Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 04, 1877, Image 1
: i y TUB "CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN," OOODl.ANPEH & I.I2E, rLKtHrlKLI). HA I HI I It II I J II1 Hi. UrtfoMt t'lrrulmiMtt ..I auy Newspaper l. J..rh Onfral Prhnayl.aNta. ,,l,t in ..tvanse. .1. aittna 4 ta.ialtla... tt IHI ,. I 4M1H .ml u..l,th. 11 All (' ". nttiiratiui it uwaiba.. a INI Rates ot Advertising, rnaiant ivrttimnri, pur xjunr nf lit linor rPt. tiinf- .it in. .... f Mi -'.ir i. uheqntnl inMrtion M ttmtnlptnenr' nl KiMiitrtr' ft'tla t 60 ultlur' Qot)f. ,. J ftH nii'l'm unit Koravi I ft It IMmioliilitin n illicit S fW ProfiPiinn' rani, ft llnnp or 1e,1 jfr, ft M 'el nt .. pr Mn. :.:T ' VKAKI.V A HVKBTISKMKNT8. - nquftri ff) fill I 1 eolnoiDM $h Wt ! iiiaftra,H 1ft 0 I ooIihhbm 7A OA ' qui.rBP.,. ..?" ' I nnlumn., ..... 13" fl. H. finoM'ANDEK NKL B. 1.KK, iiMUhfrf, tfards. WM N. UflCDLl.ot OR. rHKO. BI CK Mdll M'K.H & BUCK. ATTO li X E YS-A T-L A W , I'learneM. p. All lia.l huinrpp ,irinptl attrB'M tn OSot on SienB'l itrct. to tbe MbmubIo hulidiB(. jMu.'Tr w7b. ARNOLD, LAW A COLLKCTION OFFICE. ' rfkWg.VHVii.i.E, a2 rii-arfleH Coubij, Pena'a. T4) TN'IH. Ml RHAT. CTHUII B'-SISlB MURRAY & CORDON, ATTO UN E Y 8 AT LAW, 1'I.KArlFIKI.U, PA. ar offloc is I'le'. Upi-ra lltiuaa. tNoud floor. V:SH'T F RAN K FIELD I NG, A T I O II N E Y - A I' - L A V , tlearttrld. Pa. Will aliani! lo all buaiaaa. aalraai.,1 t Bilfc iinuiptl aud laittifull). so.U'71 a. 'Li..i,B B.inaT r. w.llacb. PAVII) L at II KM. JOHN W. WKIOLHYi WALLACE 4. KREBS, (8uNMCn tu WnlUor 4 tiflitiBtf,! ATTORN BYS-AT-L A W, 11-1273 Cletrtttild, 10 IP B. omul v. m crmn, McENALLY & McCURDY, A I l'OKNKYS-A'1-I.A Wt ClearUeld. fs. Letftl hui tuea teri'led tu iriiiuitl vnthj nlHiljr. Offlite oa oonl treri, hop h ptrxl ViiliuDiit Unk Jnrl:7 gTIbaIett, TTORN.V ANI (NiUNHKLOK AT LAW, CLKAKFtEI.D. FA. IUrin rinei bit Juii(hii, it rmutnl hi jimoiiw of ihit lw io biiuld offler at Clea 11-1, P. Will lt)od thrnourt ul JolTprvoo and Kill onuntlM bn (jeDinlljr ieiioeil to minocction ilh reiiitcnt oouoncl. t A 4:72 A. G. KRAMER, A T T O It S E Y - A T - L A W Ktl B.tNt.) ml Ciillsrtliia AKFnt, Cl.bAHKIKI.I). PA.. Will promptly attrod to all kyal bulinaai m lrall to hi. eara. ffa-llffl. la Pi'l 0.ra 1I"0'. Jol'Tt A. WTVVAL f E R 3 , A'lToUN KY AT LAW. I'lrarrlrld. Pa. Offl.'f in OrubMiu'. Row. dee.f I. H. W. SMITH, A TTO It N E Y- A T-L A W . H:l:7.1 I'lrardeld. Pa. " W ALT E R B A R RETT, attiiknky at law I leal Arid. Pa. pB-Klhot IB Old r.m llultl Bull llBa ru.r ar naauad an I Markat Kta. iB-.tXI.n. iRATLTESfT A I TuHN K Y A T LAW tlearBeHI. Pa. ' 4rataa IB thv Taurl Hnaa. D7II ,p? JOHN H. FULFORD, A I'ToKN KY T La. Icartlcld, Pa. gtf Ohm uu Ualkvt airval, opp. Cnart Uottlt, n. , IP)I4. OIH NLT c u tt le7 """ A I' I'oKNKY AT LAW id Men l : Aajvul, ClearHeld. Pa. Olbrv dd Tbird irt. bai.l'horrj A WaJnul. jtKvppMlfullj offcrp hl rvicaii ta alltng nt ntijinK iaalt in 0.rfitlii nd 4J.d.ik ; antl miit an ipvriaaai oi vr tut? .or 4 turvjrir. flNltvrp bin.!.! tbai b eaa nil t 'tittuftrUon. (fb IH '8;tl 1. BLAKE WALTERS, liKAl. ESTATE UlioKEU. M I02(m mid Lnnihor. UI.K4KPIKI.ll. I'A 111 Irahain'i K-.a. 1:3.1:71 J. J. LfNGLE, 1 I I D l X K Y - A T -LA W Otorniia, i.'iarttl) i'u,. Pa jr:.. J. S. 3 AftNHART, AtlUKNK. AT LAW, lit-Itehmte, Pa pri'Ii(ir lit CliKrRpltl Mid lltj Ibr Court nf hi 2aiih Juilti'iit- tholrici. Real etttitf himiW' inl ml lnl niti ot nlitiuip mwitr piwtlltei. ol'll DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN it 8 U It H K O N , Ll TUKKUIIHll. PA. Will atti-Rd protaaaioaal ealla BHiBiptl;. anttM'70 DR. T. J. BOYER, PHYSICIAN ANDsUKUfUN oaoa ob Markm Dtroat, Claariald. Fa. MrUDoo kuarai I Hi II a. ai , and I 10 I p. a.. D II E. M. SUUEURER, IIOMiKOI'ATHIC PHYSICIAN. Uffiaa iB wldi-Bva oa Markal at. April 14. IH71. CI-arBi-ld I'a DR. J. P. BURCH FIELD, Uu HurMoa of thr a.ld HImbi. Fvanijlvanfa VolaaMtr. bala rttaratd frn lb Arajt. Ifar bU prnfaiiioeai MrftM t tbtalllitH tf Claarfttldfoaatjr. Ofta ua dMiiad mraai. forrlorpd b Dr.Woodi. lpr4,M.u DR. H. B. VAN VALZAH, CI.BAHPII..I.I). PI-;NN'A. OFFICE IN MASOMCBUII.DIXCi Olioa knurl- Frooi II In V- M. Ma; 17, l7t. V I l.l.I AM M IIEXKY. Juhtici: IT .in. Pa.xa hSiirra. LI'MhKH CITY. Collaatmna !' and ai..i proiapil raid Arlialaa nf afraaroanl and drad a I ..a.a.aaoa aaallv otarata.1 and warraalad anr rrai nr a., aharva. Ml? T JAMES H. LYTLE, In kraiirr'o nulidlnf. I laaittrld. Pa. Ilaalar In llroorilaa, Pmalllona, Vaaulloa, Pmlta, Kl. ar, land. , rta. aarH'Tl.lf UAHItY SXYDEIt. UAH BKK AND HAIRURKfiKKH Rbup ..a Markal 11.. opp.lta i'iinU HialH. A tnraa towel fin tvarr ao.tiitarr. A m ajana aelB'ar af All Klada of ArtM-laa In llaaaan Hair. C. .i,. p,, a.j Iw, 7a. D. M. DOHEETY, FAMIlnNAULK HAkimk UAIK Llllt.aVt.k CLKAUFIKI.H, I'A. Rh.a la ronla fmaiarll aeaapiid I7 Kaugla Markal .Irral. Jal II.JM. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jualloa ol tha Paaoa and horitoarr, t arwcri.rllla. Pa. ta.Callaolloaa laado and a.ia.1 proaiptl) N ...... ratitl'llll JAMES MITCHELL, Balkan fum1 Tirabor & Timber Lunds, wi'7i oLunriiLD, pa. 1 wnin i liT" snwijT-iiTOrlraiija :-iv. -. 1- : ." : 1 CLEARFIELD VOL. 5I-WII0LE NO. RICHARD HUGHES, Jl'BTICK OF THR PKACK . Vrralur Townkhip, ntemla Mill. P. 0. II official huailiO'. aiitra.lad tu hin wi'l br prnninllj allrndail t, InrliVV, l. FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KUCHA NT. frciirtivllle. I luarflrld i'..unl. Pa Keepf eon plant I jr oo band m full aji-nrttiiKni llry UoodB, (Urdwarc, (.riH-erirn, und pvnrythtn aftually brpt la a rtatl torn, which will In- nul, for eauh, m$ obsup an vUnmlmrr ti tli mmuty rrDebvtlti, Junr 17. I7 Ij THOMAS H. FORCE E, DRALRH IN ii KN KH A L MUM'HANIHSK iHU MTiN. Pa. Alaa. i twin i p uiaiiMtfaM'iuri.r anil timet in iUNr Timber and. Sawed Lauibtrut all hind. ISOrdrrt unHeltfd and all hill ronpih tlllad. iyitU REUBEN HACKMAN, Housa and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, 4 learttvld. Peuii'a ttr Will aitM'iitc John in hi lini-jirniiijitU anil lu a workmanlike n ri.fl G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAK KH, NEAR rLKAhFIKUi. PKNN'A jPtf I'umi'f bIwm.ti un hand and made lo -rdf tn ih urt nntira. I'lpan ttwrttl on reaaitmbU trrin All work warranted lo nndr al tJartion. mimI dalttarad ifdenrt-d tn)2&:lyd E. A. BIGLER & CO., SQUARE TIMBER, and aiaoularturtr. uf II I. kIKDHIII' HAW I-.II I.!IIIII;H. '7'71 Cl.h'UtPIKI.b. PliNN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer la Real Estate, Square Timber, Eoards, BIIINIILKK, LATH. A I'K'KKTd, 11:107.1 t'lrarllel.l, Pa, WARREN THORN, HOOT AND M10K MAKKIi, Market M.. ( Irarllvld, Pa. la iha shop la'alT OFcolel hy Piank Sbori, one dotir w,l of Allrghatiy llouo. ASHLEY THORN, AKCHITKCT, UIINTKAC'IOK ai.d UlILIlKH Plana and rIp.-eifieatinn.furni.he.l for all kin.l. of buil.lioaa All aurk Uial tlaa.. Stair bail i iiK a a.erllij. V. O addreaa, Clrarnrld, Pa. Jan.l7 77tl. R. M. NEIMAN, SADDLE and HAENESS MAKER, Humbarer. Clearfield Co., Pa. Karpaon band all kind' or Harneai. 8nd'lk', llridlcr, and Hurt FurBithiug linudi. Itfj.airiug nt.ti) altabdi'd to. I.uiul)agvr, Jan. 1", 1977-tf JOHN A. KTAIUER, HAhKH. Mmkat Clt-a'fli ldt I'a. Frenb Urrad, Kupk, Holla. Fira aud Cakcp 'a haud or niadi- tw older. A nenvrNl af-urtniciii il ( oiilpciioonrir, Ki uii anil ul in ttoi-k. Ic I rt-aat tud Oypipr ii prnron, S: tu t narl -i(iiiit hv l'oiii&ica. 1'nev n.odt r'i. Mareb lO-'Ti. J. U. M'MUllKAY WILL fl'l'l LY YUI WITH ANY a K I Ink OK MkKCHA.MIISK AT I' 1 1 K YKIlY LOW KMT PHIL'K. COM K AND 8KK. I:i:7a.i NEW WASHINGTON. M AH II I K ANI HUH: !H. Mr a. h. . 