THR HEPUBLICAN. CLKARFIKLU, PA WEDNESDAY MORNINO, PKB.J1. IS7T. Terms of Subscription. If paid la adeanee.or witfcta three li paid after three aud bofore fii mobtha..... i H II paid ofer tbe oipirelloB of .Ii bobU.... S St W-Mreera. 8. M. PirrcHetLt A Co., Newa-r-.per Advertt.lng Agnotj, 17 Pari Row, ovrner H..kBn Mrcet, are our duly aa'JiorLwd Afvntf .is N'-!. Twit Cite. Wclhodlet Eplecopal Church Rav. B. P. ttrevawt, Pastor Public Service every 8a b balk at l A M ., Ma It r. Ho Sabbath Kchool at t A. M. Pray. Mcetieg avery TaurtdaT. at Tl P. M. Com o union rervlee. firet Kabbalb ef weary 11 on i a, oil i a, mi. Het It-artitjIH M. K. liurrhRrT. Wm, H. I) ill anil J. Aintaiuif, Pa it on. I'rraraiiii vtf alurttal Kuudiv, at elock, 1'. M Reboot at 2J, P. M All are in f itrtl to at leu d. PreabyterUu Cliurr hR?, H. S. Bint a. Sabbath arrvirct morning and area in f Kab bath Hohat.l at 1 P. M. Prayer Meating Wadnaa la.T Taning. tit. franrla riiurrlit athollrRoT. P. J, SnKtiinAH. Praartilogat U-io'elook, A. M..on iha flrtt. third and loarlb Sundn)iofaab nontb; Vrpprriand llfredleiivn of l hp lilcrd Saeramaot at 7 oVloolt, P. M. honday PehtHil avary bunday afternoon at S oVIuck. OFbU IAI, DIHKt TOKV. or nLbiaa gt'ABran tuaioii oounr. Fro nd Monday ol Jaiiuarj. Ihird Mon iay iif Mrck. Punt M ouiy tf J una. Fuunb MuDday ol 8vptmbr- TIM! UP RutDIIie COHMUIt PLBat. Pint Monday of J urn. Second MuDday ( Novanbar, ruitio orrii'BRi. Present firfj II on. Charlei A. Mayar. of Lurk liavvn.i Aitati ie Krfjfr nun. John H. Orrif. of Belief onto. Aior(ri( Judge Araoi OgJaOp Clearflald VmooDt I! ttuit. Wondlandi. Pnttkunntmry Bit Bloom. Httftimr out jVeorJr L. J. Kornnn. Ihttrict AtUtmtf -Vim. M. MoCnllough. TrtniurtrDaiid MHiaughey. ffaan Andrew Penti, .lr. Coaafa Varrrjar sra uel F. MrClotkay, Car nrmvitle. 'y CMnatiiftar CU?k Brown, Clear Arid i TbQia- A. Met Joe, Cbnt P. 0.; llwril ll'rover. Clearfleld. County Auditor Clirift, J. K-.-amT, OUo Ttorie ; fSamuel A Caldwell, Wlllianngrora ; John C. ('unner. Durniide. CiNiii; furoar J. D. Naif, NW WasbiDRtfiB. Jury ('uMMiiti'Mrrt Dr. Ji'inei P Burcbflrld, ClriirQrd, Jc.h Alrxander, Wa-dward. tiuperitenitnt ttf Pnbtie SrkooU John A. Oreifory, Cumrnaville. A'ufnrtet 'afctr Jlm W. WrigUy. Wm. Ra drlmufth, ("jtuii Onrd'tD, Clearfield ; Joepb K. Irwin, N K. Arnold, Curwenavilla ; J. J. L Ingle, Oneeola Milli. . . Our Sperial eoltimn ia daeldedty tntereiting In n (eal point of view, and profitable rending to out re who want to eavo nopry. ntdtins, Wiiuliirdrt and bane bull play- rrt hate alrraay put tu an ijipearanee In lonif porlioae of tliia Stute. lluw J. Kiwtlcr, of Tyrone, will preach In the Lutheran Church. In Cieerfleld. on Heinefday ot-CDing of next week, Feb. Stb. - iW mm There was a ttliglit lull of snow in thi region Uit Sund-ty night Juci engtt to make a rktat nice mud when the ion came out. A dwelling Iioiihu in i'hiltpKbur, Centre county, Lt-lt-rging to and occupied by th family ol Tbittnaa WillUma, waa deitroyed by fire on the.lth nt. Wm. Heed ha A jiiHt ruturncd from the rant, ani Wreeeit inx Doe aiaortinent of new fprin,c ftoo t, epeci1ly in while gonda. eiobroid erira, carprllnga. etc., etc. A wo in to prcHH this (Tutsday) afternoon, the elect inn of borough and townabip officer a la In fuH pngm. - Wtitr will eome of A(ally ' finl bet," la not very plain jut now. Jutlo Holt removed fumil y from bii farm in Urndfard liwnabip to Clearfield bor ough last week. He oocuplei the property owoed by r. John Stewart, on Market street . i a mmi No iwrv it-en wdl bo liuhl in ibo CI ear fir id Preabytenso Church next Habbath, tho pas tor heing tbirnt filling an appnintment of Prea bttry at the Bradford Church, in Bradford twp. I'Voin tho Allounu .Stm wo learn that Alrxaoder Ubbiiia, of Hw'llJayeburg, baa been appointed eistfior of hunk taxes for the counties of Blair, Bidlord, Caiubrla, Clear ft ld and 8imeniet, There was ft luro turnout at tbo Democratic primary e)eninni for Ltwrcooe tona ahip and Cleaifleld boMugh lat Saturday after -noon and evening There ware Jt-1 rotea polled tn tho 1 oYotigb. . t ( ; j a rnmm, Tho oil oxoiletiiuiit hu not yet died out ia i hi plate. Keep it up until a last la made, and then, if a dry bole Is the result, It will at least be MtlafaeUry ovideoro that wo are nl oo the ol belt. i aw Uoutrdale and Uk-ooIu boroughs, in this oouniy, have recently luat Mreral eitltene, they baring gone to Texai to lire. Blair tounty bm aleo eoBtributed a colony of Immigrants t the La- Star " r-uta. Mr. J. A. Stewart, lor a nutulK-r ol yeera paat a retreat of tbis place, U fail de parture last week tor New Feradiav, Lancaster eonoty, where h" in lends It etubark in the eon I and lumber buaioeae. Socceia to him ia bit new homo. ii .... Five thou hi. i id ihrt-o hundred and two i oeul tnty order hart boea leeued frtim tbt poetoOlot at this pleat, alnoe It baa been ea tabl she a a money order office. It Is a cheep, eon r en ent a d perfectly taia mrtbod of trani miltiDit tueney. Hon. Jan. T. Leonard, of thin plaoo, erlebra ed bit 77th birth-dty, oa the 80th alt., by family dinner arty, ti which were present five of his brothers and aiiters. Their ages, Including the Jude, iggrerfattd 42ft years, er aa tn tragi o 'I yen. -i.i.i p mm- mm i A cardinal led none indie. it en a cheer ful 'oal : to J aft leua antiul you and tee wba a mighty cheerful sit wa are,anybow. Tbeogatal It and real T. A. Fleck A Co.' adttrtttement la to day'e lUi i iUCAK, aad see what bargain Ibey oiler to I'urchaatr el their aew spring foods. Tho dwelling boiino ot Dr. llafur, in Once.. la, was buratd uowt lat Friday night, tb I0b Intl., and oo Rtorday last, the 17th Ian., tbe Ue ling of Andrew Kvpbart, ia Decatur town-hip, aa alav aealroyed by Ire. We have no part prolan in roatard te either of these Area. Mm. 8uiutn Fleming and Mm. Mina iHluea nete voted lor at turweostille yesterday for Fcbovl Director. Their opponents were Daniel Fauat tad B. f. titles. Who are Ibo tat ciaatnl purtlfi it Is yet tuosoua toebroniclt. We hope the Indies succeeded ia making tba rifle. Tbo nrbitnition ku it between J. W, Kiter ft, J, M. KWit A Son waaoeooia-ied ia tbia place laat week, tut arbttretora makiog an award ol tUOtf i lnvor or Mr. Klter. This Is, we be Here, ti t rtcotd t)erd that has beta give b. favor i ibe plaint ill in tbia same full. Tbe par liea ail rvaide at Osceola. Petition, are in circulation throughout tbia eveaiy, prayiftg tbe igieiatura te re-enact the Local Option Lew. llaadfeda of Ibeeo peti tion fro a dillennt part of the Plait have al rody betn prist nicd to tbe Leglelaturat ba a bat actiun that body will takt ia tbe metier re tun tt be aea. ' mm m mmmi A Nurico of meetings wcrocommtxioed lo the Preatariaa Cbertb at Cwrweeevtlte on Itti Monday eeewing, aiider tbe dlreeiioaef Ret Henry B. Butler, at thli til aot, who will be nttlet td t prti..n of tbe time by Re. Mr. Wiitew, Of "irmiaguam, Pa. The mtetiaga will a coed need tbruughuut