THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA 1 WF.DNKSDAT MORNINO, APRIL H, 18T. Terms of Subscription. Tf paid ill idrinoe.or within throe snontha ...St H I' paid after thrM aid before sit Booths... t 60 If paid ifr tha oipiritloi af ,1s aoilh,... I 10 Mclhodlet Rnleeopil Church Rot. b. F. Sennas, I'astor. Poblte Berrlee retry Sabbath h iu n m,, ana i r. m. Rebbntk School at I A. If. Prayer Meeting alary Thnnda;, at TJ P. M. Cnmn union gerrlee. Int Sabbath of o'er; month, at 10t A. M. tVeet Clearfield M. K. ChurchRon. W. II. II ill and i. P. Aaniisoa, Paalore Preaching ever; alternate Sunday, at o'eloek, P. M hundey School at I,, P. M.-AU ara In vited to attend. Preinyterlan ChurchRer. II. 8. Sabbath sereioes morning and evening Sab bath School at I P. M Pra;ar Meeting VYcdnee da; avoning. Ht. lraucia Church CalhollcRcT. p. J, Minimal Preaching at 10, o'eloek, A. M ., on Ike flrat, third and fourth Nundnyaofeaeh month; Vespers and benediction of Ihe Blessed Sacrament at 7 o clock, P. M. Sunday School every Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. OFFICIAL DIRECTOIir. TIKI OF OLD I If QUAKTRl BUIOKI OOURT. Frrond Monday of Jannary. Third Monday af March. Knit Monday of Juno. Fourth Monday of fioptaabar. Tim or lOLDllS OOKMOR FLIAa. Flrat Monday af Juno, Saoond Monday of Novambar. fublio orriciBa. Prttidft Jtlg Hon. Cbarlci A. Myar, of Look Htb. A'tinant torn .Wp Hon. John H. Orrii, of Be Defeat. AtooiaU Judgt Airm Ogdtn, Claarflald j Vinant B. Holt, Woodland. Protkonotmtym Bloom. RegUiar and foeordtrh. 3. Morgan. Diitrict illarnty Wm. M. MeCullougb. Tra$mrtr-ltA MvOaughcy. 8hrif Andrew I'anti, Jr. Cbttniy t9Nrtyr--6aajiual P. MeOloakey, Cor wenarillo. f.'ouNfy Oomntt$iontrCTk Brown, Cloar 11 rid ( Tbomaa A. McUea, Choat P. 0., Mairia Hoofer, Clearfield. CouMfy Auditor Cbrlat. J. Keagy, Olon Hon ) fiimnil A. Caldwell, Williatnagreva ) John C. Conner, tturnaid. Ooumiw 6Vfr J. B. Kf, Nav Waihington. Jnrf Commi$nontr Dr. Janiea P. Burebfield, Clearflfd, Joaeph Alexander, Wondwnrd. Suptrimtfndemt of Pnoie SeAoo John A. Oratory. Curweniville. JVolarta PmbliJohm W. Wrlgley, Wrn. Ra drbaugh, Cyrua tiordon, Clearfield; Joreph R. Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Carwenarilla J.J. L Ingle, Oaoeola Willi. Our Special column il decidedly In tra ting In a local point of Ticw, and.profitabla reading to outaldora who want to ar money. Tho farmers are fueling their oats. The mountains near Roi.ovo, in Clinton county, bar been oa fir far moral day patt. Tlio County CommiHsioners are dec orating tb Court Uona yard with abed ind troae. Fresh shad have made their appear anew in tbia market. Tbey ara of good quality, and ooniQiaod very high prleea. Oh. my I We heard a man prophecy th other day that tb coming u rooter would b eold and dry. Let com what will, wa will try and weather It through. Khortlidge A Co., oi Bellefonte, offer their oelebrated Cayuga land plaater at greatly reduced prleea. Bo their card among our new advertiaomonta In thia paper. The Lutheran congregation of Clear field baa engaged Kov. B. W, Tomlinaon, of U4 ford, Pa,, to preach for them rery al tarn at fiat'bath. Hla next appointment will be Sunday. April 20tb, morning and evening. We have had two weeks of the finest April wcalber that w ever witnetaed In thia lati tude. It la glorloul t and It will bo mora gtortoua If It tlt bold out and ovtrlak May. Acoordlng to our way of thinking, an occasional ahower would not ba out of order. Owing to his rapidly failing health, Levi L. Tat, aditor and proprietor of tb Wil li am Kport Sum, offer that paper tar aal. Th 8nm la a aound Democratic paper, and a rare op portunity la offered for aome cnterprlalng maa lo Meat In a paylag boataeaa. Two prisoners were brought to the j.ll la thia place laat Wrdneaday, oi tha noon train, charged with hating atolea a lot of apple and potato from partial reaidiog near Jay nee villc, thia county. Th Grand, Jury will isvsitl gate th matter at tba May term of Coart. i a Jesse Beams, Administrator of tho tet of Nichols Murpbey, let of Morrli town blp, deceaaod, will aell at publia aal. on th prcmia), In Kylertown, oa Saturday, May 6th, two town Iota, full deacHptlona of wbleh can b found among oar new advrtlment to-day. in tii Six men wero arrested n this bo ough Iftit Katnrday evening nod lodged In jail, for bip drunk and diitwUrly. On of them la an Individual named Armstrong, who but roooatly waa turned out of that institution, where he bad pent aararal moatba oa a charge of mallclou miacbief. Wrn. Heed, in the Opera House, is sow In Philadelphia pnrobaaing hit apring and a urn mar good. About tbo 13d of April, bo will open a very baadaome and attractive atook In al tb branch ti b rpranta, and purchaser will find prleea to warrant aatiafaotloa by calling at bia -tore. Walt for lb new goodf 1 o erred lastwock in stating that Mr. John 0. Sohryver had retired from buaiaea. la tbe d isolation of th 3raa of fiackett A Schry fr, there waa a diriaion of tha property, and Mr. Bobryrar will continue th hardware ouilneia at th old aland, while Mr. Btckett will oodut tb tinning and itova dfpartmant. Hetb tha fen trmep bar our bait stabel f"t their anooeei Is tha future. il -ep- The many friends and acqtiftinlanocs In Clearfield of Hoberl B. Ur rimer will be glad leara that ba hai oared th poaltlot of elark at tb Cantral Hon, In D rook villa, a new nous recant ly opened to tb public in that plana. " Bob" U a very pleasant fallow la hi way, and w don't fe why bo ehoulda't make an accommo dating and popular hotollst. Mr. James L. hevry, of this borough, showed o a btn'a egg laat Friday wblob beets anything af tb kind wa ver aaw or heard lall pf, It Ktaiured eight ipcbci s olreumftreaoa jengihwls and tis and oo-blf inchea around. It weight waa a trill ln than four suaosa. If anybody In thia eoanty can scar vp a larger ben-rgg tban this one, w should Ilk to at It. The attention of farmers and garden ers la directed to a actio of Vltatlv Compound In or adrrtislngolamoi a valuabl discovery and worthy a trial by any oaterprlslng farmer In tbeowatry. Bcobit, Reed A Smith, No. 137 l iberty street, Ptmburgh, ara tha agents the e, or addrrai Waogaman A Co., ear of Uoo. Bljnao, egrat Adama Bipraaa, Pittsburgh, P. Ai of letters remaining unclaimed Id tha Poitofloa at pjar field, for tb wk ending April 10, 1877 i rama, Ite.fe) Medrr, tlenrge Mr A lien, Mlrbaal MrUillea, Mlehael- Keel, Beileh Pblney, N. C. Prno.r, Mile Matll, Pl.ei, J. W. Tboeepaoi, Miaa Aula WballDg, Mlia Alia P. A. UaJHU, P. ti. A few sales of lumber btva been ale it Marietta at ririoi, prieee, aiblag II diftrolt to atat, uy eiiel Market arlea. Son. pin. tluber wai raid at lei aii IfteM aente, and lawrd beinloek at front eaeei ind 01,-balf lo tei Mull. Tb, log drlee. hiowi ia ta, Corpora, tloi Drlra," I, lied if 11 Bennett'. Brtneb araek. Thli drlre eoielat, of aboat M,000,000 feat of log,. Walker', Trolt ril driei lid Aidell', HiMailt, ewk drlv,'rMbed th, riear laat week, and tkey ire low leeranrlly watllpg far freabel beler, Ibey mi