r ) 4 j , J1HE J?FB!j?A CLKARF1ELU, PA VKDXIKDAT MORNING. MARCH 14. 1S77. Terms of Subscription. If paid a.vaaee,er witaia three m. jmiht , I paid after three tad beroro oil Moalhi., Ii paid Pr tbe oxpiraMea of iti Booth, AMeftm. B. M. POTTBOIM. A Co., ..SIM .. S to Newt- RKI.M.IOlJII KOTICfc. Mr i hud lot Kplocopnl Church Rt. B. t, Btotbho, Pator. Public Service every Sabbath u iui a m., oni 7ft r. n. Hobl.otb (School at tl A. M. Pre?. Mostioi ever Tharidav. nt Tl P. M Cumo tti ton Sorrioo. first Snbbnth of overy on in, i i a. H. Utit Clrarfteld H. K. biirf h.Rrvi. Wn 11. Dim. eod J. K. Aonnnouii, Pneton. , Vtonchin ev.if alternate Buotiov, at o clock, P. M. i-umlity Pebool ot 2. P. J All nro in vited tu o( tend. frfmb)ierlau Cburrtt-Hv. H. S. Bptlir. Habhatb service miirning and evaaing Nb bath Bobool at I P, M. Prayer Mooting Wedoei dT veoing. Ht traiicla' C hurrh Catliolle Rv. p. J.HntRinAN. preaching at I tH o'clock, A. M., on ibo Aral, third and luurt b Sundajtof eaoh month; V ripen and ltrrodtetlon ol tb hlrtied Haeramonl at 7 o'clock, P. M. hundnj Pchuul ovory Hon Jo afternoon at I o'clock. t'.miAI. OIHfcttOltY. Till OP luLDIKfl QrARTBB aUOlOMI 00 CRT. fMod Monday of January. Third Monday of March. tun Mon-lay of Juno. Puartb Monday of Svptomhor. T1H OF BOLD) COM MOD fLIAB. First Monday of Juno. Boouod Muudey of November. PDBLIO OrPICBRB. PrttiAtnt ftttft Hon. Cbarloi A Mayor, of Look Havon. Anittnnt Lm 0W00 Hon. John B. OrvU, of Bfllefonto. Aumeiat JWftt Abram Ogdoo, Clearleld Vincent B Hint, Woodland. protkunntaiy lit Bloom. fttgtittr and ftteordtr L. J. Morgan. Oittriel Aitomiy Wn. M. MoCulluagh. TremurtrVviA Mofiaughey. AAcritT Andrew Pentt. Jr. Otmntg yrryor (iamul P. McCloakrj, Cur irpnivillo. Count Cnmmiianer$ Clark Brown, Clear field i Tb. ma-A. ildite, Cheat P. 0.1 HairU HtMiver. Clrartlld. Cuuntw AadtforaChrfit. J. Rragy, Olon Hoito ; Samuel A Caldwell, WilliamigroTO ; Jodb v. Lonner is urn ltd. County Cvowri B NerT, Now Waehlnirion. Jury Vomni$iiotr-hT. Jxtnea P Burehorld, Clrtia. JuMiih A eiander. w o-dward. Sp4riu1tndnt of Pmbiie firAooe John A. OtT(orjr, turwenevilio. Notarin Pmbtit-Juhn W. Wrifiey, Wa. Ra dfbitufcb, Crua Uordtm, Clearfiuld i Joeepb K. Irwin.N. R. Artiuld, Curwetivilli ; J. J. I.lugle, Oneetila M ilia. Our oeaf column In decided I j iotoreititif in a local poiot of iew, and profitable reading to oouideri woo want lo euto ncory. Xuw Sirin Milliiitify oodrt, junt rteeived at . Hee.l'e. Sntimluy twx, thu 17th itmt., will bo "81. fairkk'a day in tne nortno' " lihio glatu" lump chimtiuys are tbe latett (bio! in tbo blue line. Fraud utid Murcb i-ttine in tngeihur wlili-b att'uUbif lor tbo iiaie ol buinu and eat hi r. ,m n m Dr. Stimuli's Uuhlul office in the Maioina builtiing, Clrarbultl, win be open all of next week. Gulden ti'tHl uie ulrcud- in Liio mup- ket, ready lor ibe ipitug plaanog. Woe, tl tlte rpttog wao only br I Some luulum Mty the world uwub tbea a liuorf. luat luigtit be true il the Lord kept a proviiiHO r-f'iro, imt bo ilofl't. Dr. 'Jul. Lixt, lulu oi NVuudiund, Ihin eouni , ii at pittim praciietng uediciue tu tun flein.iy 9. K4LiiBgt Olanoa eouuiy. - m w w 1 lieu J the now Uuuble culuiun advur- liieuixot vt A. tiutoiourg, of ibo wbe-price cloibioi tin re, la tbe Kkpuimcax to day. m Lorillurd'n culubruiud hruiidn ul Na vy Iuumocu, ltDeooe" aod "Our Cbuiuo, at Lytle'i, eule agent lor Cleaifitild ewuiilj Jan, K. VVulmHi r.-neliled thia oltUv with a ova bf hue oiara woe day laai week, lur wbtvb we return our tbauka And Morion la trill iiapuy. -i tm e The oi'iginul lovoaiory nuw running la tbo Pniliuaburg Jvmrmui u Ibo bvalMbu.l duiiug " erd en tbal ujet we ewr were clita ajou lo look at, Su;s the Kuiponum Jadependtht : To call lur niilp irvw ibo .oor ut wur bwrougb la greater tbaa was over bolore koowa ir our loe4 oitvr,' The I'. H. bvimlu baving tailed tu eoitbrtu Urabt'a nuiwiute lor wotuiaier at Lock llavku, the lailblui will bun Have a ebanoe to re new ibe aiuaooio lor Ibal poailluu. ' ' a a Twu luigu w olvun wuiu rucuiitly ruuu aeai fiuui.r luiu, tk t itu.br ia ooueiy. tb deOfi mow, it la u poetrd, druv ibt-ie eniuata frwui i nit UfUbI beui'la it atarvb ol ioud. C'uuri vuiuiuuuuiNs ou Aloiiduy next, tbe IViu ibii, Uur auuouribvra Wbo ouuto Iw town uurii g eoui i about d not loi get to drop lulu our omoo aod pay tbe printer. liigler, Yuung & Cu.'a machine shoa, uu tuuiib ii.t naie be.R rubuiog ou full .im lur aavoral aaya paal. iiupe tbey way not bate ueeaeu tu ebut uuaa lor a lung lime Id come. a About a tnuiilu ago Mr. C'tms. Ilul- fwru, of Una piac, lost bia oiUeat ctil.O, abd on Sunday last tbo youugoat and Ust oue died. i t e R ot ewta t iRoee ebiMrett woe oauaed hj uipibit. I. a i To pluwiil luUuccu chewufs Irulii being Uupoaed vpwa, Lvnlianla have pat a no fUmp la every piug ot thHr lobe cow. lake none no less au siauipva. Ly tie Is solo ngut for Clear Acid ouunty. .- OH - Thu Itidgwuy Ittmocrat uya the Butlalo, ew kwk ana Pbiusdoipbia Kaiirvaw Company tbiahd running aa oil train Iruta 0le8to Kuipurluw, to aveoumodate Ibe llrad lord oil district. Ruv. A. 11. SuinOuWwr, luiinuily paa- tor ol (be bapliat Cburen at Ibis plae., alior4 a ktiure In ibe PresbyieriaB rburoa or Muuday vsRiog. Ilia subjiet was ''Two days IR Ibe Kvwiucky Mammoth eve." It any body in this county wants to lavosl in teal oataio, tbey snoaivi peruse toe au- vu-IteUH-ol beaded "Fine (era at private sale," la ibis Issue of oar paper, a. V. H ilewa, Kq. will ftno all the ni or eary ioformatieu In trgard to it i i i mi Mr. Kay W rigK-y, son of Jamua Wrigley, hVq , of tbia place, ri. turned Irom Phil adelphia Ust week, where bo had been encoding leetores of the Homeopathic Musal Collrao. He bow wrlies hts oema J. Kay Wrigley, M. I). Bnceeea lo bia. i ew 1 About lour incbtfs of nnow fvll on Monday. No wonder ibo Jmmmml oeoo has htca bull doxtd, and b- e there Is boibing In this region by which tbe w.elbtr oan bo r-filiated, si,tan old brass watch wbloh our devil oar rl , and it Is not v ry n-liable. m a - Dr. Juhn L. H. lleicbliold, dculiel, (attavroi lr. A ii- llli,of this boroogb, open ed a dental effleo at Hoatidalot oa Mday a-rw-Ibg laM. Tho resldenis of that place will find Joka jot tbe lellow to doc or ibeir troth. Ma Will visit liewtsdele every tkr eek FivoLruivn in Moitlgomvry town skin. Indiana e-oaty. asaaiiod a young girl, ad fourteen years, on her way hoae froa ehareh, lee rl ally auti.g her, aad tearing her elethes fma' her perron. Three of ihea have heea arresud and Mnad la Jail at Indiana. The tot al id iter ot the Journal talks kneongly a loot Clierfteisl D.n.