Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 11, 1877, Image 4
i WUtrllanfgul r imovTS':'.! .Htllfl ft !""' A..ieeo. p-kIIiuI. or nlner Ilaatnaeeo-. UT IBO ' III In ' aod eeooro Pole.'. l'"'" "V breeder elelaia mea """ -- WaabinftB. , , , INVfNTORS: i saeleb of ynr deeleei ' Wk eIaU.iDe'.ne rallaw. N4 edelaen. l I'"""' "" 'fZZ I... AM. Nil m . We rolor to nOolale la Uio Patent OBee. and i lateotore la eeery bte'e to the Vll- dreee, c a. ji'ivy a uo., Oppwiit Peteoi oeee, w.oi, D. c. Joe. 11, ims-tf. .-Ti, - CUICn, MiCORKL!. i. CO.'S (Baeoaaanra to J.'ba Uallcb), rOPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, MltkHmV CttitSti. Pn. Wa asanufac'ora all blndi of Furn.lora for Obambara, Diulag ltiwini, Ubrarlal and lUlll. If Jon an( Pornltora of anj kind, dun't bj aatil jui aaa war alooa. V" '.-. Of-;' ..,, j aia in aafiiaairf it tairti'rratB I Nm:irrAKiNC4 Ia all It briaobat. Wa krpp Id itoek all tbe latest tod moat improraii Cofflm anil Ciiskatl, and bar arery tariltiyfur yrpry eoa dnctiDf tbia branob of wur buaioaia. Wa kava ft patent Corftaa Pri aerrar. Id which bodiaa oan bt pntaarvad tnr aaoa idarabla Uogtb o( tin. A aianbar of tba flna hu bla ilwplof apart maat at our wart -room, when ba aaa be fuacd bjr any partoa who eowa at nigbt for tba purpoao ol prooorinf oomoa. Oil LICn, McCORKLB A CO. Clearfield, Pa., Ma; 10, 76-ly. N EW flour. fi:i:i, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Hoom No. 4, Ple'a Opera llonae, lioarlleld. Pa. Koapflonitaallj on band 8U0AR, COFFER, TBAB, SODA, ' COAL OIL. BVKUP, SALT, 6PICE8, SOAP, Canuad aod Drlad Fruita, Tobaooi, Clgara, Can din, CI lor Vinegar, Bailor, Igga, Ao. ALSO, EXTRA OMB MAD! Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of whlob will bo sold ebaap for eaib or la aiobange for ouaalrj produee. A. U. KKAMKK A CO. Claarll.U, N,.. II H7I.-1 Mm GLEXX'S SULPHUR SOAP. STEXLKO RCMFOY FOI DISEASES AND l.iji-KiES or the Skin; A Healthful i:..Ai;iim: or th CoMrLEMOKs A liKUABi.E Means or Preventing and Kkuevixo Rheumatism a!d Gout, and .':) llNEijUALCD Disinfectant, Deodo- WiEll AND CoL'NTER.tRRITANT. Olrnn't Sulphur Soap, besides eradl ' ' local diacxiea of tlie akin, banishes de f the coniplexinn, and imparls 10 it clearness and smoothness.'thur 1MU are celebrated for curing 1 ii'. and other dixeaies of the skin, as 1 Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn's i Mill- .Vr;i produces the same eliecu .1 n inw irnuos expense. IHis admirable :.necilic also speedily heals lorti. tmiitt, stoUi, trur, jfiuiiHi and tult. It removes dandruff .11 1 prevents llie hair from failing out and . ruin,; (jray. Cubing and linen used In iht sick room ;i disinfected, and diseases communicable by c 1 nact with the person, prevented by it. Tne Medical Fraternity sanction its use. l'riccs-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cikes), 60c. and $1.20. N. R-nu. the W,. caV and rtwrabjr " H1IXN H UU AHD WHISKER DYE, Black ar Orevro, ao t'enia. C. I. CUITTEST01, Prop'r, 7 Sixth 1t..1.T. S ACKETT & SCHRYVER aaa l aaa to fl All D WARE, aad aaaafaotarers ot TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, ftecoud Rtroet, Clearfield, Pa. Having refitted nor store room and doaSlsd oa toek, wo are prepare) to offer bargains to par abaters in oar line. Wo bare decided to do a Strictly Cash Business, aad aa therefor sell at greatly radoeed arte Oartientar and parsons who eoa tain plat baild tog will do well to eiamlne oar Tools aul BuilliaffHarl-waro, whlob li aew and of tba boat nanafaotnro. Wo kf.p a larga stock of NAII,S, LOCKS GLASS, LATHK PUTTY, HINfiKS LUE, SCRKW All klada of Bmiib Plaaoa. Kawa. Hammmi, llal.hHi, Plamha and U.ala, Mortlstd A Thatab Uaagaa. Batata, BraoM A Bliu, Wood aad Iroa Ban.b florawa, aad th. boat Boring Manbina la tbo asarkat. Donbla and Single Bitt Aiea, P0CKXT OUTLERT, Ao. i;enf for Burneir Iron Corn Shellei warraatod. Also, agoau for Rlokardl' ' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, wblok orattaallji aar. gaioky flaw. Farm Implcmenis, Garden Tools of ooory doaoriptloa. A largo Tartar? af COOK STOVES, blob o warns! la glsa aallafaolioa. Fort Hnngn saiaot aTttriuarra '.ovRmi.-;. tawatlag tm Job Work doaoM aaooiaabloarBis. All ardoto will oaooito pMp' nn riaaklai aad fas lnl. MMadH a Jaaf o, lara. WIreUantouJ. B OOT AND 8110K MAKING. JOKKP1I II. DKRKINO, i Market rot, Il Hbaw'a R, CtotrlUld. .'a. , bt-e j"t recttd a Int tot r French Calf Sklae and Kips, lb htul ia lb arkt. and I n pre tiertid tti man jefawtur virytbin la bit lint. 1U Hill war - rani bib worn 10 bi m rrp-eniit AUu, all bifida uf Leaibor euj Pi bo PiuJIa f'tr uli Cb l.aB of Clearfield and vlclalt are rapetfull Invited to gi bia ft sail Work 4ft at abort a-. Hoe TtlA'7 The BoU's Kun Woolen Factory Pcna lown'bip. Clearfield Co., lt. BUHNBn OUT! e BUT l aoaabaar.aara gr .axpaH, rabnllt a tMtgbbiirhiMrd airMaalty, la tba araotiaa of a Irai laaa Woolaa Maau1ator;, with all tba notiarn iMpnivamanta attached, aod art praparati to naka all klnda of Clt.tht. Caaptinarri, SatiaatU, Uiaav kata, tlannala. Planty ol guoda oa haad to oppl; all our eld and a thmaand saw auitonara. wbua wa aak to.pu.t .f ttoek. Tba buaiaaaa or CAKDINO AND YuLLIN'l) will raeoiva our aapeelal atlcntioa. Proper ArranKninta will ba made lo noelra aod daltvar Wool, to auit oaatitmara. All work warranted aod loaa uoiio tba ahortaai out too, and br atriat atlaa- ilna to buiinoaa wo hope to realise a liberal a ban f puhlte patrunax HMHM POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pat the blirhaat market price for wot utd all our naaufaotured $ uoda aa low aa similar Hide eaa be btiuKUt ia tbe oouotj. and whenever re fat) to render raaamiable aattafaotlua wo ab ttwave ha foaod at hume ready to taake proper Hxplanatiun, either In pornen or hj Utter. j a at KB juunnun nuns, aprllJUf Honor P. 0 JJARD TIMES IIAVg MO EFFBCT IN FRENCHVILLE I I an awaia that there ara soma prraons