Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 03, 1877, Image 2

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    t m i
(Vtontig B, (iuol'LANiiiii, Alitor.
:', l?7.
Reader, If job want lo boon wi ll l gi.lng no
thu builnrss world, Inst rca-1 our U'lYrrtlriug
umns. lhtrJeeiulc..1u.nnlntarilonl,ii.
Kbisnos, Ilot.D Ox. Wc havn he
foro tin manuscript cuou;,'l) In fill three
issues of tho lifci'L'DLiCAN, furnished by
a down ol on i friends giving their
views on the rivsiiiiiiiiul iiue-limi. In
our judgment, ns jotiriitili-i, they arc
all out ol cider, lioui-U'r well they
may bo suited to our personal viewn
privately expressed to most ol the
writer. Theso .are lievoluliunury
times, and it the duty (fall to becalm
and await events which, cannot be hur
ried np. Thin thing of wasting nmi's
aniutiition before the runny is insight,
iaboth lool'mh and expensive. Woud-
vise our tiitl.ilH to Keep cool. nit
until Congress mis in the mutter. Ii
wo arc. forced into a Krv Ititiwi .y the
political freebooters w ho have hud con.
trol of public nflairs for the" many
yearn, let as t ide tbo lime indicated.
There will ho room enough in the
newspapers and in the field lor patriotx
alter thut, if il shtill be proven lliut
by the Illegal use of the army and other
crimes, Mr. Tilden baa been counted
out. Wo aro junt an ready for Invo
lution an any one tan be, at the proper
period, but we must havn pretty ch ar
proof of that Mf't before we can !issist.
Mob rWcmw in no remrdv for the evils
with which we have been afflicted by
iho robbers in high places, and the
enemies of civil liberty. Friends, wait
Tilden will soon be l'rcaidcnt without
"intimidating" or "biill-.loaing" any
liody. ' Tho gallant Chnmbcrluin," is the
way tho Philadelphia Frm dnbn that
flrMt-elann demagogue.
Thanks lion. J.. A. Mackey bus
our thanks for a copy of I'erley roove's
Congressional Directory, a very uefiil
publication tor printers, as well as for
other public documents." JiKrcxniiiB. As
nearly n'l the leaders of the whisky
ring having been pardoned out ol
prison, an early ro-orgnnizntionof that
institution limy bu anticipated.
An exchange says: "Kx (iovernor
(ieary's grave m tho Harrisbttrg ceme
tery is unmarked by head stono or
monument." Those who bandied him
while in the Kccutivc Chair should bare
rospoct cnongh for him now to indicate
whero ho rests.
Watts Successor. An exchange
remarks, (iov. Hayes now touching
ly sings as a part of bis morning ser
vice :
On Ohtu'f rtormr bnnkl ( tsal,
And et s diHiliiiOK tjt,
On Lou.'isim'i troubled land,
When uij ItetorDrrs Lilt.
RATnta 1'KETiNr.NT. Of the power
of Congress to go hack of the returns,
tho Boston Glote arks: ' If It can in
quno into tho action of tho Secretary
ot tho State of Orogon, why can it not insist on being inaugurated ns Prcsi
inquire into the action of tho Return-! dent. South Carolina seems to be
ing Board in Louisiana?" It is a poor
rule that won't work both ways.
A small fuss is mado over Ibo defal
cation of Win. C. Wall, who has been
a clerk in tho Fittsburgh Postuflleefor
tho past twelve years, beeiiuso bis ac
count is short 87,500 and tho fellow
bus left thtf country. Why, its only a
tow yours ago that tho Postmaster
account at thnt placo was short ?:12,000,
yet, nobody was hurt. Ho resigned !
That was all !
A Doddlk Mi'Rnrur.R. Alexander
latnpueii, a ocnnyiKiu comity jnomoi
Muguire, was convicted of murder in
tho first degree, at Pottsville, in Sep
tember last, nnd on tboSlst of Decem
ber he was again convicted of murder
in the first degrco for murdering a
mining boss named, Morgan Powell.
J I is former victim was John P. Jones,
also a mining boss.
Tin WlloLg Vot. Returns of the
Presidential elections have now been
received from oil tho States, and the
aggregate of votes cast is as follows :
ForTildra and llondrlekt 1, 301. 1,4
For Hurts ird W boiler 4,0H II
For Coopsf and Cory S2.D'JS
F-r Smltb and fitewart fl fln
Hoatlsitng J, MS
T'lden and Htndrteki' majority nrer
flaeso ann w neelor
Tildm and Hindrick over all,
Alas, for IIvman Frailtifs. Miss
Mary Richards, a strong-minded Iowa
girl, was elected County Superinten
dent of Franklin Co. in that Stato two
years ago, but about eight months ago
sho was persuaded to marry, and now
when tho Schools are in full blast she
is compelled to play Superintendent
by substitute, while she remains at
homo taking care of her new husband,
Senator Sherman says : "As the case
now stands, Ibo votes of South Caro
lina, Florida and Louisiana are upon
the same footing of honesty and law
as Pennsylvania and Ohio." But if it
was bull dozing and intimidation thut
changed the political lino of those
Stales, how is it that Grant should
have had 117,000 more majority in
1 ennsylvatna in 1872 than Raves ii
1876, and that like results should occur
In ObioT
Vsrt SgNslTivi "The sacrcdncKsnri
tho telegraph," Is now what Radical
hull dozen are troubled about. Di.rine
I the war a fifth Lieutenant or a sneak
had tbs authority granted to him to
i ontor any telegraph nfllce and over-
i Laud the JispsW . Row nirnnge
that these documents are so aucrcd
just now, in the estimation of Chand
ler, Cameron t Co. The dodge is too
apparrent to all sensible jrersons.
Thoso men head a great conspiracy,
and tbey wish to conocol the loct, sol
,uri iiujmiii!ch
'i 111: inesuex
MM . .1 it ..i
77 : i'ii:sirK.riAr. qi:i:s-
This is still the ll liHortiiiif of ,ri.(.l.MnM.ii.rylrnuJ.mct;lwl!'"lwl ") the following
cdniun tbu bullxt linx bv a lew eon-
uiiiutorH, staler millions, mid ovotilon- )',! "The belief gains
.cso fnilhihoi.i-vS1il.ol,(;.iv,.rt1n.ent,!K,ouml 1,0,0 monR Republicans that
because of tlm ppiiairiit succsi of tho ' Florida Mongi properly to the Demo-
Chandler- and tl.o ('utiicim,,. ii,!""- 'Vrlnte information, somo of
throning mi.aii Into the Presidential! " li'omresponsibloRcpublii'anoBoiirccs,
ilmirnminn tho exprosj will ot thohul l,lm'wl l,e 0"I',, of "n'0-
people. CongrvM will place il veto on
t'i :ru rf those wi;!;.
I rnnry next, hen .lint body will tie
! clar II r. Tilden elected. Wc mpnrinl
My t ail the attention Of I ho IVtt' ler to
. ,,. , . ,. . .
liOV. Ulster S excellent Address on the
l,oui-iitii:i (oinolieatioiis found else
where in this issim. lie shows con
clusively to whut olent tho present
corrupt Statu administration control
led the election machinery at the late
election. He establishes tho luct that
(iov. Kellogg, tho odious laws
of that Commonwealth, (in name only)
appointed all tho Supervisors of ficn-
iktrnlion, that theso ollleers rois
tered whom they pleased. They
ulso appointed ail the Comuiissioners,
(or. as wo call them in this Slate,
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks) to hold
the election in every county In the
State. And they also fixed tho places
of holi'ing the election and changed
them ut pleasure. The Commissioners
and Heisteis make out and certify all
the election returns to the famons Re
turning Hoard, which Is composed of
four iiierupu!oii liudicals of the Hel
lo;.'.; stripe. It will bo observed that
the Kellogg purty bad full control ol
every election district in the State, and
yet were overwhelmingly defeated in
November, (iov. liigler has properly
spoken of these facts as alarming, and
it turns out now that bis worst fears
have bcin fully realized. The House
Congressional Committee has at length
got a copy of the work ot tho Board ;
and tho returns show that Kcllogg's
Supervisors perlormed an important
part in overthrowing the will of tho
people. When this Hoard would not
lind even decent, much less legal pro
tests for throwing out votes enough to
chnngo the result produced by tho voto
actually cast, the members determined
llo.t the vote should not come In, and
the Supervisors were instructed to
withhold the voles fiom many Homo-
crnlic districts. Even In tho city of
New Orleans, where the Hoard sat.
the votes from a number of tba pre
cincts were w ithheld in this way, and
for this there is not even ft shadow of
legal authority. T ho Supervisors are!
expressly required under tho law to
forward the returns to tho lielurning
Hoard within twenty four bourn after
tho closing of the polls. Iicspemto as
that Hoard had thoreloro shown itwdf
to be, no one had imagined that it
t' oa.d go to such lengths in commit
ting Irands of tho most henions char
acter. It thiowed out not less than
0,000 votes mainly on grounds ntterly
iiisiiflieienl, and withheld nhoat 4,000
through the Supervisors, and counted
betw een two and three thousand voles
that had never been cast, so as to
equalize tho numhercant lor tho Hayes
electors. Tbero aro no terms in tho
Knglish lunguugo by which we can
do justice to such a degree of villainy,
and we shall not attempt it. fro much
li.r Louisiana. Now as to Florida, one
of Tresident Grant's Commissioners,
Gen. Dailuw, shows conclusively thut
Mr. Tilden has a majority of the legal
votes cast in that State. Ono of the
Returning Hoard concurs with this
view as does tho Supremo Court ol
that Slate. All being Itudical, is it any
wonder, that by snoh a showing, any
friend of Gov. Hayes would aslc bimto
I -'solid" for Hayes. That is exactly
right. That "diloynl"Commonwealth
should always be in harmony with her
j sister Massachusetts. No Democrat
I should court the voto of either. Mr.
