Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 21, 1877, Image 2

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    ijhc $t publican.
trKl""" I'- (i""III.A.IOII. I'Mimr.
la the hilttnpee wrlil, Ji t na.l arireniillr
Onltitnn. In .vr' e-.tamn In 'ruenlar
SiMinlor Wnllaro nrrivi'd liiuni) ra.
Monday nilil, un I (in Tiit-ailay morn
ing Ionic Sin m'lil in iviurl 111 nnuof thr
cuunnrl in llio Turmr cuxc.'
J,TnHfi"luiiiro lin.j;jin;t;J .to ivl
journ lo iiiuitow. This will ho
now In tlii lux -payers, but nut li llii'l
hotel luTpvr nt lliu Ciiiiliil. j
The Scknidn I'i.osui. The api-cial
dCHHion of tlii) United Stutes Senulo.
ciilleJ by Pivsiilent Grunt, niljouiiied,
sine die, on Saturday lust, at 4 p. m.
I - ...
Tlii) Cuiiiuriin Iraiitdur ut' tho I'liitid
Status SenntorMiip, camo ofl' ut Harris
burg jestenliiy. Dun luki'ri tlio place
vacated by bin father, an per agreement
with tho Sluto ring.
IlEnniNd. Counted in llnyc naked
tlio "imyern of ull Clirietiun people,"
and noon dinod with Uub liigrraoll.
Committing flu ml, und voting ''8 to
7," "ltenolved I hut evidence ol iraud
bo not received," and tliut'swbat made
it for Retiirninif Hoard Haves.
"Cameron' March to Moscow," by
Col. McCluro, on our fourth pajic, in
an article full of hmtory and roniance,
and will richly repay a perusal.
Tuoors Wanted. Another outrage
in the South ! A Tennesscco Democrat
was taken and the Louisiana liepuhli
cans were left. Troops ( Troops I
Mrs. Piukalon failed to ohtuin a
Cabinet position. Hut Hayes (lid the
next bent thing, lie nppoiuleil Sher
man, her partner in the King line.
The editor of the Rcllclnnto Hqmb
Hmn, in hiu'hly pl-ned with tho elm'
tion of "Don" to tlio United Slatei
Senate. "A hotter selection couhl not
be made."
Fitly illicit ilii-tillcm were ar rented
in denrgia tho other (lay. (.ramie
no more President, thank (In I, but it
Hayes follows in hit footsteps these
fellows will nil get n pnnlnn.
Henry Lcnkiicr, the condemned
murderer ut Piitsliurgli, will escupi
the gallows. The Hoard of Pardons
having agreed to commute his sen
tenco to imprisonment lor lite.
Radical Dikt. (..'row in a favorite
diet wiib Republican these days. The
Cumeron Politicians took n largo dish
when Hayes snubbed Pennsylvania
and appointed Schuns and Key to his
- Simon's Opinion op "Rltiiy." A
Washington correspondent speaking
of Senator Cumeron says that his sell'-
assiranco bikj mo munition of ugu
makes him free spoken and petulant,
hence ho spares no profanity and
scorns to uso diplomatic or equivocal
phrases in assaulting the course of the
administration. ' Ho is too d d
unanimous and independent I" says
Billion in regard to Hayes.
The Ohio Senatou. Judge Stanley
Matthews, of Cincinnati, Hayes' god
father, has been elected U. S. Senator
by ..tho Ohio Legislature, to succeed
Hon. John Sherman, appointed Secre
tary of the Treasury. The contest was
between Matthews, Tuft, (Grant's At
torney General), llowland und Shellu
barger. . We presume Garfield now
Boos why Hayes did not want him to
bo a candidate.' Wo presume so.
QcKEal An exchange-says: "Jlaycs
has instructed Gen. Key that when he
assumed his office as Postmuster Gener
al he issued new commissions toall
maslers in i'ennsvlvioin li,.!-.,!!,.. .1 !
of office exnires on the. n,h m M,..i. !
it is sum tlieru am over 15U of these.
Senator Cameron absolutely reltiBed to
sign any petition to lluyes, asking tho
retention of any of these Postmasters,
though nearly ull were bis originul up.
Bun Dozi.d Mor.ioN. Of ull the
old Hudiciil managers, Mr. Morton is!
now the most indignant und spiteful,
Olid yet his hands uro tied, sous lo be
in a condition losinnsh thingsus llluine
did, or tried to do, lust week. He does
not like to uppcur before the country
ns having lost influence ut tho Bturt of
a Fraudulent Administration which ho
did so much lo swindle into power;
und ho does not entirelv ubamh ill Ilium
that Have,.. ,e. i.i
i...,' 1 ' .null, 1MI.III.IS. I
"Finch. OlT."-'J'he idea, that thoj"" iM'"uu' to the Rev. Dr. Duller, of
greatest Hayes Slulo (Peiiirsylvuiiiu)l lllu ''Ullv"i" Church in Washington ;
in the Union should be cheated out ol i "J AJr' liulll-ri i"sleiid of advising
R member ol the Cabinet, is one of Ihe
slraiige results of Returning Boards
fltiu llio loiigressional Commission.
Hut it's so. Peiuisy Ivuiiia is complete
ly biill-dojed while Ohio, which only
;gavo Hayes .5,(100 majority, has the
t resident, two Supremo Judges, a
member of tho Cabinet (Sherman j and
brother General of the army; besides
lots of other tat appointments, while
tho Keystono -Stale has nothing hut
the Caiuerous. Why is it that under
tho proseiit Cuinen.ii-Iluyes cooled
erufidtr wu can obtain nothing while
Ohio gains all ? ' .
PaopiTs on Siiovtl.. -Olivor Amos';
bequest to his wilo was 15(10,000 ; to'
his (laughter Heleu, $300,0(10; to his
Eon's wilu, 130,000 ; to F. L. Ames and
who, as uusioon, a0,u00 tor each
grand-child; to his aislors, each 110,
bOOj to his son Frederick L., all of hi
interest in' tho Snovel Works and, ex-'
cepting various other small bequests.1
H the residue lo bis tiito, sou ami;
daughter. Oliver, like his brotbeii!
Oakei, s ned to put his money where!
n wouiu uo' tli most good." The
firmer Invssitl in tho i.ia.,r,... ..e
oven., and ii id' whils the lallei;
dealt m X'r III r'Monrtior Mwk'jMul
"Chi Mm Slt.imen," and left bis
hm tj on comfortable as O.iTjr.
The days of Simon Cumeron, like
those of llclshu.jsiir.are numbered. His
exile und banishment from thoSuiiutcj
will cost li! in thousands of lilcliilri and
backers, just ut the period when the
sands titMil'o are ebbing out, when
mortals should rather acquire, tliuii
nanirh friends. The Philadelphia
Times In ullnding to his retirement
says: "That Senator Cameron should
part from bis old associates in the Sen
ute with much emotion, as he bade
1'ui-cucll forever lo the tribunal he hud
were Senator. iien lie first assumed
Senatorial duties in 1815, has been a
member of tho body (r many years,
and not half a score ol them are among
the living. On 1'iiday he parted wiib
his old colleagues with many inutuulli
kind expressions, and on Saturday be
left for his home in llarrislun-g to wit
uoa the triumph ol his ton us In
shall be chosen o succeed the litlhci
lo-iuori'ow. The veuorublo Seliutoi
has hud bis full share of battle, and
bis life has been a perpetual struggle
for tho power that he devoutly wor
shipped. No mull in mil' polllleal his
tory bus been tho subject of so limn)
and such Htraugu munitions in the
great aims to which bis resources wen
so ceuselessly directed, and perhaps
tho only unmixed pleasure that bis
vuricd achievements huveutVurdud him,
is that which comes with gratelm
homage to a father's pride at the suc
cess of the son, whoso promuliou r
dearer to linn thuu the laded chaplots
of place. Tho generous respect thai
nearly fourscore years must command
from friend and foe, will temper his
retirement with coinparalivo peace,
while tho lances which have been
shivered against the lather will glitter
in fearful purpose against tho future
pretentious of the son."
liiooTHV Victorious. Tlio Consti
tution id the United Suites prohibits
a religious test lor oflico. Notwith
standing, no man is eligible to a Slate,
county or town office in tho Slate of
New Hampshire, unless be is ' un ad
herent id' tho Protestant faith." Last
year the Democrats and u few Liberal
Hadicals passed a Constitutional amend,
inent through the Legislature, wiping
out this "lest" for oflice, and punned an
act submitting tho nmendinent to a
vote of the people at ihe general elec
tion last week. Tho amendment was
lost, und tho Democrats, in their r.eul
lo carry it, lost one of the two Con
gressmen. Iligotry has gained another
victory in tho giuuile Suite. It is no
wonder that the population of thai
State is decreasing, and the liailical
majorities increasing. Inlolereiice and
bigotry always occupy thesnuo plul
torm. Chattel slavery was an awful
crime in the eyes of these Godly New
llunipsbireiles, but menial slavery they
eslecin u virtue. Resides the) stand
up and laku all oath to support the
Constitution of tho United Stutes.
which prohibits the "test" they swear
to support in their Slate Constitution.
