. 1 IRiitrrlUnrottf. WILLLAU M. H BUST, Justice ,riuruciu -, LUMBER Villi w-- - - t r ,r paid ovar. Articltiof BgrMuaut Mid dooda el on ray ROM BOMiy niouiM "' r IMl 0T BO ahvgO. I'JjTI B 00T AND BIIOB MAKING. ' jnHIPnn. DEKKINO.M Market atreel, I Shaw'. Row, Clearfield, Pi., hM Jaat received a lee lot ef Freaeb Calf iklDi and Klpa, Ik. kaat la Uta aarkal, and la bow pr.nar.d to aua ateolare ereiylklng la kil Hoe. 11 will war- hh, klm WArk la ha a. aanraaanled. Alt, all kiaoaaf Ltotbar and tihoa Flatllng! for aalo. Tho oltltaai of Cloarftold and vicinity art MlpMtfullj iDTiWd to glvt btM ft flail. Work doBo ot abort aatloa. f t!6Tj "pOR SALE. Too oadentgaod wHIta-lot prlvato m1 oil that tract or parrol of land at to ata Id DhiIh towDihlp, Claaroold oountji Pa., witbla ft abort ditUaoo of tba Tyrona A ClaarAal I R. K., ood adjoining land, of Hubert Hiidaon and utarn. ood known u tko Jooob D. U ear b art lot. Tbt aid tract oontalolng 80 oorai omro or laat, with two volna of valuabla oool thai-aon. bu aboot 10 aorta olaarad, ood ii tko bey to a largt body of eoal aboot being developed, w til bo aold low ood opoB otvtjr urma. For portioulara, apply to uaviu u. a nr. us. Clearfield, Pa., Jul IS, ISTH. TANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTUKRSBURO, PA, , Dealer la . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Xobaoeo. Groceries and Fl.h, Nail., Hardware, Queena.are and Ulaaaw.re, M.n'a and . Uoja Clothing, Droge, Palata, ... ,011a, Bahool Book., a large lot of Patant Medicinal, Candlaa, NaU A Dried Fralt., Choeao and Crack- art, rLook and Kina rowdor, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clear and Timothy Sad, ' ' Sola Leather, Moroeooe, Lining., Binding, and Thread, Hhoeaakere'- Tool, aaa Shoo Finding.. No greater rarlety of good. In any atora la tka Bounty. All for aal. vary low for each or eoentry prodaoa at toe Cheap Corner. May l, ibts. HUEY & CHRIST, SOLE PROPRIETORS Or TUB CELEBRATED 1 AOt HaKX. PAtt.fc' AND TONIC HERB BITTERS. StND rOI PRICE LIST. IIUEY ejiTciIUIST, WH. 3d Rlreet, PHILADELPHIA March 39, lB7H-m POWELL & MORGAN, , " -;. . . , IIAKDIVAHE, Alaa, M.aafaotaroraof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. T7AK3UNG IMPLEMENTS of all kind, for aala by POWELL MORGAN. T) AILROAD WHEELBARROWS XV for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. Q1L, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nalla, u., for aala by 1 ! ; f; f ' POWELL A MORGAN.' H ARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE - flndlnga, for aala by - - - " POWELL A MORGAN. Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES Tor aala by ' I I i ' i POWELL A MOROAS, gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sim, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. JRON I IRON ! IRON I IRON For aala by POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. ULLKY BLOCKS, ALL SIZE8 And baat Mannfaatara, for aala by - POWELL A MORGAN. 'HIMBLB SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for aala by IPOWELL A MORGAN. SiGEETT & SGHRT VER OftALIOI II. HARDWARE, oad aaafbotarara of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, JOfond tret, Clearfleld, p. Having rcflttod oor atari room and doablad onr toe it, wa ara prepared to ofirr ttarn alaa to por ebaaero la oor llaa. Wo bara daaidad to do a Strictly Cash Business, oadaa tkeraforo tail at fraatlj rodneod prleoa. Oorpootoraood porooaawko ooatoaiplato bnlld win mv win w wTSMBinaj gar Tools anl BuUding Hudwart, wblek la law and of tha but naanfaotara, Wa bnp a larp ttook of NAILS, LOCKS, WLiASS, LATCHES PUTTY, HINGES, OI-UR, 8CHEW8, All klld. of Bonrk Plan... S.wa, CMi.l., Sqaana, H.romw., n.lfh.u, plomli. and Ur.l,, aaoniaaa a inaaia uaagM, Baaola, firaoa. A Rltta, Wood and Iroa Boook Sorowi, and tba ba.t Boring Marhln. la tha ark. , Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Aa. Agentt for BurniW$ Iron Corn Shelter, Alia, agnau for RkbaraV GOTHIC FLUE TOl'S, which albataallF am Saaby Fleas. Farm Implements, Garden Tools, af arary daaerlptloa. A largo rariaty af COOK STOVES, vkloh wa warrant la glra all.faatlai. Fftlt Hmt mm4 ntrmmrtt. javWlag, Ipoatlag aad Jab Wark daaa oa faaMaabla aama. All ardarl will raaalra proapl attaatka. Ploablag aad gaa lltiag attaad la by,aipartnMd.irartBaa. May I, lr. Our Otrn dvertlimfrt. THE REPUBLICAN, Fubll.hed ar.rjr Wedaeaday by GOODLANDER & LEE, CLBAHHM.n, PAH llaa th Lsrysat rireulallsa of any paper In Norlltwssttra Prmoaylranla. t f ' - The large and conitantly increasing circulation of the Republican, renders ilvaluablotobuainosB mon M a modium thro' which to roach the public. Tebms or Subscription : If paid is advance, ... f 2 00 If paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid aftor six months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent outsido of the county paymont mtmbo in advance, ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or Icbs, 8 timca, , 1160 Each subsequent inicrlion, 60 Administrator' Notices, , ' 2 50 . 2 60 2 60 . 1 60 2 60 Executors' Notices, . . Auditors' Notices, . . Cautions and Estrays, . Dissolution Notices, . , Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per lino, . 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : Ono square 10 linos, i Two squares, . . . f 8 00 15 00 20 00 Throe squares, . . One-fourth column, Ono-ball column, . 60 00 0 00 120 00 One column, . . ItLANKM. Wo bavealwaysjon band a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, . SUBPOENAS, , ; i EXECUTIONS, . ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, " BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &c, ic, 4a. JOB PRINTING. 1 We are prepared to do all kinds' of PRINTING L. .-. Sl'CII AS POSTERS, ' PROGRAMMES, CARDS, ..... f i . LETTER HEADS,i ' f . ;:? ; ' ' ' -' ' ' ENVELOPES, IBILL .HEADS, J STATEMENTS, ... i i 'pamphlets, : ' , ., CIRCULARS, '.Hi '-.v; !'.. to., 4o., : ; ;,;. y IN TUB BEST STYLE, AND ON . ,. i .REASONABLE TEI1M3. l ORDERS DY MAIL FOR ALL4 KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE ' i 1 , ' . h:: il - PROMPT ATTENTION. Gaodlaader 4t Le, Clearfield. ' ; r i ; : Clearfield Count j, Pit flru flood, flwrrltl, it, JJARD : TIME8 ' HAVE NO FFOtT3 !i IN FRENCHYILLE I ft I oa. owar that than a omw parioai a littlo hard to plaaaa, and I aaa alao awaro that tba oomplatat of "hard tlnaa" la wall aigb onivanal. out i aaa to attuatao aow iboi i eoa aouaiy iaa fornar and proTo oooelaalToljr thai "hard tlnaa" will aot offaot thoao who bur tkoir good frooi ata, and all my patrons aboil ba lailiatod loto tba aa- rai oi ... HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t bava srfkotW tniBtih to aanitlr oil tkolnhabt tauti la tbo loaror and of tha county I aall at aiooadlng low ratoa fron my aieumwotb otura Ib MULSUNUURU, wbaro 1 eao alwaya M fvaad rMdr u wait moob oallora and wppr twooi witb Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sack aa Clotka, SatlaatU, Caulanaiaa, Maallaa, Ualalnaa, Llaaa, immnga, iwooaat - TriBBlnf., Ribboaa, loot, 1 Raady-aaado Clothing, Root, aad Shooa, BaU and Cap. all af tba baat mat rial aad aada U ardar UOM, BOOB., UIOTW, aiiMw ua. , ai.w.i,H, OROCBRItlS OF ALL KIND, r Cof.a, Toa, Bagar, Rloa, Molaaaa., Flat, Sal Pork, Unload Oil, Flak OU, Carboa, Oil. Ilardwara, Qaaanawara, Ttnarara, CaitkHj, Plowa and Plow Caatlaga, Nalla, Spikaa, Cora Caltlra- tora, Cldar rraaaoa, and all llaa 01 aiaw Parfanary, Palata, Varaiak, fllaaa, and a ganarat uaortmant or Dtauonary, . v ( 00 OD FLOUR, Of dlffarant kranda, alwaya oa kand, and vlU ba aold at tna lowaat poaaiaia garaa. 1. H. MeClala'l ModioiaM, Jayr..'. Malleln.. Uo.t.lUr'. and Uooaand'l BfMara.' SODS nounda of Wool waatad for which tha Atgnaat pnoa win aa pais. uiovvrMoa oa aaao ana lor aala at tna lewaai Haraai pnoa. Alao, Agant for Straltonrlll. aad CarwanaTilla Tniaahiag HaobtaM. . ... wmCall aad Mafor yoaraalvaa. Toa will lad aTarytniag aaaauy k.pl la a ratal, aura. L. M. COUDRIET. FnaehTllla P. O., Angaat II, 1ST. JEMOVALl ;, v j JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald ratpootfbllr aotlfy tbo pnblla gaaoroltv that ha baa raaioTod bii Oroeory 8 tor frou Shaw! Row. to tba bntldiog fornorly ooeoplad by i, Mlleo Krotaor, oa Boeond atroot, aait door to Btglor'a bardwara atora, wbaro ba toiaoaa koaping a Full lino of (. KOI EIIIEN. RAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. SUUAR8 and SI BUI'S, of all gradaa. TEAS, Qraan and Black. COFFEE, Roaatod aad Grata. ' FLOUR AND PROVISION, CJfA-KO t'RVITS, All klnda la tha Barkat , ' PICKLES, In Jan and b.rr.li. 8PICE6, In arary fom and rariaty. FAMILY FLOUR.i, ALL KINDS flf CRACKERS. SOAPS, ' r , i. MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil and Zaamp Climasyf. And a food aaaorlaiaat of thoao tklaga anally k.pt ia a groa7 .ton, wblrk ka will axobaaga lor maraaung a. tna naraai pnaaa. WiU aall for aaab a. ahaaply aa any ath aaa. Plaaaa aall and aaa hi. ftooh aad Jwdga fcr yoaraair. JOHN McOAUOUET. Claartald, Jan. 1, 1ST. G ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Sacaaar to LTTLR A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN " . , CHOICE LIMB OP TEAR. 00L0RG3, ; j " ' JAPANS,' ' ' IMPERIAL, YOUNG DYSON.' ENGLISH BREAKFAST Porrtt ra Markat. ' 'V ',''' --.' BUTTP.R AID EOOf) Will U kpt and aold at (rat aaat. Caak paid at t'oaniry rroauoa. ' . GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS, PlrJH. ' Maokaral, Lake R.nteg, Cod, Aa. ' PICKLKR. 'l at -1 Barral I'l.Vlr. aad lagll.b Plckl.a. j H.OIIR AND FEED. Floar, Cora MmI, Oat M.al, Aa. . mabltl ..... JAS. n. LYTLE. AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA, ' ' .' T I r ! 1 A (APPLETON'S) ' - " 4 NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete In 16 Volumes, y atlraly ra-wrUiaa. Xvorythlog brongbt dowa to tka promt tlnaa. 1 1 tail rated throng boat witb Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS af arary aoantryaa aha globs. Raid aaly by anbaarlpUon. It la aot obligatory ta tab. all tha ralan... at oaoa e ralnaia May ba d.llrarad aaoa a tooath, or anas la twa Bsatba. Taa aanta a day, lb. prlaaofaaig.r.wHI pay for aat of CYCLOPEDIA ON A lil-MoNIIILY BUU8CRIPTION la l.u thaa I bra. yaara. Tk.a tbara will ba nMlhlag labilaatial aarad aad a alorahaaaa of kaowladga, ladaad a aairaraal library la Itnlf aacarad, wllk bat Hula aforl ar aaariloa. , . PRICI AND STYLE OF BINDING t ' . i . ! i . , :V 1 I ' 1 For Earn Cloth, par , m. I I St For Library Laatkar, par rol.,nMa ss For half Tarbay Moraaao, par rol ....... T SO rat half Raaakt Batra GHt, par ral..... I M Fw Fall Marooaa Aatlnaa, par To ISM For Fall Ra.ila, parral It N '-"i v j : i ,, .r...' Far fwrtbar laforaiaUn addraaa j . ... J. . WILLIAMSON, Pabliahar'a agaat, ll Slath alraat, Jaaa II, lllt-ly. .PMIabtrgk, Ps. THE" REPUBLICAN. . CLEARFIELD, PA . WkDSWbAV MORNIKO, OCT. 4. ISIS. . PEMOCEATIC CAMPAIOH SO NO, Jlf'Ok hata. I", Ok M4 M.' to Waahiagtan tbay bad a bank ( For Praadaiaa to rraort ta Tbalr nrlng lhay did fr.aly plank, '' And Uugh'd with h.ppy gu.to. Ob lookca hrah, Oh lookoa dab I fib look way oU.r yondor. Don't you ho that thiaving erew, A Jaklag wld d. pluadar. l)t bank ka. f.ll.d,dlttraia ant.ll'.d, That frMdniaa w.ra tb. rletlaia. Ia arary tbing aad arary way, Tl. foved lb. Had. had dipt Is. Ob knkaa bran, alo. Wa gat a lot of Story book., ' D.y tall va Grant doaa Mnd .m, Witb bla rrapoet. rota right, mj boya, Or Ku blui end. your Ireadont Oh lookra hrab, ata. Ol. nau. aay., dat'a not d. ray To grt our tnakt. and aorr. j For wo moat work aa othor. do, By railing track and tatarf . Ob looker hrab, alo. ' D.h. Uacla TllJaa'a, d.t'. hi. nana, lla'll brrp a.arcry NaMct, If wa will maka bla. Pn.id.nt, Ry treating a. a. froeinaB. Ob lookoa kuk, at.. Tom Hmdrloka la anotkar man, For ailing any autloa j And Juat .1 gnoil to aid Ik. plan Of frraiag di. fraat aation. Ob loukoo kerb, ata. WHAT Tim HEPUBLICAX PAR . IT HASVOXE. A PLAIU STATEMENT OF FACTS H'kat The Htcmrdt Prove. - REFLECT BEFORE YOU VOTE. TWICE Till NATIONAL DEBT SPENT IN SIX YEARS. The Reeorilt prove that tbo pnblic expenditures durinir tbo six years of President Grant's Administration, end ing June 30, 1875, havo been 14,000,. 000,000. FIVE MILLION DOLLARS OF DEFALCATIONS The record prove that tbo defalca tions by Republican office-holders dur ing tbe last aix years of Republican Administration, amounted on June 19, 1870, to 5,500,625. A HUNDRED MILLIONS FUR THE WHISKY RINOS. Tha reeorilt prove that tbe robberies of tho Whisky II in pi, for attempting to break up which Bristow was driven from tbe Cabinet, amounted to fully 100,000,000. THE RIPUBI.ICAN RINGS INDORSE T1IIM SELVES. The recordt prove that the number of corrupt ring and combinations sur rounding tho Republican Administra tion fur exceeds anything previously known in tha hisUiry of this country, and that notwithstanding Ibis ever' re publican Convention, State and Nation al, in the past eight years, baa fully indorsed that Administration. THE NUMBER OPOmCR-RnLDEaS NEARLY DOUBLED. The recordt prove that tbe number of office-holders has been tncrcased dur ing President Grant s Administration from 64,207 to 91,119, or at tho rate of more than 8,000 a year; that during almost tbe whole of this period tbe country bas boon suffering from great commercial depreasion, and nearly every homo bos felt the pressure of hard times. ROT ONE REFORM PLEDGE FULFILLED. The record! prove that the Republi can party baa pledged itself to civil service reform In every National and State Convention since 1868; that President Grant baa aaked Congress to aid him in bringing it about in almost every message he bas ever written ; and, that not tho first statement has ever been takon towards thefufillment of that pledge, excopt tho unimportant one of the appointment of a Hoard of Commissioners, which aroused so much opposition among Republicans that it was abandoned ; that Gov. Hayes has again promised civil aorvice reform just as President Grant promised it eight years ago. NOT ONE 8PECII PAYMENT PLEDGE FUL- - - FILLED. ' The recordt prove that the Republi can party bas plodged itself to bring about specie payment in overy N ation al and almost every Stato Convention sine 1808 ; that President Grant has akcd Congress to aid him In bringing it about in evory annual meesage since that time ; and that not tbe first stop has ever been takon towards tbo ful fillment of thatplodgo save by the pass. agoofaso-callcdRosumption Act,wbich was originally framed aa an inflation measure, but which worked somowbat differently ; that tbe Republican Na tional Convention did not dare to com mend this act, and tho Democratic House found ltscll compelled to voto to repeal it; that Gov. Hnyoa has prom ised specie payments now just aa Pres ident fa'rnnt promised eight years ago. NEARLY TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS STOLEN BY CARPET-RAOOERS. The recordt prove that President Grant's reconstruction policy has re sulted in tho increase of tho debts of Southom States, which wore almost nothing at tbe clow ol tbe war, to an aggregate of 119-1,000,000, and in the almost complete oon li sculion of proper ty by local taxation ; that tbe lists of estates and farms to be sold (hr taxes fill column after column and page after pago of the Southern newspapers ; that tbia condition of things affocts blacks equally with tbe wbite, and is the direct result of tbe enormous thefts of Republicon officials. A DISASTROUS INDIAN POLICY. Tht rtmrdt prove that the Indian policy of President Grant bas resulted in littlo less than tbioving and blood abed, and has finally eulminatod in a bloody and costly war brought on by the violation by his Government of a solemn treaty with the Indiana. A BRIBE TAKEN IN THE CABINET, The record provet that the Republi can Socrotary "of War boa been, for almost tho entire period of President Grant's administration, engagod in blackmailing bis appointees; that from one post-trador this Secretary derived in this way $20,000, and his accomplice 120,000 more ) that he sor roundod the approaches to his depart ment with brokers who sold appoint ments ior him, and, In some cases, chargod as much aa 11,000 for a mere personal iRbrodtretioa to tbo Secretary ; that many of tbeae things wort ex posod In evidenee given four years ago by Gen. W. B. Hnon, a distinguished army officer, that tbe evidence was brought to tbo attention of tho Presi dent, who mad no Investigation of the charges, and continued the Secre tary In his position for tour years longer; that when the final disclosure was made, his resignation was accept- ed immediately by tbo President "with groat regret;" that this acceptance enabled bitn to escape conviction on bis trial by the Senate, on tbo ground that il bad no jurisdiction ; that of tbo twenty-nix Senators who voted to ac quit him, all but oue were Republi cans; that within a few days alter this disclosure, President Grunt's Ad ministration was commended by tbo Slate Convention of Ohio, which pre sented tbe namo ol Gov. Hnyea as a candidate for the Presidency, in terms of higher praiso than it found for lis own candidate ; that the National Con vention at Cincinnati cordially endorsed tho President and bis Administration ; that Gov. Hayes, in his loltoi of so- coplancc, announced bis full and hearty concurronco in the platform adopted ; tbatuo Republican Stale Convention or National Convention, nor has Gov. Hayes, ever expressed the slightest disapprobation of tho crimes of the Administration. A CABINET OFFICER AWAITING Ihll'KACH MENT. The recordt prove that the Socretury of tho Navy has, for years, violated very many of the laws governing his action without rebuke or remonstrance Irom President Grant ; that lor years bis former business partners, the Cat tells, levied blackmail upon those sock ing to obtain contracts with tho De partment, and that during tin same period bis bank account with the sonic Caltclla,"showa muub Ini-jrer ti-nn "no tions than could have been founded on his salary ; that he bas had Mb pri vate furniluro manufactured in tbe workshops of the Governiueiit ; that be put in peril an enormous sum of Government money in tbo attempt to prevent the ruin of a bankrupt bank ing bouse, and that 1700,000 of this amount bos never been recovered ; that bis Department was found to be honey combed with fraud, and run as apolit- cal bureau ; that tbo navy yards were crowded witb mon before election, who woro discharged immediately after wards ; that Iho House of Representa tives authorized tho Judiciary Com mittco to censidor tho propriety of his impeachment, and it will doubtless re port in favor ol such a stop at tho opening of tho next session ; that the Republicans reported and voted for a resolution whitewashing Secretary Robeson, although there woro few Re publican journals wbichdared to defend him ; that tbo single Republican mem ber, Mr. Bnrloigb, ol Muino, who had the courage to sign tho majority re port against Secretary Robeson, was defeated for re-nomination, suffering the same fate as liristow at Cincinnati and Evarts in New York ; that Mr. Burleigh's defeat was everywhere known to bo due to bit fearlessness in exposing Republican rascality. WUIKI THE CAMPAIGN FOR UAYEH IS RUN. The recordt prove that under a Re publican Secretary of tbo Interior, frauds equally upon the tax-payer and tho Indian havo been committed with impunity, amounting annually to hun dreds of thousands of dollars ; tho perpetrators went unpunished, and tho chief perpetrator, Columbus Delano, retired after years of service with a handsome testimonial from President Grant j that under this same Secretary oi tbe Interior, pension frauds woro committed amounting to (400,000, which were exposed by a Democratic Uouso, but tho perpetrators of which are still unpunished by tbo Republican Administration ; that Columbus Do lano's appropriate successor, Zachariah Chandler, baa boon placed at the bead of the National Republican Commit tees, and is managing tbe campaign for Gov. Hayes, presenting a spectacle of the neglect ol official decency in high places Dover beforo witnessed In this couutry. A DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE. The record! prove that Attorney-General Williams, while at tbe bead of the Department of Justice, supported bis private carriages and horsos out of the contingent fund of the Department, following in this tbe example of almost all the Republican officials; that with another of President Grant's Attorney Gonerals, Mr. Akorman, be diverted 134,000 of the funda of the Department to election purposes in New York a proceeding for which the President and tho two Cabinet officers have been censured by a Committee ot the House; that with the connivance of another Attorney-Genoral, Edwards Pierrepont, a letter was written to District-Attornoys during tbe trial of Gen. Babcock for conspiracy, to pre vent conclusive testimony isshown by the testimony of Bluford Wilson, late Republican Solicitor of tha Treasury ; that the letter which Mr. Pierrepont said was not to be made public, was given to Babcock's counsel and made public by bins ; that President Grant took pains to ascortain the evidence against Babcock from Mr. Bristow and Mr. Wilson, who could not refuso to give it to him, and communicatod it to Babcock ; and that largely by means of this prostitution of justice, Babcock oscaped conviction. A DISGRACEFUL DIPLOMATIC SERVICE. The record! prove that nndor tbe Re publican Administration, now nearly closed, the diplomatio aorvice of tbe Unitod States has been disgraced by almost universal corruption and in competency ; that almost the first act of onr first Minister abroad, General Schenck, waa to print a treatise on pokor playing; that he afterwards, from corrupt considerations, violated all diplomatic decency by giving tho great weight of his name and position to a swindling mining scheme ; that the corruptness of the transaction was shown by the fact that be paid noth ing for his slock, and by othor over whelming evidence that in the invest igation which was made by tha Dem ocratic House, Gen. Schonck's tcstl. mony was shown to be lalsa in almost evory Inslanco by abundant evidence; that tho House ot Representatives by unanimous vole censured bim, after be bad left England under cover of his official position to avoid arrest ; that the Republican Minister to Austria, ex-Gov. Ortb, was corruptly eonnected witb the Venexuolan claims, while In Congress, and being nominated for Governor ol Indiana, in spite of his record, was finally compelled to with draw, because his defeat waa Inevita ble ; that tbe Preaiduul's brother-in-law, Mr. Kramer, Minister at the Dan. lab Court, ia etil' ralainod la bis place, notwithstanding tho toot lhat he baa fre quently disgraced It by drunkenness end public appearance In disreputable company i tliat iwuorai miiiici k, Sickles, who bos boon on his trial Ibr homicide, was sent aa Minister to tho Court of Spain j that Silas 11. Hud son, a relative of the Praeidont, sent to Guutunialo, disgraced bitncell there by conduct unbecoming a representa tive of tho United States ; that nono of the acts of those men or of the Ad ministration, of which they formed a part, were condemned by tbe Republi can party, excopt in tho ono Instance ben public sentiinont lorcod it to join in too verdict pussou upon (junorai Schenck ; that, on tho contrary, the Administration bus boon previously commended by all tho conventions of tho Republican party, State and Na tional, oepeciully by those which nom inated Gov. ll.Ayus. REPUBLICAN RKFOUUEUS RUN OUT OF orricE. The recordt prove that Mr. Bristow and Mr. Wilson, who wort, engaged in tbo work oi pursuing thieves, und did not hesitate to enter tho doors of tbe While Uouso whon tbe trail led there, were forced out oi ofilco by the Presi dent; that Wilson's lellor ol resigna tion never rccoived any nolico ut the baud of tbe President, while Delano, Belknap, Shepherd and Murphy, and other noted corruptionists and person al friun.ls of tbo President, woro re tired from office with exlruvugant ouologios. ANOTHER CABINET REFORMER TURNED OUT. Tht record! prove. I but under Presi dent Grunt's furorito Postmnster-Gen- eral, J. A. J. Cresswt-ll, the system of "straw bids" grew up, which remains still uniformed; that Mr. Creewoll, when be retired from office, was highly eulogized by President Grant ; that his successor, who attempted to introduce reforms into tbo administra tion of the Department, wan removed, and a political subordinate of Senator Morton was appointed in bis placo. THE REPUBLICAN TREATMENTOF WOMEN. The recordt prove that President Grunt's Commissioner ot Pensions, Gen. J. 11. Duller, combined with a pen sion agent named Illakely in an at tempt to blackmail Miss AdaSaveet; that Miss Sweet bud obtained her ap pointment as successor to Blukely through bim, iu consideration of a promise to pay bitn a large share of her salary that Blakely, being a de faulter to tho amount of (3,000, at tempted to compel hor to assume the ruspottsibility fur that amount ; that In this be was seconded by Bukcr, then Commissioner of Pensions ; that tho individual i to whom the moneys were paid tbroughn.it was B. II. Cumpbcll, United States Marshal and General Babcock's father-in-law ; that after tho Cincinnati Convention prom ised "reaoctful consideration" to tho claims of women, a high Government officer proposed that tho reduction ol force in tho Departments, compelled by tho Democratic reduction in tbe ap propriations, should be made by the diseharga of women, all of them poor, so as to keep tho Republican voters on comlortuble salaries ; and that this policy is now being curried out as lar as possible. DOW REI'lBl.lCAN DELINQUENTS ARE rt'NisnED. 7"Ae recordt prove that the Public Printer was found by a Committee of tbe House to have been charging ex- orbitanl prices for bis work, reporting incorrectly tho cost of printing The Corujrettional Record, and drawing mon ey on false vouchors ; that when that office was abolished, and ono similar to it created, the President appointed this same delinquent official to tho new office, and tho .Senate confirmed him, notwithstanding these disclosures. THE BAFE BURGLARY CONSPIRACY. The recordt prove that a conspiracy was formed to which tha President's private secretary was a party, and oi which tbe chief of the Secret Service was the principal Instrument, to com mit a burglary In the office of the District-Attorney of tho District of Colom bia, and implicate in il Columbus Alex ander, an old and wealthy citizen, who was outspoken in denouncing, and fearless in pursuing tbo Ring ; that the plot was frustrated only in its final stage ; that Gen. Bubcock is now undor indictmont for this offense. REPUBLICAN RING-MAKERS NOT RING RB EAR EES. The recordt prove that the Ring which robbed the Districts of Columbia as boldly as tho Tweed Ring robbed tbe City of Now York, was kept in counte nance by tho favor of Preaidont Grant, and was officially recognized by his renomination of Boss Shepherd to be a member of tbo District Government, after his robborics had been exposed ; that public sentiment waa so outraged that tbo Scnato, sorvilo as it had been and ia, rejected the nomination ; that Shepherd still remains ono of Presi dent Grant's moat conspicuous iriends and trusted advisors. THE RLACK FRIDAY CONSPIRACY. The recordt prove that tbo partici pants in tho infamous Black Friday conspiracy ol 1809, wore Gen. Bab cock, Gon. Porter, Jay Gould, James Kisk, Jr., A. K. Corbln, the President's brother-in-law, and Gen. Butterfield, Assistant Treasurer In Now York ; that whether President Grant was personally Interested in the matter or not, bis order to stop the Government sales of gold was tbo first thing desir od by tho conspirators, and that they ran tbo prico up Irom 136 to 1G3 ; that the President finally ordered tbo sale to be resumed, whether through alarm or because be bad boon duped, cannot be definitely ascertained ; that the re sult wna a terrible panic, spreading ruin on evory side. Tho faclofGcn. Babcock's complicity in tbia conspira cy was brought to President Grant's attention some months since by writ ton document nndproofs,but thisdid not prevent tho President's retaining him aa bis Secretary aud Rending bim with Riossagos to thoNonateof the United Slates. THE ORANT FAMILY LOOKED AFTER. iffa record! prove that President Grant bas violated all tbe precedents of his office by pensioning very many of hia relatives upon the Government. THE PRESIDENTIAL PRESENT TAKER. The record! prove that President Grant, in contravention of all prece denu of bia office, baa been in tbe babit oi receiving valuable presents throughout bis entire Administration, and has frequently appointed persons making tbe largest subscriptions to his campaign lunds, to lucrative offices, ARMED INTIMIDATION, Tht recordt prove that tbe President has repeatedly Interfered In the gov ernment oi States In the South, with out warrant ot law, using the army to ntlmldulu Legislatures or Influenoo elections; that In tho case of tho in- fumous Louisiana outrugo, tho entire Republican Cabinet, and tho whole Republican party concurred with bim. THE SANTA DOMINGO CONSPIRACY. The recordt prove that tho conspiracy oi Bubeoek and other members oi tbe Whito Uouso Ring, to havo tbo Island of Santa Domingo purchased by the United Slulus, in order to enhance tbe value of concessions held by them, was aboltuil, whether knowingly or not, by tho President, and that the cost to the country of this scbemo was (2,000, 000 ; and that lor Mr. Sumner's op position to this scheme in the Souate, lie was deposed, at the express desire of the President, from tho placo he bad fulfilled with honor for many years at tbe bead of tbe Committee on foreign Relations. GRANT HELPING UIS BROTHER'S OPERA1 TIONB. Tlie recordt provt tbut Gon. Grant, whilo Genornl of the Army, gave a relative an appointmeut on learning Irom him by letter that be was to be t.nid for it: that Gen. Grant, while President, has kept bis brother, Orvil Grant, fully informed of vacancies likely to occur in post-tradersbips and Indian agencies, . and that, by tins menus. Urvil Uraul was enuuiou to blttckmull many applicants into giving bim a share iu tbe profits of their place, in return for his influence ; that n this woy Orvil Graii1. obtained and still bolds largo interests in post-trad- erships and Indian agencies, into which be put no cupitnl ; that all theeo lucte were admitted by Orvil Grant in bis testimony boforo tho House Commit, toe. omCAL KIDNAPPING. The recordt prove that during tbe in vestigation by the llousool the Santo Domingo job, officers of tho Secret Service formed a conspiracy to kidnap a witness, Raymond 11. Terry, upon a fabricated charge ; and that they did not make tbo attempt, which happily failed in tho end, without orders from high authority. THE PARTY RUINS 70,000 NEGROES. 7Vu record! prove that tbe Republi can party, which claimed to bo tbe especial guardian oi tbe negroes of the South, deluded them into intrusting thoir savings to tho Krcedmcn's Sav ings Banks and then robbed them of every cent By this cruel theft 70,000 negro depositors were rob bod of (3,- 000,000. A GREAT RtPUHLICAN JOB FRUSTRATED. The recordt prove that tbe attempt ot the Republican Senate to revive the franking privilego was frustrated by tbo Democratic House. WUAT THE DEMOCRATS HAVE DONE ONE YEAR. The recordt prove that the hoads oi the Republican Departments estimated thoir expenses for tho current year at (173,590,822, being an incrcaso on the appropriations of last year of (25,425, 698, mado undoubtedly witb a viow to tho purposes of tho campaign ; that the Democratic House estimated that tbo Government could be honestly and economically administered for (109,- Z44,I4G ; that, yielding some points demanded by tbe Republican Senate, the appropriations wore finally fixed at 1120,611,871 ; that theaaving effect ed by tbo House on tho expenditure of the previous year n as (29,944,252, and on the sum demanded for tbia year, (55,380,650. . DEMOCRATIC REFORM IN NEW YORK, The recordt prove that tbo State taxaa in New York nndor a republican Ad ministration in 1874, tbe year before Gov. Tilden's Inauguration, were $15, 727,482 ; that in 1876 they are $8,268,- 19C, tho reduction being vory largely due to Gov. Tilden's economies grow ing out of his reforms. The cotton orop raised at the South this year ia tbe largest since tbe war, and reaches the encouraging figure of 4,639,228 bales. Tho largest crop ever produced was that of 1859-60, which was only 482 bales in excess of tbia year, gnu 2idi'rrtistruBt. JOTICE. Notlflo la harrbr glvaa to oil ttartloa eoa wrnad, that r.jr wife, Mary Ptttor, havlag loftaav oao aaa ooa.ro, wuaoai aay oaaao or ruroelloo, all paraoao ara horaby warnotl agaiaat harboriog or irruatiag aejr oa my aoeoont, aa i Will aot pa?, or bo roapoaalblo for, aay dabta oontraota4 by bar, JAMK8 I'OTTKR. Kylortowa, 6pt, St, UTo It. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notlce la hereby girra thai Letter, of Ad mlnlitreUea oo (be eMete of JNO. VAN BRA. BANT, lata of Hartaa towaahlp, Clearleld Ca., Pa. dooaaaed, bariag beaa daly greeted to tbo anderrtened, att pcreeo. indebted ta aaid artate WIS pleaae Bake laaediate payaoat, aad thaa. baring oleiai. ar daaaad. agataM tha Mo, will pracnt tboa properly aalhantioated for MtUo oi ret wHbeal delay. ALFRED 8COFIKI.D, P.nB.ld, Sept. S. 'li u Adiaioi.lr.lcr I7XECUTOR S NOTICE J Netloa a beraby girea that Mlara tela mcalary baring been granto.1 to the aadaraigned oa lb. ..tale of RICHARD SHAW. 8,., aeon, late of Lawrence tewn.blp, 1'l.arfleld ooaaty, Pa., all ponona Indebted ta aaid cute are reao..t.d to Babe lamediate peyaoat, aad tboM saving eiaim. again! tha aaa will preeen! tbea daly aalbcaticatMl for eatUoaent. tT-A. B. Sbaw, who la aalbnrited by tbe other Rieoatora, will attend to tba eeltleaent af all el.ln. at tha office of tbi. Egeeatoro, In tba atere-rooB l.lalr oeenpied by Joapb Shaw A Son, ia Claarfleld, wbera ba eoa be fbuad at all tlaea. JOSEPH SHAW, A.H.SHAW, A. I. SHAW, CleerSeld, Aageet 10, H!-L (I'm. QAUTION All paraona ara hereby aaatlaaed agalart per ebulag ar ia aay way aaddllog with tha follow ing property, now la tbe peMorrioa of TboaaaC. Kyt.r,ef Morrl. towaahlp, rl.t Right aero, of eora, 1ft acre, baebwbeat, I0 doaaa of rye ia the bare, tt baihala oala, I bleak nils, t gray horeoa, I l-leck Bera, I twe-koree wagoa, B aMi bareae., I Nt .loiU aad chela., aa tha aae kalonga la aa, and la left In bla po.au. toa aa laaa oaly, aabjMl to ay ardar at any tiara. JOSEPH POTTER Kylerwwa, Sept. II, ISIS H QAUTION. an are hereby aaatloaad agala.t la aar wet aoddllao el.k .a. rullowlag proper! r Bow la tba aMeaaaiea af llaai. bleloB White, of Hell towaahlp, to win Oae bay borae, I white aid hrewa aow, I rod sew, I aleak Bad ablte .prlng ealf, II .harp, I earing w.goa, I rat af bara.es, is dean, af aat., S lea. af bay, I acre af ra, 1 err. of kaalwkaat, I rooking atorc sad atraalle, i bads and baddiag, I aap be.ro aad dl.be. aad a rat af bog., aaid prop arty bariag boon parcbaMd by ae al Cwe.lable.' ..la, aad left wllk Mid While oa teas, nhjMl lo ay order al aay tlaa. Cheat, S JS-liO JOHN HOCRENBERRf. QAVTION. AO panaas an hereby aaatloaad eg.latt narebaaiag at ia aay way aeddllag with the fel lo.li.g preprny aow la tba aemulaa of Fraal paSMMlea of Freak Fes, ot Ua.loB tawaiblp via boggy, I sarins waaoa. I I 1 1 oaa aiaes aeraa, eew., heifer, I aal.ee, i keaa, II ba.b.1. wbML two norra wagoa, I IM ba.bal. aala. I. a. ra axaa ka. ba ..... Mt doable ha.Baea, I aat angle baraoea, I pair w .lads, I aattlag has, I grl.I 4 naree eara, lot af aabbag let af graba, eb.laa, eta , lot af rd'.altl, bed., baddiag, tablaa, slab, dlrbrt. ahelra. Mara, aenaaia. a,. . 1. ,a. bt!!!i. ni' W Fr,h,4 at 7 . - . T . "apteanor, ists, and Is left with tka said Frank tat, nhjeet ta ay ardar at Baa tlaa. JAMES FOX. ClrarSeld, Sept. II, HTi.lt, L- : ' " JOHN H . FULFORD, OtStRAl mSURASCt AOtST, Clrarleld, Poau'a, Rnraaaat. all tb. laadtaf Fin laaaranaa coatpaala. or la. eaaniry . .4l,S,H Royal Canadian Horna, Now York (,OOS,M i,r,tu MJMSI ,0.,SM I,S5I,I0I l,4a,M tu.ass Lyaoalng, Manay, ra , Franklin. Philad'a..... ....... Phwall. Hartford m , llaaorrr, N.w York II n. Ool.. O All.., Uartford Mfl.mt ie,eso Provldauaa, Wartilnaloa W.Hnna ak,.n. .SmIIbO OO In.UraBO. OB brOB- arty af aay kind, .hould aall at nay oSloo, oa Markat slrol,a.poaila tka Ooart llaaat, aad aa. aiy Hat o( eoutpaai.. anu r.ie. ooior. ,aurig, ..fill. il. r vurvnv, Clrartold.Pa., Oct, !T,'T.-ly .iiaaao.i -), arj. ir-fil Sulphur Soap Ii CWaaag. lnJiiiisog. limMif, batkiaf, Btaaaaf mi hrajag. It wain aba emm akl meattalsly mft Met EMsUthfal. Il twovW O bejuttliU sjooJkMs lo Oi akl, OAVtl IbraM aa static wUUsbsvs. It ejsirea ban atslda. dtsvang, leorlaUioeM, nmghtum, Ua, aaatisini. frvefc Iaa, liver sate, ctAttppad bswrla, aurM, akvta, eteiariraff, ulaiN oat tit lukila nmJ Cswt, lick, inuad I Irk, .Irking bsHWMD iMtoeL licking uf tha astir, t41M, tarm. A aw reiievei tn ttcblng fttis) irriUliusi ut biting soel ejUniiMf livcapriev Aa It ta mtmcUUf evleaud to U Tot (.tv, Mcaasxar, ael atb om, jro cm lftke et Sulphur Bath at pleMir, For haUav .( lldrfa), H to NSMiiklli. Ladle wbo mm H ta Utetlr Tulle rakl tr eto wiiteool IL It Mat rail Mi Uta odor af aamitrsili(i, krisl, u m Eternal rvrtaMy, rtua anmly ! eaeaiaW. Full MncUuut MaMjmnj aooh paebna. TltY IT. eMc tt to. tar Cika. I OtkM fcr C Ctt li mmU JA Oa. by atai! 1 Ua. If aim ttarejv aW Dr. Van Oylte'aj mo, la. 1331 Oraoa Bt, nUooolpbta. USE NO OTHER. J. P. WBATBBaatw ...w. w. aim WEAVER & IIETTN CLEARFIELD, PA., Ara of arlag, at tba aid Stand of 0. L. Road) A Ca. tbalr .took of goad., aoarlatlag of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HAT8 A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEEN8WARI, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Ac, 4o., Al tka Boat raaaoaabla rat., fat CASH er la axekanga far Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PR0DDCK. JUF-Advaneaa B.J. lo tkew angagnd ta tot ting aat aqaara tlabar aa tka stoat adraatagooaa tonal. pdttlaari Guarded the lUfkett Jtledal at F iraaatn. E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO., Ol Broadway, New York. (Opp. Uatropalltaa Dotal), MAiBracrraaBa, laroarttM aa aaatBaa ta CHR0M0S & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS aMhoaat, Grapbeewopao, Photograph a, aad klodraa. goo4a Colabritioa. Aetroaaoa, At., photografhhT MATERIALS, Wa ara bcadqaartar. for orarytbiag ia tba way af Stersopticoni and Hapie Intern, Balag aanafaelarara af tba MICRO SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, , STEREO-PANOPTICON, UNIVERSITY STKROPTICOX. ADVERTISER'S 8TEn0PTIC0N, ARTOPTICON. SCHOOL LANTKKV, KtMILY LANTERN, PEOPLES XNTKRN. Kaob a.yla bring tbo hoot af it. ..law ta tba - aarki-t. Catalogae. af Laatarna aad SIIJol, wi.b diraa tloa. for a.iag. Ma. aa application. Any ant.rpri.ing aaa oaa Bake aoary with a Magi. Laatora. isr-Vi.lton ta tba Cratraalal Btpoiltlon will do wialy a. dafar parebaaiag good. In aar Una aatil tkoy aaaa to ear atora la New York, wbare tbry will Ind graatar rariaty aad Bore Bodor.le price., aad aaa ..toot tboa at tb.lr lei.ere. Bat wa bare aeoarao.ion to aall Maa.tyle.of ear good. In tbo bailding af the Denarla.al af Paklte Coafort, and thoee aot aaalag to N.w York ara iaritod to all on ear rrpraaoatalioa tb.re. er-A fall ataok af Vlewa af tka Elpoaitloa and thair eoateota. Jtar-Cnt aat tbi. edrertieeaen! (ar nferaMe.-ftm Jane T, l!;t-ly. CALIFORNIA. tTia caicavoo io oaaaT-waaraai oaiiwat Kid bra oaa indor oaa monagtxaaBt tho ilraat Traak Railway Llaoa af tha WaiiST and NORTH WK8T, aad, with IU Baaiorooo braaoboa aad eoBnaolloaa, foraaa tha abortoat aad qui.koat rnto ktwaB Caicaooaatl all point la liaison, Wia coKaia. Horthrb MiraioAO, MinntaoTA, Iowa, NaaaAaKA, CiLiroaata aad tho Wamaa TaaaitoBiti. It Omaha and California Line la tka ahortett and boat ronra (br oil points la Noaraaaa iLttaoia, Iowa, Dakota, N aaa .aaa. roa iaa Colorado, Utah, Vrtaoa, CouroB IA Oaaaoi, Cviba, Jafam aad At iraAua. Iu Chicago, Madison A St, Paul Line I. th. .borlret Una for Nonraaaa Wiaroaa.a aad MiN.nKvr., and for M.n.aoa, Sr. Pai-l, Mis. sa.raLia, Dm-nTS aad all palate la tba Ureal Nertbwoet. Ila Winona and St. Peter Line If tha only mnto for Wihora, RM-aoaTia, Owa tdroa, Marrato, 8t. Pbtbb. Kw Ri.v, aad all Boiata to Soatbora aad Caatral Miaaoaota. Iu firwn Bay and Marqucttf Line la tha only Una for JASReriLt.a, Watrbtowk, Ford Do Lac, Oaaaoaa, Arpi,RTa, Oaaaa Bat, Rhoaraba. Nmaunrb, MARnirarra, UovwatoN, Hancotk Bad tbo Larb Suraaioa CoDaiar, Iu Frinort And DuhnmiA Lin It tba only rooto for Bi oir, Rotipobo, Faaa roar, aad all poiata via. FraaporU Iu inicago ana niiwaus.ee Line la tka aid Lake ."bore Roala, aad is Ike aaly aaa paaaiagthroagh Krassron, Laaa Foaaar. Utes ta paai, Wa.'aaa.a, Kiciaa, Kanoeat to Mitwariaa. Pullman Palace Cars are ran aa all throagb Iralaa af this road. Tbi. i. th. ONLY LINEraanlng theoarbe. twee Cbleaga aad St. Peal, Chirage aad Mllwaa kra, ar Chieag. aad Wlnoea. Al Oaaba ear Sleeper, eoaaeot wllk tba arar lead Slarp.r. oa tbe I'aioa PeeiAe Railroad far all poInU Wait of th. M i.Marl River. Oa tka arrlral af Ike traial froa tha Raat ar South, tha trelae of the Cbieage A Nerlb-WeeUre R.llway LEAVE CIIIOAOO u fnllewai Kor('eanrll Hlair..taahaandl alin.rala. Twa Throagb Traiat dolly, with Pallaaa Palaca, Drawing Raoa aad Sweplag Oars Ikreagb ta Oooaeil Biol.. Var nt. Paat aad Mlnneapolla. Two Tbreogh Train, dally, with Pallaaa P.laoe Cars attached aa both Iraiaa, aar Urns Mai. sue Lahs Raparwr, Twa Trains dally, with Pallaaa Feleee Carl attaebad. Bad raaalng throagb to M.ron.lte. for Mllwaakae. Poor Throngk Tralar daily, Fellaaa Oars aa Bight train., Per lar Cheer Oar. n day trBlea. far Mparts aad Winona aad palate la Miaaoaota. Baa Through Train dally, with Pallaaa Sleepers ta Wiaoaa. far laaaetaa., via Freopert, Twa Tbreogh Tralaa dally, with Pallaea Car. oa Bight Iraiaa. for Irabeeae and I -a Craaas. via Cliaiaa Twa Tbreagh Train, dally, with PaUaai Oar. as algkl treie ta MeSragor, laws, far Steal CMy aad Vaskeati. Twa Tralaa sally. Pallaaa Oar. to leeerl Valley Jasala-s, far lake (ieaara. Fear Tralaa dallr. far Markrwre, sterllag, KssMahs. aranaa. .is. aws ewer petals, yea aaa Bare froa twa la las tralaa dally. New York Oe.ee, Na. 411 Breed... Boetoa OMm, No. t State Street, Oaaka 0ea, 1,3 Farahaa Street, Res FreaotoM OBee, 111 M.M. eaaerr Street t Cklaaga Tiehel OMaes I tl VI. rk Street, ao.ar bberaea HenM aaraar Casal aad Madlaea StreeUi Eia.le Street Der.nL a EI..I. end CaBal Street. Walla Street Osat! eoraer Well, aad Eleale Siraeta. ' rartaua ar baiuraallos sal atlalaabU fraa Va' e-iaaw a.-ava, nppiy I. . H. SrB...rr, M.arn anwaira, Cklw C-s. Boat, Jaa. IS, HTS-lr chLga THE MANSION HOUSE. Corn .rot Baaoad aad Marbal Slraata, CLEARMMtD, PA. THIS aid aad eauadiaaa Hatal kaa.daH.. tka past yaw, baas aalargad w daabl. i oram aapaalty far tka aatartaUBaal of g.r. aad ge..u. Tka wkala kalldlag ba. koai rofaratabad, aad tba roprlrtor will .para h aal.. to roadar bis gaaatt soalartabl. wkiU staylag witb bia. H ar-rba 'Manilas Dobm" Oaalbaa raaa ta aad froa tba Dapot an tba arrlral aad d.pmM afaatktrala. W. C. CAKlwN. Jnly 11-71 If Proprl.u LLKGUENY HOTEL. Market Rlraol. Clasrfleld, P., Wta. S. Bradlay, foraorly proprl.tar of Us Laaaard lloaw. baring loarad tb. All.,..,. H.,tl, aoli.il. a abara af pablla patn.a.g., Hoom has ba.a tborooghly rap.irod a..d a.l forniabad, and gao.U will find it a ploaaant iu. piog plaoa. Tba tabla will ba .appliad witb u. boat of orarrlbing ia tba aark.u At lb. ku will bo fouod tho boat win, and li'iocra. 