A LITB ANACOXOA. oucaimoN or a uaoi ham attbi' LONDON IOOLOUI0AL OABOIM. . Mr. Prank Buckland describes lo Land and Water, lb arrival of a large snake at the Zoological gardens : 'With the commencement ol the l.on. dun neuson baa arrived in illustrious visitor from South America, Ilu'h) una ol lb Urgent Ot tbe Boaida fami ly known to our generation. He i an HiiHiiimla. (rVWctY murinvt,) which, at, I translate 11, tucuiin-ihgiMd sw im ming mouse or deer eater.' Tbia Inv TUB "CLEARFIELD REWBLICAV (IDODUNDKHA LEE. 'LKKriKi.ii pa CtEARFIELD REPUBLICAN. I t HI. I H b. It I I re 1 . .Ii lar-esl ClrrNlalMM at any Rewapaucr In Vim I'rMtral PraHayl.anla. fermi of Subaoription. QEO. B. QOODLANDEB, Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TIBMS $2 per annul a Advance. wnlKs Ml menne snake ia now suli-ly housed in lliu miaka bouse in the Z ndo, Unl iur- l - Raton ot Advertising. 4'tvrrtlMtnant. per quer of I lineeor Wl PP. 91 SO m u- -tt)eiimn nMntiHi 60 iiniri'utf' mil KareMtAr' inri 1 4 i Inure' mil cm I 6 n'i..iv m I Rairnre ; I ....lllll.. I Kit. ftp t t.a)i.tt, Card. & HnM iir !., I fear...- ft . v..v VUwj. iKIV 11 V KHT1SRMKNTH- lt column.. 9S l mir., ... H (111 i milaian. T nit ... . 40 ' 1 mlmnn .. 11" . R. UOOIl,ANlKR NORL It I KK. ards. MUM. Bet'l'LI. t-na men. n't.. area f (I UGH & BICX. ATTORNEYS-ATtLAW, f'leartMd fa. AH l fal ItU-iBrM ,ir.mptlf altMI-led f. OSoa ii rsisin.l et-eai, la tha .Ma-oaie hitild.n(. Jani"i7 W CTAR NO LD , i.wv i nl.I.KCTION OFFICII. I'I.WKNVII.I.K. l leerfe'd (ian-.l. Pena'a- 76 net. H. a rn.v trrM' im.ii MURRAY & GORDON, T Til H N K V 8 A T I. A W, rl.EAMPIKLI), PA. office is I'll "-ra llnu.e, .ewwd fliior :ltn'7l FRANK FIELDING, A T I U H X K Y - A I' - LA W . t trnrld. ! Hilt nhi-Dil to all tiuini nliui-l ti- km , iut H) anil tHhtull nwtl2'7X t UAVIII b kHl. JUHK V WMISLMT H IKHT r. 4LL ACB WALLACE & KREBS, A T. ru It N E V s-A T- I. A w il-l-J.1 cirdna. p. KIMBPI . M'BAI.I.T. IIANIIb W. U'l-rMHT. McENALLY & McCUBDY, AITllKNEY.S-A-l-L.AW, :iMraia. P. tfLvirftl ha.luM. mtvuilwl u. uMUilillv with, mIcIiiv. Ulftwi oo !twoinl ftn. i,ii- ;i. Kir.' Valiimal H.nk Jh-:J G. K. BARRETT, lTTHIIY ANI (iUftHKla4K AT LAW. OI.KAKKIKI.U. PA. 'lav-iii renlicned hi lultKhii, hr n-suuiiui hp (irtfltidc "f thr law in hin "M officf Cle ipl.l, K. Will liii)d thrri'iiiruol .clfritiD him Ik rtiuntic when i.jiriH,T tri4ml tu tHiniiccti'i' tith mni'lcin iiiun,l. 1:14:71 A. G. KRAMER, JTTOH N K V - A T - 1. A V Krai Kutalr and TnHai'lioB Arnl. CLKAMFIKI Ii. P.. Will ir..niptl allrad In all la-awl Hoiiam lruii.-l In hi. ear.. dT-lillliH- in Pie'. 0.a.a II "-. Jaal';t A4 W. W ALTERS, AITHKNKV AT LAW. riearHrld. Pa. "IfN-a m Urnbiim'l Row idac ! hTwTsmTthV ATTORN BY-AT-LA W. I I II ClearHeld. Pa. Walter Barrett, AITllKNKY AT LAW I IfarBrld. Pa. KM-ltio. in Old Wnlarn Hmal kuil-llBa tn.rof "aonnd anl Market l-el.. ISRAEL TEST, t r T 1 1 H N K Y AT LAW Onartield. Pa aar "llli-a IB rhv 4'aurl Hiiaa I Jy 1 1 7oHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT I.A. VlearUald. Pa. pm- 01 f aa alkal alreei, ain. Cnart Hubh, Jan. I 7 1. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTilHNKY AT LAW vud Heal Eitaia Anut. ClaarSeld. Pa. 0o. ob Tkird alraal, bal.Cbarr A Walnuu aay-Raapaotfalla nffara HI aarelear IB aalllnp .ad oujlan land! IB Olearlald and adjiain aunllaa Bad with aa at panaaaa o- near iwantu i.ara aa a vnreejur. Ilaltarr BiBiaall tbai he aaa aaiar aatlaraotioB. Ifeb In ':tl J ,bT A KE W 'A LTE RS, BKAl- KSTATK Bid K Eli 4 KM HKilaCR IU H'n iiimI laimilior. CI.KAKFIKI.il. PA Ottic in irabaui'a K-w. l::7l J. J. LINGLE, r i o ii s k v - a r - i. a w tharaula. Clvarnald to.. Pa. eipn J. 8. BARNHART, ATTOHNKY AT I.AW," He tie tun le. Pa. Vill -jtrtfactlor iu IMuarlielil Mild ntl ol tbe Court"! h. iih Ju.liti-Al Jim rial. HmI mlal tiyunt;' aii.I MdltMlion il fiUllun wiailp aiiuviAlliet. ol'TI DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN k NUHHKON LIITIIKIIMIIHRII. PA VIM am-nd prulearinnal nail. p.-.Biitly. aujlll'71' DR. T. J. BOYER, ill YMCIA.N A NO -UKilr.ON Ottae on Market Htrvet. Ckarllald. Pa. ATOibeo b.-arai (to lUii and I tu p. I) It R M Si ,' 1 1 El It Kit, IIUMiKOPATIHC PHYCICIAK, tlttae ia rv.ld.nea ua Markel al. M14Jil7jr Cl.-Brf.-M. Pa DR. J. P. BURC H FIEL D uw rtaraaon "I Ike fit Kaflneal. H.nn.jl.aala Vnlaalaara. aln ralaraad fm tba Arajy, .(far. Bi. ornfeaaioBBi aarla. in ihealllaeBa ... illaaeiald anaalff. Xr-Pr.ifa.atnBalaalla pruBplll atuadadw. iliBM .a rtnad .teaal fnraaarlr naaapiad b Or Wood. tapr4. M li DR. H.B.VAN VALZAH, CI KAHPIM.II. Pt- kN'A. OFKIl'E IX M ASOMC BU1I.DIX(!. Ob in k. .lira- Fn.ai II lo I V. M. Ma; l, l7a. ll'II.I.IAM M IIKXHY. JuBTica II .rtni PaitB naai. LliMBati ni, r..l(ii.ii made and amaa) prniap.ij raid n.er. Arlirlia nl aaraaiuenl aad dead, a ...niavana. Baalll alariila.1 and aarraalad aar rrfi ar Bi. aharaa Ist ' JAMES H. LYTLE, lu krattar'a llulldlii. tlaarfleld. Pa. Daalar la Omerllee, Proallloaa, Vfalablaa, Frail., H or, l ead, ela.. Ha. aprU'76.f 1IAI1HY SNYDER. 1 1 BAhllKK ANO HA I ROR KaSKR Hk..p ..a Market HI., nppniiia iViarl H.iaae. A alean liiwal f aiere rnat-ira-r. A raaiiaianla ar af AH KlndB uf ArilcleB ii lUrqaii Hair. I'a4 iell. P.. Bi.l I. D. M. DOHEBTY, lA-lllliNAHLK HAhtlbK A II A 1 II liU.S-KR - CLKAUKIKl.il, PA. fch. pla rie.ai Inraaetlt aaxapled hj Naoiila llarkal ftlrral. Jal II, t. ' JOHN D.. THOMPSON, Juiur6l l'i mid hrrtutr, JAMES MlU'ilPLIi, fttttklH it ' 8quar Timber k Timber IjumIs, VOL. 5I-WII0LE NO. ifardf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF TUB I'KAC B Ittrnlur 7 ouuthip, I I.e.. .I. Mill. P. n. II offlnlat Im.lnw. ittrB.trd In him will be pninill.v mtrniiwl I". bipIiW. '7H. FRANCIS COUTRIET, UKKCHANT, KraiirhvUln. I learflrld Cuulily, Pa Kmi. oonitaiilly nn haml a fall acirttuanl ol llri; lliiuila. Ilarlar. Mrwarie., and evarylbioa nauallv k.pi ia a raiail autra. abiob will b auld. riirna.h, aohaa a al.vwhar in tbp floant. Proach.illa. Jijnr J7. IM7 IJ. THOMAS H. FORCEE, BBAbBR IB HKNKKAl. MUdllAXIilSE CiHAIIAMTliN. Pa. lp riimtiri Bianolartuir and daaltp IB Hquai Tiiabel and Hawed Luuitt-rul all kind.. arilr.lr nlloilMl and all kill. irnnipil Had l'jj"-' REUBEN HACKMAN, 'ouse and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Irarttrld. PeiiM'a. ..Witl eaenulr joli In bi. lin. prMtiill.v and in a aurkiuanliki' niaaarr a rt.117 G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKKB. NKAK rl.KAKKIEI.U. PEVN'A rliiiu,i. aanya on hand and mad. tu nrdn ,n ahurt untio Pii Imrrd ou rraronahl. iprna Ktt wtirk wariantrd l rnndcr .ali.taclinn. and lallrared if deamd BijJ4:ljfd E. A. BIGLER & CO., IHAIHK 11 SQUARE TIMBER, ml utMiiuttteiarfira 'it U.I. klM)M ttV ny I l I UMHKH. I'7I CI.KKMKLU PKNN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM, deali-r IB Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, 8III.MII.KS, LATH. A I'H'KKTS, VM071 CUarSil'l, Pa, WARREN THORN. BOOT AND MIOK M A K Kit, Mirkel C'lc-rllfM, P. Id 'b ihop U'-.V nccuiiipti bj Kriaiih Shr'( r diMif weal of AlUghtanv Moufa . ASHLEY THORN, ARCIII1ECT, C'liNTHACIOH and 111 II.UER P aul and Sp.TiBraliniiafiirui.bal fur all kind. ul iBil-llnia All nrk Ural cl.i.. Ktalrbmll ft irBrUI'y. 0 addrm, D.-arli. M, I'a. Jan. I7-77H. R. M. NEIMAN, SADDLE and HABNESS MAKEB. HumbtirKer. rieurUetii Co., Pa. Km pi op hnI H hi lid of lUrnKfi. Httddlra, I.UUItMl''g T, J4U. !, lOtt-H. OHN A. STAD1.EK, HAktH. Maibel 01.. 