7 IIRXHYi JuMior treat Pun l 1 U'MBaa ... i.-.. ...... mail m . lllMemnj Mi .,. Article, of MtmwM .nd deede l oMoyeael " "'' not or okarge. 71 JJOOT ASPHllUP, 00T AJiPSHOK MAKISO. JOSEPH II- DKKKINll, u Market at wet. la Sbwt Row, Clear-eld. Pa., Jail re-self ed a aaa lot I'rawk Calf ttk.aa and Kipe, taa beet la Ik aarei, end le Raw prepared te maa fcetare Miriaisf la bit Ha. lie will war - fut ate arora te be aa rep-eeenLed AiM. all kiaJi ef Leather and lib Findinge tnr Te aMieaa of Clear fl Id ana tldalta art reepeeif-ll ta-lled la Wt blai a tail. Work deae a abort aoiloa. T lft'Ty jJWf -ly.n utt-t -.v.ipr. jth ow tbil IM cr ml of ' la IH alar towBiblp, ClaarbuM auat.r, I'., wiibla r short diruoea at taa Trrnna 4 Cloirfm I H. R, .od adjolaioi laaili at Kurt liuion aod olnrr, aad ka.a at lk Jab II. Uoarhart Int. Tbe aaia Irmot oaolaioinc aw raur af taf, wilh two vaini of valaabl anal tbi.raoa, hM alul flu aeraa alaaml. aad U taa kjr ta a laraa bodj of eoat abaat btioa dtMlorHfa. M ill be told low aad apoa aasv tarai.. rvr parlirourr, api7 tit IH VI I) L. KIIKBM. Claarfiald, Pa, Jul J 1J. BM TJANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTHKR8BI RO, PA, Dialer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY A GLOVES, HAT A CAP aal BrOTS BlIOEfl, Tubaoeo. Oroearlai and Flab. Kalla, Hardwarf, ijaaanawara ana uiaaawara, ana Bo;a' Clutbioft, Droa;a, Pulata, Oil a, Bobuol Book i, a larg lot of Patent Mediciaea. Caadiat, KvU A DrUd Tmlta, CbatM and Craok ri nook aoa Hifla Fowdar, Flour. Grain onil Potfttoofl, Olorar aod Tlaiotbj Seed, Sola Leather, Moroeooa, Llalna;a, B.adtojra and Tbraad, HboemaKera luola and Ebot Findiaga. If o greater variety of oode ta any itora la tbe eaaaty. All for aale rery low for fatfa or eoantrj produce at Iba Cheap Loraer. Mny I, 1875, HUEY & CHRIST, nt.i rnormnnn" or tiik CELEBRATED UlSKElf f , MARK PATt AND Dlt. HTtKt'KR'H TONIC HERB BITTERS. f;vn rot phick list. Ill i:V V I'll 11 INT, I JI K. 34 Ktrcct, FIIII.APni PHI A March 29, U79 iil Jlarfltt'nw, yimrnrr. POWELL & MORGAN, DIAL! It IX II ARD W AUK, AIm. UaDafaetarariof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARPIILD, PA. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kleda fur aale hy pnWKrX A MO KG AM. R AII.UOAD WHEELBARROWS for ala bj POWELL A HOROAX. filh, PAINT, PUTTV, GLASS Ralli, U., for lala kj rOWRLL A MOROAX. TTAKNES3 TRIMMINGS A SHOE riidlBfi, for lalt k J rOWKLL A MORGAN UN3.PI8TOLS 8WOKDCANES for lata kj POWELL MuKUAN. CTOVKS, OF ALL SORTS AND 8lui, far ial k rOWKI.L A MORGAN, rnONI IRON! IRON! IRON 1 L Far lata kt POWKLL A MORGAN, II ORSK SHOES & HORSE SHOE HAILS, for kj POWKLL A MORGAN. PULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES a. Aal kalt Ma.afattora, for lalt kj POWKLL A MORGAN. JMIIMBLR SKEINS AND PIPE BOXFS.for i.ltkj IPOWEI.L A MORGAN. SAraT&OTraR aiALsat ia HARDWARE, aad mannfaetareri of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, flerotid Hlrcrt, Clearflotd, Pa. Having rlitil oar atnraronm aad doafiled onr aioea, wa are prepaml to oner barKtaa to par ehaara in ear liae. Wa bavedrirtd to do a Strictly Tash Business. aad ran threfera atll at greatly mlaeed prliea. Carpenter! aod perieaiwko eoatetaplale baild Ing will da well lo alanine ear Tool, ani SxkUdiBgBardvar, whlek ll e and of lha kert maaufaotnre. We keep a lerge itook of NAILS, OLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HI NOES, SCREWS, All kUda of BeBAk Plauea, 8awa, Cklaala, 8ajuaraa, a aia ".(, nirBW( e; IBlBnB ai4 laVVtl, Mnrllatid A Thnmh niifri, Kerala, Braeaa A Ritu, Waod and I ma Beech Rcrewe, and the beat Baring Manama la the arket. Donbla and Single Bitt Aiee, lOCKIT CtTTLKRT, At. Agent$ for BnmHr$ Iron Com tihttlrr, warreawa. Aleo, agaau for Rlekardi' GOTHIC FLL'E Taj's, wklol erwtaaR ran Smoky Phtea. Farm Implements, Garden Tool., ' erery deaerlptloa. A "rga variety af COOK STOVES, . w warraal to gte, aaUeraeftoa. Frtmhl, Mmnftt am4 fWiaa tee. .Ruflag, aVestaf aad Jek Week aVaer M s.liaakl.a. AH m, ,H rMr. p.M aaiaaaHa. nMMm.i M. aaa itetai MtaidaTE k aaaerUaerd aart taea. , - kUr L IK. 5rn ttoodj, ffirarfrlif, (fit. i TTA TIME8 i Jl HAVI KO KIPKCT IN FRENCHVILLE I aw aware thai lhera ara tome btriotii a little herd la pleaee, aad I am alio aware tbat the ! tajpla,Ri of "bard tinee" le wall alfh aaiitrral But I taw eluated bow tbal I oaa aatiafj tbr oraier mua prove eanciuaiveijr ia.i "bar- iibm" will aot afltot thoee who buy tbair go&da fteai ae, aad all any pat ma a abel) ha In It laird tnto lha aa-er-t of I have axxla a.kk lo .t,U ail S lukabt- Uata Hi tbe lower and of tbe eoaaty which I ll at eiceediof low ratea fraan my usaaaaoth etort ta Mri.SUaNHl'Hti. where 1 eaa alwavi be feaad ready tw wait npoa eallora and lupply tbea Ub Dry Goods of all kinds, finch aa Clotba, ttiuittat Caaalnerea, Mb Ilea, iieiatnefl, ljtnea, uniiinga. Laiteoea. Triniminga, Ribbon a, Laoa, Readjr-made Clothing, Boot and Rhoee, Uata Uld Capa -all uf the boat material and aaad to order Hop, fioeka, iloTa, Mittrai, Laaa, Rihboat.Ae. OROCKRlKf OF AM RINDS. Cuftee, Tea. Sugar, Hire. Molaeaea, Flab, Ball rora, litnaaeu un. nan Uli, Carbon Utl. Hardware, Queeniware, Tinware. Caatlnga, Plewa and Plow Caatinga, Naila, Bplkei, Core CoIUra- tora, Uider rreaaea, and all kindi of Aiai. Parfunery, Paint. Varnlib, Qlaaa. and a gaaarat aaporiuant 01 otaiionarj. GO OD FLOUJt, Of different br&nda. alwaya on hand, and will ha told at tbe lowest potalble flgurai. J. II. MoClaln'a Mediclnca, Jayne'a Medlolnaa iiuauiter a ana uoonana vittert. I0i ponnda of Wool wanted for which the hlgheat prloa will be paid. Ulovereeeel oa hand ana tor aale at toe loweat narkat prtca. Alto, Agent for fitrattonfllle and CurwauTlile inreaatng Haohiaea. r.Call and aee for Tourwlvea. Tow will lad arery tbtng aaaally kept in a ratall atur. L. M. COUDRIKT. FrancbTllla P. 0., Aagaat IS, 1BT4. REMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would mpeclfully notify tbe public generally that be baa reaaoTitd bit Oroeery Htwre from rikw'a Uaa tv. ) MMI.. f?rtsrt. --iz by J. Milea Kratttr, on Hacond atreet, mi! door (o Bigler'a hardware atore. wbrre he Intenda kerpiog a full Una M U It 41 V, K It 1 K H. IIAJIH, DRIF.D DKKP.B.I LAKD. HfOARS and SI RfP-t, of .11 KndM. TEAS, Grata and Blank. COPFKK, RoaMrd aad lima. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, f.i.r.rKo rm ith, All klndr ia tb market. PICKLKS, ia jan tod karrtU. SPICK", in tvtrj form and v.rlr. FAMILY FLOUR, AIL MSnon1 TRACKER. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIKD APPLKS, DRIRD PKACHRS, DRIKD cnRRRIKS, Co&l Oil aal L&mp . CMm&eyi. Aad a food aiaorltntnt of tharc tblnaa atually kfpt ia a arorrfj rtora, whifk ht will airknoia fir aiarktliof at tbe market prlcea. Will e)l for cah a ebeaply aa aay atbar aaa. rieaea "nil aad ea kl stork aad Judge for foaroalf. JOHN MrOAfOIIKV. Claarlleld, Jan. , l7. G ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (BafMraor to LYTLE A MITOBRLL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHUICR LINR Of TEAR, 00LONO8, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, TOtNO HYSON. ENOLISU BKRAKPA8T Poreat la Market. Bl'TTKK A Nil KUUH Will be kept aod told at tret Met. Caah paid for Coaolry Prodaea. OKRMAN CIIKRRIK8, TfRKKt PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA RAMS. WW. Markaral, Lake Hrrriag, Cod, Af. riCKLEH. Barrel Pick lee aad Rngllak Pleklea. ri.ona: and fkkii. Floer, Cera Meal, Oal Meal, Ao. cMTa JAS. H. LYTL1. AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLKT0NH) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete in 16 Volume.. Entirely re-arHten. KraryUileg kfaagkt Anwa to tke prreent time, lllaetraled Ikroagnnat ailk Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of every aoontry oa Ike gtoba. Bold aaly by euberrlptioa. Il it aol abligatary ta take all Ika velamee at once a aolame may ka delivered once a month, ar once la twa mental. lea aeata la aeata a day, (ha prieeof a elgar, will pay for fiZth a e BC Ikere will ka remetklng nkrlaalial tared aad a ttrnkoaea of knowledge, Indeed a eelreroel library ia itrrlf teearad, ailk aal llllla (Cart ar Hinra, l"RIf E AND BTYI.I OP BINDINf) i For Ellra Clolk, per aol I no Por Library Lealh.r, per f ol .. . .. !lMJI"rt"iM"M'"' . . ?M" "'" O'H, per aal . Ml r i 1" , . per Tel I. N For Pall Ranla, per eel ..., , . a, far f.rtber uiferaaUea add, ,, , , i.n. WILU4MMN, PakHakar'i e) mirk Hreat, JaMta.lari.la. Putak, Pa. ; THE REPUBLICAN, PeMltked every Wedaeadey ky GOODLANDER & LEE, I'LEAM'IELD, PA Hae ik tdurf sat (IrraUUe r My paper la Karthweslera PeutylraBla. reDders it v)ubto tobnainess men at a medium thro' , biob to t) tbe, public TMS Of 3WB8CRIPTION ! . If paid ia advanoe, .' ; If paid after three month., If paid alter ais months, 12 00 2 50 3 00 Wbcn papers are tent outaide of the county payment mutt be in advance. AIYRTI8ING : Ten tinea, or If sr., 8 times, . Each subsequent insertion, Administrator Notices, . Executors' NotiofS, . . . fl 60 go 2 SO Auditors' Notices, . . . , Cautions and Betrays, . . Dissolution Notices, . . 1 SO i 2 BO Professional Cards, S lines, year, A 00 Special notices, por line, . . . 2U YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, Two squares, . . . 18 00 15 00 Threo .quarts, .... One fourth column, . One.baU column, , One col urn o, . . . .20 00 50 00 "0 00 120 00; BLANK). We hare alwaya on band a Urge stock wi vteiiii oi an descriptions. 8CMMONS, SUBPIKNAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FBg BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, 4c, Ac. JOB PRLMNe, W are prepared to do all kinds of; PRINTING At'CH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVF.IXJPE3, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ao., lJf.THB BEST BTYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. CSootllander A Ijer. THE:BEFUj3LICAN. ' ' CI.RARFIBI.l), PA WRtlMPSDAY MOHNINO, 1RC. :ti, if.rn. GRASTS IXTEHFEliEM'i: l.n" H"1 nw.luiiilioii in ibi South SOUTH VAROLISA. Curulinn can'. It would bo ridiculoan, A Icdcrin tbTuv VorU IhrM ,! ,""l,'r 1,h". -''". ..i i it ... . nr t lift III humli'l III h I'lititliin.r-iiliiili' rmt i . ii .i i . monv viii'iiniiv hii luvivnn hid i iiiiiiui i of "tbo (fOViM-n infill" in thin way; ''Xulwillmtunilini; tbo I'riMiiUnt'n rim ;h,I,r,-iHrt;r,w1rSo,M-r.,!ir'''i5 ,"n wi,Wn "'e ; WaVaaa., f.r. ' - .- i. no awrot thai thm ... dimnvnc ; Pre"''" wl ' "' of opinion in ll,e Cabinet, and that the i ' U""'-, "" R! P n.r.irtl point in (T'.puio r,.,,., to the , tio., ! ,,,'m ,ul K""r ,l",t 1,0 mvMU"i d,rett of the troops at Columbia btat Tu.-a.Iay ;tt,,"'-V."'t't "f("i,",t U"-V til'"!'n "rH'mA and th. thive lulluwin day.. Id 'llu'r protliimatino by President (Jranfa int-.ition in the bo-! 11,0 1 """''l'.'"' ',,U bu gi.,.ii..K coiiK i.1,,1 hh the Cabinet ,le. " l,l"it'"1 ,im0 "''"P""" nni ci,K,n of Friday it ia dim. nlt to .on- "rro u,xM 10 H'-'r bo.h." eeiw what the .Mansion in tb, Cabi-; 1TlK,., r,'""l' nl "wnw ,0 hnv0 H mi" net war about, or hat o. m,.i, there , ,aVn ' .old have been lor a prol.-t bv ,. e' ol,ll,,1, P"1'1"" I'",i(0 dlll.V in of the member Alter the Cabinet !" S,"' l""mt ' " "n.r reque.U deeiaion bad been reached the IW I 1 1,0 sl"-o Court of tbu V.iiled dent tried lo explain away bixpruvioua conduct nnd to reconeilu it with the viuir finally adopted. Hut tbutwas! too evidently an altertbought Had his fiint purpoiio been w hat bo now claim, tbero would have been no room for a diHputramonghiKolTi.iiiladviavi'H. After all hi. exnlanationa and excUHea the fact remiiine that the .Statu limine at Columbia was tuken posecsion by lederal troop, twulvo bour. in udvantu of tbe timo appointed tor the meeting oftbo Legislature ; that member were i refused adiuianion and the paHwige blwked ugaiiit them by federal sol diers, and tbnl their credentials were 2 gfj .crutinir.ed und pawed upon by pcr jaons having no other authority tbuii 2 90 the federal bayonets wlii. h protected them. These facta must have been lr tu w it in Vai.l.in.l.. v.'l'bi" hour altortbey oociiricd ; but no conn- I. .. .. r- , termanUing order was sent to General linger. The whole country was kept in excitement and alarm lor three davs before any allempt was made to quiet and reassure it, when, idler n long Cabinet consultation, a In in o attempt was niado to explain away tbo tacts. A purpose to intcrlero with the organ isation of the Legislature was only then disavowed. The public naturally believes that a ' chiingu of base" was j forced on tho President by the indig innnt rebukes of the press and the pro- tests of dissenting members of the Cabinet. At first the President listened to had advisers. It is truu that no blood hasj been shed by General lingers troojm ; but Call it be Said that tbev bnvn orne. I . . " - . liccrt no coercion 1 bey wero a stand- ,ing menace to the Legislature, und ;s.iiieti 10 court a pretext lor convert - j ing menace into fact. Tney have acted I iiko n tun Dully unwilling to string the i 11..... i.t 1. . 