get to aaarkel. Tie rirer at tkle plee. It low oile iballow. A lot of flna young trout arrived t Iki. ptaee, ei Toeadey .eeiiig if Met weak, del tb, i Iom af lb. riearteld Oaat, Aaaeela. Hoi, d th, ml d.y win eoniigned t, lb, ItXefl ' Moore aid l,l,k real aid Mallgnaer raek. be llreaai, aboil here bar, Ih inlty well etMkod with yomg treat, aid If air lih.r. d. aal dltlrb la a year ar l. lb, uab.r will b greatly hMnaMd Ma) tbey will kare alUlnd a alaavirlb l.blag far. Al re. M lay trail that la large eaeegh u gel faeueed M 1 book I, denied lata tba Lb-beekat and I f bat.aau fi.ree!7aMi!"J??!wwWM)eajBl It1 ""I Oltv. I REMOlOlm NOTICES. At Uib.RjipijsU.ican office ii tbe place to gstToir job work done. Wa ar, full prepared to do anything la lha Dilating Una, will do It wall, and at tha right kind of prioaa. If. The County Commissioners will bo lo aetiloi lot teeerol d;i oa aad aflat tha Inl day of Majr oast. Tboaa baring an; business to tranaaol with tba Board bad battar alteod to It at that llao, and aot wall until Court weak, at which lima tha CoBnlesioaere ara inioyed b? ,T,rjbod, - ,y.A. ,VH-,yi LU"V'?Ul,-7!l'0"t every light, after the Eapreaa trail arrlvea, accommodate tbe public, he alio keeps the Pblledelpbla Tim.,, and lot of other political end literacy ,vpapere nod mag asine, for rale. Ue baa tba A'sf to tba aituatioa lor sua. time,' Beoauee be la elever fcliuw aud a good uffloer, he bould be pelronlied. He la a ber.Ho In politic., but la bu.lneea be doee tba fair thing with everybody. 8udp(n Death. Wo clip tlto follow- iivih uifj vurwesaTino JtiMtf.uf HontUyiBfl, tba lfitb (bar.: "Laat Tuarday fjiidia F.Ila, a lady llrlng with Mr. Jock Patohio, at Uurnildo, wbllaln tbgr.rdn Inaomnany with Mra. Pitch in eomplaieed of fecllog lick, eBd bfor Mn. Patehin coo Id gt her to tbi bouae abe droited to the ground dead. I'p to thia writing (Friday) (ho body haa not beta bnrli-d, from tb fact that algni of life ara aometimet rtilttl. It la lappoaed ba died of beart diaeaae." A Hotel Bat. The Venango Specta tor $mjt t " On the lHtb of December, 1875. Mr. John 0. Porterfiald, f Kmknton, while at op ping at tha Central Hotel, Pittaburgh, waa robbed of a diamond pin, gold watch and chain, a pocket book and ao mo money, by a thief entering bio room at night. Mr. Porterfleld, aome lime mgo, brought mlt for Iho value of tha ftolen artlrlea agaiaat Wnlah A Anderaoo, proprietor xf the hotel, and feat week got a rordiot lo the 1'itli burgh Court of Common Plena for $S2.14, tb full amount claimed." A mora reckless and untruthful nur. o graph than the following, which appeared in the Altoona Eitminj JLfirrar of April 12th. w never before aaw in print, and the man who wrote It la either a knara or a foal, If aot both : "On Monday a woman atmeared In Clearfield no nniea io ido auinoritiea ibnt gang or conn. terteitera, whoa beadnuertera ara in Clearfield county, had made arrangement, to rob ona of ibe ben a a of Clearfield, on Monday niffht, and aet or to ibo town. A tt la a well-knnwo foot that that town ia inferred with eounterftitera, the woman' atory created great eicilemont, and from thirty to fifty men armed ibatatelve and atowd on guard during tha nigbt, but (be burglura eaute not." Clkarfikli Coal Trade. State. men l of Coal and other freights sent over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tb week ending April 7, I8T7, and tba same time laat year : oo a U TOM. For tho week Ham tlm laat year 2$f4U InereasR M 4,207 Previously during ynar 3.tA,0SO Same tiui laat year 2 ill, If jl Increase 7,0l) Total la 1877 .V.8.M8 Sam tim Inst year 2U,iV2 Increase 6i,!f 16 ornaii racioiiri. Lumber ..loi cars. NiMellaneoua freights M 10S ' A Shahper. Tho Bellefonto Watch man say a t An individual who gave tbe nam of Toner entered Reynold's bank, In this lace, a few daya ago and preecnted a check signed by a Mr. Myers, of Peons valley, for 25i). It appears that Mr. Myors, who name was signed to tba oheck, had in account with tb bank and bad mad an arrangement wilb Major Reynolds to send him money in thia way, occasionally. Tbo Major took the chock, bat, no altogether liking to cash H without a little mora certninty in Iho matter, he aaked Toner If he was acquainted with anybody la town. " Oh, yes' laid Toner, M I am well acquainted with 'Uncle' John 11 offer." Well," said Major Reyoolds, "go ud gal Mr. Hotter to identify you, and I will cash tbe check." " All right," said Toner, and out he started to Bud laela " John Hoffir. Ue rame back dirsoily and reported that Mr. Hotter was not in tbe store ud that b didn't know where to look for him. Major Reynolds then, (opposing that overytbing was aa Toner bad represented, cashed tbe check, which afterwards proved a forgery, and Toner Uft with tba money. Since then nothing haa ba Men or heard of him, and our friet.d, tbe Major, If tnlnaa . ... a t ai - INDIANA'S SONS. Indiana eouoty haa lost two of bar tnoit esteemed el 1 1 tens. Th editor of the Dtmocrot, In speaking of them, says : M A ro hi bald Stewart, on of tb wealthiest elti- sens of Indiana county, after aa illness of several years darat Ion, died at hisreaidensein Armstrong township, oa th tb Inst. H was In hi 94tb year. Hit career had been a remarkable ene. At aa early day, prior to and during the war of ISIS, he engaged In mercantile pursuits, for many years traversing as then the wilderness of West ern Pennsylvania on foot and bone'-ack, vending hla wares, and later engaged In mora eitenstve enterprises. By bis strict economy he accumula ted a larg for: una, and at one time, R Is said, he was tbe largest depositor In the aid Bank of Pitts burgh, where a uaelderabl port In of bis means still remain. Wa are Informed that although he had disposed of a large portion of his wraith by gift to bia relative and donations to lha church, that there atill remains a sum of over 1100,000, mostly In eash and good securities. Il wa a bachelor, bat lavs a larg connection of rela tives, torn of whom bar already received large gifts at bis bands. His remains were Interred on Saturday last at tb old Bethel Ctaurob In Centra township." Mr. George Atchison, one of th oldest and best known eitiaens of th Cherytrre, died t his residence la that place a few days ago. It Is said that he waa aged over SO years. Tb de ceased was one of the original and moat pera latent Abolltlonlala of Indiana county, and although honest la bis opinions, probably, was on of tba bitterest partisans la tbo State." Mr. Atobleoa hi a number of years resiJed io this eouBly, a short distance south or the village of Burn at, and bis home was a station on tho "l'adrgroui.d Railroad." Many a slave found refuge there, on his way from tha South H a port In Canada. DEATH OF MR. JOHN A. 0. WHITE. Tbe sudden drmiae of John A. Qamblc V.'blf, at bia father's residence la Philadelphia, on the th Inst., will sad sews to bis many friends la this oounty. II retired In tbe evening aa well a usual, and wbea eatiea to oreaaiasi me nest morning, b excused himself, remarking that be felt unveil and pid sot want any brcakfaat. About an hoar afterwards hla father went to hi i rooflb-door and called him, and, receiving ao an- awer, be opened tbe door and found hla son lying in ao Insensible eoadltioa, with bla head and shoulders on th floor and bis limbs in th bed. Tb father raised h'aa up and laid him on the bed. The son drew but one breath and eiplrod. Tb editor of the Usllefont Wnttkmam, In el uding to bia death, aays t It becomes our melancholy duly this week to naouooe the death of Mr. John A. (1. White, of j Jersey BDore, wntco sau event iooa ....j residence of his father, II a Allison White, to Philadelphia, oa Sunday last. ilr. White died of that dread disease, eonsumption. at tbe oarly ! " r .... -f t llm eaiaa at aii.Biaaat an at aa iT failaeSll. 