Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 25, 1877, Image 2

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JThf gUpiiIiliran.
Umnoi B. Uoodlandkb, Eilitor.
Under. If ens ! ksnw "Sat ft"ll
! tbe fcasineee serid, Juet read ur edrerUiin,
anlawae. tbe .VpeetaJ enlunB Is part teniae.
Ths dcUiles at the new torpedo!
boat, making Bkioecl workmen, ihe!1 .'iR? -tn. liln0.t .TVry. fiViilnce, I huvo thought proper to deluy
caso Holomon decided, tho Louisiana
muddle, and a man among men, all
found on our first pajjo, is wholesome
reading matter.
A Good Sion. 'the State bonds ol
Louisiana bare advanced ten per cent,
since tho United States troops baro
boen ordered to legitimate quartors,
and Nieholls declared thelegully elect
ed Executive, of tho Sluto.
First Paue. Tho Stato, Church
and Tboatro aro represented on our
first page by the three eminent actors
in the drama of lilo to whom reference
is mado. Webster, Muhlenburg and
Foster all had tbeir sphere and they
played their part well. "Russia and
Turkey" and "Advico to Hoys" is all
good reading for old and young.
"Consternation" is the diseaso which
now afllicls the I'ackardites most at
New Orleans and Washington.
Judgo Peleg Sprague, is tho oldest
ox-United Slates Senator now living.
11 o was a member of tho Maino Legis
lature fifty-six years ago,
The Senator from Maine, was not a
guest at Ex-Secretary Cameron's on
Saturday, in llarrisburg, where Grunt
and bis Cabinet held a scssiou that
Prof. John Light, formerly of Avon,
Lebanon county, and well known as a
balloonist, died last Wednesday at Paris,
Illinois. His diseaso was throat con
sumption, and ho wss buried there the
noxt day.
An exchange says: 'The Farmers
and Mechanics' Bank, ofShipponsburg.
will fix up its affairs at filly cents on
a dollar." The creditors wore promis
ed dollar for dollar when the officers
closed the door.
The fine new Court IIdubc at Beaver
will be dedicated on the first of May,
on which occasion Chief Justice Ag
new, of the Supreme Court, will delever
an address, and there will bo other in
teresting exercises.
The Western Iron Association held
a meeting on Wednesday, and a reso
lution was adopted advancing tho card
price lor bar iron to two cents per
pound the price heretofore having
been ono and three-quarter cents.
George Washington, colored, is the
last Packard Legislator tho Democrats
of tho Nieholls House have captured,
in Now Orleans, llo went over on
Thursday, and made the usual spooch.
Ho bronght bis little hatchet along.
Philosophers hare done wisely when
thoy told us to cultivate our reason
ratbor than our feelings, for reason
reconciles ns to the daily things of ex
istence; our feelings teach us to yoarn
after the far, tho difficult, the unseen.
Poob Blaink. It's not sunstroke
now, but bcartstroko, that throws
Jeema Blaine into affectionate convul
sions. His heart bleeds with sympa
thy for Chamberlain and Packard.
Jeems knows himself bow it is to be
It's of no consequence that Cham
berlain's officers refuse to capitulate
until tho Supreme Court orders their
ejectment. The Hampton government
will go on just tho same, and when the
timo comes Cliamborlain's men will
go out just same.
Dunkard M eetino. The annuul
mooting of the German Stinkards will
bo held at Now Entoipriso, Bedford
oounty, commencing May 20. Dele
gates will attend from every Dunkard
church organization in the United
Statos, and the gathering will likely
number many hundreds.
Boss Winans, a .well-known citiren
of Baltimore, died on Wednesday last,
aged 84 years. Ho was widely known
as an inventor and proprietor of ex
tensive machine shops in Baltimore.
He built extensire railroads for the
Russian government and devised nu
morons marine inventions.
There are six prisoners in the Schuy I
kill county jail who have been senteqc
od to tho penitentiary, but could not
be received there for want of accom
modations. Our prisons, like all our
leading professions, aro crowded and
overflowing. Tboro is still room for
regiments of farmers men who pro
duce something ovory year for man
and beast.
Must oo AnKAD. Tho New York
Herald gircs as its opinion, gratis:
"Hayes can loso no time in proclaim
ing and effecting this purpose lie
must go on. llo stands at the parting
ot the waters. Ho may giro us a Ty
ler administration or a Jefferson ad
ministration. But ho must not hesi
tate. Ho has thrown asido the licpub
licans. Tho Democrats do not want
Yank. Ahiad.-Kx.Gov. Pollock, Diroc
tor of the Mint at I'biladelJii, when
compelled to manufacture the bogus
live cent pioco ten years aim, conceived
the idea that the baso coin should be
well endorsed any how, and instead of
baring the old "E Pluribus UnunY
motto engraved on silver coin we bare
PollockVlB God we Trust." It was
supposed that this device would bring
about "good times," bultbe Pollocken
doraement does not seem to make
money any plontier. A shrewd Yankee
merchant in Allegheny City has con
oeiredlike Pollock, somethingoriginal
and has placed a sign oror bis door like
this: "la God we Trust; All Others
Cash." Tbe Ex Governor should sue
tha Allegheny merchant for Infringing
ob ths right of tbe United State Hint,
Tho Riljtiininjr fonnty of Cameron
elected John li rooks, of Siniiuinaiion.
ing, to the Legislature lust full, over
one of llie dent inun cvtirnumiiiului lor
tliut vnicu. One si'BBion lias duvolnpcd
I! rooks. Ha ritlcs but oihi holiliy
Local Option, llu fuvorud a rooniui
ment of thin measiiro, anil went to
llarrialmi'K cocked und primed to tliu
mtiiilo. Air. llrouks finding tliut tile
session would wind up without the
amy how, snd
tlio lUtrisbur,
' pendent of the Scranton Jtri'ublican.
I relates the effort in this w
ray : "The
loWBr branth of tho Legislature pro-
of dramatic situation, from high trage
dy down through tho several roles of
genteel comedy, low comedy and larco.
Yesterday uflernoon a genuine treat
was enjoyed in tho lino ol farco, one
that seldom, il ever, was oclipsed on
any stage Tho local option bill was
under discussion, and sovoral mombers
favorable to the measure had prepared
elaborate addresses for tho occasion,
and tho House was becoming rather
ennuied thereat, and in no mood to be
further addressed upon tho subject,
but woro seeking such modes of enter
tainment as aro usually resorted to by
Legislators when il becomes necessary
to while away an hour or so of unin
teresting debute. Wad-throwing had
lost its novelty topics of conversation
had run out pin-sticking, and tying
tags to each other's coat tails had he
come monotonous still tho speaking
went on amid the hum-bur.z of conver
sation and tho rattle-crackle of desk
lids and tipping or chairs, when Mr.
Brooks, of Cameron, begun to read his
address. Now Mr. Brooks is a tall,
elderly member, sort of John Brown,
with Btiff up black hair, long white
beard, elongated visage, und a weak
roico. He had prepared two speeches,
from which he purposed to mnko a
choico when tho bill came up, in ac
cordance with tho direction which the
debato might take, and having select
ed tho more suitable effort, began, as
above stutod, to deliver himself, hold
ing ono speech in his hand and laying
the other upon his desk. Tho manu
script consisted of loose leaves, and as
lie completed the reading of each page,
laid it down upon tho desk with the
sheetB of Iho other speech. By and
by he hesitated, seeming either to hare
lost the connection or mistaken the
pago. Seeing bis difficulty, und in or
der to help tho gonllemun along, one
of the clerks being in his vicinity, vol
unteered to use It is better sight in to
letting the sheets, and soon got the
gentleman going again. Not being
aware of tho duplicate speech, mid
guided solely by the numbers on I he
pages, tho clerk inadvertantly handed
bim the leaves of the wrong speech,
which fact tho deliverer did not realise
until his uttcntion was called to the
evidence of something wrong by the
increasing titter ami snicker all over
the House Then ho stopped and en
deavored to arrungo his papers, and
further assistunco came from a couple
of waggish members, who, with the
ostensible design of gutting the pages
in order, mixed them still more disus
trously, handing bun slips from the
bottom and middle of tho pack, which
the advocate continued to read until
the House became convulsive with
laughter, and business hud to be en
tircly suspended, and tho Sergeant-at
Arms called upon to quell tho disturb
ance. Meantime the oil gontlcman
thought bo bad bis slips arranged, but
when ho began again bo found bo was
reading parts ot his address ovcragain,
but still be kept on, mechanically read
ing ororytbing handed him, becoming
so worked up that ho didn't really
know what ho wns reading, and would
havo gone on re-reading until dark
whatever was shoved at him from bis
officious assistants. He would have
read tho Lord's prayor, or a chapter
from Job, or an extract from Gulliver's
travels, had such been given him in
manuscript, and the situation finally,
becamo so excruciatingly ridiculous,
and tho House broko out into such a
gufffuw of sido splitting laughter, that
tho chair itself could no longor control
its risibles, and joined in tho general
chorus. Then came to the temperance
advocate a full realisation of the situa
tion, and ho gathered up bis manuscript,
stuffed it into his desk, sat down, wiped
the perspiration from his brow, mut
tered to himself something about
things getting mixed somehow, await-1
cd tho quietude of the Uouso. There '
was no more speeches on tho question,
and tho ayes and nnys were taken
amid the broadest grins, and now and
then a burst ol uncontrollable laughter."
monials at tho White Homo will bu
hereafter, as in iho days of Buchanan
and his predecessors, conducted by tho I
Commissioner ol l'ubliu Buildings and !
Grounds instead of by tho Marshal of!
the District. Tho conciliatory nolicv
ol tho Government has it lino to draw,
and draws it from tho bow at tho
Whit House door to tho hand-shako
in tho Blue Hoom. There's "a nigger
in do fence" now, with a vongennco.
Hayes was forced to appoint the negro,
Fred Douglass, Marshal, but tbo doso
is too strong for the numerous reHned
caller at tho While House, and now
"the gentleman from Africa" takes a
back scat. Fred is still Marshal, but
ho will bo sent for w hen needed at the
Whito House door. Fred, however,
will still crib tho 110.000 salary, and
wo will bet high that ho will never
put a dollar ot il into the Bureau.
Tm PosTorriCK Sitb at IIakkis
Bl)nn TT q n;-iwtn A, i .V i
buro. U. 8. District Attorney Valen-
lino having mado application in the I
circuit court In Philadelphia for tho
"ir11""! o a commission to tlx a
valuation upon part of the property In
tended for a postofhYe silo ot Harris
burg, the court yosterduy appointed
the following named gentlemen lo dc.
cido botwocn Iho United Slates and
the owners of tho property: Simon
Camoron, Samuel J. M. McCarrell,
Kobort Lamborton, of llarrisburg;
mo ctiaymakor and James L. Hey
nolds, ol Lancaster; Hugh M. North,
ol Columbia. Tbo properties are (round
ed by Locust, Third and Walnut street,
and by lUspborry aronuo. It is the
flrsl lime that such an application as
stated has boen mad in a United Htali-s
Court Heretofore the State Conns
bar beon applied to make the neoot
ary order.
Tlio wllitlrawul of tlio troons from
jJuw OrU-ans drives tha lHt iml! In llio
Huclical coflln, Slid rentores the Union,
Tlio Niclioll Sluto government Is in
full rsswesslon, Legislature mid ull. Tlie
soldier wore rumored by (ivn. Sliuri
dun lit 12 oVIiiik on Tuesiliiy. Tlio
llu) i'h ihj orders read us follows :
Kxh'utivi Mansion, )
Washington. Anril 20, '77. I
To Hun. (leo. II'. McCiary, Secretary of
censor, in tho iiiiinediuto vicinity of
the uuilUing usel as a mate House, in
New Oiliuiis, La., and known as Me
chsnics' Instilulu, a detachment ul' U.
S. Infantry. Kindinir them in thul
a decision of Iho question of their ro-
ninval until I could determine whether
the condition of affairs is now such as
to either require or jiislily continued
militury intervention ol the Nutiouul
Government in the uffuirs of the Stute.
In my opinion there does not now exist
in Louisiana such domestic violence as
is contemplated by the constitution as
the ground upon which tbe militury
power of tho National Government
muy be invoked for tho defense of the
Stute. Tho disputes which exist as to
tbe right ot certain claimants to the
chief executive olllco ot thut Stuto uru
to bo settled und determined, not by
tho executive of the United States, but
by such orderly and peaceuble methods
as may lie prescribed by the Constitu
tion mid tbe laws ol the Stale, llur
ing Iho assurace tliut no resort to vio
lence is eontempluted, but tliut, on tlio
contrary, the disputes in question are
to ho settled by peaceful method under
und in accordance with law, I deem it
proper to take action in accordance
with tho principles announced when I
entered upon the duties of the I'resi
duncy. ou aro therefore directed to
see that tlio proper orders are issued
lor tho removal of said troops at an
curly date from their present Kisiliou
to such regular barracks in the vicini
ty as may be selected for their occupa
tion. IS. 11. Hayes.
Tho Secretary of War, alter tho ad
journment of the Cabinet, addressed
tho following letter to General Sher
man :
Wae Department, 1
Washington, April 20, '77. J
Gen. William T. Sherman, Commanding
United Slates Army:
General: 1 have the honor to en
close herewith a copy of a communica
tion Irom the President of tho United
Suites, in which he directs that the de
tachment of the United Stales troops
now stulioned in the vicinity id the
.Mechanics' Institute, in the city of
New Orleans, La., be withdrawn to
such convenient barracks as may be
selected for their occupation. You uru
hereby charged with the execution of
this order und will cause the withdrawal
to tuke place on Tuesday next, lbe2 llli
of April, at 12 o'clock meridian. Very
respectfully, your obedient servant,
Geo. W. McC'rart,
Secretary ot Wur.
The following order will, no doubt,
put Sheridan's avyur to boring in the
right direction in the future:
Ciiicaoo, April 21. Tho following
was sent Irom the headquarter of the
military division of the Missouri to
General Augur to day :
Chicago, April 2L General C. C.
Augur, New Orleans, Louisiana. Sir:
By the direction of the Lieutenant Gen
eral, the following tclegmphio order
from tlio General of tbe uriny is for
warded tor your action and guidance.
Please report by telegraph upon the
execution of the order:
Washington. April 21. Gen. P. II.
Sheridan, Commanding thr Division of the
Missouri, Chicago, 111.: You will pleuse
onler the troops now posted at or in
the immediate vicinity of tlio Slule
House, New Orleans, to the United
Slates barracks on Tuesday, April 24
ut 12 M., precisely, and rviort I he fact
to these headquarters. Copies of the
order of tho President and Socrotary
of War will como to you bv mad, and
anothorcopy will be sent to General
Augur dirwt.
W. T. Sherman, General.
It. C. Drum, Ass't Adj'l Gen'l.
Tho 21st ol April, 1877, will be ren
dered famous in history front tho fact
that it restores liberty to forty millions
of people, who have been pinned down
by tho bayonet over since 1861. Eman
cipation to all.
A Material Difference. The
"line of demarcation" between the
Democratic jiarty and tho opposition
party for tho past hundred years has
been as marked as the changes of the
moon. No differenco what name the
opposition adopted, or who became its
parly leaders, who alternately assum
ed the name of Federalist, Whig, Anti-
Mason, then again Whig, American,
or Know Nothing, and lastly Republi
can, it was always the same leopard.
A chango of namo did not rcmoro tho
spots. To bo a Radical in politics is a
kind of "free and easy" achemo of plun
der, equipped with alias ; but to be
sworn to support tho Constitution has
ruined a number of prominent opposi
tion lenders. An exchaniro in alludinir
to tho question, remarks: "John Tyler,
Millard Filmoro and Andrew Johnson
wore all elected by the Kadical party
on itsdicul issues. But when thev
took their seats and swore to obey the
Constitution, as honest men Ihey bad
lo abandon tbeir party and ils platform
and stand by tho Constitution anil thu
luwa mado in accordanco there with.
This is now tho situation in which Mr.
Iluyes finds himself, Tho Budiciil
leaders want him to go with lliem in
disregard of his oat It to suppo't the
Constitution, und be hesitutes. If ho
refuses to bo governed by them, they
will fight him. Under theso circum
stances it becomes the duty of Demo
crals to sustain him in whatever is
right, for that is what wo want."
Wat Nor be Happy. And now
come the New Orleans Republican,
tho oldest organ of tho party whoso
namo it boars in the South, with this
frank declaration :
H da sal hailt.t. to aj laat If Iba BspubM
ean puny ihould Iron aoy eauM la hruurftil l
lla that lha raraianuttoa af tha eolorwl pao
pla ran sa lanaar ba SiraetaS by Ibrai la tha
mssnar ibal lhair heart and e,,a.tenfla wDnM
diat.t., th. ,.r, ahi,t at tr...i. ib.i raura
aisnaar mat inir heart an e,,a.lenfla woald
"U"M prnm:dbj io.p.,,0,
I s iser aeptiirud and laraed sfiloil to da-
Which means simply this, that when
tho llcpublican party can no longer
control the Totes of the negro il will
favor bis disfranchisement, as it never
would have given him suffrage except
with a view of controlling his vote and
, retaining power by the exorcise of this
Forney seems to think that Hayes'
ordur withdrawing tbe troops in Lou
isiana I about tho best thing that ever
happened. Tho editor of tbe TYest,
has therefore, boon mado happy on
two occasion. He rejoiced when
Grant ordered tho troo there for the
.purpose of carrying the election and
new Hayes hu mode him good again.
Ureal men often cbang their views,
bat fool never.
Converted. The gallant editor of
thu Philadelphia I'rrss is moro highly
pleased with the "Cniilcdcrulu" Key
iluyes hu in his'Cubiiiet, than with
all tho rest Hayes Included. In allud
ing to the "Confederulu" Postuiusler
Geiierul, Forney says : "Nothing has
been more touching and moro siguill
cant than the selection of this distiu
guished citizen us tbe bind of a most
iniporlunl department of iho civil Ad
ministration ; because, while indicating
torgiveness on the purl of tbe Exucu-
'e'lerule who accepted it,
There tun
he no real reconciliation between the
North iiul the South unless the spirit
manifested by these two men Is made
the organic law ul tho two parties ol
this country. Wo must hour and for
bear. We must give and forgivo. And
nothiugiu the somewhat abnormal pol
icy of President Hayes, considered eu
llrely in reference to tho past narrow
practices in the politics ol our country,
is moro interesting lliiin the recogni
lion of these great axioms," Well, if
uuy "rebel sympathizer" ever said it
any better, wu havo lulled to notice il.
The "rebel" Key, and the "loyul" For
ney in one bed after such un awful
waving of the "bloody shirt." us was
witnessed in this country lust full, is
enough to muke one remark : fSoiuo
hiMly's a fool I Or words In lliut effect.
A new comet was discovered In Eu
rope on Fridny, the (Sih iust., and thu
fuel was immediately cabled to Prof.
Henry of tbe Smithsonian Instilulu,
who telegraphed it lo Prof. LewisSu ill,
u distinguished astronomer, nt Roches
ter, N. Y. Prof. Smith commenced
searching for it lit 2:30 o'clock on the
morning of the I lib of April, or ns
soon us it was above the horizon, and
succeeded in finding it in a lew minutes.
Hu says il is a beautiful comet, jusl
visible to tlio nuked eye, will show in
an opera glass, bus a short wide tail,
and is going to be brighter. Its posi
tion ul discovery was In tbe constella
tion Pegasus. It can only be seen in
the morning un hour or two after mid
night, so tliut the celestial visitor is
not likely to attract much attention
from the unscientific public.
" With out Ri-flnril yi'irirtk'a SunUy ntsi
imprr null attention In ih rxiropilmiir omitt
ln f linnet ib ib Tsi R-srlfvr' Ollu of thl
-it J i a.ii'1 tii ca ul C..s'r.lltr Hsii.tuok II In
itrtf anolbrr paiDTuI enniuirBtRrji Ui"tt inunict
ial ovE'verninDt. Look whrra we utajr, tbp
lulauiB,nKDJD:t of out Awftriaan elites II, Wltb
Ivw iepliona. uVulonMs tsoL"
That truthful contession is extracted
fiom Colonel Forney, editor of the
Philadelphia frets, in his issue ol
April 17th. The "puinlul comment
ary " arises from the fuel that Iwo ol
his "bullies" huvo been caught rob-
bing tho tax-payer or that city of
. . . ' . . . '
ihoiisatids of dollars precisely on the
Tweed New York plan and iho vir
tuous Colonel never "squeals" until
alter all the other daily and weekly
und Sunday papers huvo exposed tbo
scoundrels. " Butter lute than never."
Pi' Palace Car. A palace
cur is in course of construction at thu
P. II. 11. shops in AlUsina, and will be
completed about tho first ut July. It
will cost ubottt 130,000, und is a I'oll
muii palace car on the sumo style as
the one which was on exhibition ut
the Centennial, the only differenco bu
ing thai this will bo a much finer car.
The tour seasons will be represented
on Iho headings, the panels on tbe
arched sides ure lo bu iirnunieliled, the
trimmings uro lo be ol'sdver, nii.klo-
platcd chandelier will grace Ihe centre
of the car, and all in all it will bo a
As Corrupt as Belknap. It seems
that unolher of ti rant's Cabinet .Minis-
lers is to bo put through the mill when
Congress meets. A "special" to the
New York Herald asserts that the
"prosecution of ex-Secretury Itnbcson,
for ullegud misappropriation of the
hinds ul'ihu Nuvy Dupurlmuiil, will bu
a leading feature ot Democratic policy
in theforthcomingsession of Congress."
Robeson made ten dollurs in selling
.Nuvul con true Is, to one dollar made by
Belknap in selling Trader-posts, und
why should the former not be made as
odious us Iho latter tor his crimes.
WoitliBTO lit;KN. -duel Justice Field,
ot tho eight-to-seven commission that
hud no authority to punish wrong,
said of thu doings of the commission :
"The country may submit to tho re
sult, but it will never cease to regard
our action as unjust in itself, and as
calculated to sap the foundation of pub
lic morality." Associulo Justice Clil
tord, suid: "Neither the public nor the
citizen have any power to defeat the
machinations of fraud, perjury and
Ibrgcry, if the measure adopted In
this caso aro held to bo iiicfl'ectuul und
Tue Gay Deceiver. The Ex-Rev.
General Gnrtlcld, in his ruco for the
Speukunship, is making ull sorts ot
promises to catch the Southern vote,
but thus fur with little success. Iiu
pttblican professions of luith, where
olllces are concerned, havo been lound
by pusl experience to bu Very wvuk
reeds lo lean upon. Tito Congressman
who will accept s, '1,000 leo to pass a
claim through tbo Committee uf which
he is Chairman is not fit to take a seat
in tho Speakers chair. A stull in the
Penitentiary would bo mora appro
riXMi.-Dun-el Hull, of Now Hump
shire, wus sent to tbo Cincinnati Con
vention lust summer as the representa
tive of a Dluino constituency. Before
the Convention met ho was "seen" by
ex Governor Noyes. When the lime
lor thv ballot camu Sir. Hull voted lor
Hayes and carried two of his delega
tion with htm. Mr. Hall has just been
appointed Naval oilier ut Boston.
Carry the news In the gentleman from
Muine, Mr. Blaine,
A lUroRMEU N'eoro. Fred Doug
lass, tbecoloind United States Marshal
for tho District ol Columbia, has Very
clear and practical ideas on the subject
of civil service reform. Since ho was
inducted Into olllco bo has made ono of
bis sons bailiff and another a deputy
assistant marshal. Plainly Mr. Doug
lass holds tho apostolic doctrne that he
who provides not for his own house
hold hath denied thelaith and is worse
than an infidel.
A Pennsylvania woman who wont
lo Kansas few year ago writes back
that ahe ba done a well as could be
expected endnr tho circumstsDces. She
bo bod thro husbeveds, two pair of
twin and lb ag.
Russia thinks shu can "bear" It.
1 1 1 ill I to ami Hamlin are quarreling.
Michigan has fifty ihousund tem
perance men.
California has ono hundred und
five niillioniiuirus.
All tho new towns out west uro
being iiiinied Custer.
Sixty five thousand men are out of
employment in Now York.
Vermont is doing a good business
in munlurs and ium' suL")i .
totio lust, and then Gov, it up.
Grand Diika Alexis recently visit
ed Mr. tluyes at the While House.
The Towimila, i'u., nail works are
about lo bo out lit iij-y-ri4v 'sydi).
A Pittsburg merchant has put up n
sign, "In Gud weirust ; ull others cash."
Jimmy llluinu has a chip on his
shoulder, und dares Hayes to knock
it off.
Tho Ctti hondule iron -works hare
moro orders un bund than ihey can till
for some lime.
Cbunibei lain coin nionded his cause
lo heaven, ami that tribunal knew just
what to do with it.
Cincinnati Is going tn have a color
ed baby show, and eighty entries have
already been made.
Sixteen miles of gas pipes will be
laid by the new gas company recently
organised ul llurri-biiig.
Gen. O'Neill bus started for Ne
braska with a colony of throe hundred
emigrants from l.tiieriio county.
Twenly-one sheep were killed by
dogs one nielli lust week, ou the fsriu
of John Elliott, in Butler county.
McKeun county bus a now curios
ity it gas well Unit emit immense vol
umes of naler and tiro alternately.
Parson Newman's church is bur
dened with a big debt, and bus no hope
of a subsidy for the next four years,
The Pittsburg papers sny I hut or
ders tu the Iron mills ot thul city are
coming in rapidly from the Southern
Tweed is not as heuvy us he used
to he, but in his recent confession ho
sut down pretty bard on some id' his
former friends.
Ex-President Grunt lias bought a
hundred ucres of laud ill Florida, and
after his return Irom Europe will goto
raising oranges.
A letter from the Black Hills re
porta laborers' wages at from lour to
fire dollars a day, bul flour twelve dol
lar per hundred.
Tho men at work on the Ashlund
water works, in Schuylkill county, gel
three drinks ol whisky a day in addi
tion to their puy.
T. W. Marion, of Gn-ono county,
I'u., a former member of the Legisla
ture, has been arrested for dealing in
counterfeit money.
l ctgui-iooi vein ot coui has open
discovered near Susniiehuuita Slut on.
in Stisipiehaniia county, on the hue of
thu Kite Ituilniud.
Hx Surgeon Gen. Full, of the United
Slules navy, died al his residence in
Philadelphia on the 12th iust. He was
a lialiva of Lancaster, Pa.
Moody bus kepi up his revival in
mision longer than he did utiywhuru
else, hut il is easily aecounlud tor the
New Kuglund sinners aro lougb onus.
Tho grandfather of tho present
ii uuu iiutnploii, ol Mould Carolina,
wus a ruvuluiioimry rvbvl, and George
Iho third suid ho ought to huvo buun
hung lt,r Iruuaoti,
A meteor weighing two tons re
cently buried itself in thu soil i.f Ver
mont, ami yet the iiihiibtlanlsol thut
benighleil Stute persist in vning the
,-eneia satiusioiie lliKel.
While workmen wore cleaning out
a ball in Warren, Pa., one day last
week, they found a rut's nest contain
ing ovoi eighteen dollars in hills and
scrip, all in good condition.
Chester papers report that before
the Celili-liliial exhibition orders from
foreign cities were rurely received al
the Kddj stone print works, but now
they are literally pouring in.
During the month of March there
were confined in the llarrisburg lockup
510 prisoners, to whom I.3UU meals
were issued. Tho total cost uf broad
was 123.50, and of cullee tVi.
Statistics show thut of 1G!),62I col
ored troops who woro mustered in du
ring the war. 1,514 woru killed in ue
lion and 14.887 deserted. lint the
colored troops fought noSly."
Tho Sheriff of Carbon county has
bis instrument of death prepared lo
eoiiimenco the execution uf thu Mollie
Magtiires under sentence. It is suid
no two will he executed at '.bu suinu
An Kitglish steamer is now atNuw
London, Connecticut, holding munitions
of war lor the Turkish goveriiineul.
This will make the seventh cargo ot
war material taken from this country
to Turkey.
The Indiana normal school will re
ceive Utt.OUO of the appropriation for
schools made by the legislature. With
this aid the school will bo ubiiliduntly
uhlu to coMliuuo successfully and mcul
ils obligations.
A curious rule prevuils in Germa
ny, that it a person is injured on a rail and subsequently dies from thu
injuries received, lliu occurrence is not
deemed a railway accident unless death
occurs within twuuly-l'oiir hours.
Fred Doiiiduaa and his thruo tons
being all in tut offices, thu negro rueu
may bo considered as satisfied, the
country having been lor years taught
to consoler r red as comprising the col
ored peoplo of America.
Tho now stay law has been uro-
ductivo of several judicial oiiinions.
J utlgo Trinikey bus rendered decision
that its provisions tin not apply loesses
Where slay ol execution is wuived by
contract nor to chums tor lubor.
Tbe Corry Telenrank says I, lias
just been discovered that oil" nl the
unsuccessful candidates lor postmaster
mere nail a spnl in his house (filed with
upon ended cigar boxes, anil practiced
mroiigu inn winter al distributing thu
John Mulloy, a Molly Muituire
charged with complicity in the murder
ol .uorguu I owell.hasheen Iniiuu guilty
of murder in the second deirrve, al
.Munch I hunk. He is the sixth msn
ti.und guilty ol comnhcilv in tbe mm
der ol Powell.
The riicattixville. Pa., bridge
works hare cliwcd contracts for lite
whole of iho iron bridge on lliu Que
bec, Montreal, Ultawa anil Occidental
Kailway, III Canada, over six thousand
lineal lent and between three and lour
thousand tons.
Miss Kste Claxlon, Iho actress
who made a narrow escape when the
Brtstklyn theatre was burned, ma le an
equally narrow onu at tbo burning of
thu St. Louis hotel. Khu hus thus es
cuped two great Ores tuny sho bu as
fortunntu in escaping thu Dual confla
gration. "White (loortre," noted triik
horse hrvd hy Dun Itlcs, rliivl In Tilus
ille tlio otlior tin)-, stfed tliirty livu
jesrs, lie rulirad Irom iMisineiw eleven
jesrs iro, since which lime he ba nn
OKlenUliotisljr lollowed oommon lifu,
Oo had lh cxn mojD nrvUv macfa ill
llo hlmMtf. .
A despatch from Putroliu, Butler
county, I'u., sua: On Tuesday utter
noon u woek a heavy storm pussed
over this suction. Thu lightning struck
a lui'gu lank on lite l roulinuii lanu
which eoiiluiued 22,OUd barrels of oil,
und tho lunk wua lorn to pieces. Thu
burning oil set II iv to two other tanks
und ouu eoiiluiiniig 25,000 barrels was
destroyed. The utuer was exiimuisli i
ij'sit. MihA u iinu uestrolllg
everything in it course. It was
chucked by IfaUlou's dun), which was
large enough to hold Hand slop lurlher
damage, twelve oil wells Willi tanks
ut lliu null were destroyed. The town
of Ti'ouliiiau, consisting of a hotel,
Iho lively stuhles, a blllluld room und
dwelling houses, were destroyed. The
)7,UI)J barrels ol oil burned holoiigud
10 lliu Union I'tpu Lino and will be
paid by pro lulu assessment by thai
hue. The loss hi the town uf Truul
iiiuii is estimated ul f dlt.OOO. 'I hu loss
ou thu twelve oil wells Is hot known.
Thu Pittsburgh Telegraph ya: Dur
ing lliu progress ul the storm a United
011 lunk, ut l''uirvicw, Buller county,
wus struck by lightning. Thu flumes
cuiiiinuiiicuted lo others of nine tanks
ut that point, and this morning tuo
contents ol seven were destroyed, with
the probability thul the oil in the
other two would also be consumed.!
Euch tank contained 10.0UU barrels, sol
that 70,l0d lunvls huvo ul ready been
deslioyed and 2U,UU0 barrels ale likely
lo ou lust. The destruction ul' ilU.IIIJU
out of 10, 0U0 burl els will uccasioii a!
Ions lo holders ut United euriitieales of
(20U on a Ihousund burrels, or twenty
cents pur burrol. The lotul loss will
tcucli a qtiurter ol' a million dollars,
and will full muiiily on BieculuUirs
w no uru holders ol United certificates,
l'tiu largest holders, ami presumably
tho heuviust losers, ure Prentice & Co.,
ol Now York ; Dr. Uostuiler, of mis
city, and IticbuiM Jennings, ul Jirudy'a
Bund. In many cases pel-nous uniting
luuks uii the line huvo un insurance
independent ol the line, ui.d owing lo
Kits luet, the general average may bu
reduced in this case.
A I.Iab ltLWARDKD. Alfred E. Luu,
who wus Privatu Secretury of Mr.
Hayes w hen bo was Governor ol Ohio,
Uas been remembered with Ihu appoint
ment of Consul lo Fruuklorl. Mr. Leu
deserves Una token of grateful recog
nition un the part uf tuo Fraudulent
President. On the lUlhuf July, IH16,
sunn alter tho Cincilinali Convention,
Mr. Loo wrote to the Secretury of the
American Alliuucu to u' knowledge tne
receipt of the resolutions ot the Alli
ance admitting Mr. Iluyes to honorary
membership, und lo say that hu was
deeply gratiliej by such a mark ol
confidence. Mr. Luu in this letter re
ferred to thu importance ot currying
Ihu Stales of New York, New Jersey
und Connecticut, and promised the
Alliuucu "such aid and co-operation as
seems to bu advisable." When this
letter, revealing ihu connection of Mr.
Hayes with u pruscriplivo Know
Nothing organization, was published,
every ell'url was iiiudu to relievo bim
Hum responsibility tor il. Nothing
wus left bul lor Lee to niuko an ue
kuowledginetit Ihul hu wrote the letter
without the slightest knowledge ou thu
part of his principal. Improbable as
was the story, il was accepted tor what
il was worth, und Mr. Leu is now re
warded lor his noble sacrifice of lite
truth with ibis consulate in un import-
uni uuriiiaii city.
SraippKU ht the On a
tarm sixteen miles sou I best ot Jack
sonville, 111., and not fur Iron! Franklin,
11 r. Huinuel JlcC'iiiluy, his son rullum,
and a hired hand were at work when
u suveru thunder shower begun. The
parly sought refuge under a tree.
While wailing liir tlio subsidence ol
Ihu storm, Ihu electric fluid descended
thu tree and felled two ot thu men
senseless to lliu ground. Ouu, tbo la
borer, sisni recovered, and was un
hurmod. Thu other, young McCurloy,
seemed lifeless, and was supposed to bu
dead. His clothes were stripped from
him, even to his btsils. Some of his
garment were on Ure. His under
clothe even were burned or torn into
shreds. The ioor fellow's body was
burned and blistered down the entire
back, from his shoulders to his heels,
ami wen the soles of bis leeu His
companions wrapiwd up thu almost
nuked Usly in their coats and carried
it off lo thel'arin house, about a qtiurter
of a mile distant. There it was dis
covered thul hie was not extinct The
sufferer recovered consciousness, and is
now colivulescelil.
Poor Hi.aine. Tho Senator from
Maine, in bis letter to lliu New York
Herald, in Blinding to things down
South, says: "My heart and judgment
are both with Packard and Chamber
luin in tho contest now waging." Well,
whut of it Mr. Blaine? Mr. Iluyes'
"heait and judgement" seems to run
in some other gutter; and what are
you going lo do about it T Again : If
Iho Huston pros does not reflect stal
wart Radicalism in New England ; does
Mr. Blaine? And it so, go ahead, and
you will find a landing yet.
Uni- ditrtlsrmrnts.
CIAUTIOM.mAII pr-a.i are brrebjr tm.on
J aUilnit tturchsnlair tr ) inr war -
tlltflf villi Lh following propari-r, nuw in th
pottwMfio ot C i iu rich I? It I trig, of Bog
ii.wabip, to wit i All lb grain la (ba groan '.all
lha caul anrl hor-u a In hi pwion, nil
bngt tvt all hit arming Imtjlaiatnta. 8i( oroo-
frtr . turbaw4 hy m on tha tttfb d.T of
npni. ias., ana M itll vita nlia n loan -ahjaot
inj timer. BUItsKK.
I.avrtnra, April tft,'T7-.1
j Noliaa la ber-br fleas that Lattare of Ad-
uiialatratloc oa lha aetata af WM. T. TII0KP.
tela of Ureeoemad towaebtp, Claariald a,amte,
l'a., daava-ad, haria baaa duly grasled la tba
aiidrrelKnad, all pereooe isdabtad to asid aetata
will plaaea Inabe tiaioadlata pavaeol, sndlkoea
naein ataiaia or daaeaaue asaiaet lha eaaia will
prrevitt Ural proparle auihtillaarad for aettla
mwilwlthootdalar. CIlAKI.H Tll'lHP,
Bower, April ti. '77-St. Adtuininritor.
f IVIIHt IJ Ntll'K K,
17 Millbs rs
la tha Conrl r Catoai.,n Plaaa of ClearSeld t
K as, Uaiab I- 1177. dab. Bar. Ui...ree
To l.arl Millrrt Yos ara an-raha required lo
apfwar mm lha Brat day of tbo Bail tarm of Iba
I'uurt of Comneoa Ploaa of OlaarSeld eosntr, to
now eauea wnv a oaorva at atroraa eholllS sot ba
si. da SKaiaet yua lo iba abara etalad aaN en
aovplalal 01 Matilda Miller
ANUIIKvy rKtIT!, Jr., gberlf.
April IS, IS77 41.
Joe it. llsusABsa re. Oars'tss Bni-bakbb
Is lha Court af rnrauioB Pl-a. of ClHtr.,atl Ci ,
ha. It, Maieb T., Ii. Al. Sab. Bur. Ulyoroa.
To t'eth.rlae Biabekar t V a ara ken-by ra
qain d t. a,pear ob Iba Iret M-adea f JBBe,
mi i, m enow aauan way a siarea ur diruraa
rboiild Bot ba B.ada BraiR.t a IB lha abore
eiena rare as a,.ai.lelni at Joe. K HrBlwki-r.
AM.KKW rK.T7., J,, Sk.rit.
April Ii. IS77 4i.
I I Ktll.lKHhi hOTICK.
1 Noliea le berahy (Ivan Ibal tha fotlowlBg sa
aouaiB have bran examined and peeead my sie.aad
rvraaiB llrd of raeord Is Ihia alBaa for tba ls
.ilion of belre, laaaleaa, aredllora, and all of here
tolMirelad, on will ba braeantrd la lha nail Or.
phane' Court ul Clearfield eouaty, lo ba held al tba
lean tiouee, IB Ihe Borough of ClearSeld, aom
nwualnc on the ! Mcsida; bain Iba llet day)
, a,, n. u. in, I I
Partial Areoost al lleoraa II Waavlia, Adaiiaia.
C atorer ibMaalataaf 0. C Oaias la af lb
Leioughol Houiid4le, rbarSnd Co., Pa., da-d.
rental Aan.aal of U W Uallabar, Adaiialilre.
tar al l ha aaiaia or Uuab llalLhar.lele of Cheat
taaaihip, Claarlel.l eoaetv. Pa..rie.'d.
Partial Ai sol al Jeans) A J. I MeKea, Ada. a.
Iiralre ai the eat a ol Uaaa MoKaa, lata af
Kboi towooh.p. Claarfleid aaunlv. Ha. AaeM.
Partial Aeouaol of Milra Pell., and llao. WiM,
naaiiRieiraiure Bl IBB allele af JanuS Wtee,
lei. "f ltmi IWB . I'learlald Oa.. Pa . daa'a.
Final Aeaaaet of tt B. Speekaian, Adailaletratar
ia aeiaia M aeajamtB saaakaia, lata uf
Claarl, Id eaaair. Pa , dee'd.
rmal Aaaoaai al m. Rider, Adalelrtrelar D.
B N . C. T. A . ml iba retaie af Jan kidar, laea
si vuriaat,Mj l.p., Olaarleld 0o. Pa, dee'.
Uaatd'BB A -ooaalal taahertak MeNaal.(aardlaa
at Isae Paula, ifaraearly Bw.e Maaal aa
al -aa bain al WB a. um, Uas 1 0arweaa
nlla Wrasfk, Vaaart 0a , ra , W4.
LI MeWaaaT.
apr. ae-ee
ftrw 3Ui'frtlsnnfnt.
Hu on-4. In bdlMing o Mtrhtt HKt.
lha 9i Wfiirrn llul Utt , a.uiii- tha CVtm
II km In ClvariUltJ. Tin inl ritual Iron Un
farl.ry tmi Klor, br III U found nlill lit"
lull hn of
HutiMRpunling mm4 all kintj of Jib work, Tmyir.
In, Aa., dona on ahirt nutiaa nij at reaawiabla
rak-r, Ala zi.'M fur tbt
Singer Sewing Machine,
A lupply of Mftflblnr., with N-dU, Ac al
uo band
Tarn, Ptrlutljr tb or coua'r produca. A
aharaol palruoaga
Cltrarflfltl, Aprtl 24, U77-lf.
Wrought-Iron Air-Tight
I'lTh OH UlTl'MINOI s CO Ah.
W Roll, 11 , 1!U) HEATERS,
Dattrlptlra I Irculsrs scat Tree m an; s idr h.
April ,'!7 Ij.
A ad baa eloiwj Id flrtt joar with aa tifahliibott
boon Ida airaaiatioa larar than that of ao.r
otbar daily fa Hooaavlvasaia, witb a liagla al
eaptiua. It baa nw tba moat parfot't maehiaar
aa l aputiaaf for priatiag iti Ura b.
iag iwaoao Hon Parfoalmg Prtoaa. aaH oapabl
of priatiag JO, out ouoili aaptaa ot Tho Tiaaa
In an banr, io that it naa giro tha ttr; lat
aa anil taaka Ike oarliait daliiar to iu rcadura.
It contains
ioolading tha ASOCf ATKD PRESS
MK.srONDt.NCK frata all p .lata ..f int-,n, p3
aad AcoaraU Local Hapuru,aal "aarUta B iitor
ial biaauaalaoa ol a.i Oar root Tpia, matting it
tho anost ouaipiato and ebwipat oawapapar tn
"THE TIMES" ia Thoroughly Inda
pendaut. ia artryibing. and will, la all polftiaal atniggUa.
brtsfaiibial lotratb and it no i ooartati'io). It
rnaara aa hl(uw pruaa af aaatralitj oa tba
laading quaatma of tba dy, ar in pulitinal eta
toata a tnay (im, bat will avar diaeard tba blind
partiranahip that aroold aaHordinata tba nght to
party aaeat-ac, ao nattar for whalorganitatian. or
a vbuo Inraroat neb olaiaa ia nada, aad old
fearlaail; aril iota piltiiaal arror a id tha tf
puhiia tntattritj wtaroavor faad. It demaod'
aaoB-mr aad fli.htj in f-vary drpatrraient of
avitb .rt'v. Citr, Sura aad Natianal. aoJ boldlv
ariaigoa tbaa ( ovary party no ttiuM paalia
iraiu It diaoaaaoa pablia iaaaa. pablio ovania
and pablia aa, witb that aivaara of froodai
that ia diatatt-d by troth, but wiib that dignltt
aud eoaitaay which bnid avar obaraatrli- tlio
prvra of ba aiuataoligbloood aauvo of tha world
Hriaa tow oanu par pj : aaail aabperibfra, pait
ag prapald, an dollar a year, or i'tr r-nla a
m.,ulk.- Addnaa THB TlMKA.
IK Cbaaiaatrk fhilad'a.
April Ja, 77 Jt.
LINEN SUITS, &o.,&c, ic.
BUTTONS, 4o., Ac , Ac.
Ao., Ac, Ao.
Carpetings, Oil Cloths,
Wall P. pers,
&c, &c.
lm IH. I, Hat Oft Um MHit.
i ii wa 1 1 i'T
,. )
Srnilhfield Street, from 2nd to 3rd, Avenues.
Tho neit rnt rally Infa'f lrat-rlaa Hiaa lo lb rify. Pirt aara poa ihn d-r ifir
aiaataa to all tha d-p U ao I alt pirta uf bj m a. tha. farm. 91 A(l ntr liy. '
W4LSH & AKDEaSOS', Proprietor..
Tba Rapt imcm. of ClrarflalJ, itoilvf.1 weckl; at tba Hulel an t plants' od fita rr fl lMlHf
gacau from bie aarlHin, Aa. J7. Iijt xt
rpitiAi. r a.Ht4..I f..r
J. trial at 'aroa I waak (tMl day) ol Majp laroi,
W. II. A L. Aieocia'ii Te. Jamae llalay.
W. W. W,l.a,lo a.a I C. Wtl(iil AC.
Uaa. B l.ata Tha T. A V H. M C i
B. A O. Iiartisara re. Ti.a T A C. K. R. fa.
O.C. Pairsiora ra Joa. lUrtibora.
AaAraw rau, Rr. vt a. forlar at. al.
S.oi'l llaf tlj . btln W.V.Wnsl ,A !'
-I. U. Uaiit
va. MlabarS u-aiip.
Uratfr U. II III
-la I,. Illll
W . Olaha;
t. R. Koabar
4. W. I.ucora
Lvtarai Morer
Oaii. M. Uriabio
Ira R. Snllojas
Sanaal Wlueiatre
Crl.aisas A S-.n
aa. Hill A L'lirk.
ra. II ill A Ciark
ra. J IV. Davn.
re Jobs DaBoie.
ra Jntia llu Bole.
re Wm. W. Irwia.
re. Tba Caaa'a K. R. Co.
re Bloom A Krbrd.
ra. Jara. Oa bar.
re. laa Uatue.
W. 8. ila4 A Vro'l
re. Stfuu"! urhy.
i. A. Huff, flaarJIia ra. J. K A ). C. Krati.r.
KLI (LOOM, .sniarr.
RKPOHT or tbe romllliun of Iho COf.VTV
NATIONAL HANK of ClearUcld. at Clw
it.a, in tlm State l.tanayiraoia, at tan eiuo
uf outineaa on April 14, 177:
I.uaua and diacounta.., H il
:i,i;i it
3 i: 71
;j,aou ao
e.J.a n
1.M2 a?
i.iks :
a, SIS T
I.4HH Si
i.ikh n
l.s.i is
I 01)
U. H. boudt tu aueura oirauialiun
tHlirr atookr, bondi, avnd tntrlgatgt ...
Uua from apirurtd leaarva acula ...,
Uua fruut ottiar Xationai Hi.iika.
ltn fruta Hutu Bunk a nod Bin ken...
Kt-al vatatif, lurut'ore and Btturi...
Currant alpaDeaa akU la&ae pail.-..
Ohake ana aiberoaeb itcina
Utile of alber Baoke
Fractioual aurrenci.iocluilnig oiukele,
LajCal-tradar aute
K.ilaiiipiiaB laaj sit U.S. Irske
srar to ftr nnt of eirvsiatiuBy 3 S7j Ot)
Total...- .M,SIS t
Capiul atoab paid is- tlu.0 00
Sorplue lufll... . yv,f9 00
Oibar 0llriirt proble- H S.SIS 41
llalioaal Bank Hule utiiaailtbic ... 67,00 ou
Individual dtpvfita eatiel locbaaa.. Se.i.AS SO
Tnaa avrtiliealae of d poil . IS.iiSS so
l)ua M otbar National Baoke.. 1.11 01
5ll 5 'raa.r'maia, O'aarrlat Oomulf, SS :
I, W. .M Sbaa-, Cuebiar ul tba Couoljr National
Bank of Clterbeld, do eoletnnlr eataar Ibat tba
above autewrnt ia true ts Iba beet of a; ksoal
ada and belief. W. M. KIIAW, i:..l..,r.
hubearibad and esors to birlora me lb is 2nd day
of April, A. 11. 1ST?.
Correct Atuil : J AS. B II KA 11 il.
J.0. f. KSK,
Aprtl IRTJ. liiritori.
ta nuraaaooa of an orJar uf 'ba OrnbanY
Court wl LMtarttttM auanty. tba andtrvitiMht Ad
tnia.flratora. C. T. A., uf tha aaut of Tb-ttraa W.
Plata. ni;, lata of tha born ugh uf Cur(rvuavllt,
dtre'd, will aell at pabiia aaia aa tha prcuiiaaa, ia
L'ararenavilla. oa
WedueacUy, May 3D. IMTT,
at 1 a'oloek p. m., tba following rtl aautf, lata
uf atJ aleo'tl. rii :
ha. I being all thai aaruln lit of grai.t.4 aitaatc
in aatt borauxh, oa tne rmih atda ul Mam atrial,
l4liuBlBsr ataoravror tm af A. i. Oratt kr:
tbaneo euthwar4 aloBf iaaaf taid M .-.Ulutio
Birch attvj ; tbtiura caaiwartl along aaid ahet 41
fact to tot af Urn i at Potut; thauoa anrlhward
aJOPg Hid lit lav feat ta Mat a fffaat lbut
ant ward al-mg aaid ptrvt-t 41 faet ti aaa uf ba
ginning Tha itctruvauianta eunaitt of a lrn
two aiorj fraiaa bui id tea; wr auiaa ataad, th
uuia bailding 41 ft irt hy ti lrt ta dapta,
with aa I. at li-bed JlJtT li-rt. tw daaiikbla
vt'-ra leiiBia oa Ural Untr, with aovaial maw
tHond Iwr oaa uf wbtcll ia vccufiiad aa an Old
faliot:a' Hal-, 'ar frm I table la raat of U-t,
oecaied aa a tlrar. aubta
No 1 b?iiif a 1 1 1) at t-artaio Itjt of rroaud alta
ta ia said boruogh, tKgioamg at tbe turniiiks
urataia airet, at ornr I iwtuf N . E Arm. d;
ihrnea i&i.rt!.r l by aaid lut iui (rat lo u all-y;
tbcaro aaatward by aaid alley h-vl tu l-t uf II.
8. TntnjMii tbsviiM t..athard tuft t taid
ThoBipaua lt tai lo Ktata atrvvt; thaaua Wral
ward by aaid at real Aa tort to tba laee ot begia
Ring. Tha infirm amaata omaiat of a twti i.ry
Immr dwalltng noua. tti mia baiiiia baiogll
fart Iruat by it'll laat ia dvtta. with aa LatUahrd
lliIS fat. Aiao, a b.aetuent atarf- nndtruaiilh
fuiu la lor atora rooia, tiata ataMa nJ utbt-r
oot hailiJiaga oa iba ((r spTty.
Tbaa f.a.arttaa ara a. II lutttxj In tba bant
'uiBf aa pwUi'B t iaraaaaf illa.and tanl read 17
for taai uaaa .aras.aoa. Aa
Oa third of iba parrhiua aiary aah ob bob.
raittuB i-f aalf, ona third ta aaa oar. and tha
hBlaaoa ia tw.i yr iruia data of aala. to h
areaiad bf judgnia' t hood and (iri.r. mm Iba
. rami ara ZAOllAKlAH M.N A 1:1,
jitti-;rii R ihwin,
CtaarflaTd. Pa., Aprtl U. IS77 &L
AnnaalaiUn-ht uf It cat on riwnabp tt ad
luuda fur tha tr andiag April tt, .1,77.
A CALARAi a , snow a, jr., arr'a run 7rt, dil
Tu an't armiad laiaa naelllad April i.
Wi"- 1 16 II
To fOettad tal Uf iad lur - lilt g
To Awdilora'ardviviaauad dunag yrar. S.aVt at
$ a, I T si
By Kalahaa'a kitU af road v.rk diat.$ I Aft Sit
By 6. brows )r m SM
Paid tor two wataring inagha....M.,aaM f t
Paidtorplank .M . i f
Paid avadry paraona lur ruavd wurk.H I4T TS
Kaiwrol by Aaditon gy
Avatad tax rolltatad by Ui-L Traaa...4 t .1
Worhrd oat hy Uiabt...,.,m...M,M 42 4J
A ad it-1 ra for arrtiara ... g
Clara faraarrioaa r a
Printtag ......,....,. 9 on
4Bid ruad lax uaoollatuid....n a y
$ a,Uf 31
aauiAcKBR, pit. Tntua , aa.
Tu ani't roe'J or 0u. Trrai lll.eil Ik
UnaiBtaadiiadApr. f lB H
Collvotad taatrd ruad lax .,.,.. gu in
ll.S5 73
By araiaot dua him April t, 76 t I 4
Bvdaraiad Auditor ordara (eaaaallati).. 1 0,7 It 30
By paid latarrat an aaaaa. hja, ng
By part of aaiary aa rraaaurar fti id
lll.ffll ei
Bal. la h.nda of Treaa..., u u
Uauuuaiag ordtra.,,.,, 47
Attaali J.C TV t.KH.
L. Biaa. A. II. HOsKNKNAN.
Clark. Aadituri.
PeaAald. April ti, 1177 it
X Aaieaal rtataarnt uf Hu-lun tuwnhip Poor
lubda fur tha yrar andiag. Aprd I, 1871.
chaklrr ttotiCKkH. niHT. trxii., na,
Tu aal raa'd Ca Trt-aa $ gag g
To aoatad UXaa uf '71-7H an.
aoilartfrd April I, ltt g 1
To aoatad taaaala lr.i U.Vt'.
Bjuwa April I, 18.1 m 17 fi ,
To Uroraaara' ordar f ga
Ta ba!. daa In-ta It W. Uruwa,
Aprila.l; U 18
$ 421 49
$221 a
la ttoaarattana...MI
" U. W. bruwii'a Nutf . ,
" daa fWiiM U. Morala.,
n paid Out Huol, Uua. ...
" duo froai Hunt m.
7 M
l aa
' I M
$ Ilk 14$ III 1
To ataoaat roo'd from Carwaar
fill bur. abutro axpaaaaa of
tvUaaUaa ... , .,M,HM .M.
169 M
...$I,MI g
PaM Oraraoara' ardara (tanealM)...
Paid ia larval aa itBia
Bl. ia baoda af Traaa
T74 71
. r. tswBi a w.j siso, oreeereai rs ;s, ti.
Ta anlari dr.aa aa Dial. Trees .sT 14
Cat "'
Paid f..r Wbi Kilaiar, pauarr J V SI
' 1 1
. " fsr leaea Tarsar. jau ar ..M. , f;f s
N far Meliraat abnd. .anp.r it
M fir JSa Tud..r, ttifliuwraii 141 IS
" ffer M.-llwaiet paa,.ar a. BJf.arar.i IS IS
M W J. Kla, Swarrrla.r .... ... I, S
M. P. Tum.e, Brrlel.r g
" an al eater; ul Ulit. Tiaae s s
M:i si
Paasara aow a Ike laaeikln. t. Tea
far IU!, leiUU.
i. B. Raw ITT,
rVeeH . J.fXTVtKft.
ai. Irs. A.a.kaagHtaArTrl,
Ot. ABdllaaa.
PraSal. P, AfitUI, I.TMI. W
V or1
1 vzyryy'ma
BBt' ii
1)1. A-1 1- II. ' are ealll,,, ik. 1,,,
iu car la ia St ra.tucrd p. (i-m. a,I 1r-
KlloltTl.tOOK a CO,
April is, I S77 HI. B.-iM..n't. fa.
OSlaa is Court lloufa.
P 2i-lT y
ia not raail.v arnfl in 'hrft tiaotra. bk
Il fan b made in thrao ai'nhi ...
nno of etrtiar am, tn- any part of it,,
e' tintry wh la willing lo wurh tdily at tat
m'lf mont lb it ara fural'h. $fA pur ek ia
ytiiir own town. Ym novd n ha aw.y tmm
hoNi uvtr Bitit Yu n iri? yur wh'i'aiiint
lo tba wnrk.or tinlv yurir mnmmia. t.t
until I '.g hi trv lh buinra Tama and $ tladt
frtt. . 4.d-lreet at nnaa. H- lll.t.Krr 4 P ,
Ayrtl I A, 1K77 . fortrand, J tinax.
I DITMit'ta MMlci;.-
lo 'b- ttutt of H'n
II ta -ck. I.a'tl.
Tn Ihe Orfiliina' Cmrt af
C'tairDal-J l'a.
Tba ufl'lrrtiifrwrf Auditor. flpprint-J kj tba
Cuurt t di-l'it'u'a tha hiUnoa f tin? innnry is
lha banda of Jhn M-rg-in. A tatiaUtru ,t a4
mung Iht- Pitviil irarmillshl tbtirttn. hrri raire
nilca ihtl ht will nitand tu ih dutita l Ins u.
p'-iniiut-a', a b hHim t Clrar9id. a Tumi,.
M.y lat 177, at J .-'cl.-.k p. at. -itnn .ij
whriaail pailifa intiratd ait a'fan I
A. 41. kKAHKH.
CaurRt-'d. Anu g, Ifl7;,j,. Auti r.
T.H-ra will ! aiii'iatd t nrh'ia ala m ila.
J praiolaea in K U'tuwri. CirarttHd 9 'Hi' jr. t ,M
T-aiurua. .nay 9. imtt.
at -na o'eluok p. m.. thu rll-ing uVaribni fir p
t-ri.T, to Wirt AM thil rartaia lot uf fmti 1 M'B
aia in y rrl'-wa, CUvrhald aty . V., b as to I
oa tba aa-l hj rbo rsd lindmg t ih rulling
fl'M. on ill" auiMh by ll V rinar y t J.b U.
Klr, a w Murphiy. 00 tba aa b br tut Turui r
ly f Klward DHiVfo, oatia a is f. tttfl
Irel. and encoding in drptb tro r ta Ln.-k.lM-t. j
tbe aina aiai cn nvr l by JdIh 11. Kyiar tu
Niche. aa Mnrih--y in d-vd littil Jnua'r I, hi.',
rt euidc l In dead buk "T," p it il.kt,tui
bvtiit thitya irtxt-d a frame b oae Xtx'.i,
framr au4a, aw J other uutii4iiJiuga
Auo, oaaoitlor hu a fj 'iat-ig iba a'wive dirriS(4
un lha aorta, baiug ao Itai Irual by IV rui. i
Otif -blf t-atli on eooCruuti-ni ul tba a t, ud
ha baUuua id mi uioalb', mtt i.itrei, In ba
sMtJuri-d BHn iha preait9. JHit-Hi UKMt
Aduimirtratur ul tb- aa'a a i N. Jlurj.hry.
Kjiartutfo, Pa , Apitl 10, IH77 It.
bu j fu want tn iucreaae lha pruduittioa f yoar
Partua and tsanlvn at aaai outlay aud aa
truuhia t If au at uj fr a paekaga uf
Waugamaa's Vitative Compound, or
Seed and Fl-iut Invigorator.
Thu ia a advrlul rhctniual diavurer , ean
laming ali Ihu ingrt-diaiit in a cownt-aaed twria
tr tba luiUsouiaiv uu atrtfiu ga annaiiua ut tua
aad, an thu viguntua aa-l rapid gruwih uf tba
plant. Ita rau- ean hardly mm tatiwaal, aa it
But ualy raar aava iba prudaaii.ia and battaai
tuaiurily. but ptuUuif- tho mmj m-I piai.ta Iruaj
th Mlmck ut iiirt'ta aud auruia ful ap ia
pai kajtva at $1 Ml anj 2 u orB 1 tb taiail 1
udittlfut f'r hill uu-hoi, ma 1 tq Ur -r f -r uu
buhl vt a. ad tfuut bt auatl wa rvauiwt ut pr.a,
BLd IV cuuta addltnaual lor pvatag by
SCUniK. Khh'l A 8MITU, Aobrt,
I a J Liuoriy ttl Piilavvga, tm.
Or addroaa
Cera ul Ulu. tliasb -ia. Auaiui Klf rte Co .
firX-UUKilH, PA.
' ' , DUAtltot ILLt, I'A.
Ap-il IS, ISTT- . .
hardware store,
aaataa i .
Mrcuiid Imt, Clesrflclet, Pa.
Cer).antrreaBd pareoBf mkn imsiiu.tate blld
l'a ibi.Btd aiaau ba bit ituik and uiIcm al
Unlading Hardware,
Dfors Brahaataj at'iert
Head esd Paanrl Sewa, T eBd Uriel Siftierei,
t Inner BUS Murl.l: aieale, Itraaae. Bilte,
IV alalia aad l..rala, Itaicbrla liautaiaia.
Oil tilaaen. Aa.
Uadea fl,.a lee. R iea aa I ll., Ln aid D
IteiMlle Sliava'e, Urlud rliana r '.., Hub
ll.Kir Mei.JcI., Srei sad T llioj-l.
Paada-, and Cape.Flihinj Ta.'ila.
A fall Una al Tissara aa bead, ai at it ai.te
rial aa I al lus pri.a
I'arilautar alteaitna .aid tserie'inf nila al
ua bind, at a eeeell urr evata,(a ..ear euerg. a.
A eb.ia af etniuere ie Miiiclle.1.
CletrSall, Pa., ApriUi, 1st! Ir.
Br rlrlua uf .r.e.lli.(. la .loaie.tlo attafti
fSl Is ihaCnur' of C't.nitniis Pleae at t'learStd
iX'UBli, Iheia sill ha ripiuunl la uuSlie e al tbe
Court IIuum. Ib CiaaHlrld. aa
"aturdaj. May S. Isnt,
al t a'cloek p. ., ihe toll.,. In, d.eeribaj nal
aetata, ibi.eietaaf P. U. Millar, all ibal srrtais
lied ar piraa af land .Itaaia la 'he h..Muih ef
flaarflrl.1, lH.undl and d.'ecrttwd aa fulluwi.
Henlantait al a .er. h.rmer j a !.,. J.,-. en the
Sank at tbe nrer t thence doaa eaid rivrr nnrth
Tdrrrre ra t I If fr.1 la s mi men. ennth J
d'eare ...I 4Ut tr.1 Ina ami i.r land l
at. S "aa auaih SJ a.r... r III M io a
po.t : I honor art h s.el m U.I ueilurd
beh.a ei trat t ,b. kralaalnl, haemn lbi-ria
rntrd a iee..Mr TaBra Sb.IiI f k.aa, it
tkr i..ii, iiBtSaildiaa, .table, Aa , ead bar.
In a aaa. arc al Iran treaa aad uraaaieaial .brub.
uar.t lharros.
Aen, s l"t uf (luuiid adj lain tba abara prup
any, bval.ainn ai a euruer m Hiw etiri
taaitaa euutb Sa Sgrrae reel .114 ImI la Tkird
eirart Ibrna. kj ease snHS 1 di (raea wrel el
feel Ii. aa ell. r , ikn.rr kr aaid ain, aanb SS d
(lera r.l4!4 4 I Iu Kie.r ana laeaoe br .aa
aailk Ik di-(raaa aaal Ivi feat l. tka b(iaiiln,
ateaulu aud raairrla a eirl,. ,f laud 4 l.
w... .... i bm a, ,a. railrael. ejuiek raee
laruugk tba baak part ul tun bit.
Ai.u,tbe lBirr.. af T U. ili.r, beln, Ike an
ill. I led uae tkird Inlrraet al all tk.l eerleie UMI
.4 laud el aaiaia P. a. Uaaeaip, t'hnraald '.'-
l'a , k.unaVu aad drerrlbed aa Muiwai .!
alai al a pile pla. ru.r af tr.e e N -e. 4.t.
aad 3IS , leesua aurlb k. kief, il. purabea
taniek k.k ik.aoa ret o, traai 4 kl, eJt per
rba. Ul a bi-Bihae , thenaae.B'b b tiki.
S.s p. abaa tw skua piuat lb.iaaerael kit peruB
ee lu ka,iuBu. a.aaiaia thm avt. aad aliua
aaoe, aad bB..wa ae I.S u. 4444. cai.d treat aav
ia iUiiub sjie uautuiae aa piaa aad fcnsiefc
Obs kalf saab, aad tka kalaaek la aaa jeer
Ikeraafiar, auk I a ureal, la a aaaarad k kisid
sad Bjarl,aa aa im prealleaa.
fmfXmm Tra.aeaa ul bub kail at Ike Mae
Usee, bvfe Ptra praof alk. '
aw. SMITH, i
I ' 9. P. IRWIN, 11
W. D. RIOL.tR, I
Ckakrllakl, Pa., April St. ISTTH.