a lit tip hard to please, aad 1 a to also aware that thr .loiuplatut uf "bard times" is well nkejb unirereal Uut I aa fo situated now that 1 ran satisfy thr former aod prore oooolurlvely that "bard time" will not eifeet thiso who buy their goods from me. -tnd all my patrons shall ha initiated Into the so- j rat of UOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t bare aooda enough to aopiJy all the Inbahl- taoU io the lower aod of tbe county which 1 sell ttexoMdine; luw ratoa from my uammotb store ta MULSONUUHO. where I aaa always ba foann ready to wait apuo oallers and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Huch as Cloths, Batinetts, Caaslmeres, Uuallns. Delaines, Lioea, Drilllnge, Calieoes. Trimming a, Ribbons. Laoa, Keadj-made Clotbiog, Boota and 8hua, Hats aad Jape ell uf the beat malarial and made to order tioae, booas, tiloraa, Mittens, Laoaa, Kibboni, Ao. UKOCEUIKS OF ALL KINDS. Joffee, Tea, 8ugr, Rice, Molaaaea, Fiah, 8al Purk, Linaeed Oil, Fieb Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Quevoaware, Tinware, CaaUns, Plow tnd Plow Castings, Nails, 8pibes, Cora Cultira ors, Older Presses, and all kinds of Axes. ferfatnery, Paints, Varnish, Ulass, and a general assortment ol stationery, GOOD FLOUR, 'f different brands, always on hand, and will ba sold at tbe lowest possible figures, II. MeClain's Medteioes, Jayne's M edict De UosMtter's and lluufland's Uitters. 6 OUfl pounds of Wool waated for which tbf lighest prtoa will ba paid. Clurerseed on haoo tad lor sale at tne lowest market price. Also, Agnt for Strattoarille aad Curwensvllle rbreahing Maohinea. 9fjuCall and seefor yoursaltes. Yob will And if cry thing usually kept ia a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. FrenohTilla P. 0., August 12, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iBuooesanrs to Doyntoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Haaufaotarers of fOETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner ef Foarth aod Pine StreeU, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVINQ antffad tn Iba aoanttfaatara of first alaaa MACHINERY, wa napaetfallj uaforsv ba puMto tbat wa ara now prepare ta 111 U nraars aa ebaapl and aa promptly aa eau ba don la any of tbo eitlaa. Wo naaafattnro aad dal la Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Hsad Blocks, Wator Whaols, Shafting Pallets, Giffbrd's Injaftor, fltaaas Oauges, Stoaal Whlstlos, Oilsrs, Tallow Cnpa, Oil Cops, Oaoga Coeka, Air Ooeks, Olobo Valvas, Cbook Volvos, wroogbt Irua Pipes, B.aata Peaips, Bnllar Faod Paaipa, Aatl friction llctroa, Soap gtona Paeking, Onai Pack ng and all kinds of MILL WORKl togotb wltk Plows, Skd Solas, COOK AND PA RLOR STO YEN. and olber CASTINOS of all klada. rOrden oolleltod and tiled at city prioat ll tollers of inquiry witb teferenco to uecbtner) tl oar aaanalaetar. promptly aaawerod, by addroo. og aa at ClearBeld, Pa. BIIILKR. YOVNCI Jt RKKIl. G nOGKKIES. JAS. II. LYTLK. (Bnooossor to LTTLB A UITCIIKI.L) WIIOLF.SAI.K AND KETAIL DEALER IN CUOICK LINK OP TEAS. IOL0HOS, ' JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YOUNG HYSON. KNOLIHil DRKAKFAS'I Paroat la Market. BUTTER AND KllOg. Will bo kept and aold at Irat oost. 'or Coanlry Prodaeo. Caak palo IBRMAN CHKBRIEfl, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEAKS, PHILADELPHIA IIAM PIHII. Maeharsl, Lake llorrlag. Cod, A a. ritmrs, ami Plebloeaad lagAab Plobloa. fLOllll AND PKKII. , Raw, Cars Haad, Om MaaL da. THE REPUBLICAN - I CLKAKKIKLI), PA. WHiNKSDAV KOKNINll. APJ11L1I. IMT, WAITING I OR SPHlNO. Ilaale, gentle Spring! wo art waltlag tor Ihoe, Wailing ibe gleam of thy gernienta 10 aee I Waning and watehlng In welotiaio ihM bore Terry no lot gee, rwi-et put ot ibo year. Surly feeed Uareh hu ao rlhl to thj nana Year aflrr yiar be tatvrr tba aam Fntal, Minw and Icr, and "Mil wiaila la bla Iralu, Kittar cooiiiaaiina tut alarn Wmur'a raign. Tama prfloMil ttltb gaandanf laoriaaad oVwrra, 8hand Ib.r awtt brralb Ibrnugh firiala an I buwaraj Bring all Iba alnriag birta onia agala. iiksj Mr h a H loUr'e amd (rasp i Wakes fnad mesanries, our spirit lo tkill, liters that, :bougb ilumavrlug, bare lite la them still. Thoughts that shall grow 'nestb the spell of Iby puaer, Drrams lik thy dar. saiegledl aothlna and huwrr, "." - Funnel fr which tby stft odra hafe birth, Lungings that seem to ba searerly of earth. Mat la the, oh, haU tbsw ? why loagt r delay t Tbvu will be weloouied by giava and by ey Htirts have grown aary in wailing fur tber, Rul It. lh lued preevnoa all eadne-a sliall Bt-e. SHALL FRAUD SUCCEED. LO UISIANA. FRAUD HAS WON! THE PEOPLE MUST AGITATE I SPEECH OF 110. WILLI .M A. WALLACE, OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN Til 8KNATE or THE UN1TKD BTATE8, HON DAT, rKISHl!Att l!)Tll, 1877. Objection! to the decision of the Electoral Commission on the case of Louisiana, presented in the joint meeting of the tteo houses, February 20th. Senator Wallace. 1 offer the objec tion wbic-b 1 avnil to tliuduak, signed by Senators and RcprcHeutullvea. Tbo Pruaiding Ollleur. Tbo objec tion will ba read by tbo Secretary ul the Senate. Tbe Secretary ot IhcScnnto rend us tollowa : Tbe undersigned, Senators and mem bera of tbe Uoiiho ol' Representatives, object to tliu decision of tbo Electoral Commiiwion as to tbe electoral voter of tba Stute of Louisiana, because Flint, tbe said decision n us made in violation of tbe law under wbicb suid Commission acts, in ibis, Unit by said act tbe said Commission ia required lo decide whether uny and what votes from sucb Stute are tbo votes provided lor by tbe Constitution of the United States, and bow many and wbal per sons Hero duly appointed electors in suid State; Jet said Commission re fused to examine and ascertain who wore duly appointed electors in und by alio Statu ol Louisiai a, und wbal votes lrom such Stale are within the provisions of tbo United Stales. Second. Because thu act