-ereis, who aa- rted thai lUyes will be sceasslnat d aod yet, we 4.. not believe lha" be ever heard R Daoorai liter sock a swntenr. A the three is of aaeae iaaib.R coa froa ih party that stole a President. I be Clearfield Eire brick Worko hsve roreatly received a large oootraot for a special quality of fire brick, rra the Natloaal Tai-e Works, el Mt Keeepert, Pa. These bricks ere to be need la ibe reraaces of the aille at tkat place. Tbo Clear I. kf Pi re Brick OmbM" taor.etaree aa execlme! qaality of brteb, aad the MeKtoeacrt works vrtll hove so eaaao to re gret tbo Wttiag of Ibo aoRtraot to H. The weeks la thu plaro are aw Basil ftf eke aajiaMtr of heveks faff the fiillag of UU List of luttors remaining unclaimed In the Poflnflloe at CIearleld, for tbe week ending March It. 1S77 1 McCoan-H, Thomao. Rhino!, MIh Sarah. MlHor, Miu M.an.e, 1, n.8.,M.M. Ntjrrn, Peter. Ta'n, A- T.' Rodgeri, Briee. P. A Qll'Ll, P. II. The A I toon daily Globe sends up a peripatetic growl aboal ibo miserable condition oftht Peot.iylvauie fitito fttllltla. Don't too m U makro moot. dilforoBoo ahoat tbo Natlontl Oatrd, ibo organ! utloa U more for rhew than err 1m. Tbo belt olio would bo in dlihmd ihla In this eoniiy at preaont at tbo rale of thirty thonaeed tnnt por week, while the ibipaoa'sfroa the Cumberland (Maryland) region for aonailmo paat show a decided falling off. Hie Clrarflrld coal la a aaeh aero superior qutlty than the Cumberland coal, and that aeon a nil for tbe in ereeilnf demand. Mr. David G. Nivling. who purchased and now roridoa on th ' Barret farm," at Centre, la Lawrence townahlp, enafeaplatos starling a extensive ebcreo 'faeiory at that place. Major Nit Mng baa tbe aecesaary pluck to puib the mat ter ihrongb. acd wo hope, and believe, that the enterprise will pay. M r. J no, A . Stock, fhrmerly of Gottya. burg. 4a., has opened a C'gar manufactory In the ' Old Western Hotel ' build nf, in tbe mnn lately eeenplew by Wo, M. MoCulloogh, Eaq. Mr. Rlnck Is in experienced workman, and will anno factorc Irti-ctass clfars. Otre hi ttork a trial, and convince yourself af the quality. oai The ex-rhaitman of the Radical Coonty Committee was the only ''truly loil Radical In this place, with murage enonib to hang ant a flag on tbe day that Raves was fraudulently Inaugurated President. The rank and lie of tbo party do not feel very good over ibe loeuiarstton of a man who was fiaodul atly declared elected. Jno. 8. Mower, Esq., a lawyer of the Bedford county bar, wbo wl charged wHb cnu milling a series of frgcrlet, ard with collecting money for his client, which bo appropriated to his own nee, failed to put la an appearance at the Bedford court last week, and his ball. $3,200, was forfeited. Ills name was el no stricken from tbe list ef atorneya. The Altoona duily Mirror of Satur days saret Oa Thursday forenoon, while Mies Mary Corbel I. of Rockville, employed ea an operator of the Pennsylvania Railroad in tbe telegraph often below thai point, waa in the not of eroasing a canal briIge near lha offloe, she was blown off the bridge by the force of the wind, sod falling a diftanre of twelve or fifteen feet received very severe i juries about the bead and back. A foriniduhle CaimdiHti ochume for nnnutaeturing lumber is announce! la a special it le grain to the New York World from Montreal, It aos an Knglisb company with $26.PliD0l)0 capital is buying up 3,00 square miles of tim ber limits la Canada and purchasing lumber mills on iba Ottawa and Oailaeau river. Sir John Rose, of Morton, Rose A Co., bankers, New York and London, ll al the bead ef Ibe company. oScALPtHH Pardons-d. The Altoona Sn says: Robt-rt and Beacon Walls, William Plod ley, WMiUex l)r4i-b and Jatuee Douglass were convicted of perjury la tbe Blair county court last April, la lelsely swearing lo ibe de struction of wiid game of wbiob tbey presented mauufaciored scalps, Tbtir senteoce ranged from one to Ihrvo years. Tbty have bow been pardoucd, and it Is lo be bpud thvy will lead mure virtuoue lives than luruoriy." An Old ViTtRAN. A. M. Shoon.ot Yartuwn, Mifflin oouoiy, (wbo baa heard his iweoty-tbird child ery), was re-elertod Justice ot ibe Peace, at the late eltutioa. wbicb binds ibe ivleraa bru at lha threshold ot bte iwvniy-fllib nr as an expounder of Jut' Ice to those ibat err. Tbe Ink stand in bis office has been la use oer uv bundrrd ara, and ii sly jeara in a Justice's ffl.e. bo mt ibo Lwiilwii duMtU A t DiTuha' fejsTTLhM B.NT. lioroiigb lid iowuiltip Auditors mil hear in Uilbd that an Act of Ibe Legislature, sppioved Marob 31, 1876, fixed Ibo Hue lor tbe annual moating ol tbo Audiloraoi lha several boroughs and townships lo settle acouhnte, t-B 'he second Monday in April, wbiob will occur ibis year oa Ike Vtb day ol the mortb. It was formerly fiitd lr tbe fari Mon day lb Jui.o These aoeounta arc requlrtd by law be pbbltsbtd ui.drr a sortie ban) lorbegleci. We have bveu luvorud wilb the prooeodings of tbo ioaobers' Lal Institute held to tbe M. B. Cburob io Uorbeo townxbip, on the 13d and J4ih ol February, but owing lo their groat length, and ibo loot thai w bv the pro coodiogs ul aevttral other local institutes also oa band, w are uuablv to publtab tlicui. We w -uld like to aoonwmoilato the itacuore by golog a all report ut tho local loetilniee, but as wo can not find