THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WHnKKHIlAT MfmHlWO. JAN. It. HIT. Termt of Subscription. Ir paid la ad IM 'itlli tbraa Boatba J N r paid aflot IbroaBad aofbn.ti aoata...... I at It paid aPorikooipirattoa af all Bwatk.. I tt -Moatrt. S. M. PirvaeiLt. k Ca., K.wt- tapor Ad'oriui., Agcou, .7 r oroor Mrihadlot Rplarapal Charea R.a. B. P. ftTaraat, Parlor Publio Harriet aT.rv Sabbaib lut A M.,and7tP. H. Rahbalb Hnbool at t A. M. Prayor Mootiat; arrrr Th. radar, at T, P. M. Coma unioa ti.rvloa. trot Habbath af ararj noalb, at ll A. M. Weal ClrarUeld M. R. Church R.ri. ft, II. Dn.L and J. P. Awbkb.ub, P..lora Proarbinir ororj altrrnato Huariar, al I o'elook, P. M. fuarfai Sobool al 11, P. M All aro la. rllrd to altood. Praab) tarlau t'lmrrh Ro. II. 8. Brnta. tiabbalb aorrioo. moroing and aroBlnr 8ab botb Robool at I P. M. Prayer Mealing Wedaoa dar ovoning. Mt. Kranrlt' t'hurrh Catholic B.r. P. J.BaKaiDaN Prorbinral 1 04 o'elook, A. H.,oa Ibo trit, tbird aad toarlb 8wadatof oook aioalk; Voiport and BtTiodioiioo ol Ibo Hlotord SaeraaioBt al T o'clock, P. M. hando Seboal avtr; boaday altoramta at 8 o clock. OFFICIAL Dl K KCTOH Vt Tll Of OLDIIO (IVARTVR tUIIOIII OOPBT. foe 'lid MUy f JkDaar;, Ihtrit M..BiUj of M.rch. Punt Mualkjr ( Jub. Kuiirih Mtn tin j of tmbT. T1MB Or BOLDIM OOIIBOI PL1AI. Pint M on da j of Jhb. 8wund Mimdaj of Noronber. rcBLic orriciM. Prttiittnt ttiig Hob. Cbarltl A. MJM of Look Hbvob . Awwtant lorn JtHiytKom. Jobo H. OrU, af Hellefont. Avviat Arfy Ahnim Ogtloo, CUorttldi VlDfWt.t B Hull. Wortriliud. peothuHoiarw Bit Bloom, (VtV'wXrr ami RtxtnUr L J. Hnrftn. ttittriet Attomtf H'm. M. MeCnlluugB. frtortr Dald McHttvuhty, Sheriff nilrcw Prali, Jr. County Surveyor SboiubI F. McCloikcjr. Our wcoivillt. County Commitirmtrt CUrk Brown, Clwr Beld TbooiM A. HcliM, Chut P. 0.; Uurii UooTcr. Cletrfleld. Coumtf Auditor Chrilt. J. Ktmgj, QWrn Hop ; aStvmutl A. Caldwoll, Willitmigrotc f John C. Conner. Burnitdt. County Coroner J. B. Nff, NfW WthiB(rton. Jury CoMMiMtoHtrri Dr. J aw P Bureb8ld, ClftatrBrd, Jowfib Altianditr, Wtdtrd. Superinttndrnt 0 f'nMic HeliooU Jobs A. Gregory, CurwcBirilla. Xotari- f.blte-Jin W. WriRley, W. R dabftUftb, Cyrui Gordoa. Cltarficld; Jowpb K. Irwi, N. R. Arnold, Corwenifillo ; J. J. Liiif.o, Oieoolo Willi. Oar Spieinl column la doeldcdly intaroating In a liial piot of .rw, and prufliabla reading to eutaldon wbo want to aava anBry. St. Vali-ntine'ri da) the 14th day of Pr-ruary ooourathia jaar ob Aab Wodnoaday, tba eomBeoeemont of tbo Lf ntrB aeaaoo. Lorillard'ft celebrated brands of Na yy Tobacco, "Defiance" and "Our Choico," at Lyllt'a. tola ajttnt for Clrarldd oounly a mm 1 lie V.J. K. AndurtMHi will preach next Pan-my in tbo Weat Clear ft a Id M. B. Cburab, ot 10 o'clock, a. and at Mt Joy, at S P. M . Harry A. Kratre-r has junt rut 11 mud from l'hiUd-l.bia, wbere ba baa boon pure baaing a full lino of aeaionablflj guud. 8co bia apoelal local' to day. Rev. V. 11. Dill will preaeh next FumUy at Crotro M. B. Church at l) A. M., and J r. . AU., at Rub School Uobn at S o'clock, r. mt mm Owing to bo much time bein 1 11 ken Bp by the railroad eaao hat wook bat fw oauata wert triod, Boat of thoia ob tho Hit being eon tinued over to tht March terra. 1 mm -- Cecil Wilnun, youngeht ton of Dr. R. V. WilaB, of ibia boriu)rb, died ob Tuoaday nornlog, oi dipbtharia. Tbo family hart tbo ympaiiiy ol iboouotuiuoity ia their aad bertaro ueat. The perou wha fxik a woll-linod bulfato robw trvtn tba a(a-bd ut Mr. Jubo W. Tata, Lawreaoo townabip, la roquatod 10 return tbt aatno aod eavt OKpoauro. " A wurd to Ibo wiat," Ac, Three children of a iumily named Heory, Uvlog sear Uu Ziuo, la Piko towoabip, wert buried 1b tbt ecnietcry at tble plaeo laai week. They all died tl that terrible scourge diphtheria. Trotracted meetings are being held to tbo Clearfield Proaby ttriau and M B. Chun bee. Strricoacouiuionoad ia tbt fofiatr 00 Wad need ay t retting of laat week, aod la tbo latter ob today evtniog latt. ' 1 mt I - rortttnantor (Juulin has the Philadel phia riaitja Almanac, the New York Worfot Aiwa Bio, and tht New York frtoane Almanac fur aale, aa wll a all too maatlnri tad dally newipap'ra pnbllabed, and be will tll ihem cheaper al retail than yon en a buy tbom el t where at nboltaalt. 1 w ' ' 8. (luiiizbin-ir, uf the Second street Boot and Shorn atort, baa a largo and oumplelo dock of boota, abora, hate, cape and furntfblng gooda, to which bo In file tbo atteaiiua of ibo pnitllo 1b an BdvtrtlaourBt in tbla papor to-da. Hia atoek li firet-claae and bo bat only oat priot fr gooda. Giro him a call. One of our exchatige thinks that Prondtaot It trying to tall-do to " aa wltb bow t hi w later. Well, wt woald likt to hart tbt balance of oar ah art "toasted tat" bofuro (bo aeit fall of asjw. Or, ia eaao that oaaaot ba door, 1 hp clerk of ibt weather might go back ot tbt rotuiBe and throw tomo oak Any way will alt aa, only oihet we do aoi get en) moreaaow, Kx Sheriff Mci'Lt-rmm and A. J. JaekhOO Moulted lb roe pnoart to tbt Wettera Pealtentiary at Alkgbeay CHy laat Friday. Two brothtra, aamtd Tbompaun, trwm Hunt (dale, wart mdI for tho Urceoy of m tow, aad Heory Ring gold, from tbt tieiaity of Curweairllte. wta toat op lor the Uroeuy of o gun. The term of Imprit eaiumt in either oate dote not cictod two ycarr, aawf) in Krery day that the merchant leaver hia ad.tttkfcuiiM 101 ol ibo paper bo aodtrt a hM Tbo eoi.tinuel alleat appeala of bo adrer tiftuieat, a aa cicbaogo, well dttplayed and reach tB4 tboaaaodt of people, baa aa effect la bring ng Irado to tbo merchant tbat cannot bo ovtioCfilBialed. Dua't argktt your adrertiaiag Ifyoaaantto do bufioeat. It U a matter of aufteieat Importaaoo to demand your cornea t aad immt'diete attention. A party ot three iiidipiduals, wbo had managed 10 pal Ibemeelfea oaiatdt of aa unlim ittd qaantlty 01 Uagtoroot' wertlodgvd la Jail to Saturday algbt, forereatiaf ageorraldiitorb ABct amng peaceable peoplo. They kicked la tbt win.lowa aod door of a prlratt hot to, for which they wort gobbled by Coaatablo McOellaa. At a bearlog .a Monday, two of Ibo party wort reliand from ooitody, tad o waa tent to prlaoa in default ol bail, await a trial la Cart Home time Mine, A. J. & M. i. Antett brought ault agalaat tbt Tyrone A ClearSeld Railroad, lor damagea auatalotd la run ting tbt reilr-e.. tbrookb their form, la Lawrtnet Iowa hip. Tbt teat carat op for trial loot week before Judge M)tr, and tbo J try awarded tbo Aatet Brother a damage to tbt aiooOBt or $1,W. The borough ol CarwtBar Ilk ia tho loeor ta tbia mat ttr, aa tbo eitiM-Bi of tbat tuwa otoartd tbt right of nay Ttr tbt road, aad, therrrvro, bttawo ro loaaiblt 'or all damagea. Tbo trial otcapiod tbt time or tbo Court lor two day a. mm mm A revival meeting bat been In pro V tnt aotoral week a mt t tntre M. R. Cburob, , boat Ibrew mi lea eemth of tblt borough, aadtr tbo mialttratioBt of Here, bill aad A a derma. Tbt atitBdaaca lor oer tral tf oalagt pott hot boa 0 great tbal the people eould 11 all be torn Ion a , hi; aootmmodated with aaata, ok tab it iodieaiite f tho groat latoreil amalletted. Quito a Bamb ' pertoot ban madt a pruftuloB af roligioa. w Wara lba ap ta the proooat time toe boodrtd W4 tbinoB perawaa bare bota aoBftrtod at tbt 'oelrtla bald ibia wlaler aw tbo Cloafltldeirctit. 