creating suid Commission was passed lo the end that tho Commission would bear and exumine evidence und honestly de cide wbicb electors in any dinpuleil .State were fuirly and legally chosen ; whereas tbo suid Commission relused lo bear and consider evidence offered to show that the electors wboso votes tbe said Commission lias decided shall bo counted wore nut duly chosen, but falsely ant! fraudulently acted as such electors, as well as tbe evidenco offered lo show thut tbo protended certificates of election of suid electors were pro duced by corruption and wero wholly untrtio. Third. Because tbe said docison is in disregard of truth, justice und law, and establisbea the demoralizing und ominous doctrine that fraud, forgery, bribery and perjury can lawfully be used as a means to make a President of tbo United States against the well- known or easily ascertained will of the people and of the State. John W. Johnson, Wm. A.Wallace, Jab. 11. Hopkins A. R. U(kn, Ciias. 1). Roberts Tuos. 3. An line, 11. D. Money, HiebtehCi.ymeh. Itqiretentativts. J. E. Bailki, Geo. R. Dennis, Francis Keenan, James K. Kelly, Eli Saulsbcry, iyrrtrtfors. Mr, Wallace Mr. President, lb Sonalor from Obio, (Mr. bbennun,) states tbat no Senator or lawyer oi. ibis floor, when the bill was uboul bu ing passed, said that there was uii) right to go behind tho returns. Mr. hhermun. II my Irieiid will ul low me, 1 said that two months ago. before tbo question arose. Mr. Wallace. 1 relor to tbo Record. I quote tbo Senator from Ohio him self, on tbe 25lb ol January, as lo what was bis opinion ot what Ibis bill meant. Ho said : "One objection to ibis bill was that the powers conlerrcd on this Commie sion were unlimited, and that tbe Com mission was tell tojtidgo of their pow era; tbey were kit lo decide bow lai they should back of returns and wbul luith tbey would give lo executive certificates. Tbo law did not seek to delino or limit as was usually done in ordinary acts of legislation. I object ed lo tbo bill of) that account." Tbo Senator from Indiana, (Mr. Morton,) one of tbo judges, on the same night said : "1 took tbo ground from first to last that Congress bad no right to go be hind ibo decision of tbo Rolurmng Hoard in Louisiana ; that when the) lound tbal certain members uf the Legislature bad been elected, although ibey might have found that fuel upon insufficient testimony or upon no lesli mony at all, still it waa an act ot the Hoard apoinled by tbo laws ol tbe State for tbat purpose, and wo bad no right to go behind it. Tbat was my position then, as il is my position now I believe it is a vital point in tbo con stilutional doctrine of our country and I believe that this Very bill tbal I am opposing in vain to-night will vio late, and I believe it is intended to vio late that doclrino." Tho Senator again said ; "What 1 maintain ia tbat this Com mission cannot carry out ibis part ol tbo bill without going behind ibo re turns trom a Stale, and tbat is what our Democratic frienda understand by it." . And another of the judges, Mr. Gar lield, in the House of Rcprenoiilalives, when lbs bill was on its passage, said "It grasps all tho power, anat tmlds States and electors as toys in its hands. It assumes Ino right of Congress lo 40 down Into tho colleges and inquire Into tbo sets and tacts oca necked witb ineir work, li assumes tba rig til of tyongreas lo go down law lb Stats! t0 n,vivw ll,"rt of yofllcrto!jfinUghtb'ittoiilnii.(irmolllie open ovory tnllol box, and to pans judgment upon ovory ballot cant by Mivon milliimiicjf Amvricana." It la for Si'iiutnra) unci Jiulgi'ilo roconeile thine opinion. Sir, in a court ol' orrur or wherever a judgment in up lor review, un nfler of proof or fuvla wliioli lias been ro jeeled by tbo court below, VNtubruiliun lor tliu purponoof rnviowul all of tliono fucu u-i truo and proved. Tbia ia a well rucogniiivd (lot tilnu of llie law. Aa tliia record ia madu up, grona and palpublu frauda upon llie people ol Louiniana, and tlirough tlium upon llie wimioAnuricn jicojd ,'Hj;ai".r.'!lbv Jr,i,u.!ijJ - a,ivuiivil'JiS;" - lalsebood, to nullity tlie Irulb, anil in revorao tbe recorded will ot a ninjnrili of tbal people. It is fuUo tbat the people of Louisiana have by a majori ty of their votes appointed the Hayes electors; and Jet this decision pro claims it to be true. It is true tbat the mtijiirity of tbo eople of Louisiana bavo by their votes appointed tho Til den electors; anil yet this decision nub lilies and cruxhea out this truth, and for the first time in the history nf the Republic the recorded will of tbe ma jority of the people is expunged and revemcd by the votes of the Electoral College. Tbo broad offer to prove lalse bood and forgery in tbo destruction of 10.000 lawful voles, by every rule of right and luw, is assumed tu be proved true by its rejection, and we are thus compelled to conlronl tbo its ustotinding legal declaration tbat the equities which ought lo accompany the power and majesty of a clear ma jority of tbo people, tbo Inherent vital ity tbat belongs to every government lor its own preservation as well an against I mud as force, und the morali ty tbat pertains of right to every just system ol luwa, are utterly ami abso lutely wanting in ours. Sir, if the false und forged returns made by four men who, by tbo tcali mony of a committee of the House, are proved, one of them to bu loo weak lo be a knavo; another unscrup ulous, without integrity, tricky, and a delimiter in ptthliu office ; a third, a nbarper who cbeuis ul keno and do Iruuds bis State, and the other con fessedly guilt of a.'td indicted for forg ing dead men's names upon the pay roll of bis city if such returns, cetll lied by an executive whose only title to bis ofllco is tbe Federal bayonet, are lo be tbe only und conclusive proof ol title to the President')' ol the United Stales, then indeed is a government ol luw supplanted by a government ol force and fraud. Sir, a majority of the people of the United Slutes wboao rights uro out raged and denied, a system ul jurispi it deuce tbal finds remedy lor ever) wrong, a government that has regielled force and bus within it the inborn vigor to renist the leprous tout b of cor ruption, and a code of morals that shudder at and shrinks lrom the poironous contagion of falsehood and lorgery, are here to-day in silent but majestic protest against Ibis judgment. The laws of tne people wboiu 1 rep resent upon this floor are bused upon common right, common honesty, and common senso, and they bare been taught as 1 bavo, that tbo end of legal proceedings is the altuiumetit ot justice. 