room to pabliah all of them wa moot therefore omit all ol them. Rath icr Late Would-be P. M. W also j is looking op bit blue blouse ho lost in West Philadelphia, ta the summer ol Ifcfii The Kav that now opens post-ofllees and ma! tings ao'l be swum j soled with vtiacr a gray or blue blouse, io codj melioration of tbe livelv ice beyoudlbo 1'otomae, front 161 U 18. aad I bote Clothes must be eidoreed by aa honor - bl discharge, after no kss tLau two year's ser vice In tbe toniedeiats or I'd I -jo army. " Hard lavK "Is ahead Row, lbst who refused to eat U Ir "wartimes" must do without putt-oflWs now. Two Drinoners walked out of the jail at tots plere one evening iaai wooa, ano uraa tbtir departure for some unkouwa region. Out or tbem, Mlihael Johnson, had been detailed tu aisist in carrying the evening meal lo tbe oibar twenty-one, and while ia the hiiebto bo slipped iha prison keys ia bis pocket, aod tbun uu locked be door aod lot oat a prlsoaer by ibo name ot Sbipwaa, and together they eooly walked out ot tbe front door without asking permission. John son was serving out a sentence lor costs, end SbipwaB was awaiting trial lor beating a Pea- geld landlord oat of throe dollars and a b-it. Sheriff Pea is was eooined to hie bed at the time, and the only other persons about tbo house were ladies, m mm JUdlHTkBkD LaTTKRa. The differ ence between a rvgisiored lettur and any other is :hat It does not go In tbe mail proper. It pa race from band to band, outside tbe msil pouches, every person through wboe bauds it pase be ing required lo sign o receipt on receiving It, aod euro a receipt lor It eo passing It ever to the next IB transit. The person bo. ding tbo last re ceipt Is thus always able to show who Is accounta ble lor the lose. The rvepoueibili y rests opoa tbe man who has sigaed a receipt for ibe regis tered pack4g, end who is But able to produce the package or a receipt for It Irom somebody eUc Tbe a test way lo ser-d mooey is to gt a money order. Where It dots not go to a Moey Order Office, It should atver be sent In aa ordinary let ter onder any clt sum stances. There Is no possi ble way of' tracing " such a letter. a 4 e CLKAKfULD Coal TraUR Stalo ai eat ol Coal and other freights cent over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield DivtsteB, Penusylvauia Rail road, for tbo week ending Mtrrb I, 177, and tbe same time last year i coau For tbe week Sam. time Let year.- Tuna IN.SWA vo.sii ..... 1,111 114,1.1 ..... I41,il. 48,716 ..... 11J.1V7 ...... 1.0,211 t,I73 ....118 ran. rr.vlo.tly daring year., -lame time lalt year laeraat. Total I. H7T B.m. lime l.t l.ar. ...... loereaM - rtBBB r.nonn. Lumber -. Miaocliauevul Ireigbte .Ill " A Hold HoBBitr. 'i'b Bulld'onlc Hal de.ee pnbliibea lb. lolkiwilg I "A Irleuu .t ttturmatown givet at lb. partie.lert of . hold rohwry eou.miU.don lb. lop of Maaoy Rldga, betwee. Port Matilda end that plaee, oa IB. aigBi of the lib IBM., oa Ihepere..! Robert 0. McRi.- Bey. It .ppeert lhal Mr. MeKlnney had be.. It T.ron. .nd iM.ped .1 Port Matilda n. hit way noma, anlil aboel .'.Hojh, wb.a h. lUrtod lo .run Ike ridge lor Bteimitow.. II. look the ue.r w.y, lhal ll by the .Id toad nadi.g Irnm Port Matlld. I. Btormttow., a.d wheal .0 tbe top of Mooey Ridgo be waa ppreeahea by three ....una. who helled him. O.. .1 la. three, who w.e dreand I. lemale alllr., irtt approaebMl him, ..j .k-. .uit., aea.OI him .1 tM kieMt ol hu .eenm .ad l.ma.M lhal b. ihoald opea e, rker. being a. .It.r..tle, Mr. MRiooy bed ut jltld. and lay look froa bim 111 or J IB moaey. Tb.y the. d.eade. that he ihould a bia aatebeL whieb be alia aia .aa tnoy ueb a maith aad ...rnlae. la. MoU.tl. f Mdiag Mthi.g la ll Uai U.y waawd, I bey let klai af, aad luheri h agreed hem. at met al ku left K.ld earry him, arrtrtag .wiltiiuu of roe I urllemeol." . Wantiu 11,000 cords of Ilemlock end Rook Oak Bark, for which wa will pay the highest marks! prion. Jylttf. A. O. Kbambb A Oo, aii Jan. A. Moore, Mercantile Apprais er, publishes ibo list of retailers In Clearfield eoaoiy, fur 1877, la lha Rrpubmcab to-day. Aa appeal will be held at Ibe Coaui last oners of fice or the 12th day of April next, where all wbo have enmpisioti to make,skould polls an ap pearance. Pill Down Yuijr Veht I" We hear ibis expression almost every hour In tbedsy. ndyeMbtre a:a few of as who know Us origin beard ia Ibis country la 17fi3. A New England deamn, namid fipilklns, had a vest t bleb was too short fur bim. When Ir a heated debate or controversy hts vest would work Bp voder bis chin. People wbo were listening to bis discourse nould Interrupt bia end tell him to pull down bis garmt nt,aod la this way lbs expression. ome iato ace as a teana ot checking bores. Tbe expression, " Wipe off yonr ebin,'' was first applied to Presldtai llejea, when quite a 4ta) boy, by bis grandmother Haiberlord was eat ing the ' drum sties ' ol a turkey, and bis chin was to Umeicd with grease that It resembled be gable-tbd of a country Lara when prepared to rtco.ve a el reus poster. wipe ywar ehio off, darling I" said tbe hiod graadinoibur. Aud Buthy wipirJ that's all. Lamp Uxlohion. The Uumnburg etfeyMaaeai ays : " About aidoiht last Haiur day a ooal-oil lamp led burning in a bed-room ai tbe resldeuoe of Mr. John I (Dinger, lo Bible's n-w, South strict, exploded, sua ttenng ibe burn ing oil lu all dirretiubs, selling die tu Ibe carpel, bd dot his, and oiher oiijeets io the room. Mrs. Zuliinger had Just the avuioot bfere left tbe room to get some required article lu an adjoining apartment when sbo beard the noise of the ex plosion, and hastening back she was borrlfied to see tbo chamber in flumes. Nothing dauuled, however, ibe ruobed boldly toto the room, aod after rescuing her baby, which bed been left peacefully sleeping io bed, she bravely proceed ed io light tbe fire. Her Ural movement was tu tear Bp ids biasing Oarpct and barl it out of the window, tbeo the burning bed eMbea were at tended to, and finally