Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 18, 1877, Image 1

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r h li m h it i mm,
i lie largest llrralatloa of euy Navy. paper
In Nink Oatral PewMaylvenla.
. i'ermi ol batnonpuoo
.mtd U niriM. r with. A Matha....W 4M
i.ait altar , and) hatnr - utunth ., So!
l.Ald t'Wf tb IMrtH til Mttriktlu,. 4 M
Rates ot Advertising,
'rani.ani arlvartiMmtuit. par auar f IP llnaaur
, X ilia nr Im. 1
awt- iDhwf urni iniwrllnn -
l-ltninlatrarnrV inrt KiMiifnrt I ftA
InHitorV niittoaii t ft
lur("B and Rirava 1
')ipnliiitin notiea t Ad
ProfMPinnft' Cards, ft tine nr laaa,l tar... A
mftl nnltiaii. pur lint ... . -. '
.t.uara Hit I ( mtlamn.. .. & OH
ttr.. 1ft OA j nolaian. ? A
aiiMf I 4nltnnn ISA AA
WB H. NeCt'M.l'aB SURD, o'l.. Bt'CR
MctlLLOKill & BUCK.
lleartleld. Pa.
All 1'f at hu.inrea promptly attended tn. OttW
n rVcnod atrMt, to th Mb-obIo hulldiBg
I'learflald Coubii. Pena's. T5y
n,,. a. w an a t.
crst's oibiwr
MV- Oglee la Pi Opera House, eeeood Boor.
ATIU U X K Y - A T - L. A W ,
I'learUt-ld. Pa.
Will atlaad to all buaiaaei entreated hi hit
( and laitbtull. eoU'7J
wiiLiae a. wau-acb. savib l. bbbbb.
barb, r. wALLAca. auhr w. wbiolby.
(usa-ae.r. lu Wallace A rlaldiBg.l
I I2 T-1 Cleartlein, Pa.
,ira a. illt oarirl w. a'cnatn.
(.'learlteld. Pa.
efbfKil beeiaeaa attandad lu prtiatptl? witbj
..Kht. OBiee ua Heouad ftrtal, abut ia nrxi
niinn.l Rani J.n:l:7
G. R. aRETT,
luring rwind bl JaHgtuhip, hut rrtunad
ne irttoiicf")f th lw in hiiold offlor 1 Cle?
M. P. Will attend ihr ainirtK of Jpffurmin amt
Ik muntiM whan .w)illy ittninml in mmnMtion
tth nmnieni anuniiol. :it.(i
A T T 0 K N E Y - A T - L A W
KmI K.UIr and ('"llai'tl'O A(rDI,
tl tAHKII.I.II. PA..
Will ,t..m,llj atli-Bd In all lr(al huliaaai bb
lra.lp.1 la hi. ara.
-ll(Bi,r a ' 0 ara l..u. Jal J
MearkVlil. Pa.
lltliu IB UraBAttt'a Row. dae)l-l
,1 TTO RN EY-A T-1.A
w ,
, i::ra Clearfield. Pa.
Cleirflrld. Pft.
Vtimt Id Old Mrn H.fl huUdinit
. r'fi.r of Mitad au I Market 8ti. "SI-AM'
n-DHN R V AT h A W
( ClearHrld. P
in lb ToMrt Iloun
nearttaltl. Pa.
pfr Ott M un ftlaikat itr.el, o). Court Houm,
i.n. S. 174.
...a Heal Kalaia Atenl, Clearltelal. Pa.
niB Third .ire.t. bet.t'h.rr k Walnol.
ATTRaapaalfally offara hla aerrleaala aalllnn
ad BbtIbk IbbiIi la Olearleld and BdJulalBf
MBtlu 1 asd witb bb aipertaaea ai over twaal
.are aa a aarveyor. flatlare kinaall tbat fca obb
adar atlafaelloa. ak Ia.a:ll.
aan dbalbb in
Saw Ijojjj nnd Iiimbor,
Oitte in Irabaia'a Row. f;,iTA
j. j. LINGLE,
t I I' O H N K Y - A T - LAW.
I Uereula, CleartJeld l u,, Pa. y:pd
Hlletoat. I a.
iti uraftinr iu Ch-arHeld and all ot tbrUourttof
iloil. Judiotai .htrtot. Heal aatait hniinea
nd aollaolioa ol olaimn made .jrtwialtlM. mill
r'll YS1C1AN ft-MU KHEON,
A ill atli-Bd prtileaaiutial ealla pruniplly. attgln'fli
,iV.-h:ia a Ni huku'ON
iiWou un Market tttnwt. Claarlald. Pa
MBOUiue boures dluHa.B,,adlUBp.
ONloe ib raaldi'Bra UB Market at.
April U, IK71. l?l'.'i':!i.!i.
Lata Morgana uf the aad Heglmeal, Pennajlranla
VolaBiaari, haatag rBtuniad froa. Ibe Am,
affer. bt. proferatona' aaraloae to theoltlaaoi
of Olaarlaldaiiaalj.
V PMfaaaioBal oall. proaipll; aiuaiadt.
Olloa .a leooad .treat foruiarljoBaaplad bj
Dr Wood. lF?!'!,
Mir im e. koura- Frwu II Iv I P. M.
Ma; IJ, le7.
W I I.I.I A M M UKXIIY. Jiimict
II .r tb. PB.H-B abi. N-aiaraieB. LliMKKI.
IM. C..tleiiun. wiadi and e,ioe, prorap'lj
,...d ArtlehM nl aareaatanl aad dea.1. ot
cnteraiier aoatlr aaafulad bb-I warranted m,r
mi or B eharga.
la Kralter'a BalldlBf, ClearBeK, Pa.
Dealer Ib Ororeilei, Proylaloaa, Vagaltblaa,
Fraita, Flnar, Food, ttn, eta.
rlbp,ei Marital Hi., eppoflla IViart Huaae.
,oaa tuwal ft areiy emptta'r.
4 an BAanafwiB er af
III Kltda lef Artlclee In llaaaaa Hair,
t'lai Brta. P. aay
r'h. p I. f-m loraaerl., teaauplad by NBUgM
Marbal elrrt.
July II, TIL
Ja.llee el tba Peaae aad rVrirener.
t'arweaarllla. Pa.
jaa.CellaetHiai aiada aaa ra,,na proaiptl,
,m.,. labll-Tlti
. uiu
?qurfl Timber k Timber Land,
GEO. B. GOODLANC.B, .roprietor
Itirolur Toituhhlp,
llaarola Mill. P.O.
'II nnVlal l,u.lna. aurrBtntd In hiin vPI h
priiB,ill- aliindil I". molill. '7a,
M Kill H A NT,
Preiirhtllle. learlteld fuuiil). Pa
Kaaia aunalanll uu Band a full aaxurliiiant if
llr UiKida. Hardwara, Orm'aria., and vvarjthina
naaallv kvp' tn a mail at,n., ahloh alll If ilt
fur nah, a ohat a almahrt tn thr .,nui
rraaakvUla. Jun. 17 l7 Ijr
uaataa la
Alau. estannt nanalaiTtarar and daalar in Si,imt.
Tinliaratid Hawed l.utihetul all hind.
Sar-nrdar. .alloilrd and all hill. ,t. ln.'l
Allad l-T2
'louse and Sign Painter and Paper
I leal drill, I'enli'a.
IfeluWill alaouta job. in hi. line pnBitl aud
tn a wurhinanlikv ntannar a rl.lli
.TPumpl alwava db hand and Biadr tn i,rdii
aii fhurt aotioa. PiM, hurcd B rea.,nallr trrtn
All work warranted t' randar aatialaettnB. and
dalirarad If daairrd. ai;2i:l)pd
aad nanuiaoturara uf
A LI MNinoit UAH kit l.tlMHKH.
dealer la
Eeal Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
ll:l'71 CleBrBeld, I'a,
Market !.. t'ltarUeld, Pa.
Ib the limp lately occupied br Frank 9h,,rl,
one diHir weal of All.ghanjr lluua.
P-sti nl f"r all Hindi'
f buiMinK All work Irataixaa. tfuir buill
i tig a I'tfi'tl'J.