1'bey will not respect a decision which efuses to bear lbs truth, sustain false hood, indorses forgery, and puis the Federal Government al the absolute control of the base and tbo unscrupu lous. They, sir, will agitato for its re. vorsal shall come. Tbe result before is filly reached. Il is the decree ol party, wrungby parly fealty lrom what liuti Itl have beeu a Judicial tribunal meeting And deciding a purely legul plestion. FORXEY y.v tTi'O SECTlOMi. Hayes' Southern policy disturbs the leepof the Patriot (?) ol the Philadel phia Press, ami llie sight of a Conleil crate llriguilter, during the day lime causes biui lo Jtraddlu a nightmare every lime the moon quarters. The editor in question in bis issue ol th illlh of Miirch, delivers himscll ill lo sections as follows ; "SHALL THE TBAlTi H WADK IIAlll'lo.S IIICIATE TO HAYES THE P tTKtlll f" "We upproiit-b the solution ol the -Southern problem through niuuy tltlH- eulttes, but ,wo have no doubt thut President lis) es will reach u satisfac tory conclusion. His bearing lrom the first has beeu so muhly, mildest, and iiiuguaiiimous ; be bus Imruoaitd fore home so much, that wo caul. 01 doiiht lie will secure a lasting sell lenient. Wudo Hampton is one of the worst specimens ol a Very bad school. An roganl, sell sullleienl, und I) runiiical, tie is the iiutuial 1 tlspting ul slavery and, although bu may deny bis violent speeches on his way lo see the Preni dent of tbu United, there is enough in his history, public und private, losbow that all thai evas attributed tu him is true. How marked tbe contrast be tween llunipton and Chamberlain I Tbo latter, a quiet scholar, a cultivated gentleman the equal of any lawyer ot bia ago North or South comes lo Washington unstained by private bank ruptcy or repudiation, and unsullied by rebellion against a generous coun try. Hu awaits with dignity the judg ment of tho Chief Magistrate of the liepiililiu which this man Hampton tried tu destroy. Witb our view of tbe South Carolina situation, and tho lull knowledge of tbo difficulties of Presi dent Huyvs, wo do not question tbe policy of extending hospitulitiea to Hampton and his associates. Therein however, an air of Insolence in this man addressing tho Chief Magistrate lrom bis hotel and Immediately rush ing it into the newspapers an Inso lence which Andrew Jackson would buvo chastised on tbe spot by sending ibis man Hampton cither to tbu com mon jail or banishing him from his country. Hut President Huyoa lakes a different view, and wo linn, the right view, because ho has a larger constituency than Andrew Jackson, and because also bis responsibilities uro really greater. President Hayes lecls in bia relation lo ibis question tbal bis moderation in tho treat men I of such mun as Wade Hampton is gathering around him tho whole con servative sentiment of tbo United States. Therefore, h can afford to listen to tho foolish demands of thoss impenitent rebels. These latter lorgot tbo crime of rebellion against their country ; tbey onstantly iorgot it, and tbey will asvtr rtgrtt HuiU they art tiovornmeiit thut tliey munt obey llio law. Preaideiit Ilaye l pawling through a turriblo cricia, and, like u grvut ruler, likta another Abruhnm Lin coln, bo rvnorta to iniKluruto nieuiurva to conciliation anil coiicowli.ti. Hut if tbia man Hampton coiucn to Wash ington' ainiply to dogmutiio and to threaten, hu ought to bu told that the day for tbo Insolence of tho nlavebolil cr baa paused away. Thank liod, lliuro la atill onouyi vilulily left with tho American Government l punmli tho ingraiitudd of nlt la, lio in any olber couiilry would bavu been abut government which has liirgivcn tbe vilest treason since the beginning ol tbo v orld is equally potent to punish tho ingratitude that lorgets that for giveness. While purleclly content to Hindu by whatever decision President Hayes may ivach in this South Caro lina cuse, is il not a question whether any ultimatum could plcuso the gentle men, who began the rebellion against the I'niled Slules nearly filly years ugo? Wade Humpton is thu living ideal in arms of John C. Culhonii. Ho conies lo thu National Cupitul breath ing threats against our Chief Magis trate. Ho denies llieso threats, und yet they will bo proved upon him. There is but 0110 way lo Ircul audi men. Recognized by lite (ieneral Gov eminent, bo can hn"Vo no other object but to punish thu Republican party of tho Slate. Rejected by the (ieneral Government, he con do no worse. We trust President lluyca will treat this man as be deserves, defying him lodo bis worst. "Tbo Press has gone to extremes on ibis question. 