Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 11, 1877, Image 2
cThc Republican. Oman B. Goouuno. Rilitnr. " "cLKARFIBLD. Pa. WEDNE8DAT MORNING, APRIt 11, lit? ,av... '. la. Smmr m anlooiB ! port.'. "Braddock' Fatal Field," the "Stai Law" and a number of other excelleni article embellish our first page this week. The "Official" Okdeb. Genoral Sherman' order removing tbo United State troopsfrom SoutbCarolina(found elsewhore in thi issue,-! is warming the wax in many a loyal ear. Mililarj rule i at an end. 0u Fourth. Page. Here tho road er will find the protest of Senator Wal lace, and others, against thq finding ol the Electoral Commission, "Forney ii two Section," and "Mr. Stanley Mattbows," by the New York IVorW. beside, aeveral other good Article. Extreme Meetiko. Hev. Mr. But ler'a attempt to set aside tbo Court. ho drawn the fire ot the triend oi law and common sense. Wo have re Deceived do less than five communica tion bearing on hi senron last Sun day a week, two ol which will bi tound in this issue. Our readers bav ing perused Mr. Butler's remarks, will have the opportunity of reading some thing on the other side, under tho head of "When Greek Meet Greek," ele. An Impudent Fellow. Puckard the Radical candidate lor Governor oi Louisiana, last fall, has addressed "an open letter to President llayoe," and among other question, ask thi one. or words to thafeffoct : "II I received eight hundred and forty more vote in Louisiana for Govern than you did for President, how docs it happen that you bad the elector counted for your self, while I am counted ont T" Mr Hayes, you havo the floor, pleaso rise and explain I No gouging now I Show your band. THE WAR CLOSED. "The government," on the 6th inst., directed General Sherman to issue an orderfortbe removal of the troops from the State House at Columbia South Carolina. Tho document waa sent to Gen. Hancock and read a follows : Bkadqcastiu Ansr or tri U. 8.. 1 WaaaiaaTos, April t, 1X77. J f Otn. W. 8 oarer, Coit.mnt.dtr iliUt.. Xliaiatoa o A AlJfi', Nw F.r Cirjr I ' UOSKBAL t BMW BOf. IDS fl"Bur tt bol4 you aartinod 'pus of too louara tr tho hoaora bit SeenjUrf ul War of April I, bu of the PmldOMt ol tbo Ualiod titatra ol tho aoto .u, BMcria too omadrawol ol tbo troopa ol tor Uoitod titalo. from tho Stato llouoa at Colombia, b. C. oa Turadat aril, at 3 o'olook a m. Yuu aili Dlosto oau. tbli ordor to ba aiosuteo proetaolt at Ibotlioa and ia Iko ai.aaar droeribo la aato lotion, aod roprt tbo foot pruaiptlv to tbooo Baadfiaamra, t a.?, ioo auaor to oo Toar uboitloal orrvaat, W.T Baaa, Goa.r.1, There : At least one black spot ba been removed Irom our governmental character, which should eventually damn every man politically wbo had a band in defeating our Constitutional parchment. The Army was never de signed for sueh work and the men wbo have degraded the soldier in assigning him to a duty not warranted by the Constitution, but actually prohibited by that instrument, should be compelled to restore four-told and then exiled We have fuitb that the latter will take place in the due course ot time. Why the ordor was not issued to Gen. Sheri dan, wbo bus herelcloro figured so conspicuously down South, but to Gen. Hancock, I a Cabinet secret that will not creep out lor some time. Sheridan and Fred Grant should have been order ed to finish the job they commenced. The poorest and happiest people on this Continent just now, are those em broiled wilhin the boundaries of the Commonwealth of South Carolina, and Wade Hampton seems to be happier till. Hate' Bismarck. It ia already pretty well settled that Stanley Mat tbew, th new United Stale Senator from Ohio, will be tbo Bismarck of Uayea' administration. , Whether be will be an improvement on Blaine and Butler, (Ben, of course ) the future will develop. II I. Senator Patterson bas mado peace with Governor Uampton and will sun- port him. He say he will vote to seal M. C. Butler, and Bowen declare his intention to advise those colored Con grossmon from South Carolina, whom he control, to go into tbo Democratic caucus for the Speakership. Or Doubtful Propriety. An ex change say: "The solemnity of Easter Sunday did not prevent much April fooling in Washington. Perhaps the gravest of the deception was the in iting of five minister separately to officiate at the funeral of a lady who was alive and enjoying good health, when the clerg) men entered, as they supposed, the death chamber. Nobby. -The following interchange of compliment between two Ohio pa per I to the point : All adalrtor ara Ropablieoea. A' Itriao Btki Nimtt I. that torjr rooi'ia Ibo ouoa tr old oo hotlor off oilh fwor latftoro. Bot thofocaofo StoN K ilkll; ajlnoaoa. Tboro ro aoro aod tboro aiaUtora bo an VkrUlnM. IfoBCoo Ooortor, Jl tbe Buckeyt ba not gjt a black Ete, there' no use of hitting him on hi peeper. Stranue Reform. Tbs "Civil Sor vice Helcirm" Hayes, baa apKinted Jiearly all tbe memliers of the Return ing Boards in Florida and Louisiana, to laerative office, foreoenting Tilden ut, v bat a huge Ueform, Matthews, roster and Uayea are carrying On. If lb appointment f carpet beggar and oallwag to offloa, work refonn, we .u fooled. Tkat'taJL TIIECHCIL BAXK tiWISULE. Tliia oil) and well estalilislicil tank .tnd it President, Jiteob Tonic, are w 11 ttnown to nearly H onr lumbermen, md they will be Hurry to learn tliul nne crooked work lion boon done in that iiiposoil safe institution. Aitox Imnge aya: "Tlio citizens ol Klkton. I'ccil county, Maryland, an) much ex oreised over tbo defuleiilion of a well known bank officer. Tlio fucu are i hut a year aiti lion. Jacob Tomo, ol Port Deposit, President of tbo Klkton hank, in order to increase tlio working apital of tbo bank, offered five pui : ,. ,? - .if vmc-.-, -3uhr.- Iter of person made the deposit, and t ha been ascertained that some in i he deposit wore not credited on tin iook of the bank. The discovery wu mado by Charles B. Fiuloy, lately elected cashiorto .(..thy vacant') aused by the resignation of Mr. Mc Kurland, confined to his bed with con sumption. Mr. Fiuley ascertained thai i ho deposits were Bhorl about $10,0011. Mr. McFarland then acknowledged that ho had appropriated tho $1,000 deposits to his own uso, but ho satis luctorily accounted for $4,000, leaving ibo amount of his delulcalion al 86,000 This amount will be mado good by ho bondsmen, W. J. Jones, Reuben llainer and Judge Slump, of Klkton, and Da vid Palmer and Uendrick & Bowun, oi Chesapeake Cily. There will be In prosecutions of McFarland, as bispby sician states be cannot live long. 11 enjoyod thoroughly the confidence m the bank officers and the community. A large family and email salary an assigned as the reasons ol his dishon esty. These appear to bo insufficient to explain it, us bis sulury was aboui $1,350 per annum, and in a rural com iniinily ought to have been more thai sufficient for his wants. Senator Morton has also a Son And now it appears thatO. P. Mol ten, Seiiato from Indiana, has also i sou and hi name is John, There h nothing very strunge about that neither ia it very remarkable that in has been appointed, to what might bi considered an insignificant office, ii the shape of Treasurer's Agent of tht Fur Seal Islands, Alaska, were it noi for the underlying fact that John anil his wily father am interested in tin contract by which tbe Fur