altr much energy and a good deal of pluck tbe lady succeeded in subdu ing the Humes , and tbus prevented what evident ly would have resulted io a very serious oonfla grtitV" JjhTichB KLkcrkD The following named persons wore eUeied Justices ot tu Peaoo lu tbe several boroughs and luwuahipa of Citartieid eouoty at tbe elioiiun held on tbe 20 lb of Fcbmary, A. D- 1H77 i Burutide buroagh Wn. T. Uolmoa. Clearfield borougu R. W. Urahaa. Houtidalo borough J. L. Shaw. Oaooola borough R. A. t'ampoell. Bell towosbip J. C. Neff. Bloom township John Cmith. Bradiord towoaolp -Jacob Williams. Ferguson twwtiahip B. U. McMasUis. Uiratd township Miubael 8hope. UoSfaea towiifhip George Owsos. tirabam lowksbip Conrad WKyler, HuaUin townahip T. W, Letts. Lawreuee towusbipJoSCph U. Row let. luiootownebip 3.8. Hullupotor. Woodward towosbip- Joba Lebaan. Tbose designiug to lilt their com missions must notlly I'roibonotary Bloom la writing at once, as no ceutuiissinus will issue without tbia notice, I A Hoy'b Llo Tobn Off. Tbe Bha- mubm Btmtd gite. tb. pertteuUrt of . frightful eeeident, it folium r MJrrrinUb llurllry, .noat lo jr.iri uf of UicbMl llurll.y, living it Luk. Fidl.r, w.l iMlititig bn f.tb te b.ul oood fruai tb. iuount.f.ot fir from Ibeir hum.. Tbe bid . ibrve-mulo Int.. Wheo eoining down tb nouDllie, Ibe front mule wu wnhllelied end tbe boy nndorlooh to rMe him, hot lb. ..imil herifi. una.n.ge.bl. end rin .way, throwing bit tider, wbo l-euiuse tntingl.il in lb. biru.ti, aud wa. twiltly dragged along am 11 . projecting atuuip eeugbi bitu, tearing bit kg off al tbe kn nnd kto-vfling b0l Iron tbe bernetl tlie leg By iug one n.y, itt owner anoller. Tbe frighteoel lelber hastened lo tho ooy eud wilb oeiuntendalile pretvnoe of aslod tiglitly boelled bit 0ip.dvr. around ibo ragged and bleeding ueniher, thut living bie life till he earrled bim home, wbeD Dr R- L. Wright wet oalloj, wbo aaitttrd by Dr. 1. 8. Ilolleiih.eb, aojiuiatrd a few Inebet of the uiaoglrd tteiuii. Tbe .per.lion proved to be aloiual too nocb lor the euherer, hut he a ter- warda revived aod ta doing well It It remarka ble that olhtrwlio he ar-aprd without a teraleh." Accidental Khcapk Fium Death. 8bi-nff pentl.ul tbia plieu, metwllb quit, .te- rlout iceldent o. TeeMl.y of lalt wee, from ibe elft iu of which he hat net yet folly ntt'i'errd. lie lu at Iba lew m'll of 0. II. rll, in (liter.! lowuibip, and wal In tbe tul of hilehing op bit horwi to m.rn h.ma when Ibe wbWIle .1 the mill .t blown nnd tbe hone, lie.-.ina frightened t.d tlerled to run. Dr. I'- nll greboed .1 then hoa.lt. but did not lueeeed I. Mitehlng lh.m, .nd lha wheel ef ibe earrlaga ttruek him and threw him violently againat a tump. Ha Wat lmtn. dialely picked up aod taken lo a huuee In tbe Leigbberbood, when he l.y i. . Mmi-c?naoioB. conditio, for nearly flv. boart. He waa after wirdi brought to hit home lo thit pllcc. Hit ctoapa from ioatant dealb waa uiraeulout. Hit lt.m wet loltie-piid and aloiwd without doing tuuuh barm to tbe buggy, ur anything elae, eiovpt tbe dberilf, who .bout Ibre. bourt efier wardt wanted lo know ' what all tbia fuai wa, about, and wbo tu burl. Pretty looo br "lia.td ovar,M aod wentad "to go home." Prefer re.turativca were adininiatired, ind be ll going -bout with . very black eye, tore Jaw, welled ur, ale., but thlnkt he will ha .11 right 10 . wtek, and ready 10 bull dole aouther atuinp. lie wanti eouieborfy t. furulib tb. tteam wbitll. man with . Lather ma-lel lor bia though ifolovat. Sptelal: T. A. FLECK A 1.0. New Spring it) In .1 Fleak A Co 'l. Coa. ten fBTTii I win! II dltlinrlly onder tloud that I want my hooka aettled . Tboae kno- lOit to here onaetlled ai'eunntt wilb me, are Bere hv duly aoiilert lo eome forward ond eellle ot ibeir rarlie,t eoorenieoee, and If they orgioot tit do ,o. they may etpeot to be notllrd by the Oo.laMe after tne I.I of May. t. L. LlATr. Cleuleld, Mar. 7, '77 -Jm. Hrrtt Oondtnvw, oeat fti.4 faihiaaable .1 T. A. Fleck A Ca.'e. Wasrin ! lllli.HM 21-ineh thaved ibinelee I. tverege from 1 I. .4 Inehw for which w. will pey the kiehe.1 marie pnoe. A. U KaauRB A Co., feb.M If.) Cleoraeld, Pa. 0. .od tee tbe .ew gnoda al Kleek'l Itora. Every day hrlagt eom.thiog oew at Fleck A Co.'l elorr. If you doa't believe ll go aad te.. Amon. lb. .dmirablo pro..rlitl of Glton't Palpber Hoep la tbal of Hennaing tbo head of daO'lru. and preventing lie unerqueni aoaumn lailoo, by oMt'hp Hie pore. f ibe eealp aod thai hernia it healllifaLy moiat. Dere t Criileo l.w'e. No. 7 alllb Ar.aoe. N. Y. Illlle Hair A H bilker Dye, bleeh or brnwo, 111 all. moo Iw Ao en-low. ma. ta ditentted with hard mnnry, He earned a allrrr half dollar In hia pocket for an monlht,only lo ditei.vrr when he tried to pita It th.il It an eo.olerl.ll. Ne bogie goodt al I. A. ttve. vo. I tiere. Ladiet .re rrqoettrd to nail and .limine Ibe new giHjda at I. A. rieel a l... t. llentleeien will lod moab pleerore 1. tlauiln tog Ibi oew I'yit. .1 Fleek't lUr. Roool.l Fo Hal.. R. K.wra. Raaw keep! a full tupply of Frednma Buggiee .nd. Pletlorm Wa.ona fur aale. To be lire al Ibe Hbew Houer yar.1 Call .0 or oddreaa bim at Clearleld Peon. -ylvnntl, may Yoang meu m.d young womes, tb. old aod the mldrlv ee-ed. everenooy oi en ipf, .nee a,... colore, will lod cmrlhtog lo plriae ibem al T A. Fkek A Co.'l. All kinde of labia linen, .1 Fink A Oo.'a. While gnoda of every deacrlpiloo .1 Fleek't. Ladle.' halt. H ibe oew rpring rtylet, .