Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 01, 1876, Image 3

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C .aBBacy lajcgkli I' I .ih
Terms of Subscription,
If paid In adranoe.or within three month, ...IS 01
pid after ihMeeed Before ail snuhtb,..,,. S II
!l paid af'-.! ilu- jipiralion of at months... I 00
arMeacra. 8. l. l-anrngitt A Ca, Newe-.-'., Agnate, 17 Park Row, career
Tier. J. F.' Antiunion will prvucb
Beat Sunday la ihe M. K. Church, l Centre,
101 . m. HI. r.lo, p. m.t and la id West
CleerlleU M. (. Church, at T ,. a.
m m 1 ' 1 ''
WAHTunt 1,0(10 cortla of Hemlock
ad Rock Oak Dark, for wlilcb we "III v iba
hlghrel market prioe.
Jjlllf. A.O, KaAueu 0a.
Anotukk Ciianor. Wa nolioo ty
tba lait laeuo af the Curwenarltle fYaiee, thai Mr.
Joba II. Pettoa baa eeeomed lha duties of pea
Uaher aail hualnoea naaagvr of lhat eatehllah
ment, Uooj laab "Jack."
Mclhadlat Ivplaronal I hurrh Rev. B. t.
WTsvr.iw. i anor. Piiblia Service ovary Sebbalb laid enunly.
Sabbath School at U A. M.
Prayer a, eliag every Thureday, at t P. M.
Comii union Kervloo, Orel Sabbath af every
mouth, at III, A. M.
Went Clearllelil M. ft. I'hurthRev..
Wa. II. Kill aad J. P. Annaaaoa, Paatora
Preaching every allarnala Hundey, at I o'clock,
P. M. r-uoilay School at 1), P. M. All are In-
vlti-u lu aueua.
I'l-eab) terlau ChurrtiRor. H. R. Biivi.aa,
aabliatu aemoea morning and evening Sab
bath School at 1 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednee.
day evening.
HI. Praucia' t'Uurcb tatliollfH.v. p.
J. Shbbi dan. Preaching at 10, o'clock, A. M.,oa
lac oral, laird and lourlh Surulaveof each maath
Veepere and llenediolioo of lha lllraaad Sacrament
at T o'clock, P. M. feunday School every Sunday
aiiernouo ataoeloon.
teeing Imposed vpofl, lorilUnU have put a itp
stamp 1b every plug of their tnbaeee. Take lull
unless m stamped. I.ylle la sole agent ft t'lear-
Be ood Monday of January. .
T'j rd Monday ef March, rtK '
Fuat Mod ilk y f Juq.
Kuurth Mondftj of Septonbcr.
Tim or 01,111 m coir mom
Pint Moodftj of Job.
Hoiad Hvndoj of ioriuttr.
ruiLio orncRRi.
Pmidemt Jidf Hoi.' ChftrlM A. Major, of1
Anittant Lw Anrfg Hon. Joho H. On la, of
Attoeintt JuttyVim 0. Foley, Clftrfloldf
Juno J. ttaftd, Uurwemrlllt.
t'rotkomotary Eli I) loo in.
Htgitttr and Rttxtrdirh. J. Mortal.
tHttriet A)tomif Kmnk Fielding.
Trtaaurtr- Dovid McOftiigbty.
SKtriff William R. Uel'herton.
tttnrjr Surtryor Piinuel f. MeCluakrj, Cur
Count Commiiittyntrt Clark Brown, Cloar
11 eld ( Thomai A. Mcttoo, Ch-at P. 0.; Ilairie
Hoorer, CUarffeld.
Count g a4irfttort Chrltt. '3., Glen
Hop ; tiamaal A. Caldwell, Willlaaiirovf j Jobs
0. Conner, 11 urn id t.
Count g (hrvmr4. B. Nef Ntw WaalitngtoB.
Jury Commiiiomtr John W. Hhugart, Janea, OJearOcd. n
A'irti(i.fie-l o PtaWte Sckoott John A.
Qrcj-ory, OurweDarille.
A'oiariu Public John W. Wrigley, Win. Ha
debauglS, Cjrrui L. Oortlos, Clearfitld; Joa. K.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Carweoaville ; J. J. Lingle,
Oaceola MilU.
Our Spttial column la decidedly InUrtiting la
ft loeal point el view, and proniabie reading to
ouUldera oho wBt to tare uucry.
Toduy (WodnoHtlay) ir "All Suint'8
Hay." - - - - -
Tlio train aunU on the PenuHyJva
nla Hatlroad will bo rctaored oa, orahortly after
the 11 of November.
nmwmmmmmmmemm mwm m naa- -.-
J'iriDtiiLT riKU'ra, i ho l.viiunon
Courier eayi tbot Judge Ilcndcrtx n, at lale tea
aloa of tha Qaarter Beaaloaa of ibaleouety.liiurd
an order forbidd lug (ho admlailea o( boya Into
the court room during Hie trial of eaara. JIe baa
od the order upoa the deaoralltlog effufta of tbi
aamtfoa of crime upon tba young.
The Cloarfleld County Bundat -Srhoul A Mula
tto will bold It annual nln in ClrerAi-ld, on
Tuetriay and Wedneadar, Nov. flat and Md, l7.
Wtt. Uo. A. J'elti, of 1'biUdflhibia, trno of the
editor Of Tkt Sunday School fiMfa, will be prra
eni to oonauet too terTWot. . i:
Uko. W. Riikbv, Prealdnnt.
Vexatkh b. Tbo imimTOUH UohiyH
rootntly, ftooi thirty ninatea to na hour and
half, Id tbo arrival of Iralna from the Haat, on the
Tyreoo A Clt-arflId Railroad, la enough to render
blihop profane. Rut thta, it la the winding up
of the Cootenalal, and we or rendered happy
therefore, notwithstanding the preeeut laeonven
leaoe j for we ehall not be annoyed la that way
during the neat CeBtanolel arreogeeaeaL
Elizabeth Al. i'lympton has boon tip
pointed pott nitref of the Keat Delator port
udioo, Clearleld oeunty. - i i ,t ,
Wo Icarn that Air. Goorgo Cartor
killed a book oti the noun tain laat Monday,
which weighed 10 1 ponnd.
Hoy. ThomuB Thompson has been
fnautled pattof of tbo Preabytarlao oho rob at
l'hillipiburg, Centre county. Pa.
Lorillimlr' ccUtbratod brands of Na
ry Tobacco, "UeGanco" end Our Cbolet," at
Lytle'a, Kiln agent for Cloarfleld county.
m -
I'timtikin p!o parties are all tbo rao
lo mia; New Engliiod towna. Raob gneat brlnga
a pie, and the hot aupptlea the doctor.
Several corrections iiavu boon uiado
in the adrertieaiacnt of tbo Orphana' Court Halo
of the eatate of J. Mitel K ratter, deoeaaed, which
will be found In thta Ucue.
Cancelled. Chairman Test ruquaata
hi to atmoanoo that toe jftnoermtie meettog ed
vertiad and billed to oons off at Oaoeola oo tbo
nth, htu loen indrfinltely poitponed.
Tbo Proribyteriai.s ot Hullcfonto
have elected Rer. Mr. Laurie, ot Watkiaa, Now
York, patter of tooirArch, at a eatary of $3,tM
por yoor, in plaae of Mr. Wylie, who reilgned
aotno toontlia ainco. ? : j
A HuQE Pink. A J.utborshtirxcor
voipondent inform uatbat a pint tree waa recently
out on tbo farm of George W, Horn, In Brady
townahip, whloh meaaurod thirty-aix inehea at
the butt, and from whloh all tlx tee a -foot aaw-logs
were cot, Tbo lnt log iueanrcd lirteeo Inchea
at the top-end. What became of the balance of
Ae tree our eorreapondent doei notatato. The
piae treea In Brady twp. are like tbo Democratic
mnjorlliee givon out there very large.
Another Chanoe. Wo have before
ua No. 4, VoL 1, Of tht Cam)iy World, pub
llibed at Oicoola, tbia oounty, b) J. B. McFad
1to. Tbia la tbo flrit nooiber we have aeeo, al.
though the number and volume would teem to
Indioato that It baa been In rsieteaee for aouio
time. The paper la without an rditor on the
New York Utrald plan, we preauuie but wo
notice the aamo long ear flappinga that uacd to
embelliih the eolutnm of the Indmttriot World, ot
the aaue place. However, It puaaratoa one excel
lent qaallty It ia for Tilden and Hendrlcka all
over. ThU li a decided improvement oa the
parent ooncern, and If It only hold out on that
two weeks longer, It will have answered a
good purpose, notwiilMeudlug its precarious ex
Istenoo and numerous ebangea to avoid the Con
tingency of expensive litigation.
The Demoorate of Morris township held a
Mass Meeting at Morriidale Mines on Wednesday
evening, the 2ith of October, which proved to be
tbo largest and molt enthuiiaotie meeting over
held In that part of the eouoty. A delegation of
over one hundred arrived in a special train
from Pfailip'borg, end more tbaa that number
eatno from Kylertown, all bearing torobes. The
toroh-liglit procession after they met was grand
la tbe extreme.
Mr. E mixta, the President of the Tilden and
Hendricks Club, and a veteran In the oause, by a
few well-timed remarks, called the mooting to
order. On his motion John W Holt was unani
mously elected President. 0. Hchoonovcr, J. W.
Hollenback, D. W. Holt, R. K. Munson an I.
Hbimmol, Vice-Presidents, and D. H. Waring,
Secretary. Tbo assembly was ad (ire seed by U.
R. Barrett and Irael Test, E"i., alter which the
meeting resolved to increase the maiorllv for Til
den and Hendricks lo old Democrat io Morris,
and tbe people retired to their homes feeling the
belter for having mot togelhor In So good a cause.
j t ( (i M 4, u. HILL. , i , ,
TtA Lift est (la 0m Won. .
We've s ml My werk In bend " ' '
Tbvre's at t bit of donU f (1 :
To e'.fanse the AutaB sublet,
Ami turn tbe robber uuti '
W're muling for the utifot
To set car Nattun viglil t '
tu hurl ibis buidu froin U
And tuuhe our taxes light.
