She jUpuMic an. llKimiNcTiir Itontts In A C'uliim bill (S. ('.) dispatch HtHtOM that JudgO Uiokoh B. UoonUANDiB, Editor. . WKDNKSJMT WnHNlNlJ Jf.VJJ, It!.!, In tha bb.Ibom world, Juot road oir Mdrortlaing aolamna. tho .Vpowol onlnnn a partloalar. LEGISLATIVE REFORM. The Committee uf Ways unci Nouns ( nrpciilor Inn hied his decision in Iho' .1,1 . . ., ... 1 1 , ,, ... ,, u , has reported Iho bill ol Mr. hherwood, case ol Win. II. Wallace, Speaker ui , , ' rv . . ... ,, 1 IH-iiiiH-Tttl, of . Northumberland county, ruhitivo to the reduction of tho salaries tho l('iiiiKTti Mouse ol llcpresonlii .: r f n . ... -!.. ... . ,,' . ' ' , of member and ofllcera of the IiCirl- Stulu depositories and i 1,. I nrdor.o, . . . , 1 . 1 .1 it , , . .,. mini u eiuiniin to uo me iirpiiuiicau .Mine Treasurer, uniting for an injunction re straining those bunks from paying any w ith amendments. The Com. I millet deemed t reduction of lejrlsla tivu salaries unwise, ntid concluded not TKSTIMOXIA h II A Vh'S. FOR MR. Tho fain on the struct railway of Philadelphia ha been reduced from seven to six cent. No io. Simon Cameron can run the Republican party, but when it comeB to fooling with a young widow, ho' looted. Uncle Sam in monarch of million ol unsurveyod acres, and ia much better off than Alexander Selkirk, who waa only monarch of what ho surveyed. A n exchan go says : "The Ponnsyl Tania Legislature has completed the sixth week ol its session, and so fur has not sent a single bill to the Governor for his approval. moneys upon checks drawn hy ( ar- , , , , , . . . ' , ... received. A general reduction is, how. dor.o as Treasurer. 1 lie judge decides . , . , 1 1 ever, made in tho salaries uf clerks that tho Treasurer enters upon his du- , , , , ...... , ,. . 'and other employes of the II mini's. ties when tho incoming dove:nor is;,,,. , , .. ' , . ,, . . , .. 11 . ,, . , the (.hid Clerks of the Senate and dulv anil li'vsjlv in.t;il,,'.,,.nm Ml' -'"V... . -. . .. .i-m. which l humhcrlnin was iimugiirutcd was illegal and revolutionary, that its I acts are null and void, and thut there fore no lawlul installation of Governor had taken place. Tho injunction was granted. This decision completely winds up tho resources of the Chum herluin government. It is enjoined and restrained everywhere hy the courts from collecting tuxes or paying moneys. The taxpayers, besidco. re fuse to pay any money to its olllciuls, and nothing remains to support its fallen fortunes hut the company of I'nited Suites troops in the State House. Even the colored special constables arc deserting because they can get no pay. The House of Kepresenlalives yes terday adopted the resolution reported by the Special (.'oinmilluu sent to Florida to investigate the election, do daring thut the Tilden electors hud an honest and legal majority of tho voles polled, and lhatTildcii and Hendricks were justly entitled to the volu of thu Slate. The resolution passed thu House by a vote of H2 nyes to K2 nays. This is another little testimonial lor Fraud ulent Hayes, should he bo counted in. 0U SIMO.YS IIIIE.V II. 1 Tho liumo ol Siiiuili Cameroii, is "11: household word,"n lib Pciiust Ivaiiiaim, and us the Senator hiis' lin ncd up" in ,1 now field, we propose to luy before our reader a correct version of his new enterprise. The editor of the Wash ington Vamlal, who Is right on the RlXtilXd KI'Kliril II Y iioxkxt i:i:rvnuc.s Mr. I'm 1111111, 11 member of tl .l.Visaw thn situution of affairs that the! family was in ignorance, of the true d, hinder ol thu man thut hail iiecoine House : ,.,,,, 1,, I, I,., In ilm kindness IJfip drfrtiSftutati. under separate items in the anniiul liiiuiiciul accounts, us nuthorii'.cd hy law. It also provides thut the board of directors or controllers of every dmlricl shall, alter thu close of tho cur- ions ol the ; me trno niwiiiwii'ss 01 mo .' ...i.u, .ujm, .urM, ... i iw,,.b.,.. drwa-d ,, wt, ,1 Ji aine lor. Kinh-.V V Joiing wile, wo- giuiiing ol the next schisil term, udopt . 1 uri ll..uir l i i.r6.i((, ... " " I inuiilike, stuck to bun and tvlusod to u uniloi m senos ol hcIkhiI Isxiks ill all llo.r.d.), Marrh lt. Intr, """ ' 1 ho combined, and the whole lanilly the studies pursued in thu schools ol ;t I o el. rk 1. .i.l.u lal I 111,- 111, r.u.l...fl I.M-IK M tl- I, 11-11 IIIKlUri 1 VI I' m I HI l II II MP I, III 111 1 Mil , ' n . . m."....- -' - of llepicsei,tntives, liuni Florida, made ol his heurt, dill not lay hnru to tliiin the loiioviing ninicsi 1011111" nirrulily ; l the I'hoidu Hoard, on I In- floor id the Monthly : ' j Mr. OMPIIkft (lllllir 4I.K., t RiiMDi'H ol ID 1 r-lr l tho Orphnn' l'uu I', iloiroiu. l.irornohl .otoj. ho uiiiHl(a,..i Ad,nioi,.L i tl. rii ,.r .im Mii.,,1... . .. I , ill Ibol vOiloiO ltMi uf i l .l oo... 1. ,iu, ,. (1 ; m null $1,500; Journal Clorka from 11,500 to posing tho decision ol tho Electoral 91,000; Heading Clerks to (1,000, Transcribing Clerks from 1800 to $700 ; Sergeant-nt-Arma front 1800 to 1700; Assistants from 1800 to 1500; Post masters tram 1800 to ItiOO ; Assistants Commission, gave still another which is worth repenting, as it appears in the Record. Ho said : o ollured to prove a tu o,i ,io .,r 111 -io ii i-Dii to dcliiiii, ilm n. I luid lulu- iiiMimiiiti-il liiniHi'lt' iiiln their! or seru-s of books, and liolio other. . .... i.. t.., ,. ."""i"!! ground, thus ulludes to the aged Sena-! H)ll t,( ( ilu ',,i i,u Co uileu I'p j u I grneesund coiilldi nco. Tlie linn-1 sliull lie coiiliuued in use by the hoard '. im lioiM Mom., , iim sons Uy uu.l.w v" tor's exploits at tho National t'ujiilul, i to that lime no interest whatever hud ily imo whii-h Kiuley inurned was ol directors or controllers of sunt "l"', "'11! where it seeniK they he has becli'lisilmg' been lulten in the deluili), hut when it j Unit of it will-to do respeiluhle tanner, ! m-IkmiIs, liir and during a term of tiv bl ,.j, j, " ,,i..i ti i;i,,r I.. .,! became cvnlcnt thut he liuoiv.l the , m ol w hnui had pmbnblv been over, j ears, und thereallur sliull nvl ho ! i-o i"" vr, ., .l u.i, , , ho ,.'"'' " ' ' ..l i' fl i..i-ii- ,l...,l...-,ii.. ' ,1. I I I,,.i mih-Ii u , I'liiint'i'il in H l,l.i uf iiiii'I miiri, iIihii ' bro.,u Hi llitv-binr llij at lb iiu,. u, L ' V ,m -ii',mi(i j in ,n ..." - - -- i i - Umh " I in. i Til, I. -ii i-l, i liiiH dull' t heieil. Ilm : liimilc as could hu hummed uiiou III oin o III every livu vcuis. ... i,.- . ........ . . ..i-i .... i ... i i-i , .1 . ' . ' . - . i... .. . ' ... . .. . i , ,. ---r-""-'-- - iwo.r..,, " 1 lli ro nun oeeu Ol luiu.sut nontii. I 1 1,. .,,,..,. i i,. ,l., ..,,1 l,.-i-,., anMinil . Il-wr .liUlIV-f -urt" . J. l."1-!tt.ilS.'. lAJ'U.'lV.'S.-lWl-rC'.JV.W M!V Mtm-V.tW ' 1 - . -i "oil ill. I Ilm 111 Uiui.'liHi. il.lll. Iliu I llilull ulhi liniliif Ullllil-ll. IicWUlO IIOIV oil uiijllil ol uuicioii, II limn Ulna 1,1 ... - , , , - Simon bus long hei led lor Hie ,.,., t,,. .; .i n , gully i lei-lcd in ; IriiKtund enter into ndations with in-1 shall cause a more Ireipient change in lI..rn.L.-oiio ibndib. jr.n.,.',"' dexterity with which hu picks il'p' Flurnlu und that the uclimi'iif lhei-an-'leresiinir slraliL'ers. It is safest and ' si hool b.s.ks than that named in tho "i"" o.,i ,aiiw. of . ,.,, ' things thill havo not been previously;.........,, I.,,...! .... humi-iiiiuIouh und liei.1 ahem In laku the neieiwarv lime act, or aceeils any compensation what- i"'' ". . "' ...V:T.. ". '" ' lion says : "Thero dropped, und lor tho liirlivo aleilnens: unuJiilenl, with which he finds tliluus which lliel m, I', ,,,.,,, Ki,l I lli,,l n,,i in, i il ,,-r,,- i ii.clvi-.l in thu ninl fraud ; wo i rightful owner bus not lost ; but thisjul,,(.,.mlu ooikiiiiiiiiiv to slute. from Iter, muko the 'young ones' wait '"i"l tn4 woro denied the right to do so. "'iU the tirsl time, says Junes,! ever; Was Claims, We learn from (he Journal that the balance of thu Pennsylvania claims will be paid. Hu has Hcurvd the servico of Mr. Wells, un attorney of ability in Washington, to push the matter through tho depart ments and havo the claim settled. The State is entitled to about ?200,0il0 balance." Well, that may bo so ; hut it will he re membered thut (iov. llartranfl and Dill Kemhlo, (of silvneo and division notoriety) about ten years ago gave a commission to one (icorgcO. Evans to go to asbingtou on this mure errand. Evans got $31)0,000, which bo divided Tho Atlas Hotel building, on Elm Wl,n ""' 'l .,, i'orney(.',niMj, avenue, near tho CentenniaUiroundsJ111111 l,"'t ,l10 lnec ; but not one Philadelphia, will bo removed to Sea:Ul,llarl'vl'rlvlll;"cu l""""" treasury ii. v iiu-ii Iciiiiivlii-iini. trim. Ilm ciilnli. I n u liilic II' fhilwill hot. fin It. and II,.,.,.. !.,. , J ' ". " - - ....j . . . - - - from HHII0 m S"i00 Pastei-s and Kohl I r ,, "v" ' i' ' ' lion ol tlie I'risi.ieiiiiai volo in my run aw ay, lei tne lauit rest iiHm tncin, iioni eo u io juu , i nsiei u u , tM W(l( (.lirru.)ty 1 bm was convertible a security or in-nego-! iSia' t.,.t.nilllK wwu H iiitn-li is in-:und not upon thu carelessness or in- erafi-om ?b00 to t00 ; Janitors Irom lv.lUsod. Hut the truth cannot all bo llmblo a cnf in aelion u the allections, ..ul..i ;.. 