The Pharisees uro Hot ull deud yet.
A Cot'siN Rt'Lt DoZKi). A Wash
ington dispatch of Saturday, says: "A
sinking example of tho President's
opinion of a fuvorito phuso of Grunt-
isiu occurred to day. A gentleman ol
his acquaintance applied for appoint,
mi ill as United Suites Murshul of llli-
uois, and submitted bis papers. The
President examined all ol them w ith
great care, then lying them up und
returning them to the applicunt, he
suid: "Well, sir, your papers are ull
right, und 1 know you to bo an excel
lent man for tho position you seek, bin
there is an insiiperuble obstacle to your
ever obtaining an olllco under this ad
ministration, and thai is your wlfu is a
liivorite cousin of Mrs. lluyes." This
step of Hayes' looks like "going be
hind tho returns" and put un end lo
nepotism. It may be a lilllo rough on
tho relulii m but il will bo good tor
tho country. If cousins uro
down in this iiinuner what will become
of tho brothers-in-law, etc.?
Huston Hcntinel say s : "Hayes does not
claim to bo the choice of llio people ;
ho does not pretend lo have been
elected, but ho says that inasmuch as
tho Llectorul Commission wus estub-
Iisllu(1 h? law, and it decided in his
lavor, ho might as well ucU He has
no thought of llio mull who icnj elect
ed ; tho idea never enters bis bead that
a great majority of the people consider
him the "receiver of stolen goods," but
ho bus tho brazen impudence lo ask
God uguin to bless hi in und to guide
mm Into somo path to honor. W
Iiliu ''is pious expressions but we can
not iippreriuto thu morality of u man
who is troubled so lilllo with con
science while ealing stolen fruit."
SriiAMiK. An exchungu remarks:
"If a receiver of stolen goods should
iifk a clergyman to pruy for his pros
perity he would be told lliat lie must
give up his plunder bulore ho could
"M-vei .avor. iiuiunioril 11.
"ayes, then about lo receive the stolen
1, . ,
1 resiliency, sent a request for prayers
Hayes to become uu holiest man be-
loro pros ing to piny or be prayed
lor, got hiiolber clergymuii to help
pray Ihul the inlUiuously uequirod
olllco might be held prosperously."
None or I hat. It wus uunounced
lust week, from Washington, thai
lluyes liivored a now election in Louis
iana and South Carolina i not on thu
Pre-ldentlal question) on the Guber
natorial question, As noon us Puckaid
and Chuiiiberluin heard of it they sent
iliBpulchcs to tho' Couiited-in" saying,
"tioneol thut. If you can afford to
stick wo can." Tnal's a lilllo severe
on "iho Government," but then these
Ivdlow-s know that if another election
wero held tho Democrats would carry
Iho former Slate by 25,(100 and the
hitler by 15,000. And h.r that reason
mo wiiole gung will back down. !
Govehnmknt Cau-ehs. Tho four
numbers of tho Louisiana RcUiniing
Hoard were among the first callers
upon Fraud. Ilayos after his arrival at
Washington. The four-Wells, Ander
son, Cuichuvo and Kenner-filed into
llio back room oii Iho dour was closed.
What mast have born iho reflection ot
(hose who stood mi the outside I The
absenoeof Mrs. Pinksion was nulieeil
ley all. But then she may have found
her way Id through the kitchen.
The carpel hag cut-throats down
South, headed by tho notorious John
Patterson, Into of Mifllintown, In this
Slate, but now a Senator from South
Carolina, are trying to persuade count
ed in Hayes to order a now election
for Governor in South Carolina and
Lniiisiiiuu. Tho editor of the Phila
delphia Time), in alluding to this ques
tion, says:
"It's just about what any average
thief would propose under like ciivuiii
lances, am) llr; siigiestion ol Mr. Pal-
lersoii, by Congressional civility l ulled . ,'Wni.-.ti.. i
e.rf .ern vy r-Ve f
hi that Slalo-nd in Louisiana, is simply
ihe request of a thief, who has been
eaughl in gelling away wilh Ins stolen
;ouUs, tliut the goods lie bonded out of
llio hands ol the owners, so thai he
ouy buveu better chance lo steal them
aguiN. True, he suya thai there's Ilo
law for a new election ; but that's a
mall obstacle In llio opinion of Mr.
I'ullcrson, us be doesn't keep much ac
count of law anyway; nmi it's true
ihul nobody is seriously disputing Gov.
Humplou's uulhoi ity in tho State bin
-llr. I'ullcrson ut Wushiugtoii, and one
Geiierul linger in Coluiuhiu; but the
luw tun be jumped and the bayonets
can bo bellor disposed than before lo
persiiudevoleis,and"ivocaii niuiiiutoln
get a lol of d li nigger killed," lo
uso Mr. Patterson' own instructive
and deleclublo Veriiuculur, and the
Northern heart can be lired afresh, and
hi the flame and smoke of rekindled
sectional turbulence the carpel-bugger
uitiy bnlo li-inii thu hissing scorn Unit
greets him from every honest lace. As
cJliumlioihiiu hasn't a single county
iuying tribute to his treusury, nor a
single Republican court in ihe Slate
that recognizes his authority, nor any
lollowing uny where, of uuy luilh or
race, that cull give either moral, politi
cal or muleriul support to bis adininis
irution, a new election, without even
ihe color of luw or tho shudow of jus
lice lo excuse il, would bu just the
thing for trembling political iierepitet
ics ol llio Pullersoii school. President
Hayes is believed to stand just where
he started, and will allow the question
of pow er in the two disputed Slates lo
solve itself, and ull well understand
what tho end must be."
More Tiiouni.r. It is announced
that tho result of tho Returning Hoard
has decided not to till the vacancy on
the Supremo bench, caused by the
resignation of Judge Davis, who has
has been elected United Stales Senator
from Illinois, to succeed the blustering
"crooked" whisky Attorney, Gen. John
A. Logan. Although the names press
ed upon Hayes for tho position, are
those of Circuit Judge Dillon and
Diumiiioiid,und Caldwell, ol Arkansas;
Scott, of West Virginia ; Senator Howe,
id' Wisconsin, and ex Secretary Iiris
tow. He delays Ihe up, ointment alter
u consultation wilh the Chief Justice
und the Alinriicy-Gciiorul, and will
not select ex Secretary Hrislow, owing
to assurances lliat he couhl not liuciin-
firmed by tho Senate, And thu reason
why tho Seliuto would refuse to con-
firm Hrisiow, is becaoso bo was the
only true man on Grunt's cabinet, and
prosecuted the whisky thiol cs, for
which he had to leave the cabinet.