tht pre teat week, aad ioeger, If ed neetasary, i t , j ; Tbo Boaretty uf ptUtlooa, which ha , rroaiag more and awre markod ts tbo tea ton tdvantea, it diet act 10 any d eat re ie heoraer" tbe Hiaret, but ie the tact that ibe crop wet a "ai' , at J the larger autre of tbuee on bead re btW batk lor tbe spring pUttiog. The pott- a Irat aad the dreaght aderward played aad tt nub ibe crop, aid tbe taoeealvely told otemher er tbt winter hat 4 owe maub to lajure tb tck um haa.i. Bat tbe crop la Canada wat eg ' b , and ahipmeaia irvm that place bare eom ""fe.4. A ateemer errivetl at PhiiadelpuU awe ley witb te.iH wasbert of puuot ea oord, tht product el Irelead, BetjUoad aad Kaf Mtd, and U i per butbol waa aeked for thorn whet pat ie tba market. The mala trooble will ttw iwUteet win eommaad a bigb price all Mtaoa antl aatil a new erep eotaee (a, bwt bt tbU MTaaea ibcrt aoed ba aa 1W. List of letter remaining unclaiintx la Ike Po.totlo. at Cleerteld, (or lb. WMk ending Pebro.ry 1, U7T i Joaepb Brook., Cbeaoeey RoblBioa, Peter Gearbart, Uoorgo Hlcbardaoa. P. A. Qauuh, P. M. Rathe. Spiritual. Tlio editor of Iba Werrea Ladgtr, Let work .aid that bb Ib. praaelre in.ldtnt connected with Ibt ernleee li tbo Pre.byteriaa Church, al Warrea, ea Sabbath, WM th. bapti.m of a lady wltb water from Iht rieer Jordan. Sb. brought tbo wat.r wltb bar from PaloillB. .obo .iaoa. lititlUNkK -Adam llroth. Km)., re- .titlo at n.t.n.l. ahi ham h ..L. 1. ... m New Washington, bai aant In tit ew nation to Protboaotary Bloom in due tlma to allow tba eitliani of that towniblp to aloet another Jnetiea la bit Head. The following new ftdvorlinomenta appear In tbie liana for tbo II rat ttue Pptoial Loeala T. A. Flreh Co. New Fpilog Ooode-T. A. Ploelt A Co. Rrgiiier'a Notioo I.. J. Morgan, Reftater. Not.oa W. A. Nelaun, John Murray, at al. Special For a free bridge one and one -fourth mi lea oaat of Curwenatille borough. Sombon Travh,. Wo notico that oao of ibo Couuty Coamfaaionero of Lyooniing county traveled 4,01$ mi lea during tba paat year, making fata mileage root up tbt auai of 1b, and bi titua bill f 612.50. In thia aounty tbt Couimlaetooera rteelr no mileage, while In many other oountlea thia fee la allowed. The Legisla ture ahould paaa a uniform bill, allowing all mile ge, or alee none. A lloo Story. A vurnmpondent at Sa- Froodom, Blair aounty, wade tte following to tbo Hollidayaburg Am(or : Two met named Fred. Mottl and Paoiel Joaee, eut down a tree In Greenfield toworblp, the other day, aod on putting It open they diaeovered In the part that waa aboat oevooty-flvo roet from the ground t living bog, weighing over a hundred pounda, which U at ill liring, Thia tan bo proved by the partita ooneerned." Well, well ! - ' mm a A Kkmarkablk Jnciucnt. Tho Oreenaburg iiewoerolaaya : "A very and affair oeeurred in Ibo Court room leal Tuesday after noon. Mr. Jaeob Wallers, of Suutb Huntingdom who an in attendanoe at Court at a wltneai, bad been called to the itend and bad joct taken the oath, whan be tank down and waa taken out of tbo mom Ufeleaa. He waa lummonrd on the ai aault and battery eaH of M Michael againat a negro of Wart Newton. He leaves a wire and five children. It la auppoaed bia death was caused by heart dieeaaa." Kniory C. lUad, of thin place, wuai uoforinnate enough lift Friday to sprain hia atikle, while returning borne frota a visit lo the! Clarloa eonoty oil field. The road being In bad condition for traveling, especially wltb a alfd . nw Were lor two or in re years, praeito- ,l .... ,0 blB pruteoatua ibruugbvat the then thinly lb. p..Rogrr. D.u.i.d tow.lkaplbol,.l,,ld J,ruuU,p, ,d dur,g ,u, bill.. Mr. Rrod, IB gottlognotor tboeoo.o.vaoooj wbB C'lvornvU eouutjr au viailod by a (orriblo tor Ibl. pnrpoM, ot a bill balwroo ItrjBold.rlllo ' """f ' dyiaolar;, bod.voi.d do.aod and H.ook.llla. .nl,..j . ! wtborolwt ol lb. aMiclad iubooiuou. Ho of froiea mud, or a ttone, causing hi foot to turn under and cripple him severely. He it now nring cratches at a mean of locomotion. Served Uim Kkiiit. Tbo tat ifwie of tbe tViNtoe lmorat says t Oa Monday a wiine't wai called in Court, and rame forward to take tbe oath. Tbt keen eye of Judge Mayer etw ibe maudlin look of tbe man, tod wbtn be rear bed tbt spot where expected to swear, tbe Judge called tbe Sheriff and told him to take charge ol be drunk n man and keep him confined till be got sober It wat laughable to act tbe rudden change that came over tbe spirit of that wltnert 1 He learned a good leeeon, that waa taught with deserved promptitude," School Affairs. An effort i bcinK made In uur Legislature to paaa aa act, preventing Cunoty Pupa rioter dent Irem teaching or manag ing any private schools. The hill baa pasted the Senate, and la so amended that it only disquali fies tboae Superintendents whoso salaries exceed 1,11)0. Tbire it alto a bill reported in lb Uoute which prevent any person from being em ployed at a teacher within tbe rkhoel Dittriet where tbe parent of such person blda the office ol 8cbol Director. This bill will " raise a dust before It becomes a law, and It will not Improve ibe harmony of the system. LEONARD GRtDEO SCHOOL. Roll of honor for the month ending Feb. 0th, 1877 : Willie Bridrn, Minnie Bri.le, Victor Uulniburc. Huston Haitwtch. Lota MuUauihev. Ales, lie) nolo, nmma nation, lrwia Hhaw, w.u. Tale, Prevton Wilion, bust Brown, May Henip faili, Helee Irwin, Marlba Kennard. Mnry Powell, Dove Thompson, Sophia Wbitehlll, MUea Porter, Harry Bridge, tiinnte Reed, Jennie Row, Nannie Hbaw, Mary C leery, Roth Weaver, Annie Wor rail, John Kennard, Willie Lemuel, Eddie Reed, Jennie Young, Julia Keitlebarger, Tbeodoaie Rtilly, Clara Howe. Jennie Jordan, Sophia H ea ten l baler, Agnea Mullen, Ida Tbumpaua, Jennie Shaw, Kate Weaver, Kuima Worrell, B. C. YocaoAS, Principal. r mm a mm A bill ban boon introduced in the Peaatjhaaia Legislature, to pnntab improper aaaembiiea upon the public streets. 'Tbe bill pre- vldet that if any three peraooe shall remain for a quarter of an bear ia front e any public beuae, or obureb, aad thall engage la aay profane, obscene or load talk, or In making invidious or abusive remarks, or ia obstructing the highway, ahalt be guilty of a miademeaner. Tblt bill ought to pate by all meant, aa we be I left It would meet witb tbe general approval of law-abiding aod rtspeeta- tde people throughout tbe State, Snob a lew will bt beneficial to CltarleJJ, aad there It hardly a town In tbt State la wbleb it would aot en ply. a a A Fat Take. Tho Jiutier papera puuiian tne names ol one bondrtd and tignty aevea persona who will epply at tbe March term of Court for license to tell liquor. Well, It ia no wonder that thateounty alwayt electa the Radical ticket. The vettrt bowl M temperance!" aad tbea they torn troond and patronise the distillers belter than any w Copperhead county la the Stale. Tbit la another iUeatretioa of the fact that preaching oao thing aod prut log another are two very different thing. Butler