r THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARK1ELI), PA tVRTlNRRl.AY M"HNIN). JAN. 31. Uf7. Terms of Subscription. , n ad' nee, or within tbroa Month,.. ft alter three asd htfor sta month..,,. 1 at 1 paid lt.-a.ae.aa. ktl .... Jlk ...ik..tin.i4 ImnU In N.w York Cily. ' It I.LIf.lniM KOTH'llM. K ' I --. , irT rWf MT T-TJB tHTTI ! !rrtartaeat eout tiueagntiiaitlieUcr'a poituffiue J "Tfi-Mt7nttil r.TViyiW:"n;f"n wiiT KtZa-Tj 8TUVS.-.S, I'a-tor. luhllo Hemes evarj Hahhaih I t mar Cily," la imiieTioa o I w TTi u i.T" UJM S1- 7! .PM Laet wk lb. warn, w.a cb.aged t. R.aey." Hahhath S. hwl at 0 A. M I'mye Menliag every Theredey, at T P. M. Cntnn unino Hurric. ftret Hahbatb of every ..onih, -t H4 A. M. M eat Clrarlleld M. K. f liurrlu Revi. Vh. II. Ditl. and J. K. Akdkbbox, I'eitori. PrM-biR evtry alternate HudInv, at 8 o'clook, V, M uaday Febuul at 2, P. M All are la viltd to attend. Ircb terlaii Churrli--hev. 11. fl. Uhti.rr. Hitbnnth eertiree morning and ercning 8ab hath School al S P. M. Prayer Mfttiag Wednei day aveohig. HI l''ranrlh ( hwrrli atln.lir Hr. P. J. SnKKiRAH. preaching at 114 o'clock, A. M., on (be tint, third and tourlb Sundayeof each wontbj Vrnpereand I!rnellciion ot the hkued He ore men t at 7 o'clock, p. M. undHy rbuul every Hun day flitrmxin at S o'rlook. tll l-K IAL lllKI t TtH V. tiea or Ihlmro a area aaaaioaa coort. f rend Mnaday f Jaouary. Ihird Mod ley of Mrt'h. Fuel Monday ef June. Fourth Monday of ti-pteuhar. timb or aoLDiaa covh'x hi iab. Ftril Monday of June. Beoond Monday ot November. ( ruai.ic omenta. Pritnt Myt Hod. Charlea A. Mayer, of Lock II van. Atiiafanl i w Judy Hon. John II. Orvlf, of Dclleronte. Amcintt Jlye Ahrem Ogdan, Clearfield ( Vinarnt R Holt. Woodland. !-( A oNitfnrv Rli llloom. fiirf nna fVfeorrfcr 1(. J. Morgan. Itittriel AtlnrmyVi'm. M. MoCullougb. Twmrtr On til Me(Jauicbey. Shtriff Andrew Penta. Jr. C'owNfe tfarwyor--Samuel F. McChmkey, Cor- "X'a...,We-Cl.rk Rrown, dear-1 flHd Thome A. Mc-tiw, Cheat P. O.; Hairil ! UiMiver. Clrarflld. t'oanty Auditor -ChrtBt. J. hratty, ''en . HnpatKamuei A. Caldwell, MiM.ani.grovtiJot.nl C. Conner. Uurniide. County Cora? J. H. Ktff, New Waililnnlon. Jury Uommitiinnrn Ir. Jntnee P llurrbncld, Clcmrltrd, Joerph Aleiaitder, Wo..dward. L Suptrimlemdtnt i'uhlic Arkoou JobB A. Nularia Public John W. Wrifflej. Wm. Ra debauch, Cyrua Oordon, Clearfield; Joseph H. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, t'nrwrnsvlllai J. J. Lingle, Oictwla M1II1. Oar .?' 10 eoluuin la decidedly Interesting in a local point of view, and profitable reading to outsider! wbo want to lava mney. Tito protracted nivvtinK 'n the Cloar flrM M, K. Cburcb closed lait hunday evening. Pr. Stowart's dtntul oftlro in tho Maeonie building, Clearfield, will be open allot' next week. Tho lifiit ol Grand ant! Trnverno Jti- ror for the MnrcB term ol Court, 1477, Ii pub lished in this paper t-dny. ii Lorillttnl'M culuhratfil brands of Na vy Tobacco, "Deflmiee" and Our Choice," at Ly tie's, iota Burnt for Clearfield county A NlaU'incnt ol tlio tondilitm ol tho Couoty National Bonk 1 putdinhid lo duy. This bunk is on a found financial basis. Wm. lifcd in now rucoivi. fl hire aortu.ent of muslins, ginghams, prints, Ac., . hr,t,..r,l l,,f,,w thr recent advance, t and which at 111 be sold cheap. SllttO iH'imtor IValu I) its Otir tbailKH : for copli-s of tbe reports ot the Superintendent of Put. lie Instruction, and the Soldier Orphans Hcho-lf, and aire weekly bondlc of the Lnj'ula. titt rVreor J. . mm n To proven t tobacco chowora from being lmpoed upon, Lorillarda have put a tin stamp In every plug of their tobacco. Take none unless so stamped. Lytic li lole agent fur Clear field county. A. W. (ialo ba rocoived tbe appoint ment ot pen ma a er at Sahula pi -st office, iu Hus ton township, this county. Sabula Is tbe name of the office at tht Summit tunnel, on tbe Low Orsde Rsilroad. MB A butcher shop watt burned at Ty- roue, one dsy last week, together with three lire dogs, revere! live pigr, and a quantity of beef and and pork tbat bad been butchered. Tbt loss amounted to about $1,200. PoKtniuntcr Gaulin ban tlio Philadel phia Tmes Almanao, tba New York WoWri Alma nac, and the New York Tniane Almanac for sale, as well ax all the magasinei and dally nenspsprrs published, and he will sell them cheaper at rvUll than you a in buy them elsewhere at wholesale. v.. l' .i.. 0.1 ;u . J . V. . . . i Hog day. From the pissuit rrrnu ll piasuni enangeanie onarac-1 ter of the weather it would not be deued safe to make a probable guess as to what tbe prognosti cations ol bia boabip will be ( but the dead coon Bp it ret t Is thaw mg out a rure sign of something. Hotel keepers nhould remember thut tbey bave but riPTEK! nva to lift their liaenres, alter they have been granted by the Court. All licences not lifted within tbe specified lime are forr.lled, and Ibor. p.w.B. rllil.g llquori In tb. j ... .... .' ... .,,,.. . ,k. I ' ' funeral will lake pla tbi. (Wednerdaj) afler- noon, at 1 uYlnek. Some ol tho citiicna of liocldnn, in Uoitn to.nebip, bava beiB proeprcliog ftr oil lo that tli'iBitj, at.d riprel fn to eummenee eink Ing a wrll. Sorlaoa lndletiona for oil are laid lo bo verv gooil, aad bupe the gentleman en ga)(d in tl . rotrrprlM we) not be diiappointed Ib tbair expeclatione m a. Lint of li'ttfrs rcniuiiiiii( unclaimed In IhePoftoBice at Clearfield, tor the week ending Janu.rj 20, 1877 t Chat. A. Deelt, J.eoo DiatuiiB. Mm Liana Kill., Andrew D. rmb, S.tunel Mrt-rBaway, A. A. II .li.lltun, t'ti.rlet klani, W. J. Huiathcrf. P. A. (UfLU, P. M. A Iritmo hoiiRu on the aouth nitlu of Market eireet, iB tbi, borough, betweeo Third an I Poor b atrreli, eaoght Ira ia tbe roof, about Boon on Sunday la.t, but It prcniptljr dlatur tred and quenel.ad. Tbo huuia I. oceupled hy lb. family .l Mr. J..I.0 C'o..n. It If a rery anei.nt boildinx, and a dilreltr. Doa'wai the loiaiediate eauie of tba lire. m " JikiiIj Ilduwlifiicht, A (ariniT livini; Btar Latrderitle, Lycoming county, w.a loamoB ad front bit bed oi. S.iluri1ey tight, lha VOlb lo.t., hy thrte at0 wbo w.nted to warm Ibeuiael.e, and set totnefblng lo cat. After lecurlng aduili imio, II.. raicali boond tbrlr unf.irlBnale boat aad rai,l.ed hia bou.e of .v.rytliing ealoal.l. op..a whlcb they could lay their handi. Mr. H a fami ly were all aLrnl. Tha robber, only iieiirrd I0 la ainry. Throe chililrvn ol Mr. Win. Jolin.in -a boy and Iwo girl. Ilring in Bell tuwaihip, Jrlfrrioa oouaty, Bear ranaiutewney, wera 1.0 alun. IB tbe boBie, abile their a.tber Wrat OB BB errand to a oeighbor'e. I'pi B lha rel.ra of the Bulbar, ib. foand ooe of lb. little girla burned IB 4. alb aad lha other, a aero bake, badly la Jurtd tbat It died a few boon allerwardi. Tbalr eloihea eaaglil Ore Iron Ibo flora. Tb. be waa tiled with imoke, and tba boy waa laved froa lulloc.il. m by gelling In bed aad eureriag biaelt oter. . a. Thu Mnrkut tra hill, ill thi bor ough, be, ana ia giod oondilton lor eoaatlng fur aom tiaa pan, atid during tba bcaattful moonlight aia-btl of lut weak a large aoinker of perrua.. Both old and young, bava been eogaged Ib riding d.iwa tba hill and polling a banO-.led op agala. On la.t P.lur.i.y Bight liter. re Bit li.albaaon. hnnJted and Illy pireona oa Iba bill at one lime, and aeeldrnla were quite nuaer oua, arrea perron, being aiore or lei. frippl.d Ooe litlla boy, aamed Owe... wal alruok by a dc.nw'lln, fled and ka..ckrd aboat til leet ialo lha air, falling npoa k.l beed. Ha lutT.rtd a frrare (iibcb a af Iba br.la, aad it a.. lyiag at tb. Shaw IKaie la a Mtbrr ttliiral wndltlua. Mr. Daaled McMuilea rua agelael Iba tad af a prajMUag bwrd, wbteli ttraeb kla oa tka fora kead, aad Bow a bea.tl el " kay-wladow " arna ealt bit frMtl.f let.. Tb. tw. aaaaa BMBtlawed aboea are tba aort aeriooa, all Iba albert belag bl allgbtl, lajirad. Hurry C Allimrt SOU of John M. 