1 , , . , . , . . , ... i vi mpi. .aw . ' of oieellent be i loess capacity and of great wealth. haviaa nut only a fortune la his owa riaht, but ancle, lion, won A. oamoie, i ooo.r, ... raleed blaa froai a acre ouna. ina waa bright witb prenlr and, had ha llted, llier, I, a. doubt bat that be wonld here be. B tb. inatrl Melt if BHeh good tl bia ftllow-aiei. 11, wee gen.roaa, bild.heilted, 1 geatleoial If (jollahed Mirteay end great eordiallly, liberal ta a fault lid friend 11 ny ataa abei, leee.allle, were aoeaweadrd U hie loUoe.' lie died .oeaarrled, aid b.oee leare. lo laailly lo eieri bia intimely taking off, Ibougb, .aide from hla relelirea, there r, aiany hearU froai whieb litter Uera will well up to eyea inleed t, weeping. Mr. White waa for aiany jean reeiJiat ol Oaaeoll Mlllt, Il Olrletd Milty, wber. ha waa minted with eeter.l Itml d.iag al lltanilv, bailae.i, and had aaiy frlenda Ii thai rrgioi, who will bier of kll deeth with .rrnt aorraw. The writer ,f Ihlt klewhiai front bla boyhood 11 Shot., nd eaa tntliy to hla entire ip rlghtiaea if ebaraeter lid hla prefect rreedoni froai aeylhlog like neanoeit oi irrogane,. Aa a bo) be fee aiaaly, opef.hearted, friik, geiaraia liberalr-ehere.lerl.tlee that bo retaiaed abroigh all all lira ud laipreaaed ipoa etery en. wbi mm la eealeel with bia, Hi, death al M early aa ago hi eery .ad Indeed, ud a terrlbla bna to lb, lilndl wh bxed ud HeH.ed kiaa. fal b, bla lleep beaeatb Ibe (tmi gra.eef aid weel lower, the eael; ipriat-!:'' ' LorilUrd's celebrated brands of Na Tjr Tobeoeo, "Deiiioe" and " Oar Choioo," at Lytle's, tola agent for Claarflald oointv m in Advertise in tbe Clearfield Jiti'in- uu. Tha odeorllalng rataa ara reasonable, and tba elrculatloo la tha largaal of aajr paper 11 tbla wla of tba Stall, if. Wanted I 1,UU0 cords of Hemlock and Rock Oak Hark, for which wa will pa; tba bibeet market prloo. Jtlltf. A. 0. Emu 4) Co. m. a i. i i t To prevont tolmcco clioweni from being loapoaad anon, Lorillirds baee pat a Un 0 1 eutuM ev ....... . Beta county. J.ev. S. C. Swallow, tho new M, K. .aeroi m.a nutnoi, n. ratoorad bia Al th, M. K PmoM(((. D Wallaeetan, on ftjniljr from A I toon a to Tyrone, wber ha will Wtdne.Uy, April I lib. 1.177, by h. John A. rnide during bla Kldrrabip. Tjiol la tho ral ! I'ixon. Mr. Iaoil Kioharda and Miaa Amelia B. "focua from wblch to radiate. The railroad ayiUm I S1"u' oI -"Wp-from that plaoa partneatea aery aeetlon of tba At tht Cbarlea Hotel, Clearfield, Pa., on dUtriot. .ml to ua it atemi that U will ba far 7''' l,,b' '""l b' B"- Wl"; . , , t j Dill, Mr. Allen Murray nod Miaa Louiaa A. Weat, mora cooTepient for tbe Elder than Altoona. I both of (lirard townabip. At last reports they were still horing for oil at Urookvllle. Tbe partlca having tbe matter in charge at this place bare not yet com pleted Ibelr atrsngements fir drilling, but wc kopa to bo able to announce tbe eummtnocment of th enterprise lo a short time. Juat think of it oil in Cleaiflcld! Whew ! And why not? Are we not juat as likely lo find It hero as they are at Brookvillr, or any other plane t At any rate, sink tbo bole and hunt fur It. ' Tho following new advertisements appear iu tois ttaue for tbe first time : Orpbene' Court Eat Jess IJeime, Adin'r. Administrators' Notice Pre inn too Bell nod 7,. H. Hoover, Adminittrntvri. Caution Lewis Erlinrd. Caution Lewis I. Bloom. Cayuga Land Plasltr tiortliiig A Co. Attention, Farmers and tierduncrs ! Heobie, Reed A Smith. Auditor's Notice A. 0. Kramer, Auditor. . j CRAZY-DRUNK. " Last Friday evening, a coal miner named Wo, liarkin, said to be aa employe of the Peon Col liery at Uouiidale, this county, made his appear ance on tb streets of Altoona and raised consid erable of a breeze by bis singular conduct, but U was soon afterward discovered that he was labor ing under a fit of waste potn. He imagined that be was being pursued by a whole army of men, who wore endeavoring to take bis life. On Saturday morning he went to St. John's Catholic Church, and at tbe clos of lb service Father Caldwell nuiicctl that Uarkias had a raaor, with ' which he said be would kill himself. Ho wjs at ' once Induced bjjjie rieal to give up tbe raxor, ! which he did, and then left tie Church, muttering tu hlmseif and making threats against I how whom ho imuglaid were following bits. Soon afterwards he waa observed brand). bing a large knife In a very care leas manner, and attempted to um it un every person ba met He succeeded in inflicting injuries on three men before ho was oaptured, one of whom Is very badly burL Three shots bad been fired at Harkins, one of which took elf tot in bis throat and passed downward into the lungs i but be did not aurrcn-Jer until knocked down with a bntcbcr'e olub, or "star." 11 was then taken to tbo lock-up, where Lis wounds were examined, and which did not prove to be of a dangerous nature. One of Ms victims, a mia named Knepp, la not expected to recover. 1 Special!. I. A. FLKCK A CD. , New atoek of Pnrinff (lood. Juit oucned at H. A. Kraiaer'a. apr U. Kaw Spring atylca at Kleek A Co.'a. Carpeti, Curpeti ex. auner, aupcrflne cotton warp, hem,, ete., at 11. A. hrataen, apr 11. .. For ladtoe' If at. and Bonnet., trinnacd np in style, Jult call at f'leok A Co'l atorc. apr. II New Kmbroldrriea Just received at Kleck A Co.'a Store. - epril 4 Kcw and handiotne dciigae la Wall Paper, at II. A. Kratier'a. apr II. New Millinery Uoode received dally at Fleck A Co'a tlore. apr. II. Coua Ann Harrt,it. If all accounts on tny books are not settled up by tbe 25th of the pres ent tnontlt, soil will bo brought In eaeh case, A. W. M'AtTBns. ClearfietJ, Pa, Aprtt , lfTT-Bu I ; shirtings and Flannels, muslins, plngl-ams, eassimers at I' leek A 0t.'s. TO TUB rULlUC. ILECK k CO. HAVE EMPLOYED, MISS KKLLtB ilEACHKX , TO THIM HAT3 AND BONNETS LADIES WlriniNa A NICE II AT OK ' BONNET WOULD DO WELL TO CALL AT FLECK A CO.'B FTOIIE. ' CWarflold, Pa., April 4, lM. New KmbroUeries juit received at Flck A Co. 'a Store. epril 4 Coae iin Settxu. I want It dtstiertiy uoder at ood that I want my books not tlm I . Those know Ins; to have unsettled aoeounts with me, ara here by dulv notified to come forward and settle at their rarliett eonrenienea, and If they neglect to do so tbey way expect to be notified by the Constable after tbe Int of May. J. L. Lbavv. Clearfield, Mar. 7, '77-Im. New Millinery flood just received at Elwk k Co.'s Etore. aj ril 4 Driss (J ood new, neat and fanhiitnnble at T. A. Flk 4 Ce. a. Waktcu ! 