jVa iivs iti:ms. ilf if .Mwtisrm.ntf. Sfw Sbditrrtisrmruti. TwoAboumnti(T)Siiki.vid. Two of the standard arguments uod by Rad ieul managers during the recent cum paign bnvo boon rendered oliaoloto by tlioadmiiiiatrotorsof tlio "stolon good" parly. Wo refer to ''a solid South" and the "bloody shirt." But how nut iii-al arguments (?) of thin kind should result in the larceny o the Presidency, through violations of tho Constitution, perjury and lraud, commonced, carried on, and completed by ' Christian Stales men" men "controlled by grand moral ideas" (?) That grand larceny should Tin Countkd in'i Cabinkt. Aflera week's effort Returning Board U ayes' Administration has boon put on its feet, by a Senatorial endorsemont ol tho appointees of tho Cabinet as fol lows : For Secretary ol Slate, Wm. M. Krarts, of Now Tork, who received Post Orrici Niiws. Tho new C'mi-1 federate Post Master General, who now carries tho KEY to tho forty thousand jiostofilces In this country, announces ihat none. but soldiers need apply. This decision will upset Wat son and Henderson's claim most ef fectually. Tho former might come In on an tnlittment card, but ho can show no discharge. Another niialako the aforesaid made, was in addressing and complimenting Morion, w ho has been counted out by tho lietiirning Hoard AY,' It. I TIVI'K, 110 II' SUA Hl'i:ii THAN A SKlU'KXrS TOO ill. And now tho Inn begins; lon Cam eron being the objective point of at traction. Alter compassing tho nom ination ul Itcturniiig Hoard Hayes at Cineinnulli and tbileuling Iho will of his parly in this Stale wbu preferred Itluinu, ami Incurred Iho hitter's eter nal enmity. Alter placarding bisiiumu us onu of" llio iufttinotis characters ol UK WI TT. Wasiiiniiton, March 5. lion, Ahrmii H. Hewitt ivaigned his position us chairman ol Iho lleiuocrutie Naliiinal I'oniinlllee, in a letter of con siderable length, in which he a. sells 1 1 in I tlin result ol'thu electoral bill bus di-uppoititcil the liopes of overy lover ul I, i - coiinlry, ami that a grevious wi-oiil' bus been ticnicliatcd of award -Hayes' I ro III H to 7 business hours will bo Mercantile Appraiser's List. Llut of tfiu aonaa l lha rrlsll dolora Is fnrolao slid dni0 marabaoo'iaa, la tna eonuta uf Cluar i-ld l-.r IH7T. rll, I OH PHINTINfl OF ItVKHT buST". I ll.ii,natlT aioraloo ol I hi. sSJ. Cl" Ilia fiaudiileiicy, tho President, IVTIKNt db tOUHTAIII. j Wp bava prtntad Urn mimuW .l YY. Bll.l.. -.a .III .. ,bo rZi',':' oral, nail a . o J -M,. "JJJ- does not smoke. yno hundred tramps uro in llit lluclts county jail. ' . . A party isorguniaing In Bhuniultiii I'u., In gu lo the Black Hills. CLOUS. TAX. Ituriialde Borough 14 Hortoo Humblo, uiaruhuou'loa. .............I T SS 1 4 Jaok'Oli I'altbin, " 7 14 J"h. r. t'. ooir " 7 US 14 Mia. bl.C. K..d.lru;l I St tVlUJAM ii HKXKY.j V f .tftoa Poacs alnscsiraaaa I o.,' forty-four votes out of the sevenly four Senators present, llo received ton votes less thun the Confederate i'ost musler (iencral. John Sherman, ol CITY OnllMitona aiodr and -., "" Hoof on the hoof can lie bought in llrarlleld llaroagb. 14 M. 8. Olanll, a.ufoonnoarr t ' 14 Juha A Hla.l'ur, T 0 11 A II Knurr Co., ar.iool O" fo. II M .oid oror. Artialao ol ocrMuaal history who plotted to destroy lh I ing il,e I'lvahlt my to a laniliilulu ho rights, liherties ami indepeiclenco of : has no litle to its honor. .Mr. ilewill hts countrymen, to be tui i.cd nil', cast i ,,.,.nls his nciiou upon that bill ami out, and his claims as an olllcer lo po-' ivganling his assent to Iho coinplu- a..o..iao. oaailr oaoayud ,t,, ...T" " as '' mil haraa . as anram ol unaaia, , - lexas ul one dollar per head. A iiurrow'gniigc railroad Is irojti4't i'il between Clarion and Oil l ily. Ohio, Secretary of tho Treasury ; (ieo. II Wm. Kr.,1, mwhni,ai.o 16 aa N .l..,h H rlLoorra. oouta A tbori T so 14 J.,1,0 I r-onwao. lurtiliuro 7 St ItllMIDKII TW'K t-IIH A.U W. M'Crary, of Iowa, Secretary of CLKAKK1KLP, Fa. A TuomuKb.DrH ALDEKXEY lit!.,. rALr. l o.lu.sre barah, .,,,, .. '""" War; Kit-hard M. Thompson, of In .v managing Iho Haves adiiiiiiiBtra-jsilioii in i Iho new ( V j'oet ignoreit, is ; n,,., oi the count, says as no nonm-aiiio 1 Snow "is six feet i'jcp --4v. J. W 1 in Nova 14 H A (loo in. atall.iorrr T SU HHSaXATIO.V Oh' A II HAM S. Uiokui B. Gmini.ANiiKH, Editor. 1 Raider. If vuo want to know wool ll coin oo la tba buatnaaa world, Jual md our uuruiniioa: oolumna. lha Sptit onluino '.m porttoulnr. Hiad Ir.-Tho add ross of the Na tional Democratic) Commitleo will be found on our first page. The Commit too, unff&e tut Congressional Commis sion, goes behind tho returns and prove most conclusively that Mr. Til den carried both Florida and Louisiana. Bead the address and'liand it to your skoptical Republican neighbor, who bas moro faith in Returning Boards than ballots. Oua Foiimi Par i. Several highly important articles, bearing -on tho Presidential fraud, will bo found on this page. Read tho "Decision of the Electoral Commission," "Counting the Electoral Volo" and "Insulting tho Memory ol Washington," and bo con vinced oi tho hugeness of fraud perpe trated by tho so called "Christian Statesmen" on forly-fivo millions of froe men (?). Somebody AIad. Our Stato Capi tal was thrown into an excitement on Monday, over tho resignation of Sena tor Cameron. ThoOovernoriiiformcd both Houses of the fact on Monday night. Tho election of J. Donald Cameron, lato Secretary of War, is of course uppermost in the desires of the Father of the Senate, and wo prcsumo there are too many Cameron members in our Legislature to elect anybody else but a Cameron. However, if the split is as potoul at Ilarrisburg as at Washington, some " rebel " might ob tain the old Winnebago's seat. Hayes' Prooramme. The inaugu ral address, of the "counted in" Presi dent will bo found on our first pngo this week. "The government" promises to do the fair thing, and by throwing Cameron, Morton and Bluino over board, which he seems to havo done, for the present, his administration may bo an improvement on the lato Post trader-CsdoUselling concern. The tact that Gon. Belknap's successor, Don Cameron, failed to enter tho now Cab inet and the ignoring of Morton, are all good indications. But Hayes may, af- Ur all, surrender to the corrupt elomont of his party before tho 4th of July next. lliom.Y Complimented. Senator Wallace was last week elected Chair man of Democratic caucuses by the Democratic Senators. This is tho highest honor that tho minority sido in that body can confer on a member, and was never beforo conferred upon a Senator soyoung in service. Thu honor bas borotoloro been conferred upon tho oldest and most experienced. The venerable Stephenson, of Kentucky, whose term expired on the 4th ultimo, and is succeeded by the Hon. James B. Bock, of that Stato, held tho posi tion now filled by Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Beck was elected Secretary. .Mr. Wallace's power in the Senate is next to that ol tho Vico President, and if be does not occasionally put a flea in Mr. Wbeelor's ear, we shall be mis taken. Tbo Baroness Nathaniel Mcyor Do Rothschild is dead. Yesterday was election day in New Hampshire. No returns. Tbo now fee bill, reducing tho fees of county