1 1., Having anjtacad a 'br Mitroli- liUfininii, iltiaiiw u iDtorin bar Inaudi and ibi- (loltlir that hr bar now and will ktm oiniHlaiiilt u butx. a large aim wall attlmtml ittwk ol llAMAft AM liHMrl MARKLK. and I rf.aml ( lurniKh to nnl( nJMfl.X4'N MnA AM KAUI.h lUAllih. MOM MkNI.-, do. auVard on Htd treel, mar thr It. K lleinil, Ulfwrlald. Pa. J. H.7B Ijlvvrj iStahlo. I'HK underaiKticd tH$ Ivave to mtorta the pub lie that he ir now fuJJv triiar-' to avoouiiun- iatp all in the way id fnrniitiiiiK H .., Ituiciei, Haddlep and llarneat, on the ihorteai nottoe and an reasonable terma. netidentw on locual iilreei, between Third and Fourth. i OH). W. ORAItMART. lUarfleld FpK. 4. 174 WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. At the end ut the m w bridge, VKfT rLKAKFIM.U, PA, Thr proirietor of ihia tfiahlhliin at will nut bin liquor direei from alitillen l'-riie naUng iroM thif house will )a eure lo fi t a' article al a 111111 margin ahiife awl. Motel hurper eun a tnrntphed with liqnon on r-anali a teruin. fare widm and bramliet direel I rum Pi'tley'i Vinery, at Ilalh, Nw Yrk UbURiiK N. COI.IU UN. Clearfield. June IK, I "75 if. 8. I. SNYDER, IS PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ii!i ulvhv, Cliiika uiid Ji'Wt lry, Qrmkmm't Hnw, ifm.ktl StrH, ( I KAItKII I l. PA. All kind of repairing la mw line nn-tvptf. at mded to. April 28. 1174. KOV !H'H IKAT MiHKIX The atid' would fetiect fiil'T Inform ike puMio iht b h- a MKAT MARK KT al tbe old Hand on Mark el Hreel. where be will keri re lain rl oa hand all kind of F-R-E-S-ll M-IA-'I, and will guarantee tlafarttin io priera af Weli a ibeuuaiily nf naa of red. Clearftetd. hoVaUlt-fl. K2.UA BROWN. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUHAUK IIIIMK I.Ni'USTHY 1'IIK under-lgned. barltig eMahli-b- l a Nnr aer on ie Ptke, aloul hall way )elne a Clea field and t'urweneille, ta preoared in lar Blih all ktndp f FKI IT TMKK.i. (.lamlard anl darf.) Kn r(rerni, fthmhiwry, llrajt- Vn.ex, lliMetierry, Lnwinn Rlai-k ferry, Stra wherry, and Mafpbarry Vinea. A . tStb. rliiu i'rat. Tni-, Qainea, and early aearlel Hhuiierh, Ao. Ordera proniitly alien Ji-d to. Addre", K J. U WMIUHT. aep2D 4'Brwrn'illle, I'a. ANDREW HARWICK, Market I-trret, CltarUtld. Pi., am 'ACTi'itt a aP t'BAi.aa ia MAHKKF8, hADDI F.K, HltlDLKf, COLL A MB, and all kind' nf tiOftSK FVtfXtttHiAO QOOtiS. A full rtoek of raddler' Hnrlware, Hrcir, .!, lllaflHat-. H-el, alwa.f an hand and lor pale al (be Inwert eain priet f. All kind l r airing prompih ' tended tn. AM kmdr- l hidee taken la tirha ge f.r bar i.rtfafd liig All kindtof heme. I. ather ept n band, and for inle l a tmall pr-fit Drarllell Jen. IV, 17 JOHN H. FULFORD, 0 AKHAL ISfiVKAAVt AtfAAr, CltarHeld. Pern.. Rei.reenn all the teadlng Fife laearanae renipaaire of the rauntry t lueen H'iyat ( anadian .... Huaia, New York I.teowitng. Muieyt P, Franklin, Pbilad a Pba?ntt, Hartford lUnovrr, New York,. lloae, Col , 0. Atlar, Hartford rmldeaea, Waehlngiop ..lin.Orn.fftt 6."6fl titw .. fc.TM.JM .. I Jin., a id ., i,K.',m'2 6rA Alt Ferenai abonl ftlag an lararane an prop erly of atty kind, iboald call at ajy bAm, ra Markrt atreH.appoaita tha Ooart IIoum, and aaa nj tirt f MBaalff and relet before lnring. ' 1 JOHN II. Fl'LFORU, Claarfal., Pa-, Oai, V, n ip '2.515. "PASS UNDER THE flOD." I. I mw a rr!fl, in l.rr lHuty tad pride, H tit oh id Id h' r fB'.w,y anav ) And 'Ae i,f tf(hi llu'fa tifj.y uiantled li iff b on her cheek, And iha future lonkrd IdooHiing and gav An l, wtib wuiuiiu' deotiin, rliu laid bar fond hi'Nrl, On the rlnliie nf id atronn lovt And ehw aiivlimad Inr Lopn lu itii pcrfbiDg uirlh Ih l lie ih In which Wr tvndtrnera wovn. Put I pa wh-it ifaiw h urt rlriiig- were lilffdirij; and l urn, Ai il ih rltiiin hud lu-rn Pevvrud in two : I ml rh.ii j;i il btr a I it- mlw lor Hie l-lc of Itruf, Ai d h-1 l.'ooiti foe die piUn m of wor Lul i be lea'tr aaa iLvn, t.uoiliii buhu ua liur n art. Ai d willing llie trurp fn m hv eyen : And be li i nhihi li e i bain lie l.d Uvk u in ittniu, nd np n d it flnii io tlx ettirp. Tbi ie lii.ft wlnr-j.i red a vuu-e, i'ia- the v-.v of ti. r i.n4), " 1 lot t tlit t p I luvf thw , pan uinlei tlte rod I " II. I nw a nur.g unit her with leml. rner. b-r.d O'er llieoou.ih ul r utub-riU)( Itoy ; And clu' lawn. dt lipi a they muiimirid II- r liMUie. W b le the ilre.inier lav einillt.i lu jov 0I ! rWt-i I aa Hut ni'tj -u l euiiiroiuU mta dew w ben li V Implant;! m flung on itit air. .o lnb and eo m.r to ti e Uiotbcr he wi lued, Ai he lay iu lita luiio - tuere t'ui 1 iih wtii-u rhu gia d uu tbi mine lovely ('io, I'alt- bp uiMil-Ie, and rilem ai.d c-ll, ltu i a er mi d cooti i lit" tn'iiuti ul Imv, Aui ibn lalu ul bur .rtow was told. Iiut i In- bealvr w.p (livre, wim h4'l putitlu b r liciiri, A ml full i ii her tiea-ure awny ; TxBiluu' brr iu Hi'HVtin, to Iia )iauuJ it ou liih ; Ani lliv luour i-r Win nntvt.y vny. 1 1n le had ih-i iu 4 vu ce, '(w 4 (bo voi ul tier (and , ' I luti- llit 1 lite tbee, pare under the rod ! ' 1 III ' I mw when a lailu r au t luiXi rr lind K-itne l. Oti the a run o( deir, oiiun- hd mn j I Aidib-i ur iu ibo luture giew i-rikjlit tn l lie ir I Aa ilif eaw Ihu .rud pltff ho ha 1 won . And ti e liui c- tiling tuiiii.t ..I Mi prmnipe I fitl, i And it- puliiwt gn w u.i.uth to liieir leot t Abd lliv aiarlilit ul low kIhuuiwiv t britii at the end. ' A nd ti e whippi m of fiiurr were pw.'i-t Hut 1 aw when (hey toaj fe uding low u'or tli grave, V hmv lli fir In ait V di nn et b' ) lial Wen laid, Ami llie inr 1)hU gm; dn.o tu ibu d irkiiesx ui mglil, And Jnj I turn ttieir tmeoiti hd dud Hut Ibe heult-r wai Ilierv, od In a mi warv a-out d, And be led thi:uj with tnd'l't ore Aid he elii'Wid ibciu tlar iu tbui bright uj jier worhl ('l aan li.eir ptur), hrilliaul ly llierf 111')' bail em b heiiid a tutu, ('twa the voieo uf luetr Uoilj, " I lve Ibee, 1 love thee, -a- under the fi-d " GOD LEW GAMES. 44 Wine, uniiiHii tmii mum" nu tliu ri'cti'.'ni.i'.t Jailiiiu' o! mulu liiimuiiiiy I ho vorlI ovi-r. With cntiijiklo ro piioty thin liio milit Ltt inulo u quur lillo y I In nil'liliuh of ptiulilin. w Iim Ii ctitnii'tKH inoi u niinmiM IcihIi'H- it-N lltuti utl tlir nili.-r. Ii is t lie vk-o ThII ui't'S uiitl imtiitiiH. In ant'k'hl tinit'rt u man t-miM to lit II on rt pair ot' tHcti il lio wui u (i t'ci-k or Kiintun. or cull in lint tiHfiHiutifo f I'l-iiniliniy Inn tin link il' lio wan un I'.l' oiiun. Bui i.HM.t m infiiuitv Iiuh liiiLfcIv ul'l- cl t llie list ol' anii'i a rn J iluvii t.- Uy whit h iimmh'V eun tliMiin hunim with ill t 4 liivt'tiiii mteiVKl litrt'ither Inner or w itiiH-r. "I'lie tttmMrr of l tiny nail even iitfui'tl lo lnt'lt la k with u him i If of piiv on ilia tiiiu'i of ilio 4nier- ry inonui-eli," when KinluIer uml BnekinliHin Niulil nmelly hy u t'tihiru IhtiiiHinu (mmiimIh on the. re km It of ti rait) helweeii two Kimilr ; for nro we not u reat ieOile. iimnetiHt ly oetler than an elu'e ui-NioiiMn, utnl are we not llie world's un I liuriiicet on poher, I'oih dmw and Hirailil, und moiile, lii'lli Mexii an ami Sutni-lt, und tutu the tiitl ? l'okp an 1 ho mitioiwil rntne lias even uhfidi.i'd ihy iihihu ol poetry in llie person of noine enthiihi antic iihkiinwn, who prohahly held fourh" and cetelnuted ' hi lui k in Verne, lit re if the effiinion : There It a 'printed game which I e mmonly p'a rd, Aimmg men 'tip a am m u line ne . W hire pHiiefet1, and roolnrpp, and thill art di ,.laod. And th rc'i butnMn mlngM with fun. It jmker; where ohanee ii nt pl n' a'ont I rur rhanrei are tlwitya the a-tini') : But when anhtlety, ke-nnei and iicaiin-M ab'Wn. Render it Ihu American gnne. Yob are wml, li mty be, but the ftflfwlli, i-laclJ fae. no talc t'ui of conflili'tit lren'lh, And the mun who hdd heat an unvarjin ioe. Wina lh luOtrept ballle at h-ngth. RrtriillrPl und rrpnliite, imillng'T onl l, Watching all with t? ye ot a If m t riiinipeteiitoned, and p'a"iOl. wnd niUntiy bold, Courage aim wttem aucurity ilirinki. 