01. a. t. 1J. I'a. Fra.b Hrrad, P.u.t, Rulla. Piea and Caka. a hand or madr tv order. A Ktnrral aaaartnienl lit ( umaeiiunariea, Kiuiia ami Nuia ia aiucb. U-a treatn and Oyiei. in .eariin. r-aiii.a aiarl l-li.taiia iba l'i.u.fica 1'iice aid.raia. Maroh 111-71. J. H. M'MUU HAY WILL HUPI I.V VOI WITH ANV AKUCI.IC UK Mr-KCIIAMH.-K AT TMK VKHV LO KMT PKK'K. lOMK AMI r-r.K. l.a:.Jv: NEW WASHINGTON. MKBI: AJIII TOB TABU. Mra. fc. I.IIIOI-.I I., U..vina anaaaail IB in Janl- noalBea.. -laanai w iatora bai Irienda and tb. ,.uhlir itiai abe ba. now aad will ka,. eiinaianil. i-n Band a lai- air allarlrtiled alui-k 1 1 AI.1AIV Ul' I ' MA HULK, an.l I. ,ir-paieO l Inriil.h r.la- ruM HtiT'HN Ka- ""A Ann i haui.b niainr. HUM UhMr, da. (A. Vard n K"- l .iib-i, am II R leH, InarB.ld. P l-H . IJrj Ntnlilc. II I. HltdiTiiitne. he(. leave In llifnru. the pal., lie thai be la nun tiillj prepar -i- arni.n.m-.- lali all In the aal l lurniihnik II ..... HU0.i", 4addla. and llarne... .in lb. ahurleal imlir. and an reaaimable taruia. Haaldenee on Wall -Ireei, Halajaan Third and F.inrlh HKO W MKArlllHI. "Iiurb.ld Feb 4. Ia'4 WHOLESALE LIQCOB STOBE. At the riii! t.l tbe m w brHljtr. KT 1 LpAKFIKLIi, PA. Tl. pri-jirielor of bi eitahllphini at ftlH hu) hU Ituucr direm troin alatillrra frtle (ituing ir'iu tbia boo ike wil -e ruir lu gi 1 a -ue aitioie at a iinall margin ah.e "! Hotel hii-Jiera ean e tumirhed wiii tiouou or raiinana nri t'urr wmee and braniiea itln0l Imwi eale,,' Vinery, ai Haih, Np Y-rb liftun'ir, . i "lam nil ClrarfleLI. Julie M, l"7i ll. S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WA1CIIMAKKR A, n naAl.aa I, Wulilu-n. Chd'ka and Jewelry. Uraiii.'. aa. Aa. t.l Strnl, t'l.KAHPII-.l.ll. PA. All kind of ronairii.l In ai.e One pei.niptu at led In. April II ia. , 1ST. Ii HOUN'tf MIC AT MtRkUT. Tbe andiTIgi-ed wi.atrl re-i'eftfor.T infrm ibepublleihnl bu ha o.'iil a M KA T M AKhhl at iba old tnd on Mrhi Mreet. wbeit he wtH hi-Pii r oUrl oa hand all kinds of F-R-E-S-ll Ml-T-S and will guarnntea tiifachn Id (irici-a ai well a la lha quality ot me' 'iff red. . 1 . . ....... l-iui buneii Vlrarnrld. nnv.zz, m-n. nwn. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOUUAl.K lluME IXHU.sTKY. 'I'llR ondar.lBed. baaing aMaMlnba l B Bar. 1 ear. a the 'Piae. ai-nol ball aa, neia.B L'i..a. Bi-ld and -uraen.rille. ia urei-nrnd lo lar- alib all kind, of KM IT T K K En. (.landard aad d.arf.) II v. rure. n. tUiralinort. tlra. maa, iloo-alrr,. Laaioa BlaikWrrj. airaabarrj, aad Ka.nba.ri Vin.a. A . HibiTlaB I'ral. Tree., uaiere. and earl? Marlal Rhaiiara. Ao. Order, lirnaii.lli atleBded to. Ad.ee.a, J II WHIllllT. aepln l. tain. Barilla, I'a. ANDREW HARWICK, Marbrl Unit, tlearfleld. Pa.. aAaerACTimrR akd bbai.bb la MAIIfiltrS, CIDDI M, UlllDLIf, COLLARS, tad all kli.da af HOUSE FVHKIfHIKU BOOD.t A fall rtnek af naddlera' llanlaara, Rraahaa, .-..ajl-a, bi.aael-. K..i-ea. a-a., alwaia aa band ...a r... ..ia at lb. lowa.l eaan nrim-i. All kiad. -I rrBlria( priimplli a'taoded Ki. Ail km.l. al hide, taken in a.eha m f"f bar ae.a and rei.al.lna. All Undi nl harne., I.aihar ..pi im band, and fnr Mir at a .aiall pr. l t'lraillel.l JaB. IU, l7 JOHN H. FULFORD, If KtHAL IHfVHASCt AlltHT. tl.arlteld. Pann'a. i .11 iba b-a.llnt I'll lararanae rompaaiee if tba eatintr, I .IIO.nol.ia, . l.i.lui.imii Kuyal Canailiaa - Huaia, Nea Y..rk. l,ia--Bilna. Monae, Pa Fral.klln, l'kilad'a ............. Pbarail. Haiilnrd M Ilaaueer, haa York... Ilnaia, t'nl , O h.....h..h.. Alia., Mar If- rd - - Pfoeabaaaa, Waabinflaa. . I.IM.ii. . .(.-.! l.xnn.A.'iR . I,K, 1,421 ail Ilk,"! mam, la.HH Farom, aboal el eatla aa htnraaaa aa prop, am.af aap Had, abaald aall al aa, eV, aa alkaa atMaa. aataaalla lha Ooarl Uaaaa, aoal BM BI llMaf .elB.aat.l aad rajaa kafara kaaaeta , 1 ' JOHM H. Fl'LFOlUI, . '2,516. THE TALC OF GABRIEL COD. A nrn.wful tta I haw lM Of the mogntlul fal whirl, of Utf btfvl A jruu'h iijr th aaina uf tlbnl Co I, M diw tiA )ink, r Win liitMH dJ. 1 tl tliin tklr vill rrv to m ' ' t Hih ynHibi from bluffing to ld bri born II liMtnined Ibl hnrn nnt Ptttardav ki(rit--" I'M I aju'tb bp, " lill lha murnlntf 'igbt- Qu' th Ibii Tonne rpntUioao. tii and tliin. ' I'll Bmiirr tli n Inatrument If It take" ft limb, With m muiieftl talpnt 1 ip burn. Ad I I'm going lo plav on ihU rwtet bran horn. TbrO louder and wildar tha burn ba hlaw j " Mow Fwet l," ba wtlired ; I Bevrr koetf I'd a ii hi lr munie ltt ihia bclura ! " Aid i hp blat ol hi m uprt twalid te ft roar, T rn died aj in wail for Ion. Kroui lb llttla end ol tbe old brmii bora. Tba r-huddrring acbopp bra tha found 'IliMiunb all ilia rtiursa, abuvr, around : hind irirD' tmld har It at fury roda, I'd if howeriul itiU'ia ot Unhnel t'ud'a Hut thut attirpd ihvir tart and no away H bt natr tbe liom Ornu iu lav. Day af r ilar did tha vnaib aa t " I 1 blt w," qunib be, " till wj tin at h t;inia. The loll Iff he blew, the tioallrr bp grew ( Tl a anoie he lyi ii. Jh Irm he knew f lor aw lHt a i hi- b-ri iblr aotind wera bora. Ilia wit Hew i'Ot at tba end 'f toe bora. " Y u'd beiler he am re I u) " bU IB other ald "I fM hlow uiucb liar.lt r joo'il burnl juur b ad ! ' Ti en he gmbeifd bmif-eli tor a aninbi l.iant. Not i b 11 kit-it, 'Ot )onib, It w.rftto be bu laal f And ba bkw biuiaelt ou', broke Wedurmla) aii-rn. At tbe mile end of tb- oil braaa hora. II-- wmr buried flat iilgbi, with that hunt of hie. A i.d bia im ndp w. rv nU ai hie o t (uian. .Mid i in $ tbe tjtt b ott r bio i-ot e. bead it, I .ia. in jour ti'leuntPii ton ti u irt pt'Bie oilier rah juuio t" aen, ' iiivu holu looliUi au old i-rna born ! " UKAbiiucK'n fatal pikld. wamiimitiin k FiHaT fhiiit uraPIHO bKtn II or Tilt t'lltnl- uutAI B.vn'l.K Flkl.O OF PaNoVLVAMA FaoNTlbR FiuiiTihu oMi nukuaau tkahb auo 1 lib Ta.tUiTioNaoV wkaikHH pknn'a. Cbai lea Mi Knight la doing for I'cnn njlvaniu whul peiiiinoru Cooper did li.j-Xcu Yoik. Jloth carry un eiilbuai itMti into their ntm iea of tradition und adventure which iiTrieintilily iiiluel the reudur, anil IhuHtiirieaol both huvu the tiiiininlukulilu fluvor of the noil. Mr. idcKiiigbl'a picturen, however. Iiuve uiidoiiliiedly li-r-n of the glunmr of iiiiiuiiieu and inure ol tbu truth of bia-turn- punning. Km-in the iiiuiiuncriptnl u new work noun to bu puhlinhed by Ur. Mi-Kuighl, eiililled ' Our M enli ru llordur," which in a cnllt-ctioii of tbu legt-ndary lore of I'eimn Ivania, u present a sketch ol Ihedeulb ot Hrnddiick on the lutiil tit-Id whii ii now bears bis name. Tbia nloi-y luirl) glows with the spirit ol the early Scotch Irish irudiliouol Peniisyl. vatiiu, aud will muiid lo many ol our leaders, we are Hire, inoru like the echo uf their own memories than the lulmrnl an uiitbor, and this is its high enl ciilllllielidulloli. The only tiling fur lliitddock to do v In n be lound himself caught in Ibis hoi rid aliiughlur-pcii, w as, manifestly, tu nliro his liirces whilu bu bud tlii-iu yvl under com nil ; throw out scouting purlieu to beat up lliu enemy s posilion; bring up bis uililb-ry to ends of tbu ravines and thoroughly rake then, with grape and canister, or lo rout out the nei-iii-uly. bidden lou with tbe bayouut. I milium have never J et been iuuiid aide to withstand a huyouul cburgu. Tbe ci ibl steel at close quui'tersdi'innruliles. 