I'. 0 alrlri, rirarfti Id, Pa. jar.IT-77H.
Hunbarger. CieaiUcId to., fa.
KtH-pnoo baDl all kind-of Harni. 8iddlr,
Hridle, and Hurt l'urnibiO( Uwli. Kj-ainon
,nrui.(i) atlafidvd lu.
Hutubarg. r, Jan. 1", lrl7T-tf.
KAkKH. Maikal Cha-ft-U, Pa.
Friih Hri-ad, Hur-k, HulH. P id Cak
..B band or tnad- lu order. A a-rnt-ra. NMrtiupiii
nl Ton t.Ki tuna ri, Kiuli ni Nun In mui h.
o Irvpni mid Uyi-lr ih mwd. Ha atartt
iiip1i thf Pwiiilrc J'tuH-n utodrai.
Marak llr-'76.
MAM nili AJI nTliajK YAM).
Mr.. . I lllltl I L,
HartBR aaganed la tba Marble aualDea., dealrae
to taform bar Irieuda aad ibe public thai ebc ha
Bow BBd will kaep oin.ianil on band a larffa and
wall eeleoted atik l 1TAL1AM AND VEIlM'iM
MARK I.E. and la prepared l lurnieB n, ur.lai
HUM A1h IP, aa.
fjuYard on Head .treat, nrai tier R. R Depot,
Clearkeld. Pa. .U.7n
Llv-rj Nlable.
11 HE underaiirnei: beic. leara to Intorm the pun.
Il that ba la Bow fullv prepar"' to acaoBioi,,-
date all la the way of larBiahini; II .aaa, UueKie.,
Maddlaa and llarnaaa, on the aburtaat aolier aud
o raaaonable urtaa. Reaidenoa on Loaoit atreei,
batwean Third and Fourth
OKO. w. tinaniiAni.
Ilwrilald. Feb 4. 114
At the and ol tba n w brnle,
Tie pmpneter of tbia eatabltpbaivBl will huy
hi, liquor, dlraei fma. olalillara Partlea haylag
iroBa tbia houaa will l-e aura to get a paia article
at a amall margin nboaa ael. Ilotal beepare aaa
14 ruruirbed with liquor, an feaaonabie tcrlnv.
Cure wine, and brandies dlraei Iroui Rralar'a
V Inert, l Dttk, New Y..rb
Claarlald. June IB, l74 If.
Walchca, CIkIch nnd Jowilry.
Orakam'l How. rlraf Sire.
All klndaof reuilrlug l ny nlp'Pll at
ended Pi. April . I7f.
Tk. ed w,.old reetiectlur? Inform
the puhlle that ba baa ,r),ia,l a M KAT MARK ET
at Iha old Mend oa Market Hlreel. where ha will
keep rrgulailt no band all kind, or
r-R-E-S-ll M IM-T-S
and will guarantee llefartl.'B In prima aa wall
aa la Iha quality ot "B rrn.
ClrarhVld. Nnr.II,-7B-ll. till" now" ...
Clearfield Nursery.
1'IIK under.lgoed. baring eeiaiii.,. I a taur
aen oa the Pike, emal bait way lwe.a
CI.B'B. ld and rurwen.Mlle. i. pr. re.l i 'a'
al.h all kind, of FBI IT TREK.", (.laidar.l and
dwarf.) Eiergrwua. brab,rB. llrap. i..a..
HiKi-aherry. Uwimb,. rry. Kira.irry.
and Baaphair, Via.a. A a,,. Hib. rial. I ra. Ir.-...
gamca. and early -arlal Rboi,rh Af. Order.
pm-pU, .end.d dd.eas
npltl .., I B,ae.,..ill.', l a.
Market Ptreet, tiearllrltl. Pa..
ABcrArrrara aart ir
aad all blndt of
on." ri HMsmsa vuobs
. i r ar)dlrra' Hardware. Bra.tia',
..... k. Robea. eie., alwa.ti oa haed
, r. l. al Ibe lowa.t aaan priaea. All bia l'
n e, I BlriBg prnmpllr Bilei.dc.1 to.
and rei.aliln All Hu.le .it b.n.e.a i a'ner
rpt b hand, and for a.b- at a mail pmll
I'learBeia. . i", a
Clrarlleld. fean'a.
u ... .11 iba lea. il.I Fire iB.oranee
. uuipaai . f ID.tlaB, M
iM, ','.'"' '. ....... .ihi two
, A.... .j ,L. ..inr,
Hnrae, New York
l.aiing. Money, Pa
Franklin, Philad'a
Phraail, llarllord
Ilanneer, Naw V"k
lie a, I'el .O..
All.., Haiti' rd -
PrtrrldeBee, Waahlngtaa ...
l.b K.t,fl
baa at I
Paraaea ab.,an ..lag aa (aaaraaaa on prop
u af aai klad, abaold aaU at mf ,
J...- JL. aaineeHa vke Ooert Haaaa, Bd aaa
-a Vat ag BaaiBaarW aaal ratat bedbra eaaarlag
ClaarlaU,P, Oa4 a.1M
rh, mhf did ynn tnarrf hlin, Bi.ldy
M l. did nu taka rat ftr a Pfmuia t
Burr I a' Bfttlittr uirty nor win.
Aim) hi bilr In m rl n a on' !
Y n ntlnlit bad your iiok had ymi waited
Yn ilnnv a daia b-iirr wiib Titn i
Al'd I'hfltm W iinta fi.ppiln'
You rouldn't do Mtt-r our Mitt
Ton talk of u TnutiK itHiple cittirlin'
Pr.i) trll bi'ii jrar itiuttin' hnajan,
M hrr jfimr m rv a wiiMy mant
And hi wm a Kiddjr out a."
"Tun ami at, Ma. va , w aqii untuj
Krlorf thy turn m-pr iha aa,
W hen i at aa a niuilin' Nrnb,
A till Tim wat a u-urlln ma.
Mil did iioi kii'W much, tl.f i nr Norab.
Nr. fur llml tiiaitp , in-l bfr did P4I .
Ill la I t'ttl Ihr till I 111 I Wl Wtwf ONC.
Hut ui out tiNd Hifti ! id him ilial
Hut i pkihi hui (1 i out tor b'tii
h r lite at l-trl I. hi iai)
W hi n I a a h aid j w-nin.
Aiitl hv i a i'H1j' ntaa.
I lulffd bin lit tiifci' imra of Nirib, -v
Ami aliui lit i.m-tl hir with m,
Hi mw. a bf hif(.ai-d o.ia .aitln,
W 1 at a innh tint a on, an bv.
llf' wt-iit .'UI Itkf iu unall d a en mile
Tb- n tbt! iickm ir HliB'l uiud Tim,
Aid v W titha-il b bi" bUi a togoiher
Jl n nt-k a n-.j:uft lo bun.
t an uut alnr tn ai WifiiMK.
Our t an id ihr nun rhrtuovl rtin
For k win widiiy w-inun,
Aud be a at a aiJiij uiaa.
V had buih had our truubl, mavuurrafn,
Titoujfb 111 her, n-rbitia, ana lo blma ;
And wa iHtik kn bjr tma aliat w. wauled,
Aiid wi re williujr 10 pn fur tba rama.
H a hDtw aba I U a a in bo married,
Aid h. lurv I be Hum iwvlvauiotitlm had flunn
W t bad oiadv uur uiiihIr It aai batter
lll to ihv aiiji Imior al na (
U e a a led no lima bi y fbally.
Lika ou, Win, and Maviur Uan
i'ot 1 nut aiU'ij voiuan,
A lid be a a a wuilj' mu"
It. II. tTuiAl, la Hrptr' )fyntiM
St. Loi ih, Widiifwiuy, April 11.