1 1 has recognized the mistake of tbe so-called carpet buggers of ibo South ; it has commiserated tlie blunders of the colored people eicvulcd into necessary cilir.eiiship ; il bus de plored the sufferings of the white peo ple ; it has toiled, in season and out ut season, to invoke the investment of Northern capital and European immi gration. Hut if such baseness us that of Wade Huinploii is to bu tolerated, wo would lather welcome another wur to maintain the supremacy of tbo Gov ernment over the .South unit the sys tem wbicb would turn those Slutes into obedient Territories. Thu time has come for a declared policy, and President Hayes is I be limn lo declare it. When everything is offered lo men liku Wade Hampton and the butcher Duller, whoso hands uro red with the blood of nil r people, and when tbey reject the proffers of a generous Government, let that Government in ila new Administration, lading to se cure protection to the Kt'tiubliculi peo ple Vf South Carolina, take the t ase into its own bands and assert itself by all the powers of I ho Constitution ol the United States." If thai liudicul bull does not make the "arrogant, self sufllt ieitt, and ty runtiii'ul Coiilcderalo Hrigudiers bop around, and cause tbe "qtiit-t schtdur, and cultivated gentleman" Chamber lain to luiighf wo shall bo greatly mis taken in tbo remarks of the editor of tbo rress. A PERILOUS JUUR'EY. On Wednesday, the 28lh nil., a skiff, occupied by one man, and nearly filled witb waler, says the Columbia Spy cumo along shore. Tbu man stepped out ami the waler was bailed out. Il wus an ordinary two-oared skiff ami tbo .bruvo pusn-nger was Mr. Owen Asbton, of Diiiiiauuoii, Pu. Mr. Asbton is a carpenter by trade, but for sometime past was a tirvman oil tbe Peiisylvauia Railroad. Having been offered employment al his old trudo ill Smedley's Columbia Agricul tural works, bo accepted and prepared to come. Uut hu was ul the samp time owner of a pretty little sk iff, ami he wanted lo bring it with bun. Think ing thai the most natural way to get a skill' down was by waler, be launch ed the Irail bulk al 8 30, Wediiesdat morning, and started on his perilous journey, mutt ithstundiiig a high river, ami a higher ind the lutii-r blowing ul hurricane spued. The skiff wus t'Uirii d ulong. sunietiiiiis ul aiariling rule, b) . Kind anil cut rent, wave breaking over it, and al limes neurl) rilling it. The most thrilling purl of the trip was llie pusnugelkiittigli thcCouewagn lulls, wbicb uro nmily a mile long, f lie spray was almost blinding, and drenched li 1 lit like a June ruin storm. Alter tbo passage ho Was obliged to bail out bis bout. From there lo Co lumbia the journey was devoid ol sjicf iul interest or incident except the run tlirough Cbitkies rapids. Hu ar rived salcly al shore, al Columbia, tiled and hungry, about 3 o'clock 111 the af ternoon, mukmga tripol nearly lorty live miles in less than seven hours. It was a perilous journey by a brave fel lowand it will ulways possess a live ly interest for him. THE MOSOHEL REGIME. Tba illustrated papers represent Grant and Hayes riding together lo tbo "aiigraniusbun'as the darkies ex pressed il, in an open carriage drawn by four horses, with outriders and white flunkies in attendance, a la bis lato imperial highness of Hu) li, Fans tin I. Well, why not? It is in keeping with tbu ''situation." Thousands upon thousands of poor, lion employed white men and Women suffering lor bread, while this devil's dunce goes on I Wo remember once asking the late Sena tor Hammond, of South Carolina, il they over indulged in such "royal" vanities as white-flunkies, or while men so degraded as lo wear a badge of slavery like a dog, common to the Old Vt 01 lil, uml now, alas ? to tbe New 110 repneu mat he never wilnessetl a thing ot tbe kind in hisSluto, and pro- sumod there bad never been an in stance, south uf the Potomac, of white man so debused as to put on a livery. Rut now, hero in the North. almost every vulgar brute who bus made money nut of tbo war gels up a carriage and liveries, and Grant and lluyes. it seems, go a step furthe than the mere degradation of their natural equals, and sMn four horses 10 their carriages. A'. 1. An Book. Rome will bowl after Packard, Chamberlain 4 Co., are buried. Hut, then tbo Diusio will not hurl anybody. General Loiigslruot became mem ber of a Roman Catbolio charoh in Now Orlsaos raeantlr. MR. HTA ME Y MA TTIIK WS.tXV THE KEW OHDKR. Since (iovcrnor Hnvea a to bu President, it i" a pily tbnt Mr. Stanley Multhuiva could not buvo been madu Ailoriiey-licncrnl. Of uvcry executive govcriiuicnl husid on representative in nlitulioiin w ln llier nu the balika of tho 'rinimeaor of tho I'olumuc, tho chiuf luw olllcurs is its vital pillnr and nver. Law Is (lie sinew of peace, as money is ol an army and of war. If a r'ederul executive government ul Washington has an ablu and self asserting aa well aa a wine Attorney ticiicrul, it cannot well lull to bo respected an Io'ik aV his i eiu.iiii. 1. 1 Jut. y. ..'Is argu ments before the Electoral . .s..lisiin, in his negotiations with Southern Dem ocrats, lieappeurs to bavu bad an curlier and clearer view ot the political situa tion, und of its only sulo I real men t, I hull most of bis purty associates. And even if if w hat be did and suid in the premises he did not, before acting, con sult witb Mr. lluyes (us, however, he cleurly did), it must buve been becuuso be fell hiuixt'lf lo be a llismurk of the new order of things. While ull tbe other lawyers before tbe Klecturul Com mission in tin Florida case who repre sented Mr. Huyea wero lUHibbngover what turned out to lie the incident of the electoral issue, Mr. Matthews in his seeeh boldly put tho claim of Mr. Hayes upon tuuante bellum Democratic dtrclrilio of self government and homo rule. He suid thut up lo the lith of December a Slate is, witb an ntini t limil.ilhiu, supreme and sovereign in the creation of its Prcnidunlial electors (und, of consequence, of its Legisla ture and Governor), anil thai alter that the two houses ol Congress must count w bulcvur tbe Stulu on thut day duclurcs. As a necessary cniiseqiieiice of this high Stute rights doctrine, be then declared lo Mr. 10 1 1 1 at that, in the then condition of South I'uiidiua and Louisiuuu, thu President bud no law- I ti I power to iiilcrlcro, through the army, in the internal concerns of those Stales, and bo pledged tbe new Ad ministration lo withdraw thut arni) loith wnli. Had be been At tin ne) (ieneral be would of course, buvo con vinced lite President '.but llie uriuv piestion was 0110 for