officers thirty per cent., passed the House on Monday night. - Tho political marriage between Sen ator Conklin and Cameron is reported. This will bo sad news for the gentle man from Maine Blaine. People may say what they will about Grant's administration, now that it has olosed, but Grant was at least elect ed, and that no man can honestly say of bis successor. Well Visits d. The Zoological Garden at Philadelphia was visited by 657,395 persons during 1876, yielding a rovonuo of 1130,000. Wo suspect it will take half a dozen ot years to make - up that sum. The Senator liom Maine, Mr, Bluino. is about the best bull dozed great man that is now on the public stage. Uis nose is aa badly out of joint as that ol the Cameron's under the Buckoyo nr tangament. Too Bad. Uayos' "basoingratitudo" Is now troubling whole families in this Stato. This vilo Buckeye movement, should be stopped. Hayes should bo counted out. How soon somo chickens come homo to roost. , A Rkdeemino Feature. While all Grant's Cabinet and other high officials paid cash for their appointments in tho shape ol presents, it is said that not a dollar bas been paid by either of the men appointed to ofllcu by Returning Board Hayes. The swearing in of Hayes as Presi dent, at Willards hotel, on Saturday night, March 3d, shows how big tho scare was. Another such a feat on the part of Chief Justice Waite will render him as infamous as his colleagues Bradley and Strong. Political Harlots. Morton pro posed to openly take the Presidency for Uayos, but he was overruled by the schemy, subtle Edmunds, who thought It bettor for the party to se cure the prize by lying and chicaaory and by partisanship hidden tinder the Jodkial ermina. Morton exemplified . the bold highwayman 1 Bdmunds, the anaak-taief. and setting ol the sun w'.en we look tho Wells, Chandlers, Camcrons, Mor ton, Garfield and Judges Bradley and Strong square in the lace. They look just like creatures who would sell their Jod and (heir country for a price, in dollars and coin's? few believed it be foro the election, but the result proves it as clearly as thesun at meridian. Tho stolon ijoods Hayes and Wheeler- are found in their posession, ujjd the crimo is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. "Tho oouiilud-in" has tho place But tin price! It's awful to conlem-- plate II Both body and soul sold to the Devil lor four years at 150,000 per annum. Radical Morality. Tho Lancas ter Inttlltijcntvr my: "For tho first time in tho history of tho republic, a man is foisted upon it fur chief magia tralo, who bas received neither a pop nlur nor a Constitutional majority of its doctors. Rutherford 11. Hayes, ac cepting a position conferred upon him by four scoundrels in Louisiuna, and by no moro respeclablo authority, ex hibits the Humiliating spectacle ol a man made tho fountain of honor and of ofllce who is "not worthy of the oflico o! President," because be is will ing to hold it after being "counted in or placed, tbcro by fruud." It is a question ol brief timo that tho nation will realize tho truth of the prophecy : "iho country cannot aflord to have tho result tainted by the suspicion ot ille gal or lalse returns." No man can rejoice in this result ex cept ho be willing to hail with acclaim tbo triumph of fraud. Every man who realises the full significance of tho shame wiH mourn rather for tbo na tional disgrace than for tho temporary loss of party advantage. Tiie Gcii.ty Always Flee. Hayes and tho wholo Republican clique in Washington, becamo greatly alurmed on Saturday, tho 3d, by a rumor that by somo hook or crook, Mr. Tilden was to bo inaugurated President. A hurried consultation was had between Fraud Hayes, Boss Grant, Drunken Chandler, und Chacknasty Morton, when it wae decided that the oath should at once bo administered to the Fraud; Chief Justice Wailu was sent for and tho oath was taken. "Let no guilty man escape." Well, as Hayes was ulso sworn on Monday, and is therefore under a double obligation to dischargo his duties as President, may account for tbo fuct that ho is passing Sy such demagogues as Morton, Cum eron, Blaine & Co. The guilty always flee when no man pursues. Mr. Tildun and his personal advisers would just as likely resort to horse stealing as to sloop to a dodge ot tho kind indicated and it was very unjust toward them for the ballot box Bluffers and Return ing Boards to intimate anything of the kind. All Bit One. Our Stuto Senate bas boon cutting quite a figure in na- tional politics, while it has on many occasions as a collective body acknowl edged Its obedience to the power which created its majority. It yet remained for that majority in an individual ca pacity "to bow to the cap of Geslor." "Stoma wlfCfd but bil Soger, And Itl migbiy piiwor woa fall ; Alt opposition ani.had Aa tha dowi of uoroioa matt, At tbo coming of Aurora." Thirty out of thirty-one Republican senators recorded their name to a memorial addressed to the incoming President, asking in tho name of their party that the Hon. J, Donald Cam- eron, "tho undoubted choice of the party," should bo retained as Secreta ry ol War, in the new Cabinet. The namo of Mr. Everhart, a Republican Senator from Chester county, does not appear among the signers of this dec laration of independence I Ever hart might just as well make his po litical will and lcavo, if ho does not wish to be bull-doied for the balanco of his life. It's So, The Washington nows mongors asserted that Hayes was sworn into ofilco on Saturday night lor fear Tilden would pop into Wash ington on Sunday, tho 4th, and would qualify and assnmo the duties of Presi dent. Wo did not credit this "cock and bull story," but in the Philadelphia Prctt of tho fith inst., in a leading edi torial it cornea out in this way: "Tho ooth of offitio woa prirotalv odwlnfatarail to rlotharlord B Hicea, no Halunlor oranlng br Chlaf Ju.tico Woilo, und ot tbo oluiratioo of tho tarn of tba grout aaldiar, wbo ratiraa to prl volo llfo with tha rv.puet und g.iod oiabao of lha tunaa or nta oooBtrynaB ot oil rnrttaa, tho now Kxaoutlro qoiatlv aotarad unoa tbo di.oburaouf faia important und re.ponnbla dolioi." Now, if Huyes was sworn in on Sat urday night, why was tho samo thing repeated on Mjnday? How much shame and blasphemy Is thcro attach ed to this now administration, any how? The Fraud Gozs On. Ruthorlord B. Hayes was fraudulently nominated for President by his partisans nt Cin cinnati!, by a gang ol political free booters, and fraudulently, corruptly and wickedly counted in as President, by a horde of political brigands, who are as characterless as men can be come, in Florida and Louisiana, now assumes the duties ol his ofllce as com- placontly as though ho had been eloct- od! What an appropriate lesson it would be to young men if "in the course of human events" not one of the scoundrels who participated in Uayos' fraudulent nomination at Cin cinnati! would ever get an ofllce, and like Jonah's whale story, be thrown overboard . Rovcn gnet into eight oner and one over, and that one it Bradley. But tlutt ichich Kill tivt in hiitory and in the minds of a vast majority of the public ii Mil : 7"Ai( fAr srofri ixsVd to look into the eeidenee, voted to take, tettimony and voted