r-mm THE REPUBLICAN. .., CLKABV1ELD, PA , ,n WBONIWbAV HORIK8. IN. M. lift. , . " Term, of Subscription. tfneid iaadraftee,erllklatftaa.aMaiB.a...M N I paid after IkM aad Befaae lu Mki I M l psia er- IkxtnulM ml aaa I M '3,ffillMitJ,-1 - - ia M.w York Vrt;. . HaiLIUKlUa uwricK. MallaadUt RplMawl Ckarck aa. . t. Baaraaa, aaaarPablia ftarviaa avar; riakaaik at iaa m Maaartr. n. rlakaaik Sakaal M A. M. Praaai a, atiag arara Tkarada, at It f. M Caaaauaiaft Haraiaa. irat Babaalk af arar; ataatkvat li A. at. Wart ClaarieU M. K. C'karrri Am. Wa. M. Dili, aad J. P. Aanaaaoa, Fatlara. Preaeklag arar; altaraata Kaada;, at a'elaek, P. M aaMlaa nakaal al Ij, P. M AU ara la ailtd te atuad. ' ' . j f Prak larUa Chare k .r. B. 8. BarLaa. Sabaalk aarrlraa raaraing aad avaaiag Baa balk Hobaol al I P. M. Pra;ar Maaliag W.dnaa- da; avaaiag.. , . . . . rit. fraacla' Chanh Cathallc Rar. P. J.Haaaiaaa Praaabiaaal lata'aloak, A.M.,aa Iba Arat,tkird aad laartb raada)aaf aaab ajaatki Vaa para and Umadialtaa af Iba Ularaad fiaaraaaaat al T a'alaak, P. M. taadaj Seaval arar; Bda; afiaraaoa at I a'alaak. orPICIAL DIRECTORY. r.aa ftr bolpim Qviarn aaaiiairi oacsr. Ra aad Maada; af Jaaaarj. Tt.ti Maada; af Marak. ; Puat Moada; af Jaaa. Faartk Moada; af Saptaabar. x . tihi or aoLBiaft oaaiias ri.ftAa. Flrat Mnada; ar Jaaa. fiaaaftd Moada; af Jioramkar. rviLie orriciai. Pridnt tifo Hob. Ckarlal A. U.;ar, at Lock tiavaa. jMialaal tow Saa'aa Ho. Joha B. Orrif, af Ballcfnata. Anlt Wllllaai C. Pale;, Clears aid I Jaba i. Raad, Carwaaavtlla. i. rralAMMlara Bli Blanai. ff lafar aa JfaaaraVr L. 3. Morgmll. ' ViuriH Altora.p prank Pialdlag. k TrMrarar David MeOauahr;. Sn William R. MoPb.run. ' Coaal; Saravyar Saaiaal P. McCraika;, Car anavllla. . , i . i fbMHfv CoMatfHiaatT. v.iata ;cs. tald l fhona. A. MoUea, Ckait P. 0.: Hurl! Quaver. Claertald. !aai; itaifilara Ckrirt. J. Krakrr, Olaft iHopai Aaranal A. Caldvell, Wllllaaiagrava j Joka 0. C'oaawr, Burnfida. . Oaaaty Corvntr J. B. Ifaff, Kaw WaihlngtoB. Jury tloaHiiaaroafeaJokji W. Bkagart, Jaaraa paifea.IT, Ul.a-nad. Xriui V Paah'a laMr--Jaba A. tJirmn. Carwaaavilla. ' Ixu PMUittim W. Wrivl... VYai. Ra. debaagk, C;rna U Uardoa, Claaraald: Joa. k. Iraia, N C. Aroeld, Carraivilla i. J. Liaglo, Oraanla Milla. Uar Sptiml anlwaBB la decidedly tatereetlng ia a loeal point af view, aad amtllaada reading la , oulildera wbo want ta aava aaoBep. r ' iVo paper will be issued from thin artBat wait weel. Cbridtmai goods in groat variety at vra.. Beed'a Hora. Don't tail to attend Uie entertainment aa Pride; aeMiag. Deaaaiker S2d. To-morrow (Thuraday) i ll da; of the ;anr 9 koan aad &7 a is the abort- aet day of the vaur 9 koan aad 7 aiBBler. Dr. Stuwuu'a dctiml ofllca in the Maamk aallding, Clearfield, will ka epaw all af eft weak Santa Claui iauwuinir hiapai-k ready far wa ehildrea. Tbe; iboald all ae goad aad ka will Bet target inaa. 1 Chrintmaa candies of every kind and vari;, tka awaataat and belt ia tawa, jail re- aaired at L;lla's graaar;. Judfrcs Odon and Holt, and Sheriff Peaia, will anier apoa Ikelr ametal aoii.i aa Xtift la;, Jan uar; 1.1, 1117. Purchase your tickets early and ecu re a good seat far Ike aalertatnaeat IB tba Opera lluaie, on Frida; evealag. Dee. Kd. A chimney in the rvsidenceof 'Squire Wrlglv;, aa Haeawd etreat, baraad eat laal Prida; .vreniar., and fur a liaa erealed auaa RBiatioa lift Ibataarter. , Vhen vou bray tor the poor, which tow akoald altos da, I brow ia ft leaf af Bread, a baekat of potalora aad barraw af oaal. It wea 1 art jars sMt. I '" - f ' 1 mm mm The lime permuted by law for killing iVil.ill and parlridgaa aiplrad laat Prida;. Tba peaah; far billieg tkli gaaa awt af aaaaoB la a fiae af (0 lo aaak aaaa. , If you see a boy hunting around the koaas ftow-a-da;a, earaeMl; iwaairlag far "Ika! ral tail f," ;ed Seada-t ka frlgbUrwd-ae aai; wiali lo abarpea kla ikalea. , y , As we go to press tbia wetek sleigbs aad llada ara aialiag k;, allkaagk Ika raadl ara rataer raagk fc) apaia. A few aaakaa mm aaaw (will laiprava tkt flalgklag waaderlall;. " ' ' Flro broke out in tour diflurcnt places mX Ijroa., oft tka mk nek, kal, brtaaatal;, Ifta; era all duaavarad aad eiliagwiekad aafora gala Jag aa; baadwa;. tart; for T;roaa 1 mmm mm - A (Ire at Benoo, Clinton cou-.ty, on ibv Mk urn., de.tro;ed tka Odd-Pelrawi' lint a era laa atrnetare. (ear dwalliag-koaaia, aad aavaral lanll awlldiaira. Lais abaat fll.oft. ' Mr. James L. Leavy iuforms us that ka hai realed Ibe ftew Aaierloaa uaaea at tor weairtlle, ta Mr. i. B. Noianlaa, af Piuarion Juout. aoftnl;, wba will lake pumilon af Ika aaaa ekaat Ika III afjanaar; ftalb. Ladies, now is your time to avoid taiag bualiagged, aa ;aa aaft kriag ;aar keir- erarb diraatl; ta Mra. f . i. Brewa, aa Markat Si , tbrea doart eait af lbs AllegheB; lloaia, Cl.ar laid, abaft Ji' aoaa u atlaad tba Taaebera' la atilata next week. There ' is an old Knglisb proverb wbleb la;, " If Iba laa will bear a aaft before Ckrlilaal, It wea't bear a Bonn after Cbrlltani." It Ibll lalllada wa bara kftowft laa tbal waald bear a lanr-knna ! aad wagoa, aatk kafara ad anar Gkriaiaaaa. Now postal cars of improved design, waleb were ball! la tba ikopi al Alloaaa, kave tMea plaaad aa tka Peonrylvanla Railroad. Tb.T ara labakd " Uallad Slates PeiloBce," aad are aUwked ta Ika Allaalia Iiprtsa aaet aed Clft alftaatl ipraaa weet. . Mr. 8. P. Wilson, of Bradford town ship, easM tllpplaf araaftd aalall; aa Taeoda;, like east Claai, was b) klftd la er.rjbod;. aad laft ft baakatfal af larga galdaa sad raip-akaokad applaa Ika (ret ChrtMaae gift Nralakad tka wrlalar ka;t Ibll aaaan. Ma; jea live taag aad pretpar, 'Bwalra I Fred, fchosiiing, Esq., of Ridgway1, Bib aeaal;, kaa leat tbrea aklldm froa diplbaria ta ten Ikea tkrea waeka. Tka foarta, end I ana, al rail aswaftta, waa rar; tlak wllk Iba aaaa dlraasa, end Ik aatbar was re ftnaaratad wllb bar tarribla kil tbal fears wars -aurlalaad Ibat tba waild ast raaavar. Al. W. Wallers, and Thoa. W. Maare, af tbla plaoa, billad ft doer epteea, laat week, after s beat as Ibe aaaalalai af kaa tka tbrea da;s. Tka; wara aar; laat;, aa aaaa af eat kealen bava baa Ml Bearl; tka aallra aea sob sad kaa laat pal oaseaeded la kriag tag daw BTtbtag larger Ibaa s rabklt. List of letters remaining unclaimed la tka Peeteaaa at CVearftaM, far tka waak aadlag tWakar II, 1 Dialt, kakl. Marra; A Plaids iMwIler, i. L. Prwreea, P. 0. Laeaa, ..,, .. . . Paaraaaa, Praa). h- T. A. Ulcus, P. M. Tl Leonard Literary Association win gtva aa aaierulcamt la tka Bpara Maass, Cleartald, aft Prldap avaaiag. Be, lid, lltl. The preearde ar at ka spplied I tba sea af tka Likrat;. Tka etateisrl will aawaiat f arajlaae, dsvlaaatlaws, aaa;a, a. teat rae dtafi, ivailatlafts, aaila, tekkaas, aaa; AdaMlaa, lb aaMS Ba arred aval, la eals. Dear ape at :W . J Klaralaa I raaw.ece at t:M. trntmnrnt seat tiokttd for alia at Ue Paeltaw ..,..,. ) -. n The ic4 en U river l tbb p1 u ta mm4 mmMbm for tkBthtg Uti wwh, mm m fl) ftrwlMl ky VU kvnHi.tl liBSf (-foil MtU lf ft r4 Ub kj Ik mmv 4 ( MM km. Wt km f m ( titti tU m f (kr Ml M Mft fMAlaWy M- thf tUtw mM Mm Mm I U aMlM M k$m at Mt glM f UU MWIrOlt 9fft jut mi 9m mi mW99 $t um giawiiy. Do not bnjrjroir Christmas Roods mil bb take leak at head'., al hi, iiora la Ik. Optra Heae. 1 ' ' 1 ' J TmrillftrtT oelubrmted brand of Ka ra ToSaeeo, "DtiaaM' aad "Oar Caele.," ai Ijlle',, lala M' for Claarflald aoaatj . Remember tbe eiitcrMinmcut of the Uer4 LHerarj Aaoeoieiieft, la ika Opera lloaja, Clearleld, Beat FrlJaj analaf .: j Handkerchiefs, nix kerctm'fa, glofea, tia., ftaftktae, lewelt, Aa., aaafal, Bad ju.l taa ! w r. fur i krt.traae ia tl.irr Ilka Veaa, al Reed'a. Ki.i U.IC- tejakue vat KSt , . 