Ittisrrltiinfoug. eju SWIvnaTreiil obtained for meobeoleal PATENTSx:;:-:'.--.; arena trade mark., b.l.. ' "" Bin';. lafcrferenoes, .to.. promptly attended la. lavealion. that bay. been DPTrPTFH k' ,k ,"l,,(0B'"b,",, AC J Lie1 1 LU .'u'Jid'hy u."." u'"i .TPT He the Paleal Office, we 01 make rears i.e.. end secure Poteen taore promptly and "Kb broader el.lme Ibaa Ihuee who rt romete Iron INVINTORS Ht make examinations (rwe eterws, end advisees l patent anility. Prleea .., All NO I'MK;IS l'M.K C. A. "NOW A CO.. Opposite Petenl Oflioe, Washington, D. C. Nor. II,, R. H COBXLB. B. HSH-BBCS. oTLICU, HcCORtLE & I'O.'S (BoeceiMn to John ., POP CI AH FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Htrect, Clearfield. Pa. Va a. an u fat u re itl bind of Faro lora Cham bar, UitJin noomi, i.i"ranea ana inun, If job want Furniture nf jny kind, don't bay until job tM onr it nek. imh:ktvki(j Ib all Ita aranehea. Wa kifp ! atnk all lateit and most improveil Cnfnna and CuakeU. and hava every facility for properly con darting thii branch ofimr buinea. W have a patent Oorpaa Pre irTr. in which bo J tea can , ba preMrved far a nan aiderehla length of tint. A member of tha flna haa bla alee nine apart tot at our wan mom, where ba can be four. J any pertnn who eome at night fur the purpoeo procuring oumni. GVLIcn, M.CORK LE A CO. Clearfield, Pa., May 10, 'Tfl ly. AND GltOCEllY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Room No. 4, Plc'i Open House, Clesrfleld, Pi. Keep enr.itsntty' ob hand SCOAR, COFFKR, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL. SYRUP, SALT, 8PICEB, SOAP, Ginned tnd Dried Fruit, Toleoeo, Cigars, Cen- AIm, CUor Vinegar, Bolter, Egg., A. AI60, EXTRA OME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, dto., All of whloh will bo told cheep for oath or 1b .xobsngo for eountry produce. A. U. KRAMER A CO. Clearfield, Not. II IS74.-tf GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. A Stirlino Rbmidy rot Disease! aid Injuries or the Skins A Healthful Beautifier or the Comflexioh ; A Reuaile Means or Preventino and Relieving Rheumatism and Govt, and an Unequalid Disinfectant, Diodo. riiee and counter lrritant. Clmn'e Si7JW Soap, brsidei eradi cating local diseases of the skin, banishes de fecit of the complexion, and imparts to tt gratifying clearness and smoothness. Siilihur Italhs are celebrated for curing eruptions and other diseases of the skin, as well as Rheumatism and Gout. Ulenn't Sulphur Snap produces the same effects at a most trifling expense. This admirable specific also speedily heslt jottj, tmiiei, xaUt, Aarru, tpraim and run. It removes dandruff and prevents tht hair from falling out and turning gray. Oothing and linen used in the sick room Is disinfected, and diseases communicatac by contact with the pcson, prevented by iu The Medical Fraternity sanstion its use. Prices-25 and SO Cents Per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. M. R. Buy h Uri. eata ud tbereby cosoTniie. aokl by all UniKCuu. "hilm hair and whiskeb dte, BSaek ar Bravn, M Ceaua. C 1. rciTTHTO!!, Frop'r,? Slitli h.,H. SAGKETT & SGHRTVER MAi.afti i HARDWARE, and taannfaotarara of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, Mecond Htrect. Clearfield, Pa, llavlnE refitted oar Itorerenta and dnabl.4 oar sl'iek, w. ar. prartd to offer to pur ebassri la oar liaa. W bare decided to do a Strictly Cash Business, aad fan therafort at graatty radaeed prleea. Oarnantaraand paraanawbo eon tanp lata build lag will do wall to ax amino oar TooUaa4BuillingIl4r4varo. whlek li saw and of the batt taanufactnra. Wf krrp a large atoek of NAILS, LOCKS, HI. ASS, I.ATCHKS. PUTTY, IIINfiKS, 1I.UE, SCITEWS, All blad. ot Baneb Plaoss, s, Chl.,1.. 'qusras. H.inmt. Haich.u, Plamki and, Mortlud A Thanh aau. Il.l., Brm A Bliu. Wod and Iroa Beneh Ber.w.,aad Ik. hart Boring Manblna i. tba sasrket. Double and Single Bitt Am, K OKtr Cl'TLERT, As. Agentt for Burnell't Iron Corn Shdler. warraatsd. Also, Rfmla be Rlebards' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, whloh afaataarlf tara Saoby Plata. Farm Imptoinonts, Qnnten Tools, af arary draeriptloa. A lar ga rariety af COOK STOVES, wWah wo WMraat la give iaHafatloa. dpTtaiaSI? Ramgm mnd Fmmmt$, aftaaflag, Spaaitag aad Jab Work dowa aavatwa taraaa, tin ardor will rwaaiM prrpi aMti fJ a iVltmbtaf aad gaa Itlli g atioaaa4 t V wiajftBPMd woikiajan). lia g, at. STrgnl JJKlwtlsrratnts. AUDITORS' REPORT or TUB REl'EliTS AM) E!'EI)iTl'RtS -or- Cloarlit'lil County, KOU 1873. D. MiOAtH) HEY, K-q. Traarr or CIvarileM tb Ctitutanowdnltb of I'ennaylvinU, In arct'Unt with ibe funia of aM ooaoty, (run. tb flrat dav of Jnurr. A. 1. i16t to iha viyuf A. II. 1177. Tin M ain't of uaoatl poor tax fur '74.... T.4U) atlil'nktl ULjaaied poor lax fur '74.... U3 all ain't uf unaraivd ptwr lax fur '74..,, 4, Hug fl M an t of unaavted tax tr 7ft ..... I4.ni6 U aut't of norland poor ui fur ';. 4,av 3d To amount of 8ratrd Cauaty and buta tax for lx.ft, vii CJTSTr. TATN. Durcaide lor...wJ 108 30 $ ClearMd H. 1.1HJ4 35 KM l Curavnavill 724 4l -'8 VD lluutadale iftH 74 i bO j j n Newliurjr Ill 7o 3 7 N. Ua-ltictua..,. lol 79 IV 16 Ox-euU. 497 61 44 6j Wiillanittuu KiA toH 7 7i Itt-ccaria twp ttrty .i s0 71 lill Q9 60 V lb iHM,m Xi7 1 7 I 80 ltfttf 667 7 I A aO llraiur. 4tf W lrud l.UhW hi St 70 Hurn.ide 1,0 l ll U 74 f'nt 7;0 M 4 20 Covington - 40 75 II I-flur 1,0 j9 6 10 fro FBrjfuit.D,..;. 4tt 7H ft Uimrd 3u: 47 4 M Uorbna H 2ts2 :'.6 V X(l (trabaui 3o 03 4 70 UrMDwowJ 5B2 6 3 06 (iulich. avit 78 4 16 Huiton 423 7i 8 On Jurditn in (,4 3 7a Kartbaua 80 4 1 1 4 Knox . 41 l 34 Uwrouca H. 1,473 16 35 7 Morria IMS 60 2a 40 Wno 47b 3 10 05 I'ike -.. 1'4 M7 II bt I :moo 3X9 ha 12 70 fur tbe by oi Hvodward 87 80 To aut.unt dua from culltra ain't of in if real du from ootlvalura. "enalifruoi llrailtuid " oab from Urahftm caib trotn (uliob cili J rum Utjbrfr C. Kirk ' amount of banx tax. Firat Nattunal Unk of UleartUld ..3;;0 OA To amount ol bank lax. County Natitmal H-nk of tlarHM.. 315 00 To amount relundvd from H'IUco " eoaia rutundeti in Brit-ll oim M evila mlunded in Cuudru-k oaf...M ' caib for ouanty uup . " otifb for old brick. " ain't reo'd on 304 acrva in Dauatur towuabip Toim't no'd on sSpauour lot in Uuiich tuwnahip , , To am't rno'U on H Mri ti tirabato Ip. au'l rau'd on 10 aurei, lan)duB lot, In Iturnattda tuWDrlip To aut't rao'ii on 70 aorua in tturuaido tOWUwblp , To am't rated 00 bin ita lot iu 11 urn aid t boruuiib SJ.2JS 6J li,l 17 17 J m g; 121 tii is a 2: 10 ll 4 (It SO it 40 oi 30 II t DO i 00 11: ti I 71 I SI I 74 To am t roo'd on 5, Winter., ia lavatur townahiii To ui't reo'd oil Kuril nil Hiuitn to Hra.'l townabiD To am'! reo'd un 0072, 347. 