'I be) quiver, break, and fly. Tbia wan whul both llulkel und Washington urged hint to do, but to nu purHjsu. He ruged ahiiig ibe road like a fury ; diiive Lack his men by tbu sword, and seemed (li ternuiieu to overcome hy tni rc lorcu of tlrill and olmlinai-J'. In deed, it is iiucuriuiti whether be now ii hi Id huvu cxiTUlcd I lie lliunOBlivre. No subliem not even Cumlierland'a Mil-runs could lung withstand a dead I) and ciuiceiiliuud tin- linin tivuland bulb flunks. Tin lini tliut tbu fulul flushes and pull- til siui.ku und voile) a seemed to i-i.ine right out ol the ground and I ruin iiiim i n lues, w hile Hie w holu air and w nulls umiiuil tang lull nl savage yells and buriiLIu aerucchings. i-oinpleled Ibe ilcmiiruliEutiiiii. .Muli) ullei w arils dei lured thai during the w hole three bourn' iimteal they hud never once sun u Ine ; while others would not as scit t hut lin) had seen over bull a-iIit.i-11. Il in imlv w muli r I lint suldiera no w i-i-li-lit-dly iiiisteil und so huillv cnuiiiiuiided could hnnlly siutid il as ng us lln-y did. Tbu I'd i villi iuln niitli icd us nun Ii as the lii ilish soldiers. Whenever and whuiwver they could, I hey tisik to tbu trees. It is even an silled, and we think it probublu, that N.iiie of Iho iillicers w ho, hy Hnitl din k's explicit cominaiid, attempted to .- I Lack into the ruu.l the men who bud lima suiight shelter behind trees, it-re shot l y llu-ir own men. In one id the puiinesof this one-sided ul. Hut, Wu-lunetuli, who bad been kept busy curr) ing the lietiurul's orders the other aids, Oiinu uuu JUorris, liuv iiiif been wtiuiiiled saw Colonel lliilki't.uniii mid weuiy-liHiking.siaiiii- ing iliMiioiiiiled under a bugu oak, und hailing heavily agunist its massive trunk. II listening up anil out a little In. in I lie nre, he anxiously inquired 1 trust, riir Peter, you are mil very I. mill hurt T "Xa, im, (ieoidie; but I so gotleu ci. t ilt h. ' I is Ji nisi ubooti my baldric Wlia i iilil In bu to go ihru' siccait an uw some duy w riiul iK-aurur acailn ia u liar lsu lae n a strong uriiitul o death. 1 am fair, sair liiiliiughleii, but never feur, limn, but w bu' tbu auld Kir I'cter will e er iiresent a heckle to Ins I'lH-S. "Ob I 'lis not so bad aa that, Colo ml," suid Wushiuglon ; " but yoitfbke the rest ul us, Iiuve received your Lap Usui of Are. "l is a gory field, and the end s not yet. l) i o mind, lUuiur, l tie' scrim gignt I tuuld vo of yenireeii and lliu vision of blui'l ? 8uid I not recbt ? Hut, hue vt) seen Jaime, luildiu ? ' 1 have, Mir 1'eler: mere tie nanus, and unhurt." "'Tia siriiiiL'o. verra strango. 'Tia the bairn Kiancis, and not Jainen, that's hurt and ta'un to the rear, alang wi' Sir John Hinclair, Colonel llurlon (rludwiii, and nuiny olhera. Ob I but lliu is a surra tlav ? Uradilia k'a jiawt hn-l his luiirlh homu. The lulu carle thinks be'a Hghtiii' on the broad pluins o' planders. 'Tia eneiiib amaiat to drive ouu i istraiijcbl to aeu him Tying to wheel and niunrstivru I whan army, shouliher to slioulilii-r, in a Iwu lisit ri-it-l. I hue beggit him lo let his men Ink lo tbe wishIs, hut theiliiiirdu il wi nut. lie's clear dull, (icordie, clean dull. " Well. Cobinel," suid Washington "no use lo discuss the (iunerul now You Heed immudialu ulteiilluii. . I II send some soldiers to taku you In Ibe rear" Washington bad eoarre gono a hun dred paces before a bullet, "iud fruin mi Indian rifle from Iba ravine, struck llalket alraiglil Hi rough tba heart. Just aa ha waa railing, hla win Jama rushed furwanl and caught bint In bia arms; ' lla, ton, waa at tba nam instant mortally at ruck, aad botb fell together, Innkod la bb) tbar'l ambraca, and tbia iu lha Ua of tha old Bootoh Bootoh ao- CLEARHELD, bluman. Tbe two bodiua lay, juM wburo tboy full, fur yoara, through iimmura lit-ut and wintura mow "mid all tbu wrack of tba Biiluful vliimunlr). UraililiH-k, allium! all hja bt.it-lffli'L-rn c-ithur killed or wounduil, and all Ibu ammunition ihot away, lound it now alniont inipiiasililo avi-n lo etTuct a aufv r orderly retrcul. lliu muiuiis Hav ing lit t lu inure to feur from tbu army on tba bill plain, bad now worked down tba rarinua until tbt-y appeared on tbu tirat " koitoin," and i-omineiu-ed to attaek tbo bui;gago. The flunk purliua .-aled lor ita aucurity, all but one, ran in, A ureut iiumUer ol hcimea and mine driven) wore nbot down, wbilo lliu rent, cutting loose tbu bunt borne in the teuina, mounted and were olT. Tbe t-annon did aoina aorviie, and, cointniinded and aoinelimea c'vuii nerved by Muj. , Waadimgtim . Iiiuinell, uuu lor aiiinelnnu kept on the lou, out tbu apnt wub mi woody that very little execution could bu done. J nnt at tbia juncture lira. block bim- w-lf, who bad bud live borne killed under him und wbtnm clolbua bud been riiblled wilb bulk-In, received a nioriul wound while ritundilig bunuutb a lul-gu true on tbo brow of tbu uccoiid rinu. I bu bull panned tbroiigb bia right arm, lodging deep ill Ilia luiigd, Tbu order no waa juit giving wun lull uiilyiinlieil on bia bps. Pallida; finiu bin boivu, I lu-re Iho liriivo out uiiliirtunatu Uuu- mill lay, wilb but a few Irienda around him, ami all Inn drilled t-uluraua tlving olT in headlong, ttingrut-elul flight. Tbuy run," wrote Wunbiiigtoii in bia Hint letter alter the liallle, "an ahuep puiniied by tbu dogn, and it wan im- ponsible to rally them.' ll ia reluied by lieorgu Cnigliun, ibu lumoiis Iiiiliun iiilerpri lur, thul l!i Hil lock, unwilling lu survive tbu disgrueu of his delcul ; disgusted ul his desertion hy the tannins soldier " who biad served with the Duke, und proliuhly toinieht- ed by the pains from his wound, refused to he curried Iriiill the field, liismting upon being lull uluiio, and rinully tried to Hisscsa iiimsell of Cmgbau'a pistol, w herewith to muke un end uf himnelf. He this as it iiiuy.Caiil.Ormu, wounded an bu was, iiffurcd sixty guineas lo any the reguiara w ho would curry linn uff the field, but in vain, ll was a muve n ui f- if rout with the regulurs and "devil lake the hiiidmosl. Caiituin Stewart, of Virginia, com. mandcr or tbo body guard ot light horse, und Dmildin k's own uid.Cuplnin Oruiu, carried thu dying (ieiiural otf the Held, put bun III a 111 morel, then iiimiii a f i vaii borsu, aud thus tbe old vulurau was borne li oin the scene ol bia delcul. 1 1 was a custom in those days tor every utllcur to carry a sunh ol scurlel, silken net-woik, with which lu near ll I lit, II Minded, from tbu held. 1 be sash in which ltiuddock was this day carried, the dute of iia niBtiutactiiro(1707) and the iniiiuls "K. 11." wrought in tbu woof, and the hlood-rcd stuina upon its netting still viaihle, is suid to bu Jet prusurvud in tbe family of tbu lale 'resident lay lor. The lull ot tbe Ueiierul destroyed all semblance ml' further tiplMnilion. bvt-ry aid, but Washington, and every field officer was struck down. About 900 of the 1,400 men, and 63 out of the 86 tiflleera were either killed or wounded, and the rest acarculy waited lor the drums tu sound the rutruat All, all was abandoned I Horses, catlle, wag ons, artillery, military chest, peraonul Luggage every thing ami, wiuii was worse, almiMt every person who was badly wounded. I bis headlong, uisgracelul ngniisati unwelcome theme, and not being di rectly connected with our story, we care not to dwell on it, except lo say that alsuit quarter ot a mile on tbe ol her side of the river 100 men were prevailed upon tu muke u brief stand al a luvnrul.lo point, liruddock und some wounded oHli-crn