1 tea ta ae aar patraaa, aaa aft, all, A aierr, Ckriataraa and a kapp; Maw Yeaf." Tub Budi Fellow I Th Somonwt Uvm m pala it la tbla wa; r " Taa awawal tarta tiaa af iakael-ara and Bia.rara will aa kald ia BoBjaraat katwaaa CkrUlaiaa aad 5vw Yaara." Uatrimokial. Mr. W.8. fii-ynoMa, adilar af tka Be;Baldavilla Ihrmld. Wat aiarrlad aft Wadaaxla, tka lk rail, la Mile Nellia M Yarrlftgla, mt Ilblaa, N. Y Tbla la a rood time ' P H Ba-koraa af Iba ;aar far aditaia la daabla kedttaada ara draadfall; aald ta sleep ! tkeie fratt; aigkta. Evening l.r.cTrnr.B. Tho evening iMtvrtM tvt tfa Teacfarn laatftut. wbieh wtll M bald In (faa Opara HuaH at Claarfleld, oonmanelng o Maaxlay aaai. Ilia tM. tptt., art aanaad aa followt Prof. A. H. IltrM A Woatiao laatara. rraf. B. Sbaai.k-r " Inriilbla Poroa ' Rv. J. fi. Yoaog " M aad MaatarM af tba RTaKitlaa.H T. H, Ummj, t.m Htrolioi of Bt Paal." Cl. Waltar OarraU Tba NMtiU ofEJuea tiaa la tba Asarfaaa Ptopla." lira. Am Raadall Dlabl, of New York, will alaa dtlirar an avanlag Itoiura. Prol'. UarYoy,theMaL;ieian,wiII give aa Mtartaianaot ia (ba Opara Uuutf ,thii WvdnM day araaiag. Daaatabar SO. Aaaag iba proa.1 ant faatarei latroduead will ba tba 0eoport BnthnF laat of tying wltb ropM ud balug oo Uad by fpirtu. Tba aibibitlaa it wall noota. attodtd by tba prrta. Wa Uka tba following froB tba llaib, H. Y. dMraraf i 'Prof. Hurt, tba WiurJ, gava an aalartaia ant at Union UbUi. Tliur4l,v avanlng. Ho iia aiaaiar f bit pmfnMion, aud iatrdueed nma w trieka that dcligbtad aad aitwniibod bii udianoa. Battar Mliaiaeiiuu baa ntvar bctn aiivan ba lb it plaoa by any Coajaror ar woxktr in nttarlnut tbinga, tomn oy tun. aiirvry. If givaa an aniartaiumtnt In yoortowop be rura and allaod) )oa won't rtgrttit." Adiaiaiion 2b eanU, Ranarva MvU at oaaUf daan opaa al 1 o'ctoek p. .. perfornaaea lo eumntoM at 8. Death or C.knlkal Huhu. Wo K-arn Ibat Un. Joba Rom.oI MoVfjtowo, MiBIibouuo ty, dlad anddaoly an tba ISb iatt. Mt. Kuia wu ona af tba ( aolla and prom I neat aim in lha Juniata Vallay. Th Lcwiatuwn Swlil Mja of biai i' ' fw man wara bettor knnww in tbli aonnly, or otora generally attn)rd. No lrrli;ig but torrow will fnilow tka aannnoefMioDl of l tit demite of Urn. John How. II" baa bn largely a bntfae lar to Iba poor and needy, alwaya opea-baailod, and nerer mora ta bit elearnt than ta miniMer-; ing lo tba auaiiort and alleviating tba lorruaa of tba iMCiiiluw." Wa fn-qaently met tba deceued, and eao teitlly 1 to all oar kMttinporary aeya, Mifflin eonniy, al tbawgb it euntato Mine good taaoi mat I at it Up j bai but faw tuob aiea aa tiea. Bon waa. CtEAnriKiaD Coal Tbaiie. Stnlo- aat of Coal and otber freight tent ovar tba Tyrone A Clearfield Diviiien, Penneytvaula Ril raadt for tba week ending De. Vib, 1876, and tba aaaM time laat year : CO A la. Pr Iba week Sama time la it year Prerlouely during year Hane lima laat yaar Inertifa Tutal in UH . H. ....... Bane tine laat ytar w InereaM , 1 ' otnaa ramona. Lam Iter ......... f tliaeellanaoar fraigbla i ..r 2nlp02i w. ISeara. ... 6 The Old Year. 'i be candle of the old year it but a ing low. In few Bora abort dayi it will Atcler aad dk ia Iba aookat, ttJ -not her yaar will Iia praairala under tw nutjairaa ireau at) Tiaaa. Tba "Centennial yaar" win ton ba laid oa lta appropriate ahelf in iba aid and muaty taalta af tba paet rainaaiftra only for (be Joya an 1 wrrowa It baa brought while tba merry bell IB peal gta4 ftotea of welaoao to tba new yaar. and humaa voire will greet it with cheery laugh, hoping H aay bring auaaa reaoajpaata for tba ill aba rod tvilt of tba aVye tbat ara gone. Vain hipe I It will tweep on, and carry In lit boaom tba aaae joyi and aorrowa ftr " tba toat and daugbtert af nan" at bava tba yeart ol the dead, yet living, paet, and In Mt turn ba laid away aaaag tba relict af tba dead nget tleeplng in Iba ebaraal bouta of Tlat wboM Boieeltea iWIt eeba the tramp, traaip, irampaf naboroMntnriM. The Lumbkk Irtebebt. The Clin- ton Dtmtrmi, la allndiag to tba trade, aayt tbat tba CeamittM af Weat Branch Lumbermee M eta re. D. M. Peek, D U. Marrinaa, 8. P. Bar- rowa, aad F. I. Bttblek wba want ae Da'egatM ta tba meet log of iba National AaaoeietUn of Umkareaao at Kaa Cat re, WU., kara made tbrir repsart. Tba attandanea waa tmatl. Tba anly paint af general laUratt It, that a eoinmlttaa, In olading om of iba abora Dolegatet, wj appoint ed toaraata a gewarml an i form ayetem af iaapaa Hon and omenelatura for lumbar." Tbay alao ttata tba following : Wa aotfoad at almoat all Iba lam bar menu favo uring pvlnta, tbat Ua ooet of boomaga ia mach lea ibaa it ie here, and la laoalomeee lha laiaaar. ven guoefkvUy awa tba atajb. Thia, with tba an nihilation ol dittaoa by tba low freigbiaebarged, giva iba waatera ItMubt-ruiaa lfg a.iraiUK ovar ua ITrum tba but infomiatiB wa umU gia, wa fed aafa Ueaying that in Minnitaola aud Wiaeonefo there will awl ba a full ttuek put lo tbia winter, bat In Mitbigao, from all wa eoald gather, wa feel warranted v aayinj tbal there will at laatt baau dcereaae in tbi wiri(r' ttook. wm - - UONAMO LITCRARV AMOCIATI0N LtlRARY. Tba following 1 oorrcot ratementaf raeHptj and eipendiiaret o( tba Lamia rd Aaaoeiatlon Li brary, af ClMtftekf, ladHdlngdoaatiantarmantyt and booha made to the tame from lt organisation U tba let day of Drmabar, IRTA i ntciipTt. By amount raelltcd from entrrlainment.. 9U0 94 By eukiier.pt loan, aa loiioere t C. W. Smith.. 10 no 10 00 io s to in t 00 I 00 tto IN I s. I OS I 90 19 47 II Hit Iloa. O B. Barrett ...... 1). L. kr.B., ............. H P. Wallaae 1. P. Weaver .... D. McUaugbo; W. S. King I. I. fta;der W B. M.HK.r.0..... O. B Uaodlaalrr Kav, Wa. U. UUI........ ......... Uaa. W Bkeaa B; dlaraaal allawa b; Jos. Bead lag'l). B; dlieoaBt allowed k; P. A. Uaalla oa beoki ,.,... B;laa freaJ. t. Powell... - Tsial... , sirairftiTVBBS. Ta Mil af kaake froa Imt. Bead, Age!. Ta kiN af kaobs P. A. Uaalra.... Ta fraigkt aft aaok..,.,.. ...... Ta t, labah Ta twa B., neefa . ... ..... ..... . . Ta balawea Tali) n I . ftBSaWBCB. , ' B; karaaaa daa frea Trrasartf B; ran. recite, a fallaws 1 W. W. Betla, kaiaaaa M. f. Walraea, aaiaftea (boabe) B. W. Saltb - Dr.i. P. Barrbleld u...... .... Hmm.i. B. MeKnall; Prank Pwldlag (aaobe) A. C. Tata, Ulnar; af Paaas;lvasla. , W. Bkeea, kaiaaaa. tilt M $341 N I 411 a IK 4 H t Ir I as 1 a Tstal....; - ' ; 9 , . uafttufiBS. Ta I. J. Baw A Baa, printing kill.., Ta Sseketl A Bekrvvar, gaa ltn. Mt . tint 4 T J. . Pawtll, aaaaj laaaad...... .... II Tatal um a. lialralllHMM RaaawMM avar HabUitiM ? ttooia ooarararraa. i Mra. Jaw. T. Laawards Amartaaa fary. akftdia, la velamaa - Hi! Dr. A. M. Illlta. mieeetlaaeoaa, II vek M A. tf nioaborg, Hint, af Untied rttate, v. I Hoa. J. B. MrKpaliypMta a v-ta. ia aw Kav. H I Batlar, mte la vaia....M It Jtabn r. Irwia, m. I ! .k . Jaoawh Paa4, mla. tavla ' I mra. a. weir a" ttloba I Ml ta inawi vm. ....