Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 18, 1877, Image 2

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    She gUpttMiott.
Huch is tlio unkind romnrk mado by
No singlu individual baa done more
1o keep up murder and riots In the
Southern Slates (at long rango) since
The tactics of the liadicnl leaders
sinco tho Inauguration of Iluyes, are
pluinply Illustrated in the Now York
Nation, one of the rellned orguus of tho
man Mi i doe.
Mil. Kihtob: If "to orr Is humnn,"
1 must confess that I am somewhat hu
man. Homo time since, a vagrant lio
hemiun signing himself "Uooly," mailo
tbo columns ol the OhoooIh Mcveille the
medium of most unjust, untruthful,
malucious and villainous attack upon
tho County Commissioners, his battle
ory being 'free bridge." Tho object
of this quixotic raid was so transpar
ently "thin" that it might have safely
remained unanswered ; but thinking
that sumo part lea not ;qiittir,tid with
lound to bo In arrears to their pastors,
which in must cases is duo to tho crip
pled financial condition of thucbiiruhes
Hcport also showed the following
amounts paid to the several Hoards ol
There uro :iU(),OO0 barmaid In
(real Britain.
The failures for tho first quarter
ol 1877 foot up 51, 538,074.
Oil circles aro excited over a live
hundred barrel well in Warreo county,
A largo party ol men left Schuyl
kill county last week fur tho lllack
Two thousand acres oi land were
recently sold in Alabama for mio cent
Homllcy, the Now Orleans corres
pondent of tho Now York Tribune, has
been taking some inside views of "tho
government" Commission now In Lou
isiuna trying to And out whether fiioh
oils or 1'ackurd was elected Governor
oflhalBlato. Mr. Sroallcy boils bis
views down to theso four points:
'1st. That tbo Packard government
has tho best, if not the only de jure
title. If tbo lloturninir Hoard bo a
U TaotiBi..-naye' Bi,artk
Stanloy Matthews-e-wa sent to
lost week to quell such dinturUirs
Hen Wado, Judge Tatl and Ben E l
son of the Clnoinnati 7Ynt,
all fighting "the government"
Buckeye State and the daily
to their ranks are numerooe.. j
Matthews, held Interviews wilt
alfectcd leaders, but could effect &
tho editor' of tlio Philadelphia Vim..,
in alluding to Hint eminent carpet-bagger,
Chamberlain. Anil to lr.ulto tlio
mutter more gracious, tbo editor in
question continues : "(iovornor Chain
berlain bus retired from the Soutb Car
olina slrugglo fur iho (iiibornutoriul
ebair, most ungraciously and ungrace
fully. II o probably Intended to re
tbo close cf the war than tbo editor of
lliu Church during thu sumo period
tbo Philadelphia Press, lie was too
cowardly to engage personally in the
war and kelp "crush the rebellion."
Foreign Mlnlonf
Ilmuo allaelons
a, inn
Kilncalion ......
Ministerial Italia'....
Church Hreellon
Iiadiuul parly. Hut it seems that lie
edilor of that journal is disposed to bo
honest, and in tho lust issue breaks
but hero liko, ho has been flirting n
bloody shirt over sinco tho close of the
conflict soaslokoop up thedisturhance
and ruin tho business interest of tbo
country as much as possible. Jlowcver,
out in this way : "It is difficult to roc
Tho report of the committee on sup
plies, reported us follows, liir Tyrone
iiij; mm unco soi out lor Wank
(jlOBOl B. Goodlandxr, Editor.
proach tbo people of tlio Stuto Ibut
ogniro in tho Itopiiblicnn party organ
ton where be
reported to a Cl,iI
church, in order to relievo Jlev. H. M.
constitutional part of thu machinery of
bus only too long tolerated tbo plun
ol tbo past two or threo weeks tbo
oi uiu jmni two or iiireo . the facts m g it give credence to wiu '" , , , ;, ' 1 por acrti
the facts might give credence to h's
per acre.
..Iwt !' . hi-u .l!iJ. J j v. ' hni
mooiing on jiouuay. vt
If - ... .
Heeler, n you int u - sw m ii oiit od
Is th. business werld, , .it read our advertising
columns, lb. a'paoiol column to particular.
It seems that Hayes can't find a
Tfadieal fit for tho Sunroine Ilench.
Wado Hampton and South Carolina
aro all right, and Nicholls and Louis
iana will soon bo ditto.
Gaulin sells tbo New York World
ovory night aftor tho train arrives, ns
well as most of tbo popular dailies.
Thooditorof the Philadelphia Press
begins to write as Democratic und sen
sible as bo did twenty years ago.
Our first pago contuins an account
of tho burning of tlio groat hotel at St.
Louis, bosides a number of other arti
cles which deserve to bo road.
iviieelinq into Line. Tbo Demo
crats como within four hundred and lor
ty-ono votes of electing thoir Govornor
in fthodo Island, although Hayes had
B,000 in November.
Civil Service. Twenty employes
woro discharged from tho Pension
Bureau on Saturday. Thai's us good
as tho move which put Chamberlain
nvorboard. Keep on.
Two-thirds of tho county Judges
clocted in Wisconsin Inst week aro
Democrats, and, according to tho Alii
waukco JVYtra, the Democrats havo
made handsome gains in tlio municipal
Read and Study. Our fourth pago
is embellished this week with a "Com
plexion of tho noxt House," "A sad
Confession," "Bull-doxing l'arsons,"
together with a number of other ex
cellent articlos."
A Strike. All the engineers belong
ing to tho "Hrothorhood," employed by
tho Iioading railroad, "struck" on Mon
day. Tho company had men on hand
to tako their places, and tho trains aro
regularly running, just tho samo as ii
the striko had not taken place.
TnoinLE at the Caimtal. "Tho
clamoring of innumerable carpet-baggers
and scalawags for Postoflico ap
pointments at tho South," says an ex
chango, "ptaccs Hayes In a rathor awk
ward situation." And the worst ol it
is, too, he finds in bis Postmaster Gen
eral no Koy to tho situation.
Fmi in Iishiiii'uwn. A nro Drone
out in tho machine shops of Willis li
School), in Lowi8town,on tho 10th inst.,
which woro destroyed. Several dwell
ings and half a stables were also
bnrnod. Tho Lutheran and Preshy
torian were both on fire sev
eral times, but were saved without be
ing much damaged. Tho loss cannot
bo less than 1 35,000.
Tho "amiably Btubborn" occupant of
tho White House, docs not proposo to
follow tho examplo of his illustrious
predecessor in anything, if ho can help
It. Tho country is now informed that
instead of frequonting tho summor
capital on tho seaboard ho will cool
his brow at tho Soldiers' Home, near
Washington. Now let us sco whether
there will bo a riso in town lots in that
War in Kirope. Tho last advices
from Kuropo aro to tho effect that a
war between Kussiii and Turkoy, is at
hand, if not already begun. Diplomacy
has been busy for six months past for
tho purposo of staying tho calamity.
But it seems tho nioro numerous tho
diplomats became, when Invited into
tbo councils of respective parties, the
mora complicated matters became, un
til finally all intercourse was broken
off botwoon tho belligorcnts, and a war
Rooms to bo inevitable between thoso
two powerful rations; and when it
docs como, tho Turk and tho Iiussinn
will make bloody war.
Ex-Sonator Simon Camoron is iroinff
to Europe with Gonoral Grant on tho
10th of noxt month, lie is making
his preparations now tor tho journey.
