ITT Jiiii (foods, ftrortrir. Cftf. w ILLlAU M. HENRY, JusTior.1 tt a q n r,a.r-o or raa Pbacb asn ' .1 R.I.IIMBKR, 1-1 naw a..,.-. OITY. CUeetioni Biade w... . i . wr promptly paid rar. Artlelee of agreement Bud doe-la ol eoaf :;aiee neatly (.Xtieut ed -'. w.rrentd fir- root okar.. Hjr'H 00T AND SHOE MAKING. jgOOT ANDSHOi JOSEPH II. DEE RING, oa Market ttreel. la Bhaw'i Ho, OlearSeld, P.., ku Jail Moelc.d k tna lot or freach Calf Skina and Klpa, tbe boot lo Ibe Market, and ii now prepared Hi own (kowra eroeylbing in hll tin, lie will war root kit work lo bo oo repreeented. Alao, all biaiiaof Lootkir and Shoe Finding. Tko tlllieni of CtearBold aod eleh-lly or. reapeetfally larited lo giro bin er-11. Work dose .1 ikort .olloe. 7:16 nj UV NO NFmnT IN FRENCH VI LLE I I iw aware tliet tint ere miui prravuae a Mill THE REPUBLICAN. CI,EARFIKM, PA WEDNESDAY MoRNINd, DEO'. , Tol. j each aandidulo voUxl lor by a sullleiciil I MR. OTTEXDOlil'EU'S liEl I'ltX. j logg' organ, that m justice I., tl.o Ro-! GOV: TIDES'M PEDIGREE. SORROW ANO JOV. Till mo wbol li aorrnw It I. o (arilrn bed. Aad whet la Joy II la o Mill, roat, V bioh lo thol g ardea growe. I ploebcd II lo any youlk aomval rod, I" were it id o garland (nr toy bead iiuiiilier nr cilmcus, ii proportionate i number nl'ihc electoral votes to which tlio Kttito shall ku entitled in manner following, Hint is lo say: They shall divide 1 lie wholo number of , re- turned by the whole number ol this THE LEADING tlKRMAN IlMToll ON I.OIIH IANA Ale'AIBS. Mr. Oswuld Ottondorl'er, editor of tho Staatt-Ztituna, bus arrived in Now York from Now Orleans, where tiu "went Stale's electoral voto mill Ibo reaiiltinu ""m0 lwvlvu M K" l 11,0 itivitutioit S quotient shall 1.0 iho electoral rulio lor ' "f 1,10 -''''""'ratic Xiilloiml Cnmniitlcu hard I. ploooo, end I era alao .war. Ibol too M Bt,.k ay bond, .. I I I.I it drop og.l., Ltd! I oo MIBOtml oow Ih.t I e.o aollafy lb. lorinor ood proro Ibol "hord liaon will not odoot Ibuoo who buy tbolrnoodafruamo, ood oil my patrona aboil bo iulliolcd tao Ibo o erol of XHt SALE. UOW TO AVOID HARD T1MFS av, mm r owobQoTl '-bn r7.JP"w5..aJli'. fowoalip, CrforJ.ld oNaolyVC.! '",1" abort I i Ibo lowor oad of Ibo ol dl.Uaoa of lb. Taroo. k C!.rBoll K. B , oad ! wdln low rol.a frommy laly wbi.b I aril enoroBiolb aloro la adtoloiDf loada uf Robrt lludaoa and otorra, JaaiioMaaaai Tell ma what i aorrow II la aa oadloaa Ira. And what la Joy F It la a llllla poarl, Hound ohlrb Ibo watora wblrl. I divad dorp down Iboy vo It up lo oio, To boon II whan a-y ooally bo II da aalnl too. I lot U (all aaia, 5b3" II mo wbal lo aorrow II la a olix Aod abal la Joy t ll la a llllla bard, n now Bot Ibirala la board. j tlio .Stale, and ol.ull uHoi'ii to cunilliliitra voted tor one t'loclorul vuto lur tu-li nitioof populnr vulc m-eivi'd by tlipm i nwiieutivi'ly.und, ii' ineiiiry,U(Mitloii. si cliftiinil votes lur huoivasivu lurrsl ri'iictliuia of a rutin bluill bu unij;i)t'd to cuiiiliiluli'H voted lor, until tbu n bolu ii u it 1 ! iiublicnn imrty tue iivnublinin mu ori- ' ly ol'two yeura iin ibnuld bo pnuntod ! u I be Irno and jiiHt voto of tbiwa jmr- j laliei.. Olio iri umiuud by aiueli u tiling iu'eii beinj; hintod t, t"t tbiw Jiwiplc will not bo delorreil iiilbor by mi tt j piuriiiice of ubKiiidily or of villainy in I tbeir procuoilina, IT tlioy net on tliia itleu tbev vill Vet hill'. moiiiu flee liuu. i-Ltu.iiiii ll.mul. l!,iilt ieqneMe.l H)j(lm V()(l. , overcome, wldch ivo bn views upon tliu ennditioi. ,,illt xUcy (.u ,lir,,w out tl.u ro ullu.r, in, lie Mid: "Tlio I m,, f,,,m liy yarMl , lllulr 1)wn Cii.toin 11,,,,, B10 ,k.-.enite ,vi, w i, be mlillleiili under- ebunu lei-s, mude wnro depe,nle by Ibu uM, u.0 ,muy m.m i. ur oi io.inK u,o n.ea.ia nercuy uiey lit , , lv,rni( (r()m wli(.,1 0,iwtioI1 lo nnlcli tbo ni'tlon of I lie l.ouiniiinn lumber of ele-tonil voted of tbo Slum i Vive ul,n '""j' ,TH1 tl'1',ii,'ln' ' - ' ' f'TTwW WK.yfe.Tj 'Ami llATitial. thereupon nmlio up und j l,UH 1 '' 1 hu l'''"0' kn,,lv" vl,at ,ulK'! of the (,-aiift require-. It in t ANI'KHTBV Of TIIK UEKORMKH TRACKU HAI'K Krvr.N UUKPRttl VKAHB. imuully a ven- Tho 'J'ildcua. or '1'yldoni lui writtoii in . Kii;:!nnd) nrv of ancient Kentish origin. Sir Iticbnrd Tylden lived in the rciinol' Jlciiry II. and liieliard I. ' Ho wuk Sencsekal to lluyh do I.nty, cotiatiiblo ol (HieMer, durini tlio rt-in of llonry II. From hi ui'inoriul benringa it iipieara that hiri nnt'i'Htnni bad intermarried with the f'uii.ily of FilcLiifrli, Itaron and Lord ol Miilpunand nephew of Hugh l.upien, firnt Xonnun Karl of Cheater, QHK KA MiSfrl!jinfoj. (a ItOCKKIKSI LVMBKR CITY. PA. Tho aodoraijrood aaaoaaooo to bia old friend. and patrona lliot bo baa opoaod a good lioo ol UHlll'lvlllblj A fKOVIMoNs ol tbo iM (load oi Kirk A bioiicor, fur wbieb bo aollo'-j a lllwral pain-najro. ii. w. pi'o.M.Krl. Luuilar flit. Pa., Monk -lf : iout. THE MANSION HOUSE Ooraorol hooorjond MarkalSir.,. CLKA tlfll. "raaisiroM, :.ha. ".tior'aafcojaoordBv ei.iuiicu i V--"' iUl' Ml'LouMll KU, wbrro t ooa always bo f..uuj I Ofonlnr Ibo .I w cerlily at least three (eneiul reliini", am" ,m" '"ur un I two' earn t u ire mt iii, vat. two valni of valDbl eaal tboraftii, ku nUout 10 4Mtl rfttr4, awOd) if Ik kry to ft lrft Wodjf ! oi1 tibout bin( dcfalofN'- Will b ol4 lw Bod ypon tm: . pari ittuinm, npp-J to DAVID U. K KKD8. ' Clcftrflild Pa., July 12, lM TNIEL GOODI-AXDICn, LUTHKRSDl'Rfl, PA., Dsalar in DRY GOODS,' NOTIONS, ' "'HbSIEttT Jc GLOYKS, HATS A CAIM t.J BOOTS A 8I10E5, Tobaeoo. OrooerUa w Fish, Nalti, Hardirarr, Qatnar and Mlaivware, Meni and , , Boji Cluttiing, Urugt, Paiota, r j. ; , OH, Sdbool Uooki, . r a large lot of Potent Medio. dm. Caodlei, NuU A Dried Fralli, Cbeeea and Crack eri, Rock and Rifle Powder, , Flour, Grain and Pot ft toe r h Cloter and Timothy Seed, Bote Leatker, Moroeeof, IlnlBpu, Binding and Thread. tShoemakeri' luoli and fiboe V indingi. No greater rarletj of gooda in any store In the Oonnty. All fur tile Tery low fur eaib or oounlri produce at tbe Cheep Comer. May I, 1B75. HUEY & CHRIST, 80L1 TROPniKTORS OF THE CELEBRATED I 1 wm-m n. AMD Vit.ST(EVEn'H TONIC HERB . BITTERS. sf.vz ion rn'icE list. HUEY V niltlST, l il N. .1l Street, rilll.ADI I Pill A Warob J, l!.m . Dry Goods of nil kinds, 8ucb at (lathi, 8at.netti, CaMinercf, Mnitlln, Ulaint:a, Linen, Drilling, Calieoea, Triuminga, Hibboua, Lace, Ready -wade Clothing, Booti and Hboea, llati and Cape ail uf the best material and made to order -lle, Socka, Oloree, Miltena, Laoes, Ribbuna, Ae. GR0CKR1KS OP ALL KINDS. Cuflee, Tea, Sugar, Riee, Mulaaaea, Fiib, Salt Purk, Linseed Oil, Piah Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queeniware, Tinware, Castlnga, Plowa and Flow Castings, flails, Spikes, Corn CuKIt tora, Cider Preasca.and all kinds of Axes. Parfuniary, Paints, Varnish, Gleet, and a general assortment of Sutionory, QOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwaya on hand, and will be euld m the lewes ruiule Agurea. j. ii. met lain a aedirines, jayne'a Medletnet lloattlter a and Uoofland'a llittera. 