Seal Islundr were rented to a seal skin compam "for $55,000 a our and a revenue tax ol $2 00 per skin." Tbe Secretary ot tbe treasury bus remitted the tax. and refused a bid made by unolhci party for the same figurus and an ad dilional fifty-five cents per gallon fm theoil obtained. This tax on oil alom would have yielded during the tern of tho lease over two million dollurs und yet Morton was not happy. Hir son is now Treasury Agent to muk additional contracts with himself J ha yonng man will be a Senator, to sue feed bis tut her some day. Health fulness or Lemons. Whei people feel the need of un acid, if thet would lot vinegar alone and uso lent tins or sour apples, they would feel just as well satisfied and receive no injur; And a suggestion may not eome amis' as a good plan when lemons are chea in the niurket. A person should ii these times purchase several dozen i once and prepare tbem for uso in tlx warm days of summer, when acids especially citric und malic, or acids in lemons and ripo fruit aro so giatefu and usclul. Press your hand on th. lemon and roll it briskly on the tabb to make it squeeze more cosily uu then press the juice inlo a bowl or i. tumbler, never into a tin; strain out all the seeds, as they give a bud taste A few minutes boiling ia sufficient. Put a pound of white sugar to a pi in ol juice, boil three minutes, bottle it and your lemonaus is ready, rut t. tablespoonlul ol this lemon syrup lot' a glass of water and you have a cool ing healthful drink. The New Stay Law. VVe this weok lay before our readers an official cop '.bo slay law passed by our Legislature It will be touud on our first page. Ai exchange in alluding to the Act suys : "The new stay law, which is creating. so much confusion in tbo legal afluin ol tho Stato, is almost a verbatim copy of a law passed in 1812, which remained in operulion just one year, having boon repealed at the next ses sion, lhe only difference noiiceabh. is that the law of '42 provided for a jury of twelve mon, and tbo now out require but six. W hoover framed thi new ono unquestionably had tbo olo one before bim, as they aru identical in tbeir provisions, with the exception named." Wo aro no lawyer, but il this act proves beneficial to eithei debtoror creditor weshall be mistaken. To us it reads more like an act to pilt cost on the defumlunt und topostpom ibo payment of debts, upd the title should have been so amended. Tho last Deniis:ruUi: 11. n. II,, use til Representatives saved the governmen' seventy-two million dollars. With Til den in the Presidential chair and tin Senato Democratic, as it will be in 1879 one hundred millions a year would In saved. And yet a majority of the vo tcrs ol Pennsylvania approve the fraud which prevented this great reform from boing carried out. They should lorover alter bold their peace aboui "hard times." A Sample P. M. Tbe sixteen year Lincoln-Grunt Postmaster, at Bethle hem, Pa., i "short" in hit account. Tbe Easlon Argus noticing the defal cation of Poysurt, tbo Bolhlehein l'osl master, say: "Whut becamo of the monoy he earned in his sixteen years as Postmastur bas not yet been made public, and may never be. We have no doubt a good share of it was spent in controlling election. "Short" Too. Thai' what they call it now. W. 0. Hanoi, a clerk in the office of the lecoiver of tuxes, Phila delphia, is short in hi account, lie ha been using the money of the city since about the 1st of March last, and the amount ol the defalcation will hi irom $10,000 to $50,000. Hanoi, it is alleged, has been sirei iilaiing in I'ciii, sylvania and Reading railroad stock. Closed Oct. -No. 188, of the liegis- lative Record is before ua numlrcriiig 1 498 pages at $14 ier page, adding to th taxpayer acronnt just $20 072 lor th benefit of Cbarlco H. Bergner, $10,000 of which ii dear profit "OUR PROUD REPUBLIC" Tlio editor ol tbu Philadelphia PrtM, while reviewing public (flair in "our proud ltepublie," close s disquisition in tbU trutblul but doleful manner: "How painful it the contrast our country now presents. Capital find no employment in productive pursuit, and can be aulely invented only in un productive and untaxed government bond, while luborer wbo would glad ly contribute to the revenue ol the Uorermuent were work and wae to be bud. are living in enforced idleness, and sinking inlo deeper depth ol grritr, but within a week a leading Now York journal has declared thai the debt of that city must be repudi ated, or its real estate puss into hands that will hold it at such low prices as to enable them to derive from it reason able coui'mercial profit alter paying the heavy taxes with which il is burdened And in this oily we aro informed by rodiblo authority that 8,000 of our homes are untenanted or occupied by families who, unuble longer to pay rent, are permitted to remain in tbem on condition that they protect the premises from tbe ravages to which uu occupied buildingsare liable. Not only bus immigration ceased, but American citizens are gladly availing themselves of the free passage offered tbem and their families by the Australian torn mission of Immigration, and fleeing from our proud Republic to become citizens of a British colony, while bun dreds of thousands ol foreign-born cit izena have sought to improve their i-oiidilion by returning to their native lands." "How painfull" We are glad you fuel it. The writer in question never iief'ore uttered the "nuked truth" in Holler stylo. Well, why is this thus ?. What party has been controlling pub lie affairs lor the past seventeen years? Oould a more fuUtl policy bo devised to ruin our country in the shortest poriixl if time. And yet, you are opposed to a change of ruler. Uowl, demagogue. T11E 'A TEHY'lE WE II. Senator Wallace having lull Wash ington in a hurry at the close of the ession, for tbe purpose of parlicipaing m the Turner trial, alter Court was over returned to the Capital for the purpose of arranging ome private al fairs. The "interviewers" noticing his return, supposed that ho came back to "set up" something, and at once as sailed him in the Iroi.t and on the flunk, hut they fuiled to pump much out of him. The editor of the Phila lelphia 77niMtiii alluding to the affair, ay: "Senator Wallace struck thai rare plant of modern journalism, the interviewing correspondent, when in Washington, und waa made to stand md deliver his opinion on things in general and administration politics in particular. He takes tbe mountaineer' practical view of tbu situation. Seeinv the political water studded with rocks mil cascades and whirl and eddies. he naturally concludes that the Hay rait will have trouble on it votago, und that however completely the Southern question may bo scaled be lore Congress meets, Ii will be tho pro lific source of agitation and discontent, 'localise of the keen disappointments ol the friends who claim I hut they made Hayes President and should have a free chance at the Smils. lie suys that tbe administration has lost nuch by delay on the Southern quo lion, and that when Don Cameron puts bis foot down about tho Pennsylvania appointments, thing will be likely to to pretty much hi way. Senator Huyard has expressed himself relative io the Southern policy of the adminis tration in general concurrence with the views of Senator Wallace. Neither look lor any divisions in tho Democra cy, however