Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 28, 1877, Image 2

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. ."iA i t U. .Lin..
(iciiruc B. GnnDUANDra, Editor.
Reader, tf eon want to know what if going on
In tht boatoeee world, Juat read our ailvortiaing
oolumne, tbo .Yoaet'rtl oilumo in particular.
Tin Cahinist Li..n. An exchange
remarks: "John Sherman, tho malig
nant libelorof a Slato of tbo Union, the
apologist of J. Madison Wells and tbo
abettor ol bis crimes upon tbo ballot,
is ono of tbo men who guvo the assur
ances in behalf of Hayes during tho
count of tho electoral vote. Sherman
promised that if no factious opposition
wcro made to tho completion of tho
count that Hayes would abandon
1'ackard and C'bumhurluiii by with
drawing tho troop. People who make
political bargains with such a man
ought to bo cheated.
"Tho assault upon tbo Cumorons,"
is what annoys thosditor oi tbo Belle
fonto llcpublican. Being a carpet-bag
gor, ho does not know exactly what
he is at.
EioiiT. An exchango says: "Tho
Domocratsof Reading, Justice Strong's
old home, burnt this conscientious gen
tloman in effigy week before last. Scrv-
od him right. Hero bo was hung.
Tho premium bale of cotton which
won tho 81,000 prize at tho Centennial
.Exhibition, is to bo sent to tbo Inter
national Horticultural Exhibition in
Holland, by tho Cotton Exchange of
Rather Expressive. It is reported
that it cost Hamilton Fish $50,000 a
year to draw his 8S,000 salary as Sec
retary of Suite, and that Evarts, who
isn't overly rich, doesn't know just bow
bo will mnko ends mcot.
JUdical Crow. Crow is a healthy
dish, and it docs no harm to remind
tho Republicans 'that of the seven
members ol Ilnj'es' Cabinet, four sup
ported Greeley in 1872, vin : Evarts,
Key, Schurr. and Dovins.
Tho SenuloCommitteoon Privileges
and Elections havo appointed MessrsJ
Morton, McMillan and Saulsbury the
sub-committee to visit Oregon during ;
thosummer,and investigate the charges
against Senator (.trover.
lion. S. S. Cox has been in Raleigh,
N. C, whore ho and Gov. Vanco took
tea together tho other overling. The
spectators of that sceno remarked
upon it as "a meeting of two of the
very first humorists of the nation."
Tho Supremo Court of this State
has decided that in tbo caso of a lease
of real estate for nine hundred and nino-ty-nino
years, tho lessee has no right to
cut trees off or commit other waste.
So tho timber on tbo place in dispute
will buvo a fiuo cbanco to grow.
Taste. "The Dutchman" Mr. Schurz
is considered by tho President worth a
Secretaryship that pays f8,000 a year,
while Fred Douglass tho negro is ap
praised at (12,000 Marshalsbip. It is
not the poor African that our heart
bleeds for in this case.
RadicalSaints. Uoutwcll has been
pensioned off, nnd Logan is to ho.
Roth wore prominent advocates of tho
policy of halo, and both repudiated
therefor by their constituents when
their Senatorial terms expired ; henco
they havo strong claims upon Presi
dent Hayes as tho evangelist of peace
and love.
Inpiojiatio!!. When Mm. Oliver
read Cameron's plea to her suit alio
exclaimed indignuntly, "Ho says ho
never promised, docs ho, tho deceitful
old roguo. Vm - i.ow him whether ho
rvniisod as alleged, and I'll show him,
f urther, that I'm not a woman to bo
trifled with by any such an old scamp
as he is."
The Dk Facto. Tbo New York
Il'orW says when Mr. Hayes retires or
is retired from tbo Presidency il will
bt time to "let up" on him and con
sign him in mercy to his own placo.
Till tho 4th of March, 181, bo must
expect to bo rciiufed that ho is only
a ite facto andffe representative of a
minority of tho people, pitchforked
Into power by a knot of desperate
thieves and tricksters.
Going Abroad. An exchango says :
"Gen. and Mrs. Grant will leavo Wash
ington during the present week lor a
visit to the West. Accompanied by
their youngest son, now in college,
they will sail for Europe in May. They
expert to bo absent from tho country
at least two years, and il is General
Grant's desire to travel as any other
privato citizen of tho United States,
without public demonstrations by tho
governmeutaulhoriliesol the countries
ho will visit."
Very Inqiisitive. Tho Williams-
port .Sun says: "Of courso Mr. Pierre-
pont is not to bo recalled. And yet
tho check which he sent Mr. Hayes
during the canvass was only for $3,000,
and not $10,000, as a friendly reporter
originally declared. Moanwbilo, if a
British syndicate should appeal from
Mr. Piorrepont to Mr. Evarts to learn
whether American legislation really is
to be socurcd only by "heavy bribery,'
what will Mr. Evarts reply T
Tueiu Exit. A Washington cor
respondent of tho I'hila. Timet ol the
18th., in speaking of the dcpartnroofEx
Senator Camoron and Senator Wallace,
says: "Ex-Sonalor Camoron left for
Harrisbnrg yesterday morning and
Senator Wallace will return with
his family to Clearfield to-morrow
morning. Tho former leave his old
power to his son, to tako up and
wield according to his mora youth
ful methods, while the latter gooa away
to his law business before tho local
courts, having impressed himsolf
strongly upon tba activo business of
the Sonata and made an Increased por
tion and influence which in 187S will
put him among th foremost leaders
of lbs Senate."
There is a fululilr connected wlthi
wrongdoing which mortals canci!
account fur, notwithstanding the "lin-
provemoiitsol'thottgo." In tlio full of
185fi. (ho Democrats of Si-huvlkill
county elected two members, named
Lebo unil Waggonsellor, to tlio Legis
lature, nnd tlio Democrats ol York
elected Sum. M incur to tbu sumo por
tion. Tlio election ol a I'nited Stales
Sonutor wus pending. When tho body
vuibvi ui m .iwvimniiiii. ctiu vuai' i
mun of tbo Umocratie Stale Commit-
teo, while the fragments of tho dying'
W big pui ly, the Know-Nothings und,
tho embryo Republican party, alt sot-1
lied on Simon Cameron. Parly lines!
were very close in tho I.egitdatiire ; tho'
Democrats having a small majority,
Simon "wigwagged" then us ho has
over since. Uo deliberately purchused
tho votes of tho three members indica
ted, and was elected United States
Senator, while Lcbo, Minear and Wag
gonsellerwero sent into oxilo, and, like
Cain, woro the mark on their fore
heads. The last survivor of tho trio,
Lebo, who resided at Taniivqun, Schuyl
kill county, was found dead in tho
street by a policeman a few nights
since. His death is a mystery; no
marks of violence were visible on tho
body, and from tho position of the body
and tbo condition of his clothing, he
must havo fallen dead in his tracks.
During the war II incur was given an
inside position in tho "horso ring" at
Washington. Ho purchased worn-out
army horses at from five to twenty
dollars, shipped them to a farm iu York
county whero they wero cared for, and
iu tho course of threo months sold
them back to tho government for $l!i0
and $201). Rut, whilo dealing iu gland
ercd and other diseased horses, ho ho
camo afflicted and prematurely diod a
miserable death soon after tbo wor.