'TIp a gntne where, iron will hid d flana to look ; U here llie ebanee tliat ! lark ing you make f Whi re loriune mm" fuiluw re p1 iiivo o plm'k, And itcBuint'in rirrl'-p the naKe. Such n roiiirit ! Iift Iron ,,,a ' will win gj!d : W hist aid a bre aie vrpit. end tame, And in ikT alne i a rlu.ile hold, 'Til the only Ainerlean game. Ainon ihu einiiiehl pulriotH who have uortintutl in t r) mr tu et (d and poker into the ( oiiHilntion, (leiifial Seheiiek pnhalil) nhinei pre Vlnoif ul. In additinii W playing eoimiftenlly all hit I lie, he I tlie auih'M' ot u iieul lilile hiothure "iidopled hy the nuhiln," ami dedit uted to 11. l. II. the rMiprefile liilm ol Knlutid. lie (dim alwu) heen k to itt uh a "jood lout r," aiid the only I ut k he ever luid in hi It h- uum when he raked in $10,000 I rum Tice, tho no ler man. Aimii Wahmtoii celeh riliet uho have, oi had, the ivpnlulion ol phiyin a Milf game, are l.ainlunlel Williaiiin, ieuulor C'la lin, Chn looV produeehMir, MeUniiuld, Itiee. and )ur ey, of Aikaiihari; (.'Imrhy ('liiupi; Kerniindo Wuod, of New Vci k .Si'hulor Ituj. aid, Allison, Iner m,II, and. I h he jollied the ehun h. our own lovely L'an. Of thene. the oipM auy thai Wood und Itit wirdut e the lhO-l impUKNive inodtdi ol'deptl'l tneiit ut the ounl tulde tt in Comivm. Williiima witri ueeonitletl the lin-kirM, und Mi Duiiuld ihu inoHl ivekli. The lotiner, iodettlwan oo uniformly mie-ei-ttd as to lead hiiiiiu to rjililiuli his integrity. Hut ihu nto-t htuhalde Hiory lold of any puldie ehrirud. r Law i-X I'teKideiil (ininl. fr itM hero, uiul u protitiiitiil Calitorniiiii u ilt lelator. Said the P. (J. on a "eertTtin iktu-Iom." 'The allliredee-l giiino I vvr mw was one linle InnlU and (iiunt playid in ni (punters ul Frl Ditlhe. Oiitfii, to tlin wiith rtd 185IL We had heen phuih cut throai' niilil ahout mid nilil. I wtiH pretty well Kined,f and Utl mil in h I lell lt-hfp. Jtifl as the i(h was Imtikin I awoke, Utnl there fitt d'latiL uu I Inalla phi) in 'draw.' I ht iu was only ahuiit hull a pint lell in the hiitlle, and they were helling high for It. They had hla k and w hile hen lis lor chips, ami there Wits ahoul a quarter of a peek piled ii'mhi tho tuhlogets 85, ami tho cappers from 84 lo 85 W tell 1 aWOUU. IHU nrst. UtirilClCU my atieiilion was heuiing (tinnt say: 'flute, Ml sco you, and go a million Ik lli r." I poh M scarcely restrain my elf. 1 km lliey '.iidn't half a dollar lo bhsa iheimHlvtit with, and the whisky they w re playing for Wiin the last gil a five-gallon jug mnt m irom M'iii.i -i-i imi here tlieV welO idualider- ing nnllitmi over it. Well. I lay Hill . if" palmy dnyi, oven in lbs ext nine until Ihcy l-d M ft"t hundred Went, and thert are no auceea-Ktrs to million!, when 1 got up quietly and Hill Brigga. Charlie Burrows, Ab. Gon took fclookatthoirbandti. Oranlbadluy, Tut. Kolon, and tbe Whipple-. A pair of deucii, tnd IngtUi had tbreo A few vf th "old tiraera" liki Georo CLEARFIELD, r1 "un w who woithl get the last drink, hut my eyvn were 1m heavy and I drooped aleop on my utool. , When I awoke it wus hroiid duylighl, umKiiunl and In- gulls were ootli under Miu (uo.e, i measured the hearts and thfro were just three perks and a nuutter. Wh got the whisky, I don't know, hut uV inv opinion Grunt did. Ho had the hoiile in his hand, anyhow Another Htor: which in even yet a hadilioh on .Mississippi MeutnerH, goer. I oh k to 1 lie 'llti'-h times at lekshuig. The si e lie is laid on a packet hound 'up nver. A licorgiaii, who was tiaveling with Ins u ile und who un- loilnnulely had some reputation as an itmaleur pokerist. proposed u ganio of en tils, uml was matched ui;uiiist a stranger lo all on hoard. Ho was a tpiiet, well-dies-cd num. und had hi-eit (liken for a travch-r in seuitdi of henlth. Ho was lucky w i t li the cards hut did not propoKo playing fur stakes. Itwus I ho tieliletl (icorgiuii that propiwed it. He culled hiniKitf a champion hand ut poker, and when he lotind he hail rnt-t liia eiputl he detennitietl to 1cl the Htrangei's Kiiuncial in e tile. Ity this lime the caplain ttroppetl in utnl gave the (reorgiun to understuiid ihul his opponent was n river hluekleg. hut money was up and the play went on. while all the other passengers grouped themselves a hunt the I aide, From llie start the (ieorcian won, unlil he hail col lured over $-"0 und then it was pro posed (hy the (ieorgian) to increase the stakes. The gamhler agreed, lo ten minutes ho had his money huek. lu lieu minutes more he wa 810(1 ttln ud. 't'heu out came the amateiirV "pile," 8.1511. and lhat went the way of the rest. 1 he dcorgiao went on deck. The gamhler lit n cigar aud hegnn to count his winnings. There was a sound hehind him. He turned. A woman Mood I hero, revolver in hand. It was the loser's wife. The revolver guped right under his eyes. Tho wo man whispered "(io." Ho went, and left the money on the tahlo. She hacked hnn to tho promenade deck antl the miling. ''Jump," she said, He protested. IS he insisted ami fume closer, revolver still to the front. He ohcyed, went over tho rail, und made tor the tihore. Tho woman held a full hand and took in the pot. Another lunghahlu story ii I hut of Ihu negro wtio held lour uees, out "gave in" hefore five jacks and u re volver, leaving as his antugoui-t's spotta (tpitnrt 87 in money, his trotisw, it ting ot corn, and a mule. The game of poker is, indeed, getting to he it uni versal game. It hits gained a foulhold iimoug the Indians, und is a favorite in iu (Jhmi'Ho gnmhliog hells. Since Schctick's advent, il lodds Ms own with whie-t iu London, und is hecoming pop ular on the continent, now lhat linden linden and Ems are no more. Vei ili, great is King' I'nqmtire! I'm root hutli kinds, (lni't card" ami h'uitimnte. bus heen explained so thor - oughly lhat it would be superfluous tin itlleiopt any further description of I ho Uvhnium which imv en tbe "ibaimiiitl sun Ha siren cliurm. 1 be only lu-M lell for survey is the and birtorieal. .Although there U more swindling, there are. tiodouhl, a smaller number ol heavy games played to-day than one hundred, or even filU years ago. The eighteenth ceolury Was. wilhout doubt, the palmy age id' this style of gambling, and, espt-eiutty in England, it wuh thoroughly reputable, to tight the tiger. It w-utt a lancinat ing amusement lor even the fair sex. ami il was no term of reproach w hen Ludi.K Hamilton und Merivul , and (ho Duchess of Sul hei land were dub bed 'Faro's daughters." Col. Albert Tike emhuhned the American phase of the ame iu verso when he wrote ''the Kino Arkansas (jeiitlemun." This song was u greal fuV'Ttlo ul Washington dinner purtica ihiriy five uura ago. It begins in thin wise : Nw, all g"ol fellow, liie.i, em! a itnry t will tell, Of a ntigh'v eleier gentloman, who Uvea en r ine ly will In the weitern pirt of rkitii4ii, cl'iio to I In u diati line, H here be g t drunk onoo a week on whipby, and Itnninilla'e'y a. bur Intneif einnp'f iely on lh veiy hul of win--, A 1m Arkn Kenttriiina, t'loiu t" the Cli''4W line. Tlo'li Hie suIil' goes oil to tell of hi wealth and ho-piialiiy, and ability with firearms, lint al. ! one year ho grows a lug crop of cotton, uml (tikes it to New Orleans, Rett it, put up al seven difl'ereitl hotels, draws on his men hunt, am) has a high old time until Ilii'd diiiriluitod bii aeti. and gd rid of nil hi iti' n. Anl hud nothing lift t-t h"W f-r the in LierinK two or ihree b adncttci, on liu inoihte Ihtn and an eilreinei ic-nerl and pr-iint-en ou M-ifu-ouutioii iu thu afireaiu iew Orleam, Then he went home, forswore whis ky aud faro, und electioneered lor Pierce King, ami then went to Wash ington to get a fitl othVe, but like him I mo i Jerusalem who went to .leiii ho. he lell uniting thieves and couldn't win a het whether he coppered or not : So wtu n hi mon -ya were ell g'Mie, he took unt hip he I, And br. Hepburn do alerd h'm, an-1 the nhntn l.i riiiitd, who ha I a grett n't. o ion tir hi in. b-r arm bet I tl hip In al j And all iip Irh nda emna weuping aruand, ami bt idl'i hitn adnu, And tan or thtaf doi' ti prv ieh-rp whom he did i t knw at ail. and did 't 'ari if he didn't, rente In lr hnn ton-Tlii- M' a Aiknipa g'-nth inan, lo tbe Cb ula line. Tiny id f d hi evea, and -(.rend bi n nut all rea-l) for the iiin'. ,a I, mereit to e-aote tlfia-e'ri'i, ihet oi'eaed thi bigg-at kind of a g'u of iaro rihi l het e in mi own rn'oit ; Hut when he heinl 'be uloti. ba fljn th line i nil hn inoe, All I runif on', JUPt pre.