111,s1,l,.r.luli11 u,l ,.,,. !,liH',.n cU ol the narents." ol a leuiaie. it is lery sun. ji i inverse. T iu (mill lean ourlv in our Slate, wilh ull its dissensions healed, llh llio whole nuicbinery of the gtiOO to 1 100. I Uo liotundu Doorkwp- concealed. Uuo ol tuo persons cent-1 0 a leuiaie. It is very sail. lliciu i era and two Messonirers aro abolished. I '!f the Lommission to no a law un breach 0 promise suit recently lymoiiit jj. I n 1 ... ..i- . I. t... ... ..I Ll...i.L . 1. I'U., ' .. . i i li: I.. II... i i'ho aggregate reduction is about Vr ., ulB,l?.l",u " ' --,)''i tne.veuerui 0..n...i o, un., n ' II Pmiri.n 'lliKni In M l-ill'fll-il III II 1 (tl I I , u I... - ..I 1 Li u n II u,.- o.r, ! lb b.iUi.0 in I i to lind out something about them, and j ever, either direct or indirect Irmn ,,,, ,,,,. .,.,. piiniisuers in imoKa or incir ai;eniK, or i m in n ui.Viis. violates any of ils provision!.-, sliull ho i ""' ' - guilty ol a uiimleiiieanor, und after ' inl-'H r I'HiK i.ahaiiiin. lolivictinii thereof, shull be sentenced : , ,... , ' ,,, i I b, Una. 0. A. XIYKR. Ttnii,,, ' PJ i.ui"n . ii, un-. , j,,,!,,, r lli. Cuiirt ol Coaaoa I'U.i , that he bo deprived of bis ollice, and iibo Tai; brib Jmliciol l)i,inri, rBr,j rf 000. Mr. Sherwood was a member twenty yean ago when tbo members and ofll cors received loss than on half of what they pockot now. Simon Movinu. A llarrisburg cor- it.wi.l..i. nl' tl.ii i,nv,'.uH , - 1 iv,'i"iimv,i, vi luwiimii, niiKi min bujo. "(lovernor Hurtrniift saya I ' , .. , .. ,, . . . . ., , ,. , . I "Humor has it that i! Hayes is elected, ol tho Pennsylvania war , ,, , fiim tho reports ol tho Supremo Court of tho State which shows him to bo a convicted Irion. In the fourteenth vol Mute uiivcniim-ht in its bunds, went my purpose to statu the luels, says, ,, lllu a, (.nmjmj,, delvrmincd to Jones, audi l,oie in so doing 1 miiy w U1K Wllu w ru1,llri.ei, anj both vindicate thuiiilureiillv iinoioriied ir,i. ,,.,,,,.i...i ,,i. i ;.. .1. ........... umu of these re(vorls 1 find tho case of jchaslify of the venorablo '.Simon ami ,1U .., ( ,mr voters, did ull It tho Slato of I'lorida against Pearco. i)uur halm 1111011 the lacerated heurt I 1.1 ,, ,ii.,v.. .,.,-1, ,, ..'i.,l Pi.. Tho indictment sets lorlh "thut Cbus. ,trings of tho complainunt. 1 olisei vuj h,,l,,.l. ttI ,u lot-dinotion wore en- joyed Io the fuileMt e.Miriil by speakers repeals ull acts or parts of acts iiieon- ;;n t'lr.ld, imro .t,d rmi. . . . -.1 . - 'BOO lluB ABII.IH OIIIII.B OBd HliS. Vtltl, t It Bitent with its provisions. - , 4MW.W jtw-jwa, ,t .- .." !.""' MIlOIIIU tills lllll IlCCOmO a IUW UIOSC , " i""oo mi, -ot-o,i,io no airrim. l.riti ,- 1 . , -.ii , .. ; bnldiiig f b Curt uf CommiiB I'Ii-m, Ori hini' directors who have liven in tho habit cmin. iwi of Ouon.r s.,inr,. r,,,,,,,,' II. Peareo. colored, a ininistor of tho Ciospol and a Senator representing tho eighth district in thu Senate of tho State of Florida." on tho fourth of Feh- Thk Radical Standard Keakiks. Judaa Iscariot, Benedict Arnold, J. Madison Wolls, and Judges Bradley and Strong. And yol, Vnivorsalists claim there is no use for a holf. How preposterous ! An exchange says : "Tho first clo phant born in America, put in an ap pearance at Forcpatigh'g circus inGer mantown early last Friday morning. nuin it .ftnlil wnlU nml wna niirh.l a : I t.:..l. 11 I and Hon. J. Donald Cninoron does notiruary, 1870, during tho pendency bo go into the United State. Treasury ''"j-8 th, !Iuu"u f Assembly of a rcso ,, . ... ' lution to impeach tho (.ovornor of high Department, or retain his present port- crimM kJ misdemeanors wilh the folio, his father will resign, and huj intunt of feloniously influencing tho (J. D. C.) be elected at tho proaentvoto of a member, offered and promis Bcssion to fill the vacant place in tho d !'' 500. Ho was convicted by a 1 : 1 1.:. l... tniled States Senate. Then again, ,f J-'J - "I "" ir , . , 6 promo Court ol thu Stuto the ludg lavus docsnot bocome I'rosident. that' ' , m 1 n.i . muni was uiiirmeu. i nui smn, 11 n donrtl convii, gave the one role which will itvt llttyrs, if elriinl at nil, to the Preti dint till oflice. Grove during tho Spring and thero bo started as a watering place hostlery during the coming season. "Wo have Iho law and ovidenco on our side," says the Hon. Jero. Black, "but tho other fellows have the Com U" Tbo Chicago Tnixrs is of the opinion that Jero. has stumbled upon an ex ceedingly compact statement of a inol ancholy truth. "Wells' villainy," says tho Jloston Post, "may well be styled tho Centen nial shamo of tho American people." Hardly thnt, cither; rather, tho crown ing infamy of tho Republican party. m)' Besides, Evans was murdered by his confederates, who, like thoso on a for mcroccasion divided the raiment, divid ed the cash. Wells had better secure a lifo insurance policy in a safe com pany before bo under hikes his "addi tion, division nnd silence" job. We hope It's not J. Madison Wells, who is now coullned in the baienn'iit of the Capitol, lor forgery, bribery and per jury, lie is a model lis dical, and w hat ever cash falls into his hands will never reach tbe Treasury.' Murk ihe prediction. , . , , ll VIIIU VOIIII, Ul LIIU ClllllV bin Hayos docsnot become President, that ;. wa, ftnirmcd. That man the lather will certainly resign to make way lor the son, and that the olection of the latter is assured. And then a third rumor soya the Hon. Simon Cam eron will resign anyhow, whether his son remains in the Cabinet or not, and with iulinito disi'iisl and ivpcl w ith abiding disdain the menu iiixiiioiition ol that I'udo miner. Joins of Nevada, . 1 ho is no relative ol mine, says our Jones,) to thu tilled that the veueiulilu Simon could plead his own great age in liar to the complaint. If himoii puis 111 sueli un unseiiulor- ial plea 1 shall volunteer as counsel lor llio plaintiff, and bring in liaiiilin, Howe, MciTinioii, Cbristiancy, Mo' Ion und a dor.enjutlier solemn old .Senatorial pumps to swear that thero is absolute ly no limit this side ol tbo grave at which a iS'liulor is supposcr! to hu lu gully incupuhle of lacerating tho leniule utl ,.)( j Wlll.llt ClIANPLKR lUlsr.D His Cami'Aion Fund. The political bank oiwtiini.l nt l.a i 'l,u i ruin 11 nf tl,A a. thus a Senatorial contest is promised. i ,. r -.. i i .. . 1 Itional Ilcpubbcan Committoo, which VTOvviin'i 11111 kinuiv D iiniuv in iiiuiiiiuu i , . cd romincntly in case Don Cameron is not in tho field, and Robert M. Muckey is also spoken of. Tho sug gestion ol these names comes, of course, from that element of the party that is trained to obey orders. Tiir. Assassin. The crazy fellow, Welilon, who attempted to ussussinnta tho notoi ions would-be Governor, Pack ard, nt New Orleans, a week ago, turns out to be the son of a Lutheran clergy- j man, of high character, residing in : Philadelphia, who states that his son , has been residing in Mobile, Alabama, ! SimtM.tN.