- MM. Wrn. A. WalaM, pah. Aaaa , H v - Uea. L. A. Ht-hey, pwk de., IT va.a- Man. Wm. MatJnadlaaa, paw a)ena.,fva. - '. aUv.B.I fcatUt,Magai.(nlNM.Iva. . 4, Raw A (ton, wow ad CawgraMlanal Olohkv laaa tm 1171. II vole. Wka avmbaa af vadawM aMHbwtaA Who la aaaa tar pweh ..... Wameaa aembav ta Uw retry Ug a tba Ubrary ' " Par eefh ff 0084............ f Par atb af HafMatjar.. f Tt Largeet number af beke taketi fram Li , Vary aMaa apeweag ..elwaU. r auKMItrl, lalawavbam. AewV. KeUallBV Aaatltaff. TOWB - 2M27 ...mr.vn ,w IM.eJO ... t0,487 ,.-IUI,SH7 IH.-l.603 ' Jodfje Pearson, of Dauphin county, Bdrlare Ikal aulif ka broafht aitaiatl all peraofti aba audi beta aa Ika lata ale.Hoo, ' A GoPt Truth. Tlis cheapst aa4 keel wbvul bwh a tatkar afar adiailled iDIa bit koaaehold I. Ihe aeaipauer, and ika Rare. IK-AX la Iba ta.l doaumefttBoa Liaed for general aad haal laforaietloa. i i ia, a aai PosTHONti". '1 bo luily tnvnibt'ra of ika I'mujierfaa aoafregalloft al Carwir,..lili, ka auaitaialalal it111! oy.ur euppar at tbal plea aaxl aMdat eeeaing, hare hata expelled ip,a Iks ,ama aalil Mute tiaie la uV futare. . -aBMai n uni wouiu u a oinro a 1 iroiinuta ud aaaaoaabw tartvimaa c; New iar a iraeat fr your wifk at daughter tban a tat of miot tun fnm T- A- Fleck A Ca't aauUiahaiani, an Mar ket atreet, a faw doora aatt of Iba Shew Uouaa. Yoa will bava no eld Mock pelaied off an you by tailing at their elore, fur tbia I their Brit lot oioe af Air gtriMta. Notice to Cl'btujukhs. lu order to ' k"iw w lJ,0J klday, we, tba autlemgnad j laerah.nta ul Olaarueld, re.euuHy Murm vur . rtenia and iatrun tbal we will eiute our plauca ol boaiueaa oa Obriatmaa U. A. KraUrr, Kaoltelt A Schryver, J.mri 11. Lyile, T. A. Flok A Co., Wilhaai Raad, B. Ueioibarn, J. 8. bbuwvre, Weaver A Uelta, Powell A Murgsuip CUANUK OP lLkCTIOH lluL'SKS. TltO oitlMna ol Cuiwuiitvilleuud Pike townahiprMent ly bald electiune on tba anbjtmt ol changing tba place of holding their elect) una in iba future Tba etllsenaof Curwoneiille will hereafter bold their ebwdoai la the Way Balldlngon tbteorner af Stain aad Walnut atrvati, apioeite Iba M. K. Church, aad the towaablp election will ba ba d ia the town tblp School llouae. In aaid borough. a-aaaaaat.- SB Almost a Fibk. The HuptiHtCLunh at Vurwonevllle waa on Ore laat rrtday enarouon, and but for lha vigilance of Iba "Citiieoa' Fire Aaeoeiatton," would bava been turned into aabea. Tba fire caught from Iba beater, and bad it oojur rad at night, instead of In tba daytime, tbat ttruotara, aa well aa tba eurruttiiding buildmgi. would bava been eentntned. The interior of tba building war eon ride rably damaged by water at well at by Ara, hut will aoaa be repaired at a eoit of 9SM or MOO. HudarkTimheb It It II ARKS. Wo clip tba following from iba Lek II a en Ihmtrmt of laat work : "Wa have noticed with much alarm tbat there ia :s ts j-t tba Wuat Draoch of tba Suetfuelianna, a vary much larger tupply of aquare timber tban It warranted by tba demand f tbetrada, the effector whiek wl I be tu over.tock tba markat aa to produce ruinay low prieca nnd render the rafta In market of really leaa value than the itntapage it wottb. Tba timber milla Id tbia eta t lan aod all tba way to New York have enough alack on band ta laat them till oest September or October. There la alao about oua bund red etjutre timber rafta untold lo Buck Cretk. Maryland. And ta thlt tba oop titled political aondiiloa of tba country, which la graatly affect ing UatU, aod la likely to rue through tba winter and puaaibly longur, and it ie auab an outiook aa to jnatify the gravest fcara ef a greatly depra-Mi market, wltb aquare timber bringing probably not ovar Mvao out a per foot, and but few talea at tbat. At beat, with the tonal potiible amount got la, there will ba mora than eoiujrh aq'ire 1 1 drier on hand fur tba demand, and If there ba aa mach got out ae now terma probaMe, wa repent that II will averttoub tba market an-J produce ruinouaty low prlcea. Wa therefore ettliruit to pU partiaa inter- e-led whether ll h not tirat ti "halt" In t-if.r eauara timber operatlnna, and o pn'oat their intereatt by not gttin( out aoy limner thia eeaavn ;or by getting out the leatt am iunt p'iti ble, where it it neewo'-y to gel out any at all." Wkrt DaAXCH Hnii h a Tmantt ilat. FOUR CHILDREN BURNED. Tba Hunliogdon aVeatfiirof lha Mthtayei 'On TareeWy avanlng tba tame night tba Brooklyn theatre waa burard. aod la wbith ovr 3(10 Urat wara loat a buure near Broad Top city wu burned and four child en perlabed In the fl.tmet. for tba partioalaraof tbe calamity wa ara Indebt ed to tha Pipit . "Tba bouto beloage4 to the B. T. I. Co., and waa oooupled by Jam t Medowia. On Tuea-lay morning Mr. Moowan want to a nrlgbbort, about a mite and a b Ul diatant to aa- alat In butchering, and ia tba area Ing about all o'elook Mr. McOnwan built a large Ara lo an old faahioned ebimnev place, and pat the children (four In number) three girls and a b.v, to bd and alarted after Ihe mother. About half pt Mvea o'eloek, Mr. William Swnope, a neighbor living about half a mile distent, taw tba light at tba burning bniHing, and g"t on a borsa and baatanad orar. When be got there Ihe roof bad fallen lo, and tba wladowa wara burned oat and lha whole Interior of tka bouM aa Bra and no igna of It fa about. He than went to tbe bouta where tbe father and mother ajAre to apprise them of tha eon d it ion of their bonae, not knowing that Iba Uvea of four Innocent children kid perished In tba flamee, Tb pareata haitaaa 1 to tha neane ly to b appalled at beholding tba emouMartog ruint oftbelr hime and to wltneta the charred ra mains of the children who but a few bourt before bad been put to bad. Tha mitber had the yonng est child wHfa bar, and tha eldest waa away at a neighbor's, - Tbo fin It (opposed lo bava originated from tba chimney and caught on or mar the roof. Tbe bouta was a b-g one, such aa waa usually built la aa aarty day by tha old settler a of Broad Top. "Oa Wednesday March waa made for tba ra maina. Tba abulia and soma af tbe birgtrr bones of tha three girls were found ia tka early part of tbo day and hurled in an old cemetery near by In the afternoon Messrs. Pearson, Vustee and King succeeded In finding tnt raraalnt of the little boy In ft pretty good state of preservation owing 1 1 bit body bring wmppel np In bod clothing, ate. " ' ' ! "Mr. McUowan not only lores his obiltireu, bat all ba nossetee.de lie was a poor man and did not bava vary much of thia world's gMde,but tbli only makM bit lota tka greater Tbe bereaved family tbonU receive the tympatblet of tbe peo ple, aa their lose ia a eerere ana." THE tUMBER SUIINEM. ' la addition to tha statement wc gava week be fore last of the lumber trade io Clinton eognty, wblcb wa copied from the Drmotrmt, the following it given by the Wllliamsport Quutt oust Bulittin, of tba trade In Lycoming county : Tha lumber buslnets for Ihe year, aa far as the aianuluettire ia cntifrroed, bus nenrly come ta a Hnte. Only two ar three mills ara still in opera tion, fa tha majority of oat the tmek baa been col out pretty close. An estimate of the amount cut daring the year, ha and upou Information oh. rained from lha majority nl the dealere, makes the flguret about IHU.ui-U.uMO reel. Thia it tomn. thing lean than the pr-doctinn of laal veer. The difference will n-t be far from 40,o0,000. Though tba rtoek to be put in thia season by particular parllea will at eorreepund with laat year's huai tba total amount la be put ta, It la thought, W.JI bo very aluea to what it wu laat year. Oaa estimate hae been made of tba ttoek on band at tba diflerent yards, whteb givea ti el ITT, 2611,00a feet, end tba amouat an baad tatt year at IT4, 6 1 3,000 feet. Tba tame estimate givee tbe lath on hand this year as 4:i,5.SO,UUO, and lft,ri.5,gO0 last year. Tha preeiae Mgurea of the annum miiautaoterd eanout ba given al tbla time, aa tome af the flrmt have aut fooled np Ibelr eggre galea. Home af tba Igurat given below ara eati maied, but tbe greater naraver bava naa obtain al fram tba arms named. TUB AMOV.1T CUT. Barrows A Co. tat ahowt l,fttWtJ()0 feel, nnd eleaned op their ttoek. Fulling In ahont V,iK)0.