57 in llua- ton toambip f Hui't ree'd ou 00 Ml h. iu buru.nit 107 l luMunhm 11 To am't rca'd on 4 bouki. buru.i-Jr tu.. A n.s " amount June Kniitry Jim oil 11 amount N'ttuilr Hfl,l.Uy 4l4 00 " amount ol Jury lata ltiQ no " caib lor coal from frutnonotary...H HO 0i " tinoa and lor leiturca ... 2 ij uu Total Debtor iff. (H10 i"a CH. lly Attorovy'a laoa 14.. 00 379 on 3 tO Oil 1,417 75 liiairtct Attorney lfi AuHMory and Oterk'l loea- Arieaaora' wagca By Uriilfrn. fit : (.urwvniville brtdgv ...$Wlt 45 Antterton i-rk bridjt . 70 litl Chtnl cretjk bnde 0 511 44 kn llojro bndgo 1 2U tin Hririge tiVwb M,. M 327 95 39 84 By Cumialniuoera' wngai, vli : 1 iara itruwD f.i3 jn Ibs.aiaa A. MuUbee 2vt t0 llama Uoovar am 00 Cuiuiniiaivucra Counsml, '7j ittn 0t) C'uuimiaaionvrs' oounai'l, '78.. 7.t Oil Commiaiuuta'eUik, 'lo.bal. 2U0 w Cuuiniifa.uDara' clrk, '70.,.H 9o0 00 Court Crier Cunnlatilta' raturaa ., Centennial celebration CuBilaibloi' coat , 225 0U l,li0 Ou 120 0U 4ti3 75 12a tin 61 74 Uy Court llouM, Til Hroomaand aoap.. Ciestnina; cellar.., rui Furuaoa repair..., Fun -a repaira , U1 hfpaira , l'avi'iuni 4 11 2U 00 .... .101 81 .. . 10 60 .... lxl ;i2 .... id on ... ii 70 VII ii I'rutntmotarj'' otfio rtji.ara, Sutt 72 Heg. a Kev.'auOica reaira. 2n DO btianl a tittioo npiiin Hump Water olutet raDt... WiDu'g aad repKir'ff eloox.,, li no 10 7ft IS 00 6u Ud 1,410 80 ry Cumuiooweaitb Cou, rii Com. re. Uaala Cora. va. liurkblijar ,.4IM 6 . 20 84 .. loft 00 I Oft , 10 40 .. i OO 4 00 .. 70 04 . 100 0 . Id 71 .. a it A 64 .. 1j id .. II 110 .. 7 40 . 01 07 .. IO .10 ,. ;io no ., 01 eO . I 7;i .. o; no .. 10 07 .. Vj 110 .. 1ft -i7 .. II III . 10 01 . 10 oft . 1 40 .. II M Com. va. li.ouin..,., Ci.m. va. brink Coin. va. tturreU ., Cow, a. Cwliioa Com. va. lurry Com. it Cniyt Cwm. va. luu(uutu w Com. va, litujiHaa m Cow. va. r'ox Com. t. hiiinr Cvb). ra. Utturgtj Cum, vg. iUi.r , Cum. va. lloama Cow. va. iliggiu Com. va tit.i,y ud iKUu.. Com. va. J teg C'W. va. Juuuauu , , Cow. r, hlio Com. va. kahvy Cow. va. Ki.aj-j Cutn. va. Losjitu Ci'dj. va. liwiuarii ... Com,, va. LaOtiurr'y t orn, vp, McaJuouitj .... Com. va. AifMaaU'ra , Com. va. Millar Com. $ MtU)(houiir Cmu. va. II an i,ra nod U.XouM C'.m. ra. Atutit-.Uinl Com va NLWouuittr Com. va. Puiici Cum. va I'omiua Com, va. Qmua Com. va. Iiuavb m t.'ow va. anortiiil Cow. va. ft, viler Com. ta. bu.rrMKw Com. va PiifCtirta Com. va. luuittr Com. va, U u,iv Com. va. VVtiani'd Vail Cum. va. W iiliMttia Cow. va. V (14 ,n mi Com. ra YiOKliiifr By elaetion ixptsuawa 14 0 10 III OJ 41 Ift ;: nil 70 11 oo as oo 00 40 17 74 110 40 01 80 40 II 1.1 Oft 27 80 1-6 71 10 04 0 00 1.078 07 1,010 02 A IU 100 01. 60 48 84 611 17ft 00 ' expraaa M " ttuea raitttidt-ii , M Juiiicoa' lna u Jury Couuiiatiunure' luva iattilor'a wagre By alurara W.i, vli: oaiT imr. January Tarn .gl 14 3d arch Term i 0 bfpiambcr Toiiu m j-.'O 10 Juoa Tern 0d 80 TtUVKlNl jcur. Jnnuary Tern, lit Mk fMO 04 Januaiy Ierm,2dwwk ftlart h Term My Tern Juna Term, lai wni J una Term, 2d wk September fcrui, (at ak.. 010 16 tm 0 43.1 10 417 Oj 924 00 6..0 00 fsYptember Term. Id week.... aid Aft noveralier lerua, lat week... SiO .16 Noreiolier Tares, Id week.... 410 To Boarding Jurors w .... Inqutat ler, Lunaey earn By r.lolirg. vli: UooiHaudar A Lee ..$A9 00 A.J. how A Noa 101 U0 By Foliage, vli : Poilago sod nol root I 14 AO Col. oa duplioatea A 40 fupt. aiaes.nieota a ua fluad,rhool A poor eert'e'ti'S. 10 VI Hrginry lists I;i ( 6t.lioo.ry u 64 By I'etilientiary bill Prolbouolary'o fees By Prison expense,, vii: 4,201 6ft n ou 00 32 II 00 1,081 Oil (0 01 4X0 80 lilt AO moons, bur-kola, etc 7 6t Blsirkets lor prisoners.... . 27 00 , ill 00 l.H 80 . o "0 . i'7 20 . 0.1 00 , oa oi . 1.10 40 . r ot . 16 AO , It 00 uidrltng for prisoners Clothing for prisoners Cleanitig prison Fuel Oes Hepetre V ashing , I'hiiieian Pump repaira VY alehman By Beeords, vli: Heg. A Hra ' orAea Filing aad re-arrangi,. PretboBotary'a offic. , Comejissioaora' otboe By Reward .1:10 $4 . 680 CO 790 $1 111 60 41 AO III 9t Itl 80 IU4 II 141 tu .126 o 11 70 l'lry wages. H'Suhd " Tipstaves "eslps " Stitionery By Kbcrlf 's Fees, eix 1 Bearding prlieners $1,761 Id Ceniej in, pris re ta pea'uy 3 1 ft HO Berli,(jury oUoe,....,M., lit at .jimonwaslih ee..u dot IS llsoeee Corpus aasea 01 06 turnkey fees 95 (5 Drawleg Jarars .,.,. $ fta kateb starraasj , 14 it ter,.'iop.r.WMyla. 12s 0 I.H7 70 Hrssellaaeoae u. By am't raid llksl Trees, ee poor aa.1 A.SSA II 1 os eawwerailoBS aa Boer Me I . ,eel A3 Trvae. Baeae.Uar. M f arwo.nL Mil fpl dirrtlsrutrnt. txoitaratloo on Und auld lor poor i 10( TI vat un lanl told for poor tax 148 III im't dua Traaa. Wiaa laat aottletn'U 1,437 1 1' " aui't of anaatad eounty tai aa taated for lr74 14,020 30 " am't of uoaaaiad poor tax aatawjed f"r 178 4,m 80 " ain't or dank lax a par Haumanl Traaaurer'a r(!lit 000 30 41 amount or Traaaurar pr oanUga at 8 paroeot 3d fo H abatftnont allowed Ui fyn oa 11.374.34 0H T iraaiurar a par ooota(on tiuOA 4S at 4 par 0011 1 t m " priBsia uouiioo railsfmasi m 410 3? 8,210 fln 81 00 bounty 0uumu rodavmed. .,. " axoueriUiaua nilowod flulkature l,iifi 2 1 Uy arauuut paid l)n villa Id -.llul. vli : On acouunt or II. Courtney, gtrt8 04 On account of J Craaawal'l... 174 04 Oa ao.-ount of vV. iluiilna..,. Il 20 tla aojouutof AIIm Hobby.. 1)8 40 On aooouot nf A. Hnrder 89 09 CM) 8f Ry anouni paid Heforn aobwol H l7 it " amount j aid foarbora' litatitoie...M M0 0u Ry amount due from Cullcatora January 1, la;7 : VV- T'.iy k Taj;. CnU'a Nam at. " Amount. 1871 MorrUtwp....lrllrb'd8warta.... t lH Hall twp Ilhoa. C. Ua ins 00 14 714 142 711 li an 111 20 0.1 4.. lit 21 30 40 107 . 407 64 110 !8 4ft 01 B iO OH 104 '! 61 90 ll8 I" 17 77 It 79 1.11 41 00 48 48 1 21 1 .10 10 74 HI 110 44 04 00 16 14 127 0 8 90 1172 jlberu Sam'l Wi40l. Itlll IIU1IDH a,,,,,,,, 1 IslvA. IkraiO I(t71 hufloa vVta. Kadebacb.J K!2 Karttuur Tho. White 187.1 liftwaria lark Kinkaid... H7:t' Hett Henry Rretb, Jr lH71'llrdy Jauie Mile...... inTSiCheal.e, Sum'l WilllaoM. (73 Ouiwvn-vtlla 111. O Milter l7 HouU'lale-JUtM) W Howlaa. in;;i II. W. Brown.... rt7.MJorda s- W j roar K7 Lawrence j Taylur Kowlra.., IH78 Oaeeola Abratn Kephari..! 187.1 rt-nn uonn r. nta. IMZ'r-ika J. H"Sl Hloora.. IH7Hi Woodward .... II. II. Miles IM74 Brill M1..1 Tbunuin l7i lllonin O. A. Wood 1KT4 Kradfurd ijnnn A. Aalea. ls;4' Uurnaid. twp.jlrvia Kyon 1874 Cbait OS. II Hrelb... IH74;,'urwcnavill. Whipple 1874 F.reu.on Kreu'k Croaa.... IS74 ! l.silicta .arauel rJliler... IH lluatLB 0. Kubaoker IS74'Jordaa .18. P. Mra.., 1871 knox IMilPik, IS74JWallaoelun ... 