Tub Navy Rino Hlsteh. Dick
Thompson, Hayes' Navul Secretary
culled ull his bureau hcuds about him
the other day, and informed i hum that
the department must bo run un the
same plan thut he conducted his hoiisj.
bold ufl'uirs within its mcuus. The
public plunderer, Robeson, under Grant,
gave a contract to every bummer that
turned up, provided he would divide
tho profits. Hi this wiry millions ol
dollurs were spent, over and above the
appropriations made by Congress, and
the robbers paid by tho passage of a
deficiency bill afterwards. If thu
counted in Secretary succeeds in stop,
ing this enormous Treasury leak, he
will have served his country to sonic
TiieSupuemeJuuuebiiip.- Our party
friends throughout tho Stale, are busily
engaged in looking up a candidate tor
Supremo Judge. Il seems troin the
announcements mado, that our section
of the Stale is particularly blessed wilh
the ri,(ht kind of material. Wo notice
that Judge Mayor, of Clinton, Hon.
Geo. A. Jenks, of Jefferson, and Hon.
Silas M. Clurk, of Indiana, aro ull an
nounced as candidates by their respect
ive counties. Well, wo will give up
Judge Mayer for Slato purposes, pro
vided our district is furnished with a
judge as experienced, competent und
upright us ho is. Wo are opposed to
furnishing first-class material und then
bo compelled to put up with some
second bunded article.
Radical Leoislation. Out of five
hundred und filly bills reported in tho
IIousu at Uarrisburg this session nine
ty-lour have been passed and sent to
the Senate for approval. How tho
ninety lour will lure there no one can
loll at this liuio. The labors of the
.Senate uro in accord with that of ihe
House, so fur as doing nothing is col.-
corned. Husinoss was to bo greatly
expedited in our hulls of Legislation
when tho Rudiculs controlled both
chambers. Their work is belbre tliu
public and puts the Riidlcul leaders on
the ragged edgeof deception and false
hood. The Next conhkess. Wo notice
thai sumo Radical organs uro "pulling
on airs," and combining their leaders
thut thu next Congiess will bo render
ed Radical by u coiiibiiiution ol "South
ern rebels," w ho huvo been eleoled us
Democrats. This is u Returning liourd
Uoux. Thu hexl Congress will bo Com
posed of 152 Democrats and 141 Rudi
culs. If tho hitler eun see any coinlbrl
for Hayes in that count, lul them re
joice; especially when thero Is but
lour dillereiico in thu Senate. If
Rudicniisin is rendered buppy under
such circumstances, let all rejoice.
Judge Flcnstl, sfan uk bli filsns no the
Miirvu.i lirtiua, ! bruihsr is-ts ut L'mtvil
"tat s.tiRiur Pkllorson, wt Swum CsMluft.
Well, thut ulono should duleut him
in November, becuuse a nioro corrupt
und degraded politician cannot he
louud in Pennsylvania, or South Caro
lina, than John J. Patterson. If Judge
Sicrutt is running on thu Patterson
Wells Kellogg pisiform It becomes the
duty of every honest man in Pennsyl.
vaina to vole against Stcrrelt, in Nik
vember next, unless, they want the
Supremo Court to bectnio us corrupt
as Pullerson und his confederates.
That's So. The Johnstown Demo
crat suys : 'We've got 'em" excluiiucd
thu. Radical when the 8 to 7 Com-,
mission slolu Louisiana Irom Tildon.
From the manner in which those same
Radicals are dancing around now, w
boald y they 'got 'em' bad."
Garfield is an Ohio Congressman of
the Madison Wells Chandler stripe.
Ilo was one of the B who perjured
himself ami ruled against tho 7, to
steal tho Presidency for Returning
Hoard Hayes: As to tho purity ol this
gentleman's eluiruelcr, tbu following
intelligence from Washington on the
28lli ull., will show :
'A resolution has been prepared on
evidence by ihe Glover Ciiininillee, for
ihe expulsion ol General Gal Held I'li.iu
the House on the charge ol huving
enri'jijptjj' nikenniuiiej while aniiii-
asked and wiil appear ueloratM. Com
milieu to-morrow lo make an explana
lion. The churge is not unfamiliar
hole, and first cumu out in the District
iiivcsiigution, wherein it was testified
thai ho received a fee of 85,000 lor his
influence in obtaining u voiiliucl from
tliu liourd of Public Works for wood
pavement. His del'eiiso is that he
wrote un argument lor R. C. Parsons
on tho merits of the puvemeiit ; and
was puid by i.iin for it, but il is charged
by the Conimilleu thut in a suit in
Court llio contract of Garfield with
Parsons as Alloiney lor the pavement
contractors bus been decided to be a
corrupt one, on llio ground that it as
muile contingent on llio necessary ap
propriations being made by Congress
for lliis work."
A StatkbM a N on Stilts. Tlio Wash
ington correspondent of tho 1'hiluJel
pbiu AerM American, in ulludingtulhu
general crookedness of ibings III ihul
town, ulludes to the Prison Hero,
Siulesiiiuti and Patriot over in Indiana
in ibis way
"General Hurry Whitu is iudignuiit,
and. suya 1'elilisylcuina should have
been Healed belter. He thinks things
uro very much mixed, and is ullerly
opposed to Carl Scbuiz. He Would
rather have a Rebel DeliiiRTSl than
him. lie has bad several talks wilh
the President, and is opposed to bis
Soul hem policy. He says: 'Why don't
you apK.iiu aiioulun I i.nt rob. I some
mail who can carry a district; iiotono
who bus no billowing Y Into Is Cam
cron in the fight."
It is a wonder that W hite'j indigna
tion has not driven lluyes back to the
Buckeye Slate. Tho wrath and elo
quence of W hitu is enough lo frighten
uuy body when ho works his coiinle
nuiice up to a turkey-red. Il'iifc und
ihe color indicuted don't mix Very
w ho huve been 'hs.kel's-oli in Venice,1
will notice thut SehiiiK bus turned all
of Chandlers relorni (?) upside down
although but a ti.rlnight in olllco. Sec
retary Selnirz has notified all headi
of biircuua of the Interior Depurtintiil
that during his administration ot its
utlttirs there will bo no removal ol
clerks or oilier employes except "for
cause," und no promotions except "lor
merit." It will, therefore, be useless
lor persons to tilo puoers soliciting
clerieul appointments or promotion on
merely persona, or polilicul grounds,
unci ill addition to this it cull bo sluled
ihul Incio uro at present no vacancies
of any kind lo he tilled.
Rath Kit Piusunal. Au exchange
"A sol of thieves slolo some goods
and brought it to liieir chief lo receive
lueir reward. Tho chiel uccepled llio
slolcii goods, and then kicked llio
thieves out of the buck door. Tuis
dou'l have reference to tho Morions,
Luinerons, und Cuumllers, who slolu
ihu Presidency, which they brought
lo their chief lluyes, who accepted it,
und then let used to givo Iboui Iho ex
pected offices as their reward."
Thut editor should bo confined in
some oy slur saloon in the buseiuuut ol
the Cupilol nt Washington, where ho
would be taught respect for "the"
counted in "government."
Rm'Eatino llisToar. Tho Cenlro
Hull lieporter suys: "History does
rep. at itself. In tho Joo Ililner cam
paign in this Stale, in 1838, Peg Uealy
and the Stonebrcakcrs wero called into
requisition by tho enemies of tho De
mocracy. In the Hayes campaign,
Eliza Pinksion and J. Madison Wulls
wero invented. Then an election was
to bo treated as il not held, now an
eleclion uw treated us if not held. Peg
llealy and Kluu Pinksion I Let them
bo the female gods ot tho modern Baal
im who slolo the Presidency."
Liku produces liko.
Licsnis. Un.iw rM.ttt isl.os of lb Alter
i.tjr Ufaortl, rsuur .ai kuepwrs rs m 7 r 'Ojn ir.d
p. $1 4 itoKUM pr jinr in fis.l ol So, th
lisv bi. h.rvknurs doing undwr tb m.-m llevnit
Wu find this paragraph afloat in all
our exchanges. There is hot a wurd
of irulb la it. A res luu ia n I license is
made t'iJ by the Act ol 1867, and llio
Auditor General bus so informed overy
County Treasurer in the Stale. Thu
Attorney General has been placed on
his rugged edge so frequently lately,
wo hope our editorial friends will wilh
draw this lust card they have put out
on bun. Ihocarriiigu und wulch do
vision of his uro suflleieiit.