Vt aggonsellcr, for many years, was
a menial cmployo of the North Central
Railroad, at Sunbury, and in this man
ner secluded himself. About two years
ago ho met his death by being crushed
between two cars. The falu of thosu
threo men is tearful to contemplate;
their daily associates who privately
observed their movements, do not hes
ilato in saying that they woro always
unhappy, rendered so by their indis
cretions, or from tho upbruiding of
ibeir equally indiscreet associates, who
frequently reminded them of their Leg
islative career. Tho career and fato of
tbetnoindicalcd should bca warning to
all young men, and a lesson which nil
should teach, who profess to ho gov
erned by the golden rule.
Stolen Honors. Tbo drift ol the
political tide ut tho National Capital
indicates that William M. Evarts and
Stanley Matthews who chiefly con
ducted tho case of tho Fraudulent
President beforo tbo Klectornl Com
mission havo received their rewards.
Ono is Secretary of State, and tbo
other is elected Senator from Ohio, en
tirely through the influence of Hayes,
and against tho accepted usages of the
party. Frolinghiiyscn and tlio other
patriots who consummated tho great
crime are to got their pay gradually,
so that public attention may not bo loo
much attracted to the scandal. Now
that tbo Senate has adjourned, and re
straint upon Kxocutivo action is re
moved for tho tiino being, provision
will be mado for all who contributed
to completo tho work of tbs Returning
Boards, and to steul Stales from
The Next Speaker. Tho editor of
the Lancaster Intelligencer, who seems
to know what is going on, Bays : "Tho
Democrats will havo a clear majority
of twenty In tho organization of tho
next House at Washington, and there
fore should certainly elect their speak
er. The candidates are Randal, of
Pennsylvania ; Cox, of Now York ;
Morrison, of Illinois, and Sayler, of
Ohio. Tbo two who aro in tbo lead
are Randall and Morrison, who have
at least 110 votes out of the ISO bo
tween them, and as Morrison will do
all ho can for Randall, unless he cun
himself win, the hitter's re election is
considered to bo a foregone conclusion.'
MTh rwnte!tetiun In New Utinntliir ri-autt
rd In ylormua Kaiulilien victor of over 3,9ll(
uiojurity." Itttiiicat Ecrkangt.
Well, that's tho result everywhere,
when bigotry, funaticisin and fraud
has the upper hand. Religion is mado
qualification and tost for oflluo In
that State, and when tbo votc.n yield
to influenco antagonistic to tho consti
tution of the United Slates; and con
trary to tho constitution of every State
in tbo I nion except Now Hampshire
it is quito natural that Radicalism
should bo successful
"Wo hare no aTinriathy with thoae Hrrulilir-ana
wno on ine wortia ana arirounnta or our adrer
aariea." asriNodoa u'flo6c.
Our cxporieiico of sixteen years, is, I
that no editor in tbo Ststo has roosted
so low, on this point, as "the gentle
man from Huntingdon." Ho is cer
tainly tho lust man to burl brick bats
ut his brulbern. No editor in the Stale
has used half as many "arguments"
coined in tho mint of his adversaries
as Mr. Guss. Wo hope ho will not
again offend in this manner,
A Bhoad Distinction. An exchange
in alluding to tbo personal character
of some of tho mcmbcra of our Logis
luturo remarks: 'The personal respect
ability of such leading Dcmocrnls in
the House ns Schcll, Fatinco and
Schnatterly compared wilh tbo black
guardism of charat terislic Republicans
like lluhn, Quirk antl Douglass isatair
test of tho representative character of 1
the two sides."
A Hint. Galena Washburn, Grant's
chief "butty," who has innocently play
ed plenliiolcntiary nt tho Court of
r ranco for tbo past eight years, was
notified that so me of Mr. Hayes' friends
wanted tbo place, has resigned that
"fut take," and will, with his family,
also return lo tho Golona lead mines,
or "do Europe" next Summor with tbo
Grant family.
Government Falsehoods. If the
ilc fitdo President, Hayes, (Iocs not
look out, his inaugural address' will
turn out to be a bugo lio. His "shilly-
shally" altitude toward theouth aro
unworthy of thu cdtiduct of a pick
pocket. Colonel Honry M. Iloyt, Chairman
of the Stale Central Republican Com
mittee, is to ha the noxt candidate lor
Goverr.or, If be will accept the nomi-
sation. Don says so.
II A YES, THE Flt.i (IP,
" In old times," suv. tho Neic York
lUigllook, "when highway robbery
was in vogue uniting tlio more (nlontuil
and bolder sort of tnini), the world
.irimnniMi imlnrUim-il wiih ninrlra fiYim '
tlio rifled victim.., or astonishing In-
stuncos of chivalry und generosity, not1
unmixed will, n il.M.rm, of v. fln..l and I
poetii'iil sentiment on tho purl of
tbo scamp of' tlio road. Kldcr-
IV maidens were often Invited to a
womu re n men oiiiino nil eui-uonn
and watches, w ith a smile, nnd a bow,
and a charming gnico thai Chesterfield
could not improve upon. Purses ol
mild worelaken from iroutv old lrentlu.
men of fluidity, and bunded over to
long haired.iinpccnnioim lookingyoung
students in rusty black, siiiol to
bo shirtless ut tho moment; but, us a;
rule, there was a handsome margin ol :
'lool' for the gentleman of the road,
and tiio liberality, generosity and ro
fined gallantry ol tho freebooters,
which tho victims periodically pro
claimed to the world, were goncrully
subject to a Very heavy discount before
the actuul facts woro reached.
"Now, w'o are hearing from many
quarters how very gallantly Reluming
LI. Hayes starts off in the stolen ollieo
ho Iras been brazen enough to accept
in the fuco and eyes of forty millions
of people, especially tho million and a
quarter of wfiile Democrats, who mude
up tbo majority ol the parly, iho Fraud
has thus bull-dozed. Wo do not doubt
that tho Presidential Fraud Is trying
to patch up a peaco offering to his
abused countrymen, by endeavoring to
bo as decent us a receiver of stolen
goods can be. Wo do not doubt ho
feels ashamed of tho position ho occu
pies beforo tho world, and would fuin
do something to soften tho seowl ol
scorn and contempt that bo sees on the
dark brow of outraged public opinion.
Wo fancy that ho would, if ho could,
go so fur as to removo tho curse of
Southern carpol-bagism, provided that
by so removing, ho could win over to
the suppor t of his disgraceful political
position thsl of tbo perjured usurper
tboSoiitbern Democracy ; but wheth
er ho can or whether bo will lot carpet
bugism slide remains to be seen. Log
ically ho cannot. Kellogg, Wells,
Packurd, Chamberlain tV.Co.aro legally
tho ruling powers in their respective
Slates, or if not, Hayes should be un
seated by tho foreo of arms at once
t. r, ., . , , ,
, from the Presidential chair, lor if they
who mado him what ho is uro political !
. 1
liaUUS ailU CllcaiS, lliuir Creature IS a
political fraud and chcal, who should ;
bo displaced ill an hour. The country
, , .1, r i '
won v no iiucatcu uy liny ireans 01
highwayman chivalry ho may play."
Among tho first places unsigned in
President Hayes' then forthcoming
Cabinet was tliut of Attorney Generul
toMoCrtiry, of Iowa, tbo present Sec
retary of War. Much surprise was
leu wnen 1110 l.ainnel was announced j
ro una iur. jjcirary assigned 10 int.. ouJ everywhere. Such men inherit
War Department. It seems when , 0j ,m.uumr al,j ,i.L.v wl uuw .!,..
:.,n,...i H..1I.... : ...1 ,.1 1.: i.:n :..