remained there an hour ar so, but noon all tbu soldiers sneaked otf, and Washington, sick, ex hausted, and tevur-aliickuii as ho was. and liming so lutely passed through a muni terrible ordeal, Willi two liornun shot under him, und liiur bullets I brnugh bis font, wun denpuUbed by Hnnldoi-k tu Dunbar to forward wagons, previa, ions, ic. lo the wounded, lie rode, sud and oppressed, timing the whole ol Ihut wet, lung and uismui nigm. throuirh iliirk.L-looniy forests, frequent ly huvuig to dismount lo grope lor the nut It. und reached DunUr w hose ami) was in an increuiniu siuiuoi aiarm and contusion, frum reports brought by tbo frightened wagonera By sun rise the next morning, ins wreicneu leelings during thul truly doleful ridu an belter be imagined tliun noscriucu. Thence, buintt slill very feeble, he re- tired to Mount Vernon to rii-riiit bis shuttered hcullll 1 1 is a well attested liict thul lu 1770 Hlleeu vuurs after this battle Wash. iiiurtoii. when traveling on the Big Ku nawba, was visited by an old ludiuii chief, who sluted that he bad been nreseiil at the battle ot llraddock a Kields, and bad not only oiled tired on Wusbiiiiflon hiinselLbul had inatrilcled his young warriors to tire; but finding it in Tuin, hud come lo lliu conclusion that he was protected by the Ureal Spirit and waa preserved for a great I ii I ii re. no, indued, he wan, no inuy pause by the way one moment to bil low urailuirck till ueatn reieuseu unit Itu remained tinder the cure ol Cap tuin Stewart ; waa first carried on home- back, and allerwarda conveyed uy suldiera, in bia sash, fastuuud on poles as a "stretcher." Al IU p. M. on lliu 10th. the duv uler the battle, be n-ucln-d Ulnt's ulunlation. Next morn ing he arrived at Dunbar's camp, high up in the Laurel 1 1 ill, aix miles from tbo present city of Uniontown, where the halt lamislicd lugilivcatmm luubullio field were constantly coming in aud soldiers deserting by the score without ceremony. Hradduck'a strength waa now rapidly ebbing away. He Hud abandoned all boiiu ol achieving any thing ; and it ia to be supposed that tha sntleriiik-s ul his miiia aero lui irreater than those of his body, lie still Issued hia commands, and ronfi deinly expecting pursuit, and knowing that lliinbar'a nsiiie stricken force waa in a moat abameful and dangerous state of demoralisation, ordered tbe destruction of the immense itorus ol arms, wagons, powder, and provisions, rusiiminir his inarch towards Cumber land on tbo 12lh. These orders were nut lit lor a British oltUier tn give, nor tor one to obey. Want ul borsea and deinoraliialiuii uf bis army were Dun bar's excuses. Oil the l:ith llraddock waa evidently sinking last. Ever since tha rutruat commenced he had preservetl an a I muni unhrukeu silence. His dying hoiira were very much embitlerwl, and it would have been fur butter had be left bia remains on tba carnage field. Tbe only allusions be made to the fate ol the battle waa to soil I r repeal to him self once or twiea : "Who would have tboaghtrtt" Turning loOrmes W aball bejtlar know how to deal with Ibtm. anolbar lias I " and these, were bit parting worhv A few momanU PA., WEDNESDAY, A l'RIL II, 1877. lutur bu breathed bis last at 8 p. M. on Sunday, tbu 1 3 1 Ii . and was buried the . ... . ..i .1.. i. .1. . t ... a i . . ... nexi morning rigui m ine iiimuiu ui the road, Wanbingmn rcuding the fun omi atTico ovur bin gravu. Tbu Insips, wagons, and artillery pnssed over tbe plucu to dustroy all traces and prevent discovery and niiitilution by the enemy, iipposcd to be in piiiuit. About 1823 somu htlioi-i'm, while working on this mud, exposed these last "unwept, uiihonored, und unsung" leiuuiiis. Tbuy were slill distiiiguishu blu by their militury triippiugs. It is assurlud Ihut some were sent to 1'culu a Museum, l'hiludelpliirt, wlnlo the rest were ru-inturrod under a tree near by. This treu has, ill these present times, either by "decay's eflucing fingers" or by Ibe spoilalioiis of relic-hunters, bueu reduced to a more rotten stump, ll rcinuiucd for Joniuh King und John VJiirilm k. uf l'illdhuiett trcauua the sjmt Iroin lolul neglect, lu llecember. 1871, they prircuudcd to thu fornuken gravu, siluutu. on tbo lurin of Jumes Uixon, nine miles cunt ol Uuioiilown, and plunled uboiil il a number of elms, spruces, lurches, and willows. we scarce ileum it worm wunu to ulludu to a Pennsylvania tradition, in dunlriously ciruiilalud, und genetully tH-liuvud Ibruughoiil Ibu whole country tor- hull a century, thul llruddock lull by thu bunds of bis own men. Thus. Puusell, a soi l of minimum hermit of Pnyullu county, wild, uncouth, and giguntiu in his appuuraiicu, distinctly liilincd lor himnell tliut he killed lirud lock to save tbe reiniiuul of tbe urmy liom dealruclion, and to revengu the cutling down of his brother Joseph hy llruddock lor hiking a pusition liulimd a tree. 1 here la not a Uttlu ot trusl- worlhy evidence lo support the story. Alleoiitemporury uulhoriliesnrutolully silent concerning any such leal, and ruusella own tule as well an are the ui couitls of those who uphold bis cluiiu Is bungling, absurd, and inconsistent. 'Villi XKW STAY LA IT. AN ACT TO RKOl'LATE STAT OF I.XKCU- THINS IN CI.UTAIM CASKS. Skotion 1. Ilu it enacted by tbe Sen ate und House ot itepresuntulives of thu (Jommouweullh tit Pennsylvania in Generul Assembly met, and it is here by enacted liy thu authority ol lite name. I but in ull cases where Inn. la. tenements, ur hereditumunts huvu been or hen-alter ahull be levied on hy vir luu ol any writ ol fieri lucias or other writ ot execution, and an inquest ol six men. suminoiieil by the Sheriff or tironerot uut ol thu cities or cuouucs, agreeably to thu existing laws of this Coininiiuwciitlli. shnll find itiul the renin, inniius, und pnililn uf such pnu eny are not sufficient, beyond ull re prises, within thuspnee ol aevun )-curs, lo satisfy the daniuges and cunts, or the debt, In lore t, und costs in such writ aa mentioned, it shall ho tlio duly of tbo Slu-rirT tn summon six men of bis bailiwick to go upon thu premises and value and appraise tbe suid prop urty, and In ull eases where tbu ilelen- dant or delunduiits snail consent to a -ondomiiutinn, agreeably to an act en titled An act relating lo executions, passed the sixteenth day of June, eigh teen hundred and thirty-six. and in any cusu where an impiiailion and con demnation of such enla'o as atorusaid shall not bo deen ed necessary in law. il shall be tbe duty of the Sheriff or Comncrof tbo proper county to sum. mon an inquest of six good ami lawful In-eholdurs of his bailiwick, who shall lie under out Ii or uttlrinaiion. und shall receive the same pay as junirs aie en titled lo in similar canes, to go Uhiii thu premise and value nud nppruisu the same, and the Sheriff or Coniner ahull muku return of such valuation or appraisement, with tbo writ aforesaid, to thu court from which the same issued, and which valuation or ap prameinent shall be culicln-ivea" to all writs and executions, when approved by said court, lu any. Iiiluro execution which may he levied on ma same prop erty j and in caae any writ nl venditi on! uxHinua or titlier writ stiuil ismiu for thu sule ol such hinds, tenements. or hercdiiuiiieii's, and thu sumo can not he sold al public vendue or outcry lur iwo-lhir.la or mure of such valua tion or iippmisemenl, and then in such cusu the Sheriff or Coroner shall mil