Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 28, 1877, Image 3
TIJ EPU BLICAN- CLKA RK1ELU, PA rtKI.VK'tOAY MONNINO.FKD. 21. 177. Terms of Subscription. (1 iid n adranoe.or Hit in three months ...$t I paid fti three aad before six months,.,,, S ft I- paid af-r tbe eiptratlon of sii months... I to jSdT-Meetre. H. M. Pbttvii.i. A Co. News p AdveiiUlug Aget IT Part How, corner l -.iiy.Vt &trtt ere eetburiied A grew Ri:M(;mjH (tone fru. Mfh.Klut Kplar opal C'burrta Bev. B P. Ititkii, PaMor. Poblie Here ice every ftahbeth u f 44 A M , and 7i P. M. Hahi.aih Srhnol at 9 A. M. I'raji MtiBR every Thursday, at 7 P. M. Coian .ntnn Service Brit ftabbatb of every mb, -t lot A. M. Weut Clearfleld N. K. hurrh. Rvt. We. II. Dim. ami J. K, Andkrhon, Pa More. Preachlne every alternate Hundev. at fioolock, IV M. iundy roboul .t i. p. M All art la- tum iw uuertu. Probyterlati t'liurrh Krv. II. 8 Buvlbb. rliibliaita eervicea morning and evening -Sabbath School at X P. M. Prayer .Meeting Wednes- lav evening. l Kruncla C burch ( atliollc Rpi-. P. aI.SiiiHtn.,N. preaching at tiieo'clock. A. M..on -kr firat. third and lourib ."un'layaureaflh month; Mftra ana net editnon 01 tnc rflersed heereiutnl at 7 o'clock. P M. fuodtty Reboot evtry bun day iirrniHin ui u cioe. OKFII hl, BIMM TOHV. timr ur uLniao Qt'Aaraw aaaaiuRi count. . pe nd Monday nf January. 1 bird Mimila wf March. Pup) MuDitav f June. Fi.urtb Monday ol Heplamher. time ur Loma common fLaaa. Kirar Monday of June. Setmnd Monday ol Noreniber. rt' orpicaaa. f'rfittrnt tdluo. Cbarlct A Mayer,, nt l,mk Haven AittHt I ie Juiiut lion. John II. Orela, ol llpllffonta. Mwi'ii'i Jui$rt At train Oglea( CI ear II eld i VitierM it iiiki. nooniand. fmlknntnrtf Rli Bloom. fttyttr tif Httnrxier L J. Morgan. ihttrtel Atturmtg Kb. M. McCullougb, Trwtwr -Band Mc(tatibey, ,SAen 4mirew Penti, Jr. CnKM'y Vitreeyor haiuuvl F. MrClotkny, Cur aenaeille. Vomt'g Cimmituinnm riarh Brown, Clear (fid i Ih. oia-V Medea, Cheat P. 0. llairia Hmtrer. t It-arHrl.l. County Auditor Chriat. J. Kraj.f ?, (lien Mope ; fiauiael A Caldwell, Willitmnroe ; Jobn 0. Conner Burnakda. Count) Oiiromrr J. B. Kff, New Washington. Jurg CmmiiiiitT Br. Jhinel P HnrcltfleKl, CleHrltrd, Jon-h Aleiandar, Woodward. Huprinttttnt of Public Stkool Jubn A. Qri'ttory, Curwraavilla. A'ofiirVee t'ukiic Juhn XV, Wrifly, Win. R Helaoh, Cyrua tjordun, ClwarfieUI; Jnaeph H. Irwin. N- B. Arnold. Carwcnivillet J- J. Liogle, 0'Aeola Mill. Oar fecial column i decidedly interrating In local point of view, and profitable, reading te outeideta who want to aa?a monry. Br. Stuwnrt'rt dutitul office in the Uaeonia butlding, Clear&eld, will be open nil uf next week. An exchange wi)oihat "floret with t went). Ire buttons ait wura with ball tvllttt ' Tbey a at button down the baek. Lorillarti'i culebrutvU hrainln of Na ry Tobaoco, "Oefiauoe" aitd "Our Choice, at Lytle'a, tola nxent or Clearfield county J(ev. Wm. 11. will preuch next gurnlay, March 4th, at rbtwieilio al IU o 'cluck a. a.; Ooahcn at I p. ., and Catre at 7 p. n. aa i llnl with bine gittti crownn ure Uie la left it re Ititiu Tbe !. gtwa will atari tbe hair on Iba m otbeat ahull in furty-eigbt bun or yaara. a ai The American potato bu hun emi grated to (biha, and tbe almond etd naliitaare debatla. whether to worah p it ac a ttmnge g id, or boil it for e'Up. Now that the snow hun diHitppeni'tMl, top en dirtover what ya hart htea ihmwlne; Into the baek yard doting ihe winter. It may iurprie you it generally doa. ita a Rev. J. F. Antloraon will preach oa 6un ay neat, March 4ih, at Centre M. R. Cburcb at t0 a. m . i At. Joy at I p. ra., and In the Wei CI arfirld M. K. Charcb at T p. m. mm A Clearii- Id young nmti who gocit about aoiflliBi ' blowia ha nuie,etplalu'd lu i Iriend that "Hba didn't baa ady lira Id lb parlor Ut Budday, dt Id waa blade coda." i e - There will he no service in St. An drtw'a ifipiaetipal) Cburob neat rtuaoa, March 4lb, aa waa announced la the Church, hervtee will be held on Sot day, M rch llib. In pUoe vl Ihe -ru a da a. Before nui it) week the I ml my 'ing will La i ere, wh -a jour neigbbora' cbiekfna wit, be let ooa to btgnone Ibvtetigalirg eimmituva lc your garden, and ta otb aianii back and awtar and throw tiowit at tta lend matimal ben aa ehe atratcbelh around with her loving brood. Thial Libt. '1 he tollowing caUHCH ha teen et down tor trial wa lb aclid wa-h or ibe Maroh term at Cuart, Ih77 : W. h. A L Affroctattoa ve. Janift Haley W. U . Wi.aon, lu uw, va. J. C. Wrigbl A Co. it B l.(tn va. Tyrone A t lear-ld K It. H. A C. lUruhom aa. T. A CleaibaM K. K. The Journal inun ought iry the hlne glaa auri on bie dead eown It allien men, run poring ibe Klt-vtural Cumin I if ion, eau Iraudu lently euuni IJayea Inlv the Preaidenoy, blue (lata will eurelj n xarcitata a di-ad etmn, in ibe meantime, those Hata lamps atill rruuiw lu the Kipreta otbe wiib the " C. O. 0." trneu I It-eta hie. m a- Bitnka 11 ul inert fuels very indignuni beeauee his H(lal "buttles" did aut alteK 10 bin at tbe rw. et eleeiiun, attar eouiinatiog him for High Cunatable. Ilia name was feeUtl scratched by maoy Hepubllvaus ( beoauau he waa a darkey, and tbey didn't like iba Idea of Voting fur "a genTan ob aw I or." However, Bunks aaya be saa end are it tlile time. Now that lluyen hun been "counted is" as Prvaidot, ia BadtcaU of Ibis buraugb ertalnly will aot cb4rga "us "with Impure mo tives," when wa say that It would only be an act of summon decency if tbey won Id raiae sumo scrip to pay fur tboa, ate., which bars been la tba fcipreee often al this place laat November, ana wot NsilekH the K ipreaa agent lor ibe price of them i - The potttotllee tinkers at Wattbing lun Cliy art atill at work, liming up thiage lit the P. O. Department. Tbey hare recently changi d the aauo of tbe mceat Mrriedale frum ' llarnaalt" ta Buhieskt,'' perhaps in honor of tba Hon. Bwblefkl Ree, member ai Cntigreee liow the Utb Pa. lilainet. Ta pnmouaea tba name properly yon mart be nbuat ana hair drunk. Dr. A. W. Hater, dentist, of Osceola, was a r renew kbd lodged in jail at Ibis place, charged wilb baeiag set bra lu hi bower, wbieb was burutd d.-wa on Frida) tigbi, lh I6tb Inal aitd on lice of wbieb appeared in toe eolumas ol Ibit pit per Ust week. Tbe priaunar was taken l eioie Lie II ior, Judne llll, tat Maiarday alter mii, i. n a writ l iuImi eo'tue. ai.d a as relmsi-d ft. $6ii l.ail, t-t appear lor trial at the writ term ol ilia Court uf Quarter Seeiine, A tine bill wun touml in the V. S biatrial Uonrt ai Pitisbargh, taal wek, agaiest Uiayetta Bloom, af this eoaoty, Adaaa P. King, Jubn Lance, Shirley B. M Mi Hen, Uhe A. Piatt, Bcolt M-rdia, A A. Lech, Pbehe Leek, and aeven U la aganst Milea On la and W. R. Jubn. tea, fur aauiadarlng and pasalag tea a tar fait mowey. Thate parties all belong tba oOebratrd Mardis gang tf aoun terf eit era, wbieb baa beww opera i lag In Uia and adjolaing eaaalfes lor yew past. m e - - Tho Hiawatha Liuimry Society, con nected tba aahaol at Centra, wbieb Is Uagbt Mr. A. P.