""""" uum.1 niiioeiiiiiii ","
ungrcs erecting too mw ourcors 01
1110 uovornmeni 10 lUKOstepsto reeov-
or to tho United States as tho real and
rightful owner of tho truet of land
which has been in disputo so long be
tween the new Idria mining company
and McGarahan, Mr. McCrary had,
in a five minutes' speech, advocated
tbo bill. Butler thought that tho pres
ence ol McCrary at tho head of the
Department of Justice would bo taken
advantage of to endanger his clients,
and at onco proceeded todcleattho ap
pointment, or nt least secure a transfer
of tbo gentleman to another Depart
ment, Tho President has received
further information, und is now in pos
session of tbo facts, and a change Iie
ing perfectly agroeablo to General
Devcns, who has a brilliant military
record, this gentleman will bo request
ed to assume the duties ol Secretary
of War, and M r. McCrary will bo as-1
signed to the position of Attorney
General, lor which ho was selected.
Tub Melted Golo Pack aiie. Post
master Jumcs, of New York, bus in
bis safe at the postoflico a mass of gold
wbicb baa just arrived from Sedan,
Indiana, whero il had been recovered
from tbo ruins of a burned postal car
which had been destroyed on the
!)lh Inst, through a collision between
tho eastern hound Chicago and Buffalo
postoflico anil a freight train. The
goldwascontainod in several packages,
and was subjected to such an intense
heat that the coins melted and run to
gether. It is now in a number of
lumps and fragments, some of them
scorched and partly smelted, while
others aro round and shot like, as if
they had melted and dropped a dis
tance, assuming their shapo whilo lull
ing. Tho mass is worth 125,000, und
several o' tbo blackened and dull look
ing fragments would be a coinfortublu
lilllo fortiino iif tbumsulvcs. Il ciimu
from the West consigned to Ibo curu
ol Postmaster J nines, who will take
( hat-go of it until a plan can bo ar
ranged for distributing it among thosu
who uro entitled to receive (to)
An Kxtka Session. A Washington
telegram says: "The day for calling
the extra session ol Congress was fixed,
tins morning, for tho 4 1 h of June.
This lale date was fixed so as lo have
M10 heat force as short a session as
possible, and so that tho interval would i
give tho President ample lime to geti
, , . 1
his department In running order to re- j
sisl tho onsluught on tho civil service
relonn policy, which is expected us,
soon as Congress meets.
1 Jolg While ol Piliaboreb ee ittnccd a nnor
mek lo throe ypara lapriatinuirnt In the prntien
narj lor eloaltna; a earn of flour, for a aterving
lamlla. aWeHeajre.
Yes, and un cx-Poslmaster, in that
city threo years ago "cabbaged" 1.18,
000 of stamps and he is still at large
and tho Department "short" to that
amount. Is it "civil service reform,"
you call it ?
A STohM BitEWiNii. The election ol
Mr. Camoron to succeed his father, sets Timf' who, by tho way, is a very rare
very hard on somo Radical stomachs. Iuss writer, any: "We know the
'and from tho look of things, wo lalnit Lr
not bo surprised tbnt belore tho 4ik
July, somo ol tho fuithlul will tlitow
up a portion of the Radical dose they
swallowed ten days ago. Wail only a
little while.
Don't forgot to give our foarth page
an attentive perusal this week. It is
filled with tnaltor that Interesls everybody.
The Ircndiiint pen of thu editor of
,u0 'ow ,s"" Kr""l "mlu "'
thn ronpiKihililiuitli- llio"tuntintf-lti"
llnyts, by which IIiii Will nl the
pci.)ot n.ii-ly express.'.!, hui been set
nl ''""rthl, decision of tlio bulbil-
"X llllsllletl, ttlW 100 l nnsllllltlnll 10
Tbo managers, l adors, nnd counsel
Ini'fl of tbo Itepiiblicun party urn re-
will. Un.1
The eight nicmbera of tho Comiiiia
siou, who not only violated the Con
stitution, but violated their own oaths,
in order to consuminuto Ibo conspira
cy of ('mud, have u deeper und a black
er responsibility of their own, as tho
''llors of crimo have a deeper guilt
lluu tho mere aiccssoi les,
Tho Republican parly is responsible
becuuso it lakes the fruits of the enor
mous wrong by common consent, none
of its members with only two bril
liant exceptions in tho House of Rep
resentative, Seelyo and Pearee, ol
Mass. uttering a word of protest.
Rutherford H. Hayes is responsible,
because bo receives,
eps, and uses
the great dignity und power conlerred
upon him through this networ k of Re
publican fraud relieved only by Dem
crutic folly.
Tho fuels cannot be forgiven, con
doned, or extenuated. They aro like
ibo sin nguinst tho Holy Ghost in re
ligion, which no repentance can ex
piate. Ahovo all, no good behavior on
tbo part ol a President thus fraudu
lently placed in ofllcu can w ash out tho
stains, theshamo, and tbo guilt of his
Thero is no safety for tho Republic,
except in tho reineiiibrunco of those
who are guilty, and in the infliction of;
such politirnl punishment as shall de
ter all men from n repetition of sucli
a crime.
Tbo Huntingdon editors have i
fashion of "speaking out in meeting'
just what they think. Tho GIoIk, iiir
instance, raps the oftlcoboldors and as
piianlH of its own parly over tho
knuckles as follows :
"Tlio nl u who hut to bnar lh boiv n.
irnaa of iubiitiiD( ooIiimaI nowp iiert uv
lull cauae to euloilNln. purliig the oaraoaigii wo
r eiutctoj to Uo any any amount of Work lor
rii!ilMflti who rmo nvrr pir-inil-d on, and
tl:eo I abmaii ufi'& tor to: doing enouii.
uiioh, nirp. "Bin we amuro inn aitrtloo nl Boon.
,., ,ru(i, i,01 r ,,r.w , ,.
T'' Vr "i""! "'" " ib-jr owe
ibilr eliclion. e asa evnrv bunoal wan la tbia
nchir lli.rei. u.irdli an ollioer now in llunllm
t "'Vl
"Tbeie are at Ibia lime no leaa tlun fnnr nan
l""liif lerward to a noinl.iaiion fur SburitT in
.1,1, du . ... cv.
ailverliarmt-ou emljub work 1(0 10 tne Local AVe
olbi-e end eiaewlierw. We nrouoo, anil bnie ihw
iumimui win evouue ine uioiiua, 10 let tbeet au-a
look lor Ibnir aniioit to ibe nia'ia wliara tbi-ir
patronage fiea."
Well, you needn't luko on in that
way over ihero. It's just so over here.
Party lines or names do not change
the character of individuals. Those
lliil uro loo slini'V to subscribe and
uuy r iKir utll mIty j,,, ,.
. . . "
solves to be buried With It. Vt liy, just
lll0 ollll.r ia. w mnt ft ,lln , muM
who buJ rceuived Iho Rkpi iii.ican for
twelve years without pay ing us a cent
Ho appeared with tbu notice in bis
band, and coolly informed us (but be
had never subscribed for tho paper,
and was not going lo puy for it. We
opened tho door and kicked hiiuoutof
tbo oflico. lie stood tho kicks like a
mun. Tho world is full of just such
kuuves, and thoy are not decreasing,
notwithstanding our boasted civiliza
Tho Harrisbnrg Patriot says: "On
one side of Mr. Hayes stands Packard
with the tin eat that ho will expose to
tho world all tho processes of iho clee
toral fraud in Louisiana if the troops
aro withdrawn from the support of his
boirus u-overnliient. On thu other band
Con(,reB, j, llbolll , aHKcmb6 wilh thu
fixed purpose of Tnuiiitniiiing the policy
of last session in regar d to army up
propriutioiis should lluyes continue his
militury inlcrforeiico w ith the right ol
local solf-governmuiit. If Hayes re
moves tho troops from the support of
Puckitrd ho casts a slander on his own
title which rests on the same basis as
that of Packurd. Should bo refuse to
withdraw the soldiers from New Or
leans Congress will make o appropri
ations for Iho support of tho army.
