THE ltEPUBLICAN. CLKARFiKLl), PA WKDVK8DAT M-.HNINO, OPT. 4, 1ST A. Terms of Subscription! If paid Is advenes, or within three months ...fl M It jmi.l af-i three aad before all months..,,, 10 If paid af-ir the cipfrntton of Hi months ... 1 10 MVfiin. B. IS. I'rttrmoill A Co.. News paper Advcitlsing Agents, 17 Parh Row, corner Itrckman Street, are gur duly authorised Agents I Aif i ova uity. ri:i.i;ioi;M NOTlt I B. i Methodic. Episcopal Chnrcbo-Rev. B. P. STUvirta, i itor.l'nl.Hc Bervlee erery tiebbath i iuf a m., ana it r. n. Katihath Hetioal kit A. M. Prayer K etinf every Thunder, el f s P. M Como union fclervteo. trot flebbelh of every IB Ot ID, MI IUf A. M, Weit Clearfield M. K. Churrh.I.evt. W'k. II. litt end J. I'. AxnRRtoN, Pesters. Preafhiiis; every alternate Sunday, it I o'clock, P. M.-r-unday Boboul at 2ft, P. M -All nro In ll til to alletid. I'realij terlnn thurr h Rot. H. fi. Bourn. HubbAth services morning and evening -Beb-bath School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wed nee- any evening. Ht. fraud' Chnrrlt Ctthollr R.v. P. J. PnnRinA. Preaching at 104 o'clock, A. M., on the flrit, third and lourtb Sun da; a of feh monlh t Vespers end llrrcdiotion of the hirised Seoratnent at 7 o'clock, p. M. tundny be boo) ovary Sunday aftfrnooo at I o'oluok. OFFICIAL PIHlCTOHY, f VI Or OtDlMa QflltTKR mtMiom court, An ond Monday of January. T i rd M.mday f March. Fhat Monday of Juno, fourth Mmdy of tieiitetnlier. tthi or ootmao oomoR rnus. ' First Monday of Juno. Beeond Monday of November. orriraaa. Prtittnt .r-inffl Hon. Charter, A. Mayer, of l.ncB tiaven . . , . i i Atti t aw Judy Hon. John II. Or?ii, of UelUifonte. AttoeinU A.eeWilliani 0. Foley, CI tar Held j lutm J. Read, Curwensville, -frolkomvlarv KM Illuont. m ftrgieter ana Recorder L, 3. Morgan. Ihitrict Attorney Vrnftk ot'iel'liftg. . , Trraeurer Iarid MrOaughey. ' Sheriff William H. MclMiersnn. - 11 C"-tg Surreyar flitmoH V. Mrflliwtoy, Cur wrrtpvtlle. ("nmnfy Cntlei-nerwCnr)t Drowii. Clear- ,-, i Thoia A. SI Hire, Cho.t P. 0.; It -iris Hoover. (Iiarflfld. - " CoHflg AJ!tu,t' C'urlit. i. K(ot,f,y, lllen Hope j Smi:tie1 A CKtwell, Wriiianngrovo t John V. t'onniT tlunitil-, i,mtty rt.'rt. r 3. TT. Keif. New WaaMtfltnn. Jury l'-nmm''rwJflm ,W.-iilA'saFt. Janoa Mitel.!. C!r:.rJir'ff. - w " ' 'SrT t'tirwenin!!?-. ' XtriM .fcr-a.1b W. WrtKlay, Win. Ra dni'nuh. Cvrua fi. Oordon, Cleariield : Jn. H. Irwin, N K. Arnnltl, t'urwenavllle ; J.J. Lhtgle, Ueoi Hula. Our Sprriat colninn la decidedly Interfiling tn a l'ol point oi t lew, and pibUtaoic reautrg outaidera who wnit to rav uwaeyf j . . v FRIDAY, OCTOHKR flTH, 18 TUB LAST DA V TO PAY TAXEfl,ir YOU WANT TO VUiK FOR PliteilUKXT THIS YKAU. Unit It'll in HpoU to coimklomblo dfptb wttMn ibrre or roar oiiiet or nbonrnurg, on Tuciday of latt week. ' , J.orillanla' .'olulmU'U U'iuiiIh, of Na ry Tobacco, 'Dllfl" aniV 'oar Cbaice," at tyllo'r, aole agent for ClearfitU touoty Wm. M. AU'CulUiiigh, Kr(., will ad divM a meet log of the DcntooratU Club, in tha Ojiera lluaae, rut I Sntnrliiy wonlng, at 7f o'oli-k. The liuly H-uiU-rH of the ilrPunurAit will And ioum thing of tmportanee to them In the atnuunceiuent which Mra,T.B- WuUoa puhlirbea In tbii week 'a iaaua. Read IL The election proclamation, rovlsod and corractcd, la publlaliad lo Ihil Ihu. To bo thoroughly poted is regard to election, niatlera, every voter thou Id rcud tbia dueoment annually. Tho curvlul almen'ur will not iail to notice thut tho folLigo of our forest and abade treca la rapidly neuralng tbrVarignted lintf of Autumn. . . Tho borough whools began thoir Winter actitoD laat Monday oruing, and the tlotinnnbalation of too vllloge aehoul bell U again heard in the land at regular in terra la. To prevent tobacco caewow from being iuiporod upon, Lurillarda bare put a tin tamp In every plug of (hi-Ir tobaeco. Taka none nnlet ao atanped. - Iytle tf tola agent for CWwr field ematy. ' ' a ' Tho Huntingdon l'roabytery con vened at Munnt tnkon, in llontingdon oouoty, yaitetd4y. Tha Cloar fluid Proabytarian aoogrega tioa la reproataleU iy IUv U. 8. BalUr aatal Jatnea B. (Jrabain. 1 r Another Bthiki. Wo learn that all the m intra In the lloutidale region eano out on Tueiday morning, and announced that tbey would not fi to work until tho rotas warn taieed at least ten ooets pr ton. i o aw The hunter can now pursue the floet footcd venison and no ona dare molest blm or make him afraid. Tha season fur tbe lawful bunt ing and killing of door In this Slate began on tba 1st Inst., and will continue until tbe 1st day of January oeiL K i . i - Wash. Brady, of RniJlonl totvnnhip, who knocked "Soldier " McDonald down '- the butt end of a shot-gun, several weeks ago, In ibis borough, waaooavioted last week, and sen teased to pay n fine or $10, sorts of prosecution, aad ba Imprisoned to tho oonoty Jail for roar months. At tho LegUlntfre lio-union recently bold at llarriburg Clearfield had three old-time representatives. They were Uon. Ueorge R. Bar rett, membor of tha llnus in lM'J f Hon. William Uigler, member of tho Renato In IM3, and Hon. Wm. J. Hemphill, membor of tha Hoaso in Ili0. Lint of letter remaining unclaimed In the Post on oa nt Clearfield, for tha week ending Ootobar 2d, IfiTf t Armstrong, David Richardson, George tvans, Tltumas ' r ISiraddltog, J. M. Ki;, Mm Kilo " P. A. OAi-tii, P. M. Tho firnl ettJtitonco in this county un der tbe Liquor Law Aot of 173 was passed in onr Court last wetk. Tha ofiYndor was a young man from Hotitdalc, who pUod, guilty lo Ibt charge of selling liqucr without lieansa. He waa sen tenced to pay a flna of 9201 and ousts of prosecu tion, which Is tbo lightest sent ones lhat oaa bo imposed under Iba Ael above quoted. aw Tho llollidayriburg Standard nayr that a wet tern husband and wife who quarreled and aepe rated some three yawn ago, and had never soon eaeh other since, aoaidentally eoeoon tered each otLor it the Altoona depot a few days sli ot. Both were bound fur the Centennial Eihl lion, and they eoaeluded lo lot by-gonea be by g mcs and Interview tbe show together. The (Centennial MinHtml Troupo,com pond of young men uf Clearfield, will give one of their Inimitable performances In Pie's Opera House, neat Thursday ers a lug, tboath Inat. The boy i have goot to eonsldaraUt (rouble nod enj pi'nse in preparing for the ontertakament, and we h.tpethe pub lie wiR turn out and give them a full boose, Tbe proceeds are to he devoted to tho rs organisation of tho Clearfield Crete Band. A m mi named Kelly, who waa con- it ted In our Court last wnk of robbing tba wtts- i'g store of Mr. M. Bridge, la this plane, an A ttnteoted lo tbe Wrtrn Penitentiary tor a of three years, attempted to dig out of his cell on TiiuraJay night of laat week. Ilia pleas ware I fait re ltd by Ibe timely eppeerauee or Iho Sheriff, who band-ruffed and hobbled the prisoner, and ! since been keeping him In alosa confinement, preparatory lo bis removal to Allegheny City. m m - Homo of tho special trainers, who irn lorwcasuue in an eura iraio, iobi H'deday overling, la attend the Repablieao ft'ing, had a lively time en their return home fier lb mrcliag waa oror. Like Rhaptey, one of the f e.kert, thry were tired eat, Over-worked, and tefled with more luld than patrietiiut. ' But ibtn. how natural 1 Curweusville ll dty place t'J how, and when noyt tra eWyeel away from boras they are easily eielted and gel Into trouble. "ail man 1 I. 0. NivhW. of thin boron L'h. cna- tainad t severe Injury, one night last week, at the 'Barrett farm," midway between this place ed CarwenaHiie. Mr. Mlvliag It now own or of Mfaio one daring tie waeb glrM H bit pr n1 ittcntien. itavips there a'.e at nlchl. Oa the si so log ) queciwia be bad eeeaeion to go to bam, aad, a holng very darlr, bo did not toe Ihe open gftor Ceding from Ibe threshing ("nor lo ' itoty, and he Ml 4wa the steps, a die isnee of feboW fifur Let. lis ibouldll Joint l 4itetrd, and be was considerably brulsrd aoi the heed lbA mrr imU, fn Mndl, Ihrmh net series, av rtry plnfol. Everybody i nnxioiiH to witnesft tho aniannmuiaiti io oa given in tua upera nouaa or Tauraday otenUg Rft. by lb mliutral trvupa, Lota of fun, beautiful loni ,aud all for tS and St all, Mr. Jioubon Mi'l'hcrHoii mot with ulta a aorioue aoLidaal at Woodland, early or Saturday homing la it. He, with a number of 1 Otbar perauoa, all armed wltb r I Ilea, were anting aa night waiehman at Iba llt fnied vlltaa of! Wuvdlaad, and while (lauding Inildaof