7 THE "CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAV (lO()l)l.AXI)KK & l.EE. I'LEARHKLIl. PA tint IHI.IHKII Ik ln1. jJ.-.TiH.lst'r.rt ('Ircslailnb vr New y .par Termi of Subsonptiou. ir ! In advanoo, itr ithn 4 eantha....M 4M If -aid altar t mid iwriirr iuntha 4 If .aid after tba pi ration f tuuniha.. 3 INI Rates ot Advertising, T ntni'lTrtlBmnt. per aquarefif in llnonur 51' t aunt, utif(inni nirhnn.. A troiniatratorV ind KiftMifor' imiw t 50 A't'liinm' notfniM t ftfi fi iuiinn wad KrMrava I Ml (l oliiim rmtlre. . Alt P nt'eMi'na. Cardi.. h Hnep ir Im.. year.,.. H L nollona. pnr Una f ' VK4K1.Y ADVKHTISRMKNT8 I nra . 0(1 Art I U tint. ts (HI ia Miir.. ,,! no j (Hilumn 71 no la iiNPAa... in tin 1 Miinmn lfo tin NK1. R ,KK, f PnMlafcara. tfards. WM M. Meri-LLol'OH M KO. o'l il'CK MeClLL.TGH & BUCK. ATTORN KYS-AT-LA W, (iffnrueld Pa. All li-sal hu.lnaa. pronptra altwll lo. 0E.W up Ntonod strnnt, Id iba .Mn-onic huild.nir. jntl:T W. C. ARNOLD, LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE CUHWENVll.LK, ' Claarflald t'oun'y, Ptna'a. 2 n, TH.'S. B. Ml BHAV. UTHUl fllBUUR MURR.Y & GORDON, ATTORN EVS AT LA W, CLEARFIELD, PA. pAr Often la I'Ibb Opera l4oan, ateond floor :tl'J4 FRANK FIELDING, AT TO UN EY-AT-LAW, LlearOeld. Pa. Will utirnd lo nil buainnai antruatad ti bin. titujll and Ulthlully. Bovl27 wm.i.ias 4i.i.A?a. pavip l kbkbb. BABST P. WALLACB. JUSB W. WHJSLBT. WALLACE A. KREBS, (ri.i-eiBr. i W allure tt KiMiauiit,) A T T O It N K Y S - A T - L A V . II li'7H Cltmrtluld, Fa. -MoMPH I. M'KXALl.r liAMlBL W. n'ci:KIV. McENALLY & McCURDY, , a itoun kys-ai -Law, CI ear Held. P. t'Uliiwf aHemled t iritu)t);r with, nlwliiy. Offiov im rtvnund atreot. hImiw . F,rt Vatinnitl Hank Jm.ii: J :T A G. R. BARRETT, ATToRNV AN1 UoUNMKLnU AT LAW, GI.KAKPIKI.I), FA. Mnrtnif rdicnril bi J urlphi ip hi n-aumwl hi iramiiT uf the law In bia old oAW at Cla inlil, I'a. Will attend thr nuurt ol .IrfliTROB no Klk wuntlfia when ffMtnlly rKtntnwl In tt.n neat ion rilh rti"fnt et.unacl. 1:14:7) A. G. KRAMER, ATTORN K Y - A T -L A w kral E.I.lc and C..ll ll"B Agral, tl.KAHUKI II. HA.. Will promptlv altfU.I to II Iral buiiuril c IraatKil to Ium era. rlfflo In PlV OfBra H Jnl'Tt A. W. WALTERS, ITiiUNKY AT LAW. It-arll. lcl H. ktllhfi) m tlrub:uii' Kiw idt;.t I H. W. SMITH, TORN BY -AT-LA W. ClttartlcU. Ha. 1:1 r WALTER BARRETT, ATTORN KY AT LAW. ( IrarOeld. Pa. in Old .ln. Il.iltl ku!l.lln o-tii.r or Htoond an I Markat 8t. B'tfl.na. TsrXelTest, . 1-TllM N K Y A I' I. A Cle.rBelrt. Pa r '0I in llit" t'oart Houa. 4 1 1 . 7 JOHN H. FULFORD, AITDUNEY AT La. ItarHeld. Pa. ptr On e on Maikft itrrat, oup. Coart Hobw, I.I. I, IH74. JOHN L. CUTTLE, A rfoKN KY A f LAW no Heal mutate Aaul. ClearHrld. Pa. Oina na Ibtrd atroat, bat. Ubarrji A Walnnl. 0TrUapttotfully offara hla avrvteaa in aalllna ad nujinif land, la Claarflald and adjnlalng ' onntlaBi and with aa oapariaaoeui ovtr twann ,ara aa a aaraajror, llattar bimaall tbai ba aaa .adar aaturaotlon. (ran J. BLAK E V ALTERS, UKAL ESTATE BROKER, AMn PKAbNB IB av Ijoitm hihI Ijiimbor. CI.KAHflKl.ll. HA. tu Jrabam'a H..W. I 11:71 J. J. LINGLE, t I' T O R N K Y - A T - LA W i:l Uartwla. Claartlald Cu.. Pa. jr:pd J. S. BARNHART, A I "I OKN KY A1 LAW, Haillelinila. Pa. fill pratttiov ID t;i.arnlft l,d all wl thaCuurta'd hr 'Jitb Judlmal diatrict. Heal eaiait iiuamaa. uid tmllaotioii Ml t'laiuia taada apantalttaa. ol'7l DR. W.' A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN 4 S V H (i K 0 N . LrTlltiK.III KII. PA. Will attend protaaalonal oalla p.'oBJptlT. auKltl'71' OR. T. J. BOYER, (Ml YHICI A J A N li " U Ktl r.ON Offlaa on Marbal rltrrnl. Cla.ttfld. Pa MrUIUos buun : Ki II a. ui , and I tu . in. jy. E. M. HUUKL'KKR, IIUMtEOPATIIIC I'llVflCI AN, Offiov la repldvnc on alatkH au April 14. IB7. El'iL.1!? DR. J. P. BURC H Fl EL D, VolHQtaara, fevb ramrn-a froi tna Army offer hi prifaialonai arln tn ihteilltana f (Jltarflad,BBtj. ' Offloa no aaoood trnat. lormf rl) tiepupmu oj Dr l-r4.'M-n DR. H. b7vAN VALZAH, (I KAHI-IKl.l). PI IS N A. OFFICE IN MASONIC ltl'IUMNU. pr Otlier b..-r- rwn. It t" S Y. M. Mkv I?, IW J ILI.I A M M 1IKMCV. Juhtiok IT or tu r:rm unn Kcwmn". ll'MHKh CITY. ColtMlittna mdr and mnm iniiiiM tMid uvr. Arltrlwanl rillHtt1 m! !" tnaTnea ntiiilr f 4n I wrrtnfd tvr wi or iti Mhnfru tw19 JAMES H. LYTLE, In knurr's Building, Mr at Bald. Pa. Daalor la OtiNMllsa, Praalaloas Vajalablaa, Fraila, fl.nr, road, to ate. Bprl4'7a-ll HAUHY HNYDEU. BAHBKK AND IIAIRDRKfWRR Skuf na Majkat nppoilia l'rt llnaaa. A elaaa inwal for Baart saatntaur. Ala taaattraatarar at All Klnda of Arllelaa In Huaian Hair. t'Waiaala, Pa. aaaa It, '' " D.lTDoiiiTi, . FAfIHON ABLK tlAKHKH t II A I K lHKflSKM CLKAltFIELI), TA. Bkf la rout )!' 14, tt. I fbroiarla eaanplad ha Nanaat Marks! Wat JOHN D. THOMPSON, iaatloa at iba Paaaa aad Hnmar, CararaBsallla, Pa. ' kaVCalloatlaaa aada aad aiuaat prompt) Id aaaa. fahll'7111 JAME8 UITCURLL, aaaaaa r; '"" Square Timber ft Timber Lands, WHI CUAAfllUX, tk. CLEARFIELD k, y VOL. 5I-WII0LE NO. tfiirds. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE rnn Itrralur TownaAfp, Oicrola Mllla P. 0. II official buainara antraalod lo htni all bt promptla allartdwl tt. rnr-iclf, '71. FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KUCHA NT, Prrnchrlllc. 4 lurtlt lil ( uuiit). Pa Kecpa aonatanllT on hand a lull aaMirlmetit ul bra tlooda, llardwarv, tlnwariar, and avarythiny uaualla krpl in a retail atora, which will na anld. for oaah, aa ehaap aa ataawharr in tha county. Pronobvllla. Juna 17. IS7 !j. ' THOMAS H. FORCEE, DBALH IB HKNKKAL MUtrHANOISE q, MtmBiv manafBctnrer and daalvr In Kquitr Timber and HaWBri l.uuibrruf all kioda. Orden aolicitd and all bill promptly ft! lad. ljylfl'T3 REUBEN HACKMAN, Mouse and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clvartlrld, Peiiu'a. auWill BieeutB JoUa ia bia litia n.ut,ltv and In a wurkiaattlikt uninnar. r ri.fi J Q. H. HALL; PRACTICAL PUMP MAKEK, NBAK CLEAKFIKIiD. PKNN'A. Jaajr Huutpa alwnri uo band and taadr to ordrr .tt ib'rt ftotiB. Hl.e Imri'd n rrafortahlti term a All work warranted to renW natiafacltnn. and 4el)Yrrd If drairrd. myj&:lypd E. A. BIGLER &. CO., DitAi.mia n SQUARE TIMBER, and oianiilaorurara or l.l. kIMM llf (t l I II I I MIIL.H, a-7'7l CI.KHr-IHl.l) PENN'A. ' JAS. B. GRAHAM, daalrr in Heal Estate, Square Timber, Boards, SII1NUI.K.', I.ATII. A PK'KKTH, !iei CkartrM, Pa," " WARREN THORN, HOOT AND M10K MAKKIt, . Market u. l lrarllcld. Pa. In Iba allup laialv nrcujiiaii Iit Pnti.k Fhurt, onu dour woal nf all. j lin(t Houa. ASHLEY THORN, A R0I1 II ECT, t'tiNTRAO'l OK and lll'ILPER Plana ami Pp"f iftaatiima furnlhul for all kih'l. f huildinKa All wurk llrat olua.. 6tair bil I ng a ai orUlir. I'. 0 a.l lr, . ..('!, r,. 