tbo Department if Justice to examine into and report upon, and as the law olllccr 01 llie Kxectilive hu would, of course, have iptitkly banded up an opinion that ihcre was no "insurrection" in either Stute, and tbal tbo army must be withdrawn instantly. It an order to that effect bad been issued during the first week ul the new Administration, based 011 such an opinion of sucb an A llttrnc) -General as Mr. Matthews, industry ami nusiuesa would have int mediately revived, tbe South would buve been electrified with a new lile, und tbe North would have uppluuded the act with substantial unanimity. Alter that the Administration, by throwing tubs to the liadit-al whale in lite shupe of.olfices and patronage, could easily bavo smothered or sup pressed all murmurs in its owu parly camp. Now bow very different is the out look I President lluyes ban taken tho knife by the blade instead ol the handle. Instead of upholding self government in Louisiana, be Irumples upon il anew by bis officious eoiuniia siou. He begins by dictating lo a Slalo bow its Legislature shall bo or ganized and how its votes lor Govern or shall be canvassed. Thut was mil the plan of Mr Matthews, as sketched to Mr. Ellis, either by Senator Lamar or by Mr. Matthews bimsvll, in th. conference at Wormley's. To Mr, Kllis ho suhsiuiiliully said : "The new "Administration will not concern itselt "uboul a slieme of removing the dead lock. Il will withdraw tho army, "and then all else will follow." Tbe plan of Mr. Evarts, as diselosed to tbe Ht'puhhfuti press) cslerduy. flies dirut-t. I) in the luce ol this. Under the men a 'tfol the army Mr. Evarls is beitl on fie Icuvori ng to compel the t ii'ti its to ) ull soiiK'lhiiig whichthc) have Won, and to plnee the future of the Stale in the bunds ot nine nuti-l'ui kurd hVpuh licans in the Legislature. Tins is nothing but a second W heeler com promise, mid it uill tcsitli as lull) u tlte lit st. Mr. Ellis was ipiile rigol w hen be advised the Irifii lsof Nicltolls to slaiid resolutely on thu Matthews Kllis compact, the basis of which is. first ol all, llio withdrawal ol the troops. LiM Governor Ntcholls semi llie commission hat-k to President Ha)es with a message that Ibo ultima turn of Louisiana is a compliance with the Matthews Kills pledge I The bewildered organs of the fiadiral press are all abroad in their limlisb at tempt lo persuade themselves and their renders ibul Northern DeintH-ruts are seeking lo embarrass or delay llie lull and immediate fruition uf tliu promise given by Mutlbews. On tho contrary, tho promise was simply a politic recog tiition of the purposes and tbo power ol Ibo Democratic party. Mr. Evans' shuffling at Ibis time is merely an at tempt to steal tbe credit of tbo Demo cratic victory won by ibo Democratic House, and by the Dcmocruliu House inost'"cerluinly to bo maintained. The pui'iKisod und aspirations of tbe Northern Democracy to-day are ident ical substantially with -what ox-'tov- emor Hrown, ot Georgia, declares to be llio aims of Southern men : It tbu purpose of llie President is lo restore peace and harmony lo the country, and tu divide tho South by lines other than the color lino, there is an easy and patriotic mode ot doing it. Let bun and his parly offer us no bribe of office ; und let ihein, in the administration of tba Government, do equal and exact juslico to every sec tion of ibo Union ; let them bury the war issue, and let there be 110 further allusion lo il, In a wonl, let tbu Re publican party ceaso to flaunt thu bloody shirt in our (sue, und h i litem, aa pledged tve having complied witb tbo Reconstruction ai ls concede the same right lo local sell govern men t lo Louisiana and South Carolina which la conceded to New York anil Ohio; and let all efforts 10 keep up division 011 occounl of past connection with tbo wur cease, and tho result will naturally lie that now Issues will spring up ; tar ills and banks and internal revenue system, internal Improvements, k will then occupy thu attention of the petiftlo. Upon iIicmi, men ol both colors aurf both parties, South ami North.will italurally differ, and tbey will divide jpon them. In this mods and this aloo aao th South be divided by lines othor thin i;'.Utai.Ky the color lii. So long, however, aa tbo Ilopublican party lulxira lo keep tbo war iaauoa alive, and to divldo tbo puoplo anil In flainu their prcjiuticua on nccoun' of wur, wo will niaiiituin a solid Dunio enitio mutter what i florin may bu madu to buy, to bully or to biibo us." 1'eiuo tirst anil tho Ituign of Law I Alter that wu can go lo work, eveiy man according to bin mind, ut tho com mercial and industrial regeneration ol thu country. A. Y. HVU, .lrif 3. MURK PLUNDER AT WASH- t.x. a re filled with jr- Mirs and collusion ists, iinmt of whom wero appointed by lieptiblican Senators and Representa tives, or others high ill the councils of thut parly. Tbo ilevcjoyment j,'h Wbiskut Ring, of the muss ol fraudu lent claims which passed through the accouMiug office unchallenged, and of the great contracts obtained by fulsu bidding, proves conclusively that a system bus existed for years whereby tho Treasury bus boon plundered ot millions by ibo corrupt connivance ol trusted oWciuls. I ndictmunts now pending at tboCupi- tul against Negcly, Butler and other former members of Congress, show their complicity in some of these trans actions, and the means l which they wero successfully carried 011. 