the discordant elements of Republicanism may fly into each other's wool over the olicy of their President. " Tut? New AstLUM Located. It would appear that the greater our civilization become, tho more Asylums we need. Until tho close of tbe war. tbo one at HarrisSurg contained all tho crazy people we had in the State. .Since that time one has boon opened al Danville, and another al Warren, and the Commission appointed to select site lor thelourth insane asylum for Eastern Pennsylvania, bad a mooting on Saturday last, and chose the farm of Adolpbus Kent, near Gwynnodd, in Montgomery county, on tbe North Pennsylvania Iiuilroad. The farm contains about two hundred acres, ami tho price is $175 per aero. Tbo choice was made by ballot, six of the Commis sioners voting for the Kent farm, two for the Hiltinann farm, near Norris- town, and two lor tbe Harman farm. .Vest Chester. And still we need tilth institution wherein to confine the criminally insuno. The idea of In carcerating a crazy man or womun, wbo bo committed a murder or other heniou crime, with tbe innocent in sano, Is so preposterous a iiroiKiaiilon that no sensible being can contemplate it tor a moment wubou. shuddering. Lot us havo a "crazy penitentiary." The internal on tho overplus in the Stato Treasury lor throe year, now pocketed by a few bankers, will furnish lhe right kind of a building. Rally, Forney, Rally ! The edit or of the Philadelphia Presi has boiled over about six time week since Hayes' inauguration, because of tbe crookedness of the Southern policy of the aforesaid. Bui on Saturday ho cooked tho lust dish of spite, and in the fulliies of hi palriitiiu soul, closes up an article on "tho government" and rallies around Hayes as follow : Why tkuold w. boi rail; aroaod Kla.aaMaroio hloi ib tho a.,bio work bo hu aodrrutoa, a id b ooooorl,,a, amapr,,io ,.J furboorasoo O..I.1 biai Ia tho rooi.arolidBtluoui tk likwat Uk.. a il-il aoa toraiaolka it a.-alj bob bu adajiuli trouoa If bo ooald Iravi ibo ooaoirj, aiBioa bo roes dirlroolod b ilnfo or ooellon mi rsor, ttsooilhoo.1, lorldiooa diolinollno oood. Bi,d too rifiiu or oil avra noxgnltsd and prubMUd t lllf o,iirollit oro lur sooa a ooon .. . ii U ibo doir ulonrj patnonooiliua w proa , a Ht roaliialioa. If thai patriolio appeal doe nut bring a loreign Consulship for "my two papers, both daily," there Is no use in puncturing II ayes for an office through the column of the PrtM. The Allegheny Valley Iiuilroad, in stead of lay ing a double track, proposes extending tbe Hligo branch through to Oil t 'ily, striking the Clarnm oil region in the neighborhood t,f Kdeiiburg. Thi will h about thirty miles ahorUir from Oil City to Red Bank than by river route. RADICAL CURI.STIAXITY. The New KiiKland conference of the Methodist Kpiaoopal church opened at Lynn, Matwacliiiautia, on the 4th in stunt. IIeolulloii on I lie Houthern queallon were presented by l!uv. V. K. Mulleton, I), l).,of Dostnn.aiid upon Wui( read wore received with great applunao, and by n votu of the confer ence were referred to a upcciul com mlltee of Ave, -to bo appointed by the chair. The preamble to the resolutions review the blighting effect of slaver) and the two Anal resolution are In substance a billows : 11 BrM, vu!t 'I parll -a of lb- H -pobllo o a-lllioJ.a l bat porlj wbo aoro bold , an b-.ld vorv In OBMIO rolotl'.n In Ibo PrriidVat 1 Ibao rorrll.'lso prluoiplo aad pnriy aad riabtowurwoao tor tho -aks ui towpurarv ouooom. AtMorod, that wo pruloat nol oarnoll.t otsiuat tho aolloa of tbo arm adiolaUtrollua Is uistiii lorma witn tbo oaiof of Ibo ha olui aad .arliaotor ul Ibo Huibyr( aMMsor,, M. 0 Hat lor, ondalill uturo oarooolljr do w pft.r-ftalDl Ibo oRV-lol roeuf-nttl ia sj ibo oduiloUrot lo , o ibsl arob onoiajr of tbo Hopaiilio, wbo lone las "Udbt to havo broa hubs fr troaron, Wd, tlaujptna, ol rioutb Carolioo, and abo anw b) hioMta aiid Inlliuidsiliia uodor tbu ro.,f of lh Whllo Hours, sa wall oo railruB-l plalfuriaa oai ia oihrr paiiiaa plst-oo drloo tbo g .voruun-ni ac bulla ibo Hroaldobt into oiuillouoo ailb bl iraitoruua and wioood a-urpadool. Thai wo should say ia Radical Christianity. Hud those resolutions been passed by a Convention ol Credit Mobilior agents, dealers In Trudoi Posts and Cadelships, or in a meeting ot Carpel baggoia and sculiwugs they would of course attract no uttenlioii. Bui when uttered by men wbo claim to be christians, it Is about time thai lieenieii should open their eyes ami sou tbe iiilamous spirit abroad in Nov. England. IVA DIi PA TTERSOX. The Hurrisburg P.ilriot, in ulluding to tho recent course of event, eUimes in in thi way : " When the de'il wa sick, tho de'il a saint would bo.' Lo! the thrifty carpet bagger, who has boon so savage in denouncing Wade Hampton, now rushes into the embrace of the Governor til South Carolina ami lallo upon his nock, whispering sweeter words in his ear even than those which have so long been ascribed to tbe eon vernation between the Governor ol South Carolina and the Governor ol North Curolina. Sheriff Bowen and John J. Patterson have hurried to bow lealty, and Greener, a negro prolessor from South Carolina, who has been es pecially fierce against Hampton, has pledged ult kinds of allegiance, and even went so far as lo ask of Hampton a letter ol identification, saying thai such a document would do him much service just now. It appears that he (Greener) baa not been enabled to draw any pay for tbe past eight months, and calls on Hampton to have his little bill settled. No doubt Patterson and" Bowen want like favors. Atullovciil we bid Hampton beware ot these Greeks bearing gilts. It was Horace Oroeley who drew the picture oi the carpet bagger embracing the nogm with one baud and diving deep down into his breeches pocket with tbe other. If Hampton has any valuable about his person, we advise him to not let Patterson and Bowen gel too affection ate." "The Onus Make tiik Durta asca." Is the employ mami of a aquatl oi Federal soldiers to maintain Pack ard in office any less unconstitutional than the employment of another squad to uphold Chamberlain T And if Hayes and bi Cabinet are convinced that they have no right lo meddle with South Carolina affairs, why send a Comtiiiasion to see whether the troops should be withdrawn from New Or leans? Tbo answer is short and aim pie. Haye bad more vote ibau Chamberlain in South Carolina, and lower than Packard iu Louisiana, and jnst here come tho trouble if Pack ard was not elected Governor of Lou isiaua(aud every body knows be was not) then how did Hayes got the elec toral Vote of Louisiana? That's where the shoe pinches. Usurper always have a hard road to travel. The Tune CuanoeDv How fre quently young chicken come borne lo roost. We have a case in point: "The Radical evidently don't relish taking siluxij their own medicine. Some your ago they enacted a law giving the clerk of tbe House at tbe opening ol Congress authority lo place ou me roll oi lileliiuers, wboru there wo a contest, the name of sucu of the contestants a he thouihl urooer. I'he consequence was, in every such ease the name of every Lomocrul was rejected, no mutter how nguteou his claim. Ibo law anil remains; but tune have changed and a Democratic clerk ia in power, and now ibo Radi cals tear thin he uiuy bo politically in fluenced as lite Ibriuer clerks were, und place, In all coiilesletl cases, tbe name of the- Democratic contestant ou the roil. II be doe il will bu only com mending to Radical lip tbe bitter draught lurued on the Democracy in ibo past. But the former shouldn't make ouch wry lace over it. Tbey passed tuo law ami iney should stand by it, uven il doe work by contraries occes ionully." Free Ao.un.