1,1, I'h. Jan. 17 7711. R. M. NEIMAN, SADDLE and HARNESS MAKER, ItumbaiTger. i:ieHl0ld lo, Karpa on band nil kind uT llarnrpl. SNddK-a, Uridlef, and llia FutiiubniK .JuuJi. l. wiriaar .riiiti at lauded u. l(uii.t. g.r. Jan. 1 1', lM77-tr JOHN A. STADLKR, KAhKH, M ukat im., Chail.ld, fa,' Vreab Bread, iiuik, UoMi. fica and Cuka. band or niadr tu order. A itviivral rtu.fDt I roiilection.tr im, Ftuiia ami Ht in Hunk. loa ( rfatu and (ly-'fia ii pfunm. Knlix t Barl, lMaii tha pitaicfftna Pne uiodira'( Marrb ll-'76. J. U. M'MUllHAY WILL HI'I'I I.V Vtll HUM ANY aKIIt'l.K OP WHlCIIANlllriEAT TUB VERY L(l K8T PRIt'B. (,'OMR AND hKK. - :6:7v:. NEW WASHINGTON. MAHRI.K AM) T4NK VHI. Mra. H. f. I llilll I I., Uavtna; antrajred lo Ula atarhla nualnaaa, daairaa to tnturui bar trlanda and iba potilie that aba baa now aad will kavp eonsiamh on nand a larra and wall aalrctad atiick ul ITALIAN AND V HUM ONI MAKHLK. and la ,ra,,rd It, luriiiah lu oritar 1'iiMUctTllNKS IlliX AMI t HAUI.k. TujiUB. MO.MMKM, lo. tjdJuVard on Haad atraal. uear tba R. K LIot, 'loarBald. Pa. J. 14.78 Uvrry Stable. , I'HE undoriianac bvtti, laava to iuiorut tht puh- I lle,tht h la now luJIy lire par'' 'o (iwmjiuiijo Ult all in tha way ul lurnialiinK li..ea, liuxnipi. Haddlvp nd llariivaii, un tha almrtcal Bitt- and tn raaamiftM term. Kraidatica on Itoouit atreat, tkflwan Third and F'tiirtb tJKU. W. UKAHHAKT llcarflald. feh. 4. IR74 ' WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. At tba and ot tha lit bridjre, WEKT rLf ARF1KL0, PA. v Tbr prinator of ibia a.talll,hm-ni will l.uy hi. Ii,ii,ir, diraoilnim ol.lillar. I'artlaa noying h.ui Ibia iHiuaa will l.a aura to rat a para arnola t a Btnall aiarKln bImitb oo.. Ilntal fca'pera eaa a turni.had wiik ilqaor on rra.iinahia larina. I'nra winaa and branlira dlraot Ironi nealay'a Yluary. al Hath, Nw Y,.r UKOHHIi N. COLIII RN. Claarlal.l Juna In, l74 II. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ann naALKa la WnlclieH, I'liK'ka and Juwi'lry, Urnanai'a ". Ill-ill Kir I, I i:ahkii 1 1. pa. All kind, of rapMlmif In tnr Una pr niptlt at andl bi. Aril U. IB74, 15 MOW K'f M K AT M.HklX Thf jr,dirli d wnold raat-rcif"''? Inform thrpuhlir-thnl b. bia upmitxl B M b. AT MAHKKT at tha old atwnd n Markrl htrrcl. wbrrt h: will kifj. rr-uUrl.- nn band all hmdn of r.iUvs-ii nd will Kuarantr a4tlafarii'n in aa la lh ouaiil nf itiaa 'iff nd. (riB'i mijjUI C'lrarH. I.I. jS.M .7A-tl. KZH A BHOtt'N. Clearfield Nursery. ENC()UI(.(iK llo.M K INI'CM'HY 'MIR nitd-rlk;nfil bnvtna: atdKijy.bf I a Nr- Mr un ib- I'lfct, a'"iiii halt wn.r t'Ptwrm Clt'ft'Arld mid rurw.fi-iillf.tai (.rv(-iircd Ui tar ntah all kiuila uf IKI IT TKCKi. (-iati.ler.1 and dwarf,) Kvrr(rana, Hlirait'-wy, tlrapr Viii, 4.ooalprr, l.awmn HlM'kix rrjp, Mirawtitrry, and lia.phar Viiira, A an. Hibarlnn Crati Trvca, gatnra. and early war let Kbutiwrh. Ac. Ordara bftttNptly Bttnd'd to. Adil-aa, r J. I) WHUIHT. . afi2B - fBrwrafiillr, I 'a. ANDREW HARWICK, Market Mrcet, CIcarBeld, Pa.. . MABrrAcrrara AapiiBALRa ib HAHNKH8, f.l)t)LKS, BRIDLkB, COLLARS, aad all klnda of ' HOKSK rCKSIMIIXa 000113. A full Moak or raddlere' llardwara, Bru.ha., t'oiaha, Biaakal., Rohaa, t'., alwara na band aad Ibr aala al tba lowaat aaato prleaa. All kiad. of n palrian promptly a'landad Va, All kinda l bHaa "kan In a.rha'. lit bar aaas and n-palrlnc. All kind, of barna.a l. alhar napl iwi band, and f.rraB at a (tnall praflt. t'laaillald. Jaa. I, l7 ToHNH. FULFORD, 0 KKHAL m.VKAKCK AUKNT, Clrartttld, Pcim'a. Brt.rrwata all Iht laaoli, Eira laaaranaa ampaaiaa of tba country l io,nw,ciu , a.idai na ,7"4,1M ..4k! a SfiH.B:Hi . i.Bht.ant I,l7t HAi tlt.Bo alnt fll.WHI Hoyal Canadian Hnraa, Nan York Lta.BitnK. Money, Pa Franklin, Philad'a.. I'bo-all, llatlf.rrd Manirrar, aw York..... Horn, t'ol , O All.., M.iU rd Prvtld.naa, Waahingtaa ... GEO. B. QOODLANDEE. Pronrietor, " 71 Hi1tfT''7m Tm,u "m"m 'm n - n miTi i 1 1 " 7 """"" ' ' -r P.raaa. aboat tfaatla aa laaaraaaa aa pr wrtt af any kind, abaald aall at ay oBa, aa Markat atmt,a,.poalla tba 0rt Haaaa, and aaa Bf Halaf totnpaalaa and ratM Wfor. Inanrlng ' - jotM u.rvLiuBb, (Jlaa.l4,ra,0a.M.'1a-l7 i ' " ka aaa; - 2,519. .V YSTERIE8 OF THE EARTH. UBTIRRANKAN RIV1HS AND LAKf (if THE MIMUHHIl'PI VALLEY WORK MR AM LNUEHURtiUNU XI'LoRkH. Wondt rliil unil iin'.ili( ul'Ki jiliyaii ul liit lH tire not (oiifim-d to the low litmla along I he route ot the Mii-MMMtiiij, nnil titiuiigir tlian tint workn ol' iriinuvul nuin. t'Oiinintnig ot nitiutiila, ctitiai" mill loilintd nti-tniiliiililH, tire ettvt'i nnim deplha, it ltliin whli li riveia flutv Irom I he mouiiluina lo the grt'ut ilruin ol the coiilineiit. Kuiirlet n nnlin noutlo taht ol Howlingtitvcn, Ky.. ia a tavern iiiiiet'.i I'unnlii un unil unili ilul than Miiinniotli L'uve. Not litr uwuy. on a Btono ut the etitrsnce of the hitter, the woniltr ol a country Lumi Kin in in wiihtd in wnnla otice quoted in the nenule ol the Uniuil hiutta. he MaB'taoth Caaa! what a apot ! In auuitnar eidd, and arinta ht. Ya powt-ra aluvn ! Grant Hod ! Iwondrr! Andraw Jat'kron ! h -II and thunder. The entrance to the more my uteri oiih pit ut oil the tixiht ot a ierj)ttiidiru litr ht ight, niutlealmont inatTi'KKlhle hy vinta, InuiiilileH u lid deiM'ly growing lorent treea. Trttniiiicl'a elitein Drttke'n Crei'h ju-t iibove the atmnge aieiitire lo unknown ilt tiihn und iiniienelruhle flitikiiena below. 'I'hia utlylum in ten tcel long und lour wide, and thechunm nvi nia to )awn and itn gii'Ht mouth ia liorrinie lo cuiitt nipliile. liiide ienile in the vicinity call it "Hcll'i. Molt," or the ' Ititliun's J'it." Kioni the nieaMHTlcna ahyna there iH- Hiivn, ci'iiHelena ua the htir.e oi liourn, lutn lilitl yeaiK, a volume ot nilfl. On colli, clear, Ironty niorninga it rinea in Hjiiittl coliinilia I'm' uUnve the tree tojiH, UhU wliMeiieil unit ancetiila ami gleam ing in the aiinlighl, it fhmta n'ny iiiifl i hint in the clouda. At annie un known period in .(lie woihi'a bintory iiioi her turlh bnathed heavily, und greiit lioulilei'H, worn round ninleniooth un it ground liy I'rictmii when unhehl liy curiviita ol uir, and lulling Imck ugniti und agttin, lilted up and rnhhed liy otlier ntonea. cover the uillniJe uuu have rolled liotn thu cttverir nioiith into the vulley heluw. People dwell, ittg litur by tell thai in lull und winter the hcuvy ntentoriouH hrenlhinga Irom ihe cuvern Rre ninth wnnnvr tbun . htirp bhinln nwecping tliu deep gurge. w bile in ntiiiinicr the minly vuptir tiom wiiliin ia itHihr thun the vxleriorat lunKpliere. - Thia Intbomlena pit growa wider in lia dounwurd course, und nothing living or inuninutle thut ban tillered ever ti'iind exil. Not tiielitit et echo wua ever lit itrtl when great Molten bttve In'en rulled inlo the awlnl ilepih ol thin iimim Arrrni. It niit h niiianive hoiililei'H hud encountered any iil jecl w ilhiu niilfi. of Ihe enlium o the aoiiiid prmtuced vTimiIiI httve been Hiire ly boine lo lii-lenciH ubnve the atrong nletoly uir current. 