to let in light, J at to get at the truth ; and that the eight toted alt the time to turn away from evidence, to sAxf out tkt light, and to to elate the doort upon all effort lo find the truth. ' General; Curl Sehurz, of Missouri, Secretary of Intorior. Sherman, MeCrury and Thompson are straight out Radicals, but tho other three havo been very crooked in their political meaiiderings, while tho AVuin the' VnX&nit St always been a Siruigbt out "rebel Democrat." Dos to Pap Tapt. Don Cameron iho other day, was bitterly complain ing lo Attorney General Tad about Hayes' perfidy toward him, when Talt, who comes from Ohio, and knows Uayos thoroughly, replied : "Oh, don't distress yourself about that. That's a habit he has. I have his written pledge that he would not go before tho Ohio Convention lor Governor if my name wont before it. Yet he broke his pledge, and worked liko a street corner poli tician to defeat my nomination, and he never yet bad the grace lo aologise for his conduct. Ho is eminent as a pledge-breultor. I knsw of other pledges that be intends to break. We know all about him in Ohio, and the rest of mankind are likely to form bis ac quaintance." Awful I AwptlII The mail bags will be handled by the bloody Confed erates in the future. Wo fear that three-fourths of the 'loyal' Postmasters will resign abruptly, and thereby throw the Postflico nlfuirs into all kinds of delay and confusion, bocauso a Confed erate General has boon put in charge of that Department. Only twelve years sinco the rebellion closed and a Confederate KEY unlocks all tbo mail bags. It's enough to raiso a bloody shirt rcgimont in twenty minutes. Reader, imagine iho pains and suffer ings that Morton, Bluino k Co., are undergoing at this moment I It's truly awful 1 1 But, wo know no remedy. Radical Prosperity. A n exchange says: "Thcro Is piled on tho grountlB of tho Chestnut Hill Iron Oro Com pa pany's Furnaces, in Columbia, Lancas ter county, nearly 12,000 tons of tbo best pig-iron, manufactured somo time ago, and for which thcro is no market at prices demanded by tho ownors. Eighteen dollars per ton was offered for a largo lot, to bo delivered in New York, a few weeks ago, but the bid was not accepted." There are scores of other manufacturing establishments in a similar condition. This is all tho fault ol tho mal-administralion ol gov ernmental a flairs. The Acme or Statesmanship. Solemn things havo engaged tho three last sessions ol Returning Board Hayes' and the Grant Cabinet The question discussed was : "Shall the tail wag the dog, or the dog wag tho tail?" In other words: "Are tho Camorons, Chandlers, Morton and Blaino, to run "the government" Hayes or, will 11 ay os run it himself? A few weeks will dovelope the fruits of the Return ing Boards and the Commission. Somo body is to bo bull dozed in the near fu ture, and wo merely want to see who he fellow resombles. No Truce. Tho New York .S'un says: "These aro days of humiliation, shame and mourning for every patri otic American. A man whom llio poo pie rejected at tho polls has been do dared President ol the United States through processes of fraud. A cheat is to sit in tho seat of George Wash ington. Let every upright citizen gird himself up lor the work of re dressing ibis monstrous iniquity. No trace with the guilty conspirators! No rest for them and no mercy until their political punishment nnd destruc tion are complete! The Adjournment. Our State Leg islative solons seem to havo an awful time in tho adjournment lino. Tho 15th of March was the first day fixed, then tho 21st, and now we have tho 23d as the day fixed to throw papur balls, pay bills, and pack for home. Our Radical exchanges found great fault with the last House for not doing anything. Wo vould liko to bear something from ihoso critics on the prestfct occasion. For ignorance and dishonesty tho present Houso fur ex ceeds any body that over met at ilar risburg. Wisconsin Okpicals. An exchango says: "Tho morals of Slato officials must be at a low ebb in Wisconsin. A bill has been passed by the Assembly of that State prohibiting persons trav eling on business of the State liom charging railroad fare whilo using a tree pass." Why tho sumo thing is carried on nt Ilarrisburg. You need not go away to tho Northwest lor an example. Both States aro exceedingly liadicul and this is ono of thereforms(?j that tho puny cultivates. "Moral ideas," you know. JJisausTED. Tho veteran Kepubli can editor Samuel Bowles, became so disgusted with the sickening revela lions ol tho testimony taken before the Houso Committee, that bo wroto to bis paper, tbo Springfield JUpubliam. that all Ileptiblicans ol any character or standing, in Washington, had ceas ed to defend the Louisiana Returning Board. And yet there is not a cant ing hypocrite who belongs to that par ty who is not glad to accept the Iruit of tho Returning Board's villainy. When Renutor Conk ling said in his speech on the Oregon case that the rthroe roles of that Stuto ought to bo ooiiiilajd lor Hayes because tho majori ty of the people of Oregon bad declar ed they should be, did be intend a re flection upon the Elucloral Commission which decided that the eight voles of Louisiana should be cast lor Hayes notwitstanding that the people of that State, by a majority of nearly 10,000, declared that they should be given to Mr. Tilden? An exchange says : "Thepublio was greatly disappointed at the non-appearance of the names of Bob Inger aoll and Ellaa Pinkaton In the Cabinet," .i,r. post ofilce must , by a gov-1 VI IHIIVIU (iiseuuiv, iiiiiv iiw n-i v., - country faithfully for not less than two; years, with wearing cither a blue or gray uniform lor that length of lime, and ihul ho never engaged in the Woody sliirt' crusade." Theso con ditions extinguish both tho iilorcsuid, nnd shelves: them us effectually ns their friend Morton. So, So! Tho editor of the Curwens villo Timet has imbibed lllaineisin, and goes for tho counted in ral her carelessly. In alluding to his friends, Packard and Chamboilain. ho remarks : "If Mr. Hayes intends dodging the qiiostion now, then tho sooner Congress ami the people know it Iho heller. There is no question but that President Hayes will in tho end recognize Governors Packard and Chamberlain, or bear the ignomy 01 an usurper of tint Presiden tial chair. The final decision of the Tribunal made Mr. Hayes President, with that decision ulso Packard is the legal Governor ol Louisiana, nud Chamboi lain ol South Carolina." That intimidation step will cittso Hayes' knees to knock together liko BoUlinr. rar's, should ho over seo tho threat. An Intimipator. Returning Hoard Hayes seems lo bo rather a hold man alter ull. Whether bo inherited that qual'ty, or whether ho bus been ren dered aggressive because of his two oaths, the one taken on Saturday night and tho other on Monday noon, is no body's business; but it is a notorious fuel that the, "counled-in" bus bull dozed und intimidated tbo Canierons, Chandlers, Morton and Bluino most awfully. Ho has, in elfect, thrown this herd of political jacubinscloar over board. Tho people will rejoice lit this bold stroke of policy, hut wo are not snro that tho result of tho Returning Hoard will hold out against those bold, bad, wicked