: f, """Win, X, t? m a-ttasTAHLKiW KIW I We bave , printed lerge number of tbe old will oa I . lef twesty III MOP ll X rni bill. Ira eeola. pUKAP GR0CKK1KHI HI Mil Kll CITT, PA. ju.tHMl announce, la hit old friend ..j ...imri the! hi baa upened a food Una el OHoFBRli l-KOVIHIoViS 11 if. old .....I of Kirk A Speneer, ' "kick toilette llb.r.1 ..iniiiM II. W. HPBNCRR. RRA COTTA STANDING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, . kept oenatanUy on hood. STOXE AD EARTHED WARE OF HVERY DRHCRIPTION I CROCKS! P0TS1 CROCKS: Fleher'. Patent Airtight slf Stealing fruit Cim I BUTTER CROCKS, wllk lldl, CRBAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE-BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, BTKW POTS, Aaa' graot atony other thlnge too nuaaeroal to BOHIOQ, 10 DO 008 U FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Coraor ot Cherry and Third sitreeta, CLKAHFIKLD, PA. aegl A. r. eoxica. a. tTcoBKLB. a. bbilsbci CILK1I, McCORELE & CO. S (Saoouoora to Jnha Uutlob), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Mtreot ClurfleUL Pa. Wt uumfftotart all kidi of Fnrnitara for Chamber, Dtiiiag Eooni. Ltbrttrtti and tUUa. If yoa waul Fursttur f any kiad, don't bay nam yon at oar aiock. Id all It branehaa. Wa Iwp ia itoek all tbr latait and Moat improve! (Jumna and Uuktl, and bar mry laallltjrfor pmparljr ana tfaotiog thia branok of omr buainaaa Wa bava a patot OnrtM Pra arror, ia trbfeti bodiaa aaa ba praMrvad for a con i aidarabto kngta af - tint. . A ataW of lha Una baa bit ilMfilni apart Ml at oar wan vota, when be can be fused b ao; paraoa who eon at aibt for tbo purpoaa oi arou aring aomaa. OPLIOH, MtCORltLK CO. ClMrflald, Pa.. Mat It), '76-lj. FLOUll. FD, AND GRpCEltY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Roobb No. 4, Pie. Opera llunoe, ' ' ' Clearlleld, Pa. Kaep ooBttaatly OB kaBd 8U0AR, COPFEB, HAS, ' ': r SODA, . , j COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Canud and Drlod Fratti, Tobaooo, Cigar", Can dlM, CI Jar Vtoagor, BalUr, Bggi, Ao. ALSO, BXTRA OMB MADE Wheal and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, 4o., "S All of whloh will ba told ebaap for esah or ia Olcbaag. for ooBBiTj prodaoa. A. 0. KRAMER A CO. ClMrllald, Wot. U HTt. lf rt j a GLEXX'S SULJ'IIUIt SOAJ. A Stcp.li.vo Remrdv foi Diuasis akd Ixjuaits of Tim Skixi A Healtiifiil ILAUTFIER UP THE COMPLEXION A kkliatlk meahi of preventing axd Kelikvino Rheumatism ako Colt, and as Unequaled Disinfectant, Deodo. R IEEE AND CotlNTEE lEEITANT. airnn't Su;inr Sonp, bnMn Mailt, caling local dineakn of the akin, banishea do-(l-cu of the complexion, and imparta to it gratifying cleaneia anil amoulhneu. Slllllh r Hnth arc crlebratrd for curing CKiplioni and other diieaiea of the akin, aa well a khetimalism and Gout. Olenn't Sultlidr Soap proilucet the lame cllccu at a ami iriding eapcnie. Thia admiratile apecific also apcediljr hrala mi, hruiin. mUt, iurm, tfninr and nth. Il rcmom dandruff and prevent! the hair from (ailing out and turning gray. Soihing and linen uteri In the lick room unfocll and diaeaaea communicable br contact wilh the peraon, prerenled br it. The Medical Fralcmilr unction ill use, Prices-SS and SO Cents per Cake; Per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. B. Bu n. Una caVea and ihmln &oU by all DniB(iMa. "HILl'S HAIR AKD WHIRKKR MB," wn mr orawi, 99 ( C. I. CWTTEJTOJI, Prop'r, 7 Sixth jW.,1!. Guarded the IHghttt Tfeef if a I IVnlMi E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO., SM Broadway, New York, (Opp. Notropelitaa Hotel), aaiiePAeytaant, impobtbu aaa pbalku. CHROMOS & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES dt VIEWS Albame, e)rapbeirftpee. Pbotorapba, aad kindred gooda ueiebritiee, Aetreaaea, o., rU0T0GRAPIIIC MATERIALS, W. are keadquartort for ararjlklag la th. way ef Stereojtiooai and SC&o Laatsnu, vamg nanaiaciurera oi tao micro scientific lantern, btrrkq .panopticon, univrrhitt stkropticon. AUVRHTISKR8 STKROPTICON, n lurtttiin, SCHOOL LANTRRk, BAMILT LANTERN, PEOPLE S LAM1KKN. Each atyle being tko boat of He alaaa la the sarket, Calalotueo ef Laaterae aad Slide., wllk dlree iioae nre aalag, aaat oa applloatioa. Aay eaiarprtaiag aua eaa aake oaay wltk a aaagie tianiaea. JB- V l.i, or. la eke Cealoaalal Bipealtloa will do wily to deTae parekaeio. .node ia oar Ilea eatil tkey oobm to owe etoro ia Now Ynek. wkoro laoy win aao greeueeenety aad aioro eatieWrele prleeo, aad eaa ..loet Ikoa M their lolaare. B.I are ban a eoeoMeioa to eU aa at) lee of oar (Mde ta Uo e.lldlag of tbe DepertaaeM of Pabli, Coafort, aad tbeeo aet eealag to Naw leek are larltod to ooNoa ear rr-reaaaloliM tbeeo. -A far) Hook ef View, ef Ike tajootu.a aad tbotr eoa'.cate. i t-Cat eattajMeeeilwaaatlwfoIkteaee.-em iaaef, L. 1 TlVoiTICB"1 wi wiwii mini 111 aOiaV gItlst-rUaaraui. B OOT ANDSUOB MAKING. J08BPB H. DRRKINII. Market ilraot. I thaw'. Row, Clearleld. Pa., kaejo.t reoeleed loo lot of Freeeb Coif Sbln.aad Kip., Ike imi is too Barbel, ood to no prepares to raeo ireclure .rerythl.g la til lino. Uo "Ul eel -rant hit work to bo oo repeeeoBted. Alt.., oil kiada ( LeaUer oud bkee Fiadiage for aula Too ellitoBi of Clearfield BBd vicinity ar. -.apeotfully inriud to giro kim b eall. Work doae at ihort autioo. Mft.1t fhe Bell's Run Woolen Factory . 6,-JtUjtar'-. vti-S fiJ'.v .,, BURNED OUTI aer iot .,B..U R.W., D U PI Tbaaubwrlbara bava, at graat atpanM.rabullt a atlf bborbood ateaaaityt la tha araatloa of a Irat olaaa Woolea ManataotorT. Ub all lha nodara Improvemanti aitaobad, and ara prepared to make all kinda of Clutha, Caaaiinaraa, Haitnatu, Blaa baU, Flannel a, As. Flamy uf guoda oa band to aupply all oar old aud a tbaiand naw euitoiaan woum we aaa 10 eoma and axaiaina war atvak. Tba bailoaaa of CARDING AND FULLING will raoalra oar aapeelal attantloa. Proper arratigananU will ba made to rewire and deliver Wool, to auit ouatumora. All work warranted and done upon tbo abortaat nut lea, and by atriat atten tion to builoeia we bope to real tie a liberal a hart 11 puoiio patronaga. lOJMM POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wt will pay tha bighaat market price fur wo and !) oar manufaotured gooda at low at almtlar tfooda oan be bought In tba ooumy, and whenever wa tail to render reasonable aatlaraetloa we aaa alwayt be found at borne ready to make proper -tipianaiiOB, eiiner in pertea or ny letter. JAMK8 JOHNHON A HONS, apriltntf Bower P. 0 fJARD TIMES IIAVB NO BPPECT IN FRENCH YILLE I I am aware that then ara aome peraona a Uttlr lard to pieaae, and I am aiao aware that tbe nju plaint of "hard titoea" la wall oicb univeraal liut I am ao altuated now that I ean aatiify tbi ormer and prove ooooluaively that "hard time ill not effect tboae wbo buy their gooda from me. md all my patrona aball ha initiated Into tha aa urai ot UOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t bava gooda enough to nptly ell tbr Inhabl ante in the lower end of tbe county which I tell a Mieeeding low rate from mymniamotb eture la 4UL80NUURU.eibera I eaa alwava ba faana ready to wait upon eallera and lupuly tbem wltb Dry Goods of all kinds, rtaob at Clotba, Batlnetta, Canimerea, Moallaa, Uelaiaea, tinea, OHIhaga, Caheoea, Trimmioga, Ribbona, Lace, Readjr-made Clothing, Boota and Shoes, HaU and ;apa all vt thm beat material and made to order Hoae, floeaa, Ulovea, Mitten a, Laoea, Ribbona, Ao. UROCKRIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlre, Molaaiaa, Flab, Salt Fork, Linaeed Oil. fiah Oil, t'arbon Oil. Hardware, Qaeenaware. Tinware, Caattnga, Plowa md Plow taatinga, Naila, enihaa. Corn tnltiva tora, Cider Preaaea.aDd all kinda of Axea. Perfamcry, Patau, Varaiah, Ulaaa, and a general aaaortment or atationary, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwaya oa hand, and will b 014 at tbe leweat poaaible ngurea. U. MeClatn'a Uedieinea, Jayne'a Hedloiaat UoaUtUr a and Hoof and 'a Bit tare. 6001 noanda of Wool wanted for which tbe highest pnoa will be paid. Cloveraeed oa bano and for sale at tba loweat market prwa. Also, Agent for Btrattnnvilla and CarwensTllle tareaning Machines. Ism. Call and tea for ronraelrea. Ton will Ind everything aaaally kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenehvllle P. 0., Anguat IS, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Saoeessora to Boyatoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manafaotareri of fOETABLE & STATION! IT STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth aad Piao Blraott, CLEARFIELD, PA. TT AVISO engaged la tho otaaafaetura of I U. olaaa MACIIINIRT,oraapMlfoBrlBfora h. poblio that ara are Bow prepared to III all order, aa cheaply aBd aa promptly ai eaa bo done la any of tha ollUa. W . aunafaetaro and deal la Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Bead Bloeka, Water Whaell, Shafting Paflay., Olgord'a InJstor, gaaaaa Oaagea, Staaaa Whiatlea, Ollara, Talloo Cope, Oil Cope, Gauge Cook a, Air Coeka, Oloba Valrai, Cboek Voire,, wrongbt Irea Plpoa, S.mbj Paaipa, Boiler FMd Paaipa, Aatt Friotioa Metrea, Soap Stone Packing. Qam Paoh ag, and all kinda of MILL WORK f tng.iWr altk Plowa, Sled Solaa, COOK AND PA It LOR STO VIS, and other CASTINGS of all kinda. T-Or0era oolloiled and tiled at elty price. All letter, of laoalry wltk refereaee to aaaokiaery at oar manafaelare proiaptlj aaawodL kl lag aa at Cloarleld, Pa. -Jaal74.tr BKiLER. TOPNB 1 RKRD G ROC'ERIES. JAS. II. LYTLK, (Sueeeaeor U LYTLB A MITCIIBLLi WHOLESALE AND RETAtU, DEALER IN CHOKE IIS OF TUB.. 00 ON H. JAPANS. IMP I in, TOUNO HT80t KNUl'.lli hi II Ia Panel la Fiatkot, BUTTKIk AS '1 IdOS. Will to keet aoavae fcr Ooaatry Prodaaa. rat eoet, Caah paid OSRMAN CBESR1.B9, TURRET PRUNES, PF.ESERTBD PEARS, PHILADBLPBIA HAMS. FIB. Maekeret, LaM, Barring, Cod, Aev a PICKLEU, Rrut PieeJee aad EagSok Pieklee.. HIW AND rRKIV -H Cera Mat, Owl . iAR. 1 1, LtTLL THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WEDNESDAY HORNING. APRIL IS, IST7. NEW RADICAL NATIOMAL MVMN. Mr parly, 'tie or Ihee, And oil thy trickery I Ul thee I .log i For Ihee biiw wall wo lied I Ju.ltee and law dolled ! , Ureal fraud 00 errry side, ' a'Waaai yaag Fur bold ravoallly. Pledge we oar lave Though fraud lair freedom kill. Fraue all our poekela Alia r Our heart witk rapture thrill., All ehaaee above Reluming Board., to thee. And Bradley equally, To tbee wo aiog Againat tbe trulb and right, Aiid Iraud upheld by aaigbu Long nay wo lira to 6ght, U llayia, oar Kiogl COMPLEXION OF THE NEST HOUSE. A DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY OF TEN ON TUB FlRoT CALL OF THE ROLL. Hpeelal Dlapatok to Ibo New York Sua. 'Vasiiinoton, April 7. Enough cer tificate huvo now been mudo uee of in pitying mo m burn, and in other mutton requiring quun decision upon the roll of tho next House, to ehow tbat at tbe opening tbe Democratic) majority will be ten or eleven, and when the aeata ure lull, rliVeen. The luuie in regard to tbe make-up ol tbe next llouae of Reprvaentatirea bare now been ascer tained with a sufficient certainty to net at real any further apcculationa upon tbat subject. All tbe certificate of elections of members bava not yet been received by tbe Clerk of the llouae, Mr. Adams. Only about 260 of tbe 293 members of the llouae have thus fur received their pay under tbo authority of the Clerk and Sergennt- at-arma. If Mr. Adams were to place upon his roll tbe names of all Republi cans whose election is claimed, the House would stand 149 Democrats to 144 Republicans, thus giving the Dem ocrats a majority of five. Tbo Repub licans claim tbat tbe rolls should thus be mado up. Tbe doubtful districts, whose representatives bavo not yet been placed upon the roll, by tbe Clerk, are nine in number, as follows : Two in Louisiana, two in Florida, two in Miaaouri, one in Sou lb Carolina, one in California. The courts in Caiitornia bavo decided in favor ot tbo right ol Mr. Tucheo, Irom the Fourth district ol thai Slnto, to the certificate, and il will be given to bin) by tbo Governor, thus insuring tbe placing oi bis name upon tbe rolls. Tbo Courts will un doubtedly decide in favor of tbe Re publican claimants in two Missouri dis tricts, giving ihem also tbe right to bav their names placed upon the rolls. fbo prima facie case of the Kepubli cun Representative from South Caru lina whose scat is disputed also seems to be a good one, aud be will undoubt edly be placed upon tbe rolls. Tbie would leave only five members in dis pute, and there is every reason to be lievo that tbe House will be thus made up when il assembles on tbe 4th ul June, namely: The Clerk will recog nize 288 member as present, of whom 149 will ba Democrats, and 139 will ba Republicans. It is barely possible that the number of Republicans mat be one less, through tbe fuiliire oi tbe courts to decide in one of the Missouri cases. It will be seen tbat tbis trivet. tbe Democrats a majority of ten or eleven, instead ol five, as claimed by ibe Republicans. Tba five disputed dietricts'Waheub, will not be represented on tho assembling uf the House are two in Louisiana, two in Florida, from which there are a double set of returns, ana one tn Colorado. In tbe latter case tboro is a legal question involved concerning tbe rigbt of Mr. fielford, wbo has the Governor's certificate, to take bis seat, on account of the man. nor in which be was voted lor last au lumn. In tbe Florida case Governor Hteunis gave two certificates to Re publican members. Tbe returns were alter ward recanvassed by the new Re turning Board under tbe authority ol an act ol tbe Legislature, and Governor Draw cortifiod tbat two Democrat were elected. Mr. Adams will not un Klcrtuke to decide between these two delegations, but will leave tbe name. ol' both off the . roll. In Louisiana Kellogg rartificd to tbe election oi' lour Republicans and two Democrats, but tbr Democrats claim to bave given certificates to four Democrats, leaving two districts in dispute. When tbe House comes to act on tbo admission of these five disputed delegations, il will undoubtedly vole to admit two Democrats from Florida and two from Louisiuna, thus carrying the number ot Democrats in tbe House up to 153. While the caseof llellord will probably be relcrred to the J udiciary Committee, i'acheco, of California, will be unsealed at A very early period in tbe session, so that tbe Democrats will bave a working majority of at least fifteen in ibe House. A SAD CUNPHSSloy. Tbo New York 7W6un bas at last coma to the conclusion that the South ern Tolicy of the Republican party in all iLsaKiecis bas been aauller failure. Carpet-bag rule through negro suffrage, il declares, baa been an attempt to make tbe political pyramid so wisely constructed by tbe lathers of tbe con stitution "stand on its aex." Tbis is a sad conlession. Hut bow much bas it cost the country, and esjiecially tbe States of the South, to learn the lesson of tbe last ten years? The negroes oi the South have been forced upon ''the bench and tbe jury box, they have mado laws, collected tbe revenue, bandied tbe money DOME EVERY THING EXCEPT PAY TAXES." With every oportuniiy to develope their capacity the Tribune admits that as a race they are idle, ignorant and vicious." Tnis is a harsh and, we be lieve, a hasty Judgment. The position in which tbe negroes have been placed between the adventurers who used ibem for tbeir own selfish ends and the white men of the South to whom they had occupied tba relatione of slave will account for tbeir (ail urea aa oili- sens aa much as tha Inherent vices of their character. It must take a gen eration or two before tba colored race of th South will abow much apitluds fur the management of political affairs, and those who expect that the would at ones enter spun tha ialelligent per tormano of th -tiea el eiUseasbip vino their .apaUaMtiaeUM of tlasir good Judgment. It will not do for tbom to indulgo in lll naturod abuse ol tho ioor ocrook now thai they bavo dincovurtxl tbuir nilnluko. Tbe froed mon of tha South did not aotik tbe urivilege of suffrage, and thoy would bave bwu oontunt to do without il but for the at'ttl of their prolendi-d friundn, wbo hoped with audi muturiuU to ati cure tbo foundutions of tbuir pulillcul jiower. Tbe manner in which tbe t'rvedmun bare bundled I he bullotahow MSV!.H"nJ.tlr,. .-laaj K aJl5?V.a nuttini, the bf.ot Into the fl-U of lli freedmun uf tbe South before the grout mujority had a glimmering conception ol Its meaning bus justified the preilic tionsol il opponents. Morluiiandothc'i sagacious Republican politicians fore' told precisely that which the Tribunr 'amenta. They saw ihut nothing could he more wild and absurd tliitu the ul tempt to confer sull govunimviil upon a race of slaves who hud as little cu pacity (or it as tbeir forefathers in the jungles of Africa. The authors of the experiment ussunied tbul the igimrun fluid bunds uf the South who hud been kept in servitude and syslumiitlcully deprived uf ull knowledge of political uffuirs should at one bound us by in instinct acquire the art uf adininiatru tion and government which a eiioi'ior race bus been struggling to attain through tbe centuries. When tho ex perimeiit bus lulled olio portion of its advocates like Wendell Phillips de nounce the Southern white aa the cause, while the sthnrs like the Tribune fall to abusing tho poor negroes for "stealing chickens" and "lor sitting on tbe fence lor amusement." Both sides are equally illogical. The fault of this political failure is less in the negroes and their butter endowed wbito neighbors than in the conditions tbat surround tbem. But negro sul fruge is a fixed fuel and what remains is to make iho best of it instead ol abusing its recipients. With the end of carpet-bug rule, which can be said to scarcely exist except in the twu Slate, ot Louisiana and South Carolina, there will be a decided improvement in lha political aitualion. In all Ibe other Stales of the South bill these peace and harmony prevail among tbe races. Tbe conflicts which tbe carpet, baggers succeeded so well in provuk ing have almost ecujed. The freednien ure brought once more into amicable relations wilh tbe whites. Asa rule they accept with docility tbe advice ot tbuir former masters on political sub jecls when their auspicious are not uroused by tbe strangers ami adven turers who go amonglbem. Separated further and further liora the traditions of servitude as the generations pass they will grow better fitted for all the duties uf free citizenship. If they sub in it iur mure readily to tbe domination ot while men than w compatible with true ideas of Republicanism tbis is an evil that could bave been anticipated by tbe advocates ol negro suffrage and it is an evil that will last under some modified form as long as the suieriiri- ty uf ono race over iho other shall as sert itself. Ilarritburg Patriot. BROTHER ZKR ULON P1IILL IPS GONE WHERE THE WOOD- MINM 3-lrJVA"' A despatch to the New York IIVM Irom Amsterdam, N. Y., says : "There seems to be no doubt that Rev. Zebulon Phillips, one of the most prominent and trusted business men of tbis part of the State ba absconded with a largo amonnt of money belong ing to a firm of which be is a member, and bas managed to elude pursuit. Mr. Phillips began life as a Methodist preacher and' was a member ot the Troy conference, filling somo of tho most important charges in ita gift. He was formerly financial manager of the school in Troy. Some time ago be ra signed from the ministry and became a member of tbe banking firm of Mor ris & Phillips of this village. Subse quently he obtained an interest in an extensive knit goods manufactory in Amsterdam, tbe firm name being Phil lips, Gsnliner k Co. Phillips' partner resigned tbe entire financial manage ment of the concern to Phillips. A short time ago cor tain irregular pro ceedingswere noticed by tbem in Phil lips' management, among them being the drawing of notes in the firm name, and Using the proceeds for bis personal benefit, ibis matter was arranged however, to the satisfaction of the firm, On the 21st Inst., one of the members of the firm was surprised to receive intelligence from one of the banks of this place tbat it had several checks given by the firm on a Schenectady hank, and which Mr. Phillips had had cashed at the home bank. Invostiira tion into tho matter remlto I In the lata that Phillips hail drawn checks for large turns on the 19th, 20th and 21st, all in banks in Schenectady, and all ot which the Amsterdam banks hud hon ored. A call was made at Phillips' residence, but ho was not at homo, and has not been home since. A dispatch was received on Monday by his lamily from him, dated Baltimore. Further than this no trace ol the ahsoin.l.ir has been obtained, more than he told r...t. i.. u-i.i .... H, uaiuniure mat ne a going to ivuicago. i no lad of Phillips' di ppearanco Wa kept a qulot aa possi ble, his friend believing that he would return in a few days and arrange everything. Ho hope is now enter tained that he will. The exact amount of tbe defalcation is not nuhlidv knuwn yet, but it ia tha general belief tbat it will be found to be very lar.ru. The confidence tbat had been uiven to Phillip by the entire community of an cibs-cs wa unbounded. Many peo ple are charitable enough inclined to declare their belief that he I insane. the greatest excitement prevails over the affair." John Frost, tbe Cbarlistchiel who instigated tbedisiurbance at Newport, England, in 1836, and was banished to Van Diemen's Land, but was pardoned after the Crimean war, now lives in seclusion and in poverty in Wale. He i ninety-three year old. Sir Edward Watkin bas Interested himself In be half of tha veteran agitator, and col lifted a considerable fund for h is benefit, Craty II ore and fifteen thousand warrior encamped north of Bear Buttle creek, Dakota, on Wednesday night, on their way to 8otUd Tail Agency to surrender. They report tbst Sitting BuU will aeeept no terms. and is iwtrstviipg ut tbe British possessions. A MAIL HOBBHR'S CONFESSION. KTRAI.IN0 AN AVERAOB tP TWBNTY LET- TkHI A DAT FOR BIX MONTHS, Hiiet'ial Agent Sharrutta of tho Pout Orriee eaitiired mail robber renter day who baa defied detection fur inontha, and who bus unjiiHtly drawn auaik'iun iipun eniilo)fi in the de partment, ' The eomplulnt waa made by the proprietor of a weekly iiowh pupur, who inlKMid man)' It tters ton- lalniiiif niouuv.'. lie rwluawd . tc eiiler I -ejaawret i P"S "d a wali h J.ut on tbe lurk at the box delivery window They were coiisluntly changed to see il the thelt would cease, Decoy II I ly r niMainij.g; marked money were resorted to, and Mhcn tbe culprit was arrested some of the marked bill were liiund in his Ms.essioli by i.ftlccr It lack wood. The prisoner, whose name the speciul agent withheld at the request ol the newspaper owner, suid : "1 begun to open Idlers lust July. Out ol the first one I look III. and I I lit ii looked thul 1 wen Id tuku no mure. Having acted dishonestly to ward my employer I look no more let ters lor two or three days. However, the itmptuiion wus loo strung, and I continued to open one or two more letters, 1 lliutight that II tbe loss was discovered It would be blamed on ti e Post Office. After awhile, however, there suutuee) to he a perfect infutua lion for me ia taking the letters. Re ceiving a ssjury ul only 112 a week, out ot which 1 bad to pay 16 tor board. I bad not much money lull. Having neither home nor mrvnts, 1 got into habits that cult money to keep up. and 1 continued to luko ubout twenty let ters a day on an average. Those con taining money orders I destroyed, and kept only tlmso thai contained cash. In Ibis niunuer I think thul I made about 112 a week. In October 1 slop pud taking Iftlers, but in tlio mean time I bud juiiied a crack Nutiunui Ciuurd regiment, and suffered great in convenience from luck uf funds. 1 look no more letter tor some time, and to-day is the first time in three weeks that 1 bave taken a letter. 1 think that I ho money I got Irom the letters will i.ot exceed 1150. 1 have luken a very laige number uf letters, but cannot tell bow many." Tho prisoner is twenty six years old. His offence nut coming under the Post Office luws, be wus surrender ed to bis employer to be dealt wilb as he sees proper. N. Y. Sun. A MARRIED WOMAN'S JUDG MENT VOID. Tbe Hurrisburg lndqxmUnt says: In the cuse uf John Weaver and Re becca Weaver, his wife, vs. Lucas Krenig, in an act ot ejectment. Judge Henderson has recently filed a docis ion lliut.Iiebieca Weaver being a wfr ried tcomtin, the judgment was null and the levy and sulu being illegal, con lerred no title iikui M'linma, tbe pur chaser. Under those instructions tbe jury lound lor the plaintiffs the lund described on the writ, with six cents damage und six cents cost. Tbe fuels in the case are as follows : On tbe 1st of April 1871, Uenjumiii Zurtur and wifu ennvuyeil to thvfr daughter Rubecua Weaver, one acre and eighty perches uf land in Susque hanna township, wilh tho improve ments, consisting of a bouse, barn and uther buildings, tbr the sum ot 12,000. On the 2Clh of August 1872, Christian Itiimma sold to bur husband, John Weaver, the furniture and liquors ul a hotel in the Seventh ward, and obtain ed from Weaver and wile a mortgage ot 1387 with a judgment bond. Mum ma entered the judgment, levied upon tbe real estate, Condemned, sold and purchased the same al sheriffs sale tbr 11,425. He then sold to Mr. Kemiig for tho sum of 12,500, wbo obtained possession. This action was brought to recover the land. Tbe decision t in accordance with numerous opinions of the Supreme Court, and establishes the principle that obligations given by a married tro man unless tor purchase money accom panied by bond and mortgugu are void BULL-DOZING PARSONS. Encouraged, purhups, by Itisbop Gilbert Haven's return from Africa, tho New Rnirland Methodists have broken out sguin. They are always breaking out; but fortunately their liseasos are neither confluent nor epi- demic. We say the Muthodists, hut that is an unfair generalization ; we mean the Methodist preacher of New England. Theso turbulent parsons have a way ol coining together now and then and resolving lhi-mmdvts into a sort of committee uf the whole on (he slate ol the Union. The print-lpul object ol these demonstrations ia to call the attention ol the world to their existence ; they have no other way ol gutting into tho Associated Press dis patches, unless indued they resort, as they occasionally do, to the arraign ment of ono ot their number tor scan dalous conduct. Some time atm they had a rip-roaring meeting.at which they nominated President Grant for a third term, Bishop Haven being their spokes. man. Ilia country did not resjioud itn unanimity : in fuel Uaven a stumn speech and stump prayer became such luiighing stock thul il was thouubl advisshlu that he should go on a mis sionary journey to Africa. When be came back he lound, liko old Mother Hubbard, that tba dog-that is to say. his candidate lor a third terra was duad. A new king bad arisen wbo knew uot Gilnt rt and had little sympathy with his school. Mr. Hayes had de clined the proiTured now in tbe Mutro- poiitan sanctuary, where Parson New I man officiated, and worshipped after Ibe fashion uf his lathers in the plebe ian rosi.dry Church, which bad placed its ptilpit at the disposal of a Southern Methodist. Whether this has anything to do with Ibo present leuliug of the JNew Jvngland parsons it Is premature to aay, but it would be just like New man and Haven to take revenge by such a fire In the President's rear as broke out yesterday at Lynn. Tberesolutioniwbk'b were read amid great applause and roterred to a special committee, are a marvel in tbeir way. Tha parsons are alarmed and filled with apprehension in view of the practical aale of tha Repuhlicaa party by Senator Matthews and Representa tive Footer, thua sacrificing irinripM) and party and riuhtMusriea for the sake el temporary aeeeass, atnl ibey protest sa vtxifereaaly aa a want Mat ing of pot-house politicians agalntt tbe action of the new administration In recognising the Hampton tiovornment in South Carolina. Hut this wasn't the mild way In which they put it. Willi that charily which Ihinketh uo evil they call Senalor-elect Duller the chiel of the Ku-Kliix ami instigator of the Hamburg mussucre, and denounce Governor Hampton as thutarch oneiiiy of the Republic, who long since ought to have been hung lor treason. It is ' W S.V..UJ tt'rtrtv,M;tMu -. tl e.y PeTSSLf HfckeUIO IvasyaSrpaCaem White House, as well as on railroad platforms and in other public places, defies the government and bullies tbe President into couipliaucu with bis traitorous und wicked usurpations. Lei us see, Huve we iml hcuril some thing like this before T Oil, yes ; il wus in the Vrss a lew days ago: "Shall the traitor Humplon dictate to ibe President r" etc. The seed sown broad cast by Colonel Forney, tell generally un stony ground, but bus at lust found one puli'h of guniul soil, where il bus luken root, flourished and brought forth fruit. Scnutor Corbiu and the New York Times huve also spoken lo tbo sumo effect. The recognition of the Humplon government was "not exactly tbe result they desired not by a blanked sight." It is sud, but it is to be Icured tbul tbe warning of the New England brethren comes too lute. How wus tbe President to know what they wanted ? Devens represents New England in the Cabinet, and he had nothing ol Ibe kind to say. The Bus- ton paper hare not taken this view of ibe subject ; in litct, they huve rather patted tbe arch enemy of the Republic on the back. In view of theso facts we submit un behalf of the accused that the brethren of ibe speciul cum mitlee revise those resolutions and draw tbem a little milder. The Pres ident is a well-meaning man, although "amiably stubborn," and only usks to be shown the path of duty. He did not know what bad been going on un der the roof of the While House, on tbe railroad plulformsund other public places. Ignorance is not generally an excuse, but in this case it is certainly un extenuating eircumslunoe. There- fore, O, bltsxlthirsty persons, luko a bile ot cloves lo give your brimstone breuth a belter tone, sbeulh you swords, tuku down your gallowses and give "the President and all of us' another cliunce. In tine, we are templed to suy, in the langiiuge of the worldly, -Pull down tour vests!" J'hiludeljihia Timet. TDK FEARFUL CONDITION OF TltR COUNTRY. The fruits ol a great Presidential fraud are multiplying hourly. Hayes is making the case uf iho country, so bad when he cunio in, very much worse, every moment ho usurps the place of Samuel J. Tilden in the White House al Washington. Money, capital, sees in Hayes, naturally, a dangerous agent. A man whose presence al the seat of government is simply that of u fraudulent occupant of the Presidential chair, logically withers confidence, de stroys credit and blasts the prusjierily of the Natiun. Idlonwes ie iiierwaslliu. Citizens uf this city are touched on the shoulders daily, when walking the streets, by ragged and starving beg gers, wbo mutter out, "give me money for a plate uf soup ur a dinner, or 1 shall die from hunger." Street begging never existed in New Yurk lo such a dogree by filly per cent, One cannot walk a block iu the mosl frequented portion of the town without being ac costed. Men, women and children, nut only beg ou ibe highway, but crowd offices and stores, and besiege dwellings, and if relief ol aome eon is not afford ed, a threatening scowl declares the desperate character ol the claimant. All this misery ia tho logical result of the wretchedly governed country since ihe warclosud. Pauperism bas struck high and low, to a more or lose extent, and with the Republican Fraud and Usurper Hay es fastened UKin us for the next lour years, wo need somo philtmopby lo bear il. A'. I'. Day Book. TUEMATTERIN A NUTSHELL, Nil that the S. tiate ia out ot the way, Mr. Uuyua and his Cuhiuet can apply their minds t.. the Southern sit uuliun. A dual of nonsense has been wrilleu upon the question ol the dull cully, complications, ami embarrass- ment ol "tho situation." Any difficul ty there ia iu Iho cuse arises, so far as any public evidence g sos, solely from the danger il muy give lo tbe A Iiiiiii istiatioii to "hrouk" with the men w In iso conceded frauds brought it into power. The withdrawal of Hie troops is a mat er a simple as ihe issuing ol an order that they bo withdrawn. That done, civil prK.-oses will enforce themselves in the two Statu. Co issue this order or mil to issue il is iho ques tion with Ibe Administration, aud it will remain the question to thu end. All the talk, discussion and gossip on ibe matter, and all the suggestions and proposition made in connection with It, may help throw light ou the necess ity of eventually deciding whether to withdraw the troops or not, but they will not alter the tact that that is the question they will only make it more emphatic. If the troopsare withdrawn, local sell government will follow and tha Southern question will be a ques tion no longer. If tbe troois stay, they will stay as a part of tho Military Government which will have to place both organizations in both tbe Stales, tor the people will never recognize Chamberlain and Packard, and can not be made lo do to. " T bu ru li ng passions strong i n deu t h," was mads manifest during the demise of the Grant administration, when, to provide lor his brother in law, Sharp wbo tor eight years bad held the sine cure of Marshal of tho District ol Co lumbia, tb duties of which bsd been performed by hi chief deputy be ap pointed him iymaster, with lb rank of Major in lbs army. Now this same Sharp, to please Grant, ia to be sta tioned at Washington, whileold officer who bad won recoa-niiion by irallant service In war are sent to lb Western wild lo make room for tb new favor ite. When Mr. Moody, says the Detroit Free Press, "denied tbat b was born and raised ia Searemeotady, tbe people there hunted Bp tb eery patch Irora wkK J aaeej teaUal PA YINO THS RETURNING BOARDS. Tb present Administration must not be charged with ingratitude. Four votes were stolen from Tilden in Florida, and turned over to Hayes by Ihe Reluming Board of that Stute. We have already reported tbe fuel Ihut thu chief of these rascals, Samuel II. McLin, has been appointed Asso ciate Justice in New Mexico, as a recog- .uiljtin ol' bis servioua. As Mils place is vvens is toe biVw, who was a Judge himself, of gisxl repute, and ought to know the qualification for such a trust, It bci'oiiic him to explain.vjti.'th-J or he recommended thisappoinlmuiit,or only ol-cyed thu Fraudulent President s tinier in making it. Hut however that may bu, the lion Mu'lisoii Wells nf Ijouisiana will be cheered by such a beautiful illustration of civil survico lulorin. Thus far, be has mil received his reward, owing to the unsettled condition of the Slato ol bis residence; but bu still expresses the utmost confidence iu Hayes, wbo en tei'taiiicd him handsomely at tbe While House, and spoko admiringly of bis fortitude under difficulties. To in An derson, hi patriotic colleague of the Returning Hoard, ia an applicant fur tbo Colloclorshlp of New Orleans, and is backed for il by the Fraudulent Sec rotary uf the Treasury, wbo was an eye-witness of his achievements in transferring Louisiuna from Tilden to Huycs. Tbe two mulatto confederate on the Board, Casunare and Kenner, doubtless be provided for in good time, us representatives of their race. Com plaint is mado that Hayes does not more quickly and at once take care ot the faithful who counted him into the White House. But be can point with pride to Sherman, Evatts, Matthews, and McLin, as examples of bis fidelity. All he asks is time to "mnko every thing right." New York Sun. CLEANING OCT THE NA V Y. The Philadelphia, Times, In alluding to thu frauds stirpulrated in tho Navy Department during Grant's adminis tration, suys : "Secretary Thorn psoii has been over hauling sundry naval contracts, and Ibund them ao savory ol cnsikedness that be summarily annulled all ot them made since the first of March. He doubtless bus discovered that with Naval Constructor llunacouib iu charge of Ihe construction department anil his favorites iu the various localities whore navul contracts are to be given out the best way to get a fair start for the new administration is lo wim them all out and open new books. Mr. Naval Constructor Hunscomb takes the I mil ble to tell the country through the Associated Press, that be bus faith in the Secretary of tbe Navy and hasn't quurreled with him about tbe eustien sion of Mr. Ilanscoinb's contracts ; but it's worthy uf note that Secretary Thompson doesn't bother himself In inform the country of his faith in the chief Naval Constructor whose con tracts he has o suddenly revoked. If tho new Secretary of the Navy means to mnko his record clear of reproach de must wood out the chiefs of bureaus in this department wbo have devoted themselves mainly to subserve tho in tercet of plunder sveculators. Wbile Mr. Hanscomb iemains as chief Naval Constructor, Secretary Thompson will be in constant danger of having re proach brought upon hi department by the political bummer and adven turers wbo have been tbe favoritesdur- ing the late administration Crazy People. The Indian Chief, Crazy Horse is not tho nnly tellow in thia country, al this time, and in proof of our allegation, we need but refer tbe reader to what the editor ot tbe Philadelphia Press, says in alluding to Hayes' Southern policy. Read what tbe gallant Colonel say ; "If aaeb baeenea aa tbat of Wada Hampton I. to to tolerated, we would ralber weleome auuthi-r war to aaintai. tbe aopreaaey of tbe O-eemai at oeer Ike Suetk." Tbe bluster of tho editor of tho Press alarms no one alibis day. A four year war wilh all its horrifying details w bich transpired beyond the Potomac during the period never enticed the Colonel lo cross that stream Psacb at Hand. Tbo editor of the Philadelphia 7'iiso W tbo 9ihsays: "Twelve year ago to-day the arms of the rebellion were grounded at Appo mattox, and 'this oruel war' is not yet yet over. Rut a long step in tho direc tion of eaco will bo taken by the President to-morrow." li.s lcr think ul Piiu'hhaek and tiuv. Warmoiith, uf Louisiana, and V. S. Senator John J. Patterson, of South Carolina, making Ik'tnocntlic speeches. When will wonders cease T What in Ihe world will we do wilh these fel lows? Can't we keep them out T We don't want them. The members uf the Packard Legii lain re are atill alowly meandering around lo the Nichnllt State lion At tbis rate Packard will have to break up housekeeping even earlier than has been expected. The Very Hev. Father Bonavcntura Keller, provincial of the Franciscan fathers, from Nuw York to tho Missis sippi, died at Ulica, N. Y., recently. That 'a So. Randolph Tucker aay thai the South owe the President no thanks. He is doing just what the UeiiKsjrstie party forced biin lo do. It is sweet, says a Latin bard, from the towpalh ol a stolen Presidency to watch Packard and Chamberlain splashing about in the canal. Lord N arbu ry on sentencing to death a thief wbo had stolen a watch aaid : "You made a grasp at time, my lad, but you clutched eternity." The Louisville VoHrier-Journnl says that "Pennsylvania never produced a great man." Is John J. Patterson so so 'n forgotten T , Thsy Die Hard. Tbe slow but sure death ot the Canicl-baggors In South Carolina and Louisiana, ia near at band. General Mahone, the Viminia rail road king, ie among tbuee t.amed lor tbe nomination fur Governor of that Stale. M'Kean txxmty haa a aew corloaitv I -Hi gs wall that tMiUitaiivw vol- Our 0m 3ltfrmif row.. THE REPUBLICAN, Pukl'ibod every Wodaoeday by GOODLANDER&LEE, - i, t'LKARKIKI.11, PA., Ha. tb t artteet t Ircalatba -I auy paper -"-. -V--. trt -JO .. . -taf lr n.e luj-tro and constantly Increasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuuble to business men as a medium thro' , which lo resell ibe public Terms of Subscription i It paid in advance, ... $2 00 If paid after three months, . 2 50 If tiaid alter six months, . . S 0 When papers are sent outside uf ,th county payment roust b In advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lints, or bss, 8 times, . fl 5t Each subsequent insertion, fo Administrator' Notice, . . J Ru Executor' Notices, . . . . 2 M Auditor' Notices, .... 250 Caution and Eslrays, . . . 1 Ao Dissolution Notices, ... 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 lines, yesr, A X Special notices, per line, ... 2 YEARLY ADVERTI-EMENTS : One square, 10 lines $8 in To squares, lo u Three squares, . . . . 20 o One fourth column, . . . . 50 n OiiO'half column, .... 70 n One column, .... . 120 n BLANK. We have always on band a large stock oi blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPfENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACnMEN I'S ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASE BONDS, FEE BILLS, CON'S TABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ao , Ac . JOB PRINTING, W are prepared to do all kind of PRINTING St'Ctl AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER nEADS, ENVELOPE-, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WOK K WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. GeedlansJer A r. ClesrCeld, Cf&rlcU Cacstj, 1. flottls. THE MANSION HOUsF Comer. I aoouodaoil Marketsin.,, ' t I.KAMKIM II. cv 'I'll Is el. osd uuioio4..b. II..I.I , 1 lb. peal e.a i.la.,1.0 aa e.esL' '..raer eapa.ll for it. aoieruioo..,, "T " .r. oai .u. .u rb wb-. bain,,, rsfuroiehi., and tbe peoprieie, oil! ,i poia. to r.ndoi bia gueau e-alaruMT.,? auyleg with BIB. ' " Sr rh. 'Msaaloo llouae" Oaalba, fee. sod rra Ihe I'-,n.i ,m h. arri.ol ,M t, t wai-b tr.t. s i .. . k i..i. i. .. te-Jt S-etsrf' .JViM. Market mreet. it leerSeid p. Wa. s Ursdliy, fnruorly r..pn.f ,, . Lo-inar-l ll-urt. bating le.Md Ibe AlleaL. Hulel, li-ii. a abac, of puhile poo.,i,arA il! llouae baa een Mluruugllli ru.l.a . ping piano. Tlie U'.le sill be .upuli ,lU, ' is-a ui ei.rjioiu4 10 lue uisravi. Al ia, , will be found the beai aim., .oil li.(ur,. .tabling atiaehrd W .U. s. H II A b LEV May Ii, iS. I'l.pnvw. OHAW HOl'tsE, . O I Cor. ol Market A erni .!rt-i. CLKAKr'IKI.b, pa Tbe onderaigtied having taken vbug, i lk Hnlal, would rvapeetlull) eoliuli i.ui.lir ,efri.J Je.nt .lL'L.':.l;LLt,'iu'v WASHINGTON Hi7l Mi, NEW WAMIINuTuk Thia eew and well rumiebed buo.e ha' tatea by Ibe anderalgned. Me feel, .,1,1,,,, , being able to render estielai-iiiiu 'him eh.,., faeor kla with a eell. May , 1S7I. II. W. UAt Is. , I OYD HOUSE. lj Mam Street, PHILIPSIiDKIl, Pk'N'M Table always eoppli.d wilh the h. ,,, aff.irda. Tba U,roliog pot-lie ia inviir4 iokh Jao l,7. hOIIKRT illi Banks. p. a. aonoLO. e. w. ansni.D. j. a a..L, F. K. ARNOLD Is, CO., BtiiikfrN und Itroltrm, Reyuoldsellle. Jefferson Co., Pa M.mey reoelred on di-poail. Dienui.i. al a... -terete rotra. Ka.tora and Foreign Kirb.ac- il wave on band Md enlleetinn. prontpil, niao. Reyaiil.larlllo, ll, In, ilft.-ly County National Bank, " ' OF CLEAR FIULP. PA K00M In Masonie Building, une , I,.., anl C. P. Waieiin'a Prug Hiure. s- - .v .r.- iTrss,i. vam,. town, Olaegiiw. Lundiia. Pari, and t'l.i-.-Bl,, 11 I, t.. r u.. .'. '- n,wv, vi.ii, - iu mr nuyei (i.tia 1,1 I,. ,., ua laperial Beak f L....., JAMKK T I.BONAKU. PWi W. M. SHAW, Ca.kH-r e,1:l:I DREXEL IT CO., " . 94 MoNth Third lret, Phil frijhl And Dealers in Government Securities Aipttc))tMi by nail mil rirr pn.uipi atitt am, Md ttll iaf-riaaliftfi chtvrluMy lurmsbf 'rtier Mliftttt a ,rt I 1 1. it. gjrntistr). fell et of rtlnlal Veeih. . Si.Viei Ingle hoi ef trtlSrlal leeib. II.Xsi UHS. U1IXN& HKICIIIIOI.D, DENTISTS. I'LtAKFIKLIl PKNN'A. Or. A M Hill, wnul.l inloriu hi. Irii-til. oalii-Bia Ib.t h ha, aa-isu ii,. ik him, in tk. ..rn-lrite of d.ntl.try. Dr. J L K. It. etih.. (. a eatl.uaa whiiea he eon r.-eiioiiiiei,d 'lh M aioiaoee of gi.log ..o.lse'l ,s en .an h. ek.w '. be i.ul uf Ibe eaoe. Alt ,uk g-iaraal.wl a iva wlivlai'llim. AMU M.S. , , Ort IS, 'Tit If, J. L B IIKICHIIuU. STEWART & BLACKBDEN, DENTISTS, Carwenavllle. t'ieartield t uuul). P.an'a, (Oeeo la U.I..' Now Raildiog.) Caiweoieille, Joe It. ISM ly DR. E. M, THOMPSON, OtaiVJ. (OCi-e In Bank Building.) CarweUMllle, ClearHels Co.. Pa. ok II "7 if. MEAT MARKET. T. M. CARilflJl A RPfl On Market 'l.anagwoms Maa.lua lluan, CLBARFIKI.P, PA. Oar arraageaooBi. are f Ibe aauet e-milele karaoloe lor furBlabiag tbo paniie wilb Prwk dial, of all kind, and ur Ibo vsry beat qualilT, A'ealeo deal ie all kiada or AsrieulUral linpla oenia, whloh we keep no eibililnon isr tbe bee. St ur tbe public. CaS aeuend wbea ta loen, ad tabe a iuoa ot tkiege, ur oddree. ue F. . CAKPoN A BK0. Cleorield. Pa.. July II, ISJi If FRESH MtlT-MW SHOP. The underrlghed her- by infurtaa the publie ia eeoeral that Ihey keep un hand, regu art,, al ibrirabup. alj.iiiilug JUII.N Ol'Llcil siorauam nsuaa. pv,lu tbe Onort llouae, Oie HK.1T MESH fgT. YE At, HUTT0S LAMB, fOaK. ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES, FOU CASH. Market av.nilnge Tuesday, Th.r.da, and s.mrilava. Dai do tiered a reaideoee oh.a -le.in-d. A hee sf patronage ia reepeeifellv (cited. M.reh I. Is; ly. STAUe. A NOKKIS. JE W CA BIN ET MAKING .-HOP. M. B. SPXCKMAN Deilree lo .aaouaoe to Ike public thai ba haa opeBed a CABINET MAKINU SHOP IV0l.EtltKlKl.il, Where ho will KEEP ON HIND FTJSITXTTJSE, Ard do all kind, uf 'AIIINKT WORK and RR- PtlR FI'RMTIiRB nf ail hi, a .hurt notice end Iff tbe he.t m..ihle meaner, sh p iib F-iunb linn, opullo Park A M rrillV Carriage Sh"p. Aug t, '!S.y JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALEH IK FURNITURE, yi A TT II HKM F.S, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAKKBT STRKKT, NEAR P. 0. Tb. underalgned hega leaeo Iu Inform Ibe rill eeoa uf ClnarHel.1, and ibe poblle generally, that bo haa on baud o Sne aseornnii ut l-'arnliere. aeb aa Walaot. I'heetnul aad Painled Chaab tuitee. I'arlur Suite., Hooliiimg and k,lrni,-t Chain, Ladire' acil llrsla' Rsa, Cbaira, Ihe Prr- inraiee inning an l l-etlur Chair.. I'aae Seel.aal Wlndeur Chair,, Clnltio. Rsre. Sli-s and Rilra. .I.ia Laddara, Hal Saeba. Scrubbing llruebx, ta MODLDINl) AND PICTURE FRAMKS. LiHikllie lllaiaea, ChMMOa. Aa- whlnk ainulJi ullable Sir lliil.ds preeeeila. "" Jtllllt THOIlTMAi. readincTfqr ajXi! BOOKS STATIONERY Market SL, l lcarlteld. (at the Poal oSirr.l TUB endoraigned kegi tsaee to aoa .oooe le the elliai-oa of ClearRelil end eieiailv. that be hea Sited an a mow ana b.. In., rutnr... frora Ibe elly wilb a large aaa- eiil of roajiug 'at, evneiaiiog IS part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Hlaah. Aoisi.nl ...I P n ...k. ... eenitiion i P.ore anil 8...I i- k ..uu I and plain Con. aud Pi-aeHai Blank eal Paner.. M...I.. . . t...i . !-... linn and Pr.anaari auleai While and Parrk. -i line,, urf i ,p, Kn,n C.p.and Itlll Cap, Sheet Muaie. fur eitnae fUm., Pi.,. Vi.u,n. eooalanlly oa head. Any bss.ka or alaiiunarj deaired that I may anl bare oa hand,wlll be .Mated by tret oipreaa, and ould at wbnleeale or reuil u MM eaetuaero. I will also beep perltstieal , . -a..,.., ..eiaom .,, r. A. UAt LI'. Ckarfeld, May 7, IMS-tf H. A. KRATZEK, (aeoeeosuB er KRATZEK & LVTI.E, SBALBB t. DRY 1)001)8, NOTIONS, BOOTH. SHOES, LEA I HER, CABI'KTi OILCLOTH, WALL PAPBB, WINDOW BHADES, ttTt' Maakat Mreet, ClesaaM, IS. i, isr r.f i ie-n wawtvaa sue ajunaUly. i