby caution
el eaeinet purrbakanf or ia any way med
dllng wilb tbe tollowin prnperty, nnw In tbe
pneaeatl'.n -f Fred, liana, nf rena towaablp, fie:
Oao wmk atore, I atora, I parlor store,
I aloha, 1 tallica, I euplfiar.l, I lounfa, lot uf
rnrpet, and I beda anil bedding, aa Ibn earae
waa purohaerd by me nt Oan.uble'e Bale na tba
I7tb day of M.reh, and la leh wilb aald llaaf ea
tuaa only, eahjeet ta my order nt any tuae.
Cnrwnaatllle, April M, 171
le beraby given Ibal Letter of Ailmlniaim
uu aa tbe eataia af BAI.Tlla.ZKR UK.NNIL,
Bin nf Ovtag(oa tnwnabip, Claritld aoaaty,
fa., deoeeeed. baling beam daly granted ta tbe
nad.riigoed, all perenae indebted to eaid fetal
will pleae make immediate payment, nnd Iboee
navtag aieime ar n. manae win preeon tnrm
pmperly eetheuliealed tar eelllrmanl wilbwal
d.lay. JOHN B KB .MO,
Prrkehillle. Pa., y 1, '77
uoiroH a norii'K-
In the Orphssa' Cnurt of ClearAeld eonniy
In t a matleret lb reuloatal of Heather Lvr.
The snderetfned Auditor, appointed In dietrlb
a-e Ibe belanoe la the S. P Wilrna d.
wii.t.1 a r, emiiiig the baire and lenal re.r.-fc-nt.
ativre of deoM, w II men, aald dialribation nt bia
glee, on Halarday. Mat I. 1877, at la a'elojk
n- m, nn-aaiid nberaell pM,ne ietereld may
mtend ISHAKL TKsr,
Cleailel.1, May . t7T St Aadit.Hr.
limrilN'ia NOTICR.-
Ia lb Ori-ban' Conrt of ClaarAeld oownty
The uadrraianed Auditor, app deled by tba eaid
(Wt to dlatriliute Ike moaey ia the ha-ida of W.
W. LaDgd-n, A.lmmieiratoT nf tba aetata nf John
hummel, dei.'d to and nmong tba nartie legally
entitled thereto, givea notion that he will alp-nd
to Ihe dutlee of bia appmntment ao the ISlh day
of May. tail, at n okHib a. m., at the nmoa ol
Krnnh fioldie. ia ClearAeld, when Bad where all
pariwa intonated may attend.
Clrnrlrld, April t, 1177 l. Anditur,
Fine farm nt Private Sate !
PittienU la l.aNt.nfcrtoa aoattr, P., milt
anna ot (a -III.- or Herat U.ia Ftltoa Cn..
ataiainf hr huadrrd aad tsraotj tifSt aorot,
Mora r Icm, Nutrtoa, ffrvl ao1 ilatt Itvod,
nadcr good lUta af atiUiratloa. Th tmpn-t--U
oaniirt of rrrnm 4m alliag bnaaa, baak aara,
4i7l ft, wi bed, aorm rib hog pMaa, by.
aeaUa, la-a taoaat aoaiaa. av Mil., two yoaag
appl arcbardj haariag frail, mm iboanatl pan li
Bat aad rail faaoa. tft aeraa aiaadow, aaa baa
Jrd an4 Illy aorai blow Uad. Tba baUaoa
oaritrta of 111 ara of wbUo piat), aatr aad bub
ur- ilaibar. A ttraaa ol Mvar -faihag water
raai throagh lata proatrty. Maiiiag It paritaalarij
well adapiod ta hwib tHoek aad grata rataiog. If
Mind, will b divided ta fait purobaMrg. Thii
pro port- la aa ar aoar projoaud mat af two
raiiroadi, aa af wbith will a built ibta ewtatog
8eaiair. Fort .rait of tala, appljr to
Lork Pox t, Claaraald, Pa.
Cl.trfi-IJ, March It,
Tba aadorvlgnrd. Adaiialtralrit of tb aataU
of .1. A BUitoniwrgar, dat'd.wtli aipotVlo public
aala at tba Uoart lloaaa ia ClaarAeld. aa
Wedneeday, Nay 13, ISJT.
at II o'clock p. a., lha lot low to dooeribed aron-
arl.T. to wit i All tbat carta t a ptaea ar pareol of
grouna auaaia ia taa aoroata at UMOola.
bald ouaaiy, Ha, hooadad aod daavribod aa fot.
kiwat (la tba eait by Curtia atroai, oo tba waat
by aa alley, aa tho north by Stone (treat, aod aa
tbe aoatb by let No. Id. aad kawa ia tba pla of
aaid borough aa lota N i. 17 and lb
Tbrmi op 8li Oaa third oatb aad tba bal
aaoa ia aaa aad two yeara. to ho teoarod by Mort
gage oa tba praialaea
Ctea0l.. May AdaiaiMratrU.