1 Ins system bad attained such perfection, und was so ramified in its ojieruiioiia, that w hen Mr. Hristow commenced bis war 011 tbu Whiskey Ring, ho was compelled to gooutside the department for aid, because ho bad not cnrifidenco in tho officers who surrounded linn. Th rvcunl discovery lltut. an im mense Finn of accrued and unclaimed interest on Uniled Slates bonds has been paid lo a Ring of attorneys ox cites 110 surprise whatever. It is only a new feature ut the Corrupt system which brings before tbo public a long suspected Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and a number of confidential clerks, sumo of w hom Mr. Houlwell sent abroud ill connection with tho sale of Government bonds, and who are believed lo have profited by their opportunities in that capacity Now the interest account is so kept in thu Treasury Ibul the uncluiined dividends could not possibly be known to outside parlies without collusion on tliu purt of the clerks in charge of llie books or others having access to the records. Nor could payments of large sums of accrued interest be made upon powers of attorney, representing a multitude of claimants, without ex citing suspicion and inquiry, unless there was a secret understanding be tween the inriders and outsiders. Tbo offices uf the Treasurer, and Register, and the Secretary of the Treasury each had a check on ibis swindling operation, and each had to pass through in order to make il suc cessful. Consequently llio rule of ad dition, division, and silence must have included a number of offichtfs in these brunches ol the public service, and in one ot the auditor's offices, w here the interest was adjusted Sucb a combination ia startling, when the vast interest controlled by ibo same parties are considered ; lor if they would unite lo steal in one case, of course they would not scruple 10 steal whenever a chance offered. The Hrson implicated in those trans action hold confidential post 111 the Treasury, and have beeu trusted with its most delicate dealings. Tluy saw high otHiials, al home and abroad, sell ing their trust to speculators as they appear lo bavo made tbat example their model of duty. Hero and there sound siots may bo lound in Ibo publio service, but it is generally rotten trom tho core to tbe eirciimlereiicu. Nothing short of a severe purgation can restore it to u hcullb) condition. Hut ibe plan ot the Uaiiseoiidi'iilal theorist al Wash ington is lo cover 1 tho ulcers from public view. iVnr i'ork Sun. THE TRUTH AT LAST. Mr. Dou M. Dickinson, Chairman ot tliu DeiniK rat c Stale Central Commit tee ol Michiguii, told a story in the State Con velilion,at Lansing, lost week, winch should have a wide circulation in Democratic newspapers. It cheered the hearts of bis hearers und produced great applause. This ia the interesting piece of history which Mr. Dickinson told : ''J Ust before tbo Uclobcrelectioits hu was called to New York lo consult w ith loi ty gentlemen from all parts ol the Union. Some of those gentlemen said tho Republicans were importing voters into Indiana and Ohio. Tlie) urged that money must be bad thai is, thai corruption must bo mul witb corruption. This sort uf talk quite overcame Mr. Dickinson, thinking, as bu did, of bia campaign ot honor. The next day Gov. Tildon met tbe forty gentlemen al his house, and the three or lour men who bad previously spok en again broached Ibo aubjectof money and means lo counteract Republican frauds. So tar as Gov. Tilduu know, these men spoke llio sentiments of the entire body of Slate Chairman. He sal boll uprigbtand listened, and when all bad finished ho said : "Gentlemen, 1 have un abiding luith in the integer ty of tho American people. An elec tion cannot bo curried by corruption. Let your organizations ace lo il that tho men tbey import do not vole ; but when you come lo mo and ask mo lo offset liuud by fraud, you maku grand mistake." What was the etfucl of this brief and lolling speech on thirty. nine of Ibo gentlemen we are not told, but Mr. Dieknisolt says be Weill homo and devoted himself with mora earnestness and power lo llio work of Ibo campaign Uian if be had had money. Zaou C'DAHULta Male Him Puesi iiest. Why," said he, relerriug to Hayes, "the tl d fool wouldn't have been President at all but lor me; il wa 1 that guvo hint ibo votes of South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana." And wcguuseZack spoke the truth. Spring field Republican. Tho Pittsburg PaM does not like tbe commission. It says il is like a jug handle; front which llmuy bo Interred tbat soma juggler) la expected. 'Thefraifor, WadeUaanpton" caasea tba patriotic "dead dock," Forney, to yelp lika spaniel Let blot howl lis sever bit anybody. Cur (dun anlvtrtUtmmt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publlalird aMrjr Wa-laaa.laj' bj GOODLANDER&LEE, CI I'.AKf IKI.O, PA v Haa ilia I ral ( Irrulaikia of auy uapar la arlliilera Pcnuaylvnala. ArSajsj eateaojefasej circulation of tho Repurlican, renders il valuable to business men us a medium thru' . ' -f winch to reueh the publio. Terms or Subscription : r II paid in advance, ... 12 Ol) If paid after tbroo months, . 2 50 If paid alter six months, . . 3 On When papers are sent outsids of the county puymont must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or less, 8 times, . Each subsequent insertion, Administrator' Notices, . Kxccutors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . , Cautions and Estrays, . . Dissolution Notices, fl ftl fie 2 fill 2 fiO 2 50 1 60 2 50 Professional Carda, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS! One square, 10 lines, . . . f 8 Ol Tern squares, 15 00 Three squares, ..... 20 0 One fourth column SO Oi One-hull column, .... 70 0' One column 120 0i II LAN It. We have always on band a large otixk of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPIENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, RON DS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLES BLANKS, Ac, Ac , Ac JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING eU'CII AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, ' BILL HEADS, ' STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, to , Ac, IN THE BUST STYLR, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEUS BY M1L FOR UA. KINDS ( F WORK WILL RECI.IVK PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlaiider A, JL?r, neat-field, Oetrfeld C.u(jr. Pa, ftotrt. THE MANSION HOUSE. Ournerol nootiadaad Market street, I'l.lCAMI-IM.Ii. PA 'I'HIs .1. ,a a..u,oli..o. Hsiel tea ,i. 1 Ibe past year I...0 . el.ra.J u ah l..raier .ot-eeit) fur it. .awria! , ' gere an J gueau. Tbe .b-l, baiun, u " refuraiebed, asd tbe r-rirtitir am iparea to reader bia goeato aeailuri.1,1, .a", auylog witb bias. 0- Tbe M.o.lon Oooaa" Omell.,, , aod fruaj tba ... be .rroal ea.t a Moea tf.ia Jul) II la 11 A LI.EGIIKNV llu!KI. Market si reel. Irailitid, 1 r r.. , pp. me 14.. 