'X'tll! Kulllhi rli lluiul in lino city Wllrj
ilcKllo cti li) riin Bt Iwo o'tlotk lb in
iiiiM'iiiiin;. 'lliu vxucl itiiiiiliur ol' liven
Itwl t'uunut now bu givi'ii, but it m
litinil llml (ti'tnu linly or liny ioi-miiib
ivrie.licd ciUiul'by being btti'iiuil tiiit-'Cl-iy
or tiil buiiig ciiioUii'ivd by ainoku
uiid tlti'it coiiMiiiii'd. Fioiti ihu bent
iiitonnulioti ul liuiid II w fins lliu tiro
ttlllfllit in Uio pjluru'liHiiii In lliu baau
iiict,t.uh(J undrtt rujuii fuiniiif,'iliri,iif;li
lliu giouiid rliittr jtisl itwrilt ol ihuothVu,
unO lit lull liiinutua it bad uMUIidud ibu
ilfvuluro mid rulundu uiid bud npruud
iIbaII over tliu atixiti Hour, undur ibtt
mill. I lim floor ub otciiiiud by uiu
ilui'd ot tbu bolul, tliu luiml ol' wlioin
hui-u woitit'ii. 'l liu liru iivail ruiiidly,
tilliii uvury room und bull wilb Huiiiub
uiid niutiku, und tbu bi-uno Man ol ibu
llnwl UllllilU (KntllillOII. Kiunliv
linn, woineit und iliildiL'ii lull I It rung li
ibu hull rtlirifkii.ft in i.Ir. iihmI bcun
ift.ditig inuiinur in lln-ir w ild dLpulitlt'
illiil l lo L'M ua'. I hu piniiku Wttrl no
lkllu in Miiiiu ot Ihu bulla ibul lliu uu
Jt:lrt Wt'lll t'XIIItlliUtl, Wtltrb lulltluivd
vgtear.tuVt'li lu llltlau III' ml Itllnlllul' Willi
Ihu building, u tiiulltr ul gnut tlifllt itl-'
ly. I hu I'm li iui lini lil uutt on lliu
n.,il ihiiiiI , uinl Itiinilivilri ol n.'iiil
.'oiigi'i'guliil ut lliu Mi'iiu ri'uily und
m ilbnu touiil it ni-freitury. I built'in-iiy
ot lliu Bintike in lliu bull tlinvu inuni
gutata und li.nir.ltin but k into tbuir
rtii.iiin.uiiil tlit't rtinbt'il lo lliu w iittlowa
ua u iiiiuiiB ol iw uw. I.uiIiIuik wvru
I'UIM'tl UH MHill ua liuaHiblt', un I U'oltlt'll
und ibiltliiii, wilb Milling;'
niglil iliilbinon, wuiv lliiw lukt'it tiom
I lie burning luiilillng. .Soinu l'uililt d
troin tiigbl und iillnm Hunk to lliu
gi'iMinil troni ii, rviniuxliuiir.lioii. Tbu
ludiUlu wuiu iruiiurully too abort lo
r, tti-b to lliu til t li und nixlb rtlonua, bill
by lioirting ruimu ol ilium on tbu tutu
dloiy littkuii) on tbu i'ut hidu, ami tbu
aut-onil altir) buli'tiny on lliu linilil aidu
ol tbu building, tbuitonin wcru nwlied
und ull tlionu ut Ibu windowa wuru
ruxtuud. Tbu isktiinur Ktru Katapu
nua ulmi bi'uiiglit promptly into wrviuu
und wan tbu nituiia ol imvin muny
Wbilu llim irk w ua iroii'K 011 ",lmu
t'rigliiltil Mi'iiva ouutiriid One lituit,
w l i bud buuit oi'cuiyiiig a window on
tbu ulnut nlruul mml ol lliu liolul.
buiumu ikf piTulu ul I lie nui'ining dtluy
ill ttluilinn bia untuiiu. Two olbur
nun li-uiii'il Irom lliu fourth atory win-
down, onu of w lioin nut'inud not to bu
dungt rotirily Imrt, w bilu tbu oilier ex
lined lit a lew iitiiiiiU-H.
A woman ul a nun aiory winnow
bet unit) tiaiiit'-Htrit kuii and jumped out.
Sbu ullglili'd on her luul and wua cor
ned to Ihu iSt, Jumuri llotul, wlill alivu,
Her liunbund, who bad buun tilulnling
bv her riile. I ben tort) lip thai buddinu
uiid lei tbu i-lnp ao muuu out lliu win
dow. l o Ibia ibu tircnien uliai'buu u
rope, w li it b lliu luuli huiiled up. making
it lithl lo lliu wimiow ain, unu nutui
ilineuiidud it. A muii limned J. K.
Wilnoit jiiinpvd Irom a fiiurtli Mory
wiuilow und wua killed. Aiidiuw Kim-
iiiiin uml a Mm. Seotl met their deullia
in lliu auinu way. The mortitlily
illllnlig lliu fellliilu Itelpaof lliu holel la
liitred lit bi- (riviit. 1 liure worn aotitu
iwohiimlivd ot thuni.ullot whom were
Imlgetl in ibu upper mory of Ibu build
ing. Tim punie utnoiig them wan pur
leellv lemlilu, ami a number of tbum
jumped hum Ihu upper windowa on
II, s ivur ante ol lliu iioiihu. nuinug
llioru known to huve been killed in tlti"
miiiiiier weiu llriilnet Muail, Mary
ui'ev. Htiiliftl Wbilf, hlleu Keiley,
und aeieiul ullieia who ere, tuiTlvd
una) I y 1 1 ieinlr. uml w how numea huve
mil ) el ntt'ii iifcel lullit'N.
JliaK Kale I Iii.xIiiii, tne uciretta, nun
nii.ill.ei' luiil'iiw eatupu, but unlotlii
mtleli in iininjiind. Anioml llinrte
kimwii to bin e bet -n Mired ara llerinult
li ...!. i,l 't'eiii. : Minn A. .Met oY. l
Alliama, I'a.j Mia. lioll, ol Myineii-u,
N. Y.: W. li. Cogeawell uml lainily J. Km, hull, ol Minu Lulnollu, Mo.
Dr. lierluct. Ijerman I'onnul, jumtwa
litim R window uml broke a log j bin
wilt) in unhurt. Cliuilm leuuaii lont
hin lil'u ill attempting to Baveotbura.
I'Lilu, Meinll. u lioai'leral ihu hnU-l,
wa brought out alivu but entirely hu-
ivlt uf tvuaoll.
Al a quarter uit two ti'ihuk, or
ul bull an hour alter tbu fire ua
rii.t tliaeoveru-i. the enttru riHtl vraa
abhiKU ami the fluliiea Were ratidly tlu-
u..ilin,r lo the ower alorlea. A null
n.iir uur I he Hikii-h ami inierior wan
It-gun to lull. Tbu roof fell iii, and
I lu re in nothing h it of onuof the tinetil
hole a in the eotiuiry. extent me. " at
mil nl reel Intiit ami purlRttl the Koiirtli
and l-'ilih Hlreet lutea. The lima mi
tbu building and eonluiitH will bu from
17011,000 to (1 ,000,000. The loau ranee
ia uiiktiow li uh yet, .
Xew' York, April 11. A dinpatcb
Irolu Kl. l.ouil aula: The ruft that
Kale t'laxlttii Jumped from window
waa not true. She had atittlciunl prwi
nce of mind lo wrap bur faee and
bead with weltod tuwuU and walkad
and rolled down atam. Kxcepi dbt-
ing tew brniaca aba a
Minn Cluxtnn tulegrupha that she hwt
everything, llur engagement begun
al St. Limit on Monday evening in Un
pin' ol "Two Orphiiua."
St. I.oi'itt, April 11. The flro en
giiiea are mill pluying on thu liru. A
hneu bun been orguuiiuil to aeul'ch liir
dead liotliea, uml aererul boiliea have
ulready been tukeii Irom the ruina in
a nioru or luaa huriieil t-oitdiiion, but
buvu not jet been identified. Tlu-ra
uru nUo Hevernl tleud bodied at tne
niiirgtiu uwuiling itlentifleutiou. Mia.