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will he paid. Oloreraeed en hand and for sale at the lowest market price, Alao, Agent for Strattonvlll and Curwenarllle inreabing alaohincs. fc.Call and see for yourselves. Yon will And trery thing usually kept la a retail store. L. M. COLDRIKT. PrenrhTllle P. 0., Angnst li, 1874. JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would ratpeetfutly notify the public generally thiit he bes reaiovcd his tiroeery Biore from Shaw's How, to the building formerly occupied by J. Mi If Knitter, on Htcond street, next door to Rigler'a hardware store, where be lutrnda keeping a full line uf li 11 O KKIE H. HAMS, PIUKll DEEP and LARD. SflURS and KITS, of all uradra. TEAS, Greta and Ola k. COFFKE, Roasted and Qrtcn. FLOUR AD PROVISIONS, It bit met hit me, and I let It go agtln, And now I look and loag for U ia vaia. Tell me when my sorrow shell eoded. ended e And when return the joy that long tinoe Bod f Not till the grdn ned RfPtorei the rose i not till tbe endless sea Keatorea the pearl ( not till tbe gloomy eage Restores the bird ; not poor old nan till age Whieh sorrow Is itself, (s ytutk ageln And so I look and long lor it in rain t ., ftarflovt, & Jiuivnrr. POWELL &" MORGAN, H A ll 1 W A. II K , -1 .' ' Alto, Mannfaeturersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ' CLIARI1IMI, PA. UAKJIXJ.0 IMPLEMENTS of all Xi i i i .','.(' kinila for aolo by POWKLL A WORUAM JAILHOAD WHEELBARROWS a for sola by ; POWELL A MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Salla, ate., for aala by ! Sf : I N I 5 rowKLi itoRflAS. , I r ARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE ..'.. t HI ITS, All kii-li In tlio inarkcl. I'ICKLE.1, 10 Jara and barrala. SPICES, In avtry an ) rarlMy. FAMILY FLOUR, Al l, KINDS IlKrRACkRRfl. soArs, MATCHES, DRIED APPLET, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CBRRRIK8, Coal Oil aad Xa&mp CMmntys. And a K'Hd oaaorlmant of Ihoae thlnaro aaually kept ia a irocor; atora, wbK-b bo will cichoogo fur marketing at tba aiarkot prlooa. Will aril for raah aa rheaply aa any other one. Pl.aao eall and aea bia atock and judga for yourarlf. JOHN MoflAMIIEY. ClMrSeld, Jan. I, IS;. QROCERIES. E.V-SEXA TOll BUCK A LEW OX THE ELECTION OF A PRESIDES T. That tho voters of tho aovoral Stuton might properly bo allowed in form as well at in fuet to voto for candidaten for President aud Vice President, and Electoral Collcgea be depended with, in an opinion now pretty gnorally enter tained ; but thoro boa been no common or general agreement upon an amend mont to tho Constitution of the United States by which the object shall bo accomplished. The proposition that there shall bo a direct voto by tbo people throughout tho country for candidates, a consoli dation of tlio votes cast into one gen eral return, is quite out ol question. In addition to tho strong objections which lio against it when presented upon its merits, wo havo lo consider how im possible its adoption is in view of the pirihu,or other principal divisions uf Isremiiiiiial I'omtnitlro bud t" ilenn tho State, and their apportionment nf ''"Wii'l'im- Iniihls-anil llieicjn .ru,,,! likely to bo lontestod '""'n "10 totgreuves, Vernoiis ia- rue the' rrom this ancestor tho recorilsanow 1 nr, iili'oljo-.roti IjLJi- liuu iioSci- . Mi lne un linimrlial lot,t" " jeiim, aim vinorace me rotiiit,uinlhav.i brought witnesses from jn'"e of muiiy dislingushed faniiiiea, cleelorul votes ns aforesaid, and shall iruiisiuit two thereof, under seul, to tbe sent of government of tbe United Stutea, ono directed to llio President of tho Senate and ono to the Speaker of tho House of l!epresei:tutives, and a third unsealed return nliall bu lurlhwith filed by tho said Soerolary in his ofllce, be recorded therein, und bo ul all tunes open to inspection," , Tbiso provisions, with it few slight changes of phraseology in tbo remain- ing text of tho Coiiblitiitiou rendered necessary by them, will conMituto a complete, workablo amendment, by whit h severul objects of high impor tance w ill be secured. 1. It will render almost le is nothing in the liicunistiinees now to: ,0 ycw Orlenns, but so iilso has tho ! Ctsipcrs do Elton, Camden., and lead any rational man lo hope for any-, ,Ulr Njuc ul,a ;'ibero is likely to bo Aiichninlys. There were Sir John, thing heller liotu ibein and u great : ,, Vl.. ,.,,niiadictory swearing ami Sir Thomas Tylden during thoso ileal lor oNpci -ting woi oe. I Here m e wkl1 , cvi,lim.u tukurt lln(i l0 tlttt inese loiirmen-Hells, Anderson, i HH-;Hi(0 wllt., . ., , , , , anavo anil Kenner-two whites anil two negiiK'S, bin all liepiihllcuns who! are iiitrusted with uliuot unlimited j power over the returns; und even il I lie. eviiri-m-ixo ,,r Tin fit ..-.. t,.i.d ' " '" I J " - - iuiporulive llmu tin' vine known to be, theiu would be but little chuneo of their giving a fair show to their oppo nents. This reluming Ilouid, us at present constituted, is nothing in my estimation but a convenient engine for miiiiipululiug tlievotes luirly cast at un election, mid if it reaches any other ro- I I L - . o.-J a-niooia aaa aowinodloua l'jlrl baa d A Ibo pool yoor. I...B iuiorf'.o lo d.',"'' 1-ra.or e.puoy f,,r Id. aaurulaai.., , ' lu f ra aaa auo.u. Tho whul. bulu,., ' "'" nforalab.d, and Ibo proprl.lor wul ., w po'aa I. ...dor bia ,uaata , " aiayio, .lib bin., ATb. 'Maaaloa Ilouaa" Oajall-u. aad froa IU l,,l .. ,h. j J" July II TO) If rn-L ir m rat. t learflf id, t t&l I J'"" kr kur.a.kl, r. ' 1 I aaAj I V " r - Tb; ','l "', ' I ili" I early Plantageiiet reigna worthy knights by the record and a Sir Wil- tions, and bolstem up iheir ill-umHl ,'' TyMi.-n In tin) timoot Kilwurtl lit.. tho election of n minority man in u con-1 euowing a majority lor the test between two candidates a peril ! Republican candidates, I for one shall i oo in lien siirpn.