'from the draft, pitched in loo and have had iron-j nnantiful natnre aff'irds no Iner Speellla far Adam., K,,., Chirr of .1,. Cl..,l.ld Cuan.r j .r.b or. .,o.g wl.b Ih, runt, Tb. ' jM. ERAlSSl Hank, dl.i at tba rerid.nra of hi, Tatb.r, In tbn : fraetorad limb., brokan btad., and pr.lcd f.col, 1h mnt, ,rrnl lorM, of tbat roprama borough, oa Monday ariernoon, aftar a lingering 1 racclved by tho funn, ft'lki in tbia borough lut ! pnriOer. lilerin'a HnlpburHoap. Depot CrittoB lllnex. Ilia illna-a waa rooiuuiplion. The ! Hatarclaj night baa, wa think, taugbl a good Ua-! fn'a No. 7 Ciilb Ar., N. ?. lltll'l Half A Attention. llule.koeira and their attorneys, wbe propose to apply for ll-snssettbs March tern of Court, ere Informed that we keep II tbt neeeeearj bleaks en bends, iu-.li as bonds, pftllloBI, "to. Wanted 11,000 cord of II unlock end Rock Oek Dark, fur which we will pa; the b if he it market price, jylJtf. A. 0. Kramib A Co, 11 Gonk Tho ltvnovo AYy.r a'ates (bat I be property ol the Kartbaui Coal end lusber Compan" will U offered fur sale at Pbila- '' -J. -i n-J'". "i" "f v-ie-at ry atxi. It i up the mi nee, (iHBATON CUANUR. TliO lWofl.rO Ratory la tbe trruinua of the Htiutidalt I ranch Railroad. m 1 School Historiek. In iluce of the ueualanaual report! to the Svbuol Llatuivnt tbta year, tba County and City Puperinieudente are to prepare and forward biitorieal aketobae of education In their rrpeetlvt jariedietloDi, Tbe Department tbinki tbat, "eompilrd In a volume, three ikelcbee couUiniitg In brief the hiitory of education In every city and borough of the State, will en nit it ue a document of great interest and value." - 1 mm e mm 1 ll tuntiot ho dinptiU'd tliut tho limn wbo Hope advertising for tbe purpoae of retrench ing bia ripenree euceerdi in accomplinbing hie object. At the eamo time tie receipt! are largely intrvm-ht-d, enahliug a tnitterivl raving In elerk hire. If tbe policy of retrenchment la adhered to, bt will poo a he enal-Ud to ulude tbe payment of rent end eniioyanort of tonduoling a buifoeia. When a aiercbant or b tie i net mua eonimencci to ecu bo mi 10 In advirtiiiog, be eomuancaa to econo- miie at the wrong end. Stim, "(jathkrino Them In." Tho tolled til tea Martbal and bis lieutenant are till gobbling up member! of tba gang of coun terfeiter! wbo bare tolealod tbii, Indiana and Cambria eountiu, fur a yenr part, Some eight or (en bave thus far been captured and taken to Pittihurgh, and there era still mora to follow. We hope tbat a clcan-ewerp will be mailt, and tbat all the manufacturer! and " tlioren " be ca poned and punlihfd to the full extant of tbe law. 'an'T 1(ET.:RN X -U notice tl.Ut ,b of the Bellefonte H olcAatwa la very 1001 b plaed at the iraprovcouBt of tbt Hr.pra- tirAN. in giving from twelve to aiilren feet of , w w 4 , rttura the eomplitnent. More i We will Inform tba editor at an early day, why wo did not employ 0.rin ptinter at a rerlain lime, although we ... a . 1 . K..t we do not. wich to he Impertinent, and we will furnish hlin our reason! the first time we turn up in Uellefonte. IloNOItAltl.K I'l.STINOlIO.N. A bill i waa Introduced in our State Legislature, laft Thurrday a wrk, providing for a commission, to consist of (lor. llartranfl, Lieut, Uor. Latta, Hon. Ileisler Clynier, Hon. K. Joy Morris, lion. Cbaa. A. Mayer and Ror. (Jeorge Woods, to determine what two distinguished Peons) Iranians (deceas ed; shall bavt their statues placed In tht Capitol at Waiblagtun, aa pmvided fr by an not of Congrtts. The selection of Judge Mayer, our able aud distinguished President Judge, as a mcinbcrul tbii bonorahle commission U a mark of honor well-merited, and hia many fricnua will ba gratified to reara ef Ihia bonorahle reoogaitlnn. Frozen to Deatb -Tbe LvwirAurg ; CAfohire stales tbat Mrs. Mitchell, win of Geo. ! Mite hell, residing on Jack's mountaio, in lljrtley townsbip, I'nion oouoiy, whilst returning botne from a visit to ber daughter (living in Hartletonl I on tbe 8th iuit , look a uiouutain path and tnleied u'""- ttb' J -'' '" uJ BuJ ' ! did not return, when be Was told that she bad left for borne on Monday afternoon, four days previous. cVarch was at once made, and follow- ing her tracks leading off from the main road, j they found her 1 I ton a to death. short distance from tbe bouse, Hhe was about 08 years of ag TlIK Al'PKALS. tir County Colli- uiisiiuners start oat on their forty-day tour on Frid.y next, Feb. 2d, at Curwcn.ville. (See ad- 1 ' vcrtiiemetit.) Those partlci wbo lmutfine tbat their properly has bean assessed too high will, of course, attempt to " bull-dote the board, with the hope of nhtaining a reduction ; but, If the Assessor lays, "No ; your prepertjr Is asserscd no higher tbaa that of your neighbor's," -then the misiion of tbe Commissioners Is at an end. The redaction on tbe property between individual! Is alone the duty of the Aisessor. When the claim Is made thai a borough or a township li too high, tbeo it la in the power of the Commissioners to adjust and equalise tht aMeasmelits, U. B. CoNFKRaNCB APPOINTMENTS. Tbe Allegheny Conference of the L nil.d Brethren oburrh held ita annual session at A I loon a weti. Tbe I olio wing are tbe appointments made tor tbe Emt D 1st riot r J. Walkkb, Presiding Klder. Altonne, M. F-pangKir 1 Tyrone, L. K. Jonas 1 Huntingdon, M P. Uuylc ; Htiiflnnie. W. H. Mattern ; Port Mali Ida, J. F. Tallhelm ; New Paris, I). KHis ; Fallen Timber, Wm. I!ighc! ; Clearfield. A. K. Fulton: Ou.rbeln, U. Coaly 1 IIUIIiliajlOUT, . A. IUI1 , i'lWH iiiiv, . McClay j Orhisonia, It. S. Woodward ; Juniata, J. U. Sheerer ; Liverpool, A. 11. t?;ieoglor ; Mill beim, J. M. Smith 1 East Salem, A. E. Evans ; Hurnside, 1. A. Mcfsioger ; State Line, To bt supplied. Boys' Play. This htw been n re markable season for coalliag Not only bavt ' "'' ........ baiardotia and brk-ok o.p awarded lo .a. .. L:.l BV..0 lak a.J wn aiamlj aoa to tomo al laaet, and If lb. maimed and Ib- hand all racor.r lb.ir a.ual k.altb the, .bould I ,k..k p.lh.rth.n ( I.iih. .in ent in.d tbetn on lb. Ic. Example U a wonderful traob. or ; and el, loine paople will Barer rebearaa the ! le.aoo at Ilia right place. Tr, Ilia parlor aad tbe ! kitrhen, ia.lead ol the Ureal. ("i.KAHeiKi.D Coal Tradk. Stulc meat of Coal and other freightt Bent orar Iba Tyrone A ClearOeld Dleliloo, Penmylranla Rail road, for tba week fnding Jan. 20ib, 1 S77. and the aatna time lat year t cnaa. Tnae Furlbeweeb 3,il Satua lima Ian year I0,0n4 lncrcnta 3,134 Prerlnuily during yenr .),.'itt7 "ama tiuto laft year :i4,7ltl Ilioreara 1,377 Total lolH'7 - I'."1! Heme tune latl yiar Il,''il4 Inoreeao 1.41 ' otbkr rRetoara. I.n tuber o1 enrt- Mircrllaneoui freight! 