men. An Ohoan Speaks. Tho Philadel phia Inquirer explodes a 11 ro cracker at "tho Slate ring" in this way: "His rather remarkable to hear that Mr. Hayes' Cabinul appointments uro to be rejected because some ot them aro "per sonally objectionable" to two or three of tho old Senate ring. The country is under the impression that the Presi dent of tho United Stutco, being re sponsible alone to the pooplo for a proper administration of tho govern ment, has tho undoubted und unques tionable right lo appoint bis own on slitutional advisers without inlerlur- onco from any outside source." Rarkino Back. A Washington dis patch says : "Kx President Grunt ia re ported to havo said thai, wero ho a Senator, ho would volo aguins. the confirmation of Sehurz, Evans and Key." Gen. Grant had bettor "dry up." No President, except Lincoln, had so little respect tor tho Constitu tion and bis oath of office. And for not being impeached and forever dis graced he should thank a Democratic Congress. Having escaped Iho penal ties of a violated Constitution, he should now retire, to private life and be content. The PlrTERCNCE. When Grunt wont into office, bo mado a Cabinet out ol unknown material. Tho Countud in President Huyes lias mndo up a Cabinet, every member of which is popularly known to fame r infamy, tl ia composed of tho most antagonistic elements ever worked up into a Cabi net, except, that of President Taylor in 1819, when he attempted to wold tho Southern fire eater to tbo Northern Abolition Distinionisi. Tho fruits of which proved to bo the Fugitive Slave Law and tbo "Drcd Scott decision.' "KohbEct." An editor who refused lo bo bull dozed on the Presidency in alluding to tho fraudulent count com forts himself in this way : "No bund or brigand! avar carried oft" a vorjr rlrb hnotj wilhoal quarreling ortr tho di.Uibu tion of lha itoloa gooda." j The writer is evidently alluding to tho several Returning Boards and tbo Commission which transposed two hundred and two for Tilden, to one hundred and oighty-tiro for Hnycsiind only 0110 hundred nnd sixty-seven for the former. That's legerdemain,, Stranoe Freaks. Not a single member of tho Cabinet wits in fuvor of Uayos' nomination at any stage, ex cept Sherman, who was a candidate lor delegate to tho convention, and who was defeated by his people, they electing Hen Wado over him. More: Not a single individual who assisted and brought about Hayes' nomination, has a seat in his Cabinet. It looks liko Ingratitude, but then, it's so. The PiTTsnuRd Postopfice. With in two years two Postmasters as well as threo Clerks have been kicked out of tho "Iron City "PostofHco for plunder ing tho ltepartment. They havo all boon arrested, but nobody bas boon convicted, although 'the govern muni' not Hayes is short over ono hundred thousand dollars. And still tho Post ofllco Department, is not self sustain ing. Hutv strange. New CnAtKMAN. United Slates Senator Wm. U. i)aruum,ol Connecti cut, has been elected Chairman ol the Democratic NationalCommitlee, in tho place of Mr. Hewitt, of New York, who resigned tho position last week. Mr. Batnuiu during tho lato canvass pruved to bo one ol thu best and quiet est organizers on our sido. Wherever he was assigned, to duly ho did effect ivo work. That's So. The editor of the Hut ler Herald " Uncle Juke Zeigler," says: "Tho populur majority for Til djn, as taken from the rocords on file in tho Executive Ilcpsrlnient ol each Slato is 201,829. Talk about a tnrty which can poll such a majority over all competitors boingdisorganisod I No wonder the orroptioaiola at Washing, ton tad to rcaort to fraod to beat it" , i i - iiniii. - u ma irisiui i i in u poi hi,.. ........ Unlit, tv ioiii in, nun luiu- ly slaughtered in the Speakership light, complrllon ul the count, ull hough ihey lo appear at bis churiul wln i.1 In grie u j km it tvou'd rilll III Iho lll-tiilluM"ii his expected triumph. And llai lratitl !ol Hayes, and says ul the conclusion id' and Muekoy and H my woi lied in his ,u loiter : 1'nder the ciiviimstunccs I interest, beiWcs, hundreds f I'iiiludol- could not hesitate Do towny cimrse; I phiu Pilgrims, roughs, repeaters and IV-H that as a pal riot and a trusted ballot box Btull'eis wended iheir way servant ol iho )i s-racy, no oilier lo lh Nal'oual Capitol on free pusses. I course was left open to me, and leel und in guy and flaunting colors swell sure its wisdom w ill he vindicated by ed the ptih'caul of his I'ruild.ileiicy. Alliiho early tiiuiiiphaul success of tho liir 'umeroii. iho prince ol llio ring sters. Hut despite ull ibis array, Hie personal solicitations, the blowing ot irass hands and thu drunken liur.zas, Cameron has been ignored. Tbo Don has lound bimsell circumvented us nu and his scoundrelly compeers circum vented Tilden, by lraud, deceit unit treachery. Tho ingnaliclitio-ho assist ed to mix for tho Democratic 1 resi dent elect, be has had lo (pu.fl lo the bitter (Irons. Ho can't reucli the coal ot his ambition alter selling Ins acciirs ed soul lo tho devil us the ijilid pro rno. 'Tut not your tailh In I rinecs. is u I maxim oil repealed, and w hen Cam eron placed liiillt in the mult wboslole tho Presidency, the truth ul this maxim was again recognized. Let him relul 11 to his mountain house und endeavor lo ml himself of thu siuins on his charac ter, which "ull (he seas iucarnii dine can't wash out." I'lXISG JOE HHAIUKY. The specials to ull the prominent pa pers Fust and West conliriu tho story of the bull dor.ing ol "Justice" lirudky on Friday utghl. When tho Commis 11m adjourueU on Friday allcrnonn bo was in doubt whether ho would vole lor or against the eligibility of Walls, llio Hayes elector Iroin Oregon. On two test questions ho declined to vole. Tho story obtained currency through iho depuilmeiil thai ho had 'gone hack" on llio puny, and greal was the eolislerualioii thereat. From tho 1110 nieiit Bradley reached bis homo at leu o'clock until long alter midnight ho was beset by leuding Republican ooli-j ticiaus, including old Zach Chandler, Wua marked hv general gloom and Win. E. C'hundler, (who "set .up" the iHiiiiilialion. This was really the Florida business), Morton, Garth-Id and proper spirit for its ibservBiico. The others. At midiiight iho wide awake huccuss of detected and excised fraud newspapers specialties found a dozen is u thing lo bo thoroughly ashamed carnages blocking tho slreel in lrout,('; m.d it, in also a thing to dread, since of Bradley 'a residence, wailing Ibr j i,u man can lorsee the ell'ec's of such iheir owners who were "seeing " the ; uu evil. It ia likely to multiply itself perjured burluiiiiiu 011 justicu und do-1 through every department ol public coney, ll ia reported Hoar, of Massu chusells, about whom thcro had been somo misgivings, was subject to the same interviewing jtruccrsj by the uud ieal conspirators. When ad the lac-tit connected with .li is conspiracy losioal ihu Presidency lor the Ohio manikin cuinu to light, as they will one of these days, won't it lonu a delicious chupler tor those in terested in "tho best government ihu sun shines upon?" p'rom Zach Chaud tel a und Morion's inception of the fraud down through old W ells' forgery uiiu bribery tu Juu Urudley'a perjury. whul a marvelous