-li I a he ine 1 lo lo Wheh be WM alif, "I'rilidle, iloi.'l 'tifO ! bold un I I g ' iwent on Ihu king an I top per ui) llie a !' Toil fine Arkuniit geiit'enta i, Cloae to iha t h id lm. Next lo Chicago, Virginia City is (he puiadiseof lato, Recently (ibeiv are probably more how) ibeio were sixteen licensed hunks iu that eilv and four iu (tuld 11 ill, and tho gem ml an thorny tm the game wus a man who had dealt tul'onl ( .'rub Orchitrd Sm ins Ky., when Jidiu Moiguu. the lamou Conlederaie leader, won KOilUtdlu fluke uf titty cents. The rule of the buiika in Virginia 'o difl'eis lighil from lhat observed in ('lib ago. At Ihe former plact four dealers are ulway emplotetl. Two come on dntt. ut 0 A. M. and uork tdl 7 p. M. Then tin others work till Ihu game clof- s at H P.M. One dealer Is on tho liNiktuil and one iu ihu chuir. Their sulury.i 87 50 tat h, per day. In fuse keepe imi ll. Iliuunun'ii i" mvnn mu i'uhh n expensei are 8270 per quuiier litr lit ense, from 8-00 to 8L'50 u month lor rent, und thu playeiV fmr bills, Home hanks, however, win from 830 000 to 8')0,000 per year, whilo olio rs have a run ol bard luck anu como oat neumo- J ho hitler, though, li not olteu the cam. N evert heleewt, thu game ban leeii 1 imftUgVEft, fJ.QI MEN. rTfiur ii-n , in,, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, IS77. I)uvol, Ihul I i yit n aml't.'iinaila Bill yet remain, hut limy have "ehunged oil" since tlieii uM purd.-, Wudth ll, ol .mi. isville.und Cheat Nu-hviile,d u-d, and are now engaged in pi ker and uiith'tQ "on'.hevtt tttvvtaers utnl west ern trains. AlmoHt every tnio ktmwi: soiiu-thing ahout the lisltid three t urd iimlilr, hul Spuiiii-h intiiite is iilme-t exehtivi-ly a "iiitrger" game, and is ery popuhtr in liiilltmoro and Waliiii(,'nn uml Saw Yuik. Astnttny play il as can nil uroimtl the lui io. It iYuiri un pailiiersj one man deals and tho rest Let. The dealer throws out nil the eights and nines and tens. 'Mini havis foriv curds in llto pack. Then two furds are deiilt off the holtont; niy u .-eet. spot ami a fpueu. Tln u ilu? darkey dealer goes on: "No-v, you licts on whieheher tih dose , mi liiil'll win. Kive coute on ile qtr-o, In v? Well. jes place yel nickel ( n ihu keen I. Sar- I in, ex many ex want to km het ; h ttst wavs vt. many ex kin gil vrv money on de kecr.l. Oh, yis! mud kin hit tot tie udder keerd if tle lit;e; hut I innM keep de odds, Heothis? Why, don't yer see, ef yon hot live reals on de soveii-Hhot, ilen: s u n';tn otr un' do leulcr' got no eliauce to win. Io hets niiiA1 he liealuer on one keurd lun on le mlder. Now we go on, 1 ih-.ils Uvo umro keeltls Irotn do top (d de pacK, so; nee anil live, i'ero, now, U't'e s de lay ol! ; lo keerds. nw ever hotly kin het vz likes on eny tth le keerds. A r' do hets it II made, gen tlemen? I)eti we'll proceed. I now turiih tie deck oher, titee up, an' I ileal "If two keerds. Do Itisl count fur He hitler, an' do second lr tie man dut he is. Your uicki-l luys on do queen. II tie queen rdiowrt lnt, deali:tr takes ull de It-eta tlut are iiuele on her. De siiiiio I uie runs will all tie keerds oh de lay-out. Make yer hits, gen'lemeit." Ami so on. Oilier means of losing money are the various system ol pisd-, now so hiii lar wherever there is a nice truck, u hilhard loiiriiameiit, or an eloclioii. .Much study has l.vcii duvitei lo this manlier of gamhlmg and the praetu-ul result U three tlitl'eient systems; pM.I hy aueiioii. hook hetting and Talis muliiul?'. The lormer ha- heen ho pup il la r for niuny years that the itveiuge male reader knows a great deal moie about it than ran he t"ld him in uny newspiiper uiiiele. Hook hetting, how ever, has heen in uc in lliif country out a siiori nine, io llie uniiiitiaieii mnni pasuiiii. I lauo lo have heen moro the term is a Mmrce ot mystery. A happy iu his part limn tho greater man who opens honks on a race mut actors that fill llicMugc wilh nhow uml he wtdl informed on uii (points hearing uoite ; nay, even (hull Auuuttis hiin ou t he Hjieed, Iintlom and pmbahle eun -1 sell, w ho ioked with his litnt breal h, tlilii'ii ol several thai are enter ed in ii race. lie uiTusigcs a series of odd on etc h one as uiiint all the others, whieli odds are ottetvil to the public. In loukiitgdowit it li-l printed ouucaid a geiiiL-mau may find thul uppo-ito (he mime td Springbok (he odd are five lo one. He known, there- 1 b'iv, Hot iu the opinion ul' tho honk maker there are fko t-hunei-s that Springbok will be beaten by Home one id the olio r bor.-es Iti t!o iaee to nno thai ho will ton. It ho has a belter opinion ut Springbok, he bai-ks that opinion h my ing into the hook-keeper uny Mini id' money he uhoio a eei lam prescribed mi hi mum. 1 1 Spi ing bok wins ho uilt receive live times the amount he hie ventured. If tbe hot so does iml run he ivceiv ca nothing. I n a ne-e in which there are twenty horses ottered, the odd titter ed will run from one up lo thirty, or mure, lo one. Sitppte Ihe hicl likely horse u ins, if tho minimum invested is a lliousuhd dullur, the man who bets on the winner will receive t?:!0.000 1 llie pereeiilage ot ti e hoou muUer. u in in turn, the book iiuikt r will have reeeived his "propo-itiuit," utl il is cull ed, on every horse, Iroin winch lo pay it. I his i tho way hijok hetting isex phiined by it promimnt sponiug uiuu. I he peculiar lentil res of this mode are lliut the sums bet are usually quite large, i ud that if a horse changes own ers, or tor any other reason does not run, the mom v ot the investor ts not returned to him, hut belong- to ihe nuiker id the hook. Paii mutual pools are communistic and fair, on the lure, hut like 'stripped cards" in fit to, the mun wbo works the mtodiiue ha- everything bis own way, and by a dex terous change of figures, can reduce eat h w inner's money al h ast 50 per cent., and pocket thu remainder, tin get her with the commis-iou legilmiate ly his ilue. The 'vyslcm'' has been met with oNtivuiu di-lavor in I'm lice, antl uller one ur Iwo seasons at .leromo I'aik, Dong Brunch and Saratoga, al-iiio.