1 , 1 , 1111. o.ow icst nc suoui.i 00 prosccute.l ' for "Nu!t and battery, but eager for . a provocation to pit. h 111. ... , . i 11 ui.nui.il .Place vcstcrtluv .kl like a deliber-1 " ,,.a.. 1 up a scene 01 uuiuiice.ny iiunsia more ttiaii lilty years ago.) i m order that the federal troops j might have an excuse for intervening, jfiovernor Chnnibcrliiinsspecuil conntn jbles bad assembled in the Slate House in law forco ready to nounee on Dcm. I oc ratio members and drug tlieino.it. and hi. minions pretended thai federal troops wero in readiness to support; them if resistance should bo made. It was expected that the special consta bles would succeed in provoking a sou file, pretend tliul they wcro over powered and call on tho troops for help. Tho Democrats wero too wary to bo caught in this cunning trap. Their Speaker gavo them notice oftbo stratngem, and they adjourned to another place. This attempt to pro voke a breach of the peace for the more purposo of creating un occasion for military interference deserves to be denounced, and if any officor abetted it ho should share the denunciation. Tho Democratic members wisely avoid- C(J Cnmidnir tho pretext, for the ice!P,mlic i,u' on 11,1,1 number of great 1 I onco broken, the soldiers would not stop.' As soon ns they bad an cxci.su for interposing lo "restore order" they would bo masters of the situation nnd would not loosen the irgrip. Cham berlain's saleliles wero scekinir a urimu i....i..g.i nruicn .lie Sollliers might enter, It ia na.iitii.wl ., ll... l' I...., . i " ' "'" "r"""l,,",;"Letao.u!llym.ne.ci,.."IJ Praii.lmlUr.nl. Ins apologists that his right to inter vene to keep tho local peace is unques tionable. This a fundii mental error. It is no port of tbu business of the lederal government to do polico duly in the Suites. This function belongs to tho Htalo governments. It is only wncn incir power bus been exerted .bavo less regard for his word than and has failed that tho federal author,. I Gen. Grant. There is somo Irrespon. ty can interpose, and then only in ajsible dare-devil behind the scenes ma manner which ia strictly marked out ' nipulnting bim for his own base use. uy .aw. .iny interlerence to maintain tho locnl pcaco in a State is illegal and unwarranted until ull the conditions prescribed by tbo federal slutus shall have been complied with. Tho law does not permit tbo President lo give military assistance in every case in which a State Governor may apply to i mm, diii only "in case ol an insnrrec tion in any Stuto against tho govern ment thereof." As yet there is no in. ..,.; ,i u, - surrection n. the Mnto of South Cam-1 hna "against the government tbotvaf." There is, in fact, no insurrection nt nil nor any likolihood of one, and a mere scufflo or broil between two nnli.in.1 ... . , - parties In the stn-ets of Columbia, or ' even in the State Hnuse,would not boon insurrection aminst tho "irovnrnmnni" ! of tbo Slate. A thousand applications 1 fmm ri..,mi,..i: . ii . i .rom vnumocrlain would not warrant , , . . 1 "arrani nutrai interlerence without actual do- mestio violence directed against tho Stato irovcrnment. Tim l'ri..i,l..r,i !. 1 not bound to do tbo mero Stato Governor, llo m the exigency fnr himself and keep wiinin tne limits ol iho law, Kvcn in an actual insurrection against a gov-! ernmcnt of a State ho is not permitted to employ military forco until he shall have itujttarj 5 pmismation ca'ling on the insiirsenta to disperse. The bin. gnago of the stnl.ito is explicit on this point "Whenever, in the judgment of tho President, it becomes necessary to uso tho military force under this Title, the President. shall forthwith, by proc lamation, command the Insurgents to dispone and retire peaceably to iheir respective abodos, within a limited time." (lfevisod Statutes, section 6,300.) This section acta the Presi dent's doty in a dear &ght , Before ho ran employ military flree tliero mint ' bo n body of assembled insurgents to ' niKtiii tliri Slate government. It would ! bu absurd fur liiiu to command them ;tn disperse uml rotiio peuf-cahly lo 'their homes ir mi atieh hn.lv had na. Isembled. President Cirunt has issued ! IIU iiiiiu III II PM1 ril'lUI lO WIIUIII IIL'OIIIU ' " no nddroNwl, It Mvrna to bo bin in- tt ntion tu vin ,K.y tbu troupe, at onco tb) moiiKiit thrrt' l ft diHliirlmntu, i : i i aa,aa-aaa j.mmf Qtatee tiua .Ivelarruil that be poaaemiv. no aaeh power, and that it exureine would bo rupiignmit lo tbe .'oiiatitu. lion. In the case of the I'niled State. vs. Cruiksh.nk, decided in October, 1875, Chief Jiinticu Wuilu said, in de. livcring the jmlgmeiit of the Court : "Tho charge us made ia really of noth ing more tlinu n conspiracy to com mit a bivach of the eace within a State. Certainly it will not bo claimed that the I'oili'.l .States have the power or are required lo do melt! polico duty in the States." Hut President liniiit assumes that lie lias u right to do what the Supreme Court comddcrs as so ab- surd. Ho seems to think the doing of mero police duty" in tbe Slates is one of the regular functions of tho federal army, in spite of a solemn decision of Supreme Court that it is a violation ol the coitatitn'.ii n lo employ them for .1 . r l ..r .i. . 