( T A, Fieek A Cu.'a cheap ea.b tier.. Scarcity of .Vonty. There le andean! bat lb. prewlt oeallllo. of .11 kiada of ba,iheta a.d indn.lrv n fearlnlly do- arorard. .nd-ll behoove, eeere family t. look eerefullv lo their .ll.enael Wi.ler Itenming en when children are llehlo lo Croop, Whooploc Cnogb. ot.. Ceogha .nd 4'olde will prevail .very here, aad Ceaaarontlno. with other Ihmel nod lung dieoeeee, will oarry off meoy. Thee, difr ww theald aol be oelreied. llor'a bllll are eepenaivo. .nd wn woid ndvlaan.r people to nee rl..H'ao. . uaaaan cracr. ii aevnr en. mw. One B..III..I 71 a.le will been your whale family well deriog the winter. Two doeoe will relievo any eeee. Held In oil towaolo Ibo Dolled Rlalea, nod by ctir lrggiri, O. D. Waiemi. Cwarlold, fa. . aprn, le-eww.y. If yaa waat a good abawl, aa mailer what Had, go la Floek A Ce.'e. The heel bid glevet, every pall warrealed, .1 T. A.Fweh ACe.'a. Cellar!, nft, .eekilee, eeeeeadert, hoe. ut ooderwear ol T. A. Feek A la. a. rianawl., araellal, tlaghaw, ihlrtl.gl aad raulwere M Fleah A Oe.'e. TRUE MERIT WttL Hf. A few year since the proprietors of Dr. Morris' Byrup of Tor, Wild Cherry and Jlorehound Intro duced It hero, U was not puffed, but sold or Its merits. Our people soon found It to be reliable, aad already ll baa become tbe most staple aod popnlar pulmonary rouudy la the market. It qulokly euros the worst coughs, colds, eroop, broo ch ills, asthma and Incipient consumption. Noth ing acta so nioely In whooping sough, and It Is su pleasant that children readily lake It Contain ing no opium, or ether deugemus drug. It is as sale as It la sure. Trial else, II eeots ; large aises, kv cents and one dollar, bold by 0. D. Watson, and Uartswick A Irwia, Druggists, Clearfield, Pa. Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrvp Is per fectly sale, extremely palatable. No physic ra quired. Costs U cents. Trv it. For sale bv 0 Attention, Farmen and Lumbermen men. W4WTED by Aruol l, at Curwensvlllc, 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 bushels wheat. 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels oRts. 1,000 biiHhcls shelled corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. ItMMMMIWt-liirri sri rT MMgZ MNMMNI Vfi-liirb a. wed abluglea. ItMMMMi Ibat pine board a. A.IMMI railroad ilea. A.IMM cords oak and hrtnlock bark. For which one-third cash will be paid. oct.25. iHarrlfl In Kmporiom, Cameron coonty, Pa., on Sun day. Marehe, IK77, by Hev. A. Klmer, Mr. Kd K begner, of Cu wcnsvilie, and Miss llattie K blatcr, of Emporium. Hid In Morris townibip, Febraary SU, 177, Ann Wise, relict of Jacob Wise, aged 77 years. In Huntingdon, on Tuesday mo rains;, March o, IHT7, Mrs. Jane r. ll in ley, lo tbe Both ynai or bar age. IViiiihj I vuuiu Itailroad TYRONE t ULKAKFIEI.D BRANCH (H ul .n.r Mond.j, MUV. 17, 1ST0. tb. Wru,.nK-r Tr.loi will run d.il; (sxe.pt Hun i.ya) b.twM. T;roD..nd Cle.rB.ld, m (vllowi CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. C. Ibwiii, Cupductor. "lBAVK SOUTH. I LKAVK NORTH. Cur.umrtll.t:IU, p.m., Tyrone m 9.10... Cl.nrll.lil. I.9U. I UMeulk.. ! Ill, Ht,l.i,ikur,.....4.Jl, " r,bilip.biir...l0.9il, U.UUU .....47, " Clwrleld... 11.40, ' Tyrol. (.till, " Cun.n,tiII...I2:ul, CLBARF1KLD KXfRSg. W. H. Put. m., Cooduotor. LKA VB SOUTH. LKAVK NORTH. CurvenirrtUe. ft... Ulurb.ld.. t ii " l.! Tyroie.ln. ... T.I 0 .i I V.il t.n " OieMle ..8.13 " ; Pbilipit.uig....W 1 Cl..ra.ld..r...l.40 Corw.n.rUle. 10.00 I'billp.hur... t.S7 " Uuieol. ... t.Ai ' Veil. 7.41 " Tyntu.. . t.tt " BALD BAULK VALLEY 1IRANCU, Bip Mail Mall, r. M. arrlre l it t.iS 1.1. 4 IS l.7 4 IS 4 01 leave J IS Kip A. . 1. 01 11.41 ii.s; 11.3. 11. Ik II 01 III 4 .SS r. M. A. a. lib 8.0 leave Tyrone 7. IS 7.67 1 47 Raid Eiele V..10 t.bb 10. OS l.IS Julia. Mileaburg Rellvfont. hi lie, burg 10 l 10.40 ttuwar. 11.11 .rrlra L. llaveo TVKONB HTATION. .aaTW.HO. a a wiitwiro. A M Paeilo Kip. tit, :4I Pilubnrg Kip'al, i:ill HirH.burg Aoe'm, t:49 Pant, Kiprul, I It ri n Mail Train. 3:10 H'.y Pattenger, 1:1. Atlaotio Kxpreaa, t-M Mail Truo, 6:Sn Pbila'd. Kipreei, HM Put Lioo, M PIIILIPribl'RU MOBHANNOM UKA.NCUr On and aner Monday, NOV, 17tb, ll'fl, A. eommodatioo Treioa will ruo over lha Philip.- nurg and Mornaonu. uraneoea, at teliowa: l.KA K K01;tT. ""' LK4.VK WmBTH. :lll Morrladala, 11:4. :lo T.St Phlhpaborg, lilt 1:1. 7:31 8leiner't, 1111 1:14 T 44 Hoynton, 12:11 tM I0:.10 T:S1 Oieeol., 11:04 4:1. S 1:14 l4 1:0 Miabanwoa, 11 SI 4:01. 1:S1 10:61 1:11 Hterllog, 11:16 1:61 1:67 lt:SS 11:111 Nunndaie, 11:4. I ll 1:0 II 01 :1'1 UeUanley, ' 11:11 1:44 1:07 Mm 1:11 Kendriekt, 11:10 :n 1:11 till! 1:11 Ramey. 11:31 1:11 Clote eooneetlooa mide by .11 lr.iaa .t Tyrooa end Look ll.v... ylT-tf. SoperiBUBdaot. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADB DIVISION. OH end ofter Mooday, Jaanary lith, 1877, tbe pvrenger triinr will roo diily (oirepi -no day betweea Red Bank and Driftwood, ai follow, i KAKTWARIr.naT MallleaVH Pittehuri :l'l I. m. Red Bmk 1 1:41 1 Sligo Junction 12:01: New Bethlehem 1:00 p. B Mat, Tine i:in, Troy 1:41 : Broubvil a 1:0. ; Foller't 2:27 I Rey old. vlll. 1:11 1 Dulloltl:10i Hommlt Tunnel I I Penleld 4:04 Weelvlln 4:17 r lleneiello 4.11 : .rrieet .1 Driftwood at 1:44. W F1 WAHIDiy Miillearat Driftwood 11:16 p. m. H. nri.lle I 03 1 Weedville 1:10: retinoid 1:61: rlummlt Tnnnel 1:18 1 DnBol, 1:11; Hrvnoldaville 1:02: Fuller', 1:12; Hrookville 1:40 ; Troy 4:116; Miyirllll 1:80 1 New Helblehem 4:46 ; Kligo Jonetinn 1:11; Red Bink 1:60; arrlvt, ot I'ilUborg ol 1:10 p. a. pm- The RryniilJivitlaArcommooattoBleavai Kuynoldavlllo daily at 7:60 o. m. ood arrivee al K.d Bank at 10:11 a m., Pltlahurgb at 3.16 p. ta. Uavel Pituburgb at l:4fl p. m ; Red Henk at 7:10 p. in. I arriving al Hay noldavilleal I0::io p.m Cleee eoaneelioBt made with train! nn P. A B hiilroid nt lmitaood. .nd wilb tralm no the Allrghrny Volley Rellnntd at Red Bank. DAVID McCARllO, Oea'l gup'L A A. Jlcax.a, Hup't L. S. Dir. PARK FUOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefnnte, P. 13 16 1 Middletowo IS 01 Lock ll.veo....H. Williamaport..... liunliogdoo ...... Lewiatowo. Maryaeille.. , 170 Marietta. 110 , 1 10 Lancaater ft 8t , I 80 PHILADELPHIA 711 , IlllAltoona I 86 , 4 60 Johaamwn......H 180 leotTtlle . llHPbiliptbirg II . 