-The Harrisbnrg ;,i?n'f!,,inw last October, and that ba never John Sherman is tliu only man ! ,,H" un.v i" politics, ilm at- ThnAm.,l,..n,,,lh.rl,.,lnh,l who over alle.nptod uii honest explaiun'rt ' " '" " H.vcs "butty in tbo roguery 1 ,ion of 1,10 nam" wllJ thl' i;,ur knaves! w out Pur crar.incss, siipcrinduc ..S lor the Returning Board did not up-i1'1' by excessive drinking, und know- I'rom Alphonso Tail's annual report I point a fifth meniher. Sherman saysj'"S ir"m porsonal experience "by bo is gleunod the interesting information it was because they could not ujrreo, inf? n the ground" of the hugo frauds that the country has recently paid on tbo man. This Is remui liable con-! perpetrated by Wolls, Packard Co., $750 for a portrait of Lamlaulct Wil-1 sideling the harmony w hieh prevailed ' he' ui" "nt't'l '' felt o though lianw, which is intended to adorn thu in tho hoard when it camo to tbe il WM ''' l,uly 10 ril1 the State ot nt department of iustiee. A rare lfiracv ! fraudulent work ol reieelinir ten thou- i ll'ust ono notorious roguo. Men who has been in tho hands ol tho House Committoo on powers and privileges, has not yet been mndo public, and pos sibly will not be. It shows that tho largest contribution to the campaign fund was 120,000 from Jay Gould, and that the largest single remittance to tho Committee, camo from its Massa chusetts member (Mr. Hour), and amounted to over 125,000. Tho amount of money collected from tho depart ment clerks here does not up pear, but is behoved to exceed (50,000 DEATH OF .1011 X OMA.imXEY. THE FKSIA& tt.Auv.U. .. I IV t l..l4 ttwl P.llM.lfl I i ' '. .,Cl,.ii,H..',ioie,la hirne of reviving compensation from p,,,. I d T"in.r. .od curt ol ur.,.i j.ii -, . . t o'7'Oi mi no" IK'OOOBI IvorBoia.lBoa.l f.,,11,1 shiiro of public ultvnlioit some ten lishers in coiiMileration ol their ser- j p,iuli uf cimrnriii.eiaiuiiDrinii un ih-1 im vcui-s airo. ami woo mod in now in ,aM ,,, ,! ,i fy,y,.j " " books, will find tiieiimelves standing obd u, CMiitlnuo Iwowook. NOTICK IS, tberoloro, brrobv Kivpn. t,-lot i i ... .i i n .1 curubor, jb'IIOwo ot tbo ronoo, and l.oiiti,iM on slippery ground ll they lollow tho ,.,, for ..,.,.,,., .u. I Wo presume Unit alter ""'' ooroono, nb ihon itiurd, lull,, tlie hook IS UlTllllged thu next ! kr.iiooo. lu do Ibu.o Iblnin whit-h luihrit uSf,. in great poverty on tho ni,;ht of the lith ull., wus horn in Cork county, Ire liim I. shout 1K20. and beloueroii to a revolutionary family, his father and ! old business. bis uncles being implicated in the ris inie of 17118. and barely escaped hang- imi,f',,i..m.i,i w ill l, m hill i,,i,r, l, d io iboit bobi(,iti.m w bo dour itof therefor AUer receivinif his edu- . , , . ! " m Aoi uf Ai-mbi,v, u.d n,t. nh d.j t lllg lliereior. . nun mini n ui. t I H huts. 1 .1 ill ml M ami i- ot hllnr lor 1 M.v. A. 11. IHI. It , n..l. ih. H,. ..i ,1.. !... at I runty College, Dulilin, he! " ,t, , lh, ,.mo. of lh, ,, , ,,, und uiauugem of both sides and nt no tnnu diiriiiglhu cuiupaign or Iroiu any ioiiiou ol the Stale camo up any ury of iiilimidation, wilh one or two minor exceptions. It was without exception ii .1 i r,,i ..i.i..ii,... i, ..i. i i thehlale, and not uuo cuso of violence listed in the unsuccessful Young Irish ' sense and equity in purchasing cloth- Com; ' o,'."., so..ii.n. ., th. ro.uwi,. , . . , , . . j i r. , I ; . , . , , it ., t OUUBIU, .11 III. n-C-'BUilOlinOO l-DllTl-d lbt.1 lfi.r. or dilurhaiiee on i lcrtion day has movement or that year, led by hiniln i lug for tho children us bowks, f he ' ,i,cni t mny ,.,, r ,,0, on.r-u nb n, coinn lip inv knowledge. It aouiuod 'O'Hriou. Voting O'Maboney bad in- L,,.,, j. nsseiit ial as the other. i '"i r J ""'. oiw,t .ucb . cation vim, mimv ..i w..., - :.l ...l 'l-i : . .i licet oi ino I aooo ot ino M.i-rai cuuotirf ul itti, removed to Tippurury, and in l84Sen.ho P"!"1"' 1 h,, ' J"8'' " "'"nM...nk, u. ro,.,r. ,.. thu cm ot ,., the peculiar privilege of thu Republi cs, im to w in under all these udvuutugo ous eiautiinluuees ; but, il is a luet which 1 cuu not stand upon ill in Ihsir anil deny atei whicli every man woman, in my Statu knows, that I'loriilu wus lost by thu Kepublicuii party in the lulu election and thut thu lleinoerulie Governor und 'J'lldeii elect ors were truly elected. 1 uiuke this dechiriilion now under the most solemn sense ol public duty und from an irre. iililile liehng ol nbhgutloii to the vunurahlu Simon can t write; and in support of this theory Governor Hurt rault v ill bo put on thu stund to swear bis luvorito uulh that Don has all tlie (jn0 j oducatioii ol the Cameron family, I i.... i. r.. am mm ......... i ....... i.i . I wuuo mo venoruuie ,-umoii uus uii me vuvi. mi f'i Hog iii.'iv iiui uum atl'oeliuns. Hu'. 1 don't believo Siuion will put ill any such plea; I presume bis ueieuse will bo bused upon other points. The first point of Simon's 'le lense will ho a plea in abatement of' damages. He will show, says Jones, i that, hud he married her, Mrs. Oliver must liavu neeomu tne step iiiollier ol , m.llJ)lB lnv s,utu wllu ,luv right of his Son Don a plea which, in the tll X(K,1.1 Ul-.a however purlisun their eyes ol uny intelligent jury, would n pnwiitalivu may he in Ins political muko a big hole in a t luim ol J.'iO.miO ,ullU. ho should ut leant un u question in tho nuture ol set oir. , jur,.l,i,0 luct, bo an bonesl man, Hut, Tho deten-o against the amatory ;- J woi,j lmt be understood in inuk notes which -Mi's. Oliver is said to bnu! ,h(; Oeclurulion as laying claim to in her possession, written by tho vin llhUBUll ,,. honesiy or erablo Senator, will doubtless bo to set ; eoim ienco. but I mile utl mv knowl. upaBaiKiiWthoiiiiloriouslaetlhut , cilou ol tho fuels. 1 love the prinei. fluuiico enough to draw urouud htm about 1,500 ol the peasuntry, who en camped on tbo Tipperary hills and inaiiitainvd their position for three weeks, till, being completely surround ed by tbe military, the futility of fur ther resistance became apparent, nnd nniiiik. bv il.ut il,, n, un.) lltt-v oiiii.tle ilisnrnu'il. i Y MmIwiiici- i 1.1 . I' .... , ., ..j .1 , . WlllIU vvi uiiub inuii in mil vioiiii. timi Mitio ui ihm iiu' m-niiLMi io .. ior iuiim(.e .aid ho ."l iu (Jovernor ut' Kentucky, in u ivui iuun, Nuw, ' "WHO IH (ifcKATIU THAN bttANT." A uiilliMimn uiiUci tuuk JuM iSunduy to (ii livcr u lecture bulore it cvrtuiu S u inlay Hi UimA. Altur tho i hiliJicn u t-ru ul lured tclnru him hu lcmi hin mny bweiitltjJ bclorr Jtutlft uf the !'(, gn- dr rtinnmg lw, t lenat ! dy b-fi-ro lb OHUI til Dl-r sunlit tt Itltt U4i(B ut tlie Cotlfl to wbiph tliry tr uik1 rlurriHblt-n-iW(.-lirly,4nJ in all e4 nbrm uy n-f"j(iiiiiDct art- t-nturrl iiilo iIibii U n dr) tffo c Mi tHiumitjiiCfiufu, tit tb MTPriiii tu wiich tuvy an HiJ rrlnrn. hie, liir ft4 Jaiic ra U return tbe fiue ig III- BottLi oiuDBSr a il raid art faa-i n-it bun Kruiico. uml allor rL-Hidini? thtiro hix . Jvoui-h, ho rniimlvtl to thin country, j u nfJuU wt,0 hti ovi-r muii lh Uov. tiVb.N aniirr njr band at CIr6rM, it ii :iUt ftjr Ol Jm uitrv, id Hi )rf tI war btrl, obi tlKtUpand clglit bno'irrj anil n rint y -s-kvi n. jan .il-ia AsMiHKW HKN I'., y . Sh-nff. r itni tho urnoNuri iirnJ utnvr net-rot Cli Ktj.ti.i-kY. mumI uii' Ht-vtii ihil-: wKiotiim ol tbo Continent he loimieil i a,OM. . Hui.M l(0 continuiMlJ uixuliiiauitf ictrel po- ..(lurtf js vVvtl A iuuit.r n,uu thu), the , V ;rhj ,rf h at '.n'm. u.VM t M t "tttof ih arl ot Vo inmua rloii cf licif. he lint into , (l()V.'i-iiiir of K.-i.Mi.kv. Thut inun in riVNili:tit ol the I inlrU Slulea. UoW the urt of litirul lnnlit'H, which .rH in o in thm country. In eonjiiwe lion with Coixomii uml IJoheiiy. lie worked quietly lor several yearn in or piiiir.inif the l'Vniun ilrotlierh(Hd, h Iih-Ii Himlly mnitned nut h niMir lion thut il held u convetitiim in Chi rutfo in l8tJ. Tho ureiit Htniith u hiih m llieru exliilnU'il, together h ilh ,,u u hum I ho Ufc t V tlucliiiutiou ul lu inciiiles inih-; ,)... ..,,,.. i l.iri. i:. ...... i... ;.... l. ;..,.)... .IrMii-u "V lllu nun t iiiiiiu, uii ihu onthiiHittHiii ot thv Irmh rcHidin SheriiTs Sale. for the generations yet to come. sand voles. It is observed that none ' trample all law and personal rights .... . i of tho Republican orutors bclorc tho It is only by a trick or a technical!. Commisl,ioll ,mve lnu,0 Any f ty that Uayes can become President. , t,10 b(ml,, in tilif, tvn.Hul to fonii.1t.