1 The Leonard Lit. Aanociation Library o rtcoived a aapply of lait aad popnier work, bitk will be efiered lo Ibo read tag pablio oa Friday treaiag Beit, from 1 to o'oloeh. Tbo of hooka from tbia library U aot eoalaed to 'ojbert bIobo bwt aay traot taa obula Ihem bytanplylBg (t (ba raloa It ooata bat tao 'all aam of Ivt otata lo read aay book to tbo libiary. We tear thai Ibo lift of reader to rap. tlj bMroaeiag, aad that bw addltlcat will bo t tbt ttottlM tf book from lima U Umo, ro tbal tba laloot aad moot popaJof vara m wall ; itaadard Hiiloa of hiitory, Mograahy bod oiaeaea may bo ftaad opea IU abartoo. By ftmHi tblt library yoa may boaoit yoa. bbJt bad at lam Uma td erby wMrfrim. Stii.l Shut Up. Tlm Crotwon and, Railroad U Mill bull-dotad br aaaw-drlfta, aad paaaoogort tad Ball, art aarrlad aa tba eld pita aa (bet, koraa-baak, toil by alal,ba. aiaaalalao,ra t To prevent lobai-co ebewein from batng Uapoaad apoa, Lorillardt baaa put ft lift fUnip la artrj plug of tblr lobaooa. Tab aoaa Batata to alaaipad. Lib It tolo (or Ooar lold aoaatv . ill Go for Him. Tho Klk Adcocatr, ot Ifttt work, raj. Ibtro It tbap al Uruakwa.rillo, la Mmim -. ,, 4- ,l. -,...(, aliajaVawaSlSoV I oa it at tbal. Uutl.a..ia 8um Snow. A cvrruHiioniTeliluV lUo Warraa Lljr, rctidmg at Piliitold, la tbal ooaalT, tatt b bat aioaaurod all Ibo tenwt tbot bara falloa tiaot lha Ktb of Nuvainber, aad It pant oal Jatt alaolf .fnar lac hot aaarl; oiht foot. Jaeuli 11. liruhakur liar been uppoint- aa pootuiBtior at ttueatua, tait eonnlr. aim. Marjr ). tfoCallougb baa rra.lrod lha appolat last of poilniutrott at M Mudora," la ibia euoB' tjr, abioh wo an laoliaod ta kollore it lauadtd tbr atarroa, Col RT Clobici) A two week term of Court elofttdoB Monday lit, and il mcibi ibal wo aro to bavi two wttkt of Court to Mareb, ooanBtBeiof ob ibo Mooday, ibo Iktb. It it all r.(bt, Wa bop our Coarl buaiocat will ouo be brought wlibio bailiDR diitaoe. SUNDAY-ScHi-MIt EliU CATION. A Now Yorh osobangt tayt that a liitit girl bai b-cB ar rwttd fur itrallug uouoj U buj Unary, h tbtt ho night look at wall af bor gaily drt-taed Sun day -School itaehara. Wo ralor tba eaao lo ib prouhor for dlMauloa oai 8undy. ' - ' 1 -awaaaa , Lint ol lc l turn tvinuiii.n,' uncluiine(i In tb HoatoBloa at C'loarDold, lor tba wtok anding January 11, 17T t Kara buck, Natthw Murphy. Alburt Caraon, J. 8. Wilhaaa. Juniata Haury, J. W. Wailaaa H n. V LtriBgaioa, P. a (Jaiium, P. M, All early H.nng is ptvdiulud by tho aana gtn woo tHt J tiiera would oo tMiamaiy any iduw ihii wlutar, aod wbo alao ramarkod o few daya ago tbat (hero Wuuld bo a gantral foroak-up and a tbaw Mure tb lib or January At a prognuitieator uf Hit weatbor b ia a geou int fraud. A Failure. tiutnu bumunly inindod individnaia irobraid last (all, 1b tiaw of tho bard tint wo bad oa hand, tbat Ibo wiator windi aod snowa would bo "temptrod to lb abora laanb ;" but up to tba proaant tint, thia laaoBiial Iroak of narey baa But boon realiied. Ob tbo otbar band, tba lamna will oaooaoter obo of tbo bardeal wiattra wo hava oiparlaaoad 10 tbia aoetioa lor bid )oara. Camp MfctxiNu Diukctouh. The fol lowing gtutlemen have been oboeeo ilirtotora of tbt Wett Branch Cainjt-Meeting Aaaotlalioe for tbt tomiog year t Hun. Kli tflilcr, lion. L. A. Maokey, Cbarlea K reamer, J. J. Brerttt, Kef. V. B. Monroe, 8. N. Quigglc, W. C. Krtaa, G. W. Hippie, U. B. Snyder, J. A. II err, J. P. Bachelor, Rev. B. F. Stereo, Ueorge Slate, B. Q Mingle, and J N. Weliiror. A PRBTTY litHlII JlTDOK. An OX ahaogt trutblully rewaika tbat tbo motber who muffle op the upper portlua of ber child' body in wooleua and lure, aad leave it lower eilretue tie with only tbt protoctioa of a .14-bt pair of atioea, or ahppera, aad, gvoerally, abort tooka, la aimply tbt willing agent of diet that realea tbeuieelfe upua the luaga and tbroata of their children, aod to frequently prort fatal. ' imm e m A LitilkSponuy. fho.Iermjy Shore lanitd reeurda tbo lollowmg t Ueorge Bubo aay 'feme cut or other,' clipped behind bit counter to aieal chewing tobacco out of the can aud took the apottge tbat wat placed oa the tobacco to keep It damp. The probability it that tbt tbict thought ha waa getting a bandlul at tbo time. But Jim Smith think Gcorga told tbt tpoogt for tobacco. Very likely. A Good Tim K. The Clarionites and Brooke illiaot bavt had a good tune at aleigb ilding back aod lortb between their rotpectivt towna, during tht peat two wotk. Thty pile ateut alxtecB ia habitant into a two-borto rig, and ia tbia aianutr tbey traetl tbo aeventeco mi let oftrlaod from capital to capital. Juat oow, B rook ri lie aeema to bo ahead. Uow It will tomt out by Edvtttr, wa eaa aot auto but It will bo a little rough uotbt uuil region " If Brookviiltatill beep ahead. Valuablk Fruoht. The A 1 toon a TYtouiie, toy t 0b lb atound aoetioa of tbo Philadelphia Kipreas, wbioh paaeed through thi tity oa tbt night of ibt SOtb alt wero coreo oar tl altb worm eggt, weighing 101,000 poaod, and valued ot U.diiU.QuO. Tbia waa audoantodly tba moat valuable freight, outtidt uf greenback, over tarried ever any railroad la to tuali a mpate. Tbo egga ward billed through from Japao to II a rrt and Parla, France, on guaranteed time. They reached Bon Fraucitco la tbt vitamer City of Ptking, and wtrt tbipptd to New York in Control Patiflt cart, kept al a moderate tempera ture. The reweuB 1 their b lament acruta tb eoattoent wa to prtvent Incubation, which would bavo becB Ibo eat bad they boea forwarded ta tbeir deatiuatiua by Ibo thurior ruuttv, b way of tho Sue canal. The egg were laid oo choeu of card-board, reaeuibling ver) macb a piece ol rough tand-piper. Then tbt ibcett of paper are put away in eaao about the btt of an tgg-oairter, only amalltr. Tbo tbreta nro placed oa tbelr idgca by letting tbt theet bttweea tbt groove in ibt enda q', tht boi. By Ibi time the preciou cargo la far over tbo Atlantic, or baa already reached tbo placet of eokaigotnent mt I ' 11 A " Puff. "Our numerous readers aro aw art tbat we ctldom deal in " pulft " rtlatiug toouratlf, althoogb wt cot Id furoiafa tbeot weekly Our vanity on thia tocaaten, however, require ua to depart from our urual cut torn of publlthing the " mark of mpeet mad oa our account, and, therefore, mtkt room lor tbo following, which we oopy fmm a recent a umber of the Altoona Evening Mirror t ' Lut week Taa d.iariatB RKruaLtcAR on tored ita 3tiy-6ri: volume, Under tht editunbip and maaegeuiotitof the pretent editor, Ueorge 11 tluod Ian iter, the Rcrtai.ictM baa-become one of ibo mo! Inlaeotial Hmoorati orana la Ibe State but we caa find no tnult if men of turh decided character and ideaa aa friend (Joodlander look at all ibiitf political through colored glaaaea. But it take atl kinda nf nawaoapcra to roit ell kinda of ppl. The Roppakirail deterve the patronage el Democrat, ibdivuaily, and a b party." We hart ao peraoaal acquaiolaoet with either tho proprietor or editor of Ibe Journal ia que' tloB, but wo take tba liberty to lolorm them tbat we bavo alway discarded the "colored" element. and "glaate we bar Bover ascd or bandied, Otherwit, tho oompllmant It eomplote, and we will certainly rielt tbo ilirrmr offic the flrat time w beppea to turn up lo A Uoona ; proti led, how ever, the editor prom iaea to not advertiat as tgain l VCRV titFUL TO KVENV ONC. Ia ao olbor way tan a person got back ao large a praflt for a very little meaty, as to sxpend it la learaiag what do, when lo do It, aod bow to do It la otbtr words, lo bavt bis braintbrlp bit bands. Her It oao way ta do tbl t Tbt rmall of leg or extra product Ion of lots tbaa half a coat a 4y, or three oenta a wet, will aow pro- cart a Urge, beauttlal, cheap Joaraal, for all tf IITJ, tulendidly Hlattraitd with ar aia baa- dred Int original tagrav inga, and over a tboaaand eoltttnas of ibt very beat, plait, practltal, trutt- worthy information about the tvtry day to door aad tut-duor work and tomforl of every home, in oouatry, village and city. This Information Is not prepared by mart scribbler, hot by a large fort of taulligeot workiag men aud women, wbo know what tbey nritt aboat, and (boy are eeit ed by man) other, who tarnieh lofermatloB from their eon p rati lot and observation. Bach a Joara al If tbt American Af rfcaifarttf, to oamd booaaat tar ltd thirty -tve year ago a a rare I Journal, bat aiaim grodttr aalarged and Improved ta aait tba daily waa ia tf tvtry man, woman and child, ta ttiy, eoaairy aad villago lor tba farm or aad gardener, tbt atorcbaal and ateehaoM, tho pro reMioaal maa ladeed, til tlaieet. Il is faeked fall of laforattloB tbat every ewe ought lo have. Maay single blatt aad taggeetioai will repay or lhaa a whole year' ooit af tbo piper Ita orlgiaal tngravrd plan far belldiage and pMVtentt, a-lb daiaila af oust, at., aad eoav anb-aeas direct loot, aro worth far mora tbaa a majority al tbo tottly woihtoaarbitett. Ureat tare Is oieroiaod U bavt tvtry Mat lb tbo peper reliable, lit veaUnL, raranteat, aad fall ti ara aioat worth for mora tbaa lit eoit, aud bavt saved to it rvtdtrt and 10 lb toaeiry mtliioai of dollars that woald have goat Into Ibt head of herpera. Tbo department If boawbtoatrt aad tbiidroatro very atetalMdonlorUlBlng. B sbatt, Ua Atwrieaa AyrituUurimi U loll of good tbiagaad ougbl to aa m every bMe ia ibe I. Ibo tireuUUoB It ta largo Ibal ibt pa.; lUbera taa topply It at a httto abort tbo avtt of tat Btlat(u ipet-ot ll.ea- a y tar, roat pott-J paid i at lout tvytot Take our ad loo and j read yea tabomlptloa) ftt 17? (Vet It) la Otaag J odd Ocmpaay, 94b Broadway, New Yttf. Tsa tUI aa thai U will ay, aad aajr wLl I Wanted I 1.000 cordt of Homlex k tad Root 0b Bark, fur wblob wo will par Ik. narkat priea. JjrlW. A. fl, Kmii t Oo. CLiARr-ieiD Coal Trade. Suta. oal of Cool and otbor frtigbta aoal orar Ibo Trroa. A Dlrltloa, Pnatrltaola Roll toad, lor Ibo wotk aadiag Jaa. Utk, 1ST7, and Ibo umo llaio lut oar i etui roat. Fur ibo wook II, (iu aaiat tiiaw lal jtaar l,la ... It.lM . .. .. "1 i..".u",:.-i. '':-Z'2-l-t ... M1 iVW! Ti.'K Sam time lut yiarH ,, Dtcrta. OTBRB raoioBTt. Lumber ..M...H Mitcellaoeou Iroigbt RCMAf.'UBLC CASE OP SLCCP WALKINO. The Alleotewa (Pa ) Vrmt ut toll It as fol low t " Oa Now Year's alght, Charlt Kamditr, aged about IS, ton of Mr. Jobs Kamdler. propria lor of tho Lehigh Valley Spring U'iom, on th Litilt Lehigh, boob of New Teia, baring fallan olep io a chair by the no re alter the family bad retired, got up with oaly bit pant and shirt oa aud started out la bis sleep. Tbo eight was a bitter told oot, with a heavy snow-atoim prevail ing. Ill fatbtr discovering hi ebaeuee started la search of him. By hi track be found that tbo young man bad waded through tbo Little Lehigh oear bit borne, crawled up the bank oa the oppo site side, and then made off towards MHUrstuwB, tbrat miles dutaot, Tbo old wan Mlowcd, but oo getting to tbo main road he lost all tracks, aad returned home aroused tba villager, wbo turned out lo wur the neighborhood. Thty, bowtvrr, failed to find any trace uf bim. e? bile tbo search was in progrets, tht young man bad reached St phea llill'a Hotel, ia Milloratown, still asleep, notwithstanding bis loog tramp through water and snow, but ia going down the stairs to get in to tht restaurant ba anddenly wakened. At Bret all that bad bappc Bed waa aa a blank lo bim, but his condition abirt and paatt I rosea stiff, wi.b loo and snow two laches tbisb ob hi head eooa told under what Influence be bad some lo wher he wa. He ot bo time to gaio an entrance to the hotel, and was quickly wade to feci com lor ta bit, and neat morning early bad himself conveyed to bis borne, where be wa received with great Joy, U went to bed immdiately to undergo repairs, and after a day wa able to get oat again, bubo the worse for bis terrible night. walk, be not even baring sustained any froat bitea." AjMCtafgi New oallcoe at Fleck A Co.. Richards oa a celebrated Bin lira Boota, told l- tluaivtiy by U. A. Kkatikb. New mutlio at Fltuh A Co.'. Bountifal naturt aff.rd ao Oner Spec i He for kia diseases Ibun buipuur, a tact tnat is cieariy proven by the oction upon toe cuticle affile ted with eruptloo or ulcerous sores, uf that supreme purifier. Ulenc' Sulphur Soap. Depot Critten- ton's Ho. 7 ttilth Ave., fl. I. Jlill's Hair A Whisker Dys, black or bruwa.ovets. 1 4w New goods Jtut reoeivud mi Flbck A ).'. Brootrs For Sale. R. Newton Shaw beeps a full supply of Frodooia Buggioa and Platlorm Wngooa lor aalo. To bo aeon at the Shaw Uouee yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania, may li-tf. Der Goon a new etook just opening and will ba eold cbeap, at 11. A Khatikrs, Wondrrf ut Surer, It la reported that Busciibb' Okrhai Biarr bat, i nee it tot rud action In tbo United Hute. reached the itumenao oal of 40,000 dotes per year, war n.vou irujgi( nave omTefi tnia edielne direct from the Factory, at Woodbury. N J., and evry letter pee of its aitotiitbinai suceese in curing aavoro Coughs, Cold settled uu Hreait, or anv diaoasa of the Throat aod Luora. Wo advice anv tianon that ha anv nrt- dipoaitia to weak Lung, to go ti their Drug- cut, v. u. watton, ana kmI thi Medicine, or in quire about it. Regular tttt, 7ft oenic j Sample uo.iie, iv eenia. iwo uotea win relieve any case. Don't neglect your eougb oprft, 'Jft-oowly, Flock A Co. bare laat received a aew lot of dry good at the aid prices. Ladles' and Children's She. French Kid. rei-bled Morocco, foitd and, in lira e onan- titles, trery pair warranted at li. A. Krauir . There It no case eo record where Dr. Morris By rap of Tar. wild Cherry and Horebouod hak lailed in gift ealistaetioe. On tbt otber hand wherever it ba been uied by oar people, in ever cold oougbi. attbma, bronchitis, troop. wnooping'tougb aod consumption, tbey aro oo thusiattie in Itt prat. Containing no opium or tiner oangoron drug, it doe not ooosilpat, ana is safe to admini.ter ia all condition ol health. Thi I aa important anananeemmit, and tbo sufierilag aro advised to heed it. Trial sis, 10 cent ; large siata, cent and On Uglier Hold by C D. WaUon, and Hartswick A Irvia, Drug guts, Clearfield, Pa. Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm ftyrvp Is per fectly tele, extremely palatable. No pkytle r quired. Coat 3ft cenu. Try It. For sal by O. D. Wateou and UarUwiek A Irwin, Clearfield, Pa. Bicb ...