muke sule ot the premises, I m I ahull make return of the suinu ui-conliiigly lo the court Irom which thu axei-nliou issued, and that lbureiiHin all further liniceeillngs tiir the stile of such lands, tenements, ur hereditaments shall he stayed lor una year Irom and after the return day ol the venditioni exponas ur other writ for the sule nf ibe prem ises: Provided, Thin tbe Sheriff or Coroner shall mil bu eiiiilh-d lo pound- ugu unless In those cases where a sale of tbe property shall lake place. ,si:c. 1. I hut iu all cases wnere lunda, tcnemuiltsnr bereilitumuiilabavu been heretofore levied nisiu mid eon ilemued or extended, or thul hereafter may be extended in virtue ot any writ of fieri facias, and in all canes where lands, tenements, or hei-uditauiunts have been or hereafter shall bo auixed or levied no by virtue of anv writ of levari facias, it shall bu I ho duly ot tbe Sheriff or Cunintir. belore expiat ing the suul pmHiity to sule, pursiiuiil lo any writ lor thul purpose issued, o in piimuaiifo of such writ ol luvari tafias, to summon six good and lawlnl men of Ins bailiwick, who. being nrm sworn nr affirmed, ahull go upon thu premises and muku a true valuutioii or uppraisemeiil ol alien property as in- reeled bv the nrst section ol tins bit. HkO. 8. Thai in all cases where es tates tor lilu or lor a term of yeurs in any binds, tenements or hereditaments have been or shall ou aeir.en ami luvieu on by virtue of any wnl or execution, it shall bu tba duty of the Sheriff or Coroner, belore he shall proceed to advertise ami sell the prvmisea alum suul. to summon an inquest ol six good and lawful uioii id ins bailiwick who. beinit first duly aworn or affirm ed, shall go Uinn tbu premises and muke a true valuutioii und appraise ment of tbu sulne, und il audi untitles Itir hie or lor u term ol year aa alow said, alter being advertised and offered lor sale, by public vendue or outcry according to law, cannot be sold lor two.thir.ln or more of thu amount ol thu valuation and appraisement to be made as atorusaid, lite Sheriff or Con) ner ahull make n-tnrn accordingly, and thereupon all further prtK-uedings for tbu sje of said premises shall be stay ed lor one year irom the rulurn dav of the said writ of execution : Pmvlilcil, That lb said ib-feiiddut or dtift-ndania ahull execute and deliver to lb Sher iff or Ournniir. as the case inuy ne, a judgment bond, with one or on ire sill tliietil secuiitn-s, wot, nnan ihi ire- huldera, and approved by the court, lo be entered of reconi, aim snail he a lien on all real eslatu until I -aid or satisfied, in a penalty of collide the amount of aid valuation or appraisement, etneif tinned for tbe payment 04 all liena, debt, Interval, and tvajt. 8m. 4. That In ail wmi when per- snnnl property shall be taken in execu tion by victim ofany writ of flerafuciua issued out ot any Court (it Uouimon Pleas of this I ummonweallh, or hy virtue uf any execution issued hy a .V,i)irj of tbu Peace, il sliull bo Ibu duly of the iitni-er to whom such suit sbull bu directed respectively, when il ahull he requested by tbe debtor, to Bum mini throe respectable freeholders, eili nciia of tbe vifinugo, who, buing first duly sworn or ullli ined by thu said offi cer, shall value und upuruiau the iht souul pni)ierty aldrosaid, which valua tion or appi'uiscmeut, signed by tbe appraisers, togt-tber wilb a schedule of Iho pniicrty taken in execution, sbull be annexed to the return on said writ, and in case suid personal properly, or uny purl tlicrcol, cuniiol be sold lor two thirds of lliu amount ul suid valua tion or uiiiirnisenienl ul a public vendue of Jiui nimiu, id -which, uulice shall bu given lo thu pluiuliff or pluiutitln, bis, her, or their ugenl or attorney, agreea bly to the dinctions of the first section of this uct, that then tbu sulu of such pniperty sbull be stuyed lor thu term twelve mouths Irom thul dutu: Pro vided, Tliut the suid defeliduul or do leiidaiils sbull execute and deliver tu the Sheriff', Coroner, or Cuustuhlu, as tbu cusu inuy be, a bund, with one or more sufficient securities, to be entered of record, and aball bu a lien for said Hjriiid of limu iu a puuuliy ol doublu ibu amount uf suid vuluaiion or up piuiaemeiit, coliditioned forlbufuilbful liirihcoming und delivery of all and every purl of the said personal pniper ty, it miii the expiration of the suid atay of execution, to Ibu propur Sheriff, Cot'oiiur, or Coiistubie, bis auccesnor in office, in like good older and condition an when tbu sumu wua so, as nforenaif?, offi'i-ed titrsale, or oilier pemonal pni erty vquul in value and in lika ginni order, lo be ascertained in the muiinur ulnivnuid, ur in detiiult thereof for thu pu) nient ol thu amount of the appruii-emeiit or valuation, wilb inlfionl and costs, or Ibuamouiilof the debt, interest and costs, lor which Ibu levy wun made, and, upon the execu tioii and delivery of audi bund, thu auld icrsonul property sbull be return ed and ru-delivured into lliu sissenniuu ol the said duluiidunl or defendants : Provided, al-o, Thai liolbiug iu Ibis uct contuiiied shall he connlrued to prevent uny judgment creditor or cred itors fmiii huviug tbu pn-pcriy uf uny deblur or debtors exposed to sulu al any limu, and as oltuu ua bu, she, or they may think propur, alter it inuy huvu once been ex nosed to sulu asafuru- sail, by puyiug ull costs which may accrue in consequence thereof, except the timeut which a sule may bu effected according to thu provisions of ibis act, w hub costs ahull bo puld out ol thu piin-eetls of the sulu, as iu other cases. Stc. B. That before any person shall be untitled lo a slay of execution on ruul eelule levied upon, be shall pay the interest due oil the debt aud the interest duo upon prior liens thereon, and dischurgu all ground runt and municipal cburges due on the pniperty , Hihiecl lo the judgment, and ahull pay aeiui aiiiiuully during the continuance ot the slay ol execution all thu accru ing iuturuat on tbe jiidgniuiit, mort gages, liens, or charges on real eslitle, and the uucrniiig ground rents : 1 ro vided, Tliut tbu pnivisions of this act shall not apply to suits lor the collec tion of interest semi-annually on mon eys duo the estutua uf decudunts, wid ows, or minors, which suits are hereby uuthorited tu be insiilulud, nor lo i-luims for lulnir : Pmvided, further, That this act shall not remain in force for a lunger period than eighteen n lha. K ft un MrkR, Speukur of House of Hepreseiiulives. Jno. C. XkWlltKR, President pro. Icm. of thu Senate. Approved Tin, 23d tiny of Murch, A. I). IK77. J. F. UAkrRANFT. 