16 1 Tyrone , 1 22 Otoenla HARRINBURU. , 4 7.IPITTHBHRU ft 11 Stiff av(fti$rmrnts. CAUTION. AH persons are hereby Mulloned ogainst purehaaing or ia any way meddling with tbe foil owing property, bow in p'e salon of rotor Moyer. Sr.. ol Uraham townsblp, CUarlleld coonty. io wit i Uoe black horeo, 1 red and wbite cow, and 1 yearling calf, as iba same belong to me, and have been kft with bim oa loan only, sub ject to my order at any time. Kylertown, Pb. 19, Ift77-.1L KOTICK The following par j sons have lied tn tbe oftoe of the Clerk ol Court of Quarter (Sessions of Oarfleld couuty, ibeir tvettlton and bonds for Licenses, at Match seisioa nest, agreeably to tbo Aet ef Assembly i iotil Lies n ass, Wo. 9. Bradley Clearflcld borough W. C. Cardon M " fl. B Row " Jetties McLaaglilia " D R. Fullerton.... R. pi miles William PUiaHl,.. ..Houtsdale borough J olio MeKnery , Uonrge Hhodaa H... Wtliiam Prber..H Martin Plonk J-rme L. Baawgardner William Curraa Palrlek Duaa H James Lvoaugb i, James Haley Charles Kenay James. Carter H Patrick (Jem a. Palriok ribieids .... Michael arrull,.H. Mail boaitherty.., Hoiilh BairS. ....... Mile llnyt llrorge W. Lane.. llenrgeW Davis... William DiviSm. Ueorge Pearee.,,,.. ...... ..Osceola buroogb ....N. Wasb'a " .m. Woodward tow'p Thames Hr.pt-. I.niel MoCarty M ... M N P.ier K-rlB-r.............. " " William Hobe.m, Jr. -....Braly M Adam Knarr...H ..m....M " M . Kieeatoower...M. ..Morris " I'eter Ki-ael - w. N ' John 6 Uirgfj., M...,.HCovington John Million ' M. B Uarrote M William Magoaigle.... -tlelloh M Ueorfje K. Rhaeker ..H....UotoB James L. Scobeld - ' " Predsnsk llaag Peaa M BBSTAoaanr b0'-nsBa. S. t. Butters.,., Clearleld borough Wendell Kadrose . " " M . . Olaots.... ...... M " rilcpheB t'ral ..Corweasvllle here' Jamee llabersbeai ..M..Oeooola hofoegb Miabaol ffolleao - " Tbomae Millaa... Uoulsdale M Kroner MediiffMi M..MaMw. James L.Cuok - IV Washw " Joha ebeuriet,,. Brady township. CART I LB Ltqeon LSCBmaO. Joba Colemaa H Hoejtttete ooro'gh ni wen Frledmao..... Jaeoph Merck. ....... Morris Lent.... Looa M. Oeudrtot.. Mmm CovlBgioa fewa'p CcrtlBod from the lUoorg Bt Cleorlald. this Mth dav of rebraof, 1177. ILI 9 IAMB, Feb. n, 1177-tt. Pr4hnaoury. $tlS(rlUnrou. gOOT ANDSIIOl 00T AND SHOE MAKING. JOSRPII 11. DKKRINO.on Marhat atreet. ht Shaw's Row, Clearfield. Pa., has Jut received a fine lot ef Preach Calf Ukltta and Kips, the best 1b the market, and Is new prepared to maa o factors everything 1b his line, lie will war rani his work to be as represented. Also, all kinds of Leather aad fiboo Had logs for tale Tbe eltlieni of Clearfield and vie laity are respectfully lavltcd to give him a call. Work done at short autleo. T:l8'78y The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory vt !3ki,'j 01 avfield Cc Pa. Buawtuou! BURNED UP1 Theiubscribors have, at greet expense, rebuilt a aeighhorhood aeccssity, in tbe erection of a am class Woolen Manutaetory, nith all tbo modern improvements attached, and are prepared to make ail kinds of CMhs, Casn meres. Satinetts. Blan kets, Flannels, Ac Plenty of goods ob bend to PPJr o 4tvl O VtQfciiBT.' customers. whom we ask to oome and examine onr stoek. Tbe beslness of CARDING AND Ft'LMNU will receive oar especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and lone upon tbe ehortesi notice, and bv strict atten- i Ion to business we boie to realise a libera) share r puhlio patronage. lOJMJO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will pay tbe highest market price for o and sail our manufactured goods as low as similar .ruoda can be bought lo the county, and whenever e fail to render reasonable satisfaction we can always be found at boms ready to make proper apiauauon, eitner in uvrnen or ny letter. JAM KB J01INHON A KONft, eprillntf Dower P. 0 JJARD TIMES IIAVB NO KFFRCT IN FRENCHYILLEI I em aware that tbere are some persons a little uara pteaae, ana i am aiso aware toat tbe o to plaint of "bard times" Is well niah ud if creel Hut I am so situated now that I can satisfy the armor ana prove conclusively met "here times' ill not effect those wbo buy their goods from me, d ell my patrons shall be Initiated Into the se cret of IOW TO AVOID HAHD TIMES I bare goods enough to supply all the inbsbl aots In tbo lower end of the county wbieb 1 sell ii exceeding low ratee from my mammoth store In dULSONUUHO, where I oao alwaya be found ready to welt opnn caller and supply them with Dry Goods of all kinds, Juoh ss Cloths, Satinetts, Casslmeres, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Callfocs, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Japs all uf tbe best material and made to order Uosc, Socks, Uloves, Mittens, Laves, Ribboea, Ac. GROCERIES OF ALL RINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, flai fort, Linseed Uil, Fish Ull, Carbon Oil. Bsrdware, Queens ware, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Cora Cultlva- vrs, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Qlass, and a general assortment of stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will he sold at to lowest possible flgurei. J. II. McClaln's Medicines, Jarne's Medicines llo it Iter's and lloofland's Dilters. 40 01 pounds of Wool wanted for which the ilghest prioe will be paid. Clavorseod on hand tod ror eaia at tne lowest market price. Also, Agent fbr Btraltonville aad Curweos villa Threshing Mar bines, toOjuCall and iefir yourselves. You will find everything usually kept io a retail store. I L. M. COUDR1ET. ! Frenchvllla P. 0., August 12, 1974. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Successor i to Hoynton A Yoong,) FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Mannfactoreri of PORTABLE & STATIONAHY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pino Streets, C1.EARK1ELD, PA. HAVING angflMid In the mooufacture or Irst class MACHINERY, oereepectfolly loform he publio that wears now prepared to fill all irders as cheaply and as promptly as oan bo done In any of the cities. We manufacture and dealia Malay and Circular Saw-Millfl Head Blocks, Water Wheels, bbafling Pulleys, Qlfford's Injeclor, Steam Oaugns, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, (I lobe Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iroa Pipes, 8 .earn Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metros, Soap Siona racking, Qum Pack- ng. and all kinds of MILL WORK together with Plows, Slod Soles, ' COOK AM) PA RLOR STOTRS, and other CASTINGS of all kinds, -gf-Orders solicited and filled at city prices All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery of oar manufacture promptly answered, by addioe- tng ns at Claarflold, Pa. Janr74.tr BltlLKR, YOVNU A BKKD. Q.ROCEKIKS. JAS. II. LYTLE, (SuenMtor t. LYTLB HITCIiKLL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOK 1 LINK OP TKA8. 00L0N IS, JAPANS, lMPKHlv!., TOl'NO HV80N, KNUI.Itll I RIA rAfll Poreal la Market. BVTTBR AND SOUS. Will bo kepi md .old .1 Irtt Mat. Ctek paid far Ceanlry Prodi 8KRMAN 0BERRIK8, TVRKIT PRtlNU, PRRHIRVID PR ARB, PUILADRLPHIA DAMS. P1MH. lieokerd, til' WerHnj, Ood, Ae. PICKLMk Birral PleklM aad URik PUIVm. PLOVN AND PHKD. Fleer, Ctn Meal, Oal Meet, Aa. yen. l.tt. ' JAR. n. LTTLS. 4)ur Oira adrfrtljemrot. THE REPUBLICAN, Piiblllbed .T.ry WUMd7 hj GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARFIELD, PA., Ht. the I.trgeit rirt.UUoB of any p.pr In Horfi . wt.ra Pnntylinl. i - Tlie lurgo nnd cor.itanlly Increaiing circulution of the Rkpuiilicau, rcndorri il valuable to businesi men as A midium lliro" wliioli to roaoh (he public. Terms or SunticniPTiON : If paid in advanco, . . . . 2 00 If paid aflor three monlha, . 2 60 If paid after aix month, . . 8 00 When papers are lent ouleido of the county payment mnatbe in advance. ADVERTISING : Ton linen, or lcs,3 times, . (ISO Each aiibscqncnt Insertion, 5l Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executor' Notices, . . ; . 2 SO Auditors' Notices, .... 2 BO Cautions and Entrnyn, ... 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 51' Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, ft 00 Special notices, per line, '.. '. 2' YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, . . S3 00 Two squares, 15 00 Throe squares, , . : 20 00 One fourth column, . , . . 60 00 One-half column, .... TO 00 Ono oolumn, 120 00 HI, A Mi S. Wo have always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPiKNAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, , ' . BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, i c, . ; kc , , ic. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING rU'CII A8 ' . POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, . , ' LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, ! BILL nEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, io , kc, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEliS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlandcr dt Lee, Clearfield, Qearflell Const, Fa. ff. 3k. &Ut k go.'i Column. NEW SPRING GOODS 1 JUST HE AXD WILL BE SOL x, a,h,.:.c..k . &cp:s. Go to Fleck 4 Go to Fleck & Go la Vte"ijk Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck & Go to F!c:k & Go lo Fleck & Go lo Fleck & Go to Fleck & Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck & Co.' for Co.'a for fo ' lor Co.'a for Co.'a for Co.'s for Co.'a for Co.'a for Co.'a fur Co.'b for Co.'s for Co.'s for Co 's for Co 'a for Co.'s for Go lo Fleck & Go to Fleck k Go lo Flee tl Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck k Go io Fleck k Go lo Fleck k Go to deck & Go to Flock k ' Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck & Go to Fleck & Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck k Go to Flock k Go to Fleck 4 Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck k Go lo Fl. ck & Co.'s lor Co.'a for Co.'a for Co 'a for Co.'a for Co.'s for Co.'a for Co.'a for Co.'s for Co.'a for Co 'a fur Co.'s fur Co 'a fur Co.'a fur Co.'a for Co 'a fur Cu.'a fur Go to Fleck & Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck k Go lo Fleck & Go to Fleck k Go to Fleck k Co.'a lr Co.'a for Co 'a fur Co.'a fur Co.'s fur Having just laid i NEWSPRI You will save mon DRESS Ai o T. A. FLE 1) OX' T FAIL TO Clonrfiolcl, Pa , F MIT SLOB AT A. GUI One Price CI YOU CAN BUY " A FINE CASSIMEKE HAT for ona dollar. , A FINE VEST fur ono dollar. , j A PAIR OF COTTONADB PANTS fur one dollar. 5 boxes paper Collars & 1 nciktie for ono dollar Our entire stock of Winter Clot " dticed A good Melton Cloih Ovorcoat $1 00 A good Cnsinet Suit , , 8 00 . And ull other articles p Call and see Tor yonm-lf. A. GUINZBURG. , . Ota n .Bi.ru liuioi Corucr. ILKAKtlbl.tl, PA. M.rrh, M. lull. . , , . 18QQQQQCQQQ .'QOOQ ggggggSigggSggiSl DODBBOOdBOOOaOU cnoovwcaoiGBOOoooBOBODoanjouq Mew Oooda U'T' 3)8 awh Hew Ooodi I ' ; ojg Aiej( 1111111 1 1 11 1 1 1 n a n n w w w wiiii.iai-iis.-i! K K K K u ouSaUoUBull PilR'tS CHEAPER Til .3 EVER I 8. GUINZBURG'8 One Price Boot and Shoe Store. MEN'S FUltNISHlKU G(K)). BOOTS AND 8 HOES. HATS AND CAPS. VnilB AND COLORED OVIR'UinTl. HkAVT WORKINO AND PAKOT rrtONT OVERRUIRTS. GLOVES, ROCK8, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS AND CUFFS. COUNTRV PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS ' S. GUINZBURG, oo.t Slroot, oooo lu too Coon U a( CLEARFIELD, PA Room rorraerr, rwaawd bj Lever Pf.,L Cm.rl.ld, P., JB.,11TT. I. pttl Co.'i Colunu.l NEW SPRIN GOODS! CEIVED D LOW FOR CASH, your dross goods, your dry iMids. your tluck iai.li more, your colored alpacas, your black alpacas, your luid dress goods, your eulicoqa and muslins, your ginghams, your shirtings your table linens your ra.siiners. yonr whito goods, your wliilo flannels, your corsets, yonr kid gloves. ytiur handkerchief.. yonr linen collurs nnd cuffs. your hose. ' . your back combs. ' your mottoes. your ribbons your millinery goods your ladies' huts. , 1 ' yonr lad in' bonnots. your black and colored shawls your napkins. your white shirts. your colored shirts. y uur suspenders. yoor neckties. ' ynur fancy good.. . , yuur uiidiTwcar.,, , . ; , your paper collar and cuffs. your dross trimmings. ynur sliirl fronts, your pin., needle, and thread, your umbreliaa n a large stock or NG GOODS, ey by buying your M GOODS F ck & co. ; : CALL AXD SEE. obruary 21. 