. ggiffflUn aJ. WILLIAM M. HKNKY, Justice 0rr.sPoAcBA.r.- ' LUMUER ncv .iiMtinna made U. .uvf protuplly neid ever. Artieleaof egisetntjiit end dteda of toaveyanee neatly eieented eed wwwiltd MN root or mo oorg. , - B OOT AND SHOE MAKING. jnfUtPB H. DKBRINU, 00 Market itrMl. It 8hrw'o Ro. Clearleld, Pa., hu Joit reerleed a toe lot of French Coif tklni and Xtpi, the boil In the market, aod U bow prepared to bu afoetare erorythiog la hio lloo. lit will war rant hio work to bo oj reDroiented. Alt, oil kind, of Leather ooit Shoo Flailing for oilo. Tbo oltlioao of Clearleld aol (totally are roapeotrally larlUd to giro aim o can. Work doaa X iborl oolloe. i Mo'TIj nOR SALE. The under, hrn ad will Mil at Brlrato Mlo nil ? that troel or parcel of hod ottoolo la Deeetur town.hip, Clearfield eoonty. Pa., witbia o ehort dl.tanee of too Tyrone Clear A. 1 1 K. R., olid edjolniog load! of Robert lludioo ond otoera, ud kouwa oo tbo Jacob II. Uearherl kit. Tho eald troot eoBtaioiBg 00 ocrec mort or lost, with two eeiol of valuable oool tbereoo. hoi obout 10 ' aerei oltired, ood li tbo key to o large body of oool oboot Ming aereiopen, n ill no loia low ood apon only Urui. ror pertlcnliri, apply to DAVID L. KHKB8. Ciearteld, Pi., July l, 18711. TANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTHKH8BURQ, PA., Dealer In . , DRY, GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS k CAPS ud DOOTS A SHOES, Tobacco, QroeeriM and Flab. Naile, Htvrdware, qoeeneware tvoa UiAsiwere, men ana , - hoy cioutni, itrwv, paint i i ' . -Oil 8hol Booka. ' large lot of Patent Mediclnea, CeuJiea, Nad k Dried Frulte, Cbeeae and Crack ra, Rook aad Rifle Powder. , ; Flour. Grain and Potatoos, j Clover and Timothy Sdf Bole Leather, Moroooot, Xolqlna, Binding! and 'inreaa. Hiionae:trr Tooit and Shoe rinding. i Ho greater variety of goodi la any atore In tat eonnty. All ror aaie very low ror eeen or eonnirj produoe at the Cheap Corner. .May 1, 1879. HUEY & CHRIST, BOLE PROPRIETORS OP Till CELEBRATED AND on.;' srtercR's TONIC HERB BITTERS. SSXD roll PRICE LIST. 1IUEY A CHRIST, , 3d Blrott, PHILADELPHIA March 19, 187H POWELL & MORGAN, duum la , , II A 11 D W A It K , Alio, llannfmettrtri of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIAiriILD, PA. T7AUSIING IMPLEMENTS of all klodi for 10)0 by POWELL A MORGAN. R AILROAD WHEELBABROWS for lolo by POWELL A MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nolli, oto., for tola by ' T I v j POWELL k MOBQAN. II ARNE3S TRIMMINGS & SHOE flaliofi, for nlo by POWELL A MORGAN. Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For Hio by 1 ' POWSLL A MORGAN, gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sim, for Hit by POWELL A MORGAN. TRONI IR0N1 IKON! IR0N1 x For lalo by POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SUOES & HORSE SHOE HAILS, for nlo hy POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad boit Moaafoetoro, for nlo by POWELL A MORGAN. "UIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE . BOSKS, for ulo by TPOWELL A MORGAN. SAGEETT & SGHRYVER HARDWARE, (and mannraetireri of T!H, COPPER St SHEET IRON WARE, T wwat, Cl.arfloid, Pa. Horlog roftttod oar otororoon aad dooblid oor took, wo oro prtporod to offor borgoiao to par kooen la oar lloo. W. boTO dooidod to do a 94 nap tfctnferf fell at ptatly redaeed priew, Ciiwanten and yareeai whe aeat ablate bajlld- ig wui weu to tiKnvtaiee ear . i ul la'.''.rgZrdwm, trklok if now aad of Ui boot auaafaotora. Wo koop a lorto otoob of " LOCK8, LATCHES, HINGES, ' " , SCREWS, - '.!,gaaroo, LoroU, toIo, OOWI.WwV-rtl -na; aiwtn im ! Cr'e Ltt Aim, - ' CjBot, "0, 3 vim. wrrw n--ei"f.- n n ,t Dur (Oir advrrtlmHt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publlihed avery Wednafldaj 1 GOODLANDER & LEE, CIBARFIULD, PA., Ha. lb.. Larftat t Urulotloa of any paper In Nortbwaotara Pcnnoylranla. The large and conitantly Increasing circulation of the Republican, renders itvaluablo tobuainesi men ta A medium thro' which to roach the public TiRMa or Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . 2 00 If paid after three monlhi, . 2 60 If paid altor fix months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent outside of tho county payment muBl be in advance. ADVERTISING i Ten lines, or less, S times, . Each subsequent insertion, II 50 60 Admiilsiralor' Notices,' '. 1 . 2 60 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Notices 2 60 Cautions and Kstrays, . . . 1 50 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 50 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 5 00 Special notices, nor lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, . . . (8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Throe squares, 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One-half column, .... 0 00 One column 120 00 III, A NUN. Wi have alwnysjon hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, , SUBPIENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, eVc, 4c. JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING iWCII AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS,! ENVELOPES, (H1I.L HEADS, J STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, 4a, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON .'REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS I1Y MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF .WORK WILL RECEIVE ' PROMPT ATTENTION. t . . . , .?-r "i f -r . ' Oe4Uiu4ltr A Iee, Clearfield, ' ' . )n Ij c ! Hc!T,Pa. 5rj 0o(l, Gtattxitt, (5tr. JJARD TIME8 a avi ao iffiot IN FRENCHVILXE I i I aia aware tkat taere are tatne nermai a little hard to pleaae, aad I am alee awaiM that the frompiatni or nr it nee it wen aign aniveriai. Hut I aa ao aHaated now that I on aallify the tortner and prove eonoinaireiy hat "nam tinea will not effeet thoae who buy their good fro me, and all my patrona ahall ho Initialed Into the m ore! of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES UBTW KUUUal t)nUol(n W P"7 sou nmaur UaU In the lower end of the ouunt whteh X Ml I at eieeetliaf low ratea from my mawwieth atore In MUL80NUIIKU, where I an alwoyi be found ready to wait apon oaJler and fupply than wllh t I 1 k . 