Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 14, 1877, Image 2

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    Sbhc Republican.
t,:-ii.u,, ,
(ikiiroi II. GnonuNnrit, hditnr.
WKDNrBAr M0HM.M1, t'KII. 14, lT7.
amiuJ" . 'ii..ii"' w!mi'ivii-i-Wi'.'-'iVIL -n. li-w'-riiln
tolaana. III. .VpiMj wiluniB in ,r,lul.r.
- m
p.n, ifi. L.uUhj. iwn.rrniea ir p-r,urj. ;
l.ct the good work goon and bim.,1 !
all tho rogue to the penitentiary, where i
Ihey lighll'ully belong. '
, m;.,..; 'of
I'ittBhiirg t ' i.u- been pur-,
1 l, Jill, I U ,,,,,lfc.iMK,.
..i...r.Hl.v(l,i,i.miiri..i..i-iil i!u (!,i',llf 1
and tho two paper will he consolidated. .
Good bye, Mr. CwnMtnit, yon hnve
lived and bed long nnnugh !
Congressmnii Mackey lias on i- thanks
for a daily copy of the Congressional
Itocord, and a full supply of olhor
"Pub. Hoc'," I lie mot valuuhlo of
which it l'orlcy I'oore' Congressional
lliroctory, very usolul to printers.
Til end or a Statesman. J. U.
Itunklo.lato Republican solicitor for tho
Columbia, South Carolina, circuit, com
mitted suicido by shooting himself
through tho head. Ho was 30 years
of age. No canso i assigned for the
T bo present Legislature has two old
friends to look after tho Boom Bill
and tho Local Option Bill. Tho ses
sion could hardly bo considered a suc
cess without one at least, of these
miifmlireil "In the lint." l.llt otir law-
makers-lucky beggars-have boll, of
'cm this year. Dodging
tako vour choice.
"The closing hour of tho Mississippi
Jlatiiro, which hn iint tvliourned,
wero mnrKea ny trio comreu uepuDli-
cans on tho flour of the two Ilousesj
I 1 I .. A. . i . .1 tl Li! 1
rising anu pronouncing sentiments oi
tho most commendable character in
favor ot tho economical and just gov
ernment 01 llio liemoerats. ;
"The re-'eiislavemeiit ol the blacks,"
ia f hut BAOttta In trr.til.ln ll.., lia,.i,r.l..rl
aeallawag and carpet-bugger down
South, and tho "Christum .Statesmen"
in the North and Kiist. Well, would
that bo any worso than robbing the
black of all his money, nVfc tho Freed
man'. Bureau Bank robbery. Who
did that ? liadical philanthropists, be-1
10. 1
twecn prayers I Could a devil do more? 1
f:.,i ni ,., i,,.,,n...;t.i 1
a 1.0.EB. inejonnsiownjOTiiocmr
i,Tl. Tl 11!. at.i.l- '
says: iwjiuuurnitB Hi-c-m 10 uiiiik .
tliey aro perlorming a great luut in
proving that Litlletield was a rascal
i is a
.Sot at all. Everybody knows ho is a'
rascal, llo could not hnvo been the
cierKOiinoiiOuisiaiiaiieiiirningnott.d.eortilicatewas made by Senator Mo-.
since ISi. it no was an Honest man. ,
rnmnaHiuLir. will. U',.11. flamr.a klm I
vuii.i-i.iii.sir.u.i; .lvh "' I
as a companionship wilh Hatan damn-1
cd even tho best among the angels.
, ... , , .
ficorgo W. Dietze, who al the age I
....... n ... , .... ...... , . i
Indiana, to tbo Centennial Exhibition
in thrity days, is now engaged in writing
a history ol Indiana, llo has applied to
tlie Legislature of Indiana for nn ap
propriation to aid him in tho work. In
his petition bo speaks of having "re
ceived tho unanimous judgment and
indorsement ol the press as tho great
est pedestrian of tho world, ago con
sidered." STEntiss' Obitcabt. A n exchange
says: "Alexander H. Stovcns sBt up
in his bed on Tuesday afternoon with
the bright, clear eyes of a convalescent,
and whilo his clerk read acol-
umn and a half obituary of himself in
. , ii- I. ., ii i
oiu man, a. lie ruiiuea n ih emaciated
chin wilh his bony band and his eyes
twinkled merrily as he spoke, "thcy'vo
written worso than that about ino
k7kn J kiu living."
"Mr. fie.mllh it ytt In "retirement" and Ibe
lebool fund of fe.inln. Ii nbort 1 n.onn . Thi.
ii . bad bowlna for the late honored Serae.nt
at-Armi of tho pemoerttio lloo.t of tbo i'eno
ajliania Uut Iheo, "Htf.,rn !"
Yes, hud lieamish been a "crooked
whisky" dealer, or a post trader, etc.,
bo would have appealed to Grant lor
a pardon, and would now, with tho
rest of his butties, bo crossing his lei's
under tho Wluto llmiso tuhles. llul,
n. it ia in line, nisi In nn exile ol linn-
self, and if he over makes his appear-
anco bo will bo sent to prison not
pardoned, condoned and pelted, like
Jlolknap, llala-'ock, Jleflonald, Avery
k Co. There seems to bo no pardon
for an occasional offender oi tho lU'ni
ocratio persuasion, although a large
number of Hadicals carry that docu
ment in their pockets as a kind ol
vouchor for their personal integrity,
Democrats find the ten commandments
and tho prison in the way, und hence
1 J '
prefer to lead Upllglll bves, but neither
01 mono potent, ousiueies sceill lu nil-
noy liadical office-holders. A pardon,
or promotion, wipe both out on this
- --
1'... V..- II... I
...a Aaer diii.11. nil.!.. villi mm -
Legislators are just now engaged in
"vontilatinir coal mines," to tho amuse-
1 1
miner.. (Jnourfirstpagewillbolound
a bill, in full, bearing on tbo question
indicated. We also give the dog sheep
bill, at length, as reported in the House.
SonatorS. K. Pealo and representa
tive A. C. Tate, aro the proper parlies
at ilarrisburg to address by tbe clli
aen. ol thi. county who may favor or
object to tho passage ol these bills.
There is much other rare reading mat
ter on our first page this week. Our
fourth page is embellished by the Au
ditor', settlement, w hich must prove
Interesting to overy tax p.ycr who
take any interest in puhlio affair.
The title ot the mining bill reads ex
ceedingly nire, bat wo lear that behind
all that there is somo boomerang ar
rangement which will not add to tbe
health of the miner nor to the profit, ol
the operator. The bill may be necessary ,
but at thi. distance from Ilarrisburg,
It looks good deal like " snake "
r.xo no i it p.
As elsewhere indicated, the Klot io- ,
nil rommissioii bus ronnled in the
four Ilnyca KIm'Iiiih In Florida, nl- ( tin, to secure atinilormity throughout j tho penitentiary, lor passing coun
though a majority .'f the people of thai i tho Stiito. Sumo of tho County Com-! tvi-frit money. Why not liico l!el
Hlnto had voted fi r Tilden. This U inissioiior. neglect to lory any Statu knap In tho Wnr Department, and
all rij'ht in liadical eye!-, in Florida ; tux, or nmil to colled it Irom personal throw Cameron overboard? An cx
but when the leninirutB pul in aeltiim property subject to taxation. As an ' chuugo also bays :
lor an elector In Oregon, tho world is illustration of tho luck of iinilorinity, The notorious Tom llullard, the
informed that u ninimily of the people tho Secretary slates that in Merit engraver of tlie iiioki dani;vniu conn
of that Slate voted' for Have. And,' county, having, wilh tho city of Head-: .""foil j-liito extant, a :.nn treasury
,. . , ,. . .. ,,., .. , noto, who wusciiiivii led und sciitunceil
"it would lo an liiluinmni oulragn to in, an area ol OnO siiuuro miles and , ;..:,, u,,,,,... i,t tv,.ll,..-.. in
slenl an elector in that way." Such is
lladicoliim.., .lL i s trl '.
UUIW,',.I W V(,III,a ,F ll,- V. I. ;
1.. u,l ,.. .....! nVi.-
tor 1 iiiien in tiregon. 1 lie docuuoii ol
don in Oreu-on.
the Mii tiiraK ommission III the Honda
ensu wan read in joint convention of
, ., f i
iliiy Wriu,n (),lj(H.j(, wfrv mni
,',( ,,y Mr Kil.1,1;r N, Y.,on the imrt ;
five Senator and twelve l,..-,.u,...t. I
alive, and then ihu two ioue .,puM
- ---- - .........
rated to conmder the ol.icclioii in their!
retip.ctivc chamlier.
1 no penaie reiurnen lo ll riinmncr
at 1:20 p. in., and tho objection to tho
dwinion of tho commisioh BiiUmilted in
tho Houbo of Hopreacntatirva by Mr.
Field having been read, Mr. Storenaon,
ol Ky., jnoved that tho Sonnto tuko a
reces until 10 o'clock on Monday. l!o
jocted ; yea 2ti, nny U a utriet par
ty vote.
A ha Bprung upon a mo
tion to tako a reces until Monday.
Tho liepublicans opponing it and argu
ing that under tho electoral bill the
lloiino had no power to tuko a roce,
but should conBider tho objections to
tho deeiaion ol the commi-wion for two
hour, then vote upon it, and then let
the two IIoubcs come, together again.
Tho Democrats am preing for a ro
ecu and deny tho correctness of the
position taken by the Republicans
afi r ru,nlnP"
Ulhl th r ec ton of
tltlcU tho decision Ol tllO.
Iho Senuto,
; J ,''",'".!
iMlsuT' fVuKic ... i
- ij jtanunis to .1. I'emociais.
According to previous adjournment
tll0 H0U90 mcUt , oVIwkon Mon I
dav mrneand after a vigorous do-1
knt ih w.t f ti. r.m.i
nii8siolli wblell countc, i thcj
llaJ.C9 ewtori in i.ri,B ,y votu of ,
yeas 103 nays 107. jrepurioi mo inueuieuness ui eacu j
Tho hnn-o then adopted a resolution"00"1 hit'h ,n0,,ntt'd in"" K'Btcj
tonolilv tho Senate of tin, action of;
j,c ji01,S(
, that they were ready to
jprocood with winning the electoral
! VOlO.
