r TUB REPUBLICAN. CLKAKKIKM). PA . . .Mmia MnHMMi FKB T, HIT. Terms of Subscription. I d a ad viae, or within br month ft I pH if' Ihrre and In-titer ill BioBtha.... S a I i.tl rr 'be vKftimUn i( aii month.. I rMmri. I. l Pbttbhoiu A Co.. Net rt'itf"Ti- ,.i-nl, 37 raw - Cvfr.ar . S.m ;.: RKI ll.llil n MITII . Wr'hodiel K.lrnp.l 1 hHrrh Ma. B. F. rire.eea P.n,r. Pnnlir haraiee every rtehr.a.h . ll A M . end 7) P. M. -.l,l,ala H-h..ol at A. M. Pray. tte-itaj. eeery Thurada. at 74 P.M. i.iu, ..I ll't A. M. Heit Clrartteld M. I-:. I burrh. Rra. Wi. il. bn.b o -I J. F. Aanaaxua. faitora. PrrncbintT atrrj altrrnaia HuUt, at loa)otk. V. M.un U Hoboul at 2ft, P. M All ara ia tilrd lo aittud. rcHb)terlan (.'hurch Kv. II. 8 Butlbb. H hh.it b -rvira tnorninf and avaBinf Bab bath School at I P. M. Praytr Mactifig Wednaa iajr aveDing. HI. Fraiicla Church C atholic Bat. P. J.KnKBinAB. Praacblng al I Oft o'aluck. A. M.,nri rbr 11 fit. third and tourtb SuBdaaof aaeb nooth ; Vti-riand Itrt edieitoD ol ibe likaacd tSaeraoaant al T o'oloek, P. M. rundt.y He boo I tvarjr buoda; aftrrBnoa al S o'clock. OMIC IAL DlHt-.l TOHY tiki or ioldiisj QiuaTsa aaatiotta wcbt. Frt ad M Dlaj of Janaarj. Ibird M..ataj nt Mrrb. Fiiat Monday f Juna. Feurih Mondaj of 8fitnihor. TIMBtir Bt'LDIHO CVMMua fl.KAB. Pliai Honda. of June geooad Moada ol Novonhar. rttuc orricKRa. Prtni'Umt Hon, Cbarlc A Uajrar, ol L'tri Havan. i4i.t adya ll"B. John U. Orvia, nt BtUffittita. i4iiMTtTf JudgfAhrnm Ogdtn, ClaarAcId ; Vineriit R Ho c Woodland. frotknnntttry Kit Bloom. ftttfitr una fw .rrf r L J. M'lrgan. iHttritt Att'fmyWm. V. MoCulluugh. 7rnaarr I'avid McOaii((bjj. ithtriff Andrew Penti. Jr. Ctmntf Surrtfor-$m F. UaCloak;, Cur pcnavill. County Committinntra Clark Broan, Claar flfld Tboaiaa A. MUa, Cbort P. 0.; Ilatrta Hoovar. Clfarnld. County Aaafifti ra Chrtat. J. Krai.pT. OlaD Hop ; Hatnual A Caldwall, WilliaoiigroT ; Jobs C- Conner Biirnaid. Cuumtg CororJ. B. Naff, N WeihitiRton. Jmp C'MnMtNi-a Ir. JHBiaa P liurelifiald, Cleartled, Jofb Alexander. Woodward. ANpanHlaarfaal vf Public SehooU Joba A. Orfor, CurwrBatrllle. A'otoWtn rafcie J'-ho W. Wrlflev, Win, TU debaapch, Cyrui Uorda, Clear bald ; Jawb H. Irwin. N R. Arnold. CarweuiTilla; J. J. Linglc, Oola atilla. Oar Sptiai column ia dantdedlv iataraating in a l'al aoint of ftrw, and f matabla reading U outaidtra abo want to aava nDr, PuHtinufttcr Ciunlih lianjiiHt received taolb-r id-ek ol tba Philadelphia rim Almanac (or 1ST 7. Prlea, If eanta. liev. J. KiHtltT, of Tyrone, will prviu li iB ibe Laibaraa 1 burah.lu ibiaplae. ou Wedaaa iy arming Beat, Fehrarr 14th. mm a A Tt-ueht-rn' ixxnl JiiNtitulu i nn Ddutierd to hv bli in Mfhen tonbl, od Friday and Saturdn, Fehraary TM and litb m A m-w tM-luduiu lur ru mi iiiAf Uuih" oa 'li 1 9 Ura-tt Utvlaion. A. V. R. H, weni imo operation on MomUt. ihc 29th alt. We iiicidenlully leurn that the brew er; ol UuBptbr AIpuii at llraohvilte tBoatbtidt). wai io allf i a rnvl t y tire on Frl-la lat. Enquire Howe, ol tliio boronli, ban berB con b i.ed to hi b d fr avui liai atf with aa attack ol Ivpboid foter. Ua hoji b will jtevdi'j' rtOTer. mm mm il If the (.round HolT eniei'tMl from bit bol laat Fitda and w btaihitUfW, b wan ag'd lo era more than the defunct ooob up town wa abla lo d. .Mr. Wilson, wbo recently difd in Hi.llidrtjat.urg, in bet 8V b year, wubln ib two yeara pre lout to her death, cut orr a duten teeib ol a third act. An exebuno nayH lliat 11 llicy have a Railroad Prajar-uivoiiog otcr in Aliuuna, every fiatonta; Blht.M Well, tbat la probaM; tba laal improve men i la tbe railrotd Una. Tbe revivul ineftutgH which havo hern held every evt-ning for ibe pait two wvfka In lha Clearfield PreubjUrian Cburch oloird with the aerviora of laat tiunday oveaing. The School Uuard of Gtmlien town- fblp will rveeire propoeala onill Hatarday, th 8d day ol Mai eh atit, for Ih erection of a ecbool bulldiag ia thai dialrict. For particular, e advert fai In thl paper. Biinkr! lloitnta in on tbo war path. II ie halloa fading hi R pulicaa frlenda and art ioa Ibem to rally to bia auppori for th onar- aua poaiiloB of Ilih Ooaatabl. Banka would mak R litely for wandarini p.rkera. We are lotd ihut the road along the rirer, bclwaeB thia plan and Lit'k Rub waa blocked to th depth of about alt t with to on Bund) and Monday .last. It wa left oa tha road by ib high water in th rlrr. Let the tax-i-ayem elect i-ompetonl aat uprignt bji-b to BU tn reap ore ooroogn an I townahip offleer on th 20ib of February Tha treat majority belong to tbit elaa. Then why aboaid iae mpeiant and diaheacat man uo CeeJ i loung America are now very a it x laua t ng his hand aled and akata for a ball aad bat, kite.marblca, r any thing li tbat wt Ippea4biappettt for ptaaaara and paattm. Tb average b7 lioda luraathing aeaaonabla to kep b in goo.i humor. MB We uiideitURiid tbat a team drawiiiif. a a Ihi lotded with toarda tiok through th to oa tbt river, on day laal week, a abort diatanae below ibe new t rid. Th water wa vry abal 1 where tbe acidBt I aj pt ned, ad, therefore. BO riou d mi waa don An the timu lor ihu election of bor- 04 h cArera drawa Bear, aandidatea for Cooaia- bl and Juatiea of tba Pa ara getting very plvnty, 1 beta are tbf aapiraaia for Ibe Boajiaa tion af C-'Batabi, and ball a dom or r wht would I b- tu writ J. P. aiir their nataea. The firnt caw. a of Mprintf lever weie Botisiablalaat Kan day. Tb.y wrattnld whh all tbt aaual aitapb aat, aad tb fitlma ar oa Tkitwcal. Tb eaupiy dry good bolt ia fruat ef Hd' alora wr aaly whittled io pieeea while lb Buffer wr wraatllng with th fvr. The ad mi iiiat rat or of the eatate ol Wa Hitfbing, deaed, will aell on baadrcd and laty erra of land at aabl aak, aa Ih araaaleaa, la Bradfnrd ownbip, an Th or ad ay, tb lit da; of March a a t. For a full daeeilptloa ef tb property advert item eat ia tbia paper. It will bo observed by the calls is- lued by th repeile Vigtlanve Coataiitlaee ot tbia borongb and Law rent towapnip, tbat rega ar primary ltioaa will ba held for ld dta irii-o, fr ib parpo af noailnatltig borough and luwnibip ofilewra I h Toted for as :b JOth Inrt Have you ever gone to our poM office icr rnatl wiiboat ruunibg agaiaai aumvliOdy eoi Ing out jual aa jo wer going la ) And toa backed and they bached, and then yon started furwatd Jaat a they started forward, and then loo both backed again, and bad aa t d of a time going throagb a poifaot juadrilb a lb door- tep. A.Wr an ahwnte of nome aix montba r a ufa. thi K.)aidrilli Iferafafegaln iraa ap on our table, Juat a away a arer. It is eon dat led by the fblwihg rp t W III . Reynold, editor i Thomas R )nod, Br., A Boa, pabilabora. Job 0. It-) Bold, ballaetl manager. Loi'g my b editor wart I (b lai,d of tbe lee aad the home f tb bra. A ii erratic individual, calling hiinnvll ' bi.hop A. J. Carney, Independent Reloreiar, at laa'raiowa, Md.," preached la lb Dub. ad, la ikn pUee, oa Taeadat foreaooa. Hi dlaaoarne a bi ot fined t aay particular leal, at, ar "red. hut waa rather a baraaguecgalaat all t ad erteda. Tb " Biahnp " ba a larger vliaalt i ir.Tel tkBB that of an! atfaer mialaUf at koaa wa ever beard. It embrae Paa; leaaia. u. Virginia, Wwi Virginia, NwJ.r-T, Mary, '"d, 'be N England ''e, aad vrl olhefl, 'd a i, tb seeeral alllas eaee in Bba 'gi tears. QaitBnad guberrd lo listen m '. Althaagh he remarked thai ba met red ae iery, n wa nn alter money, ;t a n4 aat '''an frm taking ap a ae ilia Ilea bsfoft tba avdlrsa diaaarM. II rJ!d b4ra fear 4 In dvUar. 