-eu. powers, will of course bo adjudged tho victory." Being asked about iho loss of a num ber ot Republican voles on tho electoral tic ket, Mr. Ollendorff! explained tho matter o billows : "In tho fourteenth Senuloiiiil district, consisting ol tho parishes of St. Martin, Iberia, Iberville hud West Baton Rouge, one Wharton, a very doubtful character, but a crony of Kellogg's received tbo regular Uo jiuhlican nomination lor Senator, but being very unpopular among tho ne groes, a bolters' convention w as called who fought in the van of the English army, commanded by Lord James Audley, under the Black Prince, at tlio battle of Poictiers, in France, anno i:ifiO. Tho English records continue on through llio times of the Tudor, and Stuarts, and into tho reigns of the present royal luiuily, bringing us lo tbu deulb or Sir John Maxwell Tylden ul hisinaiior house, Mi Ulead, near Sit tenburne, Kent, in May, I8G6. Sir John bad been Lieiitenaiit-Coloiicl of tho Fifty-second Foot; had served in luU.U III. IW.t .lr. not I 1.1,1,0, olurbrd. U M. K. lik AM.t l ' ' I'" (.ii, 17, very uearly it not actually incurred in !uo "1"lu suipno. j and u negro named Wakelield os putjlhe lirilish army in South America al tho recent election. J Aieing asucu uuuior mo Hepiiuiii an . Up B, un opposition candidate. Kel- th0 rapture of Montevideo and Buenos 2. It will enormously reduce if iiottommiu,ei w',,1' wcl,t ,l,v" 10 -'n' j logg tried toharinoiiixe the two factions, I Ay res, in the Peninsular war, in India, extinguish the chances of a disputed jO'1'""' in 11,0 ostensible interest uf a: but failed, and gavo his endorsement j lt llj0 rapturo of Java, and at tho bat election so dangerous to tho peace of i col"lt." 'V11H likuly t t " j to Wharton. Now, in Louisiana lliey j " of New Orleans. Ho was knighted tho country and to Republican inslitii. jcul'1 wilu Hie local niaiiagois ol ihutj nominate ull but the two electors at in ,812 ' Hie installation of tho lions. llrh' Mi"- Ottendnrfcr replksl that ho ij,,. j t,t, Congressioiml districts, but j Knights of tho Bath in tbut year. 3. It will iiivo a just allotment of ! (-'oiisidcred these gentlemen "iiolbing! vote llicm ull on tbo sumo lic kel. as ! Tho Tyldcns had uneioiillv lur,. electoral vote, lo candidates exactly mit a mor"' l"')' fi1""'1' " H'O Jo here. Wakefield's supporters did possessions in llrenchly, Ollcrden, ! .!,... I ..r.. i r,ntnl,l,i i-li,i.t,o,. It.ti.,l " n I 1. 1, b " t . . . . i . ,.. . . . II...1 1..- tl..i i-i.i .-, , strong interests onnosed and which ' " 1 I '"" ""IT1" 1 ol 0111 1 " """ not uiiucrsianu mo inullur, unci printed : ucueiimiii, jiaruen, r.iinain,nousiiioiiu- " I i nr.,1 nl ,,i,..tlt- ......... I 1. I llU U'Lll.t Oil III SllV. ''llllll I lip ll-llel- I lll.V ,1...:.. I...II..,.. I. , ..t- ,1 j , I ' 1. ,. ... ti'nnu: 1 1 1 .... rP .. 1 hum vt (,aiij iw iiunn in un, ii - , J iiii-ii Illinois n illl Ulliy 1I1U names OI 1110 n"'", nvni'iiigwiii, i iiiiiiiiiiivm, ieilUT-1 as umlor Iho old plan. ' n 'oio in answer 10 our invitation Kir1 t,v electors at large mid that or the,"". Terry Hill, und Wye. 4. It will givo almost complete ex- j cu-opcrativo action ought tu have con- j elector from their district, omitting tho' In the reign of James I a portion prossion to the popular will, for each vinced the whole country of ibis. They ) names nf the electors from iho other!0'' family removed into Sussex; electoral voto will represent an actual j then showed themselves a. nothing but ; districts. As a consequence, these five! ud one of its membeisfa "relormer") body ol voters a lair rutio of votersor ( liiisuns ootiiiu 10 secure lite sui-ees olj other district electors on the I!opuhli. emigmted to America, loiinding the nearly ono wno uave uiueiva it given as their own rightful and equal voice in tho election. ' HOST arsviaa BRWINO MACHINES KOR SAI.K Br MILEM 11. Ml VAIS, CLEAKFIKLD, PA. (Kuaidcnoa la Wan cloarDold ) All bind, of RKWINIJ MACHINES CLRAIfgl) aad KI'.PAIKKD. . Alao, dealer in oil kloda i Hawing Meebiae Kocdloa, Oil, Hutilrra, Turk-marker., Ca.ltra. Tbmoil Cullera, llrminor' and llindi-ra. Oil Cana, Hbnllloa. Cbork-enrinf. Fawl-anrln.. A Naw food put Ii, lb. old alyla Wboolrr A Wllaoa Maohtoea. New Cng.wboola put m inn rliogar Moeblae. OLD MACHINE! or ORAINIako. la n,rt pa.Ttoool fur Now Mavhioea. Will oai: al tba poraona lirioo lo or about C'loarflold, if anylblng ia bia lio. ia J.aired, If peraonally iorurmrd, or Ihruuirb Iho Poaloffioo by let'rr or podal eanl. Uiiod. aral by wall if aVairrd. la ordering by Itller. lie ouro aod giro ao so of Machine. Ca.h mnat .AerHnnaoy all order, by mail. MILK.-i K. lIKKKi. Clrorlield, P., Aug. 21, lT 3a. SUSljUEIIANNA IIOUSK '" CI'KH K.VSVII.LK, PA. ' KKWTON READ, Pi.or.,,,,,,. Ilaring bee.ira. proprielor ol iLi. . , would rM,,(uily aolicll Ibo ..l,o.,... "f '. 1 pohllo. Uoo,. Uaaaatl, and ,aol..,i, " ualedi w rodiod and n-furui.hoo ... " altmhul .11 ..i j " pie ruoaia alUnboil, tbia buan Ail railroad Ira-na i J. f. WIAT8B....... ..H.,.w. a. aarra G , Iladlngt, for aala by , . POWELL A MORGAN. UN S, PISTOLS SWOBD CANES for lata bj -', P0WHLI, A MORGAN. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND 8iioa, for aala by TOWELL A MORGAN. JRONI IRON I IKON I IRON! For aala by POWELL A MORGAN. J0RSE SHOES & HOUSE SHOE NAILS, for talo by POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad bait Hanafaotaro, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. "piIIMBLE SKEINS AND TIPE 0XK3, for aala by IP0WELL A MORGAN. SACKETT & SCHRYVER , DIALERS IX HA 11 DAY A HE, and manufacturers of TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, eroud tttreot, lrorflplrt, p, " : Having refitted oar storeroom aid doubled our stock, we are prepared to offer bargaina to por e utters In our line. We hare decide! to do a Strictly Cash Rusincss, and ran therefore sell at greatly redaeed prices. Carpenters and persona who contemplate build ing will do well to eiamlne our Tools and Buillin; HXardArs, , whloh li new aid of tfie beet mane fee tare. JAS. H. LYTLE, (6uecoir to LYTLK A MITCIIlil.L) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIIOIl'13 1,1 NR OP TEAK. OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, TODSQ 1IY80N, , . , ENGLISH DHBAKf AST Pornt la M.rkrt. KUTTER AMI, EGtiM Will be kept and aold at Iral out. Caib paid for Country Produce. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEAKS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. I-IKII, Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ac. PICKLEH. Barrel Tlcklea and Ragtlrk Pleklaa. remain opposed to it. Fully two-thirds of tho .Suites would lose a portion ot tbo lower which they now possess in Presidcntiul elections by accepting it, inasmuch as it furnishes no substitute for the representation oi Stales in the Electoral Colleges. Representation by Senatorial electors constitutes at pres ent from one-fourth to two-thirds of the voting power of each of no less tliiin twenty-ono States in the Presi dcntiul elections, and It is idle to snp- poso that they will surrender it with out equivalent. It follows that Con gross will not pass by a two-thirds voto in each House, nor three-fourths of tho Stales adopt, this particular popular vote plan for Presidential elec tions. The plun of single electoral districts, either for tbo chclco ot electors or to cast electoral votes, hat tlio sanction or somo distinguished names Hamilton and Benton among them. But a plan which was plausible in 180 1, or in 1830, may appear intolerable in 1876, and invito instant rejection.! And such is this plan. For wo can see at glance that it would introduco most shamctnl gerrymandering into ovory Stato or Iho Union , would whonavor districts woro made Inflame tho greed or ono party and the discontent of another, and would often work flagrant injustice in our future elections. Wo know much more about tho iniquity and evil of gerrymandering than was known a generation or two ago, and in making constitutional changes we must seek rather to extirpate than to inereoso them. : There are other objection" to this plan of electoral districts, but the ono mentioned should suffice. . But low words mod bo expended upon a third possible populnr voto plan 6. It will very greatly discount, und prevent unfairness und fraud elections, by excluding tlio motives which produce them. In this respect its superiority to other plans of amend ment is conspicuous und unquestiona ble. Assuming a ratio of 30,000 for uu electoral vote, a fraudulent voto of 10 - OOt) would moan enr thirti nf nut rln tmil vote, instead of meaning, ns now, tbo balance of power in u Stale and control ol its whole cleelorul vote! Sjieaking within bounds, the effect of uny com mon fraud in a Presidential election would become iiisigiiiflcant, and the molivo for committing it would bo wholly removed. 6. That the plan dispenses with elec tors und Electoral Colleges sweeps away returning boards organized for controlling instead of serving thq peo ple places returns in rcspousiblc,sufo bunds, under a rule of unilorm applica tion avoids a fruitless assault upon tho equal voting power of the States as to two electoral voles each and avoids the capital evil of gerrymandering in all its possible lorms, aro subordinate advantages not to bo overlooked tut possibly obtainable by other means- Tho plan indeed fully secures lhoin,but its special morks are thoso before men tioncd. In fact, in discouraging elec tion frauds and creating A correspond ence between populur and electoral votes so mat llio littler shall truly rep aid therein its chief merit consists. C. II. liiri'KAI.F.W. Blooinsbiirg, Nov. 22,1870. INSTITUTIONAL HIOX. 'f7lf VEH- "AT nojIK." . ' - i, Washington, November I'll. The following ws sent from thl eity to. night: : . . 5 Vl.nVH AND FEKI. Floor, Com Meal, Oil Meal, Ae. JAS. II. LYTLK. AMERICA CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLETON'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete In 16 Volumes. for Presidential elections. to wit : That ! roPro"u,,t "' ormt'r' tl,c l'11" ' u"''I"i tho voters in each State shall voto di rectly for President and Vice Presi dent and that candidates having a plurality ot votes upon tho returns shall have assigned lo them the whole doctoral vote of the Stato without the intervention of an Electoral College. I tii E ka marks or a Iikspot grant Hut such a cbango, if tho details of il were worked ontand arranged, would I bo mostly a change of form und not of substance, and would not reach any mischief or evil of the existing plan of election. All tho serious defects and dangers of that plan would remain un touched. To reach them wo require a chango much more effectual. And hero wo reach what wosupposo to be firm ground. So fur tho discourse has been objectivo and introductory. Wo may uoi advance to tbo proposition had in view Iroin the outsut, and will bo prepared to comprehend aad lo judge iu H is this: That in each li.eir camliuulcs lieloie even thing else, , ticket run behind their r . i.,r,-. ; fiunilv of Tiblen in tho United Sul... and I believe the less raid about lliein 'gomo 2,000 votes." " He lunded ut Plymouth from the ship as a check on the tendencies of ihcj So tar ns intimidation liaving been ! Ann, in 1823, and, living joined by Kel logg-Packard crowd the better, i practised in tbe Slate, Mr. Otteiidor-1 ninu other gentlemen, all Iroin the These last will do as lliey please toiiirjfer thinks that most of it was dono by! county of Kent, laid out and founded as tbu former uro concerned, und will j tbu negroes to prevent any ono of their tho town of Scitunto niior to 128. not even ouy 'by your leave.' We own luce voling the Democratic ticket, I i iiu nii;-.,.J.. ,.r . mnniL.iNi ,.f 1 1... I I.. .I..I 1 ..TI-. - : ' - . . ov.,0.,0, " ""I luin. ucic.iiioii j i uu mimi-ii especially, no n:t in, 'cnu did ull wo could conscientiously lo in-j tbeir uniost to keep tho colored broth sure harmonious action, but at llio very I ron from going astray iu Ibis respect, outset wo were convinced that nothing! I didn't attempt (0 the statistics, ol lliul bort was desired by tbo other; but 1 urn ulntid si I WEAVER A ISETTN CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, ol Iho old Hood of 0. L. Reed A Co. tbrlr eloek of gooda, enaalatipg of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, Q1IAW house, O ICor. of Morkol 1 Front nroei, I fl.KAKHKLII, pa. Tba aaderaignod baring token ,(,., of Ilolol, would reopecliullyamie,, ,,,,, , J"'l' ULLiaTor.' YVAS'lisGTON HOUSE, , JfS "ASHIiUTOX, pa furni.b..! bou.e b..V;, Uken by Ibe andera irn.s n. r -t . ra being abl. lo render aollar.ellni, t,,o. i.. ' I..,,, k... .i.v " -ovtaa, J"' W. DAVIS, rop. jJONTOUH IIIIUaE, OppoaiU the Couit Houae, LOCK HAVEN, P ( X .V a 'elejTI HAURKAI, A KROM. T