- oto. Fin 17, Tonng A Co cut all Ibelr stock, ebnot I J,wa0,t0, and abut down two weeks sinM. They will pat In about tbe lame as last year. I. ti. frailer A Co rut ant what ttoek they bed on band about tHrt.OftO feet Have made no ar rangements for putting in a ttoek. Bierkwvatber A Muaton cut ),l0fl,00S feat, cleaning ap their ttack. Hot decided what they will put la. Merrtman, Piper A Boa cut -about 6,01X1,000 feet all their etenk. fe. M. Taylor A (ton cat about t.OOa.AOO feet their oatira ateek i did not rua vary regakar. Will pat ta about ?,U0,MU feat. Wm. Hiaddaid. manager, (lata Reaver millr) alill ranntag. Beaaoo'eeat ,ll,(MrtfV fa-tt. Pat ting aa eieek In. Loooetd A Celaoo tnt out their Kock t,0M,. aa feert. PaUtag lo bctwMW T,uvt ,vw aad K.toa.OM ret4. Laioher A Maura eat a.OM.Ona, their a lock. Oaiy ran ball their Mpaeity. liava l,oM,ipaJ feel leva lumber kit ia Iketr yard than laat year. Hvueot A Thompson) ant 4,tiii,Mo laat. Mot polling any ttetk ia. Ilebatd A Heilik oat nearly 4,00(1, ft 0 fMt af lean bar, and heavy lot af sbiuglee. Did Bat tjaite cat act their alack. . J. W. Ha i. da Co. ant 0.&00,000-all their nock. Tba Mr.y-.ara atrrat mill cut J ,olvof, Mava aboni l,N A,0ou irt ol log tba baaik. Ktder, llooral A Iievmat cat all their stock about T.l'Ou.Uvn, Tbey ara patting ia aboat atio.luO in t, Hionaker, Howard A Co. act oat thatr stock 4.yo,i't er 0,uu(i,00g. Dua't know what atocb tbey will put ia. White, Lenit A White cat about M0 000 fact aaarly all tbatr tlcck. Will pat In O.lrou.ool r r,tUa,0vA, ! Ifudge, lmt A Btuket nut nit (heir ttoek about Jt.lCH.oO. Tbey ara patting In O.Wtt.oCO Bmwn, Karly A Co. eat oat their etvak of Tr 50o,ooa. Put tie In aUat O.wa.OeO. At yetnn'e mill, ,, irat war taL No stork being pat to. Tba fttar milt eat U,M.M feet, abaat all the 1 staeb. Petstag ta aba f .asm aaa fret la aba tVHawtaf milts ihtsaiaial m ba atMbad apaa wM aMata4. Taa vat ta givea t Joba Ia.wata, l.waaM f. Oelawaaa, 4gM.0M j Wval. . varMa A Tiaamaa, ft.arWM j P. S. MerrtU A C., 0.M0fOvO BawseMad A Prtaa, 1.0M.0M. WantkdI 1,000 Wds of Hemlcx-k and geek Oak Bark, r biok a U1 pa; Ika klgkaat narke! priaa J j lilt A O. KaiaaaACo. M a mmi ' To prevent tuluu-co chowort from Wlftg lutpoeod epoa, (jeniiarda he,, pat ft tin Maaap ka war; plag af ihelr labaam. Taka aaaa ubIim ra .tainpad. Ljtle la tula agoal for Clear Sold aoanl;. Kahtuly Xkoublov Wa nuliue by Ika Caraeiurillo Ttm tbal Ooaerel P.ltoa U aaDo;ed alia B.wipaner remlttaaoeo, Wa kav, eeldaei aaaa troubled in thai reeeBir,, al 1 la Braoarub (aat ..!.. "bile ib miia. of tba Jtfffnim gut hla aya on b'm ta tbia way i "A. Penti, Jr.. 8 bet iff alent af Clearfield coun ty, ia In Inwn thie werk. He don't appear to be lha leeal bit Muck up wul tbal majority al over l,tiU volea which be received at Ibe litta vlietlun." A DINNCFI INVITATION. Tbo ladiea af tba Bat ttet Church, of Corweaa villa, prupoae to buve a dtnaer aod (Upper in the Church ou Chrtaimaa. They aak the jialroaage of yuur eitiiebtp who may wltb to take a liul ride on tbt day. Our latliva knw bow lo oouk a good dinner. Coma nnd heir- ua eat it. Cbarguc raaaoaabla. . W. U. Kt-Lia, faator. TO THE PUBLIC. Tha cold winter now upon ua ha, found the pour af our town in ao ui.ptapart'diauiidaiou Case ulltr destitution hare atreedy been re ported. Our platn duty la to luuk after those w bo are Use lurtunate iban vursclvea. Uur atforta to be ettevtive should bo organiied. We therefore suggest that the auisena of Ul ear Held Boruogh mvei ) the Court llousr, an Thursday even inn, !ce uUr 31, IH76, to devise meant of relief lo our deserving but auffenug neighbors t W. M. Bhaw, Hubert Mite bell, U. H. Barrett, John 11. Pulled, Dr. K. M. Hf bearer, 4. W. Urataam, Hav. W. 11. Uiil, A. naini'iurg, W. U. liigier, John O. i-ylla, Jost-pb Bnowvrt, W. K. Mul'hvraon, Israel fest, ii. U. Uoodtandar, L. I. Murgaa, J. 0. Hobiyver, James tt. WeUun, J. iJ. Uiaiiam, J. B.ake Wailera, A. W. Lev, K. A. Uigier, Kav. ti. P. bievcna. Wolter UarretL Powell A Morgan, ajubn MflUaUktbvy, Jonatuau Uuyu iuq, A. P. lluyutun, U.J. How, P. A.Uauhn. O. Howe, A. ti. Kramer A Co. Wm. Hoed, James 11. Lytle, ) auies L Laavy, ll. McWaugtiey, till Blvotu, Wvaver A Delta, Wallaoe A Knos, Ml'1.iiIit A MjUurJy, J, M. Adams, ll. W. Moora, A. W. N alius. K. Mortup, U. K-raU.r, Specials FL'RS-AT FLICK A CO.'A dtc.13 Chmistmas! For tbo benefit of peraunt whom it may Mil beat to oma to bay their Winter ulotbiog ou that day, I wtll sell un nod alter Cbhiiuias, tbe rvmaiaiog at'k of VVi ater C otb tog ot greatly rcduued pr.oci. A. Ul' iftinrau. die .Oi-lu Nen llnliJay Ueojs at fleck A Co 'a. Wabted. A MJond kand gold wstcb, open fn.ee, gold dial. Any person having auch a watch for a la, can And a cash purchaser by apply I off at tB.vder sjtv.elrj store, t kernel d, Pa. novV 4i. A fVctb line of Holiday Omit at Flick A CoU. FLRS-FURS-FURS-AT FLKCK 8. - Ooodi ftr the hoi I day a at Fleck A Go's. St. A llRjtrrirt'ii rnatRTMAt PartsasT. An ele- gint new ruae Wood mno, 7ft .tclaves, with Iron Ira me agrarTe, carv-d legi, ana all tba modern Improreinenta, Will ba told at a baigaia. Gallon or adiirea 11. A Kn4Tr.cn. Deo 0, t0Tfi-.lt. Clearfield, Pa. For something new and cheap In Ihe Holiday (Joods, go to Flack A C'i'a. line of New droit goo It for holidays, at Fh-ck A Co 'a. Hi o tits For Bai.b, H. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredooia Buggies and Platform Wogooe for sale. T be teen al the Hbaw Ilotite yard. Call oo or address him al Clvarfleld Punn tylvanla. may IS-tf. FLECK'S FURfr-FURR AT FLECK'S. Holiil.y Gftods at Flcrk A CVs to suit all, old and yonng, rich aad paor, and if )nu don't believe it, call and tea. - ' Wonderful Hncrt. It It reported that Bosciibr's IIkbuan St nil" bat, since ita Introduction in lha United States, reaubwd the immenaa tale of 40,000 doaen per year. Over MUv Drus;ista have ordred this med'clne direct from tbe Factiry, at Woodbury, N J , and evry letter spooks of its ailoniabtog auoeeas In curing severe Cugbi, Oolda settkd tin i b llreest, ar any disaatc of Ibe Throat and Lunga. We advl-e any person tbat bs env pre- di poatt Inn to weak Lungs, to go to Ibelr Drug. Clsi, U. D. Wotaoa. and c-t tbla Medicine, or in. quire about It. Regular alia, 76 Cents r Ham pie uottie, io cents, two iloses win relieve any caae. Don't negleot your cough Tlldei ar Haras, which t It not tha ouestlon which agitates juvenile wioda now, bnt ia io know ancra the nicest ana cheapest llltlay Umids can ba fbaod. Bui after tbey taa Fleck A Co 'a, tbey duubrnomore. 