- Read, gs mm en tar uia meat last Ftida) even lag, ta a boasa "ell I fed with tlsit- fs, who name ta w A nets Iba eternise. Tbs tudieaee eeamndj u bt Well pleaeaA. and wewt ny, ne doubt, foal log patriotic ; far after aeelog Ihe tableau ef ' Red, While and Ble," rapraernl td by thraa Nttl girls, aa well performed, aa w'f nf bis eoaatry atald fall ta feel luyat. There "s vaiiely at aiarslsas, and nil pasaad ef pleasaatly and with mask credit to iba performers. A youngster, who has faithfully and t'tncteally attended ear llighmbaul for tbe peat Ibraa wiatera, and Iba btighia or wboae ambition ta la ha a nawapapar reporter, baadad aa tba lal ing, rvaeatly, wbieb be say a la bis maiden effort t wThc Caw. What a foaataia of blessing Is a I rtbe is Iba aaeiber of beef, the tourea al bailee, ibe ertgia! eearee af ebeeee), la say aolb tg M sbuaa, baraa, barr,amaa, aad r ppae leibar. A gratia, amiable, avcr-yieldiag araeiara m bns najayatwmar family aSaira vatebsbadaea ahara with maw. V a raw br wf bar nbildraa Wl wa may rob bar of bar milb, aad ewly aara nv baa lAmt tba iwhbary aMp bo wasp eWaead." -Mr it iba raay. To prevent tobacco eh ewers from being Imposed upon, Lorlllardt batt put a tin stamp la evtry plug of th-lr tuhaean. Taka Bone noteta 10 stamped. Ljtle I sole agent fur Clear Bald county. GO AllBAD.tvi lltililO lllUt tilt) lllaana of La arc dm and Pike townabips are taking slept la have tba bridge eeroaa iba rlvtr, s tba line of the Pbiliptburg and Curwtntville turnpike, generally known at Bloom's bridge," made a free bridge. It it practically frao fraai lull Dew, bot lb are ie no security unlll iba aot of Assembly treating tba corporation Is repealed. We hope ear Senator en member of iba House III give tbia matter their undivided attention. hu ll.butHl AR au n.H nflt.. U.r., ..... ...! tout line. We bve "The Illue Gloat Care," M Tba Hangiag or Witchrr,M Hnuw Bound." "The Way to Treat Women," "Plymouth's IV clina' Wbo mt lais'i Wifr," breidi-a utany other iBtaraating aitiolet. The fuurtb and lal apprarauea of tba "Aaditura R'n" atiil ou eupira Iba fonrth pafa, aiOurdiOH to law. The following new udvvrtiavmutitH ,!j;ar tn tbia Itaue fur the Brat time : Adtniniirrator's Kutioe Jease Beams, Adm'r. Caution Adaut Moyer, Sr. Hair Hurh Mra. 8. J. Urowo. Sheriff's Sale Andrew Pmia, Jr., Sheriff. Petltiuus for Lieuaa Eli Bloom, Proibeii'y. Tu Watermen W. M Jubusua. Alderney lleiler fur Ble II. W. Smith. 6hiigles Wauled A. U. h.m-r A C-. Bad Bora.--Sevoral young bo) a wero reei-nuy arrested at Ki-lgway, oa vuiuplamt ui 'J. v. aiesaengcr, fur breaking Intu the Mure ol Mrs. llouH, ol that place. To ol tbe boy a wvia bald In the sum el tlvu each. One waa rtjlaaved, bis lather going bis t-all t one was eommitied iu J ail la d-fault ui ball, and iba other- were dis charged, la It a wonder that boya will steal glovee, eie., wbeo lha highlit tribunal iu ih land wilb five Supreme Cwuit Judge, haa legal I led villainy and fraud then a virtue 1 IVrh.ip the Kidgway Justiua had oa beard of tbe late dvciaion ol the tripartite Iteturning Board at Washington, It Sceuis tbe boya had. CLEAKyibLu Coal Thabk. Htuto. uiebt ol Coal and other Ireighia tent over Ibe Tyruna A Clearfield Oiviiiuu, PvuuayUauia Kail- road, lor tbe wevb eudiug i'tb. 17, l77, and tbe aeine time laat year : COIL. . TiiNb Kur tba week..M , H4,7nv ... iu.JWW .... 14.3HI .... I;I4,Hj4 lt ,401 .... 2',,avi Irt.biU Ii7,-tl .... 4l,77u OA eari.. .... 711 aauta Oma laai year , Ibcreaae Previuualy during year "tame tiuia last year looreaat Total io l77 ,., 6a me tiait laat tar , Increase.. 0TWKB mMUMTS. Miaeeliaueoue Irvighta,. Foi'ND 1'kab. Mr. Nicholiw Mur- ph, a rtaident oi Kyleriuwu, lu Mrru ln- bip, Wat found dead iu baa ovd oa 'i'ui-eday eteu- iog ot laat week. Iba 20ib toai. Tut ditvasiU waa aa induatnoua " uld baolielor," aged abuui 70 year a, and livd aluue iu bis hun at Kj Itr- where be baa naidvd lor a ijuiubcr ol yeare. His ettaeaoe Iruui the street fur seveial dja cauatd the neigbltore to gu tu bis buuae, wbere i he j fuuod bia body, cold and stiff in death. Ibe aupposition auioug bil neigbuurs la that be died ub bunday nigbl, tbe caue of bis death betog unknown. Ibt body ol tbe dtneaaej was laki-o in cbargt by Ihu ciiitrm, aud waa proptrl) lodged ia the grave. Ur. Murphy waa a peacea ble old man, and waa mueb reaiected In tbe aui- aiunily wbere be lived, llu baa a brother imi1- tng in Canada, and a ovpbew aouiOMhere in Oliio, bul Bo relalitat in tbia part ol the country. Tu bt Townkiiip Kl,.CT10. Below ill te louno the mull of ibe eliohou ol utile. tut Lawrence townhip, to serve ibvcoaumg year. Tbia towuabip, uidir a apu-ial taw.t lecud lour fiuperviaura : . ilea of tbe Peace J.. II. It oka, B I iaa Coo. table -K. K. Siiaw, 0 M. U. Ao lea, H cu Afrttaor- John C. Heed, U Ui Jubn Huiitu, K l-l 4 Auditor A. H- Mtiaw, I) Il i hauiuel uurge, n Hti TuwnaLip L'Hrh Leais Browu, U IV2 iaaaa stage, U IU, School Direct era J. L Couklin, U 142 W id. Lauaiieriy, t .lin K. K. Daniel, 0 It r. M. U ."i.. 1 IM Mil- K-..I, D .i;.i J. L. Mcl'brt".., U w; I. N. t un- u, K le.i Hubert Wnge, ii H VO truperviaara James Bnwn, I) 2r7 h. J. Heed, B Ittto Jwtta Parke, i . 24 Joba U. knue, U -1 14 Mopte t. Kraiuer, it itM i. L. Noma, l( O. P. Knee, H . M Oitrsverof Poor Samuel llrowa, 0 aa. 1. JaVturaie, D Iba Jamia Irwin, Jr., l ...144 Judge uf Election J. K. K -wd, B ltV A. 1 oluure, 11 Ititlieelori of Eicctiobi Joutttbait Oalen, n. i oDuouer, n...H vv Bisi. Treaaurer Joa-ph Owens, B 2j4 IUilroab Bhibob Bubnkb. The Seliuagrwo itmit, vi laat Week, puwiisbes lb lulluwing paniauiars in reicrente to the destruolun ol the raihoad bridge at that place, on faiurduy titolag, ibe 1 T th tut.: " On Sat.rduy irerin, about 16 minutes belure I o'clock, aud In My au hour alter tbe laat traiu had eruaavd Ibe river bridge at Ibta place, au Harm u " kirtt" i uveal eu tbe last tbat Ibe Suubury A Lawieiuwa hatlruau bridge waa on tire at ibe southeast corner ul tb weal end. When brat diacjtered the Hit waa uoi large, bal at a lair aiod aa lowing toward tbe eauibiaat II fiuined rapidly, and ib nu ekntdingly it time the Brat apan was all In Bro. as ibe Ire cut off all t'Bmttiun wub Ibe vfaera, It waa lutpoaaible lo reach ft ur impede It. Ilia si aut bre-engiBt waa lakea lo ibe river, but to uo pur pura, lha Boob and Ladder L'ompauy went out ob a lat, bul could not retard Ibe Bra. A steam abgme was bruugbt Irom Suubury in lorty mlb- Irom tbe limn lbs news Was rtoeived there f bui the progrcas ol tbe fl.twea was stopped only by lbs sawmg vfl of Ihe eighth span, nbiob w a riiky and dangeiuua underiaknig. Tbe estne bndge bad rlaieen apaus beanies be treat le work over one laland j aud, ot the, teveo were de stroyed by fire and one by aawibg it off, ro thai one-ball Ibe bridge aaa dealroycd. 