One-sideu. The Cameron Legisla
ture held a caucus on Tuusduy a week
to nominate a cundidulu lor United
Slutes Senator, lo fill tho vucuncy caus
ed by the resignation of Gun. Cameron.
I'lio volu in Caucus stood us follows :
ros j. n rAMBHus,
snurs.., , j
KvirvHBIS(UM , , U4
Hcprritntstifci ,
One of (ho Krio lucmburs Chapiu
was Ihu only one "loud ustray," The
Kudicul members ol our Legislature,
vole just liko a flock of sheep run all
one way.
A Revolution PanuiurEU. Tho
Clarion Democvat say s :
"Wu uru lo have a railroad lo Our
ion lor certain. Wo uru inlonned on
what wo deem the best authority one
ot Ihu heaviest alockiioldort ill Iho
Company that within thirty days
from this Hutu the Kiuleololi & Slnp
penvillo narrow gauge railroad com
pany will huve three iiundrod moil at
work on llio extension ol their road
troui Kdeiiburg to this point. Old
l"gies who expected 10 live and die
hero without the sight ol tho locoiuo
Uve, will bo asiuuisuod to eeu Iho cars
ill Clarion OeXl July." ,
Tho widow ol Daniel Webster, his
second wile, is living in New York.
She Was Miss Caroline Leroy , and was
married In 1820. She lias bad no
children. She passes her life very
quietly and ia in excellent boullk.
Robeson was appointed .Secretary ol
the Navy in Jane 18C9, and only by
dint of the cliatctt economy bal bora
able to aava 1309.100 out of bit eigljit
year', salary ol 18,000 a year,
If there wero any pel-sons who be
lieved three months ago that two of
the Congressional Commission Hind
Icy and Sinn.g wore honest men, I hey
must now think otherwise. Stanley
Multhcws, lluyes' polilicul gisJ-fulhor,
has placed this matter beyond doubt.
Mr. Matthews wrote to " Governor"
Packard from iho Senate Chamber in
Washington, February 27lh, urging
I to withdraw bis lluiiat to the
Governorship, blld ullow the Nu bolls
Government liib possession whkb
lljniw has on-r ull.the territory of thu
occupleo by Iho tin' tl Mules Ai'ioy
Packurd, under dale of Mun li lllb,
replies, lefiising to accept Ihe modest
request, slid dcuiaiiding recoguilioii us
the rightful Governor of the Stale. One
of Iho significant fuels In coiuieclion
with the correspondence is llio date ol
Mai thews' lutler February 2"lli bo-
hire iho disputed Presidency was de
cided. As ho wrote in the interest ol
lluyes, ho must have known what tho
decision of the 8 l 7 would bu m ad
Again : llluine, tho Seiiutor from
Maine, declared on the floor of the
Seliuto, ihul lluyes und Wheeler bold
iheir osilions by liuud. Mora light I
Uuadley'u Cam . 1'bo head of No.
8 like llio murderer ot Abel, feels the
contempt honest men huve lor his
carcass. Tho Philadelphia Tiinra, ot
the 19lli in alluding to his folly, says:
"Judge Bradley commits thu lolly
ol most suspoeled public men of seek
ing and lluuiiinig in I be lace of tho
puhlio the reudlly fashioned ecrlltieulcs
ol uourueler which public tollers uud
petitions furnish. Some of Ihu Nowul k
friends, uppurcnlly sensible thut ho bus
duluaged hiuisell liy Ins decisions on
Ihu Kleelorul Coluinision, huve lukeu
the usual pluu adopted to bolster con
stables, councilman and other victims
ot umbHioii 111 wlly conlesls, und ad
dressed him a public letler indorsing
his HexiUlo law Ihul shut thu dinn
uguiust inquiry in Florida uud Louis
iana and bw iiugil widuopuii in Oregon,
und he has been weak enough lo reply,
t he lint Ihul a Judgu would consei.l
10 deleud himself on a grave judicial
issuu before a town mueiiiig or a mob
ot signets to a public lutter, is a con
Icbbioii thai be is sensitive as lo jusl
criticism ul lus acts. ;o enemy ot
Judgu Uradley could have harmed liiln
liiill so much by tho most earnest uud
well directed assaults against loin, us
ho hus harmed liimsclt by machine
efforts lo siisluin bisdecisiou. Ill this
cusu silence is gulden, and I'orgelliif
uess is safety."
Tue Ntuao Marshal. The gentle
man from Africa, I'Vederh k Douglass,
will hurvaller introduce Mr. and Mrs.
Jones to Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, at the
White House. Such is llio result ot
ihe 8 by 7 Reluming Hoard. W
hope "the government" will compel
Judges Hradley and Strong to sleep
with the mule Murshul, Irom tho first
day of June to the Hrsi day of October,
The Ckiciule. Returning Board
Hayes has appointed thut mule specie
ot humanity prod. Douglas Murshul
of ihe District of Columbia, in tbu place
of Sliarpe, Grain's brother in law. Let
him bu confirmed and givo him a chance
to introduce Eliza Pinksion and ber
Returning Duurd friends who uiuko
their fashionable tails upon "tho gov
ernment." Uow bulilling I
Exactly. Stun ley Matthews, who
bas been elected United Slates Senator
from Ohio, lo succeed Sherman, is
brolhoMh-law of Returning Hoard
Hay os. That's tho reason "the gov.
eminent" udvised Garfield lo keep his
sout in Congress instead ot aping alter
thoSonatorship. Almost anybody cut.
"tho milk in tbu cocoanui" now.
The Difference. The Radical leau
era pronounced it an enormous crime,
when il wus intimated that the Demo
crats wero determined to "count in"
one Elector in Oregon because tho Rad
ical candidate was conatilutionally dis
qualified. Hut it was all right for the
Radicals to steal eight Elector in
Louisiana I All right of course 1 1
The Political Tide. Hut lew of
Grant's appoiutoca seem to have Re
turning Hoard Hayes', blessing bo-
slowed upon them by way of rcu-
poinliuclil to olllee, while Lincolu'sold
appoihloesaro gobbled up by the score.
Tho Shermans huve un old spile al
Grant and they intend lo punish bis
Uikio and Tuunuer. The appoint
ment of Potts, a rebel Democrat, P. M.
ot Petersburg, Va., by Ilayos, against
the solemn protest of the only Radical
member ul Congress from that Slalo,
is a bold reform movement on the part
of "ihu government." It looka liko a
Coiifoderalu arrangement ut this dis
unite. Returning liourd Wells and Ander
son have loll Washington, and repuircd
lo Now Orleuns lo coinlbrl Messrs.
Pinksion and Packard and their lid
lowers, who are awfully on llio decline
since Hayes has promised to put the
troops on thu Indiana Instead of the
Southern people.
"Nu Irish need Apply," is an old
aphorism, and is well understood ; but
thut no honest man need apply lor
Supremo Judge, under this counted in
administration, is truly awful Per
haps Joo Uradley and Hill Strong favor
Wolls or Mrs. Pinksion. Who knows?
AwruL, Indeed I Think of it I A
Confederate Brigadier" Postmaster
General, appointed by Reluming Board
Hayes I How do the Rads. like the
iIobo ? Watt the news lo " Bloody
Shirt" Morton and bis men.
We tako Ibis opportunity lo lull tho
Democracy that Fraudulent lluyes
will cheat the South as Bill Strong
and Joe Bradley cheated the people in
their Reluming Board.
Willi four Greeley men in Ilayos' i
Cabinet, and one ol llioso a Confeder
ate Brigadier, Cameron, Chandler and
Morton feel that they have a barren
sceptre in their gripe.
An exchungo say : lluyes will have
Iho same old conflict with the lewder
ol hi Fraudulent puny, and ho will
Ihi whipped. A fraud can I fight well.