Tilden w ill be our next President with
out the voto of either of thoso witch
banging -secession States.
First and Fourth. The remarks
f Congressman Clymer, of this Stato,
I and Cox, of New York, delivered in
tho llouso on tho Kith of December,
on the death of Speaker Korr, will be
found on our first page and should be
read. Revolutionary flags and Cen
tennial drinks, will also provo interest
ing to the reader. Our fourth pago is
embellished wi'.h tho proceedings of
the Democratio State Committoo, and
Gov. Bigler's remarks on thnt occasion,
in relation to the Soulborn Canvassing
Hoards and their confederates in crime.
Horace White, a leading Chicago Rad
ical, formerly editor of the 7iluiir, ol
that city, also gives his opinion at
length theinlimidution question, which
will bo found on tho pago indicated.
All voters and thoso w ho expect lo be
corno such should read and reflect over
tho views expressed by Gov. lligler
and Mr. While.
Till LtoisLATtRa. This body met
at llarrisburg, yesterday, and of course
organized with tho election of all Rad
ical ofllciuls, as both branches will be
controlled by tbat party. Tho Demo
cratic members need assnmo no furtb
er duty this session, than to see that
tho Pads don't sell tho Capitol build
ings, and pocket the proceeds. The
three hurntni thmiand dolliir Malt, per
petrated by Evans, Kemhlo ii Co. a
few years go.has enabled those political
brigands to engage in new enterprises,
and they will perfect them dulessthey
aro watched by the Democrats. . The
men w ho rule this State esteem the
Slate Treasury personal property, and
look upon tho taxpayers ns so many
slaves. Comfortable, is it not, Free
nun ?
Tug DisraANrnisr.n. The fart that
tho Radicals in Oregon, Wisconsin and
Vermont wero foolish, or ignorant
enough to voto for men as electors
who were disqualified by tho Consti
tuliun of the United Slates, is con
clusive proof that they deserro lo bo
disfranchised. Their act is a volun
tary ono and cannot be provided
against. Death should follow apolitical
suicide as surely a a physical ono. If
men with open eyes disfranchise them
selves, why Id hem go ahead.
Tim QctiTiox. "Well, George, how
is it. Who is elected anyhow T "Why,
Tilden of course." "Well, will he not he
oon nU J out 7 No! Moat emphatically
NO II WlL The anronrt WneUunarl..-
of February will jwtt;, (he question
i tor all future time."
Tin Num ami aCliabSkt! Chaa.
NonlliofT, one ol tlio correspondents ol
Aw 1 ork "'', ami a strai;lit
"uuiiaoaii., aispatcn ii-oro wastiing
erats. There are also ironh signs
that tho HfT nblictws bein to itive
twenty-second joint rule a State lost its !
rote cm objection being made to its re-
ption 'infess both House agreed to
receive it. It is not impossible at this
moment thai Republicans may agree
to re-enact this rule. Kvurytbing waits,
however, for the reports of tho com
mittees in tho disputod States, and,
meantime, more and more Republicans
undoubtedly waver, and the question
which begina now to be privately dis
cussed is, who will lead in a break
from the straight lint of extrcmo par
tisanship. There aro people who im
agine there may be a foot race when
the break does pome. On the wholo,
the election of Mr. Tilden may bo said
to be a very probablo event at this
moment. Shrewd observers in the
Senate remark that aside from Senators
Morton and Sherman tbero is not a
Senator on tho Republican side who
nowadays assert that Mr'. Hayes is
elected. Borne of tho men who signed
Senator Sherman's Louisiana report
with him are getting ashamed of it.
Tho report has fallen dead, and Mr.
Sherman's speoch the other day in de
fense of it was regarded by several Re
publican Sonatorsas proving too much
and showing really that there was no
election at all in Louisiana, and that
the vole of tho Stato ought not to be
received." How is that for '"Inyalty,"
or Tilden?
A Casi in Point. The Radical
leaders are casting about for subterfu
ges to overcomo their blunder in Ver
mont, Oregon and Wisconsin, in put
ting Postmasters who are disfranchis
ed by the Constitution upon their
Electoral tickets in those States. The
Baltimore Qaiettc shows that the case
of the Oregon elector commissioned by
Gov. G rover bos its parallel in Mary
land under the Republican regimt.
Judge Franklin, a Democrat, was elec
ted Judge ot the Twcllth Judicial Cir
cuit over Spcnce, Republican. The
Legislature heard accusations of dis
loyalty against Judgo Franklin and
declared him ineligible, and that Mr
tofrs fur him xrere thrown awy.
They therefore seated his opponent,
Judge Sponce, a Republican, and de
cided tbat Judgo Franklin's election
was a nullity. In this case tho tact of
tho ineligibility was not notorious, for
Judge Franklin proved that he was
not disloyal. It was at best a matter
rather of opinion than of fact. This
was disregarded, however, by the Re
publican Legislature, his seat declared
vacant and his political opponent seat
ed, This is a mocb hardor caso than
that of tho Oregon elector. More,
the very fact that a party lacks the
intelligence to get np a legal Electoral
ticket alter govorning the country and
administering the laws tor sixteen
years, is conclusive proof that the par
ty is unfit to rule a free people any
A Cim Rioots Donot. Washing-
ton, December 23, 1876. On the Hlh
of November, Mr. Hugh ShiBey, of
Staunton, Virginia, mads a motion in
the Supreme Court of the United States
for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of
Madison Doom, confined in a Virginia
jail on eonviclion in the Unitod States
Court for a violation of the civil rights
act. The Supreme Court set the 20th
ot December tor the bearing of the
case, but on the 19th of December, in
view of a probable pardon for bis client,
Mr. Shiffiey, moved a postponement.
The President yesterday pardoned
Madison Doom. This action lorutalls
proceedings in tho Supreme Court, and
as this is tho only known case of im
prisonment under the civil rights act
tho consideration of its constitutionali
ty by the Supreme Court is Indefinite
ly positioned. This is a sonars dodge
on the part of Grant A Co., in order to
avoid a square issue to bs made before
tho United States Supreme Court on
tho infamous civil rights bill. Tho
bull dozed President will pardon all
convicted under tbis statue before be
will allow the Judiciary to pass npon it,
knowing full well that the act is an
constitutional and void.
Tnc 0iian Answirid. The day
beforo tho recent Municipal eloction in
Boston, the Advertiter, the Radical or
gan of that city, in alluding to the fact
thattho Democratic nominee for Mayor
Mr. 1'rince, was the Secretary of the
Democratio National Committee, re
marked as follows: "Shall tht munici
pality of Button beenmt an appendage to
the Democratic Xational Committee t
Tbis is tbe question to be tried to
morrow." Well, if that was the ques
tion, then the people of Boston did
make that municipality "an appendage
to the Democratio National Commit-
tco," for they elected Prince (Democrat)
Mayor by 2,600 majority, and lor the
first time in the history ot Baiting, the
Democrats, although hugely opposed
to that kind of polical ornaments, bars
furnished "the hub" with a Prince for
Mayor. The people of Boston should
be happy now because they have been
aping after Princes oversince the Rev
olution, and in 1612 even burned blue
lightt to inform thorn whero the Patriot
Aimy was encamped.
Tna Rci.ino Familt. Pennsylva
nia although a large and populous
Slate, in a political sense, ah belongs
wholly to tbe Coaseroa foraily, as as
suredly as tba ISM South Carolina ne
groes once beloned to Gen. Wade
Hampton. Tbe oldest brother of tba
family, Wm. Cameron, of Lewisburg,
was delegated by the Hayes Rleotorol
College of tbis State, te carry the vote
to Washington, and tbe Thila. Ti'svti
in alluding lo tbs affair says: "The
Cameron family is a large ons ; it took
a wholo special esr to carry the broth
er with the electoral vote to Washing
ton." A Nw Namil "Embarrassed" is
what they now call it lo New York,
when a noteJ Philanthropist, like Otis
D. Bwan, gets away with $300,000, be
longing to tba TJaron Ltagna Clab and
other pwr4e, That's a bad Swan, wa
bould say. A bird tbat taa swallow
tbat noeb plandor aboalt L ivra).
Theso two l)emiK-raliit ihumpions
troin this bull dozed State of ours, uro
attracting Considerable, attention just
now on tho ovo of Mr. Tildun's inau
guration. Some liadical writing from
Wanhingtoli.llirnitd.ed the I'hiliulelphia
Timet with a long lutter, on Friday
.i...n..utH...t.... t i.;.. i..,. ...i:.
""""" n - "-
faction that Senator Wallace and I
Speaker Handull are "at daggers
ipoints, and that tho Pcinoerucv ol
, . , , I
'. ' -auwf; JWt.itJlouiV
awarding tho victory to "he Sjieiiker.
Tt WbiiAw U a:.t'.l'' m?A -
that not a single prediction of bis wiII'coiiIcbs, that bo uttered a sere J truth
be fulfilled. The dog-skin is too small
to cover tho hoofs of tho ass in this
cose. 1 be editor ol tlio him in al
luding to the writer in question, says :
Onr Rspublnsns Waihlnnlun correspondent on
dsaiors to borrow trouble Is odr nuoa (or lbs
Domoerarenr Pennsylvania, In the nvsnl of Til-
don't inaugorallim a President, lis seems lo
think Hint tksrn would bus pslty janglo between
Heuator Wnllses and Speaker kauda I in parling
the rattatnt of adialnielrnlion for th.r Hiaie. and
tkal tbs Speaker wnuld disunen tbs feVnitor In
the raes. Wllks saaa like linnt er Uoyss ia
thn Prsiidsnlial ehalr, who wouldn't kouw wbat
lo do himself and would uf nseentiy son si ns
somebody nils Bnudsd, superservieenole pines
hunters would du well to eonul tbe ebinoei ol
tbs Senntor or lbs H.enker being tbs uopnr dg ;
butamia like Tilden, who uo get along witb-
out throwing himself into any hot-par's bandp,
will not umnis h.mssir by nspouilng anioody s
eausonnd won't slop lo Inqnirs nhsil.sru.en fal
low Imaur er Anton) wpeo no soinrs to n.-penie
his furors. Iks men who are eult.rsltnc Biipss
ol tbe faror wltk Ike prohnhle Tildon ndutiau.
trattoa, hotter I our about mem (or sows Signer
recommendation than tbat tbey fe. low one leader
and light nnother, (Or that eiass will be osrtain to
gat jut about Bulbing and Litis ul that.