11 N a M K TU k Cu ild." " W .Ilium Ccn- tannlal " la tb of a chUd which wa pre catd hefur tha prehr at F baron, I'., laat Indiy a eb., for baptist. This child U it fourteenth brlt, and the oldiat oflapring ef the family fa oaty IN yetre of age a Vmt of It-turn ronittiuitig uncluiiiiud in IhePostome at Clearfield, lor tba ik audtug February 5, IM77 l Oraniaea Adatea, J .ha L berr, Joba II. Murgaa, llKid Mo-bal, A dale a Mrriov, E. II Norton, 0 H Wd, W,u. M. Ku.itb, liilbrrl Ma,lk, f. A. (I trni, P. 14 pMitmllarj but Wt4naUj ( but b Ml; awa dfid t laditif It of ibrbi lnallt lb prtrait alii. EJrd Bcaalan, oca of tbt timot-cru. hi. i..... .at ...k. i... ..r-l b w.th.a a abort diaat.ea of tba FoiUDtUrj j Ua aa Ooa.icl.U of barglari. and a wBt.i.d . . . utl.h- now ( H AhOkD l I l.u fill ior ol Itiu Daaulla nfttyriotf rcaiatkvd Uat wack IB tbl ;i fc The eoHBtry roada arc In a ibotihtag nonditiuD not rouuith ano lur alalgbing and loo wuub Thinga wcra n-reiacd in tbia aciioo. Huw at rang tba tba waalbar bcuaaa aa wisad la aaeb a abort dial a no ( No iitxtM. e time tiintiiibTript eaougb la lb Local Jnatliatv It a to auvar two acre of lr aoil." Tha iirullflccharar-ierof tba toung MboolBiaaler la trult woad-rlul la tbat lib. Large aa lb Hkii'iLiCAR la, tf woold iubliah all lb niaunaoi it ut ua on Ibia aul'jco), a Wuild be cou.ii-llrd to borrow tba Juurmal a4 Mtcrat other patera, leaidei ajlcg Irvu ais to lire eaata jK'BUg veeloiialjr. - m aii I Tbo bridge over Cluuiliud t-roek ut WilwB HtM)t i a, lo B-.gga tuwbaai, wtaa aartkd by lb icv-Iifod laat tfaturdajr aoraiig, abuat a o'vlock. Iba bno'go aaa owucd joiutl; b Lawrence and Uogga towiiabi, It baring been aurebaaed by tba aouut turn lima aiboa and urtaaated lo tbra two toaafbl)!, W priutn it Will abort!) b replaced, aa U wa a great aa taaicBea to tba eiliitb la tbat arctiuB of lb ooautjr and to tba trartlmK public graerallr. ColNTY AUIUTotts' HcpoHT. OlIT lourib yg eontaiua il aoluiuna of lb aaoat m ttrrating rvading auallrr ibat wa over apread blor tba elliacoa ol tltaibeld eounl;, via : Tba BBBUal report of lb Count Auditor, autrering lb County, Uuad, ficbonl. aud Pour aoaouula tor 1878. Tba amoant rn ibe iffgrrguto i about $2V3,00. Tba Koad, Siboul, and Puor atvounli are ao atatrd tbat au tat-pavcr tn aaa at a glance Juit what each Dmtnet Treaaurer baa n ovirad from Trcaaurar Mcliaughajr during Ih pttat rear. A Bad "Tlrk-oi t." Tho editor nl Ibe KfjB')Miilt HtntlH, la Uat wrek'a laaue, "rat "The editor placed hi torn-out at the dit oaal af bia lad;, eUler and M laa Carrie fieott, Tuerda afteti.oon, and the lael aantfealad lievll a ftw minutca later to Ibe piopla of Bait Main alrcet, inaainurh aa tba uarlr veotailiug up Iowa at B apaed anlj equaled doling Ibe da of Mbauiaii-d. Tbe orcupanla ware unet-rrinonl-oual abd pracipitalelr placed in a ntw-bunk, to lha diacomfitur of two noacp, owued l.j Miaa Kcott and Mra. fteynulda. Olberwia ih run-oil waa haimlrea and amoiti(r." nt80Ll'TIOMJ OF itKHI'KCT. TI.O till lowing prcatul.i attj ri'aoluttuua war adoptal at a racii.1 aneenng or the rtiii..niaib.ao Litvrar boUi ,,n( tb, er.baU pacing over bia .S.,ety. of LawVucrill, N. J : ttgh, ,rg Ult it ,b ktM cruibin a(ld nih. LtKaRta, Harry C. Ariama, af Clearfield, P , )Bg U tu a h((rriia wan... r Alter aa aiamiua a graduate ol Lawreiirariha t'i,iirii. nnd a umiii , , bar of tb.a H.Kleti. died nn H..VlT.tb SPW t b I I'"n " '"j""'. joutg M.Lrinan a a carried 'lay of Januer;, IS77 ; therefore, be it Aeeoffiet, Thai w bnt reoi-ired with deep let-iMig ibo inteliiiBie of ibedtatb of bitn Who eo late y wae aung u and ao tud ared to ua. Hfo'rtd. Thai fnm a aincara d aire ul abowln marked recpct lo lb mnuury ol the dtcea'ed, we wrar tta ucuhI (ange ut nuouroing lar the p of i but; Jay a. fttioftti, Tbat we eiprraa our ) tupMtblaa with ihe lauiiiy and Irii nda ut the deceareil, who mourn bia dvatb. Htuaht llaowa, Chab A. Oobuam, B. L. Wai-lacb, PniLoa ATttr ax Hail, I Comiaitiee. Lawrencatlll. N J , Feti i, 1877.) Interkktino Work. Mr. M. K. Por ter la bow eanraaaing Lawrence and Pika lown abipa for a work, am It led Mllatry of tha Crn tenniat Celebration." Il laa book of 500 page.. and la pro! u rely amuelliahed wiib Hluatraiiona ol , tba buildlbgi and articUa on cibibiiioa. Il alao ' gin- an KBlerUinmg hlt iry af tb exhibition, and i a aeeaaalty to every 11 rat -ot aaa library. The book ia gotten p ia flrat-claas at) I, io proof ol abicb we bar but to aay that tbo atertotypiug uf tbt work waa do by MaiKcllur, 8iniiba A Jordan, of Pbil'a. Tbe Work wa compiled by Pblhp T. Bandliaral, and othera, and m at axeel lent I; bar they completed their la bora There ara two different arylee of bibding, lb price be ing t6 60 aod S3. 60 fur Ibe reapeollva kibda. Mr Porter will call upon lb eiiiieoa of th two town- abipa named, nnd w adviee all wbn deair a faith ful blatory of tba Centennial to aubaenbe fur t til book. Janill-i. m mm Mr. J. K. McKenrick.ol tbiH borough. girea not it la our advertiaing columns to-day ibat b witl opra a Com were! el School Ib tba Leonard Bckonl bntlding. en Iba 3d day of April neat. Tbii aehool will aupply a B"d long felt in tbia oma.uaity, from the fat tbat a branch of aa edoeatkn la of ao much practical l enefli ia afier life aa that which can be uilllted and adapted o eur cvery-day wanta. Mr. MoKenrlck la a gradual of oa &f th beat boatnvaa eo'lKes la ibia emiatry, and baa had conaiderablt experlanow Ib teaching, a Ibat peraena catering tbia cobool will hr ihe facihtiea far purauing a bob r of study that would eoat hundred of dollar 11 sought for leewbar. Thia faft should tuggeat lo our rmyt and yoeg mea Ih Importance of giving tbta enterpriae auch encouragement a will aecare to them a flrst-elaa education at bom. A ecu re of commercial training 1 connection with tb stadi bo taught la oar pobli fchoola would b ffleint for th ordinary purpoaet of lif. A Baby Wanting an Ownkr. The A r.iku. ) mk .ihllahait.a follow. un 1 . . if! l iuih.u.iw . laat week wbil lb Faat