1 tnal pill pot'e. I ue peuuuoi tiiu rtuiies . 1 , . ! to, ' l''"''J ''i' J1"-;" own J1"1""1 i , ,,,t l,mV(H J l". as a last resori, uio i reaiuuni can oe applied to lor aid. Hut what the con stitution makes tbe last in the proccd uro tbe Prcsid. ut has heretofore seem ed lo regard lis tbo first. I'lU Woiik or War. The whole of tho blood stained literature of war contains nothing more touching than tho following, furnished by an English ofliccr in the Turkish army: "Not fur nway lay the body of another officer, bis right hand pressed on his breast, where the splin- ter of a shell bad hit lnm. and crnsp. lug a piece of paper. A strong man, I... n...n,... . I...I , u ,.j...u,i.i ..u. ,,.S with death, liis face, which hud tho nn- mistakable Russian tvnn una ilisinrteil ! Irom pain. It was with difficulty that the paper was removed from bis'band. It was a letter without date, in eyrillio ..A ..i. I. .. . ..I.ll.l """v " "I "" eviuwu, aav n n i .1 11 i 11111:11 111 me iiiissinn service 1 ne l a Cii-cas.i,.,, ., nl l I' " ' f- and understands Kussian, Irunslutcd the letter lutn Tiii-L i.li mu IhAn ... ... ..... of our Cossack Polos, who bad been I I.. .... L - . brought up in France gave mo tbe contents in French, as follows : 'Dear est Father Re good enough, dearest lather, to come buck from war. Since you have been away mother weeps continually, and slio dream every night that thou liestdead under a tree. Co.no to us, dear fatbor, for mother has bocomo so pale, and is always cry ing. 1 am very good, so that she muy not cry still more, and when thou comest back will remain good, and never bo naughty again. Hut tbou must cumo soon, father, and kiss moth er, that she may bocomo red again, and also kiss thv little Miuka.' " "Govshmknt" Spkecoxs. President Grant never annoyed his tcllow-citir.cns with making long-winded speeches; !bul ho.,'a "llcred t, io vri- occasions, and for the purpose of hav ing them treasured np for the benefit of future, generations, somo enterpris ing poet has placed them on record as follows: "Let nt hare peart," laid Preildtnt ..rent, Ar ke retted blmrtlf In tht rktlr of tlate ) Rut ,Hi. wort, have been J. of oant, Andnll bieaelekereneniacuor halt. Wlicnjaetleawee bnnllngtbe Ooreraojkeotlkltrae; But hli terrible threat wae ri.lioalout rant, And be quickly repented by granting reprlevet. "Theaoantmuitbchonerr'tayi Preti.leal Urant ''For Trend la eleetinnr, we know, net er peyt "A r.ir and jnil cuaal'it abat a. til want, "And Kellogg can do It -.D.I .loot Mr. Uayct." No cilir.cn ol tho 11. 'public seems to Cm. Wade Hampton. The Chicago Tribune one of the leading Radical or gans of the iioilhhVfst, aa in former years has been paying somo attention to tho conduct of this Democratic champion, in bis battle with the World, 1,10 ,'''"u ""ol'ovil. Among other """Kn "mr m ijuenuon saya There is ono thing wo admire in the conduct of Wado Hampton nt this ...I.:.. I. 1:1 i I i.mi, um.i n mi u, liau .11111 11 v, cover, at tm,ltitu.lo of previou. sins, and that in his earnest advice to the Conl'udurates, i0" wo" ,0 ' colored people, to "ul,mit ,0 ,!,' ,nw. preserve their torn- Po."""" "0 violence. Keep coo ....I I.. i ... I... l.: . i and el i.i. un Mavu uener, in ills luuiiliniiu to his nartisani. This a.lvieo i. n..l. only right, but it In, like honesty, the besl policy, and will do more to ulli- """ ,,i""i!0 tl"' yl lor ,n t1h! struggle than all tie lorco ol Ho "solid t- .1 t i n . , South in battle array. Hamilton Im. .made tens of thousands of new friends , jn the North within tho past ten days, The Democratic lint heads of the e bidding of a i?orth11W!, T, ' 01'ld . j "idowcll to follow Hampton s advice, nusl judgo ol and ,,t ,10 HW)er, ,) ,,e tourt, do the fighting. A "I)o.k." Tho Philadcljihia Jimr iprtinonlly remarks: "As a hull dor.er of vgislalnrcs General Kngwr aeema not to he n conspicuous success : but perhaps his backers fulled him, and nowtbointimi.lator is likely intimidnl pd at tho shadows of himself. Grant nnd Cameron can bull done linger for obeying their ordeta and bull-dosing the Hon! h Carolina, Legislature If ne cessary to savo themselves, and who will rare for bull doner and bull doged Ruger tlienf" . Americans claim, und with grounds, to drink more oono than all tbe irerkd beside. : COVSTISO ', J.WHXA .A ,H17 A7 WISCONSIN IN mi.-. Whonlhrlt'tirul voii'n m r count ed in 'iiluuoi y, IR17, Uio vulu of In. (liuiiK wtin in much the mima rotiiiiiinn wilh v'" f,,nr )-c" IhIit, wbiib we ri'i'i'rillj" exhlitini'd. uml I lie quuatiiui a wtuilliiT lndinnk elioiibl be vnuntiHl, nnd bo ebouM . ciJo tbo ijuualiou. On tbu lOtb of Fubruury, 1817, Mneon in tbo Uuimle i I I it.... , 1 lliu hiiu muro nan nu(Mitvi, I rewv .' . . 11 ..... a kiniilur eominittou of tbo Uoiiav, "to I wcrtain nd roport a mode ut rxain it.o rt:li- A " t 1 ..... m a4aVaaaaaajeaai.aaBaMaaalaa4aaaBjaiaiaaja4aBaVCM j lf ta con ati.l 'liilt tt'i'iii eppoioliHl. 1 i. rowililtion wus on the same day con currod ill by tbe Homo, and Ja. kaon, Irving und Pitkin nppciulud coiiiinlll.ios each rcpoi a leaoiiiiiou tnal I he two nouses ax- aumhle in I he vhumber of the House; that two persons be appointed teller, on the part of the Houae "to make a list ol the votes as they shull bu de clared ;" that tbo result be delivered to the Prvi.id.inl, &o., who shall "an nounce the state of tho vole and tho persons eluded, lo tbe two Housos." Jackson and Pitkin wcro appointed tel lers by tbe II nunc. The Senilis adopt. ed tbisresotiition as loilself, and Macon was maue teller. On Wednesday, February U'tb, the Homo informed the Senate that it was roudy lo receive them, und lo "proceed in opening the certificates and counting tho votes." Tbe Heiiutc attended, und took seals in the llonso. The Journal ol tbe House (p..'