-te LiUoarecoivorolstolengoods,bocouldtlc , mclnl)P11(. Tlll) ,ttW say tbat others, not he, did tho steal-! ing. And there aro many of those who1 supported him who would throw up their bats and rejoice at the triumph of lrand. was directory, they say, and tbo board was not obliged to appoint a tiftb member. A filth member would havo put on thu hoard a vigilant spy upon under foot, aro always in joopardy when crar.y people are about bruins. 1 don't think these documents ! it over to tho Ohio Slate Republican Committee, by whom it was used, "(Jukss Wohk." "M. I'. U." Ufir 3uY(rttsrmrnts. pliSol the I !i in I lu u ii party and liir Ilivir suite havo been singed hy Ihu lires of uiurti I'doiu und 1 hi-licvu in the ultiiinuu triumph of ils mission, i m this country. Men and money how- but 1 cuiniol return lu my Slale und , e I in a constant stream, and at the look my constituents in tho luce, il'jclnso of 1803, tho Brotherhood nuin I- .1 rt I ., I... ....I ......V -lllll llllll ........ I... H u-I... ....... to Ciovornor Hayes,' order, who passed .; ,,' j im wl,h (,(,vicilli, n.. i " vhZ ,"" .li aim- i iribuled so" lilrally that the annual bultul. vnlltted to liiunv the whole revenue ol Iho organization was then (.; i p 7j KOrEIMRS Tim bud llll-k ll'hil-ll liUH lii(ii il'li 1 ...... i .1 . tl.. . . ...In, il t 11.10 llH.! 1ilil,irt !l . irum villi fining Ull iiuiii-i niia I I mv v. Simon of lute, says Jones, is enough io i,i,., ,i,i i,,,. i .,,i, .i,, ,,,!, r,.,,, t... i imnies were rain-d, balls and pic- thoimovo even the heart ol t'ol. Forney to ! ,.w,ioii..ihiiitv of doio ' iuliee to mv i nils were givi n, and ull went on Washington corresmindentof the I'liil-I l"l'' TU,:re iu1 "I'"" Lu lul'""-v 1 Statu and defendinu her honest politi- swimmingly, fhe am-st of the leaders adelnbin r,in wiitin.f niiiUir dale ol 1 colk't'""1 hL'rd "' lulllu ,lum th',j eul victory uguiimi wilful perveiKion of the movement in Ireland in IWd . T . K ,. ' I '"'' the mounliiins nn 1 thei,,, tt ( . 1 . t (?-1. . .t .ot ..lid uii'eriipuloui'nly gace fiv-b impetus to the llroth tho 12lh inst., says that Mr. Morrison, dL. of reniisjlvuniu, suys Jones, and uSllllu t.nVu,11 ,iu-d. Should my Icrhood here. John O'Muhoiiey had of St. Louis, brothor of the Chairman! sent them to market ut ('imiiniiiti iii,.,,ii , ... ,i,TH n.m.ii iniroilniu u been confirmed iu iho leadership bv ivnohaioii here dei luriiig that tlie St. ' the Chicago Conventioii, and the Mot Johns liver bud itsriKo in the southern i 'at mansion, on Kast Seventh street. noili.iii Id' oiirSlate. (loued northward i-ew 1 ork, was lured Io serve linn as H.lri eoiiDIv. Olid to aia diroot.ri, will h. fltrn.,1 tu PCHI.IO SAI.K. Bl tbo Court H-idm. many ot you have eell tbo I'residelll ' ia lh. bur-onb tf Cloorfli-is, on tl'Hue l ir. ut of the I' inletl Stutv. r Two children ) 'Y,"' "' ""V , ' ' . . til ' iMitowing dewnbet rami ettit, to we: aroi-c. ".Now, Ibe sp.akeri.r.K.ev.U-d,! , q. r,ain Io: r pioooof (run 1 .itutt- ir lirri. dropping his voice io a solemn key, , wr ,.D,ni,,t cioailloM o-.oinv. . u 0I 'I here io si inie one evi-n gn-alertliau the 1 S.-n-ntud an l.,ll,i : A-einotng m .r a-v llio I'lVHiili-lil nl Ihe f -itni Slulis. t)! Kn. lr,i,H..i lh. lis. SinSioa lb. I..1, ( I..,, ,. ' i ninpa i."iu I iue'- nunn rai . uur (r iin UtiUli ! II all U i tht dr-a at rl.t iiir in aaitt i.i l r.,i.; n,-Bt.N d out i iltlull. Til- to fert (tirniiikc ;i0 rwrl , th. cc alun t in k-ii " und thfti vwr ImhIy Kiioh d. nnd ' ,oniMk" 10 '" f1- ' x'o..u,rf, .i,,i,,. ' . . i i i . .i hid two af aire wr it bwini a ii4ft ol i u ariliiinl-rl fluhii nmittlel l the ; ,.tf(1.rtriM.,0, inii whiet)( b niry ...vrvom, totitH ot lllu Kctunr'n huir. LouiV'l(f 1 twm ri,t.d in J.ut l-hilip kn-btrj Courier-Jwmtt. hT leJ Aiini. a i. ' ' 1 Mi 8, raronlel at 'ir.IM l, la Ur.l U. D , lmti 4, ., nitivei e-l the Mioa t Jta t C. ( H llitaio, wtm, it n-i k n wfti t "R back f un) Urrd, i(nO1 27ib Keh. A I 1(115, rvrord-.. .1 1 i laarfkiit. iu I), rtl bKlt 1. 1 . p uf AM, A", i-nn. ( vfioiI the mi - to Aitraliain Humptirrj i. ScircJ, i it hi n in t itt-atiimi and i ba m'.l tbe pr I'tTir .J , LUMHKR CITT, PA. The urtiti-riiimM anflirunne tA hf alil fricni anil intrnu I ha r bo hut '(rned a KmvI lioa l OHorKKIKS A PKOVI.-IONH al the olil itati.) ot Kirk A St'norr, for wbich b arilicitf a Itlwral ntrttaei H. W. SPKNCEK. 1 believu tin1 1 .f F. li. of the Wil v and Ml-uiih Committoo oil charge of his Son Don. of the House, telegraphed to tbo latter I ut,rd t l4!d . m ,V' lvttl"a ,lcl ... i . r. i I nation to tho ltipiibheaii convention on mo onj previous mat man) oi moj..,, jum.s. And now Hohiiison.who is .... ,i,,.,l, .. ,,.;i I ..m.... I i,. anexecutive lieudiiiiarlers.aiid Fenian- ' C. W. 8,.i,h.. H,d .1 a politician, tells mo, saya Jones, that ; i (, Atlnntic ocean, I would ' i-m swiftly reached ils highest tide- j j'ko r ni Simon jst money on these cattle. At ,e compelled IDsnppoi t thcalllnuiitlvo,'niark. Tho surroundings of "Prcsi. W b. Vlioi. best lawyers believed tbo Florida do- cision was sound and that it would not impair Mr. Tilden's case in Louisiana, which was sure of success. The Con- Ananias' Successor KiLLniin. iKre"H'i replied bytelograph: "That Among all tho liars wbo have come to the snrfuoo in connection with the Louisiana uleclion it Is intlood rwfro.,1. ing, as tbo Philadelphia Tuiii'4 well re marks, to find ono man wbo can speak is all very Well, but when tho seven spot can beat tbo eight, I shall feel a Bond ih-nl muro boneful." This shows how two brothers viewed tho situation. All Bi-rfnB in.lehtod to tho clot. I Millor, or nofiltod that ihrr vjutt . c.ll and ooilt. arcooDU witliout iloUy.'nnd : all tho. h.vlof el.i'iii, Iho Mid ' oro miui-loil tu iroont Iho .iibo dal.T Bothi-oil. , cut, il. Tho .,m, 1 of ll-o .!-) ro at iho ' trool. SMITH. ) IV. Trstccl. Kit. I nt.rt.UI. bVi..H. 187 7 41, ' . I, .... Uv """ "'i """ i ivoiiiu Know tne siini'tneni i bummer, when Hayes waa nomiiiuted , i.j,,, Krsoi,ullv aeipiaintiv and Pennsylvania got left, exclaim in j no,,,,,-,,.,!,,-of the country. -pv'""01 UTIIIN OKPANTNI-'.HMIIII.. XJ Th. i.itBfrhiBhorolof.,r. existing botwooo share ol their booty. Either of these fitmiirtitnn or Khrllnhiiri'iT hi'lorn I hi . . . ! O f llrand uml tl,A whn a mhimm, Milan CcmmiHKiou. . . 4 , .. A Dozer. One ol our exchanges ; nBV0 ttddoJ- " h8 wul1 know from hi ClIBIflTIAN HTATESMANSnir. Wells nnly sold out one State, but lirudley and Strong sold tho Union. Tho latter two havo labored for years to put "Ood in tho Constitution," while the former hourly blasphemed liim. Yot, on counting Board, these modol States men work to each others band. riiinno tliA iiB.t. fnptniirhf tho) Kl-in I !!.,...,. .1.1.. 1-, ; Railroad Company ha. carried ovcHt8j'at.on ,0 tne ...cciora, v ommission ,aw, roadovoroneh.lndrcdandtwcntyflvo;""';ll"u,"", uuiiviviiiu jit ji 111iitiifi, 11110 uiiviiiivcii a perfectly novel and unique claim, viz : that tho law is "retroactivo," nnd be wants the United States Supreme Court to "pronounce w ithout delay as 1 to tho constitutionality of tho bill, their secret proceedings, or it would:.. ... . . . , . ..... , ', , b' , , 1 the truth. It it not habitual with Kel havo compelled them to iiiako another 1 1 , , . .. . ... ' . .1.-1 r 1 '"US' D"l "a can " ' when he tries. Wells' KytALs. That infamous National scoundrel, J. Madison Wolls, head centre of tho Louisiana Return- all evouLs, suvb Jones, Itobiuson tells : . 1.,, ,v.,,lioi,,n Im- tl,n ri aHiin thut I iiient" O Muhoiiev were brilliant uml mo ho heard a noted Philadelphia 1 . i.t knnw tlie kimI.,mi.-i,i to bn inn' iutlraetivu for a short time. Hut he vl with tho ' fore long dissensions sprang up 111 the tt-v Tlii.M.forn feiiian ranks, and 111 lKlid. alter a con-i ri'wolt A Miirc.a in the hardware tmioo. i. I.ld u'l..,i..l. I .n.l..'. u;....... ' v. 1 J r J .. . ' 1...1.1 V v.. ..1. t... ........ tot. da. diolvid by siamal coo.ont. Tho lmi- u.o i-i. " '"" "'"" 1 ; Im' like reason am I compeiien to give .inuon i...u 1 .. . . , ( mi mu ntliaclti ,. ,b, ,,, ,Una run tuoiuiug uuuseii : iiisa mura is 1 Ilw,,.t ,0 but declaration that nave tmn 01 1110 itroiiicriioou, unuer m. 1 b. wmuai I'oo.ll. Tho b .r,k. of tha Ui. llrai i wortn more llitin all pun s eiiieation : - A11U now, tuysjoues, Mrs. Uliv wauls 5O,00O lor her blighted all' lions. At this rate tbo old man soon bo dead broko, and then whiilt.llsl nlv0 not ,irf,v., to be in vain," chaos, tho money had melted uway t A. lluiiiiilir-. Al. s orrloia In i.