Tho Stato of Louisiana having been
reached four sets ol certificates wero
openclanil read, llio l.rsl ar.d Hunt,
gave the eight vole, ol tho Slate toi
Hayes and Wheeler, and tho second '
(signed by McKlieryasUovernor)gnve
ihrrn to Tilden ....d Tl..,
- - .
'ourui wasa mure uiincsqiie, un tlie.
.1 1 ....
electors hearing the name ol John
miin anu 11 ueing aiiineiiucaieii ny ;
..jin ,smjth, bull-dozer (iovornor ol'""'"-v "
.... will lia will a.tfl mnoh tih llin ihlnrmu. I
LoU,manu ,,T und ending 4,hih b is lifem,
Louisiana." H wiw ordvivd thut tho
latter bo not printed in the proceed-1
Objection to tho Uaycs and Wheeler !
Donald, of Indiana. Messrs. Gibson:
. 1 . ..'lOlh. 1 1) I.OUI1 1 It'B llKti C lOttrfit'ld W llOrO
lh0 Hayc, and Wheeler corlif.ea.e.
Mr. Howo sont up objections to tho
Tilden and Hendricks electors. Tho
papers wore then ordered to bosun-
- .-
mil ted to tho Commission, and tho Sen
ate retired.
A resolution amonding the rules of
tho House so as to allow legislative
business to go on as usual during the
simsiu.ii. u. u. i.miui.1 "'
waspassed. . i
The electoral Commission was railed '
to order at 4:30 p. m., to day, Monday,
and received tho certificates and ac
companying papers in the taso of Lou
isiana from the presiding officer of the
joint session. I'pon tho arrival of the
various counsel, Messrs. Field, Camp
bell, Trumbull, Carpenter, Merrick,
ll.,n.ll..,. .mli:,,,,ll. (l..,r,r.rlw.
., , .. , ,. .
sido of tho question, and hvarts, Mat-
. ".Uhews.SI.ellabargcrandf
t., i, i i ... . . i
fchellabargcr and Stoughton for ;
. , - ... i ai i-t ... ..
tho Republican side, the presiding jus- ,Ucr to assess ul the property in tho j
.. , . . ,, , i ..i'. ... ii'
ucu 111411111.-U wuu wvuiu ii-ui.-sciiv mo j
olijoctoi-s. .Mr. 1'ield responded that '
henntor 31 c Donald and Air. Jonks,
of tho House, would appear as ob
jectors to certificates Xos. 1 and 3. Mr.
Kvarts aniioiincud that Mr. Howe, of
tho Senato, and Mr. llurlbot, ol the
House, would appear as objectors to
certificate No. 2. Tho Commission
then, on motion of Mr. Justice Field,
adjourned until Tnesduy at cloven o'
clock, and as wo go lo press, the Com
j mission is cnjrujrcd on Louisiana. What
the result will be no one knows at this
1, f .... .. .
uwianco irom tlie Lounlini: Board.
....... , 1
Wo hnvo behii-o us a copy of tlioj
School I eport of Mate Superintendent
ttickersham, ending Juno 1,1, 18,0.
Tho following aggregate, will no i
provo interesting to the render:
Whole No of Pehoot.
Aetr... No. of ai'.nlh. taught......
Namiwr ol ai.lo taecbert
1 Number .rieuiaio ie.oberr."""" ."
i"T"' rr ",b
N.mbi-r nf niala eoholart
.Number of female leh'.l.n
i Aeerair. No. of mill, laid
nrmffv m.i mi.nin lor t.en...
,, ,
j "hooi buunn i,::i,ui r
I for r..l and 'oViu'ni'i'n
,. ,.,
I Total ttpi.ditnrel V B,ua.i,U3s as
' ' '
Tl.l. !. .!.. ,.ul I. I.l T1..11....
, m . .,, ..v... um. ueouu-
rotary of Internal Affairs, in his report,
j '"j" u' thnt wo b" 1'0n2'')51
inlilim in tuo Slulo. rwtn tbin it will
I be observed that it costs every tax -
payer about nino dollars a year for fuct Uial , tliirty-iive year old widow,
school houses and teachers, and when j uerk in t10 Treasury Department, has
wo add to this tho cost of books, wo, brought a breach ol promise suit against
may conjecture what is tbe real cost of j SenatnrCamcron, widower, aged scvon
ourrw tuition. tv eiirht t ears, and has laid her heart
For tho purposo of contrasting tho
ist with tbo nresent. Wo will irivo a
pasi wim tno present, wo win givo a
synop.1. ol what ll cost twenty .two
yi-ars ago 10 "run ins maenine
Wh.,1. N. of Reboot
Wbolo No of Ttachera .....
Artrait. taltr; of mile liacbart.....
Aetrasv taltr of (email teacher....
Wbolt No. ol tchnlnrt
Arertee oo.t of earb pupil
ii.i ai i.ean.
lilt of fuel ad oootinaeaiiei - lli.,3!S 19 .
, . , , ,.
It will bo observed from thu com -
parison, that nothing ha. advanced
moro rapidly than tho contingent ox-j
penses and tho wages of female teach-1
T, 1 .1 c 1
ers. The progres. in Il.e former;
item i. enormous ; nearly reaching tlio j
mid bird ol theexpensesofthesyslem. I
If lliero is not some plundering done
in thi. branch of "public instruction,"
wa are greatly mistaken. Only one-
I tenth twenty two yean ago, and now
lone third. NV but progreH I ' "
Tlio necessity of a rovisal of tho us-!
soiemicnt und tax laws of the Stale is
.Irongly ruoJ ly General Met'iind-
3J IHO taxable inhabitants, tho (!"'.
Ro vi'i"tif"i l w. wl .1, ''.'
in iiim nl ll m,l,M mt,l H I.Jt ItiVn.tlM :
,' v Hi. m M.. u.-.1. ih ..w.-.
iniiuintatHB, ino valuation n (wj,iji,-,
The lollowing Hlaleinent Irom Secro-
Mel'aiidlew reoorl U con.oiled
rm tho annual n'port niado by tho ''' " " "f lr..cut.on ha.
County Conii.iiionei' for tho year; n mnir.ed. II the wholemile deal-
1S7(1. It uive the figure for the
hole State.
Numi.r ol iii,1m.
I mu jj .
Vlutiu l n?IJrit.l
'lu.tioB tf furnilur util pUle
Ib vri afvmw
MuDoy at intril loc'O'Ooit buoda
Number of bortei and nultt
Their value t
Avarnjf value -
Numbi-r of cowa and uat oattla...
Tlieir ralua ... 4
Average value n
Numlwr or pleasure enrriagrp
I heir value V
Number of gold watcbaa
(Silver ni domuioa watebua
Htale tai aieintl 9
CVuDty Ui aiMiavd
Utbti of oouutlta H.
Tho irregularity of the assessment
is illuslrated in tho returns of articles!
of personal property subject to State
taxation. A good many counlioa don't
return a single watch, gvld or ailvor.
Allegheny reporta 3,613 gold walchea
and 1,116 nilver. Of pleasure carriages
nml lntir.Miii Allixrliiinv countv rciinrtfl
2.R30. which i exceeded bv tho retunm
of a doien other counties of lew) Kipu-
i lution. So too in money at intercut
bon.l-. Allegheny coiin.y reports! "
l.t W33,3i2, wbUo two.veotber Ls-I" '-t
' T in lliinuu rnl. Uci.n I ii. r nwuni in
ti " fron) ono million in Cumber-
land to near fiirty millions in IMiiladel-U'""0".
... . r ....
I phm. Only a littlo ovor eighty million.
I . , -i i c..- ..u:i 1
is reported in tho whole Stato, whilo
' , ' "Tl
We "riK 1.ll".m"C?. . . . . . I
4,01,(18 owncd 1,1 1 '"ipnm iwr'iy t
I exceeds that amount.
The law only provides lor an annual
. -P !.. I.. 1.1.. I . t 1.
" i'" l" sixij -seven millions. A
s ,r v.c, . ... v., u,B.,
L MA..;Mil U U1I,.1
" J" " "' ,
corpora.o ofllccrs of each city, borough
und towiiNhip, showing the ainonnt ol
tho iiMlchtt'dneRrt of tlieir
.1--; "" "
" ; value,
" tllaU ; "nd eowi
" ' "
'j""1 r""n inquiry a littlo further
'and otituin Irom tlio several countv
. . , . , ,.'."?, " . , .. '. P ..
- ; "
" ,'; ' " j
1 u uu iolt
il wi" 1,0 lwmri-' l,rL'lar" ' "''( to ignore tho designs of the Creutor.
!unins,iiiielortboiiumberofBcresandThi ruritun leuluro of refinement is!
" "lo 11 " ""
'""" '""", mn.rer ...r;
" " ,
- "i .......,,...
ow hf ot lb on H
unseated list, without any improvo -
ments, this classification is essentially j
Therefore, just as soon as tho num
ber of acres in any county accompany
the vulue, anybody can ascertain tho
averago valuo per aero. As now re
turned it is of no practical use, becauso
lho Tcrj. first question an intelligent
would M( n official, would most
likely 1 : "Wbati. the avcragoassci-
ej value per aero of the lands in your1
county T" llo cannot give tho answer, I
. . . . ..
Deeauso no aoos not Know me i.umncr;
... ...... ... i
oi acres, vt o uavo auueu in tne auove i
tauuiar statement ino averago vaiuoi " -imiur i-wuuiiu.
of horses ($G1) and cows (120), and if course in tho liadical caucus that do
the oftaiul table had furnished us with feated Kilting Hull Morton in his
tho number ul ai res we would have scheme to muko the action of the Coin
ascertained tho averago valuo per acre mittce uhortive in tho end.
in the Slnto, or In any county. Letl ,r.. ,, ..
. . . . ... I
t,. be done then it would bo an easy
Htmo uy ooiuiuuig correct roiurns
r)m tho County Commissioners.
To still iiirincr iimsiruto our view,
why do the Slate authorities allow
such wonderlul discrimination In tho
value of horai'B, U-n whirl, ihero i, a
Stuiu lax ot ihreo mi s. 1 he nveriii.u 1
value as shown by the table is (til.