-South Carolina, after an enslavement of sixteen years, is again a free State, and greatly do both whites and negroes rejoice at lhe clos ing out of public robbers an carpet baggers. Tbe withdrawal of the army from that State is tbe death oi Radi ualism within iu borders, the leader ol which have nrevJG unon tbecitiann of thai Commonwealth lor tho nasi twelve years just as tbe grasshoppers nave upon the people ol Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska. . Tho avarieu ol tho cariet-baggor ia only equaled by me western vermin. Now, if we can slop the ravage or tho "hopper" in the Western State, and drive the car-pet-bagger out of lhe Southern Stato, we can be rendered a hannv Doonle and a prtMiH-nm government, and South Carolina rendered a treo a Commonwealth as Massachusetts dares to be. What A l'nmlA i h the Now York Trilitme AnmumikA C.r. Wade Hamilton, now Govnrnns r aouiii Carolina, as bointf a "human devil I" But, a few dav airo that 'loyal" (?) organ remarked a follow : 'ii , OB'. IOOOI 10 BOT- orsairtt of B,,k Carolloa, that fbloh W ,do llopt. Boa-la aad shioh Ibo Proaldoal aaa nrto.llj roooi nra-a, lo nnoduotod alia tbo aaola aaaa of aaa alot. fbo L(ialolaro ooal an. ol 7 . . aoaoaot. aaa out af l t a.' rooolood aa laios Ibo U.rernor aao rnw no nana, ii uuooraor Hoojptna sbsaid 7 : r . ... aro nuiao ap Noilh horo that woald Ilka u oaiplo) hia." It' Mr. Haves I hat now. Kb dresses in plain black ailk and wear no jewelry at all. Tbla U worse than Praatdeal without kid glove. What la "aauiai,- Mating to t Til tV I) HAD .SKA FRUIT. We staled lust week that Wendell Phillips, in his late lecture ul Philadel phia, enunciated tho true sentiments of tho Radical party when ho declared that ' Blaine and the llloody-Sbirl" curried Hayes inlo the Presidency, and since then the Now York Timet, the great organ ol that puny, responds by maintaining that the withdrawal of the Federal troops from the suiipori of Chamberlain is -a complete ulmudon incnl of the pusiiioii heretofore held by the Republican party, as a consequence of the rocoiisiriiclioii policy." This proves 1 1 nit Hayes, in bargaining with lliosu Hiuiihtrii riH-iisuiil iiicnilicr of lhe House to niLceed with thoilccioml MrV.ft'0V.'r. :,rilIVs :,,r-.r'M:.,oVS Carolina and Louisiaua.a.iitl rill right through the Radical parly. Thai pur lioiiwhoac mouth piece Poillips. .Morton. Chandler & l o. in, are governed by u feeling of hatred towards tho .Southern people, hence limy can lolerute no rule by the white people of those Suites. She g'jKuri ineitl must be by bayonets, controlled by Massachusetts und oilier Northern Stales. The eniisorviillve sense of tbu country un I the inarch of events has disenthralled all the Slates. avu South Carolina und Louisiuna, of this despotic and sclllsh rule, and the peoplo therein have been ullowed to assume control of ihuir own destinies. But tho Radicals maku one despuiring elforl to keep control of tbu Stales nuinod throindi central power. They have been ib leriuiuisl on il ever since ibo war. Henry Wilson long ago ijuve vent to Massachusetts' feeling when ho expressed, Ihut "ii was a mis. luku when thesu territories Mho South) were lifted into .Suites." '1 ho modern Radical is tho coiinierpurl ol the French Jucohiu ol 1703, who essuyed to rule France at Paris und hy u "reign ol terror." Our Radical Jiicohius would puisne the sumo course towurds tho South through bayonets nt Wash nigloii and satraps In those Slates. As we have stated tho conservative sense of tlio country has deleuted all such machinations except in the Slates ol South Carolina and Louiiuuu. The chain that so dospoticully bound the former, has link by link been severed by a liberty loving peoplo, und now the lust link that held (lie Stales named has been unwillingly cloven asunder hy Ha) os, as thu tiuulo of a corrupt harguin. How gleeful tbu Radiculn lull ; bow they glowed with plensui'c to see their fraud steal into the Presi dential chair. But they feel not so gleeful now when tbey discover that he "built wiser than he knew." Tbe completion of his bargain, snaps, us we havo said, the last link in tho despotic chain, and now the Radicals, with Phillips, gnash their loelh with rnire over tho defeat of Ibeir policy. The seeming o I luin of tho Presidency has proved like the Dead Sea fruit, "fair lo tbo eyo but turning lo ashes on tbo I i ps." J5cin cillc In teUigrnnr. ' WHEN CREEK MEETS GREEK," ETC. It will bo observed by tbe lollowing communications, that the thoughtful elemepls are somewhat disturbed, and need boiling down. Tbe imprudence of Parson Butler, ol thi place, ill his attack and attempt ed inlerlereiieo i Ii the due execution of the laws of the la'ril, although well rebuked by you in your torse note to tho published extract of his grumbling discourse, on Sunday lust, merits, in my opinion, further comment, fur the reason that his sermon, "so-called," is not only all attack on the jurisprudence ot tho country and ail reasona ble and pnqier efforts to pre vent and punish crime, but contains a throat that the terriblu vtoiKeaneu of organised I'uriiaulsiii will be visited on all future utteuipis to vindicate law and justice, unless a proper regard is bad lo lint ler'a meeting. Tbe sermon ol tho Parson is a direct insult to the Court and the eminent, distinguished and tthlo counsel engaged in tho case ; hut I have no fear that the Well merited posilioiisatid characters of J udge Oivis, Senator Wallace, ex Juilgo, Barrett, District Attorney McCiilloiigh and his uble assistants, Mussrs. Murray and Fielding, will surfer any injury from thi very zealuus fanatic, and sincere ly hope the cause of purilauiv bigotry will not be greatly enhanced by effort such as tbe Sunday sermon referred to; hut it shows conclusively that the old spirn id Puritanism ia aa vigilant as ever in its efforts to obtain a mas tery over the religion of the Slates and the consciences of manhood. Wherever these people get a fool hold, whether ill England, Scotland, Zurich. Holland or America, tbey en deavor to secure their ascendency by trampling iisui tho civil and religious right of others, there is no where to bu lound an exception. Everywhere liberty has been trampled under their loot. Indeed the genuine Puritan can not do otherwise than oppress others and wrest from them their civil and religious rights while they are faithful lo their contcssion tit lailh, which leaches them as a command of God, that every member is hound to' the dis approving, detesting, iprosiiigall Islsu worship, and according lo each one's place and calling removing il." Of course, hy it they are bound by God's commandments to destroy and remove all worship from tho laud but tbeir own. No denomination would be allowed to remain hero alter tbe Puri tan should begin to keep the com mandments. It was lollowing the puritanic ideas of the commuuds of Hod when in earlier times in New England they whipped the Quakers lo death, anil drowned the Uaplisls, and witbiti ball a