OYD HOUSED " AA Vain Sinrl, PIHLIPSIIUKO, p;S'A Table alw.y, .applied with the br t o,,,,., ird.. The tf.oli.g publi, i. I,iu , ' " '" II011KKT ll r. I. .nwni.n. . r. laaoio. , , F. K.ARNOLD & CO., I.nnkrrM miI IJrI,,.'r,t .cj.i.iiu.vmjw, weneranii ru.. I., t war, o Mi. iterate ,.1,1 V . , ... " ii bsii-1 and ei.lleiinn. ... f,, U, , UH..I, BOUTS A SHOES, II ATS A CAPS. Ql'EE.VSWARK, I County National Bank, ' or l"I.EAHrIKLD, PA. HARDWARE, I I OOM In Muonie Uuilding. ene ,l.,, . . . j I V C. D. Wi Drug 81,.. FXOUE, FEED, SALT, eic., &c, Al lb. taoal n-aoon.ble raloa fur CASH or la j etehonge for a very iurge number and finally we had to givo up ull i of swain wero thrown over by their (I'orts in that direction us useless sweethearts for venturing to hint at " When wo to New Orleans, we l'10 probabililiy of voting another than took iinniediute steps to learn lioin tlio l'i0 straight liejiublican ticket; and us best sources possible whut tlio actual result ot tho election was. We inquired of t lio local Democratic committee, not only what lliey estimated their vote at, but also for tho grounds on which lliey did so. They explained to us tbo elec tion luw of tbo State, und we learned that iu each pnrisli there uro three supervisor of elections-two Itepubli for the domestic nuarivls and oven separations that have occurred fur the same reason, I feci sad when 1 reflect bow iniiiiy there must have been. The lawlessness in Louisiana I believe is mainly confined to tho Republican camp. I slopped in at Iho custom bouse in Now Orleans mid naw the Deputy Mursbuls who had been hired cuns and ono Democrat. Now, these' "'J Packard to do somo of bis dirly thrco supervisor) aro by law required ! 'vo,'l4. "ml t''y were, so fur us appear to malce out and sign two complete ro- IP, Hie roughest crowd I over turns of all Iho votes enst in their re- "lw A" tr ",0 people of Now Or- speetivo parishes, and forward one lo)'oal" ' 'oimu less excitement among the Secretary ol Stnte, lor the use ol llcln w,K'n I "1 t'-cn, than I bad left tho returning Beard, whilo the other is! '" Jlt',v ol'lt- I spoko to tho Domo- In published ill lloston, 1831, Nalhuniel ' Tilden and bis nine assoc-iater-aro tliusL m. , clogi,.e,l :-"Tho earliest founders of Saar8 TlIIlbr' Boardsi Shinglcf, this settlemetit were men of dislin- to bo deposited in the parish clerk ofllce. Tho Democratic Stato Com mittee reqacstod the Democratic super visor to tnalto out a triplicate return, and, if possiblo, got tho two Republi cans to sign it. This request was com plied with, but the Republicans, ex cept in a few instances, refused their signatures. AVhcn we reached New Orleans theso triplicates hud been re ceived nt the Democratic headquarters, hy messenger or mail, from twenty- nine parishes while telegraphic sum cralic leaders upon Iho subject, and they assured me llmt their followers would accept tho situation, whatever it may turn out to be. "Hy the way," continued .Mr. Qtten doifer, "llio Republicans will no doubt endeavorlo draw conclusions fuvorable lo their claim ttiul many negroes were prevented Iroin voting by tho voto in certain parishes fulling this year below that of 187-1. 1 made inquiries about tliif, and learned that in thoso parishes J tho Republican malingers furnished no WAsniNoroN, November 28, 187C. General Thomas II, Jlwjerur Colonel II. M. Mack, Columbia, S. C: Tbe loltowinirbii. lMinti.i,i.-,..l e..m thorough and,t))0 President: r-.XF.CI.TIV P. MANSION, I November 20, 1870. ( Hon. J. D. Cameron, Herniary nf War : Sin I). II. Chamberlain is now Gov. ornor of tho Slnto ot South Carolina beyond any controversy, und remains so until a now Governor shall bo duly and legully inaugurated. Under the Loiistitution tho Government bus been marie ot their contents were on hand from the others, and from tho figures so obtained it appeared that Nichols, tho Democratic candidate foi Governor, had received a majority of 8,0!)0 votes, ballots at tlio proclnct polling (daces, bu t gave orders to the negroes to go to tbo parish town and cast their voto thore! hoping, by gelling all of the col ored vole together in one pluco, to bo guiohed education and easy fortune, who bad left in England homes alto gether enviable save in the matter ol religious toleration. They were the men ol Kent, celebrated in Knglish history ns men of gallantry, loyalty, and courtly manners' and had been accustomed to tho elegancies ol life in tho mother country. It was a natural und unavoidable ronscquenco that in this wilderness a less polished race should succeed ; nnd yot many of these fathers survived th darkest period of Ihc colony, and, gave a lasting impres sion ol their manner lo posvrity." From such ancient and honorable stock, through generations of sturdy American ancestry, is descended Sam uel J. Tilden, Governor of New York anil Democratic candidulo for Presi dent ol tho United State. ; OR COUNTRY PRODUCE . .xv .c.i-ie , anil mitr Llrrri.,.,,1 On...,,. tn. Gia.g,... .,, ,. ,j V..:, Alao Drat., for a... ,h, R ,,., and I:icrisl Bank of I,..U'l-n DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Noun, Thru oi,rMI Pblla i.1,,1,1, u.t.rn khs, And Dealers in Government Securities. II Infimaatinn cbirriuIlT furriahed April II-tf. lion, aud Order anlitrd ?futifitrjt. jC-erAdraaco. ni.iJa lo thoae angagij la get ting out aquare tltoker o l. aioal advoatageooa v"" ""' of rllrlolal Trrlli, . . (KI '". dtlju.TJ ; KI"K' f ArtltlclaJ Teolh. . r.H.IM) Guarded IHr Highest .Vedal ni; I'S HILLS & HEICF1H0LD, I'lrnim. I fTSe T1FMTT5T3 E. & H.T. ANTHONY 4. CO,, Sill rtroadnaj, New Vork, (Opp. Motropolitaa Ilolol, AserAerenat!., isrosratti tyn num.. t. CIIROMOS & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES f VIEWS Albuai, Grapboacopea. Pbnlogravla, aod kindred giio la Cek-britiea, Aetreaaer, A.., A Qi.Eta rami pent. Grant at one time ordered all tho rogues in bis party, w oo buid otlice, to be prosecuted and convictod. A few of bit subordinates obeyed, and sent squad to Iho peni tentiary. This was all dono before tbo election. As soon as Iho election was over, ho pardoned every rascal. How will that tally for a leader of a party "controlled by grand moral ideas T gw gidrrrtisfmrntg. nnisiKTitATon's NOTICE. This summing up I havo every reason ' C 10 "mn,l'1'll- 't better. Now, this to regard as correct, lor whilo I was in i Vcry ln"' O0"ld nut Ju' owi,,8 ,0 ui- I re-wrlllr.. E.orylblag broogbt down , to