Yet in the county of Dradtord the
aveniL'O is onlv ?1I8. whilo in Berks
' county it runs up to 880. Now, why
j are the owners of six thousand horses
i in Hulks county required to pay SI. -110
State tax when the owners of the
same number of horses in Uraillord
county only contribute (681. A differ.
I i.i.i.n i.l' nv., aiu AiiM.fe.if ete t'h-
.. V
is ibis, thus ? Wo will refer to this in
the near future
. IT..- T! '.. U 'I' I.
inr. mi.niiii.,1 s MiiAni. 1 uv
Housl.ConinuUuon,bo A ,,,roprition
Hjllony tuou.
. , , - f p-j.,.,.
1 and accompany it with a provision re-
1 pealing Iho section ol the revised slat
"''' utl'" whleh increased the salary lo Hfty
.('yj , Ihousund dollars. It will be reniem
ii,i': ; berud tho Senato at this session failed
4.';,'i:o (iranl Ibo bill restoring tbo salary to
llio old figui-o although it pussed bulb
, houses by a majority voto. It is likely
' tho AppMprlation Hill will bo agreed
i 11 I A
' I il... -...I P-..-;. I ...II I..
1 l" ".1'
bo content wilh twenty-five thousand
dollars per annum.
Br.vv.NTT xianT TlitRTT-rivt. Tbo
ho.i V.l.!...,!. .n.oiine. .a in iluiol'.
dlinmKe, ,t 150,000. Ucr ultimatum
: .1 tr .1 i.
is, marry me or down. Herdcsk
1 in ,ho Dopsrtment ia the one next lo
where Senator Cbrisliancy, ol Michi
!i'J7 ! K"' a ,,lxli'-"ovoni found his eigh
1. :u j teen year old dulcenia. It i. strango
lea'e's 1 'l0W l'a"''' 'hose old roosters are raged
41 j by tllO "young fblks."
.11.' n
,. -----
Some Comtort. An Independent
..(.,111I1(! .liy,: ..(jov. Hartranll snys
the balance of the Pennsylvania war
claims will be paid, lie has secured
,l,u 'viei'S ol Mr. Well, an attorney
n abi ily n Washington, to push the
matcr 'lm) h thoVp.,rtmenl. and
)uvo t (.aim 'J'ho Slate is
entitled to about (200,000 balanre."
Well, thai', a pretty good chunk these
'""J"! l ? 1tt,..m J"1 mm claim no
Co., who got away wilb thrtt hundred
thoatand ten year, ago, or Into tbe
I 'Willi I dl 1 itlll(IIV "Mn I UITH I
state 1 reasnry 7
A Mkmiifi l I'mmuknt. (irnnt ba.
pardoned Lewis M. Huberts, w ith liulf
n Beore ,,r rtiVi.iv, who wore convicted
few year, ugn in Pittsburg, unci sen
tenced to twenty year. ininoiimciil
jUIlllMrj.i Hr$ nl Alhuny, .New York, "ur l'dins) Ivaniu readers:
tnjiijn.-' i- iiiii'i-Wiiiiu.V. Ui. .tin.',. - Wm. A. VVt'U,I HimtWi
ii.v , winm.
"J - . r i
;.nen anu women lor eugagmg .,. ine ,
tilcKtu diisiiicm, wniie the lug rogue!
are being pardoned by tho I'ri.idenl
coumenen ami oogu, money are
Kct fivo, h Iiv aiinov the retailer with
vexatious, arrest and imprisonment.
I.i't them bo pardoned now treat all
ii sn,i? ! alike, ''crooked whisky ' dealer and
l,7T( i.ini i ln0 ,gu vendor.
:is,2us i
Sll,il4.8f.j! ' -
bi Uniiai'I'V Twkkh. That notoriou
II ti mi J roguo, Win. M. Tweed, who i serving
a twenty years term in a Now York
4,111,01 1 ponilenliary for hi robberies, Kent by
'j,.' i Samuel. I. Tilden and Cbarlea O'Con
4o,!iSinor, 1 runderod very unhappy by
J)JJJjjj j learning of tho pardon of hi colleagues
cr,m0- ''r'Oent t.rant. 1 no
Ji - Terenc is this : Tweed was a Dem-
ocraiic Bcounurci anu wasnrreKieii anu
convicted b Democralio nflli iuls ; hut
Avery, Babcock, McDnnahl & Co., are
liadical .coundi'els, who were accident
ly convicted by order of tho late Sec
retary Ilrintow, who was compelled to
rmin G,,lMt Cu- l,r,j,urud
men of thia clam to honest one; bonce
tho pardon of nil the "crooked whisky"
Tl,e J . "P Wr rogues in
" " Ba. pardon and
iimnmin i ... T Ui i-i .n. i;n. r..i,p..
; ...
1" a moral point ol view. I bo lesson
implied in tho conduct of thu leader.
of tho two imrtics art worth v oftttudr
. ' ' . "
1 '
Mihcecenatioh Lkoauzkh. The
.. . .. ... ... .. .. ..
nttlo Stale 01 KI101I0 Islana is cvniciiliy
making true progress," us modern
, anll.ropisls term IU U11 tuo s,
lnsl., me nouso or uepreseniauvcs
1 J .t 1 . r .1 ..... .... 1
Pco"" 1 ,uuso ,nu "l,llM, ,
ttnd bluckn. Whon the roll wu cullud
t,oro wero 30 yeas and 30 nays. The
''- '. :
r(.pealir,g tlio penalty for tho inter- j
"'-"Ku l.iu-..n.l negroes in that
ouiio. 1111s muy no 111 aecoruancu , KJ
with the tusto and sentiment ut that!...
.n...;ii,.at,i fv... .,.1,1. 1...1 ...
iuu" " ""'i'" sniuiiniii mi-
1 -i j - -
" "lougnno uuu low grauc. i no
I... ..111.. 1 I .:
"u yvnumn ui umu
ruces win revolt at in is ictfiMiutivet'llort
i ins ruriiun leaiuro ol reiiiiumeiil is
i exuet iinrniony Willi the witcli liuug-
g uuu. ... u.o . nugianuois ono
uiiiiiin.-u aim nny jearaagn.
T.a . 1 . i.C.
J .f , 7! ',x nu
Ol tho cheekiest things that bus trim-
ipired In tho present National
ture was .Morton forcing himself on
the Electoral Commission alter fight
ing it day by (lay and il hiring it an
unconstitutional body, Uu not only
determined to impose himself on tbo
Committee, but attempted to force
othor Radicals of bis own way of
thinking on with Mm. Ur, In oiuer
wonls, ultor ho had fought to duleut
tlie bill instituting the commission, and
been defeated himself in the attempt.
L . .1. . ... I. -a ..r i. ri
uBni. u. ae.p . o. every
. .1.1:.... I... u i i p.. ......... i .1...
iium.i.ii vino uu uuu mi-
ii r. i a.ii.1 wiflnnrx. win iiaiii-
. .. . . .
viii ii it.-iius nio hi u t. ut uuiiii v u vr inv
.. .. . . ?
Presidential coin I. Just now it is war
to the knifu, and tbu knilb to the hill,
! Imt wi. ..Ii f'umnn.n 11...I M.irlnti on ill.
., , ,, , ,. , . . , ,
" "dc. ttn'1 t-lit. and hdmunds
.1 .1 Dl. .
mourner, uuiuio iicshuicb upuii
which lido lo iall, but Grunt wem. to
t.i,.i,nu t ...,...! i ' I... I.:. .1
signing of the Electoral Dill and bis
disposal of .Morton's pretensions to the
power of tho President of tho .Senate,
when he suj s "our whole history show,
that in no instance of doubt or dispute
has ho exorcised the power ol deciding,
and that tlio two houses of Congress
have disposud ol all such doubts und
Bankmtt Aiiaiv J. H. Port! &
Co., Deechcr's publishers, will never
-"" ... ....n... .., ..... ........
j get over the ellocls of Iho Brooklyn
scandal trial. IlavHig failed lo carry
0ut the terms of their compromise
wilh their creditors, they have gone
into bankruptcy a nccund time. They
now offer thirty cents on thu dollar,
in sixteen monthly instalments, to tlieir
creditors. In the list of assets npn'ars
Mr. licechcr'. contract lo writo the
I. ill) ol III in! " inI.H K. , I Vnlim
uncertain." Mrs. Harriet Beecher
I Htowo is one ol the largest creditors,
'' '"I knocked a good many
' tliini!" 'higher than a kile," und the
1 , ;
'mu a nut vul
Pardons. Tho member, of tho
Board of Pardons, al their recent ses
sion, bad no less than twenty-three
case, before them for consideration.
Among them wero tho cases of W. 11.
Klter, of Middlolown, and B. Frank
Kbcrly, of Lancaster, "the two gentle
manly" Custom 11 011 to tiflhiiils that
made themselves particularly conspic
uous on tho Centennial grounds during
the Kxbibition lust summer. They
were convicted and sent to Ibe peni
tentiary for plundering tlio Spanish
and Italian departments during tbo
A DnZKa. A Itudical exchange ro
marks: "Whilo Governor 11 ayes is
quietly attending to his gubernatorial
duties at Columbus, Tilden Is ucting as
advisory counsel in bis own cuso now
beloro the triumvirate. What a differ
ence between tho two men." Tbo half
of this is true. The Ohio man ia the
property of Simon Cameron & Son,
whilo the New Yorker is a free man
an honest man the noblest work of
(iod. Mr. Tilden daro express hi.
viuw. like a man ; but Governor Hayc.
obey, like a slave, allbongk slavery
I ha. been abolished. -'
Pinssvivania's Vutk. Tho Peiin
. u , ,, i i . i,,..,
ylu,niaSenator.d i ldedoi.tho .he-!
lorai mu-iui. "
voting lor iv anil jar. unmra voiiog,
again! it. In tho IIoiiko, our dulcga-:
lion gavo 18 vote lor tho bill 10
DemocralH and 2 llepublicaim and 6 '
i .uii ii 1. 1;, Tl.n Rn.
publican supporting thu Dill "ere
Jllllgo nciicy, Ol l-lliaiieipuiu, nun mi.
. , i- ,, .. .. ... , i i. I : I III.
