ru.. TUB "CLEARFIELD REN'BLICAV JOOI)UNl)EH & LEE, t'LKARKItiLD, Hi i . r 1 11 L I H K I) I ft Intl. h. Unreal Circulation .1 Any Newspaper u-ttd In adfaaea. ur withta J antba....9$ MI paid after and hvfnrv a months 9 AO iid after ib ipintioB of 4 Mouths... 3 MO Rates of Advertising, a-anttMif nd I sementa. per aqnara of lOllnesor ., 1 Thar nf I . i 18 ' e- uhinjufnt insertion... iintnt'Ttiiirn' an-1 t-'xoatniV natters I &0 ""iiMitnV ifif.-w ...... 1 I antiim m l Ktrat. ...... f fMnnoluti"' notines t P--ofi.iim Cards. 5 line or lsi,l year...., ft AO ( fl notifM. par linn I" VK.RI,V ADVKKTISRMKNT8. ', qurt. 1ft 00 I 1 eolilTUB.. ......... 70 00 iiniir.-...,.1lt 00 I I column...... ISA 00 a. B. ttOODUANDER, N't KL B. LKB, Publisher. (Cards. WV It. MOCCLL-irdll. FHf. o'l. icck MtClLIMGII & BUCK. ATTOIiXEYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield. Pa. All leral promptly attended to. Ofioe en Sreood Ureal, la tbe Alaaoalo building. JnmTT W. C.. ARNOLD, LAW A COLLECTION OFFICE. CUKWENPVILLK, Clearfield Conner, Penn'a. T5y TMUI. . Mr ..AT. ctrci suaeon. MURRAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEAKKIKLD, PA. pit Oflc 1b Pia'a Opera Home. second floor. FRANK FIELDING, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Clearfield. Pi Will attend to ail business entrusted to him (jiouijilt) and faithful!;. 00127.. VILLI AN A. W Alil.ACB. I A RUT f. WALL ACM. DA TIB L- RRKBt. JOHN W. WHI6LBT WALLACE A. KREBS, (Ho n la Wallace A Folding,! ATTOIINEYS-AT-LAW, 11-1273 Clearfield, Pa. (OHirn i. 'asai.i.r. OA KIEL W. N'ClBlT, McENALLY & McCURDY, A ITUUNEYS-A l-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. "IjeXitl holiness attended to prompt)? with) .id1itT. Offlrte oa Hectind street, bo?e :ht Pint "iatiotml Hank. jan:l:7 G. R. BARRETT, Attrn.v and Cousmkvr at Law, CLKAKFIEi-D, PA. Having rerdgned hi Judgef-hip, hiu returned hr practic of th law In hi old nfllor at Clear .VM, Pa. Will attend the wmrtr of J-fTerion and Klk oountio when spreiallj fetainrd in (rinnrcti.n rifh reil"Di onunael. 1:14:71 A. G. KRAMER, ATTO UN EY-AT-LAW. Haal EttaU and Colltctlon Afrnt, CI.BAHKIt-:i.l, PA., Will promptly attend to all laga! business aa trvrtfd to bla car. ittffloe In Pn'i 0.era Ho-e. Jan 171. "a".-wT" W ALTER S , vrnmsEY AT LAW. ('Icarlirlit. Pa. k.tfflcv In nrtbtini't Row. Uc8.; H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LA w, !l I 7 'learlleld. Pa. "WALTER BARRETT, ATTllKNEY AT LAW t lurflflii. Pa. "1IIBm In Old Wnltrn HulH balMlnjr Mukot 8ti. t.uvSI.IMI.; israel'test, r A TTH11N BY AT LAW,, j C'le.rUel4. Pa. i 4r-liHloa I. tha Conrl Hoih lJjll.'T JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LA. Ic.rlleld, P.. ' 4T' Olt o oa Maikot atrvcl, oup. Coart Homo, l.n. 3, Inu. J O H N L"." C U TT LE,- ATTllUNEY AT LAW uifl He.) Kit.). ARtut, Cl.arHeld. P.. Offloo oa 'third moot, bal.Charrj A Walnal. oaar-HaaDaotfull mtttru bla mm tool la tollloi d ouyioir laoda la Cloarnold aad aolnlag on.tloa ; .od wlta aa iiporioaeooAovtrtwoutv toart m . nrvoyor. flaltart hlaiaolTtbal aa oan ondor latUfaolloa. fob ;.l:tl. J . B LAKE W A LTER3, REAL ESTATE BROKER, attn aiALB. in Hnw liKH and I.imibor, CLBARFIKH), PA. Oitlor In Irohom'l K... l:t:7l J. J. LINGLE, T T O K N K Y - A T - L A VV, t in oxeola. Cltarltold t o.. Pa. f t J. S. B A R N H A R T ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Ilellolunlv. Pa. A'lll prwllor 10 C'lMrlald lid oil ul till' Courll of tbo XAlb Jutlimai uuirtoi. ni vaioio "win." tnd onllooli'in (il nloiinii inude vpeci.ltie. al'TI DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Ll'TIIKHNIIUHtl, PA Will atlca.1 proicMlonaloollaprompilr. aujl(l'7i' DR. T, J. BOYER, CM Y M C I A N A N 1) 1 1) Kit bO N . Offioa on Marbol Hlroet, CloarfiBld. Pa. tr-OSea bouroi to If a. . Mid 1 to I p. m D 11 E. M. KCIIEUBER, IIOMmOI'ATHIO I'llVKICIAN, Uflor I. rorldt-aoo oa Marliot It. April H, l7f. ClrarlloM. I'o J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN A BUHUKON, TTAVINli looaud M Pennlold, I'.., ofon bli LI. proroulonal Mrrlooa to tbo pooplo of that ploA-o and rurroundtng oounlry. Alloallr proraitl7 tlondfid lo. "t- H tf. DR. J. P. BURC H Fl E L D, Ul. rlorioo. of thr tnd k(lma.l, Ponairlranla Vol.auan, harlnn ralarnod froa tha Amy, r7ar kto profoiilon.l lorTlaar. to tboaltlioai of Olaarlold ana.!;. Hr-Pr.ifonloaloalU pronptlr .tla.dod to. 0oa a gMond traat. foratarlyooonplod b) Ur Wood.. Iapr4,' It DR. H. B. VAN VALZAH, CI KAKI'II.I.I). PKNN'A. OFFICE IN MA80XICBVJLDING. f4T ( bulirt Frooi U lo I t. U. Mar l, l7. DR. JEFFERSON UTZ, WOODLAND, PA. Will pronptlr atlaad all Milt la tba llaoof kl. pr..f...l',a. V:JL D. M. DOHEBTT, f AMIKINAI1LE BAKBKH A HAIR DKF.R8KH CLEARFIELD, PA. hup la rvoai torrorrly wwnplod by Nauflo .mot. lair 14, It. HARRY SNYDER, (Poraorly ltb Ltw Aoh.lor.) HArlBKH AMD 1IAIRDKMF.R. 8a..p n. M.rk.t 81.. appoolla Ooarl llcKM. AHra low.l for army furtomorm.r JoTt JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jo.llo. of tbo Poaoa .ad, CirwraarllK, P.. OoVCollaotlou ada aad aoaoy proaptb . paid.ror. . . ...s fobil'Htl . RICHARD HUGHES, ivsTici or mi riAca i; u, ,.inrfa mmp. V , -i I . rptopoly lltrad.dla. 'lrl, CLEARFIELD GEO. B. GCvULAJiDEh, rtopnwr. VOL. 5I-WII0LE NO. Cards. lilvrry Kfablo. TH R andortiirnttd Wfi lae to Inform the pab lie that ho ! aw fully urapar" to aoeouiino date all In tha way of fnrnianinjt H..e. BunRie. riaddlea and llarntii, on tha shortest not lea and an rcnaonablt- Uroii. KmltJenca on Louil flratt, betwara Third and Fourth. OKo. W. OKARHAKT. rtlarl.a1d. Fh 4. lT4 O. ALI1IT.HI..IK1IT ALl.nT.w W. A I.I ART W. ALBERT A BROS., M.u.faoluror. A aslrnrlroDralarai. Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c, WOODLAND, PKNN'A. 0dr-OriUn aollell.d. Bill, flllrd oa abort nolle, .nd roaaonabla tarn.. Addraoa Woodland P. 0., Cloort.ld Co., Pa W ALHKHT A BHOH. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, French r II 1, l.arBeld t'ounly. Ha Keep, aonsuntly on band foil ..ortnent of Dry tlooda. Hardware, Groceries, and erorytbin. naoally kept In a retail .tore, wbicb .III be .old, for eajh, a. ebeop aa elrewbcre in the oounty. Prenehville, June 17, IST-ljr. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DaALBR IB OENEKAL MKKt:ilASI)ISE. (IHAHAMTtlN, Pa. Alw. exten.ire n.auf.rtarer and dealer In Hquarr Timber and awed Lumber of all kind.. Oar-Order. olloitd eml all bill, prompll; llled. I'ly''" REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, (learflrld. Peuli'a. aWill erenate Job. I. hi. line proiuptly and In a workmanlike m.noer. a rt.BT G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NKAR CLEAHPIBLD, PKNN'A. Jtdr-Pump alwityi on hand and nade In order on .burl notice. Pipe, burrd no reaionahle term. All work warranted lo render rati'f.etion. and dellrerod If dedred myiiilypd E. A. BIGLER A CO., DRJ.LKK IN SQUARE TIMBER, and n anii foot ureri of AM, klNII !' V.U I I .MBKH. 7'72 CLBAKPIKLD. PKNN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer ia Heal Estate, Square Timber, Boards, 8IIINULE.1, LATH, A PICKET, 11:107.1 Clr.rf.. 1.1, p., JAMES MITCHELL, nKALKB I. Squrtrc Timber & Timber LuikIh, Jell'TS CI.KAIiFILLD, PA JAMES H. LYTLE,. Ill Kra tier's Ilulldlup, l leiifltld. Pa. Dealer In Onwrtlns, Proflilons, Vegetables, Prult, Fl"ur, feed, etc.. etc. aprl4'7ft-tr WARREN THORN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 1 Market ttf.rlleld, Pa. In (he abop Ulelr