7" " ej ' iNTF.nKnTiNti Work. Mr. M. U. I'or- ter li now cantoning Lawrence and Pike town rhipt for a work, entitled " lllilory of Ibe Cia leanial Celebration." It ita boob of 1110 panel, and U prolgialy eiabelliibed Biih llluilraiioai or Ibe building aod ertiflee on exhlbltioB. It alio givea an ealertaiaing biitory of Ibe exhibition, aad if a aeeeully to every tlnt olail library. Tba iKH.k la a . tun un ia Orit-clail it) If, la proof of hicb we bava but lo lay that lha atrreotyplng of Ih. Worb waa dine by MacKellar, Sailbl A Jordan, of I'bll'a. Tba work wal compiled by Phili, T. Sendhuril, and otberfl, and m int aioal laatly bar. the, oouipletrd llicir labora. Tber. r. tw. ditereat at lea of binding, Iba price be log tVlO.a.l ti l) for lb. ripeelle kiude. Mr Porter will .all Bpoa the eiliaeBief the Iwo towa. ehlpB Baaed, and .a ad vie. all who deeir. a faith- fol biatory of Ibe CeolcBBial lo tubicribo for Ibta b.K,k. (J.B.1I3I. Kinx at pF.itNViLLE. llettvccn 3and 4 oe'UHik l.al Friday a.rnlng, Iba iloia-bouw of Mr. Vi a. A. Moore, Ib lb. village ol rennvllle, tbii oonnty, wai diecovered IB U ob Ore. Tbe alarm wai at onea given aad aa ellurt Bad. lo abdae Ibe B.mei, but wllboal foeeeia, Ibe Ir. bavltig pi.raad very rapidly. Mr. Moore a dw.ll Ing, djolBlng tba llore BOOI., looa ar. iruaa ... horning hulldlng.and bolk itruclorel were barard l. ibe ground. Hat few art Idea, If bbj thing, waa laved. Tbt dalliag-booe. baling naught Ira Ib Ib. ro. f, and lading that Iba b.il.lia, eo.ld not n. Betid, Iba eitlieBe luraed Ibelr atleBlloa la carrying oat boueebold goodl, and BBcoaed.d ia taelaa neatly avarylbing. Tba ba If aot knawa l Iber. waf aa ininr.Be. oa Ib. properly t f 1,000. Strong eniplctor ta onlertniaed tbat tbii Ore wet ibt eik .1 aa loeraJiary, aa Iber. bad beta ao lit la lb. aiore for reveral daya pr. yiB.t ta lb. lia. ef lb. ber.lag. Tha Hon boacB ol Mr. i. B. Raf.rty, la proalally ta Ibat of Mr. Moore't, wtf tared by Ib. mi ta Iba roof, Baabiard allk the a.rele .forti af tha eitlaeaa. 1katii of Father McManur. Huv Falbar T. J- MoManus, who wae at tbi tint of fata daatb ptiait la -ibarge of tbt Catholic Chunk at gberpsville, Mercer county, tbit Slat, died al tbt tesldsooe of hit brother, la Uerrlsburg, oa Tuesday, January NUn. Tba deceased bad been suffering for some tint with that lingering disease, eoBiuuiptioB, ad about a bod lb ago went to visit bis brother at llarrlsburg, thinking tbs change kg la do bin good. Hv. MaManue m highly esteemed, and hit Ion will b deeply felt by all who knew him. The funeral took plnoe la Bar rlsburg, oa Friday, tbt Ivtb lait., tbt reuataa baring been laid la stale 1b tbt pro-cathedral Liib Loo tar Fatbcf AlcMinue oKoiated Be pits, ol -a Clearfield Ctlbolle Chunk eavsiaJ years ago, for ihiirt time, and wbllt la Ibii flotbty ba made -umrtxrsttmi9 and yqaaiaianecs. ' irr Z! " ."T KACTI.r So.-'l 1.0 od.tur Ol lf0 Cumber land, (Md.) 7Vew, remarks 1 "Hint 1R7S tbt shipments of coal Tron this rt ion bait bern araduallv oa tbt decline. Tht reason lor this la not attributable to tba lack ef demand for semi bituminous coal, neither li It owing to the Introduction of better fuel upon tht market. Ho long as tht Cumberland aval waa purchasable at tht Eastern seaports at a reasona ble or even high price, with ao eubititata suited lor it, the demand kept increasing-" The editor continues : "In Ifift the Clearfield coal waa scarcely known. To bring it 00 tbe market man were employed to dig coal at nominal rates, 'until a trade should bt established.' The trade has been establi'bcd, nn til It is fait crawling on Cumberland abipmeota, and tbe miners are still working at nominal rates. And again he breaks out as follows! MVYben tht price of Cumberland anal la within a reasonabia tuarglQ In oompariaon with other ooals, there need he no fear lor our prosperity, for ao other eoal ean equal ours. Clearfield ship ments will decrease rapidly, while ours will In crease in a like ratio. Cbeapaess brings the Clearfield oal to the front, while quality will al ways keep up the demand lor Cumberland eoal." That Is well dune; but tbta tbe editor'! theory docs not change tbt quality or tba ocal. The practical consumer will always buy Clearfield eoal in preference to Cumberland. A Sii.veh Weihuno. Wo loam that our ei teemed It lend, and former oi titan, Mr. Isaac L. Reiiendein, and bis lady, SbW residing at jio. 136 North Sixth timet, Pbil'a., were over taken with a aurprlit party, one day last week, which took aparimemt at their boose, for tht purpose of celebrating their silver wadding day. A New York eorrerpondrat, who was present on this occasion, write! al follows ! Soon arter tbe arrival of tbe party, they were u hired into tne drawing-room, wherea bountiful collation had been ipread for tbe refreshment of the 'inner-man,' consisting of all tbe delicacies of tbe senson. Con'plfuotie among tht Tartoui adornments of the table waa the 'silver wedding eake,' tbe gift or tht grandchild of tbt boat and buslese little KMella llerliner. Alter doing am ple justice to the plentiful repast, followed 'the least of reason and tbe Bow of tbe soul,' and sev eral very appropriate addresses were uadt by Mr. Henry Herlmer, son-in-law of the happy couple, Mr. 11. Keiatmttin, and others. The fettivitiei continued until the ' wee sma' hours' of tbe morning, end, after a parting 'bumper' to the health of tbe bolt, hosieia and their lauiily, tba t.nrtv diinnraad. bavins: sitnt an isrreeable and pleasant tveoiag." Wt always did like to drink " bumpers" wita liana, and wt art sorry wa wera not present to aisisthla on this "sllecr" teoasloa. Wt will keep a look-out for bis "gulden wedding day, and will try and be present on tbat oteasloa. AN IMPORTANT ITEM OF LOCAL MIITORV. There la a story In circulation to tba tfitat tbat tht late Philip P. Cliss, tba famous aong-wrlier, wbo was a victim of the terrible railroad disaster at Ashtabula, Ohio, on tbe Lake Short A Michi gan Southern Railroad, oa tbe night or the 29th of liecrtxibcr last, waa born In Clearfield tonnty. C0Vf tb P"aP "tittea by Rev.J.S. rliewart, and wbieh appear- ed in the columns of 1 e Prubyttna, ol Janu ary 20th ' Philip P. lllisa was not born la Rome, Pa., as la generally stated, bH in Clearfield touaty, Pa., wbnoe In early yean 4m family moved into Tioga county, Pa. They were quite poor, and bis early surroundings were not ol the most favor ahle kind. About twenty years ago when he waa 1H years of age,) bt came into tbe western part of I trad ford ouuntv.and hired out as a farm -boy tbenee, alter a short time, he made hia way Into Towaoda, and entered aa a pupil tbe tJ usque banna Collegiate Institute. Alter a ibort period of itudy be went to Rome, (about eight miles I r 11 in Towanda,) and taught a district acbnol. Hi-re ha met his wife. Lucv Vounc. tbe eldest daughier of O. F Yosng, kiq., an elder of the Pibylerian Church, at Ho int. 1 hay were soon ". "J lhi" "'"''Jj.'t main pnrt of bia sacceaa in life. It waa while la U(IU1 DBt B0 BrlP w, lh irringi of his musical gift, and under the ins pi ration of his wife, tered upon lb study of musical science To gether tbey went to Professor Root's Normal Aosdeiny al Umeseo, N Y., where he vaadt great advaneemeot in musical culture, and won tbt admiratioa and regard of bia gifted teacher." Wa know aot where or how tba writer ef the shove