tha alura ruon, ad vary near tba fiuor, tamo una aa tha oatakde opened the duor to ovme In. At tho door iwungupen, It eiruok the hammer of Mr. MoPhcr aon'a gun, tha uiuialeuf ahloh waa pututiug duwu, and eauaed It lo be dioburged. Tba ball antand tba Hi thy part of the fool, nuking a very ugly bat Rot dangerKUi wound. - m m Shoriff Mt'lMiernon started lor Allo- g ben; City ycalerday U)vrLlngTucday)lth three prlaooera, eaob of whom will spend aihortaoaaua In tha Weeleru Panlientlary at that plaeo. One f then, named lllion, gun for ona ear, for stealing pork I row, neighbor another unc, Roiutd Kelly, gut line yial, lor breaking lulo and robbing tl clothing itore of Uenr; Krldge, in Ihia borough and tba thiid one ia a man named MoCumber, who gtia three yuan for break ing Inie-a h'aao i Wort Vk-aidaU.itRd ttaollag Mof urpai.ter loola, lltnjxt tbouaoa grraaor "la inlirnal rough wltio Jujgo Or via gati a bold of hlin, , ; S fcTTlA d. T he two vo'iitff Johnhtoiis, or Uell township, who had boes ii-Jutad lurpll laglag n aaap of km t, weiw Oled In Court Iml work and found guilty., Thilr ovouiul iiitula a motion lor a new triat, imd ha plead tbeir tare ably brforo Judge ua Muday oveoiug ot tltia weak. Ycatvrday uiomlng tfce Court orcr ruled Iba iuoU"!, ond eanlonced I bo buya to pity a) finouf $ i'Ri'h, pay roeii ofproftoutlun, Rud ku ouoUnad in the euunty priain lor n period ol fear m on the. Tito Curt had Ihv puntf lo laud Ike parties lo tba p(.altenliary, but wa prveiune lu view ol tbii youth aud Hie lualguitlconca oftbe otJeuoa tho puuiibmuot wna aunda light : JIm KLRbNr.(a. 'i Ikto in too much abuoting within (be lofwigb limits. Wo have rdiaaocea prohibit Itig thv ueif Srt anna within the borough, yet tha 1 icatwulj a d.y paaaoa that wa do not liur thw iej-uita uf guna aud pil toll, contrary to alt law. Ju lg K.ud Informed ua the other day tliftt, while walking lu Mra. Mer all'a garden ou I'liurfJitv, aouio one, a abort dl tanoa off, diiflhargcd a guu or plitul, tho ball patting olofe lo hil person, and struck the ft-nco a few rodj beyond bini. Buch carclcrr-neM leffci some attention on. t hi p rt of!'ar munici pal kothoritiea. Rut we prrauuie It will reocire no attention until somebody guta ihot, anl Wa will Lave a leinppat for a dy or two. AN Al'CIDKNT, AN J.NC1DKNT, AND A i Cu imc ink aT. On Haturdtty morning, Hcpt. ItlU, a dead man was observed by Conductor I.j neb, under one of tha ears of bia train while atopping In Altuona. Tbo lody t fast to the brakc-rlg-glng. . UeorgA .Mdiruilok, a night vatohwiq, W. II. Miller, yard filofk, and others, Were oallnl ta tha scene, but no one could reeogniie the dead man. Thry oarricd tbo body to an undertaker's rooms, where an Inqueft was held. 0 sorgo Mo Cor wick was sdeottd as one of tbo Jurors, But It was not till soveral haurs after Ibe Inquest was bald that George MtCo:mlck diicovvred lhat tha dead man was bis owe brother, Andrew MuCormlck, n oitlten of (Irnnvillo township, Mifflin flounly. How )i pfit ttirrf If a mystery, QuirK Work. In tho Slalo of Mis souri recently, says ao exchange, a trial was made to asoortaln tbo time la which bread oould be mada from wheat standing in-the tkld, and with tba following astonishing result, commencing at one ni inula alter 3 nVIuck and flniibuig in twelve Inutei (f ) t u . Commenced renplng wheat :i:in X;l , 3.021 S:li;ti ...awl:M ..,.:! 3:0 rinUbrd renpinir wbest n M. Commt'oced threfbing whent rimtbtiil tlircsbint wheat li bob.) Commenced grinding whent rtoiehifd grinding whwit Mrs Law ion ooiawenocd makiuthread Finished oiakmg bread Commenced baking bread 2:hi , S:01-i 3 U riaieiicd nakiug gridille cakes....,,,...,.. Finished bnkit-g bltcolt.. Missouri la a great Bt-ite, anvhow t but Mrs.i Law ton throws the reaper, thnahcrsnnd millers I lno the thade. Al a has.)!, she Is nhoiid of all oompetltors. ' Clearfield Coal Trade. Htuto- ment of Coal and other freights aent oror the Tyrone A Clear Deld Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for rho Week ending Hepl. IS, lH7d, and the name time tapt yrar r COAL. ' TOSS. For tbe week - Same lime lat year... 1K.UII Ijianuur..,....... Proviaaspy during year.. Same time last year , ... MVob Iueronso 22S,1U8 . MS.Tftfl .. ., . O4o,30 Total In UTg.,...,., 8ame time last ytor ....... Ineroaae,,.. , OTUKR rRRIOOTS. Lumber - , Miscellaneous freights 45 ears. .... 80 " Kirr No. 4. Tho neighboring vil lage of Woodland received another scorching last Friday morning, Iba 18th nit. Thla lima the reekad tbeir revenge on tha M. B. Church, Tbabatlding was find betwten 8 nod o'eleok, and was olearly Ibe work of aa incendiary, as there bad been no fire about the si roe (ore fore long time. Tbe building eost about $&,uO, and was insured for $3,000. Ibe aauae for Ibis ineeo- diartim If past comprehension. Tbe or ima Is so great that there can be no Juitifloetioo for tbts wickedaeas, ao difference what the plea may ba. Tbe burn tog of oburgh building impoverishes no one, and why the Incendiary resorted lo this mods of revenge we cannot eoojrclure. After murder, no greater ertioe can be committed against Uod and the oommualty. It is truly remarkable that, notwithstanding Ibis and all Ihe other prop' erty in that vicinity has been vigilantly watched ever slooo tbe other horning! ocourrod, the Ootids bare thoo far toecoeded In their tmgodly work and no one hae been arrested. Muhiu uy TDK BAmrf Wo have been reqoesteel to state that n Chitons meeting will he held In Tie's Opera House, on Friday evening out, Ootobcr Uth, at 7 o'olook p. ua., for tbo pur- I pose f organ lain g a brass bond, to bo oalkud Ihe Cilisena' Rand," and all tbeeltiaenaof Clearfield nod eieiallj gra cam-tity lavlted to to nreaont and take jtart in tbeiarse. Xheiuuetiug aill be nddreed by Uu. M. MoOulivugu, tq., alter which an opportunity will be afforded all presont to manifest their benevolence and show their dc def Ire and willingness to aid. and aupport fi fuuel band. Tbe prospective members uf tbe baud aro all young men of ambition and energy, and are ready aud willing to take bold of the matter aa soon as the necessary arrange meals are com pleted. It la hoped that the citisens of Clearfield will take aa net ire and eubatantlal part hi Ur'- aOalr, and not kt our town get so far behind other pleoes la tba way of muaie. Almost every lown In the Bute, barge or email, eon ond do aupport n flrst-elaea bra band, and itiitsoped tha Clear Said will do lbs same. Let everybody be on hao4 nt the time and plaoe above indiueted. Tba meeting will be altoudad by tbe martial band, alter' which tbe members will take part In the brase band and help to make It asusctss ;)!;' 1'riiihtful Accident. W aro in debted to the Otoeola R'vrJe, uf last Friday, fur the detslla ot a terrible accident which oeenrred near lloutidale, thin eoonty, on Tuesday morning, the 21th nli.t "Karly on Tuoi.lay morning, the mutilated body of Charles MeCall was found apon ike track of tha Uoas Run awiUb, having been run over by the early freight. Very atrong sua pleions arc entertained of foul play, and at this writing tbe jury bare been unable to agree upon n verdiet. It appears that Ihe unfortunate man left hie homo In tbe eVeolng to go on a night shift in Sterling mine; that be met n friend who per ieade4 him to go across to tiordoa's and take n drink. Tho two rvaaniaed there (ill about nine o'eleok when MeCall was persuaded to go en up to Uuotsdala. The night was saat in debauch ery until about one o'olook In Ihe morning, when, aa nearly aa can be ascertained, Hit victim left for home. This waa the 1al aeea f him alive. Tha bead was Completely severed irons Ihe body nndi carried nonet twenty toot ahog one sUe of tho truck, presenting a fearful gbaitly appearance. One foot waa found on the other aide of the iraok, evidently where Iho body bad lain nt too Uine of the train pnssiag over II. The body Radf was dragged I considerable distance audi the entrails tea tiered over the track. Aa sova as the matter became known, Mr. A. 8 bar bough waa taslraaeod by ike R. It- Co. to take charge of the remain i and prepare them for intermenu asjiiico uy 'Soaire Howe, tbe disagreeable la.k waa perform ed. A peat aaereeaa on am 'no How woo held by Dr.Todd aod Whilllrf, who hare both expressed their opinion tha. the wen na A"l murdreri and then laid aerwee the track t hide the reml deed. We blleve lor one leasoo, that thla oon- cluslon It based upon the fact that Ihera were throe dear auts or stabs on the bead, one la aide, and two to tho nbJomon, wbloft they say lonM not bare been lafllaiod by tho trsJa. Tns position la whioh the bod J evidently Uy also emits aut plvlen, Tbe heed being teteot one rati an l the fowl across the othtr, The afertwnato mat baa hitherto borne a fair average character, and toares a wire gnd two children to mourn pit dree I fa I felf" , , LETTER FROM 0. W. MOORE, UQ. H r Woore having Bled obJaolUna to oar rt port of the proceedings of tha County Convention, an Iba Judge question, wa glra him the privilege to state bin own aasa as ml Ma. UuoiLuaH &r i In your report of tba proceedings ut iae late uemooratle touaty Uon tuntion, yuu gUa the ratult of the ballotlug for Aasoeiata Judga, aad remork as follows i "ilie sixth ballul, whieh nominnted Messrs. Oirdvti and Mmire, when ftmted up. developed tba fnwt that there wm a uilelako, beuauea there ware one Itumlreu sua nny-eigtit voles tallied, being Itxir tua manae aaa who had reeetvad the aiaeea is what puaaM all parlies. Aftr eaaisniftfe aa tiumnt ii "J afrb'iie i-er 1km mailer, Mr, Moore ue forward and naked tbo Convention not to aot hiilily becftuae he wea aatiiBed that there was a wtttake and ba did not want n nomination In thai way. 