Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 01, 1876, Image 2

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j.i. -. .
VU" . : - .MlainM'-WM.''W..rlAi. ,-aaei..-e. .le.A.. WwCA-u.-
She Sftf puHiran.
(iumdl I). GooiLANDK, Editor.
Render, If 70a went t know whet It going on
la tho buslnsss world, Just read our udvertising
eolumns, Ike eoluua in particular.
isnilUurtL ULiiiuuimi iu 11O
ruK rilaUlDEST!
or MT TO UK.
FOB Ties ruin D but :
or .VMANji.
Charles H. Iluckatew, I Samuel B. Witao.
1. Robert V. Blief,
. (leorfce R. Ilorrcll,
S. Hi. II. Wright,
4. Tlioa. E. Uelkill,
It. Julin MoQrt,
5. Joan A. Morrison,
7. Owch Jones,
8. Win. K. UG.
9. Joel L. I.ightner,
10. 11. T. Trumbower,
11. Ilro. II. Rowland,
12. John Ncalnn,
1.3. Joel U. McCamant,
14. Daniel 0. Doit,
15. Joaeph B.M'Collum,
10. franklin w. Knox,
17. John H. I'M,
18. Thoinai Rawer,
19. Dasid Small.
20. Sebastian Wimtner,
21. Jatnes.1. llailett,
22. John B. Unihria,
Robert M. Ulbion,
24. Daeid 8. Morris,
25. Robert B. Drown,
2. Thoi. W. Oravaon,
2T. llonj. F. Morris.
L. A. MACKEY, ol Clinton county.
S. it. PEALE, of Clinton count;.
AsonuBLT :
A. C. TATE, of Clearfield.
aunirr t
AKbllBW PENIZ, Jr., nf Brady tnwnihip.
AaanmAT jonoEA:
AP.RAM OllDKN, of Lawrence townihip.
VINCENT B. HOLT, of Bradford towmblp.
W.M. M. MeCULLOUUlI, of Clearfield.
ji'Rr roHMiKNiOMSn :
DR. J. P. UURC11FIEI.D, of ClearBeld.
Tho Democratic County Committee
in view of tho happy results flowing
from tho recont oloctions, and the im
porativo necessity for a radical change
of rulers which must bo accomplished
at tho approaching contest, call upon
all who lovo a free government to as
sist in holding meetings at tho follow
ing named places, viz :
Tho following programme for hold
ing a scries ol meetings has also been
agrood upon :
NEW WASniNclTON, for Cheat and Bnrn.
ilde, on Tbaraday veninir, Nor. 2d. Speaker!,
Col. Walter Barrett, J. B. Walter, and K m. li.
I.tlMBFR CITY, on Trlder ereninir, Nor. 3d.
Ppmkern, Wot. M. MnCulloch, . B. W alien and
H m. K. Wallaca,
IIOVTZDADK, for Woodward, on Friday ere
nioj, .Nor. Si. gpeakora, lion. Ueorje R. Bar
ren ana israoi lest.
The foregoing series of meetings will
not prevent tho holding of others in
localities whero our friends doom them
necessary ; but timely notice should
ho given to tho Chairman of the Coun
ty Committeo, so as to mako tho no.
ecssary arrangements with tho speak
ers. Israel Tist, Chairman. m
Jonit W. Unwi, Secretary.
Clearfield, Of. 18M, 1878.
Pfmociiats to Yoi'R Posts. It be
lioovos ovory citizon, who claims to bo
a Democrat ; or, any other individual
who thinks moro ol bis country and
personal liberty, than ho docs of his
parly, to go to tho election on tho 7th
of November, and cast his ballot in
favor of reform. And this can only
bo biought about by voting tho Dem
ocratic ticket.
Mr. Mackev. Wo rcgrot to an
nounce tho (act that our Congressman,
Hon. L. A. Mackey, is confined to his
bed by serious attack of typhoid fa
vor, lie bad been to Washington at
tending to somo official business, and
whilo there became unwell, and was
scarcoly able to reach homo. We hope
his illness will bo of short duration, and
that ho will bo ablo to resume his placo
in business circles at an early day.
Tin Centennial Excursion. At
fiint sight wo looked quite favorable
on tho recent offer of tho railrod fttt
thoritics to carry our people to tho
Centennial city and buck for Jive dul
lartsr It Is a very enticing bait for
those wbo bavo nevcrvisited Philadel
phia. It really looks liko a spoeial
compliment extonded to ut Clearfield
era, Rn it may be such, but it will de
coy about 300 Clcarflold Democrats,
and perhaps 50 Radicals to tho Con-
tonninl, and then be kept there until
after the election. We advise those
Democrats who soe fit to embrace the
cheap rate, for ridoto the great city,
to bo sure and Icavo for home not later
than 12 o'clock on Sunday nlglit, or, R
o'clock on Monday morning. II yon
wait until Monday night you may
mako no connection at Tyrone on
Tuesday morning, and will not got
home until Tuesday night, two or three
hours after the polls are closed. An
election of that kind tallies bait a vote
for ltayci. Do yon see it f
(I A'.l y T AND II A YES.
Tho eiiitor ol tho Now York Sun, In
his ihhuo of the 27tli ult., in allniliiiK 1"
thoso two great men, suy s : "I'resiilonl
Grant has iioglt'ctril nil excellent op
portunity to manifest tho nincui-ity of
bis iloaii-u tor tho siu-cess of (ho ltepub
licnn party nt llio niiprtmt-hUiK election,
and to promote harmonious scntiinvnta
among all ils members. It is well
known tlmt as an earnest of liia kindly
feelings toward tho Ohio Statesman
who aspires to sueeooil hint in li in jno-
aa .
visit him at Long llraneh, mid It was
gratefully accepted. It ien,tially well
known that the politicians who have
forbid the proposed conference between
tho two great men, fur tear that such
an incidont of the cai-vans would dam
age Hayes in tho estimation of those
Republicans who really detest Grant
ism. Well, on VtuuiicHduy ullcrnooii
(iov, Hayes arrived in Philadelphia,
and yesterday he held u public recep
tion at tho Centennial groundn. Miiny
persons nutuiully Mipposcd that he
would tuku uilviiiituj;ii of this ckunco
to make his long expcclcil visit to the
President, ti ml thus reinovo tho iin
ptvsNion lroiu tho miinl of that emi
nent public fuiictioiiury that the break
ing of his Long Branch ungitgunieut
was tho result of a dcltberuto purposo
to avoid all personul association with
tho hoad of tho present Administra
tion. It seems, however, Unit his man
agers wore determined that this should
not bo dono, and they tjuk pains to
make the matter plain to the public by
a lettor written to Director-General
Goshorn, and given to tho newspapers
for publication in advuuco of tho Gov.
ernor's arrival, in which it was special
ly announced that tho purpose of his
journey East was "simply to seo the
fixninilion. llero lirnnt might have
followed tho e:ainplo of Mohammed,
who went to tho mountain when tho
mountain would not come to birr. If,
Instead of pouting over tho slight put
upon him by lluyos, the President bad
waived all questions of puncliltio and
hastened to tho city of tbo Centennial
to join In tho ovation to his would-bo
successor, it would certainly have been
a magnanimous net, ufTiirding Bineore
gratification to the new leaders of tho
Republican party. It is a pity that
President Grant was not ablo to view
tho matter in this light."