Michael Merriman, of Rock Crock,
Ind., prematurely discharged Irom ihe
insane asylum, shot two, of his son
and then killed himself. '
A pair of bine eyea and t bint ailk
dreM have been known to ear a bad
com of palpitation ol Ut tart '
Grant Is tho only ex President
now living.
Uneasy lies I he lo ud ihul wears
a sloh li i row n. ,
. Hall u million a year in eggs Is u
uicu basil. e lor .Maine.
Train packed full ul emigrants
go creiiking ueross Kansas.
Five lolorod men wcie hung
al Aiki ii, (iu.. on Suliir.lay hist, lor
About eighteen, hundred persons
huvo signed the Murphy Tviuperanco
plcdgu ul Allooliu.
Tho Philadelphia liianiilacliirers
j y '-"! V. ji". wviM" V' AswtP"
Tho Pen... .rnnlu Hi.i.iud Coin
puny is building onu thousand coal
ear al I heir shops lo Alloona.
Four hundred junk dealers are en
uageil in removing Grant's empty hol
lies from the cellur of llio While
Hull so.
Tho Wilkesburre, Pu., coal miners
aro on a siriku in consequence V.i re
duction ol fifteen per tent in their
Aimer lluiitly died ul Cuba, Alle
gheny county, N. V., on thu llih iusl.,
ut the ripe old iigeol one hundred and
iiiiiu ycurs.
The German Govornmrnl hus com
p. lied Franco to ceuso the construction
of a second lino of loriihVnlhuie along
Us Ironticr.
A silver gray lux, a very rare ani
mal in eriiiout, was recently killed at
Huntington in thai State, and tho skin
was sidd for flO.
Juincs Kiugun, a member of Ihe
New York Produce Kxchuuito. bus i
tailed tor from fj 100,000 lo 11,000,000,
und disappeared.
Tbu Pennsylvania Medical College
ill l'hiladclphia. last week conferred
the degree of Doctor of Medicine on
filtceii ludy graduates
The telegraph companies have the
reduction ot rules mania, und the busi
ness public is enjoying iho fruits. Com
petition is doing the work.
The Pennsylvania railroad is hand
ling a huge increuseof Weslerh bound
It-eights ibis nu. nib, in the shape ol
dry goisls and boots and shoos.
Seth Green suy s thai lust year
1X30. (IHO yniiin shad were turned
looso in tho Hudson river at iho hutch
ing house u tew miles below Albany.
Londonderry tosiislnp, Bedlbrd
county, ha a hoy twelve yours old
who stands six teet two inches and
weighs olio hundivd and eighty -seven.
t he Baldwin Lo oinolive worka
of Philadelphia, have un order lor the
construction of ten narrow guugo lo
comotive lor the rhilailelplua und
Atlantic City Railway Company.
The Hirst National I!. ink, of Allen-
town, Pa., i lo bu wound up. lis
officers give no reasons lor litis move
ment, but say thai Iho depositors will
not any money by Ihu operation.
Franklin Hall, an old man, filly
eight year of a;e, was urresied al St.
Louis on Wednesday lust, and a large
lot of dies lor making all denoiuinu-
linus of silver coin wero loui.d on his
The coal mind's ncur Ml. Pleas
ant, Westmoreland county, aro, it i
saiil, preparing to strike on Iho zoih
insl. lor an an tucreuso ol a cent u
bushel. Coke drawers will ill so do
mam! 80 coins.
In Chanibersburg an infant child
of Mr. Shulzcr, while asleep, was ut
lacked by a rut. When thu mother,
awakened by tho child's cries, went to
Us relief. Ihu rat bud already bitten il
in leu ditlerent places.
Two men wero burned to death
in a store near Washington city one
night last week, the building issiii
pored lo huvo been set on tiro. The
two men wero sleeping in tho slore
when the fire occurred.
The Western Penitontiury baa
three prisoners who have been sen
loncvd lor lilo. In the Kastorn Peni
tentiary there is hut one Isaac Jones,
sentenced by tho Dauphin county
Court for stubbing a man lo death.
Crop report Irom all portions of
the interior ol California show but lit
lie change from tho pnsqiects two
weeks ago. All over Iho Slato grain
is in an excellent condition, ami an
abundant harvest is alinoxt certain.
A hew mill to contain Ibrty thous
and spindles will soon be built at
Dover, Now Hampshire. It will give
employment to two thousand hand.
The town authorities voted to exempt
iho mill from luxation for ton years.
The Baptists claim to have 561
churches and 62 263 mcmlor in this
Siato about one Willi of the siiula
lion of tbu Slato. Last year 6.019
persons wero bsptited an increase of'
the membership ot about 20 per vent.
Two men in Berk county do-l
sceii'lci I mo a iimuKiin ami aeciueutly
stirred up two polecut. who greeted
(hem with an aroma which almost
siifl.K'utoil them. They scrambled nut
of the kiln in a very exhausted con
M ark Slu iver.u young mull residing
near Waynesburg, Green county, was
toiuid dead on Sunday lust not far
from his lalher's residence, and as bo
had beou in perfect health a short time, there aro suspicious thai bo
was poisoned.
Some of the citizens of Schuylkill
county adhere lo the opinion that gold
is lo bo toull I in the -Malmuoy alley.
and u low of thulariiiers in that hs ab
ly have, iu consequence ol the gold
lever, put up tlio price of laud uhoul
ntly percent.
Oil wells aro being drilled on tbe
John P. Thouiiwoii uud Hmiiii larms,
In Uraily township. Ibis is ols.ul nine
miles northwest of Butler, and west of
the old llorcor turnpike. Should this
piovo oil toriitory u now and largo
field will bo opened up.
Mr. Henry Young, an old and re
spected cilixon of Soniensit counlv,
was louud dead in Ins tied last week.
M r. Young was one of tlio earliest set
tlor In the neighborhood in which ho
lived, uud at the lime of his decease
was iu bis eighty -eighth year.
Tbe ship John Do Costa has boon
chartered by the Philadelphia and
Heading Railroad Company to tako
out lo Sun rraiiciBco Irom Philadel
phia a curgo of twenty-five hundred
tons of coul. Thu shiiimonls tu tbe
Pacific coast of this corporation aro
rapidly increasing.
James B. Alexander, ex-State
Senator from Philadelphia, died of pul
monary consumption on the ldlh. Ho
was hoi ll Hi that city in ISii, and en
gaged in business troui Ihe co litnelico-
inoiit ol iho late war until lai 1 a a
manufacturer tit iiuriiierahui wilh tho
lute Senator Nichoils.
Tho crowded condition of the Uar
risburg Stuto Lunatic Hospital ha In-
lined the house lo pass a bill lor Hie of a new hospital in south
urn Pennsylvania. It upproprialo
l37a,OUJ, to tie paid In about a iloien
quarterly iiiBlullmonls. Tho Finance
Coiuniiou of the Senate bus reported
too inn uini'iliuuveiy
Some of the Philadelphia papers
are nearly tilled with adverlisoment
of real estate in that city In bo sold al
public side under Ibe Sheriffs hammer
The aal lo a largo extent aro to se
cure mortgages ami taxes. Real estate
iu Philadelphia, a in other cities, ha
largely depreciated in Value, and will
not aril for much more than half what
it did three or fear yiara gtk
Wo uro now reupiiigtheunlortiuiiito
results of u strange I. binder thut erupt
unnoticed into tho now const inn ion.
So shamelessly partisan had all legis
live riimiuilit'ca become in deciding
cool. sled election, in both branches
ol the Legislature, thut tho fram. rs ol
the new cousiiiiuh.ii unuiil to cut up
by '.be roots the whole dohuiiched
system of deciding such contests by
Iranslclrilig Iho duty to the courts.