'iualty a motion Was adoptud, naorly annuiuiuualy, to Ink tba ballot over, and resulted aa above slated, Messrs. Ogdeu and Holt having beuo di-uiaraa 100 oominvoa ny tna vuatrman. A motion to make their nomination unanimous pre vailed without n diiseutlng voice." 'ihii, I am sorry to say, la a nr grant misrepre sentation of the taot. though unintentional, aa I hope, on your port, 'iba inevitable iateranoe eonveytd by ihe nuids in Hone is, that was foreed lo nolle tba mistnka by iba 'eieiiemant" and "debate" thai arose, ond that tf no nsovo nit'iil had been made by others 1 Would have re mained quiet aud aeaepted tbo nomination aa an nounced by the Chair. Instead uf Ibis being tho aaie, I was the first lo onll tha attention or the Coaventiun to tha fact that loa many votea Were lalliud, i)tng that "1 was unwilling to place the l'euueratio party in a foisa position by aooeptlog a nomination, thu lairucsaot whioh was not olearly appaienl," and askej thai the misUka bo die euvered and eorn-oted. It was then that the ei eltruiuul Hi) debate o whioh you refer louk pincu. it ended ns jou aur, in tho adoption of a motion to take the ballot over. . Ut Mis ait not afuite, and huuoe my Oeluat, ia uiy opiuioo. Tha N'y teny "to take the ballot otor" was to rrquire avety Oelegala I tula precisely as be had voted on Ilia pttTt-Umg ballot but Ihii was not done. '1 he d legates troia Lumber City, New Washing ton, tbeel, end Lrtwrtinse, all ehuogod thoir votea On l bo i net ballot lour ol Ibe tonuer giving both Holt and Oden lour votea mora than tkty bad Lelnre, while tbo luur I row Lawrence Voted lor me. On ibis ballot I luii Lumber City, New VVubiugtou and Cbeit (0 and gained Lawrcnoa (4 ), making my vuto ihirly -eight iusttadof forty ) ohiia Ogdeu and Holt aaob gained four, making Ilia lattvr loity-lwo instead of thirty-eight, aud the lunucr (orty-eight, tho same as he had before, and thus show log that tbo mistake badbeoo made in tallying loo suauy fui him on the preoadiug ballut. Hi is was my iuipresiion at the time, and Supposed that tba Uon rent to a would sea to it that fair play should lake place. Had I not thought so, I certainly would bare allowed soma one else lo kava oeiM tho attention of ha Convention to the orwr. Now, sir, t want It to bo understood Ibat thin is miide in no ouni'Uiaiug spirit as to Uic ri tult. 1 (lou t behove it was dune through any perianal hoitiilliy. If any such efforts wvrw maJihey were lutil, It was simply Iba result ul inadvirtetiui perhaps a blunder, or want of thought and hnve no complaints to make, and will yield Ihe same hearty support to our tioket Unit I would bad the result bevo different. And ituw pvriuit uo a word ol tkaoka lo my hionenoui too ooomy. I mmie oui nine ellorl, and raw but very few, aad solicited no man lor his supirl, lurther than aikuig him belore bo uiAiio up iii uiind how be should vote to uouridur lur ulaiws along wiln Ihe rest. It is true, 1 an-lliipuu-d n d i tie rent rrsull, and so stalfl to sev oul Iriends. The only districts that I failed to curry on whiub I bad conbdetliy counted were Jurdun, Lawrence aud Morris. Uut, I repeat, I hnve no ouiuplainti to Djake. 1 oantiul close tbia aommunloalion without a rslcrttuou to our Rules, llr foriunatvly, thvra aro ikttt dillervat lonstroetioni pat upon them, bono hold that when Ibe people fail to make a choice as shown by tho llr it ballot, that then Iba Oraw loid eyatem is laid aside, and tbo Convention i simply composed of drleg ttes as if no election for choice of oandidales had been held. Others bold that tho delegates aro bound to vote for Ihe next high in their rrfpective di'''te J and others again bold lhat Ihe delegate aboald voto for tha high! on ibe popular Tote In tbo aggregate rote ul the county, ll either of Ihosa constroe lloi.a hud bau sd bet ed to, I believe my nomina tion would have been secured beyond all probable errors ol tellers ; and I simply icfsr to this Incon gruity here in order that the party may take the orcou'wry action lo prevent trouble In the future. Very resfactlully, . 1. W. Moons. Ci.KAanai.Uj Pa-, Spt. 27, 1370. , - iivv. Win. 11. Iili will preach in tho M. K. Church at Centra neat tfunday, at l"i oVoek A. u , and In Us I ley's school bouse, at S o'clock r. n. Rev. J. F. Anderson will preach in tbe Ml- Zion tehool house next Funday, at K o'olook A. , and tn ihe w tst Clour Geld M. K. Church at 71 r. n. . 1 i s Wamtkii! 1 Olll) fuird of Hemlock (pj liock Oak Bark, for which wa will pay the highest mnrl:at prb jyljtf. A. O. Kainnn A Co. Sprclals. WANTKO by Arnold nt Curueiuville, A MM ronla oak mid kemliwk bark KMMMrO !ituliirb shaved alilngloe. . UHtAHHi tfe-lnrh aawed ahln;la, KMi (MH feet luck plno boards arpt.O. Ruooir.a Fort 8alr. R. Newton Shaw keeps a Ml fupply of Fredonia Dugglesand Platform W agons for salt.. Tu ba seen at tha febaw House yard. Call on or atdresi him at Clearfield Penn- Uylranla. ' may ia-11. WANTKD-by Arnold, nt Curwejnavlllc, A.MH rnrdanak ond hemlork bark. ltMMHKrZe-lnch abavod ahhifclna. . HHMrOO S4-lnCh aawed ah In , 100,000 feet lucb pine boards. nsjpt.0. TIII3 lmPM3 WANT PR(M)F. There it no mrMne nrearribed by nhvslctans or cold by druggists, that oar r iae swob evidenoeof Its soceen'anrt luperior virtue as BoarHRU's Grr- haw Stat r for severe Coughs, Colds settlon on the Breast, ConsumptI n, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact la lhat any person aft le ted, can get a Hample Bottle for It) oents and try its superior effect before buying Ihe regular site At Tft cents. It baa lately been introduced in this country from Oermany, and iU wonderful cures are astonishing ovary one that use It. Three doses will relieve any oasa. Try it. Bold by C. 1. WaU-u, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa, t . . . . npr67fi,towIj, THINK FOR YOl KWEI.K. Ttionsands lead miserable Itvet, suffering from dysefisiA, a disordered stoniosh and liver, pro ducing biliousness, heartburn, eottlveness, weak arts, Irregular apptite, low spirits, raising food alter eating, and often ending in fatal attacks ot fever. Thkv rjtow rnar Ana airn, yet they get Utile Sympathy. The unfailing remedy, whieh la yearly restoring thousands, la DaCoslao Radical Cure, sold by C. D. Watson, and II arts wick A lrvld, Drug (tlit a, Clearfield, Pa. A 2&o ooitlawill convince yon of Ite merits. Don't delay another boor after reading this, but go and gel a bottle, and your relief ll as certain as yon live. Will you do It, or will you continue to suffer 1 Think for yourself! i Prof. Porkor'e Pkwaaot Worm flyrvn la per feetlT safe, earremelr iwlatable. No phyaio re utred. I'osts 'Jb cents, try it. r or aoie ny u. ), Walsnn and Hartswiek A Irwin, Ole8-uold, Pa. veb 12eowly. tV A NTF.P by Arnold, at C'arwenavllle, A.oihi rorrle oak and hrmlork bark. MHMMH VUlnrb all a red ahtnftiesu ' ' i ItMMNMi 'it-liif b aawed aliliig;lca ' Kio.cOO Ice I inch pliic bonrda. aept.C i WM. MKbO'at LOCAL Oo or ehoul September 2itb, 17A, Wm. Rrnd will bo receiving his new fall and win ter fctoeh ol Dry liee-ls, etc You will find a fine selection of Dry floods, Nollons, Trimmings and Millinery (liinds, everything of the latest atyle and In great variety, al the very lowest priest. a It lo hla Intention to keep a much larger avsortmenl of Fancy (foods, Trimmings nod Millinery Uoods than heretofore. H-pt. to, rT. dew, H, IWTHf. iHarrifl At tbe residence of the bride's mother, near Al exandria, lluntingdoa euunty, Pa., on Thursday, Xrt. Utb, lh70, by Rev. J. C. llarr, Mr. m. W. Hnsbin, of Osoeula Mills, Clearfield eouaty, Pa., and Miss llannab M-tinoope, of the former place. ' At tbe bride's home, near Troutvllle, Clearfield enuntv, Pa., on Thursday, Sept. 7Mb, 187H, by Iter. f. iHahges, flr. i-nnnian a. naag ann ansa rinrah M. Konsall, eeenttd dsnnhter of Mr. A woe llontall, of Brady township, Clearfield oonnty, Pa : 51(1 At fl'.lrr .t.Unn, n,.t(l.lfl frnttnly, P.., Ml M mil.y, t .'t. fllk, lt, '. mj J. Trf, lVunlynnluItallroftd TYROaNB A CI.EARFIELD BRANCH If and after Monday, AI'RIL 17, 1171, tho I'aeienaer Trains will ron dally teieepi oon- days) between Tyrone ond Clearfield, as follows (TLKARrlKLD MAIL. W. 0. Inwia, ConAuetor. LBAVB SOIITIT t..iKAVl0TH. CurwaBSTiIle.U5, r.M.j Tyrone B.t'.a.n. ClearfielL......I-& Osceola... t.61," Pbilipaborg ...H.Oft, " Clearfield.. 