county will build up tbe Stale Treasury equal to any county la tbo Siate, all else being equal. " Uoelt Jakt," It's oo wonder we havt " a new era in EnglUb literature" la Butltr ! Clrahfikld Coal Traps. Slato meat of Coal and el her freights tent ortr the Tyruot A CUerfleld Divlalon, Ptnnaylvtnla Rail read, for tbe week tad lag Feb. It, 1877, and the tame time last year COAL. Fur tht week - auit time lail ytar , Increase H I'retitiurdy during year .,,. Heme time latt year.M.,.H.WH Increase T -al ia IHT 7 tame time laat year Increase .... oraua raaioaTi. Lumber Miscellaneous freigbtt Curious Death or a Bird Haw it. Tbe Mifflin town tSteiiaef says i Latt Friday a bird-hawk, la passing aver town, tweoptd down al a bery of Eeglieb tparrawt that wtrt feed log ia tbe atreet, at the corner of Main and Bridg streets. Tbe nimble little birds were too quick for tbe hawk aad tcatiered. . One little felloa near tat tbe bawk edrred orouad Ibe glaat toratr of tbe Bedlbrd buirdiag. The pursuing bird was aot aeeoatatrd ia that locality, knew nothing of tbe glaat career, wbleb tb hie eye teemed like an opea ipaee, eoatladed te take tbe abort-cat oa tbe little bird that wat deaoribing to aiee a curve la freat of bU bawhthip. Tba hawk directed hit ooarte straight ecreca tht corner aad aooeoBtered tbe outside gleaa tih saeh force that it patted tbrowgh to tbe uttidt by a bolt of lit awe seek tag, oaly teeeral timet larger ibaa Its ewa body, aad tbea dropped dead to tba musit of quiver. eg window aad falling gltaa Tbe be is aay tbe marrowt bold a jubilee that day aver tbe death of a bloody enemy." i o ei Gams AboOciation Organized. The Clear lata ttame AaeotiiUea bold a meeting at tbe oefet of A. W. Welters, Bq , ia tbit borough, latt Fridty evtaitg, for tbe purpose tf cow plating aa orgaaiatlioa. A Ceaatitutlea aad Uy-Lewa ware adepud, and la follawii.g emeart eteeted f PfotldeatWai. D Bigier. Viae PrecideBtt David MtOaagbey, Rebt, M. McKaally. Treaserer Ilrary Bridge. SetroiaryAl. M. Row. Maaegcrt-Wm. D. Bigltr, D. R. rnlteiiea, Joaepb Rtepbeaeaa, M. U. Cowdrltk, A. W. Walter. A. W. W a litre, Keq., waa appelated atiaraey wit beet fee, be tayt - ia p roe are a charter al ia aurperetioa at tbo March term af Court. A Wet thirty eb atee mem beet vera preeeat. The aajoot af the AaaaaieUaa, aa era ataeed iaai weak, ia to preeeat Ibe aalawfol dsstraeMan wf gaaet aad abeee tpeeuajati wboar ia tbe habit at heating 1 cot of aeaeoa had botttr laah a leotlt ewt fei bfoakert, aa the mamher of thif Aaeetkwea I - j temd tw protocol ad irieiaU ef Ue getaa lawf. TUMt , .11, SOU lV.fffiV Il,6:tit ll.V ...... 7,7 14.74.) ...... m,$i4 1U7,4I - 37,3V. ,,. ft ears. fa " IiOrillard'n ooli4intol brands of Nr try Tobnoeo, Delano. " end 0t Cboloa," at Lyll.'., tolo agist for Clr.rH.ld maty. We think wo aro purleetly correct lo bobouooIbi thai bo parade or publl. donoB trBiloa of 007 klad will toko plan, la Cloaraeld to. Borrow, tba lid Walblhgtoa', birthday. WAWTin! l.UUO cortls of Uorulock ad Rook Oak Dork, for which wo will pay Ibt big-boat aaorktt prioo. Jylltf. ' A.B. IliasaaCa. To jiroTcnt tnl'iWTO chewera from belag ioipoaod apoa, Lcirtllrda Sara pt a tia ; rtooip lo e.ety plug of ibeir tobaeeo. Toko bobo Lelle li tola ami (or Clear- Wanted f An Rctivo, houost man to teX tbo Improved Kllaa Uuwt ' wtng Maehint la Clearfield ooanty. To any wa with steady employ meal, we offer extraordinary iadnoomeata. Write tooarRperiaJ Agtat, W.. Potter, at Brook- Tllle, Pa., for terms, lufurmatwa, Aa. feh-J Tun Uowi Macnm Co. - i mm i ii. . Firs at Ccrwe.nhwilli. We learn from ibo Cnrwensville Timet that last ttatnrdny, about noon, tbo large gnat mtll belonging m Jufea Irvia A Brothers, at tbo oaat tad of tbo Iron bridge, at that borongh, wat discovered to bo on Are. and la lesa than aa hour waa burned to the ground. The fire originated In tba upper story of (he mill, at (he smut machine, and laauppoeed tu have been oansed by a but Journal. There wore about three thousand buahelt ol grain, a lot of flour, bran and chop In the building, all of which waa luat. John L Bloom, of Pike town ebip, bad just unloaded twe butdred buihols of wheat into the mill-blua, which was all consumed with tbo mat. Tbt grain and flour belonged to iht farmers In that region, aod to Mr. Smith, the miller, aad tbt lues Is a material one to them The residence of the miller waa saved by dint of bard work, aa the wind was blowing directly to wards It. Tbe loat of tbo Irvia Brothers, on the mill and machinery, U estimated at $ 1 2,10, and tbe lust of Mr. Smith aad others, ia grain and flour, la about i4,t)u0. ' There waa tn Insurance of $S,)0O oa the mill and machinery, DEATH OF RCV. ALEXANDER McLEOO. Her. Alexander 4tUud, father of Mrs. Waller Barrett, or thia borough, died at bis home in Mvedville, Pa., en Friday, tbt 9th Init., aged 77 years, Tht decoaatd was fur many years a resi dent of tbia county, and waa well-known to many of oureittiena. His personal t heads will regret to learn of his death. Ha leaves a wife, two daughter! and two sons, tbt youngest of whom is about U yearaof age. The Journal, of left week, eon la ins tht Mluwiog :-r- Dr. MvLeod, aa bt was universally called, waa educated lor a poyaician and graduated at a medl oai college in Pbiladeipbta. ia tbe twenty -aeoond yeerul Ma age be entered upoa tbe practice ol medi uifie aol was eoon tberealter induced to settle at uur neighboring town ol 1'oihpeourg, by Hard man l'Uuipt, Uie luunder ot ibal Dlece. who de- I B,r competent lauily pbyawiau. Uo made lerally la tbia true that be manv timea hitehed bis Hume tu a teuoe in tbe middle of tbe night aod crept Into a trienuly barn to get an hour a iecp oeiure viet:ing (tie leially, knowing that 11 be went tu tbe house brat bia atientiua wuuld be tu occupied by tbe aiok as to mako It Impoatible lor biu. to get any aleep, lor tbe eeMirgo did auk an a general miug amici oui a uiemoer or two ol a bktu.ebuld, but uhole Cauiliee. Hit ser vices at tbat liuie endeared bim tu the people of Clear laid, and tu the day ot bis death he waa regarded witb uulreitei tsteem. Fiotlibg tbe field tor bit practice too limited be rruiuveu irom Pbihpatmrg tw LeuiatowB, atter warda to Pit U burgh, auti Unally to Meadvillr, where bo married and apvnt uiuat of tm prulet lite. M heu be bad reached middle age be bad luat Bed rut ebiluren by death and tbea bis wile, 'lhis ettimiiuu made tuou an iwprvtaiun upuu bit mind aa to turn bia t noughts tn n d liter eat dirwliuu, aud loiluwiug tbe Oireeuva pointed out to bilu be aoandunedi tbe medical prole den, paaaeO a course in a tboutogiaal loatiiultoa tn Unto, aud entered tbe niimatry ot tbe trrolcttant bpiattupel etiurob. 