-lory fraioo h.,ua 1 4 1 34 frit, ia Ih. tuwn of St.rltnj. Ciorn.lJ l-Obuly. I'a., o lot SOtt.'.O I'rtl, toiun.lrd r.jr Sill .Inoi. .M.rlil. alio., I'.dir all-. . and ll No. S.".'. SVtwd. l.kra ia rtioulioa aad Io b. .nld u Ihe pri,o.t. ut A. W. Il.ri,r. SI..I, a ono and a -bolf Hitrr homo of huil.iirg 21 li-ot Irimi ood IS l.,-i diop, it i a iUn uuilii iiilt w-tb lol an edrl,l.,fro Bipurwauit tbi-rrlo, .ilu.l.- in tin. iKirxnli l 0-,iL, '.n Stuno ilim, MiUlidl irti Iho Brtll II. Trott.YBlB. .ItWt, "0 On- i.l .j Edoatd All.y.oa tbi-foalli hi .- No. t '.'.'. .V ild, Ink.. iBOkorali n nd lo bv .old at ih. r..ri uf fa.lor, owoor, aad .nn I. Cull-, ouDlra'rlor. Tun., op Kii.B.tlie firio. or bob. at hi.-h tho Br.,,rt. tli.ll bo -trunk off Bail bo .1 tin-1 line of Rttli-, or .ucb uthor btdibodU m.1. a. Bill bo ap,ruv,-d. otborwuo tbo proporl. Bill bo imuiedut.l. ,ut up and auld aaaiB al the oi lnoi aod rl'B til' taa poraoa ta whoa. It a.i liuck oS, .od Im, ia ear. of ilolieioBy at iBeh ra.,.i., .b.ll at:.ka aiMid lh mbib, and ia Bo I l.. ti ' in ituiC l,.l mn.lA iit.uii .tlii. rliMii- Yt llliinn It- ICobiirtii aupKratiM irom l oro la tho a.nii of Pow.ll, roroollitiun . " " , . p T ' er , ,1,., 'fii,!,.,, ..i.-.rt-. w. imlvCtil. O Maboncv. and lotinded that ! iti. o.nt aa.i .11 ih.ia- t -.. -.u f.,. , . . , , . , . J I . i- , i. i wlv. indhn-d will pli-aoB roll aod initio Iho- ii.,ir.,4i, electeil in ! lorida and thut bv "wavs i party which was allerwards ideiililied 1 ,,,.. ' u. huwki.i.. I bssiupp'b Ornt-a. I si,.nl. Willi, I,. i ,., ,lp. a...l .!..!.., l...t In il'.i. 1 writ Ii lliii f 'iinnil ill n mill. A I! IVHB now ri..tili.l I'.l. 17 'fT.11 WM V Hnu.iiv t-le.rSi-lii. P. Foil. 7. IS7J. . case havo not proved to bo in vain,' tho people ol the United States de-gusted with tho l enians, resiged bis will bocomo ol tuo Kcpublicin party wore these clei tors and a majority of and. in 1668, John O Maboney, dis- !in Pi'nnivk-iinil K,,..ll.... 1.....-...-.. . . '.'. ......I ...1.1. .1.. I.V...: . . .1 i:. reasons was good enough. U is queer! . .... P. . , , I1'1? B"ttrJi mUBt 1,8 rendered some- isn t to blame lor this. 1 am told, says! ,rall(K,, '011t f lilir ,! nwu Head Centreshipand retired to private tbat thev havo not been offered bv I that I ackard, the protended what comfortable since two members Jones, that Simon has been losing I vk.)rv, .Ml, plirmnll (M,.ril,.,i ,t life until 1872, when ho again consent- o.. i.. . h.,ii..K.... K..i ,i,,,l(;ornor' fraud, his Legislature a(of lne United Slates Retumin Board j mom'y other diroulionsi but these I k. ,,; ltHhr ; vMc, ,i10 t.. ed to assume the leadership of the skel- two aro cnougn. ton Jion coulil noli VBW) .M cofitiiM-ted nnd Charged that elon of tho once tormidoblo Fenian not have lost less , than S5,(J00 C'owKflt, member 'nl tho board, was body a leadership ho continued to by bis mis-management ot ihu cuttlul pt.r,,,mr consulted upon the fact of bold up to the time of his death. Dur at Cincinnati, which, added to 50,0lMI, ! ,-ralld i:ivii,g tK.,.n committed und hu ing tho rebellion O'Mohoiiey assistwl tons ot gunpowder, delivered at tbo National stock yards, at (intteiiborg, New Jersey, and intended for tbo Rus sian government. It is said that eight j more car loads aro to bo shipped. of the United States Returning Board j Hradlcy and Strong have endorsed hia crooked ways, and have shown to the world that theso two conloderute talks thus loosely about our Hellelontoolose. "wwwiation with tbe Louisiana j knaV(!. havo no moro r,.., Jur an namesako. Any now argument in r. i itutiirning UokixI, that Tildon honestly oalh or ,ho Constitution than Wolls ana iainy cameo, me otate oy aDoui! ,limHef hti We, hou,j ow he 8,000 majority and thnt Nicholls, the mado Uavc,. PriraU, St.croiai7i and iiemocruuo canoiuaio lor uovornor, Hfadley and Strong should bo mado was elected by 9,000 majority overj FOREIGN Ministers, after having vio Packard, who, as Kellogg says, is ai)atcl) , divie and uuman law in lrand. Advancc Patists. An exchange says: "The bank account of tho Ro- uso on this Continent. Our first page is tilled this week wilh rare miscellaneous reading mat- puhlicun campaign committee has been tor. A day in tho llouso at Harris- Bravlky and Strong run it. Thoso i sinco withoutsiicb adjudication il would numerous oo.u roosters, wu cn D. . ...., . . ' overhauled. The biggest single con. burg in tho shape of legislation as con- neon crowing so lustiiy ,or iiid-.oi. - Unbutton was from Jay (iould-20,- ducted by Radical officials will give the since tho November election dropped , dear, lh ,s too bad Here these caro- m wa, in addition to the a0. rea,kr ,J ini(lo Tiew of the nduul 'ymy?" , hive support of the New York Tribune, of our local statesmen. The promi . ' r. . . I.. . i , , . V l I One chock for 110,000 was mado pay- ncntindividualinthiadehato-Huhn- lor uayes, ailliougu tne iiiacn electors .r..iu...-u ... v.... ...u.e-j.,,. uo ., '""j ttb0 t0 ll)e ordur of Mr. Uaye.. Tlli. had a majority of 8,000 votes. law wasn't "retroactivo," und they can-1 from pi ,t MlllU. n ' u- w il ' f ,l 1 nl CVen SC mt 'l, W 'TV'TT , 1 ' to Kngland, who had hi. own rc. JIon.HonryW. Williams, ono of tho iiut.m i.t0 8L,rvo on tho tribunal." This! r . J? ... ... , . t .- r.i c n . rn . . n wiim mr DiBHine jir, iiaiimBiiiiwiiuw JusticesofthoSuprcme Court of Ponn- COmcs of not having on tho Supreme!. ,. .. , . .. ., ,. i . . . . .., . .... ' arge was his indebtedness to him. It sylvania, died at bis residence in Pitts- li,.nch and n both Houses of Con- .... . ...... I will ne oDservcg tnai ino two geniie- ,r,ir liw nunnino, in null It.t 11 m il III oririlllir.llllf t IO I Olcorail 1.1'L'lon. might b i ttiut if il wero -plausibly coveied upiand a militia regiment of his own. bu once l(.un, ,0 raM (,allll) K.jiiru tlt.m fi,r which ho commanded for three months. toots up 1135,000, Truly it has been a bad your for .Simon. . Well i.Tr-iuiin in in. f-iiiuHin ,ti,ti.u, , r.i.i.u . ., . - 7 ,- ,- I -" neiore tuo case came tuem lor ; eniiiloyed on tho steps ol llio Treasury when ho camo hero to get sumethiug and found the whole Administration out of town, "This is a bell of a lime I" Jones says that the whole tbinguiuy be a job put up by "lliem hlurary tellers on Newspaper Row for tho sake of a few paragraphs. . 1 wish to bo explicit, say Jones: I moan that! ...ouo. vo egrupuen. no rega. ine,..- , ,,., , riltn ,.,,. ji on tlt) selves with poor jokes III thu reporter s , nurgla.i..isly entering King s V, -v.""- ",,-"". saloon in tlie lt Wanl ot Lock Haven, wilh bad lacu. in, worse l-.nglish hy 1 1.. j fnm ,!, nil(l m(.v,.lM uj nigui. inese iciiows, snjs j.uiod, not u, ,,, vi,,;nw ( ,,e ffll.ers oti I adjililieutiou, it shoiihl Miller no scrulb j ny or discount at his hands. j A HO.VANVE IX CRIME. ' Tho Lock llnvon Ui'moeriU sots forth another lady's mistake in this way : "Sometime during September of last year. J limes KinleV, under Pond nu in appearance, O'Miihoney was for nierly very remarkable. He wore bin liack hair in long ringlets, whicli part ed at hia shoulders and hung down to his breast in front. At ono time ho pvlNl,UTII)5l. YJ Nullro r oeeaine so ucvumu io opiritiia'isiu loaif seto. eloared. aa.l t. iho ko. tils minil was Ueiuiiireil. ana lie was, oi a'i uemt ...ioboi. ,.....ft.,n,l Co r,.l. ll.a In . 1 ., I in I lPwS OB.J tflBlk rf MrllCUl.rf . all,lj to ci.n:(r ci. i. horoH. .ivoa t fK- rf p.rlB.r. Jllvl III 3 3dlt2. Iilf I. It It Oii.Wl.llOIB-pO- J K H.lO ut 0r.0lB HIT .lr,,,..l...l. r i f t Mill.. Clo.ri.-M oi.oiil. P.., aad Frank B.!r. It. i.n.n! MilT. .fi'i..? of llr.on l.lo Ilr9,ld .Bly. Pa . in lor tb. ,o-n, and Io ma dlranod, -II ra riawa of II. 1. A B..lror, ... ,l,..h,.-l b. w ,,4 , pnfcllr ,. lh, Coor, Hll0, rouhi.l oun.oal o. III. llih .1., ,.f,.isr7. I , boroonb of Cl.ari.ld, oa Wodo..d.y, lh. All p.r n. lodol.'od lo .aid Itrra aro ro-alrod to 3st a,, , ii.b-j,. H77, at t n'rlook, p. -. a.k. ,iM0,m,i IB rranb Bolt-, and all 1 ,b. Iolllo, d.Milhod ro.l, 10 .It : .faiDlt .11 1 Drin will b. paid br bloi 1 . L . , . . , , .... j . miK i All that o.rlalB Iraot or pieoa of land liia it. ia 0.ol. lin.).o..t1-r-.l FIIANK lli'il.'liER. Ch?"i -'W"ifc Ct-rt.ll oouiiu, P. . boond.