1 -II tl. IKk.kl Dry "Goods of all Kinds, Suoa Ol Clothi, Sotlaottl, Canlmonl, Moolloi, llilolooo, Llaoa, Urllllaii, voihooi, Trlmalnii, Rlbboao, Looo, Roadj-modo Clothlaf, BooU aad Bhooa, HoU ood Capo all of tho boot motoric! aad mato to ordof Uom, boobo, uioroo, biiiiobo, uiw muuuni, w, OROOERIBS OF ALL KINDS. Ooffoo, Too, Soiar, RIM, Moloixo, Floh, Sol1 fork, Llaoood nil, ai uu, vac bob vii. Hardware, Qaoooawaro, Tlawaro, Caotlogi, Plowo ood Plow Coillnjf, Nolli, Bplkoo, Cora Oollla- tori, cidor froiioo, ana an aioaa ooi. Porfomory, Palati, VaraUk, OImi, aad a fioorat aooortmoat or Dtatioairy GOOD FLOtfB, Of ditoroat braodt, olwoyl oa bond, aad wIU bo old ol tbo lowoot poaMMo Bfuru. 1. II. MeClolB'l Modlolaoo, Joyno'f Modleiool llootottor I and HouOand Ulttorl. S00S aonndo of Wool wantod for whlob tbo big hoot prloo will ao paid. ' Clororoood oa hood aaa ror ouo u too mwoii BiarBoi pnoo. Alio. Afoot for BtrottooTlllo aad CorwoniTllIo inroiblog Hoohiboa. te.Coll and too for roaroolvoo. Too will And OTorytbiog BiBally kopt la a rouil otoro. L. M. COUD'IKT. rr.Doh-lllt P. O., Anguit 11, 1874. JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reapeotfully notify the public tana rally thai ha htva removed hio Grocery Store from Bhaw'a Row, to tbo building formerly oeeonled by J. Mi lea K ratter, on Second atreet, aeit door to Blgler'a hardware itore, where he lotendi keeping a full Una of O 11 O O E RIEN. IIAM8, DRIED BKEr and LARD. BUUARS ood 81 RUPS, of all gradoo. TEAS, Oroon and Block. ' COFFEE, Rooitod and GrocB, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CAJfJVKB FBl'tTS, All bladi la tho markot. . -. PICKLES, In ara and barrel!, SPICES, la orory form ond tarloly. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OK ('BACKERS. SOAPS, v MATCHES, " DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil aai Lunp Chlmniiya. And a rood aooorlBMnt of tbooo thlngi aiaallr kopt ia a grooory otoro, which bo will exchange lor uoraouag oi too maraot pnoeo. WiU fell for eaoh .a ohooply on aay other oao. Pleaee oall and Me kli otoek and Jodjc for yonneir. JOHN McGAUGHEY. Clearleld, Jan. , 1S7S. G ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Soaoouor lo LTTLE t MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE LINE Of TEAS. 00L0NII8, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YOUNG HYSON. KNOLLS II BREAKFAST roreot la Markot BUTTER ANII ECGR Will bo kept and Mid at I rot out. Cub poid ror voaniry rrwaaeo. GRRMAlf OIIKHRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED FEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. PIHH. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ao.' ' v pickled. . , ; i Barrel Plcklei ond Boglllh Plokka. ' , j' FLOUR AND FEED. Floar, Cora Meal, Oat Meal, Ac , ' aohlll JAS. H. LYTLE. AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLBTON'S) ' ' ir.il. Iiil'l NEW REVISED EDITION, Compete in 16 Volumei. Intlrety re-wrltua. Krarythlng brought down te the preeent tlmo. lllaatraUd ihreughoat with Over 3,000 Illustrations i . i . t ANDMAPSof ererr oooatrl oa the aloha. Bold only by oubocrlpUoo. It is aol obligatory to take all tho voloaei ot moo a Tola aw oay ba 4rltrrod oaoo a aaalh, or onn la two Bcalha, Too eoott a dor. the arieo of a a oar. wHI Boo roe a oot of CYCLOPEDIA ON BI-MONTHLY SHUSCKIPTION la loee tnaw throe yean. Tbea bora will bo oeeiethlog eabetealial oared ood a ctorohoBM f knowledge, iodeod a Balroroal Horary la lloelf Hmrod, witk hot little I tor I or oaeriflco. PRICE AND STYLE OF IllNDINO i For Etlra Clotk, per vol IN For Llarorr LooUwr. per ral.....hu.... S a. For half Tarkey Moroeeo, per rot M..H T SO For half Raeiio Ealra (lilt, per col S M For Fall Maroooo Aai.eaa, par or.1.....,.., IS 00 For Fall Baoiia, per rel.. ...... IS St For forlbar ioformaUaa addroo, i. H. WILLIAMSON, ? i ' ' Pnlloaar'o ogoat, IS, Sink Mrwt, Jaao it, IIM.ly. Pliukorgb, Pa. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAHKJELl), PA IVKUKKHUAV MOB NINO, OCT. 11, 1IT. DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN lONO, AirYankM Vxdtt" Tllden and llendrioki art (he man To guide the atorm tbet'i brewing For oleanlng out the vlleot dan, And atop the letae renewing. -Oh k, J. Tttdon la to? man ' With Hendrloki ai weM maUl t They'll aqueloh the falae Hepubllca e, WboH deed! are eieerated. Tea they will take apon tbamielree The tatk of renovating i And laying by apon the ahelraa The party domlnatlDg. Oh 8. J. Tllden, ete. ' Rtfbrm'a the watebword theM hard tlmea. Hire heed, ye pecalatora, Or yon may Bad the lew oonflneo 6uoh braaen vlnlalora. Oh B. J, Tllden, tUs. There'a whlihey rlnga and other thlngt, That makaa Uio mind grow weary, A earfelt wa have had that bring Corruption oul qalte oleerly. Oh B. J. Tllden. ate. "Let no guilty man noane alr,M Coinmandfl Ulyaaea brtetly, For I am the ehlef magiitrale, And will relnaao them freely. Oh 8. J. Tllden, ate. J ' What nae of prlaoni.eourti or lawa, 1 If they erediaregerded, If Felonf llp from ant tholr claw a, 1 By Freeidant dlicberged. OhS.J. TIMea.ete. EX-REBELS IN GOVERNMENT EMPLOY. Pprelol Correrpondcnoe CiBelnnotl gqmirr Washington, D. C, Seplcmbor 20, 18TG. Tho subsidized Radical prcus, as well as ibeir Major-Gvnerals and other cross-road orators, continue to raixe a terrible howl and endeavor to fire the loyal Northern heart with the fulso declaration that tho Dcmocratio party ia influenced and oontrolled by those who, In the Into war, wore in re bellion against the Union, when tho fuc t Is, from the close of the war to the present time, tho Republican party, with Grant at tho beud, has not only recognl7.od,'bnt officially ordorcd Union soldiers to stand asido and givo lucra tive places to open and notorious rebels of tho most (lichnriomlilo and pusillun- imous stripe. The records and docu ments on file in the department show the disgraceful fact that Wm. II. Chapnmn was Lieutenant-Colonel of Colonel John S. Moshy's guerrillus, and is now a Special