-l every one stands ready to de nounce the "inuttuils'' as a damnable siddo. Hitherto it bus been worked by "coney" m.'ii, and a prominent tur fite CHiima'es that they have vhoved'' 8-50 000 of cotihti i leii money through Us agency. Coming buck again from tho race truck to Uie gaming hell, kciio strikes ihe in purl iu! observer us a game with ihu least rik and the mot money about it. Tho expense are lii;ht, call er's mi hi ry being uhout 87.50 per day and Ihe collector's 85. Five percent, is taken from every pot, ami in a good game the pool ranges Irom ten to fil led! dollars. A loom u hu h ruis twenty five or ihiit such games in tho coiii-huoI a night, naturally makes u g'Hid thing out of ihe coinniiM-ion. i'hiciiij'i Titm. A LOWLY LIFE. - What u bravo privilege it is lobe live Irom all t onic nliona, hiuu u envy ing or being envied; fnun leceiving and Irom pining all kinds nf ceremon ies I It is, in my inoiu, a very delight ful pastime for Ivtugood uml agreeable li lends to travel up uml down together, iu phn es where liny are by nobody known, nor know anhudy, U was Ihe case of iKo as and hi Acliales. when they uuikcd invisibly ahoul (be sIli els und lit. Ids of Cio t huge. Venus herself t nil ol ilii' lo n'd ait ar rd ihem e,, Tine none night ku'W, or n-u On in, a tht) pa.'-'d " 'I he common story ol Demoalheii'V colli, ssimi, thai ho hud taken givut pbastire iu hearing u tinker-woman say. as he pulsed, " I'los is Unit Deiuoa tlo-nes," is nomhifull ndii uluiis Irom sti solid uu oiutor. I m)self have of ten met w iih that tciupiaiioii to vanity ii were uny), hut am lar from find ing it uny ph usniv, thul il only makes urn run lasler from the -hu e, till I gel, us it wi re, tint of sight shot. Demo t rituri relates, and in am h a uiaoiivras ifhogloikd iu the gootl lortuneaud coiuiiKMliiy of' it, thai, when ho t ame lo Athens, nobody there did so much its tuko notice of him; aud Kpieiirus lived I Inro very will, that is, lay hid many ears iu Ins guldens, ao (unions since thai time, with log liieiul Metio dorun ; uller whoso dcuth. making, in one of h s letters, a kind comuiemeuru lion ol the huppine whivh Ibey two had enjoywd together, ho adda at hist, lhat hu thought it no diipiiragemeiit to tbono great felicitiea ul tboir life. REPUBLICAN. lhat, in the inidxl of the imml tulked of and talking country lu the world, they had lived so long, not only wilhout hime. hul, almost wilhout having heen heard til ; und yet, uiilnii a veiy few yi-uin, wtio no two iiuiiich ol 111.17,-jiiiiiu Kiiiivvn or iiiiiru riifiully ( ck-lirultiil. Il vi'. rnuo iiilo 11 luru tiujtiiiiiiliim-c uiul viiiiuiiK liiiniliiiriii.'.i, uii Mi nKii oiiruivNIo tliti iiivuiUi. ul' iuunL ol our liuiu : uu ...)nso our lili- to u (iiiililiiin ukuu or: liivi'liiniu ft im lil t--, uliii Ii wuulil luiilii; u ' ii-u liuiu li't-nililu to think ol. Now, ua iiir ht-in itnowii much hy hii;hi, uml ioiiilt-'l ul, I i-itiinnt iiiuipri-ht-iiiJ tho hiiiKii llmi I k in lliul ; h hulKiiuvt-r it ht', t-ttiiy iiiiiuiihl'iuik hiii it iniii'o liuiu I lit: U-M iliii'loi. uiul I lie liuniiiun tliiin iho i.oril I'liiot' Jittlii-u ol'n tiiy. Kvt-n ntuiuro hua il, Imlh ol iiuliii-o mill un, il it houiiy wuvh t-;lru- nriii.iiirv. 1 1 u n ( Ii-ii Ktiiil " 1'l.iM i. 1 1,11 1 I!m...1.I,iiIiis" or .'TI, is ia I lu.l 1 . ai i-ii-itn" w In. n iln.v ,.! I..,t i.i-,...,-i.... ,i. I, ,, K, , ,la i.'ii ' ,i,. Alixuiulti-." or, '-Thin i lliut Diimi- liuo;" uml iruly, l.u-tliu lattur, I lulio lui-ilaiiM to huvo ht-Lii a mm h moro lionoial.k- li.u-t ll.uii I, in mustt-r, mitl ihwrviuj; fuiisuhliip tlian ho ihu ICiiipiro. I ami coinimnil u Imp, ,;IKnl tunic, becuuixo it is the hbudtiw of vir tue ; uoi that it dovih any goid to the litxly whieb il aeeoinpuiiies, but it is an ellieacioiis hhmttfw, and like that of St. IVler, cur's llie di-eafes ot otheis. The best kind of glory, no doubt, ih lhat whit h is ivtKeUd from honeMy, sin h as was thu glory ol t'uto and Ar it i' Urt ; but it wu hai ndul to them hoi h, uml is seldom beiieticiul to uny man v. hi hi he lives ; what is it lo him uller his death I tumml uiy, hecauso 1 love nol philosophy, merely nutional and cohjectiiral, und no mun who bus made tlte experiment bus been so kind ILN Id I'll 111 n bill If til Ililill-lti l:al . I 'mill . ihu tthtdo mutter, I account u person ""' 1o. I,,s llP" ' "t who ha a moilcraie mind ami lot luno. I ,llui1l'"l; t() "vt, r the ingenuiiy ami livta in I lio toi.voaiii.iM.I iwoor, ,u yti"X Innirtelt. threeagreeuhlelriends, with tittle, com-1 . Atlun.evideuily wasimt ahuppy loan io the world besides, who , " Ins estate ol single blessedness ; und oMecmed well enough hy his few neigh-it,,0t ),v,,, Heing. ever anxious for the J.aii n,.,t L-,i...i- Li... .....I i.-i.i.' ; welfare til his creatures, naw that it i.rouel.ablo by am body : uml so, alter! a heallhfid, quid lite, before the great iiifoiivclileut'cs of old age, goes mule hilently out ol it than he came in (for I would not httxu him mi inm li as cry in llie exit); lids innocent deceiver ol the world, tin Horace tali. him, this whether be had not ilavetl his farce Very well. Alrtluim (Wrj. DAXIEL ik-EOE. There is sitiucthing not a (idle re mtirkiible in the tact t hut the individ ual whoso name wo place at the bead I' llieo ivuiaiks, und who wrote and j piililisheil, century und a hull ' iin, lliu litosl pnpiilui- linok, perhiip, I i' laiiHiiiie, hhonlil. uh i- pared j with oilur w rt lei's ol his time (possess-. I ui'' nut a lillio ol Ins iremiis) remain , iu a slule nl eompiiiutiveoliscin ily, his 1 1,. iluro wero iiunu hut theinselviK to imniiii iul win k ( Uiiliiiisnn ('riisne) still , p,.UKo. Unuhlless their w hnlo oiillil universally reud ; w hilo his mime and nl ' Iraveliii)- ill vsscb, waler prnnls, dus. hilory lmv sunk into i nmparalive I (era, lunch-liaskela and ull, ho emild nlilivniii. Nnr is this t xtiuiirdinaiy I huvo cunied in the pockelsot his How silence ill r.i'ulil losilcli u man. imtliu ei. 'I lu v iiiiikL huvo Bluileil house. pul l of pni--pi-l ily (oii-i.elven l relieved hy llio well-known fact that, iu addi tion to Itllliillsiill fl'llMio. Ie'ou wmitt and pulilished a (jreuler nuinher nl work- un variiiiis suljei-ts than un' nl his cote uihorurics wu on hi name , ; nevcr-lailiiig, in these imihiluriniis ef 1 1 i.. : i... i . mi-, in iii iiii) ihu Mime mice oi geiiius-tlio sumo inventive power I iiiid the t ump chciisivo gv.'-p 'd j lluiught that cliui ucleri.o his llnliin- sun (.'riisiK-. True, the tin- greater i -! buy u suitable oullil I'm- ihu i ciimiii her of these productions were derided- j thut bo hud no pot ki ts in hi. trow.ei s ; ly ol an evaiie.-ceiil chaiucier, und for nor did he swear lit haggngc-sinasheis tho iiinsl part gut up iu baste and lor ,,r brook the ii.solcino nf railroad olll l!io oceusiiin ; yet t-iimtunipiiraiiciuis eials. hNl.ii-y tails not lo slniw Unit DcKne's 'J heru wus no good and nullicieiil liiciihniiiiiiis, on huu ver theme excr- j i ta-ona w by lliey shnuhln'i have been cised, lulled lint to prodiii o tho effect mi uniuihle couple mid had a good lime aimed ut by liieir versulile ami vigor- j generally. They washed their own mis author. Sir Wuller Scull ns mi j clothes, dualities by a tlivo in the Ku-iuipiu-scil ilb tho iill-iiiastei ing ge- phiutcs. und thorn being nu clolhcs nius of Del'oe. us show n in Itiihinsiiu tuiv hen- chillies were ulluwed linliy Crusoe, and, indeed, tn the generality j upnn their I 'in lis, and Ailum didn't nf bis niher viiliiuiiniuis wilting, thai I euro a nisli w'hetlier his shirt bosom ho (Sir Walter) very plainly evinces ', his regret 1 tint tt writer nf such uu qiiesliiined ability should have devutcd llio lar greater poi tinu uf bis life, and his must powerful pen, In subjects, (however well handled) w hich pnMcri. ly have e idi ally been tno willing in "let die." Sir Walter, Inn. 11 n no than insinuates in the slid, b of h;s we Imv c ! H.