occupied by Prank Short, oae door west of Alleghany Houe. A8HLEY THORN, ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR and 1IHLDKR Plao. and Hprcififtationi furni.bed fi.r all kind. of buildinjr.. All work Brat elm. Huir bmH inn a .iieelally. P. 0., Cleartrld, Pa. Jaa.l7-r7tf. R. M. NEIMAN, SADDLE and HARNESS MAKER, Rumbirger. Clearfield Co., Pa. Ketpi on band all kind' of llarneit, HdJI, Bridle, and Morse Furninhing (iuod. KiaihDg urouiptly attended to. Hnmbargvr, Jan. 1, 1 877-tT, JOHN A. BTADLER. BAKfcK, Market 8t.. Clearfli-ld, Pa. Frt.b Hrr.rl, Kuwk, Hulls. Pics and Cako. oB hand er mad to order. A grtitral aor.nifDt of tonlaotionariea, Fruita and hats in slwh. lee Crrsm and Oylen in rf-non. Fnlo'-n marly Mppoilta tba Pfistt.ffioa. I'necs uiodtrata. March lu-'Ii. J. It. M'MUllKAY WII.L8I1PILY VOI WITH ANY ARIICIU OP MbKCHANIltHB AT TUP. VKHY LOW KST PHICB. COMK AND KK. l:6:Tj-. NEW WASHINGTON. M Art Bit: ani mom; VAIll). Mra. H. r. I lll)H I.. Uaviag MRaRod I. the MerMe ho.loe... delire. to Intoru her Irleod. and tbv pulille tbaf one aae Dow aod will keep oun.raiill) n e larite and well ealovted eloek ol ITALIAN AND VKK.MUM MAKBLK. and I. prrparvd lo lurnivh li order TUMIlbTONKK. BOX A Mi I KADI.K loMllh, .MOM'MKNTN Ac. kojk.Yard on ltvo.1 .iroei, near Ihc R. R !r-nt, Clearleld, Pa. j. 14.7(1 WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. At tba and ul tha ntw bridge, WKM CLKAKFI KI.I, TA. ' Tbe proprietor of ibia aatabltthnriit will buy bU liquor diraai I rom alltlliera Pnrilaa baling trm this bouse will sura to g-t a pur arhol At a saiall margin ahova ott. Hotel keepars ean ha faratubed with llqaors on rratunab.a term-, l'nr winas aad brandies direct Iron, bf-eley'l Vinery, at Hath. New Y -rb UKOKHK N. COLItVBN. ClaarflalJ, June 11, U74 tf. I. 8 N Y D E R, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER .an bBALa. la Watehea, Clink und Jewelry grmUm't Jf.r.el lrrel, ( I.UArlf H.I.I). PA. All kind, of repairing la ny line pr..mptlr at ended to, April M. I7. 13 HOH N'rt AIKAT NkHKBT. Tbe nil.Nlnixl would remreirnlir Inform Ike pabllelb.1 bo bee opened . MKAT MARK hT al Ibe old .land on M.rkel Plrerl, where ha will kiep rrgalarly a. band all kind, of F-R-E-S-ll M-E-A-T-S and will gnaranlee aall.farli". In priori aJ well aa ia Ike quality of tnvai nffure.1. Clearteld, No..M,'7H ir. EZRA BHOWN. ANDREW HARWICK, Market MrceU Clearfield. Pa.. aaneracTraRB .an PB.l... 11 FIARNKSa, PADDLES, IlKIDLW, CULLARS, and all kind, af Honat ri HXisiiiNo goods. A fuH Moeh of raddler' Hardware, Brn.he., I'onh., Rlaaketp, Hnbea, ale., alw.ya o. h.d end for eol e al Ibe laneil eaeb prloea. All kiad. of repalri.g promptly alteaded to. All kind. 01 nine, laeen in earno. .e kt . nen and repalrlnr. All bind, of ban.e. le.iher kept o. hand, and for eel a mall prott. t:iraraeld. Ja.. I", l7 JOHN H. FULFORD, 0 MKAl IS.SVKA0K MIST, t'lr.rUeld. Peau'a. Reproenla all Ibe ondlog rira lararuM l ompaaie. af tba aoualry i yoeon Koyal taadlm Hone, Mew Vrh. .... ....... I.yeoming, Manny, Po....m Prenklia, Phdad'e.. Panel., Ilerlford .. Ilaaovor, New York..H. Home, Col , O..M....H.. All... Herll. rd , ..HMM ra , .. MM.tle ... e.eiMo! ., ov,BA ., I.Ml.anl ., I,tl..s Mltll . lia.M. Provide Me, Weeajagu. . f ore., ebeoa erlr of mio Ha WM ef eefl.f aa wweroeee .. pnrp klad, eneold Mil ml e.M, M at, MpeelM tba'Oowt Heoaa, d eoe MubJa mmm e.i mf rtt -aaaal "a7H-. 8. 2,511. THE DAVt ARE OROWINQ LONGER. Along tha bright tvtritia tin, . fTB "l)1 fkiaa, Wa look nmra north whiI. Ur ta uga Of lijthl each nnrn a dar-naa divi; Yn win d, tnvard whirh tha ma tlow errvpa, H ill faun rraound wilb ehirpltig aon( Tlin oghttut iti Hill and olrmo dtfi3 Tha (1hi ara growing loiif. A wrtk ago tbi aunrlfa hlata Lett iar to (hailowy nonh yn pira, Thia Hunday tuoro, tbe ttrst bright raya Its baltry libia w lb plMtn ol firv, lhat, ili in in g ibrougb us wh.dow, aaaius Aucja prtiphvlio ot tba tbruiig Ol juji wiib which tba vision teams Whin tlsjs ara growing lung. Lift- day Is growing long. Wa scan H iih curitmn, tmpolul, ara-struvk guts Lilu'suiui bunion linv, ibut tuaa Must p.i Men truading bnaveulji wai; Our ub aitcb day tho senitb neari, We tit iu uvu'trv's ratio, ol suug, i Ika duuionJs iuud will glam onh' tear Llla s uay is grow log long. ft-tri JIarttt AN IMl'OHTANT MEASURE. ABSE8SMENTS AM) TAXATION. rollnwintr will be found a copy ol lloiiho bill, No. 12, jiendinu; before our Lrinluturu. We eoimiiiur it the niont iiiiiioriuiit nieueure beliire tbut body : but wbut ilrs liite will be it in bard to determine lit this time. We hope, however, tliul it will iuhh, with alight aiiieiiumeiiU : StCTloN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ol lieprenentutivea "I UieLommoiiwculth ol l'eniinylvuina ill lieiierul AriM'iubly met, und it in hereby enacted by the authority of the Kume, That the cuinniinMoinTH ul every county hhuil ineetaiiiiiiiilly within tlireo woeka uller the genentl November elec tion and inakeun entinutte of the prob uble expennea of tbe county lor the eimuing year. (Act ol April 15, 1834, Heel ion 1.) 8to. 2. Within four week, alter the IhI day ul April, 18711, the conimiiwion era ol every county hIiuII iiwuo their precept to tbe am-cnaorx of the respect ive lowmdiiiM. borouuba. ward, and ids, re(iiirini them to make out and return within thirty day. there alter, a jiiht and perlect lint in aucli I'orui us tiie coniminoioiieni nliull direct, of Ibe liunica of nil the tuxuhle peinona residing or luwfully luxuhle within theii' aeverul townshipa, borouuliH. wards or districts, and of all properly luxuble by luw, together wiib u just Vuluutioli of the suiiie, lo he made in the manner hereinafter irovided ; wild valuation to continue until the next triennial assessment, ut winch lime and trieiiniiilly thereafter the assessment ahull be made by the assessors as pre scribed hy the provisions of this act. (Act of April 15, 1S34, aeclioli 2. Act ol liny 15, 1811, section 8.) Stc. 3. The as, anon, of the eeveiml counlics ahull, on the receipt of tho precepts uloresuid, proceed to tuke un uccouut, and make return in the form directed by the commissioners within tinny duya thereafter ol the names und auriiiuuesof all the tuxuhle inhabi tants within thetrrcHpectivetownships, lMr'iii;hit, wiirdsanU districts, and also au account of the following real and pcmoiiul property. (Act ol April 2:1, 1!H4, section mollified hy section 4, act ol Februury 2,'J, IHtiG ; act of April ia, l.l.H, section 4, as inodiheil hy see- tion 6, act of February 28, 1835): 1. Jtcal estate, namely : All bousos, lands, lota ul lund and ground rents, mills and manufactories of all kinds ; furiiuceB, forges, hlooinerics, distilleries, hrewerios, mult houses, gugur houses, tun urds, tishericsaud Icrrics.wharvcs, and all other reul estale, excepting such us is by law exempted from taxa tion, tinucr tliu toiistitulion, or hy act ol 14th of Hay, A. D. 1874, to he val ued and repoiied in a separate column. L. All personal estate, to wit : Mitres, geldings, mules, ncul cut lie over two y ears old, also all mortgages, money uwing oy solvent uebtors, whether hy prnuiifcMiry note, penul hill, bond, or judginent notes; ul.