!8J), de flares that "the President of the Sen- ate, iii the presence or both Houses, proceeded to open the certificates ol the Electors ol the several StaU-a, be - 'ilh Nuw IIl"l"',,ir. ''''' were delivered to the tellers, by whom! they were read, and who look lists of the same as fur as Indiana. When the President of tbo Senate was about to oH.n me votes ol that State for fnethli.,,. and lie failed to make the alUnint! purpose of hnniig the mine covntal," iii.M.ir, 01 jcw lorK, a meml.cr ol 1110 House, "rone ami ohjected to tbu . , ...... . . siiine, an ,g i,ml , ,,is opinion, the votes ol the eloctoraol the said Slate of i.ioiaiia, &c, oiigni not to no received. I pin which objection being made, the .-icimie, on motion o. ono 01 its mem bers, withdrew." Thereupon tbo question was debated in the House; the resolution to reject the State indefinitely postponed ; the Scnato came back, and Indiana was counted. In the Senate Journal there is notice taken of the incident of re tiring, but the report is made as if no objection or interruption ' took place. In a note, however, (p. Old,) to the "Annals of Congress" the editors say that, when the Senate retired, Harbour, in tbo Senate, moved a resolution that Indi.,,. I,., I . ... i. . ..,,1 wnicu was siipportcu vy Jiaaon, A nl- hot, Harbour, Hans, and Duggctt, but resistcdbyCampbell and Throgmorlon. n . . .... ociorc any vote was nAU.tno message eunie lltim 100 110IIS8 ! narDOIir W It I- tlrew ln nnmlntinn n,l II, n ' .. .:. . . j muiH-a wen. Ulllteu. till 1110 next , morning there wus discussion ovel' j what to say the Senate Journal, as .1..: . l-j. ; t.i , ,,,, , n, ,ml lm!n MO precedent, and it was decided that tho I . journal should be "according to former precedents. But after tbe counting of tho votes and tho election, Jackson, of tb; House committee (p. 10(1,) made a report re specting notification of the President elect. This report is No. 84 of reports of House committees lnr that Con- gross, aim grew out of Iho awiimptton by tbo Senato to notify the President- elect without association ol tbe House, wmcti assumption tke coinmittoo sicmty rcoiiKe. i no nenate, however, would not recede, and subsequently, by a vole of 20 to 12, it refused toenr roct its journal according to the real occurrences in opening or counting tho votes. In tho debates of tbe House, which are meagrely reported, tho only point discussed was whether Indiana was a State when her electors voted. . It appears Unit in tbo iegnl theory of that day tbo two Houses wore as sembled in an entirety tho House with its Speaker, and the Senate with its President and when . nt I - ...,uv. w, either body raised a question or made a motion the other body instantly re tired. When, therefore, Taylor, ofj tho House, wus about lo argue his ob jections to Indiunn,thoSpcakor slopped him, and vurnum, a Senator, address ed a motion, to tbo President that tbe Senate retire, "for the puqwse of al lowing the House to deliberate," and tho President then and there put the motion to the Senate, which adopted it. And when tho Scnafe rem mod the Speaker said that tbo House "had not seen it necessary lo come to any reso lution, or to Inko any order on tbe subject which had produced the separ ation of tbe two Houses." But four years later, in tho Missouri ease, the two Houses diuagreo totako tho decision Into their own hands, and not leave it to tho President, and they did instruct him what to do and say about the voles ol Missouri. To be sure in the rase of Indiana the vole was counted, and Missouri, by a slrango device, both was counted and was not counted, in the result and declaration by the President of the Senate In 18A7 similar resolutions Were adopted a, in 1817 for raising commit-1 lees for a "mode of examining tho votes," and they reported, among other lliir.gs, the appointment ol tellers "to make a list of tho votes as they shall bo declared" " But the tellert In the actual proceedings assuma larger and more po.ilivo power. The tellers, after all tbe certificatea were opened bv tho President and examined by them, re ported formally on thoir regularity j that Wisconsin Klectora did not vote m the day siocified hy law ; and, in cluding Wisconsin, they gave the whole number of voloa to the President ol the Senate. Ho, taking the report of (ho tellers, declared Iliichnuan elected without objuction, including Wisconsin for Fremont, but, after the declaration, Marshall, ol the House, made a point of order as lo tho right of the Presi dent to decide whether Wisconsin could, be counted, bu, before any flu.' cislnn tbo Senate retired, and then Orr introduced in tho House a rceoluuW tbot whun the Senato return tbe vote of t State situated aa Wisconsin ia to be rejected. Washburn amended h so aa to toad lhaV aiaeo the oaatiag ol i tbe vote was prevented1 by the "act of fiod," lb ''-7r Ai JirorfM 0 aounti -It." ('amplwll niDToil niilmll'iilo Inst amrndmunt. In tho otw t thst II n - " - - j-. Hy Of Vutt'lH III WisCOIl"iu bJ Voll'd ,,, , , ,, ii.r jtl-iiiuiiv r.ln'iorfl, lltcn'iuiw tuuj votet bi rutiiitPft. llcif thrr wm nj U'ljourniuvnt. uml tbo qucetion did not; again t'omo up. It d'K not itpper trnni I lia Hj n h t a tm llmian lmiennl that JfaMin.eH Pmidonl ol the Srtiutu, I i . n .i ii" riiliilulalli.il the munling nt W - coiiiiii. ImiiTil. tin rHttcrtmn or inntion are Mill ie in time. lint the i, ,caneu Ihvau proceeding ia tb an oaf. snseaaaav atf . nasi la i null rif-M cnmir atnl IIim tr m..u tin hi on all ai.l.-a of the llo.iae in 1-w'ii , 'jun the person nf authority. Knim lliia 1 , . ll,l,u.() lttku ; j8(i5 wli(.h v,l0. tedthe.,exldayt.u,.h two Houses an- . . , , . , , " .""i'iii'H. bm mii aou logicui, iHwatlaei il had nowhere horn 1817 to 1850 bevnj usserlud that tho Preaident ol the Son ate had supremo power under the Constitution lo ennnl. A'. V. H'o W. the runs WESTS "SOn EH ; SECOSD THOUGHT." Tbu tlctpnlch from our special oor- reapoiidetii at Washington is more j hopeful and satisfactory tlmn tbo in. telligence from Columbia. President f; rant bus renounced bis nuilisan nro. ,iu, tions and decided lo stand neutral in the contest contest but ween General Hampton and Governor Cbamhurluin in South Carolina.