-d ... . ...... . . . . ... ... . ; "nd oWri-od a. f.'lu. 1 On th.MM bv land f JX)K SAI.K " ' "'" - " ' i ""'"I Wbilo. us Ibeaooti b had of Irris A 4 -, . , i , , j Vtori. a ih. sorib by land of Mclt.rT.f, and Th. .ill bo'I a. prt, I. .11 1 ""' "' ""J- tb.t trnrt or p.rn-t of land iu'o ia D.-oaiar ANo, aa (bor trocl or piaio of load si.sato in tu.n.hip. Cloiirflold ..only, P.., wilhio a ahurt I id loo noklp, uB.4rd OB th. oa.1 b. lond ut P, di.Unoo of th. T.rona A Cl..rfivl I H. R. aad f.rtl.. 00 Iho by land of booortu OB Ih. .dj,niii land. i.r lti.lH.rt Ilud.'B and olnrr., I '"oih by iimd of llartl, and on Lb. aurib by Un i and knn.ii a. tho Jaoub B. il.-arb.ri bu. Tin- "I liutts. coauihion .but llo acrai. ..Id lr. ooi,i.lBia( Sil aorv. mora r , iih ! Also, Bnibrr pi.-v uf l.n I lit..', lo in-i Im oiia. of vilo. I.I. 0,41 tboroon. h alu.ut III t too., Mi.. b-niB nal as lbs oam br Und to a larna body ol ' ill bo ld lo. and i asylum. C4.arri.ld, Pa.. July It, IS7S. i.aviu L. kit Mis sylvania, died at bis residence in Pitts- Uenoh and in both Houses of Con burg, on Monday afternoon, tho 10thgrcss, first rate lawyers, capable ol inst, of heart disease. Mo was fifty. nino yearn old in January last. Judge Williams had been in feeblo health for some time, und was unable to sit upon the bench for a year past. .i . ..1 Oil ! THiNDtRl What an awlul out rage it would he to count tho THREE Oregon oleetors for Tildon, when that Stale gave nearly 1,000 majority for Hayes. But it's all right to count tbo F.1UI1T Louisiana electors for Hayes when tho S ato gave over 8,000 ma jority for Tildon. Thus saith the Wash ington Returning Board per Bradley and Strong. Cdandleribm. According to tho Zach Chandler press, it waa prima facie evidence ot intimidation of votes cast in IOiiisisna in favor of tho gang, headed by Wells and coached by Mad- dox & Company. Now It is hold by the same press to bo most absurd to behove anything told by one half thu gang against tho other half. Thoso rascals were good enough witnesses against a great Commonwealth, but they are not to believed when they confees their own villainies. Oh, . Hsason, thon art fled to brutish beasts. handling so delicate a subject, such for instance as Tuten. men have paid in advance for the offices they are uftor. Tho endorsement on tho back of tho Piorrepont-Hayeschcck will be good evidence for the continua tion of the subscriber. A Definition. Wo havo referred on several occasions lo tho nso of tho compound wonl 'bulldozr," and did: " - - not intend to use it again, but tho An lNt.EX.-The Lanc.sU-r Wli- l-VmiimAiimiil of New York gives ' cer : "According to the Repub- il anrl. n time lloil u imnnnl "" counsel m u.i-ir argument, .1 a retrain from calling it up again. Tho ; wturninj. board perform, it. (unctions Journal insists that it should bo written is the head centre of the Philadelphia bummers and was nearly chosen Speaker at tho opening of tho session. His conduct on tho flour demonstrates that this method of conducting public! Un.thor Goorgo William funis' business should lie improved, although be is the leader ot the House, and bis "lip" is being sand witched into every bill that is milled through the House. oemg literary uieinsuives in any ao ,ho , ti )(.(T coptalioii ol the term, ol course re-cut ; sl)l,nr ,.,,,. ,.,.,.,,( Vl., tmii.e 0, lip( any uflronl otlercd to those who are. !,,,,,,,. , a,,!,.,,,,,.-!, ..npturo in kiiv niu liim Minnv rv MIHII nminJ- . ( '...a,...!, Hllllift tiful Ct li R utlli f tit. Kili'ithnr a ih tt hj Und oi (i rrulti tt F'rd, un ibt n-Mitli T frra le Kwrd 4u4 lh rtb n,r Innd ut John Nrff, t?utitt.iQiti; tnirtj Beret. A!i. Bother fiec ..f Unit In iiiij tawnbl, fHtindrtl us tut by Unl of Julie inlf, titn tttf:tuaa. uk.-n sxar. j Ut) 1 ol H'iirbor irnl us ibe vtrth Itni of Purine last WCl'k there WftS ft till 'mnl In thf. (' ot rmnmon f ri of rrtfintd. A,,- rof Und is ni4 towD'hip, uiidt!rcoiii.iiii;ratiohinourStutL'Si-nato.!M',(- '-tWw.H k. to tmUhv i ; w," n . it)nt hon.. VUA TJAEUT. GO P. LA TTA DJDl'Y" I at lb. Curt Hua io CloarA.ld. nn fnlurday, Marrh IO. IHTT. ' rloble, and othor oolbui dini, I oa Ih. ' o.ol ',. Und ol tt.ll.irh.r and Cbei. ork. on III. rlh by Un I of Carry, bb I on lb t m'! whore. This thing of aged St un . hk trifling wilh tho alleelions of Treasii ry girls inilst be regulated. Perhaps it wiu.tii lie well losilil a new rulu to lo-1 boulcdor.o" instend of "bull doze." Tho French speaking negroes ol Lou isiana used tho word, tbo Journal suys, and it adds : 'I'boal.,' in Frvaoti, (bobbi a ball or ball.t: and al.o, in colloquial (ibra.., tbo bum.n boad. So, boiif. rfoa m.v aithrr far. 'a hull.l nnl lolo imo,' a. In tho Moiln.a war, oar .ol- di.r. ui.d to Pi..k of .aoh or .ucb a on. baring I however mistaken, however clouded with orror, however fni'nW by fraud, and did ascertain and did declare how many votes for particular acta of elec tors had been cast, and did certify and declare who were the persona who wero elected electois, that ends all in quiry.' Is it any wonder that the N. Y. Herald declares 'the Republican tak.B a 'M.tto.B fri'i' or avoo raor. nroliMblv. it m.i ha.. iti.ani ib. adoiiBirtratioa of b'-ocb ' party rests its case on a quirk of law The Journal cxplannnion is moro) not mon) respectable than the pleading classio limn tho one with which we I ,f 1,18 "tatuto of limitations against a have had to content ourselves hitherto, jj11"1 A,ht- Whether the legal point bo namely, a dose fit for a bull ; but we we" ukcn or not- il "rront to cannot say that tho English form of j 0Tt'ry Idea of justice,'" tho word is moro euphonious on thuli p.,t a Srri.sBt.. Maddos, ib..illio nr.nii.,t .....t ll.n i m,.t.n. .llBOOl Of tha D.tSOBraOl In tbB Loai.iaBB In.- ' . . . ... liaaiioB oaaa, ba. but prorad a Beouadral of tbo Tun ltniiiT Step. Wo notice that tbo Senate has passed an amendment to the Poor House Act which was passed lust winter. The amendment authorised an election to bu hold once every thrco years, and in that way submit tho question to tbe people. If sixty ciliions petition the Court of Quarter Sessions, asking that tbo question be submitted to a voto, it be comes the duty oi the Court to order an election. The tickets shall be la belled "Poor House," and on the in- sido "For Poor House," or "Against Poor House," just as the voter do. which, in its provisions requires the Mavoiw of cities of tho first . l ,. . '"rrB " nreserve the i.eacoal eli-eiion noli, and i " J'1?.?!" u-f ib.,1 ha. h, land of Ror.biu, on.,. . r., i I i , cuiflir tnr iiib m r U miiit-r: prohibiting the Sheriffs of any county All .. a. orri.,. tr... r ,,i.o. I...I .iin.t. I. ! , ' . 1 "'."m 'k Tk h .Von. appointing any deputn-s , b'e .J. - ..,d : .,?;, ouXi .. ... ,.T sll'd .uTll 'T', rL' t 1 iMiii'iiii ( m iiri n ui 11 ih rr iiiiiiiu . . 1 1 1" iji in , - " ciu ims 'I he mere Ciiilnre of "lim" ".morB ",",l'ul,ly Intended lor Phil. ,i, 70 dog. -n iit fort n. . . th (oipis ine in.rt (iiptnre ol .11111 ,(,., U1 wlulfc , ow u imltl , 4-.f f ,. . p, , ,,,,.,,, might be Clin.n.eled in a briel passing , . . , ...d ..f M. s. o,d-. .....b . d.,r with a compliment to t lie . . . ' . .. , '. ' ' "' I""" k is do.r,-.. .i s, r.r tra-oo .ut'.u.i.l ng.. Irntt iriM - "-i rv- k s ten . win ins snare! ne I her' . .."..' aged Senator, rom courting I ivasury j of , , ,.,.,'. , , , . ; Kepu.iiu-.,, -repealers uml J" ?VZ' girl, above uineteen years of ago. jt ,n , r' , "ro ui, ler. ol that cil. on elec ,..,i . ay, .,., J. , b'.'nTa'U?,., Ihen, Il tliu li1u, ,i,i,.,i ... i,, in.. i. i ., thut this sehemo waa coneoeted. Vt hen d orn.rB.m.l .hrubb. r. tb.ron. i, ,ii ..... . . ,, , ' i.iu un. was on seconu in tuo venerable I'briHiancy is worth uny thing a. a guide, there would bo no ! . ' ,,. ,,,.,';,.,,.. ,"Z Senalo Mr. I),ll,0en.x.rat), raised the J.";-;'; : t ....i. - tun. - r.u.3 u in u.i. vi i u .(nvl i b ! ' I tlllllH.1. I . .Ilk II B lilll..rlllll I.Mtl.l I le.1 lu a. II... : lli.n... I.v ...1 .II.. n..r.k t BOrlll S" iH-gr... ...t U27 tlO-ilbo ti. 0-il 1 IbOOO i . r- I- I- ii.'