1 here is only Obe apao remain log weel ot the brat ielutid. Tltr Bra is believed to bsie been the woik ot an Ibeeti- diary. There wae an ineuranee vi 74,tlH) upo the siileen spans refpetthtiy IB aertral ouuipa olea the Atua, the JJoeut, and ttia R yl and ponton ibe aoupauy uy rvana thirty -five to lutty ibuuaabd doliatt. 'J be pnawti ger ctrs continue to run aa uilore, ibe pasacoKera being tmnaleried trm Iba island to tba Ui u Que by mean ul n Bal " THE BOROUGH .LtCllON. Tba reault of ear bereogb elect ioa ub ibe tuih lost., ts given belifW. Tba Bvmotratt have tbeir aal majority, with the eieepttuB of Juatloe ol tha Peace, Ibe Radicals having elected Wr. Ura bam over oar evmieee. Tbe Vote fur each eaud dale is aa follows : Oemocrata. Repabltoans. jDarica or Tna rsAcs. James Keif...,.....- 141 1 hu W . UiBoam.MH.IBJ at auKHS. " James L. Lefj m.IT Joeepb S. bWwers. IM Town ci'tmriL. UrBrV W Path.... t6 l J U llartawiek 1"! Miitoa 0. Brawn. ...IV6 K. M tfenearer A B.Stiaa lb I niOB ONuTABi a. William Portltt....HIVl I W. U Urn lee (tul.).,16 ooHhtablb. ka CI ell an l...J il Myers Tl aaaSaaoR. William II. I William B Drowa ..1S6 nisTarcT TBiAaenaa. 0. Whitebill IV6 JobB cUaughay.-.IU irvoB or bluctiom. Fred U. CtrdoB...H1f9 William Reed IU J issi-acToB or Bbi crioae, James Wriglty I "7 I Urrge 6. Young. ...IH eVIBSBBM Of TBB iOft. Roet Read IS9 I James Irwia 12-' Juba Porter... U - AoeiruR. Hunihal W. flmlib Itil Thomas Rubias UB Wa regret Iba deleat ol Mr. Kerr, our nomine ter Jastiea el tba Peace. Me was lairly bom ma bad, and should hae been e reeled. Ills de.tnt may be gratify lag in n pereoael point f view, but ia a party sense a is aa outrage Ibattaaawt bo de traded. It is aa eld adage " tbat ium wrong sevw make eat ngbt." We andersievd tbat ib party kale be I waa buiM lesl tw.ll aad tbe vote polled at that time showt that eibert tu eader eteod ibe ejueaiien. Why Ibis andereuudiag baa been vteiaied. Is a Bijsiery to aa. It will eow be ia order for tbwse wbe breught abtetlbe da laat 4 ttr emiaea far Jatttce, la eAvenite tbeir parir faliy aad Moral integrity. We bold tbat all Bamaerau should eepwrt ibemaelvas la voliiiea at tbey Aw ia baauMia or avetat aleira. Boare yaer eewdva! wkA year pralaiaiaw, ead dljwambia, i lbs aa4 emrwl at Rule at aeaslble. If taeaeeedy , affeasad a year age, R It aa Imprevemeat fee aa eibar to effead ibit yeas. 1 Wanted 11,000 conl of Hemlock and Rock Oak Bark, fur wblob wa will pa; tba fa I be market prloa. jllif. A. 0. Katnra A 0. Wantkd! An itctivo, honvnt man, to eel' tba luro ed Kilai llwa Dwlng Maebtae la Clearfield county. To any who with ateady tnploi meal, we nfftr eitraordinary ladaMmfnti. W rile lo oar PperUt Agrat, Vr , s, putter, at Brook 1 1 Me, Pa., fur trim, lnfruati"n, At. fvb- Tna llowa Macmirb Co. m i 1it of IctlurH rvmuinin unclaimed la the Poattiffoe al Clearfield, for tbe weeh ending Ptbruary M. IB7T l Frrd'k W Aldi-rtaaa, WiMiata Dowllng .Vaaiy tnra Ceiagbaa, Mary A. Puatiaa, Dudlr-v Cuuant, Jubn Duwiing-1, Pair ia li hevaulds, Jubn W fu id lay. P. A Oil' lih, P. M. Vox Chase. The nportiiig fratern ity bad 4uii an rioith.g time wilb a fui last Saturday inoriurg, which bad been brought te tbe pr"hriur of Ibe Shaw llouac a few days pre vious. M K-ytiard" bad made an effort la get a ul n Vat I, bul tailing In Ibta. he was taken to Sliaa's held, above tbe uld bridge, on the west aids of the river, and giteb a cbauoe lo lake "leg hall' Tbe riflt-mrB were at at lured a'aog tbe road leading uit r Cual bill, with urdere to "ahuot bnu on lbs pul "i I ibe dg tailed tu catch be lure be aruaed the ruad. All tbe meB were tn readineaa, the foi set at liberty, when be Immedi ately started ft-r tbe bill, holly puiaued by two bounds, and ltg." and " Bulpb " eloaa upon the rear, one uf ibe latter being armed wilb a sutten-abooter and ihe 4hr wlib a pair of Nu. II ouw bide boota. K-g" diaplaed abort wind, pnibaltly owing to the Irrqucwi use uf "blue gUoa," and be was neatly pneaed ty Boljth " br lure tbe Orel-quarter pule waa reached. But, uotoriuniitely, Blph " mlatouk Ibe track of one of the doga lor Ih it f tbe foi, when he gut on ihe wrong h ad and came "a little behind out." Tba foi u ihe meantime made for the river-liank nod aui of range for the " Big Injuo," who waa ata lloned all rer the hill j but " Burns " gave It a soup I rounds Irom bis duule-barrelled Mfl(e( hut the range wai tou lotig and do damage was doi.e. At the rlvt-r-bi.nk, tuatisrs were getting interaatmg. Keg.," ' Bolph " and the hound were i-lure upou " Hr) nard, who bud taken up his pii itlon un a bue cake of ice, for tbe purpose uf roulii'g bis levered brow. At this juncture, one ol the guunera left bit pott, aud, get; log wubin twenty. four !et uf Iba fia, aad resting bia gun on tbu li-noe, beaui-eeedid in killing it at ihe aeuoi.d fire. mded woal might have U-eB cooatileralila spurt, bad tba animal But been luin eo curly in the ebaae. Spec tain. T. A. FLKt K A t 0. New Spring styht at Fleck A Co t. I) ii ia ( rnw, btat ai.d laahienable a T. A. rik A Co. 'a. U'antkii ! lUti.bUtl rrt-ttteh aliaVid abingles to average Irom 11 Co 6) in die for which We will pay Ibe b i ft hart uiHrket price. A. tl kHAUan A Co., rl.2S If. Citarb.l l, Pj. Uo and see the new gooda ut Fleck's store. Every da) bitoga toun thing new al Fleck A Co. 'a store, ll you don't believe it go end aee. 1hie two lots of bodily comfort, rheumatism aud ibe gout, caao tbi ir twingea. it tit afiVcied part ta iiattj wtteheJ .tiih (i'tan'e Suipbur Soap, wbieb baoifhea pain and rt ndi-ra the Jointa ami ufin-te tipple ; d elaalta. Bt-p t t'nileaioa's. No, 1 Mib Avenue, IS. V. lull's Bair d- H his ker Bye, black or brown, bit cia. tab 4w. An up town uan I difEuled with hard money . He eerm-d a allvt r bait uul ar in bia pocket for a. a utor.tlip, only lo dierour wliu be tried l pan it I tint II waa cuuntorietl. No bogua goudi -I T A. F.eek A IV s atore. Ladlea are reuealed to on II and examine the new good a at 1. A. rleca A 00- a. ilenlleinrn will li nd mueb tl-aure in detain lug the new a'v ut at Fleck a atviC. llt oNtKn FonHii.a. k. Newton Shaw keep a full etiMily ol Fredonia Butcitiea and Plallorm H i,(i u,t aale. To be een at ihe Sbaw Houae yard. Call uu or addreae him at Clearbeld PeBb aylvaota. may 13-11, Young mru "d young womn, the old and tba in id I e mgtii, everyoudy of all aga, aiies and colors, will bod aomethiDg tu pleaae them at T. A. Fleck A Co.'t AH kind of UMe llneos al Fleck A Co.'t, tthlte gttods ot c.eiy deactlpitua at Flenb'r. I.adifw' hats, all the new sprlbg atylce, at T. A. Fteck A Co.'t cheap cah at ore. Hen r city of Jftonry. , There ta no i1aoiI but lha rtre-ant eon Htlt nf a1 ktndanf buaineas and induatry ta fearfully dc prepaid, ami it b hixtrea everv family lo I'wk earelolly to their expAnm-s Winter te coming on when i-bildren are liable to Croup, H hi opina; CoUtfh.eta Cougha and Cold will prevail every where, and C"aU'uption. with other thral and lung dieaat', will carry off inntir These die eaae t-heuld not ttc ne;leoied B tnr's bills are ex-fciiteive. aud we would adeiaeuur people to uae Itwat ttr.R'a OKwaaM Svari. ll never haa tailed. One bottle at 7& cent will keep your Whole family well during ih-winter. Two rto will relieve any rat- Sold in all lowna in tha United States, and by your Biuggial, C. 1. Wan, Cleurheld, Pa apr6, '7fi-ee1y. If jou w-tht a good ehewl, nn matter what kind gu lo Fleck A Cu 'a. Til I'aV it h ill in.u A few year inca the pr prie mra of .V. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Chirri anrt lforeboutd mint, dnced it here. It waa not puBed, but sold no its merits Our people toun found It to be reliable, and tlrrady it haa become the mol staple aod popnlar puimnary remedy in Ihe market. It quii'kly ruea the won-loouh. colds croup, broo uhitia, aotbiuaand Inciptant ocDinmption. Nothing- art at, ntcalr in wtatxiutiii tod g i, and It ia to pleasant that children readily uae it Contain ing no opium, or thcr dang- r-ua drug, it is as ante as it la aure. Trial site, 10 oeola ; large mi, 6i ct-ntt at'd one dollar, bold by C. B. Walton, and llart'Wick A Irwin, Bntggats, Clearfield, Pa. Prof. Parker's Pleaaatil Worn fiyrrp It per fectly eale.-eitrcinrly palataltle. No pbyalo ra uuired. Coat 2b eente. Try it. For aaia by C D. Wataon and llartawiek a Irwin, Clearfieid, Pa. Uich 2Jeowty. Attention. Farmers and Lumbermen. K NTKB by Arnol Curwcntville, 10,000 pou i ids pork. 1,000 IjiihIiuIh wheat. 1,000 bushdri ryo. 1.000 LuhIiuIh imtfi. 1,000 bushels hIioIIlmI corn. 1,000 buslieln otutocs. IIMMHMI ilda-lisrli aliaved -IHliK ea. HHtSHNi V4-lu h aw wed kliltiKlve KHMHHI fret plite bttarda A.IMHl railroad ilea. A MM curua wak aud henturk tiarlu For which unu-third ensh will bo m'u. oct.25. The heat kid giovsa, every pair warranted, at r, a. Fiech A Co. 'a. Collar, euffa, Beeknea, suapendsrs, best and underwear at T. A. Viees A ta. t. Flannelt, maalint, girghama, tbirttngl and uaafiiutra at Fiech A 0.'s. lUntrird. At the r sldenee uf tb bride's father, nn Thurt tUy, F. b Ui. 1877, by R.-v. B. II. Campbell, Mr. M illorrt R hpitce, ul lt ectria lownabip, and Miat Kllea J Patiersnn, ol Jordan towaabip. Railroads. len n ny 1 v ii n in Hit 1 1 rend TV HON K a HlUM 11 01 .nd (l.r Mond.j, NOV. 17, IHH, lb. H.MH.nicr Trkin. .ill rvu d.ll (.injt ft... dijr.) bH.ND Tyraoaand 0l..m.ld. m firliutt.j L'LKAHKIKtb MAIL. W. J. Imri. t'uudvolor. "l.KAvir"ni(iiTii. ! T.havk niTktii. t'ur...lll.... I", r . ClMr.HU " l'b.ll..l.urg 4. SI, 447, ' rjrua. , " Tyrua. w f IO,... VwMm... 1 Sf, Pblli..b.r,...l. M, " Cl..r.ld ..... 1 1 ., Uur.a.-ilt..l:l, - OI-SAKflKI-U KXPHKKtt. W. t.. fi..i..n, 1'e.daotor. TkaVKMIiI'TH I I.KAVF VOHTH OirwHrrllk Clmll.ld.... Pbllii.h.rg 0-Ml. -..-.. V..I Tjrau..- ... i. Hi " 6.17 " i.4 T.41 . " Tyro... f It ... T.2I Omral. . .... Phllli-r, M Cl..rt.ld, ...... 4f ' l'.r..ii. III. 1.0. BALD IAUI.I VAI.L.Y bKAhCU. a.)L M.ll I A. . r. .. t. m. ..HO to... T;ro.. rrl I I l.o. 47 K.l. Kxl. 11.41 11.17 IIJ0 It ,4 10 4. II. . .1 1 0.1, 10 40 J.IIMI MiUablrg MHwkar, 11.11 UTiT.U U..MI h.n I U KaUronds. TYH0NK STATION. BAiTwaao. a a I waaTwann. am PaolBe Ktpraaa, :U Pltlabura: bip'aa, Uarrtiburg Aee'm. Paaktlo Kipreaa, fe SO P P H MallTia'a. S-.M Way PaHengar, l:l& AtlaatloRipraM, tM Mail Train, Pblla da Kipraai, 10:3iPaat Line, I.&H PIULiPhUt'KU A MOMIANNOh UHANCIIKH 0a and aOer Monday, Ni'V. ITih. !;, A eomuiodatloB Traiaa will run O'er lha I'htlipa lorg and Modiebaua Hranebaa, ac follow : LfcAVh bul Til. LKW K N"HTII. Ht.ti.iii mX It JJoyaton, M...b.nDoB, Hl.rlinn. MaC.ul.jr. Keoitrtuk.. 11:14 II:' 4 4:16 11:61 4:04! 11:46 X:6J 11:40 l:4T Il::i6 8:44 1I:XU l;4 tl;24 S:.I6 CI.m oiinflMtlon. u.d. bjr .11 .t Tjrrua. and uitcn ubv... a 8. 8. BLAIR, jl7-tr. 6uti.rlBUnd.ot. Allegheny Tullcy Kiillroad. LOW QRAI)K HIViSION. "N .nd .fl.r M"0,lT. J..urr Itih, IB7T, tbr i.,.rnii.r train, will run daily (.iiYlit un day) betwrc. fttd Ilanh and Driftwood, w iuiiow. t r .r Anii.l..y Mall Lava. 1'ltr.liurg 8:i0 .. n.) Kd Hank 11:4. i Hliaudunrtin. 12:1)1: New Rrtbl.hra 1:00 p. m May.Till. 1:19; iruy I :i urooayil.a l:un Millar . I:Z7t Hry auld.villa ! Dullul. 1:10 i BnmiBit Tiinn.l 1:41 i PanHild 4:04 Wnd. ill. 4:17 1 4:t i arrlvM .1 Urihwixid .1 i:44. ICH1 M AHltUay MaillraT.. Drlflwcrt 12:16- p. oi., H-n.i-ll. 1:03; Mra.lll!a 1:40! M-Yl tuuiDilTunnell:tai llubui. I:.H1; K.ynuld.vill. 11:111: Kull.r'. HI; HraobvilU :46; Troy 4:lit May.rill. I:.1II Nrw Brlblabru :lt ; Mia-, Jauctloa 5:31 1 R.d llanb t:10 ; arrira. .1 Piu.burg at 9 10 p. m. t Tb. lliynold.Till. Arrnmnodatio. l.a.M Iti-juold.rille daily at 7:60 .. m. and arrive, at Hi-d bank at IU:aS . a., titt.burh al 2:5a p. ui. U-.T., Pittsburg, .t 11:40 p. a Kd Hank at 7:.t0p. a.; arriving .1 H.yDoldivtllaal 10:110 p.a Clwa. eoDowlloD, aada wltb train, o. P. A N Kailroad at lfriltmd, and with train, on lb. AllrgliiBy Vall.y Kailr,ad at R.d Uank. HAV1U McCAKliO, U.n'l Suii't. A A. JicKaoN, up't L. U. Uir. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO BeiialunU, l. II IMMiddl.UW. $i .0 L.k II. v.n. ....... I 70 Marl.tta- .40 Willi.Qi.iiort. S Oil Latioaal.r I 86 Uuntiaii-lo. I 00,fHILADKLPlllA Ot Lawi,town S 00 Altoona 100 M.ry,nll... ......... 4 40 JohaMown........... loll l'aw.a.villa lll'l'billp.burg ,1 Uaocola 64l I'yrona I 12 UAKHIrlHIlllll... 76IF1TTSBUHU I It lr OOIi:i HTOC K aVOH P-Alli. I A Tbnrooah-rrrd ALOKHNKY 1IEIFKH CAI.F. tartttaare hereby notified as per agree mint. Muet be taken away roon. 11, W. HMITII, Feb 2A, 1K77 tl. Cl-arflrld, Pn. SI-l.i:CTMtHHH-Tbe imdertigned will open B private school in the Leonard build I tig. In Clearfield, Pa., on or about the lat of April,877, lo continue eleven weeks. Instruction careful and thorough Terms reaaona.ii I e. h. C. VdCNtlMAN, A. M. Clearfleld, Pa., Jan. IT, T7-Jro. rpo MUI RMKN I 1 nil' i underlined rtaiitctrnllr tnfnrina the WHinmi n oi uiearm in cunty, thai be will open a Hoard! itf llouac at " Fulton's flood Water," lor their aeeuiumudatlftu, this spring. Hoarding good, and prices nteona!h. Thanking you lot ptlt fe.ure, 1 would solicit your utm aeaiu. U. M. JUII.NSON. Fab 23, 1877 6l. C A If Till IH. -All peraonaarw hereby cautioned again! purchaaing or in any way meddling a ub ihe following property . now in p-s-eion ol Peter Woer. rJr., ol Uraham toanahip, Chai field mttity. lo wit ; One btaek bora, I red and white eow, and I yeailing calf, as ibe same belong to uie, and have I teen left with In in uu luan only, sub ject to my order at any time. A I AN AIOYbH.r. Kylertown, Feb. t9, VT ( H t.' K-A II enntractora are warned againal X l taking tba contract for building me Uoihen iontnip graded eobiwtl miilding, aa we ire de termined to ettutrat tba right to erect aad build itig. or appropriate any lit tide of the diairict for tbat purpura. W. A. Nhl.Su.N, JOHN MUKhUY. ill reel ore. and titty citiiens of Uoshcn twp. Liek Rub, Pa., Feb. II, fl7Mt TVTOTI XI citiiens of Clearfield county wi.l apply lo l tie preaent Legtaiaiur ui me Ptare oi reiiB-yi vaBia, for Ihe repeal of aa Act of Aaaembly lor taking loll ob ibe t4uauBebanaa Bndge, oue and