Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 17, 1877, Image 3

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' . k - -
Terms of Subscription,
ft .ti4 nd ane-.or wiibia three months ...fl ft
I paid threaad before sis. months..,..
,atd Pr 'beetpiraiioB of aii months... IN
ffr Merrre. P. W. PiTTt soitl. A Co., News-n-l-sr
rt-J.etming Ag-mi,,, 7 P-arb R a, aurae
. ' Vl -L.Jk-.- W fvTr:i agent
Wc-hedlst Chare h Rt. B. F.
Sr-usaa. ator. tu.lie Serv tea evary Sabbath
it l4 A M , arid If, P. M. Kcbuol al v A. M.
Prey. , ettng every Tharsdav, at T4 P. M.
Comn 10)011 Servtoe. first Sabbath of every
ooib, l H A. M.
Wnt Clrarftplrt M. F i'hurrh Rett
Wa. II. ihn aod J. F. Aimbnum. Pastors
rrt-acbing every alternate Nundav, at I o'clock.
I'. M euo-fay cbol at 24, P. M All are In
vited lo alteud.
Hreab) terlau ( hiit-rli Iter. II. 8 Bptlbb.
Satihatb aervteea murninr. aod oreoirf; Hab-
batn pobuiii ai a r. . rrar JUeetlDg Wcdna
dv vanmg.
Ht. Kraticla Church Catholic Ite. P.
J. SiiKHibA Prearhln(alju o'clock, A. M.,ob
the Brit, tbird and tourib Sualaof aaob moatb;
tnT ana vrt aateitun oi ibe Kleraed paerapsanl
i 7 "Vloeii, P. M. Mind; Bcbuol arorr (ttadaf
irrmoi'B at o n (.
i hi or 1'iLMig qcAKTKB laaaibvi oocbt.
8 unH Montlav of January.
T . rrf M., nf il.rch. ;
Pit. Mun4ar of J una.
founb aUunilajr ol HopteotKer.
Pint M'tltday of Juno.
Seeuod MunJajF of Novmbr.
ruBLio omcBRB.
prtiUtmt Wje Hon. Cbarlta A- Mayar, of'k lllTD!,.
A-ititMt JHtllvn. Joba II. OrTii, of
Axiat Jarfie Ahrant OgdaB. Claarfleld;
VinrrM R Hull. Woo'lland.
fruikmftaiy Rtt Hlotna.
Hetfitfr ami Vrfr L all Morgan.
Ihilrict AtUtnrf W. M. MoCalloagb.
TrttHrtr David Mditmbcy.
Sheriff Andrew Penti, Jr.
ftiMHfjr A'areeytw Hamuel V, JkfcClokey, Cur-a-emvilla.
Count Cnmmitrinntrt Clark Brown, Clear
field i Tbi'iaa A. Me lie, Cbit P. 0.) Hurl.
llfiuvcr. Clearfield.
Count A udS ion Ch H t. J. K vy gT, fl leB
I!o) ; ISatnuel A Cildwell, M'tltiamsgroT ; Jobtt
C. Conner. Durnstd.
CoKuff Corourr J. B. NefT, Naw Washington.
Jury Commitiiohtrt r. J met P Durtbfleld,
Cleirlled, Joteib Aleiander, Wo"dard.
Suptrinlettdrml of l'blit SckouU - John A.
Ori-vory, Curweniville.
t;tarin 'MtSte- Jbn W. Wrlfcley, Vm. Ra
Hrl)NUh(b, Cyru Uoriloo, Clt'arflaldt Joaejib R.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, CorwruiTill j J. J. L ingle,
Oteaola Mill..
Oor Sfinl culumo ia dtctdvilly iDtarriting is
B l eal point of view, and jirofluble rtadiiig to
outrider wbo waot to cava ai'-nej.
luud " A Nuw I)cmituro in Lu-
ihctrliurg," ia oor dvf r fmg oulomoi to d;y.
. m m
A cur li)al of conl oil jiint received
and fur vale at w bolt-rale and retail, at Lytic'.
Jr. Siuuurt'tt dtiitul oAU-e in tho
Mtto-me buil'liog, ClrartiHti, wll be upon all wf
Bfll Wtek.
,i tnll u i ll 'h ctlt'hrutL'd Ih hikIb of Na
ry 1ilao-i, Dettai.e" and "Our Cboioa," ai
Ijllt'p, ao'c aucnt lor I'lrntflf Id couniy
aa- a -
A trachfiV JdOial Inttiiluto will bo
bi'M al LutniM-r ttty, in lb ia euunty. ub Friday
fit-it wtek, Janonry 2oih.
Our town Wui lively IuhI Saturday,
and evict qaeotly lb uierobmU did a good but
ttft. Tlic Ana li)hBit neountcd fur ll.
A nvw Htiily ol KtepV urtly-mado
hn. (juir tl UV each) jut rteitved at II A-Kraiit-r'i)
iiore. iioiiie the Oj.era Hou.e.
a mm
The Ki-yHttuiu Kurn it u ru Manufuc-
turiug Com puny t Tj rum tuni'itdud on tb 2Hd
vilt., in J iplotd I. P. Rat. Z'i., aniigora.
Mult Moian i " variety " show did
But draw tnuob ol a bouse at tfalr lcc lact Friday
venin;. It was a middling lair tlltiblliuo fr
t.c kind.
Five rinoiiern recently eftcaped fntm
the Wi'Slmoilfnl county jail at Orvonrburg, and
tao rt'i.a ned becauae they prelernd priin win
Isr tjoarii rs.
- e
.Mint lllum-hu Fitful, daughter ot
Lsnr Fleal. KS4., of Ltwrence township, loll
brm lait Monday morning to attend tbe Pitta
bur!) Female Cot..
lion. A. C. Tatu will accqt our
thanks for a copy of the report of tb Aaperln
tendmt of Publo Instruction, for the school
year ending June I, 1h76 i
s j
A fiihl horno. a i-oml'oi tahlo slt igh, a
arm bnflalo tobe and a haadsem yoang lady,
eufht to ratisTy tb ambition of almost any young
an at this trasa ol the year.
mm i amiii
When ono of our jours ankod for bin
gam rhoee, tb other day, be lound them behind
t!i stove, fat) of voal. Tbe devil hid misukea
the in for dy-goda boici
e ea --
Tho luru body of miow lying on the
fields is a gnat benefit to tho fail grain. - Win a
tb Acid, are well overed with snow the yield of
s Rood crop of wheat Is iavartsbty the case.
To j.rovont tol'ttct o f how ere from
b' ing xa Of-ed upon, L rillards hat put a tin
stamp In vcry plug of llulr tobacco. Tak B"n
unles stamped. Lytle Is sol agent ft.r Clear
Arid county,
" mm mm, :
Thoreimit of the t-ondilion of the
County Nat. lurk, at thr ! f I o1bhi oa the
S2d o D c- ash. r last, p ars Ib noibcr coIuiub
Tb staieti o shows ibis hank to b in a souud
floaneiat con tt an.
I)i-I. Attorney MeCnllongh and F.
O'l-earj B ok, E-q , have tortned a partaerabip
Ib lb ractirs of law. Their oftie Is In tb Ma-
to build in j;, on Fen nl stroet, second floor
See their ard oa thi- first pan of this paer.
mm mmm
11... ... I: i.i .1
a i I'll I iviliiwiii, iirvciiiij i i urni". lit j
at l urectr tile, was cuBTtetetl laat ck lor tne
larceny ot a bb, atid, la eonsequeoce thereof,
was hOiitaneed io an iniprlronnient la the Wttro
Prnitt ntiaty fur a pedmi of on year,
I'oMmawtor liaulin haa the Philadel
phia 7itNs Ala 'Bac, the New VurB World Alma
aac, and tl New York rriinae Almanac for sale,'
as wi ll as all the miicatlnea and da My newspapers
paillsbtd, end bo will ll tbeia iheaper at retail
than ou Mn buy thain elsewhere at bolt aula.
The aet-ond week ot Court called on
Mondy In si, but aa no PreilJent JoJgc was oa
band it adjouroed oniil Tusla worBing Jadge
M4j. r ai-rired ia th train on M"bday aigbt, aad
at this wilting be la disposing at bostnes la hie
nual rapid st lo. This week 1 lor the trial of
tivil causes, and but lew pi-opl are ia town.
The flu m ul two liuiiilred and eight
dt.llaia has been raised among tb employes of
tbt- roii and ticaifleld Railroad and tna cut
uniuf t'urwea.Tille, lor to reiiel of Condujtor
Crowiher, wtio wtu so badly soaldod iu tho rail
rotd accident near Oaciulo suia tlaae siooo. Mr.
Cibwiher t improving, bat alii ia all j robai.iltty
be a crip). I lot Hie.
ibbw ati iii
Wo holieu that our Benator, Hon.