Moiun, a aervunt, un killed by jump
ing from a window. Gen. I''. Conley,
liininl Sueretury of lliu Grand Ltalgu
of Preemuaoua ot Miamiuri, in tuipponed
to hueu perinhed in thu flume-. Six
pei'HiniH, whor-u itunteH uru luikiiowii,
w-ru killaui .-amber by jiimMni litim
wiiiilo'-Vd or wuru aiillia-alutl by Hinoku
and drugged out of Hie burning build
ing. It ifdifliftilt tiipiiit uiuthe iiuinea
of lite tlentl, but it in Imped I lint a nmi
pleie lint will hu oliiiiined noon. Sid
more lluyth-n, Siipei'intemieiit ot the
Aiiierit uii Kxpreaa t'ouipuiiy'a Hlublea,
in nitioiig thu killed ; ulwi, Henry Uu
aen. Deputy Colleelor of lliu Mnwouri
I'ut-iflu Rail mad (.'ninpuny. An Kng
liHhmuii, named AduniH, nuid lo hu u
('iiliimimiiner of Kdiit ulitin, him been
ideittifled ul lliu morgue.
St. Louis, April 1 1. The report tliut
a number of deutl bod i en were tukun
from thu ruina I lair, morning proven to
huve been Ittlae. Thu Kire Depul'linelil
ban not yet aueceeded in etHilingnrT the
ilebrin Hiitfieienlly loeiiublu a aeun-h to
be inutle. Mr. AduniH, referred lo in
a pruvioun thnpuleli, wun Iter. A. U.
Ailaiiin, inellllihelil ol u pul'lnh in Berk
alnre, Kugluiid, lie n un on bin wuy
li-oin Floritla to California. Hin ru
niuiun await thu ordur of hin friemla.
Lutlio Allen, an uilrenn from the
eunl, a guunt of Mint Clifton, of ibe
Olyii.phiu Ci,mpuiiy of lliin city, ia
among thu nuved.
11. Karr and 11. M. Clark, a railway
Contl tu tor, nuid to be formerly from
Toledo, together with bid wife und
ehild, are among the killed.
iMillon Nohlu, the aelor, and Minn
Truiikie MeL'lelhin, the aetrenn, were
nuved, but the hitter was very nentiunly
injured. Thu former wun muliily in
Htrtiiuuiitul in nuving the liven of the
ladiun who were on thu numu floor ol
thu hotul an himnelf.
(ireulerowdnot 'people have thronged
in tbu vicinity of lliu tiru all dtty, nome
of them looking lor abnent friumln, bin
the gruut munn of them inei'ed only by
t-urionity. '1 here ia a ntrong guartl ol
police aurrouiiiling the ruiiiH, anil no
olio in permitud w ithin the linen, ex
cepting rcKirlent and thonu dirmtly
interenteil in the eulumity. Tbu iiumen
of ull thonu known to be dead huve not
yet been uncurtained, but a full lil muy
lie ex peeled to night, und ulao the full
I). Auler, Coroner, given the follow
ing linlol killed unreported itilumand
l,w tliiukn it i.iiii,iruu! ull now known
to hu dead :
Iter. A. li. AduniH, of Slin k ( now,
lierkaltiiv. Kuuluud ; lieoigu Krunk
Ctiiiliy.tii'uiidSuentiii'y of the Munonir
truleriiiiy of ibinSiulu; Kate Keiley,
Kule Dooluit, and .llarv Jloian, aerv.
in, In ; lleiirv IlitZer, ot tne rtiitiinu a
llt purtmeiit, MinMiiiri I'ueitie lluilroit'li
(Uu wan formerly Irom Xew l utlu,
I'a., whither bin reinuinn win nu neni.i
Mm. Siewurt, wile of W. Slew all, id
the firm of Derby t'uy, ol turn
in : Andrew E. Intriitn, ol ibeflrniof
Keiebinaii k Co.. of thin l ily ; Cliurlen
(j. Teener ami Stdmore llil'leli.
V. Kelix Minmter. auld to lie a mem
ber ol the Knglirdt lloiiu of Citiniiionn,
w ho wun married in mm euj a lew
Hioiithn ago, wun reHiding lit thu hotel
wilh bin wife. They became Repain
ted, and uip'er the imprennion that nhe
wun killed, he liecame inleliaeiv exeiieii
uml evideltlly h"t Inn metitul bulauce.
A bout nix o clot k Una morning uu went
lo thu room ol u friend, ul thu corner
of Fourth ami Olive ntreetn. and nbot
ItiintH-lf. The Coroner held an impienl,
but could not decide whether death
wan tutiM-il by atiiculu or accident.
There aru various retuirta itgunling
the matter ; one to lite etfucl tliut he
knew I hut bin wile wun nuved uml llml
hu killed himnelf while luhoring undur
mentul dimugeiiient.
Of the inniiram u, 2!)0,000 in on the
biiildimraml 8142.000 on the I'urnitiliu.
Thu building wun owned by Robert
Cunipbell. It origiiiully font about a
million and a quarter, mil wun pur
haned bv Mr. Caninbell for J52s.UoO.
Thu furniliiro wun owned by lirunline,
Hurling k Co.. wan vul 1 ul tzuo.uuu.
Piiilaiiei.PIIIa, April 11. hollowing
aru iiinuraneen on the, burned hotel ul
Sl. Louin uH'ectiug thin net-lion of etiiin
try i Union, of I'illnbnrg, ti H00 ; Fire
Annocintioli, I'liilittleipiiiii. lu woo; ruo
plun, Trenton. X. J., 15,000 ; I'liimi,
Philadelphia. 5n00 ; American, I'ltil-
atlelpbia, fS.OOO ; Inmirunce Compuny
ol IViinnylvaiiia lU 000; I'eiinny Ivhiiiu,
,1 I'liilHih lphiu. If) 000 ; (,11-ard, I'hiln
lelpbia. I'-'TibO; Krunkhn, ol Philudcl
pliia, "0IJ.
St. LttUIH, April 12. The engine
have been withdrawn from the rilinn
of the Southern llotul. Ol thu two
hundred elniiloven ot thu hotel, one
biiniln-il antl Hfiy nine have ruporled.
and olhem are exwt lud lo report to
morrow. It in lint believed llml muny
of litem are lonl.
Thu Itinera! nervicen over Ilclirj
Httxeti, one of thu Southern Hotel
victim, wun held today, llev. Dr.
Schuylcm, of Chrmt Chnreli, otfleiut
ing. The reinuinn wure fbrwurded to
New t 'anile, I'a., bin lormur home.
MISS 11 A lilt I KT LAXK.
Keim, of the Philadelphia Prrtu tn
writing np the mialreanea of the White
lloiine, tliun refern to Mr, lluchauunV
niece, Mina Harriet l.une:
IVrlutpn Ihu most ililerimting of all
the ladien who have graced the eleva
ted noeial ponilion of hontonn o the
Kxeeutive Mannioii, wun Harriet Lane,
lu her uncle, Jntnen lliichaiiau, filleulilh
Pivnidenl nf the United Slalen, wan
ton nd a iH-monugewho, thvpite thuex.
evplionul t liuracter of Ida luiter politi
t ul career, might bu connidered etui
neiit for hin abililien and aceoinplinh
ment of niind and manner an well an
in atattamanahip. The lile ol Minn
Lane previous lo bur entering the Ex
ecutive Munn , and an well an her
pcmoiial lovcliiionn, buoyancy of spirits,
ami aceomplinhmuiits, were such an to
unable her not only to fill but to adorn
Ihu punilion to which she was thun
called She was born in one uf the
moat beatitiltil sections of I'eiiunylva
nia and at nine years ol age went to
live with her uncle al Inn seat near the
iiaiul liilund city ol Laiieanter. A I
this age she was dusenbutl as a "ftin
loviiig, irlcV playlng rump, and a wil
ful domestic outlaw." She was edii
, atAvd in lit that belonged lo tba oul-
turs of ber mind, and imamed tboa
accomplinlimcntngwhieli, added to bur
btight, quick ways, bur charming per
sona golden luiired blondt aud her
soft, feminine voice, win court from the
sociul world. She flint appeared in the
society ol WunhiiiL'toii at the resilience
of her uncle in 1845, then Secretary of
State. From this time, alio accompa
nied him in bis visits nf recreation and
ofAViul duty, and wan permanently us
tublinbed us I ho reigning lady of hin
bachelor home. On one occunion she
vinited Bedford Spring with him.