Of .jaua-Tr,rn rally niond the Hag, boy a,
lu rpilo of wind aud ilurai j
A;e, rnliy 'round the fltg, b'tys,
. " . Foe tildra and Rjhirm. , .,
With TiMt-n lor our lender
Mo all the pvoile any.
We'll teaub the lledi a lesion
They needed long ago,
' --l Jirif t0"'"r'tft" b"vllg
Clio m Then rally 'rrund the flag, boys,
in spite ot wma ana storm (
Y, rollv roubd tbe flng, boys,
For Tilden end Hoform.
Them's not a man amongst us
liot well remomburs now,
The prouiUei they us,
And ehnchrd tuetn with a tuw.
If we'd only vote for II rent
We'd sre I ho hnppy deys
And now Dioy iay the samv thing,
If we will tote lor llayea.
CtluHKg Hut we'll rally 'round tbe polta,
In spite of wind end storm,
And vole io solid column
For 'J'lldua and Reform.
Their little game of euobre
f They're playing on a I't-w
, They call it IMer Cooper,
And think Its sumolbing new.
But thvy mottly see the eat
Hefuru it's out lbs bug i
Aad thvy quickly understand
It's just a gsino of btag.
Cnoaua Then rally 'round the flag, boya,
la spite of wind and atom
, ' Yes, rally with a veogeaooe
For lildcn and Reform,
0, rally for your oouatry
The homes you love so well
Aod send tbe tyrant roiling
Tu where, 1 dara nut tell.
We'll make oppressors tremble
And hide their face in shame,
Fur the crimes they've couitnittvd
lu sacred Freedom's nuine.
Cdomi a Thun rally to tbo polls, boys (
Vee, rliy onoa again
Wiih Tilden for your leader
Aud quit yourselves like men.
CuuariaLn, Pa Oct. Slit, IN 70.
ON and after Monday, APRIL IT, 1H7A, the
I'aaaangar Trains will run daily (except .Sun
days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows :
W. 0. InwiH, Conductor.
2jw g,dwrtUrmrMf.-
LBAVI NOUTII., p. a. Tyrooa fl.a,.ll.
UI.riold.......iU. " , Cljla.. i ll, '
"H'i.Vi1-"'! . " Pkllltburf...lO.II1
Ilia larpMlora, ohoaa dat, II aball ba to baa la
aualidy Iba reRialry of aolara, and to oiaka lha
antrlaa tbanla n-qulrad by law, and It aball bo
tba daly uf iba mbar of tba aald laiiMotora lo
raalva and oaiubur Iba ballota praauatad al aaid
Hue V. All alnllona by Iba aball bo by
ballon .vary ballnl rotad aliall ba nuinbarad la
lha trdrr la ahich II aball lu malved, and Iba
nunibvr rai-nrdi-d by thei'h'rke un tbo liatof rolara
oppoalla Hie uanio of lha alvalur frona huni ra-
ani.vil. Ana any fui. iwa or more Uk-
' $fiv (Jdt'rrtismruts. 1
gent and HiUttUautouj S&vttilsmtrti.
at least two JbJgajo shall lit to oempute and eer-
tlfy rt r lis, aolesa unavoidably prevonlod. If
any of tbe said Judge shall himself bo n osadU
data for any office at any elect I on he shall aot ilt
with the court or aot In counting tbe returns or
sub olection, and in such ease the other Judges,
If any, shall sx-t, and If In any oounty there shall
be no Jtdge quallled to hold the said oourl under
the provliione of this act present aod able to act,
limn and in every each ease, thn register uf wills,
the sheriff and oounty ooesmif ii nert of tLe nrober
munty ehiB.ll tie and onnstttuto a Hoard, win, or a
ets, i no vera i iiri oij ,lu oaeb b i majority of whom shall have and onreiee all tbo
numoeriii who im .rrrp1M)Otng mta ' fn rs, kanV perf.rm all tae dutin votted Inorwi
the number tu tbe nwo or tk voter. Any else, i quired lo bo performed by the eourt of . '-iiimoB
lor may arlle hi nnuie npoa bis ticket or eauso oUa of sueh ataiaav. h aa un.l. ..
-ianiiJeadattyi V this seoitosi t ait hk M l he said o hoars
The Main Buildings
WaKaHANXI'I W.N. IIiU.iy, Uu, ,U rV. fih llml U 'MiHIIi.bk. f V. ilZZ t4 Htil tl
WANAHAKha a Wft.H,.ii)- (a Ir., W t.i.j.iimk.T i War.-I.MK- '9l9t ft
ntNAiiKui wauKii'iiiKiai aliUaaii, n
WANiMAHKae Wbi.mtM,p.IJ,Hr l;n,
M re'iAiii'tki-r WrtrclmiUMW laoat Mat dm mi
WastailaVs.B-a W4NUII Ka a-nr O A M W.uiai.iakI wIS
ntiiMmjth'r,i Wbviat,
WanaMaku i WkiHni:i.u. H a
I llSff
pijfrtlanrcul. '
Clearfield Nursery. :
11IIK andariliroad, bating aatabllahad a rtar
aory on lha Plka, about half "ay balwaal
Clrarllild aod rorwanarllla, la praparad to for
aib all kliida of Hil l T TUIiK-S, (aiaadard aad ,
daarf.) KvarirrarBi, Mhrnbliary, Urapa Vlnaa, l
M,,.nlrry, l.nwlon lllarhbrry, Sirawb.rry,
anJ Haapbairy Vlnaa. An. Kiliarlan Crab Trnaa,
guiaae, and aarly ararlat Klioliarb, 0. Ordaf,
proinitlly allandd lo., '
aapM-U-t Curwaoarllla, Pa.
trviilTil" i ll-avl mikiir" aball baaa votad, ualoaa rvonirad to du aa ai all. . Ia all -twa. hareaflar Iba aartllaaU W....,.;. w...,.., ,,., S ! ";t" I !. AM. Blaral e. T- 1 tv TJ:i, -
JtL2TS: LJf.llL,!J!!)M!L ... i. a iudi,.i pwoaj,,,,, Au iaif,h la. , Manl,uU. ,h. u S;:;:::::::J:i;:::':rTf,;'i"'Mt l" !l5aS. s,u'vo Lining and IureBnok,
WflrTlli ,'t.,,.,. . Tola., yd .mataabrareM baM ! wWa. tba fact. .,,. Ittw, Ind . WaSJKJSaSaraKSriS?.. ftSa . t t , t . ,
t'-. ! .'"'" llyloapaolortbuabyajoalloaaflbapaaoaoral. by Ih. oalh af aob' paraoa, ar othar avlj.ooa. , waEii..i-.. J.,u, ,!,:. u. wZ."Zi"l'Vt,,ZZ " M aw 0 IRT DRSCRIPTIONI ,1
t , u ,, - ah.ll ba aaoro by Iba juil. Ccrlinoalaa of aacb paid. W..khii'. w.numi .i.;. ni,.,, ? . ,. S-J ICk -la 8 IfTSZI ajarl a CROCKS! POTS CROCK8I I
ElP- " "P- awaarin, or allrainl aball ba duly ami. out and lil,. i. rurll,., . t . W...l..w..l avt- . S- ."SSSk ia tS HhJT Zt 1iaUl.JJ.OI
A- alanad l.v Iba ollii 'ra ao a.o.n. inj 17i..Zl I,. ,"" Unuer hereby (Wan, That '"" """ " ' rt K S L.J 1
J.J6 OJhi.r.Tyroii. 1.0. '5.1 'llJJlTl .'t' SSHSSSS V$-TX SSSi TtTJ.'Z " j
, Specials.
No. lllta and Uounali, at Flack A Co'a.
8. SO
' Mllaaburg
10.00 11.11 arrlra L. llavoa
4 47
4 3U
4 11
laaia 1.10
10 114
0a and after Moaday, APRIL lllh. 18;, Ao-
eoaiinuaaiiuB iralna win rua ovar lha I'hlhpa
bur, aad Moabanooa braaebas, aa follow, i
I ISO f:44
1:41 10:05 7:6
1:111 10:18 :
1:19 10:34 8:13
131 K IS :IH
3:28 IMa H:'JJ
10:44 1:38
A. a. r. a. p,
Till U :ll
I:0 13:1.1 4:36
13:11 4:11
12:04 4:39
11:11 4:11
11:41 4:00
ll:.1S I:i3
11:37 :47
11:34 1:44
11:30 1:40
Trlaimad Aala, al Flack A Ca.'f, fur II.
Bcr Wiirxn. A boy about 11 or 11 yean of
age lo barn tba naklng bu.lnera. Apply lo Joo.
Heiller, at lha bakery on Market atrcet, Clcar-
Oi-ld ruun a.
November 1, 1878 tf.
(lo and aaa Fleck il Co. a Tiltnioed Hala
one dollar, before purebaaiug elaoabcra.
Our Iriend John W. Tnto, Kq., of
Lawraaoa lowoabip, plaocd the priotar, af oar
office under dblireliMe lo bhn, for the preteet ot
a keg or aweet oder aod a baabat of apple,. Mr.
Tale la t Tery rdtceiifnl fkraaar, tad wa wlah bira
a long life with leoly ef tha good thlagi af tbia
worm. . - '
Tlieflo crisp, frosty mornings, just
aa me bub aoaaea peeping over tbe aula, are glo-
riuua. The air ia para aad rarited, aad a briak
raorniai walk aiora appetieiag tbaa all tbe toatea
raanufaetared, tiel wp aad try It, ye dyapeptlce
and hypoehuadrlae,.
Tonight (Tuesday) is, in tbo par
Ibbcb of jouag' Araariaa, "Holly KraI it biog
the laat night of tba month. Tbare ia not aaS
oleBt cabbage Id tbe eoaatry, bowcrer, to nake
the aecaaloa aa iatateaUag aaa, and It will likely
paai anobeerrod, ar alaioat a.
ilow can s workingman honestly
giro bi, fopport to toe nepaoncea party r it.
oaodldite, aad Itl policy are lo deadly oppoai-
lion to the iotererta of Iba laboring aleeae,, ta all
of which the present clagBated ooaditloa of the
induatrlal lotereata of the eaaatry taatify.
a' aa
Tlio potato crop must have teen
alrooat a failure in tbia rrgioa, aa tbey are a vary
fcaroe article I. oar aaarket, Tbe proapeet It
tbat aaed potatoea will be very eearea aad aora
mand aouiBally high atloaa Beat apriag. Var
mere aboald leak out lot tbia, aad beep eaoagb
for their rpring planting.