11.00, " Corweoiville..llJi, ' l'hilipiturg.4.t, O.oSUla........S-00, Tyrone CLKARFIKI.D IXPRRSfl. t W. 8. 1'Lunweaj Condnctor. LKAVK 0ODTHU LK4VB WORTH Ourwensvllle.. .1 4. Tyrone t.Oft .n OlearSeld.MH InUrsectlon...7,It " Philipibnrg. 9M ' Owcola ...S.l " Oaeeola ' Pbljlpshrg Intersrtlon.B 7, " J ClearSeld, ar....K " Tyrone.-..M T.i " t Carwcnarille. " BALD BAgt.BVAU.KT BRABPn. liptMil ; " ; ,, " ,' 7 MalL . itap. i- n. Ska 7-lj m. . m. . r. a. 4- S.Ik . MS leave Tyrone arrive 31 l.fci Bald E-igle loo 13.40 11.11 11.24 11.14 B 10 18.0 10.20 Julian Uileabnrg Bella fonia Mileaberg i.ll 47 119 111 I.eA l.fcl a tfi !.ta 11 .00 it ,18.11 l .45 1M4 liowaro 10,9t H I arrlre L. Hares leave PIUUPBBHRU A MD8HANN0N RHANCHKS On and after Monday, APRIL ITth, 1B76, Ac commodation Trains will run over the Philips burg aad Mosbannon Braaabea, M followa i . MA VI BOUT II, LEAVB NORTH. r. . . a lilt . A. St.tlun. Morrl.dl, i Plillip.buri, flUliLr'., lloj.lon, Mih.nBoii, -Hl.rllnK. lloul.d.l., MoU.ul.)r, K.nlrlek. A. M. p. H. P. H. t. 16 11 11 T.04 11:14 4 JS 11:11 4:11 11:14 4:11 11:64 4:16 " 11:41 4:00 11:3.1 1:61 ' ll:9T :4I 11:14 IM 11:10 1:40 1:40 TSS 1:44 ' ' ti.H liM 1:44 l:tl 10:04 T:il 9:111 tilHI t:l 10:14 S:ll 111 U19 B:.J 2.1(1 10:81 i2J till 10:44 1:11 TYKONB STATION. I..TW.ND. A M P.oHo Kpr.,., 1:16 llirriltmrg Aeo'n, 8:48 P M M.II Tr.ln, ' 8:11 Atl.Dllo Kxpr,.., 8:47 I'bll.'d. Ex pre, 18:30, ' WBITWi.D. Plllibarx Ki'.,, P.eifl. Kxpr..,, A W 1:41 1:91 P H 1:08 8:41 8:48 W.j, M.ilTm.o, , F..I Lit., Cloi. .onnMtlun. m.d. b .11 .t TjrroB. and Look ll.v.n. B. I. BLAIR, OBjlT-tr. 8np.rint.od.nt FARE FHOM CLEAKKIELD, TO O.llofonu, r Miildl.lown .....6 0, M.rl.ll... t 60 Lnni..t.r .H I 86 PlllkADXLPUIA 7 0S Altonn I 86 Look ll.r.n., WIIIUu.imhI 170 8 80 1 80 1 00 4 60 4 75 Hunltnsditn Lowiatuwn M.rjirill. HAKRIBBI'HU Jotinstnwt).H...,H.M t 80 ITTHDUHU I 16 Alleglieiiy Valley Rullrond. ', LOW tilt A UK DIVISIONS ,, ON nnd nflor MunJ.y. Junp lllili. 1870, tho .,-rri))or traiti, will ruu dnilj, ( Bond.?) Drlnrcn Hrd Il.itk and Irrlftwovd, u follow. I EANTWAItl.I; M.II le.r.a l'lll.lur, 8 .10 . m.g Hod Bank 11:46) Hiiro Junotlna 13:00; Now Bcthlfbetn 11:50 p. m.t M.y.vlllo 1:04) Trov 1:17 j llruokvll o 1:50 1'ollw', 1:15 t Boy. aoldirillo l:.t6 DuI!Ip 8:01 i Hummit Tunnol 1:11 1 1'mO.ld 8:40 Wood.ill. 4:00 1 Hone toll. 4:30 arrlvo. nt Driftwood at 6:13. W RHT W A R 1). D.j M.II Irar.i Driftwood 11:15 p.n.l BrMiott. lilt I Wo.d.111. 1:18 1 P.ullgld l ot; Kuiauiil Tonn.l 2:37; UoBol. 1:40; Kc.oold.Tlllo 8:16 : t'oll.r. 1:1.1 ; Brookrill. 8:51); Tro,4:lt M.y.vlll. 4:U: Nrw U.lhl.b.m 4:61 ; filiao Jaactinn 6:14; Hod Bank 6:47; arriv,, nl, at 7:80 p. a. ptr- Tb. Brjaiildavill. Aceoumodntlon laavta R.jiioldivillo daily at 6:30 a. an.) aud arri.o. al Itod Bank at 8:16 a. n. Hod It.nk at 7:54 p. in.) arrival at H.ynolda.lll. al 10:.t0 p on. Cloo. oonneollona mad. witb tralni on P. A B. Hallroad at Ih(tood, and witb train, on tha Allribonjr Vallor llailroad at Hod Bank. DAVID McCAKflO, Uen l Sup't. A A. Jacoox, fop t L. U. Dir. 1 tv giavrrtisriuruts. qissoltjtiox.- ; , ' . j Notbjw to hereby given that the partnership i hsretoforo eiisting in the drug business, under tbe i name and style of Hint ten barker A Co., at Wood-1 land. Pa., has thla day boon dissolved by mutual , consent, Dr. J. A. Rouse retiring from the Arm. The businesa will still be earned oa at tna owi stand, where a full lino of pure drugs, dyos, oils, paints, Ao., will be kept ennitentlyon hand. ULATIRNBKUliBH A CO. , Woodland, PaSept 17, lt)7fi-3t. . NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS . AT T. A. FLECK & C0.'S. Dress Goods, Muslino, Calicos, Ging liams, Shirtinf, and Flnntiola or nil kind, 25 to 80 per cent. ' cheaper than last yenr. ' ' Ten pieces lllntk , : (.'ashtuoro, cheop. BLACK ALPACAS, tho boat in town for tho tuonoy, Table Linens, lickings, ow ini8, Zft to t0 per cent, lower than laat your, New Coruoti, Now Ties In great variety, 1 New Collar, tnd I Cuffs. i NEW EMBROIDERIES, New Back Combs, Now Hftti, lor1 ladiow. ' We have secured the sorvioes of 6rstclasa Milliner, who is now in New York, purchasing a full line ol ililiincrv Goods. All of the above goods wo will sell jou cheaper than any other loubo In Clearfield county, Give us call. : . T. A. FLECK & CO. P. S If vou are not satisfied with the above. T. A. Fleck is going to New York, and will add still moro to the slock, if be don't get lost. Clearfield, dep. ia, 7b tl. XnVNSIIIP STATEMENT. " JAMK8 L. 8TB WART. Treasurer of Morris township, In aooountwitb Road, Poor and So boo I Punda, from 1st Monday of April, 1876 to 1st Monday of April, 1874 1 ROAD FUND DU. . To Seeted las levied for road parposec, To ooioujt or M. naaer sdupiioate g tub id To amount of A. Shield's dorUeate..... 487 U To anioont of cash from Co. Treae 4M ST To amount due from last settlement 41 M To cash oolleeted on doptioateof 1)474... 22 111 To former diip. of Rader onool'd. 1K74... " 14 89 Tc former do p. of lleeslo uneol'd 1374... 87 3 il.TST tt CR. Ry road lat worked out by Rsder., By road tat worked out by Bhielda.., ., . 424 12 Ry Rider's wages, All days at2 Ry oioneratlons on Rmlar's duplicate, ... Ry am't coll'd on fortner dop. of Kader.. By eaab collected on duplicate Ry overwork on Radar's duplicate Ry per ot. peid Kader on $fldt.S8 at 4. Ry am't paid for lime aad lumber H Dy Collector's per eentageoa$lS Ry amount aooolleeted oa Radar's dop., Ry eash onlleoted by Khlrlds Itv oionerationa on Hhicld'a duo. 12a 00 8 Se IO 46 1 fr S4 14 J3 2J 74 M Si m 17 Av lS in 1 bO 4 2A I 60 144 60 I kt 12 OS 2t ft IVs 30 Ry plo shares, rcrajicr, chains, etc Ry 4US feet plank Ry 011-neraiion of N . Morrow tai .,... Ry Bbield's lime, 721 days at 2 ... Ry overwork on Bbield's dap Ry ft per cent, paid Shields on 141.71.. Ry am I of enrol I'd tea on (Shield's dup. Ry aaaonnl of orders paid...,MM..,H.,H, Ry S par cent, on tsme 7 S 1,970 9A POOR FUND DH. ! ' Te am't of Jaoeb Folnoo'e dop Md To am't of Ueorge Hoover s dup 444 57 To am't of Taylor's dug. uncollected 138 S3 By amount oolleeted en Tolman'a dup. witb per eeotage $ ISA IT By amtuot eolleeted by Toluan NO 01 Ry oioneratlons on Tolman's dup 14 14 Ry amount collected on Hooter's dup.,, 1)0 20 Ry amount oolleeted by Hoover 1HT 07 Ry am't oneolleetod on dup. of lloover.. 142 M Ry eioneraUone en Hoover's dup. OA Hv am t noeolleeled on dun. ol loluian. iw vs Ry amouat reo'd of Taylor M 42 Ry amount due on Tatter s dup . 40 40 $I,D81 4'- Ordere Issoed by Overseers of Poor.. Orders paid by Treasurer..... ,. 494 to Orders tssaed by Auditors) To Tolman for 92 days Urns and dup... To Hoover for 23 days time nnd dup.. Te Tolmen, per eentage To lloover, per eentage -....... a. . 44 ti 44 94 t g 9 itt Floating Poor debt .S MS 74 SCHOOL FOND, R SCRIPTS. Am't of tea dup, for school pnrpeaaa...M.1.40 24 Deduct exonerations DednetoaoHandiag taa.. 1 10 01 421 li 9 131 27 ToUl novlpta , Cah from formw r.lUemnl.... 8.1. .fold hnndiar.... tltata appropriation UnM.iwltnJ OolUalod an dnplionl. at 1874-8.. from olhor Mareoa 89 1 87 81 71 70 l 18 174 88 4.8 l I SO tl,888 18 . . HXFENBlIURlig. Taaohara' nlorlo. M 11,178 40 Paid D.W. Holt for Uon. wall nnd.r M. Mm Mhwl imm Fn.1 .ad MaliD(.n.i.. lUwair. m . BIJ .f HMnUrT... r.r otnl.of Trnaamand .olUetar.... Dwhonl rtof, rt.... I IX 00 7 87 N VI 11 10 IM 81 00 l,l to HalaaM U Traunraf'a hnad. , , :!8 08 ' W. tb. noffmlrnad AndiUn f Morrl lown ahlbt having anamlnajd U. mbm najmtnnt .1 th. Iraaiarir, nod tn.m wmi in tna boat qi onr bnonUug. nnd mwlt.f. ai Tl!nt(. r. k. jiin X Kjtntown, t. $ "tf V- Anrliun. grw dvertlsrmettts. E ELECTION PROCLAMATION.