8- K. Ptiic, baa beia pluSt-U VU tlio lulli.wlug tat
puiUot IVfeuiieei, Via l Federal R.latiuoa, Ju
aiciary Local, and Caualeand lalaod NaV .gallon
Rub. Aaroa C. Tat, our aoeajwer ot tb lluus
I lUprtaeiiiatn at Ilairitbarg, baa bea p
t'bioted oa Commitiws, as loll as t- Labor aad
Ifctuslrj, AKriculluro, aad I row aad Coal.
ii mm -wm i !-
lr. Fred, ltarret, twin of Hon. G. R
-lrf.u,u ,it0, ( Bbg wbo la residing la,
Jaukiou, Miss., pullvd ear laisb-string vaa ra
" Ut wk. During tb rreeat presidratial
"MUB ib Dr. gitioeted a newspaper of tb
Radical prrsoaaioB, but shurtly alter th el tie
xatt up ih, gmtltl tll- Basgowit meal "Rat by."
'be Dr. kUl aa iboogb tba bala.y a't of tbe
loo ib
freed wlib bin.
1 he lull ol miow wait tiuuaually heavy
I" tb nurtbera part ul tbts Male, oa tbe flit. la..,
end nooe, tnH mtuj of tbe drill ta Wayaown
y are lrnr, rrt MtK Tn roads la many
fl'Ses wvr iaiparsable. ead anl llt la bar a
)f Js ib s. me eaaer w re LarUd biaeatb tb aoow
fd bad to b dog out. Tb storm twatmeacow
L D.turd.y aad coaDaeid wnl.out latermissloa
boiii Atvaaay. Qs laraHr ta H ajae oonaiy eras
14 "spi.uly ,ket la by tha inew I bat be auold
1 tec I bn bar nat 11 eiaVd by bU
Ibbor. lle.togMboi with bla wif aad two
4htri, aaa-aarorad ta dig lblr waj Ml. bat
b.fem very a. a. aabaafM obea tlatdy ra
rr', ad ikey war evod flruaa ariaUeg
"vm Mitt aad mIA.
Mr. ami Mm. Ellis Irwin, of Shawn
riltt, tbti eouaty, eolsbrated tVIr golden wed
diag on Wf.U.Ki. j UH, (ht I lib to. I. Wt hart
no p rtieulari of Ik oasi.ia, tot uudsrskand
that a go id iloit washed b- all pre vat.
Wantki.! 1.0U0 cord of Hemlock
asd Hook Oah Dark, fur which we will pa; the
It if best marts! prion.
Jylltf. A O. Krahfr 4 Co.
Akhimhwknt Khraka. Tbti AKMiwunrh
ef tsT4 valued iba horses la car Bounty at $40,.
030, and for 177 they pal thru, d'.wo at 2.' ,?
The row were relumed at (SMSR three
A yminjr huly in tl w ..ure mt.lo In r
b.ibtal lofflrft fry pprobrUt Cbri.lai.i prr.
tnt. It ih aiotlo vorkrd oa brutol ao.rd.
aad readf al fallow. : 1 arrd thot artrj bour,"
Ofoeana ah. dnftt aaj Irtbo Indotrai
object of htr iffoeiioa doa aol titht Ibc b'.ot, he
.boold b towbldod.
We regret to notieo tho uiitiinelv
death of tba ooly aoa of Hen tor Dill, of Lewn
borg, In Ion .., wblrb ocourre4 laat week.
The Httl fellow waa tea year old, aod tb hearts
of bit pi re on were wrapd up io bin. All who
bat exparknerd a similar Inai can yro('tbti
with tLeej 1b tbelr lareavroinnt.
Mr. JatneH ii. Kividvr. n lormer t-m-
i1yol tbiaotSoc, boiooar lorcnaB ot the Wttk'y
Dudgtt, Bt Darts, I II inn Is, waa oarrUd to A(na
Annie B. Walkey, of that plaos, on tb 29tb ult.
Tb wedding ecrciminy tunk place la lb JM. E
Church, and naa witmased by a largo nutubrr ol
people. AI-, ''Jim" and bla btHe "live long
and prosper."
mm mm
A littlu mitiw. a liiilii rain, nioio
aw and tb.a a little more rain, tbu waailier
programoi lb latter part of last wk. Sunday
etenlng a Utile mire snow, and B MaJey a lit
tle aura snow lo the ikurnlnt and a good Iwal of
rain ia tba .Blng. Tba weathar in tbia latitude
will too a tval iba rbangrahl New England
A Poultkt Shipment. The Indiana
JVaiiMrwf o la War k rays thai Mlr. i'eter Unl.
die and Arch. Pounds, of ilcorgeville, Irt'linoa
couniy, thipprd a ear load of poultry from In H-
ana ttatioa on WeuBisday, the 3d iat-, eootsln-
lag over 1,800 chickens, 100 tuikeif, and 3U
geere. Tbey were bid iu a stck cur to
Dead. Hon. tiumueUS. JamiHon, lor
many years a nsldrot of Haiti-barg, Indiana
county, died in that borough on Tbnr-tay last,
in Ibe Mlh yiar of age. II was a j rutuinenl
DiDOeralic politician of the old school, and waa
wtll-kaoan to Bjany of cur citltrna, who will re
gret to learn of his death.
Prof. R. V. Voiingnititi. iVineiput ot
the Leonard tlraded School, will open a priruto
school ia tha Ltonard School building, in this
borough, abBt lb let of April aett. Mr. Yoang
man ia B IhorouRh acbolar and an cxoellrnt
teacher, and parrots wbo have child. en taducula
can do bo buu-r tbar. to amd them to bint.
- mm mm
Tho caw of Jthn l.rihk, who wnn
indicted for stabbing Joreph W bite, during tha
evening of Ih Republican pow-wew In this bor
ough last fall, was tried In nor Co art of Quarter
Setsiona last wee, and rcsoltrd in the conviction
of tha defendant. Brink waa seMibced by Judge
On is to pay a fine of aMO, costs of proneeuilon.
and o imprisoned ihrt-e B.oritbs In the ooumyjail.
Kci.ll'Hl-,8. 'i'tii! nun ih to ho eclitmed
.a aa invisible Banner on this Continent oa tne
16th of Uh.rt.-h, lb 9'b of August, and thu 7tb of
September, 1877. Tb aioon will andergo aimilar
treatmrnt oo the 27 ih of Psdruary and the 23d
of Aug uit. II ith of the rcltpsps ol' tne inooti will
be total, and thu one which ocouri In August will
bo risible (a ibe Cnited 8 rates.
The Mi'NiniMi. Ki.trnox. In nc-
enrdanoe with tb Constitution the oitttcii ol
Clearfll'l eou&ty, and, tn fact, la every couu'y ol
this 6tsU, will be n-qulrod to ilm th lr b r
ougb and township olficers on the Tbird Tars. lay
(lb 2Hb day) of February neit. Li-t there be a
united effort oa lb part f all to elect the very
best iiicb lo All those offlar-s
int of letlcnt reinainiiiic tineluiniod I
In tbe Postotflce at Clearfield, lor the week coding I
JHnuary 16, 1077 t
Fh'trhcr, Jamca R"gr, Tobias t
IJoslin, Mrs John Hriglrr, Mim A maoda
Kipbart, MissCordIi Hpsnce, Htubard
Ried, t F. W.H.d', Cam J.
Bti.'tb, Wm. M. Ubalintt, Mis Anal
8liiry, U. W. Wvtielten, A
P. A (Ju l IK, P. M.
' ' an s -
Continued. The vao of tho Com
monwealth agaiast Marin V. Turner, charged
with the murder of Mrs. W.iple.and ag iinst whom
th Orand Jury laat week retqrnel a tra brtl,
was hrcugbl beforo-ourt oa Friday tnorniag Ust
and on motion of Ih District Attorney oontlnoed
to March term. Turnr ee'ril bill In Ih sum
of $tl),0i 9 for his app-araBoe at that time, his
father becoming ht surety.
i a- aw
A Free Buidob. It gives us pleuH.
are to Inlorm our reader that we bavt one more
raaa sainoa within oar aoonty. Th directors
and stockboldetl of Ih " Uoodfsllow bridge '
have Sold their Interest la that structure to lb
county, and hereafter no loll will ha exacted for
passing over it. This is a slep lo tbe rijrbtdiree
tloa, sad wo hep ta live Intig t0"0gh to sao all
tb toll bridges ia the county declared free,
Ahead. Wo havo a file of the New
York Trim0 Almsoa from U60 ap to tb pres
ent time, and tho American Almanac froia that
date up to Ita demise, aa aell aa the New York
World -iy floo AlRMnafS, etc , but for th use
of Pennsylvaoians tb Phila lf Iphia Alma-1
nae ir It77 Is tar ahead of thi-m all. This Is the
bast stalls' Ice! docami-nt thai hai eve emanated I
from th pris, es tally In the matter of elctl o
returns. Prite, only ifl ceats. ; ,'
A Ii 1 1 lo girl, living in llio fiuutly of'
Mr, Joseph Vothers, and a pupil of tba Leonard
Oradfd Pnhftot, met with qoit a palnfnl accident
flr ih si hoot i all-ling Ut Fri l.iy. During r
tcss th cbildrca are. ia tbe bahitol )uiupii g upon
passing sleds and sleighs to g-t a rid. 1 ht lit
tle girl, Agnes Wtsor by name, got of en a sled,
and, lostog her bold, fell beneath one of ihe run
ners, which pastrd otr her foot and frauturad her
aokle-joinl very bud I. The praclioa of ahlldrtB
geitlog upo sleds, or any kind of a eonvsyn?
while In motioo. Is an ei'rrfiiely dingeious ono
and tf not abandoned may remit In a much mora
serious tojery. 1 ' '
mm m--mm
Siihinkaue. Tbro years ao the
Assessors of our county returned th 3J2,Vo7
acres of uatd land at a.ri,97,l6 i aow they
send ina return of 9;,r9l,7Nl,lit bouig a shrink
age of $1,2)19,1 1,60a. Iluw ia that for shrink 7
Well, says nB it wmld b all right if our county,
road, school and poor xpi ta would decline ia
a similar manaer t bnt tha vevera la th fact
l.vsrjtbici ia koibs to b oa the II. Tb
loss or gain ua seated propi ny we bar not ascer
UineJ A tabular statctovut of th work of tb
Assessor will appear la oar nail Uaue, aod will
give tb Ui-payeri a bird's j elew of their
ret eras as mad K tb Board at ram missiaa era.