10 oill . a ,, 1 ls-ei l eierjibloj lu llie aairkei. ai l(ie will be found Ibe tteel lnra and li ui,ra u -tal'liiig ati.bed. H M. o. Hli.tOI I v M ,.,.. ,, CUAW110U.SE, keW (Cor. ol Mareoi A Kr..ui .o , CLEAKKIKLtl. t-A Tbe anilrigned baviiig Iski-i, cliary, ,,, lb , Uitlel, wuuld reaaectlulli e.ili-li ,mi.h,. , I'T ' l. K k' I.,.' UT ASHINUToN (IOlH. Th.i -w and mU (Hfuitbril b..a-a ,.' Ukva bj thr aiiJerlnti. lit rll.i ,,,, twiaf sib I tu miniW HitiramMsft tu tiW. H r.. ftvur bint with Mj I, IflH. O. Yf. M In. iv, , L OYD HOUSE, Main Street, PIIII.fl'KhtlKll, PENS a TeMo olwava eurplied with Ibe hsal II.. u..-k. af-Tdl. Tbe lr., .line puhlie laint ilr.l i.,..ii Jan l.'rs. HOIIKHT l.m li Sanhs f. a. a mhocd. s. or. tannin. j. a. a . u F.K.ARNOLD & CO., ICankert and IIrok-ret. Reyauldssllle. Jerferaun Co., Pa Money reeeieed an drpoott. Ditoiiui.l. at derate rates. Eaalera and Poreigo Eaelinn, el eiaea on band aod ellerlmne ftroiaiitl aiai Rejn..l,le.ll!e. !, , 87e..y County National Bank, 0K CI.EAHFIELI). PA. ' ROOM In Maeonle llnilding, onednor aurib o 0. U. Wataco'a Urug Store. Paaaage Tieketa to and lrom Liren.nel n ...... town, Olaagow, London, Parle and Copeotiairea "'-", eeie i me noyai nana ol Irrlaaa iol IrofHtrial Hank il Lon-lnn. JAMKS T. LJiONARD, Pre.t W. al. 8IIAW, Caahier. o, DREXElTtlCO., Jo. SI suiajlh Third street. Phlla lei,, hie And Dealers in Government Securities. Aiplicaituo by mail will reeeire urouiaiira inn. and all lof'irtnatiOB ebeerlully nirnLb.d Orders aolleted April II. rf. Jftttistrj). Kail t of irtlrirlal lelh. -Ingle not of Arlltti let Icelh, . JSJin Sl.vno Dhs. HILLS & IIEICUIIOLD, DENTISTS. Cl.V AIIK1KI.U PK.VW'A. Or. A M II ill woold intoria hi. friend, ai.d patienis that be haa with hiut, ta 'he i-ra'-tlco of denti.lry. !-. J. I, K. Ile.oiihuid, a eoileinoa wbout be ean m-omiueiid with lull .aoraoee of giving .atialao'l m. aboel I he ebanee '.. bo unt of Ibr office. All ernrk guarenleed to i.a .elt.fa-non. A M II 1.1,1. 0,-t Is. T If. J. L. K- IIKIUMIIOLD. STEWART & ELACKBDKN, DENTISTS, Carwrnarllle. ClrarVelS ('trust),'a. (Office In Q itet' New nuildiag.) Co.weaaellle, Jaa II. I7 It (I'S.-a la Bank Uoildlog.) 1'arwcuaillle. l lrarUrld Co.. Pa. b ii ; if. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDOS & BRO., Mark. Ht t en rir tt ul Mna. ilat, CLEAItPlKI.D, PA. Our rr0(rntBi ar 'I th nmtt emiitt hftraiMtrt lur fur nub Inn the public with .rata of all kind, .vnd uf ch rmry bt qualitj. M'aatlato dml ia all kiatlctif trion)taraJ Itnplw rota, ttbieh w k- un aihtiiiiHHt tr tbo bea ut of tba fiublie. Call ruutiii wba la tom, ii take Iuuk at thlB( ur tvl.lrirti aa P. s. TAKDuN A UltO., P , July It, l-7i if. I'BENH MEAT-XEW M1IIP. Tlie atnlfrf ifhfil her-b; (nfi.rint the ( in jiorra' tbat tbe; k.-ep on hni(. rrj mrt, t 'h-lr ellp. tvljvininit JOUb HULIt'll MHrniiure nsowa, dttpor-iu Ibe Cwurt Moum, tt REST FHKSff BKFF, TEA I, HUMS LAMB, 0k, ETC., AT REDUCED PlilCES. FOK CASH. Markrk Btmiogii Tuaaday, Thartla.T and lurdava. da irvd al Mitt.ums win-a leimd. A ba' if ftrontte ii repfefitlltf anlicilril. M.rrk I. t;6 I;. 8TAUK A NOUHiV J"K W CABIN KT M A KING .-HOP. M. B. SPACKMAN Dealroa to aaaoonoe to Ibo nolille tbot bo has ueoed a CABINET MAKINil SHOP IN'CI EtRFIKI.D, Where be will KREPOK lNl TUEITITTTSE, Ard do all kind, of CAIHSKT WORK oi.d RE PAIR U ltMTIlUk or oil kind.. ..a ahurl nmiee and in tlie b.-.l sie.ihle manner, rh-.p en r-ier'n aim-t, 0.n,.,ua rera a -W rrltr. famage P- Aug J, -,.y JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER fN FURNITURE, allATTItrASKS, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAKKKT fiTKKRT, KHAR P.O. Tbe uftdernifne.) bttt lea u Ufora iht HU- aenp 'f Clerail, and tbe aMio gtirl!y, thai be bt "it band finf eortMM-ni ut Ktimhere, tarb M Wrslaut. I'lienlnat end tiled Cbeaibff 4uili. rriu-r riuilt. HrnMeinit end K(tnttB 'hsilrf, Ledirp' ai d 0tita Riv Chair a, tbe (Sr- fonitHl Ittninn nit ''' Oheir. Cane Kra(iMl iiidvor t hire, loiheit R.tre, ft tt ad Ktt-a-(it Laddrre, Hut Rajolm, Srnihhiiig )ruiti-il4e Mlim.DIXd AND PICTUH It KltAMKI, tawMtkliitf UUeMM, Ohnuitii, de., wbiok teuiildi aiiaL f..r Hohdetv ir.'i-nii. J J"M( T K 1 1 1 ' T M A READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS rf- itTATlOXERY Market HU. Clearfield, ml the Post Oiflre.i MUK antleraigrti'd ngt It t.i ae unr-e (e X tba eitin oa ot rivt.rliM mil rtciiMiy. ifaal n- hiii Ittts-d up 4 riioui anrl bea jnst relumed fti'm lb rtlv with a Urff ami'i.t at rva'tmC metier, eonmtiug ia pert uf Biblos and Misccllaueous Boos, Ulenk, A-naiit aea U auk a ul periiiiun j I-pr and Burfi...ei, Krvtivb irttwd eanu piM i f t ena euu r'Ooia; inaoh iK1 leiirr, le!a. Ni i Ju.liiifnt. fUr,nD lliiti an-l lirtmir aolr: White and farcb- l Hrlff. tsr Cati. Kr.rd 0i. -nd Mn rhtel luie. t'.r rli ier I'tMim, F ic or Vt tin, onttaotiT nu bend. Any ... or iieOuunrj drmrrd tbnt I uieji am bare . bt)d,wlllrairlerH be Irtt aipreaa, and li at ktd-ealer mil W nil ea-looiira. I will elen kerp ,ti'al literal ar, aaeh aa Uaftttae. Nw,eir, sk. P. A. UaI'LI.x. Cleerflvld. oUajr 7, IMS tf II. A. KllATZEI., (IWiig TTI kRVTZKRJt ,VTI.K, naaLra ia UKT tionps, ' , HOTIOMS, SHOTS. HIDES, LEATHER,' CARI'ETS OILCLOTHS, WALL PAPER, WlHtXrW SHAPES, , m MaaStos Mrevi, Creearal Vt. 4aa S, Market si reel. I Irailitid, S J Wm. s lltadlry, l.,ru...rl; .r..,,.,,,..'r , I I Lou.or.1 l..o. ba.loi. k.jj,, lw. Vf-dt K..VM 4 aM "' V -'' DR. E. THOMPSON,