Agent in tho Post-oftlco Department at 8 a doy. ilia brother, Snm V. Chapman, was Captain ot Company E, sumo com mand, and is now a Postal-car Clerk, receiving f 1,400 per annum, running botween Washington and Richmond. This man, W. II. Chapman, is the ono who tied a Union soldier to a tree, severed from his person bis privates, and then placed them in tho victim's mouth. He also assisted in tho hang, ing ot the six Union soldiers belong. ing to tbo Sixth Michigan Cavalry. These atrocious facts were reported to Postmaster Jewell and be dismissed bim, but Grant mado Jewell reinstate him, which was the direct cause ol Jewell leaving the Cabinot. These facts can not be successfully denied, as the evidence is on file in tho War Depart ment, The inAuonce in these cases aro Grant and Mushy. Elias Griswold,wos appointed by Grant, through the in fluence ol Mosby, to an 11,600 clork ship in the Treasury Department Au gust 24, 1876. He was Major and As sistant Adjutant-General on Goneral John II. Winder's staff, and was in charge of Andesonville prison-pens during tbo war, and also in charge of Castle Thunder and Tobacco Ware- houso at the colso of the war. John G. Heater was Second Lieutenant on the rebel ram Alabama, and ia now a Special Agent in tho Department of Justice, through the influence ot Sena tor Morton and Col. Mosby. Mis Jackson, whoso father killed young Ellsworth in the Marshall House, in Aloxandna, in 18G1, is now a nine hundred dollar clerk in the Treasury Department through tho influence ot Prcsidont Grant and Colonel Mosby. Mrs. Mumford, whose husband cut down tho Stars and Stripos in New Orleans, is now in the Treasury De partment at $1,200 per annum, through the influence of Senator Morton and Colonel Mosby. Wm. M. Catlin, Ma jor and Quartermaster In an Alabama Regiment, is now in the General Land OOlce, receiving $1,000 per annum, through the influence of General Hub. cock and Preaident Grant. Marty Adison, a Bcrgonnt in tho famous Black Horse Cavalry, is now a clerk at 11,400 por annum in the Surgcon Genoral's office, through the influer.03 of President Grant. Miss Mosby, a sister of Col. John S. Mosby, is a clerk in tho Patent Office at $1,200 per an num, through the influence of Presi dent Grant and Col. Mosby. Thomas Y. Mosby, a brothor of Col. John S. Mosby, was a buahwacker during the war, was appointed by Goneral Grant, on tbo 15th day of August, a Ganger in tbo Fifth Virginia District, through the influence of Col. Mosby. Tbcro aro now twonty-scven of Mosby's guerrillas in the Government Departments, including nine more in the Navy yard. A South kiln sa on "Tu i Flau." In a speech recently delivered to an Im mense assemblage at Atlanta, Georgia, Ben. Hill made tho following invoca tion to the Flag of the Union floating above him. We commend bis words to Bloody Shirt Morton and his scores of feeble imitators : ' "AUlail the fla-1 Raise kiith that (lag of our fathers I Let Southern brccr.es kiss it I Let Soul horn Ikies reflect it I Southern patriot will love it, rJonthern sons will defend it. and flonthcrn heroes will die for It ! And as its folds uufurl beneath the honvens. let oar voices unito and swell the loud invocation. Flag of our Union, wave onl wave on I wave evorl But wave over freemen, not over snlijecu, Wavo over States, not over Provinces. And now let the voico of patriots from tho norm ana irom tbef.ast and Irani the West oin our voice from the South, and send to boaven ono universal, ac cording chorus. , Wave on, flag of our lalnersl Wave lorevorl Dut wave over a Union of equals, not over a do Kotism of lords and vassals ; over a ind of law, of liberty and of peace, not over anarchy, oppression and Btrifel" (Immense and long-continued applause, with Wild cheers for the dug, in th. midst of which Mr. Hill retired.) 'W Bum Bl Good Sews. The Kw York Her- aid says: A Radical politician, writing from Louisiana to a boson) friend is Washlnirlon. savs the Democrats in that State aro making such nitro glycerine canvass that there will rot bet Republican official left after the 1.! I ' I vicvuuil I , TUHHUVOUDOfA CANDIDATE FOR PHKSIDKXT. Mr. R. U. Uuyos was a mo ruber of I the Thirty-ninth Congress lor tho Second District of Ohio, elected In the fall of 1804. Tbu flint session ol that Congress commenced on Dec. 3, 1806, and its last seasion clewed on March 4, 1808. Of course, all bis acts while member ot Congress are ofllciully re corded in tho Congrrsiional (Vfo&cjand in that valuable repository of knowl edge the .Viiraute iVcira bus carefully searched for everything set down as done or said by Rutherford R. Hayes. Hero Is tho record, and the whole of it: lS-Fcb. go Protected a labor polities from oooitlloenti. Fab. Z8 Moved $2,000 for a picture. March T PctltloB u tai oil. Morob 16 Juiot retoluiloa lo puolik env beiilcmint. April I Reonlulloo to oarrv SmltllruBlaa Library ioto CoDgreeliunol Li brary. ' April Hill 10 .t tbo llarontb Regl moot of Ohio. April 3Klevonth Oblo Regiment ogelB . April 16 Two reflolotiooi ebon! library ' - duoumealo aad Brivilerel. April 16 HoeaiutioB againct eiabctilluf Ogata. '1 April llretllloDOgeln.leooedingRtetei, April 20 Aootber reeolytioa about privil- ' egoe of tho library. ' Jobs B Aaother ooout library BtattcrO- Juno 14 PailtioB ol B Soathoro woman ' . ' for eumpoBiatieB for property dritroyou. Joly t7Hoportod ogaloot parehailng BP old laenotonpt. - Deo. IV Molioa lo prlot Biaol Dubiber ot Liorariaai report, aim, pdltloB Of OBO KleiBHBBlidt lor the reldrn or f IS.54, eioeei p.ymoot of taioi. 