Mihs Haker'h JjKciikk Tho lec
tor ot Mm Ann M Il.ikr, enilileii "U -ib
Sides of Llie," was tlcltvarrd to a highly appro I
oiailv Budieaaw la thu Court room, u Tuesday I
eeniag of laat k. H.r laiiaaag waa well
selected, and bir aellvery was loruiit, graceful ,
aad pleasing. 8k has an of that stage "
style wbtebta apt to avtrtak and capture ibe
laciont f Ih prtseat day but she baodiad her
aahjeet ia a masterly waanvr, showing that she
had given It a great deal of Itougbl aad stu-ly.
She sabiBM vloqueae, wit aud graa to a da
grt ailduw loutHl ia any eae poraoa. Miss Da
ker Is tb peer of eoy lady ua lb platfutm at
tb present nm.
ExpKNrtiva, Ww hud the tbroitgcHi
aad avil tipeusif Court last a that was r
held ia tb ouaaty, Tb Court ruvu was Jammed
lull aatil Tbmauay. Ib bill ol aipeiiae ol lb,
tiraa. Jary awvanied totbeaam of a2;9.Wd, a-d
ia Travers Jurors got away wi 96.aa. Tbl
la th largest sain rr paid for Jurors ia a slugi
eek. To mttbvMatraordiaaryelMaaaa, tbe
Assessors have raierued tb laaatda property of
th awaaty at mUtian tares aaitaWal wndoac
iea lAewsoaaf aWar fes tba a it was asessd al
ib re years ago. lmprovmnta ataoa Ib74 all
or. r hoard aad a shrinkage f tb abo amouat,
with teodltaM lacraosf-g aad alampag rte
rreasiag, aad aoal dealt. Krad. r, It's a paaalvr.
We aee it alaled in a number of our
ichaiiges that law prcroat Kiat Legislature wtli
b petitioned for a rt-faactmrat of tbt statai
kaowa as tb Iiucal Option Law. We had koped
thai Ibis week rated sjaistiua was seltud, as U
U aalte sure that tb lmpran la tercel eaa be
maeb bettor sabsartad aader proper license laws.
The Loaal Option Law, likes tba lamaaf Jug Law
u 164, pred to b a wst prodigioat faltarw,
aad iaoteed of pMotlag twmraaa H made
sat ski aad Hart al ram drlakrsaad law
of Iba btl kttra. If tba tempraa Baopw
aad law-abiding sitter vewtt s that tb piw
nl bw b) obeyed by l bo waa deal la Ibtaiieaats
It weald aetta tklr parpoaa mab betut tbaa any
asabibltoty Uw thai id be aaMatad.
Wt have welriM. fruin our towns-
an, Dr. R. V Wilson, who it tee of the Cma
Isslonera, Iba report of tbt Board of Commie
tinners of the Second Ueotoglnal Survey of Peoa
vanla, shewing tba work don by tbtai darlag
1S7. It contains a list of taoa'lea la ablet lb
survey la cotopleMw, a lilt of lboa partial); sur
vey cd. and a list of Ihnao which ba ant Jst
been lour bed. Tba CemssiasloaeM ask for aa
oppropriatloB nf $..0,00 for ah of tb years
and IttTV, id enlar In aoa. plate tb work.
New Cattle Carh. A now kind of
crd or bat lo introduced oa tbe PeBB.;lraBia '
I KailraJ, bit of lbs objteta cf it be:e( tb pro-
wl tb tu tiJi, liiUaJ ul il
aad they are Bianh narrower. Along tha sides of
tb car are It on lriajfb hlih, when Bot lo ate,
can be Inverted atwarJ, Iba loner Dang being
tbt-a ctcb with tb lasid of tbe strips to which
they arc attached. When la ass tbcit trough r,
which arc about ibre fot Ibk, are twang clear
witbio lb Sides, aod tby can easily bo I Med
trt'Ui ibe outside, as (be aperture above tb flange
Is high enough to a libit of a bucket full of water
being lnar!ed. Coal Trade. .Stato-
ucnt or Coal and other Ireigbta sent over tho
Tjnmc A Clearfield Dirlelon, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for lha week coding Jan. th, 1177, and
tho aauio time last year t
Wk, TOtf
For the werli m 1.VIS4
riaui tiuif t jer l7,o6
Iecreae ,. , 2,011
Previously during; year ;
miie time IhsI year
Increase M
Tola! Id l77 M 14,124
Marno time last ar H 18,100
otrkb rneioRra.
.... 18 cars.
14 "
Mimillatieous Irctglna
A January Flood. Tho Marietta
7. mm, of ih ltih int., says t MOur cltlaena
wvr aoioiwb4t aitoiehd last Saturday by tb
either am! dt ft Jy gajtiog Billder and a heavy
rain rnltino;. It did not reach up tbe river far
enniigh to cause any perceptible rise, although
further south ll biok lha lo up In tb etroame
aad a general opening up of tbe rivers. Tba
rain di 1 sum damage In Marietta, In letkiog
tbr-'ogh roofs, Injaring buildings and furnitur.
The roof ol Miller A Co 'a hardware building
sprung a leak, and tho water tint through la
such quantities that It soaked tb celling and
floor of the second and third floors and rnachad
tbe first floor. Tba lap story occupied by Susans-
henna t onncll, Jr, 0. V. A. M , was damaged to-
consldsrablo extent, the carpet aad furnitor
being badly damaged. Tbe damage on the I rat
and ati-rond floors was slight, nothing being wet
but banlnerr, which was easily dried."
From tho nrmiiHl report of the Slate
aupertnieient ol t'ut'Hc instruction Tor tb srbool
year ending June I, 167(1, just published, we take
the following statistics In relation lo tbe schools
In Clearfield county :
Whole number of schools la the aoaoty, 199 t
average number of months Uught, 9.28 j aomber
of nial traobera, 129 ; number of female teacher,
83 ; avetnge talents of mate teachers per month,
93.H2 : arerair salary of females per month,
$.HJ Ort j numrvfr of mats scholars In th eoonty
4,4 WO ; ruiobrr of fvinal scholars) 3,919 ; avrnga
number attending schoi-l, 6.609 j coat of each
schobir prr month, Ort cents ; total amount of tal
levied in tho county for rcb'ml and building pur
paaos, $in,6H 62 j total amount of Slate appro
priation, t7,2ofl..') ; received from tales and all
othi r sources, except Stat appropriation, fS5.
illfl 22 ; total receipts, fij,8j2.02 cost of school
bouea, ptircbjsins;, b.-lMing, renting, Ac, 9)9, -0IK.60;
amount pnld for teachers' wag. s,l8,otflj
aoiouot paid tut fuel and ooutingenciee, fee of
collectors, Aa, anl all other cxpeos, $10,
.V3.M; l"lal expenditures, $'13.641. 16, resource,
l26,fifl6.K7 lUbiliiles, 926.I9A 20.
- - e ai - -
Auftiot'LTCKAL Mkktinu. Tho mom.
here ol ihe Cli-aifl Id ounty Agricultural Socitly
oonvened In Ihe Court room on Mondtiy evening
of laat week, the 8:b Inst., lo accordance with
prevliins in noun cement. Tb mealing was oalled
la order by Nathaniel Kshel, Prep id eat of th
ctociety. Having st tiled ihe oi-jeot of tb tneetiog
the flectian of uflWrs lor the eosning Jar th
Oii-uibtrs at once proceeded tn elect the Pillowing
aamed gputlamea to sure for 1877 i
President- Nathaniel llishel, of Law re aoa two.
Vice PresuL'Ois tloo, M- Briabia, of Oseoola
W. D. Pit i re, of Bradford t woship.
Heoreiary II. Hoover, of Cb artleld.
TreasurerJohn MoUaoghey, of Ciearfleld.
Lxocuiivo Committee J. Roes U loom, of Pike
twp.; J. M. Mitiahall, ol Lawrence twp Tbiiaaa
titrong, i.r Jordan twp.; V C. Hcoal, ol Wood
ward twp i Richard Hughes, of Dccamr twp.
The Presiociit staled thai, ta eonscqucaow of
iba bard tiuiof, a County Fait bad baa bld
during tb past yar, but bo bupvd thai a simlar
itii'fertutio would Bot oc tur agio.