Here nhe w as received with the atten
tion of a queen. Sho uccompaiiieil her
uncle tn Fngland when lie wan Minis
ter to thu Court ol St. Junius. In Kng
linh society Minn Lunu noon won her
wuy lo lliu auiliu exulted ponilion will
ingly accorded hup in her native lund.
She early attracted Uio all, iilion of
Victoria, and ut ittl very rlivi draw
ing rtniin al Ihu pull' u wan ihu object
nl nia i ked favor ut lliu hundn ol Kng
luiid'n novereign and thu royul luuiilt.
During her long renilence in England
nhu never hint her pipitinli of fureiiionl
ludy of the diploinilie corpn at the
Cniirt of Sl. JitiucM. At thu Court of
lliu liunniuii t'zur nlu uguiu wun the
object of court Iron the royal luinily
down let the hiimhlutt with w hom nhe
was thrown in contract. When tins
excellent lady entered the Executive
.Miiiimoii tbu honorn and iipplatinu bu
ntowutl upon her a'oniunly achievu
mcHln ul two of tlw monl brilliant
con tin of the old world, and the pro
spective honorn uml opHirtunilien of
bur new ntulinii were buried in thu
sorrows incident to ihu Ions of un ut
lectionulu sinter uml brother. Having
recovered nomewliul from thu tents ol
thin deetily-felt berearenieiit,Mir'n Lane
turned her attuulion lo the ufltiirnof
thu hounehold of het intclu as Prem
denl of the United S'ales, and to itn
ceremniiicn and enlirlainmentn. I!e
ceptioiin, luvees and mule dinners were
given and though m t so Irequeitt in
numbers as during JuVhu previous ad
inimntrulitiiin, weru uxcoplinnitlty bril
liant and attrnclivu. The I'renidunt
hud a greal number of pernoliul friemln,
and, w ith thu aid nf h s accomplinlied
uml lovely niece, hin home wan worthy
of the name und surroundings of Chief
Magistrate. Touurdn the end of bin
ttdiiiiiii."trnlinn thu Prenidunt availed
himnelf of lliu opportunity to return
ihu unbounded couileny anil alteitlioli
which bad been nhown hin niece und
himnell by Her Mujenty Q icun Vic
toria w hile residing- at her court by
inviting ber noli and the heir to her
ihionu to thu honpiiulitien ol the Kx
uculivu Munnion nf thu I'nlteil States
of America. The kindly npirit in which
the invitation wan given wan hilly ap
preciated and uiulerntotnl by the sov
ereign, uml it wun accepted in thu re
ciprocal spirit of friendship which
should ulwuys exist between Ibu great
est of living monarchies and ihu great
est of living republics, united not only
by the lien of u common tongue, but
tbu kiliilsbip of a common aueentry,
uml the most intimate relaliuus ol
trade. Tbu fitvt visit of myaltv to the
sborve t tliw rt-pttbbo wun t-buHelurlxed
every here by a gcncrul exhibition of
public coui'teny, und nowheru wun thin
true lypu of Aiiieritun hospilulity
more wuiinly cxhibiled thun in the
home of the ruler nf the sovereigns of
thu republic. Levees, private n-cep-lionn,
uml slulu dinners in pari filled
ihcmeasiireid'lhuutitertuinmiuilnof the
exet-tilivu household, while public and
priVHtu coiirlusiun were crowded tiion
Ibu tuliiru sovereign ol the Hritish
Empire. Tbu letters of the 11 luen, ex
pressive of her gratitude fortbe warm
hearted reception accorded her son,
evince the appreciative manner in
which Ibu visit wus described lo her
ttHin hin return. Thin cloned tint gay.
elienof the Kxucutivu Munnion during
the adtninisl ration til J allien lltichaiiun.
M inn Lune uccompunied him
into hin reliremctil Willi nil thu lustre
ol Iter sociul reign. To-day situ liven
a devoted wile and luinpy mother, he
loved by ull who ever Knew ber.
The following anecdote ol thu lute
Senator Nye in told by the Virginia
Cily (Xuv.) Kntrrjiritc :
" Ho Wan telling us incidents uf a
journey to Europe, hum which he hud
then just relumed. Among the rusl,
he said the Multan of Turkey ordered
in hin honor, as a Senator of the Uni
ted Slalun, a grand review of the army
in Connlaulinople, ttn'1 the Grund Vi
zier mounted him upon a nleed which
bu described t.s iiiugmticeiit. v'tid
Nye: ' Ife was a puru Arabian. Uu
had a coal liku velvet ; hu lell like a
my Had of steel sjii'injrn beneath u mull
his ey e was between a lion's and u
wnmun'n, w ith all ihu courugu ol lliu
tutu and ull lite human gentleness und
beamy of the oilier blended ; he knew
1 was an old man uml he w un an lender
of me us u child. When 1 dismounted
I could not retrain from expressing to
the Grand Viciur my udmiration lor
Ibu lunimpurublu creature. 1 Lo hoard
uio through uu interpreter, unit then,
bowing low, begged me lo accept thu
horse as a mark of Ike profound regard
which the Sulluii eidertunied lor ihu.'
' Did you uoccpt hi in, Sumitor?' wo
A peculiar look mine into tho old
mutt's uyus us he replied : 1 1 mudu a
rapid calculation, und nuw tliut 1 hud
not enough money in pity the freight
on Ihu annual to New York, so I took
high ground. 1 bowed low in return
to ihu titiind V icier, und bade lliu in
terpreter to explain to him that while
lout bed lo the hcuri by this apprecia
tion und generosity ol tbu Snltun, II
wun, I wan sorry lo say, against the
lawn of my conn try for a Senator ol
thu United Slates to Decent a present
Irmii any foreign Prince, potentate, or
Had Heaiiii fhum LoI'ihiana. A
gentleman going ulolig Nelson street
ultwehu o'cltsk on Saturday nighl
overheurd thu follow ing conversation
between a muii on tbu ouinidu, aud
wbut wan evidently a woman, judging
Iron thu Ton e, on lliu luniiluot a Uisir.
The muii, who wun leaning against
thu dinir in an eviiient ntatu ol iitloxt
t'ulion, wus thu first lo npoak s
"Lumniu iii, 1 say Anna?''
' You shan't get ia hero, 1 tell you,"
cam thu voice from the other side of
the ilinir.
O. lemmo in," hu whined.
' I won't do it," said the voice. '-You
are drunk, ami yn comu here drunk
every night ; and 1 won t stand it any
There was A moments pause. And
then be slowly said :
"Anna, I've heard Irom Lousina."
' Lorn mu in, an' I'll- lull yon," bo
"James Henry Morrison, are Joo
"Hone tcr die," be replied.
Thereupon the observer saw the
door oiten and J. II. Morrison disap
pear Inside. What DM Iba result I
not knows.
FIG mix 0 EOIi LIFE.
By Mr. Henry Miller, of Nona coun
ty, wo learn the particulars ol an In
dian fight which occurred recently in
what is known aa toe "Love, at the
mouth of Sund Creek, about sixty -flee
miles went of Xess PosloHico, in which
Dr. Ticbenor killed four Sioux Indians
and was himself wounded. Thu doc
tor and a man named Dickinson weru
out in that section of the country poi
soning wolves, and hud built a tempo
rary dug out in which to store their
f kins und provisions. A few days pre
vious to thu light LMckinson nuu tuKun
their team aud gone into thu aeltlu
munts alter provisions, leaving the
doctor to run the camp. The doctor
w as asleep in his dug out on lliu morn
ing of the third duy of Dickinson's de
parture, when be was awakened by a
slight noise ul the door. Thinking
the intruder was a skunk or wolf, hu
look up bis gun and opened the door,
to be conlroiitud by a mun, and that
muii wus a Sioux brave, bul ut thut
time it wun, so dui k thut liu could dis
tinguish hulu more thun the outlines.
He demanded bis business, when the
brave turned and fled ; und aa the doc
tor stepped outside to get a shot at
him, he was greeted with a volley,
which drovo In in back to the dug-out.