-oilll shares of slock in any hunk, institution or company now or hereutter incorporated by or in pursuuiice ot any luw of this Common wealth, or of any other State or irov- ernmeiit, and on all shares of stock or weekly deposits iu any uiiincoiiioraleil saving fund institution, und all public louns or stocks u halsovcr, except those issued hy this Coiuiuiuiwculth or the I' ni ted ISlules, mill all money loaned or invested on interest in ant' other Stale, ul-o all household furniture, including gold or silver plutc, owned by any per son or persons, corporation or corpora tions, when the vulue thereof slmll hot exceed the sum ot J:luU; ulso, all pleas ure carriages, both of iwo wheels und lour w heels, together with ti II other things now or hereafter tuxuhle hy the laws of ibis (!oninioiiwealth, shall be vulueil iiiul assessed and subject to luxation for the pmposes in thia act mentioned, und for all Mute, county und l" ul purposes whatsoever, except tlmt ull reul estate shall he exempt In. in t iixn t ti i i lor Stiitu purposes, and there shall he assessed upon every mule person above the age of tweiily-one 3'curs, ill whose liunie no properly is fseHeil under the pinvisiona ul this net, n per cupilu tux of fllly cent. : I'roviwYd, 'I hut no. resident tuxuhle shall pay a less suiii than filly cents. Sic. 4 The several assessors und assistant assessors, hefi ire entering upou the duties ol the offices tiuilel the laws ol this Commonwealth, shall tuke and subscribe an outb oraRlrmaiion helore some oftlccr having hftt ful iiulhority to administer I he rauie, which oath or ufllrmalion shull be duly certified by siiidotrlcerund retui neil hy the respect ive assessors to the commissioners ot the proper county ul the time of re turning their assessments. (Act Muy 15, 1 H I I . us muddled hy lute acts.) Sir. 5. Suid naths or affirmations shull he in the following form, lo wit: " on do .wear (or . Arm) thai yon wlll.uppnrt tho CnnMitutlon of Ike Colled Hutee and the Con.'ilatl'ia of Pennaylvania I lhl yoa will, a ae-eMor, lor (eard, rilitriet. Homuf h or town.hip), .re your Btiofol and aoilil) to dieeor er and aaceruln all the property, real and par oonal, wiibla year (ward, dl.lrlet, boroejrh or town.bip), and 1 other ehjeoi. aohieei to lata, lion by tie lew. of Ibi. Ci mu".weltk. and lake a. arcnrale apeoont of ike aene, and thai rn. will Ju.ily and hnaeelly, to Ike be-l .if yo.r Jodmeat, ..H. and raleo every eeeorate Inl, pieoo or Ireel oi l-nd, wktb Ike iinpreerment. tbrreoa, and all perioo.l property node laieble by the lew. of thia Cunmoawoalib wlthla year (w.rd, di.rrl.1, bontagb or lown.blph al Ibe rate or priea whi.k yoa .ball after due eiemlnatlo. and eon. idem lion twlirre the e4tte wool.l eell for if .old and eperetely at a bon. Ida ea.b aale anar lull pohlio autlre, .nd that y.ox will perform yoar duly a. a.eor of Mid (ward, di.triol, boroegb .r t-iworhip) wllb hutie.iy and ad-lny. areord. ing to Ibe law. f Ihl. Oommotiweellh wllhowi leer, faror or efetioa, haired, n.lioe or III will," (Act May 15. 1841, ee. 4, as misli tied by act of July 27, 1842, sec. 9.) Sko. 8. Itahall b tba duty of tbo AuililorUeneral to prepare and furnish to the commissioners of each county a liirm ofsebeduluarrunged in such man ner as to he filled up anil signed hy each Ian payer, ao as In give, true and exact inventory oi each sepaiate class of personal property owned by bim or bar, of which he or aba ia trustee, and I he actual eaab value of lh. same, with aa affiduvit attached iboreto .that tb. li.t ia I'm II nYcBtory of, all personal propafty ownu or bold Intrust by tba affiant, and tbat.tba valu. at erpoajl. tbartlo If Im trn fk ! '-.i- .... kakfa.' - - - CLEARFIELD, same, to tho best of bis or ber knowl edge and belief; which oath or afllrma tion aaid assessor ia hereby authorised to administer without cliai-im and he is required to return said acueifu'iet to tho county commissioners to renin in on tile in their otllco ; the county commis sioners ot each county are hereby di rected In furnish to tbe assessors of ol their respective counties, prior to each assessment, sutlicicnt copies ol such schedules for tbo tliscburgo of their duties under this section ut the expense of the county. Sko. 7. From und after tbo passage of this act it shall bo tho duty of the several assessors and assistanlassessors to assess, ruto and value all objects ol taxation, whether for Slate, county, city, district, ward, township or bor ough purposes, according to tbe actual vuiuu lliereoi, unci ut sucli rules und prices for which tho sumo would seiia- rulelv bona fide sell ; and on return ot such assessment or valuation Into the otllco of the county commissioners, ut ter tho same slmll linve been carefully exunnned and corrected, it shull be lawlul lor said commissioners, if lliey believe any property or thing mude luxuble lias been assessesed and vulued below its uctuul vulue, to raise the same to tho actual value thereof, or il the same has been assessed and valued above its actual value, to reduce the same thereto. (Act May 15, 1841, see- lion 4.) Sec. 8. If the several assessors of this Commonwealth, In the dischurgo of their respective dunes, shull huvu rea son lo believe any person or persons or corporations huve rendered a fiilse re turn ol his or her or their property, or any article made taxable by luw, or shull not make a lull disclosure of the same, the said assessors shull return what they shull believe to be the full value and amount thereof to the com missioners of the proper county, and if the person or persons ur corporation thus assessed shull fuel aggrieved, an uppeul may be bud according to the existing law lrom such assessment, und it shull be luw Iu I for the county com uiissionurs to administer an uatli ur attlrinuiion to tho person ur persons Hiking such uppeul touching the value und amount of their properly or uny article madu luxuble, und if they deem un ubutemelit proiier, the sumo shall he mude ; but the suid commissioners may receive oilier evidence. (Act May 15, 1841, section 5.) Sec. 9. It any assessor or assistunt assessor shall knowingly and iiilention ully omit, neglect or refuse lo assess und return uny property, person or tiling iiiuue luxuoiu oy luw, ur suuil knowingly and inleiitioiiully assess, rule ur vulue the same at more ur less than bo slmll know and believe to be the just cash vulue or into thereof, or neglect or reluse lo assess any tnx re quired by law, bo shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in iilliee, and on con vie lion thereof, be subject to imprisonment not less luun three nor mora than twelve months, and fined in a sum not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars. (Act Muy 15, 1841, section 8.) Sec. 10. II any assessor or assistant assessor, who shull uavo taken upon himself tho dutius of such otllco, shull neglect or refuse to comply with any order or warrant issued to bint by the commissioners of the same county in conformity wilb luw, or shall not per lorm the duties enjoined upon bim by law, be shall lorluit any sum not ex ceeding forty dollars, to be recovered by the county as dubia ol like amount are recoverable. (Act of April 15, 1834, section 24.) Sto. 11. When tho returns of the assessors shall be rectified in accord ance with the provisions of this act, tbo commissioners shall proceed to as sens tho proportion of every ward, borough, township and district accord, ing to tho adjusted vuluulinn of the luxuble property and other subject of taxation in such ward, borough, town ship and district : 1'rnvidcd, That no tax lor county purposes iu any county shull in any one year exceed the rule