The Radical Pyramid Tiu Ill
inois Vrtirible stiys: "Tho following
pyramid embraces only a few of tho
many crimes perpetrated by tho Re
publican party. Wo have purposely
placed it on its apox, and tho corrupt
Blaine beneath tho wiiolo superstruct
ure to indicato the rottenness of its
foundation :
Frauds in tho Navy Department
Whiskey Revenue Frauds.
Credit Mobilior Swindles.
Indian liurenu Swindles.
Currency Contraction.
Custom Houso Frauds.
Pacifio Mail Subsidy.
Post Oflieo Frauds.
Specie Payment.
Back Pay Steal. . ;
Army Subsidy.
The Berks Colnty Jubilee. Tho
Democrats had a high old time at
Reading on Thursday last. General
Geo. B. McClelland, Benator 'Wallace,
ex-Governor Biglcr, Ileistor Clymcr
and a number ol other prominent Dcm
ocrata wore the speaker). It ia eitimat-
ed that over 20,000 atningera partici
pated in tho Buffalo roast, and when
evoning set in, tho buffalo woro but
mere skeletons, emblematic of the Rad
ical party after the 7th of November.
Tho day was very cold, so much to,
that no ono was comfortable without
overcoat and gloves, and yet tho turn
out was fur greater than at any other
similar occasion over before witnessed
in this State. Tho rolling ot the tide
clearly indicates tho success of Tilden
and Hendricks.
Ltvt us Know the Faith. On Fri
day a week, wo mailed postom for
mooting nt Glon Hopo and Ansonville.
n.i.- . . ...
au ansonviuo diiis rcacnoa the par-
tics to whom thoy woro addressed by
duo course of mail. But thoso sent to
Glon Hope, we are informed, novor
reached llioir destination. Posters were
sont to John G. Glasgow, C. J. Keatry,
r.sq., i'nilin Dotts, K. W. Reed, Barna
bas Armstrong and somo othors nt
Glon Hopo, Frederick ShofT, at Hager-
ty g X Roads, and parties at Smith's
Mills, (Jancsvillo) Utahvillo and Ma-
derm ; ond yet, we are Informed that
none came to hand. Will tho parties
named pleaso inlorm ns if this is true.
Fim Thousand in Link. Tho
Democratic torch-light procession in
the city of Now Y'ork exceedod in dis
play and outnumbers everything if tho
kind that was ovor attempted in I'os
country. INot less than 50,000 voter
participated in tho parade. Think of
il, fifty thousand men In lino in ono city.
by this uprising ? Bocanso, not less
than ono third nro out of work, and
nearly out of bread, and if tho samo
men remain at tho head of public af
fairs for four years Ionizer, another
third will inherit a similar fate, bis
tho peoplo know arid thoy want to
avoid that evil by electing Samuel J.
Tildon President.
One of the "Twin Hki.ic." The
Brookville Jcffenonian says : "Troops
aro wanted in Indiana county. The
ovorseori of tho poor in Indiana bor
ough advertiso that they have " six
smart, active mulatto chiltlron boys
and girls, ranging from five to twelve
years old to bind to rcsponsillo pnr-
II" Tl.l,l...l.:..f.i... .
v v.m iv oi s avenr in com.
ing to tho front and must bo quollod.'
Attention. A. Reform can novor
bo introduced while tho agent, or
principals of a corrupt Government are
kept in position. A chanee must take
placo Deform a Reform can be looked
for. Thoreloro, those who desiro both
chango and Reform, should bear tho
tact in mind that neithor will bo ao
compfished unless thev vote for Tilden
and Hendricks.
A Grand Armt. The Democratic
Bute Committeo baa a roll of the names
of 323 officers and 22.000 soldiers In
this Stato who have declared for Til
don. Why, there most have been some
Democrat in the armv after all.
Our readers nrs ..tore .hut tho last
Hudical CongruM double! tho Pivsi
Presidents' aulm-y, and largely increas
ed tho salary of all the other uRlcer.
This Htrntogctia move on tho National
Treasury, for tho purposo of raising
Hudical campaign lunds, is now fully
understood. Zae. Chandler, Chairman
of the Kadical Nutinuul Committee,
could not, as such, have entered the
Trr:iMir' and atob-n ihorefrom one mil-
HWal UVW" ' "f
ii.iJkai MtHtti-
milium. 1 uiiiniig rw. u. uvinit,
locked up in tho penitentiary, for m
indefinito period, Therefore, to avoid
thin hnrard. tho Radical Congress
!I??l??TaueMToiflTJTffff?ffff,' aananaaaanananeJanjapaaa.N ani
if all the oftlcers. Theo men now no I'nskttlkii Stii.i.. - Tho Pussians
to the Treasury and draw this increase and Turks have been, debating a gen
ii) person, and hand Keenly Jive percent, j "y over three
of the increase over
to tho Radical
Campaign Coinmitto, for tho purpose
,,c., ,.,tiiril,n voters with tho tuxes
that they pay into the Treasury fori
the support of the Government. And
in this way our opponents arc enabled
r the
funds thut are mud bv lhe ueoole fori
the siiiinort. Cits thov sunnosu) of the!
Government. Not less than n million
of a campaign and corruption fund is!
raised iii tho way Indicated to corrrupt
tho people,
Wisdom (?) and 1'oia.r. Mixkd.
An exchango says: "Judgo Pearson
has filed an opinion in which ho pro
nounces tho action of thu State Board
of Revenue Commissioners in adding
'fifteen thousand' watches to tbo return
of l'hilade'phia county as illegal and
void. Ho decided that tho Bo.ird could
not add any property not previously
assessed and returned by the Board of
Revision of TaxcB of Philadelphia Co.
By tho remission of this increased tax-
ation the city of Philadelphia will save
$45,000." Tho Judgo in question may
have rendered such a decision, but wo:
cannot believe it, unless hois tho an-1
thor ot tbo decision that watches are
"apparel," and, therefore, not taxable.
If ho rendered tho ono decision, ho is
ontiroly competoul to give tho othor.
But tho editor who supposes that 15,
000 watches would yield $45,000 in
taxes, is a greater blockhead than tho
Judgo. .- '
The Debt Question Settled. Gov.
Tilden's letter on the payment of tho
"rebel debt," slaves, Ac., is a settler on
those points so far as ho is concerned.
Now, let us havo ono equully asoxplicit
from Gov. Hayes on this question.
Because thoro ia no salety to tho tax
payer until ho promises to voto all
'loyal" schemes trumped up by bis
backers, should ho unfortunately bo
oloetetl by carpet-baggers, acalliwags
and "sicli, to the great injury of the
mnny. Let him also, give a plcdgo to
the people, on those points, and thcre -
by "fence out" all schemes sot up by
the sharpers to swindlo the pooplo.
Hayos! nro you, or oro you notoppos- the former kicked him out and rovers
od to tho payment of tho millions C1 tho machine, and now very proper-
claimed in the Southern States by thoj
so callod loyal men of the day f Speak I;
, ' "','- , ' '
SasAronrAu-Wa eaa congratulate oar neo -
pie. both Democrat, and Hepublicana, upon the
act tnat lion. o. H. roelo, or tnn city, bar, re.
lh Uraeteet.l a.uiluatlen la Ibie Sl.triet
Alter a cweel; oontaatad light, amicable through
out. the conference, which mat in Tyrone on Fri
day laet, made Mr. Paale the nominee, and we
beliere be ii the eholoa of the entire dietrlet. Al
though n political wiponant. 8. R. Peak) la an
honest man, and ha will, If elected, repreeent this
diltrlot with ability and fidelity."