Townsend, of I'lienter. lliero were
' -"- --D-
Uemoeral, and l!o, Hupiiblicun. 1 ho
1. . . I '.. inn mill l-..rliirt,
Hollowing voto will bo lntoreling to
lin - tonTowiiKend If.. HicBtcr Clviiier, !
i n" ii i i Ii W II W..... I
l-..ii.. T. .. r.. 1....1. ii uji..ij
t iVilliu.n M,,.i,l..r ll V II Stun
. , . , , , ,
l. ,'ohn Ileillv. I. W. H.
Stciiger, !., I.. A. Mackey, I'., Jacob
. it .1 ll
' i; i' .i' tt lM ,; "V . y i ll u
iV. J inner. SlKuUcy, l.-in
NAYrt.-Sim,uC'HM'n.h, U.Swiulnr;'
Oiujmiuti fivumun, K., biirU-t U'.Ni-iH,
it., Allun WimkI, Jr., K. A. Hoi r Smith, I
Ii., John H. Murker, 1(, Juhii A. Wttl-
lUlt, II. .. I
AhhKNT OK S(iT OTIN(l. I' I'Unk P.,
Collins, )..S,il,i,ki IIimh, I!., Alhertti.
Kglicrl, Jl.-a.
Fi.uitiHA KtxtD. Tlio ti-ianglo I!o
l.uriiing Board, silting at Washington,
counted in tho Iluye. Electors in Flor
ida on Kriduy lust. The voto stood as
tollows : .
Y.AS Bradley, Kdmiinds, Kreling-
huv sen, Hoar, (iurlield, Miller, Morton,
ami Slrong S.
.avs Aliboll, liayaru, t nuoru,
Field, Uiinton, I'ayno and Thiirman
. .
nays all Democrats.
This docs not discourage us in tho
hast. The sumo rules laid down by
llio Boaid in order to count Florida for
Hayes, will compel it to count Til. leu
in, in some other Slates, unless "llio
Court" will flssumo tho responsibility
of reversing itself. This is not prob
able, all hough possible, because Brud
ley and Strong found their way to the
Supremo Bench in a very crooked
manlier, and may betray their personal
integrity again.
' A hravo otd man," is what thu Hud-
llio you aro all Ladicals, ami tlie." '",,'.,, ... ... i
... ..... ., 1 .1. ..
ino leuow wuo ni-si wuni 10 urauij
and Cameron, und informed thorn thut!
Louisiana bad given nut less tlinn
8.000 majority lor Tilden, but of those
.-Cl.ri.tian Statesmen" would agree to
raise tho said Wells oar: million d.Mars,
.. ... .. . .
, , . , . T , , ,
1 .. . . 1 1
fr T,deii, refused to invest. Then
.,, hnn mM t0
Nuw Yrk (n lu.(,()tia(B wi(h , ,k.m.
locratic Chairman, Mr. Hewitt, a..d
Kullca,lerculliiciuriiing iH,ur.i ciis,!,iuJ 1k.0, , UJ L(.ultb ,orM 011g lime.
l"I,', .1. ....... ...."7.'.. ,.f .1 7
viin-in. ninir uv.ii.iKiii.u a iiiiiuvn , uwi
villi 1 n. uinir ui
lor declaring tho voto lor Iilden.
' . " 1
....-; nut invest knowimr
. ...
1 that Tilder
had CUriluU JOIlimana.
, , , () ,
. . , .
is locked up
Lional Capitol,
.,l ..ii.
. j( Uu of ttliytm
lor fraud, perjury, contempt, etc
a FoBSbV J'HKAK. An exc
vor of
m lliu
Hays : "Col. Forney spoko in lavor ol
; on aluruay nigiil irom me
isamo desk win refrom ho opposed him
, 1, ., . .
three years ago. In tho Vma (.r Mon-1
duy Morning is published very proiiii-:
nently an address of the Republican
Stale central committee expressing its'
idea that every Republican n Pcnnsvl I
idea tlmt eyto Kcpuhl.i.n in 1 ennsjl
vania should tako tho Km. It I. not
necessary lorrornoy to givosuch pub-1 Philadelphia Ti'nr upon it.
licity to the quid pro qui. Uo is rated . So,.relary Chadwick was inaugur
ut about bis proper price in tho politi.!BtJj tiovemor of Oregon, last week,
cal market. Forney is just sinner! to succeed tirovcr, resigned. Mr.
enough to box tho political compass ! tirovcr will take his seat in tbe U. 8.
from the four corners, and" thon cnlSt'""le Bncrtn8 xi o( MareD'
only keep bis head above water-level.
llo sold Mr. Iluchanan; he sold Stoko-
ly, and ho is just rtady to sell every
, J '
i-!,,u,nd ll0 erur uj provided ho can
. '
eII0Kn rJown."
A Narrow Khcai'X. There was a,
ni.Himn. mailxiin lliu 1 ll.lii.u
"""""'"" -'.... ..ii...
caucus to get Hale, of Muine, Zacbljeurs, instead ot tour, as by tho origi-
Chandler . son-in-law, on the electoral nal bill.
Commission, instead o( Mr. Hoar, of For good hard common sense givo
Massachusetts. The escape Irom such us the Ccnuocticut Lcgislure. it con
an uflliction was narrow, the vote!"1''1" I23 fanners, 40 inaiiufaclur.;rs,
,. i, ., .nr , ,, . 21 iiierebants and oly 12 awyers. The
standing Hoar 42 to 40 for Halo. Hole U,,, Ul)UM fJ
is of small caliber, unscrupulous, and merchants ai.d 9 lawyers.
would have been sadly out ol place on Mooj , EvBnf,,isti .nI,ounco,
a committeo composed as a majority lmU tbe comribmions for the family ol
nf this commission will bo. It isquito,Ui lato P. 1'. Bliss have been so liberal
j . , 0 M , G fl M
on tho commission to represent tho
. , . , ,. collections snutiiu now cease,
corrupt clement of the liepublican par
ty. The better element of tbo party Poland, tho profane old
... , , . . v , . .. cuss, says bo "don t know anything
will bo represented by hdmunds, rre-i KcctorK, .,, an(,
linghuysen and Hoar. was a very cttrc ft danin, That's a Irank acknowl
brassy effort on the part of Chandler! elgcmcnt and it is put in tonus that
In get bis son-in-law on the committee
sn us to propitiate somo of his crimes,
if nccessury.
A Daiinaiii.r CniME. Tho tux pay
ors of Schuylkill county will lose (i!0,
000 by thu failure ot tho Iiiiilicnl llunt-
xinger Bank, where the county Treas
urer deposited tho comity fund
wives ofthi-eoof the llui.lxi..gorsownniomh,''niol)llt jt , mwh ler
nearly a bull' a million ol dollars worth 1 than heretofore at a rnrrosnomlm.7 nn.
of real cstato, and how much cash they
havo in their pockets no one knows
but their dear selves. Tho depositor,
lost ( 1 .200,000. 1 low tr uch of thut sum
those ladies have saved for iheir lami-
lk'" wi" V"'"y "vt be aseerlained
by the oulsiilu world.
Why Kick. If the Itadicala fairly
carried Florida, why aro ihey so ex-
Illlnllt Hull O niinmiil I i.n r.l ll.a li..l,,ut
character Is not to Inquire Into their
tilio to tho voto of that Stato. They
know it is . iYnn.1 ami luiiiro tl.....
tears ovor tho proposition to investi
gate it. More; if they aro not afraid
lo huve tho eligibility of their Klector.
tested, why did they volo against tho
second order of tho tribunal. Tho in
eligible may sottlo it. Too
much ofllco-bnldor did the business.
A QuusTioK roR Tiikorists. If only
TEN PEK CENT, ol tho criminals
who wero aenl to tho penitentiary in
this Stato in 185.1, could neither read
nor write, when we had but three
months free adieu, I, why Is it that SIX
TEEN PEK CENT, of the same class
find their, way there In 1873, alter two
months has been added to the school
term. Is it becauso our education is
based npnn a false theory, nr docs tho
fault lie exclusively with tho teachers,
or parents T ' ,
Governor Vance, of North Carolina,
is In receipt of a lotter from tho Secre
tary ol War, demanding tho record, ol
the oflle. of the Adjutant General of
that Stale for lbs year. 1861 to 18CJ,
inrlusiro. Governor Vaneo hrt replied,
refusing to comply with tb. demand.
Sec-iH-lnry Morrill lHM-rlUHy III !
Texan furmern aro unoiil to Iwglii
corn plunting.
Philadelphia merchant aro ahip
ping largo ipialililiv of apple to Mv
eriiool. . ,
j(U (juj
Tho InleMial revcmio agent aro
-orgii.ii7.iu).' .um v.. ....... urn.......,.
in thu South. I
:.i .... in:..;, .li.iiu....;. '
l'ilty ihoiihund grape-rutlingB wei-o
hippeil to Iraiue Irom 1 lionuuivillii,
i iv.r't wil l-. - ....
NaTaVa5t! aftfiWWa''Watt'a!r5iiaMB-f
birthday lut week.
i- I tJ ... I . .......... I ii... I ..-1
I'limaixvillu. iLjwlita ner iiiihi"-
A in. ncuii iiu in iivii inu mnj
al .Wociatioii to viit
Texas next mnnnier.
Tho ico In
......... r 1 1 . in..
!tfhj"' rivi'roiifi 18-IW(riM without
uui u. I... n i.w- .
wittl dunui l rnoriy.
I liUu-uiplna hut in,(imi vucuni
Iioiim - h, wLulo UUkKa tiiriliii wlnsrot
votfitallo unglit to grow.
.r.., iUut tri i(i 1ii.nV(,P,.ti i
forilia Was Ut tllO rout o A Willi OHIO!)
ft ;a,ft n.n)l UH nnllinir flir irvim. !
-A rcwhilion ha, heon introduced j
in the UoiiHeat Harrishurir. todimiense
II. JIIU ll ll.lOl. U. ll.ll in.n.,, l'J,lf"..'..nJ
with the printing of the Legislative'
Itcnrrl I
m, , ,
ino wiiu wavesuro weuringaway
it... Mini., ..I' IM.,I l.l.l .l ii.
V. " - '"'-' - ,.
.lisappcarance is only a nuesuon oi
ll,l,u' j
Tho House passed the Legislative, !