.mi. jjiviiii'iiuiit ...-I .mv- iiiiiiirtr hi iimiiiii ni'I'il IULF 111.1.1.. L.. .. .- , - ik it, i . I., ,,- . i '(ho by virtue ol Insomce, Is Prcsi. and getting his I mind liir his labor. incut may be in the meaning." Hn.l. Doimia. Thel'ollowing"bricks" wero not ussd by the Washington Ku tuniing Hoard, in tho erection of the Hayes mcn'imcnUi, by tho builders, Wells, llradley nnd Strong. Demo crats, read thCso "government" re- Tm Ureat CoNspiaAToas. Judas Iscariot betrayed the Savior of man kind, and Judges Bradley and Strong. at the nod of Wells, have betrayed ; marks to your Radical neighbor their country. Tne forty millions ni No man worthy of the office of Prcs penple who believed that theso two j Went should ho 'willing to hold il if Judges were partly honest, will not be I "twl or I'luced there by fraud. . . a . j . . . Prrmlint Grant. long in rendering a different opinion.1 These two political highwaymen, on a I The country cannot afford to have former occasion, reversed tbe United i!.n0 r,,s"lt tmnterl hy the suspicion of uiegai or iiuso returns. frctuknt Grant. Statoa Supreme Conrt. Tbat was not so very startling. Now they have re versed tbe people, and in defiance of tboir legally expressed will, have de clared a man President who had neither votes nor electors enough to award him that position. If they will follow tbe footstep of their predecessor, and go aad bang themselves, tbey will partly atone for tha (00111100 crime they bit. conmltted against kVirtn, 'liberty and Independence " UKm tho elections in Louisiana, as in oilier Stales, depends the right to their scats of Senators and Itepresent stives who are to aid in making laws for the whole country, and the choice of Presidential dei-tora, upon whoso volo may depend the tills of the office of the President of the United States himself. No party in tbe United Slate would like lo submit to a result decid ed by tha votes nf elontors chosen by nc h sneer William A. Whrtter. ' Ar. I water. Bttiman'i Journal. Yos, and so has every member of tho Louisiana Returning Doard. And yet, this mail has been in the employ of the Itadical Stato Committee ot Louisiana ever sin.o Grant, Sheridan, Sherman li Co. havo been to power. It is certainly ungracious at Ihia day to turn around and call a man a scoun drel after bo has served yon faithfully for ten years. Is It any wonder Mad dux teels bad, when hia employers "go back on him in that way? The " M out eh." An exchange re marks: "The pastoral letter from Bisb op O'ltnra excommunicating the Ao cient Order ol Hibernian and diroct ing the clorgy to deny the members of that order the sacrament, was read in all the Catholic chart he of th Scran ton diocese, Sunday. The denuncia tion was unexpected and ha produced a sensation among th member of tbe Ordor, wbo for th past three year bv been In favor wkh tb oharch within thisjurisdlotwn. iinseemly petitions in court and the vtlo How woulilbo ballleil. At this mnm.'iit, suys Jones, a bril liant : Let Simon lake a change U' venue to one of the numerous courts hu owns iu IViiiim I vaniit. That would settle it. Then Don could gel bis friend Hill McVliillin lo furnish twelro bullot-lsix-stiilfen) lo nei nn jui , nnu uiu mnig i-ouiu oe wno KMI.W arraugeu on jlii ivetnuies immortal ........ ..i.. ..r H...J. ... 1 " 1 piuii 01 mi.111011, JM1101011 n.tu Silence ! It is certainly a very peculiar cuso, unless compromised in some way, must hnng no end ol nnnoyunce to tho von- 1 .. . lt , , . ... nihno it necessary orahlo Simon aid diro confusion and,,...:.... J u " 1 1 i . . ' the Senato to cast the decisive vote, ! .nl, on ih. nanh bl JnM,h Johaaon'. l.n I, .n4 I tho ulfa by land ot K,M-.r.aMgB'. hoirl. 1 .1.0. i.l,ndiBt'. ial.r.l ia ! T aw il't.'i l I in Bold ton.hi., oor iill bv J. N H .m. .vita l-ig bniUNi. mania, 4 oibr itib.ildtiig. tbnM.. n tn. o-t b- J..,.b S ...,.i. w,-ii b.i ; t'urrv. nrth b .i-br Uid ol Ihu Di-l.udinl,.B I ..n Ibo.outh bv Ji,..jh SU'i.n.. Ainu, a ai-ruin trap r fil.i. ,f I n i .i a e. ia Aim, n lot, 1ST gssiid oill'.ia'ng tb. S.-ov. ' .-.arhin, ImuBilod and d' Mirb d-l f illu.- : r.rti-. Iginiilng at a ooriior on Kiror .trw.t ; I U- g'BBing -it a uon rliiwt e.e- k j tli.B-a by d.grro. .a 4il f..t 10 Thi d ' '" """"g " aiB a d.-.rro. .-i oa.10 Mnilb J ...I til ' P-i-no. 1.1 p..n i iiko bv l.a . m c II. d, grw .v.tSI.1 4 a 10 kin : Ih.Koo br j dent ol the Senate )siibinitled the point ,, ,,,,.,, r, ,.,,,,,, , lip f ums's'ik.; I, I , L-:, 1 i I 1 "I UlU'-r l" lUB Ot'llBll) .Or IIS HIV I. Ill j .IHU I'T III- Of. Ol 111. tBllrOkll, .bltib IUB. . . l ,....,-., ,iT . , , - . . . .uld.n it , lliniogb lb. b.cli iiart of Ibt. lot ! was found there was a tie. All the I'ciuocruib.os well as .Messrs. l.nwreliee, ' rrcun-d b. bond and nn.ngag. on tha .rvnii.. 1 .-.nun went to Clarion overland and on fool ny way- 31 L earne ul, Jeneinon lllu ., ... on 1 I . ... ' i llt'llllM-riilK no w.,11 .. 1 I .nu-is,mo, 1 other ivihlwotrd spots, llo was butin ... u, , -, . , , .. . 1 liitlu known Where ho went, and those " 1 .V" " . ' " . . Trim r l.n (W-hnli rafa, aoil tl M tir in )r ihermfler. with Init-riM. in W 1.: ...... i.i..' 1.:... 11 .7" b .K . ""'' the point, believing the b.ll to llewii-'t o,wkat., m.. m, uri(.unNtl,lllvj;, Ontll0 Mb an aggivgulo of twenty two, voted to How Fast Men (iaow in Crime. When lirudley and Strong oountcd Florida for Hayes, we treated it as though Smith had Btolen a pin from Brown that tho gamo was not worth the ammunition. Hut, heboid ! In loss than ten days alter they stole tbe pin, they roh an Empire of all its constitu tional privilege, and every citizon of hi porsonal rights. Literally commit ting National murder I How ran such erimes be winked at by men who pro fess to be sane T ' A Trio or Sooi'ndreiji. The States men who have been for ten years past embellishing our bogus five cent pieoe wilh "In God we Trust," gave tho American people another exemplifica tion of their true "inwardness," on Friday, when they doclared the flayo electors elected in Louisiana. Wo pre sume the certificate will bear tho coin "superscription," "In God we Trust," or, perhaps Wells, signed Bradley t Strong, agents. State Treasurer Kawle advertise hi balance in the Stat Treasury at 302,0.'i6.23t of which lB?,Ct6 49 h on deposit at Kcmblo'a bank in Phila delphia andl8,8W 31 at tha Keyiton National Bank, Erie,onder Mr. Rawle own eys. Of 00 re lb ring bs the lion' share of tho booty.. irrS'wS: - Sheriff's Sale; luiiicn murrm jinniMji nruiK, nun wnwn i .... . .1 .1. . .. ' nnvi 111 wuii not ennm-d in lakintf the black jewels ' " 1 "Vi T'."'5 ""n- 1 "? ""r"." "' '"" - l,... U.l..., -1 I , . I hill Was legal. 1 hi Stato ot ufluirsl land not of lh. Cnort ol Ci mmoo Pi " V" ",r.:h?,,l,,:,?"ra ''".T" " it necessary lor the President of - "... to tho hid.-loncd and delicately ! ,7. . ,M. ' . .... . . " . , I which o, v ,(,.,.e.,.,,Uue,,ca,..,J-i( , . , k h , , bred household of bis llliistri'itis Son i r.' i .! i ., . M I" b 11 M'"W . hi I""-"'- Cb liiliht IVhA mv Himiiii f-itli unrn ' . ... hiK .potion ,,d ;I0 Mry j 5ff XZX 1, t Un?Tlft r Ut Pnm,pt P.liyi 1 S " h -lef Hooking oily ment of $10,000 Tbut m .ni deul xma ou(i r W the fuir bill ho did, and tbii dotUiTd tlie niK-onMiitutioriiil. Thin whh Ihu y Ki-m.ti K -rxMiiiilt $ Urn anrk il Art fi- WrM IU p-fwll-w mMt ; thvxifft T iMl -f t'arr to i:hl cmrtt j (hnc 0p mul rak it tral iiur4-i n I tltt(.ov tn i rt n I ihn io of Itfiitniiif, (toUinlnf 12 am aul Aj trrvh n, a t, ; At-i,tl Dirt)ttinl' in trout in )I itifttariai (xiUKlrd m1 4--fHbMl lull,. ; nWiaoin. t Truttttj). fia.crt'rvi Wilium UoiUrrrjc la.t ; IUl-ijc ; by lb Mine fsijth il) .rrt tri dil prctit ll fnm f rt-r ; UtMctj hy rrK.4t,' tifeaer - i lt imrh 13 Hrffrt-tt rnt mi .nrTi' ut tnehtii.r, ! WlrlAS) aVjfvVtN tl 3t (lerebf) ( Mil UN fifri fffeini i , 4; jMrrhi in n tn; thfno by foil ( Piri ol t iMr- , foHip Poitt Bifid Alf acrwi n-l lot) Uprr hf will U c"! P"fft nnnh ik dtr - II II i..r- .