We clip tho foregoing from tbo Lock
Havou Republican, tho Badical organ
of Clinton county. The editor in ques
tion speaks lrom personal knowledge,
and it would bo well if tbo othor Rad
ical organs in tho district would copy
this truthful and favorable allusion to
our nominoe. " li elected." is model
irony, lhe election returns of the dis
trict should bo shown to tho writor. If
he knows nothing, something should
be tjmr-ci into him.
Romance Wi Presume. An ex
change says: "It is said that Belknnp
on his roturn to 'Washington, was by
a strango chance, tho solo occupant ol
tho hotel 'bus with Heistor Clymor.
They wore once old friends antl class
mates at l rinooton (Jollego. INot a
word was spoken by oithor of them
during tbo rido. Thoy studiously
avoided looking atone another. Bel
knap, for the first timo einco bis ac
quittal dy the Senate, looked embar
rassed at the awkwardness of tho sit
. The Correct Flan. Bear in mind
that the Inst Radical Houso of Repre
sentatives appropriated 115,500,000 in
excess of the estimates sent in by the
departments. In strong contrast, tho
first Democratic Houso appropriated
8-10,000,000 LESS than tho estimates.
Tbo difference in favor of Democratic
Reform nnd Retrenchment ia (55,500,
000. That's thekind or legislation
the country needs to dry np tho Radi
cal panic, prevent "black Fridays,"
and givo nn impetus to bvsinosa.
The Difference. Mr. Tilden would
gi.thcr about him a cabinot unexcelled
for ability in tho history of ourProsl
dt.nts. Mr. Hayos would be forced to
take such fellows as Blaino, Don Cam
eron, Each Chandler, and Socor Rob
oinoit, to whom he will owe a great
debt if he is elected. The master ofi
Uuyes' administration would bo Blaino
to whom Hayes is bound with the
cords of affection and gratitude. The
Belknaps,Babcocks and Mosbya wonld
havo no show with Tildon. 1
Tho Camoron-Grant bayonots sent
to South Carolina, for tbo purposo of
intimidating tho negro voters of that
State, and overawing the whites, will
prove a dead failure. Tho reverse will
ho tho fact ' Tho whites will become
more bold, and thousands of negroes
will voto the Domocratio ticket lor the
firM timo, not only in South Carolina,
but in every Southern State.
A "Radical Yell." Tho N. Y. Sun
says: "iho Jtepublicans aro shouting
constantly and loudly over their gains
on Congressmen in Indiana and Ohio.
And yet the official returns show that
on the total vote cast by both parties,
in those Slates, for candidates lor con
gress, the Democrats got nearly 8,000
majority in Indiana, and precisely 179
mnjority in Ohio."
"Tho Confodontto Democracy," now
roost vory heavy on the stomach of
tho editor of the Journal. Well, it's a
little rough, but the "robs" will not
hang him, from, the fact that he done
them no harm during the war, and Is
evidently only joking now. '".I
(ioli-LlKi Aiiviok. General Wade
Hampton, the conservative candidate
for Governor of .South Caiolina, 111 a
late speech; ftl 'Aiken, 10 that Slate,
told thopeopl tooflertioreslsfancoto
arbitrary nrrcius but to submit quiet-
ly. I(,'nitc States soldiers are or-
dered to fire upon tliein, tliu hitler
must not resist, but bare their breasts
1 , ...
Slid be M illing to diu for the good ol
their country. Tho people are deter-
mined upon a peaceful victor)' und
, . , , , ,. , t ,
must givo no pretext to their enemies
flnil thi'(liMest I'ruunila fjir the
MIIIMMt cinifM-A iiiikIc 0 .It'ltlia UIIU O'ei
, inul uuTi.ttt atittii. rt uat fiomisi.i .
these people display to get rid ol tho
carpet hug frcoboolcrs, who have stolen j
licilllv I'Vervlhilli;- f
mourns, anil too qtie-,ion is stiu iin-
Whether these powers will
finally engage in the nrlutratmn on
arms, remains 10 no seen, n u ui
lmiks out between these two powers,
we shall not be surprised if all Europe
j becomes mvolveii hciore n sciiiemeni
i bmuglil almnf. Russia wunlslo un-
nx Turkey to her nonunions, hut, as
in thu vase of Poland, alio may open
tliu war, but she will bo compelled to
! divide with Germany and Austria be-
1 fore a fluul settlement Is made. Be
sides, England, Franco und Italy will
have a say in tho matter before settle
ment tiny.
' i
Men le.ociete fur virtue and eoitfrdureie for
rilleinj. Jamn U. Miner.
Certainly they do. . You know how
it is yourself, Mr. Uluine. You con
federated with Caldwell in tho sale of
tho Eiltlo Rock and Fort Smith bonds.
You confederated with all tho jobbers,
Kings, and udventurers that Infested
Congress and preyed upon tho Gov
ornmctit diiriim lhe war; and afler
eu(.0 vo,u.()i,feileraled with thothioves
j c108l, lu jl,,trtito reconstruction in
t,0 fioiUUi 1)uU,g your vote,' your
voice, and your lufluenco as Speaker
at their disposal for the highest price.
Certainly "men confederate for tII
luiny." Exchange.
Indiana OrriciAL. Tho vote in In
diana at the recent olection, has at lust
been ascertained and oflicinlly announc
ed as follows: ',
AftltreKate Democratic rota 211,617
AggTeKete Radical rote , SIHIXIS
Asireceto lndependert rote....H 1UI,SS3
Total M,SI7
This is by fur the largest vote ever
polled in tho State. It is avorcd that
two-thirds ol tho Independents will
voto for Tilden, and will roll his ma
jority up to at least 15,000. Harrison
did not run ahead of his ticket, but
l Williams run about 1,200 behind the
rest of his colleagues.
A Ciianue, Anthow. The now pub-
t Uwt 0f tho World, (nt Osceola) is
i,. ft. McFnddcu, instead of O. E. Tho
hitter had sold tho coucern to Hayes,
I Cameron & Co. a few weeks ao, but
y runs it for Tilden A Co. Whether
tho someoditorwhoinspired tho Hayes
! leaders now indites tho editorials, we
kT , , . ,
' know not. Jscver having played the
part of n gymnast, we aro not versed
in somersaults ; however, we are pleas
ed to know thut tho World is right
side up at last. -
Tbo speech ot Air. Hewitt at Cooper
Instltuto on Friday night, September
20, contains an analysis of tho caso of
Blaino well worth reading. Mr. How
ilt says that tbo peculiarity of Blaino
is that ho ia reckless of assertion when
ho thinks tho proof is not nt hand to
oonvict him of falsehood. Putting it
moro tersely, Blaino tells lies when ho
thinks he can't bo found out. Just so
ho wont into railroad jobbery while
Speaker, thinking he had covered his
tracks; but Mulligan turned up with
thoso letters and his trick was ex
Loi al Indiana. It looks to ui at
this distance from the field, as though
the Radical fight over the Senatorial
issuo In tho Indiana Jefferson, dis
trict, was far moro unsettled now than
ever before, and instead of having but
two candidates in tho field there is moro
likely to be four. And if the fight
continues Hun1)' Whito will be loft at
homo again. This would bo awful In
tho estimation ot "the loyal millions.'