Such is tho predicumuiil in which Mr.
Hayes is placed by occupying the of
fice of President to which another was
chosen by a majority of a quarter mil
lion ballots and by n majority of elec
toral voles. It is strungo that the
Fraudulent President hesitates and
seeks to cvudn his duty by casting tbu
responsibility ol settling tho Louisiana
question upon a commission." Hayes'
Iriends are great 011 Commissions and
Returning Hoards, evidently believing
thul such political trappings aro rather
efleetivo in coverfng up bugo frauds.
However, it looks now as though the
last Commission would- not bo filled
for want ot members.
A New York bull bascomPlo
;rrief. In October hist Georgo H. Pet
tibone, tbo Hiipei'inlendent of the
Howe Sewing Machine Company, 1111
dertook to give Hayes and Wheeler a
hll. With this view he issued a circu
lar to the thousands of agencies of his
Company throughout the United Stales
instructing them, In so many words, to
subordinate, who
should vote tbo Deinocralio ticket,
Tn8 ri.un, ,ivt. Wl,r0 lhlll lho .,,.
cess of Ibo Dentoemtio party will bo
tbo ruin of the country," and that "ibis
is a struggle between tbu intelliirent
and respectable portion ot the coin-;
muiiity and the ignorant and roughs
and rowdies of the cities." Whether
this intimidation policy was car
ried out wo havo not tbo means nl
knowing, but hero comes the news
that Mr. Piltibono has absconded, wilh
the report flint be is a defaulter to the
anion nl of I.'O.IMO. So much for one
arrogant claimant of Intelligence ond
A DoztB. The editor oftboChicago
onon is n"l ry lavorahlo for an
cir"rt r hind, but Senator Blaine,
r -M""'. had better urrsngo for nil
olhur sunstroke."
Tho St. Louis Tirvj says: "Miss
Phicho Cossens would like to be ap
pointed to the St, Louis postofllce.
There is not much neod of a change;
Postmaster Filloy is just as handsome
a man as Miss Cotsena is"
In 1H57 tho Democrat hud u sinnll
niulorily in tbu Lrgislulnre. John W.
Forney, now odilnrof the I'hilinlelphia,,, lHl Wednosduy, when tho
Press, wus tlio Democratic nomincofor
United Stale Senator, and Simon Cam
eron wus tho WhlgKnow-Nolhlng-Itopuhlii'iin
candiilute. When tho vole
wan taken, Wuggnnscllcr and Lebo, of
Scbiiylltill, und .Minear, ol York, who
had been elected as Democrats, voted
fur C'aineriin and defealel Forney.
( uineroii had brili. 1 those three !'" -1
..luce tens liisloi I'm i,k' on
the purpose of bringing to the nolicn
of our readers w lmi Col. Forney, w ho
assumes to be the leading Rudnul ed
itor iu ibis Slule, Buys In reference lo
the recent Senatorial election. If the
Radical fuiiiily in this State is still
happy under tbo circumstances, Dem
ocrats need not go in mourning because
of tbu tenipoiuiy reverse w hich wus
produced by perjury, Iruud, violence
and ileiiiagogucisin. Wo now inl ro
il me Col. Forney, of the Press. "Hear
ye him" in throe sections, viy,;
"Son succeeded falhor as Senator iu
Congress of Ibo I'niled Slates from
grout old Pennsylvania. Mr, Junius
Douuld Cuineron, the only living son
of the Hon. Siiunn Camer on, takes bis
m.ul i tho higher branch of the Na-
lional Legislative hv the uliuosl uiian
minus vole ol u Ih iiuliliciiu Legislature,
ami in the liiee ol the indignant protest
of a Itcpuhlicun lieoiile. ilnppilv, il
the day is not gone by in which such
altogether novel transaction can be
perpetrated, lire dny oris tome when
they cun bo remembered and removed."
"W'o do not sneak ol Ibis painful pro
ceeding from any resentment. If wo
ever bad any persunat feeling against
Gcncrul Simon Cameron, it bus long
sinco passed uwuy. unit what little
knowledge wo havo of his son wus his
short administration of the War Depart-
monl under licneml di-niil. Hut it is
right thul the father nnd tbu son should
understand that tlio people ol a great
imperial Statu liko Pennsylvania, can
not consent to (lie prolongation of
power in u single family, and that fam
ily most interior, and Ibis continuance
under cireumsluiiees ultogellier ones
lionulilo. An attempt bus been mudo
to breuk the force of tins case lie ouot
ing tho election lo tho United .Suites
neuutu of the lour liny nuts great
grand-father, griind-fiitlier, lather, and
son from the little State of Delaware,
and iho election of the two brothers
Saulsbury, In the sumo State, In the
same high post. And we notice that
another elTorl bus been made to justify
this lust proceeding ill I'eniisylvaiiia,
by quoting the election of the Dodges,
father and son, from the two Slates 0!
Iowa and Wisconsin lo the Senule i f
Iho United Slates. But we must re
collect, at all limes, that tho election
of Mr. James Dnnuhl Cameron, con
siimmuted yesterday, is not a voluntary
act on the pari ol tbu Legislature, but
a craven obedience to an imperious
personal command. The last young
Bayard, of Delaware, succeeded his
father by supremo intellect, and high
culture. One brother Saulsbury suc
ceeded tbo other becuuso he whipped
his. party slaves info his support, in 11
biller bull-slave Slate. Augustus
Ciesur Dodge silt as a Senator in Con
gress from Iowa from 1818 to 1855, bis
father silting with him a portion of the
tiino as a Senator 111 Congress from
Wisconsin from 1HI0 to 1H57. Hut
these cases buvo nothing to do with
Pennsylvania. Our proud Common
wealth has never boon borno down by
a spectacle like tbat consummated nl
Harrisbnrg yesterday. It is not a
chattel Sluto liku lleluwatv. Neither
bus tiencrul Camoron and bis son, J.
Donald Cameron, enacted any such
part as that borno by Henry Dodge
and Augustus Crrsur Dodgo 111 the
west; bul It is unnecessary to pursue
the unpleasant reduction."
"Nor havo wo any right to call upon
President Hayes lo relievo us from the
tliflleullies thul must inevituhl; result
from the election of Jumcs Dou
uld Cumeron lo tho Senate of the
United States. He can boldly turn
uimn us and say: 'You send me this
gentleman by tho almost unanimous
voto of your Republican Legislature,
nnd yon ask me to protect tbo best
menof Pennsylvauiaagainst bis perse
cutions of all those who may not havo
supported him.' How true the remark !
A people who cannot protect them
selves deserve to bo slaves. We repent,
that in all tins we entertain no hostil
ity to the young geiillumun transferred,
under such cxtrordinury circumstances,
to tboSeiiuluof the United Slates. How
much belter and loftier it would have
been, nflor failing to forco himsell into
the Cubinet ol President Haves, if lie
had withdrawn proudly fr-oin any
further participation in politics, and
faithfully tulleii buck into tho Republi
cun ranks as a private, biding his time
for a future that in such nn event hu
could have proudly awaited. Hul now
ho goes to thut high body doubly dis
armed. Ho cannot punish llioso who
havo been forced lo resist his new in
timidation; he cannot deny that be is
not tbo representative of the Republi
can parly of Pennsylvania, in spite of
In reluctant election by the enslaved
Legislature of Iho Slato. Kvory whore,
from all parts ol the Commonwealth,
the loud cry ot denunciation of this ex
traordinary act is beard."