77 K 011AXGK M0 VEMKXT. The Chicago 7Vi has pronuiincotl by sumo tiieuus a truiiacript ol the an nuitl n-ports which were siilimittud lo the IVulional (irange I'ulruns tu nun hatidry recently iu aucrut aeaniun iu ihut eny, show ing the present status I the orguniaulioiia in lliu several StuU-s. the amount of fPvunuu received Iruiil thuui, stulislics of luenilwrship. ule. Their receipts from all eoiin-es during 1H7H nmooiilcd to 8U9.7P5.05 aguinst 1102 143.07 for lliu proceeding veur. Murtluud is c red i U'd with 148 eninnis iu 187C, against 153 ill 1875, wluNt tbe nieinhi-mhip is O.Sj'J. against tiGjJ iu lot a; Viru-iiiia shows a lull ing nil within a yeur ul nearly 2I0 granges, though the niemiicmiiip allows a light increase. Compared with 1875 thu lulling otf in granges in i lit- Cuiietl Slates and Cuuudu is about fl. 000. whilst Ibu Inss iu inuinhcmhip aggivgitles uhout 175.01)0. In lliu strongholds ol the organisation Illin ois, liuliunu, Kinisus and Missouri, it nut-ins to bu rupi-lly inching away. In Uiilo It still luuinlulua lla ground, will) u small nicn-anu ill nienihumbip and gruuges. Tbiiiuglioiit New England lliu ilci reuse is lens marked. Connect icut it 1 1 1 MaiwHi'huauiis show a fulling off, but iii Muine, Vermont und Nuw Hampshire snllie litllu ground has been gullied. In Kentucky, Tennessee nud Went Virginia there is likewise a deijiia'. lint lleluwareis on the other tuck. Nuw York and Pennsylvania show an increase of membership, but u lulling off in number ol grungus. In Nuw Juisey Miuru is an inereaso of both. In the i-ollon Status there ia a murked fulling awa in the number nf granges, hut inumhersbip, particularly in Texas, kueps Well up. Tbo Pacific Stules may bo suid to divide, Califor nia showing a beuvy decrease) and Oregon about holding its own, A XKW FMU BAIT. Tbusoamall Imij s wlmare ill tbe habit uf converting their mouths into hail boxes, when Ibey go fishing, will be gialifiud to learn that, through tbo renin of a recent inventor, they may continue to use mat i-oiivemeiii reoei tuelu for a new bait which ia true from tbu disadvantages evuliar to Iho auglb worm. Any boy who has mcdi luted over the abort ciiming of ihut slimy in- verlubrulu knows Hint It squirms Uis ngreeubly, especially when uccideitlly biltun. Ihut It has an ainiiiiy tor inn, which la aniioylng when awaiiuwwi j that even when on lb book it baa a way of di-solvingoir in tbu most upuu- coiintaLIu aud uxasperuiiiig manner ; and it ja'rvernely pcrinits Un. II to no carried off K!iiceincul by auckera and uiiiiiiews in total disregard of ita lugili mate p'irsio. There ran be no doubt that the duy of Iho angle worm has punned, and Ihut against the improved flexible rubber worm of Mr. II. II. Gregg Iputehtud January 2, 1877.) he can no longer hope lo coiniele. Serv ing aa bait, and al tha auin-t time as chewing gum, it must be evident to the Liuni tliouhiful that iba rublrer worm haa an Inoontenlibl advailUge. Bo remark! lb SomlM Amtnttn. ABOUT MOTHS AXU MILLERS. Mra. "12. A. K.," Taunton, Massachu aults, asks tho following: I. "Do ull kinds of millers muku moths? 2. What lime in the year are motha lonned? 3. JJii tnSfJr::m. hi wisilen iK)da an the year, or only in warm .weather ?" Am. 1. Tbo writer, a lady, evident ly wishes to know about tbo clothe moth, and her first question may bu answered No. Hut us the terms "Moth" und ' Miller" are used in a con fusing manner, we must explain. The scaly-w inged insects ( Lrpittoptcrn ) are divided into butterflies and moths. Tho larvro or caterpillar hatched Irom the egg, is a great feeder; when it is full grown it liirma a pupa, or chrysa lis, keeps quiet for a time, and then cullies out a perfect winged insect bus slender feelers with a (wooly) knob on the end, and rests with all its wings erect, it is a butterfly, and if it rusts wub two or all ol its wings spread out, il is a moth, and these usually fly at night. They vary in sine, fnnn very minute lo large insects wilb six or even nine inches spmul of wing. Rome moths are culled millers, aud somu peo pie give the name miller to all mollis that are nut showy. It will he seen that tbe name moth has a wide appli cation. In spcuking ot tho clothes moth, it has become to bo culled simply moth. Il is it cutoi pillar which, feed ing upon clothing, doe tbo niiscbiuf. II eats the wool ot the cioui. ami at tbo same time uses some of it to build the cane, which it sturta atxin after il in hutched Irom the egg, and enlarge it, as in growing it needa mure room. This cusu. which is open at botb ends, Ibe caterpillar line with a very soil wub, and il is curried about with it wherever il goes in tH-urch of haul, ll is this caterpillar then, which is gen erally culled the moth. Thu caterpil lar is about hull an mru long, ami uluuit thu sire of a darning needle, white, with a borti culored bead, and has sixteen teet. When full grown, it change to a chrysalis, and al length comes out an the perfect insect, or mot h proper, aud which I ollcn culled the ninth-miller. This is a very delicate little insect, with a sprcud of wings ot only about bull' an inch, uf a huff color. shilling like silk, and nils aisuit very quietly in suan h of a pluce lo lay eggs. lha! will breed moths and miseiiiei. So fur as our clothe are concerned, the lurge "miller" do no barm. Thu moths muke theirappeurancein spring, usually in May, and as several bnssls aro produced during tbu season, there in duuger from them until cold weuth erenines. Tho-e thul are then in their little cases in the clothing, remain dor mant all winter, and come out us ninths tho next spring; thin answers minor rtymndetit'n 2nd and 3d qnestiuns. As to preserving articles from mollis; if the woolens are free from tbe insect in the egg or caterpillar form when put away, aud are kept all an miner in a case or package which is so thor oughly tight that thu parent muilicun not get in to hiv her eggs, or it eggs should be laid on thu outsitlu, there is nocraok or pin-hula lurge enuugh for tbo tmv caterpillar to get thniugli then the clothing will Ins perlectly sate. Bag uf paper, quite free frum holes, will keep tho arlicles. Or they may be Ml led up in successive papers, each one being carefully pasted down. A tight box, with every joint and crack made doubly ure by pasting strips uf paper over them, Is used hy some. Others use an empty liquor bar rel ; the articles being paced in this, it is headed nn tighllv. the recutita bio. whatever it may be, ia pmperly ligbt. no camphor or other aromatic needed ; these article aro disagreeable to tbo parent moth, and keep her away, and some ol thorn will kill the young caterpillar. Camphor, benzine, curboliu acid, and other strong smell ing things, and various secret prcpsra tions are used. American Agriculturist. TURXtPS FOR STOCK. tin generally conceded that farm stock require umo green euuculent fimd in winter in addition to Hry tor- age, in onlor to keen them healthy Carrots aud heel are usually consider ed moru nutritious than turnips, but thev cost much more to raise, and do not succeed in all kind of soils or ovur o wide a range of country a tho sev oral variolic ol turnip. Tbo section or gniupof sorUtknuwii under tbo gen- eral head of rululiugiis are perhaps a little richer than the lale or "rial lur- mps," as they aro usually called ; still, Iho latter grow so Ireeiy and mature so quickly, ihut farmer usually prefer I he in tu any other variety, ami liiey can also be sow n upon lundlrom which noniu early crop bus been gathered Vi heat, rye, or oat alunnia may no turned under soon after harvest, and if tbu land is not rich a slight ton dress ing uf manuru is advisable, alter which turnips inuy he sown broadcast ami a giMnl crop secured. It is now lime to prepare land tor a crop ol run turnip, and we will venture lo suy I hero is not a liirmer in the country who has not, at this moment, plenty ol land upon which a supply ol ihene vaiuanio nsits may tu) gniw-n tu-Mro too gnuinn f'reeae in tho Pull. Me will also veil lure lo say that Ida eattlu next winter will bu mudu moru coiulorlaniu, and come out in tbo spring in heller con dition if given all tbu turnips ibey will eat, than if they had few or mine. The oxponso of