Line Weat wa Bearing Klltannlnf Point. Oonduclor Hawkins, io laa- ing through on of lb ira, dlacovred a amatl lemal paaaenger eecapying one ot the teats with out the Bcccanary paiie-noard to paa her on t br unkiowa deaiination, or vn a guardian lo look after bar w el far. A hvarlicaa, wretched mother had got on lb care at T)rone, it la ap peaed, and Ihia point 'dertd the train and bar offspring to th lendrr mtrvte of tba world. Hewkinaand Dutch John,' being family tut, wer equal t Ibe emergency, and what they didn't know about auraing 11 wa necitna lor any lprt matroa to teach Ibem, At lee at twenty young ldie en tbat iraia envied ibe belter blvaa of I bra tan geattemen. Il Ml Into good faande, epeoially Dutch John'' hands, which, in their aymmirtal proportions and atBt, ana wer quit well for eradla. Th Infant fared rery wall on drr their Bpriutendne ad aa thy drw arar ta Ptttaharg, It Baabcd npos lb mind ef Hawk Ins aad 'Dntuh Joha' ibat If tbey regarded tb peas la tbalr own domstl altera, It would never da la briag in antaider. Tby wer in misery for awbll, when hrakeman Magnir tarn to Ibeir ract, tboagb h hai three babes in hia awn boabold, and agreed I cat for lha lltil one, I wbne family It remained antil adepiad by a Pltieburg Oi'paith reporter. Tbat wer about tweaiy paraoBa wbo wanted tb hit I waif." Railroad Accident. Accidunta on tb Tyrn A Clearfield Hatircad bar been mora aameroai It emi for toia lima paat than oa tb mala tin, a her iber are it tralna ran to oa an lb branch. Tbt Uat ob occurred b Tbartday reolng( Ih lit laal , bet wee 6 and T o'clock, at Poweltoa station, aboat thre mile beyond Oaceola. A traia f amply coal cart were bviag let dowa tbe grade, when aa eile f on mt the ara btok,tb ear Jumped tb track, aod all ih other cars in th train wae piled promiaaoaaly en top l eaca other. No aaa wa hart at tb time lb wreck aacarred. Th eoBiractlna traia wat immediately teat from Pbiltpebarg to Ibe eta af tb artidant t clear away tba wreck. Tbey had worked at It lar mm lime, when aa tiker acctdeat arrd wblcb 't on man bia 111. Mr. Henry Ferah,aa employeof ih aoa ! ruction traia, aba was attaadtag a faatcatug and aafaaiaalag th top wt'B which tb ars ar bieg pnlicd away, bad antitdtb rvp Irom ar wbieh bad ba draggtd a), and aoiied tt a Ih pilot f tk oagiB. apoa which be then jumped ta rid hack lo ihe plae ef tb wreck. By tma mean lb rpa aaugbt aa remain n-g aad thrw Mr. Fwrabe; aadr tb wbels af tb moving englo. Ilia arh and or leg war bro ken, aaiag Imtaat d.aih. Th tngia Hopped wiib tb driving wheel a tb aalortaaal a'a body, aad II bad ta b raised with boi.llag jka In trdet ta tarn him, Tb deced waa a married man, aad lea res a wlfaand It ahildren. Uia bad; was Immediately al la hi bam nt Rat Tyre). In aanaqbM f tb wreek, tb Ctprf', Ca d water Flammer'c trai, a huh wa due oar t fttl oa Tbaraday ateig, did aat Hv ath 116 Friday fctralag. For Kent. A Uwulliii-t)ouuu on Filib ctrt, Clratfltld borogh. Inquire of Mrs. A. fburt. St Lorillarti' fekbruud branda of Nav y Tobacco, "Mum" aud "Our Choice, " at Lyila's, ol agenl tor Clearfield eounly WantkuI foidr of Uoniloi k uBd Kuan 0h Bail, lor wfaioh w will pay the bibel uteri.! price, jj ixil. A. U. Kbabkb A Co. mm a a i To 1'ivvi'ht lubtWTO die wer. from bring iuiwwd upon, Lonltarda have ttt a tin Hemp l ry ping of tht-lr tobacco, laaea.-ae Wamtlu I Aii ai iivo, liuneat man, to ivf tba Iia.r-t4 Kllaa Ht-wt eVaiing Maabtaa i Ciearlia d wupiv To ao bu wirb ataadi r w t aatiaordia.r) MuoenitBui. ' r Ha-vlal Agtai, PolUr, at Brook- inuc, ri., ior , iinxiaDBiinv. at. BOROUGH hOMINAf IONS, Tba Uitnocrala f Okarfltld fiorougb ara kert-oj Botiflrd that a Prtmary hi I. o Hod, lor tba purbo, 0 aoniDaiiotf anadiualra fur borourb ottioura, will b bald in Ih CotniuiMtouara' otbom lu lb Court lliiu, on tSaturday etauin?. Fbni at 1 7lb ai o o'clock. Tj pulla will oiwa at V u'cluck. Ilr order af tb Katcuttv Couimitta. Clearfield, 11. W. I'AHK. bruarj Tib, '17 It Cbairuian, LAWRENCE TWP. PRIMARY ELECTION. Tb Democrat a ol Luwrrne town-hip are ra-qui-attjd to aivtt ib Ai biiration Hwi.ai, in iba Court (iouat. Cteartarld, l'..on baiutdaj,tb Wtb day ol rut-mar) mat, al t o'clock r. a., lur tbe por po of nuBimattng aUnbip livaai to b Vutod lor at tb approaching eleoliua. Clabk Bitowtf, MuHHl F H ALLICl. Jab. Dornakurr, jr. Lawrne low orb ip, Feb 0, 177- mt m -- - HOW LcJUHkHMfcN AllfciiulillKO. The O'inIow Otmotrul raja i Tb charter ol the hua que It a on a Boom Com pan; p tor idea tbat all log baviag odd mark, or ibat ara uncleimrd b; tbi'ir own era, aba 1 1 be adrerlired in th Wtlliemxpurt and Lock If even paper, and a lull d ecriptioa of Iba loa, marka, o , uadr public. Tba loga ar Ibtn to ba auld and lb proceed! kept for two Tiara, ant'jcot to tb reclamation af tbe owner. II not claimed tbe fund then go to tbe Booai Company. Tbe W illluuitport tianmtr ebargea ibat tbta law hat not unl; nut been euiuplicd with, but tl.ai much ol tbia kmd of lumber baa bn aawed up at Hrrdic'a Oiill." CLKAKflELD C'OAl, TRADE. SttttC aient of Coal and other freight Bent orur tba Tyrone A Clearfield Dirlalon, Punaaylvanla Rail road, for lb week ending Jan. 27 tb, 1877, and the earn lime leal year : COAL. TON Fur the week S,XV Saw lime laat year - IV, AIM Inoreaae Pravluudy during yei ime lima laal year.. Incraaf) Total in IbTT. tiaia ttme laat ;tar..M Iiicruaee H OTHKB rKhlUHTa. I.uiubtr , Mmoellunroup Ireighta . &7 can. , 78 Jolin tSiincniun. a buy 1-1 yearn of Hge, liting in Tjr n, aitrmpied to Jump oa a ai-fi0t freight tram, on Tueaduy of laat wk, be JUtb uli., but by aoui uteana be nmetd hia to bia fatber'a residence, where, between 8 and 4 1 io Ih afhrnoon, Ilr. fKinuiill, the Railroad Cum pn)'a pb)aiciaa :it tbul pUce, aoiited by Dr. tiuoiib, auipulaled tbe limb tut mediately below the thigh. Ibe bouca of ibe lig were to badl) ! eruahed and wangled, ana tb ab'Mk to the ayatvia f u great, that hi eoBalnalioa wa Bot abla to , aund It, and tblr'y minute rfler tbe opt ration ' diaib ended bia auflt ilbga. Tueaday, ibe day of iba accident and ol hia death, waa bia fourteenth i birth-day. mt a aa -- , BKtAK CP in ilikUiviR, The warm weatbir al laat wtak, logetber wnb tb rata that .il, rut iid tbe ic va ibe nrer to auch aa itnt tbt it bru up aud, on Haiurdu), aat tarried iown tb at ream, ho lar a wo can learn, but , little da mug aa dobc to prnpcit) in tbia rietaltj, , Tb bndg acroaa tbe mouta of Monlgeiaery reek, about two mil up tbe river from tbia plae, wa totally deitmjwd. Iber la a hry k gorge ia Irvine dam al Curweuaville. lb river, w ubdaratand, la now frea of lea Irom Curwbttll tu Lock Uavto. Biuu tb abuva wa written, wc bav received tua Iwiluwiug ia regard la lha break-up af tbe lev in Ui tfuatjuebauua at