1 tie hnt two or throe years ui bia tb in ii try were spent in the bouth mainly iu ftoutii Caiohna and Miaieipp where be went auuut eetabiiabiug coogregattuut aud louh tug aitet tbe ibtere.ta ui the hpiMtupal tuureb ia gbeiai. " Ja 1Mb he returned to Pennsylvania and ae uepttJ a call aa rector ol St. Auurew't tburob, Cltarbeid. W bile here be waa a win married, tw a New Jkrtey lady, wbo waa puwiaaej ol tbe aue generous, . bnstian spirit, aa hr bu.baud. Ibe years now spent among uur people only tea tied to strengthen ibe bond wbivU bad united tbe people with tbia guvd man when be was oai) Xtor MvLewO. tie waa twveti by everybody, boib old aod juung, aod it waa with eorrow tbat i bey taw him take til departure. " Ihia waa ia I a I, wbea be entered tbe army aa a Coaplatn. He aerved lor two years es a tuiuutoer t'baplaie. and waa then traaaterred ia tbe Regular Army, aad died boldibg ibe position. Whou ou acdieduiy, bo wee eUtioaed a ret at Ft. Lander, aad ullerwardt al Leavenworth, 1 Kaoaaa ; but lor ibiee yeart past be bat beta at Jaenuvule, Pa., having been relieved Irvia doly ua auoount ul aiehavta, tbougb ttiJi holding bit pusttioa tn tbe army." tptctaU. T. A. FLECK A CO. Now Spring atjla. at Plonk A 0o.',. Riebardaoa. cerebrated Elrnlra Boot., aold .1 ohMi.oly by H. A. Rmatibb. Dre.. (Jood. B.w, and laahioaehlo at T. A. Pink A Co.'.. (Jo aad tee Ibe new goodt at Fleoh't alort. Every day bring tometblng new at Fleck A Co. t store. If you don't believe tf go aad tee. Ladles' and Children's Shoes, French Kid, fribbled Morocco, loied and erge, m large quan litiea, every pair warranted, at U. A. KnaTiua'a. Those two feet of bodily oomfort rheumatism aad the gout, cease their twinges, if the affected pari tt daily washed with Olean s Sulphur Soap. which ban i she pem and renders tba joint and mitotet auppie and tiaatie. iepi.t iritteaion a Nu. 7 Sixth Avenue. N. Y. Hill's Hair dr Whit her Dye, black or brown, 60 eta. ftb 4w. An oD-towa man la disc uated with bard moaer. He carried a tilver half dollar in bis pocket for aia mon tba, only to discover when be tried te pass it that It was coon tor It it. No hog at goods at i. a. necB a vo. a store. Ladies are requested to call and examine the new goodt al r. A. fleck A Co. a. Gentlemen will find much plea arc in esemln ing the new sty lee at Fleck's atort. BuooiiEe Foa 8 all R. Newton Shaw keeps a full eupply of Predunia Buggies and Platform Wagona lor tale. To be sena at tbe Shaw Uoute yard. Call ea or address bim at Clearfield Penn sylvania. may 18-ti Young meat and young womeo, the old tod tbt middle aged, creryoody of all agea, sites and oulirs, will find something to please them at T. A. Flock A Co.'a. All klnda of table limns al Fleck A Co.'a. While good of every description at Fleck's. Lad lea' hat a, all the new spring atylai, at T. A. neea uo. eoeap cam a tore. Dht fluonaa new stook jntt opening and will do told ebeap, at H. A. kuatsbi a. Wonder fit t Anrrrrg. It la reported that Boacnan'a tJrntfAit Sinvt haf since ita introduction in tne United Stales, reached tbe immense tale of 40,000 doiea nor year, urer n.ooc uruggiata nave ora"red ibis medicine direct trum the Factory, at W ewt bury, R J , and trery letter speaks of lit aatonlahltg aacoeaa in coring severe Coughs, Colds Milled oa the Breart, or any dittata uf the Throat and Longs Wt edripc any person Ibat has any pre dipoill"Q I, weak Lungs, to go to their Drug gist, C D. Watson, and git this Medicine, or ia quire about it. Regular a 1st. 76 tenia Sample Mottle. 10 centi. Two dose will relievo any ease. Don't neglect your cough aprb, '76-towly. If you want a good tbtwl, bo matter what kind, (o to Fleck A Co a. There it atotaeoa record where Dr. Morris' Ryrua of Tar, wild Cherry and Horebound baa failed te give taiitfaatwa. 0a the other hand, wherever it bat been ased-bavr people, ia torero cold a eougba, aethma, broach ilia, ereep, whoop ing-ecu gb and eoaeumptiea, Ibey are ea tbutiastia ia ita praise, Ooataiaiag ae opiam er fiber dangeroae drug, It doet act eoaatlpate, aad it tale ao administer ia ail aoaditioae of health. Thte It aa Important eaaouneeeneut, and tht miteritag are advised to heed it Trial site, 10 oeau t large tinea, 64) eeett and Ooe Dwllar. Mold by O. D. Walton, aad Ha ita wick A irvia, Drug gitta, Ciearaeld, Pa. Prof, Parher'a Pleasant Wtrm Ryrrp la per fbctty aafe, extremely palatable. No phytic re Iuired. Cent 86 tea re. Try H. For salt by 0. i. Wtttoa tad Hartswleh A irwla, Clearfield, Pa. meh 3Jcwly. Attention, Farmen and Lumbermen, MASTKf-h) Arnold, at CurwtatvUle. 10,(300 pounds pork. 1,000 bushels wheat. 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels oats. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. too,! too weVlach nharad ehiarVaa. I4MMHM6 Sd-la e b eeorod BAuagW lOttUMMi feat pine nwaran, S.4HM6 nllrwad ttoa. S.4JUU corae aah aatd fcawslatR tariu For which oe-third cash will UpwvkL ' r oot.26. Tbo boat kid glerot, mry pair warraatod, at T. A. nook A Co.'.. Cellar,, eaae, aooklioa, amapoadera, bob. aod odfrwoar at I. A. Flack A Co. i. Flannel., uuelina, clngbaBe, .hirtiog, aad oaaalaara at Plank A 0. ttarrUf. Oa Ratard.jr, Id, IHT 7, b; Woi. L. Rl.brl, Kaoj., Mr. Juka MoUogblla Bad Mia. Kutollao Rolfildgo, botb of Uolbaa loWB.bip. At tb. M. B. Par.on.go ia Lnlber.burt, oa Tof.daj, Pab. I3lb, IKii, bj Kar. II 0. Plonrll, Mr. QuintoB 8. H.aini.uf Lolbaraburg, Clrarllald onoolr. Pa., aad Mr.. P. 8. Cmbraa.ol Bio Hub. J.Serua eonntf. Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad TYROSI i CLEARFIELD BRANCB (t aad aftar Moadoo, NOV. ,7, 1T, tba VPaaaoOt.r Train, will ruB d.llv faioopt SoB doy.) botwooa Tjroooaad OLordold, a. follow. ; CLBARPIELD MAIL. W. C. lawm, Conductor. LIAVR 80CTH. "'' LKAVI NOMTu" Curwensvllle...l:10, r. .; Tyrone . f.I0,a.a, Clearfield- I.ltl, " Osceola.. ! M, " PhilipabargHM.e.A3, " Philipsbarg.K) 3d, " Oecoola .....4.47, " Clearfield 11.40," Tyrone ., " Croeoavllle..l3:01l u CLBjtRFfKLD EXPRESS. W. 8. Plobmbb, Conductor. LRAVB SOrTH. I LBAVK VORTII. CurweasTille. MA A. a, Clearfield. a 24 Philipsburg... fi.37 ' Osceola -.... fl.43 Vail... T.el Tyrene...,. T.ob " Tyrone.,. T.10 r.a Vail -7.J3 " Oaceole H rt...ft.33 ' Clearfield, ar...t.40 , Cnrwensville. lf.M J1ALD EA(JLE VALLEY BRANCH. Exp. Mail. - - Mfti) Kip . a. a. m. r. a. a. a. 7.00 8.30 leave Tyrone arrive 6.10 l.0 7.16 S.47 Bald Kagle .43 13.41 7.47 V.ilff Juliaa 5.10 11.47 8.30 1f.&4 Mileeburg 4 4b 11.30 8 SI 10.01. Bellefoate 4.17 11.19 8.43 10.1b Mileaborg 4.36 11.04 y.6 10.40 Howard 4.03 10 4 9.46 11.10 arri re L. Haven leave 1.36 9.66 TV RON B STATION. aatrwanD. a m Pacific Kxpreat, 8:60 Uarriaburg Aoc'm, 1:48 I r v Mall Train. Atlantic Kxpreat, 6:601 Pbila'da Kxpreta, 10;33, I watTwaan. 1 a Pittsbarg Kxp'tt, 3:60 I Pacific Express, 8.36 I r a Way Pasaenger, 1:16 Mttl Traia, 6:36 Fast Line, 6:66 PIII1.IPKBUBU A MOB11ANSON BHANCUB8 Oa and after Monday, NOV. 17th, 1176, A., eonmodatioa Train, will run ovor tho Philipa. burg aad MoabaBBoa Brancbol, a follow, : LEAVB 801T1I. LEAVB NURTU. r. M. a. u. A. H. Statloa. A. tt. r. 11. r. it. 1:0, MorrLdala, 11:11 J I4 7:SS Phlllpiborg, I J 5 :l 7:38'., 11:11 II. Ill Bo;atoB, 11:14 2 SO 10:3, 7:4J Oaooola, ll:4 4:1 J 1:44 10:45 1:04 Moibanoon, 11:514:00 1:51 10:51 S 11 Ntorling, 11:45 :5I 1:57 lt:5S III Boai.dalc, 11:419:47 1:01 11:01 1:11 WcCaol.T, ll:t 1:44 347 11:68 1.54 Kandriek., 11:10 1:40 1:11 11:11 I:J5 Rama?. 11:15 1:35 Cloao eonnMttoB. mad. by all traiB. at Tyroao aad Lock llnvea. B. B. BLAIR, ylT-tf. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW QRADR DIVISION. ON and after Moaday, January 19th, IHT 7, tbe paaeeagcr trains will run dally (except bun day) between Red Bank and Driftwood, a foil ewa : KAHTWAKIWDav Mall lea vet Plttaburg 6:00 a. m.f Red Bank 1 1:46 ; Shgo Junction 13:1)3; Nsw Bethlehem 1:00 p. m.; Mayavlltc 1:16 ; Troy 1:41 j BrookvlDe 3:00 ; Poller' 3:37 ; Bey aoldavllle 2 if f DuRola 1:30 1 Summit Tunnel Ssdl PealcM 4:04 j Weedvillo 4:17 f Beneaetto 4M i arrirea al Driftwood at 6:44. H lTWA R O-Day Mall leavca Driftwood 13:16 p. m.i BeoeietU 1:03; Weedvillo 1:40: Peufleld 1:63; Summit Tunnel 3:13 ; DuBoi3:33; KeynuMsvllIe 8:03; Fuller's 3:33; Brook ville 1:40 ; Troy 4:06; Mayavillt 4:30; New Bethlehem 4:46 ; Sligo Jaactioa 6:33; Red Bank 6:60; arrivee al llttaburg at 9:10 p. m. ptf Tbe ReynoldsrHte Accommodation leavca Reynoldaville daily at 7:60 a. m.) and arrirea at Hed ilanft al a. aa., ritttburgb at Z.tft p. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 3:40 p. mi Red Bank tt 7:30 p. m.; arriving al Reynoldaville at 10:30 p.m Cleae eoaaoetloar made with Irtint ea P. A S Railroad et Unit wood, and with trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCARuO.Uea'l Sup't. A A. Jacbkoi, Hup't L. i. Dir. PARE FROM CLEABFIELD. TO Bellefontc, Pa ...... $3 951 Middletowa ...... .6 00 Lock Haven......... t 70 Marietta 6 60 Wllllamsport.. I 60 Lancaster 186 Hunting. Ion 1 SO, PHILADELPHIA 7 96 Lawittown-......... l90iAltoona 1 66 Maryerille 4 60 Johnstown.. 180 HAKRISBURU ... 4 71 PITT8BL: Rt. ...... 6 II S8S1.BCT HCHOOLo-The undersigned will opea a private school ia the Leonard build -ing. la Clearfield, Pa., oa or about the 1st of April, 1877, to oonthiue eleven wee. Inatruetion careful and thorough. Ttrmt reeionabla. B. C. YOt'NUMAN, A. M. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 17, 77-Sm. NOICB.AII eoatraotort are warned against taking tbe contract for building tbe Uotben townthip graded whonl building, at wt are de termined to cue test tbe right to erect said build log, or appropriate any funds of the district for that purpose. W. A. NK I.HON. JOHN MURRAY, ' Direct err. and aixtycitiiens ef Ooahea twp. Lick Rua, Pa., Feb. 31, 1877 3t NOTICED Notice la hereby given tbat the tilistnt of Clearfield county will apply to tbe present Levis latere of tbe State of Pennyl renin, for tbe repeal ef an Aet of Atttmbly for taking toll ea tbe Satquehanaa bridge, (one and one-fourth mi let eatt ef Cnrwensville) on tbe Philipsburg nnd Carweatville turnpike, and ask that said bridge be banded over to tbe county of uicarneid. juhiau . JiaAV. Carweatville, Feb. 3I,'7T-4t. aTIOMMEIICIAL rH(ML j IN CLEARFIELD "Teach your Boyt that which they will Practlct wntn ibey become men. Tbe oadertigned will open a school In the Leonard building, oa April 3d, 1877, to continue ten weeks, ibe atudita to embrace Heading, Written Arithmetic, Writing, and Book kecpiog. wb tt-h will be made a special feature of the School and ibnreiighly aod practically taught. Special terms ana arrangement tor suon aa deal re to late a partial coarse. Terms reasonable, fab. 7, 77 fit J. F. McKKNRICK. NOTICE TO COriRACTimtWPropo aoaals will be received by tbe 7oard of Di rectora of Uoahea Tuwnahlp, C'eerSeld eountr. Pa., until tbe Third day of March aeit, for tbe building of a taboo) hoe so tn said towasbip, tuit abla for a school of two graxlsa. Tb Director will meet at Uoahea School Houat at I o'clock t m. on taid day toawardtbeconlract. Plaaa and specifications can be teen at the reeidaaee of the undersigned, ia no net townthip. S, B. TAYLOR, Secy. Lick Rua, Pa , fob. T,77-3ip. ARPHANft' COUMTSAI.U Ryelrtueor V an order or tbe Urpbana Court or Clearfield Uo., there win be to id et public tale en tbt premises, ia ibo oorougn oi noutaueie, oa Satarday, Marrk IT. IHtt. nil o'clock a. m tht following deter i bed real aeiatt, ta wit : All those eertala Iota or piece of I ground tituata ia tbt borough of Houtadale, Clearfield eountr, Pa., bounded aad described u follows i One thereof bounded oa tbe aorth by lot No. 64, oa the touth by .weaver ellev, an tbt eatt by Aiitbia street, ea 'he west by Spruce mm, ana Known ua wi no. ox. roe other there of bounded en tbe worth br M lete eJler.eoutb b nue street, east ay let no. lit en the west by lot as. X2i, ana buowb b m no. iu UKOKUI H. WOODEN, Adminlttreior of D. C. 1 tUe, doe.p' Houtadale, Feb, 7. lI7-6l, . It KUIMTBHa NOTICE. Motion I. hereby that the followla. oo. oowau . doob .lajraiaoa ana pneoo. by ro and ta area ai rooora in tan nmoa for lb. ut' apootloa af boira, lairataoo, oeodltorn, and all other. iBloroatoa, m. will b. areeeate. lo too Boat Or. aaaae' Coart 04 ooernty, 4. bo hold at tbo tort aoaao, ta tae aorooca ol CloMaold. raoaeing m tk. 14 Moo day (aeiag tbo loth day) uf March, A. I). II7T l PiaaJ anooBBl af Job. R. aforfaa, Adarlalrtrntor e the oetMa of Wa. U.yoooh. lau of Burn. Ida lewBOBia, Ctonrlold aooolr. Pa.. ....a Partial ai Uoau Adaeaa aad Joa. AdaaM, aaaliBiairaioeB or tae oetot. at uo!. AaooM, Inn. t ClearioM boron. h, daeeoeail. Soond Partial of L. Ontllo, Baa., Adaioiilroiac of ibo ooteAo of Milln, lata af Uwioaoa onwaahia, CkavraoM woaati. Pa . fioal or, on I of R. W. Labord., Adetlairtrntar il Ike Uf wt Joa LaAefwo, lau of (Jaioa lowaakla, Clonrl.ld ooaaty. Pn.. Partial aoooaat ef Lydi. P. Uoaao), Adealal. Iralril of lb. oaaaM of Chaa W. Leonard, laia wf Lawrwaaa towaahi,, CanarAold ..aaty. Pa., fioal aoooaat af Jaeew Paaroe, Oaardlaa of Praahlla P Hoh, a ailaor ana of Tbo. Holt, lata of Bradford tewa.blp, Ct.ortald Pa., 4. final aonwaal af AUaa Morroy, nrrltl.. Ad ailBlalroAor .f ta. MtoM of Aadoraoa Murray, km of liirard Mwaekia, Cloorleld wanly, Pn., Partial .meat of I. Rao. Brewna, Adajlaietralor al too Mtat. of J. Laaa Hoooatr, laui af Pibo towwakan. laaol.'d wewatr Pa.. 4 I. rartkal aoooaat of Ckorloe Browa, Biaowlor af OMaaoaeoo. atoary a.' Nojotow wHraakky, Oarartoid oooair, Pk. dood. . . MORUAN, ak.t Set4twafBw4or. 3Hvfrtl5rmfiitj. on rRinTik" lloBBootlv oioral. -i RVBRT DB8CRIP Jt tbla now Auditohh notick. lo Iko Orpbooa' Co.rt of ClaarDrld oo.. Pa la Ibo Bjallar ol tba oatalo of l.aar Bloom. Sr., lata or t b. borooab of Corwooarllla, daoooorf. Nolloo la T00 Ibat lb. nnda. ila-nod Aflditor, Caort lo dUmbntolho rood, ie tbo hand, or Loan niouoi, AdtBlBi.lralrlt of aald aalala, to sad among lb. partia logoll oalltlad to roeoi.o tbo aooao, nill atund to tho dutiaaof tbo aptiotloanl ot hi. onto in Clooraald, oa Tbarada,, Morrh Hlb, IH77, o( S o'clock p. m., wkon aad panic. iBtcrr.iad aiar allcnd. I YKUs UiiKlHiN Clc.r(ald, P.b. 14, '77 4L Auditor. I IHTM nioTirB- ta tbe tttatt ot bjaaiiu I K tbe Orphant' Court Aaird, late ol Clearueid of Clearfield euuaty, oounty, Pa. ) Ta. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tbe Court to distribute the money tu the bands of James A. Campbell, Adtilnlatralor of tbo afore aatd estate, undtr his partial account filed, to aod among tbe creditor ktaity eatulrd therefrn, here by girt aot ice tbat bt will attend to ibe req -lire-men ts of said appoint men l at bia Ooe la Clear, i held, oa KurJay. February 34, IH7T. at Su'eiock p. m., wbea and where all partiea in i erected may j attend. a. w. waltkkh, Feb. 7, '7T at Auditor. WILLI INI ANTIC NEW SIX COHU SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Tbe Centennial Commission now Drcree tbe fol lowing Awardi Fur Superiority and Economy of Prod art ion For Excellence of Met-nal. For Originality and Compltttntti of System. For Variety of Colors of Thread. For E ace Hence of Machinery. Nor. 16, l76-3m. fitf-The above celebrated Spool Cotton Is for eaieai wnoteaatt ana retail by li. A. itratrer. X APPKAM l-OH IH77. NOTICE ia hereby given, tbat the Com in It tlontra of Clear fild county will meet tbe las pay. art at tht fol low in named plaets, for tbt pur poet of bearing and determining tppealt on the tri-tnuiel aatesament for 1877. The time fur hearing appeal a will be between the boon of 9 o'clock a. tn., and 4 o'clock p. m. of each day. Tht appeal will be bold for Jordan, at the hotel in Anaonvtlla, in said town abip, on Thursday, February 2 .id. Ferguson, at the resilience of Joseph Moore, in aaid township, on Friday, February 23 I. Knox, al Turkey Hill School House, in said town thip, on Saturday, Feoruary 24lb. Lumber City, at tbe heme of Israel Guppy, on Moaday, February 36th. New burg, at tbe hitel ia said borongh, oa Tues day, February U. Cheat, at Kerabaugb's school house, in aald twp., on Wednesday, February 3Sth. New Washington, at the public house of fleorge W. Davis, la said borough, oo Thursday, March IsL Burnsidc twp., at Young's school honeo, lo said tewnibip, ea Friday, March 2d, Burasidebur.,at Bennett's hotel, iu said borough, on Saturday Marvb 3-L 1 Bell, at tbe bouse of Robert Mahaffey, la aaid towasbip, oa Mondav, March 6th. Green wood, at the hotel la Bellvilie, In eid twp., ! on Tuesday, Marob 6lb. ' Peon, at the el ret too boue In Prnnvlllr, In aaid j township, oa Wednesday, March 7th. Bloom, at tbe election bouse In said township, on : Thursday, Match Mb. I Brady, at the public faouet of F-manuel Kunti, lb Dulluls, oo Friday, March V'h. Aim, at the public boo re ol Wm. Srhoem, Jr., iu Lutbera- Lurg, on Saturday, March 10th. I'uioo, at tbe store b'nre of 1. K. Brubakcr, In aid towasbip, on Moudxy, Mrob 13ib. Uuaton, at tbe public houe el Jutnea Sohofleld, in PoLfleld.on Tuetday, Maich 13th. Lawrence, at tbe Commixeiuncrs' Otbce, oa Wed nesday, March 14th. 1 the Commbtlonera' Other, on Thurs- I Cay, Mamh 16tb. NlTICR It aisobtrby given to tht Ataettort f tbe several boroughs una tuwDbis, tbat they he present witb l tie iitierd of tiu.iuinaiunere on. tbe day ol Appeal, In their rerpectire district, as I well at all pvrMs wbo may Ji theiuaelvee ! aggrieved. A general appeal will ha held at tbe I tummiaaionert' office, On tbe tu, tb aod tn data of March next, alter which noanut-al will tie beard. The Aasjeurt are required lo givt each taxable a writltn ur printed notice of tba kind and amount ol property be ur tbt la uMttaed, at least Drt days twlore tbe day of appeal. I LA It K tJKOWN, T. A. McUHKK, Attesti HAKHl. ItuuVKR, O. B. UoetLAlPBn, (Mark. Cotuaaiaatwaera Commitsionera' Otbce, Clearfield, Pa-, Jan. 10, 1877. RHtOHHHHHHHHHHNR OOQOOOOQQQ-OOOQ goooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo eeoBaoDBtideoSBB caisioooabaciBrjocAaBooaocaiAaBuo tew Ooodl U''y' 1ao8 & Hew Ooode i 3.0 I I . ,a0,g M8H mnnmmn to oo to no cd co tvo aooooaouococax hhtrtreiittrBR tommaimmt. ovmai PRICES CHEAPER TIIi EVER AT 8. GUINZBURG'S One Trice Root anil Shoe Slore. MEN'S FCKXIHHINQ GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND t'AI'S. WUITB AND COLURRD OVinsllirtTti. IIKAVT W0RKINO AND f ANCT FRONT OVEitRUinTS. GLOVF.S, ROCK8, UANPKjKKCIHKFS, COLLAIIS AND CITFF3. COUNTRV TRODUCE TAKEN IN F.XCn ANGE FOIt GOODS. 1 S. GUINZBU11G. Ftccnd Street, opposite tht Court House. ci,eai:fiei.d, pa. Keen formerly Occupied by Lever F legit!, Cieerfleld, Pa., Jan. 34, 1877. G ItOCKRIES. JAS. II. LYTLK, (BooonKrl. LYTLR A MITCHELL) WQOIiESALB AND RKTAII; DEALER I.N CHOICE LINE OP TEA9. OOLOKua, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, rot'iia BV80M. ENtil.ISU BllBAKfAl Puroat la Martrt. BUTTBB A5D 1(1 Oil, WIH bo k.ot aad Mid nt irM M, Ce.k ,old far Ooanlry Prodaoa. HERMAN CHS RBI IS, TURKEY PRUNED, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. F!H. Maekarei, Lak. Rorrlnf. Ood, Ac riCHtKN. Barrel PloklM aad Plokloa. rirOtR AND rBEU flowf, Cra Mood, Oat Meal, Ao. Jaa. t,Tt, IU. tL LTTl. Our uo dvrrtisrmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Published every Wednesday by GOODLANDER ti. LEE, CLEAHKIEl.n, PA.. Ilaa tb. I.argeat Ircalatloa of aay paper lu Nortbweatrni PcuiiB)lTajila. BoatreaBBwBa Tbe largo and conotantly incroaaing circulation of tho Republican. rondora it valuable tobuoiness mon ss A raodium thro' which to reaoh the public. Terms or Scbdcbiption : If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid after six months, . . 3 00 When papors are sont onlaide of the county payment must be in advance ADVERTISING : Ten linos, or less, 3 times, . SI 50 Euch subsoqnent insertion, 50 Adminislrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, 2 f0 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 50 Cautions and Entrays, ... 1 50 Dinsolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, 5 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, Two squares, . . . Thrco sqnares, . . One fourth column, , One-half column, , One column, . . . 8 00 15 00 20 00 50 00 70 00 120 00 It Li AX KM. We havo always on band a large slock of blanks ot all descriptions, SUMMONS, SUBI'tENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, . LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, i ' Ac, Ac, Ac. JOB PRINTING. Wo aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING frcii as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. i ordekSdY mail FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander A !Lert Clearfield. Ocirtcld tounlj, Fa. Z.$.