Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 28, 1877, Image 2

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    She ifpubliran.
QJ aa-a... i -nft r T. w." til '
Ukukoi B., ftllwir,
Haadr. If yob want 10 kbe vbat U r.inK nn
la lb butlaaw arnrld, Juat read oar adraniiiat
aolamai. tha A'paei'al anlama ia particular.
Ho who has the eiawern need not
caro for tho votn. That seem to be
the lefwou 01 thu Centennial election.
Hkakin in, Senati r T hu rnian, mem
ber of tho Klectoral ronimimion, bai
rcxiJicd on account of itkiiexn, and
Senator Kernan, of New York, tu
been chosen in his stead.
A number of our exchungoi aro ad
vising Juilo liradley to commit sui
ciilo. Why tint let him live, and like
Cain, 11 about exclaiming : ''My tor
ment in greater tliuu I can bear. O I
what a hell this is."
General Newton, of New York city,
bus just finished plans for a new bridge
which is to cross tho Hudson at reeks
kill. It will bo one magnificent npuii
of 1.G80 feet, and the floor will be 1U5
feet above the wutor.
Tub Radical i'kuuhamm;. TildenV
popular majority wo know is 250,000,
but liny es must bo counted in by the
Wushington licluriiing liourd, accord
ing to the order of tho Cainerotis and
Chandlers backed by Morton.
If tho penally wan death, for a vio
lation of the Constitution ol tho I'm
tod .Slated, what a Hiring of Jludieul
suckers would bo swinging from and
ornumunliug crosa bvunia ut llio
lionul ('apitul about this period.
Ciiviicu 'Ir.jiblls. A Oiilesville,
Illinois, congregation is trying to got
rid of its pnstor because bo preached
in fuvorof theatre", and a I'iltnbiirgh
congregation is bull dozing its shep
herd because bo keeps wii.o in bis
A Vacancv. Hon. Henry Warron
Williurns, one of llio Judges of thu Su
premo Court of this State, who died at
Pittsburg on thu 19th inst., hud not
met bis brother Judges since Ju'nuurj
1876. Ilia death will cause an election
this full to till the vacancy.
Fox's American Theatre, located at
Eleventh and Chestnut streets, Phila
delphia, was destroyed by fire on Sat
urday night lust. Tho Mercantile Li
brary and Hogers' corriage warehouse
were badly damaged. Tho theatre
took fire about two hours after the
audience had loft.
Dozing. In iliac liming iho Loumitna
cuo beforo tbo Tribunal of KilU'oti.
Charles 0 'Conor fluid : "There live
not a man. an fur an 1 know, on tbo
lace of the earth, who, having tho fac
ulty ot blunhing, could look an fionoHl
man in tho lace and nmrt that iho
Iluyea electors were truly elected."
Wm. H., uKli.taiit onhier of,
llio rint jNutionul liiinK, Jliniioiipolii.,
u riliot and killud MiM Kate .Nnunuii
on Friday lunt, on tlioatrcct. Min
Noonan ancrt tlint Sidle haa oeducud
and then drei.rti'd her, This la very
Hhort, and a pretty fjnod way ol set
tling cw of that kind.
Tut Nkw Jciiot-iGoT. llartranll
baa appointed, and the .Senato him con
firmed Juiikh P. Sterutt, ol Pittriluirjt,
ft Judge of tbo .Supreme Court, to fill
the vacaney caused by tho death ol
Judgo Williuiiis.
V 1 1 La- U a a D L t r. The former
chargea a fuo for committing perjury,
and made up bia count for cash, and
tho latter arrivea at the name conclu
aion by pure meanneia. Tlio Luaineaa
tact of Welln ia ooininenduble, but the
conduct ol Bradley ia infainoua.
The Mercantile branch of the Su
preme Court of the United ftlutCHcon
ainU of Bradley and Strong. Kor a
consideration they will reverse thut j
court, the people, or even themselves.
The opinions of these two judgns seem
to be based on rnsh or merchandise.
Still Counting. Tlio Washington
Returning Board was engaged yester
day in counting South Carolina, after
which comes Tennessee, Texas, Ver
mont, Virginia, West Virginia and
Wisconsin. The Board had bctler
hurry up, or tho 4ih of March will bv
on band perhaps prematurely.
Partisan InrAMV. The Washing
ton licluriiing Board, which manifest.
td such great respec t for the returns
of the Florida and Louisiana Hoards,
and refubcd to go behind their returns,
t.:i..A ii..-. I.. -.I- 1- .1. r
Oregon. There the legal returns were
cast off and a count made and a re
turn acceptrd without the Stnlo seal
or anything else except for Hayes.
"Damn such a count." The Louisiana
Board, which offered to sell tbo Slate
for cash, is no worso than tho Wash
ington Board. These latter members
. professed to bo honest men, but Lou
isiana's ruscals mode no such preten
sions. Dr.siocATio VieToRiits. The result
of tho February elections has been a
triumph throughout the State for the
Democrats. Tho IS, 000 lindical ma
jority in Philadelphia last Xovemboi,
was run down to 2,700. In Pillsburg
' the Democrats elected their nominee
lor Mayor by 1,210 majority, although I
Hayes' mujoriiy in November tr n,j
3.240. , '1'he Democrats of Lancaster
elected a Mayor, although the Iladical
ioriimbent was elected two years ago
by 445. The Democrats came near.lish the details of the proceeding in
.rapturing llarrishurg, where Hayes bankruptcy, In tbo liH'ini.lcAN next
bad over 800 majority in November.
The Democrats gained largely in Read
ing, York, Lebanon, Chinibertbnrg,
Brie and Seranlon. In tact the gain
runs North, Sooth, East and West.
(imntV petty a cm I uVspntiral menu ,,., Chiiinll.r, Cliuiriiian of llio
nt'ss reai liril u iliniux on Tm-s.l., ;UikI National Cniiiinitli't), knowinjr
lust, llio 20lh inst., when lie iiiHli u.ti.l ,lut CmgreiwioiiBl rominill.'t, wen
the military i-oiiiniumlur of the rnv-,oll iMnK , i.i, Cln.
into oi South Carolina tu . the j,,,.. B1 ,lt UCTOUnl ,ri,1)? t,o 10
iiistnniar- I'urmlu l.y tlio thai U-Mou Hii,,,,, ,mia , proposition to
uiid Culuinliiu volunteer militury cum-1 M r. Ilowitt, Chairman of the Demo-pani.-a
in honor ol Washington's birth-J t.,.utiu Cuimnituu, to tlie I'llW-t thut the
.lay. The onler ai loiuhi'd in ll.o am,imt ol neither Chairman nor the
most iimultinj,' luniuu)'i awl 1 tvalra 1 caiiili.luL's be innnircil into or invtsli
iho mi-piiioti "llio old mini" in in.l-L,.tl.,. )r. Huwitt, uftir some lii'situ-
V Ol UtU vl.ll Mli , JU Mil (Hi HOtlt
paraiing date their organization buck
to thu Hevoliitionary war. One of the
twe, participated in thu Hunker Hill
cel. I.rmiim and the Centennial parade
lust summer, und wits ifinduthc lei ipi
ent of the highest lionorH, both ill Bus
ton and Philadelphia. The occusiun
of Its parade, yestcrduy was to huvc
been marked by the presenluliou by
the French Consul at Charleston of a
silk-woven portrait of WiisliiniMiu, :
bill CiruiltV IlkttHU Ptfljiptll tho CrclllO- , bitui llini ot., lu U otuiDraUd. I ojr (lit
. t . i . . i , i . ' rtlt-me ol iwilit" lor a iMviotiut m lecnu.l-r,
mal. .Such petty and tyrannical in iamd ... ,, ,r I., ,..,. H M
lermoddling would bavo ilegraded a . "" durin ami I h. !.,..
, . , , , aa r. p.'HU-.ih uiai.avrj wuh laiuoval ol ll.ulB
1 urkish pasha, let an American I ,. i,.,k. to U4.uiult.,e. A i,.no.iPt ,i
President. How grumlly (iov. Wade! ul " "". abarinw. ...
n J .Binin but what l.a . umniltu
Hampton's words ring out ill colllpsri- j
Emirt'TiTK CiuNtim, )
Coti Miu, 8. 1 , h. M, IH77.
Ilii Kioolii-ncy, tli IVrcliittiit ut ib I'nifrd j
utw, bavthg urdired ihat tb whtln tnili'i
iaoin.aiii-i ul this Ktaia rli'iulit tint iir(l tii lb
i2l tnit., to Ui.riu U'ati),Kio tiirih'la;, in
lefercnoa to tli uffico ho au la, I tt irooy call
unin th' nrgnnittttona tu nmtinDc to mm
I'u'uro da ibia tiiamfrainilnit of rrir.H ui ih
niDiutiry uf (but iilutriuu ftriil'nt, w !... hiitO'
at auibitluo it wm bta ubitt lilurjr lu obaerva tb
L'l.iiMiluilun aod ub liir lwa of bia n.untr.
If (h orbllftr euinwstid 1 a Cbirf Ifxoautlv
who bud nut CuuKlit to umlala llio virtaea ut
lVaihint(l(in. dtnrivo ibu Oitiiiml "l h l- MmIiu!
(he prii il-Kv of JniDiog pulu'jr in pamt( rvvor-
hcv lo tbal 6y adivied 1 1 rver Amern au i
iriut. w van mt l ai, by uur ilio liiioa to tb
.Hiuaiituit-d auiburn. buw arrui(i tjHa-foii-c-i,
uliuw tlit wr aru iml uiinortli to lt lb couu
imt.t'n ut Wasbinittno.
Hi tuuat, l tier lore, mutt to urao auai.'iona
prriixl, wbit-h I truit la uol far. tliaUnl. tdo 01
ruin of uur rig III in cuu.un iimraiw ibo c: vie vir
tu' of that unxuHirtJ etmrmjitr, wbi wioldt-d b
anitrd iaiy iw lountl mdiI vrituA. iliai Ailiti
mtt ouiialituliDal liDnrl wuiob it OuW UvuUd
lu Ib cililtriii ul tt 'uib 1 ar. lint.
VVaiR llafT, UuTrrnor.
Tbo jcojilo ot Sou tli Ciii-ulmu, upon
It-'uriiiny ut litis Najmleohie dccivu, bu
camu greatly excited over tho oulject.
Hut tho (iovonior'H letter to King
G in nl having been ti h r:ijdiid all over
thu Sluto, ull noon quieted down, und
pocketed tho insult. Chtunbei IuIu'h
negro iniliLiu iutuded tho ntrectn ull
duy on tho 2-d , birt tho whito tniUtiu
reupccted Gov. IIumpton'H request und
allowed thu I to go over until hiiiiu
tutnro day when the iiegrtics uiv en
gaged in Hoiuethiii; cImi tliuu 11 hoti-
duy jmrtido. Thin order wnt obtuined j
I'roui Grant by tho?o two tteoumlreU i
wboarufitilloiitHidu ofthepenilentiury,
woiild-be-Goveriior Chumberluin und
John J. Patterson, who drawn the piiy
of a South Carolina United SlatenScii
ator, although he is a citizen of Juniutu
county, this Statu. Wo uru pleaded to
learn thut the days ot these two notori
ous carpet-baggers are about nuir bor
ed. ThcBO two rogues aro doing till
they can to bring about a conflict be
tween the white and bluek races in the
Soulh, so that they can, in lliu future
an in tho pust, live on the minfortunes
ot both races, und bau freu acfca (o
plunder and rob, Winnebago like,
everybody who happens to fall inim
tuvir iin.i'ja. tl niiuii in ul-iil-i livu-
bnul.TH ilo nut tliin cnntliiuiit.
Tluir iri.enco in ili'i uce to ull ranii
TJicy mo diwiiiuliflvil, IVuin tliu luit
,lHt tH.y ,ru ruin(, nt.,- fuU k,hJm.
'Tin Govehnmbnt" in Histrimh.
It appear that a White Hoiiko caller
a lew days ago upon entering the Pre
ident'a quarlein. intiiniited that ho re
grottcd to we Mr. and 3lr. tiranl
leave that Invorile iUuimion. eiyaxua
replied: "ll'a not tor myaelf that I
grieve. I have plenty. My aalary
was doubled, and mycaMh PliKSKNTS ;
uniounttoover;JO(l,000. Iluaides, the !
products ol several "black Fridaa"
havo yielded our family over l 100,000
more. But it's my ninncrous poor re
lations thut I urn concerned about.
That's w hat annoys me. They have
heen so aliiincliiiitly provided foriluring1 tor Walls, fur Hayes. 1'illi.hiirgh
my two terms by offices, and the in- J Dciiiociulio In 18771 Thu Hudical or
come from post-traders, etc., and if be-, guns in the smoky city uru ularmed
reft or these financial superfluities. ! ut thu rtH.iil, J. lew moru detiiulliug
what will become of them?" After I r.istniastera and public ileliiullers on
some consolation on the part of Zacli every hand in that city will give the
Chandler, to thu cfTcc-l that ' lliu gov-. Lleiuocrutn 3.210 ul llio next
ernmenl" would lukecurool'theGiuiit- ' 1
tlclit-Hliarpu families in tlio fuliire as
in tho past ten years, "the govern
ment" stopped sobbing und dried ils
tears, lit a cigar and begun to play
with its bull-pups as on former occa
sions. hut a gil orious "govern
ment" has presii'cd over us since the
advent of tirmitism. Why uro we
anything else than happy; mid pros-
porous u injur
tho (.niiit.t'iiiiicniii-,.l,,,v"
Chandler rule?