(eowiy. Owing to the grMl Mean In pria, Flenh A Co. bave just laid in a largo aid well selected stock of new dry go ds at tbt old and low prioot. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. W AWTKO-r-by Arnold, at turweuavtllo, 10,000 pouiiuH pork. 1.000 bushels wheat. 1,000 bushel rye. 1,000 bushels oats. 1,000 bushels sjielleil corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. MMlalMMl Ytt-liirlt all vcd ah ingle. ItHMHMi 44-lnrb aawed all lug lea. ItHi 4HH tret plh board, A.tMHi railroad Ilea, ft.lHHl cord a oak aud hemlock bark For which one-third cash will be paid. oct.25. lUarrifd. At tbt rrsldoacc of Mr, W. Hepburn, In Reyn oldaville, l a., ob Tburtdar, Jan IHib, 1H77 , by Kev. A. R Harlow, Mr. Ward Marrow aod Mis Lorettt llollopetcr, both of Penfietd, Clearfield county, JJird. At bis rrn i den c la Bradford township, this county, on Sunday moralng, January I4ib, 1877, Jotepb Sbtrcy, lo 1 be bia year or hi ago. The deoaaeed bat been b fllilen ol Bradford township all hi life, and died within a fhort dia lance of wboro bt was bora. Ha tuffered over four year the moat severe pains tbat ha maa flesh Is heir lo but death at laat relieved him of hi tuff ring, and wc bave a reason to belief that ho It bow singing around bit Father's throat. ' He has left behind many friends, who hearts fed bb aobing void the world eaa Beyer 111. Father, brother, and sitter, wt tan tympatbist with ynu, for wt too have had dear ones tabea from unr home aad laid ia tbt cold grave. But He wbo do lb all tblngs well knows what It best for our good j aad wo bo soablsd to look ap to lllm, with ear tears all dried ap, and toy t 11 Father, aol our will, but Thia b font. Tbt Lord glvtth tad tht Lord laketb away, btotstd bo tbt aamo of tho Lord." Werp ao. my frletd my frMndr,weep aot for mt, All 1 well, all ia well. My taffenoK all are o'er I am fret I All 1 well, all is well. . w. a. t n Pike township, on Sunday, Jib. 1 4th, H77, of diphtheria. Tbomat N., toa of Uriah aod Har. riet Ana lleary, aged I year, I months aad 3ft day. Oao w loved has left oar Bomber, Forty bast tbo passed ewar put Ibe aagrls say, " Anothtr Jules oar holy soagt to?daf fn Pike township, oa Thursday, Jauary ISth, 77, of diphtheria, Annie fi., daughter af t'riab aad Harriot Ana Henry, aged It year, S aaoath and 14 day. . But, I ah dead t No, aol tbt lire I Her happy spirit tie Tt Heart above, aad there receives Tb lung spotted prist. fa Piho townvhip, on Friday, Jab. 1 1Mb, I IT 7, of diphtheria, Carrie N -, daughter af Uriah aad Harriet Ann Hrary, eg-d year, moatbt aad day. Thea, let at dry oar mournful tear, From gloomy grief refrain la Heaven oar daaghior now appear, And shall forever reign. . Kallroadf. Pennnylvanla Railroad TVHONB t CLEARriELt BK(B "VI aad al.r Maada,, MOV, 17, U7t. lb. laoaaK.r Traiai win raa dallt i.ioowt Baa da;t katwaoa Traataad Olaarlald, at follawt : CLIAkPlllLtl MAIL. W. C. Jawia, (Joadaolar. LRA VR nnvTft. LRAVR NORTH. CrwoUI.l It, r. 0laartl4-....:.l It. " Tjwaa I It.a.a. Oonola...-..t M," H,M,M Carwaa.TUIa..l4l,a, Oaaaalk.M...4.7,., Trra..,.,.,H.,(., yjatwjaj "o35 a SSars, .. ti lUitroadt. CLRARFIBLD EXPRESS. W. fl. Pi.iTBaaa,Coadactor. LEAVE SOUTH. " LeaVB NORThT Oarwoanllla.. Mt a. Cloartold..... t it " Pblhptbarf.. t.lT " Ouoola. 1. 41 ' Vail T.41 " Tjroaa.,....,.. " Tyroao.. T it r.u Vail T.M " OntoU. ....t il " Pblllp.targ...l.H Cloartold, ar...t.l " BALD IAULE VALLItYBRAM'll. Kip. Mall. ' ' ' Malir jip. r. m. a. h. r. w. a. a- r.vt ISO IracaTjraaa IN ' MT JahHiifit - tV JU fff tnii'i tUllefnnt 47 IIIVI ieiiltMrg 10.40 Howard 4.01 10 4H loav I I . 11.11 arrive L Havea TYR0NB STATION. A a I wbitwabo. m Pittabrg Kxp'a, 150 Pacific Uxpreea, I 20 r m Way Passenger, l:l Mail Trwa, 4 IS Fast Lino, tM Pacific If pre, Harritburg Acc'm( 110 l:U P M Mall Train, 1:28 Atiaatio Kxprtaa, 6:40 Phila'da Ktpro, U:SSi PHlLll'bBt'RG A MOSHANNON BRANCHES On and after Mondav, NOV, 17th, 1ST, Ac- com modal ion Trains will run over ibo Philips- oorg aoa otnannoa nroncnoa, at lotiowt t LKAVB SOUTH. LB.WK NORTH. i w. a. w. . Btatloat a. a. r. w. r. a. 1:110 Morrlodalo, lit. 1:14 t:lt Phlllpaborg, 11:11 1:11 7:3t FUiaor't, 11:11 1:14 f:4 Boraloa, 11:14 3:.Ht 1(1:10 7:il OMoola, ll:' 4:1a 1:44 ll:4ft l:llt al.baanoa, 11:11 4: 141 10:43 t:lt 8lorlin(. H:t4 1:41 1:47 11:48 l:l Roattdala, 11:40 1:47 1:111 11.01 1:11 Mttaul.;, 11:311:14 8:07 1 1 :U 1:11 K.B.Irlebl, ll:tU l:ll 1:11 11:111.11 Kamojr. 11:111:11 Cloto woaBaotloat aiada by all tralat at Tjrooo and Look Uaroa. 8. t. BLAIR, Bnporinloadoat. njlT-tf. Alleglif nj Valley Railroad. LOW GKAIlK division. ON and aflrr Monday, ttMaahrr 4lb, 1711, Ibo tiarMngor train, will ran dally (.irii uBday) ootwroa Had Hank and Driftwood, a. follow, t tCAKTWARI). Day Hall Vaarat Pitltburg 8:11 a. at. Rod Bank 11:11; align Janotlna I Jul; N.w Brlhltbiiia 1:00 p. m i Mayirlllo I l; Troy l: Broobrillo 1:17 Pallor'. 1:11 I It.y oold.rill. 1:10 j DiBoit 1:07 I Suaiait Tunnol 1:14 i Ponl.ld 1:41 1 Woodrillo 4:Ktj BOB.HIIO 4;2 arriro. al Driftwood at 1:11. W tTH ARIWDay Mall loartl Driftwood 1141 . .: Braoixta 13:40; Wnd.ilio 1:13: Pontold 1:41; Humaiil Toaaal 1:0.1; DaBoli I II; Krynoldtrillo l:4t ; Pullor'.l:lli ; Broobrillo 1:21; Troy 1:40 Mayrrill. 4:31 1 Now B.lbloboai 4:17 I Sitgo Jaootioo 4:18 Rod Bank t:ll; arrival at Pituburg at 7:11 p. at. Tb. Rryaoldtvtll. AoeoaiBiodalioa laaroa RoyBold.rillo daily at 1:10 a. as.j aad arriTH at Red Bank al 1:20 a. av, Pltl.barah al 11:11 a. u. Lravat Piltrbarrb al 1:20 p. m f Rod Book at 7:J0p. ia.) arriringat KoyBold.vlll. at 10:21 p. at Cleao ooaaarlioai aiada wltb traiot oa P. k B Railroad at Driltaood, aad witb traiot oa tb. Allegboay Valloy Railroad at Rod Baok. DAVID McCARilO, U'l Sop't ii A., Sup't L. U. Dir. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Belleronte, Pa $3 & Lock Hevan. ........ S 70 WillUmnortH t 40 Middlotown .........(ft 0 Marietta ft ftu Lanoaator ft 8ft PH1LADKLPHIA 7 96 Altoona I 4ft Huntingdon I 90 Lowiatown. HH I 90 Maryaville 4 ftO Johnstown t 80 HAKHIHBIHO... 4 7ftlPITTSBUR(l , ft Ift SRI.KCT tCH(MI The ondaraigncd will open a private school in th Leonard build- ii.g, In Cicar&eld, Pa., oa or about tht let of April, I hT I, to continue eleven woeka. Intlructlon eareful aod thorough. Terra a rvaannable. O. V. IOIIWUMAH, A. M. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 17, '77-Sm. NOTIt'li.w All person ara hereby notified that tb following personal property, Bow ib poacctaion of Wa, E. Tale of Lawrence town abip, la bold by a aa security, to wit i On store ond cooking atensils, one dialog labia, one cup board, one dougbtray, ooe tot of chairs, two beds and bedding, aud oa clotbee proa. Mot ice it therefor hereby given to all persona at to mod die wiib or purobe the same an km by our ap' proval aod content. uirorneia, jan. 31-st. biauh a i unmet. )H4HN'M MBAT MARKET. Th andertionad weald roiectfally In form tb public tbat be has opened a MKAT MARKET at tbo old itand on Market Street, where be will keep regularly oa baad aU htad of F-R-E-S-ll M-E-A-T-S, and will gaaranto eat la faction la price at wall a In the quality of moat offered. Vlearneld, aov.z, 70-11. & tr.n a snunn. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of sundry writ ol Pitr Fneiat is seed oat of tbo Court of Commna Plea of Clear field oountv. and to mt directed, there will expoted to public aale, at tb Court Hoaee, ia b bnrouga oi ciearaaia, oa caturaay, ine ' aay af February, IH77, at I o'clock p. m., th fol lowing deeeribtd real ostatt, to wilt Tbo following real astato tituat ia Brady two Clearfield tonoty, Pa., bounded ond dotoribed a follow i Begmamg at a port, Ihoao teat oo hundred perobtts to a post ; thence north an line uf lands of John Edingor twenty -sere perch tbenot sontb aiKbtr-sevob degrees west oat hun dred and on peruhes to a post) Ibeooe anrtb on line of lands uf George Smith to ptaoa of begin Bing. containing eighteen acres binety-teven and two-lento ptrches, witb sit or tight acreoclearcd, apd baring a twe-story frame dwelling boas I Dft.f4 leet, and a stable iBizn loot toereoo erected, elng part of a larger tract of land conveyed t Rlia Riabell by deed bearing data tat 3(Hb day of December, 1844. Aleo, one ether tract of land situate la Brady townabip, bounded aad deaoribed a follow : Be ginning at a poet Ob land of Uoergw Kriner ; ibeno north ninety -four and one-ball perch f poet ; tbenoe eaat en line of landa ol Adam ttii nan one aunartd ana tweaiytour percne to a puflti then touth oa lino of landa uf John Riahell and B. C. Riabell ainety four and one half ptrrbet to a atone t tbenot weat on lino ot oda of tt. Adam Weaver one hundred and twenty four pcrobee to place of beginning, con taining ttreaty-tbree acre and tbirty-oigbl per. ebee, witb about two aod one-half acre oieared, and baring a large at earn aaw mill aitfli feet. wltb engine boue 1.1 1 4 red, toe frame bouse lixli feet, with wins 12x10) feet, S storits hich, on bona tfliSt ft. two aturio high, on houee I0izoieot,i stone ntgn, and a fUbie ziuju feet thertoa trrcled. Betted, taken in viecotlon and to be toldaatb propert) or Joba T. Rithall, Jame Mile, and J. A. Risnell. Trrh or Salb.-Th prioo or sum at which tbt property shall bo struck off mast he paid at th tlm of sal, orauob a her arrangement madt a will be approved, otherwise tht property will bt Immediately put up and told again al tht otponeo aad risk ol ibo per sun to wbom it wa struck off, and who, la eat of deficiency at such re aale, abell mane good the aaiae, and in ao m lane will the Deed be presented la Court for eoafirmatiee aaleat tba money is actually paid to th bhtriff. anuitaw, jr., Snanirr's Orrica, I . Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., Jaa 17,1177. WWwOjtaJW HNNHNHHHHHHNRMH 4 1 OQQQQQOQOQ.. QQQO 000000600000000 000000000000000 oeooeoerjooidusoo OnOBOBCAOBIlBCBOBCOaBCBOaOBOaUB Hew Ooodt j -I 017 ' I'X'lB mnnnmm eooDCDoaaotQisx 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t I 6 6 S t m to k n ft k q m h to ft to to w PJtltES CHEAPER TH .1 EVER AT 8. GUINZBUaO'8 One frlcc Bool anil Shoe Store. MEN'S FUR.NIHU1NO GOODS. BOOTS AND SUOKfl. IIAT3 AND CAPS. WHITE AND COLORRD OVlRSIRTa. IUAVV WORKINO AND PANCT FRONT OVEItSniRTS. GLOVK8. SOCKS, U ANDKKKCUIKF8, COLLARS AND CUFFS. COUNIBV PRODUCK TAKEN IN EXC11AN0K FOR GOODS. 1 S. GUINZBUKG, Sco4 81 oat, a,pIM taa Caw H, . tLEABFJELD, PA. " taaa, fciwjorry aataf Ia4 by aar Plagal. ClMrtaU, fa, ta. HUTf. Hfw airrttsfmrntfl. new DEPARTURE ! LI Til RSBl'RC. ll.raaftor, good. w.U ao .obi fur CAJU oulf, or ia .irbaaico for nrudaoa. No book, will bi hrpl ia tba lutttra. All eld aooouat. mu.t b. ooIIImI. TboM who raaut eab ap, will pi' baad orar tboir Bole. od CLOSE TEE EECORD. I am determined i soil my roods at cash prioea, and at a diaeoant far biow that vr oBortd ia tbia r icloiiy. Ihe diaeounl I allow mi ouatomere, will makeihew rich in twenty year II wey loiiow my advioe aoa tuy taeir good I rum me. i will pay eaao fr wnMt, oata aod clover' seed. DANIKL UOODLAADKU. Luthersburg, Januaiy 17, 177. -A Repoaltory of Kaalilon, Pleaaure, and luairuriioii." Harper's llazur. ILLUSTRATED. AVlVee (Aa Preas. For ttriotly houtehold matter and dreae, i?nr pwr'a iVwMrii altogether tbo best thing published, lo take It l a matter of 0000107. No lady eaa alTord to be without it for trie information It give will aavo her very much mor mtoy tbaa tbo euDMcripiioa price, neHii giving iBe n-uatuold an intereaiiog literary eiaKorC'ticygo Jourmmt Hnryr't Batar t profjely ill unrated, and oontaina atoriea, poeme. and nv of a mott at tractt rt character In it literary and art ft 1 to feature, ib B-tmr t uiiq-ieitioimbly tba brt Journl of ita kind lo ihtwootry. oturrfity arraiag vuarrre, uuaiou. TERMS 1 Postage free to ail 1 sMiburrlbera lu the I tilled Mi site. II abtrr's Bacar, one year..... $1.00 14.00 Include prepayment ut U. S. postage by tb publisher. fSubcriiiionto II nrrnB Maoaiixb.Wkkki.t. and Basar, to one add ret (.iron y-ar, $ It) 00 ; or, twool Harper' Periodic to one addreia for one year, $7 on, poatwge fror. Ao KuraCoiiy ofbltbovth MAOAtteit.WRiKLr or Uasab will be supplied frail for every Club of Pira Si'BtcHiBRRa at rich, in one remit tauoe; or, hit Cui fot $20.00, wUboflt extra oopy, pottage free. tiaoR nuiubtrt can no supplied at any time. Th Volumes nl tb Ji-tt-tr oommfooo with the yetr. when bo lime la maiutnBfd, It will lc understood that th abecribrwbe to commence with tbo number next alter Ihe rooeint uf hi ordrr. Tb Annual Vol nines of 11 or a a' n Baxbr, In beat cloth bind inc. wrl be tent by eipre, free ol expeoee, Tor b7.U0 each. A complete set, 00 m -priig Nine Volume, eet on reoeipt of caah at the 1 ate of 25 per vol., frr gbt at expenae of parch aaer. Cloth Caie for each volume, aui table for bind ing, will be aent by mail, putpaid, on receipt of $1,110 each Indexe t each volume tent gratis 00 receipt of stamp. iWir'tptn we nof So copy .At ttWrrfieatrJ n loaf (Ae tjp'f unit tf llAitpr-R A HKurnttit. Adaret HARPEa a UKUS, New Yrk. J-iaiilt. (JnquratloiialiU the beat tuatalned work of the kind In the Horid." IIiirpcr'N Mau.ine. ILLUSTRATED. JVafiVee 0 tl Prtu. The Hayntimm ha attaibed Ib It ob quarter cectury aud more of aiami to that point where it may b naid of it, in the word of Dr Juhtiin, 'It is vain to blam an'lomlet n praloe " The lusir nf It long ago-atiatm-d rrpuutioa has in creased at they rare hf c pntt-d, and ita future aeema aa bright if not bngliier lliau ai any time lino Ibe gol.iea hot of proapenty leUM arouud ua laiCTana nturr daya Hroof'ya K-iy'w. limrptr't Mnmtk'y is marked bv tho aaioe char acterUtios whk-h giv it circulation fn.ra the Aral with the hctlcr elett of readt r. It Ootnhiaet reading matter with illuitretiuat in. a way to make clear aod vivid the fa.