'I he inipreiwion fixed from childhood 10 ugc, thut the P"lid cuith muni be forever imniovuble lieneulb our tW't a Htirely and ininiovaLle aa the aim und alum and Line vuult uhove our heaila. in rudely abukeit w hen one atantln in the prenenee of nttidi demount rtihle hoi lownena and vinptiltrax aa thin. Very milch the nnine neitnution are ext-ited wlien alaniliiiir at the ptt'a mouth an when an enrthqitako abttkea land und aca and mukea men and women bud lier. i When, not long ngn, It wax Bought to ancertain thedeptha (if llieebtt-in, u heavy weight wa attached to a utronir cord, the b ad went down, down, till the line of the plummet hail meuntired the greatenl porwible depth, but no sound came back to tell of the end of unutterable hollownew) below. The weigbl, when withdrawn, wua unanil ed, und hy thu mniature on the aiirl'uce ahnweil tiiul in it" dcKCciit and te-eeM it tombed nothing but miat ami ditrk neaa. The very bollownepa ol lile und iia evuneacenl pieunurea are ulmoat illtta t ruled in phyaicul fucta dinctivered everywhere in Kentucky and Tonne nee. " The river, down lit the depths of Mumniolll Cave if ii flmliln way to the green tieldn'and aiinnhine, ia never reu ognixed above uh the nl renin noted for itn eyeleaa fiebcH below theeurth'a Biir luee, and though the great cuvern bun been explored twelve anile (rom ita eiitrnnce. thtwe who have truvomed ita depiba und lubyriiilha concur in the umel'lioii thut there urn other coven beyond tho roinnteit yet explored, and gi under and deeper thun those thut unmet the citriiMin IVom ull laiiila. Near Union City, in 'i'cnncMrc, ami lit-ur theaottthwentern coiiHiicaot Ken tut ky, ia Hcelloot Luke. Here the root ol a mighty cavern w-aa nhnketi iIom ii by the viirtbqiinke ot 1811-12. Lolly liirvat treea, the tullent thut tower nhove the low liinda, dinnppeuretl with the luuil on which they grew, ami a nea. broader and deeper tbun thnl ot tiulihe, wua oiitoprrud in rryatal clear liens in the miilnl of the lowluuiln. I)ucka and geene fleck Ita atirfitce und trout abound in the modern hike thai hud never reHet ied the nun's litre In itn lulhnnilens deplha till thu bridge ol anil tiiul trees und cunu wua broken down hy the earthquake's resounding foot tc 8. Where I he ruilwny from Nashville to 1 1 it k iiiuii, K ..on I be M ississippi.erot-aea thul Imm Mobile to Ciiini ami Clm u go nliinds the town ol llnioii Cily. It is tin miles tiotn thia hike. It has Leeit ntnted I lull w hen heavy locolno tnes und beui ily ludeii trains come rushing by, Imlela and slalioit-hoiiscn tpttike, ciimllesiieks ui'e slmken from iiiiintlea und ttibles, unil thut hoHow ness in which the .lorest tlisuppcured ivbieh hridged Rei-ltinit Luke, exli'nds, it has heeti ullcged, beneath the ttiwn und railway. Tbu wuter of thia luke is not thut id' thu Alinninaippi. It ia of cry slid clt-nincsH, aiicli na distinguishes iluiiriVer in the depths of .Mammoth Cave, while the great river above gioundi bearing alluvium from north J western nnititituiua, ia tawny In Ita yel lownena and inipervioua to viaion. When the earlliquuke ot 1811-12 was most violent Itnd the night waa of ex Iraiiiiliiiury uuikiieaa, the Mississippi fluwed back w artia. atid flnlbouts in the vicinity of Hickman drilled bnekworda! liu'iy milea Ion aids Cairo. A mighty voluinu ol Ihe river' flood titlu reeilrd into mcRsnridena caverna treticalh Ihe country 'a sill face, and liowlieru were the low lutula aithmcrgeii. There ia a 'leailSru"o( murky ter hiildeli hi llenlli I lie curth'a auiTuce in I lie vicinity til Cairo and New Ma drid, and linwlcr and deeper than the Itilliiitliless ReelliKit Luku dug by the genii ot'cui thipinkua. t he visible lake ol our lima muy be the reeeptuele tor ihe bright Wiiti-nt thin flow through Mammoth Cave, and if ihu bevil'a I'll with ila cinpllneaa wen, mindtnl, it would be dnaeovereil that ila depths were CHrved nut b a great river wbleh iliniiigh ciiitiillcaa agua baa been furod ing It paliiwiy of limuaHona towanls the anmhweat lo find a debonchmelit in Ktttjiruul tiaktf. ' . , Tbtaw iw vague and indellnite apee ulaiiori", and only defenaiblo when we nfloct that the Uiaalsaippl rivar doea not merely "peroolau lb Mil In.tb CLEARFIELD, lowlands, but sliaoliitely underflows the country. Cut-fieli from the river have been caught in welladugon plan tuliona in the awantpa, and the wulri in ibeso wells riseB and lulls witb the flood tide of Ihe riter. It may be proper to stale lliut Ihe lute Wuppeiiockea (Lnngfoot) W. I) Fiirguson. with whom Ahruhnm Lin coin sojourned na a wood-chopper in the early eainol the current century. often recounted the terrible incidents nl the earthquake Ibut destroyed New Mudnd, below Cairo in 1812, and the writer of this bus often beurd Mr. Pur giison and the lulher ot Charlie .Morns, of Atlantic Place, nn the Mississippi. relate many facta hero recited. A'. Y. Horld. . FAST YOUSQ MEN., BY REV. EREI' BELL. We often bear the phrase, "a abort life und a merry one." It sounds pret ty. Them's a dash in it, mid hints ot til rill and excessive enjoyment, but it's a very expensive one. 1 do not now mean merely in a pecuniar' point ol view, ulthough when you come to count the cost, it ia so in thia way too. It coHta more, by all odtls, lo go to perdilion "second eluss," than the other way, "Hrat class," und have all the lux uries thrown in. A mun will spend in a niglit'a dissipation more lhau would ne necessary to insure him a year ro lieions privileges in the average tine, comliiiliihle church in our large city. lint, in addition to all this, it is ex pensive, in bodily vigor Wusted, hrnin loree blunted and dissipated manhood discounted at a tremendous interest, the hem t made hick, sud und degraded, ihu lile cursed, and the luture libibtuil. The mun of the ' merry lile" don't live out bull his duys. Uu don't have thu hest kind ol mirth even during lite hull'liinu allowunco he ia put on. Take out the time spent in sleep. In aching awakenings altera cuiiiiisal, in rei-reis, remorse, and aelf accusutiona, and bow much ol lile is tell to bo merry, and what kind of mirth ia it? Mirth with pangs in it, mirth wilb an undertone of apprehension in it, mill li noon with ered, mirth casting long shudowa he lore und behind it. How exceedingly merry it must be. It is a farce of two parts, opening like a comedy, ending with a tingetty. Olien during mj' miilniu'ht visits in Ihe slums ol New York I had aeeu young mun who attracted my atten tion. Hu baiked like one who bad seen Letter data. (You can always trtiee the refined relies of a better lite in lit 1 K-ii men and women. IJitinun churacler is like soil eluy in ihu hcuin- ing; education ia the poller, giving it liirtii, beautiful or rude; halut bunlena il. and when cluy or character be once set. il reluins sliatH-; it in gome paria will show the hctitilitul modeling, or the rude.) this young man bud been well wrought. , I saw it, though we never exeliunged a word. Onu night, when leavititr a mission in one ol the lower words ol ihu city, I suw this vounir man asleon on some whi'kv barrels. While 1 paused a moment. wondering whether I should noturousu him, apeak to bun, tako hint with me d be would go, and tare tor him and try to nave him, and thinking how it wua best to approach him, in ciune the proprietor tho place. Ol most men 1 have met, thia mun waa the urculeat brute he waa brutul in looka, ho wua cruel in action ho had a brute a voice and paw. After uniuit behind the bar and tuk ing a drink of bis awn vile liquor, be wiped bin hps on hia coat alcove, and turning around, saw thu young nuin usleep. With a terrible expression of brutali ty upon bia face and the moot horrid oatha upon bia liw, he half etuggered. hall run over to where be lay , and tak ing him by the coat, he muchly drug ged him lo hia feet, and actually kick ed dim out inlo the atruvt. What cared he! lie had got bin money, and ho cured ho more for the ruined, besotted mull than u child lor the nniiiue peel nl'ler