100,000 2A-inch shaved shingles tn average from to 6 trie haa fur which we will pay tbe bigbert markot price. A. (J. Kiumer k Co., feb.M If.) ' ''leerflold, P.i. Oo aud see the new goods at Fleck's store. Every day brings somrthina; new at Fleck k Co.'s store. If you don't believa it go and see. An ap-towa man Is diifruitcd with hard money. Ha carried a silver half dollar in his pocket f-ir six months, only to discover whrn be tried to pass it that It was counterfeit. No bogus goods at T. A. Flrck k Co.'s store. Ladies are rrquasted to aall and examine the new goods at T, A. I'leok k Co.'s. Joints and tn aides, stiff and painful with rheu matism and gout, are promptly relieved by (j Icon's Sulphur Fob p. Loral dicafea of tbe vkin and defects of the completion ire also remedied by this standard artlo'e. Depot Crittcntun's. N". T Sixth Avenue, IV. V. Dili's Hair k Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60 eta. iril 4 4w. aentlcnion will And much pleasure In examin ing the new styles at Fleck's stote. Dramas For Halr. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredoma Duggies and Platform Wagons for sale. To bo seen at the Khaw Hons yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania, ay ie-tf. Voyng uicy and young women, the old and the middle aged, everybody of all ages, sites and colors, will And something to please them at T. A. Fleck k Co.'s. AH kinds of table llncna at Fleek A Co.'s. White goods of orery description at Fleck's. Ladlna' hats, all the new spring styles, at T. A. Fleck k Co.'s cheap caib store. - If you ifnnt a good ebawl. no matter what bind, go to Klt-ck k Co.'s. 1 Br. Hhiloh't Hylrm fUtlltr. a in aninnmveni 10 iunrnir iuir rcini iur .p.u. iativo liver. Sour giomaoh, Cnnstirrptiun, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of F !. ellnw Hkin, and general Languor and Debility. V ..a must MknuMp that ibis wuu J be ruinous aniens we bittl positive evidence ... that It will cure. on wno are aa tiering iron threo eomplaiuta, tkesa words ara addrwaed and will J continue to suffer aheoyou eanbeeured S(l( , bJ q u w(nB IHuginl, liearBold, I'a. 00,0,10 die aiiually by leglaeliag 1 Oonah, Cn'd or Group, often leading to Consumption enj Iba glare. Why will you negleet ao important a natter when yon ean get al ear atore (Sntton'a CoaBL-arrios Ct'll, with Ibe aeruraloa of l peed) relirf. For roreneei aeroea tba Cheat or lJunge, or Lan, bach or Hide, Khiiah', Ponor, Pkaerll glree prompt relief. Hold by C. l. Watson, Cl'arOeld, Pa. ilet'aM.te, ii, a ppnr end fraeralt p.rfuui. fold by O. 11. Wel.on, Clearfield, Pa. apr 10, '77 eow ly. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. WANTED by Cureteiii.llle, 10,000 pound pork. 1,000 bushels when,t. ' 1,000 btiHlivli rye. 1,000 buHhcls ohIs. 1,000 busht'lg Blicllud oorn. 1,000 buHliolB potatoes. IfMMNMI ljnrli iliarrd ahlnrlca. ItMKMMI IK-lnrb iiwrid alilhglee. IIMI.IMMI feet pine board e. I.IHMl railroad ti.o. ,tHoevril...k aud hoealotk bark.;. For which one-third cah will be paid..,; '. -.wt26.' Tha baU kid glovaa, rr.ry aair warranted, at i. a. risea a vo. a. Collara, eufls, aeoktiee, aorpoadara, hoaa and underwear at I. A. flack A Co. a. T. A. Fleck la now la New York buying a large atook of Summer gooda for each, and inteodo aelling for the came, (treat bertaine will be offered In all klndi of Dry llooda, Notiona, Mil liner, and Kane; (Joodi. Don't fall to call If ;on w lab to an re money. apr.ll. On Christmas Ere, December Nib, ltl, b; M. D. Itt-t.lT. K.q., Mr. J. N, and Mies Helen alerrell, both of Kylerli.wD, Clearfield , ' k tCimnboij. ttq., ' jvaihui j MiM niinnab Voang. both of 11 ell towoftiip! I victf.rt.oia ooui)iy. At the Lutheran Parsonago In Luthersburg, Pa., on Thursday, April I3tb, 177, by Rev. K. Manges, Mr. Philip Stegnor and Mtss Laura J an Offiin, both of II rady lownablp. ItailroniU. IV n us y I v a n I It n i I rond TYRONE i CI.KA RKIELD lillAKCH N and after Mundaj, KUV. 18?S, the Vl ae.ene-er Irainl will run daily (exotpl bun- auyej octween l;rone una vieernelu, ae lollowa CLEAUFIKLO MAIL. W. C. Imwii Conductor. LEAVE SOUTH. Curwenirile.,.8:10, p.m. niearDeld 1. 311. " ' Philipaburg 4.33, " O.oeula ..47, " Tyrone MO, j I.KAVE NOKTII. Tyrone 0.10,a.h, u.eeolm.. :n.xo,, Clearfield 11.40," CurwenTtlle..l2:vl," OI.EARFIKI.D EXI'HESB. W. 8. l'Lt.'nuia, Conductor. ' LEAVE SOOTH. LEAVE NOKTII. Ourwfievllle.Mo a. Clearfield 4 24 Philip.burg... 6.37 1 Oaoeola ....... e.4.1 Vail , " Tyrone 7.65 . Tyrone....; ...T.ln r.u i Vail ..7.2J 1 Oweola 8.32 " l Philiitrg...a..ia " Clearlield,ar...'.40 " ; Curwrnavllle.lO.OI) " DAl.D EAULR VAl.LEYIlUANCIir" "" " ' Mall." Eip. P. H. A. N. i ' P. K. A. H. 7.00 8.30 leare Tyrone . arrive d.IO 1.00 7.15 8.47 llald Kagle' 5.53 12.41 7.57 .M ... Julian ,. 5.10 11.57 8.20 V.54 Mileehurg 4 45 11..10 8DI 10.05 Uclleronte ' 4 17 11.10 8.43 10.14 . Milcaburg 4.25 11.04 0.05 10.40 Howard 4.02 10.40 M6 11.18 arr!,.!.. Haven leare 1.15 0.66 TVKONB STATION. CAflfwAnn. A af wnaTWAan. A u Pacifto Expreaa, 8:5ui Pittilmrg Exp'a, 2:50 1.25 llarrl.burg Aco'm, 8:48 p M Mall Train, ' :2fl Atlantie Uxpreia, Itt50 Pbila'da Kxpreaa, !0:3J PnciGo Exprv.., P M 1:16 :35 0:60 Way Panongcr, Mall Trail, Fait Line, PIIILIPKUIKO A AIOSIIANNONIIRANOIIES On and after Monday, NOV. i?tb, 1878, Ac oomtnodation Traioa will run aver the l'lillipe borg and aloiliannon Urancbca, u Tollowa: I.EAVR BOITTH. LEAVE NORTH. P. M. A. H. A. H. Station! A. a. p. u. P.M. 2:00 Morrl.dnlo, 13:40 3:15 Pblllpuhurg, 13:26 2:10 7:.18 Steiner'e, 12:23 2:!t 7:44 Boynten, 12:14 2:10 1(110 7:63 Oecrola, 12:04 4:16 2:4 10:15 8:0(1 Mo.bannon, 11:52 4:110 2:52 10:61 8:12 ' Sterling, 11:46 :62 3:67 11:48 8:IS llctKlalc, 11:40 8:47 8:0 11:03 23 McCanley, 11:35 3:44 3:117 11:03 8:23 Kendhclir, 11:30 1:40 3:11 11:13 8:.1J Hamcy. ' 1 ll:2S 3:36 Cloae eonnectlone made by all trulnl at Tyrone and Lock Hneea. 8. B. 111. A I It, nyl7tf. Superintendent. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. (S and after Monday, January 30th, 18:7, the pareenger traint will run daily (except Sun day) between Red Uank and Driftwood, as full otf i : F.ATW AftO. Div Mall leaves Plttetmrs; 1:00 a. lied. Uank 11:4b; bligo Junction 12:02 f New IlrtMnbf-m 1:00 p. tn.: Mavsvtlle Troy 1:41 p HrnOtrMPe J:" i Fuller's i:JT f Rry aoldsvilla It 41 1 DuBola I-.S0 fcumnit Tunnel 8 -41 Penfleld 4;04 j Weedville 4:17 i Donesetto e:sa arrive at urmwoou ai att i. H1TVAHD Day Mail leaves Driftwood 1216 p. m.; Urnriptte 1:13; Weedville 1:40; Penfleld I 6-1; Buiamlt Tunnel 1:1 a j DoUoll:it; Hrynoldsville 3:0.1 ; Fuller's 2;'J2; Drookville 3:4e ; Troy 4:05; Maysvills 4:?.0 ; Kuw Prtblebrtn 4:t ; Sligo Junction 6:32! faed Hank 6:50 j arriraa at I'iimburg at 9:10 p. m. pff Tbe Itfynoldsrllle Accommodation leaves fteynoldsville daily at 7:40 a. ta.) and arrivee at It id Dank at 10:63 a. n., Pittsburgh at 2.66 p. tn. Leaves Pittsburgh at 3:40 p. m ; Ked Hank at 7:30 p. a.; arriving at Key neldir tile at 10:3 p.m. Cleie ef'BeeUons made with trains on P. A E lie 1 1 toed at Driftwood, and with tralna on the Allegheny Valley Hailroad at Red Bank. DAVID MoC'AKIJO.Oen'l Sup't. A A. Jacirow, fiup't L. O. Dir. FAKE FKOM CLEAIU'IEI.D, TO DelUfonte, Pi $3 OS I M i Jdlrlown . " Loeb Haeea. 