-tn patented. Picture merely dnsignrd to catch tbt eye ef the Igaoraot art never inaerted. Cftteiife acraa. TERMS't I Peat a go frca ta all winwerlbora In Ikaj u Ultra fjpaiea. t , . HiRrta'a Maoaxisb, on year no 4 00 include payment ul V. S. pottage by tb paM liber. s Subscript l'OB to HARrait's MAa4tmB,WRKKLT, and Basab, to one add re for one year, f I'J tw ; or, wool Harper's Parioiual, to one address for on yrmr, $7 09, poetar fre. An Bxtra Copy of either th SIoaiii,Wiiklv or Baiar will be vupplied frtit tor every Ciub of Fira Sl iaoniBRfta at $4 It) each, la on remit unco 1 or, Six Copiet lur S20.O0, without extra oopy, pnauxe free. Hack Number can ho auppllexl at any tlm. ' Tho Volum of the AVaywtia oomuieuce with the Numlrora ol June aod l)oinber or each jear. Subecriptipoa may lu.mence wl b any nam ber. When au tune I apcciiled, it will be unilrtond that the PBbacribor wlebean begin with the flrat number ol the current vuiumn, aud back numbers will be sent accordingly. A eomplsia Set ot iUariin'a Maoabiir, now e-jmpristce fX V'iirttaai, ia nm ahub bitidinc. will beaent by oxprasfli(iUalt&p'a of porchiurr, j fir 9.i9 per volume. Hmgl voiaueea, oy man, ponlpaid, $A 00. Cloth eac. lor biiidiiis. 18 oeais, by mall, postpaid. A obi p itt Aulyttual Index to lb Frit riliy Volumes of lUuraM s Maoaiur ba Juit bei-o pubiubed, rendering available for rrarenc tbo vatt and varied wraith ol Informal loo which con stitute ibis periodical nerfret illustrated htenry fMolM-die. Sro, Cloi, la.vtt; Hail Celf, .&. Sent poauge prep4id. Artwptpre are mot I tupy fat mtlertlnMrl UMout rtc ordrtf U (((': 4 UltuTRKaa. HA HP I'll A UHO'6. ti.-m York TRI-lteNIAL ATiMi;r . APPEALS tOR JHTt. NOTICR is hereby gtvn, tbat the Cemml of riearflold eountr will meet the tax pav er at th following named placet, fur the pur. pot ef hearing and determining appeal on h tri ennial aaeinent for 1877. Ihe time fir bearing appeala will bt between the hour cf 9 ''clock a ro., and 4 o'clock p. m. of eaoh day. Th anpcal wilt he held for Curwenarlllo, at the American Hotel, In Said bornugh, on Friday, February 2d. Pike, ai the American Hotel, In CurwentvlHe, nfl Satarday, February M, ' the Khwtvillc School floiite, oo Mon dav, Febraary Mb. Olrard, at Congroat Hill School Uoatr, oa Ton day. February Ath. Karthaat, at the boo "of Jotapb Bnplty, oa Wednesday, Fobruarv fth. Covinrtea, at the public b u af John Miiltnn, nn Thunday, February, Otb. flraham, at ihe llublrr llomwtcad, oo Frilay, rt'oruary wib Bradrord, at the bote at Biglcr tUtloa, oa Satur day, Fehrtiary I'Uh. Bxrr'.at'he hrmaoor Kdward Albert, on MondAj, Fthrnary 12th. Wallactton, at tb hntet In tsid borough; on luetaay. rt-Drunry into. M'-rtii, at Mrs Kirenhower's, Id Kylerlown, on Wedat s ay,F. hruary I4b. Decatur, at the reetdence of Richard Iugh( aq Thunday, February 1Mb. 1 0cla, at llnyt' botl,Ja saltL.-borongb, en rnaay, rcbruary itin. Hontidalr, at the hMi of James Iona, ia aid borough, oa Haturdty, Prbixry Iflh. Witodeard, at the reti leno vl Tnoa. HeBderaon, In taid townabip, on M aid y. F brunry 18: b Gultcb bl the heel in Jinm ill, in said town ship, on Tueadny , February 7(Hh,' Beccaria, al tb public boas nf W. W. Maya, In Uleo H'ttoe.on WcdnrKdat. Febrdiirv 3 Itt. Jordan, at toe hotel In Anfonvlile, in satd town ship, on Thursday, Fehruary lid. Fcrgunon. at tb ri-la' of Juacph Moore, lo aatd townabip, on Friday, Fehro-iry 2S I. Knoi, at Turkey HlllMnhool House, in taid town- ihip, on Hat onlay, February Itlh. La id ber City, at the heu uf Itrael (luppy, on Monday, February Irttli. Kewburg, at tht huiel ib aaid borough, on Tues day, February JTtb. Cheat, at Hombaugh's to hoot house, la uld twp., en Wednesday, February IHth. Hew Washington, at the pn-'li hoat of Oeorg W. l)vis, ia said borough, ua fburrley, March ls4. BBrntid twp , at Yofig's aehiiol boats, la taid towa.bip, ua rnday, March ltd. Barand bor., at Heaiiett a botel, in iii boroab, on Saturday, Martin U- j Bell, at lb bouteof Hubert bid townabip, oa Moudav, Man-b Alb. . . Urteanoutl,at th hotel io Biriii, a aaid twp, ca rocailay, March Otb. Peat, at the oteetioa baae In PranvilU, In aaid tuWBehtp, oa Weductday, Maron fib. Bloom, at tbo eleotiuu taoua io aaid township, ob Thurtday, Morah ith. Brady, at ihe pubn bu of Biaanual Kantt, la iiuSoln, oa Friday, Mareb Bib. At to, at ibe puMic boao ol Wm. ncbotm, jr., i Lutborr burg, oa batarday, March luth. Uaioa, at tbo ature of U. B. Bubakrr, lo aaid townabip, en Modey, March 11m. Huatou, attk public boat ol Jame Scboflald, In PLSoid,en Tueotay, Maieb Mib. Lawrence, at lb 0a.miMioutra' Otkae, oa Wed- aeeday, March Ulb. Oiearbeid, at the Commissioner' (tact, o thora- Cay, March Uth. ffOTICg, Itaitokareby givea lethe AarroNr ef the a vera I bwrougfea ooe lwBeh.p, ioml tooy be present witb tbo Hoard ef Ctmmiaaiwar oa Ue day wi Appwel, ia their ra-peativo dtainob, a well aa all pranna wbo may le.l theiulvoa aggrieved. A geweral appeal will he beld at tbo CommiiaioBert1 vS.ct.eM Ibe th. ib and ia daya u March net I, alter which boappt! will 0 aeeaot.ra 'uir-i io give nb uxabs m wriiiew r prwtN bMle f uw kiad and amoaat proptriy h r the 1 aecaaaed, at mm mvw uaya weioie appeal. :ttAhh bHoWM. T. A weuhKH, AUeett- . 11 HAhhloHubVIfL U. B. Obuotmn, 1. f (roBletoMr Opmisiojr'' 00. Vtotrtold. Pfc, Jaa. IV, (Our (Dun dwtiirrarat. THE REPUBLICAN, Pablllkod far Wodooodaj kj GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hat tht Larger! Clrcnlatloa of any paper . aa". m etiinay UaaU. The large and constantly increasing circulation of the Republican. renders it valuable to business men as a medium thro which to reach the , public. Terms or SubscaipnoM ; If paid In advance. ... $2 00 If paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid after six months. . . 8 00 When papers aro sent outside of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING: Tun line, or less. 3 times, . $1 50 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 1 50 2 60 Each subsequent insertion, Administrator' Notices, Executors' Notices, Auditors' Notices, . . . . Cautions and Estrsys, . . Dissolution Notices, , . Professional Curdn. 5 linos, year, fi 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 line, . , . $8 00 Tto squares, ... . . , 15 00 Threo squares, . . . . . . 20 00 One fourth-column, , . . . 60 00 One hall column, .... 70 00 One column, ..... 120 00 ton nn -U vU ItLANKN. We have always on band large stock of blanks oi all descriptions. SUMMONS, RUIWEXAS, ' ' EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, ; : RON DS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ao., ' Ac, Ac. JOB PRINTING. U'o aro pi-opan j to do all kindt of PRINTING r?l'('U AH l'OSTKns, , l'KOORAMMKS, CAR03, LKTTKIt 1IKADS, ENVELOPES, Iill.I, HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CHiCl'LAHS, ic, Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEN TION. Goodlandrr A Xee, : ) ,., Clcarflcld, -il - '. 1 .4 i ; ' .i . :.. ! aoarfleld Connty, Fa. ' t Jlcwanfl Ulsrrlianrous arrttit.