Lock llaren, wbian alio occurred on Saturday laat, tbe 3d inaL: ' At 4:3b r a. tb in gorge in tb Waal Bra neb alaned a lew auh aootn tbia pu. tor bv utibotaa it au o ted dn lb rnr all right, but at :06 r. a. it gurgtd about one mil below, ai a piav called awtiay Bar, and ibea eouiiaeaoed a uvr-io-br-lorgiua aiglit. At tbt plana (kealiog) lb bluucutdbuuiug ereeli autera Ibe Wet Braueb, and (La toe aua water iuutediateiy ; oegno lo riaa at a tremaudoua rat luiibeaea pna ol io wer bechd out va in butt'' lar ma, anil in nva uimuiea tba entire Bat waa luuudatvd. At6:l6 r. a. tb iv waa on a level with tbe Philadelphia A En R R. bridge, wbieb alalia ib fiiuuvuiahoBiug thirty luel abut low-water mark. Tue lua tu tb larwara aud luwoarwen wl ibia aeciioB will be aaoruiuaa. Ibituaauda n wi timber and loga are eituer in ibe goigu oi load from lb uuuivroue pilea Ibat due tba river anal creek ready lur Muatiug la tb Spring reooea ar all down aad buaa broken aud (ie alruyeil by tbe al oaaea ol to tbat bare pilad uB tbim. hoi-h a aloud baa not bva n ainu I H4 7, and great want and Buffering will aaauo. 1 he bcwbm la on of great dvaulatiun. At Ilr. m. ibe gorge bad But moved " New ealloes at FU-ok A Co.'. Rlcbardaon'a celebrated Eitntra Boola, aold et clunveiy by II. A. Khatikb. New mut-lla at Flck A Co.'. Thoi two foa of lodny couilorL rbouuiatism and tb goul, t-ae their twingea, it tbeadccied l'rt " dlil w,,,eJ Uieau' ttulpbur Hoap which bauiatiea pain and rvbdra th j-nata anu ui'Mule auppia a.id e lathe. Dcp t Cmii-Bioa . 7 ouib Avenue, N. Y. lull a Hair dr H bia ker Dye, black or brown, 60 ei. tab 4w New good juat riHjeirod t Futoi A V's BltaaiKB Fob Hai.. R. Newton Hbaw keeps a fall suuoiy wl treuoui uuggm aim fiatli Vl'aguba lur aala. Tu be aaeb at lb obaw Huuao yard. Call uu ur addreae btm al Clvarbeid Peuu- a)lvania, may ltl. D"T 0"on- a new atook Juat opening and will be sola aheap, at II. A ahatirn a. Wonder f A ttrrrnn. It is reported ibat BoacitlB 0rman 8l at;r baa, imo ita Introduotioti io th I'niitd .tatea, racbd th Irom en a aale of 40,i'0O doten par year, urer n.nue uruKK'1 navt ora-'rea ini mrd'elne direct from the Factory, at Woodoory, N J., and orery letter apeake ol ita Mtonlabing ancaeaa in luring avra Cougha, Cold Milled on tb Breaat. or any diaeaaa of the Throat aad l.unga. Wt advi ay peraon thai haa any iro diepoaitrn t weak Lunga, o go l tbeir Drug, glat. 0 D. Watson, and gt thia Medicine, or in quire abntl it. Kgolaria. Tt bu ; Ham pi llottl. 10 enta. Two doaaa will relieve any eae. Don't neglect jroor tough aprl, 76-owly. Fleck A C. bare jaat received a new let of dry good at tbe eld prices. Ladlea' and Children's ftfaoea, French Kid, Pel'b'ed Morocco, foiad and aerge, ib Inrg quae,, lltlet, rery pair warranted at 11. A, Kkatskb'. There ia aa caae ae reonrd whr Dr. Morris1 By rap af Tar. wild Cherry and lloreboaad has failed to giv atiaretloa. Ua lb other Band, wherever It baa beea aed by oar people, ii aevare eold aoogha, eatbtna, bronebitta, aroup. whooping-oaoga aod aooanmption, tbey ar a tbuataalia ia it prai. Containing ao opium ar aitaer debtaroea drug, It doe iM tuBallpala, aod ia af lo edmmMer in all aa iitiana ol health. Tbit ta aa important an aoa norm ant, and the auhVnlng ara Bdvi-d ta herd it. Trial site, 10 eenta ; large aitaa, 6 tnia and On 0-llar. Ho Id by C D. Watann, aad Hart aw irk A I re it, Drog giats, Cirarflsld, Pa. ' Pmf. Parkr' Pleaaant Worm ftvri'p Is par I ecu; aate, eiiremety paiatanie, . n payaia re IBin-d. Cotta 26 eata. Try it. For aale by 0. . Wataon and Hart a wick A IrWIn, Clearfle d, Pa. mch 22eowly, Owing to the great ad v anew la prleaa, Floch A Co. havejart laid la a leg and well leeld toch l new dry go -J al the eld and low prie Attention, Farmen and Lumbermen. HANTKO-b) Araal l.at CarweniTilia, 10,000 1)0 ii nun pork. 1,000 biiNhclB whent 1,000 biiHlifls rye. 1,000 bllMlclB ORtB. 1,000 LuhIicIb tthcllcd corn. 1,000 buHhc.B potatoes. IIMMMM) fta-lach kbnf4 abhif laa. Iihmnmi B4-larh aawad) ablBKiea MMMMBii -t pla BwartlB B.IHMI rallrwaal tkaa. B.immi carwa aak aud bemlerb bartu For which ouo-third cubIi will be paid. t oct25. Itnllroads. . Pen iiNj-lvnnlnllull road TYRONK k CLEARFIELD BHAM H OX mod after Monday, NOV. V, U7, the I'a.e.nirr Traltia will ru. dally (eioept Hun deia balejee. Teroueand Ofearfleld, ae lollnaje I CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. C. Imwi, Conductor. LEAVE rlllHTII. "leave Noirrii. OuranMri;.auS:la, f. . Tyrona . IO.a.i Ciaarllald I In. ' Uuaula.. !" Ill, " Paihiabvt....4..ll, " i Pilipiliurj...lll n, " irr; it I;.",- CLEARFIELD IXPHkSS. W. tS. PtvBuia, Coadaotor. LEAVE HOI'TH. I.RAVK VOHTII. CurweaaTilla, .5 . a.' TyroL T.10 r.i ClearDld....H ft IS " 1 Vail 7.2J ' Pbilipabarg. , 6.27 " Oaeaola M H..8.22 " OaoaulaM 6.4ft " Phillpanorg .$M -Y arr....'...u.. aa iW. jT Uara ibCas. . V-1 . tU Tyrou Y.J " Curwanarilla lDt) ' BALD BAOLB VALLEY BRANCH. Rip. ' Mail. Mall. Kip r. a. a. . r. a. a. ?.( 8..H0 leavaTrrona arrW 6.10 l.ou 7.16 ' 8 47 Bald Kagl IS 11.41 7.57 IM0 Julian .1D 1167 8.10 0.&S Mlleabarg 4 46 U.XO 8SI I0.U6 Bellefonia 4 17 11.10 6.43 10.16 Mileaburg 4.26 11.04 0.6 10.40 Howard 4.02 10 4W t.46 11.18 arrlraL. Haven leave 8.26 0.66 TYRONE STATION. lilTVlHP, a HI WtBTWABD. A U Pacific Eipcaa, 8:6ol Pitt abort Eip'aa, 2:60 Harrl'burg Aoo'm, f:4SPaoifle EipraaB, I 36 t h r a Mall Train. 8:26WaT Paiaenger, 1:16 Atlaatia Kipreaa, 6:0Mail Train, 6 26 Pblla'da Kipreaa, 10; 33 Fa at Lioa, 6:66 PlilMPSBl'Rll A M0H11ANN0N BKAN0IIBB Od and after Moadar, NOV. 27tb, 1876, Ae eominodaiioB Train a will rua over iba Pbilipa burg and Moabannoa Branchai, af follow t LEAVE bOlITll. LEAVE NoRTH. r a. a. a. a. a. KtatUna a. a. r.v r. a. 2:00 Moiriadale, 12:40 2:15 7:6 PhlHpaburg, 12:26 3:19 T:.U Pteinar', 12:22 224 T44 Boynton, 12:14 1:10 10:60 7:62 Ounaola. 1:'4 4:16 1:44 1:46 1:116 Moabannon, 11:61 4:00 2:62 10:63 8:13 Sterling, 11:46 8:62 3 67 H:68 6:1(1 Hoa'adale, 11:40 3:47 :i3 11:02 8:51 MoCauley, 11:16 3 44 3:li7 II OH 8:28 Kendriek. 11:30 8:40 1.13 llilS 8:36 Ham ay. 11:26 8:36 Cloaa eonneotiona mad by all tralna at Tyron and Lock llavan. ylTtf. . B. BLAIR, Snpertntendeot. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and after Monday, January 30th, 1H77, the paaaenger train a will run daily (eirepi hun day) between Red Bank and Driftwood, aa follows t rAHTW ARDDay Mailleavaa PittBlnrg 8.-00 a. m t Bed Bank 11:46; Migo Junetios 12:02; Nw Bethlehem 1:00 p. m ; Mayavill 1 : 1 a i Tny 1:41 ; Brookvil 3:06 ; Fuller' J 27 i Rey noldavill 2:IH DuBtia :07 t Bummit Tunnel 8:41 i Penfleld 3:46 ; Werdville 4:0( BancMlt 4: is i arrivea al Driftwood at 6:44. - U KM W A HI. Da; Mall leaves Driftwood 12:16 p. m.: B neaett 12:41 ; Ueedvillo 1:1.1: Penneld 142; Hummlt Tunnel 3:16 UuIIoif J: I B, KrynollaviUe3:02; Kuller'.l 23 ; Bnrakviile 8:40: Troy 4:t6i Ma)villa l:33 New Betbiehem 4:46 ; llij-o Juuolion 4:66 Red Bank 6:60 ; arrive ai I'iitaburg al 9 10 p. m. pkT Tbe BiynoldaTlII Aetnumodatlon leavea Heynoldaville daily at 7:60 at m.