- . . .
J!eab and Ktudt Jt. Klection ofH-
oera and aolara will leera aoasetblng daeldedly
to their adraotage, If they will paruae aad atudy
Sheriff McPberaoo'l electioB proclamation,. It
ombraoee all the la. neoeaaery for otlberte kaew.
All who wiab la be poeted aa eleattos day, will
ofcourae read Hand kbfp.eopyof the Rami
tlrav lo their poeket for refereoea.
Mm. M. Henderson, of Burnside,
write, to the Indians ilnumgtr follow, i " la
reading laat .aek'e peper, I setlead as aoooaat
of s large paaipkis, raieeel la Canoe tawaablp.
VTe oaa beat that. I ratted s pampbla la my
garden that weighed 97, poaada. Three ethera
on tba anno rlae weighed reepeeliyoly 18, 44 aad
Si paaede. wha will kBoek down Ibla paral
bod 7"
List of letters remaining unclaimed
la tbe PoeteOee a Maarele), lor tbe weak ending
Ottobir 3, 1171 1 1 . li ,1 , a
Prink, II. 0. fbulla, Mia, Maggie
Pi. her, Htlaa I Trade, Mr,. Elite
MeUoae, Peat , Weaver, lmaaael
Pryor, Liable.,! ' I . Wllliama, Uearga -Hay,
Miaa Kile 1 Yolbera, Jeaepb
DYd.r, Aadre.
P. A.OiULi., P. at.
a aw
Thanksoivino Day. According to
the aoaaal euatoaB, tbe Pmideal of tb. tailed
Blataa ree JKmeade tbepevple Ibereta le ebeerve
and "dtrele tbe 0th day af November Ball le
Ibe tiproaaloa ef their Ibank, and prayer, ta Al
mighty UoJ, aad layiag aelde their delly avaea
tioaa and all eecalar aeeapatloaa, to aeaembta la
their rprpeollre plaeee of werablp, aad obearve
uoh at a day af tbeok'giviog and rait."
Ix Another Field. W learn that
. Waa. M. BwvehteM, for a Bambar al yean
bailor af ibe Presbytarlaa Cbarek al Aaaemvllle,
and mora reccally at Carwoaevule, kaa beea ealloe
lo praalde ever the Preebyleriaa eoagregalloB at
UaUeia, Ibla coaaty, where bla maay frleada aad
acoeaiBlaaaei is tbia aaatlaa af the eeuaty aaa
addrrat bla, laetaael af at Csrweaavllla. Mr.
Berebleld la oae af tboaaqalet asd aaoeteatalleae
aoikar, it the f oeped ltd, as eaaaMially aeeae
Hi; to a aatciaBlal 'mlaujlr, asel we bare (a
doabl but tbat ba will aeoe gather a aamaraaa
fold aroaad blm tt Me r laid, blah H a aery
laige aaa.
Itiyiiolilnvillo is bwoming noted ol
leie lor ha aaaaaroae Arva, Oa Tberaday algbt,
ravitlh all., tba St. Charlee Hotel, eaeapiad by
anpaeab Schowaa, fermevly at Brady lowaabip,
tbia Oeenty, waa ee tally aMraeeaaae). Taa ire ta
aappoaeel ta baveol,laatad frem s defretlva dee.
tbe bol.l balldbif waa ewaed jeiatly by Mr.
'ehaam aad Mr. CaanaL Bat aaaaaU laaaraaea
pf ll.vH .aa ea lb, (arallaie and beaee, wbieb
Mr. iehwem bad eaat( Mr. Peered! lalafeet
' pet laaareel. Total Joa) oa ballfag aaa
(fti.lure, about ll,il'- Tbe Rayaeldirlile star.
aM Helve that tbia eaahee Iblrty-foer balldlagl
thai have bees dertroyed by Ire e. Mala attaet,
le that tows, derleg tba paat I wo ware.
Clearkield Coal Trade. Stuto
meat of Coal and other freight, aent over tbe
Tyrone A Cleartold Oivialon, Peanaylvanla Rail
road, for tba week ending Oct. II, 1870, and
tbe Baiae time laat yrar :
coal. '
For the week. .
Heme time laat year .,
' Dee reave
Previooaly daring year
Same time laat year ...........,......
. t . i I ' .
Total la 1878
Baae time laat yter
Intreeae H
otbbb raaiaara.
Miaeellaaeoaa freight,
... 13,777
... 10,181
.. 4,311
... 020,741
... 7il,io
.1 JI8,l:,3
... 088,118
ttt 78 cera.
... 7(1
Wonderful Storm. Tho Groons-
barg (Pa.) tVaiea, of the 36th alt., eeya I "A
heavy ball otorra paaeed aver tbia plaae oa 8ub.
day eveolBg, doing mach damage. JIuudreda of
paaea ef glaae were brokea, ebaobeaa were hnocked
from their rooala on tree,, ale., dead lo the ground,
oata were hilled, cattle ,u&ered nverely, and
treea were completely etrlpped of tbelr leavea.
Pereon, with toama, who happened to be caught
!b tbe atcrm, found themaelvea bually engaged lo
preveet Ibe moat gaotle of boraea from breakiag
aad raaBiog away. Jaa Cowea, ef the Uoion
Depoalt Bank, af Ibla plaae, BBd Mra. O. TlBet
maa, weretbrowa from a buggy, aoutn of town,
by tbe boraea taking fright, and speeding the
vehicle. Tba boraea raa away aad maabed the
bugt7 Th aeeapeeu were but cllghlly barl,
end were eompalled to Nek ahelter from tbe pitl
lee, alorm. Several accident, eceurred, but none
of a very eerteee aalure here reached Ba. Tbe
atalaed window, la tb, M. I. Ckarek, feeing .eat.
ward,wereinjaredtotbceiteBtof$60. Glaae wal
broken la almott every bailding ia tbe borough
end vicinity. Tbe largoetof the ball-atuoaa ware
Tbouaanda lead miserebla Uvea, Buffering from
dyai'el'Bia, a diaorderad atomaah aod llror. aro.
tbe ,1a, of a walnut, end loll with oooaldorable ! "'""I oiiioa.neaa, aeannurB, coativeneaa, waak-
urn, ,rKu,a, ,,v,,v, lu. .i IWUU
auer eating, aoa oiioo eauing ib raiat auacaa ol
Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen.
WANTED by Arnold. at Curvvciievllle,
10,000 pounds pork.
1,0110 bushels wheat.
1,000 bushels rye. .
1,000 bushels onts.
1,000 bushels shelled corn.
1,000 bushels potatoes.
HM(.IHH) ilfl-luell uavMl aliiiiKlea.
Iimi.ihmi V4lnrh eawed alilnt;lea.
IIHI.IHNI lent pino boarda.
o.titltl railroad Ilea.
A,iMIO corda oak aud homlork bark.
For which one-third cash will
be paid. .1 1 oct.25.
Ureal barcaina in Hale aa.1 Bonneta. at Fksok
A Co'a. oc'.l I If.
IUib WoRK.-Ladlea, if you will read tbe fol
wing card, yon will nod that there i, ao truth.
whatever, la tha report, tbat unprincipled par
tie, are circulating about my ilair Work. I
would al.o warn ladlea againat giving work to
man claiming to ba my egevitt, aa I employ no
agent, whatever. 'Ihia card, kindly given me,
will convince you i
. Ciiinniti.0, Pa., Oct., 18, 1878.
VTe, Ike nnderaigned, do cheerfully agree in
recomtnendlfg to the public Mra. 8. J. Brown aa
a praotioal liair Drearer, llavinghad work doae
by her, we can ray that the dooa only flrat-olaaa
work. Mm. O. B. Qoodlabber,
'. i. W.M. Diu,
" L. T. Roea,
- S. J. How,
Mia, Mama Hoax,
1 T. A. Pt.i A Co.
Rr-eideneo on Market atrcet, coat of Allegheny
Hotel, Clearteld, Pa. octIS, '78 Sta
BcootRa Fob Ralk. R. Newton Shaw keepa a
fnM aupply of Fredonia lluggiea and Platform
Wagon, for Bale. Ta be eaeo at the Sbaw Hoaaa
yard. Call on or adiireae blm at Clearflcld Penn
aylvanla. may 18-lf.
: . ' T! !" ' "I"! 1 ' :J::. '' I
llela and Bonneta, at Flask A Co',, cheaper
tbaa any other plaoe in town. oatll'tf.
Hate and Bonneta trimmed la ityle, at Fleck
A Co'a. octll-tf.
There la no medicine preeerlbed by pbyvlclana
or aold by druggiata, tbatcarriea auob evldeaaeof
ita auoecit.anu superior virtue aa lloarnRa a uaa
aaa Sratir for eevere Congha, Colde aetlled on
tbe Breaat, Conaumptton, or any diaoaae of Ibe
Throat and Lunge. A proof of that fact la that
any pertow atHiotad, can get a Sample Bottle for
IV cenla and try Ita auperler effect before buying
the regular eite at 71 cent,. It haa lately been
introdueed in tbia country from Germany, and iu
wonderful eurea are; aatonl.hing every one that
uaa it. Three doaea will relieve any oaae, Try
It. Sold by C. II. WalaoB, Druggial, Clearteld,
fa. eprj, tl,eowly
Cloae conneotlona made by all tralaa at Tyroao
and Lock Uaven.
B. 8. BLAIR,
myl7-tf. Superintendent.
Allrghrny Valley Railroad.
ON and after Monday, June loth, 1878,
tbe paaaonger traina will ruu daily (except
8unduy) between Red Bank and Driftwood, aa
fullowe t
EARTWAHI). Day Mail leavea Pltlaburg
8:311 a. m. Red Bank 11:41; Sligo Junetloo 12 00 !