received bis Information, but there appears good grouadi for the atatemsnt being eorreet. Home of our older cit liens remember several 'iml liei ef tba name or Bliee, wboreilded aaany years ago in tbe northern part of Clearfield tounty, In tbe region of tbe 6inneuahoning creek, and It la probable that the deceased musician belonged (a one of ibrse families. Mr. Bliss waa about 88 Jeart 0r affe vt tbe tlsne) fT bs daexth, nncl WIdb;! years old when ba left tbla touaty, we find that a period of twenty years baselapeed ilnsafbetook bis departure from tbe place of bis nativity, lie la one ot the authors and publishers of that popular warfc, cipl Hymns," with wbitb every Ban-bath-School scholar 4a familiar, ilia beaotlfal Sabbath Sob 00) hymns and sacred songs, and hia trsgle aud sudden death, ssan give bis name and lame a lasting place ih tbe memory ot tne mnait laving people th roughen! all the land. Special). N.w cillcoci at Flreb A Oo.'a. Richardjon'icalebraltd Elmira Bouti.aold al clntitcl; kjr H. A. Kbatibb. New amrlia at Vlaok A Co.'a. . "l'f r r .. ...... " ' . . , a . Tlraaiita Fob SaLlt. R. Newton Shew k.ftpfa full anpply of FrodnniB Boggioa and Plalfora Vt'itironi for a.l. To b. aeea at tb. tibaw lloaaa yard. Call on or a. 1. 1 red him at Clearfield Penn a.lvania. I'-f- Dny flnone a bew itook Joat opening and will ba Kid ebeap, at A. Ka.riaa't. Heartily of Jlonry. Tliere la no douhl bnt tho prent onnditloa of all klada of bueineiB and indoatry it fearfally 4e- pre.ii-d.and It behoovee every raally to took earefnlly to their .xpeneea. Winter ieeoalng .a wliea ehildreB are llei'le ta i roop, w.oopmg Couh.ato. Concha and Coldi will prevail every- where, aad Uoniumptton, wita otaor in ram. bbo lun. di.eaB.i. will carry off many. Thae. dia- eaiei .henld Bot b neeleeted. Iloetor'l billl are axpanilr., and wa winld .dvlaa our ppka to ae. rl'iBiWRB t liKn.aa nrirr. li never n. wu. On. hattl.at71 evnt.will keenyoBr whole family well during tbe winter. Two aoeei win renev. .nv cae. Hold in ail towni in tn. uaiteo ntaiee, atid by your Prnt;glM, C. D. n ataon, Cleerfleld, p.. aprl, '70-e.wly. Fleck A Co. bavejnitrrrelyod a aew lot of dry good, at tha old price.. Ladlce' and Children'e Sboae, Freacb (Id, Pel.blrd Moroeeo, foied and larre, ie large qoea. Ill lea, every pair warranted, at 11. A. Kbavbrr 'a Till E .nr.MT WILL H'lA". A raw year Blnca th. proprietora of Dr. Morrlt' R.riiD of' Tar. Wild Cherry and llorehoond Intro duced It her.. Il waf aol puffed, but Bold oa ila merita. nor paopl. Boon piana ii lo o. reiiaoio, W .lre.de ll bai bwowi IB. BMt tUptf Bod oopnl.r n'olaoBary remedy la the a.rket. It quickly caree the wont ouuflif , ooldi. .roup, hroa. .liia. ..thm. and lnclni.nl oonanatttioa. Nota Ing act' ao nicely la wbooping Magh, aad It if to pleaaaat lhat ebildreB reaoiiy tail ii. veoi.in in. ao nniuia. or ether danaemm drug, II I, aa rata aa II ia lure. Trial ilia, 10 eenti ; Urge elaea, 10 oi nta and one duller Sold by C. 0 Walaoa, and Harliwiek A Irwia, Druggiata, Clearfield, Pa. Prof. Parkor'a Plaaaant Wars Syrvp ft per fectly tafe, .iteemely palatable. No pby.l. ra- quirea. uoeia ia oeoie. trr n. rowriv. 11. V, alaon aad llarti.iok A Irwin, CleBrlald, Pa. aich JJiowly. Owlne lo Ibe areat advano la prloef, Flwk A Co. bave ioet laid in a large and well eel-Hod tlook of uew dry go-a al lb. eld Bad low prioee Attention, Fvmers and Lumbermen. W ANTKO-by Arnold, at lurweaeyllle, 10,000 iwiintls jxirk. 1,000 biiHlicIn whent. .1,000 Lttshcls rye. 1,000 burlllClS OfttB. 1 ,000 biiriliclr) sliellcJ corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. (Ml.lrfM) tn-larh ahave Bttlaa;lpa UMllMMI m-lck Mwwat abuigla IIHl.tMMl feel plu bo.rda. A.IMM, r.llro.d lire. A.IHHJ carat oak aad kpattork kark. For which one-third cash will becrtid. oct5, a Carried. In the Catholic Cbaoh at Osceola, oa Tbaraday, Nor. 10, 18Tf, by Rev. J. Cooeey, Mr. Cornelius MeCoeaell, of Tyroac, Pa , and Mies Kate Oroaia, or Oaeala Mi lit, Clearfield touaty, Fa, At tba M. R. Person a ga la Pblllpsburg, Pa., en fluoday, Dee. S4tb, lire, by Rev. V. L. Smyser, Mr. Uea. W. Ball and Miss Matilda F. Wiat, both of Clearfield eeuaty. At tbt M. I. Parsonage la Pbllipahurg, Pa.,ta Wvaoeeday, January 3d, 1177, by Her. M. L. Hmyecr, Mr. Hasans) Northerner and Miaa Kile A am, both ef Clearfield count-. W ilwVouugif uwf'.. !'l-'-.- Wilwa, aged II years, I months asd S3 days. Us glfttb Hit beloved sleev." la Clearfield. Pa . ea Moaday, Jaauary tb, J SXTC x jWJn"-t CAiajredJJ Tears, muaiaa un iimn Railroads. I'euiiMylvanla Railroad TYRONE k CLEAKFIKLD BRANCH ON ui ofl.r Hoadajr, NOV. 17, 187t, lb. 1'UMBf.r Troia, will ru& dally (.io.pl Hua imji) b.tw.a Tjroo. ud 0L.ro.ld, M follow, i CLBARFIELD MAIL. W. C. Inn, Condocttr. LKAVI SOUTH. LKAVK NORTH. Cirw..irlll.l:IO, r.a. Trroa. I.IO.A.H. CK.rD.ld.. I D. OmmI I' ll, " l'bilin.kan.....4.Sl, " I Pbilipibarf ...I0.IK, " Ok.oI. 4.47, " ClMradd..... 11.40," Tjron. t.Ol, " Cirwuirllla..ll:OI," CLKAKF1KLD IXl'RESS. W. fi. pLtraMia, Coadootor. "iKAVB SOUTH. I T.EAVI NORTH. Corwaanlll... i.ti A. a.i Trroo.. T.IO r.a Cl..r.ld.... 75 " Vail -T.J! " Pbllipabirf.. .S7 " 0ie.ola ....J.J! " Oioaola ....... (.43 " Pbillp.barf ....M " Vail T.4J " I Cl..rB.ld,ar....4 " Tjroa......... T.S " ; Crw.o,III..H.OO " BALD CAHLB VALLKY BRANCH. Eip. Mail. Mail. p.m. a.m. r.m. 7.00 8.30 leave Tyrone arrive 6.1 7.1ft 6.47 Bald Eaglt 7.(7 V.30 Julian .le 8.10 9.bi Mileabnrg 4 4i 8 31 10.05 Bellefoate d.lf .43 lO.lB Miletburg 4.Si W 10.40 Howard 4.01 tAb 11.18 arrire I. Hat so leave . Kip. A. a. 1.00 11.41 11.47 II. SO 11.10 11.04 10.40 TYRONB STATION. waaTW.NP. A a PiUabarw Eip'aa, i:40 Pacide Kxpra, IJ8 r a Wa, Paiaongtr, 1:1ft M., I Train, 11:31 fait Lio., t:M Paella Kipma, Harrifbarg Aoo'b), HI p a Hall Train, : Atlaatie Kxpraai, S:0 rails da expr.il, PIUUPSBl'RO A U08HANN0N BRANCH KB Oa and altar Mooda;, NOV. 7tb, 11711, Ao aoBMBodatioa Traiaa will rua orar tb. Pbllipa bjrg and Moihaoaoa BranobM, u followl: LEAVB SOUTH. LKAVK NORTH. p. a. A. a. A. a. Rtatioaa A. m. r. a. p. a. 1:00 M.rrlKiaJ., 11:41 Mi 1:Si PblUpaborf, llii lit T:3I Ruio.r'., 17 21 114 T:44 Boyatoo, 11:14 J::0 10:30 7:41 Umola, 11:04 4:14 3:44 10:4i 1:0) Itoibaaaoa, ll:3 4:00 MI 10:61 1:11 Starling, 11:41 1:13 1:17 H:ll (:! HcmUdal 11:40 1:47 l:l 11:01 :31 M.Caol.J, : 1:44 9:07 11:00 1:11 Kandrioka, 1I:S0 1:40 9:11 11:13 0:31 K.id.j. 11:11 3:91 Cloaa Manoetloaa aiada by all traiaa at Tjron. ud Look Uar.a. B. I. BLAIR, Sap.rint.ad.Bt. ijlt-tf. Allegheny Valley Bnllrond. LOW ORADI DIVISION. ON and afUr Moadajr, I)rnb.r tin, 1870, tb. paii.nger train, will ran dalljt (.imp! Kundajr) Mlwna Rod Bank and Driftwood, u followa t EAHTWARO. Da Wall fear.1 PUt.barg 1:11 a. m.ihvt Bank 1 1:41; Sligo Junttlcn 13:03; Naw Btthlrb.ni 1:00 p. a ; MaTi.ill. 1:11; Tro, l: I Brookrlll. 1:57 I Faller'a 1:11 I R.J Boldarill. 110 I)uBolaI:07l Huiamit Tann.l 1:34 i l'.nlrld 3:40 I Weadrlll. 4:00; B.n.tta 4:3) t arrirn at Drlhwood at 1:11. W KMT W A It D Day Mall learaa Drlnwood 11:01 p. m.; B.n.I.IU 11:1) WMdrlll. 1:19; P.nO.ld 1:43; Summit Tunnel 1:03 ; DuBoia 1:10; ltrnoldrIM. 1:40; a.ll.r'al:l) ; Brookvill. 