1607 Joa. I retitiea af UioeloBotl Pull OOlco for aioro pey. Another t looal pellltoa. Job. 19 Pelitioa of a eoldler ortwo who bad loot their diochorgei. Feb. e uittreQOiringeotboreuriirQiib library with cupj ef Book. ' Feb. ' ClnoioooU Puu Offlje elerki ' ogaia. Fob. M Moeed to otrlhe oot Woo from Appreprletioo bill for portrait! ol ci-PrOfidente, booaaoo pro videdforolready by other fundi. March J Mored lo add SJ.IO0 la pay cd itor of Maniooo papori. Moroh IS Mado a penooa! eiplooatloB of hie aotioa raeomBiiltoeobuot a priralo oialm. If such a record as this is satisfac tory to anybody as evincing the capac ity of tho man to bear tbo responsi bilities and perform tho duties of tbo President, we havo nothing to say ex cept that It is not satiatactory to us ; and wo do not believe that it will be satisfactory to tho majority of intelli gent poople. It will not bear compar ison with tbo official record of Sam Tii.dkn. , .; A WtlUKLKH. The Radical nominee for Vice Pres ident seems to bo a had Whoeler. Some old book-worm bos been looking up bis ancestors, and furnishes the Lancoalor htdligcncer with the follow ing: Pabkeksbibii, Sept. 27, 1876. Messrs. Editors : We have bnen searching among the historical records, among the names of eminent men, tho sages and pstriots, who have figured conspicuously in the history of our country, in order, it possiblo, to find tho names of "emiitesf Wherlert," and as yet we have only found the follow ing ; but hoping, however, that Wm. Wheeler is not an immcdiato descend ant of "Adam Whcclcr," of Massa chusetts, we await further develop ment : A PROCLAMATION. , FHtLADii.PiiiA, March 10, 1787. By the J'raitlent of the Supreme Axt'fu fine of Penntrania t . Wdbbias, The gonoral assembly of the commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, by a law entitled an act for co-opera t intr with Massachusetts Ray. screes- bio to tho articles of confederation, in the' apprehending of that proclaimed "rebel Adam Wheeler, have enacted, that rewards additional to those offer ed and promised to be paid by Massa chusetts Bay lor the apprehending of mo kiurwuiu rumji Auain n otwier, and secure him in the jail of the city and county oi Philadelphia, vix.: For the apprehending of the said Adam Wheeler, and securing him as afore said, one hundred pounds lawful money of this State. And all judgoa, sheriffs and constables are hereby enjoined to mako dilligcnt scarcb and Inquiry after, and to use their utmost endeav ors to apprehend and secure tho said Adam Wheeler, his aiders, abettors and comforters, and every of tbem, so that thoymay be dealt withaccording tolaw. Given in council, under the band of tho President, at Philadelphia, on tho 10th d.iy of March, in tho year of our ij.-fii, one tnouasnd, sovon hundred and eighty-seven. Hinjamin Franklin. God savo tlie Commonwealth. oColooiil Record!, rol. nr., page 170. A Nbutbal In Politico. Corbittion EvtaTwuKKi.Ina re cent speech Mr. Schnra said : "I ad mit that corruption is to be found everywhere In the Cabinet of tbo President, in tho Senate, in the House of Representatives, In the Legislature of the single States, even among Judges." The Baltimore Gazette says : What stronger pica for a change of Administration T Here is a con vortcd champion of Grantism an ad vocate of Hayes, who is tbe apostle ol this odious ism and bo admit that there Is corruption in the Cabinet and in tbe Senate. With tho sources of all Fodcral patronago polluted, bow doos Mr. Schurx hope for better things when he urges tho pooplo to bolster up the corrnptionists and maintain them iu power I We have never charged more than Mr. Schure admits. Ho confesses judgment fully and freely ; as the counsel and advocato of tho party of corruption, bo enters a plea of guilty. What remains, then, for tho people to do. They aro tho iudecs, and it is In tbeir power to scutonc tbo iierjurers and thieves and bribe takers to tho re tirement of privato life. Democratic Cabpamin on Wmmui. Tbo Democrat or Davie county, Ind., have arranged for traveling ponucai oamp-mocung. I do arrange ment provides for a moving caravan, to be eompoHod of five hundred Tildon wluards, In uniform, asadvune oscorta, one hundred and fifty wagons, each containing nicn, women and provis ions for tho trip, and a twelve punnd cannon manned by gunners. The de sign wa to slsrt on the morningof Sept 19, and muk a complete circuit ot tbe Second Congressional District, topping overy day at some prominent point lor a meeting. At sunrise a so lute of one hundred guns will bo fired to convince the neighborhood that busi ness ia on band. Tbo Hons; Uelsler Olymer, 8. 8. Cox, James B. Hock .and other will acoompaiiy this canip- mooling on wheels. Rittimon Sun. Fraud vf.FNT Prom. The nolo reli aneeof the Grant Uayoa party ia the contott In Novomber I miorom, bat ossts, and fraud.' Bo rrweb for the party of great "moral Ideas," of which Morton ia the accepted exponent. Morton 1 1 . , i ., ; TO TUJi JtEWUE. Since tho fight in the streets of Bos ton, boforo tbu Revolutionary war, bo tween the soldiers of the King of Eng land and tbo ieopleof lite chief town in tbo Northern Colonics, the Ameri can people detest military government in peace.. The Federal Constitution asserts this inherent bate of the Amer ican fur military rule, for ll proclaims that tho military shall bo subject to the'clvil power. ' ' Yet in order to force majorities at tho ballot-box against the will ol tbo people, the son of Simon Cameron has issued an order, as tho Grant-Hayes tool, called hy way of designation Secretary of War, to Brag Sherman, the General ot the Federal army, to send the army of the whole people, the United Statu troops, into tho Southern States to subjugate the white voters. Not only this,bui this Cameron order to the army propose to put un der its control State government offi cials who never could be elected by the ballots of the people. ,. .. s . . This is using the militury power to destroy civil government. It is the first step to military despotism. It is the Initial step to a complotochnngoln our system of constitutional representa tive government The people ol lb Northern and Western Statu, seem, lo h indifferent1 to this Infamous outrage on the rights ot tbo people ot the South. We tear that if this effort is successful in tbe South, other States will be too weak to resist the same despotism whet) ap plied to them.' " ' ! ,; ll isol the utmost importance then to tbo maintenance of civil liberty in this country, tbut tbo pooplo of tbe Western, Middle, and Northern Stales, should by tbeir votes defend civil