The turning was addnrsrd iy Secretary Hoo -r,
M tsar a. I. C. Meosal, ol Woodward township,
Juste Lints, of Ureii) lowiistiip.atd lleury Brih,
of Ikll tap., alltf wbitb lb u) cling adjourned
Tot.L Ftrar.. I hereby gie notice that persons
on iheear-t aide ol tht r vvr, bringing grist to m
mill, will b-allowed to pasa overthe U( per bridge
lre or toll, until December 1st, Ini7. Customers
will bear this in mind. .lien Attn KBaw,
Jaa. a. 177 9t
Ronntiful natur alTird no floor Spsoift for
akia ilieas than buipbtir, a fuel that is clearly
proven by ibo action upon Ih cartel aflliolsd
with eruptions or uk'eroua sores, of that supreme
p mirier, tllrnr.'s Kulpbur Hnnp. Drpot Crttten
loo'a No. 7 aSiath ve , N. Y. Hill's Hair A
Whisker Dje, b ack or hr -wo 50cts. I 4w.
Rronrra Foa St,a, R. Newton Shaw beeps a
full supply of Kredonia Bugjrles and Plaltnrsj
Wagons fur sal. To be aeon at th Knew If oor
yinl Call oa or addresa him at Ciearfleld Pent
syhania. may lS-tf.
HcarritH of Money.
There la nodouM but th present oonditinn of
a 11 klntl of bUflr.if eoo industry la frarlutiy de-presBi-d.
and it b hoove avar family ta snob
cHri-rullv to their expenses Winter isenratng oa
whrn children are liable lo ('map, Whooping
Coomb, oto. Coiihfbs and ('olds will prevail every
where, and Consumption, with other Ihrnat and
lung dieeaops, will carry off many. The dis
ease Khi-util nut be neglected. Doctor's bills ar
etp.ii,siro.nitd w wou'd advise our pe-'ple to as
R ns.a"a Uknham Srari. It avr ha I at 1ml.
One b"ttl at 76 cents will keep your whole family
will daring th winter. Two do will relieve
any eaai. hold in all towns In th Uaued btataa,
and by ynr DrUKgist, C. D- Wa'son, ClearflrlJ,
Pa. eprl, '76-oowly.
rm i:.w:ifr h ill iri.r.
A tew year since the prnprieinnt of Jr. Morris
Sirup of Tar, Wild Cherry nd llorebound Intra
ln-ctj it her. It waa not puffeil, hut sold na Its
mm it Our people soon founl ll t ba reliable,
and alrradv it has beo 'm the most staple and
popnlur pulm oiry remedy lo the market. It
qnlfkly ouivs tlioivtoUhtba, Ottlda. eroap. toroe.
chilis, asthma anrl inoljneni oonsumption. Noth
ing arte so nlrelv In whooping anjrt, and It is o
pieaaMBt thit children readily tab it. Contain
log no opium, or oihcr dangerous drug. It is as
sale as it Is sare. Trial eiaa, 10 eonta ; lor sis,
6tt et-tite ai d on dollar flnld by C. D. Wats n,
and II art nick A Irwin, DruggiaU, Claarfleld , Pa.
Prof, Parker's Pleasant Worm ftyrrp I per
fectly sale, eitrriarly palnlehle. N pbytc re
nuirid Costs 26 i nts. Try tt. For sal by C.
l Watson atd Itartswick A Irwin, Ckrarfla.d, Pa.
mrh 2V!fow ly.
Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen.
IPJTr.n-b) Arnold. at Curwenanllp.
10. 000 poundtf pork.
1,000 biiKlicls wheat.
1,000 buslitilrt rjo.
1.000 LuhIil'Ih outs.
1,000 bunlicls uliellct corn.
1,000 bushels potatoes.
ItMMKMI VH-lnrlt ahatrd ahlng'ea
liHHMNi V4-hii h aiwrd ah in k lea
ItHI IMM Irat phi vwarda
A.1HMI railroad ilea.
t.4HNironiBoak and hemlock bark.
For which oncthird ensh will
be paid. oct.25.
In Ilradf twashi. Therdaf. Janeart 4lb
I s7 7 . pbetw Ann, Haughier ol J -hn P. and Sarah
Ana Overdorf, sged 9 y-ars Bof 2 da.
In Lawrenc tawnshlp, fl Satardae, J. flth,
I6;7, at croup, Harry flalvla, son of John A. and
Clara Wilier, agi-d years, i mnain ana a nays
Wa'ted on an f els' plalnns, to his bom In th skies,
Oaf Harry has gone th Kedeeaser la
Who dors not th littl at pass by, ar dvsplee,
But says, " Salter tbeia t come ar ia m 'r
Th-a, with humM snbmlssloa w hosr ta film will
W ha I rm ua oor darhwg B-ir beih rieoa.
With a bop ibl whea w beta aa Iwager shall
Wiaball act him la ta fair ansae of Doacaa
a a a
la Ranald boroaab. Clear laid aeantr. Pa , oa
F nard ay, Jaa. 1877, Amelia basoa, rnnfe of Jaaact
MaMarray, a 9T yean.
(WllaUsMportaal Baltefaaes papers ploasaaopy )
Cim T.J.t, Ju. Id. 1177, bjr R.t. J. V.,
Mr. glrphra H. Mrl.k.r ind Hln A. nl. L.
KilUr, both bl llMbHioa, Ctwrfltld tua(jr.
On T-HT, J. ti. 1877, ky tn. J. P. T.ll
kila, Mr. Jim h. Chrk ud Mia AnaU C.
UMl), bulb ol MmbftSBoa, Cnftrflsld oountj.
la lb Lulharsa Cbasrb it B1obiIb(Isii,
T.d7 olc. Ju. lib, I "77, by K P. H.
Nbirk, Mr. Philip A. Lon d Mir. Urj I.
Hvoplti, both at UlMiuibgluB, Ctrsrltld oDtj.
I'euiiMj' 1 vim lu llai Iroad
O and after Monday, NOV. 27, 1S78, tba
Passenger Trains will rvB daily tttoept 8uav
days) btwea Tyrooeand Ciearfleld, as follow :
a ih.i
W, C. lawta, Coodootar.
CurwensrllUS It, a.M
Olearflld....l.l0. '
Phtlipaburg.d.-I, '
Oaeoola 4.47,
ryron A.4I0, "
Tyroa WH... 9 lP.a.ti.
Oweola ....... n JU,
Philipaburg...l SN, '
Clearbald 1 1 .4.
WJj. PtPMMBB, CoBdacto
Oseoola ......
Tyroa ,HM
6.fl5 a. at
T.41 M
1M 11
Tyrol,..., ...T.10 r.a
Vail T.22
Osceola M...S2 "
PhilipebBrg...Mfl "
Clearfield, ar....4 ' 10. vO "
Bap. Mail. Mali. Kip.
r. M. A. M. p. H. a. m.
7 "0 leav Tyrone arrive 6.11 1 .00
T.I6 . t.47 Bald Bsgla 6 1S 12.41
7.67 30 Jnliaa ll.fr7
8 20 9.65 Mileeburg 4 46 1 1. AO
tmi 10.06 Bellefont 4 17 11.19
1.42 10 16 MitVehnrg 4 ti 1 1. 04
.06 I o 40 Howard 4.0 l.4
9.46 11.11 arrire L. llavaa Isav 3.26 9.66
Paciflo Eap.-oaa,
liarri-bu'g Aec'a),
8.60!pitiaburg Eap'aa,
9 16
, 48
Paciflo Eapreaa,
p a
Mall Train.
Allan tie Kipreas,
PLi i la 'da Etpreaa,
War Passenger,
Mail Train.
1 16
Fa at Lin,
Cloe soanactioas mad by all train at Tyroa
and idoci iioTon,
S. 8. BLAIR,
mylT-tf. SuprlntBdat.
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
ON and after Moaday, December 4th, 1876,
the passenger trains will raa dally (eicopl
Hun day) betweea Red Bank aad Driftwood, as
follows I
KAfcTWARIW Day Mall lravsa Pltlshurg
8:16 a. m.i Red Bank 11:46; Sligo Jonctloa I2:t'2;
New Bethlehem 1:60 a. .; Mavsrill 1:1m
Troy i :;tv i nroOKvtr i:JT i Fuller s i Sry
cold. rllle l .n i DuRoiB97l Summit Tunnel
8:24 I PenfleM 1:46 Weedvill 4:041 g Ueoesatts
4:Z arrives at iirmwood at o;!2.
W VMTW AKl)Day Mall leaves Driftwood
12:01 p. m : Benasett 12:66t Weodvill 1:1:
Penile Id 1:41; Summit Tuanel 2:0.1 ; DuBots 1:16;
Heynoldsvlll 1:40 rullsrs 7:b i Brook villa l:22j
a iuj ,u ma in i.a.i i juw pnaiigm j. i , (
Sligo Junction 4:68 Red Bank 9:16; arrive at
Pittsburg at 7:68 p. a.
J4T Tbe Ri-yBoldsvill AocommodBtloB leaves
Riiooldsvilla dailT at 6:30 a. m.i and arrives at
Red Bank Bt 8:20 a m., PitlBborgb at 11:16 a. so.
Leaves Pittsburgh at 5:20 p. a i Red Hank at
7:;i0 p. m.; arriving at Reyooldsvitisat 10:6 p. m
Ctas eonaectlna Bad with trains oa P. A E
It ail road at Drill aood, aod with trains oa tbe
Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank.