thu orange wua gone. Oh, how thia made my linger ends tingle I 1 wanted to yell nut sitvugcly: Wretch I llruto I Tuko that, and thut, and that I" until lie was wbtpied, Hiitiided into submisaioii. It would have been tt meuna ol grace to me, but It would buve been impolitic My influence would have boen ruined. Ill about two minuted I followed hoping to tind the poor lellow, am f tuko cure of him. 1 aeurched thor oughly for him, hut ho was gone. I did not HihI him. 1 got to my room at 3 o'clock A. m., but did not sleep. I waa too much roused for that. At 7 o'clock, the po lieu aent forme to come to tho station, house and sec a mun they bud taken in some time during Ihe night. I went and looked upon Ihu bluiichetl corpse of thin mini. Hu was quiet enough now, and was not refused aheller, and he cured little whulhur. it waa thu icy pavement or I lie stone floor of the slu tii m-housc, .11 u felt not ami (cared not he wuh ileud I 1 leurned bia history, which was in auhstuiico, his lollows: lie was a young mun, well reared, ol a good family in nno of our country towns Hu- cumu to the city with a lew thousand dollam in hia pin Iff 1, to see lile. Ho attw life in ull ita glades downward, and brought up in tins vile den, from whence be wan kicked lo freeze in I lie chill night. It was a sliorl lile. but not a merry one. It never ia true thut mirth ia light -li varied enjoyment; the short life gives atnhlcn euro. It guilds pain up anil calls that mirth. That kind of mirth is a abort lile and a fust one. THAMSMU'lED LAZINESS. A New Kngland agricultural iotinml is in a depressed statu of mind becauae ol Botitherii people and tho "low tone ol publiu sentiment under a southern nun." It is eonlimiully in thu receipt of letters from hardy young New Kng bind larnters who, dissuttslVed with the bleak head lands and charming in terlors of their native State, have puck vd up their traps and gone lo Texas in hopes ol a wider existence, only loll nil that "apple cannot Im grown here, and wbila cabbages and potatoes grow luxuriantly, they will rot within two week alter being takun out of the ground." This Is so melancholy aeon ilition of affairs that the hu-ty gener al iior ot thu MasMchnwUs t'luwjhman. thu journal spoken of, niukes it thu text of a sermon In wlili II contempt is jMUired With unsparing bund Umii all southern and tropical hinds, where there is "no winter to bracu up the the lunguid system, no fold to put hie and vigor into tha blood." It will bu seen that tha editor lake a widu view ul things, and In method at least agree with tbu lata Henry Thomas Buckle in attaching great iinportantM lo the effeuta uf Ui aspect or nature unh i ha mental ami mural condition of man. "Kvea an farUnr Booth than' North Caruliaa,!' y b, "a Uorarnar mm openly Justify repadlatioa aad itill bt PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY T877T' popular," no plain is ihu connection he tweeit tho equator and unsound doc trines of finance. Doubtless it is true that tbu slrug gle of man witb hia environment, whether of pulm trees and tiger or gurilvn truck and eons, is one ot tin most importuulcondii ions of thut grand piocess of trying innteud ot enjoying which goes by the hume of prtigruns. Cerluiuly some northern people grow mpiut and lut und yellow, like the Lapps, or tall und blonde, bku the Nor wegians, while under a troph-itl ami men become long und lunlt, liku the Keejue lalunders, or short und corpu lent, like thu Piuccus of Central Alrica, of whom Mr. lluyurd Taylor bus given a graphic account, but thia muy bo bu cause l buy atruggle with their environ ment in uiuereiil ways, and iiivuauni themselves aguiust external nature from different points ol view. When tbu Lupp tncuniire bimtelf against A luige und luscious chunk of walrus tut, tberu is I i i Liu hit tu bu desired if wu uru to compuru bis horrible tuntu with I ho deliculu paluto of tbu Arab, who delights in dried dutes, which the other would only touch in a scurvy season. Tho systumitticul thinkers bio in error, however, when they roundly as sert thut there ia much more struggling done and iiiuhly endeavor put loi th hy the kurdy amis ol the north I bun by the no-culled languid children of Ihu south, upon wlii.no naked or nearly nuked bodies the sun Inrever pours bin lile-giving rays, which are luu) uwuy in the mind us the solar beul in stored up in coal, to be brought out again uf ter the lupsu of uges tor thu benclit of mankind, even as Mux Mullur and the I enlist Ivutiia colliers ure now briiiuiiiir them to light, each utter bis kind, IV tuloes and cuhlittges have their mi doubted value; the New Kuglund mun shall buve hia nay, but wu must ufliim with a boldness equully rohtisi Hist the trunsmtiled laziness of the Hindoos ia quitu ua vuluuhle us the biggest cab bage in thu world, und thul those, Kim urn peotile uru ollen most pmfiluble coul-bcdn to work, the deposit being luigo uuu Ihu veins not easily exhiiiisii- le. But us to moiu osiiet ta of nature and tho things with whieh the phyaicul struggle ia conducted in horlhurn or moiu southern lunds, there Is aiune- llnng lo ho nuid lor thu latter. To con duct a aitccesslul chase helure a grizxly hear or alter a runaway mulu implies high qualities, it ia true, liul not high er tbun those thul ure implied in skip ping out ol thu way ol a muu-euling tiger or being culm when, as Mr. Vin ton, u iiiissionuiy lo India, suid in this cily the oilier day once occurred to hiui, one huppciiH in wuku in thu morn ing unil find thul he bus shared lushed with "seventy serpents, w hich he then kept quiet only through the exercise ol ills personul mugtieiisiii and elect Hil ly." It is something to measure ones self against a tropicul thunder-storm or the deadly sirocco, or to stand up tiiuiit'ully in tliu bum ut mii t-Hntwuakt und hid it tin ila worst, To harrow the soil ia one thing, to be burrowed by it i most decidedly another, and ol the t wo it requires the greater patience and equanimity in trying circumstan ces. To be frightened by the report ol .Stanley's elephant gnu shows great piisillunimity, wo admit, in a puck ol nuked suviigus; buldoesnot the hunly New Kngluud child often frighten his grandma nearly lo death hy the sud den and unexpected exhibition of un excavated pumpkin cut to the sem blance of an ogre's luce and with a lighted candle within? Kven physi cally to live in a tropical hind implies uu amount of "git up and git" of which Ihu haughtiest Caiilorniun who bus just now disposed of his lliirty-HUh Chinum in need not bo uahaiiied. 