Cubtin on the Stum p. Ex-Govorn
or Curtiu is fighting a manly battle for
Tilden and Hendricks. Fresh from
bis triumphant campaign in Indiana he
returns to his own Stnto to follow up
und finish tho good work. We expect
ed to havo him hero, to address our
peoplo, but our friends woro too Into
in calling upon him, ho having engage
ments for ovory night, clsewhoro in
tho State, until election day.
Sti dv It. Tbero aro those at every
election poll, who know all about tho
election laws. It's woll that we have
them on band. But, wo advise them
aftor all, to read and study Sheriff Mo
Phcrson's proclamation on that point,
and keep a copy ol tho Republican,
containing it in their pockots on elec
tion day. That document contains all
tho noecssary information for election
ofllcor, voter ond critic.
Reahkr Think Oveu It I In 18(18
Ohio gavo Grant a majority of 41,000
and 37,000 in 182, whilo at tho last
election tho Radicals curried the Stato
by Iras than 6,000, and nearly a lie on
tho Congressional vote. And this too
on a voto of over 000,000, by far the
largest every pollod in that Slato.
It really looks now as though tho Dem
ocrats would sweep the Stat on the
7lh. ' i . ,
1- 1 . i. .. .1
Turn Out. Democrats the testi
mony Is as clear as the sun at meridian
on a bright day, that if the Democrat!
turn out on election day Tilden and
Hendricks will ho electod by a largo
mnjority. Torn ont, let no excuse but
sickness keep you nt homo on the 7th
ol Novembor.
If ovory Democrat does his duty on
election day not a single ono of the
mon who havo plundered tho peoplo
for the past ten years will be left to tell
the story of their erimos, and peace
prosperity and fraternal relations will
be established with ovory section oi
Union. 1
Tho Radical flag now consists of
"bloody shirt," badly torn at that. The
emblem is In harmony with ths party.
The one fs a true redox of the other-
shirt and party are alike.
Cavino In. lion. K. W. Hughes,
of Pottsvillo, tho Groonhack leader in
this State has doelarod openly lor Til-
den. And Brick Pomoroy, who has
been waging a war upon Mr. Tilden
ever since his nomination, in tho last
issue of his paper, In alluding to the
Presidential question, so, . :
" Ureenbnek ,.n powlhie rote the Re-
pub I Una liiket. If ha thinks there U no elianoe
, Cooper, he can onljr eeat bl. rule wlib Bern-
".1 iX.
helpandauleriiifftathwonir party ibai bee In U a
Urrenbeck rentiioral, altuael tf not quit l)l i
lta( i( .i.,r0,,.d,w,u u.e.ndiiUW
. ..'I'hjs. .In jot "N'gathnrHywcJinye
li-itnre 1'S in t.r IMt wit
i10 Uenuvu hicord. the orga
apart nwmmiiir Ma
r.rull ol .iij, H . ill. , Wr-
(jrveiibuek parly in Clinton county, in
ui, nt issue says:
"The trtal political be I tie ha. narrowed down
thee are dteiaUiSed with the candidate! and :
Tho Issuu before tbo people is just
(Lis: Tilden or Hayes. Whether!
honest men or rogues shall continue to
udininistor the government and rob the
Hjople 'n the future as thy have dur
ing tho pusf fell years.
It Cannot Be Held. The Radical
Chairman, 11 yt, is yelling to hi parly
friends to "Hold the Fort," but tho oil-,
adcl cannot be hold. The cummandurs
have plundered it of everything, and
oven wont outside and deult in Cadet
ships, Crodit Mobilier slock, Trader
posts, etc. It's all ever boys. When
Indiana, where Morton, Treasurer
Now, and Postmastor General Tyner,
all reside, Could not hold out, how can
ho expect any other Stales, except
Vermont and Iowa, to hold a fort. Col.
its all over. The businoss enterprises
engrailed into our government affairs,
a few of which wo havo enumerated,
have so crippled our moral character
and discounted our integrity and rob
bed us of our provisions, that wo nro
compelled to surrendor to the Reform
ers who propose to run tho machine
on the Washington Jeffcrson-Jackson-Polk
Buchanan plaa.
Stokes is Feee. Edward S. Stokeilouth of ofllco than the aforesaid, pro-
who killed Jamea Flak, jr., was dis-1
charged from Sing Sing prison on the!
28th ult. He is nearly broken down
physically, ho suffers severely from
asthma, and, though only 38 years of
age, he is quite gray. Though his long
fight against tho gallows cost $300,000
he will bo comparatively a rich man I
when he leavos his cell, as bis oil refin.
ing works, which havo been cared for,
by his mother during his imprisonment
havo dono a good business, and aro
quito valuable. - Misery has accumula
ted on tho wrotcbed convict's head
since his crime His futhor dietl of
griof, bis wife has frood herself from
bim by divorce, and all the fair wea
ther friends of his gilded days have
forsaken him.
Awful. it is wonderful how the
'toil millions" are exorcised over the
action of "the Confederate Congress."
Had that body engaged In tho sale of
Cadetships, Trader-pots, Credit Mo
bilier stocks, etc., instead of reducing
tho Department ostimatoB forty million
of dollar, tbo brothor-in law robbers,
wonld not set np such roguoish yells
theso naniev times. But its "go to
work" that stares them in the face and
unnerves them. The saving of forty
millions, in one year in the administra
tion of the Government, is enough to
alarm any body. It is no wonder that
a loyal yell is extracted from thoso
who havo annually plundered tho tax
payers of that snag sum of money.
The Alliance Candidate. Tho
Nnow-Nothing oath of the American
Alliance is: "I tdmnly ncear that I trill
vote for no pertan aspiring to an official
pmition in thii country who U not an Amer
ican rifiren by birth. So help me God."
Rutherford B. Hayes has accepted the
nomination of this bigoted association
for President with the full knowledge
of its principles and purposes. Isn't
Ruthyaposey? Standingnp before God
and man, and taking an oath ho must
break within twenty-four hours after
he is inaugurated, (should this misfor
tune befall the country) thus proving
to all honorablo men, bereft of bigotry,
that he is wholly unfit for tho position
to which he aspires.
A band of twenty negroes killed six
white men at Edgefield, South Carolina,
on Thursday a week, by laying in wait
for them. Not a single Radical nows
papor or stumper has called attention
to this horriblo outrage! Had tho six
white men killed a negro in a fight,
what a "rebel yell" would have been
sunt North, ot this crime, and every
loyal stumper would havo rendered
thanks for this kind of capital.
Loyal KNAVERT.-yRadical mission
aries aro now trampmg over tho North
purporting to be "Southern Rebels,"
and spitting out their spite against tho
"loyal people'1 of this section on tho
Toombs plan. These unreconstructed
rebels aro Northern political sneak-
thieves, or detectives, and aro sent out
to disturb the nerves of thoso who
would faint at a "rebel yell." How
shrewd thoso sneaks are I
Great Names. Richard Van Daren
Lincoln, the Radical nominee for Con
gross in this district is a forty-second
oousin of "the late lainonted" of that
name. He la evidently highly finished
also, in the educational sense. His
homo organ, the Mifllinburg Telegraph,
graduates him al Dickenson College,
and the Bcllefonte organ puts him
through the Lowisburg University.