11 .tal.llng ntucbod. WM. S. BRADLEY. May 17, ',a. rrup'i.i.,. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CURWENSVILLE, PA. NKWION READ, P.oraiaroa. llariag boaoaa praprlator of Ibi. Hold, I woald rorpoctlally aoli.il tba p.troau. ot tat pablia. Iloaaa Uacaatly and auarraicatly at. aauaja ft, raa.iaaana raiarat.aao g.ioo na. pla rooa. attaebad. All railroad Iraia. .tun u Ibi. boa aa. It QIIAW HOUSE, O (Car. af Market A Free! Mreoti,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tbe aod.r.!gned bating Ukrn charge at tki, llul.l, woald reapeetfally aoilcit public patronua. Jaal'TA D. R. rl'LLEHTON. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WAHH1NUTON, PA. This new and well farni.h.d boara ba. Iwa. lak.a by tbe en Jeriigned. II. frel. eonbd.nl of being able to render .eti.ractlua to tboM who an favor bia witb a eat). May S, 1171. 8. W. DAVIS, Prop 1. jyj OSTOl'B HOUSE, Oppoalta tbo Coart HoaM, LOCK HAVEN, PB.SN A. jal47l I1AUSEAL A (ROM, Prop'.. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Street, PHILIPsBURO, PEJNN'A. Tabla alwaya aapplicd with tba beat tb. B.rke afforda. Tba traveiiag pnblic I. invilnd to c.L laa.l,'?!. ROBERT LOVU. p. a. aaaaLB. S. w. anaoLB. F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Hanker nml Itroliemt, ReynolslfTllle, JelToraon Co., Pa. Moaoy roeal-od oa tJepealt. Diacottnu at darata rotM. Eaatara and Poraiga KxthaiiK !. wan oa kaad aad oolleictaa prwnptJt im4. Kayaoldavillag Ieo. t, 1S74.-I County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM la Vaaonle B ail J lug, oaa dour atyfta M 0. D. Wfttooa'a Drug 8 lor. Paaaago Tie beta to and froa Livarpil. Usmta. S. IaaajMBB $aa4a aJ r..a-.a..u AI,VrfUfor oalooa tba Royal Baok m Irtiua aad laoporiaJ Bank of Loadoa. alAOKB 1. LEUflAIiU, rrrsl. JiT.M.JHAW, Caahiar. tlr1:T4 DREXEL & CO., No. II Roatk Third tttroot. Phllsdciphls B.l.rKR, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applleatloa by Bail will reectre proapl at... tloo, and all laforaatiea aheerfally farni.ked Ordara eoliotaa. April II tl. STEWART 4 BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, C'urrranavllle, Claarfleld t'onnt), Pi n.'. (OBoe ia Gates' New Baildiag.) Carweaarillo, jaa II, ISTS-ly. DR. (OCca la Baab Baildiag.) CarwewerUlc, ClrarSeld Cav, Pa. ok II It II. A . M . H I L L 8 Woald rOfMttfallr bo t iff kip iatleBta that ho haa roOticcd tha prtoa of ARTI FICIAL TlBtVH to tatt oo mt . $Si.o fur a doabU aat. For aay tweporaoaa eoaiiag at tho auao tiaio, lo havo otvrk aa appcr aat, will gH tko two oau for i5o.o, or III. oaoa. Taroaa invariably Carn. Claarwald, Job. I, lH.fl. s TEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILERS FOR SALE. Tha andorfignod offort for aala oa rearoaablt Uriae, thair aUaaa taw aiill, losMtod t Wallara. ton, CloarmJd Co Pa. Tka vagiM aad boiltn aro aa good aa bow. Tht alao of tho aagiaa ta UiJt, Bad ia la good raaa lag ardar. Tbry ill alMtell tbalr abiaglo aad bth mill, aad all tba working aaacbinary (a tho at II. Putiaa wiebiag to porohaao oaa eall oa or Bddrot tilt AHA at. WALLACE A CO Cloarlald, Pa., Joao M, I M EaTtJ A R K ET. F.H. CARDOH & BR0., Rasr af PL's Opara Noaa, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arraagraant. ara rr tbe aarl aompleta ehnraeter for farwlablag tbe pablia with Fmh Maata af all hlad, aad af tha very ben nnalily. Wealae deal in all kiada af Agriaaltaral Iapl areta, wkick wa keen oa eihibiliea tar tba bra eflt of the nublie. Cell aroaad wbea ia toee, aad take a look at tbiaga, or addre.. a. F. M.CARDON A BRfl. Clearleld, Pa.. Jaly 14, 187. If. N EW CABINET Al A KING SHOP. M. B. SPACKMAN Derirea te aanenaM ta tka pablla that h bu opeaed a CABINET MARINO SHOP IN CLEARFIELD, WbrnkawlS RRRPON HAND PTJSNlITJTia. And da all klnda of CABINET WORK said RE PAIR rUUMTUIlS af all kil.de.ee akorl aotioe ead in tbe beat poe.ible aaneer. bb.p a Faank atrert, eppealie Park A Mvrrill'e C.rrie. Shop. Aag. t, 'ii-ly. FRESH MKAT-NEW SHOP. Tka atla.!.. L 1-1 , I LI:. 1. - -,.,w anvaj I - IU. HI I WW ,.ma grarral that tbay keep oa bead, regularly. U tb.lr .hop, adjoining JonN OLLICH'S forn.lara rooat. oppoilu the Coart Hence, tba BUST fRIKH BKSF, VBAt, MCTTON LAMB. PORK, STC, AT REDUCED TRICES, FOR CASU. Msrket aornlnga Taaed.y, Thamlay, aid Satardaya. Meat delivered at reaideaM aha A abara ef patroaage is rrvperlfellr aol March I, 1971-ly. 8TAOEAKOK1 kiUd. NORRIS. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOA'S BTATWSERY. Market M., Clcsrwsld, (al tha Paat !.) THR sndnralgned bags leave to aaacaaea ta tka eilleeaa af Clearleld aad rtciailv. that be kaa atled ap a raoa aad kaa Jart relenei froB tho rity witb a lerge aaoael af reedf aaltor, aonaiatlng fat part af BiWos and Misoellaneoui Books, Blaah. Aocnanl nad Pea Boob, of every la Mrlpllon i Vipwt and Earrlepea, Frearb pr.ed and plala. Hone aad Peaclht Hlaek Lrfal Papw., Dm.1., Mertgagoei Jodgaert, Et..s Uoa and Pruaiaarr aoteai Whito and rarrk a.at Brief, Legal Cap, Rroord Oep. aad Bill llP. Shoot Maale. lor either Pieae, Plate ar Vioh., eoanaatly aa bead. Aay book, ar Mlee"l deaired Ik.l I aay ant bare oa hoad.wlll be rdel by Irat etpr..., aad sold at bol-..le or rauil to nit eo.loavra. I will alM beep prriodKU llloratara, aaob aa Magaalaea, Newap.per.. Aa. p.a.uaUin, Clo.ra.ld. May I, liSl-lf JOHN TROUTMAN, DIALER IN FURNITURE, WATTItEHMEN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAREET STREET, I;EAR P.O. Tb. aadmlgaad kef. leara to rafora the rl Maa af Clearield, aad tba pablto geaer.11'' UM be bas aa bead a Iaa asMrtaent ef Fereiiera al aa Wala.t, Che.ta.1 aad Pala. Cb.wJ SaltM, Ptrior Salt.., Rerll.l.g and BMlr Chairs, Ladies aad Oasts' Eeay Pbelrs, lb. rw ferated Dlalag aad Parlar Chairs. Caae Wladeor Chalra, Clctbaa Run, Step and EX"' slaa Ladders, Hal lack., Sorabblag Br..k". MOULDUO AND PICTURR FRAMES, Looklag Slaasaa, Cbreaoa, Ae, wblek wald J ealuble to, H.lleay preeeet. .. datirn JOHN TROfTMAN. E. M. THOMPSON, ... 1
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