- The best public opinion of tho country will warmly support and indorse him il be main- tuius this just and impartial nttitud. j Uo bas given Governor Cbamberlaiii ! decided ivlitifTiiiid bad il... i rue. iai,.r,f i i,o facta b...n known at Columbia' jyeaturday the course of the democratic members would lmvo been different. It was lbs purpose of Chamberlain lo eject democratic members from the iLegUlaiive hall by bis special consta - nv because he could not gel an as- i surnn.e either from (Jenerul Hugeri !,. flom Wasliiio'ton ! " that be 1 i would bu supported. IIu telegraphed j jnll nrwmi m, t IWdont Grant,' Bm wh,q Senator Patterson went toj Ue While House to deliver it be found,; lo his inexpressible disgust, that the! President was closeted with Mr. Hewitt. This is tbu most amusing f r, 1,0 llU(J III ft lOlljr uticni mm we nave uu.j 111 a 10111; lime. Tho President afterward reins- ed lo modify bis order lo General ltu- ger, und Patterson hastened in alarm tors ,0 g.,t then to prevail ontbe.Square Ttnto, Board., Shingle., President to cbungo his mind. Sena tors Morton and Logan undertook the mission in beball ot Chamberlain, but tbo President was immovable, U is believed in Washington thai be cannot now be induced to favor eitherparty j ttiat he will recognize no Legislature L ,i,.l, baa ,,. ,,n..i;..nl,l.. L,ir, , ih,,, i i., l-.,r,..,,.,il.. r ' .........-,..v....,..v lor,,t.ogIliro Wade Hampton a. (rov- ii- I I ...III. J.I I -I. ...I eriMir 11 lie snout. 1 uv ueemreu eieeiM. ... 11 '''is t'e uis real position weeongrat- ululu both bim and the country that he at last sees through the graceless LlnWn lllt u,vo bc.M, attempting I1 tt ; hoodwink and deceive bim. Let bim do simple justice between the two po- lilicul parties. W. have never qi.es tioncd the rectitude of hia intention. and wo rejoice that bo now inclines to tuko a more correct view of the situs- lion. He is not the President of a party, bnt of tho United St.tea, we trust that in the crisis that is upon us be will riso to the full height of his resnonsibilit v and aim onlv at pt.at.c founded on impartial justice and tU.wl .dherunce to law. Tbu situation begins to brighten. A'. I'. World. Manner. Of all the modifications of manner which are to bo met with in society, perhaps the most generally pleasing is simplicity, evcn as that water is the purest that has no tasto: that air tho freshest which lias no odor. $tx aaifrtiSfmfuts. A f)MI NINTH ATOR'et NOTICK. Nctlre ll keral.y circa that Letter! of Ad- mlnirtrerien aa the aetata ef MARIA J WAI'I.K laleef Wallecetna Doroagb, OlearSeld ?"M' .'' "' t,' b dul' rJ (nv .narrlrned, .11 pereom Indebted to laid ettale will pletre make Immediate paytneat, and tkoea karing elaima ar demaada will pre .cot them properly authenticated for eetllemenl ailk outdeley. U. W. BAKliKH, P. A.OWKHR, Woodland, ao. I, 'It-tl Adm'n. nMIMSTRATOR's) NOTICE. Net lee la herrfcy green that tsetlera of Ad. ttitnlatratiuB oa tho aetata of tSAMUKL OOR. 1)0 N, late af llouttdale bnru'. ClearAeld aoainte. 1'a., di-sea-ad. having beea daly granted te Ibe aadert igned, all pereoaa indebted to aald eatate will pleaae wake itamediata payment, and thoae haeiac claiaaa or drmanda will Droeeat thaau property aathentieaird far atttlrment without; dalay, P. TANNEY, Adiainitlrator. UoaUdale, aor. J7, T .", caution. V7 I All pertom ara hereby raalioaed agalna paN eh.ling ar ia aay way meddling with eaa bay I nr-.,n... ,npHc..,o.o, u.t.u r r.-nor, ol ura- 1 ham lowaihip. at taid boree helonge to aaa aa.l ll len with taid Prathar on loan, tahjeot lo my nnlet eianyntae. n. ll. nuilotlMit KK. Kjkirlowa.Ilea.ia, l.UI-31. c AUTION. All pertoat ara lierehe caalioned tralnit paroh.rlng , I. ny f.y meddling wilh Ike lullowlba bronerlr now in tke noreeMina nf Jbn J, Coder, of aaoa lewaabip, via t Three mikh oowt, 1 h.if.rt, taring .all. lot af raftiaj loolt, I ahe.tof e.rp.nl.r. toalr, lotol farming uteatill, I timhr tied and Aiturce, I ant boree wegoa, II bogt, I griad iluac. .11 th. knoeekald and keaken furniture now in Ike koaftewbick ttid Coder lira, in, S loot af htr, .11 doica thaaf aale, lul of earn fadder. 90 barbell aura. I of II aaree at r.ia in 'e ground. Thirproperly waa purekaeed my ma WS'&.ttSVJZ; '""J"' '"J KRAMU Iiolukiu,; llnulnla'a. Nor.a, 17 ll. 'THIN. All narenat are bare kr raatloaed aa-alnet nar ehatlng or In any way meddling wilk Ike follow. Ing property now la Ika pore, eel oa of Thom.i r.rnna, ot i aeti rowntntp, e.t I tne gray horn, I hay kiirre, I loirel borer, I talret, eete elngl. b.raaat, I tied, I wtgnn, I plaw, I karraw, I akaeel plow, I eeeet wkctl, 4 aerae rye, core cop. per kelllc, I kedr and herid.Bg, I aland, I rat ebalra, I tiak, I took fare, I roam tiara I koak reaa, I elolaae prraa, I .leek, I aiipbaard. gaid pnnarly waa purehaaad by ni al Sharif l eak, aa Ike ISIk day af Jana, 1st, aa.1 It left wilk raid Kvam o. loin, tahjeet ta aar ardar at aay "aaa. KRON Till KnION, JOHN KVANa. -Weelerer, Ilea. S, IS; St. JOHN H . FULFORD, , OtSKtlAt 1SSVHAXCK AOKST, 1 ClrarBrld, Pcan.'a, It .11 tk. ttidlnl Fir lnenr.cn. Cmpaaiae af tkt atuatry Queen Koyal Caaadla. . . Home, New York M l.joomiog, Money, P. ..... Peanklin, Pbllad ... hwtiy, narrfarj Iltnov.r, Ntw1 lurfc. ..,!;.,,, ..,., Home, Col , 0..,M .....,.,..,.. Allat, Hartford M Prarideaae, Waebiagtaa.H.H Pareaat ejasrttl aitaaaai aa taaai tle.Ooo.r.) .... s.hoo.ium M .VMt. ... A.t ie,it . i,ass,s.'i ... l.ril.lOl .... i,li.ll.i .... Hi. Jul ., MS.SII .. , u,iio etly ad M kaad. aaaud aafl al m, aaee, 0. Maeaart eueel,pareHa .ke aUaaa, aanl aaa my bkHaf lliajnlllawd ratal keree. ataartaw, 0lmurlJA,PM(M.I l., , , 7 VT . - ' PiyrrUaiMttf. rillKAl' (JltOl'KIUKSl i..u yj . m IIIIUKR CITT, PA. Tha icderslsnad anncuaoai au kia aid frieaua laaol taad , uhoi bit I K a J HOV IMOAe at int eia i'k S.en.ier, f..rljlfk ka aanaltl a I paln-naira. II, W. SPRNC. liberal pam naira. II. W. Hl'tNCJlR Lamltar ritr. fa., NarcM ja-ir SEWING-MACHINES. 