century stoned the Moth islisls and burned tbo publiu buildings ot ibo Laltiolics. t'ui-iiuns have al ways been al war with the Consiiut lion of the United Slates because tbut was In tbe way of il greed of dcsjmtic Hiwer. v Home years aim, to fool the nublic pulse, these friends ot civil and religious liberty combined, and made an effort lo Have tbe Sunday mads stopped by an act of Congress, to save the eouu try from the ureal sin of trunsoortiin letter on tbo Sabbath day, or raiher to advance a (ten tiirtlier lit I'untun ism, and enhanco ibeir power. It was to accomplish this all-absorbing object of I'reslc, torian ambition that an el fort wa mado a lew years ago to have tbe Sunday School Union incorHiralcd by an act of Congress as a national in siitution. Theso "friends of civil and religious liberty" did wot hesitate to avow thai their purpose was, to tise their own words, "ui force out of cir culation such books aa tney disliked," und to become as tbey expressed it. "tbe directors ol the conscience of im mortal boing." To show timber that this is no new zeal in Mr. Butler, but a simple out cropping of the smothered wrath which ha no long been fermenting in th an cient mash-tub of puritaniam, s abort extract from a aorinoo preached in Now York, in 1803, by one Dr. Wilie. (a liberal and venurou aoul) a full of charity towards all, Ac, as our aanclifi ea uroiner. in thi sermon on the "DutV Ol Maiintralan atlil 11 illinium " (Puritan, ot coar,)w find the very eamino of Puritan Preabyterianism in all its bideousness. He said : Th Magistrate ought, by hi eivil power, to remove all external impedi ment lo th true reliu-ion and worshin ol Uod, whether ther bo person or things," (just what Butler tried to do witn JudjeOrvisl. Amonrlbosa who bav, in his opinion, no right in aocie ty, were all lb Methodist. A train he yi "Sueh eribcload ol illiterate. Melbodial kmuU. which darken th. boriaon of Unm Blat tbo infinite ! with whioh tby propogaU tW poisonoiis doctrines, resemble much the character of I ho Scribes and Phurisees." I'o show the reverence this learned divine (whom Mr. Butler seeks lo lin iluto) had for, the laws and I ho Con stilulion nearly three quarters ol a century ago, read tho following extract from the sumo sermon ; "Tho gov crnnieiil gives a legal security and es tablishment to gross heresy, bbispho my, und idoluiory, under the mil ion of liberty of conscience." This is a (oosi live and direct assault upon the Con stiliition, because it guarantee liberty of conscience. But enough ; if this Parson grows in grace aud siiiicliinoliloiisncsH, 1 fear lloil era long ho will enforce a cessa tion if ull liat'iro' luwptin ho.itb- mei j him ib wm Muster tjsii,,, in ou tour, ralncr ilipiouslv, I lear, gives an apt illusira I ion ol'lheirausleroshullownens which has become immortal: "Ti Bornsly sown I Oh ! piofsna aao, Wbnro I ot o Purit4B .ao lloiifiiix irfhia ont a Mmidof, Fur hilling of a aiooaa ua SuaJav, Ob, ah !" It at this period in our age. our pcti pie can swallow such stuff as the got la-1 .Sunday from Parson Butler for religion, God help them; but they should not In) tt-kcil to contribute atij more money to send missionaries to the snake worshiping ncgrm-a iu Alii eu until bo bus, tit least, enlightened the narrow-minded hhs k heads ut home. "Piiaise Gob-Haio honks." Cleaifl. bl, Pa., April 5, 1877. Mr. Kuitoh: Uiioii hsiking over Hie la-llsMiool tbo Rtl'1'Bi.lCAN, I was asiuiiirhed to read, "A sad tuvuch ot God's holy luw is occurring in ibis com inuiiity toduy. jy (j1H torgivu those who have erred in mutter, ami may God avert from this community the curse which is sure lo follow tbe public trampling upon Hi luw, even though it be ill the Bo culled inleresls of justice !" It is lair to presume that this extra ordiuury language refers to the circiini siauce that Judge Orvia held court on Sunday last during the trial of Martin V. Tiimrr. lor tho murder of Maria J. Witple. From the lunifua.'e cmiiloved by Rev. Mr. Butler, one would imagine tbut a crime bad been committed b) tbo Court, in comparison lo which the murder of Mrs. Waple was a "trifle light as nir," or as unsubstantial as -tlio baseless vision of a dream." The question ut once arises, Is the above awful prayer (which sounds more like an imprecation) justified by the facts iu tbe case 1 A little lunher on he says : "The duty of the hour for every Christian and lover ol truth and order. iu view of the apparently uncalled for act. is to express himselt clearly in re gard to It." Now, Mr. Editor, claiming lo bo a "lover of truth." I am more than will, ing that tho whole truth shall appear, and if Judge Orvis be guilty of a vio lation of the law of God in holding court on Sunday, Id it come out. Will Rev. Mr. Bullerbokiiid enough to answer the following questions through the medium of the llr.l't ni.l can : 1. Dims the Christian Sabbath rest upon lhe authority of thu Bible ? " 2. If so; please give chapter and verse. 3. How often doe the word Sabbath occur In the Bible? 4. How often disc it reler lo Sun day as being the Sabbath ? 5. Diil Christ observe the Jewish Subhalh? 6. Did Ho institute the Christian Sabbath? 7. Il He did not; who did? Hoping that the reverend gentleman will "express himself clearly," I have thu honor to bu Yours truly. Pill LA LETHEAN. Cleat field Pa., April 4. 1m77. Railroad Accident. Joseph Wil son, Eq., a resident of Wosl Chester, and a prominent lawyer iu that place. accnmiMiiiied by bis wile ami'daiigliter, got into a car at tbo West Chester Itailmud Depot, at Philadelphia, on Thursday afternoon of lust week. Pro violin to the departure of tbo train be felt the car and proceeded to thu wait ing room. The whistle waa blown, aud Mr. Wilson rushed out. The train wo then in motion, und Mr. Wil son attempted to jump on the car, but hi foot slipjied. The conductor, who wus on the pisiform, seized Mr. Wilson, but lhe latter being a very heavy niun. the former lost bis bold, and Mr. Wil son fell. Tbe wheels ol the i'nr passed over hint, causing instant death. Tbe disaster caused a coii.motioti, and Mr. and Mis Wilson, upon going out to ascertuiu tbe cause, were horrified to see tbe mutilated body of Mr. Wilson drawn out from under the car. Both tainted, and were carried into the rail road ofllco. Benjamin Not FiXbD. Tbe New York lleraljl, sent a reHjrter alter the hero of Fort Fisher, lor tbe purpose of interviewing that celebrated Massa chusetts Congressman, ou thu subject of Hayes' Southern Policy and the Speakership. When interrogated by tbe interviewer on those material ioinu Butler remarked : "God move iu a mysterious way his wonders to perform," and confessed that we are the happiest people on earth, or words lo thai effect. Tbe reporter mission wa a fuilureand both lluycs and Gar Held will see tbo point. Ben will speak when Congress nieels. Soldier or 1812. There are a num ber of soldiers of the war of 1812 still livsng. Tbey will be interested lo learn that the last Legislature of this Slate Las increased the annuities, pensions, lie., ol the soldiers of the war of 1812. Tbo act lake effect from January 1st, 1877, and tbe sum is increased lo $76 ier annum, payable to the soldier or his widow, but only so long puyablu to tbe widows as they remain widow ol the deceased soldiers ol tho war ol 1812. risil. An exchange say: "On Fri day morning