Dui ricuding bis door as best be could,
hu awaited daylight. In the mean
time the Indians, numbering about
torty, as near us hu could tell, hud
moved turitier up the creek ; out Willi
duy light one ol them, whom Ticbenor
thinks was the chiel, Irom his dress,
came to the dug out carrying a white
rag, and in biokeii English demanded
his surrundur. The chief commenced
to threaten, und told the doctor be
would kuve Ins sculp. 1 his the doctor
thought to bu a declaration of war,
and shut the red man in bia tracks,
and at the very door of tbu dug-out.
The entire baud then rushed iu, bul
were driven back by several well tli-
rot ted shots. I hu next manenvru by
the usnuiluiila was an attempt to nmoke
him uut by burning bittfulo chips and
the wood work ot the dug-out. From
his ponilion in the dug-out be could
tot nee tbe Indian wbo was superin
tending the conflugrulioii department,
and knowing thai if a stop was not
nut to It. he was "a goner, he made a
dunk tor tbe outside, kicked the huffulo
cbiM aside, and exchanged shots wilb
the head, wbo wan muKing
tracks for hi- comrades, killing him in
stantly, and received a bullet through
the lower purl ot his person. 1 bis
man lell within live toot of the dug out
dmir. Then Commenced the long-range
shmitiiig mulch, in which the doctor is
confident he killed two more and
wounded one. This waa kept up dur
ing duy, but toward night a terrible
snow und wind storm came no, driving
the redmeii to the south, slid snowing
ihu bruvu mun in. Had it not been
lor this they would eventually bave
got bim, for bis wound, though not
dangerous, incapacitated him from
fiubting lie "lay in bed three days,
nttrrtrriitAi aevurvly-. At me expiration
of sixteen days the weather moderated,
und be started on font for the settle
meiils, reaching them in safety, and
bringing trophies ot one ot the most
remarkable rights on record. Though
wounded but once, the doctor received
several bullets through his clothing,
and during his subsequent slay picked
forty bullets out of tbe dug-out. ny
City ( A'tin.) Sentinel.
Emm will never bo headed ofT by
preaching alone. i lieu error repre
sents intellect, philanthropy, art cul
ture aim music, you must ngui it wnu
its own weuponn. Mutch eloquence
wilh eloquence, match culture wilb a
liner finish, match philanthropy with
wider plans and a more generous out
lay for human weal. Indolence can
never overcome activity, tieuinrgy
can never conquer w akefulness. Faith
can never bold its own against workn.
No creed can be aa beautiful as good
tleeds. The teaching and the feeding
ol the multitudes must go together. A
bullet without any adequate expression
in acts is liko an organ, with all its
kcye untouched. Il in dumb. It charms
Ho one. Il ultructs no one. Uut bring
forth tho player; let him nrons tbe
keys, iul thu dead air ia all lliu chorul
columns be started lino vllirntiolis,
and how the anthem swells, and how
heuris are lilted on the waves ot sound,
and others witb eyes tilled with hap
py tours. That which was dumb has
spoken, and thu multitudes hasten to
give II praise.
So il is with a croud. nlu n out
w itb w batuver care you can ; let it bu
period iu phraseology, skillful in its
lotiuillutis, inilinpuluulu in lis Bullion-
ly, this and nothing more and who
cures lor it? Does il touch any one's
heart? Does it gain adherents? Xo.
The world will never again fight over
-i .... : ,i..i iti. ...... .-ill I,-
eviu. un UIIID (IIU. . llutv n ,'
no moro church councils liku the
Council of Trent, to last twenty yours.
Men are too busy nowadays to spend
half a lifelimo in debating theo
logical dogmas. Hut bring forth a
man who has a good creed which he
expresses in act, let bim say, "I love
t.od with all my Heart, antl my nuigu
bor us myself," and Iul bim show it,
and men will point to hiin und say,
A religion wlnclt will muku a man
ad as Mr. A. docs is thu religion lor
me." And so religion is honored by
his conduct, ami hie creed gums sillier
villa. tiottkn Itulc.
FA It ME It.
When vou ncu his burn lurger thnn
his house, it shown tliut hu will huvu
lurgu protitn und small atlliclioiis.
When yon see bim driving his work,
instead of his work driving him, it
shows that he will nevur bo driven
from good resolutions, and I but ho will
certainly work his way lo prtasHrity.
When you always see in bis wood
hoiise a stiHIeieucy fur throe months or
more, il shows thut il will be a more
thun ninety days wontler, in lurming
operations, aud ibat bu is not sleeping
ins House alter a urutiaea troiic.
When he has a bouse sepuralu from
the main building, purposely Inrushes,
aud an iron or tin ventral to transtsirt
ihein. il shows that be never built bis
dwelling lo be a funeral pile for bis
luinily. and iierhaiia bimsell,
When his sled bis boused in summer,
und his tunning implements covered
both in winter aud summer, it plainly
shows that he will have a good bouse
over bis bead in summer of early lile
aud th winter ol eld age.
W ben bis cattle are property fed and
shielded in winter, it is evidence that
be is acting according lo Scripture,
which says that "a merciful man is
merciful lo hia beast."
When be is aeen subscribing for a
newspaper and paying in advance, it
shows Dial ne ia spuaKing use a oook
rust linu- the latent improvement In
agrioaltara, and tbat be never geta bis
walking-paper w mm una oi purer.,
Tbo temperature varies from an av
erago summer bust of 72 lo a winter
ol GO", giving an annul mean ol CU",
which bus mudu it thu fuvorite resort
of consumptive invalids from all purls
ol Europe. Whether it i the bust in
lliu world will uppear when Teneril'o
is considered. It is enough to say at
present that the humidity uf the Ma
deira winter, due to a longer preval
ence of ruin, and the excessive discom
fort occasioned at other times by the
dry, noxious, and almost insufferable
I'esle, or cunt wind, which blown from
tho count of Africu, where li is known
as the harmntinn, and equully dreaded,
uru not experienced on thu Spanish is
lund, bul ure, in a measure, coiupensa
lud lor by tbo greelur tnimloru tbat
are at tho comiiiuml of thu wealthy in
valid in Madeira. The island is easily
reached in four or five days by steam
ers from England and Porlugul. The
English lungiiitgu is spoken un com
monly as Ibo vernacular, und private
hotels are numerous, where extensive
nuits of apartments, excellent attend
ance, and uio-l delicate cuitinerie are
obtainable, lluniinock-buurcra ueeus
tomed to the business tenderly curry
the consumptive for daily cxorcisu, and
the number of these during the season
when the inland in most frequented in
not a pleasant spectacle for the robust
and healthy visitor. At every step
are met slowly passing hummocks
with their pale faced burdens; hut all
the b tmmocksdn not contain invalids.
Soinu are stretched to their utmost by
the portly forms of residents of the in
land, who, particularly the ladies, find
this a not uncomlbrtublu, und it cer
tain canes the only possible, nieuns of
besides comfortable hotel, boarding
bouse, and hospital aceoiuinislaiionn
for every class, more numerous than
on any olbur of lliu islumln, there urn
reading-rooms and promenades ope.i
to thu sou. which beguile tbu hours of
the invalid visitor. Seated under tbu
lofty trees ol the Praia Acadeinica,
watching thu ccanelens roll of thu
ocean, breathing thu balmy air of ibis
chutming climate, and soothed by a
thousand other influences, mind an well
as hotly at resl, hu accustoms himself
to thut st lf-tloniul so d i (lieu It amidst
the bustle und turmoil surrounding
ami tempting him in his own northern
home; and otlcn forgutlmg that ho is
ill, hu gains that (lice 'fulness unci uni
mution which sometimes preludu his
complete recovery. Olten the invalid
comes hither so lute thst no rest u ra
tion in ponsible. Harper ilatjmine.
A Detroit boy, aged twelve, whose
uncle is a member of thu Legi-luluro,
was permitted to niuko a trip to Lan
sing a low days ago in order to visit
the State House. Ho canto home yes
terday atlurntmn chuck lull of import.
ailve, erl elimi tile. I.llle tilutliw. lull
to meet him at tho galu Wdlium coldly
waved bun back and suul:
"1 reler you to the Committee on
Fisheries, hub, and how's my dog?'