The fruit of the Returning Boards
arc about being plucked by Mr. lluyes.
for tbo benefit of those who cultivated
it. The New Orleans Times publishes
tho following epistles taken from tbo
Disik of Hayes:
- Wasiiinoton, March 20. To Hon.
S. It. Packard, Neva Oi leant: Your dis
patch of the 24th is received. The
Secretary of Wur has sent lo General
Augur the following:
Gen. C, C. Augur. Ncm Orleans, La :
A Commission will shortly visit Louis
iana. In tho meaiiliino the President
desire that tbo situation remain un
changed. Pleaso report what change
in the itiialion, if any have occurred
since tho closo ol tbe'lalo Administra
tion. W.M'Ceabv,
R. B. Haves. Secretary of War.
This from Kellogg :
Washington, March 25. 7 G'or.
S. II. Packard, New Orleans : President
Ilnyc said yesterday to F.llis and
oilier in tho presence of Congressmen
, that Nicholls has no legal Courts.
His Supremo Court i reiiduring Judg
ment which aro entirely worthless.
W. P. ft.
Tho cloven foot begins to slick out
all around, llaycsmustpacify Packard
and Chamberlain and their copfedur
a'.os, Wells, Anderson A Co., or they
will reveal Ibo glaring frauds commit
ted In Louisiana and South C'arolirm.
"Tho Government" has got its hands
in the lion's mouth. If these scamps
are not quieted tljcy will tell where
tho stolen goods are, and for whoso
benefit they were stolen.
Hayes' Sou I hern policy, as laid down
in his inaugural address, is being aw
fully bull dosed just now. It looks ss
though he would bo compelled lo aban
don his whole scheme, and band the
government over to Morton and his
freebooter. The sulo of trader posts
and cadetship would bo in order now,
if it wore not for the fact that tbo Con
gress will be Democratic, and will look
into and expos all such wrong.
A "RHAN NEW" SENA '1 01!.
Tho cutest Senatorial olcctlon over
held in any Stale, cumo off at Harris
Rudicul members of that commercial
body vnlilled tho Pennsylvania Legis
lature, filled tho vacancy caasod by
tho resignation of Simon Cameron, by
electing Ins on, commonly called
"Don," as United Htiiies Senator to All
out tho balance (two years) of tbo fa
tber's tenn. 1 bo vote caul lor J umes
n,., r'at-n-ron. was llflin ibo Houso.l
find noriiiirriled Senator Dill, 01 j 11 1011 !
county, and H Senator und "4 mem
bers of tho House east their veto for
him ; Mr. Dill voted for Mr. Clymer.
A cotomporary, in alluding to the
character i f our nominee, sitys :
"Senulor Andrew 11. Dill, who was
voted fur by tbo DemocratH of tbo Leg
islature for United Suites Senator, is a
native of Maryland, and hardly on Ihu
shady side ol forty years, llu gradu
ated at Dickinson College, studied law,
und hunted for the pruelico ol his pro
fession iu Luwisburg, Union county,
where hu stands confessedly ut the
head of Iho bur. In 1K00 be mnde his
first appearance as a polilicul candidate,
when he was prusonlud as ono of the
three Democruliu candidates for the
House in the strong Republican district
of Union, Snyder and Lycoming. His
exceptional popularity elected liiin.und
be served in the 11 on so with such credit
and acceptability that In 1H70 ho was
nominated lor Senator in the district
compjsed of the sumo counties. He
was opposed by ex-Muualor Johnston,
of Lycoming.wbo wits regarded us one
of the strongest men ol the party, but
Dill not only overcame tho largo Re
publican majority, but was elected by
nearly 1,201) majority. At tbo expira
tion of bis term 111 1R73, ho was again
tiiiaiiiiiiously nominated in the new dis
trict composed of Union, Snyder.Perry
and Northumberland, and Dr, Wagon-
seller, of Snyder, was nominated by
tbo Republicans. Notwithstanding
iho popularity of Wagouseller in bis
own county that gave him nearly 1,100
majority, Dill was elected by some 30
votes. In tbu Senate he ranked second
only lo Wnllueo as a parliamentary
leader, and without ever assuming the
leadership, ho has gradually gravitated
to the front rank of his party in the
Legislature just as water finds its level.
At the close of bis second term ill 1 870.
bo wished to retire, but wus compelled
10 accept a Ibiid nomination. The
disirict bad been changed by taking
Perry from it, thus inoraising the Re
publican majority over 100, and ibe
sharp party lines of a Presidential con
test mudo ibo battle upparenlly more
than doubtful. He accepted it, how
ever, and Dr. Wugonsollur, his old
'iimpelilnr, was again nominated, bull
in tire fuco of tlio intensified national
conflict, bo wus ogain elected by over
200 majority, and has three yeurs yet
to serve ill tho Senute. He is able in
debute, sagacious in council, unobtru
sive to a tun It, and blameless in repute.
Tho nomination of bis party for the
office of United Slates Senator was a
just tribute to one of the most respect-
ed and meritorious representatives of
liberal anil progressive Democ -acy.
Col. Mi ('lure, who is an old Legisla
tor, in alluding to tbu closing scenes ol
the Legislature of our Statu, thus dis
courses in thu Philadelphia Timet, of
the 22d. It is a conceded fact by
leading men of both parties tbat the
Legisluluro of 1877 was composed of
iho worst elements that ever beforo
assembled nt Hurrisburg. The mem
bers composing tbo mojority disgraced
themselves and the Slato. Hut we
will let Col. McClure speak :
"When lawlessness rules in the Leg
islature, law making should cull a halt.
The action of the House in forcing the
pretended passage of a violent Pilgrim
partisan bill at tho sacrifice of all re
spect for the laws ol the body, was re
gard by the people of the Slato as a
crimo against public decency that
could not bo rescued from its excep
tional sbamo by imitation in any quar
ter ; but tbuSenuto was quite as shame
less last night as tho House, and to
day every honest man in the Com
monwealth, of every political' fai.tb,
must blush for tho degredation of Ibe
first legislative tribunal of the Stale.
The voto of the Senate declaring that
u majority could advaiico a bill lo im
mediate consideration out of its order,
in insolent violation of the rules of the
body, was a positive disregard of a
plum sworn duly on llie part ol every
Senator who so voted. 1 bore was not
one who thus swept away every ves
ligo of respect for luw, who did not
know that bo was prostituting a high
duty and humiliating himself to serve
a more than questionable partisan ond,
and they have each and ail proclaim' d
ibeir piliublo servitude to the meanest
tusk musters by llieir deliberate for
feiture of public respect. That Sena
tor I. union, of this city, should lead in
such un assault upon the very integri
ty of the Senate and the majesty of its
rules, will surprise no one; but lor such
men as Horatio (iutes Jones and John
K. Reyburn to bow their necks and
hnro their shivering bucks to tho lush
of lawless legislativo advetilurer,musl
stain their skirts inefTuccubly belore
tbo gae ot their Intelligent eonstitu
cuts. And for what is all Ibis blister
ing dishonor in the very temple of law?