Nothing would please tbe Radicals
in this Slate and elsewhere belter than
to get np a factious tight betw cell those
two Democratic leaders, hut they will
bo cgregioualy disappointed. Thai
terpriso will prove a failure. They
will work together just as they did
when the speakership was awarded to
It is a most significant fact that in
those counties of South Carolina which
were garrisoned by United States
troops, and where fuir play was secur
ed by military supervision, tho Demo
cratic majoritos wore most pronounced
and certain. Thoso aro tbe counties
also whose votes it wus necessary to
throw out of tho count in order lo de
feat Tildon and Hampton. It will not
do for tho Radicals to lean too strong
ly on nn army that knows their tiicks
and their manners. Tho true soldier
is always a patriot, and when ordered
hi hin nnrw.rioni (n ruM-form illoienl inirf !
J - I " r rv '
offensive duties, like an honest man he
disdains to violate discipline, but he
novcrbtclcas negalives tho designs ot'
those who desire to prostitute his cull
ing in somo way, in such a manner
that his superiors dnro not assail biin.
In this manner the Caiueron-Cbanillur
Conspiracy against the Republic, bus
dulcated itself. Tho conspirators did
noi Know meir men ; una me resuuoi
tho elections in those Slates where tho
anny was ordered, is just the reverse
of what the conspirators intended.
This fact is'so notorious that tho lead
ors daro not molest the soldier for as
sisting to swell tho Democratic vote,
nor raise thoir fingers to imimiduto the
civilians. The day is not far distant
when tue Uranl-lnmeroii-i.liaiiulcr
bull dozers will be compelled to adopt
the plan of Ihe leaders of tho Frouub
Revolution, when the Jacobin leaders
were compelled to floe to other shores
to avoid the vengeance of their insulted
A Tzaaiais Hoiacavst. Next to
the Brooklyn calamity comes the Ash
tabula, Ohio, castaslrophe. At this
point, a passcngsr train, On tho Lake
Shore railroad, passing from Frio lo
Cleveland, was precipitated into
creek by the giving way of a bridge
on Friday night lust by which one
hundred and twenty persons lost their
lives. Tbe train contained one hun
dred and seventy-two passengers and
only SKVKN escaped injury, Ono
hundred and twenty were killed by
freezing, burning and drowning, and
the rest had their legs and arms
broken, and othorwiso injured, so tbat
in all probability a large number of
wounded will die. An awful snow
storm was prevailing at tho timo and
two locomotives were attached to tho
train and just as tbe foremost locomo
tive passed over the bridge gave way,
and the other locomotive and baggage,
express and seven passenger cars went
down on a pile seventy five feet below
on tbe ice and into the water and
everything took fire from tho stoves,
and tbe result is beforo tbe public.
"A Yankk Trick. It turns out
that onr bill of idaiins against England
for the destruction of property on tho
'high seas" during tho rebellion, was
ontirely too high, although now settled
and adjusted by tho Geneva Award
Commission. England paid the sum
awarded Aurora milliont ofdollurt, and
gave the sufferers two years to clui
their damages. Tho two yeats have
elapsed and over half the sum is still
unclaimed by the luffcrcrl, strange as
it may seeml And what now troubles
onr Statesmen, is, what to do with the
ovorplus cash they gathered from our
English neighbors. We have this to
remark : Tbat if the Tieasury gnarU
ians don't koep a sharp lookout, some
of tho Credit Mobilier-Poot-trsder-Ca-dot-selling-"Christian
Statesmen" will
get away with the funds wrested 1mm
tbs British Government.
Oct or Ordzs. The long string of
names, composed ol bankers, mer
chants and bond-holders, now appear
ing in the city journals, demanding
"an equitable adjustment of the Prcsi
dential question" may bo right, view
ed as an eleventh bour arrangement.
But we ask tbe rich men, why did you
not adjust this simple question on the
7th of November last, when each and
every one of yon hold the power in
your own hands TUB BALLOT.
Had yon voted for Tilden, all your
present mortification would have been
averted. In our boyhood days we used
to laugh oror the story of the spilled
milk girl, because she acted so foolish.
AsorHM Heai MvsriiRT. Home
body entered the Treasury Depart
ment at Washington on Tuesday a
week, and gobbled up an armfull of
greenbacks and bonds, and got away
with them. The amount taken no one
seems to know, and Ihe Department Is
as fully dedciontln tailing to point oat
tbs robber. Of oonrse it was some
outsider, (T) sowts ball doserrrom Loo
isian. Because "no loyal man" would
eowoprotaiee bis oonntry and himself at
the aaau) tiou I Oh. aol
Goon Radical ArTuoaiTr.-Matl.!
Cariwnter, then a Itadicul I'nited
Stales Senator, from Wisconsin, and
Vico I'ros'nlent pro 1cm, of that body
was sent with oil. urs m a committee
to Louisiana four years ago, to investi
gate the frauds perpetrated at the
election in thut Slate, and on his return
lie suid :
.,, ,h. S,.l. ih.t II It .bould b..p.n
ibn I'mfMoOni imii.m iinid ur on io
;,,,, m4ll, ,,,, ,,.
it onll M lUo.d bjr oml tn
prutii would luiiniit lo Ihc fnrolvuot of iah
-j .. Li.fV'Jl). known to
many in this county. More: Wo have
n - !T - S-Wb polrtirallyi yK.- we
in ll.u uhuvo puragraidi and the Radi
cal bull dozers of tho day hud better
heed his remarks.
Tin lirrKiiENCR. The rittsburgh
Cummrrcial in alluding lo tho defeat of
Beamish, a I.uzeruo county rooster
says :
Itrlinlik, tho bemnirtllneindl kt lor H.nttor
in Luiirni counlT, who h lut bi-rn fonrietod
of s pnnitontlirjr wtTa., n loud diMl.lmir, lit I'olllleol rntppa.KB, In llTOr el
Tildon, lloiid'i kl ud rpurm.
To this the enaiigo Spectator, bull
dozingly romurks :
Thorn 11 n Returning ll.iird diibnnrilv In thi
bovn t.nriRrib, ibiri-itoriitio -I tbi Cnmirnn
Miikr oigon nnd ol ihi lvndtn ulllinirlv.
Tin turn nrt lliil llrnutl'h in dilmtnd In n
ilront llom.ioratlo dlflrict br 'lomnnrilin votM
hit bo bal boon trlod md ejorll'nd, nod bo
il In luo p.-n'.lllilUry.
Let us tubs anotbsrMainpli i rslr"ff, n Phll
nJrlihin p.nelior, ns mpelloi trvm tbs Inii
Lorti'lnluro lor brilnK. ill 11 n loud muutbsd
iU.port,-r ol tbs hcinlUrn rirey. l.M woutb
kn eonilitusnll rs s.trtol biu lo lbs llouso and
l.y that net ouoolv annolionril bil oorruut oon
duet, il il n oridil lu tbs llvaioctao; who rs
luicd 10 sliot Uoaniib ; it ! a dliyram to Ibt-
Hsiiutilli-ans whoilsripil I'struB. Iks Osmoeract
ssads its raMols 10 lbs ,risuo lbs kanlcnls
teud tb.-iri to ton Ligi.ialaro.
Intimilation. This is tho last and
thinnest Radical dodge that has been I
brought to tbe surface. If the Dem
ocrats practiced this scheme half as
vigilantly on the negroes in Louisiana,
as the Radicals did on the whites in
Connecticut and Massachusetts, the
crime is enormous. Hut if this is an
offence in tho South, why is it not
viewed so in tho North. If it is wrong
lo intimidate a negro, why docs not
tba moral idea parly treat a white
man with similar rospoct in the section
where "the right of man" and civiliza
tion is manufactured to order like so
many wooden bams, or virtuo of the
beech or stripe. II it is wrong to "bull
doze" a negro in one section, ia it nol
also wrong to treat a while man in a
a similar manner "down cast."
Thf. Uonp Oi'THAtig. The course of
Judge Bond, of tho U.S. District Court,
in discharging the members of tho
South Carolina returning board, alter
they wero imprisoned by tho Supreme
Court of thut Stitte for contempt, was
n high banded outrage, and directly
contrary to the following decisions ol
the Supremo Court of tho United
"Neither this nor any other court of
ll.o L tilled Mutes or Judge thersol,
cun issue a balieas corpus lo bring up
a prisoner who is in custody under a
sentence or execution of a Slate Court,
li.r any purpose than to be ased as a
witness. And it is immaterial whether
tbe imprisonment be iimlorrivil or mili
tary process."
Tho Judgo for this judicial outrage
must reap eternal infamy for his con
1HK LAST "I.oyaI. J rick. 11 isan
old saying thut there are "tricks in all
trades but ours." This aphorism was
utilized by a Hayes tux collector In
one of tho rural districts of tbis county
who hud paid no County or Statu tux
for tbe two past years. Finding tbat
Hayes would lose a voto if tho situa
tion was not changed, and recollecting
that ho was also a defaulter as Col lee
tor, he hastened to Cleurfield and there
paid to the Treasurer $10 on account,
and by exhibiting his receipt lo the
election board, obtuined his vote and
succeeded in tallying one for Hayes,
on his Collectors' receipt. Tbis is a
joke on tho election board ton.