( and arrieea al Hid Bank at 10:63 a 0)., PiKaburgb at 2:66 p. m. Leavea PituhnrgB at 8:40 p. m ; Hod Hank al T:ft0 p. m.i arriving at Heynoldavlllt at I0:0 p. m Clue eonneetioBB made with train on P. A E ll ail toad ai lriltood, and with traiu on tin AllegUny Vail; Railroad at Red Bunk. DAVID McCAHtlO, Ocb'1 Hup't. A A. JAmaoii, bup't L. ii. Dir. FAKE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Rllfont, Pa $3 06 1 Mtddlalowa $6 0a Lock Haven. . 2 70 Marietta- 6 6(1 8 60 Lan-uater ft 86 1 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 06 3 00 AHoona H. 1 66 , 4 60 Johnauiwo 3 80 WilliamanortH... Uaatingdoo t.. Lewis town- Maryartlle..., HAKK1HHURU... 4 76l P1TTHBI1 RU ft 16 SP.I.RCT HC HO(HTb andraignod will open a privat ecbool la th Leonard build- a. Is Oisarfield, Pa., oa or abonl th lal af April. 1P77, tooontlnaelren week a. Instruction careful and thorough. Taenia reaaonal. B. V. 1 OIiRJOM AN, A. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 17. '77-lm. NOTICB TO CON t RAtTOHW Prono poaala will b received by tb 7oard of Di rector a of lloahea Townahip, Clearflrld enunty. Ka.. until tba Third day of March Beit, lor tbe building of b echnnt bout la aaid townahip, suit able for a school of two grade. Th D tractor will meet at lloehen Hohotil Hon a at I o Vloirk p. nt. nn aaid day toawardibaconirant. Plan and apeei float iona can ba wee at th rtaidenee el lb anderaigncd. ia Go-baa townahip. H. H. T A l LO K, e y. Lick Rub. Pa, fab. T,77-Jtp. COMMERCIAL aCH'MH, IN I LbaARKIKI D. Teach your Boys tbat which ihey will Practice wha ibey become Mea." Tb aadertlaned will e-en a tchool in th Loard build io;, on April 2d, 1877, to con Una ten weeks. The Bfudia to embrace Reading, Written Arithmetic, H riling, and Bonk keening, wbieb will be made a pcial feetae of tbe heboid and tboroufhly and practically taught. Bnecial ttrma and arrangement lor auch aa deair tola a partial enure. Ttrmi ream n a Ma. Feb. 7,77 It. J. r. JncH En Hit, h. A UI)lTOKJ NOTICE- lu the ratat of flenjamin In the Orphan' Court fird, latvoi tiarnia ol Ul ear be id eonniy, euuoty, Pa. J Pa. Tha under Igned Auditor, appointee, by th Court v ditribui th money to th hand of Jamea A, Catnpnell, Adurlitlatrainr of the afore aaid etiate, under hia partial account filed, to and among tbecrediiora legally entitled tberel", her by gitea aoliea that h will attend lo lb req iif manta of aaid appointment at bi nlfiue in Clear Bold, ob fturdy, February 34, 1877, at l.i'elork p. m., when and wbervall pariiea lmarated may attend A. W. WALTKK. Feb. 7, '77 8t Auditor. ORPHAN COCRT NAI.Bji-liy virtuaot nn order of ih Onthana' Court of Clearlield Cti.,jtbarewill beaoid at public aale on Ibe preiniara, in tne ooreugn m rJouitnat, ua Batnrday, Marrb IT. IH17, at I o'clitck p. m, the following deaoribed real eaialt, to wit : All thoa certain Iota or pieeea of grouna auuaie ib to ooroujrB ni iiouiiiial, Clearfield eouoly, Pa., boutidtd and deiacnbed follow i On thereof bounded on tke north by lot N. 84, on tb aouth by fearer alley, on Ibe iiat by M bin lrt, on 'h weat by ftp run aiiy, ami known aa tot no. nj. i h other iber. of bounded an the north by M nib bIIhv, outh by Hu atrtal. eaat by lot No. J24 n tb weal by lot No. la;, and known aa lot No. 22.1 OEOKOK II. WOODEN, Iloutadala, Feb. 7. 177 fit. AdminUtrator. I lar OK JCROIIH. j Liat of Juror drawn for Marrb farm, A Ii. 1877, commencing on tbt 3d Monday tbt 10th day and eon tin at fur two wkt i C. Owtna, Clearfield lata 8m itb, Glrard T. r t'enntr. Kraat Mienot, Url Jnrdaa. U Cltv tleo A.MorriaoB,OnahB Jo. Rain y, mewhurg Jam Lvtl, Qraham Hamael Flare I, Wa, LoBB.ir, fluaton J. Westbroeh. Wall'ton Mark Kyler. Bradford Wj. Had-. her. Brad; Eli Harmon, " Wm.Micba),EeribBB Wm. Mnre, " A D. Joboeton, Menla Roberi Voong, Barnaldr lieorge raictacn, " J J. Pioard, CeTlnglon RUjab Moore, Jaa. L. Riewart, And. Kapha rt, I'ecaiar Cbarlta Helper, Pnn rtRST WRtl 0ik. taaa Rothraek,Orham Uvi Huhler, " I. W. Ointer, Onlicb Jaa. Dnn, llouttdat Maltb Harry, Alfred Btmbeld, Hnatoa laaae Wnlf, JordaB Joa. McNoal, Martin Nolan, " J W. Leonard, E.J.flilliland.Rarlhaaa D. R. Bloom, Lawrence J. B. Hbaw, " rt. Mile. Fuller! oa, J. W. Tbompeoa, O. P. Dnughmaa, Pen H. 0. Wagoner, P.ka D. D Kit lar. F. Wrifht, Beearii 8am 'I Hegarty, Jaa. PatterwMi, " Oeorg DeWitt, w John Harab, " Henry Pema, Bloor Jamea 11. Waple, Bogga K. B. 1' looser, Brad lord Jaa. Wooldridga, John H Kvler Lewia Bhiadiey, Brady Wm. Maren, John CarlilO, J W. Re iter, OoTlngtoal Michael K roller, Niobolaa Marie), Joba Vihr, H. W. hnyder,Clerflld II f, Biglar, Jaea t A.FaaBt, M D 8. Kapbart, Dnatur FW A.balta, tleerae Rbalti, " Wm H hi reel, ee. DeHaaa, Merria (1 Kerwa. Wm. Dale, O. L Hcbooaover, ' Joha Orr.N.Waabingt'n Ja. OalUgbar, Prior Boyle. 0ela (leo. E. Jo uea, II. L. Poder, F. R. Hh .ff, Woodward I boa Mathers. BBCoRB BBR 2lb. Aaelib Lewi, Fergnao Jaa. lorgoMa, " Joba K. Carr, Uirard Wm Marrar, " Juba F. Jary, " Denial Longm, Ibompaoa Mad,OohB Iaae8mllB, Bee aria Jaenh W. HaaeT. M f Jobnli.WllBea.llradUrd Jb L. Weaver, Brad j rred Hmiley, J. Hummel, Ir, " Joba 8 Rene,CuTingt'B Cba. Bar'ol, Molomon Maartr, Henry Ooee, Deealar E. H. Kyler, Uoehe John W iltoa, -ilea. W 0tr, Qlrard B. f. Neier,UmBWid T. A. Phdaui. Uuilrh Jaeeb W. Oera. Jaa. M. Meb.ffey, Bell Adam Caplar, M Wm. Orr, " J M Hiddl,BarBBlatr Wat. Pallrien,Lewr'e Jaa MtDiTllt, Wbj. Mont, Mile Pel lea. C. H. Patrtak, " hor Merrl Jaek llagprty,Clarftid R. B Tavler. M Michael Radar, A J. Cypher, Jame Miller, Maaan 0. Bloom. W, R. Haribf,Car1l 0. M. aarabaaga, " Lawnne Etlliaa, Cbasl Faai White, Naa Haary Addjemaa, tikw CHEAP OROCIKIKH1 I LUMhKK CITV, PA Tha vndaralfnad ana uooa. to bit eld frlaadr and patrnni Ibat ba ka unad a rimh! Una el UHOf KHIKH 4 PHUV SlONH al Ih. old Hand ol Kirk Biianeer, fur ablcb ba aullnlla a lltiaral .alrrn.. I W. UaiUr CUT. Pa., Mrk '" If Tvl)4H'TIOSI. It hot i in braiT t tbat th' o-tatQar- mo latclt atiliat bat 4 P. HaUwt Oaoaola MilU. Olaarltild waatr- n, "'rank B"lgar, of Houti.lala. t'loarnrl'l-aaijr, ra , aa lar I a tm Dtui of lUla A 'Rvr, n diaolra h aiutual tooraet tm lha t 'b ar f Janary, l7T t-W' j - ' V ?, iii.iiifl -4aa u.i said firm .11 Be k " J. P. II ALB, Otetola klllla, Jan. 3177 4t KKANK BOLUER. VLiHTtiH Mint iw J. Adeldr A I W. H. Dancer. Ibe andrrigned Auor appointed by the Court io diatribut lb tiuay ariatng from tha rSberifTi aale of the deleadant proparty, to aod atbuna tbe lien errditora biitlad ibarelu, hereb) gieaaiiui ic Oi iTiel'"rj 1 i-'i'' 1 9 mK iv. rm his appoiatmnt, at hi OH in Clear be ltT,"o1i Tuesday, February 20th, 177, at 2 o'clock, p. m., wbea and what all partita ia terrain) may attend. A. U. KKAMhll, Clcarflald, Jaa. a 1.7 7 -it. Auditor, Al IIITOHH' NOTICE In tbe eaUt of i. S. Wright, docasd. Tb andrignd A at i tort apHiinidby the Court to dlatribuie ibe a one; in the ban ia of Wm. Purtor, Adminlatrafyrof the eatat of J. W. Wright, late or ClrarfielJ borough, dee'd, uodr lb partial account filed ly aaid Adminiatrator, lo and among ibecreditori legally entitled thereto hereby tiv aoiio that tbey will attend lo lb duties of their ppolntmil, at tb office of A. U. Kramer, in t'laiflld, on Friday, Firuary Ifitta. 