1:31; Trot 1:40; Maratlll, 4:39 ; N.w B.tbl.kai4:17 ; Sliro Junction 4:11 ; Rl Bank 1:11 1 arrlraa at flttikarg at 7:11 Tba R.,BoldaTilla AoromatodatioB iMTaa Reiooldnlll. dailt at 1:90 a. B.l Bad BrrlTaa at Rl Hank at 1:1) a. al.. FilUbarlb at 11:11 a. Laaru PilUbargb at 110 p. m ; R.d Baak at 7:30 p. m.i arritina atK.jBolaiillM)al tun p. CI.M eoBBWtioa, Biada wlOl traiaa .a P. A I. Railroad at Dnft.ood, Bad witk traiaa oalka Altegbaa, Valla, Railroad at KM Baal. DAVID McCARCIO, U.a'l Sap't. A. A. Jiciaoa, Sap't L. 41. Dir. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Ball.foau, Pa .... Look liaroa...... Willlannport-... Huntiagdoa LowiatowB. St.rj.Till.... BARRIbBURa .13 01 Mlddlwa.........$iO, Mariana... .... 1 10 Lanoaatar M I 0) PHILADELPHIA 7 01 Altooaa I 01 ,. 1 70 ,. I oo ,. 1 oo .. t ot .. 4 10 .. 4 71 Jobartowa. .......... 1 10 PITT8BURU.-.. 1 U DIHHOLUTUIN. Nolio. Ii b.rab, gir.a tbat th.'oo p.rtn.r blp lat.l, ailitiBg bolwMB i. t. Hal. of Oaoaola Milla, Oloarlald aoaBtjr. Pa , and Prank Bolgar, of Uoaladala, ClaarHald ooaatj, Pa., aadar lb. Irai Baa. of Hal. A Bolgar, waa dl.aolrad bit atotaal aona.at ob tba 34th da, or J.nnarf.iari. All paraoaa lBd.bu4 I. aald Ora ar twqatrad to aaaa naTn.nl M Frank Bolnr, and all alaini agaiait aatd Ira will Ba paid by bin. OaMolaMllla,JaaJI,77-4t PRANK RCILORR. AUDITOR'S nuTICE. J. Afolder A Bro. ra. VT. H. Dancer. Tba aadariie-neil Aaditr appointed by Ibe Court to dialribau tba aofjey arlatng from tho Sborilra aal. of tba dafaadaat a property, to ana Buont Iba Ilea eredllorf aulllled thereto, hereby give. Bolio. tbat h. will altand lo tb. dBtlea of hit appointment, at bib ome. in vte.rn.ia, .. Tueaday, February Nib, 1S77, at I o'eloek, p. a., wbaa aad WBera all partlaa iBiareataii aay alien. A. U. fcKAUBH, Clwrlald, Jaa. il,77-lt. Aaditer, AI'DITOF NOTICE. Ia th. ettata of J. W. Wrlgbt, deeealeo1. Too anaeretanee Aaauort Bppotniea or .no Ooart to dlalriaale the Boaev la the baata of Wa. Ponor, Adaialatratorof the eauuof J. W. W riant, late of G'leerOoU borough, dM'd, andar tb. partial aeoouat Hod b aald Admlnlslmlor, la Bad aaong tbo ere ditore legally oalttled tbmt.. hereby fflv. aollo. the! Ibe, will attaBd lo tbt dotlw .f their appoiBtmeat. at tbe oftee of A. tl. Kramer, la I'learoeld. on f riaay, renntery into. 1 877, at 1 o'eloeh, a. a., whva aad where all par- titf lateratttd aa, Blind. A. O. XRAMKK, C. W. SMITH, 0ltari.ld,JaaJI,7;-)t. Aaditora, Tl-T OF aUROIIH. A Liat of Jaron draera for Mareh Una, A ll. 1977, toameoetng oa th Sd Moade, the 10th daj and eoaliaa. for two weaka t O. Oaent, Cl.ar0.ld tlitae 0alth, Ulraid T. F Cooper, KraMl Mlenot, Uvi Jord.B, L. City llae.A.Morrltoa.noihaa Joe. Rata ay, Kewharg IJaaae LvtM, Urahaa J. Weelbrook. Wall lon (taaaol FUial. Mark Kyler. Bradfo rdiWa. Loag. Jr, lloiloa Wa. Radaher, Urad, Kll llaraoa. " Wa.Mieba.li,Krtb.a Wm. Miere. - Room Voong, Baraalda A. D. Jobattoa, Mevrlt (leorg. ralehen, " Klljak Moor., Jaa. L. eiewert. J J. Floard, Ceylsgtoa Aod. Kephart, bMataf! Cbarlea Jjetper, ' Peaa rairatiB jlBeaB-riaar wtm-lVth. r. Wrlgbt, Betearla Haa'l lleaartr, - lata. Relhreeb.Orab Levi H abler. " Jaa. Palter!, " It. W. Ulatar. Oollek Ueorge DeWitt, -Joba llenb. " Jaa. Dbbb, lloalidal. Metthe. Barry. " Hearv Pmti, Bloea Alfred HooOeld, lloiloa J.aea II. Waale, B"gga laaao Wolf, Jornaa K. u. riaaHT, uraaiora Joe. MeNaal, Jaa. Wooldrtdgo, Joha H (ylor Mania Helen, J. W. Leonard, Latvia Hhiaiii.,, Brad, B. J.UIIMlBBd.Marlhane L. B. Bloea, Lawre.ee Wa. Manb, JobB Carltle. J. B Kbew, . Mile. Pallertea, " 1. W. Taoapioa. " J. W. Belter, OovlBgtea Mir keel Broiler, ttleaolu Martat, O. P. DoaghBM, P.aa Joba Volhora. it. v. vregoBor, riat II. D. Ritur. - H. W. Keydor.Clearleld H. r. atglae, JaMI A.faolt. Wa. (Ihtael. Merrlt Ilea. DeU.at, D. ft. Herbert, D,raf ilea. Herat, Wa. Dale, F W. A.Hballa, tleeere Hh.lta, !0. I. Behooaever, Aaalta Lean), Fergeeoe Joba Orr.R Weeblngt a Jaa. rrrcaaoa. in. llallafbOT, " Jaa R. t'arr, Oirard foter Boyle, Oitwela Wa.Marr.y, J.ba I'. Jar,, laatal Lmbib. Kea. K. Jeoee, H. L. Harder, P. R. Bbof, Wedard Taeapaea Kaad.O.akea1 Tkwa. Muaera, " TBavaaea ivbobb' aieoBB .Bai-Ittb. I.BM Kallk, ieee.rla Jaeob W. H.aev, B-f J.baL.WIIM,llrHerd Jao L. WMeer,Brad, Fred Ball.,, " J. Heavel.Jr, " Jaeob W. Corp, " Jaa. M. Mebafe, Bell Adaa Oaaler, -Wa. Orr, " J M It .4dU.Bar.eid.tr 0. B. Patrvah, " ber Jeek Hegert,,ClMf4Mld R. B. Teyler, W. R. HerleaeM.Crll. 0. H. Renbaegk, I Uvree KUUaa, Oaatt Pad WfeU, Joba B. Raae, Covlagra t'Bas. aerial, rtohkaoa Maarfr, Hear, Heft, Deo R. H. Kyler, Uoebea Jeka Wilaoa, IBM. W Rlov.r, Olrari B. f. Uealer,MreeBwowt T. A. PrMeaal, Oalleh Wa. PelXH..,Uwr.'ee Jaa MeDlvlU. Wa. Mm., MenU Hitat P.llea, Mlekael Radar. A. J. Cypker, " Jaaet fa It tee, Pea. Maaaa U. Bwaa. Ueary A4aaaa, rig. A NEW i DEPARTURE if LUTHEBSBURti. ILrMftor, goudi U W Mid i.r LAbil .oi, or ( .irbMK. for ,rlw, No book, will b. kpt it Ih. fular. All 1 Mconntl b. Mttl.d. ThoM who 'ol e..k p, will plMW VajisaiaiiT' if'.Ji!zZ.Z. - CLOSE THE RECORD. I aa determined ta Mil lay geoda at cash prices, and at a disoooot fr beloar tbat ever offered la this vicinity. The discount I allow my customers, will make them rich in twenty years U tbey follow my advice and buy their good! from me. I will pay cash for wheat, oata and clnTer ted. DAN I Kb OOOULANI'LH. Lntbersbarg, Jmwi)J7,U77. OfiQQQQfiQOQ2QQQQ OOOOOCiooOOOOpO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOOOUBBBBUOaSOU anauacRwaucBaiunau Bew Ooodi ; 1 Ufi'J , V18 U Hew Ooodi j ; ooig ah mmmtmn (tQ no ao no n oo to nnntDtotiiBHA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 1 1 6 6 8 15 5 PRICES CHEAPER TI1W EVER 8. GUINZBURG'8 One Price Bool and Shoe Store. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS ASD SIIOES. IT ATS AND CATS, wnin and colorid overbhiiits. UkAVV WORKl.NU AXO FASCf FRONT OVERSEIHTS. GLOVES, SOCKS, II ANDKEH CHIEFS, COLLAKS AND CUFFS. COUNTRY' PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. S. GUINZBURG, Second Street, opposite the Court Uotur. CLEAKFIKLD, PA. RooBi foraerly occupied by Lever Flegal. Cle.rl.ld, P.., Jaa. It, 1077. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue er sun dry writs of 'tW Farim is aaed oat of the Ooart of Ccntnon Hleas of Clear field oonnty, and to sne diraeted, there trill be eipoaed to nnlHe sale, at the Court llnaat, in she boronfb of Clearfield, en Saturday, the Xd day of February, 1877, at 1 e'eloelt v. tne .fol lowiaf described real eetate, to wit : The fnllowiag real eatata sitaata la Ilrady twp., Cleartjeld eonnty, Fa., bowndeti and described as followa: Beginning, At a post; thence eaat one hundred neivhea to a poet thano north oa line of lea tie of Jeba Kdinger iwnaty-eeTea perchea ( tbenoe aonth eiRhty-seren deres wont ooe hun dred and one perches to a post thence north on line of lands of George tmUa tn pie of begin ting, oontaiaing eighteen acre, auaty-teres, ond twa-lentb perches, with ail or eight acreacleared, aad batiog a two-story fratno dwelling bonse lait4 feet, and a stable Ix20 foMt tkeraon ei-snUd. leing part of a larger trmrt ef land nenveyed lo Alias Kisnen 07 aeea oea.ing aai ine 3?io aaj orUeeeaiber, 1M4". Also, oaa other traet of land sttaate in Brady tewnabtp, bonadad aad deeoribu as follows: B glaaiag at a post oa landa of Ueurgr Krlner; tbeoce north ntnety-fonr and one-half perehea to a poet t tbenoe east on line of landa of Adam Rishell one bnodrsd and twentj'fonr