Section seventeen ol article eighth on
suffiugu uud, provides ihul
"llio trial ui'd drtr uiiiiiitiun (' coolest.
and I lee i resident, inc'inners. ol llio
General Assembly, and of ull public
officer, whether Slute.judiciul, miuiicl
pul ur liH-ul, sbull bo by the courts ol
luw," etc. This section wus well con
sidered and adopled by the convention
before article second on Iho Legislu
lure bud bi'li perfw.-tei), and it wus
udoplcd lo prevent iho disgrace und
humiliation of conlesls in the Legisla
ture. Subsequently, In revising arti
cle second, tboold clause (section nine),
providing that "each house sbull
choose it other officers and sbull
judgu of Ibe eleclion and qualification
of it own members," wu inadvorlonl-
ly allowed to reinuin, und thus the
only possible intorpetuliuii to be given
lo il is that tho Legislature eun judge
ot tho "election as well as of the
quantitations of its members" jusl as
heloro. A llio Legislature could hoi
sot aside either clause of tho constitu
tion, although directly in conflict with
each other, tho only thing it could do
wus to provide forcemeats belbre the
courts and also tor appeal to the
proper House. Tbe firal contest before
either brunch at llurrisburg since the
adoption of the now constitution is now
engaging tbe attention ol tbo House.
Mr. S. IL lluslett, Democrat, was re
turned elected lo tho IIousu from For
est county, ovor Mr. J. B. Aguew, Re
publican, and a contest wu instituted
in the Forest court lo obtain llio cer
tificate for Mr. Agnow; but Judge
Wclinoro threw out ihe vote of Bur
net township and gavollaslell tbe cer
tificate by un increased majority. Mr.
Agnew upH-aled Irom the court to ihu
House, and the House being largely
itepublicuii a coiiimillco ot liko faith
was obluined, uud the first vole ol the
com. nillco overruled ihe Court uud de
cided to restore the rejected township
vole uud bear proof us to fraudulent
voles alleged to have been cast lor
llaslell. It, us Ut slated, ihu Court re
jected Iho vole of Hal net township on
purely lii-hiiica! grounds, wilboul the
slain of fraud uttuching to il, the com-
uiitleo wu right iu overruling tbo
court, but, w hether right or not, it is
likely to establish a precedent thut
will be lollo wed in every cuse bcrcuttor
when the defeated party ill tlio court
can appeal to a branch in Iho Legisla
ture that is in political sympathy wilh
him. Of course, Mr. Agnew will gel
his seat, and bu may bo honestly en
titled to it for uughl wo know ; bin
there are none who will so conclude
because a partisan committee of the
House decides in bis favor. It will be
tho old gumo of eight to seven, and
Agnew will have as many voles as
iberu are Republicans on the commit
tee and lluslett will take the remainder
of the Democratic fullh, without much
regard to tbe merits of their respect
ive claims. But when Supremo Judges
of thu United States play it iu that
way, bow cun a Cumeron Legislulure
be expec ted to hug justice wilboul
covering her nakedness wilh modern
political toggery and furbelows?
Mia. Timet.
Au Adroit Tbief Cisu Over M.OUO.
Ifrtm lit Cumminiml OmMIM f ilmrek IS, 17.
Al alsiut quarter lo 4 o'clock yoa-
lordav morning a reporter ef the Com
mercial Uiuetlt dropped into the May
or' office lo learn the "very laical"
news to be had there. SitlniK in the
back nsim wero two gentlemen and
ihe nielli operator ut the police lelo-
graph, Tho reporter immcdiutclv sus
pected that "BouiclhllnK was up, unit
mado a few inquiries. To tlieso he
Kil ihe usual answer in case of the
kind, that thero was imihinir. Pre
sently tho two gentlemen got up and
waiKun out, saying: "Send him lo our
office on Filth avenue as soon as he
comes." When they went out, iho re.
s.rler Immediately divining w ho "he''
was, asked how buiir it would bo bo
nne Roger O'Mara would be down.
Doe was somewhat taken uhsck. but
would still suv nothing, and tho retsir-
ter determined to "walt-h and mult."
In a lew inilililes later RWv" cum
down, and thu reporter watched him
go into Adam's Express oflico. aim halt
the nilstery was solved. When lie-
tectlve O'Mara camo out ho aeknow l
edged ihul there bud been a robbery
committed, hut dcvliiicd logive the de
tails, although ho laid II was onu of
the queerest cases ho over bad any
thing lo do wilh. Yesterday the tacts,
though in a mixed form, were brought
lo light. Tho correct details, which
msku an exceedingly interesting story,
ura as follows:
On Tucwlay afternoon, Mosscnirer
llingham, who was in charge of the
Union Express car on the Dav Ex
press on Iho A. V. R. R., received a
hsiwich dated Pittsbiirir and shuied
George Bingham, Superintendent ol
the line, notifying him that ho would
no mot at lemnloton by Mr. J. II.
Urook, who would laku charge of Ihe
cur from Unit point. When tlio train
slopal ut Templeton a well dressed
young inuti appeared and stuled to
Messenger Hingham that his iiume was
brooks, and that he was instructed to
lake charge of tbo car. The Messen
ger asked Brook if bo had a letter.
Ilo replied that ho had not, hut pro
duced a lelcirram sinned by Superin
tendent Uina-hum, orderinir j. It.
Urook to tako chariro of the car. and
Messenger Binu-ham to report to the
a-ront at Parkoii and await further in
struction. The MoBucniror not bus
injcting thero was aiiylhiiuf wroim.
immediately complied with the order,
and turned over to Brooks In key.
i ne laiier goniioman then got aboard
the train and immediately look charge
ol the car. Messenger Bingham get
ling off to await the first train to go
hack to Parker.
Alter getting aboard thecal, Brooks
lisplayod wun ncrroasne, but also
great tang frrti. Ilo found it impos
il.lo to unit k the safe and had to call
the baggage master to "help him open
the d d thing." Tbo baggage mas
ter mulcted that be acted nervouslv.
and like a flsh out of water, but anti
union it to bi being placed in new
position. Brook carefully attended
to tbo Snainew all tk wav down, re
ceipting for several Mokafret at differ
eat point along Ue roate U Pitta-
burg, taking in nt Kiltauiiiiig u pack
age containing II 10 00. ,
Al 8.50 I', u. tho train rrachcd'lho
' ily and thu supposed messenger got
out of tho cur, Iho officers duly re
ceipted lor his packages, Ihosuleuiid
gisids Were piueed III Iho express van
on. Ihu IiO)iib messenger got ill by Ihe
side of Ihe safe, and the wagon slarled
liir Ihe ollieo on Fdlh uveiiiii'. Al Ihe
depot, however, lie opened the sale und
lisik out thu hooksuuil packages. The
driver of iho wauon asked him if be
wu going lo lake out thu money.
Brooks replied, "No; oh, no;" and
tlllllbled Ihu IliBiksbaek. Still he kept
his hands in his Ms kul ulierwuii. as
u. tl.e
heard tho supposed messenger tisiliug
wilh tho link of the sale, and asked
' ini if he was going lo luke mil the
money there. The uiun mudo some
mumbling uiisw,.ruud apparently lock
ed Ihu sate. Al the i oilier ol 'Seventh
ilCeolle and Soillhlleld slleel linsiks
reiuuiked Ihul ho believed be Would
wulk. Thu driver told dim "he'd hee
ler not for he'd Caleb ul ll.c nlhYc
if ho lelt the safe." Tho man never
the less got oiil. and thu driver drove
on down 10 iho nillco slowly in order
not to gel llicro before llio messenger,
us ho it i I n't Mun't him to gel into
l i on bio.
THE ROUIIKIir lllSC'nvr.ll Ml.
Tho sale was taken out of the wag
on and into the olticu, opened ul hull
pust i.iuo o'clock, uud found lo be
empty. Stil! tho olllco employes did
not reiilir.e ul first thut it had been
robbed, supposing fi.r a 1 nil 0 Ihul some
thing wrong hud (sen ned, and a new
man, who did not know the rules, wus
in churge, und would turn up present
ly. But be has probably got lost, be
nusli'l turned up yet. -
I lie amount n money taken bus
not been uccuriitely ascerluiued yet,
but it is not less I bun 64.000, mid may
bu more, as the company has been do
ing a heavy business in Iho nil regions.
Sirungely enough, the thiol left ill tbe
safe a package of f 1.000 00. It wus in
mutilated curivne. , uud ho probably
thought it tisi bulky.