Iu pass a bill that Is in conflict witb
the Constitution: that is wanted by-
no honest citizen of Philadelphia; thut
is asked for by iho clamor of tho re
pealer und the ballot thief, and tbat
will recoil fearfully upon the party that
passes it. Il is, indeed, time that a
peremptory halt should he called upon
such a Legislature, and it will proba
bly bo tlono lo dny. Tho voto on the
final pnssugo of tho bin this morning.
wilh tlio facia staring every Senator
in iho fuco that it crawled into the
body from the House slim)' and fetid
with Iruud, and tbnt It was crowded
abend tor flriul vote by a ruling of the
body that ia lie, ol which every Sen
utor is clearly conscious, will bo a test,
and a searching test, of the honor or
hIiuiho of every member of tho Sensto.
Never belore ill Ibo history of legisla
tion was such a fiood-tidu ol inliiinv In
vokod to win a victory that will bj
barren of everything but dishonor and
BorNPt.tss I noratitdpe. The fraud
u lent Mr. Hayes, entered upon bis
trouble last week, nnd they are likely
to iucrcuso upnn hi hands as lime
wears on. He, no dmibt, Imagine
that he is trying to do right, but he
only shows that bis rapacity for in
gratitude Is as boundless, as was tho
wickedness of tho men who cheated
Mr. Tilden out of the Presidency, and
roeolvcd their rowan) In a snubbing at
Mr. Hayes' hands. In making up Ins
Cubinet, he refused to havo anything
to do with thu Cainornnsnnd Mortons
and Chandlers and lllaines, and that
class of Radical. Their discomfiture
ha a touch of poetic justice. They
connived at and hutched all the crimes
tbat wero necessary to overthrow the
election ot the people, and bow they
aro discnmfUlcd, disgraced and dishon
ored. The receiver of tho stolen goods,
pockets the plunder and kicks the
thieves and conspirators from his pre
vnco. Dm this act ol base Ingratitude,
will not give Mr. Hayes, any belter
title to the Presidency, or the respect
ot the American people. In good time
he will see hi mistake, and recall the
thieves and conspirator to bis em
brace. OAia Kaqlt,
The next Slato fair will be hold
at Erie.
Ex-Pit'sldent Grant will sail for
Europe in May.
Key, tho now PotilmaslorGonoral,
il the father ol thirteen lilllo Keys.
The M innesnta Legislature refuses
to allow women to practice law in the
Courts of that Slato.
Tho tcrnperanco excitement in
Pittsburgh bus reached and passed its
crisis ami is last subsiding.
sail for Australia on the Htb of April
Ah Me Sin, a Chinese workman at
the Beaver Falls Cutlery works, died
and was buried at Beaver Falls last
A judge Iu Murahalllown, Iowa,
lust week committed two Quakers to
jail fur wearing their hats in tho court
room. ,, ,
The Lowistou n Sentinel say that
ubout one hundred persons embarked
at thul place for Kansas, ono day last
Tbo Ilcnovo Jtecord says the
freights 011 the Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad have been very light for the
past month.
Mark Jeffries died at the residence
of his son, Rev. Cyrus Jeffries, at Mt.
Union, Pa., a few days sinco, aged
ninety years.
James Whitmer,ofSny dor county,
Pa., raised 1.600 bushels ot MlaUo on
ten acres of ground last yeur, for
which ho received 11,200.
Thomas J. Lewis, an old resident
of Johnstown, ato a hearty suppur
Tuesday evening, stepped out in front
of bis dwelling, and fell dead.
Haves Is letting his Southern
policy out on commission. II there
uro any profits, Hayes gets them ; if
there are none he loses nothing.
Turkish agentsure seeking to place
an order to build filly locomotives, and
tho Patterson, . J., rrrs fs hopeful
that it will be secured in that city.
A RouUvillo. Va., negro recently
ato forty-four hard boded eggs at one
silling. Ho then drank seven glasses
or water, and called for more eggs.
A boiler in the saw mill of Hun
ter Bro's., at Washington, Indiana, ex
ploited one day last week, killing
twelve persons und wounding seven.
The New York Stale Senate re
nised to confirm Gen. McClellun lor
Superintendent of Public Works, ou
account of bis noii-residcuco in the
When the Yunderbiil will contest
cumo to its sudden und a lawyer was
beard to remark : "it's highway rnb-
bury I It robs the profession of fl,.
Philip Walker, of Hollidiiysbiirg,
shot a swan with a rifle, while a flock
of eight was passing over that town.
It measured ix feet nve luetics from
tip to tip.
A mine of plumbago or graphite
has been opened on lands of Mr. Long,
near Mcrtxtown, Lehigh county. Some
twenty tons of it havo already been
taken out.
,Tno. D. Leo, the Mormon elder
who was convicted of helping to mur
der a parly ot emigrants over twonty
years ago was executed on Friday last,
by shooting.
It costS. 8. Grimes, ol Wayne.
burg, $10 50 for what he knows about
tho game laws of Pennsylvania in con
nection wilh squirrels. Ho killed nine
out ot season.
The bill providing fur a tax of.
eight-tenths of one per cent, on tho
gross receipt 01 runway companies,
has passed both branches of tne Male
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany has contracted lor ono hundred
and twenty-Are rcfrigcratorcars, to be
used tn transporting moat from lexos
to Now York.
The refuse of the Nevada mines
is to bo worked over, and it is pett
ed that million will be reclaimed from
waste and added to the silver yield of
that place yearly.
An old man engaged in hauling
in Ashland fell heir to one hundred and
eleven thousand dollars some time ago,
and on Saturday last he died, leaving
the fortune to an only son.
Two men in Thomas county, Ga.,
wero after some wild turkey, unaware
of each other's pursuit. One saw, as
ho thought, a turkey in the bushes and
fired. It proved to be the other man.
Ho was killed.
A thief in women's clothes stole
ten thousund dollars from tbo pay
master, of a Lancaster, Pa., cotton
mill. . on Thursday last. Ho was
subsequently raptured, and all the
money recovered.
The flsh of Wallowa I.ako, in Cal
ifornia, aro blood red in color atid very
tilt. There aro otily four lake known
in which this fish is found Payotte in
Idaho, a lake in Maine, cne in Scotland,
and Wallows Lake.
No one need be surprised at the
nnnnnncmont tbat a public school has
been opened at Crook City tn the
Black Hills. If there's a spot in Amer
ica where the young idea should bo
taught how to shoot, it's there.
Geo. L. Whiting, bookkeeper in a
New York Bank, walked off wilh
1160,000 in bills, on Wednesday last,
and cooly informed the officers of the
batik tbat ho would divide witb them,
lie was arrested and held lor trial.
Hon. A. Oukey Hall, ex-Mayor of
Now York, has been missing tor sev
eral days. The detectives of that city
have been looking for him, but no trace
of his whereabouts lias been discover
ed. No cauno is assigned for hi vol
untary absonce.
Minneapolis (Minn.) is not yet
thirty yeurj old. More than 1,000,000
barrels ol flour wero exported from
that lilac last year, and mora than
200,000,000 feet of lumber made. One
flouring mill bus forty one run ot stones,
capable of turning out 1,200 barrels of
flour a duy I
Mr. Jsme Irvine, the great sheep
farmer of Los Angcloa county, Call
loriiia, intends lo kill thirty-nine thou
sand sheen on account of the drouth
tbat prevails iu that region. Ho owns
altogether forty-five thousand sheep
and one nundreu ana sevon thousand
acre ot land.
Counterfeit halfdoilars, made of
glass and silvered over by some pro
cess, are in circulstion. They are diffi
cult to detect, ss tbo ring is perfect.
Counterfeit quarters of various kinds,
and even dimes and ball -dimes, closely
resembling the genuine silver pieces,
aro being shoved upon the public.