ol ten mills on every dollar ol such ad justed valuation. (Act of April 15, 1834, sec. 7, as modified by act ol reb- ruary 28, 1835, section 6.) Sac IZ. 1 lie asMossoiaol too aeverul counlics of this Commonwealth uru hereby authorised and direcled to re usscsh, between the periods ol the tri ennial assessments, ull real estate which may have been improved by ibe erec tion of buildings or other improve ments, subsequent to the lust preceding triennial assessment, or properly thai bus In come less vuluuhlo hy destruction of buildings or removal of timber, or where properly bus chungud owners, or whure persons buve come lo inhabit in the cou lily since the lust assessment, or where the amount of personal prop erty of any tax-pnyer has been increas ed or diminished since the triennial as sessment, subject to appeal as in other cases, (Aclnf April 10, 1841), sec. 34.) Skc. 13. Tho assessors of the several counties shull on seuled hinds malic the assessment in the township in which the mansion bouse ia situated, where township lines divide a tract ; hut this provision shull not apply to hind lying in different townships, the mansion house of wbicb is siluutud in u borough or city. (Act ul July 11, 1842, section 59 ; act of April 25, 1850, section 15.) B or THE APPEAL. Sec. 14. When the proportions of tbo several boroughs, wards, townships, and districts shall bo ascertained, as aforesaid, the commissioners ut each county shull cause accurate transcripts ol the assessments to be made out, and shall transmit the same to each asses sor on or before the second Monday nf April billowing, together with a al mo ment uf the rule pur centum, and the day ol appeal fixed hy them. (Act uf April 15, 1834, section 8.) Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the several assessors, on receiving such transcripts lrom tho county commis sioners, to give written or printed no tice al least five duya before tbe day of appeal, to every taxable inhabitant within their respective borough, ward, township or district, of the amount or auni lor which he stands rated, and the rate per centum of such amount, and of the time and place ol such appeal. (Act of April 15, 1834, tectum 9.) Hr.o. 16. Il shall also be the duty of the commissioners ot the respective counties to give notice by advertise meiit In one or more newspapers print ed in or nearest to tbe aeat nf justice of tho proper county, al leant three weeks before the day of appeal, ot tho time and plaea fixed lor such appeal. (Act of April IS! 1834, section 10.) Heo. 17. It shall be tho duly ol each of lb. several assoenors in each of the two years succeeding tha triennial aa stwameiit, to giva notice to tbe taxable Inhabitants in like manner aaafVur the triennial assessment, but only in case of r assessment, aa mentioned In the twelfth seel ion of thia act. (Act of April 15, l&'U, section 13.) fiao. 18, At the lima and plat, fixed for tba appeal which, .xrapl tha year of the) tnanoial MaeaamtDt, aball be !-lO I PI FS. WOT MTM - -" -r-7T- J...'.-.l"r,l. PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1877. held In the commissioners' ofllconf Ihc proper county ; the commissioners shull attend und hear nil persons who muy ai ply for wire, und grunt such relief us to them shull appear just und reasona ble : Provided, Tbut tie alteration' of abatement in tbe valuation uf reul estuto shull be mude in any other year than that nf tbe triennial iisscssmeut, except in thecascs recited in the twelf th section of this uct. '(Act ot April 15, 1834, section 13.) Skc. 19. It shull be the duty of tbe several assessors to attend ut llio time and place fixed for the uppeul fur their respective borough, wurd, township or district, to prevent impositions being practiced on the commissioners by per sons appealing. ( Ac.'Wpril 15, 1834, section i l.) . i Sko. 2d. Immediately after llio np peuls are over t lie eoniuussioners shull proceed lo regulate the assessments ac cording to the alterations mu'le, und shall cuuso their clerks to make their duplicates thereof in such form as the commissioners miiv direct. (Act April lft, 1834, section is.) Skc. 21. It shall be the duty nf the commissioners to hear appculs at any subsequent time when they muy be in session, not exceeding ninety duvs uller tho duy fixed for such appeal und previous to tho payment of tho lux, und to muko such ulterulions us they might havo done on the regular duy of appeal: Provided, That uosiichappcul shall bo heard unless the appellant shall buve given duo nolice to the proper assessor of the borough, ward township or district. (Act April 15, 1834, section lfi.) c or THE boaud or RtVlslON. Skc. 22. The county commissionrrs of each county shull compose a bimrd of revision. The members of said heard shull each tuke and subscribe an oath or amrmutiou hcloru the president of the court uf common picas or the prothonotury of suid county iu the following liirm, namely : "t do .wrar (or slnnu) tha' ( will f.ltlif.illy and to Ibe tint i.l mi kn..wl. dec end JmlKoient, reeiee, ei.rreol end fo,u.ltii. ib,-velu nun ot all properly laxole oy law In . eounty. and laithiully permits ell the duiie. of a inrmoor ol toe i04r I ot lor auon onuotr. aecor.ling to the law. of Ibi. 1'oniinnon.ellb.' Which oath shull he deposited iu the ofliee of the prothoiiolnry tor the county .(Act July 27. 1842. section 19 Act 1'olirilary II, lsn'.l section 1.) Skc. 23. the county coiuinissuiiicrs of the several counties shull, lis soon usthe ussessorsof the several boroughs, wurds, townships uud districts iu their respective counties huve mudu their returns, uncording to the severul pro visions ol this act, make nut uud pub- lish in not less ihun two newspapers tor two weeks, or it there he no news papers published in suid county, by liundhilla pooled up at the place ol holding elections in each borough, ward, township ordislrict, aslulemenl III such form us will show the aggregate vulue and assessment made by each assessor in tho county upon property tuxuhle by luw tor county purposes, upon mortgages, moneys ut Inieivsi, debts due from solveiil dubtors, stocks, loans, and investments in corporutioiis ofolherStules.upiin household furniture and upon watches, and will also show the whole amount uf taxes assessed ill eucb borough, wurd, -township and dis trict in the county, und at the lime and milliner herein provided tor puli- lishiiu; suid statements; the cnuu'y commissioners shull also give notice of a duy not later than thirty days (rom tho time or publishing by them up- pointed, for finally determining ivholhur uny ol the vuluutions of tliu assessors buve been made below u just rate, ac cording to tbe meaning and intention of this act, (Act July 27,1842, sec. 11.) Sec. 24. from the time ol publishing llio return ol the assessors, according to the tweiily-lhird section of this ad, until the duy appointed tor finally de termining whether uny of the valua tion of tho assessments buve been mudu too low, any tuxuhle inhabitant of the county shull huvuslho right to examine the suid return iu the com missioners' office. (Act July 27. 