How Steanu. Our friend Murray,
who delivered an excellent lecture be
fore the Teacher's Institute last week
manifested strango symptoms ot tho
"slave oligarchy," something St. Paul
nuver dreamed about, because the Paul
alludud to had the fool-hurdinoss to re
mark : "Servants ho obedient to yonr
masters. There is a varianro between
Thomas and Paul. As the latter has
passed over the river, wo adviso tbe
former not to take advantage of tbe
dead, especially before a congregation
of educators. "In heathen lands" this
joko might pass at par, but In a chris-
Hun country il would he called bulb
Goon V itnkbs. Tho Congressional
Committee, silting nt Tallahassee,
Florida, investigating tho Presidential
eloction frauds, had tho pleasure of
w itnessing how tho people of that city
behave on election day, Tho election
for Mayor and other city officers was
held on Tuesday a week, and the mem-
oers oi the I ommitleo admit it was
the quietest day they witnessed while
they wore in the -city. The Democrats
elected their whole ticket lor tho flint
time since tho close of the war. Tbe
lato Returning Board tallied tho city
345 for Hayes. Tallahassee, like Bos
ton is against the conspirators.
An Ouiotis Comparison. To offset
the moral force of Tilden's immense
popular majority it Is charged that
niticu of it conies fivm districts where
great iguornnco prevails. The negro
voto, composed almost entirely ot illit-
erulo persons, might bo pointed to in
answer of all this, and apropot of it the
Philadelphia Times forcibly says: "Now
York tbo Tribune speaks of as "this il
literate city, but St, Lawrence coun
ty, whero tho proportion of people who
can neither read nor write is one-third
greater than in New York, voted for
1 1 ayes more than two to one."
. a
A more lawless decision than Judge
Bond's, remarks the Baltimore Oaiette,
"never bos been rendered in Ihe United
States Court, except, perhaps, tbat of
Judgo Durell." The difference is that
Durell'a order was srllhout law and
Bond's is Oontrary to law. . Tho same
fute awarded Durell, awaits Bond.
Resign, or stand up and be impeached
for high crimes and misdemeanors, and
disgraced for life.
A negro eloped and married a white
girl in Campbell county, Ky., and
officers were sent to arrest bim. Tbo
negro shot two of bis pursuers, and
tried to shoot his wife's father and
brother. That night he was found
dead with six bullet wounds In bis
(It tillrmcn of tht Stitutt and Ifovtr of
HrpmenUilitet ; ;
It is w ith feelings of tho protoundest
solicitude that 1 assume the arduous
duties and grave responsibilities ol the
high ponitioii to w hich the people of
South Carolina have called me. It Is
umid event unprecedented in this Ke
pi, blio that I take the chair as Chiel
Mui;intrateol tins Statu. Alb
voted themselves earnestly, solemnly,
lo tho attainment ol this olid. Willi
a lolly patriotism never surpassed,
with a patience never equalled, with a
eon rugo nuver excelled, and with a
sublime sensoofduly which finds scarce
a parallel in tho history of Ihe world,
they subordinated every personal feel
ing to the publiu weal and consecrated
themselves to tho sacred work of re
deeming their prostrate Stale. To the
accomplishment ot this task they ded
icated themselves with unfaltering
confidence and with unshaken faith.
Hasting alone lo the justice ol their
cause und commending tbat cause rev
erently to tbo protection of tbe Al
mighty. When the corrupt party which for
eight years past has held away in the
Suite bringing its civilization into dis
grace and making its gorornment a
public scandal saw that tbe demand
tor reform found a resjionsive echo in
tbo popuhir heart and that the verdict
of tba people would bo pronounced
against thoso who bava degraded tho
Stale, they aprcaled to federal inter
volition and by a libel on our wbole
people, as false as wus baso. called in
the soldiers ot the United Slates army
to act as supervisors of our election.
In a time of profound peace, when no
legal officer had been resisted in the
proper discharge of bis functions, we
have witnessed a spectacle abhorrent
lo every patriotic heart and fatal to
the republican institutions federal
InmiMi miumI In itmermt trt ntirVMu nt
a poliiicul parly. Undismayed, though j
shocked by this gross violation of tbe
constitution of the aountry, our people,
with a determination that no force
could subdue, no fraud could detest,
kept steadily and poacolully in the
path of duty, resolved to assort their
rights as American freeman at the bal
lot box that groat court of final
resort, before which must be tried the
grave questions of the supremacy of
tho constitution and tho stability ol
Whut tbo verdict of tho people ol
South Carolina has been you need not
be told. It has reverberated through
out tbe Slate, and its et hos come back
in us from every land where liberty is
venerated, dm luring, in tones tbat
eaiiuol be mistaken, that, standing on
the constitution ot our fouulry, we
propose to obey its laws, to preserve
as tar as in us bun, its ieace and honor,
uvory pledge mado by ns for reform
and honest government. We intend to
prove to Ibe world Ihesineerity of her
declaration and the sola motive wbiub
inspired the grand conical we bavo so
successfully made was not Iho paltry
ambition li.r lrlv supremacy, hut the
sacred hoe of redeeming our Stale.
It was the hope that led onr people to
a victory which was grander in its
pn.irtions, greater in its success, no
bler in its achievement and brighter
in its promise of prosperity than any
other ever wairou on this contiuoi.U
But il was sought to wrest the fruiU
of this magnificent victory from the
bands mat won It by a gigantic Irsud
and a baso conspiracy. When tbe
members elect of the general assembly
repaired to tbecapllol lo take tbo scats
lo winch the people of South Carulina
had assigned them, armed soldiers ot
the federal government confronted
them, and their certificates of eleclion
were examined and passed npon by a
corisoral of tbe guard.
. A apeclaclo so humiliating to a free
neoplo and solatal to republican insti
unions has never been presented in
America. Il could have been witness
ed even here, where civil liberty has
lor years neon but a mockery, bad not
iho ruthless hand of military power
struck down the most sacred guarantoe
ol llie constitution : lor tbe tread ol
armed soldiers, as he made bis rounds
through the balls of legislation, was
over the prostrate form ol liberty her
self. It was amid these ominous, these
appalling scenes that tho members of
the general assembly were called on
to assume their duties as tbe Kepresen
tatives of a free State, and tbat Stale
one of the original thirteen who won
our independence and framed our con
stitution. That tbe natural, patriotic indigna
tion of our people did nol find expres
sion in voice is creditabl in the high
est degree to them ; and this wu due,
in large measure, to the statesmanlike
and dignified conduct of those mem
bers ol tbe general assembly who had
been made ibe victims of this gross
outrage on their persons and thia dar
ing conspiracy against their const it u
tional rights by tbo presence ot armed
force, a legal quorum of the lower
house, after placing on record a no
ble protest, quietly withdrew from tbe
rapiiol, and proceeded toorganiso that
branch of tho general assembly. Nol
one form of law or one requirement ol
the constitution was wanting to give
lorce and legality lo this organisation ;
and that us authority has not been
fully recognized is due solely to the
armed usurpation which has subordi
nated the civil lo the military power
inrougn ine wnoie contest. 1)1 the
disgraceful, dangerous and revolation
ary proceedings resorted to by the de
feated party, alter the organization ol
iho lower I louse, it is needless fur me
to speak
You havo boon tbs witnesses and the
victims of these; and the civilized
world has looked on with amazement,
disgust and horror. Yon have neon a
minority of that Ilonso usurp tbe now
nrt ol the wholo body j yoo have see
the majority expelled Irom their ball
ny threats ol lorce; yon baveseea
persona having no shadow of a claim
ss members admitted to eratt as Ren-
rcsenlatives by the votes of mon who
themselves were acting in direct vio
lation of the constitution ; and too
have soen the last crowninir act of in
famy, by which a candidate for tba
office or Governor, defeated by the
popular vole, bad himsell declared
erected by bis co-conspirators. 1 make
no comment on tbose flag-rant ont-
ra.roa and wrongs ; it pertains to the
general assembly to take such action
in regard to ihom as tbat honorable
body may deem proper. But it ia due
to my position as Chief Magistrate of
mis uommonwoailh to plaoa oa record
my solemn and indignant protest
against ecu which I consider as sub
versive of otvH liberty and deetraetiva
to onr form of government
1 taese are tbe questions whiok ooa-
nern not as alone, but tba people of lb
u niieu mates ; lor u aota so unauthor
ized and so unconstitutional are allow
ed to pass withont rebuke of popular
government as established by the con
stitution will give place to military
dcaKrtiam. Our duty the duty ot
every patriot ia to demand a strict
oonstruciioo of tba conslilulion and a
nifid adherence to its provision. Wa
can only thus preserve oar liberties
and onr government.
A great tank is before tbe Coosem-
tiva iiarty ol thia Stato. Tbey enter
ed tbUconlMit wltb a plallorra bo brood,
so strong, so liberal, tbat evsrr IsstMat
cilia euld stand nra it tkoy i
agalswd awl ociwpted tbo aawadmsau
cpled ,h.I, m I advening.,, the honest iMuMu. Wr "Y lireo,, 1 hursd.y night. Lot. -; !.... .r..w, .,,
!...'.Mil..f U,S Mate, w.thcut .regard to o(. ; . . :Vt0Q, -.y by lnnrj,,, u,tMtK M,m -..
party or raco, with one voice demand- , . , b , ! ciesrSeid e..uiy. Pa , b.,., ,.. ij 'J
wl rulnrni ami Willi nnoi nil ninna rla. ""oriu 1 ""l"1 " "" 1 unv e""t" - o. m rt.,ele.e 1 ,n.. N.... I n,..l 1. L.enJ.1 I. . '"4
of the constitution in good fuith; they
promise I to keep up an clllcieiit s s
ten. of publiu education, and they do
dared solemnly thut all citizens of
South Carolina, of both and
parties shall be rewarded as equals in
the eye of enjoyment of every politi
cal right now possessed be them. To
the faithful observance of these pledge
wu stand cou.lliitled, and 1, as the
Hepres.'litulive of tho Conservative
party, hold myself bound by ever
dictalu ut honor and of good Isilh to
use every t-tTort to have these pledges
redeemed, fully and honestly.
irycu.oi ,. - ' I i.... lll'BStO. 1 lie eXtenr-.Bw
es !'
their determination to save the Sluto
To those who, misled by their fears,
their Ignorance, or ny evil counselling
turned a deaf car lo our appeuls, we
should not bo viii.liclivo but magnan
imous. Let us show to all of them
that tbo true interest of both races
can best be secured by cultivating
peace and promoting prosperity
among all classes of our colored Icllow.