30 r.f KaV Aro if r. There Is Bo case oo record where Dr. Morris' syrup of Tar. wild Uhtrry and Uurahound has tailed lo give aatiafaeiioa. Oi tbe other hand. wherever It baa been used by our people, In severe colde evugba, anbua, bronchitis, croup, whooping-oough aod consumption, they arc aa thatiaetic in its pfaiec. Uoolaloing ao opium or arlber daugcrous drug, U doea uo cuastlpala, aad Is Sftfe lo adraioLiUr io all Cud litioni ul health. Thia ia aa Important aanonatement, and tbe atilriing ara advisvd to boed iU Trial site, lu oants ; large aiiet, 60 cunuand One D-sllar. bold by V. D. vYuUon, and flartswick A Irvta, Drug gists, Ciearfieid, Pa. Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Synp la per fectly sale, ritrcmely paUtahle. M phyals ra quired. Uoets it oeinU. Try it. Fur sale by 0. ll. Watson aad Unrtawiok A Irwin, ClearOo.d, Pa. mob 22oowly. Young man, If you want a nice neck tia fur vn rutin as, go to rlvek A Uo. No Wry facta neat Chritimts lni?e Fieak A Co. bava bought ibelr new stock af Holiday Uoodt.ai prices to suit evrj budy. 2U Attention, FarmerB and Lumbermen. WANTISO-by Arnold, at Curwcnaville, 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 biiflhels wheat . 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bUHhclfl OlltH. 1,000 btinhclfl shelled corn. 1,000 bushel- potatoeR. MMMKMi VtUlnrii shaved ah Indicia IIMHMNI 4-Ilii-h aawrrt tlillifflca, ItHMMNI Iret plrtf boarda. A.oiMt railroad ilea. A,ihmi com a oak aud hemlock bark. For which one-third ciwh will be paid. oct.25. Dlarrirl Oa Thun.hr, Nor. 50-h, IS7I1, l.y (lev. Mr. Alaui., Mr. VI. H llile, ul l.aialiar t,u, Clrar. I. Id oiianlv, bbJ Mit, M. A rliieocer,.! Curweni till., Pa. 0a PalardaT, lire. Vlb, 1 FT. tie Rar. W. II. flh.. Mr. Kd. M. Moor, and line Luc; K. Illooa, a II af t'arw.aarllle, Pa. Al lha rraidrare af tha brMr'e parefll,, aft WedaeadaT, tin. Ills, MT6.hr Hev. U. T. liana, Mr. R. N. Leim.rd, al Roaklun, I larBald enua I,, aad Mm Clara E. Illljtr.ef Alleihrav Fprlnii, Cealra eaantv. 0a Thaw!.;, Dm. 1 lib. ISTfl, Ii; R.v. 3. B yn, Mr. Ilanlrl K; aad HlH Lime Piatt, ell af C'arwaai.ll.a, Pa. Sitd. Ia Ka'i, tawaeblp, aa Satardav, Ira. fib, 1871. Traaaft Raal, agrd eO ;eare. ta Knei toweillp,ea Hande;, Dre, Itlh, 1876, Jaaee T. MoCraekea, agrd M ;aare. Is Frrgaraft leaa.bip, aa fledey, Dva. Ivtb, II7A, Wa. Wlee, Sr .agMl jean. gallroattt. lVunajlvanlallallrond TTRONE k CLEARFIELD BKANCH ON aad after Maada;, NOV. 17, l7, the Paaeeagar Tralaa will m dail; (ase.pt Sua dajr.) batwaaft I;raaa and Clearfield, aa fallaws l CLKARPIKLD hail. W. C. Ibwib, CoBduatar. LIAVI KIlUTH. " T LKAVK NolTfllT Uarwaaevllla..l'IS, S. ft 0laarSald..,..l.ls, " Tyrone 1 10, a. a OMaala..,tS 19. " Philip. Iiurg... 10 XM, ClaarSeld ..... 11.40, Cerwea.rtlle..lX!0l, ' Pnihpahars 4.11, " Oeaaala ..4.T, " tjron. ........ " CI.CAKPIKLO IXI'HKKS. W. 8. PLt'BMSS, t'oBdartor. T.KAVK (tltHTM. 1.KAVP NOKTII. Carwaaevllla. t.sl i. T;rai,e r.m Veil f.lt O at eel. . ,..a.l " PhlliB.narg...l.'ll " Clr.rli. Id. ar. ... Carwca.rllla IS.0S UlearSald... l ie " Phlllp.harg.. S.I' " Oeaaala .., d.lS " Vftll. ... t.4I " Ttraae . . BALD KAULK VALLEY URAHCII. IB. Hail. Man. Kip. P. w. A. m. r. . ft. a. 7.S . R.Sfl lea., T;raa anlva S it I.e. f.lt ftr I 17 Bald (alia m ta 4 41 4 IT 4.1 4 HI nil n. n 11.10 11.11 1 1. SI IMS M ' l.a iallaa Mileibarg II lo.i.a It.lS ilrll llefuau S.4I' MlVaaarw 1 , .. . ls.i Heward IU ' tl.H arrlraU Hare Ueva ! tl aitroarj. rillUPKUlKO A MO8IIAKN0N DltANOIIKS On and aftar MoaUv, NOV. Ink, IIT. Aa aoMDMidalioa Traiea will rua ovar ilia Pbllipa burg and Morkaueua Branehei, al follow! i LEA VII EOITTII. I.KAVK NullTII. Mail Train, S:ln Way Pastengur, Atiaatio Kkirett, fl"" Mail Tram, Pbila'dn Biprvat, 10;33Ptst Line, Close onnnectlont and Lock Haven. nade by all trains at Tyrone 8. S. BLAIR, Superintendent. mylMf. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRAUK HIV1SI0X, ON and after Monday, 1) roe to her 4th, 176, the biaaencer Irsitis will run dailv (cireul Sunday) UtwreO Rid Uank and Driftwood, aa follows ! KATVV Alt ), Day Mali Waves Pittsburg p.ia a. m.i itcn tiant iimoi nugn .lunctiun iz.tiz New llethlchem 1:00 p. ; MaytrUlc l:la; Tn.y ; Urookvine i.ji ; roller 1 121 ; Iley noldsvllla 1:10 i Uullois 1:07 i Humtnit Tunnel i.U i l'enflold 8:4 I Wecdrille 4:0; Reneietta tiZt) t arrivea at Drtrtwooa at b:II. M I JT tV Alt I WUay Mall Iraves Drinwood 12:01 p. mt lWncteltc 1 2 -S ft i YVred.ilie 1:13: Fen Held l:42j Hunimil TnOni'l 2:01 UiiBols 1:10; Heynoldsvllle 2:40 t ir'umrtl.M; Hrookville 1:2; Troy 11:40; Majsvili 4.;i:i i New Bethlehem 4:17 ; Sligo Junction 4:atl Red Hank 9:10 arriVM at Piltaburg at 7:08 p, m. fir The Krynoldivllle ArritininoJatinn leaves Reyiioldsville daily at e:H0 a. tn-t and arrives at Rid Hank el 8:2" a. m., I'ltlaburgb at 11:10 a. m. Leaves Pitt-burgh at 3:20 . to Hed llink at iiiitip. m.j arriving at Heyooidertile at lii:Uftp.m Close connection! made with trains on P, A R Railroad at liriltvonri, and with trains un tbi Allrghtny Valley Hailro&d at Rod Dank. DAVID Mci'ARtiO, Uen'l Hup't. A A. Jinsoa, Hop't L. U. Dlv. FARE FROM CLKA It FIELD. TO Bellefonte, Pa 2 06 1 Middletown f & n0 IMih Uven...,.M I 70 Mariatta..M A 00 W lllliuiiaport. I 6U1 Lancaster lluntingilon 1 AO PH1LAHKLPHIA 7 05 Lewistuwn. t irO Altfiona 1 06 Maryanlle 4 &o Jolinsown. 180 H Alt H1HBU HO ... 4 rolPITTKBUHU I Ift Sen; Svtli'fftisfmfuts. QAI1TION. ! All persons are herehy notified that 'he farm oa wbieh I reside in Knot township, Clear Held eo,, Pa, juolainiog l&Hncres and allowanoa, l-elonRa tsrae and my b-lrs and not lo my husband- All persons an- hereby warned not to meddle with or piin haic Ihv s:ne from any other parly than my. tail. Mrs. BARA ll BMW MAN. New Millport, dec. l-1-3t. E HTHAV IlklPKK-i. Cstnf t'C-tiaMinif on tlit' nrcmlnes of Ihe sub- tfriher.lntlrahainlownvhip.a'mat the miMteof J uly Usl, two yearling heifers, both red and white The owner Is requesifd to erne forward, prove pmperty. pa- charres at.d Uka them away, or 'bey will lie diRp'ioed of a the law directs. Urahamton,dli'..1i HA ML R PA. SANG LB. c iII.MIIMIOM:m'H Mil K B. Ib CmnmnB l'twi,. lliai lull, lur ilivurfe. Mar; Cnu,hnior ti. Kujuli Cunhnoar. Tlra Bnier,ignrd, appolnle'l h; Hie Court to tnko tr-liinun. is thu e.ir, will eltrtxl lo the rainaat bl. olrW, in lliflrula, on lha 4lh iU; of Januar;, 1877, bptaaro the hour, af 8 a. ra. eiod 8 p. ai., abrn all pcrioni ititrrrited ma; BH'Bd. H. II. MAMVAL, Vve, 1.1, 18; 6 .It" CoiBmiiiionrr. JJOrtl, I'HOI-KHIV I'OH I.ILb T utidi-rirjincil oirers for nle llie rnl'taltl Hotel propany in orkiiort, op irv.ilo Lock p ypn.lt now n ua nnna'i Ho tel ll I. Ilia heailtiuarior. of Kufumen, .liiiaiaij neni the rtvor nntl in tl:e crntre l llie.quar timber maikel and ia s gotx! payinji iroietiy. Tlie hotel is larte nnd in goo.! comlilion. TVnn e.i.y. or fill liter pdrticnlsr. applv lo nraiMrce. KLUA llr.rit It ANN A, Riernlri of 11 it anna, (lee'il. cleo. 1.1 70 2ro. .ock ven, t'a. J)l I1I.IC a A 1,13. ' " The oadrr.ijened Adniniitratnrof tha e.tate af llritlr Luster, lala of Bradford tnwailiip. dve'd, will aril al pulillo isle at tbe Cart llou.o, ia UlearAeld, on