2 70 Marietta Willlanieport..... IIiinttnKtfoa ...... LewiBtowlR Msry.rille...M CmrenHTllle 0.enla nAUKISUUKIi. , $ 00 Lnneaater ft So 1 Rll j PII1I.ADKI.I T1 IA 7 Oft I OOiAIUMina 1 0ft , 4 10 1 J. hoili.wn.. 110 . Mll'hlllp.burg 01 . OjlTrr.,0. I 22 , 4 7ill'iTTr!BrH() I IS gtut giflt'fttisfmtnta. CAUTION All are brnliy c.ollnn ol agninat or in any way med dling witb the following property, now in the po..e.eioa of 1', Thayer, of Welleneton, vie: One eow, 1 heifer, and 2 pigi, aa tho aeine belotiga to me and ta left with him in loai enly, eubjeot to my order at ane time. VM. HMBAl,. Wallacaton, April 4, H77-3t. (CAUTION. All pereoiam kerehy oautloacd J again. t or in any way meddling with the following prop ertr now in the po.Bea.ioD of A. U. Slioff, ol tV'oudwnrd townlhip, eis t One block noare with oolt, I bay horee, I aet barneaa, I wagon, 1 yearling ealf, and 4 hoga, aa the eame Wlouga to Hie nnd is left with bin .ntiiot to ray order it any time. H II. llt. NI.AP. UouUdele, April II, I8TT-Jt nOTF.I. FOR WAI t-.tlH KI'.M I .Anrw flret.elaee, tbree-etory Hotel, aituate on IIhudsJi street in the borough of lloutadale. The houre baa been leteiy put la tb?r"ne;h repair, is now lioensed, and bus a good run of patronage. PerMna deef ring to purcbaee or rent should make application aoon. For further particulars, apply to J. B HaNN, Iloutedalo, April, '77-3t on the prera lies. NOTIt I Voile. Is hereby glren thet the board of Hcbool Directors of the borough of Osceola, will apply to th. Court of Common Plane of Clrnrlleld oounty. at itt neat term, lor a decree authorising. aid ttcbool Uireotorato borrow fiva tboveand e6,oflf) dollars for builillng and completing the building of a "chool House in said borough ofOsceola. II. J. WALK Kit, President. O. H.SWOI'B, Secretary. ' Osceola, April II, 1877-41. ADMixiwTKATtiiti.' mnii i:. Notice Is hereby glren that Letters of Ad ministration oo lb! aetata of WILLIAM It KLL, late of Greenwood tnwn.blp, Clenrfleld Co., Pa., tlee'd, baring been duly granted (o the under, signed, all persona Indebted to raid ertali will pleaeo make immediate payment, and tho.o her. ing alaime or demands will present them properly lutbetiliratcil forsi llleraenl without drier. FIIAMPTON HULL, X. M. IIOOVKK, Uower, April 10, 1ST7-0te Admlnlstnlnrs. DIHMOI.UTION NOTIt l.Notic. 1. here by giren that the eo parliiarlhip hireto. luraeitstlng between Frederick Haokclland Jebn Q. Hohryver, diiing business in tbe borough of Clearfield, under Ihe firm name of Kackelt A Hchryrar, was dl.eolr.d oi the ltd day of April, IH77, by mutual consent. The books of Iba firm will remain at Ilia etore until the 1st of May, where all knowing Ihomselrca Indebted to tb. talc firm ean eall and ..ttle. FIIKIl. SACKKTT, J.U. bCHHVVKII. Held, April II, U77II. "iltFHASTS' C0UET SAL1? J Br V ALUiSLU XJ Real Estate I There will 1e Ixpnse I le public sale, In Clear fleU, oa Saturday, April 1, iHtt, the following described properly, to wit: All l that certain tract or pi wee ef land sit fiat In Orn ban towehln, Oleartield county. I'a., bounded on the north by lands of Calvla Stei-l and Albert Owe, on tbe snoih by land ef llenjsimla Opaek man, on Iho west by land of Iaao Kyler, and on Ibe east Ay land ol Martin nayior, enntaiatng H7Aiti:s and all'iwunce, TA acres of which la el eared, bat ing a twn-story frame dwelling hnuM, a one and a naif etery story bouse, and a large new barn thcrMin. Tnree orenaMs oi nae irutt trees, enm prising apiile, peara, eberrles, and other frails A spring of good water, and a i mall stream run ning through the centre of the preuileoe. One raft of oak and pine timber, a quaatliy of acaiiooK, ana an aouatianoeoi leasing usaaar up on tbo preen iees. T a ana or Balk. One-third npna confirmation, of tbev balaaoe la two aqual annual pay cwU, to y aeeurod b bond and isurtgit;s. vtai. TTi.(neisi, I OrohaW.tea, Marrt ll,)877at. -Aasa's. 3Jrw Q&vttttstmtntt. Fine Farm at Private Sale ! ettuaU In,la xttity, oat mil Borth or rillt)t or num nuint, rultoa Co., tMDUinlng tbr tauadrfd ant, twenty. tight tons, nun or leu, liioMtou. (rvel a&fj iittj Ituid, under good 1U11 of euiuvtUioB. Tb ImproTo nsnu oouiUtof frsvin dlliaff hoot, buk bfti-a, 43i7l feel, wagtiB btxl, oora orib, bug pom, bay ealei, tv tfoasl houitM, kw mill, two youag appla orchard! haaring Irutt, ono thuutaoil panol piit and rail fanoa, flfij aorai toMdow, ooa bua drad and Bftr acraa plu land. Tha balaooa oooiiitt of 138 aoraa of wink pin,, ok and bUk orjr liaibor. A .iraam oi nertr-frailiog wntar nun through Utii iripny. making u partienlariv I wJl adsi'tud to butb t'M'k and grKin rmitiog. If I rallroada. i . tit aw. 8ammer. For tertna of eale, apply tn S V. WILSON, Loik llox 1-0, ClaarBeld, Pa. ClrarDclJ, March 14, 187Mae . 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts for tbe Farmer Parts for tbe Merchant Pacts for the Horseman k' nets for the Stook raiser Knots for tbe Poultry. keeper Facts for Ihe Uee - keeper Facts for tho Lawyer Facta for the Laborer Faoti for tba lioetur Faets tor tbe Dairyman Faots for tho Fruit-raiser Paets for tho Gardener Facta for the Household Facts fur every family who wants to save money. FACTS FOB AGENTS. That thia Is the most Imnnrtant advertisement , for you yot puUishnl, boins; tbe beat ehauoe lo make monry ever ottered. 'I he ureas ondorses tt. your own papur endorses it.tivery oue endorses It. "The Book of the 10th Contury. Male and female agents "ining money on It. Seod to us at onee and (ft cirrnUrs free. INGHAM, HMITH BLACK, . 731 Walnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. epr. II, 77-8in. JUST OPENED UP I TUB NEW CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CLEARFIELD, FA. Tbe unde rsigned would oinnunoe to tbe eitUens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be has eominenoed the TAannCaMura .f finopc muuuiuviuio vi viuij in Clear Sold, and will keon on hand a lam stock of Arst -class eifrars wbiob be will soil at wholesale ' and retail. His etfrars art made from tbe best 1 leaf tobaoco, and warrantel to give aa tin taction, j no a,o keep on bund a lull line of ttie best Chew ing & Smoking Tobaccos,1 VIVEA, 8NLTF, ETC., hewer.. Retail dealer, .ipplied witb tb. be.ll ,.i n;.... i.-,.L. .. 'i ni. i--t,.v-. 1 which he invites the ntlrolion of smokers and brands of Cigareutuitiag aid Chewing Tubaeeos, at tbe lowest wlioienale pria-s. jtlMEHMS-POSlTIVEI.VCASII.-ri A share of puUic patronage rcrpeclfutlj aolloited. JiHH A. STOCK, Hootn next door to Irt National Bank, March 31, l(t77-ilm. Cleatfleld, Pn. JJOHtlUnil RTATIeMRNT. ISAAC JOHNSON, Esq.! District Treasurer of tho borough of Clearfloid, In aooonnt with tba lVr ami Koad fund, of raid borough for tbe tear A. D. lP7t..