perchea to a post; tfaenre south on Hoe of lands of John Ki shall and B. C. Rlsbell airety four and one- half perehea tea atone 1 theaee west on Una of lands 01 U. Adas Hearer one aanitred and tweaty fear perehes to place of aegiaalng, oeo talning Nventy-tbree hni aad thirty-eight aer obes, with aboat two and one-half acres cleared, and aariag a large ataam aew mill mine feet, wltb en 1 tne bouse 13x48 feet, one frame boose 11 10 feet, with wing lSxin feet, 1 atorlea high, one boase Mil feet, two atoriee high, one house IfligfU leet, li storied high, and a stable 20x.fu feet theteoa erected. Bessed, taken 111 eieeation and to be sold as the prone rt) of John T. Kiabell, James Miles, and J. A. K. so ell. Taaaa or Sat. a. Tbe prtee or sum at which the property shall be atrnok off must be paid at the tine of aaia, or aweb hsr arrangements made as will be approved, otberwiae tbe property will be Immediately put ap aad sold agaia at the eapense and risk of the person to whom ll was atraek off, aad wbo, tm ease of deficiency at snob re-sale, shall make good the eame. and in no Instance will the Deed be presented In Court for eoofirmatioa nnlesa tbe money ia actually paid te tbe HhsrltT. Aftimtiw rt.mt,, jr., Sannirr'a Orrica, t tibenff. Clearfield, Fa., Jan 17, 1877. J APPKAIJ4 l'OR IH7T. NOTICB Is hereby Riven, that (be Corneals sioaers of Clearfield eonnty will meat tbe tax pay. era at the fellowina named plaeea, for the pur, pot of hearing and detennlnlns; appeals oa the tri-ennial assessment for 1877, the time for bearing appeals will be between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m.t and 4 e'oloek p. m, of each day. Tba appeal will ba held for .:arweaartiia. at tne American now., in sua boroii.tb.on FndaT. lebrnary 14. Pike, at the American Hotel, in Ciirwensrille, on KatardaT. FebmarT Sd. Ooshsn, at the Hhawerllle Sohool Bouse, ea Mod- day. rehraarr otb Oirard, at Oons;reec Hill School lloaaa, oa Tues day, rehruary nth. Kartbaas, at the house of Jot-ph Rupley, on WedaesdaT. February 7 lb. Cerinftna, at the public house of John Mulson, n Thursday, renruary, etn. Graham, at the Hubler Homestead, en Friday, February fin. Bradford, at the hotel at Bigter station, oa Ralur day. February lth. Bofjrs.attbshoaseof Bdward Albert, ea Mondiy, February IZth. Wal lace ton, al the hotel la said borough, ea luesday. reoraary l.lln. If orris, at Mrs. Ktsenaower's, t Kylartown, on WedaesdarFehrtiar 14th. Decatur, at tbe residence of Richard Hughes, oa Tanrsday, February I5ih. Oseeola, at lloyt'a hotel, la said borough, on Friday, February liu. IIoutidale,at tbe bonse of James l)unn, la said boroojrh.oa Hatnrday, February 17th, Woodward, nt tba residence of Thoe. Henderson, In aald township, oa Moaday, February 19th. uuiicn. at tae boioi in jaars ilia, ta said towa ship, en Tuesday, February loth. Beeearia, at tbe puWie house of W. W. Maya, la Ulea 11 one. on Wadnesdat. Febraarf list. Jordan, at the hotel In Ansonrlllc, In aald town ship, on Tbarday, February I2d. Ferguson, at tbe reslolaace of Joseph Moore, Id Mid township, ea Friday, February M l. Knot,atTurkay IlillHcbool House, la said town-; ship, enftaiurdaT, February 24th. Lumber City, at the banes of Israel Ouppjr, ea Moaday, February lth. I Kewbsrg, at the hotel it said borough, oa Tuea- i day, February 27th. j Chest, at Rerabauch'e school hoas, la said twp., oa Wedueeday, February iHlh. New WashUgten, at ths public boase of Oeorge W. Darls, ia aald beroagh, oa Thursday, March 1st. Baraslds twp.. at Yowng's school house, la aald towaiaip, aa Friday, March 2d. Bare si da bor,, at Baoeit's hotel, lo said borough, on Batarday, Marab 3d. Bell, el the boues of Robert Mahafley. ta aald tewasaip, ea Monday, March ath. greenwood. at the hotel la Bllriii, a said twp., ; oa Tuesday, Marah dtk. Peaa, at tba election house la Penavltle, tn said tw wai kip, ea Wednesday, Mareh Ttb. Bloom, at the eleoUoa beeee in said tewasblp, ea Thursday, March nib. Brady, al ibe publle house er K manual laata, la UaUoia, eta Friday, March Vib. Alse, al the publle bouse ef Wsa. rich -an, jrv ia Lathert- barg, ea Batardaj, March luib. Caioa, at the atom boase ef U. X. Bruhakrr, In1 said township, en Moaday, Mareh 111. UuBtea, al Ibe pablte boase af James foholeld, la Fstleld, on Tuesday, Marah llth. Lawreaee, at the t'osasiUsieaers' Ottos, oa Wed nesday, Marr-h 14th. (Meartsld, e4 ibe CosamiMiooer' Othoe, ea Then- day, March latb. hUTICB at alee hereby gWM u the Aaseseors ef Ibe auroral bvrvugas aad tewasbtps, that Itoey be preseal with tbe Hoard af CveaMisstoaere ea tbe day al Appeal, ta tbeir re-pootire dietrieu, as wall as all perwae who my M taewseirss aggrieved. A geweral appeal will be held at Ibe taiaiiMiare' etbee, ou tbe-Mfe. ih aad th daya af Mareb Be a I, aller which ae appeal will be beard. Tbe Aaaeeaors an retiirad to give each laiaoie a wriives w prisiM tMtlvee ef tbe klal aad aaseaat ef properly be nt aba la a ed, at least lee days aefwre tbe day of imni, CiWAfcti HHUWM, T. A. MeU tlbK, AHattt BAsHtlsiUUUVtR. 0. B.aWBuaaeia.ftafk. VmrnmuHntn, Cyeaaaiasaaaara' Vtaea CWelgi. p Jatv. It, seri. 0ur wo Jflt'frtlitmmt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publl.bad fry WloMdij bj GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARFIELD, PA., H. Ill Ltrftil riroliUsn of n) pprr la n.rtliwHtc-n Penniylnnli. Tlio large and oonotantly incroaoing; circulation of tlio jTO'ibLTca'S, rendoro itvalimblo tobaoinoM men a modiura thro' which to roaob tho public. Term or Subscription : If paid in advance. ... 12 00 If paid after throe monttii, . 2 50 If paid alter six months, . . 3 00 When papers aro lent outside of the county 1 ny me nt mnnt be in advance. ADVERTISING i Ten tinea, or Icaa, S timoa, . II 50 Each aubaequent insertion, 50 Adminiatrator Notices, . . 2 50 Kxocutora Notices, . . . . 2 .0 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 50 Cautions and Entrays, . . 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 150 j Professional Cards, 5 li uea, yenr, 5 00 Special notice, per line,. ... 20 j YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One oquaro, 10 lines, . . . $8 00 Two oquareg, 15 00 Tbrco iqiiarcn ,'20 00 One fourth column, . . . . SO 00 One-bulf column, .... TO 00 One column 120 00 III, A Mi S. Wa bnro nhvnyn on band a largo otock of blank ol all description,. SUMMONS, , SCBPiKXAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, UONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ic, Ac, 4c. JOB PRINTING. Wa are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING St'CII AS "rosTKiw, I'KOtiRAMMKS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIItCl'LARS, Ice, kc, l.t.THE BEST STYLE, AND ON BEASONABI.E TERMS. ORDEllS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. 