TacMlaj, Jaiiuar; fl, IM17, at I a'clnrh p. in , tha followlna drierlbrd rail citate, lowit: All that eertaia Irast or plroe af anu luuaiv in nreillor'l lowninil), IjiearUflil t;u., Pa . bounded and dearrlbad a. ftillowit Begin, nieg at a waulr grub, Ihrnce lootb 8 degree! writ 9fl perebre to a pnat. thence math 8t degree eait Ml pereb s lo a white oak stump, Ibvnaa aortb.l (IrgrMi eait ill prohi-i to a bemluok. Ib.nre norlh 17 drerero wait 8V prrcbei lo a luapla grub and plara ul brgiuniag. auataiaiag 49 ACRES and 1.16 nerrhei aod alluwanea, adjoining lands of Iia v Id U i Iron on the south, N. P. Wilson on tbe east, and by others on the north and wasl. The iniiroveu,eniaco. list of ab mt Io acres of oienrea trind.twr lug houses nnJ a doulilf lug barn, together with a snail orehard. iiie terms are cash. 8. P. WM.PON. Adm'r. Woodland, Doe. 1 1, H7A la. 1) Not toe Is herelijr riven tbnt the follow ing ao- eounts have hern etamined and parsed by nn, and remain Bird of rroord In tlua oQioe for tha In spection of heirs, Irgatees, creditors, and all others intort-'tcd, and will be presented to the neat Or- (thans t'ourt ol Clear finld county, to be held at the 'ourt fluUif, in the bonut)jh of Clcarfirld, tnta ftieing on lha 2d Monday (bring Ihe tb day) ol January, A. U. 1877 t Final account .of Leah Bloom, admlniftrntrlx of theeMaleof Wane illmini, lala of Ihe Borough of Cutweoiville.dec'd. Partial account if J. W, Potter, Uuardian of Julia Curley, Caroline Curtey and Jamet Cur Icy, minor heirs of James Cor Icy, late of Karttiaua toanfthi, CloarAeld eoanty. Pa.f deo'd. Final account of J. W. PoMer, tlnardian of Wji. ; Curlry and Anna Curlr?, minor hetrs of James . Curley, lata of Kurihaua towudilp, Clcarlletd county, Pa., I'ao'd. Psrtlal account of J. II Urnhaker, Atlnilnlatrot'ir or the estate of Jaa. N-Jmio, late ul' llrady t -(., , Cleorfiuld oonoty, Pa , deo'd. Aocount of llrnry 11. Uurd, Kteoutur of Ihe elite of Ann AVmfflll, lute of Chert townNbip, leur Held county; Pa., den'd. Partial ecenutit or Win. Porter, Administrator nf Joha W. Wright, late f Clearfield borough, deo'd. Partial isffontit of Marjfnrp! I.ltt, Administratrix vf ibe nslafe of Atrahaia Liti, late ol Lawreoea toWnibi, Osrhrld couo'T; l'a., deed. L.J M'iR(UN, Itec. -t llcristor A Uitvirtler. isr ok junoiii ; List of Jurors drawn for Jinuary term, A. D, h77. lo be held on die 2d M nliy of Jan ttory, (Sth day), and con'inne fur two weeks t onAUft jcnona. J. Wetiel, Burnside aor J. fl Khower. Clearfield A. 11 Head, CleerltelJ. K. Ivingfton, tiur'svtlle J. II. Illle, Lum. City. L. Hoot, Uecoerta twp, J bn F. Ie. Bell, Henry Breth, Beil, . Jim Line, Brady, J, 11. Kirk, Brady, D. G ruian, HurniiJe, Wm. Bar to, Chest, John Piovd, Cot ing ton H. KiiKhrs, Pacntur, K.U.btaowaller, Oeeatar. D. A. Wise, PerEuion, .I.W. Johnston, Jordan, t). lli-ekendorn,Knb's, .Ins. Yoihers, Karthaus, .I.W. Howe, liMWreoae, P B Irwia, Lawrvnee, I) H. Waring. Morris, D. ff. 1let, IVnn, Xhjt. Long, Pike. tRAViMB itrnowa- nnirr want. He. Ben tier, Clearfleld, WB. King, Burn side, Janes Irwia, " Jaekaon Htaeed, Miebael Hbowars, " P K.Hbe,,hard, " .laiors Kerr, " " B. MfMaateri, Chest, Alf Hhirk, " Thomas Hard, AIbonso Logan " L-wis Ulgey, Oov'glnn, 0. W. U sari. art, " K A. UrarUrl, Uvratur U.W. Kowisajlonlsdata J. N. A, her, ft, W. A. Brown, OarO'ln, Kd. Hugh, m Jae. Witberow, Baraaria M. Henrr. Perguaon, John Haley, " H. Tobias, J. 1. Anthony, Bell, Alien Murray, Oirard, R Weliel, ' J Kinhawer, Urahan, J. W. Campbell, " O. K. M-lnald, Ualieli J. 8. Motraeksa, C. ti. Conoway, Huston, W. Handrrll-, " O. B. Mains, Karthaus, R D. Lita. Bogit. H Caldwell, Knot, Uaa. Hecktaaa, bradfonl lsaaa Hooo, Lawrrnca, bmj. Carson, Biady, Juna. Bowman, M W llroehuanh, " M V. Meoae, 'k tie Au rend, " Umait Oweaa, J M.Cariilf, M John O. K,ha, Pater H'ingart, m William Brown, " Anarew t'ents, ir, " Miliua MsClure, Pike, Chat. Marshall, " llirao, lrfh, M J. W. C-ntla, H i.l.ea Dale, - Cbas. Hebwvin, 'osrjik Billey, Car I at Koto, m J. B. Clwoser, Unlen, J. A. hviib, Burnsidr, .las, D-noy, Wuvdwatd, W w. bhephcrd, M Jacob Kepbart, " " Taavnaia imona tnoonn wtag. W. Onrdner, Bara -Me, i W ,. Wllliaais, Per'eon M U brvwa, tharneiu r, Megal, Uoahea, I. B. Hianer.Car srilla, T. Uram J. A. Uoowar, Useeola, j Jerry O'Brme, Oseaala, i A. M.Hhaw.W.llaootou James W. MeUea, Ball, , J. B. rhintmel, Bggs, T. B. Wedsidea, -Kaa Pa I toe, Bradford, Jaoob Kdmgrr, Brady, J. A. Tarn.. " Job JaaMaaa, Was. Iloekenoury, Cbasi Anatlo Irl.b, Lewis 1. Irwin, Ooshen, K. J. U la trow. Uulieh, J. ttorokrM.a, Barton, ai. Btraw. Jordan, John Hwau Jr- Wen. Wiiheruw, Knot, lav. K. blouM, Koaa, 0. U Nerri, Lawrvnee, ai. Urshaaa, H Pater lieffutaa. Mortle, lobn M. ll'dt, t- Deaf-, )r. Peon, araa, Uewvtr, pika. 1. B. HolloDeter. Catoa. Jaa. fit, tyuvtngto. A. f. I-ken arts, Deceit., Kliiah lU.sa.jrM " il. A. Bosk. Woodward- P H. A. K. A.M. htaluma A. M. P.M. X. N. t'OO Murrladale, 1 f r-lw D.-1S t Si pI'iitH-urg, . 11:21 MW 7::ta Hemer'a, lli:2f J:t YM Bi.yaton, IS:U ta in. m n.a.iili iv.i.a a.i. lil.J. m.tiA UnsKsntin ' ll.tV dt.llll C e.k 111.. II UlarlintT. I 1:47 .11 -IS Uiuiueir, 11)0 I: ? I . j damn JUbTS , . . , -- --.r i. it ina aiaa aa , a..i, TYRONE BTATIOX. i T. (ii.i. ..pf,. lalUa aaerwaao. a. ' wa.rwaan. as PaolBe Kip -en. I:MI I'lliihurs Kip'u, :'' I UarHibarg Ara'a, l:Peir, Kipreil, . 1:16 70R alAi it OH BENT. A lam, and rnmmoditua houaa claaa- anlly loca.ed in UIao... IHi42 fe-t. 8 jTf T J J fj i - -f ii roonia on Aral floor. 5 rooma aul hall ooy ik v A il. C U llil enoon a noor, wan itijletitxi ana uiUDi(Kini hotel, or dwelling and atoro rnrm.w Wrtl ul good "Tn'fP al ihe door. Kor further partirulnrt Uiquf of of uddft-M T. U. HOI.T, ll'allaotton, Ta. dee 13,76-31.' ;t IIOOI. TATICMe.T. hUttmant of tba nVLvinl Faocia af Bradford township, for tba year ending, Jnna ft, ITfl : aaa (io him wsl" - , strtr IS OIM bS OR. By outstanding orders redeemed 11 uy amoutil ot uncollaeted Uxae oa dep. lio-les of lT4 6. incl g emosratioiSa, 1,004 94 By cash in bands of 11. (Ira IB us, Treat.. I(0 47 trvw 6. RESOURCE.". Kyler Judgment and Interact,, (Josh on kwndtst.M..t , Duplicates ,.$ m to ., IM 47 .. 1,104 94 l.To? 16 LIABILITIES. Outstanding orrera..M Henry fmcal note Retourort in e&crss oi liabililiaa,.. ...$ .1(10 00 mo oa ., 1,307 16 ot, Tin i6 Wa, tba bndarslgned Aud Kara of Bradford towmhio. bavlnc viamined tha above accounts. find Ihem as alova stated. Witness our bands tbe Oth day of 4 una, 1076. JOHN COWDKR. M. L. UILL, Wood'and, Daa M, 187 6 St. THE REPUBLICAN, Published awry Wcdncaday by GOODLANDER c5t LEE, t'LEAHI-llil.D, PA., Has Ihe Lart C'lrculaleun f iy paper In Korlhwriltru I'cous) iranla. The large and constantly incroaring circulation or the Kkpuiilican, renders it valuable to business men as Imodium thro' which to reaoti the public Terms or Subscription s If puid in advance, . , , f 2 00 If paid after three months, , 2 50 If puid alter six months, . . 