DAVID MvCARoO, Un'l Sap't.
A A. Jackson, hup'i L. U. Dir.
Sl.l.lrXT t HtlL.-Ths undersigned will
open a private school ia th Leonard build-
ti.g, la Ciearfleld, Pa., oa or about tho 1st af
April, 1M77, to continue eleven weeks. Instruotioo
10,1 and taorougB. frms reason .!.
Ciearfleld, Pa , Jaa. 17, 77 2m.
Hsraafier, goods wilt b sold for CASII only,
or ia ear bang for prodace. No bowk will to
kept ia tb luiara. All old accounts must be
titea. Twos waa eannoi eaB au, will pea
hand orer their aotas atd
I am detcruioed to scfl my aooda at cash
prioos, and at a diaooant far below that vr
offer. I in tbta etotnity. Th discouat I allow mt
customers, will make them rich io twt atr vears 11
tbey follow my advlos aod buy tbelr goods from
1 will dot each for wheat, oats and clover-
Lathrsborg, January 17, 17T.
RIIPOHT of the condition of (he COT NTT
NATIONAL RANK af Ciearfleld, at Clear
uool, ta tbe State of Pennsylvania, at th oiosa
of business ob December 12, 1876 :
Loans and disooanls..,
$1.1,936 06
1 9W1 12
, 76.OH0 9
L. 8. beads to secure eirculatioa
Other stocks, bonds, and aortgagca...
4,' 00 00
9,0 il 46
1,261 9
l,S2l 6t
lu from aiiproeed teserve ageota
Due from other National Banks.- ,
Doe from State Banks and Hankers..,
Real estate, fornitore and Bitore
Current oxponaaa aad laze paid,..n.
S ! US
ChMike aad oibareaeb Item.
Bill.of other Bankn.
fractional earreBoy,iaeludmg aiokela,
Iltal'tsndur ootci
I 47 IH)
Hi i
l,7U (III
KedoBipttoB road will U. B. I'raaa
Brer . par aent. ofcirralauoa)
I.S7S 00
....... 257,2Jt ii
Capital atonk paid la
Iion.oon oo
20.11110 oo
IO0l 41
rurplaa luml ,
Other nndiri'lad prollte
National nana not.a out.landiag.M...
Individual drpopil, latiieet to rheek..
07. ..0(1 00
42,1124 47
10, I, ,1
XI 41
7 ID
Tiaia ..rtiloaue af d.pueit H...M
Hue to utber national llatiN..
Dae to Htata baoke and banker.-
....n't?. ill it
.?tnr. . -raa.yroato, CUarfitld Caaary, S8 1
I, w . M. Nhaw, ta.bier ai ibe tounty nallonnl
Dank uf Clearnrld, do aolrmnly .wear that the
alHite etatentrot ii true to the belt of my knnal.
nlge and belief. W. M. RIIAW, (.'..bier.
habaanbed and iworB lo Belora ma tbia 1 2lB day
of JaBuary, A. II. IH77.
dOUN IV. W Kltll.E V, Pi . r.
Cvrml Altreli JOHN T. VYKAVKK,
Oct. II, 1H7I. Iiireatora.
bnerui S
Dy vtrtoe af sandry wrlu of Fitrt Fnein Is
aaod out ol tba Ooart af Cnmmna Pleae af Clear.
Seld Bounty, and io me d I reeled, there will bo
i posed to pahllo sale, at tbe Conn Iloasa. la be
lomagh of Clear laid, oa) Sat or day, tha 81 day
ol Fetruary, IrtTT, at I o'sloek p. ., tho M
lowing desertbod real aetata, la win
Tho following real aetata ettaateia Brady twp.,
Clearbald s-.antj, Pa., bonoded and daserlbvd as
fellows! HegiOBtng at a posit thenno aaat one
hundred aerobes lo a poet j tbeaaw aorth aa llae
of lands of Joba BdioKor twfoty sevaa perrhes j
tbenea ennta eifhti-sevea aegraes woet oaa hun
dred aad one parvbos to a poeli theaee Birth aa
line uf lands ol tieorgo Smith to piaoe of begta
aiag, own tain iag tighteea aerea, aiaetv-svan and
two- teotb rerekea, wiia mi or eigttt aoroe a tears d,
aad having a two-story frame dwelltog hoase
ltia.14 loet.aad a aiaOM iBiva loot taetwan ereoua,
lelug part of a larger traet of land aoaveyod t
Kiiaa Hi. tell by dead beariag data taa lata daj
Vraowbor, IMS.
A Ins one other iraet of load lt Jato la Brady
tow usn ip, tvvaaded aad desert Bod as follows t Be
ginning at post aa leans at u verge anaer
ttitave aortb alaeiy-foar and one-halt p.-rsbes to
a poet tbenee oast aa Una of lands ol Adam
nuaou ono aaoarsa ana iweaiy-iour pereaes to a
poet tbaa re eoata oa Ilea af loads of John
Kisbell aud M. U. Kishell aiaaiy far aad obb
half perrhes to a eteaej ihooee west aa hue ai
auda af 0, Aaam Weaver obb honored aad
iwooty four perehea io plaos of beginning, aon
tatamg saeooiy-tbroa aa es aad lbirty.eigbt par
oboe, with a ooat iwa aad aae-aalf aaroa eloarod,
ao baviug a large si earn an mill akite lent.
with vagina feoaao liaea Ivrt, one Iratae Baee
laaSO teat, wit a wing I Sal feet, I stories Stab.
owe ISaSI feet, two stories high, ono house
IBs 1 teat. If) started high, aad a stable flank
loot tharooa ereoted. Seiad, Ukea ia oiesatloB
and lo bo sold as tbe proper I) al Joba T. Mishsll,
Jaaaoe Ml iea, and J. A. tttsaell.
Tanas ar BLa. Ths pnee ar saw. at whlek
lha property shall aa straek off moat be paid al
iba urne af sale, or saeh a her arraagemeats
mada as will ba approved, etberwtso to property
will ba Immediately pat ap aad sold agaia at
aa aapoaao aad naa af tae per sua in waeei it
waa etnsefe af , aad who, la ease af deieisoey m
swob to sale, shall maBa good aha same ad Ib,
aa ibs la aoa will aha tood aa proaeatod la Oowrl
far eonSrnaaUea anleas tba maajey is aetaatiy
paaM a i aaarlf .
Baaarrr4! Or?m, Bbonf.
OlnrtBta.raw Jaa, lf(IHI.l
A N ELRl'TIONTbirewlll u a bmIIbi
2. al IhoHooknoMin of Iba W,,J.. .
urick Co., limited held at 'Loir oil ia oa Than
day, Jan. II, IK77, at I aWk a. a., la .loot
Ibarr, to Mrva fur tbe aa.olnir roar.
Woodland, Jaa. 'TT-.U dleralai;.
Flam and BpeciHoati; rr all hiada
of bailJinji. All aor Brat ela... buil t
lag a aiieei.lly.
I'. O. addreii, Claarlold, tt. Jan.l T-Trtf.
ft M." ii&tAAtf. '
D i . j J. .'it. i.,' , " ', '
Runbargar CiraiU. ia to., Fa,
Keeps aa band all kinds af Haraeai. Saddles,
Bridles, end Uvra FurH"biBg tloodi. Repairing
prumpuy attaaaea to.
Rumbargvr, Jaa. 19, 1677-17.
Th undersigned would repectrullT Inform
tb public that bebasofw-uod a MbUr MARKET
at lb old stand oa Market Street, wher be will
keep regularly on band all kinds of ,
F-R-E-S-ll M-lA.T.,
aad will guarantee aatietactloa ia prices aa well
as la tb Quality of men' "flared.
Ciearfleld. Nov.22,'76Jf. KZRA BROWN.
A Repository of sVaatiluii,
Pleaaurc, aud
IlarperN Itaur.
Nolirtt mf fas f .
For strictly household matter and drcis, Hir-
ptf a ifosai is altogether tne oi-sl thing publMhcd.
To lake It Is a mailer of fBtiit, No l idy eaa
afford to be w it hoot it forii information it gives
will save bcr very much more mn-y tha ihe
sahaeriplinn price, hesid giving th b lusrbold
an In? erTHt) a lilerar tif 4'k;,9t, Jottrmmt.
U-trfMr'i Butar Is profately iliuxraleJ, and
oob tains atorios, poems, nJ oaara of a moat at
tractive character In iu liierarv and
article featurne, lb tt'unr Is umpienionnhiv th
best Journal of its hind in theeointry. Hntmrdag
ElHHiny OatttU. U Btou.
Postage free to all fubacrlber la the
United Hiates.
IlABrra'a Baiah, on year. $1.00
$4.00 includes prepayment of I. S. nostaac be
the publishers.
SuhscrlptionatO 11 RPtn'a Maoai Dta.Wrf bi.v.
aod Baian, to on sxldrss for cue year. $ IU 00 ;
or, two of Harper's Penedlctls, t one address for
ooeyoar,$7 HO, post a (re fre.
Ab Riira Copy ofMiher tho M (Alin,WaaiiLT
nr Bar ab will Be supplied gratis for every CI oh of
Five Si BtrttiBKRa at $4. no each, In on remit
tance) or, hit Copies for $20.u, wiibual eiira
copy,postnge free.
nark Auuibon eaa a supplied at any time.