1074 Woodward..... IsrytJeoc&rla!. IS7i Roll b'aoa Hloou 20 J. K. Hsnoook... jM J. Kredy II.' II. Mil Jack. Kinkaid... W II K.iaa 172 f 66 310 10 4.18 37 Mil J 60 82 Bill 44 487 4" 1MI H 710 10 421 04 tiui r 1 40 17 66 08 I" till 10 74 60 67 121 220 87 II 74 170 42 77 10 93 II 82 70 ill fto &x 16 7 J HI0010 Joa. W hiirnnr. I87S llradlord :Juhn A. Ante,... IN7S'llrady -A. M. Urauokar IS7& Cbaal Jha J. Hnyder.. 1876 t'lsarOeld John MoCI.ILo. S7s CurwnfVille..;S. Whipple... f1b rerfuaoa 'Fred'k Cr.iaa. 187ft Uir.rd Jbo R. Care. IH7t!'ioaban W M. Wilaon... 1876 llraham IH7ft!iloaialsla.H 187ft II ualoa I h7ft Jordan 1n7ft Knox 187ft1 Lmwreneo I87ft Vlurria 7ft ilfe,ola. I87Ji I'eon M Krana 1). M HiiolEal.. . Sylvealar Hunt. .Wm. Hkoaoiog.. ..!Uaoi.l 8IOPPV... J IViu. Laaaiierry.. . A. sr. Jolinaoo. J O. Kh.,a IM. M. Klini... l75l,ike 'J.iaeph L. Liale. 187ft. WallaMlon ...Kd. Kotiinawn... IH7ft Woodward ....illso. II Woodea 1870 Uurniida bor .1. U. Oardner... 1870 Clearlield .... John McClellan.1 18. S I urw.n.Till.. K. U! 1870 lloulidsl... M Miaieal... I8'0 Lumber Citv.iJohn P. hue 1870 Newhurg . ... J.).. It. Worrell . 1870 N.Waab'g'OB.. ll W. ll.lUbcr...! S8t 09 I 117 00 419 41 61 Ol 30 04 80 68 360 II 87 72 610 03 971 70 II 14 363 81 4M 27 04.1 76 4.i0 71 182 00 71 io til 00 142 00 60 04 iid'i'J 161 23 1-0 23 962 61 118 86 II 17 206 98 666 81 803 66 210 10 lr-6 67 1IHI Jl 6S3 11 664 20 80 00 4,277 21 941 ti 1,339 02 F09 VI 16S Cil 16.700 71 1,70 ....lUavid llwroillou: 1870 Wall-soeton.... Andrew Klrer... 1070 Hrenaris Jack. Kiukaid l70 llrll.. W. II Hia.. 1878 Hluum jWrn. Henry.... 1870 lliieea :liaao HeiMrb... 1010 llraiiurd John A. Aol..... I '70 llrady jA. M. Uraucber.. Ih70 lluriibid... J. huuiiu.mll... K. W. Wood...., ls70,CuviuKlont...!Lcwia Lrigay In7a Uecalur I Levi (loaa In.s trKu.uu.w..IL. B. Ilila. 70 tiirard. John K. Csrr. 1870 tloahao lN76iJra!iaio .... 1870 ifnenwool ., 878 liulicb l7fl: iluahia lH70'Jurd.n 1878 K.rlbaua H7li rioox I eT ' Lawrence .... 1870 Mortis Isio H. no I87til'ike 1870 I 0.00 Ie70 Woodward... :Js. K. Ilrabaui.l . W. Uoorer... A. II. Nsweouieri i Mulbollaa.... l.ylveiler Hunt. Wywer I. B. tlaiaea..... II. W. Mloppy.... K. B. POaa... Heier Mover.. In,.. U Uowl 111. K. Ilow.rra... Jacob Hen J. U. liiiiioa...! lly ad eertlflratas redeeoied ' road damagee M " exouvrsilou. on anseateil Uud...... M tax on land sold Co. for Co. lax.... " amount unseated poor tax Ib Trasi. buBd. 11 Treasurer's per eoutag.ou ilema for which b. la allowed A per cent M Treasurer's per oeutage oa amount Ib lieasary I, per eent " bsilaoce dua euuuty Total Creditor ti BTATIMFNT Of UNSEATED ROAD KUNIM, For 1875-70. DAVID MrQAI'OHF.V, Treaiurer of Cleartrl I eountv. In aceouot with the several township., lor road fundi tor aaid years, vis : ARgrcftTato Htatemrul. II R. To AiD.'Uiit uncollected I tl,)6l 3H " t'a.b In Treesun-r's bands..... 600 II Aoinuot a..e.sed A r l76 14,746 66 " " due Trees. In Bloom and logus ti Total.. 66 6ll 86 Clt. lly KX' ncratlona $ A.A67 V9 " Aiiioutpatd llisl. Tre.suror... 44.470 4 " Treasurers peroeauae 1,823 67 " Toiouai uno"lieied 24,710 60 u Casb in Treasurers hul 0.886 81 Total til,6u4 86 llcccaria Tun-n.hlp bit. Toamouiit uniHillaoted $126 68 fu aiu't ol Hoad tax emaeod lor 1876.... 971 36 ,'.l 111 CR. lly Treasurer's per er-o'sgfl 11 80 lly tnli pil l Dm. Trmsi. Ualrlwell 186 OU lly exoneraltoo urercbargn ... I 28 lly Minoont on.o.lcut4 37 36 lly bnl. In Trees bends Jan., 1877 326 on .W8 U3 Hell Township. DH. To cs.b in Co. Treasurer's hands f TI 06 To aui't uriclleeteil ,t 1..1I6 17 Tu atn't or Bond tax es.e.eej fur 1076... 686 66 ":i. (106 7s CR. lly Treasurer's par eentag, $ ; .18 lly eaib paid But. rreas. Henry Brelb. 671 97 lly exonerations 711, ,7 By ainooot ancrrllM'led 686 66 lly bsanoe In Treasurer's bauds 768 61 "t3,U06 70 llloom Townsliln. DH. To am't uncollected. ..; g.',7 go To am't of Hoad tat assessed for 1876..,. 166 60 To am't due Treasurer a s lei" i,., CR. r" By Treaaarer's pr eeolaae. ,y lly eesb paid Dist Tress. Uoff 464 16 lly exonerations 89 06 By amount uncollected 133 60 Boggo Townahlp. DH. To sm't nneollceled To ato't of Hoed tax assaa.ed for 1076.. To am't due Ircasurer , CR. By Treetarer'i per eentage lly cash pal I Di.t. Treaa. J. Dimrling.. lly exonerations By amoaat uaeolleeted ..$264 8 .. 201 16 .. I .16 "14,6 ?i llradfbnl Township. DH. To am I uncollected Oj.j je em 1 at Head tas assessed for 1076,... 118 so 't73 t: cn. By Treasurer's per eeatage Hy essh paid Dial. Treas. H. UrerSee.... My amount aoeolleeted By talesee la Treaiurer 0 heads llrady Townahlp. DR. Ta oes t aaeolleeted $.1,79$ 46 To am'l of Road tax assessed lor 1071..'. l.n In "Is.oojrnft CR. By Treasurer a per eeetag, $ 11$ ny eaaa peio uist. Traas. l. iteea,,.,., $,021 71 Hy eanaerallooa . a, sa By ainoaos aaceliacsed ,8t ye uy Balanoa IB ireasarar s Beads A70 01 O.elt 03 Rurnslde Township. DR. Ts am'l anealleeted $l,tce, $, To ara'l of Hoad tas aesessed for I67A... sat to TjTMji en. 1 By Treoaarar'e pet eesttaee...H It $4 lly seek pelt Diet Treaa.Wm. Il.will.. $49 11 lly amaaal easelleered.... ...... w.w. tat o By be 14 see It Treasarer's beade -,... Ill ll f fflal SlvrrtisietiifttM. Cheat Ttiwnahip ' 1'H. Toamtuatunonlleotad $ 8.10 98 To am't ot Hoad tax aaaeaard for Iti7- 8:10 4t 1 1. 40 MH c. fly Traaurar'a pareeniare $ "yaaabpaid UiatTraaa. J, llvukanberry. ty axoaarallnna , lly aui'tunt ttnoi'llautad,,,,, Uy balanaa In Trai.aurr'a banda I. 93 T 10 01 11 81 tVM 411 81 OU I, 01 40 C'tivuiir ou tonualiiu, fit. T11 am 'I uneolL-olwl.,., , , .......Al.tnf II ..- il-Kf tas a.MMl tf-Y't f-tffaH'J lly Treaaurer'a per eiai. . ,, lly ea.b paid lil.l. Ttaas C, Uroau.. II; eseaeraiiiiaa lly aiaouot anelltwiHl liy balauo, la Trvaaurer'a banda All 07 .. OHO ftn lid as ,. I . I"V fn ,. I,"4 l,072 ui lleratur Towuehlu. 1K. To ass't aaeolleeted 91,164 fi To ain't of Hoad lax ave.ssd for 1070. 776 46 1. 03.1 60 -. . .Ma, a s CK. By Tre'Surer'a i.r ovulate $ lly ea.b paid 1)1.1 Trie., H.U.Kouwalter lly exoneration , lly amnuiil uueollected liy balance in Treaaurer'a beade 34 SO 0j0 00 60 60 , 174 40 , III 80 1,0 16 f A 1'ergusoii 1 oteiuhip. ML To ara'l uaeolleeted To am't of Hoad lax assviaid for 1878.. ...1611.1 00 .. 1U3 0U i.'u .. 16 H CH. fly Treaierrr'a tier esntaifs Ur eaib paid lilit. Irvas. .vl.VVatta., 7140 00 121 In , II ou . 