8 00 When papers aro sent outside of the county payment must bo in adrnnce. Illi A MiS. Wo hare always on band a large stock ot blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SrilPO-'.NAS, EXKCCT10NS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, . FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, 4c, Ac. JOD PRINTING, Wo ro prcpnrcil todo'all kinds of ! PRINTING POST Kltd, I'HOti RAMMKS, CARDS, LKTTEIl IIRADH, KXVELOPKS, niM; II E ADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIltCUliAKS, Ao., Ac, IS THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TEJtMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Qoodlauder & Ia?e, Clearfield, Clearfield Conntr, Pa, 1 ?e ni HieuWmovi' drrrtlsfnifnts.' HERE WE COME!! nun uil 1 i:.3. Anna; .1 ' .i .tl tn r IJinintl lor ' Fleck & Co.s -Hhm .... .NEW - And Croat ,,.!,. . ,, - A. FLKCK T. WE HAVE CONCLUDED not lo BUY Ihe CENTENNIAL, AT. PRESENT, AND HAVE THEREFORE BOUGHT : A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS. Wa take pleasure In Informing our friends Uiat wa bava Jut returned from tlie Katsrn Cities, and found Roods at snrh Ion rrioes that we ere enablrd to sell ehesper (ban any other kusinrss boose In tbt country, leceine we are buying our nooda from first hands, at tbe Kartorlw, foreosh Wa hope to satiify everybody, and gtva Ihe worth of tbe money, and Raaraotre tbe goods to Va as represented. Wa Invite our friends to glee us a call aod examine our foods, aa it nil) be for tLeir tenon t. - DRESS GOODS IN ALL THE NEW STYLES. Black Alpacas, Itlaok Pa nil m ere, Black I, nitre, Plaid Drfs Ooo'K ralifos, Mo'Iln snl Oinntiarai. V. alerproofs, all oolors. Lad tas Clolb, Blaok beaver Cloth for eoats, Men's and bys' Casb meres. Of thia line of gouda we bava an elgant stoat, and at right prices. Qermantown Wools and pbyrf, Batntral Tarns. Orry and White Yarns, Carpet Chain, Notions, Collars and CuflV Cnrseta- all priees, Lailles' Tie. Uathms, Laors and Fringes. Ladies' aod CbitdreoVs ilea and UstUrwear, Black aod Colored Kid Ulwis, , . , New r0D!eri aod Blt. Kw Kmbrtdiory and Flaodkr rohisfi. White Fkirtsand Colored Skirts UcbU' t'uraifhing OoO"l, iff. i . . . , ' ;H S . r r tJ, . .j.,. . ; i ; 1 r . 1 1 1 i tv b 1'nderwear.' Pork and Klrl ttlovr. i.im'u auu Ht.i.. G!vr;. Silk HsD'lkrrehiefs and l inen Ilandkcrobit-fa. iSnrpenftirrs and How. Wool Pofks and Miti Ni . Tie Tic all tba latest stjs. I'aihreMM, Ae. v Millinery and Pair Diode. Hals anj Bonnrts Trlmnnd to Order. New Wings, New Feathers. New Flowrrs. New Bilks. 1 r , v Ntw Velretcona. Silk VelvaU. NEW . RIBBONS,. NEW RIBBONS. Having succeeded in getting a FIRST CLASS M1LLIXER, tee do not intend to be undersold in that line. , GW and be roun'im. ' : T.; A. vFLECK & CO., St-pt. 27, 1870. Cloarfk'ld, Pa. April 20, 1870. at tiij: CLOTHING OF A. GUINZBURG, Western Hctel Corner, Clearfield, Penn'a, You can buy n full suit of Clutliing for" only 8.00. Ik'ttrr qual-' ltics tor tld, 1'J, ?lt, and the best, tor JjCJO. heavy Melton Overcoat for SUM. Uluck Petersham SG.OO. Better nt 8, 10. 12, 15, and the very best Beaver or C'liinehillu ' for 20 dollars. 4 ... , Heavy Skating Coats fiom S3. 50 to $5 Pantaloons, gooil heavy lined' Casittet, $2.50. Better qualities . proportionately cheap. The very best nil wool imported Cassinicr pants nt $G.' " Every article guaranteed as represented. . .. , BOYS' CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Ccnu'FurniHhiugGoods nt exceedingly low prices. Heavy Undershirt, and Drawers at 5 "coach. A good wool Hat for only $1.00. . Como and satisfy yourself. No trouble to show goods. ", , "1 '' Clearfield, Pa., October 25th, 187G-lm. " ' JjWRAY. Came trespassing on tha premises of tbe tab. KM-lber, in. Morriedale, Clearfield county, Pa., a beifer aboat eigbtean munibs old, red with white star In fore hr ad. white spot on right shoulder, white on klard lagi aad tail, and white spots oa belly. Tba owner ia requested to eoma forward, prove property, pay charges and lake bar away or she will ha disposed of according at law. M M ALLAN APV. MorrladaJa Mines, Dec. , 1870 -ll f s TRAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILERS FOR 9 ALU. Tba undersigned offer for sale oa reasonable tartut, their steam taw mill, located at Wallace ton, Clearfield Co., Pa. The engine and boilers ara as good aa new. The site of tbe engine ts 14124, and ts In good running order. 1 bey Will also sell tiietr shiogle aad lath mill, and all tbe working machinery In tha mill. Partial wUhiog to pare aaae ea fall oa or aoriresf - ' UKAUAS. ri ALLAUIS J:lr''ia'i'ViV.t''-.U-, PATENTS obtained for mrchanlal rices, medical, or other ouniDoutids. ornauaaatal da- signs, trade-narks, and maniai loti rfcrcnces, at Inrenttntis that hart b REJECTED! eigns, trnl-tiarka, and label, daraau. Aaatgn nittaiai IntiTsVrcaces, ate, ftruaafrldy atumdefi aa. Inrenttntis that hart bera by the Patent Office may still, in mot eases La sc oured by us. Brim onito- 1 site the Patent Office, we can make doner searches, . and secure Patents more promptly and with j broader claims than thoaa who ar remote from , Wftthington. TITITT aVTffflATi fl n'1 " oM r lllfrll iUnal,,,rtBof vmwe wa Biaka riaiuinailnna m o cAtirpr, an4 arlvlse ai to patent attiiiir. l'ricsa lr,w, ANI Nt) XII AKt.U l'M,l4 lATi;r ih Mi;t i hi:i. We refer to officials In the Patent Office, ami tn Inventors ia rery IStatc in Ihe Tnion. Adilress, C. A. -NOW A CO., Opposite Patent Officf, Vahlnton, I. C. Nov. 2i, IfTO-tf. , ; ; , A TUIULLISd STORY. FUSE, TET .F0E0IN& TIIEIH owit cuAnrs. By C, M, CORNWALL. 1 Vol. li!mo. .m. 'A story for tbe wnrkingmnn an-l man rifbml Ueis, It opens with a fine description of the con tests between I he minora aad miao owners in tbe Coal fields of Pettnylvania, so Ttndly and truth fully drawn that one soon takes a sympathetic perrnnal Interest in the fortunes of I ho pat tin. " t'Al'rnyo Ittrioi i . I 'Tha terrible system of the 'MulTy Maguires' la ri;used ia all Its hidennnness. We enn cor dially recommend tbia wurk lo our yonng prop la." 'r6yfrtna. . ; "In 'Free, yet Forging their own Chains' wo have a natal very considerably above the level of theaverac production of the day ."-sae (Mrf. 4'The whole storyono of Ihe moil entertaining works of fiction which bava appeared lor some time." A, r. A'reaiag MM. Hold by oil Booksellers, or mtiiW post- paid on receipt of the price. DODD, MEAD a CO. 1A Broadway, A'rte 1'ork. Dra. , I K7 31. QOURT PROCXANATIONi , WnnntAa, Hoa. 0. A. MAYER, President Judge of tha Court of Common Plea af Ibe Twenty -ft flh Judicial District, composed of tha ormntiea f Clearfield, Centra and Cllatea aad Hoa. Wit, tun 0. Polit and Hon. Joan J, Kaao, Aaeoelau Judge af Clearfield eoanty. bava Issued their precept, ia me directed, for tba holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Court of (Jaarter fiasslons, Court of Oyer aad Termiaer.aad Ceart af UaaaralJall Delia, ary, at theCeort Hooaa at Claarfteld, ta aaV, for tha county af Claarfield,eommeneing on tha aerunsl Monday, tha rth day of January, 117, aod to continue two week. HOTlca IH, thcralore, hart kj hivaa, ka the Caroaar, Jastioe of tba Peaae, and Ceostablea, in and for aald eooaty af Clearteta, ta apwar ia their proper persons, with their Records, Holla, Inquisition, RiaminatriiM, aad other Remem aranoee, la da thoea things whiea to their offlcea, and In their behalf, pertain to ha dona. Py aa Act of Assembly, passed tha Sth dy of May, A. f. nA4, M ta made tht dety af Ik Jus tices af tha Peace of tba several eonntiea of this Comsaoawealth, ta retara ta the Clerk af the Court of Quarter