story it Hill be. i'beru will not bo lis parallel m history, und thai IhiuVuu uru ouru to livlruy eseli oilier. Huyes will 1101 he able losulisty tliuiu all. Trust liuio lor jusliee. Tub State lloiinr.ns. Tho editor of tho Hunvillcii7jK,fr, in alluding to thu huge Military expenditures in this Stato says: "Special attention or luto has been directed lo the enormous expenses in flicted on tbo taxpayers id the Com monweahh through its mililiu system. The Auditor Gcm-rul's report shows that the expenses ol the militia organ ization in 1H75 were 1(I2 815.41, while last year Ihe ordinary militia expenses rose to $J27,thT.Ut, leaving out the ex tra expenses incurred for tho Centen nial pie-nic. As has boon well remarked, "at this rate of progression Iho mililiu expetisesof Pemisy lvauia will soon ex ceed Ihe cost of tho common schools." Wo think ihul most of our readers will conclude thut this is nil her n heavy bill for playing "sogering." Tho whole thing is un incubus on tho people und should bo lelbnucd lorlhwilh. Most of the expense is incurred to ullow a few leather-bed soldiers, officers, todis port their gay uniforms on holiday oc casions, 'i he papers ol the Common wealth, without distinction of party, should direct public attention to this uiiuecessury oullav ot tho people 1 money and urge their Representatives to legislate against it." Five bodies havo been takon from the Bateman House, in Kama City, Pa. Among them lire the remains of N. Brown, Jr., of Philadelphia, which wore itletitifiod by a key check. Charlie Hatcman, a ;ed twelve years, who was carried through tho flames by his father, died on the Oth. The father, the eighth victim, died on the Oth' His wile nud all bis children preceded Inn) to "that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveler returns." A RAn Chance. Harpers will put -N usi upon job of making long-legged drawings ol Carl Sehurz. Pour years ogo the Werlly was richly embellished wilh caricatures of Jhis Cabinet Minlstur. Tho old cuts will answer just as well as new ones. Besides, thu reader would recoinir.o"tlieihitebuian" at lirst sight. On tub liAom.i) EixiB. Cameron is mail, llluino is trying to rinse h II, and Morton has secured a bloody shirt that covers him nil over, and is swoaringlike a trooper. Ho says ll he was ablo to stand up, ho would kick the Returning Hoard all to pieces and give the Flori da and Louisiana Electors lo Tilden. State Omcr.its. There will be a Judge ot tho Supremo Court, Auditor General und Slalo Treasurer to elect next November, and a lively time may ho exnecteil : because the liadicul Ke- laming Hoards in Philadelphia and Allegheny county w ill bo more closely watched than ever before Hatiikr Pkubonai.. Tho editor of tho Indiana Metttngrr, in alluding to iho overthrow of Cainoron-Whiloistn, in this Stuto, excluinut : "The evil days aro post. J?ow for peace and prosper ity !" Well, if Gen. While can stand a puff of that kind wo shall try and get over the fraud loo. Ohio's Dust. President, Kelurning Hoard Mayes; (iencral of tbo Army, W. 1'. Sherman ; Secretary of -the Treasury, John Sherman ; Justice Hwuync, and Chief Justice Wuito. Haoical Stpjatkoi. Fraud Is now onu of the most useful powers In this country. Whatever the Iladieal party touches becomes contaminated with fraud and corruption. uro ----., - ,i..i.iii'iin hen w in taw u i u iiroeriv Deiiioi ralic I'liriv. stanMiiig, us II does. upon the ris k ol justice und patriotism Iroui which tin amount ot passion or provocation has been uhln to move it. For niysell, I feel Unit I have now completed the result ol thu campaign, which was uuipiesioiiahty llio cluclioii of our candidates. That they and the people havo been deliauded of their 111:1114 is true.. hut lor this result 1 h not hold nij self any moro responsible ihaii any other member ol Congress. .1 (1 LOOM r" 77.1 V. The inauguration ceremonies at Washington wuro not very imposing us a civic or military display, and little enthusiasm marked theoecasioti. Thct'e suemed lo lie a sense of disgrace bang ing over the whole perlorinancu. Thosu who took part in it were conscious that, lorthe lirsllimo, a Presidtinl was installed in olliee by fruud and uguiu! the will of the people. Tho consum mation oi such a wrong is notn mallei to evoke much gnyety of spirit ; und they were active in doin.f honor to Hayes or uro in any way responsible for bis triumph, have earned historic inlinny. ll is to Iho credit of Iho leuding Democrats that they abstained as Tut us possible Iroui taking part in the ceremonial, and thu dishonored S;l premo Court, which the Republican party bas degraded into u clique ot plilieians, was only represented bj- six judges. As Washington is a city of olliee hunters, iho display made there could not ot course bo un utter luiluru. h oilier cities of the Union thu duv I life. In Now York thcro was nothing worlbv id llio name of a celebration AVw York ll'orW. The New Senate- The associuto dispatch from Washington, in alluding to llio formation of the Senate commit : tees bays: "Tho committees as finally framed present bill low noticeable changes, and those uro 011 the Donioeralic oule. ihe increase in Iheir strength by ud mission of new Senators rendering u rearrangement necessary. Thia tusk I, II loSeiiator Wullace'ssub conillilltoo. a duly which ia at onto delicuto and einlitti'i-vssiug, bocauso where there are so muny egs and so few bolos there is very likely to bo some growling, hut tho report of Ihu sub-uommil-tee to iho l)emocralic caucus this morning was adopted unanimously. Among tbo noticeable points in this real rangeineiit is tho selection ol Hen Hill lor Iho Committee on Privil eges und Kiev lions, avhich is Morion's Committee. Hill is a good lawyer and will represent his section with great force, and Morion will find ho has a locman worthy of his steel both in Commitleo and on tho .Senate floor." Pkn NHYhVANl A Railroad. Accord ing to the thirteenth annual report of the Pennsylvania lluilroad Company the gross earnings of tho road, includ ing ull its branches, wore t'A6 89 1,009. 011; the wurkiiigexpensea, gj'2,081,229. 34 ; the interest cburged on equipment used by brunch roads, :i4:i,01.U8 ; rentals paid lorthe use of leased road, SI, 031.513 89, leaving iho net earnings for 187U, 12.K;l,r;W.MH, being an in creusu ot 1.4 1 1. lBtl.&ti over tho net earnings of 18i5. Thu rcsl t atntos that in the month of December, 1876, an urraiiifemutil was entered into be tween the several trunk lines under w hich u considerable advance was se cured upon tho then prevailing uuro muneruiivo rates on through trufllc, and beloro tho close ot the past year negotiations wero concluded wl'.h lue lluliimoreaiul Ohio lluilroad Company, whereby ull llio businuss that is com I politico only between the Companies bus been placed on a basis to luuko all such tralliu renin ncrutive, The IUuical Dish or Caow. Tho editor of tbo Pittsburgh .Poif, in allud luilimr to Haves' crow dish set belitre "tho loyal millions" says : "llow do tho Iiepuhlu mis relish crow? Pour Cabinet ollleers out ol e 1 : tj. . 1. 