The Volumes of th iVos-i- commence with the
year. When bo time la manfimed, It will ho
understood that tb subscriber wtbe toeommenc
with tb number next alter tie r ocelot of his
ord r.
Th Annual Volumss of IlAnraa'a Bairr, In
Beat ektb bindio.?, wi I be sent by eipr. tree of
expense, for 7 10 each, A tvinplet Set, son.
prlrjig Nine Volume, seat on rnouipt of cab at
tb I at of $6 36 par vol., freight al expense of
purchaser. ,
Clotb'Caeai for each volume, sellable for bind
Ing, will b sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of
ll-UOearh. !
Indeie to each rolume sent gratis on receipt of
S'twptfUtt ars Rot lo enpff udrtrtittmrnt
mtkunt tk tfprtn ordfnf H amCKB A llROTttHS.
AdJNis HARPER liliU o, New York. I
J.nJ it.
l)utiueallonaliH the brat sualalncd work
of the kind lu the Wond."
Harper 3Iapizino.
4VofiVes of the Prm,
The JfrtroiiNs has attained la its on anartcr
eenturyand mora ofxislenoa tolbit p iiut where j
-ij in- riu i n, m in worai oi ur. oi,ns(in.
''It is vain lu )Um and uela fn prai " The
lualriof its long ago-a'tained repmation has ia
ori-ased as the ) ears' hate pa-aed, and its fuiar
seems as bright If aol brighter than at any time
Sine the goidefl hue of proijMirit r arMled arouud
Us later HBd hii dnys H'onlrig Ktg't.
Hnrptr't Nnnth'tf is marked bv the earn char
aruri.itcs which gtv it circulation from thr
first with the heller clan nf reader. It combines
reading matter with illustrations in a wt to
make clear and vivid the fact presunted. Pictures
merely designed to catch the era of Ihe ignorant
are never inserted. thieagm Jourmul.
Poatage free tn all s-abacrlhcrs In the
Untied HtniciB.
HAaraa'a M aoaux. uma..aas $1.00
$4 90 iacludse naymrntot t'. S. poatsga by lbs
Suiiscriptinnsto nnran't Mtoii"c.WaicRi y,
aod HaSaB, Io on address for on year, $(! Ott ;
or, -wo of IUrr' Perio lt.aiSfto oo address fur
on )er.n postage fre.
An Extra Copy of either lb Maoaiis a.WatKty
or Basab will be supplied gratis lor every Cmb
of Ktva St-RscHinnns at $4 U each, fn on remit-
la nor j or, Si a Copies lor,. without tra
opv. iros.o Ireo.
Hark Namtwrs own be aopplled at any time.
The Volumes of the 'ijumr eomiucurw with
the Nuuihrs o Juaeaod DHsatuber ul each jer.
Cuoseriplitina may u.menoa wl h aay namber.
When no time I specified, it will b understood
tint ihe luttsi-ribor withes to be in with tbe first
auniber ai th uurraiit tot me, aud back numbers
will be s-at accordingly.
A ouiplet it uf Habpbb's Maoaiirb, now
eompnsing 6.'t Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will
besml by cxpres, ftsigbt ictpt'B of purchaser,
for $2.26 p-r eidum. Single volumes, by mail,
posipaid, MOO. i:jih casvs. lor binding, 6
cents, by mall, postpaid.
A I'ompl-i Aoiyiical Index to th first Fiity
Volumes of Hauibks Maoaiikn has just oeiB
pubiUbed, rendering avwiluhl fur reference tb
vast and varii-d wealth ot li.fwrmailon wbtoh ooa
ktltutee Ibis periodical a reflect illustrated hiarary
ovobmedia, flvu, Cloth, $a.0i Half Call, $6.26.
Sent postage pr p4id.
VviKpiirrs nrs nnt la cone (ll adceiseairaf
without ra f.rp ea enVsi-ff II ahi k a llnorHK. UAKi'hK A II H Ort, hw lurk
1lNIelhlAL AfIMI:.T
AFI'i;I.M rtlll IHTT.
NOTICF. s hereby given, thai tha Commls-
elnnses of Cle rlld ooonlv will meat lha lai pay
era at tho following named planes, for ihe pur.
pose or nearingan'l determining anneals on llie
tri ennial assessment for The lima for
nr"rinS erpeeia wni ne oeiweaa tne a oars or v
appeal win nm nva tor
Corwsnsvills. nt the Amerlcaa Hotel, In said
borough, on Friday, February 3d.
Pise, at ihe American Hotel, la Curwsnsvllls, on
Saturday, Frbrnary Sd.
Goshen, at the 8hwivil 8 -hool loose, on Mon
da. Fahraary sin
GirarJ. al t;.mgres Hill School Hnuse, on Tues
day, February nth.
Karthaas, at the house of Jr.seph Itupler, oa
Weilnesdav, Frhrnarr Tb.
Covington, at ibe publte h1 oe of John Mulson,
nnThorsdav, F'hraarr, 1th.
Graham, at Ihe lluhlrr llnmer-tead, on Frllay,
Fi-bruary Oth.
firadiord. at iba hotel at FligW si itlou, na Satur
day, Fahraarv llb.
Bgns, at th hoase of Kdward Albert, on Mondiy,
February 2ih.
Wallaoeio, at the hit el In said borough, on
Tuesday. F. bruary tih,
Morris, it Mra. Kisnhower 'l, lo Kylortown, oa
Wrdma a,Fbrnary Uib.
Deralur, at tho residence of Kfflhard Hughes, oa
Tharsday, February lAtb.
Osi-oola, at Host's hotel, io idld borough, en
Friday, February ISb.
lloatadaia,at tho boa -a of Jamea Iunn, In said
borough, ob Saturdoy, February ITth.
Woodward, al tha rrsidenee of This. HrndrsnnP
Ib satl lawnsblp. on Mndiv. F hmry I fin
Gull eh at Ihe hmol in Janrsvilla, In said town'
hip, on Tuesday, Fi-hruary ""Ith.
Itreearla. at tbe put.iio boune of W. V, Mays, in
UlSD ll-.f.-, OS Wcdo"fa?, F-hrwry
Jordan, nt tne hotel tn Aosonvllle, ta said towa
ship, on Iburrday, February TiA.
Ferguson, at the root dene of Jorph Moore, lb
said township, en Friday, Febrotrj 2: .
Knot, nt Turkey Hill (vhool llnus-, Insaidtown-
bip,on Satanlay, Fe.tro'vry tub.
Luiiabor Ctiy, at the hen-s uf Israel floppy, on
Mooday, February Jth.
Newlmrg. at Ihe hotel ia said borough, oa Tuea-
d-iy, Fehruary 2th.
Chesi, nl Kirabaiigh's seliotl house. In sal J fwp ,
on Hodoostlay, Fehruarv 1Mb.
New tVa.hingion, at the p i'die tinu of (s'rg
W. Uivts, ia said boroofjh.oa fiiurlay, Mjreb
Ilanside fwp , at Y-a tg's sahnit hotiis, In said
Iowa hip, ua rn-lay. Mreb 3d.
Borasitts bur., at llBueti s ti'ti-lt ta aild brtviitb.
ott Saturday, Mar JO XI.
Bell, at iba bens.-of Kbrt MahilTny, la Said
tuwnnbip, ua Jlondar. Mr-h sth
Ureeawoo,.,M the hotel la Be ! Il.s, In -aid twp ,
oa, M .rob Stk.
FeBB, at tho oivetioa house In Pfanvlllr, n said
wwaship, aa W t-duosilei Mareu 7th.
Bloom, it iBeeleeti nr nwuse in aaid township, n
Tboisday, Maieh th.
Brady, al tbe putoue Bouse of Cnanual Kuolft, In
Uolloi.,oa Friday, Maroh Vh. A I mi, at .he
pool is boa ol Wm. ivbein, jr.. iu Luihvrs-
barg, oa aatarday, MarsB Ivib.
Caioa, at tho store hars af U. K. BmSaktf, In
anidlewaahip.aa Monday, Marsh llirt.
tluatou, w tko putjllo boueo ul dames Ssboleld,
in t'sLbeid, on rues lay, Mat eh lAth.
Law re bob, at tho CommiFSienars' OiBoe, ua Wad-
Beeday, Ma rob Ml.
Oieartttid, at the Commissioners' Omea, oa Tbnrs
cay, M.rab isia.
NuflCK la Blsabetehy glvea to tha Assessors
of lha several Brugbs an iwabip, that looy
be pre pent wiU tba Moaid al tuu.isluaers on
tba day at Appeal, ia iBir ra-peotive disiriew, as
well as all parenas wao may tel ibetoielvoe
aggrieved. A general aipoal will ba bsid at tbe
twHsmiasioaers' often, eu the lb, tb and in
das ot Meeh neni, niter abioh no nppanl will oa
bi-aid. t ba Aseewaors are mquirad u gitt eaoh
laaaote a wrtnea or priaiew wwueo at tne kiai
aod aajeoiit wt proworiy be or she la as ai
luut Bva aas btwa tae day wl appval.
T. A a suit KM.
Attest i MAKhUUuuVIH,
ti. K. OeaBLABaaa, (ntostoaef.
Cmlaalawors' OAae, CI sari fid, P JM,
(Dur Own dutrUifmtut.