a week, upward of two tbousund black bass, California salmon and brook trout were received al Ron ova, consigned to A.J. Q dgley, for lhe purpose of Blocking tbe West Branch river in that vicinity. The fish were forwarded from tbe State batching house at Marietta, but through car loss handling and want of attention only three or lour hundred of the sal mon, out ol tbo entire lot, wore alive. DaoWKEb. Scranton, April 8. Joseph P. Conner and hi wife wore drowned yesterday al Upper Lime Ridge. While driving home from church their horse took fright and rushed into the canal. The buggy wa overturned and before assistance arrived they were both drowned. Mr. Conner wa prominent oilixen of Columbia county and Vice President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural So ciety. Hon. Tho. A. Uendrick, who waa looted by th people Vic PrasauW of lb United Bute, is viafUar Cli- lornta, aod every aaawtt of rtaot ba MIIUflWtarattlt1aW A'Ett'S ITEMS. The Bi'lblehem, Pa., iron works are engaged iu making steel axes. Green and Fulton are tbo only counties in the Stato without a ruil road. - Horse Ibievesaro giving the people some anxiety in portions of Lancaster cou My. Tbu Reuding Railroad Company has coutractsoiiiis bmdta lor 1.500,000 tons of coal. Grant will spend a few dais with the oh! man Cameron at Hurrisburg, beloro Bulling lor Europe, Il ia estimated that over 280,000 at-avf ,aW-a. - "'"HI 4rmH , m j. ..-, i tnn ij ... A Kentucky distiller has whisky on bund lo tin. value of tl. 000,000 valuable parcel of real enisle. Tho paper mill of Jessiipi M'sire, of '.Vilmiiigtoii Delawure, was burned on lhu4lh inst. Loss 81(10,000. " Tbo Texas cattle 'ifrive lor the coining season is estimated al two hundred and Hlty tbousund beud. Gov. Bedlo of Now Jersey has appointed Kx Senator J no. P. . Stockton as Alt'jyiuy General of that Slulo. D.'jl. Boyd. Jr., General Pasen ger Agent of the Pennsylvania Hail mud, died iii Florida a lew da a ago. A careful observer in Niles, Mich., reports that eleven feet lour inches til snow fell there during the past winter. The Gcriiittiitown Telegraph says turkeys should not be eaten beloro li,o first of November or utter the flM til March. Peter Ucrdic occasionally gives the Williuiuspoiiers a church, but be charges tbem three dollars and a hull lorgua. Over two thousand barrels a day is lhe product ot the Bradford nil Held an average of aboui six barrels jrer well. A colony of San Francisco women have undertaken to solve the woman problem ny buying a big farm and going lo work. Southern slrawberrie aro selling in New York al tbe laney price ul eighty cent lor a basket containing eleven berries. A Kentucky paper say a car load of tbe beltur class of colored people from Jessamine county, tbatSlulo, bus just gone lo Kansas to settle. Alloona I Bgituling the question of inaugurating a Recorders' court, under tbo act which was passed al the late session of the Legislature. A recent census of the Black Hills show a population of over six thou sand persons. All looking lur nuggets oi giuu, out lew ol wbicb ure louud. Hayes has appointed FredC. limn- p dreys eullecUir ol tbe Port at Pensa cola, Florida. Humphreys was one ol too n ayes electors Irom tbut slate. The Western Iron Association bold a meeting ul Cleveland, a day or two since. 1 be card rale lor iron w put al II 75, tbe lewesl overreached. Il is not generally known by mer chant that a neglect to cancel the stamps on coal oil barrels subjects the dealers lo a lino of three hundred dol lar. An autograph letter from General Washington sold in New Yolk the olber day for thirty. live dollars. One Irom Simon Cameron brought rilleen cents. On a small island in Louisiana aro a doxen boxwiHid trees, Ibo only ones in tbo United Mates, and are supposed ui bare been planted by coailcrn in the Spanish reign Tbo Tionesta Republican stutes tbut tho amount of lumber and square limber ready to run out of the Clurion river this season is much less than tliut got out last j tar. On Thursday morning lust, tbe wile of James tiding, id' Lower Turkey bsit township, Somerset county, commuted suicide by banging in the nam on her husband' furin. Tbe Legislative Record continues lo come and its printer expect to keep it moving all summer if hu can find sufficient detested acts, resolu tions, etc., lo make it pay. The grain speculator in Sun Fran cisco, who lately failed, undertook lo nionopoliro the grain business in Call liirnia, aud bus met with the usual luck. The job was tuo big lor hint. lion. Emory Washhurno, ux-Gor- ernor of Massachusetts, died at Cam bridge ot pneumonia, one day lasi Week. Uo wa seventy seven yesrsol age at tbe time of bis Heath. A.Oitkey Hull, who so mysterious ly loll New York a few days since has beendiscovered in London, in com pany with an unknown woman who lias art Just two inches below the left Large quantities of marble are bu- g shipped from Knoxvillo, T'vnn., to un rruiicisco to build a Stock Ex a?hange, which it is claimed will be the liucst structure ol iu kind in the State. A delegation of Indiana County fanners recently went lo West Vir ginia for the purpose of hsiking up a locality ill which to emigrate. 'They arrived at the conclusion that It wus an elegant place to emigrate Irom. There are 1.200.00J children in Ireland of sclnsil ago, and moro Ibuii 1,000.000 of them are on the rolls ol the National Board sclnsils a propor tion greatly in excess of the propor tion which prevails iu England. Sheriff Wright, ol Philadelphia.! says the hill passed hy the Legislature to prevent bim upoinling deputies on election dav, is unconstitutional, am! that he shall, consequently, pay no at tention to il. Good lor Sheriff Wright! In Muino fwa are selliny at II 80 It doxen. The teculiarily of the kind is that instead of tbe Usual yolk and whitartbe shell contain a drink of whisky at flltoen cents. An itijiiction is ahnnt to bo gotton out against tho Maine ben. ' Tennesso clergymen have taken up the exm-nso of lunerals. and tirirej that hereafter . carriages lie provided the family of the deceased only. Thcv assure all other mourners that their duty is done when tbey have heard the sermon tbro'igh. Six hundred and tbirlv persons pleaded guilty beb.i. the United States Court al Atlanta, Ga., of illicit distill ing, and on promising not to do so any more were all set free. This neems to lie the sum total of th recent raids into th mountain. Twelve or Hfioon Vermont lawyers recently got into a serious discussion in tho court room in regard to the Lord's Prayer. Each gavo a different version of It. Finally tbey referred il tulheJudgo; ho shifted tho responsi bility upon the clerk, who got a Bible, looked all through the Old Tesiament. and then gave it tip. A Sundaym hool scholar was then called in, who re peated il correctly. Another great Jewel robbery ba occurred in England. Valuable Jewels, eat i mated aa worth from 9,0n0tn X10, 000, and belonging to tbo Duchea of Cleveland, have been stolen from Battle Abbey, one of the Duke of CUveland' neat. Anon; lb ankle stniea Waa a neck lac ol dianonda, rabiea, and emerald, a gilt ef tboj Qaostototb th) DecbesB, wbo Wa bridesmaid at her Majatty'i wedding. Kellihiu Speak. The Washing ton corresn,nileiil ot the Ciiiciunuli Enquirer, of lhe 3d suys : Kellogg said to iiigbt: "This mini in the While House seems lo