An Awful Discount. A Now York
paper cetimatos that out of 200,000
adult females in that city, not over
2,000 know how to properly cook a
Hi Gentle. Radical oxchanges call
him "Braggadocio Hampton." Well
would you not rathor bo called that'
than "blow horn Chamborlain ;
"bloody shirt Morton I"
Among thoitoms of Republican rob
bery in South Carolina, in tho proceeds
of which Chamborlan shared, was tbo j
muuuiom issue oi i -i,oi)ii,iHlo in State
"""i " men mo Mnto received no
The York Daily says that tho first
Iron clad and bullet proof passenger
car evor built in Amorica was com.
plcted on Monday a week at tho car'1".0"1 to 10 IlBmPt". contenting
works of Messrs. Billmyor & Small. It
was constructed for tho Spanish gov
ernment, and is to be used in Cuba.
Well, they need bullet proof convey
ances in that country.
UNHAi'pr Raiis. Tho Philadelphia
Time says: "The oditor of tho aver
age organ in Pennsylvania can lift
lnmsolf over a fence by tho straps of
his boots, but Ins difficulty now is to
ascertain whether he had better lift
himself lo Mr. Blaine's side or drop
over whore the President is. The or
gans will need a good deal of careful
advice from headquarters (his year.
I uum ueioro tho country as tho author
I i c,,nfl . llt ,i, ,i,laa:,,,
! 01 "IS UIStOintllH-0 , l)llt tlio UlspilSBlOll
ato men of all parties will boo In his
bombastio and reckless nppcal only a
I torriblo arraignment of bimsell.
-ii nun oe iruc u.uv uo alleges as io'
tho condition ot South Carolina, Gov
Chamberlain must bo the most cow
ardly of knaves and tbo most subser
vient of creatures to tbo domination ol
crimo. If "not lesstbnnono hundred"
Republicans "woro murdered because
they wore faithful to their principles
and exercised rights solemnly guaran
teed to them by tho nation," in seeking
tho election ot Ua;es and Chamber
lain, then has Chamberlain been cithor
tho nccomplico or tho obedient slavo of
murderers. He had Republican courts
in ovcry district of tho Stnto ; ho had
Rebublican ShoriD's, Republican proso-
euting officers and Republican jurors
in two-thirds if not lour-fiflhs ot the
counties ; ho had tho army to sustain
his ofllcors in tbo execution of tho laws
and tho courts in tho enforcement of
thoir processes and judgments ; ho had
tho Stnto militia, organized, armed and
commanded by his friends and subject
to his call ; ho had a constabulary ol
bis own creation that swarmed in cvory
county ostensibly to sustain his an
thorityj bo had trial justices in every
locality, cf his own faith in neurly all
instances, to sit as committing magis
trates ; ho had nearly n thousand dep
uty tT. S. Marshals appointed by At
torney Goncrul Tnft to strengthen his
hands; bo had tho Stuto, district and
county officers with raro exceptions
obedient to his will; bo had a popula
tion composed of two-thirds blacks and
onothird whites with all tbo blacks
and a fraction of tho whites in sympa.
thy with the Republican party, while
against bis party convictions wero but
ono third of tho people, and they with
out officers, under tho ban of tho army,
and of tho national, State, district and
county officials, with their old military
organizations of which Chamberlain
was a member in several instances
disbanded by tho arbitrary docrco of
Chamberlain; with all these agencies
in bis fuvor and with a helpless oppo
sition, ho bns not punished murder, nor
thoft, nor lawlessness, and has not dar
ed to arraign beloro his own courts
and jurors the men ho so rocklessly ac
cuses ol crimo. Kithor be must accuso
fulsely, or ho most of all accuses Gov
ernor Chamberlain.
"Equally false or scll'accusing in his
violent and indecent arraignment of
President Hayes. What Chamberlain
claims as to Republican success in the
State should be tho truth, it is not tho
truth, and ho well known that his pub
lic ussmUuii iff Rnnoi antvtt by lliv
facts. South Carolina is Republican
in faith by quito two to ono of her vo
ters, and would so vote to-day, if, as
ex-Senator Revols said of Mississippi,
Republicanism had not degenerated
into theft, lawlessness and confiscation
of property. It was under Govornor
Chamberlain's administration, cither
ns Attorney General or ns Governor,
that Republican rule beenmo tho pro
lific parent of waste, ot oppression, of
hunger, of poverty and of publio dis
credit and dishonor, and tho discord of I
thicvos, tho jarring greed of jobbers,
and tho necessity of tho plundered,
wasted bis majority into a minority,
until ho finally attempted to protract
by violence his prostitutod power
against which ovcry class, condition
and raco revolted. Ho was beaten
and knows that ho was beaten, wbilo
Hayes narrowly escaped defeat bo-
catiso of tho crushing mil'stono of tho
domination of which Chamberlain was
tho accepted representative and leader.
And ho was beaten with ovcry possible
agency and clement of power on his
side. He had tho election officers in
ovcry district of tho Stato to receive
and reject such voles as thoy saw fit;
ho had the county boards to computo
and certify tho vote ; ho had tho army,
the militia, k tho constabulary, the
United States Marshals and all tho
moral and political powor of tho Stato
and county governments to aid his
causo, and, with overy applianco in his
bauds that could control votes and A
turns in bisv favor, ho was beaten by
his own return, and tho recognition of!
this fact, now patent to nil tho world,
is tlio offenso of President Hayes for
which ho is accused of perfidy to his
causo and his friends.
"Such is the ungracious and ungrace
ful retirement of Governor Chambcr-
rin ,,'om lreUfle-oi an authority
that he never exercised beyond n cor
poral's guard of Federal troops, and
deeply as ho has wronged his Stnto
and profoundly and wantonly as he
has wrongod tho country by rocklcss
assaults agonist its poaco, ho has wrong
od none so immeasurable as Mr. D. 11.
CiiANiiED Shirts. Senator Morion
mU8t b" "lwing it pretty mild" these
days if tho Indianapolis Journal con
tinucs to reproscnt his views. Bloody
shirt arguments and efforts to fire the
Northern heart aro conspicuously ab
sent from Us columns. It warmly com
mends Iho Southern policy of tho
President, and notes with pleasure tho
rapid disappearance, of sectional feel
ing. Of Gov. Chamberlain's action it
says : "Very wisely nnd very patrioti
cally ho has retired from tho assorlion
t his rights and allowod tho govern-
U"""B" w,ln " emphatic and stinging
j protost. Tho I rishmnn was compel led
io numiro tho eourago of tho bull, but
after tho animal had boon knocked
into tho middlo or next week tho fuga
cious Celt was froo lo condemn the'
judgment which Invited tho encounter
with a locomotive Those ardont souls
who wanted Chamborlain to "fight"
would have woakonod long ore this
had they been In Chamberlain's shoos.
What South Carolina and tho country
want now la peaoo, and though wo
may fail lo agree upon the methods
by which the result is reached, tho re
sult will be hailed by everybody."
uuj, hujo ue - ..gnipn : " --- - - Kr,M,ical rror .M-the cost of "' ' , vv r T' '
Th. i .,., rfuU ih. ,..,,.. itf Glares have changed as marked- fhe Clc.rnehlcrcck bridge should have "' V J 1 ". ' n i m n
lion ol ordr In th. South, th. eonMuut.t mu. lv itim, mm, will aotnuLimos k. i o.ui . .1 r sunn u . ,uri " "I. liBUrio. A. 11. FoJ'kor, O.