lib- erty. This can only bo done by con demning this infVimons ordor of Cain eron at the polls Let every such cit- ixen in .these States vote for the Dcmo cratio ticket and thus secure civil lib erty to tbo people of all the State. It will bo fur better lo have a Democratic reform President atid our libuity pre- served, tliun a Rudicul negro President and civil iriivernment destroyed. To the rescue. PhiLt. Commonwealth. WHY CI HAST ESCAPED JM PEACHM EXT. "' Uflir. Jleistc'r Clymor, of this State, in a recent speech in Itrooklyn, said : I say to you, and 1 mean to be undor- rilood and am responsible for any blutne which may be attached to me, and re mark here that' I am willing to bear it, thai if it was not within a few month there would be a change of tbo administration, impeachment would bo laid at the door of the present Fresi dent of the United States. I tell you that I know from my own knowlodgo. and (loin tbe investigations or tbe com mittee, that ho has been defiuntof tbo law ; he has purposely diregarded the statntcs ; he has been guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.. I say now, if it were not within a lew months be would be removed by the will of the people, that his name would have been presoutod to the United Stats Senate for impeachment for high crime and fuisdotneuuors. . Wben 1 say that this man and the policy which he represents, and which he brands with the name of Grantism, and which no other name but Grant ism is capable of expressing, and that nothing lee can express the infamy and dishonor of such a policy, it wil not be expected that reform will follow if Hayes is elected. This present lie publican ticket presents all that is cor rupt and bad, all that is vicious, dis honorable, and disgraceful. If ; you want all this,elcct Rutherford B. Hayes for President. And why, fellow-citi xens? Because ho was nominated by tho men within tbo ranks of the Re publicans, and representing Grantism; for ho must be ot them to be elected, and wben elected, be must be their tool and Instrument, and will bo their tool and instrument. And If he were not to be their tool and instrument ho nevor would have been their candi date. Political Currents.-'-Wado Hamp ton, Democrat iccandidatefor Govornor of South Carolina, has challenged Gov. Chamberlain" to joint discussions and tbo latter is backward about accept Ing. The Governor is apparently rather doubtful of his ability to "nse up1 Hampton, a Senator Robertson seems to thiuk ho can. i Down in Tennessee Parson Brown- low appoars to have slipped up in run ning "the party" this year. Tb Rod- ical convention fixxlcd and didn't nom inate anybody for governor. There la a colored candidate named Yard ley in tho field, but the Parson won't own him and ho says bo is a Democrat, al beit he i a member of the Radical State Committee. As the Bristol Sen says, "tbe party is now a headless acephalous herd, and are on tbo run as though tbe devil wero after them." , TSnt notorious bummer Prod Doug laiabat, boon epeaking his piece to col ornd voters in Baltimore. ; lie talks about the wrongs of tho race, and in the next breath boosts of tbe blue blood of ono of tho Old Maryland families in his veins. Which is his race ? Why don't he tell oil about tbe spoliation of the Frecdman's bank in IVnabitigton in whicti 70,006 frccdmen er robbed of threo million of their savings ; in respect to which robbery Fred call truly say "all of which I saw, and part of which I wa." Hartford Democrat. Gtmsa Home. Tho Jaeith Herald says, that ,tho lust, four or .five year have witnessed a return of tho Jew to Palcstino from all pail, but inoro especially from Russia, which i al together unprecedented. The Hebrew population of Jerusalem la now proba bly double what it was ten year agti. Great accession still continue daily ; and whereas, tort year ago tho Jow were con fined lo their own quarter in Jerusulem, tho poorest and worst, thoy now inhabit all part ef the city and are alwaya ready to rant every houso that it to bo let. " " v , Tliore is no instanco of tho error of a government being rectified by those who adopt them. -,-,- - ' ' r Patbicx Henry 1788. ' There I a chance that in tho tmlck saccowiloif of despot good ono will sometime ariow, Bat bodiew of rata oonlinu tbt same, and have generally proved the' moat unrelenting of ty rant. Richard Price 1778. Justicsat Last. On the lltbof July, 1801, Senator Sebastian Arkansas wa expelled from hi mhiI in th Uni ted States Senate. Fifteen years later when ho is dead, it ia discussed by the Senato Committee on Privilege and Elections, that tbo charge of dislot al ty and conspiracy against tbo govern. moot, on which be and nine other Senators were oxpellcd, were merely matters ol suspicion and inference, and wholly unfounded as to fact. Mr. Se bastian was an earnest opponent ol ascension and devotedly loyal lo the United Slates during bis entire life time. What a comment is this upon railical legislation. Horeby confession ten Senators wore expelled on ground- less suspicion, and in the beat, cot of intense patriotism and devotion to country, but of bitter rancor and ha tred towards the South. Can such party be trusted longer with the reins of government T Can they be trusted with the. work of reform which is now so imperative? We sco tho result of their promised reform in the perpctu alion of tho war upon the rights and franchises of tbo Southern people, and in their determined efforts to control tbeir local government by tbe aid of tho bayonet. A tardy justice has boon dono in this instance to tho heirs of a UUBU ,Dcnalor' oai 11 'xiin .1 ...1 C t 1 , "cra u roocrauc majority in one Druncli, and the prosonce of an In- creasing number of Democrats in tbo other branch. Danville (Vt.) Sorth Star. Maine Hiard From. The largest vole ever polled in that Slate previous to this year (131,234) was cast in tbe contest of 1868, wben it was 131,265 75,834 lo 65,431. Tho Radical major ity was then 20,403 lo 11,183 this year, on tbe fullest voto ever cast. Tbe Democrat gained 6,289 in tbe vote of 1808 and