-en, a. bi-ai'iug li pun ihe cxtiaiirdina ry capabilities uf llel-'no as a writer, thut his stileuf wriiing wasallngi Iher ituwi'i-lliy nf his great genius, his Ian guage being -'nlten simple, even tn vul garity, Imi l uliva)S no distinctly iui presivu lhat its very vulgarity bad an i lllcacy iu giving un air nf truth nr prnhiihility tu the lads nr si ntituciits il fntivds," ),'l-'oi', iiidi'i-d, wrote so much (us much it would nlmusi i-ccui ns the t bule ul his ciiiiteiupmnrics ami assuilulils tnellli'l-J lhat he had lint luno to pnh-li his seiilcticcs had lie been ever so willing ui- alle. his main and mile wi-h In iug in thu pluim-sl am1 iiuist graphic language. pisi.ihle In im picsn coiivii linn Uiiiii hin readcrn. Never wriler wan innro i nl nt i i in n IIiiiii Dcl'iu never w i iter niiire mean ly pcrseculedhy li lyruiiuical and da-l-arilty gnvel-umetll. Indinitit-n Innsl brul.ii were heaped upon liiin lliul simply for the i-eusou ihul his m-gu uiciils prnVed iinunnwt-ruhlo iu tint other way ; urn- eun Id a lili-rarv cluiin pinli hu Iiiiiim! al'le lo enpo with biiu. Ib aii Swill and Pope, even (shame In tin ir meuuii'v) sided with an nnpi iu ciplcdgnviuniiieiil iiiiipprcs-ing lcK"e. And why? Simply hu ihereiisnii that llio Ih'tiu und In. jiwtieiil cinny were -llliugel-s-on" In Ihe besi,i(t.. (roeern incnl ol lhat pcrin I. Nav, alter lie Kin- had stnnd iu llio I'illmif. und hc n pct'soclllt ll lllinn-l to ih-alll bv 11 lull I ill tut t.t giivernim-tit. tt hat itid ihe -Tit ickei'hiiui Wasp" Hod it in hi" heart In do tiH'h-r I tit. eiiTiiuistmieca V Why simply, anil io tho most uiilccl iug manner, to intl-odui.e into ihe )nn ritttt a mun is! more exulted geninn I linn Inniscll'; relt-i-ring lo liiin und Ins in lumoiis punishmciit in Ihe hue: "HirliM nn hlith "-l aa.ia li'.l ll.F ,." Tn conchtdu our hasty rcmurkn (inn husiy and luo unworttiy tho anliji-ct nl ilium) wu nitty any, wit hunt It-nr of ciililliidii li' ii, wu ibink. uu Ihu put t id tliusu w ho have curelully invesiigutt-,1 llio extianrdiiuny iulcllcclual incuts uf Ihu mun, I lint greater genius ha seldom iii'urcd in llie Mm Id llimi Duniel lv Foe. Pen ami J'loie. A now style nf car-rings litis n small bell iitliicheil an the ihihIiiiiI. When ! Cluirlis Aiiiiisiiisciill-iimuinl to-tu'iid tho oveninj with I Isrn Jane, lliuse It II- tale bells are inuUlcd us sunn as thu old lollu retire. ADAM ASA IIACUEL0H luiiiinu A tt u in in Lin limclinuKa, lliu only Iiiiiiiuii brihpg i'l tliiii wiilr, u iilo 'cn lil--u lull )iiuuii mini ut hii- I. nlli, "h0 l" f-"""1 W'rtill''ntu llmi-cof, or to fiimii-li liiin with lliiit'vi ilftico I hut lio wuh tivt-r bitili'ix 11. Uu hnn not t'l-t'Xitii'ifhi-t''l Htiy ol' tlio peril ol' liiluiuy uiul i-liiilliool, hui-Ii uh tho riitiiiiir ul tttiih, nt-:lt'& und l-IiicU.-ii pox, iviilioiit uliii li no J i""1! lllull' t-ilui iiliiin in lf. Ailum is the only man who never had a grand mother to mend his pants knil his mil lens, und Mum! between him und ull harm. Ho never played thcgivatuud exiiiliuating guiiiO ot base ball, never had Huhtiiitied to the indignity ol hav ing u chin knocked t fl' his shoulders by another boy. No. he hud none ot the owenliuls that go toward iimking it) the average boy ol l he priscniduy. Ht ti .11 11.1 IlilllUfll born somehow, a lull ui'own mun, u hit'-hi-lur, with no cliiiin in tho hulo univt iso Willi whom to fonvfo upon that inlt-iminuhlo lopif, tl,u "tutliir; no unu to Ko li.-.lniif,' with ; " no ouo to luvo, nono to lun-hi.;" no """ " "vw t" on liixi-hirl ; nooiiu I ll "ll 1,11,1 a I 1 1 ' s-C "" 1 hero be u. tho KOfpiT ot u largo noologii-al (.'""'V1. wil1' to lalto IIIL- (K'hCI, HO OIIU lUt'tllllv) III UlfMIIIW. Like all bachelors, ho seemed to I; a mistake, und this quality of mistake lue been no bevcrcly transmuted thiough the long ages that have inter vened, wilhout h i or hindrance, that il has become a fixed tact, iinulterahie as I'ur.Muii luw. His maker saw what uny one at this day clearly sees that it w as not good lor man lo Le alone. He becomes fidgety, queer, no tional, und out of order gciierullc, Adam bad, in all probability, begun to mniiifcht some of these peculiar ehar acteiitics, and was himself foiivinecd thul there was Homothing ui(ro neeen- wua ,,t't !ot" 1,1 ,w ,,,'!ie u,,tl hence (vo him, what every lull row 11 man needs, viz : Nutno olio to talk to, to aruo with, to love and cherirdi, and ireveiythlli dull t )," llnt nt-'llelully, ijo fur to lay pni lol the Maine upon. thd you ever ennteuipluto tho pv. crly ot Aduui when hu took lvo tor hi-llcror Iiir wiuho ? Only think of it I He hadn't a hat lo hii heiid. u to hia hack, a puir ot'tihiica to hittect, nor 'nai-y a red ct-nl" in his tiotvMin poekeU lOvu tiiouht no dowrv ; alio hud iml hiiitf to htslow, mivo her lovu I and ulli t-liiin, und ua ho was the only y oung CeltnW aniunil, it was hu or no body. Kipmlly as pom- ua her hupliaud, shu camu lo hnn wilhout it liuniiet, or i-hawl, culit-o ovvti, or even u pair ol lippels. Moht-H lorgiit in his reminis cences, lo l'Ivu us miv account ol llieir weddiiiL' tiin. hut lii in what wu can gather in regard li their waidiohes ol ilmt day, liieir I'Bugu would have piovid no inciiniln utiee Inr u very li uii led aiunuiit suHieed, and drcs-iiii; i ,,, su evert hmlv was ol no ai eonni. keep, ulso, tipnti as small capita! tin could well he imagined. They hudu't, us lar as can ho gleaned IVoui history, it hair-brush, a liue-lunlh comh, tow el, or riiiap ; uu bitters, smithing s i up, chillies wringers, smotilhing-iruiis no nothing. I ' Aduui wasn't itfiaid lo invite his wife logoun uu excursion with him.lhrciiigh tear of having lo go down deep into the irowseiB' not kct Inr tho w heiew ilb lu MuS sniisitb or not, uud why should Kvu bother her us her htishiiud j.liYri'i..r. head uhout it so long was Milled? JJihuv ni:i eif run nn-: moXTiFn DKHTITUTl-:. T'.rt IIINO I imsiimr nr nov. I ll I -nniv s T"l II AMIINd TUB HTAltVINll I'Knl'I.K IN TIIK 'llolM'tlllll.KIl nifiTIIKTS A KINIl nl' SKT1I.MIS lull MIN.StSOIA TO 111. fit I u 1 1 or. A letter Irum Wnrthiiighiii, Minn., dated Jan. 'ill, says : tioternor rills bury l I ii i i,t il yt-sii-i'diiy llimi his sec ond l. m I lo ihu grusslioppi'i'-ravuged dislricts. his vihit this time being uuuo espcciallv hit- lliu parpuso uf Hiipervin iug llio diMrihuiinii nl' Ihu supplies nl pi-iivitiniis mid cluthiiig which have alruuly been tlmtuled fur the ptirpn-e, while cxlcliiling mid l-nmplelilig Ills III v. sligfitiiiun iu ivgarrt In thu exit-lit uf the siitferiug and llie cases neiually in need of relief. Wnhont going Into partictihirs nl this lime, il may tie "iiili-d that Iho hjsIimii of relief which be basnrgaiiir.cil.oii llie basis ol pi it alu cniiiiibiilioiis, will, un bo 1-oiiHilenlly believes, reach every denci-viiig cumi of utiiiul tlcsiit tliou iu the ravaged di-.tricls. He bus tist-ci luincd liy per siiiiul iiinpecliou ami inquiry ut the homes nl Ihu people in Iho counties where the ravum's nf griisHhnppcra lin neveral Kaecessivo yearn, have pi-udneed the greatest nuHeiing, utnl llirniigh the ligelicy nf lcspiinsiliile pe-smia whn have pruecnteil hku iiiquiriea u-l his request, every cuse uf genuine sull'eniig nr want, iictual or impending, in Ihu count ic. nl Nuhlrs,. Wiilmiw an, Cntliin wniid, Miirruy, Jaek-uu, mid uiher cniitilien. Tno people lire ull innru or less desiilule ill thin region iu conse quence ul lliu lulttl or purl in I loss of luiii' siiceei-sivo t rnps; Iml the actual ur unpenning nuiieiiug irum want ul uud itM'l chilliing in limited to isoluled case., or local groups, und in very many ..I'll... ui,,., .......l' .,.