A more daring, yet adroit and care
fully planned robbery w as never com
milled iu this region. Il now seems
that but one man was engaged in tbe
transaction, uud that he ia a telegraph
operator. His accurutu knowledge ol
iho road, and measurable acquaintance
with the business, and tlio mahiier in
which (lie telegrams wero sent, show
thut he bus been employed iu some
capu'ity lo leu I what he knew, hut
was not au old express inesscncr.
Somo time during Tuesday nflenioou,
utter llio Irani 'hud lei I Parker ('ill ,
tho aieiit ut lliat point received u lues
sugo dulcd Pittsburg, signed by Super i
inlel.ilel.l Bingham, uskllig thu Iiume
f Hie messeiiecr who bail si arte' I out
on the train. I'lm Iil'ciiI replied thai
il wus Thomas Bine-liaui. A lilllo
w hile later Ihe dispatch to JlrM ng. r
Uiugliaiu interrupted bun at Kclb.nk,
uiel then one addressed loj. 11. Bi'is.ks
was received al Tempi, tun, this side.
It is almost certain troui all circiiiu
siuiices, ihul Hiisiks is a telegraph ( -eralor,
and tupped tho wires five ind s
this side Templeton. uud sent Ihe dis
patches. This ul least, is the theory
accepted by llio i-ompauy and
olticiuls. Thu adroitness of the rob
ber's plans is further seen in the tune
selected lor his operations. Il-i did
not telegraph to Parker until alter tbe
train left; he caught llio train ut Ifcd
bunk, ami then got alaiurd ul Temple
ton, the next slalion, and gave the
messenger instructions to return lo
Parkur, some filly-oiglit miles hack,
knowing that ho couhl not ul hack
until long utter ho himself had reuched
Arter MoHBcni'cr Hiinrhum irot olfut
Templeton, ho telegraphed to .Superin
tendent Bingham, "Yours toccived.
O.K. Will ntnru lo Put ker." This
wus received ut the Adams Express
omcu ai ten iniliules past seven o cluck
Tuusduy evening, two hours before llio
train camo Iu. Uufortuiiutclv Mr.
Hingliuni wus not iu Ihe office, and the
nnp'Ttalico of tho dispatch was not
appreciated, as no one knew what it
meant. At 12 o'clock il was thought
advisable lo see Superintendent Hing
ham, and therelore Iho dispatch was
taken out to him. and thu disappear
ance of l be cash told. Mr. Hingham im
mediately came down to the office,
reaching there alsiut 3 o'clock A. u.
So kooii a ho understood llio cusu lie
snd another geiiilemuii went lo the
Mayor's office, where the reporter saw
lliem yesterday morning. Detective
O'Mara immediately Blarl.d to l.n.k
up tho case, but as it was thon halt
past four o'clock, ovor seven hours
since thu robbery, thu thiol' ot course
had had abundant opportunity to gut
out of tbe city. So tar nodettuitu ciuo
has been obluined, and may mil he.
Tho first that Messenger Hingham
knew of uiiylhiug being wrong, wus
uller bo reuched Purker early yester
day morning. Ho asked tlio agent
wbut was meant by the order lor his
r lo in, when mutual explanations
wero made to Iheir mutual astonish
illel.l. Messenger Blllghull) reached
Iho city last evening.
Eiaui cnitimEX ruiso.xED.
Munch Chunk, Pa, Mar. 8 Am. iiiii
the minim.' isipulaliou ol u llllle Villa-ul
culled Stockton, are three fuiuihes
named Hevaiis, Huvis and Jones. On
Monday Mrs. Hevuns wool mine t, i
ohiuiii win k or assistance ol some kind;
liir tierluniily, who wno suMoiing with
hunger. She bit her three children.
ugcu iho, loin unit six years, respect
ively, alone. H Inle shu was imne Ihe
i In I.I i em went out, as one o them bus
since explained, to find s elhuig to
eat. They w ent out lo a swamp some
disluiicu from llio house, where limy
dug up a wlulo rout probably wild
parsnip that ihi.y discovered thero.
and ate of il. They woio joined by
I hive ot Mr. Davis' children und two
of Mr. Jones' iu the meantime', and
they all purtis.k ol the rH.t. tu u short
nine they wero eeixcd wilh violent
convulsion, and were found by a boy
naiuiu Johns, who came along and
heurd fcuifol cries coining from the
swamp. Millie Hevaiis, uc.e.1 two;
Gussie Jones, aged six. ami .Mary Davis,
uged two, were deud. Tbe other wore
rolling in agony on thu ground. The
boy procured aid, and tho children
wore convoyed to their home. A doc
tor was summoned, uud llio sick chil
dren were livaled with antidotes.
II opes ui-uclilet mined ol thcif recovery.
Grant ON HlMst.i.r. Al Iho While
IIousu, the other day. Grant suid a
good thing. Ho hud been stopped
upon the street by oflico seek el's, and
uskod lo indorse their papers. "Mr.
Hayes, said he, coming into the room,
"those fellows aro all alter mo lo sign
their paper; they aeviii to think 1
have more influence wiib this admin
istration than I bud with the lust one."
Jolm 1). Ime I to bu exorutvil on
the 23J. llu "till inaiat on biiri(r liot,
and the 8burifT numt be III execution
er. It ia aid that hu liaa made a lull
ooiiluMuon of his conniH'tion with thu
Mountain alwlow nianaucru, and with
many ollur mines wiib which bo had
not bet a charged.
Include All. Tlioae tlurj()-mn
who are in the hlit nf pfTenng up
prayer for th President, beold not
torjfel the Florida and lioamiaaa Be
taming Board, nor Bradley and
Strong. "They did It."
IWw 3lilirf 1! amts.
.SSNlll ,-t-SIl
ir 'xhy hKnip
C I.I CT ( HIM.I..- ! d ,
CJ "I'SB s .nrl. -Oh.-.l IB Ihi l,-.,n,d k.,u
l'. Is, IV, a . .w iL i
sub.. si.,,.,
rll tiwiuh Ts-m. f .l ...,, "
II C YOllVom.lN i ll
(If.. l.l, I'. , -l.n It. II I. '
iy iv...ios i. ,,. it,,, ,...,.,
' "''I lltB.I Wllprsunls (.,.11,.,,,, "
tt (joins' . i. ub W ,( uw.,"V
l'.. lol s l.harlnr ..I Inn ..,,.,,,,,'
Bss'l. M M L',l, '"4
CVKlIs II illhoN
i:i4 l I. M .roll 7 IS77 '. Alinr,,,,
UIIOIKIIIKS 4 PKoMslliNs ., ," Mt "JJ
. ...... H. Sl-.,'!!,'
I-Bttosir I'llf. Pa . March ?B.f
Ik.- ULitrrXKi.e-f r rirmlv ,
. iiti- t . '!. j, ti.e.i ri. ,
a II.,.,.,,,. Il.iur, ! K..l'.., ),J .
ihi ir (VetiMinit.4iiiii, th iug, BotrJiB
r mu4 i-W ffMi-NlV. It.a. k m y,, ('
f;.iuf, i tlil't ml, ft I y.ur rueli.iri a;, if,
TOTI '.. N..ii. ti bt-nl.v siicH im ti
ll ctnifn ..J ll rfl 1.1 oiiuiv w! iP(u,
lite .fi nt l. gUlNiu-p' f tdt Mitt-i,f
v h d i h , .ir Hi r ( r n A at ol Mftuhi tur
lttkln( (till un tbu Hurtiiirhiintia hnfr, i9Ht ,tl(j
i.n l..ural mill! rm .'urtiiniu. m ,k
l'hiliiiui( nI ( wt iariilii, and a.k
lliBl iu bii'lgi Ih i.Mtiid our in il v is,u, j
1 JtKlAlI H. It h A li,
Cur nvvi1lf, Fi b 21, T7 4'.
K utter W lirr. by firi)hit t,f t ,f
uin.t-trattioc nt tit -iiuui M'"il'(l,H MI R.