the Radicals lost 2,319. Now, who is ahead, after all Blaine's effort? A CuAifBtRi.AiN Wanted. Here is another conundrum : Who is William 0tamberlainf Ho drew monthly pay at the Navy Department, aud no hu man being ever saw or knew him, of all the officers, admirals, clerks, mes sengers, doorkecors of that curious Secorile iiust, 11 is vouchers, it is said, were burned at "the fire." Who is William Chamberlain ? , An Unexpected Result. The Rad ical party has mado a charge against Tllden that be Falsified bis income re turn. Tbe facts show this charge was a premeditated falsehood. Tbe unex pected result which ba come out of this infamous assault on the privato character of Governor Tildon is, that the pooplo now regard him as the in- COM INO PBES1DKNT. Bad lUroRMERs. "Reform doesn't mean the same thing in Hayes' dic tionary that it does in Tiden's. 11 ayes, aa Govornor, signed the bill increasing tho fees and emolument ot Ohio olli. cials $500,000 por annum in the aggre gate. Governor Tilden ba decreased tbe taxation of New York moro than $8,000,000. This tells the whole story. . Tux Maunet. It is not generally known, but is a fact, nevertheless, that nearly every leading Union General is in favor of Tilden for President Grant is not, and there are some doubt about Sherman ; but taking those who most, distinguished themselves in tho war, and they will be found on the side of Reform. A Contrast. Cbas. Francis Adams will vote for tbe Democratic candidates for President and Vice President, Til den, Uondricks, rctorm.full wage and full work. Beast Butler will vote for Hayes and Wheeler, corruption, steal ing, plunder, bloody shirt, oo work, no wages, empty bellies, and military des potism. Tin Cartridue Boxes. Tbe Radi- cat party proposes to fill the ballot boxes in tbe South with cartridges. Tbry are tho substitutes for ballots- else tho Bads could not carry a single Slate South. And why? Persecution make resistance always. "let us have peace." That only come by Democracy. , We btve a secret for our Republi can friends which must be told In a whisper. A Correspondent of tho N. Y. Herald, who baa canvassed Indiana pretty thoroughly give it as his un biased opinion that tbcro will be a victory in that Stato in October, and an overwhelming triumph in Novem berfor tbo Democrats, L.t&r Politician. Among tbe la dies who havo taken a sufficient inter est in politics this year to express a preference for Hayes tho Cburity- Jmirnal notes Misses Mollie Maguire, Emma Mine and Widow Butler, all of whom exort no small influenco in the circle in which they move. Tbousauds of base deceivers are hung every night on the backs of chairs. JOTICK.-. . Notice U krrcbe nlrro to all bertle. ana. owned, that ay wife, Mary Putter, boring Ion my bed and board, wilheot any coueo or pruroeeUoa, all prrioM iro hereby waraed agaioet harborlog or trartinr her on my aooeont, a I will oot pay, Or bo roipoo.iblo fur, eay debt, eeotraeled by brr. JAM no POTTKH. Kylorlowo, Sept. 10, 1876 lie. V1 " f , . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notloe le berebr aire Ihel Lell.rt of Ad. mlalitrntloe. 00 Iho eetata of JNO. VAN BRA BANT, lite of Ho.tna lowaihlp, Cleorteld Co , Pa., deceared, harlog beea daly grealed to the ondrralgaed, all p. mo. indebted la .aid citato WIN pteeoe eaoho Immediate patmeat, and thoae haeleg alelmi or demaad. aealaet Ibe .ana will Bt-w-Bt them praperly aathcatieatod fur oetllo- arei wiioeat aelay. Ai.raKD imriKLn, FewOeld, dept. , T Admlatelraler IXECUTOR'S NOTICE -J Netloo U horeby glrea thai letter, tds Bif star hariuf beea er.ated la lb. ..Htnl Ue oeUle of i'.lCII ARI) SHAW. Sr., dee d, late of Lewroaee tawa.hlp, ClearSeld oooaty, Pa., all peraeBl iad.Med te oaid eeute aro reqoeeud lo moho imaedieU paymrat, aad tbooo ba.ieg olalme egaraM the eeae wl,l preeeBl them dole awtheBtreotcd for wtUemeat. erA. B. Shaw, wha li aalhorlied by the ether Rioeoiara, WIR attend to the eetilea,..! r aloime ol las anVm af tbo eaeare. I. ika .nro-reooi fatal; eooupiad by Jocpb Shaw A Row, v waero no aaa ba roe NO al all Umao. JOSEPH SHAW, ) A. II. SHAW, lt,n. Ai a tAW, I CleacBeld, Aaguit 10, 1670-St. c AUTION - All pareoae ore hereby eoolteaed agalaot p.r cbealag or at aay way ojeddliag with lee foliuw- "a prvpinj, auw m ina peeeoMtuB of Toe no. C '' atarrto towwehlp, elo: light Bono af aara I .are. bawkwlMaaioo aa . .l. J' " "( aa, bUok oallo. t (ra, kocoeo. I 1 .we-OHMO. wawa, I OMe fcorneo., 1 oot erode aad abaaaa. a. ia. k.u aad lo M) la Mo poaoeaelaB an laaa owly, eebleci to aty order at aay rime. - J9SNPH POTTER Ryhmowa, Kepi, tt, lait.sa SStUrrUanf oui. JOHN H FULFORD, QIXKKAL UtSVHANCM AQBNT, Clrarlald, Pona'a, Repmeall oil tbo Uedleg Fire I Coaipaaiel of Ike oooatry I ...J IO,00,SS 6,000, oe, .... ,7M,1I4 ... e,U(,til I.MM.'iS ... Mtl.ooi .. 1,120,110 elo.aos Royal ConodioB Hoe, New York Lyeoraiog, Money, Po Prookllo, rhll.d'.- Pbojais, Hartford . Iloooror, Now York Hone, Col , O.- h All.., Hartford Provldoooo, Wi.blBgtoa M6.S4I 010, Peroooi about effecting ea la.uroBeo ob prop. ertr of ear hied, obould oall at air eftoe. oa Market lire, oppoeite tho Quart Uouoe, Bad ooo a; lit of ooniponteo and rolei before inaunog. JOHN U.FULFOKU, OlearOeld.Pa., Oct. 17,'7,-ly Sulphur Soap b Ctaawif, htinwi, tmfcliif, laetkftf, If ling ui faTing. It lendere tbe ooer t akin ramaritaMy rati and baellhiiil. It la' arte a tMevliful takUoUBMi to the) k It, al kWtM UI UerlM wfailentm ll eerte Uinta, arelolf, ctwRni, icorUtaoBt, roaorti m, Im, eunbuni, frerk Im, lir afiob, cbavrpMj bftavtiw, ulcere, tUiodruff, lilUlcra oa the trtuii. um1 feet, lick, iroeed Itrh, itefclBf hmin ttM tots, itvbini of Hie laudr, ptioM, coree. Alio relMvee liit ttrhleg and Inittvttoa of Utlnf and ettnf lr lOMtrle. Aa It la epMUIIy atUftMd lu Ui Tot Lett, Ni'aataf, and eUtu aowi, you ceo uk a MtUpkmr Balk el pttMwre. ror btvle toiRCtiltdrwfi, tt te anqtiy.d. Leal.aoebe vm it la tbfllr Toilet ouM aefer do wilhowt It. ll Mufrariwo tb odor ef iwraptreil'ia, and, ea tva eiUrnml nm&f, la annwlj t iti units, full rUmftiutM tKeMd. tsc