Thrra will ha txpoatd U pphlia tl a tbe
proatlaoa ia K t lariitwa. Clnartteld a -aoty, Pa , uh
Hatarday. Hay A. Intt.
at .na o'olt-oh p. ..the rlliwlag deaorlh d pr p
my, to wit i All tbat ferula ht of groand alia
aio in byiort'WB,Clfarftetdaiity. Pa , hmalal
a the rant by the rad lading t tho h.lling
utoao. oa ih north by Kit f. rotar y of It
Kykr, n-.o Mnr)hay. oa the a a b by lot forw r
ly of K iwurd I).-IUrn, teuia a 1 fro I M
li, and eat-otling U d-pth tea rela back, being
ihe rauie .r aim oa . tyed by Jnkn H. Kjlor
Niobolaa Ma-ph-y la dit-d ttd January Jt Btti.
rraordet In deed bonk T," pf bin. de. and
buving tht-re-a vroeVd a front h him ltlt feet,
frame aui-le. anj aihor oatntiiidtnga
. Alto, oneo'berluia (J -iai'ig the anora doewribod
a the airtn. being foet front y 19 rvd la
One-hair ea-b oa touflrniatlna of thj aale, and
the balaaoa in ill aoatb. with Internal, to be
rnnrt-d ar-' the proaieei. JKddK BKAMti,
Admaiatratur of tbe oaiareot N. Muriihtty.
H:artowa, Pa.. April II, I87T Iu
Sheriff's Sale.
By trtoa nf a.adry write nf 7W Wae la
aned ant of Ibe Ooart of Oommna Plena ar Clear,
laid Monty, nnd la ma dlraeted, I her will Im
ipoeod la Habile aale, at tba Uoart Honea. ia ,
buroogb nf L'loarfleld, ett Monday, Inn llat day
nf May. 1st;, at I e'alneb f. at, tb foilnwin
Seaarined real aetata, to wlti
The follow In rrnl eatnte, eitnaiela Brady twp.,
ClearAeld nnanly, l-n , naandad mid deeeribad na
lollowa i leaiaeiai nt a poot na linn at daeab
llllebara'a lot thenoa aerth Ad darnae aaet
parekM u a poet p Uenn. by lot af Jenub H ikbar
nort ta dear waat It po-obna In n peat at ruad;
tbi nan by Inod al Jaaob Yoaa aetata aoatb t2
drimei weal dill perenae ta a pnet I tbenoe
by aaid lead eonth denaa aaet li a I perehaa
e a pnet lkae by aaid buM narlb I degreee
anil If perebna la a peel tkewnn by pablia raa
nort k 4 -reet entl H pnrabao In a pnet thoao
by deanb UiUbnra land nnnk ef definna a eat I
parekaa be a pnet and p ate nf Wflnelef, aaatata
io( t noma and IU pnrnha, burta, ihnmna aeeat
ed a Inrte ateem nt mill, with .angle aad lata
mill nltnoknd, Ibe bnlldla nnta nnnal tlitt
leet. with aa nddltieo t berate aaad aa a paeaiaa
room af about Half foot, aad a large Iwa-etary
irnaaa dwaiHag bane aboat tttM, gid frnm
atabh) and ether eelenildiaga.
Alan, all nf beleadaal'e InUmat la Ihe wbltn
plan limber etnadieg and lying a. a pienaef annd
a Mrndy tawaeklp elnmeaid. aoaulalag aknalt
earn mar ar leee, being Ik wool eld. af a plena
at aaad awae ky B.aeiae Ulkar, kimnjad na lb
nana ky laad at a. M. M-mea, went ay band nf
ibaantnual Jnoab leaa, and na Ibe aeaik and
out ay Innde al Lalatw. neiaed, taa .a ia
oieeatina nnd t be aald Be lb. nt t. 0.
Whlfprn, W. H. Irate d W. Si. Waod.