Tho poplar forests in tho region of
country north of liuwistown, Maine,
have been out down tor timber for the
manufacture of paper. These forest
have been considered by the farmers
as almost entirely .worthless, a good
deal of tne wood or lumber Hardly pay
ing for the cutting and hauling; bul
now tne timber bring a bigh price.
The number of laborer in Now
Yoik unemployed and seeking work is
said to be (15.000. The figures are
sadly signincanl. it would not proba
bly be saying too much to affirm that
they represent at least 100,000 persons
in actual want, or nearly so, ol lb ne
cessaries of life. This gives a disooar-
tfnf? KgraKt of discomfort and
suffering, to wbicb must be added a
probable tnereoss in vto ana enme.
Tho shooting of tho notorious John
D. Lee, on Friday last, as the head
centre of tbo Mountain Meadow Mussa
cro twenty years ago, fills puges ol the
newspapers. The excitement runs
nearly as high as when the crimo was
At 11 a. m., precisely, Leo was
brought out upon tho sceno of the
massucro ut Mountain Meadows be
fore the executing party and sealed on
bis coffin ubout twenty feet from the
shooters. The spot chosen for curry
kr 4 - i - x
euiigrunt party made their last camp,
and quite near to the monument erod
ed to their memory. The condemned
man could easily read the well-known
words which comprise the inscription
on tho huge stone crors that stood over
tbo gravos of In victims.
is mine.
The awful words stared tbo con
demned man in the face and told him
that there was a God to fear as well
as to love.
After tho order of the court was
road to him and the company present
by Marshal Nelson, ho asked Lee if he
had anything to say before execution.
Lee then arose and siiid :
"1 havo but little to say. 1 feel that
I am on the brink of eternity. I have
made a manuscript history ot my life.
I have given my views and feelings
with regard to all these tilings. I feel
asoalm as a summer morning. I huvv
done nothing purposely wrong. My
conscience is clear before GihI and man
and 1 am ready to meet my Redeemer.
I am not an infidel. I have not denied
God or his mercy. I regret that in
parting with my family, many ol them
aro unprotected. When 1 speak ol
those lilllo ones they touch a tender
chord within. (Here Lee's voice ful
lered.) 1 have done nothing design
edly wrong in this affair. 1 used my
utmost endeavors to save these people.
1 would havo given worlds were they
at my command to Have avoided thai
, ,,,,1. . .1,, uppiy end, and 7.dOIIiii the lower end
ribeed to satisfy other parlies, but I of n, tcmly. Unless my arithmetic
am ready to die. 1 havo no fear, j j, nl auti d,MW mit inl0 j7 ;
Death has no terrors, and no particle nflo ten times. Again be tuivs :
of mercy have 1 asked the court or Wllh , ,Br ,,.
Officials 10 Spare my life. I do llOt learl treat Ibat nian.T f.r- t,rm,,a baill h the eoome
death. I ail) a true believer in the gos-1 "croee the titer and ClearnrlJ I'reeb i tbe upiirr
pel of Jesus Christ. 1 do not believe! '"
anything that ia now practiced and During tbo ten years named ths
taught by Drigham Young. I believe I county bus 4ui( no brid.jit, free or oth
he is leading people astray ; but 1 bo- vrwise, but bus aided by subscription in
lieve in the gospel as taught in it j 'he erection ot les tlisn ten bridges,
purity by Joseph Smith in former day. ,M"ll in lheupnTend by the enterprise
I hare my reasons for saying this. 1
used to mako this man's will my pleas
ure, and did so for thirty years. 1
have been sacrificed in a cowardly
inannor. I regret to leave my family ;
tbey aro near and dear to mo. 1 did
everything in my power to save all
emigrants ; but 1 am tbu one thai must
suffer. Having said this 1 feel resign
ed. I ask the Lord my God to extend
his mercy to me and receive my spirit.
My labors here are done."
Parson Stokes (Methodist) then
mado a prayer commending the soul
of the condemned man to God.
The prayer ended, Marshal Nelson
advanced and proceeded to tio a white
handkerchief over Lee's eyes. While
this was being done, the prisoner quiet
ly submitting, Lee begun sjmuking in
a low voice. "Let them shoot the
balls through my heart. Don't let
them mangle my body." The Marshal
ro assured him that the aim would be
true, and then stepped buck. As he
did this he gave the requisite orders :
"Ready, aim, tire!" Tbe five men
selected as the executioners obeyed
promptly. They raised their rifles to
ibeir shoulders, took deliberate uim at
tbe blindfolded mini sitting on hi cot
fin about twenty feet in trout of them.
A tho fatal word, "Fire!" rang out
clear and strong oil tho morning air, a
sharp report was heard, and Lee tell
buck on tbe coffin deud and motionless.
Ho must bavo died in a single iiislunl,
for there was not a cry or moun nor
even a tremor ot the body.
A lew minutes were then allowed to
elapse, all present standing motionless
and witb uncovered heads. Tbo Mar
shal stepped alone, moved and walked
over to the body to examine it and as
certain ft death had resulted, l-.ven ut
thul moment the photographer was
busy taking a view of tbo scene. None
ol Lee's relatives were present, wbicb
was contrary to generul anticipation,
as Rachel was often beard to declare
that she would ho present if, indued,
her husband was executed. Tbu change
ol programme and scene ol execution
was no doubt the reason tor Ibis fail
ure un her part. Tbo ullur silence
prevailing wus at length broken by
Marshal Nelson exclaiming: "Ho is
quite dead. Tbo luw ia satisfied at
Then a general movement was made
by the party, and all gathered 10 view
the corpse. Looking at tho body il
was found thut Iho leutures were quite
comiHwed, bul ghastly whilo. The
breast was bloeding profusely, and the
limbs wero partially straightened out
alter the involuntary movement at
tending the death spasm Beyond
these signs there was nothing to de
note that Lee had met any olhur than
a peaceful dealn.
The body was tenderly picked np by
the deputy Marshal and placed in the
coffin. The casket was then carried
over to tho wagon and put in, and the
entire party began dispersing. The
execution was a very remarkable ono
and was entirely successful, ibe body
is now on its way from tho scene ol
execution to bo delivered to relatives
at Cedar City.
Mr. Hayes' administration will not
be a bed ot rose lor f'.s figure bead,
A Democratic House of Representa
tives, holding the purse strings of tbe
Nation, is a lion in tho path ol many a
schemo which Radical ingenuity and
rascality may devise. It will be an
effective block to almost any disreput
able gamo that might bo set 'nfool la
tinise, who havo been constituted Ibe
mainsprings of power. But even the
Senate, which stands nenrer and is of
more importauce to the executive
branch of the government, is destined
lo soon fall into tbe hand of the De
mocracy, Tbe natural bent of its
changes tends very rapidly In that di
rection. Kighlyearsago, tho Republican had
a majority ot forty-five in tho Senate.
At the commencement ot Grant's sec
ond term it bad fallen to thirty-lour.
Two years afterward the Republican
majority in the Senate ram down to
fourteen. And now, counting all the
Independent nn their side except
Judge David Davis, we find tbat the
Republican have a majority in tho
Senate of only five, a margin which
recent event have shown to oe a vory
scant one, and scarcelypracticable lor
serious "working purposes."
But in forecasting the probabilities
for the near future tbe outlook ia still
more flattering. Of tbe twenty-three
Senators whose terms expire witb tbe
present Goegi-eaa, six are Democrat
and MTeoteea ore Republican. The
Democrats are llarnum of Connurtw-ut
Denntsol Maryland, McCreery of Ken
tucky, Hngy of Missouri, Merriinon (Jf
North Carolina, und fjordou of Georgia.