Monof fcd.of,ior,.nath.r.Bo.Ur ....... luoite ol man will sometimes been 11,900 instead of ItHMI ) Hy so ' . ( D ' .. . ..
of mtion.1 itr.r.. It ! . KproAeh idhhi cbaugo when their possessor is rapidly doing 1 made a mistake. hen you ',, ,, ' !.,., ,. ,'. ..' .'.
aWlffflLSS' recovering from a severe Illness orj give a stray dog ..bone, lie is likely , Jon 'j Keii, V!. J iJar,-1 ' ' '
p-,. ...... give you aimtbervisit, anil as 't.oolys j, vUI)k(, of Presbytery of
aulnUI lnlUof Ihocooolrj .r. t !. ., , , ., ... highest ambition III tills WOrld is to got v,,,, I. .I.T.,,! ..... I. ..I, . I , f.
b th. .trlf. of f.dion.. WtJoinM In- further back than tho I 'residential can- ,,,l,n,lv. him I... m,Kld7,r NoHhuniberland was Invited to sit as
qulr. into th. origin of tb troublM in th. South,
or to who i. r.iioni.blo for their con
tinuance. Tliar. hav. hoen fnulti on both alil.l.
Th. iotarviii of lb. prop.rtj
holiltng and taiiaTln. olaieea in lb. Sooth hnv.
bwn laeriScd by iitnoraDt and oorrupt l.xiila
tor. to tuch an that tber. la ju.t ea..a of
eoinplaint. It la not in til. pow.r of tho Fraai
dent to reconcile th. diftereno.. between partio.
ao alrouKly antasonl.tic I nor ii It within tho
coinpaia uf bia function, to rcgulat. lb. doui..
Uo eoiiocrna of lb. State.. The; nr. nooMa.rily
independent in local queatiou. nttd legiilation.
The arm of th. foiled State, cannot legally b.
uled to euatain on. pclillca) parly against
What a change of tunc this is lor
tho Colonel ot a bloody shirt regiment
to Bing at this day I Why did not tho
oditor in question tell his readers
twelve years ago that "tho army ol
tho I'uitcd States cannot bo legally
used to sustain any political party
against another?" If this confession
docs not inako tho readers of tho .
puko up some of tho Radical modicino
thoy havo been swallowing tor tho
past fiftoen yonra, Btomaeh pumps may
as well bo confiscated. Again ; "tho
proporty-holding and lax paying classes
in tho South havo been sacrificed by
ignorant and corrupt legislators," etc.
Kvcry Democratic edilor has uttered
thoso naked truths time and again but
thoy wero alwaysdeniedby thoir Rud-
ical cotompornrioB. It begins to look
as though a bloody shirt funeral was:
on hand, and that whon tbo day for
burial arrives there will bo few mourn
ors, although tho country was full of
bloody shirt wavers last full.
A Washington dispatch says: "There
aro daily growing indications that the
President is likely to encounter very
soiious opposition to his Southern pol
icy from the uxtrcnio dements ot bis
own party in tho North. Already
tho coining Congress casts its dark
shadow beforo it, and ninny aro tho
predictions of high party oxcitemont
in Washington during tho midsummer
days. Tho recont lottor of Senator
Hlaino is regarded as another notico
from him of stormy times to como in
Washington. His excited declaration
during the apodal session of tho Sen
ate that ho should never desert tho
Southern Republicans is now recalled,
und It is believed that he will make an
open and ot course a vigorous fight
against the wholo Southern business.
Ben Wado of Ohio, has also written
a letter in which ho is represented to
havo arraigned President Hayes and
his policy with his quaint and vigor
ous ulllurllUDa ol Slletnjti. - Martin 1.
Townsend of Troy, X. Y., is said also
to havo prepared a letter in opposition
to tho President's policy.
Tho President is undisturbed. He
has been warned of tho threatened op
position, but maintains at all times his
remarkable oquipoisc. Ho only says
that ho is confident that his policy is
for tho best interests ot tho country,
and that he will abide by it. Ho will
have no controversey with any ono,
but will accord to all mombers ol the
Republican party tho right to approve
or disapprovo of what ho does, and to
express their opinions on it freely.
Nothing will ho permitted to swervo
him from bis purposo."
It looks now as though all tho old
Abolition leaders who failed to pickup
a sword, or shoulder a muskot during
Seward s"irreprossibloconflict," would
sail in for tbo purposo of scaring Mr.
Hayes, and compel him to abandon his
Southorn Policy. They nro cowards
all. Tho proof is against them and
"the government" knows it. Let them
ruvo and froth. Thoy did thomsevca
no harm during tho war nor will they
during peace. They will only bellow,
beast liko.
Retrenching). Tho following bit of
information wo find in all our Radical
exchanges. It reads very nico :
Attorney Oen.ral D.T.n. ha. notified tho U.
S. Diatriet Attorney, that the appropriation for
thodeparlmenlof Justice wal Insufficient to meet
the expanses, and urgca the duty of retrench
ing all possible .zpensea. To great client the
Attorn.ya of ih. United Slates ar. responsible 1
for eipenie. incurred, and naturally the .all Is
mad. upon Cham to stop all ..pen... that can
with pn.priety b. .lopped. There Is nearly a
full quarter of th. fiscal yrar .tilt to ran, during
which time th. .xponse. must ha kept to tb.
minimum point.
Now, it would seem from this as
though "civil service reform" had set
In. Tho oxebangos indicated tell their
readers but half the truth. Tho editors
should tell tho ichote truth as becomes
all christian teachers and let their
readers know that a Democratic Con
gress reduced the appropriation askod
for just tbirty-thrco per cent, and is
another Democratic Congress is to bil
low, tho."slavo hound,"a Phillips calls
the Attorney General, informs his sub
ordinate, that they must practice econ
omy. Tho retrenching feature in tho
Department ot Justico is forced by tho
policy adopted by a Democratic Con
grosj. And that body and not tho
llayos Administration should bo cred
ited with this reform.
Eliza Sherman Pink.hton. Sher
man's interesting Eliza should be call
ed out to ascertain tho publio opinion
of Louisiana, in obodionco to tho in
structions ,cf Secretary Evarts. The
four-lo ono commission should loso no
tiino in interviewing Elita Pitiltston
unless, porchanco, Kliia should provo
to bo nliunilr. 11 she Is not examined
it will bo discounting Sherman most
awfully. KUia was tbo most lovely
and pliable witnoss tho Ohio Sountor
met whilo in Louisiana, and Com
mission number three should give both
an opportunity to riso and explain be
foro closing out the loyal job.
Pooa Ellin. Ellon Grant was bo.
fore a Now York police court rooently
for drunkenness. She said, "Your
Honor, I'm an aunt to Ulysses that
was eight years in Washington. I
went to see him sovoral times. I lost
two sons In the army at Bull Run, and
my husband was lost In Uio navy."
Tho Judge let her go. , , '
vass for abundant proof of this sudden
and salutary alteration. Tho canvass
wits conducted, nswu cannot yet quito
forget, In accordance with a keynoto
fii rnishod by liluine, accepted by Chand
ler and Wheeler, and passed on to the
rank and file of orators and writers
who innde tip the great body of active
workers. Wo woro to advance ugainst
tho Democratic hosts as wo advanced
upon tho rebel army at Gettysburg.