Now Bethlehem 13:60 p. m. Mayavllia 1:111)
Troy 1:37 I llrookvll e 1:60 ; Fuller'a 1.11 ) Rey
aoldaville 1:81 I DuBola 8:01 I Summit Tunnel
8:23 Penfield 8:40 Woodrille 4:00 1 Benetette
4:38 arrlvee at Driftwood at 1:18.
V WTW A ft !. Hay Mall leavea Driftwood
13:31 p.m.: HrneaelU 1:10; Wecdrllle 1:28;
Pentleld 1:01; Summit Tunnel 3:37 1 DuBola 3 40:
Reynolilevllle 8:11 ; Fuller'a8:38 ; Brook ville S:6n;
Troy 4:11 1 Maya. ilia 4:30 i New Bethlehem 4:63
Sligo Junction 1:24 ; Hcd Bank 1:47 arrival at
Put. burg at 7:80 p. m.
Tbe Reynoldaville AeeoBiaiodalioa learee
Keyuoiuavllle dally at o:co a. m. and arrlvea at
Red Bank at 8:11 a. m. Learee Had Bank at
7:31 p. m.j arrlvee at Reynuldevillo at 10:30 p. m.
Cleaa enaaectloae made with traina on P. A B.
Railroad at Dritteood, and with traina on tbe
Allrgheey Valley Railroad at Red Bank.
DAVID McCARtlO, Uen'i Sup't.
A A. jAcaaoa, Sup't L. O. Dlv.
Hats aad Bonnets i
Co'a. '
i4ule to order, at Flock k
Fleck Co. are selling Iaadtos Trlmmcl Hats
at .M.uu. .
force. Tho atoaca were very bard, clear lea.
BrvDixra. Wt learn from tho Clinton Domoorat
tbat tbelr llonora, Judges Mayor and Orrla, have
promulgated a now oat of rulee fur tbo protovtio a
of tbo Bar of this District, which will operate tv
keep out uneducated parties and Ivasoo tho num
ber of shysters tbat disgrace tho profession.
They provide for a Board of Biaminors In each
ooonty, oompoivd of (Ira mambtra of tta Bar.
Every attorney baring a student, must register
with the Prutfaonotary the name, age and resi
dence of said student, and hia "time" will com
mence from data of such registry. 11 must terra
three years as a atndaot or clerk, an lees be stud
ied In a law school af good repute, whoa ana year
la tha office of a practising attoraey will do; and
If ba bo of fail age at Urn af oommenaiog, two
years will suttee, Befora ba can become a stu
dent ha Butt pans examination "in all tha braa
obeaofa thorough English education and tbe el-
emrata of the Lalia language, aod a aatlsfaotory
ex am laat ion at tba aad of his term." Additional
protection la also made againat tba looao lntrir
duetloa af attorney! from other aooinlee Into tbia
district. They mast glva satisfactory evidence of
Moral character aod profession! qualifications,
and bring; a eertilcnia from tba President Judge
of tbat district tbat ha Is a practicing attorney
Tbo Board of Bxaailneri art aa follows t Foi
Olialoa ooaaty, 0. 0. I'urat, Win. Parsons, 0. 8
MeCormlek, Charles Coras, B. P. MeOarmlfk.
For Centra Ooaaty, Ado Hey, 1). tf. Keller, J.
A. Beaver, 0. T. Alexander, D. t. Fortaey. For
Cloarlelw eoeaty, 0. B. Barrett, T. U. Murray,
J. B. MoXaaRr, i. L. Kroba, Framh Fielding,
fever. Thet know thbc abb eirx, yet tliey get
little sympathy. Tbe unfailing remedy, which is
yoariy restoring tnoa-aniia, ts lai;osta s nadieal
Care, sold by C.' 1. WaUon. and llxiUwtek A
Irtio, Uiugfists, ClearSeld, Pa.
A 2.ic ootlle will eonvtnoo yon of Its merits.
Don't delav another hour after reeding: this, but
go and get a bottle,aad your relief ia aa certain to
you lire. Will you do It, or will you (ttullnuea
S'jiier r An ins, loryourspiii
? Pror. I'arkor's Pleasant Worm Fyrr-p Is psr
feet l.v safe, oitremely palatabla, No phyaio ro
?uircd. Cofti '4b cents, i Try it, i'or sale by C.
i. Watson and HarUnick A Irwin, Clearfield, t'a.
'tnob Z2nowly. , '
If you wanta good Hat or Unno go to Vltok
A Co'a, u ., . actll tf.
For good Hat and Ilonaeta, go to Pleek A Co'a,
Dimociatio Meeti-ios. Tho turn
ont at oar meetings tbrougbont tbo eoenty la a
trno ladex af tha aval that the people have for
Tltdaa aad Baforaa.
Tbo flblleb mettlog, la Bradford lownabfp, on
tba litis all., waa tha largest aver bald in that
tow ash t p. ThorpeaaorswofwMassmMeCallongb,
Wtw. B. Wallace aad Kerr, at per programme.
Tba Glen Bopo meeting, an tbo avealag af tha
IT lb, was a aaooeas In every way, and tba Demo
crats af Beooarla tawaeblf promiM ta Iworeaso
Iboir rata fcargel. Tbey are alt at wort fvr Til
den and Reform. Messrs. Boyer, Walters and
Well see worn tba speakers.
Taa Democrats la Jordan aad Knox townahlpai
bad a grand rally ai 5c Millport an tba after
boob of tba Iath, and at Aa son ville (a tha area
lag. Measn. Teet, Bartwtt, Boyar, awd Kert, ad
dreesed tba farmer, aad Meeers. Tost, Wallers, awl
Wal bee . tba latter. Tha reformers la (bete two
distrlata will givn Ibtaawmlaa af liberty a heavy
blow as. oloeUea day.
Another action; at hrl4 last Selorday ea-
lag, at Fcnlcld, la Uaalov towaklp, and tas
addreaard by Mssrs. 'ml4-g, Uumpbro and
Book. The Demoerata af Boston township are
vary act Ire and nil recder ft od gceout text
Taeoday. Uastoa will probably glra at the
krgest iaaraaaa wa tbo Demoerevtia aidf af aay
41 strict ) tbe ami. Oir Mer ra Wort ley
tia naarrrr.
Al a as fteapelled io go lo preas Tuesday ,
aftemaan. wa arw. af cow roe. ihUs la adra aari
readers aay aaoaaat af aar groat Ooaaty Jabllaa H"if
aon saaao meeaiBg, em wo win onaeever w gi trytTl1ls.u
ft tyaepsU Mit weak. ' HARRlHBCRtl
A line assortment of LAIUKS' CLOAKS
Just received.
New I1AT8 for Ladles and Children just
fM inrfl. ' dew. W, HTft-tf.
On Banday, Oct. I.I, 1878, by Win. Bard, Rq.,
Mr, Alonao Owena and Mia. Kama Moore, all of
Clrerleld Bounty, Pa.
Oe Tharaday, Ort. 19th, 1878, by Wm. Bard,
R.o., .r. Betlar aad Mra. Eliia Brown,
both ef CBraenarille, Pa. . 1( t
At the reeidenoe of Lewla MeOraakee, aa Bee.
dy, Oct. 2.'J, 1878, by Straw, K.q., k"i'
Srtb C. MeCraeaen and Mi.a Dianlha Michael,,
all of Fergueoa toweakip.
At the retldrnoe of the brlde'a father, In Clear
irld, en Tberedev, Uctobar 2atb, 1878, by Rev.
H S. BnUer, air. Frank I. Heed aad Miee
Beekle W.,elde,t daughter of Archibald 11. Sbaw,
Rao,., all of Clearerld, Pa.
Tbe printer, return Ihanka fvr a aupply of
dellaiaua eake aeol Ibem, end alab the happy
eneple a long and preaperoua life. -( ,
Al tbe raaidaneeef Ibebride'a mother, oa Thara
day, Oct. Ifllh, 1878, by Rev. Wm. M BarehSeld,
Mr. A. II. Irila ead MIh Jeanle I. Llvingatou,
all af Carweaavilla, Pa.
Al the reeldeBee af Tbomaa A. Mcdbea, En
ea Tberaday, Oct. 38th, l?l, by Rev. W. eL
Norcroas, Mr. Wm. P. Mehefey and lliue Beaaa
nah H. McUhee, all of Bell townahip,
Al Ibe aame lime and place, by the lame, Mr,
Frederick Brchtel end Mi,a Mary R. Roberta, ell
af Ulea Dale, Hue,
la tba Friend. Church at (Iraiaplaa Hllla, In
Pcna towa.hip, by Frienda earemoay, ea There -day,
Oat. Itth, 1878, Mr. Wm. S. Foa, af Short
Creek, llarrlaon county, Ohio, end Mlaa Rather
J. Moire, af nramplaa Hllla, Clearleld eeaaly,
Pa. t "
Oa Monday, Oe'ober t, H7A, af typhoid fsvet,
Jamea J. Smith, of Lawreaoo towashlp, aged M
yrars aad ID months.
Bollefoatea, Pa.,
Uek Havoa...
Igdoa aaee.
.43 5
Marietta I 6
Uweaxtet I U
Altoona M,M 1
Jnhastowa.H..My. S tf
mTHBino. ...... 1 1
WHEREAK. by an Act of tbo General As
sembly of tbo Commonwealth of Penr'ylvaoin
entitled "An Aot to regulate tho General Klection
within this Commonwealth," It la enjoined upon
the .Sheriffs of the several counties to give public
notice of curb election, tha places where to be
held, aod tho officers to ba elected,
THBRaroBB, I, W. K088 McPUKHKON, High
Sheriff of Clearfield eouoty, do hereby give Pub
lic Noll oo to tbe electors of the county of Cloar
fleld, that n general election will ba held on
ranann (being tha fth day of the month), at tbo
several election districts in aaid county, at which
time and place the qualified voters will vote 1
ror twenty -a ine electors tor rrwueni and vtoa j
President i
For one person to represent tba eoaatlei of Clear-
neta, centre, inn ion, cia, xtniiin ana union,
(being tho XXth Di Uriel) In tho Congress of
tbo lei ted Stales.
For one person to represent tho counties of
ivioarncm, centre ana viutinw, (tno aaai via
Dutricl) In tba HanaU of this Commonwealth.
For one person for Assembly, ta represent tba
oonnty ol jiearneia, in tno House ot llsprooeut-
ativea ol in is uommonweaitn.
For one person for tho offioe ef SherilT of Clear.
field oonnty for taree yare.
For two persona to serve in tbe capacity of Assool
ato af odrea of UlearD'ild oonntv for nre roars.
For one person to serve aa District Attorney of
Clearfield oonntr for iSroo rears.
For ona person to serve 04 Jury Commissioner of eooBiy tor inrao ct.o.
The electors of tho county of Clearfield will take
notion that the raid olection will ba held at tbe
foi low tp r wlaces. vis t
urn side norougu at too puoito acnooi aousa in
aatQ borougn,
Clearfield borouxh, ot tho Court House.
Curwensvillo borough, tt tba house of tho lata
Isaac li loom.
lloutsdalo borough, at the public house of Wm,
Parker, la said borough.
Lumber City borouxh, at the public school house.
Newburg borough, at tba school bouse, In said
New Washington borough, nt the public aobool
house, In aald borough.
Oaoeola borough, at tbo public bouse of Milo
Hoyt, In said borough.
Wallaceton torough, al the pnblle School bonsa
in saia ooruugn.
Beocaria townphlp, at tbo Union Hotel, in (Hen
, llull township, at the house if RUrert UchalTcy.
11 loom townnip, at the hoase of the late James
Bloom, Br. '
Boggi township, at the house of Edward Albert.
llradford township, at the house of Jacob Pic me.
Itrady township, at the public bouaa of William
Bfliwein, Jr., In Lutbershurg.
i Ilurnsido town .hip, at Vonng's school house.
Chest township, at the public school bowse near
Simon Horabaugh s.
Covington township, nt the school hoosa in Mal
Decatur township, at Centre school bouse.
Ferguson township, at the house uf John Greg
ory, formerly occupied by Tbos. Kobison, (llroad
way.) Mlrard township, at Congress Hill school bouse.
Gosbcn township, nt the public school house ni
Shaws ville, i
(1 rah am township, al the bouseof tba late Jacob
Hut-lev. I
(Ircenwood townahip, at the publlo bouaa of
Samuel Hullgan, In aaid township, j
.aiien wwnanip, ai ina punim acnooi nonaa, in
Huston township, at tbe bouse of 'be late Jesse
Wilson. '
Jordan township, at the publlo school hiiuse, In
A anon ville.
K art haul town-hip, at B rid Ten's school house.
Knox township, at Turkey II ill school house.
leAwrenoo township, at the Ouart House, in the
borough of Clearfield.
Morria township, at the house formerly oooupled
oy j nouiaa rtymr.
Prnn township, at tho hotel formerly kept by
W. W, Andcrs-in,
Pike township, at the bonee of tbe late Isaac
11 loom, In the borough or l.urwensville,
Tnion township, nt the boaseof D. It. Brn baker.
Woodward township, at tho bouM of Thomas
AX ACT regulating tha node of voting at all
elections in tbo several count lee of this Com
monwealth, approved the Sutb day of March,
A. D. IMA, via:
Paction I. B U naeud far the Benato and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsvlvania In Ueneral Assembly met, and It is
hereby enacted by authority of tbe same, Tbat the
qualified voters of tba several counties of this
Commonwealth, nt nil general, township, borough
and special elections, arc hereby, hereafter author
ised and required to vote, by tickets, printed, or
written, or partly printed and partly written, sev
erally elasiiled as follows t One ticket shall era
hrae tbo names of nil Jndgee of court voted for,
and to bo labelled, outside, "Judiciary ona ticket
sbaU embrace the names of tbo aUle officers voted
for, and bo labelled, "state,' aoa ticket shall em
brace tbo names of all county oJloera voted for,
tneludtof oDee Ol aeo. IV. mmor, Md natnbera
of aasembly, If voted for, aod members of Congress,
if voted for, aad be labelled, "oosraty f one ticket
shall atabraee Iba aamee ef all lownshia ooVers
wtd for, and bo labelled, "township " one tick
et shall embrace the names of all boroogh offloera
voted for, and no laneiied, "borouf h and oeab
class shall be deposited In separate ballot boies.
A rurtaer aappicmcns ta na a reguiauog
elections ia this Cemmoawcalth, approved
Jea aery M, aad Febraary IB, A. b. 11474:
wasR raa polls aaa to aa asrr opbb.
1 Rao. ft. At alt elections hereafter bold under
the laws of tbia Commonwealth, the polls shall
ba opaojod at cove a o'clock, a. a., aad closed, at
aavea o'clock, r. V. -
ArpotgTHMT or ivnoas a inaraorona. .
Bap. t). In all doctlon district where a vacan
cy exist by roaoon ef the d 10,011 Beat ion of tbe
offloers er otherwise la aa aleetioa board hero to
fore appelated, or whore nay aew dlstriot shall b
lormed, the Judge or Jadgee of tha Coart of Com
mon Flea of the proper oonnty sbaii, ten days
befora aay general ar special aleetioa, appolat
Competent persona ta All said Taeanetee, and to
eoadaet the election In aaid aew dm riots, and In
Ibe appointment ef tnepeetora In any aleetioa
district brab shall aot ba of the same political
Crty, and tha Jndgo ef elections shall la all easea
ef tba t.ol!tieal party having the majority af
votes in aata ainriei as Beany ee ine satq juug
or ladnt eaa acoertatn tbe fast, and In case of
tbe rfiangrsoment of the judges as to the selection
Of iHavpaieien taje votiTieai mnfornj my toe j edges
shall aeteotoao af said ln?paetors, and tba minor
ity jwdgo or Jndges shall solect lbs other.
Sac. T. W new rer there aball be a raaancr tft
aa aleetioa beard ea tba atornlag af aa election,
aaiw raoaner atiaii ae iiiec in eontorasttr with
existing laws.
( Dutiaa cr x Lam ox arirgaa.
Rao. . At hf opcolog o taa polls aA all alec.
re It skaU b. Ms dty el tba jadgee af ewetiaa,
their is"-" Wt distrWa to dtilgaata ont of
on i red by tuia act, or any oQioer of clectiea
alia 1 1 act without bving first duly sworn, or il any
o nicer oi election in mi aKu lorm ol oatb with
out being duly sworn, or if any Judge or minor
ity inspeutor shall certify tlint any offlaer waa
sworn when be was not, it shell be deeinod a mis
demeanor, and upon oonviotion tbe ofiiattr ar afl.
csrs so offuniling shall be Aned not exueedlug ouc
thousand dollars or Imprisonment not exceeding
one year or both in the discretion of the court.
Ski-. 10. Oa the day jf election nny iieraon
whose name shall not afps'ir on the rcoUtry of
roters, ana woo Claims iu nai vole at said
election, shall produce at letut one qualified vo
Urr of ibe d tit riot as a witness to tbe residence of
tbe claimant in the district lo wtich hi claims to
be a voter for tbe period of at luast two months
immedistely prcevdiag said eloetion, whiob wit
ncss aball be sworn or affirmed, and subscribe a
written, or partly written and partly printed affi
davit to the fuels stated by biut, which affidavit
shall dsfliic cloarly where the residence Is of the
person se elniining ia b a voier, and the person
so claiming (be right to vote shall also take and
subscribe a written, or partly written and parity
printed affidavit, at ail tig to the beat of bis koow
li'tlxe and belief when and where ha was born :
that h bas been a citisen of the United titates
lor one month, and of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania; that he has resided la tbe Com
monwealth one year, or If formerly a qualified
elector or native born citiien thereof, and fans re
moved therefrom and returned, that ha has resid
ed therein six months next preceding said elec
tion; that ho has resided in the district in whiuh
he claims to bo a voter for the period of at least
two months immediately preceding said election i
that bo bas not moved into tbe district for the
purpose ef voting therein f that he baa, if
twenty-two years of age or niwarda, paid a State
or county tax wunin two years, wuicn waa assess
ed at I test two months and paid at least ens month
before the election. Tbe said affidavit shall also
state wbrn and where the tax claimed to be paid
by tba affiant wue assessed, and w-en and where
and to whom paid, and the tax receipt therefor
shall be prod need for examination no leas tbo af
fiant shall auto in bis affidavit tbat it has beoa
lost or destroyed, or that ho never roouived any,
and, If a naturalised oittsen, shall also state when,
where and br what court he waa naturalised, and
siiau also produce bis certlflcatc Ol natorslitatioa
for examination j but if the person so claiming
uie rtgbt to vote aball take and subscribe an am
davit that be ia a native born citisen of tbe
tailed titatea, or if born elsewhere shall stale
tbe fact in bia affidavit, and shall produce evi
dence tbat be boa been naturalised, or in entitled
to eit ilea snip by reason of lis father's naturali
sation, and shall further state in bis affidavit that
be Is at tbe time of makiag the affidavit of the
age of twenty -one and under twenty -two yoaia;
tbat he has hern a rltiten of the United Status
one muath, and hut resided In the Htnte one year;
or, if a native-born eitiiun of the 8ute, and re
moved therefrom and returned, tbat be has re
resided therein six months next preceding said
election, and in the eloetion district two months
Immediately preceding such election, be shall
bo entitled to vote although be shell not
bars paid taxes. The said affidavits ef
all persons making such claima and the affidavits
of the witneiies to their residence shall be pre
served by the election board, and at the close of
tbe election tbey shall be enclosed with the list of
voters, tally list, and other papers required by
law to bo filed by the return judge with tbe pro
thonolary, and shall remain on file therewith io
the protb "notary's offioe, subject to examination
as other election papers are. il the election offi
cers shall find that the applicant possesses all the
legal qualifications of a voter be shall be permit
ted to vote, aod his name shall bo added to the
lut of taxablra by the election officers, the word
"lax" being added where tha claimant claims to
vote on tax, aod tbe word "age where he claims
to vote on ago, tba same words be ina- added bv
the clerks in each ease respectively oa lb lllta of
persona voting at socn election.
State, or of any Incorporated dlstrlol, whether n
eommisilonod offlcror otherwise, a subordinate
omosr or sgeni, wuo is or iubii be employed Un
der the Legislative, Kxecativa or Judicial do
pertinents of this Slate or of the U sited States,
or any city or Incorporated district, and also
that evory member of Congress, or of the State
Legislature, or of theoointuoa or select oooaoll of
auy oily or eoia in listener of any incorporated
diatnot, are by law lnoaiab!o ef holdiox or
exercising, ai ins same lime, uie omoe or ap
pointment of Judge. Inspector or Clerk of any
election oi una uotuinonweaitn.
In case '.the person who shall have received the
second highest number of votes for
no linn- vu Me ej oi itetton, men toe person
who aball have received tbe aeoond bigheat num
ber of votes for juilxe al the next nrtMedtn ilaa.
tion, shall aot aa Inspector in hia plaoe; and in
case toe person wuo iball faeve received the biah.
est number of rutus fur Inspector shall not attend,
l no person elected judge, sbaii appoint an inspec
tor lo bis plaoe i and in case the nerson elMtd
judge shall not attend, Ibca tbe inspector wbo re
ceives uo nixjiicii auinotr ot votes, shall appoint
a Judge io his place ; or if any vacancy shall ooa
liuuo in the Hoard for the ipaco of one boar after
the time fixed by law fur the opening of tbo else
tion, the qualified voters of the tuwusblp, ward
or uieinei iot which iuoq omoer snail nave boon
eleeted, present at tbe plaoe of election, aball se
lect one out of their number to fill snob vacancy.
A Icq, tbat where a judge, by siokacaa or una
voidable accident, is unable to attend auob meet.
Ing of judgea, then tbe certificate or return ehall
be taken charge of by ana of the iavpeetore or
clerks of tbo election of the district, who shall do
and perform the duties required of aald Judge un
able to attend.
Wort-iiouMte aw win la fot la
ninli r'H
i iiiuki-r'H VV
lauiiuki-r'n Wm
eiiiHVer'a WarelKNiMW Sf nag SSarfSfJsa
aiiiulx-re Wurfhouayea Jit, .
alllatkiT R tt M-fhulMta Mia oTU fotm tv
nnmk. r; Wan-.iiiiMtw extend,
itlittakxr U'n-t,'u-n , ...
aiiiukfr'a tt'limir; M'saswaimddj
aiiiaker'e Wan U..ii-m tf tbrkt Q Witt
ttlimk.TS tt aJln.lina .
uiaiiiukcr'e tt'itn-lifiiuim aasiranisif
WaHAHAK KM S W A MKII i tl'H kit UtatiT, AN II Hilt .IH ,V1
Wanahavki'ii tt'AaKiiui'tin HtiiitTt h i n
WAMlHAKkl'l H'Mb.HUUnM JTl K i l-all I O Wit
W AM A at AM Kl'l W A UK It'll 'x Ml (Iikin. ,'
WAMAHAKKK'e Wl Hknul'MKH VAI.iilka. W b
WaMaHaM KH'e WAUKII'imU (1'HID-. W.i.
WaNaMaK kh's Wahkmii'iicm Titr ruiVi u V V'i
WAMAMaKIlM'M H'Atllfll'K Autur jurtrnt tuuf Wm
WtNAHAItU'l WAREIKM-sks Uj.u. .f ,L.,t. t.-..
WaMAMTaM MMaa W AHatHOI'KMH iuft fttT r-7i ffV WailttlHttkiM
" AMKIIUI HaW a,kf MTflxl aMIiVll W irJ i.iltiii L ar'm .' u
vif,A!!A!,.AfIK" WABKinitftiltB fti.uTt. 7'V f.iW! WiuiHIimUi'r. Wn..mi-ai and ftfC ,
WAMaltAa-! .! "Tr"" '" WeMiaiualtfr'a Ware hi wm OmttUU afaXB OaSf.
V A KJAACAK Ma B VkAMtJIiKmUl ttihiMH tV tiaaUrit Wniiaiiink.T'a U-Mn.liaaiiBhei mmO
wJaiSIIIM 2 ""J' " wi.iii.kHr . wr..iiiee Mlaaatamr
vvt!l!I15J'! wJ!,?, cniT raid Wiuiainaki.r'a W.ivIiiiiw, " "''
wialalll!'! wiii I ZZ.'H-J" c""' wriamk..r'a w,uvli.,u Oar aaa aoaiar ol
::s3,')hv,rf w....;..k,.r.wr..i,,,u.. r.n...ia
Waiiakiiiiphi W.blii. no!. ..',;""mf,lrf tt iiiiniiutkiTS tt anlioiiMm
wii2tt'! wSS 'fVl'1"- Wwiamakafe Warf.iouflS MmrkH kaa pUntf
WAMAMAKKBH W All .III H'N KM r!l ll'ldt ItUtaf tm V tiriaaanai kr.iaai 11 -.., ,
..ail'. WAami.ili.aa. ruMamr:. r,H.r w S 5 St-t! wSTh SSI "".' .
J""""" ' !, o-.-U al inA. w," . i"-r . wirvh nSI eaea aaraj la the
WaMAWAKKB'. WANKiiri,.r9. Ij h-vk IA. ovwo W.n.iii.k.r. wlWh)SI Z.!7 T
Visitors Welcome !
Aod a great many other thlnga toe aameroae ta
mention, to be bad at
Corner of Cherry and Third Street,
a. r. auLii n.
n. M'coavtn.
. BtLiauir.
Stnewtlii imtrtng
W aw am AXBa'e WABanornum 7MfiM and Wanamaker'a Waihomwa
tt'AMAMAKatH'e WAktlltlfhlLK Mttrkfl atltt iVLrfA U'llllMllimk.-r-at U-.h....
Wanamakkb;b WABKHoitnM ami Xf.irArt are tt'aiianiakra tt'ari'houei'e ( asris the pcopkt
tt'AMAMAMrtre WaMKHochsw an 'I Mr. H'.i-uv Wnnamaker'a W'aret,iiiii SOSTg aXlg,
WAKAMArcR'a Wahkiiounhh wxakrr aunrr a Wanameker 'e tt'arvhiiiiww mum
ViNaMaKKI'D tt'AKriim'aiHai wlrfrmr tn VUUnrt. W atliainiHW.m U .. l,,...
WaMaMaKitr'k U'AHtHoDititM tMrtVifr lAtvyotav to Waiiamaker'S tt'ai-li(,iMeM WASfAMAKEi,
rVAVJAelAB.l(Jt'S V AUMliUUSKaa tUf WT ItUa,
WanauiaXcr'a Wanalwuam
ciiAixxNaa or xcoistbheo v ore as,
Sac. 11. It shall be lawful sr any qaallflrd
eltltea of the district, aotwitbstandim the name
of the proposed voter Is contained oo the list of
resilient tsxaiiice, to enaiicnjre tlte vote of such
person, whereupon tho same proof of the right of
uurajro mm now rrquireo oy law eoau oe putiilciy
made, and acted on by tbe electioB board, aad tbo
vale admitted or rejected according to the ovl
denoc. Every pereon claiming to be a naturalised
citisen shall be required to pmdiwe hie natural
liatlon certificate at the election before voting ex
cept where be bas been for fire years eeRsecutive
ly a voter In the district s whsob be offurs bia
rote, and on tho vote of such person being re
ceived It shall be the duty of tbo election officers
to write or stamp on auob certificate the word
"voted," with the day, month and year, aad H
any election offioor er officers shall receive a sec
ond vote on the same day by virtue of the aame
certificate, except where cone arc entitled to vote
because of tbe naturalisation or their fathers,
they and toe person who shall offer auob second
vote shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and os
conviction thereof be fined or Ipmrisoned.or both
at tb discretion or the court, bnt the fine shall
not exceed five hundred dollars In aacb ease, aor
tbe imprisonment one year. The like punlrhment
ehall be inflicted an conviction of the officers of
election who ahe.ll neglect or refuse to make or
cause to be made the endorsement required as
aforesaid on aaid naturalisation certificate.
Bi:o. II, If any election officer ehall refuse or
negleot to require such proof of the right of suf
frage as la prescribed (y this law, or the lawa to
which this is a supplement, from auy person of
fering to vote whose naino Is not on the list or
assessed voters, or whose right to rote I dial-1
icnged by any qnauhed voter present, aad shall
admit such person to vote without requiring such
prow, every poreon so enenaiog snau apon eon
victlun lie guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be
sentenced ror every such oil core to pay a fine not
exceeding live hundred dollars, or to undergo aa
imprisonment not more than one year, cr both at
mo aisercuoa cr tbe court.
Sac. 1-1. As sooa as the poll shall oltue tbe of
fleers of the election shall i.roeo4 tn count all
tbe rotes etvt for eaeh aadidita voted far, aod
make out a full return of the same In triplicate,
with a return sheet in addition, In all of which
the votes received by each oendl-Iete shall I a giv
en after his or her name, first ih words and again
In figures, and shall be signed by all of aaid of
floeta, and certified by overseers if any, or If not
ao certified tbe overseen and any oflioer refusing
to siga or oertlfy or either of them, shall write
upon each of the returns his or their reaaons lor
not signing or certifying thorn. Tk nt a toon
a oounlmd mmalt oVsu it pnMiotg wndfmiig dnJnrmt
from tkt undot$ lo tkt eilitmt prtwtnl, and a
Art's Uatrnmtnl sJUwiitv f etwes rrrWeea km nek
imndulato fkall km mad and tiymd Ay (A titttion
ajitrrt as soon as Ms vols is oounltH, and fA mmi
slfi.i 4 !M.WifWy XeOSlW tip aa IA door it tho
olmttian Aomss for information of ! pueJtv. The
triplicate returns shsll be enctcsrd in envelpes
anu ee eeeiea io ino presence oi tee oncers,
and one envelope with the uneealcd return sheet
given to the Judge, which aball contain one lift
of voters, tally-paper, and oatba of offloers, and
another of aaid envelope shall bs given to the ml
norlty inspector. All Judges living wltM", wl
miles of the pro t lion otary's offioe, or Willi in
twenty -four miles, If tbelr mritlence be In a town,
village or city on the line of a railroad leading
to tbe county seat, shall before two o'clock, pust
meridian, of the day after the election) and all
other judges shall before twelve o'clock meridian
of the second dy after tbe olection, deliver said
let urn, together with return sheet, the pre
Ihonotary of the onnrt ol oomiaoa pleas of the
oounty, which aM return sheet aball be filed- and
tbe day and bouTof filtng marked thereon, nnd
shall be preserved by tho protbonotary for public
Inspection. At twelve o'clock on tbe said second
day following any election, tba pretheboiary of
the court of oommon pleas shall present tbe said
returns to tbe said court j la eotiattee where there
lo ao rtaidcat president Judge, tha associate Judg
ea aball perform the duties linpoieu upoa the
aoart of common pleae, which ehall aoavwna for
said purpose; the returns presented by tbe pre
tfaenolary shall be npcord by said court, and com
puted by aucb ef its officers, and an h sworn as
sistants as ihe eourt shell Appoint, in tht presence
of the Judge ar judges of said eourt, and tbe
returns certify aad aartifioatcs of clectiea issued ,
andcr tbe seal of the court, as Is now required to
be dune by the ret era judges, nnd the vote a ao 1
computed aod eer II (led shall be open le tbe public, !
and in esse the-return of any election district
sbsll ba misslBfirwhea tbo returns Bra presented,!
or In case or complaint gf aaualified elector andcr
oatb charging pelpabh) fried or mistake, and
partlcalarG aparifyiMj the alleged mistake ar ,
fraud, or where fraud or mistake is apparent oa
iba return, the Mart shall ess mine ibe ret em,
aad If ta tba Judgmeal of the court it shell m
accessary to a Juat return said court shall issnc
aammary procea agaiast tha election offietrs
and overseers ir any, of the election district eom
plslaed ef, to bring them forthwith Into court,
with all eleotlea papers ia their pesseasiea, and
It palpable mistake or fraud shall be discovered.
it shall, anon Snob hearing a may be deemed Wudgo af the Court of Common Pleas of the twee-
aeeeeaar to eolith tea tbe ert, ond beeerreated
by the court, and se certified t bat allegatloaa of
palpable frawd or mistake shall be decided ky tho
said court within three days after the day tbe
returns arc brought Into court for eompatatloa,
and tba aald iaqairy aball be directed ealy la
palpable fraud or mistake, aad shall net be
deekisd a Jodie lei jarisdiettoa to eonelade any
eon test now er henatt 10 ba pretieed by saw,
and tho other of said triplicate returns aball b
Sleoad ia Ibe box and cooled ap with u bailees,
otblof In tbia act aball require the rctarna or
tec tion of borough or tow ash ip effieere to bo
made to the oonrte a directed la this eectloo, bat
all Ihe retajoe of the clectioa of tewaabip aad
borough efxeefc ehall he ealasod la aaeatod eater.
directed to lb nraiMooaary of tha eoart er Boat
men, pieaa ei tpc proper wwy, una snail ay
soma aoa af them ha dcslrarbi lot bla offie
wltkla three dars after every ub eleetioa and
led there! a. in eewatief where there ar three
or mora yadgotof aald aoart, learned In the low,
B racial attention Is hereby directed to Ihe 8th
Article of tbe New Constitution. .
Section I. Krery male citisen twenty-one year
of age, possessing the foUowiag qualifications,
snau oo eniiueo io vote at all elections:
First He shall have been a citisen of tbal'al
ted States at least one month.
Second He aball have resided la tba Bute ona
year, (or, If having previously been a qualified
aojcuur aawiai ajitiavepta u mu miW, BO
shall have removed therefrom and returned.! then
aix moo ins, immediately preceding the election.
1 bird lie snail nave resided in the eleetioa
district where be shall offer to vote al least two
months immediately precedlnc the eleetioa.
jrourto U twenty -two yeare or age or upwards
be shall have paid wiihia two rears a tta'oor
county tax. which aball have been assessed at
least two months, nnd paid at least one month
oerore toe election.
Section 4. All elcctloai br the eltlscns aball be
by ballot. Krery ballot voted shall be numbered
in the order in wnicn tt snail be rooolvci, aod
tbe number recorded by the elcotion offloera oa
the list ef voters, opposite tb - name of the elector
who presents th ballot. Any elector may write
bis nam upon his ticket, or cause the aame to bo
written thereon, aod attested by a citisen of tbe
district. The election offloer shall be sworn or
affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall have
voted nniesa required to do so a witnesses Inn
judicial proceeding.
Dcctioa 9. biectors snail, in all caeca except
treason, felony, and breach or surety of the peace,
be privileged from arrest during thsir attendance
on elections and tn going to and returning iter
Section Whenever any of th qualified dec
tore or this Commonwealth shall be in notoal mil
ilary set-rioe, nnier a reqaiattion from tbe Presi
dent of tbe United State or by tbe nnC rlty of
tbia Commonwealth, such lcctor may jerclse
the right of suffrage in all elections by the eiti
(j os, nndr such regulations as if they were urea
ent at their usual place or election.
Section 7. All laws regulating tbe holding of
elections by the cltiieni or for the registratioa
of electors aball be no I form throughoatibe Bute
bat no elector shall be deprived of the privilege
of voting by reason of hia name not being regis
tered. Htion t. Aay persoa who shall gtve.or prom.,
tee to offer to give, to aay doctor, any money .re
ward, er other valuable consideratioa for bis veto
at an election, or for withholding tbe same, oi
ho aball glva ar promise to glva aoeb consider
ation to any person or party for such doctor who
shall receive or agree to receive for himself or for
another, any money, reward or other valuable
eeaslderation for bia rote at aa election, or for
withholding the earn, shall thereby forfeit the
right to vote at eucb election, and any elector
wnoae ngni io rote snail oe en alien god for sue b
cans boioro tbe election moors, snail bo reqair
ed to swear or affirm that the matter of tbe obal-
lengc Is untrue be fere his rota aball be received.
Section V. Any persoa who shall, while a can
d i date ior omoe, be guilty or bribery, fraud, oi
wilful violation of any election law. shall bo for
ever disqualified from holding any offioe of trait
ar profit in this Commonwealth, any person eon-
vkicu ei wiiiui violation oa too eleetioa lawa,
hall, In addition to any peaaltie provided by
ww, oo aepnvea oi ine ngni oi sun rage absolute
ly for the term cf four year.
Sec. 13. For the purpose of voting no person
snau ee oaemea ta nave gainco o reeidenoe ay
reason of his absence, while cmuloved in the ser
vice, of either clfil or military, of this State or
tno united Matea.nor while engaged in the obv
igattoa of the waters er the Bute or tbe United
estates, or on the high seas, aor while a student
of any instiinlion of learning, nor while kept in
any poor uouse or oiner aayioms nt public OX'
pensc, nnr while ooa fined la Public orison.
doc a I, jjistriot elect ten boards shall ooaslst
or a judge and two inipeotora, who eball be oho.
sea annually by the citisen. Each elector aball
have the right to vet for the judge and one in
spector, and eaoh Inspector shall appoint one
clerk. The first ejection board for any new die
Met shrill be selected, aud vacancies In election
boards ailed, as provided by law. Klection offi
cers shall be privileged from arrest upon day af
eloot Ion, while engaged in making up nnd trans
mitting returns, exc-at upon warrant of a court
of record or judge thereof, an election fraud,
for felony, or for wanton broarh of the peaoe. In
cltiei they mar claim x em pi ion from jury duly
during their terms of service.
Sec. li. No person shall be qualified to serve
as an elcctii n officer wbo shall bold, or eball
within two month bar held any offioe. or ap
pointment or employment ta or under tbe gov
ernment of tha United State or of this Stale, or
of any ally ereonaty, aroT aay municipal board
com in iislon or trust in any city .save only justices
of the praoo, and aldermen, notaries public, and
persons in the militia service or the State? aor
shall any election officer ba eligible to aay civil
offioe to be filled at aa election at which ho shall
serve, cave only to such eubordinato, municipal,
or local officers, below Ihe Breda of city or oountr
offices, aa shall be deiigBated by general laws.
J1A KH wndcr my hand and seat, at Clearfle!4,
I'cnns. tins fourth nar of October, la
(L. 8.) tbe year of our Lord ooe thousand eight
hundred and seventy -tlx and of the
Independence of the United Statea the one
w.b. Mcpherson, sheriff.
..nrvar trm ra
Bound: for Fleck & IJoh Slore.
And Croat: Bargains
Wa take pleasure la Informing oar frienda that wa have Inst returned from the Eastern Citii
and found goods at such low price tbat we are enabled to eel? cheaper than any other business
aoaee m io wastry, oecBaea we are aayg our gooas from nrst band), at tbe factories, for cash.
We hope to satisfy everybody, and aire Ib worth of tbe moncv. and onarantee the vends la ha
as represented. Wa lavite Our frienda to give us a call and examine our goods, as it will ba for
taetr aonent.
Black Alpeeae, Black Caehmere, Brack I.uatre, Plaid Dreaa Good, Oallcoe, Moaliaeaad Ologhama.
Waterproof., all colore, Ladlea Cloth, Bleak Heaver Cloth for eoata, Mea'a and Mora' Ca.b
meree. Of thin line of pwda wa have aa elegeat atoe'i, and at right prleee.
OermaBtowa Woola and Zephyr,, Balmoral Tama. Dray Bad White Varna, Carpel Chain, Kolioaa,
Collar, aad Caffs. Coreete all prioea, Ladi,,' Tiaa, Butleae, Laaea aad Frlngee, Ladlea' and
C'hildree a lioea ead Underwear, ULack aad Colored Kid (llovee.
New Pannier, and Bells.
New Embrodle-y and Beadkereblafa. White Skirts and Colored Skirts.
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Underwear. Back and Kid Glorea. Cloth and Berlin Olovee.
Silk HaadkerahWe and Linen Handkerchiefs. guependere and Iloee. Wool Sock, aad Mils.
i.ll e Ties Ties ell the leteel styles. Umbrella,, 4o. ..
Millinery and Faacy Gooda.
HaL, aad Boaaets Trimmed to Order. New Wiaga, New Feathers. New Flowers. New Silks.
New Vclvetcene. Silk Velvet..
Hacinn succeeded in netting a FIRST CLASS MILLINER, we
do not intend to be xtndprsold in ttat line. Come and be convinced.
T. A. FLECK &-p0.iw s . y
(Successors to John Quitch),
Market Street, Clearflcld. Pa.
Wa manufacture alt kinds of Fnraitore for
Chambers, Dining Kooms, Libraries and Halls.
If you want furniture of any kind, don't buy
until yoa see our stock.
In all k branches. Wc keep la stock all tba
latest aad most improved Coffin and Casket,
and have tvsry facility for properly son
acting this brenoh of our business.
We have a patent Corps Pro
server, In which bodies can
be preserved for a con.
aiderable length of
A member of the firm baa bis sleeping apart
ment at oar war. room, where he can be found br
any person who coma at eight for tba purpose af
procuring coffins.
UllialCU, McvUKKLn ft CO.
Clearfield. Pa May 10, '7 (My.
The Bell's Run Woolen Factory,
Pcnn township, Clearfield Co., Pa,
Sept. 27, 187G.
Clearfield. Pa.
April 2(1, 1876.
An Institution fbr Imparling a Practicnl Bnln
a seal men fllted Air too actual dutlew nt lint
i Education. Yrranr and middle
Hluilenta mn ruler nt anv limn. In
dividual Instruction. laargo nnd tlimty fttrulaheil Ifnlla nnd Offlcca. Oitnprehennlvo
muino oi amuy. nrwuiar inn Bpnritnriaie iriun.. imtniujiu xuaciiitig rraciiija
;iniuiitra auurvas
Train in H. far Cln
Ult at Bona, rilteburili, t'a.
List of Jerors drawB for November terra, A.
u., in oe neia oa ine za Blonilay ef fie-
vemnar, iatn day, aad oontlnue ror two weeks
nest wubk.
6. Jrnkina, Cur'evllle, il.em. Ilyara, Burnside,
T. 1. llarrlaon, N Waih.
W. ll.randird,Oaeeela
W. S. Welle, Oaceola,
Bamtiel Htlna, Oaceola,
H. Holt, Wallaaatoa.'
W. Grafliue, H'allaeeloa,!
uiueon nmeai, ttoKea,
Wm. il. l'llera, ll 'aae,
Jeeob Dimeliea. Bona.
Jamae Jamee, Jr. Bogga,
Juba Chaaa.Jr., Boeei,
laaea Hhlmel, Bradford,
Uenrv Albert. Bradford.
J. D, Tbomaa, Br.Jfi.rJ
i. B. Boylar, Bradv.
Hugh Kelly, Brady,
. T. Urlabln, Bredy,
" aaoiiRBWaaB,
0. allraet, Clearteld,
2. Ardery, Curweaarilla
JfHl. Itnia, Bell,
II. W. Moll. Ball,
P.ter Thuwa.o, Bell,
b) Tbarapaoa, Bogge,
Vaenola Kylar, Boita,
Jaa. Hblmel, Hoggs,
llarria Hmeal, llogrra,
A. Llvlnaatoa, Bradford
John S. (I ray, Bradford
Ueorga Batta, llrady.
A. llonaall, tt., Hrady,
O li.eo.draader.Bndy
wm. HcHlnney, Dradj'.-
U. Maya, Hrady,
Wyalt Kitchen. Cheat.
M. B. Conaway, Uov'loa
rrank rraeL lleeeter,
I. U., llecatar
A. U. Bbew, Uoahea,
11. IlamiltoB, Graham,
Wm. Stickler, Urakam.
F. Bell, Greenwood,
Jno. llanaa, Jr., Gulloh,
Joe. aleCally, Gullch,
Kd. Carry, Jr., Jordan,
Kllia Lanich, Lawreaoa,
A, L. Maaea, Lawreace,
Jera. Hoover, Morria,
Reabea Wall, Peae,
Lafayetta UeClara, Pike
Rob t Stott, Woodward.
A. Liddla, Brady,
J, Haffaer, Berealda,
P. ailllgaa, Cbaat,
J. T. Holt, Covington,
P. F. VelernoBt, Cov'loB
. HaClarrw, llaeatar,
Joba PoaraoB, Paoaiar,
Malt. Tela, aaahea,
Daniel Fiahar, Urahara,
Frank Foa, Ha. to.,
M. Ultllgaa, Jardaa,
J. C. Wiaa,jordaa,
0. Cnnaway, Kartbaaa,
A. Baabla, kavthaaa,
J. Bpaokmaa, Laa'ca.
W. A. Head, Lavrreaea,
Jaoob Hay, atarrla,
lri Spieea, PeBa,
M. M. Iflyaa, Paaa,
al. Koma. Pike.
ty-lttb Judicial Uistrlet, eempvee4 ef the coon
tie of Clearfield, Centre aad Cliataa, and Hen.
WM. C. POLKV aad lloa. JOHN J. BKAD, Ae-
soclato Jedxcs of Clearteld county, have iMwsd
tbelr precepl, to ms di reeled, for tbe holding of
aa A dj earned ueun oi taonos rieoa, at mm
Cort llousa, at Clearfield, ia and for tbe eoan-
ty of Clearfield, commencing on the Pit CON D
187ft, aad eontinnlng two weeks.
K OTIC I la Uerefore hereby given la Jurors and
wtlaeeeee. la aod for aaid caanty of Clearfield to
be and appear in their proper pereone, at 10 o'clock
A.M. of said day, to do those things which ha
their behalf pertoia to be dmse.
Hi v HN nawer axy a aaa at uiearneia, tais lata aay
of (hrteber, to tho pear ef emr terdeMthoa
aad eight handred and seventy-six.
W. ft. MePBBHfbOIf, Bharlft
i ob rmNTma or bvbrt dbscbip
I ttottnoBtlf axovwted at thta effiee.
Western Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Penn'a,
You can buy a full suit of Clothing for only $8.00. Better qual
ities for $10, $12, $15, $18, and tlio best for $'10.
A heavy Melton Overcoat for 54.50. Black Petersham 0.00.
Better at 8, 10, 12, 15, and the very best Beaver or Chinchilla
for 20 dollars.
Heavy Skating Coats fiom 53.50 to $5. Pantaloons, good heavy
lined Casinct, $2.50. Better qualities proportionately cheap.
ino very best all wool imported lasmmer pants at $G.
Every article guaranteed ns represented. .
BOYS' CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Gents' Furnishing Goods
at exceedingly low prices. Heavy Undershirts and Drawers at
0 c. each. A good wool Hat for only f 1.00.
Come and satisfy yourself. No trouble to bIiow goods. ' '
Clearfield, Pa., October 25th, 1876-lm.
f; ,.' aar not
The aubseribera bave. at erreat einenae. rehnlti
aeighborhood Baeeaaily, ia tbe erection ofa dreU
olaaa Waofce Haanfaatory, with all tbe mod era
improvement! attached, and arc prepared to make
all kinda of Clothe, Caaaimerea. Satinetu. HI...
keta, l lennaia, Ac Plenty of gooda oa hand ta
aupply all onrold and a thonaand new oaatomera,
whom we aak to come and examine our stock.
Tb. boaineaa of
will receive our eapeelal attention. Prnner
arrangement, will ba made to receive and deliver
Wool, ta anil oaeloeiera. All work warranted and
done upon the ehorteet notloe, and by atrial alien-
OU.IBO.. w. nop. to realise a liberal abare
of public patronage.
We will per tbe birheat market nrle. foe Woo '
and aell our manufactured gooda aa low aa eimilar
gooda can be bought in the oounty, and whenever
we fail to render roa.tonable satisfaction wa md
always be found at home ready to make proper
explanation, either In person or by letter.
arAmna juun&uj buss,
nprillfitf Bower P. 0.
for medicinal purpose.
Truaaea, Supporters, School Booke and Station
ery, end all olhor articles aeaally
found in a Drug Store.
FULLY COMFOrUDKI). Baring a barge ax-
Gerleaoe ia the business tbey caa give entire sea
factloB. J. 0. HARTSWICK,
Clearteld, December 16, la;,.
(Saoceacort ta Bontoa 4 Venag,)
MannlVtiirert of
nnnn iron nunn r
- i
Second Street, Opposite the Court House, Clearfield, Pa.'
i Cents' Furnishing Goods, Hals and Caps.
Please Call and Examine our Stock before Purchasing
'j ... Elsewhere.
Clcaraeld, Pa , Sapt. 27, 187S.! , i-1 ' T." 1
Ooraer of Foerth aad Piae Streets,
HAVINd engaged ia tho raeaafeetara at trai- '
lee, blACIIINRRT,wareapelfUyLanrea
he pnblle tbat na are aew prepared aa III an
orders ae cheaply and aa BrampUyea eaa ba daaa
ta aay ol tbe altlee. We manafectnre aad deal la
Malay and Oircnlar Saw-Milli
Bead Blaeka, WaUr Wbeale, Shafting Palley
Oigord', Injector, Staa-n flange, Steam Whlallee,
Oilars, Tallow Caps, Oil Cape, fleage Oeeks, Ala
Oocka, Olebe Valvaa, Cheek Valvea, arraaght tram
Plpee, S'.eam Pamne, Boiler read PaaB,Aall.
Friellaa Metre, Sea, Stone Peeking, dam Paoll
eg, aad a!l ktada af MILL WORK eogelber
with Plawe, (hrd Solea. . , , .. . .,, J
aad elder CASTINGS af al klada, ,
VOraava aolarlead aad lUed at enay prlaee
All letlera af lae,a)ry with rerereaaa te maehiaarf.
el ear manafaetaa. ,reaa,tly aaunrereel, by addrea-- '
lag aa al Olearaatd, Pa.
J.nlH tf BKILRR, TOTJNO tlRrtty-