one-ttiurth miles eaat af i'urwenaville) on tb- f'btliiiabuig and Curwaaavllla turaulke, and ask that aaid bndgr be handed over ia tbe county uf l Icarflxld. JUMAH n. Hf.AU t urweneellle, Feb. 2177 4t. CMMMF.ItCl.iL HCIItKrl, IN 4 LKARKIRM). Teach your Boys that whiob they will Practice when they becrme Men." The BBtlcraigned will ones a school In the Leonard building, oa April SJ, 177, to continue ti-n weeks. The studiss to embrace Beading, Written Arithmetic, Writing, and Bonk keeping, whirh will be made a apecial feeioe of ibe hcfaoul and iBorauililj and practically taujrht. Ppeolal terms and arrangements lor such aa desire to take a partial enure. Terms reatonahle. ten. 7, 77 ft J. r. MeK EM MICK. HAIN WOHK. i l.adie, whan you want hair work done, rimmr these facia ; that Mr. 8. J. Brown did nut pick up her trade, but paid a high price and learned it thoroughly j aUo, that aba does not ruet br work IB iba baartt of in coin net cot par lies, but altenda te each order personally i alao, it ou want watch guards, hair jewelry, bair flowers, or anything ia that Hue, call on ibe un deraigned, aa ab does all tbe wurk herself In to sending it away as other batr-drras- era du. For Arat-claas call on T. 4, Kief a A Co , ar tall and eiamine fur tturaelf X4rHeldenoa on north aide of 5le'ktt alieet, three dours east ol tbe raildroad. Clear It eld, Pa. Mrs. 8. J. DUOWN. Feb. 1177-tf. ORPtlANH' COURT MA IE By virtue nl an orlrr of ibe Orpbana' Court of Clearfield Co 'there will be sold at public sale on the premie, in tut borough of lioulsdalt, on Maturday, Marrh IT. lH7t, at I o'clock p. m., the following desunbed real ealale, to wil : All thoae certain tola or piti ea uf ground tituate In the borough of lluuttdale. Clearfleld enunty, Pa., houndfd anit-4rcrihed a follow i One thereof bounded n tketuttrtb ty M N-t. 04, on tht aoutb bt eaer elli , on 1h eaat by- ftiabin meet, on be wit t y Hpru.-e a i ie?. BB'i mown aa roi no. v. i nt ointr mere of bounded en the D'irtb by M oit a.ley, south nr Cue at f el, eaat by let Ho. 12 n tba waat by lot Nu. 122, and knuwn a lot N. 523 t.LOKUK 11. WOODEN, Aduiinhtra'or ul D. C, ft tea, dee.p lloutsdtle, Feb. 7, 1H77 fit. I1CKMMR NOTICK-The following per j tona bweeliled In the offine ef tbe Clerk el Cuurt of yuarter pesaiuns uf cir-arneta euutitv, their netiiivwa aad ttonda lar L teen aee, at Mareb trasioB bcii, agreeably te tbe Act of A teem My i oral Licannai. Wm. 9. Bradley m M Cltarfleld com eg h W. C. Cardon A. B Bow James UoLaUihlin..,H D R- FallartoaM K. Put lie ...HouladamlrrtBgb William HhieHs Joba MeKiiery.M Hl (Jeurge Khodee , t..... William rarkar ,. Mania Flank J'-rome L- Baungardner wiiham Carrao.... Patrick Dunn.. Jnmes L.vnaugb , Jamaa Haley M Charles Kenny James Carter Patrick Quina.....M..... Micbat-I arrnil Neil Dougherty ... Osceola boroogh Hmiib Batrd Mile lloyt .... lieorge W. Lane ,.,.. OeorgeW Davit W illlam bavia, M , ..M.Wath'a " ,.Wu. dward tow'p Uanrge Pearte 1 noma tin aw , Daaiel MeCarty ,... Peter Ruffner ...... William Hebwem, Jr....... Adam knarr ... U. Kieenbuwer. I'etar KfWel .....Brady I. H. ...K.Urrls ....-Cut iogtoa '.'.".(luilob ,...Uatea Jobn B. ifergey Mt... John Mulson....HM-..... M. B Barrole William MagoBigle M. K.l iet UtMtrge b. Robaeher Jam. L. Heuneld Fredtrteb ilaag BMTACRtaT LIOKBSBS, H. S. Batters Clearfleld borough Wendell Bedrest.... M. B. Gleets MeftbeB UraS ........ James llabertbeai Michael rAaliea...., Tbomae Millaa..., ....Csr wtmvllle hare' ' Otceola bertiegb ... - H..lloaisdale M M N Waata'a " Brmiy towaabip. Jamas U Cook...... Juba tkheenek ...... at boa art lb uqcob Licaatta. Joba 0okmaBn..H.M..MH...llwaitiale aera'cb Hiaaew Frt.lmM ... ,., Joaepb Uarea..M...M. w aem baag.,H, ... hm., m.m " km JJ. 0ednwt..M MMMMMr..Oeeingla ttwa'p Certifleal freca tat lUterd at Otaarletd. tbia Xflth day ef Febraary, UU, gLI BLOOM, aev.iBi itri-tn. J".. 4. .. . .. yifm. - it T: M It 1:H I T-SI 1:44 10:41 1:0(1 J It l:il t:l t il 11:18 t:H :Ut H ot :1 1:"7 11:011 :'H . till 11:13 Jtru' gidrrrtlsfmrnti. 1(111 PHINTINfl RVRNT DKSORIP WILMAM M. HRXKY, Jubtior or ma Pa ten aan ScaiVKaaB, Ll'MIIKK CITY, Collections made and money promptly paid over. Artie lea of agreement and deeds a I conveyance neatly tieeuled nud warranted cor reel nr Bo eh urge 11 v '7 CUKAP GUOCEKIRSI LIIMHKR CITY, PA. Tb. andmijtnl .n.iUDiwp In hu oltl frltmti .nd p.lron. l..' b. hna T'.nrd , gttnti lln. ol IIKnCKKIKM I'HIIVIslllNS i th. ul.l o.l ol Kirh A l4inMr, far hib h. . Iih.r.1 llri'iin H. W HFKNCKH. LumUr Cll;, P.., M.nb l-lf ereuson town .b to. lisariield count v. Pa. dtt'd, hating ben grant d le the undersigned. an persona annwing inwaete-i rede ted lo tatil rata 1 e are n auired to malt immeilfale pavment. and th' te haitog tit ima age met ihe eeiue will prretBl Hem prvpeily auiliennciitvd fur tettiY next without deity. JANif H'lSK, New Wniport, il, 7, "7 fl!.. liecmrt. A)minimthatoh Koricu. Nonce it hereby girts that .eturatf Ad uiimatratioc on ibt ealale ot Mcn,AH M I' II PI1Y, Ute of JMorri tuwnbip. Clearfield county. Pa., deceaed, baring Utwa duty granted lo lle utideralgncd, all perauni indel'ted to aaid estate will pleae make iuimeiliaie p iiieiil, and hone having claitus or demand agmnal the Sumo will present them properly uutheii floated tor settle went without delay. JbbUb UKA.M-4, Kjlertown, Feb 28. fit. Aduiiniairator AI)MIKIri1KATtfl4 MlTU I"., Notice Is hereby gi'o (Imi Lettera nf Ad ministration on lha eilatw f J'MIN MiTAVIHH, late of Uullt b towuvhin, Clearfield cour.ty, Pa., dee'd. having been duly granted to iba utidcr atgnrd, all perrons Indebted lo raid e-tate will fiieate make immediate payment, and those bav ng claim ur ileutaiid wilipreaeni litem properly authenticated furaetih-ment wltlmut delay. JOHN h Mi'KKIItNAX, Mmllh's Mtlli, Jan.21,'ir- - Adui'r. D'NHOI UTION OF P4MTN I HMII 1 1.-. 1 be partnership hrretofurt existing but wean Powell A M or pun In the hnrdwure bualtieai ia l bis day dtaolvt d bv oiu'ual cunirnt. The huai- neaa will be conducled brreatter at lha old atuhd by William Powell. The bntka of the late firm are ia lha banda of U'm. Powell, for collection and aettleinent, and all perenr knowing them, aelvta iadebtetl will pleare call and settle Ibe aunie without delay. W M. Pott Bl.L, t-namei'i, reb. ii, 77-U WM. r. aaUHu AS, AUDITOR' NOTICR. In the Orphan' Court ol ClcarllelJ eo., Pa. In ihe malter d the estate of Usee HImoio. Hr.. late ol the I'orough ol Curweasville, dioeaaed. Notice is beteby given ttut the uodtrtigned Auditor, appointed by aaid Court U dilnr-ute the lutidlo tbe banda of Leah Hioi m. AdmininlmtrlJi f aaid ealale, te and among ihe partiea lettall.v entillc'l In reeeive the same, will aittpd to Ihe dutieanf iheappointuienlat hi office in OlearfleM, nn Thursday, March Sib, lK77,at t o'o'ock p. in., when and where pari its intoreated mar -tttend. t YUI H Ookll'N Clearfield, Feb. U, '77 i U Auditor. ir l"Ti;il'w NOTICI. Notice la hereby given that the following ac- oounta