Judicial and Executivo Appropriation
Bill, which reduces Ihu President's
salary to 125,000. I
-Tho debt of Chester county is
. I Oil (11
1112 7(1 : at tho close ol tho war it '
year was f'O 2.V)
' -
John Slaver, of Pino Hun, Ly-1
coming county, will piitinto tho wuturj
this season 500,(IU0 feel of log. and i
400,1400 fuel of boards.
Man)' of tho schools in Cumbria
county have bud to be closed on ac
count of the great prevalence of dip.
Iberia among tho children.
Tho Americans are shelling Con
stantinople. A hlcamor carr ing 1
000,000 shells lias just sailed for that
port from Mew Haven, Conn.
Bear Admiral Wilkes, fnited ,
Stale. Navy, retired list, died in Wash-1 lorKin 11, ' ir oe.nga uroin
.... .... i 1.... 1.-..1 d.i. 11. ior ol John n ilkos. of hiiLMand. In 1818
Vtll. 111. lUlimUHl, (VUlllllll OLII. 1111
It is a linn! thing to find an old
1 , .. i P 1 .1 1 ,
muid who doesn t hnik under the bed
I jr ruhbei-s, but still harder to find a
man who can run a skating rink and!
make money
TI... I..- :., tr......
i- 1 . i-n l- Ti .1 . Z. ! 1.
died at blk rulls, in that Slato, last
week. She wa. twumv-two years ol
,:agu, and weighed threo hundred and
tvvelilv lioumls.
., . , ., ,,
-1 ho ivsideiiU of V oodbme, I ar-1
riHonVounty, Iowa, Imve been holding;
indiirniilion meetings hecause a lurmer;
keeps nineteen dogs, which he allows
'In run nl Innrt.
- "
Iho (iovernor has issued a war
. . : n
' rant lor the execution 011 thu 4th ol
. .....1 ...,vt nl' Tlwa lli.tTf ....W-l.iH
i . I"". ,,,.' , ? .1 .1 l
in .Schuylkill county of the murder oil Slidell, tbo Confederate Commissioners jrs jp
. Hviijuiuin F .Yost. lo Kngland and France, on boardJ.adn
. .. . .; Mason and Slidell were taken on board "' 1
Haro de erner savs, through i. ,. . , . .. .m
' .. r. i tlm Sim Jiii-inln anil nn lu-r arrival in . ...
ui I - u.... L. ....,...11 . i.l
d imki, . , ; : ho;:;. no
" . T ' rT,.,Y. .'' ''"'t Warren, whore they formally
I sH'Ct pa d to socm distinction. lie 11.11 iv h . .1 '
-, lul ,. swindling. t!"",1t"1 Aln"rnl tt ,lk,w ,or ll"s ac-
,p. p;..,. ..u .....k inveterate In lRl'.R uliil.i A lmiral U'illii.. una
j mj ,eun sindling.
The ,,inU,. ,,,, invoteril(e
gamblers that a party of squaws and
,1 r it . - 1
bucks in irginia City were entirely
anowed in the other day whilo playing
lM,Kcr on " Ta,Bnl MH- i 11 rwl' ladron in tlio est Indies,
-Thad. Slovens' old desk in tbejl'' .laj'tured many .blockade runners,
House of Representative, is t he per-M bulaat active duty. Hewas
A R Mt.cluro ;uocommissioneil Rear Admiral on the
J,, uf rinKjK ..litorial in tho!""'""1 ' uiy 18C6-
A negro of lioxeman, II. l drink
ing a pint of coal oil with suioidal in
tent, tbe other day, the emetic convert
ed him into a petroleum well, witb a
flowing capacity of four barrels a day.
Advices from Tnscon, Aritonia,
say tho Legislature baa passed a sup
li.lMmonlal lull oiriimiif inir tliA Kn.ithirn
I I. ' . . . - "
raciltc riad Irom taxation lor six
; t,nt wUh tho nd(liliun of wbal bo ,oft
.1 .u . j... . .1 ..
l"7 provioea ir, nu tne
are entirely understandable
Captain C. V. Gardiner, of Dead
wood, D. T., baa just completed ar
rangements in Omaha, whereby smelt
ing works of tbu most approved kind
will bo established in the Black Hills
this u minor. Capital, l.'iU.IHM).
The freight business of the Penn-
sylvania liailroad has diminished enn-
siiienioiy as comiiareu Willi a lew
riod of the year. This is tbo dull
season fur railroad business.
Tbo stockholders in tbe Kccly
Motor Company are getting uneasy,
and il is rumored that the great in
ventor will bo called upon to show
somo satisfactory evidence that tho
money that has boeli put up lor him
bus been productive of some tangible
. . . . I . n i'-.
Tl,., l',l.r;. f...... . :..
"v . it,,r.,.n 111 in run).
.. ... ... ....
mo fieuin 01 Mrs. t alharine Trotter,
j in Hemlock, Cambria county.ssys that
I good lady, who had no children of her
i "". reil and oducated no loss than
iweniy-nne orphans, jicr tuneral wa.
the largest ever seen in the locality
wnore sne nveii.
Eastern statesmen should pattern
their action in rcirard to the payment
Of school teacher, by the statesmen of
ricoraska, who, to their honor bo it
said, have enacted a law which pro
vides that male and female teacher,
shall receive the amount of compensa
tion where tho wine kind and amount
of work 1. performed. Good for Ne
braska. The liabililiea of the firms in New
York that have failed, assigned, or
been adjudicated bankrupts during toe
past month of January i. estimated at
(3.000,000. Thirtv-sevcn firm, failed
wilh liabililiesof (1,000,010, thirty-two
mails assignment., their liabilities be
ing (550.000, and nineteen were adjudi
cated in bankruptcy, their Indebtedness
being (850,000. .
It Is mentioned as a striking lliu..
tration of tho hard time, among poli
tician, as well a. other folk, thai
among tho .pwial police lately .worn
in at tho rapltol were two Kx Govern
ors, ono Kx Judge, one Ex Congress
man, and several prominent State pol
itician, who have been hanging about
Washington for month, waiting fur
something to turn up.
, , iiiki years nusinces, air. u. i'. Boarie,
An K tho vouchors presented l.yll0 vrmMeni expressed a jr
jw. r.. charged wine arc .ii.u
' i..iiin iu.'.ii n .
lie v. rou imib ai n aniiinii..., u.v mnim
of a Blriking nature. Twelve ol thewi
Toiiehcrii, running in date from 1871
to tho chw ol 1875, aro lor tho quar
terly "lourd and euro ol a dog" at the
"'lanil amounting in too aggregate i '
I I I I ..,,.1
jVicnJ (lt il,0 capital hcikIbiib the mini
, , . , .., i.
n,ii.,.iuiean.iauiouiiiB.i iiirB0M.u.u.)ur C(.n, M1 mnti n ,(l0 ,,,k,
fin, hm bo ilia' not Bpecilli ally Btale. ri,(riving f:i nun in cali and thu Mink
whether that dog belonged to tho Ad g
iiiiiiibiiuiiuii or wa me pir onui pi-op-1
'i-".V WyVw i, Vi--
icompare. with tho tout ol In keep.
Il:it ll he I a real Hog. ami wiib either i
' - - " "
,...i..l .....f.,1 M I... tt... I,,t..,
" T"""'" " '" " i ..I irm mw mil il.toiil In null !
. i. :.i .iA .. . . t ,i: i ..H .1 :
iiiiiu null Hill. iiw win.. ll I. v 11111111 1 m
,,r Ihh cuiiitcirluMvaiMt jtror mi.iort
a jpiviTniiiPiil flo
In viitw nl l
i .,, ilM W11H nnilmhlv one of tin;
M,A , f ...
. crowd In which ho moved. Tho pc-
..i .i i... I..U ... i : ..i t
:r :..f.i...i ... i.;.
m.,.! Miirmntwlinrrn nnd tt'iM triviiil
..i n... ll ......,.,1 u..., I... ..'oil lliO chliliro of umhcZ.Ujim'nt nd
M il.e rent of tho de,H.,.de.,l5 upon
lh I renmiry. At leant Ho lion cucaiieu i
--j- l I
personal Investigation, and bo has had
no connection with Cameron and Mor-
no connection
, ,.. .,,., ,M ,,,,,.mi .
having lived upon tho money ol the
people lor lorty-two months at the rate
of ten dollars a month. All this we
find in palliation of the dog if ho was
a real, live dog. But, if he wasa stono
' fn 'T or a torra-cotta dog,
l"ul . 1" 1 "I"'". payroll -r
tho sake only l swindling the Treas-
"O" 0,lt "' ,he ,um fl'rged against
him, theso vouchers represent a fraud,
Und a committee should be appointed
with power to send for persons and
paper a nil thedog. Vfnanm Snctntor.
IONKHS. Admiral Churl... Willr..a !,
was on tho retired list of tho 1'nitod .
Status Navy, died in Washington yes-!
yuy. morning, lie in New I
ho was appointed a midshipman, wast
.i.... ll 1., mor
. cnimaiider in 1841 cantain in 185a' I
a. COIIimanoer in lIM.l.iapiain ill
iv. 1. ; iac. ....1 b...- .i.:..i
oh ,1U ralnii list 18UC. j
1H38 he .....nd fiv0 vessels
'. Smith Heaa. Alter visit inr tliu I'acinei
and Chandler, llo i ehar of oil. a.ltl, r tltt u u IImi ' 18 a1 'Cf td avanir of Cltardeld, to ai'iir la
langlemen.sconc'crninKtho Itolurn- "Christian Statesman."' Tuo remark ' iim.itJ!2'
lloanl irauus in Morula ami iiouis-1, . , , ... , J ..k...,., :...r...Z-
i.l.ii.,1. ll,.. nv,u.,l;,ir, .l.ri.r.-l 1 1,..
; isluiids ttao 0XH!dilion diseovereU the
! Anlartio ccnliueiit, coasting it, wesl-in
, want, lor more than .evenly di-greesj
1 .: i... : I - i i I . I ...
nous uu roceivcu a ifoiu meoui irom
(le UmUtn tjuo ,.,1 SK.iuly.
, ml ttur. a ComimHloro,
. ..,, ,,, y., i.ii... :,i.
, ((J H Jttcillto t0 look alter the
, i ...