lha prnent tiaii. IlloatrataS ibM.hnH. -i,k LOCKS, ' 1 LATCHES,! Over 3.000 II iKlrafinne AND MAPS of every oouelry oa tbeglobo. Sold only by aubaorlplioa. Il la sot obligatory to take all tbe volume! at once a Tolamo tnay bo Wa keep a large iloek of NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY,-' j MLUE, ..,.,., SCREWS, A! kladi of Bes.b Planea, Sow., Cblaelr, Sqnaroa - klaramwra, ll.l.h.u, Plnatba and Lerela, ' . , Atortia A Tbaeah Ooagea, R.reli, Brma A Biiu, Waod end Iron fioneb flerewa, aad lb. Boring Machine la tbo . !. V-o .' fkel, . . Double and Single Eitt Axes, . M POCKET CUTLERY, Ao. AjtnU for BurntWt Iron Corn Shelter, , j j - . t. varranwd. , .I- Alia, agonla (or Hiakaida' 4 GOTHIC, FLUE TOI'S, wbl.k ofootoajly nr. smoky Flora. . , i rur Kitra ciath, per vol.. S a aa rarm Implements, Gnrdcn Tools, f'' ""7 ''',p.r.oi.'": 17 of aeery deacrlptloa. i IV. l.VZ - nL: ' . . ., "'-" riiirauilt, per ol M aiarg.nrin.r liZ l'u i"T A"lT, f" - library ia llaelf muni, will but Hula oSorl or PRICE AND STYLE OF BINDING : fur Kill Clelh, per rol... COQK. STOVES, wklok , worroal to fire tttlifMlloo. b tnU rrtml mmmrm mn Fnattt, w-eaVRooftag, Bootlag aad Job Work done oa rwaooeebl tarraa. AU order! will rorolro proraM UoaUra. Ploroblag aad gea lttlr.g allerlcM u by oilorlaoeod werkuta.. Way I, ur. drii.ored onoa a nonib. or oaee la two atoatbe. I imondmcnt to Iho Constitution, ending 1" VrMiCoV ftV-Sofflt? "b lh0 Word "dlreM1 rresl- ,""',in'r"Ofllal eaatbaa Ibroe yenra. Tboa aeov OI 1110 Senate," to be struck Out Iberewlll be aoraetblng aubauniui aarad and . ..J . t - , n i l . ""i-i alorebo... of boowW, TiJS t ,.. "Dd lh0 ollowinS ubtitlltcd : l be fitiaons of each Stale who shall bo qushfiod to voto for represenUtivo lo Congress, shall cast their votes lor candidates for tho Presidential ofllco by ballot, and proper returns of Iho votes so east shall bo made, under seal.within ten days, lo tht Secretary ol State or other officer lawltilly porforminff 1he duties of such Secretary la the govern ment of the Stale, by whom the said return shall bo publicly opened in the presence of tbe Chief Executive Magis trate of tin State, and of tho Chief Justice or Jodgo of the blghost Court thereof, and tb said Seoretary, Chief Magistral and Judge shall assign to Slate mndiilate for Presidential nnd called upon lo aid with tlio niilitniv 1l,V A-.,',.hIi.K. .Ltl 1 . ...a J j. n...l H.....I C. I .1 .1 I ... . ,,L,ii,i,. ,j,L.o omui. uc votea jor airectli by the ftofAe and tluxll receive electoral votet of the State is proportion to their popular vote therein, in othor words retaining electoral votes to each Stato as now allowod hy the Constitu tion but dispensing with Electoral Col-! icgcs, tne peoplo shall themselves bo tow tho electoral votes ol the Slate iu just proportion upon tho candidates ol their choico, in the very act of poll ing their own votes, and all that will remain to bo done will bo tho execu tion of their will by moans of propor returns and a legal announcement ol tho result. The nronosition mas !, . , j - exprcrisod in tho following, or in tome similar form .- AMRNDMBENT TO TIIK CONSTITUTION. Article II, I I, paragraph 2, to be mado to read as follows : " Each Stnte shall bo ontitlod to a notnbor of doc toral votes equal to the wholo number of Senators and Representatives to which the Stato shall b entitled in Congress," . The first division of the twolfih and naval forces of tho United Suites to muintnin Republican government in tho State airiiinHl. resistaneo Ion fur. midablo to bo overcome bv tbo Stale ...,t :.:,. .... " . nuuioi iue. iou aro uirected, tticro. lore, lo sustain Governor Chamberlain in his authority against tbo domestic violence until otherwise directed. V. S. Grant. In obeying theso instructions, yon will advise with tho Governor, and dis pose yot r troops in such manner ns may bo deemed Iwot, in order to carry out tho spirit of tho above order of the President. Acknowledge receipt, J. D. Camkron. Secretary of War. Fighting the Ei.emf.nts. Mr. E. W. Sewcll, a Canadian ship builder, is going to attempt to keep tho SU Law rence rivor below Quebec open all win tor. In consideration of a small sub sidy offered by Iho Catiadinn Govern- tho city tho triplicate returns came from muny of tbo parishes at first re 'ported only by telegraph, and in ovory instunco they corresponded with that first report." In reply to a question how the re turning Board could overcome this mnjority, Mr. Ottendorfer said that tho attempt would ; bo mado to throw out tbo votes of tho five parishes of East Baton Rouge, Morehouse, Ouachita and East and West Feliciana, niitcu logcuicrguvo 11001114,0011 Dem ocratic mnjority at tho lust election nsi against 3,500 Republican majority in iHi J,on the ground Unit intimidations and nothing else, could have wrought such a tlittiigo in tliu p pulur mind within two years as lliese return showed. ''Now, the truth is," resumed Mr. Ottonderfer,' "that tho Demo cratic committee at New Orlcuns hud sent out some ol the shrewdest colored stump speakers to theso pariohos In tho Stato, where they thought it necessnrr and advisable, and wo tho Northern Democratic delegation closely ques tioncd tbeso sumo speakers about the arguments they used nnd iho gcnoral impression thoy bad recwvid as to Ibo leeling among tl,o negroes. We wero invariably told tho Bume story, namely that the national contest was but sal- dom and then only briefly referred to, wuiio llio IS is so oritur lafernatioa addieaa " ' J.ll. WILLIAMSON, Pool labor, ig.nt, 11 g,,b Mrt, Plllaboryh, P.. Jaao IS, ItTMy. mont hn l..o r.n.. .i -"..v ,.,v ,, aiiucK wus directed iron-elud propeller 'jrr KT TT to break tbo ico. ' t"l""n' " c.tu1'1 Hiepeojde, stud nearly . '. . every ono ol thoso wboni wo interro- Whilcadrovoorcuttle wcro boiurr iK ' ,t 11)0 &M"SK r,-wl 'J tame, and staid at homo. This voting at any other precinct than Iho ono in which tho voter resides may soom ille gal, but it is not so. The laws or Lou isiana allow a man to cast his volo any. wncro within his parish, so that ho may oumu miM-iiiii'i.usii. it, a nunureu miles from his residence an arrangement tho Republican havo often found to bo of great service to theni." A Caseop llYiiRopnoniA. The Lnn castor Inttlliyeneer, of Monday, says: "A few weeks ago a small dog belong, ing to John Gaby, near lluhnslown, bit one of his daughters, (Mrs. Wayne Sweigarl) inflicting a mero