II is mother waa glad to see him.
aud when she asked if he hud enjoyed
bimsell he replied :
"0, I suppose so, though I now
move to strike out all after the cnuct-
iitg clause."
"What sort ol talk is that, Willie,
dear?" she asked ill great surprise.
"Never mind the talk, mother, but
move the previous question and bring
on ttiu puiicukes.
1 bu hired girl came in wltli tho din
ner and wanted to know bow he liked
Lansing. He looked al her in great
dignity and replied :
"1 now move to lay your petition
on tho table, llunnuh, for future con
Shu got mad about it, and William
slyly informed his mother thut il wus
bis opinion tliut llunnuh a title should
he made to conform lo thu body of the
bill, lie went out to sen the boys al
ter dinner, uml a hotisu painter linked
him wboru ro. boo was.
"We'll have a call of the House and
sec, replied the boy, as lie looked)
"Whose house?" asked the painter.
"Or you can rise lo a question ol
privilege, continued the lad.
"1 don't want no nuns," suitl the
painter, who thought thu boy wus
inukmg tut) uf his red nose.
"Of cniirso not. Lot's pons thu bill
10 a third reading, or else go into I mil
mittee uf the whole and debute it."
"1 think vou need dressing down I'
growled the puiuter, and he bunged
Willium into a snow bunk and pushed
a heap ol guow down behind bis collar.
"Iluve the minority no rights I yell
ed the boy, as be kicked tbo painter
on the shin.
"I'll see you uguin lioy."
"I refer the whole subject to futher,
with iiistruclionn to report a bill to
walk you Into the Police Conn," re
plied the Reprenciitittive, and he went
in to tell his mother the diHeruucu be
tween suspending the iiilosnnil rush
ing a hill, or referring it to the Com.
nut tee on Cornfields till some one caino
around wilh ihu cigars. Detroit Fret
Reflection ami actiun are stipple
mental. One is lile ami thu other its
pulsations. Pelcr wus oncu n mystic.
On the Mount his fervor carried him
into the proposal of living on Tabor,
under a tabernacle. He was go
ing to keep the Saviour, and Monen,
and Eliun, in btHitbs. How long, none
huve told us, antl it is a relief to hear
thut he ditl not know what ho wus
lulking about. Uu was lis) dared to
recollect how often ho hail Iteun told
that thu mission of the lile transfigured
was not to bo in joy ful ecslncicn, but to
suffer, ami that lb rough it a world was
to be redeemed. Even then a poor
demoniac, foaming in convulsions at
the ftHit of tbo Mount, waited His
coming to bo disenchanted antl heuled.
This Peter who is proposing lo slay on
tho Mount, in a booth of withered
leaves, is soon to learn tbat lile is to
Ins a moro painful thing. Penta-cnst is
in the near future, and he is even now
prcpuringTor a life of intense labor and
privation, and a cross, and death there
on at lliu end. How alow both aru to
lailjust themselves lo the fuel that the
niodilative antl devotional are tn give
ua strength Ibr lite practical. iVr.
They kept sending men out into
MonluiiBlo erect telegraph poles, but
when ono loll civilir.aiion nothing was
ever beard of htm aguin. Finally they
sunt out A regiment of soldiers who
found men dead and nicely laid out on
a aido bill with an old man standing
near them, (winging a big borne pistol
and yelling : "You can t put them
poles up In this country, strangers I"
and tbey bang bim up to a mountain
Favorite hymn of the graBhopper,
Tbia wbtat by nd by
-lS3jmannjM.H a Advance.
Hit bard P, Hubbard, one ol thuhenl
tanners in the town of Chili, recently
draw lo market with a single team id
homes, a load of clover seed thut mild
for (722. Has uny other fanner sold
a loud of luriii produce thin year thai
anion pled to bo much money? Burnt
water on wheat.
Any amount ol wutor standing on
w heal in spring ia suru to desll'oy il.
Farmurs are quite apt to neglect thin
work in spring when il bun been left
undone in full, thinking thut if il sol
ties uwuy beioro thu plunt is killed il
w ill do no dumagu, but il is a mistake.
Standing wutor if it does uol kill the
plant is almost suru to dumagu it, not
only weakening its vitality, but caus
ing tho crop iu ripen lulu, which in
sure lo prodtteu shrunken grain.
The value of small fruits in connec
tion witb the vegetable und flower gur
den is hot half appreciated. To have
un ubunduiicu ol straw berries, raspber
ries, currants, gooseberries, blackber
ries, und grapes, in their season, is
very pleasant and enjoyable, and be
sides il saves many a dollar in the
butcher's unci doctor's bill. By plum
ing tho ubovo kind of fruits (together
wilb pours, upples, plums, cherries. Ac.)
they can bu had ull the year round.
Thu first vimt ul these plants and trees
is but a trifle, while Ihu pleasure to be
derived from them isjery great
When properly littered, ono cow oi
ox will muku a ton of manure every
month, if the liquid as well an thu solid
portion is saved. Tell head would
thus muku one hundred and twenty
tons, or sixty two-homo wagon loads
iu a year. A puir of homes will muke
us much muiitiru as ono cow, or twelve
Ions in a year. A hundred shoep, if
yarded uvery night and well littered,
will muku one hundred tons of manure
in the year, und ten pigs will work up
a wugoit loud in a month, if supplied
with niifllcioiit coarse material. The
niiK-k of a one hundred acre farm,
which should consist of at bust ton
head ol nteem, boilers, aud calves, a
pair of homes, one hundred sheep, aftd
ten pigs, would iheit muke in the ag
g regale, throe hundred uml twelve
tons uf manure every yeur, or suffieienl
to give twelve tons per aero every
fourth year. If thin were well cared
tor, it would be, in effect, equal to dou
ble the qituntity ol ordinary yard mu
lture; and if plenty of in amp muc k
could bu procured, al least nix hundred
tons ol Ihu bent multure could bu made
on u one hundred acre farm. If this
were the rule instead of a raro excep
tion, or only a possibility, what a
change would appear upon the face of
I ho country, nnd what an addition
would bu made lo the weulth ot the
nution. American Agriculturist.
Muny a farmer is ruined by his
irrtu-d tor Unit, tie wsnlanll that land
adjoining him, and tiis tHiveny is the
result ol hin not possessing the quaint
wisdom ol the man who wus trying to
boo some corn on a learlully stony
patch, when ono riding by remurked
thut ho should think a mun must hu
very tutor witb such lund an that. "0,
sir," replied the farmer, "1 am not so
poor us you think lam; 1 don't own
all this laud." Muny a farmer is actu
ally ptstr or always in straitened cir
cumstances, w hich is quite as bad
because ul Ins mama lor hind. A farm
is not regarded by such as sufficiently
lurgu unless it conluim two or three
hundred acres of land. Rut there are
very tew farmers witb sufficient capi
tal to own and work to advantage sue h
a farm. A business man is only wine
to measure the site of his business by
the amount of his capital. A farm
wlucb requires, lor tbo proper man
agement, at least two or three thou
sand dollars capital is run on a quar
ter ot that amount. Much ot the land
is neglected. Buildings got out of re
pair. Marketing is not properly at
tended to. Produce has to be sold at
forced prices, and d ullness is married
on everything except tho circumfer
ence of the litrm. Senteh Farmer.
A few mornings since, a Philadel
phia matron called to see ber young
married daughter, who resides on Nor lb
Thirteenth street, and found her w eep
ing bitterly.
"Oh, mother, tnko mo home, my
heart in broke," sobbed tho daughter.
throwing herself into her luolher's
Alter her tours bud sollicw but sub
sitloil, thu ntnlher said:
"Hardly 4 Vear married, and hero I
Wiul you in team. What does this
mean? lias Henry been unkind to
you ?"
"No," sobbed the daughter, "but he
doesn't lovo me any longer, and my
heart is breaking."
"Comu, my child, cheer up. Tell
me why you think him untrue lo yon.
Djcs he show il?"
"Yes," wus the heart-broken reply.
'Oh, the scoundrel I Oh, the viper!"
gasped the mother. "My poor, dour
child," she fairly sobbed, "your mother
won't closet I you. She'll bring that
villain to hin knees. What insult bus
he offered you my child? Speak, tell
mo tbe worst."