Wo wero to romember tbo prison pens
of Andersonvillo, and resolve never to
allow tho defencelBss freedman to bo
restored to tho tyranny of his formor
master, otc. Wo wero to ward off by our
ballots tho threatening burden of Sou ill
crn claims with which a "Confederate"
Congress would bo sure to overwhelm,
us, and so on. But sinco tbo day of
llayos' fust appearance in Washing
ton wo havo seen in no Republican pa
per tho slightest relerenco to tho great
purposes of tho canvass. Kvon the
poor negroes whom wo heard weeping
upon a street coiner in Florida when
tho count ol tho Stato volos was Anally
rectified, appear to havo dried their
team, or, ut least, fail any longer to
mnko their sobs nudiblo to Republican
editors. Tho telegraph brings no news
of "outrages" or of further develop
ments of "tho Mississippi plan." Kvory
Republican has becomo disgusted with
military control of States, and thor
oughly convincod that a Stato govern
ment which cannot support itself should
not bo propped up by national soMiors.
Indeed It 's no longer tlio freedmon
but the white man who is summoned
most sweetly to toposo in Abraham's
bosom. Mnny a reader might hesitate
to decido winch was Dives and which
was Lazarus. In fact, ovcry issuo of!
Iho war appears lo be settled. Rebel
linn is dead; there nro no rebels it
must havo been a spook with which
Blaino frightened us. It is
safe to predict that, hud Blaino suc
ceeded in his attempt to break down
tho policy of tlio President and con
flno him to tho system markod out by
tho managers of the canvass, wo
should to-day havo been reading tbo
same dismal editorial articles with
which we became so painfully familiar
during tho past administration, and
should be bracing our nerves to endure
for another four years tbo ofllictionsof
the Inst eight; and tbo same men who
are now blithely writing eulogies ol
Hayes' now policy would bo writine
praises ot his wisdom and eourago as
displayed in following tho footsteps of J
his illustrious predecessor."
Bigotry, like avaiico, has its wor
shippers, and whon an American em
braces both ho comes about as near
boing a good citiicn as Satan does to
being a Christian.
In New England!."" . . . v V. ' .
whero they used to hang women for
being witches and cut tbo tongues out
of tho mouths of tjuukcrs, for speak
ing after boing "moved by tho Spirit,"
and banished Roger Williams, and his
followers, they still seem to worship
tho samo Golden Cull. An exebango
in alluding to stubborn facts says:
"Now that Now Hamtishiro has
voted down an amendment to the Con
stitution intended to remove the dis
qualification of Catholics from holding
olllco, tho inquiry is naturally suggest
ed, whether a Republican government
oxists in that Stato, according to the
spirit of the Constitution of tho United
States. This proscription of members
of a certain church, from tho rights of!
:.: i.; . JLi.. - a 7.. .... I
lation of tho fundamental idea of freo
institutions, but it is in onon defiance I
oi tno fourteenth. Amend
mont, which i
mako or on- i
abridiro tho !
declares, "No Stale shall
forco any law which Bball abridiro tho
privileges or immunities of citiaeus of
tho U nited States.
Rhodo Island denies suffrage to citi
zens of foreign birth, and thus carries
its bigotry in ono direction, quito as
tar as
XSow Hampshire does in tho
these Mates nave been
conspicuous by their exlioino nartisan
ship in ColllfTOSS in SUDIlortinir the
most violent measures airuiiiat the
South, in detonding thocarpot-baggors,
of whom they iurnished a liberal
share, and in professing exceptional
sympathy for all the Sights of the I
otaca man. ii incv wou m look a ntt n
. C .. ..V
to tho rightsof tho white man at homo,
wiiu whom thoy como in daily con
tact in all the relations of life, their
Bihccrity would be lea questioned."
Intebnal Revenue Taxes. Tho
Tn.n... n ... ..m-.i.:
. ' ' ."' " " , " "8",u I k,Ja(l. 01 Hlliduysbiirg, on list of can-
Is bo economically (?) arranged that, didates was, by resolution, requested
tho chiefs uovor think of advertising in 1 1 showenuso at next mooting ot Pres
a Democratic newspaper, or they do '''tory wl')' his nnmo should not bo
not want Democrats lo know whatl "iT''? v i n' . ,
,., . ..,, , , 1 t. Brown was examined
tbo law is, bo that a lot ol ..sneak nd taken under the caro of the Pros-
tuiovcs can come around alter tho 1st oil
May and blackmail all who do not
happen to know what tho law is. Wo
havo therefore transferred from a Rad
ical journal, lo our columns, Greon B.
Raum's notico on this subject, Thoso
of our cilisons who nro entitled to pay
a license nndcr tho laws of Conirrcss
had bettor rend this government docti
mout and tako out their license in duo
tiino, or Dnvo Eason will bo around In
Juno or July and sock ovory Democrat
fifty per cent, who Is found doing busi
ness without a Tnitod States License.
Tho fifty por cent penalty goes to pay
Returning Board exponses, Commiss
ions and Radical snooks generally.
TuEPosTorricaKir. Anexchnngo
snya this about the transfiguration:
"Whon President Andrew Johnson was
making fiorco speeches about banging
traitors, Colonel Key, now Postmaster
General, was a wanderer in North
Carolina. The President and Key were
old-time friends, and the laltor address
ed a letter to tho White House asking
what ho should do. Tho noxt return
mail from Washington brought a full
pardon. Colonel Key returned home
and resumed bis law practice, from
Which be bas stepped into Ibe Cabinet
of Mr. Hayes. ,
ly lo notic
his first letter a decided success, and
follows it up with another one, which,
lor specious falsehood, lying, dissimu
lation and malicious misrepresentation,
would ma ko n Pecksniff blush, and
which to waste time answering would
be criminal. If a person stopped to
throw stones into every cess pool, oik'
club every skunk that crosses his path,
ho would probably get his clothing
soiled, and il is for tbo purpose of po
litely declining to enter upon that
career that this article is penned.
It is curious to note wbut revelations
aro somctimcB couched In a single sen
tence, or even a word. As nn illustra
tion tnli tho onption uf "Uooly's" hint
effusion, "Lo.v Bridge." Tbo imagi
nation ut orco reverts to the classic
precincts of the tow-path along the
"raging canfwl," young "Gooly,"
bare headed, xilb his pants rolled up,
trumiiintr mud behind three distressed
looking iniilei of the gotliic order of
architecture, whip in hand and bis eyo
on the leader, bawling out at intervals
"low bridge." It is also a curious
etiological phenomenon which 1
ievo remains unexplained why
young men, who, for want of capacity,
fail to mako mulo driving a success,
invariably pitch for a printing office
and attempt to "navigate a nnstcpiipor,"
as the renowned Billings has it.
This ono so sooner gets himself
smuggled in .ban ho becomes ambi
tious and cssajs the role of deniagogiio,
writes letters without any regard to
truth, and aipcale lo prejudice and
passion in hepes ot making political
capital. It lio cannot becomo clcbra
ted bo is willing to become notorious,
and rather 1 1 an not be noticed at all
would be satisfied to becomo infamous.
Now, "Gooly," a word to you. Don't
write any oujie letter.!. Abandon your
political dreams they nro "all n fleet
ing show, for man's illusion given." Ro
turn to your first love tho spiko team
on Iho tow-patb. As tho poet feeling
ly expresses il:
"Tlio earlie.l rtnotiou. of love are the iurtrt,
Th. Iruertnitd Ih. moat elnctre j
The earlieet altaclion th. boiom eniareth,
When other, it cuij. to bear."