- POOH FUND DR. To bfttnnee due at last settlement -4 To chock known as Mrs. Lodl check... Jl CR. Fly amount paid ia orders by Trees, percentage oa $2sl.l0 at S tier cent By Auditor's fees..., 0 no Hy stationery By balance due lVir fund UOAli Ft NI) DU. To Ulsncfl due attaet srttldmcnt 8'J 12 To amount of duplicate for 1KTA 1,429 32 To amount duo by Collector McClcliaii on dunlicateor IH7 .124 IB I) balance due Treas. Johnson SW Sfl t,m SI cit. Be enaooatnaiil on order..... $ .27 0.1 By loleraat on .rjor No. SS for $11 10 il lie amount or eouron. aaailed Us bal. in liandu ot Coll., tor JlcUlollaa, Juplirale nn75 Bjr balaneo in hanli af Colleolor Powell, duplloeleor 1S70 By ep.tcwent ore i.n ... lltl VO SIS OS li.r Xreaa. per aeaUge oe 01,41.112 al J . per eritt M 42 07 Ry autionery, elieolt book, etc ., 6 00 By AuJtl'.r leea 00 1,JJ 21 W' tho umlereirncd AinlitoMof tbebereuith of Clearfield, di ocrlifv that we have eiainined the accounts of liana Johuscn, liistrlct Treasurer of said oorougo, and lini Ihetu as abovo stated. II. W, HMITH. t . A. W. Git AH AM, C'.MrfUld, Ajirjl 1 1, '77-31- Auditors. T IT V JUHOItH. j List of Jurorl drawn for May term. A. it. ij7, commencing on tbe sa MonUny-tb 21st day and eootinua for two weeks i , inARO jraona. John Rtnith, niootn tap. Geo. Emerlok, Karthaus U. 11. Luther. lirtvJy Asliley Thorn, Law run oo Jos. K( ringer, 14 ;i. W. Hnyder. " w. A. Hair. Uearntld (soo. Ardrry, Morris Ueo. Voong, J. L. I.e..., M. A. Painter, Osceola cavy, M. C. MeCnl v. " Alt red Viuard, Cov'jton it.W. McNaul, sr., Pike Gro. Kyler, Goshen . Win. T. Irwin, " Ian't Curlcy, Graham H. V. McKendrleh. 44 D.M:Craukon, Mreenw'd Nathan linrs, Unltin Geo. Klualey, Gulioh Ferdinand Ssrler.Uninn Gee.V. McCullj, Oullch J. W. Alexander. Wood d , Tnavinaa JiaoRi lar wksk. II. L. MeOhec 1 ' A. lUushmao, Decatur H'in. Newcomer, li H ah. itcpliart, " A. McCJarvpy, Thest I Wm. Kuhns, Covington Ue, Ntraw. Fergusun Jo. rJsausinger, tllrard , II. II. Morrow, Unihen John A. Fulton, " lOllrer Hubler, Graham i Kills W. felrans, " , KIward Conrad. Gulicb. Hnm'l l,embcrt, Unt'ga John ltork, UradXVd David II. Lines, Urad Jos. llrberling, ' J. f Mnlbolland H lltnry Krlner, J. A. Johnston, H 1'avid Hcams, " I'an'l Goodlander, " Jos. Byler, sr., " F, N . lloL'kenlierry.lluro- jT. VanDusen, Hnitsdslc .'no. ii. Hewitt. Hustoa side towonhln VVm. Coi. Knui Jno.l'attereon.Ckarrield Ales. Heod, sr., Law'oe John Porter, " Julio O. Bubryvor. " D. 8. Wagoner, " !Jm. Ogden, " 0. D. UaUun " ' Harvey 1'assuiore, " nipple V. Ua tleo. V. llusser, S. B, llriJding, Morris Gilbert loser, jr. Newb'g A. C. Moure, Penn Jahn Sheeter, I'ntoa I). J. Kline, Woodward K. M. ThoiuMon Geo. Ksttlebcrger, " Won. 6. Hull, Decatur Klins Walk, " David Patrick, " TMAvahia JiTRoae 2n whkk. Geo. Dilloa, Dtiocaria, 9. 0. Taylor, Gorhen Jere Cooper, " iJai. K. Graham, " Geo. Flcgal, R-cirs fo. W. (tiles, Uollch Kdward Date, Uitt jr.ird Jsa, Gllligao, Jordan Wm. Vainer, " Rnoch Krhard, Knot Wm. B. Wright, Urudy lAiiles Hears, Lawrenee Andrew Wall, :J, 11. Lvtle, " Wm.llnttnn, tlurnslde (1. tl. Imin, " W m. Heed, CIcarAeld J, A. llftllrido, (.'. P. Hnwles, lter Myer, il orris Jslin Hoover, " raiac Msrkk, Kewbiug a P. Itlandy, OscfoU r. h. Smith, " K 0. Head, " Jno. Hulllhaa " Jaa. MnKwrn, Chest J.W.Wcstover, a. iiigiemnn,i;iivtngtoa Jm, tieary, jr., I'rnn Jacob Mock, Dscalur ' .tames Caldwell, Pike J. L. Thompson, " I H.H.Hanghman.Wood'd John Lei 1,17, Uirard Jvfan W. H.illartj, Peon NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. In aocnrUnoft with an Ant of Dm ft finer 1 An soa,tdv of thia Commnnwonlib, approved the Ud day of Marrb. A. U. 1K70, and tlie mppl-meot approved the Ud dny of Apt. I, A. V. iSiVrelat ing to tbe eollentloo of taies In tbe eoitnly ef tiearnrm, neuoe is .nereiure uereiiy given to i the taxpayers residing in the diatriet holow ! namnd, that Ibe Oonaiy Treasnrr, In accordance 1 with the seeond svton of said Art, will attend I at the pineal of holdina; the h..ronRh anr) township elerlions oa the fulluwing namel daya, fop the purpose oi rrftmng i" .mniy anil rtaio taxra aisvseed for Ibe year 1177 : For Clearfield borough and I.awrenea townibip, Thnrtday and Friday. Mav fid and elk For Unibea tp , Helurder, May A, from 10 te 4 o'clock. For (lirard twp , Monday, May 7, from 10 to 4 oVloek. For Karlhaus twp , Tuesday, May 8, from 9 to 4 o'elorli. For Covin (loo twp., Wrdnssd y, May 9, from 9 to 4 oVIocli, Tor Oraham Iwp , Thnrstlay, Msy 10, from 9 to, 4 oVIook. , For Morris twp, Filday, May 11, from 9 to 4 w'nlook. For lira. I ford twp , Balnrdny, May 11, from 19 t' 4 nVlork. For W ooaear-l Iwp, Muoday. May 11, from II to 4 o'clock. For llouiidnt borongb, Tuesday, May 1ft, from 9 to 4 o'eloek. For Dreatur twp., V'cdneidav, May 1ft, from 9 to 4 o'eloek. For Osceele borough, Thursday. May 17, from 9 to 4 o'clork. For Wtllaretoo boroagb, Friday, May 19, from T to 1 1 a. m. For Bofff.itwp, flatnrde;, Hay 19, from 19 ta ft o'eloak. L'pon all Uaea l-aid an the Trea.urer then will b. a raduetlon of flee aerct., while flea per oent. anpeld late,, making a differene, ot TKN per eeol. lo pranpt taxpayers. Parties sen, frees th, l.t.f May, pay Ibelr taaea a, tba Treaeurer's . The b.laac. ef tbedl.lrielawlll be elslUd slier My Coart. Notki ro Miiuaaea A ran opport.ilty will a. glvew lo siterebaata to aoaa, forward at Ike hue and plaaw, ael farth, aad Hft their LlcenMfer 1077. DAVID MeOAlIIIKT,, April 11 l7f;. Treannt, . S 60 11)1 10 I I OB PRINTING Of EVKRY DKSOBIP U Hob saatly aiatmtad at tnlt at&oa. FOR HENT.TbiaUrarooinl..tlyoouI)id bj Jamai Dana, lo tha Kxobango Utl build log, at HontidaU. Thif If ona af tba b-t buiinaai aUnda 1b tba borough of Houtidal. For larna, nppl; to FA THICK DUN Ji, J ar. il, 1877-flt ,ouU,Ii?l. 170K SALE. Tb nnderslraed will sell at orlvata sale all that traet or parael of land aitaale la Deeatur to nib id. Clearfield eouotv. Pau within a abort distance of tbe Tyrone ClearAall R. K.( and adjoioing lands of Hobort Hudson and atners, and known as tbe Janob 11. Oearhart loL Tbe jld traaiaanlaiaing 00 mr9M more or less, with ooai aoeui eeiag leeoiopt . Will oe eviu . upon eaey tertna, tor nartulara, apply to DAVID L. Kit EDS. ClearBold, Pa., July 13, 1K7B. CHARLES C. PRATT, aaaanAL Product) Commiflsioa ICorcha: A i-BAt.ia in DI'TTER, C1IKKBC, EUllti, HOI'S, WOOL, OKANUE3, IiniKD FRUITrt, ' I'OTATOKS, .. ONIONH, AI'l'LIiS, TODACCO, PKAN1ITS, 405 Greenwich St., New York City. SI arch 14, 18i;-Sm. A NEW DEPARTURE L T II 1 R S B t! U (I . I Ureaft" int l be sold for CASH only, I or in "aaffe fur produee. No books will U kept in the future. All old accounts must be r"'' These who oannol eoih op, wilt please j band over tbeir notes and, CLOSE THE RECORD. I am dHermlood to sell mj irooJs tit cunh priees, and at a diseonnt far below that aver offered in this viclnitv. Tlie discount I allow mv eui torn ore, will make then riob In twenty years it J' " 'j" ! U" ' .J','I" ID 1 wl" Py'h for wheat, oats and clover aerd. DANIUL UOOiJLANDKR. iiUtbenliurg, January IT, 1677. FURNITURE, Curtain Goods, Cornices & Mirrors, BEDDING. -i The Largest and Finest Stock in the City to Select from, n SMALL rKOFlTS, 01R MOTTO. ltd Contracts taken to FurnUb IIufs Com plete. E EDMUNDSON dc SONS, 130 f.lbcrty Hi., ' PITT.BrR(lir, PA. ls;73m. Mar cb 14, NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE - SPECIAL TAXES, Majr 1, l47t, to April .IO, Imtn. The Revl.eil Rletnt. of lb. t'nllnil Rlnl. Sm. 1 tione 02.12, 3117, and 1230, reoolr. every nerion engaged in any, aeooatiol, or employ- ment wbicb renders blin liable to a Special Tai. to nreeure and nlaca MutininMilt tn hta Mink. 11 id ment or place of bualners, a sump denoting ma mur orgiDning msy, in, netore eommene ing or continuing business after April 30, 177. A return, as prescribed on form II, as also re quired by law of every person liable to Special Tax, aa above. The Taxes embraced within the provisions af ma igon quotea are tae following, ti :. Hsetiflers , .,..