scratch, Nothing was thought of it at tho timo. A few days afterward I be dog left Lis bom, and after biting several dogs mid pigs nnd ki))jg eigijU-cn chickens for Mr.'J. Seldomrldge, nt Ephrnta, was killed on tho premises of Air. Martin Wcngcr. On Saturday, the 11th iiist., Mrs. Sweigitrt complained of severe pain in her limbs, Dm. Arm strong and Reimsnyder being railed in pronounced it hydrophobia, nnd in spilt ol medical skill death terminated her sufferings on Wednesday morning; Mrs. .Swoignrt was a married woman and leaves a child flvo weeks old Krltre ta Lcralie eireo ibl 1.11.. r mini.lratloo on ibe erUle of UAKIA J WAPLK, late of Wallaaetoa Borou.b. Clevlrla county, Pa-, dee'd, baring beea duly granted to Ibo anderrlgned, all aoraoni ladeblod lo laid allele will pi..,. nbe imaiedi.t. payment, and Ihoaa baring otaima or dctaaada will preaeot Ih.m ...,. ...I. ...,l , , ' ,,(,-., uiu.Bimirj mr raiiiraieDi wtta tdtlV. , O. W. HARDER, ,. , P. A. OWENS, WuodlauJ.aor. M, IS, III A-Jta'ra. CMIMNTUATOH'lt NltTICK, Notleo la kerehy glrea Ibal Leltera of Ad oa Ibo oauto of SAMUEL U0R OUJV, laloof llouu.l.l. bora', Claarlald ooaoly, Pa-, deeeaaod, baring beea duly graaled to Ike aadiraigoed, ail poraooa indebted to aoid tatate will pleoM wake itatnediolo payutonUond theoe baring olaima or demanda will proiei! Ibcm pmpeily aulhenlio.t.d for wilboal " P. TANNKY, Adtainiiiralor Uo.l.l.le, nor. 32, '7 (ll. rnoTOGRAnuc materials, homo toailiuorlera for or.rylbing In Ibe wiy of Storoopticoas aai Maic Liatorna, Being ananafaolorera of tt,e MICRO SOI ENTIPIU LANTERN, STfcRKO-PANOPTICON UNIVERSITY STEROPTtCOX, ADVKRTISKR S RTEROPTICOX. ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTRKb, KVMII.Y LANTERN PKOPLBS HSIEK,'. Eaeh wyl. h. Ing tb. bel .r it. u.a lo tba aiarkc. C.laloguea of Liolorna aod S i lo,, .lib direo tiooa for u.lng, not oa appliootioa. Any ralerprlaiag ai.a o.a aaab. aioory wltb a Magio Lantern. Ar Vi,in,ra to ibo Ccoleaa do wiaely to deter pureboai until they eoese to our aloro Ibrf will Snd greater priora, aao oao as-l tboa, at tboir lalauro. But w. n.r. a ooacer.loa to oell aom. .t.l.. nr guvo. ib me oouoing ot me Urparlment of Puhlio Conrort, and Ihoor not eoralng to New York aro u..ira m. en oa our ropreooouiioa tben. mw n tun aiuca oi I low. of Ik. H..i.: and Iheir M.l.m. ' -Cot out tbia adrortlieuenl lor rrfarcatrc.-Sa Jooo 1, !8:S.e. JXHT rl.RAHPfELD. PENN'A. Dr. A M Hill, woalil iaforn bia frloada and pelieat, 1 U it he boa aa.o?i,ted wltb biia, in Iba pre- lice of denli.try, l)r. J. L R. Uric bb-.l J, a genllrmaa whoa bo ran rnvomeod wltb full a-.oranc-of,! ,.,,,,,, heohanoo I., bo out or ibe oSice. All work goanalred la goo aali.fartion. A. M. Illl,l,r, on. is, n tr. j. l. u. UEicunoLD. STEWAET dt blackbden, DENTISTS, C srwenaiille, tlc.rdeld Coanly, Perni'a. (OSIco la a ..tee' New Baildleg.) Corw.nirllle, Jan 1J, I87-Iy. dr. e. m. Thompson" otitsi- (Hi la Bank Bailding,) CHrwcnarUle, ClearGold Co- p.. arck JJ TS-if, r " MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BBO., Oa Market Si , one door wool of Naaaioa Hoaae, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar erraagraaoall r. rf theiiu,d ..,.u.. i.i ntnoalltoa will " .""..iog ,oo noono wilb vreab i' gooda la oar lino " "J Ike rory be.t ol,ty. ia NewVnrb -k. : B "o deal ia all k inda of A..i.l,...i ..,1 and aim o...i. rn,i wnica we area oa casino r.. ,k. CALIFORNIA. cairaoo ib aaRAT.wMTiR nn. reoea under one naiBta.aMa.uit .1 WEST, and, ltb ll, autairoui br.aobea ao, A DMINISTRATOHS NOTICE - A- N.liec ll hereby ffircn th.t Leflar. nf A, I. rniniiinuon oa tbo eatalo of n ING. late of Iluraal If twn . l'lrara.1,1 Co.. I' dret-i-od, baring boon dnlr aranted to Hie end.. rigned, all perruna inlehted to aold ..talo will r.,.ai make loatardialo paymaal, and lb aw b.vlrj el.imi or demanda will preeeul Iheu properly aalbaatleotcd for aetlleiorat wibnot "'ay. C. R. KING,, Not. I, lr SI. Adalniatiatur. raa t.irioo a oa.r.wi.Tii, .,... Kmhraoea under oao aaaaareaoni it.. ,1 . II- conneeliona, fortoa Ibe ahorlcat and quicke.1 ri.ulo v n . en,, on point, in ttt-iaots. Wia rooant, koaraaaa Miraioaa, MiTa, Iowa Naaaaaaa, l.i,tro.u ud .a Wanaa. TaoairusitJ. I: Omaha and California Line i " f' roat. for all pointa In Noaraa.s ItLiaoia, .t, n.,..,., to.iio., Uras, Nnrana. CtLims' ia Oaaoua, Cbiia, Japan and Anmua. lb inicaso, Madison A SI, Paul Line ben. ok at Ihiaws or e-tdreia ua ci a ,. . . JVi- CARDOK A BRO. CWIieLI, P., July II, IS,i If, .. to. pnona. cu around wkra 1. and take a FRESH MEAT-SEW SHOP, The un Jrr.igi.e.l hen by Inform, tke public Ll grneral that tbay keep on hand, rego arly, al tbeir abop. adjoining JOHN HULIOII S faroitara rooaa, oppo,ite tbe Ooort Hooae, Ike Msr ritssit nssr, veal, uvttov LAMIl, PORK, KTC, AT REDUCEp rGfCfi-S, FOB 0AS1L. aeror. m irninga Tooa-Iar. Tknr.,1.. ..a Ateat ije'i'orcd at roailaaoo wbea S.lanlova. Win. O, Avery, the head centre of tho "crooked whisky", -dealers, who has been spending tho last four months in tliu Missouri Penitentiary, arrived safely ut Washington on Thursday livst, with a pardon in his pockut, and ill now be able to advise Grant and llub- dnven over the suspension bridge finm j l.u"0 m',llinU ' secure them their j cock, verbally, on Government affaire, Covington to Cirfclnnall. tho othor ilnv !.rlhl" i "' ' Domis-rats.tvould at an unmanugeublo steer jumped over j 1 a wo" l,J' tla'm 1,1 ,lmt f-'spect tbo side of the bridietionr bbe wuici'o edgo, falling on William Hickoy, who was stnnding under, killing him in stantly. Tko stout! Was' also killed by tho fall. Miss Klizabotk W'csb of Hamilton county, Ohio, has recovered SG.000 damage from tbo estuto ol Knoch Hayes for breach U promiso. Haves died since the commencement of tbo suit. Ohio seems lo bo tho temporary ui.ttiu ui we slaves . .. i . t ' - - ! a. a An Expensivi Clerk. W. E. Sin clair, confidential dork loiing aa cash ier of H. L. 'llorton A Co., banker, Now York, i in Ludlow strcot Jail for the sllrrrod taibewlkiio'rit nf 000. 1 thai the Kupublli-ans had plandureil tbo Slate j that tbo Democrats at tho worst would not otonl rmo . fourth as much : and tbut taking their situa tion as a wholo it could not be mado worse, boppon whal might.' As for tho change in tbo vote, these men ex pressed tbeif surprint that tba iKnnu crutic jnujority iVs ol forpr, as they bud found tho liveliest dissatisfaction existing iuiiong tbo' wilh thol conduct of Kellogg and bis crew nil New Orleans, us well as with bis honch alien in their own localities." "Yet, ovon if ihcso five parishes are Ihrown.oiit there la sUII akDeniofrutic majority of over 1,000 loovorcome.and betore I left N Orleans the Sujires. tion was mado in tbe llepuhlieein. Ku). wjlluiutany fulnrpuso of thoteloiiruiih The arrangement js nitild a handy' ono, and wo advise. Congress to Irs Oiler tins (lalont when it Diesis, Tit roa Tat, ildyai hit Wmnt t Cu, fearful slapila Ibo ficowkcn-l woinised 'reform," lu hiS lettof of af- ceptanee. Hut ,e latter doubles on tl fonueV wbea be remained ia bis nrmy order lhat,v"10 man worthy ol tho office ol I'resideiil itiould be witl ing to liuld tf, If cotintrd in, or placed there by irand.iv; That is what we term Ibu last curd, and Ibo govern- mont is entitled to (Iweredit, rierhnp, of shy Muring, if nothing worse, . What i Ibe difference btrtwetjri tbe rrinco tf Yalc and tba wstor of a fountain? On h heir to tho throne, and th other I thrown into tke air. DMINISTRATOft'S NOTICE - Nelloe it kerebr al.eo ll.ul I ..tier, at 1.1. oa tbo ealaleof VVII.LIAM IIITril- INUS, late of llradford town. bin ntH.a.i.i c. Pa., drceaied, barlaw been dot. m.ii I. .,Cr.,a,,.o, poraooa iaiiebl.4 lo aald ratato will plraee Bioko Immedlole payacnl, iu.d lh"-c k.ring elaima or detnaada ...inri Hi. -in preoenl tkeaa properly aalkentieated r..f eettlo. aeni wilkout deloy, : DAVID HITCIIINflS, noadlaad, Oct. t. Adalal.traler ia tnr anorirat liar for N.mrnaai Wiai-oj.,. .a Mis.aaora. aod for M ...... . .... . .." "''BaBd all nolnu lalke Ur... Winona and SI. Pcler Line la tba only route f.., Wi.oaa, RooSMTao, 0a i . "i- rum. n Kl . and a polnla ta Soutk.rn and Ci-ntral 11, ..,. ,,. Green Bay and Marquette Line .. " JA..tLB. Warra.. D !Sl.tlTIO!f. Nctlfla la hMeb. elra. .1... .... . . , - - tnr fm-panoer. abin herrlofiira eti.llng hrtweea 0. II. Henael and t. W. Orr, la Iho balrherhig baalaen at BoiithV Mill.. L'lewrilold ooootr. I. ... Al. mired by mutual ronaoat oa Ibe Ilk day of No reaber, Ufa. C. H. Ien,.l will oo.llmt. tbe baeineee, and la Bolhorlred to glleat all bllTfe doe Ibo lab) Ira aad will out awr all ,1 Ira. 0. H. IIKNSKl.. Stollb.' Mill., s.M,';a-4t. J. W. ORR. .,.... i """"' Amaru., On... IU- iCjaIABB- PA tn ii'taaw S.I . .. . ' tl,n. . I L t ' ' " V I T T K , llolt.HT.l-, . HU .ur, WAHKniTpKMIne Cmihtta.. Ii Freeporlaml Itubuqne Line ti the only route for lqi., Roi aniai., faai mbt, and all puiala ia. Krec.orl. lu QAI1TIIIN. - , All peraoaa are herrbr nontlanl ...I... purcl.aeing or Bcildliag with the lellowmg de. ernbed property, bow ta tho poamemi of Tho. D. Holler, la all I Two ... k.... a bnga, I r.n bay aad a ore. fodJer, I aetoa wh'aol mora or leal, 1 wagoa, I Ihecp, I eook llorl, aad l OOIO DruBcrTr wu nnr.l,.n t.. u I it Collector a aala, aad,la lefl with klio oa loaa 1 tpbjaa lo oiy otdrr it aay tlao. . . ,. Joiib a. RUTTKR. D,g Rub, Eor. J(, 9fHt JOHN H. FULFORD, OKlfSltAL tNSUItAXCK AQKXT, - i.u i t'learleU, fi-a.. 1 1 ; nepreaeBia all lie Umiing fin la.oroaao vvmpMiiia oi to. conntry i Royal Canadlaa.. , S.ISII.Kie Hoao, New Vork , & T-M 111 Lya-alng. Maacy, p. k, ' t.u, l?t iS'.?:zL' - - -. "." I aaavar, Ntr Y.tJ,i.,.k.t).,.M1-. ,,4M ,4 Homo, Cul., 0.- , ; at. an. Prorldaooo, WaarblBgtwS.:.:.:... V a. l-erl0Bl aboat aJT.eUag arai- '- -..---tTpw.i mw VOri l ftrtji m. r imtm M SI. belrow hM. Paaa Chicago and Milwaukee Line la the old Lake 'bore Route, ao.l la the on I, one oraaaroa. I. aaa ra,r, llioa ta.a Pa,, W.,0, R.v,,., Kr.u.aa I. Pullman Talnre Cars are ruaaa all through n-alni oftkla mad. o. i. me .... i,i ii.ii rnnnmg Ibeaeeira bo. , - -"ii' m n inuaa. AtOtaahaour 8leeperseoanvt with th. ii an Bterpere on the 1'aii.a PAt(ta. D.n....r .11 point, Wea, of Ik. Miaaoarrii ,V. s Ike air.l of the Iraioa Iroa Ik gui or rl."rl ""l '',,1l"Ii"shs d t.llforau, Oomall-ni.;: V" Jf" l"J T"1 la'am.lla, Two .l,:;cdk..rb,;,;'!'..-"k TrrJlr,?"..'!." ':?k.- "?P'r. Two . ,v, .... , vmdju t 'Me tr aiuohed and running through to,t.. '""'' u -"''wsele.. Four Tbn.ugb traii.J.II, Kor "parta and Hluona aad p.inia I. r.llaiB Slreperi to Wioona. V&r lt.BSue, rla Kreort,Tw. Through iriiai .ni,, ,, p.i, ,rr . for lluboqu. and M t'rsrw, , cn Tjr. Tkroogk Tr.1.. .ly, wilh P.M fj. alghl iraia to McOregor, Iowa. aM" t'"-' " . Tw. Tralni I... Vi ".- "'swirl Valley Ja.,11.,. far I, a he a. - r... i.i. i, .. rr.rd, m.rllug, Hon.!.., i,Dn. nn'' 2"" if0' 411 t Ollee, rto; , Sl.ia ireM Onoka OIKoo, Parabaa Street, Saa Pronclac Ofloe. HI M,,.V oaeryHlroM i Ckloago Ticket OSom, J Clai" Stwrl, tad baM Mown, awaee CoBaland Mediae, Slrwa , II l..i. mJ, fJJ '"d Kln.l. end leoal SI reel. W.ll. tHnol ku' aaraw Wrala and Keaiio i4,. Per raloa or Inforaatlo. B.l attalnaVI. tm w. . rw.oerr, T M.ow.o ,... A akari .f nitronago ta reapeetfullr lollrlud. ' ' jf' BIAUK A NORRIS. FOR AL,l7il BOOKS ,t STATIOXER P. Martfjt nu, l laif,eld, (at Ihc P0l lme.) T ?- Issva to annnuBee la the cllliroa or CleartleM d wloioiiw. th,t fro,, lb. e,l, .h . Ur. Bhoam af raadin. matter, oojiaiattng ia part of Bibles and Migaellaneous Books, Blank Aeeoanl ,ad Vm n..oka , ,,, a,. r.dPr.! T " ""'-. French fireaid no ploln, P.. . p,.oi,, ,,.," . 111. n ,;'", "" Wkita .nd Parot. Shcel Muaih for elir,,, vno, ttutc or Viol,.. 7lT.? "' " ''""f dMirrd Ibal I ai.r ao, bar, on band, will bo onlerrd by rat uaiw, ,md ...Id al wholee.1. or null I. I eualoaera. 1 w, ,b, IHI p,a llieraturo, a.cb ia Magaalao., New.pai.ore, Ao. e...r..w.M.,r..,s-,'"AV,',:'' Sao'L fhleafo H. A. KltATZEIl, (irocrnio m) KRATZER& LYTLE, oaauta ia DRY GOODS, ' NOTIONS, BOOTS, SliOKS, , LEATHER, CARPBlk OIL CLOTHSI, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHAtlRS, ITO. Market Street, tiesrSelw, Pa, Feb. tt, If-II-lf JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALIt IN FURNITURE, . . AND Improved Spring Beds, .MARKET STREET, NEAR p. o. . ' Two waderaltrited Vaga rear, to l.fhra the rtll- !Lk tr ,k:,,r,; '" "' ef Pn-iil-ars Ti "'i Cb"' d Palate Ckoabee Suite., Pari., .!,, RM,bf . 1U.,I. Oh. ra, Iradlef and Oeol.' H..J Cb.leo. Ibe Nr. fjraM DialagBad Pwtot Cblre. Caae Boatload niBOJeAr Cb.lro.CU.hM B. M ... w.. ttoa M.I Aeekl, fterekblag rmahoa. 'f MOULDIMO AHP KICTUta mMIS, awiublo for Uelteay erMWota. . "" JOHN TROUTMAN. AiewtttB, PloablBf aa gas BlloiaVel WI ."."7 hy aiporloB werklea. May t, 11. ' aa M, IMLIy. ' piiirii.','aon-M h bid fhn lwonto 6--th ti ware" aaar mmt - N