raising the late sorts is more nothing nuvouu inu coat, oi Har vesting and storing. The lam' should bu plowed thin month, and if very pmir should receive a light tup-ilrensing ol sumo kind of ferliliaer, which needs only lo bo harrowed iu and not cover ed deeply. By tho hut of July or the first ol August, givo ine latin ihuiu-i thorough harmwing, and then sow the seed and burrow in. Tbo seed ahould bo sown rather thinly, or the plants will bo crowded und tbo tiirnisj lesa in siae. Ouo pound of seeil is an abuiiiluncu for an aero, ciaiting al most one dollar, ami the yield on got) soils frequently amounts lo three or four hundred bushel. Of course when sown broad cast, no niter culture Is given or requir ed unions tbo land i more than ordi narily 111111 and full ol noxious weeds ; und in such casus it il best lo give It, hulur Bowing or al the lime, a lop- dressing ol live or aix bushels of salt per aero. This will act aa a terminer to lb turnips, and check the growth. if somu ul Iho more tender kiiiiisoi weeds. VARICTIM. The lata turnips are u.viiled into two classeatho white and yellow floshud ort. Ouo of Iho most pnihflc of the former Is the long while or cow hor.1, which gmw more like a man gel beet than the ordinary variolic of the turnip. It i an excellent variety, gmwa quickly to a good ie, and standa ball' out of the ground. Th flush Is whit and fine grained, and il is a good keejier when klored In a cool place. Hud top, atran leaved, while globe, and early eoowball, 'art ktl )- It). cedent white flenhmt sorts, but the gen oral luTorilc are li.und among tbe YELLOW FLtsIl TURNIP. Whether they aro rcully richer or contain more nutritious pmpernes iliuii the white fleshed, wo will not pretend to lay j but we know that, a a rt;V, they are more aohd, citsier preserved, und better keepers. Our preli-reuce umong the dozen or more w ell known yellow flesh vurielies is liobiiisuli's golden hull. It Is unsurpassed lor richness, and grows quickly, funning a round, smooth bulb. The skin ia ol u bright golden color, and thu flush pule cream color. We huvu kept this varit-tv tiet-fectle sound frum Ihu timo ot gathering in the Full until tho fol lowing May. The yellow Mult and large yellow glolsj are also ux'-elluitl Korin, and similar to tbe golden bull. Hut a turnip, whether ot first or second quality, will seldom bo refused by sus-k tn winter, our lurmur are fur too negligent in thin mutter of ris ing rout lor slock, ami they lose much consequence, both in health and general well-being of llu-ir aiiiinuls; und wu aro confident that one hall ol ull the disease of w hich we bear so much in lute winter and early Spring, is due to the want of un abundance ol succulent food, which could bo casil) mid cheaply furnished in the form ot luto sown turnip. Wo hope every farmer who reads this will carefully consider the sul.j. cl and act according ly. Aew iork Weekly bun. . XO SECRETS. Tbo moment a girl has a secret from her mother, r ba received a letter she dure not let her mother revl, or lias a friend of whom her mother does not know, she is in danger. A secret in not good (or a girl to have. Ihc fewer neerela that liu in the heart ul women, at any age, tbu belter. She who ha none of her own ia lu-st and hnppient. In girlhood, bide nothing Irom your mother, do nothing, that it discovered hy your lather, would muku you blush. Huvu no mysteries what ever. Tell those who are about you w hero yon gu and what you do. Those w ho have the right to know, 1 mean, ot course. A liitlu sccretivelicss bus set inu fry a scandal snout; and much as is suid uhout wtuueti who tell loo much, they aro much better off tbun women who tell too little. A man may be reticent and liu under no sus picion ; not so a woman. The girl who frankly says to her mother: "1 have been there. I met sound-no. Such and such remarks wore made, and this aud that wan done," will bu certain of receiving good advice and sympathy. If nil was right no limit will be liiuinl. ll tho mother knows out (if her gn-uler experience I hat sumelliing wan iniproiwr or un suitable, she will. If she is a good mother, kindly advise uguinst il repe tition. It is when uuu hers discover their girls uru hiding things from them that thev rebuke or scold. lnntH-eiit laulls are always purdoncd by a kind parent. You may not know, girl. just what in right and just, and what is wrong, yet. You can't bo blamed fiir making little mistukes; but you will nevor do anything wmng if from tue first you have no secrets Irom your mot her. White Lira. Somo slipshod mor alists insist that it is purmissublo, and, inilocd,commcndublo,to tell fibs in cases wheie the utterance of tho plain truth might give offence or pain. That this doctrine ia practically carried out in society wa all know. Persona who wish to avoid receiving unwelcome visitor without resorting to any posi tive rebuff, direct their servants tosu) thev are "not at home." "tiled to see you" ia tbo greeting with which a man of polished manner meet tho bore whoso appearance ho nigunls with horror. Invalids past hope ot recov ery aro informed by smiling friends that they are looking better evory day iiush men of business aro congratulat ed nn tbeirbnlhant prospect by those who know they ore on the vergo of ruin. In (act, never to utter disagree- iihlo truths, and to deal liberally iu agrccnhlo falsehoods, seem tn be ac coinplishment negativo and positive most indispensable to individuals who desire to be "perfectly at homo in iiolito aociety. lo aueh courteous hypocrisy wo cunmt Biibscribo. It may sometimes bo inexpedient to tell the truth, but never necessary lo in vent a lalsehood lor tho sake ol cour tesy. Infinite hurm i dune hy wbul uru called "while lie." In nine canes mil of ten, tho plain truth, kindly spoken, i beneflciul to those who seek counsel, advice, or any kind of infor mation or aid. I n no case is falsehood, however well intended, justifiable. When it is deemed unwiso to speuk the truth, my not'j'iig. M vst f.riou Case. A correspondent to tho Heading Emjtc gives a slarlling account of a very singular phenome non w itnessed by a young girl residing llireu miles over ihu lull frum Kphruta. Dm. Buck and Jerome n.pori the fuels. She is the daughter ot J'.dward llyal and is iu her llurteeiith year. Cp to within two weeks ugo she uppcurcd very Inutility, lint recently a strange und serious ullcclioii has seiled iisin her. Shu bus gradually ine reused in sir.e to nn enoi-mous extent, r nun her leet to her heud her limbs aro swollen, and she appear nearly twice as heavy as she was two weeks ago when the lin t is alio is lunch lighter. Her skin is drawn very tightly over her flesh, and it more roaouihlos an inflated bind der than anything cine. Tho poor child suffers little pain, but she is deep ly mortified ut her ales king uppour unco. None of her dollies fit her, and she says she feels a light as a. feather. An experiment was made in a bulb tub filled with warm water, and she actually flouted likeable preserver. Uur entire body I puffed, and her checks, arm and liinlw seem swollen ready to burst. When tbe en tide is puiit'tureJ wilb a adver needle air es capes in puffs, and in this manner the skin i prevented from burstine. It Is not dmpsy. Tho patient any aha feels light enough to fly, and a the case is a mystery to Ihu physicians it is intended to luku bar lo Philadelphia for examination, Caowi. A