1 S'lWJ 5.aV7, taw. "Taj$aVi tf - I Liour ataalaa ttEWINU MACIIIXb'i foil SALE BY ', niiEM it. m:i:its, CLKARHKI.D. I'A. - . (Reiidenaa 1 Wa.1 Claarteld J All kladlaf SRWINd MACllfVRa Cl.KWKl) aad RHI'AIKa'D. i Alio, dealer In all kinde of Hewia. Maokiea Needier, Oil, Itouler. Tuk-arkt;l4, C.elerr. Thread Cuttrrr, IjL-iiitaer and Btn4i'n, Oil Gear, Bkaltlee. Chek-eprln... Peed riiriax", A.. Nea feed net in Iheold elele traveler niieea Marataea. Nrw Cea.wheale pal ia .a ...exr Meohine. OLD MACIII.VK3 o, C.r.AI.V Ijkr , la pirt pariuent fi.r New Mei'liiaee. Will oet: at the n.fli.lrnne of peraonr llvfnx ta or about CHmr.eM. If anything In kie Una 1. daelred. If arBllr tnlurtaeil, or tkrwafffc tke Poetoffioa by leoer or poiial eard. Uoodrt era I hy nail If dreirrd. In itrdrriiit by letter, Ite e.ire and rirananeof Marhlna. Ce.n matt eeenmneny all arJ.ra by mall. MILKS H. DBS US. CI. arSold, l'a( Af. Jt, Init ial. . i. r. turn,,,. ,...w. . rra j, W EAVEIl & IIKTTM .1 . CLEARFIELD, PA., .. ... , " 1 Are .ir.rw i tka .14 a 1. -ic. ikeir tteek ef goedl. enaliaUag af ' DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A allots, , ' " '! CAr'' HAItPWARK, QtKKNSWARK, ! FLOOR, FEED, SALT, " 4o., 4o., ! ,. ' f r 1 At tkt mofl , . ... rraavnallc Tataa for CASH or la nxrhehge for ' OR COIWTRY PRODUCE. . . a-Adann aia le la taaaa aagagad ia get Hag aal eqo.r. limner oa tka matt adeaalageeaa " pdtljaatJ .lirardrd tht Hlghrnl .Wrifaf nt fit una. E. & H.T. ANTHONY ( CO., 3I n road way, Retr York, fOpp. Mrtfwportaaw Hotel , n?iiTcti trrr.a, tMroaTKH ad attimS ( Uli mil) S at FRAMES, 'JSTEIlEOSCOPES ' d: .'.Yll'WjS . . v ' Aik,m.,r.pha.nr,..Pho,r.,lk. .,,1 Mndred ; ' " '-"-..reeae.. ,.., , PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERI ALS, ... . ........ ! " ''.'""" f-r ...rj.kiag ia the ,f BtWOOptlOOLB anlllaj'lC Lanterns, 1 Being manaf.eteireri af the "VliT 1'NIVEHSITY HTKROPTIOON. - , i . . ADVKRTISKH'a BTklloHHOON, ARTOPTICON, SCUOOt. UNTBRV, KAMTLT i.!fTKRN PKOPI.Ra LANTERN.' " Each 17 le Isitig Ike ae-t el" ill .1.1. in Ike 'aarkel. C.lalngnee of La.terae and SliJee, wi-k dire tlaaa for aring, Beat an applioaikHi. t - Any oaleruriiuig aua eaa maka eaaaey wilk a Magio Lenlern. aT-Yi.llor. lo th. Ceateaaial liporltlon will da wiady ta defef parekaeiag aa.sde la ear line aaU. ikey eoaae lo aaa I lor. ia Near Ywk, where tbey will Snd greater r.riety aad more moderete pncee, aaa e.n t.-ieet tnem .1 their leiiure. Bui wa bava S eoejeeeeina In eell Oman tW nf ... goaxla in lha balldiag af the Daaanmealaf Paldie Comlorl, .nd tlwae aal eomiag to Kew York art tnr.iea lo oallon our repreaeiitat.oa there. -A full tlork af Viewa af Ika Eipotltlon and tlMdr aanteata. ay-Cat eat tkie irertleeiaenl far refkreejae.'aM Jane 7, IS7..y. .. ... ? califIrniI; raa ratcA.o ako gnatT-KKTaai a.ULWAt Ru.braiei under one laanetcrtaent lha Ureal Trunk Railway Linet of tht HESTand NOR1"!. WEST, and, with Ita numarout branch., .nd eonneetlont, forme tbe ih'.rtert and quickert rnuli between raic.no and all point, ia lui.leoll. Wi mstta, NoaTnraa Mtrniats, Miseaaori, lowt, Naaa.tat, I'tLiroaau and . taa Wama TtnaiToaiRl. Itt Omaha and California Lino ta the ahortMi and beat rente for all poiate la NoaTnaaa iLtiaoia, low. Dakota, NaaeAaa. Wrnwia. CoiiaAtK). I tab. Nkv am, Califor nia Oaatioa, Cniia, Japar aad AraTNALiA. Ita Chlenso, Madison & St. Paul Line "Borteai lint for Xupitrkrb Wieetivata an Miasaaori. and for .VUninoj. Sr. I'.. ,, u,. aa.mi.it, lo irra aad all point, ia Ike Ureal nmn.nt. Ill ll't... . . n.e ae " uiuiia nun oi, rcicr une ll the only Mute for Wiaoat. Roraeeeea. On Tosst, Manatee, fe. Ptraa. Nrw Kt, and all pmta in Siulkcro and Central Mianaaota. ttt 1' r 11,,.. nll,l ln,, '" aej atlita .IIU.UC.IC IdilC li tnt amy una Tor Jtmaviua, Wtraarews. Fosn Dr L.e, Oeaama, Arn arcs, tlaars Mar, R.OASAat, Kao.raaa, Mtaoearra, lloronroe, li. scors and Ibe LAaaScraaioaCoearaT. Iti Frccporlaud Dubuque Line la lha anly raula for Rura, Rantenai Pane paar, and all poiala Tla. Praapori.- ita . . . i- Chicago and Milwnnkce Line le ike old Lake -hoee Raale. aad I. tka aal n.e paietagtarnaga aeaaeeaa, I... a Poena, Hloa i. P.aa, Wtiaaa.a, R.eiaa, Kaaotat te anairiia - , Pullman Pnbrefars are raa aa all tbroagh treina of Ikit road. Thte It ibe ONLY LINgranning Uaee aare ha. .wrew vnie.go aaa bu rani. UBlcaaeauMl Ml em.. hee, or Chicago and Winona. -4 Al Om.ha our flleeperl ouaaael witb tke mm. laad Rlecpere on Iho Valoa Paella R.iilruad for all polnu Wert of the Miteouri Hirer. .... Oe Ike arriral of Ika Iraiat from lb. Rail ar nvuin, in. irnmi ol in. t.aieago A AorUI-Watlers Railway LEAVE CIIICA.IO at followt : Kort'ouiirll Ulufla.liDiaha and ( allfbrnla, Two Tkrotigh Tralnt d.lly,wltk I'ullm.n P.laea, Drawing Room and Sleeping Care Ihroaak to louncii mane. ,, . rwr mi. rial aaa Mlnarapeln, T Tkreagh Train, dally, whk Pallta.a Palaaa Can attaekedoa both Iraioe, kvar (irMU Hap a.4 Ijik. Kaprlar, Two iraioensiiy, wn. raoma. raee Cr. attacked, fur Mllweake.. Pbal l.c.k Ti.. j.m. Pallia.. Oar. .a a.lkl Uaiaa, Pukar oa.L. n..ii oa oay iraiae. rar ppana aaa aiaui aad patnia ta Mlaaatota. Oaa Tbreagb I rata dally, with ranai.a nirepre aa Winona. - , . . ft Ihionqu.. eia Praea.rt.Tw. Threagk Tralai daily, wilh I'ollm.a Care.n light leaaaa. ear lllibu.a. aud 1 " ... ... Two Through Treiaa dally, wilk PuUawa Care oa aigni Irate ta ateelregoe, law. - . far Hbaaa Clip aaut Vaatklaa. Twa Traaaa dally I'allmaa Oarata MSMmn VaUay JaaetOm,., r.r ...ka lineil, Poat Treiae daily. . r.r kia.ka.ra. ajtarlliif . Kaeeaafca. Jaaamj rinr, aa. e err Male, yea aaa lure freer tau la lea Iralat daily. I ,i Haw York OaVa. Ma. dA Bread w . R.a Oflae, No, I St.l. Blratt, Omaha Oataa, aait Pnrnham Btreel. Sea PraaataaaOaW. Iti it... tome'1 Street VknSJU Tiekal 0aa i Ware tract, andaf BkenaeS) Mwaej, eanrea Oaaal went maoieu. nireeiri aiaaia utrael Ue.nL mm., ur Ki.il. and Caaal Htreett I Walladui 1.1 w.m. vu.i. a. ' 1 rar ralae ar mrs-mell m tat alUlnabl. from ear noma agawle, apply u W, H. Pra.awTT, Mtcvif Iles.Kt. .aa raaa. Agt, Okiaaaya. t Uea a,.V lu. , lltl., Z;,k ..... nr A VI a Hi i aai.