tsckage. TUlf IT. Wei 15 Ctei ear Ceka, SCetethrtOett lijr u4i at eta. 11 well Utv Mai IHmv at Ir Tan Dyke'o Ofllota, a. 1321 Ureea BU. nuadalphia. USE NO OTHER. t.t. WSOTBB.H WEAVER A 1IETTH CaLEARFlELD, PA.', Are ol.ring, at tbo old etaad af 9. L. Baed A Co. their otook of goodi, oonelitlog of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS 4 SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QVEENSWARE, FL0UE, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At the moat reasonable ratea for CASH or In lehanga for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OB COUNTRY PRODUqi. wTAdvaneaa autda to thoae engaged la get ting ant eqeare timber on the moat ndvaatagoou tormi. pdlljanTJ JttarOed th Htfhett Jlltdal at tttnna. E. &. H.T. ANTHONY 4, CO., tol Broadway, New York, (Opp. Metropolitan rjol.n, HaaoricTL-BBBi, ihoobtbiu Ann nsAinuo la CIIR0M0S & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES dk . VIEWS Albea.a, Ormpheeropea, Photorrske, and kladred gooda Colebritiea, Aetreaeea, Ao., FU0TOGRAPIIIC MATERIALS, Wa are heed quarto n For ararrtblog In the Wity of Steroopticoua and liio Lintenu, Being mane fee terera of the MICRO SCIBITTIFIC tAVTKRI?, 8TEKEO PANOPTICON, li MVEKSITY BTKROPTIOO.V. ADVERTISER'S tiT J-.K01T1CON, ARTOPTIOON, SCHOOL L?TKRV, FAMILY USTKRN, PKOPLK A LANIKKN. Bach atyla bring the het oflta .') lo tho 3tarkvt. Catalog uoa of Lenlerne nod 8:.0e, with Jlree tlona fur oning, aent oe applieatloo. Any enterprlalng man ean make moaey with a If agio 1enUra. -jr- i.ltoo I the Centennial KiptUioa will do viiaely to defer pqrehaalng good m our line nntll they eome to our atore in New York, where thty will And greater variety and more moderate prieee, aad eo aeleot tbem at their lei tare. Bat we havr a ooneeaaioa U tell aeme atylee of eur gnoda in the baildiog of Ibe Department of Public Comfort, and thoae not ootning to New York aro taviled to oall on our repreeenution tber. ptrk Ml atoek of View of tbo Bipotltlon Cot ont thii adrortltoment (or rofareaee." dane 7, IS'6-ly. CALIFORNIA. cHicaao a nniAT-wiiTttni railwit Brabraeoa nnder one mana(rment the Ureet Trnnk Railway Liaeaof the WKoT and NORTH WEST, and, with Ita numerono branch eod eonneetlone, forma tbe ahnrteat aod qaiokeat rente betweea OnicAatiaad all point In Iluhoio, Win. coma, Nonrnrnn blirnioAe, MmnkauTA, Iowa, NtinAanAp CaLironnu aed the WaeTaaji Taaaivontaa. Iu Omaha and California Line Tt tbe eborteat and boat rontt for all point la Nonrnnan iLLinoia, Iowa, Oaota, NaanAaiA, W to a tiro, CoronAM, Utah, Nktapa, CAuron iao On noon, Chira, Javah and AuarnALia. Iu ChlciiRO, Madison & St. Paul Line f. the okortrit fine for Nobtbobb Wieroaoin aad Mio.BaoTA. ood for Maniaon, Br. Pint, Mi OBAraLio, Di'lwtb oad all potato lo I Be Ureal Nortbweat. Iu Winona and St. Prior Line li the only nolo for Wisuba, Root. too, Owa ro, M.bbato, Sr. Pbtbb. New Him, aad aU poiau ia Soothers aad Oaatral Minaaoola. lu Green Bay and Marqnetle Line li tha only line for JAitnarrLti, WAranrown, Fown Do Lao, Own a onn, ArM.nroe, Onnni Bat, RaoANABA Nnoraaa, M.e4t)Rrre, lloronvon, Uahcocb and the Lab a Si'raaionCoDHTRr. Ita Freeport and Dubuque Line la tbo only rente tor Klik, Ronrroau, Vbbi roatp nnd all point i vino Freeport. lu Chicago and Milwaukee Line la tbe old I. pi he hore Route, and la the only one pent rig through KvAnaro, Lm Foe. a it. Idea Lavn Pa at, WarBaoAB, Rictnn, KanoanA to atiLWAUKen. Pullman Talace Cars . are rwa an ell throagb Iralae ef thli road. Tbt. lathe ON l.V LINE ronaiag theee ear. ba. tweea Chieaga aad St. Heel, Chicago aad Mllwaa are, ar Chicago and Wlaoaa. At Omaha oar Sleopero oeBnard wllh Iho oror lood aiacpere on tbo I'atoB PaeiOo Raih-oad far all poiau Weet af tbe Mioeoorl Hirer. Oa Ike arrlral of the tralae from tha laot or Sooth, Ike train, ef tho Chine A Ne.ik.w-.. JUIIwar LEAVE CHICAllO ae rollewo: ror uoaacll Hlane.(maha and California. Twa Thraagh Tralae daily, with Pellmaa Palaoa. Drawing Room Bad blerpiog Carl throBrh to Oooacll Rlafi. For ni. P.nl aad Mlnaeapolls, Two Tbraagk Tralae dally, with Pallmoa Pelaee Care atteebrdea both traiae. far (ireea Hay an Inks Haperlar, Two Train! dell., with rollmoa Pelaae Cera ellejk-J Bad raealng through en M.rqaatU. e-aw aenwawaaw, roar Thraagh Traiaidelly. Pallmaa Cere oa alghl tralae, Parlor Chair Vara C. day tralne. ror Kpnrta and tblasna aad peleu ea MlBBeeota. Oao Thmgh Trala daily, with Pallmoa Rleepan to Wiaeaa. far Unbuqae, rle Preeport, Tw TbroBgb Tralae daily, with Pallmoa Care oa eight tralae. far llabaoao aa In trawaa, eia Cllotan, Twa Thraagh Tralae dailr, wilh PeUoaaa Care e Bigkl Irala to Mcliregor, lawa. far Hiaaa City and Yeaatoa. Two Tralai dolly Pallmaa Care la Mleeoari Valley Jaa.llrm. far l.oka (.wnrra. Pear Traiai daily. far aeckfard, marllaf. keaeean. Jaaww. vllle, aad alker poiata, yea Ban kaea from two lo tea traiai dailr. Now York OSeo. No. Ill Broadwar , MmIm OrJee. He. 9 fNelo Btreati Omeba OMeo. tat r Brakes Slrael, Hea Fraacleas OSeo, 111 Meat- Somery Street I Chieaga Ticket OEeoo I tl UUrk tract, BBder Bhermea lloeaa aoraer Caaal aad Medlaea Street!) Kle.ie Street Depet, aoraer W k ratio ood tlaaol St reel Well. Htnei lui ooraor Welto aad Kiaalo Slreele. Per rale, ar iefermatlua not olUlneble from roar home areata, Bj-ply la W. II. tTBw.wre, M0BT.S Rnwwrrr, Boa. Pom. Agl, ChUega. Una. Seat, Jaa,IS,llts., JSitfli. THE MANSION HOUSE Ooraar of gaaoad aad Markot Slneu, CLBAMriLBO, r. rpifll old aad eomaiodleol Hotel kaa.dorta. I- - r - - . ve aeobie lu Juroosr oapnolly for tko oaurulamoat ef ... . j -k. ...... .. . "wan. r.foral.b.d, anil Ik proprietor wllf itL palna to reader bis goelU soBilenable aba! llayla wilh him. tVTho Maaiiaa Haaoo" Omalhao raoi u aad from Iho Depot aa Iho arrleai aad d.earu. ofoaaktrala. . W. C.CARdu.n r.,ri,'u, LLEOHENY HOTEL Market Blraat, Clsarfiold, P., Wm, a. Bradley, fermOrly proprietor of iu IanBrd Hiiaeo, baring leaaed Ibe Allc,bn, Hotel, oollciie a ibara of poblle potruoer., ikt Huuee bel beeo tboroagliljr repaired aod B.el, furnlehed, Bad gueete will Sod ll a pleaaeat it0. plug place. The Ublo will bo copplieo aitb J.' beet of e.orylhiog ia tho market. Al tb. kar will ba fuand Ibe best wloee aad liqaer.. ub04 lebliBg atlaahad. WM. H. RRAULI.V, May JV:- '"'t'lelar. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, ' CURWEN8V1LLK, PA. NEWTON READ, Paarairroa. Ifavlog baeomo proprietor of tbll Hotel, ( woald reeitoctfally ooliclt tbo petrnn.. .f Ik, pBblia. liowao loaoantly and aeorenlveily i,t. ooted a wl, reOllod and reforaithed ; guud nn pie raomi attaoaed. All railroad traiai itep bi tkie aiwoo. ,..). . QUAW HOUSE, O (Cor. of Market front rlrect. ) i ' OLKAMPJKLU, PA. Tho oodor.igned hoeing Uheo ehorgc ef Ihli Hotel, weaM raepoftfBlly oolleil pablic patroneM. Jaol'70 1. R. iULLkKTON WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINllTON, PA. Tbio sow and well fornlobed boao ha. omo lakea by tho BBjereigaed. He feele eonOdent ef Doing able te reader eatiofeeUeB U ihoee aba a.i ferur bim with a calL Mays, 171. 0. W. DAVIt, Prop'r. IJOMTOUM UOUklK, OppoelU the Ceort Hoboo, LOCK HAVIN, PENN'A. Jel4'71 HAU8EAL A KROM, Prop't. LOYD HOUSE, Mala ntraet, PHILIP8BUR0, PENN'A. Table alwavi lonoiiad with tbe beat tbe m.rtd anTordl. Tbo frarellaf pablie li laritad t 'eiL JBB.1,70. aOBHKT LOl U. nt. r. ABnotn. w. Anno lb. F. K.ARNOLD 4. CO., Banker and RroherN, Reyaaldarllle, Jafferaoa Co., Pa. MoBoy reeei red on depoolt. Dieeoonu et 01 derate ratce. Eaetaro aod PoreigB Kich.er.el ware on band aad eoHeetiono promptl, me4e. . Kayaoldorilio, Dee. IS, lS7.-ly County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM lo Maeonio Bellding, one door oortk el C. D. WaUoa'a Drag Blora. Paieago TickcU la and from Lirerpeel, Qewca town, lileegow, Londoa, Pari, and Coprnh.rta. Alea, Draft, for cel. oe Ibe Royal Banker Irelea, nnd Imperial B.nh of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prc't. W. M. 8UAW, Caehler. il:;T4 drexelTco, No. at Bautb. Third Street, Plillodelpbli BLATHERS, And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mall will reel re prompt elteo tloB, and all Informatioa ohoerfally furaiik.4 Orden oolietcd. April ll-lf. ftrutistru. STEWAET 4 BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, Carwaaarllle, Clrorfleld Cannty, Pcnn'i (OBco ia O.te.' Now Helldinj.) CarwoBrrillo, Jaa 11, 1871 ly. DR. E. mTtHOMPSOn7 (OSes la Beak Baildiog.) CnrereaaTlllo. Clcartold Ca Pa. A . M . H I L L 8 Woald rarpaetfally aetlfy kll potlcotl that bo hac rodaood the price af ARTI FICIAL TERTH letoa ea u t-lb oe fur a doakla oel. For any two ponooi oamiog at tko name lima, to bare eark aa apper oot, will get tko two all far tii.tt, or Ill.M each. Termi tovariably Caib. Clearleld, Jaa. 1, 1ST. STEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILERS FOR SALE. Tha anderrlgaod efen Per Bale ea reeicaeblo larmi, their eteam oaw mill, loealed ot Wallace Ion, Clearfield Ce.. Pa. The enrin. and boilan are ai good al bow. Tbo lite af the engine ll mil, and li In goad ronnlag order. They will alai cell their eblngle aad lath mill, aad all the w.rklag maekiaary la tha mill. Partial wuklcg to parehaea aaa rail ob or addreaa GRAHAM. WALLACE A CO Clearleld, To., Joae 10, l7e. , MEAT. MARKET. F. H. 0ABD0H & BB0., Rear af Pie'l Opera Haaea, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arraagrmanli are f tbe meet nomoleU charaeler lor farntahieg Ika pablie with Freeh mcBtevi ail aiau. ana ai inaearyoeet quality. We alio deal la all erada af Agriealtarsl Ira.la mcnti, which we keen oo exhibttioa fee tbe baa- all of the public. Cell aroeed wb.e la Iowa, and taho a look al Iking., or oddreei 01 r. ai, CARDON BRO. Clearlel 1, Pa, July U, Ult lf. JEW CABINET MAKING SHOP. M. B. S PACK MAN Deilree to eetooDce to tko aablla tkat ke km apeaed a CABINET MARINO SHOP IN CLEARFIELD, Where ha will EEP ON HAND rUBiriTtTBE, And da all klnda of CABINET WCRK and RE PAIR FURNITURE af all kh.de. aa iberl aettee oad ia the beet paoiiblo maBaor. Shop M eireet, vppoeita rarB Herrul e carriage Soap. Aug. 1, '70-ly. FRESH MEAT-SEW SHOP. Tha nedariignad hereby laforroi tbo poklii is gcooral that they been ea head, rage arly, al tbeir chop, adjoiaiag JOHN OULIl'll Sfaremre roomo, oppaaiu tho Ceort noaeo, the BKST . VKKF, VKAl, MVTTOX LAMB. PORK, rt7, Af REDUCED MICE3, FOR CASU. Market morning. Teneday, Thar. Jay, oad Selurdare. Meat delivered at reaideaoe wees dcired. A chare ef ftatrooage li rorpeetfelly onllrlnd. Merah I, IS7 ly. 8TAUB A NORKIS. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS cfr STATIOSER Y. Market !-, cienraald, int th Past IHIrr.) TUB anderelgned Vagi leave to annooe to tho rltlarai of Clearleld and ciciolty. tbel he has tiled ap a ream Bad kaa Jo. I ret.recd from Ike elly witk a large amoaol of reaa'ial matter, oomlillBg ta part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Booki, Rlaak. Aeeeant aad Pam Baaki af erery do acnpliuei Pap-r Bad Karrlepea, Freorh pnewd end piaiai I'enl aad Peaclloi lilank U,el Papcri, lleell. Morlgagee Jadgraont, Ktiwp lioa aad Promiaorr autaoi While and rank, meat Brief, Legal Cap, Reeerd Cop. ood HiM Cap, Sheet Mode, fur eilbor Piaaa. Plato or Viohe, eonilaally ea hand. Aay hoohi ar etetloa.rf oeeircn tool I may aol Bare oa head.wlll be eru."e hy Iret otpree., and ei-ld at whclrcale or rrlall ta oall oo.taa.sra. I will alow harp periadnol llteratBro, eaoh aa Magealae., New.papcri. 4i r. A. OAl ki.1. Clearleld, May T, I Hi If JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, 91 A.TTB EiHSKN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, DEAR P- 0. aa OBderaigaoa kegi fearo la uierm ie. eeai of Clearleld, aad tbe pablie goeerelly, ke has aa kaed a laa eeeertmeat of Foroliora, one ao Walawt, C keel eat and Pale ted Cbcmoet ailea, Parlor Boiua, Reolialag and caairo, llee aad ojeau' aaay taaire, w - foralod Dloiag aad Perler Chain, Case SauaM Wk.J L . 7. n. . . . m -. ul B.MB- w ni.nr vaarre, viataea erara, nMff Un Udders, Hal Raake, aarabkraf Broobea, MODLDINO AND PICTCRE FRANo Loaklag aiaaoo., Ckreaee, ta, whiek wooht b eaHabl. an, BeMeay prooooto. . weelO'tl Joatt TROrtStAN.