1 rely confidently on tbu support of
vho (numbers ol tlio general assembly
in my efforts to attain theso laudable
ends, and 1 trust that all brunches of
the government will unite cordially in
, , . , .- . . i '
ibis patriotic work. II so united and i
working with resolute win unu earn
est determination wo may hope soon
to see the dawn of a brighter day for
our State. God, in his infinite mercy,
grant that it may come speedily I
And may llo show er the rich blessings
of peace and happiness on our whole
Some inquiring writer asks the editor
of tbe Philadelphia Timet the meaning
of tbe new coined word, of which bu
gives tbo following definition :
"We cannot wonder that our corres
pondent asks the question, as tbe term
wnot luund in any dictionary. Vnrit.UH
inrreet counts of it. origin and
mutttlitl bV0 If On iriVCII. A bllll'tf
was devised by ntvroes on tbo
piADlHUOni ID 1110 UUyft Ol HI a Very, aiKI
I'tflurrvU W n VIlforoUH O )ll I tit llOfl Ol
I ho butt). Any number uJ'tttrieii ovur
iliirty nino wat a bull' iIumc. In
LuumiHim, lant yeur, luo KepuI'licanM
umtiluLud nn oath-bound ttociuty, culled
Ihw I'nioii Kiifliiti Htop, vtUmo ohjuc-i it
wu to check niovt nient ot colorvd
voturs towurdH the DutnocruLiu cIiiIik,
which it was fin nil would pno the
iftu ol CArptii-lwi( ifovcrnmunt. 1 hv
tnciiib.T ol' lb blon woro iilcdffl lo
apply tho hint., Mi'l a bulla dou ul
thai, to any negro who miht'o buck
oo bin color. Aflurwardft- tliu wniiu
UuiintcruU came lo tlio rt-lii-f id' l!ic
colored rvcruiu, and in aomo instuiicc
puninbed their ucmocutim in iho f-aniv
I'Bruitiutin iiiuuiitJi. lun I mi ihijuh hi
wntcu lucao luwiuit:, uoifl occurrvu uc-
camo knuun aa null uowd i-arit-lu.-j.
Willi wider taw,,-, tho term i. (.., ut..
,1 I
piled 10 ail' Violent Ulld Ultllsual means
tl cllel t'llit a OUunUoliable ol. ecU fori
1. ... i
instance, ells and bis associates,
liacked by tbe Sbennun cuiiiuiilieu,
liull-dusod tbe Louisiana returns in
order lo elect Uayes. Cumuli, n is said
lo bave tbe 'resident into
subserviency to bis wislies, allhoiiirb it
waaanopsn question wbetherCuineiim
imll-doned l be Crwiideni or tho I'rcni-
dunt bull-dosed Cameron, lint tbev
all bull doiwrs U.-uther, ui.J bull-doling
,.! any kincj is ounoxious lo a free peo
ple. You rosy spell it citber bull-dose
or bull-dote tbu first way is justified
oy derivation ana tlio oilier hy
Cut ARH1.D, Fa., Dec. 24, 1870.
Ma. Ediths bear Sir; I wish
through your paper to ask the Kditor
ol ine journal a question, boning to
have an answer from bim. 1 urn a
Republican, and read his paper every
week, and always believed what be
published antil the last few issues, and
if be docs the fair tbinir 1 will contin
ue tn be B firm Republican. lie pub
lished the horrible oulragu upon M
Eliza Pinkston, which made tba blood
cardie in the veins of every,
bat I accidently got bold of a daily
paper ana saw where her rase was
taken up in court and sifted, and the
Attorney General of Louisiana, who
by the way is a Republican of the
helloirg school, gave tbe case on, sav
ing there was nothing in it, ss she was
a terrible liar, and lbs case was manu
factured by Wells & Co., lor tbu Presi
dential Election, a scheme lo uphold
the "bull-doting" stories set afloat, but
now two weeks has elapsed, and the
Journal does not say a word about tbe
court proceedings. No, Mr. Journal
your parly orders are to mako.ymir
readers beliovo tbat such stories arc
true. Now let me see you relutu the
ritiKston murder story as you ought
10 uo ana oe noorsi. i oars
Till Ca Blunt Maksrs. Tbe Cleve
land Leader says that if llnyos is de
clared elected, the following gentlemen
will compose bis Cabinet :
For Secretary of Slate, Hon. Win.
u. r.vorin, oi rtew lora.
Secretary of the Treasury, lion,
Benjamin II. Drislow, ol Kentucky.
Secretary of War, lion. Joseph it.
Hawley, of Connecticut.
Attorney tiencral, Hon. Benjamin
iinmson, oi iniuuna.
Postmaster General, Col. George S
Datigs, of Illinois.
Secretary of the Interior, Hon. Sew
Inn Booth, of California.
That is lb most unlikely Cabinet
ever invented by anybody. We ad
vise Governor Hayes not lo resign bis
Governorship.until after the Presidency
is rendered a littlo more fuvoruble fur
bim. Because, "a bird in tho baud is
worth two in tbe bush."
"KULtrDoiiso" BnsiNHS. One ol
onr Radical exchanges pals il this
way :
-Jetting like Ibe ef bnlidar foods In
made Uls .onsen (bat bars Borotnlore been mads
by ewr unersbuats and skop bsaners. Tbe eom
soonest nsessssrtes nf life are bard ensosb In nn
in Wllboel labia bu aaneaat nsr ol tba
Well how can any body show or
buy while such an infernal expensive
administration nf public affairs is toler
ated, M we have been compelled to
suitsln for The Tisst sixteen years.
And yet, tbo editor of ibis same sheet
wants llayes "counted in" so aa to
have four years moro of "cussed ness"
spread before ns.
A Rutx-Dotti. Tbe Venango
spectator man remarks : "Tbe misera
ble falsehood, alleging that 1100,000
was offered to a colored Louisiana
Blectorto ote (br Tilden, after having
done duty in tbe rural Republican
journals, tomes to tba front again In
tbs Philadelphia Preu Perhaps Mr.
roraey (eels tbat every dollar altered
to bave been offered te the eolnred
brother, over 125.000, Is an Insult to
himself and PaciRc Mail stock.
Ilow Htsanub It Works. When
lb Republicans aro brought iocs to
l ce with tha roses ol Oregon and
Louisiana, tMb at once, thcr are com
petted lo ei.o)slm, with lbs old colored
aoacots "He system of tbeoigy tan
st a nth qusftUau aa dam "
IUmarkaui.e. The accounts of a:
fl.'cL In llti.lMtlMliiir.r Pitnliihlcearcnhiirt
- .
about li.OIIO hut "tho govcrnmeiil
oui.nol find either the money or the!
Clerk. It is evident that the Hadsaru
still "reforming within tho party."
I lie nrncr 01 Il.o on ii-chio eunri 11.
.... f ...
Honda to rount 1I10 vote ul II. si
Statu was a bull dozing stroke aimed
at the ennspirutors who suppiau-d that I
thev bad lugged that Sutu for Hayes
beyond ull doubt.
Dot (Mid
Sheriff's Sale.
liy tirtu ot fnful'jr wrin ft'rt .
ufrl nol uf thf ".nrt f C fiiuitn t'lt-a uf '"Inr.
Arid tmanty. fnl to m rflr"'tv1, itirr will l
ij-l to I'tiM.p mIv, at tht Court I'him. In h
litirotifb ftt ('."nrfltiM, no Mon-Hy, Mi Hi b
nf jMimrv, IH7T. ! 1 cwk p. th M
loving driwr htd rtfl .., lo "ill
All ttl cfrUin lra or fj&mcl ln l iotr
VVrK.dwrd tatfMtt.p, OWiM cttmtf,
fronting an rt. Jm lr1 l"" ft-at nJ runnin
I. SK rt It .Mft-1 '"I ,ut Isrt ' 20 ""'i
II. kTitit trrsx-tfil therrv-i ft to..fnr.T frame
houtv, 13 b.f H ft. ( tHber -Mftrfttfy out
la.'dlfiKi. Setwl. Ukn In fieuutntn on 1 tn lx
old stitiia .r -p)rtj tif VVm to I M-tr; IVrtitn.
A tin, ft Mf'ftln plofo of front diltn'e la WnnJ .
ward tuvnvhip. Cl.arflf-M 0'iu-tv. P. nf a'tring
aooul one iiiortn "I en m -re, -m ij , ,.,.
hUM ,,.., ,,,,,1,, ,,,,,,, a-.
boat on fiinrth nf an w, hb 1J liff pi ink
tr ootliBHdin(iHiLirfnft trt4 tn-l "I ( kf
ntract, rat Vj ullfj, n:nb hy lot of Uurrt ftid
..utb l at) ftllf j, fir it I. taken In oxtviitlstn,
and to bo 1d ot tbo pfi-prrty nf Darts, iiti.