That's just what pun-1
ilea us. Wo cannot answer our own
Proqiilis or A 'I'm YtAR Olii
Iiepresentative John Young Brown of
Kentucky has a bright little son, about
ten ycurs of age, w ho is now with him
al Washington. The boy allended al
malinec by himself at tho Nutionul
Tl ,,. ,.,i,.,. ,i,, .....I. .,i,i....
I ln ,, audience be heard
(iat the President had entered a box
with his liimily. Bound to seu all hel
could, ho went around lo ll... I',vi. !
dent's box, opened it, und announced
himself as John Young Brown, Jr., ol j
Kentucky, Tho President received
u.. v.'iuinii) , IH.IOilllvcu 11 111 l! lis.., . L' I. ... t , .' ., I i
" lor hdniiinils, ol erinont, em ly ill the
family, and llio young man huw the . , . .. . ..
V. in session introduced a resolution ii the
en... ,r. I .I'.. I I .
'7" ""'":
"J - -' "". p.K-i" ,
' . . J
' , H J ; this express purpose and sworn lo per-waselectedloCoiigres-.,bul
lulled loiTit . ,. . . , , . , '
. . , . B , form thut duty ho voles not to bear uny
hisseat because bo was under lliecon- .;. i . i i
, , evidence and reluses to muko any in-
st.tutional ago (2j years) but he went j . w.blllewr. Kor , ,)0(, ani un.
bomeand failed till be was old enough, , ElInuI, tn(lw p0Hi.
and had biinse t ru-c ccted and still re-' ., ....... i
lion in the front rank,
mams a member.
Tint F.soaiiois DtrALOATinrJ.
oi tueeiiiaensoi our county sol-
fered sovuro loss by tbo tailing ol tho
various Lloyd Banking concerns lu
Alloona, Tyrono and Kheiisburg two
jean. .g. , ms rouuery amount, u, the i
suniol over right hundred nntl ninetyix
Ihousand (s!)C,0f2.8C) wiihln a Irac
lion of u.k MILLION Or DOL-
LAI.S. N'nw tbenucslion arises, wbul
did Lloyd li Co. do with this enor
mous sum of money f We w ill pub.
ek. Tliie whoiircakcnlieal about
the Lloyd fraud, bad better read the
court priKTvdiiigs in qncstion. Lloyd
evidently did not follow Oakea Ames'
advice, and put his money "where It
won Id do the most good."
ii. 1 ildt'p, who, iijiuii kuriiin ol linn
iniituul uiTunguniui.t, countt'ra um lol
Iuwh :
Ki-w Vnnx. Ttbrauy 11. T6.
To nn. fiimri'l A'frHun, WtttkiyvM ;
A t'-lcrfrum to tti AM"l-ii'd Vivu. ukl1-hd
thu ni'-ruuitf, flai itittt hriani uti NKrauint
b b'Q tniutlit aiH'Bl bi Iwm-o lb kciikIo Unt
iiiilteo, of winch jwt tr m- mb-r, mid tho (
iiimn f li t U"t.M, by wbiob H bi litra do.l.
fit Dt to go into n ri4uiuiRiiuo ill mjr l")
o-iuttt on (he one htftnil, nr OMDUnti ol lb Ohnir
uiili (!' ill Hca(itlco t'ouiiultlo 0 Ibenihor
bNint. 1 rciii.limlv any tutto aj(rtftiittut QI til
civiiii my tut b ituu'iii-itt, iriifi tinn r bt-m 0(
".'" " 1 "j'.1 ""' '' iiaiia
I luti ni tirtvm buuk acmjunt (Hiiilin iiiitliiUit to mvr.t.Kala, kut aoibnia aaicb
Bulbing unit iort atltd, hm bvo tkta wnb
... rt'inuiiaai.'uiu iw ,u oa. iicaio, o.Hiauao
tay kiiulnlt tu ttii..ui..KtuD.
Of euufM i belt U uo lloia in itrUtitt4 to an
iliii.j lu Urvjrtiii, lur 1 nfr mud, mtb-riifil ur
knew ul huv i'XivUI(urt Id rvUliun lu tli elo
ti. o tu l tint (Slot or retiming eantrovrci, r
an uruuiuo or blt(iitioo, ut iirKiiiutti'O "D lht
Mirj(-t Mr. KllU.aclibit frailuot ul tblank,
liitutKlf m Uauij-ho n. tvtiaa Ilia au tl-l lliu
i,li4ii(iuD ol llii Cuaimitira and -vrl u' l
uiviuuoi tiiul iltsr la limbing to tb actm-int
i)a)Abl of imtberiuir aujr tul ui-jcet uf iiift-ati
1 am alau informed tlial reaututlnn na pn
cd lu uiu(uud m aa a itoaaa, but huT rt-ccirud
ok auDfUPu.1. 1 bud wriilrn bi'lurotbia tolarain
acpcMit"! ruuein jmu toant tu lb Cuiuiuituu it tidil bi-uiui "fiKablB to ui not itt
rtai-biujrtuu. il tn Cuiuuiilt ouid ana l a u'
ciunidte, r buld a aumnun bar, hut lout oitir
i alioul i atitjtid uuilrr tt'.e aulxma. A tu
'tu ariaiicraiuDt ouw r.p.tri.!, 1 havv unljr 10
ay I euu nci-t uiowruin and dvouuoi . but ul ft
iK'tuijue i-qiiivak-ai lur a maul l n pi ore to
lOtiyln) HAMtkL J. TlLHK.1.
There I Chandler, Hayes & Co.,
Binokti that, llring on your aecounU
it you duru t
IjcKKii JtM)(iKH.-Thero is a clainso
in tb'j Coililution of tho Cuiled
Stutuct which Huys that no 0110 holding
an ullice of protil ur honor, cuu tturvo
ha rrisidciiliul Klector, or. word to
that clleet. Vet, thruo ot tho Judges
on the Washington Returning Hourd,
took un out h to support and defend
thai document ; but rel'une lo bo gv
erned by il when thu DeuioeratM bring
to their nolico tho fact, that no lews
than KKillT Ilndhul Klecloi'l held
sucli ponitioiiK, and tire tlu-ivforu inel
igible, and ought, to bo "counted out,"
in ttt-corduuco with tiiu Coutilulioii
atid ttio oath they have (uken. Il
'devils do not rejoice over a moral and
legal wrong of thin character, wu can
not imugiue what u'so inorluls could
do to inherit the ahodu of tho damned,
unless they would engage in whole
huIo luuider.
Tub Di;stiiuction i-ktiik Slphkmh
Cot ht. If Congress had set out do.
bberutely lo devise a Hchmnuto rMdir
the charnclerot our Supremo Judges
contemptible in thu esliinution of nil
AniuiicaiiH, Congress could not have
invented a moru effective oluu lor tho
pllfHIS0 tmII tlir( mpn,,,, filIr4)
i,u .,,.,,,-..,1 t... i n I...IHU- , ...tit
more to bring out tlio high Iriiiunul
into populur cuiiteinpl than ull thut
haa ever before occurred. It, at the
coiii'luninn, thero should be letl uuy
veMigeol il decent public reapeet-for
court, the luiijurity of wbonu Judges
have hIiov n thenmelvea to bu coli
luuipUble parliaali deimigogiieH, the
world may well marvel thereut. Chi
anjo Timet.
Hum. Dozino, Tho city of Pitts
burgh, win. bin Novembergavo lluvca
and Cuineron 3,210, niujurity, elected
a Duiiiuciuliu Major, Treasurer and
Controller on thu 20th instant, by nil.
jorities lunging from 1,200 lo l.CSM).
And this Uudicul chungu took pluce on
tho very du. thu WaHhingtiiu lielurn-
ing Hoard counted thu ineligible ulec-
now termed treason n hen a converted
carpet-bagger down South stunds up
und tells the truth, Ihu whole truth
unit nothing hut tho truth," uboul llio
huge crimes perpetrated by the lluili
cals in election mailers. But ll one ot
thai class stuuila up and swears to
everything of u liu.lii ul nature per-
hnnscll, und is willing to send
'" to "I i hen. be is pronoiine
t(i "u Christian Statesman," and do
serving the sympathy of ull true liuil-
liciils. How kindred love one another I
I.'atiiku Sarcastic. An exchange
says: "Forty members of Cameron's
Lcgirlutiiru paid un official visit to tbc
clorm School, ut Morganr-a, near
''"'"'"''K1'. l'''lJ'')' l'cU. Alter
tint' Were mixed in with tho inmates
l,,u ' !"cpera
"' al ,l1"1' "11)' in distinguishing lb.,
""',",'l'r" IV"'" ,llu regular boaidei-s.
l,l,'ro ' 110 li"li"i" conduct
or h,M ,,,c niigni nave ueiecteu uiose
' I'mnsuiirg.
Tlir MlH.Hal.1 r llaUA.liiOf'lt M,nn.
VSonute to impiiro into tbo elections of
thu several Houtbcru Slates, but when
jhu is placed upon a Commission for
Both (ioNk. Hon. David Reed, eje
t' nited Slates Distiict Attorney for
,10 Western district of Pennsylvania,
died in Pittsburg on the 17th Inst. Ho
was bom ut Washington, Pa., Novem
ber 12, 1K21, and was admitted lo the
ml- j,, l84fi. On the dealh of Mr. II.
Bucher Swisipu, iu llar.h, 1874, bu
was apH)inted United Stales District
Attorney, wl.i'h position he filled un
til June, 1873.
A Tom tit ArrAiR. "Tlio Govern
ment" had Dun Piatt, editor of thu
Washinton Gipittil, arrested liirfmisnN,
1'iny, tin). Tbo uditor simply told lliu
truth uboul (.runt and his Cabinet.
The lugging in ol those criminal title,
was for the parpiare of making out a
caso against Don (not Cameron) bnt
Tiik Captain Caiui. Captain (iil
clii i.-t, of Churltf ton, hiivin been in-
tormetl by (iovernor lluinplon, thut
la ln..i,!.,i,l .,1 lh. f Ti,ii... S1.1,..
tlie i It'sliti'lil ol 1110 lililltll Malta
hud issiit'il uii order forl.iil.liii); llio
whilo voliinteei'H of Mouth Carolina
from turning out on the 22.1 lor tho
purpoM) of celebiutiug Washington's
birth day (the onler in question w ill
bo louutl In thut issuo) put liitiittL II 011
rvo-ord ui lollows :
IUai.ih ahi-mm V akii i NtiTtiM Luiiir
Infamhy, Ktbruury
21, IN 7 7, Cum-
,,,v -,,,Ki
ing our respect to the immortal mem
ory ol the I'ulli. r ol his country on
bis birtliduy. The orders of the Cliiol
Mugistruleol the Union which Wash
i i U',,.1.1 i ......
ington louudeil buve brought about
I this extraordinary result. No act of
! urOilrury Hiver could have occasioned
greuler surprise. In eoiiseipienee of
' these orders (iovt-rnor llufnptoii has
' -VaiiU 4 to jHistpone ourpuhlic
1 celt lirutiiiii to sniiiu nioru uuspii iniis
i period, w In. Ii hu lmn's is not liir ills
limit. In c.infiirtnit to bis procluma.
lion thu purudo, oration and presenta
tion ol the pnrtruil ol V) UMiingloii ar-
nuiL'cil lor ihu '2hi ii.Ntuiit. mix IktoIiV
di lt-rred milil llio urrivul of a day
wbi'ti it will not bu duuint'd mdu wiiil to
comiiieiiioruto thu civic viitues of tbo
illiiHtrioim liiuuderot tho Kepublic.
11. C. GiLciiitiMT, Cuptuin.
Tho Captum is neurly ax ievoru on
"the governmeiit" as Guv. llamjilon.
But, then, tho Grants, Cummins,
Chandlcre and thai herd of "Christian
StuteHtiten," aro willing to pocket in
suits of thin charucter every day, if
they are only allowed tho profits uf u
"black Friday," and thu sale of Post
trudeinhipH, and lo carry on a whole
Hide and retail "crooked whisky" biisi
lies:. This gung ol political despera
does uniuially Collect hundreds ol mil
lions id dfllurrt otT iho people in iho
nhnpo of tax and internal revenue,
half of which goni into their pockets.
And, et, tho people seem lo bo pleas
ed with the pluii. When will honest
tiicii obtain thu places now held by
tirist cluM rogues ?
Look AT TflK Uc.SCLT. If the fubH
cuted ICudiciil inujohties in thu States
of Florida und liOuUmnu aro to go
into history as the result of thu elec
tions in ihoriu Hiulcs, il is well tu look
at tho popular vole for Prcnideiit as it
hlutids corrected by patent return
boards. It in ut follows:
TiMtn. I). m'wri ,
(), Itl'I'Ubh'IBH
Ctioftur. tJrnnliMi'krr ....
Moitb, Prubibitiviiau...