1 seven iroilt ueiiiocratie otatt's. Leon- Wo presume tho sylvunia lelt out in tho cold. A Teit Nast upon his old "l'"V I'olil'ederato Colonel who voted lor 1 itileti, ut lue neuil ol mo j usiotiieo llepuruuelil, wilh ils 60,000 ollicehold ors. Curl tSchura, who stuiiiped liir tiioeley, ill llio Interior 1'epaitmeiil. Kvarls. Andy Johnson's Attorney (tonurul, in tho Klute Ilepurlmuiil. Devios, iv ho ran its a Ih-mocrulic can didulu for (lovernor ol Mussachtisoll a lew years ago, in ihe Law llopart nient. And then Cameron out in Ihe cold, lllaiuu disgiulcd, old Zach swear ing, und Ihe nlllcchnhlcra muulha pud lockcil. ('row, gentlemen, crow you cut it, even if you don I hanker Ileun ning lioitrd lenders the Plain Talk. TheNew York Timet. ihe leading liadicul organ hurls brick bats ul Cameron and filaine in this way : "It ia not surprising lo hear thai Senator Ciimeron agrees with Mr. Bluino in condemning the Southern policy of Ihu President. People will j,"1,,Hl thinking thai had Mr. Illume two of the Cuhinel appointments, or had the 'claims" ol Ihu Cameron family been less unceremoniously pussed over, thc Seiittlorial opposition to the President would huvo tiecn compact. 1 ho Sena tor from Peniist Ivuinu Is evidently not aw iirelhut tho country desires lo sou due recognition given to honesty ami statesmanship.' A few nights ann fivo mon were captured at or near Flora, Illinois, who havo liven engaged for the past year or two in robbing tho trains on tbo Ohio and Mississippi lluilroad. A complete outfit for making counterfeit coin was tonnil in tho houso w here tho men wero arrested. Ill feelinir ilevelopu belweon Ger msnyjand Krnnce, and tbera Is clangor, unless the latter fcrro lha attempt to create an artificial frontier, by coo straotinn a second line of fortmaaes. Uarmany evidently feels very onklnd ly to the oonqnared power. I ---."- .-.. -Twigg,a Homo,, pool seller, bus disappeared with 8711,000 in bets, out be I'resideiilial election. A li i u ul r.vuiisvllle, liiiliuna, on the Kib inst., destroyed property l the amount ol IM.I'UO. A catfish weighing ninety six pounds uu tukeli hoin the Moliogu lielu river near Brownsville a lew days ago. A reward ol 81,000 is tillered lor the apprehension ol tho incendiary who set lire to the bridge at Selina grovo. The first manufacturer of buttons in the Uniled Stulea, Samuel Willislon, is still living, 70 years old and woiib six million dollui's. Hayes President by fraud did not tuko bis 82 50 rum with linn to Washington, ll this is assassination make iho most of it. The Allegheny county pool house was intended lo accommodate ISO in mates, but there uro 284 in it. i'his is thicker than gruel. Seven persons wore trampled lo death in a Catholic chiircu 111 -New York city, during a panic in thu audi ence, 011 Thursduy night last. A large cave bas been discovered in a limestone quurry in Miller town ship, Perry county. Stu b openings are common 111 all limestone formations, Ike Shaffer, a veteran horso thicl, aged71,has been clapped in the lledford jail for having horses in his possession that helongcil lo owners in V irguna. Tho Kheusbiirg Herald suys that more timber is being hauled to the Susipichuna river this winter for raft ing than there has boon lor several ycura. One of tho lolling mills ol Messrs. Stew art k Co., has been uguin put in operation at South Easton, thereby giving employment to a large number of men. Among iron men on tho south sido of Pittsburgh, business is reported un improving. Mucbinery thut bas been idle lor months is being again put in motion. Frederick Simon, of Seruiiloii, during the month ol January guvv two hundred tons ot coal to thu poor of ihu Eleventh and Twelfth wards ol that city. Over 21,000 cigars seized by Cus tom House olticials, at New York, dur- ing thu past few months w,.rB sold on .1 i'.i ..... 1.. - I. Suit 1.. eil! u Miw viii, laniiii iti'iii m it, thousand. -Tho death of Jinlge Moses makes: ihe Suirciiic Court of South Carolina u lie 011 State politics nud both Covern ors will claim llio right to appoint his successor. Tho Puiiii cotton mill, of Alle gheny, has been bought by a ol.s k eompuny wilh n capital of $2011.000. ami will resume operations, alter a long idle spell. The Philadelphia papers announce (ho death on iho 4ih inst., of Matilda ttcbccca, widow of tho lute Rev. John Chambers, I). D., and daughter of the lulo Levi Klltnukcr. When Commodore VandurbillVi will was offered lor probale last week, protests wero entered by thu counsel I a number ol tho heirs. It will thureloro bo contoatoU. New and rich oil discoveries have rccoiitly been discovered in McKcun county, ibis Slato. ll this oil business keeps on Pennsylvania Will soon he but A largo grease spot. Tho search for tho oldest Kreo mason bas brought out Dr. Klijuh Fralt, ol Castlelon, N. Y., who is ninety -ono years old, und bas been a Kreciuason sixty-five years. Hon. Geo. V. Hammond, mayor of Erie, baa been elected President of the Pennsylvania Mate agricultural Society, and in a letter accepting the position, susgests that the next lair bu held in Erie. ,' A general order Irani tho bead quarters of the army announces thut thu military academy and tho post at West Point shall constitute a separate military department, wilh General Scbofield in command. A woman was robbed of her pocket book in a public street in Pitts hiirgh, last week, lit' a man wbo put his hand over her mouth telling her he must have her pocket book and at tho same time taking it out of her lasykcl. The uudacily of thu act so overcome Ihe lady that she lorgot to sorea.u The Lebanon Shakers combine usefulness ami beauty in the arrange ment of their ccmuiery. They plant a treo over overy grave, so that man nourishes Tcgclation as hocnimblcsi into dust. This is a literal way of keeping people's memory greon. and ot j repairing thu wasto in tiio Inrests. i Financial distress ranidlv increases' iimnnglhoworkiiigclassesoiGermuny,! and the Government is loudly called i upttn lor cn.p.oymeni. M'W raiima-.s, New railroatlsi I I A I .U "it" .nt'tiin utu ninKirmi, .mi. ....... require long preparatory survoi's, work cannot ho iminediately commenced upon them. All that can be employ ed will be placed upon the repairs of mads.. Wtw SdifrtlSfiutats. Xl oillian sf n-rfli Id ooo n It i I ipplj ta tha prfBt LrfUla(nn nf iho Plata ol PftiB'Tl vxBta, fur tha rul of an Act of A ambit; Inr (kirn toll on tb KaQhni.a bni., tone and -tit-tiurta wiiVl vain of rarwnlll) oa th-'aHliimKa-K and rarwanii-tllu tranilia, and aph that taifl bililp br baftdrd orrr In tba iSivntf of lrftr-ld. JtlSlAII K, K1.AU. Curwpnr(t1, Pob SI, TT 4t. CHARLES C. PRATT, P iroduoo Coomlasioa Morchaar BI'TtbR, CIIKKSR, KllOS, nor", WOOL, ORAXOB4, DriiGO rRt'tis, potatoes, onions, APPLES, TOBACCO. PEANUTS. 405 Greenwich St,, New York City. Marab 14, 17T Sia. Fine rarm at Private Sale ! 8. t a tie la niitifflijft aottttf, Fa., ana wi't Borth of tha Tillatt f larat Osikiai, P-iltria C t , ii.tait.ln(tbrfa baadr-d and twnif HfHt rit. aora or la, llmniutia. ra al aat alatt Und. uadrr good atata of ilnratfoa. Tba Iwpr-.ra tarntl eontit-t nf tra 4illift hw. baak bar. Ittidl frat, ibad, aora arlb b( paaa, bj- Pftlea, two tooaat boaa. istw fa ill, ta ounf ai.pia orchardi haartaa: frail, an lh..and paaal piH a(i ran ina. muf aaraa aiaaanw, oaa nan drad ftad 111 fteraa plow land Tbft balaaoa oaartata ef Irt ftara wbttapiftft, ft ftftd b tab- or; i lai bar. A lraai ai vtr tatlmi watt ran throof h tbli prdvpartjr, aiftblatt It parilaalarlr wall adaptad fttb Maeh aad ftata raiaiaf. If oalirW, wH ba dtrldwdi H $mU aarnbaMrft. Pot lar aaK ftppl. ta 8. V W I L80H, Look Bf It, ClaafftaM. P OTaarlalol, Marab 14, HT-tw T an ia su t ai , r an 4S 10 11 10 , 14 IIS I 14 W. kudu a, uulilrulluoarv . 