1877. WILL 00!!! NZBURG'S othing Store . YOU CAN BUY A SUIT OK UNDER CLOTHINO. - for one dollur. r SIX r AIR COTTON HALF-HOPE . , . fur one dollur. SIX LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , for uiio dollar. ; A tot of sleeve bnitoni studs and , collar button for one dollar. Iiing will be sold nt greatly re prices. Aa nll wnul CasaiiiHT Suit , (113 00 A Illat k Press Coal $00 rupgrtiunnlcly cheap. . s . ; it i i '.. I 'J o trouble to show Roods. A GUINZBURG, Old lleatcru Hotel I orne r.: t'l.K.Rrllol.l), PA. AMERICAN CYCLOrEIIIl, tAfPLETON'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete in 16 Volumes. Bntlrelv re-wrillta. Rv.rytbtue lironrht dnwo te the preeent tlrno. lllnatrnled tbroninoot wilb Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of ever, eooalrv oa tbe (lobe. Hold on! by eabwrintioa. ll la not oblieetore to tela all lha volamoa al one a volenti ma. he delivered aaee a moalb. or oaea la two moatba. Pea Maut daj, the prie. of a eienr, will iev for a eel of CVCLOI'BulA ON A Ll MONTHLY SUDSCBIPTION la leaa tban Ikree ;eora. Tbrn there will a. tomethlnf. tabatantial tared and a alonheuee of knowledfe, todoed a aniveraal libra? to Ktelf oMrored, with out Illlle .(of I or leortOoa. I'UICI AND STYLE OF UlNDINOi Pol Kllra Cnlk, per foL ., I I SO Por Llbrare Lealber, par eel.,n 0. Por half Teller MorMwo, per eol - I N Por helf Roaal. Bill. QUI, per ?nl I M Por Poll llorocp. Aatlqaa, per Te.M....n 10 0. Pol Poll Keiela, per vol II a Por farther iaformatlaa addreaa , J. H. WILLIAMSON, Pnbllr.B.r'1 afeai, 10) Sillh Hraai, Jaaall,mS.tf. . , rfUVrra, Pa. isrtUaorous. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VA8E3. Stove Liuing and Fire Brick, k.pt eonatanUy oa hood. STOXE AD EARTHED -M ARE OP CVKHY DEHCglPTIONI CROCKS! POTS I CROCK8I fiaher'. P.t.m Alrtlxhl wolf . McaJliK ' ' Km It taual BUTTSH CKuCKa, with lida, , i . J-1'--nM wm.ee. '.'IWh'WS"- l l'lll I' malhfm-ml"malV; i-itkL keii - "mm aaf 'll la. PL0WRR POTS, .il DISIIRS, ; , . STRW POTB, Aad a great mine other thine! to. aameroBI la iff meouoa, to o. oa. ai FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Ooraar of Cherry end Third Stroeti, CLRAHPIULD. PA. anil REMOVAL 1 JOHN McGAUCHEY Would rofpoetfully notify tbo publio generally that be ba removod bit Qrircory Bturo from Hbew1! Ruw, to tbo building formerly occupied by J. Mile tint Mr, oo eood iroot, next door to Bigler't hardware itoro, wbero ho lotendi keeping a foil lioo of OKOCERIEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEP ind LARD. 0UUAR8 and St RUPS, of all gradM. TEAS, araea and Bleoi. COFFEE, Ronatod aad Oreea, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJAWEU t HI ITS, All kiada la tb. market. PICKLES, in Jan and barrel!. SPlrES, Id ever, form and ririelj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL kINIMOPCRACKICKH. SOAPS, MATCHES, . . ' DRIED APPLES, , DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil &a4 Lamp Cliim&oys. And a g'd m m meat of thoar thing onially tept ta o groocry eure, which bo will eiobauge for marketing at tbe market prieea. Will eell for eb ai cheaply as any other one. Plreee oetl and too bit ttoek and judge for y none If, JOHN MctiAUQIIEY. Clearfield, Jan. 3, 1877. j. r. waavBB...... ..w. w. lam wi:avi:k & isinxs CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, it Iba old itana of 0. L. Reed A Co. their ttoek of foodi, eootlotio of DRY. GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SUGGS, ATS A CAPS, IIAHDWARR, . . Q1KKN9WARK, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At tho moot reaionablo ratot for CASH or In oiebanga for Square Tiaber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCR. JCoAdvBBnei made la tboae .niand lo wai. tinf oat tauir. timber oo tho rooit adeaotaeeoo. - pdtliaoTl .tttardtd tht lltghttt Medal at ttrnna. E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO., &01 llroadway. New York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hottl), elNLT ArTt'RBRI, 1HPORTBKS AFD DIALBKI IM 11 ROMS & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS 4lbami, llrophtMrjopf. Pt.olotra.bf. and ttiodrod Rootla Calebritloa, AotrtiiM, 4c, riioTOGKArnir materials, Vtm are boad(iaartr fur vrr thing la tho (ray of Storcoptico&s andMajicLantonifl. Boiog manulacturori or tho MICHO. SCIENTIFIC 1.ANTBRN, STKRKO.piNOPTICON, UNIVERSITY HTKROPTrcON. ADVKRTISKK'S STEK0PTIC0X, ARTOPTICnN. 8CH0OT. LAXTRR, MTLY LANTERN. PKOPLBS LANTURN. . Eck ityle feting tho boot of Hi ilau lo tho narkrt. CataloguM of L-.nttroi anit Blidoi, with ciroo tloni for utiog, Mot on applioaiio. Any otrprUio( man cao nakt moaty with a Maglo Lantore. OT-Viottor. to tho Ooatvaaial Kipofiiloa will do wiwl" to defer purcbmitug foodi ia oar lino until thny onii to oar itoro ia Now York, wbora i bey will flud groator variety aod mora modern to priooa, aod oo uleat tbeta al tboir loliuro. Rut wo havo a eoaoowlfto to tt tamo itylot of oar irncd la tbo building of tbo DoOrtaot of Publio Ouulort, and thuao not Doming lu Nw York aro (nviiod to eollon our rprteiiUtioa thero. OrA full aUtek ol Views of tbo K I pool t too and ibnir oonteota. yr-Ar-Cut out tbiiadrortiMmentfor foftroaoo.'tft Juoo 7, n;6 ly. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SRCOND STRRRT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IM PURE DRUGS! CIIEMICAL8I PAINTS, OIIS, DYE STUFF VARMIFIIK8, BRrPHKS, PP.RPUMP.RT, FANCY GOODS TOILET ARTICLES, Or ALL EINDS, PURE WIA'ES ARD LIQUORS far aieaielna! parpoiafc Trataea, Happotl.n, Behool Daohl aad Stalloa .r, and all other artlelea aaaallj v foaal ra a Drag Suae. PnTSIOIArtR' PRRSCRIPTtORR CARhV Pl'I.LV OuMPOnUDBU. Ua.ia, a lore, u. aerlra. la lb. hoilaaM ihee oaa glv. entire aau Ulaeltaa. - J O BABTRWlrK. JOHR P. lWlNt ClrwwaM, Dwwmba. M, ll J K