$200 Dealers, rtall llffuor , 25 oo Dealers, wholesale liquor ....,,... 19.) (IP Dealera in malt liquore, wholesale 60 00 Dealer la malt liquors, retail SO 00 Dealers In leaf tobacco 26 Oi) ItcUil dealers In tear tobacco H 5 00 60 And of sales of over 91,000, fifty mm is for every dollar in evcess or $1,000, , Dealers In manufactured tobaeoo H. 6 0(1 Uanufacturara of stills .m....m 0 0(1 And for each still manufactured 20 90 And for each worm manufactured 20 00 Manufacturers of tobaeoo , ... 10 00 Manufacturers of elgnre.. 10 04) Peddler of tobaoco, first elase (more than i two horses ur other animals) (0 00 Peddlers of tobacco, eecond class (two ' horses or other animal.,),,,..,.., a., 2i Ofl I ruddier s of tobacco, third class (one horie or otberanimal) , It GO Peddlers of tobacco, fourth elaas (oa foot or puhlln conveyance) H, JO 00 Bra wars of lees than 600 barrels M 60 00 11 rowers of 60ti barrels or more 100 00 Any person so liable, who shall fall to ootnply with tbe foregoing requirements will ba subject io severe penal uee, Persons or flrin. liable to pee anr of tbe rlpeeial laiea aaaea aeaee, mast apply to 1IAV1U EASON, Deputy Colleelor ot lalernal Heeeaae at BrooltTille, JelTereMi eoaity, Pa , and tiny for and procure the Mieeial.Tex Hteeap r tiunps tbey need, prior lu May 1, 1877, and without farther nntioe. 8poe!al-Tax Stamps will ba transmitted by mail only on receipt from Ihe person or Inn or dahns; llie same uf apeeifl, direetiana a. to do, lOKetuer with the neeessary po.tago elamps or Ihe aoaoant rennlred t, pay tbe postage The postal, on vne stamp la tare, eenls, aud en two sumps lii eeuts. If It is deslrsil that tbey Im transmitted byre,istered mail, ten eente addition ai should accompany tho applieation. Taxea in all eeaes must be paid in money by registered mail, PoetollteefrraVr, er U..tern draft. Cluck.. ill not answer. UHKKN 11. HAI M, Commissioner of Internal Reeanuo. Oreici ue XiTi:iitiL llavneiii, 1 . Washington, I). 0. Jet.JH, 1877. I pr'jr. AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, (Ari'LKION'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Completo in 16 Volumes. nl,reI7 re written 40 P tlmo. K.erjlhlng brought down llluslrated throughnnt with Over "3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of .very country oi th. glob.. Sold only by subscription. It Is not obligatory In take ill tba eoluoaaa it uaea a volaota may be drllrered one. a noalb, areneo ia two nonlba. Tan oenta a day, tha price of a elger, will pay for aet of CVOlAll'klilA Oil A lll-MONTHLY HI IIHl'llll'TION In less than thro, yenrs. Then there will be eoraclblng aabstantial saved and a storehouse of knowledg., Inteeed a anieereal library In Iteelf second, with but lilt gee, effort at MeriOeo. PRICE AND STYLE OF HINDI NO: For Ultra Clolh, pet fol. I t Of For Library Leather, par ol 0 01 For half Turkey Uoroawa, per eol 1 00 For half lliasia Extra QUI, par to) 0 to Itt Fill UorooM Antlqn, pa rot........ It 00 For Fill losefa, per eol.-.... I N Foe fartb,r Infumatlaa iddeaal , t. M. WILLIAMSON, PlUiik er's ageal, lit Sulk straw!, Jil.ll,1070-1y. PllUWargh, Pi. $. tSulwiburj gootF $Ut$t HONESTY IS TH AND GUINZBUR BOOT & SH You tliink lliot ii eoiily laid, but not testimony, first, wo odor the follow Women's laod lasting Shoes at $1.10 a. emir, pjct(eii Mies at l.zu KoroocoipeiKedHhoaeat lt Misses anu Children's G Mob 'a plueia;b 8bo.a at Meo'a good dree. Rhoea at llen'i eow biJe boot, at $1.10 3 14 1.40 Boy's Boots and Shoes These are only a few articles, to show you that our prices are mado to laret tbe wants of tbe people. The way we manage to sell so low is this t Ws have agents living in New York and Philadelphia who are constantly buying for us large quantities of what they tind good and eheap la eur line, so tbut ne can sell under regular prleea aud still nave a lair prooi. We exchange all gnnds If not tolled. Wa re turn tbe money, if lor any reason you are distat unoa wun me goous purcnascil. -t- S. GUINZBURG, Second Street, opposite the Court House, CLEARFIELD, PA. - Room formerly oeeupied by Lerer Flegel. ClearQeld, )'., Jan. 11, 1877. ff. g,. Jrrlt & ffo.'n (Column. NEW SPRING GOODS! ' ' JUST HE AD WIIL BE SOL A T. A. FLEC (io to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go lo Flock & Co.'s for Oo to Flec k k Co.'s for Go lo Fleck & Co.'s for fio lo Flock k Co.'s for Go lo Floik k Co.'s for Go lo Flock k Co.'s for Go to Flock k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for 'your cansitncrs. Go to Fleck & Co.'s forjyoar whito Roods. Go lo Flock k Co.'s for your while flannels. Go to Fleck k Co.'s for your corsets. Go lo Fleck k Co.'s for your kid gloves. Go to Fleck k Co.'s for TW handkerchiefs. Go to Flock k Co.'s for y our l'nof collars and cuffs. Go to Flock k Co.'s Cor your hose. Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Oo lo Glcclc & Co.'rfor Go to Fleck & Co.'o for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Flock & Co.'s for Go to Klsistfi Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co 's for Go to Flock & Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for (io to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Flock 4 Co.'s for Go to Flock & Co.'s lor Go to Fleck Ii Co.'s for Go lu Flock & Co.'s for Go lo Fleck k Co.'s for Go lo Fleck k Co.'s for . Having just laid 1 NEW SPRI You will save mon DMSS AO 0;K T. A. FLE 1)(LXT FAIL TO Cloarftold, l' , F. AT A. GUI Ono Prico CI YOU CAN BUY A I'INE CASSIMEliK HAT for ono dollar. A FINE VEST for ono dollar. A TAIHOF COTTON A DK PANTS for ono dollar. . 6 bbioo pnpor Collnro k 1 necktie for ono dollar. Our entire slock of Winter Clot dnced A good Multon Clolli Overcoat 14 00 A good Cai Inet Suit 8 00 And till other Article p tall and see for yourself. A. GUINZBURG. Old rtMUri HoUi Corair, CLBAile7IKLU, PA. Mirrh, M.lOTT. MAT SI 00 E BEST POLICY, G'S IS THE BEST OE STORE. o easily proved. Well, let m tike ing price lint, which pcnk for lUelf. U'..n....'. k... . .. 