Tneaa ee Int . Th. p, ar earn nt wklek
tba prupartp akall be ntraek adf mant aa pud at
tnti una m aala, ar taeh ntner arraagenmu made
no WIM b appraeed. MaWrwtaa the property WMI
na taaeaad lately pM aay nM neid aaaia at taa aa
panan aad rlaa af Ike pnrana aa aaaea M mm
etmnk a, nnd wka, la aoao nf dilimaoy at nek
ra eatn, akall aaak gawd tb noma, aaad aa
etaeaa old eka Oeod ba piaaaam aa Oaann ter
anaavaaalla aaleaa UVe mem. la aaawalay pod en
OMMwrll. AiaW rI,Jr,
mmmrrt Olma, aaertat
OaM. Pa.Sea-t,l1t., , I
TflSE' ""'Tr. vrV iV'--'iV'., 'ptw-
Smithfleld Street, from, 2nd to 3rd, Avenues.
Tk mael aentrally loaaled Sret-. laa llenae la ike ellr. Ptrrrt ee. pare tbe duor e-ery Ira
iantoa la all ike d -pnla ao I all pint ol bo a o Ua. Torjn. IJl par liny.
WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors.
Tba Ran el ten. of Clrerteld, r re. lied weekly at tk Hotel aa I plaoed oa ' f- r ihe U-n.nt .,f
garata from ibie aeelinn, do Ape.l S7. IfTI s.
TkTOTU'l' Nnllee ie herrliy given thai lha
Xl Board of Seh.Mil lllnetura of Ihe borough
of Uaeaola, will epply tn the Cnurt ef Cuuitoon
Plena id ClearBeld oovnty. nt ita net! farm, lor a
deeraa autboritlna raid Ht.b.H.1 Uireetore to b ,rmw
Iva tbunaaud l'Vvul dullare fur bull.iing and
enmploting Ihe bulliitag of n Sehnot .Inuae In
aaid krnugb nfOraeola. II. 4. WALK Kit,
0. H.8WOPK,
Oatrola, April II, 1177 II.
DIMMIl.tlTION MITItf-.-Notiool.tere-ky
given that Iba no pnrmerabip b-n-ui
lureeilaliug between Prederii-k fm-kett nnd Jnko
Q. Sekryver, diog bneineaa In Ike bornogk n
L'lenrfleld, under Ika Srm naina of Hankeit i
ftehryvar, waa diraulvad on the td day of April,
177. by njatoal nuneenL Tba hooka of tbe
trm will remain at the atora BCiti tba lu of
Mey, wkere all knowing tbemerlraa indekied
I tka late Irm nan nail aad reule.
J. U. bCllKVVtia.
CleerC.IJ, pril II, 177 IU
X -Notin ia hareby given that the following aa
ouanle have been eiauiined and paaeed by na, aad
remain Sled ef reoord In thia onoa for tba io
epaotioa of heira, legatee., areditore, and all otbere
Inlareeted, and will be preentd to the neit Or-
thnna' Conrt ol Cleerneld euonty, to ba bald at the
onrt Uonae, la lha boroogb of ClearAeld, on la
menting an tba 3d Mondny (being tbn llat day)
of May, A. D. 1(77 t
Partial Areoont of tiaorge B Woodio. Admioie
trnlor of tho aetata of I. C. tiaie., let of the
borough of Hoaladele, Clrarleld Co., I'a dae'd
Partial Aoeount of U W. Uallaber, Admioiatra
tar ar Iba aetata of Hugh Ueltaber.late nf Cheat
taaaahip, ClearAeld eoonty, Pa., dee'd.
Partial Aoaunnt nl Jamn. A J. I. MeKaa, Admin
latratnra ol tbe aetata a( teiaa Mokaa, law nl
Knna townabip, Clenrftetd Bounty, fa., dae'd.
Piaal Aeooout of Mllce Pelum and lleorgo Wit
Admloielratore of Iba oaute of Jaavb Wlea.
late .if Mnme twp., clenrleld Co., Pa , dae'd.
Pinal Aeeoant uf U B. rtfieekman, Adiniulatrator
of lha aetata of lieojemin apnckmaa, lata vl
Claarteld anal;, Pa , dra'd.
Pinal Aonoont nf Wat. Kider, Admlnlatrator D.
B M . 0. T. A. nf Ihe e.leie or Juan aider, lata
af Cevtagroo twp.. Ciaarttnid On., Pn., dne'd.
(Inardi.n A.HMHjnl ot 2avhariah eleNaul. guardian
nf Ermine Paula,. formerly Krmma Maaun) oaa
ol iba beire ol Hm A. Maeun, lata oi t.urwaaa
ville boraogk, Cleerleld Co , Pa .dee'd.
Apr. li le Reliefer A Keo.n-.ler.
Du jtn waat taioeroajto lha produetioa tfjear
Farina and Uardeai at a am at I tautlajr aud ao
trouble f If to. atad fur a package uf
Waugaman's Vitative Compound, or
Seed and Plint Invigorator.