Fablifbed tv.ry W.dneada; by
Hbb tht l.arg-cit Irrttlatloa. of Bay patr
lu KortliHaatora fdaaaylvanla.
aaa.aMa. w.
The large and couelantly increaoing
circulation of tha Republican.
renders itvaluable to business
men as a medium thro'
which to reach tbe
Terms of Subscription t
If paid in advance, . . . $2 00
If paid after three months'. . 2 50
If paid alter siE months, . . 3 00
When papers aro cent outside of tho
couniy puymont must be io advance.
Ten linea, or less. S times, . fl 50
Each subsequent Insertion, 50
Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50
Executors' Not icon, .... 2 50
Auditors' Noli t-e, .... 2 SO
Cautions and Eslraya, . . . 1 50
Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50
Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 5 00
Special noticos, per lino, ... 20
One aqnaro, 10 linoa, . , . SS 00
To aquaren 15 00
Thrco Bqnareri, 20 00
Ono fourth column, . . . . BO 00
Onc-hnlf column, .... 70 00
One column 120 00
V hars always on ham! a largo stock
of blanks ot all descriptions.
Ac, Ao., Ac
We are prepared to do all kinda of)
1'KOtiRAM ME9,
Itll.t. HEADS,
4o, Ac.,,
Goodlander & Iiew.
Qcarllrld Connlj. Pfc.
JWicand inisrrllanrouf dtrrtUrnrots.
Hound for Fleck
And Great Bargains
-AT- '
Wa laka plraiora In iBforBjlnjr nnr friendi ttiat we bar, Jart ratorBrd tram the Ea.tcrB Citira.
and fonod RO'id. at racb In price ibat w. era to a.11 eh-apar Ibaa any athar baaiar.
bouaa ia Iba eouatry, barauM w ara bBlsg oar good. Iron fir.1 baudf, at tbe Factuf iea, for ea.b
Ve bopa to iatliirJ er.r;body. aad t.a tha worth of tb. atoner, and ,aaranUa Ilia faode to b.
ae rppreernted. Wa iovite oor frieoda to giTB aa a call and eaimine ear guode, aa it will ba foi
their lenaflt.
Btar-k Alpacas, Rlaok Cashmere, Black I.astr. Plaid Press (Lida, faliros. Muslins and (llnghams. ,
Waterproofs, all enlnrs. Ladies Cloth, Riaek beaver Cloth for costs, Men's aod boys' Cash- j
nsres. Of this line of goods we hare aa eletaui stoat, and at right prieea. , i
dermal. town Wools and Eephrrs. Ralmnral Varas. flrey and White Yarns, Carpet Chain, Notions,
Collars and Cuffs. Corset- all prieea, Ladies' Tie, llatioas, Laers and Fringes, Ladies Bud
Ibifdren s Hose aad laUrrwear,
Nsw Panniers
New Kmbrodiery and Handkerchiefs.
dents' Fornlshing Ooode.
Vnderwoar. Cock and Kid Gloves. Cloth aod Borlin Olores.
Silk Usadksreblefs and I inen If audkerrhiefs. Suspenders and llosa. Wool Socks and Mill
. Nsw Tira Ties all tha latest stjles. Lmbrei'ss, Ao.
Millinery and Fancy Onnde. -
Hats and Bonnets Trimmed to Order Naw Wings, New Peat hen.
New Velveteens. Silk Velvets,
Having tucceetled in gelling a
do not intend to be undersold in
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Sept. 27, 1870.
CloarfiVId, Pa.
hot iea is hereby nivea that Lottersof Ad-
Bjinistrattoi: on lha estate or JOHN CLF.ARY,
lata of IMooa township, CloarSeld auaaty,
PaH deeeaed, having bean duly granted to the
nnderslgned, all porsoas Indebted to said estala
will please seeks Immediate payment, and those
having claims ar demands against Ihe same will
present them peaperly aulhenttoeted Sr setUe
ment without delay. JOHN SMITH, .
Forest, Jaa. 1. '77 St. Administrator
Ntlee ia hereby gleen that Latter, of Ad
uiiui.tratlon aa tha aeuia of CM A 4. (If KNOT,
i lata af Ooviogtoa eownabip. Clearleld aoanty,
Pa., deewwed, having been doly graalea to the, all potion, indebtml to eald aetata
will pleaae aiaka immediate paymeat, aad thoaa
barlog elaiaie or d.mand, will prarent them
prnperly aathentieated for ettleraent without
Frrttohi Ilia, !'., Jan. 10,'77-ll
Nfflre Is herehv alvea that Letters of Ad-
anHlstratlon a the esute of JANKS T. Me
lililCKKN, lata af Kas township. Clear noli
aomuty, l'a dre'd, having been duly granted ?
taa aandrrrigned, all persons Indebted ta said
stale will pleaae make immediate payment, and
these -having el alms or d.mands will present
thorn apTCbirerlv nothenlioated fr eetllcmeni with
New IkltporL Jaa. S, IS7MU Adm'rs.
"i AITTION. All nrrsons aro harebv cautioned
J against purchasing or in any way meddling
nk iha lotlowing property, now tn porsessitin of
1 .loasph Kitchen, r Chest lwnhi,i, via 1 One
.j fleighfOns-half Ibterest in spur sll, I eook stove,
1 set flhalia, I led and brad tag, 1 gin. 1 pig, 1
f log sled, one halt Interest In threshing Batch toe,
j lot of straw, lot of bay, I set harness. I saddle, I
plow. 4ii bushsU oais, ti hi shels potatoes. 10 bu.
with uim ub loan only, subject ta our order at any
lima J. A.J.J S A YDKK.
Bower, Jan. 10, 1077-At.
CAUTION. All persons art- hereby u tinned
against purchasing or in any way snealdling
with tbe following propt-rty. now in possession of
James Kilcben, o Cnest lown-htp, via t One sal
harness, 40 bushels eats, 1 harrw, oonk store,
I bed and beJding, I eow, 1 two year old, I pig,
I gun, 20 bnshals buckwheat, Ii bushels potatoes,
I sheep, oae ralf interest ia spar end, 1 roan
horse, I bay mare, lot of hay, lot of straw, one
half Interest la threshing mac like, I wagon, as
ibe same beloags to as, aod Is lei 1 with him on
loan only, subject to our ordt-r at any time.
Bower, Jan. 16, ISTMt.
All persons are hereby cautioned against
purchasing or In any way meddling with the
lollowiitg property now in the possessi-n el Jesse
Dillon, uf Bi-ocaria township, eiat One spotted
mare, I roan mare. I roan eolt, I Sorrel eolt, t
milch sows, 4 head yoang cattle. I two ho raa
wagon, I spring wagon, I two -horse tread power,
all ibw grata la tha bushel and In tbe grooB i,
household and kitchen furniture. This property
wis purchased by me, and Is left In tha po-sea
sioa af said Dillon sal.jiet to my order at any
time. tthORUK Dll,VN.
I'tahville, Jan. J, H77-St
All i.raeae ara hereby ea.tltaed aealatt par.
ehaelag ar fo any way med ling with the f..i.w.
ing property aow la Iba pneecaetiMi af Kara K. Kertheaauwa.hip, eta t Twowiwa,
I bed, bedding for two bade, I aat abaire, I reek,
ing ebair. M af il.bee, together with aaadry
mail arliolfie IB Iba haeee, aa tba a. ate belong, ta
ma. Tbey were gieea ta ate by my father, aad
wtll aat be held reepeaethle for aay debu af tbe
eald Rita R. Utmmlcb, wbleb hate baa mad. ar
ibal ekall barealtar ba mada.
Rail Llak, Jaa. , 1177 lt
CAIITIflNr-AUpmaBiare hereby raatimad
Agalnat parrbaemg ar aa any way meddllag
w,IB taa follnaiag pret.erty, bow ta po.mtaB el
(renege I. Mllea, af CaeH lawa.bip, fiat One-
baN aataraai In 4 aorea at aora, , tnierrn ia .
area al aors, lalareal la I aerea al wbeM h the
gmawd. I laiereal la I Berre af wheal I. Ibe
gteaad, ialeraet la I ba.brll of baekabeat. i
latorrel IB la doaaa aaU la Iba eka.f, lr tar
e.l la a twe-beree wage., raieraH la la I af
bay, I aaob ateea, I iatereel la I aeree af aara, i
le Intel ia nl of bay, 1 latere.! ha lot af aaU la
Iba .beef. I lalereet ia let af ry. aa Iba ebeef,
loierut la I aleaet of wbea4 la Iba greoad. I
.bo.K, lalerert al la I tberp, I ele.l.
I UWe, I gr'd , I atakarntw, I eat bar
mm I ataia eradle. I aroao-eet aaw, wvad.warh
lar tied, I raw aad I plga, I aaltleg baa. bH .1,. aa Tbia Braawtit wu awrabaeaa by at.
ai Blirtil'. raw aa Ike III af petuber, aad tae
Nik day at DaaaaaMtr, 1'IB. Ml la aril wli. Mbl
Mllae, aaajMtle mi araarai ear wme.
DAVllt 7. WIRE.
1 JeiBTl1te, J... 17, IIT7-at.
& Co.'s Store.
lllak aoa colorrd Hid Uloees.
and Bells.