1877, at 9 o'clock, a- in., a ben and where ail par ties lot created may attend. A. O. KRAMKR, C. W. bMU'H, Clearfield, jan.81,'77-3t, Auditor. TO CONTRACTORS. The Building Com milteeorthe Fruit Hill Prebvterlan Church, will receive aealed propoeela, for Ihe layioa ol ibe brick of tbetr nw Church building, per lliourand, with board and attention lound. Alao, lor a man to auperintend tbe carpenter work, to be paid by th da; and boarded. None but goo I workmen, well recommend d, will be employed. Work tote commence abnut June lat, IH77. Tbn t'omtnitfee will rcceiva propoaali up lo Ike lat of February, 177. Addreaa. JOHN THOMSON, Anaonville, CkarAe.d Co., Pa. Jan. 2, 1177 4t. II OTi.h propi:rtv vor salu. Tiim undertt'xnrd offers fur aala (hp val'iaM 1 1 rn el .rofriy m Lnrkmr, 0 ioii Lock nvrn. known as anna' Ho tel. It i ttt hffaduuariar of Kufumcn. aiiuatc-d near lha rivor and in the ormra of theaqunre timber market and i a gotxt pay ing property. The hood i larta ami in good condition. 7V uu etty. 'or fui llior parliculara apply in or addraa ELIZA if K 77 HANNA. Rieruirix of It M nmia. dee d, dec 13 76 2m. Lock ynven. Pa. F IOU SALE. Tb, andrrilan.il will aa'l al nrlrata ,ala all Ibat Iraet or ian.al of land litaaia la Dacalar towa.hip. Claarliald eiunir, l'a.f wllb:D a abort di.fanea of tha Trrona 4 Cla.r&.l I U.H, and .'IJuiDlna; lamia of Kubrrt IluiUon and otnarf, aod kniian aa Iba Jaiib U. Urarban lot. Th. aid Iraet aonlaintac flu aora, uura or laia, llh two rein, of r.lualila frnal Ib.rron, hu ahout 91) arra, ala.rtd, anj ia tba key lo a larira bud of enal aloat hainit dav.luwd. Will ha mid law .od upon aa.t tarui,. Fur uarlirul.n, appl. to IIAVII) I KIIKUS. Clr.rll.IJ, fa.. Jul; 11, lt. .f.w eiiK.i ,tm:.iu. WILLI M ANTIC SEW SIX t'ORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Tbe CelltcnnlaJ CommiMinn now O.crae ih fI lowin Award : For Huparionty and Kcoaouy of rroduotion For Kicellene of Mat-rial. For Originality and Coinplatenai of Sjattn. For Variety of Cilra el thread. For Kacelleiin of Machinery. .Nov. li, I H? H-3 in. H. A. K re tier, ClearUeld, Pa., ta agent lor ibe above celebrated Spool CaOva. ttirJUJ tte1 H H H H H o o o o o o o o o o o o o a a o a a a GO CO od ca New Good. New Good, M MM M M o o y e 3 S S S S CO CO CD CO CD a a a a a i i a (a tt, fc SB M B) t t W W M W W .. o o o c o o o o o o o o o o oaaoo CO GO CO CO CO M M M M M 8 8 CO 00 UQ QO A a a a a a J V V 4 IB BB a? tC ml W W W M W Q O O O O o o o o o o o o o o a oa bo ca co cn co co 1877. a -a -s -a -a ss sss CO CO CO CO CO a a a a a a a ai o tmn HI (E IB PalltES CHEAPER TH X EVER AT S. GUINZBURG'S flue 1'rlcc Root and Shoe Store. MEN'S FURNIBHISfi GOODS. BOOT9 AND SHOES. II ATS AND CAPS. Willi! AND CilLORtU OVkRHUIHH. lltAVY WORKINQ AND FANOT FRONT OVEHSUIHT3. GLOVE8, SOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLAK3 AND CUFFS. COUNTRY ri!ODUCE TAKEN IN EXCI1ANCE FOR GOODS. S. GUINZBURG. Pond Street, uppoalt th Court ll tuae, CLEAKFIEI.I), PA. Roi'B fnrmrrt. oceupi.l bj Lrrr FJ.g.l. CI.arO.ld, I'a., Jan. It, 1177. G ROCERIES. JAS. II. LYTLK, (SuM.nor l. LYTIR MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE LINE OF TEAS. OOLONflR, JAPANS. IMI'ERItL, TOUNG DYSON, KNULHH liHIAKVAS Parwl I. UarbaL BUTTEK AND IUOR Will ba bi.pt and laid al irn aoal, r,,b paid for Cuantr Prvduaa. MERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA RAMS. Matbar.1, Lab. Il.rrl.g, Coi, a.. rlCKLK. Barral Plcblat aad K.fHib Mrklaa. PUlUI AKW eKBO. IW, Ow. MaaJ, Oat Mnl, ta. i.H,Tt. JiS. II. LYTLI, Our Oua durtiirmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publlabad arary Wadaaaday by GOODLAN DER &. LEE, CLEARFIELD, PA.. Ilaa tbt Laraat t'lrcnUtava af uy raptr hi Tharat tt I ve The largo unci cooalantly increasing circulation of tb ItlPUBLKAN, ... .. CMulGa.lla!ll t ntijiai nion ai a modiura tbro' which to roaoh the public Tf.iiNi or Scdscripiion : If paid in advanco, . . . 12 00 IT paid after three month,, . 2 60 If paid after aix month., . . 8 00 When paper, are aont outside of the county puymont muni be in advance. ADVERTISING : Tfn line., or lea, 8 time, . 11 60 Each .ubscquent inacrlion, 50 Admiiii.trator' Notice., . . 2 50 Executor' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditor.' Notice., .... 2 60 Caution, and Eatruy., ... 1 50 Di.nululion Notice., . . . 2 60 I'rofomiioiiiil Curd, 5 line., year, 6 00 Special notice., per line, ; . . 20 YEARLY ADVEKT1SEMENTS: Ono aqtiare, 10 line., . . . ?3 00 To fquares 15 00 Tbreo square. 20 00 Ono fourth column, . . . . 50 00 One-half column 70 00 Ono column, 1J0 00 We bnve nlwnyn on bantl a lurge .tnck of blank, ot all dc.cription.. SUMMONS, SUBTfENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, tJONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ac, Ac. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING rl'CII AH FOSTERS, I'ROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, FAMPI1LETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., Ac, 1N.TIIE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEUS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlaiitilor A I?, Clcai field, Clearfield County. Pa. (rw and UlsUa?roua . -w-a m m HERE WE COME!! . . . t g'rr-A Bound for Fleck NEW And Croat r ,Tt!rL T. A. FLECK & WE HAVE CONCLUDED not lo BUY Ihe CENTENNIAL, AT PRESENT, AND HAVE THEREFORE BOUGHT A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS. EVERY DAY BRINGS SOMETHING ' NEW ! uXKW-GOODS. LOW t . 1 j V take plraaure In Irformlnr rnrfrlen.la ll.al we r. Ji t reUrB.d from the E.ern Dlles. ! tnd found aode at awh low price 'bi we are rnnldi d lo aril rb p-r than any Other l-u-in-M bona in lb conntrv, b. aur we are l u iBf our gond. In m lir.t band, at the 1 -dories, for caih ; W bop to aatla'y eeeryb-nrlT. nrl five 1he worth of Ibe money, and rua ran tee the (fix! to be i aa represented. We invite our frier da to give ua a call and einatine our gooda, aa it will be for 1 tbeir Lenefit. ( DRESS GOODS IN ALL Illaek Alpaca, Black Paa h mere. Hlack I, 'litre. Plaid Dre (i.iod. r&licoa. Muflina and Uincliama. Watcrproola, all col'ira, I'Iibb Cloib, Hlack lleneer C';nth lur coaia, Met' a and bve' Cb merea. Ct tbi line of gooda w- Luv m a!fg; i.t aloct, und at rigUl itricea. Grrmantnwa Woola and Zepbyra. Balm-r't Varna. Ilnr end While Yarn, Carpet Chain, Not iona. Collars and Caff Onral all pnoea. Ladies' lit-, l:utn n, Li.r. a pd I'rtige l.aJiai' and 4'bildrea'a llo abd l.tiderwear, Ula-.