Seek diligently all along tbo lino for
a vacancy, and if you can find a team
so dilapidated that no ono clso would
bo caught driving it, hasten lo restore
tho equilibrium of nature by dropping
into tho si I nation. You will find no
difficulty in adjusting yourself to the
"environment," and il you do not mako
the fastest time on record, you will at
least havo the consciousness that you
are filling your appropriate niche in
tho economy ot nature, and your call
ing is a living illustration of the fitness
of things.
'Bo virtuous and you will bo happy."
C. C.
Clearfield Vt , April 10, 1877.
,. .'UfltY.
We are indebtod to thoTyrono 7Vm
ocrrt lor Iho proceedings ol this body,
which met in tbo Presbyterian church
at Tyrone, Tuesday, April 10th, 1877,
at 11 o'clock a. m., and was opened
with a sermon by tho retiring Modera
tor, Rev. II. S. Butler, ot Clearfield.
Hot. R. M. Campbell, of Bellvillo.
was oleotod Kecoidinir Clerk, and liov!
D. U. Campbell, of Fruit Hill, elected
Reading Clerk.
Tho roll was called, showing 44 Min
isters and 30 Klders lo bo present.
Roport of Committee on devotional ox
orcisoa wns read, when a recoss was
taken till 2 p. m. .
Presbytery metaocording toadjourn
mcnt. liov. J. Kistler, of the Tyrone
Lutheran church, was invited to sit as
a corresponding mombcr. Committee
to orgauio a ehui-ch at Petersburg re
ported, which was adopted and name
of church placed on roll of Presbytery.
Minutes ol called meeting at llellcfonto
woro approved.
Committees to install Rev. William
l.anrie at llellcfonto. and Iter T
homiison ut I'liilinsburi'. renorlcl
duty performed.
Bellevillo, Milllin county, was fixed
"'on as "ie I1'""" '"r hod'ng tho next!
',lut!,, ,moot'"8 of 1'resby lory, and tho
"rt 'ue8da' of October as the time
Adjourned to 7 p. m.
Presbytery assembled at 7 p. m., and
after devotional cxorcisoslho Mission
ary Sormon was preached by Rov. M,
N. Cornelius, of 1st Church, Altoona
taking kit text from 1 Timothy 1:11.
i'n. ..... ii . .
v-uui-i-iiuii luitun lor uomo ana For
eign Missions amoiintinif to 27.M
Alter a free conversation on the stnto
of religion, adjourned to 8) a. m.,
it euncsuay. ,
Mot according to adiournnient.whcn
S"' V"lron' JT' J L' ',arr'
.L.ldcl - tmter and G. U. Uoteh-
K ISA Wflni IlllWtXl I
woro elected
.. . . " iuiii .u
uunorui Assemiuy, which uicots in
Chicago, May 17th. luvs. J. C. Kelly
and J.V. It. Hughes, and Elders Tussey
and L. Baird werooloelod alternates.
i. ...
Names of A. Rom Read and S. W.
Pollock, undor caro ol tho Presbytery,
"V""" ' a. u. nin-
M tbo rcoucHl of liov. . I C. Will.clm
tho pastoral relations existing betwoen
him and the churches ofShavor's Creek
and Bolhcl wero dissolved. Rev. Wil
helm was appointed lo preach a sermon
in each ol those churches and declare
the pulpils vacant.
Tlio pastoral relations existing bo
twoon Itev. John McKcun anT tbo
Littlo Valley church wero dissolved.
A request from Morrisdalo Mines,
Clearfield county, for tho organisation
of a church at that placo was granted,
tho now church to bo under the charge
of Rev. Thos. Thompson, of Pbilips
hurg. Revs. D. W. Moore and N. II.
Miller, and Elder Dorria appointed to
organir.0 tho church.
R. E: Flickinger, a candidate for
tho ministry, preached a trial sor
mon on Wednesday evening, from
Luko 14 : 17. Ho was examined Ihor.
ougbly on Theology by Dr. Gibson,
and on Church History, etc., by otbors,
creditably passing
which ho was
licensed to Prraoh.
rort Matilda, on tho Bald Engle
Branch railroad, was fixed as tho placo
for holding tho adjourned mooting of
Prcsjiytory in June.
At evening session Rov. W. Laurie
was apKiinlod t preach the Mission
ary Sermon at next slated meeting.
Report of comtnjttco ou statement ol
religion within bounds of Presbytery,
showed the total additions to the
church during the last year to be 550
members. A number of churches are
a corresponding meiiibei
The Treasurer was instructed to
mako additional assessments on the
churches to pay assessment of Guiiurul
Assembly. Alter report of Homo Mis
sion coininillco, adjourned until 8)
a. m., Thursday.
Presbytery met and spent nn half
hour in devotional exercises.
Tbo church at Milesburg was grunt
ed Slimi, and church ut Mupleton f 1U0,
lor one year, to help sustain their Pus
tors. Mrs. N. Morrow wosrecommond
cd to tho Board of Relief lor $100.
Rev. Win. Prideaux was appointed
Missionary at Large within the bounds
of tbo Presbytery.
Presbytery met at 1 ) p. in. Rov.O.
O. McUlcan, D. D., and Elder A. S.
Landis, were appointed Commissioners
to defend Presbytery beloro Synod in
judicial caHi,
Rev. II U. Campbell! iiev. A. 11.
Parker, and Elder J. W. Wilson were
appointed coininittcooii devotional ser
vices. On motion of Rev. Dr. Gibson, aotion
ol Presbytery providing for a session
at Port Malildu in June, was reconsid
ered, and on motion of Rev. Dr. Wilson
tho next meeting ol Presbytery will
bo held at Belleville, on tho first Tues
day of October.
On motion of Rev. Dr. Huuiill,
thanks of Presbytery were returned to
Pastor, session and congregation of
Tyrono fur their hospitable ciitertuin
ment. n motion of Dr. Gibson, janitor was
paid usual IV.
Rev. S. M. Moore returned thanks of
session and congregation to Presbytory
lor meeting at this placo, and gave a
cordial invitation for its return here
soon again.
' Afler singing hymn 700, and a fer
vent prayer by tbo Moderator, Rov. R.
. Campbell, Presbytery adjourned.
politician penetrates sonio clergymen
very deeply theso times from the wuy
they behave. An cx-Frecdmcn's Ilu-
reun agent, who happens to bo a mem
her of the New York Methodist Con
ference, made a stump speech in that
body a day or two ago with a view to
arousing the war passions of the broth
rcn by playing upon their sympathies
for tho negro. His idan was to secure
tho passu go of resolutions
similar lo thoso which bad been intro
duced "amid great applause" in tho
New England Conference on tho day
before. But tho tirado of Wendell
Phillips against tho President and his
"slave-hound Cabinet" had mado even
less impression in New York than
Massachusetts. Tbo brethren prayer
fully considered tho subject over Sub-
hnih and cutne together yesterday to
adopt a scries of resolutions which, so
far from attacking the administration
approved its policy of conciliation
warmly and bado the President God
speed in tho work he has so well be
gun. Tho wisdom of political deliver
ances by ecclesiastical bodies is always
questionable, but when it is thought
advisable for clergymen to raise their
voice all will agroo that, as in this in
stance, it should be on i.he side of peace,
law and ordor. Tho country has had
enough ol tho gospel of bate.