-.w,.,a ,!' """'"Millie belter class, intelligent, imiiceiis- ttiiiied tu want, loo proud and sensitive lu lunku kiiuwn Ihetr uutils, and nnx tniis iu I in t tu cniiceal il limn thu knnwleilge ul their ncighhiirs, ornl in quisiiivo stmugei's. It WfM ndy by pui-nuiiul vinim lu the linmes uf I Ill-no penplu Ihul (iuveriior I'lllshnry iiblo lo aseerliiin their leal needs. They tvuidd Hike pains to tiuiku known Iho distress nl their neighbors, but w uulil Jealniislv i-epol any ciinunily in lu their uwii. Mn n y touching instances if this manly pride and w uiniiiily ileli- cucv uio iinvutclv l'i land by the UuV- eriiiii'. lu traveling nver the wide prairies w iih n cunipaninii, in seairh til the desiilule, bo came, about dinner time, to a liouso where it a as thought TERMS $2 per ariDur 3 Advance. mmmmimmmtmmmmmmmBX iiwimiH auvisamo io mon uuu tiaK il lliov conui put thtir Lomoa up uml not sointi ilin - ner, l be mun who made his appear ante at tho door said they could put their burses in the burn. h"t Haid he hud no grain. Tbej" fortnnalely had brought some grain with t lo in,' und also u luncheon o provide toruo emer gency. On entering (he Koum'. they loiiml it to consist of one smull louni. occupied bv two liedn. our or nv hmi, u'hfiii h, a tnlilf, ti nil oihl cliil. liit-n, who, uu inquiiy, tiny iuumJ to hi-loii lo two lamilka u ho iu iinli r to mivo liirl ami ut-ououiiKo htililin and clothing hail aKnt-mlilt-i! uiult r thf winn Kinull i-oiif. 1 lifinfmbt-i-Hol'ihiit liimily hij not know- who thoir viniloi-H wuiu and in ri ply tu Ihi-ir inquiiit-H aiiuut ram (il diminution in thu iiri(.'lihor hood uvo kiiiiio vi-ry painliil ilfluilH nl Ihu r.t-t-t-Hii i.-H of ihfir iinihlioi'it ; hut i-uiil tiothiii at all uhout thuir own. though tht'ir t'loihiu-, riiaiil lit-iliiint.. und luriiittii'u imlituttil oMiimiiu pov-t-rty. 'i'o moro Kpt-t-itiu iiiipiii it-tt a to Iht-irowu coiiililiou Ihry Haul I ht-v won' will lhtitlj;h nil'; thut liny lull 11 jmhiiI u.ih-li t-ow uml umitla-r which would ciiniti in iu uhout two wttliK. An it. in did nut ati-iku tho liovci nor as a vi'iy iituplo proviinti Iiir two t-tnihidoi'iilile liiiiiilitu ho liniilly told tlitni who he wan nml lliu errand, und upon hoin prtnut-d din hwt-il tho hu t that ull they had had lor IIhhI lor U lonjr tiuif, henidt B milk, win. a liltlo hruii, mid on out- oe- t-itr-i.iii u li I lie fli ui r, loiiHiiteoeoiiimt-d. mid u jiiiuml of teu nhlaiiied through tho ''noil ollii-es ol a nmiiKler, w hilt- n lew pouuilatil hrau w us the only biIo iiaiieo they liuiv had nivu milk. 1 iio Governor took out hii. hide ri i .-1 1 1 t-t. i il ii in hook and put down their iiutuen, Huyiu lliut ho cliould heiid the two luniilien a certain quuntily ol pro vibionn, which ho nuiued, eotiair.iiu nl lieitiiR, flour, meul, ile., eonlintilloei th- hut $11 'iU lor each hiiuily. hul which they said would amply siipplv all their wants till aprim;, and then made a swill cscupo li-nui iho teaiful! aiid delighled ralitmle nf these ilesti - Into people, whom nothing hul the most ei.-iisiileratu delicacy and the kiiowlcdf-o lhat liieir iiuines would never ho muilo known to tho world could cverhuvu induced to mukekuow ii their real condition. Auolhcr nisluiii e ol thu siiiiio sol I was thul of u man ol sietnliil physitpiu whnin tho tiiivi-riiiir iiitcn'ouled. "Oh," he said, "wocati pull llii-iuih well ctiinih, iti iti hu ru tused to admit lliul he or Ins I'ainilv wero at ail iu need. Whilo ho w us thus pi otrstiiif that lie in t iled no as-. sistiint e, a little ni''!;eil, hale looted girl came riiiiniug up In him Ins " lint your children," suid lauglller. thetiovernitr, "they aeetu lo bum need ol coiiiloriahle cloihing ?" Aud al this lliu stalwart iiiuli turned aside und hi nke down, his strong liu me convulsed with snlis. His linker's heurl exolode.d through his mask of proud reseive. Another cu-u was lliul of tt laiuily ol n ho-o dci-iiluliiiti ho had heaid. In u house whoso one room boru ever) nun k ol exlremu destitution tliev found A sii-k woman, thinly clad, and several children ono bubo in a cradle her hiii-hand, a mechuiiic, try ing in vain to em u u lew dollars to supply llie H unts of his hiiuily. Tho woman, u lady nl evident intelligence and good Venice wus ul Ihe Itugue nl (.'uniliray, breeding, in response to inquiries, dwelt with w hat it is at present., und he will he on the aiill'erings of their neighbors, convinced how truly lliuse lashioiiable but wus reliceul uboul any wants ul pastimes uro calculated lo depress und their o n. As Inr tin in the Lord had ruin u nation. al ays provided l-r their Hunts ami It is not to be believed, w liut influ ahva) n would. Shu conlesscd, howev- j once public divcrstona have on tho cr on inquiry uboul her health, lhat spirits and niunuers of a people. The she w as siilleritig tt.r want uf nieiln me which the)' hud not thu means lo pro care. Hut theliovei nnr reiiiui keil lliul ihu childieii. though heulthy uml cheer till, w ere siill'i ring lor the wunlnf elotli- ing : that there buenied lo be no a-'o- fato Kslding ti.r half the lainily, und Irom oihers he leuriittl thai thu laiuily were i-etilly sullering lor tooil mut cloth iug. He told tho woman who he was, gavo her some money In buy medicine, and quickly escaped linln Inr tears ul grulitiidu and jny. Theso are only u lew- uf many such lunching ius'uncus which shuw what a nublo aud worthy class ol people lliey are who have heen ovcriaken by a calamity w hich nn fore sight or thrill or prudence of theirs could avert. Thanks lo thud'overuor's energy und the quick flow of private belie viilcnce iu responsu tu hin appeals, I hoc and ull other atccrlainable cases nf sull't-riug and want have already been relieved, or w ill t o relieved in u very short time. Nearly throe hun dred casts uf clothing huvo been sent tut he needy hi mil ten, und ahirgemuuinil nf pruvisiuns, und in every cuso Ihojpi'uvc latal to us also, if a timely slop iippropi'iatu relief bun guuo In the right spot. 1 here has heen hu squandering nl the ihuiuliiiiis nf the beiievnletil nn tho wclltudu mendicants, who, if a legislative iipprnpriatinn had been luiiile, W'uuld have iibsurbed Iwu thirds uf it, w hile thoclussuf cast-s of which ihouluivu uio cxaniplts wuulil never have hieii leached ut all. And it may be uddtd lhat these penplu du mil ask for or want any legislative appi-npi ta ilmis. loo promt ihcnisolvca lo apply nu, rfvut mnlinrity who presides over lor any shine in public alius, they iigiee; iK. eulitinnn uf advice, "if she betrays Ihul liine-lelilhs nf ll w ould be ubsoi'li- l" ''.v "" Ml 0 ""- 1,1 "'d. '"" model wile." Aetordingly thu young w ho mo me not uliim'l to practice' , ,.(,,.,, opportunity when his ull Ihe ni ls ol prolessioiinl iiienilicancy;,,.,,,!,,.,,, ,V11, , in ,r mlPSt i', in . 