-mrnt. HERE WE COME!! Bound for Fleck & Co.'s Siorc. ' af , . NEW And Croat - T. A. FLECK WE HAVE CONCLUDED not to BUY the CENTENNIAL, AT PRESENT. AND HAVE THEREFORE BOUGHT A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS. EVERY DAY BRINGS SOMETHING NEW!! YEW GOODS. LOW W take ttlcesnra in Informing oar friends tbat aod found good at ub l price ihat we are nous In the country, ocean we art tmiiog our ! b"De tn '1,ry everybndy. and giv the j M repreeented. W invit our frlands to give tLeir benefit. DRESS GOODS IN ALL THE NEW STYLES. Black Alpacas, Black Cashmere, Black Luatr. Plaid Dres fl ,odw, Calicos, Murlins tnl flinjthams. Waterproofe, all colors. Ladies Cloth, Block Heaver Cloth for cost, Men's and Boys' Cash meres. Of this line of goods we bnve an olrgaut atoe i, and at right price. (Jermantown Wools and Zephyrs, Ralmr! Tarns (In y and White Yarn, Carpet Chain, Notions, Collars aud Cull Corset all priori, Lndiea' Tic, Hun, in. Lace and Friiiges, Ladies' and Children's Hoe and Under wear, Uiark and Cutor'-d Kid lllovo. New Pannier New KnibrnJirry and Hardkercliitf. licnti Furuifbinjr Good. t'nderwear. Buck and Kid tllorra. Clnth and Berlin Olores. Silk Hnedkerehlefs aiid I incn Handkerchief. Sufpendere and lloee. Wool Sock and Mil New Tie T lea all ibo latent Mjle. Imbreflaa, Ac Millinery aad Faacy flnnd. lists aod Bonnets Trimmed to Order. New Wing. New FeetUert. New Flower. New Silk. New VelvctPtna. filk Velrott. NEW RIBBONS. NEW RIBBONS. Having succeeiled in getting a FIRST CLASS HTLLIXER, ice do not intend to be undersold in that line. Cume and be convinced. T. A. FLECK & CO., Sept 27, 1876. Clearfield. Pa. hereby given that my wlf Sarah Weaver, baring left my bed and board with out any juat can or provocation, all per ton are hereby warned against harboring or trusting ber ob my account as I will not pay or bo responsible lor any debts contracted by b-r. JOHN WEAVER. Orabamtob, Jan. 14, 1877-3L iMmHTRATiK'ft NOTICK. Nation I hereby given thil Letter nf Ad ministration oo Ibo estate of JOHN M TAVIHII, lata of Uulltib township, CltorScid rnonty, I'a dc-'d. having been duly granted lo the under, aigned, all persona indebted to raid eMare wiM please make immediate payment, aod those bav ing claims or item and will preerul lhi-iu propr.) aulhsBtlcatcd fr settlement without delay. JOHN H. McKKISNAN, Smith's Mill', Jan. 34,77- Adm'r. A I) Ml NIO-THATtHl't NtlTICI Notice It hereby given that Lettertof Ad mmistratioc ob Iko estat of JOHN CLSAHY, 1st of Bloom townabip, Clearfield county, Pa., deecB'td, having been duly granted to the undervlgned, all poranns Indebted to said eital will pleas make Immediate payment, and tbote having daima or demand against tb sam will p rcteu t them properly authenticated tor settle- mrnl without delay. JOIIM HNint, Forest, Jan. 10.77 IL Admtuitirator Aniv11JtTRATOKM NOTICI Notice la hereby given that Letters nf Ad ministration on the estate of CltA. (U'KNOT, late of Covington township, Clearfield county, Pa., aerea'fd. having been duly granted to tba undersigned, all persons indebted to taid estate will plea make Immediate payment, and those baviag claims or demands will prefer. t them properly authenticated for settlement with out delay. DOMINIC Hi KNOT, UHKKM'K FLOOD, Administrator. FreBchvilte, Pa., Jan. lfi77-Ci IMINIMTHAT(1H,SI NtHK i; Nctice Is hereby given thtt letters of Ad. ministration ob the estate of jAMbS T. Me CKACKKN, late of Kox townabip, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd, having been duly granted to the auderrigoed, all persons Indebted to said stat will please make immediate payment, and those having claim or demands mil preaeut them properly authenticated sottlvtnent with out del y. I'll HI.-TIA B. McCHACKKN, io HH II An I), New Millport, Jan. 3, Ia7 7-At. Adin'rs. CIAHTION-AII persons arc hereby caution J ed again! parcbaving nr In any way nied dllng with the lollowii.g propert r Bow In poses ot uiinrrx uuvtir, oi jtiorrie ioansni, in 1 wit : Two c. wi, four young cattle, two ihot-p.rour bog, nine acrot ol gram ia Ihe ground, seventy . bushels oats, twenty butbels polalova, 6fiy hu'hH. torn, one plow, one barrow, lot of hay and straw, aot double harneee, oook Move, three bed aod oonuinaj, mmv a ro aitrnon lurnnare, mm ine m be long to mo and la only left who bun oa loaa, subject to my order at any lima. .ik 1th, iioovi:k, Br. Kylertowa, Jaa. 14, CAUTION. All person are hereby cautioned against purchasing or iu any wiy meddling with the following property, bow ib norseioa of Joseph Kitchen, of Chest tnwnhi,r, vit t Oao sleigh, nao-balf ibterest ib spar aled, I cock stove, I set chat i. I bed and bed diet;, I gin, 1 pig, 1 log sled, oat ball to tare t In threshing machine, lot of straw, lut of bay, I et harness. 1 saddle, I Eltiw. 40 baabU aata, 14 bi hl potato. Ill bu. nrkwheat, a lb earn he'onga io ua, and ia lei l ith him oa loan oaly, unit-ct to our order at any time. J. A. J, J S.1 YUKK. B-arr, Jaa. 10, 177 -XL CAliTIOMAII persona are hereby oanlloned againat par bating or In any way mediling with Ibe following prapt-rty. aow in p aeion of Jame Kttaboa, el Cheat township, vis i One eat heroes, 40 bushel eats, I barr .w, 1 eonk atuva, I bed and bedding, I cow, I two-year eld, 1 pig, I gun, 20 bushels buckwheat, t!t buakelsptatoes, 1 skecp, cae-half tt teres! in spar sled, I roan horse, I bay mora, let of hay, lot of straw, one- half Interest in ihreshlog maohiae, I wagon, at ihe mm belong to at, an J It It ft witb him oa loaa ealyi subject to oar order al any time. J. A J. J, OnlDnn. Bower, Jaa. 10, 1877-St. CAUTION All persons are hereby cautioned Againat pnrcbssiag or la any way meddling with the ft I rowing properly, new in poesesaioa wl lleorg I. Miles, uf Chest township, vat i One half iBtereat la 4 aarea nf torn, i Intereat la 4 ttr af torn, i in teres t la t acre ol okrat la the gmaad, 4 latereot la I Bore of wheat ia Ibo ground, laiereet la S bakel ef kuakwbeat, IBtereat la & dosea eaU la the tbeaf, I b tor wl U I two-bore wegwa, latere! la lot of hay, I eook Move, i later! ia S aere af coca, laiereet la hi of bay, i ialareat ta sut of eats in the sheaf, ft later! ib lot ef rye la th bf, ft Ialareat ta 1 pieces of wheat ta ta grout, tbatMt, tatereM af Detoadaai (a S sheep, I leek, I table. I triad t a, I wheelbarrow, I tot har ass, I grata eredle, I cross sat taw, wood-wrh ler d, I enw aattj t pig. I eoUlog aw. M of larks. A. Tbl propetly Wa purebavod by me a Saeritr sett ea ibe lltk ef October, and tba Ulb day af hi moor, I1S, oad t Itfl with taid Ml, tabjoti a my enter at aay tlm. uaviu wi wiar, AbaeawlLl, Jaav IT, H7T II. GOODS Bargains I AT - & CO8 STORE. PRICES. FOR CJ1SII. we have jut returned from tb KVtcra Citir rnwM'd lo m-H rb.aper than any other bannte goooe irum nm naod, at tne factories, lor cab worth nf the money, and guarantee th gooda to b us a call and examine our goods, a it will bo foi and Bi-tt. White Skirl and Colored Skirt. April 2C, 1S76. 