think I hone (uo'aiiiiig Limi-iatia and South Curoliiitt) are only made to elect a Piusideut. Why, hell, genii ellieli, we've go in have Governors, you Is.' I ; and if wo don't something iiitcrcluii; might be developud about (ho way we uiiiiiiil'aciiiru Presidents. You bear mo? I'm talking business. Lay but and keep your head to the w ind!" lie thinks lie will munuge tbu investiga tion Irom this end of the line, ami go back to Louiniana with Ins carpel- nag. fcVdC cor, .jr. The accursed iuiiule in pub lic ii If aim lor the past filled, jeurs is the cause of all financial dilliculties, and the distress that prevails every where. While Radicals rule. Insur ance Companies will suspend, bunks will bnk, ifimv iii n,t"ase,''tfn.) poverty and wrong will bo entailed upon us ull. The men who havo gov erned our Nitlionul uffairs since I8(il. aru about as well rilled for their duties aa "Old Nick" would bo lu conduct u camp-uieeling. Stop It. Returning Bourd Hayes is being annoyed by tbut arch iruitor and disiinionist, Wendell Pbiliis, and Puckurd, ol Louisiana, besides a lot ot olber fellows who seem to bate but lilllo respect lor themselves or the government, since Wade Hampton A Co. have taken ehurge of South Cum line, and bavu mule Ihut Common wealth a sound Union Slutu. Lei Phillips and the carpet baggers bowl. I'heir days ure numbered. iMii.PtNDkNCr. Bell. Tbe Pbiludel pbiu ledger says the old Independence Bell has been removed from its original timbers, taken out of lhe National Museum and hung in the centre ol the bullway of the Stale bouse. Il bungs by a strong chain of thirteen bronxed links, about six feel from the ceiling. Thu inscriptions on tbe bell can only bo read Irom the upper landing of the stairway. Cahpet-baii Information. The editor of the Bellefonte Rrpubliean furnished his readers some vuluuble in formation. In Blinding lo tbo vacant') on the Supremo Bench bo says : Tho Drmnrrala hsro aam-d linn, "bolus A Vovro, ol M fflio I Urorj(u Orvia, nf Cvair -1 Jh.i. Trunhi-T, ,,t Vonnlig"' 1 llri Tr P K.,a-, nf .Vl-.o'-ffnoaory t tlo-i. A. J- ae, of JelorMtn Nil a Clara, ot ladiana, au C. A. Mairr, ,.f olinluo. Georgo Orvia ol Centre und Charles A. A live ol JlifHIin. will mi doubt Is highly flattered. Indionant. I'he Packard Senate has adopted a series of resolutions de nouncing tho pledge of Stuiiley Mat. thews and Churles Foster for the with drawal of itiHips us a corrupt und dis honorable bargain. 1 1 looks as though llicro would bo "a high old time" within the party" lines pretty soon. This thing of Satan lecturing sinners will not end in smoko alone. McLin's Ukchit. If McLin were lo give a receipt to Hayes liir tho Ter ritorial Judgeship iu New Mexico, the document would read ubout us follnws: 'ffoceved from It. B. Hayes un Asso- ciale Justiceship for the Territory of ew Mexico, III payment lor services rendered in eouiitingthovolo of Florida for the Iliiye electors. Samuel B. lit-Lin." Stili, Anotiikb.-Iliii'rislinrg will si sin bo a Pitiudise lor "busted" bunks Number three is tbo failuro of the Blinking Mouse of Messrs. )oiigberly Bros. supMiscd to be one of tbe sitfesi institutions in tho Slate. The officers tell the same "old story," every dollar of the liabilities will bo paid. If Grant hadn't captured Key at Vii-kshiii'g, what would lluycs liuve dono for a Postmaster Generul ? txc aihfitlsrttfiits. CttiriO. AM pmoniittv ttarvhy tMH tinned fainut pnrchtttainf tr ! my mf mmltMng with the rllowint prithcrtf now in lh a..iitt-iipti f A R. St-off, nf o lwH ttnihp. ti : Oi tiUeti mr with milt, I buy hO'. I birnrti. I I T-arliR mir, a 4 hi, ht mt b InDK f t tnt ttn I ii lilt wub bim -u ttet Ii ur nrr1r ' ftay Uii'. ?. B. DU ...V(. Ilutltl llo, .pril II, .R77.1t lie Ii her-It tfivfjn ihtt Itt.- 11 Bmr4 of 8-h-ol Uiri-eMiri ut the b .ronith Uw'l. "PP'T tu tb Cftirt r Ctinnnn Pirn I V. Iw it-1 fKMin-y. t t n-t trm, lor d cr Mniboritln tii S. b-l Dir-f-tr to b .rr it? mmr thia)4(nl iM.ihhii tjitllrtrt ir hwlMto; nni cNHOflUllRtr ,h hull (mat Of ft ( h I'll .llt.lairt c4ti. TOUtfh fOwolft. R. J. W AI.KKK, Fr.idt. (1. .8WOI'R. Sdjwrttatrr. OrtrnU. A,.ril II. 177. 4t. 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. F..afi :ur the Parir Ffteta Tor tbj Mrn-tiftui -FtvjtP for thj .rontn- Feii t -r tltj Hiajk rirr Fawisf ih Coultry .(.. jr Kk ..r Mo-kfcfM-r FACtai f.if ih 1.111 mr F' ..f th Libtirttr Vnrti fr tit Uiwtnr Ftv'i lur ih -Ftvii lur IH Krnit-r.ti-r Fi I -r th 1()H-nt Ktvcil far tb II .atwb'iM F-rjl- Tut rtry laiouy w-o ai,u tu tutiy FACTS FOB AGENTS. That tbU U lha ruuft Imp .ruat Nj.r'ttnaifm jri.a yi pa libi-t, b)in ib b at vitiii.t t aiaka Moiiff 9t-r ofird Tti h4,k. . y..fir na i ud rm n.vT-rjr wna .tjuraa U Tho Book of tho lOth Contuxy. .Mala an t fi ai l arnt -.bliiK .M,ry un t Hcn-I tu a al itoa an., gm' rtr ul-rt frt-o, INlIK M MMlril A MHi'K, 7X1 U'ttlaul ilra, f htl-dfl.-b-n, P. if. II. 7" -ra IMI OP JUIItlllK I. Iai ot Jartu dman for Mt tana. A It'T. uiNittiei ua iba xd M'tidn-th. tin "Uy and runttntta fur in warka 1 naAxn juaoaa. J "hit MiHiin. dUw) ' Kiui-ri'tk. K tr'haua -hl j7 Thurn, LWiauiii W. iHay la ttfit. Artery, Minit 4. K Piat-r, OaeatU l Mo 'ull, t W. M.N.ul, r, lika iVta. T If wm, 1 F M oWir. .. V Nlhati Uiaea. Dot .a M II. I.u-h. f, Bra 17 Jo. KlMinsfttr, W A Harr. CUtrflaM (Jen. Ynutijc J. I Lr,, - Altrt d Vizard, 0iv gtm iti-o. KtM- UoiLan Uait'l Car Icy, Uraa.a U MeCmekt n, r B J Uh ialy Uull b Far liua id 4 ayiar.liQlo 1 Ura W. MoCally, liu Ick i. W ,K lo.wr.H u ,d I TRAVtxaaic Ji not! Ur wkkr II L. Mofibt-a. Uil a m Ntwtraitnar, Bll aia I Lamtwn, b.,t jra Jubu Unon, Br id rd Uaid 11. Lima Ural Joa. rln-artiOK, " J F Mbib-.llaad H.ry Kriovr, J. A. lohiir-ta, bnT.-IH.atB. IWI Uiru tlaadar, " Jut. U jlar, nr., F.N Hnekaubrr,Bam alda lawnablii A Btujthniaa, l Ha-h hbtft Matar A, Mi'iU'Vcy, (!hat Wm- Kantif. t.'uvintftua iia ft t raw, F fjii-.a lti Uriuaiar, (lirar I- II. M rrw. Uobei J-ha A FiilloB. lllUvr MahlEr, Orha Kilt W. Kvani, Klward Ua.iraJ. (JtHioh r. t BnUaeaM. Iloa I l Jaa H. H-w It. IUtua Ami t'm Kni Atrl. Raiai. ar., t.iw'tj John t. Bohrvvar. " Jna Pattwrt-.a,' laarflald jotiB rurtt-r, 1. t WaanBr. t. l HatMn. If W bji, OarwaaaMf Uao. F. Kaiarr, U M TbuBipfOa Uau, ktManarajar, a. it. Huh, Uwratar Il-iaWall, - Utd F-lriak. J-raa j(lB. "t II 'ffcy l4MiBura. !. A. ata, 1 K. tl -ld.() Ali.rn, '(.l'aitT'iof,Jr. MfWit'f A. J. M.itr, F. bii Jbn Nn.aawr, lat a I. . klia wwitw rd tMaVKKpa ttaM -In wbkk. Qao DiMw. Jara t'tntpif, " , Flrcal Bof B. Tal..r. 1 1. ..ban Jaa. K Unban,. W -tiia. Ua ian t . Oilllxan. J..n.n Kn.o)i Krbr.. Kn.i Hr, LiWranoa B. I.ytia. I M Irwm, A JanHrtda. - F. tiawtaa. -"ttr Maywr. JJarrtl aba Hoawar, waa M.rbU, Kawwart 1. I. Blaady, Oa-aaV. Kdwurd U.VO, Uravlfura Wa. V4itaf, " Wm . Wr. ,t. Brad,, Andrrw Wall, Wm Haiian, Burn it da W Mwdt flta.l-ld r K. - 0. Raa l. J a. lltMlibtw Jaa. MaKwawj. tV4 J.W.Waatswar, A- ( iMM.Ovvwctvi iaaab Moaa, Iraaatw I. L. TbtaiBiaa, Jab Ubjay. OuarA vjary, jr . rRI I tatsaa OaidwaX Flka a9 l . M . waaaa ala a, W aa-d d l4ia W. laTirty. tau ifii difftisrinrats. SlAltrio mi ' Srmtiy u '.