AI'A, o wrtaiii I runt or Uh Mtiut? to We fen-
rift totftahip. Clftrflrm eounTt. Pa..' omtniniof
abimi nii--if. ww, wwimnr isnjftrrwi,
hat-in !! log hoaao. Ion itablo,and oili-r out
bttlldn.g tberiM,i,, nt Nttiri'l tl m t,i. w, vm :
on tbo calf hy larda uf Wiirul ltt. rift l
labHa of P. A A tisnu. north h Unda nf J. il
Kwnta, and, t'ib ly intidmf Smith Mini
Otiird, taken in eifcili iD. and Co K hM ilt'ibj
prapriy of Joseph It, l.-'l
Alio cariftln lrct cf Ian t t'i'mtt'ifk J irdaft
tnwnbiaUWrmV Idoooiity, Pa.muiiiiog abutit
Ally ocn-a, aritb ftl-wit forty aorea ioord. utl
bating tritroeo orvotod awall I. Wry dtllitg
with kitebtTft ftJlavchtJ, an oU pUnK bcuto, tifu
aterira higb, fUtoocuptrd, good wall of -tlrr, a
wall frtitno born. g n ened an I eorn erib.atn ill
orchanl, tw., bounds ra-t by (ana af J. il
Ulftagnw. neat hy John Thmptin, O'.rtb by Tir
"f cNrai, and ..mb by w... iuom. Hr.. i.
"J V 7. " " "
Alva. e.riam trant of Und aitimto la Lr
I ':"T' "":i'ml':Z
-.rlh by land of Uvar Flecal. unl D lb. a-t
y ttetoanenipr.aa ratiniiig tfjia iliehnoe Mire
and Patkorvllla Turnptao rod pat Lanr t'i
mi urti -uiiiiiTi.u(nij. .,i ,n i r: t ..'
, -. - - - - - " w , MOO Ol Juba
gal a larm, .ntjliiin ttiirtaan ours-a, aaoro or ! laiuit.g la 4'b "a Krnnt atroot foot, and ea
lei-, and b'leg tbe aian ptvee of land (.urch-e l I itndmg in Irpib ny toMattaUfi, U fet, knows
by IVter Mctintre I ruin Hit hard Hh.w f ,n yIM ( Mi.J borough aa lut No. IX, having
Alto, all that ei-naio ho.e and lot of gr'Mtod : tiieraia orv-lo I a to-tu ry frame boaao. sailed,
IIunI in Not til Uuutidale Clearfield ruuoty ,l' , j takrn in Uf i a ood to bo aold aa (fee fl ipriy
beiBif M leot tiont and l"U fret de p. t;h alolT-J McLalMtnib. I .1
atoro b.ane tbervon ervrt-d t liy ill frH, iwoj Alao, ail of Irmon laat'a tatoroat m aa I to er.
atarya bigb, of f'aine. Tbn ai-iro room la abnlrod ruin ten acre f groutid ttlu-te la Mrady top
and eotmterfd, anJ in g i rd-r ; und knooa a IVnix'a .Mmi nil! uid d-uo.bav.
AIo, all tha iuiertat of P"rr MrOeorgt io I aro , mt tl ert.c er ot d a large rletta et mill aol
other lota adj. doing tbt derto-d loti, in i other luiiro e'mant Alao, npin all lefeoivo!'.
atd Notib lt'a atJale, r Huitti ilk.i-BtBjr kiiiio.t iaterrat in aol ti tho aian linr tini'rar of avert
j aa l'ta No. 'a S4o and 247 m the p'ati ufaai I luwn, j
amm nar natviiia; Bti'i iiitj n.wpi Uiru lint ntj
twing partly fet, I, nod b-iug tbe a uo lota pur
eltaad by tbo raid Mot.o fra trota loild bl.
tieorga Kratior. tvttied. taken ia eteooliou, ana
lo b eoJJ at tbe prxporty of Pe'or 4;.taira.
A.", ft rifiata fait ot iao-1 v uro m Use
natoon bi. l-harfttld eotiuty, Pa-, rn.itaining
about 111 aerva, tfitb about 7o arn-e eiearod n i 1
h-,,.,- .rr.ird ihenui a lnraa
i utory d
lug bokif . two Uro earna ofioiieated ty ebal, ;
Kiam bouae, ci'rn crib w tl bonte ail aintti ,
, :""'" 7'"'"""
I .nj., anu we e.uUNt , nrer.aru, o ,
; o..ui.d.u n,l described ai ,..i,in : On iho ea-l
-,,"''l,i "'' " ' tn. es
t.F 'ill.iria.rl u. ih. k I.. Ii U'
neil. on Ih. sontn b llsnrjr riji, el l. I l, lo it, eel, e.'l l.y vratt a'ler. Ie1ng tssrenn "
Alio, nil d. indents iuts.elt In tbe lullonins; ere-'et a .n .11 tr.-ns h-m os lot 5o. 108, mni ''
uVcr',ed reel uslate t LeiU fio.'s I .ud 4 in blov i a lb,n ,iB lot No I.IV - '
Ns. I, en. I I-,. .a I.Ijo Xo. II. U. Ibe .lla..i I A'ro. ono otbnf fltrt ut Ur. I in raid l,oro-h,
a ulen llupe. sn-l H km m Inol usin. su u eotHa4e( Sse am. m ee km. Kouivt.1 MS V
uftllin, nndlrejn(it,ekuurt..ueiuuud , I.. ,r,. ri r ol I'al F.isf.reld. nerlb o street,
ed ,-a.t i.jr .sliio roa I, west ns Und nl S. U. I ar ,i l II tluppr. a nth ..y M nllannnn Land S
l'a,eli.n au.l uurin hj, ttlan Uoue. Sa.sed. I UmUe Co.. h.,t, a m hnaMlStlS (set IB
in elocution, and to s.ld as tbs prj,,.rte ol n.. and n s'l li.en IS, 13 feet, gala A tabes
J.r. twiner. i I i ' . eierotfcfl .a I to to aokl a. Use Beapsrlj of
Also, all teal Sertsla lot or niece of grounJ , a4,rre. u,ltit,n.
Ituale ia tl,n ll -u( of HelUuet, Ceard.. I j aii. ell ibee c.n-i of Ian I l-)an led
oosntv, I'e ., Hounded nnd d. sjr.bed ss ll.uw.,lo ,J deeeribed a. rsll.U Oae Unci aur,, is
it: On tbe nosin ojr Used street, on tbo euaib ti. num. .f tieorto Jlsii.ker. siluats nrbollj In
by lot No. 1 1, on lbs .e-t b. tbn lilt ol tbn t. A Mo-ri. lonh,i. ClenrSeld nonlt. I..
U a. H., nud on lu nasi be ..... ,t , e,.at.tnene itexb i;,7 nnetbes to pnit,
...d known in msnesstul nlaa o. .1 J nor B,,. : tb.n.-e ea.t I4S perrhe, to mall thenoo
as lot No. IJ, nnd ibo aaina premiss) mown oj ,u,t, lit I perche. to post, tb-nn br Ynr.
undrs a-od nnd lanlui oon.TSnnoe. beeime reel. a ,,,, M,u,k 41 drireel wstS OS ret. In
.0 in Jeaei b. lirebam aad H lllain A. Waliasn. u,u,l,l, mnplo. Ibenon s.,ulk 1.1 dntreos
" h ' l,:,r w-Wid 10 j pars..e. lo po.l, toenea aoB'b S d-rsos Weil J
TV, 7 7.Z . r " . ' ,
" I U'nbnu. and Wu laoa was oon.e.ed to J ,ba j
A- ttostiiruob, barintf n 14 store Irauie bouse.
b.lcben, stable nud otbr outtm.ld.ngs tbereun
sreuted. - , ''.''
Al.o, sll uVfend.tits rirSt, l!U. .oi l'.terest
(saespl Ibe treerial.obs bsre.iMttnr mrnltonntl,
subject to tbo uid di-od oy UaKualt to l ufosrl,
tn sil trat certain p.eos 0( land described 4. fal
Iowa : Beg iriaing nt a Oust n (no eroes-cut lutn
I'ike, in Luggs lp , oouotr end Slats storeoold.nel
jin.t,grand ot Jamie H. Turner, Irenes east 4S
prr,:bo. to on MesMbauee 4b psrolis. aou.b
in linn 01 sold Tu.Bsr.lbroes nlna- line ot furu
cr 4S Heftee west to aaid turnpibs, tbenon nloug
.aid lur.,iias ISJ psrebes norm to plsce ul bo
g.uuing ennlalt.tiig a aeree aud S1 peronw., being
nonet nss.ger truck ol land ameeysd or a.m
MeKnsllr l luruer, reeoid-4 nt twaibeld to
deed b-ok K, pegs. S4, as., aud np tun aaMi
turner, l,r dod ueted tue bib da. u( ,-H,pteinoor,
A. It. ISU, reoordo-i at tl.arftsltl in deed boot
No. S, pone Tn, Sold nud oourersd to James nbi
msl, nnd bv lbs said Juntas Suimel, by deed So
led Sib Mareb, IB14, reoorded nt I'iooruaM to
4e d nook bu. IS, page gr, eold and Seaeeyew sn
Jobs A. H'estbrouk. Seined, ufcan in nieoution,
nud take sMd na tbe prnpertjr or Jona A. rVaal
bruok. Alee, a Brrtala Irani of land situ.te In lbs bor
ough ul Mswnurg. C.earu.ld Oouutv, Co.. k,iond-
ed end described as lel.eK ' On Ibo ws-l o;
paoim road, an tba fc,utn ue land of K. ri Mnl
gumery, on tbe naal by lauds of K. S. tiulg,i,aery
and John r'eliwsll, nnd on the aurtn by publiu
roa.l, soulsi.iing, wi.b about ;lo ae,ss
stea'ed and under pond at.on, nnd having u
jeeiig gruoing arcbir 1 tbsruMi, snd nisi,
n small one-.tory plank bon 16 n 2u feet,
bslse-l, taken IB election, and tn be Bold a. tbs
nrupsriy or K K. Hi
a trials trust nf Inod in Fergu-on
township,! :ienrftekl e-muty. Pu .sontainine e.k,ui
100 nois.,wltb aoout 111 sere, sleared and hiring
a small wrcoard, small log Buu.a snd luff bra
thsreon, hounded cast by lands nl H',a. Il in:nr,
ws.tbylsnds .(John Kill, ar-.b by lands
sl.tlblas llulllgsn. noBth by land, ot John Unit.