I iiiiiiicrain Hicanicr nuniicr. in inn
j tail ol the same year be encountered
r.. ll ,.r . I.-!.... -...i
tlie llntiso mail steamer J rent in tho
lt.ll.MI..A ri.utLt...! till I. M.IM..n tnH
Ml! I ll il'f ,r 1 wlur :
"""r, wrbor lhei 9i 'T'i
In riii'l. u arn.n. whiirt. thnv Inrma t
l i8i6. wbile Admiral Wilkes wa.!
in command of a flotilla on tho Jamiwl"' ,""' ""'f '. V'
' . .... . inuiuai outi rat no ilia Hlh it ay nf Janua'T. I "7 r.
j nvcr, he shelled and destroyed City j a ii pernor Ldebied io trm ar. nouiro.1 io
. Point. In 1863, while in command of ik pjeti i Frank u..iior, ... ail el.iiar
The Scranton JicputiUcnn of Satur
day says that tbe now. of Nathan
L. Lenheim's enormous defalcation fell
upon our neighbors of Montrose, Bus
quehanna county, tho other day, like
a clap of thunder from a clear sky. Ho
was a young man who moved in the
boat society in tbo place, apparently a
(li'Tntt'd member of ft churc h. hclnvod(riirjd.ioitibanujof, Adminitr-lrii
nnH nbii.tfttnod-l I.l' attl u-lm Ln.tur him of aatd ialata, ta and amotir tb tianltn Ifvallt
llt n! 1 Imnlr in vli.h 1 1.
weaUhiwit men of tho town wero inler-
osted, besidos licing well-to-do himself
all this at the ago of twenty tour.
With such brilliant prospects beliiro
him, he dashed them to tlio ground in
a single day, confounding the com
muni'.y in which be lived, and lelt the
people of tho placo almost panic
stricken. HIS (JUST I'LIUUT.
But a few days since he left Mont,
rose without aluting a word of bis
affairs lo an v one. and a week airo to-
day he was arrested In Now York lorJ
prescntinif a lortfod note lor tbe lumol
lorteu notu wa. uiicireu 10 uavo oeen
di-awn by B. T. Stevens, and endorsed
by Mr. H. Kesller, of KastOII, Who is
known to be worth al least (l.OuO.OOU.
rortunaU'ly, nOWCVCr, tllO bold int k
WM detOCtOtl, Krid ill forger Ukon ID
eras uuiucilii, B.I.U lilt. Ilirger taaeil 111
clmrKebv the mtboritioi. The rtceipt
. .1- lit.
Ot thCStnrtling nt'WB Rhw - k -
ed the pooplo ol' MonlroHo, and especinl 1 - fth 74 drgn-f rait no tvt to kpiitniDn,
lythostOt khoMoMorthoFimlNttlionttll"1 rrrvi a HHp of UndOfl i
A .uv . ..a. . n... mm. , . . . . ,.,i .
""""" " .an...
er. Accontingly an investigation was
made, and it was discovered that his
bank defalcations reached thuenormoiis
Itlllllr ntt. ... Mr I .i.nhnim mram ...1.
sum of (90,000 of money be bad wuun.
dercd in various way.. All crTuris to
ascertain bow ho had invested this
plunder, or into what channel, be
could have directed it, havo m. far
proved fruitless, and this portion of
thn Irananntinn mual rnn,ain . .
i i " y oav.j t aiij ana nir, and to asa diraelad, ibora will U , " nonh a-! drtraai wcai II ll par
Until the dark nequel of' tho hold crimo aspad to pahllo alr, at the Coan i iia 1 eh" to d amlTki throna north H dKfi
id ruvealud. Of thifl amounL "0 0U0 Bnn,uh nf 'l',rl,W( Saiarday, tha S I .Inr ' t lS(i pairbf to a bam I. -r h Haaip : thvaea by
kn unnn fiMl ,i. i'.i f Narrb, lSTT, at I o'clock p.m.. tha follonlnt 1 tr of load of Kiraard Mrrrinoa and
rest wftj taken in Vflnous ways, lor
Mr. l.OllllCim )Rd full COIltrol tU dlS-
count notes und trnnnact olhor buRincM
Ol Iho bank nt will and atmn.ntU-
Ol IU0 Dnii ftl Will, unU appart ntl)
WlthOUl Consulting any Of the O 111 Cent
iSf th innl itnlinn
Wo haro ftiirortJi.n.rl Lwrn, ,ui
the defaulting cashier", bond 1. good
mr me grvaverparv oi me money stolen,
and that the , bank will lose only
about (.'4.000. The confluence of the
people in its stability is .till nnshaken,
and np lo Thursday noon there was
donble tbe amount of money deposited
that was drawn out. On Wednesday
last the bank wa. closed for an inves
titration and for the adjustment of
matter, that had been deranged by the
nuuuen aisappearanco ol th. easbior,
but it wa. opened yesterday, transact
ing buiinos as usual. Tbe stockhold
er, havo given their note for (40,000
to replenish Iho depletod treasury and
moot prosont emergencies. They are
an men ot sou no nnancial standing,
and no extraordinary run i. anticipated.
In fart, one party, to .how his faith in
ih. atable character of tha ooarorn,
depoaitod (5,000 in il on Taewlay, and
other, have toaiifled their confidence
in It in a similar substantial mannor.
Tb liabililiea are aecured by sound
notea, and no such thing a a failure i.
ox petted.
Th First National bank of Mont
rose cam Into existence about two
y.ara ago, and aver hqc iu inception
Mr. Nathan,ba.
been its cu.hiur, At tho done of the
,.. . ,itttiluilioii ovor tho factVJ . ..i . rd.r urn.. o,.m.'rJ:
that tho original plan of rvlurriiiK all '
I'. , commiuoo alter being
timed bid not curried out, and that
.Mr. I.eiibciin wan negoliuting puper
without tliu iiiatruction ol any ouu.
BtOCk ori.
lmV out .Mr. l,eiihoinr. The coimc
nuenco wai that Mr. Hearlo Bold out
hm 15,imu worth lor a margin ol 20
tier cent, and retired Irom thu hank.
( wljii-h b mill hold) a Kc urily. Mr.:
(iv(,rg . Ucnllv, wa cIiom-ii viio
f,..;,.rrt.'iu fam i.irt.,1 f77i, hr. Will'. J
M.unaii uiu omv .-.unonai nan .u
U)W. There i another buiiriiiitf.
i,11KU then that ol Win. Il l'iKincr
. ... . .
a t.(1.wiiicii na ikh-ii hi exHni.ce mr
twenty viae, ami 1 iiIm.vo ivi.roacli.
1i.ur.ii Aiuoni in r.w iiii:k
Lenh.-im. who in Uij.r turtt in
loik, Will lrnilL'it Up Ul ItlU
T(unlm ve-4toriliiy,iiinl Intel tlmt ho
inK-ndttJ to wuivo lurth.rexflniinHtiMi,
xwl 141 Jiu.uou, una no wan
ii mu Iwlil lii .i II II tn hwuiL r ifdlllKl
lion Irom (iovcrnor llurtrault. lirn
no Will bl) tUKOn to .MoiltrtWO lor trial
forgery.- llV,,,,T,rt Hullo
Fth. WA.
A Sad Hiktake In a sproch
Iik. and uttered in sarcasm. But was
.. , . , ,, . ......
it just?; Iho phrase "a Christian
Staiosmau" originated during the dis-1
cussion ol thu Credit Mobilier bribery.
ll was used to designate frauds
hypocrites like Colliix and t.urfleld, .
nion who took tho bribe and swore j
that tbey had not taken it ; men pre-1
tending to be Christians, yet all tho ,
time industriously serving the devil, j
Now Butler is nut nun of this class nl
.-ow, "uiicr is noi 0110 01 tins iiass 01
men. 11 u iIihs nl pretend to bo a
Cbristiun; in fad, ho doe. not pretend
to be any tiling that he is not. Tho i
hyiocrisy of religion is not one of his
vices. Indeed, wo do not think him'
guilty of bvpocrisy ol any kind. I
. ,, ' y , . 1
Mr. fteudder was mistaken, (.en. But-
: 1... 1. ..... . el, c, ............. . ....1
since thu lime, years ago, when the
-Vun exploded the story about bis steal-
'"K spoons, there lias been no goo.1
r!ri,und Tor calling him a Christian
.Slulesman.-.V. V. San.
Urtr dt'rrtisrmrnts.
I llltAl' (jUUttHIMl
tt-j-rtip,Bj aim..uoaM to bi. ol. frirarf.
. ""'" .... 10 a 01a irmii
OKOcKrTrKs ."fRovts'loN's ai'iho old tiaivt
- -.
I "T"TIC 1 II Isd.hls.l lo ihr ml.if
i 0f r. . otio-d that ibrj b.i
,j ielli, h,,,, acoouoi. wiilioui doi.r. aod
ail ihoW h..i ...ian .br id m.,.
r.lrd. Tbo boo of Ih. Mid O.UI. We al lb.
ffco of C. W. binith. n. Koeoml ..rorL
f1. W. SMITH. 1
JKO. r. IHIN, I In
W i. HlULEIt. I
Ckirfu-ld, Frb. It, 1871-41.
TVI.Hill IITIIII! 111! ni.Tai.' .
I f Ti.ih.rinM.h.Hi.,r.,n.,..ii..k....
a --" - .
4 i,r,, ,r lh, ut,i..n bu.m... 1.
ib,. d.t diwi.rd by Batoai .i. Tho imi
nrn aid lio rondatilcd hiro.ilrr ut the old .Innd
by William Powell. The .ki f tha lata firm
tbo hand of W m. I'.iwrll, for rolliN-ti'.n
lllrmont. aad nil pnrini bnoaing ib.ia
i.domo.1 am iraro e.ll aa.t rptlNr tbr
ilbouldel... WM. POWKI.I,.
t'lrart.ld, Feb. 12, '77-11 WM. t. MOIlllAX.
1 None
Mill.. Cles
f llool.J.
iee i berelir slroo thai lheoo.partorr.
efUlia.liolweeo J P. llalenf Orooola
Mill., Clearteld ooanlr H... and r ranb Bolaer,
"f ci..r.i,l ..ui. V... ..i.r ib.
fainci .! oral an. o aai. or nine
J. I. IMI.S.
Oic.,,1. Mlll.,Jn.3l.'!7-lt FRANK IHILtlliK.