14 b. H. Iluttirf, ro-U'iraiit.. ( X''l j u ta, puaui, i.rJara.... fl..iH..ul Cum liaob t an I . en I I I'O a n. i. Mi)tir, juanr 114 a. 1. suao, urua A -a- V fialru. uivlloiova . lSI II K. Mo....p, n. r hsndiaa . tit . t 00 , T on . It ia . T ou . 7 va . i os . tl " . T us . I na ia an , 7 l. li In . li II . r 10 . T US . la 00 . t no . t aa . T a . f na . i s . 7 eo . 7 a . IS SO . 10 Ml , 7 Oil . II Ml . la on . I on . 7 01 . 7 an . 7 0 . II I . It in . it OU MM 11. b own A Brv., QKchioorr... a V- M L'urduo a Uru., niu- bmaij II T. A Flack A Ctf tt'-tuUandiao - 14 k. II. Hban, I0I.0000 - 14 C. U. Wal , diuga 4 " " 1.00-nl urdicioa 1.1 R Uulnl'.urK. b's I. A ahoga 14 Honottiou A I r a to, drug..., 4 " " paiant oitdieluea... l:l Sat-k.ttA Srbrarar, barlwarr 14 Vtonvar A batta, on-rvhoa-lioo II W ttudrro, l,ri!.,-r H , II 0. Ltip. l.lt, br.worj t urocunville lurourti. 14 0. Uf.g A H.,o, roauuruut 14 W. H To'itao.on, grovrto I J. 0. Wright A Co., alotbiog 14 Augbiubuugb A llragury, drura 4 " " ' put.aiod 14 llrrnan lluupt, iobaaiioA 14 Ju.b H. Iraio, druga ,., 4 palcot medielnsa 14 D. Kuuat, uessbuo-liaa 14 H J. Uataa. boulo d- alotbtng H II P. K. S.r. n.l., lunar good.... l.t Abraham lio!?a, buidworc ... 1 1 1. T. Il.iaa. boula A .boo. 15 rlanual Aro.il.1, marabanuiav IS tl. A. korubuugh A Co., gr.orial4.. 13 Joo.tti Hilgar, har.lwaro , 14 A II. K.rb, Jawalrj 14 W. A. Hal. A Co,groosriro 14 bVgnar A Thoujuaxo, ololbiug 12 Jooo Irv It. A bro., touretiai.di.e It Joba P. Irfln. uit-rrhunStao 5 Corvooavilla Bank Iloaiadate Rurvagh ' 14 Jotnri Puuo, uirr.'buiidlas 14 b A-liton, aonlwliioar . 14 O. (1. Uirlingor A t o., ob thing Ao-.... 14 Mc raua; A WaU'btnaa, g.oeerioa 14 J. W. Itbouila, drug. 7 so r 00 7 aa 7 na 7 ra It an : an 7 an It t. W Di'-fca',marohon,liao.. 14 Matlbisa M.r, cotifrrti.-a-ra M. 14 Hatn. Churl on. eoofwilunerj II An4 Oleo'on, uirrohan-liao ..... 14 W. i. sbarliaugb, drug. 4 " M ptlant Hiolicinaa 14 J E. Arnold. o.o reiiviirra,.v 14 K. I. CliaSVa. jaw.tr. 5 V. I It. right A Cv . . .haudlaa..M...,. 14 I'rtsr I'aliirroo. ooori-ctlooorr 14 C. W. Vanlu-oa A CV, Bii-r.ihaO'lia,... 14 " b-sita A .b.sjr... It en I 00 1 aa 7 HI S'l :n an 7 oil is a 7 as It L'ai'io llor.Uu-e o.(lnito.l)burdn'ra lb Wo 14 A.J Kl.urbaugb A 800. furniuro. ...... 7 (! 14 J. b. Orurban A Co., gro.-ariaa n 7 ao 14 Uibtion. bro... pn.ri-iooa 7 00 S 1) U. Wuiio. Ui.luuda, t la-loa 4a IW 7 Wal. Patkrr.bl llu.dr, I luolo. 10 Oil l.uaibrr City Burutift11 14 11 W, S-ba r, bout. ab.sa A urueariaa 7 IX au lar, I'T.r a t o., birrrouooia- 14 It. L. Porgui'.n, mrrenaodi.0 ' aaakurg; Ito saga - 14 Woa. Hubtar. mantbuu'iiar.. New M aaltlugttm H-Twah 15 Juumw llullufbur, tni-sabui.di-o.M II J It. Jte-Vluria., larraliuo la -a It o 7 DO 7 00 tO fu 11 bo OaceolA ItOluugb IS Kruua HroR , gr- oonei u ... ... 10 00 la I C. U int-. uiaicbHiid.a.- to is. It Oa. oola Mfrcantil,, Co.. hardware-. It on 14 tlo-rga K. J.ia, jaolry MHM 7 so u hn.i.in Uro... .uuui.arv . . 7 tin , 7 an , 11 aa , i ol ' aeio ciar l, to" " C'liUjrba' bank nl O a- e I l.l.origot Uroa. A Co . warcbabdior.., 14 T It U ubdj A Co., druga . ' , a. O. Way. g oorri.-o polcot Oled,oloco A t0 i I t wo 14 M.cba.1 lO.ffu,. gr-.r,ua MH. 7 So 1.1 a. U. Kallei, uietcbuodi.0 ia OS 14 J. U broau, ooo loot innary.. 7 Su II lleikuwila A llu.b, UH-ruhooaL-a....,.. It 60 14 tiouigr Uu.ieli. grisi, noa 14 t. P. butty, liano a A lore tballaeclnti Huron. gh. 15 J. Uoao A Hon, osTifcaadiaa Itcccarla TuWuship. 13 J. (4. Ulaagow, BiaiabaaadM. M.. Bell ToWBUhip. ' 14 llobort Mobiflay, nitrobutsdtao. - . - Haraulde Towaablp. 14 Aaron l'stuulu, atorohodioa......H., HogR-a luwaahlp 14 W. K Sioi al, ooloctiooort 7 SU 7 Uo 10 On IS Ob T 00 I 00 7 It 7 n . 7 (SI Id I'd , I an . 10 no , ia so ia aa . 7 ar . 7 Or 7 an . t no , 7 aa . 7 so 14 Tboatoa Hili, diy gooda A grocoriea.. ilrofll'oi-4 Tawauhlp 14 V. Corley A C , iner. bundiao la J. V. Uruy A Co , luan-huodiao , 14 lllattroljoritcr A Co., druga..H Hrady lewualiipa II J. Sajlar A S.b. rarrrbutidioa 13 D. liO.iUrUder, iBOtrbaBdiar.M 13 Mi..rr, liauiilt n A Co., tnd. 14 J 11 Koingar, hardware ........ It Kuoil A tiiblrr, B'tioB. 14 Biutub Ktorr, etntamoutrj 14 O. t.. knarr, IhsiU A ahoaa H. 14 Jubn t-ihaurii-k, aoiiona, ola II Jobo llai.orltBg. Boliooa ....... 0 Joba iloU u. nere luudiae., ...... sn aa 10 So ....... 7 au , I a an IS 0. It. krooa A bro., maiebanuiai IIS. Montgoiuary, dry gis.au oto., 13 Jouaa bo o., baaroiionuio" 14 J H. Sbalrr A Co., gioooiloa 7 14 J. n. adliu, ui.r,boodioa..... 14 John tioaslyoar, dry g.sMl., oa-...HMM. 14 J. L. boag, baidwura,.HM m..h.... Cbaot TowMohlej 14 Juffl.a Curry, grooorlro..... 14 Jueob Holund, gritot-riaa w 14 44. L. Me. rao.ou, ui.'irhunata.i 4 i. bV btekov, patout loadluiooa........., Curing ou foffweUlp )4 Ullllntiham A ll.vkeodoru, uid-o 14 1j. M. Uoudnut, ularchandiau ., 4 ' poieot atedteluae it Frooaia c..adrl,t,airTfBood. a,-. ........ 14 r ruooia U-tgy. uon.baBdiaa...M. ,HA.o lieralur Towuuhlp. 7 IS) 7 ao 10 oo 7 aa 7 0J T aa A US 7 Oil 7 0 I uu ' 7 as 7 uu 14 Juoob Muck, Bttrtbandieo...., 15 Id 'tioru A IliU), BirrrbUDdiaa 4 ..mm palabi vaoilloiBoa Calico Towuollla 14 D K. luiu. .. Sea A Co .grooorl.l 14 llaory Alleojoo, loorrboodia) ...,n 14 r A P.l.laaua, aar'huiidio.M., 14 P. o A. 4 lyno, oja.ehuadtao CiratBWooS lowaotali. 14 W. A J. firll. gr.Hh-rir. t-lrarA Townohlp. 14 F A. Wi.ool A Sro., motohuiMliao. II h 4 St. wart, ontioaa. ....... C ra b a ol rownohlp. t-v 7 tsi la oo 4 0" 7 00 7 aa 7 an 7 oa 7 00 j 7 n T aa ! IS T. II Forwy, mourhan.llao. ....-,... 10 00 I 11 4 " i ate. t ojodtoioaM, llulton TuWRahlp. 14 0. 1). Wood, dioga A nollona...H... 4 " " .t.-nt ina.irtna...M, 15 I'. II.Cory.114 Cu , mar, k indiao. T i.o S so 10 ou 7 7 ua 7 0o 7 on 7 no U Ch..l-a H .lunlinr .l..ll,l.. 14 Jama, tiruoo. ooiiooa u nroi.,g, bard.ar... .. 14 '' '' -"'- out uih ivwnsuip I siiaa. vrve.wan. l4 y 8w.o. a ntaol innary .... 7 oa 7 to 14 Joba bwua. Sr , oaa, binary . t Kux ToHBtila. ll Juba Fui. (roeriai.., , Kartlian Tuiruahip U J. W. Ftr, ohae'tii- . ... M Uu'ifij' aHahiT, aiarxibavii'llM II I t Mtf'liik;) aairebaw1ia. .... l.airrrtirt Towiiahlp. II riiarlan Srlnir r. brnwi-ry ,. T M r U 4-0 T T 00 I tut It o M lb ot 14 U. is, toiiiufn, grocanaa Morrla Tuwiiahlp 14 Kvlvr, narvbsjntlt-a 15 JfBta Jd , tBtrebaBliaa.,(,.Mt., 13 Tatar Mnyer, marebatiilliaa 4 paunt mrdioluea , I II. B Wlfctna, warchaeUiia.,o , 4 " plvBI tardieiB H, Un Ion Township 1 4 I. Brtihftkff, tnarnhandias H aodarard Tnwnablp 15 M. lalrtriKht A Co., marohandtaa.... I Whitt haid l V, marrh aliita II Fiibar Urna. 4 Mllirr. w.an,hftall-a 14 Honor l oodror, eonffatiuaarj 14 lnuih-r b Co., gnwtrioa w 14 Jfttn. C'-fiM'lj, lanehaudiaa....,. If &n o It bo f Ol r t canirt tbat tha ihava it a eorraal 111 of tb aiuaa ol frp.aii and Irna ftm-a-tMd tar lb aar- rant taar. Nmtoa brrbr ctvon tbat fta ftipal will bo bald at tba t'onntt rotaiatMtonrrf' nAiw. la Cleartlidd, ob THURSDAY, Iba ISih day ( April nant, wmn an who raei tnaw.tiva ag griorfd aaa ftitnd if that aoa prouar. Na aioa r rat i Oft can ba mi ftltar tha Ut nf appmtl. JAMKif A. Bl(')KK, Mfirantlla Appralaaf ClMrflald. r., March l. Wl-U AWPHAN' t'OUHT iAI.IS-R; rlrtaanf V aa ftl orika Uri.hn- tonrl nf t'laarlald u., tbtrowill haao'd at panllo aalaoa tbapraailaa, ia (no ouroaga ui nManianj, aa Halurday, .MarthJI, IHtt, all o'vlock p. ., Iba folluwlog dcaortbed vtiait, ta wit i All ibaa crrtata l"1a MTptfti-aa groan a aiiunia ia ina Buroujta n loatllalo, Ulonriald i-auatv, Pa., boandd and dpribd follow i ua ibaraut boandrd oa tbo avrth t. lut No. 04, aa tba aoutb by 0arcr allr.T, aa tfaa rail b Jlilahia tliaat, oa 'ba wat hy Spraa aih, aaa ivawa m m no, ftl. tbo atbar tftra of boaadad tba aortb by Muaaa aUajr.aaaib by Noa atrfwi, aut by brt ft 14 aa aba H b lot Ka. 111. ftftd kam IM V a. M0. CIMiiei B WOODIH, AatobliwarD.0.Clftl4aa loaUaaH fab. f, ItfTi. Q HJT Clu .1 Tha a.dmiaM,,;, I i.mm a. aarw.1. tat. I ... .L. 1 I' ' I I pn.au aobwol to lha U.....4 . la O.on.Brl'1, Ka.. o or aboat ih. ... April. IS7. tor.HHiaaaalo.aa oara.. laoJ, oorrful und 'borough Tarma raa. a.,u B C. Vol'.Nnlug , 0 I'laa.l.l.l, I'u, Jua 17. 77-I.u. " TliTICK Of llOHH(im riol Corn of Ijuartor Haa.iona. ou Wo naa la. I s'l, lor a t'hurtor of Inoironralion f.-, U....I Or M u.., ..... 7. 'a' w..... ..... P . p.,V , u,, hi Meet', Lol nil CVKt'S 1I0KI10N, ' CloorlrM. Marab 7. IB77 li. pilKAP GROCEKIKfS! vr kinur.K crrr. , Tbo andaralguod unuounooa lo bi. old (mat. ultd oalrnna thut ha baa upuhad a a nod la ti O KOCKHI Eri A PROVISIONS at tbrald.u of Kira A tfpaooer, for vbiob ba aolteiu a iibm; auirenugo n. w. orKNCKn, Lumbor Cltr, Pa.. Mareb Ju-tf WATKHMIvN I Iba ondariignrd roMiortfoUr lufnnaiiv. .itrnilol Liaurnvio soon., mat o. mil , a Bourding llouao ut " Pulton a llaad ibrlr arcuuioo.datiua, tbio ipriog. buarji.. boat latora, 1 ootid aolicil oour ooaltai .rtia W. H. JoII.VmjJ, Fob it. 177 l. -rx:ll;TJllXl4 nit'i:.-i,ta tH j taweatory on tbo citato of WM. fflsK. lao ut PoriruO"B tnwD'bip. Cloarliuld ooantr. P... d.-0'd, bovlog baso grantad to iba osdmipa. ull brrai.na laooing tbrtnaalaoa tnda tad la aau atata uro rtuirrd to Bioko iauurdiat. aata,nt and tb-oe having claina againat lha mm a,li praorut Ihrra .rsorlj auibrnnealrd f.ir ta:U. urn. tritooo. uai 1 j. jAnanisg, So X.llpott, lob7,77 t. t-iacaint. IINOilJTHATIIR'iu Noril li boltov ia bartby girra that Uttrraif 44. utimrlroliot on iho ralala ol MCio.4j PHY, lato of Noma toon. hip. CIor6l nualy Pa., deoi-a.ad, hariog bran duly graatrl ia ia, uodrrrlgned, ull paraona in ialitcd to .aid anal, oill plaaao Diuko iouuodiuio pa.iowal, ud thus, buribg elanua or dananda againat tor uut oi , proowot thatu proprrly aotb. nllaatal lot o-iu. la. 01 uilltout daluy. JhsSK IlKAy,-, Kjlcrtooo. Krb 38. 77 St. AdtuibUtraUr (1 UlTIOM. All pwaoBaur brrany aaatia. y ad agutn.t puroba.ing or to uny w. oia4 dilute wilh lha f.ill'toing p-nnasty, ., n tar poaaasaion of John PaiW, of U.irri. laabia. b lt : Ono onw, yoailing bfrilor.l aprlaiealTM I plow, 1 harrow, 1 piga, ub ui I too of a.r, ub i 1 ueira id r0 in tbo grooB i.aa laid pr. p rlj w longa to too, und ia ooly lor on a Hciff.roo laa. -atijaot lo uy or.lor at any tim. CUHI TIAN 1UHTLI. Kvlar-owo, V.rob 7, ';7 t rt l)TII.ll iKwaosa uru b-r.k, ...ll .. y oil oainat pa-hurlng or ia aa. na. wa4 dl.ng with tba fallowing pr'po tr, la will bail. ing of W. II. Brain and Ira ItvW-O, kwatad 1 brudy lownrhip Cleurn.dd eouutr. Pa,. it :0a ongioo, No. XIII, Look, Huroo a.aalaa an. a-ouat lobulu' boilrr, araoho aturk. circa ar Ma mcl, molndiog earring-, alab our, anl enoaai tiooa :o aoid nil), tba eame boing in. ps.-ri; .' tho undefignrd. und brl.l br aod Sina 4 llrW nt andor Itoaa. D C. 0V-ItR. Helgouy, March 7. 1877-31. CTBAM SAW MILL. EXlil.VR 1 i awn M.iii.aus ana a.i 1 Tho uiidrr.igood nusra for aula oa rranai.l .,-iB.a, tbotr ateavj aaw Bull, bieatrd at Walhsi t..n. ClaarSeld Co. Pu. Tht-angina and k-xlar. ara a. roasl ua uru. Tbs aitu of tr. atiainr I, M I ol... aril -bolr .biuglu an I hub aaill. and all UK 1 4. it. ood la in good running ord.-r. ib-jutl rking otuchioarr ia tba mill. Partie. oi.hi.i porrhaao sao roll on or odd UllAHAhl W4LI.4IE4C0 Olrortrld. Pa Jobs so, 174 C" UMMK.KCI4L CH1HI. IN I IjB IKrlEI.D T.h vtMt Ha tkuvl avkt.k ih (.ill PisjIh WkitO lby MOOUii MM. Tbs mr.inn;. Ht Khitel ia the l.oi-f baiMiitt, Arril M, l77, to eotiMt written AfMMnrt'lt, anting, nn - pmg. nbitb vill If ft wrimi friftt of ibr huh i4 tfti.rnutjiblji ind iiftilirftll)T faughi. 8pfti; frm od ftrrftncftnaau lor iuab m ilMirt W Uhi rb.f77 t J, r.M KENHICK. F OK S.LE Tb ntlriiol will M I M aHvatt r 11 tbt met or prel f ind imt la bceow towaiifaip. Ch-airficid tmrntf. Pa., witaia a laotl .lift,, or lb Tmn Ctartli K. R. ud t'.jM0iK( Iftftdi uf K-abti Hadftoft and oiavrt. ftftd an. a ai tba Jfteob B. Wtarbart lot- T a.lrl losara awin toliia in or ftfl riraH bIium bu lob a A ajith itro Vafni of raiuabla ooal ibcrMa, htu uat IP txent tkared, aa-l U tba kj ! ft irt body ii oofti fthoal bio( dtelopd. Will ba told lo and opoB ftaajr trrtfti. Fr partleaurt, pplf ( DAVID L. KKKBS. Clcarflaltl, Pa.. Jaly li, 1rt7H. EXCOUKAtiK llOMK INUU8TKY. 'IHK ardt-H(ra4ari. baring auMifhl a Nar 1 Mt-t oa the Plr, ahiit ball waj lwle Cli-ft'lrld and CurwrnoTV.il, In prajiar! to tar lab all hiatla of KHl'IT TKKES, (otaaaard aad dwarf.) KrFntrama. 8hrhtary, Gr Vinai, 4jiKrry. Uwisa Blanbbarry. Iilral7 and Kpbry Vint. A m. 8ih-rlaa Crai TnM, Qaiueo, and aarly anftrlat RhaiarK. Aa, OrJtti pruaiptli atteadrd tu. Awdwa, J. U. WHIUHT, ..,- CrtptiK I'a. 4IK WOHk. ladi, whoa na ant bait wnrk dt, muviniwr ihrao laei : that Mn. 8 lin.wa did nt pick ap br trnda. ' paid ft high prw aad fearfjttl it thnruviKbl j al-o, that aha doi net rntil br work ift iba bBla or Inwmii-fitBt ptr lica, but altt'Odf to aaeb ordar prtnUy i ftlta, il a want watch guartla, hair iwrlrt hair liwrri, or anyihmg In Ih it line, etll on ihf doiaiinca, an ib dor all tha work hi-rfrlf ia prrU'ti.ca id fending ll awny at thcr bair-trw t-ra do, tor lrat-eiaM rtlrrai oo mil on l Klooa A C or anil nnd (-lamina for arelf. r Ridtaca on north alila of Markft itiret, Ibrva dowra awat of iba raibrrad, Ctrarnt-l-l, fa. Mra. 8. J.IIHOWN. Fb 2S ISTT.tf. A NEW DEPARTURE L I' T U i It S ft U It G . llaraaft-r, aood will ka aoM for CAMII 'r T IB fi.'haoita fur brodaea. No bkf will H krpl la tha fnta. All ohl ancouftU vttlfd. Tboaa wbo aanftHl aftab p, rill ' nana rar tuair ouifta ar CLOSE THE EECOSD. t at aViftriaiar. la toll aif gondi at prieat, bdI at ft dite-.mt far bolow thai ' offara-l ! tbia viotaily. Tha diaroiinl 1 all ouatoftMra, will raakthcai rich la iw-alj T" lby follow aiy advlea and buy their toyi ' ma, 1 will pay earn Tor wbat, oalt an t ei aord. bANIKL UUOUI.AMU latbtrabarg, Jaauary 17, 17 FUltNITUll Curtain Goods, Cornices & Mirrotj BEDDING Tha Largest and Finest Stook in! City to Seleot from. SMILL PROFITS, 01 R NOt raat oT-CnBtruoli Ukae to raratak B.ai 3 of an... E EDMUND30N A 8 130 IilWrty HU hrniiMi, r. Uarok 14, lirtJoa.