I'HV, llt of Wo-h luMinhi) Cl-rfl!i (stttiij,
P., dtwe-dj. bttvin rfn ilui? iffnn-.l leibt
tilids'fKljfti'!, Mil idtrMiiii iR titl Ut fttd rttia
till ilt'M luftkn itnmvliRtr fnavini nt, ami ttjIMf
ImsiiiK eUmt or (i"iutbla Kinii Ihe hd mui
pirft-ut Ibrio iru(irly etith- iittftn I . f ami.
KjitrioMii, Krb iH. 'V, fit AdnHi.lif,ur
(1 ill TlO .mm I fwnom r ht-r'.T eniho-i.
i-J ttf(Miol purnhetnj( up lii nr wiy n-l
Jlii.a' wl'b tti I ill iwt'H u''fi-rtrt m tt tit
rutMMirin ol John Pcitcr. nt M rrl tnwn ti
It t One en, vi Mlinf bet 1 iprlnot f
1 i.l-.w. 1 harr.-w, J pie, nh -ur I I .n ol Mt. nj
2 Kin i-t ry in ihm txro-n , mid p n I,
loiiiti tu to, ftoii li only tVi wi i tciff-t-a l-.t
satijeet to mj orier ot ny tun,
KK-rtiwo, Mtroh 7. 'Krr Si
C, llllV ,..r. mt brrvli..r,!i,a.
( e.ait.Kl ma.-h.ii.(C .r it) ir t mM.
ill. UK 'l 'b rulliiMhiic K't tt. In nrll buiH.
ih nf A . 11. ltmtK an I Ir U Witt, iontei n
Brdjf nHhii I'AtmrA i rwunlr, Pi , v( ; 0a
ftiifjino, No loilt Hvn alAftittiii rt.
mio iubtii ituoke tati, tim r )
tui'l, inrl'ifltnff rerriaj-. ih oar, a c-ifn.
tlm (o na.4 ti. Ill, tS ! lM-iti liif pm mynf
the ttti,rriicni-rl, end brl I b ii H.jna A
l) H itt e'l r lcaa. U U.OV-TnR
lticlxar. Mieb T. lSK-lt.
Real Esta e!
Tlicr- aw il 1 hi ftiinM! t iiub'lo ', Its Cltar-
Stl I, un
Saturday, April 'M, IH1T,
tfa f'll -wln t)fl-rrtb property, to wit; AU
lbt err'-in timji or pie- f I ! itati in l)f
bara tf-hi , UinrH.'n4 e en r. P . bn-tn.i-1 ti
th. B.atb by I.i.iU nf P f .n Ktnl mni Alrt
Ow.-o. . Ihx o..lh b It of Hviiittina Spanii
imn. on fh l 'T Un-I of K i r. 1 1 1
bf rel t.y Inul ,'t tariit Natlo. ifiRMiaiog
117 H'lU'S
and allow 'Bw, b a r of vhirh l elrarcd, ba
inn a twi.-rt rr f a ne ifih- g h"iii, a - or a 4
-half dt'TT bnuM-, an l a lro mo -n
b rxio I'Ur-a oreliw to of fl it fmtt 'rrt,ei-jrUi-g
appl potii eiifriiffl, n I thr Irutti.
A 'pruifr .f k 'i I m i if, And a iiaal infiiM run
uma; ihp'iih ti i-ut . tit - p'-rnnae
Uio r r "f an un I piaH timH r, a in'l .r of
h bigk-iT. and an a eof ivDitlii t.utar up
"0 ib p'Otmr,
Tkhm ur Balk Ons-iliird pou ennflrm iiioo
o palte, tho inlnmv in im uai Annual pjr
uud'. tu be ie. urvd bj Ikjo I ait l tn .ritfitg-.
IJrnfaitnUoti, Usreli SI, 171 6t. Adiu'r.
Th" of-dr-rijDe-l 4 aannanoe to tbr eilitrai
if Lliarndd And rlt lnt y, that oe ha euunivi eed
Manufactu e or Cigars
j ''Ifrftfld. and will kop on bund A large atnek
'fflnit.rla' rifar hlf b lie will anil At wh ieaal
d retail. IHl rdttaia are naile fro.a tbe hatt
lenf 'obitece and WNrrauivd t i ajiro aatiaf ictlnn.
He alto kei-pe un band ft full liae of tbi bent
hcwIiipT & Smoking Tobaccos.
PII'K, rtNUFr'. KTC,
to wh h b tnrltre tbo aitanti -B nt molt-n and
cbtwera. d alrra tap i I ind with Ihe brrt
brand nf igara.Ktm.k'.tn and Ohrwiof To -ae-ot,
nt the luwei' wbalula pneea.
A tan' uf j-u' lie ( AiroBigi rrfptcUMIy aiilo'ud
ft mini tint d or to M National tUnk,
Warrh 21, is;; .Icn. Clearlle.d. I'
Thr Ik II' Run Woolen Factory
I'atin tunbii. Clearfield Cu.. r.
11 II K N K 11 II ll TI
UT Rut
rbuiubeerilrtr nrvai peiit. n imilt a
Birhhorbuu4l Aiflapnily, in Ibe rreeiinii if Jri
ttlaan ft'itolfii Manutarlurv, with all th mid-re
iiuprivu(ciila altavbt-tt, aod an- prvpan-d t aitke
all aimla t,'lmU. ('aaiinTe, SatinHU. Hlaa.
kvi, Klannola. Ac I'lrn'.v l tti' hand te
opplv all mirolrl and a thutahd nw riit,m. rt,
wh'MU we aah l ihi in and -)inni(t.i. .r at'trl.
Thi- huaiiixn
JI AHlJl.Ntf AM H 1.1.1 Nt.
will' tYtftff ie r rpMMf allrtilirta. Pnipf
arranK-nji-Mii will br wade tu rcttrr and dflirrr
Wrxtl, iu anil uiiiutir A II wurd warrnird and
I nor upn the fhitrtfM nt1r. and ) triri itira
mu iu butnra wr bnpr im renhar a Itht-ral br
I poMir iatnitttte
We will pa ibi hi(tit!l murlti-t prier lot "
and fl Mir inatntlnniurl jfimd a lo aa aitnilar
Kdi oan hrtt..uht In tb-uiuutj. and abourtvr
wr Tail tu rondrr rtiHMtinauIr aatif Uctinn wr eaA
alwart hr Initnd al hninr rendt tu eiak pr-paf
t'lpUtinti'ih. ?ithrr in per)! r ht latter.
.IAwKS (OH N St iff A .MdNS,
M'fil'-'Kil Hwtr P. t)
Complete in 16 Volumes.
Ei.tlr.-I re Hrttien. R.erithlnii l.rt.ul.l d"B
In ih. l.vnl t.nit. Illtirirati'4 ikiui.(''ul I'll
Over 3,000 llluslrations
KD M lPi of .in) e .unirr ..a Iha c'": "1J
.nit hy ul.ri.ri,liMI. It I. Bui altlialort le
lake all tl.e t..lniHr at hh a rolalae ).'
Vttvrreil tin a an intli, or ..oca lb ti
Tan t.nla . iU. Iba r.eanl a tigir, will lr f"'
a a.i ni I'Vi LnrnlilA un HI MiiKrllLf
f IJIIHI KII'tlliN ia laal ibaa ikraa fmn Tbe,
lai-re trill to Milaalki.. .,haUBUal tared aad
al.irthuue ol Indeed B nairrrfal
i.brart In itatlf earn. red, milk bal IIIIW alert ar
rRicE and atvLf ur uimdinai
for Ktlr Cloik, ar tal
rt Ltbrnrt Lealhtr, pr tl...,.M .
for kalf Tutk.j llimm, ear tel ...
far half EtHia I lira OIK, ftt til.,
for Fall Maram Aallaa, pat tal...
rr Fall Kaattt, p -1 -i, r
For rankwr lafermaila addrtat
.... t
. II
J.H. WILU Kim,
FaUl.ker'i afwl, Ui (Utk BUt
iaM,lrl-Ba. FIBUkF.