8.i wo take it that, utter an exhaus tive survey of tho whole field, every right thinking mun must come to the conclusion that because Ihu southern or tropical homo dilfors from his north ern Irieuds ho is not necessarily bis interior. As the Mun in thu Moon haiks upon us all be prohahly anys in bis lunar, lutialiu way, und alter thu manner of our country cousitia : "I'm sure, if yon put 'em ull in a bug and j hinilC 'em, them ia no tellin' which would t'omo World, out rli-st." Arid York OUR FEA THE RED MINSTRELS. With the advent of spring eome flowers, liul luster thun these collie the birds, llelore thu blue pultdiesof vio lets ure visible oil thu hill side, and ere Ihu gold ot tliu marsh imirigohl is seen scattered along tho brook margins, conies thu bird thul Tennyson culls " 1ha aaa l.lua bird of Maioh," the blue bird, forerunner of the violet, which nestles in Ihe gruss and birdliku ' Curt-aa bar throat Juil BB if aha aal and .una." Then conies robin reilhreiist, hopping up mid down thu garden walk, and then high up in tliu leafless live-top, out of a aiiow-cloud souielitnus, you heur thu song sparrow's tuneful carol. Thu winged songsters gather in throngs with guy or tender hulluds, each no dillereiil from Ihe rest wren, swullow, liniicl, thrush, oriole and none ol them dearer or merrier than bobolink, iho Robert Kuriw among bud poels, whose wurhlu toll,, us the truck of thu plow and ripples uhing the edges of the corn field. I he pre once iniirlts the departure uf n inter und the advent uf out dour tile. Ilul when do they come ? the C'ikliNu in? Tilt; niitns. This question was recently answerad by Mr. A. 1). Lumbeitiiu, ol II. .clu ster, N. Y., who kept a record ol Ihe arrival of birds for some years punt. He sit) a that in 1872 thu lobiua were observed theru Murcli 28. Wild geese were go ing nurlb Alureb 211, und snipu were found April 17. Tbul wusu Inu kwurtl year, lu 1873 robins came March 13. sparrows 17, blue birds 18, pigeons 1U. Snipe ami wis.de. s k were luiiud ut Victor, March 27. In 187-1 bluu bird arrived March IS. an I suiie were shot March 24. In 185 tho tint robins wuro seen March 11, and snipu wuru Ion ml April 7. C1ALLANTRY or TUB SoMlsTEIIS It ia loiin.l by ornithologists thut ihu mule song birds migrulu north about u week before thu hens, und when mil disturbed In a nestling ground, will re turn to tbu name pluco lor ynurs. liver green swamps ure the localities in which tho birds aru generally lo be found first, as they are w armer than other regions, and theru are somu install, e. of robin reniuiuiiig all winter in this lulitudo in deiisu swamps. Oriole and bobolinks aro iho last bird" to arrive, and do not greet us with I heir song mail about Muy bib. BANUB or TIIIIR rLIOHT. It would seem at lirl sight that no barriers could bunt thu range ul birds, and that they ought to bu the most ubiquitous ol living tilings. Tins, bow vatf, In Ikr from being tho cane ; many groups ot bird are almost as strictly hmiUid by barriers aa th mamaliu. REPUBLICAN. The petruls und thu gulls ore among tliu greatest wanderers ; but must nl the species are confined to one or two ot the grcut oceans or to tho Arctic or Aiilurliu seas. Tha sandpipers and ploveis wander along the shores as litr us do the pel rule over the ocean, dreut numbers of them brued in the An tic regions and migrate usfitras iudiunnd Australia, or down to Chili und llru.il ; the species of the Old ami the New Worlds, however, being generally dis tiucl. Mountain cliiiiiisiiod even hirgu rivers like the Amur.on, limit the range ol many I. mis. WHY Bllllis MIUIIATE. Birds migrate from luck of fiiod, and not on account of cold wcutber, ibr tboso water-birds which, liku the gull, are able to cutch fish in sleep wuter, slny will, us through thu whole winter. The Inwergreut lukes Erie and Onta rio nre so w ide und deep lliut they usuully freeze only around the shores, und the gulls huvu plenty of 0'ti wa ter on which they can fish. .Some times, however, the winters ure so Very cold thul these lukes ure covered with ice us litr as thu eye cun reach, unil tliu gulls then gather in great nun. hers upon the open water of Niagara river, below the lulls, and livu iipuu lliu finb which they find there. Ut AHMANSor EARTH AND AIR. The swullow, swill, und night-hun k uru tiio guurdiuns of the uliuospberu. They check lite incrcusu of insects that otherwise would over-loud il. Wood peckers, creepers, und chick u dee-dees, uru the giturdiiins of the trunks ol trees. Wurlders, crows, th rushes, und lurks, protect thu soil under the sur litce. Kueh tribe bus ilsuwu respective duty to pertiinn in thu economy ol Nature ; and it is nn und.. ul. ted fuel that it' tho birds wore ull swept oil' the earth, mun could not livu upon il ; veg etation would wither and die; insects would bccoihu so numerous thut no living thing could withstand tlioir ttltucks. TUB ROBIN'S WINTER HOME. Toward the middle or hitter part ol September, generally, the n.l.in, vvhith hus lierelol'uru beun merry und jubilant in song, becomes silent und linally din tippcitra. If the wcutber continues cold be remains uwuy, hut tbu flint warm duy brings him und his comrades out in force. His favorite resort is the thick grow th of high bittsh in some low lends ornuutup. Here lie rchiuinn in a very quiol Mute, seeking for wliul linid be cull liud, and waiting tor the warm days to comu when hu can till his empty maw. 'Ihe two or three notes thul he utters are feeble and bmu somu Later III the season the Minns congregate in flock.., and either retire south or rcinuiii in thu swump woods until spring. Tims their sudden ap pearances und rcuiH-urunecs uru ac counted for. DEA Til OF A NOTED GAMMER. "JACK" Mil. KB HIES 114 foVa'.RTY A BKITCII or 1IIS Llt'K AMI CM Alt AC TER. "Juck" Niles, one ot the best known gamblers in New York, died on .Sun day, April 8th, ami wus buried inUrecn wtHid Cemetery. He wus ut onu time quite rich, his fortune being estimated at about f 1 110,0011, but ut bis deulb lie wus impoverished, and depended to a great extent upon those who knew Iiioi in prosperous days. When be made a sum ot money iitthe lam bank or nl poker, he spent it with reckless prodigality. Hu never hesitated to "get the best" of any tine w-ho wus foolhardy enough to test his skill al guming, und hu frequently engaged in bar-room fighls. in which knives and pistols were freely used. He had, how ever, a number of good qualities. His word w hen given wus inviolable, unit lie was honorable in business transuc tious. His pocket-hook wuh open to everybody in distress who appt'ulcd lo him when lie hud money, ami he olutn took euro of bis "prolessioiiul" breth ren when disabled. Niles began lite as a butcher, und worked itlsowith Ins I'alber on a Hudson Htver steumboul. t io wua Horn in mo neigiinoriiiniu ol Washington Market, and hu wus liliv eight yettm of ago when he died, lie wus a widower, und left a son uu.l duughter. In 1853 ho hcetimu promi nent us a purl tier of Dunser, thu nul lionairu gambler, who died about a year ago, unil thu greater pint ol whoso lortiiue, given lo bis daughter, wus Icll on her detiili recently lo cbar ituble institutions. The gumo of lino w-hlch bu and llunscrruii together was silualetl on thu comer of Chambers and Chatham streets, und was called the "Jew game." Ha Wus also a part ner of John Morn ey nlurtly aller wnrd. Rill Poole, who wns murdered ut Slauwix Hull, on ninut'way, near Prince street ; Hiiriingtoti, John Liui;, Tom IIyer,"Puudein "Jnhn Morrisey, und Lew linker, were at this time no ted us "sporting men" and pugilists. and Niles wu iirurly im Weil known it any of llieiii. Ills nperutious wen; not contllieil to .cw Yol k, lie figur ed us a gambler in llaltiinore, Phila delphia, New Oilcans, and Washing ton, and in the hilterctly kepi one ol the largest "hells" there, leading Con gressmen putronizing his pluce, mid meeting linn tiimii term ot h-iuI equably, lie