-k and l'oluri Kid Oluvta. New Pannier Nrw Koibrcdiery and lUe.ikitcliitU blent l' Fiiri.li'liicg Good. t'nderwear. Puek and Kid Olorea. Cl' th and P-erMu Gloves, 611k Hfidkrehivf aiid I incn Ilnndberebiei. n.p( it.lt r ard l!ne. VV-k.1 Soeka nn l Slits New Iit-a Iiea all ibe lateat y It?. Loubrt'i aa, t. Millinerr sad Fanee 0 1a. Hall and DonneU Trimtnid la Ordr. New mga. New Feather. New Fluwera. New Silk New Velicteen. Bilk Velveti, NEW RIBBOMS. NEW RIBBONS. Having uccecM in getting a FIRST CLASS MILLINER, ue Jo not intend to Itt umlermtd in that line. Come und be convinced. T. A. FLECK & CO., Sept. 27, 187G. CiVarff.-lfJ, Pa April 2fi, 1870. IkTOTKT. ia htrby giren that tnj wife firatt 1 Weaver.having left my be-l aod board wiiti- oat any Juat eaueor provocatlnn, all peraona era beieby warned again. t harboring ur lruting br on me aoeoiint a I will not pay or be rctpontib: for any dabtaoootracted by hr JOHN WRAVKR. Ilea ham ton, Jan. 14, I S77-3f. XT "TIC I!. AH tnnn. ara fc,hr m.titoil 1 that ma foH..ln pamoal pr..prrty, now ia poraruinn ot wm. K. taia in i.awi.n w- aip. I, h.ld a, a. ai M.r.ir. to wn: Una .lo.a ad w.kin, oi.ii,il,, ona dioln. lalil. fP- board, ona dobira?, ono Ml of ehlr..t tied. and kaddin.. and ona pro.,. Noli la lorrriro nrrro.r .i.rn .0 a ,irr..,n. . . u.r..- oi. aim or puren.ua mo anioa uiur., u) aur .j.- i.ru.ai ana ouna.ui. Clearfield, an. 34-lt. STAOK A KORHI.4. iM'ia-Aii neraon are n-r"j ninnnrq ; .WrXlTntfXi ealllna fur forlv fiv dollar. Aa I hae Bot re ceived vain lor aid note, I will not pay the same unleaa compelled ao to do bv due proce nf law. IDSKI'll KNKl'P. flrabamptoB, Fahmary T,'77-Jt. (KLiTI(rM.MAI1 pronaer hereby cjulion j ed agalnat purchasing or In any w:iy ni'd dling with Ihe following prcperlf now in pnaea aion of Oilbert Ibover, of ilorria lownliip, lo wit 1 Two cows, four young rattle, two ahrep.iour bog, nine acres nl grain in the ground, seventy buMhcla oata, twenty buchfli pntntoea, fifty btibrl corn, one plow, on barrw, lot of hny and it raw, et doable harneaa, cook stove, three be ta and bedding, and n lot af kitchen furniture, aa the came belong to me and la only left with hi in on lose, eabject to my order at any time. JKIIK. llUOVl-.il, Sr. Krlertowa, Jan. 14, 1ST 7-31. AIITItlN All pmom ar.. beraliT enilli.md J againet purohaaing er in any way nredaiitig with the following propurtr. now in p.ei.ion of Thomaa Hile.of A-gga tow Bilttp.CUat field cuanty. Pa., to wit: I gray in a re, aprtng wiiit'in. 1 et baineaa. I above! plow. 1 old plow, lanning mill, cutting bos, lot ur corn ludd r. lot of at raw, 4 too ofnaj,a1.re.da.ndcba.na,grind..on..c.llkalore.i p.rior stove, 2 bed. cnb ait-k Ut.le, common i ! ebalra, rochlng nhnir. T bu.heU poi.toea, lot T carpel, aland, grain cradle, graeawjibe a anatb, lat ar r.irks ana sboveis. maul and aodgn ...h.y Mime m hJh ,ml buy tbeir good from tobandw..bh.rd,lae..lcornho,.Olf lb. I will pay ch for whr Jt, nata ani clover - H. ... r'"i" waa porcnaaea oy ma at nnerin a iaie on ma an of November, Ih7(l, aod la left with ald Th. Utl an loan, subject to my rde r at any time. Kl-I-ANOK III i:. FboeniK, Armatrong co. Pti , f b. 7 77 ftp. IXI:CUTKIXH XOTICi:.Le-tera Tea j Umeotary on th catate of WM. W ISK, late ' of Fergnaoa townbip, Clearfield enunty, I'n., ! dre'd, hailng been granted lo lha uitderigne4, j ill peraona knowing tbemarlvea ioda led lo aaid ealale are required to mak immediat pa) went, ' and ini-B naving eiaima againai me eame em preae&t them properly auihemicated fr aeltl n.ent wilhowt dUy. JAaNK WISK, New Millport, fab 777-fil. I lecuirit. AIMINKTR4T0HM NOTICK. Nallo ts hereby givvn lhn Lriter of A I mioiBtratinn ontbteatate of JOHN MrTAVIHIf, laie of Uulirh townahip, Clearfield enunty, I'., dee'd. baviag been duly granted In tb under aigned, all peraon Indebted le raid efl'e wiM plaae make immediate peyment, aad thoa hav ing eiaima or demand will preaenl them property aBtkBtiaald for aelilement wlthmit dUr. JOHN h M KKlltNAN, Smith's Milt, Jan. 3477- A Im'r. AI)MI4IHTN4Tf)Hf KOrK'K. IVolie i hereby given ihal Uitersof Ad winialralinc oa lb ealate Oi JHIN t LbAKY, let of ltlnoia townblp, Clearfield o-naty, Pa., oeceared, having beea duly graated ta ihe underaigned, all peraon indebted to aaid lal will plana make Immediate pat mem, and tboae having claims or demands againat the eame will prveent tben properly aathvniteeied fr aelile ment without delay, juiir HMiiii, Fareat, Ja. 10. '77 fit. Adminiairatlor APIHINIHTR ATORM NOTH'I?. Nbllo fa) hereby given thai Loiter nf Ad miuiatratinB on the eatato of C'll AH. OUKNOT, lal af Oofiagtea townahip, Clearfield euaitty, Pa., aeeead. having beea daly granted ta tbe anderaigned, all peraona indebted to aaid aetata will pleaae mak imtnedi! payment, and tboae baviag eiaima or demanda will preaeit then prnpirly anlbalieatd far settlement witbvel delay. DOMINIC MUKNOf, Adtainiairator. rreehvllle, P., Jaa. 1fl,T7-fii IIMI NINTH ATOR'BI NOTItli. LNnleU hereby aivea Ibat Leliera nf Ad- in In let ration b th eatat ef JAMKH T. Mo CKACk KN, lal af Ke-'B btwaaBlp, CloarfieH eoMBly, I'a., dee'd, having beea daly granted to tb anderlgned, all perxon lBliitd la aaid atat will pleaee mak imme tlale pavmenl, aad tbo having el alia or awiaaBd will areaeat them proper!) B'ilhaatifftad fr aettkmenl with- itavuy. i ii n i 1 1 4 a n mcvhauh s.x. LKWIfl KM II AUD. New Mlllpori Jan. 1, 1B77-I. Adm'r. dirrtlsemruta. & Co.s Store. GOODS Bargains I .. CO.'S STOllF. PJIWES. FOR C.1SH. THE NEW STYLES. a and It'll. Wb-tc Pkirla nnd CWd Skirt. T fvr( .;jt A COTA lll.l KH- f I VV beta printed a large number of the new , r KB Illl,i., and will on th receipt el twanty va eri. mail a eortv B' J Idree. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOURACE HOME INDUSTRY. , riinE !id.r.tio.l. harlna a.rahli.a.d a Nor- j a.r o. Ibo 'Pika. aimat half w.jr hatwaa. I Clta.oi-hl nnd t:ur,-n,vill., I, pn.reH to lor- ,, .n kj.j, f JKLII TIIKK.t, l.l.ailaril aod j d.rl.) Krrrai., bralil.my, Ur.,.. Vma., ; (,,.