- n - r---n n, ,ra. u ib IB n..MHI. f O. 11. Sb.. Ol .J.. ....h",, ..... brl.,,a i,.,o,ot,d i lona.ih n.o!,,Y I . sjr ,,rd.r oo ilmo " jMe. lU, I tAUrtov-lll or.,. ,r. hr,.lu . a -.!,, pnri' or la -a, .,,' dni.f Ch too loN.,.1-, p,.f i...i..a of t Th.,.r. ,,f Wn,,w,. ,7 On. mm. I brir-r. and I v ,.. ,. ,b. kj 1 'd lalo'l r,ih biui no I. an .. ,' t on ,.idrr al an lima wa anSAi Wsllnonlnu. Apd, 4, laTT-ll. n.iTM.I Sr-tal HIM "Al.l.lllt Hl-: hor at4,ry II., t..o 'sua ql ....,... r,.n. ,H ,.- mn-nuirn n, n .nla- . rk. .pll . I ao..n. t. f,,b.. p.,-,-nl, ,' J- H litVX." ii -u'snai i. 77-1 " a ib po aioj. Cl I uN...An prr-una a . b.-ro,. ,,w sd p .tanian i ur ia ar oat w-a" ""Mil II"- l"ll '( .r.,,n....y T I ai soi A. r Bl a, PH.. !,..., I ono air Ismal.da. I ln .lr, ,, , ' S rb..ala. aa rna. lul nf b it, lt ..I a- a, aaa p.r. ( .'l..w, Htt.n4 i. , t JVs ,. b.rrnn. t M-apa nf b.ra. I a'..o. -ol ..f e-io l I I . wo mi a. ar biarb ai.-l on .,,d l,ar., . bmrea aid -i.. i.l...r.. m,tm. J br ,amo kolui,.a io ntv ami I, io tn.- ( .IMt ri.. l .a, l l aid. II on lu,a,, ..l,j., ,., W.T. II..O.S ' Aaa..t,lllo. Ma -h 1; s7:-Sl ( ?.T UlltS' tTALl; Real Esta el Tlitrf w b. djimte i lo 1'I atl, In Cl .w. Bi-I i, un Malurday, Aril IH1T, llif f-ll-wihaf dfrtrihajj .rbtirt.r. to wit: i ih4t errtato -rivet ur pi ul iri inil- .1 (Jr. bim ".Wr-hi ,,t' y, PlMHw Hi- north hy Uitilf uf Vm v o Htl sit-l AUrt OWfii, j (ha tuulb hy U ud uf Bituiin -nek-11 tM, ua in y U1..I uf tyj K lr, I b- Ttixt r.y aD i,f Marlin Njlr, .nf.iDinj 117 A lll.S and allnar.oa, T5 a-ro of whioh to olaaro.1, bar. aa a twn-at-.rv f'Bma anolli. g b-uan, a -ar a- 4 a-hatl ot.-ra amrf hniia., oad 0 Ura Br Lara -b-ivna Tbr.a oi-aliar la ml inn f'ait trjo-. .riai( appl a m,a. ol,orri-a, sa I wh-r Irani. A apr.i.a ..I k-.u-I our. and a mail olra.m ruu--nK ihr"U(b Oio uonl nl to- prriniaoi Ono r f- f .-as aa I pioo Inab-n-, a qn nii'r of h.-ai-.K-h, ondai. o'lund.e uf loaola timliar at, a Ibr prou,Hl, Tasa. ,.r I'at.r.. Oar il.ird 0." oondrra ,ii, ol roll'. Ibo nnlaBO. IB ln rifual aaooai pi;. St. bio. t bo rot .red Ii; Imu.l ou 1 at.trtaa--. W M. M tl.LIIKI.M tirahi,u.iii, M.rrb SI, s; ei. Adm'r. NOTICE TO Tax-payers. In iaj tor l.tr9r wj'b an f th- 0-nFri A--.uh of tiiti ruiaicaw-aib. tj(r .r-l th I'd ia; ..I .Mr. h. A U l7ll, t,4 ha MrVpWmtM pr-va tbm Jtt, .4j f April. A D l3t"f'1 i.i tu tlia vul f taiwa In tra vtn-y f Caartt' 1.1," naiiiea t ib-raiwra bra it tivn la tba lairyri rratiliitf la tm- dmrici tna naina.1, tmt lnj uunit TrttNaurer. in tn.iOrd tntM with tb iwih'l auii..B ..f id of. will al ,d it th lalaoavf htlili.iaitbd bttrutth o I I -o-Imb e-lft'liunl ua lb I .I. .ftKiaf Itatmoil .i,yt f.r tM ptj'M.nt rerlrii.x tbf i:.iamj od Aits t4t-i i lr lb ar 77t F-r t'lettrfieid b-f-.Urfh aid l.awraraet) tonl)iu, Ttiur-d and U it id aa I tia. Fur ttuh-o tvp , Sstiuriitr, , frra 4 U 4 u oiaiea. F .r Uir.r-I tp, M uiu N-tj 7, rria Id u tiVI'tth F.r Kiribati! twp , Tile lay. Mjr 8, ria 9 t . 4 o'olwek. Fur Curtngtoo twp., HdniJtr, M jr 9, froia 9 i 4 i'ol.4jk. ftir Irt.bain ti , Tourn.latj, Mar I0, from to 4 u luck ror Moth lap, F.I ft Mar II, fro a to 4 Fr Braillur I tap , Sata djjr. M t jr 11, fri a 10 11 4 itYluoR, WNdwrl ttfu MotJy, M t 1 1( f ,ta 10 to 4 liik. Fr ll 'B tlaltt huruti, Ta. hUj, .MAj li,Vr..ia V 4 o'el'iok F r Dioaur twp , ,'.lacdtt M 1 j U, from V to 4 u'iiIu :fe. For b .rungti, ThuJy, Mty , frma 9 tn 4 o'uluck. F.r VVal-"i-D bunngh, Frid.t.W-j Id, f'utaT la II a ia. For H-git' twp, SiturUv, Maj , frj a I to I I'tllVUtt. l.n all fast a d t . t'.a T M-urtir tbera will t a ra tuortoa ..I ji fm, tt . iil tmp.-r ctot, witl JUd-.f; li, H,., d-frf JMg trl UnjjiJ Ul iu.tatt.ifj lif traBit t I'K V r cvtit l pruuipi l.a(iatfr Parii.a 00, Iroio tb Uf ul Ma, uny tb ir Uta at lb. !raY-a- - BIm l b 4latio f tbwiutriat. Will ba vulud stlttm Majr Curt. AuTii-a Tu Ua (HtNTa A rata ppurtuairjT will bayivau Iw tuorubswiii tu tuna lortrU it (ba tiiuv and (-I..C H forth, aud lilt tbr.f l'oOM f r lT7 U tVii) Mtf(Ml'UlllY, Clvaruvld. A,.nl II, IS,. TlwuiW, IbAACJ illX ON. Km., Dutrlei Troa4urtr tt tb.- b.ruttKti ul t.raaracid, iw aount wub thi Pur 411 l K .ad iuu u ul raid bftuab Urttia faar . U. ."7rt. ' POOR FUND DR. Tn lialanra duo t lm-t aanivta-at f 1.1 14 Tu cbaui. knu-.. Vir. Lo;dljiu4M Vt 01 CR. fly im -ant paid in nnlftt A1 81 nj uaaa par .lantag on Id at 1 pT t-t'tlt m , Hy Aadtixr'a tw$ Hy uiKinary Hy Uitwtoaiitio Hwur iuU 4 t W ll 10 $ Ml 14 ROAD Fl'ND-DK. To balaarc dut at Imi artttninl ..... I' taait l Muplioaia i t Is Ta munt dun by t'ullraior Me la " dupiioaiti if ls4. ,. Hy balattea iu Treat. Juaaroa , .,$ n t! . M.!k 3t 324 19 ti U tl,!I 11 CR Ry ataua-.t .i. on rdara $ ; fij rt ia'crtxt wi .r if S-t ur f 17...., 10 ot Hy ainoaiit t iuMin- aalitd IfJl tit ny bl. In bjai'dit r ulltutwr oC a Ian, dBr'licatf 'f If?' 113 I ily imUtitaihai al Cul aowr Fowail, dii'iataol lit 8 j;f (t Hy aiinlfuifDt ufj par aunt ia fvj.ia, 41 p.7 t.t Tr. nr aniti -a$l,Xi4t3 I" 43 IT It auiiit) ty, ah'-aet bo -k. ate tw ii) Auditor (x M K 00 ,rlt II W. Ike U'ldtriirfnt I Autl ta-iuf Ida intriub ,f sirritl l. iloflur.tiv ihtt w btvv . imnl tnt O-oMitiiif ItaiM J 'hut 'M, Uixtnei TraK-u'i-r uf id b r jb, a id itu t h . . 11. w ts.ui rii. A W. UK AIM H C.rtrH.!j, April II, 77 It. Aalttori NOTICE. U.S INTERNALREVENUE SPECIAL TAXES, Maj I, IH1T. ta April 3fU tnit. Tt.a R. l H 'ii-i ta Vmi4 "titf S. !. UM. M-17 B.d JliJIvl, tvqi.tra rrry ,ra nK-fl n any iainfs vkr.4rina, or at r-iB-ti- w.t. h nndrra bia liaMa t a pi.l T, to prnaara and tiapiraoaii, i bu aatatb 'l-k.t,n'or pWnl iaHii, a PUwjp drnmiaa ha V.r b- al ri. M UTT. ...1 .r Lft ar tv.Biima '.-,. -ttr ,uri( 1 . 1,77, r(a . ai pr-rf.l. ..a f nrta 1 1, aa rt uulr.d hy law f vrr parwn lUbla t Hp oil I '. a aih-ava The TKtnhr.ord wlthla lb- profUwai of ha h-.r uuii'xl .ra tia lu loatsw. tt wini r. D alfra, reap 1 1 tr or, w'lii.raa't liqti'tt I'aa ar in Milt liq,noi, wnolra I alcra ib hi ) 1 1 tq --tra, rrtal'..,. h aitrt it Ital lha,M. Kiii dt-aVraiti (-al tti im .... .i.'Oa to 101 r mi ml tn I n w And hi !- nl mwt uu), n,.r , . , mart iiir ta rtmt of $,iiii0. It att-r in tnat foar 4 tht9n, Almiulafiiutf tui aftllp i-ti ( And ft.r rat-h HU atma a.-iar. d" ...'. And lt aitPb wi m maiiwIaviaiiHi.... w nn a inn r al ih -, M4iittiiiara ..f ctjtir. w i m id t iut fit 06 10 01 It M r o-im ip ! in fto.-n, r,f , i,,.a .trtM tnaB M 14 15 aA Fuldit ri mi' laihootto, t burn n- i.thtr nani tal (IWI tJ IWiauf tt.iNtft-, third t?i-i(ona bro nr ttinur mi Biti).,,, I t-iidi ra Inhai'ou. Iftinb a a- (b wt e-aw. r- of I ih'.B M Mrrli . B'owa.a ol aiwharri-tor tMwr.,,, IA M CI 100 VI Aiy p.ra-tt. aa (labia, wh h4ll Utl l-iO'taply aithlbi tMrvtoiai rva.rMtBtf will ba tlrt tat - err prnalH. r.rH..r Hrtas If ih'ato pay ny f tho !nltl rult-a har) ahitra. miiti a..iiv la l)4IU CxiV, ipti - tlirai.,r ..f laicrnal H.'aao H'iM.kttllf Jifar-ni a'Mts. t , aal pay l-t 4 tra-HM th u ult) rt fl-m.f r Maavi lhay nai d, prior M y I, M7T, and Witlvat ariQvr iMitioa ppt, Tt 0 atni.i aill I iramajll al lf aiail eily ua raii.t irna tna p - 11 or ifa "f Ivrlttjf Uic i.m uf .itia dtraHiina in t d-i, itE"btr with ba nrarf-aiy uaa atap f th 4i. t r tf ittd to p4T tba pout. Tha P'f'aga oa b i amp li larva ai-aia, aa I an two "wipa ig aaaU If It U dirad ibl tb ba irantaiut4 by rrittrad aatt, taaa ataal-litioB at ib ald aaawtauatiy tba apfelMailoa faiao IB all aiait ba aaid ta atonar bf rrgiaurad atail, Fota4a arwaf ar lUVira draiX. CbaMtvill Bat BBotwar, QRIBM M. KAO, Orrm r Ibttbjal Hivairvit, 1 WatbUtftoa, D. a Jaa. M, ltt. )