10,9 60 18 30 tdi'7 20 liy aui't trana erred tu UreeowDod twp.., lly eioneraliona , lly amoaat uaoollMtod lly balauo, in Trea.urer'a hands lilrard Townaliln ll H. To aui't unrisllwled $.1,781 08 To ain't ol Itoad lax iieana lor 1876..'o 40 ' Aft 611 OK cn. i. 42 I Br Treaaurer'a perrentagx 11146 lly oh paid Dl.t.Trvaa. F. A. Mignut. I.2U0 till lly exoneratlone :io l- lly ain't uncollected 1,820 4u By balance ia Treasurer', banda... 1,994 1.1 $j,oil" oil )., alien Tiinnaiilp. UK. To aia't Bneollented f4,29l 60 To aui't of Hoad lax a.ieaisj lor 1976. I l.'.y 27 Ao.illlO 87 CB. " By Treasurer's per eentag. 126 91 lly ea-h paid Dut. Trees. Jno. faokey.. 1,61.6 IT lly exonerations yuj ,o By sraount uncollected 1,160 17 By bal. ia Treasurer's hands 411 no A30U :'tl Crahatn Tiiiriiahlu. " li ll To am't uneollreted To am't ol Road lax aaselssd ier 1476.. .1 t'.l 20 3:18 Oil A I. uo I 10 CH. By Treasurer's per rentage lly caib paid HiiL Trees. J. W Turner. lly exonerations lly amouut uncollected lly balanoa ia Treasarer's beads 21 66 sol o 11 80 ... .118 Ou 124 14 Vi "vi iu tireenwo d lowusblp. Dlt. Toam'tuBcollecledfrom Peon A Ferjosoi.:l66 in To am't of Hoad tax assessed for ls76... . .163 70 947 IV Oil By cash paid DM. Trcas. MiCracken.... 3U1 12 By a auuut nn 'olleoted 3j9 70 By balance in Treaiurer', beads ... 61 08 Uulicb Township. UK. To am t uncollcered $1,108 16 Toam'lot Hon I tax a seeiod lor 1076.. 711 611 4.2.UJ 9. CR. llv Treasurer s per eeotae $ 41 94 Br raih paid Diet. Treas. Ja. FiynB.... I,0n0 00 llv exoneration 3 on He amount uncollected 744 no ny Balance la Treasurer a banda 343 21 $2,1 ll Vo lltiatoil Townahlp. DH. Tn am't uncollected 412 6.9 411 To am t of Head Us eiseseed for 1876. 8,071 71 $16.76' I! CK. By Treaiurer 0 per can lage $ 360 68 lire. ib paid Hist. Trass. C. K, backer. 11.186 hi' lly eioneraliona , 61I7 17 Hy amount uncollected 1,671 71 Hy balaooe in Treasurer s r.nd .174 6ft '$16,761 ill Jordau I'owii.lilp. DH. To ain't aoeolle-ted $80 31 To am't ol Hoad tax assessed lor 1876 86 81 $267 la CR lly Tieanur-r's per cent ig Hy eali paid Diet. Treaa. Thoiupaon . lly amouat uncollected Hy baiauce in Treasaror'e ban.le , A 40 167 to , 66 64 ' JLii $10, u Karlha r I'uWII.hsp Ull. To am'l uncollected ...$l A 14 16 Io aia'tof Bosd tax assessed lor 1870.. 9Ue 60 412 760 00 CR. By Treasurer's por esotagc lly easb paid Ut.t. Trees, tlt.lil mil.. lly .s .a rations Uy sinount uncollected Hy balaooe io freeiurer's Banua ..$ 66 63 .. 1.3.4 Oil .. 1.9 14 ,. one 60 ,. Ill 69 $2,7ol 811 kuoi ToHtrblp. DH. To ea.b ib County Tress jror's hao Is.. Tu am't uiiooiir-eic.) To am't ol Hoad UX aaiea.ed I rr 1070., CH. liy Treasurer's per cenlsgv liy ea.b paid Dist. 1'raa. J. AruoU.... lly exotieratlons lis auioont uiroolivuie.i , I 6.1 01 9; 2 en 410 40 0IJ70 ,. $ 29 16 619 04 .. 71 4" ... 440 41 Hy baiauce IB freesurei'e banda .. 124 21 ll 4.6 HI I.avrreiire Tonn.blp. DH. To am't unenlleeied To aw t ot Hoad lax eeeuss.d tor 1076.. CB. By Treasurer's per eeotage lly ea.b pairl D11L Trees Jo. Uweoa... lly esoaeratloiis lly amouut uncollected By bslauee Ib Treeauivr's banda , 4 '43 70 . 1.810 ..ft $0 082 n $ 127 .11 , 1,811 13 . 1.0 1 80 , 1,818 66 . 670 3d $6,001 16 Morrla Tiittltahlp. DH. To am't oBnollceted To am't of Hoad lax aissiaed lor 1876. $2.41.1 62 . 1 .41 14 16 $9...I7 67 CR. By Treasurer, per eentage $ 7170 Hy easb paid lll.t. Treu. J. L. lewart, 1,600 U0 Hv exooeratlena H'T It lly amount ancollcnted By balanoa Ib Treasarer's bends.. .... I.KI4 16 .143 67 $9,4.17 07 I'enn Township. DH. To am'l uncollected Il.lut 0 Ta am i of Hoad tas assessed lor 1871... 140 .10 I2j li lu cn. By Treasurer's par eeatsgs $ 48 I I By eaah paid Di.t. Treaa. A. 0 Moore.. All 16 By am't tranaferred to Ureeawood twp., lit on By esooerallona , $8 40 Hy am, anl uncollected 646 311 By balanoa In Treaaurer's band 660 It $2,II1J0 Pint Township. DK. To ea.b la County Troaiarer'l hand....! 461 .11 To am't aneoileeted 1,200 00 To am i of Road las aiteeerd lor 1671... 6so 71 4.434"TI CR. Hy Treaiarer s per aentsge ..$ 99 97 By eaah paid J. L. Leery, Road Coes... 1,161 4 1 liy esooorellna. ., 607 00 By amount aaeolleeted 680 71 By balaoee la heeds ol Treaiurer ?ol 03 "ii.43.1li Plkt Township. DH. To ami aoeolleeted . ... $357 91 Ta am t or Read ut asi Ier Is70 131 06 liao 92 CR. By Tresserer'i per eealage .., By ..ah paid llrat. Treas. II. Hlle By exoBeeatioB By am'l BBeolleeud By balseoa la Treasarer's bends ... II TI ... 1.17 06 . 90 96 ....$131 00 ... It 17 $169 01 I nloB Township. DH. Ta am'l aneolleeteel ..$1,661 At Te am't af Hoad us assessed lar 11. t.. 1411 lo ii..rei" so r - By Treasurer', pee eeatege......, By eaeb paid Diss. Treas BrabeV Br aaaaeratsuaa.. I tl tt 1171 lo lot to ay aas'l aaaelfteeMsd. ... 1,141 tn Wf swlaaMB In m', hands .... Ml to Crgnt rtrrrtisfmcutfl. Woodward Town ah I p. 1HI. To ain't unoollcqttd $8 "4 fin To ain't ol U.aa iaiaaaad f'r lull " t OR. '-- Tly Trraurr'a per canttsxt I 191 81I lly iab paid Dm. Tr4e. J. M. t'baa 4 T.0 3H lit ax'Miaratitiua,, ..h I His 4' Hf amount aiiiuiitfd .. lly rxuflfralioua i.mii 1 ... an .'i $11 I'hA 1 A BTATa.M KNT or UNSEATKD SiMiOOL FuNhS vvA r mm aiaaaaiB Dtvr MolMI'llllKY, Treeiurrr of Plr.arH.-l I eouaty, iu aeo-runt Willi the school funils ul the ae.erai townships, for said veers, via 1 AKKt'OrTslo HtBlement. DH. Ta Amount uneiileeted..'. " M aa.oasod for 1870 tt ota ot 17.671 112 Tdlal.. TO. I so 119 "It lly Exoneraiirrna " A mount pal I Diet Treaerer.. o Trt-eeurer'e percentage , " Amount uocolleclr-d " Casb (n Treasurers band. Total lleeearla Toviltatilii. DH. To ain't uncollected I To am't of richon! tax as.eiscd for Uid. 862 r: 371 96 $l.?3 cn. By TroesBrer'eperoon'Ngn liy eaeb pal lll.t. Treas t'alrlwvll... lly exoueratiaira on overcharge By amuanl aBcr,le,.tcd Br balance in Trea.aror'a han-ls. 2i 66 3117 7.1 9 42 371 616 Hell Township. DK. To cash In Co. Trcas. hsn li To am't unoollect.d To am'l of eiebn .1 tax assessed for 'I , $ 31 40 ... I.6..6 IJ I lis I 91 CR. Bv Treasurer's p-rcentage lly eaah paid Hist. Trees II. B etb.. lly exonerations Hy amoent une . I looted By balanoa Io Treasurer's bend 19 611 s::6 18 4118 00 9 .inn 61 1.I,0 02 llloom Towuslilp. DH. To aoVl enoolteeted To am'l of pebooi lax aiie.sed lor '76.. .$611 62 .. li'l 48 CR. lly Treasaier's per eeBtage lly raah pairl Di.t. Trees. Hull... lly exoiiera'loos lly amount UBColleeied Uy balance IB Treasurer's bauds ... 15 43 ,. ?6U I'O .. 80 At .. 2"4 48 .. 169 6 0 $710 Kl llngfra Township. II H. Tn am't ancnllccled To am't of .t'bul us accessed for '76. $fifl 61 .... 166 48 CR. Br Treasurer's per eentege...,'. $ 16 74 lly easb paid Dist. Treas. J Hiineliof K'0 on lly esoaeralloni By smouBi uncollcc od lly balenee is Treasurer's bauds N6 12 116 46 .. 