1812, section 12.1 S).c. 25. The board of revision iu each county shall, on receiving the re turns ol the assessors, proceed lo exam ine und inquire whether the sumo have been mude in conformity Willi llie luws uf this Ci liiiuoiiwcullli, and w hether all property to bo valued tor luxuiion lor Stute and county purposes has been valued ul a sum or unee not less than the sumo would bring utter full public notice a sale, siippoaing euch separate lot, piece or tract o! laud, wilb the im provements, or the personal property of each corporation or individual only, were to lie Sold. 1 hey nliull receive uud consider the written ciiuiniiiliic ll lion of any taxunlu inhabitants of the county rclutivo to uny property which such luxuble inhuhiluiil shull hulievo to have been ussessed lis) low, ami on the day uppoinlcd for determining whether uny property bus been assess- cd loo low they shull proceed lo raise the price uf vuluittiun ol uny properly which I hey ahull believe to liuvo been ussessed tuo low, and if lliey cuniiol on the day appointed revise und equal ize I lie vulualioii ol all properly, tney may adjourn from duy to day until the whole ot such valuation shull have been revised, lowered or raised uud equalised. (Act July 27, 1842, section 13.) Skc. 26. When llio whole ol the vuluutioli ot the assess'irs shull have been raised or lowered, revised und equalised ill conformity with the fore going section, the same proceeding shull bo bud in reference to notice, up- penis and corrections, as In cases ol appeals lrm the assessment made by llie severul assessor as hcreino. hue provided. (Act July 27, 1812, section 14.) Sic. 27. It shull ho lawful for any person aggrieved by such ruto or assessment to apply, by petition, to tho next court ol quarter sessions of the county, w ho shull have power to tuke sucb order thereupon as lo them shall be thought expedient, und the same ahull conclude and hind all par ties. (Act 15 April, 1834. section 311.) Sr.o. 28. II any person aggrieved by silcb rate or assessment, shall apply to a judge ol such court and give bond with surely, to the satisfaction of such judge, it shall be law ful fur such judge to make an nnier in writing wincn shall slay all proceedings for the col lection of tbo sum wilb which the person stands charged, until such ap peal be determined. (Act April 15, 1834, rwtu m 17.1 . Hue. 29. The bond In bo given by tbe nptcilsnl in such case, shall be taken ill the name ul the county in an amount double the sum with which such person stands charged, with the condition lor Ihe payment of such sum as by Ibe deturmiiialioii ol the next court ot quarter sessions of the county, shall appear to be payable by bim. (Act 15 April, 1834, section 38.) Bio. 80. The refusal or neglect ol any or all tha members ol tho enmity board af revision to baaworaorattJrm- td or to diacbarg tha dutiaa of aoch REPUBLICAN. board shull not he construed so as to invalidate ur hinder the collection of taxes imposed bv this or any other act. (Act April 29. 1844, section 47.) n IIOHOLOIl AND TOWNSHIP RATES ANP .... LEVIES. Seo. 31. H shull bo la j ful for the supervisors of any township to levy an assessment nf not exceeding ten mil's upon the dollar upon reul uud personal estutu fur llie purpose ot making, open ing, amending or repairing roads und bighwuys, and lor the muking uud re pairing uf bridges, Jhr the payment of any just debt due a former supervisor or overseer of the poor, und lor such other purposes us mav lie ntithorixed by luw. (Ao-l April 15. 1834, section ; uct I'cbrmiry 28, 18.15, section 1.) Six. 32. It slmll be lawful tor the overseers uf the poor of any township, huving fiivt ohltiined the approbation ot any two justices ol the peace of the county, to lay a ruto or assessment not exceeding five mills on the dollar,upon ull reul uud personal estates within such township for the support ami re lief of the poor, c'jai'Kcublo by luw upon tho township: Provided, Tbut this section shull not apply or be en forced in the r'everul counties ot this Commonwealth who now have erect ed, or may hercufler elect, any poor bouse uud maintain the snme at the proper expense of such county or coun ties. (Ai t April 15, 1834, section 20.) Sec. 33. Taxes tor borough pur poses shull be levied by the proper au thorities of suid boroughs us now pro vided by law. Sec. 34. In every enso in which a rale or assessment nhull be levied lor township purposes the sume shull be levied upon tliu busis of the lust ud- jttsled vuluutioli, made as ut'oresuid, for the purpose ut rcgMhiling couiity rates und levies. (Act April 15, 1834, sec tion 27.) Sec. 35. The supervisors uud over seer respectively laying sin b ruto of assessment shull tuke to their ussis luiice llie township assessor lor the time being, whose duty il shull bo to furnish u correct copy of Ihu lute ad justed vulnutiou iu the township as sliiresuid, und lo give hi uid in mak ing such ussessrnenl. (Act April 15. 1834, section 28.) Sec. 3li. The supervisors and over seers of the poor of every township shall cause tliu rules or assessments hy them respectively luid to be entered in hooks, to bo prepared for tho purpose, which shull he signed by tliein re spectively uud deposited with the town clerk, il there be one, but il not, it shull remain with the supervisors or overseers respectively, ami such town clerk, supervisors, or overseers, as Ibe cuse muy be, shull permit any inhabi tant ol the township, ur other person charged with township rates and levies, lo inspect the sume ul all seasonable limes without any fee or reward, and shull give copies of the sumo on de mand, being paid ul tho rule of ten cents lor every Iweiily-tbnr items. (Act April 15, 1834, secliou 29.) Skc. .17. -II any supervisor, overseer or town clerk, huving charge ut sucb books, shull refuse to permit any in- habitant or ethers charged with town ship rule und levies to inspect the same, ur shull reluse lo give copies us ulbresuid, hu shull forfeit threo dollars to the party aggrieved, to bo recover ed a of like amount aru recoverable. (Ael April 15, 1834, section 30.) SEC dsj. llio boanl ul revision ol Philadelphia, the city controller, when such an olliee exists, and in other cities the ullicers having tho bisiks showing llio assessment and collection of taxes in ull tbe cities of Ibe Stule, whether ol the first, second, third, fourth, or tilth class shull, on or before the first duy of July of each year, trunsmil by mini, a report lo the nocretury ol In ternal A It'u i f-H, showing the valuo of real and jicrsouul estuto assessed for tuxes in said city, the amount nf taxes collected the preceding year, und the purposes for which the money was ap plied, no abstract of which return shall lie contained in the Secretary's annual iiori unit iu enso ot non-conipliaiice lor thirty duys the return may lie en forced hy mandamus in the court of Ihiuphiii coiinly, Sec. 39. 'I ho clerk of the court of qiiurtcr sessions in euch comity ol Ihu Mule hi which olliee the borough and tow nship auditors aru required to tile their auuiiul reports by the net ol April twenty -fourth, 1874, shall be re quired to transmit un abstract of all such reports to Ihe Secretary of Inter im! A Hull's, al Ilurrishurg, by mall on or before the first duy ul SciKcmhor in each yeur, showing the amount assess ed in each lux di-lriet during the pre ceding year us borough, sclnsd, road, poor or uny tux contained in suid all ium s report, un ubsiruci ol winch re turn shull hu embodied ill the Secreta ry's annual ivpoit ; and in cuse of non compliance hy uny clerk of quurter sessions for thirly days, the sume may he enlorccd hy inuiiduinus in the court f lliiiiphiu county. Stc. 40 A I tho first township or borough election uller the passage of this net, uud every second yenr thcre ulter, the quiiliticd electors ol every township or borough in llie several counties ot thcCoiu'iionwculLhof lYnii s Ivuliiii.slinll elecliinc trcasurer,whose term of olliee shall he for two year, unless sooner removed for misdemeanor in office, and said treasurer shall also he the receiver and collectors of taxes for poor, township uud other ptirpo"" in their respective townships and bor oughs: Provided, That no person shull be eligible lo bold llio suid ofllcu ul Ireusitrer who chiiiioI read and wrilu. Sec. 41. The treasurer so elected shull, beliire entering upon tbo duties of their ollli e, file in the office of the clerk of tbe court of quarter sessions of the peacouf tho proper county, bonds in the name ol llie I. onimoiiweiillll, in such umounts as tba said court shall direct, with one or more eiiihVicnt sure ties, to be approved by Ihe suid court. conditioned for the laihl'ul perform ance ol the duties ot their several oil! ccs accenting to law, and it shull be ihe duty of tba clerk ot the courts of quurter sessions to tile the said bonds aiming the records ol bis oflico. Sec. 42. Ilerealter It shall ho tho duly of tliu county commissioners of then severul counties, in cacn year, im mediately upon the assessment nf taxi's liir Slate and county purposes to make a fitir duplicate ul the assessment of taxes, wilb certificate lhat Ihe taxes charged Ihei'oin have been duly assess ed according to law, anil snail deliver the same to the township and borough treasurers, who shall be liable lor Ihe whole amount of lax contained in such duplicate, lrom which liability ho and his sureties shall only bo discharged hy accounting tor the amount thereof, deducting such exoneration as may be allowed hy law, the certifleut. of which exonerations shall he returned to the commissionera to be credited on bis duplicate. Bte'. 43. Tba aairt treasurer nnnn tha receipt ot .neb duplicate, ahull on or about tba tust day .f August of IN L .V aftUT5T?V each year, give at least thirty days no tice in two newspaper, one published ut the eounty seat of the proper coun ty, and published at tho nearest place appointed for receiving taxes, or try putting up at least six written or printed riNi'iiiViv,". many of llio most public places in euch of the townships or uistricts, selling lorth llie time ami place when and w lie re, for the current year, sum treasurer can lie loiind tor tho payment ol any ol tho aforesaid taxes in said duplicate. sec. 44. It ahull bo tho doty of said treasurer to make a rebatemeiit uf nvo per centum ol tbo amount of all taxes paid to bim prior to the first duv of October of each year, and on all taxes paid aller the first day of Octo ber and bef'nro the first duy of Novem ber next liillnwinir three per centum shull be allowed for prompt payment; in case any of tho taxes charged in their duplicate shall remain unpaid al ter the first day of November, in any year, it shall be the duty ot said treas urer to demand and receive from the persons named in tbo schedule, the same therein charged against them re spectively, tinother with five percent, shall he in full compensation for sucb treasurer in tbo collection thereof, the snul treasurers shull be responsible for tho faithful performance of their du ties and for tho amnions collected hy them, and shall have all tbe powers conferred on tbo collectors ol taxes by tho twenty-first section ot the act nf April 15th, 1831. Sec. 45. The said treasurers shall muko return to and settle accounts with tbe ennnty treasurers, respective ly, on or heforo tbo fittccnlh duy of December in each year, and in regard to all taxes so in nrreaia upon real es tate shull enter tho sumo in the un seated land book or in tho prothono lary'a office ot said cniinti, as may ho directed by law, lor tho'. taxes against unseated or other lunds in said county, to remain a lien upon Ihe same until paid by the owner or discharged by judicial process, and an addition uf twenty per centum shall be muou .u me " nil iinproveu mm reiiirncu as unseated, u noi paiu won ill one year alter such return. Sec. 4G. In addition to the duties already provided by law, to secure a stricter accounluhilily nf public officers, it shull bo the duly ol the treasurer ol each borough and township annuully, at or betoro the dato provided hy law for the auditing ot their several ac counts, to render under oath a detailed statement to tho auditors of tho re spective boroughs and tow nships, show ing the amount ot borough, road and poor taxes received during tho pre ceding year, and this statement shull set forth tho amount of taxes received ouch month, and from whom, and it ohull be the duty uf tbe treasurer and auditors to keep these detailed state ments open to public inspection, and in case uf failure hy either tho treas urer or tbo auditors to comply with the foregoing provisions of this act, tbe officers so failing shull bo liable to prosecution lor misdemeanor in office, und on conviction, shall ho fined an amount, not exceeding five hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding one yeur or both at the discretion ol tho court. Sec. 47. Tho compensation of tho said treasurer for performing the du ties of receiving, collecting and dis bursing aaid taxes shall he fixed hy the auditors of said townships and the boroughs respectively, and shall not exceed two per centum ol the amount received and collected by bim. Sec. 48. In case of a vacancy in the suid oflico of township or boniuih treasurer, it shall be tho duty of the court ol quarter scsinns ot the rcspec tivo counties to fill said vacancy by appointment, to bold until the next rcgulur election. Sec. 49. The supervisors and over seers uf every township shall cause fuir duplicates to bo made of the rales of assessments by thorn laid, which shall ho signed by them respectively, and shall issue their warrant with such du plicate to tbo treasurer ot such town ship therein authorizing and requiring In in to demand and roceivo lrom every person in such dnplirato named the sum wherewith such person stands hurged. (Act April 15, 1S34, section 33.) Sec. 50. Before issitincthediiplicate and warrant for tho collections of Mad taxes, it shull be the duty of supervis or of every township lo givo notice lo all persons ruled tor such taxes by advertisements or otherwise ; to at tend al such times and places as such supervisor may direct, s as to give such persons full opportunity to work nit their respective tnxes except in townships where, under existing law, public mails are let at public auction. (Ad April 15, 1831, section 34.1 Sec. 61. II any person shall neirlect or refuse to make Payment of Ihe sum charged against him for such town- slop rates and lovies, it shall he lawlul for the treasurer thereof, having first obluined a warrant under (he hand and seal ul any justico of the peace cl tho county, to levy tho sumo by dis tress und sale of tho goods and chat tels of sucb delinquent, giving at least ten duya public notice nf sucb sale by written or printed advertisements, and in case goods and chattels sufficient to satisfy tho sumo, with tho costs, can not he found, such treasurer shall bo nuthnriaed to tako tho body of such delinquent and convey bim to the jail ot tho proper county, there to remain until tho amount so charged, together with tho costs, shall be paid or secured lo bo paid, or until hu shall bo other wise discharged by duo course of law. (Act April 15, 1834, section 35.) Seo. 02. Italian he lawiui lor any iicrson aggrieved hy the assessment ol such township or borough rates, to ap ply bv petition to tbo next court of quarter sessions and obtain a stay of proceedings as horcinholnro provided as to appeals from determination of tho hoard of revision of county rates and levies. (Act April 15, 1834, sec tion 3G.) Sec. 63. 1 he bond lo bo given hy tba appellant in such case shall be taken in tbe name of Ibe township in an amount double the sum with wbicb such person stands charged, with the conditi in for the payment nf such sum as by the determination ot the next court of quarter sessions of the ennnty shall appear to Ins payable hy him. (Act April 15. 1834, section 88 ) Seo. fit. Allhornughsandtuwnshim now connected in Ihe assessments nf county rates anil levies shall hereinaf ter bo separate and Independent nt each other in tho assesrment ol aaid rales and levjna, and fur such purposes, and the respective townships and bor oughs ao aeparated, shall elect their own assessom and other officer, whoso duty il shall be to exorcise the same power and authority as are now exer cised by township assessors generally, nt tho disotmrgo of their duties in re lating to to tisco.rn.iit et oounty rata ai4 Writ. TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance. Seo. 55. All laws incnnsislent with this act shall he and the same are hereby rciealod f rom and af ter the date nnnied ill this act for llio same going into op erulion: Provided, however, That Un collecting of any taxes assessed and in process of collection hy suid former luws snail continue in torco until ull such fuses are finully disposed of and deter mined: And provided lurthcr, 1 nut the provisions uf this act shull not ap ply in cities of Ihe first cluss, and the laws at preseat in force providing for llie assessment and collection ul luxes in suid cities shull remain as now pro vided by law : And provided further, Tbut llio terms nf this act shull not apply to cities ot the second class. TAKE CA HE OF THE GIRLS. A stranger in Philadelphia, or oven a seduto cilir.en w ho walks upon the south sidu of Chcslutit street on a hoi iduy night, must be astonished and pur.r.led al tho number ol pretty young girls he meets, who saunter along Ihe sidewulk with ull tho aim and assur ances of women ut the town, and yet wilb evident simplicity and child ishness lliut lorhid any imputation on their character. In no other large city in the world can anything like this be seen. In New York, or almost anywhere else, a woman who goes out ut night unattended proclaims her po sition ut oncoj but here, although sireet-wullting is carried on wihh a flagrnncy that would not be tolerated elsewhere, we could not tuke the thou sand of young women lhat wo meet for slroct-wulker without assuming that bull' the female population ot the city bad hwt its virtue. We must hope and believe lhat this alarming custom ill llie majority of cases works no seri ous resull ; and yet it requires a grout deul of fuitb iu liiimun nature to be lieve even Ibis, and no great degree of foresight to predict tho mischief that ! in very many cases must come ol it (lis probably true that a lady may go through the streets of Philadelphia al night with less liability lo instill than she would encounter in other cities. i(, tWu j, ,t .j bo oil, mere . . L ;.. - - :t: i:er. u... .1. is. iiuiinuoe iiiiierviu e uevween llie timid, hurried walk of a lady unwill ingly hehiled, uud the careless saunter ol thesu girls, too simplu to harbor a wrong thought und loo young to un derstand tho frightful risks they run. They nro 'lie sume silly creatures thnt may ho seen in tho ullernoons, each with two or threo well-thumbed novels under her urm, on the way to tbe cir culating library, whero they get tip little flirtations with youths us silly as themselves ; they go to the ntternoon pcrliirmuhcc ut the theatres, perhaps, and the young men join them idler- ward, und walk home wild them; or their flirtations may be carried on as I hoy go to and return lrom school. Sometimes it is no more than an inter change of glances, a cough, a wave ot the handkerchief ; but these 1 i It lu do pa it 11 res from maidenly modesty lead lo greulcr and moro dungerous ven ture, of which tho walking out at night, in twos and threes, is the lust and most dangerous ol all. It i no wonder thnt so many well-meaning girls full into thuuhysson whose brink they carelessly wunder. Wbnt kind ot parents ran they bo who let their daughters thus exoso themselves lo the greulost of nil (lun ger? They cannot be ignorant of tho evil custom ot the time, nor would ig norance justily them, since a parent is bound to guide bis children, und Iml leave them to wander through the thorny places of the world. Pel baps llio mother thinks tbut girls will he girls; that she bud her flirtations in her day and no harm came ot it, and her girls will have lime enough to so ber down when they are married and oil' her bunds. So lliey will, poor things; hut what chance of a bnppy 111 a tried lile bus a girl brought up, or ulluwed to grow up in Ibis way, not only with no domestic training, but with no sense ol womanly dignity and responsibility ? Onco in a while there conies a dreadful reckoning to one of these silly mothers, the discovery ol t--nlcraiico lor other folk, and of a an awful shame that casts n perpetual glass toddy for himself. He does not shadow un tho household. Tho daiigh- exhorl or pray nt each ol the lew ter perhaps is turned adrift upon the nieetitigs be attends, to niako np ar world. to suffer alone the iuuvilahlu rearages for tho more meetings Which Pctiultv of the limit thai was more her parents' than her own. Wo have not exaggerated I he magnitude of this evil ; wo are sure that wo do not exagger ate its duuger.' .Mothers, as you value your own souls and theirs, tuke cure ul your daughters. J'hila. Jimei. WHO ARE tllE BLESSED. lll..s..,l is ihe ncn w tm niirwle Lia own business. Blessed is tbo Woman who never said In tier Inndiunit "I fiild vim mi" Blessed is tho woman who won't i nun ry a widower providing ho is your lather. ISIessed is tho niolhcrin-law who never reminds you tbut you married ubovo your slulion. lllcsscd is the rich relation who nev er looks on you w hen you uru in the gutter. 11 leased is the poor relation who never looks up lo you tor money. Itlcssccl is the old muid who doll I bulu old people and children. lllcsscd Is the old bachelor who doesn't hale cuts and pin cushions. lllessed uro the nun l ied people that do nut wish they were single. messed uru the single people thnt uro content lo remain so. Blessed is Ibe husband who never says his mother's pica are belter than uis wilu a are. Blessed is tho wifu (formerly a widow) w ho never calls up the virtues uf the "departed" for No. 2 loemululu. blessed is the mun who gives his wilu ten cents without asking what she is going lo do with it. messed is llie woman who don I scold when the stove-pipe fulls on the dining table and blessed is llie man who call nx It up without swearing. Blessed is the friend who never re quires the loan uf your umbrella. lllosod Is the neighbor w ho It so busy about his own alluir tbut be bus no lime lo pry into yours. Where are the blessed. Echo answers, "Where ?" Good works constitute a refreshing stream in this world, wherever lliey aru found flowing. And behind them all, il they aru genuino, and above them, aslheirtouniaiu, lovo will, sooner or luler, cerlaiuly be found, ll ia never gisid works alone, but "love and good works" aa a complex whole, winch make the fountain and iu flowing stream. MoTiua DariATED. A little lour-year-old playing with her doll "Now, you lay there, my dear, and you lay there." Mother "Why, Kdie, you know thr.t isn't right ; yon should say lie." "Oh, no, mamma, I'm playing they are ehiebni." Krchanjt. Thai waa e-jrlalnly a very smart .'oar-year-old. Uarmotborauould kuop tu. ) Ml til lri. LOVE AND MONEY. In the Suprume Court, Brooklyn, on Monday, motion wis made for a now trial of tbo cao ol Hugh McCullough A Co., Lunkunt, a'uinnt (iuorge Horf muii, of No. 659 Fillb avunuu, Nw Yurk, on the grounds ol nuwly diauov ortU uviduticu. 31 r. Hotrinan'i ion, Ciuoro llullinnn, Jr., Ibrmcd the ao quuinluiiuu of JJuJinioioullu Bonlautl, u beaulilul ballet airl, who wa on. of tbe .tan in tbo Black Crook, and fol lowed bur to L'uroije. In London, ac cording to tbo wom.n'a atory, tboy gLt i niurrieti, alter wnicn llio young liua Ibunil In rod a iietu r 'jiio collate near ino aiiori'a ol the l.uka ol Como, in down. Whof 'ua a.-k of money was expenuen, no went lu London and suc ceeded in obtaining $l,(liil) from Mr. l'u Ico ton, of the firm of Cisike, Mo Culluugb & Co., bankers. Wilb this sum be returned to Nuw York alone, and was joyfully received by bia parents. His health was very poor, and con tinued to get worse. Last February ho died al tlj Jt irkiyLW summer residence of hi. father on tho Hudson. The duy uf the lunerul Mudemoisello llofuntiuppcuredut the house ol mourn ing, und dunned a widow's right to mourn for Ihu departed. Some time ultervtlie funeral Cooke, McCullocb A Co., presented lo the father of the de ceased a bill for the 14,000 advanced lo his sou. Mr. Hoffman refused pay ment on the ground that be did nut authorize the bunkers lo pay over tbo money. Mr. Uolliuuii wrotu lo tha London hunker., cautioning them not to udvunce uny money to his son, and utter being so cautioned they did ad vance it. A suit tor tliu whole amount tollowed, and a jury rendered a verdict lor the plaintiff Counsel tor Mr. Uotl'iiiun moved for a new trial on the ground of new ly discovered evidence. Il is said that the evidence referred to wus found by Mademoiselle Bonlunli among the efleclsot the deceased. Tbe court reversed its decision. Hero is a story which tells better than a dictionary can tho meaning of the word "disinterestedness." Tho lute Arch-Deacon llure wasoncc.when tutor ol Trinity Collego, Cambridge, giving a lecture, wbeu a cry of "Fire" wus raised. Away rushed bis pupils, und lurmiiig themselves into a line be tween the budding, which wus closest bund, and the river, passed buckets from one lo another. The lutor quickly mowing, luunu them thus enguged ; ut tbe end ot the hue olio you lb was standing up to his waist in llie river; ! lie was delicate and be looked con sumptive. "What!" cried Mr. llure, 'you in the water, Sterling? you ao liable to tuke cold !" "Somebody must be iu it," the youth answered ; "why not 1, as well as another?" Tbespirit of tiiis answer is that of all great and ,.., ,i ' rj "& Lowanlico and cold- . .. 11. ... 1 ,j .,n i it, und tbe speaker sits still ; boisnot tbo one to do wbut needs doing. But nubility of character, looking al nec essary things, says, "Somebody must do il; why not 1? Ami the deed ia done." Wo altacb undue value to more emotion in religion. Weimugine that tears are a prout of the whole nature being stirred to Its profbundesl depths. It may bo so, but not necessarily. Tbo ruin thai fulls wilb a loud noise speed ily runs off and disappears; but tho snow, that fulls silently, remains and accumulutcs. And so ihu emotion that is demonstrative quickly vanishes, while tho quiet inward sorrow of soul remains, bringing lorth the fruit that that is unto holiness, and whose end is everlusling lite. 'I'he suuuihilitiiva m.y bu moved whilv the heart is unchanged, and tho inner nature cold as tbe ice bencalb the prismatic hues ol tbo northern lights. Every observer of human nuturu have noticed tbut weak, shallow nutures, that are ready to shed tears on the most trifling occasion, uro nevertheless often Ibe most stub born of will and tha most calloua ol heart. And henco the beaulilul veris (multitude ol the parable that repre sents tbo seed sowiionstonyground as springing rapidly up and withering aa rupidly away. A Good Pattern. A well built Christian is harmonious in all his parts. u one iran, siiumes auoiiier. liu is not a jumble of inconsistencies to-day devout, to-morrow frivolous; today liberal to one cause, and to morrrow niggurdly toward another ; to-day fluent in polite falsehoods. He does not keep the fourth commandment on the Sunday, and break the eighth com mandment on tho .Monday, lie docs rot shirk an honest debt to ninke a huge donation. He is not in favor of bo neglects. He does not so tonsil mo hisspirituul fuel during revival seasons, lhat bo is cold aa Nova Zcinljla during ull tbo rest of tbo time ; nor do his spiritual Icrvors ever outrun his well ordered conversation. There is no lile so irksome as tbo i life of a prolessor of religion who is a a disciple on lv in appearance. To tho man who is hypocritical by design, there is a certain zest In his imposition on mankind. There is need of adroit- ,w "'"l "'"'cwil cunning in ins gamo; and al times, of not a little boldness. This stimulates bim, and keeps him spry and on tho alert. His delight is Ihe delight of a devil, it istruo; out it is delight nevertheless, and olten keen and pungent. -Not so with the self deceived professor, a disciple only in outward habit. His lile is a dull routine of duties, all the moro irksomo because, fuithliilly pcrlormetl. Each duy is a treadmill, with its cheerless necessity of tircsomo motion. Slop ho cmiiiol; enjoy ho cannot. He bus no luilh in what bo pretends to believe, uud wonders bow people can tulk to enthusiastically of the experience at some do. Spurgoon says: "For my own part, I would like to see a downright lun atic, ll in so long since ono baa put bis eyes upon sucb a curiosity, that I should like to seo one just unel I have seen snow enough, pray let ma see a fire-fluke. 1 have seen thousands of wet blankets, Oh lor tho touch of a live coal I Enthusiasm in excess might l)o a blessing iu disguise. Let tliu lambs feed pleasantly, in their own wild, nat ural way." What a pity it is that thia eminent divine did not live in Massa chusetts, In tho days of Cotton Mather,' when Roger Williams and hi lluptist follower were banishod lrom tbe State and driven among the Indiana in Bhodu Island, bocauso of their her esies. "W , do yon know why you ara like a donkey?" "Like a donkey I" echoed W , opening bis eyes wide. "No, I don't." "Do you give it up ?" "I do." Because your better ball' ia stubbornness herself." "That's not bad. Hal ha I III giva that to my wile when I got homo." "Mra. W ," be asked a bo sal down lo supper, "do you know why I am lik a don key ? Ha waited a moment, expect ing his wife to givo it, op. Bui she didn't. Kb loooked at him aomewkat oommiseratingly, aa the answered : "1 siiptiose because you were born to." Mrs. Spllkina reading that General Crook had just captured a hundred lodges, devoutly expressed the wish that her husband',' lodgi night bo anwng tb number.