(lrrj, Uu.n Ularklirrrj, rllraahrrry, ' , K...b,rrj Via... A .0. hibrian Iran lwV. tju,nr, and carl, .r.rlat Mliobiirh, Ac, .rul)l.,t, at.vlidt d t... Adilra., J. U. WltKlHT, lenSO fir1-) Curwenavill. I'a. A NEW DEPARTURE IN LlTHEKSBl UG, , . . ..4 j ( . j Jlerfttftr-r, goo.f will be coM for CASH onlr, mt in exrhaflge fur i.nnlara. No books will bo I ! kept in :h fuinf. All old acrounta mut be HUM. Th'i-e who cannot r:rb up, rrill p'enae 1 hand orar their nolo, ard CLOSE THE BECOED. j 1D llrffnaIl.ri, to n my j, l fiub a,,, BD., ftt di.cu-u lor below ibat ever Her , ia vMnitJi 'j-)IC, ,,iouuni I tllow mt wlM lnkt. liie,a riph in Iwrniv vr.ra II i artil. iJA.MKl. I1'IU1HA .M)l. It, Lutlier1tirg, January 17, X" AMEItK'W CYCLOPEDIi, (APPLmoX'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Comploto in 16 Voluoios. Enlir.lv rr-wrillrn. lveritLIn, brnuelit d'wn 10 Ihe pn-ernt time, lllu.lrated Ihrouhoat wiib Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS ef every country no th globe Soil only by Buhaeription. tt is B"t obligatory to lake all th vnluma at one a volume may be delivered onee a mo til h, or nce Ib two muBtb Ten anU f da?, lb priror a P'gr, will pay for et of CV('LHPr.OIA O.l A Ul MuNrilL. KL'llSt'RIPTION in lea than three jmrs Then i here will be eomethlng Bblaniil aav and a atnrhoae of hnowle'lge, Indeed a anivvraal library In it If eerund. witb but Hill tJort or aavrttie. rmr r and ptyi.k of wndini i Fr Fitra Chth, per ?l H tM For Library Leallier, per vol ( For half Turkey Morocco, per Vol Far half Raaai Kitra Oil, per vol t IP S bi 10 9l 10 it) For Fill Morueee Antiane, par vol Ml For Fall U.ili, per vol ol For fnrtber (foritln addreas J. II. ILLIAJdSaN. Pa .litht.'iif r.t, 10) ttw i'rt, Jn?l,l;fl.lr. P.nsbargh, Pa, HisUanr.us. ' OTEA il SAW MIL p TEAM SAW MILL, EXG1NK ASD BOILBBJ IOR BALE. Tha artdcrflcnad offer for aala on raaaooaUa I Urmi, thair wata aaw mill, loeatad al WaliaoB j too. Claarflcia Co, Pa. Tba aojrinaaad bollarf ara aa good aa DCw. Tba aita of Ua aafflaa If I Uidtl, and la la good ntonioa: ordar. Tbay will aloall btlr vbinxla and latb (Dill, aa4 all tbt worhtoK anaobiaary in tba as ill. Part la wlablag ; to pvratiaa i.n rail u or addra I UHAI1AM. WALLACE A CO. Claar-flala, P , Jum Ml, U76. joot and suoe making. JOSEPH 11. DKKhINU, oa Market at real. Ib i .iaw'a Ho-i, CUarfield. Pa., bus )nat revived dKtt , . .w.M.n ,,n.,UIU ,H Hia uu. u wut mmi - . rani bia work lo be a rep-entd- I Al, all kta laof Leather ant! Shoe findings I for eele Tbe clilaens f Cltarflald and vicinity ar ftpeeuuii; ineiua to (iv aioj a call. jrJEFRA COTTA STANDING VASES, Stive Lining and Firo Brick, kept oonatanUy ob band. ST0E AM) EARTHED -WARE Of EVERY UKSCBIPTION! CROCKS! POTSI CKOCKS1 Planer'. Patent Airtight Delf - !!( fruit Caual BtTTTRK CKOCKb, wllb Ild,, CREAM CHOCKS, MII.K CROCKS, AI-CLK BUTTEK CROCKS, I'ICKLK CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, 6TKW POTI, And a (rut many otbar ibioga too aan.roB, to la.oUup,, to b. bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STOXP: - WARE POTTERY, Corner ot Cberre ana Thir ijireau, I'LKAKKIKI.O. HA. auBl II ARD TIMES l!AV NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I am awar tbat there ara oma peraona a little hard to pleaae, and I a an alao awar tbat tb coiophlnt of "hard timea" la well nigh on i vera I. bo 1 aot ao aituaied now ibat I can aaliBfy tb termer aod prove eoncluaivly tbat "bard timaa" will not effect ihoae who buy their cooda from m. and all my patron a shall h initiated Into tb I crot of UOW TO AVOID JIAED TIME3 1 I have 2ooda eBoach to eapi-ly all tbr inbabl- taota in the Wwrr nd of tbe county which I aell at e leefi) i 1 1 n low ratea from iny mammoth etore la Ml LSoMH Hli, where I rati alwaya be fonnd roarty to wait upon caller and supply tbeta witb t00(lS Of tall .11(13, . 8oh " Clotba Patmetts, Caaa.mer, Uaalins, Uclainea, Linen, Drilliuga, Calico. Xriniiiiinga, Kibbona, Lace, Heady-made Clothing, Boot and Sboea, Hat and Cape ail of tl-e boe material and made to order iioie, ooeaa, tiovea, aiiuena, l,-jb, niooona, a. I GHOCEklEtf OF ALL KINDS. Co0ee, Tea, Sufar, Riro, Molaaaea, Flab, Bait I'urk, Linaeed Oil, Fiah Oil, Carbon Oil. llar lwar, Quee-naware, Tinware. Caitlnga, Plows anl Clow Carting, Nail, Kpike. Corn Cultiva tora, Cider Preaeee, and all kinds of Ais. I'erfnioery, 1'atnta, Varniah, ilaa, and a gnrt saaurtiuenl of Stationery, QOOD FLOUR, Of tliffcrent branda, always on hand, and will ba aold at tb lowast poaiihl figure. J. II. M'-Clain'c Mdicinea, Jayne's atdlclnw lloatelter' and lloofland's Bitter. 400 poends of Wool wanted for wbieb the biffbeBi prie will be paid. Cloveraeed on band nd lor sal at tb loweat market pnoe. Alio, Agent for Strattonvitle and Carwenarllla Tbreabing Macbioea. juCall and ace for yonraelvea. Ton will find ever) thing nawalty kept ia a retail ator. ' L. M. COHDRIBT. Franchrlll F. 0., Aognet I'i. 1874. REMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would refpcetfully notify the pobllc generally that h ba removed hi Uroery Store from .-!iaw 'a How, to tb bulldiag formerly occupied by J. Mile K ratter, on Maeood aireat. nit door to Bigler's hardware store, where h intends keeping a full hoe of ii IC O fj K it 1 1: H. HAM8, UHIKD BF.EF and LARD. n"o .no "i"l Ol all lTri. . . I ' UrM0 "'' ' .-nrcti; ... ! ' ' 'M " 0r'"- FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, (;i.r.rcD rn vits, All kind, io th. market. TICKLES, in Jar, anil barrel.. STICKS, la aver fort, and tariet. FAMILY FLOUR, am, KiM)noF( ntm.m HOAM, MATCHK8, DRI1CD APPLES, PRIED PKAC1IKP, DRIED CnEP.RIES, ... ICui UU Baa el&X&P WlUSulOyS. A nd a good aaanrtmont nf tboae tbinga avnally kept in a grocery at ore, which be will exchange f r marketing at tba market prices. Will aril for carh aa cheaply aa aay other one. Plea fall and to bia itock aad judg for yonraclf. JOHN McOAl'OHET. Clearfield, Jan. .1, 177. Djr FR YHIIlMri Jt, W 1 w L t Il I U U 1 1 U 01 HLLU, (Sncoeaaora to Bnynton A Vang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufaelarcr af PORTABLE & STATION A HT STEA3iI ENGINES Corner oX foart. and Pin. S treat, I.EAHHIEI.n, PA. nAVINll mrted la Ihe anufa.t.ra af Irak elaaa M ACII IN ERT. we re.peelfnll; Infom b, pabli. that w. ar. now pr.p.r.4 U IH all order, a. ehr.ply aad a. proaspllj e, eaa b. doaa io an; of th. oillee. W. naa.fa.l.r. aad deal la Mulny and Circular Saw-Milli Head Bloaka, Watat Whee, fbafUa Palli, Hi.ord', Injarier, Rleaa Oeaf e. gHaai WbiatUa, Ollera, T.lh Cope, Oil Oopa, OiaH Oaaka, Alt Cook,, OloN Valrea, Cbaek Veltaa, ermht Ira Pipe., fl.Moj Paeipa, (olhrr T4 Paaaa, Aatt Frietlo. Metre., Ba., RtoM Paekinl. Oaia P aci ni, and .11 kind, af MILL W0RK toeatbar oitk Flowa, (lad Holea, COOK AND r RLOR STOVES ad otbn OASTISOS rf all kbjla. ,' Order, eollelted .nd Iliad at my priaaa. All Hnler. af laa.olr. alt, refereae W BaakieW. of oar BaNfaatiera praaMla ajamnd. hr 4dr. In al at ClaartaM, Pa, lanlT4 tr BKILRR, TOOMll MID.