Tli. .nd,r.iunel aill ee'l al nrlr.fe .11:
tb.t tract ar raroel af land tilaa'e 1. Daoatur
ml.... .1.. .. I. II. r ll I nor..ii.r. Jan n lha faa . l'..n.t.kl..
towa.hip, rie.rll.ld ....ate, Pa, wilbm a abort -jy elrtu.of.riu of ,d,ii..i Ceaoo.. lantd
dirtanea or lb. T n.n. Clo.rllcl I K . H . and j 1) out of tbo Oo.rt of Conoioa Pleat of Clear
tdjuialni land! of K,.bert Hodton and olnere, Bold eoantf, and lo no diraelad, lhara .ill
ad hnna. at Ibe Jaeoh II. llearb.ri U Tlio t be .looted ta pablle wit. at tb. Court Hnait,
taid traet oonlainiac arret mora ot lew, tiith I in rbt boroogb of Clta.lold, o. Wo.lnetd.j, iho
tel. Tela, of Wat thtreoa, hat about 10 j at. ... .( f,bro.ry. I.I7, al I o'eloeh, f.m,
aerot elttred, and it tbt her lo a Urge bode of ; tb. folluwin ...erih.d r ....u.. i. ii ,
"un .....vro. ... vm low anu
upo. aetr tern.. re parlieiiltn, apple to
Clearfield, Pa., Jolt II, l.-:il.
4 t lllTllH'S IbOTIt
I. Iba Orpbant' Coort af CloarSeld aau P..
la Ibe matter ol tbt of Iraaa Blooai. fir..
late of t bo boroa.h of C.rwenteille, deceased.
Nolle. It ketrb; airtn tbit tba onder.ianed
A urfiln alIlUl.ntaal kar aui el k- J L
1 r"t,,M" r.a, .III .iHltd t th
tlut,at.rthap.inttaantat hiaoftcaia OlaaHlald,
I aa Tharaday, Marrb atb, I UTT. at 1
I 0 O'ik-h a. ai,
wbe. and whtrt partlet latererted ma .llond.
11KU5 UOItllilN
Cloar6ttd, Feb. U, T7 4t. Andilor.
THl'HT.-azwii a.i 11 "
Br antloa or pr-cdBgi In dotnfalie atlrh
KMit la lha Owi ol Commnn P a. of ClraiSahl
ooantT, Pa.,tSrrm ha to pah lio nit
h in ur 11 OHM ia Mfarntn. rm
Hatarday. March UK lMf T.
atZnrl'M'ft n. m., tha rnllnwlng dftcribH rral
"TuZllLl,? fl"!, A ,. . ul
at foil.,..
H)f tnnlnf at a pnt, fonatrly black, j
5". ;n tb iherteen therm down ,d
' ... " . . . . p .'. """"
math ?" dcfxn-a vant 4J frat to a poxt ; thean t.y
! . .!,... , . . . r , t .'
, dwmna bo. with tbe atoeaxre ,.uti.u,i....
I titbit, e., and baring a nnmbtr of Iruit uvt
tr ei
and oraanfnul (hrubbrrj Lhrraun.
I propartr, boitlnntoc eornar oa Ki'tr atraett
I nf ih ditreaa iat Mlu rt 10 TbUd
'. .u,u .0 ueuTeeo eat" eu root 10 loiro.
J'T.1' ""T .' 1!ul I2. llfra w'i V
wet ta aa allft i ttttoc t ld allay aurth XH
l d.grao. wrn (IIS 4 5 to Kl.r itf-.. ; tl,-nra by
'. ' . ' . T "
, thniofh the baek pert of tbir lot
j Te.i or k.i.. ea.b, .oJ th. 1.I
"''"" 'r,D,r(,,r "ll .. bt
j "J.,"'ir,"J" . l"-i'
jko. r. Irwin, r
JKO. F. IK WIN. iTra.teee.
W ll llllil.KH, I
riearlelj, rob. 14, I17I-II.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bj vlHuo of aandrr wrlta of Fitri Fntin la
' ,,,0, of Ccmienn PIMM of CImn
A ibt triM?t w -f Ut(J , .
J baiojt Uoioa lB.hip, Clrarttald o.-aiify,
bo,IIult- wibed a foiiovn Urg-a
r"" " t'oW 01 h" "f OTjrd to Linai
. hh(iW) (hanoa by tlaaaortb oaa huadrad
and aaraataao pitrohra mora or Ina to a poat oar-
Bar af laad rata vrvftai Li H W UaM , th.... k.
; aaid Moora'a laad eaat araty-to parrha nora
j or lta la aaat aoaadry liaa of -aid warrant No
t lb hy aald a-artaai llaa toutb oaa h oa-
plaoi of h.jlooim, cogtiiul.f Ift; aerot renre or
lett, an. too ataal allowaar.. Aaoat thlrle ieo
aerot rlrtreel, aa. a aood wearing orchard, alauk
ko.M JI.S. leet, n.uluet an. oak litablr Ihere
M. Bene., taken In eiteuilu. in. to b. ula al
Ibo nmpert) al W. W. lltnltp.
Alto, ooo lot t. l aloa towothip. Clear
lei. eooaty, Pa, loataiala. aoout ikirtjr aerai
of laad, ator: or leu, a. wklob Ii a pliak boat.
I 14 feel, a Ion ruble. . brook of ran.m water,
)oa.a errk.rd, with aboal I. aore. eleare. Ian. ;
foo. beailaeb ... aak timber oa laa.. .tlie.,
lake, la tieraiiao, aa. to bo aol. al tbt iirotiar
re of Jacob Heat. r r
Alio, .rt that, aerial, leu ar eleeet affMan.
tltaata la tho boroaeb .1 Hoaitdala, 1'lrar.el.
oouaie, Pa., boaode. aa. ileeeribo. at follow. :
Ooa thereof bonod,-. o. tbt Berth he lut No .1 ,
0. tbo math hi ...vor .lltr, oath. oaa. ky Brit
bta alroot, tn th. eett he .pra,M alter, aa l
'neiulelll. il, Thi olber Ibaroolbnaade.
on tha north bjr Mnwee alley, aeath bj .at ureal,
eatt bj lot Na 131, oa lao wa.t bf lot M i. Ui,
an. kaeaa ai lal No. tU, wilh konat an. it.ui.
therwo. ereeted. Belled lakea in oaee.ii.ia, and
1. ba told ai tba properte of lleo H Wuadan.
dmuiltliaior al 0. V. liaitt, deoeated.
Taaal or Bat... Tho Iriat al aaal al whloh
lb. aeoaerte iball b. ilr.oh of U..I be paid at
tb. tltat af tel., ar t.tb . htr arraaaleaeau
ad. ae will be aopraead, tlhtrwitt tha proporu
will he laetedi.tele pal ap aad toM M.ia at
th. upaaea aa. nth al th. portva w aa.e. it
wal atraah bf, aad who, Ul aaee al dabateaaa at
nek re sale, th.ll etako (aad Iho aaata. o.d I.
aa la.uae. will the Deed ba pre telle. I. Uean
far eaatraallo. aal eat tb. aioaei I. aetnaat
paid H Ik. Hkarif.
' t.satrr Orncs, i MahC
CVaarieid, Pa, feb. 14, I Iff. J
MflC 5dW.UfmnitJ
r. ,
iirM. Ioiiht Z777
v"Hii ).. ih MiirmitMi AdKiBtj.r.Z
Koun llaa in I'tartild, u
lhrd), Marrk lu. Inn,
t I o'cluck a , in ibai M,itia (,,., r ...
L"r Wt l04l, Hutu li ,..'
I..J...CJ...L... II...' I L-' """
d luuiH M.,n. .. m. .m b, ...j.
: "" " Uiio fuWll
,,,, kf .j, or fc,
.Ikiui tliu a,t,. .... buni. th. ...u. .... '
, .Ik,i ton .r., . i be,,,,..
I'""'" wn lln-ingi livii.i,; o
J;i , r
i Ii.... ib.m ii .all K''" '.-i4ui',
.. .V .Am ; .MrWWM.rr,J.'.
r rMu.-on. third ih. i,.,.i.
'.... e....Hi...i ,r i.,
"'" ta. ... i... ,..r.. ib. i.,,,,,,.
mibidIi IB Iblvml hi b Kvsro. by r,...,.i
, .ur.a. u. u.r vn
' ' i;7- u.i in iiitiiiixuii.
(J"1"' rn,,i
Whbmkah, Hob. R. A. MTER, Priidtii
; JuJjf. f ih 0n of Co..... tf
n0 a.hh obmh d iuB. vwcaT u
' Holt. Aiiueutt Jvdaraa of Clearflrld cuum.
'I1" KM" lud.ura.
I.WL Cuurl of Uuartar elina. Cuun uit.-
i mu4 Terminar, and Court l Uenaral Jail udn.
M.,un.y. lli ihiii day l H.rfli, lu
an. b. eimtlau. tu ..kk
NOTICE iri, tber.lor., brb circa, t Ikt
" 'if. P'"i to
Hi an Aot of A..mbly, pa.wd lb. slh .f
i,. im(. ,( ,h. .luijr of ib in.
tie., ui tbt of b tevrrsl aouaii.. ui tbu
Oomoo..lib, to mora i. lb. ci.rk of ib.
ib.ia i..t ao; ir.,o or ptrwoa ehar(d uh a.
"."im of aa; oriaio, .sii .ueb .
".1 "1: 7.
oomio, ..em of ib. m.i..a nl ib. toon 1.
bib idrj aro .'aio roiaroabircictiT.ii,tni
' " "" '"' "W'X"1""" mf'ti
inlo tM 1Uo u
of lU i.,a u, wb.cb in.; aro na.. Kinrna.
Wo, tin Jowkn aro u mora lha .am. m
";--' - " " i-
1(ivt:x an.i,.r my baml ai ciosri.i.1. iii ju
na -r Ji.orj, la ib. j..r oi i. UJ, on
'""' "''' h"d' t"Vn"''L""T
j.ii -I-10 AMIHKW I'hN I., jr. Sheriff
. .. .. ... . ., .
SherifTs Sale.