A JruoE Wanted. Tho election of
Judgo Duvis to tho United Stales Sen
ate by tho Legislature of Illinois, has
caused a vacancy on tlio Supreme
bench, and many are tho aspirants
thorelor, theso bull-dozing times. An
exebango says :
"It seems that there are about two-
thirds of a lawyers and judges of;
more or less distinction, who aro will.
ing to step into the cast off shoos of ox.
Justice Davis. A Washington telegram
states that some of thtitn have filed ap
plications with Mr. Hayes over their
own signatures, llus creates but lit
tle surpriso in theso degenornle days,
hut wo can
act with th
a Taney or
an nanny associate any such
the chat-actor of a Marshal, or
aChaso. AflcrGod-lii-the-
Constitution Stronir and Ahundo Joo.
anything is decorous in the conduct ot
a prospective Judge of thp Supreme
Court of tho ('nited Suites. Tbo high-
ost judicial olllco, sinco tho achieve
ments of the elght-to seven commission,
may bo fnirly regarded as of a partisan
nature, and it is thereloro entirely
proper that aspirants therefor should
electioneer in person tor appointment
by tho executive."
From any more Bradleys or
"good Lord delivor us," is our prayer
on this occasion.
A Revolution. Tho editor of tho
Cumberland (Md.) Timrs, who has
boon surveying the political field tp
advantage, in alluding to tho mooting
of the noxt Congress, says : Mr. Ran
dolph Tucker, of Virginia, who made
his mark In the last Congress as one ol
its ablest members, and who, wo arc
glad to say, bas been returned again to
thai which will assemblo in May or
Juno, is not in tho least doubt as to
the meaning of tho "Southorn policy"
ol President Hayes. Mr. Tucker plain
ly sayi that Hayes' policy is simply
tho policy of tho Democratic party
which President Hayes has been
forced lo adopt, because the majority
ot the American people demaqd it.
Tho majority of the American people
elected Mr. Tilden to tho Presidency
because tbey meant this policy to be
adopted. Mr. Hayes has been thiniblo
rigged into Mr. Tilden 'a placo, but ho
has sonso enough to know that ho will
not bo permitted to carry out any po.
icy savo that which Mr. Tilden was
elected to represent and oxeculo.
At Cincinnati, in a suit brought
against General Samuel F.Cary, charg
ing that ho had lakon advantage of
tho confidence reposed In him by a
number of individuals who mndo
heavy investments in a Colorado mino,
tho court found that Gonoral Cary had
agreed with his associates and partners
in tho enterprise to buy them in for
their common benefit for 150,000, look
the money to buy it as their agogt,
bought it tor 122,000 and divided tbe
balance between bimsell and bis
nephew. Tbe balance ol 128,000 tbe
court decided must be accounted lor
by Cary to th subscribers. ,
Four of tho eight spans of thu
Huliuagrovo bridge lutely burned have
been replaced.
The net earnings of tbo Allegheny
Valley Railroad for tbo year 1870
were l,2!HI,0a4.1L
Eleven proiuiiiuiit families remove
from Washington (lights this spring
on account ol hard times.
A movement is on foot at Oil
City looking to tho erection ol a inoro
commodious oil exebango.
Miss Porter, tho Admiral's
eldest, is to become the wile of Lieut.
Logan, II. S. N., on May 10th.
Edward A. Howurd,of Michigan,
has been appointed Agent for the In
dians of thu Ponca agency, in Dakota.
American mules pull the street
cars ol Glasgow, and flop thoir long
ears for ono nioro look at these shores.
Nearly every Republican Stale
Senator in Iowa bas been brought out
as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
-Shad aro now being takcu in San
(. . . ,,,, - ,
nihcisco bay. I boy firs placed
in California waters by heth Green in
W. Siggins fell sixty feet from
a derrick at St. Petersburg, Clarion
county, ono dny hint week, and was
fatally injured.
Jacob Covodeof Sharpsburg, Pa.,
brother of the lulo Hon. John Covodo,
died at his home at that place on Inst
Friilny a week.
The Ohio Legislature has intro
duced a bill to compel railroad compan
ies to uso self extinguishing stoves on
passenger cars.
There are some lolks worse off wnl, p'lliH'on is in active and do
than wo in tho matter of weather. 'rmiued hostility to his pretensions.
London had ouly seventeen hours of 3l'- lint th0 Nicholls odministra
sunshine In March. lion is maintaining order throughout
. , , I tbo State and protecting tbe rights of
Mr .Hayes wil I attend tho opening j hoth races , and that poaco and pros
of the Permanent Exhibition at Phila- pL.riy would result from its continu-
duties will permit.
"-r y" " "" ji " i".u.iu
Gov. Hartranft spent several days
of last week in Washington city, hob
nobbing with Mr. Hayes. No troops
wanted in Pennsylvania.
Onco more wo hear of Gen. Del
knap. Washington pnpers announce
that Mr. and Mrs. Belknap will soon
lonvo that city for Iowa.
. Mra. Custer has declined a benefit
and paid all her husbands debts in lull.
There is still a mortgage ol (2,500 on
tho homestead, however.
Wells A Schoch's boiler shops at
ijowisiown, i s., wun otnor property, I
were burned on Tuesday of Inst week, i
Loss 125,000; insurance unknown.
The potters' strike at Trenton, N.
J., which baa continued for threo
months camo to an end on the 12th
inst., for luck of funds to continue it.
Tho farm houseof Mrs. Dithridgo,
near Tionesta, Pa., with all its furni
ture, w as destroyed by lire on tho 11th
inst. Tho loss is 110,000; insurance
1 5,000.
Tlmt 1,500,000 furnished to tho
Centennial show by tho I'nitod States.
goes back again from whence it came. I per cent, per annum ; wool to be hand
Ibis IS a disgustini; buck Hot to tlio i . i : , .
speculator in centennial stock. j cd in "7 ly nnd .......
an t ,, ,, , , ,
"1 would not live alway," did live till
in bis 81st yoar and died Sunday even
ing, April 8th, Now York city.
Donn Piatt, whom Grant hod ar
rested tor roihlirtliinir t inairnlilA bi.
tide in his paper has been (lis-
charged from custody, tho District At-1 member that President Grant, had
torney entering a nollo prosequi in the.'Donn Piatt, edilor of the CtiitU news
Mr. Wm. L. Morris, of N ew York
city, has just been reappointed Com
missioner ot Deeds, an ollice which he
has bold for fiftv-nino rears, havimr
been appointed in in 1818, by Gov. De
ii in bunion.
Gov. Tilden narrowly escaped se
rious Injury or death one day last
week. While out drivinir his horses
took fright and ran away. The Gov
ernor escaped unhurt by jumping
from tho carnage.
"Govornor Chamborlain yields to
tbo logic of events," says tbo Now
York IlraU. That's a very prelty
way to sny it, but bo really- yielded
and Joseph A. Dean, Orvillo I). Jewell
to a want of bayonets.
Tho Jlrachocs rivor in Canada
overflowed its banks last woelt, sweep,
ingoffalargo numborof cattle and doing
much othor dninago. Tho water rose
twenty fed and the people along its
banks fled to the highland for safoty.
A wealthy old gentleman in Nor
wich, Connecticut, bad mndo hit will
leaving nearly all his property to tho
Methodist Church, but ho burned the
document in disgust when he read the
rojolutions of tbo New England Con
ference. . Tho Cambria Irou Works at
Johnstown recently received and filled
an order for ono thousand tons ol steel
rails for tho Rio Grando railroad, a
new route to be constructed this spring I
GTanndo0;at:.C0,0r',,l0 l U, !