came back from Wash ington cu ll tiller the war, mid main taining u stimuli r residence on Long Is luuil, w here be kept liist hoive and eiiteriaiiied his friends in princely style. He beiran to hcu bis money heavily in lHli'.luiul IS,'!), un. 1 hud been si cuddy going down hill until his death. A subscription was being liilteu up to bury Niles, bu' his sou, a young man, who bus been educated by Ids lulher, und is now following a Icgitiniaie busi es, interlured und paid thu tuueiul expenses himself. Live. Il glows in tbu lily-bell; it wurbles lorlli from the throat of the nigbtingnle. Il it departs the lily in dead, and Ihu bird is silent. It tosses the iK-euii and tint tho sen shell. It i-omes on tliu sniiheani and only lingers ill tbu shade. Il rests on Ihe grand old mountains, und sighs with tiio wind through the solitudu of thu forest. Whcru it is theru is beauty ami er teelion; and where it is ub.ent therein drcuriniBa and desolation. It is to tins that nature owes he'' charm ; her everlasting life, perleclly indentrucli hie. Woiiderinl and mysterious Is the life thut pervades our ImsMi'sj that links Ihu niHleriul lill.l iniinuleriiil. 1 1 throbs al the heuri, hounds at tho pulse and speeds through ihu brain. It gleams in joy and dulls in sadness. It either flushes or subside with love) astrungo mixture of iertoctiona and linporlec lions. It is beautiful in truth, despica ble in fulsehnnil ; glorious in finth ami most sud in despair. Il Is not tho unman portion of those that are dear to us wu love, but the lifii that animate and la In ilsolf bo yood prion. DEATH OF A HERMIT. LIVINt) roil WOKE TUAN FORTY YEARS IN A CAV A VERY STRANIIK STORY. All who liavo read a Pennsylvania newspuper during u low yours liuslnlvlr mya neighbors, und call their uuvn neuruoi ausiiii roicinon, mo riac county hermit. On Kriduy, the olltli tiny of March hist, be was lou ml on the top ul one t.l the mouniiiiu, Head, in ten-loot snow. drill. Uu hud lived over li.rly your in n cuve in the rocks, near the tiiinnico of which his body wus t'oltiiil. Sheldon wus nearly 72 yeurs old. lie was discovered ill bis cuve thirty years ugo by hiiulers. He suid he had been liviiw there ten yeurs, and hud not seen any human bcihis to thut time. Hi cuvu was nine miles fioiu Dir.gmutt's village. About a your ugo a brother und sister of thu hermit, lrorn Conneclicut, bulb wcuhhy, went to his ubodu and endeuv- oled in every nay to get lutn to return lo his friends. It wits of no avail. .Sheldon bud lost bis wilu ul'ter a briel married life, and disappeared on thu duy of thu buriul. Hu wus not heard ot until Inst year. Ileloro lie took up liia ubodu in tbu Pike county cuve, Sheldon says he roumeil for Live years through the woods of Connecti cut, Vermont und New York, shunning civilizutinu. At lust he loiihd a cuvu in which hu concluded lo live thu rest of his life. He did not know us locul- ily lit the time, but found iifterwurds that il was umoiig tbu Moosic Moun- luins, in u no county, Pu. The grout threat that Btirriiiiniled bis cave noon miraclcd thu attention ot the lumbermen, und be fled deeper into the wilderness. Alter three uionths of wuuderitig bo found tbu cuvu in the wild region w here ho died. Por over tony yeurs be lived in this hole in the rocks, hlieldun lived on gumu, fish, riKits and berries. Al Ihu liuiu of bis tenth his tiiiin wns much bent. The (Lulling I hut bung in rugs mid tuners Irom his person bad been donned twenty-two veiir ago und never taken olf. It was held together by hickory withes. He never washed. A thick, gray bcurd, lliut hung iiliuosl to his nuis:, and hairol thonutiic color bung ing over his shoulders, w-us matted uiih burrs unit twiggs und bud not been touched .villi a comb or brush lor forty livu yeurs. Ilo never wenl far uwuy tiom bis cuve. A long stiitt and uu undent liible the latter bunging from bis belt wcru his cotistunl culu- ptniioiiS. Several tunes bis cave bad been sur rounded with forest tires, and utmost every avenue of escape tut off, but be calmly remained in Ins retrcut, reading his Mihle, illilll removed hy woodsmen thoughtful of Ins sulely. Neurly every winter lor yeurs he hu been rescued tiom freezing und starring. He nuver iiiudu any i-llort to save hitnscIL saying bu was in thu blinds of Cod. Sheldon wu uii educated man. His family is among the leading onesot Connecticut. HABITS OF INSECTS. Many insects prove tlmt their paren tal instinct is strongly developed by taking cure uf their young alter they are hutched. Ol this kind ure several solitary insects, us bees, unls, some wusps. etc. 1 he mason wusp buries a living caterpillar with ils eggs but d ik'S not leuve it to lake lis chunco. Alter tho mugtinl is hutched and bus devoured the Inst cuterpillur, Iho wasp returns, opens the bole, push, b in tin other and again closes Ihu bole, and ibis is rcpt-uted until the young uuimiil in able to gel its own living. The field hug has a lamily of thirty or forty young ones w hich she conducts ubuut us a hen does her chickens, beating her wings rapidly ul uny attempt to disturb ilieni. It you tlisiurbn uestui uuts by diguing,' you will perceive thu inhahitunui much less intently occu pied with providing for their own safety thun in the conveying ol cerium little white bodies to a place of securi ty ; tbesu ure the young, and to effect ibis purpose thu n hole community urn in motion, and no danger cun divert I hem Irom attempting its iicciiuiplish mcnt. A cine! observer having cut un unt in two under llicse circiimsttiuccn the mutilated ahiuiiil tlid not relax ils atleetioiiate exertions ; with that hull of the body fo w hich the head wus ul luclieil il contrived before expiring to carry oil' ton of these w lute musses into ttie interior of the nest. Insects seem to livu especially fiir the nutrition nt their young. When wo consider the exertions of these little animals, up ptirimlly so disproportionod lo their size, and Iho constant labor i which I hey ure occupied, one might he apt lo think the plcusuro id' their existence were outweighed by its in ii in. Hut n liul strikes us -its weurisome toil is prol. ably their delightful neeiiptilinti, ami, liku human ptiixnis, il.ey ure never so happy us w hen actively en gaged in advancing the mtercals ol their young. An Honest Conhlctoh. A conduc tor on an Kaslern railroad was up prouched by a seedy -looking individual, w ho winded a tree ride, us he didn't huvu any money. "All righl," said the conductor, "go lortvafd into the smoking cur, mid I'll lix you nil right." Sisin iifierwurd tbu conductor appear ed in the smoking cur to collect fan: from the passengers. He look up hire from every body except Ibe dead beul and uuotlier man, W'ho happened tube lite Siiperiiileiidenl of the road. Tin Superintendent noticed that be bad overlooked this mini, and usked him why he hud done so. "Why, I bin's u conductor," wns tho reply. "His up peutuuee does not indicate it. Look ul these chit hen," said Iho Superintend out. "Well," nuitl tliu conductor, "he can't help thul. lie's n conductor on n Western rotnl, und bo's one ot those iillnws who uru trjiug to livu within their miluries, mid Hull's wliul lid litis cotnu to." This wus sutistuclory to Iho Superintendent, und