- WHKRBAS. br an Aot of the flea end As. aombly of the Comuioowoalth of Panrsylvaaia entitled An Act lo regulate tbetlenoral glee Hon within tbia Commonwelih,f It ia enjoined noon ibe bbcrift of tbe eeveral oouotlea to give public notion or aueh election, the plaoee where to ho held, ana tbe offioore to he elected, Tnannroan, I, W. R0H8 MrPHKRRON, High PberifTof Ulcarfleld county, do hereby give Pub. lie Motion to tho doctors or the county of Clear field, that a general election will be bold on Trtanar roLLowiau tne nnat Moanav or Ho VKMann (being tbo 7th day of the month), al the several s loot Ion districts in said county, at which time and plaoe tbe aualifled voters will vein Fur tneoty-nine electors for President and Vice President t For one person to represent tba couatlaa of Clear field, Centre, Clinton, Klk, Miftlia and Union, (being the XXth District) la the Coagreaa of Ihe toiled States, For ono person to represent the counties of Clearfield, Centre and 0Hntoa,(the XXXIVth District) In Ihe Boa ate of this Commonwealth. For ono person for Assembly, to represent Iho county of Clear Bold, la the House of Represent at ite of tbia Commonwealth. For one person for tbe offloe of Sheriff uf Clear- Arid county for tone years. For two persona to serve In the capacity of Aisool- nte Judges el Clearfield oouoty fur Ate years. For one purson t servo aa Diet hot Attorney of t; it am eid eoonty tor inreo years. For ono person to serve as Jury Commissioner of Clearfield county fur throe years. The Hectors of the county of CrVarfield will take nolioe lhat the said elect I ua will be hold at tha following places, vis. Ruroaido borough at the public school bouse In said boruuglu m -. - , j. Clearfield borough, al the Court House. t'nrwonsvlllo borough, at the bouse of the tale laaae Hlooin. -. , . llontsdale borough, at the public house of Wm. Parker, ia said borough. ' - - 1 ' Luuilier City borough, at thepuhllo school bouse. Newlmrg borough, at the school faounc, lp said borough. . . .. 1' .- - .( ISew Wahiugton boroiigh, at the public school house, la said borough. Oooeolo horowgb, nt tbe puMlc house of Milo IIoW, in said lnjrouh. Walleeotnn Vorough, nt thepaMIc school hoaso in aaiu uuroupjn. n Heooaria townrliip, at Ihe V 11 loa Hotel, In fllen IIopo. ' M ' lltU townahip, at Iho bouse of Robert MehaAVy. It loom towunhip, at the house of the late James Bloom, tit. i R'lgg township, at the house of Rdward Albert. RraiH'ord township, at the house of Jacoh Pieroo. Drady towusbip, at tho public house of William St li wein, jr., in Lulhershuig. ' Rurnaide township, at Young's school house. Chvsl tttwnahip, at the public school bouse near Simon Roraliaugh's. Covington township, at tbo school house In Mul lonburg. Deeatur township, at Centre srhiwl house. jVurifuiton towaahiiv, at tho bouse of John lircn- ory, formerly occupied by Tlios. Rohison, (Ilroau- Ulrard township, nt Congress Hill school house, (lushru township, at tbo public school house al BhawsvilM. lirahnu townnhip, at thu house of tbe late Jacob IluWer. 1 Jreenw4od township, al tbo public house of Samuel Hullgao, in said township. Unlich township, at tua public school aouse, In Janeeville. Huston township, at the house of the lata Jesse Wilson. Jordan towusbip, at the publiu school bouse, tn Anionrillo. Karthaua towusbip, at Bridgmi 1 school bouse. Kims township, at Turkey Hill school house. Law re Dee township, at the Coart House, la tna borough of Clearfield. Morns township, at tbe house formerly occupied by Thomas Ryhtr. yna uiwnsoip, ai uie noiei lormeriy aepi oy W. W. Anderson. Pike township, at tbo house of the late Isaac Bloom, in tho borough of Curwentville. I'nion township, at the houne of D. K. Brohaker. Woodward townahip, at the house of Thomas Henderson. AN ACT rrgnlatln tbe mode of voting at nil laotions in the soveral counties of this Com monweellb, approved tbe 30th day of Maroh, A. D. 1AM, via 1 HatTTiii! I. Ut it eoacivif br Iho Senate and Mouae of Representative of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it ia hereby enacted by authority of the same, That the qualified voters of tbe several eountiee of this Commonwealth, al all general, tuwnsnip, borough and special elertinr ,are hereby, hr.oafter author ised aud required to vote, by ticket, printed, or written, or iiartly printed and partly written, aev- erally elassiliod ns follows; Ono ticket shall em brace the names or ail judgoc 01 onarto voted for, and to be labelled, outside, "Judieiary " one tioket shaU embrace the names of the stale officers voted for, and be labelled, "elate," one tioket shall em brace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of senator, momher, and members of aaaemhly.if voted for, and members of Congress, If voted for. and be UWlled, "county 1" one ticket shall cmhraoe the names of all township officers voted for, and be labelled, "township j" one tick et shall embrace tho names of all borough offioere voted for, and be labelled, "borough " and eaob elas shall be deposited in separate ballot boies. A run her supplement to toe An reaiaung leotwns In this Common wealth, approved January SO, and February 11, A. D. U74 1 whis tub rot La ana To aa kbit oean. Bar. 6. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at seven o'olook, A. a., and closed at ven ecioca. r. a. f t ArroiMTMBXT or jL'ouaa a taarnrtone. Sm. 6. In all election dislriots where a vacan cy oitsta by reason of the disqualification of tbe officers or otherwise in ao election board hereto fore appointed, or where any new district shall be formed, the Jndge or Judges of tbe Court of Com mon Plena of the proper county shall, lea days before any seaem. or special oleotioa, appoint competent persona to fill onid vacancies, nnd to conduct tne election in said new districts, ana in tbo appointment of iospoetors In nny election distriet both shall not be of the same political Krty, and the judge of elections shall lu all oases of tbe political party baviag the majority of votes In said district as nearly as tbe said judge or Judges can ascertain tbe fact, and In ease of the disagreement of the jndges as to the selection of inr-peotors the political majority of the judges shall sc loa tone of aaid iaspeotoi-a, and taa minor Uy judge or Judges shall select the other. Bao. 1 . Whenever there shall be a vacancy In an election beard on Ike morning of an election, said vacancy snail ne niied in ooniormity wiin eiisting laws. 1. DttTia or lbctio!i orrirsaa, Se'. A. At the opening of the polls at al) elec tions II shall be the doty of Ihe judge of election for tbeir reepeetivo district to designate one of the Inspectors, whose duty It shall bis lo have In custody the registry of voters, and to make the entries therein required by law, and it ska I be Ibe duty or Ihe other of the said Inspector! l receive and nambor ihe ballots presented al naid election. Pro. 9. All elections by the citfaena ahaR he by ballot) every ballot voted shall be numbered in tha trder in which It shall be received, and the number recorded b) the clerks on tbe list of Vetera opposite tho name of tho elector from whom re oeived. And any voter voting two or more it 'i ete, the eeveral tickets aa voted shall eaeh be numbered with the number oorrespooding with the number to the name of tbe voter. Any dec tor may write bio name upon his tioket or cause Ibe same to be written tbcroon, and attested by a aitiien of the distriet. In addition lo Ihe oath our prescribed by law to be taken and subscrib ed by election officers, they shall severally bo sworn or affirmed not lo disclose how any elector shall have voted, unless required to do as w it aesses In aludloial proceeding. All Jndges, In spectors, clarka and overeoors of any eleotion fceld under Ihia aot shall, before entering upon their duties, bo duly sworn or affirmed lo the pre sea oo of eaob other. The judge shall be sworn by tbe minority inspector, if there shall be such minor ity inspector, and in ease there shall be no minor ity inspector thon by a justice el the peace or at; demon, and tbe Inspectors, overseers and olerke shall bo aworo by the Judge Certificated of aneb