4 !.(. I AT
T'tlrll Mll.flSA
Tililcns iuuority mir Hayes is
2I8.10S; over ull llnee of his cutiilic-
lilo.s, WllTM). Thototul vote polled
was 8,6H(ta5. fJ bo tolul voto ot H7Z
was G 457,15 ; thai of 1 8GS was 5,-
i 71C.783 ; thut of iNfU whs 4,03 J.(i!t
1 ' ' 'I
and that of ISM n 4,ti80,ly3. The
vote 01 mot wu reuueeu uy ineotuies
then in rehellioii not voting.
It' the Democrats are cheated, and
lluyes counted in, wo aball liuverlbe-l.-sft
feel g.sid becuuse u large majority
of the people are in lavor of Mr. Til
deii. Hut Jieijury, lorgery and fraud
being ul a premium under Chandler
Cumcroii rule wu must bu content and
bide our time. The rogues' duy is
numbered. -
"TiikSknatuh KiioM UutuoN" The
Cl.uiuH Democrat revives some remi
nisceiiues of S. nulor Mitchell,
ol'Oivgmi, as follows:
"John Mitchell Hippie, now U. S.
Seiialur I'riim Oregon, under the name
O.-lll..". IIIHII WHli'lll, uu...-. lliu IIUII.V
of John II. Mitchell, is making moral
' n
speeches, and advocating the cause ot
eon-pirutors m counting in Hayes.
Home years ago lie ran away from bis
wife in Butler county, I'a., taking
11,000 of his partner's money and un
der un assumed name married an
other woman nu thu Pacific coast. A
year or two ago his first wife was
working in a hotel at Fruuklin. These
tucts, and others of a financiul naturu,
still more damaging to bis character,
were proven before a committee of the
Semite, appointed to investigate tbo
matter; hut the liadii ill Senators
thought him goisl enough for a place
among them and admitted him to u
sent. Now the same Senators talk ol
refusing (iov. (irr.ver his scat because
be refused a certificate to postmaster
Walls, the ineligible elector. What
fastidious, consi.teut gentlemen tliey
I are I Poor Jim Nye said when he en
tered the Senate among tho statesmen,
he wondered bow he ever got into that
hody niailo famous by Wehster, Clay,
Ciilhnun and Douglass. Hut lieforo be
was tin-re be wondered how the devil
the other fellows irol in there."
James F. .Milliken, District Attor
ney of Itluir county, intends to resign,
on the 20th insl., and il is believed
Hint Fred Jack.-1, lq , will be apsiint
ed to fill the ollieo. We aro not pre
pared lo slate the reasons which have
induced Col. Milliken tn tender bis
resignation of audi u lucrative olllco.
tlunliiigiltin Monitor,
Wu presiimu Jim wants to be made
a inuriyr iu l'ie lino of civil service,
and expects to bo re elected, as he was
restored in lhal way by his military
butties, less a commission. Bui it's
Col. Jim, nevertheless.
Worth Kkuknukhinu. "Tho sec
ond Wushington," in bis day, iu allud
ing to tho Presideutiul quoslion, ru
uim ked as follows :
I'ha t ll na. of Citniirra, ..mranad andar
Ota la.lnh arli.-lw of Iha CoaalUalina hava eom. t.a.r Ii. .x.;leda Imia oi.aniiiiK all alactu
ral T I.. di-iu.d bjr Ihvui la ba III. gal."-Aara.
k'lm I. (Hrufa,
How in tho world ran tho Wash
ington Itelurniiig Board get over this
decision ? They may bend or set aside
the Constitution of tlie United Stales,
but Bun Hey, Strong and Miller duro
not snigger over the decision of Abra
ham Lincoln.
Pkciji.iarSw eaiiinu ll'thiit clause
in tho Constitution of llio United
Slul. s, which prohibits Poslmusturs mid
oilier olliciuls, from serving as Presi
dential Kleclors, amounts lo nothing
practically, why not tour it out f W hy
should men bo asked to tuku an oallrJ
lo support such a clans.., in one brt-inhj
and then turn around and Ignore nKAl)l.iir-'iS,ipreme Court Justicu.
and alsngwcar lhal a Polmatership3,'i,iaiRD-:l Supreme Court Justice,
is no distpialillcHtion. (U'Iiimcnds Member of the Senate.
l KKmas ar-Hiinrvnio Court Justice.
Hayes' Cabinet makers aro ot wnrMyKRKi.ianfltiTsFN-Mumhcr of the Senate.
1 1 is reported thai Gov. Ilartranli hajTV,K'-l -Member ot the House,
k.... in... ......'liioAa Memiier oi ine iioust..
. " "". n.-ni. . . nu a. -.iia, uuu
, ... , qilUBTIIB aiomoer.n toe ia .n.. .B.'B.'a .aia ta iMtr.BM lo
Democratic Lieut, tiov. Latla, will belu..,,. Jlj,.,.,-,.., c,,ur. i, m.pia. tbwaa ..t p.r.a. i. tb..
brought into retpiisilioi,, (in on Ru11rtoi. Member ol the Senate.
turning Bnurds. If llartranfl irocs
in C.i.i..r,il. ir.M.annl n.i.ift lln.1 aa t-ni.
go along. However, .'Uurty" made flT,'UHA"-M,'m,,cr
" . . . J I n.. al. A.'. a.. it.,
good clerk fbr (ieary and Kemble.and
bu nut)' lnj wiilitii( to wrvp "Don" in ft
nimilnr way.
A UadI)iahp. riimu iliuntimeg
of tlie niinilMffrt ol tin triliunul, bo
littvu volutl tlml litiu.l in luw, g lie !
tho trulli, tbat tJmboiior in ft virluvftnti
that ft niinorily in majority : Bradley,
Fdrendfi, Frvhngbnyften.tir.rflold.itoar,
Miller. Morton ftnd Sironf.
the usjust judges.
Luiv" iivinrii Vii dlrllfUin von o-ut'T.I
spot Accbna rAijmiiooD roil tmitii
and r.Miousr.a prrui ry ai a vihiui.
When llio two Houses convened to
receive und t-oiiKider tho deeininn of
thu r-leclorul Commission 'll the Lou
isiana rust', Senntor Wallace preBenled
iw UiCiHiiin ((tjtiiioiiH umi cm m
I hu inuiruW umi t iul uru UUI Uli I'X-
me mim iuti nwiaior . i tr.
iwntK in tlito Sutlo of tbo I'liMiad
'1st Tbilt the decision is in viola
,;.. .,1 id.. ..I. u..t it, tl.ia Il.ul lie
i,.. ...v ., a. . , j na,B.
the uct the Coiiimission is ivipnrcil .i,j.,.a
Itn-idtj wbftbvr fcnv. mid wbut v-u-h
tr jiii 111 cli Hluim ui-u voliit provhlid
lir by tho roiiNiitiitioii, ami wbul vr
Huim wvrm duly ujj.4v,. d i!i'HirH.
'2d lUoauim i In- net etvutinir tin'
l'ofiimiinioii wurt punned
Ill tho Olid I
thul llitf (-'I'liniUHfinii would Ik-uI'uii'I
cxuiuiiio wiilciuo, umi hiMKhtly ilt'ciily
what cliM-toi-M in m.y ili-'iiu-il Stutu
wi-i'o liiiily und hL'ullytlnwnt wbiTfUn
I iho ContniiNhifin iiliiMi'd.
1 IU't umho Ibu dw iititm iit in difr-
Ufiml o' thu truth, juntico himI luw, und
vstabltHhes tho dcmoruliisiug and oini
nous doctrine that fraud, lorgery, nil
be ry und perjury can lawfully bu uned
an a means to innko Precident of the
I'nited Stales, againnt tbo well known
or easily ascertained will uf thu peo
ple of the (States."
These ohjoctiiH.s were signed by Sen
ators Wallace, ol Pennsylvania ; John
ston, of Virginia ; Oflyatd;of Delaware ;
Dcnnin,of Maryland ; Kernan, ol New
York ; Kelly, of Oregon, and Saules
bury, of Delaware and a largo num
ber of Congreiwmen, covers tho ground
more completely than any other pro
position submitted on this question.
In the debate in the Senate on Mon
day before the vote was taken on the
decision of the Commiiudoti as to the
count of tho I,oniMiuna electors, Sena
tor Wallace quoted trom tho speechc
of Senators Morton and Sheiinau and
Representative Garfield, whilo the bill
for the creation of the Commihwion
,. -i
w nn "VMiiv '-"'h''! """"'"n mi, j
they objected to the bill on the ground
that it recognized tho power and vir
tually required the Comminniou lo re
view the work of the Returning Hoards
and ruuko a thorough inveHtigation of
llu ir acts, and yet with this interpre
tation ot the intent of the bill .Morion
und Garfield, a members ot the Com
mission, voted to ignore all evidence
and refused to perlorm the duties re
quired of then) by tho m t. Senator
Wulluco reviewed iho course of tbo
ConimiHsion iu thu Ibllowing scathing
''" :
'Tho rejection of tho proof of fraud
" . ""T , " "
11.. iy U..IIM.I ami ll... 17...iiI.I.....i.
mrly t,unn)Jl ni'my iUv HrUJ ttrc Ml(
as we statu them, (irossand palpable
frauds on the pimple of loiiiiuna, ami
through them on the American pen
pie, have been voice and power to pro
claim a lie, to nullify truth, and to re
vereu tho will of a mujoriiy of thai
people. It Is tube that a majority ol
the people of Louisiana have upHiitt
ed the Hayes electors, but this decision
proclaims it to be true. It is true thut
they did appoint tho Tilden electors, tibu iuUon,g laaitnaird tn llnrnaid' toivoahip. "" Iota made by John H. rulf-rd and J.
but lhal truth is nullified and crushed ! tminiy, Pa , beginning at a p . on nana tdd.nbrd aa Toitow. - Bo
,,y this decision, and for , he fi
the will of a majority ol the people i I u m Lt i .ni, ih.. i.d '" ' w T ' aaia.a
expunged and rtiversed by the rotes r.f
the I'.lectoral I ullego. llio liroad of
fer to prove and forgery in
the destruction of 10,000 lawful votes
was rejected, and being rejected, the
u ntil ol the tacts alleged cannot lie do
I .... ...
I ",l''' i H' b"ngs us to lucelheus
tftlltlllltur ll.r,.l .iiM.lurfil.r.ti lhal .1..
toundilig legal declaration that the
equities winch ought to accompany
llio power ol tho mujoriiy of the whole
people, the vitality which every gov
ernmeiit iKMwcssce for its own preser
vation against force and fraud, and
tho morality which pertains t every
just system of laws, aro utterly want
ing in ours, lt tho lalse and forged re
turns made by four men, of w horn one
is too weak to be a knave, another
tricky, unscrupulous and a defaulter in
public ofiico, a third a sharper who
cheats at keno mid defrauds his Sluto.
and the fourth confessedly guilty and
indicted tor forging dead men's names
on tho pay rolls of his city, if these re
turns, certified 1y an executive whose
only titlu to his pluce ia tho federal
bayonet, aro to be the conc lusive proof
ol lliu title to the Presidency, then a
government of luw is supplanted by
one of force and fraud. A majority ot
the people of the I'nited States, whose
rights are outraged and denied by this
decision; a system of jurisprudencu
that finds a remedy for every wrong ;
a government that has repelled force
and has I be Inborn vigor to resist cor
ruption, and a code ol morals that
shrink trom ho poisonous touch of
tulsehis'd and forgery, aro here today
tn silent but majestic protest against
this judgment. The laws of the peo
ple whom I represent nro based on
common right, justice and sense, and
they believe that tbo end of legal pro
ceedings is the attainment of justice.
They will not respect a decision that
refuses tn bear the truth, thut cniliilv.-s
lulselumd, sustains forgery and places
the federal government at tho mercy
of the haso. They will and they should
agitato for its reversal. The result be
fore ua is fitly reached, lt is the de
cree of party wrung by parly fealty
inim a judicial tribunal upon a pure
legal question. JUuy we nuver look nn
ita liko again."
This new departure for ascertaining
tho result ol an election is illy under
stood us to its composition. Tbo seven
Democratic members are always de
feated by the eight Radicals, no differ
ence how largo tbo Democratic mujor
iiy may hare Iwcn In a Slate, itradlcy
and nlrong aru just as good on a count
as Wells and Anderson.
Many people appear to be under the
impression Unit Justice Bradley has
llio nnal and deciding vote in tlie r.lee
torul Commission, This is a mistuku.
I ho n.ll ia called alphabetically, and
the first and last men to vote aru D. in
isjrats, Tho billowing is the order of
voting :
Mombcrof lb HoillH)lpr,,rwB nur,B 14,1 Phaa I .poet, lb.- by
M-mlmrnf lh H...wt3lJ,,e"b.,ru 9nt SJ hi.. plao,thenoe
Hatahd fc.
, - "
, , gy, , , , , ..C
Pay Ma
Mum her nl tho Ho!hX,'
STaoso Sunreine Court Jusliie.
. ";""" ."".'".-
v nn. est vb llio ifivi I as i mm n'iiwnr kiiv
eanlH-in JU-jiublkitnii n tbo nny
ii-motTttiii :
No; no; yen; no; yc; no; fo$;
yen; yen; no; yen; jw; no;yifi; no.
Ihu fin on mo ( onrt JuHllctvj cant
llm 3-1. 4th, Cib, 11th and 14th vote
I Ire Dt nun mtw ol th mmate and
llt.tiBy i ant the lut, Id, 10th, J.lth and
Iftib for lut) nn. and tha Rnpuhli
cans have tba 6tb( 7th, 9ibB ti and
ItflD TOl34V
Ufa' Adcrrtisrmrnts.
SherifTs" Sale
TJY .lrlu.of.rlt.of t4.'laa, Crna... I.aaa4
I , h c,iun ( ,;.,, ci. jr.
': . .. .1 ..
flxlil tiuni,nJ In dlrcou-l. titer
b mu"i'd i p ihlif uli. of lb Crnirt Hi.
h llio hfiftiairh r OlixrAttld, ib Mndy, ihn
Itfiti dj f M iri-h, 1-477. l I 'fll k, ifl ,
, I....fl i.a.f , .-t I11 n Unl "f b-Kiiitil..R (H.r.ilnh.t Kn w mJ
Itu.b I.-W...I. p., I'Mtf .-fy, M'll.rf.ii Mm I ,,..rii..o ll.f til Ituih In..-j
ruii t in -h.. itu of 'l-o H.(Skar. p.iuh.U'P. 'T"o-unt, f., t tn lii-iti .1 1.1
1 .,h S1, , , '
h.. i i i h w H.b n o.ui.iil
" . .-.- r r
,-ii'rlilijiVirThiii HiaaMiiii'tm- m V"
j H ; 1( , m (
Ui.rhM i ut4. r bi.oi.). itiioiiij; )..
or mi I 'll freh-ii, o I l m.rrM, wita
unh, (ill P li-HI HI Ml'Kr ill rail, mt rut
b MrtljT (tu lT!4fl lh '!
A ItMi, n utiiur iriii lu ii'i (wiinii. in m
l Jorv-fib Turner, b. Kiiiniit t )"t ul
Ktiirll, iiorib f I 4-trm vnt i proh. I
lu di'Ut t iiinf I lb"itr down Miliano a rmtk
mill .trt h-, ooriB .1 ii- ro
Mai Hi (irhm, nrtli tl i gt , ! 12 ht h
n, fcl .ti Rrra. u-t Al yrtbnt ihK'Ii M 4--r--
tl (r"tv. r'i tl 1 wi
iinrcliw, Out ib fcl ltru. tt-t it m. hu, uutb
. . .. . ...1. ill aah .....I. Kll .1.
, ji Mr,',!,-)., onnb mt ,ttr, ri20iirrebtti.
ouili itt d-rrtn-a. aal -III wtmt. I'lUtS it d
grt', rail Ho a Hi H-ruln'ai thvoo by JoMiutt
Turn nurih .ttil i i fr;hats "l Ib- uj
by Jafi'-b Oratl Wi-al I p-rnhua lu Wlitl fid i
lliriifO bv 0 U trti puuib 4IM paiOu I" t'a
i ginning, unnur tml. wiiti im waK, io au I
hfiultivb nuilitr iherou aiiJ upiai'd U bum
pari utnli llnld i'h Dual, eoiiUinlu 4 IU aOrva an I
V av'rva ia all.
A vn lhrr iraet aituato lu part Is Utrni
tiwubip, t'loirfl ld tuiiul. m Ut oaui ui Jul
Tuiiii-.v, br (in n .ita pual ; tnuuon rib Ml 4 fc
irha to jrttat ibaun i-t ti S It) piribvi In
hkOiioali 1 tbUL by Kingt-r 'io !-(! wrobt
lu p.iat ; ihuiiM i-aal I IU pme ia lu atuiioa i lb oo
fouib 41 pprcbi'i to m tii ; (buo imi H perab
ft tu al-ftira lhtoia"Utb ITb paroii to pait
ihiBe wm irt pirebaa 10 atuit 1 toeuou aiih
3la pviahti lo bu piuwj tUio by Jarub Ub
uurifa 4 tli'gruoa wn 1 1 4 perubua lu p.f by bm
luck thriiMi bjr M abaifuri rruck a rto jV d-gn-
Jtl It .rcbai tbimo nurib 4j dngrv
neat i paruba j iIik aurtb 7 j l4riu, mtn At
rioba, uuiib H I dgrt-a, wcl rti purabu, aorib
aa prrabua; ibt-noa M.irtb Is di'roo oat .'4 pr
oiiai; ihoucf nuilb IV degreo ! 40 perba ;
thvue i.onb t dagruo raat 4U I - It pvritiica 10
plarr i( b;'iiiiuig OD iUiaiof tu li 1)I aoraa
aul Hit priokaa, u-i all of natch tbt fiiolu
dariiHd poTU'-S 1 ia HjhU t'uSip. C'aalf
ouuiii, fa., mi ft 'git in t m purt a to
Muahaiiimu ori'K, on lin- ruMnioj aumb bsimta
Juaipb Tani and Jam Taruut IfaCiig (h0oa
Hloug aanl lino H' pwr. has utr r kaa . wait
piito . thout aurth 4S dojtrora fal 1 1 j pMrvbua Ut
po t by bsjiuii.ok j Uxsnao d iwt M ati4uiuu ir,
by Ita actarai eniirava and diatitntt-a to ih pia
ul t'PgiDtiiuif, voulaiaiBai abnai 3U aro arnr ur
Icai, lb alio. tfacl aiiuHl4 li bulb OuuDib,,
lnjn g uuibuproi' i. ba-ing uia oai, pin and
bU-l"(k Inn ut-r tiifrt-oo. alid atip(iaii tu b un
d rlald witb cunt in pirt
A 10, uo ulbr Iravl iilutid pari I In W-irna
tuMihtp, Cli'fU'-'d SMioiy, ud pna-iip4iltr in
Kub liiio-bip t'viilre c H'lr, l' , in lti-r urv.
iMim uiul oi iiw: irnur ( -tr j hju i uniei j
til id utiufol lata: 1 irnor (r J Hjpu
brjinmoK at ami U4M ; Utvim by Un I oi Kmg
air mvl prtrbca lo OKnt : (beuoo aoti'a ltd
pvrulira lu puti tbno ai 6tf pur.-bi-a lo alone 1
thi.o Itlfp robea lu alnir pin ; thi't,-tt auuOj 4S
SfgraM Aj pirf bta to arNil nak Uianer ftur.b
Oil ileftr'rarl hi wntte uaki thuaM
l4? iifd'tica ta atiiia mna Miiri
lHKuni..g; lb. btl lra-l t-w mog t4u iia I
.., a 1,11 nrrrbt a. aitft all lhat o.rdu.. .!......!
ha-b ioa-bip. t'onira ruonti, bt-tug duMribrd
imloaa: U giDoieg at a .ort -o b..fc ul 1
.anabaiiiioa ermh ; idiue .ulb I 0 pm-he ui .re t
nr Im tu bile plti' : Ibeneo uulb III dgrc l
real f pttrne- 10 .lito ouk ; ttieouti aurlh Jj d:
l.imaoriti 2ft. pnub Ut a oak lo lank ol
MrbHiiH'iU creek; tiiwlc up aaid crwk by ua
.mi ua vt.urae and doUne a l the plana uf b
Ki ut .tug, rttx.ui AO 1 ae.o laore nr lr.,
u auule lrii b iu a m .. piuo an I tt-'Ut-.ofik
liUltM-r tb'-ieun, vi 1 bclpg Mmiupr i
li e iriuaiui' g tract c b.lii(( pr.u'Uerly de
at-ntteil aa lil -w j
0u oihrr ibercuf aim it in Morrta lownblp.
ClrarlitlU e-iua.), I'a. la tiia aaalu
Vaugl., taiiiiwiii ai a ii, a axr. tvr .!
-a" i nn. a,,u'b 1.1 ,crrb.'a tn
lw.a' :
Imiu.-. wrai 44 a.fobr. lu a
ubtu 2-tU purcht-a tw ano ; t lienor ei 'AM per
tb In place uf b(((iiintitg, eniilaining in all 4-(H
aereB and 8-t perctiei nuru or le. b-mg atitui
p.1.atld having a J ill lot oi b 'Wuea.oak
aud other Uiob. r t Hereon
A'o. li ullier traot m t.irri luwnahip Cer
Hi td eiiHi iy, Pa , a"d fru oatde .iwnahii, Uentre
a. a w-p.. urrf ..f Vaug , thmoeby traat 1 4 L f"? 2!'' fc"w0 ,U 'imu vt
uhui ol bliuun llra-l m.rtb 2-iU p. rhe- lu Wuile i ""'"- . bat ing lbef-n rw
uak ; tl.ene. eu.l by aurv.v oamo of P Ciuro.y r j td l"w '",' btu., lak.a in
Juno And'.w. 4l'li uoreha. In j theuce ...... b At lt P1'V r"oa.
oy Jo un Haina aurvoy Jperebeabt piai j llenoa ! J' """""Jt"-
ti wfi-Ofi m iiiaice id bejimnia. O"niio
ug IU all IM aeri-a aud 13 perrhoa. of wblcb
arcaa b .ba ar.aral cur... and di.laaav. .a
iM-giBbiuif, eLtitiliia aaraa iBura ar lea, iha
wn.'la iravt having bemLiok so l vtb.r liutb?r
ib.'raa and aniui.ravvd.
Alia, ana ..Ibartrael litattola M-s-rtf l.wa
.hip, ClaarSeld aum.ljr, I'.., and Barnl I. tra
bi, C.utra wiuat;, I'a.. an warrant oT C Siokaa,
Iw.inniuf a. a n.aii ; ia,-n.-a av.t .111 ..rcnaa lo
a manic , lboo nnrth 23a prtb. lu : Ibao.a
call .2 brrabc. la Dual i lhanaa aoalQ 24S a.n
cha. Iw ts-ginoinK, lb. abuts Uaoi aoataimaf 134
.era. and 1.3 p.rcb.t, tli. .lioa ia C.nlra Co.,
twins' s.ll'.wa : Hs' at aanh o( .rava ;
tb.B.-a tuuth 2..I parab... la maul, i Utaana a.
! a-- nt-rona. m'trn .H- I... to bank OI Ho.baa-
ntiB erek ; t tir.ce duwa Ib erek to tn b rth .
ln of .aid Iraat t thanoa .alt al-
ng aaid ha to
Btaa of b-Blnning. cD'aininit Inf ar.. ora or
a.... ti.a wbola ani.o...a.l, bsitni benhark aud
o'luar liaili.r IhtrrtiB. fa. lad, takrn In ol -anon
aaa lo iia .ld at tba aronartr of Traska.
Joatbb K Karkar, and Jia.pb C. BranaM.
Ai.o,all IBaat a.'rt.ia traola of land titaua la
stoma wan. bin, Claarn Id Co . I'a.. tit : No. 1
ts-glunii.g ata alulvptouilbMirtooa-t I3lli.rrh
to b I uaki tbeoee a-.atn US p-reb to wblta I
oak ; tbeao w-at I Jo perohoa to aereiot berry j
ibeuoe tiurtb IvA perrhea to piao of ttcginotng,
ootitalntiig 1 14 acre and I7J perchea. beiug part
uf tbo Ibiubulaa Hid. -wait aurewy and known aa
Uouvor piaea, having 10 J am elearvd, and ao
Nn. t Mlnal ia Krlertown. Ita wn aa lut Nu A
ia plan ol aaid town, boatided on the north by an
aiit, on tbe taat by an allay, na iho wt-at bv Ml
uf llnuvr,and aoutb by pubtia Mad ar atrewt, I
btoiua: a twf.elury dwelling buua aUbit. aad !
No. S aitual in Morrta townahlp, beglaaing at
a boiule k ai at uib-taai corner ibouoa hy and !
warraoiej to C. Werli. Jr ,t al weat SHU percti a
to poat : Ihenc by bnnd ol Jacb Wit- nnb 14t l
pervbe lo poal ( the tie by A nag tat 1 I
perene io aeianwa I inruo wy j.aepB ituniey I
vl m, auuin io (.en itea io oginiiing, cnn aiKing
t;V acre and t inf. bia. aud all bt-iiiir tha Poiltp
Muae li rrey, baviug a bwti aad bar I hereon
trotHed, witb abuot tiM a ere elaarod.
Nt. iaiiaaio in Murria.lale, Mnrria tnwaabip,
bt iitg IWo luta to earn town, Not. I and .1, bound
oil by pablio mad on the eaat aod aouth, on tbe
tfBt by laud ol Juhu 0'1'ell, and nnb hy ba
alky, vuuiaining ui. ar.'( baviug iherrua a two
et-ry fntui buuae, ttor buttling, ataole, and
other hutldiaga.
No attaaie Is Kylertown. Morria iiwnaliip,
boundtd on tne auulb and taat by Ian I of H aw
ait, aa lb north by publit road, and 'B tb wtwl
t.y battdi-rirf eatate.coiitaining twu aerea inure ur
k-aa, bating lliurouu
and old etabia.
twoatwry plana building
Nu. 6 ai ua'e ia Murrlt inwinnlw. bound, d .m
lb nurib by Nvabit aurvey. aoutri ny land
Wl naiavfi vuiiai aa vis., wet ny ta,ul Of W ag'tnr
A lla i lit?, oaat by tuael Chnal A tu.eon-
tainuif 4ol toratand la prebt a, and known aa
tftiitai auMUJI- aim uu.uiprnVtm
No i Htuate in M -rria luwa-bi, bnundad Ml
tbi eaat by Jhn Nee'di, on tbe a ttb b Huaa A
Co,, ol lb eaal by Jidin Vaugba larve. un lb
wt-at ay llaro Mtlier, eaat b J-taa Neabit,
ooB'aiutng 441 anea and peiebea anil anown
a tbo laaper Ht-naa amrey. elted. uken in
ealluu aud to to au d aa Ibo property of Jo.
Airu, all lb" eortain trao t ut latid aila it lu
Mnrtta tuwnsbip, tlarnld "Uflt),ol Hurn
aidt t wi'abip, Coiltre ottunty, Pa , via i , Una
iraoi earveyed ia tb nam of Utrg Nana kor,
t il. ale wholly in Muirta tswuabip, C tea rile Id
o -nnty, Pa , beginning al a p w', ibvnoo north
MT T prehe to eioi. ineoir eaal Stl pfrehe to
r-Hial ht mlo k, tbenc euaih 1 1 1.2 perchea lo poet,
ibencf by Js Varnoll aarvey aouih 44 dtgrwea
wrel itg penhei to doabl maple, ihenc Booth 4
tit gretB weal 17ft prrohn to ptiat, ihfiio 'an h H
d- grtra weat hO peronutio ioal, thence weat ;tl
ptitbttto plaro tl l-sfiantng, entiuu.g 4Mf
acioa and I Wi ptrebta, ail Hmmurtived. t"b uak,
p. tie and brnlork limber thereon, nud auppoaod
to oe parity aaieriam wl' coal.
I. One other traot in paid towaabip, la tb
name ol Joaeph Turner, beginning at a poat wf
leaa Yarnell ntirtli fl d-green, east 64 uruba tu
double maple. thiio duwa 4.rehanutin etet h M.
Iw dtgtt g rttrrhea nurib I dt-frwe at 6 n.
uorlb t degtoea, weat 41 ner baa, north (tl deg.,
eaat it pt ichoi, north 31, Oaat 24 pen-he , north
I degree, weat tin peretiee, north 4 oat il Iter.
oh a, ti'ilb Ml ttegroe. 04 M 40 pendt, toutb b
tlrgrwe, eaat 41 perobaa, Qtirin k degroto, oaat
ID pervhaa, tomb To drgreoe, aait 2" perebea, H.
V dfureea. eaal Iti 3 tierehe. Ihoaoa h Joeenh
j'7 v- Heru louib 4Vl pt-rehe to plaoo of begin-
nit'g. iBimprurea, who bo me uak, pto and arm
ook timber thertoa, and lupfjoaed to ha in part
underlaid with ooal, aod ouataining 441' acre aad
ll'V perelt. ib all.
A. Un otber tract aliaat pnrtly Ib Marrlt tp..
afofoanid Ib tbaaaiaaoi Jurph Turoay, bt gia
aiog at a pt,ibsa norih Jul uorchoa to Boat,
then eaal Wi.3 perches to bomluok, Ikeoo by
; . . ' . ..
Mligattr nvth IVOpotebeo tw poat, tbcBM oaat
outh Mt prebiia abiio pin, by Jaoub
Heloh horib 41 iiir oa weat I ll noruhm lo boat
betjiuok, tbeao by Mofhaiaow arook wnta
t atgiee weal 14 perchea, I a ewe oonb 4t de
gree wret 6k pembeB. Ibwnoo nurtb 76 dgroa W
aft iMitabta.ihaiMH. wurth
in pcrenaa.nurlB 94 dgreea weal nv oeroke Birtb
9b perebea, i bene north II seal 14 pruhta,taatto
Boitn In ai greeo eaat 4t perebi b tbeooo aurtb f
dt-gieit oaat 4V. I patch; to ploo of begluaing,
on u i at ng iu all 44U aoroe aad 16 perohoa, aud oi
wbivb tn lolloWiBg deerriMid portion M IB Kaab
tuwaafaip, t'oatr aniinty, Pa., tut Megiaulng at
a put ob tb bank ul Mbannwa rok on lino
iwuntiig o-ata biwtn Jopb farwey andJam
Tantoy iraott, ibouo aloog eald Ita It poreboa
auoro or I to wan pi a, inwiiot aorta 4V dog.
wtt 116 rertliea lu poat by baibM)fc.ibaa down
tana ta iboataa wt towg taaiiagwnitoiniag awoat
ta at re ar a I, taw a But itawt OUaat ia
wotb ovwairea bwtBg taiapr, bavtag
oak, ait Md aoayltauk tiatr tbrWf a4) -ne4
If N kBdertaid vita waojj la rt.
Ufw dmllsfmfats.
4 One .iher triel alliitle i.artlv la M III and in U.,.ti .., . ., .r eii'l belu.-
,g.fii in 1 mn if TamT nr Juarpti
uf Ktnf ttr w.-tt ?M .r bp la Unn. lHo
ulh 0 ip(rft til W urflS to wnna "ft"
thtoev nnrtti 1 dt-r Jflfl ri bl to
rk. Ih.HM il.Kh I ill! n..rakfla M .N ..f -M t"
( tb..- --tu iih-m i p-"--
a I,, whit.- naif ...ulk Ik .laa.MI a.. I JS'I
'Lmm' ' "ima m '-- '.-:'iafc ..J.'-: "v-
H-ltl ....a ...... ... l .1. .1 .au.. ......ia
aom- oak. ama aa.l betalw-k l.aiiHjr Iharaol, b..d
ki.ii ul irnral,
a ,..oilrr M.,rrl. loalnlk a.
ali.raaal.l, .a aaiaaof Vaaih, v
. n aornrr or I. ta.'v.y. iha.iaa uth
' r" to n p mi, tbntan wi it 14 po'h- tu
'i ', in win nonb 1 .10 d reb- lo H n
lliti a. oft-h-i to plsiie iff fgnioiug.e'.iii iln
I g 10 ail It. arra an I K prub- m ra or
vuii.g a iiuuntva t id bint a aial lot ol l-'O-ItH'k,
imli and o'hnr limW thrtoii.
Aniihr iraM in Murrta tnwiiahlp afiraaid,
ami Buriiaulf ttwnnhip. Cemro ouitiv. 14., (
am o' J.itart iVaf.fIi.'VH-. j j,; m mania ir-
0 uf .'uliu Vana;h. ihn.-o by trat ia ntntf of
Sua im Ora't nrih 2 t porrhna tu artiit oili,lhni-
aat by a'irvtr In nma" ol r. Uurnoy ur Jnhn A
dmwa 12" ptfrfliM 1 1 'i"a, tbiia aun'b by John
II il-ioa aurvty 2-H pnrebfl 10 ;ua Ibsafl aral
Xi p-r,'bual pltflxir hriouiiig. aiualiiiig In
all 4X1 a.-rra anil I .VI Mri-nia, ol artil ib Ut H
l"ing ia aiiua' ia llurnaidu larp , aforoaald, bi
ginuing at a p-a' on bank of M-iabinnna r:k.
tbcitdf ! I tiu pruh ia ror la to p t, tbauoo
outh l tbprobaa ururlaaa lo baak of armtk.
lhrai.o aloug aid oro-k bv ita-rril d ortaa I
tlitlnfa lo plao of brgiuaiogi ooitaining !0
oerea nwr nr traa (h fihiiiolraol bsiviag h"tulu.'k
and olhor Uoibor Ibera ui, and annnur ttrn I.
T. AnuthfH' 'rwi ai'uiia M rritiaihii an I
Rurnid luwnabip. af raa id, 00 trraot uf C.
Mok -a, hfginoiug at a iil thean w-at IJD p.
to a OMpttf, thonta aitrtb U9 parubai 10 a pm s,
l bono tail .12" proha to pott, t haitou titmb l id
prr-bpa tu plica of bclnning, tho rb l traot
oun'atn'Of; 41.1 aeraa aod US y robe 1 th portion
attut in Oontr ooaoiy I'a , bai dofib I
. f illuira . U-giuaing at bank uf rk,fht-a.t amtb
2-lU pareha io laap'a, fhannt wat 2HH pnrb
mora ur tu bank uf Jdoahana m nrak, tbrn
dirn tuo erk to tb Bitrlb lino of aaiJ 'root.
ibi'D Hiatal al-ing aai l lint tu pliw uf bamaiug,
0inianin Soil aii-a m r ir li, tn wb li un
improved bving haio'-wk an ihfr tiiabur tb
on. ritiil, tikaa ia civcumob. a J to o t'l l
aa the priipony uf J bo (raaaa. Jj. K. Parker
aal Juib 0. Brcotivr.
Ala--, alt thuae ovnai i trav-ta of L10 l ('' lu
ttawmuoa tuMoiabip. Oiaarli Id county, fa., une
ihcr'ol baginoiiiti l P 00 tu biuk uf tbn ,
Suaqiwbaoua ri.r, ib uir a irth .ti dagr
by laa I ur . P Uul.chwuatt H lo puat.ibaac
u'Q by Wn.fixlor 21 parob tu p-al, thrae j
aoutb 3 j J gret aaai ly It. Oulicb "2 pvrahva t j
putt ui liiMbuliip r al uii bank uf rir, tbtotte '
diiwo aaid river, nurib 4o dgrt-ca l-vi 12 p-rub I
a 10 a p't and pla uf iwginaing.
Alan, une other pirOf ia aaid twubip, bnio-1
Ding al a poH un pub lo Mad a'uug tbo roar,
'hfuco alung Im ! 1. IJuinvy to li .wea un ul
laud ot U ilu.idffllu, Ibr-at-o aou'h I dvgrv to
a wbtlar oak e-irm-r, ihi'Uov aotb V degree j
41 prcht'i li pot a baiik wf nxvf, tnvue d u
aaid nrr lo piv uf tMginiuog:, sua'amiug If:
aer, taorvor laa.
Aiao, uc oihvr piM 9' land Ut atid to ami hip,
LC(iiibitig ai a i.o-L tbuneuauutb 1 Si-ivoa to
pool, thi-Ok-a ft nib a-74j d. grtf oaat At p-rrba
,u l,UB'' ltKmtim Mlh 'igroe )at2 u Mhi
l"". 'bene atat . I denwa, Wtatni I lii-fCtl
-'h i dtgwa at U j p.
lw P'8 w g"'0rf ian.g 1 1 wree, ' mio.i-
wa t' "rlb bf It., n-ulD l.y nail
I 'i. P. Omtcb'a d d real ea aia, ( N 41 t
" w " 1'"
Alau, uao vlur piao uf laud Iruaong no luarn
iiip toad and river, uu ti ea t by U im ik. uu
tnu wi-at by John UulieB, eon taming i ad.ta, aud
k tuwu in aut.diVia.oa of 11 P. lio icn'a land n
met tulul N. f. Seiiad, taken in leeuhrti,,
aa I lo b a ld a the pruir' ol Bur oa (Jilich
AU , iu oinaiu lia f la.i I intuit to Cie.i'
d-d i r 0 t, OittairOe d i hi it, I'a ,d taeri n-J a a
ftilmwa No. I. Iit of grutl 1 1 ailaitnin aaid hvi-
,,aK. .,.. puiaf la..UHu..b) U la llcl
fry to tu nurib eaMn.rncr ul bit Uria ima in ibe;
I bor uib ul Oleardeid aa lut in I'louk Wo. 2, bv- j
! tag I tin tool from n aur airei an I 2.10 tet in
ibe -eat by a aireea.-Bibaauiitb by adey aud u.. ,
tb o-t b, l ,t .No. I by Mr at. mn I
.Nu. 1 Lot ul I IB .aid burongb, buai.J
ed and d.-aorimd a Ml a : Un tb.w.. uy froal ,
...k,.., uVy,.w,..H,H, u,,a7 " m
a.reW ou ou H.-nu .;mkii iw, on iu aai
uy alley, ami e-Mib uy bit Nu. lid, oontaijiDg ia
Nil itn un rival at rat I ou lt-et, ana extruding
.....,...,.. i- -
w " "
10 iu tub
rar of M No. S, ibvB -a In a b -rtBar r dirdj
nan Bloag aaal.r. Una ol lul N.. V, Mid Iia. ba
tna parallel with aa alia, 12 feat raora or lata
lu f.M,t allot, th.iu ia an rattarlv dir
tiuB aluB aaid all,-? 3H frat to aa all7, lb.oea
in a .aaibarly diroalioB alaof aa allay 12. loot
mora or laa-. to ylat -f b.g.oninf . bing part of
a. uniB nr.Mn.t wait 1..K J.. U L..I1a.I . ...I .1
lb nam praniiata whieh Joun H. Fallord aud J.
L. tiOavy Oiniveyed lo Tbif. Kltey, baring alwn
atury double I raw liouae, 3H by SO loot, Well fin-trbt-d,
and olbor out building tbcrooa ortJ.
tit .led, taken ia leeatiuo, aodio ba fold aa tit
properly of John Carr.
Alao, iwo eortalit bU illuiila in wet (Jlotrltold
iB LawniUO tOol.ip,CIrlild 0ntr. Pa., and :
P'" ul ncHViaaroam aa iota ion. a tHi
iumow : dubib wj nienoia :
ma. w ;f iici. nnrin y a . ioui ai !
loy.aaelby It Imd alley, tha aaid lota katog
I rat I run l -u Viebula atraet and IHttfoot deep aod I
being vA feot wid at tb bark, having thereoa
root, w a large f rate a church banding Hnd.. ;
taken in leeuilua, and tu be dd aa the nrooorty
ul tha U K Cborebof VCtat Oloartlol 1.
Alio, aoartaiB lot tn OaceoU boniub, Clear
"ld etmate, la , kn iwn aa lot No. 14V m p'an nf
pane vnrvu(n. nu me nana eiao oi none Birect.
buaitdot Borlbhy lot N t, g wait by nocatur al
ley, and iatb br Moiigiiary alley, oontalninx t)
ol an aen ornre or Iraa.aud having a twntary
frame dwelling bona and other nuthnll tiag
Holied, lakon ia tit-eution, and la ba aold aa tbo
prpriy of Himoa Kephart
A lao, a certain lot in tho villa of Aneonvll la
Jurdnn twp., Irtifli-ld enuntj. I'a , kniwn ia lo
No. o b.. an led anrtb by publia road, vatl hy ll.p
'I'1 (-bareh. ooutb by al ey, woat by lut of J-hn
rtwan, and having a lWo-atry briek dwi (ling J
houae and utbuildlng thereon. Netted, taken n j
viMali'tn, and to be u.I at tb properly ot J -ho j
w Htraw aa Hwan A Htmw.
Ai, a eenntn lot of ground In Oaoeola boro",
CI.'Brfi.M fanty. Pa., ioanded ail dwrlbt-d aa !
' nm air, n--i.aj
front on aaid trei t ol 6(ifet nn I ottendiue; bjck
lo Hoory aHey a ditanotnr I6U feat, toatainiiig ;
7.6011 tretaurlae. being lot No. Urn in aaid b..r-1
tbarenn hrtird, taken la eieration, ld lo bo
p.., -- .r.a j
auld aa ibe prupt rty of M , A. N icbnia,
AUo. a (r'ih tract ot land in the tillR0 uf
Mor'ialaie, Murria twp., hating efrcttd 'hereon
a Iraa I oute la by leirmallfr-ttwe - table aad
titber outhol ding final l bearing orohaid.iuan t
cl Wf-1 by tt.wuhtp rad. nrlb, aoulb and a
i y tarni ol Joaepb ttrenner. Btltcd. tatten
fiefaii-.n, and to be Md aa tha property al bewla
lio t lief.
A I . areriain iraet nf Und In Jordan townabia
Clear tirld o aity, Pa .coiiUtntug btut IU acroa,
nt'is a'siai i worvr i-irairvu, at 'mi .nan iiib; utiuasa,
ban and othfrouibaiidinga, bt-anded oa tbeeaat
bv II. Mitheruw, weat by U. W W taw, But lb b
II. Miiw euuib by l. Juhna-n. bettad taki B lu
Kermit.B, and to bo auld aa tho pr-p-rty ot iSaai
uei r- cm raw
A sis a cart. in Ir.ol id I...4 IB Kaoa tuaaadtra.
ClrSrll.'ld e-.uut.
, ra , IB Iba till.a ol Mlllpurl, I
ooalalBiaa I'aar.
ft ana huaar tbriaoa bonndad aoat h. tullli SI...,
..... . ...
iy,aor.a , jiib rol.aad .ulh bj Ck.l.p hrlia.1.
rltu.1. 'ak.-l a.-lual..a and (a lu a..a .a Ik.,
.r..p.rt; ..r ivi.r Sl...i.;
Aimi.b eanala rtnireh .ttnata Ik HuduB tntta
.blp. i'la.rli.14 auaatr, Pa , and la tb. .Ulan, uf
I'.iiU.ld. rtaiuul. takaa Ib riacattoa. aad to ba
auld a. Ihr .ro r j of tha M. K. t'...rr,..lon,
aa.l J. B II. will, Pra.'t and i A. rVoll. M.Srt'y
Ail lba oarlaia or pisoa of land tltuat.
io Uh..l ion., p, l'l.,rl..4 aaunly, Pa .ls.aad
..I aud droril.d u foil.... : Oo Ilia Hl bt land
of llaiailiun Wmla. on ih. tnaibbr l.ndui Irr.a
Hrar., an lb. north bj land of M.-Uana;, and
aonulniua almat tiny aor.a.
AUo, traot or piwa of land tilaata la
mid rown.hi., bnan.lad un tbcaft by land of P.
nmiib by land i'fford, tal on Iba aurth by land I
of Uottt, aut.ini..( lit aoro,.
Al, ai nth.r pirn of land I, tal l lowathlp.
boBBdan tha aait hy I.n4 of, oa Ih. j
by Hprjnkl. A For.1. and... Ih. ...rib by land of
Juha N.ff, ei.ntalnlno thirty aorM '.'I
Alaa. aB.dha, plM .1 land la .,14 lo.n.hip,
buan.lrd o. Iho rait by land af Joha b
.Mi..., on ma mt "7 12J.B ro ts.n.!', : n tba
Iba luutb by land uf i, r. Mirbu-I.. oa Iba Ural
. k k. l.-.t ... o ai.L...
by land of, and on Ib. aorta by b.a4
of Joha NalT, onnla.elbiaK airantr. aarm.
Ala,., aaothar p.m. ol Ibb4 Ib ..14 laaarhlp.
w.,,1 .n.-aiury iraai. aoa.a, lanant Boaal, .Bop,
labia, and olhar naibuildina., bnnndrd aa Iba
oaat by land af llal'.. bar and 1'bM .nob. im
Iba .ortb by land af J.atn Corrr, Bod oa tbo
.oa.B oy tana al Horauaaab, aootataiag :'i
Alia, a lot or plara of (raand wilb a laa nary
fmaia bo. a. .uo . Uaeh.aiith ab-o araet.d thaia.
aa. boaadl on tb. .ul by alaiat.d by Ror
abaunh'i brim, by ulnar land! of l.l.nd.i.l, H
lb. north by Joft-lih j(,h.Mn'a n4, aa l oa Ih.
Boaih t.y load al karabaaab'i ba.ra.
Alaa, llaiandaal'. intrrort in lily Mm af land
la a..d lo.ah.p,oocai.asl by J. N. !..-), with
l.. bu. ... nab.., oth.r ootballilibai tbrraoa,
boaadvl o. tbo oail by Ja ph St.-T.aa, arnt by
Carry, n.rtb by atbor ItnJi nf tb. Itofandant,
aad aa tha aoalb by Jari ph Srtr.ot.
A laa, atria la Iraat nr plruja ar Saad illBata Ib
aaid ton.. hip, boaadad aud dra.rlb-d a. lolloaii :
Bofi.alns at paat at cbaat ararh i th.oa by
land al Horabaa,,'. h.ira. a.stlh 4m-a aail
Hi par bra la pooli by laid af U. Uaaa.ll
aortb to 4r,rm nriilr i tb.Boa
by Sib.b harabaafh'. Ian. aarlb 111 4.raoa
wo.1 U pai.hM w poat i tboeoa by land al daa.
Corn ia . ka m.b i Coos ap nasi araak by
IU Mtaral aaan. m4 dialaMa. ta a ao aal tb.
plana of baaSumg, aaabUnkag II aarat b4 M
nfwbo0( a)4
Alas, all Oafraaaat'i htarsal ka alt that anttala
ins ar bmw m mad uimm ta
Al.... .cc;rl.i. .r... .1 I..4 I. B..,i. o..o.,M.0a, .r..4.,..,..'l4 MtaanM T,.' .1 a,t ,' ,bl".:, J.V 71
lo.utlilp, .;i,.,ll, II .,..,,, Pa . b..o.d.d a. ful ,...,.. u. ,. c,.ara,.d ... J JL i,. til . 4 iT Z KuTa' .,, ,J I h.
low.: OBlhr aa.l b; A.hlr, W.,d,aiti ht S-r.i t , ,,.., . , ,. ' l.,.,j ' " 4 'o Kl..rtlr-.. ih."-n kj
I... .boot it r, .ub It .area altr.4. b,.l, ! , rj ... ' ' T ""l ' "! M
. lo b...H, and lu, ban, IkarMS. ar,..J,l.k.o A.L. .,. 4,,. ibl.n... lu I., foil ,i. , "b ' 'rV''
la,.a,aa,le.l-,ldaltbapr..Brr.tal Wat j..r.u.j .... ..uau. , I..,, it.', a .... a .. ..,.! """''"" part ..f i. tot.
lira' iti'trtisrmrnts.
I.uan4lr4 nl afl 11 M loiinwa : Ut-giuniag (
cumtr ol W iUiBin Miliar.), a land i
j thei.tMf by llio eatna eouth 614 ilnnw Mt I Ktl
flf nr lot Bi-rth .1 dtrwi XI lo
.ot ib lb tritct liuvt lunnov m
nib 4-i diri.i w it 4N Mirchi lw Iim i
I boil re hjr Unij uf f trlltp U(tn n ifttl Al( d-re
! 4 l hi 4m4 hr.hwb iiijii
th.noo by l.o. ul rH ..f f M-.m-
i-J illorfli -utb 47
: "rr . 01 Urn-h. MrL
ll- f-n f i..iiv. 1 In all Ih.t eartaln
ObUl tlltSO "I !al .HtUta IR all llWl..bli..
I auH ISa .O li.i ; Ik,.' .'1
, a..l 4 It rr.h. lu a (.'..I; Ibanc bi.rlb t
I d. ro. .aat lb ."' b" ! ' O..i.oa b,
lab I I Til ut .a tt .l...a'. ..!' lullb d'H".
. l t la ,tr.b Oi a (,...! and (.la.-aol t- jia
g ao'itO'iing SO -cm and ib uul allowat.o-
locut-ia am lu be 1 lb
1 plxpril) Ul Win
At ", a a.-ftain trut ul ln I aiiit it ia 8 '.
towiubip. Cl4rtl d u.iu'1, !'a , Im aitd o in
a at li llo.i.j l'ilvrm, a uib y la ,
t bf M 1 1 null Hiuauiw, and nun b T-Wuiita
flMittt. tilaililug b'l' 8t at;ra, Mitli abuul IU
a rt-a uloarod. m i haim.4 a iull uit-aod a ball
i'f h.-naa d a bl Oiprron frii
lm ia and 10 b auld a ib pr,,r
ur Jnfin lih, O.rui-hM.
Ala .. a ot-naia iraet ol Lo I aitual.- ia DH) ..wn-
aiiiu tJI-.rii.. o.u-ltv. I'a-, I ..!.. HU rral
aalai Of Il. nd4iea i T i boud'vJ acrt-a ul laud.
Ub aooai 40 atr-a ljrrd. an I a aiuall plai-b
h uo with kiii'bn aMelid. a Iria burn, and
ulbfr oHlbuildl'igs lher-tl er.'eid, licundad tl
and D trib bv HA W. 1. Irain by J$
K Honry, and auttb I .B-i lrn.
AI", n .ttn-r r" ' 1 " 1 tuainabip,
CleaiSfldrutiniy, Pd.(ronliuiiig b-i lm avr.
witb will in good ruuniug order Ibt-reoa.
b on n de l on lb naot by Jam M Uttirli, a, at b
l. H1.U1 h. aorib by llilir A Uilrbi-ll, a'Ulta by
Jauiaa iJiidiua. S-ik d, laaea lulu eierutin.
and lu b auld ai tna properly of l)auiel Cruui4a
and H iujumI Curutn.Lii.
Tsnaa or Salb. Tbi pelof or ouai at which
tb pruirtv aball b atrooa $ oiiial bu p4id at ib
tuu ul aatr, ur fitch .mr arrangtunta n i aa
will ! apumved otherwise pf'pMvly arill be
.rotardia'fiy pai ou and aold a;ia ai taafia
and tlaa of ibe puM-.a 10 arn urn il waa atraia aJ,
aud who, in at uf daasiunoy at ouch r aaiu,
aiiall BB-tb gl lb aaiaa, aa 1 ia a laalauo
will ti.o D. id be preeeated in Cojrt lor e-a iria
tiua nnleaa lb aui't-y ia artilly paid lo tb
sbertfl ANOKRW vBH tl, Jr..
SftB.dFr'l Orrira, Snonf-
Cluarflil, Pa., K b. 21. tT7 (
SherifT's Sale.
IY virtue o4 arita of ft
iW.. IMurs. out of
ie Court uf l uoira... 4aa I CWfie.d
uuijiy. and lu in direud, ihr will iHt eipuard
to , a tb tl mrt ll"0. in lb .gb
o( un Mulidav. I he lOlll dav of
M -rrh. IW-JI. .1 I uuiook. a ai.. b. ili.-iu
deaenbi'd ral erlate, Uwu 1
AD that fwrtain trad uf Nnd aitual in teeafar .
luwiiabip, i.'lrarticld p-mtitr, Pa , bounded and dc
aciitx-d aa f"0oa; B ginning at m poai oa the
pun lie r-ad leading iom Oae ula to Pkiitp-iiurg.
ibobow by aid roal n.rtu 44 drgieea e.iai Klf f-oi
lu a f"t, thent-e bv land ol John t'tam ulb 4V
d' gfn" eaal ' fi-H leii I lo a p at, ibeiiiw by land
I Mini Cram awlb 44 di'gifea wi-at oA tan 1 1 a fxal.
ihi'iM'O by iaO'la ul Jubu t'rain nurt 4Vj dtreea
weal Ifi-l lrl to a pt'il, the idai of iM-ariiiiiin.;,
auutaioi.ig of au arre. au i baviug a buu a-4 j uur.
aluble lb.Tili trvfltvd Setlcd, taken Id etccu- j . ...
.ran. and I raid a. Ih ,.ra,.tn..r M.ry n. " J" "" '
I...O. and Wil l.a Wl l.a.a. . VV't ta "' "f r' '
aKtM... laud .I'a.'. la Cha ,-'""- .a.a ta.r arra.a,,,,. . l.a-a.ilo....n. Ha , Mao 1.1 ..a.k ."'" " fl"d. lb. pr-pao, a
i,y n.., a .rib b,' M -Hillaa a-ial.. '"" I'"1 "P "' " th
b. Aali...j a. .il'"" I;" ,a ' ' 't
... cl ...d .o l b .,.. lb. rr-.i. .rl. d a ,11
li i..., ira... ai.iN. aad otlrn aal .u.l.i,.,,. -
rtt-iavd, taken io ekueuiinn. and lo Da U aa the !
p opt-rly oi Juan Uobiaaon. j
Alo, a IU il N .rta ll'iutlda'o beginning a
a p"l u on tn ariu eaat aid -1 ale eel j
n ,
UitJug line uo-Otfii lot JJ auS 1 1 ,
, ,,,, ,, . ,, ,k,,10. .,,
IU i.iiii irw ' ii'-'iB iirn-v. vmi i J
mn4r n,b i
... h.,..,., ti
kif. val .ttf lil lu a ifirt, Iht'iio
iegrvea rtt I ll f-t tu a poai.ttie pluee
begiuui. g, knoaa aa lul 177 lu tie eurl
ul.u u aisi 1 filla'si hiriu a,.fi ir.
With ,v,re fltvm Utl nM d H,r tilrv.,m
eruttfli SriM4, ,0 9rtalti,u, Alti lv b.
uld )hf. .,,.,.,, ut .iu.
A lin-uitM.rtmil ,ol uf Unii
t)lut iu Oaeola oroUfd. Clear Oct ti oualv. P
being part ol lot No. 4 tu piau ui a.tid burougn, I " '"'"g l" U"i''0 t-iamahip, Clt-artield e .un'y,
o-iumeJ and deaiuiix-d aa U-'g niiiog at I '' buuudott and d'Bvrioed aa fulluwa: B g a
lbeaet o.iruer ulaaid iul S: 4) trulvb liuoie en j '-t P"" 0il ,f oi o Lioei
t,ruu airaxtj ibeutti aloug ad alnrt 17
Ituv ul weal part ol eaid lul, aol I by ttlit I iff -if a i) t
euuuty at rtfpietu'ter Term, 1076, to ll. . Laivue ;
ibeuot- back to Maya alloy along uid l.atie'a ptri
d iid lot I foel , llie-ic aluug aaid alley o irth
ti 17 leet lu lb eoruer ul loi , a; tbtn.w
tiouif ibe diriatow line ol l it Not. 4 and to
piavu of bugiuiiiug, ha. tug oreuted tiereon
iraauo butnliug lial lii.ill leet in mtf, ou aud
a bjfcll aturtva bigb, aud au utd aa a tin icr'e
Alu, all that lot nr piee of land aitua'a io the
burougti of Ukto. ula, on tbo treat aide ol Lingle
alreot au 1 h.iowu iu ibe olatt ol aaid bur
ugb aa lut No. Tt, aoj ib eeine i rvtairea
uivb tbe Urctuli :! Uu . b llieir dt;ed iieaf.aj
dat ' br to ban) ul februaiy. I-M, aud I
gl Ctwield. la iK-ed Hu .a A. V," imgu JiS,
... '
granted and fl Bvyud iha aia tn Jaiuea ilaber-
lain iu eseout.oa aod lu bo eold
albe pruperty ul Jaoaoa M4bvrabaia.
Altvt, atl tb4t certain trat!t of land iltnato In
Morrti tuwuablp, Vlear.ivld eous y, I'a., bt-uadod
aud doxritMid aa ftiltowa: Uegioniug at a pnat
aji-Dauuarirnr : ihaan. he in.l iuni.v.,.1 -,.r.
uy iu bub a anje ui to wai uanoB oi lliu i
tKut jaiUM Siait jr. auaib iuui nrliea t a
lu.0J UJ lmuii llir,cvej OB mtrTmnt u,
oauiuel w . l Lr mad fiatuuei lib -a la, reajtectiee-
iy, wo.t Sia pra ti a poet ; luanoj t.y land
Mrvvyt on warrai t-Jtiu. I tin m nimi
uerouej, u, m uh . thu a.or,aaid j tbetie
tuWu u,t - tBf) ,m4l orw ib-rcl m
uerebea t tbe piece ol bvgiuiilng, eoiitMluiog 4.1V
actvaand 4t peiobei nu eor leu, with ailowabOn,
being furv')ew ua warrant lo Kicbard H. Hawil h
1 bia tract ul land ta Buaeated, baring ai improva
uifote, but a large a,ueulity uf limber growing
iberwun. Hvitv taken ia en-cut i. to and to Ml
awlU aa tbo property wl J.ieepb 0. Brvnaer. 1
Aiao, ibe itilt-twiug real eeutte tilu-at lu Brlv
tuwuahip Clearneid cuualv. Pa., ouuniltd audi
detk-ri'ieil ai fill, w : U.-gmning a put; tneuuu
eat lot! iran-hri lo a p ; lb nee aouth un Itm-
lamia oi jbu KdHtgfr 1. iioicbii ; tbvotv O'tuth
7 degree wet ll pen-bee lo a poat : thcntJu
north ua hut ol lan lt uf 0r,; Smith to piacc ol
, U $ g Bt.Pt,4 Clirti. a 1 1 h.eiu il.-
irAtati dwetdng h i4u ttfiJt ft, ail a
.twUt I6ii fovt thrreoo erect 1, being pa t of a
rgor tract wf land conveyed tu Kha H.nlt b
fot toanug dav the SIub day ut DevMtn r, l4v
Alau, oue uib,r ira-t if laud ailaae in Ura.y
oegiuoit.g. eoniaiatiig l acre ant Wf I I poroU-
,oiiitw at a o ,t wo ur u..dre Krintae .
towi.aoip, ou.i Jed au.l a t'tut I wlnlfTt : U
tll.,w uurtn vilj pmhe to a , llieuu eaat
uB (,Deol lauda ul Adaiu Kirb.ll ;4 ptrcma uai
jjuaii lurntcv etruin on iiuo oi urnia ul Juno IV an
Oil Bud U. U. H al.. II tilt lurch'! tu a ainno;
thinoe Wi-at ou im of lalida f ti. Admn Wt-wver
124 peri-liea tu p ad of nt-giB 'i t, cutlta ni tg 73
ac and 30 prrvbt-a, with a -out 1 aTi- clear I,
and having a largu aieam bmw mill Znbo feel
.J"f ""'.
.lalfl.-a mtjH total a al.,... ll. Ill C-.l lh....s
.r....j. v-.i. .a......."............ ii
. . , ... .... .u
wio aa ia. .,aa 1, K.-B-ll.
ar.. Ud .bar... a tar,. ,..,. d..l.,a( b .0. ,
1 " . . '" -
.... .. ., - t.o .v.r) .ra ....
So i, aud i lul. ta b.o. k N.. k, ii, is ttilava ...
Oluu II ,,-, .u I buu. ir..nuUr iu -na , ...aa I-
n-'pu, .aa . aorw. ul .and la., iu, aiHth
ra mj pai.lta rua.l, w -.. b
la-.d ol
Pa..-uia au.l uorIB b Ut.a II ua
d umI. Uin
,a a, aud tu ba .. d a. ma ur .acrij
. . r r '
AUo. a ...tuln traol al land tiiaat. tn IIk.
tp, Uaru-ld oo., Pa....,.an..a.l at f .1... ,a: B.rf.u
Bio at a blaoauai t.pilug f'tma u. ,ba imui
ot ata-a. tb.ncu by .aod af halra uf
a.tra ut k. ti't. dvo.l,a"atb 7 uafm-a wci III
pvr...... to a .aaaal.a. (uoa (i.) o i Ib. bans ul
. I.a. hld e.a.k. ibuuc. duati Mid araaK by i.
., and di.t.i...aa, ilt.S p.rb.. to la.
p.avauf ba,lni,i.,f, ounlaiul.K .11 aur,-a n 4 alio-au.-a,
Biura ur ieaa. bound, d o. CK-arS 'ld QroaK
and land. b.-io..,in4 lu .b. b.trt ul Hu, pb Ltli.
dan 4, aai b.n,g par. uf a traot ol tand w trramad
in tb.. na... ul s.ibjjI 1', B.-i.. all ai.r-
. a.,a a Iraaw huo.., lug im. b and athjr
bat.l, u.,a la .l-.,,un, .ad t. ba auld a. lit.
propwty ul Kuinrt lu.
Al.o, a lot or piao of aroaod la ih.
bon.,,b nf lluo.t tala. U,..rll.ld aooaiy, p.
b, e. al,.t, oa tb. ,tb by Moo., allay, .a th
.i t,, Jun. Bi.l... oa tha aa.l by li. ol ll
koMl,.l, a.d ...oa. ia p ., ul ...4 borough
.. i. N .. n. r..
..u ,.n,nM. ,o.r-
aa aralad. a.r.d. I. km in .laeutton, aad lo
ba aold ai tha pruparty ai Polar Mppla.
Aim. all ma nabi, ttt.a, laiarr.l aud alaiui ol
tha ta a av.t.i. iraet of laud, i.tual
In U.oaaria taau.bip, clr.rb.ld aooaty, I'a , i.
tba al duba Furdn.y, a.d baaad.4 a. lal.
low. i un Iha no, I a aad M by land al Joha
I"' nntb. ai,atb bj land of annua HMfhoonr
aad atb.ri, M.d o. tha .ait ay l..d ol Aaron.
M.tibm 111 nom, Boro or .n.
Sr' a.d. inkoa in oao..t.oS,, u4 ta ba aold at tha
pri'p.rty ol s. Makario4.
Ana,ibataUonii, ib. d.rrn lint,
ailuata In tbn boi,.uah'ol II., ..1,1.1., tlrarnol.1
auaal. Pa., baundod aad daianlaad folHina:
Uo tba north by ll.aaaB llrart, a tba aa.tb by
railr.ia4,aa lb.., oy aaul, bb4 na taa w.tny
dopot, ba.a,Slr.-tlroalaod SO loot tana. ba. in,
auod ibup and natraa anno tboraou
orvntrd. Clfrtd, l.k.a in .iroation, ..4 to a.'
aaid a. tbrprupar.y al J. B. Hamilton.
AIm. n aaitaia lot .Itaato I. Aorth llaultdala,
WiM.iw.r4 .awnnblp, 4nKirita4 M M..v.i
Banu4a4 as tba nu.tb n, Fr.,nt atravL Mtn a.
land 01 A. B. Lua(. Bail l.y F.anb Lakxl, mratl
tty an alloy, aad bafiug tb. oa ornatrd a l.aoj.
bsa lealS frat. BriMd, t.a.a . ,..,.
aad la ba P.I4 a, Iba pt.ayorly of fhuaaaa 0O...
Aim. lb. lollowl p .ayrrly al U.f.o4ul at la
bia In tlra.lnr l..Wo,btp, ia tb. ?ll.n ad Wt
Uaonla. b lot of roo.a aoBl.ialB( abnnl nara,
lsaB4a4 a.t by aa allay, aa-t by 1.1 nf Maaay
i. T.raat.WBU. by allay, aarut by WbM Mnnt,
ltb plaak baw tm ladl at. Ma IbarMB. If
ad), lakna Is uwnUaa and la b. sold aa Ua
aranarty af Jaba Warw.
Uf w AflffrtiSfrarutj.
Txnia ,r ii,. fll irte itr bupi it mhhik
lh irirly bll n tirHnll of mini b (,,,4
tba llu or r aut-b albr rraiifVku
Hjil lll apti'iif m4 , itllri, ibi. !rp.
i ill W imdiBUilx pul up u4 ta4 Afaitat
th poj nak lit Ui frua tti bw
t almoli ud. and ab.!, ta ti-t f a- a- Uart t
Mb r bll wab in,! tb laiaa, a(,4 a
no Ibaiaanr ll. tb Uad b raal4 it 0,jrt
lur auiiartaatl-.b h.m ib- in it p(tt,jlt
yUlutUt .... f ANDHEW fE.VTZ.Jr.
Kiaairr . ornoa. I ',
L'laarbald, V.. fan. J. I 7 I
Sherirs Sale.
V 9'.'tme i mm t tttttt Wfita,
u m,r ufn hi f hoiu, u m ,u Ui tba
IV b 4y ir U'.b. 1-17. a I oVUr,, f m
ib lwliit irio4 rl auuv, I u. '
A veiliil j-lnnti fraiot fiwl'io)t b
' t myyu, t,,,.,, hrtrtai
anJ it,rri't-il b loiiuw.: wu .iia nunL a,,
ul Hailrit-td alrvcl. m laid loiuucli and bu'iu
lul is, ai in gi'iiarai piau 01 aim b iruott C.4
lot tM ing i.Sl jtut m !. lStmd. Ukr n
trCutiu aud U be oold aa tb priprly u J,
AU11, a ei-rtnln to lry buildtug 30 fti ii
iilib. Ifitntiiitf ua ll-iiDah alnel. anil ai., ... Ijir.l.wi'b kil.fcrn I :x It ttrt aiarbr.
lau. ..oii iih on.. a-im rr , ia
,M Houtwlaif, I karb.d "iinli. I'a, ..a a
' gnwd owurd by J. S llurkMr... r. i.i
O-angu ar Kha,. fiondng un II i..o,b ,trl I.,
I o.i .Mvudiug b.cb lu a point 00 J ,!,
' ,,rl r iroauag
i.lo ui aaid lot OAiriHlikg bjca In.m Hamil
atrwl t.S Ki'l to aatu pini in Ji-bn ir-ti.
MMvd, laafti to a-euli.u and I bu auld aa laa
prpit) ut J.S. U raat' caavr, 'ta nr ur -apuiej
u(n r, and han d Ur ' t Cn., .mir.-t r
Alau, a cortaia t-u atury frattv d-ti.aj b'ltm
18 l fruiitiug un C-il Itruc-t, 21 Irvt in .-(,'k,
ailuU in Oat-ooU bornugh, being tut So l.o i
general p an ul aaid lorugh, tr.iauiig a Cud
iri-vi oi' lt, and oairatimg 10 feat. U-tu n
an by lao .i. i;im-i, in rioutpta
aod lu be Mild aa llio pip-ry or Uru Kifknii.
jr. 'trurt Ki'tbaM. t , aoi Thua. Ktiia
A ot-riain lot or piw of ground araatr in Ce
cal ur tuwnrb.p, Clrarbi'M eouiily, I'a., Ixjim-ifJ
and dauritt.-d a lol..wa : Ui-Knimng ai r n-ar
Ibc fcrie turupik u the lio diruiiug the iamli
uf Pliinpt- l.t'ivd ; Iheiiiw along rail lio- .14
! roda ; IIil-u ie at rig lit angle 10 aaid line It) ruii;
tbfor 10 Krie turnpike U rda ; tbi-nee aluug
aatd trio luri.pik iw ru ia to (.lao of briii..iu(,
ctitiUmiiitf lav tcn i iuui or Irai, Il Ix-iog
pattol 1 Urt IfMt ur land which, by tutu. try
cuntevam-t-a, orcuie l'i-alt-4 10 Jaiui-i l'u i pi and
Hub or d fhil a, wti, by Vta daicd ib A pi,
A. O. Ipi'K, rv wrdl ai Ciea Held, 10 Um-J Uu .k
D. 0., Q .gi- IS, Ac, nuurvtfcd thu a-iui tu J. (',
WiUiaiua, who, by aaa-irnoteitt oa iMl- k ul a.tidj
Oee i, d tlvd a.'tb Full. A. 11. I W, itvairlcd at
i UJ,M m V. v., paga su, ac e,..
; .... .mu,rri.
. . ., - r wr"y
vl "-"'P-- .
A'- e,,r iw.ih.r frao bos l M
iu tlie tuo of Mtrlmg. L'lra tti-l-J
' couuty. fa., ou kit ouxlu Uvt, lHuulel -y Ul
lre t, Mar.)l al try. Cedar alley, aa 1 lot
r 1 Avited, Uken lit exe-uioti no I lo Im aoM aa ib
i prope ty uf . W . llafp.-
A 'o, a ou an i a-ban to y btu- or bu d n
2l I'rul Iroul aud lu lt t drp, il ia O pUlik "Bil l
ing ith lot aiiu eiiriviage appn u-nnni tb-rrto,
anu4' in Ibe liorugb o iiroinjla, uu .St une n raet,
buun ie.l on ibe aor b br i'reiiyuloy aireel, ua
ibeeatl by Kdwari a l 'y, on tbiu:h mHut Na,
, ... T-.i.,- i I-.-
l-li. St iffi, laK'-w in eXeeati a and tu be aaid
" "" " Mj ' "
"'"'" " U".J P'-"d 'a wn M
roubrujaii-.n unk-aa ib aioitev ia attuaiiT p4id t
bSuerilf. A SO rlt. IV ph.S12.Jr,
mik Hify'a ekorif.
.leirnnii, r.t re.ei. ii. ,
Sheriff's Sale.
I T.T flfloe of aundry Jrlla ul' F-itint ii
tui-tj tiut -f the rourt of Ccmiann P t-aa ,( ( b-ar. '
j i.' l'l euuury rd to toe dirwted, 'hrre anil ba
I p'laed to i-ut'llo aal, at the I'oan H iuse in tha
bur -ob of 'I'-arlf Id, mo Saiurlay, iha 3 I day
j l Mtr.-k. l'T. at t "'clock p.m., the i.lioaing
t leocTilied rl ttUe, to it :
i All tbat rvrtstin lraS or rel of land lytne
A rb.iw ; tbenc by aa u dne oonb uu huo ired
and K-t t a(ti p -eouja m re or lea H a finut eor
uer nf l4iid emnveto I t i K. V. M'Mir ; thfoi-e by
sai l Mor'a land -at aernty-ia'u p.-robca ninr
r leva lo eat ttoumlry lin of aaid warrant No.
ifaeoef by a-tid war. ant Iia mth una boa
lied and tern ftecne m rt or le4 to a ooat
tboi.'.' wert aeveiny-iwo por-hra a. vie or leoa t
lilaire ui tteAiuaing, annltaixiog tfy ocrea in re ur
b aa. and ihe ucuiU alluwaooo. About tbiny fif
ai-roa cli-aml, and a g -anj bearing irhr ataab
Uouer ttA9 I eel, beiuloOM ad uatb tlmbr lbf
-a. tStfiit.-d, toa-a in nxeod'i 'B oaJ to ua a. at
be nr-iperly oi W. W Uunlao.
A an. ono I--! atiu ite in Hat tritetianin Ci
' "'"! ' o tniaiaiag m .t hir;y aoiel
! ul - ' "Ul,r "r ""'ch !
1 6 1'4 tret, m log atablr, a brotk d ruuaiOjji waior,
young urea ird, with ab tut I v aoret moarrd "and;
!, h-nilu. k aud uaa ti war uu lani. Sa.l d.
laea im eof !' . and tw bo Mild aa toe ur p r
y ol Jn.ti lit.-.
A i4i. a tho rertaia tola ar pieces of gr iand
itHAto iu ib btiroagfa ot Houiadal. Cloonlel I
0'iunty, Pa., btmnded and deecru-vd aatuiiuw;
Ou tbtruol biiuud'd un lb Burin b.i lot No 4,
a thf a utb by beaver alter, un ibaoaa. -y ttria
in at reel, tn ib- Wret tie ttpra o allf. aal
knuwa aa lot No ti, Th other Ibvrwol b-an led
on in north by M-o-c alley, a tutb by Sue aire.",
a-t by lot No 22. na ibo woaf uv lot H Ul,
and buwan aa lot No. 1 14. tilth btuee aud at tula
th. rcta er-ct-d. S.'iied aaea in m taii m, an I
'obesnld aa tbo pro)-vrir of iiw. II IVoeJou,
aiuiintatiatttr ol l. C. Uaiea, doceaaed.
Taaai or iSaLa Tho price or ata at which
ho pruuorty abayl bo el ruck off inuat a paid at
the tuae of .!, or Buck o bar arrangement
! a will be Of proved, otberwiae to rHirty
wi't b tiauiedtatwly put up and miB again at
tb Bpaw and nek wl lu awraua to woota il
waa alraek u, and who, la of deleieoey a
aurb r aiwt aball auaJt good tbe oaiae. -dd ia
j ou t aula now will IB Ueod be preaeaied ia 0ort
for ciHifiruaaLiua an) tba none l aciaaH
paid to tho bbenff.
Shbripp' Oppua.
riaarneld. I'a.. t. 14
Tnt;iTi :!-. M.K
V (UF titl.K Ri- A. KST TK.
1 lly a ni.-w -.f ftr oimt I doQMatte alt -eh
! mnt io the r .an ot foinmnn. ena of t'lea'lrtd
I nm'ti , Pa., tSera will bo ein.,.eri to nub'io ila
l t:url t'd-artt. -I. on
Hallird. Mai-rh IO, fedtt
at i "Vlisck p. m., ib- fnlrnwl.ig doairibed real
,ttr tne -o,tfi. f a Miilitr:
A 11 tint crt ttii Irani or piece of Un I ainale la
lb kon.nrb ot ' Ifarftfld. Mmn led and leaeribed
.1 foil'-wa: H' Cinnmg ai a aoit, tunai Ht bUeh-
lark, nn tho ha-ik or tt.o rlt-ar : thf nee dnwn Mid
.....his .l,.a......t 4-.If.-ai.a....:,ho,.r..'
I . 1 '
am a. .
'.' " !' """"
(( rtwrih , aa.),,,
r 4"1 rt lnpiare tif he r
I bating tberuou t-n-wttd a large two al .re frama
,..,., 4.. ,t u,ah.r l ira.l .."
. ,. f .uj.,, lb. .I,,,
...,..rl , Wainnln, ,1 . . K.v.r tn-a! !
,. u a,tr j , t 4
.nra in ana aar ih.ivaflar. wlib lnirr..t. la ka
..-.-arrd liy bund and aj-.r'aa-- lh i.ral,ltt.
V. VT .HI III, 1
JNO. f. Ill IN. I
CtrarlalJ, f.b. 14, l7T 4t
OaptitraM' ruiiHr ti.t-;i
i.inoon b. aa .r-lar ..r th llrph.b.' .'nurtur
C'.a.l.ld a.,nn-y, lb. un,rrrrn -.1 Ad man r.l-r
I lb. rrt.r. .if t m Hit -ni,,.., .t. ot K . I.-4
t..wn.hl.. ilnrra-. d will a.l .i pub'i. ml. i till
fnort Huu.r I. .'h-irn.l.l. ,,.
Thill-a4ay, Vl.rch lat. ISTT,
al I u'rliM-k p m , all il.l carta.n ir.i-l af land,
laia tha at .to ,.t' ixe.... I. .ito.i. in Mid
tnwaabip. nnd drirnbud a. fullu.i: H.'Utidrd
weal by l.nd. l J.'llioa tlr.bui. Juhn Wo..lri,itl
ao. liantal Main., ... tb bartb by inndaot IM.r
trr.ioa. on IM ...t by landi of J.iba Fur.iv a' 4
utbrr laAi. lata f om,-.Md, .ad a tbi
auuth by Inndi ol Vi i.jnmin Kbi p(,, v.i.ta.nul
about HIS 4nr.-a, attd to-., g iba a.uj. p.niil.ol
nh,-rr,.B Wul llttuBing. Itru.l al tb. In.. .1 hu
Tb. eon.iM i,r n tw.i tl .rr l"l
b.Kt a IS.2S r.. with a hli.brnai.ot ltlli.l
a.ia.,b4, h.g barn and utbar oaiboildinc. - . U'
prup.riy. n.M. two g -0.1 oreb.rdi. A -.a' I"
arri 1,1 iba land 1. olrarnd .n l aa f.r ra .-.-Una. s.i... Oaa tb.r4lbrpon-h.i- oioaiy
raah aa ewr.lriaalloa of aaja, aaa-third la ...
.e.r.aud ll)badaa.a. lo tw yo.ra, tb. l.ttrrlo. with iniorau I.. br aronrod by aondi.d
or.gaso rm to. nr.l.oa.
k.u r. i;t 41 david bitciiivos.
Tha .nd'ylariad will wl at prl.ata all
Ib.t trart nr ..r-rl of tand ailna.a I. tl'.'ar
tnwo.bip, Cb-ara.14 a .nnty, I'a., witkia a inurl
d.nauti. ar tb. Tirana 4 t:i..rt.ll a. B . and
. IJ '.ning l.ndl of Hubrn Hu l,n nnd al.rrm
aad .now. a. tba Ja.b B. .Lnrbarl la' tn
aid iraat aoataiaiB, An aoraa n. .r. or to... nitk
two nl .ila.iil. anal ibaraan, b.i ab-,.t tt
aorol ala.ro4. .a. I u tn. baa to a lain b dr of
aiovl almat bring 4.tdopo4. Will ba mid lao aid
.poa aaay irrB... r r port.r.iara. arp.y .0
ClcarSald, I'a. Jaly It. lays.
IbT (111 V k A II arrrial lndabla.1 In tha n'HI
1 ul r. II. Millar, .rwn.l.nnd Ibat ih.t mail
oa.l aad mtlla Iba.r aoraoati wi.booi dr'ay -"
a.l tboaa alaloji ...iarl lb. laid ralala
ara raa..atad t. nrroant Ua. aaaaa do'y aalhrall-
rat-d. Tba ban a nf tb a.14 ailala art at tb'
kaa bf 0. W. Btmllk, aa aaoa4 nnal
. ft w.aMrra
jaar. jhwin.1i
w. t. BiaLU,i
Ckartnld; ISb. 14, HrT-44, '