There can be little doubt that each of
these will either be his own successor
or will be followed by some equally re.
liublo Democrat, as our bold upnn u
these Suites is fixed and ieriiiaiieiit
D is almost equally curtain that ,.,.
ocruls will succeed to four seals at
present filled by Republicans 8eiiccr
of Alubsmn; Dnrsey, of Arkansas)
Conover of Florida, and Patterson, of
South Carolina. These changes slung
would give the IVmocral a uisioriiv
- i - tA-" S. ,;J.f,'iV!h I. .wy
tsVwCTtttacjma 'mi irns'Tr r
publicar ;en tbere wih je suit ,..
or liOttfh in two years to Conkliiig
of Democratic New York, Minion f
Democratic Indiana, Mitchell of Dem
ocratiu Oregon, to Jones of Nevada
Chance ol Colorado, Sargent of Csli
loriiia, Matthews of Ohio, Ogh-by of
Illinois and Cuineron of Pennsylvania,
in all of which the Democrats limy
elect tho Legislatures, so thai it is pos
sible lT the Democrats lo liure a very
lurge majority in the iiextSenato. pro
bublu Unit they will bare a very do
ciHed preponderance and almost be
yond question that they will control
that body. Limcanttr Intelligencer.
Clearfield, Pa., Murch 26, 1 877.
Mb. Kpitob : We often hear grave
doubts expressed of the pcrieluity of
our republican institutions, and I con
fess that 1 havo at times myself, flit a
vague uneasiness as I contemplated the
reckless extravuguneo of our rulers.
1 have of I lie, however, become more
bopeltil, and quite reassured, since n ail
ing sri article iu the Osceulu lieretlle,
signed "Gisily." Our county, at least,
is sale, so long as we have such a bold,
sagucious, and disinterested sentinel on
the watch-lower us "Goofy" bus dem
onstrated himself to be. His xeul lor
iho public wcllure is Certainly coin,
nieiidable; bul 11 is lo be very much
regretted thul his knowledge ot the
fin is in the ease is not comnieiistirutu
with his aval. As he -(videHily bus no
little axe to grind, 1 must exonerate
him from intentional misrepresentation
and charitably suppose thul he would .
hare told the truth if ho had known
how. How ncur be came lo doing so
will beappureiit upon examining a tew
of bis statement. He says :
It ia a ni.lurinoa fact tbat nlue-ti-ulba ul ti.9
asonrj of Ibe coanlj nipeedrd lor imblie ja.
prot-i ueit within tba laat Ira yeara at l.aal,
loutenle- of Ibe building ul the jail), baa g ,na l
mo uiprr,or eouiarro who. 01 toe ooanl.
Now, within the last ten years the
county bus paid for bridges erected
within Us borders, (24.300, (exclusive
the GiMMltellow bridge). Of this
llm 17,000 has boeii expended in iho
of tbo citixuiis of that localilv. i ho
county, like Providence, helps thoso
who help themselves.
Not inrlo-lirg the ims liridira at Corweaariilc.
rheeoat ol wbi- b elont. wea over Urn tbooiand
ifollAra 'o Iho eounl.
The county paid towards tbo orcction
of the Curw ensville Iron Bridge 80,021
which is, if 1 misiuke not, under, in
stead of "over," J 10 000.
During ehich lliae the wb.ilo lnwcr r-r eaalerr,
wrati-rn and Dorrbern aode ot the ouuntv b irr re-c-iTeil
ia all leaa tSan tba coat of the Iron brl laa
at Curwenerille.
If ?7 :oo is less than 0,021, then
Gooly is correct, not otherwise.
Ti en to can the elimai, ibr nan-baaed the old
dila,tdatro) atrueiure known aa Oioilll-w-a
uniige. acrnee trie river ahoat two nilee eontb or
town, at an cluruiteut price.
'I'h" Gnodfellow bridge was built
when labor und mutenui were cbeup,
und cost about 13.000. Tbe Commis
sioners recently bought tbe same for
1 1,200. and 1 am credibly informed '
that two responsible gentlemen stand
ready to pay the Coirmissionera their
money back and 11,200 for Ibeir bar
gain, fvr miicb tor "exorbitant prices
and "squandering the people's money."
The one aernai riearSelil ereab aoald be pur
ehaed lor at leaat half ibe firiee paid fur the
Uouolf lluw srtila, an 1 ia a betlar bri.ljre.
The creek bridge cost about $000,
and 110 doubt could be purchased very
cheap ; but tbu expression "is a heller
bridge, unconsciously reveals tbo ex
tent of what "Gooly" knows about
Whv it ta tbat una aide or end nf the Manlr
jrela all or almoat all, the benebt of tba taire ia
nublie imiiroveuienla, and ibe balance nothing. 1
cannot tell, nnleaa it la becae-e our Commieaion
era are all Iroejt that end, and aro looking oat for
noate ititeriau or bume improvements.
He cannot tell; bill hoimaginus that
the Commissioners aro actuated by Ibe
sitine motives that would influence him
under similar circumstances. But 1
would suggest lo iho gentleman that
he might profitably employ some rainy
day iu studying the mup of Clearfield
county, llu will probably find that
but one of tbe Commissioner Mr.
McGbee lives in "the npper end."
Mr. Brown occupies almost tho exact
centre ot tbe county, while Mr. Hoover
lives in the lower end, geographically
considered. Besides, I woultl remind
him that 621,179 out of tho 824 500
wus paid out before tho present board
of Commissioners were elected ; and
had that sagacious statesman been aa
intent on lulling the truth as con
cealing it, ho might pel baps have dis
covered thst fact. And had bis mem
ory been as retentive as his scent was
keen, ho might not have forgotten, or
overlooked, tho Trout Run bridge, to
which the county contributed 1450; or
tho Mosquito Creek bridge, (1.600 ; or
the river bridge nt Deer Creek, which
took 11,616 out of tbo county treasu
ury. Clearleld and tbe towar anil af tba eoaaly
ahnutd have free bridges, aa well aa Carwiaavillt
aad tbe Smrr end.
Jusl sot The County Commissioners
are of the opinion thai all tbo bridges
in Ibo county should bo free, but as
Rome was pot built in one duy, and iu
view of the hard times, they think it
best to move slow in the mailer. But
no sooner do they tako one step in tbo
direction ot free bridge, than they are
beset on all sides with importunities to
"buy our bridge," no less than six
bridges boing offered, each demand
ing lo be next on the list. Now, if the
Commissioners hud a bunk of their
own, or owned a paper mill, they might
aecommiHlitio all these anxious gem le
mon, bal as they are handling the lax
payers money, they leel liko doing ono
thing at a time, hoping thereby 10 bo
more likely lo do that one thing right.
So far "Gooly" is the only one of
these public spirited gentlemen that
has seen proper to rush into print, and
by the way he shake hi inline and
roar, one would Imagine that hu was
just about to compel the Commission
era to repeat the very act he himself
condemns, i. r., the purchase ol a bridge.
But the little sentence, "The one across
Clearfield Creek," is Iho asses ear
slicking out from under the lion' skin
and unwillingly reveals tbe animus of
the whole communication.
I would respectfully suggest to the
valorous "Gooly" that when be again
starts out to bull doxo the Commission
ers into buying his elephant, that he
go "around by tbe bridge."
Yours truly,
C. C.
Tbe question of life insurance is at
tracting close and shsrp attention, the
latest revelation being quite onlavor,
able to some of tbe strong compaaios
Tbo past winter ha demonstrated
that Montana if the beet stock-breeding
country in the Unite! Bute.