Also, oonntber piece or lad eituaie .a tba
lonnship. county and Slats aloreeail, oonta.niug
ubobl luu aorea, with II aorea olsare.1. anl h.1.
ing erected thereon n small two story plank frame
oou omer nutnuiidiiigs, b.iund--d east by
lands nl .Mrs. lirscu, wet be Ian Is nf W.n. H ,e
nil, north hy lunds nl Josrpli Straw, and south
moils Ol I arm ShoT Heitrd. Uk-a .a ess
cation, and lo be .old as tba pruio-rty eg Paui
W htte.
Tcnnt up SaLB. The prtet or sats at whlnh
Ibt propsrly shtll be tlrueb ol must bn paid at
lbs lims of aalt, or rush a hnr arraagameut
mede as will be approved, otherwise ths property
will ha Immediately put ap and sold again ol
lbs tlpeaan aad rub of mo person la wBom It
wus straeh of. and who, in noseor dotetehoy at
such re suit, .hall mnba good tbe nurse, ad ia
ae iBeiaaeu win ms used be praaoalrd la Uoun
far ronkrmattoo nnlsss tbe money Is artaalli
paid te tbt Sharif.
W. R. Hcl'llEKSOX,
Sassirr's Orntca, t cibonll
riearSeSt. Pa.. leo II. I7.
SherilTs Sale
TJT slrtnenfwrit. of VrudVlioai Srponoi. issaad
a p nut oi ibo uouri at cuinmua Plena af Clsur
l.ld tennis, and la me direeted, there wtl!
ha ssposed la public snla. at lbs Court Hours,
ia lha bernagb af Clsardsld, na Monday, the
am any ni eunuury. 177. al 1 t nloek, p m,
Ike lollewlnt deserihed real tstste, la wilt
A eertaia tract af rand sitaole in Bones t....
skip. C tsrlrld Cs , l a., neua.lsd and deetrihed
an follewt t Hoginaing at a Sloan hrsp a fsw
perches east of lha foar mils stasis fp.m Philips.
oerg ... De-Mni luron.UU rooS, and On the
north si.le af said road tlitnae by land af Hani
mas Philips north ID psrehnatoa nosi on tbe
land running between asid Philips land, lata ol
Usorge Smsal ; Ibrncu by tsnd lant nn.nn, east
lit perrnts lo a ae-en sapling aa tbn line between
Wm. Lansoa nnd Wm. Ilrunker. anl SO neeehM
east ar an nld white aak Je.ina!ing fin oora.r el
trsei at I noma., William Drunhnr nnd
nilllam Bo. son, lormerly awns I ky llarrimm
Philip. I Ibraot by land lorasrlr owned hy Hard
man Philips snnlh I7S psrehe. te boat oa th,
north ride of naid tarwpike rinuli tieane kytke
sreemi eonrr.o, rule roail north fl degree, wee,
IJ perches In B post th'-uca Bor.b In degrees
west ! perrhss te n post ; thrnnt n, nh 41 degress
est ,o,- pereu. iu ,ue pine nt negtnning, ann
tnining I . I aores measure, renrring a let therein
nnd thereof aoartyed la K. II. Peiers, also, a let
said Bid saareyed te Abram Caeaisaham. alao.
a let a Soul one acre sold and toatayud lo James
Ceamagham, alaa, a lot of about was aad a half
aerea as grouao eom and tnareeed ko I. I. Hear
hart, alio, Ike patties of Iba Iral part raotrving
all we..e p,ae ono nomine. llmteT Bt (US B.W-
tag anepaaen, (sea need book No. S, page 119.
(or full reservation.) with about IS eeres elcered
aad kariag a large Iwa atary rrame Bonss, f urns
horw nnd hasriag nrehard thnraoo.
A Ian. nil lat certain let or grnaad tiluitt In
vreaier, vrearnoHl uo., ra , ooaadod
nnd desnribe4 aa lellews i Baglanlow at a ao,ai
ss Ike UkarSn.4 piha tkeoaa lentk 41 Segrvte
west pore bos as putt t tkaoor Bank 4i dogrees
eon znf pereoo- so ralirmd umbos Bp sums Borth
41 deg.eea west II p.rrbes lo pUee of Imgiaaiag.
sontntnlng Iwa aeres, wits frams hunsa tbnroon
Seised, tnhen In e.eoutioa and te bt told aa Ue
pret.arly al llkdeosj tvmenl
K, a eertaln trees of land sltaat. hk Pussy
rillt, WoodwnrS Inwnsblp, CVserteld senate Pa.,
konsided snd deserthed aa f(,lhwa i Oo the sua.
br l.aae ll.g-et.. wont bv ttrres. aenb ho oaol,.,
rood, and south hy sleet, nnd kariag a lame
Iwoi.lery frama weuna I hereon, with kH 0 a lex.
feet. Belseei, Intra an etteut.ea nnd la be tolj
n. tbs property nf Donkl A. Kephurt.
Alea, all Umhuj eertaln tracts of land rltusM la
Merrrt tropeklp, CTItarteM On, Pa. No. I be
aBbnt nt a wkMa Uoe tasl IN perehss
in Waok nek IkSBss tawik IPS aarahaa t. a mhu.
ntkg Uan an .sg Ih perukes U terete, berry I
itx adftrtlstm nts.
i ono- 1st p.rcBMto uIsmoT k ....
i r.,i, 144 and in D,k. s2 '
lbs h Kldrman srr. nod h .
ibo Iih.c lr, bsvin lot Hn uj
Mlo.l.ll Kjlrrlown. MurrU lo.olllt
lold Hs.. kfmm mm fl, ( nl
d lon, uouudod us lbs Bortb lit u .
. ...1 I,. ... .L.. . .... . " "''
of .
1 " j - - 0; h4 rf
II B.-A- a.,.1,1. I.o i.dt.l.a ...! .
I ' " V." .
; i,u
ifj lo 1'orjr dl-loi kudo, Uohl ,.,s lJ
l...iirf,k.fa lk.rua
No. 1 Snusulo Morris ton...,,. Cln,.u
ooli'jr, rt . oosloiimj SI s Irak! imiJ
.1.1. ...I p-t. h lo u.h ; (bom , j.i,;
Il iM -florin IIS rj.hri 10 Butt i iSm.. l. j
I Wiring's sil I frokol In komltk , lfJ '
0 loll, Mintl ft-rlft by ai. tlly. oohckihhi mm
mrrr, nnfiPf tn'wm isn iry iratft dtft l
fcouso, ft-'f b4i)tiajc. U., mi.i 'rAt 9niUt4.
N i. Plluatt In Kytcrtion. U'trrti ,p
Ctfsjrn-ld uiM.r. I' , by Unl ol jM-.? oa ibt
.mlb nd n the n irtb bvp thlit rd, and
fn the -t by h inT-ft'i r:, eontaiaiag' )
aarfi mora or (, baring tbr m tw-ftory
pl.nk h'.ti't anrl aid Uble.
No. 6 Jiflaota In Morrfa township, CltvS'4
eoiirty, Pa , btuadM oa tba oorrb bv Jubi N.
bt narroT. 0"tJtl. iy load nf Hwa Canst 1 Ca
fjf .t of hto Hnla. aM if nM! .
o Chris-lei Co.. aontaiftiag jj Mra trtfj (j(
prrh. It sow a ai tbo Ittho Vej(b urvaj, and
ttt.ltnnn.rf .
No 7 iMtutsia In JK.frli low nib to, CltarflaU
cnanl-, IV. bound -J on thn oaM by Jba .NViMt,
nt the north by Ilatra A Co , n ta Mt by th
J hn Vs. ajt h ft aarroy. on tbo wait br llartla A
Miller, mn I on ibt tuf by Jtibn Nm lit, e-ataia
ing 43.1 ftrt and j.lj .-lt( and lit no ti
tho Cavpar lmmi urc, and al of tba tilait of
Joffph C. BrrnnrT. Maiw-I, taktD In at-?atio
and Ui be aoU tu ih pmpurty of Jua. C.
Alan, a i?Maift M of groand nitoato ia CUar.
flrld boroah, t'trarinld sxirjaty, Pa., 07lth
imrj nn a nontt si traio I'aulo tbareoa
erte'ed, ailuato m tbo boroagb of Cl-arHtld tt4
Suit aloroMtd.tU'-cribed a lullom : lUgisniag
at a pnt on tho luuth aidi nf tbi pnMie r ad oa
Ibt betok i'f lb lHuquabaBR river, being tba
norlb oat roroer ol Uo I ol f. . Miller; tbnc
at dig laid I aoutb 11 dt-f roei east Sot) r- to
a poat: thfne- h Und of M. fl. Olen north (SI
dfatrrea enst HO f-ft la alloy ( tbea aleag uii
air-y north drgree art ItftO fnit to p ut at
pai'lie roe t t 'betiot along Mid road ooftfb K rjn.
grt Wftt f.U f.-at pl4awt beiaamg. ojBUift
iig A5 9 10 p.Tbt.
No. 1. l of giouo I aituata is tba b-rou(h of
Clt-artieM, ouua'y anl Mat afomatd, knooa ia
plaa of lota Uid out by (J. I. R--ed, from lb
north coat roor ot bta facia, ia tbe btrmgb
or iMfarlleld. x lot 4 ia bl-efc Ko t, having
100 rrt trttt on Water troit and Ml) ft ia
dtptb, d' tl a tbonnrih by Water tr-t, on
the eat hT a rt', oa tbe ut'i hy alley, and oa
""u1" '"" r ' -7 isssi.'i
N-. 1. I..v .f ground i'ttita ia tb huriajS of
(.laor;il, rouaty an I t4te rreaai I, houodnd
aud deaeirsaal aa; An ttv bv Irtml
atroet. ob Ibo a rtb ly Uoeoat atrroi, a tha toit
by aa allc. a .d "O lha a -tith hy lot Ti. eua-
kind and to wak erobnttle tiabcr
, rr ill aiMO, R'W atiag mWt glkiWlHg Aft 00 ftcrei
(of land ul' Andrew Peata, aituato ia aaid lop,
j theft being a lar ajuaaiily mi bU pine and
I .ih. r ialun.".lo Utubor treea 00 aaid 9- aerei of
land. hr,u I, t"rn is rfcmi'i anJ to be -ld
tbe property of Wm C. Corlv.r,
A eo. a crrift'0 Ir.-t of lea I aitutte U 0eon(a
itomugh. Iuun-e n 1 derio4 4 follow! : Oa
thvaorfh he prt.firrty of Ma I fl.raerl v, oa tbt
ivh bv ' irf n airect e-t br llmr alley, veat
b.' Kliia-ih eiract. vorii-atoda Ito towi M.