61 18 $7l'J il llradford Townshlii. DR. To am'l uncllce'ed To am't of pchool us esaorscd lor '76.. ..$111 II .. 9 61 CR. Be Treasnrer'a per een'are ...$ 16 06 ty easb paid bin. Treas. II. UraHus.... HO 00 lly emrruot aoe'illseted 08 66 Uy balanoa la Treasurer's heads 46 .16 $131 06 llrady Townaliip lH. Tn am't anrollected To ato't of Road tax aa aeate I for 78. ..J.8t 14 - 1,1. -HI l CR. By Traaaurer'a nren'a(te Mt eaah paid IMit. Treat) I, Keama.. By axonriiina , H amnunt uniMtllf-eiad Ry balance In Trraiurar'f banda K7M 24 Burualile Townahlp. DR. To am't anentrt''d ftl.0?8 ft" To am't or Kebool tax aivoaaed tot '78.., 272 0 l,? ia CR. By TrtMiinrr'a i,r cntage Bv ea-h paid Dat. Treaa. Ilewiit.... Bv am't naoolleoie'l By balanoa in Treaaurer'a banda. ... ...I an on , 8.11 8H .. 1 .17 02 ( heat Townahlp. DR. To am' nnt'o'la-flt-'d To am't or Ri'h'iol tax aaMd for ', TM It 587 45 CR. Be Trfea'trft'e ner cm tar i Bv cah aid l-l-l. Treaa. II nkeiiHorrr. Br etnnf-ratlnna Bv am't iipioHt-t-H By balance In Trea anr'a bun I TI A2fl 0 57 4 $1.2.11 47 CovliiKton Townahlp. DH. Tnam'i un.lli-Wtvl gl.lfll IT To am't of Hrlim.l tax pfni tr 'TA,.. 4 191 CR. B Treaaurf-r' pr-reen-are Bv eaob paid Dial. Treaa. y. B ow Bv i-xrtneratinn Ry am t uenllar'l , By halant-a In Treaaurer'a b .OiU.. a 81 5n4 na T-t !l 111 91 il 7' tca'ur Tnwitablps DK. Tn am'l ancnllrefd Ta am'l af School tux aiara-ed for "it. .$1 8.'8 31 , 4.S8 on l2 410 ?J CR. By Treaurr'p pr ftnaffe Ity eaah paid Diet. Tra a tShuwalter, By rxnnerail na By amount unollat-icil By balanoa iu Traaaurer'a banda ,.$ 66 61 . l,6iiii no - 06 9.1 663 00 .. 108 68 $i,llo 22 . kertrueon Townahlp. bll. To am't uncrrlleelril . .. To ami af Ocbool tax assessed for '7A.. ..$26 80 .. 61 80 ' 1"1 ot $ T 61 CB. By Trsesurcr'a per cen'age By eesh paid blst. Trtas. AI JrYatls 160 t'O By exooeralions , 68 60 Hy amount aocolleotal 61 80 By balaaoe la Treasurer's bands 14 66 $301 00 Cilrard Township. UK. To aa'l ane. Heeled $1,161 40 To am'l of tsebuoi Us arsessed lur '76... 1.119 r O j 94 37 00 CR. lly Treasurer's per srolage. $ 94 64 lly casb patd Distriet. frees Mignol.... 1, 300 On By exonerations , 106 42 Hysmoontuni'olleetcd I 119 6o lly balaaoe Ib lieosurcr's bands 1,846 ll $1,371 no ClosBrn Township. DK. T.J61 II3 43,7lr6 66 I, H5 48 I 17 671 '1 1 6,711 II j . ft T 8H 1,9 1 oa - 127 92 l,l" I" 4 4 rau To sm't UBeolteeted $1,1 16 1 1 To am'l ol ftriiool las a.sesa. d lur '70... In 0.1 12.111 8 6 CR. " " By Treaaarer's par eentege Al 47 By eaib (raid Dut. Treas. J. Haokey.... 1,276 it llv exuneretiona 4V7 ,0 lly amount BBcoileeted O.'B 06 By baleae. la Treasurer's bsnds 179 03 ff.Oll 06 t,rahan I Tnwuslilp. DH. To am't aneoileeted Tu am'l uf crohuul us aesessed lur 70., ,..',76 9U ,. I 9 46 I"I6 4 i CR. By Tressarer's per eeetcge $ 10 lo lly essb peid lli.t. Trass 1. ' Taraer... 6lr 04 By esonereliuna II h By am'l BBoolreeied i.9 44 By eslaoeela Treasurer s baud Ill ,j $616 41 tin.nwtnel Township. DR. To ami .neolleeiad Te am 'I of dehoel las aseeeeed lur 76 ... $134 ft . 5 9 96 fsV By .art paid Urt. Treat. MaCraakn.... lit 61 eavoeaS aanrHeelad. 161 96 f talatsst la Treaassreg '. ke4s. II Tt arm Ifflal 'JidvrrtUrinrntt. (lulleh TiiHIlallln, liH. To .in 'I anonllfll.d 92,T!IA AO To am 'I ui tiebixil .a a...Mvd lur 'TH... I,HVI AO (I n Hi' CK. " Hr Tr'sinror'. n.r erntsn. ... S DM II e..h psiil llul. Tra.. Ja. .. I.l.'i t 16 J . WT ,. I. US so ,. 411 l,ll an I llv esunnraiioii... lly ara'l tnionllioti,il lly LaLuue io Trvsiurn'. band... HualnM Tutviiahlii ,Ht Ta auit on.iieeM .Mwb4.'.l y aajj'aaj.-4 .A V-daaalaW 'afd-aa'-W.W Br Treasnrer'a a per c-niaga I1I.1. Tree. Hoi., k... $ fl"l I7.f.a 1. 01 11 I."7I 79 $23,161 liy eaeb l airl Be exonerations lly am't uneollee'e.l lly belasue In Trvesurer's hands elurrlau Towiiaiilii. mi. 1 To am'l nn- ollaoled . .$114 A7 ,.. 116 79 .. $ 7 A3 .. 1-6 97 ... 116 79 ... 63 11 $.161 lilt To am I of Si'lionl tax ea.cssed fur '76, cn. Mr Treeiurer's pre eentage lly ea.b paid Ills). Treas. J. Tnoma. Hr am't lilioollrrleil lly balance In T rea.ursr's bands KartltBUn Township. DH. To am'l uncollected $ 017 In alo 1 01 rtobool , ot.d ;. j41 j l 4 0 48 lit. By Treasurer's per n. ntage Hy cash paid lll.t. Treas. Ilillilaotl Itr exonerstlons t liy amount uiie..,.etej ... 17 61 ,. Aiil on ,. 114 67 .. 618 311 .. 1.11 811 $1,17.' 48 18 b ileneelB Treasurer's bands . Isliox Townahlp. DH. To aoi't Bneo!lrclal To am'l ol H1-I100I Is, es.eesr rl for '76!! rn. By I'renmrsr's per e nt.ige llv cash paid Diet. Trrea A mold Hy exnneral lly amount une-, Heated lly fcelence in Treasurer's bonds....!..! . 191 i. Inn 30 A4 788 74 1.12 . 127 69 $1.16.1 6li l.aivreure Tuwnahip. bll. To sm't uncollected $0 .je, 411 Toam'lorMcheol txx ai.essrd lor 'i'rl"'. "27 42 $.1 44 eg CB. lly Treasurer's percentage,. a. ny oasn pain inn. Tree.. J,. lwoi.s. ftnil llv exonerations 3-9 727 ? By emounl irnr.r.l,ie, lly balance In r's bVnd'.'!! Atorrla i'nwiieUlp DH. To eiu'l ubeolleeierl $2,611 61 To am't el pcbonl Ui esoj lor "76... 611 62 e.l,16, 16 CH. Hy Treaserer'a percentage $ 79 31 i. eo.u paid Dist. Treas. J. L rjlewarl. 1,024 111 j lly rxr.ii.rationa yoj H, liy eioouiri one rllecleil Hi 42! By bal.iie. In Treasurer's 91 4 1.1 1 9.4j6in! Peliu ToVYIIelllp. I DH. ; Tn am't uiio llk$. tod $ H'-l 41) Ti am'tof hL-bul tax apae.d for 'TO... 218 lit j l.olPi"; CH. lly Tnaaurvr'a por cunta $ 24 01 lly e-b oaid U.. I. Trea. A. v. AUore .178 uO llv ais'oaratimia utf St-1 lly auuuut atsilisMtaoi ,..., 2io I'J liy b.Unoa III T.aiuurvr'i LmmU 5 06 .l. -i Fine Towiialilp. To am't un-'ollceird To ain't uf Hvboul lax uieifed fur 78. gZ,U4 .15 . 441 5ti CK. Py Treaaurer'a per trenlse 84 ,1 My eaab paid Diat. Tieaa. 0. Hi-backer., 1,0ml Hu liji rxuiiaraimna... w Ity aiu't uhfu!rrit, Uy balance in Treaaun-r'a baotla .. 444 50 U v; Tike 'lomiahlp. Uri, T ain't nnoollerlcd To ain't uf ofiiol hi nuantad lor 7(11 H.g95 0.1 ... V i 0 a.i..j CK. Ry Treaaurer'a iar ocntatrt;. liy oarb paid )il. Trvaa. . JIiIb.,., By ex-ui-ruiiun lly amnunt untN.ilt.iitrf.1 ( lly balatiL-a In Tri-aaurvr'a banda $ IS 74 2UI 20 117 4a V0 OU 8 M yU 118 I'liluil TuitUalllp. Tu ato't aiitsilii-ssti'd To am't ut bcbiAul tax aaaaaaed lor ' ....M 9l2 8N ... 4.. I 80 ft4 415 04 CR. By Traaaurar'a par ceiiU(t , "iy M b pal.: Tiwaa. iiru-MAkf , ., Hy X"Oeraiiuna Uv aiuuum uiii llsiviirti , lly oMlatiatj in Trtnuurar'a banUa r.,4 119 48 ... I,:84 15 ... 2,03 li .... 4-12 Un 14 7J $1,4.4 " 4 Hoodward Tuwu.blp. iK. To ttui't unuoilacla To HUl'l Ul sN buae, t t t (or '78., CR .