Session of tha respective counties, all tbe neognisnnoe catered Into before thoea by any person ar pereeo eharged with the aammtssloa af aoy crime, aacept such near a may beeoded before a Justice of tha Praoa, aa dar ailsllng laws, at least tea day before the oommeanamenl af tha aessloa af tba Court lo which tbey ara de riuraaulerspRtlvelyand In all aasaa kefa any rcmgnlvaaaea are eeiererl Into lee tbaa laa days befura tbscomaianaewant of tha aessloa te which ibey ara made returna ble, tha said Jestle art la retara lha same In tba name Banner, f la4 Mt had not bora peeeod. OlVIN aader my hand al Claertald, let ath day at l em -?, In tba year af aar Lord, an ' tkwaaaaja) fight haa4ta4 V4 ewaajtat. aaa. fit W. H. MMTlKHBON, Soar If. It in .'T 'GDDDS - Bargains I AT - , & CO.'S ST01IK.' km: I'Jtict; JOB PRINTING op KVEHY DESCRIP tionnnatly axacotcd at this office. B HO N't 1MB AT MAHklCT. The nndcrsifned would rennfftfully Inform tbe public tbat b:basopenod a MKAT MAHJvKT at tha old stand an Market fttwl, whora has will kerf Wg nlarty aa hata all kinds or F-R-E-S-ll M-E-A-T-S, and Bill guaranter .ali,rtrtloa Ib prior, a. wall a. ia the qaalltv ef meat afferad. Clrarleld, Sor.2S, !-lf. KZliA UK0WN. JTEW CABINET MA KING SHOP. M. B. 6PXCKMAN Detirr, to announce ta tha pnlilio that ho ha. aiened a CAMNKT MAKINO SHOP IN CI.KAI1I IELD, Where he will KIKP OK HANI) r tj a it i t tr e a , And do all kind, of flAMNKT WORK and RE HAIR FI HNITDHU al all kind,, ,n abort nolire end In the bi-,1 poaribla manner, H ti-tp oa K..orih rlrrrt, opporile I'.rk 4 M rrill', Cernate fhop. . Aug. ,, ';e.it. WILLI 3 ANTIC NEW MX CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Tl.e Ct'lltcnnlal c'ummislon now Decree I'm fol lowing Aarl t Pur Su(.f ioruy an 1 tit wwy f PrJ action l'ir P.SCI-II.VIO- of Mk rial. For Onginalitf and Cumpielonrsi Of (ty stem. For Variety of f.ilnrs ol TbreaJ. Pnr Kkcrlleiiev bf M.tei.lnery. Xov. 1 1, HiA-3m. f -v-r v JaTEW i Lon:, i i;i:i, AND GltbCEllY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Riwa N. 4, Pl,1 Opera llima. I learflrld. Pa. Koeji eonit.nllr on biai ... , .V: SL'OAR, COFFER, ' ' TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, ST?. VP, SALT, SPICES, ... ' i ' l. so.vr, Canard and Ilrled Fraila, Tolaroo, Clfari, Caa dlea, Cl.l.r Vlnrrer, Batter, Ra, Aa. ' ' ALSO, KXTRA OIII MADI Wheat and Burkaheat Flour Com Mal, Obop, Feed, ao., , All at anta l he aal4 abaaf fat mh ar is Blrhatige fur avBBt, araduaa. . - A. O. KBAktSR CO. Ciaari.M, Mot. IS HT. tf .IStttiaarlauj. Clearfield Nursery. . K.VCOUlt.VUE UOMB IXDCaTttT. 'pFIE andcr.lnne l. baring aitabliiked ft Ifar l errr oa lu. 'I'ik., a'lool balf we; balwarft C'l.e.lrht ad Curwrn. ville, Ie prepared t. IBr m.h .n kid, f , ( i'HKKs, (laadaM aad darf.) bivrrjrrwoe. Slirabiier;, Ur.,. VliM, U.K. ei..rr,, L.wioo Bla.bUrr;, Siraabrrr;, and H..,Urr, Vlnr.. A an. Hlrx rlan l.'rab Trwi, tlnlnoe, and earl; ecarlel Kbnberb, Aa. Orders proaspil; aliead.d to. Addraei, . J. P. WBIOHT,' ' Curw.a.rllle, Pa. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, . ..a..ftVMap r ' kept eenrtaatly on band. ! iSTOXE AM) KiuTllEX - WARE OV SVKRY I)RSCRIPTIU!II crocks: TOTS! CROCKSI flehei' Patent Alrtlj-hl fteif. Fruit laual flcallitf BUTTER CROCKS, with tide, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLR nfTTRR CROCKS, PICK I, R CROCKS, FLOWED POTS, riB UIKUifl, STEW POTS, ; And a great aanjr uther tblars toe Baneroa. I uaatloB, to ba bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Comer ol Cherra and Tblrd 8traets, CLEARFIELD, PA. Bal s. t. at uca. . a'cosita. . aaiLaecs. GILIC1I, MdORkLE & CO.'S (Bneeasora to Juhn Oollob), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Uiraet. tlearfleld. Pa. Wa nanufaernra all kinds of Porn ;t a re for Chatabera, lliotng Rooms, Libraries and Uli. If yon want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until yon see our stock. iii;ktakic4 fn all its trmoolies. 'Wa kf p In etook all tla ' hi est ond'aoet improved Ooffios and Caskets, and bava ew lactlitrtor prtiperlr oon durting this braoob of uur business, ; iVa have a pat at Corisa Pro. , server, io which bodies ean twarw4i tut a OOOw idcrabla length of Una. A meoiDer ef tha Bra baa bis alseping aparU meat at oar wan -room, where be eao be fuacd by 4ny persoo who come at night fur tha purpose of procuring eofiai. OULICH, UeCORKLB t CO. ClearftelJf Pa., May 10, 'Ttl-ly. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Penn townnbip, C'earflold Co.. Pa. IIUIIGU OVTI B ll R N E D TJ Pi Thw subscribers hare, a' great expense, rebuilt neigtirHirhuoii ntecssite, in tbeer-otiou of a first, elant W colon Manutartory, with all tha nodtra iinprnveuients allachrd, and are prepared to Diaka all kinds of Clothe, Caasimeroa, Katinetts, lllaa keta, a lannela. Ao. Plenty ot goods on hand to j soppl all uur old and a th'iusand new customers. whom we ask to cntne and n amine uur stook. . Tbe bnrtnotf of . CAUUIKO AND Pl'LLlN4 will receive our especial altentiou. Proper arrangements will bo mad to rweire and deliver Wiol,to suit customers. All work warranted and done npwn tbe shortest notice, and ljr atrial attaa tiun to boslness we hope to realiae a liberal ibara -f public patronaga. Itl.tMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay die highest market price for W0o and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods oan ba bought in the count, and whenever we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we oan alwaya ba found at bona ready ti make a roper explanation, either in person or by letter. JAHK8 JOHNSON A SONS, eprll36tr Bower P. 0. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IU r.UUE DRUGS! j! i CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OILS, DYE STL'FF VARNISHES, Bill SUES, I'KRrUMERV, FANCY 000D TOILET AUTICI.ES, OF ALL RINDS, PURE W1XES AND LlqVOliS for mediolnal parpoaea. j Trarm, Support ore. School Book, and 8tatio.. ar,, and all otber arlielee niuall found ia ft Drug Stora. VHVtilOIANS' l'RrscnilTI0N CARbT tt ),LV OtiMPOl NllLD. Il.rin,ra kr,e e. pmraaa la the baila.ee Ike; aaa (Ira eat Ire pat. ufaotioo. 3. O. I1ARTSWTOK, JOHN t. IRWIN. ClavrMtd, Hercmtor IM.-n.? j , , BICLERYOUNG & REED, (Successors to Doyntnn A Young,) j FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Maaafacrurtrs o t'OETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin. 8treaU, C'I.EARFIKI.O, FA. HAYINB an,.ird in the naaalBalara af Irei. aiaa, MACIIINKRV.wererpaelfalljinforra h. ajnalle thai ara Br Bate prepared ta III tit order. II eheaplr and aTp'rorapllr as aaa ft Aaa Ib aar ef Uw etllaa. . Wa ataaafeetftra aad deal Ift Mulay and Circular Saw-Mill. Head Bleoke, Watac W koala, ghafllft( Pvlhr tlifford'. Injoeler, Btaaai Saas,, Sleaai Whiatlaa, Oiler., Tallew Cep,, Oil Cane, dang Oeear, Air Gorki, Olobe Valrea, Cheat Valrea, arraahl I raft Pipee, S.raai Fampa, Dallar Feed Pa at pa. An. 'rirtioB Meira,Seap Btona Paeklag, Oaai Paok e(, aad all klada af MILL WOHKl BOgotaer altk Ploata, Sled falei, . !: COOK AND PARLOR ST0VS8, .1 O'lV, A )): aad aihai CA4IINS af tit Hade. . 'r-OrJ.rao'lltlt.d BBi ll.d at ify',rlaaa AU ltwra af tafurr. all referefte va ftjakair, of mm ai anereat are araaapi! 7 aaiana, mf adlia,. al at OaarSalA, F. ', ' -r.e Jaaltl if B4QLSR, TOVMS A HMO.