" ?'' r " -': "". .
,.e. lot. Ire'ny I ,1 tl so tost .pm. '
A!.-, (ni. i.lS-r luti In mil SfcHtu. tetns l
,. it.i . d I. ,,l.e p. ee.l ...eeti, nojna-
. .. . . . . ' V .. . k I . .. V.. I.- .k .
r,rc"" t'Ost.inenoo wsst ll.f perebes te pi,
f b,f;ii,ni,i. eonuinin sera, sad lid p.
g, cont.ininn 4V9 acre, aad iw o.r..
sll unimproved, with nak, pine and kemloeklim-
,nr tbenon, sns) snppseed 10 be partly underlaid
with coal. .
Also, onsnthsr Irtrt la uid lowniblp. lb Ibt
name of lusepk Turner, beg Inning at post nf Jes
se V smell, nortk J degrnea out 04 pV robes ea
doable saeplo, tkencei di,wn Un.hsanesi eneb X.
Tn degrees west perebns, nertk II degrees W II
psrclisa, n-irth tt nsl fl norekae, norS si d-g.
sail S4 perebei, o,-h ss degree. nest II psrohee,
nnb 1 dsmes west S percuss, nenh 14 Isgree.
earn ti perckss, nuts. SS asreeef eiM-4. strokes,
soutk ss d.gee,. H 41 porok-s, nertn AS dog .
oast 20 peri-be, south 71 salt J. ae robot, aoaik
sn drgn-e. ouaa porekes, lb. nee bp Jos. Tur
ner north SSI.S te pool, tbsuos by Jank we.iIS 1 perches to sUd plaa. IBone. bp
U.Wsrts soutk CI pbarsef beginning,
oonteing 4 IS nam na l IM perokea, aeimorored.
itk sums onk pinu nnd krualnok timber tbernos
and supnoeed to he in part ue-lerUI I ,lb real.
A'sn.ansalhar trout oH-iala paflf 1s ala-tis
tona.hip. In tbn name ef J-ojepk Turney, begin
ning at a p-at. theneb aenb .ln.Sper,-keslopost
'hsnee east PA.t on-rob. , komlueik. tkeSen by
K 'nnler rnnath Ik. sxnken la peat, tkesoa east
I IS perehns la stnwea. tboBsa inlh 4S porokan tn
maple, thsnoa east SS perohoe Pi mn-eas, leasee
ITS per .-bee te pool, t wsat sd perabsn tt
..onsn. ibonnn sutlk tIS perekaa la wkraa pian,
Ikeace be Jaenb Brsh north 4t dsgmna wrsl 111
penrhoa to po.l hr kemloek, 4h-nne br Maskaa
non ereoh tHb IS degree west 14 narehns.tlieata
n,,r'h 4 d-gree. west nS per'-hes.tbanoa n-rln T6
legrees wsat SS perehes.norUl SS dogreo. wsm 44
nerehe north in nerohe., thenee nxrtn IS degrees
east 14 perches, ikearte no-tk IB d 'green noil 4S
narehns then -e a-inh I dee-roes east 4V.1 nerehs.
j plana of Itailnning. tfmuiolng in alt 4eS aeMj
an I perch-s In all ef wh'Sh Ihs f -lnwiog ds.
ll,sd p-,rti,n i. in Rnsh Town.hip, Centra
Cnanty. Pn . ell: nolnniat nt a poet SO Iba
hab nf Mn-hinn-,0 errek on line roonlng .oath
between J eph Turn. an I Jam.. Tumny tract.,
tbenee .long sai.: line inl- peiche., asora nr lees
to while plan, thence north 4S degrees west III
imreh . In po.l hy bemioah. tbeaee dowa Mo
ihanooB ereek hr iu several aoarsos aad dis
tances ta Iko plane af aegtening, containing
about .10 acres, mom nr less, .he wkols Iraot sw
Uits in both eounttee heing wnimproeod baring
some onk. pine an-l hemlota limner thereoa nnd
rn,ose,t to He uidoielH. with enel is port.
A'-o, ono "thee trued sitnnto Arlly la Vturris
Town.nip. Clt irftel I nonnty, I'.., nnd peieeipally
In Hush Township, Con'ru Cunty, Pn , being
surveyed ta Banes of Isaen Turner (nr Jnseph
Turner, k-ginuing nl whlu oak, thtne? hy Und
( Klng.ler weal 2S4 perches In stones, tbenna
south ITS o-tnhes ta p-mt, Ihsnoe wet IS per
ches lo stones, thenao 214 p-eebe. to whits pine,
Ihen-'S south 411 deg-ees east Si perehns ,i whttt
osb. thenot nnnh -li degrees nat 210 perehss Is
whits nak. the- to unit I IS4 parches t' und
pi, no of heginalng. the whole treat emvniulng
I4H nnrns ,IS psrohee. e-l sll thai p-n-tloa sita
a.e in K,,.h T -wnshlp. Centra Canty, kslng du.
a.-rtvd as I illuw. t lleginn-agat a poet oe bapk
of Mornannon geeeh, tbenon south 100 p-rcbol
mm-e nr lens lo white pine, Ihenoe south 4m ea-t
.1 perche. to white oak, th-not B -rth 46 nasi
tn p. relirs to a while oak Pi honk nf MosbeB- '
una track, theooe up truck by Us rartoia toarsea
nnd d s-anoes lo tbn plana ol beginning nonln.B
Ing nhont SHO acre., mornnr k-H. taa whole trsnl
hiring some nab, pins and ksmlaok timber
Ikerena and being animprornd.
The rrmoining tracts bolus partltnlsrly de
scrlbrd ns follows t
Also, one ether thereof .Ituale Us H orris
Tnwnship. ClearSalJ Conaly. Pa, ta Bam af
Jeha Vaagh. beginalng al a mnpla tarsa. af C.
Slebrr sarvay, tbenat soalh lit pe rakes lo a
tool, th.ncn wotl MS perthet lo plnon nf hngia
atng aoatarning ia nil 454 noma and 41 pervbei,
mora ar less, ksing aimprnrod aad baring small
lot nf hrmlnea, aak and nthrr timber therooa.
Alniaaiithnr tract in Morris Township, OlsarSeld
County, Pa., nnd Burn.lde Township, Imstra
Cnanlt, Pa., in Ihn nams af John Naobit. hegiei
nlng nl a mnplo corner f John Vaurh, ihenoe
by Irset nnme nf Hliaon arnr. anrtk tls pteakea
tn whttt nab. (bene rust hp turesy aainnnf
SI" p robes lopina, thenee sea' h bp
John Hams atrroy Its perobtslo post. Iboase
west .MS peinhes t,i belnnlng nnnulblng in all
413 uereanad l -l which
Is si.nart In llnmslila Townrhtp Centre County,
Pa., Iglnnlngnt np'Stt aa hank af Moebeimoa
trcak, Ibenon tt I'M) psrebts m re ar less la
pisl, tb-aoe noutk IM more nr less In knak ef -ereek,
ih, ae ah,a( said e-eek hp tt. ssverul
ennrtrs nod diMsat-ea ta begianing rantsinnlug
at aores, mora or less, ike whole Irnsl hsriag
hemloah aad other tim , -r thereoa, aalonim
prnrnd A'so.nnsthsr Iraot situate la Mnrrit
fewaship, ClsarSeld t' Pa , aad B. ranee
Tnwaabip, to own Ooooty. Pa , en warrant e( 0.
St.dtes. begianing nt a maple. I bene, west IM pur
ehss In a maple, thence Brth llOptrtbts u p.aa,
tbeaoa raat lit pen. Set ta as post, Ikooss teatk
1st perches In beginning, Ikn wkole Irner coot. is
ing 431 acres nad lllpseokeitalka portion .110
ttt in Cnn.rt Conaly. Pe. being a. lellowi: Be
giualng al htakof ereek. Ihenoe south Jl per
she. tn mnple, theaoa west ISO ptrehes, mors ar
le-s In hath af Me.hannna trash, tbones dews
'he creek In 'he Lerth Hat of said treat, Ihsatt
rsst .lone said liae la nlaes af of beieniai,s- ,
tainlng 2S neres, mora nr lie. tbe wheleumm. -
prore-t. huvine hem luck nnd other timber Ihsreoa.
Ssiti-d, tehee) tn nteawitea oo I to hi said as Ika
propr-truf aranaor. Tranknaad Perkar. -
r.oaa or SaLB. Tks B.loa nt sues S4 wBles
the propertv ekall hn strath of msM be pawl al tha
tnea of sale, or swab .Hktr Biioagsmtnli msda aa
III ha approved ntknrwi Ikn pr,penr will
'mmeoiaisiy pal ap BBS mis ague at tneeipew-
ind lis! ef loo aertioa la Bnw, M wwt ttrata ol,
aad "he. to oooa af Selalsasy al soak rt-tnln,
thsll Beaks good tka tnooe, aad Is Be) tattaaea
e SI Ue lered be prsssalsd bn Oeorl for nsunrms
lion natena Ike areaee la sotaallt peSd ns tka
Writ . w. il MspaeasoN,
Snnnrrrl Oorvrn, 1 'SherlC.
Clsaed.ld. Pe., boa. II, MIS. I ' - '