$ttiti Co.' (Tolumn. NEW SPRING GOODS ! JUST UE AD WILL BE SOL A IT. A. FLECl Go to Fleck 4 Co.'a for Go to Fleck & Coa (nr Go to Fleck & Co ' for Go to Fleck k Co.'a for Go to Fleck k Co.'a for Go to Fleck k C'o.'s for Go to Fleik i Co.'e for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'a for Go to Flock k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co 's for Go to Fleck 4 Co 's for Go lo Fleck k Co.'s lor Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go lo Fleck k Co 'a for Go to Glcck k Co.'s for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go to Flock & Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co.'s for Go lo Fleck 4 Co.'s for Go to Fleck k Co ' for Go to Fleck & Co.'s for' Go lo Fleck k Co.'s fur Go to Fleck k Co.'s for your suspenders. Go to Fleck k Co.'s foriyonr neckties. Go to Fleck k Co.'s for j your fancy goods Go lo Flock k Co.'s for Go to Flock & Co.'s lor Go to Flock & Co.'a for Go lo Fleck k Co.'s for Go lo Flock k Co.'s fur Go to Flock k Co.'s for Having just laid i NEW SPRI You will save mon DRESS Ai T. A. FLE DONT FAIL TO ClearfioU,r.f F WILLIAM M UEXUY, Juhtick op Ta PtAra mtticuivrnka. LL'MUBH CITY. Collect lone nude and money prompt I) paid aver. Artie We ef aajrecmeot and deeda ol conveyance neatly executed and warranted cor root er ao ebarsa. - 117 1 C AUTI ON-Alt person are hereby cautioned agaiait p arena ilog a certain note given by me to Juba VYooldriJge, of dtfradford townabip, calling for forty five dollars. Aa I bare not re ceived value tor said note, I will not pay the tame unleaa compelled to to Uo by duo process of law.' JOMil'U kNKtuP. Grehempton, February 7,'JI-Jt. CAUTION. All pertonaare hereby cautioned against purchasing or in any way meddling with the following property, now tn poaresaion ot Tbomaa Mile.of Aiggttounahlp,Clcartield oouniy. Pa., to wit: 1 gray mart, apring wagon, 1 seta hornets. 1 thovel plow, I old plow, tanning mill, rutting box, lot of corn fodder, lot of straw, (too of hey, spreads and eh ai us, grind it one, ceok store, parlor stove, 2 beds, crib, sttik, table, aet common chain, rocking chair, 7 bittlie-la potatoes, lot of carpet, atend, grain cradle, grata tcyibc A tnalb, lot of fork a nnd aim veil, maul and wedge, clock, tub and weh board, S aiet, t corn hoes, 000 lb, pork, 26 gallons uf apple hulttr. Paid property waaiurcbatd by me al bberifls sale on the 211 of November, 1MT0. aod ia left with said Thus. Mile on loan, subject to my order tt any time. ELKANOK HI E. rhoeoit, Armstrong to. Pa., fi b. 7,'77-Stp. IXKCirTRIXB' NtlTlcr Letters Tea. j tamcntary on theetUte of WM. VTI8E, late of Ferguaoa town"hlp, CltarHeld county, J'a., dee'd, having been granted to the undrrpignerj, ell persons knowing themselves lade ted to aaid estate are required lo make Immediate pameM, aod tbi'te having claims against tht same will present tbem properly authenticated lor settlt tuent without delay. JANE WISE, New luillport, feb7.T;-fl. Kiecutrlk. ADMIIHTRAT(IR1I NOTICE. Netfoe It hereby given Leturs of Ad oiioirt ration on tbt estate of iOMIf MrTAVlSII, late of UuliHl townabip, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd, having beta duly granted to tht under signed, all persons indebted to raid eptate will f les so make immediate payment, nnd those hav ng tlaim or demand willpreai nt tbrm properly autbtnticated for prttkment wltlmut deinr. JOHN . M KK1HNAN, Pmltb's Mills, Jaa. 14,77 - Adm'r. TINT K Jt'HOIIW. j Litt of Juror drawn for March term. A It. 177, eommearing oa tht M M nudity Ibe twin aay and con ti nut tor iwo weeks : v ran D irnoaa. C. Owtnt, Cleartlelililiaat Hmitb, Ulrard T. r Cooitr, " I Ernest Mirnut. Levi Jordan, L. CHyM.eo.A. Morrison, Ooahea Jot. Rain ey, Newhurg Uamet Lvtle, tfrabam J. Westbwk, Wall'ton I Samuel Fleaal, Mark Kyler, Dradfordj'v Loog.jr, Huston Wm. Radaktr, Dredyl Wm.Miebatle,Ktrlbaus hti Ilarmon. " nt, Hum, " heberi Young, Burnpide A. D. J'hoiion, Morris Utorgc Patcbta, Elijah Moort, " J J. 1'icard, Covington Ja. L. Kiewart, " And. Ktpbart, Decatur I Cbarlec Hetper, Penn mATiaai jmont rttur wttri 19th. P. Wright, Beoearla Imbc Rothrook,Orabaoi lTt Uiibler, U. W. Ulnter, Oiilleh Jan. Doan, Houtadale Mellhe" Barry, " Alfred Hcolold, llu.too I.aac Wolf, Jonlad Joa. McNoal, Martia Nolan, " J. W. Leonard, R. J. Oilliland.Karlhaa, p. I Rloora, Lawrrnoe J. B (thaw. rt. Mllo. I'allortM. " nara'l llcgarty, Jaa. Patteraoa, Uoorgo UeWitt, Joba llerah. N.ary Pool., rtloem Jarnn. II. Waplo, Bigg. R. B Phitner, Bradlord Jaa., Joha H Krlor Lowia Hbiadiey, Brady wra. Marea, Joha C.rlU., J. W. Killer, Ooe legion Mlckoel Krotaor, " Niakolaa Mnrt.1, J. W. Tboaproa, " if. r. unaghmaa. Penn H. C. Wagoner, Pike 1 O Kltur, Wra. Hblrn.L Mtrrir John Yolhra, M H. W. KnTd.r.CMarS.ld H P. Vigior, Jaott A. Panat, " Ilea. boHaaa, " Ilea. Kern., " D R., Dwratar If. A.Hbalta, " Pale, " Uoorgo Hbulla. " O. L Bohooaerer. Joha Orr.M.Wa.biagt'a Jaa. Hall. (bar, " Aa.tia Lewta. rrge.oa Jaa. P.rguaoa, " Joka H. Carr, Olrard r.lar Boyle, OrMOla Wai Horror. Ilea. I. Joaei, Joha P. Jary, " rt. L. navdar, " P. R. FShnf, Woed.artt Tbo. Mather., Uaul.1 Loo.'B. ' Tbeaipaoa Haad.Oookoa . TftaTiaoa ioaea. aeoura .aia TStb. I.aae ftmltk. Breaarla, JobaB R.a.,C.TiBgt'a Cbu. Bartol, ' Jeoob W. Ilaoey, Bgg. .Solonv.. Hauror, " Hoary Uoaa, Poaat.r K U. Kyler, Uoabn Joook L. Wo.Tor,Bradj rrea bonier. J. H..el,)r, " JaeehW.Uera, JobaWilaoa, -tloe. W Btee.r, Olrard Jaa. M. Mrhaa.,, loll B. P. Xrator,Urooawood T. A. Prldraal, Holieb Wat. Pallorloa,L.wro'a Adam Cw,Mr, Wai. Orr, J.M. Joa K.Ui.lH, u. a., ratnot, Wta. ato.a, MUM P.IIOL Mnrta Jaow Hagnty.Ckrartold R. a. la.lar. M.akaol Raaor, A. J. Uypaor. W. R. HarwaMra.Cr'U. O, U. etwrakawca. J.aee MIIMr, Pom Pike Law re no. KllUaa, Chert Meows . Btoaoa. Paal Wbloa, Roarw AdHatna, it. g.. ik & to.'t ffolumn'. NEW SPRIN1 GOODS ! C'EtVED D LOW FOR CASH, k & co:s. giljjiiiiMiai your dro.i goods, your dry good, your black cnahmcro. your colored alpacas. your -blark I'p-ifi your pluid drexs good, your culicoc. and mu.linfi. your giiii;Iium your thirtings your table linens, your cuHsimcrs. your white gondn. your while (luiinel. your corsets, your kid gloves. your huniiki'rchiefa your linen collars and culTn. your hose. your hack comhs. your mottoes. your ribbons. your millinery goods your ludics' hats. yonr ladies' bonnets. your black and colored plia-.vlt. your napkins. your white shirts. your colored shirts. your underwear. your paper coIIum and cnfl. younlr?sB trimming. your shirt fronu. your piiid, necdioaaod thread.' your uinbrel'iiH. n a large stock of VT ( Cif I L VJT -A V-- K AS kJ y ey by buying your DRY M CK & CO. CALL AX1) SEE. cbrunry 21,1877. r r i : TICf-: eV ( (.KUTABI IV KKI- l . hare printed a largo Bamkor of tbo o.- PKB BILL, and will oo tho receipt of twenty tw eanta. enail a nnav to a y addraaa. avtl . Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. pIIE underlgncrt. baring eauMiphed a Nur- a. aery on the Tike, ahout half war hetwtn uieamoid and I'urwrnsrille, it prepared to fur nish all kiodaof KKl'IT TREES, (etandard aod dwarf,) Evergreent, (Shrubbery, Grape Vines, tioopeberry, Lawton B I aok rvrrry, IStrawherry, and Raspberry Vines. A so, Htbtrian Crab Trwi, Quince, end early trarlct Rbuharb, Ao. Orders promptlr alteodrd to. Add re, J. D. WRIUHT, ttp20 6H-y CurwenRvillc, i't. A NEW DEPARTURE L I T II E it N II U K ti . llermrier, good, ni'.i bo .old for CASH only, or tn esrhanKO for produce. o biiok. will be ! hcl ia tho future. All old account, tnu.t be' titled. Thn.e who cannot eaik up, will riente . hand over their note, and .. ! CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to tell my good at cash prict., and at a discount far belw that tvtr offers d in thia vicinity. The discount I allow m cnatnmrrt, will mtkeihem rirh in twenty year II they Mlow nr advice aod buy their gnoja from i me. I will pay criph for wheat, oatp an-l clnvrr-1 tcrd- DAM Kb (tOOIUAMiEK. Lutberaburg, January It', l7i j - AMERICAS ClTLOPEDIl, (Al'I'LKIONli) NEW REVISED EDITION Complete in 16 Volumes. Ratlraly re-wrlttea. Krarrtblng brriBght down tfttk. preaent time. Illuatratcd througnoat with Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPfl of erery country en tht globe Bold only by lubecr.ptioa. It it aot obligatory to take all the velumea at aca a volume may be delivered oeee a month, or once la twe snoatbe Tea eeett day, the price of a egr, will pay for a tet of CrcLOPhDIA ON A M-MoMftlLY KUHHrRIPTIONinletithMthiyenre. Then there will bo to met b log substantial Saved tad a ttorebeuae ef hnewledge, indeed a universal library la itself aecured, with bat little ettort er tacrtflee. PMCB AND 8TTLI CF DIKDINO i For Bitra Cloth, per i For Library Lerather, p oL. I ft pa or to) a on For half Terkev BB'troejce, nor vul f ea For kalf Ruatta Rttra ttili, per vol po For Full Meneoe Aotiaae, per eot t a For Fail Maeeta, perTei...HM,..MWMI,H.a if c For further lahmetlaa addren J. B. WILLIAMSON, J i PuWUhar't ageat, IH tiath tireet, : . JeeeM,l7-l, nterew. Pi, lUiSHilaiifous. STEAM SAW MILL. ENGINE AND UoUKUrl PoK KALB. Tho flndrr.Igri.d oftnr Ibr eolr oo re.MioBlila terui, their atOAO. raw mill, located nt Wnllnc. Ion, UloarSold Co., P.. Th. .ci(in. and boiler! nro a. good aa now. Tb. alia of Oo amine la UW4. and Ii in good running order. Ibvy will eluo aril ihtlr .hluulo and lalh mill, an 1 all .tho wnrhinn nntcbiBer in the mill. Partio. ambinf to purcliaee eoa rail o or add-w. . U II A II A U WALLACE A CO CloarBcId, I'. . Jul,, 30, H7i, JOOT AND SHOE MAkTngT" JOHFPII II. llFKIIIXfl.o. Sl.rh.t l triaw'a R.i., Cl. ara.ld. Pa., haajn.l rccok. -t e'.rture .rerythln, la hit line'. Ho will war rant bi. work to h a rcur.a.Bted. Al.", all kiid.of Lcalhrr and c'boo Finding, for Mia. Tbe clilian. of Clcarlcld and olclnlty ar. r.nrertfully inrltcd to give hira a .all. Work dn at ahort b ills.. T:lS73y fERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, tove Lining and Fire Brick, k-jt con.l.nily oa bond. . STOVE AM) EARTIIEX-WARE OF EVERY DESCRITTIOSI CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS I Klaher'a Patent Airtight Mclf . Healing I'rull Canal ' BHTTFR CROCKS, llk lldi, CREAM IROCKS, Mll.K CH0CK8, APPLE. BI'TTFH CROCKrt, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER TOTS, riK DIBIIE8, STEW POTR, Aod a great mnny other thingi too aarnerou. to aiention, te be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAIili rUTTEKY, Corner ol Cherry and Third ritreeta, PA. aog JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCH VILLE I : I Bin twtre that there tre-eotac p.-rt"Ot a little hard to pit-arc, and I am aUo aware tbat tbe i roinplaiitl uf "bard timer" Ie well nigh universal. Hut 1 am ao situated now tbat I can eatisfy tbe former and prore conrlu! vely tbat "bard timea" eill not e fleet inure who buy their good from me, 4Dd all my pal rune shall ie initiated into tbt se cret of HOW TO AVOID JIAKD TIMES l bate gfto-li Hough tft tnpply til Ibr liibahi taots in tbe lower end of the oounty which I tell at eieefiling !w rales fmtn my mutumuth sturc In Ml LSOMll K(l. where I can atwnys he found ready to wait apon callers and supply them with Dry Goods or all Kinds, Sufh as Cl'.ths, Patinctte, Ctraimerea, Mnalina, Dclsinra, Linen, Prilling, Calicoes, Iriinminj;, Uibbons, Lace, nM.Jj-tnn.rJe Clothing, Boot a aud 8 hoes, Hat a and Cripa hII ui tlio Itest uiitterinl and made tn order II upc, Hocka, tilovea, Alitiena, Laces, Hibbona, tc. (iHOCIiKIKS OF ALL KINDS. CoiTT, Tet, fiuar, Rice. Mol.iP. Fi1i, Eait l'rtt, Llnsevd Oil. Fiib Oil. Carbon Oil. IIrdwtre, Queniware, Tinware, Catitir8, PU nnd I'luw CasinRt., NailP, Spikea, Corn Culti ! tcra. Cider Prrii-e?, and all kids of Axes. rcrfj lurry, painti, Vftroi'h, Ulapa. and a gtutrat tpporlment f .Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different hraiidp, always on hand, and will be told at the lowcai poaille figures. J. II. McClali.'s Medicine, Jarne'a Medicines Hoftttlur's and liouflsnd's litlters. 600 poondt of Wool wanted for which the big hen price will be pid. Clover seed on hand and fur sale at the lowest market price. Alto, Afjent for 'Btrattoar Jilt d CsnvcQtrllla Tbrc'hiujf Marbines. Call and ecfor yourfflrcr. Ton will fled everything usually kept in a retail ttore. L. M. COUDRIET. Prauohvllle P. 0., August 12, 1874. REMOVAL! OOHN McGAUGHEY Would rc.rjeclfully notify tbe puMic generally I tb" he remorid hi. Ur.;cry 8ior from I b""' f building formerly oocu,ied I ''.v ' Mile, kntticr, on bacoBd atreet, Bext door to Blglor". hardware atore, whrra he intend. a.f'ping a lull lino ot ii IS O tj K It I I S. j HAMS, DRIF.t) BEEP and LAUD. ' Sl'UAHS and 6i IIVVS, of all grade TKA8, Oreca and IlWk. COrFEn, Routed and Urecn. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, c.i.r.rr.n rRFirt, y All bird. In the tnnrket. I PICKLES, in jor. and burrela. t jPPICF.k, In er.ry f.-rin and FAMILY FLOUR, Al.I. kIMMIIVrRtCkim FOAI'rl, MATCH Kfi, DKILU AI'l'LEa, DRIED rEAOIIE.-, : DIUKD CHEItRIES, ' . k.. , , wO.U OU 6SCl XaCSlTI CMffinCVS, Ami a good ....-irtmrnt of thnac thln h.,,bii. Veril ia a grocory Mom, whli h bo will airbanga fir mntkciiig nt the market ,tieoa. Will ed I for cab at eltaply at any other one. PI ri Mil nnd see his stock aad judge fur y tun. -If. ' .MII.V McflArailET. Carfiehl, Jan. S, Ifl7;. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (furcaaPori to Tynton A VourgJ FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mntitifaftartr of PORTABLE It STATIONARY -i . . STI2AM ENGINES Comrr of Pmtrlh and Plnf fltreotr. CI HAHKlri.O. TA. niVINK angagod in the Boon facte ro of trM ol.r. HAOIilNERY.weroepeMfallyinlorai h. pobllo that wo ar. Bow prepared w ill all ordrre a. ebeaply and m promptly ,. can b. do no la aay of lie dtiea. W. Baaafnodaro and deal II Mnlaj ami Circnlur Saw-Hills Head Rkxha, Water WMola, Bbaftla, Pafle;., tiillord'. Injector, Btcaai Qeugee, 8to.a WhlnlM,, Tallow Cup., Oil Onpo, Uaoge Cooka, Ala Coeka, Oloko Valroa, Cbnb Valraa, wraagbt Irea Plpoa, B.ofta PaBpa, Boiler Pood Pan. pa, Aati. Prlolloa Hatraa, Sep flkvo. Parking. Qam Paok eg. aad all kind, of MILL W0RK togotaar aitk Plo.a, Bled Boloa. r ' ! ' COOK AX D PA RLOk 8T0VES, 1 and .tn.r 0A8TISQS tf all blade. ' . V ( . d , I . . , ' eaOrdoi MrKIMd aad f Boa) at any artooa AU letter. inquiry wltk mforoBw. w auokenwrw af war auaefeotwre BroBptly owe .ana, by addraa . lag a at Ctaarartd, Pa. . . a. 1 14. if Jlirii.BB, Toewfl BlDTfy.