White Skirts aad Colored Skirts.
New Flowers. New Silks. -
mat line. Come and be convinced.
April 2(5, 1878.
I lion newt It oieeutad at this eflirte.
TO C'OSiTH ACTOHW The Building Com
mittee efthe Fruit Hill Presbyterian Chareh,
will reeviro sealed proposals, for the laying of
the brick of tbeir new Church building, par
thousand, with bewrd and attendants found. Also,
for a maa te superintend the carpenter work, to
be paid by the day and hoarded. None bat good
workmen, well recommended, will ba employed.
Work to t commence about Jons 1st, 177. The
Committee will receive proposals ap to the 1st of
f ebruary, 1177. Address.
An ton w lie, Clrarfieid Co Pa,
Jan. 3, 1177 -4t.
Ihe nnderslgned offers for sale oa reasonable
terms, their steam saw mill, located at Wallace
toa, Clearfield Ce Pa. The engine and boilers
are as good as naw. The sise of the engine If
Ma. 4, and Is In good running order. They will
also sell tbelr shingle and lath mill, and all the
working machinery in tbe mill. Parties wishing
to purchase eaa call na or adlres
Clearfield, Pa . Juao fin, 87a.
7he understnrd oflVra for sate the
ai'iKl'li Hots-i pruirortf in dfofk iiorl, op
pittite Lock ivtn. known aa anna's Ho
tel, ll it the hftaduuartera of Kuftsmen,
sitiiftid nai lha river and in (he centre
nf the square limber mntkei and i a goud
iaviiifr inttsriy. Ihe hole, u larce and
In font! OonU'ion
Jann or. r or hit-
thrr parllciilara apply to or addresa
r.Li.Ar tt a ru i a.
Kxeru'rix of R
dec. U '76 -2ns. '
M antia. tlec'il.
' yook ftvn. fa.
Cltarlleld, PanwB(
RepresrBta all the leading Fire loan ranee
Companies of tbs country t
Queen ....tln.nnfl.fOA
j ItoyaU'anadiaB (lt.ofan
' Home, Ntw York o.TS4,ll
I Money, Pa t,M.4iI
I Franklin, i'bilad ,3m,K.Sf
fbreout, Hartford.... ....,.. J,Si?.a?
Ilnmivt-r. Kow Vurk-. ........... l,4lo,y.s6
Home, Col , O.-..." kl
Alias, llarlf-rd iUMl
frovidencs, Washington 6ie,UVO
Psrsens ahwtot rtfieilngbn Insurance on prop
erty of any hind, should ea.ll at my office, oa
Market street, opposite the Court House, and see
my list of companies and rates before insuring.
Ciearfleld, Pa., Ort, 1','TA ly
Tba CHltanaial UtmaieeioM Bow Oreraa Iba fol
lowing A ward t
For fluparierity and Reoaomy af rrodietlft.
For Raaelleaee af Material.
For Ortgloality Bed Cvmplalaaaaa of fly.taol.
Far Variety ef Ottlore al Thread.
For Kaeellenee or HaeblBory.
her. It, 11711m.
H. A. Kralrar. ClaarleM. Pa . ll aiaal for Ibe
abareeelearale. Ilpa.1 catUB. .
Tt R mniTynn ..Wi.i a.d fw aai.M
r A I Till I Xdarieee, m.dla.l. ar atber
aompoande, ernBmeaiat da
eigne, trade mark a. Bad labele. Cataeta, AMlaa
meal,, lalcrfereaoea, ela pramptly atleadad I. .
laeeetitma Mat aae.
awmley ml V m waa eerad by aa. Rlag oppa
alia Iba Pateal OSaa, weaaamakeaHHaraearaaoe,
aad OMera Peteate aaora pramptly aad with
broader claim, Ibaa akoaa waa ara remala fram
TTWTT ITTTl ATI II aaad aa a avadal ar
IllWr mill ItJt -k af Tr deak. ,
wmmwr .aamieatloaa
trmm at ekarae. aad adelaa Ba at Mteat aMIIir.
rrt... I"W. jane. mt a:aBHUBl taaatet
raTkiir in munaii(. i
Wa rater la adele ta laa Palaal Otoe, aad t
taaaavara la mry buta M Iba Dalaa. A aorea) ,
O. A. i-HtlW m 10, .
Oppaalla P.laal Chtaa. Waaalaglaa. D. 0. '
. Raa. aa, Mtaat, ., .., ,-. I
Ciearfleld Nursery.
'PUB and.rlj(a.d. katln, ..l.bll.a.d a Mar.
1 aar; aa lb. Flaa, al.oul Bait BBIwaaa
Clra'l.ld aad Curwrnanll., la praparad lilB
alia all of CHI! IT TKKh'1, (.laadard aad
d.arf.) KvrrKraMi,, Hhmhhmrft UraM Viaaa.
Uiwaiiarr,, Laatua Ulaaktwrry, Huawliry,
and K.afbarr, Vinr. A HirM-rlaa I'raa Tnma,
gaiuaa, and aarli Karlal Hbaaark, a. Ordara
Brwaii,UT aluadwi ta. Addra.a,
i. l. WRIUHT,
aau2n An., cUr.uill., I'a.
, tarv-auba nor gmrr mmmiytr:
kapl aaartaally oa band.
Patent Alrllht R.jrBMllaf
Krilll Caual
BUTTKK CHUCKS, arttti lldl,
floweii roTH, ris tisiiRS,
Aad graat naa athar thlaga toe BBBarau I.
maolioa, to ba bad at
Ooraar of Obair; and Third Straata,
i. r. acuca. a. bj'comlb. a. aaaiara.
(RaooMsort ta Juha Gallon).
Market Street, Ciearfleld. Pa.
Wa manufacture all kinds af F are i tars for
Chamber, Dioing Rooms, Libraries aad Rails,
If yon want ore af any kind, don't bay
until yon sea our stock.
n all Its bran obea. Wa keep In stoek all tha
latest and most tmprorod Codas and Caskets,
and have ovary laoillty for properly bob-
aorting in is bransa 01 oar Bust oast.
Wo bare a patent Corpse Pre
server, ia which bodies eaa
be preserved for a eoa
siderablo length of
A member of tbe firm baa bis sleeping apart
meat at oar wait -room, where he eaa be foacd by
any porsoa erho oono at Bight for the pnrposo of
proouriog tofflos.
Claarfleld, Pv, May If, 'TS-ly.
Tbe Beirs Run Woolen Factory
Pcoa towoibip, Clwfl.ld CoH Pa.
Tbesubserlbers bavt, at great eipensa.robattta
neighborhood ntoeasity, tn the erection of a first
class Woolen Manufactory, with all tbe modern
improvements attached, and are prepared to make
all kinda of Cloths, Cassi mares, Satinatts, Blaa
kate. Flannels, Ao. Plenty of goods oa bead ta
supply all our old and a thousand new SBStomara,
whom wo ask lo eoma and aaamine oar steak.
The bosiness of
will rocelva onr ospeolal attention. Proper
arrangements will ho made to roeoivo and deliver
Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and
doae upon tho shortest notieo, and by strlet atten
tion to busioees wo hope to real I so a liberal share
I panne patronage.
Wa will pay the highest market prise for Wo
and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar
goods can ba bought in tbe county, and whenever
we rail to render raaannahia aatistaoUea wa eaa
always ho found nt home ready to make proper
explanation, either in person or by Isttsr.
aJABIraB alUIirtDVil DUDfl,
aprll2tf Bowar P. 0.
VASNtfllES, ' ' . ,
' SAKCV 00
for viedlclnal parpoaes,
trusses, Suppnrrsrs, School Roobs and 8 1 si toa
ery, and all ether arMefes anally
1 f ' ii' Drag Steror' f
FHLLY CuMPOHNDED. Having a large en,
peHeaoe (a the business they eaa giro entire sat-
Clearfield, December M, 1874.
- m- 0 my .,i ... i
fi to ReyabftB A Tea.,,)
Manafaetmrars ef
Corner of Foartb aad Piae Straata,
JTAVIrlO engaged la taa maaef.otara af Irat.
II alaa, MACIIINRRT.anraepaalralrylalbjrai
ba publla Ibat we ara aa prepared ta Rlt all
order, aa ebeaply aad ai promptly aa eaa ba doae
la any af taa eltUe. Wa maauraebar. aad deal la
Malay and Circular Saw-Mill.
Head Brooke, Water Waaere, Shafting Palleyr,
liirTard'a tajartar, Rlaam Saagtw. Rbaaal WateUee,
Ollera, Tallow Cape, (HI Owpa, Oeege Oaaha, Alt
Oooka, ( Talraa, Okaak Valras, wraagkl Iraa
Pipea, Pampe, Reller Feed Pampa, AaV
FrnHiaa Melrea, Raap Stawa Paelrag, Oam Paelv
a,, aad all blade al MILL WORE , tofMaar
with Plowa, Sled Salaa,
am aiaar OASTntOR af a ktada.
imrOrdara aalMta aad tnadl al any aataaa
Afl tettore af raajedry wttb i.Bjiaaee 10 BMUblaaa,
af amy maaafcelme piemplly amrojeeed, agaawawav
tag aa al Otearleld, Pa.
aalT4-tf RIBLRB, TrJOTfal RRTft,