-'ra aajaiajea H'"'- I I if... i Ml ' THE MANSION HOUSE Cornet af Heoaaaaad Market Slraeta. t'l.liAIIKII.l;!,, PA, 'PIIU aid aad awajadlaaa Haul kaa d.n 1 Ike aail laar. aaaa a.l.r..a T .'"U luraiar aa.aalta far Ika eeeertata taraaarttaaam Tk.akaa aallal.. ,MT"' rafaraleked, aad ta. proarleto, .uf ,,"? eille -f Mua" OajaikM raa. a, aad fraaa aka Denoa aa Ika aertnl j . " UaaakUata., .,.,, .. W. t. CAHllTr" jsijiinatr , ... ,. p,.,, LLKUUKN VJldTKL-. Markat SHraaS. ClaaraaM, r.. Wm. S. Bradley, fnraiorly aroarleloe ef ,u laeneH Hnaeav karlai lkl lit .v... SSa?lSaTTt3ajrajam. immi mm aieew. ae- jei M .e. plaoa.. Tka ukla .ll k. .aaal.M a.u '"JL keel of eeernlaoj ka taa luarkel. at la J mil be f..and the keel alnae aad H.im a. aUliliB.. atwekeet...! .1 . a. BS.Mibkl May 17, ;.. -i - t , Proprietw, S" U8QU K UaVn A HOUSKr ." CI.'RWRNSVILLX, PA. ' ' IliWIOM HRAD, PMrrntn. ' Ha? lag been are proprietor of tkli Hubl I wanld reenaetfully eolloH Ika patraaaie af tat pablla. lloaea laaeaatly aad anaaairatly ik. aaled tail, re. .bed aad aafaraUked I good Z aU ruoaw allaokad. All rail read Ireiue et tkl. ken. ,, ).all I, SUAW ilolSE, , Cor. af Markal A Print atreeu.) OkHAKPIMLU, . Tke aadaret(nd haring taken akarge af tkl, Hotel, aould reepaelfully eollell publie p.trotu. JaariA ..... ,, .... 1). . CtLiaiUIT IITASII1NGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, pi Thli aea aad veil furaiiked koare kae kMa Ukea by tke anjerelgnad. Me feell eaaldeil a being aaia ta reader eellrfartion ta tkaat ake au. favor kiai ailk a aall. ' May S, 1171. a. W. DAVIS, P.t. jy O N T O V R II II V It B, . , ., Oppaeltethe Ceuri Baaia, LOCK HAVIS, riHS A. HAUBBAL 4 a ROM. Prep',. LOYD HOU8K, " ' Main Street, " " ' PIIILtPHIIURa, PKNN'A. Table alwavi aartttHed a-llk ek. k... ,L . effordt. Tbe ttireliaa eaklie le In.ti.j ,. " b'7- R0BKKT LOVIl. r. tt. aaaoLa. . w. W aaaoL. F, K.ARNOLD L CO., Ssstrrs Siiu ' Srwitrni, . RayaaUeaiia. jenaraaa tav, fa. Money reeeirrd aa deportt. ' Dlreeanu at me derela ratea. Raetara and Forelra Kirkanr, .. aeye aa head aad eelleetiene pramatly made Reyaoldeville, Dee 1S, I874..y County' Na'Jonal Bank, ' ' ' Of Ol.RARPIRLD, PA. K00M In Maeonlf Rulldlag, one door aortk el 0. D. Wiiaoa'i Drag Store. Vaaaaga Tlaketa la aad froea Liraraoal, Qaeeai. towa, Ulargoa, London, Parle aad t'epcakana Alaa,DranroraalaaaliiaiUyal Baak af IrelaaJ aad lioparial Baak of Leadoa. , JAMES T. LSO.VARD. Praet. W- MSHAW, Caeklar. tl:l:74 DREXEL A CoT, Ko. tt naati, Ttilral mreel, rblladclpku Jfe ja iiiniruioa dt Bail Will fMlra m MMm. a ..... - ""-"ii-ai eaearrniiiy narwteaed Order Mlieted. 4 )Ut Fall het of artlrlrlal TeMk. HliiKie ni of ArUaVaai Tawtk. . iA.no 1(410 Dhs. HILLS & HEICHHOLD, DiiNTISTS. " CLRAHPIELD PENNa Dr. A. M llille aoald Inf., hi. IH..J. ..J i pallratl Ihet he kae aefoeteted with bis, la tho ; pra-liea of denH.lry, Dr. J. 1. R. HeirhhoM, a I aeatlemaa ahom k-eaareaammend aith fet i anmraaae ef airing ralMaeUom abjaaM be ehanee u ke eat of ike oajne. AU work gaaraalaed la Igo-a eaiuraelioa. A. M II 1 1.1.9, , Ol H, "7.if. ' J.L.R. UEICPIIOLD. ,; STEWABT & BLAOEBUEN, , - UKNTI ST 8, , Carwen.ellle, (-IrarHrld rawaty, Prau'.. (065c. ia ealear Haw Balldiag.) ,' . CaiweatelUa, jaa It, l.7.-lyu. , DR.'EvM. THOMP80n7 Ik aft-aaJW 1 (OSct U Baafe Balldlng,) '" CcrwenavllltClerlw Cw., Fa. B.akS2'7LC . i MEAT MARKET. F.M.CA1D02.4BR0., O. Marked at,... doorwaetel Maaekra Heare, -. ' CLIARPIILD, PA. Oar artaaaaaaaala are cl tka meet eemaWe ehareeur lar furaiabiag Ska aaku. ailk Praak Meau af all kiad. aad af Ikt tary ken aula.. Wa aU. deal ia ail k.ad. of Agrieallaral laiale. mrntt, which we keep oa eikit.li.ee far tka kea. alt of tbe public Call traaad a bee fa htwa. nd take a luafe .A kklaga, aa- addraaa aa 7 Claarleld. Pa, JaJy 14, tl7A.lt. FRESH MKAT-XEW SHOP. Tk. aadereigntd kerek ia forme Ika aakUe la general that they keen oa kaad. raga aaly, al their thop, adjoin Ing JO II ! U t LICU U faraitan rooma, oppoiiu the Court Ilouee. tka sssr mssit stBF,- va-aa, muttoh ,, IAMB, fOHi, KTC, AT RBDL'CKD PRICKS, FOR CASH. M.tkrl m-rulng. Tuatday," Tkartday. aad Baturdart. Meal delivered al r...J. . deriM. f. "V. """elly aalioHad. M.rck I, ISIS ly. BTAtll A aOKRlB. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS ib ST A TIOSEk F. Market au, tlcarntld, tat the Pael OmVa-1 I'iir anoeratgncd begt lean u aaaaaae. I. X Ihecilitrat or Clc.r6.ld aad rlciallf, tkal h. bat Itted ap a ream aid hat Jart ntaraed from th. city a.tk a l.rga .aaant ef readiag matter, eaaeiMieg ba ejeua ad Bibles and Mlsoellaneou. Book., Bluik. Aaaaanl aad Pat. Beokt ol erery da. arripilon l'..pcr and Koeelepoa, Fraaak arereed nd plain; Pent and Pe.cllt , Blank Lege! Paper., Heed,, Mortgagee, JadgBtenl, Rtawp. tioa and Promitare aolca; Wkil. and Pajrok. meal Brief. Lege. Cap, Uaaard Oaf. .ad Bill Cap, Sheet Ma.io, for elt.er Piaae, PlaU ar Vletio, contlanUy on band. Any na.kt ar itMloaaif dcircd Ib.l Imaj nnl h.V. on h.nd.rll be'ord'tred br.rrt aipretl, and enld at wkedatale ar reied aa aall ee.tomne. I wilt aleo keep parted .cei lller.lara, ta.. .. Magatwaa, Nawepaoara, Aa. i c ..... . wAlLIS. Clearl.ld, May , UM It H. A. KHATZER, . .'. . faitiatkaoa 4 , .' , . l KR 1TZE1 ft LYTLE, ; : DRY GOODS, . 1 ...i .... so S0II0NS, . BOOTH, - ' a i . noes, , , , , j (. .J " 1 J ' - LtATBait,' b . CAatPRT. OIL CLOTHs,. . , , , "" " ;'WALL FAPRR,' ' ' '. ;i 4 WINDOW SHADES, ' ; : , '.aia' Mirket atrrad, Clamrawld, tV. Peb. II, UTt-lf . ' JOHN TRbTJtTalX'rir- ;t " DIALER tW 1 FURNITURE, a i. r-..... i ,AKD ...,o,, ,-.... Improved Spring Beds, MARKET BTRRir, ttlAt t.O. ' Tka uadera lined kaaa laawa U Utoee. tka akl. tear of Cleerleld, aad tka .bli generally, the! be has ire bend t twa aaearlaieat af Pkrallare, eaak aa Waaret, Ckaataal Bead Paletad Caake luiaaa. Parlor Ralua. ASmaoraa mm IralaawtaA Chalrt. Lfllei' .nt) tle.ll' KatJ AliVtVll fnclj biniag aad Parlo Caairt, Can. SeaU a Wlwweor tRulra, OVatkM Bwrw, aa amd arte.; rkw lidliM,eiaiii.lii.klaaVaatea.A I ' MotrLtM am nonmi nAMtM. 1 laoalng Otare-, Ckraraoa," A4, eAW wwalwa ' " tadl.klifotaeatay prtemla. ' I daelSIA . e - . a . .tyaMI fa4cJU-.