tliu mun ob tained his ride w iilioui luriher inquiry. Lo', him not imagine who aims at grciilness tbul all is bwl by a single ad verse cunt at lortui.c; loi il fortune hss ul one time the bet lor id conruge, four iieu may afterward recover i lie nil- viinlttge. Uu who I prepossessed with the assiiruncu of oven oining, at lasl I ovei conies the four of luiluro ; whereas, hu who is npprehciisivu of losing, loses in n uliiy nil hopes ot subduing. Hold ness and power nr audi Inseparable companion Ihut tbey appeur lo In born together; and when once divid ed I bey both decay und die ul the same lime Mr. I'urllliglon any thai just before lliu lute w ur t in nn. stances were seen around tho moon iilgbtly. shooting slurs perambulated Iho eintli, the desk ol the sun us en ured with blui kssitn of ink, and vomica awept iho horizon with their operatic lul H.rKven Injtly said that il profligaleil war; Bud, sure eaough, war did como. NEW SpiES-Y0.L,.i8,, NO. 18 STOPPING A SURPRISE PA RTY. An ufltlclod correspondent write to tho Clncugo Tribune to know bow she and her liusbuiid cun niunugu to repel the pirates who, ut this seuson uf Ihu year, orgmnzuexprditioiis to prey upon ttuuys 'vurprisu parties." il is not ! awy , u,ylsl, her. .Some people have I ;,U1 lt A-Hei ttul lo k. yp i l ull dog ol suli-facloi v ferocity : grc:i-o un ibe 'out slci.s is uooil ; some stub! "in fUMeB huvu yielded lo thu applica tion of a powerful electric buttery lo the bell w ire, und thu louicMuliou of a tew puds ot wuler is not without ils efl'ecl, A sniull-pox placard will some nines Hoik u cure, when oilier reme dies buve been exhibited ill vain. A geiilloinuu on West Aduitm struct bus invented u liuroie molbud of treat ment, uud which was tried last Thurs day in lliu preseucu ol u lurgu surprise puny, proving successful beyond thu tullent expeiiuiioiis uf the ingenious inventor. Uu unhitched the hell wire Irom the pull, which hu riveled ou Ihu iiinidu ot' thu pool; Iheii bu got a chisel und a screw driver uud removed ull the fastenings ot thu door post, so tbul while it looked like a solid door way, Willi u securely luateiieti bell bundle in il, it Is nothing but a thin veneer ol moulding, reudy lo J ield to the Inucb ol uu intunl'a bund. These urrangu monts completed, hu und his wife turn ed down I no gild und wulched ut Ibe blinds till their unsuspecting victim entered thu uiubusb tbu front turd that is. Tbu forlorn hope was headed by u joviul old mun, whose bousl is lliut bu is us young in bearl us his gruiid-childroii. This geiilleuiuu's or ilniury Weight is about 255 pounds, l itis devoted mun luuinbulled bis forces and udvunccd nimbly up the slops. I in memorial custom Lus prescribed us uu ubnultitu rule thul when a bouse is ultaeked by a surprise party, the pirn to ut lliu hcuu ol tbu ucsicgci ahull pull the bell us veticuicnllv us it the rem deticu were thul ot a doctor, and tbu stunner Ihe prospective lulher ol a first baby. Accordingly the old gentleman gave the bell u learliil lug, throwing Inn. sell buck sous to get the luxury of u lull purchase. To his surprise be seemed to pull the whole thiol out ul the house, und with a wild w hoop ol uslohisluucitl uud lorror,he (uccomptin led by tbu dour posl) threw a buck summersault, down thu steps into the midst ot iho Icstul party. He fell on Lliu hireling musician; tbu hireling musician loll on thu tiddler; tho door posl knocked a couple uf guests over the biileony lulling into the rose bushes, uud the whole parly knocked eucb other down like a row of bricks on a curd bouse, umid a perfect pande monium ol shrieks, smashing ol uishes, buttles und iho like. The surprise parly inude good their retreat, carry ing their wounded with them without uiolestulioii by thu triumphant garri son. The ingenious inventor thinks tbul bu has only ontmilU-d one detail he should have tried il Ural with his ninlhcr in law to see thut il wus in per iod wol King order. .4 LA 1) Y'S MILLINER Y BILL. A ruso of considerable interest lu f'usbioiiublu modistes doing business wilb lliu luir upper telidom ot the me tropolis wus tried before a Jury in the Murine Court ol New York. The plain till', Mudumo Knieslino Chevulier, a French modiste ttitd im portend' French goods required in bet peculiar line ol business, sued Mi's. Hannah if. Ivohn stumm, of Fourteenth street, tor goods furnished und dresses made uud sup plied, claiming therelore 81.3UU.50, bal ance of u larger sum. The pluinliti' testified thai the ileleuduiit visile. I her pluce uf business in September, 1870, und urilcretl some goods to the amount of ovor gliO ; thul these goods were sent us direcicd, wilb instructions lu tliu messenger not lo leuve the sumo il not paid tor ul the lime, or sutisliiclory reference given. The goods wore not uceeplod by Mi's. Kolinstumm, who next duy culled un M mo. Chevulier und suited lliut she wus temporarily in tbu city uwuiliiig a settlement of bur do ceused husbuiid'seslulo, tbu. if she had supposed reference wus required she could givo every satisfaction in thai hue, untl she expressed horown ubility to pay liir anything I liul she required ; lliut she had uu income besides uxpect tli. cics in her uwn right, und a house in Amity street. Phiiiilill'tcstilied that she, upon these representations, fur nished other costly supplies of Indies' wear lo the defendant, itemizing llictll in u long account, w hich was sworn to in Court. Here ure some of the items : Ono hound, silver trimmed, $05 ; two chemises, UGO ; a set of mo suu i ue. $30; Iwu handkerchief., f 10 ; a suliu-li'immcd clouk, 8115 : ono robe tie cbuinliie, trimmed with Balm and torchon hue, 8175; hut, trimmed w ilb silver und plume, 30 ; buby's cloak, ? 10 ; one slute-colured silk and velvel costume. (375; white Chamberrvguuze dress, $b'5 ; and a long list of smaller but all cosily articles, umouultng in all tof1,815. Thesu goods wore all fur nislied during October uud November, thu (list bill for 81.0 being incurred on Ihu 3Ui h of September. Three pay- incuts had been mado, amounting to ? l.ii), leaving tho Lalunce due and now sued liir 81,3li0. The defense set up tlul not deny tliu purchase ot the goods us stulc.l in the canupluint, but admit ted Unit the uccoiilit wu true and just except us to one item the slule-color ed silk und velvet costume, 837.1 which delemhiiil conteidcd she pur fliitscd tor 8:1(111, and disputed tho over charge uf 87A. The principle defense wus I but goods were bought anil sold ou u running account which would not expire until April, 1 H77 it being un derstood thut thu delenditnl should, from titnu li) liirte, us she fell able, inn II o payments thereon until tho ex piration ol said credit. Vpon ihisstutc of fads thu case w ns given to the Jury, w ho, tiller a briel absence, cumu into Court witli u verdict lor thu pluinlilT in iho lull sum, with inteiest, FARUtbs'llnHES, Ala Into conveii lion in Wisconsin, Mr. J. .M. Smith nuil u paper on " How lo muku Farm ers' Homes Attractive," His ultculioii bud been culled lo Ibis subject by hour ing Ull Illinois sehooluustivs declare Ihut she would never miirry a lurincr ilicirhointa were too dull, plain und unpleasant. The speaker thought it I hi ia ao, a I'elorm ia needed. II u de fined what bu meant by a homo, and urged Ihut w ith only moderate means, by cultivuliiig flowers, selling out shrubbery, pun busing a few hooks and subscribing br papers, homes could he liui. lu cbeciful and pleusunl. Uo do scribed nit h much lecliiig tho trials ami hardships of some over win ked bouse wives, anil believed that both tiii-mura mid their w ives, in many in si unces, ilo much more and harder work than is liecesnary, because they do nut do enough planning. The) should make uau uf mure menial and less mutual labor. MVQH IN LITTLE. When la flhlike bird T When it risoa and Ukc a fly. , Falne eloquence la exaggeration true vliiquoncti ia eiupliaiia. . Tliitt ia a moat wrvtcliud fortune wbkb ia withutit un enemy. Mmcn wua a ivil vninver. II Burv) rtl the irontiacd land. Mean inula, like mean pic-tare, are often ItitiiiiJ in g'HxJ liK.kii.g truim-a. . Tbe'ltyil?