"Oh, mol her, I cun'l."
"You must, my child. Tell me,
though tho heavens fall, w but outrage
has he committed ?"
"He swore hist night when I put
my colli feet lo his back," nobbed the
"In that all ?" gasped the mother.
"Yen, but hu never did so belore.
All lust winter bu never suitl a word
when I put my cold feel tn bis back,
and How 1 know hu doesn't love no;"
And thou the pimr girl's tram broke
out afresh.
Hi lure thu mother left alio managed
to convince bur daughter tliut all tho
world was hollow, and that the hollow
of a man's buck was not the place lor
his wilii s cold feet.
Nothing ia mora easy than to grow
rich. Il is only to trust nobody, lobe
friend to none, get everything and save
all you can get, lo stint yourself and
everybody belonging lo you, to be the
trieiicl ol no man and havu np mun your
friend, to heap Interest upon Interest,
cent upon cent ; to bo mean, miserable
and despised liir twenty or thirty years,
and the riches will come aa suru as dls-
easo und disappointments. And when
pretty nearly enough weulth has burn
collected by all disregard of thu human
heart, ami al the expense ol every en
joyment savs that ol walluwing in
filthy nieuiinuss, ueatn cornea lo finish
the work,; the body ia buried in a
hole, the heirs dunce over It, and tire
spirit govs where T
Even if a bol la always whistling
"1 want to be an angel it hi just as
well lo keep tbe prunurvid puara on
lbs top iosll oi lb pantry.
uacB iy L1TTI&
Pity iwella tba tide, of love.
Tbe iwoetest pleaur Il In Im
parting it.
Most pleaeures, like flowers, when
gathered die, .
Water and soap are the Siamese
twine of i-iviliiatloli.
That can never do reasoned down
which was not reasoned np.
The church oughi p, be a body of
workum; hoi a conglomerate id persona
to be worked upon.
irihiito o, uu.,,
llml of lindn ; tbu pridu of birth and
rank is ollun the pride of dupus.
I should uuturluin a nteun opinion
of my sell il all men, or lliu luor.1 part,
praised and admired mu ; it would
prove mu to be soniuwliut like them.
The first stop towards making a
mun of y our son is to train him to earn
whut hu spends ; thu next Inst step is
lo leach him how to save bis earnings.
Water, although well warmed,
would quench, nevertheless, tbe fire
thut warmed it. Thus may tbu char
acter of a truacburuus person be de
scribed. It is never safe lor us to take coun
sel of any ol our bad passions, such as
envy, pride, vanity, covetoiisness, or
lite liku. Ol evil, nothing bul evil can
I give it as my deliberate and sol
emn conviction that the individual wbo
is habitually lurdy in meeting an ap
pointment will hover be lenpected or
successful iu life.
Indeed, the grandest of all Inws ia
the law of progression and develop
ment. Under it, in the w ide sweep ol
things, men grow wiser as tbey grow
older ; societies bettor.
One of the saddest sights is seen
when we see a mun lulling by bis own
counsels, and yet Demisting in them.
By little and little bo sinks lower and
lower till bis ruin is complete.
As a general thing old men are
bettur advisers than young ones; but
soma old men aru Very loolinh, while
nomu young men display great discre
tion. Thu rulu is general, not universal.
A prudent man advised his drunk
en servant to put by bin money liir A
rainy duy. In A lew weeks his master
usked him bow much ol his wages be
had nuved. Ho replied : " faith, hone
ut all ; it ruined yesterday, and it all
A woman, hearing a great deal
about " preserving autumn leaves,"
concluded lo put up a lew jam of them.
Sho mid a neighbor recently that she
ci il n't think they would ever be fit to
eut, and that she might just as well
have thrown her sugar away.
One of the most common errors in
giving advice is Ibut it is busty and
.iol well weighed. 1 have known a
mult to utter alt opinion before the case
wan half stated, "lie that aunweruth
a matter beioro he lieu roth il, il is folly
und nhume unto him."
The Rev. Dr. Ty ng, Jr., asked his
congregation on a recent Suuday for
11,1100 liir the Church Orphanage, and
told the ludies of bin Church that if
ibey would buy one bultun gloves in-
steud of three billion gloves, the differ
once in price would support the
Religion docs what philosophy
could never do ; it shows tbe equal
dealings of heaven to the happy and
Ihu unhappy, and levels all human en
joyments to nearly the same standard.
11 gives to both nob and poor tne same
happiness hereafter, and equal hopes
to aapiru after it.
- Among; tb vwptiue to an advertise
ment of a music committee, for "a can
didate as organist, music teacher,"
etc., was the following: "Gentlemen :
I noticed your advertisement fur an
organist and music teacher, either lady
or gentleman. Having been both for
several years, I oflor you my services."
To-day's duty can only be dono
well to-day. Time and ciicumslancea
are now favorable, and we are in tba
best condition to perform it To-morrow
all will be changed ; olber exigen
cies will arise, other objects will claim
our attention, and our capacity lor per
forming that stccittl duty will be sensi
bly diminished.
Erasmus, who was of A sickly con
stitution, and had, therefore, obtained
a dispensation for tbo eating of flesh in
times of abstinunco, was being re
proached liy the priest ono duy lor not
observing Lent, when be replied : "I
assure your holiuess tbat my heart is A
Catholic one, but I conlesa 1 bave A
Lutheran stomach."
It is only witb tho well advised
that we find wisdom. In the midnt ot
counsel lorn there is comparative safety.
I I is only tbo rash and the risky that
go forward without A well-considered
plan. W hero no counsel is, the people
lull. Without counsel, purposes ara
disappointed. In fact, every purpose
is established by counsel.
Sin and hedgehog are born with
out spikes ; bul how they prick and
wound alter their birth wo all know.
The most unhappy being is ho wbo
feels remorse beioro the (sinful) doed,
uml brings forth a sin already furnished
witb teelb in its birth, the bite of
which is soon prolonged into an incura
ble wound ol the coiisciunte.
Nothing mukes a young man ao
happy as lo got around to the post-
ohiiu after it is cloned and see a letter
in bis box j to have his heart wbinr
lltal it is from her, lo dream sweel and
lender luncics, hallowed wilh love's
sacrctlness all night, and to go in tho
morning and find il to be a hill of 17.50
for his lust nix month's washing.
Sensibility seems to me to be
neither goes! nor evil in itself, but in
its application. Under the inniienco
of Christian principle, it mukes saints
and mart) rs ; tll directed, or uncon
trolled, il is a snare and the source oi
uvery temptation ; besides, II pooplo
can not gel it, if it is not given tbem,
to descant on It seems as tine a to
recommend people to have block eyoa
or fuir complexions.
A very learned Jutlgo was asked
what bo would do if A man owed bim
ten M)iindn and refused to pay. ilia
n-ply was worth remembering by
thonu who are quick to take oftensa
und begin a qunrrel. lie said : " Ruth
r t li tt it bring action against bim, with
its costs nnd uncertainly, 1 would give
bim A receipt in full ot all demands ;
yes, and I would send him five pounds
over to cover all possiblo expenses."'
Somehow, whether wo can explain
it or not, the liberal soul, all things be
ing equal, ia made fat. Liberality will
not alone for want of industry or thrift ;
but, brains and activity being equal,
getlingcomos lo those wbo give. There
are snme natural principles open which
this can he explained, out II nncia lis
completes! solution in tb fact that
God, who governs tbe world, plays
into thu bauds of those wbo oiako an
effort to help tbemrelves.
V generally find relief from any
trouble, not by its removal from us, or
by our escsping out of it, but by our
becnmingqiiiet and peaceful and bappy
wbilo in it. The trouble ia, in tact,
gradually diminished, pej-bapa. And
dually passes away ; bul wo ar not
dependent on its diminution, atill less
upon iln removal, for tbe return of con
tentment and happiness to our minds.
A the lima move on it relaxes) It
pressure Uion us, and we) ournelve
partly become areuniomad lo U, anil
partly forget it, and thaa peace, of mind
and bappinesd return long beldr tb
disturbing caus Is entirely gon. '
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JaJllt LUHrilLS. PA.