cniw was killed recently In the orchard nl Mr. llartiric, ol I'ly nioulh, Me., and upon opening his crop moru than twenty nest of caterpillar egg were found, showing that Ibis much abused bird hud dined on annul 4,000 or 5, OUO caterpillar ogga. Tbe crow ia not only a scavenger, but very useful also in destroy ing insects and worm that prey upon umpi. Tbe damage it aomelimea dove to young corn I more than counterbalanced uy the service it render ou the lrui,-r f'rairn farmer. . '' Jjewynr' hoasu aro' hdof lool. ' built if 6a; ?bo faiiu, "v. Vha'idr Tuaiiy' J'vuia eiamy " managed the snakes, poisonous and non-siinunuiia. Our visitor arrived at Liverpool iu a lurge Imx. Intelligent waa given lo Mr. Burllett, who pro ceeded to I.ivurSHil In inspect him, a matter ot considerable difficulty. It will not do tu buy an Xieiisive siiitku uf this kind without a warranty. Snakes are very liuhle to canker in the m'.'v The gums, g-;t. wvolien and flabby, and complulely conceul Iho teeth, so that the beast cannot feed. Again, il sniikcs are injured in the cap- lure they frequently die in conseqiiencu, 1 1 was necessary to examine the snaKO a lo these two point. Having been hut up lor several month without. Usui, and in the dark, the anaconda was not iu a gisid temper. Wben tbo lid was opened, Mr. Burtlell caught him tight around the neck wilb bulb bunds: it waa not necessary to open ibu mouth, a Ibo savage snake did that stain enuugh himself, in true an ger. A moment Inspection nowca be bad no disease ot the gum. It was wilb some difficulty that Mr. Hurtlclt got bi head back into the box wiih'lflt letting out more than a I'iKii or two of bi body. X'he ancon- lu ba not poisonous toelu, but ha great and dangerous power of crush, nig. The box with tbo snake weighed over 200 pounds. It was with much ludgiug that the anaconda was eon lucled bv hi two keciiera to hia nuw quarter, where be at once retreated into abatbot wurra water, Irom which, as yet, bo bas only emerged once or twice. Il is difficult to give the exact length of tbe snake, as lie ia not to be measured with as much facility aa a lutbom of rope. He is now lying in throe parallel fold in hia balh ; we kaow the length of tbe bath, and we culuiilalo bis length to bo betwejn 18 and 20 feet a tremendous fellow. It was impossible to get a tape measure umund him; but having measured his diameter in his thickest part, we con clude thai bo is over two feet round the body. At present bo i thin, and Ins skin tils him very loosely, it la Imped that bu will mm begin to feed. Mr. Burllett, with his usuul ingeimit), has found out how to make Mr. Ana eoiula Iced. He covers his hath over ut night, and puts therein with the snake a duck. Tbe duck is alwavi gone in tbo morning, and the anuke appears fatter. Anaconda is decidedly nocturnal and aqnatiu In his hauils. I.iko our own British suuku.il is finii.d in marshy, dump places, and ho teed upon aniinul which come down to did k ul night. Mr. Hurl let ban ascertained thul tho lust nu-ul of tbia make had insisted ol a young pet-cary.lhe horny pari of the htsila having been discover- d in the stone ul the iMitlom ol tne cage; there aro also baira ol anot ner animal which has to be diagonosed hy nilcroncnpist. 1 bis tropical American snake is also called lho aboma. The provincial tiuino is tl truga venado, or the deer swallower. Ho never inter fere with men, although, of course, ho will lake his own part if attacked. It is greatly to bo bulled that this mag niliceiit snuke w ill in time get an ap petite and recover from the travel worn appearance. Ilia color may be described a buff, with very dark markings on tbo upper part. Hia companion in the cage is a magnifi cently reticulated python (t7utr mica,) caught at Pciiuug. Ho bas been at the ganluna since August, 1876, and has nut eaten anything sincu he arriv ed. He shed bis skin on Sunday, Feb ruary 25, and ia now most lovely to behold. It would bo impossible to de scribe tbo tint of tbo new akin (a splendid lucing of bronze, bluo, gold and black) except by saying that they are quite as gorgeous a tho peacock a plumage." Where Honey Kall from Heaven. A California paver say : " In con versation with A. J. Dufur, not long since, bo informed us that be bad come across a strip of country three mile wide, stretching southwest from the Willumetle river, neur Oregon City, to tbo Cascade Mountain, which i a. natural honey producing district. In the foot-hills of tbo mountains tho honoy-dew, which ia peculiar to tbia district within tbe boundaries it covers, fulls so heavily as to incrnst tbe foliage. Throughout this bolt of country beca aro beltui off than boo in clover, lor they literally scrape up tho rcady-mudo honey, and, alter filling their hives, build and fill combs on tbo outside. Mr. Duliir says that bo aaw eight pounds of honey tuken from tbe under side of a polo stretched acroaa a lenco. It would bo a very interesting region for naturalists lo investigate, especially as no satisfactory aolution of (be phe nomenon ha ever yet been reached, and this especial locality seems to de velop the so called honey-dew yearly in ruinarkuble quantities." A Monkey' Katai. Curiosity. The . soldier al the U. 8 Arsenal at Som nterville, Ua., had, until recently, a pet monkey, tbe "viinniiigest" Darwinian that over lull the African tiirost. Jocko wits ordinarily a guod monkey, but liku too many of bis biped cniilcinpora l ies, bu Hisscsucd a greal limit. Jocko wus tormented hy curiosity, and alas I it finally brought him loan untimely grave. Kor some lime Jocko ha buen in Ibu habit ol watching the artillery men as they fired the morning and wooniti atuii, and flnnlly tuai-amo im. lined wilb un ardent desire to be a ' soger buy." A lew duy ago bo slyly approached thu piece, which is used for firing the salute, and jerked the lanyard. . To thu amateur artillerist' surprise and disappointment tbe canon didn't fire. He immediately darted to the mouth lo see what was ibe matter, when tbo piece suddenly went off, and to did Jocko all his aspiration and bis limbs blown to the winds. Ilia re main were literally strewn over lb sward. Small Mean Tbe noworol mon ey is on the whole overestimated. The greatest thing which wera done lor the world have not been accomplished by rich men, or by subscription list, but by men generally of small pecuni ary means. The greatest thinkers, discoverers, inventors and artist bav been men ol moderate wealth, many ol them little raised above tbe condi tion of manual labors, in point of world.y circumstance. And it will always be so. Kicbes are oftenor an impediment than a stimulus 10 action; and in many case they are quite aa much a misuirtuno as a blessing. Tha youth who inherita wealth i apt to hare life mndo too ar for him, and so gro'vs sated with it, because he has nothing left to deaire. Having no sieeiul object to struggle lor, he find lime too heavy on hi banda; remain mentally and morally asleep; and bia position in aociety ia olton no higher than that of a poly pu over wbioh th tide fliatt. The aeed of annflowera is tbe most healthy feed thai can be given to horaes in winter and spring ; half pint a day keep them in health and spirited, with sleek coal, and mora animated than any other feed. It pre vent heaves aod aota other omnia, I Mm cLiAiriaiai n. OaaaalaM, Fa, Oat, M.TI-lr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers