Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 28, 1877, Image 1

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K r t II 1. 1 H K II IK I BUI.
I he lir(nl ( Irrulalk., ul Buy Newspaper
Ih o.nh Central Pruuaylvault.
- - . 1 .
I .. .tiri,,irtl..B "tl Hjiint ha, , a INI
tuiiea ol Advertising,
tiKied- trertii'emenip. pur qnrt nf IH nan
" '"- ! Hit
-aU'Mif niii iiMftrtiori il
I l'ntnilranr' nd Ki'ftu!rn muioea 9 All
tu-tititrV tinhftfi. f ftn
'miM'in. tn-l K'rr. 1 ftfl
')t'ilmttn nollee 1 00
Mtjil nttiH. per line . ... If
MHrt. t lift I f (Milntnn. a iih
Mif I ft Oil I onlutiin TO tt
'imw, Jit mi Molittnn Jn i
N'iFI, R l,KK,
as a. Nori i.L..-ran, md. n't., area.
Mc! I' ! Cl fill & I IXH.
( lo.rHrld fa.
Al! Irral hu-lni M irmptle ttrnlMl ,n. Offlo
iii Henul al'rat, in tba Ma.uoio biiiMLna;-
': rWatfl'M ri.uft'.v. Pi iir'a. T5j-
in-., r. ti i.t. crhi'a a.'Riiua
l T T U K X K V 8 AT LA W,
H- offiea It I'it a ira Mutl'u, reutid floor.
A T I Ujt X K Y - A T - L, A W
CllarUcld. Ha.
Will utivnj tn ull tiu.iuuu antrnilail to hlai
.iuiull) anil laittilull. dovI2'7S
niLi.lia a WALi-acl. datid l aaKii.
niHitr r. a a 1.1. ,ia. Juna w. whiolkt
(Su wmnrn tn Wttllrtoi- A tin I ding,)
II IJ7:l ClearHcId, Pa.
inHai'a a. a'aiALLT. daxikl w. h vuaiir.
At roKNKYS-A'i-aUW,
i leardeld. Pa.
A4r,l. bttitinMn ririamlitl to pnnuptl? with)
1 Hity. nut en n (wuiid lrett, n,inv ;h Kirnl
VHti.,iiI Hunk n::7A
listing reniii hi Ju'tK", hiti rnuuici.
lie prinliflf if the Uw in hi uftlee l Cloft
M i, I'a. Will ltnd thr itnurt of JflTrmtiti ml
Klh roiiDtin whnn noirUy temirtfil in ronnwti'ti)
virb rnmili'nt aiunH. 1:14:71
A T T O li X R Y - A T - L A W .
Ktnl Eotjilr nitrl C.illwirtuD Agent,
( I I-AHf li:i tt. I A..
Will riiiiily atttut lo ll lfj(l liulini ti
Inii'ti'.l in hi oaro.
tT-iKlicf in Piu' 0-ctn I!-'Uf. Jnl76
" a 7w . " w a l. t e R s7
A l l'IIK.NKY A r l,AW,
ricm rlplil. pa.
v.. Ultl'-a in llribmiiV K'lW itta.3-1.'
I I ; I Iru i Ilrld. Pa.
IcarUrld. Pa.
fitrnirr in OM r.lni ll.ilrl bull'llay
t: Mi.r of trmd an I Mrkt Sit. n vii.M.
t'lfarHdd. Pa
r-iftii.i Hi th Court llnut. ijyll 'f'
aTToKN KY AT La a,
lri Held, Hn.
4fVf Or rt- ud AlHikcl urn't, oi. Cuurl llnuf,
Un. . I-4TI.
ni Kval t'.l'e Acnt. Clearfield. Pa.
(Mhc on I bird a)trtt, btl. Ubrr A Wklnut.
4t Kim iaatl till jt utfur hi itrvirtf In ielllft
nd niiyin Undi 10 ClvitrtioUl unci djiilnini
nun l lei ( ami with ti mporitincoui uvertwemv
itrii iu arrjriir, fllt(r btmimH lbr ta tr
vndwr ant tfnr Hiif), Yvb Jr.'S:t(
01Vrt ill (rnham' Hut. 1:26:71
OM-eoU, Clearfield ( u., Pa, jr:pd
Iltiiieioiiie. P.
V ill piaitioe in CK-arbultl and all uf tin Court! of
ha ii-itu Judioial dimnot. Heal vaiata liuainrM
tint millm'ttmi tit nlaiui inadv apauialttea, nl'7l
Will attend itolr.Minal eail. i.tini'tlv. aul07t'
f II V 1 1.' I A . A S ll V KO N .
lldlue uu Markut htreot. Clearlleld. Pa.
-Ulliuu bi.ura: a to 12 a. lu . and I IV I p. a
tlfflo.' IB reridinee on Market ft.
Aoril a. IT. ClearneldPa
J. H. KLINE, M. D.,
AV'IXii located nt Peunlleld. Pa., oltera hla
iirniraaiiinal cmcer to the pfwtilf uf that
anl aumiaiidingrountry. Allcall promptly
U'eii-ied lit.
oat. II If.
DR. J. P. BURC H Fl E L D.
ldiHuriaooul tb Noglment.FennaylTanla
Volantaara, aalng raturnad fro tba Amy,
ttfur bin pMfaaiionai rvldap tbaeltiiana
if t'ttiaroeid amniy. m
Fr-ifKnaioAati fall promptly atuadad to.
mn, iq t0(itid -iraat formarlyoarapiad b
Or Wnoda lapr,'M-ti
ftr- on et boura- Fiobi IS to S P. M.
Ma; II, 107.
Will ,romptt attend all ealtl In tba llneorhi.
pn,ier.ia nne.iv-,a
Mi' in ronai lormi-rlt fiocapii-d 1 7 Naogla
Maikal atrral.
(Piirtueny with L- Rt baler.)
"h'-p on Markat Pi,, apfimilia i'oart llitwaa.
n ttwel for every funer. may llr,'7.
daetlee ol Iba I'eaee Bpd acrieeatr,
arntnatiila. Pa.
-Calhxlloai aa.le and
laid wear.
Bona promntl)
vi'btici or Tim piacb
Decalmr Ttwnth(p,
Oataala HUH T. O,
' ill bAbIb taa!,,,, atruM I aim aHIt a
! la. . aaakM, 7.
T"v"rY. - r,fTs.T..i.iTTTt r
i -Z-ZZ-1
I.J very Klaibhs
rlll R undmitnd Htk lo lniorui the tih
I Mo that h if n fully irrpr-' uwouiuiu
4n tt nil in th tiarof furniiliitii H..m. Nukkip,
rtmtdlM tnd llarium. un the nhorlfiil milh-r iind
n rvRPiitmlilc Irriu. KttliiioMn LtwiKi 'tre)!.
Miwr-n Third nd Fnurfh
Miatnilauiurer 4 ei(i nt' )elrtn
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &oM
W Ult ULAfiU, rKNN A.
VrOrdnr mltclti-d BIN Riled on ahuri noti-
n tl rtjiiimahlf trmi.
Addrew Woodland V. 0 Clvurflfld Cn., I'
2i-ly W 4I.HKKT i HHOS
H EHl'H ANT, "
frenrbiillif, 4 Icnrtk'ld C'uuiit, Pa
Kfpfpl flonl fitly on hnnd a full atwrrtunl uf
Ury liftnrt. ilanlwar, Hrixwlct, aud verythitifr
Qually krpt tn a retail stur, whirb will hviold,
for emh, m oha a Uvwhirt in tb eounty.
Prenebvllle, June J7. IK7 ly.
(.R-MIASITiiN. Pa.
Alio. aitatifliT oiiinurai.turr and dealer in Square
Tinberand Hawed Luuibero, all kiode.
HTOrdora anllelted and all billa promptl)
Blled. JyH'U
House and Sign Painter and Paper
IcaibVlil, Pcnli'a.
-A.Wll exerute Jolia In bir line iri.ttirtl and
In a wurkmanlike manner. ar r4,H7
ffumpi alway on hand and tnadr lo ordr
tn ihort notira. I'lpra liurtd m rnainnahlr irrtni
All work wartanud t rruder tatiafarliun, and
delivered ifdotired. niy2A:lpd
E. A. BIGLER &. CO.,
Pma i.r. ita in
and nmnulaciureri ot
A I.I. klM)l)l' A I II It '.till ION.
t T7J I'ENX A.
deulrr in
Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
9:I7S Clcarflfld, Fa,
nKALr.a la
S(utire Timber & Timber I.iuhIh,
In kralarr'a llnlidltif;, I IraiHi ld. Pa.
Dealer tn tlroeeriea, I'ri.vlrlonA, Ycgrliiblea,
Fruit.. M"ur, feed, etc ,lu.
Market m.. ClrarHeld, Pa.
In tba ahiip laielv oeeuiiied bv Frank rbort,
one duir weal ot atlt bauv tluu.e
ARClin EOT. L'i'NTKAC'I OK and lll'ILUKK
P'ana and Spefifiratinna furnlihe I fr all kind
tf buildinxa All work flrit olm. tStalr buil I
mg a i.N"iil'y.
r. O addrtiM, ClearRpld. I'a. Jao.l7-77tl.
R. M. N El MAN,
Humbarftr. Clearfield Co., Pa.
Karpaoo band all kind-of llartiflii. Saddle,
Bridie', and lioiau Kutnubiog tiooda, lUpairing
iMUitlj Mlieuded tu.
itQiuba'gr, aiau. ii, 3-.
10I1N A. ST A lI. Eli,
tt IIAKKH, Muiket St., Pa.
Fre.b lined, tturk, Kulli, P,ei and Cake.
a hand or Diade to order. A general ...ortuieot
i,l roiilBctionariee, Fiuim and ut io atucb.
lea Creaio and Or.ten In reamn. tSaloi-a ararl
I'poilia tna l'.l,mce. rnrea uiodvrato.
March 10-To.
rnit.K. ium a ami dab. ta:o:,Ay:
iH Mia. H. P. l.llilH',1 L,
Having angaged In the Marlda iiuainvaa, deairaa
tu tntorut br Inanda and ibu public thai aha baa
now and will ko)i oxmitnntlv on hand a largo and
well peleclatl alook ol 1 1 A hi A ft AINU VKKM OA I
MAKill.K, and la iirepared In lurni'h in onlar
luMllb'HiNK.s. MUX AM) CUAIU.K 'iU.MHH,
M ON lil fclS'i tt Ac.
Yard on Head airwt, utar th K. R. Depot.
(Jicarlieia, fi, j14,7l
At tba and ol tba m-w brnlge,
Tl.e proprietor of ifala eaiabllnhmrnt will buy
hi liiiior direct from ol Miller I'unie haying
tnin thti houa will h aure to get a pura article
at a amall margin ahora eo't. liotal keeper nan
i-a turmbed with llqnori on naaonahia term.
Cure wine and brand tea direct Irom Bet ley
Vinery, at Uilb, Mew -rk
Clrarfleld. June In. a7b tf.
Wale hen. Clk unci JfWtlry
(irakam't HqW, Mitrktt Strtrt,
I :ahhi i ii, pa.
Alt kind of repairing In
tided to.
line prutnptlt at
April 2S, 1171.
miwN' it-; at mihki;t.
The BTidi rritfiiafl wBld rfiieatful'r infnrtn
thepuhliolhat be ha upmitxl a M HA T MAHKKT
at tba old aland on Market Mreel. wbert hw will
keep rrgalarl) oa band all kiada of
F-R-K-S-ll MIA-'I--,
and will guamntea aatirrnctlnR in prleet aa aell
a la the noalile rtt tna, .iff'-red.
Ulearfleld, Nr .2,7 lf. C7.IIA BHOWN.
Market Ktrcct. C leartleld. Pa.,
NARrrACTrar.B an naaLta ir
and all klndi or
full attwh o( raddlera' llarlwarn, BrBebaa,
t aba, Illaakat., Honea, bib. alaaa a head
m lor rale al tba lower! eaan ,rtaea. All kind.
I ie,,airin prmnptle aneuded la
All kinda l hi'tea taken In airba fa tr har-
ih, and re,.Biiliiv. All kiada ol barnera l.atlir
.,f,t n baud, and for aale al a rlnall prufll.
( leaideld. Jan. IH, lI
CI, ar Held, Pnin'a.
Be.reerat all Iha laadlng Pira taiaraner
BBipaBttt t tbt oauntrj i
tjueat fin.nnn.taa
lineal Canadian a.lian.tHn'
dona. N, Vrb I.TM.IK
i.ia.,ailn,, Munee, Pa ,!V.4M
Franklin, I'h.l.d'... I WH.BM1
Pha-aii, llartlord l,5J,tl
laauver. Ne York I,7B i
llnme, Oid.O l.iii
A liar, Hatll.rd .... a.4t
FmldBBat, WBfblnitaa ... tlt.liM
Peraaaa aboal ,ffetlBir aa rararaaaa aa prop
ria of ear Had, baald tall al aaVaa, aa
Market etreai, oaaaalla Ika Ooart Hoaaa. aad aaa
mj Hat ef aaaapaarat Bad rataa before Inearlag.
OoartM,IV,Oe4, lt,T.le
I'm Rifting at my drk, Tun,
Hi for ma on ihf tfwir
Tli it a wurnonl foot oftypa.
Full iwanty lhnaml Mtura ;
And many iti 'Dtha bv mcd. Turn,
hima t'try wrr hrlb(hl ttnd naw,
And army mr lh talm ibfy'ra told
Tbv ralr, tba 'rang', tht Irut.
Whul t l of bi-rrnr tiny bnvt t H,
Ot teiuitat and ofwnoli (
Of murdar io tht nudhiqt hour,
01 war full many a ' fvuk !"
Ol b'ri Ihrti lint, awrty at ,
U Vtii d- wQ hi fun- tha blaat
Of it itted crien of $ny,
Aalilv'i Uat uiiuitinta aftd.
Of airthfjuake and of u'oldva(
01 liiriiari frgoltn i
Ol brink tie I iiu hern. Imhn Ititnkf,
Am! imnhinn yrfrini mi . n t
Ol tioilr liuriinir, imitifri nnyit
Of finto, durif I- Ufhl,
Ol rulii't-ra wiih tbi tr n-y auii)od,
Of thifa thi ir lK'iy OftUjfht.
Of fl'Mid and Hit and rcijnt,
1 ha Wurnout tj c ha a lo d,
And bow the iviiiriin lie aw opt
'riutrU'hlul anl (hit uld
Ol nmriitifti-, it birilia and drntba,
Ol thma to ipau or vx u,
Of mir tuHii'a juninn(f m-erbuard,
Another gunu to itxi.
Th' to d n hnw awt-tt uoiuier day 4
llavi- laJid in ui ur vl w,
llnw autuinu'a vliilllDx wind bava nwtpt
Tiit IpbI ctfwtiid I it nut thri.Uih
Il'iw widIi r'a mow haih ruints and fine,
Until niK'i "f itorui ami etrile
Anil bnw ttie rniillng rng bath wurinad
Tht al tlowera bui'k to hla
I ow n't rtti'nd lo mi.-n.iftn balf
Al y inky lrifii.ii' btvr told.
Eii.t-e rhlmug l-rijxht anil htai li f ul
Thf.t ie'iit-d fr.-m the mold
II "W unlu m too iby Joy l.ave Lrouglit,
Tt i her urii t and mar,
Yi faithlullj the reo'-rd kpt
Of Infi rt cavuiiig jari.
Tlio blue Kiuntli ulu-a. whitli liua
bvi'iiniv nn uilitlu ol tiiinnicn iul un
riunit! aiiii-v tii'iii-rnl 1'Ii iikuiiIiiii tha-
mvinil iKulinjf viiiuiH in orrulln-r
lliiimuh il, in muilu liv u tiiniun uj'eii-
Ijult Willi thu vilruniiH llux ut tliu limu
ol lliu im-hiiiK, unii tliiirt Itiu liliiut oliir,
tliu nlmilu riiiiiiniitily known un "mitK
iirino Irliif," in iiicuriiii'i!k'il into tliu
KUImIUIRU Ol' tilO llUir-H. Illll il Bl'Ullll,
il IB nut nt'iTswiiy lor tliu rrqtiiivtl
i Mci Ik tlmt ihH iui tii'iilur kiml ol
H I ii mi i li ii 1 1 1 L i) n.iuil, tor tliu lluiiliii'il
7 itht'8 huj a :
Wu liuvv kioii c.ii'i iim iiin iiitd with
tlio i l,tui"lilticiiij;"i't llm wutliwoniuii,
wliicli in him iily iiumuil u , on llm i'Iuh,
with uny Iii-iii.Ii nr mliur thing thui
will bine, unil tliu i-llWi swin tu ho
thu Niinu. Iniluuil, no iitr aa tliu t-ll'iel
on utiininl 1 1 tu in t-iini't'i nt'il, (ii'N. I'k-tin.
ill, ton IiiiiimII i i i i i i i i , i i h tliu cuu ot'
wimiin who huvu iiirt'il liuliliiuxs and
wu lii'liuve liiiiniliu in thu lu-uilalwi
y niiiiily wiiiiing u hlnu knitrui tuul
nun niiiiiiir in inu nun.
Thu WHeliM lilllllfe. ' lllllliill" IhiiiiuIu
"i'l'l'ly hy niixiiijr n Imlu "nnltihlu
liluu (onu nf thu li 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 o inliirri) in
wutvr. It in hnnnlit ul thu tlni(;il liir
un eiiiin un oiiiiiu, iind nn mintu will
inuku u itiurl ul' thu "bliit-in,," which
ul tliu auinu limu u nujiui uir writing
I'hu hluu I i li t really tlnia mium to
huvu u bi in-titml iflut l on ihuiiinutic
unil ajiitiul iriiiilili'ii, nn iioiu-ulic atl'uv
lioim, unil wimu tilln-r liiiinuii uiltnulita;
unil iin vllirt ia qnitu u atrniigly
liiiil'Uiil on vt'gululilo irrowtli. limine
ilmilH thut huvu led u aturvud and
luchlu li I u muni ik'Vulni nti'ungth under
thu bhiu li'ht, and u Utmluiu-y to in-i-iviiKu
iiilnr unil (rtiwth It wutna to
iruihiiu iiioio uflix-t il' tho wimlnw ia
iluuhlu, ttl.d thu liluu li'lit ia only on
thu imiur onu; (iunurul I'li'anuntiin'a
ihrnry being thut mimu uluitriu uetinii
ia developed ill thu iuuigu ol thu nun
light through tliu while, gluna Hint and
then through the hliio.
ll enn bu leudily dumniHtruteil thut
hluu gluna ai qiiirea miiru livut aiinily
by ilut-ing thu bund flint on the w hilu
gluim, which willbu liuinil tobu ruthur
cool, uven in thu lull bltosu of thu nun,
mid then on thu blue glunn, which ia
lull to bu iiblutclv hot.
Tho I'roviiluiieu VcManyi: A ludy
well known in lliu Third wurtl, and
iho wilu nl a prumiiiciitmuniil'ttcliirur,
bun been lor liireu yeura ulilieted with
iurulynia, which deprived her ol tho
use ol her liinlin. In her helpless aluto
lie hud to bu luken bodily to und
from herchuir. Various doctor wuru
ciumiilled, I'xpernneiita w ith electricity
were niuile, und iiothing wan lilt un
tried tlmt would iillord ruhef. Uiit ull
clluitn of thu niedicul men were una.
vuiling; their viniin leuned iiiilena
Bpeciully urged to lull, and while not
whnlly uhundninng thu i-unu, Jet they
very broadly intimuled tlmt it wun
hopcleKa to expect any nerinuneiit
lieiiilit Iroin the phyHiciiin'ii nkill. So
muttem atood when llio urtielea on
bhiu glasa uppeured in thenu lolunina.
I.iitlo ulU-iiliuu wua ut tiiKl givun to
tlieinullur, but in l eileriitud alnlenienln
were muilu un lo thu bunelleiul elt'uela
derived troin bhicgluhN'Ntinbutlia il wua
deemed ol' milllcient Iinpnrliineu to
give thu mutter u triul. If no good
elleita billowed, cerluiuly no injury
ci, ulil result I loin ai hurtiileea un ex
periment, while thulhunry yl lliu clll
mi vol blue gluna could be Hiitint'uctori
ly tenU'd. Aetordiiigly thu Iiii-IihihI of
lliu nick laoy bud the lower nnnh ol two
ol thu parlor window a gluud with bhiu
glana in I lie manner ri'ctiiiiiuoiiiled by
(iencrul ricanantiin. Thu iui tut- I'roiilM
MUilh on Trunnit, and in
thu inuming the aimliglu atreaina
through the mm lb blue ilu window.
I'hu other ia a aidu window looking In
lliu went, anu along In lliu uUeruoon
thu Rtinlight mm ix throiiirh tho bluu-
kIhmi window, ao thut lorauvurul bourn
ol lliu ilny thu pulient tun ail and re
ceive tho Hiinlight. Thu husband had
not a particle ol conliili lice in thu blue
gluna tliuory, but cheerlully ai quiuaeutl
in thu experiment, being willing to go
to any expeimo or iiieonvunieiieo to
have his. wilu'a health featured. About
ten duv ago tht, bluu irhtaa arrane-e.
incut ua i-ompletetl, and tint next
Miecueding pleanunlduy, when the aim
nun aliiiniig, thu xiuriiuent com
nu ticeil. Tho lady wua rarriod to the
put lor and lell Billing in her chair, thu
other meiiihera ol the lumilv with
drawing In thu courau ol'an hour or
two ihu lumily waa aturtled oy a noine
in thu purlor, tearing thut lliu lady bad
lullen Irom her chair. Un entering
the parlor what waa their aatnliinli.
incut to Und that alio had actually
riacn Iroin her chair and walked acroiw
ihu fliHir. Strungtb bad returned to
her bmliB, bIiu waa able to move ber
arnia, and inimedmlely incrciliility In
the ellccacy ol blue gluaa wua linniahed
Irom that houao. Thia waa the Oral
duy'a eXterielico, but auhaeqneiit ex
penuieiita only conrirmed the confi
dence ol' the hniinehohl, and the buff
band w ho at firal bad "pooh-pooliuil"
the whole thing ia now one of the firm
eat beliurera. It baa don vital ffood,
and while a cure baa not by any oioana
been cfiected, vet varr food rwulta
are looked for.
Tho hanging nl' witehea in England,
ccuButt, wu kuliuve, in tho yeur 1I1H2.
in v.Wi year three iwrag'i'.utc'onliiig
to HutehiiiBon, weru execuiuil at Exe
ter fur witchcraft, thu hiBtiu iuii remark
ing, thut "1 Buppoau these are thu three
lat that huve been bunged ill Eng
land." It would nee in, however, thut
Ilulehinaon waa mialuken in bin con
jecture, in niippofiiig that thia moat ab
horrent ctiBtom ceuncd in Knglund one
hundred und ninety-four ji-ura ago;
aei-oriling to Ur. l'urr, two wilrheH
were bung nt Xorthumpton, in -1705;
und, in 1712, "five other witehea- Biill'er
ed tho sumo fiilo at the aumo pluee."
Xow, thu Knglund of one hundred and
nixty-tlireo year ago, as represented
by its educuted clunnea, hud, wu miiin
tuin, just ubout aa giaid a t-luini tn he
considered enlightened (on thu mutter
of witchcraft) as the Knglund ol the
present day ; und yet the superstitious
laws ngiiinst witchcraft were not cll'ae
ed Irom thu stututu book of our molhcr
lund before thu year li.'lti. Thu pul
pit, il is iruu, conlinuud to launch lorth
Us anathumas uguinsl tho pour ignor
ant wretches, w ho sought, out of sheer
vuiiity(antl probably with tho view of
umuiioruliiig their own destilutu con
dition), lo work upon thu fears of their
weuk-miniled but moru nronperous
nuighbora, in thu belief, probubly, thut
thu luttur would not prove niggunlly
in their favors. Ol course, "to this ex
tent and no more," wua tho witchcraft
of the period wo havo numud carried;
and right il was, thuruforo, on thu purl
ol Kngland's Legislature, that they
nliould ubolinh the death penally in
cases ol w ilelu iull, aiiuatiltniiig in its
place the moreupprnnriate tiiininhmuhl
ot "iniprisonnieut und bum labor," for
"persona using any subtle, crufty menus
or device, by palmistry, or otherwise,
lo ducoive his Majesty's subjects."
What should wo think of a Lord Chief
Jtinlico ol thu present day who should,
lititn tliu bench, ailitruas a jury in lun
giuige liku thu folliiwing? "That there
ure such creatures as witehea, I muku
no doul't at all ; fur, first, thu Scrip
tures huve nflii unil so much ; second
ly, thu wisdom ot ull nulions luilh pro
vitled laws aguinst such persons, which
is an at'giitueiit ol confideiicu of such u
rime." Tho Chief liiir.Mi'o reumiiiiuir
was irrusintible, and thu two women
mi triul lor wiichcrntl were hung.
This took plucu in Knglund exactly
two hundred and ten years uttn: mid.
almost ciitcmpomry with a spucluclu
so revolting w as w hat took place in
lliu tow n of Salem, .Maxsachusetts, u
lew years afterwards. In thu latter
pluce, tho chosen scut, as it would seem
lo huvu been, ol liimilies and iniliviilit
tils i-ousiiiciious fur their piety and cir
cumspect demeanor, they uneounler-
eii (miner lliu nisguiBO ol un evangeli
cal leucliur und minister) about one of
inu most tlemoniuc of huinuii heiiigs
thut history makes nieiilion of. This
waa the Hen. Mr. 1'urrit, who, in thu
conguniul vocutiim of bunging trihhrs
as he chose to designate his victims),
liciruved a relish and duiuoniuo readi.
lioss for thu tport, exceeding ull exam
plehis victims (if history "lie not")
lieiug cou li led by the aeoru. und yet
this demon in huiuuu ahupu. and under
thu mor-l sunt'limnuiniin giirh, while hu
truyiug a hl(Md-thirstiness sun-lv the
iiiosl revolting thut human eye ever
witnessed, had, if wo are lo credit tra
dition und the history til thu time, sym
pathizers and admirers, not a lew,
among his congregution men (nyo.
uud women too) ever ready lo aid
and support him in carrying out
his diuliolicul views and purposes.
Xow, thut this apparently incredible
nlutu of things existed in our own lund
("thu lund of thu free and tho home of
tho brave,") some two hundred years
ago, there can bo lillluor no doubt
nor ran there, we think, ho a dotiht
thut aoiiKt, even among tho clericul
brotherhood ol that duy both in Eng
land and thu Colonies, while ready to
sanction the hanging of witches, weru,
nevertheless, in ihuir hearts, good men
as well aa good Christians. In fact,
their leul in thu cauro of what they
considered true religion, led them to
denounce w iiehcrall as, also, not to
disapprove of tho capilul punishment
awarded to witches. Perhaps, the
most that can lie suid of (hem (ihu
clergymen alluded tn) is, that their
wcuk inindeilness wus moru than com
meiiBiirutu with their views as lo what
constituted rational piety. In regard
to Purrit, destitute as ho was of every
attribute osncni'ul to tho "make up" of
a decent human thing, leaving out ot
question all clerical consiilerutions, all
that wo ran say is, tlmt he was nn un
mitigated brute Pen and 'low.
Tho tendency uniting educated sav
ages lo revert lo thu originul type,
rather than to ulevatu their fellows, is
seen in thu following examples:
"A young Botocudo boy w as brought
up by a Brazilian lumily at liiiina, ul
letided thu acliisils unit the university,
ohluined a medical diploma, uud for a
limu practiced as a physician ut Bnhiii.
Profound iiielum holy bud always ho. n
the ( biel feature of bis cbaructer. One
day lie disappenrud, unit years after
wards his adopted parents received in
telligencu thai huliud discarded i lollies
and education, and w as rouiuing about
lliu luresls with Ins tribe. A similar
case was witnessed by Dolinxliollor
uinong Ihu Ahipone ; and ho also ru-.
lutes Iho story ol a Spanish lady, win
Willi her children lell Into Ihu hands
of this wurlike Inhe, und remained
with them until a ransom wua obtain
ed. Her son Ituytnond and hurduiigh-
ler, w ho had grown up Minims the r,-tl-
skina entirely, n-fused to return. Tho
late Admiral Kitaroy brought a Fnu
gian to Kiigluiul, where he was christ
ened and brought up under the name
uf Jemmy Billion, und wua lor a lime
mado much of a pet in good society,
llu w aa takeii back to bia native coun
try by lbecxieditinn in which Charles
I'arwin went round tho world. On
hia return to his homo, Jemmy Button,
who in Europe hud ul ways worn gloves
and polished boots, at once been mo a
nuked, unwashed, unkempt Fueginn,
aa he had formerly been, and in 1855
no longer difTervd from hi fellows.
Another well-known case of this
sort I that of an Australian named
Btingari, who waa educated at Sidney,
where be gained prize at the college
and apoko Latin well, but who after
ward escaped from civiliialinn Into
the bush, and declared that education
bad been ol no uso but to make him
conscious of hi misery. The hydro
grapher Noiimayer also relates thut
having lost hia way on the Lowor
Murray, in 18b 1, he was taken hy the
native to a naked black man who
noted in hi pocket-book, in faultless
English, tb name of the most import
ant localities through which be was to
pas on hi return. Thia literary
Aaitralian, who waa at that time
twenty four year nf age, had been ed
ucated in Adelaid."
roit i hi) the or iib ap-
The following ia the anuiincviueiil,
nf tho intended marringu nf the senior
James tiordon Bennett as published by
him in thu Jlcruld In June, 1R 10. It
created a sciiMitioli w hen il was pub
lished :
To the readers of the Herald Deelara
tiun of tuLYCutitht at lastfitiinq to
be married Xeicjnomiient in ciriliia
Hon. I am going to be married in a lew
days. Thu weather is so beautiful;
times aru getting so good ; the pros
peels ol poll i iiul and inonil ifliirnwsit
auspicious that t cuiihot rc-dst the ill
vino instinct ul Imnust nuturo any lon
ger; so 1 am going to be murried to
onu ol thu most splendid women in in
tellect, in heart, in soul, in property,
in person, in manner, that I huvu yel
seen in thu courso of my interesting
pilgrimage through human lite.
1 cannot stop in my career. 1 must
fulfill thut awful destiny w'jich the
Almighty Kuther bus written against
my numo, in thu broad letters ol lite,
uguinsl the wull of heaven. I must
give the world a pattern of happy wed
ded 1 i to, with ull thu charities that
spring from a nuptial love. Inu few
days I shall bu married according io
thu holy ntes of tho most holy Chris
tian church-to onu of tho most remark
ablu, accomplished and beautiful young
women ol tho ago. hhu possesses a
fortune. I buul'IiI und loniid a fortiinu
it largu liiriunu. She has no Ston-
ingtoli shares or .Manhattan stock, but
ill purity and uprightness she is worth
hall a million ot pure coin. 1 an any
swindling bunk show as much? In
good sense und cleguncu number hull
million; in mind, soul and beauty, mil
Horn, upon millions, equal to thu whole
specie of ull thu rolleli bunks in ihu
world. Happily, the patronage ol the
public tu Ihe IJerald i m-nrlv 82ii OUO
per annum, almost equal to n l'ie-i-dcnl's
salury. Iiul property in the
world's goods was never my object.
Fume, public good, usel'iiliiess in my
day ami generuiion, ihe religious asso
ciations ol tt-mulu excellence, Ihu pro
gress ol true industry these huve been
my tlieums by night and try desire by
In the new mid holy e mdllinn into
which I urn ubout to enter, unil lo en
ter with Ihe same revennliul toolings
us I would heuveti itself. I untieinutu
some signal changes in my fielins, in
my views, in my purpose-, in my pur
suits. What they may bo I know not
limu alone can toll. JUy anient de
sire bus booh through life to reach the
highest order of human excellence by
thu shortest possible cut. Associated,
night and duy, in sickness and in health,
in war and in peace, with ll womiiii ol
tho highest order of excellence, must
produce sumo curious results in my
heart und feolinirs, and I Lose resells
thu futiiru will duvclop in duu tiinu in
thu columns of thu llirald.
Meantime I return my heartfelt
thanks lor iho enthusiastic pulntmigu
of the public, bulb of Europe and Amer
ica. The holy estate of wedhs k will
only increase my desiru to bo still more
tiselul. l.ud Almighty bless you all.
JaNIih (ioKiiuN Hdnnkit.
Mr. Bennett published u pustscript
lo thu unnouiiceiuenl tu tho ill'ecl thai
until utter bis marriage and houey
niiHin bo would huve mi limu to wustu
in replying to the ul tin lis of nvul edi
tors, uud two days niter thu wedditnr
the event w as noticed ns billows ut thu
head of thu editorial columns of the
puper :
Minnlm On Ralurdtr aUern-ion, Iht lillb
tn.L, bjr lire. Dr. P wer.'uf St 1'iter'a -.tli..llo
ehurch, in llarolae rlrrel, Jami-a tl rlnn 11,-nnell,
the ,ri,riat,ir and editir of ibe Now York Ihr.
uld, io Henrietta Aifnra 0r--an.
Whut may bo the effect ol thisevent
on tho great newspaper contest now
waging in N'ow York timu alone can
What to do w ith our daughters :
Touch them sell-reliance.
Touch them to muku bread.
Touch them lo muku shirts.
Tench them not tn wuur lulsu hair.
Teach them uol lu jiuinl and pow
der. Teach them to wear thick warm
Teach them how lo wash anil iron
clot lies.
Teach Ihem how to make their own
Teach them how to cook u good
Tench them lo wear calico drosses
and do il liku a queen.
Teach them to say no, und mean il.
Teach them to regit nl Ihu murals,
not thu money, of beaux.
liivo them u good, substantial, coin
inun school lol n ut ii ,ii.
Teach lliem I bill u good round rosy
romp is worth lilly delicate consump
tives. Teach lliem to huve nothing to do
with dissolute young men.
Touch them aeconipliKhiiieiits mil.
sic. painting, drawing il you huvu tho
money to do it with.
Teach them to culiivntu a garden.
Touch Ihem that find mudu Ihem in
bis own image, and thut no union lit of
liL'ht lacing mil improve tliu model.
Teach them that a good, steady lun
eliiiuie, wu hunt a cciil, la worth a dozen
oil puled loalei-s in broadcloth.
'leach them tho essentials nf life
I rillh, honesty, uprightness und ut a
auituhlu timu let them marry.
Thk 11 i.ux (ii.Ass Mania. I'hu blue
glass munlu wus thus illustrulvd by a
Chicugoaii .- llu went into an optician's
and bought u pair of bluu goggles lo
wuur on bin eyes, llu dropped into a
hul store and ordered a In I lu round
piecu of blue glass put in the top ol
hi hat in place ul thu usual til, ven
tilator, llu then partook of a dinner
ol blue fish al a restaurant with a
bluu sky-light, dipped his Angers into
a blue ttluss flnirer bowl. and reliised
lo drink anything until the wuitoi
hunted him up a mug with a blue glus
bottom. The duy wus new spent, unit
going home in a blue light atreel cut
the blue glass man, meeting hia chil
dren al the door, refused lo kiss any
uui uiosu having uiue eyes, sal down
in a blue reud a copy of tho
bluu laws of Connecticut, and got into
such a fit ol Iho blues that ho took
some blue ink, and writing in hi will
thai al hia death the glass in his collin
should he bluu glass and hla nioiiumuiit
bu made of bluu gruiiitu, ho grubbed
revolver and blew oul hi bruins.
John Henry a guest to dinner the
oilier day, and duiing a pause in the
conversation, the enfant terrible simke
up: "I wish I was )ou." l) j-uu,
littl boy r An! why do you wishyou
were me ?" " 'Cist ) on don't get our
bead punched wboo yon tat Tillies
wiih yeur knife."
So complete a blot-kudo and atop
page of travel wus, perhaps, never bu
fore known. Thu experience of two
I traveling agonla muv, perhaps, uivo
i.l..u ..!' i, 'l'1-..J .......:'..
......w, ,,, , nn,,- l;viiiiciiioii, ji r,
J. 1. Booth and Mr. Wilcox. Iclt Horn.
ellvillu on Sitlurduy, just beforu noon,
intending to come straight lo Itoi lies
ter, by way of Attica, but neither
rcuchit'd home until Wediiesduy evo
niiig. From Hutiirdav morning until
4 3d on Wednesday morning they weru
mil out ol thu curs, except lor a tew
minutes ut a timu, tomukuuruid, with
thu rest ot thu passengers, upon auinu
restutirmi near the track, mnl dining
thul limu never slept in a bed or look
off their clothes. The train inmlu its
way us fur lis N'unilu, on tho llull'alo
division of the Erio limlwny, but fur
ther they could not budge through
thu drills. Hero they lav from Siilur-
uuy night until u liltlu be I ore noon,
.Monday. .Sunday wus passed in good
spirits by tho passengers. Finding
themselves hlis kadc'l. they niado the
best of il. .Moody u nd Sunkey's hymns
were sung I h ninth by many good
singers, and then Sunday school hymns
liilloweil. Satiiriluy night mid Mon
day nioriiit'g parka of curds were hunt
ed tip, and o'hor games wore played.
Another start was mudu on Monday
morning, and thu run lo Custilu was
madu successfully. Ileru again enor
mous drills of over a milu in length
weru encountered, und the train kept
until Tiit-aliiy night. The drills through
w-bich ihe truni plunged weru so deep
that when the cms passed llir iul'Ii the
cut mude lor them the w alls of snow
weru higher than thu car windows.
Lulu on Tuesday night another sunt
was mude, uud the train reached a
point where liinr locomotives in their
tremendous efforts to push a snow plow
through a ill ill. hud been thrown from
the truck near (iuiucsville. This w as
onu ol thu worst wrecks of locomotives
over seen on the Erie road. The bead !
engine got oil tho truck, and
was turned t leur over by thu second
engine, llm tender being thrown a dis
tunceol not less than twenty feet. Tho
result waa thut tho second, third and
liitirth engines were thrown from und
across the track in rail fence fashion.
Hound this wreck Ihe pusset.gers were
compelled lo wade through thu snow,
oltcn up lo their waists, und ut 4.3(1 on
oil, only iiiiicly-one miles, thu distance
troin llorncllsville being accomplished
in nearly buirilavs. Almurd thu truni
weru a poor woiiutn and her child, who
l..i v V....I. ... i . i ... .
..e ..on ion, uu i riuay morning,
without a cent. 1 ho Erie Company s
oHiciuls, however, paid lor thu meals
they ulc. Ituchtstcr Expret..
- -a... -
The Philadelphia Times, in alluding
., in alluding
,i fi
to thu deiiruciution of thu inicu ol
puws ill Plymouth Church says:
"Brolhor lleeeher's admirers should
exert themselves tonccuru large houses
lor him during ihu leettiru season
which bu begins to night. Thu good
iniili will need all thu receipts ho enn
get, for il is evident that his salary ut
i i moiu n v. iiurcu will huvu to bu cut
down. Thu income of thut liiinous : Kri'b'all"n- Maintaining thut old theor
cntublishmint is derived from ibei'1'" u 10 1,10 nieaning of tho Bible
premiums ui.d rentals ol thu news "tone 'm'' ceused to bu tenable be
w hich are disposed ut al auction every
year. In 1873 the receipts from thesu
jotireos were 870,319, und tilings weru
flourishing, l.usi yeur, during the
bllle unpleasantness wilh Tilton, ihore
weru symptoms of a panic, but it vig
orous ellui l lo bull tho Block wus so
liir aliecesslul us to keep lliu proceeds
up to JtiJ.SllO. It would mil have done
to let them drop ut such a crisis. Tins
yours unction was held on Tuesday
night, Bruiher lieecher himsell presid
ing and encuurugliig the bidders by
huuinruiia remarks, but wu regret to
suy thai Ihu eiitiro amount ol prom
linns mid rounds tools up but tlS.llil..
Oil, and that all of thu puws wuru not
disposed of, thu last on thu list being
bid in by Brolhor Storm liir lilly conls
upieeu. I'hu gruat decline in the market I
pneu of Plymouth l.'hurch privileges,
coming ul u lime, too, w hen thu Cou-
gtegulioiiul ministers have Just lorined
u new ussiicuilion for thu express pur
pose of keeping Brother Boochor oul
of it, would bu discouraging lo a less
hopelul missionary ihuubu. Furluiiate-
ly hu has thu lecture plullorio to lull
buck upon, and there is no reason why.
with proper exertion on the pari ol Ins
li lends, ins success should not bu as
grout uud bis receipts us largu as those
winch huvu crowned ex Brother lib
Ion's labors ill this Iruitlul Held. It
Brooklyn has coiiiu to viow thu Ply
tnoiilli pieuching na a luxury thut can
be dispensed wilh in hard times, tho
rest ol thu world w ill huvu to rally to
thu support of thu persecuted pastor,
itisu wicked and untoward genera
tion that will barter pews in Plymouth
Church ul lilly cculs apiece.
But perhaps you ihui'l know how to
road by subjects. Let mu lell you.
Suppose you sou un ulliision lo some
thing Hint iiileresis you say Sir Wal
ter lialcigli ; look tin- his iiutuu in un
ciicyclo.iediu or biogruphiciil diction
ary, (which jou will Iind in every tol
erablo village library.) Heading of
linn, you beeiuuu interested in (jueuii
Elizitbetli ; look her up, in thu same
hooks, mid in English history ; observe
the noted men ol her reign, look them
up, lead their lives; read hisiorieul
novels uud poems of ber limes; look
ul the tal'lu ol contents ol nisgii.nics
and luvicwa, and rend essays on thu
subject. - You see thu way open beloru
you. Ohio muku u Blurt und there is
scureely un end to thu paths you will
wish lo billow.
It you have no special subject of in
terest, lake up an encyt-lopa'dia, slow
ly I tl in thu leaves mid reud uny item
that ntiructsyon, not lin-cing joiirsell
to reud anything. It ymi huve any
lil'u in you you will find ao.iielliin lo
interest jou ; then you will huvu your
subject. It it fasomu historical pei-sun
or uvunt, priaeed us 1 huve already in
dicated ; if scieiililie, overhaul the dic
tionaries of science, lives of scientific
men, discussions of disputed points,
etc.; if geographical, turn to a gazet
teer, hooks of travels, etc. Ono lunik
will loud to another.
Itighl hero lot mu say, I hope you
huvo uueess lo those works of refer
ence, either in j our own house ur that
of a trienil, ur at a public library. But
ii your cusu ia mo very worsi it you
huve none, cannot buy liiein and have
nn public library in your neighbor
hinsl, lei me advise you lo drop every
thing else and make it your sole and
special mission to atari olio either hy
nilluei'ciiig your puroiils and older
friends, or by getting up a cluhof your
mutes. A strong will uud earnest effort
accomplish wonders, and all older
people are willing to help V'ovjrcr
onet to useful tisda Thoughts Suiiqtst.
ed while Sketching Apyldon't America
About twenty tho yeura ago lion.
S. S. Cox, thu willy Congressman from
tho Sixth Nuw York district, practiced
law in Muskingum und thu adjoining
counties, in Ulno. Un one occasion ho
wus retained by a Mr.'Jones, who had
boon prosecuted by a Ml. Brown, in
suit lor damages, laid ul twenty dol
lurs lor killing Iho lulter's dog, a lux
lion nd. The suit hud been brought
iieioro a country Justice ol the J'cuco,
und, ufier a short consullution with
his client in tliu reurol the barn, "Sun
set" uppeured beforu the August court
and announced his reudinesa to pro
eeed with thu triul ol the cuso. Six
wilncsnea wero awoni and examined
for tho pluintifl' who told the same
story, vir. : that on onu occasion they
weru at work In a "clearing," when
Ihu defendant joined them leading thu
dog, which was peculiutly murked
Willi black uud white spots, by u cord,
whereupon he deliberately killed it in
1 heir presence, und threw it into a
limning log-heap where it wus burned
lo ushes. Tho 'Squiro adjusted his
specs, closely scrutinized lliu hustling
htilu ulloruey, uud remarked: "Well,
Mr. Cux, 1 guess your client will have
lo pay lor this huru dog. Tho judg
ment is aguiu you."
"Bui hold on," protested ' Sunset,"
"You will hour our aidu of tho case,
wool you?"
'O.cerluinly, "responded the 'Squire ;
"but I don'i ecu how you're troin' to
chungu thu judgment ol this huru
court. The doit is undoubtedly deud.
lluv you uny w itnesses, Mr. Cox ?"
" 1 es, one, responded S. 8., und nod
led lo his client, who retired lo the
hollow buck of thu burn and aoon re
turned leuding a w hitu dug covered
with black spots."
"By jiiiimiiiy," oxcluiined Drown, as
soon us ho nuw tho dog, "by jiinin.nv
ihul is my dog, aa sure us guns." All
Ibe other witnesses idiiuilieiL it as
Brown's dog. Finally thu 'Sipiiru ru
versed thu lurmcr decision, remuiking
"This hero cusu is reversed, beeutisu
tho dog uin't deud, uud the Court is of
tho opinion thut it is alwuys best to
hear bntli sides ot tho cusu beloro ren
dering judgment."
Jones then threatened to bring a
suit lor malicious prosecution, but
Brown compromised by letting him
keep thu dog and paying thu costs. It
allorward turned oul thut Jones hud
I a worthies dog thut liKiked very much
! liku Brown's, llu enliccd thu lulter's
dog to his pluce, lied him up, and took
his own worthless cur to thu "clcarinir"
, ...... . . ... to
wnero no Killed uud burned him, us
detailed by thu witnesses. Hut, of
I course, Brown never lound this out.
, . .
nvo ir.t' calyx wife.
Tho Kov. C. P. McCarthy, who
' fri'at"1'" cvi'ry nday in tho Lni-
i l"vttcho every Sunday
ivorsitv biiildinir, Vtushi
'u ."' cuiiuing, usliniglon sqimro,
an i u-ioi in niiiil IB CUIICU lUU Allien-
can Fruu Church, endeavored toon
Bwor tho question, "Who was Cuiu s
wile ? llu look his text from ihu 4th
chanter tl Heliosis and thu 17lh verse.
Thu Preacher said hn had selected the
peculiar subject announced at thu ro-
iiienl ol several members of of his con
cause oi lliu increased light ot science,
bu suid thut thu theory held by many
ua to Cain's wilu would also havo to
be abandoned. "Tliu orthodox answer
to tho question," suid he, "is 'perhaps
Cain married bis sister.' Well, 1 don't
think hu did. Now, I am not going
to shirk tho answering ol tin's ques
'ion. I havo a theory of our race
which others do mil believe in. Nino
out of ten beliovo thut the human race
came from onu pair. 1 don't helievu il.
no you say that Is heretical ? Perhaps
it is, but this is not a question to be
answered by thoso who cling to thu old
theories. 1 hat uld theory can never
answer it. In thu first place, Cain
could riot have murried his sister when
ho departed to tho land of Xod. bo-
('u,mu ,10 had no sister. When Seih
was born Adam wnsnnly ono hundred
und thirty yeura old, a very young
man lor those days, und Seth wus his
third child. Theru is no mention of
daughter. In the second pluce, Cuin
depurled lo a country where there
weru peoplo and In, feared these peo
ple would slay him because of hia
crime, and tho Lord recognized the
n uliy nf this dunger and set a mark
on him that ho might bo saved. The
Biblu now here slates thut Ihero weru
only two peoplo originally created.
Aditin wus the generic iiuinu liir thu
hamuli race, and 'inuleand female creut
ed liu them." Do you believe that ne
groes and Chinese ure tho descendants
of thu saiiiu progenitors with our
selves? 1 don't. Cain went over to
tho land of N'ihI, and theru became Iho
chief of a race w hich hu Ion ml there
Ho built a city. IIu couldn't huvo
done Hits alone. This, then, must be
my nnswer lo the question : There
weru races of people upon the earth
at tho time Cain wnsdriven oulavuga
bond, and from this race (,'tiin took his
wife." .V. ' World.
A I : i.i.i 1 1 1 ii k CociitsiiiP. A young
gentleman happening to sit nl church
in n pew iidiuiiuiig one in which sat a
young muy, lor whom hu conceived a
sudden und violent passion, was desir
ous of entering into a courtship on the
spot; mil mu place not stilling a formal
declaration, the cxigenc) ol Ihecntise
suggested Iho billowing plan :
Ho politely handed his lair neighbor
un open biblu with a pin stuck in tho
billowing text :
Second Episilo nf John, verso 5
"A tid now beseech thco kuly, not as
though I wrote a new coiinnuiidmeiit
unto thou, hut thai which wo hud from
the beginning, thai wo love onu an
other." She returned il pointing lo the 21
chapter ot Until, verse 10:
" I hen she fidl upon her face, and
bowed herself lo the giotind, and suid
unto ) i in . why huve I found grace in
thine eyes, thut Hum shoiildst lake
knowledge of mo seeing that I am a
He rot ll rued tho book, pointing tn
tho 13th and 14ih Verses of the 3 1
Epistle of John :
"Having niuny things to write unto
you, 1 would not with paper and ink,
I but I trust tocomu unto you and spenk
luce to fin e."
From tho ahovo interview, a mar
riage took place the following woek.
Tlio lather run out to meet the
pmdigul w hen he sees thut ho is com.
ing buck. Ragged was the prodigal
and wretched indeed; but he ia com
ing back. Dianhodicnt had been his
lilo. Honor gone, character gone,
money gone, but he is coining bark,
and that is enough. That coming back
ia all (rod asks, lie bus fissl for the
hungry, chillies for the nuked honor
ami character, and that has all been
forleited hy Bin. He hu the nil of, or
lor mourning, and the garment Mi
i inlaw lur a apint ui ueaviLaeai.
TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance.
Hon. Levi Maifh, member of Con
gress from tlio Vork district, this Stale
has offered an amendment lo the Con
stitution of thu I'niioil Slutes in re
gard lo thu election of President and
Vice President :
"Thu citir.eiis of each State, who
shall bo qiiuliliod to vote for lieiiieselit-
alives in Congress, shall oust their votes
liir cundidutea for President and Vice
President by bullot.und proper returns
ui mo voles cunt ahull bu made under
seal, within ten days, lo tho Sucrutury
of Piute, or other otllcur lawfully per-
lorining lliu duties ot such Secrutury
in thu tioverument of the Slille, by
whom tlio suid returns sludl be publicly
opened in thu presence of thu Chiel
executive jiagiolrulu ol lliu Slate and
Chief Junlicu or Judgu of thu highest
court there, and tho said Secretary,
Chief Magistrate, und Judgu shul1 ua
sign to each candidate voted for hy a
Milticictit number of citizens a propor
tionate part of thu Electoral votes to
which thu Slutu shall bu entitled in
manner following that is to say : They
shall divide the whole nil tuber of Voles
relumed by thu wholu Hum her of the
State's Electoral vote, und tho result
iug quotient shall bo the elecloful ratio
for thu Slalu, and ehall assign to can
ditlates onu Electoral votu for each
ratio of popular votu received by them
resneetivelv.und. if nucessarv. adililioii-
itl Electoral Voles for successive lurgest
fractions of a rutin ahull bu ussigued to
candidates voted liir until the Electoral
votes ol the Statu shall bu distrihulud ;
tliu said oftk-ers shall tboreunoti muke
ii p and cerlily ut least three general I'
retiirus, comprising thu popular vutu
by counties, parishes, or olber princi
pal divisions of thu Slute, uud their
apportionment of Electoral votes us
uloi'csuid, anil shall transmit two theru
oi; under seal, to seat ol (jovcrnineiil
of thu t'niled Slutes, onu directed tu
tho President of Iho S-.-nulu uud onu lu
thu Speuker of the House of Ilepre
scntalivcs, and a third unwilled return
shall bu forthwith tiled by the suid
Suirolurv in his oflhu. hu rucordeil
therein, und bu ut ull limes open to in
A Puelist From Conviction. Col.
ft. BuniMell fihett, Jr., who is the
iniinuging pistol workman ol a Charles
ton (S. C.) daily, makes this remarka
ble argument in a recent issue :
"Though tho church of which I am
it member hud ruled it otherwise, il
has been my individual belief that in
defense of u man's character und stand
ing lrotn destruction or serious injury,
theduellu might be conscientiously re
sorted lo by a professor of religion.
'I ho sumo grounds w hich sustain de
fensive wars on tho part of Christian
nations justify thu duel. There aru
cases of dueling which stand on thu
sumo husis, moral and religious, and
so liir us 1 can perceive, no genuine
and substantial distinction can bo
drawn. Certain it is thai whatever
difficulty 1 muy huve entertained on
I his subject, 1 never bud hud any hesi
liilion in a most thorough conviction
thut ono who so fur forgets or miscun
ceives the principles of ins religion as
to indulgu in an un-Cliristiun abuse of
bis neighbor, has no right lo uppeul to
it as a protection against a just resent
ment. Tho duel in w hich 1 was en
gaged in New Orleans was ono strict
ly of sell-defense, and was forced upon
inc by tho attempt to brcuk down the
puper in my charge, not only by vari
ous libel suits, but by causeless per
sonal insults to myself. However un
forlunate in result, it has never troub
led my conscience."
If tho Lord has enriched you in
temporals, though you huvo not leared
him, you havo every rcuson to expect
that ho will do as well for you in spirit
uals, if you ask him to Jo bo! You
cull ut a friend's houso on horse
back ; ho takes your horde into tho
stable, and is remarkubly attentive
lo it ; tho creuttiro is well groomed,
well housed, well fed ; you are not at
ull afruid that you will he shut out;
there is surely a warm place" in the
parlor lur the rider, when the horse is
w ell accommodated in the stable. Xow,
your body, w hich wo may liken to the
norse, tins enjoyed temporal prosponty
in abundance, uud surely the Lord will
take care of your soul if you seek his
liicel Let j our prayer bo, "My God,
my Father, bo my gitidu. Since thou,
bust dealt so well with me in these ex
ternal mutters, give me true riches,
give me to lovu thy Son and trust in
him ; and so be iiclicilorlh thy child.
The riiJi man in tho Gospel wus a
bad occotiiituiit, when hu set down a
liilso sum to his soul, saying, "Thou
bust much goods laid up lor many
years," Luku xii. Ho sots down yeura
.lor days, nay, years for hours, liku thu
conceited tradesman thut sets down
pounds Ibrshillihgs. Thus many men.
who would seem lo bo cunning in thu
praiiue ol tins lucully, are out
llieir reckonings and much deceived,
they busy themselves in addition and
multiplication, and dream of niuny
years thai they uro to live; whorous
they should bu cnivltil lo practice sub
struction and diminution lo know
that every day, nay, every hour, every
moment caileth off a part of their
Tu-,w,( tl,., ..r,i. ii :.IT
theological Seminary in Stockholm
. . .. ... .... ... o, , u,i
are now under arrest for preaching the
gospel in llio Bounds ot a parish where
thuy had been forbidden. Ono of them
has been sen'onccd to a tltio of eighty
dollars, or to bo imprisoned for seven
teen dujs on bread unit water, llu has
appealed lo a higher court, and pend
ing Iho issue of his appeal, tho execu
tion of tho sentence is delerred. If
the appeal is decided against him, tho
sentence will bo executed. Sweden
und liitssia are iho only nominally
c In isl lull countries where such perso
union is possible, and Sweden is the
only Proiesiant country w hero men
ure inipriantiud for preaching ChriBl'a
Ax- Unabiiiimikd Person. A lazv
boy inukea a lazy man, just as sure an
a crooked sapling makes a crook-
ed tree. Who ever saw a boy grow
up in idleness that did not make
a shinies, vagalioiid when ho became
a man, miles he had a fortune loll him
lo keep up appearances? The great
mass ui iniuvcs, criminals and paiinjra,
have coinu lo what they are, by being
brought up in idleness. Those who
constituo the business part of tho com
munity mono who muku our ureal
and useful men, were taught ill boy.
nouu tu uu inuustrious.
Consoling. Doochersuys : "Among
God' servants, those who full in the
oulwanl lilo may rise to the highest
rank in the spiritual, and llio lure
glancing token ol it can be grunted
bore." Well. Ward know, and il
must be very eonaoling to Llm. I
The warmest kind of hit On
that's got itovt In.
Confidence make security the
lack of it the panic.
Blue lump-chlmney are rcdm
mended lor weuk eyos.
Man docs nut wiint to be in angel
until bo baa jed in everything else.
Mr. Partington says that Ike has
bought a horwi so spirituous that lie
always goca off in a decanter.
Now York orthography. JJere if
a aiirn Inim Poughkueni.ii,: l!,,i,bnol.
I "'B "r 1 urcace uoure every mm."
in Ins iiiiuns.
Thu hist gold discovered in Cali
fornia waa ul the root ot a wild onion
which a man was pulling tur " grvena,"
in the year 1BI7.
There are bud uxumples which are
worse than Crimea ; and mure Slate
have perished from tho violation of
morality tbun from tho violation of law.
A young futhur says that one baby
with a water cracker will muku the
couch of wearied industry more un.
comfortable than a dozen Juraey mos
quitoes. Devotion ia liko the candle which
Michael Angelo used to tuko in his
pustebourd cup, so a not to throw bis
shadow upon the work in which ho
was engaged.
Judge Ttnvid Dttvis, tho now U. 6.
Senator lor Illinois, ia reported to bo
worth 83,0110,0110. In one Illinois coun
ty nlono bo owns fourteen improved
limns. Uu was elected as a Granger.
Men's lives should be like day
more beautiful in tho evening ; or like
siimtner aglow with' promise ; and
like tho autumn rich wilh golden
sheaves, where good deeds have ripen,
ed in the field.
Josh Hillings says ho can recom
mend no man lo the situation of a
missionary among our border Indians,
unless he understands the use of a twist
rifle, und can civilize a Pawnee every
time, diu yards, with a cross wind.
The quaint Fuller remarks that
the Scriptures give four names loChri-.
Huns, taken Irom tho cardinal graces,
viz : Saints, for Ibeir holiness ; believ
ers, for their tuilb j brethren, liir their
ove ; disciples, fur their knowledge.
If wo take the good we find, ask
ing no questions, we will have bouping
measures. Tho great gills are not got
by analysis. Everything good ia on
the highway. Tho middlu region of
our bei g is ibe temperate zone.
"Amelia" writes : "What shall I
! ",1u l" Kul r'J f freckles? " Ana.
! Strychnine is a good thing for Ireckles,
i lukl" internally. Take about half a
i pound, and in six hour by the watch
!)011 wiii ho un tho other shore where
ireckles and bunions are unknown.
Information has. been received in
Washington thut the government of
Nicaragua ha entered into a contract
with Henry Meiggs, to build an inter
oceanic canal by tho routo laid down
by thu American survey ing party across
us territory.
While wo am are eroding tomb
stones over dead martyrs, and placing
laurel wreaths on the brows ot living
heroes, don't let's forget lo drop a tear
on the gruvo of tho man who conceiv
ed the idea of putting a potato on tbo
snout of a kerosene cun.
" Well," hocompluincd, pulling on
his pants, " when 1 die i shan't go
poKin anuui com mornui a buildin
tires." " No," was hor cruel reply from
beneath tho warm coverlids, "for if
you get your just deserts you'll find
the tiro all buruin' red-hot for you
overy morning."
If you ask what is tho temper
which ia moat filled to bo victorious
ovor ain on earth, wo answer that in
the warp of a sunny gcntlonosa must
be woven across the woof a strong
character. That will mako the best
tissue lo stund the wear and tear of
the world's trials.
Tbo poets fabulously fancied that
tho giants scaled heaven by heaping
mountain usin mountain, What was
their lancy is Gospel truth. If you
would get to heaven, you must climb
ihithur by putting Mount Zion on
Mount Sinai.
A drowning man nluckcd from tho
jaws ot death la happier wilh three
feet of bare rook than other with
ihoiisunds of broad acres ; so is tho
bumble Christian happier with the
hope of heaven than tho men of the
world ure when their corn and wine do
most abound, and all things go well
wilh them.
She was fond of conundrums, and
when she learned that mutter was latin
tor woman, she thought she bad a good
one. So she asked her husband what
was the difference between herself and
a mule. And as ho had been married
several years ho was loo thoughtful to
trouble her by guessing, but kindly re
marked bo hud never been able to see
Men nso religion just as they uso
buoys and life-preservers they do not
intend to navigate thovosscl wilb them,
but they keep just enough ol thorn on
hand to float into a safe harbor when
llio storm comes tip, anil Ihe vessel ia
ship wrecked ; and it is only then that
they intend to uso thorn. I tell you,
you will find air-holes in all such life
preservers as that.
Work furnishes a tost for the qual
ity of our clianclors. More gush may
tail. Ecstasy dtws not always seem to
be fruit-bearing, nor docs it always sc-
e puny i riiiv-ucuring. j-,ook al your
tile, ttuvo you fruit t Are you at
work ? If your works are all right ; if
you produce tho fruits of the Spirit,
and uro working in tho vineyard, then
yon need not fear deception. Only a
gisid tree can bear good fruit.
A ronownod clergyman lately
preached a rather long sermon from
tbo text : " Thou art weighed in the
tiuiaiioo unit found
" .
Ul0 congregation bad listened about an
hour, some began to get weary and
went out; others soon billowed, to tho
great annoyance of Iho minister. An
other person sturted, whereupon the
parson stopped in Ins discourse, and
said : " That's right, gentlemen ; as fast
us you are weighed, pass out."
When a traveler was asked wholh
or hu did not admire the admirable
structure of some stately building, re
plied : io ; lor l ve iilien at Homo,
w here better are to bo seen every day."
O believer, if the world tempt thee
with its rare sights and curious pros
pects, thou niayosl well acorn them,
having been, by contemplation, in
heaven, and being able, by faith, t see
infinitely better delights every hourot
the day. " This ia the victory which
overcometh tho world, oven our faith."
Among iho form of insect lifo
there is a little creature known to
naturalist which can gatbor around
itscll a sufficiency ot atmospheric air,
and so clothed, it descends into the
bottom of ibe pool ; and you may see
the liltlu diver moving about dry, and
at bis case, protected by his crystal
vesture, though the water all around
him bo stagnant and bitter. Prayer is
such a protector ; a transparent vesture
I he woil. I see it not ; a real defenco,
il keep out the world. By mean ol
it the believer can gather ao much ot
heavenly atmosphere around him, and
with it doss end into th putrid depth
ol thia contaminating world ( that for
a season no evil will touob biro, and ha
knows when lo ascend for flesh sup
ply. Communion wilb Ood kept Da
io! pur in Babylon.