-irii to iat.U k, t lit t'nuri Umir. ia h ; h" " m--m cki ihrnr onftfa II Jcr htrnufh of ( lrfflrl l, on Hturrli.y. th 81 i IM afi lir Tt t.rmlck itui j throe 17 01 mirrn, i"ii,n luciort p. th ToltOOiDg T w l nMdl t ttlhKit Mrriua J INO. F. IK IN, W li llh.l.Ktt . u, is;r it. iK.J of money to squinder on a reputation iiko Minion , and perliaps tho vencra blo statesman nia' conclude that he can buy a nowono.uid a better one nt that, for less money. Ito this as it may, I don't think tho nit will ever bo tried. Simon knows htw to stop thoso little inings, yon Knot doribrd rval ert.lo, lo wil : All tbat cruUi tract or iarel of land (jlng and li.inn in t'nion tnivn.hi,, Clr.rlipld ooumj, I'a., bouB'Ird ami d, .or, bod. I follow. Hi-fa omit at a (ion oa llo. nf load ounrojod to Libbi maiden had vielili-d tn his iusinuntitiii ways and dcelnred hersell his own trucj love, and eubserliiuntlv tho holy bonds of matrimony yoked them together and made the twain one. - Now it is to ho supposed that Jamas, if never ls- I. no, wtslieil bimselt nn honosl mail Uo leemrd happy, hi brido seemed IlKATII orrwc NoTAHL WoMKX By ann)u!ai ccincidcnco two of tio : Uii.j . All that, troubled any ono was most promintnt women of Cincinnati ! tho blackness of dim's career, which j flint toto jfivcii by tbo President 0! the nenato in his ollieial capacity, ho not beini allowed under the. constitution1 to volo cxceiit in llio case ol lie. audi ""i tbn.o. bj lio.oortb uo. b.nir.d by his ynto wjis . rascally Ht.empt to "-'---X. uliifW bu lint box ntu Horn ot rhllndel-1 sil Mo.r'i ,-ert vatfto rAo imr, pllitt rlrli-atod. ' oT bnunrlrjf lia of 111 rrut Nn 1 iid ; iBVDor ot M nni iim watfe Bt u- drrd and ti niisaii iH-rotii a.iru m t ........ .... . L. .. . MOIiE SCHOOL LAW, OvMiuukIi tooth 474 a Ktrt fireh ! m ot mm4 yimm l b. gwulng, ctmtiiu.Njf I nm mo4 ol Mrrh, h. AIo, I't-trn Unl't inter i M l!it (i(l trMtur pattern vt lo I ntnM in ii.t .niniit UJ4 d tiNr.upi rulltrii HitmninjE l pttftt on lintj o nl Taraitrij own, hy m U .rktj(ii; ii' o i.l tm t-.nt I) i'-f I1 tlhl t fit ttjoii-V d.(rrf M 4 4-11 f"vbt l , fiittt f ttl-Mrt norm H dBrMt I fi-yrrohM lo iri : lhn n U"4 nl f Horn Wilit tr a .rth n lifr- wrl LI trx.:?lTi"" t o( t... dis. i : - --fiv i,ri, .,.i.,i r.i ..... n, ...n.. lunur., IU IIOIUIfc IW- .. . . . . ' I K. 1 tll few-rnl,.. .r, . . ...I .. . ,...;..., j w.l. KT.IIIJ.IWO Bon-B,-B MulB Of I..I to ( . ' V f' "' . 1 ".oo 01 .oj.inoinR, ooniaiiiint an? aora. oi'.ro ar -r ... ' ! I l,m. .ml lh. ..,..1 .11........ 1. 1.,.,. ... Bar ornl fit ro.,., o. 8. Iirit. uk.o la rl , Vi 0 BOllOC that Mr. Stewart, Ol I.W- arm rl,.rl, A a r-od knarlna ot.nard. l.l.ak "Hi a. Ih. pro,orlj ol fa tt rence county, has introduced a bill n, "" "'. ' od.. h.m. i.r.- ' ; i n. S.tli'd, tak,-n In -loroiloa aod lo uf ...Id at too lycgislaturo to provide for the fuir- j 'h i'Mt .1 w. w n.r.1.,.. ; -ns ...10 to. .iib.i. rn i. n.isBownBiB, i;iaa. died suddenly at about the same tittio on Tuesday. One wa Mrs. Howler, sister ol the Ion. (Jcoixo U l eiiille. ton, and widtw of tho late It. II. How ler, and thooher waa M r. Sarah Peter, mother of Ililiii KiiiR. Mrs. Peter was ono of tlnmost romarkablo women of her timo. n 1854, while in Kurope, she was coa-erled to Ibe Catholic faith, and, aii-a that timo, her whole lilb ha bee devoted to Ils propaga tion. Mho bt founded in Philadelphia and Cinciniui no less than twenty convents, antbestowod tho bulk of lior Wealth upotlcharitablo instiiutiont. Hhe cnswedlhe ocean nino time on special visili to the Pope, and has traveled the jorld over. Mrs. Bowler wa a womaauf great wealth and en ctal nrotninace. and wa also noted for her wortl of charity. She was strwaeo wtu apoploxy wnuo at am oer, was a constant moiuvoe lo him, Ike an overbaiifiUK cloud that milit burst at any moment and di-ltitto him. And to il bapircnml. 1 Alter bis marriage, he b.H-anie the bona ol a coal mine, and had soi end bands undor him ; and be tween tho dignified nonriiiff nf lbs boss of a coal mine and thn lord ol a lovely !" , -,-!.:-,. 'Tb fnldon oonr. oa anxal'. wingi 1'l.w o'or am .man di-arir," . till tbo sud moment when tlx hand some phis of Sheriff Candor put in an appeuranco and summoned the gay bird ol tbo jail Inun pastures new lu the grim old quurteiw in Kurt Candor, 1 11 mi wbcuco ho may bo transjiorled 10 stronger walls at I'lllsbur, giero tu ruminate over bis oiiniuaand his sor runs, and dwell in remorse at huvinn added to hi other crimes tbat of mak ing the lifo ol ao Innocent maiden mis erable.. When tbsHhonfl gntilim he quent change thereof, which is now being considered by the Committee on Kdurntion. In order that our readers may understand tho purport of the bill wo (five a synopsis as follows ; ! It provides that school director or controllers may imrchano text bonks lor use 111 Ihu public schools ol their respective dislrn ls tint of iho m-IiisiI funds ol the district, all J where So purchased tbe necessary luniks shall lie supplied free of cosl lo each pupil for uso in tho schools of said district, subject to Ih order of tho diiecto.s and controllers thereof, whose duly it shall bo to provide for the sate keep ing and care of the books, which shall bo returned by tbe pupil at th close of the annual soliool term io each year a th board may direct , It also provide that th board aball keep an aocount of all money expended under lb abort aoction, aad report it Bold enmity, r. , ooiiiainind about thirij aora. ul land, mora or In., on natoa I. a ilaoa hou. Ix:. h-oi, n loj Bi.blr.n brook or rui.oiot w.lar, omii vt.b.rd, wilt akoii III both Moarad laad : IO..S bi-rabs-li aod ons liniir on land. S.n.d. lakm la OBorado ., aad w bo Bold bb Mb oroir. 17 id Jeob Uw. - - , Air., ad ikoo lou or nbsooa of frand .110,1. in lb. borwoah ol Hoot.dolo, CI.-srBsl I m,.bi.t, Po oonnnVd aud oWortl-od loik,.. : Ono th.root boBBd. on tbo nons my lot bin 4. on lb. sootb b; Hra.or all.;, ,,a lb. .u. ... Bn. 'la sm, tn. n..t 1,. Srwn alloy, and koima a. lot No fi. 1 bo oifaor lh.rt.,1 b.aad.d on tha aoilh my si-o. alb-y, aiotb by Suo Bl.1, i.rt b) lot Na IS, on lb. oorl Of lot N i lit. and boooo w lot No. 1.1. auk bonar aad n.1,1. th, rooa Brrot,!. Hnwd inm-B ia oa-raitna. and Isb. Bold a. i bo .n, in II.,.. II Woodoo, BAiBilBi.liatoi at li. C. itaiB. dooaod i Taa.. r -Th. ono. or onia at wanta (bo pro forty ihall h. .tntoh i-n moot Bo naid .1 tao Ilm. ol sala, or .waa o bor nrroog.nMol Binnon. will b. acnro.od. othorwioo IS. pr.,Hiry ml no lmm.Bi.wly pol nn and sold -.!. at no oanoOM aad r..a ol 10. norous w waom II bo atrooh of, aad wbo, In sua of donotonoy a. ssok ro sala, .b.ll mak. (ood Ob a Sam., .ad lo no IB.UOOB WIU Uo Dood no nrooastod la t'oort for oooBraauo naloos Iho aonoi I. atlnalli fii w iko (.norif. ' . . ARIkanT sentrr Ornon, I $imtit. . .. - I Cloarlold. fa, fob. . TT. W ngon.r. Al.o, a oortain trul af .as I .lio-t'o io ff--irii t"Wn.hip. ouoniy, P. , b"iindod .mill .a.t by itooiao l'.il.r Booth by Imw wool by Wilao. Wu.l iw, n I n..ito by Tboran I' look. enolBioiBB- a,mt mv aoro. with a' I aora. oloar, aod b.viog a Mali on. abd a a.lf Mory buwM- .ad a atabl. arMtod laorono. Srlili tahao In oioBotloB and to bo oeid no U). Brvoorl of Joha b.y ttnraiiboo. i At-o, a oi-rula tra-t wf land ail a. IB ia A.-II t"Wn.hif, CloarS.ld ooanlj, Pa., tb. tulloanf ri al rat. loot Uolondaats: Two huadrod .rro. id load wuh almol to'ly noro. tidivl, bo.ii pl.ul oo with kiicb.a nliooh-4, o burn ad oihor ootloiildir.ic., boood- d oa.l ny A. A d'. 11 Imn, wnt by l.o-a K H.i,m,. ooith by t A. W. U. tmn, oimlh oy dobo Imn. Alao, ono othf oiooo oi lood io aai i fa,wniiiip,, mu ml fo.r botm ono mm mill in (Md mnulng r .r, b..n.l. I ,m tb. oau by J i .' Miliar, wool hy IL aWh, n.,rth by Mil or A Mlieboll, iuib by Jm.a li.,uro. S--i, u.,-o lo at,-r-,r1 ol ood I , o. t -I o lo (.".p r1 ot li.ol.1 Coiomin i I Sonlool Cmiao. fSilO. P 3AIM. Thl O'ltr Of I.O .. Wbi-h Oikb.rt .bad no .1 oo. -d m.i-1 b. iud .I'h" tim. ol oa a, or .oob .HBo. arrango-a.). m 1 1. will bo oovroiod oiborwi lb. or-ip,riy will h. 'taaodiaioly Bat a pood .old ooio ol lh.oip.-aoi nnd rloa of uo sown to wBum il wa. .tfo' aad oh., hi m of d.l.i.By at tmrnm rom, .ban BMha ro. tbo obom, and In bo la.oo wall Uo Dood bo nooooatod In Oonrl tor ooakrav tloe nnloos its bmooo b aotaally folil to U" (norlf. ' AlrnfltW HSJtl.Jr . Vwn.troB Orrton, I ' , tmtmt fm, INS. 7, un, f