swearing or affimiug shall ba duly made out and signed by the oflicere ao a wom, and attested hy the officer who administered tho oath. If any judge or minority inspector refuses or fails lo swear tne o (Doers el election 10 tne manner re quired by thie act, or if any oflloer of elect! so shall net without being first duly aworn, or If any othoer uf election shall aign the form of oath with out being duly sworn, or if any Judge or minor ity Inspector shall certify that any oflloer waa sworn when be waa aot, it shall be deemed a mis demeanor, and upon conviction tbe efflor or efit eera ao offending ehall be fined aot eioeoding one thousand dollars or imprisonment not e seceding one year or both la the discretion of the eoart, Mon-aioiaTKHan rota as. Roc 10. On Ihe day of election any peraon Whoso name shall not appear on the reals try of voters, an.) who claims the ngnt to vote al said election, shell nrodueo nt least one qaaiiAed vo ter of the district as a witaoss to the residence of the claimant in the dlstrtot In whioh he claims to be a voter for tbe period of at least two raoalhs Immediately preceding: aald eleotion. which wit- neaa ahalt ke aworn or affirmed, aad eubeorlbe a written, or partly written and parity printed affi davit to tho facts ataled by biin, which affidavit j shall define clearly where tbe resldcaoo ta of the Pren so oieiimng u ? iwi ana iae person so eiaiming me rigut w vote mm aiso taaa eua tohsertbo a written, or partly whiten and partly j ..1.4. I (T. 8 toil i,.lin. In Id. I.A.I a k.a l .. n M Mir. ana IMilf .Ha an. wnr. b. wa. born that ba naa boon a alllua o( tb. Unlud guta. (or ono month, antt or th. Comoi',nw..llb of P.nnayl.aBiat that ha bn. raaldo4 In lb. Cm. onnaaltb .0. joar, or If foruorl, n qa.ltA.4 .kotor or n.tlr. born .ItlM. themf, nnd bna f aove.1 and Htara, lb.t b. bna rcald od tb.rrin alt moalua nalt fjrMadtng aaid .1... lion I that b. baa raaidod la th. diatriot tn whleb b. olaiHa lo baa rotar for th. norlod at nt taaal tworaontha imuadl.tol, prModuif atd oloetlM ; tbnt n. ba. n.t aorod Into tbo di.tri.1 for th. ,nrpoN f votinn tharoia that ho baa, t( l.rniT two juri of or npw.rda, nald n 8 lata rMunt Ua within tw. taxa. whi.h wn. nBMU d nt two moo tba and paid at lanat on. month brior. lb. alMtl.0. Th. Bold .hall a aUt. whan nnd aaarl th. Urn .Iaima4 U b. nnid b. tho .fflant wa. aMHH.d, aud nnd wh.r. .ad ta wnaM nnld, nnd Ua Ui rnnlpt Ihrnfor ahall b. prodva4 fur anamination nnlM th. ftf tant aliall aUU ia hi. that it ba. bna loat or daocvod, m lh.t b. atwr awMlrajd nno, and, If a aataralltod .lllaon, .hallalM auu whoa, whom nnd bf what Mart bo waa nntnrallMd, nnd ah.ll alM ptidaM hi. Mrtliont. of nautr.lla.tion for oa.minatioa hut If tb. barMn m .Inlminf b. .i(hl t. nt. .hall una nnd aabaorlba aa orl tb.t h. la a horn oltiaaa of tb. I .M.d RtalM, or If horn .la.-b.r. ahall ,UU Ihn l..t hi bh), nnd .hnll nrcdao. ..I deno. that h. baa boon nalurnllaod, or I. mtltlod I. .Itlaonahtn by lawaob .f hi. DaUM.'. an4nr.ll a.lion. and aball InrthM Mat. la hi. ntldnni lh.1 b. la al tha lima nf mah,n ta. arSdavil of th. a(..f W.nt;a. nnd andai Iwmll Iw. ,Mr. lhat h ha. horn a dllaan f th. (InlUd BUUa a. month, aad ha. midad la tb. Bl.u ona ywi ... If a altlaan a( th. lut., and a., mnrrd thrrrfmm nnd, ralarnrd, thai h.V t' y iP4frtlgmrutan.'f-j- resided therein all mnolie neat preceding eald election, nnd la the aieetie Aiaarlot two months Immediately preceding each election, he ahall be entitled to vote although he shall not nave paid taiee. The sate attdetite of all poraona making aueh claims aod the affidavits uf the witnesses to their resilience ahall bo pre served bf the ale as tew beard, aad iae otoee of tbe election they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, taiiy mi, and other papers rcquirea ny law to be filed by the return Judge with the pro thonotary, and shall remain on file therewith In the protboootary'a offioe, subject to ai ami oat ion aa other election papers are. If the eleolwo oA oors shall find that the applicant possesses all tbe legal qualifications of a voter ho shall be permit ted to vole, and hla name shall be added to the list of ta tables by Ibe election officers, the word "taa" being added where tbe claimant claims lo voto on tax, and tha word "age" where he claims to voto on age, tba same words beinn added by the olerka In each ease respectively on ihe lists of persons young at suoa election, . . t cttAiaLBHiS or naaiarakan voTSni. Sao. II. It shall be lawful for aay qualified at Usee ot the distriet, notwithstanding the name of the proposed voter la ooataioed oa the list of resident teiebles, to challenge the rota of such person, whereupou tho same proof of Ibe right of aunrage ne now require, oy iaw snail be puuiioty made, aod acted on by the election board, and tbe vote admitted or rejected according to tbe evi dence, Every parson claiming to be a naturalised eitiaea shall be required to produce his natural isation certificate u. ibe elaetlon before voting ex cept where be :m been for Ire years consecutive ly a voter la the distriet ia which be offers hla rote, Au i on tbe vote of such person being re eeived it shall be tha duty of tho oleotioa officers to wrile or etamn on auob oortilcato the word "voted," with Ihe day, month and year, aad If any election otTioer or umoers snail receive n sec ond vote un Ihe same day by virtue of the tame certificate, eieept where eons are entitled to vote because of the nature Ilea lion of their fathers, they nnd the person who shall offer such ecoond vote snail ue aruiiiy oi a misuemoanor, anu oa conviction thereof bo hoed or lpmrisoned,or both al ibe discretion of tbe court, but the fine shall not eioeed five hundred dollars in each case, nor the Imprisonment one year. Tbe like punishment ehall he tntlieiod on eouvlctloa of the officers of election who ahnvll oeaieet or refuse to make or eauso to be made the endorsement required as aforesaid on said naturaiuaiiua ecri locate- , nr.oi.err or hitt or ax tenon orrtcana. Ska It, Tf any election officer ahall refuse or neglect to require such proof of tbe right of suf frage as is prescribed by this law, or Ihe laws to which this is a supplement, from any person of fering to vote whose name is not on the Hat of assessed rotors, or whose rit-ht to vote Is cbal longed by any qualified voter present, and shall admit such person tn vote without requiring snob proof, every person so offending shall upon eon vieilon be guilty of a misdemeanor, and ahall be sea is need for every suoh one nee to pay n nno not exceeding Are hundred dollars, or to undoriro an Imprisonment not moro than one year, or both at me discretion oi tne oonri. caavAsa or tub votes t tkb count. Bic. IS, As soon as tho polls shall close the of ficers of tbe election ahall proceed to count all the votes oast for each candidate voted for, and make out a full return of the same In triplicate, with a raters sheet la addition, la all or which the votes received by each candidate shall l a giv en after his or her name, first in words and again in figures, and shall bo signed by ail of aaid of ficers, and certified by overseers if any, or if not so orrtlAed the overseers and aay officer refusing to aign or certify or either of them, shall write upon eaob of tha returns his or their iwaeons for aot algaing or eertlfyln them. Tie eerc as soon as eoumttdtkall alto oe oittWitWe md tUtm dtdartd rem Me window to A eitistrwe prescaf, ? oney suuesisM iummg fe vcfM reeetswd Oy eaca MNtAtXttfe tkall ee mad mnd stgaed kg fAc efertioa officer ae eeoo os (Ae core if tounttd, and fie same sAa1 6c immediately potted up en Ike doer e tie election louse or format torn of the pubti. The triplicate returns shall be enclosed in envelopes and be sealed la the nresenee of the officers. and one envelope with the ensealed return sheet given 10 ino judge, wnion shall contain ona list of voters, tally-neper, and eetba of officers, and another of said envelopes shall be given to tbe mi nority inspector. All judges living witbtn twelve miles or tbe protboootary'a offioe, or within twenty -foer miles. If their residence be in a town, village or city on tbo line of a railroad lead in to the county seat, shall before two o'olook, post meridian, or tbe day after the eleotion, nnd nil other judges ahall before twelve o'clock meridian of the second dsy after tbe election, deliver said Jetura, together wltb retara sheet, to tha pro