Fortunate man. '
An id Jot. A sixty-two year old
bride was lost for twenty four hours
on the Centonnial grounds last week,
and when the sixty-eight year old
groom found her, the parties wore so
overcome with joy that thoy both
swooned away, and had to be carried
to a saloon whore restoratives wero
administered, and tho twain enabled
to plod along in tho usual tenor of
their way. ;
"Coniedorato" ascendency, at this
time annoys tome people aw fully just
as the draft did, but the thing cannot
be avoided by making trip to Erie,
Ridgway or Brookville, as in former
days and be exempted, or find a will
ing substitute, Kvery tub must stand
on its own bottom.
Settied. The October election sot
tied the Presidential question, and the
millions oi lookors on outside ol the
States in which they war held, oon
oode the lection of Mr. Tddon, and
ths ceremony of tb Nov est her eloo
tlon is a mere matter of form, I
Radical ENmuraisE. If our Radi
cal rulers wore a enterprising in chock
ing panics, and reviving the business
interests, that they- Imvo prostiuled,
as they are at mulliplyiug votes at the
ballot-box, where ihcy need them t
defeat tho people, they would bo en
titled to a consiilontbl amount,', of
credit. The last effort in tho voting
line comes from Colorado. The aggro
gato vote lust year was li,f00 and tho
Democrats hud a majority of 2,100.
This year the vote is run up to 27,280
and llio Rnilicitln csrrv the Slate by
l.nhl). 1.
hrought about by puru and undeflled
ballot-box stuffing by the "crooked
whiskey" rogues and their trader-post
dUCl VOIiUldr cleniHHI, but llieV are UllUl
conduct an honest government.
Thoy nrooxpertJ! in crime, but verdant
in moral and legal affairs.
lloi.n on Mil. 1'iiAiii.MAN. The
Chairman ot the Stale Committee, not
satisfied with gobbling up Ex-Gov.
Iligler and Senator Wallace, has also
ordered Wm. ,11. Mi-Ciillogh, Esq., our
nominee for District Attorney, on tho
slump, and scuds hiiu into Green and
Washington counties, (.'apt. MeClellun
must havo great confidence in "the
boys" In our county, being competent
to conduct an Important ca.npalgn
when' ho order all our good speakers
outside, to help our neighbors to "hold
thu Fort." Well "Citp,"wo will do the
best w'j can, but, just hold up a little.
It's no use in making tho majority lor
Tilden over 10,000 in the State.
Si paKME Grant, who hrs
just ordered tho soldiers down South
for the purpso of carrying that sec
tion for Hayes, ' Cameron li Co., has
also issued t Thanksgiving Proclama
tion, and designates tho 30lh of Jo
veiulier as the day of "thanks and
prayers to Almighty God." Well, the
mun who has no moro respect for the
.Constitution of his country and his
sumcs hugely upon tho credulity of bbj
constituents. Perhaps ho only esteems
them slaves I Hence his blasphemy.
OvERnoAitP. Tho Continental Tiifo
Insurance Company of Now York has
oollapscd because of tho bad manago
nieut ol its
officers. The tornblo
shrinkngo in real estate within tho
Pt three years has rendered the Com-
pany bankrupt. That which cost tho
dii-evtors $800,000 four years ago will
not sell for 1300,000 to-day, henco tho
concern is driven into bankruptcy
We wonder whether the officers aro all
in for a continuation of tho Grant-
1 hives policy, and new leusu of the
blessings of tho past four years,
All Pbotestiko. Tho universal
protest anaiiist the Camoron-Grant
policy comes from Charleston, South
Carolina. In fuel tho wholo Stale is
protesting, with the exception of the
carpet buggers and a few scallawags
who wisli to slill further plunder the
people of the United States, to save
them lrom pillage and wrongs pcrpo
trated upon thu Slato for ti e past ten
years. All havo been robbed, insulted
and wronged, and will be compiled to
flea from the Slulo, if not saved from
further outrage
A Failire. It appears that the
would-be-President, Oov. Hayos, of
Ohio, whowusoiicxhibitien for several
days last week, ut the Centenniul,inado
but a poor show, although the "Dead
Duck," Forney, was playing ring mas
ter. The show was no go. (iovornor
Hayos' reception at tho great show
camo tho nearest uf being a complete
failure, of any executive that attempt
ed anything ol tho kind, notwith
standing bis hnge prutonsions.'
Skttle It. Wo hopo Chairman
McClellan, will' tuko Dr. Early nnd
Mr. Wimmor by tho cats, and compel
them to settle tho Assembly affair bo-
twoon them over in Elk county. The
idea that two excellent gentlemen like
them should throw a stone, or even a
pobblo in tho way of electing a Demo
emtio President, is too preposterous to
debato, in the presence of sensible men.
Another Daniel, ic.-Daniel Dough
erty, Philadelphia s leading orator,
poet and lecturer has renounced Grant-
ism, and went straight-way to New
York, on Friday, and addressed one of
tho largest Democratic gatherings that
over convened at tho Cooper Institute.
Ho is emphatically lor Tilden and Hen
dricks. He says there Is no salvation
for the country only through their
BrsiNEss. It is a conceded fact that
tho "Confederate Congress" saved tho
tax-payers not less than thirty million
of dollars in tho appropriations of ono
year. Now, why has not tho "loyal"
Senate and tho Executive Departments
reduced tho National debt to that
amount? What havo they dono with
the money thus saved ? Let us hear
from you ? I
A Goon Prophet. (Irsnt'scx treas
urer New, aftor ho roliirnod to his In
diana homo, in August, wrolo to his
Radical successor those words:
"If Indiana goat Democratic, yon may aa well
begin to pack your baggage and prepare In go
Well, tho fellows aro really packing
their traps. Tho remark is too stun
ningly true.
A Straw, Etc. Gov. Hnyei mndo
a vory poor show at tho Centennial
tho othor day, whon compared with
tho reception awardod to Hoy. Tilden,
a few weeks ago. Neither numbers or
enthusiasm accompanied the Buckeye
Patriot. If he does not turn np a
"deod duck" too, nliout the 7th of No
vember we will bo moro mistaken than
evor before, ,, , , ,
A Dead Ibsi e. Tbo "rebel" war
claims bug-bcar,whioh has anuoyed the
more nervous and bigoted Radicals for
some time, has been effectually explod
ed by Gov. Tilden's lettor, totind clso-
where In this issuo. Thoso who wish
to kuow the opinion of the next Presi
dent on that issue, will please read Got.
Tilden's views on that subject.