Thomas Campbell was to have I
been hanged at Wilkosbarre, on the
10th inst., but a writ ot error from tbo
Supreme Court stayed tho execution.
Ho is generally believed to bo Innocent
of the murder for which he was to
have been executed.
The locomotives engineer of tho
Reading Railroad do not tako kindlv
to tho order of tho Company forbid
din engineers to belong to the Broth
erhood of Locomotivo Engineers, and
nearly all ot them will ouit tbo em
ploy of tho company.
At a meeting held In (fliawa, i
means of relieving unemployed labor,
a memorial was adopted urging on tho
government the desirability oforiginat
mg and carrying on such publio work
as may be necessary and in tho public
intoresi, for tho alleviation of tho pres
ent destitution.
Tho body of Solomon Castley, Jr.,
colored, was found In the woods ton
miles from Frederick, Md., on Satur
day a week, pierced with a bullet,
t'ustley had been missing since tho
Wednesday previous. Etlward Cast
ley, alias Dorsey, his cousin, nged
twenty years, who kit his home at tho
tiino Solomon disappeared, is suspected
of the murder.
A bomb shell exploded in the
oftleo or tho firm of John JowlttA
Sons, while lead manufacturers, in
Now York. Thursday morning, killing
Mr. Goorgo Jewell and Injuring hi
partners, Orvlllo 1). Jcwott died ol his
injuriee last week. Tho affair is in
volved in a mystory, tb survivors
making no statement as to show bow
tbo explosion occurred. Two pistols
and a dagger were found on th floor
ol th oftio alter tbe explosion, to
gether with aeveral piece of the shell.
uitiii.uui pioiiucie oi i . nioi'hiuery.l
There is room tor a fair doubt as to!
the constitutional power of thu Board
to make up a Legislature and to act
judicially on tbo returns for Governor,
but, in thu ubsehcu of uny Supreme
Court dt-tiAt!) denying it- VW purer,
its return was binding. Tho Nicholls
purty bud therefore no right to build
up a government on their own doubts!
as to the constitutionality of the stat
utes under which tho Board acted.
The question goes to the President,
however, not as a political ono, and he
political ono, and he
may fairly satisfy liimself and bo gov-
orned by his conclusions as to whether
tho Board's action was constitutional,
2nd. That Iho Nicholls government
exorcises eomplcii do facto authority
throughout the State and in every aero'
of its soil, except within the walls ofj
I l.n lihl Lnti.l nuitil lit Pnr.lrn i,l m A '
State House. The assertions of Pack
ard that in certain heavy negro par
ishes he is recognized havo not been
verified, reputuLlo gentlemen of both
parties having comeinlrom theso par
ishes to assure the Commission that
Nicholls' administration meets with no
more opposition in those localities than
1. Vnuf I let.. .... ?.... ,1'- ......
I ... i- V'UVIIIIB. I SlftUI U B fllttlVllll'lll.
ll)llt nt.,rI , tbe ciTuit j , ho
; SlJ1. .,.,.';, i,;m i . , ,
rest solely in the fact that these Judi'cs
were commissioned by Kellogg, and is
disproved br the oaths of ollice filed
by thorn with tho Nicholls Secre
tary ol Slate. It is literally true that
Packard is a prisoner in the Stato
House, and that his claims are active
ly supported by nobody in Louisiana
except members of his government and
tho two or three hundred guards ho
feeding and paying.. No doubt tbe
negro population belicvo in his right
and want it enforced, but thoy will
not raiso a linger to aid him, whilo the
4th. That the Packard administra
tion cannot bo established by a simple
recognition on tho part ol tho Presi
dent, but only by tho uso of a largo
forco of Federal troops to crush out
tho acting government and tho main
tenance of a garrison in the State dur
ing tho whole ot Packard's term. Fur
ther, that if this course wore practica
ble it would involve a continuunco of
Iho race conflicts, social and industrial
disturbances and business depression
which characterised Kellogg's admin
istration." The GaANQERs' Wool Depot. A
building, known as "The Ohio, Penn
sylvania and West Virginia Grange
Wool Houso," is to be located at Steu
bcnville, Ohio, for purposos indicuted
by its titlo. The charge for handling
wool is not to exooed 1 conts por
pound. This is to cover all cxpouses
after being received in said wool house
such as grading, storage, salaries,
insurance, guarantee ot sales, otc. ;
money to be advanced on the half value
I of wool at
a rate not to exceed seven
f,,r.(iii- in liu u.iu
........... . j wij vtiniiii.aiiiii uuunif.
oncoiiraginent from wool growors.
Tbe new warehouse will bo under the
management, of an Executive Com
mittee."" '
PiATX Fkle. Our readers will re
paper, arrested for "treason and sedi-
tion," homo tiino in February last. The
caso wus called up in tho District
Court in Washington on Saturday tho
7lh inst., Judgo McArtlmr presiding,
District Attorney Wells said that bo
desired, with the approval of tho At
torney General, to enter a nolle yrvse
qui in tho caso of Donn Piatt, charged
with inciting a rebellion, The- cpnrt
remarked that Mr. Hayes having been
inaugurated all danger bad passed.
Tho District Attorney said Donn had
lost his knife. (Laughter.) Tho court
directed tho order to bo mado. Grant
should havo been on hand to bnek his
Wendell Raves. Tho Attorney
General has had Wendell Philips after
his scalp, for hai ng, as U. S. Marshal,
caught a fiiRitivo slavo in Boston in
1851, named Sims, nnd thus helped to
return him to his muster. This set
the wholo abolition pack lo yelping at
J ivvena' heels, and hi Iriends tried to
quiet them by si.ying that Mrs. Devcns
atoned for his offence by raising money
with which Sims' freedom was bought.
This left a chance for Gumbo to put In
a word, so tho voioo of Sims is made to
be beard from tho conflnos of Tenncs
boo, proclaiming in terms the
t '-.that ...
that cannot
was not
freed till 180.1, In Mississippi, when ho
ontercd tbo federal linos. Tally ono
lor Nms, anyhow,
On oftiix Ebcapki). The Johns
town Tribune, in speakingof the burn
ing ol tho Southern hotel, St. Louis,
says: Miss Agnes M'Coy, of Altoona,
who was in tho building at tho time,
managed to cscnpo a horriblo death.
Sho was employed as a telegraph oper
ator for the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company nt Altoona, lor a number of
years, but latterly her hoallh began to
il, and by tho advice of her lihvsi-
cian she started lor Colorado on Mon
day last. Her mother and brother ac
companied her ns far as Piltsburirh,
and she pursued her journey from that
point alone, having slopped a ISu Louii
to rest herself.
A GaAT Oi TBAnt. It turn out
now that tho flro In the Southern
Hotel nt St. Louis was known to the
engineer and other employees, and al
lowed to burn for not less than twenty
minutes before a ainglo guost wns
awakened. Had prompt notice of the
flro boon given no doubt all might
have escaped with theirlivcs. The at
tempt lo put out tho fire without dis
turbing tho Inmates, was laudable, but
the result proves that the like should
never be resorted to again.
Who I RitiHi Grant, Tnft Co.,
ordored the U. S. Army into Louis
iana and Soutb Carolina, for tb pur
pose of carrying the olactlon, now
Hayes A Co., order it out. Who's
ahead t A ehamr. anvhow.