tbonotary of the court ol common pleas of tho county, which sold return sheet shall be filed, aad the day aud hour of filing marked thereon, aad ahall bo preserved by the protbonotary for public inspection. At twelve o'clock oa the eald second day following aay election, Ihe prothohotary of tne eourtoi common pleas shall present tne said returns to tbe said court ; In counties where there ia no resident president ludtc, the aaseatale lodg es shall perform the datiea Impoeed upon the eonri or common pieaa, which shall convene for said purpose i the rotnrns presented by the p ro th o notary shall be opened by said court, and com puted ay soon or lie on. ears, and soon sworn ea rn la u is as the court shall appoint, ia tbe presence of the Judge or judges of said court, and the rotnrns certify and certificates of election leaned under the oral of the court, as is now required to W done by the return judgeo, and tho vote aa ao computed and certioed shall be open lo tne nubile, and In ease tbe return of aay election ui triet aharl be missing when the returns are presented, or in case of oomp taint of a qualified elector aoder oath charging pelpablc fraud or mistake, and f artlcalarly specify ing tbo elteged mistake or mud, ar whore fraud or mistake ia apparent on tho return, the eonri shall examine the return, and ir in Ibe Judgmcni of tbe court it ahaJl Se neeesaary to n Just return aald court shall Issue summery proeeoe against the election eraocra and overseers if aay, of tbe election district com-, plained of, to Wing Ihsm forthwith Into eourt, with all election papers la their poeaosston, nnd tf palpable mistake or fraud skall b disfavored, it shall, upon aneb hearing aa may be deemed necessary to enlighten the coart, aad be oof reeled by the court, and so oertiffed but allegations f palpable freed or mistake shall he decided hy the said eourt within Urea days after the day tbe returns are brought tnto court for aompatatioa, and the aald inquiry shall be directed only to palpable fraud or mistake, and ahall not be deemed a judicial Jurisdictioa to conclude any eoBioal now or hereafter to be pre v toed by haw, and tho other of aaid triplicate returns shall be Elaced in the hoi and sealed np with the ballots. 1 othing ia tbia act shall require ike rotnrns of election of borough or township officers to be made to tbe courts as directed In thie soot ion, but all tbe retains of the e lection of township and, borough officers aball be tnolosed In a sealed cover, directed to Ihe prathoMhary of the eoart of oom moa plena of Iho proper oounty, nnd ahall by some one of them bo delivered Into his offioe within tbme daye after every each eleotion aad filed therein. In eountiea where there are three or more Judge of aaid court, learned In tho law, at least two jndgea shall sit te compute and eer tify returns, unless unavoidably prevented. If - of the said judges aball him so If be n caadl-1 date for any office at any election be shall not ait with the court or aot ia counting the returns of eofih eleotion, and la aneb ease the other jndges, 1 If any, shall act, and If in any county there shall , be no judge q nalt led to hold tbo said enttrt under ; tbe provisions ol this act pre rant and able to act, then and in every suoh case, the register of wills, the sheriff nnd eoonty commissioners of the proper county shall be and constitute a Resrd, who, or a , majority of whom shall have and exorcise all the powers, and perform all tho duties vested la or re- j quired to be performed by tbo court or common pleas of auob eoonty, by and under tbe previ sion of Ihia eeeOon f but none of the eaid etaoors : shall act as a member of saeh Roard whan him- j aeir a candidate for any offioe at Ihe election, the I retara s of w fa ton the aaid Roard la required to i count under tne prwtmous oi in. aecuon. Sue. 8. tn all flections hereafter Ihe certificate of netnraliaatlon, if genuine, shall be eenolasive evidence of the fan is mentioned therein, and where the peraon offering tn rota claims the right on Ihe payment of tat, the reeeipt of such tax, If signed by the propr officer, shall he the evidence thereof i tf such person deea not produce aueh re ceipt, then the payment of the tu may be proved hy the oath of such norma, or other ovideaoe, stating when, where and to whom sneh tan was paid. Notice la further hereby given. That all poraona except Justices of the Peace, who ehall bold aa offioe or appointment of trust under the government of the United States, or of this Stats, or of any Inoorporatod dlstrlst, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or ahall he ampin rod. a. der the Legislative, kUeeatire ar Judicial de partment of this Btate er of the United States, or any oily or Incorporated district, aid also thai every member of Coagreaa, or of Ue Stato Legislature, or of Ihe common or select evonell of any ally er eommtaaioaar or any incorporated district, aro by law Incapable of holding or exorcising, nt tha came time, Ue offioe or ap pointment of Jndge. Inspector or Clerk of any election of thla Common wealth. . OF ELECTION 0FFICKRS. ' In ease the person who shall bare received Ihe second highest number of votes rbrlospeetor.shalt aot atteoden Ue day of eleotion, then ibe perron who shall have received the ecoond higheat num ber of votes for Judge at the next encoding alee lion, shall act as Inspector in his place; and ia case Ihe person who shall here received tbe high est number of vwtee for Inspector aball not attend, the person eTeeted Judge, shall nppoiat an Inspec tor In his piece j and la ease the peraon elected Judge shall not attend, then tbe Inspector who re ceived tne nigneet nnmoer oi votes, snail appoint a Jndge In his piece j or if aay vaeanoy ehall con tinue in tbe Roard for the space of ono hoar after the lime fixed hy law for tbe opening of Ihe elec tion, the qualified voters of tbe township, ward or distriet for which suoh officer shall hare been elected, preeenl al the place of el action, tball ae lest one out of tbeir number t fill such vacancy, Alee, that where a Jndge, by alekaeoe or nna voidable accident, ia enable to altaod each meat- In of Judces, then the certificate or retara ahall he taken charge ef by one of the In peelers or clsrks of tbe election of Ihe district, who shell do and perform tho duties required ef aald Judge an able tn attend. GIVES aoder my band aad teal, at Clearfield, Penn'a, this fourth day ef October, ta I. S.J the year of onr Lord one Uowoaed eight hundred and seventy-eta aod of ibe Independence ef the United Slates tbe one hundredth , W.R.MePllHRSQM, Sheriff. rrrTSBUBGH, pa.; Th. moil oomnlaU l,atlUan III lb., llwlloj ftUt.l for th. lh.rB,h metleal adaontlom f onwf and aildila aH ant. . , Mdnta ntelTMl t nn, Unw. . . 1. 0. (Mim. A. M. rrlMl-hU wptU.'Tl lm. , , aOM MHT1R4J Of IVIRT CfSCir tlo,no.llj .(, .t thl omo., .ii iwanfl purellanrou $&vtttlttmttt$. v , METHODSPOIINTS. METHODS OF BUSINESS :u j i v THE PUr.CHASE 0F ' i' ' n ii,-: a i : a j a o l OLOTimra: WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which we Invite the lateresied Attention and Careful tntifinv of , -THE PUKOIIASINO PUBLIC- MCTHO08: i I nan out On. Frtc. for ill... w I receive Cash Payment fn m All- KglveaGu4iMU ..-.