1 OH PRINTING OF BVKRT DE8CRIP tl tinnnaatly etecuted at thia office. Tr TK IIH' b CONHTAnLFJi aVBRli Wo bar printed a largo number af tba new FKK BILL, and will en the receipt af twenty We oent. oaail a anpy to a- y addreaa. mrt TO COJTArTlR The Bailding Com mitteeorthc Fruit Hill Presbyterian Church, will receive scaled proposal, for th laying of the brick of their new Church building, per 'hoOMtvl, witb hoard and attendant found. Alan, lor a man 'o so per iu tend tb carpenter work, to t paid by th day and boarded. None but good workmen well recommend- d, will be employed. Work lo t eommenne about June Itt, 1H77. The Committee will retail o propoaata up to the 1st of February, t77. Addres. JOHN THOMSON Anaonville, Clearfield Co., Pa. Jon. .1, H77.ll. STEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILERS FOR SALB. The nr.derfgnd offer for aalo on reaeonahl termt, their ateam aaw mill, located al W allace t..n. Clcarflcld Co., Pa. The engine and boihm are a good at now. The ait of tt engine 1 l4sJ4, and la in good running order. Thry will alto veil -heir shingle and lath mill, and all the working machinery la lb mill. Parti wishing to purchase Can tall .4 or adiW (IKAHAM. W ALLACE A CO. ClearSeld, P , June 411, I HT5. jOlt HALE. Tht andertiimcd wltt teM at private salt all that tract or parcel ef land titna'e la Decatur township. ClenrBeld e-ontr, Pa., within a abort distance of the Tvron A Cle irflol t K. R , and s M -niiig landa or K..bert Hudan and otners, aod knwn a the Jacob B. l.rarbart lot. The aid tract containing fttl acres more or less, with two riins of valuable coal thereon, hat about lu acre cleared, and la tb key to a larg body ol oal ai'Out being developed. Will be sold low and upon easy terms. For particulars, apply to DAVIO L. KKEDS. ClearSeld, Pa., July tl, 187S. JJOTtl, PHOPICHTY TOR RALK. riio under t.fjnrd nil ft for tale the val'inMf HoipI jirofny 111 Jckort 0t- tmile I .ni'e it von Li nnir n nna' 11. tel. It i Ilia litad(iuar(era of KafteniPti, fiiuatt-rj nfti tho nrer anil in the centre ot tlietqjaro limtH-r maikft and i A gruKt ingooit oohiliiion. 'Vnieitv. vorfui- nrr I'liriit'iiinr" appiy in or BUdrfita KLIA llf.TIl II ANN A. . Exocii-rii f H ,V anna. dpcM, dec. I.l 7o 2m. Aock 7Hven, Pa .7fff;ifrvf WILLI r ANTIC NEW SIX CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Tbe CeHtenalal Commlaaioa bow Deer tb M lowing Award I For Huperiarity ant Economy of ProJtiitioq For iellne ef Mawial. For Origiaalitv and Con.pitBs of 8yatm. For Variety of tkr H Thread. For Esrellenceof Mtchlaery, Nov. U, t7fl..1m. H. A. K ratter. Ctearflald. P u .nns r. tw. above or k bra ted Spool Cotton. l)APnIiP0,!buU fo B"1 jTM I fjll I tXdtvices, msdliMl. er otbtr B torn pound, ornamental d tignt, trade marks, aod labels. Caveat, Assign ment, Interference, el., promptly attended to. lavcntinns Ihat bav booa REJECTED lit lb Patent OSloa, i aad tecare Patents i broader claim tbaa I Wsabmf toe. by th Pal en l 06V mJ Kill, la moat eaa he ae ewred bv aa. B.ia anM alto tba Potent, we ean make clour aearehea, ad eeoare Patent mere promptly and wstb broader claim tbaa tho wb aro remoi I- Wsabinvtoe. INVINTORSri ond aa a medal or of ynar devlee : ha amiiacrttsw erg, and advte as I patent ahtiiiy. nrtcee lw, n, re is rase I riAHttH VRLWR FaTKSr IS oKtURKII. . i W refer to otlcUl la ib Patent Ohio, bad ta Uvealer it tvtry btaia ia tb Ualea. Addrast, I 0. A. bMOW A CO. . Opposlt Patent Ofioa, Wasniagtosu 0. 0. 'Mow. II, U7S If. ctUiSffllatif.uS, Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. Till auj,r.l(a.4, aa.lo, a.tahlt.kaa' a Har ar, aa tao 'Plao. bNh.1 aalf wa, aatwoaa aoa Corwra.rlllo, I. provaraa at lar ai.b all Id4. of FRUIT TKKKd, l.taad.r. aat dwarf.) Krrrjrn., 8braahor,f, Urapa Viaaa, ll,N,.aWrr,. Lawioa Hlaokhorry, Atrawborr,, and Ka.aoorr, Viaoa. A to, Hibwlaa Cra Traot, Walon, aot a.r!jr ocarlol Rbabarb, tt. Ordart ,roBU; atlaatr4 I. Addroa., i. D. WRIOHT, topll t ) CarwaatrUla, Pa. 'pERRA COTTA STANDI1G VASES, kept oaoataatly aa head. STOVE AU EAETUE-WAEE OK KVKRY UKSCRIPTI0.1 ! CROCKS! POTSI CROCESt Fla'dcr't Patent Alrtl(rh fteir Sralljir Frail Caual BUTTKH CRUCKS, wlla lid,, CREAM CROCKS, MII.K CROCKS, APPLB BCTTKR CROCKS, FICKLE CROCKS, PLOWKR POTS, PIB DISHM, SIKW POTi, Aad a frtol aanv othor tbinaa too aaaioroal H moofioa, to ba had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Omar ot Cnatre and Third Street. CLBAKFIKLD, FA. aagl s. r. ooLica. a. a 'coax lb. . aaiLaaov. tlLICIl, McCORKLE A CO.'S (Sacceasor ta Joba Oal ith), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Wt maaufae'.ur all kind af Furniture fur Chamber, I) id ing Room, LibrerU aad Halls. If yoa wsnt Furniture of aay kind, don't bay until yoa see oar stock. l.MIKUTAKIXO fn all It branch. W keep la atoek til tba latest and moat improved Coffin and Caskets, and bavt every facility for properly con ducting thia branch of oar business. We have a patnt Corp a pre server, lo which bodiea caa bo praaerved far a eon tiderable leogth of time. A member of the firm ba hia steeping apart ment at our wan -room, wher b eaa be found by any person who com at Bight for th purpose of procuring ooMns. OCL1CH, MeCORKLB A CO. Clearfield, Pa., May IV, 71-ly. The Cell's Pun Woolen Factory, Pan. towotbi,, Cloartold Co., Fa. BURNED OUT) art ot BURNED U PI The tubteribert have, af great expenso, rabutlt b neighborhood Beeeaaity, is the erection ef a i rel ate Woolen Manutactory, with all tb modern improvement attached, and aro prepared to make all kinda of Clot hi, Cetiimeree, Satinttts, Blaa- keta, rianntls, Ac Plenty of good oa hand to apply all our old and a thouaand nw euatomor. wbm w ask to eoma and examin ear tok. Tb bu tinest of CAHDINO AND FULLING 'ill receive oor especial attention. Prober arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and lone upon tbe shortest notice, and by strict attoa ion to ousinea we hope to realise a liberal share if public patonag. lO.tMM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will nay tb blrbest market cries for Won and sell our manufactured goods at low at similar goods can be bought ia the county, and whenever we fail to render reasonable aativfactioa we eaa always ba foand at homo ready to make proper explaoatioa, either in person or by letter. JAM KB JOlintiON A SONS, prlisetf Bower P. 0. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS PURE DRUGS! CIIEMICALS! PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, FFIRriJIERT, FANCY WOODS TOILET ARTICLES, or ALL KINDS, PURS WI&-ES AND LIQUORS for ajadlelaal paraoaoa. fru.a.,, Sopportara, Snliael Booba aad Stailoa or;, and all otbar ataall, fuuod la a Drug Stora. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE PHLLY CuMFOUNbKD. Il.Tin, a lara. aa porlaaoo la law baalaou Ibo, aaa fit. .am tat. i.favtioa. n. BARTswtrK, JOHN F. IRWIN. ClrarSeld, Dooambar It, ISTt. B1GLER, YOUNG & REED, iSaoooasora to Boyntoa A Toaag,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaufactarcrs af PORTABLE k STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Oomtr af foartt aad Piao Striata, CI.RARKIF.LD, PA. HAVISS aa,.tod la la. Baaaftaf, of IroU alaa, M ACHINKRT, wt rootfall, rafarai ba poklla that a ara Hi ,rapand U kit all ordora at akaapl, aad aa ,ra,tr a, aaa aa daw la any af ta. altUa. Wa auaahatara aad daal la Malay and Circular Stv-Mjllt Bkbt, Wator Waaala, SaaMa, PalUj., lliford't Iajaetrt, Btaaai Oaacoa, Staaai WalaUoa, Otltra, Tallaw Oapa, Ml Caaa, Oaaft Oaaka, Aar Oaokl, Olaba Talraa, Chaek Varna, wrwafbl Ira Flaat, S.aaai Pwaaa, Ballar tmk Pwaiaa, Aad. PriMlaa MMna, taa, Sua. raaalaf, FataV a,, and all aiada af MILL W0RK ttjttbat wtlk Plawi, Ibt to loo. COOK ADD PARLOR 8T0TZ8, , -Miftr I. .1. lit. Tti rv.t; AyTTTTf. aad atkat CABTIHM af all kuvaa. Iwt-Ordart a. Hal tad aad HMI al on, taoa All lattara af raajatr, wttk wftraata ta ataaklaarw of oar aiaaalbMft ,rw,traatatiid,t, la at at Oaaraald, Fa. ' 1a.lti.lf BII1LR1. TOO Id k ' - -