Tbu ta a wuudvrlai ebeiutvol 4wivTf atn.
laiaing all Ibo lug rwdieiati in a ouudi-aatM. fwrm
fur ibo lunieuiaio oudOirulH go n-iosiioo wt toe
eodt mat tba vigumne aaJ rapid grjwib of the
piaut. Ita Tata aaa haul I j e tttaiaod, aa t
nut oalj ineraMa tbe prouueiioo and batten
matuntj, bxl pioteolp tbe aeed and pai.ta Irum
ibe at look uf luMrta and nuroii hi op tn
parkeoa ot $1 CM aaJ $2 taob ) tbe auiall u
auttickut I'ir bail a una tie, oa i toe lar(ir f r euo
nnhl of e-ed 8n b nail o rooeipt wf priOe,
aca iff oia aadttionai lor poatag-, by
137 Libert; bi.t Piiuoutgb, Fa.
Or addreai
Care of Geo. Biaghita. Adamt Fii.rn Co.,
April I, ttl7-l.
LINEN SUITS, &c, &c, 4c.
F. tlNGES,
tiks, consEW,
BUTTONS, ic, Ao, Ao.
WHITE (.00 DS,
M 1 I.LIN Kit Y,
Ao., Ao., Ao.
Carpetings, Oil Cloths,
Wall Papers,
&C.( &Ce
Baaaa Na. Pt" Optta Iom KltdlB.
CIarM, P., Anvil tn.TT-dea.
JUir admt.srnrnts.
The undfraiftnetl wn-d announce to thcetliirai
f Clearorld aid Yictoi'j, tbat ho baa eatBiatied
Manufaclure of Cigars
ia t"learAld, and will k-p nn hnd a Urgti tuck
nf Sret-elaa eirari obtrb be will aell at wbletale
end rtil His rfsajs are x-dc frsa ;U lm
lexf tobeeoo, and oarraotod V givo aatiafnotiua.
lie alao knpa on bnal a lall Hue ot tn beat
ChcwliipT & Smoking Tobaccos,
to which h tnrltre the attoll'a 'if rmk-r and
chew era. Koiml dalera aupctird nilb tbe betf
bcanda of igr, rtaniV'.ag nod Chewing Toiiacsei,
at the loneit wbolaaala price.
&-TKRM8 -P
A aharn ef lie patrunagH rfrpectfullj aol eMt-d.
Koon QfH d -or to lit Natiuoal Bxnk,
March 21, U.T Sia. Cltserdt-.d, fa
Haa oprod. In a hnildmg na Market atr -ot. aa
the old Wra'rm Htel lo , npp'-tita iba t'.-urt
Haaa ta Clrarllald.a Tia and Hiieet Iron Ud
factor and Miore, whore will bo fouud at all lir
a full line of
Stoves, HiTiware. Etc.
Unaa Sp .oting aB all kiadi of Jub work, refiir
ia .. At., rtitna n aburt aod at rveUouable
ratct. Ala agect for tbo
SingerSewing Machine.
A -anpl of Mchinra, with Nrodlea, ., al
wiva on b-nd
Tarua, Btri.-tlj tih or eonn'rv produce. A
ahareot patiunage a.lid ad-
Clr.rfi. lfJ. April ?5. I'TT-tf.
HIGH' ST AM ARDS! V;'," inm.'u'
Wrought-Iron Air-Tight
Daaeriptlve I Irt-ulare aent fire ta an, addr.u.
April ii, 11 tj.
Aod boa eUaxl Iu flrtt yaar with ftaMiihoa!
knoa Ido airftBlattun larator tt.i that of anf
othor da il Poana'Konio, wilh ainfla tt-
ooptHtB. It ho nw th wiai porfo-! machinery
) applioooca Tor iiHniitiK ita Ur rd tiMn. b-v
in iwo Bow Moo PorlMfiif Prroao, tooh einihla
of i riot inn; a0,"0 turn lei a .ip.oa nl Thi Timis
in on Boor, o mat tl cob mrm tho rory ta art
ttoa ami naka ibe earlicat delivery to iu rendrra.