- Wt Return Money whou we mr.nnt cult A1U.. WI bny onr goode at fln4 huhla. In Immense quiuiUUoa, aud at llo lowest prlooa for Caah.H WI manoAwtnro with e-tit mo rcre ovary garntout no a.lL.M.. WK Inspect every ycnl of r"xkle t!iat . gone Into our garment. WI pnt a ticket nn every pnrmrirt. ahowlng plainly. Uayiwlay aud , artcaww.toM..toW.MMtoM... toto.,,. WI not off every Item of nniioiYsniry .4 CJtpeolitiu. ... W employ flm-cluw vnrkiaon In every depart raeiiu,.,,, WI gtveutlsfiictlon to every purrhohrr or rvUira UuimuuoyM......u , In nddltlnn to onr Immense "lock of Iteady Made Clothing, we have a Uagnlflcent Line) of Hen's and Boy's Furulihlng tiooda, Bhirt .uf our own mak) and Underwear, all at tba 'ary Lowest Frioca. , r , . WANAMAKER & BROWN, ". . OASt HAoXdiZd ' S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHTLADKLPHIAa HERE -WE COME!! Uouiitl , for, Fleck NEW . GOODS , And i , Great Bargains I T A. FLEck & CO.'S STORK. WE HAVE CONCLUDED not AT PRESENT. AND HAVE THEREFORE BOUGHT A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS. We take pleasure In in form inn nor friends lhat and found goods at aueh lew prices that we are enabled to sell cheaper than nny other business ho naa la tbe country, because we ore baying onr goods from first bands, at tha Factoriee, for cash. Wo hope to rat Iffy everybody, and give tbe worth of tho money, and guarantee the goods to be as represented. Wa Invite onr friends to give ns a call and examine onr goods, aa it will ho for tbeir Benefit. . , DRESS GOODS IN ALL THE NEW STYLES. Black Alpacas, Rlaok Cashmere, Rtack Lustre, Plaid Dress Goods Calicos, Mucins and Oi oghams. Waterproofs, all colors, Ladies Cloth, Rlack Reaver Cloth for ooeis, Men's aad Hays' Cash meres. Of this lino ef goods wc have an elegant float, and at right prlcca. - Oermantown Wools and Zephyrs, Balmoral Tarni, Grey aad White Yarns, Carpel Chain, Notions, Collars and Cuffs. Corsets all priors, Ladies' Ties, Rations, Lacee and Fringes, Ladles' and Childreaa Hose aod Underwear, Black and Colored Kid Oluvee. New Panniers Near Knibrcdiery and Handkerchiefs. Oents' Furnishing Goods. Vnderweer. Buck and Kid (Hove. Cloth aad B rliii Gloves. Bilk Handkerchiefs and Linen llandherchiefe. Suspender and lloee. Wool Socks aad Mitt. I j ( v few Tlrt) Tics all Ihe Utest stjles. Umbrellas, Ac. Millinery and Fancy Goods, lists and Bonnets Trimmed to Order. Row Wings, New Feather. New Flowers. New Silks. New Velveteens. Silk Velvets. , - NEW RIBBONS. NEW RIBBONS. Having succeedal vi gelling a FIRST CLASS MILLINER, we do not intend to he undersold in tltat line. Come and be convinced. T. A. FLECK & CO,, Sopt. 27, 1H70. Clearfield, Pa. An In.lltotlrm fbr Impnrllnir n Prnrtlml lTvt.lno.1 InalnrcUon Irg nnd rliii-1, rurolahnt llnlla and omcw. tvmprel.nlvn nurao of ntilcly. Brrnlnr nnit a,roiirlato lturo.. Thorouoll Tnawllln.-l'rncllonl mining. Kr CUTuTar. ndtlmn 1". Inirl h Bona, t-ltUburgn, IV PAIL SEASON-AIM You will want to shed your Summer Clothing - and fit yourself out in something Warm, Nice, Good and Cheap. WE HAVE the GOODS to do it WITH. k rt Avnallanf QecAplmnnl CLOTHING. Gents' FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS. VALISES, Ac. and our Prices shall no! be undersold dy any omer nouse. Wa nnlv lick an SncnAr.linn V ..J iur aiijiiiiny in uui uuc. A. GUINZBURC, One l'rloe ClotMiin; Ntore. ClcaiRold, Ta., September 20tb, 187C-lm. THE NKW AND ONE PRICE DOB T AND Of S. GUINZBURG,, , !; 7 Second Street, Opposite the Court House, Clearfield, Pa. JUST OPENED WITH A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. IN ALL VARIETIES Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Please Call and Eximine Elsewhere. S. GUINZBURG. Clertrflflrl, Vi , Sept. 27, 1870.. ) POINTS OF ADVANTAGE I! 1 POINTIl OAs Wro means of ncceeatty ths Low ut I'rtt-o. .. CAS II rnvoa expenae of cnllcctloni and ItmMW iroiu Uul debts. . TUK nunrantrje prntecta the brrvcrwho nny anl bu ajudhi of ginxlaw...., V rely on 'rnrncnB ealea and are aat ? r I riod wiUiavery ainail perceut- n .a i f pnjitl.. IT li cvry to huy of ns, since all art treated i liU, no one gvulng favoia that i..wdiniodlo otbvra . DH K SRINO and debate are rlrwe away by un.cvi-n Ixxly KvUourbtwtwiU.- (,i.l l-.uv iuu Uttk lur ll H....WM OIT. l hrr- expcrienix, oepltal and fccll- . Itioa u uw lor tlie pvuple a bcoellt in lowering pric..... W fill order recrlred hy man from aft IwmufUieCuiUMlttteu Write) r rtrt!culani NOT a reutlcle of risk rnn In bavins; of . in. A child inny buy aa cheaply & Co.'s Store. lo BUY Ihe CENTENNIAL, we have just returned from Ue Eastern Cities, and Belts. While Sklrtf and Colored Skirts. a-.!.i U April an, lSTft. Biilni-a Education. Y Young ,n4 mldtlln ny llmo. in. aT rlncipKIa IToll an1 A!nlav hftfnrn vnn crtAnd a finllar w j gv.. H vv... T our Stock before Purchasing in ORE Clearfield Nursery. EN'COUKAGE HOME IXDUSPBY. , Till and.r,l(a.d, harlnf ..tnbllah.d R.r- Mr, on tb. Tlk., abuut half wa batw.atl Olrnrflald and Curwonavlllo, I. arapand lo fhr nlab .11 hind, or FHUIT THKKS, (atnadard and dwarf,) -rariraon Hbnibhor,, tnp VIm.,, Uooaoborrr, Union Blaokbarr, Sltawborr, and Haa,norr7 VIom. Alao, Bibarian Crab TrM., gulno., nnd Mrl? u.rlu Ubobub, do. Ord.r, promptl. nltvndod to. Addraa, . J. D. WRrOHT, ' ' MpM-tS. , " OnrwanarlU., P.. J'ERRA COHA STANDING VASES,r ' HANGING VASES, Stnve Lining and Fire Brick, MnaUnlljr nn hnnd. STOVE A5D EiRTHES-WARE 0 HVBHT DB01TTI0H( CHOCKS! POTS! CROCKS1 Piahar'8 Patoiit Alrllght lf . iealliif rrnii laitai DUTTRR CROCKS, with llda, CKBAU CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, ATr-LI) 1IUTTIH t'KUCKB, PICKLK CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, STKW POTS, And a graal manjr otbar thlnga too nnm.roua to m.nllon, to n. had at FRED'K, LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, 1 Corner ef Cherry nnd Third Stnete CLKAHrlALl), FA. MgS n. r. qulk . n. h'cobkli. n. biilircm. (IL1C.I, HcCOBILE & C0.8 (Saeoonon to John Onlieh), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. We manufaotnre nil klods ef Fnrnltnre for Chambers, Diolns; Roeeas, Librarlec nnd Halls. If yon want Fnrnltnrn el any kind, don't bny until yon ace on Meek. UNDERTAKING In an Ite branches. We keep In stock all tne latest and meet iapMvedOofflfia nnd Caskets, n and have every fncllitjrfor properly con dortine this bmnoh of onr baslness. We nave a patent Cerpee Pre server, in nbick beiliea aao - be preserved for a eon ilderable lenith of time. A wemfeer of the Inn bu his aleeelajr apart. aent nt omr wart -room, where be can befuend by any pereoa who cone at night for the pnrpoee ef proenrlag eoHaa. MULIOH, HoOUBKLB A GO Cienrfeld, Pa,, May 10, Tc-ly. The BeU8 Ban Woolen Factory, Penn township, Clonrfleld Co Fa. BUR H EI OUTI lot nor BURNED U PI'i The subscribers have, at treat ex Dense, rebuilt neighborhood necessity. In the erection ef a Irct- elass Woolen M annfnetery, with all the saodens Inprovementf nttacbed, and ere prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Caeslmeres, fialinettf, Blan. kets, Flannels, Ac Plenty of (oods on hand to apply all onr old and a thousand new customer, whom we ask to come and examine ear iteek. Ihe bnsiflaas of . CARDING AND FULLING will recelvn ear e specie! nttentlon, ' Proper arrangenienU will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit oustomere. All work warranted md done npon the eherteet notice, and by etrict at tea- tion te business wc hope to rnalue a liberal share ef public patronage. lOrOOO P01ND8 WOOL WANTED 1 We will nny the hi chest market price for Wno and sell onr manufactured foods as lew as similar foods can bo bought in the eeunty, and whenever we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we oaa el wave be found at home ready te make proper . explanation, either in person or by letter. 4 AM HO JUilWOUfl BUHS, aprilSotf Bower P. 0. HARTSWICK & IRWIN 5 SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DKALERS IW PURE DRUGS! "!( ; ' ' ' ' " 'Tl SXX UHwOtolStol toTQtol3S3 a ..CUEMICALSI , PAI.NTS, Olli?, DYE STUFF TARNISHES, BRUSHES, . ''" pKaroiiiar, . 1 1 ' FANCY GOODS TOILKT ARTICLES, ., Or ALL KINDS, PUSB WiyjtS AND LIQUORS,', far madiornal pnrpoaM. Trnaa... Sapport.r., SchMl Booh, and Station .ry, nnd all other nrtl.lM niaallj found In n Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. ll.Tlni n lnr(a al porlaaaa In th. boainaa. tho. oaa rjf.a antirn ui- UfMllOO.. J. 0. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. CbM-a.M, Doooubor It, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SncHsaon to Boy nice A Tenng.) , FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS Manufacturers ef PORTABLE 4 STATION! BY STEAM ENGINES Conor of Fonrtk nnd Pin. Slrwta, CMCAMPIGLP, PA. HAVINO on(aio4 In th. manafutar. af ni-; Olan, NACHINKRY.waioanMtrnlljInrbnai ho pahll. that wa ar. now sntared to (ll oil ord.r. a nnd n. nrMnplljw ona bo dono In nny of Iho olllaa. Wa nnnafkMnrn and dul la Malay and Ciroalar S&w-Milli Bm4 Blookt, Vntw Whaohi, RbafMat P0II.7 Olfonl'. InJoMor, Stona )(, Stan WhlMlm, Ollora, Tnllow Capa, OU Cava, Oaafn OMha, Air Oooka, Olobn Vnl.M, Chak Val.aa, wrooht Iron . Plpoo, Btonni Pnmna, B.ll Fwd Pompa, Anll FrioUoa MotfM,Sa SIM. PaatlntV flnat Pnok ng, nnd all kind, of MILL W0K logotkor with Plow,, Slod Roloa, , COOK AND PARLOR ST0VSSt r,i r , ' : o p i r r a.llof cAsJINOSof allhlnda.; ' ' b-OrnOre MHolUd and I OA a. mtf prion AU nMlan of laalry with rofareaoo to motklnniji of mar anaandnotaro pra molly aanrwrod, hy addaa,. bnf a. nl Cloari.14. Pv JanlTl lf eitU.RR, tOIINfl A BIRO. ..'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers