Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 25, 1877, Image 1

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clcarfiild, fa.
Ta large.! ClrcelaUe. of any Newspaper
In North Central roanayivaala.
If -aid tn ad ranee, or wtthm 1 noothi..,. mi
If paid after A tod before aonthe AO
If paid after taeoiptretloa of a montha... OO
Rates ol Advertifling.,
T ene.ent adrorttMtaooU.pwvviuvor lOllneeor
. 1 tiro a nr leae , $ 40
Kur tuh auheequent Ineertion.. ...... 40
A-tatniatratnra' and Kieeutpra'nntleea. t
Aaditore' n-ttieea I
Calioni knit Ralraye...... 1 50
D'neolutlnn notleai fl M
Prnfeaeiftnal Carde, ft llnai or leee.l ;ear.... I M
Lenal notleea, per Una tn
1 iuare 00 I i oolumtu. $f 00
1 a-uerea.,. ....16 On oolumn.. 70 00
Samara,. SO 00 I I ootumau ISO 00
miD, o'u BUCK.
I'learBeid. Pa.
All legal bueineee promptly atteaded to. Offloa
o Reoood etreol, In tba Maioaio bulldmg.
Clearfield Coanty, Pena'a.
tdoi. a. Mi'aaar.
Gratia obdo.
r-Gffieo hi Pte'e Opera. House, eeeond floor.
Clearfield, Fa.
Will attend to all buelneia ontruated to aim
ptomptly and faithfully, bot1S'7S
(8uieairi to Wallaoa Fielding,)
1 1-1171 Clearflel., Pa.
tOHara a. it aKAbLT
da hi aL w. u ovanv,
Clearfleld. Pa.
Jy-Legal baelneee attended to prompt) wital
Idellty. Offloe on Second llraet, aboee the Firit
National Dank. Jnn:l:7S
Harlot; roalgned hit Judgeship, hai reauraed
h preotico of tba law Id hii old offloa at Clear
field, Pa. Will attend tbeoourtaof JetTeraoB and
Elk oonntiel when ipeeially teUined Id connection
with reai(unl oonoeel. l:li:7l
Real K.tete end Colleotloa Agent,
. i lkarpielii, pa..
Will promptly attend to all legal bu.lneaa ea
treated to ni. eare.
Offloe la Pie'l Opera Hc.aa.. jenl'71.
ClearMeid. Pa.
Ofllue la Gretaem'e Row. pieeS-ly
',1:1:78 Clearfield, Pa.
Clearfield, Pa.
Office la Old WMtera Hotel ku!lrtln.
einr of Heaoad and alarket 8u. ooell.ea.
Clearfield, Pa. ta tba Court Boole. Jjll,'t
kleartleld. Pa.
ptt- OH-.oe oa Mataet ilreet, opp. Coart Uovae,
Jen. 1, lU.
mil Heal K.tue A((ent, Clearfield, Pa.
Office oa Tbtrd atreet, bot.Cborrj A WalnBi.
tBar-Reipeeirnlly offer, bl. aerrleeela .elllag
iad buyleg laada ta Olearleld and BdJoialBg
euiltftl ftod erttb aa eipertenee ol overtwentt
vara aa a earveyor, tatter, btmaell tbat be eaa
eader aatlafaetloa. Ifok I::lf,
AMD bBALaa la
Naw aLogM uiid Ijiimbor,
Oflloe la Jrabam'a Row. 1:15:71
1:18 Oereola, Clearfield Co.. Pa. y;pd
Will praetlot in ClearHald and all af tba Coorti of
ID la.B aiuaioiai aiairio.. ni imw """
and oollaotioB of alaiaoa aiadt apaeialtlaa. al'T I
Will attead prateaatoaal ealla promptly. augl0'7
' DR. T. J. BOYER,
Ottee oa Market Street, Clearteld. Pa.
JWOnoa hoari i I to U a. m, and 1 to I p.
H0XJ0PATHI0 PHYSICIAN, la reildeaee op Market l,
April U, Wl. CleatHi-ld. I'a
nn j. p. BURC H FIELD.
Leu Sore-eon or the 89d ReglaeBl, Peaa.yltanla
.. . . - i A .... i L .
offere bla profaealoaal aerrloea la tbeeltiieai
of Oloarnald eoaaty.
aT-PMreaaloaal oalle proaiptly atteaded to.
OOee ea geeoad itreet. foraierlyoeeapled by
Dr. WoodeJ eflVll
ftr 0tb boora-From It to I P- M.
May 1, l7t.
or ra Pbacb AanHcanaaea.LUMliiH
CITY. Culleetione made and noney promptly
peid oror. Artiolee of agreement and deeda of
enteyanee aoatly aaacuted aod warraoted eor
real or ao eherge. l.ljy'71
In Krauer'e Bullln(f, t leaillrld, Pa.
Peeler la QroeeilM, Proflalool, VogeteblM,
Praila, Kloar, Peed, ete-, ate.
Hkop ea Market HI., appeelta Ooert lloaaa.
A eleaa aewel IWr every aaetoaMr.
Alee aiaBaraetarer of
All Klnda of Artlclee In llaaia. Ilalr.
Cleailalo, P.. ' euy H, 'lb.
fb.p la room foraierly eeeapled by Naugb)
Jaly 14, Tt,
Jaatlae af Ibe Peaae aad Semenor,
Carwaaerllla, Pa. . .
jejvCelleetlewi mmmt aad aioaoy promptly, f.hljllll
' NiM a .
Squire TimUr & Timber Lm-Ub,
tallTI ClieURFULD, PA.
GEO. B!m!AloP.
Vrcatnr Totrnnhtp,
Oaotola Mill. P. O.
ll effiolel l.nainsaa animated lo tiini wl'l be
promptly attended to. mob?!), 'fit,
Freuchvllle, lei r lie Id County, Pa
Kaopa ooBatantly ob band a full aaaortmant of
ury uuoda, uarawara, urooariei, ana ovarytbioft
nana) i j kvpi ib b retail itore, wntctt will b aold,
for eaah, aa cheap aa olitwhora In tho county.
French ill., Juno V, imi-ly.
. nAi4AMTtll, Fa. i a n
Alia, aitoBalva nanafiu'tarcr and doalcr to 8quara
Timbor and Bawtd Lumber of all kinda. .
.faV'Ordori olioilad and all billi prompt);
flllod. Ijyl6 12
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Penua.
taft-Wlll execute joba In bla line prwutptly and
la a workmanlike manner. afr4,fi7 i
T'Puropa a) way i on band aad iuHic to order
on thnrt notice. Pipei borrd on reaaonahle lenna
All work warranted to render aatiifaction, and
delivered if deal red. aiyS&ilypd
E. A. BIGLER &. CO.,
dba Lena i
aad manBlactorere of
A 1.1. klM) OP 8AH EI) I.I MHIOU,
doaler la
Real Estate, Square Tinibor, Boards,
V:I0'T3 Clr.rd.ld, Pa,
Market l Clearfield, Pa.
la the ahop lately ocouhled by Frank pbort.
OBe door weal or Allegbany tlouee.
Plana and Piwwi float ioo furniahed for ell kindi
of buildtnite. All work Ural olaaa, btair bud i
iitg a Befiiltj.
1'. U. addreaa, t-learnuld, l'a. Jen.l7-77U.
Itumbarffer, Clearfield Co., Pa.
Kaepa oa band all ktodi of llarneai. Saddlea.
l)ridle,and liorae KurnMbiog Uouda. Repairing
pruinptly attended to.
numoargT, dan. iu, tsii-u.
VAKkK, Market (it., CUarflcId, Pa.
Frevb Bread, Kuak. Roll. Pie aod Caker
ua band or wade to order. A general eaportmeut
of Confeetiouariea, Frulla and Nute io atock.
lee Cream and Oyptera in leeaon. HrIoi-b aearh
itpoaite Ibe Poet office. Prieea a ode-rat a.
Marco IV- io.
1I Mra. H. w. Llll)t:i L,
UaTinsencared 1b tba Marble buaineaa, deeiree
to Inform her frienda aod tbe publio that ahe baa
bow and will keeti eonaianny in nana a mrjre ana
welleeleeted atock ol ITALIAN AND VKHMUNT
MAHBLK. and ia nreparrd tn furmh to order
ML Yard nn Rood etreet, near tbe R. R. Depot,
Clear fl eld, Pa. )oU,7
Livery Wlable.
THE onderained bega leave to iniorm the pub
lic tbat be ia now I in1 If nrepar" to aooeaimo
date all in tbe way of rtiraiohiiig U..eea, Buggiel.
dad d lea and llarneee, on tbe eborteal ootioe and
an reasonable term a. Keaidenoeon Locuat atreet.
eeiween i mra ana rounn.
TlMiHIald. Feb. 4, 1174
At tbe end of tbe new bridge,
TLe proprietor of tbil ealebllabmi'Bt will buy
hie liquore dlreel from dlatlllera. Parltee baying
Iron tble bouae will be earn to get a pore artiele
at a email margin above eoat. Hole! keeper eea
lie forniebed with liqaort ob reaeonabla tCTue.
are winea aad oraumea atreet irom neeieye
Vlaery, at Retb, New York.
uauiti.H n. iui.ninn.
Clearteld. Jane ID, l7i-lf.
bjsjr a.. .a. .
Watches, Clocltt and Jewelry,
0reen'a Row, Afertel Areet,
C'LEAHI'-ll:!.!), PA.
All klnda of repairing la my line promptly Bl
ended to. April 3, 174.
The adprfl.rned would re-peetfulW Inform
Ibe publto tbat be baa opened a MKAT MARKKT
at tbe old it and c Market Street, where he will
keen regularly oa bead all kinda of
F-R-E-S-11 M-E-A-T-!,
and will guarantee aallffaellua 1b price aa well
aa ta the Quality of meat rffered.
Clearfitild, hQ.n,7-U. GZKa brtun.
Clearfield Nursery.
THE ander.lgned. baring eatelili.hed a Nur
eery ob tbe 'Pike, aLout belf wey belweia
Clearfletd and Carwenarill", ia pn.pare.1 to far
alab all klnda or r'KI'IT THKEM, (itaBdard and
dwarf,) Ktrrgreeae, Sbrgntwry, Grape Vlnee,
Uoo.eberry, Lewtoa lllerkb.rry, Hlrawbarry,
and Haapberry Vlnee. A ao, Mnvrlan Crab Treee,
Qalaee, and early aoarlel Hbaberb, Ao, Order!
promptly atleaded to. Addreea,
. ir. nnt'ini,
aep ) Carweaarllle, I'a.
Market Ptreet, Clearfield. Pa.,
HAavrACTvaaa akd dbalbb ia
aad all klede of
HORSt rvRMMiisa ooods.
A foil etoek at Peddlara' ll.Wwere, Bruabea,
rombt, ni.abeta, Hobea, ate., alwaya on need
and for aale at Ike lowe.1 eeen prieee.
AU k'iada
f repairing promptly attended to.
All kiade f bide, teken la e.tbei ge for bar-
lieu aad repelling. All biada ol baroeaa leather
kept "a Band, and ior ei a .wen proe..
tlrarn.l'l, Jea. IV, i"ri
Clrerfleld, Penu'a,
Reprteat all Iba leadlrf Pire leieraaee
rampaaiea af tba eeuntry i
, fl,uo.tin
, l,xnN,aM
Hnyal t anadiaB
Horn. New Terk
I,)tviaiin, Muner, Pa
Pranklln, HhiIad'a.M
PhevnU, Hariford
Ilaauver, New Turk
Hoaaa, Col , O..
Allaa, Hartford a
Pfnvldtnea, Waablngtea .
Peraeae abval effeetlng aa I a o ranee aa prop
erty of any feted, ahauld aall at my omea.
Hear ket atraat, appaait ue uotrn nnum,
7 lift ef tepale aad ralet before ie-oririg.
)Ota.ratK,T-ly a
triL CABtiY.
Tram. tramp, tramp
'Tie the drop low trend of the rari J
Ah, who may I Hi or the load tbey bear,
Win liter of Ktrnw( of grief, or cure,
Whuher of joy or teura,
Or whtthrr life 'a cloud will roll away
'Neath the tuuvb ot the onuing yeera 1
Ttanip, ttanip, tramp,
D-wn Ibe myalic vale of time ;
And fhadiiwy aptrima old and irr.ty( . ''
Tliut nt and and walk In tbe yeiim' nwlt't aiijf,
8lrp Into Ihilr plnee like a rhrmo (
And whrlber lo ua for joy or teara,
The yrara give never a aign.
Tramp, tramp, trnmp
How awifily they some and go 1 '
We lerl lut a touch of the aumtner'a 1-n ath
Ere Ita ronea wither and fall In death,
And white Ilea the wioter'a mow ;
Thrn vainly we elffh o'er bop 'a bright ditniin
Tbat have gone with tbe long ago.
Tramp, tramp, I ramp, ,
Likft hiitnwy lorina ot lh lilijV.t,
We tfti thtm rowing a lung dim line " """'
Niering na errr, and itill no aign (
And we tremltle and ahrlk in (right,
For wi- know not whether they briug lile'a clouJ
Or whether they bring the light.
The Father baa willed It thut, ,
That Biortele may never know
WUther tlxir livri, ia tbe future yean,
A grave n bnpe to be wet wi'.u leatr,
A palace of joy or woe
Lett it-et itiould falter and learta giow faint
He knew it waa belter en.
Tbe Bltiry wbich romr tn ua In-day
(Vini Hnmu lliut "in view ol' the iire'B-
cnt chlHi'tillim" ltuwin liitrt iirnpotwd to
the Vutiinn "to nvulu Iniiir-oxiHtiiiit
uomplluiilioiiK,"- nitty nr imiy nut be
well luiimli'd. II lit as ull hiiib cnnciir
lo-duy to eltow (but war in tho Kut is
inevitable, anil may liirniitlly beriu at
nny in wort li while tor Amor
icitiiH tn in .to tliu curioua li'lit wbieb
ibis ctury from Home thrown upon the
avowed motives 0f t10 Kuimiun Gov.
einmeiit in ton ing; thia itwue ol buttle
iiiMm tho oiihlimu 1'orte. '1 ho "lone-
existing complications" whicb Itussia
is thus lepoilud to bu anxious to set lie.
with tho Head of tbe Catholic Church
dnto buck to the tleliheruto persecution
by 1'iiKsia of tliu l'nlish Catholics; ami
to be reminded of them now in to bo
confronted with un exquisitely siimis-
tic roimnclitury upon tuo prnlesseilly
hiiniunu and phihmthriipic objects with
whicb liussin anil the rest of the Chris
tian power httvo been nixing lor
months past upon Turkey the nueessi
ty of rclni'minn her admiiiislrutinn tf
her own provinces. If it is the right
and the duly of the European powers
to interfere in tho internal atTuirs of
Turkey for tho pnrpogo of proventing
tho ubiisu ot Christum nivalis by Mos
lem uu I dor i lief, it certainly was their
right and their duty to interfere in the
internal nfl'airs of Ilussia to prevent
tho abuse of Polish Catholics hy .Mus
covite officials. I'or it will hardly be
pretended ut this time of day tbat tbe
liorMcculion ol Christians are general
ny Muhomelann, is in its nature a worse
and mole odious thing than tbe perse
culion of one particular communion of
Christians. To pretend this would be
to glvo a tremendous public weight to
tho surdonle HKueh ol tbe llurnneH de
liothschild, who. when an Knglish l.ow
Cbiireb woman ot tbe ntraitest sect de
clined to join her luncheon party on
the ground that she could not consist
ently break bread .with Cardinal Wise
man because ho was a lioniisb priust,
replied witBu'Ciiptiviiliiig sluilit: V on
" must excuse me, my dear, but as I
"am not a Christian you know 1 can't
" be expected to enlur . into auob leel
" ings.'' ..i'.: '. ... - i '-
If Kuropo stood bv. calmly while
Russia trampled Catholic l'oland in the
dust, but must threaten and command
to prevent Turkey from misusing tho
Christiana of Diilgaria, the simple rea
son is that Kuropc thought liussia too
strong to be disciplined, and that Ku
ropo thinks Turkey too weak to resist
discipline . t .-
The Turks evidently do not helievo
themselves tn be in en deplorable a
case; and it remains to be seen whether
liussia is or ia not in a condition to
ennvinco them that they are wrong.
On this point it would be idle to spec
ulate when the course of events must
so soon bring the truth t tho light.
That the institutions, founded by Ork
han and developed under his successors,
which enabled Turkey for three cen
turies to play the greatest part in Ku
ropcan history have been long losing
their virtue, ia n commonplace of poli
tics ; and there can be un question that
from tho time of tho great sioge of Vi
enna in 1583 by Kara Muslupba the
Ottoman power has been both abso
lutely and relatively on tho decline.
But in the lirst years of tbe lust cen
tury, when all tbo world thought it
broken and decaying, itsuddenly hum
bled the priilo ol tbo great Peter of
Kussia, anil inflicted a mortal Mow
upon tiie splendid Republic of Venice.
When the Czar I'etur in 1710 made up
his mind that it was entirely safe for
him to press Turkey to the wall, by
encouraging tbe designs of the disaf
fected hospodur td Moldavia on the
Danube, liussia was attracting the ut
trillion ol tbe whole of Kuropu by her
progressive Improvement and her visi
bly increasing powci. I'eter, rluted
by bis victory over Charles XII. of
Sweden, the great military hero of the
age, thought hlinselt absolutely sure of
an easy triumph over Aehmet III., one
ol the weakost ol Nulla. is, surrounded
by a court of ministers notoriously
worthless and corrupt, liussian agents
hud found all the Christians ol Euro
pean Turkey roudy and ripo aathey
thought lor revolt, and when tho Sub
limo l'orlo astonished him by declar
ing war, tbo Czar led bis army forward
in person to evade tbo Ottoman dn
mininns with drums beating and ban
ners flying as to a safe and splendid
parade. lint a single cainpuign utter
ly confounded his hopes and amused
all Kuropo. The Christian subjects of
tbe l'orlo shrank, as the Serbians in
our Unio have so recently done, Irom
confiding their destinies lo the tender
mercies ol the Muscovite. The Ma
hometans flew to arms as their descen
dants now are doing; and in a won
dcrlully short space of timo the North
ern Knipernr, surrounded and brought
tji bay, bad to elect between signing a
disgracef ul treaty ol pcaeo or guiiiK to
(Jonslaiiliiioplo not as a conqueror, but
as a prisoner. Jn July, 1711, I'eter
signed, on tho banks of the 1'riith, I
treaty by which ho bad bound bimseit
to destroy bis f'ortillcations at Kami
disk, Samara and Taganrog, to sur
render A lot lo the Hullan, to give up
all his artillery, and to abandon the
Cossacks and their affair, to the Sub
lime I'orte. A very different issue, it
is true, attended tbo war by which
Abdul JIamid sixty years later was
lurccd lo sign the treaty ol Kainanlji,
and by which for the first time the
Hessian Emiierors secured recognition
ad the lawful protectors ol the ortho
dox Greek Church within the domin
iiaisol the Sultana. Hut without go
ing through the history of the subse
naenl relations between liussia and
lirkey, it must bo remembered that
ibe result! of tbs groat Crimean war
of 1853 prore aa advantageous to Tur-
ky U thjj wore bumihating. to Kus-
sia. To ho sure Europeans and Amer
icans know tbat these results were ob
tained by tho arms mainly of England
and of France, and in pursuance ol the
interests of Western Kuropo rather
than of the Ottoman dominion. Hut
this the Mabomotnn subjects of tho
Sublimo Porto as a body neither know
nor cun he ninde to believe. .No lon
ger ago than in 1848, Sir J. (j. Wilkin
son, traveling through Dulmatia and
European Turkey, tells us ol tho culm
conviction which Jio lound rooted in
tho minds of the higher classes of the
Turks, that the Ottoman Kmpiro still
held the first pltico of power uud au
thority in the world. One of tho lead
ing men of Moslur, who had traveled
in his time and knew both Constanti
nople and Cairo, thought to pleaso bis
English guest by assuring him that bo
regarded the sovereign ol (5 rest Britain
us "the truest vassal ol the Sullun.
Ho know that tho French were estab
lished in Algiers, but that was because
tho l)oy of Algiers had misbehaved
himself, and tho Sultan had ordered
tho French to dispossess him. ''The
Osmanlis," said this excellent man,
"are tbe only people who enjoy tho
" protection ol heaven, and il the r.u
" ropcon powers were to rebel and a
" thoir forces were collected together
"they would not bo ablo to face tho
" lurks lor un hour. 1 his, bo it re
membered, was long after tho Syrian
war had brought Mehemet All almost
to tho gates ol Stumhnul. 'through
out the grenter port of Turkey to-day
tho story of the Crimean conflict lives
simply as tho tradition ol a greut war
in which tbo Sultan, aided by bis
faithful European vassals, crushed tho
power and chastised tho auducily ol
tho Cr.ur Nicholas and his son. The
present collision, in which to us Tur
key seems, from tho first, so torribly
overmatched, is anticipated in a sum
Inr temper by tho Ottoman people,
They will go into tho war convinced
that both rigid ami might are on their
side; and whatever the issue may
eventually be, it will bo a great mm
tuko to suppose that it can bo soon or
easily or cheaply reached. Aw York
If I were a boy uguin. I would prac
tice peneeerence nflener, and novcr give
a thing up lieeuuse it was hard or in
convenient to do it. If wo want light,
wo must conquer darkness. When 1
think of mathematics, I blush ut the
recollection ol bow oiten I "caved in
yeurs ago. J bore is no tru't more
valuable than a determination to per
severe when the rghl thing is to be
accomplished. We are all inclined to
give up too easily in trying or unpleas
ant situations, and tho point I would
establish with myself, il tbo choice
were again within my grasp, would be
never to relinquish my hold on a pos
siblu success, if mortal strength or
brains in my case, were adeauuto to
the occasion. Hint was a capital les
son which Professor Faraday tuught
one ol his students iu the lecture-room,
utter some cbemieul experiments. The
lights hud been put out in tho ha
and by accident somu article dropped
on the lloor Irom the 1 rnlessors hand.
The Professor lingered behind, endeav
oring to pick it up. "Never mind,"
said the student, "it is of no conse
quence to-night sir, whether wo find it
or not." "That is true," replied the
Professor; "but it is of grave conse
quence to me as a Principle, that 1 am
not f tiled in my dderminalion to find
il." Perseverenco cun sometimes equal
genius III its result, "iliero aro only
two creatures," Bays tho Kastern pro
verb, "who can surmount tho Pyra
mids the eugle and the snail."
If I wore a boy again, I would
school myself into a habit of attention
oltencr. 1 would let nothing come be
tween mo und the subject in band. 1
w ould remember that an expert on the
ice never tries tn skate in two direc
tions ut once. Ono ol our great mis
takes, while wo are young, is that wo
tlu not attend strictly to what we aro
about just then, at that particular mo
ment. Wo do not bend our energies
close enough to what we are doing or
learning. We wander into a half in
terest only, and so never acquire fully
what is needful for us to become mas
ter of. Tbe pruclice of becoming habit
uully attentive is one easily obtained,
if we begin early enough. 1 often
hear grown up people say : "1 couldn't
fix my attention on a 'eiinon, or book,
all hough I wished lodo so." And the
reason is, a habit of attention was never
formed in youth. Let me tell you a
sad instance ol a neglected power of
concentration. A triced asked me to
once lend him an interesting book, some
thing that would enchain his attention ;
lor ho said he was losing the power to
read. Alter a lew Uoys ho brought
back tho volume, saying it was no
doubt a work of great value and beau
ty ; but that tho will to enjoy it had
gone from him forever, for other mat
ters would intrude themselves on the
page he was trying to understand and
enjoy, and rows of figures constantly
marshaled themsolvcs on the margin,
adding themselves up lit tho bottom of
the leaf.
If I wore to live my life over again,
1 would pay more attention to the cul
vutiou of memory. I would strength
en thut luciilty by every possible means
and on every possible occasion. It
takes a Utile bard work ut first to re
member things accurately ; but mem
ory soon helps itself and gives very
little trouble. It only needs early cul
tivation to become a powor. Every
body can acquire it. When I was a
youth, a clttssuiuteof mino came to mo
with a long face and told mo that ho
was in danger of being supplanted in
the regard of a young person ot the
gentler sex by a smart lellow belong
ing to another school who waa daily
in the habit of calling on tho lady and
repeating to her from memory whole
poems ol considerable length. "What
would you do 7" sighed tho lad lo mo.
")o?"-said 1. "I wonld bent him on
his own ground and atonco commit to
memory tho wbolo of 'Paradise Lost,'
hook by book, and every time the In
truder left Amelia's hnuso I would
rash In and tiro away I Depend up
on it," I said, "alio is quits taken by
surprise with tho skillful memory of
her new acquaintance ; and you must
beat him with surpassing feats of the
same quality." "Oh I but," aaid my
friend, "1 have, as yon know, a very
poor meino-y I" "The more reason
now for cultivating that department ol
your intellect," 1 rejoined. "If you
give way to repining and do nothing,
tbat fellow will anon be firmly seated
in your place. I should not wonder II
he were now at work on Thompson's
'Seasons,' for his infamous purpose.
Delay no longer; but. attack Jonn Mil
ton after supper to-night, and win the
priae above all competition I'" Kick lei
began In good earnest, and before tbo
summer was ovor be bad memorited
the wbole of "Paradise Ut," rehears
ed it to Amelia, and gained tbe victu-ry.-J.
1. FifUt.
There was onto a German Duke
who disguised himself, and during the
night plueed a greut stone, in tho mid
dle ol the road, near his pulaeo.
Next morning a sturdy peasant,
named Hans, cuiuu that way with his
lumbering oxcart. 'Oh theso lur.y
people I" said he, "there is this big
stone right in the middle of tho roud,
and no ono will lake the troublu tn put
it out of tbo way." Anil so Huns
went on his way, scolding about tho
laziness of the people;
Next en me a guy stildier along. He
had a bright plume fvuving Irom his
helmet, and a sword dangling by his
side, and went singing merrily on his
way. His beau wita lield so far back
that ho didn't notice the stone, so he
slumblud over it., I'hij Hopped bis
song, and he began lo storm ut the
country people, and call them "boors
and blockheads, for leaving a huge
rock in tho road tor a I'ontleinnn to
full over." Then ho went on.
Next camo a company of merchants,
with pack-horses and goods, on their
way to the fair that was to bo held in
the vilhgo near tbo Duke's palaco.
When they came to the stone, the roud
wns so narrow thut they had to go off
in single fllo on cither sido. Uno ot
lliem, named lierthold, cried out, "Did
anybody ever see the like ol that big
stone lying here ull the morning, ni
no one stopping to take H away I
It lay there lor three weeks; and
nobody tried to ruiimve it. Then the
Duke sent around wind lo ull tho peo
ple on his lands, to moot ut a deep cut
in the road, culled Dornthon, nenr
where this stone lay, as ho had some-'
thing to tell them.
The day came, and a groat crowd
gathered at tbe Dornlhou. Each side
ot the cut was thronged with people
overlooking tho road. Old Hans, the
farmer, was there, and so was liert
hold, the merchant.
And now a winding horn was heard,
and the people all strained their necks
and eyes toward the castle, as a splen
did cavalcade camo galloping npto the
Dornthon. The Duko rode into the
cut, got down from bis horse, and witb
a pleasant smile begun to speak to the
people thus :
"My friends, it was 1 who put this
stone here threu weeks ago. Every
pussor-by bus loll it just where it wits,
uud has scolded his neighbor for not
taking it out ot tho way."
V hen be had spoken these wolds ho
stooped down and lilted up tho stone.
Directly underneath it was a round
hollow lined with white pebbles, and
in tho hollow lay a smull leuther bag.
Tbo Duko held it up thut ull the people
might sco what was written on it. On
a pieco of paper fastened to the bag
wero these words: "For linn who lilts
up the stone." lie untied tho bag. and
turned it upsiuo down, and out loll a
beautiful gold ring and twenty large,
bright golduu coins.
1 hon everybody wished that ho had
moved the sloitv. instead ot going
around it and only Chiming bis neigh
bors. They all lost tho prizo because
they bail not learned tho lessons or
tunned the habit ol helplulncss. And
we shall lose many a priao, as wo go
on in life, if wo don't form this habit.
I hut bag of money wus the Duke's
promise of a reward tor helpfulness.
nut that promise wns bidden away
under the stnno so that no ono could
see il. God's promises aro not hidden
in this way. They uro wrltton plninly
out in the liible, so that wo muy all
sco them and understand tlieni.
Dr. Franklin used to say, "What
though you bavo lound no treasure,
and had no legacy loll you, nevor mind
itememoor thut diligetico is tho moth
er ol good luck. 1 hon,
Plough d.ip wlilla aluggerdn elrep,
And yon will bare corn to aell and keep.
Work whilo it is called to-day. for
you know not how much you may bo
hindered to-morrow. Uno today is
worth two to-morrows; and nevor
leave till to-morrow anything that you
can do to-duy ." Obtencr.
Mrs. Webster's reminiscences of tho
homo lite of her husband, Daniel Web-
slur, aro simply but freely given, and
two anecdotes, not beloro published,
illustrates his well known and singulur
uhsence of mind. The first refers tu a
lunch party.
the custom was that tho pio dear
lo the Eastern heart should bo divid
ed according to tho number of those
present. M r. n ubsler, on the occasion
in question, having looked around the
room, deliberately carried through the
operation of "carving," and the pieces
having been distributed, ho lound him
self with un empty platter for his own
hare, tie hud while counting tho
guests succeeded in escaping bis own
When studying luw enses his liuhit
was to leave his bonks open at the
places where ho had been consulting
precedent or authority, uud a young
man who wus studying with him hud
adopted the habit ol following Mr.
H uhster through tho passages consult
ed, in oritur to arrive at an idea ol the
probable course of his argument. On
one occasion be round in one of the
books tho place marked by a 150 bill.
Mr. Webster was notoriously forgetlul
n money matters, and this wus taken
us a sample ol his forgetfulnt'ss. When
be returned to the room, his attention
was directed to tbo bill. "I haven't
missed any money," he said, ' so it cer
tainly cannot be mine." The young
man declared In parallel terms that it
could nut be his. Mr. Webster per
sisted in reliising il, on the plea that
he could not appropriate anything that
ho did not know to he his own. Tho
student replied tbnt he wns precisely
in tbo same position, lo solve the
problem Mr. Webster turned to the
manuscript of a fourth of July oration,
which he had recently delivered, di
rected tho student to use tbe $50 bill
in having it printed, anil lo keep the
proceed of the publication, which
proved to bo a considerable amount.
Uno ol tbe most interesting episodes
of thoir mnrit'd life was the visit to
Europo in 1H38-3J. Tho manner in
which it cameabout was singular. Mr.
Webster was worn by his continuous
devotion to his public duties, but de
clined to listen to the most strenuous
urging to recruit bis health and
strength by rest. Mrs. Webster there
fore resorted to a very innocent strat
agem to carry her point, After con
sultation with her physician, sho man-
gcd to ticrsnado that gentleman that
her system and 'condition demanded
bntige of air ano scene. 1 bo repre
sentative of the faculty prescribed a
trip to Europe. The ruse was perfect
ly ucccssful, and ostensibly for the
sake of his wife Mr. Webster waa car
ried off to the old world to recruit and
enjoy the lolaxation be had on bis own
account declined. Tbe entire proceed
ng waa entirely enaracterisllo ol Doth
bband and wife. Ther accordingly
sailed, carrying letter to many influ
ential persons in England, and among
others to a cousin of the l)uko of Well
ington. Tbey remained tinder Hint
lady's care during tbe whole limo they
were In J'.nglaml, and wore the recipi
ents of boundless honor and regards.
Mrs. Webster speak of Queen Victo
ria In terms ol great admiration and
Olio occasion is particularly memor
able. Having been invited by ber ma
jesty lo dine, tho republican statesman
und bis wile wero separated ny the
Queon, who tuking tbo arm of each,
seated them on cither side of her at
tho table.
Leaving England, they went to
Franco, mot Louis Philippe and Queen
Amelia at Paris, traveled over the
country and penetrated into Switzer
land. J ho prevalence ot an epidemic
in Italy decided them to leave thut
country unvisitcd. lleloro roturning
home, north to Scotland, tboy traveled
over a great part ol that romantic
country, towards wbich Mrs. Webster
still cboiisbes a vory warm feeling.
Of the city of Edinburgh, particularly,
her recollections aro most pleasant.
Tho result of tbo prolonged tour was
the complete re establishment of Mr.
Webster's health, and great benefit to
both. Mrs. Webstor is even now oo
caaionully reminded of their European
excursion by the arrival of strangers
with letters of introduction to her from
the friends mado nearly forty years
There wero no children by this sec
end marriage, and tbo descendants of
Ins daughter Julia and bis son Fletch
er aro, with tho widow, tho only living
representatives of "the ago of Mnrsh
Mr. Joseph C. Foster, tho dramatic
author, actor and manager, after a
very eventful career in this country
and in England, died on Monday even
ing, April !Hh, 1S77, in Sew lork.
lie was born in Edinburg on Janu
ary 31, 18U4. Iu England he was as
sociated with such men as tbo elder
and younger Cburles Matthew, T. P.
Cook, and Dncrow, tho famous circus
manager. Ho managed tho pnvuto
tboutriculo ol tho Duko of n ellington
in which the great Duke's favorite role
was Jimmy Starling in tho " Wreck
Ashore." As a machinist, he made tbo
original three dragon for "St. George
and tbe Dragon." At tho Adelpbiu
Theatre, London, ho produced the
original incantations iu tho drama ol
"Dor Freiscbutz," adapted from tho
opera ol tbo same name. Ho appeared
as a pantomimist ut tho Uuymuiket
1 healro.
In 1832 bo came lo this country
with Cook, of circus renown, mid ap
peared at the Vuiixlittll Garden, corner
ot the iiowery and iughlb street, rvew
York, in "St George and the Dragon"
and " Muzuppa." After a year be went
to iiaitimoru wmi cook, where, in
1833, ho was burned out. With John
liobiuson he then wont with a travel
ing troupe from Cincinnati to New
Orleans. Wbilo there he bought out
Sum Stickncy. Charlie lingers, tho
circus proprietor, and Frank Whitta-
ker, now with P. T. Darnum, were in
his company. Soon afterward he lost
all bis money, and came back to Phila
delphia, whuro ho produced his spec
tacular pieces, the "Naiad Queen," and
" Enchantress." Miss Charlotte Cush
man, Peter and Caroline Itichings, and
Wm. E. liurton acted in these plays.
Altorwards Fostor was with General
liul'ii Welch in tbo National Circus,
where Continental Hotel, Philadelphia,
now slunds. In 1848 he took tbe old
Chestnut Street Theatre for a year. In
1850 ho went by tho old canal to Pills-
burg, where ho received the nnmo of
"Old Governor roster." lie built the
New National Theatre in Pittsburg in
185G. lie spent a year in Cincinnati,
and failed in tho panic of 1857, alter
which ho traveled with a company
through Pennsylvania and Ohio for
two years, lie then went to New
York, about 1MU1, and at tbo Bowery
Theatre produced tho spectacle of
"Tippoo Sahib." Ilero Tony Pastor
appeared as the clown in his "Mon
strous St. Michael." Tho Cromorno
Garden was built, near the corner of
Sixth aventio and Fourteenth street,
under his supervision. Spalding and
lingers' Circus ho then tilted out for
South America. 11a was ono of tbe
last mnnugers of tho old Chatham
Street Theatre. He then filled out the
Hernandez Pantomime Troupe in Bal
timore and traveled with it two years.
Alter managing: lor a time tho Chest
nut Street Theatre at Philadelphia, he
produced bis "Seven Dwarfs" at tho
linwery Thcairo in 18G8. After tho
building of tbo Grand Opera House,
Eighth avenue und Twenty-third street,
he produced there his spectaclo "The
Twelve Temptation." This was fol
lowed by " l.ulltt Hookh.
Mr. Foster was a very busy man. Ho
has been a musician, scene-painter,
property-maker, modeler, costiiiner,
pantomimist, actor, manager, and au
thor. His lorto was tho preparation
of spectacular dramas. He made large
sums of money repeatedly, and as olten
lost everything. Alter devoting bis
life to Ins prolession ho died a poor
man. His Inst sickness apoplexy-
overtook him whilo ho was engaged in
writing pliiys. lie had been married
thrco times, and was tho father of
seventeen children most of whom he
brought up to his profession. His re
mains were taken lo rbiladelpbia and
buried in Woodland Cemetery, where
bis three wives now rest.
Tn University of IIahd Knock.
A great deal of useless sympathy is
in this (lav expended upon tboso who
start out in lite without social or mon
etary help. Thnse are most lo bo con
gratulated who Intro at tho beginning
rough tusslo with circumstances.
John liuskin sets it down as one of his
calamities thut in early lite ho had
"nothing to endure." A petted and
landled childhood make a weak and
insipid man. You say that liuskin
just quoted disprove the theory. No.
Ho Is showing in aclecied, splenetic,
and irritable old ago the need of the
early cudgeling of adversity. A little
experience of tbe hardship of life would
havo helped to mane nun grateiiiny
happy now. No brawn of character
without compulsory exertion. The
men who sit strong in their social,
llnancial, and political elevations are
those who did their own climbing.
Misfortune is a rough nurse, but she
raise giants. Let our young penple,
instead of succumbing to the influence
that would keep them back and down,
take them as parallel bar, and dumb
bells, and weights of the gymnasium,
by wbich they are to get muscle for
the strife. Consent not to beg your
way to fortune, but achieve it. Und
i always on the aide of the man who
doe bi best, ' God help the man who
trie to overcome diffleullies. '
Tbo fact of an interesting but sad
roinunco connected with the early life
of (lie Into Dr. Willium A. -Muhlenberg
bus olten been hinted ut, but Its lull
details bad never before been published
until they appeared in the obituary
notice of tho distinguished clergyman
mid philanthropist as published in the
iittneuster ( ra.) Jntcllnjeneer. 1 be en
gagement of mnrriago between Presi
dent James Duebanan then a young
nj o. i.uiicustur unu tuo oeauii
lul Miss Ann Coleman, ol that place,
was terminated by the suicide of the
hapless young lady, becuuso, it is suid,
her parent objected to tba marriage.
A similar ultuebmcnt existed between
her sister, Miss Sarah II. Coleman, and
Mr. Muhlenberg, lit that timo fifty
ears ago ret lor of St. James' Church
in Lancaster. Her father, Jiobert Cole
man, a proud and wealthy citizen ot
tbo town, also objected to this mar
ringc, although ho had been mainly
instrumental in culling the young rec
tor to bis charge. II is course produced
on unpleasant feeling in the Church
and tho congregation divided into two
parties, espousing tho cause of tho
rector und tho huuglity father respect
ively. Whilo pnriisunsbip was still
running high, Miss Coleman died of
consumption, ber parents said, but ot
a broken heart, as believed by most
people of the town. This sad event
hut intensified the division in tbo
Church, of whicb Mr. Coleman was a
leading member, and on June 19, 182C,
Mr. Muhlenberg communicated to the
vestry his intention lo resign on account
of reasons which il was unnecessary
for him to stuto. A committee of five
was appointed lo confer with bim witb
a view to get bim to reconsider his de
termination ; hut with thanks for their
kindness he declined to do so in a more
lengthy letter, in which he stated that
bis course was taken alter due delibera
tion and that it was not necessary for
bim to enter into dcails regarding his
motives ; be misted thut they were
pure und such us he could think of with
complacency "in referenco to tho great
duy ot accounts.
At the sumo meeting a comniuiiiea
lion was received from Mr. Edward
Coleman, brother of Miss Sarah Colo-
man, tbe reading of which was defer
red until a future meeting, (in Juno
20, lHliG, the vestry received the more
peremptory resignation ot their rector,
dated New York, June 20, and asking
that it bo received at once. It was
accepted, and tbo wardens were in
structed to draft a reply, expressing
tbe sorrow ol tho Church at bis resig
nation. A iter wards at this same meet
ing, tho letter of Edward Coleman, pre
viously laid over, was read. It an
nounced to the, vestry that "iu the
event of all connection between tho
Kev. Mr. Muhlenberg and St. James'
Church being dissolved, abtotulely and
forever, on or before July 1. and not
thereafter, the su in of fj5,000 (which, but
tor circumstances not necessary now
to dwell upon, would bavo been left to
the Church by our departed sister, Sa
rah 11. Coleman,) will be placed in tho
hands ot tho trustees lor tho benefit ol
tbe Church by ber heirs and legal rep
reresenlutivos." The offer was signed
by Edward Coleman, for himself and
tho other heir of bis deceased sister.
A committee was appointod lo in
iorm Mr. Coleman that such a dissolu
tion of tho connection between Mr.
Muhlenberg and the Church had taken
place, and tho trustees of the Church
wero ready to receive tbe money. Mr.
James Hopkins protested against the
appointment ot such a oommitteo, and
beloro tbo resolution to answer Cole
man's letter passed ho withdrew from
tbo meeting. At a vestry meeting,
held June 311, n memorial was present
ed, signed by Surah Yeates, Margaret
Yeates, and Cutharine Yeates. request
ing tho vestry to pass a resolution tbat
Mr. Muhlenberg should always bu in
vited to preach in St. Jumes' pulpit
whenever it was unoccupied. They
said in their letter that they had not
had time to procure other signers, but
tbey had no doubt this was tho wish
of a majority of the congregation. To
Ibis tbe vestry resolved to respectfully
answer that Mr. Muhlenberg would
always havo tbo courtesy shown him
that other Trotestnnt hpiscopal clergy
men received, but tbey did not think
it necessary to puss such an unusual
motion. Against such treatment ol
Mrs. and tbo Misses Yeates Mr. Hop
kins again protested, ns tlisrespccllul
to the mcmoralisls and discourteous to
Mr. Muhlenberg.