1 1 1 i'. in in , in iniei. un iii'i nil' ef ilili lulcd Iiir the ihslitnlu lilt IH'. - - I .1 y.l7'l' TllOI'd UT. j 'e hiidn'l tlitiuuhl nf lliu llitil li'dil. but Iho Tribune has just i lu Ihu dis-j c-uvet'V thai, w Idle "nine itieii nut of ten thought it li uii ut unit to that Mr. Hayes si I.I enter thu While House w iih u clouded title," Iho "i huided ti tle" in the gicnicst id luilimiul blessings mid is in re-Inn! Ihu guverumciil toils pristine purity uud till sections tuprus peiily it in' pt'itt e. liendeted into rather plainer veiuaciilar, llio theory of the 'Tribune in lhat Mr. Ilayen having be come tbe recipient of stolen goods, ho must colicilialu thu bellt-r elellieliln of both parlies and sectiutis because thcy aro they who will accuse him of the ldt tt ami deprive bin administration of tiie moral support lhat in essential to a nueccs-ful I'lvsident. Well, since thu mnnory nu ncen cummittcil and Mr. Hayes in to beur ils 1'itihs to the highest sanctuary nf pnwor, lliu best thing ho can do is to ulunu us fur as piissthlu by tho perpetual npology thut u decent udininistrulion will oiler lor thu crime ol its creulinn; and if il will make hunc-l men rcsjMft thn govern ment, so much guotl will be furged nut uf the nest nf evil, li lt whilo conserv ative citir.etis of all parties nut! sect inns may give a puasivu support to thu ad ininisiraliou thai is tu signaline its ad vent into power by discarding the agents nf fraud who bore tho crown tn Mr. Ilayen, what will the other fel lows siv shout It? What will Mr. Secretary Cameron sav, who sent, Mackty lo Horida and Quay lu Lou isiuiiti, and pledged thu whole army und navy tu suntain anv Imiid, huw- ever revnliitlunury, thai put Hayes; through? What will Sherman say, no tenderly trained Klita l'lokslun,! certified fbr Weill and raw forgot re turn opened in hid presence without either blush or rotet? What' will Morton my, who gavo the kovnoto for revoluiion by ihu lightning tfuh from the I'ucifle coust, and who nhnndonet all hope of respect from eit her hit Stuto r country hy his unblushing dellaiieo of his own leio liings and of law and justice to win a hlotied f.arliean victo r) f What will Weill huv, wbo ao ceptud the hissing acorn of tlte civilised win Id and preli m d imprisotiment to elohiliig llie dniuihd euiitpulitliuli f ihu vi to hy which tha return of Lou-i-iana had been irnnsierretl from Til din i Huyta? And what will I'ack- '-kitwkwiUv .IW'i'v.U'I. It liko barier of the Presidency to Juy,.wy Theso IlieU won't IllllLiier for i uum k"iu oi l eiorin 1 '"t "' ll'f'J' "til Howinj, liom whith they expett tt reap ax they huve stiewn, iht will their tens of I bona audit ot cynipiti belie oltieu holdcra yearn fbr it, tmr will their children murmur lor it, When thudivumof tho Tribune shull approat h fulfillment, there will fco uhV'b .V.d- eett-U'"p) ilionislrom the men who mndo Mr. Hayes JYcsiilciit, und it will laurto J li' tm llio tt-rnlile ncciu-ttiinii that ho vvu-n't elccli J ; that hu i 11 v il utl hia ad- vuucfiiiciit hy I until, and iliuthu holiln hiH pluee Bolely hy tho BUi-eeai. 3l" their wi-ona lor which ho iiuiulorully coll deiii. , ilium. 1 hero art) two waya Inr Mr. Hiivim lo chnoHu Irom nne tha way ul liht that discarda I he mon who i n in I o him; llio other, tho way ol' wnuijr, that dimarili. tho 7n4illl and thiiHo who honeaily tiiotl to iiiuko him Iml couldn't i und it malti-ra liltlo which way hu taken, ho won't gn Iiir unlil ho will that ho hud tukvu t'ol her.1 7ii'Ai''r;iirt Time. . U.YL'Jl Y rilli C.I CUE OF KA 'I I UAL JlliCAy. Krualily nf inunnera is ihu nourish nit lit anil aliunlli of liodita politic, ll is that hy which liny urow and Hiih sisi, until lliey uro ciirrtipled hy luxury ihu natural cuiiso uf their decay and mill. Of this we huve example in tho lYrsiatis, l,iicc(hruioiiintimid Kniuuns; not tu mention many latter Uovorn meiils which have sprung np.coiitiiiued uw hile, nml then perished hy thu i-amo causes, lint these aru, il norma, of uu iisu to us : and, in spiiu of them, wu aru iu n lair way uf heeouiiiii; our selves another useless example toluturo at-s, 8iinplicily nf inuimui-a may ho moro cu.-tly preserved in a licputilio than in u .Moiiai-eh ; hut if oncti lost, may ho sooner recovered iu n Mnnurchv, ttio exaiuplo ot a Court heinif of treat I llii ucy, cither to leliinn or corrupt tt penplu ; thut ulunu were enough ttitlin- i t-nunleiianeu thu wearing of old or silver, either in clothes or cquipago, 'and il tho amiio weru prohihiled hy j law-, tho aaviiif nf bo much bullion would ho tho Mnullest heuetil of such an iiislittitioii ; lliero heiiiir nothing i moru apt tu dehusu thu viittieiind jjisid i senso of our Ht-nlry, ol boll) e.xe", wliieh wo hnvo learned from Franco, and which has hud such visihlu ill con sequences on the f;cniiiB of thut people. Wiser tiutiims havu inutlo it their euro to slmt out this hilly by severe laws und penalties, and ils spivndin-; anions ; us can lorelnHle iioi'iksI, ii theru Do any truth in tho observation of unu of tho nucieutn, thai thu direct way to ruin a man is lo dress him up in tinu clutlies. But wo are dimmed lo ho undono. Neither the pluiii reason of tho ibing, nor llio experience or past ages, nor ihe examples wo have heloro our eyes, can rest mill us from imitating, nol lu say aiir.iussiiig, ihu most corrupt and ruined penplu iu those very puililsut i luxury lhat ruined them. Oiirgaming, our operas, our niusipierades, are, in spito of our debt and poverty, become the wonder of oar neighbors. It there bo any man so void of ull thought und common sense, un nol toseo whore this must end, let him hut compare what - tirocka wisely saw this, and Hindu a very m TiuusuHuiruf liieir public spurts. I'ur tho same reason, it will, perhaps, seem worthy iho euro nf our Legisla ture lo regulitlo the public tlivetninnn, by un absolute prohibition uf those who huve a dilvc'. leiidouey to corrupt uur murals, un w ell us by a rufnrniulinii ul thodraniu; w hich, when rightly man aged, is such a nublo cntci tiiiiimcnt, and gave Ihnsu line lesanntof mnrahtv und gond sense to Atheniunsol'uld aud lo our British gentry abovo tt century ngn ; but Inr theso lust ninety years, halh enlci luincd us, Iiir ihu most part, with such wretched things us spuil, in stead nl improving the luste uml man ners of thu uiidieiico Those w ho aro attenlivo to such propositions only as may (ill their piKkeis, w ill piohably slight those lliins us trifles below tho euro of Iho Legislature. Hut 1 am nure all honest, thinking men must lit ii le- li I to nee their country run head long into nil those luxurious follies, which, it is evident, huve been falul to Ihor mil ions, and will undoubtedly lie not put to them. Hi rl.t ytey's Esayt. Didn't Stanu tub .Test. Chicugo 7)i'Ur; A young mun reud in tho l.dlijer n lew days ugo that if yon wauled tu tiud mil it thu wuinnn yon hud selected Iiir your future spouso has a good temper you ought lo tuke occa sion tu step nn hei- ill ess, ur snap ihu slicks of her tan. or in sonic other way nn ut iv or discompose her. "If," said I no sign ol ill temper she will prove a killing ui'iuy to step on hur trail uud pullcil out iiliuut Ihreo yurtlsul gathers, with a up like a peal nl thunder, ex- posing ahutil ihroe-qunrturs of llio liaitio woik lhat makes her dress stick ,lt l.,iil llm. inatead of moelimr tie meideiit with perloct eipiaiiiinilv, she tiiriitd rou ml uiul jiihhed her para sol into hin eye, called him a liuik hciulcd leper, uud iisked him w hy ho didn't weur hin loot sideways. He ox presses himself as Ihunkful thut he didn't marry the girl bcliiiu lindingoul w hut stirl ufa temper Bhu had. Lillio licssiu is tho five-year old daughter ul a I'uitliind ludy who mar ried a t'lergyinun not luiigsiuce. When her lather wus away, and she was playing iu tho yard, a stranger tamo aliing and inquired if .he minister was at home. "Nn," she replied, "but mother is in tho bouse, and she will pray .with yuii, you poor, miserable "'Kr' Thin story is told uf a certain man who had been icndcrtil almost blind by ill inking to excess in the hut sum mer months. " I tell you," said tho physician, "you must either leave liq uor alone nr kw your ryes entirely. ' " Well," responded (bo patient, after a lew momenta uf reflection, "good byo, eyi-s." When a msn Is treating a dualling widow tn ice cream antl sees hia wile coining into tho restaurant, about all he can do la to button Ins coal, liana- to i.;.,.i;,'.',,Ii.m.i p... ...... lii eliuir, and trust rruvidunc. In theso duyt 1 buy shall forsake his ftitlier and mulhrr and leavo the kind- ling-wood pile an orphan to go out and ouasl all lh leclusiun out ut but bust panta on a moonlit btliaulo. I J ; i ; , Ill