Ill fir tin ui Mi at tmrm fnaom, Ium
1 I ft the aourt of Conima Plete
f Cler-
ft lit eotistv. and to a diraaiad. lhara h
Hod u PI Itl.IC HA LB, at ib Coutl IIoum,
ia Utr iKir.of b of ClearllflH, a Wflna Uv, ih
ZMitidayvf i-VlTtiary. t77. al S a'elorlt, p
I tnv luiiowioc trier 101 ra uuu, ti c -.
lo. or vioo. of aniao.1 .ilu.t in f)mi.
tor lowa-hta, ciiarfl.ii o.iooiy. i'a , b.unjsUa.i
! a... nlx-il a. I..U..W. 1 al or o.u 10,
, "ii"" " Ha. ai.idio. ib. i..u ,c
' Hliillo. 4; .1,10. Mid liur Ir-iqij
r ' .
' ,0 ri turi'P'bo r.Hi ; ib. oe aiun. id t u
i I".'.'..' ZLZT:
"""'O .men i ramp, ana
. I'biii... h. bv L.od d.'od Sib Aonl. A U.
im., ro.ur.i.4 ai .:i....l.i. ia Dd book u. D,
li" . ""d "". i J.m". c.
iM-rd, dalvd 27ih F.b. A 11. I Brill, rriMirdfJ .1
l lourlirld. Ill Urrd boub I). I) . p4.rall, Ar. ro.
ved Ihc aam - lo Abraliata Huaithntj. 8ein"i,
lam n 10 t ifatitHi aad lu a wM At ir.trij;
I A. llauiilin-.
Al"", a eertmn lwi-lurt frame hai l.2fl
frtl, aitmtlv lo lb tn of ttriit.ft-, CiarnrM
vtiuny. V., 00 lot i0il fact. ltfUDM hy Wall
plnvL Wrbli- ttry, .dnr IIbt, and M Nu. J:-.
Srbtd, lakt-ii in v rut in aui in be uld aa lha
prupcajr ul A. . Harp.-r.
Aim, a fut and a half aturr houa or buiMIng
wnJi bl and eurt Ujrv ar.arteafit ilinrMn,
ii m-ni ana i it-t dtrp, tt a pUoK build-
.ilu.ti, to Hie iMirwugh ol 0.orola, oa Stone .trret.
loiundi-l on llio ...rib lijr Tretivalar rlioel, ..a
Ibe e.rl lr Kdonrd Alle. o. tbe ouoin h) ll No.
1 117. He, Bed, in ekeratlim and 10 be fold .
die p,i.,vri ol liurl Ta;lor, oaaor, and J amra
B. Cole, roalractor.
Tan., or ti.i.. The priee or nun at ahieb
tlie (iMfior'j .boll bo atrvek uff anal b paid tl
llio iiuiv of ..le, or auub olber a-rnireiaeol.
I b. .V(,rutrd. otberw.M tbo ..roprrt, .ill
j. .ad
' iruik nir ,
j i0.neo
ba troinedi.telY put up and told aaai. at the ei-
ri.R or tno poran. to erboui it
and vbu, In ear. of defleienoe at ro...
.ball anlio .nod ibo a.uio. and in no
ill Ibe Peed bo praeenwd i. Court fl..r
ronSrai.ll.iu unleH the Money la aet.aM paid la
mennenll. A.MIKKH PhNTZ. Jr,
hH.nirr. Orrii-a, I Sheriff.
Clcar.ald. I'.., Feb. J. I77. J
SherifTs Sale.
At) that etrtain traet or nieea vfland ltit ia
Chat tu wm a ii, Clat.rt.el4 eouatr, P , landed
nd dMcri'-H ai follow. : On theaaat br land of
MamiltaB Wbita. on tha south by Und of Irrio k
Hvara, ott tha oonh bj land of McUarv;, aad
ctibtalatrif an,at nxty acraa.
Alao, m thor traet or p.M of land Uuat io
aaid tunbi), bonndi d aa tha taat by land of P.
Uotia, ob tba ct by land of On net t, tbe
rooib by Ittad f Hard, and m tbe aorth bj laai
ul I)olti. ouatMiniog abat llaaere.
Alan, anthfr piaoa af land lUnatf la aid
boual'I on tha aasl bv land if Bnnt.
' V 01 8i o
' "u,n T rrrrn im m rum. anu ina aorta "$
I U.d ol Job. NvIT, ouolaialnc tbirt aeret.
Alto, a.othar fioee id laud ia tid toanthlp.
i a.,and, d on tha rant he lao.l of fob. eff, oa lh.
eojlh br lood of J. P. Mtrhaolj, 11a tb. a eel be
; , ...
! ,AJ'' f -d lwa-hip.
trmm ""I1
ttahlt, aod othar uatbui dingi. baandul oq th
'at t. land of ttallaithrir atnl Obrwt wak, ailia
' oinb bf laal of Jaiai Oa mr. aa I ah th ittih
t hr land ol Huntb luirb. ouiaoin lul anraa
Ah..lo,pleW araaod .itb . fo.rj
n, '-oundtxl na ih aal by Uad ('aiial by
Kitra aa' baira. b other land if tba Dafaod
nn lha aonb by Jmapb Joaaatma land, and
... tbt tuib be land 01 H.iraM.tb't he.r..
' j iltn, e talaroM 1. lii. aoro of land
I io laid tmiwdiio, oaoupted by J, N K lOrnr ,wtth
' rur th h lh. . ... ... . .
. D..,ioatd .1. tneo.n . jo-r
; ua tba foutb by Jiraauh SUvaa.
' r
) Alio, a erUia Irao' -tr fiteoa of Un I al'a.1 ia
i B- rnnian -l a wjt at Cbaat ra-h : tb.a-a br
i ' Ho.-aach'i htr, htalh 8V di-jtraa- aart
I "
1 '
atrih 0i dfgi-a- -( t'27 arrht to p-at ; theaoa
K- riiina Ui.rahaurt 1 larta aarth U drffwa
! Wv" 1 1;1 p"""- tu u t 1 thoo ay tan t ( Ji.
- rry tot ha-t rt rh : thanw .,. .aid omdt b, ill
rarer court., .o.l dut.Loe. lo t tioet ao l lb.
, . . . . ...
placa itf bcfinaiai, coataiaiof IS avrea and ta
(rCITII- I, Bi t. ,
AU't, all DrfaniUnt'- Intaratt U all that nartaia
traot mt ptmw of laal eltaaU ia ajvd tovraitia.
boil tiled aai d -.'rirrw, t Bf iooinc at
a pt eiirtifr of Williara Mi'itarvrT'a Uad ; lUnia
tty tha ia anaib all dcrvw. aai H parahtt
to a tmna eortut : thanra hr Frwaua'a v-arra
lot aonb l:i ile-arroa -. Ml uYiBa to a bikoit ,
'ttfiulh 42i tlatfrraa 31. ucr ha. tn a itottl a
Itrart llav; tlintieo hi tha Mauat amh 4 -i dr ti
4 pan-hra io Pt .nat lhaaoa hr land of
' 1 '" 'Slf -'(win-l H S-Hpar-
M CBtltouaTh aoutb 47 daraea aaat I US aarahN
to a poal and plaoa at Wtiuaiiig, aonUiaian 1.7
aerot and III ptrrhaa, ant.
Alaa, lca laat'a iatamat la all that arula
traot or piaoa laad aituata ia aail lotta-Aip,
bouodad and dftoritH-d aa ful.ii : UarfiAninf
al a puft on Mna of land formarlT otrawdi br Mimon
ii--re.aftt.i-h i ihrnaa ay fat 4 ito itb U dfrtca
" !wreh to P" : 4 Jrrt
wl 81 4 "1 pw0l-a to wat thaoa aorth Ii
f"l.!.n." "Tct" !' hJ
(4 4 In pt-n-h,.. to a iw.i and ttlaet at b. .inn n..
oontalnin. ni anroa end Ih. aiual or
til per 0ot fur mtd, At. lieited, tahen ia e.
otailii. aad lo be told at tho properle g Wis. H
W. goner. '
Air.,, a iierlsla ir.ol af Uo t lat'a In AVoe.ria
.owuhip. Cloarllekl aoattjr, l'a , k...nded on thi
tlM by Hei.rjr. I'.llerni. .alk bf I ,
weel by Wileot W.hatew, n. aerlh by Thoia.t
Flora, eoalat.ia. ahoat k. aorat with aboal I
aaraa tliared. an. b.elnf a itaalloao and a b.lf
tlory boate aad a liable oraetad there. Belied,
take, in oieeetloa aad at ba .aid at Ike properly
ol Job. Bhay, tiaral.hea.
Al.o, . .ertel. traot ef land tlla.l. In "H
tnwnkip, Clearleld anally, l'a., lha blloai ,
real etlnleaf lleltndaaui Two kaadred .tret of
laad with alKi.l forty aerot tlaarad, t.oMI plank
boaea auk klieke. .li.ob.1, . fra barn and
other aalhatidinife, woaod'd aarl ny K A. A .
II Ireia. mi by lee K Henry, aattb by K
A. W. . Ima, enalh by Joha Ireia.
Alia, oaa ether piaaa ai taod la ta! I towothip,
oaouining ab-tal foar aem with taw mill ia md
ranolng order, bonnde I Ibe nail by Jeet
Miller, weal by U. ffuunh, a'.rlb by Miller A
Milch. II, ninth by Jelacl, .a. Belled,
itkea In aieoutt . a.d lo ba ae l at taa pip -ny
l Daniel Coram.. ...I Sninool Cornel ta.
T.nat oP d.t.. Th i prlee nr tut. al whinh
tbr pruptrtv tbail ua tlrnek wo.t be paid et ike
imoo ol tail, ur taoh .Haer arraii.kiaeult aie.le t
will be appraend. wtbarwiM tba pr..p.ny aill ba
itnatedlaiely pat apaad told a.ia al thaetiea
aad rlek af Ih. pertu. la wane. .1 wat llru.i4 aa,
and wha, la .tie of denoieoey al each re, aaye,,
ehnll taaka anad Iba oaaia, aa I In a bittonoo.
wUI law Dead ba preeeoted ia Uoart M aoanrnu'
lie. anUaf Ik. Baney w aclolly paid la thai
ANUkBMl rut
It, Jr.,
Miurr. Ut.ipa,
cw.rd.t.w, , r.b, , utr.