1oodlRuder dfc Ij?e, Clearfield, Clcarfleld County, Fa. lUwana ty$(tllmm dt'frtljfmriits. HERE AVE COME!! ItouiKl for Fleck fc Ci.s Stow. NEW And Great - AT FLKCIv & T. A. WE HAVE CONCLUDED not lo BUY the CENTENNIAL, AT PRESENT, AND HAVE THEREFORE BOUGHT A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS. EVERY DAY BRINGS SOMETHING NEW! XE)V GOODS.. low We take pleasure In informing eur friends that we have jut reluraed from the r'attrrn Citks, and found Koods at sanb low prices that we are rnablrd te aril rbaper than any other businrsi bouse In tha eountrj, becauia we are toying our foods fitiu Cut hamls, t the Fuctirfics, for carh. We hope to satisfy everybody, and gite the worth of the money, at.J guarantee the gooda to be as represented. We inrite our frlendo to gite us a call and ex-mine onr goolp as ii will be for their tenant. . DRESS GOODS IN ALL THE NEW STYL5S. Black Atpaeas, Illaik Cashmere, Black T.aatre, Plaid Irea (I. ods Caliros, Mucins ami Ulnithams. Waterproofs, all colon, Ladies Clolb, Black Hearer Cloth for euati, Men's and Hoys' Cach--mervs. 'iDf ot fPt A we h,re ,n liof f at rxt priret. (jermantown Wortls and Zfphyrs, Ualmnral Yarns, Ory and White Yarns, Carpet Chain. Notions, Collars and Cuffs. Corsets- all prler". Ladies Tip, Hull on, Lares and Tnuges, Liidie' and Children's llsu and Inderwear, It lack and Colon-d Kid (llorco. New Pannier, New Kabri-dler, Bod Huntlkrreljlcr.. licnU Kunii.hing (loo'K Vnilerwear. Hank anj Kid Olovra, Cloth and Rprlin Olovri. Silk Han lVeirhltfl and Linen llandkerehiefl. KoenJcr, and llnie. Wool Suike and Mitt. Ktw Iiet lire all I he laleel bi1oi. L ahrcllaa, Ao. Millinery aad Il.t. end Bonneti Trimmed to Order. New W New Velveteens. NEW RIBBONS Havinn succeeded in getting u do not intend to be undersold in T. A. Sept. 27, 1876. NOTICF. il hereby givea that tnj wile !eran . Weaver, having leftaj bed aad boerdwilh. , oat aay Joat oauee or provocation, all paraiina are hereby' warned againil harboring or Iruitlng her en ay aaeonat aa 1 will not p.y or b. roeponeible f.r.n7d.b,...r.edbrbjr.i!(wi!AvKR Orabaatoa, Jaa. 71, IS'7-II. NOTICE. All perioni ar. herebj notifled thai in. fcllowing perional property, now ia poiaoilon,of Wa. K. T.le of La.renoe town bin, Ii held by ai aa security, lo wit : One Hove aad ooohing atenrila, one dining table, one cap board. ono dougbtray, one eel of chairi.two bedi and bedding, and one elothe. preri. otire It ( therefore hereby given to all pereonl not to Bled- die with or porcbaie the lame ooler. by eiir ai-; proral and consent. STAOK A NOKKIS. liiearaeio, jao. -n KW3SH MEAT MARK F.T. Tka t,n.UNijrnrd would rfspectfiillr inform the public lhat h basnpenetl a M KAT MAllKKT at tba old stand on Market ttrect, where he will keep regularly on nana an ainas oi F-R-E-S-ll M-E-A-T-S, and will guarantee satisfaction in prices as wen as la ibe Quality of meat offered. Clearfield, T.ZI, Tl-ll. t..nn bh""". ADMIMNTK A run ni'iii iw. Nstics is hereby gisen tht Lclters of Ad. mioistration on tbo estate cf JOHN Mi-TA V1SH, late of tiulicb townsbip, Clearfirld county, Ta., dee'd. having bean duly granted to the nn.ler siraed, all persons indebted to raid estaie will tnovkti immediate DnMnent, ao.i thoe hnv- In l..m or demand willpreaent ihem promriy .ik.ntic.i.Il fttr at(liment without delay. JOHN . MraMn.vi Pralth'a Mills, Jan. S47T- AdmV. AlrMlNIHTR ATOH'f KOTIUO. Notice il hereby given th-t Ldtersof Ad uioistratioc on the estate of JOHN CLEARY, .t.. nf lilnom towntbin. Clearfisltl d-nnty 1'.., deceased, having been uuiy gran.e.i io .... .nJ.r.t,n.d. all nereoBS indebted to laid erlete will pleer. make immediate (.aymtnl, anutlio-e having elaimi er demandl ng.inil the aamo will praeentthea nroperljt aainenuo.re,i ..nt without d.l.v. JOHN SMITH, rami, Jaa. 10, TT fit. Admiui.trator A nMIMWTRATttH'H NOTH'K. JV Nolle, la hereby givea Ibat Letter, or i.i- . miniltrallon en the aiute of fllAt. til KNOT, lata ef Covtngtoa toanihlp, 1,'leartlel.l cratiiy, Pa., deeeai.d, having neen noij kt...... .... UB.lerligned, all per.one Indebu-d lo laid eitat. will .le.N make Immediate peymeni, ana k..in .laimo gir demands will profc'it Iticin p7,.peri, ..T,.n.le.l-d for felilement without ' imMIMi: lll KNor. LAW ltl..t r. r A'lminiilratnra. FreArhvllle, Pa., Jan. 10,'77-0l l!HIil!4TRATt)lt'l rainu i:. Nolle. It hereby givea lhat Lettere of A'l miniitralloB oa the eitale of JAMhft T- Me t'KACKKN, lata of Kool lown.hlp, Clearnelt rountv, I'a., dee'd, having aeea duly granted tr. tht anderign.d, all p..-eone Indebted lo eaul eitale will ple.se make immediate payment, Bud those having alalraa er demand! will present tbea properly authenticated for il caeai Willi. ouldeUr! CIIIIISTIANA B. MrCHAChhN, LKH Ib li Kll A It I New ailllport, Jan. , Ir7-0l. Adm t: CAIJTIOM-AII perrons nra k. rehy eaallon ed agalBBt porehaiing or In an, way med dling with the following properly now In poesee tloa of tlllbert Hoover, of Morel! town.Blp, lo wtt t Two eowt, four young cattle, two eheep.foor hog., Bis. aeree of graia la the ground, aeventy bB.hele oats, Iwtaty bushels potaloee, ftny buihel, corn, one plow, one barrow, lot of hay and straw, set doable aararee, eoek etov., Ihre. bode nrd bffldlng, aud a lot ef klteb.n furnilare, BB th aaaa beloage la rae .ad ia nnly Irft with bia oa Iobb, I object te a, erder at nay lime. JKIlK.IKioVKll.fr. KylerlowB, Jan. it, 177-31. C1AIITIOW. All persons are hereby cautioned J Agelnsl pun basing or in any way jieddiing with Ibe f.. Mowing properly, now ia poeeeesioa ol ll.org. I. Miles, of Chest lo.aihip, vii! One half Interest In 4 acre, of torn, Inlcreel In 4 aero, of rorn, , ialereet la J aeree ol wheat ia tbe ground, Interest la I acre of whe.t ia Ibe ground, j Internet la 0 hn.h.le of bockwbr-et. ) ....... i in iii .niea oats la lha sheaf, 4 tr ter cet la a Iwo-hirree wagoa. I lat.re.l la lot af hay, I cook sloe., l.tereel it 0 aree of enra, i Iniereat ia lol ef bay, latweil la lot of oat. la lha sheaf. 4 l.l.reel la lol of r. In the e!ief, 1 l.lernt ia t peeeee of wheal la tbe grouad. ehoali, lalerest of IWeBd.al ia 1 eheeii, I clack, I Uble. I grind sl-ae, I wheelbarrow, 1 Ml h.r aaaa, I (rata cradle, I eroee-oul aaw, wvuw w.tk for tied, I low and 4 pige, I falling bot. lol of forks, Ao. This property was p.rebasnl by ae al Hhaig't eel. oa In. 10th el October, aod the lath d.y f Decaber, 1.70, and ia h-fl will, a. id Mllae, l.bjsl to a, .rder t aay lia.. david w. wisa. Aaaoarllle, Jaa. IT, llrT lt. GOODS ""Sargaiiis - CO.S STOHE. I nucES. ! i and B.-lli. White Skirll aud C'.lorcd Skirt- Faery OooiIb. ,n. S iw Keatl.en. New Flowtrs. XtJW t?iHta Silk Velvet!. NEW RIBBONS. FIRST CLASS MILLINER, ire that tine. Come and be convinced. FLECK & CO., Clearfield, IV April 2fi, 1TC- -a , till IMtlXriNf; OF KVKItV DKSCRIP tionneatlv eieeuted at tliil nSiea. TIIHTICF.R' C'tiaiKTAIlM! fEH l We iVe have printed a large number of tha a Kb'R BILL, and will on tb. receipt of twenty. Or. oenta. mail a eopy lo a- , ari-lreao. aylO r-HBAP GnOCKIUESI J M'MRER Clir, PA. Tha andcreigned anaoaneoa to hia old friend and pntrom that he hai opened a good tin. ol ; Ultot.KlllhS A ritut lMti..s at it,, old itan.1 of Kirk Kpencer, f'.r which h ' solleita a liberal natrrnnire. m ,' V B',VB,W Lumler City, 1 a., Marah 3fl-tf. T Mi rOKTHAC'TltHM. The Building Com- ttlseorihr Fruit HiP rebrtcrian Church. ll receive icalcd tironorinli, for the lavioir ot the brick of their new Cliun-h liuildieg, per thousand, with bonrd and attrtidnn.s found. Also, for a man lo superintend the carpenter work, to wt. jjbki itj ttiv un- aug ii'-jir.M'ii. nmio oui jrooa workmen, well recommend a, will be emidoved. Work t to commence a boot June lat, 1 J7 7 - The ' Committee will rreeirs prop-mli up to the l.l of' 1 chroftry, 1 f . i . Ad-lreaa, JOHN THOMSON, Aniomillc, Clcaiflsld Co.. P. Jan. 3, n;?.jt. s TKAM SAW MI LI., KN(;1aK A.N II bOH.KUH FOR KA I.E. The undcrcigried ufl'ers for sale on rcasonaMe teruii, their ste.im saw mill, located at w a Mace ton, Clear fir M Co., 1 Tbe entitle and hoilrr arc as good as now. TIhi rise of tts engine UxiM, and is in ffood running o Ux.M, and is in good running ordT Tb-y will , Uo sell their fhinttle and lath mill, and all the : working uianhinery in tbe null. 1'artics w 1 to mi re has can fall on or aiid-e-a liing ! UllAHAM. WAL LACK A CO Clrarfcld, .June .'