$fl.l ;9 2J . i.iri 8 00; lly Tn aaurei'a ar re fi'aKf. $ jH3 jt0 t j Ui Ot. b paid Dl Trrna J. M. Cbuaaw 4, 1 Oil t'O 47 ! Ht uaiMiiiaiioua uu- m. I Ui a ui un I uo.u tw ( ..j . j V.S.SS14S4V in inotatitat a bau.u Ui ra.aoi t4 8TA1 K4I KNT (if UNSKATM) PUtUt KUMJS, Kt-r lh7i 70 1MVIU M.-(1AID.IKV. Treaaurtfr -f Cl,e..ld munly, In wiih tb ..r lunda ol ttio vvi-ral liiiftitiiM fr rrii ,), rit . Korrarla lnwiiahlp To amount uucitlirjoted (150 IJ CR. ' ' Hy Trt-aaur.ra pf r ci'nit4j , Hr -h pud that. Trine. U fi Uy balance In rranaun r'a banda... $ 4 77 iciwell. 4 t I o lingua luwiislilp. bit. Trr am't uncollected To aui't ol Poor tax asieesed lor '76. . $110 1 ... 62 4.1 .182 8.1 ,R. By Treasurer's per cen'ene . By ea.b paid Hist. Treas. J. bil 1 Bv esooereiloiis I By sm.ruut uoclleeted J lly belaoue In Tr asurer'l hsndi $ 3 61 I'liog ... 06 00 16 66 61 4.1 "9 iI 03 Ilraill'opil Township. lilt. Te sm't BBcnllecled j To am't of Poor tax assessed for '76.!, 1 T" ' T',l""r - ...$M8 as . tt 19 . in $llo'oi ..$ I 66 .. 118 00 .. 69 10 $160 83 CB. By Treasurer's lesr reotaee By cssh paid Trras. Ur.ltius.... I By amount uncollected llrady Township. I DH i To am'l uncollected .6711 61 til. 1 Treasurer's per eentege. By essb pairl But. 'free,, b. Heeias., lly exnuerali'-ne ... II ST . 6.0 00 Hy amount In Tree urer's bands l"6 $712 63 llurtl.lrle Towuslilp. OH. ra am t uncollected Tn am't of Pool Us aa.,asedlo 'it!!! ..$196 0 . 66 01 $?04 06 PR. By Treasurer's per eentege Br cash paid Dial Treas. Wro ll.wm... By am 'ttnl aneoileeted , By balanoa ia Treasurer's banda ,4 4 61 a TI 67 . Aa ol .. 67 19 $?tl 01 CnvhisTton Townahlp, DB. To amount uneollceied .$1,674 II CR. By Treesarer's per eentege $ 47 Jly oa k paid Di.l. Trees. O. Brawn..,.. Tot .4 Ity exonerellnns w ,(, , By hatanoe In Treasurer's heads'.!...." T'l 6 $1 o.4 IS . lleratur Township DB. Team t nneolleeled. , Ta am'l of Poor us eirreised lor '71 .. CB. Bv Treasurer', per reatage lly cash paid but. Tree,. Hhowaller.. lly exnworetionr Bi amount BaroHet'led By baleae. ia Treasurer's bauds ... 10 14 ... AIM tt ... 10 61 ... HI 31 ... 17 tl twoirio frrcnaen Township. DR. To em .eat tneoiiertad $7 si CR m By Teseawewr, pee eralege . $ y By saeh paid Dial. Treaettrar al. B all It H By Closer a tree ..., J, Bf aaasawe ht TrsajoWt heads 4 17 TtTH tm advfrtUmfnli. lihard Towiiahlp. HH. Ti amnunl unenlleelMl fast) 1' cn. It. T'eourfr'l iierefnlHit. I ort llven.b psld lii.l. Trees, MlRnnt I' O llv eii.n.r.tlun Jl n lly I..I.1.0. In TrM.ur.r's li.o l. ,a;lil 14 fio.lien Tiiwnalilp. lilt. To a'l mhI l.w.H T am't i.f Puti lit a.ri.Mi for '2A., ei m IliA s I ss IS rn. iaiv . BSaasjaJ I .e amnnnf nwe' A. 106 A1 01 16 71 By belanea ll, .Msarer', h.nds all 06 ( - . - 71 I fire tie r Tatenalilp. 9.1 1 un. Id i Tn mm' neeolieeled ...., ., .. son aa . 101 67 me 68 ... .. left 66 l .. ,M A- .. '6 71 in' 61 10 am 1 or Tonnes a'sened for '76.. Sir Teea.nee'a hw. ihH... He eaah neld fllat. Trees J W.Tun'ee" V.f 'es on!4S'i.i,is Tie arconot rieenlleere.l By balance In Trea.urer'a heo li .'.,'. Cilllrh fnwnaliln. nit. To aee'l nneo'leeled To am I or Poor tas for '76 leg eft I A-41 46 IB I CH. n, T,,nr eenlae IA "T Bvee.h eald MIX Treasurer Jaa Flvnn 6. eeeonn. AnePnunlv Wv e.eneeslloa. n, amount uncollected r. an jar "0 6 10 , ISA 9 -4.1 47 Iluaton 'Viiwneliln. DR. I uncollected Pv Tees.neev. rtereeef.,. "Alt ... I OT '47 m ?,IM 0(1 1 lis ee.e mii HI... Teeas. rt. Ilnlra i S. ev.ner.tlen 1 I Hv halenea in Treasurer's haoda . Jordan Towneitip hr. an'l nnoMeele.l no ! T, 9 81 94 I To am'l of Poor lax aa.cased for '76 ! .! 11 ' HI. tlv Teea.rMr' pes eentage He ea.h eel I flirt Tee... J Theinpu Hv amount nneolleeled By halanos In Treiaarer'e haa Is......,, 9 ft". ., s .. ' lawrrnre Townahlp. D II. 'o 10 em 1 unenlleole.1. , 1,807 4 . SO ' 71 K2"8I 10 M (l . LIT In 00 I To 'm t V' s'se-sed fir '76 .12 I 42 I ! II, Treasurer'. , cn. ' centee,.,. Ttr otah vnid IM. Trea. Jua, Oiretia.. Tlv xonrratlrina Hy amntini a it'.l l(-i-frd By bat a no tn Treaaurer'a ban la ....... .. 94 1 ... 71 if oa Morrla Tiiwiialilp DR. To amount oisv-lleetswl Tn ain't of P.wr tax a aaoaaJ TO.. 8ilfl 40 CR. Bv Treiaurrr'a per e-vn'R?" llv eaxb p I -1 Diat. T'ea. Hltwart . axnnpritliina Hr amount ot.('nltafsttt ti By baliinee In Tnaaurer a banda... 18 7MI 74 tt't 8lK 40 7U l l-l 77 Pike Townahlp HR. To amount unrnMt.v1 , To amount of Poor tax atrcM.-d for ': .Ail -'17 ... an CO j 37 or .. 8 7 - u v! '..S"87 CH. By Trr-aorar'a par M-;- . By axnnirt,itor. tti Bv amnunt uniswtd Uy balaooe ia Tr aaurre banda ihliH Tnwliahlp. Dll. To am "ti rit unoHivelfjfl ..; To amount af Pout tax aaaaaat-t for '78.. 006 A' 411 .16 l.4' 1 PR. Br Tfraaitrer'a rer entair Bv cah pal Dit. Tnaa, Bruhaker.. Br nonerro'ton Bf amount nniI'Mit-d By balance in Treaaurer'a banda ?9 67 .. J'.6 60 . 6 01 .. 4.1J "A I6rt no $l.418Ta Hoodwarrl Tnwriattln. DR. To innisl nnonllected Tu em't or Poor rex assessed ror '70.... . 9 ,0 35 . eii7 4.1 f 766 77 CR. nv Treasurer's pee eentege llv ee.h paid Dist. Trees J. 64 ( base.. Bv exonerations nv am't uncollected Hy Balance In Treasurer's banda !6 T7 719 66 I. 'A 14 "67 46 4ft 86 I.T6A"7t Probable Ordinary svxpeneee Kor IH7T. DR. To Kspenses for Couolv for 1677 $ 96 166 on To Prison Bonds redeemable 10.606 no To Interest on Prison Bonds 4,6ofl OA To StreUtnent ellnwed Taxpayers. ., 6116 110 To Rxnnerat.nns allowed follretor, I ISO no To Cost of nridge, W ao To Treasurer's preen'age 1,769 lift re Bonds overdue nnd redeem elrl, during 1877 f.106 00 To envon due Mile ., iju, on CR. By Balln Treaa. hen Is. $ 16 700 fl " Ami. due from Coli'r. 18.770 16 lla'ence arising from Beated Dnplicele.... 14. 176 11 T.rlel ., $ ft. eon on t se.8o6 nn To Coooty Test on Towered tan I. not evai'e'.te an'll l7A $tl,62A 30 7iaealeA Pone Tas. Ae,..nn. of Poor Tax ease. led on I'na'et l.nn l r..r l74. 1873 an I 1876. In the Mlowine Townihlps. t wit ! 1874. S7S $ 160 1.1 l7A. I 61 t? Beee-rla B'OOOl Bradford. ... tlr. ly Hornai.le ... r'o.intrion .. Tleealor F'iie-n.... (Ilr.rd Oostren Oenham Ou. Hnl Oiialon .lordeo. Kartheus ... Knox Lawrence., ,, lloerla Pike I'ine I'nloo ., Wood ward.. Total Ijn 4 60 19 470 60 66 0$ 1,5'.1 10 6T 41 69 191 69 19 517 60 68 01 lie 06 71 64 Ale cs 6IA 87 It? 86 179 61 4n4 S t 161 67 16 111 ja 06 361 ft IU 11 311 71 664 40 .11 00 1-? t. 411 36 H'7 46 I as 01 J-9 63 1.166 91 66 6A 32, 76 646 64 ti 18 766 90 630 .14 ?9 7T 120 Alt $7,467 14 $4,868 68 $1,308 36J AUDITOR'.. rPRTlFIOATIt We. the undeeilaned Au-lltnesnf ihe County of ihe Commooweat'h of Peeo.vlvania, having eael el ee Cnorl RoaM. in the Romarh r-r Clear Aeld.nn the 6rst Btndav of Janoerv. A. 0 1877. according to law, and havlne exained Ihe several ee onnla end vnnehe-e of bavin Mr tlai nnrT. Pe. . Tree.Br.rofaeld Coanty f.rihe veer A. II., 1676, do report that we find Ihsra as above stated. The emount dne the foamy Is AOeen thousand seven hoadred end ninety dollar end sevenrv. one cent.. I5 706 yi). , , Indchted In the road fond In the enm of el(hr Ihnrisand eight hundred end eighty 6vo d.rllers and eiehtv two cents, ($6 ssl All, and lo Ihe eehool ru'.d tn the sum of eight thousand seven hundred aod forty tlrreo dollars and four cents, f8,74l 041, and lo Ihe poor fund IB Ihe sum or two thousand three hundred and thirty eight d.dtaee end two cent., fl.xtlA 01), aed amnorttdur ihe Coanty Prim an seated lends 1. fourteen Ihon.end six hundred end twenty-six doltaea and thirty cents. (114.. 626.30)1 and due tho road Tnud twenty-four thou. and seven hundred end forty-elrht dollars and flfty.slt rents. t$24.746 661, n,l .m..n. 4lldne the school feed la a. venteefl thoa.aBd 6ve I , hundred and seventy. four dollars andlwoee.ts. (eiT,n74 lit and doe the norrr fond is f.ur tlion rand three hundred nnd ninety eight duller, and Ortv-ell cents. ($4,306 661. In te.timnny wheeemr we have hereunto sat our nabds tbe llth day or Jennarv, A. p.. 1877. JOHN C. CONNRH. 1 BAM I. A. CALDWELL, ) Auditors Atre.i! r. j. h k Ail V, J Jobs W. Howe, re.. COMM!SONRHR' CKI1T1 FICATK. W e. Ihe undersigned Commlaainnera of Clear Acid Coanty, la the CoisiBonwealih of Pennsyl vania, having met at the Court lfoa. in the Borough of I'leertelrl, according to law, oa Ibe nrat .lay 01 e-aeoerv, A V 1877. and basing ex emined ibe eeeee.1 ace mats aad voucher, nf IHvio Mciljioasr. Kao, Treasurer or Hid t'euaty lor the year A t . I67A. He ia iBrlehted lo theeoaely fuad la Ihe sum of trteen Ibousaad seven baadre.1 aod ainety drrllars and seventy -one eents, ($1 6.700 7 1 1, and aturriiat due tha road Tends I. right thousand .'gkl bnndredand elehty-tve dollars and eighty. two eeota, (AO.acA 8'.' 1 end emoant due tbe ecnool lund la eight Uriusaad seven htndrl end torty.lhree dollars ad fear eents. (68.741 Oil; aad amount dua the poor fund ie two thousand tl ree bundled aed tbirly-e ghi dollar, end two rente, (fl 3.16 li , aad amount do- Canty from UB.eeled leads Is loorlerB six hundred a. d tweB'y .ix dollars anrl thirty esuls. (Ill, 621 6t end au.ounl due Ike roe I ia iwrety roar lb .asand seven hen lrr d sad for'v lghl dollars end 6ft, 11 1 cen'a. t$14, 74 tl): and amount due ,. heel rand la evrete. n tboa eand Ave hundred tnd se.enly f ar dollar, aad two eents, (H7A74 B?)i and amount due Ihe poor luod is roar thousand three haadr d eod ore, ty night dollars aad Illy six eeals ($4,194, 66). la leellmoey wheeeeCwe have kereaale eel ear k.nrla aad seals tkia I lib dag ef Jeeeery, A. D., CLARK BROWB. THOU. A. UrrllHRI Oaasalkeioeere. A reseat HARRIrl UOOVIH, 4Ul3ifllanfoui. . IERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANtilNG VASES, 'tiiv Lining nnd Fire Brick, k,l eon.laiitly oa band. STOXE AMI EAItTllE-VARE IK KV'KKV imsCRII'TIONI . (MiOCKS! I'OTS! CHOCKS: -her;. , Ps' '. Vr"!.v?Stf S-ltSSsl!. 0xaexvsms4assteaasanaSfcJ7 iBm CHMN 'IHM-k. Hli.H t'HUCKH, AHl'I.K MI TIF. H CH'iCKrt, IMCKI-K CHOCKS, Kl.iiWKR r-oi, CIK IHrillKS, riTKW pOTb, nd a rro(ti many ttlir tblnjft too auuiaroua V uitinlloii, to be bad at FRLD'K. LEITZINGtR'S TOXK - WAKK l'UTTKUY. Corner ol Cherry and Tbird Mtrecu, i I.LAKFH.I.D. PA. augJ JKMOVAI.! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would re up eel folly noliry the poblle feaarally lb itt be haa reaiovud hia Ori-oery Riura from Mmw. R')W, to Iho liulldlna far in or ly t3upiad Ity J. Mi tar krattr, m feeoatl it roe t neit door in Kirlar'a Intrdwara atore. where be lotanda ht-i piujj a full Una f . st o v i: it 1 1: h. HAMS, bltlKD UKF-Fand LARD. -I'lMKS and Ft HLl'tl, of all grades. I E IS, Ureeu and lllack. I'Ol'KKK, Roasted and Greco. FfsOUIt AND PROVISIONS, c.Kr.rt:it t in its, All kinds Ib the market. I'U'k I.R.J, ib jars arid barrel). Slil'K., In every form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL klMI.HCR,tCKKHft. St I A I'M, MATCIIKS, bill Lb APPLES, DHIKD PEACIIEF, DKlh'i) CHERRIES, Coil Oil aad Lamp Chimneys. Slid a good aslortoteiit rrf lli.rse things aerially Vi-pt ta a grocery sture, which be will .xohaoge t,.r marketing at the market prices. Will sell for cash as .deeply as say Blher ob. Phase eell and sea bis stock aad Jedge for voursclf. 3DIIN HrUAl'UllEV. Clrarlel.l. Jen. 3, 1877. 4Sl lift i j. p. wesrea... ..w. w. aana u i:a viiBt & iii:tt.s CIaKA kkield, pa., r .iflerfrm, at the old atana of Q, L. Read A Co tbHr et'eek t goadi, conifeting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A hllOBS, HATH A CAPS, UAHDV7ABE. (Jl-KKMSWARg, FLOOS, FEED, SALT, 4o., io., At the moat reiuonabla rata for CAHU or la axobanga for Square Tiaiber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE irY Advances made te thoaa engaged la g ot itis out square timber oa Ibe ssoat edeeougeoue 'erma. p,lljan79 .litnrdnl Ihr lllthtnl .Itrd if af I Oiiim . E. &. H.T. ANTHONY 4. CO., Alll nroaduty, Mew York, (Opr.. Metropolitan llotell, ussurscytiaans, l.rscraes sen bbai.bus ib ClIRinidS si F RIMES, STEREOSCOPES cf- I7lTsS' Albuina,firapboaiopa. Bhotocrat ba. and Vlodre-d goo la Ci-lfbritira, Aelraaara, Ac. rilOTOdRAriMC MATERIILS. Wa ate hendquartrra fr everything in tbe way of Stcrcopticona anilMaio Lantox&s. tienj uianuiacturtra of the MICRO Si'lK.STIKM, IoAKTKRN. MTKHMi i -N H'TD ON, rNIVKlDTY HIKMnprri'oV. ADVl-KTIir.H'M STKHOI'TICON. A R Ttj .'TlOlN. sSOllooi. HNTKR-. K M ll,Y LANTERN I'rMI-I.B s L4.NTKK.N. Fa-ib nyK Im lug tb bt of tta .data In tha eOarkct. Catnl'iRuea of Ltntarna and .41 Mm, with dlrac iioaa lor uintt, aotit on applumii'ia. A ii v rnlrrpiitiiiij- man oaa uiatta money wish a Maie t.anii-rn. A-r-ViBitfiri-1 tba Ct at-nnial Etioalt1f.n wit do wieeW lo d'-fi-r piirahnalna; Ktn-da in oar line un il ihi'T e iu lis our atura io Near Yrk. wharf hcy will And -(reaiar variety an I mora w td-r4if priiwa, and om aoltn-i them at ib-ir letaura. But w liavti a on-el.n to at II an me -IvIm of ia If ""da in tl.e I'Ui diitf- Hu D-p-irtmrnl or Pnt.ln Ciimlort, and ttioaa not oomitia tu New York art luviitwl t fait on mir n-prvat-ntation th.-r. aT-A lull at.N-k i Viewa of the Kxpoaiti in and ibeir oontpnta 4r-Cm out thia alverliaatncnt lor n-fereurjw. Uue 7, is; ly. HARTSWICK & IRWIN HECIIXD STREET, CLKVRF1ELD, PA., DEALERS 174 V U It E DRUGS! C II E M 1 C A L 8 I PAINTS, OlIsS, DYE STI FF VAHNIHIIKB, BRrollBr), PRRPCMERT, riser 0 od TOILK.T AHIIU.IS, Or ALL KINDS, PURS WISES ASD HQVOha far BSedlelaal parpoeao. T re. see, Ae, porter,, Behe.1 Boob, aad Btatlea. .ry, aed all atbar arllelee aeuelly foaad In Drag Aiere. PnTBICIArTR- PRKACRIpTIOBA CAK FHLLT OoktPOFNDBb. Heel.,, urge .,. iesvs.eee U Ike baaalaeee Lkey eaa give eatere ea4- I. . BABTBxnCK. . .. 'owa . mil, . . - . . Jiotfl0. THE MANSION HOUSE Cruarol K.adad X.rkMM,, CI.KAHfll.l.ll. PA. 'pills aid a.d ayuaioilluua , . 1 Ib. aal yoar. b.a .oiarn.d u atJarfciT riaar eapaelly lr Ikr aalarulasmt l Zl 4i r. .04 (ii..u. Tb. b... bong,,, 'furniabwd, and the pnprlior alll H"o. to r.nd.r hi, guasu avialaruu, IsV .tayloR allb bin. " SMr- f b. 'UHBaloa" OaiaikB. .d lr..n ,k- It. .k- - ra H " - ..i ,1.4 S.Mlta .. Nfla iria July II 70 If L'4Hlni Frni.ri.ia, 4-Ust'iy.iOLXJ.V . Jre.i.. . l..r,H..rl I.fctnar.l ll.o.... ham,, l...l ..... Motet, .li. I . a iloir. of .b.r, k,i, ,, ...', ' ll 'U.e has i..ea tbor.,u,8li r.p.i.el a.Vs.. turol.ned, aird u n, will O'ld ,1 . p " 1 l.log plaoe. Ilia uole will ba .up,,i.j 'J ins' ul eeryihio4 lu the a.1 n.. , will lb. best aloe, end l,uor. i:J! allschrd. W VI . 6. UU.Uil H S'jJAVV lIoUrSE, (Cor. ot Murk i a) fr.nii mr-f.. CLKAHUKI.D. PA The andf riiied having inkfit v,ntg. ,, ( II niel, would reitpsjctiull anlirii .nt.iu i,n-,,t linl'74 D. K H LM hi-Vs11 r ASli I X-T iN llul K KKW H'A.-AlllSiMnv ... i ma new ana wen lurumiu d itt,u-r tm taken by the nnderaiirnpd. lit f-al$. . '.nii-j,,,," bin) tt bin lo render aai .a,tv-li.., ti - - . laviir bitn with a call. May 8, IH7I. 44. W. DA If, r, , OYD IIOUsSE. .Mitin Ktrt'ft, PIUMl'HItDRti. PKNN a TaMe alwaya auppMed witli tha lv-t h. t.e. aflordt. The UbreliOft puMif it inrin,i . P ,,( Ian l.'7. BORKItl ,, p. . aaaoLn. A HI (i ,0. j i 4v. ' F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO., IEank-r.H and Itroln i-, Heyliold.vllle. Jellirraun Co., p., Money rerreircd on deprreil. Dtrcnii.t, m derate rale,. Ka. tern end Foreign KicL-roy. ,! wave on hand aed reillertlnns rrouiplli u,n,J Hcyni ldsville, D o 16, 187 I. .y County National Bank, OF CI.KAHFIKI.D. PA UOOM in Maeonle Building, one ,1...,, o .rtr , C. D. alarm's brug Hr.,r.. Passage Tickets tr. and fer-m l.lverpr.ol. 1,'tv... town, tllaagow. feriarloit. Paris enri Coi n,, ,.,,,, Also, Draftsfor aaleonrhe llnyal lleoli ,1 I,.),,,, end Imperial Hank of London J A M KM T I.KONAHll. I',,., W. M. BIMW, Cashier .,. i .;, DREXEL & CO., Wo. II iith Third Mirrel. Dill a !,!,,., ittria:itst And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will rrctme fir,,uiit ui'-:, Hon, and all Infortimtlfin ch'tTtnlly r ir ;.!i-ij Ordera aoliffcd A,rjl 1 1 i". rPcntistry. l-u l et i f srtlllrlal Trrih . leitiKlr "et .1' ArtlHrlal Teeth, 12.1.1X1 ti l I8 Dhs. HILLS & IIKH'IIHOLI), DENTISTS. (i.rAHFIKI.b I'KXXA. br. A. M Hills woolrl inlorui Ins Iri.n.l. snd patienia Iht ho be. a..o,-i it d wile trim, iu it,. pre. lice of rl.-ntl.try. Dr. .1. L H. II tiio.ij. a geoileman wto.m he can r-comiucnd anh fl a.-uriooe af giiing "itislacAm. akonl I ho chines Ur ber.ut "I the office. Atlwnik goar40tee,t IS giro .all-fa tioa. A M II 1.1.8. Oct 18. 76 17. J. L. II. IIKlCI'llt'LD. STEWAET & ELACKEDEN, I) K N T J S T S, Curwenatllle, f:iFai'fleltt County. P. uti's. (Olf.ce ia U rlcs' New Building.) Caiw.navillo, jsn 11, 1876 It. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OKca lo Bank Building.) Curneimvllle, t'lrarlirld C o.. nrh 22 '78 if. I-a. MEAT WARKET. F. M. CAEDOS & BEO., On Markat ftpoue doirwt-af ut M-n-iia M"Ua,, BA. Our arrnogrmen'e ara ' I the umai a character mr forniabinit tba puhho whb F't-xa Mt ataof all kind, ami of ilia voty beat ipialiiT. V' alsu deal ia all kmda of Atfricultural 1 tuple menu, which we krep on exhit-tiion tr the Ik-d. etlt of tb pitbhe. Call arund wbsn in toa, aad lake a look at lh:n , ar addta aa F. ti. CAKD'iN A HBO. CIcarflcld. Pa. July It, IH74 If- FRESH HEATEV SII!U Tlie undiTfiajurt) ber by inform tbe ju'i ie ia ffneral that Ihey k-cp fit hand, rctrn .ru, at ih-ir ibp. adjoin injr Jt'llN li Lli'H S lurniture Miima, sippdiaila tlie Cnurt Houaa, hi REST FKESt IIKEF, VEM, MVTTOS LAM ft, t'OrtK. KTO, Ar HE DUCK l PKICFasS, KOU CASH. Mnrkft a-vrttinai Txaadar, Tha-dir. and Sutunlavi. .Int da ierfd al rnaidan't) whea deircd. A ah an f piiiromifo ia r-t.etftill,- aitiiter. Maroh I. .i; 1-. HTAulK A NOKl.tS. Ja K W t-ABl N KT aM A K I X U 1 1 0 P. M. B. SPXCKMAN Desire, to ent.uunov lo tha pu'.lie that be ha. reBea B CABINET M.lKINll HIIOP IV 01. K 4 RFIEI.B, Where be will KEEP ON II tND PUSITIT USE, Ard do ail hinds of rBINRT WOKK and BB I'slll FlilNITItBK of alt kit,!., ,.c ihorl nnrlee and in Hie hel iMi..ihle rnann.e. eh, p K Fourth sin-s-l, opposite Park A .M rrill's llarrtaga h.rp. Aug 1. '76 ly. JOHN TROUTM AN, DKAI.hH IN FURNITURE, 5IAttiikhhi;n, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET HTKKKT, N'KAR F..O. The un.lfrljnel hrg leute f inform the cili lna of Claaraol'l, and the put'lle (trnaratly, I bat be haa on hand a line aanrtin m ui Furniiure, aweh aa Walnut, rheatnof ai.d I'aiaied ChamM rin Ira, I'arlnr sSttitca. hwltninj anil Kolentiol Chaira, l,aliV ard Hi-nia' K..a Chaira. the I'-r-far ted Dininffand I'aibir riiwlr, Vn tteaiaand Wtnda-r Chaira, Cloth Rtra, aur) tfrn alou lera, Mai Ktiolti, Ht?ralilii liuel.-, Af MOULDING AND I'ICTl'RR FHAMKJ. Lookitiff Ola , Chrntniia, Ac., which anu'd auiial.le fur l. ) do prim-nre. led'H'7 JutlX Timt'ruv. READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS ST A TIOXKR Y Market Rt.. ( Iranield. mt tha Pnai irfllrei) rpilB nn leraigmd Off era ia ann an-e " X 'lie eilin aa of ClmrAt l I nod icinU. that he kaa Btu-I up a Mom and haa ju-t iTturned from the city witfi a Urne aniant t rai.imf at alter, ennaiat In; in part of Bibles and Miscell.uieous Books, Blank. Aos-dinM aad Paaa R mk ol arr "I aeripHon: l')ipr and Kuvelnpax, Fretvh .reMd and plain j I'm and l'. noi a; lltank l.i-ff.d I'apara, Da.!a. M..rtraaei Jndeoie i-t . K-t"p-linn and IVimiaart nilei H hits, ami INn-h- man Hrief, Cap, Rt-e..rd H.,..n.i-i ni.1 Tif, IShivel Mumo, f..r eit.icr I'luno. F utc r Vt tin. eonatanily on hand. Any t-tvika rtr iinnarj delred Ibat I may am hareHa band, will he -rilarr-l by I rat iprta, and etl at wh.dale or rei-il ta twit auaioaiera. I r. la ktvp pnid.ii.-! litrature,aueh aa Uagailnaa, Nnwpaer. Aa. P. A. UaIlH. Clearfleld. It ay 7, l!lfl if II. A. KllATZKK, kRATZEIU LYT1.E, PBALRB IB DRY OOOliA, K0TI0KB, BOOTA SHOE9, LEAIIIRR. CARIKTA OIL CLOTH-I, WALL ParBrl, VINMIW BBADIA Itf Isseteal tsoaK IrltratlB, P. w. maaaaaawan, UNB seesaeejMa, Veaesasae It, IIM. Jeasl