It oontoina
HBspUNUKNOR TroiB tl p in-i ..f tnterir. CjII
and A count la Uwal Hp.rta. an-l Ctmrl'-aa I litur
iol Diaoiaaaioua ol Uorroot T "Bleu, Biina; H
tho no't ei.tnb'eu and ebtp-at ntwiat-r U
'THE TIMES" ia ThDroagbly Inde
pendant. in rvorrthl -jr. and will, ia ll r .liuoal tnt(4li i.
faith! ot lotrolb nd Ita nt i envoti'iB. U
oaotift n h .Itt.w p'(noo nt o tht
londinc quoitKin th- Am, or li pi!inl an
ttata a ibo , hot wtlUvar MmnuX Ibe hliod
axtrtironaliip that oimld aoear1iiilo tb right to
port fufHN', im ma Her lor whnliiriiQiaaliift. ur
n ttiti In rr-wl oob aUiia i$ m4'te.oni wiM
fcritPiy oriiiiai p-atliieatorrii'. a ii in Mitir
puh io tntatirity oh-Buvr toaln
oo.. mr and lilvliiv ia -rrv dv-Drioant wf
B t'bri v. CUt, 8uto nd J lldly
oriai)(na thitpo ( ovnrt parly who o'luoa ponlia
irual. It iliatio ptthlto ia-oea pviblle tvnan
and putitio n, with ibt Bnur f frt-xtota
(hot t divuu-rt by I rath, bui with thai eiifniir
aud oTtw wliirh h nd T-r oharnntrria-' th
prort of ho BixatculijfliUBatd oonoo f tha wurld.
I'rto two oohU (.or o--(.y ; mi rib.-ra, pit
ajrw r-ial.l, at ilolUrt O year, or fVty r.ntf
to.nlj. Addnaa TliK TiMKS,
TH 8i.t t-'lniaJa.
April t.S, 'T7 it.
By rirlB nf j.hNa.lkn in luina(lii atttKh
taoot Ib th a Court of Cmon PIoa oi Cifa llrld
e'luntt, tbor will lo ti.oaed tu (mblie Bto ol IM
C.Brt Uonav Ib C'loarli-M. oa
taloraay. Nay ft. I SIT,
at S oVloeh p. tn., iba ft.U..wing d-arrihaJ ral
o-tate, tbroalalcor P. U. Millor , 411 that orrtaia
troot or pioeo of land tltBoto Ib tho boroorh of
Cfoarflrld, twHHilrd ftoi d.-orihod m ruiluwa.
HRiBtiiBt at a poat. l.riovriy a bl-rt. jv, op lb
bonh of lb ritttri Iboooa down aotd river north
71 d-irooa rat 1 1 frot to a poat ; tbon th 21
drj'4M aRl 4VI fori loa p at ihooeo iy land af
M. II. Dcd-o aooib 5 dr;rvoa w-m 117 tort
pout : (bene Burtb t denreea wrt bv w dtaerthod
bolatw 49$ foot H th Wff.BBinit, having iberooB
areoud a ww.try fiaaao Bwiii g buna, wit
ib Broopaary ootbaiMiBjr, fub. A , aod bar
Inf a Bnbr tf frolt troaa aad raaaiiol altrub
bory ibaroon.
AIm, b M of groond adj Ining ibo atmr prop
bifioBing at urtir vm ain-ot
Iboooa awulh Is aVfraoa oaval M loot Third
etroot i IkriM by mnm aootfe A2 df-groaa wrat 1
foot tu aa a Dry ; ihtne by told Jlov nonk SI do
rtm -tola I t to Kimatrot uOBby aaoja
oortb T dfgrooa ooal ltd feot to tbo BociBamc,
aieoptiag aad roavrvlog a atrip af laad M fot
wiuo ivr ih wm ibo roilre orbiah ibbi
through tb baoh pari ot thia l..t
Alw,tb lBir4 of f U. Miliar, boing lb bb
dlriiod oao lblrd taitoel ot oJ that oorioiatroat
of Uod al BBt la Cibo Uwaafeip, Ctaortold Cou,
ra-, 'BBBow im Baoehbwl aa lollowa i Uaffto.
aiag at a pirob pioo Cwroor of lrMa K , 44 tl,
ftSoi aad Wt j ikeooa aerth b, $PU, "lo prBa
to rook oak I ibvbo wvoi by troot d-'ol, 44 pr
eboa lo a beailaoa the ath By Uiot UU
IXB Mtoboalo walio pioot ibvooaoaat ail perak-
a to bogtoBiag, avoiaiBiaat 9 aor aad Hw.
bboo. aud kmwm a M Ao, 4Mit Ao traai bar
iBg tberaoB lara wonlittoa ol pib al bioinih
Ona hair aaah, aa IBB nnleeae In nna jeer
Ihemnfiee, BTita lalaat, la Ba naeareel be ntew
an miiafB nn tVe nremiaaa.
Mr laa lre.teee mil ale anil at tka MM
lima, n laraa Fire araaf Kafk.
v. w. am i u,
4.T. Intwiie.
W.D. BltlLE
OmarSaM, Pn, April li, 1TT-M.