,. , , . i" "",KU
political giants.
Mk. Hovd's Si cciisoB. Mr. L p
Farmer has been appointed gtntrij
passenger agent of the Penally,.
Railroad ,'ompanv. the vacancy lmt(
been caiieed by the decease of tbc,i.
D.M.Boyd, Jr. Tbo nomination of jp.
r armor was connrmed at a meeting ,(
tbo director of tho company, liolj on
Wodnesdav lost. Ho was firi
, ....
7 "r; B"u luert'""- H
aequainted with the rospomibilitinof
the position. Mr. Farmer's Kuccmor
will probably be Geo. W. Boyil.
MtLTimi Awv. An xrhauge rt,
marks : "As aoonas the carpet-banM.
stepped down and out in South tiro-
lina tho color lino obliterated iUxil.
The nino companies of colored miliii,
in Charleston at once resolved to gire
cordial allegiance to Hampton, and the
whilo riflo clubs, which convulsed tbo
nation during the campaign, und iu
colored militia now fraternize li'w
bands of brothers. As it is iu South
Carolina so it will bo in Louisiana.
PoiNTKn. Packard wants 11 r. ILjui
to say squarely who is Governor of
Louisiana. "Tho government1' bo1
rather not express itself on that (mint,
but it seems to havo great faith in ih
lnslrumeiit that creatod it a Cm.
is mission ami on that kind of ejeprrn.
ion Mr. Hayes si ill relies for luturu
use. When Commission number two
reports Packard will probably learn
whether he is counted out, or in, just
as Stanley Matthews may sujx.
Tu Law. Judgo Truiikc,
ol the Venango district, bas rendered
a decision that the provisions of the
now stay law do not apply to cam
where stay ot execution is waived hv
contract, nor to claims for labor. Ho
says tho act is nearly a literal copy of
tho slay law of 1812, nnd the cjnstiiu.
tionality may therefore bo considered
as adjudicated by the Supreme Court
in the caso of Cbadwick vs. Moore..
The Secretary of tho Navy lias sent
to tho various Representatives in Cnn
gross from districts entitled to a cadet
at Iho Naval Academy, to fill vacan
cies in that institution, notices request
ing them to nominate a candidate lor
admission to appear at tho Academy
and be examined on tho 10th of Juno
next. About ono hundred notices havo
been sent out and nominations are now
being received.
The Senator bom Maine. Mr.
Blnine would like to havo us believe
I bo is going to mako it so hot as to
forco the administration into summer
quarters right hero in tho middle of
siinni'. Hlaino is a dead rooster ami
ho had bolter stop crowing. Ho will
nover bo President, and bo might ss
well stop cackling.
Jlfic gidi'frtisfmfnts. W. are aeUlna Ih. c.
Iv aroanl.
in car leads at red need nrie. Address,
April IS, U7T-nt. Uellefonte, Pa.
-At;Tlom aii
nerantts are herehe cantine.
en BKatnsi pnrcaaslns; or In any war md.
diinf witL ana cow and call eulor of each Mil
red and white aaia.d. now in the p-tseeision .f
Alice Ma;., of New Millport, Knoi township, as
Ilia sane Winn,! to ma and Is left with kin.
Mar. on loan, auoject to ev oriter at anr time.
ten Millport. April II. I87t-.1t
H . i . . ' 7
(f TlTjn liaoteaail
T it can be m
1 1 one of elth
1 earned in these times, hat
made in three eaoath. by anr
Ither ss I. In an n.rt of itis
ooontrr who is willins; lo work steadilj at th.
iraiilorment that we tarnish. $ per week in
jawr own tows. Vow seed not lie swajr from
bom. crer night. Yon can fin jenr whole lima
to tbe work, or only your spar eaomeate.
nothing to try the business. Terms and i Oa:C.t
free. Address at ones, U. HaLtarf t Co.,
Ayril li, IH.,I Putlland, Ualoa.
CAUTION.M.AII paraona are hi-rcby caull.m.
od against pnrcba.sag or in an way mrd
dling with the following property, now in tbe
poaaastion of Fred. Ilaag. of I'enn township, ri. I
Ono cook slot , I bar.roiim store, 1 parlor stove,
I .Ink., I ulilei, 1 cupboard, I lounge, lot of
carpet, and i hr,)a and bedding, ns the same
was porehserd by sue at Conslable'a s.ilr on the
17lh day af Mann, and is left with said lia-goa
loan only, subject to my order at aoy lima.
LKWJn I. (Jl.uqV).
Olitwrairllle, April IS, ISil-aO
In I lie estele of Win. I In file Orphans' Cnj.-t ef
ll.yeoek, dt.'d. j Ch.rflol l Co.
Th. undersigned Auditor. appoinU'd br the
CouH to distribute tli. halssae or the money in
the bauds of John alorgan, Adraicistraior, to and
among tbe creditors entitled thereto, hereby girus
notloo tbitl be will altaud lo the duties uf his ap
polnlmenl, nt his ofAoa at ClearSeld, oo Tuesday,
May 1st, IS77, at t o'clock p. si , when and
where all parties interested .as attend.
Clearne:d, April IS, IS77-II. Auditor.
or vucilii 1 a
There will be cipoeed to prblie sale on the
premises In K) lerluao, Clearleld Gogol), He ,
alurttty, tiny a, les7,
at ono o'clock p. ., the following detirlked pr in
crly, lo wil i All that oortalo lot of gnond He
ale in Kylertowa, ClearSeld county, Pa., boun lei
ot Ibe east by Hie mad leading lo Iho rolling
stone, os th. north l y lot formerly of Ji be U.
Kyler, now Murphar, us the nalb by lot formsr
ly of Kdward llellaven, eoalaiaisg Is from M
feel, and encoding in depth Irs reda back, being
the same prrenis.s eoneoyo'l by John II. Kyler lo
Nicholas U.rpbey is deed dated January 7, ISIW,
recorded la deed book T," page US. Ac. and
baring threoa erected s frame house la?e UtU
frame stable, and other ootbull.lings.
A Iso, one elber tol a IJ .iaiag lb. ahaee de wribel
os the norm, beiag r.S feel i-onl by 10 ml. ..
depth. '
Ooe.hslf cash on confirmation of the sa'e, acd
the balance in ell snnothe, with Interest, to be
aeenred nnoa the aremier.. JMH IIKAM,
Administrator of the estalo of N. Muriihry.
Kylartown, Ps., April II,,
Do yon want to Increase the prodartles of year
Farm, and Usrdee. al a email outlay and no
troubl. f If so, send for package of
Waugtunan'i Vitative Compound, or
Seed and Plant Invigorator.
This I. i wonderful chemical aiscoeerr, ceo
laialng all the Ingredients In a oondesaed form
for lb. immediate and certain garmin.tion of tbe
seed, and the ylgorona and rapid growth of the
plant. Iu raise us hardly be asusaeted, as it
sot only inereasee tbo prudoetlos and hasten,
maturity, hut protects the seed, and plants from
the attack ef Inseeta and weraaa. Pal sp in
packages at and 13 W each i Ike smell 11
snlSctent for half a buhal, and the larger f ir ens
basket of seed. Beat by mail on receipt ef prioe,
atd I sent, sddilloaal for postage, by
III Liberty St, Pltlabsrth, I'a, '
Care of Oes. Blagbam, Adams Kinross Co ,
April II, llrMt.- . . - ,