have been eiamined and paaaed by nie. and remain filed ol record in this ttthec fur the In spection of heira, legateca, creditors, and all other, intxreatfd, and will lie preaenlt-d lo the next Or phans' Court ol Clcerfietil county, tn itu bold at tbe Court llouae, in the bumugli ol C'leurflcld, com ai imping on the ill Moaduy (being tbe Itflbduy) of Mareb, A. U. IM77 : Final account of John It. Mrgtn, Ahulnftratir ul the eatate of Vt m. Ilajeock late of It urn tide , town hip, Clearfield county, Pa., d-f-emed. Partial act'uunt of Oa'ar A.iatu an-1 Jut. Adim, j Administrator uf the etata of llavid Adntus, late of Cleaiflvld bomnib, di dated. Second pNrtial account of J bn I.. Cuttle, Kq., Adiiilhiitrwor ot Ibe estate ul David Miller iaie, ol Lawrviiue towuahlp, Lleurficld county, P. decaied. Final aeoounlof K. W. LaWde, Adtulniatrator ; ol the e-tale of Labord-, late ul L'bioO tuwnrbip, Clcrfi.iid oounty, I'a , d'aud. Partial aeeount ul Lydia P Leonard, Aduinit ' Iratni ol lbeelaleol Chut W. Leonard, Iaie of Lawreiioc tuwn-bip, Clearfield c uiiiy, Pa.. diCehM d tinal accttunl of Jaeub Pea ret, Otmrdhin of Franklin I1 Dull, a minor am ol Tbus Holt, late uf Biadfurd luwnctaip, Ccirfiel I Pa,, de C. Bed. fitml account of Allen lurr4y, aurviving d mittitiiaiur ul ihe latate uf Ai.dciaon Mmrae, Iaie in Uirurd lownabip, Ckwrtietd cuuuty, !',, dectaaed. Partial account of J. Hun flliaom. A.tmin in ralor ul lbs eaiaie ot J. Linn iluover, late ul Pike lownabip, Clearoe'd county Pa., ducae4. Partial account of t'barlee drown, fclisnlor ol iba eatate ui llonry 8. U-lturn, U'e of lluatua tuwnthip, Cte-irttuld eodnty, Pa., deoeaiied. L.J MuHti.AN, Feb. 3 Ute Hrgister A hocurdor. TNI-UV MAL, ANMRMaMRWr a-on ihti Ati in. n i nerei.y gnen. mm n vvmieia- aionera ul t.'leaifl'-ld e.uut will meet tbeiai pay er al the foil.-win named nlaees. for ibe pur. poee of bearing and determining appeals on the trl-ennial aasefument for 107 7. Tne time fr bearing appcala will be betwatB the houra uf 9 'clock a m., and 4 o'clock p. in. of each day. Tbe appeal win oe nsia lor Jordan, at the hotel In Auenurttle. in said town ship, on Iburrday, February J2d. Fergu.n. al tha rtiidenue td Joseph Moore, in aaid lownabip, on Friilay, Fenruary 2.1 1. Knoi, at Turkey UillAuhuul llouae, in aaid lown abip. en tSeturUey, Fe.nuavy SOb. Luit. bar Citv, at ibe beu-a uf la rati 0uppy,on Monday. February Stttb- Newburg, at the hotel in aaid borough, ob Tuts day, Feliruarr fth. Cbvl, al Korabeiinb'e aobonl htuae, tn said twp., on Wedneadxy, February trih. New Waohipgion, at the putihc hum of Oerge W. Davis, ia said buruugh, ua Thuraday, Mareb M. Ilarnaide twp , at Young's school boute, In said tuwoihip, on Friday. March M. Buraila bor ,at lleniiell't but I, in tald borough, ea Hal unlay, Moron 3d. Bell, at tbt buute of Hubert MahuBej, In laid lownabip, oa Mondav, March tlb Ureettwti4j.i,at tbe btel in UaUt ilie. In aaid twp., on ruea-lay, Mirob tth. Peon, at the election houae In Penuville, ta laid lownabip, on Wednetday, Marcti 7tb. Bloom, at tbt election houae in aaid tuwnahlp, en Iburaday, Maieb th. Brady, at ibe public bouse ol Kinanual Kuntl, la I'ulloi, un Friday, Mareb Ub. AUo, at ihu pm lie boue el Wm. fttheni, Jr., in Luther- t'Urg, on falurday, March ttnb. 1't.lun, at Ihe eture b uae uf D. K. Rruhakfr, lu aaid lownabip, on Monday, M.trcti littd. lluaiun, at ll'C pulilio buuns of Jauie dchufluld, in Pet field, on TueeUy, Mai oh Uih. Lawrence, at ibe C'oiitiuiaaiuuert' Ollice, on Wed' mad ay, Man b Utb. Cieartti-ld, al the Cuumiasiunara' Ol&ce, nn Thura- Cay, March 16th. NltTlCB it to hereby given in the Aaaor uf Ibe acreral ruugbt ami lowoFhip. thai tliev be preveni with Ihe boaid of Ciuiuiiilner tin the dny ot Appeal, in ibeir rt-paeiire tliairiclr, a well at ill .frf"t.a who may te I thfiuaeliea trgritved. A geaeral appall will be bold at tbe I ummiaeionert' edict, uu ibe 30th, .11.-1 and 22d daa of M:treh uest. alter which oa app-al will -e beatd. The Aaaeaaura are nximre-l lo give eanh la la it It a written -r printed nileeof tba kin-l ; end amoBkl uf prt.ierty be ur h I waeati, t hal five ia)t belora ihe dv ul appi-al. 1 I LA H K ttltOWN, T A. MoitllKK, Atteail llAhHl-lltxtVEIt, U. B. UunM-AtntH. Clerk. roiumitciooar Cmtaismanera' Utbee, i;iaarfleld, Pa., Jan. IU, 177. MHBtaBM j 3 4 QQQOOQIIIOOQ .. QQOO oooooooopooooo J ooooopooooooooo CDODOBUIUOOBCffOOCOOOCIOtAUDaDUQ Htm Ooodi ; 1 : WW 4I New Oooda j ' j Jt)0j (J M M M M M M MM M M M M M M M 1 1 2 s i s ssmsn gjanaautS n ia qd n a w u. . P..fJES CIIE1PER TIIJ EVER 8. GUINZBURG'S One Price Bool anil Slmc Store. MKN'8 FUKNIHIIIJIH GOOIXt. BOOTS AND SHOES. IIAT8 AND 0AT8. wiiiti a ho coLoar.u ovlrsiiihts. IIKAVT WnRttlhO AND ,ANCT fnONT OVER8UIUTS. GLOVES, 80CK8, II A N D K K RC U I E T 8, COLLARS AND CUFFS. COUHTBY TRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCriANOK FOR 0OOD3. S. GUINZBURG. ' r..a Olmt, -i-.o. ta. Cart Uwm, (LEARF1ELD, PA. tartan I. wmaiot v Unr ftafaL CaalM. a, Jaa. 14. lln. '!." . BIJ1.RED UIIT. 1 ri. d. u.l eo.te Jj lameotnt 1 the ttutt at H ai. T m 1 1 1 g LBTsnksMi'ii "V'Ti" ' -"':"T';V rr't .-r-V-l--ewe- I (Our (Dun dvrrtiirmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publl.b.d ..rj WmI.mJi bj GOODLANDER & LEE, CLUAHflKLII, PA., II.. ih. ( lrciilil of rnijr r lu KuriliH.ieru The largo and conntanuy niuivue, circuUiion of the Republican, rundura it valuublo inbunincus men as a m odium thro' which to reauh lha public. Tkrms of Scbhcbiption : If nuitl in tttlvanco. . . . $2 00 If nuid after throe months, . 2 50 If paid uUursix months, . . S 00 When paiura aro foul ouiaide of the county jiuymcul muatbe in advance ADVKUTISING: Tun tine, or le, 3 times, . Each subHcqiionl inerlion. Atlmuiict tutor' Notices, . Kxocutord' Notic?N, .... Audi torn' Noi ev, .... Caiitimna and K'trnyn. . . . Dirtiolutinn Nolkofi, , . , t'rufimpiohH. CitnJo, 5 lines, ywp, Special notictm, por lino, . . , $1 50 60 2 50 2 2 60 1 60 2 50 6 00 . 20 YEARLY A DVKUTISEMENTS : One pqiiuro, 10 linen, . . . S3 00 Ttfo i-qtmroa, 15 00 Tli roo ftqiinrca, 20 00 One fourth column, . ... 50 00 One-half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 1 IILAKS. j Wo llAVO ulwo nn hit 11(1 a largo t"ck of blanks ol all description,. SUMMONS, SUHP(KNAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, HON PS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLES BLANKS, Ac, 4c , 4 c. JOB PRINTING. Wa are prcpan d to do all kinda of PRINTING POSTKR.S, I'ROti KAMME9, CAKDS, I.KTTKli IIEADH, EN V ELOPES, IU1.L HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIltCUIiARS, Ac, Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEIIS 1Y MAIL FOR A I.I. KINDS OF WOKK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEN1 ION. Uoodlander & Lree, Clearfield, Clearfleld Cctu.y, ft. SF. lrrk (fo.'i (Tohimn. NEW SPRING GOODS I JUST BE AD M ILL BE SOL A ( T. A. FLEC Go lo Flec'ei & Co.'a for Go to FU-ck k Co 'a for Go to Fleck & Co 'a tor Go io Fleck A Co. 'a for Go lo Fk'ck & Co. 'a for Go to Fleck A Co.'s for Go lo Fie k & Co.a for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'a for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fh ck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck A Co.'a for Go to Fleck & Co 'a for Go lo Fleck & Co.'s for do to Fleck & Co.'a for Go to Fleck & Coa for Go to Fteck A Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co 'a for Go to Gleck Si Co.'a for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleek k Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck A Co s for Go to Fleek A Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck A Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co 'a for Go io Fleck k Co.'s for Go lo Fleck A Co.'s lor Go lo Fleck A Co.'s for On to Fleck A Co.'s for Go"t Fleck A Co f-T Go to Fleck A Co.'s fur Having just Iaidi NEW SPRI m ' .HOT aVaf-aa-i ' ' -i . - -i- P IT D M P TA o T m Wm 1 Ima 1 "t'B iMA I i T - ' . 1,1 A-) . XJ You will save morrey by buying your DISS AND DRY GOODS 0F T. A. FLE I)0XT FAIL TO Cloarflold.Pa., F STEAM SAW MILL. KNtilNE AND B01LF.KH FUR BALK. The underaigntd offers for aalt oa reaannahlt terma, their ateam saw mill, located at Wallace ton, Clearfield Ca Pa. The engine and boiler era a good at new. Tbe aise of iFe engine la I4i24, and Is tn good run ntnn order. Tbey will alatiaell hetr ahingla anl lath mill, and all Ihe working machinery in tba mill. Parties wishing to purehaaa eta fall on or addict U HA HAM. WALLACE A CO Clearfleld, Pe . June 80, IS7. ll'Kr PHOtLAMATION. WnBttKAt. lion. C. A. MAYKR. Prtaidenl Judgt uf l' Court of Cotnraou Pleas el ' ine weniy-B in Juaieiai uiatrlct, tompoaea oi tbe eountitt ef Clearfield, Centre and Cliaiua and UuB AtuaM (Innea and Hon. Viacaav B Holt, Aameiate Jvdjree of Cltarfleld county have iiru ed tbeir pecept, to me dfrecttd. for tbe holding of a Court of CommoB Pleas, Orpbana' Court, Court ef Quarter Beeafont, Court of Oyer tod Terminer, and Court of llentralJail Dsliv- , try, at tbe Court llouae at Clearfield, in and for ibt county uf Clearfleld, commencing on the third I Monday, tbe lOili day ol Mareb end l continue two week a. NOTICK IH, t hero Tore, hereby given, te tbt Coroner, Jutiot of Ibe Peace, and Con tablet, in and for said county of Clearfleld, to appear in tbeir proper persons, with tbeir Records, Holla, Insula i ttnne, Kinminatiuna, and other Hsmem branoes, to do tboatv thlnga which to their oflJoea. and in thtir behalf, pertain to btdont. By aa Ael of Aeaciubly, pai-d tba th day ef Mayt A. D. IA4, it is made the duty ef tbt Jut tiees ol tbe Peace of ibe several counties of ibis CoiemuBwealth, te return in the Clark ef the Court of Quarter tteraione of the rtepeotiv tounliet, all the reeogoisancet entered Into belure them by any p-treoa ur pereunt charged with tbe eommiaeioB of any trtme, etocpt such taaet as may be ended helore a Juattee of the Peace, un der existing laws, st tea days before tbt commencement ef the aca-lon of tbt Court 10 which tbey are made retuftiablereiptctlvely.and in all eaat wbere any recogiiiiaacee are entered tnto less than ten days befue tbe ooinmeucamenl of the seaaioB lo wbtob tbey are maMe returna ble, the raid Juatlces are In return Ihe same ia the taiue manner at if aaid act bad But beta Jiaaeed. (UVfcN under my band at Clearfleld, Ibis Slsl oay ef January, in Ibe year ul our Lord, one I thousand eight hundred and seventy. seven, jau .11-10 ANDKKW Ph.VI Z. Jr, SbenrT. Ilxr of Jiriioitia. j List of Jurora drawn for Mnrrb Isrm, A It. 177. eommtneing on the 8d Monday Ibe Iflih day and evntmut for two wtekt t etAHD Jt-Bont. C. Owens. Clearfield t leant Smith, Olrard T. I Cooper, " jKroeal Mignot, ' Levi Jordan, L. Cltjlileo A.Moirison.Oosbtn Jot. Hainey, Newburg Jamea l.vtie, lire bit in J. Wettbrook. Wall'ton Samuel Flrgsl, Mark Kvler, Bradford Wm. Irfina. ir, fluaton Wm. Had.. her, Brady Wm.Miebaola,Karibaea Wm. M, A. D. J ihneton, Morris Klijah Moore, " Ja. L. Htewart, Cbarlss Bet par, Pena KH Harmon, ' ftobert .ung, Bnmaldc tleorg Patehen, ' J J.ieard, Cot lo a ton And. Keubart, Dtceiurl TtAVBaai jrjtoaa rinav witt 19lb. r, BMaaria'l llrfartt, -Jaa. Pall-.B, M U.or,. U.Wilt, " Joba llvrab, llaorv P.ola. Bloon (aaae Hoibreok.Oraban Uv Hubler, " I 0. W. U i titer, Oulleb, Jat. Dunn, Ilouttdale Mat i he Carr, " Alfred Hoofleld, lluatoa leaec Wolf, JorrlaB, .lua. MoNeal, Marttaftolen, " ii. w.pi., iu,,. fc. o riumn, uraaiuru Jaa. W.-.IJrid,., Joha H Hilar J W. Leonard, I ltai. 8biBd(fr, Brady R.J.flillilaad,Karlbauti l. I. Bloom, Lawrence M a. Mar.., Jb. Oarllla. J. H ilhaw, J W. R.Hw, Oavlarla. MHea Fullertna. Krutiar, Nirbulaa MarUI, Jvba f,tfc.ra. J. W. Tbnmpaea, " it. P. Doughmaa, Peaa H. 0. Wagoner, Pike D. 0 R u tar, WH Khimtl, Morrie veo. DeHaae, - lice. Kerns, " Wm. Dale, " II, IV. h.jO.r.Claart.ld 11 r., J.r A. faart U 8. K.-harl, D.aalar 1 A.Hh.iia, Onrtv Hballa, O. L Bebooaevar. " Joba Orr.N.Weebingt'B Au.tia L..I., r.rguio. Jaa. r.r.uao.. Jaa. Utllagker, " Peter Built, Oiteeln JU. K. Carr, Olrard VI m al.rr., , Job. r. Jar,, liaiilal Lm.i. llee. B. Jones, H. L. ttnvder. F. K. Hb .ff, Woodward Tbot Mai bare. " 1 buwau. hM4,ao.haa THavaast juaoat tacoto wtat-lttb. Iaaaa Bmttk, Beeria Jne. B. Bene, Coviagtea Jaeeb w. U.ay, Huff libaa. kanM, JobB L.Wtia'B,brtMiiwrd Jaeo-b L. Weaver, Brad Fred em i try, J. iBmmeir Jr., Jaeub W. Cur. -aiaa... Mawrar,, UM, Dawatw H. II. Krl.r. Caraw Juba ila, Um. W. Mavar, ttirard B t. K..I.V, lraw wf-Jae. M Mahafley, Bell Adam Copier. Wm Orr, H T. A. frlOM.., Uallab M'B.rwllarlaiN L.wra.M Jaa., tta. Haaa, Harrl. Mim., Ml.bMl taM, " I J. M rttddte,BrBSldelp C. K. FaUMh. ai Lack B-gi-rly,Cletriu K. 0. Tayer, M. haiiaBera, cariii A. J, raw". Miliar. 10. b. Berabeuab. " vtwaee Bibiaev Clreet Maaa. II. Iluai, 1 rawl waitea ataarr AddldaM, Mm g.. lrrli & (fo.'i Column. NEW SPRIN1 GOODS! CEIVED D LOW FOR CASH, T k & co:s. f.-dr tlroo, good.. ( jour dry jriHidn. j-our klut k carhmere. your colored uIjiuciii. your blutk uliatia. your pluid drcoa good. your cnlicoe. and mualina. yourgiiiKtiitm. your thirling) your lublo linens. your luimimera. your wliito gomlm, your wliilu flunnula. your co rue to. your kid glorci. your hundkiTuhitfa. your linen cull.ra and cu(T. your lioae. your lack combo. your mottoes. your ribbons. your millinery goods. your ludica' huts. yotir ludiva' bonnets. J our block and colored oh-twla. your nnpklna. your wliito snirlt. your colored sliirla. your auaprndura. your necktli'S. your funcy goods. your underwear. your paper collurs and fU fT. ynurdi'uss trimmings. your shirt (rom. your pina, needles and thread. your umbrellas. n a large stock of NG GOODS, CK & CO. CALL AXI) SEE. ebruar 21,1877. T IfHTflCIOIt' Wa have printed a luge awmbar ef lb new rnt ti ii i, ana win oa ine receipt ea iauiy ee twofita. mail a ertne la a addravaa. mett Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. '"MIR undefined, having eatahliabed a Nur t sere ob the 'Pike, aHut half way between Clearfifld and Curweneeille, it prepared to lur niah all hinds of FRUIT TKKK4, (etandard aod dwarf,) BTcrgreews, ehrubriery, Urana Vii Uooalterry, Lawloa Blachrterry, Strawberry, and Haspberry Vines. A to, Siberian Crab Tree, Uuioee, and early aearlei Rhubarb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addreas, J. D. WKIOHT, ttp20 AH-y Curweoavllle, I'a. A NEW DEPARTURE L t T II R S B II R G . II ere after, aooda will be sold for CASH enly. nr in exibaoitefor produce. No booka will be kept In the lutnre. All old accounts rauat be settled. Thoe wbo cannot eah up, will pleate band over their Botes and CLOSE THE RECORD. I am deitrtniaed In sell my goods at eath prlcea, aod nt a discount far below tbat evei offerei tn this vielaii. The discount allow mi cuelmrra, will make them rich la twenty year It tbey follow my advice and buy tbeir good a fa. a. I will pay ean tor wnaai, oata an-i cineer' rd. DANIKL UDODLAMI.H. Lutheriburg, January 17, 177. AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLBTO.Vfl) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete in 16 Volumes. Entirely r-wrlltrw. to tbe prevent time. Beery thing brought 4 w ill wat rated ibrougoutJt wilb Over 3,000 Illustrations AND HAM.f T.rtOBtr. . lb.laa M .Bl, bv .Bbaenpll... It U .bligaWr, I. tab. .11 tb. ..tana, at o. ft vulaaM mty b. d.llr.rad mm . aroalh, .r amm 1. t., r.. ..ta . day, tha prlrof a .ig.r, will pav far , pi ,i CVOLUI'tUlA UK A Bl MuVrHLl HUlltlC'Kll'TIIlN I. laaa tba. Ibra. ,aan. Tbali ib.ra .III b. aenathiag aBb.uau.1 aad a lanhMH .f bnawlwt,., ladaad . ..Ivaraa. J librarv I. IIMII imim, wit. WW. i.uav vaavi av TTMtlbM. PR1CI AND BIYL1 r blNblMQ i tot Illra Clalk. par al.. ..... Ill far Librarv Uaaliiar. Mr val M . 0 Par ball Tarbav M.uaM. par vol .-..- T all ball hawi. Ktlr. Mill, pa val. I Mi P. fall MarvaM AMI.., uar ..... I, 01' Pov fall KaMla, Mval......B.. 10 -V Par fanbar lalarwiaUM MraM i.l WILUAH), r.l4iabwr0 1t, IH Hulk oUaM, I (toawvib, nw gntKrlUnrt-us. IJOOT AND SUOfi MAKING. li JOMEPII II. DKERINO, oa Market atrttet, Ib ltawa How, Clvarfifld. Pa., ht jut received a flue lut er Freneb Calf Hkint and Sips, the beat in ibt market, and la now prepared w maa atactare ereaytblag In bit line. Ut wUl war rani hit work le be at repeat a ted. Alao, all ktads of LeaLber aad 8boe riadlagg for aala Tna tUitent if Clearfleld end eletnlty are reaitctfully laetud ta glee him a tall. Work doae at abort atlte. tilfUf The noil s RuiiM oolen Far ttry lu.utbi,, CtaarOald Co, fa. U PI neighbor, rd neetsatty, in tbe ereetk ef a t- nlaat Woolen Manufactory, with all awe modem improvement a attached, and ere prepared lo make all binds or Cloth. Casaimerat, Betiuette, Blaa katt, Fiannelt, Ac. Plenty of geoda ow hind te apply all our old and a tboaaand aew easterners, whom wt ask to come and eaemiae ear stock. Tbe be l note of CABDINO AND FULLING will receive nur eapeclal attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and lone upon the shortest aut ice, and by etnet attea tiuB to business we hope te realise a liberal tbre f public patronage. IO.IMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wt will pay tbt highest market price for Woe and sell our manufactured goods at lew as similar piods oaa be bought in tbe county, and whenever e fall to render reasonable saliafaetfon we can dwaya be found at borne ready to make proper -iplanatiea, either in pceon or by letter. JAMtCtH JOI1N60N A 80N8, aprilJtllf Bowtr P. 0. II A RD TIME8 RAVI no ErrioT IN FRENCHVILLEI t an aw.i-a thM tbara .r. torn, prraaa. a littl. bard ta plaaaa, aod I at. .lau awar. Ibat tb. luiplaiot uf "bard ttrna." I. w.ll ai, b universal. Hat I an, Miaatad biw tbat I aao aati.fy tbe uruier aad pMra Ibat "bard tin." .ill But affv.1 tbu.. aho buy good. fn.B. aja, ,.d all my patru.a .ball ta lottiatad lata tha aa rrat f ( , UOW TO AVOID IIARD TIMES I here gooda enoegb te euppty all tbt InhaM ants In tht lower tod of the county which I tell tt eieeeding low rales from my mammoth store la tlCL80NHUKti. where I can always be found ready lo wait upeo tail era aod supply tbtm with Dry Goods of all Kinds, ueb as Clot ha, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Mualiat, Delaines, Linen, Drtlhogs, Calicoea, Trimmings, Bibbons, Lace, 'teady-made Clothing, Boute and Shoes, Hats aad !apa all uf the beat material and made to order tttae, bucaa, Ulovet, Mitten a, Lavte, Hibbons, Ac UKOCEHIKa OF ALL KINDS. Ouffee, Tea, Sugar, Bice, Molaaacs, Fisb, Salt Pork, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen aware, Tinware, Caatingt, Plawa tad Plow Castings, Nailsf Hpikes, Corn Cnltlva ors, Cider Preeaei.and all kinds ef Attt. Perfumery, Paints, Varniah, Ulass, and a genereA ataortment of (Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, 'if different brand, always on hand, and will be told at Ibt iewetl potsible figures. J. H. MeC Iain's Medicine, Jerne'a Mtdlolatt 11 oatet tar's and iioo&and's Bitters, 5C0I Bounds of Wool wanted for which tbe ntghest price will be paid. Cloveraeed ob hand md for sale at tbt lowtst market price. Alao, Agent for Streltonrille aad Curweatrlllt fhreahing Machinct. vfluCall and tee for yonrtclrts. Tea will And rery thing nsuslly kept in a retail store. L. M. COtDRIKT. Frentbrlllt P. 0., August 12, 1874. 3IGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Successors te Boynton A Teung,) FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS . Manufacturer tf PORTABLE 4 STATIONiHT STEAM ENGINES ........ Ooratr tl XomrU d Piaa Btmto, rLBARFIELD, PA. rT.vt ll daa ING engaged la Ihe maaafattare ef flrti- elatt MACI1INERT, we reapeetfully Inform it public tbat we are now prepared lay All all order t cheaply and as promptly at eaa be doae iu any of tbt eitlee. We manufacture aad deal ia Mulaj and Circulw Saw-Mills lead Blocks, Water Wheals, ShaAing Pal hays, lifford't Injector, Bteam Oaaget, Bteeja Wbittlea, filers, Tallow Caps, Oil Caps, Gauge Cocks, Atr 'ooks, Ulobe Valeet, Check Valrae, wrought Irea Pipes, S eam Pumps, Buller Feed Pumps, AbII Friotlon Metres, Beep Btone Packing, Qum Pach- tig, aad all fcinJt el miuu wunnj tngetnee ritb Plawa, Bled Bolee, COOK ASD PA RLOR STOVES, , and etavr CASTINOB of aH ktmda. ? jt-r-Ordert telielted and Ailed al eny prleee ill lettort of laquiry wilb reft ranee te maekiwery if our mnaufaotura promptly aatwtred, by addrwo tng bb at Clearfleld, Pa. Jan I '74-If BIULRB, TOVBO A BBE9. G KOC'EKIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, (iHMMt U LTTL8 A MITCBILL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CII0ICB LIKE OF ISA. OOL0NUB, Japans, imperial, Totmo dtsoh. BNOLIBQ BMAKPAei P.raM la HwkM. . BtlTTH AND IU0I. Will ba b-pt aad Hid at IrM Mat. Cab paid for Oow.lry PradaM. UBRMAIt C1IERRIK8, PRCNM, . PRKHKKV8D riA, miLAPBLPRIA BAH. FIMI. Uaabaral, Lab. IT.rrl.,, Ood, Aa. ! riCKLKH, j ; ; ;. ' ( Barral Naklaa ud I.,Hrt Plokhak PLODa AUD PBRDa ' rtnr, Cra Umi, OM Me.t, A. . iM.aVtT. " AJt 8. LTTIJL