1 . U.. , II OA I " - beet noroeoo 8boe. K J.IS " U.l (eiuine eolf .bia aboee al i.U -. ..VJea or baeed foaed eboea, fr I it an I a aa, I ai uuas at UKe.jjt prices. H.n'a braey kip boota at $3.00 Mra'a Kluiraklp buou at 1.70 Mel', One ealf drM. boot, at 4.00 at still Lower Prices. Now, you think that as we Sell so rbcan we only take easb. Not so we lake any marketa ble article, such ae grain of any kind, produee, poultry, farm stoek, furs, shingles, hark. An., and give yua goods at our list priees. We also keen a full assortment of Hats. Cans. and Gents' Purnlsbiag (Joods. which we guaran tee to be of tbe beet quality, and will ba sold at prices wnicn deiy competition. Parties and Storekeepers la buying from as will receive a reduction on regular price. Call and see for'yoursolros. S. .GUINZBURG, Second Street, opposite tbe Court House, CLKA BFIELD, PA, Rood formerly leeopied by Lever Flcgal. Clearfield, Pa.,J.n.!(, 1877. Z. tttl f o.'s f olumn. NEW SPRING GOODS I CE1VED D LOW FOB CASH, T K & CO.'S. your dress goods. your dry goods, your block enshmero. your colorod alpacas. your black alpacas, your plaid dress goods, your calicoco and muslins, yourglnghnms. your thirtings. . your (able linens. your back combs, your mottoes, your ribbons, your millinery goods your ladies' lials. yon Indies' bonnets. your black and colored sliiwls. your napkins. your whits shirts. your colored shirts. your ouspondors. ' your necktios. your fancy goods. your underwear. your paper collars and cuffo. your dross trimmings, your shirt fronts, your pins, needles and thread, your umbrellas n a large stock of ' NG GOODS, ey by buying your - DRY GOODS CK & CO. CALL JM) SEE. cbruary 21, 1S7 WILL DO!!! NZBUKG'S othing1 Storo YOU CAN BUY A SUIT OK UNDHR CLOTHING for one dollar. BIX PAIR COTTON HAI.K-HOSE (or ono dollar. SIX LINEN llANDKRRCniP.FS for ono dollar. A oo I of slcevo bnllona, atudaantl collar bntton for ono dollar. Iiing will be sold at greatly re price). Aa all-wool CaeHirnor Suit A Black DroM Coat 115.00 6.00 roportioiiatoly cheap. e No trouble lo show goods. A. GUINZBURG, (Nd ra OioM Conor CLBARriKLD, TA. WUrrllanrouf. JTEAM SAW MILL, 3 AND BOILlaS TOM IALI. The mhIhJ a.. ul. fme, their eUaal aaw Bill, loeaud at WoIuum toa, Olaaraelrf n... P. The ..... .nJ knil.M re a. food aa na. Tba aloe of lha eeelne la, and la la (oa. ralnini order. Tbejr will olw eell tketr ahlufla and lata mill, and all tb. w.rkln. eiaebinery la tba Bill. P.rtlee wilblnf lo puraaaae.eaa eall oa or addreal Clearnald, Pa, Jua. w, I8T4. QOURT PMOCI.ANATION. ' nniniAa, lloi. 0. A. MAYER, Praaldeal I ",u"$ . Ooarl of C..a ,Uu "enly-ini Jadlelal Dl.ulel, ewpoeed of eoaaUei ef Clearl.ld, C.ntr. old cliiua -.i.V":Q"-"" ".Mi ail Mod. Vnciat B. Ii r-.-a!"5 Court, Court of Quarter SeiiioBi. (ln.H n.w ad Terminer, and Coart of General Jail Deliv ery, at the Court House at Clearfield, la and for tha oounty of Clearfield, eoumeasing on tha third Holiday, tho wist day f May, 1H7T, and to continue two weeks. MOTICa IH, therefore, hereby given, U tha Ooroaer, Jostieee f.d et. ji Constables, m and for said eoanty ef Clearfield, te appear la their proper persons, with their Record, Rolls, Inquisitions, K laminations, and other Hemem b ranees, to do those tblncs wbick to their ofiloaa. and ia their behalf, pertain to bedone, uy an Act or Assembly, passed the fith day of May, A. D. 104, it is mado the duty of tha Jus tices of tbe Peaeo of the several counties of thia Commonwealth, ta return to tbe Clerk of lha Court ef Quarter Sessions of tbe respective eountica, all tba iwoogniianoes entered Into before them by any persoa or persons charged with tha oommission of any crime, exoept such eaaes as may be ended before a Justice of the Peace, aa- der existing laws, at least ten daya before tha commencement of tba session of the Court to whieb tbey ate me.e ratarnablerespeetlraly,and In all eases where any recognisances are enured into less than tea days before the commencement of the session to which they are made returna ble, tha said Justlcos are to return tho name in tbe same manner aa If laid aot bad not been "viik nnder my hand at ClearftiJ, thia 4th day of April, ia tbo year of oar Lord, one tbouannd eight hundred and eeeenty-eeves. apr. 4 tc AttDUKW PKNTZ.Jr, Sheriff. B X ITtTTlaTniO obtained for mechanical r A I rtlf I iN devices, medical, or other eMAi a V eo m poinds, ornamental do signs, trade-marks, and labels. Caveats, Assign menu, IntcrieeresMeee, etc.. promptly attended to in van lions taat nave twee. REJECTED S7r by tbe PatoMit Often may n most eases be eo- bras. Being oppo- rr tne ratent unce, we ean make closer searches, iM secure Patents more promptly and with broader claims than those who are remou from Wa4inaton. INVENTORS"-"'-""'- lit f dUll X VUU , m.k, eIMlaleaa ree . eaarve, and adrls. as to ability. ITteea low, ANU NO DHAHUH UHLL31 PATENT Ift HKCUHKD. W, rarer la oUclal. la tb. PaUat OOle., aid to toe-aoUm la .rer fitata ia tb, Uiioi. Addriaa, ;. a. iauw vu., Oppoilte Patent OOee, Wajhinjtoa, D. 0. Not. 11, 1870-tf. JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Woafd rasDectfullr aotifv the nubile (anarsJlv that he haa removed his Grocery Store from Shaw's Row, to tha building formerly oeeofied by J. Mi lee K ratter, en Second street, neit door to Bigler'e hardware store, when he Intends keeping a full line of f GROCEllIEN. HAMS, DRIED BKKP aid LARD. 8ITOARS ud BY RPPS, of ill fradea. TEAM, Green and Block. COPPER, Roasted aid llreei. ' FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cjur.fEn FntiTS, All kinds tn the market PICKLES, Il jars and barrels. SPICES, in etery form ud variety. FAMILY FLOUR, Al.t KINDS OV CRACKERS. SOAPS, HATCHES, DRIED APPLES, i DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CIIERRIKS, Coal Oil tuid Xaomp Criiiauuys. And l good assortment of Uioee tninl, lanally kept la a groeery atore, which hi will ,iehingi for marketing at lha market prioe,. Will Mil for cash as oheaply aj any ether ,i. Pleaae oilllid see hi, stoek tad lode, lb, yonraalf. JOHN McQAUGHET. ClearS eld, Jan. t, 18J7. J. r. wiiTll. .w. w. lira WEAVER A BTTS CLEARFIELD, PA., An offering, it th. ,14 staio of O. L. Road A Co their stock of goods, eonitstlig of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 6B0IS, HATS k CAPS, UARDWARK, QDEINSWARI, FL0UE, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o,, At th. Host reasonable rales for CASH or Ii aiehonf, for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PR0DVCI. eT'Adraaees Bade to those engaged ia get ting oat iqaar, tisator oa tha Boat advantageou terms. v BdtljaaTI HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DRALRRS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, CMS, DYE STUFF i VARNISHES, BRUSHES, perfumery. ' fancy oods TOILET ARTICLES, OF ALL KINDS, pvrb myss and uqvoss fir Bssdl.tasJ pupoMO, Trasm, Sepportere, fteheol Book, aad Station. erj, aao aii otaar artleles aseell? fend ii Drag Store. PHYstfTTANS' PRMCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. U..I.. a CirioBMi la th. biaiaas, Ue, aaa ilea satire sat. Eoetloi. 1. a. RARNWICK,. JOHN F. IMWIN. Clearleld, Deeeabrr 10, 1174. f I , X i