So tho mutter seems to have rested ;
but, although Mr. Muhlenberg often
aflerwaid preached in the Church, be
always stood in tbe chancel and never
again occupied tbo pulpit. The 5,000
gill wus accepted and paid, the com
mittee appointed to cooler with Mr.
Coleman reporting that in tho prosecu
tion of their Inborn tboy hud encoun
tered grave difficulties, "busy-bodies
and tiile-benrera had infused an acri
mony into the iinlbrtuiiale business
which otherwise it would not have
partaken of." . Thecommitteo bad en
deavored to assuugo this and hoped
that its asperities would be softened,
but they bad only measurably suc
ceeded, and a condition ot strile pre
vailed which was much to bo deplored.
With Dr. Muhlenberg's death the
lust of the actors in this hapless drama
has passed away.
Seneca P. lSroomall, of East Notting
hum township, makes the following
report of his dairy lor the past year,
which is a very creditable showing, and
wo feel satisfied will compare very
favorably with other Chester county
doirios. Mr. 1). is a careful feeder ami
fully understands the management and
treatment of cow. Jio kept ten cow,
Alderney and Grades, the yield from
which during tbe year was as follows :
Posada of bailer sold 1,274
Pounda bolter aold per eow ,
drove emoaot of aalea $1,11 SI
Net rerripl. elear el freight I,0UB 7
Net arerege price per pouad M 444
Net per eow 10 Ve
Pork and pig. eeld, almoet eailrely
ralrrd witb milk IS tl
Cel. -a aold 41 li
To this should be added about 100
pounds of butler and the milk and
cream used by tho family, to get the
actual yield of the dairy for tho year.
Uver against this product mere
should be charged 501) bushels of corn,
at 50 cents, 1250, and six ton buck
wheat bran, at 120 per ton, 1120; total
outluy, 1370. Mr. B, slate that this
fed all the stock on the place, witb
enough left for next summer's use.
The amount of hay consumed i not
large when cow are fed on grain.
During the year M r. lSroomall wild
ami ahipied ten calve to friend in
Adam county, w here be resided lor
a while, some ton year ago. Oxford
TEEMS $2 per annun in Advancea
SERIES - VOL. 18, NO. 17.
Tbo Bender family, found us olten
as Charlie lioss, and last found at Aim,
Ark., prove to bo the Kifer family ol
Wisconsin. It is rather curious tbat
all of these discoveries should have
created so lively an interest every
where except among the liilk w hom
wo might think most deeply concerned
in tbo capture and bringing lo Justice
of tho murderers. It is just four rear
since the almost incredible crime ol
Cherry Valo, Kansns, were made pub
lic, and threo since llio authorities of
Utah captured in the Wnhsatch Moun
tains a family fully Identified as the
lenders, whose head, indeed, confessed
that ho was John Bender, and gave a
thrilling description ot bis deeds ol
blood, which subsequently proved to
bo wholly imaginary. Tho Benders
livo, u Kt .hkre juu mid,. at Cherry
Vale, Labeilu county, Kansas, und in
Muy, 1873, wero aaid to bavo fled to
lexus or .Mexico, because ol tbo disap
pearance ot Mr. Yorko, brother of Col.
A. M. Yorke, whoso dramatic exposure
in tho Kansas Legislature of Senator
Pomeroy't attempt to bribe him with
a 87,001) package of bills mado such a
sensution at tho lime and ended in tho
rctu rnof Mr. Ingallsfhcirhousc proved
a literal shambles, as in it were found tbo
corpses of five men and a child, all of
w hom had been destroyed in the eamo
manner, being first knocked on the
b'end with a hammer or mallet and
having their throats cut while insensi
ble. How many strangers Bender and
his wife and hi daughter Kate had
induced to partake of their hospitality
and then done to death must ever re
main a secret. About a week after
the disclosures, a confederate tbo fam
ily, ono Nicholas Marion, was captured
in Indian Territory. IIo promised to
maKo important disclosure anecting
tho gang, hut committed suicide while
ue was ueing eunuuetcu uonicwarus.
ainco then innumerable iienders nave
been discovered in the fur West, but
curious enough the rt-lutives of their
victims have tuken no interest in them.
The most reasonable solution of this is
to bo found in the belief tbat is almost
universally maintained in the vicinity
of Chorry Vale, tbat the father, mother
and daughter wero captured by the
Vigilantes, brought back with all
secrecy and drowned by night in the
pond near their house whicb probably
had received tho corpses of many ol
their victims. Wo do not know that
this theory has ever been made public,
but are moved now to publish it us ex
plaining what would otherwise appear
unaccountable. If it is correct, one
awful mystery will have been avenged
by another mystery as awful. A. I.
The edilor of tbo Oil City Derrick
draw tho following pen-portrait of a
fact which recently transpired some
where in the oil regions. X he story is
short, but it covers tho wbole ground,
and rends as follow :
"This, then, Miss Hangs, is your
final answer."
"Irrevocably so," wa tho proud re-
They made a pretty picture stand
ing in the doorway of her father's
mansion ; ho, tho Captain of Melon
Stealers, tall and strong in limb and
the hero of his little first base, in many
a hot contested game. She the fair
daughter of the banker who had wngcr
ed the entire assots of the hank and
the deposits of many a poor man, on
tbe return game between tbo Moth
Eradicators and the homo club on the
following day. Our hero's answer
came hot and quick: "Then," criod
he, "to-morrow's sotting sun willshino
upon the beggar-daughter of a ruined
man. It rests witb me to throw the
game on which your proud futhor's
wealth is stalled, i ou have to-night
sottlcd your own fnto. So be it. Good
night I" and turning himself seven
times round on hi heel, at tho same
time boring a largo bole in the hall
carpet, Mose Filz Allen was gone.
Prominent among the immense
crowd assembled on tbo grounds is the
palo luce ot Amelia Bungs. Ibe Moth
Krudicutors aro at tbe bat on tbo last
hull of the ninth inning, with two men
outund one manon third base, and tho
score stands 53 to 63. "Will that
man get in?" is tho breathless ques
tion which pervades tho sceno. Moso
Fits Allen, standing on the first base,
mutters, "Now for revenge I Now do
1 give the thing away I Ah!" and bis
fueo was distorted with passion like a
mud-ball dried in the sun. "Two
strikes I" yells Ihe umpire. Tbe bat
ter must hit it next time. Ho docs hit
il, and a fly mounts and descends beau
tifully to Moso. " Take it Mosel " goes
out from llio throat of Hanker Hung
uhd hundreds of hi friends. "Not it
Moso is thoroughly acquainted with
himself," is his low response, and the
bull pusses through his hands and tho
man on the third goes home. Score
54 to 53.
Two mentba later finds Amelia
Bangs taking to plain sewing, her
luitier juniior oi tuo wtu excuunge,
and Mope, though somewhat troubled
in mind, still takes Ins beer.
Goon Influenc of Pictures. A
room with pictures in il, and a room
without pictures, differ by nearly as
much as a room without windows
Nothing, we think, is more melancholy,
particularly to a person who has to
nuss much of his timo in hi room, tlmn
blank, walls and nothing on them, tor
pictures uro loophole of escape for the
soul, leading it to other scenes and
other spheres. It Is such an inexpressi
ble rebel to a person engaged in writ
ing or oven rending, on looking up, not
to h tve bis lino of vision chopped square
off by an odious white wall, out to find
hi soul escaping, as it wero, through
tho frame of an exquisite picture to
the other beautiful and perhaps idyllic
scenes, where tho fancy of a moment
may revel, refreshed and delighted. Is
it' winter In your world T Perhaps it
is summer in the picture. What a
charming momentary change and con
trast! IIo sat abno in her father' parlor
tyuung lor tuo lair one appearance
tho other evening, when her little
brother came cautiously into the room,
and gliding nn to the young mare's
sido, held out a handful ol eomothing,
and earnestly inquired :
"I say, mister, what themr
"Those," replied the young man, sol
emnly, "those are beans."
"1 here I shouted the boy, turning
to hi sister, who was just coming in,
"1 knew you lied. You said he didn't
know beans, and be does, tool"
The young man' stay wa not what
you may call a prolonged on tbat
Of wbt thickneat 'll k 1!d of ebo-
Wbt it tbttxAct width of brod
grin r
There U nothing to fotrful At
bad conacience.
When a clock runt down, doe it
ever capaite itself ?
By the rulea of war, it it death to
stop a cannon ball.
In what vehicle did the man ride
who wat driven frantic f
If a man pursue a path, is the
path supposed to run away from him 7
Young folk grow most when in
love ; it increases their tujla wondor
fully. Charity ia frequently displayed
best in helping others to help them,
Mako no expenso, but do good to
others or yourself tbat is, waste
An apt quotation is like a lamp
wbich flings ita light over the whjle
Poverty is the only burden whicb
grows heavier by being shored by
tboso we love.
lie is rich who saves a penny a
year ; and he Is poor who runs behind
a penny a year. .. '
Dark season aro never pleasant
lo ua, but tboy are always good for us.
A cloudless sky could never produce
rich and abundant harvest. '
A farmer made bis Inst will and
testament in words few but significant :
"I have nothing, owe nothing, and 1
give the residue to tho poor."
" Were you over cross-questioned ?"
"Ye I when questioned by my wife,
after spending tho evening abroad
cross enough, in all conscience."
A convicted criminal never objects
to tbo grammar of the Judge, but be
doesn't like to have bim show off in
Court by passing a long sentence
Faith die when charity ceases to
feed its flame, and strength decays just
in proportion as chccrtiil hope fails to
quicken tho energies of the mind.
I dlcness is a constant sin, and labor
is a duty. Idleness is the devil's home
for temptation, and for unprofitable,
distracting musings, while labor profit
cth ourselves.
To know a man, obsorve bow he
wins bis object, rather than how be
loses it ; for when we full, our pride
supports when wo succeed, it be
trays us.
Energy will do anything that can
be done in this world ; and no talents,
no circumstances, no opportunities, will
make a two-legged animal a man with
out it.
" Dear Julius : You lay your love
will surmount all obstacles. Meet me,
then, adored, on the summit of Mount
Blanc on the first of next month.
Your Cclestina."-
Tho trouble with onr praying is
not so much that we do not pray
enough, or have not faith enough, as
that we all want to bo on God' Ways
and Mean Committee.
Some havo wondered that dispute
about opinion should so otlcn end in
personalities ; but, tbe fact is, tbat auch
disputes begin with personalities, for
our opinions are a part of ourselves.
It i a strange thing to behold
what gross errors and extreme absurdi
ties men do commit for want of a
friend to tell them of them. The light
of a good counsel is that which scltuth
business straight.
A chap was arrested in Philadel
phia the other day lor stealing a clock.
The Judge told him that as ho had .
taken another man's time to begin
with, be could now take hi own time
to reflect upon it, and sent him np for
threo months forthwith.
" Steam is a great thing," remark
ed a traveler in a railroad car to hi
ois-a-iii. " So it is," was the reply ;
" I owe my fortune to it" " Ah I Mon
sieur is munager ol a company ?" "No."
"An engineer, perhaps?" "No; I
have lost a number of rclativo by
railroad accidents."
" You are the dullest boy I evor
saw I" crossly oxclaimed a bald-headed
old uncle to his nephew. ' Well, un
do," replied the youth, "you can't ex
poet me to understand things as quick
aa you do ; because you don't have the
trouble of gelling 'em through your
Nothing so tyrannizes ovor one as
a habit ot jesting and contempt, real
or assumed. Success in the use of sar
casm and ridicula rarely fails to mako
its practice more frequent and it appli
cation more wide than is eithor juBtifl
able in itself or agreeablo to listeners.
Wo must not wonder when the
loaves grow small, and are only made
of barley, and tbe fishes decrease in
number, if the mere hangers-on show
ns their quality and disappear. He
who comes to Christ for what he can
gel ol worldly good will loave him
when poverty and shame lie in the way.
An enterprising Amoricanfirm ha
established a literary agency at Louis
ville, Ky., where tbey advertise to
manufacture all sorts of literature to
order, such as orations, tales, funeral
noticos, Inve letters, essays, poetical
effusions, learned treatises on all man
nor of subjects, Ao. "Illiterate person
pleaso take notice."
Children are inqnisitivo bodies.
For instanco : "What dooa cleave
mean, papa?" "It mean to unito to
gether." "Doc John unito wood
whon bo cleave it? "Hem I well, it
means to separate." " Pa, doc a man
separate from his wifo when he cleaves
Itohor?" "Hem, beml Don't ask so
many foolish questions, child."
Guizot once made a joko gravo
and serious as became him. A lady
requosted his favor when ho was min
ister, in behalf of a young gentleman
who wanted an embassy. "But," said
tho lady, naively, "it must not be more
than twenty-five mile from Pari."
" Madame," said tho minister, " the first
embassy vacant at Paris or the environ
shnll be given to your friend."
A gentleman who wa informed
that hi artistio son spent hi time In
idleness went to bis studio one morn- '
ing, and seeing no evidence of work,
asked, " Where is the picture you bav.
protended to be working on all thi
time?" "Why, ir," answered tbe
son, "It a picture of the moon, and
i ve none it with such fidelity to na
ture that it can't be seen in daytime."
Some peoplo are liko snail ; tbey
carry their spiritual bom around with
them on their back. Yon never see
them twice in tho name Church. They
are religious vagabond, forever oo the
move and without any fixed abode.
Nothing short of death in their famil"
give them a pastoral connection, h
ia astonishing how many moribund -parishioner
the pastor of a city obnrcb
can have.
God doe hot drive na Into bis -vineyard,
nor keep na there by bolt -and
ahackle and whip. Wo are not -forced
to serve Christ any more than
we wero driven to love him. We dn
it of onr own free will, and, therefore,
cheerfully. Tbe average Mate, there- "
fore, of a Christian al should be a ,
happy one, Christians shonld fir-,
while tho- frork, a bird do while .
building their neat and jatharirif foci
for their young.