A Radical"Hmartt." Aftor Issuing
his proclamation giving notice of an
olection for Congress to bo hold in No
vomW, the Secretary of State of Col
orado discovered that no such election
Is provided for hv law. knaequentW
h has mado a second proclamalioa re
voking the first, and now awaits In
structions. ... t,
Standing some years ago with our
distinguished comedian Uwens, on Ex
change place, In front of somo burnod
nouses, I lulled his attention to tbo
Itiet thtt ono of tho sufferers hud been
called "Ilaycf," aa his sign was still to
be seen over the door. "By-tlio-by,"
said Uwens, "do you know how that
saying "My name is Hayes" originat
ed?" 1 coiilessod my ignorance, when
ho proceeded to give this version :
"Many years ago, when Mr. Jefferson
was a candidate for tho Presidency,
and party feeling ran very high, ho
was ridintf alouir uimui oho of (ho
with whom he entered into conversa
tion. The conversation naturally
turned upon the ponding Presiden
tial election, and Mr. Jefferson's
'iii 'liTiU i7.;.',tf
tliu prcnunl iicpuoiicuu canuiuitlu lor
the Presidency who was a federalist,
and did not know Mr. Jefferson, in
dulged hinisell freely in party nbusoid
Alter riding some distance together
they reached lhe residence of Mr. Jeff
erson s cstule, winch wus known to
his companion, although Mr. Jefferson
himself was not. With ull tho courtly
politeness which distinguished the Vir
ginian gentlemen ol the olden time,
.Mr. Jellursou invited Ins companion to
rido in with him, "Do you livo here?"
saiii his companion. "Yes," said Mr.
Jefferson ; "my name is Jefferson, and
1 am the gontleinau whom it has
pleased you to abuse during our rido."
With bis eyes spread wide open in
amuzement, tbo companion rejoined ;
"lour name Jefferson 7 "lea, said
Mr. Jefferson. "Woll," said ho, "my
name il JJayes," and with a "go-long"
be stuck his heels into the nauks ol
his old mare.
A similar sceno will be enacted next
November upon the decision of the
pending Presidential canvass. We
shall hear the descendant of Mr. Jeff
eraon s companion excluim, "My nuuio
is Hayes," and we shall seo him, with
a "go long," strike his heels into the
mare, hut her head will not be pointed
toward thu White House. Corrrtpon
dence Baltimore (jaiiite. ,
The Republican party is clearly
going and will soon bo gone. Thu
places that bavo so long known it will
soon know it no more, certainly lor
years, and may bo forever. For such
a party can hardly bo expected to sur
vive its oxclusion from power. All its
life its leaders have fed at tho public
crib, and they havo not virtue enough
to endure oven a short period of star
vation. When tho Democratic party
went out of power all its people wero
party mon only for party plunder join
ed Iho Republican party and became
leaders. Such men will not in tho fu
ture, as thoy would not in tho past,
cling to their principles nt the cost ol
their pockets. When politics cease to
pay, they cease (o bo its votaries.
There are very few Republican loaders
who are not of this class of men, and
whon tho party goes down it will be
very likely to be disorganized. It will
bo a good thing for it and tho cooutrv.
It ncods purification so badly that
nothing clso than a complete burning
and the resurrection ol a Phoenix
from its ashes will answer the necessi
ties of the caso. That tho burnt offer
ing is ready for tho sacrificial firo In
diana has distinctly told us. Thoro is
great alurm among tho leaders nf the
shoep at Iho impending disaster to the
flock. They havo no louircr courairo
to keep up tho fight to ward off their
....A r, .1 . . . i
imv. A .lev It rv UHEUU alio IIUVU lOBl
their bead. Everything ihey do turns
against them ; and their South Carolina
"master stroke" has driven tho lust
nail in their coffin. TAineaster Intelli
gencer. The Devil's Work. Cameron,
Grant & Co., have more United States
troops stationed in South Carolina for
tho purposo of defeating tbo Demo
cratic electors, white and black, than
they have In tho Black Hills country
to hunt tho murderers of Custor and
his three hundred murdered, sculped
and quartered soldiers. Such is the
diabolism of Radicalism. Power and
plunder is all that a modern Radical
leader looks for. All the constitu
tions or oaths that intervene aro treat
ed as moro jokoe. '
Wonder nx ! Tho everlasting "Pri
vate Dalzell," of Caldwell, Ohio, in
forms "the world and tho rest of man
kind," the Radicals lost both Ohio and
Indiana, at tho last election, by too
many members of that party attending
tho Contennial from thoso States on
eloction day. And bo thinks that ab
senteeism will be far greater on the
7th of November, than in October.
We bavo no doubtof it ; and this bigb
privato cannot avert tho catastrophe
that is about to befal his party.
" Dead Duck." In aapoech at Gor
mnnlown, Forney said : "1 found, in
addressing a meeting in my nalivo
city of Lancaster lost night, tlmt thce
was a doop, earnest thought pervading
the people themselves." Ho forgot to
say that bis nativo city is pervaded
with a deep, carnost wonder why the
Republican Statu Central Committeo
allows a man to stump the State for
thorn, who Is charged with having a
$25,000 bribo in his pocket.
"Tho Confederates" seem to ar.noy
the slay-aUhomo, wide awakes, much
worso now than they did during tho
rebellion. W bnl awful dreams thoso
poor frightened souls must have. We
have no doubt that when Wade Hamil
ton Is elected Governor of South Car
olina, that many o! them will bestrido
a nightmare and take a straight course
for tho Clifton House,and mako Canada
their future home so as to livo and dio
among "loyal peoplo."
A Testimonial. The editor of the
Williamapc-t Sua, In alluding to our
nominoo for Senator says i
"The Democratic Senatorial Coalerenceof Can.
Ire, Clinton aid Claatteld aoaallee met at Look j
llaren, on Halnrday leal, aad
Peala, Ren., of Lock llaren, ae their candidate !
Tor Slate Iterator. He U a Median, member af
the bar, an etoellent eneaher. a aaand Il.m.Mt
aad la ercrr retpact qoll.d la neefallj; aad
hoaorablj rrprtreat the dlrtrlct Ha will be
riceuMi-n-r laTaU aeajarlte, , ,
--r-r-MMwe-aB--ena ,
' Marciiino Alono. democrats, did
you ever, since 1856, enter s Presiden
tial oontost in November with such
oncournging prospects as you do this
year? In every other contest since
1850, the Ootober elections decided tho
battle against you. Not so this year.
Gird on your armor and grasp the
victory. . ,
Sound. Thecditor of the New York
Sun says: "Governor Tildon looked
young, happy, healthy, and spirited,
as the groat torchlight procession filed
past him on Thursday nlgbl, He Is
in flno trim for tho great work (bat hp
will have to begin early in the month
ol March next i -
Yes, iiwopeirdont ths SalUbnrr
ifvM for White, and anlnH Jonks.
Queer Independence that I J est what
all ths Radical journals in the district
do. , r ,-, i , ,., ,
Tm cwr.R CAaicr addrkss.-tiiu
"Greenback" Captains havo issued an
,, . . 1 , ,. ,
address to tho people, lhe most
fill point they mukoia, that or present!
..... . , , .,d' I I
ov a a flout from hull lecls illloll. and i
everything we have had in that line
hai been bestowed upon the country
by lUlieul bands. That's s g()nil thing,
"book It."
A Tiiik Ariianueuent. The Pro
hibitionists ci the Blair and Cambria
senatorial tllstriot, have nominated J.
. Evans, of I'Xcnsliurg, as their candi-
was sold 1.1 Ohio, a few weeks ago, and j
we presume it can be purcLasaxl higher)
' . ti
i. :. ,. ,v- TI,,, I ll.MjPen '
hibilionisls last year pollen neatly
8,000 voles. This year that ticket only
received 1,712 votes. The other 0,258
teetotaler voted for Hayes sold out
for a price und yet Hiiye' majority
is under 0,000 notwithstanding; the
puichuso of these godly men.
"Armed white Democratic dill's," in
South Curol'im annoy the extra loyal
ists up North lory mit'-h. Hut urined
negro bunds marching up and down,
occasionally killing a while man, makes
them shout glory! -What a strange
channel some people's tastes do run In,
anyhow.' : ' - " - ' -
That's So.
TIlO Philadelphia 'Timet,
;.. ..Il,l;., . . ,1 .1 .-..I, .....l w..lf
tion of tho country, says
With Such
men as McClulluiv, Wulluconnd Bullitt,
to teach the mission of Democracy, it
could not suffer ' wounds fioWi Its
Irieuds." , .'
Democrats, no trading on Associate
Judge, or any other ticket, this time
Puy your compliments, or personal ob
ligations in somo other way, and at
some other time than on election day,
especially when a Radical asks you to
vole for thoir ticket.
Rev. John P. Durbin, a prominent
Methodist clergyman. (died in , New
Y'ork on Tbiirsduy, in the 70th year
of his age. lie was lor niuny years
President ol Dickenson College, at Cur
lisle, in this Slate. - '
Col. Thos. C. .McDowell, ot Harris
burg, a leading L'oopcrito, has declar
ed for Tilden. Ho says there ts no
hopo lor Cooper. All his comrades,
except those seeking an office, ''seo it"
in that light.'
. ti t.
A HEAVY ItAM. Ji. McClcIlttO,
Senator Wallace tu.tT Congressman
Clymor, addlUSSed the DcWOOjttOy Of
J . . ' .
Philadelphia, ut Horticultural Hull, in
that city on Saturday evening. -, 1 . ,
Tho official voto of Indiana shows
Democratic majorities ranging from
5,139 for Williams lor Governor up to
7,530 for Smart for Superintendent of
Public Instruction,
Talking about "tho rebel cluims,
tbo Chicago Time suys:l""Ken
Hayes is elected they may not bo a
dead loss. . Scud 'cm to ' l.ogan und
promise him half." 1
gfiv tdrfrtifif mnts. a i
Nelloe is herebr rlren tlut tellers of Ad
mlnletretion on tbe eiUle of WtAKT
Hl.Mt. late or llurnnje twp , Clearfield Ca., Pa
deeeeeed, harlns been dulr created to the nnler.
eioed, all per taut indebted o oaM aetata will
pieaae make ImtuitUalc payment, and than
baring rlaiuia or demAode will fjreeent - them
propcrlr nulboatleatod f.r .et-llUtat-nl wthoat
lelej. c. B. KINll,
(Irani, Nor.. I, lSTS St. AdmlnieUalor.
, . i : ,
Notioe Is bercbp firer. that Letters of A4-
mlnlitretior, on Iba estate of WILLIAM HITCH.
INU8, late of tlredfe-d tonnahlp. Clearfield Co.,
Fa., deceased, bariof been delr greeted ta tha
unaeratgned, nil pemiaa in looted: to raid aetata
will pleaaa make immediate payment, aad thoee
baring eleiins er demands ageinat the aaane will
present them properly antbeotiealoi for arlile
taent without delay,
Woodland, Oct. li.'ffi fit. AdminlstraUr. -
J Notice Is hereby giren that letters te. ta
rn eatery harlug been granted to tha anderslrnad on
the estate of JOHN HUAW, Sr., deed, late af
Clearfield borough, Clearfield enaaly, Penn'a.
all persona Indebted to said estate an reooooted
te make Immediate payment, and those baring
elaims agaiart the same will present then doly
authenticated for settlement
R. It. SHAW, '
Clesrteld, Oct II, ISrt-St. Ktecolor.
Notice k) hereby gtren that Lellcri of Ad-rj
ministration an me aetata or ISAIAH J.
PEMX. law nf township, Clearfield
oouaty, 1., dee d, baring bean duly granted to
tbe undersigned, all poraoue indeblod to eaid
acuta will pleaaa make immediate payment, and
thora baring claims or demands will present
them properly authenticated fr eettlcmcnt with,
outdcley. MARY. M. PKNTZ,
Lathrraburg, Oet. 1 1 , Tt-St Adm're.
CAl'Tf0 t, .i ,
All persons are hereby cautioned egainst pur-'
abasing or In iny way m xl lllog with the follow
ing property, now tn possession af Solomon Ro
land, of Cbeet township, rls : One cooking store,
1 cupboard. I sett er chairs, I table, I hand -caw,
I fork, I sborel plow, I dinner-bell, I bey Parks,
I drawing knlre, I Iron kettl, nnd new clock, aa
lhe same belongs ta me, and is left In km posses
sion, on loan only, subject ta my order at any time.
Weslorer. Nor. 1st, 7. JONAS R.WDKR.
: j i v i ') i
All poisooa are berebr nantlaaed against
purcl.asing ar saeddliag with tbe fallowing de
scribed property now in possession of Cornelias
D. Tubbs, of Ferguson township, rls t One black
m are, I bar and 1 brown home, 1 wtga. 1 log
eled, I head young nettle, a lot of nits, a lot of
nay, ,v acrra oi oucswnmi, r name ar com, new
nnd nigs nnd sheen. This nroncrlr waa nnrehea.
by ni at Sheriff's sale, on the 13th of September
est, and Is left with said Tubbs on loan, subject tn
mj n..r a. any n-je. JOllfl l.BIKAW
nlarron, Norcmber 1, 1876.
-v I
All person I era herebr cautioned
purchasing ar la any way meddliag wl
following property, now la paaaeeelea af
he, the -r tun . ir . . '
ulna nronertr. ae ta '-- mi u
One Yoke af Oxen, aa Iba ansae ware parr baaed
ii r "-"nsiaoies sale, and are Ian with aaid
roaci, auDjeet ta my order at any time,
Bell lp., Jeflereoaea, Oet. IS,7S Jte , ,
Sheriff's Salfi.
Br rtrtna af shndry writs of VW
sued ant nf tha Court af OcmuM Pleaa af Clear,
field eouuly, and to ate direcled. ih.r. .In i
aiposed to public snlc, at the Court lluse, la the
borough of Cleerneld, an Saturday, tha I Sib day
r oaioon p. m, tha fo.
lowing deeoribad real aetata, ta wH t . . . , A
Allot bcfcnl'l Inleiwtt Inseertnln place r par.
aal af ground situate la Osceola bnreagh, Clear
eld aoaaty, Pa, bounded and described aa r.l.
laws i O Iba aaet by Kltaabctk street, oa the
-one p.peny at Artour Katap and Burdia
ttep, a the south by property of Arthur K.leu,
nn the weet by property af Arthur A Hardin
Salop, aonteiaiug one tow sat oeslat feat, and
baring thereon erected n Ihrae tWry freiao kouae,
rrame stable aad olber eaessary nut buildings.
Seised, taken la aaecutio aad te be told as the
properly or Jamas B. Cola,
Alas, that certain law lot situate I Oseeola
bnrcegh, Clearfield emtaly, Pa, belag let No. 4U
la plat af arid borough, bounde J and deacribed ae
follows , , On tba north bp aa allay, sect by lot
V : " "" et by bet No.
4IS, belag Mfaatfraat aad 1M feetaWkeriag
twettory frame bouse IS2 tbereoa. Seised,
taken I eieentnn and 10 be sold as tbe property
f 0. W. Bartley.
tn.s ar SAt.-Tke prtae a aaa H wklek
tk propartp tball be struck at mart be paid at
Ik time af eele, er each aiaer arraageaaeau
"..: T1" PP'.lkrla the property
will be lataediatelr put p w4 eaid It. at
Ue aireeae aad risk af Ik puree, ta when, it
at i ttrwnh at, and lees, la aaaa af deldeney at
nk re eale, sbeM ajabe gaad Ue Mo. aad 1
lastseae will lb Dead be preeaaited I. oHi
rr eoatreaallea unless the moasi it actaaili
pal la tba Hkg. , . . ' 7"
snnairr t orrira, i
Olaarleld, Pa Hor. 1, 1STJ. J,
jfl Hartiumtntt,
- -f t-.j , i.
Q . , AND tuu bali
- -
nndarlnn offere For rale an reelra.i.1.
....... ii.-i. ... in i j
term, Ihelr itciai eew mill, located el Wallace,
ttia, Clearfield Co., Ps. lha angina aud bell,,,
are khI as new. The .lie vf Ih. enflno U
14x24, and li In goad runntna order. Thee nIH
alio cell their rhlnffle and lata mill, and all tkl
wnrkian aiaetilaarr la Ike 0,111. Partial wi.ku,
Uj ittthaea aea) fall on or addreee
Clearlola, Pt , Jone 30, lift.
ir.M.'B. 8p"ackman
Iteiliaa' tp announce ta. lb nubile that he kai
7 tT S 2T X T T7 B E
, d, , ,,, of cabinet work d hi
PAIR FCHN'lTUItl ol all tinde,oo abort
notioe end in tbe beet poe.lblo aiaaner, ea
Fourth etreel, oppoeite Perh A M-rriH Carrier.
The moit nompleta lnrtltotl n In the t'sited
Bute for the thoronirh praclioal aduoslioa of
eouas nnd middle aged men.
Mudeiilu received at auy tlnae.
J. O. SMITH, A.M. Principal,
eeptll, : . .
n a u ti onXP " 'T.
All perrons art herebr canrlsnad aralan
pnreherlnK or fa anr ernr raeddlmf with tha ral
loerinir propertr, sow In tha paieaeet'm Y John
A. Rowlea, of tlreeaorood loernehlp, rin Three
boreee, three head of oallle, ell hoge, latere! la
mewlnf machlna, one twa-herae erei'M, bar rake,
Tannine; mill, eiibt lone of hoy, eight acres of
hMl. ... m. Ml rM .IiIm. arm at ...
j SMI oun of nate, rtitr buehele of erboat, eprier.
I ereKiin, P'orr. narrow, euisirator, enter anil, tnir
I teen eheep, 1 ecu af harneea. eooh etore. bnreea.
c-'nek, mi of cbaire, labia and dough trar. Tbe
rorefotae property era purebaeed br ate at Sher
iS . Sole on the 1 lib d; of October, and la left
with oid Kneteeaa loan, eubiert to nt? order at
nn.r lime. , I. J. COULTER.
Marran, Oct. IS, '7-t. "
tltarflcld, Pean'a,
PeprercDIa all tb -endln Eire Thewruriee
Oompasiee of tha eauntry i . i
Queen ...... 4111,1100, CCI
HnyaJ Cn-ltiio...
1 Ha
In", tl
Hunt, K lurk ..
IjVAotDing, Muiiet, V ,
Frat.liD, I'hiliid a.. .,
Pbwois, Ilarffwr-I
II tutor er, N? York
Hon, CjI , Q.n.ii:A,-.,A...;i
A tin, IUf Hr-l..., ,
Prov idtiiv, yt mI ingloa ..w.Hai
PvriGDi itot rfftg IB tinriiM n prop
rrt? tf wit kiddp touM mU -at tmj oAet, o
Market trwt, or-potMt lb Ct'irt IImm, and n
my Hat of mmi'iair nd ram kwfor tntrtfif,
- . JOHN H. rULFOHl),
CUrW( N. Or. 7, '7i-y
V7 uo. Town rroperty,
(Urofib Orubfttu' Court
Town Property. By rlrtut of an of
or ClMrfitl'l oub.v
P., tlit undtriiroeil Aduiinltrtr'i of tht muu
ofj. Mllw Kretser, Itt of Clsarfleltl boitpuj-b,
dtMi, will Mil ai publlo ial at tht Cmrt
Hutu ia laid, boraugh,
THaraday, Hat taiber ta4, in 7ft,
at l:S0o'clek f. ill IbattrrUlB later pleeeof
land, iltaat ia Mid Clearfield burMtb. traded
the iHttib Vine tbe eait by aa al-
ly, tbe nth b? lot af Joeepb
I h.trJu'.d i1Z EStt
September, ldS, .old end eonr-rrStaJ hi ilea
, llrilur MhlMti.ik.i,HnMt,k.u.ul.
or rental of three hundred dVllarrf the principle
uio Wine, U.ttl). The improrenaenu reaelit of
a rood two.itorr brick boner, frame ruble, weab
-tiuuar and other outbuildings.
Timo or Saul. 3 per cent, en lhe purcbaee
moaer ta be paid at the time af oele, oao hall af
tbe balance at confirmation of sale, aad the re
mainder la eae year, with Interest, to be eacared
by bond and rAorigago oa the premieee.
( v.. ' : ! 1 r.. mania, tkttAtKKH,
ucio-r u, i?7n-3w Adiniaiilratrti.
EW ,
Rtiexa Nee. 4, Ple'a Opera llowaej,
4'larald, .
'i ? i
Keep constantly aa bend '' ''
SUGAR,,, ..
C0me..jU i H
.1-1 --I-. , i
'! SODA, ' ,
I e
, 3 J T T u v . J jcoai. oil,
v,..,":' VVRUP,;' ,
,."".':V.' balt, :
;'' spicks,' ",: ':" '
SOAP, " .,
Caaseol and Drlad rnlta, Tobea, Cifara, Can-
'. dies. Cider Vlo.gar, Baiter, Eg ft, Ac.
ALSO, x:
oiii kadi
Wheat and Buckwheat Flour
': t . 1 j ' ' ,
Corn Meal, Chop, Peed, 4o.,
AH of which wl we sold cbeaa far aaah ar la
exchange for ooaolry prodoee.
Clearfield, Ko. IS l7..t
i ,8-i -n'i is. .A .v, r
Is reealrlns; a In assorttacnt
" ' o .
, Ta which he aska the attenllo f
Brnwa Musllsv, yard wld, rmti and
lllcarhnd Muallaa, s cwta ,,4 tf,
a'lnnnela,ISterrtapi-'' H '
Canto) Flann!, ceat saw
Drcti lionda, IO ceat 4 p.
Kbawl, st)reUnl np.
frttl4klrt7BirBt.aai.'- ti 1
Canalmnti fhr Ma tne Ittryt, Oreataap.
, ... p( girvnfial 1 ,
In great variety al the Terr
lowest prlecs.
Mnrtst .. 1, opkka uatmtx
.'-Ii 1 ' '''tnirfM, pg. ,
isjr,H. i
r;; -