-vcrytitta.jmtdaniaa v ...... y . ...J t. . : . . .' -raw, ,. - liy aiilieiiou, uuu sin which he hates from ihu soul which bu loves. Ho all tho good you can in the w orld, and make as lilt lo noise about il US ponnihlu.n Christian piety annihilates the egotinin ul the lieurt ; worldly polite ness Veils and suppresses it, Si ill seems it strung" that thou sboiildnt live forever? Is It less strange thul thou shouldst live al uii ? Tbu most ridiculous of all animals is a proud priest ; ho cun not use his looln willcjul lulling his fingers. Naturality mcanj either want ol cuiitictioii, or uunt of courage lo act according to conviction, and neither case cuu bu defended. Tboso who openly confess tho truth und cheerfully sutler for it, must have a believing spirit uud a firm hold upon iuvintblu realities. Without a belief in parweflttl Im. . mortality, religion surely is liku an iireh resting on onu pillur bko a liridgu ending in an abyss. Tbu angels aro beautiful, becauso they are good, und theru is no true, enduring bounty thut is not goodness shilling through the luce und lot in. llald. headed men are so numerous in Chicago thut un audience in that cily is suid lu look, when viewed Irom ubi.ve, liku a cobblestone pavement. Ignorance is the mother of fear, at well as udiuirution. A mun iiitimutely acquainted wuh the nature of things bus seiuutn occasion lo hu unlonlshed. "Women," aaid the contempla tive mun, "are as deep a the bluu wa ters ol yon buy." "Aye, sir," rejoined the disappointed man, "uud as full ol craft." When flowers ure full of heaven. descended dews, they always hang their heads; but men hold theirs higher the more they receive, gelling proud as tbey get full. The man who returned from tho Centennial Kxhibitioii wilhouta medal is cuntidoiil that bu could have tuken 1 0110 d they had not been so carefully gnaidod by policemen, .hnmor is nothing more tbun an iard rcclhiu- of our own want ol merit, a dissatisfaction with ourselves which is always united with an envy thut foolish vanity excites. "Six feet in bis boots!" said Mrs. Partington; "What will the imper ntico ol Ibis world come lo, I wonder? Why, they might as well tell mo that the man bud six bends in his hat." -To put up witb tho world is bevter than to control it. This is the very acme of virtue. lioligion leads us to it in a day ; philosophy only conducts to il by a lengthened! life, misery, or death. As in tho body, so in tho soul ; they uru ofi more ileBicrutely sick who ure least Bcusiblu ol their diseusc ; whereas, he thut tears each light wound fur mortal seeks a timely cure, and it healed. Hope is tho last thing that dies in man, and though il be exceedingly de ceitful, yet il is of ibis good use lo us, that while wo aro traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and moro pleasant way to our Journey'a end. For general improvement, a man should read whatever his immediate incbiiutioli prompts him lo; though, to be sure, if a man has a science to learn, he must regulurly and resolutely ad vance. What wu read wilb inclination niukes a stronger impression. If we " reud without inclination, half the mind is employed in fixing the attention, so there ia but hull' to bo employed on wbut wo read. It is a blessed tiling for any man' to share what he may have with ott.er who stand upon a lower social and financial plane tbun bu does. Hut il is slill more blessed tor him to go to work lo earn money, expressly that ho may huvu it thus tu share with others. This is intensity iug bis benevolence, and dignifying it Irom what might have been a mere incident of irood nature. into a principle and a passion controll ing the lite, which it makes lovely and illustrious. (im'tlio said lliat tho tliouirht of endless lile was sometimes oppressive to him, bucuiisu there must bu a period when luriher progress was impossible. Ilul bu was rcussiiied on this point when bo looked up to tho stars. Tho poet felt that in revealing such depths. ol space to him they hinted at Intel- lecluul distances which no soul can out travel. In tho sumo spirit Kant said : 'Two things fill mo with perpetual awe inu moral luw and the i ) starry heavens. Is not Gud's chastisement of his children often spoken of in tho liiblo as onu of thu murks of their sonship ? Does this thought mako ua quiet under iifllictiun, and help us to bear trouble with bunihlo and submissive faith? Hoes il not sweeten tho bitterness ot iriul lo know that whom the Lord loveth ho chastonoth, and scourgoth every son whom ho leccivelb? It 'life were unclouded, ami Cod's chastening hand weru never felt, might wo not with reason doubt whether wo wero indeed his children ? If tho most virtuous aro thobo who iiretenil to have been strongly enticed liy their vices beloro submitting, wo could bettor say lliut thu soldiurs who suffered ull the aironv of tciror, and finally lied betiiru tho enemy, is moro worthy of esteem tbun the soldier who, without fvur and without resistance, ivinuiiied firm ut hi post. The bravest is hu who docs not hesitate tu do what ta right. How, then, in any other eir luiiistuuco, iho most virtuous would be Ii o w ho bus si niggled before suc cumbing, and not bo who remained puru ? If one nolo in tho orgun bo out ol key or harsh of tono, It man Ibo whole tune. All the other reeds may bo In harmony ; but tho one defective rood dcnlinys the sweetness of ail tho rest. In every lune ibis reed makes discord -nine where. Its noiso jars out into every other nolo. And, so on sin de stroys the harmony ol u whole bfo, A boy or girl may bo obedient, filial, In dustrious, and honest ; but ill temper is a jurring rood thai touches every grace with chill and discord. lcl every ullectlon and evury thought, ami every word and every action, be right ; Iben there is music in tho life. , Il is nn exquisite and beautiful thing in our nature that, when the hiui'l in touched mid softened by some Uutiquil happiness or utTuclionute tool ing, the memory' uf Hie dead Cornea over it most powerfully and IrrosisiL lily. It would seem almost a Ibounh our better thoughts and sympathies wcru ciiurtiis, in virtue ot wbicu the soul is unaided to hold eome vague and in) Btortou Inlercouse with thu spirits of thus whom w loved in lit. A la I liuw ollen and bow long may IbtxM, patient angels hover around us, watch- , ing lur the spoil which 1 to ooa lor- golten.