., lhT5. I 70R iALlv !e 1 Tie unt-rij:nrd will se'l at private sal mil Iran o. pareei ot tana .itaaie in ueea.ur t.,.n.hln. Clrara.k! oounlr, I'a., within a ihort di'tanea of tbe 'iyrnno A Cle.irfiel I K. K., and a.lji.ining liin-li of Itnbett Huil.n and o'nrri, ami knoan as the Jacob U. tlearhrirl lot. The sitid traol eoiilaintnK AO acrri more or lri, with two veins of valiml.le eol thereon, hsi el-out St acrai ole.red. an.1 ie the key lo n larp. Body of ei.al .'tout twing develofwd. Will be sold low and ; opon eary terun. ror partii-uler. api.tr to IIAV I U ti, Kiii.ur. Clrarfeld, I'a., July IS. IS70. .., I I rttrr.i, imioi'I-iitv i-dii nti.u , - n ,,,.,. ,,.,! cir rr ,, lh. r ... .aW-H. Ilnlel ,.orty tn y.rK,nrt. o,,-, poettn Lock Jnvt'n.knoivn at nnnna Uo-I , tfl. 1 1 1, lilts ti"nuuunrtoi a ttt nniiimeii. eiitifilfil nrnr the rtvor uml in lltn centre of llic tqunro Ittnlicr mat ket anil ii a got! pn inj! iropoi'iy. Th. lintel it Inrie ami in fjixtil t?otniition. yV'rma o.ty. 'orim titer I'Jltlit'tllar. api'ly In nr nihiroM Kl,lA lli.ril MANNA. Kxeriiirtg of li. M. annn, deo'il, dec. I:i.'70 2iia. .nek nven, l'u. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. trim drrr!n?'l. having e-iatiH'licd a Nur on lb- 'Tike, aoout half way hetwvrn 1 t Cla(lfld and Corwrtiavillf. is prepared to fur niah all kind of K It t I T TKK1.S, (alandard and dwarf.) Kvermns, ShruUiery, tirade Vines, tlooterry, l.nwlun Black tifrry, ttra wherry, and Hasaberry Vines, A 'en. Hi tier inn Crab Treea, gulnce. and fatly scarlet Ithuharb, Ac, Orders itrouirllv attend-d to. Address, 1 J. U. WKHJHT, srnlU Carwenstille, Ta. t.fii:ntt .iif:.i. WILLIM ANTIC new 8ix conu SOFT FINISH SrOOL COTTON. The Centennial Coraaiaa'.on now Decree t ia fel lowing Award : Vor ISuperierity and Enonorny of Production Por Eieellsnoo of MaV-nal. Por Originality and Cosapiateness ef By stem. Por Variety of Colors of Thread. Por Kaeellenee of Maebinery. Nor. IS, lliA lm. II. A. Kretter. Clearfield, Pa., la agent for tbs abero e It era ted Hpool Cot too. JtRRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stnve Lining and Fire Brick, kept eonstantly oa hand. STO.XE AD EARlilEX-WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! J'OTS! CROCKS! Flihrr'a Pattmt Alninht K.ir. 'rail l aual . Kcallna; ni'TTl'R vUUCK, with lid., CREAM Clt'lL'K.H. MILK I'KOCKS, -.-Al'l, HI l'i"h -jr.-xK j HTF.W P0TU, ! And a freat many other things too auaieroua ta I mention, to be bad at STONE - WARE POTTERY, Coroor ot Thenr and Third iitreeU, CLKAKl-'IKI.U, FA. aegl ' I. p. ui-i( a. a. a cob k t.a. p. niiLaat;!. Gl Mill, UcCORKLE & CO.'S Surcpsso rs to John Oulich), roruiAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Htreet, Clearfield. Pa. We nanitfae'.ure all ViiiJ of Fureitore for Chambers, liiutng Kooras, Libraries and Ualla. If yon want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until yuu tee our stock. UXlsEKTAKIXU tn all Its branihe. We keop In atoek all the latest and must imrfvatl Coffins and Caskets, and bave every facility for properly eon ducting; this branch ef our business. We have a patent Corpse I're errer, in which bodies ean 4 be 'reserved for aeon ' sideralile length of time. A oi riu her of the Ana haa bis slerulng apart- ment at oar war -room, where be ean be fur.i by innr person who coine at nijjbt for tbe purpose of iirmuriDg coffius. (U LICH, MeCOKKLB A CU. Clrarflel.l, Pa., May 10, '76-ly. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSaKceriors to U"yntn A Vnung,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS UanafaMarari of PORTABLE St STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street, CLEARPIELD, PA. ir AVINd tngnjrrd In the manufacture of flrat- elass M AC II IN EHY, we respectfully inform ha public that we are now prepared to fill all ordere aa cheaply and as promptly as ean be done In any of the cities. We manufacture and dealia Mulay and Circular Saw-MilU Ucad Bloekf, Water Whcelf, Shafting Pulleyi, Oiford'f Injector, Steam fluogrl, Steam Whiitloa, Oitsra, Tallow Cupf, Oil Copa, Qaug. Coclta, Air Cocke, Globe Valval, Chock Valval, wrought irea Pipei, S'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumpa, AnU Frlc!.a Metrea, Soap Stone Packing, lium I'ack ng, and all kindt of MILL YYOKKj together with Plowt, Sled Solot, COOK AX D PA RLOR STOVES, and ether CASTINGS ef all kin da. arghOrderl aolteitcd and Ailed at en, prioet All letten ef Inquiry with reference te machinery of onr manufaetare promptly anvwered, by addret ing us at ClearOeld, Pa. Jannt.tf BIOI.KR, TOUNO A RKRD. Rrpoaliory at aaalilnn, Plcsaurc, and lliatrurttou.' Harper"", llaxnr. ILLUSTRATED, 4'otim ft tJtt Prtti. For strictly hon-rhnld matters and dress, tint- .. w. i. I .1 k.e- lUm L..I tkinea nnkllakael C0 ,!lke u U , mmntt (lf ..nomT. No lady ean alTord to bewit bout it. for l ho information it cives will sure her Terr much more money than the sn'Criptina price, heatdes giving tba household an iteresiing literary vieitor. -t'Aioiyo Jonmul, ittrfitr'i U'linr U profuncly illuitrated, and contains itories, poems, and easaya of a most at trtrttlve hatatiter. In ita literary and ertimie features, tho r?tfTr it nmiaeuiort-bly the ; itrst jnurnul of its kind in lliecoaulry ,Va(urrfny j'rrniiiO fflSfKC, UuBton. TERMS i PnMaire free tn all Pntorrlhrra In the t I hltrd twtatre. lUacicn'a Bkr, one year IM.00 j $4.00 includes prepayment of L:. S. postage by 1 the piitliber. ihuiircripiiun to II rith' MAOj.ii-ia.WKrai.T, aod LUrm, to one aldrers fur one year, $ltl.00j ur, two ol llnrpcr'a Per iaji. to ono address for , one rear, f 7 00, postac;o free. An BitraCotty of cit her the M it) AZMK.Wrr.lt ly ' or kr.An will be aunplied tralis fr esery Club of 1 Ft r. Hraat ainrBn at S4.nt eorli. in one remit I'ftaDcet or, Six Copies for 2UW, without extra copy, '.noataire fire lack uk Numheraran be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the uac eomtucnoe with the yenr. When no time la mentioned, It will be underrUKid that the subscriber wihos to commence with the number next alter the receipt of hit order. fbe Annual Volumes of llARPta'a lUina, ia J eM"'1""' "r Mc'" onn.p.ele Pet, com - .., e,.,,!.. ., ,.,,enM of ll" "' J 34 P" ""' "c,'nl ' 01 I'T1M"8; lOW V IIIWHir, It'lll VU Iw-CTlJf. Vl -aa - t'loth Care f'r each volume, Buitablo for bind inff, will be eeut by wall, portpaid, on rceeipt of I.IHI oath. Itnleies til tilt h roluma sent gratii on receipt of "f" rirrju'orrl ore ar lo rnoy tan tt.f rerriwmeni t lut r'r-ev enter or ii aoi-vr m iinoTneee. Ad.lrera IIAIII'KIl A 11KO r!, New ork. J.nil-tt. I'lHMie-limiaMv tlin brat siiatalncd work ol the bind Ih the Vvorld " HarHvrH lapizine. ILLUSTRATED. iYoli'ces o the trtt. 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